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Weekly newsletter of

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Issue 8 20th March, 2014

Friday 21st March Saturday 22nd March Tuesday 25th March Wed 26th Fri 28th March Tuesday 1st April Wednesday 2nd April Friday 4th April Tuesday 22nd April Friday 25th April Free Dress Day Easter item Tootgarook Community Market Rostered on Gr 3/4 Briars Excursion Grade 5/6 Ballarat Camp Prep 2 Excursion FishNShips School Photo Day Last Day Term One 2.30pm dismissal First Day Term Two ANZAC Day Public Holiday

Free Dress Day - an Easter item for the Easter Baskets is required. Easter Raffle tickets @ 50cents each will be sent home next week. please return by Thursday 3rd April the raffle will be drawn on Friday 4th April.

TOMORROW Friday 21st March 2014

In the final week of term one we will be operating on a modified timetable as part of planning week. Instead of students participating in their specialist programs throughout the course of the week, these classes will be timetabled to occur on one day, thereby allowing all of the teachers at each level to be released. When teachers are released for the day during planning week, they will spend the entire day working collaboratively to plan an overview of the curriculum program for next term. This approach to our term by term curriculum planning, helps to ensure a heightened degree of consistency in our program delivery across all levels of the school.

Please do not hesitate to make contact with the school if you have any concerns about your childs wellbeing at school. Whilst our school context is an overwhelming positive one, we do have minor infractions & tensions that occur from time to time with students. In most instances, these matters are quickly resolved at school and where necessary the school will make contact with parents to communicate ongoing issues or matters of more serious concern. When matters arise between students, we strongly advise parents not to approach parents about these concerns. When this occurs, we find that the situation becomes more intense and interactions between parents can become quite fractured. We implore parents to not phone, email, text or confront other parents in the playground about behavioural matters at school. We are privileged to be part of a wonderful community school at Tootgarook Primary School and we will continue to work hard to ensure that school is a positive experience for all members of our school community. Thank you in anticipation of your support on this important matter.

Bikes & Scooters

Many children ride bikes, skateboards and scooters to school each day. All bikes and scooters must be stored in the designated areas. Please ensure your child has a chain and a lock. All children who ride a bike or scooter must wear a helmet which is a requirement by the Government . The school regularly reminds all children about wearing helmets for their safety. All bikes, scooters, skateboards, rip sticks and helmets must be labelled, with your childs name and class. Children are reminded they must walk their bike, scooter, skateboard or rip stick to and from the school gates. No bikes are to be brought through the school buildings and we request, where possible, that Scooters are also not walked through the building.

Our schools Community market is to be held this Saturday 22nd March with 3/4T being rostered on. Thankyou to the following people who have offered to assist this Saturday: Tace Withers, Irene Barnes, Darren Walker, Matt Davies, Melisa Peterson, Chantelle Coleman, Olivia + Gary Barrett, Sarah + Claudine Boutin, Rachel Nevinson and Chris Holliss. If you are able to assist at this market please let the office now by 3.30pm Friday thanks!!


An open invitation is extended to Tootgarook PS parents, teachers and pupils to attend the Rye RSL Anzac Day Memorial Service commencing about 12.15pm. Our School Captains will represent the school by laying a school wreath during the Memorial Service. The Official Memorial Service runs for approximately 30-40 minutes. The Anzac Day Public Holiday will be Friday 25th April.

Junior School Council Members + Monitors for 2014.
Congratulations to the following students who have been chosen by their peers to be the Junior School Council representatives, Library Monitors, Art Monitors, Sports Monitors and Chess Monitor for 2014. The badges will be awarded to these students at Assembly next Monday morning. Macayla Hahn + Max Humble Geordan Duncan + Grant Wilson Zoe Tracy + Hunter Nicholas Makayla Oliver + Kayden Carver Library Monitors 5Q 3/4W 2J 6B 4/5S 3/4T 2B 6B 6B 6B

Alayha Roy + Isak Young Ben Carroll + Miah Taylor Jack Sterling + Kira Boyle-Vella

Sophie Parker-Crawford + Paige Reeve

Sports Monitors Jarrod Williams + Jett Prentice Chess Captain - Marco de Mille

Students will be presented with certificates at Monday morning assembly.

Prep B Mrs Bos Makenzie Cooke What a fantastic role model for his peers. Makenzie is a switched on enthusiastic student who actively participates in all class activities. Prep P Mrs Prossor Bryson Beagley for being an attentive listener and confidently sharing his experiences during morning talk. 1H Mrs Hughes Daniel Malloy for always being an attentive student who stays on task and tries his best. Well done Daniel. 1P Miss Perkins - Amelia Reeve - You have been a superstar in the classroom over the past few weeks. You are working so hard with Mrs Jenkins to develop your reading and your Addition work has amazed us. You work quietly and listen well to instructions. Well Done! 2B Mrs Baird - Mackenzie Inglis for your wonderful work in Maths groups. 2J - Mrs Johnstone Taylah Hawley-Morsillo for writing a magnificent homework story Princess Odettes Special Day. 3/4T Miss Withers Jarvis Swaby for doing a fantastic job on his Australian placemat. 3/W Ms Walton - Eloise Read for her cheerful disposition and her wonderful attitude to all her studies. 4/5S Miss Staley Bailey German - Congratulations on being an organised, enthusiastic member of 4/5S. You give 100% in all school activities, including listening in class, contributing to discussions and lending a helping hand. Congratulations Bailey German! 5Q Miss Quintin 6B Mrs Bruin Bill Sherman for his dedication to his role as Recycling monitor. He is a well organised and reliable helper. Keep up the good work. Art / Craft (Mrs Kingsbury) Music (Mrs Young) Eloise Read 3/4W it is excellent that you tried out for band. You are our only violin player and I am so please to have you as our newest band member. Well to Tootgarook P.S. band. PE Sport Award -

Families should have received a school photo envelope for you to fill in and return to school on Photo Day. This year, photos will be taken on Wednesday 2ND April from 9.00am. Children need to be punctual as they may miss their class photo and dressed in full school uniform. Please ensure the correct amount (if paying cash) is enclosed as the school office are unable to give change and do not handle school photos envelopes they go direct to the photographer. If you would like a family sibling portrait please see the office for an envelope. Family sibling envelopes MUST be returned to the school office by Wednesday 2nd April. Please remember that photo money must accompany students on the day otherwise the photo company will charge extra if you order after the day.

Mornington Peninsula Shire

April School Holiday Program Flyer and Forms Available from the school office Any further questions please contact: Catherine West 5950 1666



The Southern Peninsula Arts Centre 245 Eastbourne Road, Rosebud Phone: 5986 8595 email:

Do you have a child at school who is Catholic and in Grade Three or Four? They are eligible to receive the Sacraments of either Reconciliation or Communion for the first time. Enrolments are being taken now at St Marys Star of the Sea or St Josephs School for preparation classes starting in Term 2. Please contact: the Presbytery -59844374 or St Josephs 59841291 Classes will be held in St Josephs on Wednesdays from 3.45 to 4.45pm, beginning on the 30th April The following dates are for the Sacraments to be held at St Marys Star of the Sea Church for 2014: Sacrament of Reconciliation -Wednesday 28th May at 7pm Sacrament of Eucharist (First Communion) Sunday 22nd June at 10am. Further enquiries can be made to Eileen through email:

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