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Yakshinis & Chetakas

At heart a Shakta, outwardly a Shaiva, in gatherings a Vaishnava, in thus many a guise the Kaulas wander on earth - Kaula Upanishad Indian tradition has a multitude of spirits occupying the 03-worlds. Many are the servants of Lord Shiva, & some have een pressed into the tantri! cause, as spirits which can, for eg, solve all your financial pro lems or find that perfect lover. "elow are some eg. #he cheta!as appear in Tantra-Rajatantra, an encyclopaedic wor! of Shri $idya. #here is an %nglish a stract in print, prepared y Sir &ohn 'oodroffe. (owever, Sir &ohn plays down the multitude of magical operations contained in this wor! & in the commentary in print. #he yakshas (M) & yakshinis (F) loo! after treasure hidden in the earth, & come under the dominion of the god Kubera.

The 64 Chetakas
#hese are servitors of Shiva, a!in to elementals. *nce drawn into service, they re+uire nourishment. ,ou have to !eep this wor! force happy, if you ta!e them on. #hey are -.) /morous *ne -0) $ehicle -3) (eroic *ne -1) Separator -2) /ngry *ne -3) 4oet -5) 6oaring li!e a Lion -7) $ery 8oisy -9) "eautiful 8ec!ed *ne -.0) /pe -..) :eceitful *ne -.0) ;at %yed *ne -.3) :ancing ;at -.1) "oy -.2) "ird -.3) *riginator -.5) 4eacoc! -.7) /uspicious -.9) #errific -00) #iger <aced -0.) 3 <aced -00) %lephantine -03) Mover in the 8ight -01) Sei=er of 4oison -02) Lupine -03) "uffalo -05) %lephant <aced -07) "east <ace -09) %lephant Mouthed -30) #remulous -3.) Luc!y >emstone -30) 4laything -33) Lion <aced -31) %agle -32) (eron <aced -33) ;row -35) (orse <aced-37) >reat "ellied *ne -39) "ig "odied -10) :eformed -1.) "eautiful -10) 6estless -13) ;oc!erel -11) Sorcerer - 12 ) Love?s Lassitude - 13 ) :eluder -15) Long Shan!ed -17) >ross #oothed -19) .0 <aced *ne -20) "eauteous -2.) :amager -20) ;ruel *ne -23) "ear -21) *ne with "ristles -22) <raud -23) ;roo!ed *ne -25) >od of :eath -27) Servant

-29) ;heat -30) 6ogue -3.) :evourer -30) <ear Inspirer -33) /ccomplished *ne -31) *ne who goes /nywhere.

The 36 Yakshinis
/ ,a!shini is a species of super-natural entity, in some ways similar to a airy. ,a!sha is male, ,a!shini female. In !ddamareshvara "antra 33 of these eings are descri ed, together with their mantras & ritual prescriptions. "y soliciting their aid various powers are said to accrue to the devotee. !ddamareshvara is a name of Lord Shiva & means @Lord of the %Atraordinary@. (is retinue consists of a host of disreputa le eings, fiends, ghouls, &c. which he has forced into his service. #akshas & #akshinis are attendants or servitors o $ord Kubera , who has all the earth?s treasure within his domain. / similar list is given in the Tantraraja Tantra. #here it is said that they are givers of whatever is desired, each having 0 arms, fair odies, wearing fine clothing of different hue, young & wanton, adorned with garlands of flowers, smeared with orpiment. /lternative mantras from this tantra are formed as followsBC %rim Shrim &ityadrave Mada.... (&ame o #akshini) Shrim %rim. -.) Vi'hitra -#he Lovely *ne)B mantra is to e inscri ed on the ar! of a fig tree, & recite it 00,000 times. / sacrifice into a fire should e made of white flowers with wine & clarified utter. MantraB (m Vi'hitre )hitraru*ini Me Siddhim Kuru+,- Svaha. She estows all desires. -0) Vibhrama -/morous *ne)B Mantra should e written with cremation grounddust at night time. *ne should e na!ed. She should e worshipped with ghee, camphor & recite mantraB00,000 times. (m %rim Vibhrame Vibhramangaru*e Vibhramam Kuru .ahim+,- /hagavati Svaha. -3) %amsi -Swan)B #he rite should e performed at the outs!irts of a city. Lotus leaves & ghee should e used, & recite mantraB .0,000 times. (m 0rim &amo %amsi %amsavahini Klim+,- Svaha. She revealsB wherea outs of uried treasure, & grants an unguent with which one may see through solid o Dects. -1) /hishani -#errifying)B 6itual is to e performed at the Dunction of 03- paths. 6ecite MantraB .0,000 times. Ese ;amphor & ghee as the offering. (m Aim 0rim Mahamode /hishani 0ram+,- Svaha. -2) 1anaran2ika -:elighting Men)B 6ecite mantra at night 00,000 times under a Fadam a tree. ;amphor, sandalwood & ghee are employed. (m %rim Klim 1anaran2ike Svaha. She gives great good fortune & happiness.

-3) Vishala (Large %yed)B Inscri e the mantra on tamarind ar!. 6ecite it .0,000 times. *ffer .00 leaves, flowers & ghee. (m Aim %rim Vishale Stram Strim 3hyehi Svaha. She gives the alchemical eliAir. -5) Madana -Lustful)B 6ecite mantra .0,000 times neAt to the gateway of a pure !ing. *ffer with the sap from Dasmine flowers. (m %rim Madane Madana+ vidambini Alaye Sangamam 0ehi+,- Shrim Svaha. She gives a cure-all pill. -7) 4hanta -"ell)B 6ecite 00,000 times efore a eautiful ell. (m Aim 0rim 5urim Kshobhaya 5ra2ah Kshobhaya /hagavati 4ambhirasva*ne Sva*ne Svaha. She gives the a ility to enchant the world. -9) Kalakarni -%ars /dorned with Falas)B 6ecite mantra .0,000 timesG offer .00 lades of grass together with wine. (m %um Kalakarni "hah+,- Svaha. Success in recitation rings a sha!ti. -.0) Mahabhaya ->reatly <earful)B Seated on a pile of ones, do the ritual in a shmashana. 6ecite mantra .0,000 times. Success rings protection from disease. (m 0rim Mahabhaye 5rem Svaha. She gives freedom from fear & the secret of alchemy, also freeing one from grey hair & signs of old age. -..) Mahendri ->reatly 4owerful)B Success in mantra means the person is a le to fly & go anywhere. 4erform it near a #ulsi plant when a rain ow is present. (m %rim Mahendri Mantrasiddhim Kuru+,- Kulu+,- %amsah Soham Svaha. *ne o tains 4atala Siddhi. -.0) Shankhini -;onch >irl)B 4erform at sunrise, using Faravira flowers & ghee. Success rings fulfilment of any desire. (m %rim Shankhadharini Shankhadharane 0ram 0rim Klim Shrim Svaha. -.3) )handri -Moon >irl)B (er sadhana is as -.0) a ove. -.1) Shmashana -;remation >round >irl)B / pure person should recite her mantra 10,000 times in shmashan. *ne should e completely na!ed, smeared with ash of cremation ground. She gives treasure, destroys o stacles, & one is a le to paralyse fol! with a mere glance. (m 0ram 0rim Shmashana+Vasini Svaha. -.2) Vata+yakshiniB #he rite should e done at night, at the Dunction of 3 paths, neAt to a fig tree. She gives the secrets of alchemy, celestial gems & clothes. #he recite mantraBB 30,000 times. She also gives a divine & magical unguent. (m Shrim 0rim Vatavasini #aksha+kula*rasute Vata+yakshini 3hyehi Svaha. -.3) Mekhala -Love >irdle)B If the practitioner goes to the root of Madhu!a tree in lossom on the .1th day of the lunar cycle, & pronounces her mantra, a

magical unguent is o tained which accomplishes all. (m 0rim %um Madana+ mekhalayai Madana+vidambanayai &amah Svaha. -.5) VikalaB 6ecite mantra for 03-months. "e in a hidden place. She yields the desired fruit. (m Vikale Aim %rim Shrim Klim Svaha. -.7) $akshmi -'ealth)B Ma!e a fire in one?s own home, using red scented lossoms & reciting the mantra .0,000 times. She gives La!shmi Siddhi, the secrets of alchemy, & heavenly treasure. (m Aim %rim Shrim $akshmi Kamaladharini %amsah Soham Svaha. -.9) Malini - <lower >irl )B 6ecite mantra at a crossroads .0,000 times. She gives Fhadga Siddhi, which means eing a le to stop any weapon. (m 0rim (m &amo Malini Stri 3hyehi Sundari %ams %amsi Samiham Me Sangabhaya Svaha. -00) Shata+*atrika - .00 <lowers )B Mantra should e recited in a wood. / fire is to e made, & .00 lossoms cast therein. (m 0rim Shata*atrike 0ram 0rim Shrim Svaha. -0.) Sulo'hana -Lovely %yed)B 6ecite 30,000 times on a river an!. / fire is to e uilt, & ghee & other pleasant su stances offered. #his gives 4adu!a Siddhi, ena ling one to travel at great speed through the aethers. (m 0ram Klim Sulo'hane Siddhim me 0ehi+,- Svaha. -00) ShobhaB 'ear red clothes. 6epeat mantra on the .1th day. #he :evi gives power of full enDoyment & appearance of great eauty. (m 0rim Ashoka 5allava Karatale Shobhane Shrim Kshah Svaha. -03) Ka*alini -S!ull >irl)B She gives Fapala Siddhi. 6ecite her mantra 00,000 times, offering oiled rice & various other pleasant foods. She gives the power to go anywhere in the aethers in one?s sleep, & also to go to any great distance away. (m Ka*alini 0ram 0rim, Klam Klim Klum Klaim Klaum Klah, %amsah Soham Sa Ka $a %rim, 5hat Svaha. -01) Vara+yakshini6 /t a river an! recite her mantra 20,000 times. / fire is to e lit & ghee & other fragrant things cast into it. (m Vara+yakshini Vara+ yaksha vishalini Aga''ha+,- 5riyam me /havatu %aime /hava Svaha. -02) &ati -/ctress)B (aving gone to the root of a fine /sho!a tree, ma!e a circle using sandal oil. *ne is to e na!ed, pronouncing the mantra .000 times, & offering the rasa to the ya!shini. #he worship is done at night. #he 8ati gives hidden treasure, an alchemical unguent, & the power of mantra yoga. (er mantra is (m 0rim &ati Maha+nati .u*a+vati 0rim Svaha.

-03) KameshvariB <or a month the mantra is to e recited 3000 times at each twilight. Ma!e a fire, cast into it flowers, incense, food &c. /t midnight the :evi comes & has intercourse, & gives gems, clothes, secrets of alchemy & the alchemical su stance itself. (m %rim Aga''ha+,- Kameshvari Svaha. -05) -07) #he teAt states these have already een descri ed. -H) -09) Manohara -<ascinating)B *n a eautiful pleasant river an! ma!e a circle using sandal oil. MantraBBI.0,000J. (m %rim Sarvakamada Manohare Svaha. -30) 5ramoda -<ragrant)B <or one month rise at midnight, pronounce the mantra .000 times. (m %rim 5ramodayai Svaha. -3.) Anuragini -$ery 4assionate)B Esing !um!um draw an image of a eautiful :evi on irch ar!. Invo!e the :evi therein, worshipping her with flame, incense, flowers &c. #hen recite mantra .000 times. :o this for one month at the 3 twilights. /t midnight She comes, showering the sadha!a daily with .000golden coins. (m Anuragini Maithuna+*riye #akshakula+*rasute Svaha. -30) &akhakeshiB >o na!ed & with dishevelled hair to the side of the house, & for 0. days do the worship at night. /t midnight she comes, yielding her fruit. (m %rim &akhakeshike Svaha. -33) /hamini6 6ecite her mantra for 3 days whenever there is an eclipse from the period of contact to departure of the eclipse. She yields a very wonderful unguent. If smeared with this, then women are allured & one finds treasure. (m %rim #akshini /hamini .ati*riye Svaha. -31) 5admini is said to e included in -32) elow. -32) SvarnavatiB Ma!e a circle using sandal oil at the root of a fig tree. *ffer food & so forth to the ,a!shini. 6ecite mantra .000 times every day for a lunar month. #hen she comes, giving /nDana Siddhi. (m %rim Aga''ha+,Svarnavati Svaha. -33) .ati*riya -<ond of Love)B Ma!e an image of a golden :evi on cloth, writing one?s own name inside. #he image should e very alluring, covered in eautiful Dewels. *ffer red flowers, recite her mantra .000 times for 5 days. #he 02th day after the worship starts she comes at night. (m %rim .ati*riye Svaha.

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