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Research Report 1 | Group 06

Research Report 1 | Group 06

Table of Contents
Introduction ...................................................................................................... 1 Definitions ......................................................................................................... 2 Theorems .......................................................................................................... 6 Question 6 ......................................................................................................... 7 Model Questions ............................................................................................. 12 References....................................................................................................... 13 Bibliography .................................................................................................... 14

Research Report 1 | Group 06

Graph Theory is the study of mathematical graphs. Graphs are constructed with vertices and edges. Euler published his work on the Konigsberg Bridge Problem that nurtured the field of graph theory. At the present stage graph theory is used in modern mathematical research, chemical and biological science and computer engineering. In Computer Science, graphs are used to represent networks of communication, data organization, computational devices, the flow of computation, etc. Many algorithms were developed by great mathematicians like Prim, Kruskal, Bellmon-Ford and Dijsktra etc. to handle graphs. Therefore graphs have a major interest in computer science. Graph Theory also can be used to solve problems in travel, biology, computer chip design, and many other fields. Graph-theoretic methods, in various forms, have proven particularly useful in linguistics, since natural language often lends itself well to discrete structure. Graph theory is also used to study molecules in chemistry and physics. In condensed matter physics, the three dimensional structure of complicated simulated atomic structures can be studied by gathering statistics on graph-theoretic properties related to the topology of the atoms. In chemistry a graph can be used to represent the natural model for an atomic molecule, where vertices are atoms and edges are bonds. This approach is used in computer processing of molecular structures. In statistical physics, graphs can represent local connections between interacting parts of a system, as well as the dynamics of a physical process on such systems. Graphs are also be used to represent the micro-scale channels of porous media, in which the vertices represent the pores and the edges represent the smaller channels connecting the pores. Likewise, graph theory is useful in biology and conservation efforts where a vertex can represent regions where certain species exist and the edges represent migration paths, or movement between the regions. This information is important when looking at breeding patterns or tracking the spread of disease, parasites or how changes to the movement can affect other species. In mathematics, graphs are useful in geometry, e.g. Knot Theory. Algebraic graph theory has close links with group theory. On the whole graph theory helps to model and represent many real world scenarios into a simple and understandable form and making problem solving simpler.

Research Report 1 | Group 06


Regular Graph A regular graph is a graph where each vertex has the same number of neighbors; i.e. every vertex has the same degree or valency.

(Definition and diagram taken from [1])

Simple Graph A simple graph is an undirected graph that has no loops (edges connected at both ends to the same vertex) and no more than one edge between any two different vertices.

(Definition taken from [2] and diagram taken from [3])


Research Report 1 | Group 06

Edge Chromatic Number The edge chromatic number, sometimes also called the chromatic index, of a graph G is the fewest number of colours necessary to color each edge of G such that no two edges incident on the same vertex have the same colour. In other words, it is the number of distinct colours in a minimum edge colouring.

(Definition taken and diagram taken from [4])

Degree Sequence The degree sequence of an undirected graph is the monotonic, non-increasing sequence of the vertex degrees of its graph vertices.

(Definition taken from [5])

Research Report 1 | Group 06

Complete Graph on n vertices - Kn A complete graph is a simple undirected graph in which every pair of distinct vertices is connected by a unique edge.

(Definition and diagram taken from [6])

Euler Graph An Euler graph is a graph for which all vertices are of even degree.

(Definition and diagram from [7])

Research Report 1 | Group 06

Snark Graph A Snark graph is a connected, bridgeless cubic graph with chromatic index equal to 4.

(Definition taken from [8] and diagram taken from [4])

Research Report 1 | Group 06

Handshaking Lemma

Let G be a (V, E) - graph, which may be a multi-graph or a loop-graph, or both. Let V = {v1, v2vp} be the vertex set of G, where p = No. of vertices. Then;

( ) = ||

; Where degG (vi) is the degree of vertex vi |E| = Total no. of edges That is, the sum of all the degrees of all the vertices of a graph is equal to twice the total number of its edges. This result is known as the Handshake Lemma or Handshaking Lemma. (Lemma taken from [9])


Let G = (V, E) Each edge is incident to exactly two vertices. The degree of each vertex is defined as the number of edges to which it is incident. So when we add up the degrees of all the vertices, we are counting all the edges of the graph twice. Total of the degree = 2|E| Let G = (V, E) be an r-regular graph with n vertices. Then G has nr/2 edges. || = ; Where |E| = Total number of edges (Proof taken from [10])

Proof by Induction

We must show that the sum of the degrees is twice the number of edges for any graph G = (V, E). Base case: We may start with |V | = 0 Indeed, when |V | = 0 we have 2|E| = 2 0 = 0 = d(v).

Research Report 1 | Group 06

Inductive Step: Assume the result is true for |V | = K 0. Let G have K + 1 vertices. We choose a vertex u and delete it, together with all incidence edges. This gives us a graph G = (V, E) on K vertices for which, by inductive hypothesis, (v) = 2|E|

Now replace the vertex u and replace one of the incident edges, say e. Clearly this increases the right-hand side of equation (1) by 2. If e is a self-loop at u then the left-hand side of equation (1) is increased by 2. If e is not a self-loop then the left-hand side of equation (1) is increased by one for each of its endpoints. So again the left-hand side is increased by 2. So equation (1) remains true when we replace a deleted edge. Replacing all the deleted edges gives us the required result for graph G. The Handshaking Lemma now follows by induction. (Proof taken from [11])

Simple Idea of the proof Let G be a graph with n vertices, each of degree r. Then the sum of the degrees is nr. By the Handshaking Lemma, the number of edges is half of this sum. || = 2

Research Report 1 | Group 06

Question 6
Determine if the following statements are true or false using graph theoretic concepts. If true, explain why. If false, explain why, or give a counter example. a) b) c) d) There exists a 4-regular simple graph with 12 edges. The edge chromatic number of a 3-regular graph is 3. If a degree sequence is graphic, then every graph with that degree sequence is simple. Kn is an Euler graph.

a) There exists a 4-regular simple graph with 12 edges. True First lets find the number of vertices we need to draw a 4-regular graph with 12 edges. By the theorem; || = Where; |E| = Number of graph edges n = Number of vertices in a r-regular graph. 2 = || 2 = 12 4 = 6

there exist a 4-regular graph with 12 edges and 6 vertices.

Then lets try to draw a graph with the given conditions.

Research Report 1 | Group 06

Since there are no multiple edges and loops in the above graph, it is a simple graph.

there exist a 4-regular simple graph with 12 edges.

b) The edge chromatic number of a 3-regular graph is 3. False A counter example of a 3-regular graph with edge chromatic number 4 is presented below.

According to the definition, Snark graphs are 3-regular graphs with edge chromatic number

for a Snark graph the edge chromatic number is 4.


Research Report 1 | Group 06

c) If a degree sequence is graphic, then every graph with that degree sequence is simple. False Lets choose a degree sequence which is graphic and gives a simple graph. {4, 3, 3, 2, 2} Then let us draw the graph as follows:
Degree 4

Degree 3

Degree 3

Degree 2

Degree 2

Since there are no loops or multiple edges in this graph, it is a simple graph. Then it can be seen that by changing an edge in the graph above without changing the degree sequence we can disconnect one edge and add a loop or a multiple edge to the graph. Let us remove one edge as below, and add it as a multiple edge into the graph.
Degree 3

Degree 4

Degree 3

Degree 2

Degree 2

Now the degree sequence is the same in the resulting graph, but the graph is not simple.

if a degree sequence is graphic, then every graph with that degree sequence is not


Research Report 1 | Group 06

d) Kn is an Euler graph. False According the definition of a complete graph, the degree of each node in a complete graph is equal to the number of vertices minus one.

Degree of each vertex in Kn= n 1

; where n is the number of vertices in a complete graph

Therefore if we consider a graph with even number vertices, then the degree of each vertex of the graph is odd. Because; Even 1 = Odd

We can get a complete graph with even number of vertices in which the degree of
each vertex is odd which is not an Euler graph. When n is even in Knit is not an Euler graph. For an example let us consider a K4 graph (where the number of vertices is 4, an even number).

In the above graph, degree of each vertex is 3, an odd number.

it is not a Euler graph.


Research Report 1 | Group 06

Model Questions
1) Department of Computer Science and Engineering is planning to organize Hit the Grounds, a cricket tournament among the students and some companies from the industry. These are the rules and regulations for the tournament. Only 10 teams can participate for the tournament Each team has to play against all the other teams once in the tournament. A team cannot play two matches on the same day

The head of the Department has given permission to complete the tournament during the reading week. Show that this is not possible using basic graph theory concepts.

Determine if the following statements are true or false using graph theoretic concepts. If true, explain why. If false, explain why, or give a counter example.

2) There exist an odd regular graph with odd number of vertices.

3) The edge chromatic number of a tree with at least two vertices is 2.

Hint : Tree is an undirected graph in which any two vertices are connected by exactly one simple path. In other words, any connected graph without simple cycles is a tree


Research Report 1 | Group 06

[1] Wikipedia (9 July 2013). Regular graph[Online]. Available: [2] Wikipedia (9 July 2013). Graph (mathematics)[Online]. Available: [3] Wolfram Math World (9 June 2013). Regular Graph[Online]. Available: [4] Wikipedia (10 July 2013). Edge coloring[Online]. Available: [5] Wolfram Math World (10 July 2013). Degree Sequence[Online]. Available: [6] Wikipedia (10 July 2013). Complete Graph[Online]. Available: [7] Wolfram Math World (09 July 2013). Euler Graph[Online]. Available: [8] Wikipedia (17 July 2103). Snark (graph theory)[Online]. Available: [9] Wikipedia (17 July 2013). Handshaking lemma[Online]. Available: [10] Joe Ryan (24 July 2013). Matrix Representations Operators and Trees[Online]. Available: [11] Department of Mathematics, Queen Mary (28 July 2013). MATH6105-Algorithmic Graph Theory[Online]. Available:


Research Report 1 | Group 06

Wikipedia (22 July 2013). Graph Theory[Online]. Available: ____(16 July 2013). Degree (graph theory)[Online]. Available: Wolfram Math World (28 June 2013). Simple Graph[Online]. Available: _____(28 June 2013). Chromatic Number[Online]. Available:


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