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ICON Bangladesh

Digital Campaigning (Cost Free)

ICON Bangladesh this is a model searching competition. We search talent who wear the ICON crown.

Why Digital Marketing?

Generally, recessions hit the advertising business with the ferocity of a rabid wolverine, and the last one trimmed overall ad spending by 9% according to market researchers Veronas Suhler Stevenson. The wolverine in question mauled and devoured online advertising, which plummeted 27% over two years during the last recession. This time it will be different. Not only will online marketing survive, it may actually thrive during the lean times, continuing its inexorable theft of ad spend from traditional media tactics. Online is far more mature and proven now, and there are five specific reasons why it will be the go-to tactic among increasingly budget-conscious marketers. Online is typically less expensive than many other marketing tactics, and a sizable and impactful online effort can be undertaken more quickly and cost-effectively than can an offline campaign.

What Are the Platform/ Types of Digital Marketing?

Our main focus on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+, LinkedIn, Our own website etc. Facebook has lots of option for digital marketing for example Bangladeshi University Facebook group University Club Facebook group Newspaper Facebook Group Corporate Facebook page Funny Type Facebook Group Sports type Facebook Group Knowledge type Facebook Group Social type Facebook Group

Target Audience:
It is very important to consider our target audience in our planning stage, as like our objectives and mission statement; this will influence everything we do on our site. When considering our target audience, we should try to identify those who will be looking at our site and the main characteristics of those people. We can then position our site in such a way that they respond to it positively. For example, our target audience consists of the 18 to 30 age group.

Voting Process:
1. Male Female

2. Age: 15-25 26-35 36-50

3. Name of Model Like Dislike

4. Occupation ________________

Activation Process:
Social Media Activity Plan Publishing & Content Marketing Activity Plan Search Visibility Web promotion & Outreach Activity Digital Marketing & Online Advertising Activity Reporting & Analysis

Work plan:

ICON Bangladesh
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Work Line Logo Icon Place Selection Voting Page Research (Activity) Activity Proposal Website update LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Yahoo Blog You tube Weekly Report System Month wise Planning Bulk Voice SMS Bulk SMS Short Details Symbol of a company name, trademark, abbreviation N/A Model like or dislike N/A N/A Release writing & distribution on free release sites Linkedin Ads campaign management Facebook Ads campaign management Twitter Ads campaign management Yahoo Ads campaign management Social sharing of content linked to blog Video Campaign Management Internally analyzed and campaigns / plans will be readjusted to improve Whole month what we will do. N/A N/A Design, development & customization support for a Word Press based blog / online publication Press release writing & distribution Status Update Remarks


Online (WAYN, Trip) Daily Online Newspaper version Press release



Own Website Activity

Update information give in our website

Target Collection (Vote) (individual Segment):

Our target collection is 1 million

Monthly Activity Details:

Day Activity
Social media account creation & customization with a
Day 1 core focus on any three social sites.


Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Whole Month Day 6 Day 7 Day 8,9,10 Day 11,12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15 Day 15 Day 16 Day 16 Day 17

A strong creative strategy and inputs through each month to keep things interesting for your online fans while keeping the business objectives in mind too. Daily updates & well thought out content postings Original Content Design Creatives Listening / Replies / Conversation / Fan engagement Creative Promotions / Contests A carefully thought out content marketing strategy & monthly content plan Design, development & customization support for a WordPress based blog / online publication Original Blog posts / Articles / Features Infographic / Slideshare Presentation / PDF Document / Alternate Content Type in lieu blog posts Distribution of posts across social networks Promotion of each post by submission to social bookmarking sites On page optimization of titles, descriptions, keywords for website On page search optimization for blog posts & content published Social sharing of content linked to blog or website Distribution of content to at least 5 social bookmarking sites

Day 17 Day 18 Day 18-20 Day 19-23 Day 20-25 Day 25, 26 Day 27,28,29 Day 30

Submission of pages, posts, links or website to directories or listing sites Commenting on relevant peer / industry specific blogs & sites Tracking for links & search hygiene factors using webmasters tools Reaching out to prominent blogs / websites to get coverage Press release writing & distribution on free release sites Monthly progress dashboard Traffic analysis & social media report Insights and statistics will be internally analysed and campaigns / plans will be re-adjusted to improve

Working Person:
2 persons are working hear Person 1: who care about pestering and banner. Person 2: who maintain everything

Minimum budget:
If anyone wants to any payment for advertising then we will pay for it but not above 3000 taka for all maintenance. Advertising Cost Other Cost Total Cost 1000 2000 3000

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