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KPower Dynorun Tool KPower Dynorun Tool Version 3.0.9 1. Terms of se an!

n! Pro"ram #o$yri"%t KPower is &o$yri"%t by Kaufmann Automotive GmbH. All ri"%ts are reserve!. De&om$ilation' !isassembly' reverse( en"ineerin" alteration' use as a referen&e tool for t%e $ur$ose of !evelo$in" a $ro!u&t wit% similar fun&tionality an! re(!istribution in any form wit%out t%e $rior written &onsent of Kaufmann Automotive GmbH is $ro%ibite!. )y installin" t%is software' you a&*nowle!"e t%at t%is $ro"ram is $rovi!e! +as it is+ an! +wit% all faults' !efe&ts an! errors+ an! t%at all use of t%e $ro"ram is at your own full ris*. ,%en "eneratin" lo""in" !ata for t%is $ro"ram' *ee$ sure t%at !an"er to ot%er traffi& is im$ossible. T%e roa! traffi& rules %ave to be res$e&te! an! your brain e-ists to be use!. .$eration of t%e measurement la$to$ s%oul! be !one by a se&on! $erson on t%e ba&*seat. /. 0un&tions

Kaufmann Automotive GmbH

T%e $ro"ram enables to measure $ower an! tor1ue of your en"ine by e-aminin" t%e .)D measurement !ata t%at &an be obtaine! wit% t%e !ia"nosti& software VAG(#.2' V#D3 or G3(911. 4ou are able to &%e&* an! rate mo!ifi&ations of your en"ine e.". air filters' &%i$(tunin" et&. wit%out e-$ensive !yno runs. 3. se of t%e $ro"ram 4ou %ave to "enerate e.". wit% V#D3 a suitable lo" file5 6o" your !rive e.". wit% measurement blo&* 7 an! 8 9TD: en"ine;' en"ine s$ee! an! ve%i&le s$ee! nee! to be in t%e lo". How to !rive5 T%e +!rivin" &y&le+ is s$lit in two $arts' a&&eleration an! !e&eleration. A&&elerate wit% t%e t%rottle full o$en from 1700r$m to t%e %i"%est en"ine s$ee! in t%ir! or fort% "ear. T%en $ress t%e &lut&% an! !o not%in" else' *ee$ t%e &lut&% $resse!< 6et t%e en"ine run i!le w%en your &ar "ets slower. T%e roa! use! for measurement s%oul! be &onstant. :f you %ave no suitable roa!' t%e measurement &an be s$lit in two $arts an! be $ut in t%e $ro"ram by %an!. 3%ort !es&ri$tion5

KPower Dynorun Tool

Kaufmann Automotive GmbH

( roll e.". in t%ir! "ear = 1000r$m to your measurement roa!. ( start slow a&&eleration an! start lo""in". ( t%rottle full o$en ( at >700r$m 9TD: en"ines' wit% $etrol en"ine at t%e suitable ma-imum en"ine s$ee!; $ress t%e &lut&% an! let t%e en"ine i!le. $ to t%is $oint t%e a&&eleration $ower is measure!. ( K??P t%e &lut&% o$en until t%e ve%i&le s$ee! %as been fallen to at least @A0*m=% 9automati& "ears5 use neutral $osition;. Here rollin"( an! aero!ynami& $ower loss is measure!. ( 3to$ t%e lo" file. Bow you &an release t%e &lut&% an! !rive normal. :t is re&ommen!e! to &%an"e t%e lo" file name for ea&% measurement in or!er to *ee$ sure t%at only one measurement is wit%in t%e lo". T%e lo""e! file &an be im$orte! in KPower usin" t%e +:m$ort lo" file+ button. 4ou &an also im$ort your lo" !ata manually in t%e !ata tables or &o$y t%em from 2i&rosoft ?-&el or .$en.ffi&e=6ibre.ffi&e. T%e values in t%e tables &an be &%an"e! by !ouble&li&*in" t%em. :f t%e $ro"ram &annot !etermine t%e &orre&t $arts of t%e lo" file automati&ally' $lease &orre&t=!elete so t%at only a&&eleration an! !e&eleration $arts remain. T%e &olumn names of t%e #3V lo" files are $reset to our V#D3 !istribution. :f you use ot%e &olumn names or se$arators' &%an"e t%em in t%e settin"s $ro$erty $a"e of KPower. >. 0AC C52y &urves s%ow s$i*es' %ow &an t%is %a$$enD A5T%e measurement %as not been !one &orre&tly' most time t%ere are more t%an one measurement !ata in t%e lo" file or you !i! release t%e &lut&% too early' bra*e! et&. C5T%e &al&ulate! $ower is mu&% too small=bi"D A5Di! you insert t%e &orre&t ve%i&le wei"%tD )i""er or smaller tires t%an sto&*D #orre&t your ve%i&le in$ut !ata or use your brain' rea! an! try to un!erstan! t%is rea!me a"ain. C52y !ia"ram s%ows an unrealisti& %ill in lower en"ine s$ee!sD A54ou !i! bra*e too early 9bra*in" %as been lo""e!; or your roa! is not &onstant. Delete wron" lo" values or !o t%e lo" a"ain in &orre&t manner. C52y !ia"ram s%ows a +!in"+ or too small values at t%at en"ine s$ee!s w%ere t%e ma-imum tor1ue s%oul! beD A54ou !i! t%e measurement in a too small "ear. Give t%e en"ine an!

KPower Dynorun Tool turbo&%ar"er enou"% time to release its full $ower. :f you are intereste! in s$e&ifi& tor1ue areas' you &an lo" t%em se$arately in a bi" "ear. C5T%e &olumn names of my lo" !ata are not re&o"niEe!... A5Ty$e t%e &orre&t &olumn names an! t%e &orre&t se$arator in t%e $ro"ram settin"s $ro$erty $a"e.

Kaufmann Automotive GmbH

C5,%i&% measurement !ata nee!s to be lo""e!D A5Time stam$' en"ine s$ee!' ve%i&le s$ee!. :t is re&ommen!e! to lo" t%at a %i"% sam$le rate of t%e lo""in" !ata is a&%ieve!. C5#an : im$ort !ata from a &al&ulation $ro"ram e.". 2i&rosoft ?-&el or .$en.ffi&eD A54es' wit% t%e +:nsert...+ buttons on t%e measurement $ro$erty $a"e. 3ele&t t%e &ell w%ere to insert an! $ress t%e button. C5Power &orre&tion a&&or!in" t%e "erman D:B s%ows wron" valuesD A54ou s%oul! B.T &%an"e barometri& $ressure an! air tem$erature w%en you %ave an en"ine wit% a turbo&%ar"er. se $ower &orre&tion only wit% $etrol unsu$er&%ar"e! en"ines. 3u$er&%ar"e! en"ines &%an"e multi$le ?# $arameters !e$en!ent on several tem$eratures an! t%e barometri& $ressure in or!er to remain en"ine an! turbo&%ar"er %ealt%. :t ma*es absolutely no sense to use D:B &orre&tion %ere. Have fun ( Fainer Kaufmann 9&; /007(/01/ Kaufmann Automotive GmbH %tt$5==s%o$.!iesels&%rauber.!e

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