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Volume 04, Issue 04 October December 2013



Two years passed by and now, it is time to listen the footsteps of blowing over moments and to meditate what PULISAA did in these two years. As it is last issue of present editorial team, let me acknowledge all those who contributed for this publication. I pay my gratitude to all souls who took part in any activity of Info@PULISAA. I tried my level best to make this newsletter a source of information and learning for our professional especially for young professionals and provided every possible opportunity to brush up their hidden qualities. Thanks to these young professionals who took interest in its activities and made their contributions for its success. I am grateful to my editorial team members who remained stands with me regardless of all their professional and social burdensomeness. Thanks to PULISAA Executive Council and Patron PULISAA, Dr. Kanwal Ameen who conferred their trust on me for this responsibility. I tried to make this publication attractive for its readers. I dont know to what extent I was successful in this regard yet I believe it could be much better and more appealing. I believe perfection does not exist in this world. I hope coming team will do the rest of job. Editorship of this newsletter was a great opportunity of learning for me. I contemplated people in a different angles. Things and people were totally different as they looked apparently. One can regard it as a spiritual experience in which things are revealed in their original shape. Disclaimer of the Info@PULISAA narrates, this newsletter is for general information purposes only. The views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of Info@PULISAA... Info@PULISAA gives no pledge and accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or the completeness of the material, I tried my best to remain unbiased and made things on merit. However, If, someone feels that he or she was ignored during this tenure, it was not my intension to do like that. I beg pardon for any of such unintended and accidental action. Take good care of yourself and remember us in your prayers. Info@PULISAA team wishes all the best to future PULISAA Council & its editorial team for this newsletter.

For your feedback:


From the Editors Desk 1 2
Patron in Chief Muhammad Shahid Soroya Chief Editor Muhammad Ashraf Shakoori Editorial team Muhammad Naushad Ghazanfar Sabzwari Dr. Muhammad Rafiq Syed Adnan Adil Waris Ali Arslan Yasin Malik Ammara Yousaf Sadaf Rafiq Design & Graphics Muhammad Ashraf Shakoori

Glorification of LIS in Pakistan

Travelogue of a Mortenson Associate

5 6

A Message from President PULISAA

8 9

News Corner Continuous & Self Learning for Growth

11 13

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Syed Adnan Adil
Knowledge, Research and Library Services Manager, National Health Services, London.

Glorification of LIS in Pakistan

How to tackle dreams and dilemmas?

In society, every profession earns its recognition, social status and prestige on the basis of its contributions and impact it makes on human lives. Concerned professional bodies, teaching departments and practitioners demonstrate value of the profession and influence the prevailing-perception in the society. Future generations within a profession have to own the legacies and its history (good or bad). Career satisfaction and affiliation pride emerge from the professional values and good examples set by the seniors. Ruthless time intellectually exposes all the characters and questions what our seniors were doing before? From ours ever-busy working lives if we spare sometimes to think over: is LIS profession in Pakistan indeed achieving what it should be ?; we may have different answers based on accusations, justifications, political gimmicks and career successes of few individuals etc. But my question is: where we are now and what is the way forward; without answering these two questions, discussions and arguments will be half truths. Through using two mutuallyopposite yardsticks of optimism and pessimism; I will try to find the answers of both questions. Where we are now? Constructive criticism should adopt strict view hence pessimistic approach is being used to enlist some observations:

Are we producing a skilled workforce whom training is based on factual market needs? Is quality contributions of our seniors being recognised at national level? (Why Pakistani LIS couldnt produce any Pride of Performance after Dr Anees Khursheed (Late) despite by having some high-impact researchers; where fault lies?) Gap between professional theory and practice is a universal phenomenon. Do we have sufficient and real-value support systems / forums in place where CPD (continuing professional development) and career advice are being offered to practitioners and young graduates? Are the stakeholders (Associations, Bodies, Forums, Opinion makers, Academicians and the Practitioners) achieving sufficient in regards to which their roles primarily aim for?

Do we have a listening culture where juniors can ask critical questions? LIS groups contain bundles of Congratulations emails than discussions on real issues. In LIS profession, is everything 100 % and we no longer are in need of new ideas and voices? if No, then why we have this criminal silence? What is the way forward? In the previous section, I simply raised few questions rather than passing final judgements or imposing my opinion. In this part, being optimistic, few suggestions are being given:

Across the globe collaborations, partnerships and new thinking is coming into LIS curricula and as result we see degrees like Information Management, e-Publishing, MBA/MLIS joint, MLIS in Humanities Computing, MLIS with focus on Teacher Librarian etc. There is need to find potential new markets and then starting competitive degrees in Pakistan. We still have to recognise and reward our Legends and high-impact leaders in Pakistani LIS. In last decade, contributions from Prof Dr Kanwal Ameen and Prof Dr Khalid Mehmood Malik are enough to win national accolades. I strongly believe that both these LIS scholars can bring more respect to our profession. Normally and logically, professional associations fight for such causes. This profession needs to encourage contributors and there should be a transparent system to acknowledge them. Rather than offering repetitive, hollow and less-value trainings on high-cost; professional forums need to think in the favour of trainees not Trainers. In public or professional life, accountability and appraisal improve quality; I have never seen any PLA annual report. And if there is any then why it is invisible. Political slogans, liking-disliking and point-scoring mentality should be discouraged in LIS. (I never meant any specific individual here) We need to think about how to support suppressed and under-represented silent segments. Behaviour modification is needed to listening criticism. Our juniors are future of the profession; there is danger that they can adopt our bad behaviours in future and will continue to revenge from their juniors. How long and how far?

Conclusion: LIS profession is everybodys matter who is in it already (luckily or unluckily). Glorification is an impression and is not a tangible destination. I have no doubt in my mind that Pakistani LIS has many brilliant individuals but question is why we are weak on collective causes. We all know where we stand collectively either we express it or not. LIS colleagues are more than welcome to add more into, to second or even to contradict my opinion.


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Travelogue of a Mortenson Associate

From Jhang to USA

Farasat Shafi Ullah

Head of Old Central Library and Head, of User Services & Access University of Damam, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

" firstly, lots of gratitude and praises for the Almighty Allah who has gifted me " such an exciting career which has enabled me to visit almost all corners of the world. In 12yrs of my LIS career, I had opportunities to interact with LIS professionals of various countries. This brief but reflective account will elaborate what Mortenson Associate Program is, how I got this opportunity and finally sharing my experience and observations from this learning opportunity. What is Mortenson Associate Program? Mortenson associate program is unique in its kind. In 1986, through a generous gift of $2 million from C. Walter and Gerda B. Mortenson, the Mortenson Distinguished Professorship for International Library Programs was created. An additional gift of $2 million in 1991 created the Mortenson Center for International Library Programs to expand the activities of the professorship through a variety of unique programs. The mission of the Mortenson Center for International Library Programs is to strengthen international ties among libraries and librarians worldwide for the promotion of international education, understanding, and peace. This program has been recognized worldwide in the area of capacity development of future LIS leadership. So far participants from 90 countries have attended this program. From Pakistan Ms.Mumtaz Memon, Farasat ShafiUllah, M. Idress Khan and Raja Muhammad Ibrahim had the privilege to attend this program. Through one month heavily scheduled program, participants have to be involved in variety of measures for learning, sharing, and building their capacity in leadership, technology adaptation to become trend setters in LIS sector of their country. This program is structured in four ways excluding exit interview for participant feedback:

Programs at University of Illinois, USA and its surrounding Libraries Technology future i.e a trip to OCLC, Ohio Professional Advancement and association plugging in i.eVisit of ALA in Chicago Public & Special Libraries trends and services Historic and socializing events, Lunch with Amish People, visit of state library and President Abraham Lincoln Place, Springfield

Surprises in application journey: Firstly, when I applied for Mortenson Associate Program 2012, I had no idea that I would avail this program in an unexpected yet thrilling manner. Despite by selection in 2012 I couldnt attend this due to some official and financial constraints. One reason of selection was good referencing words of Mirza Waseem Baig (EME-NUST), Syed Adnan Adil (UK) and Dr. AQ Malik (NUST). In 2013, my circumstances were changed and I joined the University of Dammam, Saudia Arabia. One day I received an email from Mortenson Center that if I was still interested then they could put me on the candidate list for 2013 Associate Program. I was really surprised; I reluctantly shared this update with my boss. I am thankful to my boss who kindly agreed to support me in every aspect by making it an official CPD activity. Later on I got a confirmed place on 2013 program and I started to plan the journey. Learning Log: Technological changes have impacted LIS sector across the globe. In USA, implementation of the technology is seen in the specific context of the sector in which libraries operate. Please find below some sector specific examples of US libraries in which technology and service aspects are being explored: Academic Libraries are focusing on mobile services, door step delivery, Compact shelving and off side storage to accommodate more users who are technology driven or need more places in existing libraries for their academic and collaborative works. Libraries clearly define their extended references services in online and physical presence for collaborative work. Now model of reference services has changed from Information common (spreading the information for user specially for UG) to Research commons (supporting entire academic community by sharing with other department offering variety of tools training for their academic work) by passing through interim phase of learning commons (teaching information usage to users specially for PG level). Academic libraries are focusing on their web visibility and sharing their support option by using free CMS (content management system) tools, like Drupal, word Press and also using Library guides for outreach and off campus reference services option through free sources like springshare. ILS are being used as consortia purchase and also with option of web discovery tool. Institutional repositories are now more important part of libraries in USA since Government has passed a law to make public all Government-funded research. New trend in the USA universities is the brining of university presses under University libraries. University libraries have to ensure the availability of publications through print on demand or in e-form through institutional repositories. Dspace is a common platform there for Institutional repositories. Academic libraries are hiring Non LIS gradates and LIS graduates with additional degrees for specific department and front office services. Practitioners demand rose since a lot people have multiple degrees but lack in library experiences and research degree individuals are now mostly involved in pedagogical role/services of libraries i.e. Research commons support staff. University of Illinois has a strong program of fund raising by getContinued on page 09 ting donation form famailie as and they have separate staff to handle this program.

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A Message from President PULISAA

I was just remembering the day when affairs of Punjab University Library & Information Science Alumni Association were handed over to current body after elections for the period of 2012-2014. I believed, it was best team with maximum potential to make it best alumni association. The PULISAA team did their best, although majority of the team members were busy in their M.Phil and PhD studies. A number of workshops were conducted during this period. A grand annual dinner with sweet memories will remain on its credit. I still think, we could do much more with same team. All the successes were due to team efforts and I take the responsibility for all the failures. I want to congratulate the PULISAA newsletter team for the continuity and setting very good precedents during this period. I am thankful to the PULISAA members who gave us opportunity to serve the community. I am thankful to the executive council members for their continuous support during the period. I would like to thank Patron PULISAA for her confidence and Ch. Muhammad Hanif, Chief Librarian, University of the Punjab, Lahore and Dr. Muhammad Ramzan, Director, LUMS Library, Lahore, M. Naushad Ghazanfar, M. Asif Munir for their support during the period. Being president PULISAA, I experienced many things, learnt many lessons and which has enabled me to share few sentences with LIS community. It is hard to believe now after this experience that people who spare their time for such organizations are there for their personal gains. We should realize that these people sacrifice their time, money and some time their future for these organizations and professional activities. There are few persons who are always ready to criticize every activity pushing such volunteers towards disappointment. We are always ready to damage the cause just for personal liking and disliking. We dont even think that volunteers just needed few words of encouragement and instead of encouraging we discourage them. Refinement comes with continuous process. The PULISAA executive council has announced elections in time and I am sure, you would never see majority of the current executive council members in next elected body as we would be happy to give chance to new persons. I would be happy to see a better team in next council and I request you all to support them by acknowledging and encouraging their efforts. My best wishes for the PULISAA team.

Muhammad Shahid Soroya President (2012-2014)

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Travelogue of a Mortenson Associate continued...

Special Libraries: from few special libraries we visited, one media library was quite interesting: UpShot". Here librarians have customized their job role according to the needs of patrons. They are working on copy right/patent issues, market trends sharing and customizing information in form of email digest to keep abreast their user with market information flow. Special libraries are mostly converted into a socializing place with nominal number of books. Public Libraries are as vibrant as the academic. USA is a multi-cultural country; one can hear more than 10 languages while walking on Chicago Street and US society is more adoptive to immigration. Keeping in view the diverse user community, public libraries have quite different services starting from language classes to genealogy services, children to elderly people services, socializing places to maker spaces (new trend to provide training place in library harold-washington/). 3D printers and young adult services are also very hot selling product of public libraries however some misuses have been reported since people produce some weapons models and misused them on street Public Libraries are also focusing on energy efficient building, and supporting community by providing socializing space with some nominal earning. Moment of pride: It is delight to share that one Pakistani businessman, an Illinois graduate (Mr. Shahid Khan and Ann Shahid) has generously funded the Illinois public library and their name was acknowledged at its reception area. I also had the opportunity to meet with Terry Reece (MarcEdit Developer) and handed over a certificate of appreciation to him on the behalf of PAKLAG. Conclusion: Overall this entire program is very useful to plan your future services and leading your team in your local scenario. Exit interviews are interesting part and Illinois University housing in excellent place for stay.

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Dear PULISAA Members! AOA I am pleased to share with you that the Executive Council of PULISAA has announced, as per constitution, PULISAA Elections 2014 schedule as under: Renewal of PULISAA Membership Display final list of Members Candidates' nomination for election Issuance of candidate list Recurring of objection Final List of candidate Dispatching of ballot Return of ballot Counting and announcement of result 28th Feb. 2014 1st March 2014 3rd March 2014 5th March 2014 7th March 2014 8th March 2014 10th March 2014 19th March 2014 1st March 2014

The last date of getting membership of PULISAA is February 28, 2014 as all the regular memberships have been expired on 31.12.2013. You are requested to please get your membership renewed latest by 28th February, 2014 by submitting prescribed form and fee Rs. 200/- to the city coordinators. MEMBERSHIP COORDINATORS Note: City Coordinators are urged to make lists of members wishing to renew their membership and transfer their fees to the undersigned along with completed forms and lists. Lahore Islamabad Karachi Bahawalpur Multan Faislabad Gujranwala

Ghulam Yaseen Malik,

Dr Nosheen Warriach

Zaheer Ahmed (0333-4205358) Ashraf Sharif (0300-9486042) Naushad Ghazanfar (0334-6092721) Khalid Mehmood Sanghera (0300-7196780) Mushtaq Ahmed (0300-7602831) Mirza Rasheed (0303-3337346)

With Best Regards. Ghulam Yasin Malik Treasurer PULISAA

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Waris Ali Arslan

Sadaf Rafiq
Librarian CMH Lahore Medical College Lahore

News Corner

Deputy Chief Librarian Lahore University of Management Sciences Lahore

Info@PULISAA congratulates all the professionals who have graduated from Punjab University Library and Information Science department and now have blessed with M.phil and Ph.D degrees. Award of Degrees:

Mr. Aurang Zeb has completed his MA in Electronic Communication and Publishing from the Department of Information Studies, University College London, United Kingdom. Earlier, he has done his MA in Library and Information Sciences from University of the
Punjab, Lahore. Dr. Muhammad HaroonUsmani Deputy Chief Librarian defended his PhD on May 2, 2013 in Governemnt College University Faisalabad. Mr. Abubaker Ehsaan has successfully completed his MPhil under supervision of his Prof. Dr. Mumtaz A anwar from Department of Library and Information Science University of the Punjab Lahore in May 2013.

Announcements: Info@PULISA team congratulates library and information scientists in their professional activities recognitions and developments

Dr. Shafiqur Rehman and Dr. Muhammad Rafiq joined Department of Library and Information Science University of the Punjab as Assistant professors. After resignation of Prof. Dr. Khalid Mahmood from PLA HQ, President on September 23, 2013 PLA HQ council accepted his resign and unanimously decided to take Ch. Muhammad Hanif as President PLA HQ. Punjab University Department of Library and Information Sciences (DLIS) and Doctoral Program Coordination Committee (DPCC)'s Chairperson Prof. Dr. Kanwal Ameen has successfully completed her three months research fellowship as Professor at Research Center for Knowledge Communities, University of Tsukuba, Japan. During her stay, Prof. Dr. Kanwal Ameen gave presentations to various groups on Pakistan as well as library and information services in the country while working on her research program. She also attended "5th International Conference on Social Informatics" in Kyoto.

December 2, 2013, Order NO.SO (CE-VI) 9-6/2011. Government of the Punjab.Higher Education Department. Consequent upon the re-organization/ up-gradation of the 4-tier Service Structure of College Librarians has constituted Joint Working Group for chalking out Revised Service Structure / Service Rules of Librarians and consultation & collaboration for conversion of College Libraries into state-of-art Digital Resource Centers, comprising on following members who are The Director (Women) DPI (C) Punjab, The Director of Education (Colleges) Gujranwala, Mrs. Bushra Almas Jaswal chief librarian FCCU and Dr. Iqbal Hussain Asad librarian Government Science College Lahore

PLA has set tradition of recognizing the services of veteran LIS professionals. Following seven LIS personalities have been showered Life Time Achievement Award during Pakistan Library Association International Conference 2013. This award achievers are Prof Dr Mumtaz Ali Anwar (Hon Prof, DLIS University of the Punjab), Dr Ghaniul Akram Sabzwari (Chief Editor PLISJ and President Library Promotion Bureau), Prof Mir Hasan Jamali (Former Teacher, DLIS, University of Balochistan), Muhammad AslamMujahid (Associated with US Library & Information Centre, Country IRC Director), Sain Muhammad Malik (Former Chief Librarian Khyber Medical University, Former President PLA (HQ), Mohammad Ashraf Jalal (Former Librarian Central Library Bahawalpur), Rana Jamat Ali Khan (Former President Punjab College Library Association)

Publication (International) Sharif, A. & Demers, N. (2013). Connecting Aga Khan Universitys nine campus libraries across three continents through a shared library system. IFLA Journal, 39 (4) 319326 (December Issue).

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Participation in conference:

Mr. Ashraf Sharif, Systems Librarian, Aga Khan University Libraries, attended Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) conference, held on 1-5 November, 2013 at Le Sheraton Hotel, Montreal, Canada. The theme of this conference was Beyond the Cloud: Rethinking Information Boundaries. Mr. Ashraf Sharif (PU-DLIS Alumnus), Khawaja Mustafa, Qammer Naveed and Ahmad Ali Shah (Aga Khan University Librarians) participated in Research Skills for Librarians workshop held on 22-24 October 2013 at Aga Khan University, Nairobi, Kenya. The objective of this research workshop was to enhance research skills of AKU librarians, identify important areas of research and then investigate and report on those research areas. The resource person for this workshop was Sandy Campbell, University of Alberta Libraries, Edmonton, Canada.

Appointments/ Promotions: Info@PULISAA team congratulates professionals on their appointments and promotions, especially new appointees after completion of their degrees.

Mr. Abdul Majeed, Dy. Librarian/Acting Chief Librarian has been promoted as Chief Librarian of BahauddinZakariya University, Multan in September 2013 Ms. IqraAftab joins The University of Faisalabad Saleem Campus library as assistant librarian on September 20, 2013. Mr. Zia Ahmad Awan is selected as a Digital Library Officer in November 2013 at Rawal Institute of Health Sciences Islamabad. Mr. Mirza Muhammad Irfan Aslam has joined University of Engineering and Technollogy, Taxila, as Deputy Librarian in BPS-18 in November 2013. Mr. Muhammad Shahid Soroya joins Information Technology University Punjab as chief librarian on December 18, 2013. Dr. Muhammad Ijaz Mairaj Joins University of Engineering and Technology Lahore ar Chief Librarian in December 24, 2013.

Workshops/ Conferences/ Seminars: One Day Workshop held in SDPI, Islamabad on "Advance Searching Skills and Citation Management by using Mendeley Software On September 14, 2013 was much successful. Response from the participants was more than expectations. Mr. Muhammad Farooq, Director, Information Services Department, Ripha International University, Islamabad and Ms. Saira Hanif Soroya, Lecturer, Department of Library & Information Science, University of Sargodha were trainers for the practical training to the professionals. PULISAA in collaboration with Pakistan Librarians Welfare Organization (Punjab Branch) organized two days workshop on "Marketing Library products and services today On September 26-27, 2013 at Punjab University Main Library, New Campus, Lahore. 30 library professionals from public, academic and special libraries attended this workshop. Dr. Muhammad Ramzan, Director LUMS Library and Ms. Saira Hanif were resource persons of workshop. Quaid-e-Azam Library, Bagh-e-Jinnah, Lahore has successfully book fair from October 3-6, 2013 in front of its Mall side gate. A number of eminent literary figures, students, faculty members of different institutions and common public visited and purchased books of their interest and applauded this activity at large. Along with the fair a series of workshops, lectures, were also organized during these days. Two Days PLA International Conference on Champions of Libraries held at PU Law College auditorium on December 1617,2013. About five hundred participant librarians, educationists attended this meeting. It remained very successful in the history of PLA conferences in the past. Eight VCs of universities were among the librarians for the first time and they recognized the importance of libraries and professionals.

Obituaries: One, who is alive, has to taste the taste of death. We are passing our days of life as those who were among us before. We pray for the departed souls that Allah Almighty bless his countless blessings upon them and shelter them in Jannah and give patience to the grieved families. Surely it is a great and irreparqable loss to them.

Mother of Mr. Midrarullah, Librarian at NUST Medical College Rawalpindi Passed away on November 18, 2013 at Kala KalyTeh. & Dist. Swabi Mother of Mr. Kamran Butt, Assistant Librarian, Central Library Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan has died on November 24, 2013 Mr. Mushtaq Hussain father of Ms. Nuzba Kiran Librarian Institute of Professional Learning passed away on November 30, 2013. Father of Muhammad Raza Qadeer Senior Librarian Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Research Hospital passed away on December 20, 2013.The deceased soul was a retired Additional secretary establishment division Government of the Punjab and he has worked as secretary Punjab assembly and Ombudsman Punjab. Mrs. Rubina Shaheen Librarian DPS for Girls S-Block DHA Lahore Cant. has passed away on December 26, 2013.


Continuous & Self-learning for Career Growth

Amna Farzand Ali

University of Central Punjab, Lahore

Qurat Ul Ain Saleem

Riphah International University, Lahore

Both continuous learning and self-improvement are the heart of career growth. What authors have learnt today from their routine works. This is the question, that we should ask ourselves on daily basis in order to identify our learning gaps and these need our attention. Every new day of the life brings some challenges and opportunities for us, this is our choice to cope the opportunities either by polishing our skills or let the challenges to snub our abilities. We all are lifelong learners. We all are part of the challenging and dynamic environment where only change is constant. Learning never stops, it doesnt matter if you belong to any age-group as you cant break the chain of this continuous learning process. To be a continuous learner is important for us in order to survive in this competitive market. Through the sense of self accountability, a keen desire for learning and improvement in developing skills and expertise; we can get much more experience and can polish our skills with a lesser known rule. Being new in the profession sometime we feel there is a dilemma; after LIS qualifications, fresh graduates feel that they have learned all the needed knowledge of subject, which is absolutely not right. After entering into the profession, most of the students even bright ones fail at relatively mundane task at workplace. We should possess skills beyond the curriculum that may help in our professional life or make us lifelong learners. Learning has many dimensions other than just a formal approach, we all might need to re-discover, what learning is all about and how deep and connected it is to work, in a very live fashion and perpetual approach. We should remember that successful professionals of every profession continuously and consciously work hard, update their knowledge based on their day to day commitments and learn evolving and emerging trends of their field. We should always keep in mind that only an attitude of self and continuous learning can help us in our career growth. We should also recognize that we solely are the responsible for our keeping up with times and changings, nobody else will do it for us. Due to the wide use of web technologies the concept of continuous learning can be approached differently. It can also call an ability to adapt change. We learn different things as a part of our work, from our coworkers, made them a part of our memory and may use in different related situations. Stay in touch with other or senior professionals can also help us to know about the profession and professional development. Books or mentors can provide us some hints or guidance that we need to do something. However, this is our own responsibility to implement these ideas. We can continuously learn through different ways without interrupting much of our routine working schedule: our library patrons ask different queries on daily basis if we took them seriously those can be our learning points, reading of our profession related literature or emerging trends, giving some time for attending different lectures, seminars, workshops or conferences ,taking each & every challenge, failure or problems even job interviews in different organizations as a learning opportunities, creative networking or joining affiliation with professional associations can also help us in this regard. Being an individual, we should always try to enhance or upgrade our skills and knowledge. If we fail to do so then we are losing a 'competitive advantage' in ours skills. In this revolutionarily information age, information is now on our clicks we use internet for our day to day tasks. The internet is an amazing product as all the information is not free but many learning opportunities are waiting for us also there. We can use these clicks for skills enhancement, learning various website offers and even some information portals refer free online courses which can be beneficial for lifelong learners. . Everyone should be a self-regulated learner by knowing his/her strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) in order to become a valuable part of society.

Disclaimer This newsletter is for general information purposes only. The views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of Inf @PULISAA. Inf @PULISAA has taken all practical measures to ensure that the material contained in this newsletter is correct. However, Inf @PULISAA gives no pledge and accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or the completeness of the material. Inf @PULISAA reserves the right at any time to make changes as it deems necessary.

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