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TABLE OF CONTENTS Wilmington Friends lower School

Division Objectives

Division Objectives....................................this page A child’s intellectual, emotional, physical, social, and

spiritual development are important in all aspects of
the lower school program, with the development of the
Preschool Program of Studies...............................1 child’s self-confidence as a central theme. In nurturing
diverse talents and strengths, we strive to help children
Alapocas Threes Program...............................3 to feel secure and confident in their work and play, in
peer and adult relationships, and to develop respect
for themselves and members of the community. Our
Pre-Kindergarten-Fifth Grade Logistics ………....……3 program is purposefully designed to provide sufficient
scope, encouragement, and flexibility to meet the indi-
vidual needs and talents of all lower school students,
Pre-K through 5th Curriculum: Overview…….....….…4 maintaining high standards for intellectual endeavor and
personal responsibility.
Language Arts.........……………………….............…4
Intellectual and Academic Growth
Mathematics......………………………………....…..…6 A lower school child...
• is curious and eager to learn about the world in
Science.……………………………………………..…8 which we live.
• participates actively in the learning process.
Social Science………………………………......…....9 • considers and questions different opinions.
• finds answers and solves problems by making obser-
vations, collecting data, hypothesizing, testing and
Spanish...........................................……......…10 drawing conclusions.
• demonstrates knowledge and application of aca-
Computer Technology...................................…11 demic skills.
• demonstrates critical thinking through spoken and
Performing Arts.................................................14 written work.
• expresses ideas creatively through various means.
Physical Education.............................................15 • initiates the exploration of ideas independently.
• expresses his/her own opinion and is able to support
it with relevant information.
Visual Arts........................................................16
• is comfortable in many roles: scientist, author, math-
ematician, poet, historian, leader, follower, collab-
Library Media Center…....................................…17 orative committee member.
• initiates and accepts opportunities to stretch intel-
Human Dynamics and Development……………...…18 lectually.
Development of a Child’s Relationships with Others
Wilmington Friends School was founded by Quakers in
A lower school child...
the City of Wilmington in 1748, to serve “the children of
• recognizes that there is unique and infinite worth to the neighborhood,” whatever their race, gender, or reli-
each person. gion and regardless of their families’ financial resources.
• recognizes, respects, and supports diversity among The Wilmington Friends Preschool, founded in 2004, is
people—races, cultures, family traditions, lifestyles, a contemporary expression of that historic commitment
opinions, religions, languages, abilities, appearance. and of the continuing mission and identity of Wilmington
Friends as a private school with a public purpose. The
• treats others with respect and dignity.
preschool is located at First and Central Presbyterian
• demonstrates responsibility to others and to the Church, Rodney Square, in downtown Wilmington.
As part of the Wilmington Friends lower school, the pre-
• develops positive relationships with peers and school program supports the development of the whole
adults. child, engaging children in experiences which stimulate
• works to solve conflicts in non-violent ways. intellectual, emotional, and social development with the
hope that they will continue as students in pre-kinder-
garten and beyond, at the school’s Alapocas campus.
The program is guided, in the Quaker tradition by values
Development of a Child’s Self-Concept of respect for each individual, responsibility as members
A lower school child... of a community, commitment to personal best, and the
peaceful resolution of conflict.
• recognizes his/her own unique and infinite worth.
The preschool program reflects best practices based on
• freely expresses feelings in constructive ways. current research in early childhood education. Implemen-
• strives for personal excellence. tation of developmentally appropriate practice provides a
• demonstrates an awareness and appreciation of his/ framework in which to promote young children’s optimal
her strengths and weaknesses. learning and development. Teachers seek opportunities
for authentic experiences that allow young children to
• demonstrates increasing independence and self- see, negotiate, and participate in the real world, lead-
reliance. ing to meaningful cognitive connections. The preschool
• demonstrates a sense of right and wrong. teachers recognize the importance of play, which allows
• understands the value of making mistakes and children to experience social interactions, develop lan-
taking risks. guage, and tap into their creative thinking. As stated
in the most recent Position Statement on Developmen-
• asks for help when needed. tally Appropriate Practice (3rd edition, 2009) by the
• seeks a physically active and healthy life style. National Association for the Education of Young Chil-
dren (NAEYC), “Play is an important vehicle for develop-
ing self-regulation as well as for promoting language,
cognition, and social competence.” In recognition of
this and other guidelines developed by NAEYC, as well
as the Delaware Early Learning Foundations for School
Success, the preschool uses play to incorporate skills
such as self help, decision making, problem solving, and
observation of cause and effect.
The preschool serves children, who generally start the
school year at age two or three, in two classes of four-
teen students. The First and Central facility provides
an auditorium-size room for indoor play, an on-site play
yard, and additional classrooms for music and other
activities. The downtown location offers nearby open
space to explore nature, use of books and special pro-
grams at the Wilmington Institute Library, walking trips
to the post office, banks, restaurants and other cultural
resources, and educational programs. Some special
activities include dance classes at the Baby Grand (part
of the Grand Opera House), programs at the Delaware
History Museum, and children’s performances at the
DuPont Theatre.

Preschool Logistical Overview stop by for lunch with their child, since many parents
work nearby in downtown Wilmington.
The School Day
Preschool begins at 8:30 a.m., with dismissal at 3:00 Preschool Curriculum
p.m. Early morning care is available at no extra charge,
beginning at 7:30 a.m., with breakfast provided.
Extended day care is also included as part of the pro- Preschool Language Arts
gram, Monday through Friday, 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Preschool children are rapidly acquiring language,
Child care, by pre-registration and for an added fee, is experimenting with verbal sounds, and beginning to
available during designated weeks of winter and spring use language to solve problems and to learn concepts.
vacations, the weeks immediately before and after the The preschool program seeks to make the most of the
school year, and on designated noon dismissal days opportunity presented by this developmental stage.
(such as professional development afternoons for teach- Preschool students are immersed in literacy experiences
ers and the last day of school). in and outside of the classrooms, through formal instruc-
tion and woven through daily interactions, developing
skills for both expressive and receptive language. A key
Expression of Quakerism focus in the classroom is daily exposure to children’s
Preschool students participate in weekly or daily Quaker literature, reciting poems and rhymes, singing songs,
Meeting for Worship, when children and teachers and finger plays. Objectives for receptive language
gather and sit in silence for a very brief period of time. development include the skills to follow one-step direc-
Although it is a form of religious worship, Meeting in a tions and to engage in auditory and visual discrimination
school setting is not intended as an assertion of religious when recalling stories and songs. Reading readiness
ideology, but rather serves as a time of quiet reflection, activities include recognition of upper case letters and
with the experience largely defined by each individual. A their sounds, and telling stories by acting them out and
conflict resolution program and service learning projects through drawing and dictation in journals. Children work
further reflect the school’s Quaker philosophy, and help with various manipulatives to develop fine motor skills;
support classroom work to encourage each student’s they utilize drawing and writing materials, learn to cut
sense of belonging and responsibility to their communi- with scissors, and move on to practice writing their
ties. names. Children are encouraged and actively supported
in the use of language skills to articulate their wants,
needs, and thoughts throughout the day, in their com-
Two Teachers in Each Classroom munications with both teachers and classmates.
In each preschool classroom there are two teachers
(a lead and an associate), adhering to state guidelines
for early childhood ratios. In addition, one assistant is Preschool Mathematics
shared between the two classrooms during the morning Preschool students explore mathematical concepts each
hours, providing additional support and greater flexibility day. They are exposed to numbers, counting, shapes,
for small group work and to ensure individual attention and colors through activities related to calendar work
for each child. and thematic studies. Counting, sorting, and patterning
are incorporated into daily transitions, small group activi-
ties, and large motor activities. Additional mathematical
Connection with the Lower School Campus activities include comparing objects by size, shape, and
Although many resources for the downtown preschool color. Math in literature is also a key element in exposing
program are within walking distance, the program children to new concepts and language to help to sup-
also strives to maintain a positive connection with the port mathematical understanding.
Friends lower school program on the Alapocas campus.
Monthly trips are planned to Alapocas, allowing the
children to visit a variety of classrooms, to build con- Preschool Social Science
nections, and to establish a positive sense of security at Appropriate to the age of our preschool students, social
“the big school.” science topics are examined through their personal
experience and the experiences of people around them.
Children are encouraged to share their family traditions
Progress Reports and Conferences and celebrations with classmates, and our downtown
Preschool parent-teacher conferences are scheduled location provides additional opportunities to develop on
three times a year: in September, November, and an appreciation of different cultures and celebrations.
March. Written reports are provided to parents in Students are active members of their preschool commu-
November, March, and June. Communication between nity, taking on “jobs” that demonstrate a shared respon-
teachers and parents is always encouraged through per- sibility for classroom management, and they engage in
sonal meetings at drop off or pick up times, by email or service learning that contributes to the broader commu-
phone. Parents are always welcome to visit, and often nity as well.

Preschool Science The School Day
Preschool students are engaged in hands-on science Lower school begins at 8:15 each morning, with dis-
experiences throughout the year. Buying apples and missal beginning at 2:50 p.m.; early drop-off is avail-
pumpkins at the Farmers’ Market in Rodney Square able, at no extra charge, beginning at 7:15 a.m. Families
and examining them with all five senses provides pre- may enroll in the After-School Program, with a choice
schoolers with an opportunity to compare, contrast, of 4:45 or 6:00 p.m. pick-up, either by contract (for
and make lists or graphs of the properties of materi- the same days each week) or as needed on a drop-in
als. Other themes included throughout the year involve basis. All-day child care is also available during school
spiders, farm animals, the life cycle of a butterfly, and vacations, except on federal holidays. Lower School
chick hatching. These activities encourage children Summer Camp operates for 10 weeks each summer,
to observe, predict, estimate, count, measure, record, serving children age three through fifth grade.
discuss, and develop an appreciation for living things. A
walking trip to the Brandywine Zoo, as the school year
winds down in May, is an enjoyable culmination of our Two Teachers in Every Classroom
science adventures. Involving children in these hands- From pre-kindergarten through fourth grade, every
on activities also encourages language development and homebase classroom has two teachers (a lead and an
provides opportunities to share personal experiences. associate, who works either a full or half day depend-
ing on the grade level), allowing for greater flexibility in
small group work as well as for simultaneous individual
Preschool Performing Arts and group instruction. In fifth grade, there is one associ-
Children at the downtown preschool have many oppor- ate who supports the three lead teachers.
tunities to sing, move, or listen to music in a variety of
settings. They participate in a 30-minute structured
music class every other week with a teacher from the Pre-First and Vertical
Music School of Delaware, in support of daily exposure A pre-first grade program is offered for students who
to music in the classroom. Students explore tone and would benefit, for a variety of reasons, from an addi-
rhythm, and elements of sound, silences, space, and tional year of education before moving on to first grade.
time in children’s songs, traditional folk songs, seasonal There is a “vertical” classroom, combining students
music and with instruments. Preschoolers attend noon- from third and fourth grades, allowing students to work
time concerts sponsored by First and Central Presbyte- with one lead teacher for two years and to work with
rian Church, providing them with an opportunity to hear both older and then younger children in a close class-
a variety of musical instruments and songs of many dif- room community. Again, there are a variety of reasons
ferent styles. Children also participate in dance classes that a child may be well served by a vertical classroom;
at the Baby Grand, learning steps and vocabulary from it is not an ability-based grouping.
ballet and jazz as they follow rhythms and interpret
tempo through movement.
Core Subjects, Grades PK-4
Through fourth grade, “core” subjects—language arts,
math, science, and social science—are centered, but not
ALAPOCAS THREES PROGRAM isolated, in the homebase classroom. The lower school
curriculum is integrated around themes, and teachers
In addition to the Preschool, Wilmington Friends offers work in teams to coordinate projects across disciplines.
a half-day program for three-year-olds on the lower For example, a first grader studying ants as part of an
school campus in Alapocas. The guiding philosophy and insect unit in the homebase classroom might also make
educational objectives are consistent with those of the a papier maché ant in art class and do Internet research
Preschool and Early Years (prekindergarten, kindergar- on ants, learning to paste a photo from a web page, in
ten/prefirst) program. The Alapocas Threes program is the computer lab.
offered to families best served by a half-day schedule.
Fifth Grade
Fifth graders rotate classrooms and teachers for social
science, science, and writing (although the curriculum
remains integrated across disciplines), giving students in
this last year of lower school additional responsibility for
managing a departmentalized program and for working
with a greater variety of teachers. Reading and math
classes are taught by the homebase teacher. Letter
grades to assess student work are also introduced in
fifth grade.

In the fifth grade year, students take a two-day class extensive written report is sent home at the end of the
trip to the Chesapeake Bay, which combines studies in pre-k and K/P1 years. For grades 1-5, conferences are
science, mathematics, social science, and language arts, scheduled, again with brief written reports, twice each
with community building for the class and an experience year. Lengthy narrative reports are sent home at the
away from home and campus. end of the year. Only fifth graders receive letter grades.
As a culmination of their lower school studies, fifth Parent-teacher communication is always encouraged via
graders also participate in the “Presentation of Learning” phone or email.
(POL), coordinated through the Library Media Center,
in which students do extended research on a topic and
make oral presentations to classmates, teachers, and PRE-KINDERGARTEN THROUGH
parents. Through the POL, fifth graders demonstrate FIFTH GRADE CURRICULUM
that they have developed the level of analytical thinking,
as well as the research and presentation skills, expected The planned program of studies for each subject area
of our lower school “graduates.” and for each grade at lower school is summarized
below. The curriculum is defined with established
objectives for student progress at each level, and with
respect to proven teaching methods as well as an open-
Classes beyond the core subjects are known at lower ness to innovations in materials and methods based
school as “specials.” Pre-k and K/pre-first students on sound research and trials. Although the program
have four 20-minute classes per week in physical educa- remains quite stable in learning objectives and philo-
tion; grades 1-3 have three 30-minute P.E. classes each sophical foundation, curriculum is, by nature, evolving
week; and grades 4 and 5 have three 45-minute classes (and improving) from year to year, and even within the
each week. Beginning in pre-k, every student also has school year, there may be minor revisions to the pro-
classes each week in Spanish, art, and music. Library gram described, as teachers respond to the dynamics of
Media Center classes meet in coordination with home- individual classes and to events in and beyond school.
base classroom activities. Beginning in kindergarten,
students also have science lab and computer lab.
Expressions of Quakerism
Lower school students progress from learning to read
All lower school students participate in weekly Quaker to reading to learn, with building skills in receptive and
Meeting for Worship, in which students and teachers expressive language, from the mechanics of gram-
gather and sit in silence. Anyone who feels moved to mar and handwriting to the conceptual understanding
do so may stand and speak briefly. Young students that allows for inference, prediction, and abstraction.
who speak in Meeting tend to relate feelings about Throughout the program, students are immersed in a
personal experiences, such as, “I’m happy because we literature- and language-rich environment, exploring
got a new pet.” Although it is a form of religious wor- different genres, and learning to appreciate a variety of
ship, Meeting in the school setting is not intended as cultures and traditions through reading and research.
an assertion of religious ideology, but rather serves as Challenging students to meet high standards, while
a time of quiet reflection, with the experience largely developing an enthusiasm for learning and lifelong love
defined by each individual (and informed by each per- of reading, is a key objective of the program.
son’s own religious tradition and identity). A conflict
resolution program and service projects further reflect Related to that objective is the development of “student
the school’s Quaker philosophy, and help support voice,” a unifying theme of the lower school curriculum.
classroom work to encourage each student’s sense of We seek to provide students with a variety of skills and
belonging and responsibility to their communities. opportunities for self-expression that will allow for their
fullest possible participation in the learning process and
in the school and broader communities. In the language
Optional Activities arts program, students are supported in expressing their
Fourth and fifth graders may choose to participate (no ideas, feelings, and observations openly, effectively, and
audition required) in Kids Choir and/or band, which appropriately. Again, expectations rise steadily through-
rehearse both during the school day and one day each out the program, with high standards in such skill areas
week after school. Other after-school activities are also as handwriting, spelling, grammar, and vocabulary, but
available, through the After-School Program or indepen- with a continuing emphasis on encouraging students to
dently. feel confident in expressing themselves and presenting
their work.
As part of the presentation of student work, many lower
Progress Reports and Conferences school teachers are coordinating across grade levels to
For pre-kindergarten and kindergarten/pre-first students, develop student writing portfolios. Each year, selected
parent-teacher conferences, with a review of brief writ- “final” work for each student will be placed in his or her
ten reports, are scheduled three times each year. An portfolio, so that students build a record of their writ-

ten work from first through fifth grade. We acquire core First Grade Language Arts
materials that support the philosophy and objectives of First grade students build on their decoding ability,
our program, but the curriculum and classroom tools developing fluency and adding sight words to their
are not limited to such materials. In language arts, core phonics skills. Comprehension of written text devel-
materials include Handwriting Without Tears and Open ops through direct reading strategies of story elements,
Court basal readers. surveying, predicting, and setting a purpose for reading.
Students are exposed to various genres, both through
Pre-Kindergarten Language Arts reading and in directed writing assignments. They
also undertake their first research study, using library
Through immersion in a literature and language-rich envi- resources and preparing a final project. First grade is a
ronment, pre-kindergarten students begin their journey year of tremendous progress in work on punctuation,
to literacy. Our focus is on developing reading and grammar, and editing skills, as well as phonetic spelling
writing readiness through multi-sensory experiences and and handwriting. Specific objectives include decoding
direct and explicit phonics instruction, with an emphasis using sound-syllable relationships (initial, medial, and
on auditory and visual discrimination, listening skills, and ending consonant sounds, digraphs and blends, and
spoken language development through thematic learn- long and short vowels); an understanding of word pat-
ing. Sample objectives for pre-k students in receptive terns and families; and a beginning structural analysis of
language include learning to recognize rhyming patterns, words (such as compound words and contractions). The
following multi-step directions, and engaging in audi- basics of process writing are also strengthened.
tory discrimination with phoneme units. In expressive
language, objectives include students’ expressing feel-
ings in an appropriate manner and recalling and restating Second Grade Language Arts
facts and sequence from stories read aloud. Students Second grade students develop reading comprehension
also begin to create and share their own stories through skills through a variety of experiences, including read-
storytelling, illustration, and journaling. Toward goals ing independently, in pairs, and in larger groups. They
specific to reading readiness, students learn to identify increase their vocabulary through the study of theme-
letter sounds and to discriminate letters and words; they related words; and they develop their ability to analyze
are introduced to beginning consonant sounds, and learn the structure of words, sentences, and stories, including
to recognize upper and lower case letters. They experi- an awareness of parts of speech and how to express
ence the functionality of written words in a variety of ideas in a thoughtfully organized way. They advance
contexts, and are asked to demonstrate left to right comprehension skills to make more sophisticated infer-
directionality. Fine motor activities are also emphasized ences and predictions, to draw conclusions, and to dif-
as children learn to write their upper case letters, refine ferentiate between fiction and non-fiction and between
their pencil grip and explore small manipulatives. fact and opinion. There is a greater emphasis beginning
in second grade on following written (as well as oral)
Kindergarten/Pre-First Language Arts directions, and on moving beyond phonetic spelling, as
students proofread their work using tools such as dic-
In k/pre-first, students work on the specific reading tionaries and editing checklists. The basics of process
and writing skills they need to become literate learn- writing are developed further, including writing for a
ers. Through a variety of approaches, students further variety of audiences.
develop their phonological awareness; they learn the
sound-symbol relationship and increase their inventory
of sight words. In reading readiness, specific skills Third Grade Language Arts
include blending syllables and two of three sounds orally Third graders learn to comprehend both literal and
into words. Students identify and separate words into implied meanings, and skills of decoding and defining
beginning, medial, and ending sounds. Read-alouds unfamiliar words, with the dictionary as an everyday
from a broad selection of genres and authors heighten tool. They learn to analyze plot, character, theme,
students’ pleasure in books and provide enhanced and setting from works in a variety of genres, with an
vocabulary as well as exposure to literature and informa- emphasis on connecting what they read to what they
tion. K/pre-first students develop their ability to listen for are learning and “real world” experiences. In their writ-
content and to predict possible story outcomes. Stu- ten work, third graders advance in organizing ideas, in
dents become more involved in the process of writing clarity of expression, and in the process of editing and
and develop a conceptual understanding of print as “talk revising. They are introduced to parts of speech and
written down.” Expressive language is emphasized, as paragraphing. Third grade students write for different
students convey feelings, ideas, fantasies, and observa- purposes and audiences—to inform, persuade, entertain,
tions verbally and in drawing and writing. There is an and reflect. They also learn to write upper and lower
increasing emphasis throughout the year on expressing case cursive letters with connections.
ideas with text, which includes phonetic spellings and
learned words. Handwriting strokes and conventions
are taught concurrently throughout the year.


Fourth Grade Language Arts The lower school math program is grounded in the stan-
Fourth grade students read from a number of genres, dards and principles of the National Council of Teachers
including a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts. of Mathematics (NCTM) and draws from national and
They read both assigned materials and books that they international research, including the work of the National
choose, and are expected to report on their reading, Science Foundation and the Third International Math-
both in writing and orally. Fourth graders use context ematics and Science Study (TIMSS). We seek to apply
clues more in their reading, with greater attention to the proven best practices of mathematics teachings,
cause and effect in a story. Within the variety of mate- with a planned structure of scope and sequence and
rial, inferential comprehension becomes increasingly consistency of method, to deepen and reinforce stu-
important. dents’ understanding of mathematical concepts, as they
expand and secure their mastery of math facts.
In developing their writing skills, students are expected,
as they progress through fourth grade, to use correct Students learn through a deliberate and balanced blend
punctuation and sentence structure, to demonstrate an of hands-on inquiry, mathematical and meta-cognitive
increasing understanding of formal grammar as it applies analysis, and exercises to develop and reinforce com-
to effective writing skills, and to develop ideas effec- putational skills. There is a purposeful connection of
tively into paragraphs. Fourth graders also grow more mathematical studies to “real-world” situations and to
independent in the process of editing and revising, and other disciplines. Our goal is to help students achieve
continue to work on the mechanics of cursive writing 21st century math literacy, with the full range of quali-
skills. Students take on greater leadership roles in read- ties necessary for them to succeed as mathematical
ing and writing groups. thinkers.
As with language arts, the math program employs core
materials that support the philosophy and objectives
Fifth Grade Language Arts of our program, with such materials representing one
Fifth grade students are expected to communicate of the strategies and tools used in our classrooms. In
clearly, in writing and orally, and to demonstrate their math, core materials include the most recent edition,
ability to draw inferences from both concrete and which includes renewed emphasis on computation, of
abstract materials. Everyday Math in grades 1-5.
Fifth graders show growing maturity in their writing,
adding depth and breadth to its substance while still Pre-Kindergarten Mathematics
applying correct sentence structure and demonstrat-
ing an increased understanding of formal grammar as it Students in pre-k experience math through a variety
applies to effective writing. Students use their writing of hands-on, everyday activities, like “calendar math.”
skills to inform, to persuade, and to express personal They are exposed to math terminology and incorporate
ideas. There is a continuing emphasis on peer review it into their own vocabulary. Students gain a founda-
and active participation in classroom discussions, and tion for number sense and mathematical operations by
particular emphasis on using newly acquired vocabulary counting, reading numerals, and developing an under-
in a variety of contexts and across academic disciplines. standing of the value of numbers (e.g. by matching a
number to a set). Pre-k students work extensively with
Fifth grade is a culminating step in the transition from patterns, space, shape, and measurement as founda-
learning to read to reading to learn. Specific reading tions of algebra and geometry. Our youngest mathema-
skill objectives include summarizing material, using spe- ticians also learn to classify objects, to record patterns
cific details to support comprehension answers (written in data, to make graphs, and to estimate and hypoth-
and oral), and identifying and discussing literary terms. esize.

Kindergarten/Pre-First Mathematics
Kindergarten/pre-first students continue to build on their
foundation of mathematical knowledge by working with
physical objects: sorting and classifying attributes, iden-
tifying and extending patterns, and exploring shapes.
Hands-on activities that include estimating, counting,
and comparing support their development of number
sense. Number relationships are further investigated
when students collect and record data in picture and bar
graphs and the use of tally marks. The students explore
numerical operations by using manipulative materials
including coins, and by solving problems that relate to
real-life experiences. Engaging in discussions about
calendar math provides an opportunity for students to
understand the passage of time by focusing on the cycle
of days, months, and seasons. The students participate

in meaningful games and activities that are integrated Fourth Grade Mathematics
with other areas of the curriculum to build on their Fourth grade students apply skills in multiplication (two
understanding of nonstandard units of measurement— and three digit number) and division, as well as addition
including measures of time, temperature, length, and and subtraction, in problem solving. They also begin to
width. develop their ability to solve multi-step problems and
to explain their mathematical reasoning in solving such
First Grade Mathematics problems using numbers, pictures, and words. Stu-
dents’ understanding of mathematical concepts expands
As first graders begin to incorporate larger numbers into as fractions are related to decimals; measurements are
their activities, their work reinforces quick recall of addi- converted to smaller and larger units; and angles are
tion and subtraction facts and an understanding of place measured (using a protractor) and recognized as parts
value. By the end of first grade, students are expected of a circle. Students learn about improper fractions
to count by 2s, 5s, and 10s (recognizing patterns), and and equate them with mixed numerals, and they learn
to begin to add and subtract two-digit numbers. Stu- to work with uncommon denominators. Fourth grad-
dents also learn to use predictions, estimations, and ers learn to read, interpret and create bar graphs, tally
validations in problem solving, and their data and graph charts and tables, and to draw conclusions about the
work becomes more complex. First graders continue to data represented.
focus on comparing, classifying, and patterning, working
with manipulatives, shapes (including pyramid, rect-
angular prism, sphere, and cone) and measures. They Fifth Grade Mathematics
develop skills in telling time and working with currency, In fifth grade, students explore relationships between
“real world” applications of their work on fractions and numbers using terms such as multiples, factors, prime,
the concept of a whole divided into parts. and square. The students continue to develop their fact
fluency and understanding of the relationship between
Second Grade Mathematics multiplication and division through the use of number
stories and group activities.
The second grade math program continues to strengthen
mastery of addition and subtraction facts, as students Fifth graders also study various ways to represent
work more with adding and subtracting two-digit num- values less than one: decimals, fractions, and percents.
bers, using a variety of strategies including algorithms, Through different problem-solving applications using
and further develop their understanding of place value models such as clock faces and grids, they develop
and number patterning including counting by 2s, 3s, 4s, strategies to find solutions in all three categories,
5s, 10s, and 100s. Students begin to work with multi- enabling them to move more freely from one form of
plication for 0-5; and they begin to write fractions and notation to another and to better select the method
relate them to partial sets and divided figures. Second most relevant to a given situation.
graders also apply addition and subtraction to situational Students also develop a variety of computational and
problem solving, and continue to practice estimation estimation strategies for multiplication and division,
and validation of answers. Measuring and shapes are such as using reasoning based on multiples, approxi-
emphasized in second grade. Students measure length, mating and adjusting, or breaking large problems down
area, perimeter, volume, capacity, weight, and tempera- into smaller, simpler ones. They also use estimation to
ture. They use rulers to draw figures, and learn to rec- check the reasonableness of their answers.
ognize the sides and corners of polygons, to find lines of In measurement, students focus on length, area, and
symmetry and draw symmetrical figures, and to relate volume. They use both standard and metric units as
plane figures to space figures. they estimate with familiar, non-standard references and
then take actual measurements with rulers, balances,
and other tools.
Third Grade Mathematics
For data investigation, students organize, display,
Third graders work to gain quick recall of multiplica-
analyze, and interpret data. They create line plots, bar
tion facts and to apply them to division. Students
graphs, and stem-and-leaf plots, and recognize and
explore different algorithms for multiplying multiple-digit
interpret patterns shown in these displays. They also
numbers. They work more extensively with fractions,
compute the mode, median, mean, and range of a data
learning to compare and use symbols such as “<” and
set and use these statistics to describe the data and
“>”. They also add and subtract three-digit numbers
make predictions.
with regrouping, and apply different strategies to solving
two-step word problems. Students develop their ability Throughout the year, students explore problems in-
to explain their thought processes for problem solving. depth, inventing their own strategies, using a variety
Geometry becomes more sophisticated as vocabulary of concrete materials, and often searching for multiple
broadens to include types of angles, polygons, and parts solutions. They work individually as well as in a variety
of a circle. Third graders are also introduced to parallel, of groupings as they express their thinking verbally, in
intersecting, and perpendicular lines and congruent fig- writing, and through visual representation.
ures, and learn to plot coordinates on a grid. They also
continue to explore probability.


In pre-k, science activities are centered in the home- and observe the life cycle of a “fast plant” from seed to
base classroom. In kindergarten through fourth grade, seed. In the insect unit, students explore “what makes
students study science in the homebase classroom and a bug,” and study the growth of milkweed bugs from
in weekly science lab, supplemented by outdoor nature egg to adult, journaling their observations.
studies, special projects, and field trips. The fifth grade
science course combines direct instruction, lab and
project work, experimentation, group and cooperative Second Grade Science
learning, and field trips. Throughout the program, there Second grade science begins with a study of soil.
is an emphasis on supporting children’s natural curios- During this unit, students examine and test the proper-
ity and joy in discovery through hands-on investigation, ties of three soil components: clay, humus, and sand.
connection of classroom activities to “real world” situa- Students are challenged to test various soil samples
tions (including the use of household objects, as well as for the three components. They also study how water
lab equipment, in projects), and mastery of investigative affects different kinds of soil. Through long-term experi-
skills in the context of the scientific method. Develop- ments, students explore roots and plants grow in vari-
ing an understanding of the human body and healthy ous soils and “make” soil through composting. Second
lifestyle choices, as part of the school’s overall Human graders also investigate balance and motion. Students
Dynamics and Development curriculum, is also empha- are challenged to balance different shapes and pencils
sized. on their points by finding a stable position. They are
then given an opportunity to investigate objects that
have a rotational motion and investigate variables that
Pre-Kindergarten Science affect the motion of a system. Using what they have
Pre-k science focuses on hands-on, discovery-based learned about balance and motion, the class creates a
experiences related to classroom themes such as apples, marble roller coaster that allows a marble to run non-
spiders, farm animals, vegetables, life cycles, and sea- stop. The bird unit focuses on the question, “What
sons. These activities, as well as field trips that support makes a bird?” Students observe the similarities and
the lessons, provide students with the opportunity to differences of feathers, including the down and flight
develop an appreciation for living things and to discuss feathers, as well as the waterproofing some birds have.
their observations about the world in which we live. Beaks are another focus of the unit. Using household
Students learn to recognize similarities and differences, items, students model beaks to identify the habitat
often recording characteristics like size, color, shape, and eating habits of each bird. Students observe bird
and weight. Through guided instruction, they are intro- characteristics and behaviors first hand as they go bird
duced to the scientific method. watching.

Kindergarten/Pre-First Science Third Grade Science

Kindergarten/pre-first science includes units of study Third grade science begins with a unit about earth
from the life sciences and the physical sciences, as materials, with a focus on rocks and minerals. During
well as specific instruction about the scientific method. this unit, students investigate observable characteris-
Through spontaneous play, guided instruction, and tics of rocks and minerals, taking the materials apart
hands-on investigation, students are encouraged to to find out what they are made of in order to better
build on the body of knowledge that they have acquired understand their properties. Third graders also observe,
through their own experiences and to further develop compare, and care for different organisms. During this
their sense of wonder and curiosity about the world unit, students investigate the structures of an organ-
around them. Discovery-based activities encourage ism and learn how the function of structures supports
students to develop problem-solving skills by formulat- survival and growth. Students are able to use observ-
ing questions and by collaborating in their search for able properties to sort and group different organisms.
the answers. Recent topics have included living things, In the sound unit, students explore properties of pitch
wood, water and solids, magnetic force, and habitats. and volume. Through explorations with tuning forks,
Homebase teachers work with the science specialist to nails, rulers, and pegboards, students learn how pitch
integrate topics studied in the science lab. The science and volume are created and how they can be changed.
teacher also works to support the homebase teachers by Students are then challenged to apply what they have
helping to “find the science” in classroom themes. learned in creating their own musical instruments.

First Grade Science Fourth Grade Science

The first grade science curriculum includes units from With a continuing emphasis on hands-on learning, fourth
both life and physical sciences. Students begin the year graders acquire greater proficiency in recording find-
working on the process skills of making observations ings with scientific language. In a unit about land and
and predictions, skills honed through discoveries with water, students create landforms to model the effects
magnets, liquids, and color. The plant unit includes of water on various land features. A unit on food chem-
explorations both in the lab and in the homebase class- istry requires students to investigate the basic nutrients
room. Students identify what a plant needs to grow found in foods through a series of physical and chemical


tests. Fourth graders also develop their understand- For pre-k through fourth grade students, study in social
ing of electricity, by using materials such as batteries science is centered in the homebase classroom, coor-
and bulbs in series and parallel circuits. Applying that dinated with work in the “specials.” Students study
knowledge, students are challenged to create their own physical geography (including progressively complex
electric inventions. map work), culture (including art, music, literature, daily
life customs, and special celebrations), biographies and
careers, and history. In addition, the social science
Fifth Grade Science curriculum works to develop each student’s sense of
In fifth grade science, students are asked to clarify, belonging and responsibility in communities as small
categorize, and integrate their thinking as they manipu- as the classroom and as broad as the world. The fifth
late information; exploration, prediction, investigation, grade social science course focuses on defining eras in
interpretation, and analysis of information enhance the history of the United States. As students progress
conceptual understanding as well as the application of through the social science curriculum, skills in research
acquired knowledge. and presenting work are emphasized with increasing
The fifth grade science unit in biology focuses on eco- expectations at each level, with both teacher-directed
systems. Students learn to use a hand lens, pH paper, and student-selected topics.
and various measuring instruments to collect data; they
conduct, record, and organize observations, and plan, Pre-Kindergarten Social Science
implement, and analyze experiments, and draw conclu-
sions. They also make and test predictions and apply Pre-k students undertake a social science unit infor-
previously collected data to new problems. Applying mally called “me,” learning and communicating about
those same skills in investigation and analysis, fifth themselves, their feelings and ideas, their responsibility
graders also work in science units in mixtures and solu- for their actions and toward others (e.g. sharing), their
tions (chemistry) and motion and design (physics). In capacity for self-reliance, and their uniqueness in iden-
the motion and design unit, students design, build, test, tity and in what they can contribute. Students broaden
and modify vehicles to meet certain requirements. their study to family, including a sharing of traditions
and celebrations, the school community, and then an
A final fifth grade science unit is specific to the coordi- introduction to “my world,” with an early appreciation of
nated life education/physical education curriculum, and different cultures, celebrations, and languages.
includes a study of the cardiovascular and circulatory
systems (including common diseases and healthy life-
style choices), parts and functions of the reproductive Kindergarten/Pre-First Social Science
systems, and body changes that occur during puberty. As in pre-k, students in kindergarten/pre-first continue
to focus on their sense of identity as it relates to their
family, their classroom, and the school community.
Through active participation, they are encouraged to
develop responsibility and to make independent deci-
sions while gaining an appreciation for the ways in
which others contribute to classroom and school life.
Conflict resolutions skills are modeled, and students
begin to assume independent responsibility for them.
Students strengthen collaborative skills through work
and play as partners, in small groups, and with their
entire class. Stewardship and service learning play a
formative role in this process. Students also develop
an appreciation for diversity among individuals and
cultures. By engaging in the study of assigned topics,
students develop observational skills and broaden their
view of the world around them. The introduction of
research skills enables the students to develop an
awareness of the range of available resources to find
answers to their questions.

First Grade Social Science

Students begin the year with a focus on friendship. In
addition to developing their understanding of class-
room and school communities, first graders begin to
learn about the services that enable neighborhoods and
cities to function. There is specific focus on the City
of Wilmington, including field trips, as students learn
about emergency services, careers, and basic commu-
nity needs. First graders learn map skills including the including language, art, and literature. Specific research
four-point compass and other basic concepts, as well as skill objectives include learning how to decide which
how to identify their own state and country and how to concepts or characteristics to study, and incorporating
locate other geographic markers. Students also study library reference material fully into the research process.
the contributions of individual Americans to the common Students are also expected to meet higher expectations
good. As students analyze communities and their own in their research projects, using the “Big 6” method, and
responsibility to people with whom they share surround- oral presentations.
ings, they also develop an awareness of similarities and
differences among individuals. They learn the impor-
tance of respecting various points of view, as they are Fifth Grade Social Science
supported and become more confident in asserting their Fifth graders examine the history of the United States
own ideas. by studying the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, and
the Civil Rights Movement. During these units of study,
students explore various aspects of peace, justice, and
Second Grade Social Science social change. The learning process emphasizes criti-
Second graders broaden their knowledge of their place cal thinking, problem solving, working efficiently and
in the world by expanding their previous focus on respectfully within a group, role-playing, and informed
neighborhood and city to include an understanding of decision making. There is an emphasis on skill develop-
their membership in the global community. Students ment, including note taking, map skills, research skills,
study the physical geography, history, and culture and report writing. Throughout the year, fifth graders
of Delaware. They develop an understanding of the produce research projects in a variety of styles, lengths,
interrelationships among neighborhood, city, county, and manners of presentation.
state, region, country, continent, and planet. They also
develop their map skills to use an eight-point compass,
a key, and a basic political map. As their understanding
of physical geography expands, students also learn more SPANISH: OVERVIEW
about world cultures, developing their appreciation for
similarities and differences. They also study people who
have made contributions to the world as a whole. The Spanish program is designed to introduce students
to the Spanish language and to Hispanic cultures, both
for the inherent value and to lay the foundation for
Third Grade Social Science future language learning and a lasting appreciation for
Third graders begin a two-year continent study; over diversity. Given demographic changes in our country,
the course of third and fourth grade, all of the conti- familiarity with this language and culture are especially
nents are studied, with all of the students in the two valuable to students. Students engage in activities
grades working on the same continents at the same that generate enthusiasm for the study of language and
time to allow for greater coordination and collaboration culture while learning basic communication skills in the
on projects. The third grade physical geography stud- target language. The program utilizes materials such as
ies involve increasingly sophisticated map skills, such as books, pictures, photographs, flash cards, DVD’s, CD’s,
learning to identify various land formations and bodies puppets, computer resources, and the technique called
of water, and understanding and using geography terms Total Physical Response (TPR), which helps young chil-
like peninsula, equator, and longitude/latitude. Third dren learn languages by incorporating gestures.
graders also study different types of maps. In their
cultural geography studies, students continue to develop Kindergarten/Pre-First Spanish
their understanding and appreciation of different celebra-
tions, customs, foods, stories, art, and music of people Kindergarten and pre-first students learn to follow oral
(both indigenous and contemporary) around the world. directions in Spanish and to ask and answer simple
questions. They interact with their teacher and peers
using basic greetings, farewells, and expressions of
Fourth Grade Social Science courtesy. Other specific language objectives include
The world culture and physical geography study contin- learning to count from 1 to 20, and learning the names
ues in fourth grade, with a particular emphasis on devel- of colors, days of the week, body parts, and animals.
oping research skills, as students learn about continents. Students also learn songs (for both language and culture
In their physical and political geography work, fourth learning), games, Spanish stories and tales, and develop
graders apply their understanding of cardinal direc- a beginning appreciation for different Hispanic foods,
tions in locating cities, states, oceans, continents, and celebrations, and holidays.
assigned countries on a globe or map. They learn and
apply an understanding of latitude, longitude, tropics, First Grade Spanish
prime meridian, and time zones, and deepen their appre-
ciation of geography as related to the social, economic, In first grade, students build upon their Spanish lan-
and political climates of a region. In cultural studies, guage skills by practicing familiar vocabulary through
students focus on the daily lives of native peoples, games involving increased recognition and recall as well
as activities that incorporate beginning reading in Span-

ish. They also learn specific content vocabulary such Formal weekly computer lab instruction begins in kin-
as shapes and the weather. They develop their skills dergarten/pre-first. Kindergarten/pre-first students have
in following oral directions and communicating in basic class in the lab once a week for a 30-minute period, first
phrases with their teacher and peers, learning to under- through third graders for a 45-minute period, and fourth
stand more complex classroom directions. First graders and fifth graders for a 60-minute period, which includes
also begin to make comparisons and connections among 15 minutes of keyboarding. In addition to their sched-
cultures. uled sessions, classes may sign up for additional com-
puter time in the lab, use classroom computers, or sign-
out the lower school “iBook” cart (laptops with wireless
Second Grade Spanish network access). This diverse access allows projects to
Building Spanish vocabulary, second graders learn the move seamlessly from the lab to the classroom and to
names for family members, clothing, and to say and rec- the Library Media Center.
ognize numbers 1 to 50. As their vocabulary increases, The computer program is carefully integrated with the
they engage in conversation to express and exchange rest of the curriculum to be an “extension of the class-
feelings and personal information with their teacher room,” so that technology skills support what students
and peers. They also practice reading familiar phrases are learning, and specific projects they are undertaking,
through repeated class activities and become more in core subjects and specials. Students use technology
aware of the sounds in the Spanish language through in all core disciplines, so that in a given year they will
song and cooperative group games. Students learn have had a math, science, social studies, and language
more about Hispanic holidays and celebrations through arts technology experience. Projects are designed to
books, photographs, and video. help students learn how to identify and define prob-
lems, formulate hypotheses, answer questions, and
offer conclusions that can be applied to new situations
Third Grade Spanish
and applications. Our program guides students in the
Third grade Spanish conversational skills focus on acquisition of essential skills in keyboarding and word
interaction using basic words and memorized phrases, processing, Internet research and communications, and
including how to ask permission from the teacher and basic programming. Students are also taught to express
answering simple questions with complete sentences. themselves and to present their work creatively with
Students begin to learn some adjectives and the concept graphics, databases, spreadsheets, and multimedia.
of masculine and feminine words in Spanish. They also These skills spiral across the grade levels with varying
practice writing content vocabulary and familiar phrases. tools and growing complexity. Our ultimate goal is to
Expanding their cultural study, third graders explore provide our students with the skills they need to work
some traditional foods, the basic rhythms of a few types successfully in an increasingly international, interdepen-
of Latin music, and the history of how the Spanish lan- dent, and technologically information-rich society.
guage spread to different parts of the world.

Kindergarten/Pre-First Computing
Fourth Grade Spanish
Kindergarten/pre-first grade students learn basic terms
Continuing the focus on classroom and personal interac- and functions of the computer, and acquire foundation
tions, fourth grade students become more fluent in their skills such as how to use the mouse, log on and off a
comprehension and oral expression in Spanish. They network, open and close folders, and start and quit pro-
begin to use adjectives and verbs in a more focused grams. They learn the basics of keyboarding (left versus
way in their conversation. They also listen to stories right hand keys, space bar, delete key, and shift key)
and tales from different Hispanic countries and engage and begin word processing (lists, short passages). They
in extended activities to build understanding. As Span- also create artwork in graphics programs, and begin to
ish-speaking countries are discussed through cultural transfer skills between programs. Kindergarten/pre-first
and language activities, students also learn about their students are introduced to multimedia presentations and
geographical locations. how they can be used, and they create individual mul-
timedia slides that are arranged by the teacher. With
careful teacher guidance, students begin to explore the
Fifth Grade Spanish Internet as a source of information and means of com-
By the end of fifth grade, students are increasingly munication, viewing selected web pages. The i-SAFE
proficient in their receptive and expressive language curriculum is used to teach Internet safety topics.
skills. They are able to communicate feelings and per- Applications: Appleworks suite (word processing/draw-
sonal information in complete sentences, and describe ing), Kidspiration (customized activities), Kid Pix (draw-
objects and events using verbs, adjectives and nouns. ing/multimedia), Type to Learn Jr. (keyboarding), math
With their exposure to the sounds in the Spanish lan- software, “Bee-bots”, “Roamer” and MicroWorlds Jr.
guage, they are more comfortable writing familiar words (programming), Safari (Internet).
and phrases as well as phonetically writing and spell-
ing words. They also expand on their cultural studies
by learning about art and basic dance steps to Latin
Examples from Past Projects/Activities: collect and enter data. Programming skills also continue
• Explored shape substitutions and patterns using math and are taught as an extension of the geometry study.
software Students also program their own animation in multime-
dia projects. Second graders become more sophisti-
• Identified and sorted “living versus non-living” things cated in their approach to the Internet, as they develop
as an extension of a science lab unit skills to navigate selected web pages. The i-SAFE cur-
• Created a multimedia alphabet and number book riculum is used to teach Internet safety topics. Stu-
• Typed and wrote sentences about friendship for their dents are also introduced to Web 2.0 technologies such
friendship unit as blogging.
• Programmed Roamer through a 3-D maze Applications: Appleworks suite (word processing, draw-
ing, spreadsheets), Kidspiration (story planning, concept
mapping), Type to Learn 3 (keyboarding), math soft-
First Grade Computing ware, MicroWorlds (programming, multimedia), Safari
First grade students expand their understanding of (Internet).
computer terminology and function. They add skills in Examples from Past Projects/Activities:
keyboarding and word processing and learn to high- • Designed their own bird utilizing information learned
light, edit, and proofread text. Since they begin to do from a science unit, and created a multi-media pre-
more story writing in first grade, students use tools to sentation which described its physical characteristics,
assist them in planning and brainstorming. They also habitat, a scanned drawing, and a haiku poem
begin to use a greater variety of tools for creating and
manipulating graphics, and increase their understanding • Created study “webs” of a collection of facts learned
of the role of multimedia presentations in education and about the human body from their homebase study
in society. First graders are introduced to spreadsheets • Used Kidspiration to plan and organize class newspa-
and create and evaluate the usefulness of graphs. They per articles
also learn some basic programming commands. First
graders develop their understanding of the Internet,
and begin to define its place in information-seeking and Third Grade Computing
problem-solving strategies they learn in the integrated At the third grade level, there is a significant change in
curricula of the homebase classroom and the Library applications, and students are guided to transfer prior
Media Center. The i-SAFE curriculum is used to teach knowledge and skills as they undertake new challenges
Internet safety topics. with a greater variety and sophistication of tools.
Applications: Appleworks suite (word processing, draw- Third graders begin to maneuver among open docu-
ing, spreadsheets), Kidspiration (story planning), Kid ments and learn to work between multiple applications
Pix (drawing/multimedia), Type to Learn Jr. (keyboard- simultaneously. Keyboarding continues as students
ing), math software, MicroWorlds (programming), Safari are expected to use the “home-row” routinely. They
(Internet). create longer and more advanced word processing docu-
Examples from Past Projects/Activities: ments, adjusting page orientation and border widths and
using functions such as spell check and the “select all”
• Graphed monthly weather data using spread-sheet and “undo” commands. In multimedia, they plan and
software design presentations using three or more slides, import-
• Used pre-defined Kidspiration templates to help plan ing graphics, sound, and text and adding transitions
and write a fairy tale between slides; they also evaluate the effectiveness of
• Experienced a cybertrip to several Australian zoos different presentations. Students begin to define and
while studying Australian animals label spreadsheet columns and rows, and to create,
manipulate, and begin to understand the comparative
• Programmed the turtle using Logo through 2-D mazes strengths of bar, line, and pie graphs. Databases are
and towns. also introduced and created at this level, and are com-
pared to the effectiveness of spreadsheets. Basic pro-
Second Grade Computing gramming skills continue in support of geometric math
concepts. Students also write their own procedures to
In addition to expanding their application of general code animations in multimedia projects. Working on
computer skills, second grade students learn more about the Internet, students begin to understand keywords in
the role of servers and networks, and saving, retrieving, using search engines effectively, and also to compare
and printing documents. They continue to use planning the usefulness of different search strategies. They also
tools for writing and organizing information. In key- begin to use on-line electronic databases and to com-
boarding, they begin two-handed typing, and in word pare using the Internet to these databases. The “Big 6”
processing, they begin more routinely to publish their information skills are introduced by the Library Media
work applying skills such as centering text. They con- specialist, and students are expected to use those skills
tinue more advanced work in graphics and multimedia when accessing electronic resources. The i-SAFE curric-
and participate in longer-term 12 projects. Spreadsheet ulum is used to teach Internet safety topics. Students
and graphing work continues with a focus on learning to work with Web 2.0 technologies such as blogging. At

this grade level the iBook cart is often used for research Fifth Grade Computing
and for word processing. Fifth grade computer represents the culmination of a
Applications: Appleworks (databases), Microsoft Office six-year, progressive course of study, supported by
(MS word and MS Excel), Kidspiration and Inspiration additional technology experiences in the homebase
(story planning, concept mapping, character analysis), classroom and Library Media Center. During this year
Type to Learn 3 (keyboarding), math software, Micro- students are being prepared for the transition to middle
Worlds (programming, multimedia), Scratch (program- school. They receive their own computer accounts that
ming), Safari (Internet), UD/Lib Search and other elec- they manage and use independently.
tronic on-line databases. Students continue with a 15-minute keyboarding period
Examples from Past Projects/Activities: weekly in addition to their scheduled computer period.
• Created a database of rainforest plants and animals Their word processing documents are now multi-page
researched in class products, created through a variety of tools and com-
mands. Their graphics skills include applying a variety
• Designed an electronic travel brochure for a planet in of tools to manipulate inserted and original images.
our solar system Using a variety of multimedia tools, they design multi-
• Created character web using Kidspiration for selected media presentations that include multiple slides, import-
books ing graphics and sound. They gain confidence working
• Wrote procedures to code animations in their multime- with a variety of spreadsheets. Their Internet skills
dia projects include: identifying different components in web sites,
citing referenced web sites, and identifying and modi-
fying keywords to use search engines effectively (and
Fourth Grade Computing an early understanding of how search engines work).
Fourth grade students continue to develop their skills The i-SAFE curriculum is used to teach Internet safety
through assigned projects, experimentation with dif- topics. Students use a variety of Web 2.0 tools such
ferent software, and a balance of individual and group as blogs and wikis. Additional on-line electronic data-
work. They undertake more challenging projects in bases are introduced, and the “Big 6” information skills
multimedia presentations, Internet and on-line database continue to play a significant role in research activities.
research, spreadsheet and graph work, and word pro- Students continue their study of programming through
cessing and graphics. Students transfer skills from a a study of LEGO robotics. The iBooks are used regularly
procedural Logo programming environment to a graphi- since technology projects are assigned in all disciplines.
cal programming environment. In this year students Students also refine their skills of critical evaluation of
have a dedicated 15-minute period for keyboarding programs, presentations, and Internet resources. Their
weekly, in addition to their regularly scheduled computer study of computers goes beyond the acquisition of basic
period. They also work more independently at this level. skills, to sophisticated application of technology for a
Students use a wider range of electronic databases and purpose and higher-level thinking toward problem-solv-
the Internet more routinely and their research is guided ing and creative expression.
by the “Big 6” information skills. By this level of the Applications: Microsoft Office (MS word, MS Excel, and
computer program, students are also asked to become MS PowerPoint), Inspiration (story planning, concept
more sophisticated in their critical evaluation of different mapping, character analysis), Type to Learn 3 (key-
computer tools and resources. The i-SAFE curriculum boarding), math software, MicroWorlds (programming),
is used to teach Internet safety topics. Students work Robolab (programming), Safari (Internet), UD/Lib Search
with Web 2.0 technologies such as blogging. The iBook and other electronic on-line databases, iMovie (multime-
cart is used more routinely for the continuation of proj- dia).
ects and activities.
Examples from Past Projects/Activities:
Applications: Microsoft Office (MS word, MS Excel, and
MS PowerPoint), Inspiration (story planning, concept • Designed programs using Robolab to program LEGO
mapping, character analysis), Type to Learn 3 (key- robots
boarding), math software, MicroWorlds (programming, • Created a “Chesapeake Bay” fifth grade wiki
multimedia), Scratch (programming), Safari (Internet), • Used MS Powerpoint to present their “Simple
UD/Lib Search and other electronic on-line databases. Machine” science unit challenges
Examples from Past Projects/Activities:
• Using MS Excel spreadsheets and MS PowerPoint,
graphed and presented a comparison of fast-food
nutritional information; different graph types were cre-
ated and evaluated for a given data set
• Created a clay-animation nutrition movie (using iMovie)
in which characters represented various food groups
• Used GPS units to find geo-caches at lower school


rhythm and melody. For example, first graders listen

Through a sequential program encouraging active partici-
to recorded music focusing on particular elements,
pation and self-expression, students develop musical
such as distinguishing between duple (simple) and triple
understanding and appreciation. The music curriculum
(compound) rhythms, and they perform more complex
is coordinated with other classroom lessons, such as
rhythmic and melodic exercises, like singing and play-
social science and geography studies, for example, so
ing rounds. First graders also continue to develop their
that students might learn music from countries or cul-
ability for aural recognition of instruments (like violin
tural traditions they are studying, or so that composer
and trumpet), and learn to identify the basic orchestral
biographies are timed to fit with other biographical stud-
instruments and their families. They also learn basic
ies. Skills in music are also related to other disciplines,
notation, using quarter notes, quarter rests, eighth
such as the science of sound production and the math
notes, and pitches on the staff.
of musical notation.
All students receive formal musical instruction twice
weekly; 30-minute classes for pre-k through third grade Second Grade Performing Arts
and 45-minute classes for fourth and fifth grades. All Continuing the sequential study of the fundamentals
students perform in winter and spring concerts, and of music, the rhythmic and melodic material gradually
individual classes have the opportunity for smaller group increases in complexity, as second graders are intro-
performances throughout the year. Every fifth grade duced to more involved exercises, and are required to
student performs in a spring musical production. Stu- master more challenging listening, instrument playing,
dents in fourth and fifth grade may choose to participate reading, and writing skills. Students learn both aural
(no audition required) in band and/or Kids Choir. Private and visual recognition of repeated, similar, and different
instrumental lessons are offered on campus with teach- phrases in music, and begin to label them as A, B, and
ers from the Wilmington Music School. C to derive form. They practice recognition of material
from notation (without hearing it), and compose and
write notation for short songs and rhymes. Second
Pre-Kindergarten Performing Arts
graders continue to expand their musical vocabularies
The pre-k program offers a variety of experiences in to include terms such as timbre, crescendo, and decre-
singing, moving, listening, and playing, with activi- scendo. They also begin to learn about some famous
ties that encourage both group cooperation and the composers and their music.
expression of individuality and independence. Students
explore the elements of sound, silence, space, and time.
They echo tonal and rhythmic patterns, master the Third Grade Performing Arts
concept and production of a steady beat, and distin- By the end of third grade, students acquire a sound
guish between sounds produced in different ways and understanding of the musical notation system. The cur-
by different sources. Dance activities emphasize fol- riculum in music continues to be coordinated with class-
lowing a rhythm, and interpreting tempo and dynamics room study, including the continent studies of third and
through movement. Those and other activities help lay fourth grade, and math skills are reinforced as students
the foundation for more formal study of rhythm, melody, learn note values and time signatures. Third graders
and musical notation and dynamics. begin instruction on the soprano recorder. They also
continue to expand their musical knowledge and vocab-
ularies, learning, for example, to distinguish between
Kindergarten/Pre-First Performing Arts
major and minor tonalities and to understand terms and
Kindergarten/pre-first students are asked to participate concepts such as staccato, legato, and syncopation.
in activities with increasing attention to accuracy; where
any response might have been encouraged in pre-k, K/
pre-first students are guided toward an accurate musical Fourth Grade Performing Arts
response to help them develop a vocabulary of musical As students progress in developing their musical under-
sounds and movements. Musical activities integrate standing and skills, there is growing emphasis on
with classroom themes throughout the year by focusing accuracy, facility, and clarity. In addition to refining
on patterns, rhymes, seasonal songs, animals, num- their singing and instrumental techniques, and undertak-
bers, letters, and sounds. Students continue to work ing more challenging pieces, fourth graders also learn
with percussion instruments (pitched and non-pitched), to recognize a greater variety of instruments by name
and begin to distinguish characteristics (e.g. ascending and family and a greater variety of musical styles (jazz,
versus descending) of melodic phrases. folk, classical, etc.) and forms such as fugue. They also
develop their knowledge and use of musical notation
and structure, working in a greater variety of meters,
First Grade Performing Arts
key signatures, forms, and harmonic combinations and
In first grade, students begin to understand the con- changes. Their vocabularies continue to grow with
ceptual foundations of music, and they learn to identify symbols and terms like natural, Allegro, Andante, and
symbols and terminology such as repeat sign, dynamics, fermata. Fourth graders continue their study of the
forte, piano, tempo, meter, accent, bar line, time sig- recorder, and have the option of participating in band
nature, and introduction. Through a variety of activi- and/or Kids Choir.
ties, students begin a more formal sequential study of
Fifth Grade Performing Arts Second Grade Physical Education
There is special emphasis on the musical theatre, as Second graders participate in games with three or more
fifth graders prepare for their own musical production in rules, with a continued emphasis on fair play and safety
the spring. By the end of fifth grade, students are able issues related to movement. They integrate foundation
to read, write, and perform melodies and accompani- skills with basic sport skills in simple lead-up games and
ments through singing and playing classroom instru- cooperative activities.
ments (including recorder). They are able to perform
with independence and an understanding of a range of
musical concepts, symbols, and terms. At this point Third Grade Physical Education
in the program, many students have defined their own Third graders participate in a variety of team sports.
musical preferences, and take a more focused interest Through team play and specific rules, they learn about
in musical expression and style. Fifth graders have the positive social interaction, self-control, self-discipline,
option of participating in band and/or Kids Choir. and sportsmanship. Third graders use their conflict res-
olution skills in more competitive settings, and learn to
understand increasingly complex class and game rules.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION: OVERVIEW Third graders engage in activities that combine locomo-
tion, force, and time with manipulation skills.
The pre-k through second grade physical education
curriculum offers each child the opportunity to develop
Fourth Grade Physical Education
physical skills through a movement education curricu-
lum. Participation in fitness activities and building foun- Fourth graders continue to participate in team sports
dation skills are of primary importance. A non-compet- with an emphasis on physical and social skills. Age-
itive environment allows children to engage in activities appropriate progressions allow fourth graders to develop
that promote their physical and emotional well-being. accuracy while throwing, striking, and kicking from
The program is spiraling and sequential, offering age- static and dynamic positions. They become more effi-
appropriate activities that enhance skill development. cient in carrying and manipulating objects during skill
and drill work and in lead-up games.
The third through fifth grade physical education program
emphasizes the integration of foundation skills with fit-
ness activities and team sports. Games with more com- Fifth Grade Physical Education
plex rules, strategies, and team concepts are introduced.
Sportsmanship and participation are emphasized. Fifth graders continue to participate in team sports, an
approach that provides leadership opportunities and
helps develop efficient locomotion skills. The mechan-
Pre-Kindergarten Physical Education ics of bouncing, dribbling, throwing, striking, and kicking
are emphasized. Working with stationary and moving
Using a variety of materials and activities, pre-k stu-
targets, students can improve visual tracking skills,
dents are engaged in movement activities that develop
while integrating balance, force, and time. Sportsman-
foundation skills. Understanding and negotiating the
ship, cooperation, and responsibility are an integral part
physical environment and integrating locomotion with
of the program. Fitness testing and participation in
levels and pathways are fundamental principles during
strength building and cardio-respiratory activities help
the pre-k year. Students also learn how to handle equip-
students achieve a healthier lifestyle.
ment safely and properly.

Kindergarten/Pre-First Physical Education

Kindergarten/pre-first students develop an understanding
of the physical environment in which they move. Loco-
motion and non-locomotion movements, in self-space
and general space, allow children an opportunity to
develop and explore their individual skills in a safe physi-
cal environment.

First Grade Physical Education

First graders engage in fitness activities while continuing
to develop their foundation skills. Children are intro-
duced to multi-step directions, while becoming more
sophisticated in their knowledge and use of shuttle,
relay, and line formations. Lead-up and tag games, uti-
lizing concepts and skills that underlie team sports, are
also introduced. First graders develop an understanding
of fair play, safety, and cooperation through group play.


All lower school students receive formal visual art will know the difference between a two- and three-
instruction. Pre-k students meet two times weekly for dimensional work. Students throughout the year will be
30 minutes per class, kindergarten and pre-first students learning to draw representational objects as they appear
meet one hour weekly, and the first and second grades in space—in front of/behind, above/below, and beside.
meet two times weekly, 45 minutes per class. The They also learn to mix primary colors to create second-
third, fourth, and fifth graders meet once a week for 75 ary colors, and to model ceramic and papier-mâché
minutes. There are two art teachers at the lower school, animals. Pattern is the focus of a fibers unit. Students
who teach the core visual arts curriculum and also record their art projects in journals, which continue to be
coordinate projects across academic areas. The visual updated through the fifth grade.
arts program is designed to be a vehicle for creative
and personal discovery, in which students learn about
themselves, their environment, world cultures, and art Second Grade Visual Arts
history. The program provides an ongoing exploration The second grade curriculum continues with concept-
of concepts, techniques, and materials that develop oriented projects, which last for consecutive classes.
students’ ability to create visual solutions by implement- Assignments are given to stretch each student’s imagi-
ing design principles and elements of art. Students are nation and challenge them to problem solve with a spe-
encouraged to express themselves with joy, imagination, cific goal in mind. They will use sketching as a means
clarity, and skill, and at all grade levels are encouraged of visual note taking and plan projects to develop a
to explore individual solutions to assignments. Diverse course of action. By the end of second grade, students
learning styles and choices are respected. should demonstrate an understanding of color concepts
that include mixing and using intermediate colors and
also using colors in warm and cool families. Symmetry,
Pre-Kindergarten Visual Arts front and profile views, basic proportions of the human
Variety is at the core of the pre-kindergarten visual arts face, and ceramic form as function are among concepts
program where self-expression is encouraged. The introduced at this grade level. Students will catalog their
program is experiential and process- rather than product- projects in their journals including written descriptions
oriented, though cognitive and manipulative skills are of methods and materials. American art is a recurring
introduced and reinforced. By the end of pre-kindergar- theme. The works of the Wyeth family are viewed
ten, students will be able to distinguish a shape from a during a visit to the Brandywine River Museum corre-
line, and will use different tools and materials appropri- lating with a classroom study of the Brandywine River
ately. Routines are established for independent gather- Valley, and John Audubon is studied in conjunction with
ing of supplies and clean up. Exposure to famous artists a grade level thematic bird unit.
and artwork is meaningful as a way to discuss elements
of design. Students are encouraged to talk freely about
their work without preconceived adult expectations. Third Grade Visual Arts
In third grade, assignments become longer and increas-
ingly more complex. Manipulative skills, such as draw-
Kindergarten/Pre-First Visual Arts ing and painting, clay modeling, and three-dimensional
With the basic skills of objective drawing, cutting, and constructions continue to develop. Design principles,
use of attachment methods obtained in pre-k, kinder- overlapping, positive/negative space, scale, and compo-
garten projects become more concept-oriented while sition are among the concepts taught in order to develop
creativity and self-expression are still encouraged. The more skillful work. Craftsmanship and organizational
basic elements of design, line, shape, color, texture, skills are emphasized. Visual images of famous works
and pattern are visited and revisited throughout the year are used on an ongoing basis to gain greater apprecia-
using a variety of media. Students explore both two tion for artistic movements and techniques. Projects are
and three-dimensional materials. Emphasis at this level put into context as they relate to the art timeline encom-
continues to be process- rather than product-oriented passing the Ancient World, Middle Ages, Renaissance,
with students exploring drawing, painting, printmaking, and Modern World.
fibers, ceramics, collage, and also many projects in con-
junction with the homebase classroom. Each student is
encouraged to relate concepts to his/her life experience Fourth Grade Visual Arts
in order to enhance authentic learning. Students in fourth grade begin the year by building a
twelve inch ceramic coil form which involves the use
of three dimensional elements of design, line, pattern,
First Grade Visual Arts and texture to sculpt solid, voluminous, organically
The first grade visual arts program is structured to formed containers. In fourth grade, students are begin-
develop students’ abilities to combine concepts and use ning to recognize perspective in drawing, applying value
problem-solving strategies. Some of the projects at this scales and use of monochromatic and complementary
level become longer and can last for many consecutive color schemes. Famous works of the Impressionist
art classes. Each project is designed to accommodate painters are viewed as inspiration. Students in fourth
as well as challenge each student at his/her own level grade also explore cultural symbols and patterns from
of development. By the end of first grade students all continents, which involve the use of positive and


negative space. This serves as a starting point for the The Library Media Center (LMC) is an integral part of
students to produce their own unique black and white the lower school education program, fostering enthu-
images, which they use for their linoleum block designs. siasm for the process of learning and for lifelong read-
Students carve linoleum and then produce a series of ing, developing an appreciation for different cultures
signed, named and numbered prints. The human form through literature and non-fiction research, teaching
and figures in motion are explored in both two- and specific learning skills, and developing students’ sense
three-dimensional gesture studies. Several projects of responsibility in using a shared resource. We recog-
are linked to the classroom study of the continents. All nize that students retain skills best when our lessons are
assignments are recorded in student art journals with taught in the context of the classroom curriculum, so
care taken to use proper art vocabulary along with information-seeking strategies and other library-related
drawings, plans and reflections. skills are taught in various subject areas. We plan
teaching units closely with classroom teachers and inte-
grate lessons based on the “Big 6 Information Problem
Fifth Grade Visual Arts Solving Model” into assignments and research projects.
The fifth grade visual arts program is a culmination This type of library program is uniquely suited to the
(with mastery expected) of the concepts and techniques kind of project-based learning we promote at Wilmington
taught in previous years. At this point, students are Friends.
able to arrive at artistic solutions with a wide range of The Big 6 is a general information problem-solving model
appropriate answers. Throughout the year, students created by Michael Eisenberg and Robert E. Berkowitz.
explore concepts using two- and three-dimensional It is a six-step process that teaches students to analyze
materials, which include projects, such as watercolor their information needs and to make a plan. Although
painting using established techniques, linear perspective, the Library Media Center staff members are the primary
and ceramic slab containers with fitted lids. Students teachers of the process, the Big 6 provides every stu-
learn how to critique famous works according to prin- dent and teacher in our school with a common vocabu-
ciples of art. Visual images are used on an ongoing basis lary to use in the research process. The six steps are:
to gain greater appreciation for artistic movements and (1) task definition—what am I supposed to do? (2)
techniques. Students continue to record their work in information-seeking strategies—what information do I
personal journals that have documented all the projects need? (3) location and access—what would be my best
they have completed since first grade. This becomes a sources/where can I find this information? (4) use of
record to take with them as they journey to their new information—how do I record and organize this informa-
art experiences in the middle school. tion? (5) synthesis—how do I create something new
with this information? (6) evaluation—how could I have
improved my process?

Pre-Kindergarten Library Media Center

In addition to early information-seeking strategies (such
as learning that the materials in the LMC have a specific
order) and responsible library behavior, pre-k students
engage in a variety of reading related activities in the
LMC. They participate in drama groups, acting out
stories; they learn the roles of author and illustrator;
and in listening to literature, they are asked to predict
outcomes and to relate stories to personal experiences,
and to focus on the person reading or telling the story
without interrupting. Pre-k students are also introduced
to book selection, as they identify areas of interest and
favorite authors. Activities that reinforce the themes
they are studying include making apple pies and visiting
our pretend “farm stand.”

Kindergarten/Pre-First Library Media Center

K/pre-first students begin to use the borrowing and
return procedures of the LMC. They also learn to name
two possible sources of information to answer a ques-
tion, and begin to work more formally in groups to
pursue and generate information. As part of the coordi-
nation of LMC teaching with classroom curricular goals,
the students experience “authentic learning” activities,
such as acting out nursery rhymes. They continue to

participate in both listening and interactive story times, Fourth Grade Library Media Center
drama groups, and individual consultations for book Fourth graders become independent in their ability to
selection. compare and contrast sources for relevance, consis-
tency, and comprehensiveness; they begin to look for
First Grade Library Media Center and recognize inconsistencies in information sources.
They also become increasingly independent and suc-
First graders become increasingly sophisticated in their cessful in locating materials and using information. The
approach to information sources, acquiring a conceptual skill of reading for information is strongly developed in
understanding of citing information sources and a devel- the continent study, with lessons that emphasize high-
oping ability to read for information and to take notes lighting keywords and citing sources. Genre book talks,
with adult assistance. In two different units, they iden- as well as those highlighting books new to the LMC,
tify facts together and categorize those facts together. continue. The service-learning project of poetry perfor-
They learn to approach a research topic by examining mance in preschools is coordinated through the LMC
many different library books in a “book tasting.” First and culminates in a field trip in late spring.
graders continue to participate in drama groups and
increase their book selection skills through individual
consultation with the library staff. They are also intro- Fifth Grade Library Media Center
duced to more genres of literature. Fifth graders continue to become more independent in
their information-seeking skills, and in their understand-
Second Grade Library Media Center ing of the importance of following the steps of the Big
6 and making a plan when given a research assignment.
With assistance but growing independence, second By the end of fifth grade, they have had considerable
grade students continue to locate their own books on practice formulating good research questions, locating
the library shelves. Gradually, they learn to pick a book and using information to solve a problem independently,
that not only interests them but also is appropriate in and organizing and presenting that information in an
reading level and size, no longer feeling that just carry- appropriate and interesting way. They are usually able
ing around a really big book means that you’re a good to differentiate between fact and opinion in sources, to
reader. They develop their research skills by practicing recognize inconsistencies in sources, and to evaluate the
“skimming and scanning” to locate information and by currency, authenticity, and objectivity of sources. All of
extracting information from a variety of sources with these skills are brought to bear in a fifth grade Presen-
assistance. Second graders learn to plan individual and tation of Learning (POL) project during which students
group projects, and present more formal written and oral demonstrate that they have “learned how to learn” at a
reports. Book tastings, book talks, and drama groups developmentally appropriate level. Fifth graders con-
continue. tinue to explore different literary genres, and they learn
to write book reviews.
Third Grade Library Media Center
In third grade, students learn to be more independent
in many of the steps of the Big 6 model. In continent
research, they work on evaluating their information
needs, locating books by call number, taking notes from
and citing a variety of sources, and using general refer-
ence materials such as online and print encyclopedias.
Work in the LMC is closely coordinated with third grade
curricular focuses on reading for information. In addi-
tion, as students become more advanced in using the
computer as a tool, they also learn to recognize out-of-
school information sources, such as the public library,
museums, the telephone, and human sources such as
speeches and interviews. Book tastings continue to
introduce them to the wealth of printed resources in the
LMC. Book talks that focus on various genres, such
as historical fiction, travel and history, mystery, and
poetry, expand their interest in reading. Students have
periodic formal lessons in research skills, co-taught by
the library and computer staff.


Human Dynamics and Development is a cross-divisional

(lower, middle, and upper school) program at Wilming-
ton Friends, encompassing social and emotional aware-
ness, interpersonal relationships, and healthy living
habits, including strategies and processes for making
informed decisions. In middle and upper school, there
are specific courses, required for all students, in the
program (sixth grade-Connections; seventh grade-Con-
flict Resolution; eighth grade-Decision Making; upper
school-Wellness I & II). In lower school, the program
is centered in the homebase classroom and is closely
aligned with division objectives regarding the develop-
ment of a child’s self-concept and relationships with
others. Themes in lower school Human Dynamics
and Development include treating others with respect,
peaceful resolution of conflict, appropriate expression
of emotions, the process of assessing risks, increasing
independence and self-reliance, and making informed
and healthy choices.

Wilmington Friends School
101 School Road
Wilmington, DE 19803

Quaker, coed, preschool (age two) through 12th grade, Middle/upper school campus:
all college preparatory (Grades 6-12)
Located in the residential neighborhood “Alapocas,” just
Global thinking, engagement and leadership: outside the City of Wilmington: approximately 25 acres,
• School Year Abroad (SYA), consortium member one building of 175,000 square feet; includes five athletic
(first in Delaware) fields, six tennis courts, three full-size gyms, fitness room,
• International Baccalaureate (IB), authorized school a 500-person capacity theatre/auditorium, Meeting Room,
(first in Delaware) seven science labs, and three computer labs, with equip-
• American Field Service (AFS), participant since ment regularly updated through lease arrangement; the
program was founded in 1947 Library Media Center offers additional computers, wireless
• Global focus throughout curriculum Internet access, and connections to multiple databases
National/international faculty searches, through the University of Delaware.
emphasis on continuing professional development
Lower school campus:
Competitive athletics, grades 7-12 (half-day three-year-olds and
pre-kindergarten through fifth grade)
Visual and performing arts, with major courses
(preparing for college study) and performance opportunities; Located on the wooded boundary of Alapocas: approxi-
middle/upper school campus arts mately 30 acres (including wooded areas), two buildings
totaling 68,000 square feet; includes two gyms, two sci-
Classrooms renovated, summer 2009; lower school ence labs, three outdoor playgrounds, two additional paved
arts wing new construction, 2005 outdoor play areas (for basketball and other hard-surface
activities), two athletic fields (also used by middle and
Integrated technology program, with specialized
upper school sports teams), a Library Media Center open
computer instruction K-12
all day every school day, Meeting Room/auditorium, and
Current class size averages: facilities architecturally designed for music (including prac-
• 14 students per preschool classroom tice rooms), art (including ceramics studio), and computer
(with 2.5 teachers) classes.
• 16 students per early years (PK, K, P1) classroom
(with 2 teachers) Preschool campus:
• 22 students per classroom in first grade The Wilmington Friends Preschool is located at First &
(with 2.5 teachers) Central Presbyterian Church in downtown Wilmington,
• 20 students per classroom in grades 2-5 occupying two classrooms, with additional access to an
(with 2 teachers in grades 1-4; 1.3 teachers in 5th) auditorium-size room for indoor play, an on-site outdoor
• 16 students per section in grades 6-8 play yard, additional classrooms for music and other activi-
(10 students per advisory group) ties, and nearby open space, public library, and other city
• 16 students per section in grades 9-12 cultural resources.
(10 students per advisory group)
Need-based financial aid, calculated by the
For more information, contact:
School and Student Service for Financial Aid (SSS) in
Office of Admissions and Financial Aid
Princeton, New Jersey
(302) 576-2930
After-school care for PS through sixth grade

Summer camps for age three through ninth grade

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