CMPT 354 Assignment 3

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CMPT 354 Assignment 3

Part 1:
The following is the output of the Java program that executes queries 2. d), e), and f): first_name : last_name

2 Andrei : ulatov !ugenia : Ternovs"a #unda : !rgun $reg : %ori Jian : &ei Jiangchuan : 'iu (a"as : null (e : )ang %ar" : *rew +ianping : $u ,ichard : -hang title : classification Automated 'oad .urve *ata .leansing in &ower /0stems : orderline .ognitive modeling of sentence meaning acquisition using a h01rid connectionist computational model inspired 10 .ognitive $rammar : orderline .omputational /tud0 on idimensionalit0 Theor0 ased Algorithms : ,e2ect !fficient 3uman Action *etection using a Transfera1le *istance #unction : ,e2ect !m1edding &arallel it /tream Technolog0 into !xpat. : orderline !nerg0 Aware .olour %apping for 4isuali5ation. : orderline !xploring *isease Association from the 63A6!/ *ata: *ata %ining, &attern /ummari5ation, and 4isual Anal0tics : orderline 37**!6 T,!A/8,!/ 76 86/&'7.!* !/T *ATA : orderline 7mproving Access to *ata in 'egac0 3ealth 7nformation /0stems : orderline (e0word search on large9scale data: from relational and graph data to :'A& infrastructure : orderline 'atenc0 ,eduction in :nline %ultipla0er $ames 8sing *etour ,outing : ,e2ect 'earning Transfera1le *istance #unctions for 3uman Action ,ecognition and *etection. : orderline %ax9%argin 'atent *irichlet Allocation for 7mage .lassification and Annotation : ,e2ect %ining *iscriminative 7tems in %ultiple *ata /treams : orderline 6etwor"ed )ireless /ensor *ata .ollection: 7ssues, .hallenges, and Approaches : ,e2ect :n ,elia1le roadcast in 'ow *ut09.0cle )ireless /ensor 6etwor"s : orderline &eer9to9peer ;*<multi9view video streaming : Accepted /pectral Anal0sis of :utput *evices, from &rinting to &redicting : orderline /ummari5ing .ertaint0 in 8ncertain *ata : orderline The complexit0 of glo1al cardinalit0 constraints. : orderline Towards automated s"in lesion diagnosis : orderline 8sing A1stract /tate %achines to %odel a $raphical 8ser 7nterface /0stem : ,e2ect 8sing spatial em1eddedness and ph0sical em1odiment for computation in multi9ro1ot s0stems : ,e2ect

email_id : first_name : last_name: average : %artin : !ster : > : ,ichard : -hang : > : Jian : &ei : > : $reg : %ori : >

; : !ugenia : Ternovs"a : ? wang" : (e : )ang : ? : Andrei : ulatov : ? mar" : %ar" : *rew : ? : #unda : !rgun : ? : Jiangchuan : 'iu : @ : +ianping : $u : @ "a" : (a"as : null : A

Part 2:
1. #*Bs: A C ., .* C !, C *, ! C A 7t follows that: DA C , A C .) 10 the splitting rule, D.* C A, A C *, A C !) 10 transitivit0, and D.* C !A, A C .*!) 10 the com1ining rule. A is a "e0 1ecause A C .*!. .* and ! are also "e0s 1ecause .* C A and ! C A. /o, the "e0s for , are EA, .*, !F 2. , G EA, , ., *, !, #, $F. ,H G EA, !, #F. )e ta"e AI, !I, and #I. AI G EA, , ., *, #F. !I G EA, , ., *, !, #, $F. #I G EF. )e then ta"e #*Bs J C A where J ,H, A ,H, and A !I 1ecause !I contains all attri1utes of ,. )e end up with #*Bs: A C #, ! C A, and ! C #. ! C # follows from the other two #*Bs, so we remove it. /o, the set of #*Bs that hold over the pro2ection onto A!# is EA C #, ! C AF 3. The three decompositions are A ., .*, and .*! Ta1leau: A B C a 1 c a2 1 c a; 1; c Appl0 * C A: A B C a 1 c a; 1 c a; 1; c Appl0 A* C !: A B C a 1 c a; 1 c a; 1; c

D dH d d D dH d d D dH d d

E eH e2 e E eH e2 e E eH e e

A )e canBt do an0thing else, and we donBt end up with an un9su1scripted row. Therefore, the decomposition is 6:T lossless.

4. , G EA, , ., *, !, #F EA, F is the onl0 "e0. To chec", we calculate EA, FI G EA, , ., *, !F. /o, EA, F is a super"e0. EAFI and E FI are empt0, so A and are not "e0s. .hec" for ;6# violations: . C * and * C ! violate ;6# 1ecause . K * are not super"e0s and * K ! are not prime. #ind a minimal 1asis for the #*Bs: EA C ., . C *, * C , * C !F is a minimal 1asis. 6one of the #*Bs follows from the others. ;6# *ecompositions: ,H G EA, , .F, ,2 G E., *F, ,; G E*, F, ,A G E*, !F. EA, , .F is a super"e0 for ,, so we donBt need to add another relation. ecause these relations are in ;6#, dependencies are preserved, and the decomposition is lossless. .hec" for .6# violations: . C *, * C , and * C ! violate .6# 1ecause . K * are not super"e0s. .hoose violation * C : ,H G *I G E*, , !F. The relevant #*Bs are: * C Therefore, ,H is in .6#. and * C !, so * is the "e0.

,2 G E*, A, .F. The onl0 relevant #* is . C *, so EA, .F is the "e0. . C * violates .6# 1ecause . is not a super"e0. *ecompose ,2, choosing violation . C *: ,2 G .I G E., *F. The onl0 relevant #* is . C *, so . is the "e0. Therefore, ,2 is in .6#. ,; G E., AF. There are no relevant #*Bs, so E., AF is the "e0. Therefore, ,; is in .6#. .6# decompositions: ,H G E*, , !F, ,2 G E., *F, ,; G E., AF. ecause these relations are in .6#, the decomposition is lossless. .hec" for dependenc0 preservation: ,elevant #*Bs for ,H, ,2, and ,;: * C !, * C , . C *. )e cannot recreate A C. from these #*Bs, so dependencies are 6:T preserved in the decomposition.

5. , G EA, , ., *, !, #F EA, !F, EA, F are the onl0 "e0s. EA!FI G EA, , ., *, !, #F. EA FI G EA, , ., *, !, #F. /o, EA, !F and EA, #F are super"e0s. EAFI G . E FI G E , ., *, !, #F. E!FI G E., *, !F. A, , and . are not "e0s, so EA, !F and EA, #F are the "e0s. , is 6:T in ;6# 1ecause there are violations. ;6# violations: ! C *, . C #, C.. #ind a minimal 1asis for #*Bs: EA! C , ! C *, . C !, . C #, from the others. C !, * C .F is a minimal 1asis. 6one of the #*Bs follow C *, and *

;6# decompositions: ,H G EA, , !F, ,2 G E*, !F, ,; G E , ., !F, ,A G E , ., #F, ,@ G E , !F, ,? G E*, .F. EA, , !F is a super"e0 for ,, so we donBt need to add another relation. ,H, ,2, ,A, ,@, and ,? are in .6# 1ecause the left sides of their relevant #*Bs are super"e0s. ,; is not in .6#. ,elevant #*Bs for ,;: . C!, of .6#. C !. The onl0 "e0 for E , ., !F is ., so C !, so is the "e0. C ! is in violation

,; G I G E , !F. The onl0 relevant #* is Therefore, ,; is in .6#.

,> G E , .F. There are no relevant #*Bs, so . is the "e0. Therefore, ,> is in .6#. ,; and ,@ are duplicates, so we can eliminate ,@. .6# decompositions: ,H G EA, , !F, ,2 G E*, !F, ,; G E , !F, ,A G E , ., #F, ,? G E*, .F, ,> G E , .F.

6. .ourses G E., T, 3, ,, /, $F a) 3 and / onl0 appear on the left side, so ever0 "e0 must include 3 and /. E3, /FI G E3, /, ,, ., T, $F, so E3, /F is a super"e0. E3FI G . E/FI G . / and 3 are not "e0s, so E3, /F is the onl0 "e0. b) E.FI GE., TF. E3,FI G E3, ,, .F. E3TFI G E3, T, ,F. E3/FI G E3, /, ,F. E./FI G E., /, $F. 6o #* follows from an0 of the others, so the given #*Bs are their own minimal 1asis. c) ;6# decompositions: ,H G E., TF, ,2 G E3, ,, .F, ,; G E3, T, ,F, ,A G E3, /, ,F, ,@ G E., /, $F. E3, ,, .F is a super"e0 of ,, so we donBt need to add another relation. !ach of these relations is in .6#.

? 7. , G EA, , ., *, !F a) Ta1leau: A a a Appl0 A CC .: A a a a a Appl0 . CC !: A a a a a a a a a Appl0 C *: A a a a a a a a a

B 1 12 B 1 12 12 1 B 1 12 12 1 1 1 12 12 B 1 12 12 1 1 1 12 12

C cH c C cH c c cH C cH c c cH cH cH c c C cH c c cH cH cH c c

D d d2 D d d2 d d2 D d d2 d d2 d d2 d2 d D d d d d d d d d

E eH e E eH e eH e E eH e eH e e eH eH e E eH e eH e e eH eH e

)e canBt do an0thing else. 6ot all the tuples agree in the ! column, so A C ! does not hold. There is not an un9su1scripted row, so A CC ! does not hold.

8. , G EA, , ., *, !F EA, , .F is the onl0 "e0. EA, , .FI G EA, , ., *, !F, so A . is a super"e0. EA, FI G EA, , *, !F. EA, .FI G . E , .FI G E , *F. A , A., . are not super"e0s, so A . is the "e0. A6# violations: A CC . and .hoose violation A CC .: ,H G EA, , .F. There are no relevant #*Bs, so the "e0 is A .. The relevant %4*Bs are A CC . and CC A. CC A violates A6# 1ecause is not a super"e0. CC A violate A6# 1ecause A K are not super"e0s.


,2 G EA, , *, !F. The relevant #*Bs are A6# 1ecause is not a super"e0. *ecompose ,H:

C * and A C !, so the "e0 is A .

C * violates

,H G EA, F. There are no relevant #*Bs, so the "e0 is A . Therefore, ,H is in A6#. ,; G E , .F. There are no relevant #*Bs, so the "e0 is .. Therefore, ,; is in A6#. *ecompose ,2: ,2 G E , *F. The onl0 relevant #* is Therefore, ,2 is in A6#. C *, so the "e0 is .

,A G EA, , !F. The onl0 relevant #* is A C !, so the "e0 is A . The onl0 relevant %4* is CC A. CC A violates A6# 1ecause is not a super"e0. *ecompose ,A: ,A G EA, F. There is no relevant #*, so the "e0 is A . Therefore ,A is in A6#. ,@ G E , !F. There is no relevant #*, so the "e0 is !. Therefore ,@ is in A6#. ,H and ,A are duplicates, so we can eliminate ,A. A6# decompositions: ,H G EA, F, ,2 G E , *F, ,; G E , .F, ,@ G E , !F.

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