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Directions (Q. 1-5): Study the following information and answer the given questions. There are six persons in a club. They are Ram, Shyam, Kamala, Krishna, Rahul and eeta. Two of them are females !Kamala, eeta" and the rest are males. #eights and weights of all the persons are different. Study the following clues carefully and answer the questions that follow: $" (" *" +" %ne who is the shortest among the group was chosen &iss 'elhi recently. )o one occupies the same place when they are arranged in descending order of their heights as they do in descending order of their weights. Kamala is taller than Krishna, and Shyam is taller than both but not as tall as Ram ,hen the persons are arranged either in ascending or in descending order according to their weight or height, Shyam doesn-t occupy the third position. %ne who is the shortest is the heaviest among the group. %ne who is the lightest is &iss /ombay. Rahul is neither the tallest nor the shortest. /ut at least two males are heavier than him. )o male is heavier than Krishna. )o male is shorter than Rahul. a" Ram 5 Kamala 5 Shyam 5 Krishna 5 Rahul 5 eeta b" eeta 5 Krishna 5 Ram 5 Rahul 5 Shyam 5 Kamala c" eeta 5 Rahul 5 Krishna 5 Kamala 5 Shyam 5 Ram d" 3an-t Say e" )one of these. Directions (Q. 6-9): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it: Twelve persons are seated along the length of a rectangular dining table. 6mong them six are males and the rest are females. &ales are &$, &(, &*, &+, &. and &0. 7emales are 7$, 7(, 7*, 7+, 7. and 70. The persons are seated in such a way that each male faces one female, not necessarily in the same order. 8. &+ is on the immediate right of &$ 88. 7( is on the immediate right of 7+, who is facing &$. 888. &0, &* and 7$ are at extreme ends. )o person is on the right of &0. 89. %nly 70 is between 7$ and 7. and she is not facing &(. 9. 7( is on the immediate left of 7*. 0. ,hich of the following females is facing &.2 a" 7$ b" 70 c" 7. d" 7( e" )one of these. 1. ,hich of the following pairs of male and female is at one of the extreme ends2 a" &0, 7. b" &*, 7. c" 7$, &( d" 7*, &* e" )one of these. :. ,ho is facing &*2 a" 7$ b" 70 e" )one of these. c" 7. d" 7+

." 0" 1"

$. ,ho among the following is the shortest among the group2 a" eeta b" Kamala c" Krishna d" 3an-t Say 4" )one of these. (. ,ho among the following is the lightest2 a" eeta b" Kamala c" Krishna d" 3an-t Say e" )one of these. *. ,hen weights of all the persons are arranged in descending order, who will get the fourth position2 a" Shyam b" Ram c" Rahul d" 3an-t Say e" )one of these. +. ,hich of the following sequence shows the correct order of heights !in descending order" of all the students2 a" Ram 5 Kamala 5 Shyam 5 Krishna 5 Rahul 5 eeta b" eeta 5 Krishna 5 Ram 5 Rahul 5 Shyam 5 Kamala c" eeta 5 Rahul 5 Krishna 5 Kamala 5 Shyam 5 Ram d" 3an-t Say e" )one of these. .. ,hich of the following sequence shows the correct order of weights !in descending order" of all the students2

;. ,ho is facing 7.2 a" &( b" &$ c" &+ d" 3an-t Say e" )one of these. Directions (Q. 10-15): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below: Six persons 6, /, 3, ', 4 and 7 are sitting around a round table facing towards centre of the table in a restaurant. They have ordered for different items !/lac< 3urrant, )oodles, /urger, =i>>a, =astries and =anca<es" as their lunch. They have worn T?shirts of different colors, i.e., white, blac<, green, red, yellow and blue. %rder of items of lunch and colors of T?shirts are not necessarily according to the order of their names. 8. The persons who have ordered for =i>>a, )oodles and =astries are neither in white T?shirt nor in blac<. 88. The persons who are in green and yellow T?shirts have neither ordered for =i>>a nor for )oodles. 888. 6 is neither in white T?shirt nor on the immediate left of the person who has ordered for /urger.


89. The only person who is between 4 and 7 eats /lac< 3urrant. The person who is on the left side of the person in white T?shirt does not eat =anca<es. 9. ' has ordered for /urger and the color of his T? shirt is green. #e is facing the person who h as ordered for /lac< 3urrant. 98. %ne who has ordered for =i>>a is seated opposite the person wearing blue shirt. ,hile the person whose T?shirt is of green color is on the left of the person who has ordered for =astries. 988. %ne who has ordered for =anca<es is on the immediate right of the person in white T?shirt but on the immediate left of the person who has ordered for )oodles. 9888.3 has not ordered for )oodles. ,hile 7 has not ordered for =i>>a. $@. ,ho among the following has ordered for =astries2 a" 6 /" / c" 3 d" 4 e" )one of these. $$. ,ho among the following is in white T?shirt2 a" 6 b" / c" 3 d" 4 e" )one of these. $(. %ne who has ordered for =i>>a is in .... T?shirt a" /lac< b" /lue c" Aellow d" Red e" )one of these. $*. The only person who is between 4 and ', is in ....... T?shirt. a" /lac< b" /lue c" Aellow d" Red e" )one of these. $+. ,hich of the following is correctly matched2 a" 6 B Aellow B /urger b" / B reen B )oodles c" 3 B Red B /lac< 3urrant d" 7 B /lac< B =astries e" 4 B Red B =i>>a $.. ,hich of the following is not correctly matched2 a" 6 B =astries ? Aellow b" ' B /urger B /lue c" 7 B =anca<es B /lac< d" 3 B /lac< 3urrant B ,hite e" 4 B =i>>a B Red. $0. =-s father-s wife-s father-s grand?daughter-s uncle will be related to = as a" Son b" Cncle c" )ephew d" randfather e" )one of these. Questions 17 n! 1": D E A means D is the son of A, D B A means D is the brother of A and D F A means D is the father of A. $1. 8f D E y E G E T, which of the following can be derived definitely2 8 T is the grandmother of A 88 D is the grandson of G

888 T is the great grandfather of D a" 8 H 88 b" 88 H 888 d" 88 only e" 8, 88 H 888.

c" 8 only

$:. 8f 3 is the father of A, D is the son of ' and ' is the brother of 3, which of the following is I are false2 8 DE'B3FA 88 D and A are sons of brothers 888 AE3B'FD a" 8 only b" 88 and 888 c" 88 only d" 8 and 888 e" 888 only. Questions 19 n! #0: 6 family consists of six members =, J, R, S, T and C. There are two married couples. J is a doctor and the father of T. C is the grandfather of R and is a contractor. S is grandmother of T and is a housewife. There is one doctor, one contractor, one nurse, one housewife and two students in the family. $;. ,hich of the following are two married couples2 a" CS, JT b" CS, J= c" TS, RC d" CS, R= e" )one of these. (@. ,hich of the following is definitely a group of male members2 a" JC b" JCT c" JC= d" CT e" )one of these. ($. ,hat is my father-s wife-s grandfather-s only child-s son-s daughter to me2 a" 6unt b" )iece c" Sister d" 3ousin e" 'aughter. ((. #ow will my mother-s brother-s only sibling-s son be related to me2 a" Cncle b" 3ousin c" )ephew d" /rother e" Sister. Questions #$ n! #%: Three different faces of a cube are painted in three different colours B red, green and blue. This cube is now cut into ($0 smaller but identical cubes. (*. ,hat is the least number of the smaller cubes that will have exactly three faces painted2 (+. #ow many of the smaller cubes have exactly two faces painted2 (.. $(. small but identical cubes have been put together to form a large cube. #ow many more such small cubes will be required to completely cover this large cube2 (0. ,hat is the maximum number of identical pieces a cube can be cut into by + cuts2 (1. 6 cube is cut parallel to one face by $@ cuts Ksuch that all the resulting pieces are identicalL. ,hat is the maximum number of identical pieces that can be obtained by now ma<ing two more cuts !in any direction"2


(:. 6 cube measuring 0cm each edge has been cut into 0+ small but identical cubes. 8f it was estimated that it would ta<e + liters of paint to paint all the faces of the original cube, how much paint is required to paint all the faces of all the smaller cubes2


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