Impaired Liver Function

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Nursing Diagnosis: Impaired liver function related to viral infection as evidence by yellow discoloration of the sclera and skin,

biliary obstruction, abdominal pain at the right upper quadrant and an elevation in serum function tests. Nursing Inference: Viral hepatitis is the inflammation of the liver that is caused by a virus. Any inflammation/infection of the liver or obstructions in the liver can cause disruption in the functioning of the liver causing the yellowing of the eyes and skin, pain at the right upper quadrant of the abdomen and elevations in the serum function test thus implying impairment in the liver function. Nursing Goal: After 4-5 hours of rendering nursing interventions the patient will be able to understand the measures on how to prevent further complications and improve her condition.

Nursing Interventions: Nursing Intervention 1. Assist with the medical treatment of the underlying condition. 2. Encourage to avoid fatty foods. Rationale To support organ function and minimize liver damage. Fat interferes with the normal function of liver cells and can cause additional damage/permanent scarring to liver cells when they can no longer regenerate. To promote healing.

3. Encourage to increase intake of foods rich in proteins and vitamins. 4. Emphasize the importance of taking in her prescribed medications on the right time and right manner. 5. Emphasize the importance of having hand hygiene, intake of clean water and avoidance of eating raw. 6. Instruct in measures including

To be able to manage her condition and prevent further complications or damage.

These things minimize the transfer of microorganism thus minimizing acquiring further infection. To avoid cross contamination.

protection from sharps, safe sex practice, avoid sharing of personal belongings especially if these are being infected with her blood.

Nursing Evaluation: After 4 hours of rendering nursing interventions the patient is able to understand the measures on how to prevent further complications and improve her condition.

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