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/ Te ch ni cal Ar ti cl e s / Dr y- Typ e Tr a n sf or me r I n st al la ti o n an d Ve n ti la ti o n Re q u ir e me n t s

Dry-Type Transformer Installation and Ventilation Requirements

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Dry-Type Transformer Installation and Ventilation Requirements (On photo dry-type transformer placed and connected)

Dry-type transformers should be installed over foundations that are properly leveled andcapable to withstand their weight . When a transformer is fitted with wheels, make sure the equipment will be equally supported on its base points in order to assure its stability and to prevent any deformation. When installing the transformer, the following factors should be carefully taken in account:

1- There should be a minimum spacing of 0,5 m between one transformer and another, and between the transformer and any adjacent
wall in order to facilitate the access for inspection and ventilation , depending, however, on the project dimensions and the voltages;

2- The room where the transformer will be installed should be well ventilated as to assure proper natural ventilation, since this is an
essential parameter for a proper performance of a dry transformer. In this regard, it is important that the air inlets are located at the front part of the transformer near the bottom and the air outlets are located at the back part of the transformer, with near the top openings large enough to allow for a circulation of approx. 2,5 cubic meters of air per minute/kW of loss . (See the example calculation below ). Proper ventilation in the transformer room will grant the expected useful life and stable operation either on continuous regime or under momentary overloads.

Figure 1 - Natural transformer ventilation

As normally the natural ventilation is not sufficient, fans can be installed to increase the air flow i n the room according to Figure 2 or, preferably, adopt the refrigeration o f the room where the transformer will operate .

Danger! If the transformer room is going to be air conditioned, make sure the conditioned air will not be directly blown on the
transformer, otherwise water condensation can be built on it and can result in the transformer s burning.

Figure 2 - Forced transformer Room Ventilation

To calculate the approximate size of the openings or the airflow necessary in the room the following expressions cab be used, considering a difference of 15C between the inlet air and the outlet air .

where: Pt = total transformer losses sinked at 115C [kW] S = lower opening surface [m 2] S = upper opening surface [m 2] H = distance measured between the middle of the height of the transformer and the middle of the upper opening for air outlet [m] V = cooling air volume[m3/min]

#.ample/ Installation of t,o 2

0VA dry-type transformers

Typical total losses PT for 2 MVA dry-type transformer at 115C = 27kW Distance H between the middle of the transformer height and the middle of the air upper outlet opening: 1,5m

From the calculated area we know that the installation of forced ventilation in the room will be necessary. The minimum flow of the fans will be:

This example does not consider the presence of a protection cabinet , wich would be put in questi on in the case of a proper room for the transformer installation.

Warning! If the transformer is fitted with protective cubicle, do not replace that Box with another because its ventilation might not
be enough for a proper operation of the equipment. Reference: Instruction Manual For Dry-type Transformers WEG

Transformer Classifications
Although transformers can be classified by core construction (shell or core type), the more functional types of standardized classifications are based on how the transformer is designed for its specific application, and how the heat created by its losses is dissipated. There are several types of insulating media available. Two basic classifications for insulating media are: 1. Dry-type and 2. Liquid filled We will talk here about heating of the dry-type transformers with occasionally comparison with oil type transformer.

$hat A"out Dry-type Transformer1

Dry-type transformers depend primarily on air circulation to draw away the heat generated by the transformers losses . Air has a relatively low thermal capacity When a volume of air is passed over an object that has a higher temperature, only a small amount of that objects heat can be transferred to the ah and drawn away. Liquids, on the other hand, are capable of drawing away larger amounts of heat. Air cooled transformers, although operated at higher temperatures, are not capable of shedding heat as effectively as liquid cooled transforms. This is further complicated by the inherent inefficiency of the dry-type transformer. Transformer oils and other synthetic transformer fluids are capable of drawing away larger quantities of excess heat. Dry-type transformers are especially suited for a number of applications . Because dry-type transformers have no oil, they can be used where fire hazards must be minimized. However, because dry-type transformers depend on air to provide cooling, and because their losses are usually higher, there is an upper limit to their size ( usually around 10,000 kVA, although larger ones are constantly being designed). Also, because oil is not available to increase the dielectric strength of the insulation, more insulation is required on the windings, and they must be wound with more clearance between the individual turns.

Trihal - Dry-type transformer 1600 kVA 10/0,42kV connected to busbar system Canalis KTA 2500A (Schneider Electric)

Dry-type transformers can be designed to operate at much higher temperatures than oil-tilled transformers ( temperature rises as high s 150 C). Although oil is capable of drawing away larger amounts of heat, the actual oil temperature must be kept below approximately 100 C to prevent accelerated breakdown of the oil. Because of the insulating materials used ( glass, paper, epoxy, etc. ) and the use of air as the cooling medium , the operating temperatures of dry-type transformers are inherently higher. It is important thatadequate ventilation be provided. A good rule of thumb is to provide at least 20 square feet of inlet and outlet ventilation in the room or vault for each 1,000 kVA of transformer capacity. If the transformers losses are known, an air volume of 100 cfm ( cubic feet per minute) for each kW of loss generated by the transformer should be provided. Dry-type transformers can be either self- cooled orforced-air cooled . A self-cooled dry-type transformer is cooled by the natural circulation of air through the transformer case. The cooling class designation for this transformer is AA. This type of transformer depends on the convection currents created by the heat of the transformer to create an air flow across the coils of the transformer. Often, fans will be used to add to the circulation of air through the case. Louvers or screened openings are used to direct the flow of cool air across the transformer coils. The kVA rating of a fancooled dry-type transformer is increased by as much as 33 percent over that of a self-cooled dry-type of the same design. The cooling class designation for fan cooled or air blast transformers is FA. Dry-type transformers can be obtained with both self-cooled and forced air-cooled ratings. The designation for this type of transformers is ANFA. Many other types of dry-type transformers are in use, and newer designs are constantly being developed. Filling the tank with various types of inert gas or casting the entire core assemblies in epoxy resins are just a few of the methods currently is use. Two of the advantages of dry-type transformers are that they have no fluid to leak or degenerate over time , and that they present practically no fire hazard. It is important to remember that dry-type transformers depend primarily on their surface area to conduct the heat away from to core. Although they require less maintenance, the core and case materials must be kept clean.

A thin layer of dust or grease can act as an insulating blanket, and severely reduce the transformers ability to shed its heat.

Right Choice of Dry Type or Liquidilled Transformer

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Right Choice of Dry Type or Liquid-Filled Transformer (on photo Dynapower Corporation transformers)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 0. Two Types of Transformers Cooling and insulating system Losses Operating Life of Transformer Maintainability Repairability Core/Coil Reclamation and Recycling Operating Sound Level and Noise Pollution Footprint Conclusion

T,o Types of Transformers

Information on the pros and cons of the available types of transformers frequently varies depending upon what information is made available by the manufacturer. Nevertheless, there are certain performance and application characteristics that are almost universally accepted. Basically, there are two distinct types of transformers: Liquid insulated and cooled (liquid-filled type) and non liquid insulated , air or air/gas cooled (dry type). Also, there are subcategories of each main type. For liquid-filled transformers, the cooling medium can be conventional mineral oil. There are also wettype transformers using less flammable liquids, such as high fire point hydrocarbons and silicones.

Liquid-filled transformers are normally more efficient than dry-types , and they usually have a longer life expectancy. Also, liquid is a more efficient cooling medium in reducing hot spot temperatures in the coils. In addition, liquid-filled units have a better overload capability. There are some drawbacks, however. For example, fire prevention is more important with liquid-type units because of the use of a liquid cooling medium that may catch fire. (Dry-type transformers can catch fire, too. ) Its even possible for an improperly protected wet-type transformer to explode. And, depending on the application, liquid-filled transformers may require a containment trough for protection against possible leaks of the fluid. Arguably, when choosing transformers, the changeover point between dry-types and wet-types is between 500kVA to about 2.5MVA, with dry-types used for the lower ratings and wet-types for the higher ratings. Important factors when choosing what type to use include where the transformer will be installed, such as inside an office building or outside, servicing an industrial load. Dry-type transformers with ratings exceeding 5MVA are available, but the vast majority of the higher-capacity transformers are liquidfilled. For outdoor applications, wet-type transformers are the predominate choice. The flowing Table shows losses in dry type and oil filled type transformers :

Ta"le/ Comparison of 3osses/ Oil type and dry type

(Oil Transformer) Losses

KVA Half Load Full Load (W) (W) 500 2465 4930 750 3950 7900 1000 4360 8720 1500 6940 13880 2000 8155 16310

Dry Type Transformer Losses

Full Load (W) 10000 15000 16400 22500 26400

KVA Half Load (W) 500 5000 750 7500 1000 8200 1500 11250 2000 13200

Purchases of transformers are often based on the first cost ( without any consideration of long-term economics ) when transformer evaluation and purchase decisions are not made by the end-user. This is particularly true when agents or electrical contractors make purchase decisions on the basis of temperature rise and low first cost for commercial and industrial end-users buying dry-type, pad-mounted transformers. These agents or contractors may have little incentive to take into consideration any economic factors other than the transformers first cost. End-user concerns about higher first costs discourage OEMs and contractors from offering or recommending the more expensive, efficient options to customer who do not specifically request them. Go to Content

Cooling and insulatin4 system

Because air is the basic cooling and insulating system for dry-type transformers, all dry-type transformers will be larger than liquidimmersed units for the same voltage and capacity (kilovolt/kilovolt-ampere) rating. When operating at the same flux and current density, more material for core and coil implies higher losses and higher costs .

Dry-type high voltage transformer insulation system - Glass polyester laminate insulation sheet

These trade-offs are inherent in the design of dry-type units, but dry-type transformers have traditionally offered certain fire-resistant, environmental, and application advantages for industrial and commercial situations. Recent advances in liquid-filled units are reducing some of these (dry-type) advantages. When purchased on the basis of lowest first cost, dry type transformers typically have significantly higher operating losses than the more efficient liquid filled transformers. For this reason the major utilities seldom purchase dry type transformers . Because dry-type insulation systems lack the additional cooling and insulating properties of the oil-paper systems, for the same rating the dry-type transformers tend to be more costly, larger, and have greater losses than a corresponding liquid-immersed unit. Go to Content


2500 kVA transformer

Com"ined 3osses at 1 5 3oadin4

Above graphic shows combined losses at 100% loading based on:

Liquid: Cast: Dry:

Load Losses (kW) No Load Losses (kW) Total Losses (kW)

Above values are typical. Go to Content

16.38 21.00 18.52 2.66 7.00 7.55 19.04 26.07 28.00

6 5 3oadin4
At 50% loading, the no-load loss remains the same, and load loss is reduced by the inverse square:

Load Losses (kW) No Load Losses (kW) Total Losses (kW)

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Liquid: 4.10 2.66 6.76

Cast: 4.63 7.00 12.18

Dry: 5.25 7.55 12.25

Costs Of Transformer 3osses

Costs Of Transformer Losses Transformer Energy Consumption: Constants: Energy Costs = $0.06/kWh (Conservative Value) 8760 hours = 24hrs/day * 365 days per year

Liquid: Cast: Dry: Total Losses (kW) 6.76 12.18 12.25 KWH Billing Rate: x $0.06 $0.06 $0.06 Annual Hours: x 8760 8760 8760 Annual Cost of = $3,553 $6,402 $6,439 Energy due to Losses @ 50% Load: Excess Annual Base $2,849 $2,886 Energy Costs: 10-Yr* Excess Base $28,490 $28,860 Energy Costs:
*Simple costs, assumes no interest rate or escalating energy costs Go to Content

Additional Cost Of Transformer 3osses

Additional Cost Of Transformer Losses Air Conditioning Energy Consumption: Energy consumption by the transformer is not the only energy factor. Transformer losses are dissipated as heat, which must be removed from a controlled temperature environment by air conditioning. Illustrated below are calculations to convert transformer losses into increased air conditioning energy consumption. Constants: 1kW = 3415BTU/Hr 1Ton Air Conditioning = 12000BTU/Hour 1Ton Air Conditioning = 1.7kW power use

Total Losses (kW) BTU/HR/KW: BTU/HR: BTU/HR per ton A/C: A/C (tons): kW power usage per ton A/C: kW: Annual Hours of Operation (h): Annual energy usage (kWh): kWH billing rate: Annual Cooling Costs: Excess Annual Cooling Costs: 10-Yr Excess Energy Costs:
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Liquid: 6.76 x = = x 3415 23085 12000 1.92 1.7

Cast: 12.18 3415 41595 12000 3.47 1.7

Dry: 12.25 3415 41834 12000 3.49 1.7

= x

3.27 8760

5.89 8760

5.93 8760

= x

28649 $0.06

51619 $0.06

51916 $0.06

= $1,718.94 $3,097 $3,115 base base $1,378 $1,396 $13,782 $13,960

Operatin4 3ife of Transformer

Typical dry-type lifespan: 15-25 Years Typical liquid-filled lifespan: 25-35 Years The retirement age of transformers removed from service for a variety of reasons ranges from 14 to 35 years; the average is 25 years. However, the average life of liquidimmersed transformers that remain in service is 30 years or more. Because liquid-filled transformers last longer than dry-type , they save on material, labor to replace, and operational impact due to outage to replace. Go to Content

Recommended annual maintenance for a typical dry-type transformer consists of inspection, infrared examination of bolted connections, and vacuuming of grills and coils to maintain adequate cooling and prevent buildup of flammable material. Cleaning of the grill and coils may require the undesirable requirement of de-energizing the transformer, often leading to no cleaning. Omitting the cleaning decreases the transformer efficiency due to decreased airflow and creates a fire hazard.

Preventive maintenance for a liquid-filled transformer may consist of drawing and analyzing an oil sample . The oil analysis provides a very accurate assessment of the transformer condition something not possible with dry-type transformers. Omitting the preventive maintenance does not decrease transformer efficiency or create a potential fire hazard. Less-flammable liquid-filled transformers provide the best opportunity to enable maximum efficiency with the least maintenance, and provide the best diagnostics for repair/re-use rather than unforeseen failure/disposal. Go to Content

Coils in liquid-type units are much easier to repair than coils in dry-type transformers. Cast coils are not repairable; they must be replaced. Moran, Robert B. Guidelines for transformer application designs. Electrical Construction and Maintenance, May 1996 . When a transformer fails, a decision to repair or replace the transformer must be made. Liquid-filled transformers, in most situations, can be economically repaired at local independent service repair facilities. Liquid-filled transformers provide the best opportunity to repair existing equipment rather than dispose and replace.

Example: 2500kVA Transformer Purchase and Maintenance

Purchase Price: Operating Life (years): Annual Maintenance: Annual Maintenance: Outage Required for Maintenance: Fire Hazard if not Maintained: Repairable: Annual cost to purchase and maintain:
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Liquid Cast Dry $35,000 $60,000 $38,000 35 30 25 none none N/A No Yes $902 6 hours 6 hours $360 Yes Yes $360 Yes Yes

No Yes $1,693 $1,376

Core7Coil Reclamation and Recyclin4

Feature: Liquid filled transformers allow easier core/coil reclamation Materials & Resources Benefit: Easier to recycle Utility companies who use most of the liquid-filled transformers typically replace the coils on old transformers and continue to use them for a large percentage of their old substation transformers. The small distribution transformers are disposed/recycled when they reach an end of life. When it comes time to decommission a transformer, recycling offsets the need for new material and provides a positive cash flow. Most components of liquid-filled and dry-type transformers can be recycled. Cast resin type transformers are an exception. Because of their construction, the materials in cast resin type transformers can be difficult and uneconomical to recycle. When a cast coil fails, the entire winding, encapsulated in epoxy resin, is rendered uselessand typically ends up in a landfill. This wastes the resource and creates additional costs for disposal, plus long-term liability exposure to the original owner. In contrast, liquid-filled transformers can be easily recycled after their useful life . The transformer fluid can be reconditioned and used again, and the steel, copper, and aluminum can be completely and economically recycled, providing a positive cash flow. The scrap values and disposal costs for a 2500 kVA transformer are shown below. Positive cash flows are shown in parentheses.

2500kVA Transformer

Dielectric Fluid Core and Coil Tank and Fitting Disposal Costs Total Costs (or Savings)

Dry Type $0 $1100 $400 $0 $1500

Cast Resin $0 $100 $100 $400 $200

Liquid Filled $500 $1200 $400 $0 $2100

Operatin4 %ound 3e8el and (oise Pollution

Feature: Liquid filled transformers have a lower operating sound level Indoor Environmental Quality Benefit: Less noise pollution

Transformer types comparison - Operating sound level

Decibels is a logarithmic function, and sound pressure doubles for every three decibel increase. Research shows that decibel levels over 60 can reduce a persons attention span. A study by the American Society of Interior Designers showed that office productivity would increase if workspaces were less noisy. Go to Content

Feature: Liquid filled transformers have a smaller footprint Materials and Resources Benefit: Smaller equipment reduces building size demand Constants: Typical cost per square foot: $25/SF

kVA Liquid: Dry: Difference: $25/SF: 750kVA Depth: 4.6 ft 5.5 ft Width: 4.6 ft 8.0

Sq Ft: 21 ft

1000kVA Depth: 5.2 ft Width: 4.8 ft Sq Ft: 25 ft2 1500kVA Depth: 6.3 ft Width: 4.4 ft Sq Ft: 28 ft2

ft 44 23 ft2 2 ft 5.5 ft 8.0 ft 44 19 ft2 ft2 5.5 ft 8.0 ft 44 16 ft2 2 ft




A smaller building also has the benefit of requiring less lighting and ventilation. Go to Content

Use of liquid-filled transformer(s) for commercial and industrial facilities is an innovative design practice. A dry-type transformer is the standard solution for providing power in this type of design. A total owning cost evaluation of both dry-type and liquid-filled transformers will show the lowest total owning cost choice is the installation of less-flammable liquid filled transformers. Go to Content Resources: Best Practice Manual for transformers - Devki Energy Consultancy Pvt. Ltd.; Application for LEED Innovation & Design Points - Transformer Technology: Liquid-Filled vs. Dry-Type

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