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Jen Dougherty MGP 335 SU 1 Polands Tourism Lesson Plan Lesson Topic Description Plan Overview: The focus

of this lesson is for students to research a popular tourism site in Poland and create a poster about it. Objectives: Students will research a popular tourism site in Poland. Students will then create a poster about their site, including photos and informational facts.

Standards: (PDE Standards & PA Common Core Standards) PDE SAS 8.4 World History. 6th Grade. B. Identify and explain the importance of historical documents, artifacts, and sites which are critical to world history. PA CC 8.5 Reading Informational Text. 6-8th Grade. G. Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts. PA CC 8.6 Writing: Students write for different purposes and audiences. Students write clear and focused text to convey a well-defined perspective and appropriate. 6-8 Grade. H. Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis reflection, and research. I. Content Outline: Poland 1. History A. It took 35 years of struggle for the Polish people to replace the communist government with a parliamentary republic. a. At the end of WWII, communists took over the government and set strict wage and price controls. 2. Economics A. Solidarity a. Trade union led by Lech Walesa. b. Goals were to increase pay and improve working conditions. c. New goals were to free election and end Communist rule. B. Free Poland a. Communists finally agree to Solidaritys demand for free elections. b. Communists lost power. c. Lech Walesa became first president of a free Poland. C. Today

a. Poland is a parliamentary republic. b. New constitution in 1997 that guarantees civil rights such as free speech. c. Along with a new government, Poland struggled to adapt to a completely new economic system. a. Command economy to free market economy. b. Prices no longer controlled by the government. c. Traded suddenly faced international competition. 3. Culture A. Poland develops a rich culture of its own. B. Literature a. Stories full of struggle b. One of Polands best known writers, Czeslaw Milosz. C. Censorship writers could not publish their works due to the governments decision to publish works. D. Dissident a person who openly disagrees with a governments policy. Teaching Procedures: Introduction/Anticipatory Set- Students will be shown the end product of a model poster made by the teacher from another country other than Poland. The teacher will point out interesting facts, photos, and maps of the poster that students will have to include after researching their site. Input1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Students will be put into small groups of 3. Students will then begin to research a popular tourism site in Poland. Students will decide which member of the group will look up what. After students find their information, they must create a poster of their site. Photos, informational facts, and creativity must be used on the poster. When the groups are finished creating their poster, they must present it to the rest of the class.

Guided Practice- The teacher will begin by showing students an example of what the outcome of the research should look like. Independent Practice- Each student will research a different part of their tourism site. One student can independently find photos, while another researches maps. Differentiation- I will differentiate this lesson based on the specific learning and behavioral needs of my students.

Closure- When students are finished creating their posters, each group must present their poster to the rest of the class. Before leaving the class, each group must complete an exit slip giving two facts about their favorite tourist site in Poland. Formative/Summative Assessment: Formative- The teacher will observe students progress in researching their tourist attraction and creating a poster. Summative- The poster created by each group will be graded as a summative assessment. Materials:

Internet Printer Markers/Crayons Scissors Glue Poster board

Technology: Students will use the internet to conduct research. A printer will be needed to print necessary materials. Internet Printer

Reflection on Planning: I chose to have students research a tourism site in Poland. I was going teach students about popular tourism attractions in Poland but thought it would be beneficial for students to research it on their own. It gives students the freedom to pick their own site and find information on their own. I thought it would be best to put students in small groups so they can work together to come up with the end product. This way, one student can search for photos of their site while another searches for facts of their site. When students are finished researching their tourist site, they must create a poster including what they found. I thought a poster would be a fun way for students to show their creative side. Presenting their posters is not for a grade, it is for the other classmates to see what others have chosen and why. Before the lesson is over, students must fill out an exit slip telling the teacher which place was their favorite and why. This will allow students to pay attention to others presenting. I thought this was a good lesson. I wanted to do something more on the fun side of teaching for students. This lesson gives students a little bit of freedom to do their project on the place of their choosing in Poland. Yet, it also benefits students who excel in creativity.

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