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Process Control Electrical Fire Fighting Pipeline Piping Civil Mechanical To"a#: x x x x x



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PE+(:;$E+*AM GA1 <:$*+ 1+:C= C:(P:(A+$:* P;GA1 CAMA> GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+ MA*AGEME*+ B:A(D >PDA+$*G FEA11$B$?$+@ 1+>D@ F:( GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+


3- INTRODUCTION -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 4- SPARING PHILOSOPHY-----------------------------------------------------------------------------5 1- DESIGN CASES -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 2- DESIGN TEMPERATURE 9 PRESSURE---------------------------------------------------: ;- E UIPMENT 9 PIPELINE SI<ING -----------------------------------------------------------34 5- PLANT LAYOUT----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------45 :- REFERENCES-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4: 310 2- P=)po'% o> Do(=m%n"------------------------------------------------------------------------------13 ;- GENERAL INFORMATION AND RE UIREMENTS---------------------------------13 5- BASIS OF FIRE?ATER DEMAND------------------------------------------------------------11 :- FIRE FIGHTING SYSTEM-------------------------------------------------------------------------15 @- >*)% Aa"%) B >oam .%man. (a#(=#a"*on-----------------------------------------------------15 C- CAPACITY OF THE FIRE ?ATER TANK -------------------------------------------------24 30- CAPACITY OF THE FOAM TANK-----------------------------------------------------------24 33- NPSH P=mp Ca#(=#a"*on -----------------------------------------------------------------------22 34- (a#(=#a"*on >=%# (on'=mp"*on >o) ma*n >*)%Aa"%) .*%'%# %n6*n%' p=mP 2; 31- #*n% '*D*n6 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25 32- CONCLUSION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25 3;- app%n.*(%'----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2:

Pile Calculation (Typical)Process Document No. U-00034-PRCI-C !CRT-000" Page 3 3 R%&.0

Design o#

Criteria 4$8

PE+(:;$E+*AM GA1 <:$*+ 1+:C= C:(P:(A+$:* P;GA1 CAMA> GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+ MA*AGEME*+ B:A(D >PDA+$*G FEA11$B$?$+@ 1+>D@ F:( GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+



Project Description

A Pre-feasibility Study (PFS) was conducted by Worley Parsons in 2008, to investi ate t!e "otential to build a new #$% &'traction Plant to recover %P$ and condensate fro( e'istin and future as "roduction in sout!west of )ietna(* Petro)ietna( $as !as recently initiated t!e "resent Feasibility Study to furt!er investi ate t!e o"tions for a new $as Processin Plant ($PP), includin t!e associated residue as and li+uids e'"ort "i"elines and ter(inal facilities* ,!e re ion currently receives natural as fro( P-3 and .oa -ai fields, w!ic! feed several as-fired "ower "lants at /a -au* ,!e develo"(ent of an #$% e'traction "lant will close t!e a" between t!e %P$ su""ly and de(and in t!e (ar0et* ,!e "ro1ect will (a'i(i2e t!e value of do(estic as reserves and add diversity to t!e )ietna(ese ener y "ortfolio* ,!is additional source of do(estic %P$ will !el" to (eet t!e increasin de(and for %P$ wit!in )ietna(* ,!e (ain facilities are included $as "rocessin stora e facilities and "roducts e'"ortin 1etty*
1.2 Scope and Purpose

"lan ($PP)3 "roduction

,!e "ur"ose of t!is docu(ent is to define t!e Process 4esi n /riteria for t!e desi n of /a -au $PP, associated &'"ort ,er(inal facilities and interconnectin ons!ore "i"elines* ,!e ob1ectives of t!is docu(ent are5 ,o "rovide a consistent set of e+ui"(ent* uidelines for "reli(inary si2in of

&nsure e+ui"(ent ca"acities are deter(ined to (ini(ise e+ui"(ent costs* ,o eli(inate e'cess ca"acity fro( t!e desi n by avoidin t!e addition of unnecessary (ar ins*

,!e Process 4esi n /riteria is a 6livin 7 docu(ent w!ic! will be sub1ect to furt!er revisions as t!e "ro1ect tec!nical definition and en ineerin wor0 "ro resses*
Pile Calculation (Typical)Process Document No. U-00034-PRCI-C !CRT-000" Page 8 4 R%&.0 Design o# Criteria 4$8

PE+(:;$E+*AM GA1 <:$*+ 1+:C= C:(P:(A+$:* P;GA1 CAMA> GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+ MA*AGEME*+ B:A(D >PDA+$*G FEA11$B$?$+@ 1+>D@ F:( GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+

PILE CALCULATION 7TYPICALPROCESS DESIGN CRITERIA8 ,!is docu(ent s!ould be read in con1unction wit! ot!er desi n "!iloso"!ies, s"ecifications and referenced docu(ents*
1.3 Abbreviations and De initions

Abbreviation A/9% AS-& AP: /92 F&&4 FS%% $PP $PSA :4 .;-< ./4P .&,P .,FS= As"entec! .>? .@S@S .%% A, B94 %A. %A% %A.. %A%% %%% %CA.. %CA%% %P$ -9P #$% #2 #%%

Description Air /ooler 4esi n Software fro( As"entec! A(erican Society of -ec!anical &n ineers A(erican Petroleu( :nstitute /arbon 4io'ide Front &nd &n ineerin 4esi n Flow Switc! %ow %ow $as Processin Plant $as Processors Su""liers Association :nternal 4ia(eter .eat ; -aterial <alance .ydrocarbon 4ew Point .ei !t &+uivalent of a ,!eoretical Plate S!ell ; ,ube .eat &'c!an er 4esi n Software fro( .eat >ecovery ?nit Process Si(ulation Software fro( As"entec! .i ! %i+uid %evel Aoule ,!o(son Bnoc0-out 4ru( %evel Alar( .i ! %evel Alar( %ow %evel Alar( .i ! .i ! (.i ! %evel ,ri") %evel Alar( %ow %ow (%ow %evel ,ri") %ow %i+uid %evel %evel Alar( .i ! .i ! (.i ! %evel ,ri") %evel Alar( %ow %ow (%ow %evel ,ri") %i+uefied Petroleu( $as -a'i(u( 9"eratin Pressure #atural $as %i+uids #itro en #or(al %i+uid %evel
Design o# Criteria 4$8

Pile Calculation (Typical)Process Document No. U-00034-PRCI-C !CRT-000" Page D 5 R%&.0

PE+(:;$E+*AM GA1 <:$*+ 1+:C= C:(P:(A+$:* P;GA1 CAMA> GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+ MA*AGEME*+ B:A(D >PDA+$*G FEA11$B$?$+@ 1+>D@ F:( GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+

PILE CALCULATION 7TYPICALPROCESS DESIGN CRITERIA8 #PS. #PS.A #PS.> #P) #>) P/.& P)# PS) ,<4 ,&-A ),A W/ 2. #et Positive Suction .ead #et Positive Suction .ead Available #et Positive Suction .ead >e+uired #et Present )alue #on >eturn )alve Printed /ircuit .eat &'c!an er Petro)ietna( Pressure Safety )alve ,o <e 4eter(ined ,ubular &'c!an er -anufacturers Association )endor to Advise Water /olu(n
%ajor &'uip(ent

SPARIN! P"I#OSOP"$ $enerally no installed s"ares will be "rovided e'ce"t for critical "u("s and utilities, for w!ic! an #=E "!iloso"!y is ado"ted, and for e+ui"(ent, t!e loss of w!ic! would cause a !a2ard, "rolon ed flarin or unacce"table loss of su""ly to a downstrea( facility* Suc! e+ui"(ent would include "ro"ane and butane "roduct c!illin refri eration and re-li+uefaction co("ressor units in %P$ stora e facilities, a E00F s"are bein "rovided for eac! of t!ese syste(s*

$enerally no installed s"ares are "rovided e'ce"t for t!e control valves in t!e fuel as syste( and relief valves* S"are relief valves are to be "rovided for all relievin cases e'cludin t!er(al relief (but includin fire relief) unless t!e e+ui"(ent w!ic! t!e relief valve "rotects is s"ared, or t!e e+ui"(ent is "art of a train and t!e train will be ta0en out of service for (aintenance of relief valves*

Additional s"arin will only be "rovided if 1ustified based on availability i("rove(ents in facility t!rou !"ut usin an #P) based assess(ent* 3. D&SI!N CAS&S ,!e feed as flowrate and co("osition for $PP are as s"ecified in t!e Process <asis of 4esi n GEH* As"entec! .@S@S "rocess si(ulation software will be used for "rocess (odelin and deter(ination of t!e $PP "roduct co("ositions and flowrates* 4etail "rocess data of $PP "roduct strea(s !as been done and s"ecified by t!e "rocess "ac0a e %icensor (?9P "ro"osed in <asic &n ineerin 4esi n sta e and "rovided by /lient)*
Pile Calculation (Typical)Process Document No. U-00034-PRCI-C !CRT-000" Page I 6 R%&.0 Design o# Criteria 4$8

PE+(:;$E+*AM GA1 <:$*+ 1+:C= C:(P:(A+$:* P;GA1 CAMA> GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+ MA*AGEME*+ B:A(D >PDA+$*G FEA11$B$?$+@ 1+>D@ F:( GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+

PILE CALCULATION 7TYPICALPROCESS DESIGN CRITERIA8 *. D&SI!N T&%P&RATUR& + PR&SSUR& :n t!is section, t!e desi n te("erature and "ressure are t!e values to be used for (ec!anical desi n of t!e e+ui"(ent or "i"in concerned* :n eneral any "ressure relievin device will be set at or below t!e desi n "ressure and any stress calculation will be wit!in t!e boundary of t!e desi n te("eratures* ,!e basic "!iloso"!y for deter(inin t!e desi n "ressures and te("eratures is based on "rocess o"eratin conditions "lus a s"ecified safety (ar in* :n no case will t!e (a'i(u( desi n "ressure or te("erature be less t!an t!e o"eratin "ressure or te("erature "lus t!e safety (ar in* 4esi n for !i !er "ressures or (ore e'tre(e te("eratures to "rovide for fle'ibility of o"eration or (ore efficient start-u" and s!ut-down o"erations will be on an e'ce"tion basis and will be sub1ect to a""roval by t!e a""ro"riate %ead &n ineer, t!e Pro1ect &n ineer and t!e client* :t is necessary to review t!e "rocess syste( and associated e+ui"(ent t!orou !ly for t!e followin 5 #or(al and (a'i(u( o"eratin conditions <lowdown and de"ressurin and s!ort ter( conditions w!ic! (ay be e'"erienced durin start-u" or s!ut-down* &(er ency conditions suc! as electric "ower failure, instru(ent air failure, coolin water failure etc* 9ver"ressure "rotection of t!e syste( (e'cessive relief syste( cost (ay be incurred if t!e s"ecified desi n "ressures and te("eratures are not co("atible)* >e+uired codes and standards suc! as, AS-&, AP: as well as any local or national codes and standards* :ndividual e+ui"(ent o"eration and failure and its interaction wit! t!e ot!er e+ui"(ent in t!e syste(* ?"strea( and downstrea( conditions of t!e syste(* Safety valve set "ressures* Pu(" s!ut off !ead conditions* >e eneration air dryin * /onditions durin "ur in , start-u", s!ut-down (e * co("ressor settle out conditions)* -ini(u(J(a'i(u( a(bient conditions* Possibility of vacuu( occurrin fro( va"our condensation* Fire conditions - note t!at relief conditions in e+ui"(ent durin a fire case are not nor(ally to be used in establis!in desi n conditions* ,!e effect of fire is ta0en into account in si2in and settin of safety and "ressure relief devices to "revent ru"ture of e+ui"(ent and "i"in *
-a'i(u( 4esi n Pressure

*.1 E*E


Pressure retainin

e+ui"(ent s!all be desi ned for (a'i(u( o"eratin

Design o# Criteria 4$8

Pile Calculation (Typical)Process Document No. U-00034-PRCI-C !CRT-000" Page K 7 R%&.0

PE+(:;$E+*AM GA1 <:$*+ 1+:C= C:(P:(A+$:* P;GA1 CAMA> GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+ MA*AGEME*+ B:A(D >PDA+$*G FEA11$B$?$+@ 1+>D@ F:( GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+

PILE CALCULATION 7TYPICALPROCESS DESIGN CRITERIA8 "ressure or e'"ected u"set, "lus a safety factor t!at is at least t!e reater of t!e followin 5 Tab)e *.1,1 Desi-n Criteria or Pressure S.ste(s and At(osp/eric Tan0s S.ste( %a1. OperatinPressure 2%OP3 2bar-3 0 to E0 E0 to K0 L K0 At(* and low "ressure Stora e ,an0s <lan0eted At(* and "ressure Stora e ,an0s low Desi-n Pressure Criteria -9P = E bar or, 3*D bar , w!ic!ever !i !er -9P ' E*E or, -9P = 2 bar w!ic!ever is !i !er ,

-9P ' E*08D or, -9P =E0 bar, w!ic!ever !i !er Water (or !i !est density) li+uid filled = 200 (( W/ and (-) D0 (( W/* Water (or !i !est density li+uid) filled = DI0 (( W/ and (-) ID (( W/ K*0 bar (ini(u(

)essels w!ere defla ration can occur (Flare B94)

,!ese (ar ins are s"ecified to allow sufficient a" between o"eratin "ressures and desi n "ressures to enable tri"s to be set at inter(ediate "ressures so t!at t!ey5 /an reliably function before t!e relief valve lifts* Will not s"uriously tri" w!en o"eratin at t!e iven (a'i(u( "ressure*

>elief )alves will be set at not !i !er t!an desi n "ressure of e+ui"(ent, AP: D20 Part : G3H* ,!e desi n "ressure s!all also account for u"set or transient conditions suc! as start-u", "ressure sur e, settle-out "ressure at co("ressor suction etc*
E*2 -ini(u( 4esi n Pressure ()acuu()

&+ui"(ent t!at o"erates at or below at(os"!eric "ressure will enerally be desi ned for full vacuu(* S"ecifications of t!e "artial vacuu( condition will be avoided w!ere "ractical* &+ui"(ent t!at could be sub1ected to a vacuu( under abnor(al conditions suc! as5 )acuu( conditions durin "ur es start-u", s!utdown and J or re eneration

#or(ally o"erated full of li+uid but can be bloc0ed in and cooled down /ontainin condensable va"or but can be bloc0ed in and cooled down /ould e'"erience a vacuu( condition due to loss of !eat in"ut
Design o# Criteria 4$8

Pile Calculation (Typical)Process Document No. U-00034-PRCI-C !CRT-000" Page 8 8 R%&.0

PE+(:;$E+*AM GA1 <:$*+ 1+:C= C:(P:(A+$:* P;GA1 CAMA> GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+ MA*AGEME*+ B:A(D >PDA+$*G FEA11$B$?$+@ 1+>D@ F:( GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+


,!ese will be reviewed on a case by case basis* ,!ese ite(s will be desi ned for full vacuu( unless fully reliable "rotective devices are "rovided suc! as vacuu( brea0ers, "ressuri2ation as, low "ressure switc!, etc* &'ce"tional J accidental conditions will be considered and t!e selected desi n "ressure will be 1ustified on a case-by-case basis*
E*3 -a'i(u( 4esi n ,e("erature

,!e (a'i(u( desi n te("erature s!ould be set at t!e followin 5 -a'i(u( o"eratin te("erature "lus at least 2DM/

reater of t!e

<lac0 bulb te("erature of IDM/ unless t!e e+ui"(ent is insulated or ot!er (iti atin action is ta0en or "ro1ect location dictates a lower or !i !er value*

W!en establis!in desi n te("erature, consideration s!ould be iven to all abnor(al o"eratin conditions e* * start-u", relievin conditions, s!ut down, de"ressurin , re eneration etc* For "rocess coolers, consideration s!ould be iven to desi nin downstrea( e+ui"(ent for t!e u"strea( desi n condition* >eliance on devices suc! as te("erature tri"s to "rotect downstrea( e+ui"(ent in t!e event of coolin failure s!ould be avoided, because5

,!e instru(ent res"onse ti(e is unli0ely to be sufficiently ra"id to offer any "rotection* t!e reliability of t!e s!utdown syste( would need to be analysed and confir(ed to be satisfactory*
-ini(u( 4esi n ,e("erature

,!e worst case conditions for (ini(u( te("erature s!ould be calculated for t!e followin scenarios5 Start-u" Pressurisation5 4urin start-u" into de"ressurised syste(s, low "rocess fluid te("eratures can occur due to t!e Aoule-,!o(son (A,) effect downstrea( of any restriction* W!ere t!e calculated start-u" te("eratures are considered too onerous in co("arison wit! nor(al o"eratin (ini(u( te("erature, consideration (ay be iven to o"erational safe uards durin start-u" to avoid t!is scenario (e* * nitro en "ressuri2in or use of "rocedural controls and te("erature (onitorin durin start-u" "ressurisation)* #or(al 9"eration5 e* * %ow te("erature "rocess 4rainin 5 e* * 4rainin fro( syste(s containin fluids at low te("erature* 4e"ressurisin 5 &(er ency de"ressuri2ation or "lanned de"ressuri2ation for (aintenance* &+ui"(ent (ini(u( desi n te("erature will be set accordin to lowest of t!e followin criteria5
Pile Calculation (Typical)Process Document No. U-00034-PRCI-C !CRT-000" Page N 9 R%&.0 Design o# Criteria 4$8

PE+(:;$E+*AM GA1 <:$*+ 1+:C= C:(P:(A+$:* P;GA1 CAMA> GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+ MA*AGEME*+ B:A(D >PDA+$*G FEA11$B$?$+@ 1+>D@ F:( GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+

PILE CALCULATION 7TYPICALPROCESS DESIGN CRITERIA8 -ini(u( a(bient te("erature E8M/* DM/ below (ini(u( Syste( 9"eratin ,e("erature

For initially va"our filled vessels w!ere li+uid does not condense durin blowdown, t!e (ini(u( (etal desi n te("erature of t!e vessel will be ta0en as t!e te("erature "redicted by .@S@S for t!e vessel wall wit! a 20o/ (ar in a""lied* For vessels w!ic! containin boilin li+uid w!ic! is "resent at t!e end of blowdown, (includin vessels w!ere li+uid condenses and is "resent at t!e end of blowdown), t!e vessel (ini(u( (etal desi n te("erature will be set at t!e (ini(u( li+uid te("erature wit! no (ar in a""lied* 4e"ressurisin no22les on vessels s!ould be assu(ed to reac! t!e as te("erature as "redicted by .@S@S* ,!is allows for t!e reater !eat transfer coefficient between t!e flowin as and t!e (etal of t!e "i"e* :t is not "ossible to deter(ine !ow +uic0ly an e+ui"(ent ite( or section of "lant will be re"ressurised followin blowdown and resultant coolin of e+ui"(ent* /onse+uently, bot! t!e (a'i(u( and (ini(u( desi n te("eratures s!ould be considered to be coincident wit! (a'i(u( desi n "ressure*
*.2 Pressure 4esse)s + At(osp/eric Tan0s

For "ressure vessels desi n "ressure s!all relate to t!e to" of a vessel (to" tan ent line in vertical dru(s) and t!erefore will not include any li+uid !ead in t!e vessel* ,!e desi n "ressure and te("erature for stora e vessels s!all be considered on a case by case basis* ,!e desi n "ressure s!ould be based on t!e va"our "ressure of t!e contained fluid at t!e (a'i(u( te("erature t!at can be reac!ed in stora e* At(os"!eric stora e tan0s are enerally to be desi ned for 200 (( to DI0 (( water au e "ressure* >eference s!ould also be (ade to AP: 2000, )entin At(os"!eric and %ow Pressure Stora e ,an0s* Fire conditions will not be considered in establis!in t!e desi n te("erature of a vessel
*.3 "eat e1c/an-ers

,!e desi n "ressure of !eat e'c!an ers (unless t!e "rocess syste( dictates ot!erwise) s!all be t!e reater of t!e followin 5 -a'i(u( o"eratin above* "ressure and safety (ar ins as "er ,able 3-E

Pu(" s!ut-in "ressure (see 8*8 below)

/onsideration of t!e EJE*3 rule in AP: >PD2E concernin tube ru"ture in s!ell and tube !eat e'c!an ers (if a""licable)* ,!e (a'i(u( desi n te("erature of P/.&s and "late !eat e'c!an ers is set at t!e !i !est (a'i(u( of bot! sides of t!e e'c!an er* For s!ell and tube !eat e'c!an ers, w!enever t!e s!ell side fluid is !otter t!an t!e tube side fluid, t!e desi n te("erature on t!e tube side is to be (ade e+ual to t!e s!ell side desi n te("erature*
Pile Calculation (Typical)Process Document No. U-00034-PRCI-C !CRT-000" Page E0 10 R%&.0 Design o# Criteria 4$8

PE+(:;$E+*AM GA1 <:$*+ 1+:C= C:(P:(A+$:* P;GA1 CAMA> GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+ MA*AGEME*+ B:A(D >PDA+$*G FEA11$B$?$+@ 1+>D@ F:( GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+

PILE CALCULATION 7TYPICALPROCESS DESIGN CRITERIA8 ,!e (ini(u( desi n te("erature of P/.&s and "late !eat e'c!an ers is set at t!e lowest (ini(u( of bot! sides of t!e e'c!an er* For s!ell and tube e'c!an ers w!enever t!e s!ell side fluid is cooler t!an t!e tube side fluid, t!e desi n te("erature on t!e tube side is set at t!e s!ell side desi n te("erature*
*.* E*E Pu(ps /entrifu al Pu("

,!e re+uired desi n "ressure for t!e "u(" disc!ar e will be calculated as follows5 Pd O PS (a' = (E*20 ' .ead ' S$(a') J E0*2 W!ere5 Pd O 4esi n "ressure at "u(" disc!ar e (bar ) PS (a' O -a'i(u( suction "ressure, w!ic! s!all at least be e+ual to t!e su( of t!e set "ressure of t!e relief valve on t!e suction side of t!e "u(" "lus t!e (a'i(u( !ydrostatic !ead* .ead O .ead of t!e "u(" at t!e desi n "oint (() S$(a' O -a'i(u( s"ecific ravity of li+uid "u("ed under nor(al o"eratin conditions W!en t!e actual "u(" curves are available, t!is esti(ated desi n "ressure s!all be c!ec0ed a ainst t!e actual s!ut-in !ead of t!e "u(" wit! t!e (a'i(u( suction "ressure and t!e (a'i(u( s"ecific ravity* #ote5 -a'i(u( rated s"eed for variable s"eed drives is to be s"ecified as E*E ti(es t!e s"eed for t!e nor(al differential "ressure at rated flow* ,!e final (a'i(u( s!ut in "ressure will be confir(ed wit! t!e "articular vendor durin detail desi n*
E*2 Positive 4is"lace(ent Pu("s

>eci"rocatin "u("s are ca"able of develo"in disc!ar e "ressures substantially !i !er t!an nor(al o"eratin levels* ,!e desi n "ressure on t!e disc!ar e side s!all be s"ecified wit! at least E0F (ar in above t!e -a'i(u( 9"eratin Pressure of t!e downstrea( syste(, and "ressure relief s!all be "rovided* :n case of two "ositive dis"lace(ent "u("s installed in series, t!e (a'i(u( differential !ead will be t!e su( of t!e (a'i(u( differential !ead "rovided between t!e "u("s* #otes5 E) :f t!e "u(" nor(ally "u("s li !t fluid, but (i !t be "u("in water, or any ot!er !eavy fluid under so(e o"eratin conditions, t!en t!e s!ut-off differential !ead w!en "u("in t!e !eavy fluid s!all be used to deter(ine t!e (a'i(u( disc!ar e "ressure* :n t!e case of e'tre(ely !i ! "u(" s!ut-in "ressure, "ressure relief or !i ! inte rity instru(ented over"ressure "rotection syste(s
Design o# Criteria 4$8


Pile Calculation (Typical)Process Document No. U-00034-PRCI-C !CRT-000" Page EE 11 R%&.0

PE+(:;$E+*AM GA1 <:$*+ 1+:C= C:(P:(A+$:* P;GA1 CAMA> GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+ MA*AGEME*+ B:A(D >PDA+$*G FEA11$B$?$+@ 1+>D@ F:( GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+

PILE CALCULATION 7TYPICALPROCESS DESIGN CRITERIA8 s!ould be evaluated as alternatives to a !i ! syste( desi n "ressure* 3) :n certain instances, suc! as !i ! !ead "u("s disc!ar in into "i"eline syste(, (a'i(u( allowable s!ut-in !ead (ay be s"ecified to "u(" vendors*



,!e (a'i(u( o"eratin "ressure for co("ressor suction scrubbers is t!e co("ression syste( settle-out "ressure* ,!e desi n "ressure on t!e suction side of t!e co("ressor syste( is deter(ined as t!e (a'i(u( settle out "ressure "lus a DF (ar in* ,!e suction "ressure s!ould also be c!ec0ed for t!e coincident o"eratin conditions of5 -a'i(u( suction "ressure -a'i(u( s"eed /o("ressor at or near sur e "oint .i !est (olecular wei !t as in syste(

/onsideration (ay be iven to desi nin t!e w!ole co("ression loo" for t!e full disc!ar e "ressure if t!is "rovides a si("ler, safer desi n wit!out e'cessively increasin t!e cost of t!e syste(* 4esi n te("erature on t!e suction side is nor(ally e+ual to t!e desi n te("erature s"ecified for t!e e+ui"(ent u"strea( of t!e co("ressor* S"ecial conditions suc! as (ini(u( flow recycle, start-u" conditions etc* (ust be considered* ,!e co("ressor su""lier s!ould be consulted in suc! cases* Suction te("eratures durin settle out s!ould also be considered* ,!e disc!ar e desi n te("erature is nor(ally set by t!e co("ressor su""lier* ,!e co("atibility of t!e su""lier data wit! t!e rest of t!e syste( s!ould be c!ec0ed to ensure t!e a""ro"riate (ar ins are "rovided* ,!e disc!ar e te("erature wit! t!e co("ressor in full recycle s!all be considered*
*.6 Pipe)ines

?nless ot!erwise s"ecified, t!e -9P (-a'i(u( 9"eratin Pressure) for t!e Pi"elines is "rovided for desi n "ur"ose* -9P is nor(ally t!e desi n "ressure of t!e last e+ui"(ent u"strea( t!e "i"eline "lus t!e !ydrostatic "ressure due to Pi"eline "rofile* 5. &7UIP%&NT + PIP&#IN& SI8IN! :n eneral, e+ui"(ent and "i"elines will be si2ed for t!e controllin o"eratin case deter(ined by analysis of t!e flow rates, o"eratin "ressures and te("eratures for all identified o"eratin (odes accordin to t!e uidelines below* /onsideration s!all also be iven to start-u" and s!utdown conditions and ot!er off-desi n o"erations w!ere t!ese si nificantly i("act on si2in **
4esse)s + Stora-e Tan0s D*E*E 4esi n -ar in

#o additional (ar in s!all be a""lied over and above t!e overnin desi n
Pile Calculation (Typical)Process Document No. U-00034-PRCI-C !CRT-000" Page E2 12 R%&.0 Design o# Criteria 4$8

PE+(:;$E+*AM GA1 <:$*+ 1+:C= C:(P:(A+$:* P;GA1 CAMA> GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+ MA*AGEME*+ B:A(D >PDA+$*G FEA11$B$?$+@ 1+>D@ F:( GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+

PILE CALCULATION 7TYPICALPROCESS DESIGN CRITERIA8 case for vessel si2in * Any inter(ediate or recycle strea( s!all be duly account for w!ile s"ecifyin inlet feed rates* For reflu' dru(s and ot!er inter(ediate !old-u" vessels, residence ti(e s!all be based on t!e overnin desi n case (a'i(u( inlet flowrate* For se"arators and colu(ns wit! "ro"rietary internals, si2in will be confir(ed by t!e vendor, w!o will be res"onsible for t!e "erfor(ance uarantee and will "rovide t!eir own (ar ins to ac!ieve t!is* ,!e re+uired volu(e to !andle li+uid sur es will be deter(ined on a vessel by vessel basis* ,!e sur e volu(e will be able to be acco((odated between #%% and .%%* <ul0 li+uids stora e tan0s s!all be si2ed in accordance wit! t!e ca"acity criteria s"ecified in t!e Process <asis of 4esi n GEH*
D*E*2 2-P!ase )a"ourJ%i+uid Se"arators

Preli(inary si2in of vertical va"ourJli+uid se"arators (ay be "erfor(ed usin t!e followin e+uation5
v max = K ( l v ) v

(&+uation D*E*E)


)(a' O (a'i(u( allowable su"erficial velocity ((Js)

B O constant de"endent on ty"e of internals in vessel (,able D*E-E) l O li+uid density (0 J(3) O as density (0 J(3) ,!ese criteria will be a""lied for "reli(inary si2in of se"arators, and for cross-c!ec0in vendor su""lied desi ns* For "ro"rietary vendor internals vendor su""lied B values will be considered* For se"arators for w!ic! a vendor "erfor(ance uarantee is a""licable, t!e vendor s!all select t!e li+uid level settin s considerin t!e re+uired se"arator "erfor(ance but followin uidelines s!all be co("lied wit! as a (ini(u(* Tab)e 5.1,1 4a)ues o 9 used or si:in4esse) and Interna)s )ertical Bnoc0out 4ru( (no internals) .ori2ontal Bnoc0out 4ru( (no internals) )ertical wit! -ist -at .ori2ontal wit! -ist -at )ertical wit! )ane Pac0
Pile Calculation (Typical)Process Document No. U-00034-PRCI-C !CRT-000" Page E3 13 R%&.0 Design o#

9 2(;s3 0*08 0*E (bul0 se"aration) 0*EE 0*E3 0*2D

Criteria 4$8

PE+(:;$E+*AM GA1 <:$*+ 1+:C= C:(P:(A+$:* P;GA1 CAMA> GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+ MA*AGEME*+ B:A(D >PDA+$*G FEA11$B$?$+@ 1+>D@ F:( GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+


.ori2ontal wit! )ane Pac0 -ulticyclone Ad1ust(ent of B Factor for Pressure - F of desi n value5 At(os"!eric E000 0Pa 2000 0Pa 8000 0Pa 8000 0Pa #otes E) 2) 3)

0*2D 0*2

E00 N0 8D 80 KD

For lycol and a(ine solutions, (ulti"ly B by 0*I to 0*8* ,y"ical use one-!alf of t!e above B or / values for a""ro'i(ate si2in of vertical se"arators wit!out wire de(isters* For co("ressors suction scrubbers and e'"ander inlet se"arators (ulti"ly B by 0*K to 0*8*

Tab)e 5.1,2 #i'uid #eve)s and "o)d up Ti(e or 4ertica) 2,P/ase Separators #eve) Settin,o" of inlet no22le to to" tan line (#o de(ister) ,o" of de(ister to to" ,an line(for de(ister) ,o" of inlet no22le to botto( of de(ister %CA.. to botto( of inlet no22le %A. to %CA.. %A% to %A. %A%% to %A% ,an line to %CA%% Re'uire(ent 0*K ' :4 or N00 (( (in 0*ED ' vessel :4 or ED0 (( (in I00 (( (in or 0*8D ' :4 = ED0 (( (in 0*3 ' vessel :4 or 300 (( (in $reater of 2 (inute or ED0 (( $reater of 3 (inute or 300 (( (#ote-E) $reater of 2 (inute or ED0 (( $reater of E (inute or ED0 (( for botto( connection of level instru(ent and 300 (( for side connection

Tab)e 5.1,3 #i'uid #eve)s and "o)d up Ti(e or "ori:onta) 2,P/ase

Pile Calculation (Typical)Process Document No. U-00034-PRCI-C !CRT-000" Page E8 14 R%&.0 Design o# Criteria 4$8

PE+(:;$E+*AM GA1 <:$*+ 1+:C= C:(P:(A+$:* P;GA1 CAMA> GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+ MA*AGEME*+ B:A(D >PDA+$*G FEA11$B$?$+@ 1+>D@ F:( GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+


%CA.. to to" of vessel (wit! -ini(u( IE0(( (),A) 4e(ister) %CA.. to to" of vessel (wit!out 20F of vessel dia(eter, or 300, 4e(ister) w!ic!ever is reater %A.. to botto( of de(istin device %A. to %CA.. %A% to %A. %CA%% to %A% <otto( to %CA%% #ote5 E) #%% is at D0 F of %A% and %A.*
D*E*3 3-P!ase )a"ourJ%i+uidJ%i+uid Se"arators

D0 (( ((in) $reater of 2 (inute or E00 (( $reater of 3 (inute or 300 (( (#ote-E) $reater of 2 (inute or E00 (( $reater of E (inute or ED0 (( for botto( connection of level instru(ent and 300 (( for side connection

%i+uidJ%i+uid se"aration is nor(ally conducted in a !ori2ontal vessel* As vertical vessels are seldo( used for t!is service, t!ey will not be considered !ere* #or(ally, t!e se"arator va"our s"ace will be e+ui""ed wit! a de(ister device (see above), so t!e residence ti(e for li+uid-li+uid "!ase se"aration beco(es t!e overnin criteria for vessel si2in * For bul0 oil-water se"aration, "reli(inary si2in residence ti(es in ,able D*E-8* s!ould be based on t!e

Tab)e 5.1,* T.pica) Residence Ti(es or Oi),<ater Separation API !ravit. Above 3D <elow 3D L38 2I to 38 EI to 2I Te(perature 2oC3 Residence Ti(e 2(in3 3 to D D to E0 E0 to 20 20 to 30

For li+uid-li+uid se"arations ot!er t!an oil-water, t!e se"arator si2in is deter(ined fro( evaluation of dro"let settlin ti(e* Since in eneral t!e dro" si2e distribution of t!e dis"ersed "!ase in t!e feed is not 0nown, it is i("ossible to +uantify t!e se"aration efficiency of %J% se"arators in ter(s of F re(oval* :t is co((on "ractice to s"ecify t!e se"aration efficiency in ter(s of Pcut-off dia(eterP* ,!is is t!e dia(eter of t!e s(allest dro"lets to be
Pile Calculation (Typical)Process Document No. U-00034-PRCI-C !CRT-000" Page ED 15 R%&.0 Design o# Criteria 4$8

PE+(:;$E+*AM GA1 <:$*+ 1+:C= C:(P:(A+$:* P;GA1 CAMA> GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+ MA*AGEME*+ B:A(D >PDA+$*G FEA11$B$?$+@ 1+>D@ F:( GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+

PILE CALCULATION 7TYPICALPROCESS DESIGN CRITERIA8 re(oved wit! an efficiency of E00F*,!e followin definitions are used5 Pri(ary dis"ersion5 <ul0 se"aration in o"en settlers5 dro"lets lar er t!an ED0 Q( re(oved &fficient se"aration in "late "ac0 internals5 dro"lets lar er t!an D0 Q( re(oved &fficient se"aration in coalescer internals5 dro"lets lar er t!an 30 Q( re(oved*

For bul0 se"aration of "ri(ary dis"ersions, t!e >an!ill Worley 3-P!ase Se"arator si2in s"reads!eet tool (ay be used for "reli(inary si2in * ,!is re+uires s"ecifyin a (ini(u( dro"let si2e for t!e res"ective as and li+uid "!ases* ,able 8-D lists default values t!at s!ould be used* For iven vessel di(ensions and selected (ini(u( dro"let si2e for eac! "!ase, t!e s"reads!eet confir(s if t!e s"ecified vessel will (eet t!e res"ective (ini(u( settlin velocities for eac! of t!e "!ases* W!ere a de(ister device is installed, t!e (ini(u( va"our "article si2e for ravity settlin can be i nored and t!e corres"ondin B value (,able D*E-D) can be in"ut into t!e s"reads!eet to c!ec0 t!at t!e actual va"our velocity is below t!e critical entrain(ent velocity )c* Tab)e 5.1,5 Reco((ended %ini(u( Separator Drop)et Si:e Drop)et Description %i !t %i+uid in $asJ)a"our P!ase %i !t %i+uid in .eavy %i+uid P!ase .eavy %i+uid in %i !t %i+uid P!ase Drop)et Si:e 2 (3 ED0 E000 I00

,!e calculation for li+uid "!ase residence ti(e is based on conventional (et!odolo y, w!ereby (ini(u( dro"let velocity and !ence, settlin (residence) ti(e for eac! "!ase deter(ined as described below* ,!e iven "article si2e will fit wit!in one of t!ree ran es defined by settlin laws, na(ely 6Sto0es %aw7, t!e 6:nter(ediate %aw7 or 6#ewtonRs %aw7 ,!ese laws are iven below, referenced fro( fi ure K-8 of $PSA (S: ?nits), )olu(e E, Section K, "a e K-85
Vt = 1000 * g * D p ( l v )


Sto0es #a=

(&+uation D*E*2)

Vt =

3.54 * g 0.71 * D p


( l v ) 0.71

Vt = 1.74



Inter(ediate #a= (&+uation D*E*3)

g * D p * ( l v )

Ne=ton>s #a= (&+uation D*E*8)

Pile Calculation (Typical)Process Document No. U-00034-PRCI-C !CRT-000" Page EI 16 R%&.0

Design o#

Criteria 4$8

PE+(:;$E+*AM GA1 <:$*+ 1+:C= C:(P:(A+$:* P;GA1 CAMA> GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+ MA*AGEME*+ B:A(D >PDA+$*G FEA11$B$?$+@ 1+>D@ F:( GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+

PILE CALCULATION 7TYPICALPROCESS DESIGN CRITERIA8 W!ere5 )t $ 4" v l O O O O O O Settlin velocity re+uired for iven dro"let dia(eter ((Js) $ravitational acceleration constant (N*8E (Js2) 4ro"let dia(eter ((etres) 4ensity of continuous "!ase (0 J(3) 4ensity of discontinuous "!ase (0 J(3) )iscosity of continuous "!ase (Pa*s)

Note5 -a'i(u( settlin velocity s!all not e'ceed 0*0082 (Js* ,!e (a'i(u( dro"let si2e for w!ic! eac! res"ective law a""lies is calculated fro( t!e followin 5
D p , max 3 2 = K CR g * * ( ) v l v

(&+uation D*E*D)

W!ere5 4",(a' is t!e (a'i(u( dro"let si2e for w!ic! eac! res"ective law a""lies (()* B/> is a di(ensionless constant (see ,able D*E-I) :t is seen t!en fro( t!e above e+uation t!at B/> is in fact t!e +uantity w!ic! deter(ines w!ic! of t!e t!ree laws is a""licable* For e'a("le, B/> for Sto0eRs %aw will ive t!e s(allest value for 4",(a' * .ence, if t!e selected dro"let si2e criteria is less t!an t!e 4",(a' iven by Sto0eRs %aw, t!en &+uation D*E*2 a""lies for deter(ination of t!e res"ective (ini(u( re+uired settlin velocity )t /onversely, B/> for #ewtonRs %aw will ive t!e lar est 4",(a', so if t!e selected dro"let si2e criteria is lar er t!an t!is, &+uation D*E*8 s!ould be used to deter(ine t!e (ini(u( settlin velocity )t Tab)e 5.1,6 4a)ues 9CR or use in &'uation 5.1.5 App)icab)e Sett)in- #a= Sto0eRs %aw :nter(ediate %aw #ewtonRs %aw
D*E*8 .old-u" )essels and Accu(ulators

4a)ue o 9CR 0*02D 0*338 E8*E3

>esidence ti(es between %%% and .%% are to be based on t!e followin 5 >eflu' bac0 to colu(n Feed forward to anot!er colu(n Product to stora e Product to a downstrea( !eat e'c!an er >efri eration syste( (ain accu(ulator D (inutes E0 (inutes 2 (inutes 2 (inutes E0 -inutes

:f t!e dru( feeds bot! reflu' and "roduct (forward), t!en t!e lar er volu(e will be used for dru( si2in , not t!e su( of t!e two volu(es* For total condensin duties t!e %A. will be set at 80F of dru( dia(eter, or a
Pile Calculation (Typical)Process Document No. U-00034-PRCI-C !CRT-000" Page EK 17 R%&.0 Design o# Criteria 4$8

PE+(:;$E+*AM GA1 <:$*+ 1+:C= C:(P:(A+$:* P;GA1 CAMA> GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+ MA*AGEME*+ B:A(D >PDA+$*G FEA11$B$?$+@ 1+>D@ F:( GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+

PILE CALCULATION 7TYPICALPROCESS DESIGN CRITERIA8 (ini(u( of 300 (( fro( t!e to" of t!e dru(* ,!e distance between %A% and %A%% will be E (inute ((ini(u( ED0 (() based on reflu' flowrate*
D*E*D Flare Bnoc0out 4ru(

.ori2ontal Flare Bnoc0out dru( s!all be si2ed based on AP: D2E (et!od* For li+uid se"aration followin criteria will be a""lied* For e(er ency flarin 5 - %i+uid dro"lets of si2e I00 (icrons and above* For nor(al flarin load5 - %i+uid dro"lets of si2e 800 (icrons and above*

>efer also to ,ables D*E-2 and D*E-3 for level settin s to be used for vertical and !ori2ontal se"arators, res"ectively*
Co)u(ns D*2*E Floodin Factor

,!e ter( 6Flood Factor7 is used for "ur"oses of esti(atin t!e (ini(u( active area and (ini(u( down co(er area* ,!is ter( is t!e 6desi n "ercent of flood7* A value of not (ore t!at KKF is nor(ally used for vacuu( towers and a value of not (ore t!an 82F is used for ot!er services* ,!ese values are intended to li(it entrain(ent to a""ro'i(ately E0F* .i !er flood factors (ay result in e'cessive entrain(ent andJor a colu(n si2ed too s(all for effective o"eration* ,!e 6actual "ercent of flood7 s!ould be deter(ined once t!e final tray desi n !as been co("leted and s!ould be in t!e ran e of KD to 8D "ercent, at (a'i(u( desi n rates* ,!ese values (ay vary, !owever, de"endin on t!e "articular a""lication*
D*2*2 -ini(u( and -a'i(u( )a"our )elocity /riteria

,!is section contains uidelines for +uic0ly c!ec0in a vendorRs desi n for valve trays* ,!e (a'i(u( slot velocity in feet "er second can be deter(ined fro( t!e followin e+uation5
Vmax = 15 (Vapour Density)

(&+uation D*2*E)

,!e (ini(u( slot velocity in feet "er second can be deter(ined fro( t!e followin e+uation5
Vmax = 6.5 (Vapour Density)

(&+uation D*2*E)

)a"our density O lbsJcu*ft ,!e (ini(u( slot velocity calculation is based on (ini(u( va"our flow and t!e area of t!e o"enin around t!e valve "eri"!ery (fully o"ened)* As a rule, t!e slot area for Boc! and $litsc! valves is e+ual to a""ro'i(ately 0*0E2 s+* ft* "er valve3 but t!is s!ould be c!ec0ed wit! t!e vendor "articularly for #utter ,rays* W!ere different wei !ted valves are s"ecified for a sin le dec0, t!e (ini(u( velocity s!ould be tested for t!e (ini(u( va"our flow usin t!e slot area for
Pile Calculation (Typical)Process Document No. U-00034-PRCI-C !CRT-000" Page E8 18 R%&.0 Design o# Criteria 4$8

PE+(:;$E+*AM GA1 <:$*+ 1+:C= C:(P:(A+$:* P;GA1 CAMA> GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+ MA*AGEME*+ B:A(D >PDA+$*G FEA11$B$?$+@ 1+>D@ F:( GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+

PILE CALCULATION 7TYPICALPROCESS DESIGN CRITERIA8 t!e li !ter valves "lus t!e area of t!e fi'ed o"enin (valves !avin a di("le to 0ee" it off t!e dec0) of t!e !eavier valves*
D*2*3 Pressure 4ro"

A "ressure dro" allowance of between 0*00K to 0*0E8 bar s!all be used* ,!e value can be increased or decreased de"endin u"on fle'ibility re+uire(ents or syste( "ressure dro" li(itations*
D*2*8 Pac0ed /olu(ns

,!e vendorRs literature s!ould be consulted to deter(ine .&,P, "ressure dro", wetted area for t!e s"ecific ty"e of "ac0in assu(ed for "reli(inary si2in evaluation*
Pu(ps D*3*E 4esi n -ar in

A desi n (ar in of E0F on (a'i(u( flow for centrifu al "u("s s!all be used unless ot!erwise s"ecified3 t!is bein defined as rated flow of t!e "u("* #o (ar in is to be added to t!e differential !ead for centrifu al "u("s* For "ositive dis"lace(ent "u("s, a desi n (ar in of E0F on differential !ead s!all be used* >eflu' "u("s s!all !ave a desi n (ar in of 20F* #o desi n (ar in is a""lied to "u("s in inter(ittent or non-critical services*
D*3*2 4esi n 4uty

#or(al and rated flows will be identical in t!e followin services5 :nter(ittent service "u("s, e* * su(" "u("s, transfer "u("s* W!en t!e "u(" !as been overrated to allow a centrifu al ty"e to be s"ecified and if overratin is S E0F* >e-circulation flow suc! as t!rou ! a carbon filter*

,!e si2in of t!e "u(" driver will be based on t!e res"ective desi n duty t!at re+uires (a'i(u( absorbed "ower, as deter(ined fro( t!e .@S@S si(ulation* An efficiency of I0F will be assu(ed for centrifu al "u("s and KDF for "ositive dis"lace(ent ty"e*
D*3*3 Selection ; Si2in

/entrifu al ty"e "u("s s!all be t!e default selection, unless t!e re+uired differential "ressure andJor flow ca"acity are outside t!e nor(al duty ran e for t!is ty"e of "u("*
D*3*8 #et Positive Suction .ead

For centrifu al "u("s, t!e #PS.A (ust e'ceed #PS.> by a (ar in of at least E(* W!ere layout constraints "revent settin t!e suction vessel at an elevation sufficient to ac!ieve t!e re+uired E( #PS.A (ar in3 alternatives (ay be considered, suc! as "rovision of barrel (can) ty"e "u(" and boosterJ(ain confi urations* W!ere flow conditions necessitate turndown to less t!an 30F of rated flow for centrifu al "u("s, (ini(u( flow "rovisions s!all be (ade* -ini(u( flow
Pile Calculation (Typical)Process Document No. U-00034-PRCI-C !CRT-000" Page EN 19 R%&.0 Design o# Criteria 4$8

PE+(:;$E+*AM GA1 <:$*+ 1+:C= C:(P:(A+$:* P;GA1 CAMA> GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+ MA*AGEME*+ B:A(D >PDA+$*G FEA11$B$?$+@ 1+>D@ F:( GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+

PILE CALCULATION 7TYPICALPROCESS DESIGN CRITERIA8 re+uire(ents will be based on t!e "u(" vendorRs reco((endations and AP: IE0 reco((ended "ractice* For a""lications w!ere reci"rocatin "u("s are used in continuous o"eration, t!e #PS.A (ust include an allowance for acceleration losses in t!e suction "i"in and3 be sufficient to overco(e t!e "ressure loss across t!e #>) at inlet suction of t!e "u("* For suc! a""lications, an #PS.A of at least K( is nor(ally reco((ended* .ence, if t!e suction vessel "ressure is near saturated va"our "ressure of t!e li+uid and, layout constraints "revent settin t!e suction vessel at sufficient elevation to ac!ieve t!e re+uired #PS.A, it (ay be necessary to install a booster "u(" u"strea( of t!e (ain "u("*
Co(pressors + &1panders D*8*E 4esi n -ar in

#o standard desi n (ar in will be a""lied to t!e flow rates or !ead of co("ressors* /a"acity re+uire(ent for co("ressors in t!e "rocess syste( are nor(ally based on a careful review of "roduction "rofile and ot!er "rocess re+uire(ents* #or(ally (ar ins will be available in drives selected* :n any case careful consideration s!all be iven w!en selectin co("ressor s"ecs and drives to ensure ca"acity re+uire(ents are (et*
D*8*2 4esi n 4uty

,!e si2in of t!e co("ressor driver will be based on t!e res"ective desi n duty t!at re+uires (a'i(u( absorbed "ower, as deter(ined fro( t!e .@S@S si(ulation for an assu(ed adiabatic efficiency of KDF* An adiabatic efficiency of KDF will also be used for turbo e'"anders*
D*8*3 Selection ; Si2in

Si2in and selection for co("ressors and e'"anders will be by vendor durin F&&4 "!ase*
"eat &1c/an-ers D*D*E 4esi n -ar ins

For Air coolers E0 F desi n (ar in will be considered on t!e re+uired surface* For s!ell and tube e'c!an ers E0F desi n (ar in will be considered on t!e re+uired surface area*
D*D*2 4esi n 4uty

Flow rates corres"ondin to t!e desi n (a'i(u( !eat duty are s"ecified for si2in * :f t!is is not t!e (a'i(u( flow rate, t!e (a'i(u( flow rate s!ould be used to deter(ine t!e "ressure dro" t!rou ! t!e e'c!an er* Additionally, w!ere a fluid !as a !i ! "our "oint or !i ! viscosity, it is (andatory to c!ec0 t!e e'c!an er si2in for t!e duty corres"ondin to (ini(u( flow rate case*
D*D*3 Selection ; Si2in

,!e ty"e of e'c!an er will be selected based on t!e ty"e of service and re+uired desi n te("erature and "ressure* Air coolers will be selected for coolin and condensin duties w!ere t!e re+uired "rocess side outlet te("erature not less t!an 8Do/* Si2in for air coolers will be conducted usin A/9% co("uter software fro( As"entec!*
Pile Calculation (Typical)Process Document No. U-00034-PRCI-C !CRT-000" Page 20 20 R%&.0 Design o# Criteria 4$8

PE+(:;$E+*AM GA1 <:$*+ 1+:C= C:(P:(A+$:* P;GA1 CAMA> GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+ MA*AGEME*+ B:A(D >PDA+$*G FEA11$B$?$+@ 1+>D@ F:( GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+

PILE CALCULATION 7TYPICALPROCESS DESIGN CRITERIA8 S!ell and tube ty"e s!all be used for "rocess !eat interc!an e and for coolin and condensin usin refri erated coolin (ediu(* Si2in for S!ell ; ,ube .eat &'c!an ers will be conducted usin .,FS= co("uter software fro( As"entec!* For cryo enic duty, bra2ed alu(iniu( cold bo' ty"e e'c!an er s!all be used due to t!eir !i !er efficiency* Bettle reboiler will in eneral be used for !i ! duties* ,!e "rocess arran e(ent for 0ettle reboilers will be as follows5 %i+uid feed to t!e reboiler is to be ta0en fro( a total draw-off botto( tray* )a"our fro( t!e reboiler is to be returned to t!e colu(n underneat! botto( tray* %i+uid is to overflow a weir in t!e reboiler and to flow to t!e botto( of t!e colu(n* ,!e botto( "roduct is to be wit!drawn fro( t!e botto( of t!e colu(n on level control wit! t!e level controller on t!e colu(n* %i+uid !old-u" is to be "rovided in bot! t!e colu(n botto( and t!e reboiler (on t!e ot!er side of t!e weir fro( t!e tube bundle) w!ic! are to be !ydraulically balanced*

.eatin (ediu( (ay use any co(bination of5 s!ell and tube, fired !eater (for su""le(ental !eatin ) andJor "ro"rietary desi n (e* * .>?)*
D*D*8 A""roac! ,e("erature

,!e followin (ini(u( a""roac! te("eratures are reco((ended for t!e desi n of !eat e'c!an ers5 S!ell and ,ube e'c!an ers Printed /ircuit e'c!an ers (P/.&) Plate .eat e'c!an ers Air /oolers Bettle >eboiler E0M/ 3M/ E0M/ 3M/ DM/

,!e desi n air te("eratures for air coolers s!all be ta0en as 3DM/ (a'* 4esi n !u(idity s!all be E00 F*
D*D*D Fluid >outin Arran e(ents

,!e rules included !ere are for uidance only and s!ould not be considered infle'ible* ,!e eneral order of "riority to establis! t!e tubeside fluid is listed below5 a) b) c) A corrosive fluid or a fluid li0ely to de"osit co0e, sedi(ent or ot!er solids suc! as catalyst* ,!e !i !er foulin fluid* ,!e less viscous of t!e two fluids, w!ere lar e differences e'ist*
Design o# Criteria 4$8

Pile Calculation (Typical)Process Document No. U-00034-PRCI-C !CRT-000" Page 2E 21 R%&.0

PE+(:;$E+*AM GA1 <:$*+ 1+:C= C:(P:(A+$:* P;GA1 CAMA> GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+ MA*AGEME*+ B:A(D >PDA+$*G FEA11$B$?$+@ 1+>D@ F:( GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+

PILE CALCULATION 7TYPICALPROCESS DESIGN CRITERIA8 d) e) ,!e fluid under !i !er "ressure, w!ere lar e differences e'ist* ,!e !otter fluid*

/ondensin va"ours are usually located on t!e s!ell side* Also, if t!e te("erature c!an e of a fluid in one s!ell of an e'c!an er is very lar e (for e'a("le several !undred de rees), it is often better to "ass t!is fluid t!rou ! t!e s!ell* -ulti"le s!ells (ay ot!erwise be re+uired to avoid e'cessive te("erature stresses on t!e floatin !ead and tubes!eets*
D*D*I ,ube )elocity

)elocity s!ould be !i !er t!an (ini(u( foulin andJor settlin velocity of t!e tube side fluid* :n addition, (a'i(u( velocities are so(eti(es s"ecified to "revent erosion*
D*D*K S!ell Arran e(ents

#u(ber of S!ells >e+uired ,!e total nu(ber of s!ells necessary for an e'c!an er is fre+uently deter(ined fro( te("erature correction considerations* W!en t!ere is a te("erature cross between two fluids, two or (ore s!ells (wit! (ulti-"ass bundles) (ay be re+uired* 9t!erwise t!e nu(ber of s!ells de"ends on t!e total surface re+uired and on t!e (a'i(u( allowable bundle si2e s"ecified by t!e client* ,!e bundle si2e (s!ell :*4*) is usually li(ited to a (a'i(u( of I0 inc!es (ED28 (() because of (aintenance considerations* :f t!e (a'i(u( bundle si2e is e'ceeded (ulti"le s(aller e'c!an ers (ay be arran ed in series or "arallel* Series or Parallel Arran e(ents W!ere "ossible, all 6s!ells7 (or as (any as "ossible) s!ould be connected for series flow because of t!e advanta e in t!e -,4 correction factor and a (ore econo(ical "i"in arran e(ent* A reason for arran in s!ells in "arallel is to avoid e'ceedin allowable "ressure dro" values* Parallel arran e(ents are fre+uently re+uired wit! va"ours (seldo( wit! li+uids) as in over!ead condensers* :t is desirable to li(it t!e nu(ber of "arallel strea(s in order to avoid distribution "roble(s* ,!e followin (et!ods (ay be used to reduce t!e nu(ber of "arallel strea(s to a (ini(u( wit!out e'ceedin t!e allowable "ressure dro" w!en t!e fluid is on t!e s!ell side5 i) ii) ?se of wide "itc! for baffles or su""ort "lates* ?se of double se (ental baffles*

iii) ?se of 6s"lit flow7 s!ells (,&-A A or T ty"e)* Stac0in or Side by Side W!en an e'c!an er service consists of a nu(ber of s!ell and tube units in series, t!e s!ells are usually stac0ed* :n eneral, stac0in results in savin s in "i"in as well as "lot s"ace* S!ells (ay be stac0ed a (a'i(u( of two !i ! alt!ou ! for s!ells under 287
Pile Calculation (Typical)Process Document No. U-00034-PRCI-C !CRT-000" Page 22 22 R%&.0 Design o# Criteria 4$8

PE+(:;$E+*AM GA1 <:$*+ 1+:C= C:(P:(A+$:* P;GA1 CAMA> GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+ MA*AGEME*+ B:A(D >PDA+$*G FEA11$B$?$+@ 1+>D@ F:( GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+

PILE CALCULATION 7TYPICALPROCESS DESIGN CRITERIA8 dia(eter, 3 !i ! is acce"table* S!ells o"eratin in "arallel are "laced side by side*
D*D*8 Pressure 4ro"

-a'i(u( allowable "ressure dro"s are ty"ically 0*D to E*0 bar* .owever, individual e+ui"(ent "ressure dro"s (ay be s"ecified after econo(ic analysis* ,y"ical allowable "ressure dro"s are iven below5 Tab)e 5.5,1 "eat &1c/an-er Pressure Drop or #i'uids 4iscosit.? Cp 2@ avera-e te(p3 %ess t!an E*0 E*0 UD*0 D U E0 Above E0 #otes5 /alculated tube side "ressure dro" values are sub1ect to reater variation t!an s!ell side values, because of t!e nature of tube bundle construction* Tab)e 5.5,2 "eat &1c/an-er Pressure Drop or !ases Operatin- Pressure 2bar-3 0 U 0*K 0*KU E*0 E*0U3*D above 3*D Pressure Drop 2bar3 0*03D U 0*0K 0*0K U 0*E8 0*E8 U 0*3D 0*3D U 0*K One 0*3D to 0*K 0*K E*0 E*8 Tota) Pressure Drop 2bar3 ,S/e))s in series, T=o 0*3D to 0*K E*0 E*0 to E*8 E*8 to 2*0 T/ree 0*K to E*0 E*0 to E*8 E*8 2*0

Tab)e 5.5,3, "eat &1c/an-er Pressure Condensers T.pes Partial ,otal #otes5 For (ulti-"ass air coolers !i ! "ressure dro"s assure "ro"er flow distribution*
Pile Calculation (Typical)Process Document No. U-00034-PRCI-C !CRT-000" Page 23 23 R%&.0 Design o# Criteria 4$8

Pressure Drop 2bar3 0*E8 U 0*3D 0*08 (#ote E)

PE+(:;$E+*AM GA1 <:$*+ 1+:C= C:(P:(A+$:* P;GA1 CAMA> GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+ MA*AGEME*+ B:A(D >PDA+$*G FEA11$B$?$+@ 1+>D@ F:( GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+

PILE CALCULATION 7TYPICALPROCESS DESIGN CRITERIA8 ,!e !i !er "ressure dro" will also assure "ro"er distribution at lower t!an desi n t!rou !"ut* Tab)e 5.5,* "eat &1c/an-er Pressure Drop or Reboi)ers T.pes Bettle .ori2* ,!er(osy"!on )ert* ,!er(osy"!on
D*D*N Foulin Allowance

Pressure Drop 2bar3 #e li ible (s!ell side) 0*02 U 0*03D &+uivalent to a""ro'* 3 U D( tube len t!

9nly t!e foulin resistance of t!e fluid on t!e inside of t!e tubes is s"ecified* See ,able D* foulin resistances for various "rocess fluids* Tab)e 5.5,5 S/e)) + Tube Desi-n Aou)in- Aactors A)uid Service #atural as 9ver!ead "roducts #atural asoline and %P$ /ondensate >efri erant va"ours >efri erant li+uids 9il !eatin (ediu(, Acid ases /austic solutions .ot Water (closed loo")
Pipe)ines D*I*E 4esi n -ar ins

Aou)in- Aactor 2(2. D C ; <3 0*000E8 0*000E8 0*000E8 0*0002I 0*000E8 0*000E8 0*000E8 0*0003D 0*0003D 0*00038

#o (ar in will be added to t!e (a'i(u( desi n flow rate for i("ort and e'"ort "i"eline si2in * ,!e si2in of t!e feed as i("ort "i"elines fro( /a -au $4S (ust be sufficient to ensure t!e arrival te("erature e'ceed t!e !ydrocarbon dew "oint (./4P) te("erature by a (ar in of at least Do/* &'"ort "i"elines for %P$ and condensate s!all be si2ed to ensure t!at t!ere is sufficient bac0"ressure at t!e delivery "oint (tan0er (anifold) to (aintain t!e "roduct in t!e li+uid "!ase*
D*I*2 4esi n /a"acity

,!e desi n flow rate for t!e as i("ort "i"elines s!all be based on t!e res"ective feed desi n flowrates for P-3 and <loc0 <;D2 "i"elines, as
Pile Calculation (Typical)Process Document No. U-00034-PRCI-C !CRT-000" Page 28 24 R%&.0 Design o# Criteria 4$8

PE+(:;$E+*AM GA1 <:$*+ 1+:C= C:(P:(A+$:* P;GA1 CAMA> GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+ MA*AGEME*+ B:A(D >PDA+$*G FEA11$B$?$+@ 1+>D@ F:( GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+

PILE CALCULATION 7TYPICALPROCESS DESIGN CRITERIA8 s"ecified in t!e Process <asis of 4esi n GEH* ,!e (a'i(u( flow rate for desi n of t!e as and li+uid e'"ort "i"elines s!all be deter(ined for i("ort and e'"ort "i"eline si2in based on analysis of t!e various desi n cases in Section 3*
D*I*3 Pi"eline Si2in

Pi"eline si2in for t!e ons!ore e'"ort lines will be conducted usin t!e P:P&S@S e'tension of t!e .@S@S si(ulation software or in!ouse calculations softwares, and t!e "i"eline si2e s!all be confir(ed durin F&&4* A "i"e rou !ness of 0*08I(( for (ild steel s!all be assu(ed for "ressure dro" calculations* ,!e "ressure dro" criteria in ,able D*I-E s!all be used for si2in of t!e (ain feed as i("ort and residue as e'"ort lines between t!e /a -au $4S and $PP* For t!e feed as i("ort, a c!ec0 s!ould be (ade to ensure t!at t!e re+uired Do/ ./4P (ar in is (aintained* Tab)e 5.6.1 EReco((ended Pressure Drop or !as #ines Operatin- Pressure Fara V3*D 3*D-E0 E0-80 80-ED0 Pressure Drop bar ; 1GG( 0*0E-0*03 0*08-0*0K 0*0K-0*EE 0*EE-0*2K

,!e %P$ and condensate li+uids e'"ort lines, t!e si2in s!all be (eet velocity and "ressure dro" criteria in ,able D*I-2, but s!all be at least Iinc! #< (ini(u( to allow for intelli ent "i in * Tab)e 5.6,3 Reco((ended 4e). and %a1i(u( P or Carbon Stee) #i'uid #ines #i'uid Densit.? 0-;(3 EI00 800 320 4e)ocit. (;s E*D-2*8 2-3 3-D %a1i(u( P bar;1GG( E*E 0*N 0*3

Pile Calculation (Typical)Process Document No. U-00034-PRCI-C !CRT-000" Page 2D 25 R%&.0

Design o#

Criteria 4$8

PE+(:;$E+*AM GA1 <:$*+ 1+:C= C:(P:(A+$:* P;GA1 CAMA> GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+ MA*AGEME*+ B:A(D >PDA+$*G FEA11$B$?$+@ 1+>D@ F:( GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+

PILE CALCULATION 7TYPICALPROCESS DESIGN CRITERIA8 Tab)e 5.6,3 A))o=ab)e Pressure Drops and 4e). in Pipin- or Centri u-a) Pu(ps Pipe NF (( %a1i(u( 4e)ocit. (;s Pu(p Suctio n VE00 E00 ED0 200 L200 6. E*0 E*8 E*D E*8 E*8 Pu(p Disc/are E*8 2*D 3*0 8*3 D*0 A))o=ab)e P bar;1GG( Pu(p Suction Foi)in#i'uid 0*0E-0*0D 0*0E-0*0D 0*0E-0*0I 0*02-0*0I 0*02-0*0K Sub,coo)ed #i'uid 0*0D-0*E8 0*0D-0*E8 0*0D-0*E8 0*EE-0*23 0*EE-0*23

Pu(p Disc/ar-e 0*23-0*3D 0*23-0*3D 0*23-0*3D 0*3D-0*8D 0*3D-0*8D

P)ot P)an

,!e Plot Plant layout s!all ta0e due consideration of t!e followin 5 ,!e reco((endations fro( t!e "rocess licensor ?9P3 ,!e need to 0ee" distances for transfer of (aterials between "lantJstora e units to a (ini(u( to reduce costs and ris0s3 ,!e eo ra"!ical li(itations of t!e site3 :nteraction wit! e'istin or "lanned facilities on site suc! as e'istin roadways, draina e and utilities routin s3 :nteraction wit! ot!er "lants in t!e vicinity of t!e site3 ,!e need to "rovide ade+uate s"ace for construction activities and future e'"ansion* ,!e need for "lant o"erability and (aintainability3 ,!e need to locate !a2ardous (aterials facilities as far as "ossible fro( site boundaries and "eo"le livin in t!e vicinity of t!e "lant3 ,!e need to "revent confine(ent w!ere release of fla((able substances (ay occur3 ,!e need to "rovide access for e(er ency services3 ,!e need to "rovide e(er ency esca"e routes for on-site "ersonnel3 ,!e need to "rovide acce"table wor0in conditions for o"erators*

,!e (ost i("ortant safety and environ(ental ob1ectives in definin t!e "lant layout are5
Pile Calculation (Typical)Process Document No. U-00034-PRCI-C !CRT-000" Page 2I 26 R%&.0 Design o# Criteria 4$8

PE+(:;$E+*AM GA1 <:$*+ 1+:C= C:(P:(A+$:* P;GA1 CAMA> GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+ MA*AGEME*+ B:A(D >PDA+$*G FEA11$B$?$+@ 1+>D@ F:( GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+

PILE CALCULATION 7TYPICALPROCESS DESIGN CRITERIA8 Prevent, li(it andJor (iti ate escalation of ad1acent events (do(ino)3 &nsure safety wit!in on-site occu"ied buildin s3 /ontrol access of unaut!orised "ersonnel3 Facilitate access for e(er ency services*

A (ulti-disci"line a""roac! will be ado"ted in t!e develo"(ent of t!e Plot Plan %ayout to evaluate facility re+uire(ents and t!e associated fire and e'"losion !a2ard ris0s* ,!ese !a2ards will be controlled by5 A""ro"riate arran e(ent of t!e site facilities and buildin s3 Provision of ade+uate se"aration distances and se re ation of t!e !a2ardous and non-co("atible (aterials inventories* /o("liance wit! industry a""roved codes and local re ulatory re+uire(ents* Pro1ect .AC:4 review and incor"oration durin t!e Feasibility Study*
Process Unit + &'uip(ent #a.out

:n eneral, !avin first ta0en due account of t!e Safety, /onstructability and 9"erability criteria as noted above, t!e layout of t!e Process facilities will be or anised accordin to t!e Process flow, in order to (ini(ise "i"in and associated costs* Followin t!e reco((endations of t!e PFS, t!e "rocess "lant will be s"lit into 2'D0F "arallel trains for i("roved turndown o"erability and "lant constructability*
&)evation o &'uip(ent

/ritical elevations re+uired for "rocess reasons e* * ravity flow, #PS.A etc*, s!all be indicated on t!e PF4s and ?F4s* 9t!erwise, elevations will be overned by ot!er "lant layout considerations as detailed above* H. R&A&R&NC&S E* A""roved <asic 4esi n And /ost &sti(ate J &cono(ic Analysis For /a -au $"" ; ,ec!nical ; &cono(ic Analysis For 9veral <loc0 <-9(on Pi"eline Wit! /a -au $PP, Process <asis of 4esi n 4oc* 00038-P>-<94-000E* AP: >P D20 Part :, Si2in , Selection and :nstallation of Pressure->elievin 4evices in >efineries, Sevent! &dition, Aanuary 2000* AP: >P D20 Part ::, Si2in , Selection and :nstallation of Pressure->elievin 4evices in >efineries, Fift! &dition, Au ust 2003* AP: S,A#4A>4 D2E, Pressure->elievin and 4e"ressurin Syste(s, Fift! &dition, Aanuary 200K* AP: S,A#4A>4 2000, )entin At(os"!eric and %ow Pressure Stora e ,an0s, Fift! &dition, A"ril ENN8* AP: S,A#4A>4 IE0, /entrifu al Pu("s for Petroleu(, Petroc!e(ical and #atural $as :ndustries , E0t! &dition, 9ctober 2008
Design o# Criteria 4$8

2* 3* 8* D* I*

Pile Calculation (Typical)Process Document No. U-00034-PRCI-C !CRT-000" Page 2K 27 R%&.0

PE+(:;$E+*AM GA1 <:$*+ 1+:C= C:(P:(A+$:* P;GA1 CAMA> GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+ MA*AGEME*+ B:A(D >PDA+$*G FEA11$B$?$+@ 1+>D@ F:( GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+

PILE CALCULATION 7TYPICALPROCESS DESIGN CRITERIA8 K* 8* N* E0* Se"arators* EE* ,&-A (,ubular &'c!an er -anufacturers Association) #FPA .andboo0* $PSA .andboo0* /rane5 Flow of Fluids t!rou ! )alves, Fittin s and Pi"e* AP: s"ecification E2A, S"ecification For 9il and $as

3- INTRODUCTION -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
"." ProAect Description.............................................................................................# ".! 1cope an& P%rpose...........................................................................................# ".3 A99reviations an& De'initions............................................................................./

4- SPARING PHILOSOPHY-----------------------------------------------------------------------------5
!." MaAor EB%ip8ent................................................................................................4 !.! $nstr%8entation..................................................................................................4 !.3 General...............................................................................................................4

1- DESIGN CASES -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 2- DESIGN TEMPERATURE 9 PRESSURE---------------------------------------------------:

#." General ............................................................................................................. "." Maxi8%8 Design Press%re................................................................................ ".! Mini8%8 Design Press%re (;ac%%8) ................................................................ ".3 Maxi8%8 Design +e8perat%re .........................................................................C ".# Mini8%8 Design +e8perat%re ..........................................................................C #.! Press%re ;essels D At8ospheric +an7s.........................................................."0 #.3 ,eat exchangers.............................................................................................."0 #.# P%8ps.............................................................................................................."" "." Centri'%gal P%8p ............................................................................................."" ".! Positive Displace8ent P%8ps.........................................................................."" #./ Co8pressors ..................................................................................................."! #.4 Pipelines..........................................................................................................."!

;- E UIPMENT 9 PIPELINE SI<ING -----------------------------------------------------------34

/." ;essels D 1torage +an7s................................................................................."! /."." Design Margin..............................................................................................."! /.".! !EPhase ;apo%r/?iB%i& 1eparators..............................................................."3 /.".3 3EPhase ;apo%r/?iB%i&/?iB%i& 1eparators...................................................."/ /.".# ,ol&E%p ;essels an& Acc%8%lators.............................................................." /."./ Flare =noc7o%t Dr%8 ...................................................................................". /.! Col%8ns...........................................................................................................". /.!." Floo&ing Factor.............................................................................................". /.!.! Mini8%8 an& Maxi8%8 ;apo%r ;elocit0 Criteria.........................................". /.!.3 Press%re Drop..............................................................................................."C /.!.# Pac7e& Col%8ns..........................................................................................."C /.3 P%8ps.............................................................................................................."C /.3." Design Margin..............................................................................................."C /.3.! Design D%t0..................................................................................................."C /.3.3 1election D 1iFing........................................................................................."C /.3.# *et Positive 1%ction ,ea& ..........................................................................."C /.# Co8pressors D Expan&ers..............................................................................!0 /.#." Design Margin...............................................................................................!0
Pile Calculation (Typical)Process Document No. U-00034-PRCI-C !CRT-000" Page 28 28 R%&.0 Design o# Criteria 4$8

PE+(:;$E+*AM GA1 <:$*+ 1+:C= C:(P:(A+$:* P;GA1 CAMA> GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+ MA*AGEME*+ B:A(D >PDA+$*G FEA11$B$?$+@ 1+>D@ F:( GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+

PILE CALCULATION 7TYPICALPROCESS DESIGN CRITERIA8 /.#.! Design D%t0...................................................................................................!0 /.#.3 1election D 1iFing.........................................................................................!0 /./ ,eat Exchangers..............................................................................................!0 /./." Design Margins.............................................................................................!0 /./.! Design D%t0...................................................................................................!0 /./.3 1election D 1iFing.........................................................................................!0 /./.# Approach +e8perat%re..................................................................................!" /././ Fl%i& (o%ting Arrange8ents.........................................................................!" /./.4 +%9e ;elocit0.................................................................................................!! /./. 1hell Arrange8ents.......................................................................................!! /./.. Press%re Drop...............................................................................................!3 /./.C Fo%ling Allo)ance.........................................................................................!# /.4 Pipelines...........................................................................................................!# /.4." Design Margins.............................................................................................!# /.4.! Design Capacit0............................................................................................!# /.4.3 Pipeline 1iFing...............................................................................................!/

5- PLANT LAYOUT----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------45
4." Plot Plan ..........................................................................................................!4 4.! Process >nit D EB%ip8ent ?a0o%t...................................................................! 4.3 Elevation o' EB%ip8ent ...................................................................................!

:- REFERENCES-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4: 310 2- P=)po'% o> Do(=m%n"------------------------------------------------------------------------------13 ;- GENERAL INFORMATION AND RE UIREMENTS---------------------------------13

/." ?ang%age an& >nits o' Meas%re8ent..............................................................3" /.! De'initions an& A99reviations...........................................................................3" !.!." De'initions ........................................................................................................3" !.!.! A99reviations....................................................................................................3" /.3 Co&es an& 1tan&ar&s......................................................................................3! /.# (e'erence Doc%8ents.....................................................................................33

5- BASIS OF FIRE?ATER DEMAND------------------------------------------------------------11 :- FIRE FIGHTING SYSTEM-------------------------------------------------------------------------15 @- >*)% Aa"%) B >oam .%man. (a#(=#a"*on-----------------------------------------------------15
.." Fire )ater/'oa8 &e8an& .................................................................................34 ..! Fire )ater / 'oa8 &e8an& 'or each Fone ........................................................34 ..3 capacit0 o' 'ire)ater p%8ps ...........................................................................#"

C- CAPACITY OF THE FIRE ?ATER TANK -------------------------------------------------24 30- CAPACITY OF THE FOAM TANK-----------------------------------------------------------24
"0." Foa8 +an7 at Con&ensate 1torage +an7 Area..............................................#! "0.! Foa8 +an7 at Diesel 1torage +an7 Area.......................................................#3

33- NPSH P=mp Ca#(=#a"*on -----------------------------------------------------------------------22 34- (a#(=#a"*on >=%# (on'=mp"*on >o) ma*n >*)%Aa"%) .*%'%# %n6*n%' p=mP 2; 31- #*n% '*D*n6 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25 32- CONCLUSION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25 3;- app%n.*(%'----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2:
Pile Calculation (Typical)Process Document No. U-00034-PRCI-C !CRT-000" Page 2N 29 R%&.0 Design o# Criteria 4$8

PE+(:;$E+*AM GA1 <:$*+ 1+:C= C:(P:(A+$:* P;GA1 CAMA> GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+ MA*AGEME*+ B:A(D >PDA+$*G FEA11$B$?$+@ 1+>D@ F:( GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+



Pile Calculation (Typical)Process Document No. U-00034-PRCI-C !CRT-000" Page 30 30 R%&.0

Design o#

Criteria 4$8

PE+(:;$E+*AM GA1 <:$*+ 1+:C= C:(P:(A+$:* P;GA1 CAMA> GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+ MA*AGEME*+ B:A(D >PDA+$*G FEA11$B$?$+@ 1+>D@ F:( GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+

PILE CALCULATION 7TYPICALPROCESS DESIGN CRITERIA8 12- P=)po'% o> Do(=m%n" +he p%rpose o' this &oc%8ent is to &e'ine 'ire )ater / 'oa8 &e8an& )hich are essential an& integral co8ponents o' the Gas Processing Plant (GPP!) o' *a8 Con 1on ! Gas Pipeline ProAect. ;- GENERAL INFORMATION AND RE UIREMENTS ;-3 Lan6=a6% an. Un*"' o> M%a'=)%m%n" +he content2 re'erences2 attach8ents an& an0 s%pple8entar0 in'or8ation 'or all engineering &oc%8ents shall 9e in English. >nits o' 8eas%re8ent 'or all engineering &oc%8ents shall 9e in the 10ste8 $nternational (1$). ;-4 D%>*n*"*on' an. AEE)%&*a"*on'

4-4-3 D%>*n*"*on' P(:<EC+ C?$E*+ F$(E A(EA Gas Processing Plant ( GPP) o' *a8 Con 1on ! Gas Pipeline ProAect Petro;ietna8 Gas (P;GA1)

3A+E(/F:AM DEMA*D 4-4-4 AEE)%&*a"*on' AP$ EPC FEED BED GPP $B? ?PG

Fire area is a h0pothetical area %se& 'or the p%rpose o' siFing the 'ire )ater s0ste82 )hose 9o%n&aries are consi&ere& as an0 li8ite& area2 an& each 'ire area is protecte& 90 either passive 8eas%res (e.g.- str%ct%ral2 la0o%t an&/or operation 8eas%res) or active 8eas%res (e.g.- 'ire exting%ishing s0ste8) or a co89ination o' 9oth )hen 'ire &etection s0ste8s are operate& +he 3ater / Foa8 De8an& is the 'ire )ater capacit0 reB%ire& to achieve 'ire protection in an0 single Fire Area
A8erican Petrole%8 $nstit%te Engineering2 Proc%re8ent an& Constr%ction Front En& Engineering Design Basic Engineering Design Feasi9ilit0 1t%&0 GasP Processing Plant $nsi&e Batter0 ?i8it ?iB%i'ie& Petrole%8 Gas
Design o# Criteria 4$8



Pile Calculation (Typical)Process Document No. U-00034-PRCI-C !CRT-000" Page 3E 31 R%&.0

PE+(:;$E+*AM GA1 <:$*+ 1+:C= C:(P:(A+$:* P;GA1 CAMA> GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+ MA*AGEME*+ B:A(D >PDA+$*G FEA11$B$?$+@ 1+>D@ F:( GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+

PILE CALCULATION 7TYPICALPROCESS DESIGN CRITERIA8 MM1CMD *FPA :B? P;GA1 CAMA> GPMB +P;* ;-1 Million Metric 1tan&ar& C%9ic Meter Per Da0 *ational Fire Protection Association :%tsi&e Batter0 ?i8it Petro;ietna8 Gas Corporation CaMa% Gas Processing Manage8ent Boar& ;ietna8ese 1tan&ar& Plant ProAect

Co.%' an. S"an.a).' +he Fire Fighting 10ste8s shall 9e &esigne& generall0 in accor&ance )ith 9%t not li8ite& the 'ollo)ing Co&es an& 1tan&ar&s P%9lishe& 90 the *ational Fire Protection Association (*FPA) an& c%rrent ;ietna8ese Co&es an& 1tan&ar&s Vietnamese standards: +C;* !4!!- "CC/ +C;* 3!/#- "C.C +C;* 3!//- "C.4 +C;* /30 - !00C Fire prevention an& protection 'or 9%il&ings D str%ct%res E Design reB%ire8ents Fire 1a'et0 E General (eB%ire8ents

Explosion 1a'et0 E General (eB%ire8ents Petrole%8 an& petrole%8 pro&%cts ter8inal G Design reB%ire8ents +C;* 3.C0- !00C Fire protection eB%ip8ents 'or 9%il&ing an& constr%ction G Provi&ing2 installation2 inspection2 8aintenance +C;* /4.#- !003 Fire sa'et0 'or petrole%8 an& petrole%8 pro&%cts 'acilities. General reB%ire8ents +C;* #3/E"-!00# Fire Protection. Porta9le an& )heele& 'ire exting%isher. Part $ - 1election an& $nstallation +C;* / 40 - "CC3 Fire Exting%ishing 10ste8E General (eB%ire8ents o' ProAect $nstallation An& >tiliFe +C;* 4#.4 - !00. ?iB%e'ie& Petrole%8 Gas (?PG) G Press%riFe& 1torage G ?ocation2 Design2 Capacit0 an& $nstallation "//!00"/++?+EB+ME (eg%lation o' 'ire exting%ishers D 'ire'ighting BCA eB%ip8ent in 1tores Petrole%8 An& Petrole%8 Pro&%ct International Standards: *FPA "0 *FPA "" *FPA "# *FPA "/ Porta9le Fire Exting%ishers ?o) expansion 'oa8 an& co89ine& agent s0ste8s 1tan&ar& 'or the $nstallation o' 1tan&pipes an& ,ose 10ste8s 1tan&ar& 'or 3ater 1pra0 Fixe& 10ste8s 'or Fire Protection
Design o# Criteria 4$8

Pile Calculation (Typical)Process Document No. U-00034-PRCI-C !CRT-000" Page 32 32 R%&.0

PE+(:;$E+*AM GA1 <:$*+ 1+:C= C:(P:(A+$:* P;GA1 CAMA> GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+ MA*AGEME*+ B:A(D >PDA+$*G FEA11$B$?$+@ 1+>D@ F:( GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+

PILE CALCULATION 7TYPICALPROCESS DESIGN CRITERIA8 *FPA !0 *FPA !# AP$ !030 AP$ (P !00" AP$ P( "# E ;-2 1tan&ar& 'or the $nstallation o' 1tationar0 P%8ps 'or Fire Protection Private 'ire service 8ains an& their app%rtenances Application o' 'ix )ater spra0 s0ste8 'or 'ire protection in the petrole%8 in&%str0 Fire Protection in (e'ineries (eco88en&e& Practice 'or Design an& $nstallation o' :''shore Pro&%ction Plat'or8 Piping 10ste8s

R%>%)%n(% Do(=m%n"' *C1!E+PGMEFDE3E00E"0EP,E00"- 1a'et0 an& Fire Fighting Design Philosoph0. ";!#!"*C1!E+PGMEFDE3E03EHE0CE00"- Gas Processing Plant !2 Dinh Co2 :verall Plot Plan.

5- BASIS OF FIRE?ATER DEMAND +he 9asis 'or the 'ire)ater &e8an& 'or *C1! is &etaile& 9elo) :nl0 one single 9iggest 'ire event is consi&ere&. +)o separate 'ires occ%rring si8%ltaneo%sl0 is not a cre&i9le scenario5 +he Gas Processing Plant is segregate& into 3/4 'ire)ater Fones 9ase& on the nat%ral 9o%n&aries2 plant roa&)a0s2 9%n&ing an& &rainage areas or signi'icant segregation &istances in the Gas Processing Plant !2 Dinh Co :verall Plot Plan2 &ra)ing no. *C1!E+PGMEFDE3E03EHE0CE00". +he 'ire)ater Fones are liste& in +a9le 3." an& &epicte& in Appen&ix A. Also incl%&e& in +a9le 3." is the pro&%ction class an& 'ire resistance levels as per +C;* !4!! - "CC/ G Fire prevention an& protection 'or 9%il&ings D str%ct%res E Design reB%ire8ents. +a9le 3." Fire)ater Iones
*o. " ! 3 # / 4 . C "0 "" "! "3 Fire Ione FI 0" FI 0! FI 03 FI 0# FI 0/ FI 04 FI 0 FI 0. FI 0C FI "0 FI "" FI "! FI "3 $te8s Pac7ing Area :''ice Canteen D Garage/Car par7ing 3or7shop 3areho%se Fire 1tation 3ater treat8ent area Fire)ater P%8p ,o%se Control 9%il&ing 1)itch roo8 an& +rans'or8er E8ergenc0 Diesel Generator Po)er generation 1tation Pig ?a%ncher/ Pro&%ction Class D D D C C D D D D C C C A Design o# Fire resistance class $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $ Criteria 4$8

Pile Calculation (Typical)Process Document No. U-00034-PRCI-C !CRT-000" Page 33 33 R%&.0

PE+(:;$E+*AM GA1 <:$*+ 1+:C= C:(P:(A+$:* P;GA1 CAMA> GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+ MA*AGEME*+ B:A(D >PDA+$*G FEA11$B$?$+@ 1+>D@ F:( GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+


*o. "# "/ "4 " ". "C !0 !" !! !3 !# !/ !4 ! !. !C 30 3" 3! 33 3# 3/ 34 Fire Ione FI "# FI "/ FI "4 FI " FI ". FI "C FI !0 FI !" FI !! FI !3 FI !# FI !/ FI !4 FI ! FI !. FI !C FI 30 FI 3" FI 3! FI 33 FI 3# FI 3/ FI 34 $te8s (eceiver/Metering Area 3ater +reating Area >tilit0 Area 1l%g Catcher Area :''Espec B%llet Area ?PG storage tan7 Area Con&ensate storage tan7 Process Area $B? Process Area $B? Process Area $B? Process Area $B? Process Area $B? Process Area $B? Process Area $B? Process Area $B? Process Area $B? Process Area $B? Process Area $B? Process Area $B? ?a9orator0 G%ar& ,o%se " G%ar& ,o%se ! Diesel 1torage +an7 Area A8ine 1torage +an7 Area Pro&%ction Class C A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A D D D A A Fire resistance class $$ $$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$ $$ $$ $ $

Fire)ater &e8an& at the respective Fone is 9ase& on provi&ing s%''icient coverage 'or 'ire exting%ish8ent2 expos%re protection an& 8itigating escalation e''ect5 Maxi8%8 )ater velocit0 )ill 9e li8ite& to #./ 8/s. Fire )ater lines )ill 9e lai& %n&ergro%n&. +he %n&ergro%n& piping 8aterial shall 9e car9on steel2 coate& an& )rappe& )ith catholic protection5 1iFing o' the 'ire)ater p%8ps sho%l& ens%re that the0 are capa9le o' s%ppl0ing the reB%ire& 'lo) an& 8eeting the press%re reB%ire8ent5 +he 8ain approach 'or eB%ip8ent cooling protection is to %se 'ire 8onitor or 'ire h0&rant or co89ination thereo' in lie% o' )ater spra0 s0ste8 as per the 1a'et0 an& Fire Fighting Design Philosoph02 Doc no. *C1!E+PGME FDE3E00E"0EP,E00"5 Fire)ater spra0 shall 9e provi&e& 'or the ?PG spheres an& h0&rocar9on containing eB%ip8ent that cannot 9e reache& 90 'ire 8onitors an& h0&rants5 A 30J contingenc0 has 9een incl%&e& into the act%al &e8an& o' &el%ge2 ta7ing into consi&eration o' overspra02 h0&ra%lic i89alances2 preli8inar0 an& esti8ate& &i8ensions o' eB%ip8ent2 location o' eB%ip8ent 0et to 9e 'inaliFe&5 For 9%il&ings locate& in each 'ire Fone2 the reB%ire& 'ire)ater &e8an& )ill 9e 9ase& on " hose strea8 'ire h0&rant an& ! in&oor 'ire h0&rant hose strea8s.
Design o# Criteria 4$8

Pile Calculation (Typical)Process Document No. U-00034-PRCI-C !CRT-000" Page 38 34 R%&.0

PE+(:;$E+*AM GA1 <:$*+ 1+:C= C:(P:(A+$:* P;GA1 CAMA> GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+ MA*AGEME*+ B:A(D >PDA+$*G FEA11$B$?$+@ 1+>D@ F:( GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+

PILE CALCULATION 7TYPICALPROCESS DESIGN CRITERIA8 For areas containing h0&rocar9on eB%ip8ent in each 'ire Fone2 the reB%ire& 'ire)ater &e8an& is 9ase& on &el%ging all h0&rocar9on containing eB%ip8ent pl%s " 'ire 8onitor an& " hose strea8 o%t&oor 'ire h0&rant. For area containing non h0&rocar9on eB%ip8ent an& not locate& insi&e the 9%il&ing2 3 hose strea8 o%t&oor 'ire h0&rant are provi&e&. Fore electrical 9%il&ing i.e control 9%il&ing an& electrical s)itchgear roo82 FM !00 is provi&e& in&oors an& 3 hose strea8s h0&rant is provi&e& o%t&oors. 3ater 8onitors shall 9e capa9le o' s%ppl0ing 'ire)ater a 8ini8%8 "C00 liters per 8in%te as per *FPA !#E!00 reB%ire8ent at 9arg &ischarge press%re5 Each o%tlet o' 'ire h0&rants shall 9e capa9le o' s%ppl0ing 'ire)ater at a rate o' C/0 liters per 8in%te as per *FPA "#E!00 reB%ire8ent at a 8ini8%8 &ischarge press%re o' 9arg5 For eB%ip8ents that )ere %na9le to 9e reache& 90 'ire 8onitors or h0&rants2 the cooling reB%ire8ents o' the eB%ip8ent )ithin the 'ire Fone )as 9een calc%late& 9ase& on +C;* /30 an& *FPA "/. +he )ater spra0 application rates extracte& 'ro8 +C;* /30 an& *FPA "/ are liste& in +a9le 3.! +a9le 3.! Application rates.
D%'()*p"*on Con&ensate storage tan7 / Diesel storage tan7 Con&ensate storage tan7 / Diesel storage tan7 App#*(a"*on )a"%' (3ater rate) 30 l/8in/8 (Foa8 rate) "! l/8in/8! 5 #." l/8in/8! (3ater rate) "0.! l/8in/8! (3ater rate) "0.! l/8in/8! (3ater rate) !0.# l/8in/8! (1prin7ler &ensit0) #..0 l/8in/8! (1prin7ler &ensit0) .!0 l/8in/8! R%>%)%n(%' +C;* /30 - !00C2 1ection /.C."4 +C;* /30 - !00C2 1ection /.C."" +C;* /30 -!00C2 1ection /.C."0.! *FPA "/2 1ection .#.!." *FPA "/2 1ection .#.!." *FPA "/2 1ection .3.! +C;* 3342 1ection 4.# ta9le ! +C;* 3342 1ection 4.# ta9le !

?PG sphere / B%llet (eactor/;essel P%8p/Co8pressor :''ice B%il&ing/Fire 1tation / ?a9orator0 B%il&ing 3areho%se/ 3or7shop

+he 8ini8%8 operating press%re at )ater spra0 noFFles is ".# 9arg as per *FPA "/. 1prin7ler s0ste8s )ill 9e reB%ire& 'or the :''ice 9%il&ing2 3areho%se2 3or7shop2 ?a9orator0 an& Fire 1tation. Fire)ater tan7 is &esigne& 'or 3 ho%rs o' %ninterr%pte& )ater s%ppl0 at the 8axi8%8 reB%ire& rate as per +C;* !4!! reB%ire8ent.

Pile Calculation (Typical)Process Document No. U-00034-PRCI-C !CRT-000" Page 3D 35 R%&.0

Design o#

Criteria 4$8

PE+(:;$E+*AM GA1 <:$*+ 1+:C= C:(P:(A+$:* P;GA1 CAMA> GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+ MA*AGEME*+ B:A(D >PDA+$*G FEA11$B$?$+@ 1+>D@ F:( GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+

PILE CALCULATION 7TYPICALPROCESS DESIGN CRITERIA8 :- FIRE FIGHTING SYSTEM Fire 'ighting s0ste8 'or *C1! co8prises 'ollo)ing ite8s Fire )ater p%8p s0ste85 :%t&oor 'ire )ater h0&rant5 $n&oor 'ire )ater h0&rant5 Fire )ater 8onitor5 Fix )ater spra0 s0ste85 Fire hose reels5 Fire 'oa8 s0ste82 incl%&ing air 'oa8 cha89er2 'ire 'oa8 cart5 an&

Porta9le 'ire exting%ishers. +he 'ire 'ighting s0ste8 is &esigne& accor&ing to the latest ;ietna8ese an& $nternational stan&ar&s. +he s0ste8 is eB%ippe& to ens%re sa'et0 'or people an& propert02 avoi&ing 'ire an& explosion. $t is capa9le to reg%larl0 s%ppl0 )ater2 'oa8 an& 'ire exting%ishing s%9stances 'or 'ire 'ighting2 soon &etecting an& &isting%ishing 'ire so that &a8ages can 9e 8ini8iFe&. @- >*)% Aa"%) B >oam .%man. (a#(=#a"*on Design 'lo) rate o' 'ire 'ighting )ater shall 9e calc%late& 9ase& on the single largest 'ire occ%rring at the sa8e ti8e in the plant.
@-3 F*)% Aa"%)B>oam .%man.

+he 8axi8%8 'ire )ater &e8an& shall 9e calc%late& on the 9asis o' a single 8aAor 'ire event an& no escalation at a ti8e. Fire )ater &e8an& o' &el%ge s0ste8 is calc%late& 9ase& on the 'ollo)ing eB%ationFire)ater &e8an& K 1%r'ace area x &esign &ensit0
@-4 F*)% Aa"%) B >oam .%man. >o) %a(+ Don%

Fire )ater &e8an& 'or each Fone is s%88eriFe& in +a9le /." 9elo)Details o' the 'ire)ater &e8an& calc%lation is sho)ne&sho)e& in Appen&ix B.

+a9le /."- 1%88ar0 o' Fire)ater &e8an& calc%lation.

Pile Calculation (Typical)Process Document No. U-00034-PRCI-C !CRT-000" Page 3I 36 R%&.0

Design o#

Criteria 4$8

PE+(:;$E+*AM GA1 <:$*+ 1+:C= C:(P:(A+$:* P;GA1 CAMA> GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+ MA*AGEME*+ B:A(D >PDA+$*G FEA11$B$?$+@ 1+>D@ F:( GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+


F*)% Don% A)%a R%F=*)% . F*)%Aa"% ) D%man. 7m1B+)8 340 S"an.a). No o> mon*"o )' No o> +o'% o="#%" o> +y.)an" ' ! No o> *n.oo) >*)% +y.)a n" .%#=6%B Sp)*n,#%)' 7m1B+)8 A("=a# F*)%Aa"% ) p)o&*.%. 7m1B+)8 340 EF=*pm%n" "o D%#=6%


M%ster / Par7ing Area :''ice

+C;* !4!!-"CC/ 1ection "0./ +C;* !4!!-"CC/ 1ection "0./2 +C;* 3342 1ection 4.# +C;* !4!!-"CC/ 1ection "0./ +C;* !4!!-"CC/ 1ection "0./2 +C;* 3342 1ection 4.# +C;* !4!!-"CC/ 1ection "0./2 +C;* 3342 1ection 4.# +C;* !4!!-"CC/ 1ection "0./2 +C;* 3342 1ection 4.# *FPA "#2 +C;* !4!!-"CC/ 1ection "0./ *FPA "#2 +C;* !4!!-"CC/ 1ection "0./ *FPA "#2 +C;* !4!!-"CC/ 1ection "0./ *FPA "#2 +C;* !4!!-"CC/ 1ection "0./ *FPA "#2 +C;* !4!!-"CC/ 1ection "0./ *FPA "#2 +C;* !4!!-"CC/ 1ection "0./ *FPA "/2*FPA "#







Canteen D Garage/ Car Par7ing 3or7shop




!"!. .

"3#. .

33!. .


3areho%s e

!"!. .

"3#. .

33!. .


Fire 1tation





3aste)ate r treat8ent area Fire)ater P%8p ho%se Control B%il&ing Electrical 1)itchroo 8 an& +rans'or8 er E8ergenc 0 Diesel Generator Po)er generation 1tation Pig ?a%ncher/ (eceiver Metering 17i&s 3ater +reating Area

































*FPA "#2 +C;* !4!!-"CC/ 1ection "0./



Pig la%nchers (";/30"/";/#0" /";/00")2 Pig receiver (";0 0")2 ?PG D Con&ensate Metering s7i&s ("M!!0"/"M!303) *A

Pile Calculation (Typical)Process Document No. U-00034-PRCI-C !CRT-000" Page 3K 37 R%&.0

Design o#

Criteria 4$8

PE+(:;$E+*AM GA1 <:$*+ 1+:C= C:(P:(A+$:* P;GA1 CAMA> GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+ MA*AGEME*+ B:A(D >PDA+$*G FEA11$B$?$+@ 1+>D@ F:( GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+


F*)% Don% A)%a R%F=*)% . F*)%Aa"% ) D%man. 7m1B+)8 ! ".C4## !.C3 S"an.a). No o> mon*"o )' No o> +o'% o="#%" o> +y.)an" ' 3 No o> *n.oo) >*)% +y.)a n" .%#=6%B Sp)*n,#%)' 7m1B+)8 A("=a# F*)%Aa"% ) p)o&*.%. 7m1B+)8 3 C.33/4 !.C3 EF=*pm%n" "o D%#=6%


>tilit0 Area

*FPA "/2 +C;* !4!!-"CC/ 1ection "0./


C.33!4!.C !

"4 "

1l%g Catcher Area :''Espec B%llet Area ?PG 1torage +an7 Area

/30.#!#. 0 "4C!.CC 3C. 4

*FPA "/2 *FPA "# *FPA "/2 *FPA "#

3 "

! !

/0.#!*A "/"!.CC// C. 4

/30.#!#. 0 " /!.CC CC. 4


"!# .0

*FPA "/2 *FPA "#


"04 .0

"30 .0


Con&ensat e 1torage +an7 Area


+C;* /30 -!00C2 *FPA ""2 *FPA "/





Process Area Process Area $B?

"#" .3"" !...#!

*FPA "/2 +C;* !4!!-"CC/ 1ection "0./*FPA "/2 *FPA "#



"!3 .3""0 .C.33

"/C .3"" 3.C.33


Process Area Process Area $B?

"3/3.!" .4/

*FPA "/2 +C;* !4!!-"CC/ 1ection "0./*FPA "/2 *FPA "#



"04 .#//! /./3

"34 .#/. ././3

,P F%el gas scr%99er (";3!0!)2 Methanol +an7 (";3C0")2 1pent Methanol +an7 (";3C0#)2 Methanol inAection p%8ps ("P3C0!A/B2 "P3C03A/B)2 ,ot oil expansion &r%8 (";3#0")2 ,ot oil heaters (",3#03A/B) Gas 'ilter an& 1eparators (";"003A/B) :''Espec B%llet (";!#!") :''Espec trans'er p%8ps ("P!#!!A/B) Cooling 'or overall s%r'ace area o' sphere tan7 (";!!0"A) on 'ire an& cooling hal' the s%r'ace area o' sphere tan7 (";!!0"B) a&Aacent sphere tan7 on 'ire2 ?PG +rans'er P%8ps ("P!!0" A/B) Con&ensate storage tan7s ("+!30"A/B)2 Con&ensate trans'er p%8ps ("P!30!A/B)2 +an7 Flare =: Dr%8 (";3.")2 +an7 Flare =: P%8p ("P3.3") "C".0!A/B/C 1ales Gas Co8pressor2 ";".0"A/B/C 1ales Gas Co8pressor 1%ction 1cr%99er2 "E.03A/B/C 1ales Gas Co8pressor A'tercooler2 ",3#"" A/B/C 1ales Gas Co8pressor 3,(>"C".0!A/B/C 1ales Gas Co8pressor2 ";".0"A/B/C 1ales Gas Co8pressor 1%ction 1cr%99er2 "E.03A/B/C 1ales Gas Co8pressor A'tercooler2 ",3#"" A/B/C 1ales Gas Co8pressor 3,(> ";" 0" Con&ensate 1%rge Dr%82 ";" 0! Con&ensate Fractionator2 ";" 0/ Flash Gas Co8pressor 1%ction Dr%82 Phase ! eB%ip8ent E Ethane

Pile Calculation (Typical)Process Document No. U-00034-PRCI-C !CRT-000" Page 38 38 R%&.0

Design o#

Criteria 4$8

PE+(:;$E+*AM GA1 <:$*+ 1+:C= C:(P:(A+$:* P;GA1 CAMA> GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+ MA*AGEME*+ B:A(D >PDA+$*G FEA11$B$?$+@ 1+>D@ F:( GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+


F*)% Don% A)%a R%F=*)% . F*)%Aa"% ) D%man. 7m1B+)8 S"an.a). No o> mon*"o )' No o> +o'% o="#%" o> +y.)an" ' No o> *n.oo) >*)% +y.)a n" .%#=6%B Sp)*n,#%)' 7m1B+)8 A("=a# F*)%Aa"% ) p)o&*.%. 7m1B+)8 EF=*pm%n" "o D%#=6%


Process Area Process Area $B? Process Area Process Area $B?

"../C 0 #.!


C0/.CC0/ .C

*FPA "/2 +C;* !4!!-"CC/ 1ection "0./*FPA "/2 *FPA "# *FPA "/2 +C;* !4!!-"CC/ 1ection "0./*FPA "/2 *FPA "#



#!0. #04.3 .

.0. 44 .3.

+reater =: &r%82 Ethane a9sor9er2 P%8ps2 Exchangers2 Coolers";" 0" Con&ensate 1%rge Dr%82 ";" 0! Con&ensate Fractionator2 ";" 0/ Flash Gas Co8pressor 1%ction Dr%82 "+"!"! P%re A8ine 1torage +an72 "P"!0 A P%re A8ine P%8p ";"#0# De8ethaniFer Phase ! '%t%re p%8p";"#0# De8ethaniFer E"#04 Con&ensate 1%9cooler2 Phase ! eB%ip8ent E DeethaniFer re'l%x &r%8. DeethaniFer2 (e'rigerant pac7ageE"#04 Con&ensate 1%9cooler2 Phase ! eB%ip8ent E DeethaniFer re'l%x &r%8. DeethaniFer2 (e'rigerant pac7age ";3 0" Close& Drain ;essel2 "P"/0!A/B ?PG Col%8n (e'l%x P%8ps2 ";"/0# ?PG Col%8n2 "E"/0! ?PG Col%8n Con&ensor Cooler2 "E"/03 Con&ensate Pro&%ct Cooler2 ";3 0" Close& Drain ;essel2 "P"/0!A/B ?PG Col%8n (e'l%x P%8ps2 ";"/0# ?PG Col%8n2 "E"/0! ?PG Col%8n Con&ensor Cooler2 "E"/03 Con&ensate Pro&%ct Cooler2 "E"/0# ?PG Col%8n Fee& Pro&%ct Exchanger "E"#"! Col& Gas/?iB%i&s Exchanger2 "E"#0! Col& Gas/Gas Exchanger2 "E"#"" 3ar8 Gas/?iB%i&s Exchanger2 "E"#0" 3ar8 Gas/Gas Exchanger2 "L!"0" (egeneration pac7age"E"#"! Col& Gas/?iB%i&s



/ !."4/ !. "4

CC!."4"" "!."4


Process Area Process Area $B?

..// C C.#C

*FPA "/2 +C;* !4!!-"CC/ 1ection "0./*FPA "/2 *FPA "#



3! .!.#0". !4

.4 .!..! ".!4


Process Area Process Area $B?

."3.#"#! /.04

*FPA "/2 +C;* !4!!-"CC/ 1ection "0./*FPA "/2 *FPA "#



#3#..CC. . 3!

C"#..C"# 4 .3!

Pile Calculation (Typical)Process Document No. U-00034-PRCI-C !CRT-000" Page 3N 39 R%&.0

Design o#

Criteria 4$8

PE+(:;$E+*AM GA1 <:$*+ 1+:C= C:(P:(A+$:* P;GA1 CAMA> GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+ MA*AGEME*+ B:A(D >PDA+$*G FEA11$B$?$+@ 1+>D@ F:( GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+


F*)% Don% A)%a R%F=*)% . F*)%Aa"% ) D%man. 7m1B+)8 S"an.a). No o> mon*"o )' No o> +o'% o="#%" o> +y.)an" ' No o> *n.oo) >*)% +y.)a n" .%#=6%B Sp)*n,#%)' 7m1B+)8 A("=a# F*)%Aa"% ) p)o&*.%. 7m1B+)8 EF=*pm%n" "o D%#=6%


Process Area Process Area $B?

43.4.#/ "..#

*FPA "/2 +C;* !4!!-"CC/ 1ection "0./*FPA "/2 *FPA "#



!.C.3/"!#. C3

4C.3/#. #.C3

! !

Process Area Process Area $B?

#0". ."" !0.!

*FPA "/2 +C;* !4!!-"CC/ 1ection "0./*FPA "/2 *FPA "# *FPA "/2 +C;* !4!!-"CC/ 1ection "0./*FPA "/2 *FPA "#



4.. C.3..C .

#!.. C"" C..C.


Process Area Process Area $B?

C!0.//C3 0.C.



43C.04 !.. C4

CCC.04"0 ...C4

Exchanger2 "E"#0! Col& Gas/Gas Exchanger2 "E"#"" 3ar8 Gas/?iB%i&s Exchanger2 "E"#0" 3ar8 Gas/Gas Exchanger2 "L!"0" (egeneration pac7age ";"40" Merc%r0 G%ar& Be&2 ";"30" Deh0&ration $nlet 1eparator2 ";"30! Molec%lar 1ieve Be&2 "E"303 (egeneration Gas Cooler2 "E"30# (egeneration Gas Co8pressor A'ter Cooler2 "F"30!A/B (egeneration Gas Filter (Gas)2 "F"303 (egeneration Gas Filter (?iB%i&)";"40" Merc%r0 G%ar& Be&2 ";"30" Deh0&ration $nlet 1eparator2 ";"30! Molec%lar 1ieve Be&2 "E"303 (egeneration Gas Cooler2 "E"30# (egeneration Gas Co8pressor A'ter Cooler ";"003A/B Gas Filter an& 1eparatorPhase ! eB%ip8ent E Ethane +reater =: &r%82 Ethane a9sor9er2 P%8ps2 Exchangers2 Coolers "P"!0"A/B/C ,P se8ilean sol%tion p%8ps2 "E"!0" Fee& Pro&%ctEGas Exchanger2 ";"!03 A8ine A9sor9er2 "E"!0# 1ol%tion Cooler2 ";"!0! A9sor9er 17i88ing Dr%82 ";"!0C A8ine (ecover0 Dr%82 ">"!0" A8ine 1%8p2 "E" 0" Con&ensate Fractionator :verhea& Co8pressor2 ";"!0# Pro&%ct Gas =: Dr%82 "P"!0"A/B/C ,P se8ilean sol%tion p%8ps2 "E"!0" Fee& Pro&%ctEGas Exchanger2 ";"!03 A8ine A9sor9er2 "F"!0! Activate&

Pile Calculation (Typical)Process Document No. U-00034-PRCI-C !CRT-000" Page 80 40 R%&.0

Design o#

Criteria 4$8

PE+(:;$E+*AM GA1 <:$*+ 1+:C= C:(P:(A+$:* P;GA1 CAMA> GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+ MA*AGEME*+ B:A(D >PDA+$*G FEA11$B$?$+@ 1+>D@ F:( GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+


F*)% Don% A)%a R%F=*)% . F*)%Aa"% ) D%man. 7m1B+)8 S"an.a). No o> mon*"o )' No o> +o'% o="#%" o> +y.)an" ' No o> *n.oo) >*)% +y.)a n" .%#=6%B Sp)*n,#%)' 7m1B+)8 A("=a# F*)%Aa"% ) p)o&*.%. 7m1B+)8 EF=*pm%n" "o D%#=6%


Process Area Process Area $B?

" 4..!/" 34 ..!

*FPA "/2 +C;* !4!!-"CC/ 1ection "0./*FPA "/2 *FPA "# *FPA "/2 +C;* !4!!-"CC/ 1ection "0./*FPA "/2 *FPA "# *FPA "/2 +C;* !4!!-"CC/ 1ection "0./*FPA "/2 *FPA "# +C;* !4!!-"CC/ 1ection "0./2 +C;* 3342 1ection 4.# +C;* !4!!-"CC/ 1ection "0./ +C;* !4!!-"CC/ 1ection "0./ +C;* /30 -!00C2 +C;* 3.C0-!00C *FPA "/2 *FPA "#



"!CC. ."0 /.4C

" C. ." ///.4C

Car9on Filter2 ";"!0! A9sor9er 17i88ing Dr%82 ";"!0C A8ine (ecover0 Dr%82 ">"!0" A8ine 1%8p2 "E" 0" Con&ensate Fractionator :verhea& Co8pressor2 "E"!0# 1ol%tion Cooler ";"!0/ (ich 1ol%tion Flash Dr%82 ";"!04 ?P Flash Col%8n";"!0/ (ich 1ol%tion Flash Dr%82 ";"!04 ?P Flash Col%8n


Process Area Process Area $B? Process Area Process Area $B?

!/".4!/" .4






#3 .0# 0."3



!#" / #.0C

/#"C3#.0 C






";3.0" ,P 3ar8 3et Flare =: Dr%82 ";3."" ?P Flare =: Dr%8";3.0" ,P 3ar8 3et Flare =: Dr%82 ";3."" ?P Flare =: Dr%8 *A

33 3# 3/

G%ar& ,o%se " G%ar& ,o%se ! Diesel 1torage +an7 Area A8ine 1torage +an7 Area

40 40 !!..."

3 3 " ! #..."

".0 ".0 !...."

*A *A *A






P%re A8ine 1torage +an7 ("+!0!)2 P%re A8ine P%8p ("P"!0 A)


(apa(*"y o> >*)%Aa"%) p=mp' E Accor&ing to +a9le /."2 the largest 'ire )ater &e8an& is at Fire Ione " !C2 :''spec B%llet AreaProcess Area $B? )ith "2 /!///.C4C C. . 83/hr. HFI" !C K "2 //!/.C4C .0 83/hr E Propose three (03) nos o' 'ire)ater p%8ps2 ! &%t0 an& " stan&90. +he 'lo)rate o' each 'ire)ater p%8p shall 9e selecte& 90 /0J o' the largest 'ire )ater &e8an&. H'lo)rate o' each 'ire)ater p%8p K "2 /!///.C4C .0 (83/hr) x //0/"00 K . 4 .#C .#.C0 83/hr.
Pile Calculation (Typical)Process Document No. U-00034-PRCI-C !CRT-000" Page 8E 41 R%&.0 Design o# Criteria 4$8

PE+(:;$E+*AM GA1 <:$*+ 1+:C= C:(P:(A+$:* P;GA1 CAMA> GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+ MA*AGEME*+ B:A(D >PDA+$*G FEA11$B$?$+@ 1+>D@ F:( GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+

PILE CALCULATION 7TYPICALPROCESS DESIGN CRITERIA8 E 1ee *FPA !02 ta9le #.!4 (a) propose 'lo)rate 'or each 'ire)ater p%8p shall 9e C0. 83/hr. E Propose t)o (0!) nos o' Aoc7e0 p%8ps2 " &%t0 an& " stan&90 to 8aintain the 'ire)ater ring 8ain press%re. Each Aoc7e0 p%8p 'lo)rate shall 9e 40 8 3/hr as per AP$ (P !00" reB%ire8ent. 1%88ar0 +)o (0!) 8ain 'ire)ater p%8ps2 t0pe &iesel engine- H K C0. 83/hr2 , K "0 9arg (M) :ne (0") 8ain 'ire)ater p%8p2 t0pe electric &riven - H K C0. 83/hr2 , K "0 9arg (M) +)o (0!) Aoc7e0 p%8ps2 t0pe electric &riven- H K 40 83/h2 , K "0 9arg Note: (*) The Firewater Pump Head requirements will be verified in the Hydraulic nalysis !eport" CAPACITY OF THE FIRE ?ATER TANK +a9le /." in&icates that the largest 'ire)ater &e8an& is 'or Fire Ione " )ith "2 /!.CC .0 83/hr. Accor&ing to +C;* !4!!-"CC/2 the 'ire)ater s%ppl0 sho%l& 9e availa9le 'or a perio& 3 ho%rs (".0 8in%tes) 9ases on the 8axi8%8 'ire)ater &e8an&. ,ence2 the 'ire)ater vol%8e reB%ire& is as 'ollo)s;Fire )ater tan7 K Hlargest 'ire)ater &e8an& x 3 ho%rs K "2 /!.CC.0 83/hr x 3 hr K /2!/..C 3#0 83 +he 'ire)ater shall 9e store& in t)o (0!) 'ire )ater tan7s. ,ence the 8ini8%8 'ire)ater tan7 vol%8e 'or each tan7 is !24!C 4 0 83. Fire)ater tan7 siFe shall 9e siFe& a&&itional "0J 'or space 'ro8 (,,) level liB%i& to the top o' tan7. ,ence the total siFe sho%l& 9e at least 4GC20 83. ,ence Ppropose& Fire)ater +an7 1iFe K "/.008 ($D) x " .008 (,) 3030-3 CAPACITY OF THE FOAM TANK Foam Tan, a" Con.%n'a"% S"o)a6% Tan, A)%a Fire 'oa8 s0ste8 shall 9e %se& to 'ire exting%ishing 'or con&ensate storage tan7 ("+!30" A/B). Con&ensate storage tan7 is t0pe internal 'loating roo' covere& roo'. ,ence2 'oa8 rate application &esigne& as +C;* /30 reB%ire&2 the s%r'ace area to calc%late a8o%nt 'oa8 shall 9e applie& 'or overall s%r'ace area o' internal 'loating roo'. Con&ensate storage tan7 ("+!30" A/B) &i8ensions$D K "".3 8 , K "".3 8 Foa8 rate application- "! ?/8in/8! (+C;* /30 2 1ection /.C.""). Fire exting%ishing 'or 'ire on tan7 Foa8 sol%tion &e8an& to 'ire exting%ishing 'or on 'ire tan7H'oa8 K "! (l/8in.8!) x 3."# x ("".3N!)/# K "!0!..# ?PM K !." 83/h. Ass%8e that AlcoholE(esistant Foa8 Concentrate AFFF 3J is %se&. 3ater 8a7ing sol%tion reserve& in stoc7 'or 'ireE'ightingHC+B K !." x ("E 0.03) K 0 83/hr
Pile Calculation (Typical)Process Document No. U-00034-PRCI-C !CRT-000" Page 82 42 R%&.0 Design o# Criteria 4$8


PE+(:;$E+*AM GA1 <:$*+ 1+:C= C:(P:(A+$:* P;GA1 CAMA> GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+ MA*AGEME*+ B:A(D >PDA+$*G FEA11$B$?$+@ 1+>D@ F:( GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+

PILE CALCULATION 7TYPICALPROCESS DESIGN CRITERIA8 :perating ti8e 'or spra0ing insi&e tan7A8o%nt o' Foa8 'or on 'ire tan7;'oa8 K (= x H'oa8 x +'oa8) x 3J $n )hich;'oa8- *ecessit0 'oa8 a8o%nt2 83 =- (eservation 'actor o' lo) expansion 'oa82 = K ! H'oa8- Flo) rate o' 'oa8 sol%tion2 83/hr +he vol%8e o' 'oa8 tan7;'oa8 tan7 K ! x !." 83/hr x !0/40 hr x 0.03 K ".## 83 +he Foa8 9la&&er tan7 )ill have a 8ini8%8 o' 3-; 83. Propose& 'oa8 9la&&er tan7 1iFe K ".!8 ($D) x "./8 (?)2 *ote- Exact 'oa8 9la&&er tan7 siFe shall 9e con'ir8e& 90 ;en&or. Fire exting%ishing 'or insi&e 9%n& +o 'ire exting%ishing 'or insi&e 9%n& con&ensate storage area2 'oa8 carts shall 9e %se&2 ass%8ption that AlcoholE(esistant Foa8 Concentrate AFFF 3J is %se&. H%antit0 o' 'oa8 carts - ! nos Mini8%8 'lo)rate 'or each 'oa8 cart is ".C l/8in as (+C;* /30 2 section /.C."#) 3ater 8a7ing sol%tion reserve& in stoc7 'or 'oa8 carts :perating ti8e 'or each 'oa8 cartA8o%nt o' Foa8 store in 'oa8 cart ;'oa8 K ".C l/8in x !0 8in x 3J K ""3.# ?iters. ,ence2 selection t0pe 'oa8 cart have capacit0 "!0 ?iters. 30-4 Foam Tan, a" D*%'%# S"o)a6% Tan, A)%a Fire 'oa8 s0ste8 shall 9e %se& to 'ire exting%ishing 'or Diesel storage tan7 ("+3/0"). Diesel storage tan7 is t0pe cone roo' tan7. ,ence2 'oa8 rate application &esigne& as +C;* /30 reB%ire&. Diesel storage tan7 ("+3/0") &i8ensions$D K 3.4 8 , K /.4 8 Foa8 rate application- #." ?/8in/8! (+C;* /30 2 1ection /.C."0.!). Fire exting%ishing 'or &iesel storage tan7 Foa8 sol%tion &e8an& to 'ire exting%ishing 'or &iesel storage tan7Pile Calculation (Typical)Process Document No. U-00034-PRCI-C !CRT-000" Page 83 43 R%&.0 Design o# Criteria 4$8

+'oa8 K !0 8in

H*FC K ! x ".C x 0.04 x ("E 0.03) K !".CC 83/hr +'oa8 cart K !0 8in

PE+(:;$E+*AM GA1 <:$*+ 1+:C= C:(P:(A+$:* P;GA1 CAMA> GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+ MA*AGEME*+ B:A(D >PDA+$*G FEA11$B$?$+@ 1+>D@ F:( GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+

PILE CALCULATION 7TYPICALPROCESS DESIGN CRITERIA8 H'oa8 K #." (l/8in.8!) x 3."# x (3.4N!)/# K #". " ?PM K !./ 83/h. Ass%8e that AlcoholE(esistant Foa8 Concentrate AFFF 3J is %se&. 3ater 8a7ing sol%tion reserve& in stoc7 'or 'ireE'ightingHC+B K !./ x ("E 0.03) K !.#3 83/hr :perating ti8e 'or spra0ing insi&e tan7A8o%nt o' Foa8 'or on 'ire tan7;'oa8 K (= x H'oa8 x +'oa8) x 3J $n )hich;'oa8- *ecessit0 'oa8 a8o%nt2 83 =- (eservation 'actor o' lo) expansion 'oa82 = K ! H'oa8- Flo) rate o' 'oa8 sol%tion2 83/hr +he vol%8e o' 'oa8 tan7;'oa8 tan7 K ! x !.#3 83/hr x ///40 hr x 0.03 K 0."3 83 (e'er to 'oa8 9la&&er tan7 catalog%es are availa9le on 8ar7et. Propose 'oa8 9la&&er tan7 have capacit0 o' 0-1@ 83. Propose& 'oa8 9la&&er tan7 1iFe K 0.48 ($D) x ".C8 (?)2 *ote- Exact 'oa8 9la&&er tan7 siFe shall 9e con'ir8e& 90 ;en&or. Fire exting%ishing 'or insi&e 9%n& +o 'ire exting%ishing 'or insi&e 9%n& &iesel storage area2 porta9le 'oa8 'ire exting%isher t0pe "00 ?iters shall 9e provi&e&. NPSH P=mp Ca#(=#a"*on *P1, availa9le (*P1,A) shall 9e calc%late the 9ase& on s7etch o' 'ire )ater p%8p la0o%t. *P1, reB%ire& (*P1,() shall 9e s%pplie& 90 p%8pOs 8an%'act%rer. +he criteria reB%ire8ent 9et)een (*P1,A) an& (*P1,() shall 9e- *P1,A G *P1,( P "./! 8 as per *FPA !0 section ..!.!. *P1,A shall 9e calc%late& in the )orst case at "/0J 'lo)rate 'ire)ater p%8p. For8%la 'or calc%lation *P1,A o' p%8ps as 'ollo)NP#H (m) of Pump: $lectric Power: Electric Po)er K 3ithP - Press%re &rop (Bar)
Design o# Criteria 4$8 Pile Calculation (Typical)Process Document No. U-00034-PRCI-C !CRT-000" Page 88 44 R%&.0

+'oa8 K // 8in


NPSHA = P P 1 +P H P 0

q * * H * g 3600 * 1000 * E

PE+(:;$E+*AM GA1 <:$*+ 1+:C= C:(P:(A+$:* P;GA1 CAMA> GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+ MA*AGEME*+ B:A(D >PDA+$*G FEA11$B$?$+@ 1+>D@ F:( GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+

PILE CALCULATION 7TYPICALPROCESS DESIGN CRITERIA8 - Press%re in the vessel (Bara) - ;apor Press%re (Bara) - 1tatic Press%re (Bara) - ,ea& (8 o' 'l%i& p%8pe&) - P%8p e''icienc0 (J) - (ate o' liB%i& 'lo) (83/hr) - Gravit0 accelerations (C.." 8/s!) - 3ater &ensit0 (CC4 7g/83) (Note: Formula%s source ta&en from '$n(ineerin( )ata *oo&+) Base& on calc%lation sheet (Appen&ix D)2 *P1,A 'or each p%8p as 'ollo) Diesel Fire)ater p%8ps (P#!0!A/B) 5 *P1,A K 4.3 8 Electric Fire)ater p%8p (P#!0") 5 *P1,A K 4.3 8 <oc7e0 p%8ps (P#!03A/B)5 *P1,A K ..! 8 P" Po P, , E B g

+he 9ase& on calc%lation sheet (Appen&ix D)2 Esti8ate& rate po)er 'or each p%8p as 'ollo) =3 Electric Fire)ater p%8p- P#!0" 5 Esti8ate& rate po)er - #0!./! =3 <oc7e0 p%8ps- P#!03A/B5 Esti8ate& rate po)er - !4.40 =3 Diesel Fire)ater p%8ps- P#!0!A/B 5 Esti8ate& rate po)er - #0!./!

Detail calc%lation re'er to Appen&ix D 34(a#(=#a"*on >=%# (on'=mp"*on >o) ma*n >*)%Aa"%) .*%'%# %n6*n%' p=mP +he '%el cons%8ption 'or 8ain 'ire)ater &iesel engine p%8p shall 9e s%pplie& 90 p%8pOs 8an%'act%rer &epen&ing on respective p%8pOs 8an%'act%rer. +he esti8ate& '%el cons%8ption 'or 'ire)ater &iesel engine p%8ps shall 9e calc%late& 9ase& on the esti8ate& po)er rating the &iesel engine as per *PFA !0 section "".#.! an& section C.4.!.3 as 'ollo)s F%el storage capacit0 o' the &iesel &a0 tan7 shall 9e at least eB%al to " gal per hp (/.0 ? per 73). +he B%antit0 " gal per hp (/.0 ? per =3) is eB%ivalent to " pint per hp (0.43# ? per 73) per ho%r 'or . ho%rs. +he '%el s%ppl0 capacit0 shall 9e s%''icient to provi&e . ho%rs o' 'ire p%8p operation at "00 percent o' the rate& p%8p. ,ence the vol%8e o' '%el &a0 tan7 'or &iesel engine p%8p ; K Q. ho%rs x &iesel engine rate po)er (=3) x 0.43# (litres)/(=3)/ho%rR S "0J vol%8e (space 'ro8 ,, level to the top o' tan7) ; K "." x Q. ho%rs x #0!./! (=3) x 0.43# (litres)/(=3)/ho%rR K !2!#/."4 (litres) K 4-1 83. Propose& '%el &a0 tan7 'or &iesel engine siFe K ".!8 ($D) x !."8 (,)2 *ote- Diesel
Pile Calculation (Typical)Process Document No. U-00034-PRCI-C !CRT-000" Page 8D 45 R%&.0 Design o# Criteria 4$8

PE+(:;$E+*AM GA1 <:$*+ 1+:C= C:(P:(A+$:* P;GA1 CAMA> GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+ MA*AGEME*+ B:A(D >PDA+$*G FEA11$B$?$+@ 1+>D@ F:( GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+

PILE CALCULATION 7TYPICALPROCESS DESIGN CRITERIA8 &a0 tan7 siFe shall 9e con'ir8e& 90 P%8p ven&or. 31#*n% '*D*n6 ?ine siFing shall 9e calc%late& to 9e in accor&ance )ith the 8axi8%8 &e'ine& velocit0 in the pipes an& to li8it the 'riction press%re &rop in the lines )hile provi&ing s%''icient press%re at %sers. For8%la 'or ?ine siFing as 'ollo)Flo) ;elocit0 +he velocit0 in pipe2 3here
Vf = Q = A Q d2 4

H - Flo)rate in pipe2 83/hr A - Pipe cross sectional area2 8! D - Pipe internal &ia8eter2 8 Maxi8%8 velocit0 in pipe K "/ 't/s T #./ 8/s ,aFenE3illia8s For8%la ,aFenE3illia8 'or8%la- Pm = 6.05 x 3here
1.85 Qm x10 5 1.85 4.87 C dm P8 - Frictional resistance2 9ar/8 H8 - Flo) rate2 ?/8in C - Friction loss coe''icient &8 - Act%al internal &ia8eter2 88

1.85 Qm x10 7 1.85 4.87 C dm +he line siFing calc%lation sheet is provi&e& in Attach8ents C.

+h%s2 press%re &rop per "0082 PD (bar / 100m) = 6.05 x


CONCLUSION +he 8axi8%8 'ire)ater &e8an& 'or Gas Processing Plant (GPP!) is " /!" C. ..CC 83/hr )hich re'ers to the highest 'ire)ater &e8an& 'ro8 the Fire Ione !C area2 locate& at the process area5 :''spec B%llet Area (Fire Ione " ). +hree (03) nos o' 8ain 'ire)ater p%8ps (! &%t0 an& " stan&90 ) )ill provi&e& 90 each 8ain 'ire)ater p%8p 'lo)rate is C0. 83/hr.. +)o (0!) nos o' Aoc7e0 p%8ps (" &%t0 an& " stan&90) )ill provi&e& 90 each Aoc7e0 p%8p 'lo)rate is 40 83/hr.5 Propose& 'oa8 9la&&er tan7 siFe o' "./ 83 'or con&ensate storage tan7 area )ith tan7 &i8ensions o' ".!8 ($D) x "./8 (?)5 an& Propose& 'oa8 9la&&er tan7 siFe o' 0.3. 83 'or &iesel storage tan7 area )ith tan7 &i8ensions o' 0.48 ($D) x ".C8 (?)5 an& Propose& t)o (0!) Fire)ater tan7s each tan7 vol%8e is !24!C C#0 83 )ith tan7 &i8ensions o' "/.008 ($D) x " .008 (,).
Pile Calculation (Typical)Process Document No. U-00034-PRCI-C !CRT-000" Page 8I 46 R%&.0 Design o# Criteria 4$8

PE+(:;$E+*AM GA1 <:$*+ 1+:C= C:(P:(A+$:* P;GA1 CAMA> GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+ MA*AGEME*+ B:A(D >PDA+$*G FEA11$B$?$+@ 1+>D@ F:( GA1 P(:CE11$*G P?A*+ P(:<EC+

PILE CALCULATION 7TYPICALPROCESS DESIGN CRITERIA8 3; app%n.*(%' Appen&ix A G Fire Ione ?a0o%t Appen&ix B G Fire)ater De8an& Calc%lation 1heets Appen&ix C G Fire)ater ?ine 1iFing Calc%lation 1heets Appen&ix D G *P1,A P%8p Calc%lation

Pile Calculation (Typical)Process Document No. U-00034-PRCI-C !CRT-000" Page 8K 47 R%&.0

Design o#

Criteria 4$8

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