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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

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jonaspeterson responded to tummus Which one is more worth it; VSCO 1 or VSCO 2? Or is it worth buying both? Recent


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I can't answer that for you. Different looks, it depends on what you like.
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jonaspeterson Hey Jonas, 2 questions: 1. Are you workshop mostly for advanced photographers? 2. Will you ever do a workshop in Jakarta, Indonesia? Thanks!

1. No, it has very little to do with photography technique. 2. If there's enough interest, sure.
Comment Share I'm a photographer based in Australia, I shoot mainly weddings. jonaspeterson Hi Jonas. I really admire your work. Do you ever use auto iso or is that giving the camera way too much control?! If so, when would that be? Thank you! Here are the 3300 first questions I've answered. If I don't answer your question, it's in this pdf. mspring_20120108.pdf

Jonas Petersons Bio

Brisbane, Australia

so far i haven't, but who knows.

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jonaspeterson responded to Tumienis Hi, do you use reflector for your shots?

The only reflector I use is if I wear a white shirt. i hope that makes sense.
6 Smiles 1 Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to flint548 JP. I know you sharpen in LR. Do you use just the "sharpen for screen" in export, or do you use the Sharpen in the Develop tab as well?

Just sharpen for screen.

1 Smile Comment Share



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

I want to start using my 580exII. I barely use it so I forgot how to. I want to use it off camera. Do you do that for weddings? Can you recommend a good stand and umbrella for it? Or a good stand and softbox? Thanks Jonas! You're cool for answering these.

No offense, but if you look at my work you would know that i'm not your guy when it comes to off camera flash and softbox/umbrellas/beauty dishes/whatever.
3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to amorrisonphoto Hey JP..commiserations on the past few weeks...sorry if you have answered b4 but I have read every answer you put up(over time) can you disclose your recommendation for software to help with laying out my new blog ie to post lots of pics in one go.Thanks!

it's built in with the blog template i'm using - ProPhotoBlogs.

3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to camillasundber Have you tried the 2,8 pancake lens frn Canon? Plastic feel and looks amateurish, but pretty damn awesome piece of glass if the light's good. Weighs nothing. Thanks!

i have not.
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jonaspeterson responded to rowdythom May I ask how you manage and organize your weddings, projects, inquiries and other business stuff? Which software do you use? Using Mac Mail + Google Calendar isn't working that well for me anymore.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to KlaraTru What do you think of Jose Villa? He used to be my fave wedding photographer, until I discovered you :) K.

Jose is amazing, definitely one of the best wedding photographers in our industry, if not the best. On top of that, he's also a really, really nice guy. He's an inspiration in every way.
4 Smiles 1 Comment Share

jonaspeterson have you ever lost an entire cf card (corrupt or accidentally deleted) from a wedding?

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jonaspeterson responded to denisdonis Hi Jonas What programs do you use to process the photos of a wedding? How many hours it



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

takes you to edit a full wedding?, Do you you process all the photos?, I look at the pdf but the pdf is not available, thank you very much for your time :)

i've answered that many times, please scroll back.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to FionaOliver A few years ago you wrote 'When shooting backlit, you either have to overexpose the value you're given or meter off your subjects' faces using spot metering". My question, do you apply exposure compensation when metering off a subject's face?

yes, depending on what skin tone you're shooting. Caucasian skin generally needs +1.5.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson sooooo... formspring isn't shutting.. are you over it or will you continue to answer questions here? Thanks Jonas!

i'm back...
11 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to phenning Ever use a 70-200 at weddings?

I used one for the ceremony at my first wedding. never after that.
2 Smiles 1 Comment Share

jonaspeterson Since this is shutting down, I just want to say your work is incredible in every way. I found your work a little less than a year ago and you really got me crying and smiling at the same time while viewing your photos. It's rare to find that these days.

thank you :)
6 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to mcederholm Your PDF in the Bio does not work, could someone create a new one to download? Thanks for all the answers!

you could
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jonaspeterson responded to bradleytownsend Hyperthetical: A potential client emails - "Since looking through countless wedding photographer sites lately have come to find that I really like that romantic intimacy look, And have noticed some of yours aren't really that :(". Your response?

Then you should book the photographer closest to what you're after. Thank you for your interest in my photography, I wish you the best.


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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson Do you know in what specific date will you be in sweden? Does the workshop will be in english? Thanks again.

No date set yet, but it will be in July. Three day workshop in English on the island of Gotland. All inclusive.
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jonaspeterson responded to justinhillphoto How many images do you use in a 45 spread album? I have a pre-design with 160 images, averaging 3-4 / spread, feels like the spreads were balanced with sequences, negative space and 'standout' images. Love to know your thought process in album design :)

I don't work like that. I start from scratch every time, utilising the different templates I have depending on the story and pace I'm faced with.
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jonaspeterson responded to lukegoing How do you manage your interstate and international work load. What happens if you have a wedding in QLD on the sat and you get ask to shoot in VIC on the Sun. Do you take it? Or do you try and wait for bookings in the same locations on the same weekend?

Never, too risky.

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jonaspeterson Do you like your own work?

I don't walk around like I'm the peacock boss, but yes, I do. I know when I could have done better, but in general, yes.
3 Smiles 1 Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to brycesouve Does your $5k for coverage include the high-res files sent to the client, or is it for coverage alone. And how many hours is included in your base time?

No high-res files in base package, that's just my coverage for people who prefer a la carte ordering. Base time is all day wedding coverage ie unlimited.
1 Smile 1 Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hi master. I'm very interested in have a workshop with you. Will you teach in june or july in Europe this year maybe? Thanks.

London in February, Vancouver in April, Sweden in July and most likely West Coast USA in September.
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jonaspeterson responded to Albertocat

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Hi Jonas, how many images do you give in your package 2 and 3 to your clients? Albums are extra right? Thank you very much

I've answered that numerous times before, look in the archives.

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jonaspeterson responded to lukegoing How much can you attribute your popularity/fame to your success? Was this a goal that you strived for in the early days, or just happenstance?

I'm not sure what you mean, my popularity hopefully came from what I offer in one way or another. I started from scratch like everyone else. People connect with what I do and that leads to more popularity and success (business-wise).
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to tummus Do you think its hard/ impossible to start a business in a small town Sweden? I hope to photograph around the country & internationally but rebro is the first stop. The wedding industry is so boring &dull here, should I try to market outside immediately?

It's hard to set up business anywhere. To succeed you need to be unrealistic. You have to believe something unrealistic will happen. Being realistic is the most commonly traveled road to mediocrity. Believe in your (astonishingly different) product and sell it to the best of your capacity.
17 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to fionaconrad Hi Jonas. For international clients, what service do you use for credit card payments? Paypal?

We have some sort of merchant service set up through our bank.

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jonaspeterson responded to rhysb123 Do you have your own darkroom? (Have you ever had a darkroom?)

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jonaspeterson responded to mcederholm Hi Jonas, do you have any book suggestions regarding telling stories with photography to share?

Instructional ones? No, not really. I think telling stories goes deeper than just putting them together image-wise. I think reading and living great stories make you tell better stories yourself. Consume great storytelling of all kinds and live a rich life and your own stories will become better.
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jonaspeterson responded to Albertocat



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Hey Jonas, Thank you for taking the time away from your family & friends to answer all those questions. Really appreciated. Are you planning on a Workshop in London? Any dates yet? Also,I shoot Nikon,135 and 180 are not as good as Canon!Any options ?

I'm going to London in three weeks, that workshop sold out a long time ago unfortunately. I can't tell you about options for Nikon, I shoot Canon.
2 Comments Share

jonaspeterson responded to JackDavolio Turning to you (and paraphrasing) an awesome question I received from one of my clients: "If for the next event I'd write you a $100.000 cheque would your photography be any better?"

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jonaspeterson responded to MMightyPhoto quick note to your followers, you can search jonas's formspring posts by googling a word or phrase plus "site:" for example, the word "lens" plus the site resulted in 410 resulting questions and answers.
http://w w w

9 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to rhysb123 I think I recall reading that you shoot film with an EOS 3 and Portra 800 - do you underexpose? If so by how many stops? (I've just got an EOS 5 and some Portra 400)

I shoot with a number of film cameras, but for 35mm I do use the EOS 3. Portra 800 is a great film, so is Portra 160. I prefer to overexpose it, NOT underexpose it. The same goes for almost all colour negative film.
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jonaspeterson Bec and Mike. As well as the usual Jonas beauty can I see a few hints of FerJ sneaking in there? That's not a bad thing, all the Stones early stuff ripped off all the blues guys, not that you're ripping.....oh forget it.....

I don't look at any wedding photographers for inspiration, so I think it's safe to say you're wrong, but Fer is awesome, so if I'd copy anyone, he'd be on the short list, fer sure.
9 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson In this age of 'swooners' (you know, they only say "amazing", "just incredible", "you are god" etc etc in FB et al comments) - how do you not get swept up in that and kept 'grounded' and how do you know when it's not "awesome"?

Good question. I started my personal blog in 2005 and quickly built quite an audience. Some 50,000



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

comments later, I think it's safe to say I've seen my share of both haters and fans. I love when people like what I do, but it doesn't make me think I'm all that. Far from it. All I can do is be the best I can be, tell stories that mean something to me and treat people well. I'm my own compass, my guiding voice. And I know when I'm not that awesome, trust me.
8 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to lukegoing How do you respond to a bride who is SO critical of the way she looks in your photos, even though you think she looks smashing? Do you take down photos from your blog/FB if they have any issues with a particular photo?

It's never happened. If it would happen, I would take them down.

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to JimboGrimbo Do you think your photography lacks a sense of connection with the subject. I don't mean that as an insult, but it's just that your work seems to be more about gimmicks and patterns and less about really exploring "who" your subjects are.

7 Comments Share

jonaspeterson responded to JimboGrimbo Your site says that weddings last 12-15 hours, but a couple of years again you would go on about shooting for no less than 18 hour days. Just wondering; are you getting tired of your job?

I have never ever "gone on about shooting no less than 18 hour days". I start when my clients want me to and end when they end. That's usually 12-16 hours.
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jonaspeterson responded to jordanloldfield It's a real shame if some people on here feel you owe them something. I think you deserve nothing but commendation for giving up so much time (3500+ answers) to share your knowledge. Your stories are emotive. Would love to attend a workshop in Brissy.

Thank you. Brissie workshop will happen late in the year.

2 Smiles 1 Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to bradleytownsend When starting out would you have ever taken, say an Australia Day Pub Event or MIss Eroctia try establish yourself even though it is not your strategic direction?

Nope, the jobs you take on starting out will direct which path you end up on. Choose your clients well.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

I finally had a couple add an album to a wedding package...yay! i based my prices off where i plan on printing, but have no idea how to word it in my contract when i'll design it and when i'll deliver it? is there a standard timeframe? advice?

Nope, you set the standard. As with most things in this industry of ours, find out what works for you and sell it.
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jonaspeterson responded to tummus So you left the commercial world for wedding photography. Now I'm starting to get into the business and can't help but think there are alot of money, stress, competition, business mind, commercial shit about this job too. Am I wrong, will it get better?

The difference is that 100% of my clients care about what I deliver. I make a positive difference in their lives. I also love what I produce. Running a business will always involve real world business problems.
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jonaspeterson responded to iammarkevans Hi! So I'm just starting out, my prices are low, yet I still can't get bookings. I don't know what my next move should be. Getting things started is turning out to be the hardest part ever. I feel stuck in a huge rut. Any tips?

Networking, SEO, second shooting, hitting the streets with brochures and business cards. Busking. Anything.
7 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to MattCleveland Can you resolve an ongoing debate For your evening shots, such as, do you use a honeycomb grid? p-content/uploads/2012/11/w in

No grid.
1 Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to rashmipappu Jonas : first, what you do is amazing. second, please please please take on that kerala wedding. like seriously. it is such STUNNING country in the backwaters of kerala.. only you could do it justice.

I don't think I've been contacted about an Indian wedding in India. I would have remembered.
1 Smile 1 Comment Share

jonaspeterson Part 2) you said "I have in a very short amount of time built a highly successful photography business"... dont you think that everything in God's hands, so He let you succeed? And it's just right rime and right place. or ALL your success because of you?

I believe in potential. I certainly don't believe in any God wanting to see us fail. Even if there is a creator, I believe it is up to us to work with what we're given. To be the



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

best people we can be, to do things with purpose.
11 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Part1) I have seen something else under the sun: The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all. (Bible)

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jonaspeterson responded to merarib Hi, I wonder why you and plenty of others photographers stop using watermarks? if you answer this before let me know, your rapidshare pdf is no longer available : (

Because they are ugly and distract attention away from the actual image.
3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to cascavel22 Apologies if you've been asked this before. You've said that you only apply Kubota Magic Sharp on hi-res 22mp images only. How do you then sharpen images that are <20mp? Are they considered lo-res and therefore get treated with Sharpen for Web ?

I sharpen in LR these days.

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jonaspeterson Recce'ing before the day - how important to you is it to have some pre-visualisation at locations and is it something you've always done? Happy 2013 to you...

You can do it without, but I prefer to know what I'm doing location-wise beforehand. I don't pre-visualize shots, just assess the actual location for light and possible backgrounds. I have always done it.
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jonaspeterson responded to lolaso81 Would you ever be on creative live if get an invitation?

Not impossible...
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jonaspeterson How often, if ever, do guests recognise you/approach you and ask you about your work during weddings?

More and more.

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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson responded to SergiuSalcau Canon 35 1.4L ?

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to wldeyd Hi Jonas, I use VSCO for my processing. I've recently had a complaint from a client due to the graininess of the photos. She's worried she won't be able to enlarge her photos past a 5x8. Have you ever had anyone complain about this? Thank you!

I dont use the grain in VSCO.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to lolaso81 Hey Jonas I'm sure that someone has asked you this question but it seems that the PDF link is broken. so here it is.In the receptions photos, the double exposure is done in camera or in production? p-content/uploads/2012/04/voe

That's a single, not double, exposure. In camera. Pretty much straight out of camera actually.
3 Comments Share

jonaspeterson responded to tantanchacha Hi Jonas, what image ingestion software do you use? (the one that can do YYMMDDHHMMSS). This would be a revelation for me to use. And thanks .

I know it's annoying to go through the questions I've already answered, but I'm going to have to ask you to do that. The answer is there. Several times.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Before you shoot the wedding, do recommend the bride to get her makeup done near a window? And explain why?

No, it's their wedding, not my photo shoot.

8 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Early on did you ever feel pressure to revert to a safety (plain vanilla, cheesy) wedding style to establish that your a "wedding photog"?did you ever have second thoughts if you could attract a large enough market for ur style? thnx!!!!!!!

Never. I was convinced there were people out there wanting something that WASN'T plain vanilla and cheesy. That was my whole reason for shooting weddings in the first place.
11 Smiles Comment Share



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

How many wedding did you shoot in 2012? how many booked in 2013?

50. 28.
4 Smiles 1 Comment Share

jonaspeterson How long do you plan on being a wedding photographer for? Its rare to see a 50 year old still shooting weddings. Plan on doing something else?

the world is my oyster.

6 Smiles 1 Comment Share

jonaspeterson Would you call yourself a wedding photojournalist? Because you shoot mostly candids?

I don't believe in labels. My style is me.

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to mariocolli Hi Jonas Photo finish or not for your albums ?? Thanks

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Lens hoods or no lens hoods?

I always keep the hoods on, caps off and no filters.

4 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Do you ever edit on your laptop? The printing company we want to go with said it was a bad idea and if we want to get matching prints, well have to use a desktop.

I edit on a calibrated external display, but my computer is a laptop.

1 Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to alessandraeliza Thank you so much for your vision, and for the way you perceive the stories that can be told through photography. Your images consistently take my breath away, and I'm so grateful for your eagerness to share the way you see the world with those around you

Thank you so much, that means a lot to me.

5 Smiles Comment Share


jonaspeterson responded to Notunclebob

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Hi Jonas, what were your camera settings and what lens did you use for this image: p-content/uploads/2012/11/har

Canon 5D mark III, 50mm 1.2L, ISO 800, f/16, 1/50s.

3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hey Jonas, regarding redesign you website, are you satisfied with ProPhoto blog you use now or you will changed it for some completely different soon? Thank you for your answer.

That's a discussion I haven't had with my designer yet.

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to librarabbit You haven't, as far as I know, shot a wedding in England, UK. Is that because a wedding in the UK might not fit with your brand or shooting style?

I haven't had any inquiries from the UK ever.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson hey jp. i love your use of negative space. do you tend to get it right in camera or do you crop in post?

Always in camera.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to nepthelojaniol Your framing seems to be tighter recently? Are you using the 50mm a lot more or is the 35 still bread and butter?

I'm not sure what you mean by recently. The latest wedding I blogged was from July this year, the one before that from Febraury, the one before that from July again. I don't post chronologically. With that said, I mix a lot more these days, some wedding I hardly use the 35, others a don't use the 50.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to toddpellowe If you had to redesign your website and blog, who would you commission?

It's happening... I'll save the reveal until it's done.

6 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson I'm sure it's been asked, but did you find shooting your first film-only wedding very different to



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

digi? Were you more nervous or still your usual calm, boss self?

I've shot film at weddings before in Italy and the Bahamas, so this wasn't that different. I was still very excited and a little nervous to be shooting ALL film. It was like going on a first date :) Loved it.
9 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hey mate. So there's this wedding... 2,500 guests traveling down the Malabar coast in ornate houseboats to beautiful Kerala, India. 2 days of celebration. Client can only pay for flights & stay. Worthy? Have you ever traded payment for an awesome exp.?

Send them to me, I'd do it.

11 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to spl72 jonas, how's the MBProRetina and Lightroom run. quick enough? considering this over desktop...

Yeah, no regrets, it's super fast. And combined with an external thunderbolt display in my studio, I now have both a laptop AND a desktop.
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jonaspeterson Hey dude, is there any particular reason not to have full pricing on your blog/website? Thanks

Yes. By only showing starting price, I get prospective clients to contact me with more details about their wedding. If I'm not available for their date, I can refer them on to other photographers on my referral list and possibly even talk them into changing their date for me. The first option is great for networking, the other could be great for me. Often when I'm out of someone's budget range, we can come up with some kind of solution, if that's what *I* want to do. By starting a conversation with them, I'm in control and can decide how to move forward. Some of my most amazing weddings were - on paper - not meant to be, but by listening and communicating, we worked it out. If I disclose my whole price list on my website, I will miss out on that opportunity. You want clients to come in to your shop to browse and ask questions. Once there I'll lock the door behind them. :)
23 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to Formspring Silver or Gold?

Platinum, baby.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to mcederholm



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Hi Jonas, do you use some kind of CRM system to keep track of everything, take notes of details, billing etcetera? Thanks!

3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to ANDREWandANN I love your use of the 45mm. Have you ever tried or wanted to use a wider tilt shift (24 or 17mm) for the more architectural shots?

No, I haven't.
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jonaspeterson responded to yurahen Hi Jonas, I am assuming there's more flexibility with attire/personal style when shooting untraditional weddings. What do you tend to wear? And thoughts on standing out, as opposed to the dull all-black referee outfit.

I change what I wear all the time. Lately I'm been wearing black slim pants, a red or blue chambray shirt and a black bow tie. I adapt.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Do you still keep all the Raws from every wedding? Or do you just keep the finished jpgs?

All edited RAW files and hi-res jpegs.

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jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, thanks so much for taking the time to answer questions here. Just a question on skin. I seem to be pushing the red channel in Lightroom 4 that I am losing some detail in skin, do you have any tips for editing skin? Do you check with the wb tool?

I don't edit skin, sorry. I make sure the image is properly exposed in camera, later my post processing is very light, so that doesn't really alter the image much.
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jonaspeterson Before editing the photos of a wedding, do you have an idea how do you want them to look like? I'm mean the tones/colors that create an atmosphere

The tones and colours in post don't create the atmosphere, the atmosphere creates the atmosphere. The tones and colours OF the scene could help create atmosphere and then I will do my best to capture that.
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jonaspeterson J-train! hope you're doing well. ever use the brenizer technique at weddings? been playing around with it today and wondered if you'd ever given it a go. cheers!!


Nope :)
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson responded to GDphotography Romney or Obama? who you like more

I'm brought up in a left-wing intellectual home in Sweden, have a guess.

15 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson I'm the one from the wedding-albums again...Just did some extra research on your printing, and found out you've been having my q A LOT on your blog, without giving an answer. So, err, sorry if you don't want to tell, I totally respect that :).

It's been answered here plenty of times. Vision Art Books. Original Art Book, always.
3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to melissaszolo Do you think its important to your branding that people can say you name?

I don't think it hurts. It's a simple name to remember and that helps word of mouth.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, Just wondering (because you may have me as a client in the future) would you photograph a same-sex marriage? or more to the point, have you already?

I would love to shoot a same sex wedding. I haven't been asked to shoot one yet.
6 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hey Jonas, who's the "we" you refered to? Is that you, and your wife? I never in all this time heard you refer to yourself in the third person...? Love your work by the by!

We is me and my wife and sometimes my two boys. They are integral to what I do, why I do it and we're a unit. My life used to be all about me. Now, not so much.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, do you use a filter on your 35mm?

No, I never use filters.

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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

What you think of homeschooling? Do you think it's better idea that regular school?

I haven't thought about it enough to have an opinion. If you're passionate about it and have the time to spend, I'm sure homeschooling can be great. My friend Hailey Bartholomew and her husband has done a great job with their kids.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson When you gonna speak at BodaF ?

Madrid, Spain - 25-28 February 2013.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Any chance to have your workshop in Sweden?

I'm sitting down to plan 2013 this week, I know there's been a lot of interest in Gothenburg and possibly another one in Stockholm. Then there's also Gotland where I've been wanting to do something for years. Plus I've just bought a house there...
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to glhiggins0407 How about a quick wee flight over to Belfast after your london workshop and do one here in Northern Ireland - we are always forgotten about... And I can guarantee it would get filled :-) For such a wee country we have an awesome community of photogs!!

I wish, I fly directly to Spain to speak at Boda F in Madrid before going to Vegas to record the Film Show. I'd love to come to Belfast, but it won't happen exactly then.
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jonaspeterson responded to kesoburken Impossible to answer perhaps but would an 85mm be a good complement to a 50mm for church ceriemonies (or would it be better to get a longer one like 135mm)?

I'd get the 135L (if you're a Canon shooter. The Nikon one is famous for being not so great.)
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hey Jonas I'm doing my first wedding and wondering if I have a 5d mark II with a 50mm 1.4 would a 70-200mm 2.8 cover me otherwise? I'm hiring the second body and lens so only have the choice of one other lens.

Possibly. I prefer to have something a little wider (24 or a 35) than 50mm for many parts of the day, but I know people who shoot a whole day with a 50mm.
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jonaspeterson responded to haydenphoenix



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Hey Jonas Any idea when you'll be opening the london workshop for booking? Also how much? Thanks.

As soon as the venue is confirmed, I'll put something together. I'm also checking whether I should do one or two, because there seems to be a lot of interest.
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jonaspeterson 'If i miss a shot, it never happenned' a little nugget of gold from Garry Winogrand... Ever used that line with a Bride post-wedding day?

My brides book me because of my shooting style, they're generally very relaxed when it comes to the shots captured. They know I focus on telling the story of the day, not capturing every single detail.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hey Jonas, do you still use the 85 1.8? If not how do you cope when you want the 85mm focal length but the 85 1.2 is too slow to focus in situations where there are moving objects? Thanks mate!

I rarely find it too slow. If I miss a shot, that shot never happened, so I don't look at it that way.
3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson So you've just uploaded your images from a wedding. What is your workflow from here? Do you scan through a few times and rate them then edit basic exposure, white balance etc. where to from there? Getting a workflow down pat is tough.

I cover all that in detail in my workshop, you should come :)

3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hi JP, Im pretty fresh to the industry :) Last wedding I got shunted to the crowds for the ceremony (Celebrant rules). Disappointed, but I complied. Would you? (This wasn't a church wedding) How much sway should a civil celebrant really have here?

That's a joke. I'd respect a priest, but a marriage celebrant is hired by the couple, they should not dictate anything.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Business Class or Economy? What Frequent Flyer status are you? Which is your preferred airline of choice - Virgin? SPG or Hilton Honors? Hertz Presidents Circle?

I fly economy. Often economy saver. And that makes my frequent flyer platinum status even more impressive :) Virgin. Hilton Honors.


Hertz Presidents Circle.
3 Smiles Comment Share

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson responded to rhysb123 Having seen the recent photo of yourself that you posted via Twitter I'm curious as to which Polaroid Camera you favour?

I shoot with a Polaroid 180 and also with an SX-70.

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jonaspeterson Hej Jonas, do you shoot at maximum aperture if subject is moving? It is very hard to get sharp photo if subject is moving and shooting at f/1.2 or f/1.4. Could you advice something regarding this issue? Thank you.

I shoot wide open with moving subjects all the time using AI Servo. We're generally talking about subjects moving towards me or away from me, not erratic movement.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, do you shoot in Standard mode?

I do.
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jonaspeterson responded to nectarinephotog Hey Jonas, my blog images are sized at 1000px wide. I want to bring it down a bit to about 700px. Does that mean all my past posts will look bad ? Your opinion ?

Don't know, you're better off asking your blog template provider or check wordpress forums.
Comment Share

jonaspeterson Do you show your couples their photos in person if they live nearby?

No, because generally I'm not nearby when it's time to deliver them :-/
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to antman124 Hi Jonas, firstly thank you so much for giving ur time to answer all these questions. U r a real inspiration! Ok, so do u think it is naive for me to give up a fairly good career in engineering, to work on becoming a full time photographer?

I can't answer that for you. It depends on way too many factors. How important is money to you, how well do you handle risk, what's your motivation in life? All I can say is that I gave up a well paid career in advertising to follow my heart. I have never looked back, but my situation is/was mine, your situation is yours.
5 Smiles Comment Share



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson Hey Jonas, on average, how many spreads would you say are in the albums you design? How do your clients know how much the album will be? flat rate or spread based price? Thanks for your time!

35-40 spreads on average. 20 spreads included, anything above is paid per extra spread. This is communicated numerous times before the process starts. With that said, I'm currently re-working my offer. I'm not a fan of having to upsell. At all.
4 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to titirangi Hey Jonas! Possible weird question ... If you could shoot any wedding in history of time (with time travel being amazing) ... is there one you would love to shoot?

Jesus and Mary Magdalene.

13 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to lewieduck When you were still a copywriter and spent your downtime taking photos, what did you look for? Nice light? I notice a lot of your early Flickr shots taken down alleyways and the like - often ones with striking lighting conditions. Broad question, I know!

I really don't know what I was looking for, photography has always been very intuitive for me, meaning that when I know, I know, but I don't consciously look for anything. Light, composition, color, contrast, lines, layering and balance are common elements, sometimes they work together and sometimes they work against each other. I still don't know what triggers me to take an image.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Mr Peterson, you are a man of fine taste. Do you got any suggestions for good poetry books? I'm about to write my letter to Santa.

Actual Air - David Berman The Age of Drowning - Billy Collins The Last Night of the Earth Poems - Charles Bukowski
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to phenning Happy with the 27 cinema display?

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jonaspeterson responded to luisefigenio In your first destinations, did your clients were Australians who married abroad or were foreigners? For people like me with only local wedding portefolio(portugal), how do I reach to foreign clients? Any advice?



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

I did my first destination for a friend, the second one was for someone who knew me from my personal blog. Getting published on international blogs was probably more important than actually shooting destination weddings though. You need people overseas to see your work for them to hire you.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to jonasfotograf Hi Jonas, Jonas here ;-) What do you think, is the 85/1.2 so much better than the 135/2 that it's worth the money?

They're two different focal lengths - are hammers better than guitars? Bad example maybe, but when you need a 135mm lens, the 85 won't do, and vice versa. They are both amazing lenses.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Jonas hey. Just wondering when you may, if at all, be doing another workshop in Brisbane? Thank you!

Yeah, for sure, I just haven't had a chance to sit down and look at next year's schedule yet. I'm traveling a LOT.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson ok, i get it now... i appreciate you explaining it. i interpreted your very short response wrong, i'm sorry. @haydenphoenix, really? 'unbelievable arrogance and stupidity'? i thought jp was being short (he was) and sarcastic. that's how i read it :)

No worries, I can be short sometimes, but I'm never rude or mean on purpose.
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jonaspeterson responded to etan870 hi jonas, just to say that your work is incredible. may i just ask you which vsco presets do you use in your weddings pictures. They look WOW!!! Thanks

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jonaspeterson ok, i'd admit, people should look in the archives before asking, and i for one, have read through them all...probably 2-3x. that's why i picked up on that 'weekend in melbourne' question immediately. was trying to clue you in. could do without the rude.

Look, listen, I didn't understand what he/she was referring to, so I asked "What weekend in Melbourne". When you informed me, I said "Ah". The "Yeah" refers to "I get it now" and the "No" refers to "No, I won't let people I don't know second shoot for me". If that's rude, then so be it.
2 Smiles Comment Share



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson in your workshops, if asked, would you consider showing your ase post processing as well as processing with vsco film?

I go through everything in detail in my workshops, exactly what actions I use, shutter speeds and aperture for flash, the whole kit and kaboodle. If people want to know what I did before, I show that too.
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jonaspeterson responded to melissaszolo Hey Jonas I'm my photography would be best described as Guy Sebastian trying to get played on triple J! I keep blaming Nikon and my editing but I know deep down its me :( any ideas how to change my ways?

Your gear is completely irrelevant. It's all about seeing and capturing. The best advice I can give you is to practice more. It took me a very long time to get to a place where I was happy with my images. I'm still not happy all the time, but I know I get some good shots here and there.
5 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson ahhh that was so mean! =( instead of typing "I've answered that before" you could have typed the named of the plugin,

I respond like that every now and then to educate people. Look. In. The. Archives.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson It's obvious the person asking if you needed a 2nd shooter 'that weekened in Melbourne' was referring to your response to @haydenphoenix question about meeting up. It was just 4 questions ago. You said, "Unfortunately I'm in MELBOURNE that WEEKEND."

Ah. Yeah. No.

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jonaspeterson what music player plugin do you use on your blog?

I've answered that before.

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jonaspeterson Need a second shooter for your weekend in Melbourne? That is if you are shooting a wedding?

My weekend in Melbourne?


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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson Do you still back up anything to CD in addition to hard drives? If so, where do you store your CDs? Any book/binder/box that's particularly good for organization? My place is a mess with CDs. Thanks!

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jonaspeterson responded to haydenphoenix Hey Jonas I'm arriving in Brisbane on the morning of the 9th Nov from london and would love to meet for a beer? Sometimes I make more sense with sleep deprivation. Keen?

Unfortunately I'm in Melbourne that weekend.

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jonaspeterson responded to PawelBebenca HI JP, any thoughts about 6d ?

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson when you bring a second shooter to a destination wedding, does the client pay for their travel as well?

I've never brought a second shooter to destination weddings.

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jonaspeterson responded to Byamylynn In the market for a new website, do you have anything that you could recommend that is easy to use, efficient and cost effective? Thanks!
3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Just wondering if it is ShowItFast that you use? Any promo codes? Do I just pay the $200 and download it and fiddle with it? Any tips?

I bought my copy six years ago, I think it's called ShowIt Slideshow today. Fiddling is good.
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jonaspeterson Jonas, do you run when you see something interesting happening around you?



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Running is never a good look, so I try to avoid it, but if necessary I will bolt like a cheetah.
9 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to EmilieIgg Hi Jonas! Do you sometimes doubt of yourself? You seem so confident and it's really impressive. Love your work and loved your wedding photos and videos!

When it comes to my creative work, I don't, I only see opportunity. That doesn't mean I think I'm the, it simply means I see potential in myself, potential it's up to me to do something about. If I fail (and I do) I get up again. And again. And again.
10 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to 4ftPhotoz do you twitter?
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to brianflint hey, jonas. What is your current film to digital ratio you use during weddings? thanks in advance!

I'm still almost 100% digital for weddings, but all my personal work and some portrait and editorial work is film. I'm working on it...
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hi Jonas! Re: estimating the travel fee for international weddings. Do you have a flat fee per destination, or do you research and give a custom quote for each wedding? Do clients ever negotiate the travel fee, try to find cheaper hotel/flights? Thanks!

Flat fee for every wedding. Travel and accommodation on top. Some people try to negotiate, sometimes I stand my ground, sometimes I reason, it all depends on the situation.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to benjhaisch Has your recent wedding changed your approach to photographing another wedding at all?

Yeah, I think it reinforced a lot. The things I've SAID are important for me, i now KNOW are important. In many ways my wedding turned out better than I could have ever imagined and having the Parsons there to capture it only sweetened what I already knew.
9 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, have you ever had a bride and groom change their wedding date so they could book you? I so would!


Oh yes :)
2 Smiles Comment Share

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson Re: blog width, you've commented before that your old dim (666px) was great for storytelling. I'm with you 100%, but would love to hear why you think that's so. And why you went bigger? Also, you think you'll go larger as retina displays become popular?

When you see more than one image on screen, it's easier to tell a story since you're seeing a sequence of images, not just one. When I started my blog many people were still using laptops 1064x700 pixels (or something like that). Today many people are on 1280x800 something screens, so I have made my images a little larger to accommodate. I will probably go larger again once the standard changes.
3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to leehphoto Hey Jonas, just wanted to thank you as your work constantly inspires me to work hard an improve my photography, I feel I learn something new just looking at your blog posts, never mind here. So again, Thanks

Thanks man, I really appreciate it.

4 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, I really admire your dancefloor shots! I was wondering do you shoot these using the Manual flash mode instead of ETTL? If so, can i ask what are the Manual Flash settings you use the most?

Yup, always manual. I shoot at 1/64 power.

4 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to kathleenfrank No reply needed, just completely excited to see you and Jan added to the film cast! not many ways to make the Ryan, T, &, T crew better, but this is so one. Need it to start now!

Thanks, I'm very excited too. I may not have been the obvious choice considering I shoot a lot of digital too, but in many ways I think that's why they wanted me on board. The film talibans can get a bit scary at times.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to loverocks66169 I hope you don't mind if I ask this. do you use custom picture style on your camera? :)

Another question I've answered numerous times, but ok. Picture style only affects jpeg images, I shoot RAW at all times. Picture style will affect the preview on the back of the camera, so the best option is to use something relatively neutral, but I stick with the Standard style.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to iammarkevans You+Ryan+Jan on the Film show...gonna be so RAD! Cant wait!



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Let's not forget T&T :)

4 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to loverocks66169 Hi jonas, I'm a big fan of yours! I won't ask anything, just want to say Hi. :)

Hello there :)
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jonaspeterson ever use a your external light meter with your 5d mark iii?

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jonaspeterson responded to alexbeker Hi Jonas, what's your workflow when using the VSCO film filters? Do you first choose the type of film and then start working the the toolkit filters? Thanks.

I don't use the toolkit much.

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jonaspeterson do you shoot in live view mode? :)

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jonaspeterson When you shoot a photo are looking through the viewfinder with both eyes open?

I use my left eye.

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jonaspeterson If Jakob from Nordica is Brad Pitt, Jonas Peterson is Anthony Kiedis from Red Hot Chili Peppers?

That. Could not have been further from the truth...

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jonaspeterson responded to rhysb123 Putting Technical/Artistic issues to one side, what has photography taught you over the years?



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

That the way I see the world is worthy of sharing.
4 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Do you realize the way you answer is arrogant and rude? Example:"You clearly don't follow me on Twitter or Facebook"- heaven forbid they don't follow you! People take time to ask you questions, care about your response, and in return you're short and cold

I'm only human.

6 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to Notunclebob Hey Jonas, do you retouch portraits? As in whiten teeth, remove wrinkles, double chins, etc.

Very, very rarely.

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hello Jonas, thank you in advance for your answer. Have you ever attended or shot a theme wedding? Like medieval, historic?

Not yet :)
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jonaspeterson responded to Ericamarsh Hey Jonas, just wondering if you use the highlight tone priority feature on the 5d III. What does it do, do you switch it on and does it affect the image if it was taken in Raw? Thanks!

I don't use it. You can easily google what it does.

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jonaspeterson what kind of car do you drive?

A Volvo XC-90.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson What is that incredibly amazing song that you posted along with your latest incredibly beautiful wedding? It's so perfect!

It's a track from "Living Room Songs" by Olafur Arnalds.

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jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, I blog selectively to try to maintain a clear voice/brand. I've just heard that one of our brides is v offended her wedding isn't blogged. We didnt promise anything but now I feel bad.


Any advice?

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Yeah. I have answered that question a couple of times before. Dig and ye shall find.
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jonaspeterson responded to GDphotography What the most important part in PHOTOJURNALISTIC photography?

I don't know, I'm not a photo journalist.

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jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, how do I move away from a traditional style to a documentary style when I've got about 30 weddings booked over the next year for couples who booked me for my traditional style? I'm starting to loathe shooting so many portraits and details.

You shoot both ways, deliver traditional, but only blog PJ images.
6 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hello Jonas, do you have been in Portugal?

Actually, I haven't. It's one of the few countries in Europe I haven't been to.
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jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, you sad that if you are in a room with consistent lighting you set your aperture and shutter speed once and then shoot away. What you do if you are in room with different lighting like bright sun and deep shadows? Thank you.

I adjust my exposure depending on the light, if the light is inconsistent I have to adjust more often.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to Jriveralo How much do you like your EOs3?

I like it plenty. No issues at all.

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jonaspeterson I was under the impression that wedding photographers who did workshops weren't successful & needed to do them to supplement income. This is obviously not the case w/ you. What do you get out of doing them? (please don't take this the wrong way) :)

No, that's ok. I think I have something to share and I enjoy teaching and talking to people who like what I like. It's pretty much that simple.
8 Smiles Comment Share



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson responded to lewieduck Dear Jonas - How do you get a nice blue sky without underexposing the main subject of your shot (eg in this shot of your new studio, the sky is blue but the studio itself is nicely exposed: Go easy on me; I'm new at this!

For that shot I used the dodge tool in Photoshop to lighten the interior of the studio. The shot was exposed for the sky.
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jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, Any tips exposing film with your eos 3? Thank you!

That depends on the film stock, not the camera.

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jonaspeterson Would you be able to please recommend a blog that accepts/features beautiful weddings based on the celebration of the couple's love and commitment for each other and not how many paper straws/mason jars/string lights they have? Thank you!

A Practical Wedding
5 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to shootmesteph I know you have mentioned before that you basically stick to 9am-5pm hours in your office, in order to maintain a work-life balance. How about when you first started your business? Did you find yourself working all of the time?

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson I found your recent Facebook photo interesting--the whole contact sheets thing. Just curious: Were those keepers or was that a glimpse of the original cull?

That was before the first cull.

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jonaspeterson Thanks Jonas! Though what would you charge? Or should I say, come to a number that seems right? A % of the package? How would you word it to the client? Like "Note: All holiday bookings are subject to an additional fee -- 10% of the total package price."

I don't do holiday bookings, this would be a specific case and I would treat it as such. How much extra money would I want for shooting on NYE? $1000? $2000? $4000? I would then add that onto my base fee which is what it costs for me to shoot. Adding 10% to things like albums and prints makes no sense to me, that has nothing to do with NYE.
1 Smile Comment Share



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson Have you ever gotten a request for a wedding on New Years Eve? It's a Monday this year. Would take it? Or say you're not available and/or explain your reasoning -- ie to spend w/ family? Or charge more since it's a holiday? Curious how you'd handle it :)

Personally I would only do it if it was in an exciting location I hadn't been and I could bring my family with me. I make enough money as it is, I don't "need" to shoot on days I want to spend with friends and family. I would probably charge a NYE fee on top of my normal packages. If I didn't want to do it, I would tell the clients exactly that, they don't need to know why.
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jonaspeterson responded to GDphotography 35mm VS medium format? What you like most and why? Thank you!

I secretly want to shoot large format. The bigger the better. The only thing i like with 35mm over MF and LF is the convenience and speed. I love grabbing fleeting moments, unexpected meetings of elements that create some kind of symmetry etc. I'm not very good at catching those on MF. But I prefer the look and DOF of MF over 35mm.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to haydenphoenix Hi Jonas As you travel a lot I assume you're aware of the wedding photography industries in various countries. I'm moving to QLD next year and I'm interested to know you would describe the industry in Australia compared to other countries? thanks

It depends on who you're talking to, but I think it's one of the strongest in the world. People are willing to pay for good photography and above all, people love weddings.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Excuse my ignorance, but what is ASE and what it is used for?

Ok, but this is seriously the last time, ok? ASE = Alien Skin Exposure It's a plugin for photoshop and lightroom. It emulates different film stocks. The latest version is 4. There are a lot of film plugins, but what makes ASE the best is the film GRAIN.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson I think I've seen all your news and posts lately and I'm wondering, have I missed THE link to your wedding? You did get married, didn't you? Sorry if this feels too intrusive.

You clearly don't follow me on Twitter or Facebook.

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jonaspeterson responded to luisefeigenio

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Hi Jonas, Which persons/photographers that you consider that have influenced you and become a reference to your grown as a photographer ?

Everyone I've ever met have influenced me in one way or another. I'm not even sure you're able to choose what influences you. Some have made me grow, some have made me smaller, it's a constant fight.
3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson I respect your decision, but I've read somewhere below on this formspring you won't answer q's about post processing anymore. Howcome? :) (Just curious! Wanted to know your opinion about that, hope that's okay!)

Because it doesn't matter how many times I answer questions about post processing, people still keep asking the same questions. Photography isn't about what VSCO preset your favorite photographer uses today, I want people to look further and ask other questions.
16 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson hi jonas! absolutly love your work! amazes me every time i look at your new work! how do you blur the image at the bottom/top (tilt-shift lens) effect - i have been trying to figure this out in lightroom and photoshop for ages and am getting no where! :)

That's what the tilt-shift lens does, it's not a photoshop or lightroom effect.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson if a new client ONLY wants a service from your add-on offerings & assumes that those prices are standalone, how would you explain that they're not, while not sounding like a jerk? i'm dealing with this now as i discount add-ons and recoup with packages.

Just explain it to them in a nice way. It's business, you're not running a charity.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to iammarkevans I have a few 8gig sd cards, would it be safe to run these in a sd to cf adaptor in my 5d classic? Or would you only ever use proper cf cards on a client shoot? Be a shame to waste them, and they won't be worth anything on eBay really. Thanks!

I have no idea, dude.

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Was the 16gb card that went bad fairly new? I bought 2 of them (sandisk extreme pro) and had one where i got an error 4x in a row while ingesting...would ingest a few than stop. Tried a nonsandisk reader on the 5th try and it worked.

Yeah, it was very new. I still use it. Haven't had a problem since that first and only time.


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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson responded to richardgrainger G'day Jonas. When using your 5D3's do you save images to both cards (in camera) as duplicates, use the second card as overflow or leave the SHDC blank all together? Have you ever had one of your cards damaged and unable to download off the card?

I save RAW to card one and full jpegs to card 2. I've had one card go bad on me before, it was a 16GB card. Luckily recovery software got the images back.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Can you remember your first thought when you woke up on your Wedding day?

Whoa, where am I...

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson i love your work! do you edit your film photographs? :) best greetings from germany!

Generally I don't, no. That's what I pay the lab top dollar to do for me.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson You once said you shoot warm, but I assume outdoor light differs tremendously from Brisbane to Colorado and Sweden to Gozo. Do you find you need to compensate for Mediterranean shoots to maintain consistency or doesn't that really bother you?

Doesn't bother me. I'm not too anal when it comes to white balance. If it looks good to me and fits the kind of mood I want to portray, I'm happy.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to mymopix Hi Jonas, I allways have the same problem the couple ask me how to move,stay, if I say pl relax and take attention to each other they look at me with big eyes an hanging arms, the result is I tell everything and the pictures look you have a tip?

To get relaxed portraits you need to get the couple relaxed. How you do that it very individual. There are no real tips to be shared, but the more relaxed and confident you are, the easier it is for them to trust you.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson I enjoy the slow journey toward bettering one's work that comes with photography. And that the journey, if it's to have any value at all, is ultimately a personal one. So I guess this is a personal question: Where are you on your journey? And what do you

Where I am? I am here. Nothing else matters. I can't influence my future, only the present.
1 Smile Comment Share



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

in your experience, when is the best time to shoot a couple's picture? is it at the "golden hour" when the sun is setting or rising?

It depends on where in the world you are and what time of year it is. The hour before sunset is a good bet where I live because the sun sets pretty quickly here, but in places further away from the equator the sun sets slower which means you have to keep that in mind. Maybe the sun will already be below the tree line or behind mountains the last hour before the sunset. That's why I always do a location recce before I'm shooting. I also do it at the time of day I intend to shoot. If I can't do the recce at the right time of day, I use an app called "Sun Seeker" for my iPhone.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Highest you'll going in Iso with 5d iii?

I prefer to stay below 12,800, but I've delivered photos shot on ISO 16,000.
3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson if a wedding you shot was featured on a blog & then another blog wanted to 're' feature it (or rather feature it too), is there a standard waiting time between posts? so the first blog doesn't get mad. 2 weeks? or should you kindly let the 1st blog know?

As soon as it's been featured somewhere it's usually ok to re-blog it.

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jonaspeterson when you first started do you get a lot of bogan wedding's ? If so how did you get away from them and start shooting really nice weddings ?

Shame on you for judging people.

18 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to brittanymahood so i know that watermarks are lame and no one is using them...but in the age of pinterest, tumblr, facebook, isn't it hard to release images, watch them spread with no credit? and we can all hope there will be, but there isn't usually. thoughts?

We're in a transitional period when it comes to those sort of things, that's for sure. I expect the matter to be sorted via exif information "shortly". Until win some, you lose some.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to bertuzziphotos Do you allow second shooters to post images they capture at your weddings to their portfolio/blog/website? What is your stance on this?

If I blog the wedding or if it's featured somewhere, I allow my second shooters to use the images publicly. If I decide not to blog or send the wedding to be published somewhere, I don't allow their images to be used.


2 Smiles Comment Share

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson No answers in more than a month! Do you really expect us to go on without you!?

Formspring reset my password and wouldn't let me access my account for two months. I'm serious. Just got the matter sorted now.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to jamesbennett2 Hey :) Do you know any good film labs that do good neg scans? The one I use doesn't honour the original characteristics of the negatives - they apply way too much sharpening/contrast etc.

Richard's Photo Lab - Los Angeles.

5 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson What's in your bag when you're shooting weddings these days?

Same as before. I've upgraded my 85 1.8 to an 85L and I use that a LOT.
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jonaspeterson Hey JP. Just wondering if you are using vsco 1 or 2 or both? Thanks!

Not answering post processing questions anymore, sorry.

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hi Jonas! In an average year, around how many weddings do you shoot, and around how many of those do you blog?

The last three years I've shot about 50 weddings per year. I blog some local, some interstate and some international work - the stuff I think represent me the best.
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jonaspeterson responded to noahfoto How did you edit the rooftop pic from Alex and Fridas wedding? I really like the faded green/black in the trees, good job!

With VSCO Film.

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jonaspeterson You should be a sommarpratare. Seriously.


It's been a life long dream of mine :)
3 Smiles Comment Share

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson You used to love the 85 1.8 but I saw you recently extol the virtues of the 85 1.2. Have you now canned the 1.8 in favour of the 1.2? Thanks JP

Nah, I never loved the 85 1.8. It did its job. I do love the 85 1.2 though.
3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson What part of the day do you enjoy more? The ceremony (with all its formality) or the portraits (with all its opportunities)? Also, do you get asked less questions here, or have you started answering less (I totally understand if you have)

I'm on the road for two months straight, I'm answering less.
3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to zoharralt Hi, this might be a dumb question. If you use a center single focus point, why is the mk3 so night and day in terms of focus. Is it the speed? And isn't that a lens function?

AF accuracy and ability to actually focus in much lower light.

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hey Jonas thanks for the answer in advance. what f stop do you go for when shooting in open field. for example the shot borg0100 (JOHAN & EMELIE)? thanks

It depends on what look I'm after. For portraits I generally shoot wide open, unless the environment is an important factor, then I will stop down accordingly.
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jonaspeterson Now that you have your mkIII, would you still recommend the 50 1.2 over the 50 1.4....when the new body has such crazy iso values??? It's the difference in price between the two lenses that I'm struggling with here. Cheers man

It's not about the aperture, the 50L is sharper with much better colour and contrast. It also handles flare better than most other lenses around.
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jonaspeterson responded to kierstinyates What are some of the best ways to avoid the harsh sunlight and glare when shooting a midday wedding ceremony?

tell your couple not to get married at noon.

19 Smiles Comment Share



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

The calmness you deliver through you images... Is it how you capture it or how you post process it? Is it a reflection of you or a reflection of the opposite of you?

All of the above, except the post processing, which is more or less irrelevant.
Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hello Jonas, I don't believe you've answered this one before but I could had overlooked it. How aggressive are you in rounding up family members for formals? I received some negative feedback for not being "aggressive" enough or "yelling" enough.

Not aggressive at all. I ask my clients beforehand to ask a family member round people up. I don't know who's who anyway, so me yelling won't make any difference. Since I put them in charge, the pressure is on them. I've also asked them beforehand to create a list with the exact groups. This is communicated weeks, if not months, in advance through a questionnaire I send them.
8 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson How the hell do you expose for your night time shots to show the stars so beautifully?

Have you read the questions I've already answered? The first page is a great starting point. Not trying to be too shitty, but man...
Comment Share

jonaspeterson Did you try the Sigma 85 before you bought the 85L ?

No, I went for the best lens around.

4 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to rhysb123 Does your wife ever second shoot for you?

Now and then, but not very often, maybe once or twice a year.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson What auto focus setting do you use with the canon 5dmkiii? Do you use the 9 or 61 points?

still centre point, focus and recompose. tough to beat old habits.
7 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Are you going for the new Retina MBP or sticking with the non-Retina? Just curious :)

Retina, baby.


1 Smile Comment Share

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson How was the shoot with the Nordica boys? When might we see them images by a combo of my two prefered wedding photographers? Can't wait!

It was only Jacob, Cole is on paternity leave :) It was ace.

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson did you use a tripod for the night over lapari shot, or was it hand-held? any idea on iso and shutter speed?

I used a pillow and a table instead of a tripod, shutter speed was 15s, aperture around 4, I think. I never really bring a tripod when I travel, but I'm starting to doubt my decision.
3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson do you have a studio? or do yoi just work autdoor?

I shoot weddings. It would be silly to ask people to get married in my studio.

16 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson When editing albums, do you include pics of formals, or focus mostly on getting ready / ceremony / b+g / reception?

No family formals unless specifically asked, but I do include some bridal party shots.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson How do you get your whites so close to true white, darks so close to true black, and keep your mids clean?

I don't "do" anything, I point my camera at things, expose manually and the images turn out that way. Pro lenses have better contrast, if anything maybe that contributes.
4 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson What made you stop providing two full sets in color and B/W?

The jury is still out.

Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to belindaleephoto



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Hope this question hasn't been asked here, I tried to look! Mark II V Mark III - should I save my pennies for the Mark III OR will the Mark II do? Is the extra ISO and faster FPS (to name a few features) worth the extra $$? What is the noise like?

The 5DIII is lightyears better than the 5DII in my opinion. The new AF is the best improvement, after that the capacity to nail focus in much less light and then the extra ISO. Two cards slots. Plus so much more. I think the 5DIII is the best DSLR you can get right now. At least for my sort of work.
6 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson I have trouble being decisive in culling, which makes the process take forever. Any tips for speeding up choosing?

Be decisive.
11 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Let's say a couple in your city wanted to do a mid-week portrait shoot for 1-2 hours. I'm curious why you would say you only offer full day coverage. Like, if you were available, would you not even consider it? Wondering from a business perspective! :)

Portrait shoots and weddings are two different things. I have different pricing for both scenarios.
Comment Share

jonaspeterson Where in the world are you right now?

I'm in Sayan, outside Ubud in Bali.

3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to branonovak Hi Jonas, what version of LR do you use? Would you recommend LR4? Thanks. Your pictures are amazing.

LR 4.1. Yes, I think LR4 is way better than earlier versions. And I truly recommend it.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Do you ever get people wanting just 1-2 hours coverage (and therefore a chunky discount)? If so do you bother replying?

I reply and tell them I only offer full day coverage.

Comment Share

jonaspeterson what RAW setting do you use for weddings and portraits?


I always shoot full RAW.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson If you have a bit of a tour planned without heading back home how best do u backup weddings on the go before reformatting cards?

I've answered that a number of times before.

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jonaspeterson hi Mr. Jonas.. i completely understand if you don't want to answer my question.. you've been through so many same questions.. i've read most of your responses but i could find the answer.. my question is what picture style do you use when shooting?

I shoot RAW, picture style only affects jpegs and the preview on the back of the camera, not the RAW files.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson what the appropriate response to someone that says something along the lines of "your camera is so awesome, it takes such good photos!"?

suck it, douche waffle.

12 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Just curious. Do you ever pack your gear away at a Wedding only to see something you want to get so you have to grab your camera out again ? This happens to me almost always.

I never pack my gear away. I leave after the couple leaves - with camera in hand.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Would you ever shoot a Mormon wedding?

I've shot several.

5 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson In the vertical photo of felicity & paul kissing in front of a tree, there seems to be a red gradient. it's so beautiful! I've read through your entire formspring/never asked a q. Would love if you could share how that was achieved. Thank you!

It's a fake light leak.


3 Smiles Comment Share

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, Firstly thanks for answering these! Im just wondering - a while ago you had a bride who had a bouquet made out of what looks to be old jewellery. Do you know where she got it? I need one!

The groom made it for her from old brooches.

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jonaspeterson responded to Sabrinakolotylo Hi Jonas love your work! How exactly do you get these dreamy sharp focused portrait full body shots of the bride with a mega blurred background? Do you shoot with an 85mm from a bit of a distance? Sorry if this has already been asked. Thanks!

You have to give me a specific example, I use a number of lenses for my portraits.
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jonaspeterson How do you pick songs to go with your blog posts? is it a song from the bride and groom's playlist on the day or do you just pick a song you think fits with the story you're telling through the set of images?

I pick something I think fits the story.

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jonaspeterson Damn fine Jonas! ...Loving your last wedding with Chris & Kim. Did you shoot this one with the 50L & 85L? Some of the shots are stunning with the DOF (macleod286.2)

85L fo' life :)

3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson How do you stay being you with all the people stroking your ego, don't mean it in a bad way but with all the attension how do you stay being Jonas with out it effecting you on some level

My friends and family give me enough shit to keep me grounded.

21 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to bradleytownsend Hi Jonas, Just wondering if you care if your post production changes the "shade" of colour of clothing someone is wearing. Even if it makes for a nicer photo.

If it's a wedding dress, yes, then I care. Or I'm certain my clients do.
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jonaspeterson What is ASE(4)?



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Oh no, you didn't... ;-)

13 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to shootmesteph Hi Jonas, Do you believe there is such a thing as a "difficult" client, or do you think that most problems that arise between photographer and client are simply a result of poor communication?

Communication is hugely important, that's for sure and almost all the mishaps I've had (not that many to be honest) could have been averted with better communication. Sure, some people lack manners and are obnoxious, but I've had very few of those, if any. As soon as I think negatively of my clients, it will affect my work and how I approach them, so I try to take the high road - always. It's actually something I say to people who ask me for advice. Always take the high road. Don't bitch about clients online, don't think people are stupid or cheap. Always take the high road.
13 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to PaulMongan Have you tried ASE4 yet? or are you full time VSCO man?

Yeah, ASE4 is great. I use it for individual edits, but all my batch editing is VSCO film.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to DrBillShore Hi Jonas, In your opinion, is a great looking image SOOC better than an image that has got there via post-processing? The traditional role of the master printer - which I think is a real skill - seems to be looked down on these days. I think that's sad.

That's a great question, so thank you for that. I don't think an image SOOC (straight out of camera) is better than a processed one. Like you said, the role of the traditional master printer is on the way out and that's a shame. Understanding traditional darkroom skills will hugely improve your skills as a photographer since it will help you with composition, light, exposure AS WELL as printing a great image.
6 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson What hobbies do you enjoy, other than photography? How do you channel your creativity into other forms?

I really don't have that many hobbies, almost everything I do is photography related. I channel my creativity into what I do. If anything I find cooking very relaxing. I also love traveling and seeing other cultures, but that's not a hobby, just something I've chosen to do.
2 Smiles Comment Share




Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

I saw on Twitter that you've bought the 85L. How is it compared to the 85 1.8 ? I'm tempted to get the 85L but I feel it will be so slow compared to my 85 1.8...

The 85L mk2 paired with the 5D3 is absolutely fantastic. I don't find it too slow at all. As good as the 85 1.8 is I never liked it. The Canon L primes are the best primes you can get in my opinion, each has a very specific look that no other lenses get close to. Canon's L primes are one of the main reasons I shoot Canon and the 85L is one of brightest stars in that lineup.
4 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hey Jonas..Do you ever feel like you're cheating by using presets? Sure you tweak the tones a little etc, but it's still someone else's action at the end of the day, right? I always feel guilty about the thought of using photoshop actions.

Do you feel guilty about using an oven, car, flash, jeans or toothbrush. You didn't invent those either. I get where you're coming from, but post processing is such a small part in what makes an image good, so I don't worry about using tools to get the results I need. With that said, I don't use any heavy presets or actions. All they do is enhance the image I've already captured.
15 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson How long do your couples usually give you for portraits of just them on their wedding day (bride and groom)? What would be an ideal length for you?

30-60 minutes. I adapt, but that's the norm in Australia. I've done everything from 10 minutes to 3 hours. I'm happy if I get 30-45 minutes in one location, a little longer if we need to travel from the ceremony to the reception venue.
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jonaspeterson on those rare occasions when you have a second-shooter, how much do you pay them?

It depends on the wedding, the budget and a few other factors. Both photographers and potential clients read this, so I'd rather not break down my costs and margins.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson ever shot a wedding that had a horse drawn carriage?

Not yet :)
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jonaspeterson responded to Matthew195 Do you ever suffer from self-doubt?

I'm convinced I can do pretty much anything I set my mind to. That doesn't mean I always succeed. But I don't doubt that I can succeed if I change things and try again.
7 Smiles Comment Share



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

"I probably won't travel as much"... Cue gals/guys worldwide putting hard word on fiance..."huuuuurry up the clock is ticking...and not that clock!"... Happy travels Jonas...

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to bencarr0ll Hey Jonas, thanks for putting me onto this app.. Very Cool. Love your work, very inspiring! Makes me aspire to be the best that I can :) I have a question. What's ur Favorite Canon Lens, your go to lens and why? :)

The reason I sent you here is because i've already answered that a number of times. Go back and check or look in the searchable pdf I've linked to to the right. Cheers.
4 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hi Jonas.Not too personal I hope, but how do u and J deal with your 'world tour' and ur children's daycare/kindi/school. Just cos I'm gonna be in a similar situation soonish...Do u homeschool anyway? Good luck on ur forthcoming trip...sounds awesome!!

It's only two months with school holidays in the middle. Noah is just in prep, but when he gets older Jac and the boys won't be able to come as often. And I probably won't travel as much.
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jonaspeterson Hi! Jonas! Big fan of your work! I was wondering what are some of the questions you ask your clients upon meeting them to get to know them better? What are some things you do for interactions during engagement photo shoots and how do you relax them?

I try to be myself. I don't have a formula to life.

5 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Jonas, I've been shooting for three years. I've been asked by friends to shoot their families and in the past not felt worthy enough to charge them like a professional. When do you know to raise your prices to make a living of it?

You just make a decision and do it.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to elemi76 Hey J! How do you manage to choose the weddings you shoot in? You might have a lot of requests for the same day so you just book the first interesting offer or you have some kind of "waiting list" and you choose X months before the wedding? Thanks man!

First come, first served.

4 Smiles Comment Share



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

How do you get yourself out of the "i suck, everything i shoot sucks" rut, what helps it pass?

You just keep shooting.

12 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hey you ever use fill flash during portraits or are you typically able to position your couples in good light / fix in post?

I rarely - if ever - "fix in post". And I never use fill flash.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson What do you think of the wedding photographers nowadays who are going back to film?

Awesome. If you're fishing for a comment where I dismiss them as lemmings following the latest retro trend, you're barking up the wrong tree. Find your expression and do what you love.
7 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, I noticed that in your earlier blog posts, you watermarked your images. Why did you stop?

Because it's ugly and takes away attention from both the individual image and the flow of the storytelling. IMO.
11 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Do you shoot with only one body, switching lens' as you need? I'm about to shoot my first wedding, & I'm unsure if I would have enough time to swap lenses at crucial moments, like after the kiss as they head down the aisle, etc. Thank you!

I've answered what gear I use numerous times, so the best thing is for you to read the questions already answered. I've linked to a pdf with the answers to the right. You can search that pdf for any phrase you want. But the short answer is that I use two bodies most of the time. I have a wide-ish lens on one camera and a longer lens on the other.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Do you have any thoughts on actions like the Florabella Photoshop Actions? I see SO many photographers (over)using them. I know you don't do much post-processing, but are you opposed using certain actions to achieve your desired image?



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

I don't care what other people are doing to be honest. The day I stopped looking at what everyone else was doing and started focusing on what the heck I was doing, my business took a huge leap forward. I don't use those actions, but I'm not opposed to others using them. It's not like they're sitting in my studio trying to edit my images with them. So why would I care?
9 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Do you ever bring anything extra to shoots or weddings, like props? Do you ever get requests from couples to incorporate props into their photos- like chalkboards or anything?

Props? Me? No. I'll shoot them if asked, but I'm not much of a prop guy.
3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, some time ago you blogged a wedding where the reception was in a barn - you had a gorgeous shot of the couple in the doorway. Can you remember their names offhand so I can do a search on your site? Thanks :-)

I haven't done too many barn weddings, so that's easy. OR
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Aaah, Mr Peterson, the things you've seen, the places you've been. Cool "job" eh? Happy 'notso-crazy' season to you...

I'm heading overseas in two weeks for two months. It's always crazy season for me...
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jonaspeterson what are your current thoughts on using the new large compact flash storage vs. the smaller cards? like using 8gb cards with the idea that its best to split up your stuff on different cards vs the new sandisk extreme pro 32gb that's only $150 at b&h?

I use multiple cards.

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jonaspeterson while googling for good questions to email a bride before the name of vendors, location info, timeline., i saw "Does your wedding dress have a zip-up back or is it a lace-up corset/multiple buttons?". any idea why this is good to know?

Maybe if you intend to sleep with the bride and need to know how long it will take to undo the dress? I'm just guessing though.


9 Smiles Comment Share

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson I'm really frustrated. I'd love to make beautiful work like you, but I always get stuck working in dull, dreary venues with terrible light. They're usually mixed or high contrast and the photos are just so blah. Do you have any advice? How do you cope?

I shoot very few venues like that and when I do, I don't post them on my blog. I show what I want to sell. That doesn't mean I won't try my hardest to take great photos at a crap venue. If the lighting is really horrible you can always try some off camera flash or shoot a lot of tight shots of reactions and such. You don't have to show the crappiness in all its glory, the story can be told in many ways. Different situation, but the light at this wedding ceremony was the worst I've ever had to shoot in, but I think Erik and I managed pretty well to capture the important parts anyway. Adapt and conquer.
9 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hello Jonas. Thanks for all the info. I am in my first year of shooting and I'm debating wether or not I should put my pricing on my website. Did you have your pricing on your site even at the beginning when your price was lower than what it is now? Thx

I've always had my starting point posted.

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jonaspeterson How did you come up with the "two year pricing plan" you mentioned in the pdf when you first started out?

I sat down and decided how much money I wanted/needed to make from wedding photography to live the life I wanted. I gave myself two years to reach that goal. The rest was a matter of timing. When wedding photographers start out they need to look at two factors, how many weddings they expect to shoot in a year and how much profit they expect from each wedding. Then you add everything up. Are you making enough money? If not, you need to change your prices or make sure you book more weddings. Give yourself simple goals along the line, if you don't achieve them, you need to change something to reach them. It really isn't much harder than that. If you fail to reach your short-term goals, you get up again and change something. Eventually you will succeed. Waiting for success won't get you anywhere.
17 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Fellow 6'3'' photographer here. Ever get lower back pain from hanging two cameras and a bag from your shoulders all day? Any remedies or workarounds (aside from hide bag beneath cake table)?



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

My back has been good to me so far, but yeah, I try to put my cameras and bags down whenever I can.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Do you ever get specific requests before a wedding for shots that seem like couples are trying to direct your actions through the day? If so, how do you handle them?

I don't, no. People seem to trust me.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson you're 6'3?! that makes me worry. i feel at a disadvantage moment capturing wise because i am only 4'9. people say it doesn't matter but standing on a chair all the time isn't very convenient.

I'm on my knees more than I stand up straight.

4 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson i thought you were going to update your site more often this year...we all miss the weekly updates!!

I know. It's been an interesting first six months this year. I'm working on some changes and I want to change how much I blog very soon.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson MR JP, would a man of your caliber classify all light as great light, or do you ever get light that you absolutely don't want to shoot in?

All light is great, but also different. You need to rock every lighting situation differently. To take good photos in "difficult light", you simply need to work with what you're given in the most creative way possible.
7 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to Juddric Did you have a sense of 'wow I've made it!' when you got your first wedding published?

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jonaspeterson Any thoughts on this years American Photo - Top 10...?

All extremely talented and very worthy. I just find it unfortunate they chose not to include any non-Americans this time.
2 Smiles Comment Share



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

My friend recently asked me to shoot her small wedding from getting prepped to reception. The thing is I've never shot a wedding before & the only lens I own are the Canon 50mm 1.8 & 85mm 1.8. Do you think I can shoot her wedding with these 2 lenses?

No, I think you need something way wider as well. Plus I'm assuming you're shooting with a crop sensor body? Do you have an external flash? I'd also recommend a backup body. And a backup flash.
3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hey Jonas, What was the name of the blog that featured Rachael & Jeffs New Hampshire Wedding, couldn''t find it on your blog :) Thanks

A Practical Wedding.

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jonaspeterson Hi Jonas are you finding your keeper rate is much higher with the 5D3? I am really frustrated with my 5D2 especially with primes in low light. The AF is letting me down and many shots are OOF, despite the focus lighting up and shutterspeeds above 1/100.

Like night and day. Well, that's not really true, but I get the shot soooo much quicker now. No hunting AF, just focus and bam! Before I would have to work so much harder to get the lens to focus, now it does it straight away.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to bradleytownsend Hi Jonas, Although you aviod flash (as do I) how do you deal with a poorly lit church and the shots walking down the isle (movement). E.g. you have to be @ 2.8 or wider and you already have your ISO cranked to 3200 and your shutter is around a 60th?

Another reason to shoot primes. If you're at ISO 3200, f/2.8 at 1/60s, you're pushing the limits, but a million film photographers seem to be handle situations like that every time they shoot. I still rely on AF when the bride is walking down the aisle though. You're shooting an AI Servo or Continuous AF? With the 5D2 and primes I have never come across a church where I had to go above ISO 3200 and 1/80s ever. And I've shot in some dungeon like places let me tell you. If it's truly too dark to focus I will whip out the flash, but that's happened maybe three times the last three years. With the 5D3, I don't have to worry anymore. I shot the first dance with a 135L at ISO 16,000 and 1/200s a couple of weeks ago. Sorry, not much help maybe...
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to goldhat Hi, how do you compose these kinds of photos without distortion? Are you on higher ground than them? Also what focal length did you use?



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

It's taken on the beach with a 135L straight on. You only get distortion with wide angle lenses.
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jonaspeterson responded to zoharralt ouch... i meant like in a dark situation, when your subject is far away, and you focus on the eyes and recompose, a lot of the times it's hard to compensate back... but also i guess i should check my diopter... :-)

If the subject is far away, you don't have to worry as much, your depth of field won't be too shallow. If it's dark, it's a bit more hit and miss in general, to be able to compensate you need to be able to see what's in focus.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to zoharralt Hi Jonas, when shooting wide open, say at 1.2 and then recomposing, how do you know how much and where to compensate? Is that just a total understanding of plane of focus?

I look in the viewfinder and turn the focus ring until the image is sharp.
5 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson hey JP, do you get comments/issues with some pics in your posts getting sized weirdly when the blog is viewed via ipad? i'm using similar setup as you (wp+prophoto) and found that the solution is to refresh the page. annoying though. thanks for your time!

Never happened to me, I think.

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jonaspeterson responded to lucianomenardo Hi master. I'm spending a lot of time downloading my raw files to two drives at same time (w/Downloader Pro). I already read you use Lexar fast card readers. I'm asking now if you use some special software for this task. Thanks very much in advance.

I currently use four daisy chained Firewire 800 Lexar Card Readers (no longer in production). I use Photo Mechanic to download and rename files onto two separate external hard drives.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hello Jonas, my fourteen year old son is a huge fan of yours and wishes to upgrade his camera. I've set aside 500 (780) AUD. Is there any camera for that price you'd recommend?

I haven't bought an entry level DSLR for many years, so unfortunately I have no idea. I'd go with either Canon or Nikon and I'd get a cheap 50mm f/1.8 lens to go with it.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to Juddric Are you getting sick of people getting sick of you getting sick of people asking the same


questions over and over?

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to nunofferreira Just a special thank you for the time you spend answering all this questions and for giving so much for the community.

My pleasure.
8 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Will you be watching Jasmine Star's Webinar this weekend? heh heh

You may think that I would never do that, but I have a LOT of respect for Jasmine. She's better at business and branding than most wedding photographers working today. On top of that she's really lovely and genuine in person. Most people I know could learn from her, including me.
15 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hey Jonas? Do you think $500 is a good deal for a Rollei SLX kit? Includes Zeiss 80mm lens, body, WLF, Film back, Battery charger. The battery needs to be replaced.

I have no idea, I've never used one and I don't know jack about Rolleis, sorry.
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jonaspeterson responded to zoharralt Hi Jonas, I think it's the nature of social media, and sites like formspring, that make people only see what's in front of them. And so I'm not saying you should answer everything twice, but maybe not get upset because people don't auto look at the pdf?

I'm way over upset, dude, you should have been here a year ago. I'm simply telling people now and then to actually download the pdf. Every time I do, the repeat questions go down for a while.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to RichardWare Hi, If you could only use one lens for the rest of your days which lens would it be and why?

I've answered that roughly 632 times. You'll find the answer in the pdf listed to the right.
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jonaspeterson Hey JP. Love your work, your images are an addiction. When you first started, how many weddings did you shoot before you felt comfortable with what you were doing? i.e stopped considering yourself as 'new to the industry' & started charging appropriately.



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

I charged accordingly from day one. Before I had even shot a wedding. I had a plan in place and raised my prices twice my first year and twice in my second year. I then raised my prices again at the beginning of year three. I'm just about to re-structure my whole offer again with new prices and new everything.
4 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hey JP, amazing work, do you ever get inquiries from other couples at weddings themselves, and if so have they ever asked for your prices? What would your reaction be in this situation cheers!

I'm there to shoot a wedding, not to do other business. If it would happen I'd tell them to shoot me an email the next day so that I can provide them with a price list.
3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to noofernandes Hi Jonas!!! What presets do u use in your pics? Theyre amazing!!! Thanks.

13 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to shootmevic What treatment did you give to the large pic of Karen and Armin under the trees? Cheers

Tender, love and care.

11 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson How many weddings do you have booked right now?

Probably around 45.

3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson hi jonas! great work, but do you ever feel there is a definite disbalance in the work of most wedding photographers towards getting that super creative shot & not a story e.g. would a couple really care for a sky photo with 2 little heads at the bottom?

My couples care. Plus the portraits are only 30-45 min out of a 15 hour day. If your clients don't care you're attracting the wrong people.
4 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson How many followers do you have on formspring?

2 Smiles Comment Share


jonaspeterson responded to bhold29

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Hi, your portraits of couples always looked so relaxed. Do you have any verbal tricks to bring out a smile, a laugh, a pose?

I'm just being myself and that guy seems to get people to relax, smile and sometimes laugh. No verbal trickery. You have to start with who you are and build from that. Cracking some Jonas Peterson jokes will not work.
5 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to haydenphoenix Hi Jonas Can you please share your wisdom regarding seo for my website? You obviously don't need it yourself but do you know of any reputable companies who I can use to boost my site? Hard to know who to trust or if there's a better way? thanks

No clue and in my opinion a waste of money.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hey Jonas- What do you do to keep your creative energy up during receptions? I lose all motivation about the 9 pm mark. Any tips?

I. Am. A. Machine.
9 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Ever been to Scotland?

Strangely no. I've been to England 10-15 times, but never to Scotland.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hi jonas, when you say you travel light, how light is your bag? Do you trust the crew to put your gear in the cargo area? Just that i 've experienced not allowed to put my bag in a smaller plane. Thanks

Always gear as carry on. Always. My bag weighs roughly 15kg (30lbs) , but it looks lighter. I have been stopped once in three years. Never ever check gear (cargo area).
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jonaspeterson Hi mate, do u still edit on an iMac monitor? Did u calibrate with a spyder and do use a Walcom tablet or just let the old fashioned fingers do the talking? Thanks...

Yes, yes and yes.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson As an amateur I get frustrated by all possibilities available in post & feel like I have to be a LR



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

wiz to even bother taking photos. I know it's wrong, but to get over it - are there a few basic post techniques I can learn to then just focus on shooting?

It's not in the editing.

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson You summon a great calm in your frames. Possibly your hallmark, and it's a great one. Dumb question but are you conscious of your effort to find this in your images? Or is that just what your eye gravitates toward?

A mix of both, I think. I'm definitely aware of it, my favorite images all have a distinct sense of calm about them. I believe portraits are a reflection of the photographer in many ways, so it's hard for me to say what I do exactly to get those images.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to denisdonis Hi Jonas, thanks for your time. You use an assistant, during the party?, or you place the flashes off on a stand?, a big hug!!!

I never use assistants. If I use off camera flash I usually put the flash on a table or on the floor. 85% of my weddings are interstate or international, so I travel light.
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jonaspeterson responded to nickevansphoto Speedy response, thanks! Did it take much work to get it calibrated to colours you were happy with? And what's it print like on fine art paper... something like epson enhanced matte?

I didn't have to do much tweaking to be honest. As long as you have a calibrated screen you should be good. I print on Hahnemuehle Photo Rag paper. I just took out some major awards for my prints, so I obviously think they look alright.
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jonaspeterson responded to nickevansphoto What sort of printer are you using in your studio? You happy with it? I'm looking at getting something to do some fine art prints... Nothing too big.

I have an Epson 4900. It's big. And very heavy. I'm very happy with it though. Beeeeautiful prints.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson JP.As a huge admirer of your work and some1 who has spent many hours going thru every single post and Q&A here,I find it (as maybe u do) annoying that people either can't be bother 2 or say "I quit" evey time u post even an ok(by ur standards)pic. Thanku!

If I find it annoying?


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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson JP! any chance of talking me through your camera settings (roughly) for a snap from nick and surya's wedding - grovers01400. thanks big man!

f/4 at 1 sec, it looks that way because two flashes went off during the time the shutter was open.
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jonaspeterson Hey Jonas so now when you super famous and all, how much negative attention do you get?, like people where offended, not happy or something else about your work or something you have said. Thanks

Why on earth would I post that here?

5 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson JP! You say you don't really get in the way through out the wedding day, I admire that, but do you ever get guests that think your inexperienced because of this and start dictating and telling you how to take the photo, where to go and so on, so annoying!

I'm almost 6"3, plus I've been dealing with people in every job I've held since I was 15, so no.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson That nick and surya album cover, artificial light leak?, grain as well? Are most of your album covers landscapes, do you ever put words like the name of the bride and groom? Cheers

All of the above. Names on spine.

Comment Share

jonaspeterson i want to start shooting weddings but i only have a Nikon D70, do you think it is essential to have up to date technology?

You can take good photos with any piece of gear. If anything you need a backup body and an external flash. Better gear is helpful, but not essential.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to haydenphoenix Hey Jonas I'm curious about your consultation process in regards to how much time the bride/groom should allow for the bride/groom portraits. Do you recommend an amount of time needed? Also do you have any london workshops in the pipeline?

Yeah, I tell them when the best time to shoot is and how much time I normally get. I also tell them I adapt easily, it's their wedding after all, not my photo shoot.
1 Smile Comment Share



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

HEY JP, your work is WOW, but have u ever looked at a moment during a wedding where once it has passed you think to yourself,f*%# should have captured it. I say this in a way that the missed photo may have been beneficial to the wedding, yet not essential

Not really. If I have a clear shot of a moment I like, I will capture it. If I don't have a clear shot, or the right lens, there's nothing I can do, so I move on to the next thing. I'm a half glass full kind of guy.
3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Your clients know you're awesome, but do you ever encounter guests and bridal parties that have pre-conceived notions about wedding photographers, and start off with a negative attitude towards you because they think all wedding photogs are annoying?

All the time.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to galessandri Which 3 words could define your style/vision?

I don't believe in labels. I capture my view of life.

5 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to johnkim1283 hey jonas, just wondering how you take such sharp candids wide open, especially with the 50 1.2. do you focus on a particular spot (i.e. eyes, nose, face (if you're far away)). any lens of choice for candids during weddings? thanks!

I haven't really used the 50L wide open for other things than static portraits. With the 5D2 I often shot it at f/2.2 for getting ready stuff. I've shot two weddings with the 50L on the 5D3 and then I shot it wide open more. I always focus on the eyes.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Are you going to run your 5d mark iii's without battery grips and just shoot without them or order the grips for them?

Without grips for now.

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jonaspeterson Hi, Jonas! Excellent photos!! Do you use polarizing filters on your lenses?

Thank you. No, I never use polarizing filters.

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jonaspeterson responded to Barrosinc Hi Jonas! I just went to a Workshop the other day. It makes me think I should rethink



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

everything, but I wanted to ask you, at first when you went to workshops, did you feel the same? Doesn't it make you feel like people try to think and act just like you?

I just answered that question the other day.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson hi Jonas, just wondering why different processing for once wed? especially visible on singe portrait of Karen.

Same processing except for that one image, dude. The one of Karen on my blog was edited as a single shot because I posted it on FB earlier, the ones on Once Wed were batch edited.
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jonaspeterson I live in the US, but I really want to move to Australia after I graduate college. What was the process like for you becoming a resident there?

I was headhunted and was offered a sponsored work visa. When I left my career in advertising I already had one son and another one on the way with my partner, who's an Australian citizen, so I then got what's called a spousal visa. I'm now a permanent resident without restrictions.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hey JP. On your dance floor shots, do you favor rear curtain sync? Cheers, and thanks as always.

I used to, but these days I do mostly 1st curtain sync. It makes it easier capturing moments.
3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson are you from Sweden?

I am, but I left Sweden for Australia 8 years ago.

Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hi Jonas! I was wondering... When you moved over to wedding photography, did you ever go to another workshop? Do you think thes bias the way you think? I went to one the other day and I think it changed so many things about the way I aproach the industry

I think I had my vision pretty mapped out when I started shooting weddings, so the few workshops I have attended since haven't dramatically changed the way I see things. If anything seeing other perspectives makes my own vision clearer. Going to workshops is a way for me to step out of my own bubble and see things from the outside. I will take some things with me back inside, but for the most part it just helps me strengthen my own approach.
5 Smiles Comment Share



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

JP where do you see wedding photography in twenty years' time? Will the industry change much do you think, and how? Cheers!

It's changing continuously, I think it's almost impossible to predict where we'll be in 20 years; technology changes so quickly these days and I'd be surprised if wedding photography as we know it will even exist.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to zoharralt you mentioned the advantage of shooting manual, so that when a guest in a black shirt get's in the frame it doesn't change your metering. the same could be said about light, like when a cloud covers the sun for a second. doesn't that happen more often?

No. I'd say that happens way less. Plus I alway look at my settings, no matter what. Part of shooting in manual is that it forces you to think more and understand better how to expose at all times.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to rhysb123 Ever thought about publishing a book?

At some stage I definitely will.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to justinhillphoto How many images do you use on average for a client slideshow? And do you have any tips / advice on what to look for when selecting the best of the bunch?

It varies on the wedding, but generally between 80 and 120. I look at it from a storytelling point of view and make sure it flows. Too much of anything will break up both the flow and the story.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to bandk7 Hi, is there anything you don't like about the 5dIII?

Yeah, all the questions I'm getting...

10 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson this would have been more a problem for you pre-mk3.... In a dark reception, shooting without flash. If you at the say, 3200 ISO mark, (5dmk2) do you step down the shutter to go danger close to blur, boost ISO to 5000+, or shoot under and boost in post?

Slower shutter speed. Canon files aren't as easy to push as Nikon files.
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jonaspeterson What's the most over used line you've heard at the best mans speech?



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

He's handsome, nice to the ladies and and overall stand up guy...but enough talk about me, let's talk about the groom *ba-doom tish*.
8 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to leehphoto Oh also forgot to ask, do you miss the EG-S screen? Or is the AF so good it's no longer important?

The viewfinder is better/brighter, which means you can actually see the focus plane without a precision screen. I think I prefer the new viewfinder/screen over the EG-S.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to greenwatt How would you rate the low light performance of the 5D3 versus the 5D2?

At least two stops better, plus the noise is way more pleasing to the eye. Less banding and colour noise even at ISO's I would never touch.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to PawelBebenca Hi JP , how is the new AF in mark III ? do you feel the difference ?

It's like night and day, seriously. If you're a Canon shooter, the new AF is revolutionary. You'll go, "how the eff did we put up with the old AF for that long?" It's that good.
14 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to lukegoing Do you have a Level on your camera? Cause your images are perfectly composed! I've never seen someone nail such straight lines so accurately : /

Nah, I often correct in post.

5 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson I heard you are printing some stuff in house now so I have a weird paper question for you... have you found any deep matte paper stocks that are equivalent to vision art regular album page thickness for prints? Thanks.

I've never printed on anything thicker than 308gsm.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson what are your favourite resorts / hotels on bali for vacation?

I prefer to stay in villas when I'm in Bali to relax. Often in Ubud. When I'm shooting for clients I often stay in various hotels in or around Seminyak.


1 Smile Comment Share

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson Are you coming to the USA to offer a WS this year? If so, when?

Read the recent questions answered, please.

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jonaspeterson Srgb or adobe?

I shoot in Adobe RGB and deliver to client in sRGB.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to MattAgan Hi Jonas, I've just sold all my zooms and plan to buy two more primes in addition to the 50mm I have, but can't decide which two would best compliment the 50mm. I'm thinking either 24 or 35mm and an 85mm. Which two would you recommend? Thanks.

Personally I'd go 24, 50 & 135 OR 35, 85 & 135. I just don't shoot the 85 enough, mainly because I still haven't updated to the 85L.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Any advice for flying with gear... Can you recommend a bag/case that always makes hand baggage allowance? Cheers

Such a bag doesn't exist, at least not if you fly with as much gear as I do. What you want is a bag that looks lighter than it is. I never get stopped *touch wood* and my gear weighs roughly 15kg (30lbs). Unfortunately my Crumpler bag isn't in production anymore.
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jonaspeterson i read that u wntd to buy video lights (last yr), have u done so? what was their purpose (nonflash indoor shots at receptions)? and if so how did they go? Cheers brah

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jonaspeterson With a Holga, would you shoot it wide open at f8? or does this depend on how shallow you want your depth of field, f11 maybe? Thanks for any advice J?P, PS: ?=middle name which is _____________________

Dude, you can't control DOF with a Holga. If you have a Holga Mod, you'll have two apertures to play with, f/8 or f/11. Neither will have shallow DOF.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson I currently have a 550d with a couple of basic lenses. In trying to take better photos, do you think I should invest in some better lenses and learn them inside and out and then buy a 5d or should i get the 5d before I look at spending 1000's on lenses?

Get a 50mm f/1.8 or a Sigma 30mm f/1.4 if you can afford one. You can take amazing pictures with any camera and lens, but being able to play with depth of field changed my photography a lot. Shooting with prime lenses will also make you better at composition. The 30mm 1.4 is close to a 50mm on full frame, so that's what I'd go for. You don't need gear to become a better photographer, you need practise.
11 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson fer juaristi

fer sure
3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to rhysb123 Photography: nature or nurture? Discuss.

3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to dukmaniquis Ever thought of doing workshop on CreativeLive?

If they ask me, sure.

7 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Massive congratulations on the AIPP awards last night. Were the AIPP awards goals you had? If so, where to now?

Thanks, man. No, winning those awards wasn't a goal in any way. Last year I came runner up as wedding photographer of the year and this year I won the category, but it wasn't anything I expected at all. Honestly. I like to compete and I compete to win, so winning was sweet, but at the same time very unexpected. The talent pool up here is insane and seeing who and what you're up against is very humbling.
3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to StavrosK When your fee is high you get hired by couples that have impressive weddings (place and decorating wise). Do you think this helps your photos by including amazing settings? Could you be the same amazing photographer in cheaper/less impressive settings?

Have you checked my portfolio?



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Most my couples are people who try to be as creative as possible with their budget. I do very few high end weddings. But if you're referring to low end budget weddings, it's true I do few of them.
5 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Aside from your "creative vision", how much does the location your shooting do to your image. I know its how you handle the situation your given that makes an apt photographer,but sometimes do you see a location and think 'Man my photos are gonna be dope'

Location is very much part of my creative vision. Many of my best images are landscape images with people in them. I'm often looking for the holy trifecta - light, location and connection. Other photographers work differently. And so do I sometimes.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Nowadays on Formspring, do you like discussion q's, cos I am more interested in your thoughts on photographic and general issues

I like questions I haven't answered before and questions you can't get the answer to by reading your manual or googling.
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jonaspeterson RE super heavy backlight question. Thanks so much for your answer, I'll do that when there's sunlight!:) I'm having most of my problems when the day is heavily overcast and the sky is just a huge space of glarey white, and there's no sun to play with.

Yeah, try and find cover or use the conditions to your advantage. This shot was taken on a very grey afternoon with "boring" light. If the sky is giving you nothing to work with, you need to add other elements of interest.
4 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson I've had a look at some wedding blogs this week and i'm appalled to see so many wedding photographers imitating your style - even winning awards for images almost identical to your own (such as the couple between 2 trees). How do you feel about that?

I don't worry about it. All I can do is focus on what I do and grow creatively. I'm guessing the people inspired by me are trying to do the same. Blatant ripoffs are always sad, but I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. I'm running my own race.
7 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to HicksDL When shooting outside do you still expose not to have blown out hightlights?



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

It depends on what I'm after. Sometimes I want to retain detail in the highlights at all costs, other times it's less important. There's no rule book.
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jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, I was wondering how you personally meter for people with SUPER heavy backlight? No matter what I do, the people turn out flat and a muddy.

That has nothing to do with the metering, you're probably getting direct light hitting your front element. Shooting into the sun will do that. Always. Try to shoot at a slight angle away from the sun and use a lens hood. When I shoot into the sun, I will spot meter while shielding my lens from the sun, then play with the flare. Some lenses are better with flare, the Canon 50L is probably my favourite.
6 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Thank you for being such an inspiration. When and where will your upcoming workshops be?

Nothing set yet, but Brisbane in May, San Fransisco in August and NYC in October are likely candidates.
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jonaspeterson responded to simonatwell Hi, How are you getting on with LR4? Have you managed to get your head aroung the absence of the fill light slider?

Love LR4. Best RAW converter I've ever used.

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to denisdonis You meet in person with all your customers?, Or make video calls?

My work nowadays is almost entirely interstate or international, so often we meet on Skype first, then in person if or when we get a chance.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hiya, how many hours a day do you spend on the computer? Would you say it's too much? I am so grateful for everything you have put here - I wonder if you have any time left for yourself!

I usually spend 3 days a week on the computer. I work office hours 9-5, then shut down and spend time with my family.
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jonaspeterson Hello Jonas. Greetings from Chile. Who did your logo?, why Brisbane, and not Perth?. Thanks for the inspiration, I really enjoy your photography!

I created it. We moved to Brisbane because my partner, Jacqui, is from there.


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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson Hey JP, I think what I kind of wanted to ask is: does the focus recompose method always throw the plane of focus out too much, so you find yourself micro-adjusting always?

Depends on what lens you're shooting with and whether you're shooting wide open. It also depends on how far from the center of frame your subject is. A f/1.2 lens almost always needs some correction when shot wide open and you're focusrecomposing.
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jonaspeterson Hi JP, it's well established that you focus-recompose with the 5dii, But I think it would be interesting to know how often you would have to adjust your focus again (like % wise). did you ever focus-recompose and get an image in perfect focus Cheers bro

Dude, I have no idea. I focus on what I'm shooting, not how I shoot it.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson For years I have operated under an alias because I don't want to put my name on my wedding photos. I always say "oh, I used to be a photojournalist, now I just do weddings". You make me feel better about the industry. Thank you Jonas.

That's awesome. Thank you.

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson How long did it take you to find your groove with post processing.

I'm not sure I have found it yet.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to stik1982 how did you "get found" by American Photo and put into the top 10 worldwide list? Did you email them / apply to put yourself forward or they just found you cause you're just an outright aussie gun.

No, I didn't email them. I don't think they found me because I'm based in Australia either. I was nominated by one or more people on the nominating board. Hopefully because of my work. The editors and a number of selected judges then went through all nominated photographers and put together the final ten.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson catladies? revenge? Spill.

It's an old anecdote from my personal blog. It would take waaaay too long to explain.
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jonaspeterson responded to tantanchacha

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Just wondering - I have had a few close shaves when driving from the bride getting ready to the ceremony. (as in almost missing the wedding). Because the bride arrives at the door and I have to park. Would you ask them to wait for you?

I would make sure I leave early enough to beat the bride to the church with enough time to park my car. I often leave 20 minutes before the bride.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to SCUBADIVER123 ever considered the lens questions come from the catladies you pissed off on the blog all them years ago, finally taking their revenge?

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jonaspeterson Would the Swedish Made Jonas Peterson ever pair up with a Swedish Made Hasselblad (with the German flair of Carl Zeiss glass)? You were made in Sweden right (aka born there)? Just covering my bases ;)

Yeah, I would love a Hasselblad. We're actually both from the same town.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hey Jonas. Have you ever used stock that is out of date? I've got a mountain of Velvia and tranny stock for my RZ that is 5 + years old! I heard that it can be used to great effect but feel like I might be taking a risk....

I'm really no expert. You're better off asking Jonathan Canlas. He's on here too.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson I love the images from the Pentax 67 but it looks like a heavy beast. Do you find you use it less use as a result?

I don't think it's too bad. It's currently all I use for personal work.
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jonaspeterson The weather here in the UK is crap. What's it like with you Jonas?

Currently pouring down in Adelaide, but at least it's 29 degrees. Forecast for tomorrow is sunny and 27.
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jonaspeterson responded to toothmade what are the main mistakes you see wedding photographers making?



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Lack of vision. So many wedding photographers shoot weddings in a way they expect them to be shot. It's like they started out by looking at what other wedding photographers were doing and tried to carbon copy that. There are a million ways to tell a story, but when you look at wedding photographers in general every post is is groundhog day. I'm not saying I don't do the same, we all do, but it feels like so many wedding photographers completely lack artistic vision. Shoot it your way.
20 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Please come to Boise, Idaho so I can kidnap you and steal all your Lightroom presets. Thank You.

You can buy them yourself. Mine are extremely lightly tweaked presets from VSCO Film.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson What made you change your mind about not using grain?

I change my processing all the time, so let me start by saying this; I'm not going to answer every question about processing every time I use a certain tool to process my images. The answer TODAY is that I stopped using grain because I'm currently doing my batch editing in LR and LR grain sucks balls. That may change tomorrow again.
3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson I saw on a previous answer that you stopped using grain on your images. Most photographers see you as the originator of such trends so inquiring minds want to know, why did you stop?

lead > follow

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jonaspeterson responded to lakisideris hey jonas, the megan & mathew first dance shot - is that your off camera flash, or a couple of vid lights? That is a nice set.

That's the videographer's video lights.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson For destination weddings do you charge for the cost of food as well as accommodation? If so how do you know how much it will cost?

Open PDF. Search "food". Done.

2 Smiles Comment Share


jonaspeterson responded to Americanvirus

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Jonas, Nina & Craig in Bali just floored me. So beautiful!! Had a question on their photo-booth in such an exotic location. Did they just put that together themselves? Camera with remote, tripod, and a flash? Thanks so much!

Yup. Exactly.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, love your work. You inspire me greatly. I shot my first wedding last week and loved it! I also got a few inquiries from it. I was wondering how you created your contract? Did you use a template at all? Any chance you could share yours?Cheers

You start with a basic template and then build from that. All businesses are different. You can find them everywhere online.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Can I import my raw files in iphoto and them export them from there into Lightroom still as raw files?

I think you can google that.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to markjboyce Hi. Do give your clients DVD slide shows? If so would you charge them for another copy of the disc if they lost it?

I sell them. I charge for the time it takes me to put them together, so yes, I'd charge them for another disc.
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jonaspeterson Hi, you don't use canon 5D mark ll anymore? I read that you use canon 1dx, correct?

The 1DX hasn't been released yet.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hey Jonas- My biggest struggle is ruthless culling. I add duplicates because I feel like the client may feel one image is slightly more flattering than the other. Can you explain how you were able to get over that hurdle and cull like a mad man?

It's hard for me to say, I have no issues with culling whatsoever. Your client has no idea you have several versions, pick a couple of good ones and move on. Unless they're all exceptional, then you include them.
4 Smiles Comment Share




Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

preface, i often overanalyze how i word things. how do you ask for a meal be provided in the contract without sounding ridiculous or demanding? while it makes sense to me, couples might not get it. also, do you always ask for short and long weddings?

Event Food Service A main meal is required for events up to and past 6 hours for the photographer, and assistant. If no main meal is provided, it is understood that the photographer will leave the event to purchase a meal.
8 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to stevegerrard Hi Jonas. I know you're a big music fan and often post music links to accompany your work. A friend of mine suggested he'd make better images if he could shoot a wedding with headphones and his own musical soundtrack. Any thoughts?

I understand where he's coming from, but for me the actual shooting is a mix of my own subconscious telling me what to do mixed with the input I get from the people around me. If I would close myself off from the world around me I think my coverage would be a lot more self-indulgent. However, I will do exactly that when I edit and put my slideshows and albums together.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to carolineghetes Hello there :) I know you said you "sharpen RAW images slightly". I process every image in Lightroom only with VSCO presets. Would you recommend I sharpen images first, save as RAW, then reopen them in LR & process with VSCO? I've tried so many variations

I don't think you can sharpen an image in Photoshop and then save as RAW. Editing in PS is by nature destructive unless you use adjustment layers. The file you import back into LR will be either a jpg or a tif and you can't apply VSCO to anything but RAW files. Well, you can but it will look like shit. I use sharpening in LR on export. I used to sharpen in PS, but no more.
5 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson I believe I have read here somewhere that you deliver your images to your client within a month. If you can cull and process a whole wedding in 4 hours. Why are you taking so long to deliver to client?

Short answer? Because I have a life too.

12 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson favorite place to shoot in los angeles?

Strange question considering I live in Brisbane, Australia.

4 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hi Jonas. Did you go to Laneway Festival in Brisbane? I heard M83 was there.


Unfortunately not, I was on the road again.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson I searched in reader before asking, so I don't think this has been ask. Please forgive me if it has! If you use a high pass filter for sharpening, and you bath edit, what radius do you use? Overlay or soft light? Or do you sharpen another way?

Check PDF. Search sharpen.

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to carolineghetes Again, I process all of my images using VSCO's Fuji 400H+. I'm not really loving LR's grain. Do you personally prefer the LR grain or the ASE3 grain (Fuji Reala Pushed 1 stop)? If the latter, would I just process the images thru LR then run ASE3's grain?

I've stopped using grain on my images *gasp*.

6 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to TuomasMikkonen Hi Jonas! Big fan of your work! I know you like to shoot wide open a lot, but what apertures you use shooting portraits of a couple, when both of them eyes and faces should be sharp? And still have a nice DOF too.. Thanks!

It depends on the lens and the distance you're shooting from. I like shooting closeup portraits with a 35, 50 or a 135mm. Often at f/2.2.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Lets say your travelling and you have serious weight restrictions for your carry on and you know this going into it... what lenses do you decide to bring?

There's always serious weight restrictions. You're allowed 7kg (15lbs) on most flights. My carry on weighs more than twice that much. You just have to have a bag that looks less heavy than it is. And then you carry it like it weighs nothing. I do roughly 80 flights a year and I rarely - if ever - get stopped. If I do get stopped I will carry my camera bodies around my neck through security and stuff a couple of lenses in my pockets because yes, the rules are that stupid. If you're wearing it on your body you're fine.
7 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Thanks for your quick reply on the branding/marketing conundrum. Really appreciate your advice & feedback. No offense meant or taken, but your tone can seem pretty harsh & condescending some times...

As I've mentioned before, with 3400 questions answered it gets frustrating when all people want is a quick fix or a shortcut. I'm all for sharing knowledge, but I'm also a firm believer in working incredibly hard and learning from the mistakes you make on your own journey. People shouldn't look at what I've done and copy paste that onto their own careers. Learn from life and build from that.


11 Smiles Comment Share

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson What are some ways to market/brand myself as a non-posey, non-conventional wedding photographer & also book clients who actually understand the 'real' approach to wedding photography & clients who are just comfortable & confident being themselves?

Dude, Do your homework. No offense. There's no text book, this is how it's done, how to go from zero to 300 bookings in six months. Doesn't exist. You sit down and break down EXACTLY what you're about, what you want to do, where you want to go and how you intend to get there. And then you adapt your brand accordingly. If you build it, they will come.
15 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hello! Do you sharpen your images when you do the editing?

Yes, all RAW images need sharpening, but my sharpening is very light.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson how did you align your 'like' button to the right?

By using the option "align to the right" in the plugin settings.

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hi, when do you shot with small raw?

I don't.
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jonaspeterson You said you deliver about 600 pics per wedding. Do the couple get the "ok" looking pics too? Or Just your favorites?

I've posted a link to a full wedding before. If you look at that, you'll be able to tell what sort of photos I deliver.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson When you've already had a couple express interest in a date, and then another inquires about it, what do you do? Do you alert the first couple (who haven't yet returned a contract)? I run into this all the time and haven't found a good solution.



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

I normally do, yes. But only if we've communicated after I've confirmed I'm available a certain date. If they've expressed interest and said they want to pay the retainer, I will contact them again before letting someone else book.
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jonaspeterson Hello Jonas! I'm shooting my second wedding soon, but the first with a videographer. What do you do to deal with videographers? I'm worried about the videographer interfering in my work. What do you recommend? Thak you very much Jonas

Shooting with videographers around can be difficult. All you can hope for is them respecting you and the shots you need to get. If they don't you need to speak up there and then. You're both there to work and you need to get along - or at least respect each other.
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jonaspeterson I saw you added a Pin It & Like button to your posts. Are you using one plugin for both? If yes, which one? If not, how did you get them to show on the same line?

Two plugins. One is aligned to the right.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to nabeel164 Hello Mr.Jonas How do you deal with shooting the vows? i dont use a 2nd shooter but a 2nd angle at that point would be great, as i feel once the couple are stationary that its rude to move around, but then can miss great shots! am i being too considerate?

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson More on albums. Do you export at 300dpi?

No, my album manufacturer requires files at 250dpi.

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jonaspeterson Have you ever blogged a wedding and not included all aspects of it i.e. groom getting ready because you were'nt 100% satisfied with those images?

I don't blog anything I'm not satisfied with, but no, I've never cut out certain aspects of a day because I didn't nail it.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to bentinmarcs Hi Jonas. When designing your vision art albums do you use Photojunction or Indesign. Cheers man.



1 Smile Comment Share

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson album design question. how many spreads would you do on "establishing" shots. 1-2 in 40 spread album? paper bag coming your way :)

I don't really have a formula. Some weddings I do one spread, other times plenty more. It all depends.
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jonaspeterson after downloading the 3300 questions PDF, open in Preview (Mac) and you can search by keyword eg slideshow and it sorts 58 pages with the word slideshow and away you go. I was too scared to search 'what lens' may have broken something...

6 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Two Q's from yesterday. Showit Web, is there a HTML alternative you know of? Around 30% of my web traffic is iDevice based and I want them to see the slideshows too. Also - Album Exposure, is it available external to PhotoJunction? I design in InDesign.

I would totally use a html alternative if I knew of one, but I don't. Album Exposure is available as a standalone option, yes.
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jonaspeterson Do you ever think that by revealing so many trade secrets on this site, you may be breeding an army of mini Jonas Petersons that will one day rise and eat into your exclusivity? (so much thanks for it anyway btw ;)

When that happens, I will activate the self-destruct chip I have implanted in all my clones. It will be a blood bath.
14 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to mcederholm I find the light meter in my 5d mkII usually underexpose my photos, have you noticed that and do you just simply compensate when shooting, looking more to the screen and histogram?

I haven't noticed, no.

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jonaspeterson responded to LouisaBailey Do you sometimes get tired of wedding food? (chicken/beef/chicken/beef).

Not really. I shoot 12-15 hours. Once I get my only meal that day, I'd eat anything to be honest.


7 Smiles Comment Share

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson Hello Jonas. Sorry if you have answered this before, but I already scrolled as far down as I could be bothered to. How did you 'INITIALLY' gain international recognition? i.e. How did they come to know of you from so far away? Thank you!

By being featured on blogs, being active on forums and social media and by having work that was different enough to be noticed. Once the ball starts rolling it's all about word of mouth.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hej Jonas! I really like your party pictures that you've taken with flash. I read below that you work alot with the shutter speed. But how do you point the flash (most cases)? Straight ahead, up towards the roof? Thank you.

direct flash.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to paulfuller Hi Jonas, any plans for a workshop in the UK, I would go!

This year looks a bit too busy already, but I'd love to do one there for sure.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson How do you feel about a friend of a bride and groom sourcing their photographer? I just got off the phone with an art school grad who decided she'd be in charge of finding the right person. I couldn't even get the bride's email address out of her.

It happens to me too. I have no issue with it as long as I get to deal with the couple before they book. They need to understand what I do, what sets me apart and they need to like it.
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jonaspeterson Jonas, can you please recommend an anti-spam filter for WP blogs. Ours is out of control!

Akismet is all you need.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to butterflybelly I read one question where one of your followers asked you : if VSCO has sped up your postprocessing. What is VSCO? Love your work, your work is beyong amazing. thank you
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full raw or small raw for weddings?

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Full RAW.
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jonaspeterson responded to iseethrualens What kind of photos should I put in my portfolio?

Really good ones.

30 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to meredithphoto I need help with branding. You can be very critical - what do I need to improve on?

Hi Meredith, As much as I hate to say it, I don't have time to help you out. I get about 10-15 emails per day where people ask me to have a look at their portfolios and as much as I'd like to help, there simply aren't enough hours in the day. Now that my oldest son has started school (prep), I drop him off at 8.30am, then take my youngest to kindergarten. I'm usually back home by 9am, I sit down and answer client emails before it's time for an editing session. At 2.30pm it's time to pick up Noah and take him home. We swim in the pool and talk about his day before his younger brother comes home and we jump in the pool again. Then it's time for dinner, reading books, a bath and then bed. I hate saying no to people, but the truth is that I have to prioritise. That's why I've chosen to answer questions here on Formspring. Your question sounds simple enough, but to answer it properly I would have to spend time on your website, sit down and analyse what your pros and cons are and then formulate an answer. And I just don't have time for that. I'm really sorry. I thought the honest answer would be better than to simply ignore your question altogether.
31 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to annettewilson Beside wide establishing shots, what do you like to use your 24mm for?

Dancefloor shots, getting ready and some portraits. Anything, really.

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Are you going to the HOTD social BBQ on the Saturday night?

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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Jonas, curious to know what type of filters you use?

I don't use any filters.

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jonaspeterson Jonas, yet another Q about the black/white points. The VSCO presets often have the black point starting part way up the left axis. I can't work out how to do that in my own presets. Is that part of the camera calibration? I can only pump up shadows.

Which version of Lightroom do you have?

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jonaspeterson responded to aussiealphabet What do you do to find & see the light you would like to shoot from or place your subjects in? Hold up hand, squint. Once you can see the light then what makes the decision. Maybe dumb questions, but i cant get my head around it.

Good question, but I don't have an answer to match it. It comes down to experience, I have shot in many different light situations and after a while you simply learn what works and what doesn't. Practise, practise, practise, there really is no other way to learn. Everything about photography is about seeing. I guess it can be taught, but the best way to learn is by doing.
4 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Jonas, my sensai, hear my cry. Do you provide your clients with both color and black/white images? If so, how do you achieve this in VSCO editing 400 RAWs twice?

I used to when I edited in PS, by now I don't.

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jonaspeterson Do you ever find your usual post-processing doesn't work with images shot in particular light/locations?

No, my batch editing is too light for that to happen.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson When you say "point curve" is that the same as the RGB curve in photoshop?

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jonaspeterson responded to bentinmarcs



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Hi Jonas. What album company do you use the most and have you had any problems with the album type with no gutter like Tom and Brea's? Cheers man.

Vision Art Books. Never had any issues whatsoever. Awesome books/albums, fast delivery and amazing customer service.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson why are you getting 2 1Ds if it's just you and you don't have another person with you? As a backup?

I shoot with two camera bodies.

7 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hey Jonas, Do you prefer working alone or with second shooters?

I've only worked with second shooters a handfull times, but I've enjoyed the experience then. It does create a different dynamic though, you have another person to worry about, make sure you're not in each other's shot etc. Sometimes that breaks the flow a bit.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to zoharralt not sure if i already asked it, excuse me if i did, any thoughts about the upcoming 1DX ?

Well, I'm getting two.

4 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson I know you mentioned it a few weeks ago, but now I can't locate it. What was the name of the nature soundtrack/album you listen to in the morning?
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jonaspeterson What exactly does "pulling black and white points" mean? How would I do this in light room? thanks for your time!

Take the top corner of the point curve (white) and pull it down. Do the opposite to the bottom left corner (black).
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Do you love your own work?

I accept it for what it is.


2 Smiles Comment Share

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson responded to mcederholm Just a quick one, wouldn't pulling in the white and black points mean you increase contrast? Isn't that the same as an s-curve? Or am I missing something from your earlier response saying it lowers contrast?

It's the opposite. Pulling the black and white points means you make black less black and white less white. If that makes sense.
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jonaspeterson responded to xlaralaralarax in 2 years i'm going to australia for a year, where should i go? (i'm from austria) ;)

It's like asking where should I go when I visit Europe or the US. It's a massive continent with a million and one things to see. I have barely scratched the surface myself.
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jonaspeterson When I pull in the white and black points in levels (love the look) I start to get a lot of weird banding before I get it to the point I want - any suggestions for that?

If anything you should see less banding, since you are lowering the contrast, so that's sounds strange to me.
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jonaspeterson responded to jayrowden Love you JP. Quick question: do you *always* shoot wide open? Even on a bright day? I find that when I shoot at 1.4 that the DOF is just wayyyy too narrow

I shoot wide open quite a lot. When I'm shooting closer to my subjects I will sometimes stop down to f/2.2.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson have you noticed with all your travels that there is different types of light based on your location, and that you have to shoot accordingly?

Yes and no. The light is always the same, but climate and things like smog or altitude have effect on the quality of light. I can't say I do anything special to adapt, but sometimes I do notice a difference.
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jonaspeterson responded to Kubeldzis Hey Jonas, I know you hate technical questions butech.can you please please tell me what lens you used for the shot graham079 (MEGAN & MATHEW wedding)?

Canon 50mm 1.2L @1.2

1 Smile Comment Share


jonaspeterson So the 85 1.8 is good enough?

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

It's a great lens.

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Fuji 400h or Kodak Portra 400 and why?

I haven't shot either stock enough to have a qualified opinion. Most of my film "work" has been shot on Portra 800.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Do you have 85 1.2 or 85 1.4?

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jonaspeterson responded to psarta do you have / carry backup lenses as well? maybe two off your fav lens just in case?

I bring six different lenses to every wedding. That'll do.

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jonaspeterson Re destination wedds. You mentioned you charge your normal rate plus travel. Even though you may be away for up to 3-4 days you charge the same as a Brisbane wedding day. Interested in how you reached that decision. Many thanks.

Because I love to travel. I find that a good balance between local, interstate and international weddings keeps me on my toes. I have never been good with routine.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to jorgeinthewater Hi Jonas, wanted to know if a couple also wants video coverage do you recommend someone? Someone that might also have travel (fly in) or do you search for someone in the local area? Thank you for your time.

I have maybe one local videographer I recommend and one or two in the US. People rarely ask me though.
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jonaspeterson Do you have any practical/specific tips for nailing exposure or suggested exercises that amateur photographers can do to help hone exposure techniques? Thanks for all your time and advice.



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Practise. There's no other way. Also, shooting with manual settings will speed up the process. That way you're forced to think about your settings and you'll understand your camera quicker.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson What camera do you use?

Dude, try a little harder...

11 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Do you think being shy is a disadvantage when it comes to the business side of photography?

Yeah, I don't think it helps. So much about running a photography business is about people. If you're not a people person, things get tricky. If you're not a people person, wedding photography is a weird career choice to begin with.
4 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hey Jonas! From the top of your head... Do you know any Irish photographer?

Barry McCall.
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jonaspeterson responded to TristanCardew It often seems wedding photographers are looked to for energy and enthusiasm, and as someone who's going to inadvertantly direct the show on the day. I know it's not your style to be 'in charge' necessarily, but how do you feel if this happens to you?

The people who hire me DON'T want someone who takes center stage and directs every thing that happens. I will take charge when it's time for portraits, but the rest of the day I go with the flow. That doesn't mean I don't have a presence.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Are there rules that you always consciously follow when you shoot portraits e.g. frame must not cut a subject by his/her knee, or focus on the bright side of the face, etc? If you do, please do share some. Thanks!

Nah, sorry.
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jonaspeterson I think you edit your photos more than you let on
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jonaspeterson responded to psarta

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

have you shoot any bne wed this last 2/3 weeks? curious how you would shoot in the rain. also when's the next bne workshop?

I shot one two days ago. No picnic...

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Do you expose for highlights (within reason, obviously) when using a digital system? I notice your daylight images retain a lot of highlight information and presume it's something you're conscious of.

I do.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to Sinhue Hey Jonas, at the beginning of your career, did you ever wonder if your couple will like your pictures?? Im asking this because, im experimenting with the final look of my pictures, and i love the final result, however im not sure if they r going to like

I've never really experienced with strong post processing, so that has never been a concern for me.
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jonaspeterson Hey Jonas, what 2012 locations/new experiences are you most excited about?

I was going to say Zimbabwe, but unfortunately that wedding was just cancelled. I'm looking forward to shooting on an island off Sicily, Positano on the Amalfi Coast in Italy, Malta, Nicaragua, South Africa, Sweden, Bali, NYC and San Fransisco.
3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hi in an earlier post that you use AWB..have you ever used something like the expo disc and if so did you like it and if you haven't used it yet, would you consider using one ever?

Never have, don't think I ever will.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to AliKmusic Hi there! I'm a recording singer-songwriter and I was wondering if you had a website where I can check out your photography?

I have a few photos here:

7 Smiles Comment Share


jonaspeterson responded to annawallis

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Hi Jonas, do you encourage your clients to schedule their location photos/portraits for late afternoon or go with their own schedule? I often find myself finishing their photos just before the light is getting great. Also, do you use a reflector? Thanks

Yeah, I encourage them to schedule the portraits as close to the golden hour as possible, but if they can't, I will make the most of what I get. I tell them that most of the portraits they do see on my website are shot in good light and explain to them the implications of shooting earlier, but at the end of the day, it's up to them. I'll capture it the best way I can, no matter what.
4 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Is 5-7 months enough time to request you?

Unfortunately not. I will have to odd date free here and there, but since I limit myself to 40 weddings per year these days, I will often be booked out almost a year in advance. Once I'm getting close to my limit for the year, I get EXTREMELY restrictive when it comes to booking new jobs. You may need to have the ceremony in a temple in Atlantis and arrive on a unicorn for me to go over my limit.
5 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to annettewilson I have recently begun flying all over for photo work. I was wondering if/what kind of program you're using to reap the benefits of this? Are you with frequent flyers? Any direction would be greatly appreciated :)

Yup, I always fly Virgin or one of their international partner airlines if I can. I'm a platinum member of their frequent flyer program by now, meaning I have free access to VIP lounges all over the world plus a bunch of other benefits. Plus I have...quite a few frequent flyer points. I also always rent Hertz cars using a corporate account I've set up. The sooner you create a system that works for you, the better.
3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson just wanted to say thanks for the inspiration. that's all. it's not about the presets. it is, most decidedly, about the storytelling. and as much as you have always been at the front of the pack, your work is increasingly brilliant.

thank you so much.

5 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hi Jonas. :) Have you ever used Two Bright Lights? Or would you recommend a different Personal Publicity Platform? Thank you for your time!

I have not.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Do you have recommendations on a good affordable film SLR. The Contax is a bit out of my range right now. Which film cameras do you use. Thanks Jonas.

Most film cameras are affordable to be honest. It's just some that are extremely over-priced because they are used by a few rockstar photographers. If you're after a 645 system, look into the Mamiya 645 with a 80 1.9 lens. And if you're after a 6x7 system, check out The Mamiya RZ. The Pentax 67 is still affordable if you're after a great medium format camera. Note that you will need a light meter to go with it unless you buy the Pentax 67II with an AE Pentaprism. For 35mm, get a system where you can use the lenses you already own.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hi Jonas. VSCO question for you. Do you use the split toning feature at all to add the green tint to your photos? Thanks in advance for your reply.

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jonaspeterson responded to paulkrol Everything has its ups and downs, I guess. So when you see great photography and enjoy it, do you also feel nauseous and appalled at some of the 'bad' photography out there?

Not really, I don't sit and watch bad photography actively.

3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to Kubeldzis is it safe to say that you photograph rich people? especially those who dont live in Australia

Nope. But it's safe to say photography is a priority for the people who hire me.
10 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Do you have any near or distant plans to host a workshop out near California, USA? Lots of big fans out this way. I know I'd love to attend your workshop. Thanks

Looking at early August.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson People, I went to the Jonas/Sean workshop and it's true what he says about his editing. He hardly touched the photographs. Time to get over the editing questions.

5 Smiles Comment Share



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson responded to urielcoronado Any recommendations for a newbie to wedding photography?

Read all the questions I've answered. Rinse. Repeat.

6 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Really nice works, Jonas!! I looked through all the questions but I haven`t found the questions: 1. How often do you use 2 flashes. 2. How often do you use the umrella with flash? And what for? Thanks!

I never use two flashes and never use the umbrella for any work I do (so far).
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Is it still a tradition for the groom not to see the bride before she walks down the aisle? I've noticed in a lot of weddings that you or Sean shoot, that they have a little meeting before hand.

It depends on the culture. In Australia, it's still tradition that the groom doesn't see his bride until she walks down the aisle. What you're referring to is called a first look and it's popular in the US mainly. And because couples are online these days, they see what others do around the world. Some couples do a first look to take the edge off that moment when they see each other for the first time, that way they can enjoy the ceremony without being as nervous. Others do it so that they can schedule some portraits before the ceremony. I still like it the old way, but I'll shoot the day any way my couples like. If they schedule portraits earlier in the day, I will inform them of the implications midday sun/light will have on portraits. A lot of people hire me for the light in my portraits and shooting in mid-day sun is almost always less than ideal.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, Do you find that VSCO has sped up your post-processing time? Do you ever get it done in under a day? I am still at 2.5 days and would love to shorten this. Thanks.

Very much so. I can edit a wedding in about half a day if I'm focused now.
5 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to alisagreig just wanted to say mahalo for all the sharing you do here. while your processing is great!, the way you use your vision to tell the couples story through your lens is what i see and appreciate in your work--beautiful!

Thank you.
2 Smiles Comment Share




Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonas, have to disagree, ur photos do have the "jonas color", and thats why if you look at wed photog these days they all look the same,desat look,which is what u're doing, they want to be u,u do take great photos but ur also popular because of ur "color"

The color treatment I use today is different from the one I used three months ago and that one is different from how I edited six months ago. And so on. I'm sure it cant be just a slight desaturation and pulled black and white points that people associate with my look.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to niravphotograph Mr Jonas, have you used that pentax 67 yet? If so, how rad is it ;).

Not enough to be honest. I'm taking it with me on all my overseas trips this year though.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson You have images that suggest you take chances--the evening shot of the couple facing into the barn before entering is a good example. Most photogs would instinctively choose to be inside. Do you see a shot and then cross your fingers it materializes?

I was inside when I saw Dave and Alarna standing there. I realized the shot would be so much better from the outside, so I ran out a side door and crossed my fingers. Luckily I got a couple of frames before they walked inside. I was also lucky in other ways. The moon was out and because of that the facade was lit up enough for me to get the frame I did. Most of the best shots are part vision, part luck and part timing.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hi Jonas. What percentage of shots would you say you shoot the correct white balance at? I have good days and bad. Cheers.

I shoot AWB these days, so the same as anyone else.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to carterhewson excluding travel, hotel expenses and such, do you charge more for international weddings as opposed to weddings closer to home to cover the extra time away?

I don't, no.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson JP on a wedding day are you cool calm and collected or rushing madly here there and everywhere when shooting?

Alternative A.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to Kubeldzis



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Jonas, have you ever been to Lithuania? would you shoot a wedding in winter, i mean snow everywhere, overcast and so on?

I'll shoot anywhere. I'm a location whore.

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Forgive me, perhaps I didn't word it very well. Thinking reviewing shots post-wedding. "wow, you smoked that" or "don't do that again, it didn't work!!". The brutal honesty of someone close is invaluable to me.

That's ok. I let Jacqui review my slideshows before we send them to client. I may not always like what she has to say, but I do listen and make changes.
4 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Jonas, dont get me wrong I think you are genius at composing, catching moments that reflect human emotions and so on. But on top of that there must be something else. All your photos have something in common the specific look.It makes a huge difference

You're wrong. I use the same actions/presets as thousands of other photographers. There's no secret sauce, no magic tweak I'm not telling people about. I've said that on this forum maybe 50 times, but people still think I'm withholding something. It's frustrating and hilarious at the same time. You like an image because of millions of factors. When it comes to my images, post processing is such a small part of what makes them what they are.
5 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hi Mr Peterson,i recently just got a canon 24mm 1.4l ii and i got a problem with the focusing, it intends to do back focusing, did this happened to your copy too? did you have to micro adjust it? if you did, by how many? thanks for your help

You need to get yours calibrated by Canon. Mine is fine. Micro-adjusting is individual between each body and lens, so no use asking me about my settings.
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jonaspeterson responded to achristianto hi Jonas, what do you think about using 16-35 lens in wedding? is it too wide? does the distortion annoys you?

If you like it, go for it. I've never used it.

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jonaspeterson Just curious about a specific VSCO thingespecially with you shooting Canondo you play with the calibration shadow tint at all? At first my images were 'too green' and then I countered that by using more magenta. Ever mess with that?



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

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jonaspeterson Love the latest wedding post Jonas. Would it be possible for you to keep the EXIF data in future posts? My mate and I used to enjoy looking at which lenses you chose for different shots a couple of years ago. If not, we understand. Cheers!

Yeah, no worries. It's just an old habit to minimize exif data when I export from LR, but I can keep the exif data in the future.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to annawallis I am just starting out as a photographer and have been told my photographs are often too centre weighted. Did you pay a lot of attention to compositional rules such as the rule of thirds when you started out? Thanks for giving so generously on this forum

Yeah, the rule of third was pretty much the only rule I knew of when I started shooting in 1998. I still keep it in mind most of the time, but I don't follow it religiously.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson I also mean no disrespect. I just fail to achieve what you achieve. My friend and I tried to recreate some of your photos. Used same lighting, same equipment, very similar compositions. Looks totally different to yours. why? it makes me think it's post :/

As wrong as I think you are, it's an interesting subject. When I started shooting weddings (especially), I looked at other wedding photographers for inspiration. I tried to break down exactly what they did to their images, but no matter how close I came to their magic recipe, my images always looked like my images. It was extremely frustrating. I wanted my images to look like theirs, not mine. But slowly I started to realise that the thing that made my images look like my images was something under the surface, something very hard to define. Some call it voice, some call it vision, others expression. Whatever it is, it's something all photographers need to learn how to cultivate. I did the same thing to my writing over my ten year career as a writer. Over the few short years I've worked as a wedding photographer, my post processing has changed over 100 times. And yet people tell me they can recognise an image of mine from far away. The same way I can recognise an image by Sean Flanigan or Erik Clausen. Good photographers are intuitive, they have learned to listen to that inner voice or whatever you want to call it. They are in tune with something beyond shutter speeds, apertures and post processing and they keep shooting from that place jonaspeterson rather than the obvious.
Jonas Peterson

Getting there is a long journey, personally I think I've only scratched the surface, but that's the beauty of photography, as much as we think Follow we're shooting a picture OF something, we're really just trying to mirror something we have within. And that thing is what it is no matter what photoshop action you smear over it.
41 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson How does one gain popularity in the world of photography?



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Be awesome, be different, work hard as hell.

8 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Thank you for your time, I have spent days and days reading all your responses and can not thank you enough! I know most of your business comes from referrals, WOM, and blog features. What % of your business is referral based? Thank you!

I don't track my leads that well, but the majority comes from the holy trifecta referrals, WOM and blog features.
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jonaspeterson responded to francoishogue What workflow do you follow with Visualsupply & Lightroom? Do you start by giving a look to your images with V.S. and then work from there with the normal LR tools, or do you first edit your pictures and finish your process with VisualSupply?

I use a tweaked VSCO preset on import and then I go through all images one by one again for tweaks (if needed). Most of the time, I don't do much else to the images after import.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Have you ever been to Russia?:)

No, but I've always wanted to go. I have few Russian friends from when I worked on a ship years ago.
3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to Kubeldzis I think the main factor of your success is in your postproduction. Anyone can get good exposures, but cannot get the look you achieve. I believe there is a combination of settings you use in post for all your photos.You will never reveal it.I respect that

I mean no disrespect, but if you think post production is the main factor in my success, you really have misunderstood most things about my photography, storytelling, emotion, how I frame, expose, etc, etc. If you go back and read the questions I've answered you'll find examples and befores and afters. My post processing is very light, I'd say my post processing has played almost no role at all in my success.
15 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to dfphotographer I believe you are not using c1 pro any more but did you use noise reduction/Moire with your higher asa images or just let them go straight through. I am finding it hard to get the balance right. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Love your work!

Can't say I did, sorry. I like C1, but it's just soooo slow to work with IMO.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Why did you choose to use the classic over the mkii at a recent wedding? I am wanting to move up to the pro line for weddings and really would like to know your take. Is the mkii better significantly than the classic 5d for weddings and portraits?

Paul & Cassie's wedding was shot in July 2009 with a 5D. Shaun & Cassie's wedding was shot in late 2011 with a 5DII. The 5D was - and still is - a fantastic camera. I actually prefer most things about the 5D Classic over the Mark II, but the things I prefer about the Mark II - noise levels at higher ISO's and the LCD screen - are hard to pass up. I still prefer the look of 5D Classic files SOOC over the 5DII. At least under ISO1250.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Ever been asked to do "The Veil Shot" where both the bride and groom are under the veil.

No, I haven't, but I'm not too precious about requested shots. If they want one, I'll shoot it, it's their wedding, not my photo shoot. I'm usually the one coming with strange ideas anyway...
10 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to wbmhp Have you ever got caught in the emotion of the wedding day at any moment and began to cry, or have the eye's well up with the odd tear rolling down your cheek. I only as as at some weddings you seem to feel everything and it is hard not to shed a tear.

All the time.

5 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson What is the craziest travel schedule you've had for weddings (e.g., wedding in AUS on Friday, fly to USA and shoot a wedding on Sunday, etc.)?How do you decide if you can "take it on," and do you tell inquiring couples about your other commitments?

I've shot in three different countries in a week, but I wouldn't recommend it. So much can go wrong with cancelled flights and other things. When I get international inquiries, I will inform them of my schedule and the risks involved, but usually I just turn them down. I prefer a day to chill and download cards when I'm overseas anyway. I never even shoot weddings in different states here in Australia these days. And never ever consecutive days if the weddings are in different cities.
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jonaspeterson After all the weddings you have amazingly shot do you think you have a loose formula that you shoot to? Like shooting a wide shot then move in to a close up. Thanks Jp.


1 Smile Comment Share

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson responded to Kubeldzis What camera did you use for Paul & Cassie wedding? thanks

A Canon 5D.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to Kubeldzis Hey Jonas, what software you use to decrease focus in your photos? thanks

I don't use any software to "decrease focus". You're probably thinking of my tilt shift images, which are shot with a 45mm tilt shift lens.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Jonas, I recently bought the canon 35mm f1.4L (with 5d ii). There seems to be some focus issue (back focus). How would you go about this issue: A)send it to canon (for calibration) B)5dii's AF microadjustment C)return it for a new copy (if they accept)

Send it to Canon for calibration.

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jonaspeterson On a scale of 1-10, how happy are you?

6 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson When I take a picture, should I push the bigger of the buttons? I can't find the take picture option in the menus?

You're funny.
7 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson What does raw shooting means?
7 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to gedem81 Hi Jonas! I have always loved your wide angle shots of couples in front of beautiful land/sea/skyscapes. What lens do you use to shoot these?


24L or 35L normally.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson any advice regarding best/friendly ways to filter clients once they make contact? Their first question is always am I free on their date, after that it becomes awkward to back out if they seem a bad match.

I don't filter clients.

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jonaspeterson responded to jorgeinthewater Also how do you approach coming to a new city looking for locations? Research, google speak with the couple or all of the above? Many thanks for the time you put into answering. Jorge

I arrive a day early and scout locations then.

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to jorgeinthewater Hello Jonas, I'm getting many calls for weddings from other cities but every time I mention where I'm they place the breaks a bit on the deal. When you were starting out how did you handle the travel part? Did you feel resistance at the beginning?

No, people almost always know where I'm based before they contact me.
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jonaspeterson responded to irenevdb Hello Jonas, Hope you are well. Like to know how big the files are you give to your clients. (We had 450 pictures and ended with 3 dvds full of pics) Thanks for doing all this. Irene

I've gone back and forth. For a long time I delivered full 5DII files in all their glory, but I found the files were too large for many people. They want 4x6, not 20x30. So then I switched to delivering everything 3000px on the longest side, a file good for resizing up and down without having to know the intricacies of resharpening. Aaaaand now I'm considering going back to full size again. I don't want to discuss with people why I deliver a smaller size. May as well give them the full Kahuna.
3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to stik1982 quite likely it's just me, but your rapidshare download on your bio appears to be broken, any other link? (ps. really really really appreciative of what you're doing here, thank you so much)

Ok, that sucks, I'll try and sort it out somehow.

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jonaspeterson After 5 yrs of shooting exclusively with natural light, I've had to get a 580EX ll to deal with increasing nighttime receptions ...can I ask what mode you use ? This is like an alien to me and I havnt got a clue where to start..



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

All manual settings.

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jonaspeterson Do you use 35mm during reception? Seems like I'm always in there face with that focal length.

Usually my 50, 85 or 135.

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jonaspeterson Which do you shoot first, bridesmaid or groomsmen when getting ready? Or do you go back and forth?

Usually bride then groomsmen, then back to the bride.

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jonaspeterson responded to mcederholm How do you get the skin tones right if you don't use spot metering? Do you make a calculated guess or try until you get it right?

You can call it a calculated guess based on experience and knowing how my camera meters.
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jonaspeterson Do you ever use off camera flash for weddings?

Sometimes for the first dance.

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jonaspeterson Isn't usually the family group pics taken indoors at the reception?

I take mine right after the ceremony and almost always outdoors.
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jonaspeterson In an effort to be a bit more selective, I want to sort of pre-screen my clients with a contact form questionnaire on my website. Do you think this is a good idea? I want to eliminate bad matches and get right into booking couples that fit...any ideas?

That's what I'm doing next, for the same reasons.

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Do you use flash for indoor group shots?



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

I've never done an indoor group shot.

3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson You say that exposing correctly is the key to great shots. Say you over-expose a touch, wouldn't bringing down the exposure later in LR be the same as exposing correctly providing nothing is blown out? Is there more dynamic range in camera or something?

I don't want to have to do that. And I find that an image that's correctly exposed in the first place usually beats a processed one. Call me old-fashioned.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Has LaCie ever failed you? One of my 2 TB's decides to call it quits while I was backing up. It was brand new. Got a "disc did not eject properly" or something like that pop up on my Mac. Just curious if you've ever had that problem.

So far so good.
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jonaspeterson when you make your raw selects folder do you copy or move?

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Do you use ratings (1-5) or tags in PM?

Color class one is a keeper. That's it.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson When do you use the 135mm at a wedding?

The whole day.

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jonaspeterson Do you have 135mm f2? What do you think of that lens?

One of my favorite lenses. Absolutely amazing.

1 Smile Comment Share




Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

What does your presets consist of in lightroom besides /- exposure? do you mess with contrast?

curve and color adjustments.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to Mauritsen The price difference between the 85mm 1.2 & the 1.8 is huge..... do you have experience from them both and could you recommend the 1.8 if the budget is tight? Or save and wait?

Yeah, the 85 1.8 is great value for money. One of the best non "pro" Canon lenses around.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Do you think 50mm 1.4 is worth the money (compared to 50mm 1.8)? Yup Thanks, why?

Because it's a better lens, it's built better and it's faster. I shot with pretty much nothing but the 50 1.4 for a whole year or so (before I started shooting professionally). Questions like this are impossible to answer. I don't know who you are, how you shoot, your budget etc, etc. It's a better lens. I can't tell you if it's worth the money FOR YOU.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Do you think 50mm 1.4 is worth the money (compared to 50mm 1.8)?

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jonaspeterson You say that you swich lenses all the time, so i was wondering, how do you organize your lenses during a wedding, i mean, in your backpack? I mean .. do you reach for them standing or how do you do it without loosing time?

I use a Shootsac.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Does it bother you when people don't realize how awesome you are?

I don't think I'm awesome, so no.

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how do you stay productive during the day?

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

You're asking the wrong person. I'm Captain Procrastination.

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson When you say you shoot Manual white balance, do you mean you choose a white balance and stick to it all day (I remember reading you said its important to do) and not alter it when working on Raw file, or is there another meaning of manual white balance?

I usually use one of the presets, cloudy, daylight, tungsten etc, but if I have to I will set manual WB using Kelvin. If it looks good in camera, I'm happy. "Correct" white balance is overrated.
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jonaspeterson Ever get sick enough before a wedding that you just couldn't shoot? if so, what's your plan of action? worse case scenario stuff sucks

Has never happened. I have a network of friends I can call. Still a nightmare situation.
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jonaspeterson football or basketball?

And by football, I hope you mean real football. Then yes.

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to HagaiGalili any tips on getting the images in chronological order while working with two bodies?

Sync the time between the bodies before you shoot. Then import and sort in chronological order.
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jonaspeterson If you shoot a wedding ceremony outside and have much freedom to move around. What's your most common combo? Would you then ever start changing lenses during the ceremony?

135L on one body and 35L or 50L on the other. I switch lenses all the time. I use my 24, 45TS, 85 too. If needed.
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Happy Birthday Jonas! Any wishes?

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

I just want this magic carpet ride to continue.

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Film SLR.. Any recommendations? Under $3000.

I don't think you can even find a film SLR that expensive. It depends on a lot of things, what do you shoot today, do you want to shoot 35mm or medium format?
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jonaspeterson Do you eat with the guests, as in, seated with them as though you are too a guest? That's lovely if so!

Most of the time I'm seated in another room, but still close enough so I can see if something happens. At some weddings I am seated with the rest of the guests.
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jonaspeterson And people always provide you with food or do you disappear and eat something you brought?

It's in my contract, so yes, it's always provided.

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jonaspeterson If you are asked to stay and photograph the reception, what do you do when everyone is eating and you've already taken photos of the room, people, the food and the decorations?

I eat.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Do you use spot metering?

Not very often, no (pretty much never).

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jonaspeterson At what stage of the editing process do you desaturate the image a little bit and by how much?

If you read the questions answered, you'll find out.

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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Do you ever warm up in PS/ASE or do you just up the temp in raw convert?

Never in PS, rarely in RAW converter either. I shoot with a manual white balance.
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jonaspeterson I know you've commented on the profile lens corrections tool in Lightroom before, but was curious if you had a change of heart? Like it, love it, or still never use it?

Still never use it.

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jonaspeterson How do you keep subjects (especially girls) from looking pasty white? What do you do to give richer skin tones? Sometimes bumping my white balance makes them look more yellow than tan.

I don't do anything to be honest. No tricks, no nothing, I shoot relatively warm, that's it.
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jonaspeterson Have you ever or often photographed more than one wedding in a particular venue? Would you avoid repeating ideas that worked? Sorry if youve answered this before!

I have photographed plenty of weddings at repeat venues. I try and come up with new ideas, but if something is working I'm not afraid to repeat it.
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jonaspeterson I'm taking my family to Bali for the first time. Got any tips, great places to stay? PS love your work

I love Bali and just spent a week there with my family. I'd try and stay away from Kuta and Seminyak if possible. There are nice bars, restaurants and shopping there, but the real Bali is found elsewhere. Everyone recommends Ubud and that's for a reason, it's lovely up there. I don't think you need to be close to the ocean to be honest, I don't really like the beaches I've seen. Better find a nice villa with a pool somewhere. Lovina up in the north is also nice, but it is quite small. I think you can have an amazing time anywhere in Bali to be honest.
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jonaspeterson responded to fosteraddington Let's say the hottest highlight in the frame is in the sky, or on a white chair- not on the subject's skin or clothing. Do you expose for the highlights on your subject or the just hottest highlight overall in the image? n00b apology in advance.

A) I don't always expose for the highlights. B) If I do, my main concern is the subject and most importantly, skin.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Ok. Situation: You are in Brisbane and have flight somewhere to europe shoot destination wedding. And then just happen super-duper anonymous volcanic eruption. All Flights cancel from Australia. Question: Do you have plan B?

4 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson HEy! Lexar or Sandisk ? And how many gigs do you bring to wedding if you shoot FULL RAW?

All Sandisk. I bring way more than I shoot, normally around 100GB worth of cards.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hey JP, in portfolio is it better to tell full story with less favorite images or put best off and make some gaps??, not everyone can tell the tale with one picture like you do lol. TY

A classic portfolio consists of your best single images, but these days many people show their work online and then you can choose to show whole stories. I don't show people anything but whole weddings because that's where I think I'm the strongest. Plus I don't want couples to book me because of single shots I've taken in the past.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson would you shoot family portraits? or just weddings? I apologise if this has been asked before.. if it has just don't answer =)

I shoot anything, but I've been so fully booked, I've had to turn down most other inquiries. I'm just starting to shoot some editorial work for magazines now and I'm excited about that. Shooting family portraits will probably have to wait.
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jonaspeterson Joy Division or The Cure?

Joy Division
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Dance shots. 2nd curtain. Click. Move camera for movement. Take shot. Ahhhh! Most of my shots are out of focus. Isn't it really difficult getting them in focus while dancing?

Are you focusing on them before you start moving? I generally shoot with a wide angle lens at around f/4. I also tend to shoot most of them from the same distance ie I know i have a zone where stuff is in focus. You could set your camera to manual focus and focus around 1.5m. That way you can shoot people 1-2 or even 3 meters away and get tack sharp images. But I use the AF assist beam on my flash and that works great.
2 Smiles Comment Share



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

sRaw or full raw? if full, what's the benefit outside of blowing images up to billboard sizes?

I shoot in full RAW, but deliver smaller to client. For 99% of the images full RAW is overkill, but I want the option for special images. Editing an image with more detail is never bad.
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jonaspeterson Would you book a wedding if your creative vision is different to what the clients have? What if the bride is super bridey & you're really not that enthusiastic about the wedding day - i.e. church ceremony, overused locations & standard reception venue?

I have pretty much been fully booked since the day I started ie I have shot everything I could land. My goal for the future is to shoot less weddings (still more than most) and naturally I would select the couples i really connect with. So yes, I aim to be more selective, but I still find it hard to say no.
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jonaspeterson How do you get to the stage where you're that in demand that potential clients have to pitch and sell their weddings in order to book you? As opposed to selling yourself to them?

That's an impossible question to answer. I have no recipe, there's no magic pill or thing all successful photographers do to become popular or in demand. Sorry.
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jonaspeterson I find it really upsetting that you feel entitled to be condescending to people whose questions you feel are stupid or a waste of your time. Especially when most of them are appreciative of your efforts. Just a thought...

When was I being condescending this time? I try to as factual and to the point as possible. If I'm ever short it's when people ask me stuff they can easily find on google.
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jonaspeterson Have you ever had to deal with a bride who was unhappy with the number of photos she received? It seems like some of them expect 2000 photos of literally everything

My contract states that I deliver a minimum of 300 images, the average is 500. My couples know that and don't expect me to deliver 2000.
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jonaspeterson responded to tylerdeanphoto



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Ok. With all the precautionary stuff down (questionnaires, etc), what's your game-plan when stuff does get out of control (your timeline is thwarted)?

Adapt and conquer.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson sir can u tell me when will i get government job &which post and which department?

You will get a job in the mail room in March. Good luck.
4 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, do you shoot most of the weddings alone or with a second shooter?

Almost all of them alone.

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jonaspeterson Hey JP, just wondering whether you use the original art book or the photo art book from VA. Whats your reason for choosing one over the other? Cheers mate, appreciate it

Original. I've never tried anything else and I like it.

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jonaspeterson Do you ever edit on plane rides?

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jonaspeterson When half of somebody's face is lit by direct (golden hour) sunlight and the other half is in shadow, do you expose for highlights, shadows, or the middle? Does this tend to be too much contrast for a portrait that's not supposed to be dramatic?

Highlights. Blown skin is no bueno. But if it's a portrait, I'm in charge of placing my subjects where I want them. I would normally go backlit and expose for the shadows (face). I decide.
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jonaspeterson you scout location previous day?

For interstate and international weddings - yes. For local weddings I scout earlier.
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jonaspeterson responded to toothmade

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

What do u do when group portraits threaten to spiral out of control? Rain, disappearing family members, unhelpful groomsmen, family politics, bride wanting extra groups, oh and a group photo of everyone.

All that should be sorted beforehand. I have questionnaire for that that we send out weeks before the day. You then know which shots they want and there's also someone from the family in charge of rounding up people. I then also know if they really need a large group shot. If they do I scout a location for that before the day too.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to toothmade I shoot raw, colour correct in lightroom, export jpegs and run batch actions in ps. I've been told though that batch processing 8 bit jpegs is bad practice. Tiffs take an age to process tho. Any thoughts?

That's what I do. Your friend is too anal.

3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson so you're on a long flight.. 14 hours. what do you do in the plane? sleep? read books? i'm sure you read lotsa books.

Yup. Eat, drink, read, watch movies and sleep. The same as everyone else :)
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jonaspeterson responded to sandysamhk do you shoot oversea wedding alone?

Most of them, yes.

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jonaspeterson Sorry for repeating the question - I'm still hunting through that PDF someone posted as there is a 'search' bar. I know you use sRGB. Closest question resulted in the answer 'dude..' because they worded it so complicated! Mine is on Europe general purpose

I edit in sRGB and don't touch the other things in that window.
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jonaspeterson In the 'color settings' window in photoshop - What is yours set to?

If you'd read the questions I've already answered, you'd know that. And yes, writing this took longer than answering the actual question would have.
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jonaspeterson The very first payd wedding you shot, what did it cost?



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

I charged $1900.
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jonaspeterson How would you describe you're photographic style and what makes you process you're photo's the way you do? When applying the processing, what are you thinking / hoping to achieve?

I don't describe my style. I process my images as little as possible. I don't hope to achieve anything with my processing. Images have little to do with processing and everything to do with vision.
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jonaspeterson responded to mcederholm In your PS batch, you said your action resizes to different folders. But how do you batch resize landscape and portraits at the same time? Is there a way for an action to handle that? The only way I've found is to use Image processor, but that's manual...

In image processor the two boxes are the numbers for the maximum size. If you set both to the same, you will get images that are for example 900px on the longest side. You can include Image Processor in your batch action.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Have you hardware colour calibrated your imac? If so, how much did it change from default? And what hardware did you use?

Yes, I use a Spyder 2 Express. It makes a hell of a difference.

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson re: the 'secret to your success question' - A beautiful and thoughtful answer, thankyou xx

Thank you :)
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jonaspeterson This isn't a question, just a thank you for all the time you put in to answer questions for us. I spent hours scrolling meticulously through your questions the other day and learnt a great deal, thank you!

Thank you for saying that.

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jonaspeterson Is it more difficult getting a wedding published in blogs or magazines if you've already blogged it yourself first?

In general, yes. Some magazines don't mind if it's been on your blog first, but


generally they want exclusivity.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson Are you ever embarrassed by your oldest photos or maybe some casual old point & shoot pics you might have had on fb or something before your were a photographer? Did you take anything off the net before you put yourself out there as a pro. photographer?

Not really. My Flickr stream is filled with my older stuff. Some is grossly overprocessed, but that's part of becoming a better photographer, so I don't mind having it there.
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jonaspeterson for the life of me, i cant figure out how you have embedded those songs into your website (colarado wedding etc) in wordpress, are you adding audio or media?, i just cant work it out...
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jonaspeterson If you had the chance, what tips/advice would you give to the Jonas Peterson that was just getting ready to shoot his first wedding?

Bring more memory cards, dufus.

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jonaspeterson How do you deal with purple fringing with your 35L? I find that it to be really bad on mine and particularly hard to fix in post.

I pretend it's not there. No, really...

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jonaspeterson responded to aebohlin Read that u had the 5d before upgrading, thinking of a replacement for my 350d, really want fullframe, understandably the mark 2 is way better, but with a good prime im thinking perhaps the 5d? Mistake? Worth the extra cash even on a limited budget?

The 5D is still a fantastic camera. If you don't need to shoot above ISO1600 too often, I'd say go for it. The LCD screen is pretty bad, at least compared to the screen on the 5DII, but don't let that deter you.
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jonaspeterson Do you get paid when publishing photos in a wedding magazine / wedding blog?

No, that has never happened. Some mags these days actually want you to pay them.


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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson Are you facebook friend with all of your brides?

I try to add them, yes.

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jonaspeterson have you considered delivering images on jump drives as opposed to DVDs? do you think they will eventually be phased out?

Yes, I'm looking into it now.

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jonaspeterson How do you refrain from using the TS-E? I've had mine for a few months now and I thought the novelty would wear off... but it hasn't. Every shot I see as potential TS-E magic. Do you force yourself not to use for the clients' sake?

Too much of a good thing is never good.

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jonaspeterson I know you don't blog all of your wedding, so I was just curious, have you shot a same-sex wedding yet?

Not yet. I haven't been asked to shoot one.

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jonaspeterson I guess you always have to take this with a grain of salt... but what do you make of this rumor from canonrumors if it turns out to be true? "Both the TS-E 45 and TS-E 90 will be updated in 2011. Availability may not be until 2012. Both lenses will be L.

The 45 is the only one I've tried and it's already a great lens. It's actually the only non-L lens I shoot with regularly.
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jonaspeterson We want quick answers and don't want to spend hours to see if you might have answered a question before. Please use keywords for your answers. Really.

I'm hoping you're trying to be funny. If so, ha, ha, I like your style.
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jonaspeterson I had a large trouble using my tilt shift for moving people situations (24mm / first wedding) because of back focusing. Do you use yours for moving situations, or is it way to risky? If you



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

do, can perfect manual focus be learned or a just a higher Fstop?

Back focusing? With a manual lens? Hmmm...

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jonaspeterson I have your questions as a PDF (for search) and I noticed that nearly 3 months ago you decided to just shoot RAW instead of sRAW. 3 Months later, have you stuck strictly with it?

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jonaspeterson Oh awesome : ) I'm new to this - is it like a mini workshop or a chat with a group of of photographers...?

"On the lounge" is a very casual get together. 15-20 people will come to my home studio, I talk a little about what I do and people then ask questions. It's not a workshop at all, it's more a chance to see other photographers' studios and talk to them directly. It won't cover anything about shooting or editing for instance.
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jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, I just saw on the AIPP website - 'On the Lounge with Jonas Peterson' in 2011 ... can I ask what this is? It might mean a trip to Brissie for me : )

I think we talked about August 18. At my house :)

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jonaspeterson You have previously said numerous times that understanding light is critical to photography any tips from yourself, or any tutes, books etc that you reccommend to do this, or is it just a matter of getting out there and experimenting? Rohan

I'm a firm believer in learning by doing. The 10,000 hour rule applies.
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jonaspeterson How is it shooting 60 weddings in a year? I can imagine it's pretty validating and exhilarating, but do you ever feel like, "holy crap, this is way out of control!"

60+ weddings IS too much, for me, or I should say us, it was non stop work for two people for a year with no time for anything else than shooting, editing and traveling. It's doable, but I wouldn't recommend it. My goal for 2011 is to shoot 50, my goal for 2012 is to shoot around 40. I want more time for personal projects and possibly the whole workshop thingy.
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jonaspeterson responded to joshualamont Hey mate, I travel a fair bit shooting films. The carry-on is killing me. Have you thought about check-in solutions for sensitive gear? I'm still researching options, just thought I'd ask if you've


ever done it.

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

I can't risk them sending my gear to the wrong airport or having the baggage handlers steal stuff. Sometimes I shoot the day after I arrive. I need my gear. So carry-on it is.
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jonaspeterson Have you ever been shooting a couple and thought to youself ''these two will be divorced in a few years''?

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jonaspeterson How are you handling the Swedish winter?

Just fine. I spent the 30 first years of my life here, so it's not like I'm new to the concept.
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jonaspeterson do you use the one vsco preset for a whole wedding or use a few different ones?

One for colour, one for black and white.

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jonaspeterson Who's your favourite family portrait photographer?

Sally Mann
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jonaspeterson Another VSCO question. All the presets are way more saturated than I see in your work. Do you lower sat and/or remove the red/orange post preset? (bought them off your link btw)

Yeah, I desaturate them slightly. If the skin is too orange, I will use the Fix Orange Skin preset from the toolkit.
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jonaspeterson Wb Q. If your shooting AWB and after your edit (say VSCO) the WB still differes between scenes, Do you aim for a whole wedding to be consistent, or allow for the fact that on the day, light want consistent? Its killing me trying to get every shot balanced

I'm not too anal about things like that to be honest.

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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson I have the 35L, I think it's awesome. I seems that soon it will be a II version, do you feel you'll replace your current 35L for a new II version?

My 35L is pretty banged up, so I probably would, yes.

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jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, I'm a big fan of your work! Just wondering if you use spot metering with the 5D II? If you've already answered this please let me know, thanks!

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jonaspeterson Hello Jonas! I was wondering what script do you use in your slideshows? is it public? Thank you and I hope you are having a good day :)

ShowIt Web
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jonaspeterson you mentioned that you rent a lot of cars due to so much travelling. any particular model that caught your attention ??

I'm so not a car guy, sorry.

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jonaspeterson Do you see a lot of CA / fringing with the 35 1.4? Does it bother you?

I don't worry too much about it and therefor I can't say I see much of it. Makes sense?
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jonaspeterson Love the Mathew + Megan preview set, especially that first one in front of the tennis rackets. I noticed it was tagged with VSCO...any chance you remember what preset was used on that one or the rest of the set?

Portra 800
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jonaspeterson Before your clients fully "got you" how did you convince them to spend all of the time you need for amazing portraiture away from their guests?



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

It's the norm to spend at least 30-60 minutes on portraits in Australia.
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jonaspeterson What's your preferred way of fixing shots taken in overhead sun (fixing in LR)...fill light? Recovery? Your shots always look perfect.

I expose for the faces or the dress. That usually does it, I don't feel I have to use fill too much.
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jonaspeterson Hi Jonas! I was wondering with your slide show, do you do any ken burn's pan and zoom effect? or just simple slideshow with a few seconds per image with music?

Just simple transitions. I don't like the Ken Burns effect at all.
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jonaspeterson responded to clairabella123 If I were to arrive in Cape Town around the 18th of Feb next year, would I be able to catch your workshop there if it goes ahead? Sorry to ask this here, need to book my tickets and dont want to miss out ;)

It will most likely take place Feb 21-22 2012 in Cape Town. Announcement soon(ish).
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jonaspeterson Howdy Jonas : I just read a question that someone asked you, where you said that last year, because you shot so many weddings, you fell out of love with photography. How did you bounce back from that? I am at that stage at the moment unfortunately :(

I started shooting film (again). Now all my personal work is film. It's tough though. I'm at the end of another long year (48 weddings) and I can't say I feel like going out shooting much...
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jonaspeterson Any suggestions for dealing with unfriendly competition in a rural area? Rise above? Don't think about it?

Yeah, pretty much. Focus on what you're doing, worrying about the competition isn't going to help you at all.
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jonaspeterson responded to curtiswiklund Thanks for sharing so much. Have you come up with a vsco bw workflow yet? I used to edit all color, then batch bw. Choosing one at a time in LR is feeling tedious, but if you just cranked out a 1:40 wedding with BW's, that's awesome. Doing one at a time?

Still working on it...


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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson responded to AudePhom Are you Danish?

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jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, the post 'Be All You Can Be'... Was that your 24mm or 35? Or neither? Lovely photo.

24L @f/1.4
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jonaspeterson responded to AlenPasalic Thank you on matt corby link on tweeter, i cant get enough of his music now ;)

Awesome, that's why I like sharing music on my blog.

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jonaspeterson I do wedding photography and have a 50, 45 ts, 16-35l, and 24-70l. I just got the 24-70l and I'm thinking of returning it for two fixed lenses (more my style). Do you have any recommendations?

Focal length choice is very individual, so I really can't tell you what to get. All the L primes are amazing, I use the 24L, 35L, 50L and 135L at every wedding. Getting the 85L next. I also own the 200/2.8L, but I prefer shorter lenses for the work I do.
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jonaspeterson what do you think is a busy but not crazy year in terms of number of weddings booked. (busy but still good work/life balance) Theres a guy in my area does 80 !!

I clocked in at 48 this year and I think that's manageable, but my goal is to cap it at 40 next year. Long term goal is 35. That gives you freedom to do other things as well. I did 65 last year and that made me fall out of love with photography.
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jonaspeterson Do you reduce noise in post if shooting at really high ISOs? Your images look supa cleean!

Only if I shoot at ISO4000+. If I expose properly I don't need to reduce noise below that (with my Canon 5DII).
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jonaspeterson responded to lakisideris



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Was that barnsy in that thai wedding? (He is looking good these days...)

Yes. Top bloke.

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jonaspeterson That's quite interesting to know - that you shoot at ISO 3200 all the time. Any reason for doing so?

I knew someone would read it like that. Bugger. I meant that I often shoot at ISO3200 if I have to. I shoot at lower ISO's for most of the day, but I am not afraid to shoot at 3200.
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jonaspeterson responded to Kubeldzis Hey Jonas what is the highest ISO you go for until you grab a flash light? I mean when you know you will have to shoot in the same environment for a while which means quite many photos will be taken.To have 50 or more photos on 3200 or more dont look good

I shoot at ISO 3200 all the time.

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jonaspeterson responded to LouisaBailey Do you charge a per diem when you do overseas weddings, to cover the little extras that add up like food, transport etc?

No, I prefer to pay for my own food and drinks, so I make sure I charge enough to have that covered in my base rate.
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jonaspeterson love your latest post of the wedding in thailand! what is the name of that beautiful song you selected??

It's called "Big Eyes" by Matt Corby.

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jonaspeterson Holy smokes - 1hr 40min start to finish. Dominating dude! Going back to skin tones for a minute, do you ever have problem with red tones in skin, particularly older men? Any tricks? Even nailing exposure doesn't seem to get rid of them.

I don't worry too much about it. If someone's skin is a little red, it probably was red to begin with. With that said, the editing I do will often take care of redness.
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jonaspeterson hey man do u still get that rush after the wedding so u cant wait to put img's on PC/mac and see the work u done last night?i cant sleep the night after wedding, i go so tired after 12h of work and go trough some of images...thx in front.;) alen.



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Yeah, man, almost every time. I can't go to sleep either, it takes me a couple of hours to wind down even when I've worked 15 hours.
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jonaspeterson Great answer to the Q about reducing time / reducing costs. Just curious, but do you have a breakdown of your cost that clients ever ask for, and do you have a way of negotiating up/down with clients over specifics?

I would NEVER disclose my cost to client. How do you measure it anyway? What they are paying for is the marginal cost of me being away from my family. They are paying what I think it's worth for me to leave Jacqui and my two boys behind for a weekend. Break that down for me.
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jonaspeterson responded to jorgeinthewater Jonas it would seem that in a sense you have become a celebrity, teacher and in a good way a guru, with people looking to you for answers. Does this in any way affect the way you approach a wedding now, that you need to show great images to your clients?

You're exaggerating my importance a bit, but even if I was any of that to some people I can't let it affect the way I shoot. I will ALWAYS go in and do my best to capture the wedding. That's all I can do. If I worry about living up to some kind of myth, I would be too stressed out. What I do is so simple and for it to work, I need to keep it simple.
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jonaspeterson Have you shot any civil partnerships/same-sex weddings?

Not yet, I'd love to though.

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jonaspeterson That's 14 seconds a frame including import/export and burning. Thats fast but I guess workable with focus, smart culling and no toilet breaks. ;/ Are these blog ready or would you work a bit more at them?

The culling took roughly 35 minutes for 1400 frames. I also did very little dodging, burning or other local adjustments. Sometimes I do more. These images are blog ready.
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jonaspeterson Just wondering if you blog things on your own site (incl e sessions) that have featured on external wedding blogs?

I'm not sure exactly what you mean. I would say that 75% of the weddings you see on my site have been featured on various blogs.
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jonaspeterson responded to nadhhia how long have you been in photography?

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

I've taken photos since 1998, but I started shooting weddings professionally in December 2008.
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jonaspeterson 1 hour 40 mins for the edit you mentioned on twitter. How many images did you cull from to get the final 467. It's blazing fast man. Was your computer smoking at any time ?

I started with roughly 1400 frames.

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jonaspeterson I loved your Framed interview. You are incredibly inspiring <3

Thank you :)
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jonaspeterson responded to Dimopoulos When I started my business I called it as my surname is Dimopoulos so doesn't roll off the tongue! hehe Do you think it matters to have a random company name or should people always use their names to front their photographic work?

No I don't think you HAVE to, but this is a business where it's important to connect with clients on a personal level. I believe using your own name makes it easier, but I have friends who run very successful businesses under studio names.
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jonaspeterson How do you then justify to a prospective client that you don't offer post wedding retouching for the albums? How do you explain that your finished images are fine as is, warts and all..

I don't have to justify it. My clients book me for my style, which is what it is, simple and natural. My processing is the same and so is almost everything about my business. People who are after heavily retouched photos to begin with don't tend to like what I do anyway.
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jonaspeterson And if the client requests extra cloning, skin smoothing, hair & makeup fixes?

If we're talking minor fixes, I'll do it, but if we're looking at hours and hours of retouching, I will charge for it.
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jonaspeterson How much retouching (skin blemishes, eye lines, wrinkles, dust cloning) do you do for your



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

albums? Or do you just use the processed jpegs as is, warts and all?

No extra retouching.
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jonaspeterson hi jonas! any advise to correct skin color? after applying actions, the skin color goes either too orangey or tooooo dark brown.... I like it fair white-ish, natural color?

It's all about exposure. Expose correctly and you should be ok. My guess is that you're underexposing yours, but that's just a hunch.
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jonaspeterson responded to rlphoto When it comes to light, how did you learn what great light looks like? Did it just click one day or did you just intuitively know just by looking at it?

Great question. I think light is one of those things you have to learn how to see. Before I started taking photos, I wouldn't notice different aspects of light at all. I didn't think about it. Now it's pretty much all I see. More than anything I think it comes from shooting a lot. The more I shot, the more I started seeing things I didn't even notice before. The matrix started unraveling. I dont see myself as particularly great at anything, but I've taken a crap ton of photos over the years, and that has helped me immensely in learning to see light. I still see myself as a novice when it comes to light and that's the great thing about photography, there's so much more to learn no matter where you are and how much you've shot. Take a look at anything Trent Parke has done and look at a true master of seeing light. I'm still a baby.
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jonaspeterson Hey where is bred with the soup! lmao! as i understand you switching or already did to flash drive from dvd, if so what brand you using, whats your packaging approach, what's your opinion on longevity of the drive.

I did, but the ones I got were very unreliable, so for now I'm reluctantly back to discs until I can find a better solution.
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jonaspeterson responded to mynewromantica Just so you know, your readers can follow your formspring using google reader and search through your answers through that.

Perfect :)
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jonaspeterson responded to lesliegold Hi Jonas, for new fans/people who have only recently discovered your work (like me), how/where do we find the PDF you created with previously answered questions?



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

I didn't create it, but scroll down a couple of months and you'll find it.
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jonaspeterson responded to jorgeinthewater Jonas, what feedback can you give us on Fearless Photographers?

A bit of fun combined with networking. It's about getting yourself out there. I like to compete, it keeps me hungry to try new things. And it's what, $49 to join? A nobrainer. Huy is doing a great job.
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jonaspeterson I saw someone make a comment about not having a "fancy" website - & I have to say I'm a fan of the simple blog setup, it makes your photography stand out!:) my question: how do you template/put multiple photos together? Software of manually on PS? Thanks!

Photoshop action created by Dustin Francis. This is the fifth time I've answered this question. No soup for you.
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jonaspeterson What lens / focal length do you mostly use for your 'long distance' environmental images with super compressed subjects but no wide angle distortion i.e couple under twisted tree from the Seagull wedding? Thanks for your time & advice.

Thats shot with the 24L.

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jonaspeterson Do you have more input on posing couples during the formal shoot than you did when you started out? Are you aiming to create something more specific than previously? PS. Search the fricken .pdf before you ask questions fools. It's not rocket surgery.

I think I have the same amount of input today. I'm more confident these days, but that doesn't mean I pose them more. I find that "over-posing" is something you do when you start out. You've seen a pose and want to re-create it for your clients. It almost never works.
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jonaspeterson Please help! I have a wedding client asking for the raw photos (I haven't shot the wedding yet) and they said they just want the largest size possible. I don't know how to respond.. all I know is, I am not comfortable giving unedited versions of my photos

If they want the largest size possible, you should be able to give them hi-res jpegs instead of RAW files. They are the same size pixel-wise. I tell them that the editing is part of my style and that I'm not comfortable giving them RAW files. It's a deal breaker for me.


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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson do you expose any differently for vsco? I've noticed that applying a vsco preset can sometimes really overexpose an image. Have you found a wb setting in shade/daylight/tungsten that works best to react to a film preset?

I currently shoot on AWB. I used to shoot warm, but changed a couple of months ago to mix things up.
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jonaspeterson maybe you have any news on on 5d mk iii (or so), please your advise: wait bit longer and stay with cropped frame or get it old 5d mk ii . very frustrating :( !!!!!!!

I have no inside information whatsoever. I'd wait.

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jonaspeterson responded to chrismallet What do you see yourself doing in 5-10-20 years? Will you be happy with doing weddings or do you have plans on doing something else eventually?

I don't think that way, I focus 100% on where I am now.

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jonaspeterson Can you recommend a good artsy/photography or other eye opening book to put on my Christmas list?

Sam Abell - The Life of a Photograph Annie Leibovitz - At Work Vee Speers - The Birthday Party Sally Mann - Immediate Family I also recommend "Fat, forty and fired" by Nigel Marsh "The Book of Joe" by Jonathan Tropper The last two are novels and have nothing to do with photography.
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jonaspeterson Over 3000 questions have been asked here, dont you think it's a bit unreasonable to expect people to go thru every single one to make sure they are not asking the same question twice as to not upset the self important master?

^^ This is exactly why I'm considering giving this up. Cheers.

8 Smiles Comment Share




Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Your story is pretty amazing! How on earth did you manage to book so many weddings in your first 12 months!....usually weddings have such a long lead time? I put you in a select group that have "revived" wedding photography from the dead!! :)

Oh, I don't think I have at all, but thank you anyway. It comes down to a combination of factors. I had a blog audience long before I started shooting weddings, so my first clients booked me without seeing any wedding photos. It also helped my google ranking quite a bit. I had a lot of incoming links and that boosted my page rank. Several of the weddings I shot in the first three months were picked up by wedding blogs and magazines, so that got the ball rolling too. Apart from that it's all word of mouth and referrals. Once the ball started rolling more people found out about me and then more blogs and so on. I think I did around 30 weddings my first year in business and then 65 in 2010, which I don't want to do again. I'll probably end up around 50 in 2011, I'm standing at 46 booked today.
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jonaspeterson I heard that film is better than digital or something. Is that true?

It's different.
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jonaspeterson Why did u make the switch from lr3 to capture one? And do u edit in 16 bit?

Because I like the look of the C1 files better.

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jonaspeterson Are you going to WPPI?

Yes, briefly. I'm shooting a wedding in the Bahamas on the 19th, but I'll get to Vegas on the night of the 21st. I leave for another wedding in Australia on the 24th.
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jonaspeterson A while back you gave a rather detailed description of what you did for your work flow. Since most of us tend to see our work flow change and evolve over time, I was just curious if yours is till static, or if it has changed. Spill it. =D

I use PhotoMechanic to cull my images. I do very basic (if any) editing/RAW conversion in Capture One. I export jpegs and run a colour action (ASE3) on ALL images, then run through them again and convert about 30% to black and white with another action. Once I'm done editing I will run another batch action on the finished folder. This action creates hi-res files, lo-res files and proofs. The first thing I do after I'm done editing is to put a slideshow together. I aim for about 100 images or 10 minutes. I upload this slideshow online and send the link to the couple, usually 10-14 days after the wedding.



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

After the couple has seen the slideshow I upload the rest of their images to an online gallery and send them a link to that as well. If they have booked an album package, I will now design their album. I pre-design the album, which means I select all the images and amount of spreads. This first draft is then uploaded online and my couple go through it and make any changes they want. Done.
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jonaspeterson Odd question. What do you wear to weddings? do you get dressed up? I dont think i could image you wearing a shirt 'n' tie etc.....just curious. Plus this question makes a change from ASE & post processing guff.

Usually a shirt and tie. :) Skinny tie though.

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jonaspeterson Regarding long-distance signings/booking, how do you handle contract, signing, etc. Sign & scan? Electronic? My business is growing farther from home, and I'm interested in effective ways to handle business long distance. Thanks for your ideas!

Electronic. We use ShootQ.

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jonaspeterson This was definitely answered a few months back, and I'm sorry for asking again. I've tried to search for the answer but can't seem to find it.What was the program you use to go through and delete photos before uploading into lightroom? Thanks!

Photo Mechanic
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jonaspeterson What do think is best for a wedding blog post as far as the amount of images to use... to tell the story of their day or to leave them wanting more? What do you consider when choosing what images to blog and not to blog? Thanks a million!

When I eventually blog something, my clients will have seen a slideshow, their online gallery and sometimes an album design, so my clients won't "want more". I either do a small preview or the full kahuna, nothing in between. I think storytelling is more important than pretty portraits, but both play a role.
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jonaspeterson Do you like the Fleet Foxes? Their music makes a great soundtrack to you work. Just sayin.


I do. So thank you. :)
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson dont you think that shutter sound was much pleaasant in 5d mark I then markII ?

You should hear the Contax 645...

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jonaspeterson responded to sandysamhk what if the client ask for all raw of their wedding ? . will you give them and how do you reply them ? thanks

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jonaspeterson al-servo or one shot mostly ?

AI servo
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jonaspeterson Hi. Do you use focusing screen?

Already answered that several times, go back and ye shall find. And yes, this response is longer than answering the actual question would have been.
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jonaspeterson How does you work-flow looks like after the shooting? Do you back up your CF-cards you have several laptops and hard drives with you on an assignment ...etc. etc. ...could you please explain?

If i'm out of town, I will back up cards to a Lacie Rugged drive via my MacBook Pro when I get back to the hotel. I bring at least two drives with me if I have more than one wedding and back up to both drives. I keep one in my checked luggage and one in my carry on. If I'm going home after wedding one, I will only back up to one drive, since I still have the images on the memory cards. When I come home I back up to two separate drives yet again.
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jonaspeterson 85 1,4? Canon? Say what?

Sigma. Great lens.


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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson But if you shoot at 1.4 and recompose didn't lost your focus?

Manual focus.
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jonaspeterson How you use(choose) focus points? Or do you focus and recompose?

focus and recompose or manual focus.

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jonaspeterson responded to sandysamhk 135 and 85, which one do you use more ?

135L, hands down, but I'm about to get an 85/1.4 or 1.2. I like the thought of shooting mainly with a 35 and 85 combo.
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jonaspeterson when you mess with tonal contrast, do you prefer to push up contrast in the highlights, mids, and shadows pretty evenly, or go heavier on just one or two? like just the shadows and leave the mids and highlights at 0.

I hardly ever use tonal contrast, but if I do, I will either just do the highlights or do an even number across all three. The saturation slider always at 0.
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jonaspeterson I've heard people suggest going over contracts during a consultation so that there are no surprises later (about album design clauses or whatev). If you don't do contracts at consultations do you just trust people will read them well on their own?

I don't talk much business at my initial consult. I talk about them and show them an album or two. I like them to go over the business details in the privacy of their home, choose a package etc. Being pushy is not my thing.
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jonaspeterson do you use or have you ever thought about using an online data backup service?

No, in Australia you have straight limits when it comes to up- an downloads, plus the broadband network is still pretty slow compared to the rest of the modern world, so no, it's not an option here.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Hi Jonas... Awesome work. Question: I've got some pictures I've and I'd like to get them printed into an album/book. Can you suggest any good printer shops/companies?

Unless you're a pro photographer, no I can't. The companies I deal with only serve photographers.
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jonaspeterson You mentioned you bring an iPad and sample album to client meetings. I'm assuming you have clients sign on the iPad? If so, which app do you use to handle your contracts?

Nope, I show a slideshow on the iPad. Signing a contract there and then seems a bit desperate to me. I encourage them to shop around before making their minds up.
3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson do you ever save your psd files?

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jonaspeterson Well JP, I could ask you if you mow with a Briggs & Stratton or a Honda and if you believe using the grass catcher adds to your overall ideal vision or simply, 2 or 4 horsepower what will make my lawn better? But I think you've been asked that a lot. ;)

Yeah, man, all the mowing questions, I can't handle them... The real answer is that we have a guy coming once a week. I nod, he nods back and then he mows the lawn. I don't know his name.
3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to jksarkodie First of all - huge big-up to you for being so generous and answering our questions. I have a quick one, when you batch edit through ASE, does that mean you use just a couple of presets to cover most of your pics, or is it case by case for individual pics

One colour and one black and white. I sometimes open up some of the portraits a second time to add some more spice, but I don't do much.
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jonaspeterson 1/100 f1,2 at iso3200 or 1/50 f1,2 at 1600 what would you choose ?

Depends on what I'm shooting, what camera I'm using and what lens I have on the camera. Sorry.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Mon and Lee's wedding. Where'd she get that dress?

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jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, do you use ASE2 with photoshop or lightroom?

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jonaspeterson responded to almalimbong - record action, choose ASE, untick the box "create output in new layer" under the color tab in ASE, run, save, close, stop recordi Sorry JP but which box are you talking about?

There's only one box to un-tick.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson I can't remember if I've asked this before Jonas but who does the mowing at your place or is it the concrete fantastic?

And the award for weirdest question ever goes to... :)

5 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to sandysamhk hood on or off ? is it much diff. to use it or not use it ? , and do you use filter to protect your lens ?

Hoods on at all times, no filters, mainly because I grab my lenses by the hood from my Shootsac. Each lens has a different hood and I know the shape, so I can grab the right lens without having to take my eyes from what I'm shooting.
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jonaspeterson HI JP,what is the lowest shutter speed that you can afford in low light conditions ?

It depends on the lens and whether my subjects are still or not.

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jonaspeterson What do you include in your lowest package?

disc, online slideshow, online gallery and my time.


1 Smile Comment Share

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson When you use off-camera flash to light a dark venue, how to you handle it? Do you have the flash hitting a wall or ceiling to throw it around the room? Are your settings pretty consistent or are you having to change them a lot?

I never use flash that way. My flash will be directed at my subjects whether it's on or off the camera.
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jonaspeterson Carrying around on camera equipment all day... How is your back?

I put the bag and second camera down as often as I can. My back is ok, but I do feel sore after a 15 hour day.
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jonaspeterson How do you choose / select images to convert to b/w?

6 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to almalimbong Hey Jonas, Can you please help me explaining batch editing with ASE2 in Photoshop. I made a custom action but it didn't work.

record action, choose ASE, untick the box "create output in new layer" under the color tab in ASE, run, save, close, stop recording action.
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jonaspeterson i know it's all personal preference as all drives eventually fail, but i'm still curious what brand are your external drives?

I use various LaCie drives. 2TB ones for the office and LaCie Rugged drives for when I travel.
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jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, just wondering how you back all of your work up - on a cloud or harddrives? Do you have a copy at someone else's house? If it's on a cloud - can you make any recommendations? many thanks!

two external drives. I also keep another drive off site.

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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Seeing as you were a copywriter, are you a fan of Mad Men?

Yes and no. The agency in focus in Mad Men is one of the ones who frowned upon the creative revolution started by DDB. They mention it, but the whole point is to highlight an era clueless and stupid in many ways. As an ad man who always wanted to make a difference it reminds me of overly traditional wedding photography.
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jonaspeterson Hello Jonas, first I would like to say good luck for the "after-flooding" in Queensland. Then, I am curious to know how you ended up from Sweden to Australia, did you actually look for a job over there? Was it easy to find one?

That's a very long story and nothing I have time to get into here, no offense, but the short version is that I was offered a job in Sydney as a copywriter. They sponsored my move from Sweden and I took a chance and went for it.
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jonaspeterson responded to CourtneyDWilson For instance, in the starry night picture of Greg + Michelle (ford_raw0302), had there been less surrounding light, would you use a transmitter or on camera flash set to off to get the beam? Did I answer my own question? On my way to go experiment Cheers.

Ah, gotcha. No, I asked Greg to hold my iPhone close to his face thus lighting it enough for the camera to be able to focus. Once the camera locked on I told him to put the phone down. MacGyver 101.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Did you shoot film or digital at FIND?

Film on my Contax 645. Portra 400, Fuji 400H and Tri-X.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson How much planning do you do for the couple shots. Do you pre-plan locations etc, or do you just use what you find when you get to the gig? You find some kickin locations.

I always scout locations, but I don't plan shots in detail. I look for spots with good light. If I don't get a chance to scout locations, I will improvise on the day, no big deal.
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jonaspeterson responded to andersonshore how do approach reception shots with low lighting? how do you implement slow sync photography? any tips for how to do slow sync?

If it's not pitch black, I will shoot without flash. I get relatively close and shoot the 50L at f/1.2 at ISO3200. If it's REALLY dark I will shoot it at ISO4000, but I usually I don't have to.


I use flash for dancing shots.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson Hey JP, do you do your b&w in Lightroom, Photoshop or with the help of some plug-in? Just curious, as I really like them.

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jonaspeterson responded to CourtneyDWilson In low light reception situations, or when in complete darkness and popping the flash, how do you insure proper focus? I find my images soft if I don't have a small light to initially focus with.... and its too dark for autofocus to lock in. Thanks!

AF assist beam on the flash.

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jonaspeterson responded to askJamesDay Hey Jonas, at a reception, how much time would you normally spend shooting vs relaxing/socializing? JD.

I don't socialize much at all, I'm a ninja on the prowl.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson For a new camera and prime owner, 50mm 1.4, on a 5dmii, are there any tips or starting points you suggest that you wish someone had told you when you first got it?

Not really, just keep that lens on the camera and shoot, shoot, shoot. I shot with that lens on a 5D every day for about two years. I brought it with me everywhere I went. Since you "frame with your feet", you will learn to position yourself better and better the more you shoot it. I'd prefer to only shoot with one lens and know that lens by heart compared to shooting with a number of different lenses.
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jonaspeterson Jonas, have you changed album suppliers over the years? I remember you mentioning you didn't want to say your current choice, however I was wondering who you used for your first album? Did you use indesign or another program? Thanks

I've only been shooting weddings for two years, so no, I still use the same one and I still use Photo Junction to design my albums.
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jonaspeterson You use the matte screen EG-S I believe. Do you also use the AF-confirmation when focussing manually? Have you tried/thought of matt screens with the traditional split screen and micro prisms?


No, mainly because of my tilt shift lens.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson responded to michellebondy Hi Jonas, I have gone over your Formspring and I don't think this question has been asked. Do you use back button focusing?

I have answered that, but yes I do.

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jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, Just wondering if you have a minimum number of spreads/pages you offer for your albums?

15 spreads included, additional spreads are extra. I'm pre-designing my albums and almost always present 35-45 spreads. I'm re-doing my packages as we speak, so that may change though.
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jonaspeterson responded to fudoushin Hi Jonas, mind if you share if you use ASE on on your full-sized RAW files or only onto jpegs? I find it kinda slow to process the raw files.... Thanks!

I do basic editing and RAW conversion in Lightroom and then export full res jpegs. I then use ASE through PS to batch edit the jpegs.
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jonaspeterson How often do you have music on while editing?

Almost always.
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jonaspeterson Generally speaking (I know its few / far between, but surely you have a "goto" amount) how much tilt do you use on your TS-E? Full? Three-quarters? Half-way? Quarter? Obviously each amount is dependent on the look you want. But is there a comfort zone?

About half.
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jonaspeterson how much clarity do you add usually in LR3 +5, +10 ? Cheers!

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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Hi, thank you for inspiring me. I'm just a photo rookie and maybe that's why I'd like to know how often you use flash ? Thanks and have a great twentyeleven. :)

I use it on the dancefloor.

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jonaspeterson What is your criteria for responding to questions?

I do this when I have time to spare, so I don't really have any criteria. The reason I don't answer all of them is that I get more questions than I have time to answer. Some questions are too complicated to answer here and others have been covered before either in part or numerous times before. I've answered around 2000 questions and people still seem to think I should answer more, so I do my best, but I'm also very heavily booked work-wise and work will always come first.
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jonaspeterson Is your year all booked already?

No, but very, very close.

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jonaspeterson Do you answer all of the questions you get?

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jonaspeterson Was there any one thing that got you to where you are? Having an already well-established blog (way before photography) -- Or Wedding Blogs O/S and here featuring work? Magazine features? Loaded question, I know. Totally cool if you don't want to answer.

All of the above. On top of that your work needs to stand out enough to attract the right people.
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jonaspeterson Did you have any focus problem with 5D mark II? How you deal with that? You do focus and recompose?

The AF system isn't fantastic, but it's not like I miss shots on a regular basis.
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jonaspeterson What is the reason for an online gallery. Is it so that clients can see what they are getting before you send them the DVDs?



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Pretty much, yes, but also for the occasional print sale. The galleries are up for three months.
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jonaspeterson Formspring makes it really difficult to search your answers. I've been following this from the beginning, but can't remember if you were asked this specifically. Do you or have you used the 24L I and do you know how it compares to the 24L II? Thanks.

No, I have only used the 24L II, so I can't compare. The new one is supposed to be vastly improved and all I can say is that the 24L II is a great lens.
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jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, If those figures are for a 'basic' package, apart from you turning up, spending the whole day/eve with your clients, editing etc what else would it include. Also how far upwards from a basic package do people go? What would be an average spend?

Basic package is: full day coverage online galleries DVD with fully edited hi-res images online slideshow I also have album packages. Median spend 2010 was around $7500.
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jonaspeterson May I know the path for your pricing of basic package ? eg. 2007 - $2000, 2008 - $ 3000.. thanks a lot

Jan 2009 - $2000 April 2009 - $2950 Sept 2009 - $3950 Jan 2010 - $4950 March 2010 $6000 Jan 2011 $7000
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jonaspeterson You have money in your hand and your at the counter of a camera store and there is a 35mm f1.4L and 50mm f1.2L sitting on the table. You already own a 50mm f1.4 and its your most used lens. Which one would take and and why?

But I'm not that person, I can't make that decision. Both are stellar lenses. I started shooting with nothing but a 50/1.4 for years and I loved it. That lens is the reason I shoot the way I do in many ways. I then bought the 35L and initially I struggled a bit. It's wider than a 50 (duh) and it took me a while to get used to it. I was so used to the 50, so I knew where I had to be at all times to get the shot I was after. It took me a while to appreciate the wider 35. I basically have to move differently to get the shots I was after. After a while I started shooting nothing but the 35L. It is a truly fantastic lens, more versatile than the 50 and a better lens for storytelling in my opinion. I later bought the 50L and it IS a much better lens than the 1.4, especially when it comes to colour, contrast and handling backlit situation. It also has the most beautiful lens flare around. I now use both.



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

If you love the 50mm focal length, I'd think about sticking with that. Introducing a new focal length is both liberating and confusing at the same time.
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jonaspeterson Hi! Will 'the flood' cause any delays for your upcoming weeding shoots? Is your house/apartment in the danger zone?

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jonaspeterson For a first time prime lens buyer, is the 50mm 1.2 worth the extra money over the 1.4 or 1.8?

It depends on how much you shoot, are you a pro? Or are you just wanting to have some prime lens fun? The 1.8 is plenty good, the 50/1.4 a little better and the 1.2 a little better again. Whether they are worth the money depends on your budget more than anything.
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jonaspeterson Where does participation in online communities fit into your business plan? Or is it still something you feel an important part of being an artist?

Networking is interesting, yes. But with that said, I only participate in one online community. And I'm not sure it's an important part of being an artist. Probably the opposite. It's counter-productive more than anything.
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jonaspeterson What advantages do you find with using a tablet over a mouse in your work flow?

A pen is easier to use for masking, selections, dodging and burning etc.
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jonaspeterson What would your ideal number of weddings to shoot in a year be?

Now I'd say about 35. In the future I'd like to get it down to maybe 25, maybe even less, so I can focus on other jobs. I have a film production company representing me and I'd love to direct more, both shorts and commercials. I'd also like to shoot more personal projects and maybe offer some workshops.
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jonaspeterson Ever had to deal with a couple (or a singular bride / groom in a couple) who hated photos? Any tips, tricks? I know it'd be mad for them to spend the $$ on you if they didn't like photos but I'm sure you've at least had ONE. Surely.



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Yeah, it happens. I try and make them relax in any way I can, talk about them, ask questions, distract them, make them "forget" we're actually taking photos. It's hard to give more distinct advice, but basically anything and everything to get them to relax.
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jonaspeterson hey Jonas? how do you deal with sun? do you exposure for shadow? thank you

If I shoot in direct sun, I generally expose for the highlights.

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jonaspeterson Hi JonasI love your work and follow ur Q&A sessions with intrigue!!Apologies if you have already answered this b4 but am I right in thinking that you edit/correct etc on a iMac screen that has been calibrated and then email to 'ur' lab for printing?Thanku

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jonaspeterson Top three favorite albums of 2010?

In no particular order: Jonsi - Go S. Carey - All We Grow The Tallest Man On Earth - The Wild Hunt
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jonaspeterson when shooting a wedding, do you ever de-clutter the getting ready room to provide for more clean looking images? move furniture, purses, or trash? thank you in advance!!!

Sometimes, yes.
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jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, Do you get anyone to colour correct your images ie outsource and if so who?

No, I handle all post production.

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jonaspeterson i didn't find you on junebugs best of 2010 list. i cry foul. that is all.

:) Thank you, but I didn't submit anything.

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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Not sure how to grab the link, but the pic is in the Brisbane Wedding as newby 6361.

5D Mark II, 35L, flash on camera.

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jonaspeterson Sorry if you've answered this, I looked for ages. Do you use a wacom?

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson The photo of the couple in front of the wood paneled wall, the one with the guy's arms stretched out. What camera and lens did you use, and did you use a grid for your flash?

I have no idea which photo you're referring to, you'll have to grab the link.
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jonaspeterson Do you sell thank you cards? Are they includet in your packages?

I don't.
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jonaspeterson How was NYC?

Always fantastic. The blizzard made this visit a little different, but very cool.
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jonaspeterson Do you also put photos of your wedding couples on your personal facebook site? If yes, do you tag them?

No, I have a business page for that. Yes, I tag them.

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jonaspeterson Do you forward your pricelist to every inquiry even if the date seems very far away and bogus? Seem like there are a lot of non-clients out there snooping for some apparent reason and I was curious what your take was on this. Thank you in advance!

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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Upgrade 50 1.4 to 50 1.2 or purchase 135 2.0 - what would you suggest? I shoot weddings. I'm in love with some of the photos I've seen taken with the 50 1.2 but the longest lens I have is 85 1.8 which has been ok but at times would like to get closer.

One is a normal lens and one is a wide, I really can't compare the two. I will say that the 135L is the best value for money lens you can get and that the 50L has fantastic advantages over some other lenses, but in the end it comes down to what you NEEEEEED. I think both lenses are necessary for the way I shoot. So is the 24L, 35L and 45TS. I don't use the 85/1.8 as much, but I'm considering getting the 85L.
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jonaspeterson Do you find the screen on the ipad up to scratch?

I think it looks alright.

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jonaspeterson How do you deal with extremely low light environments. I've been in a few churches/receptions where ISO 3200+ and f/1.4 lenses just wont cut it. I'd like to get ambient lighting rather then overpower with flashes. Any advice?

I've shot a hundred weddings or so and have never been in a situation where ISO 3200-5000 and f/1.2 didn't cut it. I would use a flash on a stick, a lightstand to the side with a flash or shoot direct flash depending on the look I'm after.
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jonaspeterson I'm trying to figure out the best colour management working profile. Why do you work in sRGB and not Adobe1998RGB? Many thanks.

I work in sRGB because it looks good enough.

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jonaspeterson How is the focusing on the 50 1.2 compared to your 50 1.4 ? I have screwed up many shots because of the focusing with the 50 1.4

The 50L is a better lens for sure.

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jonaspeterson Hi Jonas. Do you have a CRM that you swear by? Or another handy tip on software to manage all your clients? Thanks!


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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson hhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllooooooo iiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmmmmmm ffffffffffrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrroooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrsssssssss!

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jonaspeterson Do you find couples nervous around you if you havent meet them in person before their wedding day?

Yeah, but I don't think that's ever happened. Even with interstate or international weddings I try to meet up with couples the day before just to get to know them a little better. The more time they spend with me, the easier it gets to get them to relax on their wedding day. It also helps that I am there all day. Once we start shooting portraits we already know each other quite well.
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jonaspeterson responded to martalocklear First I would like to say that if I could "like" your responses I would have to about a 95%! Some need to realize just how personal the ?'s are. Second, I am re-considering the number of images I give my wedding clients. What are you average numbers?

I probably average about 500. I promise to deliver a minimum of 300.

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jonaspeterson You say all your clients get high res images on disk - is this something new you have offer did they previously have to pay an extra fee for them? If they have images on disk do the majority still want albums? Thanks.

I have worked like this from day one. About 65% get one album more, 35% get the disc only.
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jonaspeterson responded to HagaiGalili hey sorry i made a mistake.i meant before the wedding, they havent met you yet ,they heard about you from a friend , havent seen your blog yet...and calling you for some details and pricing, what do you do then?

My blog is my only shop front, I don't get inquiries from people who haven't seen my work. You pretty much have to go through my blog to even contact me in the first place. But to answer your question; I send them my price list and some more information about my packages and shooting style.
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jonaspeterson If I good understand you are Rockstar wedding Photographer?



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

I don't even understand what that means. I think we build up these silly ideas about people based on what we want to see. People want to believe in Rockstar Wedding Photographers, so they try to pin some people with that label. That way they have something they can either mock or aspire to be. I've had a pretty sensational year with shoots all around the world, but being a photographer means very little public attention, don't you think? It's all about the people I get to shoot and the places you get to see. Almost no one apart from my clients know who I am. Sure there are some people who stumble upon my blog, but that number is sooooo small compared to publicly famous people. And that's the way it should be. I'll admit I have to pinch myself at times, but never ever does it feel like I'm a star of any kind. I get to travel a lot, I've been to some cool places and I make good money. I'm a very lucky man. At this very moment I'm in my hotel room. It's 6am. Outside my window I can see Empire State Building with its changing lights. I'm in NYC and that makes me feel...I don't know...privileged, but I don't see too many groupies or screaming fans to be honest.
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jonaspeterson responded to HagaiGalili hi jonas ! how do you handle a client who calls you tell you a bit about their day and havent seen you blog yet?

I'm not entirely sure I understand the question. Two weeks after their wedding they will see a slideshow. They can then share that link with friends and family. Before then I haven't edited their wedding.
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jonaspeterson What kind of marketing/advertising do you do?

So far I haven't done any at all. I rely on being featured in magazines and on wedding blogs.
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jonaspeterson Do all your clients view pics and slideshows online or do you bring them in/meet with them to view together so you can talk them through/guide them on choices?

I have a business model where I don't rely on print sales. It basically means my starting price is higher than many other photographers who rely on after sales. All clients also receive their hi res images on disc
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jonaspeterson Do you experience any purple fringing with the 35L?

There is CA in some situations, but I don't worry about it too much.

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jonaspeterson I love your wedding photos in farm barns, know any places in Brisbane?


In Brisbane? No.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson ever been to the philippines? Cheers!

Nope. Would love to go though.

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jonaspeterson Why are you re-branding when your current look is so crisp, amazing and clean?

Because I don't have a current look across everything. I need a coherent feel across everything I do, packaging, web and so on. Plus everyone is doing the minimalistic clean look these days. I want to do something different.
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jonaspeterson Any specific reasons why you don't do ring shots?

I find them contrived.

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jonaspeterson responded to m1k1000 I saw your Best of 2010 and it is really amazing and inspiring! But if you had to pick just one photo to sum up the year, your most favorite, which would it be?

Close call between maybe five shots. These two are probably my personal favourites.
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jonaspeterson How do you show slideshows on the Ipad? App or directly from Internet?

The built-in slideshow function.

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jonaspeterson When batching (Boring Q, I know) obviously you have two different batches -- One B&W, one Color. How do you sort them? Physically? Or is there an easier / quicker way? I currently do it by hand, into two different folders. Time-consuming. Annoying.

Photo Mechanic. I use it for culling too. And ingesting images.

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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

do you bring album to client ? or just ipad or macbook ? if yes, how many album will you bring ? thanks

One album plus an iPad. This year my studio will be ready, so most meetings will be held there. I'll have a number of albums there, but will most likely only show one or two.
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jonaspeterson Hi Jonas. Just wondering if you replace your memory cards often, or at all? Is there a point where you stop using a memory card (for fear it might malfunction) or do they generally last a super-duper long time?

No policy ie I haven't so far.

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jonaspeterson Hi Jonas. I've been using grain for a while, and though I love the effect generally, I find that the grain can sometimes obscure detail when the subject is smaller in the frame-- compete with facial features for example. Ever a problem for you? Thanks!

Make the grain finer.

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jonaspeterson Hello, Do you know if those blog actions from Dustin Francis are available anywhere? Thanks.

You better ask him.

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jonaspeterson do you think noise reduction is necessary... at least for your photos?

Not really. I add film grain anyway.

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jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, just a quick clear up: Curves does affect saturation, though I'm sure not in the way your interlocutor was meaning. That's why photoshop has the luminosity blending mode, to adjust curves without touching the sat. I'm sure you know this tho.

I do, but I thought I'd keep it simple. Curves affect many things, but you don't use it for the purpose or desaturating something and that's how I interpreted the original question.
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jonaspeterson question re: the 35L on the 5D mkII... does the Canon hood ever vignette in your pictures?



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

The hood is built not to vignette. That's why all hoods look different.
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jonaspeterson what equipment do you use for most of the wedding receptions you shoot for? as far as lens, flash, etc.?

Same answer as with "what lens do you use for ceremonies". All of them. It depends on the size of the room, how close I can get to people, how close I want to get to people, what sort of shots I'm after, how well lit the room is etc. I generally use my 24, 35, 50 and 135L. It's usually too dark to shoot with my tilt shift lens.
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jonaspeterson You addressed a question while back about getting the faded/muted look to which you responded, "Pull the black and white point in. Done." This is done in ASE on the Tone tab, but I'm unclear how this affects saturation. Thank you, Jonas! You're ace.

Curves doesn't affect saturation.

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jonaspeterson how do you handle family + friend discounts? seems i get a request every other week! thanks in advance.

It's difficult. Since I'm heavily booked giving a discount to anyone is pretty much the same thing as giving money away - a LOT of money. I don't have a set family discount, it's decided from case to case. They are family after all. Same thing goes with friends.
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jonaspeterson Ever given the contax 167 mt a go? Thinking of buying one. Appreciate the feedback.

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jonaspeterson responded to sandysamhk what film camera do you have ?

I mainly shoot with my Contax 645. I also own a bunch of toy and polaroid cameras.
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jonaspeterson what monitor calibrator do you use on your iMac


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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson But doesn't your RAW-images look flat, even when the exposure is bang on? I thought that was inevitable with RAW-images.

If you shoot with the best possible glass and add an s-curve, I don't think you need to do much else. Canon's L primes have great colour and contrast. I think people over-process their images a LOT. I've started shooting film recently and the reason is I want to shoot with great glass and use good simple film processing.
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jonaspeterson responded to carolineghetes With 4 kids all <5, and shooting weddings, I find it harder to make time 2 do more personal work. Feel like I am always playing "catch-up" w/my work. I miss doing photography 4 me & was wondering if you miss doing personal work as much as you used to?

Very much so.

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jonaspeterson sorry if you answered this before, but i was wondering how you handled paying your 2nd shooter -- hourly rate? day rate? percentage of the total package? also, does it depend on experience? or if they came to you and offered to 2nd?

Day rate. Mind you, I've shot about 100 weddings and only used second shooters three times.
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jonaspeterson It would be nice if money wasn't an issue, but it is. So, would you pick the Sigma 30mm 1.4 EX HSM or the Canon EF 28mm/1.8? I'm leaning towards the Sigma.

The Sigma will only work on cropped sensors, but is supposed to be great.
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jonaspeterson What is this ASE? It is mentioned a lot...

Alien Skin Exposure 3

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jonaspeterson Any tips for doing blogs layouts like you do in Photoshop. I understand how you do it, it just takes so much time! Any speed tips to share?

I've just started using a blog action Dustin Francis made and customized for me. It creates web sharpened singles, diptychs and triptychs. Very handy.


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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson Process that roll of 400H yet?

No, I've only shot some personal stuff yet. After the holidays (and my trip to NYC) I'll have them developed. It should be about 5 rolls.
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jonaspeterson responded to gabeaceves where are you super excited to shoot in 2011?

An old farm outside Rome, Italy.

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jonaspeterson If the band at a wedding ask for a copy of some of the photos you took of them, do you charge them?

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jonaspeterson Favourite technique for desat in PS? Screen a desat layer? Channels (minus red?) ASE? Hope you're feeling better buddy!

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jonaspeterson Even for when you're "raising" the blacks and pulling in the highlights? I thought ASE's curves were pretty standard? Just curious if you knew something I didn't (which I'm sure is the case).

I use my own curves in ASE.

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jonaspeterson Curves first, or ASE first?

I use the curves tool IN ASE.

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jonaspeterson have you considered moving to somewhere like Sydney or Melbourne? Why did you choose Brisbane initially?

I've lived years in both Melbourne and Sydney. I moved to Brisbane because the season is longer here.


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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson responded to battiman Re: personal taste... I did not mean to conform to a client's wishes or tastes, but when faced with two alternative edits that I like, I find that I tend to go for the one I think the client will like more. Perhaps you never deal with multiple edits?

I do one edit.
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jonaspeterson do you attend the rehearsal?

If I'm paid to, sure.

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jonaspeterson responded to battiman When editing and post-processing, how do you balance fulfilling your vision and wanting to make the couple happy? Are you conscious of the couple's personal taste and does this play in with your editing decisions at all?

Couples hopefully books me for MY taste in editing and post processing, so no. I wouldn't book a couple who wants me to change what I do.
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jonaspeterson responded to mattmorg11 yo man. as a traveller extraordinaire, what are your thoughts on shooting destination weddings solo?

I've shot 15 solo destination weddings this year and three with second shooters. It all depends on the wedding and especially how tight the schedule is. Is there time for you to shoot/cover everything? Most of the time the answer is yes. I find that every time there's a wedding planner involved, there's less time for me to do what I have to do. I don't know why that is.
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jonaspeterson are you keeping up to date on the ashes?

nope. couldn't care less. I'm watching the women's european handball championships instead.
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jonaspeterson Why 660px ?

It's actually 666px. I like to tell stories through images and 666px images look good (are large enough) on smaller laptops. For single images, I'd probably go with 900x600px, but I had to make a choice.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson Do you use a macro lense to shoot wedding rings? I struggle to get the ring shots in focus...any tips? Thanks heaps.

I don't do ring shots.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson i know you answered this before, but i'm still confused. you said that you only apply magic sharp to your high res images. but don't you use your magic sharpened high res images to resize and make web versions? if so, the web images were sharpened twice?

Exactly. The latter with a web sharpening action.

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jonaspeterson Why are some of your blog images 240 and 300dpi while others 72?

They're all the same size - 666px wide. DPI makes no difference size-wise.
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jonaspeterson Hey JP! I've got a wedding feature in magazine & first they need low res for the layout. Do I send the whole shoot as high res (500 images) or only 100-200 highlights & details? Also resize to 72dpi but keep images size 8x12? Or just send the high res?

I think you should ask them, not me. They all work differently.
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jonaspeterson question on slide shows again - do you use fancy transitions eg. with movement or just dissolves? If only dissolves, what is the advantage of software line Fotomagico? Thanks.

Simple dissolves. Fotomagico is easy to use. I'm no software guru, so I haven't tried every app out there. Fotomagico was recommended to me when I started out, so I went with that.
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jonaspeterson responded to itsfuhtacenick Lets say you give a disc of images to a client, would you allow them to upload those photos online? For example, Facebook? Thanks, Jonas.

Yes. I even give them a lo-res version for that very purpose.
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jonaspeterson responded to stevegerrard Don't think you've answered this. Sorry if you have. What do you use to make DVD slideshows for clients? I've been using iDVD but the slideshows often stick while playing.



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

I've answered a number of times, Steve, but I'll play nice this time. Fotomagico.
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jonaspeterson I know you're probably sick of TS-E questions but.. Just curious as to what you think about shooting wide open with the 45? Or do you usually stop down a few steps to sharpen it up? I know it'd change per shot, but generally speaking? :-)

I always shoot wide open.

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jonaspeterson Aaah i've looked everywhere on the internet but cant find any answers... how do I make a photo in CMYK mode look like it did in RGB mode? Had to do in cmyk for a print project.

I'm no expert at all, and if you're not very good at color management, you should stay away from it. The best option is to have your print guy do it for you. If not, you should ask for their profile. There's no one way to do it.
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jonaspeterson responded to sandysamhk How would you deal with a client if their wedding is only half day and they want a big discount ?, will you charge them like a full day wedding ?

Since I'm fairly solidly booked, I don't give discounts for weekend weddings. I know I'll be able to book a full price wedding on most dates, so giving a discount serves no purpose. I'll give a discount if the wedding is very different and something I really want to do or for weekday weddings IF I have a slow week, which is rather unlikely. My goal for the coming years is to gradually shoot less, so my view may change, but that's where I'm at now.
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jonaspeterson How would you deal with a client if they started asking for their digital negs less than 2 weeks out after their wedding?

It depends on what your contract says. Mine states that my clients will get their images four weeks after the wedding, end of discussion. If I have to explain to them why, I will simply tell them I'm shooting a wedding a week (or more) for the whole year. Everyone wants their images and I will deliver them in the order i shot them and that will take me four weeks with my workflow.
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jonaspeterson Dude you need a break. seriously. Stop answering these questions, put your feet up and enjoy the time off while you've got it. We're not going anywhere



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

I'm down with a stomach bug, I'm not leaving my bed, that's why. I need to do something with my time. But I hear you, I had a good time relaxing here before I started vomiting all over the place. Slowly getting better.
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jonaspeterson Lately clients have been requesting images that I delivered in B&W to send them the color versions. Would you give them the images? And would you charge?

Generally I do, even though my contract says I decide whether an image will be BW or colour. It's annoying, but the time spent getting angry about it is more annoying than just doing it and getting a happy client. I don't charge, at least not if we're not talking about hundreds of images.
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jonaspeterson White balance & colour correct Sri Lankan skin in tungsten light, shot on a 5D mk II - any tips dude?

I don't worry too much about "correct" skin tones. If it looks good on my screen, I'm happy. I tend to stay away from making things look too cool, I'd rather have it look a little closer to how it looked in a specific light. If the light was warm, like tungsten, I will keep the image warm. Fluorescent light is a bitch though, but for other reasons.
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jonaspeterson You said too much of a good thing is never good -- But didn't you not too long ago shoot an engagement shoot mostly on the TS-E? I think I recall maybe one shot on what looked to be the 35 L -- The rest (that you blogged, mind you) were TS-E? Rebuttal...?

I never shoot just TS-E. The people who hire me have seen that I use the tilt shift a lot, but I make sure I shoot with normal lenses too, just in case. Maybe I blogged a lot of tilt shift shots, but I delivered a variety to client.
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jonaspeterson Regarding white balance, I use everything manual, But leave wb on auto... I was under the assumption in similar light, auto white balance would give a consistent result... Or is it similar to a light Meter and it's short comings with random lights/darks?

I like my images slightly warm, so manual WB it is.

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jonaspeterson responded to jaredtseng What's a traditional Swedish Christmas meal?
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

I know you don't typically use off-camera lighting - but do you ever bring lightstands etc. just in case?

To local weddings I do, yes. And a tripod.

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jonaspeterson that song you just posted, i know it, i listen to it a lot but it's escaping my mind and it's killing me! what's it called again?

Mothers - S. Carey
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jonaspeterson Do you have any plans to do a workshop in Toronto?

I haven't even planned a workshop yet, but I'd love to do one in Toronto one day.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Do you take all your lenses to all weddings or just bring what you think you will need?

I bring the same lenses every time and I use them all.
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jonaspeterson What metering do you use? I often get confused here and can't settle on an opinion -

Just the standard evaluative or matrix or whatever it's called. I know how my camera meters and I also know when to use exposure compensation. I know how much to over- or underexposure depending on the lighting situation.
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jonaspeterson How did you approach the Aussie blogs, or did they approach you? Also what's the general protocol with posting on your blog vs waiting for your post to go live on the bridal blogs...

I approached the first one way back when, but nowadays I get contacted by others too. It's a give and take thing. We all "need" each other. Most blogs want an exclusive ie blog it first, so generally that's what I do. Most of the time I blog the wedding the same day they do.
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jonaspeterson do you still submit to Aussie bridal blogs?

I have a close relationship with a couple of Aussie blogs. Since I have been overseas since June, most of those weddings have been sent to overseas blogs.



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

But I will definitely send the aussie blogs some weddings very soon.
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jonaspeterson When is the workshop?

Most likely means most likely. It also means I haven't decided on a date or a place yet.
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jonaspeterson Do you ever have clients who ask if they can screen images before you blog them? How do you deal with it?

It has never happened. If someone would ask, I'd let them. It's their wedding and I want my clients to be happy.
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jonaspeterson Elinchrom Quadra...yay or nay ? Thanks Jonas.

I'm guessing it's some sort of flash? You have the wrong person, dude.
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jonaspeterson do you ever show clients images on the camera's LCD during a shoot ?

Very rarely.
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jonaspeterson How many photos do you usually deliver for an 8hr wedding? Are they all fully edited or do they just have basic colour corrections?

It all depends on the wedding. I generally deliver around 5-600 images, the minimum being around 300. 95% of my weddings are between 12-15 hours.
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jonaspeterson Workshop in Sweden with JP FTW! Yes/No/Dunno?

Most likely, yes. Next summer.

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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

If you already answered this, I apologize, but I was wondering what setting you use for Picture Style on the 5D Mark II ( ex. Standard, Portrait, Neutral, Faithful, User Defined)? Curious to your thoughts and preferences on this.

Since I shoot RAW, the picture styles in camera don't matter at all. Picture styles only affect jpegs. I do however set mine to neutral, because that's the setting I will later use in LR.
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jonaspeterson Why would you do a workshop to teach others? Are you not worried about competition?

Sharing is caring.
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jonaspeterson When batching, do you use droplets, image processor or bridge?

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jonaspeterson Do you use any purchased Lightroom presets? like from Presetopia or Totally Rad?

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jonaspeterson i've been wanting to know... who shot your wedding? and will you upload the photos on your website?

I'm not married.

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jonaspeterson Have you ever contemplated doing the reception slideshow thing ?

I have once, it was extremely stressful. If I have an assistant or second shooter, then yes, but otherwise I doubt I will find the time (on the night of).
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jonaspeterson Do you use a bag or a backpack for your gear? What kind/brand?

Crumpler Cork & Fork.

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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

do you ever do any dodging and burning in lightroom?

Rarely, but if I have to, I will.

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jonaspeterson responded to msericacamille You said previously you were moving away from Lightrooom towards Capture one Pro... Did you?

I left. And came back. I'm so used to the controls in LR, I know the keyboard shortcuts and when I use C1, it just takes me so much longer to edit a wedding. Plus, I've now come to a point where I'm happy with my conversions from LR. I have set up a base preset and since my exposures are pretty consistent, I often have the image I'm going for straight after my preset is applied.
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jonaspeterson Just to clear up some confusion, you've said before you used the EG-S (Super Precision Matte) focusing screen. Did you switch back to the stock EG-A (Standard Precision Matte) or did you mean to say you used EG-D Grid (Precision Matte) or something else

Sorry, I use the EG-S screen for my 5DII.

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jonaspeterson Do you use the Precision matte focusing screen or the super one?

Precision Matte.
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jonaspeterson is adding grain and always thing or if a client asks you not too will you do it?

I'm sure that could be arranged, but my clients generally trust my vision.
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jonaspeterson Is your 27 iMac silent or does it make grumbling noises like mine? It happens every few seconds and whenever I click on something (like it's hard at work rendering everything).

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jonaspeterson how do you sharpen your pictures?



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Please read through my already answered questions.

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jonaspeterson What are your current thoughts on LR3 now that you've been using it for a little while? Is it much better than the previous versions? Thanks!

I like it.. It feels faster and the new noise reduction and lens correction features are great.
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jonaspeterson Do you use an iPad app for showing your portfolio to clients?

Not yet. I've used the built in slideshow app to show weddings.
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jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, do you use any off camera lighting for receptions? or just an on camera flash.

Mostly no flash at all. For dance floor stuff I use on camera flash and sometimes I use off camera flash for the first dance.
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jonaspeterson responded to ericrudd Ok, Jonas, I'll add to the onslaught of questions. Back-button focus with AI Servo or One Shot?

Mostly AI Servo.
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jonaspeterson Hey Jonas, how many q's do you get per day? :)

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jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, Did you by any chance receive the mix CD I sent? Just want to make sure it made it over. Hope you enjoy it :).

I got something in the mail yesterday. I'll open it when I get back to town Sunday :)
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jonaspeterson I've always wondered how did you feel in the beginning having to market yourself, considering your background? I have a lot of experience in marketing and wotnot. I can do a great job for


other people, but I shy away for myself.

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

I've never marketed myself in the traditional sense. All my business comes from referrals, WOM, wedding blog features and having real weddings in magazines.
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jonaspeterson When you said you use mainly two lenses on two camera bodies during a wedding, do you carry both bodies around your neck or do you have an assistant or...? Just curious:)

One on each shoulder.

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jonaspeterson You said that you include full-res MKII files, what if you end up cropping a file? Are all of the photos different sizes when you deliver them?

If I crop them, then yes. To fit an image that size on a 4x6 or 16x24, you still need to resize it. As long as they all have the same aspect ratio, I don't worry too much.
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jonaspeterson I wonder if u have www.ask. fm account. would like to follow you there. it's like formspring, but smth new.

How is it better than this. If it IS better, I'll consider it, but for now this'll do. Plus, I've answered 1300 questions here already.
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jonaspeterson Not to do with images but... on your prophotoblog theme.. How the HELL do you get your "Posting Date" (i.e. September 5th, 2010) on the same line as your HEADER? Rather than having them separate? The FAQ for ProPhoto SUCKS!

ProPhoto3 FTW
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jonaspeterson Following on from the earlier question, do you often find you have to adjust the focus manually?

If the subject is far from the center and I'm shooting wide open, then yes, most definitely.
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jonaspeterson What size of photos do you deliver to your clients?

full sized 5DII jpegs and smaller web-sized versions of the same images.


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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson You said you feel you don't need to put the wedding you are editing through ASE .. how will you go about putting grain on your images? Cheerio

I feel I'm getting better at getting the look I want in LR, but I still sharpen and add grain in PS. LR is way behind when it comes to many things PS can do.
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jonaspeterson responded to finnrose Aloha Jonas! Hope you are having a wonderful day in Oz. :) I know you use Alien Skin Exposure 3 with a lot of tweaks to get it just how you want it, but do you have a favorite color and b&w setting you use as a starting point?

400H for color and Tri-X for BW.

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jonaspeterson Hey man, first off thanks for answering all these questions. I've learned a lot tonight. When you use centre point AF and focus-recompose, don't you find that the focus gets knocked out? I remember coming across info that advised against that method.

If that happens I will adjust focus manually. Another reason why the Matt Precision Focusing Screen is the best spent $40 ever.
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jonaspeterson What lens do you use for your wide landscape shots ?

I'm not sure exactly which shots you are referring to, but before I used the 24-70L @24mm for shots like that. Now I'd use the 24L or the 35L.
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jonaspeterson When you talk about apple screen - you referring to basic imacs, or the apple cinema display?

The newest iMacs.

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jonaspeterson Do you use tonal contrast at all?

I have before, but now I only use it sparingly for effect or when I want the details of a dress to show better.
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jonaspeterson A piece of rope is 340934.349 meters long. But seriously.. Do you find your clients understand



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

the whole TS thing? Do they like it? Or is it something you shoot for yourself / photography in general?

I don't worry about what other people think. It's not being arrogant though, I think style is extremely personal and if I started worrying about what other people think I should be doing, I'd be compromising and that is never ever a good thing when it comes to creativity in my opinion. When it comes to lens choices, composition, editing and a number of other things, I follow my heart, not my clients'. The people who choose to book me hopefully like what I do.
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jonaspeterson 45mm TS-E.... Worth the investment? Or do you think the market has been flooded with too many images of it and it is no longer a "niche" for "different" photography?

How long is a rope? Another question almost impossible to answer. For me it has been worth it. I can't say if it's going to be worth it for you. And saying that the market has been flooded with TS images is an exaggeration.
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jonaspeterson That 200/2.8 - you say you don't use it much, but when you do is the minimum focusing distance a problem? It seems quite far away to me.

I only use it if I'm forced to ie when I can't get close enough, so no.
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jonaspeterson Jonas, do you add clarity in LR3 at all before your batch ? Thanks !

I go back and forth on clarity. Right now I set clarity to +15.

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jonaspeterson Does (or has it ever) the competition that has been sparked by social networking being everywhere ever affect you and how do you deal with it?

I'm not sure I follow.

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jonaspeterson That TTD session you published a couple of days ago is frickin' awesome. Do you do single portraits as well?

I do portrait sessions.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

The couple that first let me photograph their wedding didn't want me to shoot during the ceremony, do you run into this often?

Not too often, but it all comes down to religion and cultural differences. If a couple prefers me not to shoot the ceremony, I'm happy not to. It's their wedding after all.
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jonaspeterson How long did it take for you to get the hang of your tilt-shift lens?

Not very long, an afternoon of experimenting and some online articles and you're good to go. All you need to figure out is how different tilts affect the focus plane.
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jonaspeterson responded to sterooney How much use does your 24-70 get these days ?

I never use it, but I've kept it. I'm a gear hoarder.
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jonaspeterson I've read somewhere that gamma should be set to 2.2 on the iMac. Know anything about this?

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jonaspeterson How often do you switch lenses whilst shooting a wedding?

I was going give you a smartass answer, but ok. I don't swop that much. I shoot with two bodies and I generally know which two lenses I will need for different situations. I generally use of of these combos. 24 + 50 35 + 50 35 + 85 50 + 135 When I walk into a room, church or reception hall, I pretty much know which combo I will use for that situation and I will stick to that. The only time I switch on the fly is when I want to add some tilt shift images. I also swop a bit more during bride and groom portraits. For many other situations I will stick to one body and one lens. I do that when I can move around freely.
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jonaspeterson In addition to color calibration do you bump down the brightness of your Mac screen? I've heard that makes a huge difference as well?



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

I don't know if the new iMacs screens are different but I find there's no need for that anymore. The screens are lit differently, so the brightness setting doesn't affect how the output will look so much. I now crank mine all the way up and I still get prints looking very close to what I see on screen.
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jonaspeterson Just curious what Spyder 3 you have and how you like it? It kills me that there are so many versions (ex. express, pro, elite). I used to have the HueyPro and was never satisfied with the results . I guess you get what you pay for.

I have the express and my prints turn out great.

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jonaspeterson Ever experienced any wrist/hand/arm pain from spending too much time on the computer?

Not really.
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jonaspeterson do you still think that the 50 1.4 is better choice then the 50 1.2?

No, the 50L has become one of my favourite lenses. I still think it's a little unreliable, but the colour and contrast is amazing.
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jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, long time fan - first time question! Do you de-saturate in camera by 1,2 stops etc or do you remove colours in LR3 when editing...? Cheers,

I shoot RAW, the shooting styles make no difference to RAW files.

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jonaspeterson More grain =). Do you mask/take away some grain from faces etc or do you apply grain to the image as a whole? Btw, I loooove your grain. Its a fine grain indeed

I want grain, so removing it seems a little stupid.

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jonaspeterson How far in advance do you take bookings?

Officially a year, but I've been know to make exceptions.

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jonaspeterson responded to kongwai



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

you add film grain to your hi-res images, and then resize and web sharp some of them for blog ? will you sharp the grain too ?..thanks ..

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jonaspeterson responded to kongwai Do you add film grain on all of your photos ? . or selective ?thanks

I add film grain to my hi-res images. Sometimes you won't notice it on the web.
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jonaspeterson Dawg yo picchaz be janky, das wack how you so good at takin' dem photo's. I be tellin' all ma homeslice's up in da hood and dey think dat you ballin'. Mad propz to ya, yo career is bout ta get hot up in hurrrrr.

I salute you.
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jonaspeterson Define ''shitfaced'' cQsAQwBQ&biw=2556&bih=1319
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jonaspeterson I recently shot my first wedding and I was worried the whole time about being in the way of the guests. Any tips to avoid this?

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jonaspeterson Of the locations you booked so far in sweden for next year, any of them that you're especially exited about?

I've only booked one so far, but that one should be ace. I haven't really marketed the fact that I'm going yet.
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jonaspeterson What program do you use to print your CD/DVDs ?

The one that came with my printer.



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring
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jonaspeterson are you a fan of kings of convenience? if so, favourite song?

I haven't listened to KoC for years, but yeah, I like them. Most of the things Erlend is involved in, I like. Whitest Boy Alive for example.
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jonaspeterson What's your workflow when it comes to batch processing? In photoshop, how do you process a batch? In lightroom is easy, you can just sync 10,40, all of your images, but in photoshop you just..........
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jonaspeterson responded to KyleHepp Hey Jonas! I saw that you said you give the couple a loose timeline for the day. How/when do you present that to them? What sort of things does the timeline suggest? PS. You're so helpful. It's awesome. You're awesome. Thanks!

It's not that loose to be honest, it's a breakdown of the day, a run sheet so I know where I have to be and when. We send it to the couple as soon as possible and is updated when needed. I print and email myself a copy of the runsheet the night before the wedding. I usually look at it on my iPhone. Here is one from last weekend.
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jonaspeterson Ever had any thoughts about swapping to the 1Ds mk III (or rather the soon to arrive mk IV). Or would it mess to much with workflow and your muscle memory after using the 5D:s for a couple of years?

I have thought about it, yes. Very interested to see what the 1Ds Mark IV has to offer. Problem is I need two. Buh-bye half the GNP of your average third world country.
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jonaspeterson responded to battiman How do you deal with your private photos? Do they all get your special sauce?

My special sauce is more for batch edits than anything else. When I work on individual photos, I treat them as individuals.
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jonaspeterson responded to Brendanklem How long were you shooting for before the first wedding you shot? If the answer is in here I will continue reading.



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

I bought my first DSLR in 2003. I shot film for a couple of years before that. I shot my first wedding in December 2008.
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jonaspeterson How many weddings do you think it takes to build a portfolio?

It depends. If you're good, one could be enough.

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jonaspeterson I recently started working with your friend, Ryan Brenizer. He told me about your work when we started talking about destination weddings. Since Ryan only takes me to Jersey, can I start working for you? Thanks, Erica Camille

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jonaspeterson I am currently looking for a travel bag for all my kit that I can use as carry on luggage in Australia, which bag do you use? (sorry if you have answered this question earlier)

Crumpler Cork and Fork

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jonaspeterson What are your thoughts on the after market battery grips (ex. vivitar, bowers, ziekos) for the 5d mark ii? They're soo much cheaper than genuine Canon one.

Haven't used them.

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jonaspeterson Does your 5d have trouble focusing in low-light? Thanks....

I don't think it does.

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jonaspeterson i'm trying to switch to using only fixed lenses for weddings as well. any thoughts on the 28 EF 1.8 as cheaper alternative to the 24 or 35 L ??

I hear it's good, but haven't used it.

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jonaspeterson How do you label your DVD's for clients? Sharpie?


printable discs
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson when it comes to t/s, you never use shift function? just tilt and rotate lens?

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jonaspeterson do you recommend taking more wedding assigments at lower rates or fewer but at higher rates ?

It all depends on where you are in your career. When you're starting out, it's important to shoot a lot to build a portfolio and a referral base, but it's also important to understand that these clients will BE your referral base. If you sell yourself too cheaply, you will end up with clients expecting you to be cheap for years. My initial prices started at $2000 and has been raised numerous since then. I'm fully booked for most of this year and the next looks pretty hairy too. Do I want to charge twice as much as I am today to be able to shoot half as many weddings? Yes and no. I'd like to be able to have more free time and maybe be a little more selective, but at the same time, I'm shooting great weddings for amazing people and I can't really complain. If I would charge twice as much, I'd be looking at a completely different target market and other venues and I'm not sure that's what I want.
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jonaspeterson So you mainly stick with prime lenses then? How did you come to not using zoom lenses?

I'm all primes, yes. I've explained why I prefer primes here several times before, just go back and have a look.
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jonaspeterson responded to meteorit Hi Jonas, I really liked your last wedding... What camera settings did you and Erik use for the party shots? The ones there you almost paint with light. I'd really like to try and take something like that some time.

I understand that people want to know exactly what settings I use, but I'm going to draw a line somewhere. I've come to use the settings I use by experimenting. A lot. I suggest you try the same. No offense. I drag the shutter a lot, but you also need to be able to adjust to different light situations to get great results.
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jonaspeterson what country have you never been to, and would love to go to?

I love traveling, so pretty much all the countries I haven't been to. Iceland is pretty high up on the list. And Cuba. And Argentina.


I could keep going forever.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson Did you slowly build up your photographic gear over time? I.e. starting with non-L primes and a 'consumer' body eventually ending up with your current 5D2/L-lens kit?

Yes and no. I built my kit before I started working professionally. When I started shooting weddings I owned 1 5D, a 35L, 24-70L, 45TS, 50/1.4 and a 200/2.8L. I also owned a 580 EX II flash. For the first couple of months I rented another body, a couple of lenses and another flash, then I bought a 5D Mark II and used the 5D as my second body. I also bought another flash and a 135L. Later I bought another 5DII and upgraded the 50/1.4 to a 50L. When you have gear acquisition syndrome there's more things you want, but I think me gear is pretty ideal right now. Maybe an 85L down the line. And then Canon will release the 3D or 5D Mark III and I will go mental yet again.
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jonaspeterson What lenses do you use most often during weddings?

24L, 35L, 45TS, 50L and 135L

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jonaspeterson any tips for exposing when shooting into the sun to maintain some detail in faces?

It's tricky and takes a little experimenting. If the sun is hitting the lens straight on, it's very hard. Use a lens hood and play around with different angles. You (may) want some direct sun to hit the sensor, but most often not.
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jonaspeterson When your center af point is selected on either of your 5d's, can you see the other af points illuminate subtly when focusing on a dark subject? I am wondering if the 5d we just purchased has a fault or if that is normal. Cheers.

Same "light leak" on mine.

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jonaspeterson You mentioned you don't do much directing for weddings. Does that include for family photos? Do you keep a list of family shots that you or your clients want to capture?

Yup, same approach, very casual. I move people around to get the group even, but it's very loose. I rarely worry about getting it perfect. To me an image that's too perfect looks staged. An old friend of mine who, unlike me, has done years of art school, told me to embrase the imperfect elements of an image, they make the result more interesting.


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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson How do you select the keepers from the losers when you're editing through 2000+ images in one day? I've heard about editing 'in' rather than 'out', but that's still a crazy amount of photos to consider...

I go through the images once. They are either in or out and I just trust my gut when doing it. I generally end up with the same amount of images, but a couple of times I've ended up with way more I usually deliver. I don't worry too much, just trust my instinct.
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jonaspeterson Jonas, how do you deal with contrast? After your S-Curve in your batch processing, do touch the curve in LR3 ? Do you use "Pro Contrast" in Nik EFX ? I love your vision, sorry to ask about processing, I know it's not where it's at but I can't help it ;)

I add an adjusted curve in LR3, then run a batch edit in ASE3, which adds another slight curve depending on which stock/setting I'm using.
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jonaspeterson A picture you took a long time ago, the one of the tiger at the zoo (I think it was at a zoo). What lens did you use?

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jonaspeterson What size Wacom tablet do you use?

I use this one -

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jonaspeterson Do you use the exposure lock on the 5DII? Also, do you just use the in camera metering?

Not really, I know how the camera meters very well and compensate for that by over or underexposing the reading I get from the camera.
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jonaspeterson Ever shot indoors stuff at the full 21.1MP and notice slight shake because of the mass size, even around 1/60th and 1/80th?

not really
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Hi Jonas, I wonder: how formal do you dress when shooting a wedding?

Black pants, white slim fit shirt and skinny tie.

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jonaspeterson I really like your pictures that you shot with flash when its time for the after party. What settings do you use?

It depends on the ambient and how close I am to my subjects. I generally drag the shutter using shutter speeds between 1/8s and 1s. I always use manual settings, both on the flash and the camera.
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jonaspeterson Hi, I am wanting to buy the 35 lens but heard it can give distortion when taking close up portraits and that the lens is better for full body shots.. what do you think? Thank you.

As long as you understand the lens, it's no problem. I've referred to Brandon Witzel a number of time, he shoots most of his portraits with the 35L and he kills it every time.
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jonaspeterson You mention "PM" for culling your pictures. What does this abbreviation stand for? Great work by the way.

Photo Mechanic
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jonaspeterson How do you deliver the photos to a client that's overseas?

The same way I do to a client two doors down the street - on DVD.
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jonaspeterson Hello Jonas, ho long takes to share last post?

Excuse me?
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jonaspeterson Hello Jonas, beautiful work lately, as usual. What is the best way the bridal party can help you on the day?

Don't get shitfaced.


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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson RAW or sRAW1? Ever shot indoors stuff at the full 21.1MP and notice slight shake because of the mass size, even around 1/60th and 1/80th?

I have shot a mix of sRAW and RAW until very recently, but I've gone back to shooting all RAW for consistency reasons.
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jonaspeterson How do you work the tilt-shift into your work? Keep it installed on one body all the time? Or install it only when things aren't as hectic and opportunities to use it are ripe?

God no, I use the tilt shift for maybe 5% of the day.
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jonaspeterson responded to krisgenna What do you find the best way to deal with high iso noise is? I have a canon 5d and photoshop cs4. I have used the noise reduction in cs4 acr but I am not really satisfied. Do you or have you ever used an outside program to help with this issue? thanks!

I use the noise reduction in LR3 and if it gets really bad I use Nik's Dfine. LR3 is a lot better than earlier versions. I normally don't use noise reduction at all though. As long as you expose properly, you won't get much noise (I shoot with the 5DII mind you)
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jonaspeterson Hey Jonas, im off on my first overseas assignment. Mate - how did you do the baggage weight limits?? gear weighs so much, laptop, chargers. Did you buy extra weight allowances?? impressed you could do it for 8 weeks!

I have two carry ons, one for my laptop and one camera backpack. I keep a couple of lenses in my laptop bag and then two bodies, four lenses, chargers and two flashes in my backpack. Both bags get rather heavy, but so far I've managed to get them through without problem. If I get stopped I have a light gore-tex jacket in a pocket in my backpack. It has six pockets and if security gets too anal I will WEAR my gear on me, two bodies around my neck and the lenses in various pockets. And yes, you're allowed to do that.
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jonaspeterson how do you cope with 5dm2's sucky AF? does the focusing screen help? my pics are all out of focus.

If all your pics are OOF you are either lying or there's something wrong with your camera. :) I agree that the 5DII AF is less than great, but all the shots you see on my site are shot with the 5DII. But yeah, not great, I agree.


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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson are you happy with the intuos 4? wish you got a bigger one?

Very happy. Would not want a bigger one.

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jonaspeterson do you ever use the live view mode to help you focus? for instance, zooming into the eyes and focusing to make sure it's on, instead of trusting the 5dm2's terrible AF.

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jonaspeterson Do you whiten the teeth of couples you shoot?

Usually not.
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jonaspeterson responded to ericrudd I know that you do unlimited coverage for the day. Do you still do a rough schedule for the day? Such as..."couple together shots at xx:xxpm?," "girls together at xx:xxpm," etc? Just to frame the day a bit?

I do and it's actually quite detailed. I have it both on paper and on my iPhone.
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jonaspeterson responded to luisgodinezcom Jonas, I just saw the "Colorado Wedding" and I loved it!!! How was it working w/ Poser? 2 Chefs in the kitchen? Did it go smoothly?

It was like having two chefs in the kitchen to some extent, but that's the way I wanted to play it. We danced around each other and there was no prestige in who got "the shot". We covered everything from different angles at different focal lengths knowing that the combined images would tell the story in the best possible way. I think the end result shows that.
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jonaspeterson responded to vladgherman what do you think about lensbabies ? are they an ok alternative to the much more expansive tilt&shift - for the same effect ? thanks

I've never used a lensbaby, but I highly doubt that they can do the same thing as a tilt shift lens.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

The magic lens 35mm L what would you use it for in terms of wedding photography? is 50mm better than 35mm? please explain :) Ta

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jonaspeterson I can't believe Jonas Peterson just answered my question :) I'm a big fan..Continue from the 24 or 35 mm L Lens question.. I Have 24 - 70mm f 2.8..which prime lens should I start with? and what do you mean 24 is specialty lens? Thank you so much....

A 24mm prime is more specialized because it's further away from "normal" than a 35. And again, I can't tell you what to go with first, it all depends on what you like. I know a lot of people say that a 24-70 zoom goes very well with a pro 50mm (1.4 or 1.2). I know others who'd tell you that the 35L is the best lens you can get. It all depends on how you shoot and what you want the prime for.
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jonaspeterson Do you expose to the right or would you say you expose fairly "normally"? I used to expose to the right but am too scared of losing all the detail in the wedding dress. Any advice?

I expose to the right as much as possible without losing detail in the dress or skin tones.
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jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, great work. Everything I have read leads me to believe you can't color calibrate the iMac properly - even with a spyder or eye 1 display. How do you do it?

I use a Spyder and my prints look good to me.

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jonaspeterson Why do you use back button focus? Ta

It lets me take several shots of the the same scene without having to focus and recompose between each shot. Among other things.
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jonaspeterson Hey Jonas! Sell the 135L and get a 50L + 85 1.8? Good or bad?

It all depends what you like. I wouldn't trade my 135L for anything to be honest. The shots you can get with the 135L are impossible to get with the two lenses you mention, but the shots you can get with a 50L are impossible to get with a 135L. Your call.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

any advice on finding one's own style, both in shooting and in post-processing ? thx

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jonaspeterson So...should i buy 24mm L or 35mm L??? because I can't afford to buy both of them thanks.

It depends on what other lenses you have. The 24L is more of a specialty lens than the 35L. I could shoot a whole wedding with the 35 or a 50, I could not do that with just a 24.
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jonaspeterson responded to ralzaben Hi Jonas, I love your work; can't stop looking at it. I have trouble with posing; unless I seriously pre-plan, I usually draw a blank the day of a shoot and end up with the same 2 or 3 poses (boring). Do you have a few go-to poses or just what is natural?

I have a few poses, but most of what you see on my blog is non-scripted. I put my couples in a specific spot and then we improvise from there. I prefer not to direct my couples too much.
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jonaspeterson Do you own a Leica camera? Your opinion of them?

I wish.
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jonaspeterson What does 'shoot wide open' mean?

shooting at the lowest aperture possible for any given lens.

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jonaspeterson responded to mattderr Do you focus and recompose for moving subjects as well? e.g. - when the bride is walking down the isle?

No, I usually pick a nice contrasty spot on the bride and keep the focus there.
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jonaspeterson Do you know if there is a 5d mkIII coming out?

If I knew anything about a 5DIII I would not be allowed to tell you about it.


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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson who is your favorite photographer ?

I've never been much for picking one favourite. I like a lot of people and a lot of things. Here are a few though. Trent Parke Sally Mann James Nachtwey Anders Petersen Vee Speers Stephan Vanfleteren
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jonaspeterson What up Jonas? Do you shoot wide open most of the time? Thanks man.

It depends on the lens, but for some lenses, yes. The 24L, 35L, 45TS and 135L, most definitely.
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jonaspeterson What type of shots do you use the 24mm for?

There's no formula. I use it for all types of shots.

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jonaspeterson Have you attended any workshop? Any you would recommend? Cheers

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jonaspeterson Queen mother of stupid questions: WB. Flourescent lighting, outdoors etc... You adjust WB accordingly, even though you shoot RAW? I shoot Auto WB all the time (RAW). I'm also a wedding photog. Should I rethink and adjust according to the light?

If you don't want the WB to be different on every image, you shouldn't use auto WB in my opinion. If you want consistent WB for later post processing it's much better to pick a preset.
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jonaspeterson Do you have plan to sell shootsac or buy new lens bag ?



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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson responded to fandersen How are you finding the 24mm?

Very good. I use it all the time.

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jonaspeterson Can you tell me/us how you approach ACR, or the equivalent in whatever program you cinvert your RAW-files? Do you use the different camera calibrations "presets" (or any other presets) while converting to JPEG?

I use the Camera Neutral calibration setting and I also add a "special" curve to all my images. Apart from that I don't tweak LR at all, just correct exposure and - if needed -white balance.
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jonaspeterson Hey J, Can you share tips on M focussing the tilt shifts?? Do you focus first, then tilt. Do you hand hold or tripod these lenses? Ciao

I tilt then focus. I never use a tripod for anything.

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jonaspeterson I have ASE II - is it worth the upgrade?

ASEIII is about 50% faster on a good machine. I shoot 54 weddings this year and all my files go through ASE. So for me, yes, most definitely.
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jonaspeterson Do you ever mess with the opacity of A Better Web Sharpen or run it at 100%?

Yeah, I usually duplicate the layer before I run Web Sharpen and then play with opacity.
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jonaspeterson Do you sharpen at all in LR, just a little bit? I've tried almost every combination of sharpening tools - LR, Sharpen KBD Magic Sharp, and A Better Web Sharpen. So far, I'm unhappy with the results, especially when resizing/sharpening for web. Any tips?

I use one action for my hi-res and one action for my web images. I don't sharpen in LR.
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jonaspeterson responded to sterooney



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

How do you get your images to line up nicely in a grid on your blog? Is it automated or do you create the files manually?

I create templates in PS
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jonaspeterson How do you pack your shootsac?

Usually in the nude.

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jonaspeterson How do you focus? using the thumb-joystick and moving the red rectangle? Do you use the middle rectangle only or do you trust the outer ones as well when auto-focusing? Please enlighten me! Thanks

Center point only using "focus and recompose". I also focus manually a lot. Don't trust the 5DII AF too much.
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jonaspeterson How are you finding shootq? Would you recommend it?

I don't actually use it, my producer, Jacqui, does. I get to focus on the photography and design side of things.
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jonaspeterson How is your day so far, Mr Peterson? Any good weddings this weekend? How'd they go?

No wedding on this weekend, just taking it easy before a very busy week ahead.
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jonaspeterson How do you focus? using the thumb-joystick and moving the red rectangle? Do you use the middle rectangle only or do you trust the outer ones as well when auto-focusing? Please enlighten me! Thanks

Center point only. The technique is called focus and recompose.

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jonaspeterson Do you use the rule of thirds when you take a picture? Thank-u

Sometimes, yes, but other times no. If you have a look at my images you will see that. There are several "rules" that are handy to know when it comes to composition, but you also have to have a feeling for when to break the rules.


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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson Not a gear question, but how do you prepare the night before a wedding? Do you look at images, look at past weddings - anything like this?

Yeah, I do, but most of the time I never use the ideas I get by viewing other photos. On the day it's all about gut feeling, adapting to the situation, light and other factors. I almost never come home with photos I pre-visualized.
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jonaspeterson What color is your instax?

Um, what?
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jonaspeterson Julia Gillard or Tony Abbott?

Team Julia
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jonaspeterson After 3yrs of shooting in AV mode, I am trying to get comfortable in manual mode. So I select the iso, choose the aperture, then ride the exposure compensation dial to achieve perfect exposure. Am I doing it right because I seem to be constantly toggling

There's no right and wrong, but that's how I shoot. There's nothing wrong with shooting in Av mode. If it works for you, go with it. I just find that shooting in manual works better for me.
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jonaspeterson Where do you look for inspiration? Weddings specifically...

Outside the wedding world. I mostly look at art photography and photojournalism. I know it sounds a little pretentious. The reason I try and stay away from most wedding photography now isn't because I don't like it, I do, the reason is that I want to develop something of my own. If I look too much at other wedding photographers the whole thing becomes a bit too incestuous. I do still look at a number of wedding photographers, but that's because I like their way of looking at the world, not weddings specifically.
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jonaspeterson If you just make small adjustments in LR, why do you take the time to import the pictures into LR when you can do those minor adjustments as easy in PS own RAW plug-in without importing and exporting the pictures? (regarding saving time..)

I've just got used to the interface and shortcuts in LR. I think both CaptureOne and DPP do a way better job converting RAW than both LR and PS, but I stick with LR



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

because I'm used to it. Every now and then I try and use Capture One, but I just can't get the workflow I need to edit a wedding or two a week.
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jonaspeterson After LR edit, do you pick pics which one will b&w or color? Than automate batch that folder?

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jonaspeterson How many hours do you sleep a night?

Six or so.
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jonaspeterson Do you have any particular country's traditional wedding that you'd like to shoot?

No, I love them all.

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jonaspeterson Do you shoot any wedding in Sweeden ?

I did one last year and next summer I will be based in Sweden June to August next year, so the plan is to shoot there then. I have booked one so far.
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jonaspeterson You tried Lightroom 3 yet? I heard the vignetting has been improved to mimic a multiply layer-which, along with the noise reduction, sound kinda appealing. How about you? What's your RAW processor of choice and why?

I use LR3.
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jonaspeterson Jonas, thanks for being so kind and answering all of these questions for us the inspired. Just a quick question. How long does it take you to do a blog post for a full wedding?

It depends, but longer than most people think. I'd say a couple of hours at least.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

any new updates from a workshop from you? can not wait!

Thinking about it, talking to people, thinking some more, talking to more people I trust.
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jonaspeterson 100 2,8L? Think you'll invest in it? I know you don't do macro shots, but I hear it's a pretty good allround lens.

I doubt it.
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jonaspeterson how many images do you typically deliver to your wedding client?

300-600, depending on the wedding.

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jonaspeterson Do you still use your 35 lens?

Yup. Love it.

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jonaspeterson Hi, Really like the new shot on your blog with the couples head behind a tree, what lens did you use for that shot?

A Canon 50L at f/1.6

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jonaspeterson Jonas, I've a 50 1.4, a 50 1.2 is a giant step, a great upgrade?

When I got the 50L I didn't think so, but I'm slowly learning to love it. The way it handles flare is almost unique and the color and contrast out of the box is great. Is it way sharper? I don't think so.
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jonaspeterson are each and everyone of the pictures delivered to you couple on a dvd completely edited with the jp touch, or just the ones that are ordered for prints and albums?

All images are edited. What you see on my blog is what you get.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Hi Jonas, not sure if you got my last message but I finished making you a mix CD for editing. How can I get it to you? Thanks man.

Well, thank you. Jonas Peterson Photography 2 Kennedy Street Brighton 4017 QLD Australia
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jonaspeterson responded to kevinbenji I'm thinking of buying either a Sigma 30mm f/1.4 and a Canon 100mm f/2.8 for my 7D, but I'm having a bit of doubt. Perhaps something like Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 would be better. What do you think? Would I miss the wider angle with the first setup?

I can't speak for you at all and I've shot full frame for years, but yes, I think *I* would miss something wider. I honestly don't think a 24mm lens is wide enough on a 7D, I would go with a Canon 17-55 or a Tamron 17-50 on the wide end.
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jonaspeterson Hej Jonas! How do you deal with shots that normally wouldn't cut in in the first select, but that you know the clients would treasure for highly personal reasons, even though it doesn't fit in at all with the rest?

If I think a client will like a photo, I will include it in the first (and only) round of culling I do. Including it in a slideshow or album is another matter.
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jonaspeterson I use TRA's "A Better Web Sharpen" for the photos I upload to my blog, and it does an amazing job, but I was wondering how I should sharpen the hi-res photos I give to my clients. Is there a particular action you would recommend?

Sharpening is one of those things I have a love hate relationship with. Currently I'm going down the don't-do-too-much route again. For that reason I either use Kubota Magic Sharp or TRA2 Slice Like A Ninja for my hi-res images.
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jonaspeterson How would describe your evolution as a photographer? What did you once think was important that you know don't really care about any longer? And what's most important now?

I don't think I can answer that question here to be honest. We're constantly evolving as human beings and it's hard for me to look at my own progress. There is some truth to this:
1 Smile Comment Share




Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

I stink at white balance, even when I'm letting my "eye" lead me. I'll step away, return and discover that my processing was not up to snuff that first round. How do you handle white balance? And any tricks for getting it right the first time?

Practise, practise, practise and maybe compare your white balance to others. I use preset white balance if the lighting isn't bananas, but I also trust my eye. White balance is one of those things you learn to master with time, I think.
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jonaspeterson Do you ever get the feeling like, "Oh, that processing looks really cool, but I doubt the customer would like it"? What do you do in those instances? Stay true to your vision or try to please the couple?

Not really. I trust my own vision. My editing is very simple, but if I feel like doing something different, I will.
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jonaspeterson Are you always totally confident while shooting? Or do you ever feel "Oh, I hope I got something worth while." Is there any aspect of photography in particular that you would like to know more about. An area where you feel unsure of your ability?

I'm unsure all the time. I worry about not getting enough interesting stuff, but if I look at my track record, I almost always get what I want. I think we all worry, it's only human.
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jonaspeterson How do you label the DVDs you give your clients? I ask because I want to avoid using a Sharpie...

I use printable DVD's

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jonaspeterson Thanks for answering these questions. It's a great help for us newbies. Here's another... Do you use a lightmeterwhen shooting weddings?

I know Jonathan Canlas will shoot me in the head for this, but I rely on the camera *gasp* to meter for me. I know how the camera meters and don't "trust" it blindly, but the metering is a good starting point for my final exposure.
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jonaspeterson How much do you normally tilt your tilt & shift lens for portraits?

About 50-70%.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Is there a shutter speed you try to stay above when shooting indoors handheld without IS?

It depends on the lens and whether your subjects are moving or not.
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jonaspeterson Hey! So, first year photographing, I shot 25 weddings. Things are going nuts... And somehow booked 6 overseas weddings for this year. What advice would you give shooting in another country? Also, do you get visas or are you a 'guest'? Cheers

It's extremely difficult to answer a question like that quickly. In many ways destination weddings are similar to local weddings, but other aspects are completely different. I'm more and more becoming a destination wedding photographer and the workshops I have planned will go deep into the specifics of shooting them.
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jonaspeterson how do you organize your blog images? keep them in the client's folder or in a completely separate? multiple versions of the same image for different purposes makes file organization is a big challenge for me!

I don't blog every wedding and the blogging tool I use saves all the images into a separate folder. I keep them all there.
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jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, congratulations on your work. I have a question, when you edit with VSCO, you just leave it plain with the preset, or you use other actions settings? Only VSCO tool? Thanks!

I only use VSCO.

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jonaspeterson Friendly now. It's only the 16th, Don't get angry just yet.

This is as friendly as I get when all answers are easily available by either downloading the pdf or checking the answers here online. I didn't even throw a tantrum.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hey Jonas. What was that lightroom plugin you used to automate dyptychs?

No, I directed you to Formspring from Twitter so that you can look up the answer yourself.
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jonaspeterson responded to psarta hi jonas, do you work together with wedding organiser (both national or international WO)? as in, are you on their book for list of photographers? if so, do you mind sharing who?



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

I don't think I'm on anyone's book, no. I have worked with quite a few, but no deals have been made. If they like my work and enjoyed working with me, I hope they recommend me again.
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jonaspeterson responded to meredithphoto Hey Jonas! I was wondering, how did you learn business?

I'm not sure I have learned business to be honest. I do what makes sense to me and I'm very weary of advice from others. If someone says, "this is how you do things", I will most likely do the opposite.
4 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson How do you avoid bad light when shooting bridal prep?

Adapt and conquer.

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jonaspeterson Ever had anyone request to not be on your blog?

I've shot a couple of wedding where I had to sign non-disclosure agreements, but so far no one has explicitly asked not to be featured.
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jonaspeterson responded to andrewsperkins Hi Jonas, goes without saying but i'll say it anyway, beautiful work. I just looked at the slideshow you posted...blown away by it!. I also loved the simplicity of the flash slideshow, just wondered what software created it or have you had it written?

I use ShowIt Web.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson what is your go to lens for the majority of the ceremony?

I don't have a go to lens for ceremonies. It all depends on what kind of ceremony it is, how close I am, how close I want to be etc. No two ceremonies are the same.
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jonaspeterson a client that hires you at your $5000 price point...they get full day coverage plus a disc of all the images?

No, $5000 is my base coverage only ie my time. To get a disc, you need to book a package or buy the disc a la carte. Packages start at $7000.


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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson Have you found vsco smooths your images out? It's really rare that I have to adjust exposure now that I'm on board. It's awesome. Did you notice anything like this?

Not really. But VSCO looks best if you've nailed the exposure, so im with you there.
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jonaspeterson What do you use for blog boards? A program, template or free style in PS?

If your question doesn't get answered, it most likely means I've answered it before. And since I've linked to a PDF with all the answers neatly packaged into one document, you can search there first. Thank you.
3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to ckalephoto Your photography is great! But more than anything I'm drawn to your reception shots. Care to share your setup? Is it just flash with slower shutter speeds to get the light trails?

Pretty much.
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jonaspeterson responded to jayrowden Sufjan Stevens. Seven Swans?

Of course.
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jonaspeterson Would you ever do a fashion photo shoot? What do you think of Nigel Barker and his work?

I'm open to anything, but I'd approach it my way and not try to shoot fashion they way I'd expect it to be shot.
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jonaspeterson responded to freezingkiwis Do you ever capture a side-moment during a wedding, something that - at that time and place - is amazing and your complete focus, but during culling it feels irrelevant, out of place, something that maybe the B&G wouldn't understand, and you leave it out?

If it's a good photo and I don't have others like it, it will be included. I don't tell the story with all my images, that comes later. I don't worry about whether the bride and groom will understand why I took a certain photo.
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jonaspeterson What didn't you like about Sydney? Or did you have other reasons for going to Brisbane?



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

We moved to Brisbane to be closer to Jacqui's family. She's from the area we moved to. We didn't know if my business would take off or not and figured the support of family was needed should we fail.
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jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, your new work space looks really awesome! (nice light from Ikea you Sven man!). I was wondering what percentage of your clients are actually from Brisbane? What is the closest you have had to travel for a wedding?

This year 15% of my weddings will be local (max 90 min drive). The rest are interstate or international.
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jonaspeterson do you think getting married might change the way you photograph weddings? or the way you feel about photographing weddings? congratulations by the way!

No, I don't think so, but you never know.

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jonaspeterson its cos i guessed it, right. haha, As I've mentioned before *hint, hint* Fer and Daniel are a couple of the best wedding photographers in the world.

Nope, you're wrong. Everyone has been wrong so far. Even the ones I haven't answered. Dead wrong.
Comment Share

jonaspeterson If we guessed your wedding photographer in one of these questions, would you answer truthfully or do you enjoy keeping it secret? How's the pool?

Dude, I'm getting 20 questions about who it is, all combos you can think of. I just stopped answering them. I'm writing a blog post once everything is locked in 100%.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson have you ever thought about posting a slideshow of a wedding instead of the never-ending scroll of photos on your blog? i would love that!

Most people prefer to scroll at their own pace. I'm selling something and that something needs to be accessible as soon as you land on my blog. My slideshows are usually 9-12 minutes. I don't think people want to sit through that. Heck, I get annoyed if I have to click TWICE to open a blog post. But here's a slideshow, just for you.



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to tylerdeanphoto Just a FYI. You can use Google Reader to search formspring threads. A quick search shows that Jonas has answered questions about "ASE" 60x since Oct 7, 2010. Use the tools in front of you :)

4 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to NepJaniola Jonas are you familiar with Otto Schulze? What do you think of his work? I'd have to say Otto and yourself are my biggest inspirations in the field.

I know Otto and call him a friend even though we've only met a couple of times IRL. He's amazing.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson It's Trent Parke and Nachtwey. Am I right?! ;)

How cool would that have been? Maaan.

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to jorgeinthewater Jonas a big congratulations on your future wedding! How difficult was the decision on the photographers that would cover your wedding? Where you approached by them or did you go looking like any couple would do?

For a long time I assumed I'd just ask one or more of my photographer friends to shoot it, but when it felt like they'd rather enjoy a wedding as a guest for once I started thinking about it. I thought about what I wrote in my manifesto and then I thought about who shoots like that. It hit me straight away...
3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Is one of your wedding photographers, Jose Villa?

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jonaspeterson Is the Flan-man one of your wedding photographers?



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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson responded to dmitriyfrolov Jonas what are your thoughts on LR 4 Beta? Do you think your PP will change in some way? P.S. You do a big job here

No, I don't think my PP will change at all. The new functions are great, but my overall workflow will remain the same.
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jonaspeterson Congrats on the wedding proposal! Are your wedding photographers Europeans ex-pats living in Canada by any chance?

The Nordica boys would have killed it, but no, it's not them. :)
4 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson No grumpies now, that was last year...I was trying to make an observation of whether you are all creating (in your own ways of course) the current look of wedding photography and if it's hard to be that trailblazer - to constantly move away from the known

I don't look at it that way. I do what makes sense to me, what pleases my eye. I follow my heart and in the process I find clients who share that vision. I worked ten years creating things for clients who didn't really want anything outside the norm. The problem was just that though, they just saw it as different. They couldn't see it as better or more real. I don't do different because it's different, I do it because I think it makes more sense to me.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Struck me in the GroundGlass post the similarities in style in shooting and postprodn of the 5 not all, just elements. Tiring of seeing clones of horizontal wide shot, couple holding hands deadpan to camera at centre bottom frame? Being fresh is hard!

If that's what you think my style is, I think you have to look again.
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jonaspeterson Film. To RPL or similar? So is the "waiting to see what you got" not enough & you need to add the risk of going AWOL forever?! Seriously though (and yes, a theoretical) would you send a clients film OS or stay local?

I haven't found a good local option. If I send film overseas, I use a courier and pay premium. And yes, RPL.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Do you provide one-on-one mentoring e.g. via skype?

At this stage I don't. One on ones are also quite difficult to price properly. How much is it worth to me to sit on the computer talking to photographers online instead of hanging with my family? $500 per hour? More? Less?
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Jonas, the issue isn't you or the questioners it's formspring. There's no easy way to search your questions or answers. How hard is it for them to add a search box?

Here you go.

3 Smiles 2 Comments Share

jonaspeterson What do you think of the style of wedding photos of mexican photogs like Fer J and Daniel Aguilar? They seem to follow similar look and feel e.g. looks like a lot of burning and vignetting in the photos. Looks great though IMO.

As I've mentioned before *hint, hint* Fer and Daniel are a couple of the best wedding photographers in the world. Their style is theirs, I don't try to emulate what anyone else does. But yeah, both amazing.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to StavrosK You make digital look its best but you have shot film as well. Can you compare them as far as both result and practcality are concerned? Thank you very much.

Not really. When I shoot film, I shoot medium format and that really doesn't compare at all to shooting digital with a modern DSLR. I love film, but it's not very practical. Especially not when I have to send all my film half way across the world to get it developed and scanned. It's part of the charm though. But practical? No.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Do you have public liability insurance? I just had a bride ask if I had it, and I'm not sure if I want to or should, or even need to really. For you, do you think it's a good idea or not really?

It's an absolute necessity, sorry to have to break it to you.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson It's no secret that a lot of photogs, especially those going or trying to become pro, see you as inspiration. You are mentioned in many a blog. Does this bother you a bit or give you unnecessary pressure? You're no god but I wonder how this affects you.



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

It doesn't bother me at all, I find it flattering. And no pressure on the day, I'm focused on doing the best job I can, nothing else. When I shoot my mind is more or less completely blank, all my energies focused on capturing what's in front of me. I don't think about anything else than that. Sounds a little pretentious, but when I shoot, I let me subconscious guide me as much as I can. If I would start thinking about what others expect of me or "how would Marcus Bell shoot this?", I would not be able to shoot the wedding "my way".
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jonaspeterson You're in there shooting. You see the bride's sister working with the bride - a 'moment'. You come in closer with your 35L to get that shot. Just as you're about to click the shutter, the sister looks at you and smiles! Ruined! How do you deal with this?

There's nothing I can do, the moment has passed. Move on and wait for the next one. If she keeps doing the same thing again and again I'll probably tell her, "stop looking at me, I'm not getting married" or something similar.
3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson The first time you arrive at the location of the preps (either the groom's or bride's), do you inform everyone of some 'ground rules' or guidelines like "Ok everyone, pretend I'm not here coz that's how I roll." Or do you just start shootin' like a ninja?

Only if they ask and then I'll tell them not to worry about me at all. I prefer not to shoot for the first 10-15 minutes. I find that whipping out your cameras straight away can be quite intimidating, so I just sit down and chat to people without shooting. When I'm not the center of attention anymore, I slowly start taking pictures. Usually from a distance at first and then I slowly move in closer.
7 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Todd & Alyda are shooting your wedding yeah?

Nope, they are guests.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Looking forward to a particular destination wedding in 2012?

I honestly look forward to all of them, but it's of course extra exciting to shoot in new places and in 2012 I'm going to a bunch of new locations I'm excited about. Cape Town, South Africa. Sicily, Italy. Malta. Nicaragua. Zimbabwe. I also get to go back to Bali four or five times, as well as Sweden, USA and a few others. Add a couple of Australian "destination" weddings on exotic islands to the list. I'm a very lucky man.
3 Smiles Comment Share



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

do you ever think you will blog a "church ceremony" wedding?

I just went back and looked and you're correct, I don't post many church ceremonies, but I do post them. I partly think that's coincidence, but another reason is that I shoot fewer and fewer church weddings. I have three blog posts lined up for the coming weeks and neither of them were church ceremonies. I have however posted church ceremonies in the past, it's not like I have anything against them. Here's two from last year, I posted at least four or five in 2011:
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jonaspeterson Are the spreads in your albums printed with photo finish?

No, I prefer fine art paper/matte finish.

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jonaspeterson responded to man1001 Great post today!! Love your work, it is big inspiration foe me :-)) can I ask what vsco filter did u use? And is it just one color filter for hole wedding? Thanks on your time...

It's one preset, yes. I'm pretty sure I used a slightly modified version of 800z.
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jonaspeterson Do you plan to design your own wedding album? If not, any special reason aside from getting it as part of the package of your selected photog(s)? If yes, do you think it's going to be a walk in the park like your usual albums?

I haven't decided (or really given it much thought) yet. I like the idea of leaving it to them completely. I want it to be their version of what they saw, not mine. At the same time it would of course save me a lot of money to do it myself. We'll see...
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jonaspeterson Any plans to do a workshop in Melbourne?

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson I was gonna just say, please ignore the background noise from people trying to undermine you with silly stuff about you being arrogant/rude etc. What a lot of crap. It's worth remembering that 99.9% of people think you ROCK. You give so much. Thanks mate

I've taken a long and hard look in the mirror and I've realised I have been short,



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

angry and sometimes a little bitter here on Formspring. There's a number of reasons for this and at times I've thought I had legitimate reasons for my reactions. BUT. I do this because I like giving back, I like sharing and I want people to get an insight to why I do this thing I do. Sure, I think there are too many "irrelevant" questions at times, but who am I to judge? People ask them because they want to know something and that's good, right? There's no reason (well...) for me to get shitty with people because they ask me what lens I prefer to shoot with. They simply want to know. So, 2012 is here and I've decided to start fresh. I do this because I love it and I want people to keep asking me questions without being afraid I'll turn into the soup nazi again. But thanks for your kind words, I appreciate it. I haven't always been kind on here and that's my fault, no one else's. I considered erasing all my old answers, but instead I will just have to show people I realise I've been wrong too. Here's to a fresh start. But if you ask me what ASE is I will have to slash your tyres, ok?
22 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Do you deliberately try to look for and take a shot(s) that will end up as the cover for the wedding album?

No, but I always think that would have been a great idea when I put them together :)
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, love today's post. I remember ages ago you were shooting some editorial. Did you ever show this work? Thanks

I haven't yet. I did one today, actually. The images I've worked on so far have been more fragmented, I enjoy telling stories. When I get my editorial work to where I want it, I will share.
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jonaspeterson responded to jmg1124 What's the worst experience you've had as a wedding photographer?

I don't kiss and tell.

5 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to jayrowden Thank you Jonas. For everything. You are god. One question. And I know it's against the law to ask a lens related question BUT I have a burning to desire to ask if you have ever used the 1.2 50mm? Ta




Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Yeah, I use the 50mm 1.2L all the time. Many, many of my portraits are shot with that lens and whenever you see me shooting speeches, chances are they've been shot with the 50L.
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jonaspeterson responded to KitanaMironova Handsome

Thanks, I've been working out.

3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to PawelBebenca Hello Jonas, any tips focusing in low light ?

Focusing in low light is one thing where the gear actually matters a lot. For digital, you need a system with good AF because often it's too dark for your eyes to see if something is in focus or not. If you don't have good AF, you can use your flash's AF assist beam, but keep the actual flash turned off. For film cameras, you need a good viewfinder. If your viewfinder is too dark, you can get brighter screens specially made for your camera. Google Bill Maxwell precision optics and ye shall find. I hope that helps.
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jonaspeterson responded to eadwine whens your big day and who's gonna shoot it =)

It's July 14 on an island outside Sweden called Gotland. It's where I spent all my summers growing up. For me it's a truly magical place and when I took Jacqui there a couple of years ago, she fell in love too. I secured the photographers two months before I proposed, but I'll save who it is for an upcoming blog post. :)
4 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Did you apply for ABN and setup business bank account and other business-related stuff before you shot your first paid wedding gig? If not, when did you do it? Did you have to consult an accountant?

I did, yes. My partner and I did it together, it was pretty easy.

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Any tips that work for you for holding the camera still during slow shutter speed shots (e.g., under 1/50 with a 50mm lens)?

Hold your breath and squeeze off the shot gently. If necessary lean against something.


Same approach as shooting a sniper rifle. :)
2 Smiles Comment Share

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson Has a client ever tried to haggle down your ala carte prices e.g. extra spreads? If yes, how did you treat them?

It rarely happens. When it happens it's a "case by case" approach. No client or situation is the same.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson What is your opinion on young photographers (under 20s) shooting weddings?

If it makes them happy, why not?

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to matebox3339 Is your interest in personal photography inversely proportionate to your work schedule? Incidentally, how often do you make photographs with your Contax 645?

Yeah, I'd say so. The more I work the less personal work I shoot.
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jonaspeterson responded to phenning How about a film showing you're home and studio? or to personal? mvh per

I've been planning to post some images from my studio. I'll try and got on it this week.
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jonaspeterson responded to sterooney Have you ever found that the focusing screen has an effect on metering when shooting in av for example?

I don't think so. There's a custom function setting detailing which focusing screen you're using, have you changed that?
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Have you every photographed the Northern Lights? Any tips for shooting them with a standard digital camera?

Sorry, I haven't.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Are you still happy with ProPhoto Blog? Any plans to change this as part of your rebranding?

I'm very happy with ProPhoto. I guess the only reason I'd like to switch to something else is to be a little more unique.
3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to sandysamhk Do you use LR to reduce noise for photo over iso 4000 ? . thanks

I very rarely shoot over ISO4000, but if I do I will use noise reduction in LR, yes.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Could you see yourself switching to Fuji's new Pro X1 - like the X100 but with interchangeable lenses?

I would love to shoot with a smaller system as long as the lenses and quality of the sensor matches the best Canon primes and bodies.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Have you ever photographed an Indian wedding? If not, will you be interested in doing so?

I haven't yet. I've had a number of inquiries and few of them IN India, but my schedule has never worked out.
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jonaspeterson What do you see yourself doing in 10 years time? Do you reckon you'll still be a wedding photographer? (please say yes! Crazy teen fan here haha, I want you to be my photographer)

I have done so many things in my life, I stopped making long term plans a long time ago. Life continues to surprise me every day. I make sure I make the most of today, burn with the brightest flame I can. Who knows what tomorrow will bring.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson what would you say is the average number of spreads with most of your albums. i know you design your albums with the story in mind and not the number of spreads, but have you seen a trend in the final number?

35-40 spreads (70-80 pages).

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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

How do you receive international payments- are the fees ridiculously high? Paypal?

I take credit cards. No fee.

Comment Share

jonaspeterson Have you ever photographed a wedding in London?

No, I've never shot a wedding in Great Britain. Boo.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hello Jonas! I remember you said it was possible that you came to Madrid this year to give a conference talk in a place I can't remember. Are you finally going to come to Spain?

Unfortunately not, I'm shooting in South Africa then. But Sean Flanigan and Fer Juaristi will be there. It's called Boda F. I think.
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jonaspeterson Did you go to college, if so, what one and how did you start your career :)

I have no formal training in anything. I started my photography career by shooting a friend's wedding. Other people came knocking and I took things from there.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to Matthew195 Do you use any accountancy software??

No, I have an accountant and a bookkeeper. Best money spent ever.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to Matthew195 When you export for the web what process do you go through?

I don't export for web, I resize my hi res jpegs using a batch action in PS.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to mattarcayan how different is taking (aphoto at night with low ISO and shutterspeed) from (takinga photo at night with flash)...

Two different things, two different looks, overall different things to consider when taking the photos.
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jonaspeterson responded to tostartinganew


Not at all. :) Do you have a website and stuff?

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Oh, yes.
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jonaspeterson responded to tostartinganew Is there anywhere I can see you photos? hard have you tried finding them? Hours? Minutes? Or not at all?
10 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Best album of 2011?

Bon Iver
7 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson how diffrent does shooting at night with flash from shooting with low ISO and shutterspeed? i can't seem to get it right. its always a mess... X.x

I'm not sure I understand the question, sorry.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hi, as a photographer who didnt have any headstarts in any other areas and is just relying on talent and/or word of mouth at this stage.....What would be the one thing you recommend he do to help his business. Thanks for you time dude.

Be awesome. Be different. Know what you want. Work hard as hell.

9 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hi! Would you recommend any digital cameras that has a very good resolution? Cant afford dslr's and I just love to take pictures with a very good quality. Thanks!

I haven't used a point and shoot in many years, sorry.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Would you opt for iso 2500 at 1.4 or use a flash in a room with no windows?

It depends on what look you're after. I only use flash for dance floor shots.
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Lens Correction in LR, on or off?

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Currently off, but I see the benefits on many shots.

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jonaspeterson For vsco. What is bigger grain for web for?

I haven't used it, sorry.

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jonaspeterson responded to sandysamhk you pull the black and white points in LR? or in PS ? . .thanks

I currently do all my editing in LR.

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jonaspeterson responded to mcederholm When you edit using VSCO, do you remove the grain or leave it despite it being Lightroom grain?

I pull it back to 30 both on colour and black and whites.

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to NesSolorio Jonas, how many cameras do you wear during a wedding? Gracias

Two most of the time.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to rhysb123 Excluding your own work, do you have a favourite all-time photograph?

I don't think I have one that stands out above the rest, but I admire the work of many photographers. Most of them are black and white and shot on film.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Does Jonas have a big douchebag ego? YES Does he really care about the people on this forum? NO Should he just rather shut this down instead of being arrogant and rude to all his fans? YES Is he still someone I look up to? NO

I'm sorry you feel that way.

5 Smiles Comment Share



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Claire and Nick... beautiful, beautiful work. What were the VSCO presets and did you tweak them much? Any tone on the BWs? Thx

Portra 800 and not too much tweaking, the black and white points are pulled, that's pretty much it. The black and whites are toned slighly, yes.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, how long to you maintain a copy of a couples wedding photos for in the event that the couple come back to you for extra copies of digital files/prints etc? Thanks xx

So far I've kept all of them. My clients get high res files of all their images, so once I've delivered them, I'm clear. But I keep them for myself anyway and I have no plans to delete them.
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jonaspeterson Do you personally think that a t3i+50mm1.4 can be okay for weddings? I thought about upgrading to a MkII someday but was just curious as to if you had any experience or opinions on whether to upgrade for such events or not. Love your most recent wedding!

I think you can shoot weddings with any camera to be honest. It's what's behind the camera that matters. With that said, I'm not sure a crop sensor camera with a 50mm lens will be your best choice. Having nothing wider that the equivalent of 80mm on full format is not for me. I shoot wider than that almost all day long.
6 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to Wonkavator The lighting during Penny & Gerald's ceremony looked... challenging. All those shadows and dappled light everywhere. I'm assuming the wind was blowing it all around as well. What do you meter for in a situation like that?

Shooting digital, I chimp a lot. Lazy, I know. I aim for shooting "to the right" as much as I can without blowing highlights. But to be clear, I know how my camera meters and the first calculation in my head is usually pretty spot on.
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jonaspeterson responded to phenning Do you own any studioflashes or ever use any?

Nope and never. Not yet, that is. Who knows what the future holds...
1 Smile Comment Share




Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Your earlier portfolio shows that you used the tiltshift alot, did you used to use it more then than you do now? Also I have to say how inspiring your work is, I would like to see more of your face and about your growing up in Sweden/moving to Aus :)

I still use it, but probably less than before, yes. My goal for 2012 is to blog more and write more, so I will most definitely tell more tales from the past.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson What did you get for Christmas this year? And (forgive the greedy questioning) do you tell your children that Santa exists?

I got a dead squirrel. And yes, we tell the boys all sorts of crazy stuff, Santa is one of them.
4 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson I've had clients book me because they like the idea of my style (natural, candid, story telling) but on the day, they aren't relaxed or easy going. What do you suggest I do to ensure a potential client is a good 'fit' for my style of photography?

I don't think there's ever a way to ensure a client is a good fit, but as with anything communication helps. The more you talk to them, the more you'll understand what they're after. On the day you can always get the shots they want and the shots you want. At least if you have enough time. As long as you're confident and show your clients you know what you're doing, they will most likely trust you.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Dude, no no no? Does it not seem disrespectful and arrogant towards people who respect your opinion and seek your advice? Some questions might be dumb but we all ask them starting out. And don't answer No! ;)

Me answering no to yes and no questions now and then? Especially after over 3000 questions answered. Do I think that is arrogant? No.
14 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Do you still take pictures with a point-and-shoot?

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson What do you think about the very young Australian photographer Nirrimi Firebrace and her work?

Nirrimi is great, I've been following her for years.


2 Smiles Comment Share

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson responded to TristanCardew You average a fair number of enquiries per month for wedding bookings, but what is it that makes you choose the ones you shoot and reject the ones you don't? I can imagine it's tough making those kinds of decisions...

First come, first served.

3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to nateperkes Hi JP, Ive searched for a while through your thread and can't see it on here. What are your thoughts on Blog and website vs. blogsite? Have you liked just having a blogsite? Do you miss things about a website+blog? Are there reasons you don't have both?

I don't miss anything about having a separate portfolio site. I think the blog format is better suited anyway. My featured weddings are extremely easy to access. Add comments to that and I see little that a portfolio site can do better (except larger images). I'm currently re-branding though and pulling the blog off the first page is something I'm considering, but not because a separate portfolio site is "better", no way.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to rhysb123 Mmm, in VSCO, Kodak T-max 3200 or Tri-X 400, I just can't decide. You?

I like all the BW conversions to be honest.

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson thoughts on the photographer fer juaristi?

One of the best wedding photographers in the world, fer sure. We've been talking about doing something together, we'll see what the future holds...
4 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson When dealing with rapidly changing light conditions (e.g., party entering or leaving church), you switch to P, but for everything else, you stay in M? Any other situations where you prefer A or P to manual, or is that it?

Yeah, all M. And most of the time I use M for rapidly changing light conditions as well.
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jonaspeterson What's your opinion of charging for a session, then also charging for images to purchase?

It's not my thing, but as long as you are very open about how you do business, I see no problem with it.


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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson Jonas, what do you think of the Australian fitness YouTube celebrity Zyzz. You may not know him, but you've probably seen or heard of him. Thoughts?

I had never heard his name before this question, so I googled him and then checked some sort of tribute video on YouTube. What can I say, tragic in so many ways...
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jonaspeterson I've always wondered? The shots on the railway bridge (@ stanthorpe circa 2009) did you use a tripod and was your public liability up to date!

No tripod and yes :)

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jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, I appreciate all the insight you share on here. My biggest weakness is tied into what I love most about photography-getting into the moment and capturing people. I get into my own head and don't trust my instincts enough. Any suggestions? Thanks

I really can't tell you what to do, but trusting your instincts is extremely important.
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jonaspeterson Hi Jonas. Any tips on collecting payment? Currently taking 50% before the wedding and 50% after images delivered but this could be problematic with weddings far from home you ask for entire payment before the wedding? Thanks!

Everything paid in full two weeks before the wedding. It's industry standard.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson hey jonas. so you usually double up and shoot with 2 cameras? do you have a third camera as backup or do you just call it good with 2?

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson you left ASE3 and now use just VSCO, is that true!?...can I ask why vsco is better for you

One step less.

2 Smiles Comment Share




Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

How do you prefer to wear your double camera setup? Long/short straps like Nachtwey or shoulders and crack it off the furniture?

Shoulder, shoulder, bang, bang.

3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to phenning How long after the wedding do you deliver the photos?

Roughly a month.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson JP, what are your thoughts on blogging over the Christmas period? I've just finished a wedding that is probably the best thing for my business and I just don't want to blog it at the wrong time.

January is the gold rush. At least here in Oz. You want your best stuff posted then. I had 80+ inquiries in January last year.
4 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, I was recently second shooter at a couple of weddings, using mainly 50mm 1.4. Many of the shots came out slightly out of focus, not hugely, but they weren't PIN sharp like I know the 50mm can be. I've tried larger aperture, any ideas please?

Micro adjust the lens or send the body and camera in to be calibrated.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Any tips for improving work/life balance? 1st year in wp, loving it, but finding it hard to switch off. Working from home too. Thanks

Set very clear rules/boundaries regarding when you're working and when you're not. Do NOT break these rules/boundaries.
3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson And what proportion would that be? How many come back after you send your price list?

Enough for me to be fully booked at the rates I charge. Enough for me to shoot local, interstate and international. That's the only thing that matters to me.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson what percentage of couple that ask find your pricing too high? im scared of a price rise



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

I don't know, the people who think I'm too pricey usually don't contact me again after I've sent them my price list.
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jonaspeterson responded to bcrobinson Index finger suffered a whole 5 minutes for this - hope it helps.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to matthewmead Whats your export settings for lightroom? how many pixels wide/tall, quality, dpi, sharpening? thanking you

If you're on a mac, I'd recommend doing this. Go to my profile here on Formspring, click the "More responses from Jonas Peterson" button for...a while. You only need to do this exercise once. In the end you'll have one looooooong page with all my answered questions. You can then either search that looooong page for my answers or created a pdf by selecting "print" under the file menu. Under "print" you choose save as pdf instead of actually printing. You can then open that pdf and search it for everything I've answered. I'm not sure how to create a pdf from a web page on a PC, but I'm sure there's a way.
3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Which lens would you recommend for ring shots during the ceremony if the bride/groom have requested that you don't get too close as to detract attention from the moment?

The longest lens I use is the 135L.

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Jonas, if requested - will you meet and discuss your pricing etc with a client pre-booking you? Thanks :)

Of course. I prefer to do that, but these days I seem to book a lot of people without even having talked to them. If we can't meet in person, I will try and "meet" them over Skype.
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jonaspeterson Do you use the AF center point when using flash at night? I know you like to shoot from the hip and I don't remember seeing that question answered here. Just ignore this if I'm wrong. :-)

Center point. Always.

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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

follow up question (tips on grain)-- do you just mess with 'absolute grain size' or grain strength too? assuming this is for your high res 5d mark ii images (all the same size) do you have a go to 'absolute grain size' pixel amount for your hi-res batch?

Yes, all my hi res images are the same size, so I apply the same amount of grain to all of them. I use a modified version of one of the film stocks. I then play with absolute grain size, not strength.
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jonaspeterson can you give some tips on adding grain to give an image a less digital feel but without over doing it? for instance,just add a touch of grain...never more than 15% overall strength. or don't put as much grain in the highlights or shadows, more in mids?

I use ASE for that. I untick the "automatic grain size" and instead play around with "absolute grain size" until it looks good to me. What pixel size I use depends on the size of the image.
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jonaspeterson So, you use Image Processor in your action which is able to resize your images to 900px (on the longest side) but this is not possible when using Save for Web, right? Don't you Save for Web when exporting images that will end up on your site?

Sure it's possible. Like I said, I save for web to a SET folder, then once the batch is done, I have to move the images from that folder to the client folder. Takes about three seconds.
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jonaspeterson Do you touch Split Toning in LR? Shadows or highlights?

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jonaspeterson Do all of the photos you give to the couple in the DVD have the same processing as the photos on your blog?

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jonaspeterson Who was/is your favorite photographer when you first started out in wedding photography?

I didn't have any favorite wedding photographers when I started out and I still try not to look at other wedding photographers when it comes to inspiration. I can list a number of people who are amazing, but I prefer not to. Some of my favorite photographers outside wedding photography are: Trent Parke Anders Petersen Sally Mann


Rodney Smith James Nachtwey Pieter Ten Hoopen Bryan Schutmaat Vee Speers Henri Cartier Bresson The list goes on and on.
1 Smile Comment Share

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson responded to lucianomenardo Don't you know if the precision matte focusing screen is the same in 5D than in 5Dm2? Thanks.

Different. One is called EE-S, the other EG-S.

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jonaspeterson Is 135mm the longest focal length you bring to a wedding? Or do you bring your 200mm 2.8?

I rarely bring my 200.

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jonaspeterson responded to sandysamhk do you add grain on all of you final images? even add on all formal group photos ?

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Do you use tripod at all during a wedding? Like for group shots?

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jonaspeterson There is God. You're not Him.

How do you know? Are you God's dad. If so, what do I call you? Grangod? Or just dad?
5 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Jesus loves you!

1 Smile Comment Share



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Do you keep all your lenses without the front and rear caps in your shootsac?

Yes. Hoods on.

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jonaspeterson If you had $2000 to spend on your photography business what would you spend it on? (And you had to spend it!)

Re-branding, presentation material or a custom website.

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jonaspeterson Do you have any pets? Dog? Cat? Bird? I can't imagine Jonas as a Dog person.. Something about coming home to a chewed up 35 L... Hmm.

I don't have any pets now, but I grew up with dogs and later I had my own dogs, so you're kind of wrong. I love dogs.
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jonaspeterson If cost wasn't an issue, which would you recommend: 135mm f/2 or the 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II

I'm sure the 70-200 is a fantastic lens, but it's too big and bulky for what I do. I prefer primes and I prefer the 135L for a number of reasons. I can easily afford the 70200, but choose to work with the 135L anyway.
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jonaspeterson Do you think you'll ever get a lens wider than 24mm? If so, which one?

Possibly, but I also want to streamline my bag as much as possible. Ideally I'd like to shoot with nothing more than two lenses, but that's not going to happen, but ADDING more lenses to my bag isn't something I want to do.
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jonaspeterson responded to KyleHepp What percent of a deposit do you require to book you for weddings outside of Australia and do you ever find that people are nervous to pay the deposit to someone they have never met? I have ran into that once and am not quite sure how to deal with it.

$500 and all travel costs. I don't want to get stuck with booked airline tickets. So far no one has had any issues.
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jonaspeterson responded to erinlassahn Did you have a good weekend? :) (Just breaking up the monotony of gear/shooting q's)



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

I shot two weddings with a pretty high fever and sore throat, so I've had better weekends to be honest. Sweet people though. That helped.
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jonaspeterson In your previous career, did you ever wake up hating what you did, even if you did it well?

I'm pretty good at sticking my head in the sand and pretending I'm fine, but yes, that was a major reason why I ended up quitting advertising.
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jonaspeterson Any recommendations on how to go about finding my own preference for in camera settings (regarding custom temperature, WB, etc)? Did you just start messing around and find what you liked? I'm scared to mess up the settings!

I don't use any custom settings, I use one of the presets, most of the time the shade or sun setting. Again, it all depends on light and how light is reflected off walls and ground. Sometimes the shade preset looks good inside, but often it's too warm, then I'll switch to sun. Outside, I often use the shade setting if it's sunny. When the sun sets, the light will change and so could your settings.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Love your work, Jonas. I know you've said that the 35L and 50L are your top favs, but percentage wise, what do you think the breakdown of the actual usage of each lens in your bag would be? Thanks!

I can't give you an accurate breakdown, because it all depends on the wedding - the layout of rooms, both for getting ready, ceremony and reception. You can't look at these numbers without knowing more about the wedding and where it was located. Here are TWO recent weddings though. I've been going back to using my 50L a lot more because I wanted to change things up a bit. The reason the 24L is used so much is mainly because I use it for all the dancefloor stuff. The rest of the day I don't use it much at all. At least not for these two weddings. LA wedding (will be blogged later today/tonight) 24L - 20% 35L - 23% 50L - 40% 135L - 11% 45TS - 6% Byron Bay wedding (not blogged yet) 24L - 23% 35L - 18% 50L - 30% 135L - 27% 45TS - 3%
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jonaspeterson Do you have a lastfm?

I do, but I don't use it these days. Can't even remember the username.
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jonaspeterson how often do you crop your photos in LR or PS?

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

I do all my cropping in LR. I'll do it if the image benefits from it, but I can't give you a percentage. But yeah, I do.
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jonaspeterson Did you vote in the Swedish election?

No, I don't live in Sweden so I don't feel I have the right to affect how the country is run.
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jonaspeterson responded to stephiouellette i know this is strictly an opinion based question but I like your style of shooting. I have a 5d mark ii and a canon 7d. I love my 35L lens but I'm looking for another L lens something more for the ceremony. I am thinking either the 24-70, 135, 70-200?

135L FTW
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jonaspeterson Do you ever spot sharpen the eyes or do anything to make them pop a little more?

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jonaspeterson Hello Jonas, have a great day! If *needed* to choose only 2 of your lenses, what's your call?

35L and 50L followed closely by the 135L.

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jonaspeterson do you shoot your photos a step down to preserve skin tone detail and then lighten up in post processing?

No, I expose my images the way they look on my blog.

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jonaspeterson do you say shooting in lets say, Bali, changes the way you set your camera a little bit? i'm just asking because the climate a little different over there.

Not at all.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson how do you and other photographers get such amazing skin tones? does ASE help a lot?

No, the secret is almost always to get it right in camera. I do VERY little to my images.
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jonaspeterson Because you shoot in RAW...After you've imported your images into Light room, do you have a basic process that stays the same for every wedding you take photos of...contrast, temp.. for example... or does this change everytime.. thanks so much.

It's basically the same for every wedding.

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jonaspeterson using a lens hood....never, sometimes, all the time?

almost always.
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jonaspeterson Is there a reason you use centre point only?

I've always shot like that and on my Canon cameras it also happens to be the only point that is reliable enough.
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jonaspeterson The photos that you include in an album - do you sharpen them after resizing based on the layout or do you sharpen them from hi-res copies and then resize and layout?

I actually don't re-sharpen them, so your second option.

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jonaspeterson Do you centre point focus or change the focus points for each shot?

Centre point only

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jonaspeterson High pass or Unsharpen mask? Also in LR 3 , do you keep the sharpening at 25 when you import your cr2 file ? Thank you Jonas.

I don't change the sharpening in LR. I use Kubota Magic Sharp for hi res and A Better Web Sharpen @ 70% for web images.


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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson If a client doesn't particularly like something about an image and wants it changed a certain way, do you do it? Do you charge for it? Or is what they get, what they get? And if it hasn't happened before.. What would you do if it DID happen? :)

It has never happened, but yeah, I'd do it and probably for free.
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jonaspeterson responded to stevegerrard Hi Jonas. Can I ask how you embed tunes into your blog (like the last post)? Never seen that before. Thanks mate.
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jonaspeterson hey jonas,love your work,you rock... just wondering,how many images you take in a portrait session with the bride and groom,i know its changing from each session, can you guide me through the process?

I don't really have a process. I make a loose plan, but after I've spent the day with a couple that very loose plan will change. It's more about who they are than my idea of who they are.
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jonaspeterson responded to fredsan Hi Jonas! Hope you are enjoying Thailand. You mention ASE a lot and I am probably the only guy that don't know what it is (blushing). Is it about color palettes? Am very curious to know more about it.

If you read the questions I've answered, you will find out.
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jonaspeterson responded to msericacamille have you considered delivering on jumpdrives, externals, ipads, or via direct download?

Yes, I am currently delivering on 8GB USB drives.

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jonaspeterson Are you going to burn out?

Considering I shot 65 weddings last year and managed, I don't think so. That doesn't mean I enjoyed working that much. And that why I'm shooting 50 this year and less next year.
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jonaspeterson responded to fredsan



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Hi Jonas! Do you ever add vignetting to your pics?

No. Sometimes I dodge and burn, but even that's pretty rare.
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jonaspeterson Have you ever photographed another culture's marriage ceremony? Islamic, Buddhist, Sikh, Hindu, Shinto?

I've done Islamic, Vietnamese, Chinese, Korean, Swedish, Austrian, Mormon, Persian and probably a few more I can't recall right now. None of them were all traditional though, they just had elements that were traditional. I'd love to apply what I do to a more traditional wedding, preferably locally (ie not in the Western world).
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jonaspeterson Do you follow The Satorialist at all?

Not really. I check in now and then, but not regularly.

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jonaspeterson Is it possible to get a wedding featured on a blog if you've already blogged it? Once Wed or Green Wedding Shoes kinda deal?

It's possible, but most of the bigger blogs won't accept it. If the wedding is off the hook amazing, it will be picked up no matter what, but you're reducing your chances quite a bit.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to GenkiGenki Do you do this often? You see a potential good capture, hold up your camera, compose, wait and wait, and it just doesn't come, and you never click a single shutter? Thanks very much for answering our questions. Love your work.

I think the more experienced you get, you learn when you DON'T have the shot, so yes, I do that more and more.
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jonaspeterson When you first started wedding photography, did you ever imagine that you would be at this point one day, traveling the world with so much success with your career? Curious to hear if you always had strong faith in yourself that transpired into reality :)

It was never my goal, I just wanted to do something that makes me happy. Once I realized I did have something to offer I raised my goals a little bit, since I love traveling. But no, I never imagined I'd be where I am today. And certainly not this early on.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Jonas-me again with the quest to make my images more matte :) Your first response was 'Play with the black point and the white point in photoshop' Second was 'Like I've said before, ASE is all I use.' - bit confused. Thanks in advance mate!

There's a curves tool in ASE. It does the same thing as the curves tool in PS.
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jonaspeterson Do you have any problems fitting all off your full res client images onto one DVD or do you provide more than one? Thanks and great work.

If I have, I'll just re-save at 11. Problem solved.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to KyleHepp Also, do you think you'll move into more commercial work, shooting for magazines/clothing lines etc? Could you find the same creative joy in that work as you do in weddings? If you can't tell, I'm very curious about what you'll do next :)

I have started shooting some editorial work for magazines. It's different for sure, but I like a challenge. I don't really do it for money, I make more than enough as it is, I do it to keep myself curious.
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jonaspeterson responded to KyleHepp Hi Jonas, I'm pretty sure this hasn't been answered, if it has just ignore. What percentage of your inquiries book? I know you have pricing on your website. Have you always had that up & if not, has it affected your inquiry to booking rate at all? Thanks!

I'm not as structured as I should be when it comes to tracking leads. I get sooo many inquiries. All I know is that I'm fully booked at the price point I've chosen. Sorry for a not so good answer.
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jonaspeterson Full frame camera, outdoor photos, no ceremony, reception in a town hall with 200 guests. Oh sorry, I meant if it were YOU shooting a wedding and were only given 2 lenses. Nevermind.

I wouldn't shoot a wedding with less than three primes. 35/85/135 would work. You could shoot it with nothing longer than an 85, but I prefer something longer here and there.
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jonaspeterson I am shooting a wedding soon, and can only afford hiring 2 lenses. If you were in my position, which combo would you pick? The 35/85 as suggested below?

I don't know you, your shooting style, if your shooting full frame or cropped, if you're shooting in a church or a living room, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc. There's no universal answer to anything. Especially without knowing all the circumstances.


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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson what aspects of your business would you consider outsourcing?

I'd consider outsourcing anything. Whether I'd go ahead is another matter.

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jonaspeterson Hey Jonas, thanks for all ur help on here! Quick one...with you personal film shots (which are fantastic!), after scanning, do you still put them through the mill with ASE etc to get them looking the Jonas way ie similar to your digi stuff? Thanks mate!

No ASE on film images.

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jonaspeterson I have my own photographic cliches that I turn to more than I'd like. Maybe I like something about that particular frame or lighting. Or maybe it's just me playing it safe. I dunno. Any words of wisdom on how to get away from the safe, familiar shores?

We all do it. All you can do is try to stay curious and push yourself.
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jonaspeterson Hey Jonas I love your music choice on your blog. That being said how do you insert the play button for the MP3 on ProPhoto without setting up a slideshow. Can't seem to figure it out

There are a bunch of mp3 players for wordpress. Try googling mp3 player or audio player and wordpress.
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jonaspeterson Purpose of your life?

To live a full and happy life, raise my boys and provide for my family.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson I don't get why people admire you for your so-called post-processing when you keep telling them you hardly do anything. You have to create photographs in the camera, not afterwards. The composition in your pictures, for instance, are flawless. Go you! ;)

Thank you :)
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jonaspeterson How do you handle weddings in the rain? Do you hold an umbrella over you in one hand and camera in the other?



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

I usually find some sort of cover, I've shot under trees, bridges and other things.
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jonaspeterson Any idea when the 5D mark iii is coming out?

No :)
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jonaspeterson When you use your 50 1.4 do you shoot wide open? Seems really soft at 1.4.

I don't use the 50 1.4 these days, but when I did, I shoot it wide open quite a bit.
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jonaspeterson responded to greenwatt So why use Photocart at all if you're not selling with it? Wouldn't an online password-protected gallery serve the same purpose? And would you like to see someone in Aus offer a print fulfillment service so you can sell prints without the hassle?

Are you trying to sell me something?

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jonaspeterson responded to maralee84 for a wedding do you use manual focus or auto focus?

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jonaspeterson did you have book wedding photo shoot in bali again?

Yes, I'm shooting in Bali several times next year.

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jonaspeterson Isn't it hard to be travelling so much and not being able to spend too much time with your family & the two little boys?

When I don't take my family with me - yes.

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jonaspeterson Hey Jonas, anything in your contract stating how many proofing edits clients are able to do on albums? I've recently run into a situation where the client has made SO many changes back



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

and forth that it's chewing up more time than I think it's worth!

I rarely have any issue with too many changes, so with the few who have more changes, I just do them.
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jonaspeterson If you were starting your business again, this time without the SEO juice & google ranking, what marketing, blogging, & business advice would you give yourself to reach your goals, target audience (creative,funky,artistic, wealthy) & price point?

Interesting question, but also difficult to answer. I only have experience from my own journey and still no very little about SEO, I've never done any marketing and my business is based purely on (my) common sense. I managed to not get stuck in the budget wedding range and have never really competed on price. I've done my thing, stayed as true to who I am as possible and I've trusted my own gut at all times. If I had to do this with different circumstances, my advice would be to do my thing, stay true to who you are and trust your gut.
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jonaspeterson What are your thoughts about shooting 50 weddings a year? Do you ever decline some weddings to keep your max at 50? It still sounds like a lot.

I've been really bad at turning down anything. Working on it. Goal for 2012 is 40 weddings.
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jonaspeterson responded to jksarkodie Hi Jonas. I would have thought that the only advantage of the 85mm f1.8 over its f1.2 counterpart is the price. As you're not short a few bob, why haven't you upgraded already? Thanks for your time and generosity.

I haven't used the 85mm focal length enough to need the 85L, but I'm wanting to try and use less lenses and the 35/85 combo is a winner for sure.
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jonaspeterson When you save hi-res files to client DVD disc in photoshop these .jpg are saved at 12 or 10 quality?

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jonaspeterson If you decide to get married yourself - would you hire both photographer & videographer?



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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson I'd love to trim the number of images I supply to 600, not including the B&W duplicates. I used to give 1,000. Now, as a more disciplined culler, it's down to 750 or so. My main mental block: People want lots of images. Any advice?

I deliver on average 500 images from a 14 hour wedding.

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jonaspeterson Do you think lightroom 3 is a must or do you think lightroom 2 is okay to get?

Lightroom 3 is better. I can't answer if it's worth it or not for you.

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jonaspeterson responded to lukegoing Have you been to check out the Cartier-Bresson exhibition at the QLD art gallery yet? I just found out about it myself..

I went three days ago :)

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jonaspeterson Thanks for your response on the matte-ness of your images. One more Q - do you play with the B and W points in curves in Photoshop? If so do you do it before you use ASE or after. Have been playing around but still can't seem to get the look. THANK YOU.

Like I've said before, ASE is all I use.

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jonaspeterson responded to lukegoing Is there a reason why you do not use a watermark anymore?

Yeah, they look like shit.

6 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Should I send in my camera and lenses to be calibrated by Canon or find some sort of local place?

I'm not sure why you're asking me this, but I'd send mine to Canon.
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jonaspeterson I have 5d2+ L primes, I've been noticing the photos just aren't as sharp as it used to be when I autofocus. It will say it is locked in af but when I take the picture and zoom in it isn't as sharp as it was last yr. what should do 2 fix, lens calibrate?


Yeah, have them serviced and calibrated.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson Don't mean to argue, but you said you do use EC. In a past answer, you said, "I only use evaluative metering. I then use exposure compensation depending on what situation or light I'm shooting in."

I shoot manual with evaluative metering. If I shoot something bright, I will have to overexpose the metering given to me by the camera, if I shoot something dark I will underexpose. *I* compensate the exposure depending on the situation.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, I have been looking this up all day but I'm still confused about exposure compensation and it's benefits. What are some example situations where you would you use EC over just shooting manual? hope that makes sense and thank you for your time!

I don't use EC, I shoot manual.

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jonaspeterson Are you going to post some teaser photos of your new office/studio or wait until it's done?

Wait until it's done. Won't be long.

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jonaspeterson Have you ever photographed a model's wedding? I wonder if it'd make the portrait photos heaps easier to shoot. How can I book me some model weddings?

I have. It was not easier.

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jonaspeterson Can you live off being a wedding photographers or do you need additional work/jobs to have enough money?

I average $8500 per wedding and shoot roughly 50 weddings per year. I don't need more money.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson As a wedding photographer, in your opinion is 30% too small a deposit to ask?

Mine is less than 10%

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jonaspeterson responded to erinlassahn

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Hey Jonas, I am sure you have answered this before but I can't find the answer- Just wondering which rolling travel case you use for your gear to carry on flights? Thanks!

Hey, I never use a rolling travel case, I use the backpack insert in my Crumpler Cork & Fork. I find it's a lot easier to get through security than a rolling case. My bag comes with a rolling hard case, but I only use the insert. I never ever want to check my camera bag.
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jonaspeterson responded to greenwatt What are your customers typically buying from your photocart? Are they able to buy prints directly from a third party photo printer?

Typically nothing. Hi-res files are included in all packages. My business model doesn't rely on print sales at all.
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jonaspeterson Just curious about why you prefer primes over zoom lenses. Besides the sharpness and the wider f stops, do you think that the fixed focal length forces you to be more mindful of your compositions rather than having the ability to zoom from one location?

Exactly :)
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson LMFAO @ High Horse. What a dumbass. Any chance I can ask HIM a question, Jonas? Like, hey buddy, did your Mummy never tell you "no"? What a sour little douche.

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jonaspeterson Jonas your images have a matte quality to them which I love. I know you use ASE but is there anything you can share as far as getting that matte look via ASE. Thanks for your response and really appreciate all the wisdom you share here. Much appreciated!

Play with the black point and the white point in photoshop.
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jonaspeterson Imagine not being in your lovely and deserved position of being able to turn clients away - how would you deal with a couple who've been quoted 200 less than your price for 'all the images unedited on CD' - would you offer unedited files?

The "all" is more worrying than "unedited". The short answer is no.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson Get off your high horse. No one is going to steal your album designs. It's not about the layout. It's the quality of content, and selection of said content.

Well then, if you put it that way and since you're so nice about it...
11 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson is it possible to see a slideshow of your award winning album you entered into aipp? p.s . i like soup :)

Hey, I understand why people want to see it, I'd be curious too, but album designs is one of those things people tend to steal, so the samples I've posted on the blog will have to do.
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jonaspeterson responded to sandysamhk when you 'save for web and devices', what is your setting ? Jpg high ?

For my blog 70, for proofs 50.

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jonaspeterson Hi Jonas. If you've answered this before, pls delete & move on. I'm Canon 5DII & often AF, recompose & shoot (with AF & meter set to shutter button). Currently testing back button AF (meter via shutter button) - which method do you find more accurate?

I use back button AF for everything.

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jonaspeterson Hola Jonas. Which metering mode do you think works best for say, an outdoor setting? (eg spot, evaluative etc). I'm studio trained and am just learning how to think quickly now I've made the switch to weddings (and can no longer whip out my trusty meter!)

I only use evaluative metering. I then use exposure compensation depending on what situation or light I'm shooting in.
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jonaspeterson responded to galessandri I like your pictures :D, but Im more intrigued by where do you find so much awesome music. Any tips to find it or artist you are fond of at the moment?

Find music blogs you like, read magazines featuring music you like. Go to gigs. Go from there. You can also look at La Blogothque on YouTube. If you're interested and curious you'll always find new music.


3 Smiles Comment Share

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson Have you ever participated in a photography workshop (as a 'student' not teacher)? Are they worth it? (the expensive ones)

Everyone is different, I can't answer that for you. Money and value for money means different things to different people. It all depends on what you're expecting to get out of the workshop. If you're after technical stuff, don't go to a Jesh De Rox workshop and if you're after personal growth more than flash techniques, don't go to Zack Arias' One Light workshop. For me it's invaluable to get out of my own routine now and then, meet other photographers and see how they work. I don't think you need to walk away with a bag of tricks you didn't have before the workshop, just comparing your own approach to how others work can be just as valuable at times. You can also look at it this way. If the workshop costs you $2000 and you charge say $4000 for a wedding (if that's what you do), then all you need to do in order to get return for your investment is book half a wedding extra because of what you learned by attending the workshop. I think it's a no-brainer. If you compare the cost of a new lens to attending a workshop, it all totally depends on what your situation is. If you're starting out and need the lens more, then go for the lens, if you have the gear you need and feel you can benefit from what you learn or learn about yourself by going to a workshop, then take the workshop. I've only attended one workshop. It cost me $2000 plus flights, food, drinks and accommodation. Worth every penny.
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jonaspeterson Hey Jonas. Lately, I've been having issues when I resize my images for my blog. Namely, they look overexposed when I decrease their size. The print file looks perfect thought. Am I a weirdo?

That sounds very weird, Tim.

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jonaspeterson Can you show us a picture of your new studio space??

I will once it's completely finished. We're still working on it.

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jonaspeterson Seems everyone is keen to see you @ AIPP/Qld! Plans to come South at all? And what is planned for content - personally don't care about f-stops, ASE stuff or how you shoot, but keen on your approach re the business. But dang you take a nice snap though...

If you mean the thingo on Wednesday, that is just a very informal gathering where people get to come to my (brand new) studio and see how I work. It's not a workshop or seminar in any way, so no content per se. Or are you talking about an upcoming event? I am working on upcoming workshops and they won't be focusing on technical stuff at all, I can tell you that much.


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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson responded to ZalmyB Quick question (if you don't mind): when using the center focus point on the 5d with a fast lens (say, the 50L) relatively close. How do you recompose without losing focus? Thanks (and thanks for all the other answers as well).

manual focus
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jonaspeterson If you were to drop your lens, wouldn't you rather have a crack in your $80 filter instead of your $2000 lens? Or do you not care because you've got good insurance? Just curious, because I use a filter for that purpose, but you have a point too!

I have shot 130 odd weddings and traveled around the world many laps in the last 2.5 years. I have never bumped the front element of my lenses. If that would happen, I do have insurance to cover it. I'm also a gold member of CPS, which means I will get loan equipment and an extremely fast turnaround on repairs. I also have lens hoods on at all times.
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jonaspeterson I know you don't usually use second shooters, but how often do you get requests of photographers wanting to second shoot for you? Do you ever say yes? If so, why?

I get a few, yes. Or quite many. I don't say yes unless *I* want to shoot with that person specifically. I don't need second shooters for 98% of my weddings.
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jonaspeterson Do you add music when you send them the slideshow video?

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jonaspeterson why don't you use any protective filters? I was thinking since your glass isnt really for free :)

I don't want to put a 80 dollar piece of cheap glass in front of my 2000 dollar lens.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, I think your mother tongue is Swidish, but you seem to manage (or at lease write) English very well. When did you start learning it? Or were you born in English speaking environment? Thanks for sharing your amazing pictures with us!

I started learning English 30 years ago, but yes, Swedish is my first language.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

how can you call that wedding photographer success ? and how about you?

Is this a riddle?
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hey, have you ever traveled to Lithuania for a wedding? Would you like that?

I haven't, but I'd love to.

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jonaspeterson any thoughts on backing files up online?

Broadband network isn't fast enough for that in Australia.

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jonaspeterson responded to rhysb123 Hi, I trained as a painter, I've never had any kind of formal photographic training. I shoot weddings, I paint, I photograph other things too. I can see painterly influences in your work, Grant Wood, Marc Chagall, Edward Hopper.

My mother is a painter, so was her mother and grandfather before her.

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Were you cool in high school too?

What makes you think I'm cool now?

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jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, have you ever travelled to Scotland for a wedding? Would that interest you?

I've never been asked. I would love to.

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jonaspeterson When are you getting a leica?

Next year.
2 Smiles Comment Share




Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Dear Jonas Peterson. Im a part time wedding photographer and I love your pictures, your blog and your formspring answers :-D My question: Do you listen to music when you do post production? Any favourite Artists or a certain direction? Thanks a lot!!!

I do, yes. Check the posts on my blog for a taste of what i like.
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jonaspeterson Hi Jonas! Have you ever got a wedding request from Estonia? I'm sure you haven't photographed any at that location otherwise I have seen it, but have you had to turn any down?

Never been asked.

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jonaspeterson Hi Jonas -- what has been your (digital) camera body evolution? With which one did you start and how you moved on from there.

All Canon. 300D (2003) - 450D (2006) - 5D (2007) - 5DII (2009)

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hi Jonas. I, like many follow your work. It made me look at wedding photography differently. Truly amazing. The amount of people that ask you to tell them what you do to the very last detail processing wise, are they just dumb or lazy?

No, I don't think people are dumb or lazy. Asking questions is good and part of evolving. It's somewhat frustrating for me maybe, and that's why I get grumpy now and then, but asking questions is never ever bad. That's how you learn. But I do think it's important to ask yourself questions more than having others answer them for you. We're all different and following other people like sheep will only deter you from finding your own path. Don't ask me if you should get an 85 or a 50mm lens. Ask yourself, make a decision and stick with it. We're all individual, the sooner people find out what makes them unique the faster they will be able to grow and work on their strengths and weaknesses. But it's still ok to ask questions.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson I'm pretty sure this hasn't been asked before (or it might be deep in your former questions), but have you ever had a wedding that's been called off, like in the middle of the ceremony or the day? How did/would you handle that?

Never happened. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to handle. If the wedding is off, I'd go home or to my hotel. Or do you mean the issue of postponing a wedding?
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

I remember reading that you don't blog every wedding. I am wondering if you ever feel "bad" about not blogging a wedding or worry that your clients may feel offended if they follow your blog even if they never mention they are upset to you?

I'm sure it happens, but I give them my EVERYTHING on their wedding day, I don't treat my clients any differently if they have a backyard wedding or a fancy pants wedding somewhere exotic. But my blog is my portfolio, my shop front, where I sell my work and attract new clients. I show what I want to sell, it's as easy as that. I mix local with interstate and international weddings. It's part of my brand and when push comes to shove, I'm running a business. With saying that, if someone would be really upset if I didn't blog their wedding, I'd reconsider, but almost every wedding gets some photos up on the blog as it is. I don't think it's fair of people to expect the whole wedding to be blogged every time.
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jonaspeterson is the canon 5d mark ii with a 50mmf/1.4USMlens worth it over say, using a 60D or 7D with a 50mmf/1.4USMlens?

The 5DII is full frame, the others are not. And agggggggggggggain, I'm not you and can't answer that question for you. It's a matter of budget, shooting style and a bunch of other factors. For me, the answer would be yes.
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jonaspeterson responded to cointosser123 Hi Jonas. I'm a wedding photographer based in Brunei. My question is simply if you've ever heard of this country or even been here before. I would love to see you shoot a Bruneian wedding someday. They're pretty strange.

I've never visited, but I do know a little about the country. I'd love to shoot a wedding there.
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jonaspeterson What is your most favorite part of a wedding to shoot? Your least favorite?

I like all parts, they are so different from each other and all demand different things from me as a photographer and storyteller.
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jonaspeterson jonas- posing bride and groom, easy, they have each other as stimulus. bridal party? piece of cake. Tell me though. Singular bride portraits. How do you get them to be so... captivating?

I really don't do much at all (my favourite answer). I guess it comes from how I interact with my couples, but I can't tell you exactly what I do. I'm just being myself and when I tell my clients to go stand somewhere, the photos end up looking like that. Sure, I do small things, tell them to look at me, look away etc, but we're talking very,


very small prompts.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson responded to anggapermana did you ever shoot fashion?

Not yet.
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jonaspeterson 1 month,how many you do wedding photoshoot?

Depends on which month. I've done 9 (stupid), in peak season I do about 6-7, other months less.
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jonaspeterson Hi Jonas! For the photo of the couple sanding in that sand pit / construction thing... did you use a tilt shift lens for that? ... do you ever add blur later if you feel the picture needs it? Reading this formspring has been so great. Thank you!!

Yes, it's shot with a 45mm tilt shift lens. I never add blur in post.
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jonaspeterson responded to megankelly1987 Hi Jonas, I am wondering how old you were when you started taking photos? And if when you first started you ever had doubts about your abilities? Did it take a lot of practice for you? Or were you born a photographic genius? Ta

I was relatively old. I have always loved looking at photography, but I didn't get into it until I was 25. That's when I bought my first SLR (not digital). I was frustrated with my results starting out, but I never doubted my abilities. I got a good shot here and there, but not as often as I wanted. The reason I never doubted my abilities is simple. I believe I (and you) can do anything you set your mind to. It takes a lot of work, but almost anything can be done. And yes, I have practised a LOT, I've shot a ridiculous amount of images since I started out (as an amateur). I think that helped me when I started shooting professionally.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson How do you keep ideas fresh during a long day? I'm about done close to 10hrs. If my wedding is any longer, I almost go into autopilot.

I don't think in those terms. I actually don't think much at all, I just shoot. So you could say I'm on autopilot too. All day.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson What lens filters do you use most often?



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

I don't use filters.

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jonaspeterson Thanks for posting the before and after photo's down below. I always imagined you're processing to be more than it is which makes me think, Is it really worth paying the expenses of ASE3?

For me, yes. I can't answer if it's worth it for you.

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jonaspeterson Do you think that the more weddings you shoot, the less you shoot at each event? Meaning, you know which shots work so you shoot less.

Yes. And no. I do shoot less unnecessary stuff, but I also see new things to help me tell my story.
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jonaspeterson hi JP sitting on the fence think its time to jump! but my blog is dead (no traffic) i have quotes from 5k to 10k+ for a full web/market/seo is it worth spending big? or study social media techniques to try and achieve similar results myself if poss. thnx.

I'm not the right guy to answer that, I've never spent anything on SEO optimization. And i dont know much about it. I have a lot of incoming links and that has given me a very high google rank, but apart from that, i know very little about what to do. I can tell you that I have friends who have gone from being far down to the first page of google by reading up on SEO.
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jonaspeterson Hey Jonas- awesome trip pics btw! I have 2 5D classics. I just recently purchased the 45 t/s (just shipped!). Any foreseeable issues with the 5D/45ts combo? I know u have the matte focus screen for there one I need/should get for this combo?

I think it makes a difference and it's dirt cheap and easy to install. Sooo...
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jonaspeterson full wedding you posted...lots of great B&W in there...but have you ever had clients sort of challenge the number of black and whites - lets say after the fact they wish some of those images are in color, or do they just trust you and leave it

The last six months I've actually delivered everything in both colour and BW. Mainly because it makes it easier to design my albums. And I also don't have to have discussions about colour vs bw.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Love that heilkemeyer wedding - thanks! Just wondering if you ever shoot traditional, (i.e. stock standard, bread & butter) window light portraits of Bride, Groom & bridal party. Being asked nay expected to shoot this really bores me to tears. Like today.

Not really. I post almost every type of shot I do, the only thing you won't see on my blog is generally family portraits.
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jonaspeterson oh, sorry I see you just answered the questions I just asked--sorry.

It's ok, I don't know why I get so pissed off at times. Stress? Anyway, from now on I'll just erase questions I've already answered and take a deep breath. I don't need to sit here and yell at people. It doesn't benefit anyone. I apologize if your questions don't get answered. Erase. And breathe. Erase. And breathe.
4 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Jonas.. sorry if this has been asked before but I would love to see a whole wedding done by you. I am wondering if you would be ok with posting one? I would just be interested to see the whole deliverable.

It has been posted before, but hey... the password is: swpb
6 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson How do most of your bride and grooms find you? Advertisement, word of mouth, etc?

Word of mouth and through appearing on wedding blogs and in magazines. I don't advertise.
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jonaspeterson Hey Jonas, do you crop your picture in PS? If yes, do you resize it back to the certain size. Let say for your web.

No, I crop in LR and export at a smaller size. All this has been covered before.
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jonaspeterson responded to awellwornstory



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Do you have a cultural/traditional wedding from a specific country that you'd want to cover but haven't yet? :)

I love traveling and I love learning about local culture, so pretty much anywhere to be honest. I just had to turn down an Indian wedding in Rajasthan and that made me very sad.
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jonaspeterson Fearful that the 'pixel peepers' figure you work two days a week - one shooting, one processing - care to expand on how you squeeze the rest in - marketing, submitting to weddblogs etc - or if you do only work 2 a week, can I be you? Thx...

Well, that's the other misconception. Some people think I have some magic sauce I sprinkle over my photos, others think I just cruise through life drinking margaritas in airport lounges or on exotic beaches. I work hard. And not like I worked hard to get here, but now that I've arrived I sit back and just enjoy the benefits of having worked hard before. Nope. To be successful you have to keep on working harder than most. Since I travel quite a bit, I have even less time than many people who just shoot locally. When I don't travel, I work to make up for the time you lose traveling. I have an amazing life, but I work for it. Hard.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson The year ahead for you - of the fifty booked what's the rough breakdown of local, interstate, international commissions for you?

About a third of each.

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jonaspeterson 8GB or 16GB cards? I think I read 8GB previously but am not certain..

I have just bought two 16GB cards to see what I prefer. The rest are 8GB. I've just retired my bunch of 4GB cards.
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jonaspeterson I was wondering, you say you shoot almost 100 % M. But if you know that you want 1.4 and that iso 100 will do, why not AV? Also, how do you manage to nail exposure while shooting M all the time, i guess a wedding can be very stressfull AND supprising...

Because in 90% of the lighting situations, letting the camera determine your exposure is bad. Shooting Av and ACTIVELY using exposure compensation is pretty much the same thing as using manual settings, but I prefer to use manual settings for full control.



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

On top of that, if you set your exposure for one situation (say the room where the bride is getting ready), you can leave it at that setting, which means LESS work for you than having to fiddle with exposure compensation for every shot. The last reason is of course consistency. My exposures are very consistent from one lighting situation to another. With Av, I'd had to compensate EVERY shot to keep them consistent.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hi Jonas. First of all, thank you so much for doing this. I was wondering if you've ever had a client specifically ask you to blog their wedding even though you personally would rather not? Or has an unblogged client ever asked why theirs didnt make it?

It has happened and I then chose to blog it to make her happy. I blog what I want to sell and try and mix local, interstate and international weddings as much as I can. I tell my clients that if they ask, but it has only happened once or twice.
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jonaspeterson Is the little red-haired boy your son? He's soo adorable :)!

There's two of them actually, Noah and Joel. Noah will be five in November and Joel turns three in December.
5 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson ok sweet.. re: WB. In dim lit churches, my WB always needs a magenta boost in post. I get this weird green casting a lot of the time. Do you spend ages in times like this setting a custom Kelvin, or just shoot close enough to correct in post?

close enough to correct in post.

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jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, Ive been following your formspring forever now. You said you shoot shade WB all day for consistency. Indoors, doesnt this shift WB way to the right of what you desire? Just curious as to how you nail WB in camera without constantly changing it?

I shoot on the cloudy setting outside, but indoors I will use another preset or manual white balance depending on the situation.
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jonaspeterson you should do a "before and after"! NOT a tutorial, but more of a simple sooc and afterprocessing photo. I know it's not your thing, but still, I'd love to see one. :)

Here are two before and after images from the last wedding I posted. BEFORE is straight out of camera. AFTER is after LR and ASE3.



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Hopefully this will make people realise that my images aren't edited much, when I mean nail exposure and WB in camera, I really mean it.
24 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Your recent film work is really gorgeous. How do you feel about the look of film versus digital? Would you prefer the film look (colors) for your weddings if the cost of film wasn't prohibitive?

The cost is not really an issue for me. I love the look of film, but so far my results have been a little...random, so I can't shoot all film today.
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jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, what lens do you use withe contax? 80mm? Anything wider? Also in your travel shots, they seem to be all shot way open, is that f2? Tsbin years since I shot with my rollie, 3.5 75mm. I

I only own the 80mm. Many, but certainly not all of the shots in the blog post, are shot wide open at f2.
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jonaspeterson bali looked amazing- would you mind sharing the name of the villa you stayed in? thanks for sharing all these bits about your work and life!

We stayed in two different villas. One in Seminyak, which unfortunately doesn't have a website or even a site where you can book it. The other villa was in Sayan, which is a 10 minute drive from Ubud.
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jonaspeterson responded to annaharriman I know that you travel a lot for weddings and I'm wondering how you charge for that? We were just asked to shoot a wedding in Orange County and we live in Oakland. I figure we can charge for gas and lodging, but what about time?

I personally don't charge for time, but you could if you want to. I charge for (at least) two nights accommodation, transport (rental car) plus flights. I prefer to pay for my own food.
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jonaspeterson I'm planning on investing in the 35mm f/1.4L as an upgrade because I notice too much softness and chromatic aberration on the 50mm 1.4. Is there a lot of CA on the 35mm too or just minimal?

You're asking the wrong guy, my concern is capturing the story, I'm not much of a pixel peeper.
1 Smile Comment Share


jonaspeterson responded to sterooney

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

What model of holga do you own? Any particular one you might recommend?

The standard model. I bought mine from Holga Mods.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson How do you shoot little kids? They run around like crazy.

6 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson I think you mentioned that you give around 500 edited photos to your clients after a wedding. Just curious about how many photos you shoot altogether from one wedding before culling images. Thanks, Jonas!

It's hard to answer accurately. I come home with roughly 1800-2500 frames from an average 12-14 hr wedding, but I have this nasty digital habit of pressing the shutter twice for many of my shots, so the real number is more like 1000-1500.
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jonaspeterson responded to Ecstylez How do you handle a group at a wedding constantly following you around to get their photos taken? Have you ever had a moment when you had to tell them to "shoo"? I've had this happen at the last wedding I shot, and I had a hard time getting them off of me

Sometimes certain people at weddings will want their photo taken with Uncle This and Aunty That. I will take the photo as long as I'm not shooting something more important. I'm there to take photos after all.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Do you still use battery grip? and if, what is the main reason?

I like how the camera feels in my hand with the grip on.
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jonaspeterson Hi Jonas what size are your low res images that you give clients, resolution & pixels per square inch ? Thanks.

700px on the longest side, saved for web and devices at 60% quality.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, do you you work with one big LR catalog or give each job its own one?


One catalog for each job.
1 Smile Comment Share

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson You are excellent at finding great light, do you just instinctually see it, or are there certain conditions you look for, like open shade, backlit, etc.? Do you usually recognize it from a distance, or often need to see someone standing there?

My shooting is very instinctive, meaning I actually don't think much at all when I'm shooting. I don't know how it works, but I do see the good light, guess mainly based on experience, but I also recognize areas where I know where it's good, like open shade. I do believe most of it comes from shooting a lot though. The more you shoot, the more you see light, compositions, leading lines, patterns etc. When I shoot I merely raise the camera and press the shutter. Never feels very magical to me. Just point. And shoot. Point. And shoot.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to toothmade What do you think of photographers doing wedding/bridal fairs?

Great. Whatever works for you. I personally think they're a lot of work, but I done right I'm sure they're great for business, so kudos to the people who do them.
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jonaspeterson Do you normally use live view for focusing with the 45mm? Maybe because I'm nearsighted fails to focus the viewfinder ...

Never. Get the Precision Matte Focusing Screen and you're good to go.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson do you use the white balance presets (sunny, shade, cloudy) or do you set it manually in kelvin?

Almost always presets, but sometimes when they fail, I'll go to live view and set it manually, often at receptions.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson How do you export your photos so that they load fast on your blog?

Resize to blog width, then "save for web and devices" at 60-75%. I have actions set up for that.
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jonaspeterson responded to alisonva Hi! I photographed a wedding that was moved indoors due to rain. I took some portraits of the wedding party with about 10min of clear skies but didn't have time for as many bride and groom portraits as I would have liked. Has this ever happened to you?



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Sure. Ten minutes should be enough to get a couple of portraits. Of course I'd like more, especially if they're after what I normally deliver, but I'm happy to work with what I get.
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jonaspeterson Within the 300+ pics, do you take candids of the guests&family that obviously just dont make the blog cut?

My average is around 500 images delivered, so yes. I do family portraits and the whole shebang.
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jonaspeterson responded to brandenharvey So for the blogs that want exclusivity, do you contact them when you have a wedding that they might like or do they randomly request it or what?

I contact them. Which blog I choose to contact depends on the wedding.

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jonaspeterson responded to brandenharvey When submitting to wedding blogs, do you just have the blog download the images from your blog or do you submit them separately?

It depends. Some blogs are fine to use images from my blog, but many of the larger blogs want exclusivity ie they want to publish it first. If that's the case I will send them images according to their specs.
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jonaspeterson Cheapest wedding you ever took & most expensieve?

I've shot for free and I've shot for $20,000 all costs included.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson How late do you stay in weddings? You get the insane danceshots, but do you run off to sleep as soon as you can?

I stay all night.

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson How should I post a bride so that her arm doesn't look large/bad? She's not heavy by any means, but the photos came out with her arm looking wide. I shot portraits with a 50 & 85.

I don't do stuff like that in post. Get it right before you shoot it.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson When you say fix in post re (shadow of branch on brides face) - does that mean in post you remove the shadow?

No, but by exposing to the right I maximise the dynamic range of my digital sensor.
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jonaspeterson How do you get such green greens?

The greens I shoot look like that, I hardly do anything in post, just a curve and some desaturation. Maybe that IS the secret. I'm not trying to be shitty, but really, I hardly do anything to my images. I think people like them because of the images, NOT because what I do to them. For a while I wanted to get the greens Jose Villa and other SoCal shooters get. Then I visited SoCal and realised the greens look like that there. The plants look different where I live compared to Europe and the US. That's the answer.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson What do you think of Ricohflexes?

I've never used one, sorry.

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jonaspeterson How good does it feel to charge so much?? It must be brilliant to be know people think youre worth it and really want you!

I don't know what to say, really. It doesn't feel ALL good. I charge more than I would pay for wedding photography myself and I would say the photography would be very important when I get married. I know it's a matter of charging what you can (supply and demand), but at the same time I know many young creative types could never afford me. And that's not good.
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jonaspeterson How do you deal with bad light (shadow of a branch cutting across bride and groom's faces) during a wedding reception? Do you expose for the highlights and just let the shadow stay there? I feel like these shots are ruined. :(

Tricky for sure. I would most likely expose as far to the right as possible without blowing the skin highlights, then fix in post. That or use a fill flash of some kind.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson Thanks for all ur time spent answering our questions Jonas. Which/how many of ur lenses have a T+S facility and do you know of an actions/add ons that can give a similar (if not so professional) feel in post?Many Thanks & congrats on ur cover of Capture!

I have one TS lens, the Canon TS-E 45mm f/2.8 Tilt Shift. You can NOT copy the look of a properly used TS lens in post, but if you google tilt shift and photoshop, I'm sure you'll find a million ways to make your photo look like a turd.
4 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson "Technology and vision are two very different things." - Clearly. Care to elaborate on an answer or do you prefer to not have a real opinion on the matter?

No, I think my first answer covers it to be honest.

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jonaspeterson Do you ever use liquify tools to change the subjects? Or clonestamp etc for your clients skin?

Very rarely.
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jonaspeterson responded to sachinkhona One more... if you don't have a macro, what do you like shooting your details with? and how come you don't like shooting rings (ok, thats 2 questions) .. Gracias x 2 :)

The rings is the one thing couple will have with them for the rest of their lives. I also find it silly for me to be away from the real action because I'm trying to put a ring on something clever in another room. Really silly. I use close up filters if I have to shoot them.
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jonaspeterson responded to sachinkhona Sup Jonas.. When you shoot with your 5D, how did you handle the iso above 800 in low light e.g. receptions. For me, it kinda sucks. Did you go above 800 and how did you deal with the noise? Remove in post? Gracias amigo

I shoot with the 5DII, but I don't mind the 5D noise at ISO 1600. When I shot with it, I used fast glass and worked as close to my subjects as possible. I rarely remove noise, but if I do, I'll use the noise reduction in ACR/LR.
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jonaspeterson responded to alisonva Hi Jonas! Do you know if there are spots left for the August workshops in San Fran? (8/8-8/10) Cheers!

I don't think so, but contact the people arranging it and check.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

What are the different ways that you mentioned that you've worked with second shooters? As a one-man show how do you manage getting good shots of the groom anticipating the bride and the bride's entry? Up front with wide for one and long for the other?

I place myself so that I can get shots of both. I've had second shooters who worked as a second first shooter, I've had other times when I get the second shooter to cover the safe angles while I try and be more creative and I have had other times where it's more a team effort. All depending on the second shooter and ultimately my needs.
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jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, do you ever shoot any paid work other then weddings? Thanks

I don't really have time to be honest. I have a film production company representing me. I'm supposed to direct short films and commercials at some point, but right now I don't have time to do much else than shooting weddings. I want to though.
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jonaspeterson Hi JP, you said, you were shooting 10 years as an amateur. Were you already doing portraits or just shooting random stuff? THX

Just shooting randomly. All the time. People, landscapes, street photography. Anything.
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jonaspeterson What is your personal opinion on Wedding photography? Do you believe there will come a time that technology will eventually make people like yourself obsolete? Or do you believe there is more in it than simply pretty pictures?

Technology and vision are two very different things.

3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Ever considered swapping over to Nikon? I see a number of photographers doing that and have heard that their AF is much better

When I started shooting professionally Nikon had nothing. The 5D had just been released and rocked the photography world. Then Nikon released the D3 and D700. Today Nikon is ahead when it comes to hi ISO capacity and some other things, but I'm pretty sure Canon has something up their sleeve. I also prefer Canon's prime lens lineup over Nikon's. So no.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to mcederholm Did you get paid doing various photography projects before you started as a wedding photographer or did you do things for free to learn and then went all in when you felt "ready"? I'm just starting out and don't feel confident to charge full price yet.



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

My second wedding was the first time I charged for my photography. I had been shooting as an amateur for roughly ten years before that.
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jonaspeterson What printer for printable discs?

Pretty much any Canon printer. Even the cheap ones. In Australia the disc insert is included, in the US you can order one for most of them.
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jonaspeterson Do you ever use disc labels for clients or whatever? What brand?

I use printable discs.

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jonaspeterson Ever used one of those BlackRapid double straps? Or do you just rock the regular straps? I've found using two regular straps with 5ds a wee bit clumsy, though maybe that's just me.

I think they make you look ridiculous to be honest. Same goes for the various pouch systems. No can do.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson I have a ? on shooting "wide open." I just bought a 50mm 1.4 and nearly all of my shots are out of focus. I've practiced and practiced and I can't seem to freaking get some decent frames. Should I just shoot at smaller apertures?

Hard to tell without seeing you shoot, but the 50/1.4 should definitely be sharp enough at f/1.4. You have to remember that the DOF is very small at 1.4 though, so some practise is required, but it shouldn't be *that* difficult.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson When you go overseas for a wedding, do you give yourself time to walk around/go sightseeing, even if it's before or after the big day? I think you have traveled vastly by now, yes? :)

I do :)
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jonaspeterson If I want you to shoot my wedding (hoping it's going to be in a few years), how much in advance should I try to book you?

A year out. At least. And yay!


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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson I read all of the questions regarding your processing and I wonder why people put such importance on it. It looks more like you know how to focus your images and how to expose properly more than anything. They also don't realize you're smart about WHEN.

The WHEN is fairly significant, yes :)

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to melissaszolo How would you tackle a very poorly lit and not very attractive 80's church? :)

tight shots.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hey JP...You once mentioned that you won awards for your work in advertising and your photography work is just phenomenal..what is your secret for being extremely successful in every career you put your hand to? :) Thanks!

That's extremely difficult for me to answer. My career in advertising was very different compared to my new career in wedding photography. In advertising i chased success and recognition more than anything, with my wedding photography, I have no such ambition at all. All I wanted to do was deliver something more real and emotional that I what I saw on offer. Ironically, when I stopped chasing fame and success was what made me find my real creative voice. I started my personal blog in 2005 and that was also a way for me to do something personal instead of being a hired gun in advertising. For the first time ever, I wrote from the heart and that's when I found my "voice". By peeling off everything that wasn't me, I found an expression that was truly me. When I started my wedding photography business, I just kept going, trying to stay true to who I am more than anything. So far, that seems to be working.
5 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson What do you do when the wedding you're documenting doesn't quite deliver on the moments front, like when there's a near absence of relationships among participants? I've had one or two of these, and they were like an early death.

I keep doing my job.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson should i follow up with couple that i sent a contract to after they verbally agreed (via email) which package they wanted? i haven't received any acknowledgment of me sending it nor the physical signed contract. if so, how soon and would you approach it?

Just send them a friendly email to begin with. In 95 of the cases, that'll do it.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Thanks for the answer on exposure :). Do you try to get as close as possible (emotionally/personality wise) to the bride and groom? Or just enough to determine the emotion you want to portray in the bride and groom photo?

It depends. I want them to be as comfortable as possible. I don't have any magic tricks, I'm just myself. It's possible I have a calming effect on people by nature, I don't know.
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jonaspeterson responded to melissaszolo Did you have all the expensive gear when you did your fist wedding? And have your photos changed very much in that time?

I had one 5D, rented another one. I also owned the 35L, 50/1.4, 24-70/2.8L, rented a 85L and a 70-200L. I had one 580EX II flash and rented one more. You can look at my blog and see how much my images have changed, the timeline is there.
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jonaspeterson Any tips on how to achieve exposures like yours? Sorry if it's been asked already. And do you ever underexpose and then pull up the exposure in post?

Practise, practise, practise. Know exactly how your camera meters and how to compensate for that. I never underexpose on purpose, I expose the way I want the final image to look.
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jonaspeterson What's the next skill/technique you really want to learn?

4 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to melissaszolo How much would you say is editing in your photos percentage wise?

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson What's the next skill/technique you really want to learn? Window seat, standard row or middle seat, exit row?

I'm a window seat kind of guy.

1 Smile Comment Share



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Jonas, in ASE - is the input and output values of the tone curve the trick to that faded sorta look? BTW, thanks for spending your quality time answering all of these questions for everyone. Cheers.

Why don't you play with it and see for yourself. I'm sure you'll find the answer if you do.
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jonaspeterson When you are prepping for a wedding, what are you thinking about? Is it things you want to change about your work? New things you want to try? Motivational things like 'U can do, Jonas!'? Do you make a deliberate effort to improve or does it just happen?

I dont really think, I just do.

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jonaspeterson did you ever use 1Ds Mark III?

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jonaspeterson trying to decide .. A samyang 85mm 1.4 (or maybe vivitar) or the Canon 85mm 1.8. I know you maybe haven't tried all of them, but since you are pure genious i thought it wouldn't hurt asking.

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jonaspeterson and focus on the eyes?

normally, yes.
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jonaspeterson I've struggling with focus & DOF shooting portraits with the 135 wide open due to the very shallow DOF. Do you always shoot your portraits wide wide open or a little bit stopped down say 2-2.5? Thanks for your help matey.

I always shoot the 135L wide open at f/2.0

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Thanks Jonas! I know your favourite lenses are 24, 35 & 50 however none of these are 'classic portrait' lenses due to distortion etc. Does that mean you generally stay away from classic portrait/headshots or is it you've never found distortion a problem?



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

I've shot portraits with all my lenses, but for portraits my main lenses would be the 50L or 135L. I'm also getting the 85L soon.
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jonaspeterson If there was a tilt-shift mafia, would you be the godfather?

No, David Burnett would be the capo di tutti capi.

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jonaspeterson Why do you shoot all of your person work in film and print it? DO you have them in albums? Thanks for taking the time to answer :) Have a terrific day!

Because I think it's sad that my kids will grow up in a time and age where they don't have a proper photo album from their childhood. I haven't put an album together yet, but I'm building up a stack of prints.
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jonaspeterson Hey Jonas, Some would see this as 'sad' but I've sat for the majority of today, looking through all these questions and answers. My scroll bar is telling me I haven't even got half way. Thanks for being a great help and inspiration :)

That's awesome. Thank you.

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jonaspeterson responded to MikiPhotography Hi Jonas I have recently got into weddings, I shoot mainly with Primes, was thinking about getting a 2nd 5d mk2, in your opinion do you think it's worth it or should I wait for a mrk 3 and make do with 1 camera for now?

Tough call. I'd expect Canon to release something very soon, but you never know. I will never shoot with mixed bodies again. Two of the same makes post processing way faster.
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jonaspeterson You know I come here almost everyday to check what people ask and learn something from it. I just want to say thank you very much for taking your time and answering them. You have helped alot of people. God bless you sir and your family.

Thank you, that means a lot.

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to lucianomenardo Do you shoot your own family in raw? Do you have storage issues with familiar photos (like I have)? Do you make albums with that material or does it stays digital? (Congrats for your Amazing work)

All my personal work is film and all of it is printed.


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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson is the 85mm 1.8 a good buy?

Very much so.

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jonaspeterson did you ever use APS-C camera ? if yes, which camera you used ?

I have owned several. All Canon. The last one must have been the 400D.
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jonaspeterson responded to stenlunda a first-time wedding, not payd, i don't know the couple. Any recomendations?

Sorry, but you need to be more specific. Prepare. Know your gear. Bring enough memory cards.
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jonaspeterson responded to alipaul But then the web sharpening will be sharpening the grain? Is your sharpening light enough to be able to web sharpen an already sharpened image? I've said sharpen too much. Sharpen.

Check my blog and you'll see the results.

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jonaspeterson do you interest for take a photo for traditional wedding ? different with other international wedding

I'd love to shoot a traditional wedding.

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jonaspeterson responded to alipaul Hey JP. How do you sharpen differently for both high res and low res if you need to sharpen before running the ASE filter but after resizing?

Hi res sharpening before ASE and web sharpening after resizing. Easy.
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jonaspeterson Ever cried at a wedding? I just had a tear while editing a wedding I cried at...



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Yeah, I tear up all the time.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson cheers, just had a play... i find the recomposing a lot more flexible... do you use AF-on, or switch it to the *?

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jonaspeterson thats very cool... so have you got it set up so that the shutter doesnt focus at all? or do you sometimes switch between the two?

I use it like that all the time.

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jonaspeterson hi Jonas... What are the advantages of back button focusing? as opposed to half holding the shutter?

Here are a few:

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jonaspeterson What's your favorite hour of the day for a shoot? :)

The hour before sunset.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Are you planning on blogging all the weddings you haven't yet? Last time I checked your site, you mentioned a number and I assumed they were too many to blog. Do you plan to set aside a few days/week in the future to finally write about all of them? :)

I don't blog all the weddings I shoot. Never have, never will.
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jonaspeterson Sorry for a boring question for you, just wanted to check your focusing technique. Y/N 1.Back button focus 2.AI SERVO (all the time or only if subject is moving) 3.Centre focus point 4.Focus recompose 5.Manual focus to adjust. Is that correct?

1. Y 2. N 3. Y 4. Y


5. Y
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson have you ever took a picture while standing on your head? please say yes.

I don't have a head, hadn't you noticed?

4 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson You mentioned that you can cull and edit one wedding in a day. Do you edit all of the weddings you shoot or outsource some?

I do all my editing.
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jonaspeterson ....but if you have chosen your focus and then recomposed the shot - how can you see where the focus point actually is? only by looking through the viewfinder?

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jonaspeterson In you're recent blog post entitled 'one'. The photo of the big tree and couple, what aperture would you have used for that? and what aperture do you use for more far away shots? do you try keep it wide open a lot?

Since depth of field didn't matter here, I wanted to make it as sharp as possible. This one was shot at ISO 100, f/4.5 with a shutter speed of 1/100s. I shoot wide open on some lenses, I stop others down a little and sometimes I crank the aperture up to f/16 or more. It all depends on the shot and what I'm after.
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jonaspeterson when you come to bali again?, may i meet you?,i just want your signature on my Crumpler :)

See, that freaks me out more than a little, I just have to say that.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson If you could only use one lens you alrea--- Oh, you did that already. OK, so... um... if you had to eat an entire camera and a lens of your choice, what would you choose and why?

Now we're talking. Thank you for getting my point. It would be the Nikon D3s with the 24-70 zoom. I keep hearing about its awesomeness.



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

I must be the flavour that's different, because the photos look pretty much exactly the same as photos from other cameras.
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jonaspeterson responded to jdeplater I've got a music question. I love listening to film scores and mostly instrumental work when processing my photos as it's relaxing and helps me focus. Can you recommend some albums of that nature that you enjoy too? Thanks

Check out Olafur Arnalds, he's one of my favourites.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to tylerdeanphoto Are you still a fan of Nik Color Efex for your desaturated look, or are you using a more custom brew in photoshop?

I've never used Nik Color Efex for my "desaturated look".

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jonaspeterson so a bride emails you asking if you're available on a certain date and requests info on your packages. you send a nice friendly email along and attach a rate sheet. she then replies with one word: perhaps. that's all she says. how would you respond?

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Looking at the new Macbook Pros. 512GB Solid State Drive VS. 500GB Serial ATA Drive @ 7200 rpm? Is it worth it to spend an extra 1000 bucks to get the solid state drives? What if you got a crazy discount and they were only $250? Thoughts?

I'm sure there's an IT guru on Formspring you can ask. I'm really not that guy.
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jonaspeterson Hi JP, when you say no sharpening at all in LR, do you actually drag the slider to 0 (from the default 25). Thanks for answering lame tech questions ;-)

No, I leave it at 25 or whatever the default is.

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jonaspeterson It may sound like a stupid question, but, how do you check your focus after recomposing? I've had a lot of out of focus shots after recomposing.....

I use the Matte Precision Screen for my 5DIIs. Makes things a lot easier.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

If you could only use one lens you already own for the rest of your life, which would it be and why?

I've answered that one several times before, but ok, once more then. 35L.
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jonaspeterson 35mm or 50mm

Both great focal lengths.

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jonaspeterson Dont think this have been asked before, sorry if so. Would you let someone walk beside you to see you work? Or would there perhaps be too many people to say yes to one?

No. I understand people want to watch and learn, but it would interfere too much with how I work and interact with guests and my couples. I could charge for it, but I don't think that would be fair to my clients.
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jonaspeterson Lauren & Joshua's Wedding ... It looks like you were proverbially kicked in the gonads on that one re: "nice light" -- Was it a headache constantly re-exposing? Or did you run AV a lot of the day? Still, awesome shots and proves light isn't everything!

It was tough light for sure, but it was at least consistent. Once I metered for the highlights I could keep that setting for most of the ceremony.
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jonaspeterson Do you find you mis-focus a lot of shots when shooting wide open and re-composing? Or do you manual focus everything you re-compose? Also, in low light .. Do you find manual focusing on the TS a headache? Or is that just me?

I always check my focus after recomposing. I don't use the TS in low light.
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jonaspeterson Do you real Swedish folk eat meatballs like what they serve at IKEA? I had some for my tea last week and they were yumscrumptious.

Of course. But the homemade ones are way, way, way better.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

What's your output sharpening for large files? Is Lightroom enough? Or do you prefer something in Photoshop? Thanks a lot, JP.

I don't use LR for sharpening at all.

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jonaspeterson tell us about your new flanigan pose :)

it's called "the full swede".

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to GabiHadafoto Do you bring back-up for your lenses? Thank you Jonas for your hard FREE work here.

I bring six lenses to every wedding.

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jonaspeterson You are very inslpring. Can you export the album for proofing without the client having the software.

Yes, you can export all spreads as both hi or lo res jpegs.

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jonaspeterson responded to rumblr sorry one more? how do you politely deal with those family mbrs hassling the bride & groom for never ending combos of family shots. They (b&g) try to be nice and comply but I know I'm losing time..what do you say?

I have them make me a list a couple of weeks before their wedding. It's part of my questionnaire. On the day I make sure I get the images from that list, but in the end it's their decision, I'm there to shoot their wedding and the images they want. I will politely tell them we're losing light for the b&g portraits though, and that usually seals the deal.
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jonaspeterson Weddings....more physically or mentally demanding for you?

More mentally demanding for sure. But also extremely rewarding.

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jonaspeterson Is the 35mm sharp at 1.4? I have the 50mm and I find it too soft sometimes, it's annoying. I'm thinking of upgrading to the 35mm..


tack sharp.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson What do you run A Better Web Sharpen at? I feel like 90 is too much...

Around 50%
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jonaspeterson I got offered to advertise my work in a bridal magazine. They charge quite high for one page. You think it's worthwhile to advertise on that? Or do you suggest other types of advertising?

It depends on your budget, your target market, your local market and a bunch of other factors. Personally I think there are better ways to spend your money, but I don't know enough about you and your situation.
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jonaspeterson You said you make a smaller file for proofs. What are these and how do they get used? Is that for your own use, for quickly scanning through your images from the event?

They are for my online client gallery, where they can view all their images before delivery. They use that gallery during the album process.
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jonaspeterson How did you go by being an Australian immigrant/citizen? Or are you only there through work visa?

I'm a permanent resident. I have two kids with an Australian citizen. That helped.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson The 'stages of a photographer' graph implies that after a certain point, good photographers just get steadily better with experience. But with many other creative fields, the artists peak, doing their best work young before fading. Any thoughts?

I think that graph is more meant as a joke. Some insight there, but not exactly developed by someone dead serious. I think there are things to be said about being young and hungry and other things to be said about life experience. I find that I get better and better the older I get.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to sandysamhk A bride who had meeting with you face to face before, and she likes your works, however she in a tight budget and request for 10% off discount, will you give her 10% off discount or just reject her ?



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Someone who can afford 90% of what I charge, can most likely afford paying full price. A 10% discount is just her trying to save some money. If she can only afford 50% of what I charge, I would have to look at how badly I want to shoot her wedding. If I really like her and think her wedding is going make me happy, I'm open talk discuss my price. If it's a "normal" wedding on a date I could most likely book another wedding, I'd be less likely to give her a discount.
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jonaspeterson What photography equipment you plan on getting next?

Probably a neg scanner.

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jonaspeterson so LORES is for slideshows and proofs for photocart? Do you mind if i ask what dimensions you resize for photocart?

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson So you include an "open"-command in your action, which defaults to a certain set folder? And then...? Does the action "select all"? Does PS open all of the files? My computer would crash :) Sorry if I am being dense here.

No, when you batch, PS opens one file at a time and runs the action you've created. It's quite simple, just google "batch action photoshop".
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Dude, what's the manual focusing screen called for the 5D Mark II? Canon claims the Eg-S is the one, but sadly that is bollocks! Thanks man! :)

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson "Once I'm done editing I will run another batch action on the finished folder. This action creates hi-res files, lo-res files and proofs." All in one action? Can PS export to different folders like that? Or are you using a couple of export-actions?

Yup one action. The action opens the hi-res folder, resize to web size, save as, resize again to a smaller size for proofs and save as again. The saved folder goes to set folders called LORES and PROOFS. I then pull the images from these two folders to new folders in the client folder.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson What do you do to nail exposure?



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

know my shit
4 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to brandenharvey Did you snag the yet to be released Beirut album?

Nah, I've only heard the first single.

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jonaspeterson do you charge for travel if the wedding is local or regional to where you're based?

I don't, no.
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jonaspeterson On the wedding day, do you ever step back and allow a special moment to happen without having a photographer around? Sometimes I feel like I need to give people their special time without me in the room. Ex. Father of the Bride talking to his daughter.

No, that's what I'm there to capture.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Can you please explain your workflow, tell me what ASE means (whats google?) and say that buying the latest bit of gear will make me as good as you. Actually, I just wanted to say hi and thank you for answering all these questions. You are an inspiration

Thank you. I do apologize for coming across as stuck up at times. My online persona is very different from the real life Jonas. It's just that I work all the time and starting this formspring page was a way of giving back. Sharing is caring and all that. When people then don't respect the time I've put in by not checking what's already been answered, I get frustrated. It's no excuse, but hopefully an explanation.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson You've taught me so much, thank you! I was wondering how you'd shoot at say 2.0, midday open sun, and its not overexposed? Even when I shoot 1/8000th its all blown-out, white and yucky. Can't figure out what to do, while still maintaining a wide aperture.

If you shoot at ISO 50 or 100, you should be fine. If not, you have to bump the aperture or use an ND filter.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Did you shoot your first wedding by your self or did you shadow a wedding photographer?

All by my lonesome. I have never second shot for anyone. Would love to though.
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jonaspeterson Do you set your camera on portrait, standard or landscape when shooting?

Well, do you?
3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson What white balance would you say you use MOST often?

See why I get grumpy?

8 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson I get that efficiency is of the essence for you but don't you get the urge to work on an image? You know, trying actions, textures and new stuff.

Oh, I do, on selected images. At almost every wedding.

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jonaspeterson How were people getting those photos with the blurred edges? I haven't seen that style in a while. Not tilt shift. The blur went all the way around.

I'm not sure which images you're referring to. My images? Send me a link and I'm happy to share.
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jonaspeterson When do you use vibrance or saturation? What do you do?

I rarely touch them.

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jonaspeterson What do you think makes you as a photographer unique?

3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hey Jonas, you mentioned that you moved to Brisbane because of the longer wedding



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

season. Did you have to re-establish yourself as a wedding photographer in a new place or did most things remain the same ie. reliance on the Internet, word of mouth?

I moved here to start my business. Before that I worked in advertising as a writer.

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jonaspeterson Hi Jonas I was asking you about the Soft Light Layer 2 days ago. I apply a duplicate layer then apply a Soft Light layer and then I pull in the mid-tones in levels or curves, lastly I desaturate slightly, I love the results! Do you do anything similar?

I don't use blending modes much to be honest.

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson i'm the one who asked about what ASE is. it was a sincere question; it would've been nicer/easier if you had just answered it. i know you're awesome, but man, get off your high horse.

My friend, I'm on no high horse, but I've answered that question, many, many times. The point with this formspring feed is to answer questions about my photography. I do it because I want to help and it has taken me hours and hours to do so. So yes, I sometimes get annoyed when people don't bother checking the questions I've already answered. Is that too much to ask?
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson on the topic of story telling... how do you see / recognise the elements of the story? You may or may not answer this, but happens when the wedding day is pretty normal & straightforward, nothing really special, and there ain't much story to it?

It's a difficult question to answer briefly. On the actual day I don't think too much at all. I purely shoot on instinct, if you'd tap me on the shoulder and ask me what I'm thinking at that very moment, I doubt I'd be able to give you an answer. What I do know is that I'm extremely focused, constantly looking for something to trigger me to take a photo. When that thing appears I shoot. The actual storytelling - or even story BUILDING - starts when I come home and go through the images. Going through how I put my stories together is again difficult without sounding too pretentious. I like to take people on some kind of journey. I use establishing shots, I use expressions, symbols, details and other things. Some of them appear more often than others, some only once. Every wedding is different, there's always a story to tell. Or I've been incredibly lucky.
5 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson In how many % of the shots have you used manual focus? In what situations do you not use manual focus?



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

I really don't know. I prefer manual focus in situations where the subjects aren't moving.
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jonaspeterson Seriously though: "But how do you make their skin look flawless (no color blotches, etc) without airbrushing them? Lets face it, not all clients have good skin."

I don't do any skin retouching at all. Shooting wide open helps with the soft look I guess.
Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hi Jonas. Do you find that different light qualities affect what post-processing you do to your images? Thinking of overcast vs sunny or even different countries.. Thanks.

My editing is very light, just some desat, a slight curve and some grain, so I can use the same settings for all images.
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jonaspeterson I love how real your photos are. The skin on your clients faces are not airbrushed & you can even see their pores. But how do you make their skin look flawless (no color blotches, etc) without airbrushing them? Lets face it, not all clients have good skin

All my clients are robots.

3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson If not Australia - where would you choose to live?

I really don't know. Where I live isn't that important to me, doing something I love surrounded by people I love is what matters.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to edumbrava Hello! Your images rock! Couldnt find this one answered before... If its not secret, whats the calibration/camera profile you use in LR? Thanks!

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jonaspeterson Cake or death?

I'll have some cake, please.

1 Smile Comment Share


jonaspeterson responded to toothmade

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Have you read Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers? I've been thinking about his 10,000 hours rule. Do you think you've clocked up the time?

I'm getting there.

Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to walterschalter hi! does prophotoblog provide the password-protection of the clients-section?

My client section is a separate thing from my wordpress blog, so no.

Comment Share

jonaspeterson if you had to choose to either 'downgrade' your 85 1.2 to 85 1.8 or your 50 1.2 to 50 1.4...which would you choose and why?

I don't own the 85L yet, so I can't make the comparison.

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jonaspeterson what are your picture style settings in your camera? eg contrast, sharpness ...

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jonaspeterson on your 35 do you shoot at 1.4 100% of the time?

Yeah, pretty much. Unless I'm shooting something where I want more depth of field. Then I'll shoot at another aperture :)
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jonaspeterson responded to battiman Do you turn to Jac for a second opinion when you feel unsure of the quality of your work? If ever :-)

I show her all our slideshows and album designs before sending them to client.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Have you heard the Cinematic Orchestra album Ma Fleur? I was listening to it this morning and thought you might like it. It's pretty friggin awesome.

I have, but thanks for reminding me, it's a great album.

2 Smiles Comment Share



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Do you do desat in PS, or as part of ASE? And with your desat, is it channel specific or an overall low opacity layer?

ASE is the only thing I use these days.

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jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, when you blog a whole wedding, do you create your photomontages of 2 or 4 images in photoshop before you post or does your lovely blog allow you do this at the time of upload? Many thanks in advance

I use a PS script created for me by Dustin Francis. Hit him up.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to brandenharvey I'm currently rocking a 50 1.8 and an 85 1.8 and while they've served me well, I now feel that I need something sharper and with more contrast. Any recommendations?

Easy. 50L and 85L.

Comment Share

jonaspeterson "The one mentioned earlier." surely it would have just been easier to write the site address lol? yes, people should take the time to look through your answers. but you may as well not have answered that q at all.

If I tell people now and then to check previously answered questions, hopefully they will. I have 997 questions in my inbox. Many of them questions I've answered many, many times.
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jonaspeterson Whats the song on alisha & petes wedding post? It is really nice.

Check the bottom of the blog post.

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jonaspeterson responded to gusdebali what do you think about Bali?

I've been here maybe 13 times in the last two years. I love it and have done so since i first set foot.
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jonaspeterson can you live without autofocus?



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Definitely. I prefer to shoot with manual focus actually. Not always, but for most situations.
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jonaspeterson responded to Juddric Do you have any tips for working with a videographer?

Respect them and hope they'll respect you back. That's all you can do, really.
Comment Share

jonaspeterson Are these sensational songs that your music to your photos (your blog) you getting from the one, after extensive listening to many bands? Or you have some secret source to share with your fans Formspring (we were the most faithful, of course)?

There's no secret source, I simply like music.

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jonaspeterson lightroom can change name on files and you can do picks there. How important is photo mechanic in your workflow? Do you use it to do something that LR can't or is it just a speedissue? Thanx!

I use PM as an image browser, I ingest my cards with it, do selects and culling. It's an integral part of my workflow. I have no beef with people who like LR, but I like PM a lot better.
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jonaspeterson responded to aebohlin Hi, I've been trying to find a straight answer to this. Sharpening in ps seems less destructive (bg copy high pass) than LR. can't for my life determine wich is better though. Any thoughts? would love doing it in LR to save time. worried bout quality. thx

It's a matter of taste. I don't sharpen mine much. I think over-sharpened images look like poo, but again, what "over-sharpened" is comes down to taste.
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jonaspeterson Way to go your image is on the front cover of Capture magazine. Awesome and congrats.

Thank you :)
Comment Share

jonaspeterson Who's the drunkest bride you've ever photographed?

Outing clients publicly is unprofessional and stupid.

1 Smile Comment Share


jonaspeterson ever heard of Samyang lenses?

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

I've heard they're good.

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jonaspeterson responded to toothmade Hi, do you supply all images to clients in colour and BW? If not what do you do if clients want colour versions of your BW photos. Thanks

I've tried a few different approaches. Right now I'm giving them all colour AND bw.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to SharpePhoto Are you influenced by filmmaking? I was looking at your photography tonight (as I regularly do) and "The Assassination of Jesse James" came to mind - Your photos give me the same feeling of nostalgia as this movie. Have you seen it?

I'm influenced by many things, but yes I do love movies and moviemaking and cinematography has always been something close to my heart. I don't know if that has affected my photography specifically, but I know I like it.
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jonaspeterson Ever curse yourself for not having a cleaner sensor?

Every. Week.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson what is most important in making the next step as a photographer. Should you update (buy) your website/blog to be more professional or buy better equipment?

Probably a decent website. Gear doesn't make you a better photographer, but a good website will attract more clients.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson How do you go about sharpening grainy, high ISO photos?

My sharpening is very light, so the same for all images.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Pardon if this has been asked before... In Lightroom 'Camera Calibration'... what do you keep selected for 'Camera Profile'



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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson Hopefully getting a DSLR soon. Can afford either a Nikon D90 or a Canon 550D. The D90 feels sturdy; the other is plasticy. Does this sorta thing matter when you actually start using a camera? (I note you had a 400D or summat ages ago.)

No, I don't think so.

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jonaspeterson What's the best wedding cake you've ever eaten?

I never ask for cake.

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jonaspeterson responded to Nordicaphoto If you do 50 weddings (for example) how many of those 50 weddings would you blog (either a full post or just an image)? / Cole

Show what you want to sell.

4 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson JP - the Lauren & Joshua post is beautiful. Please don't throw a shoe at me for asking a processing question but wondered how you manage such deep blacks (outdoor shots). When I try to achieve similar in PS it does nasty things to colours, skin tones etc.

The light that day was incredibly harsh, so the deep blacks come from me exposing for the highlights ie very high contrast.
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jonaspeterson responded to battiman Here you are:

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson can someone post a pdf again of all you question, navigation on this is not the greatest. or it could just be laziness.

Be my guest.
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jonaspeterson what radio station you listening mostly in australia? I'm listen Triple J and whant to know any other goooooods.



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

I only listen to Triple J.

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jonaspeterson WB card ??

I have never used one, no.

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jonaspeterson If you shoot all your personal work on film, do you scan yourself or have your lab do this for you? What size scans are you getting and do find it very pricy? Thank you for your time!

I send it off. I shoot pretty much all medium format. Yes, it is very pricey.
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jonaspeterson Jonas do you shoot a lot of weddings where a videographer is present and have you ever had any issues? Just read the article in Capture that you got the cover for. Congrats by the way!

I shoot quite a few weddings with videographers and I'll admit it's a different animal compared to when you're alone. They need to get their footage and I mine. As long as we both respect each other and understand when we're in the others frame, we're "fine", but I've also worked with pretty clueless videographers who could care less about me. I'm used to switching a lot between wider shots to tighter ones. When there's another photographer or videographer involved, it's not as easy. And thanks :)
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jonaspeterson I asked earlier about the camera overheating and fogging pictures, but how would you prepare for that not to occur?

As long as you keep you camera in the same setting as where you're shooting, you should be fine. Taking it from an air conditioned environment to a warmer and more humid one is always a no-no.
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jonaspeterson responded to mynewromantica If you are aiming for a film look in your images, is there a reason (other than cost) that you don't just shoot film?

Cost and convenience. All my personal work is film though.

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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

When you get a super full of details and things to photograph, do you take mental notes about what things you have to photograph? Or just you flow thoughtlessly and is what God wants?

I go with the flow.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson I know 'traffic' is not so much a concern for you... lets say it was, does hosting your client galleries, and slide shows externally lose traffic to your main domain name?

I host both my slideshows and client galleries under

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jonaspeterson If it's a terribly hot day and the inside of your camera overheats & starts to fog your pictures, what would you do?

Blame myself for not preparing properly.

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jonaspeterson responded to alipaul Who photographed your own wedding?

We're not married. Yet.

5 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson When you shoot your friend's weddings, do you shoot them for free, give them a discount, or charge them in full? Why?

Depends on how close we are. I've done all of the above. Why? I have a family and a mortgage.
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jonaspeterson Re: shooting all your friends' weddings - how do you feel about that? Does part of you wish you could just attend and enjoy without having to 'work'? The few I've done I get exhausted and stressed and I can't seem to relax much - that change over time?

Since I've been pretty much fully booked the last two and a half years, I'd rather shoot my friends' weddings than someone else's. I don't get more exhausted shooting my friends' weddings.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

So, could you help in certain way... I'll sent you a picture so you could edit it at ASE ... your way pp...? Thank you!

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Do you attend many weddings just as a guest? When you do, do you find you can separate taking the odd photo and going into 'focused mode'?

I haven't been to a wedding as a guest since I started shooting professionally. I've shot all my friends' weddings.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson how do you manage your cr2 files without getting duplicates?

I rename them on import using Photo Mechanic.

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jonaspeterson responded to jdeplater I'm considering selling my 24-70L to buy a 35L. The 35L is a superior lens but I do find 24mm useful sometimes. Do you have many occasions where you need wider than 35mm? Is it worth the trade off losing 24mm? I own the 50 1.4 too and shoot with a 5DmkII.

I use the 24L a lot. I know other shooters who do extremely well with nothing wider than the 35. The 35L is a fantastic lens. That's all I can say.
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jonaspeterson When you resize images, do you use Image Size with the default checked Resample image: Bicubic (Best for smooth gradients) or Bicubic Sharper ( Best for reduction) --- Or do you use Image Processor > Resize to fit?

I usually batch edit and for that I use the image processor. For individual images I use Bicubic (best for smooth gradients). I don't like the look of Bicubic Sharper.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Is there an advantage to shooting with manual white balance? I've been shooting auto, applying a custom WB value in my LR preset and adjusting from there if needs be. Sometimes the "As Shot" WB settings are the most accurate for me.

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jonaspeterson responded to Abenge03



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

When the wedding party is getting dinner do you eat as the same time as them or when do you eat?

ideally, yes.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, your answer about spot metering was very helpful. Can you give an example of when you would use evaluative metering at a wedding? Thank you!

it's all i use

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jonaspeterson Congratulations on being named one of the top ten wedding photographers in American Photo Magazine!!!

Thank you.
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jonaspeterson what if you miss shooting the mother? Or the shot was rubbish?

We all make mistakes.

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to stevegerrard What are your 3 favourite music albums of 2011 so far?

Not sure, I don't have my music with me on the road, but three albums come to mind. Bon Iver, James Blake and Foster The People.
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jonaspeterson Hey Jonas. I'd love to know how you are able to get great light on people even though they are in shadow with the sun coming from behind! If I try the same thing my subjects come out with a blue cast and the background blown out :( Any advice?

Use manual white balance, expose for the faces, either by spot metering or knowing how to use exposure compensation. The results also depend on how light actually falls on their faces. If they are in open shade and still backlit, it's easier to get good results.
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jonaspeterson How do you interact with couples when taking their portraits? I'm guessing you're not someone who overtly tells them how to pose. I've taken a super hands-off approach before and found the results a bit unpredictable...



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

It's hard to answer quickly. My interaction with the couple begins when I arrive in the morning. Since I'm there all day, they're usually quite comfortable with me around once we come to the portraits. This has a huge importance for the way I work. Once I shoot the portraits I simply place my couples and let them focus on each other. In most cases that's all I have to do. If that doesn't work I may try small things to make them interact more. I find that too specific directions takes a lot of their personalities out of the equation. All that's left is a staged pose and not much of them. I hope that makes sense.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hey Jonas, have you ever tried using a Soft Light layer on your images?

Yes. But it also depends on what you mean. A soft light layer of what? A duplicate layer? A BW layer? A texture? Something else? There are endless ways of using blend modes, I merely dabble.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Do you use the Precision Matte Focusing Screen with the Grid or without?

No grid.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson when delivering digital negatives [flies] to clients do you separate them into categories such as prep, ceremony, reception, portraits etc. or keep them all in order in one folder?

one folder
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jonaspeterson Do you put your albums for clients in display boxes? If so do you mind sharing where you get display boxes or are they from your suppliers? Thanks.

I don't.
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jonaspeterson responded to mcederholm What do you think is the best way to develop your vision and creativity?

That's easy. By being curious and shooting a lot. Look at stuff, shoot, look at other stuff, shoot a crapload more. Look at yourself, hate what you do, shoot anyway, look at random shit and shoot some more.
14 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to laurenwaye hey jonas, just wondering if you draw/sketch?!

I actually don't. Drawing is one of the things I've stayed away from. My mother and grandmother before her are all painters, so when I was younger, I refused to paint,



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

draw or write (my dad was a writer). It took me a long time to write anything at all, painting and drawing I still stay away from. Stubborn, I guess.
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jonaspeterson What first dance song have you heard a million times?

I honestly don't have *one*. Sure, I've heard a couple of songs more than once, but nothing in excess. The bouquet toss on the other hand...
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Any of those other blog action scripts you could recommend that you've heard are good?

Storyboard Rocks, Tych Panel, there are plenty.

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jonaspeterson Do you think the blog-action that was made for you might go public?

You better ask Dustin Francis, but I suspect he doesn't think there's a market for it anymore. There are many competitors offering similar actions/scripts these days.
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jonaspeterson Are you the kind of person who adapts to a problem, or seeks a solution to it ?

What's the difference?

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Do you carry any backup cameras beyond the two 5D2s to a wedding, or is each camera its own backup?

I only bring those two. I also bring a medium format film camera.
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jonaspeterson Do you have a set date for [framed] to follow you around while shooting a wedding? I can't wait for that episode!

No, but I have a couple of suitable dates on the books now. I may have to get in touch with them to set it up.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Still planning to get the 1dx or waiting to see what the mark iii has to offer?

The plan is still to get 2x 1DX as soon as they are available, but who knows what happens if they announce the 5DIII before that? Never say never.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson on here you seem SO arrogant. you act as though you don't want to answer questions half the time with your brief replies. they come across as a bit snappy and there no thankyous to any compliments. so many people on here pretty much worship you! be nicer.

I realise I do come across as a bit snappy sometimes and for that I apologise. I do however think there's a lot of arrogance on the other side too. I have answered over 2200 questions here on Formspring regarding pretty much everything about my photography. I do this for free without expecting anything back. Still people won't bother with checking the questions I've already answered, sometimes the questions have been answered six questions before. I have taken hours and hours of my time to do this, to give something back because I want to share as much as I can. Still people don't want to check the already answered questions because it takes time to click the "more answers from Jonas Peterson" button. Takes time? Really? I find that arrogant.
15 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to spc65 Jonas - loving the extra words accompanying your blog entries of late - perfect fit. What's the average time you spend doing post per wedding? Oh, and my friend Lou is in Sweden this week, say hi if you see him...

I have a wedding culled and edited in one day if I work efficiently.

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jonaspeterson responded to natwalk07 Did you get a grant or loan to be able to afford all your equipment? or did you just splurge and hope for the best when you started out?

I was working in advertising on a pretty high salary, so I could afford the gear. I didn't buy it all at once though. Started out with one body and a couple of lenses, then added more and more. I rented extra bodies and lenses the first couple of months too when I had to.
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jonaspeterson hey JP, the fine art book you posted of Nick ad Surya, December 21 looks really amazing! Which company did you print this through? Are the shots mounted or are they full page prints? Do you still do your albums in this style of book? Thanks mate

Vision Art Books. Printed on fine art paper. Yes, I still do them that way.
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jonaspeterson How often do you use your TS Lens? Would you consider TS or a Macro a better investment as far as Wedding photography and personal use?


I don't use a macro lens.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, what is your key to keeping a good work life balance being a successful photographer and also having a family?

Know when to say no. Set time for when you're working and when you're not. Treat editing work and all things business related like it's 9-5 job, just because you have access to your computer doesn't mean you should be on it 24-7.
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jonaspeterson Any suggestions on a good 35mm Rangefinder?

Leica MP
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jonaspeterson have you ever had a client who tried to haggle and get your price down? Do you stand firm or do you offer any kind of discount? Do you also do custom packages if clients don't want some of the things you include in your package?

It totally depends on the wedding, the couple and my own situation. If it's a request for a standard wedding in peak season I'm less likely to offer a discount, since I know I'll be able to get someone else to pay full price for the same date. But again, it depends on many other factors too.
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jonaspeterson responded to renebenkjer At the wedding this weekend I was really challenged. Unbelievable backlighting at reception into dark room. I don't want to use flash. How and where to meter? When you say expose as close to the right as possible What does that mean?

Expose as close to blowing the highlights without blowing them as possible. Your scenario is completely different. Almost all lenses will struggle with lighting like that.
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jonaspeterson Can't find the answer anywhere.. sorry if it's been asked before.. What is ASE? Thanks

ASE = Alien Skin Exposure

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jonaspeterson are you using capture one again at all?



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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson I believe it was the Adrian & Laura album that I came across a really nice b&w photo of the groomsmen in the woods. It has a sort of old, grainy, film look to it. If this is an action, do you purchase them, or just make your own accordingly? Thanks!

Silver Efex Pro

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson do you shoot weddings all around the world?

If you actually check my website, I think you'll find the answer there...
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jonaspeterson Jonas, could u pls answer this?I shot my 1st wedding on Friday & although I had a plan,I found that everything went so fast that I stopped looking for good photos & instead just shot safe photos.. Any tips to stop reacting & start looking for good photos?

That was my experience shooting my first wedding too. Experience is your friend.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson how do you motivate yourself when/if you see some other photographer's work is better than yours?

You have your answer right there. People better than I am inspire me to try harder.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson do you have go to settings with the with the saturation + vibrance sliders?

I don't touch them. All my colour adjustments are done in ASE.

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jonaspeterson responded to msericacamille If I'm working with 5dii primary body and a 7d second body what prime lens set ups do you think would work well? My only prime lens right now is the 35L. On the 7D, it's not quite wide enough for dancing/reception shots. Any next purchase ideas?

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Say you're shooting a ceremony and the bride is in what I call "the super sun spot of doom" and the groom is in the "shadows of peril". Any tips on in camera exposure and LR to help create some good exposures?



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Expose as close to the right as possible and you should be fine. Often I think I have to use fill light, but if you expose properly, you often don't have to do much to the image in post.
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jonaspeterson responded to bentinmarcs Any images of your studio office set up available for the world to see.

It's being built as we speak. It will be ready in August.

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jonaspeterson Before you built your studio did clients ever express concern that you didn't have your own premises where they could view more of your work? Did it ever work against you meeting them at cafes? Was going to Did you ever meet them at their homes? Cheers.

Never an issue. I have met clients at their house once.

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jonaspeterson When using flash. Why is it better to se 2nd curtain instead of 1st ? Isn't it easier to first freeze the object and then move camera to get ambient movement in ?

Experiment with both and you'll understand why, don't blindly ask anything without practising yourself, just a, no THE, word of advice I offer you today. Ta.
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jonaspeterson are lenses worth the price jump from the f/1.8 range to the 1.4? what about with more complex SLR bodies? i know its the photog not the equip that makes an image, but i feel like the entrylevel stuff is designed to stay on auto (design, ease of adjustmnt)

If you have to ask, then no. The difference between pro lenses and bodies and consumer varieties are there, but if they're worth the upgrade comes down to your needs. I would never shoot with the 50mm f/1.8 and after upgrading from the 1.4 to the 1.2, I don't think I could ever go back to the 1.4 either. The 85 1.8 is still a great lens, but the 1.2 is better and the Sigma 1.4 i supposed to be great too. If you're just starting out, you don't NEED the pro varieties, but the differences are there.
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jonaspeterson Why choose Sigma 85 1.4 over Canon 1.8 ? Canon is faster - right ?

1.4 > 1.8 Plus the Sigma is supposed to be very sharp and handle flare well.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Hi Jonas, If a bride to be emails you for more info on your services, do you correspond via email or get on the dog and bone (phone) and speak to her.

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jonaspeterson do u use ocf without an assisstant?

I don't use OCF for much, but when I do, it's almost always without an assistant.
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jonaspeterson thanks for being so generous with your time a wedding coming up in Aug here in melb, late start 4.30. coup want outside evening shots...would you shoot with flash or use tripod and crank up iso? i'll be working solo, so no help with lighting

I would use off camera flash or work with available light - any available light ie street lights etc. For OCF you do need an assistant or be good at working with a light stand.
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jonaspeterson responded to sachinkhona What is your backing up process? You travel a lot and I like to have images kept in 2 locations at anyone time.. How do you manage this? Thanks Jonas!

Backing up to two external drives - always. Both at home and when I travel. Lacie Rugged drives when I'm on the road and 2TB Lacie drives at home.
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jonaspeterson I get the feeling you shoot most of your stuff handheld, is that so? Do you ever use a tripod?

I use a tripod for the odd shot of the venue when I want the stars to show in the background. Or if I want to do some other sort of long exposure shot. Never otherwise.
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jonaspeterson come to Singapore or Malaysia for a workshop. we'd love to have you here.

I'd love to.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson do you have a favorite tilt notch on the t/s lens?


About 3/4.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson im so sorry for the dumb question..still learning. After culling in photomech, import raws and adjust in LR then export as jpg? Then open jpgs and do whatever adjustments, then save as jpg? do you loose any quality as you keep working on them?

Officially, yes you do, but I dare you to open and save a jpeg file 200 times and notice ANY difference. Won't happen.
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jonaspeterson responded to fudoushin hi JP, do you use AF Servo at all? and if you do, is your focus point still set in the middle?

I use AF Servo a LOT. Most of the time actually. Yes, still in the middle.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to fazlitaufek I want to buy Prophotoblog templates. Is there any flaws or any bad things about it?

No, I think it's ace.

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jonaspeterson responded to NesSolorio Que tal compadre, alguna vez se te ha daado algn disco duro externo? si es as podras recomendar algn software para repararlo o que hacer en su defecto? Gracias y buena semana.

I don't speak Spanish, but i do understand Italian, so I THINK you want to know if I had drives fail on me and if I can recommend software to repair a damaged portable drive? Unfortunately I don't have any good recommendations, sorry.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to sterooney Hey Jonas, do you ever mess with offset in ps?

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jonaspeterson do you have a fav iso when shooting a late afternoon/early evening outdoor wedding? especially when shooting into the sun?

As low as possible, so 100 sounds good.

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jonaspeterson responded to brandenharvey

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

How often do people make Jonas Brothers jokes with you?

Almost never. The Jonas Brothers aren't very big in Australia.

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jonaspeterson Hey, Jonas! Luv your work. I'm excited about the SF workshop. I was wondering if you can give more information. 1) Will we be shooting a couple with shots to take home? 2) Will each speaker be sharing how they do their post processing looks? Merci!

You'll have to ask the people behind the workshop, there should be contact info on the sign up page. I know there will be shooting with models and processing tips, but I don't think all of us will do everything. I won't have any shooting for instance.
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jonaspeterson were you nervous to install the focusing screen? like you're gonna screw up or drop or break something while installing it. i would be.

First time, yes. Then i realised exactly what a piece of cake it is, so when I did it on my second body, I wasn't nervous at all.
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jonaspeterson responded to JackDavolio Hey Jonas, I was wondering what do you do when people come up to you and ask for a photo, do you just take a quick snapshot of them posing in front of you to make them happy or do you explain that you don't take that kind of photo? If so, how? :)

I take the photo, for sure.

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jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, do you invite couples to view their wedding images back at your office or do you post out a package for them?

Since I don't rely on print sales, I don't need to wine and dine them to make them buy expensive prints from me at a viewing session. So no.
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jonaspeterson jonasjonasjonas:) do you make wedding contracts for your clients?

Of course.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

hi jonas, say after presenting a client with their images, they then asked you to tweak one or two (or more) and stray from what is your obvious style. would you do it?

Has never happened. And no.

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jonaspeterson Why evaluative?

Because I'm used to it. I know how my camera meters and adjust settings (compensate) accordingly. I like to keep things as simple as possible.
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jonaspeterson what metering mode do you use? evaluative, partial, spot, center-weighted average? do you always use this mode? if not, when do you switch? thanks!

Always evaluative
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Apologies in adv for a potentially irellevant question, however is it better for workflow to plugin ASE & Color Efex to Photoshop or Lightroom or doesn't it matter?

Same result
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jonaspeterson Alisha & Pete, 9th shot down from top (the one with the two beer bottles on the glass table) how on earth have you managed to get the bottles in focus and the guy's feet but his head is out of focus?? T&S lens? I have T&S but can't get it to do this!

tilt shift.
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jonaspeterson Dude, how long do you spend on taking shots with just the bride and groom? My customers never seem to want to plan for longer than 45mins.

45 min is plenty, that's usually what I ask for too.

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jonaspeterson Jonas, If I shoot a subject 10 meters away with my Canon 50mm 1.4, (on 1.4), the subject is always soft. If I shoot the same subject with my Canon 85mm on 1.2 it's pin sharp, must be the quality of the glass, right? Is the 50mm 1.2 as sharp as 85mm 1.2?



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Dude, I'm not much of a pixel peeper. The 85 1.2 is one of the sharpest lenses made, I doubt the 50L is as sharp, especially wide open.
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jonaspeterson If it's true that that car park entrance shot was done hand-held then you are an absolute genius when it comes to reading light. Most people would have thought it impossible, in my opinion reading light is the single most important aspect of photography.

I agree. Not about the genius bit, but about the importance of reading light.
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jonaspeterson responded to brandenharvey On what occasions do you shoot AV?

Sometimes outside when the light is extremely inconsistent, say some people in heavy shade and others in direct sunlight.
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jonaspeterson I noticed you were making your travel schedule easier this year- how do you factor in airfare for international weddings? Do you add several thousand to what your price would be locally? Or is it plus expenses?

My normal packages plus flights, accommodation and transport. I prefer to pay for my own food and drinks.
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jonaspeterson do ever do same-day wedding slideshows at the reception? what are your thoughts on that? seems like an extra bonus for the couple (minus the fact that you're not shooting while setting it up) / and extra pain for the photographer.

I've done it once and it was nice, but very stressful. I freaked out about not shooting anything for about 30-40 minutes even though I had a second shooter. I'm used to being around pretty much all the time.
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jonaspeterson responded to bentinmarcs If a bride to be asked to see all of the wedding images from a previous wedding you photographed would you show them?

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jonaspeterson responded to psarta hi jonas, please do the seminar in brisbane!! you're in brisbane anyway...any idea about time frame? early next year, mid year, etc?



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

My plan is to do more talking next year. Don't know where or when yet, but I have one thing brewing in Brisbane already.
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jonaspeterson Hi J. Enjoying the flurry of blog activity :) Apologies if previously answered but do you always shoot in M or ever Av or Tv? Thanks...

99% manual, 1% Av.

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jonaspeterson responded to lucianomenardo We deserve a workshop yours here, in Villa Mara, Argentina!

Sure, I'd love to do one in Argentina. Let's make it happen.

4 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson I saw on Twitter that you might come to Madrid next year? For what?

I've been invited to speak at BodaF. I just have to check if I can make it. It's in the middle of our peak season, so not looking all that good.
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jonaspeterson random question, just wondering if you know where those masks come from?

She got them from Etsy, but the shop has now closed.
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jonaspeterson how do you get such sick color tones, like on on '800 days in the making' diptych? nailed exposure, nailed white balance, and what else? are you doing something in post to help give it that high key look? i've never seen tones like yours! :) soooo gooood!

That's about it. No sneaky tricks.

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jonaspeterson I love the slideshow of the photos you took of the birth of your baby, so beautiful! What lens did you use and side question do you have an aussie accent or swedish? :)

35L. I don't know what I sound like. Definitely not aussie. Some people guess I'm Irish, some Scottish, some other things. I have an accent for sure, but it's a weird mix of many places.
1 Smile Comment Share


jonaspeterson I guess you are 35 years old. Am I right ?

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

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jonaspeterson Iam I a boy or a girl?

You are drunk.

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Dude can you please do a seminar here in Oz. Maybe here in Melbourne :)

Definitely. Next year.

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson that shot in carpark entrance. camera on tripod, paint them with torch light?

Normal shot. Handheld.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson i understand if you don't want to share....but, any tips on taking the reception - night shots where the subject (person) is in focus with "light writing" all around them?????

Slow shutter, rear curtain sync.

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jonaspeterson Do you have any advice to the skeptical groom who can't justify the expense?

If he feels that way he's not my type of client. The people who book me generally love my work and having me there is a priority for them. There are plenty of cheaper alternatives around, no use fighting that.
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jonaspeterson Any specific reason you don't have the slideshows public?

Because they are for my clients.

1 Smile Comment Share




Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Sorry for al the questios, but you deliver the client 2x3 formated shots. You format as you like for slideshows, albums?

I deliver all my images in 2x3. And yes, format them as I like for albums and slideshows. Sometimes I deliver the 4x5 version as well if I have edited that one differently.
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jonaspeterson hey, jonas nice slideshow - thanks for that. Nice feel and movement, you picked shots that flow and flow. Tech que. you formated the shots to 10x8 rather than 2:3. For the feel?

I prefer 4x5 to 2x3 when it comes to single images.

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jonaspeterson you got an example slide show that you can link to?

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Do you do many engagement sessions for your wedding couples or are most just wedding only? Do you blog all your e-sessions?

I've only ever done...five or so. They are not as common here in Australia.
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jonaspeterson Ive attempted to research the beast out of this but am so far unsuccessful. Do you know if a Minolta 85 1.4 medium format lens could go on a 5DMII?

No idea, but there are adaptors for many lenses and systems, so I wouldn't be surprised. You can even find adaptors for pre WW2 lenses and a 5DII.
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jonaspeterson I saw that you've been thinking about getting the Sigma 85. Why would you like that one more than the Canon 85 ?

Because of the speedier AF

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jonaspeterson You say you prefer to get it right in camera yada yada -- But the latest two images on your blog look almost tone-mapped / HDR / blended - Like quite a bit of work. Reason?



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

I had a specific look in mind. I would never have been able to get that look if the available light wasn't right to begin with. Not without bringing in lights anyway. Same goes for people like Dave Hill or...anyone. I wanted a look, but to get that look I have to make sure I get what I want when I shoot even though I rely on natural light. 99.99% of my work isn't edited this way at all, but when I want to, I have no issue with using the tools I have to my disposal.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson I recently had to use Photoshop to combine several treatments of the same image to get the lighting right. It's a laborious process, and I kinda felt guilty for doing it, like I was cheating. Do you ever do this? And any attendant guilt?

I have no issue with using photoshop to achieve the results I want, but I prefer to get it right in camera, shoot in the right light etc. My goal is to spend as little time as possible on post processing, but I see nothing wrong with being skilled at photoshop or lighting or whatever.
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jonaspeterson Are the "Marie Clair" type generic photos featured on so many wedding blogs typical of the photos that are delivered to clients, or are we just seeing photos that are used to promote the photog's commercial credentials.

I wouldn't know, I just know what *I* deliver to mine. What you see on my blog is what you get if you hire me.
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jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, now that you have switched back to LR for rating - On average how long is taking you to get a wedding from import to client DVD?

A day of work.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to psarta how do you accomodate your ASE for all colors? if I make a custom settings, it might work out great on that photo, but not so on another due to different colors/lighting condition (ie:daylight in beach vs sunset in city), how to get around this?

By having an extremely, EXTREMELY light treatment.

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jonaspeterson Do you give clients a limit to the number of album changes (before you start charging) or have you never had the problem of over zealous/ethusiastic clients who constantly change their minds over layouts and images to include?

I have no limit. The few times a client want to make many changes I'm happy to accommodate that. If one client out of 20 is extremely particular, I'm better off helping them out. It all comes down to client satisfaction. Sure, if it would happen all the time, I would re-consider my stance, but right now I'm happy to do the extra work if necessary. It really doesn't happen very often. Most couples do one or two rounds of minor changes.


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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson responded to KieranWagner Can you recommend a gear bag for traveling? Heading to Costa Rica soon (from US) and had my eye on a ThinkTank.... But then I found the Porter Case PCi. Looks good on paper but I figured someone traveling as much as you would have it down to a science.

From what I understand the ThinkTank is great. I use a Crumpler Cork & Fork (only the back pack insert, I leave the hard cover at home) and I never (touch wood) have any problem in security. You want to take your equipment as carry on, the problem is that your gear will most likely be too heavy, so it's important to have a bag that looks way lighter than it actually is. My gear is usually around 15-17kg (35lbs) and no airline in the world will accept that as carry on, but since my backpack looks like any other backpack and I make sure it looks light as a feather, I usually have no issues.
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jonaspeterson responded to alipaul Why do people call you 'pixel boy'?

PixelBoy used to be my Flickr name. I was quite active on Flickr for a while and the name stuck.
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jonaspeterson Ever untick the preserve luminocity checkbox in ase?

I don't think I have, no.

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jonaspeterson Do you keep a schedule when your at home, when to deal with the inbox etc, how do you stop yourself from getting lost in the oblivian of the interwebs..

I'm baaaad.
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jonaspeterson dude, sweet new shots. Mind if I take a stab? Low ISO, lots of fill, some clarity for good measure, and then some dodging/burning to accentuate the light. In the right ballpark or go back to dumb guy camp?

Depends on which shot you're talking about. The treatment is different in both of them. Low ISO sounds right, don't know about the fill bit, didn't touch clarity, but yes, i did dodge one of them to accentuate the light. :)
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jonaspeterson responded to GDphotography Have you been in Russia?


Unfortunately not.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson responded to GDphotography Have you ever try freelensing?

I've tried it, but since I have a tilt shift lens, I prefer using that.
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jonaspeterson responded to fudoushin hey JP, do you let your clients choose the images they wanna feature in their wedding albums, or do you choose it for them?

They have full control, but I pick them and pre-design a put first album draft together. They can then make changes.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Love your work! What size do you recommend resizing images to when exporting as jpegs from Lightroom, (for printing, I mean). I saw in a previous answer that you do this for clients. I never knew printing from big 5dmii files could cause issues. Oops!

A file as huge as a full sized 5DII image needs re-sharpening if resized. Most clients have no idea how to do that. That's why I've decided to deliver a medium sized file. Shooting sRAW would be fine, but I actually prefer to shoot full RAW. IF I want to print an image large I have the full RAW file, but I deliver a smaller file to client similar in size to a 12 MP camera.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson when would you use the 85 or 135? cant the 50 be cropped to 85? Do you choose the 135 when you need more reach, or for the f2 effect?

50 cropped to 85? In post? You clearly don't get my shooting philosophy at all, no offense. I shoot the 135 for reach, yes, but also for the look it gives. Iz butter.
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jonaspeterson Will you trade your 135L for a 85L (Original version) I just made that movement.

Nope. I need the 135 for reach.

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jonaspeterson Hello! Are there any photographers based in Vancouver that you would rate highly? Cheers....

The Nordica boys are killing it. Amber Hughes and Kristel Wyman are great too.


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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson which lens do you use most frequently?

I use the 24L, 35L, 50L and 135L the most, then my 45mm tilt shift and after that my 85 1.8.
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jonaspeterson One quick q, that I hope you can answer for me. How do you organize your photos? Been an "amateur" for almost 3 years, and I think it's hard to keep my photos organized, but yet simple. Any thoughts? - fan from Norway

Every single shoot I do gets its own folder. That folder holds other folders where I keep edited images in one, RAW files in another etc. Every file is also renamed when I import them to the computer. My job folder from last weekend was called 20110520_DAVISON. The raw files was renamed to 20110520_DAVISON_001.CR2 etc. The system works well for me and it's easy to find files when I search for them.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hey JP, I am debating on getting the canon 85 1.8 or the 135L. Currently I have 24-70L and 50 1.8 on 5D classic. Eventually I will get the 35L too. BUT, since you have both (right?), which one do you find most useful/irreplaceable if you had to choose?

The 135L, for sure. The 85 is great value for money if you need something in that focal range, but the 135L is simply fantastic, one of the best lenses you can buy for Canon. It's the longest lens I work with too, but that's a matter of preference.
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jonaspeterson Do you use the "picture style" setting in your 5d mark ii at all? or did you just leave it in "starndard"? Thanks!

Since I shoot RAW, the picture style doesn't have any effect on my image. It only affects jpeg images and the preview you see on the back of your screen.
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jonaspeterson responded to aebohlin Do you know any good Swedish wedding blogs that would be awsome to be featured in?

No, I left Sweden long before I started working as a wedding photographer, I have no idea.
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jonaspeterson Do you prefer to design square albums or landscape? Do you offer different sizes? If so, what's your favourite?

My main albums are square, but that makes a full spread landscape, so you get the best of two worlds in my opinion. I have nothing against other formats, but I do like



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

square albums. I have my eyes on an 18x10, so that may change.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson hey JP, appreciate your answers, lots of gold here! how did you go about getting your weddings featured on wedding/style blogs when you were first starting out? thanks

I just sent them in and they seemed to like what I did.

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jonaspeterson What do you think of Jasmine Star?

Jasmine for some reason gets a lot of shit from people in the industry, but I've met her and talked to her in person and she is very genuine and nice and deserves a lot of cred. She's super intelligent. She's found her niche and is very smart about how she markets herself and her business. A LOT of people could learn millions of things from Jasmine.
13 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hey Jonas,do ever use a grey card?If not (which I'd presume?)How do you go about white balancing? Can you trust the presets on your camera,or do you dial in your temperature by intuition?Then on your Mac, colour corrected using a Spyder to match your lab?

I don't. I don't worry too much about "correct" white balance. I prefer my images slightly warm anyway, so if I like the way it looks on screen, I'm happy, since I know my calibration is good.
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jonaspeterson How do you clean the front of your lens?

With my shirt. *gasp*

5 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson noprobs with the Lexar FW card reader on OSx?

None. Problem is they don't make them anymore.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Shoot RAW, or RAW+JPG? Had some Raws corrupt on me, wish I shot both.

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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

hey JP, how'd you get google to display your menu navigation links? That's really convenient, and I'd love to know how to do that. Thanks as always.

I haven't done anything. Google did that for me.

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jonaspeterson responded to rosiehardy Hey Jonas - do you ever find when shooting in hot countries, that your lens steams up inside? This happened to me on holiday & for 20mins my lens was unusable. Ever encountered this problem? On a wedding it would be my worst nightmare.

I don't know, so far I've been lucky. It's extremely important to keep your equipment in the same temperature and humidity as where you're going to shoot. If you're shooting outdoors in hot and sticky weather, you can't take it from inside a cool airconditioned room to outside without it fogging up. It needs time to adjust. As long as you remember that, you should be fine.
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jonaspeterson wait. how'd you get Bon Iver's new album already? Is it the bees knees?

It's butter.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson The Faina and Josh set is great. Looks like you had some difficult light to work in?

You could say that again.

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jonaspeterson Did you send your 5DII to Canon in Ryde? Have been putting off getting one of my lenses fixed because i'm afraid it wont ever come back to me, or will come back in 2 months time.

Yes, but this was through CPS - Canon Professional Services.

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jonaspeterson I assume that sharpness is off in ASE? Also I read somewhere Magic Sharp is good for images 900px wide - not for high res. Do you tweek the MS settings for high res?

The only way to find what you like is to actually use them yourself. I personally hate the look of MS on web images, but like it on hi-res images. I don't tweak it, then it would be my own action, not magic sharp.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

but i don't wanna do the math! that's why i'm asking you. i'm not a pro photog so i just am looking for a really good portrait lens and don't really understand all these crazy numbers. i use the auto setting.'s not going to work. Do the hard time, learn what works, there are no shortcuts. If you're after a great portrait lens, you need to understand what you're actually after.
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jonaspeterson responded to HagaiGalili Hi jonas,i'm gonna shoot 2 weddings,they're my first serious weddings i was wondering if you have any advice? 2.i'm gona rent in the wedding the 35 1.4, though i never shot with it i've quite figured out what it can do do you think it's a smart choice

Great lens. Depending on what you're used to shooting with, it takes some time getting used to. That's the case for all prime lenses. If you normally shoot with a 50mm prime, a 35 will initially seem too wide. You need to re-calibrate your brain and how you move. If you shoot with a number of lenses today, that won't be the case.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson do you think it's better to buy the sigma or the canon 85mm?

The 1.2 is sharper, the 1.4 has faster focus. You do the math.
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jonaspeterson Do you have the Sigma 85mm f1.4?

No. Thinking about buying it though.

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jonaspeterson What're you listening to this week?

Bon Iver's upcoming album.

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jonaspeterson you say you mainly use one colour action for your images, but do you use different actions for different lighting conditions ie. sun, tungsten, flash

No, same one across all images.

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jonaspeterson responded to alexacatalin I normally wouldn't ask, but this one is way to interesting. So, how did you brought the light in front of those guys?



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

There's a light in the ceiling above their heads, out of frame. I like using available light and this time I used the sun from behind and an existing light/lamp in that tunnel.
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jonaspeterson Is it just me or are there more BW:s in the last post of yours? Did you find it harder to find good light, being winter and all?

Fluorescent light everywhere.

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jonaspeterson How do you charge for overseas weddings?

My normal rates plus flights, accommodation and transport.

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jonaspeterson I've looked through every question now (haven't slept for days!) and couldn't find this one: What parfume do you wear?

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hello Jonas. You have mentioned that you shoot 50mm at f/1.2 in low light. How do you deal with DoP (focused area length)? especially when people move and if you shoot one meter away,it is almost impossible (at least for me) to get face in focus? ThankYou

I don't really shoot moving subjects without flash in low light.

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jonaspeterson uh, no, no advice or no, don't buy one?

No, I don't have any inside information about new Canon products. And no, that doesn't mean nothing is coming. It means I have no insider information.
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jonaspeterson hallo! thinking about buying a 5dmkII for school but worried about a new one coming out as soon as i buy it. Any insider information/advice?

No. Honestly.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

I think i've read every thing available on the internet on this topic, or just cant see the forest through the trees.. in manual mode on the 5dmII, how do I change the exposure? I think its locked (A?), but clicking the little asterix thing did nothing :(

You mean the aperture? You change shutter speed with the front wheel and aperture with the thumb wheel on the back.
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jonaspeterson Do you shoot in half stop or third stop increments on the canon

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jonaspeterson Do you use ASE as your main action in PS? When you do use ASE, do you stick with a preset and tweak it, or do you make your own?

Pretty please with sugar on top, read the questions already answered.
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jonaspeterson do you charge tax on your packages? if so, what percentage? do you mention it at some point or do you think that clients just expect it? thanks :)

I do, but I prefer to include it in my price to client, ie I raised my prices accordingly as soon as I had to pay tax.
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jonaspeterson When you say incoming links - is that when someone else has blogged you? Cheers

It is what it is - any link to my website from another website.

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jonaspeterson do you do a lot of SEO optimisation for your blog? Or is it a bit unnecessary considering you are Jonas Peterson?..

Almost none. Getting a high page rank relies mainly on incoming links. I have quite a few, so I don't need to optimise too much.
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jonaspeterson hey hows it goin?

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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, first of all congratulation for being on the top best photographers :) Then, I'd like to ask you if you gave your DVD or files, after the client order their products or do you have no issue giving it before?

My business model doesn't rely on print sales, so I have no issue with delivering the disc early.
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jonaspeterson responded to primaryshooter Do you keep your gear in a dry cabinet?

No, that's where I keep my pasta.

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Who's your favorite teenage "up and coming" photographer?

I hate them all.

9 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hi Dude - technical quickie. What quality % do you export from LR at and what quality level do you save jpgs out of PS at? My end files are too big but scared of sacrificing quality!

I currently shoot full RAW, but export smaller from LR (still at 100% quality). I do this because the full hi-res versions of 5DII are huge and need re-sharpening if people want to print them smaller. Better to deliver a smaller image to begin with. If they want really large prints, they have to go through me.
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jonaspeterson Do you use ASE as your main action in PS? When you do use ASE, do you stick with a preset and tweak it, or do you make your own?

I've answered this question 400 times, so sorry, you have to go back and check my answers.
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jonaspeterson When you edit in Lightroom, do you even mess with the contrast slider or do you leave it at the default +25?

Mostly at default.
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jonaspeterson I have a problem finding good light. I find areas that I think have good light (open shade,



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

overcast, etc) while the light is soft and even, my sooc photos are just mediocre. What for you is good light and how do you place your subjects in relation to it?

There's good light everywhere. It's impossible for me to break it down though. It's all about practise. Really "ugly" light can be amazing if you know how to place your subjects in relation to it. I also like to use bad light to challenge myself. Sometimes it doesn't work, but by trying I learn something new every time I shoot.
3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Out of curiosity: what do you think of the official Will & Kate wedding photos? What would you have done differently had you gotten the opportunity to shoot that particular wedding?

I haven't looked at them. Not interested.

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jonaspeterson Do you ever add grain in LR? If not, why? If so, how much?

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jonaspeterson I know you work in sRGB and do most of your colour enhancements with ps, but do you find your colour images on your blog are what you see in ps. ie does the colour change at all or is it identical

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jonaspeterson Jonas, congrats on the American Photo Win! What would you say your keeper percentage is shooting a lot of wide open shots on the Canon system?

Cheers. My keeper rate is good and has always been. I don't have a percentage. I've never been bothered enough with missed shots to have to keep a tally.
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jonaspeterson what lens do have you found to be best, for your style, for big group bridal party portraits/family portraits that all mother of the brides want!?

For me, the wedding party shots and the family shots are polar opposites. I'm more creative with wedding party shots than family shots. I use my 35L for family shots, often at f/3.5.
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jonaspeterson hello Jonas! after every shoot, how do you check the exposure? how do you make sure that's exactly the exposure you're looking for? do you trust what you see on the lcd? the histogram? both? thank you very much



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

It's a matter of experience, I think. I do both, but I know I can't rely on my eyes if I'm out in bright light, so then the histogram is the way to go. But more than anything I know that my metering is good. I know I nail the exposure 98% of the time if I meter properly. I don't need to look at the LCD or the histogram.
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jonaspeterson If you miss a shot on the Tilt-Shift (Say, you get the mouth in focus and the eyes are slightly out / completely out) - Do you delete it? Even though you know on your blog it'll look good? Or are you a "focus must be perfect no matter what" kind of guy?

I'm not really a "focus must be perfect no matter what" kind of guy, but I do tend to erase TS shots where I've missed focus that much.
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jonaspeterson how do handle which photos to include in a clients album? Do you let them pick them out or do you just decide which ones to include? Thanks for answering our questions and congrats on being a top 10!

I pick and present the first draft of the album. They can then make changes.
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jonaspeterson responded to SegeriusBruce I have just bought a contax 645 and I am doing a wedding in Bali, would love to take it with but how do u travel with all your digital gear and the film gear for destinations?

I've got a camera backpack for my digital gear and I keep my Contax and film in my laptop/messenger bag. It's not ideal, but that's how I roll.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Getting one of them there DSLR thingies for my birthday (if I've been a good boy). One that makes the lens effectively 1.5 or 1.6 times longer. I'm planning to buy either a 35mm or 50mm 1.8 prime to learn the ropes with. Which would YOU get?

I'd get both. The 50 is dirt cheap.

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jonaspeterson what are some TRA2 recipes you use? Colour, BW

I don't use TRA at all these days.

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jonaspeterson How did you learn to take such beautiful sooc shots? Anything besides trial and error? When you expose your shots, do you expose to the right or expose how you want the shot to look when finished?



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

There are no short cuts unfortunately. It's all about shooting a lot. For years I shot all the time, looked at other photographers, analyzed my photos compared to theirs, went out and shot more, analyzed more, shot more and so on. Eventually your voice finds you in the midst of all that shooting. It sorts of sneaks up on you from nowhere, more and more present for every day. Trying to chase your voice is pointless, you just need to shoot and shoot and it will find you.
9 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson I've been doing some reading and you always say you do basic edits in lightroom. Most times it seems you are referring to the exposure and WB sliders. Do you ever adjust the blacks slider or rely on an s-curve to take care of that?

I use a custom s-curve. I'll sell it to you for a million buckaroos.

5 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to askmiguelangel i will like to know what soft box or lighting method you recommended to iluminate a subject when taking pictures like 2 hours before sunset(when it gets dark) like from 6.00pm to 8.oopm

um...have you seen any of my work that looks like that?

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to jksarkodie Hi Jonas. I've asked you about this shot before (the centennial parklands tree boulevard with the couple holding hands). You used the 50L wide open - did you merge multiple frames to get the bokeh to look so blurry - if so, how many? Thanks :)

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jonaspeterson I was wondering if you went to college for photography or took any entrepreneur classes to know how to run a business? Do you think it is a good idea to have this schooling or that you can run a successful business without? :)

No photography studies. I did go to university studying marketing, but I mostly spent my time at the pub, so I was pretty useless. I have studied by reading myself and learnt by doing.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Do you prefer it when the celebrant/priest stands to the side of the couple during ceremonies? I find they get in the way of some beautiful shots during the vows and ring exchange. Have you ever asked a celebrant to stand aside?

I'm there to document, not to direct.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson On a shoot, do you change lenses or change cameras?


Both. I use two bodies and six lenses.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson would you say a 24mm 2.8 is a good alternative for the 24L?

I haven't used the 2.8, but no, I don't think it sounds like a good alternative.
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jonaspeterson responded to lucianomenardo How long are your slideshows? Are they divided into moments of the party?

Roughly ten minutes. They're in chronological order.

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jonaspeterson What's your reasoning for shooting single shots of each member of the bridal party?

There's no reasoning, no secret master selling plan, I just think it makes sense. Plus it looks good in the album. If you treat the wedding party well, they'll be your best ambassadors.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson About how many photos do you shoot a wedding and about how many photos do you give to your client?

It totally depends on the wedding. I've delivered between 250-1500 images. Average for a 12 hour wedding is around 500.
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jonaspeterson How many pictures do you generally take of the bridal party during the posed stuff?

A couple of shots of the boys, the girls and them all together. I also do single shots of them all. That's about it. The rest of the portraits are Bride and Groom portraits.
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jonaspeterson do you tend to underexpose most shots? ive found with my 5dmII that even if i've underexposed a lot, it randomly blows everything white, but then a shot taken a second after that, the exposure is perfect.

I expose the way i want the image look. If you shoot on manual settings, your exposures will be more consistent. I'm assuming you're shooting on Av, Tv or P today.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

So hows the new printer. Will you be using it for inhouse purposes or prints for clients?

It's still in its box. It won't fit in my current office, so I'm going to move into the guest room next week :)
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jonaspeterson Do you try to shoot the parents of bride/groom together or other key people throughout the wedding - candid. Or set them up?

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jonaspeterson front on portraits of peeps whether taken on the go or posed, always look better if you aim around waist height-ish. Given your height do you find you get a sore back bending down to shoot peeps all day? I'm a tall bastard and my back kills at the end.

My body has been good to me, but yes, I look like a crouching Quasimodo a lot of the time.
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jonaspeterson By continuous AF you main AI Servo mode for Canon? You've found that reliable? I tend to feel like I get more misses than hits in that mode...

I find it quite reliable, yes.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to lucianomenardo Two questions: 1) Wich diameter are your close up filters? (In which lens do you use it? 2) Wich version is your 24mm L (I readed the II v. is very fast). Thanks.

1) 72mm 2) second version

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jonaspeterson responded to askmiguelangel Where can I send a canon camera and wide angle sigma lens to be sincronize? So they work to great together... canon camera and $600 sigma lens.sincronize.

I have no idea, sorry.

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jonaspeterson responded to dmitriyfrolov Hi, Jonas. Left image made me wonder: Is that you? Did you find emotional difference between shooting weddings for friends and clients? Do you have more encourage during first one?



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Yeah, that's me doing a Hitchcock. Yeah, shooting for friends is different and not necessarily better.
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jonaspeterson responded to davidmacvicar This looks exciting:

Very :)
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jonaspeterson DoO you choose your b/w images before or after basic processing in LR?

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jonaspeterson Canon vs. Nikon: do you really think its going to make a diff going to Nikon? If a photog is shooting wide open alot of the time, and your subjects move slightly (etc.) Nikon isn't going to perform any better, they will be just as soft or OOF. Thoughts?

You should be using continuous AF for moving subjects and if the AF works correctly, they should be sharp even if they're moving. The 5DII AF is not the best, but there's hope on the horizon for better AF in the upcoming model.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson You always seem to know about great music, where do you find out about it? Anything you've been listening to lately?

It's everywhere, find a good radio station, follow blogs etc. In Australia, there's a great station called Triple J, you can tune in online. This morning I'm listening to the debut EP by Brisbane artist Emma Louise. The ending track is pure magic.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, You mention that you use a curve adjustment can you post an image to show what kind of curve you apply, also as you also batch in ASE which are your common settings or film type? Cheers

No, I'm not going to tell you exactly what I do. I've told you which tools I use, use those and find your own recipe. I really don't do much at all, but apparently it doesn't matter how many times I say that, people still there's some sort of fairy dust you can sprinkle over images. Look for flattering light, put your subjects in it. Shoot. Your editing is going to matter very little if you do it right.
6 Smiles Comment Share



Where do you stand/sit during the ceremony?

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

If I can, I move around as much as possible. If I can't, I'll camp out in the middle of the aisle.
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jonaspeterson Do you think there is any speed / system performance benefit from using just one catalog per wedding / client? Or do you just prefer to have a clean workspace inside Lightroom? How are your LR actions coming along :-)?

When I kept all my images in one catalog, I did notice a huge speed decrease, so the new system works a lot better. I don't do any creative edits in LR, so no presets on the horizon.
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jonaspeterson what's your secret?

I believe nothing is impossible. I'm a pitbull when it comes to determination.

3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson What brightness do you calibrate your 27" imac to? I have no issues with colour calibration, but cant seem to find a brightness cdm im satisfied with...

Full throttle. I have no issues whatsover with prints or albums. They look pretty much exactly the way they do on my screen.
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jonaspeterson in one of your blog posts i saw an image in color that I'd seen on a different site in black and white and it made me wonder when you give your clients the images on disc are there multiple versions of the same image or do you just include one version?

I normally don't give more than one version, but this time I did, since I had so few black and whites. When I sent the images to Once Wed, I liked the BW versions, but when I put my blog post together it made more sense keeping everything in color. The album will be all colour too.
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jonaspeterson Hey Jonas, do you micro adjust your lenses with your camera?

Of course.
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jonaspeterson OK done. I have now read every single question and answer in this blog. Took me about 4



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

days. Seek and you shall find. Learned a ton. Thanks Jonas. I know for sure this question has not yet been asked. Im ready for the JP quiz. Will there be a quiz?

Over a beer in Vegas next year, yes.

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jonaspeterson Hello. What program do you use for your client galleries and print ordering ?

Photo Cart
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson can you recommend some kick arse wedding videographers in brisbane/queensland?

Not really, no.

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jonaspeterson just been checking out the portrait of woman you just tweeted (looks like shot at docks somewhere). Its amazingly sharp! what sharpening you use? mixture fill light/black in LR or was it done in PS

I've done a little bit of everything to that image, but my normal sharpening is kubota magic sharp on the hi res (22MP) jpeg and then no web sharpening, but here I added some web sharpening as well (TRA2 a better web sharpen at maybe 50%).
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson What actions are you using for your blog posts?

I'm using a set of actions Dustin Francis made for me. I'm going to write about them soon.
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jonaspeterson Where do you position yourselves during the ceremony? Do you sit up front with the guests, at the back of the congregation, or are you moving around? Do you ever worry about disturbing the ceremony?

I'm everywhere I'm allowed to be. I do worry about disturbing the ceremony, but I also worry about getting interesting images and there's always a battle between the two.
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jonaspeterson i was looking at your photos on your facebook page. so nice. are those sneak peeks for the couple of album spreads or just favorites of yours?

They're just a couple of images uploaded the days after a wedding. Album designs



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

come way further down the track, usually six weeks or so after the wedding.
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jonaspeterson Ok, so what comps are out there for wedding snappers?

I think there are a bunch, but I only enter our local ones arranged by the Australian Institute for Professional Photography. I'll probably enter WPPI next year too.
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jonaspeterson Can you post a link to images you submitted for Epson awards and album?

Nope. I'm going to enter both into other competitions soon and making them public now will only hurt my chances there. Sorry.
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jonaspeterson responded to brandenharvey When you import photos, do you import them onto your computer hard drive or an external? Do you work from there the rest of the time?

I import them onto two external drives. I do my RAW processing off that drive and then export jpeg to my internal drives where I finish them off in PS. After a project is finished I erase all rejected RAW files and move selected RAW files and jpegs to the two external drives.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson how many raw images do you tend to keep in lightroom 3 at any one time 12,000 / 25,000? do you find it slows down at certain number?

I create a new catalog for each shoot.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Someone has probably asked this but I looked and couldn't find it and then got bored so: who are a few of your favourite non-wedding photographers? Also, goats or sheep. Which are better?

Trent Parke is my all time favorite photographer. Then we have James Nachtwey, Sally Mann, Anders Petersen and Pieter Ten Hoopen - all up there too. Goats FTW.
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jonaspeterson Do you constantly get wedding guests wanting to chat about cameras with you? I do and it drives me nuts!

Not really, it happens, but not annoyingly so.


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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson responded to mcederholm Do you delete your raw files after editing and only keep the final jpegs or do you keep both versions just in case you want to edit them differently in the future?

Keep selected raw files and jpegs, erase rejected raw files.
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jonaspeterson Do you let your clients sign the contract electronically? I yes what service do you use for that?

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson do you ever have to shoot on AV and if so what specs do you change, +1 exposure or? in moments during ceremony or on the fly when moving around + lighting changin swiftly from spot to spot and no time to slow take and get exposures taken for each frame...

I shoot in AV when I have to, but you can't use one exposure compensation setting across the board. If the scene is dark, I will have to compensate for that and if the scene is light, I will compensate for that. There's no magic setting, sorry.
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jonaspeterson responded to carolineghetes Hi Jonas! When you post a song on individual blog posts, was curious what program(s) you used to do that? Thru ProPhoto? Did you upload somewhere else, grab the html code, and embed into the blog? I Googled the answer like crazy & couldn't find the answer I upload the files to a account and link the audio player to the file there.
3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson It's well known that your prices are pretty high. How do you deal with sales tax? Do you charge your clients or do you just cover it at years end?

Sales tax is included in the price presented to clients ie I charge about 15% more than I would if there was no sales tax.
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jonaspeterson Do you expect your clients to tip?

God, no.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Are you buying the epsom for personal or selling prints?

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jonaspeterson silly question i know...but i'm THAT you have this hard drive

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jonaspeterson You've already photographed other events? As a children's birthdays? Has been invited and refused to do?

I turn most other things down since I'm so heavily booked. I need to work less, not more.
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jonaspeterson you could make a GOOD wedding rehearsal with only a 50mm?

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jonaspeterson Seeing as how you save your files in sRGB, don't you worry about poor colour rendition when making prints or albums?

If my albums and prints looked poor I would, but they don't.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to Nordicaphoto Do you bring the Contax (or any other film cameras) along with you to weddings or is it all business and you stick with strictly digital? // Cole

I bring it to some weddings, but so far not all. The reason is the added cost.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to brianbelknap Do you take any special precautions when traveling abroad (i.e. keep a list of your gear with serial numbers, additional insurance riders, etc.)?

Not sure why I'd bring a list. All my gear is individually insured and the insurance company has a list of serial numbers.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

How do you handle formals? Do you have the family members stand a specific way or just group everyone together and tell them to relax?

Number two.
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jonaspeterson Just bought the 35L...and saw that you like the lens a lot...any wisdom (other then stopping it down hehe)?

When I first bought the 35L it took me a while to get used to. My focal length of choice was 50mm (on full frame), so I thought it was a little too wide. Use it a lot and you'll get used to moving closer to your subjects if need be. I think the 35 is a more versatile focal length, but is also requires more leg work.
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jonaspeterson What is the most 'successful' bridal blog you've been featured on? Congruent to the amount of replies / inquiries you had back, I mean. Even a ball-park guesstimate if you're not sure.

I really couldn't say. It depends more on the wedding featured than the blog featuring it. Any of the larger blogs are safe bets. I like Once Wed, 100 Layer Cake, Polka Dot Bride, Style Me Pretty and a few others.
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jonaspeterson do you handcarry all your camera equipments on flights?

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jonaspeterson To add to the sharp image Ques. do you have a personal rule of thumb for f-stops? i.e. what to use when and why?

Use the best possible glass to insure sharp images at all f-stops. The rest is about depth of field, not sharpness.
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jonaspeterson how do you shoot sharp images all the time if you're shooting wide open and/or the subjects moving / talking / dancing / drinking?

I don't shoot wide open all the time.

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jonaspeterson responded to primaryshooter What flash meter do you use and what are you thoughts of it?



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Don't use one.

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jonaspeterson responded to Studio222 Do you blog every client?

Nope. Show what you want to sell.

3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Do you wear contacts?

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jonaspeterson how did people hear about your formspring?

I'n guessing Twitter and some online forums.

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jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, im also dying to know the song for mike and felicitys wedding post..

Come Pick Me Up - Ryan Adams

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson What's the song that you have posted with your latest Bahamas wedding? It's fantastic.

Waiting for my real life to begin - Colin Hay

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jonaspeterson responded to lewharrison When you started writing your Swedish blog, how did you get people along to it?

Interesting and different content in combination with being active both on my blog and others.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson In what setting do you have the memory locations C1, C2 and C3 on your 5dm2? For the quality of captured moments that you do seems to rapid changes in configuration. Thanks!



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

I use them for three different (manual) flash settings.
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jonaspeterson Would you personally advise saving your images in sRGB over Adobe RGB, and why? Cheers!

There are benefits with working in Adobe RGB and ProPhoto RGB, but I want to keep things simple, I don't have to convert back and forth all the time, so I've decided to only work in sRGB.
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jonaspeterson I heard from the SWPB forum that you're liking the way Jeff Newsom does things only in LR. Think you'll try that eventually? Is your current workflow still basic adjustments in LR, then a batch in PS with ASE for grain?

Jeff is great. I'd love to be 100% happy with my edits in LR, but for now I feel the need to work on them in PS as well and with the amount of work I do (number of weddings), it gets time consuming. I want to streamline my workflow as much as possible.
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jonaspeterson hey jonas, i just noticed that you've recently switched image sizes on your blog. totally not an important question, but were you just tired of the old size or do you think bigger is better? just curious, as i often (too often) wonder what size is best.

I've been meaning to switch for a long time. The size I've been using is great for storytelling, but less so for single images. I just want more impact, really :)
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jonaspeterson responded to lewharrison When you take a pic like this (, do you ask permission or just snap away? If you just take it, do they think you're a freak?

It's street photography, I definitely never ask.

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jonaspeterson what aipp membership category are you?

I'm now a full member.

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jonaspeterson responded to askJamesDay hey mate, have you noticed that your files out of ASE are flippin' huge? They're tripling in size... it doesn't make sense to me? Is this normal or has my Alien Skin got some rare skin disease....

It's because of the grain. More information in the file.


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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson I saw you're back to LR again, what's your current LR workflow look like? Have you found that it's faster than C1 or just about the same?

LR is faster.
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jonaspeterson for your online slideshows and dvd's do you save images using sRGB then for printing etc save as AdobeRGB?

No, always sRGB to keep it simple.

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jonaspeterson I struggle with shooting natural light in dark environments. The exposures look good on camera, but get a dark and muddy when I apply my basic editing. Ever have this problem? Your low light shots are great, do you use fill light or expose to the right?

I expose in camera the way I want it to look. My post production is very, very light.
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jonaspeterson when you first started out what would you say the most influential way you advertised was? word of mouth? ads? etc.... and how did you branch out from your local area?

I never advertised until three weeks ago and then I only did it because I got an amazing deal on a full page ad. Advertising is overrated.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson what are your reasons for rebranding? do you think blogs really are just as/more important as facebook for your business? thanks so super much for having formspring =)

My blog is my most important marketing tool.

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jonaspeterson I love your direct flash shots, but does it ever blind people to have the flash pointed at them?

It's set to a really low power. No one has ever complained.

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jonaspeterson Any tips for C1 workflow? I use it couple months, LR was a little easier and faster. Do you



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

touch basic's wb, exposure, then export? I hear you use capture one for now.

I'm back to LR again. I had to edit a reception I'd shot at ISO 4000 and noticed the noise reduction in C1 was horrible compared to LR, and I decided to go back. This was just last week.
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jonaspeterson thoughts on kanye west?

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jonaspeterson responded to psarta you travel alot to shoot overseas wedding, are they mostly australian couples that have overseas wedding or they actually live overseas and heard of you from blogs etc? how do you market yourself internationally?

Most of the overseas weddings are for non-Australian couples. They find me via wedding blogs and referrals from other photographers mainly. I don't advertise internationally.
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jonaspeterson a couple ?s below you said you sell hi res jpgs to clients....does it ever concern you if they take their images and get a poor/cheap print out, altering the color or quality of your image?

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jonaspeterson Can I trouble you for your fav Bris resturants, it will be mid week dining, apologies if you've answered this..

My restaurant days are pretty much over to be honest. I live 40 minutes from the city and work most weekends. Melbourne and Sydney would be another matter, I went out there all the time.
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jonaspeterson Do you sell dig negatives for individual images? If so how much would you charge per image? cheers.

I sell hi resolution jpegs to my wedding and portrait clients, they're currently included in all my packages.
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jonaspeterson responded to brandenharvey Do you use UV filters to protect your lenses? If so, which filter?


Nope. Always hoods though.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson Any thoughts on camera raw for photoshop?

Yeah. Good.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson I saw one of your images on the cover of a wedding mag today and had a "HEEEEEEEEEEEY i know that picture!" moment.... Is it weird seeing your work on a COVER, in a stand at the newsagents?

Are we talking the swing shot on Real Weddings Style Issue? If not, I'd love to know which image we're talking about. :)
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jonaspeterson Hi, Jonas. I know you've never answered this and I'd love to know. How do you make your photos so good? I shoot the same cameras/lenses/equipment as you and use the same actions/software (I think), but just can't make my photos look exactly like yours.

Cool, isn't it?

7 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to lucianomenardo A book? (for holidays)

Fat, forty and fired - Nigel Marsh

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jonaspeterson responded to 8perpetual hi jonas, dont know if you've answered this before but can i ask do you add grain to your images before or after sharpening? and any particular reason for that order?

Grain after sharpening.

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jonaspeterson Are you a fan of Savage Garden? I know singer Darren Hayes is a Brisbane lad ;-)

Can't think of anything worse.

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to Bethers



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

I think it's true generally that you shoot less when using film. Do you think film is better in that aspect? That you have to really think about the image you are creating before you press the shutter button? Not implying you don't think when using digita

Yes. But the opposite also speaks in digital's favour. Film is more deliberate. With digital you can capture more random things, in my opinion.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson What resolution do you use for your images at facebook?

The best option is 700px on the longest side.

1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to fabtranzer Jonas, I loved the TODD & ALYDA Contax images. May I ask you how many rolls of film you shot for that event ? Do you tend to shoot less than with your 5d2's ? Thank you.

Not too many. Maybe 3-4 rolls of 220. I was mainly in charge of portraits and my buddy Dan shot the ceremony since it was inside in a small dark room with very mixed lighting. He also covered getting ready photos. There was no reception. I shoot WAY less when I shoot film.
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jonaspeterson Hey Nessa, you once said that you send clients a checklist close to their wedding, would you mind sharing the check list or some of the things on that list?

Jonas, not Nessa. Sooo close.

4 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson From one snapper to the other, how long do you allow shooting time for couple portraits? Most couples these days just want to get to their party (I don't blame them) than hang with the photographer for too long! Everyone's different I know.

Not my clients. Most of my clients like what I do and ask me what I need time-wise to deliver the same for their wedding. If they don't want to spend time on portraits, I don't mind, it's their wedding, but the answer, if they do want portraits "my way" is between 30-60 minutes.
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jonaspeterson What web stats program do you use to find out how many people visited your blog, how they got there...etc? Thanks!

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jonaspeterson Do you scan your film in or does your lab do it?

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

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jonaspeterson responded to eadwine 23rd?

No, the week after.

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jonaspeterson responded to eadwine Hey Jonas, do you get stopped at customs often because of your camera gear when you arrive at bali airport? Heading to bali anytime this year?

I've never been stopped there. Touch wood. Shooting in Bali end of July.
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jonaspeterson what happens if the mail carrier looses your rolls of film (and you only shot film for that client)? That's a pretty real possibility...

Not if you use a reliable carrier. I would never use the postal service.
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jonaspeterson I tried looking back to see if someone asked the same question... but who do you get your wedding albums printed through?

Vision Art Books. Best customer service around and amazing print quality. Tell them I said hi.
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jonaspeterson Do you like the new Cut Copy album? I think it sounds like a contender for album of the year already.

Yes. Massive Cut Copy fan.

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jonaspeterson Hey Jonas, thanks for sharing - LAB or RGB? Pls explain.

No, I've already explained why I work in sRGB. Time to use that back button, buddy.


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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson Jonas, I got my 45 TSE and I did buy a EE-S screen for my 5D. Even with this screen, I still find it hard to see if I really nailed the focus on the eyes. A few times I've had the plane of focus across like..just one eye, instead of both. Any ideas?

Don't use full tilt.

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jonaspeterson responded to bratha Hi Jonas, I noticed in the comments of your 645 photos that you said you overexposed the 400H by two stops. Why was that? I have just bought a 645 of my own, am half way through my first roll and still getting to grips with it. Cheers/

Pretty much all colour neg film looks better overexposed. Digital looks flat when overexposed, but most color neg film looks better when overexposed. 400H will get more contrasty and the colour will be more vivid.
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jonaspeterson What are you listening to this week?

Cowboy Indian Bear

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jonaspeterson Have you ever used or heard feedback on RGB digital?

Yeah, they're great, i use them for my fine art prints.

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jonaspeterson How do you feel right now?



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

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jonaspeterson Did you go to Jerry Ghionis wedding?

In Vegas? No, I don't know Jerry at all.

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jonaspeterson responded to askmiguelangel Do you recommend use a projector to show your sliceshow or a 27" monitor is gonna do fine? How you do it?

I don't do same day slideshows.

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jonaspeterson Any reason you don't do slideshows? Particularly now that you often add a song to go with the images, it would be nice to see the images fly by - full screen.

I do slideshows for all my clients, I just don't post them on the blog.
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jonaspeterson responded to brandenharvey How do you feel about the over saturation and change of the photography market? Are you nervous? What do you think your future holds?

Not nervous at all. I have no idea what's in my future and I don't worry too much about it. I try and make the most of now.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson when you crop your vertical images for the blog, like the coulson photo, do you find that you often start your crop from the bottom (cutting off some of the top)? i know every image is a bit different, but i'd love to hear your thoughts on this :)



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Generally, yes. My single vertical images are often cropped to a 4x5 aspect ratio.
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jonaspeterson When others rip of your gig right down to your blog and writing style does this just wash off or make your blood boil?

It doesn't bother me much, all I can do is focus on my business and make the most of my situation. Worrying about things I can't control is energy wasted.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to BirgitWalsh I would really love to learn how you achieve these kind of shots? So beautiful. Is it shot through a shear curtain and overexposed or is it post production? Thanks for sharing.

It's all done in camera. It's shot with a tilt shift lens in front of a large window in a room with lots of natural light. If the room isn't bright enough, you will have to use reflectors or shoot with a see through curtain behind her, otherwise the light from the back will be too harsh.
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jonaspeterson responded to jksarkodie j to the p - there's your iconic shot of the couple under the boulevard in centennial park, sydney (sorry - no decent reference) - the dude has a goatie. It's prob my fave ever wedding pic - can you please tell me how you shot it and got that mad bokeh?

Are you referring to this shot? It's shot with the 5DII and a 50mm f/1.2L @1.2. It's also cropped in from the original shot, so if I had stepped closer, the bokeh would have been even creamier.
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jonaspeterson Do you charge gst? If yes, did you always? Just starting out and wondering if I should hold of on charging gst.. thanks

I do, and I did start charging it as soon as I had to according to the Australian laws. When you're starting out you don't have to, but you need to check how much money you're allowed to make before you have to start charging GST.
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jonaspeterson responded to surferlj1 I really want to buy the 35mm L but I keep hearing rumors of a new one coming any week. Since I do a lot to travel stuff (ie dust, sand, water) I want the weather sealing that's supposed to be coming with it. Ever had any drawbacks or problems with yours?

None. Just get it, ok? It's one of the best lenses made.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

What do the numbers mean in the drop down for weddings on your blog?

Nothing. It's just a way to get them in the order I want. Wordpress wants to put them in alphabetical order. I don't.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to GrowingTreeFoto Have you heard about the AF system in the MarkIII? So far I've only sold my Canon zooms lenses, so I'd consider holding out if it looked promising. I love the images from the Canon primes. thanks:)

No, but Canon knows what people want. If the AF isn't vastly improved, people will jump ship.
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jonaspeterson Do you think you'll get two 5DMKII's to replace them? Or something else?

Waiting (not so) patiently for the 5DIII.

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jonaspeterson have you broke or just gone any shutter in your 5d ???

No, but both my 5DII's are getting old. Time to take them out the back to be shot, me thinks.
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jonaspeterson Do you ever do street photography anymore? I remember seeing your old work where you did. I like doing street photography, but I'm a little gun shy when it comes to taking pictures of strangers. Any suggestions on overcoming this?

I do when I'm in cities like Melbourne and New York, but I'm very rarely in Brisbane, so it doesn't happen as often as it should. I love shooting street photography. Watch this three part documentary for inspiration. I watch it AT LEAST a couple of times every year.



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

7 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson responded to Studio222 You gave me a margarita in an elevator in Las Vegas. You said it had whale semen in it. Was it real whale semen or were you joking? ;) it was a pleasure meeting you, hope we cross paths again soon. -Nate



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

I never joke when it comes to whale semen, man, trust me. Pleasure meeting you too.
4 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Do you ever use battery packs on your flashes?

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jonaspeterson you use the white balance your camera for a picture with more yellow tones or prefer to do this when editing?

I prefer to nail things in camera.

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jonaspeterson Shootsac with fancy cover or no?

Hey, I'm not THAT metrosexual...

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jonaspeterson responded to gabeaceves Hey Jonas, do you ever see someone's work you admire and get discouraged? I don't dwell on people's work but sometimes I come across something and get the feeling I won't ever be that good.

Sure, but I'm a glass half full kind of guy. It just pushes me to try harder.
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jonaspeterson album design JP - 100% your call or does the client get input?

I pre-design a whole album and present to client, but they are more than welcome to make changes.
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jonaspeterson favorite quote?

"If you build it, they will come" From the movie "Fields of Dreams" none the less. :)
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jonaspeterson responded to lucianomenardo

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

Your readers can search exclusively in your formspring stream in Google for previous answers. Have to type " term searched". Ex: " bag" or "85mm" or "AES" o "canon". Etc.

2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Do you crop in C1?

If I crop I do it in C1, but I rarely crop, I prefer to compose in camera.

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jonaspeterson Curious what bag you use to carry your gear while traveling. Camera bag / laptop bag separate or combined?

I've answered this about ten times, so I really, REALLY wish you would go back and look for answers. I understand it annoying to have to click the back button, but if I've taken the time to answer over 2000 questions, I think I've earned you taking the time to go back. I use a Crumpler Cork and Fork, but only the back pack insert. It fits two bodies, six lenses, two flashes, batteries and cards. I also carry a separate laptop/messenger bag. It fits a laptop and my Contax 645 plus some other things. I never check any camera gear, always take it as carry on.
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jonaspeterson Do you ever take notes during your consultations?

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jonaspeterson responded to jksarkodie J to the P. How long do you expose your slow-sync dance shots and do you find the subjects are often out of the composition by the time the fash goes off?

I have three different go-to settings I use, but they sometimes need to adjusted depending on the ambient light. And regarding composition, it all comes down to experience. Practice, practice, practice.
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jonaspeterson What ratio do you hand over your photos at?

The original ratio - 2x3


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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson responded to paulfuller Would you say that clipped highlights on a face is something you should try to avoid at all costs, for example in a strong side light would your priority be to hold the highlights on the face? Thanks for your time,love your work!

Yeah, I'd say so. Sometimes the hair will blow, but I try to keep the faces "intact".
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson When your job is delivered. Who is the owner of the pictures, you or the customer? I mean, if you want to publish a picture or get asked to publish a picture, do you have to return to your customer to get their approval first? How does this work?

They are mine. I allow my clients to copy and and print them for personal use, but I retain the copyright. I don't need to ask for their approval if I want use them commercially. This should be covered in your contract.
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jonaspeterson Do you mess with curves in Lightroom and ASE? Or is one curve enough.

I currently don't use LR, I use C1 for my RAW processing, but the answer is that I only use the curves tool in ASE these days. And it's a simple S curve to be honest.
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jonaspeterson re: tilt/meter. wow. i'm sorry dude, i was sincerely asking if it was possible (as I've shot with one and see the meter go wacky as i tilt and shift. really thought u were kidding. i'm remaining anonymous, obviously, as who wants to be called a dickhead.

Ok, no harm done. I shoot that way because I usually keep my lens at the same tilt most of the time. All I will do is rotate it to get it to where I want it. I'm sure metering first and then tilting is the way to go, but I often want to grab a shot on the fly.
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jonaspeterson What was the most different thing about your last wedding, compared to most other weddings youve been to?

I went to my friend's bucks/stag party after I was done. That was a first.
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jonaspeterson Any special complains about 5DMKII?

It's all been said already, both on this stream and other places.
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jonaspeterson Tripod?

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

I keep one in my car for local weddings, but very rarely use it, if ever. I never bring one when I travel. Same goes with lightstands.
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jonaspeterson Do you ever miss to have a lens with more tele than your 135?

I have a 200mm prime as well, I just choose not to use it. My travel bag fits two bodies and six lenses and something has to give. I think it's better to limit yourself to fewer lenses. I want to shoot everything with two lenses, one wide and one long, but I seem to have trouble giving up the four other lenses I use. The 200mm was the first one I let go.
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jonaspeterson Ever used any form of online advertising? Google Ads? Facebook Ads? Buying ads on random sites? What's your best advertising tactic? (Besides word-of-mouth?)

I have never advertised, in my opinion it's not worth it, but to each their own.
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jonaspeterson did you ever buy a video light? if so, what did you get and how do you like it?

Not yet.
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jonaspeterson I've noticed in your 'client' section you have (obviously) all the files from particular Weddings. Some going up to the 800's. How many do you generally deliver from a day? 500? 800? 1000? Are they *all* singular images? Or a lot of duplicates / doubles?

It totally depends on the wedding. Average is probably around 500 these days, normal range is 300-600, but then we have the odd 800, 900 or more but those are usually two day events. I don't do duplicates/doubles.
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jonaspeterson If you had to choose just one of your lenses, what would it be? What is your favorite?

If I had to choose one in the meaning I can't shoot with any other lens, i would choose the 35mm f/1.4L for my digital setup or the 80mm f/2.0 for medium format. However, when I shoot digital I use all my lenses - 24mm, 35mm, 50mm, 85mm, 135mm and 45mm tilt shift. They all serve their purpose and even though I want to leave some of them out of my bag, I seem to use them all every time I shoot.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson has the Planar 80mm experience nudged you down the path toward a digital 85mm?

The Planar 80/2.0 is a medium format lens. It's roughly the equivalent of a 50mm f/1.2 on a full frame 35mm camera (my 5D and 5DII). So, no.
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jonaspeterson I tried searching through and I am sure you've been asked before, so I apologize for a possible repeat. How do you charge for destination weddings (ie: most of your weddings). Do you charge travel + a certain percent on top of your packages?

At this stage I don't. I charge for flights, transport and accommodation on top of my normal packages. I figure destination weddings help me in many ways - they are great for breaking up the pace of local weddings and they make my portfolio look diverse. A local wedding here, a Bali one here, an interstate one here etc. I don't want to shoot one type of wedding, I like to mix things up. Could I and should I charge more for destination weddings? Probably, yes.
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jonaspeterson Hey Jonas, I'd love to come to a workshop of yours and saw that you are working of doing one next year. Do you know in what city it will be? and will you post the details on your site when it comes around? Cheers.

Still only an embryo, but yes, the plan is to do at least a couple of workshops next year, hopefully in the US and maybe also in Europe and Australia. Bali would be nice too. Very, very nice.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson How do you find time to meet up with potential clients and how long do you spend with them? I'm nowhere near as in demand as you but I find it hard to find time to have meetings. Especially on weekends when I'm usually shooting. How do you manage it?

I don't meet people on the weekends ever. Im either shooting, traveling or taking the day off to hang out with my family in 98% of tge cases it's either shooting or traveling. Most of the time I've already booked a couple before I meet them anyway. It's quite rare that I'm one of a number of photographers a couple is considering. I don't know why that is. If I have many meetings booked, I do them back to back on one night, usually at the same place. I'm now building a separate studio/meeting space/office on my property, so when that's ready, I'll meet them there. I live 40 minutes from the city, but if someone doesn't want to travel that far to see me, I know they're not 100% committed. And since I've been lucky enough to be fully booked for almost two years straight, with way more inquiries I can handle, I trust I will be able to book someone who is 100% committed to me and my work.


I hope that makes sense.
3 Smiles Comment Share

Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson what color profile do you use on you blog images? i use adobe rgb on mine and they look whacky on laptop screens. yours look great on both my mbp and imac what's the secret? love your film work, by the way.

You have to use sRGB for web images, it's as simple s that.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Hey Jonas, I'm looking at buying some albums internationally, how do you compensate quotes for the fluctuating AU$? Cheers man! Sorry, didn't mean to shout...

Charge enough not to have to worry about the fluctuations :)

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jonaspeterson responded to elemi76 How do you manage the nakedness of the bride when shooting while she is dressing up? Are there some of them that dont want you to shoot her on that moment? Im doing my first wedding soon and just wanted to know. Thanks!

I stand outside the room, or I face the other way until she's half dressed. The bride or the bridesmaids give me the all clear and I enter/turn around and start shooting.
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jonaspeterson what lens on the contax?

Planar 80mm f/2.0

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jonaspeterson how do approach your formals without a 24-70? two camera with two primes o that you can do full body and waist up portraits? thanks senor!

A 35mm lens and the secret weapon - my feet.

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jonaspeterson with your photos being so good sooc, is there a reason why you don't use jpeg as apposed to RAW

Not really, but knowing that RAW is more forgiving should I choose to tweak something, makes it worth the extra hassle. That's what I keep telling myself at least.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

sorry for what i know is a dumb question... Is porta 400 35mm film or medium format? i thought your contax was medium format, but i thought porta was normal film...?

The new Portra 400 is available for 35mm, medium format as well as large format.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson what do you think is the best new photography product out there?

Kodak Portra 400

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jonaspeterson In Iceland will you catch a few gigs from the amazing musicians reigning from there? With such a crazy schedule, do you get the chance to see many gigs?

If I ever get to go there, yes, I'd love to watch some gigs. I very rarely find time for gigs these days.
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jonaspeterson Hi Jonas could I please ask you what program you designed you website/blog (which would it be described as?) and if you did it yourself? Many Thanks!

I use a heavily tweaked blog template from ProPhoto Blogs. I tweaked it myself.
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jonaspeterson Do you have the lab pull process your film when you over expose by 2 stops?

No, some color neg films look better when over-exposed and then developed normally. Fuji 400H is one of them. The new Kodak Portra 400 looks better rated at box speed (400) and developed normally. Portra can also be underexposed and still developed normally, which is pretty unique. I recommend looking at Jonathan Canlas formspring feed for all questions about film. I merely dabble.
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jonaspeterson Hi Jonas, not sure if you answered this before but when you export your files from Capture1 do you export as .jpegs or .tiff files? Is there any difference between editing the exported .jpeg vs. .tiff in photoshop? Thank you!

I do jpegs, but tiffs are better. Not that you'd notice much difference, but in theory, you can open and save tiffs as many times as you like without losing quality. WIth a jpg file you lose a little quality every time you re-save it.
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jonaspeterson responded to Bethers



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

do you find clients go with your lowest-priced packages or the higher-priced ones?

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jonaspeterson responded to davidmacvicar In your film post, it looks like a shot of Iceland airlines flying through the sky...have you ever been to Iceland? I am going for the first time in June, from Canada.

I flew from Stockholm to NYC via Iceland, but I never left the airport. It's one of my dream destinations, so I will go back one day.
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jonaspeterson Obviously these days we are very spoilt with lovely (relatively) noise free sensors at 1600+ and you arent hesitant to go above this. Did you find yourself shooting at very high isos back when you had your 5D?

Rarely higher than ISO 1600.

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jonaspeterson Sorry if you have answered this one Jonas, but have you or would you ever consider running any 'masterclasses' for us mere mortals? If so, I would love to put my name down as a participant....

I will most likely offer some workshops next year. I'm working on the content as we speak. I will also try and guest speak at some workshops this year.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Why RPL and not a pro lab in Australia dude?

Because so many people are saying RPL is the beez knees. I will try the aussie labs too for comparison.
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jonaspeterson responded to finnrose You have traveled a ton of for your work and seen a lot of the world; is there one special place where you would want to take your little boys so they could experience it too?

I take my boys to the island where I used to spend my summers as a kid. It's called Gotland and is four hours by ferry from the Swedish mainland. They've been there twice already. And we're going back again this year. I also want them to see Bali.
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson now that you're shooting film, when you send to rpl do you give them instructions for color



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

preference or do you just let them do it their way? your tones/contrast/colors turn out beautiful, I've had hit and miss luck, could be shooting mistakes though.

This is the first batch I've sent to them. What I posted on the blog is what I got back. Exposing properly is extremely important even though film has great latitude. I have plenty of bad photos in that batch, but I think all of them look like crap because of how I shot them.
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jonaspeterson How do you get featured on so many sites? Do you contact them and let them know what you're up to or do they find you?

I have a few blogs I stay in touch with. The rest are contacting me. Same goes for magazines.
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jonaspeterson so do you stick to a working schedule for post production work or you're a night owl too?

Mainly a working schedule, but right now I'm building my home studio in a separate building. When it's ready I will definitely treat editing like a 9-5 job. No editing after hours.
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jonaspeterson Regarding the drinking at weddings question: Are you referring to something happening to equipment (damaged, stolen)? I have an equipment policy for those reasons, but is there a business or other policy I can look into to protect myself? Cheers :)

Liability insurance
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jonaspeterson What's the purpose of the images in quality 50?

To get the file size down.

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jonaspeterson Jonas im never sure whether or not to drink alcohol at weddings... especially receptions... whats your policy?

You shouldn't. If something happens and you've been seen drinking, you're insurance company will most likely not cover your ass.
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jonaspeterson responded to sterooney You answer a lot of questions which is great. Thanks a lot. Here's another. Do you take details of things like who made the dress, shoes etc? If so how do you go about it?



Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

If I send a wedding to a wedding blog, I will send them a questionnaire I've put together.
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jonaspeterson have you noticed front focus on all servo mode ???

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jonaspeterson When the aliens come, do you think you'll continue shooting weddings?

Shit no.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson how do you stay focused while doing post production work? i get distracted every 5mins by everything else online

I'm the same.

3 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson Did you have to complete compulsory military service in Sweden? What service were you in?

Yes. I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Do you do anything to combat potential or existing pain/tendonitis/strain in your wrists from editing or holding your camera?

No, my body has been good to me over the years. No pain at all.
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jonaspeterson Jonas, you do mostly full day coverage right? Do you find yourself following the women to the salon early in the morning - getting hair done, etc/? Or are your brides doing all that somewhere else and later in the day

Some do it at salons, some at home, but most people do it at the venue, a hotel or nearby accommodation. And yes, I cover it.
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

part 2 of jwills27's last question -- i'm curious if you run 'a better web sharpen' at 75% after the 'fit image 700x500px' step? also, are the lo-res files what we see on thanks!

Yeah, I missed that step, I do sharpen for web. And no, I have a special blog action that creates my blog images, singles, diptychs and triptychs and the action(s) require my hi-res images.
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jonaspeterson responded to jwills27 Hey mentioned an action for all of your images towards the end of your workflow that creates hi-res files, lo-res files, and proofs. What action is that?? Because that would revolutionize my workflow timeline! Thanks for your time...

Record action save as 11 in folder xx fit image 700x500px save for web at image quality 70 in folder xy save for web at image quality 50 in folder xz close, don't save stop recording action
2 Smiles Comment Share

jonaspeterson sorry if already answered, but do you use a light meter? if so, which? have no words for your photography, except, brilliant! photo renaissance is coming.

I have JUST started shooting with a light meter when I shoot film (medium format mostly). I use a Sekonic 758.
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jonaspeterson why does my lens hood vignette in the corners on the 5d MK II - both 35L and 24-70L? I realise Im shooting wide angle on full frame, but aren't the lens hoods designed to not show in corners (& 24-35 isnt that wide a focal length)...

If you shoot wide open, there's natural vignette, but the hood should definitely not show in your photos. It WILL show if you don't screw the hood on properly.
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jonaspeterson firstly, you're a beast at life and Hazelton is one of the best songs Vernon's written, so that just made my day I was wondering what class you fly when doing international weddings? Do you ask for economy flights from the client?

It depends on my schedule. If it's tight and a long flight, I tell my clients the benefits of having me arrive rested (ie fly business class), but I'm ok with flying economy too. Up to them.
1 Smile Comment Share

jonaspeterson Ever use the square expansion technique?


Pardon me?
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Jonas Peterson (jonaspeterson) | Formspring

jonaspeterson responded to alecais Any books changed your life, or at least your way of looking at life? Cheers

Fat, forty and fired by Nigel Marsh.

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jonaspeterson Super-urgent question ;o) I bought a Hartblei TS 80mm from Ukraine (hobby photographer it's cheaper), how familiar are you with those - I think this might have been a rip-off? Kind regards, Victoria

Not familiar at all.

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jonaspeterson Hi, how much of the cost of one of your wedding shoots goes on film/processing, etc.?

I shoot digital, my anonymous friend.

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jonaspeterson Quality? How is C1 better in quality vs. LR3? I'm sure it's a "just looks better to me" thing.. But what exactly? :)

I'm not doing the pixel peeping game, sorry. You're more than welcome to do it yourself. I like the files SOOC in C1. In LR that's rarely the case. To me, that's reason enough...
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jonaspeterson LR3 vs C1 which one workflow is easier ?

C1 is more limited, but I like it like that. The fewer things I can do to an image, the better. LR is easier to work with, but the quality of the C1 files is what attracts me to it.
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