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Intellectual Property Rights

Jessica Xu Gangqin PhD (Physics) B.Sc (Physics) Ed ard !g ".Sc (IP "anage#ent) Graduate $erti%icate in IP &a B. Eng ('ons) ( "echanical) ()is Intellectual $apital * ()is IP 'olding * ()is (ssociates International * ide+)is

B.,ech- !.S- Singapore

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/ ()is Intellectual $apital Pte &td 0123


(7out ,he 4rganisation Intellectual $apital Intellectual Property (IP) ,ypes IP $reation Inno8ation 9 Patenting Patent :acts P$, Partnership 9 Strategies $ases

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(7out ,he 4rganisation


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;e are ()is (I)

Specialists in the sunrise industry o% pro8iding IP pro%essional ser8ices (sian presence- 7ut orld ide co8erage

:our o%%ices< Singapore- Bang=o=- 4sa=a and 'anoi Patent attorneys- ,rade#ar= agents- IP 7ro=ers and Intellectual $apital (i$ap) ad8isors %ro# Singapore- .6- .S,hailand- Japan- >ietna# and $hina Registered pro%essionals quali%ications ith technical and?or legal

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;e are ()is (II)

,ea# %ro# acade#ia and?or industry 7ac=ground ith research

S=illed in 8arious languages 7ut apply English as #ain or=ing language Di8ersi%ied engineering and scienti%ic %ields ,rans@4ceanic patent dra%ting style applied 7y e)perienced patent attorneys 7est adapted %or international patenting

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IP Ser8ices
()is assist clients ith #any aspects o% IP or=<





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Intellectual $apital


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Intellectual $apital (i$ap)

6no ledge $o#panies need to .!DERS,(!D i$ap to succeed in 6no ledge Econo#ies

6no ledge 4rganisation

Intellectual $apital i$ap
Intellectual (ssets 'u#an Resource Intellectual Property IP

Structural 9 :inancial $apital

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i$ap "anage#ent
6no ledge co#panies need to :4$.S on i$ap #anage#ent %or co#petiti8e ad8antage<
'u#an Resource
E)perience 6no @ho S=ills $reati8ity

Intellectual (ssets
Docu#ents Dra ings Progra#s Data In8entions Processes

Intellectual Property
Patents ,rade "ar=s Registered Designs $opyrights ,rade Secrets? $on%idential In%or#ation Se#i@ conductor "as=s

E)ploitation (cti8ities
Products? Ser8ices &icenses Sales En%orce#ent Startup? Spin@o%%s Joint >entures? $olla7orations "ergers? (cquisitions

I#port 6no ledge

I#port IP

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IP ,ypes


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,ypical ,ypes o% IP
,here are "(!B ,BPES o% IP and so#e are<

,rade "ar=s


,rade Secrets? $on%idential In%or#ation

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,rade "ar=s
Registered trade #ar=s protect ideas %or BR(!DI!G goods and ser8ices &in= goods or ser8ices to sources in consu#er #inds &etters- ords- na#es- signatures- nu#eralsde8ices- 7rands- la7els- shapes- colours Ena7le %air trade and enhance consu#er e)perience

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,rade "ar=s
.!REGIS,R(B&E "ar=s @ Descripti8e "ar=s - "ar=s $4!,R(RB to Pu7lic Policy or "orality - Decepti8e "ar=s - "ar=s that are identical to Earlier "ar=s - "ar=s that could cause $4!:.SI4! - "ar=s that are Identical?si#ilar to ;E&& 6!4;! "ar=s

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,rade "ar=s
!4, REGIS,ERI!G a ,rade "ar= ,rade "ar= Registration gi8es S,(,.,4RB rights @ Registration is proo% o% rights ,rade "ar= rights acquired through use and reputation o% #ar= applying $4""4! &(; @ Rights #ore tedious to pro8e

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$opyrights protect EXPRESSI4!S o% ideas 4riginality o% or=- i.e.- creation 7y o ner Si#ilar e)pressions can 7e accorded separate copyright protection $reati8e or=s %unctionality hich do not 7ear technical

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E)a#ples o% copyrights &I,ER(RB or=s such as ;ritten or=s?Boo=s?(rticles in Cournals or ne spapers?&yrics in songs?Source codes o% co#puter progra#s ".SI$(& or=s @ "usic (i.e #elody)

DR("(,I$ or=s such as Scripts %or %il#s 9 dra#a? $horeographic scripts %or sho s or dance routines S4.!D recordings @ (n aggregate o% sounds recorded on tapes- $Ds- on digital %iles- etc

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(R,IS,I$ or=s such as Paintings?Dra ings?Sculptures? Engra8ings?Photographs?Buildings or #odels o% 7uildings?;or=s o% artistic cra%ts#anship. e.g. unique pieces o% designer %urniture :I&"S@ (n aggregate o% 8isual i#ages and sounds recorded on tapes- 8ideo co#pact discs- digital %iles- etc ,E&E>ISI4! and R(DI4 7roadcasts @ Broadcasts 7y tele8ision or radio PER:4R"(!$ES @ By per%or#ers such as #usicianssingers and co#edians
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ay o%

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$on%idential In%or#ation
$on%idential in%or#ation and trade secrets protect =no ledge hich i% disclosed ill cause DE,RI"E!, to its o ner Ideas registra7le as designs or patents #ust 7e #aintained $4!:IDE!,I(& or secret prior to registration Ideas disclosed to pu7lic 7e%ore protection re#ain in pu7lic do#ain and there%ore :REE %or others to use ;here disclosure is a7solutely necessary 7e%ore registration then protection using non@disclosure agree#ents (!D(s) is required.
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Registered designs protect ideas that relate to (ES,'E,I$S or loo=s Speci%ic rele8ant 8ie s o% designs (pplied to articles o% #anu%acture ,ypically protect industrial- concept- and product designs

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Patents protect ideas (I!>E!,I4!S) ,E$'!I$(& %unctionality or use Descriptions- dra ings and clai#s Search- pu7lication and e)a#ination !o8elty- in8enti8e step and industrial application Right to e)clude others- not include patent o ner ith

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IP "ultiplicity
".&,IP&E IP types o%ten co@e)ist in a product ideas ith #ultiple

Deter#ining correct types o% IP %or protecting #ultiple ideas is i#portant %or (PPR4PRI(,E protection- eg- patent 8s design or patent 8s copyright $o#7ining di%%erent types o% IP %or protecting #ultiple ideas is i#portant %or (DED.(,E protection- eg patent and design or patent and copyright 'igh tech products such as co#puter chips o%ten ha8e ".&,IP&E P(,E!,S "o8ies 7ased on 7oo=s ha8e ".&,IP&E $4PBRIG',S
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IP $reation


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Ideas as IP Building Bloc=s

PR4D.$,S o% thought processes using =no ledge $4!$EP,I4! usually intentional %or sol8ing pro7le#s or #eeting needs But can also 7e .!I!,E!,I4!(&- so#eti#es e8en accidental $RE(,I>E- i#aginati8e and so#eti#es strange<

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:ro# Ideas to IP
$4!$EI>E ideas 7y< .se o% 6!4;&EDGEunderstood hich is in%or#ation possessed and

,o sol8e PR4B&E"S or #eet needs "ostly in8ol8ing E::4R, (nd so#eti#es 7ased on &.$6

PR4,E$, ideas using appropriate IP la s (n e)a#ple- >elcro<

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( Patent E)a#ple @ >elcro

>elcro in8entor concei8ed idea 7y< 47ser8ing tiny hoo=s on coc=le7urs stic= to tiny loops in dogEs coat (6!4;&EDGE) :or replacing Aip 7ecause o% stu77orn Aip on in8entorEs i%eEs dress (PR4B&E") Spending eight years to %ind right #aterial to #a=e easilyconsistently reproduci7le hoo=s and loops (E::4R,) (ll 7ecause in8entor too= his dog out %or al= one day (&.$6)

(pplied and granted !ylon 'oo= (nd &oop :asteners ..S. and Great Britain patents

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Inno8ation 9 Patenting


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Reasons %or Patents

I#pro8e li8es and society through ne er- 7etter and I!!4>(,I>E technologies and introduce ne products- ser8ices and #ar=ets (8oid ;(S,I!G R9D in8est#ent and #ar=eting Re ard o ners ith opportunities through EX$&.SI4! RIG',S

(ccord RE$4G!I,I4! and gi8e #easure o% PER:4R"(!$E Encourage $4"PE,I,I4! in #ar=etplace- 7ene%iting consu#ers I#pro8e 7argaining position %or "4!E,IF(,I4! and enhance access to %inancing and ne #ar=ets Pro8ide protection in countries- regions (e.g. European Patent 4%%ice ith GG #e#7ers)- and partial protection internationally under Patent $ooperation ,reaty (P$,) ith 2GH #e#7ers

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Patent Syste#
Esta7lish#ent< Pro8ides legal %ra#e or= %or esta7lishing IDE!,I,B o% holder o% RIG', to in8ention En%orce#ent< Pro8ides legal syste# %or E!:4R$I!G patent rights E)change< Pro8ides legal #eans 7y hich patent rights can 7e EX$'(!GED (e.g. licensing- assign#ent?trans%er) %or econo#ic 7ene%its

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Patent Port%olio $reation

Patents today e)tre#ely i#portant to gain $4"PE,I,I>E (D>(!,(GE Being 7etter than co#petitors at patenting in8entions is I! I,SE&: a co#petiti8e ad8antage S,R4!G patent port%olios- created through purpose%ul grouping o% patents- needed to sustain co#petiti8e ad8antage Patent port%olios should include< $oncept patents I BR4(D protection co8erage and general description I#pro8e#ent patents I !(RR4; protection co8erage and detailed description Product patents I E>E! !(RR4;ER protection co8erage and speci%ic description o% product 8ariations
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Patent :acts


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$&(I"S o% patent J 'E(R, o% the patent $&(I"S de%ine I!>E!,I4! (title- a7stract and %igures D4 !4, de%ine the in8ention) $&(I"S de%ine S$4PE o% protection o% patent $&(I"S #ust 7e su%%iciently supported and ena7led 7y DES$RIP,I4! $&(I"S and supporting description #ust 7e ritten 7y :.&&@,I"EPR4:ESSI4!(& patent attorneys ith e)tensi8e language- technical and legal- and pre%era7ly 7usiness- training in patent dra%ting B(D and !(RR4; clai#s ensure patents 7eco#e EXPE!SI>E 7ut useless legal docu#ents ithout econo#ic 8alue and orna#ental all plaques

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Patent (ttorney ,al= (I)

.!I,B o% In8ention (2 in8ention principle)< Patents protect only single in8ention or #ultiple in8entions co##on in8enti8e concept ith

:or patents directed at 7oth de8ice and #ethod o% #anu%acture- the de8ice #ust 7e only deri8ati8e o% the #ethod o% #anu%acture PI$,.RE $&(I"I!G (!arro protection)<

Patents granted ithout any o7Cections does not necessarily 7ode ell %or patentees 7ecause clai#s #ay ha8e 7een narro ly dra%ted hich e8entually a%%ects the scope o% patent protection :or engineering@7ased in8entions- clai#s could ha8e 7een narro ly dra%ted i% the clai#s are too descripti8e

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Patent (ttorney ,al= (II)

S4:,;(RE@RE&(,ED in8entions< Patenta7le in so#e countries 'o e8er- such in8entions #ust ha8e a technical e%%ect and li=e any other in8entions- #ust #eet patenta7ility require#ents Deter#ine 7e%orehand hether in%ringe#ent can 7e easily deter#ined

:reedo#@to@4perate (:,4) or Right to .se (R,.)< Patentees not granted statutory right to e)ploit o n in8ention- only statutory right to pre8ent?stop others %ro# co##ercial e)ploitation (d8isa7le to see= pro%essional consultation on :,4 issues or to o7tain an :,4 opinion

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Patent $ooperation ,reaty @ P$,


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$onsequences o% Glo7alisation
De8eloping and de8eloped countries $4"PE,E in real@ti#e and on #ore le8el playing %ield $o#panies gain access to &(RGER #ar=ets- 7ut #ore co#petitors also gain access to the S("E custo#ers Di%%icult to co#pete 7ased S4&E&B on pricing o% goods and ser8ices Businesses today can %ind ine)pensi8e sources o% inno8ation %ro# ne inno8ation '4,SP4,S such as $hina- India- 6orea and parts o% S.E. (sia "ore densely populated glo7al patent &(!DS$(PE

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P$, :acts
(lternati8e %or indi8iduals and co#panies to apply 4>ERSE(S patents EX,E!DS patent pending status 7y 2H #onths a%ter national patent application Delays o8erseas national registration EXPE!SES using SI!G&E &(!G.(GE and .!I:IED procedure Pro8ides #ore ti#e %or considering hich o8erseas Curisdiction to register- gi8ing KSE$4!D $'(!$EL to so#e 7usinesses Pro8ides an international search report (ISR) and optional e)a#ination report (IPER) during consideration period (ssists 7usinesses to co#pete in G&4B(& #ar=et KBig BoysL 7y pro8iding #ore preparation ti#e ith

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P$, 48er8ie
:iling a P$, (international) patent application<
&ocal !ational %iling 20 #onths

48erseas !ational (pplication< 2):iling

P$, :iling 31 #onths

International Phase< ISR and optional IPER

0)Search 3)Pu7lication G)E)a#ination

&ocal !ational :iling 20 #onths

P$, :iling 2H #onths

International Phase< ISR and optional IPER


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Partnership 9 Strategies


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ith Patent (ttorneys

Possess technical =no ledge %or .!DERS,(!DI!G technologies and legal =no ledge %or understanding patent la s (lso possess &(!G.(GE and B.SI!ESS s=ills Duali%ication through S,RI!GE!, pro%essional e)a#s and undergo (RD.4.S internships %or at least three to %i8e years (ssist in8entors to IDE!,I:B in8entions and or= closely ith the# to (R,I$.&(,E descriptions o% in8entions in patent applications applying appropriate patent la s Process patent applications %ro# start to end and PERS.(DE patent e)a#iners on #erits o% in8entions %or o7taining patents %or clients Protect rights through E!:4R$E"E!,- de%end clients against patent I!>(&ID(,I4!- and RED.$E &4SS o% rights
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ith Patents

PR4GRESSI4! %ro# inno8ation or R9D to patenting cannot 7e ignored Patent port%olio creation i#portant %or co#petiti8e ad8antage 7ecause 7ar is raised 7y others ho are already KD4I!G I,L :reedo#@to@operate as i#portant as patenting strategies 7ecause #ar=et is %illed ith patent &(!D"I!ES created 7y others P$, pro8ides (&,ER!(,I>ES %or patenting strategies and 7uys 7usiness o ners 8alua7le ti#e and opportunity P$, 7etter %acilitates creation or &I$E!SI!G I! o% patents %or o n use or &I$E!SI!G %or #onetiAing patents $hoose suita7ly D.(&I:IED and PR4:ESSI4!(& patent attorneys o8er cheaper- %ly@7y@night or part@ti#e KEXPER,SL as patenting partners
/ ()is Intellectual $apital Pte &td 0123

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Big $o#paniesE Spending

"icroso%t< .SD NO.H "I&&I4! %or 2M01 patents and O111 trade#ar=s Intel< .SD GM.NM "I&&I4! %or 0O31 patents and N11 trade#ar=s $oca cola< .SD 33.20 "I&&I4! %or PO patents and 3M01 trade#ar=s "cDonaldEs< .SD 03.G0 "I&&I4! %or 2 patent and 0O11 trade#ar=s 'e lett Pac=ard< .SD O1.HN "I&&I4! %or 0N3H patents and 0011 trade#ar=s
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.ni8ersitiesE Inco#e
'ar8ard .ni8ersity< recei8ed .SD 2O.N "I&&I4! in licensing inco#e %or 011G- o% hich .SD 3 #illion is %or or= on testing drug candidate %or #acular degeneration :lorida State .ni8ersity< recei8ed .SD 3M1 "I&&I4! %or licensing process to #a=e 8ast quantities o% cancer drug ,a)ol Stan%ord .ni8ersity< earned .SD 33O "I&&I4! %ro# sale o% Google stoc=s held in e)change %or use o% patents

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$on%identiality @ Star'u7

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$on%identiality I !atureEs :ar#

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$on%identiality I &ee 9 &ee

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$opyright I Pasar "ala# Raid

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$opyright I "2

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,rade "ar= I $o%%ee#i)

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Patent @ SI(

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Patent I "ail7o) &oc= (I)

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Patent I "ail7o) &oc= (II)

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'a8e ( !ice ;ee=endQ

$ontact details<
Jessica Xu < Cessica)u+a) Ed ard !g< ed ardng+a) ,el. !o.< ROM O303 O300


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