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Near Wellbore Modeling

User Guide


Proprietary Notice
Copyright 1998-2005 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. No part of the "Near Wellbore Modeling User Guide" may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or translated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, without the prior written permission of Schlumberger. Use of this product is governed by the License Agreement. Schlumberger makes no warranties, express, implied, or statutory, with respect to the product described herein and disclaims without limitation any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

Patent information
Schlumberger ECLIPSE reservoir simulation software is protected by US Patents 6,018,497, 6,078,869 and 6,106,561, and UK Patents GB 2,326,747 B and GB 2,336,008 B. Patents pending.

Service mark information

The following are all service marks of Schlumberger: The Calculator, Charisma, ConPac, ECLIPSE 100, ECLIPSE 200, ECLIPSE 300, ECLIPSE 500, ECLIPSE Office, EDIT, Extract, Fill, Finder, FloGeo, FloGrid, FloViz, FrontSim, GeoFrame, GRAF, GRID, GridSim, Nodal, NWM, Open-ECLIPSE, PetraGrid, PIPESIM, PIPESIM FPT, PIPESIM GOAL, PlanOpt, Prodman, Pseudo, PVTi, RTView, SCAL, Schedule, SimOpt, VFPi, Weltest 200.

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Contents - Near Wellbore Modeling User Guide 2005A

Contents - Near Wellbore Modeling User Guide 2005A .........................................................................................................3 List of Figures ..... ...................................................................................................................................................................5 List of Tables ...... ...................................................................................................................................................................7 About this manual ...................................................................................................................................................................8

Chapter 1 - New features................................................................................................................ 11

2005A ................. .................................................................................................................................................................11 Changes in 2004A ................................................................................................................................................................12

Chapter 2 - Introduction ................................................................................................................. 13

Overview............. .................................................................................................................................................................13

Chapter 3 - Getting Started ............................................................................................................ 15

Launching NWM . .................................................................................................................................................................15 Getting Started with NWM ....................................................................................................................................................16

Chapter 4 - Tutorials ....................................................................................................................... 19

Introduction ......... .................................................................................................................................................................19 Tutorial 1: Conducting a simple NWM study.........................................................................................................................23 Tutorial 2: NWM Study with Cartesian LGR .........................................................................................................................35 Tutorial 3: NWM Study with Unstructured LGRs ..................................................................................................................41 Tutorial 4: Conducting VOI Simulations................................................................................................................................51 Tutorial 5: Comparing well definitions...................................................................................................................................55 Tutorial 6: Modeling existing simulation wells in NWM .........................................................................................................61 Tutorial 7: Creating a new well in NWM................................................................................................................................67 Tutorial 8: Modeling Flow from Production Tubing ...............................................................................................................73 Tutorial 9: NWM and FrontSim Simulations..........................................................................................................................77

Chapter 5 - Reference Section....................................................................................................... 81

Introduction ......... .................................................................................................................................................................81 ECLIPSE Office main window ..............................................................................................................................................82 NWM module ...... .................................................................................................................................................................83 Run folder ........... ...............................................................................................................................................................154 2D Well Schematic .............................................................................................................................................................156 3D Viewer ........... ...............................................................................................................................................................159

Chapter 6 - Technical Notes......................................................................................................... 223

Full Field Model Support.....................................................................................................................................................223 VOI Validation..... ...............................................................................................................................................................224 Connection Factor Calculation............................................................................................................................................225 Other Resources ...............................................................................................................................................................226

Appendix A - I/O Formats............................................................................................................. 227

Introduction ......... ...............................................................................................................................................................227 Deviation Survey Data File .................................................................................................................................................228

Appendix B - History of developments....................................................................................... 235

Changes in 2003A_1 ..........................................................................................................................................................235 Changes in 2003A ..............................................................................................................................................................237 Changes in 2002A_1 ..........................................................................................................................................................238

Changes in 2002A ..............................................................................................................................................................239 Changes in 2001A_3 ..........................................................................................................................................................240 Changes in 2001A_2 ..........................................................................................................................................................241

List of Figures
Chapter 1 - New features................................................................................................................ 11 Chapter 2 - Introduction ................................................................................................................. 13 Chapter 3 - Getting Started ............................................................................................................ 15 Chapter 4 - Tutorials ....................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 4.1 Figure 4.2 Figure 4.3 Digitized VOI boundary ...........................................................................................................................26 Digitized Lateral in Plan View .................................................................................................................29 Example of the digitized new well path. ..................................................................................................69

Chapter 5 - Reference Section....................................................................................................... 81

Figure 5.1 Figure 5.2 Figure 5.3 Figure 5.4 Figure 5.5 Figure 5.6 Figure 5.7 Figure 5.8 Figure 5.9 Figure 5.10 Figure 5.11 Figure 5.12 Figure 5.13 Figure 5.14 Figure 5.15 Figure 5.16 Figure 5.17 Figure 5.18 Figure 5.19 Figure 5.20 Figure 5.21 Figure 5.22 Figure 5.23 Figure 5.24 Figure 5.25 Figure 5.26 Figure 5.27 Figure 5.28 Figure 5.29 Figure 5.30 Figure 5.31 Figure 5.32 Figure 5.33 Figure 5.34 Figure 5.35 Figure 5.36 Figure 5.37 Figure 5.38 Figure 5.39 Figure 5.40 Wells folder .............................................................................................................................................88 Vertical fractured well grid, showing well control parameters ...............................................................136 Horizontal fractured well, showing well controls parameters ................................................................138 Well Schematic showing the well stem of Well_1 .................................................................................157 Well schematic showing the main stem and a lateral of Well_1. .........................................................158 PostScript panel....................................................................................................................................159 VRML panel ..........................................................................................................................................161 Write Image panel.................................................................................................................................162 Print Setup panel ..................................................................................................................................163 Edit Boundaries panel...........................................................................................................................166 Create Property Type panel..................................................................................................................174 Property to edit or create panel ............................................................................................................175 Property creation parameters section ...................................................................................................175 Edit scope section.................................................................................................................................176 Generate by section..............................................................................................................................176 Expression Builder panel ......................................................................................................................178 Calculator folder....................................................................................................................................181 Run Diff. folder ......................................................................................................................................182 Boundary interpolation folder ................................................................................................................182 Points Interpolation folder .....................................................................................................................183 Control buttons .....................................................................................................................................183 The Animate Time panel.......................................................................................................................184 The timestep control buttons ................................................................................................................185 The Animate Time Options panel .........................................................................................................185 Object Appearance panel .....................................................................................................................185 Normalization panel .............................................................................................................................186 Object Rotation panel ...........................................................................................................................188 Lighting panel .......................................................................................................................................189 Stereo Panel .........................................................................................................................................190 Property Display panel..........................................................................................................................194 Cell Probe panel ...................................................................................................................................195 Threshold Properties ............................................................................................................................196 Integer Threshold panel ........................................................................................................................196 Real Threshold panel............................................................................................................................197 Control buttons .....................................................................................................................................198 IJK Slicer panel .....................................................................................................................................199 VOI Grid Cells panel .............................................................................................................................201 VOI Domain Selection panel.................................................................................................................202 Create VOI From Boundary panel ........................................................................................................202 The Cell Face Selection panel ..............................................................................................................208

Figure 5.41 Figure 5.42 Figure 5.43

Wells panel ...........................................................................................................................................210 Edit Titles panel ....................................................................................................................................216 Axes panel ............................................................................................................................................217

Chapter 6 - Technical Notes......................................................................................................... 223 Appendix A - I/O Formats............................................................................................................. 227

Figure A.1 Meanings of the MAPAXES keyword entries ........................................................................................233

Appendix B - History of developments....................................................................................... 235 -

List of Tables
Chapter 1 - New features................................................................................................................ 11 Chapter 2 - Introduction ................................................................................................................. 13 Chapter 3 - Getting Started ............................................................................................................ 15 Chapter 4 - Tutorials ....................................................................................................................... 19 Chapter 5 - Reference Section....................................................................................................... 81
Table 5.1 Table 5.2 Table 5.3 Table 5.4 Table 5.5 Table 5.6 Table 5.7 Table 5.8 Table 5.9 Table 5.10 Example full field model to GeoGrid horizon mapping.............................................................................85 Mapping of SCHEDULE events to NWM events......................................................................................99 Meaning of associated bore selections..................................................................................................102 Supported downhole device types and panel descriptions ....................................................................107 Operators that can be used for defining relative dates ..........................................................................121 Units strings that can be used to define relative dates ..........................................................................122 Configuration file settings ......................................................................................................................162 Examples of operands and property types ............................................................................................177 Arithmetic operators grouped by precedence, highest at top ................................................................179 Relative and combinatorial operators in order of precedence ...............................................................180

Chapter 6 - Technical Notes......................................................................................................... 223 Appendix A - I/O Formats............................................................................................................. 227 Appendix B - History of developments....................................................................................... 235

About this manual

Data file, and directory names are shown in Courier, a fixed spaced font, for clarity. On some operating systems the file system is case sensitive for example UNIX. Be aware of this and that the files may not appear as written on your computer. We also use the forward slash / as a directory delimiter. This is the standard for UNIX; on PCs it should be replaced by the backslash \. The convention for batch files containing groups of operating system commands is also machine dependent. On PCs batch files will start with the character $, while UNIX we uses @.

Typefaces used
All regular text is in Palatino font, and headlines at different levels are in different levels of Helvetica Bold. Equation variables in text are in Times Italic, for example e same font as is used in formatted equations.

= mc2. This is the

Links and cross-references to other pages in this manual or others are highlighted in bright blue. Keywords and other program code items are represented in Courier, a fixedspace font similar to that seen on DOS and UNIX screens. Menu items are distinguished from surrounding text by being in Helvetica similar to settings often found on interactive program screens. Program variables are in Courier like the keywords.

Standard buttons in interactive programs

Unless specfically stated in the manual the listed buttons perform the following standard operations:

Applies the changes you have made in the dialog or panel. The dialog box or panel remains open.

Applies the changes you have made in the dialog box or panel and closes it.

Closes the dialog box or panel.

Closes the dialog box or panel without applying any changes.

Opens the help page for the screen, dialog box or panel.

In case of problems
Should you find an error, an omission, or something that is not clear, or you simply wish to make a comment about any part of the documentation, we will be pleased to learn about it so that we can improve our product. Please send the details in an email to: giving full details, or contact your local Support Team who will be pleased to help.


New features Chapter 1

Maintenance of this application is continuing until further notice.

New features 2005A


Changes in 2004A
NWM models can now be created as children of FrontSim models. An enhanced conversion report generator is run, which is able to automatically insert SKIP keywords so that ECLIPSE NWM cases can be created and run. Several performance bottlenecks have been identified and removed.

Well modeling
A new panel to enter data for production tubing has been added. This allows you to define the tubing simpler and faster. Also NWM now allows you to model branched tubing down hole. For further information see "Production Tubing node" on page 96. The tabular interface used to define the down hole devices has been replaced with a new easier to use panel. Two new devices, gas lift valves and down hole pumps, have been added to extend NWM advanced well modeling. The well editing user interface has been revamped for this release. The new multifolder Editing panel enables you to quickly define and edit well path locations. New features include snapping to objects in the 3D Viewer and constraining the well path to simulation layers.

3D Visualization
The 3D visualization now uses Open Inventor technology. This provides both faster and smoother visualization. It is also a much more memory efficient method of visualization.


New features 2005A

Introduction Chapter 2

The Near Wellbore Modeling (NWM) module allows you to generate a detailed local model around one or more wells in an existing full-field ECLIPSE model. The aim is to improve both the modeling of wellbore flow and its interaction with the near wellbore reservoir region. By default, the near wellbore model inherits data from the full field model. This coarse model can be improved in a number of ways: You can improve well definitions by using an advanced Well Editor to edit wellbore hierarchy, path, completion strategies and to set up a multi-segmented wellbore flow models. You can model advanced well bore completions strategies using casing, production tubing in line and flow control valves. You can import geological scale rock properties, which take precedence over properties taken from the full field model. You can specify near wellbore reservoir fluid and rock property modifications. You can generate local grid refinements (LGRs) automatically around wells and inserted into the full field model grid. These include both structured (Cartesian) LGRs, as traditionally used in ECLIPSE, and unstructured LGRs, which allow variable density refinements and radially symmetric grid refinements along vertical, horizontal and deviated wellbores.

Once generated, you can insert the near wellbore model back into the full field model simulation or simulate it independently. In this latter case, flux or pressure at the boundary between the near wellbore model is extracted from a full field model simulation, and used to make the full field model cells inactive when simulating the near wellbore model. The NWM module has a dedicated graphical user interface and is highly automated. This interface includes specialized 2D and 3D along-wellbore visualization tools.

Introduction Overview


The NWM module is an extension option for ECLIPSE Office. ECLIPSE Office provides you with project management functionality for handling multiple simulation cases together with generic deck editing, run submission, results viewing and report generation. For an introduction to ECLIPSE Office refer to the "ECLIPSE Office User Guide".


Introduction Overview

Getting Started Chapter 3

Launching NWM
To start NWM you must first start ECLIPSE Office.

1 2 Type the command @office at the command prompt. Select the 2005a version if prompted. Use @office -version 2005a or set the environment variable ECLVER to 2005a to avoid the prompt.

Windows 95 and Windows NT

1 2 3 Start the GeoQuest Simulation Software Launcher. Click on the Office button. Select the 2005a version and a working directory as required.

Getting Started Launching NWM


Getting Started with NWM

Starting NWM is a two-step process. First you create an ECLIPSE Office simulation case representing the full-field model, and then you create a near wellbore study case. These steps are described in the next two sections.

Creating a full field model case

To use the NWM tool you must first open or create an ECLIPSE Office project; see the "ECLIPSE Office User Guide" for more information. The project should contain a simulation case representing the full field model on which you are going to do the near wellbore study. You can create a case representing the full field model in a number of ways:

Creating a project and case from an ECLIPSE data file

Select ECLIPSE Office: File | New Project Select the ECLIPSE data file. On a PC the *.data file name extension must be selected first.


This creates a project in the same directory as the data file with the same base name but with a .off extension. If this already exists you are warned about overwriting it. A case icon representing the model appears in the Case Manager tree. Hint ECLIPSE Office manages a simulation keyword deck using many individual INCLUDE files. It is easier to manage these files if the project is created in a relatively uncluttered directory, and preferably one containing only the original data file.

Importing an ECLIPSE data file into a case

Open an existing project. Alternatively create a new blank one by selecting, ECLIPSE Office: File | New Project, and entering a new project filename using the file browser. Select a case to import into by clicking on it in the Case Manager tree. A newly-created project contains a blank case that can be used. Otherwise you may want to create a new case first, using ECLIPSE Office: Case | Add Case | New


Import the ECLIPSE data file with ECLIPSE Office: Case | Import


Getting Started Getting Started with NWM


To create a project for an existing deck in an entirely empty directory: - launch ECLIPSE Office in the directory - create a new blank project - import the existing data file from another directory into the blank case created.

Opening an existing project containing the full field model

Select ECLIPSE Office: File | Open Project, and select the project file. Select the desired full field model case by clicking on it in the Case Manager tree.

Creating a near wellbore study case

Once a full field model has been created and selected, a near wellbore study case can be created. This can be done by clicking on the NWM button on the left-hand button bar (this is equivalent to selecting ECLIPSE Office: Module | NWM | Open NWM) and answering Yes when asked whether to create a new case. This forks a special NWM study case from the current case in the Case Manager tree and selects it. It also launches the NWM module.

Creating GRID and INIT files

The NWM module requires that a GRID and INIT file be generated for the full field model. When an NWM study is first created, the module looks for and suggests the most likely candidates from the ECLIPSE Office project. If none are found, or if you do not want to use the files suggested, you are given the choice of browsing for the files or running ECLIPSE to generate the files automatically.

Using the ECLIPSE Office Case Manager

Multiple NWM cases can exist in an ECLIPSE Office project, together with normal cases. You can select, delete NWM cases, etc., in the same way as you can normal cases. All cases, including the NWM cases, are saved and restored with the ECLIPSE Office project. NWM cases are distinguished by the letter N in their icons in the Office Case Manager tree. When a NWM case is selected, for example after a project is opened, the NWM module comes to the front if it is already open, otherwise it may be opened by clicking on the NWM button or by selecting Module | NWM | Open NWM. The NWM module always displays the data, wells and grid for the currently selected NWM case in the ECLIPSE Office Case Manager. If a non-NWM case is selected, or the project is closed, the NWM module closes.

Getting Started Getting Started with NWM



Getting Started Getting Started with NWM

Tutorials Chapter 4

The tutorials are split into two logical sections. The first section presents tutorials that combine many aspects of NWM into logical work flows, such as creating wells, defining LGRs and producing multi-segmented well keywords. These are a good starting point to learn about NWM and the recommended workflow through it. The second section of tutorials are generally shorter and target specific operations that are commonly (and not so commonly) performed in NWM. If you want to find out how to accomplish something in NWM this is a good place to find out how to do it.

Work Flow Tutorials

The following tutorials are available. "Tutorial 1: Conducting a simple NWM study" on page 23. This tutorial demonstrates the basic steps involved in conducting a simple near wellbore model study on an existing full field simulation model. The tutorial focuses on VOI definition, well data editing, using the Multi-segment well option and results visualization. "Tutorial 2: NWM Study with Cartesian LGR" on page 35 This tutorial extends the NWM case created in Tutorial 1. It demonstrates how to select host cells, and specify LGRs to model well completions in detail. The tutorial also deals with sampling properties from fine grids. "Tutorial 3: NWM Study with Unstructured LGRs" on page 41 This tutorial extends the NWM case created in Tutorial 1. It demonstrates how to insert unstructured LGRs within a cartesian full field model grid. The tutorial also deals with near wellbore property editing and upscaling issues related to the use of unstructured grids. It assumes you are familiar with the construction of unstructured grids. NWM uses the same gridding tool as is used in FloGrid. "Tutorial 4: Conducting VOI Simulations" on page 51

Tutorials Introduction


This tutorial demonstrates the workflow required for creating and submitting VOI-only simulation runs using the flux boundary option. Note This tutorial requires the flux license option.

"Tutorial 5: Comparing well definitions" on page 55 This tutorial takes an existing ECLIPSE data set and shows three ways of modeling the wells in the model. It compares results obtained when simple well reconstruction is performed, complete reconstruction is performed and also show you how to model a multi completed well.

Reference Tutorials
The following tutorials are currently available. "Tutorial 6: Modeling existing simulation wells in NWM" on page 61 The tutorial examines in detail how to create NWM well definitions from existing simulation wells. This is an extremely common operation and therefore should be well understood by users of NWM. "Tutorial 7: Creating a new well in NWM" on page 67 In this tutorial we examine how to add new wells in a NWM case. For workflows where you want to add new wells to model predictive scenarios NWM can provide a fast interactive environment to achieve your goals. "Tutorial 8: Modeling Flow from Production Tubing" on page 73 This tutorial discusses how to add a production tubing to an existing well and model the flow from this tubing. The merits of using the multi segment well model to model the tubing topology and properties are discussed. "Tutorial 9: NWM and FrontSim Simulations" on page 77 In this tutorial you will learn how to create a NWM case whose parent is a FrontSim case. This is an very useful work flow for large models where it is impractical to run the FFM simulation in ECLIPSE.

How to interact with the 3D Viewer

Note For the 2004A release we switched the underlying graphics libraries to OpenInventor, giving greatly improved graphics performance. We took this opportunity to adopt the OpenInventor standard mouse interactions, giving us consistency with other OpenInventor applications such as Petrel.

The 3D Viewer has 2 distinct modes of operation: 'viewing' and 'picking'. The 3D Viewer is by default in 'view' mode (the default cursor is a hand ), which means that you can use the mouse buttons to rotate, translate and zoom the display. To pick on objects in the display you must select the 'pick' mode (the cursor changes to an arrow ). In pick mode you cannot change the orientation of the display, just pick on objects in the display. To change mode you can either:


Tutorials Introduction

use the hand

and arrow

button on the top left toolbar,

use the 'P' (pick) and 'V' (view) keys, or use the <Esc> key to toggle between modes.

View mode
When in 'view' mode, interaction is as follows:

Press the left mouse button and move the mouse to rotate about the model.

Press the middle mouse button and move the mouse to pan from side to side.

Press both the Ctrl key and the middle mouse button (or left and middle mouse buttons simultaneously) and move the mouse to zoom the display. Note Note that the 3D Viewer displays a Perspective view by default.

Other buttons of interest on the left hand toolbar are: Normalize Seek to Point Returns the model to the middle of the window. Select this button and then click on a point on the model. The 3D Viewer zooms to the selected point. The S key provides a short cut to this button. Toggles between Perspective and Orthogonal views of the model. Returns the view to its orientation prior to a fixed view being set (with the Set View buttons below). These 6 buttons align the view with each of the primary axes.

Perspective User View Set View

Tutorials Introduction



Tutorials Introduction

Tutorial 1: Conducting a simple NWM study

This tutorial demonstrates the basic steps involved in conducting a simple near wellbore model study on an existing full field simulation model. The tutorial focuses on VOI definition, well data editing using the Multi-segment well option, and results visualization.

This tutorial contains the following stages: "Before you start" on page 23 "Creating the Full Field Model Case" on page 24 "Creating a NWM Case" on page 24 "Defining Volume Of Interest (VOI)" on page 25 "Defining well paths" on page 27 "Extracting wellbore deviation from FFM" on page 27 "Importing deviation surveys" on page 27

"Defining well bore events" on page 28 "Digitizing a new lateral" on page 28 "Multi-segment well model" on page 30 "Define Segments" on page 30 "Submit Run" on page 31 "Viewing results" on page 31 "Save project" on page 32

Before you start

You need the following license keys: nearwellborem, office, and gf_floviz to execute NWM. The gf_petragrid license is required to create unstructured LGRs. Though not absolutely necessary, the following ECLIPSE license options are required to simulate models generated by NWM: lgr, flux and multisegwells.

Tutorials Tutorial 1: Conducting a simple NWM study


Copy all the files in the ../ecl/../2005a/nwm/tutorials/dome directory to your working directory. Check that the following files are available: DOME.DATA, voi.bnd, nwm.grf, cart.grf, unstr.grf, p_bnd.grf, f_bnd.grf. wells.ctl, lateral.ctl, dome_g.egrid, dome_g.init. The tutorial assumes you have ECLIPSE Office correctly installed and working and some knowledge of using ECLIPSE Office and FloViz.


Various ECLIPSE Office and FloViz (3D Viewer) options can be configured in a local copy of the configuration file, ECL.CFG (or ECL.CFA). 2 Make a copy of the ECL.CFG file in your working directory by running the macro @copycfg on a UNIX system or $copycfg in a command prompt window on PC. Start ECLIPSE Office. If you require help see the "ECLIPSE Office User Guide".


Creating the Full Field Model Case

1 Select ECLIPSE Office: File | New Project and select DOME.DATA from the browser. This creates an ECLIPSE Office project case tree with DOME as the root case. This is the full field model. If you are familiar with ECLIPSE Office review the model contents using the Data Manager. Select Run to open the Run Manager and click on Wait for run to complete. The ECLIPSE Office Log Window notifies you when the run is complete. to submit the ECLIPSE run.

2 3 4

Hint 5

Close the Run Manager.

Creating a NWM Case

1 2 3 Click on the NWM button to create a new near wellbore case. Answer Yes to the case creation query. NWM requires a GRID and an INIT file to start. By default it uses those created during the FFM simulation. If, however, the FFM simulation has not been run (at least to initialization) then NWM prompts you to create files specifically named for the NWM case. Answer Yes to use the GRID and INIT files from the FFM simulation.


Tutorials Tutorial 1: Conducting a simple NWM study

Name the case as nwm_lateral. This creates a child case to DOME and launches the NWM user interface consisting of the NWM Module window, the Near WellBore Viewer. The Near WellBore Viewer displays the full field model grid (notice that the button is selected).


Near WellBore Modeling cases have a letter N inscribed on the case folders in the ECLIPSE Office case tree.


At any point, clicking on the NWM button brings the NWM Module window and Near WellBore Viewer to the foreground (or opens them if they have been closed).

Load the FFM simulation results using Near WellBore Viewer: File | Load Solution Data | FFM Grid and answering yes to load from DOME_E100.unrst.

The Near WellBore Viewer by default displays the OilSat property. 6 Use the animation button on Near WellBore Viewer to show changes in Oil

Saturation and the final distribution at the end of simulation. The display should show that a region of high oil saturation is present near well HORW2. This area including the injection well INJE3 is therefore a region of interest. 7 8 Toggle the completions. Toggle the cell colors back. button to turn of the cell face colors and observe the FFM well

Defining Volume Of Interest (VOI)

Defining the volume of interest is the first step towards setting up the near wellbore model. This normally includes the well(s) of interest and provides the boundary for conducting reduced simulations using the ECLIPSE Flux boundary option. 1 2 Define a VOI around INJE3 and HORW2 by editing a boundary on the Near WellBore Viewer. Click on Create in the VOI folder. The Near WellBore Viewer goes to top view and enters digitalization mode. The well paths are made visible. Click points on the Near WellBore Viewer and digitize a polygon at least a single set of cells away from the two wells but not including any other wells. Leave room around HORW2 as in Figure 4.1. Use the Delete and Move buttons, to delete and move points respectively. The Backspace key deletes the last point digitized. Refer to the "FloViz User Guide" for more details on boundary editing using pick guides. to close the polygon and commit the edit.

3 4


Click on

Tutorials Tutorial 1: Conducting a simple NWM study


Observe the cell coloration in the Near WellBore Viewer, which shows the VOI. By default the boundary is named VOI Boundary1.

Figure 4.1 Digitized VOI boundary

Importing a boundary.
1 2 3 4 5 6 Select More on the VOI tab to open the Edit NWM Boundaries panel. Select Import and pick the file voi.bnd. The imported boundary should appear as VOI Tutorial1. Select the imported boundary in the Boundary list and click +View. Examine the boundary in the Near WellBore Viewer. Select -View and close the Edit NWM Boundaries panel. From the VOI Boundary list select VOI Tutorial1. Note that the cell coloration in the Near WellBore Viewer is updated if the boundary you initially created is different from the imported boundary. The default VOI is the FFM.

Note 7

Leave the Boundary Condition as default. The simulation run is NOT a reduced run with flux, pressure or no-flow boundary conditions.


Tutorials Tutorial 1: Conducting a simple NWM study

Defining well paths

When a VOI is defined, NWM filters the wells and categorizes them as either VOI wells or Non-VOI wells, depending on whether they are located inside or outside the VOI.

Well Tree
1 Select the Wells folder to display the well tree. The VOI wells branch is expanded by default to show the Sim Wells that are located in the VOI, HORW2 and INJE3. The tick marks next to the Sim Well nodes indicate that the wells are displayed in the Near WellBore Viewer. Uncheck the INJE3 Sim Well node and notice that the well is hidden in the Viewer, check the tick box on so the well is displayed again. NWM zooms the Near WellBore Viewer to the show only the VOI cells. The and Near WellBore Viewer toolbar buttons can be used to toggle between showing all cells or just those within the VOI. button to display the grid as lines.


Deselect the

This shows the wells connections at cell centers joined by gray colored lines.

Extracting wellbore deviation from FFM

3 4 Right click on the INJE3 well tree node to open the pop-up menu. Select Reconstruct | All... and create the NWM well INJE3. A new well is added to the well tree under the Wells tree node. The well is represented by two nodes, the well node and the main stem node (the main stem node is a child node of the well node). The Near WellBore Viewer now displays the NWM well as a smooth orange line covered with a green cylinder showing the completion range. The well path color changes to red when selected. Similarly, extract the well path for the well HORW2. To compare the completion range of the reconstructed NWM wells and the FFM wells switch the FFM well INJE3 well display on and compare the completions with those that have been reconstructed. You can switch the display of the NWM wells on and off using the same mechanism as with the FFM wells.


Importing deviation surveys

For best result always use the original well deviation surveys. See "Discussion" on page 32. 6 Select NWM Module: File | Import | Deviation Surveys and select wells.ctl from the browser. Optionally, open the wells.ctl and files in text editor to analyze the data input format. For details refer to the "FloGrid User Guide". Accept the default mapping suggested in the table by clicking on OK.

Tutorials Tutorial 1: Conducting a simple NWM study


The program asks whether you wish to overwrite well paths for INJE3 and HORW2: select Continue. This imports well paths for the wells in the VOI. Select Near WellBore Viewer: NWM | Clip Wells To Grid to show the full deviation surveys and click on to normalize the view. to

10 Select Near WellBore Viewer: NWM | Clip Wells To Grid, and click on normalize the display.

Defining well bore events

Importing deviation surveys erased the perforation data that was extracted when building well paths from FFM. 1 Right click on the Sim Well INJE3 node in the well tree and select Reconstruct | Bore Events... from the pop up menu. Select INJE3 in the list of well bores and click on OK. Right click on the NWM well bore node that represents the main stem of the well INJE3 and select Bore Events | Edit... This opens the Workover Events panel for the INJE3 well bore. Examine the perforation that has been reconstructed from the FFM Sim Well completions by selecting the perforation event in the Existing events list. Details of the perforation are displayed in the Description text box. Select Edit to display the Perforation panel. Change the Start MD to 2300 m. Click on OK to validate the data on the panel. Note the Skin Factor is set to the default value of 0. Click on OK again. The perforation data is committed; the completion range along the well path is modified in the Description text on the Workover Events panel and in the Near WellBore Viewer. Click on Close to close the panel. Similarly reconstruct the bore events for the Sim Well HORW2, and set the Start MD to 2300 m.

6 7

Digitizing a new lateral

In order to produce the unrecovered oil near HORW2 we would like to test the option of drilling a lateral. 1 2 3 4 5 Click on and in the Near WellBore Viewer.

In the Near WellBore Viewer select Scene | Grid | Property... and display the SOIL property from the list of Recurrent properties. Close the Property Display panel. Use the animation arrow to move the display to the last time step.

In the Well tree, right click on HORW2 well bore node and select Add Lateral... Accept the default name Lateral_1.


Tutorials Tutorial 1: Conducting a simple NWM study

Right-click on Lateral_1 and select Well Path | Edit... from the pop-up menu. The Near WellBore Viewer enters edit mode and relevant buttons appear at the top.

By default the Editor is in digitize mode and the view is set to Top. A Lateral_1: Edit Table window also opens providing an alternate mode of data entry and complements the mouse edits. You can type in the X, Y and Z coordinates or use cell I, J and K. 7 Digitize a branch from the main stem towards the unrecovered oil by clicking points on the plan view. Start by digitizing points in the top view starting at the branch point on the parent track as shown in Figure 4.2. In the Lateral_1:Edit Table set MD = Z value column for the Reference Point and click Update View. Click on to define just the areal path of the well.

8 9

The Near WellBore Viewer returns to display model and the Edit Table closes.
Figure 4.2 Digitized Lateral in Plan View

Tutorials Tutorial 1: Conducting a simple NWM study


Defining bore events for Lateral_1

In order to reproduce subsequent sessions of this tutorial we will import an existing well path for Lateral_1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Right-click on well node Lateral_1, and select Well Path | Read Deviation Survey... Select the deviation file lateral.ctl and accept the default association suggested in the deviation table. Select Continue when prompted. Select Bore Events | Edit... from the pop up menu for Lateral_1. Select Perforation in the Event Types drop down list and click New event. In the Perforation panel set the Start MD of the perforation to 2300 m and the Well Bore Diameter to 0.625 m. Press the Return key or click OK, this commits the edit and closes the perforation panel. Notice that the perforation is displayed in the Near WellBore Viewer. Click Close on the Workover Events panel.

Multi-segment well model

In order to correctly represent the flow behavior of the lateral we will use the ECLIPSE Multi-Segment Well option. We will retain the FFM grid. The use of structured and unstructured LGRs is further discussed in "Tutorial 2: NWM Study with Cartesian LGR" on page 35 and "Tutorial 3: NWM Study with Unstructured LGRs" on page 41.

Define Segments
1 In the Well tree, open the pop-up menu for the HORW2 well bore and select Segmentation | Optimal. This creates segmentation for the flow from the main stem of the well. 2 From the pop-up menu for the HORW2 well bore select Open Schematic.... The default view shows the measured depth of the well bore on the y-axis and the well bore radius on the x-axis. Notice that the perforation for this well bore is displayed as a green colored region towards the bottom of the well bore and the segmentation is drawn using a ball and arrow plot. The top node is placed just above the connection point between the main stem of HORW2 and the lateral well, Lateral_1. Subsequent nodes are placed along the well path in cells where the well is completed. 3 Right-click on the main view window in the 2D schematic and select Display All Sections... This displays the lateral alongside the main stem of the well. 4 5 Close the 2D schematic. Right-click on the HORW2 well bore tree node and select Segmentation | Edit... This opens the Segmentation panel, which enables you to examine the segmentation in more detail. Notice that properties such as the Diameter are read only as they are calculated using the dimensions of the well bore.


Tutorials Tutorial 1: Conducting a simple NWM study


You can modify the segmentation using Create and Delete Segment options. Copy Properties is a useful feature to edit segment properties quickly and efficiently. The Flow Model, VFP Tables and Multiplier options open panels to edit the Multi-segment well option keywords WSEGFMOD, WSEGTABL and WSEGMULT, respectively.

Select Cancel on the Segmentation panel to close it.

Submit Run
1 Select the Grid tab and ensure that LGR Gridding Type is set to None (Use FFM Grid).

Since the grid is unchanged there is no need to compute properties. The NWM grid uses a copy of the FFM properties. 2 3 Select the Run tab. Leave the box for Use FFM Wells unchecked. Notice that the Export Segmentation check box is checked. NWM detects that one or more wells flows have been segmented and therefore selects this by default. Caution If you do not have a Multi-segment license then uncheck this box, select Export Keywords and proceed to step 6.

The default boundary condition shows that this is a NWM in-place run, that is the entire model simulated. 4 Select Export Keywords. A dialog panel opens to warn that well INJE3 is not segmented. You can choose either to segment or not segment this well. Select to perform Segmentation of well INJE3. Select Run. This opens the ECLIPSE Office Run Manager. Check the contents of the Run Manager window. Ensure that the correct simulator version, executable is selected and the output file type and format are correctly selected. Click on to start the run.

5 6 7

Viewing results
1 2 3 When the run is finished, NWM prompts you to load the solution data. Select Yes. Close the Run Manager. By default the OilSat property for the NWM model WellBore Viewer. Click on to animate the saturation display. is displayed in the Near

Tutorials Tutorial 1: Conducting a simple NWM study


5 6 7 8 9

Click on

to display the OilSat at the end of simulation in the FFM.

Toggle back to the NWM model using . Notice that more oil has been drained in the NWM model. Click on and select well HORW2 from the list of planes in the Plane Slicer

panel selection list. Uncheck Show Plane and click on Apply to remove the gray plane from the Near WellBore Viewer and show the section through the NWM grid. Animate the display for OilSat and other recurrent properties.

10 Select the Result button in the main ECLIPSE Office window. This opens the Results Viewer. 11 Select Results Viewer: File | Open GRF... and select the file nwm.grf. 12 Review the pictures to compare the NWM and FFM results.

Save project
1 2 In the main ECLIPSE Office window, select File | Save Project As... Select OK in the warning panel and specify the name NWM_SIMPLE. This project file is necessary to perform other Tutorials.

Note 3

Select File | Exit.

1 The application stores the FFM grid and properties (initial and recurrent) separately from the NWM grid and properties. When displaying properties ensure that the correct model is selected, or . It is not a good idea to construct a VOI that intersects well paths. If you plan to use unstructured LGRs to model wells within the VOI make sure you leave enough space between well paths and the VOI boundary. NWM colors the cells to distinguish between VOI, non-VOI cells and LGR host cells using the NWMLGR property. The property values can be used to identify the status of a cell, that is inside/outside VOI, LGR host cell, etc. Well paths are extracted from the FFM by joining the cell centres (connections defined by the COMPDAT keyword). This method is limited to simple well trajectories and may be inefficient for complex wells or grid geometry. In the extreme cases where no deviation survey is available you can edit the extracted well paths. The recommended method for providing accurate well paths is to import deviation surveys from file.

2 3 4


Tutorials Tutorial 1: Conducting a simple NWM study

The current Multi-Segment Well functionality in NWM only allows the setting up of simple models. Specifically, the application does the most time consuming task of setting up segments/keywords given the well paths and the NWM simulation grid. For the power user of the Multi-segment well option, the exported data can be edited in ECLIPSE Office Data Manager before run submission. When Use FFM Wells option is not used (the option is unchecked) the well connection factors are computed for new wells/laterals and recomputed for other wells in the VOI. The method used by NWM is the same as that used in the Schedule program, see the "Schedule User Guide". Using the Use FFM Wells option implies that the well connections remain exactly the same as in the FFM simulation.

Tutorials Tutorial 1: Conducting a simple NWM study



Tutorials Tutorial 1: Conducting a simple NWM study

Tutorial 2: NWM Study with Cartesian LGR

This tutorial extends the NWM case created in "Tutorial 1: Conducting a simple NWM study" on page 23. It demonstrates how to select host cells, and specify LGRs to model well completions in detail. The tutorial also deals with sampling properties from fine grids.

This tutorial contains the following stages: "Open Office Project" on page 35 "Create copy of NWM case" on page 35 "Define host cells along wells" on page 36 "Specify Refinement" on page 36 "Define properties on NWM grid" on page 37 "Submit Run" on page 38 "Discussion" on page 39

Open Office Project

1 2 3 4 Start ECLIPSE Office in the working directory used in "Tutorial 1: Conducting a simple NWM study" on page 23. Select File | Open Project... and open the NWM_SIMPLE.OFF project created in Tutorial 1. Select the nwm_lateral case and click on the NWM button. Select Yes to load all initial and recurrent properties.

Create copy of NWM case

1 2 3 4 Select the Grid folder. Select Cartesian LGR. A warning panel opens. Cancel this panel. Return to the ECLIPSE Office window and select Module | NWM | Copy NWM Case to create a copy of the currently selected case. Name the new case as nwm_cart. The new case is shown in the ECLIPSE Office case tree as a child case to nwm_lateral.

Tutorials Tutorial 2: NWM Study with Cartesian LGR


Return to the NWM grid folder and select Cartesian LGR again and select Continue to continue with the nwm_cart as the active case.

Define host cells along wells

1 Click on the Host Cells button. This opens the NWM-Host Cells panel where you can set the host cells LGRs using various options. Select the Edit using Wells radio button and click on the Edit Cell Set button. This opens the Edit Host Cells by Wells panel. By default both the wells HORW2 and INJE3 are selected. Select the well INJE3 by clicking on the well name in the drop down list. Let the Minimum number of horizontal and vertical cells away from perforations be 1 (default). This is the minimum host cell set to cover all the perforations in well INJE3. Select Set to create the host cell set. Notice the Near WellBore Viewer has updated. Now select well HORW2 on the well list. Set Min. horizontal cells to 2 and set Min. vertical cells to 2. Select Extend to add these cells to the host cell set created earlier for well INJE3. View the current host cell set (as NWMLGR property) in the Near WellBore Viewer. It appears that the horizontal extent of the host cells for well HORW2 is larger than necessary.

We will build up a set of host cells by considering one well at a time. 3 4

5 6 7 8 9

10 Reduce the Min. horizontal cells value to 1. 11 Select Update to modify the selection. 12 Select both INJE3 and HORW2 and select Set 13 Close the Edit Host Cells by Wells and the Host Cells panels.

Specify Refinement
1 Select Refinement to open the Cartesian Refinement panel. By default only the host cells defined earlier are displayed and painted gray in the Near WellBore Viewer. Select All cells in LGR radio button, and click on the host LGR around well INJE3 in the Near WellBore Viewer. This highlights only the host cells for the LGR around well INJE3. The selection is shown at the bottom of the Host Cell Selection area of the panel. Enter refinements in X, Y and Z as 3 by 3 by 2. These correspond to NXFIN, NYFIN and NZFIN keywords. Click on Apply. Select the Weights button to open the Cartesian Refinement Weights panel. These correspond to the HXFIN, HYFIN and HZFIN keywords.

3 4 5


Tutorials Tutorial 2: NWM Study with Cartesian LGR

6 7 8 9

Enter 3 weights for X and Y each as 2, 1, 2. Leave the weights for Z as default and press OK. Click on Generate and observe the LGR grid around well INJE3. In the Near WellBore Viewer, select the host cell set around the well HORW2. All the cells that belong to different LGRs within the amalgamation around well HORW2 are highlighted.

10 Set the refinement in X, Y and Z as 2 by 2 by 2, and press Apply. 11 Select All cells in K and click on the second layer of the HORW2 amalgamation. There are 3 global layers; the middle layer should be highlighted. 12 Set the refinement in Z to 3. The refinement edit options for X and Y are read only. 13 Click on Apply. 14 Click on Generate and view the LGRs. 15 Click on OK to close the Cartesian Refinement panel.

Define properties on NWM grid

Sampling from the FFM grid
1 2 Select Calculate to sample properties onto the LGRs. Use grid. and to look at how they have been inherited from the full field model

Sampling from a Geological grid

The GeoGrid is a fine-scale simulation grid stored in ECLIPSE GRID and INIT file formats. 3 4 Select NWM Module: File | GeoGrid | Import Grid. Select the dome_g.egrid file from the browser, and confirm to load initial properties and default layer mapping. Please refer to "Edit Mapping" on page 84 for details on GeoGrid Horizon Mapping. and to switch


5 6 7

The Near WellBore Viewer should now display fine grid. Use back and forth between grids.

Click on Calculate properties again to Regen All properties by sampling from the fine grid. Display PERMX.

Tutorials Tutorial 2: NWM Study with Cartesian LGR



Properties can also be edited using the Simulation Grid Property Editor (NWM Module: Grid | Properties | Edit Properties or Near WellBore Viewer: Edit | Grid Properties...) using simple or advanced expressions. For details please refer to "Simulation Property Editor" on page 173.

Submit Run
1 2 3 Select the Run folder. Unchecked the Export Segmentation check box. Select Export Keywords and run the simulation. This is an in-place run, that is the entire FFM with the additional NWM LGRs is simulated

Viewing results
1 2 3 When the run is finished, NWM prompts you to load the simulated results. Select Yes. Close the Run Manager. By default the OilSat property for the NWM model WellBore Viewer. Click on 4 5 6 7 8 9 Select is displayed in the Near

to animate the saturation display.

to display the OilSat at the end of simulation for the FFM.

Toggle to view the NWM grid. Click on panel. and select well HORW2 from the list of wells in the Plane Slicer

In the Plane Slicer panel uncheck the Show Plane checkbox and select Apply to remove the gray plane and show the section through the grid. Animate the view. Try other recurrent properties. Select the Result button in the main ECLIPSE Office window. This opens the Results Viewer.

10 Select Results Viewer: File | Open GRF..., and select the file cart.grf. 11 Review the pictures to compare the NWM and FFM results. 12 Select File | Close to close the Results Viewer.

Save project
1 2 Select ECLIPSE Office: File | Save Project. Select File | Exit.


Tutorials Tutorial 2: NWM Study with Cartesian LGR

1 Generating an LGR across the entire VOI is inefficient, so NWM allows you to set a smaller host cell set within the VOI region. The most basic setting is obtained by specifying the number of cells to step in from the VOI boundary and top and bottom boundary layers. NWM can quickly select host cells enclosing well completions or inside user defined boundaries and create amalgamations if necessary. Host cells created using boundaries can be added to an existing selection created using wells. The NWMLGR property is used to identify host cells for different LGRs or LGR amalgamations. This property can be edited just like any other property. By displaying only specific cells in the Near WellBore Viewer and using the Property Editor to edit only Near WellBore Viewer cells very complex host cell sets can be created. There are certain restrictions enforced by NWM while setting host cells based on the condition for use of LGR with ECLIPSE 100: wells should be perforated in either local or global cells. This is not a necessary requirement for ECLIPSE 300 but should be followed for better computational efficiency. dispersed host cells for a single well need to be amalgamated. Again this is not a requirement for ECLIPSE 300. minimum step in of 1 cell from VOI boundary for runs with boundary conditions.

5 6

LGRs or LGR amalgamations are named as NWMLGR1, NWMLGR2, etc. For irregular shaped host cell sets NWM sorts the cells into regular LGR sets and amalgamates them. This amalgamation is optimized so that the number of NNCs are minimum. LGRs within an amalgamation are named as NWMLGR1A, NWMLGR1B and so on. Refinements along I, J or K directions apply across the entire LGR or LGR amalgamation.

7 8

Tutorials Tutorial 2: NWM Study with Cartesian LGR



Tutorials Tutorial 2: NWM Study with Cartesian LGR

Tutorial 3: NWM Study with Unstructured LGRs

This tutorial extends the NWM case created in "Tutorial 1: Conducting a simple NWM study" on page 23. It demonstrates how to insert unstructured LGRs within a cartesian full field model grid. The tutorial also deals with near wellbore property editing issues related to unstructured grids. The tutorial assumes you are familiar with the construction of unstructured grids. NWM uses the same gridding tool as used in FloGrid. For details please refer to the "FloGrid User Guide". Note The gf_petragrid license is required to execute this tutorial.

This tutorial contains the following stages: "Open Office Project" on page 41 "Create copy of NWM case" on page 42 "Generating Unstructured LGRs" on page 42 "Host Cell Selection" on page 42 "Grid to bulk only" on page 42 "Changing the bulk grid style" on page 43 "Setting the layer refinement" on page 43 "Gridding to wells" on page 43 "Well Connection Property" on page 44 "Defining Near Wellbore Properties" on page 45

"Property Generation" on page 44

"Submit Run" on page 47 "Viewing results using plane section" on page 48 "Discussion" on page 48

Open Office Project

1 2 Start ECLIPSE Office in the directory used for Tutorial 1. Select File | Open open the NWM_SIMPLE.OFF project created in Tutorial 1.

Tutorials Tutorial 3: NWM Study with Unstructured LGRs


Create copy of NWM case

1 2 Select the NWM case nwm_cart and select Module | NWM | Copy NWM Case to create a copy of the currently selected case. Name the new case as nwm_unstr. The new case is shown in the ECLIPSE Office case tree as a child case to nwm_lateral. Select the Grid folder and select Unstructured LGR and Continue.

Generating Unstructured LGRs

Unstructured LGRs are constructed by merging domain grids for VOI wells, the VOI bulk and the VOI boundary. Arbitrary bulks and boundaries maybe created and used within the VOI. Various gridding styles for wells and bulks are available.

Host Cell Selection

The Near WellBore Viewer updates the host cell set, which in this case is the same selection as in the NWM case nwm_cart. To ease the process of creating an unstructured grid we will change this selection to the entire VOI, see "Discussion" on page 48. 1 2 3 4 Select Host Cells to open the NWM - Host Cells panel. Check the Edit using VOI (via step in and layers) check box and select Edit Cell Set. Click on OK to close this panel and set the host cell selection to the entire VOI. Close the NWM - Host Cells panel.

Grid to bulk only

1 2 3 4 5 6 Select Refinement to open the Grid Refinement panel. Uncheck the Set by absolute length box and set FFM Cell Length / I to 1.0. Leave the Well Refinement settings as default. In the Refinement Limits area set Maximum Cell Length to 60 m. Click on Apply and observe that the NWM Cell Length value is updated to 53.73 m. This gives the average size of the FFM cell. Select Wells in the Object Refinement area. This opens the Near Well Gridding Controls panel.

Note that NWM has analyzed the well paths and completions and automatically selected the most appropriate grid style. Horizontal for well HORW2 and lateral and vertical for well INJE3. 7 8 Set the Grid Style to None, and click on M-Apply. This opens the Multiple Apply Selection panel. Shift-click the last well in the list under Select Controls to highlight all wells.


Tutorials Tutorial 3: NWM Study with Unstructured LGRs

In the Select Edits column ensure that WellGridStyle is set to None and click on OK. This applies the Grid Style to all the wells and closes the Multiple Apply Selection panel.

10 Select Close in the Near Well Gridding Controls panel. 11 Click Generate to construct the unstructured LGR. A information panel opens when the grid is built. 12 Click OK and view the unstructured LGR.

Changing the bulk grid style

13 Select Bulk to open the Edit Bulk Controls panel. 14 Set the Grid Style to Hexagonal/Triangular. 15 Click Apply and Close. 16 In the Grid Refinement panel, select Generate and view the resulting grid.

Setting the layer refinement

17 Select Layers to open the Edit Layer Controls panel. 18 Select Unit 1 (FFM simulation layer 2) from the Unit drop-down list. 19 Set Number of layers per unit to 2 and leave the Layering method as Proportional. 20 Select Refine Selected Unit to open the Refine Selected Unit panel. 21 Accept the default weights for the refined layers 1 to 2 as 1, 1, respectively. Click OK to close the panel. 22 Click Apply in the Edit Layer Controls panel. 23 In the Grid Refinement panel, select Generate and view the resulting grid. 24 Reset the number of layers to 1 for Unit 1 in the Edit Layers Control panel. 25 Select Refine Selected block units and click OK. 26 Click OK in the Edit Layer Controls panel. 27 Regenerate the grid.

Gridding to wells
28 Select Wells to open the Near Well Gridding Controls panel. 29 Select well NWMLGR HORW2 from the Well branches drop down list, and set the Grid Style to Horizontal and click Apply. 30 Similarly set the Grid Style for NWMLGR HORW2%Lateral_1 as Horizontal and NWMLGR INJE3 as Vertical. Close the Near Well Gridding Controls panel. 31 In the Grid Refinement panel select Generate. An error with gridding the horizontal well should be reported. 32 Select Refine, to reduce the cell size, and Generate to try and rebuild the grid. Hint You may need to repeat this process to successfully create a grid. Here by gradual refinement of the cell size we are able to accommodate the unstructured grid within the VOI and still honor the grid style and parameters.

Tutorials Tutorial 3: NWM Study with Unstructured LGRs


33 Use grid.


to show how the near wellbore grid fits into the full field model

34 Select Wells again, and set the Grid Style for wells NWMLGR HORW2 and NWMLGR HORW2%Lateral_1 to Deviated (3D). 35 Set the number of Azimuthal Divisions to 6 in each case and re-grid to produce cylindrical grids around the wells. 36 Select Near WellBore Viewer: Scene | Grid | Volume of Interest | Domain Selection... 37 In the VOI Domain Selection panel select 3D_1 NWMLGR Well HORW2 as the domain and then press Apply to view the cylindrical grid around HORW2. 38 Select Near WellBore Viewer: Scene | Grid | IJK Slice and choose 3D_1 NWMLGR HORW2 as the Domain. Click Apply. 39 Use Near WellBore Viewer: Scene | Wells to toggle the well display off or reduce the well display width factor to 0.1 or less. 40 Zoom in and step through K slices to view the grid cells around the wellbore. 41 Toggle to view the grid framework. Toggle back the cell display.

42 Click default on the IJK Slice panel and close the panel. 43 In the VOI Domain Selection panel select NWMLGR and click Apply to return the display to VOI cells. Close this panel and the Wells panel. 44 Click OK to close the Grid Refinement panel.

Property Generation
Unstructured grid simulations require transmissibility and cell pore volumes to be precomputed. Therefore minimum pore volume and pinch out conditions need to known before the properties are calculated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 In the NWM Module, select Grid | Properties | Options... to open the Property Generation Options panel. Leave the Minimum pore volume and Connect across removed cells as defaulted. Set the Pinch out thickness limit to 0.1 m and check the Connect across removed cells. Set the Connection Porosity limit to 0.05 and Connection Permeability limit to 1 mD. Click OK to close the Property Generation Options panel. In the Grid tab select Calculate to generate properties.

Well Connection Property

Radial/cylindrical grids around wells can potentially create very small pore volume cells close to the wellbore and convergence problems during a full field simulation. Before proceeding with the simulation we will analyze the wellbore in greater detail. 7 Select Near WellBore Viewer: Scene | Grid | Property... and select PORV from the list of properties to display cell pore volumes.


Tutorials Tutorial 3: NWM Study with Unstructured LGRs

8 9

Select Near WellBore Viewer: Scene | Grid | Threshold... to open the Threshold panel. Double-click on the property WellConnection to move it from the All Properties list to the Active Properties list.

10 In the WellConnection(I) tab, select 2 and click on Apply. 11 Zoom in to view the cells connected to well HORW2. 12 Click on any cell and observe its pore volume in the bottom left status display bar. The cells at the top and bottom of the well completion are extremely small (approximately 2 cubic meters). They can be easily neglected without losing the accuracy of the flow modeling into the wellbore. To see the complete statistics: Scene | Statistics 13 Similarly, select WellConnection values 3 and 1 to analyze the pore volume of the connection cells for wells Lateral_1 and INJE3, respectively. 14 View other important properties such as Trans, PermX, PermY etc., along the well. 15 Click on Disable All, Apply. Close the Threshold panel. The well connection cells for Lateral_1 have extremely small cell volumes. Further analysis shows that the small cell problem is compounded by low porosity in Layer 1 where it is completed. The permeability of this layer is also much lower. One option could be not to grid this well in this simulation run. 16 Regenerate the grid after modifying the following well parameters using Refinement | Wells...
Well Grid Style Inner Radius Cell Length HORW2 Deviated 3D 3.0 m 50.0m

Leave the other parameters as defaulted. Click on Apply.

Well Grid Style Inner Radius Radial Divisions INJE3 Vertical 5.0 m 2

Leave the other parameters as defaulted. Click on Apply.

Well Grid Style Lateral_1 None

Leave the other parameters as defaulted and click on Apply. Click on OK to close the Grid Refinement panel.

Defining Near Wellbore Properties

17 Select the Well tab on the NWM Module, and click on node for well HORW2. 18 Select Well | Open Schematic to open the HORW2 Schematic panel.

Tutorials Tutorial 3: NWM Study with Unstructured LGRs


19 Double-click on the Y-axis to open the Axis Property Editing panel. 20 Select the Range tab, and set Start of Visible Range to 2250, and press OK. 21 Double click the X-axis and select Range tab. 22 Uncheck the Log box under Range Behavior to set the X-axis to linear display. Click on OK. 23 Right click on the node of well HORW2 (Well | Near Well Props) to open the HORW2 Near Wellbore Properties panel. 24 Select New to define a property modification zone and call it FLUSHZONE. 25 Set up the zone geometry as follows: Tubing Z Start Tubing R Stop Color 26 Set up zone properties as follows: Permeability in X, Y and Z as 300 mD, 300 mD and 50 mD, respectively. Leave the other settings as default. 27 Click OK to insert default values. 28 Click OK to accept the parameters and close the panel. The HORW2 Well Schematic panel updates to show the radial grid cells where the property modifications are applied. 29 Close the HORW2 Well Schematic panel. 30 Repeat the above steps to set up 3 zones for INJE3, name the zones A, B and C. Zone A:
2300 m 2360 m 5 m Cyan 50 mD, 50 mD and 10 mD

2600 m 3.0 m Magenta

Z start Z Stop R Stop Color PermX, PermY, PermZ

Leave the other parameters as defaulted. Zone B:

2360 m 2410 m 5 m Magenta 300 mD; 300 mD and 75 mD

Z start Z Stop R Stop Color PermX, PermY, PermZ


Tutorials Tutorial 3: NWM Study with Unstructured LGRs

Leave the other parameters as defaulted. Zone C:

2410 m 5 m Yellow 50 mD, 50 mD and 10 mD

Z start R Stop Color PermX, PermY, PermZ

Leave the other parameters as defaulted. 31 Select NWM Module: Grid | Properties | Options... 32 Set the Minimum pore volume to 5 cu. m. 33 Leave the other options as defaulted, and click OK to apply and close the panel. 34 Select Calculate | Regen All in the Grid tab to apply the property modifications. 35 You can view the edited property PERMX around the wellbore cells as described in section "Well Connection Property" on page 44 or "Gridding to wells" on page 43. Note If zones overlap then property modifications are applied in the order the zones are defined from top to bottom in the zones list.

Submit Run
1 2 3 4 5 6 Select the Run folder, and click on Export keywords. In the main ECLIPSE Office window, select Data to open the Data Manager. Select the Schedule Section. Select Event | New to open the New Event panel. Select Simulator Controls under Event Types, and Simulator Control Parameters (TUNING keyword) under Events, and click Apply. Set the following parameters: 7 8 9 Max Size of Next Time Step to 0.05 Max Length of Time Steps after Next to 15.0 Max Linear Iteration in a Newton to 40 (page 3 of 3).

Click Apply. Select event Simulator Tuning for High Throughput (TUNINGDP) and click Apply. Leave all items as default and click Apply. Select File | Save and click OK.

10 Select File | Close to close the Schedule Section. 11 Select Case Definition and switch to the Misc tab. 12 Set the Stack Size of Previous Search Direction (NSTACK) to 40, and click OK. 13 Select File | Close to close the Data Manager. 14 In the NWM Module | Run tab select Run to open the Run Manager. Tutorials Tutorial 3: NWM Study with Unstructured LGRs


15 In the Run Manager, click on Note

to start the run.

The run takes a couple of minutes to complete. There could still be some convergence problems as further tuning is required but is outside the scope of this tutorial.

Viewing results using plane section

1 When the run is over NWM prompts you to load recurrent properties from the RESTART file, select Yes to load. Click on the the well list. button to open the Plane Section panel and select HORW2 from

2 3 4 5 6

Uncheck Show Plane and select Apply on the Plane Slicer panel to create a section view along the well HORW2. Use the animation buttons to view the change in Oil Saturation. Select well INJE3 from the well list and click on Apply again. In the Plane Slicer panel check the Show Plane checkbox and move the Angle of plane extensions slider to about 50 degrees. Note that the position of the plane changes in the Near WellBore Viewer. Uncheck Show Plane, check Straddle and select Apply on the Plane Slicer panel to create a section view. Use the animation buttons to view the change in Oil Saturation. Select the Result button in the main ECLIPSE Office window. This opens the Results Viewer.

7 8 9

10 Select Results Viewer: File | Open GRF... and select the file unstr.grf. 11 Review the pictures to compare the NWM and FFM results.

Save project
1 2 In the main ECLIPSE Office window select File | Save. Select File | Exit.

Near wellbore property modification are applied to cylindrical zones around the well and hence are intended for use with deviated 3D or cylindrical grids. Minimum pore volume and pinchout behavior need to specified before property generation. When gridding to wells be careful that the minimum pore volume specified does not inactivate the cells near the wellbore with connections.


Tutorials Tutorial 3: NWM Study with Unstructured LGRs

Unstructured LGR grids can create convergence problems due to small cells. Some experimentation with tuning keywords is often required. Making reduced runs as described in "Tutorial 4: Conducting VOI Simulations" on page 51 can help to speed up simulations.

The host cell set always includes all layers when 2.5D unstructured LGRs are used. Since aquifer cells cannot be directly connected to LGR cells this implies that bottom aquifer connections become invalid below the VOI. This is a known restriction.

The Gridder may sometimes fail to fit well grid domains for a particular VOI and gridding parameters, for example cell size, etc. This could be because the distance to the boundary face of the VOI is not large enough to accommodate the well domain grid. You could either enlarge the VOI or decrease the cell size. If you experience the above problem the you can try the following: Change the Gridding Type to Single Cell for vertical wells or None for horizontal wells. Do not grid to the offending well. Select the Advanced button in the Near Well Gridding Controls panel for this option. Click Refine and Generate repeatedly till a grid is successfully built. This can potentially create a large number of cells. Edit the VOI in the VOI tab and re-generate the grid.

Tutorials Tutorial 3: NWM Study with Unstructured LGRs



Tutorials Tutorial 3: NWM Study with Unstructured LGRs

Tutorial 4: Conducting VOI Simulations

This tutorial demonstrates the workflow required for creating and submitting VOI only simulation runs using the flux boundary option. Note This tutorial requires a flux license.

This tutorial contains the following stages: "VOI Simulation" on page 51 "Open Office Project" on page 51 "Pressure Boundary" on page 51 "Flux Boundary" on page 52 "No-flow Boundary" on page 53 "Discussion" on page 53

VOI Simulation
VOI only simulation runs can be made using pressure, flux or no-flow boundary conditions. Normally, a dumpflux run of the FFM is required to create a FLUX file, which is subsequently used in a useflux run. However, if the pressure field is known to change slowly and smoothly, the pressure at the VOI boundary can be extracted from a restart file.

Open Office Project

1 2 3 4 Start ECLIPSE Office in the directory used for Tutorial 1. Select File | Open open the NWM_SIMPLE.OFF project created in "Tutorial 1: Conducting a simple NWM study" on page 23. Right mouse button click on the nwm_lateral case and select Add Clone Case. Name the case nwm_lateral_press.

Pressure Boundary
1 2 Select nwm_lateral_press and click the NWM button. Select Yes to load the solution/recurrent data.

Tutorials Tutorial 4: Conducting VOI Simulations


3 4 5 6 7

Select VOI tab and check the Enable VOI-only Simulation box. Select Continue on the warning panel. In the Boundary Condition area, select the radio button next to Pressure. Select the Run tab and select dump FFM restart from the Boundary drop down list Select OK to create a FLUX file from the RESTART file. NWM prompts you if no restart solution data is available. If this occurs, select the DOME_E100.UNRST file.


8 9

NWM prompts with the default output FLUX file and provides an option to create a new FLUX file. Click OK to choose the default FLUX file. Acknowledge the Information pop-up panel when the FLUX file has been created.

10 In the Run tab select the FLUX file just created from the Boundary drop down list. 11 Select Export Keywords, and Run to open the Run Manager. 12 In the ECLIPSE Office Run Manager ensure that the Input File Type and Format are correctly selected (generally unified and unformatted) and then select 13 When the run is complete select OK to load the restart data. 14 Select ECLIPSE Office: Result | File | Open GRF... and choose p_bnd.grf. 15 Compare the in-place and VOI simulation performance of well HORW2. 16 Close the Results Viewer using File | Close. .

Flux Boundary
In order to use fluxes a FFM dumpflux run is essential. The fluxes are computed with respect to the VOI created by the user. This is where the use of only FFM grid and FFM wells options is absolutely essential in order to create the FLUX file with minimum effort. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Select case nwm_lateral in the ECLIPSE Office case tree. Right mouse button click on the case and select Add Clone Case. Name the case nwm_lateral_flux. Select case nwm_lateral_flux. Select VOI tab and check the Enable VOI-only Simulation box. Press Continue. Click the radio button next to Flux for Boundary Condition Type. Select the Run tab and check the Use FFM Wells box. Using FFM wells will preserve the FFM well connection factors.

Note 9

From the Boundary drop down list select dump next run and press OK.


Tutorials Tutorial 4: Conducting VOI Simulations

10 Select Export Keyword, Run and then select Manager, to submit a simulation.

, in the ECLIPSE Office Run

When the simulation is over the FLUX file becomes available for subsequent useflux run. Note Do NOT load recurrent properties as they are not required at this stage.

11 Uncheck the Use FFM Wells box. The Connection factors are recomputed for all VOI wells. 12 Select the FLUX file just created from the Boundary drop down list. 13 Press Export Keywords and submit the Run. 14 When prompted select Yes to overwrite the data file. 15 When the run is complete select Yes to load recurrent properties for the NWM model. 16 Select ECLIPSE Office: Result | File | Open GRF... and select f_bnd.grf 17 Compare the in-place and VOI simulation performance of well HORW2. 18 Close the Result Viewer using File | Close.

No-flow Boundary
This option does not require a FLUX file. The VOI is completely isolated from the rest of the model. The basic steps are enable VOI simulation select No Flow Boundary type. export keywords and run simulator. This option can only be used with the 2001A version of the ECLIPSE simulators.


19 Select File | Save Project. 20 Select File | Exit.

The above case contained just the new lateral and re-used the FFM grid. However, one should use the VOI only run option with any other combination of structured and unstructured LGRs and Multisegment well options. The VOI only run reduces losses in efficiency due to added complexity of these options. It is recommended that a test run be made using DUMP NEXT RUN for pressure boundary type to confirm that pressures extracted from the RESTART file can be used without much distortion in results.

Tutorials Tutorial 4: Conducting VOI Simulations



Tutorials Tutorial 4: Conducting VOI Simulations

Tutorial 5: Comparing well definitions

In this tutorial we will show you how to create three NWM cases that model the reservoir given in tutorial 1 in the SCHEDULE User Guide tutorial. The aim of the tutorial is to show you how to quickly set up NWM so we can model an existing ECLIPSE model.

This tutorial contains the following stages: "Before you start" on page 55 "Creating the Full Field Model Case" on page 55 "NWM Case 1: Simple Well Reconstruction" on page 56 "NWM Case 2: Complete Well Reconstruction" on page 57 "NWM Case 3: Create a multi completion well" on page 58

Before you start

1 Check that the following files are available: 2 3 Tutorial5.DATA,Tutorial5.FGRID,Tutorial5.FINIT Tutorial5.SCH, Tutorial5.CNT, Tutorial5.DEV, Tutorial5.EV, Tutorial5.GRDECL, voi_NWM_case3.bnd

Make a copy of the ECL.CFG file in your working directory by running the macros @copycfg on Unix systems or $copycfg in a DOS window on PC. Start ECLIPSE Office. If you require help see the"ECLIPSE Office User Guide".


Creating the Full Field Model Case

1 2 3 4 Select ECLIPSE Office: File | New Project (name it Tutorial5) and import Tutorial5.DATA from browser. Select the ECLIPSE simulator type from the query panel. Select Run to open the Run Manager and click to submit the ECLIPSE run.

Wait for the run to complete and close the Run Manager.

Tutorials Tutorial 5: Comparing well definitions


NWM Case 1: Simple Well Reconstruction

1 2 3 4 Click on the NWM button to create a near wellbore case and answer Yes to the case creation query and the proposed choice of GRID and INIT files. Name the case as Simple_Well_Reconstruction. This creates a child case of Tutorial5 and launches the NWM user interface. Load the FFM simulation results using Near WellBore Viewer: File | Load Solution Data | FFM Grid and answer Yes to load from Tutorial5_E100.FUNRST. Use the animation button on Near WellBore Viewer to show changes in Oil Saturation.

Reconstructing wells from simulation wells

5 6 7 Click on Wells folder. Note that all the simulation wells from the Tutorial5.SCH file are present. Right-click on the Sim Wells node in the well tree and select Reconstruct... from the pop up menu. Answer Yes to the question Build paths for all wells without them? This builds a well path by connecting the centers of the FFM grid block in which the wells are completed (COMPDAT data). It is clear that there is not enough information to reconstruct multi-lateral and/or deviated wells and we should either edit the resulting path or import a deviation survey. Note Note that all the engineering wells created from the simulation wells are present under the Wells node. Each of them has a deviation survey and bore events.

Submit Run
8 9 Save the project. Select the Run folder.

10 Leave boxes for Use FFM Wells and Export Segmentation unchecked. 11 Select Export Keywords. 12 Select Run. This opens the ECLIPSE Office Run Manager and click run. to start the

Comparing Results
13 When the run is finished, NWM prompts you to load the solution data. Click Yes. 14 Close the Run manager. 15 Animate the saturation display of the NWM model. 16 Display the Oil saturation at the end of the simulation in the FFM. 17 Toggle back to the NWM model and note that the results look similar.


Tutorials Tutorial 5: Comparing well definitions


To quantitatively compare results such as field pressure, oil production rate, water injection rate you can use the ECLIPSE Office Result Viewer.

18 Select the Result button in the main ECLIPSE Office window. This opens the Result Viewer module. 19 Select Result Viewer: File | Open Current Case | SUMMARY... and click on Load. 20 Ensure the Read All Summary Vectors and Read All Reports options at the top of the panel have been selected. 21 Select Result Viewer: File | Open | SUMMURY | Load All Vectors and import the file Tutorial5_E100.FSMSPEC. 22 From the window on the left side, click on Domain | Tutorial5_E100 | Wells G1 | WOPR to plot the oil production rate of the well G1. 23 Do the same thing with the first NWM case (Simple_Well_Reconstruction), and compare both of the oil production for the well G1. 24 Similarly, you can plot gas, water production and pressure on different graph and for any wells.

You have seen how to reconstruct engineering wells using ECLIPSE simulation wells. Due to the simple mechanism used to reconstruct the bore events from the Sim Wells completions it is possible to get large discrepancies in the results of the NWM case and the Schedule example. To improve this we can use the deviation surveys and bore events that were created by Schedule.

NWM Case 2: Complete Well Reconstruction

1 2 3 In the ECLIPSE Office case tree select the FFM case. Right click and select New NWM Case. Name the new case as Complete_Well_Reconstruction.

Reconstructing wells from simulation wells

4 5 6 Click on Wells folder. Right-click on the Sim Wells node in the well tree and select Reconstruct from the pop-up menu. Answer Yes to the question Build paths for all wells without them?.

Importing deviation survey and bore events

7 8 9 Right-click on the Wells node in the well tree and select Well Path | Read Deviation Survey... from the pop-up menu. Import Tutorial5.CNT. Click OK. Click OK to window Associate Deviations to Well Bores.

10 Click CONTINUE to all questions.

Tutorials Tutorial 5: Comparing well definitions



The deviation survey of the well P1 is associated to the wellbore P1:01.

11 Right-click on the P1:02 node in the well tree and select Well Path | Read Deviation Survey... from the pop-up menu. Import Tutorial5.CNT. 12 Make sure the deviation survey of the well P1 is associated to the bore P1:02, and click OK, and CONTINUE to further questions 13 Right-click on the Wells node in the well tree and select Well Events | Import Bore Events... from the pop-up menu. Import Tutorial5.EV.

Submit Run
14 Save the project. 15 Select the Run folder. 16 Leave boxes for Use FFM Wells and Export Segmentation unchecked. 17 Select Export Keywords. 18 Select Run. This opens the ECLIPSE Office Run Manager and click to start the run.

Comparing Results
19 When the run is finished, NWM prompts you to load the solution data. Select Yes. 20 Close the Run manager. 21 Animate the saturation display of the NWM model. 22 Display the Oil saturation at the end of the simulation in the FFM. 23 Toggle back to the NWM model and note that the results are the same. Hint For more engineering comparisons such as field pressure, oil production rate, water injection rate you can use the ECLIPSE Office Result Viewer.

You have seen how to reconstruct engineering wells using ECLIPSE simulation wells. Before importing bore events it is fundamental to import well deviations in order to have consistent data.

NWM Case 3: Create a multi completion well

The purpose of this case is to create the single wellbore P1 with two flows, P1:01 in the well bore annulus and P1:02 in the production tubing. 1 2 3 In the ECLIPSE Office case tree select the FFM case. Right click and select New NWM Case. Name the new case as Create_Multi_Comp_Well.


Tutorials Tutorial 5: Comparing well definitions

Import a Volume Of Interest (VOI)

4 5 6 7 8 9 Select More... on the VOI tab to open the Edit NWM Boundaries panel. Select Import and pick the file VOI_NWM_CASE3.bnd. The imported boundary should appear as VOI Boundary 1. Select the imported boundary in the Boundary list and click +View. Examine the boundary in the Near WellBore Viewer. Select -View and close the Edit NWM Boundaries panel. From the VOI Boundary list select VOI Boundary 1. Note that the cell coloration in the Near Wellbore Viewer is updated to show cells that lie both inside and outside the VOI.

10 Leave this Boundary Condition as default.

Reconstructing P1
11 Select the Wells folder in the NWM module and right-click on the Wells node and select Well Path | Read Deviation Survey... from the pop-up menu. Import Tutorial5.CNT 12 Select Auto Build for the deviation name P1, under the Associated Bore column.

Importing bore events

13 Right-click on the Wells node and select Well Events | Import Bore Events... from the pop-up menu. Import Tutorial5.EV. 14 Associate the well bore P1 for the well flows P1:01 and P1:02.

Creating tubular and down hole devices

15 Right-click on well node P1 in the well tree and select Tubulars | Edit Casing... 16 Set the open hole ID, casing ID and OD to 0.656 ft. and click on OK. Hint If the current units for the ID of the tables are not in feet select the column heading in the table with the right mouse button and select Change units... Set the units for the ID column to ft. OK the panel to set the units for the columns.

17 Right-click on well node P1 and select Tubulars | Edit Tubing.... 18 Create a tubing and name it tubing_1; set the following parameters: end MD to 8400 ft. ID to 0.2 ft. OD to 0.24 ft.

19 Right-click on well node P1 and select Tubulars | Edit Devices.... 20 Create a new packer named packer_1 with the following parameters: casing set to casing_1 MD equal to 8200.03 ft.

Tutorials Tutorial 5: Comparing well definitions



You can use the 2D schematic to view tubular and down hole devices created.

Associating simulation wells to NWM well flows

We now need to associate the simulation well P1:01 to the annular flow from the main well bore stem and the simulation well P1:02 to the production tubing_1 of well P1. 21 Drag the simulation well P1:01 from the Sim Wells tree to the well bore stem of the NWM well P1. 22 Similarly drag P1:02 to the tubing tubing_1 of the NWM well P1.

Submit Run
23 Save the project. 24 Select the Run folder. 25 Leave boxes for Use FFM Wells and Export Segmentation unchecked. 26 Select Export Keywords. 27 Select Run. This opens the ECLIPSE Office Run Manager and click to start the run.

Comparing Results
28 When the run is finished, NWM prompts you to load the solution data. Select Yes. 29 Close the Run manager. 30 Animate the saturation display of the NWM model. 31 Display the Oil saturation at the end of the simulation in the FFM. 32 Toggle back to the NWM model and note that the results are the same. 33 Also use ECLIPSE Office Result Viewer to compare the oil production rate of P1:01 and P1:02 to the ones of the FFM.

You have seen how to construct a single wellbore with two flows (annulus and tubing) using two simulation wells.


Tutorials Tutorial 5: Comparing well definitions

Tutorial 6: Modeling existing simulation wells in NWM

NWM provides a set of interactive tools to quickly modify and extend the definition of the current simulation wells in an existing model. This tutorial describes the basic steps to perform this process. The basic steps are to define a well path, specify the well bore events such as perforations and finally to define the production or injection controls.

This tutorial contains the following stages: "Before you start" on page 61 "Creating the full field model case" on page 61 "Create the NWM base case" on page 62 "Create the VOI wells" on page 62 "Defining well bore events" on page 63 "Defining the well flow and flow controls" on page 64

"Submit Run" on page 64 "Comparing Results" on page 65 "Save Project" on page 65 "Discussion" on page 65

Before you start

1 Copy the following files in the ../ecl/../2005a/nwm/tutorials/dome directory to your working directory: 2 3 DOME.DATA, voi.bnd. wells.ctl,

Make a copy of the ECL.CFG file in your working directory by running the macros @copycfg on UNIX systems or $copycfg in a command prompt window on PC. Start ECLIPSE Office. If you require help see the"ECLIPSE Office User Guide".


Creating the full field model case

1 Select ECLIPSE Office: File | New Project and select DOME.DATA from the file browser. Tutorials Tutorial 6: Modeling existing siumlation wells in NWM


2 3

Select Run to open the Run Manager and click on

to submit the ECLIPSE run.

Wait for the run to complete and close the Run Manager.

Create the NWM base case

For this model we will create NWM case and define a VOI that contains two existing simulation wells. This model is used as a base for later tutorials. 1 Select the DOME top level case and click on the NWM button to create a near wellbore case and answer Yes to the case creation query and the proposed choice of GRID and INIT files. Name the case nwm_base. This creates a child case of DOME and launches the NWM user interface. On the VOI folder in the NWM Module select the VOI Boundary | More... button. Select Import... and choose the voi.bnd file in the file browser. Close the Edit NWM Boundaries panel and then select the VOI Tutorial1 boundary from the VOI Boundary drop down list. Notice that the display in the Near WellBore Viewer changes to show the VOI cells using the NWMLGR property.

2 3 4 5

Create the VOI wells

6 Click on Wells folder tab. There are two Sim Wells, HORW2 and INJE3 that are the both complete inside the currently defined VOI. To create a valid NWM case we must redefine these wells in terms of engineering data such as well paths and events. 7 8 Right -click on the Wells node and select Well Path | Read Deviation Survey... from the pop-up menu. In the subsequent file browser navigate to the working directory and choose the wells.ctl file and select Open. This opens the Associate Deviations To Well Bores panel that contains a table of deviations read from the wells.ctl file and a mapping to the associated bore. Note If no wells have been added to the NWM model then all the associated bore values in the table are set to None (ignore deviation).

In the Associated Bore column select the cells next to HORW2 and INJE3 and select Auto build from the drop-down list. Select OK to close the panel. The Auto build feature automatically create a new well and main stem in NWM and assigns the deviation to it. The name of the well matches the name processed from the deviation file. This method works with laterals, however care must be taken to ensure that the parent of the selected lateral already has a deviation survey assigned to it or is selected to be automatically built at the same time.



Tutorials Tutorial 6: Modeling existing siumlation wells in NWM


If you want to Auto build all deviations that are read from the deviation file then you can select Auto build all from one of the drop down lists. This sets all cells in the Associated Bore column that are currently set to None to Auto build.

10 Examine the well tree in the NWM Module. Notice that two wells have been created under the Wells node with names that match those from the deviation file. Also notice that the name of the flows (shown in brackets next to the main stem of each well) is currently set to no flow. We will set the flows later on. 11 Right-click the HORW2 well node and select Tubulars | Edit Casing... . This opens the Open Hole & Casing panel, which contains two tables of data. The first, Open Hole, shows a description of each of the well bores in the selected well (in this case we only have a well stem so there is only one row of data), the second table, Casings, displays details of any casing that is attached to these well bores. Notice that the ID and Roughness of the Open Hole data for the main stem of well HORW2 as been defaulted. Also notice that a casing that runs the complete length of the well stem has been added and its data values have been defaulted. Note When a deviation survey is imported into NWM for a particular well bore a casing is automatically added to it. If the well should be completed open hole then you can select the appropriate row of data in the Casing table and select Ctrl d to remove it.

12 Change the ID of the open hole and the ID and OD of the casing to 65.6 cm.

Defining well bore events

Currently both wells have casing that runs the full extent of the well paths. In NWM this means that the bores are not connected to the reservoir and therefore cannot be used in a simulation. To remedy this we must perforate the well bores in the regions of interest. For this model we are attempting to re-model the existing simulation wells, therefore, we want to create the same completion strategy as was defined for these simulation wells. 13 Right-click on the INJE3 well bore and select Open Schematic.... Notice that the entire length of the well bore in the schematic is gray, this indicates that it is not completed. You can also see the casing (shown in blue on the edges of the well path). 14 Leave the schematic open and right-click on the INJE3 simulation well . 15 Select Reconstruct | Bore Events... and select INJE3 from the subsequent Select Well Bore panel. Click OK to close this panel. 16 Examine the Schematic window, notice that a region towards the bottom of the well bore (aligned with the reservoir) has been painted green to indicate that this region is now connected. 17 Right-click the INJE3 well stem in the NWM Module and select Bore Events | Edit... Notice that there is one perforated interval defined. 18 Select this in the Existing events list and examine the description show in the lower half of the panel. Close this panel. 19 Follow step 15 to 18 to reconstruct the bore events for the HORW2 well stem.

Tutorials Tutorial 6: Modeling existing siumlation wells in NWM


Defining the well flow and flow controls

Currently both the INJE3 and HORW2 wells have a state of no flow and hence cannot be used in a simulation. Naturally, because we are modeling the flows of the existing simulation wells we want to use the existing descriptions. In NWM this can be accomplished quickly. 20 Select and hold the INJE3 Sim Well with the left mouse button and drag the mouse until it is over the INJE3 well bore (the mouse cursor should change to a + sign). Release the left mouse button. 21 The flow name next to the INJE3 well bore has changed to INJE3. 22 Right-click on the INJE3 well bore and select Flow Specification... This opens the Control Data panel for the flow for this bore. Note The action of associating the flow from a well bore in the NWM model to a simulation well is indicating than when the NWM model is exported existing data for the simulation well is replaced by the new data defined in NWM.


In NWM only the main stem of a well and any production tubing that starts at the well head can flow. The well tree in the NWM Module indicates this by specifying the flow name next to these objects.


The Disable flow check box at the bottom of the Control Data panel is grayed out in this particular instance. This is always the case in NWM when a flow is modeling an existing simulation well. Later when we add a new well you will see that in this case we can disable the flow.

23 Cancel the INJE3 Control Data panel to close it. 24 Right-click on the INJE3 well bore and select Flow Controls... from the menu. This opens the Well Flow controls panel for this bore. 25 Notice that there is one injection control, select this in the Existing events list and examine the description in the lower half of the panel. 26 Select Edit event to open the Injection Well Schedule Data panel. Examine the data on each of the tabs. Cancel this panel and Close the Well Flow controls panel. 27 Repeat steps 22 to 26 for HORW2 to set the flow data for the well stem HORW2.

Submit Run
1 2 3 4 Select the Run folder. Leave the boxes for Use FFM Wells and Export Segmentation unchecked. Select Export Keywords. Select Run. This opens the ECLIPSE Office Run Manager Click to start the run.


Tutorials Tutorial 6: Modeling existing siumlation wells in NWM

Comparing Results
1 2 3 When the run is finished, NWM prompts you to load the solution data. Select Yes. Close the Run manager. The recurrent properties can be displayed in the Near WellBore Viewer using the animations buttons and property display selector . For more engineering comparisons such as field pressure, oil production rate, water injection rate you can use the ECLIPSE Office Result Viewer.


Save Project
1 In the main ECLIPSE Office window, select File | Save Project.

This tutorial has explained how to build wells in NWM that model existing simulation wells in simulation model. The basic steps for this are to: 1 2 3 Define the deviations for the well bore of interest. Define the well bore events for the bores so that they are connected to the reservoir. Define the flow specification and controls so that well can flow.

There are many alternative paths to accomplish these steps such as importing well bore event files and using the GUI to add new events. For a full descriptions of these refer to the "Reference Section" on page 81.

Tutorials Tutorial 6: Modeling existing siumlation wells in NWM



Tutorials Tutorial 6: Modeling existing siumlation wells in NWM

Tutorial 7: Creating a new well in NWM

This tutorial gives a step by step guide to creating a new well in NWM. This process is very similar in many respects to those outlined in "Tutorial 6: Modeling existing simulation wells in NWM" on page 61, namely specifying a well bore deviation, defining the well bore events (or open hole completions) and adding well flow controls for the new well.

This tutorial contains the following stages: "Open Office Project" on page 67 "Create a New Well" on page 67 "Digitize the Well Path" on page 68 "Define the well flow specification and controls" on page 69

"Submit Run" on page 70 "Comparing Results" on page 71 "Save Project" on page 71 "Discussion" on page 71

Open Office Project

1 2 3 4 5 6 Start ECLIPSE Office in the working directory used in "Tutorial 6: Modeling existing simulation wells in NWM" on page 61. Select File | Open Project... and open the DOME.OFF project created in Tutorial 6. Select the nwm_base case and select Case | Add Case | Clone. Set the New Case Name as nwm_planned and click OK. Select the new NWM case in the ECLIPSE Office case tree and press the NWM button. Select Yes to load all initial and recurrent properties.

Create a New Well

The purpose of this tutorial is to add a new well so that we can increase the production in the field. In "Tutorial 1: Conducting a simple NWM study" on page 23 we added a new lateral to the existing well HORW2 to drain oil that was left in the VOI region. For the purposes of this tutorial we will add a new well so that is can drain the same oil resource.

Tutorials Tutorial 7: Creating a new well in NWM


From the Near WellBore Viewer menu select File | Load Solution Data | NWM Grid and select Yes when prompted to browse for the solution data. From the subsequent file browser select NWM_BASE_E100.UNRST and click Open to load the data. Display the OilSat recurrent property in the Near WellBore Viewer and navigate to the last time step. Notice, as in Tutorial 1, there is a large volume of oil that has not been recovered from the VOI region. This is the area that we will target with the new well.


To better understand where the oil is trapped, select Scene | Grid | IJK Slice... from the Near WellBore Viewer. In the IJK Slice panel select the K Slicing folder and set K-Direction to 1. Step through the K layers using the down arrow; notice that the oil is trapped in the top layer (K=1).

3 4 5

In the NWM Module window right--click on the Wells tree node ,and select Add Well... from the menu. Close the warning panel by selecting Continue. In the New Well Name dialog enter Planned for the new name of the well. Close the panel by selecting OK. Notice in the well tree that two new nodes have been added, one that represents the well and the other that represents the main stem of the well. Also note that the current status of the flow from the stem is set to no flow.

Digitize the Well Path

6 7 8 In the NWM Module Wells folder right-click on the Planned tree node and select Well Path | Edit.... In the Edit Well Bore Path panel select the Layer Constraint folder. Check the Enable layer constraint check box and then select layer 1 in the Simulation grid surface list. Specify an offset of 10 m in the Offset entry box. The layering numbering is listed in ascending order from 0 (the top most grid surface) to K-max the bottom grid surface. By activating the layer constraint all well points that are digitized are constrained to the specified layer (with an optional offset).



The Enable single click constraint checkbox should be used when editing an existing well path. In this case, you are able to click on existing points that define the well path and constrain them to the selected grid surface.

In the Near WellBore Viewer digitize a path that crosses the region of unproduced oil, see Figure 4.3 for an example of a well path. Notice that all the points that have been digitized all located in simulation K layer 1 (the top cells).

10 Select the Well Path Data in the Edit Well Bore Path folder.

11 Click on the

toolbar button on the Near WellBore Viewer to close the Edit Well

Bore Path dialog and commit the edit.


Tutorials Tutorial 7: Creating a new well in NWM

12 Hide the cell colors by selecting the Viewer.

toolbar button on the Near WellBore

Notice that the well path follows the layers of the grid. 13 Right-click on the Planned stem tree node and select Open Schematic... from the menu. In the schematic notice that the full extent of the well bore path is colored green, which indicates it is completed. Note When a well bore path is digitized, by default it is not cased, therefore, it is open hole and completed. When this is the case you do not need to enter additional well bore events to complete the well.

Figure 4.3 Example of the digitized new well path.

Define the well flow specification and controls

As mentioned earlier in this tutorial by default when a new well stem is created it has no flow assigned to it. If the well stem is left in this state then when the keywords are exported from the Run folder, data that defines this well is not exported. To enable the data to be exported to the NWM simulation model we must specify the flow data. 14 Right-click on the Planned main stem well bore and select Flow Specification... from the menu.

Tutorials Tutorial 7: Creating a new well in NWM


15 In the Control Data panel enter the data as specified in Table 4.1. Table 4.1 Field
Name Start Date Group

Flow specification for the Planned well bore stem. Value

Planned SOS + 2 years HWS

16 Close the panel by selecting OK. 17 Right-click on the Planned well bore stem and select Flow Controls... to open the Well Flow controls panel. 18 Select the Production event type from the drop down list and select New event. This opens the Production Well Schedule Data panel 19 Enter the data as specified in Table 4.2. Table 4.2 Field
Start Date Open/Shut Flag Control Mode Limits (Limits folder)

Flow control data for the Planned well bore stem. Value
SOS + 2 years Open Group Control Add BHP limit of 150 bar


To add the BHP limit navigate to the Limits folder and select BHP from the Limits drop down, specify a value of 150 bar and select Add/Update. This adds an entry to the Limits list.

20 Close the Production Well Schedule Data and Well Flow controls panels.

Submit Run
1 2 3 4 Select the Run folder. Leave the boxes for Use FFM Wells and Export Segmentation unchecked. Select Export Keywords. Select Run. This opens the ECLIPSE Office Run Manager. 5 Click to start the run.


Tutorials Tutorial 7: Creating a new well in NWM

Comparing Results
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 When the run is finished, NWM prompts you to load the solution data. Select Yes. Close the Run manager. The recurrent properties can be displayed in the Near WellBore Viewer using the animations buttons and property display selector . Select the main ECLIPSE Office window and select the Result button. In the Result Viewer Module select File | Open | SUMMARY | Load All Vectors. From the file browser navigate to the working directory and select the files NWM_BASE_E100.SMSPEC and NWM_PLANNED_E100.SMSPEC. Compare some of the summary vectors from the base case and the planned case. Notice that as expected there has been an increase in oil production.

Save Project
1 In the main ECLIPSE Office window, select File | Save Project.

This tutorial has explained how to add a new well in NWM. The basic steps for this are to: 1 2 3 Define the deviations for the well bore of interest by using the well editing facilities. Define the well bore events (or leave the well bore as open hole) so it is connected to the reservoir. Define the flow specification and controls so that well can flow.

Tutorials Tutorial 7: Creating a new well in NWM



Tutorials Tutorial 7: Creating a new well in NWM

Tutorial 8: Modeling Flow from Production Tubing

This tutorial describes the steps that you need to follow to add a production tubing to a well and produce from it.We take the existing horizontal well defined in "Tutorial 6: Modeling existing simulation wells in NWM" on page 61 and define the additional entities that are required to set up this model.

This tutorial contains the following stages: "Opening the Office Project" on page 73 "Adding the Production Tubing" on page 73 "Assigning the Flow" on page 74 "Segmenting the Well flow" on page 75 "Submit Run" on page 75 "Save Project" on page 75 "Discussion" on page 75

Opening the Office Project

1 2 3 4 5 6 Start ECLIPSE Office in the working directory used in "Tutorial 6: Modeling existing simulation wells in NWM" on page 61. Select File | Open Project... and open the DOME.OFF project created in Tutorial 6. Select the nwm_base case and select Case | Add Case | Clone. Set the New Case Name to nwm_tubing and click OK. Select the new NWM case in the ECLIPSE Office case tree and press the NWM button. Select Yes to load all initial and recurrent properties.

Adding the Production Tubing

The purpose of this tutorial is to model the flow for this well from the production tubing rather than from the annulus. To this end, we need to add the tubing, and additionally, a packer to prevent flow in the annulus. Finally we need to associate the flow to the tubing. 1 In the NWM Module right-click on the HORW2 tree node and select Open Schematic.... This opens the 2D Schematic window and displays the stem for well HORW2.

Tutorials Tutorial 8: Modeling Flow from Production Tubing



When adding casing, production tubing and down hole devices it is beneficial to have the 2D Schematic window open so that you can visualize the well bore completions against measured depth.

2 3 4 5 6

Right-click on the HORW2 well node and select Tubulars | Edit Tubing.... This opens the Production Tubing panel. Select the New Tubing button and enter a name for the new tubing. Click OK to add the new tubing. Examine the default values for the tubing that NWM creates. In the End Measured Depth entry box set the value to 2000m and click on OK. The 2D Schematic window has updated to display the new tubing that runs from the well head to 2000m. Also, the NWM Module Wells folder has been updated to show the new Tubing node below the HORW2 well tree node.


7 8 9

Right-click on the HORW2 well node and select Tubulars | Edit Devices... In the Devices panel select Packer from the Available device types drop down. Click on the New device button to open the Packer panel.

10 In the Packer panel enter a name for the new packer, select casing_1 from the casing drop down list and enter a measured depth of 1000m. 11 Click OK. The 2D Well Schematic window updates to show the packer. 12 Close the Devices panel.

Assigning the Flow

If you examine the Wells folder in NWM Module you can see that currently the flow HORW2 is associated to the well bore HORW2 (indicated in brackets next to the well bore node) and that the new tubing has no flow associated with it (indicated as no flow in brackets next to the tubing node). Furthermore, if you examine the schematic diagram of the HORW2 well bore in the 2D Schematic window you will notice that there is no possible flow path from the completed interval of the well bore (shown in green) to the annulus at the well head due to the packer added earlier. To set up a sensible configuration for this well we will associate the existing well flow HORW2 to the tubing instead of the annulus of the well stem. 1 2 Select the HORW2 Sim Well node located under the VOI Sim Wells node. Drag the sim well node on top of the tubing node. Answer Yes when asked if you want to change the association of this Simulation Well from the well stem to the tubing. The NWM Well folder tree updates to show that well flow HORW2 is now associated with the tubing and not the well stem.


Tutorials Tutorial 8: Modeling Flow from Production Tubing


In NWM it is possible to have flows assigned to the stem of a well (the annular flow) and to any tubing that starts at the well head at the same time. Using this technique it is possible to model multiple completed wells.

Segmenting the Well flow

When modeling flow in production tubing it is not essential to model the flow with the multi segment well model, however, this is beneficial as it can model the topology and properties of the tubing. If subsequently you add devices such as valves or pumps it is then essential to use the segmented well model. 1 Right-click the Tubing node in the NWM Module Wells folder and select Segmentation | Optimal. This generates the segmentation for the flow HORW2. Note Note that the segmentation in displayed in the 2D Schematic window using an arrow and ball representation. Notice that the segmentation models the topology of the tubing and the completions that flow into the tubing.

Submit Run
1 2 3 4 5 Select the Run folder. Make sure the Export Segmentation box is checked. Select Export Keywords. NWM asks if you want to segment the well flow INJE3, choose Do not segment. Click OK on the Finish Exporting Keywords panel. Select Run. This opens the ECLIPSE Office Run Manager and click to start the run.

Save Project
1 In the main ECLIPSE Office window, select File | Save Project.

This tutorial has explained how to create a production tubing in an existing well and associate a well flow to this tubing. In this model we mapped a Sim Well to the tubing and left the flow from the well stem with no association. The main steps for this process were: 1 Define the tubing using the tubing panel, and examine this in the 2D Schematic panel.

Tutorials Tutorial 8: Modeling Flow from Production Tubing


2 3

Add a packer to the well stem to prevent flow from the annulus. Segment the well flow in the tubing so the topology and properties are modeled correctly.


Tutorials Tutorial 8: Modeling Flow from Production Tubing

Tutorial 9: NWM and FrontSim Simulations

This tutorial describes the workflow required to create a NWM model from a FrontSim simulation case. This is an extremely powerful workflow for large simulation models, where you are interested in modeling the behavior of one or two wells using the ECLIPSE simulators.

This tutorial contains the following stages: "Create and Run the FrontSim Case" on page 77 "Create the NWM case" on page 77 "Submit Run" on page 78 "Discussion" on page 79

Create and Run the FrontSim Case

1 Start ECLIPSE Office in your working directory and select File | New Project... Enter the name FS_BASE.OFF and select Open. This creates a root case of the same name. 2 From the main ECLIPSE Office window select Case | Import... and navigate to the tutorial 9 directory located in the NWM data directory of your ECLIPSE installation, select the BASE-FRONTSIM_K.DATA file and press Open. Select FrontSim as the simulator type from the subsequent panel. Once the import of the data has finished select the Run button and click the simulation. The simulation run takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. to start

3 4

Create the NWM case

1 Select the FS_BASE case in the tree and choose Module | NWM | New NWM Case. This runs a simulation conversion report generator to determine if a NWM ECLIPSE case can be created. The simulation conversion report generator has been enhanced in NWM so that SKIP keywords can be added for FrontSim keywords automatically.


Once the conversion reporter has finished select Insert SKIP and Report.

Tutorials Tutorial 9: NWM and FrontSim Simulations


This adds SKIP keywords to the FS_BASE FrontSim case and also displays a report about the keywords that were modified. 3 4 5 6 7 8 Select Yes when prompted to use the GRID and INIT files and name the new NWM case NWM_G17. In the Near WellBore Viewer select File | Load Solution Data | FFM Grid. Select Yes when prompted to load the solution data. Examine the oil saturation and other recurrent properties. On the NWM Module VOI folder select More.... In the Edit NWM Boundaries panel select Import... and choose the VOI-G17 file from the Boundary folder located in the Tutorial 9 data directory. From the NWM Module select the VOI-G17 boundary from the drop down list. This sorts the cells into those inside the VOI and those that lie outside.


It is recommended that a boundary is not placed along a fault line in FrontSim models.

Check the Enable VOI-only Simulation check box and select Pressure as the Boundary Condition Type.

10 In the NWM Module Wells folder right-click on the Wells tree node and select Well Path | Read Deviation Survey... 11 Navigate to the deviation directory located in the Tutorial 9 data directory. Select the wells_txt.ctl file and click on Open. 12 Select Auto build for the G17 well bore and click OK. 13 Select the G17 Sim Well in the well tree and drag it on top of the G17 well bore stem. This assigns the flow for this well. 14 Select the G17 well bore in the well tree and select Bore Events | Import.... 15 Navigate to the events folder in the Tutorial 9 data directory and select the Events.ev file. 16 Make sure that all the Associated Bores are set to None (ignore events) except for G17. Click OK.

Submit Run
1 2 3 Select the Run folder. Make sure the Use FFM Wells and Export Segmentation boxes are unchecked. From the Boundary drop down select dump FFM restart to create a FLUX file from the FFM restart data. Click OK on the subsequent message boxes to create the FLUX file. Select Export Keywords and OK the Finish Exporting Keywords panel. In the main ECLIPSE Office window select the NWM_G17 case.

4 5


Tutorials Tutorial 9: NWM and FrontSim Simulations

6 7 8 9

Select the Data button to open the Data Manager Module. From this panel open the Summary Section by selecting the Summary button. Select the Field folder and add the FOPR, FOPT and FPR summary vectors. Select the Well folder and add WOPR, WGPR, and WBHP for well G17. Select File | Save As... accept the default name; and close the panel by clicking on OK.

10 Close the Summary Section window and the Data Manager Module. 11 Select Run. This opens the ECLIPSE Office Run Manager. Click run. to start the

12 When the simulation has finished, select Yes to load the results in the Near Wellbore Viewer. 13 Examine the oil saturation and pressure distribution by animating through the simulation time steps. 14 From the ECLIPSE Office main window select the Results button. 15 In the Results Viewer load the summary vectors from the NWM and FrontSim cases. Compare the results for the well G17 and the field.

Save Project
1 In the main ECLIPSE Office window, select File | Save Project.

This tutorial has shown how to use NWM to perform local VOI simulations on a FrontSim simulation case. This is an extremely powerful workflow as it allows you to perform ECLIPSE simulations on small sections of the model without needing to run the full simulation with ECLIPSE. The main steps to complete this work flow are 1 2 Run the FFM FrontSim case making sure that solution data is written at every report step. Create a NWM case using the FFM FrontSim case. This runs the enhanced NWM conversion reporter that inserts SKIP keywords in to the base FrontSim case at the appropriate positions. Using NWM specify the VOI boundary and enable the pressure boundary condition. Define the VOI engineering wells and any LGRs. Generate a FLUX boundary condition file from the FrontSim restart data. Run the NWM simulation using the pressure boundary condition from the FLUX file. Examine the solution and summary vectors.

3 4 5

Tutorials Tutorial 9: NWM and FrontSim Simulations



Tutorials Tutorial 9: NWM and FrontSim Simulations

Reference Section Chapter 5

This section of the manual contains information on the following: "ECLIPSE Office main window" on page 82 "NWM module" on page 83 "VOI Folder" on page 85 "Wells Folder" on page 87 "Grid folder and menu" on page 122 "Run folder" on page 154 "2D Well Schematic" on page 156 "3D Viewer" on page 159.

Reference Section Introduction


ECLIPSE Office main window

The ECLIPSE Office main window provides an easy to use graphical front end to the ECLIPSE simulators. It allows you to check results during simulation runs, edit and review simulation results, and generate reports. The NWM specific functions are described here. For full information on ECLIPSE Office please refer to the "ECLIPSE Office User Guide".

NWM menu options

The ECLIPSE Office main window has a button and some extra menu options for launching near wellbore studies. Note It is only possible to use NWM if there is a valid NWM license. The NWM license is only checked out while the near wellbore module is open.

NWM button
The NWM button appears on the left hand toolbar of the ECLIPSE Office main window, and opens the NWM module. If the current case is a near wellbore case then the module is opened on this case. If the current case is not a near wellbore case you are asked whether you want to create a new NWM study case, that is as if the New NWM Case menu option had been selected.

Module | NWM
Open NWM
This is equivalent to selecting the NWM button.

New NWM Case

This creates an NWM study case based on the currently selected ECLIPSE Office or NWM case, which should represent the full field model of interest. It prompts you to generate GRID and INIT files, and then launches the NWM module. This process is described in more detail in "Getting Started with NWM" on page 16.

Copy NWM Case

This creates a copy of the currently selected NWM case.

Case | Add Case | NWM Study

This is a duplicate of Module: NWM | New NWM Case. (See "New NWM Case" on page 82.)

Help | NWM
This opens this user guide on-line.


Reference Section Introduction

NWM module
The main NWM module appears alongside the 3D Viewer when you create an NWM case or click on the NWM button with an NWM case selected in the ECLIPSE Office Case Manager tree. This window centralizes the near wellbore modeling workflow. It has a number of menus and four sub-folders, which are described in the following sections.

Menu options
Deviation Surveys... This option reads in deviation surveys and allows you to associate these to all well bores in the model. See "Importing Well Bore deviations" on page 99.

Deviation Surveys... This option writes a GRID format multiple deviation survey file containing the well paths for all well bores that have them. You should select a new well control file (.ctl) from the file browser. NWM Grid... This option exports the NWM grid for the currently selected grid case in EGRID format. You can then import this file into Schedule or FloViz to view the results. Hint The NWM model grid is also exported to an EGRID file when the model is exported (using the Run Folders Export Keywords button) so that a grid is always available in the expected location relative to the other ECLIPSE files.

NWM Well Trajectories... This option exports the trajectories of wells through the currently selected NWM grid in a format that can be read into Schedule. This allows Schedule to output a schedule section with different production controls and time varying well connections. At present you need to cut and paste the keywords output by Schedule into the NWM cases SCHEDULE INCLUDE file. In the future this will be automated.

This sub-menu allows you to import a geological scale grid, or GeoGrid, and its properties in order to provide NWM with a better, or higher resolution, description of geological properties. You can use the properties in this grid in preference to those of the full field model when it comes to calculating properties for local grids generated by NWM.

Reference Section NWM Control Window


Import Grid This imports a geological scale grid. You should select a grid file using the file browser. The grid must be in either GRIDFILE II format or in EGRID format. Only corner point grids with vertical coordinate lines are supported at present. If an initial properties file exists with the same root name you are given a chance to load it automatically. Note Only one geological scale grid can be imported at a time. If you import a second you are asked whether the existing one should be replaced.

Once a GeoGrid is loaded it is automatically displayed in the 3D Viewer. You can change the grid displayed in the 3D Viewer with 3D Viewer: NWM | Displayed Grid (see "Displayed grid" on page 192). Import Properties This option allows you to import initial properties for the geological scale grid. You should select an INIT file using the file browser. The imported properties are not used by any existing near wellbore models until you explicitly recalculate the properties. Edit Coordinate System... This edits the GeoGrids coordinate system. It is the same as the option on the Grid | Utilities menu (see "Edit Coordinate System..." on page 124). Edit Mapping When NWM generates a near wellbore local grid refinement within the original full field model grid, property values for the near wellbore grid may be sampled from the GeoGrid. As the layers of the full field model grid and the GeoGrid need not be the same, a logical mapping between the horizons of the full field model and the horizons of the GeoGrid is needed. There is rarely an exact geometric agreement, especially in grids with thin or pinched out layers, so this helps guarantee sampling quality. It also improves sampling efficiency. A default mapping is calculated automatically. This is done using a regular grid of sample points over the volume of interest on the full field model horizons. The parametric depth of each sample point relative to the GeoGrid layering is then found. The values are averaged and rounded to give a GeoGrid horizon for each full-field model horizon. The algorithm is not exact unless there is an exact match between the grids and should only be considered as a first approximation. You are given the chance to validate and edit the default mapping after a GeoGrid has been imported (unless no VOI has been defined, in which case you are asked to do it when you come to grid). The table maps full field model horizons to GeoGrid horizons. Indexes are top down ranging from zero to the number of grid k-layers inclusive. For best results the GeoGrid should have a horizon corresponding to every full-field model horizon. If it does not, a value of -1 maybe entered for a full field model horizon, which has no GeoGrid equivalent. If there are gaps in the mapping, or if there are multiple GeoGrid layers corresponding to a single full-field model layer, the geogrid layer to use is then resolved on a cell-by-cell basis using the geometry of the cells. However, the layer used is still constrained by any valid mappings for neighboring horizons.


Reference Section NWM Control Window

For example, if the full field model grid has 4 layers and the GeoGrid 6 with full field model layer 1 corresponding to GeoGrid layer 1, full field model layers 2 and 3 corresponding to GeoGrid layers 2 to 4, and full field model layer 4 corresponding to GeoGrid layers 5 and 6 the mapping looks like the mapping in Table 5.1. As expected, each near wellbore grid cell in layers 2 and 3 would then take properties from the GeoGrid cell in layers 2 to 4 that contains the cells center. Table 5.1 Example full field model to GeoGrid horizon mapping GeoGrid
0 1 -1 4 6

Full Field Model

0 1 2 3 4


You can export and import the mapping by right-clicking on the table in the Edit Mapping panel.

Remove Grid Removes the geological scale grid from memory and the view. Any existing near wellbore grids properties are not affected, however, until the next time they are regenerated.

3D Viewer Opens the 3D Viewer; see "3D Viewer" on page 159.

Closes the NWM module.

This is described as part of the section "Grid folder and menu" on page 122.

This gives on-line access to this manual.

VOI Folder
The VOI folder allows you to specify the set of cells, or volume of interest, within the full field model within which the near wellbore model is placed. The VOI folder also allows you to establish boundary conditions for the VOI.

Reference Section VOI Folder



VOI definition is optional. If not done, all cells and all wells are considered part of the near wellbore model, and no boundary condition is applied (as is normal, a no-flow boundary is assumed at the perimeter of the full model).

VOI Boundary
The VOI is defined by digitizing a polygonal boundary in the 3D Viewer, see "Digitize" on page 169. Cells that lie within this region are selected and shown in the 3D Viewer. The drop-down selection selects the boundary to use from those currently defined in this NWM case. If no boundary is selected the full model is used as the VOI. Note Only one boundary may be used at a time and changing the boundary, or editing it, changes the VOI and reset all near wellbore grids generated. In Frontsim models do not place the boundary along a fault. See "Tutorial 9: NWM and FrontSim Simulations" on page 77 for an example of setting up VOI from a FrontSim model.

When a boundary is selected, created or edited the cells of the full field model are sorted into those that lie inside and those that lie outside. This is done areally by looking at the cell centers of the top layer of the grid, and the same selection is then made in all layers. There are several validation checks performed, which are described in "VOI Validation" on page 224. The VOI is visualized in the 3D Viewer using the NWMLGR property, which is selected automatically once the VOI is defined. All cells are sorted into one of four categories; cells outside the VOI, non LGR cells within the VOI, VOI cells that lie in a column that contains an LGR, and LGR cells in the VOI. Host cells are described more fully in "Host Cells" on page 126.

Starts the digitizing of a new VOI boundary polygon. The use of the 3D Editor is described in the section "Edit Menu" on page 165. Once editing is completed the new boundary is automatically selected in the drop-down.

Edits the currently selected boundary.

Opens the standard Boundary Editing dialog on the list currently defined for this NWM study. It lets you copy boundaries from other cases, import and export them, delete them and view them in the 3D Viewer. This dialog is identical to the dialog opened by 3D Viewer: Editor | Boundaries..., and is described in "Edit Menu" on page 165.

Boundary Condition
Setting up a boundary condition for the VOI allows the cells within the VOI to be simulated independently. That is, all cells outside the VOI become inactive in near wellbore simulations greatly reducing simulation time.


Reference Section VOI Folder

However, the use of a boundary condition can affect how the VOI is defined and validated, so it is recommended you do it first. The order is not important, however, and a subsequent change means that the VOI has to be validated again.

Enable VOI-Only Simulation

This switch controls whether independent simulation of the VOI using a boundary condition is active. If it is inactive the near wellbore model is run in-place within the full field model. That is the full field model cells are active when simulating the near wellbore model and so act as the boundary condition for the VOI cells. Note If Use Full Model is selected in the VOI Boundary drop-down selection then the Enable VOI-Only Simulation switch will be disabled.

Boundary Condition Type

Sets what type of boundary constraint to apply to the VOI. No Flow With the No Flow boundary option the VOI is isolated from the rest of the model (there is no flow across the boundary). Pressure - Flux With the Pressure and Flux boundary options the pressure at or flux across the VOI boundary is constrained to the behavior of a previous full-field simulation. This may either be done by running the full model once in a mode where behavior at the boundary is recorded at every mini-time step or, for pressure boundaries only, the behavior can be extracted from existing simulation result files. Then during a near wellbore simulation, the behavior is replayed so that the full field model cells can be made inactive. This is controlled from the Boundary drop-down on the Run folder - see "Run folder" on page 154. Note You must have a license for the ECLIPSE Flux option in order to run near wellbore models that use boundary conditions. Also, no-flow and pressure boundary types are currently not available in compositional simulations.

Wells Folder
The Wells folder is the main point of entry for editing and improving the definition of the wells. The folder contains a tree that shows the FFM simulation wells and the NWM wells. If a VOI is defined these are divided into those that lie within the VOI and the other wells that do not. The simulation wells represent the wells that have been extracted from the FFM case. In this release the operations that can be performed on these wells is limited to reconstructing wells paths, well bore events and flow controls. The NWM wells are those wells that are chosen to be studied. Each well is represented by a well node and a main stem node.

Reference Section Well Folder and Menu


Figure 5.1 Wells folder


The hierarchy of Other Wells, wells that do not lie within the VOI, is normally collapsed. Nodes can be expanded and collapsed by clicking on the +/buttons.

When a new NWM case is created there are initially only FFM simulation wells defined in the model. The first stage when working with the wells is to define the NWM wells that you are interested in (see "Creating NWM wells" on page 89). The hierarchy of well bores that make up an NWM well is shown in the tree. A well without any laterals is represented by two nodes representing the well and the main stem (the main stem node is a child of the well node). Laterals are shown as branched nodes parented from the main stem or from another lateral. Therefore each node represents a single unbranched wellbore or wellbore section. In this release NWM allows the modeling of multiple completed wells. Each flow from the well is represented by an ECLISPE well when the keywords are exported. The name that is used when exported in shown in brackets next to the main stem of the well or any production tubing that come to the surface, see for example the main stem INJE3 in Figure 5.1, here when the keywords are exported the annular flow from the stem of the well INJE3 are modeled using the ECLIPSE well INJE3. Note If a new NWM well is added to the model then initially there is no flow from the main stem, this is indicated by the text no flow.

When production tubing are added to the well these are displayed in the tree as sub nodes of the well node. As with the stem of the well the flow name that is exported is indicated in brackets.


Reference Section Well Folder and Menu

Creating NWM wells

When an NWM case is created, the RESTART file (if the case is a restart case) and the SCHEDULE section are processed and a set of Sim Wells created. Each one represents a well in the ECLIPSE model. Before NWM can be used to edit and model wells you need to choose which Sim Wells you are interested in and build the NWM representation of these. There are several ways in which an NWM well can be created. The following sections describe these in more detail. Hint It is possible that you do not want to modify any of the existing Sim Wells in NWM. If this is the case you can use NWM to add new wells to the model and leave the existing Sim Wells untouched.


The SCHEDULE data for Sim Wells that are modeled using NWM wells will be modified when the keywords are exported from NWM.

Reconstruction of sim wells

The simplest and quickest method of creating a NWM well is to reconstruct a Sim Well. The reconstruction process creates an NWM well with a main stem, well bore events and well flow controls. The reconstruction process can be launched from the Sim Well tree node menu (see "Reconstruct" on page 98).

Auto-Build deviation surveys

Wells can be built using the Auto Build feature when importing well deviations (see "Importing Well Bore deviations" on page 99). This feature creates NWM wells and sets the deviations for them. Once the selected well bores have been auto built then it is possible (but not necessary) to associate Sim Wells with the flow from the NWM well stem. For details about defining this association see "Associating Sim Wells to NWM well flows" on page 98. It is also possible to map completions and flow controls from a Sim Well to an NWM well bore as described in "Bore events..." on page 98 and "Flow controls..." on page 98.

Adding a new well

You can create a new NWM well by selecting Add well... from the Wells tree node. This creates a new well and main stem. Once the new well has been created a well path must be set for the main stem, for details on how to do this refer to "Well path" on page 94. As discussed above it is possible to associate a Sim Well to the flow from the NWM well stem and map the bore events and flow controls to the new well bore stem.

NWM Well menus

Most nodes in the well tree have a context sensitive pop-up menu that can be activated by clicking the right mouse button on the tree node. These menus give access to all the functionality for defining, editing and improving the definition of wells. The next section describe the menus that are activated from the different type of nodes.

Reference Section Well Folder and Menu



The menus are sensitive to the current status of the model therefore not all menu options are available at all times.


The pop-up menus can not be activated from the nodes in the Other Wells subtree.

Well model node

There are no associated actions or menus for this tree node in this release.

VOI wells and other wells nodes

There are no associated actions or menus for this tree node in this release.

Wells node
The Wells node provide access to generic operations that affect wells in the current VOI. In particular you can add and delete wells, read and write deviation surveys and import and export well bore events and tubing descriptions from file. The popup menu from this node contains the following menu items:

Add well...
Adds a new well to the near wellbore model by providing a unique name in the New Well Name popup. Once a valid name has been entered the panel can be closed and the well tree is updated to show the new well.

Delete all wells...

Deletes all wells in the current VOI after confirmation has been provided by the user.

Well path
This sub-menu contains options for defining and editing the selected well bores 3D path. Edit... Sets the Near WellBore Viewer into edit mode and opens the panel to edit the well bore path. See "Editing Well Bore Deviations" on page 99 for further details. Read Deviation Survey... Reads the well path for the selected well bore from a GRID format deviation survey file. The file format is described in "Deviation Survey Data File" on page 228. See "Importing Well Bore deviations" on page 99 for further details. Write Deviation Survey... Writes the well path for the selected well bore to a GRID format deviation survey file. The file format is described in "Deviation Survey Data File" on page 228. You should select a new well control file (.CTL) name in the file browser.


Reference Section Well Folder and Menu

Well events
Import bore events... Reads in a SCHEDULE event file and allows you to associate the events to all VOI well bores in the model, see "Importing Well Bore events" on page 99 for further details. Export bore events... Writes a SCHEDULE event file that contains the well bore events for all well bores in the current VOI. In the file browser you can type in a new event file name (.ev) or select an existing file that is subsequently overwritten.

Export... Writes a SCHEDULE tubing file that contains the well tubing descriptions for all wells in the current VOI. In the file browser you can type in a new tubing file name (.tub) or select an existing file that is subsequently overwritten.

This sub menu provides various options that apply to all Wells in the NWM model. For most models these options can be ignored. Connection calculation... Provides a choice of how the connection factor is calculated for well bore connections in cartesian grids. In particular it describes two options for the assumed direction of the PERMZ property: 1 2 Align with vertical (Z) direction. Align with bedding plane.

For a detailed description of these options and an explanation of the algorithm used to calculate the connection factor in cartesian grids see "Connection Factor Calculation" on page 225. Note This menu option is disabled when the LGR Gridding type is set to Unstructured LGR on the Grid folder.

Trajectory... Opens the modal Trajectory Options panel that enables you to configure how NWM computes the trajectory of well bores through the current FFM and NWM grids. There are two options relating to the tracing algorithm that is used: 1 Ignore inactive cells: When selected, the calculation of the well bore intersection with the grid ignores all inactive cells. Generally this option should be left as the default; however, if the model has badly shaped inactive cells around the boundary of the grid it is possible that the trajectory calculation will be wrong. Using this option corrects these problems but considerably slows down the calculation of the trajectory for each well bore. 2 Ignore pinched out cells:

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When selected, the calculation of the well bore intersection with the grid ignores all pinched out cells. Note This menu option is disabled when the LGR Gridding type is set to Unstructured LGR on the Grid folder.

Sort by name
Alphabetically sorts the order of the VOI well nodes in the tree.

Hides nodes below the selected node in the tree; alternatively you can click on the button in the tree.

Shows nodes below the selected node in the tree; alternatively you can click on the + button in the tree.

Well node
Open schematic...
Opens the well schematic for the main well bore of the well. The well schematic is described in "2D Well Schematic" on page 156. Note The 2D Well Schematic can only be opened if the main stem of the well has a well path defined.

Zoom to Well
Adjusts the Near Wellbore Viewer so that the stem and laterals of the selected well are visible in the viewer. Note The Zoom to Well menu option is only visible in the context menu if the Near Wellbore Viewer is open.

Opens the Rename well panel that lets you enter a new name of the well. In this panel you can enter a new unique name for the well.

Deletes the well.

The Tubulars sub menu allows you to edit, import and export the tubing description for the currently selected well. In particular, these options give access to panels that enable you to edit casing, tubing and devices, and also import and export these descriptions using the SCHEDULE tubing file format.


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Export... Edit Casing... Opens the Open Hole and Casing panel for the well. This edits the open hole properties of the wells main stem and laterals and define casing that is attached to the well bores. The panel is described in "Open Hole and Casing panel" on page 103. Note The Open Hole and Casing panel can only be opened if the main stem of the well has a well path defined.

Edit tubing... Opens the Tubing panel for the currently selected well. Using this panel, you can add, remove and edit production tubing in the well.The Tubing panel is described in more detail in "Production Tubing panel" on page 103. Note The Production Tubing panel can only be opened if the main stem of the well has a well path defined.

Edit devices... Opens the Down Hole Devices panel that allows you to define and edit devices that are attached to the casing and production tubing in the well. The panel is described in "Down Hole Devices panel" on page 105. Note The Down Hole Devices panel can only be opened if there is casing and/or tubing defined in the selected well.

Hides nodes below the selected node in the tree; alternatively you can click on the - button in the tree.

Shows nodes below the selected node in the tree; alternatively you can click on the + button in the tree.

Well bore node

Open schematic...
Opens the well schematic for the selected well bore. The well schematic is described in "2D Well Schematic" on page 156. Note The 2D Well Schematic can only be opened if the well bore has a well path defined.

Zoom to bore
Adjusts the Near Wellbore Viewer so that the selected well bore is visible in the viewer.

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The Zoom to Bore menu option is only visible in the context menu if the Near Wellbore Viewer is open.

Opens the Lateral Renaming panel that lets you enter a new name for the selected lateral. Note The Rename menu option is only available for laterals. If you want to rename a well stem then use the Rename menu option from the Well Context menu.

Add lateral...
Adds a lateral to the selected well bore. A pop-up window asks you to enter a name, which must be unique amongst all laterals in the well. Note The lateral well initially has no well path, and you must define one before it can be perforated and gridded.

Delete lateral...
Deletes the selected lateral and all its child laterals. This option is only available if the well bore is a lateral, that is branched from a parent well bore.

Delete all laterals...

Deletes all laterals that are children of the selected well bore. This option is only available if the well bore has at least one lateral.

Well path
This sub-menu contains options for defining and editing the selected well bores 3D path. Edit... Read Deviation Survey... Reads the well path for the selected well bore from a GRID format deviation survey file. The file format is described in "Deviation Survey Data File" on page 228. See "Importing Well Bore deviations" on page 99 for further details. Write Deviation Survey... Writes the well path for the selected well bore to a GRID format deviation survey file. The file format is described in "Deviation Survey Data File" on page 228. You should select a new well control file (.CTL) name in the file browser.

Flow specification...
Defines and edits data that specifies the ECLIPSE well to which the software maps the flow. This option is only available for the main stem of a well. For more information about the Flow Specification panel see "Flow Specification panel" on page 107.


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Flow controls...
Opens the Flow Control panel for the flow in the well bore stem. For a detailed description of the Flow Control panel see "Flow Controls panel" on page 108. This option is only available for the main stem of a well.

Bore Events
Import... Imports a SCHEDULE event file and associate the imported events to the currently selected well bore. For a more detailed description of this process see "Importing Well Bore events" on page 99. Note The selected well bore must have a well path defined before you can import well bore events.

Export... Exports a SCHEDULE event file that contains the well bore events for the currently selected well bore. In the file browser you can type in a new event file name (.ev) or select an existing file that will subsequently be overwritten. Edit... Opens the Workover events panel on the currently selected well bore. The panel enables you to add, remove and edit perforations, stimulations and squeeze events.

Gridding controls...
If you use unstructured LGR gridding, you can generate radial refinements along the wells perforated sections. This option opens an editing panel for the unstructured gridding controls, for the selected well bore. The same panel is also accessible from the Well button on the Unstructured Grid Refinement panel, and is described in "Near well gridding controls" on page 133.

Near Well Props...

Opens the Near Wellbore Property Modifiers panel, which allows you to define annular near-wellbore zones in which you can modify reservoir rock and fluid properties. The selected well bore must have a path defined to be able to open the panel.

The segmentation sub menu provides options to create, edit and delete a multisegmented wellbore flow model for the flow from the currently selected well stem. The segmented flow model is documented in "Multi-segment Wells" on page 509 of the Technical Description. Optimal This performs the same functionality as described in "Optimal Segmentation" on page 117. Edit... Opens the Segmentation panel that allows you to generate and fine tune the segmentation for the well stem.

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Delete... Deletes the segmentation for the currently selected well stem after user confirmation. Hint You can view segmentation using the well schematic; see "2D Well Schematic" on page 156.

Hides nodes below the selected node in the tree; alternatively you can click on the button in the tree.

Shows nodes below the selected node in the tree; alternatively you can click on the + button in the tree.

Production Tubing node

The production tubing nodes show the hierarchy of tubing that is run in the well. The top production node (like the a well stem) enables you to define the flow specification and controls; sub-nodes have no associated actions and are displayed in the tree purely for illustrative purposes. The context menu for the top most tubing provides the following menu options:

Flow specification...
Defines and edits data that specifies the ECLIPSE well to which the software maps the flow. This option is only available for the main stem of a well. For more information about the Flow Specification panel see "Flow Specification panel" on page 107.

Flow controls...
Opens the Flow Control panel for the flow from the production tubing. For a detailed description of the Flow Control panel, see "Flow Controls panel" on page 108.

This provides options to create, edit and delete a multi-segmented wellbore flow model for the flow from the currently selected production tubing. The segmented flow model is documented in "Multi-segment Wells" on page 509. Optimal Performs the same functionality as described in "Optimal Segmentation" on page 117. Edit... Opens the Segmentation panel that allows you to generate and fine tune the segmentation for the tubing. Delete... Deletes the segmentation for the currently selected tubing after user confirmation.


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Hides nodes below the selected node in the tree; alternatively you can click on the button in the tree.

Shows nodes below the selected node in the tree; alternatively you can click on the + button in the tree.

Flow Control, In-line and Gas Lift Valve nodes

The tree nodes that represent the valves in the model are located as children of the tubing in which they are hosted. The menu options available from the context menu for these valves are:

Valve events...
Opens the Valve control events panel so that you can define time varying controls for the valve.

Pump node
The pump tree node represents pumps that are located at the end of production tubing. Selecting the node on the tree and pressing the right mouse button pops up a context menu with the following items.

Pump Events...
Opens the Pump control events panel so that you can defined time varying controls for the pump.

Sim Wells node

In this release the operations that can be performed on Sim Wells is limited to reconstructing engineering wells from them.

Sort by name
Sorts the current list of simulation wells alphabetically.

Performs a Reconstruct All... on each Sim Well in the VOI, as described in "Reconstruct" on page 98.

Hides nodes below the selected node in the tree; alternatively you can click on the button in the tree.

Shows nodes below the selected node in the tree; alternatively you can click on the + button in the tree.

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Sim Well node

In this release the operations that can be performed on Sim Wells are limited to helping you reconstruct engineering wells, well bore events and well flow controls.

All... Creates a new engineering well from the simulation well. The reconstruction process creates a simple well with a main stem that has a well deviation, well bore events and well flow controls. The engineering well exactly models the characteristics of the selected simulation well. Note If an engineering well exists in the model with the same name as the simulation well then the reconstruction fails.

The well deviation for the new engineering well is created by joining the simulation well completions together with straight lines. This only creates an acceptable path for simple vertical wells. If the simulation well has a deviated well path, it is recommended that a deviation survey file is imported for the stem of the engineering well (see "Importing Well Bore deviations" on page 99). If a deviation survey is not available then the well path editing tools can be used to modify the well path as explained in "Well Paths" on page 168. The bore events are reconstructed by mapping the simulation well completions onto the engineering well deviation that has been reconstructed, this process is further discussed in "Bore events..." on page 98. The well flow controls are reconstructed from the appropriate keywords or RESTART data defining the simulation well flow, see "Flow controls..." on page 98 for further details. Bore events... Maps the simulation well completions to an engineering well bore that already exists in the model. When selected, a panel that allows you to select the well bore that the completions should be mapped to is shown (if a well bore with the same name as the selected simulation well exists then this is pre-selected). Once a well bore has been selected the completions are mapped to the well bore. Flow controls... Maps the simulation well flow controls to an engineering well bore stem or production tubing. The mapping process converts the keyword data extracted from the RESTART and SCHEDULE section to data that is defined on the flowing stem or tubing.

Associating Sim Wells to NWM well flows

One of the main features of NWM in this release is the ability to model multiple flows from an engineering well. This is accomplished by allowing flow from both the main well bore stem (that is annular flow) and flow from any production tubing that terminates at the well head. When an engineering well is configured as such, it is important to be able to associate existing simulation wells to the well flows. This can be accomplished by dragging a simulation well tree node with the left mouse button and dropping it onto either the main well bore stem or production tubing. When the keywords are exported from NWM, the SCHEDULE section for the simulation well is replaced with the NWM generated SCHEDULE section.


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The currently associated flow name is shown in brackets next to the NWM well stem and production tubing.

Editing Well Bore Deviations

Well bore deviations can be edited using a set of tools that are described in "Edit Well Bore Path panel" on page 100. These tools include a spreadsheet view, plane constraint dragging and layer constraints and supplement those provided by the Near Wellbore Viewer.

Importing Well Bore deviations

Well bore deviations can be imported into NWM by reading a GRID format multiple deviation survey file. The file format is described in "Deviation Survey Data File" on page 228. Once a well control file (.ctl) has been selected the Associate Deviations to Well Bores panel is opened to allow you set the associations between the deviations in the file and the well bores in the model.

Importing Well Bore events

Well bore events can be imported into NWM by reading SCHEDULE event files. The file format is described in "Well event file format" on page 325 in the "Schedule User Guide". Once a well event file (.EV) has been selected the Associate Well Event Well names to Well Bores panel is opened (see page 102). This allows you to set the association of the well events that are read from the file and the well bores in the model. Note Only a subset of the SCHEDULE event file is processed. Table 5.2 shows how the SCHEDULE events are mapped to NWM bore events.


The layer names specified in the SCHEDULE event file are ignored, so no layer depth adjustments are made.

Table 5.2

Mapping of SCHEDULE events to NWM events. NWM Event

Perforation Perforation

SCHEDULE Event Perforation Barefoot Squeeze Acidize

Note that the bottom MD is set to the end MD of the associated well bore. Squeeze Stimulation

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Table 5.2

Mapping of SCHEDULE events to NWM events. NWM Event

Squeeze Note that the bottom MD is set to the end MD of the associated well bore. Not handled in this release. Not handled in this release. Not handled in this release. Not handled in this release. Perforation. Stimulation. Stimulation. Not handled in this release. Not handled in this release.

SCHEDULE Event Plug Welltest User BHP VFP Rework Stimulate Frac WAG CF-Multiplier

NWM Well panels

Edit Well Bore Path panel
The Edit Well Bore Path panel provides you with advanced well path editing facilities. The panel contains three folders that gives you different methods to edit the well bore path. At the bottom of the panel there are several buttons that can be used to apply settings that will apply to one or more of the editing methods.

Well Path Data folder

Presents a spreadsheet view of the well path data. In this folder you can edit the position of the discrete points that describe the well path using two modes. The XYZ mode lets you specify the position of the points using X, Y and Z coordinate position, whereas the IJK mode lets you specify the position of the points in terms of IJK grid block locations. Note When specifying the location of the points in IJK mode the well path points move to the center of the specified grid cell.


The MD column is read only and is updated when you select the Update View button.

Plane Constraint folder

Creates a plane through the current well bore path that the point movement in the Near WellBore Viewer is constrained to. When you select the Enable plane constraint check box the plane is displayed in the viewer and the angle slider bars are enabled (the slider bars allow you to rotate the plane around the axis of the well path).


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Layer Constraint folder

Constrains new and existing well bore path points to selected simulation layers at a given offset. Enable layer constraint Enables all other controls in this folder. Enable single click constraint Constrains existing well path points to the selected simulation grid layer by simply clicking on them in the Near WellBore Viewer with the left mouse button. If this check box is not selected then the point is only moved to the constraining layer if you select and move the point. Simulation grid surface Displays a list of the current simulation grid surfaces in the model. Selecting a surface by highlighting it then constrains any further movements of points to this layer surface. Note If a grid has n simulation k-layers then n+1 surfaces are shown in the list. The top surface 0, is constructed from the uppermost faces of k-layer 1 and surface k is constructed from the bottom faces of the nth k-layer.

Offset Specifies an offset that is added to the grid surface constraint. This offset is added in the vertical direction from the surface. Hint If you want to design a well path that intersects a given simulation k-layer the best way to achieve this is to enable the layer constraints and select the surface that is either above or below the desired k-layer. You can then specify an offset (that can be negative) to drop the well bore path into the desired layer.

3D Viewer Options
Enable 3D selection If this check box is selected then you can select objects in the Near WellBore Viewer to constrain the well path to. Hint By using the facilities in the Near WellBore Viewer to select a certain group of cells (such as the IJK Slicer) you can then enable the 3D selection check box and select the cells in the viewer. This can be used, for example, to constrain the well path to a certain I, J or K slice.

Enable continuos constraint tracking Continuously constrains the movement of points when using either the Plane Constraint or Layer Constraint methods.

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Update View
Updates the position of the points in the Near WellBore Viewer.

Closes the Edit Well Bore Path panel.

Displays this help.

Associate Deviations to Well Bores panel

This sets the mapping between a set of deviations read in from a deviation survey file and the current well bores in the model. The panel consists of a table with two columns of data. The first column is a read only list of names of all the deviation surveys that have been read from the file. The second column displays which well bores the deviation surveys are mapped to when the OK button is pressed. Depending on the context in which this panel has been opened the fields in the second column may be fully set, partially set or not set at all. For each deviation survey you can set the mapping by clicking in the second column of the table and choosing one of the values from the drop down list. The drop down list contains three default entries, None, Auto build and Auto build all, and additionally the names of all well bores that exist in the model. Table 5.3 shows the meaning of the drop down list entries and how the deviation survey is mapped to the model. Table 5.3 Meaning of associated bore selections Drop down selection
None (ignore deviation)

Do not map the deviation survey to any well bore. Automatically create a well with the same name as the deviation survey and assign the survey to the main stem of the well. Sets all rows that are not assigned a named bore to the Auto Build selection as described above. Associate the deviation survey with the selected well bore.

Auto build

Auto build all

Bore name

Associate well event well names to Well Bores panel

This panel enables you to supply the mapping of events between a set of wells that are read from a SCHEDULE event file to well bores that exist in the NWM case. The panel consists of a table with two columns of data. The first column provides a read only list of well names that are defined in the SCHEDULE event file, the second column displays which well bores the events are mapped to. Depending on the state of the current model and the context in which this panel is opened the fields in the second column may be fully set, partially set of there could be none set.


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For each SCHEDULE well name displayed in column 1 you can set a mapping to an NWM well bore. This can be achieved by selected the appropriate row in the second column and choosing one of the items from the drop down list. The list contains the default None entry and additionally the names of all the well bores in the model. Once a mapping has been defined for all well bores that you are interested in you can press the OK button and the events are assigned to the well bores.

Open Hole and Casing panel

Each well bore in the model can be defined as open hole, cased or partially cased. To edit the open hole properties and to add, remove and edit the casing the Open Hole and Casing panel is provided. This panel has two tables, the upper table defines the open hole properties for all well bores of the selected well and the lower table defines the casings currently defined.

Open Holes table

The Open Holes table allows you to set the open hole properties of the main stem and laterals of the current well, the properties that can be edited are: inside diameter roughness

The other fields in this table are read only and are there for information purposes only.

Casings table
The Casings table allows you to enter the characteristics of the casing. The properties that can be defined for a casing are: casing name well bore to which the casing is attached a measured depth where the casing starts a measured depth where the casing ends inner diameter of the casing inner roughness of the casing The internal diameter of the casing must be less than or equal to the open hole internal diameter of the well bore to which the casing is attached.


Production Tubing panel

The Production Tubing panel enables you to add, remove and edit production tubing for one well in the model. The panel consists of a list of the current well tubing and data entry boxes that show the property values of the currently selected tubing. The following section describes the functionality of the panel.

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The Production Tubing panel works on a local cache of data. The tubing property values and topology can be edited freely without affecting the model. Selecting Apply or OK validates all the data that you have modified and commit the edits to the model. Alternatively selecting Cancel ignores all the edits and closes the panel.

New Tubing
The New Tubing button lets you add a tubing to the model. It opens the New Tubing Name panel in which you should set a unique name (within the well) of the new tubing.

Delete Tubing
The Delete Tubing button delete the currently selected tubing from the list. If the tubing is a parent of any branched tubing then the branches are also deleted.

Edit Start of Tubing

The opens the Start of Tubing panel that allows you to set the start location of the currently selected tubing. For each tubing, a set of possible start locations is given; this set is determined by analyzing the topology of the current tubings in the model. This set includes: Well head location If this start location is selected then the tubing starts at the top of the stem well bore. If you want to enable flow from the tubing then this is the correct location to select Lateral branch These are located at well bore lateral branch positions on existing tubings in the model, they enable you to branch a tubing from a parent tubing and run it down the branched lateral. End of tubing This start location can be selected to attach a tubing to the end of an existing tubing in the model. Hint The tubings that are analyzed to determine the set of start locations must be present in the model. This implies that if you have added a tubing using the New Tubing button but have not applied the edits the tubing is not analyzed and does not provide start locations.

Start of Tubing and Start Measured Depth

The Start of Tubing and Start Measured Depth read only text boxes show the current start position of the selected tubing. The values in these fields are set by selecting the Edit Start of Tubing button and setting the tubing start location as described above.


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End Branch and End Measured Depth

The End Branch drop down list and End Measured Depth entry box allow you to set the end position of the currently selected tubing. The drop down list contains all the well bores in the well for which the tubing is being edited. On validation of the panel the end measured depth value is validated using the start and stop measured depths of the currently selected end branch. Note If a lateral branch start position is selected for the start location of a tubing, the tubing must terminate in that branch or one of its sub-branches.

Inner and Outer Diameter and Inner and Outer Roughness

Specifies the diameter and roughness properties of the currently selected tubing. Hint The tubing outer diameter must be less than the casing or open hole internal diameter surrounding it, this is validated when the panel edits are applied by selecting Apply of OK.

Down Hole Devices panel

The Down Hole Devices panel enables you to add, remove and edit down hole devices that are attached to casing and production tubing on the selected well. The devices added using this panel are modeled using the multi-segment well model as described in "Multi-segment Wells" on page 509 of the "ECLIPSE Technical Description". The following section describes the panel in detail.

Available Device types

Selects the type of device that is created when the New Device button is selected. The types listed depend on whether casing and/or tubing has been added to the well. The current devices that are supported are as follows. Packer The packer is a downhole device that isolates regions of flow. Typically this device is used to prevent fluid from flowing into undesired regions, for example along annulus of a well bore, or to isolate fluids flowing into the well bore from separate completed regions. The packer is attached to casing at a specified measured depth. Flow Control and Inline valves A flow control valve is used to control fluid flow from the annulus of a well bore into a production tubing and the inline valve is used to control flow within a tubing. The valve must be located at a given measured depth in a tubing that is defined in the selected well . Two further parameters must also be specified to complete the description of the valve; the cross sectional area and the flow coefficient. The cross sectional area defines the maximum aperture of the valve when fully open. The flow coefficient is a dimensionless parameter accounting for energy dissipation in the valve. Flow is proportional to the aperture area, square root of the pressure drop and the flow coefficient.

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The open aperture of the valve can be varied over time as explained in "Valve control events" on page 118.


The valves are exported to the ECLIPSE SCHEDULE section using the WSEGVALV keyword. There a full explanation of the parameters and equations used to model the flow through the valve in the "ECLIPSE Reference Manual".

Gas Lift Valve The gas lift valve enables you to add an external gas injection source at a specified measured depth in a production tubing. The gas can be injected at either a constant rate or as a function of pressure difference between the source and the well bore at the given measured depth at given times in the model. A full explanation of this is provided in "Valve control events" on page 118. Note In ECLIPSE the injected gas originates from a local point source. The path from a real source, for example a compressor at surface feeding gas down the annulus, is not modeled.

Pump The pump device allows you to model an electrical submersible pump in the well. Pumps are used to raise the pressure of the wellbore fluid to help flow to the surface. This form of artificial lift is useful for overcoming the large hydrostatic heads which can occur in deep wells and the low pressures experienced by reservoirs in the latter stages of their production lifetime. Performance curves (pressure drop versus flow rate) define the operation of the pump. Curves can be defined for one or more operating speeds, allowing simulation of variable frequency drives. The pump must be located at the end of a tubing.


Reference Section Well Folder and Menu

New Device
Defines the data for a new device of the type selected in the Available Device Types drop down. Table 5.4 describes the device types and the description of the modal panel that is opened when the button is selected.. Table 5.4 Supported downhole device types and panel descriptions Device Type

Panel Description
The Packer panel allows you to define a packer that is attached to a casing. A packer restricts the flow in the well bore. The data to enter consists of a unique packer name, the casing the packer is attached to and the measured depth where the packer is located. The Valve panel allows you to define valves that are attached to tubing in the well. The data to enter consists of a unique valve name, valve type, the tubing that the valve is hosted in and the depth at which the valve is located. For flow control and inline valves additional properties defining the valve cross sectional area and flow coefficient are required. The Pump panel enables you to define a pump that is located at the end of a tubing. The data to enter consists of a unique pump name, the tubing to which the pump is attached, and a collection of tables that define the pressure head vs. liquid flow rate. Several predefined tables can be obtained by using the Pump Catalog panel.

Flow Control, Inline and Gas Lift Valves


Flow Specification panel

Set s the flow data that is used to map the NWM well flow to an ECLIPSE well when the keywords are exported. The panel has several data fields that you should fill with appropriate data. Hint The data entered in the Flow Specification panel is analogous to the WELSPECS keyword in ECLIPSE.

Specifies the name of the ECLIPSE well that the NWM well flow maps to when the keywords are exported. You should enter a name that is 8 characters or less. The name is validated for uniqueness against all other well flow names in the model. Note If the well flow has a simulation well associated with it the Name field is read only and has the same name as the simulation well.

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Start Date
Sets a start date for the well flow. For more information about entering dates see "Entering dates" on page 121. Note If the well flow has a simulation well associated with it the Start Date field is read only and is set to the start date of the simulation well.

Sets the group to which the well belongs (see item 2 of the WELSPECS keyword).

Datum Depth
Reference depth for the bottom hole pressure (see item 5 of the WELSPECS keyword).

Preferred Phase
Preferred phase for the well flow (see item 6 of the WELSPECS keyword).

Drainage Radius
Define the drainage radius for the well flow (see item 7 of the WELSPECS keyword).

Inflow Equation
The Inflow Equation field allows you to enter the data associated with item 8 of the WELSPECS keyword.

Automatic Shut-In Instruction

Specifies the instruction for automatic shut in. For more information refer to item 9 of the WELSPECS keyword.

The Crossflow field enables you to specify item 10 of the WELSPECS keyword.

PVT Property Table

Enter a PVT Property table number as specified in item 11 of the WELSPECS keyword.

Density Calculation
This field enables you to specify item 12 of the WELSPECS keyword.

FIP Region Number

This field enables you to specify item 13 of the WELSPECS keyword.

Flow Controls panel

The Flow Controls panel allows you to add, modify, copy and delete flow controls for a specific well flow. There are several fields on this panel, these are described in the sub-sections below.


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When the flow controls are reconstructed from a Sim Well the data that has been extracted are displayed in this panel.


In this release data defined using WCONHIST and WCONINJH is not reconstructed and therefore is not displayed in the panel.

Event types
The Available event types section contains a drop down list that allows you to select the flow control type. The drop down allows you to select between either a Production or Injection flow control. When an event type is selected the New button can be used to create a new flow control of the selected type. Hint If a flow control is selected in the Events list then the event type is selected automatically in the Event Types drop down.

New event
Creates a new flow control for the selected well flow. Depending on the event type selected in the Available event types drop down a secondary panel opens to define the data. If the event type is set to Production then the Production Data panel is opened, if Injection is selected then the Injection Data panel is opened.

Existing events
Provides a list of the current flow controls that are defined for the selected well flow. When an event is selected in the list the panel is updated to reflect the data. The Available event types is set to the appropriate type and the Description text is updated to show a full description of the event.

Edit event
Opens the flow control event that is currently selected in the Existing events list for editing with either the Production Data panel or the Injection Data panel, depending on the event type.

Makes a copy of the currently selected event in the list and opens either the Production Data panel or the Injection Data panel to edit the copy of the data.

Delete event
Removes the currently selected event from the model.

Closes the Well Flow Control panel.

Reference Section Well Folder and Menu


Production Data panel

Defines well production flow controls. In particular a start date, control mode, control limits and economic limits can be entered in this panel. The panel is split into three tabs. The first two sections allows you to enter data that is mapped to the WCONPROD keyword when the NWM keywords are exported. The third section enables you to specify data that creates a WECON keyword when the keywords are exported.

Start Date
Enter the date at which the production data takes effect, for more information about entering dates in NWM see "Entering dates" on page 121. Hint It is invalid to have two production data controls or a production and injection data control at the same date. The Start Date entry box validates this when you click on OK at the bottom of the panel.

Open/Shut Flag
Opens the well flow for production or shuts the well flow completely at the specified date. If the flag is set to Open then additionally a Control Mode and Target have to be set. If the flag is set to Shut then no additional data has to be supplied.

Control Mode
The Control Mode provides you with a drop down list of all the modes of control that NWM supports, these correspond to item 3 of the WCONPROD keyword. Note If a control model other than Group Control is chosen then a Target value must also be set.

Enters a target rate that is associated with the current control mode that is selected.

A selection of limits that can be applied to the well flow whilst operating under the current control mode. Any number of limits can be added using the Add/Update button. Note The Limit can not be the same as the Control Mode.


A corresponding Limit Value must also be set when defining a Limit.

Limit Value
Defines a value that corresponds to the limit mode that has been selected in the Limit drop down list.


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Adds a new limit to the production control or update an existing limit. When you click on this button, if both the Limit and Limit Value are set then the limit is added to the Limits list (unless a limit of the specified type already exists in the list, in this case the limit value will be updated).

Removes the currently selected limit from the Limits list.

Economic Limit
Select an economic limit that can be applied to current well flow. If an economic limit type is selected then a corresponding Economic Limit Value must also be supplied. The limit can be added to the well flow production data using the Add/Update button.

Economic Limit value

Enter a limiting value that corresponds to the selected economic limit type. Once specified the limit can be activated/updated by clicking on the Add/Update button.

Adds a new economic limit to the production control or updates an existing limit. When you click on this button, if both the Economic Limits and Economic Limit Value are set then the limit is added to the Economic Limits list (unless a limit of the specified type already exists in the list, in this case the limit value is updated).

Removes the currently selected limit from the Economic Limits list.

Workover procedure
Specifies how the well flow production control is managed if one or more of the economic limits is violated. The description of these procedures is given by item 7 in the WECON keyword.

VFP table number

Sets the VFP table number used to model the flow in the tubular. Note The table number must already exist in the NWM case.

Artificial Lift Quantity

Defines the artificial lift quantity for the well flow.

Validates the data that has been entered in the panel, updates the model and closes the panel. If the validation fails then a message is posted to the bottom of the panel indicating what the problem is.

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Disregards all edits that have been made whilst the panel has been opened and closes the panel.

Opens the online help for this panel.

Injection Data panel

The Injection Data panel allows you to enter data that defines well injection flow controls. In particular a start date, control mode, control limits and economic limits can be entered in this panel. The panel is split into three folders. The first two folders allows you to enter data that are mapped to the WCONINJE and WINJGAS keywords when the NWM keywords are exported. The third section enables you to specify data that creates a WECONINJ keyword when the keywords are exported.

Start Date
Enter the date at which the injection data takes effect, for more information about entering dates in NWM see "Entering dates" on page 121. Hint It is invalid to have two injection data controls or a production and injection data control at the same date. The Start Date entry box validates this when you click on OK at the bottom of the panel.

Open/Shut flag
Opens the well flow for injection or shuts the well flow completely at the specified date. If the flag is set to Open then additionally a Control Mode and Target have to be set. If the flag is set to Shut then no additional data has to be supplied.

Injector Type
Selects the type of fluid that is injected. The choices are WATER, GAS and OIL (the correspond the item 2 of the WCONINJE keyword). Note If you are modeling a compositional model with NWM and you are injecting gas then the nature of the injection gas must be specified using the Nature Injection Gas drop down list. If the model is an ECLIPSE black oil model then when injecting gas you should set the Nature Injection Gas type to GAS.

Nature Injection Gas

If the Injector Type is set to GAS then the nature of the injection gas must be supplied. The choices given are GAS, STREAM, MIX, GV, WV, and GRUP (see item 2 of WINJGAS for a description of these fields). Hint For ECLIPSE black oil cases you should set the nature of the injection gas to GAS. However, if you fail to do this the keywords are still correct when they are exported.


Reference Section Well Folder and Menu

The Name field becomes active if the selected Nature Injection Gas is STREAM, MIX, GV, or WV. In these cases this argument is a character string specifying the name of the well stream, mixture, group or well that defines or supplies the injection stream (see item 3 of WINJGAS for further details). Note In this release of NWM it is left to you to make sure the name supplied is valid and that keywords exist in the SCHEDULE section before or at the start date of the injection control.

Control Mode
A drop down list of all the modes of control that NWM supports, these correspond to item 4 of the WCONINJE keyword. Note If a control model other than Group Control is chosen then a Target value must also be set.

Enter a target rate that is associated with the current control mode that is selected.

A selection of limits that can be applied to the well flow whilst operating under the current control mode. Any number of limits can be added using the Add/Update button. Note The Limit can not be the same as the Control Mode.


A corresponding Limit Value must also be set when defining a Limit.

Limit Value
The Limit Value entry box allows you to define a value that corresponds to the limit mode that has been selected in the Limit drop down list.

Add/Update (Limit)
Adds a new limit to the injection control or update an existing limit. When you click on this button, if both the Limit and Limit Value are set then the limit is added to the Limits list (unless a limit of the specified type already exists in the list, in this case the limit value will be updated).

Removes the currently selected limit from the Limits list.

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Economic Limits
Select an economic limit that can be applied to current well flow. If an economic limit type is selected then a corresponding Economic Limit Value must also be supplied. The limit can be added to the well flow injection data using the Add/Update button.

Economic Limit Value

Enter a limiting value that corresponds to the selected economic limit type. Once specified the limit can be added or updated by clicking on the Add/Update button.

Adds a new economic limit to the production control or updates an existing limit. When you click on this button, if both the Economic Limits and Economic Limit Value are set then the limit is added to the Economic Limits list (unless a limit of the specified type already exists in the list, in this case the limit value will be updated).

Removes the currently selected economic limit from the Economic Limits list.

VFP Table Number

The VFP Table Number entry box allows you to set the VFP table number used to model the injection flow in the tubular. Note The table number must already exist in the NWM case.

Validates the data that has been entered in the panel, updates the model and closes the panel. If the validation fails then a message is posted to the bottom of the panel indicating what the problem is.

Disregards all edits that have been made whilst the panel has been opened and closes the panel.

Opens the online help for this panel.

Workover events panel

The Workover events panel enables you to add time varying perforations, stimulations and squeezes to the selected well bore. The panel contains three main sections, these allow you to add new events, edit, copy and delete existing events and quickly see a description of the currently selected event. Note The order in which the workovers are specified and listed in the Existing Events list is important. When NWM converts the workovers to ECLIPSE reservoir connections the events are processed in the order they are listed.


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If you have reconstructed bore events from a Sim Well they are displayed in this panel.

Available event types

Selects the type of event that is created when the New event button is clicked.

New event
Opens the Workover panel that allows you to enter data for the new event.

Existing events
A list of the current workovers that are defined for the selected well bore. When an event is selected in the list the panel is updated to reflect the data. The Available event types list is set to the appropriate type and the Description text is updated to show a full description of the event. Hint The Existing events list is ordered by time and by the order that the events have been added to the well bore.

Edit event
Opens the workover event that is currently selected in the Existing events list for editing with the Workover panel.

Copies the currently selected event in the Existing events list and opens the Workover panel to edit the data.

Removes the currently selected workover from the model.

Closes the Workover events panel.

Workover panel
The Workover panel provides a unified interface for editing perforations, stimulations and squeezes. There are several fields on this panel:

Workover Name
Specify a unique identifying name for the workover. Note Depending on the type of workover that you are editing data for this field is called Perforation Name, Stimulation Name or Squeeze Name.

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Start Date
Sets the date at which this workover takes effect. For more information about entering dates see "Entering dates" on page 121.

Start MD and Stop MD

Enter the start and stop measured depths of the workover.

Skin Factor
Enter a skin. The skin is used in the connection factor calculation when NWM converts the workover events to ECLIPSE completions (see "The flow-dependent skin factor" on page 1023 of the "ECLIPSE Technical Description"). Note If the workover type is a squeeze then the Skin Factor field is not present in the panel.

Well Bore diameter

Enter a workover independent diameter value that is used for the calculation of the connection factor. This diameter over-rides the well bore diameter. For further information on how the diameter effects the connection calculation refer to "The connection transmissibility factor" on page 1020 of the "ECLIPSE Technical Description". Note The Well Bore Diameter field is only shown if you are editing a perforation.

Near Wellbore Property Modifiers panel

The Near Wellbore Property Modifiers panel allows you to define annular nearwellbore zones in which you can modify reservoir rock and fluid properties. The panel consists of three separate sections as described below.

Property modification zones

The top section of the panel displays a list of currently defined zones. The current zones are also displayed graphically in the well schematic, which is updated as the zones are modified. See "2D Well Schematic" on page 156. The order of the zones in the list is important if they overlap, as the zones are processed in the order they appear in the list. This means zones at the start of the list take precedence over zones later in the list if and where they overlap. The zones are drawn in the well schematic in the reverse order so that the effects can be seen. If part of a zone is hidden in the well schematic, it is not applied. You can change the position of the current zone in the order with the Move Up and Move Down buttons. New Creates zones. You are prompted to enter an identifying name, which must be unique. Rename Changes the name of the currently selected zone.


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Delete Removes the currently selected zone.

Zone Geometry
Edits the physical geometry of the current zone. The zone is defined by a start and stop along hole tubing length (measured depth) and across tubing length (radial distance from the center of the wellbore). If values are left blank they are defaulted to the limits when you press the OK or Apply buttons. The Color drop-down is used to choose a display color for the well schematic.

Zone Properties
Gives a range of properties that can be edited within the zone. If a value is entered it is applied to cells within the zone. If a value is left blank it is left unchanged.

Segmentation panel
The Segmentation panel allows you to create and edit a segmentation for the currently selected NWM well stem or production tubing. The section at the top of the panel allows you to enter data for the top segment of the well flow. This data fills in the first record of the WELSEGS keyword. Further segments listed in the table define the data for subsequent records. All lengths are specified as absolute down-hole length (measured depth). Depths are true vertical depth.

Optimal Segmentation
Optimal segmentation places nodes (segment ends) in each cell that the well is completed in, at positions in the well that model devices and production tubing and the points where laterals meet their parent wellbore. The optimal segmentation algorithm automatically works out from the topology of the devices, production tubing and completions where the segment nodes should be placed. The nodes placed in completed cells are placed at the mid point of the interval of the wellbore that intersects the cell. The perforated interval is used if the cell is only partially perforated. The completed grid blocks are usually those at the center of the radial well refinements of the near wellbore grid so that the length of the segments generated matches the cell length control of the well grid. If the near wellbore grid was not enabled the wellbore is traced through the grid. Default segment properties are assigned for the segments generated. These values are calculated using the topology of the well bore such as the tubing and devices. Once a segmentation is generated you can edit properties on a segment-by-segment basis by editing values in the tables. Note The topology of the segmentation is strongly related to the topology of the well, that is the number and position of laterals, perforations, production tubing and devices. When you change the topology of the well you are strongly advised to check and if needed regenerate the segmentation.

Create Segment
To create a segment you must enter on the Create Segment panel: the down-hole length to the segment end

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its diameter its roughness.

This inserts a new node into the segmentation at the given down-hole length. It determines where the segment is inserted into the list.

Delete Segment
Opens a list of the current segments. You can select a segment to delete by left-clicking. Hint If you hold down the Ctrl key when clicking you can extend or remove items from the current selection, and if you hold down the Shift key you can select all segments in a range.

Click on OK to remove the selected segments from the list, which is then renumbered.

Copy properties
Opens the Basic Property Copier panel that allows you to copy properties from one segment to others. The left list box allows you to select the segment to copy from, and the right list box, the segment (or segments) to copy to. A button allows you to easily copy to all segments; alternatively you can use the Shift and Ctrl keys to make a multiple selection in the right list box. The OK/Apply buttons cause the copy to take place. You are warned if the segments to copy to contain any data that will be overwritten.

Flow Model
Specifies the multi-phase flow model that is used to calculate the pressure losses within the segments. The data in each row defines records of the WSEGFMOD keyword.

VFP Tables
Associates VFP tables with segments. The data in each row defines records of the WSEGTABL keyword.

Specifies scaling factors by which the frictional pressure drops calculated for each segment is multiplied. The data in each row defines records of the WSEGMULT keyword.

Valve control events

The Valve control events panel enables you to add time varying valve controls to the selected in line, flow control or gas lift valve. The panel contains three main sections, these allow you to add new valve controls, edit, copy and delete existing controls and quickly see a description of the currently selected control.

Available event types

Selects the type of control for the selected valve.


Reference Section Well Folder and Menu

New event
Opens the Valve Control panel or the Gas Lift Control panel depending on the selection of in line, flow control or gas lift valve. These panels allow you to enter data for the new control.

Existing events
Provides a list of the current valve controls that are defined for the selected valve.

Edit event
Opens the control event that is currently selected in the Existing events list for editing with either the Valve Control panel or the Gas Lift Control panel.

Copy event
Copies the currently selected control event in the Existing events list and opens either the Valve Control panel or the Gas Lift Control panel to edit the data.

Delete event
Removes the currently selected control event from the model.

Closes the Valve Control Events panel.

Valve Control panel

Enter a time varying control for in line and flow controls valves. There are only two fields of data that must be entered:

Start Date
Enter the date at which the control event takes effect. For more information about entering dates refer to "Entering dates" on page 121.

Opening Fraction
Enter the fraction of the valve aperture this is open at the specified start date.

Gas Lift Control panel

Specify the control events for the currently selected gas lift valve.

Start Date
Enter the date at which the gas lift control takes effect. For more information about entering dates refer to "Entering dates" on page 121.

Control Mode
There are two control modes that the gas valve can operate in. If the Constant Flow check box is selected then gas is injected by the valve at a constant rate as specified in the Constant Flow entry box. Alternatively, if the Constant Supply Pressure is checked then gas is injected by the valve in proportion to the pressure difference between supply pressure and the local pressure in the tubing.

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Constant Flow
Enter the flow rate at which the valve injects the gas; they are only active if the Constant Flow check box is selected.

Constant Pressure
Enter the data used to control the gas lift valve when the Constant Supply Pressure check box is selected.

Pump control events

The Pump control events panel enables you to add pump controls as a function of time. The panel contains three main sections, these allow you to add new controls, edit, copy and delete existing controls and quickly see a description of the currently selected control.

Available event types

Selects the type of control for the selected pump. There is only one type of pump control available.

New event
Opens the Pump Control panel. This panel allow you to enter data for the new control.

Existing events
Provides a list of the current controls that are defined for the selected pump.

Edit event
Opens the control event that is currently selected in the Existing events list for editing with the Pump Control panel.

Copy event
Copies the currently selected control event in the Existing events list and opens the Pump Control panel.

Delete event
Removes the currently selected control event from the model.

Closes the Pump Control Events panel.

Pump Control panel

Enter a pump control at a given time for a pump. In the absence of any pump controls the operating speed is zero and the pump does not impart any pressure increase to the wellbore fluid. There are only two fields of data that must be entered:

Start Date
Enter the date at which the control event takes effect. For more information about entering dates refer to "Entering dates" on page 121.


Reference Section Well Folder and Menu

Operating Speed
Enter the speed at which the pump operates. The corresponding performance curve in the pump is used or one is generated by linear interpolation.

Entering dates
Many of the well panels in NWM require you to enter a date. For this purpose a generic date entry box is used. The date entry box contains a text entry that can be used to type in named dates, absolute dates and relative dates. The format for this is described in "Supported date formats" on page 121. There is also a drop down list that can be used to select pre-existing dates that are defined in the model. Once a date has been entered or selected that date string is validated for conformance with the supported date formats.

Supported date formats

Named dates Named dates are dates that are marked by special names. When an NWM case is created certain named times are created automatically. Start of Simulation [SOS] This is the start time of the simulation. Restart start time [RST] If the NWM case is a restart case then the restart time is also added as a named date to the model.

Absolute dates Absolute dates are conventional date strings such as 1/01/2003 or 20/Jun/1976. These can be typed directly into the date entry box or selected from the drop down list. Relative dates Relative dates are specified by typing in an absolute date or named date followed by any number of operator-value pairs. Examples of relative dates are: SOS + 1 year 1/1/1980 + 5 years RST + 8 months + 23 days

The available operators are shown in Table 5.5. Table 5.5 Operator
+ -

Operators that can be used for defining relative dates Description

Add value to date preceding operator Subtract value from date preceding operator

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The value part of the relative dates take the form of a numeric value followed by a unit string. The format of the unit strings is shown in Table 5.6. Table 5.6 Unit String
Year(s) Month(s) Day(s) Hour(s) Minute(s) Second(s)

Units strings that can be used to define relative dates Description

Add N year(s) to the date preceding the operator Add N month(s) to the date preceding the operator Add N day(s) to the date preceding the operator Add N hour(s) to the date preceding the operator Add N minute(s) to the date preceding the operator Add N second(s) to the date preceding the operator

Grid folder and menu

The Grid folder controls the generation of a refined near wellbore grid and the calculation of cell properties. This grid fits into the cells within the volume of interest as one or more local grid refinements (LGRs). This section gives an overview of the functionality of the folder. Most of the functionality is also available on the Grid menu, which also gives access to more advanced functionality. Many of the buttons open panels, which are described in detail in separate sections.

Grid generation
The Grid Generation section allows you to generate local grid refinements and set their type, location and level of refinement.

LGR Gridding type

Controls the type of gridding algorithm used to generate near wellbore LGRs. The choices are: None If none is selected the original full field model grid is used during near wellbore simulations without modification. No near wellbore LGRs are generated. Cartesian LGR Generates Cartesian LGRs (using the CARFIN keyword). As a Cartesian LGR fits within a rectangular box of cells, this option, in fact, generates a minimum set of LGRs to fit the current LGR cell set. By default this cell set is the VOI but it may be edited independently using the LGR Cell Set panel. Unstructured LGR Generates unstructured LGRs to fit the current LGR cell set. By default this cell set is the VOI but it may be edited independently using the LGR Cell Set panel.


Reference Section Grid Folder and Menu

Host Cells
Selects the set of cells within the VOI in which the LGR(s) are placed; see "Host Cells" on page 126. Refinement Controls how fine grids are generated within these cells. The type of refinement controls possible is dependent on the LGR gridding type so there are two versions of this panel. These are described in "Cartesian Grid Refinement" on page 130 and "Unstructured Grid Refinement" on page 131.

Generates a new near wellbore grid using the current VOI, well model and gridding controls. More options affecting grid generation are available from the Grid | Generation | Options... menu.

Grid properties
Once a near wellbore grid has been generated, you should use the Property Generation section of the Grid folder to generate cell properties and well connection factors for the near wellbore grid. The Calculate button regenerates all properties. Options affecting property generation are available from the Grid | Properties | Options... menu. Properties are generated in two steps as follows: Primary rock and fluid properties, such as permeability and porosity, are generated for each near wellbore grid cell. By default, values are inherited from the enclosing full field model grid cell. If a GeoGrid has been imported and the Sample Geology box is checked (see "GeoGrid" on page 83), values are sampled from the geological property data if the particular property is present. Finally, properties are modified according to any property modification zones in which the cell lies (see "Near Well Props..." on page 95). Secondary derived properties, such as well connection factors and unstructured grid pore volumes and transmissibilities, are then calculated, based on the final cell porosity and permeability values.

If properties are regenerated you are given the chance to avoid the first phase. This allows you to edit properties using Grid | Properties | Edit Properties and then recalculate the derived properties. Once they are generated, you can view properties using the option "Property" on page 193. Note If the grid is regenerated all existing properties are removed and need to be recalculated before the model can be exported and run.

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Grid menu
Generates a new near wellbore model grid. It is identical to the Generate button. See "Grid generation" on page 122.

)pens a panel of grid generation options. At present there are only options for unstructured gridding. These are advanced options controlling how cells in the unstructured LGR grid are generated. See "Cell Generation options" on page 150.

Calculates (or recalculates) all properties for the NWM model. It is identical to the Calculate properties button on the grid folder. See "Grid properties" on page 123.

Edit Properties...
Opens the Edit Properties panel, which allows properties to be edited explicitly.

Opens a panel of property generation options. At present there are only options for unstructured gridding. These are advanced options controlling how properties are generated for cells of the unstructured LGR grid. See "Cell Generation options" on page 150.

Edit Coordinate System...
Specifies the grid coordinate system. This may be necessary when a grid has been imported with incorrect or missing MAPAXES definitions. The parameters are: Origin The origin of the local coordinate system in map coordinates. Axis alignment These three check boxes specify if an axis is aligned with the corresponding map axis. An axis is considered to be not aligned if it simply points in the opposite direction to the map axis. Rotation About Z The above Axis Alignment options may not be sufficient in all cases. In addition an arbitrary rotation about the vertical axis may be specified.


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Once these parameters have been specified they may be set by pressing the Test button. The 3D Viewer automatically updates to display the modified grid. When the coordinate system is correct a new GRID file must be written to preserve it for future sessions. The Save As button opens a file save window with the original GRID file name selected. By using this default any cases sharing this GRID file also inherit these changes. Alternatively a new GRID file name can be specified and the changes apply to the current case alone.

LGR Grid options...

Remove all inherited LGRs from VOI This switch effects how existing LGRs inherited from the full field model grid are handled if they lie within the VOI. By default any such LGRs that coincide with generated LGRs are automatically removed. However, if this switch is enabled all inherited LGRs within the VOI are removed and any wells in these LGRs are reconnected to the global grid cells. If this switch is selected with the None grid type all LGRs within the VOI are removed otherwise all existing LGRs are used without modification. If this switch is selected with either the Cartesian or Unstructured LGR grid types selected any LGRs that lie outside the LGR cell set are removed. The LGRs within the LGR host cells are always removed regardless of the switch. Use Global time steps in LGRs (LGRLOCK) By default this option is enabled and LGRs are solved using global timestepping. Alternatively within LGRs the solution may be advanced in time using multiple local time steps within a global time step. Note Note the local time stepping is only an option for ECLIPSE 100 in certain cases and otherwise this option is disabled in the panel. See the documentation for the ECLIPSE keyword LGRLOCK for more details.

Simulation IJK...
The IJK cell numbering in the Unstructured Gridder is a collection of IJK-based systems around reservoir features, that is the wells, faults, and regions. Each of the features belongs to a domain with an independent IJK numbering system. Note This collection of IJK numbers must be mapped to a single, regular IJK grid for ECLIPSE. This mapping is done internally by the Unstructured Gridder.

This option opens the Cell Information panel, which provides a method for you to map between a cell in simulation IJK space and the Unstructured Gridders IJK space. Enter the appropriate simulation IJK numbers in the Simulation IJK area of the panel and click on Apply. The corresponding domain and IJK in the Unstructured Gridder are identified in the lower Domain IJK area of the panel. This IJK value and domain can then be used to visualize the cell. See "IJK Slice" on page 198.

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The requirement for the simulation grid to be regular in shape makes it necessary to create extra cells in the simulation grid that do not correspond to data in the unstructured grid. These extra cells are marked inactive. It is, therefore, possible to choose IJK numbers in the top part of the Simulation IJK area of the panel that do not have corresponding domains and IJK numbers in the unstructured grid. The message Missing Cell appears if an extra, inactive cell is chosen from the simulation IJK numbering. The reverse procedure is also valid. You can enter an Unstructured Gridder IJK number in the lower Domain IJK area to find the corresponding IJK number in the Simulation IJK area. Hint As an alternative to entering IJK numbers, if Pick Cell is enabled then you can select the cell by clicking on it in the 3D Viewer. If Paint Cell is enabled then the selected cell is highlighted.


When the domain and IJK cell number are identified, use Grid | Volume of Interest | Domains to limit the display to only cells in that domain. In the IJK Slice panel (see "IJK Slice" on page 198), select the appropriate domain again and enter the IJK numbers you have obtained from the dialog.

Host Cells
This panel allows you to define the set of cells, within the VOI, that are refined with LGR cells: it sets the host cells for the LGRs. The NWMLGR property is used to show the current host cell set within the 3D Viewer. Cells within the VOI are colored differently depending on whether they are LGR host cells. Also the host cells are sorted into connected regions that are numbered uniquely. Each region is gridded with a single unstructured LGR or with an amalgamated group of Cartesian LGRs. Also, as a visual aid, the cells in a column containing an LGR host cell are colored differently to cells in a column with no LGR cells. This allows the location of LGRs to be seen from the top of the grid even when they are located within internal layers.

Edit Cell Set

This section of the panel allows you to edit the set of host cells. This is done by editing the NWMLGR property. You can select one of four ways to edit the host cells by selecting the desired method and clicking the Edit Cell Set button. This opens further editing panel, which are described below.

Edit using VOI

Opens the Set Host Cells to VOI panel, which selects all VOI cells a specified distance from the boundary and within specified layers.

Edit using wells

Opens the Edit Host Cells by Wells panel for adding cells along wells.


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Edit using digitized boundaries

Opens the Edit Host Cells by Boundary panel for adding cells within specified boundaries and layers.

Edit using property editor

Opens the 3D Viewer s Simulation Property Editor. This provides the most general method for editing the host cell set but also the most complicated. You should use the 3D Viewer s cell selection mechanisms (for example IJK slicing) to restrict the cells displayed in the 3D Viewer to those you wish in include or exclude from the host cell set and then set the NWMLGR property value for these display cells to 1 or 0 respectively.

Set Host Cells to VOI

Sets the LGR host cell set based on the VOI. The host cells are determined by selecting all cells within the VOI subject to the LGR step in, Start layer and End layer type-ins. Use the OK or Apply button to actually perform the host cell edit. Note This is the default way of setting the host cells and the host cell set is reset according to the settings in this panel whenever the VOI is edited.

LGR Step In
Specify a number of cells around the perimeter of the VOI, which are excluded from the host cell selection. Note If the boundary conditions are enabled on the VOI Folder then the minimum LGR step-in is 1. This is an ECLIPSE restriction. It is needed to enforce the boundary constraint, as it is not possible to enforce global flows on a cell that has been refined. This constraint applies automatically regardless of how the cell set is edited.

Start and End layer

Sets a range of layers for the host cells selected. Values are constrained to lie between 1 and the number of layers in the full field model grid. Note With unstructured gridding the same cells in all layers must always be selected and the selection must go through all layers so the start and end layer is fixed to be the first and last layer of the grid respectively. This constraint is applied regardless of how you choose to edit the host cell set.

Edit Host Cells by Wells

Using this panel you can quickly place LGRs along a particular well or wells.

Host Cell selection

This section of the panel defines how the host cell selection is made along wells. You should select the desired well to use in the top list box.

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Note you can select multiple wells by Shift clicking to select a range, and Ctrl click to modify a selection.

By default only cells intercepted by perforated sections of the selected wells are selected. The selection can be extended to include neighboring cells either based on an integer cell count or on a geometric distance. Min. horizontal and vertical cells Specify an integer number cells along the well to select. (It must be at least one.) Any cells within this number of cells intercepted by perforated sections of the well bore are selected. Min. horizontal and vertical distance Specify a distance along the well within which to select cells. Any cells that have a point on any face within this distance from a point on a perforated section of the wellbore are selected. Note The cells and distance options work together in that cells within the given distance or within the given number of cells from intercepted cells are selected.

Ignore gaps between perforations If the well has multiple perforations along its length then this checkbox enables you to select all cells from the first perforation to the last. This can drastically reduce the number of LGRs generated. Use 2D selection If this checkbox is selected then the selection of cells along a perforated well are constrained to be in the same simulation layers for the whole extent. Note Selecting the above two options together minimizes the number of LGRs created for the wells perforated extend.

Edit Selection
This section lets you actually edit the host cells. Set button Resets the entire host cell set to be the cells as specified in the host cell selection part of this panel. Extend button Causes the current host cells to be extended by the newly selected cells. Update button Updates the current host cells local to the wells according to the host cell selection. This option first removes any host cells in any LGRs currently along the well and replaces them with the new selection. Host cells in LGRs regions not touching the wells are left intact.


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If, by editing the selection, the selection includes cells perforated by an unselected well you could get errors in ECLIPSE. A well must either be completed entirely in global or local grid cells. To prevent this you are warned and given the choice to either also select cells along this well or to remove the offending cell from the selection.

Edit Host Cells by Boundary

This panel places LGRs within a digitized region of the model.

The Boundary section allows you to digitize and select polygons that are used to select the host cells in the horizontal direction. The Boundary drop-down allows you to choose a boundary from the list of boundaries stored within this NWM case. The Create button digitizes a new boundary polygon using the 3D Viewer. The Edit button edits the currently selected boundary. The use of the 3D Viewer to digitize boundaries is described in "Edit Menu" on page 165. Hint When you finish digitizing a new boundary in the 3D Viewer, it is automatically selected in the boundary drop-down.

The More... button opens the standard Boundary Editing dialog, which allows you to copy boundaries from other cases, import and export them, delete them and view them in the 3D Viewer. This dialog is identical to the dialog opened by 3D Viewer: Editor | Boundaries..., and is described in "Edit Menu" on page 165.

The Layers section allows you to set the start and end layers that are selected.

Edit Selection
This section lets you edit the host cells. This is done on a column by column basis by looking at the cell centers of the cell in the top layer of the grid. The cells selected are those in columns inside the polygon the cells within the layer range. Set button Resets the host cells to those within the selected boundary and layers. Extend button Causes the current host cells to be extended by the newly selected cells. Update button Updates the current host cells within the boundary according to the host cell selection. This option first removes any host cells in any LGRs currently within the boundary and replaces them with the new selection. Host cells in LGRs not touching the boundary are left intact.

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Cartesian Grid Refinement

The Cartesian Refinement panel allows you to easily set up the refinements for the cartesian grid generator. The panel contains three sections. The Host Cell Selection section is used to select groups of LGR host cells, the Refinement section allows you to set the refinement values, and the group of buttons at the bottom let you apply the refinements and generate the grid. Hint This panel relies on the 3D Viewer for host cell selection, so it is recommended to have it open when using this panel.

Host Cell Selection

The Host Cell Selection section allows you to select a group of host cells to which a common refinement can be applied. There are five options available, each of which is described below. For all options the display of the LGR host cells is modified in the 3D Viewer to reflect the current selection. All Cells Selects all LGR host cells. For this option no interaction with the 3D Viewer is required to select the cells. All Cells in LGR Selects all host cells that are contained in an NWMLGR region. For this option and the following three options you must use the 3D Viewer to pick a host cell, then depending on the selected option a set of host cells will be selected (and painted). All cells in I Selects all host cells that are contained in an NWMLGR region and have the same I value. All cells in J Selects all host cells that are contained in an NWMLGR region and have the same J value. All cells in K Selects all host cells that are contained in an NWMLGR region and have the same K value. The selection is echoed by the text string at the bottom of the selection controls. This strings notifies you of the cells and NWMLGR regions (if any) that have been selected.

The Refinement section allows you to set the number of refinements and weights in the I, J and K directions using the input boxes. The Weights button opens the Cartesian Refinement Weights panel. Note Depending on the selection method specified in the Host Cell Selection section, some of the input boxes may be unavailable.


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Auto Regenerate
If this option is checked the grid is regenerated each time the refinement has been modified and you click on the OK or Apply button.

This generates a new grid according to the current refinement setting.

Cartesian Refinement Weights

The Cartesian Refinement Weights panel enables you to set the weights for the cartesian gridder. The panel contains three tables, which allow you to modify the weights in the I, J and K directions. Note Depending on the selection method specified in the Host Cell Selection section, some of the tables may be unavailable for editing.

Unstructured Grid Refinement

The Grid Refinement panel allows you to easily control the level of refinement used in the near wellbore grid by setting all unstructured gridding controls in one operation. The current refinement level is used to calculate the default cell size used in all gridding controls.

Refinement Level
Set by absolute length
Controls whether the refinement level is set using an absolute near wellbore cell length or by specifying it relative to the full-field model cell length.

NWM Cell Length (=l)

This is the size of cells in the bulk of the near wellbore grid. You can type in a value only when setting by absolute length. Otherwise, it is set as a fraction of the average full-field model cell length at the boundary of the NWM model. By default a round figure is picked that is equal to approximately 0.25 x the full-field model cell size.

FFM Cell Length / l

This is ratio of the average full-field model cell length divided by the NWM cell length. It therefore is approximately the square root of the number of NWM cells per full-field model cell.

Well Refinement
The default cell size, outer radius and inner radius of well refinements are set relative to the NWM cell length. The current gridding style is not changed as the refinement is changed.

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By default, near vertical wells are gridded with a sloping radial grid; otherwise a 3D deviated grid is used. Similarly, the radial gridding style (geometric by default) and the number of radial divisions (3 for vertical wells, and 4 for 3D wells, by default) are not changed. These defaults can be changed on a per-well basis by editing the well Gridding controls....

Well Cell Length / l

This is a multiplicative factor, which is used to calculate along wellbore cell length from the NWM cell length. By default it is 1.0.

Outer Radius / l
This is a multiplicative factor, which is used to calculate the wellbore outer radius from the NWM cell length. By default it is 0.5. Note If the default geometric radial grid style is used, the radius of the innermost cell is set. This ensures a constant growth factor within the radial grid and between the radial grid and the surrounding cells.

Refinement Limits
Minimum Cell Length
Specifies a minimum absolute cell length for cells in the near wellbore grid. By default it is set to 1 percent of the full-field model grid block size. It is used as a lower limit for the refinement level, and as a constraint on the inner radius of well refinements if a smooth growth would lead to too small an innermost cell.

Maximum Cell Length

Specifies a maximum absolute cell length for cells in the near wellbore grid. By default it is set to 50 percent of the full-field model grid block size. It is used as an upper limit for the refinement level, and as a maximum bulk cell size if the variable bulk grid style is used. See "Bulk Gridding Controls" on page 144.

Object Refinement
The Wells, Bulk and Layers buttons allow you to control the unstructured grid generated on an object by object basis. The Refinement panel sets up defaults for the wells and bulks as described above. These panels can be used to modify these defaults. The panels are described in "Near well gridding controls" on page 133, "Bulk Gridding Controls" on page 144 and "Layer Gridding Controls" on page 148. If your current LGR cell set contains more than one disconnected region the Unstructured Gridder generates a LGR in each. There is then one bulk and layer controls for each LGR, and well controls for each LGR each well section passes through. While you can select the LGR to edit from the top of the well and bulk controls panels, you must select the LGR from a list before the Layers Control panel opens.


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If you modify individual well controls, and subsequently change the refinement controls on the main panel, you are asked whether you want to reset the edited controls to the defaults or preserve the modified values. Resetting to the default values only resets the cell size, outer radius and inner radius of the well gridding controls as described above under well refinement.

Coarsens the grid. This increases the NWM cell length by a factor of sqrt(2.0). This should approximately halve the number of cells in the near wellbore grid.

Refines the grid. This reduces the NWM cell length by a factor of sqrt(2.0). This should approximately double the number of cells in the near wellbore grid.

Auto Regenerate
If this option is checked the grid is regenerated each time the refinement level is changed (when any of the OK, Apply, Coarsen and Refine actions is applied).

Near well gridding controls

The Near Well Gridding Controls panel supports editing of the gridding parameters controlling the local grid refinements generated around each wellbore section with the VOI. It is a custom controls panel designed to contain the functionality most commonly used in near wellbore studies. The Advanced button gives access to the full functionality of the unstructured gridding module (see "Advanced Well Controls" on page 135).

Well Branches
Selects the wellbore to be edited. The selection is linked to the currently-selected wellbore and can be changed by selecting nodes of the well hierarchy tree or by picking in the 3D Viewer.

Grid Style
Each wellbore can be gridded using one of several gridding styles:

No grid refinement is placed along the well. The well is traced through the background bulk and connected to cells of the near wellbore grid it passes through.

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Single Cell
The well is honored by a single cell placed at the end point of the well. This option is intended for gridding vertical wells. The size of the cell is controlled with the cell length control and the number of sides of the cell is controlled by the Azimuthal divisions field.

The well is honored by a 2D radial grid deviated along the well path. That is, the grid is topologically the same on all layers, but is locally deformed on each layer to match the slope of the well. This option is, therefore, intended for gridding vertical or nearvertical wells. The radial grid stops at the wellbore, and radial completions are made in the innermost ring of cells. The Radial Grid and Azimuthal Grid controls apply.

Rectangular cells are generated aerially along the well path and then projected down through all layers. The well is completed in these cells in the layers it passes through. The number and size of cells along the wellbore is controlled by the Cell Length field. The number and size of cells across the well path are set by the Radial Grid controls.

Deviated (3D)
With this gridding style a 3D cylindrical grid refinement is inserted into a horizontal well grid. As with vertical radial grids, the radial grid stops at the wellbore and radial completions are made in the innermost ring of cells. Hint Use the vertical or deviated styles if accurate near wellbore flow and pressure drop is an issue as they introduce radial refinements along the wellbore. It is preferable to use the vertical style for vertical or near vertical wells as it uses less cells, and cell divisions along the well occur at the geological horizons so cells have a unique layer. In the deviated gridding style along hole divisions do not align with the layers so cells can span layers. Because of this the horizontal style should be used in situations where exact layer honoring may be more important than radial inflow; for example when the well crosses thin impermeable layers. Finally, the single cell style offers a simpler alternative to the vertical style when accurate radial inflow is not important.

Radial Style...
The controls in this section are for the radial refinement of the near wellbore grid. The style controls the number of annuli around the well and the way in which their radii grow out from the wellbore to an outer radius. Horizontal grids grow from an inner radius rather than the well radius. This can also be used to control the size of the first ring of cells in radial grids, which is important for simulator performance. The description of the full panel has more details on radial Gridding controls.... Hint As the radial grid controls are changed the grid that would result is shown in the well schematic.


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Azimuthal divisions
Specifies the number of cells in a radial well domain in the theta direction (angular). For 3D gridding it specifies the number of divisions around the well path.

Cell Length
The size and number of cells along the wellbore is controlled by a single cell length parameter. The perforated length of the wellbore is divided by the cell length to determine the number of cells. Note If the Use Background Bulk box is ticked the size of the background bulk grid is used instead. In this case the cell length can vary along the well.

When M-Apply is chosen the Multiple Apply panel appears. The list on the left side of the panel allows you to choose which wells the parameters apply to. The right side of the panel shows the values entered for the controls. Clicking on OK applies the value of the parameters selected in the right list to all the wells selected in the left list, rather than defining parameters for every individual well.

Advanced Well Controls

The Advanced Well Controls panel contains the full set of well gridding controls. The parameters defined in this panel apply to only a single well, unless the M-Apply option is used.

Selects which well to use as the current well from the drop-down list. All subsequent parameter choices apply to this well.

Grid to well
Selects whether or not the selected well is honored during gridding.

Grid style
From this drop-down list a number of gridding styles are available for applying to the wells.

Vert: single cell (bulk size)

The well is honored by a single cell placed at the wells end point. This option is intended for gridding vertical wells (or horizontal wells in cross section gridding). The size of the cell is controlled by the spacing of the background bulk grid and the number of sides of the cell is controlled by the Azimuthal divisions field.

Reference Section Grid Folder and Menu


Vert: single cell (fixed size)

The gridding is as for Vert: single cell (bulk size), except that the size of the cell is controlled by the Cell Length field.

Vert: radial
The well is honored by a radial grid centered on the last point of the well track. This option is intended for gridding of vertical wells (or horizontal wells in cross section gridding). The radial grid can be defined using automatic or custom settings. For both options, the absolute size of the cells is set by the Well radius / skin and Outer radius fields. For the automatic option, the number of cells in the radial grid is set by the Radial divisions and Azimuthal divisions fields. The size of the cells increases logarithmically outwards from the well radius to the outer radius. Hence:
r(0) = rWell r(n+1) = r(n) * dr (n = 0, rDivisions-1) dr = (rOuter/rWell)**(1/rDivisions)

The cell sizes are uniform in the azimuthal direction. For the custom option, you can control the relative size of cells by activating the Use Custom Azimuthal Divisions and the Use Custom Radial Divisions toggles. And then opening the Azimuthal Divisions Controls and Radial Divisions Controls panels (see "Set azimuthal divisions" on page 143 and "Apply inner radius" on page 140).

Vert: fractured
This generates a grid representing a fracture with a radial like section around the well and two linear sections along the fracture (see Figure 5.2 below).
Figure 5.2 Vertical fractured well grid, showing well control parameters

fracture width

cell length radial divisions = 2 azimuthal divisions = 14

fracture half length outer radius well radius fracture orientation


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The number of radial divisions in the radial section is given by the Radial divisions field. The absolute size of the cells is set by the Well radius / skin and Outer radius fields. Cell sizes increase logarithmically outwards from the well radius to the outer radius in the same way as the vertical radial grid style. The number of azimuthal divisions is controlled by the Azimuthal divisions field, and is equal to 6+4n, where n is an integer, such that the total is less than or equal to the Azimuthal Divisions. The fracture is defined using the Fracture controls panel. The size of cells along the fracture sections is given by the Cell length field.

Horz: (bulk spaced)

Rectangular cells are generated along the well track. The number of cells along the well track is derived from the background bulk grid. The number and size of cells across the well track are set by the Inner radius, Outer radius and Radial divisions fields. There are n cells between inner and outer radii with logarithmic growth outwards from the inner radius, where n is the number of radial divisions.

Horz: (fixed spaced)

The gridding is as for the bulk space horizontal well style above, except that the number of cells along the well track is controlled by the Cell length field. This is the only available well type for 3D local grid refinements (LGRs). For 3D gridding, the number and size of cells across the well track are set by the Inner Radius, Outer radius and Radial divisions fields. The number of divisions around the well track is set by the Azimuthal divisions field.

Horz: algebraic (bulk spaced)

This grid style produces a similar looking grid to "Horz: (bulk spaced)" on page 137, and is controlled by the same fields, but uses a different algorithm used for the gridding. It generates well domains algebraically, allowing fine resolution around wells and sharp bends in well tracks, but it is limited to gridding complete domains.

Horz: algebraic (fixed spaced)

The gridding is as for the algebraic bulk spaced horizontal well style, except that the number of cells along the well track is controlled by the Cell length field.

Horz: fractured (bulk spaced)

This generates a grid representing a horizontal or sloping well intersected by fractures, which can be oriented along (parallel fracture) or across (perpendicular fracture) the well track. The algebraic gridding algorithm is similar to that used for the Horz: algebraic (bulk spaced) on page A-137 well style, but adapts the radial cell sizes so as to honor the fractures (see Figure 5.3 below) Local refined zones are inserted into the grid around perpendicular fractures. The target cell sizes are set using the Inner radius, Outer radius, Radial divisions fields and the background bulk grid. The fractures and refined zone cell sizes are defined using the Fracture controls panel.

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Figure 5.3 Horizontal fractured well, showing well controls parameters

Perpendicular fracture F1 F1 MD cell length F2 MD

Parallel fracture F2 outer radius

F1 half length

inner radius F1 zone half width F1 width F1 num divs = 1 radial divisions = 2

F2 half length

Horz: fractured (fixed spaced)

The gridding is as for "Horz: fractured (bulk spaced)" on page 137, except that the number of cells along the well track is controlled by the Cell length field.

Horz: 2D/3D (fixed spaced)

This creates composite well domains with a 2D part and a 3D part. The two outermost sets of cells are of 2D type and the remaining cells are of 3D type. You specify the cell lengths along the track in both 2D and 3D parts in the Cell length field. The 3D part extends from the well bore surface (well radius) to the start of the 2D part. The 2D part extends from the end of the 3D part to the outer radius. The cell size in the 3D part increases outwards from the well radius in the same way as the "Vert: radial" on page 136 well style. The cell size in the 2D part then continues to increase at the same multiplicative rate dr. The number of divisions used by the 2D part is controlled by the configuration file entry NUMBER_OF_2D3D_WELL_2D_RADIAL_DIVISIONS, which is defaulted to 2. If this value is changed to 0, the outer radius applies to the end of the 3D region and the number of radial divisions applies to the 3D region. Hence, the total well grid extends to a region larger than the outer radius, by two 2D cells. Note This is considered to be a 2D well style because it can only be used in 2D grids. The 3D well style "Horz: (fixed spaced)" on page 137 must be used for 3D local grid refinements (LGRs).


If there are problems fitting the well domain, try increasing the number of radial divisions to 8 and the number of theta divisions to 8. This reduces the value of dr for the 3D PEBI region around a well, which results in a lower overall size required to fit the well.


Reference Section Grid Folder and Menu

Well radius / skin

These should reflect the radius and skin of the well bore. A well radius is typically 0.30.7 feet. The skin is a dimensionless quantity that reflects the wellbore damage. The default value for skin is zero, indicating no damage. Typical values range from zero to two. The well radius is used in radial gridding and both radius and skin are used in well connection factor calculations.

Cell length
This defines the length of cells along a well track when a fixed space well style is used.

Radial Style
The radii grow logarithmically from the wellbore radius. The outer radius of the innermost cells may be fixed or be controlled by a minimum value.
r(0) = well radius r(1) = if (Apply Inner Radius) rInner else r(0) * dr(0) r(i+1) = r(i) * dr(i) where i=[1,nr-1] dr(i) = (rOuter/r(i))**(1/nr-i)


Using the logarithmic radial style, without applying an inner radius limit, can lead to small cells next to the wellbore leading to poor simulator convergence.

The radial cell sizes grow by a constant factor from the inner radius to the outer radius.
r(0) = well radius r(1) = rInner r(i+1) = r(i) + a * (r(i)-r(i-1)) where i=[1,nr-2], a is constant r(nr) = rOuter

The radial cell sizes are constant between the wellbore radius and the outer radius.
r(0) = rWell (not used in horizontal grids) r(1) = if ( rInner > rWell ) rInner else (rOuter - r(O))/nr r(i+1) = r(i) + (rOuter - r(i))/(nr-i) where i=[1,nr-1]

The outer radius of the innermost cells may be fixed or be controlled by a minimum value.

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This enables the use of customized specification of the number and size of cells in a radial well domain in the R direction (radial). When enabled NWM ignores the value in the Radial divisions field, and uses the table displayed by the Set radial divisions button.

Apply inner radius

This does not apply any inner radius constraints.

This uses the inner radius value as a minimum limit during radial division calculations. It applies to the outer radius of the innermost cells.

This uses the inner radius value as fixed required value during radial division calculations. It applies to the outer radius of the innermost cells.

Set radial divisions

This button opens the Radial Divisions Controls panel. The panel contains a table that specifies the number and sizes of radial divisions, for customized use. The number of rows in the table specifies the number of divisions and the weights specify the relative size of the divisions. The division number increases outwards from the well bore and the radial size of an individual division is given by:
(rOuter-well radius) * weight / sum of weights

Inner radius
For tetrahedral grids this is the distance from a well track to the edges of the innermost cells in a horizontal well domain. For PEBI grids this is the distance from a well track to the center of the innermost cells.

Outer radius
For tetrahedral grids this is the distance from a well track to the edges of the outermost cells in a horizontal well domain. For PEBI grids this is the distance from a well track to the center of the outermost cells.

Radial divisions
For a radial well this defines the number of cells in the R direction (radial). For a horizontal well domain this defines the number of cells normal to the track.

Azimuthal divisions
This specifies the number of cells in a radial well domain in the theta direction (angular). For 3D gridding it specifies the number of divisions around the well track.


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Fracture controls
This button opens the Fracture Controls panel, used to set special parameters for the vertical and horizontal fracture gridding styles. Depending on the well style selected, a different panel is opened. For the "Vert: fractured" on page 136 well style (Figure 5.2), the panel contains the following fields:

Fracture half length

This is the length of each of the two linear sections.

Fracture width
This sets the width of the fracture cells. It must be less than the inner radius value set on the main panel.

Fracture orientation
This sets the rotation angle of the fracture line. The angle is measured clockwise relative to the x -axis of the gridding model coordinate system.

Fracture top and fracture bottom

These two fields set the absolute vertical extent of the fracture. The values are relative to the gridding model coordinate system, that is Z positive and increasing downwards. The fracture grid domain extends the full depth of the model grid, but the fracture porosity and permeability is only applied within these vertical limits.

Fracture porosity
This sets the porosity value for the fracture cells. This value takes precedence over sampled porosity during property generation within the fracture top and bottom limits.

Fracture permeability
This sets the permeability value for the fracture cells. This value takes precedence over sampled permeability during property generation within the fracture top and bottom limits. For the "Horz: fractured (bulk spaced)" on page 137 and "Horz: fractured (fixed spaced)" on page 138 well styles (Figure 5.3), the panel contains a table with one row per fracture and the following columns:

This sets the measured depth along the well track at which the fracture is located. For perpendicular fractures this is the position at which the center of the fracture intersects the well track. For parallel fractures, that is fractures that lie along the well track, this is the position of the center of the fracture. Fractures must be added to the table in order of increasing measured depth. Fractures must not overlap and there must be sufficient space between them to contain the refinements (Zone Half Width) for individual perpendicular fractures.

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This is half the length of the fracture, that is the length of the fracture either side of the measured depth value set above. For perpendicular fractures, this defines the radial distance away from the well track. For parallel fractures, this defines a distance along the well track.

This parameter only applies to perpendicular fractures. It sets the width of the fracture cells, that is the central row of cells perpendicular to the well track within the refined zone. The fracture width must be less than the fracture zone width (that is twice the fracture Zone Half Width).

DZ above and DZ below

These set the distance above and below the well track for which fracture properties are applied during property generation. The fracture grid domain extends the full depth of the model grid, but the fracture porosity and permeability is only applied within these vertical limits.

Zone H.width
The Zone Half Width parameter only applies to perpendicular fractures. It sets the distance from the fracture center (the measured depth value) to the edge of the zone of refined grid cells either side of that fracture. The Zone Half Width is therefore a distance along the well track. It must be less that the cell length (if known).

Num div
This parameter also only applies to perpendicular fractures. It sets the number of divisions in the refined zone either side of a fracture. Cells within the refined zone increase in thickness logarithmically outwards from the fracture, from the fracture width. Thus:
r(n+1) = r(n) * dr dr = (ZoneHalfWidth/Width)**(1/NumDiv)

where r is the distance along the well track from the fracture measured depth.

The orientation of a fracture can be chosen from Parallel and Perpendicular. Parallel fractures represent fractures that are oriented along the well track and that intersect the well. The well grid honors the ends of the fracture, using the Half Length parameter, but does not explicitly represent the fracture width. A parallel fractures properties are applied to all central cells of the well domain, which lie between the fracture ends, and that lie between the vertical limits set by "DZ above and DZ below" on page 142. Perpendicular fractures represent fractures, which are oriented perpendicular to the well track, and that intersect the well. The well grid inserts refined zones perpendicular to the well track, centered on the fracture measured depth, and extending outwards from the well track for the fracture Half Length distance. A perpendicular fracturess properties are applied to the central cells of the refined zone.


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Fractures that intersect a well at intermediate angles must be assigned by you to one of the two fracture types.

This sets the fracture porosity at the center of the fracture

Tip por.
This sets the fracture porosity at the outer ends of the fracture. Fracture porosity values for each cell are interpolated linearly between the center porosity and tip porosity values.

This sets the fracture permeability at the center of the fractures.

Tip Perm.
This sets the fracture permeability at the outer ends of the fractures. The permeability values are interpolated linearly between the center and tip values for each fracture cell.

Use custom azimuthal divisions

This enables the use of customized specification of the number and angle of cells in a radial well domain in the theta direction (angular). When this option is enabled NWM, ignores the value in the Azimuthal divisions field, and uses the table opened by the Set Azimuthal Divisions button.

Set azimuthal divisions

This opens the Azimuthal Divisions Controls panel. The panel contains a table that specifies the number and angles of azimuthal divisions, for customized use. The number of rows in the table specifies the number of divisions and the weights specify the relative angles of the divisions. Theta Origin, measured clockwise from the gridding model coordinate systemss x-axis, defines the axis from which the azimuthal division definitions start. Divisions are numbered clockwise from this starting axis, and the angle of an individual division is given by:
360 degrees * weight / sum of weights


When there are many wells in a project, it is important to keep the cell size around the wells small enough to prevent neighboring well-cells from interfering with each other. If the cell sizes are too big, some of the cells around wells, which lie close to each other, may not be centered around the well. It is recommended that the well-cell size should be a quarter of the distance between wells when there are many wells clustered together.

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When M-Apply is chosen the Multiple Apply panel appears. The list on the left side of the panel allows you to choose which wells the parameters apply to. The right side of the panel shows the values entered for the controls. Clicking on OK applies the value of the parameters selected in the list on the right to all the wells selected in the list on the left rather than defining parameters for every individual well.

Bulk Gridding Controls

The bulk of the model contains the cells not included around the wells and full-field model boundary. Normally the gridding parameters for the bulk apply to the whole area of the bulk. However, smaller bulk areas may be created to allow different gridding parameters to be applied to different areas of the model. For example, you may wish to refine an area of high permeability or an area with a high well density.

This option allows you to select which bulk to use as the current bulk from the dropdown list, and all subsequent parameter choices apply to this bulk.

Grid to bulk
This check box allows you to choose whether or not the selected bulk is honored during gridding. If the main bulk is not selected, points inside the bulk are not used to generate the grid. Note Even if the Main Bulk is deactivated, the grid is still generated to the extent of the main bulks boundary. The extent of the simulation grids boundary is determined by the Clipping Boundary, which can be found in Grid | Options | Grid Generation option.

Bulk boundary
This is the boundary defining the area in the selected bulk.

Grid to boundary
This check box allows you to choose whether or not the selected boundary is honored during gridding. If the boundary is a geological feature it should be used in the generation of grid cells. For example, cells around faults should honor the fault positions, and lie exactly along the fault. If a bulk region is created around a group of wells for further refinement, it would not be appropriate to insist that grid cells follow that boundary. The refined cells are generated within the region but should not honor what is really an artificial boundary. To ensure that a smooth grid is created along the outer edges of the grid, you should enable Grid to Boundary for the Main Bulk.


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For PEBI gridding, the main bulk boundary is always honored, regardless of the switch set for Grid to Boundary.

Create new bulk

This option opens the Add New Bulk Region panel, and allows you to create a new bulk region. A new bulk region may lie directly inside the main bulk or inside another bulk region. Note For LGR models in which multiple LGRs have been defined, the new bulk is set for the same LGR as the currently selected bulk.

New bulk name

In this text box you enter the name of the new bulk.

Bulk boundary
From this drop-down list you can choose a bulk boundary. Initially, no bulk boundaries are available to choose from.

Derive new boundary

This option is used to create new boundaries that surround an existing gridded feature - bulk, fault or well. You can use this option when creating any new bulk, but it is particularly useful when creating a transition bulk (see "Transition" on page 147). The following options are on the derive new boundaries panel. New Boundary Name Enter the name of the new boundary in this text box. Use bulk / Use fault / Use well Select which type of feature to derive your boundary from with this radio button. The radio button is initially be set at the first of these options that actually has features to derive from, or to Use Bulk. If there are no features within your unstructured grid model from which to derive a boundary, then the three drop-downs described next are all disabled. Click on Cancel to remove the panel. Bulk This drop-down contains the list of bulks from which you can derive a boundary. If there are none, that is only the main bulk exists, then this drop-down cannot be selected. Otherwise, enable it by selecting Use Bulk in the radio button, and select the bulk. Fault This drop-down contains the list of faults from which you can derive a boundary. If there are faults to choose from, you can enable the drop-down by selecting Use Fault and selecting the appropriate fault.

Reference Section Grid Folder and Menu


Well This drop-down contains the list of wells. If there are wells to choose from, you can enable the drop-down by selecting Use Well, and selecting the appropriate well. You can only derive a boundary from a sloping or horizontal well, though vertical wells appear in this list. A message appears on the panel if you select a vertical well and click OK create the boundary. Absolute distance from feature and Relative distance from feature You set the distance of the derived boundary away from the feature with these two fields. The relative distance is the fraction of the feature size - the length of a fault, or length in the horizontal plane of a well, or the longest horizontal dimension of a bulk. The distance of the derived boundary from the feature is then given by
dist = absDist + relDist * featureSize.

Edit boundaries
This option is used to create new boundaries or to copy existing boundaries. The dialog it opens is identical to the dialog opened by 3D Viewer: Editor | Boundaries..., and is also described in "Edit Menu" on page 165.

Grid style
There are five styles of gridding you can choose from for the background bulk.

A rectangular grid has cells with six faces, and all vertical faces are at right angles to each other. The cells have a constant size. This is defined as a regular hexahedral grid.

This gridding style generates a regular grid of hexagonal or triangular cells, depending on whether PEBI or Tetrahedral gridding is chosen. The cells have a constant size.

This option is primarily used for single well studies. In a radial grid the bulk cells are radially distributed around a well and grow logarithmically from the well. The well around which gridding is defined in the Radial/Elliptic bulk well option. The maximum cell size is defined by the Set cell size limits panel.

This option is primarily used for horizontal or fractured vertical single well studies. In an elliptic grid the bulk cells are symmetrically distributed around a well and grow logarithmically from the well. The well around which gridding is defined in the Radial/Elliptic bulk well option. The growth rate and theta divisions of the cell distributions are fixed to match those of the well. The maximum cell size is defined by the Set cell size limits panel.

This gridding style generates a variable density grid in which the cell sizes grow from each well up to a maximum value. Cell sizes along boundaries take the local background size. The maximum cell size is defined by the Set cell size limits panel. Reference Section Grid Folder and Menu


This gridding style provides a linear decrease of cell size from a maximum at the boundary to a minimum at a user-specified distance inwards from it. The cell size further away from the boundary, that is further within the transition bulk, remains constant. You can create these regions by digitizing arbitrary boundaries (see "Edit boundaries" on page 146) or by deriving boundaries from existing features (see "Derive new boundary" on page 145). In the latter case the transition bulk forms a buffer zone between the feature and the background, providing a smooth cell size growth. Grid smoothing is recommended with this style. The cell sizes and transition zone width are set from the Set cell size limits panel.

Radial/Elliptic bulk well

When the grid style is Radial, cells radiate from a single well within each bulk and grow in size logarithmically from the well. By default the chosen well is the first well within the bulk region. It can be overridden by selecting a specific well from this dropdown list of wells.

Smoothing iterations
This moves the nodes of triangles or tetrahedra towards the averages of their neighbors in order to smooth the resulting grid. The smoothing iteration number should be zero for rectangular bulk regions, because smoothing destroys right angled triangles. There is a re-triangulation following each smoothing iteration.

Grid refinement
The number of grid cells to use in the bulk grid can be determined by specifying the Number of Cells in each I- and J-direction or by specifying the Cell Size in map units.

Use number of cells/Use cell size

You can toggle between these options to indicate either the use of cell numbers or of cell sizes to define the bulk area.

Cells in I/Cells in J
You can specify the number of cells in either the I-direction or the J-direction when defining the bulk.

Cell size in I /Cell size in J

You can specify the size of the cells in either the I-direction or the J-direction when defining the bulk.

Set IJK directions

This opens the IJK Direction panel, and allows the bulk grid to be oriented in a variety of directions.

Bulk alignment
There are three options for aligning the grid: Maps, Grid Boundary, and Custom.

Reference Section Grid Folder and Menu


If Boundary or Maps is chosen for the orientation, the bulk grid is aligned with the first major segment of the boundary or the first tops map. In both cases the angle between the axes is restricted to 90 degrees, creating orthogonal axes. For Custom orientation: Axes Rotation Angle You must specify an angle relative to the orientation of the default XY axis. Angle Between Axes You can specify the angle between the two axes.

Snap to point
Snap to Point is designed to ensure that a grid is centered around a particular well location. You enter an XY position for the grid to snap to, in the Snap Point table. When the grid is generated, the nearest cell center or cell vertex is moved to the XY position, and the grid is shifted accordingly. The cell center is moved for a PEBI grid, and the cell vertex is moved for a tetrahedral grid.

Set cell size limits

This opens the Cell Size Limits panel for setting the minimum and maximum cell sizes for Radial, Elliptic, Variable and Transition bulk gridding. The minimum (and maximum) cell size within the region is given by:
Cell_Size = Absolute_size + Relative_size * Model_Size

The Cell Size Limits panel is also used to set the transition zone width for transition bulk gridding. The width is the distance inward from the bulk boundary over which the cell size varies linearly from the outer maximum to inner minimum cell size. It is given by:
Width - Absolute_width + Relative_width * Model_Size

When M-Apply is chosen the Multiple Apply panel appears. The list on the left side of the panel allows you to choose which bulks the parameters apply to. The right side of the panel shows the parameters entered for the controls. Clicking on OK applies the value of the parameters selected in the list on the right to all the bulks selected in the list on the left rather than defining parameters for every individual bulk.

Layer Gridding Controls

The Layers button of the Grid folder opens the Edit Layer Controls panel. The layer controls determine the vertical refinement within units (or k-layers of the full-field model grid). The number of units was determined in the full field model grid (NZ), and the vertical gridding always honors the horizons between each unit. You can control the number and style of layers (refinements) within each unit.


Reference Section Grid Folder and Menu

Number of layers per unit

The number of layers within a given unit are the same for all its block-units. You can set the number of layers in the selected unit in the drop-down menu item Unit (top down numbering) using this field. You can also change the number of layers in the unit when entering the refinement parameters in one of the panels opened from Refine selected unit.

Unit (top down numbering)

You select the unit for which to define the vertical gridding from this drop-down. The units are listed in top down order by name.

Layering method
You have four different vertical gridding styles to choose from in this drop-down.

The thicknesses of each layer within the (block) unit is a proportion of the total unit thickness at each location. The relative thickness of each layer is determined by weights.

Top conforming (offlap)

The absolute thickness of each layer is specified, and each layer is defined relative to the base of the layer above or the upper horizon of the unit.

Bottom conforming (onlap)

The absolute thickness of each layer is specified, and each layer is defined relative to the top of the layer below or the lower horizon of the unit.

Refine selected unit

Pressing this button opens the UnitName panel in which you define the vertical gridding parameters. The panel contains information on the layering method and a table in which you enter the parameters. The contents of the table corresponds to your selection of layering method.

All methods
To add a layer to the table, highlight the layer below which you want the new layer and type Ctrl n. To delete a layer, highlight the layer and type Ctrl d. Refinements may also be added by clicking on the + symbol in the right corner of the panel.

The table contains the weights for the relative thickness of each simulation layer within the (block-)unit. The layers are listed in top down order. The thickness of an individual layer is given by:
thickness = unit thickness * (weight / sum of weights)

Reference Section Grid Folder and Menu


Top conforming (offlap)

Each layer in a top conforming layered unit has a constant thickness. The table contains the absolute thicknesses of each layer, again listed top down within the (block-)unit. Since absolute thicknesses are specified, it is possible that parts of a unit are thinner than the total thickness of all layers, or alternatively are thicker than the total thickness of all layers. If the unit is thinner, then the simulation layers are truncated at the base of the unit. If the unit is thicker, the program ensures that the specified number of layers fills the unit by extending the lowest layer to the base of the unit. The latter case means that the thickness of the lowest layer is not used within the program, and is read-only in the panel. However the full number of layers must be present in the table for consistency.

Bottom conforming (onlap)

This table is similar to the top conforming case. Simulation layers are still listed in top down order. However, since this option represents bottom conforming stratigraphy, the layers are truncated or extended if required at the top of the unit, and the first layer in the table is read-only.

Cell Generation options

This opens the Cell Generation Options panel. The cell generation parameters influence the way cells are generated.

Grid to algebraic domains

For radial, horizontal and fractured well grids, the Unstructured Gridder uses algebraically generated cells to improve accuracy. If this option is disabled the Unstructured Gridder does not generate refinements inside these domains. The option is enabled by default.

Divide grid cells into domains

By default cells of the grid are sorted into sub-domains according to which object (for example boundary, fault, well or bulk) caused them to be generated. This allows grid structure to be exploited to give each domain an IJK structure. If this box is not checked all cells are placed in a single domain with no structure.

Aggregate triangles which lie in a structured grid cell

Ensures that triangles that lie in the same logical grid cell are unconditionally aggregated regardless of the distance between their circumcenters. The option may be disabled if a purely triangular grid is required.

Triangle center aggregation tolerance

This value is a fractional tolerance of the distance between triangle circumcenters used for determining whether or not to aggregate the triangles into a single composite cell. The fraction is relative to the aggregated cell length along the line of the centers.


Reference Section Grid Folder and Menu

Aggregate PEBI nodes which lie at the center of a structured grid cell
This option determines whether vertices that lie at the center of a logical grid cell are unconditionally aggregated regardless of the distance between them. This option is not enabled by default.

PEBI node aggregation tolerance

When the above option is enabled, this fractional tolerance of the distance between vertices of PEBI cells is used for determining whether to aggregate them into a single vertex. The fraction is relative to the aggregated cell length along the line of the centers.

Property Generation options

This opens the Property Generation Options panel, which allows you to define parameters influencing cell pore volumes, transmissibilities, and upscaling of properties.

Minimum pore volume

Here you can set the minimum pore size. If a cell pore volume is smaller than this limit, the pore volume is set to zero.

Connect across removed cells

If this option is enabled, cells that have been removed because of the pore volume limit are connected (subject to the connection porosity and permeability limits) by nonneighbor connections. These are created by connecting the two cells with the highest face areas.

Pinch-out thickness limit

Here you can set the minimum pinch-out thickness. If a cell thickness is smaller than this limit, the cells pore volume is set to zero.

Connect across removed cells

If this option is enabled, cells that have been removed because of the pinch-out thickness limit are connected (subject to the connection porosity and permeability limits) by non-neighbor connections. These are created by connecting the two cells with the highest face areas.

Connection porosity limit

The connections across cells, removed by the minimum pore volume limit or by the pinchout limit, are not made if the porosity of the removed cells fall below this limit.

Reference Section Grid Folder and Menu


Connection permeability limit

The connections across cells, removed by the minimum pore volume limit or by the pinchout limit, are not made if the x, y, or z permeabilities of the removed cells fall below this limit.

Dual system
This drop-down box controls the Dual Porosity/Permeability option for simulating highly fractured reservoirs. Note In NWM this is set as is appropriate if DUALPORO or DUALPERM keywords are present in the full-field model so the field is disabled. The appropriate sets of properties are then generated automatically.

No dual properties
If set to No Dual Properties, fracture cell properties are not used.

Dual Porosity
If set to Dual Porosity, flow takes place between neighboring fracture cells and between corresponding fracture and matrix cells.

Dual Porosity/Permeability
If set to Dual Porosity/Permeability, flow can also take place between neighboring matrix cells.

Multi-point flux
This drop-down box controls the calculation of coefficients for simulations based on multi-point fluxes, in which the flow across a cell face is a function of more than two pressure values.

If set to None, only standard two-point transmissibilities are generated.

If set to O-Method, multi-point flux transmissibilities are also generated for any faces containing a K-orthogonality error above a user-specified limit and if an integer property named MPFANUM exists, the values for the cells on both sides of the face is greater than 0. Both two-point and multi-point transmissibilities are generated when the TransXYZ property is selected from Property | Generate Real. It is necessary to recalculate properties whenever the Multi-point flux option or the MPFA ortho error limit changes. Multi-point transmissibilities are exported automatically if they have been generated.

MPFA ortho error limit

This sets the K-orthogonality error limit for the O-Method Multi-point flux option. Reference Section Grid Folder and Menu


Permeability directions (tensor permeability handling)

This drop-down box controls the interpretation of the directions of the cell properties PermX, PermY and PermZ. The flexibility provided in this option enables handling any symmetric positive definite tensor permeability description. A positive definite tensor can be transformed into a diagonal tensor in its principal directions, which are mutually orthogonal. Simulation cell PermX, PermY and PermZ are taken to be values in these principal directions. This option enables you to define the principal directions, which may vary spatially.

Along XYZ
Directions of PermX, PermY and PermZ are taken to be in X, Y and Z directions, respectively.

Along strata
The directions of PermX and PermY are on a plane along the strata, implied by the direction of PermZ. The direction of PermZ is taken to be in the direction of the average of the normals of the top and bottom faces of the simulation cell. The direction of PermX is on a vertical plane through the x-axis.

Along strata and permX

The directions of PermX and PermY are on a plane along the strata, implied by the direction of PermZ. The direction of PermZ is taken to be in the direction of the average of the normals of the top and bottom faces of the simulation cell. The angle between a vertical plane through the direction of PermX and a vertical plane through the x-axis is given by the value of the cell property PermxAngle. PermxAngle is in degrees and is measured clockwise from the x-axis.

Dip and azimuth

The plane on which PermX and PermY sit is defined by the cell property values AzimuthAngle and DipAngle. The line of intersection between the XY plane and the PermX-PermY plane is known as the strike. The angle between the strike and the x-axis is the AzimuthAngle. The angle between the XY plane and the PermX-PermY plane is the DipAngle. The AzimuthAngle is measured clockwise from the x-axis and both angles are in degrees. The direction of PermZ is orthogonal to the PermX-PermY plane. The direction of PermX is on a vertical plane through the x-axis.

Dip, Azimuth and PermX

The plane on which PermX and PermY sit is defined by the cell property values AzimuthAngle and DipAngle. The line of intersection between the XY plane and the PermX-PermY plane is known as the strike. The angle between the strike and the x-axis is the AzimuthAngle. The angle between the XY plane and the PermX-PermY plane is the DipAngle. The AzimuthAngle is measured clockwise from the x-axis and both angles are in degrees. The direction of PermZ is orthogonal to the PermX-PermY plane. The angle between a vertical plane through the direction of PermX and a vertical plane through the x-axis is given by the value of the cell property PermxAngle. PermxAngle is in degrees and is measured clockwise from the x-axis. Cell properties PermxAngle, AzimuthAngle and DipAngle can be specified using maps or using the Property Edit dialog.

Reference Section Grid Folder and Menu


Run folder
The Simulation section of the Run folder is where near wellbore models are exported to the ECLIPSE simulator, simulations run and results viewed.

Use FFM Wells

The Use FFM Wells switch allows you to opt to use the original full field models description of the wells in the near wellbore simulation. This is useful when doing a run to establish boundary conditions for the VOI. This option is only available if no near wellbore grid has been generated; that is the current gridding type on the Grid folder is none.

Export Segmentation
Controls whether the NWM well flows are output using the multi-segmented wells keywords. If the segmentation has not been defined or is older that the grid, you are first given the chance to generate an optimal segmentation automatically.

The Boundary drop-down lets you control the boundary conditions for the near wellbore simulation. If you enabled boundary conditions on the VOI Folder the cells outside the VOI can be made inactive during the NWM simulation by using a flux file. This file contains time-varying boundary data recorded from a previous simulation (although it is called a flux file it actually contains boundary pressures or flows depending on the boundary type). In this case the boundary drop down gives you several options for selecting or generating a flux file. These options are:

Run NWM in-place

No flux file is used. The NWM is run in-place with the full field model and the full field model cells are active during the near wellbore simulation. Note This is the only option if you did not enable boundary conditions on theVOI Folder.

Use No Flow
Simulates the VOI in isolation by assuming no flow between the VOI region and the rest of the grid. No flux file is required. Note This option is only available if boundary conditions are enabled and the no flow boundary type is selected on the VOI Folder.


Reference Section Run Folder

Use <filename>
Use a named flux file. To change the file select Use Browser File.

Use Case Flux File

Use the flux file corresponding to the case. If the file doesnt exist you are prompted to generate one from a full field model run or restart (see Dump FFM Restart).

Use Browser File

Use a flux file picked from a file browser. The list is updated so that it shows Use <filename>.

Dump FFM Restart

Generates a flux file from full field model solution data. Hint The solution data should have first been loaded from a RESTART file using NWM Viewer: File | Load Solution Data | FFM Grid. If this has not been done you are prompted to do it.

The boundary data is low resolution as it is only recorded at each restart. This is currently only possible for pressure boundaries.

Dump Next Run

Sets up the case to record a flux file next time it is run. The type of data recorded, either pressure or flux, is controlled by the boundary type buttons on the VOI Folder. High resolution boundary data is recorded at every mini-time step of the simulation. Note In a dump flux run the whole grid is active including any NWM LGRs that have been defined. You may want to reset the LGR Gridding type to none and tick the Use FFM Wells box in order to reduce simulation time. Alternatively, you may want to use modified wells and/or the NWM LGRs in place so that their effect is taken into account when recording the boundary conditions. There is no problem with this but a full simulation with the near wellbore LGRs in place may take a long time to run.

Export Keywords
The Export Keywords button writes a new deck of keywords for the near wellbore model. This modifies the near wellbore case in the ECLIPSE Office Case Manager.

The Run button launches the ECLIPSE Office Run Manager. Once a simulation is complete you are asked whether the solution data should be loaded.

Load Results
If the simulation was run off-line the Load Results button lets you load results into the current NWM grid.

Reference Section Run Folder


2D Well Schematic
The well schematic gives a 2D diagrammatic view of a selected well bore or well bores in a well. The vertical axis displays the along hole measured depth. The horizontal axis displays the radial distance and consists of two sections: the wellbore itself and the near wellbore grid. The wellbore shows: tubular (casings in blue and tubings in black), down hole devices (packers in black cross-hatching, in line valves in cyan and flow control valves in red), dynamic bore events (perforations and stimulations in green and squeezes in gray), and segmentations in red.

The near wellbore grid section shows the near well grid and any zones where modified properties are defined. The axis can be configured with a pop-up menu over the axis label, for instance to change the radial axis from logarithmic to linear. A pop-up menu allows you to display all well bore of the well and hide the grid frame. Individual timesteps can be chosen to display from a list showing sequence number, timestep and date. Animation of the timesteps is controlled with buttons similar to those on a video recorder.


Reference Section 2D Well Schematic

Figure 5.4 Well Schematic showing the well stem of Well_1

Reference Section 2D Well Schematic


Figure 5.5 Well schematic showing the main stem and a lateral of Well_1.


Reference Section 2D Well Schematic

3D Viewer
File Menu
Load Solution Data
FFM Grid
Loads the INIT and RESTART data for the parent case into the full field model grid and displays it in the 3D Viewer.

NWM Grid
If a parent NWM study case is selected, the data for the full field model (that is, the DUMPFLUX run) is loaded. If a child grid case is selected, the data for the near wellbore simulation is loaded.

Save Image
Creates a vector PostScript file of the current image.
Figure 5.6 PostScript panel

As well as allowing a choice between Landscape and Portrait and Color and Grayscale, you can choose between Default Quality and High Quality. The difference between these options is the way a decision is made to see if an object is in front of, or behind, another object. The default quality option produces Postscript at the screen resolution, high quality at twice this.

Reference Section 3D Viewer


The Width and Height may only be entered for encapsulated PostScript. For the other sizes, these sliders are disabled and are used to show the page size selected. When you click on Write Postscript File, a check is first made to see if the aspect ratio of the 3D window matches the aspect ratio of the output. If it does not match, you are presented with three choices: Resize An attempt is made to reduce the 3D window to match the aspect ratio, or to increase the 3D window if the reduction would make it smaller than the minimum size. The output file is then created. Create No change of window size is made, and the output file is created. Cancel The process is stopped and no output file is created. Note The program may be unable to resize the window correctly if it is near to its minimum size. If this occurs, you are asked to resize the window manually.

The next stage is to check if the directory entered here (or from the config.file) exists. If not, you are asked if the current working directory should be substituted instead, in which case the file is not written. The last stage is to check if the requested filename already exists. You may either overwrite the file or cancel the operation. If, however, the filename is the default filename, this check does not take place. Limitations If the aspect ratio of the 3D window and the PostScript output are not the same, the image is centered on the page. The center triangle of the ternary color legend is colored gray. The appearance of cell outlines may not be the same as on screen, and may also differ from one printer to another. Transparency is a not a supported feature of PostScript, therefore all surfaces appear opaque.

Provides an option for creating a VRML file for viewing of the 3D model with an Internet Web browser.


Reference Section 3D Viewer

Figure 5.7 VRML panel

When the Write VRML File button is pressed, a check is first made to see if lighting is turned on (this is essential if surfaces are to be seen in VRML browsers). If lighting is not turned on, you are presented with three choices: Yes Turn lighting on and then proceed. No Proceed anyway. Cancel The process is halted and no output file is produced. The next stage is to check if the directory entered here (or using the config.file) exists. If not, you are asked if the current working directory should be substituted instead, in which case the file is not written. The last stage is to check if the requested filename already exists, and you may either overwrite the file or cancel the operation. If, however, the filename is the default filename, this check does not take place.

Image File...
This menu item allows the 3D image to be saved in various file formats.

Reference Section 3D Viewer


Figure 5.8 Write Image panel

The quality of the JPEG image can be changed; a higher quality (higher value) is likely to mean larger file sizes. This parameter has no effect for the other formats. When you click on the Write Image button, a check is made to see if the requested file name already exists. You may either overwrite the file or cancel the operation. If, however, the filename is the default filename, this check does not take place. Table 5.7 SECTION

Configuration file settings 3D


FILENAME is the name of the file entered on the dialog panel (note that if a name is entered without a suffix this is added automatically). The config. file name does not alter the default file name. FILETYPE determines the type of image selected. Choices are: JPEG (JPG is also accepted) TIFF (TIF is also accepted)

FILETYPE determines the 3-letter suffix that is automatically added to the file name.


Reference Section 3D Viewer

Choice of type of image

The advantage of JPEG over TIFF is the size of the files, due to the compression techniques used. However JPEG is better suited to photographic images than to computer generated images. TIFF files as generated here use the lossless run-length encoding method; the compression used for JPEG is a lossy compression.

Print Setup
This menu item opens a dialog panel to enable the setting of options for printing. These options are used whenever a Print button is pressed in a dialog.
Figure 5.9 Print Setup panel

Printer Select the required printer from the drop down. Information about the selected printer is displayed below the drop-down. Properties Brings up a printer-specific dialog for adjustment of printing setting. The exact dialog depends on the hardware and drivers that are installed. Paper Select the size of paper that will be loaded into your printer as well as the paper tray from which the printer will take the paper. Orientation Specify portrait or landscape orientation for printing

Reference Section 3D Viewer


Network This option opens up a network selection dialog enabling the selection of network printers that do not appear in the Printer drop-down. OK Select this option to close the dialog and save your changes to the print settings. Cancel Select this option to close the dialog without saving any change you may have made.

Play commands...
A log of your operations is written to a command file with the suffix .CMDLOG. These files can be replayed to restore the program to a previous state. The file from the previous run is renamed to <application_name>_prev_run.CMD and can be replayed using the Play Commands option. Alternatively, command log files can be renamed as required with the suffix .CMD, and then replayed in future sessions. If a command file is renamed <application_name>.startup, or appended to the command line with the -play option, it is run automatically on startup.

Record 3D Position
This option writes commands containing details of the current 3D position of the object in the view. The 3D position may be recorded in this way at any time.

Add Pause Commands...

The Add Pause dialog allows you to write a Pause command into the current log file. You may enter a text message of your choice that is associated with the Pause command. When the command file is played back the Pause command interrupts execution of the program and displays a panel containing the text message. Three possibilities are then available: Continue Process all commands until the next Pause when another panel appears. Continue to End Process all commands until the end of the command file. If any further Pause commands are found, they do not generate a panel. Cancel Immediately stop all processing of the command file.


Reference Section 3D Viewer

Select this option to close the 3D Viewer window.

Edit Menu
The 3D Viewer has an editor for creating and editing objects such as boundaries (either generic or attached to particular NWM Cases) and well deviations. The Editor menu is divided into four sections: Options for creating or editing these objects. Modes such as digitizing new points or moving and deleting existing ones. Once an object is selected for editing, the relevant edit modes are enabled. Options that influence the action of the edit modes. For example, when digitizing or moving points the editor can move the points to lie on other objects included in the editor as Pick Items. These options only become active if the feature being edited and the current edit mode both support the options. Options that apply to all objects and edit modes. These options mainly serve to control the edit process.

Many of the edit modes and options are duplicated on a special toolbar that appears during editing. The first section consists of entries that are used to select the type of object to create or edit. NWM currently supports two types of objects: Boundaries and Well Deviations.

Boundaries are 2D polygons or rectangles that are used to define 3D volumes. This option displays an editing panel, which lists the currently defined boundaries and allows boundaries to be created, copied, edited or deleted. Boundaries may be added to a variety of groups that are listed in the Boundary list. Different groups are relevant to different Schlumberger applications and so the list varies from a single item (all boundaries are added to this group) to many groups representing structural models, structured grids, and unstructured grids. A boundary used for a specific kind of group, like structural models, must be in the structural model list. A boundary from one group may be copied into any other groups list.

Reference Section 3D Viewer


Figure 5.10 Edit Boundaries panel

Boundary list
The list of Boundary groups given by this list varies between applications. Some have just one entry and so all boundaries are added to this one list. Other applications may have various lists such as Structural Model Boundaries, Structured Gridder Boundaries, or Unstructured Grid Boundaries. Each list has its own set of boundaries. If any boundaries have been created for the chosen list, they are listed in the table below.

This opens the Create Boundary panel to allow you to create a new boundary. Boundary name This text box allows you to enter a name for the new boundary. Boundary type These radio buttons allow you to select the boundary type (polygon or rectangle). Projection plane These radio buttons allow you to set the orientation of the boundary. Selecting OK puts the 3D Viewer into Edit mode allowing nodes to be digitized, moved and deleted.

This opens the Copy Boundary panel to allow you to select an existing boundary as a template for the new boundary. Boundary name This text box allows you to enter a name for the new boundary.


Reference Section 3D Viewer

Boundary type These radio buttons allow you to choose the boundary type (polygon or rectangle). Projection plane These radio buttons allow you to set the orientation of the boundary.

Copy From
This opens the Select Boundary to Copy panel and allows you to select both the boundary list to copy from and the specific boundary to be copied.

This opens the Edit Boundary panel and allows you to edit a selected existing boundary. The options on this panel are the same as for Create, and Copy above. The 3D Viewer changes to Edit mode allowing nodes to be moved, deleted or added. See the section on Editor Toolbar Buttons for more information.

This option allows you to delete an existing boundary by highlighting it then clicking on Delete.

This option opens a file browser to allow you to import a boundary from a file.

This option opens a file browser to allow you to export a selected boundary to a specified file.

+ View
This option allows you to add a selected boundary to the 3D Viewer for viewing.

- View
This option allows you to remove a selected boundary from the 3D Viewer. Copying and editing a boundary are similar to creating one, except that you must first highlight the boundary to act on before choosing the Copy or Edit buttons. When the editor is enabled, the existing polygon or rectangle appears, ready for editing. It is not possible to change the plane in which the boundary is defined when copying or editing a boundary. It is, however, possible to change the viewing direction and convert polygons into rectangles and vice-versa. When digitizing boundaries for structural models or grids, four corners, or major points, are required. Major points are used to indicate corners and minor points are used for points on the segments between them. When it comes to gridding, the boundary is split into segments so that a boundary/boundary intersection occurs a each corner. This ensures that the corner point is honored exactly. Minor points along the boundary segments are not honored exactly. Import and Export read and write boundary information from and to ASCII files.

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Select this option to close the dialog.

Well Paths
The editor allows the paths of well paths to be edited. The Well Editor is launched from the NWM Well menus. When digitizing a well path from scratch the editor locks into top view and you can digitize the well path in 2D. You must then rotate the view or select a side view to define the wellbore depth by dragging points. The rules for controlling the third dimension of a points position are as follows: When the first point is digitized it must be done in top view; it is placed on a plane above the grid. The first point of a new lateral can be picked from the parent wellbore stem. When subsequent points are digitized they are placed at the same depth along the current line of sight as the currently selected point. So if you are in top view this means that points are placed at the same z-value as the currently selected point. When moving points their depth along the current line of sight is preserved. So again if in top view the z-value is preserved. Similarly if you are in a side view, x or y is preserved. Basically the point is constrained to lie on a plane orthogonal to the current viewing direction. When moving the connection point of a lateral it is constrained to lie on the parent well section. Moving points at arbitrary viewing angles can be confusing. Try sticking to top view or a side view using the toolbar buttons along the left side of the 3D Viewer.


As a further aid to editing points the option "Constrain Drag" on page 172 can be used to constrain movement. Here points are constrained to lie on the gray sheet through the original wellbore, and the sheet is updated as the wellbore is edited.

Edit Table
The Well Edit Table dialog allows you to define and edit the location individual well track points numerically, either as IJK cell indices or as XYZ 3D points. The first point of the well bore is treated specially. If it is a lateral it is the connection point with the parent wellbore. The measured depth of the first point can be edited; the depths of the remaining points are then calculated from this value and the track distance. The table rows define the remaining points entering either an IJK or XYZ value. To add rows: click on the + button at top right To delete rows: use Ctrl-D on your keyboard.

Cell Centered
Moves the currently selected point to the center of the containing grid block.

Trajectory Cells
Restricts the set of cells displayed to those around the wellbore.


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Edit Modes
The second section of the Editor menu consists of: Digitize, Select/Move, Delete and Set Major/Minor. These options determine the editing mode.

When an object is created, Digitize is the default mode. Points forming the object (or nodes) are created by clicking on the left mouse button.

Digitizing major and minor points

Digitized points can be major or minor. Major points are points with special significance. For example, when digitizing a structured grid boundary, major points are used to identify the four corners of the boundary. Similarly, when digitizing a fault polygon, major points identify the ends of upthrown and downthrown sections. (Minor points, marked by smaller squares, are digitized by simply clicking the left mouse button. Major points, marked by bigger squares, are digitized by holding down Shift while clicking on the left mouse button. It is not possible to commit an edit unless at least two major points exist in a polygon. Note When creating a polygon the first point digitized defaults to major, irrespective of the Shift key position.


When the creation of an object does not require any distinction between major and minor points (that is vertical fault traces, rectangular boundaries and so on) all digitized points are visualized as major, displayed as bigger squares.

Digitizing new points on an existing line or polygon

In order to digitize one or more new points on an existing line or polygon, you must first select a line segment to which the new points are to be added. This is done by clicking with the middle mouse button over the desired line segment. The selected segment is highlighted. Once a segment is highlighted, further picks with the left mouse button digitize new points. Each time a point is digitized, the display is updated to indicate the new active segment to which the next digitized point is added.

Digitizing new points at the end of an existing line or open polygon

To extend an already digitized open line (that is to add a point past either end of an open line) you must first select the end point to which new points are to be connected. This is done by clicking with the middle button beyond the end of the line. The selected point is highlighted. Once a point is highlighted, further picks with the left mouse button digitize new points. Each time a point is digitized, the display is updated to mark the new point as the active point to which the next digitized point is connected.

Z values of digitized points

If digitized points are added to an existing line or polygon, Z values for new points are determined as follows:

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If the line or polygon was imported with Z values set, Z values for new intermediate points are interpolated from the Z values of the selected line segment end points. Interpolation is not done between different sides of a fault polygon. Similarly, Z values for new end points are set to the Z value of the previous end point. If the line or polygon is a fault and has been associated with a map, Z values of new points are also computed from the map.

Z values of moved points

Z values of any moved points are left unchanged unless the line or polygon is a fault and has been associated with a map. In this case Z values of moved points are recomputed from the map when the edit is committed.

Deleting points while digitizing

The Backspace (or Delete key) deletes the currently selected point. This can be done in and out of Digitize mode. Note As the most recently digitized point is typically highlighted, successive digitized points can be deleted (undone) using Backspace or the Delete key.

When an edit session of a pre-existing object starts, this is the default mode. Nodes and segments of an object can be repositioned by selecting and dragging the nodes or segments with the mouse holding the left button down. Note By dragging with the middle mouse button held down and the Ctrl key pressed, the whole object being edited moves in a rigid translation.

When editing a rectangle, for example, the left mouse button selects either a corner of the rectangle or a side. By dragging the mouse with the left button held down, the corner or side can be moved. By dragging with the middle mouse button held down, the whole rectangle can be moved and repositioned.

When the editor is in this mode, you can delete points by clicking on them with the left mouse button. By holding down the Shift key as the mouse is clicked, all points between the last deleted point and the current point are deleted. When deleting points from a closed polygon, the choice of which points to delete when Shift is used is ambiguous. This is because points could be deleted in the clockwise or anti-clockwise directions. In this case, the section with the fewest points is deleted.


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The Delete key (or Backspace) can be used to delete the currently selected point.

Set Major/Minor
When this mode is active, points can be toggled between major and minor by clicking on them with the left mouse button. Minor points are marked by smaller squares. Major points are marked by bigger squares. Major points are points with special significance. It is not possible to commit an edit unless at least two major points exist in a polygon.

Boundary major and minor points

When digitizing a structured grid or structural framework boundary, major points are used to identify the four corners of the boundary.

Select Pick Items

When creating or editing objects in Digitize mode, it may be useful to include points from other objects in the new object. This can be done by selecting objects, known as pick items, which are added to the display as pick guides when digitizing. Pick guides appear as small dots (pick points), joined by white lines. Boundaries, Fault Traces, Control Lines and Contour Lines (that is elements of Contour Maps) can all be selected as pick items to create pick guides. The selection of objects to use as pick items is made from the cascade menu Select Pick Items. Several objects (and of different types) can be selected for an edit session. Note A pick guide is not fully updated in the current 3D Viewer session. If the object which formed the pick guide is edited, the pick guide still represents the original points of the pick item. Deselecting and reselecting the object as pick items updates the XY values of the pick guide. However, to correctly update the Z values of pick guides that represent items with edited Z values, you must shut down and restart the 3D Viewer.

Pick Points
This is an option that can be used when in digitize mode. When active (checked entry) any point digitized in the proximity of a point from a pickable object is snapped to that point.

Digitizing using multiple pick points

To insert consecutive points from a single pickable object, select the first pick point to be added with the left mouse button and then the last point with Shift held down. This adds all the selected pick points as minor points to the object being digitized.

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Shift selection of pick points cannot be done across different pickable objects. To add pick points from multiple pickable objects in a single operation, select or Shift select the desired pick points from one pickable object, then select the first desired pick point on the next pickable object, then Shift select the remaining desired pick points on the second pickable object (and so on).

Setting major points when using pick points

If Ctrl is held down, the selected pick point is added as a major point. If the Ctrl and Shift keys are held down, the last selected pick point is added as a major point.

Close Line
The option closes an open polygon. Alternatively, a polygon can be closed by doubleclicking when adding a point.

Constrain Drag
Constrains the movement of a point in drag mode to one of the three principle axes.

Edit On
Once you have enabled the editor, this option allows you to toggle between editing mode and normal 3D viewing.

This allows the polygon or rectangle currently being edited to be exported to an ASCII file. The Export Feature panel allows you to export the file in one of two formats:

Export XY
Opens a file browser that allows the file to be exported with only XY coordinates.

Export XYZ
Opens a file browser that allows the file to be exported with XYZ coordinates.

Clear Edit
This option removes all points from the current feature, including previously digitized and saved points.


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Reset Edit
This option resets the current feature to the state it was in before editing began. The default edit mode, Digitize, is reselected.

Cancel Edit
The current edit operation is cancelled, and the editor is disabled.

Commit Edit
The current edit operation is committed, and the editor is disabled.

Grid Properties...
Simulation Property Editor
This opens the Simulation Property Editor panel, which allows you to manipulate simulation properties. Simulation properties can be created, edited and deleted. It is also possible to run the Calculator from this panel and special variables are made available to the Calculator when it is run in this context. Note Property Types are placeholders for their individual properties and property versions. The idea is that many versions of the same property may exist and all be grouped under one Property Type umbrella. All properties (versions) must be associated with a Property Type, and the min and max values used to color these properties are taken from all properties associated with a Property Type.

Properties can be both Initial and Recurrent, that is they can exist with the same name to describe both the initial state and their changes through time. The family (Initial or Recurrent) of the property to be edited or created is ascertained from the expression to be evaluated, or assumed to be initial when running a Calculator script.

Create Property Type panel

This dialog provides options for creating new types of properties. Once created, these property types are available for the creation of new properties.

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Figure 5.11 Create Property Type panel


Property Types are placeholders for their individual properties and property versions. The idea is that many versions of the same property may exist and all be grouped in one Property Type. All properties (versions) must be associated with a Property Type, and the min and max values used to color these properties are taken from all properties associated with a Property Type.

Property type name This text box allows you to specify the name of the new property type. Select quantity This drop-down menu allows you to select what type of quantity a property type is (for example, area, length, etc.). The choice of quantity dictates which units are used with a property type. Integer or Real radio buttons Select Integer or Real to determine the type of the data to be associated with this property type. Info This text box allows additional information to be provided about the property type. Select families This is a multiple selection list that allows you to define which property families the created property type belongs to. Families are not currently used by this product so this field can be ignored.

Property to edit
The Property to edit section of the Simulation Property Editor panel holds the details of the property to which the changes are to be applied.


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Figure 5.12 Property to edit or create panel

Type This drop-down lists the property type of the property to be edited. Property types with existing property versions are first in the list and indicated by an asterisk. Version This drop-down holds the names of the property versions corresponding to the property type displayed in the Type drop-down. If no versions of the property type currently exist, (none) is displayed. Note that property versions read from the simulator output are not editable. This is to guard against the concept of altering simulator output values directly. To edit these properties first make a copy of the property and then edit the copy.

Property creation parameters

The Property creation parameters section of the Simulation Property Editor panel allows you to set the creation details for a property and is active when a new property is to be created. New properties take their data type (Integer or Real) from their Property Type; the Real and Integer radio buttons are not selectable and simply indicate the type of the currently selected Property Type.
Figure 5.13 Property creation parameters section

New property This box should be checked if a new property is to be created. The type of the property to be created is ascertained from the expression to be evaluated or assumed to be initial when running a Calculator script. Inactive cells This box should be checked if values for inactive cells are to be stored. LGRs This box should be checked if values for local grid refinements are to be stored.

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Edit scope
The Edit scope section of the Simulation Property Editor panel allows you to specify which cells the edit is to be applied to.
Figure 5.14 Edit scope section

All cells This radio button applies the edit to all the cells that exist for the property. 3D viewer selected cells This radio button applies the edit to the cells currently on display on the 3D Viewer.

Generate by
The Generate by section of the Simulation Property Editor panel defines the method to compute the property being edited. Four methods are available:
Figure 5.15 Generate by section

The Expression folder allows you to specify a constant or arithmetic expression with which to calculate the property. Two operand drop-down lists contain the names of all available Initial and Recurrent properties separated by an operator list. You may select a property or enter a constant value into either of these fields. The operator list contains available arithmetic operators plus two difference operators, T+1-T and T-T0 which operate only on the recurrent property specified by the first operand field. The second operand is only available when an arithmetic operator is selected. Expressions mixing Initial and Recurrent properties are allowed as is specifying a particular report step with which to operate. When you click on the Apply button, the expression is evaluated to discern the type (Initial or Recurrent) of property to be created and / or edited. If a new property is being created, a property of this type with this name must not already exist. Likewise, if an existing property is being edited, an editable property of the required type and name must already exist.


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The following criteria describe the type of property required for different expressions: Table 5.8 operand 1

Examples of operands and property types operator operand2

Initial Initial Initial Recurrent Initial Recurrent valid only at step 1 Recurrent valid at all SOIL steps Initial Recurrent valid only at step 1 Recurrent valid at all SOIL steps Recurrent valid only at step 1 Recurrent valid at all SOIL steps Recurrent valid only at step 1 Recurrent valid at all PRESSURE steps Recurrent valid at all common steps Recurrent valid only at step 2 Recurrent valid at nSOIL-1 steps Recurrent valid at all SOIL steps

Resultant property type


Property name qualifiers must be in brackets ( ). Valid qualifiers are integer values (depicting a particular report step), the letter I to force the use of the Initial version of a property or R to force the use of the Recurrent version.


In this table, * is used as an example and can be replaced by any arithmetic operator in the list. PORV and DX are used as example Initial properties and PRESSURE and SOIL as example Recurrent properties.


All expressions are transposable.

Advanced Expression
Use the Advanced Expression folder when you want to edit or create properties using a more complex single arithmetic expression than is provided for in the basic expression folder, yet without programming the calculator. The expression can include conditions, so different editing algorithms can be applied to different sectors of the model.

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When you click on this folder tab another panel appears: the Expression Builder. This is the panel in which you type and edit your expression. When you click on Apply on the Expression Builder, the expression is analyzed for correct syntax; if validated, the expression is passed through to this folder.
Figure 5.16 Expression Builder panel

This is the panel where the advanced expression is typed in or edited, and validated. Available properties Available operations These fields are provided for reference. They list all the properties and operators that are known and can be used in the expression. Enter expression here This window is where you type in your expression. As with a program, it can be spread over several lines. Comments can be inserted too. Load expression Save expression If a particular expression is likely to be used many times it can be saved to, and loaded from, a file.


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Default value This field allows you to enter a fixed value to be assigned to the output property for cells which do not meet any of the conditions in the expression. It is the same as using ELSE with a fixed value. Error value This field allows you to enter a fixed value to be assigned to the output property in cells where the expression could not be evaluated, perhaps because of errors in the property or your expression. An example of such a situation would be if the expression contained LOG ( PERMX ), and PERMX was 0.0 in a cell. Clicking Apply validates the expression. If valid the expression is passed on to the Simulation Property Editor, where it can be applied. Expression syntax Expressions may span as many lines as is necessary, and comment lines may be inserted anywhere in the text by including -- at the start of the line. There are several types of expression. These are: 1 Single-value arithmetic expression Standard engineering expressions that evaluate to a single value use the normal mathematical rules of operator precedence. These can be overridden using parentheses to bracket operations. Example: 0.314 * SQRT( PERMX / PORO ) The full list of operators that can be used in arithmetic expressions is given in the following table. Table 5.9 Arithmetic operators grouped by precedence, highest at top Operation name
sine cosine tangent arc-sine arc-cosine arc-tangent square root log to base 10 antilog to base 10 log to base e exponential absolute (positive) value integer value raise to power multiply divide

Operator symbol

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Table 5.9

Arithmetic operators grouped by precedence, highest at top Operation name

modulo plus minus

Operator symbol
% + -

Relative conditions Conditions are expressed by simply joining single-value expressions together using relational operators. In turn they can be joined using combinatorial operators to make complex conditions. Conditions cannot be used on their own they can only be used as part of a conditional expression. Example:

PORO > 0.25 AND (PERMX > 500 OR PERMY > 500)

The list of these operators is given in the following table. Table 5.10 Relative and combinatorial operators in order of precedence Operation name
Greater than Greater than or equal to Less than Less than or equal to Equal Not equal and or

Operator symbol
GT, > GE, >= LT, < LE, <= EQ, = NE, <>, != AND OR

Conditional expression A full conditional expression is written using a simple IF-THEN-ELSE (or ELSEIF) structure.


Because only single expressions are processed here, this means that any conditional expressions must begin with an IF.

The syntax for a conditional expression is: IF (relative condition 1) THEN value expression 1 ELSEIF (relative condition 2) THEN value expression 2 ELSE value expression 3 The ELSEIF and ELSE statements are optional. You can have as many ELSEIF statements as you like.


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Example: IF ( SQRT(PERMX/PORO) > 150 ) THEN 1 ELSEIF (PORO>0.2) THEN 2 ELSE 3 Properties You can use any Recurrent or Initial properties in the formulation of your expression, and each may appear in the expression as many times as you want. You cannot specify individual timesteps to be used for a Recurrent property. Because more than two properties may be used, the Initial/Recurrent status of the output property has been simplified from that in the simple expressions. If the expression you create uses only Initial properties (or numerical values) the resulting property is an Initial property too. If however you use any Recurrent properties in your expression the expression is evaluated at every timestep, and your resulting property is Recurrent. Calculator
Figure 5.17 Calculator folder

With this folder selected, you can enter (or select using the browser ) the location of a Calculator script in the Calculator file text entry field. The Calculator script is run within the context of the Simulation Property Editor; this panel allows a number of special variables to be made available for optional use within the Calculator script. These include many of the values set interactively on the Simulation Property Editor panel. For more details see the section on simulation property editing in the Calculator appendix. All calculator parameters including those set by this panel may be reset prior to execution of the calculator script by checking the Reset Calculator prior to execution check box.

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Run Diff.
Figure 5.18 Run Diff. folder

The Run Diff. folder allows you to compute properties that are the difference in a property between simulation runs. The Import File button presents you with a file browser with which to select an ECLIPSE INIT or Restart file to difference with. Properties common to the current model and the selected file are displayed in the Subtract... drop-down list. Select a property to be differenced from this list; the property read from the file is subtracted from the models property to create the new property given by the Property Type and Version fields. Note that importing a new file clears the previous file and its available properties. Boundary Interpolation
Figure 5.19 Boundary interpolation folder

Interpolates selected property and cells from current global boundaries (polygons). The Global Boundaries column shows any available boundaries, and the associated Values can be entered for all or some of them.


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Points Interpolation
Figure 5.20 Points Interpolation folder

Interpolates selected property and cells from points on current global boundaries (polygons). The Global Boundaries and Points columns will show any available boundaries, and their points, and the associated values can be entered for all or some of their points.
Figure 5.21 Control buttons

The Apply button applies the edits made on the panel.

The Delete button displays a question box asking if you are sure you wish to delete the selected property. If the property exists as both Initial and Recurrent you are given the option to delete one or the other or both. Deleting a property removes it from the application permanently.

The Close button closes the panel without applying any edit.

View menu
The View menu allows the view of the 3D model to be configured. Many of the options are duplicated on the vertical toolbar.

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Note All timesteps for all time varying objects in the view are listed. It is possible therefore for you to select a timestep for which there is no data for one of these objects. If this happens, you are warned and the objects closest previous timestep used.

Individual timesteps can be chosen to display from a list showing sequence number, timestep and date. Animation of the timesteps is controlled with buttons similar to those on a video recorder.
Figure 5.22 The Animate Time panel

The timesteps can also be chosen from the timestep buttons on the 3D Viewer s toolbar. The animation buttons let you single step forwards, single step backwards, stop the animation and play the animation from current step to the end. Additional buttons on the 3D Viewers toolbar let you snap directly to the first (rewind) or last (fast forward) timestep. On the Animate Time panel it is possible to select timesteps directly from the list, so the panel does not have the icons for first/last timesteps. The Circular Animation button sets the Play Mode to loop continuously. When Play is pressed and the last step is reached we return to the first step where the animation starts again. By default the loop is played 99 times before stopping automatically. This may be configured through the use of the MAX_CONTINUOUS entry in the config file.


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Figure 5.23 The timestep control buttons

First Timestep Previous Timestep Stop

Last Timestep Next Timestep Play

Select Options... to define the minimum and maximum timesteps, the timestep interval, and the delay between timesteps.
Figure 5.24 The Animate Time Options panel

Object Appearance...
This opens the Object Appearance panel, which contains a list of all objects that have been requested for display in the 3D Viewer. On this panel you can select which objects to view at any one time.
Figure 5.25 Object Appearance panel

This column displays the names of the objects that have been sent to the viewer.

The drop-down menus in this column allow you to either Hide or Show the object.

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Render mode
The drop-down menus in this column allow you to select how the objects are visualized in the viewer. The choices are dependent on the type of objects. Most objects have the following options: Lines - This shows the objects as a framework of lines. Surfaces - This shows the objects as solid surfaces. Cell outlines - This shows the objects with the cell outlines superimposed on the surfaces. Wells - This shows the wells without well labels. Wells and labels - This shows both the wells and the well labels.

Other objects have more specific options; for example, wells have the following:

Level of detail
The drop-down menus in this column allow you to specify the level of detail required in the viewer. If Level of Detail is not applicable for a given object, the entry only shows All.

The View | Normalize... menu item opens a dialog allowing various parameters for normalization to be entered.
Figure 5.26 Normalization panel

The first button Normalize View is a push-button and performs normalization (using the values of the other parameters) once only. AutoNormalize turns normalization on continuously. It can be useful when selecting individual slices of a model to ensure each slice fills the 3D Viewer. With this option turned on, the contents of the view are automatically scaled to fill the window. This happens every time the contents of the view changes. With this option off, no rescaling takes place when the view contents change. Note that rotation is always about the center of the screen.

This option toggles the perspective projection on and off.


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Set View
This option allows a choice from a list of six predefined viewpoints of the model. Hint The button colors correspond to the display colors of the axes.

This view is defined as the last view of the model defined by the mouse. The default is 30 degrees above the horizontal, 60 degrees to the left and with the model rotated 8 degrees around the Z axis.

A view from above the model in the negative Z direction.

A view from below the model in the positive Z direction.

A view of the model from the front or positive Y direction.

A view of the model from the back or negative Y direction.

A view of the model in the left or positive X direction.

A view of the model in the right or negative X direction.

Rubber Band Zoom

This option allows an area of the 3D Viewer to be "lassoed" with the mouse in order to zoom in on a particular area. When Rubber Band Zoom is invoked, the mouse cursor changes to a magnifying glass; you define the first corner of the zoom box by clicking and holding the mouse down, and then dragging the mouse to define the other corner. You can perform further rubber band zooms if you wish. To exit rubber band zoom mode, click on the toolbar button again or re-select the menu item Rubber Band Zoom. Each zoom is stored in a list, and it is possible to undo the zooms one at a time click on the second toolbar button, or select the Undo Rubber Band Zoom menu item or completely click on the third toolbar button, or select the Reset Rubber Band Zoom menu item. The Undo and Reset are available during a zoom, as well as when zoom mode has finished. When in Rubber Band Zoom mode some functions are disabled, such as Cell picking, Set View, Normalization, etc. However, rotation and translation are still possible.

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Object Rotation...
This panel allows the object to be rotated about the center of rotation in the 3D Viewer. Use the buttons in the single step box to rotate the object horizontally or vertically by the rotation angle you specify. Use the buttons in the animation box to rotate the object through 360 degrees, using the number of iterations you specify. Note When one or more slave viewer is active, only the models in one viewer can be set in continuous rotation (using the mouse) at any one time.

Object rotation is not the same as camera rotation performed with the camera rotation panel. Firstly, object rotation is always about the center of rotation/zoom and not the center of the object. Secondly, when an object is rotated it continues to be lit from the front.
Figure 5.27 Object Rotation panel

Turns directional lights on or off. Lighting the model with several lights "shining" from different directions produces highlights and shadows, creating a more realistic view and emphasizing topological features such as faults. Ambient lighting is always on. Caution The use of lighting can increase the time taken to display the model. This decrease in performance can be very significant when working with large models.

The Lighting panel controls the directional lights. The directional lights are arranged relative to the viewing position at Top Left, Top Right, Bottom Left and Bottom Right. Turning on for example the Bottom Right light illuminates the bottom and right hand sides of the model, which may help in viewing points of interest in tha area.


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The display becomes brighter as more lights are turned on.

Figure 5.28 Lighting panel

XYZ Exaggerate...
This option allows you to apply a scale factor to the X, Y, and Z (height) directions. Vertical exaggeration can be quickly applied to the model by clicking on the Vertical Stretch and Vertical Shrink buttons in the toolbar.

This option opens a dialog panel to give you extra control over the stereoscopic viewing parameters.

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Figure 5.29 Stereo Panel

Check the Stereo On box to turn stereo mode on. Various different stereo modes exist to suit the available hardware. To define the stereo mode, set the OIV_STEREO_TYPE environment variable to the appropriate mode. For Red/Green glasses: ANAGLYPH_RED_CYAN (default) ANAGLYPH_GREEN_MAGENTA ANAGLYPH_BLUE_YELLOW Each view is rendered using the given colors. For systems employing mirror glasses (that show one half of the screen to one eye and the other half to the other eye): HALF_SCREEN_OVERUNDER_FILL HALF_SCREEN_OVERUNDER HALF_SCREEN_SIDEBYSIDE_FILL HALF_SCREEN_SIDEBYSIDE For systems using light polarizing glasses. RAW uses OpenGL stereo and requires a graphics card that supports quad buffered stereo. INTERLACED_HORIZONTAL_BEST INTERLACED_VERTICAL_BEST INTERLACED_HORIZONTAL_FAST INTERLACED_VERTICAL_FAST RAW The Balance control determines how much an object appears to protrude in front of the screen, versus how much it appears behind the screen ("negative parallax"). At 1, the object should be behind the screen, and at 0 (the default) it should be in front of the screen. The slider provides a range from 0 to 2.


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The Separation Offset controls how strong the stereo effect is. As the value gets higher, the images appear farther apart. The default value is 1, and a value of 0 produces no stereo effect. The slider allows a range from 0 to 4. The stereo effect alternatively displays the left and right images. To view these it is necessary to use a system such as StereoGraphics CrystalEyes. This consists of glasses containing LCD shutters and an infra-red transmitter to synchronize the opening and closing of the individual lenses with the image.

Refresh View
If the image does not rotate when it should or the screen screen goes black, select View | Refresh View to update the image. This is to ovecome problems with some Graphics cards and their drivers. If problems continue please ensure the latest graphics drivers are installed on your machine. Note Note that this command has no effect if VIEW FROZEN has been selected.

Hardcopy Colors
There is no dialog panel associated with this option. This menu item switches colors between black and white for various objects, and is primarily intended for switching between screen colors and hard copy. If the menu option is selected (that is, hardcopy colors are requested), then the background color is set to white and the foreground color is set to black. If the option is not selected (or screen colors are selected) then the background color is set to black and the foreground color is set to white. The various objects changed are as follows: The background of the 3D window changes to the background color. Cell outlines change to the foreground color. Text used for Wells, Axes, Titles, Color Legend and 3D Text changes to the foreground color.

Flip X axis
This option reverses the X axis. It should only be used for non-ECLIPSE grids with a different origin.

Flip Y axis
This option reverses the Y axis. It should only be used for non-ECLIPSE grids with a different origin.

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NWM menu
NWM module
Opens the "NWM module" on page 83.

Displayed grid
Selects which grid is displayed in the Near Wellbore Viewer.

Displays the original full-field model grid, that is the grid of the NWM studys parent case. Its main use is for loading and visualizing simulation results from the parent fullfield model case. In order to save memory this grid is shared between all near wellbore studies parented from the same full-field model case.

Displays the near wellbore grid, that is the grid of the current near wellbore study case. This grid is basically the same as the full field model grid except that any near wellbore LGRs are added and any existing LGRs removed if necessary. This grid is used to hold results from any near wellbore simulations. In order to save memory the geometry of the global grid cells and existing LGR cells is shared with the full-field model grid. Only the geometry of the near wellbore LGRs is actually present in each near wellbore grid.

Displays the GeoGrid; see "GeoGrid" on page 83. It is only enabled if one has been imported.

Displayed cells
This menu lets you control which cells are displayed in the Near Wellbore Viewer.

All cells
Displays all cells and wells in the current grid.

VOI cells
Displays only the cells and wells within the current VOI.

LGR cells
Displays only LGR host cells within the current VOI. It is only enabled if an LGR gridding type has been selected. Note Note that by default the LGR host cell set is all cells within the VOI unless a boundary condition is enabled or the LGR host cell set has been edited.


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Clip wells to grid

Clips the display of wells to a plane a small distance above the top of the grid. This is useful when deviation surveys have been imported which extend back to the surface.

View trajectories
Changes the display of the wells in the viewer from the deviation to the trajectory.

View connections
Calculates the WELLCONN property for all wells and displays the property in the 3D viewer. Hint The WELLCONN property displays the cells to which a well is connected.

Well plane section edit

This option can be used during well editing in order to constrain the 3D movement of points. It opens a panel, which allows the orientation of the plane sheet to be controlled. When the panel is open the plane section is shown in the view as a gray sheet. This gray sheet can be used during well editing to constrain 3D movement. When the panel is closed the gray sheet is removed from the view and the editing reverts back to the default unconstrained behavior.

Scene menu
These options apply only to the grid selected in Set Active Grid.

This panel is used to select the simulation property to color the cells of the active grid. Only Initial or Recurrent properties are shown in the list at a time. If both property types are available, selection may be toggled from one to the other by use of the radio buttons.

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Figure 5.30 Property Display panel

If water, oil and gas saturations are available, a Ternary property is created. This property exist at all timesteps where the three saturations are available. The Ternary property is found in the list of Recurrent properties and is available for display just like any other property.

Cell Probe
The Cell Probe allows you to investigate a cells properties. The cell is selected by clicking on it in the 3D Viewer with the left mouse button. If the Paint Cell option is on, the cell is painted white. By default the I, J, K location of the cell, and the grid it belongs to, are reported. To examine the cells property values select a property from the All Properties list and transfer it to the Probe Properties by either double-clicking on the property or by selecting the property and clicking on the button. The property name and the corresponding cell value are then shown in the Cell Properties box. More properties may be selected in the same way. To remove a property from the Probe Properties either double-click on the property name in the list or select it and click on the button.


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Figure 5.31 Cell Probe panel

The cell values update as you animate the simulation through time. Also note that the probe can be used in sweep mode by holding the left mouse button down and moving the pointer over the grid. The effect is to get a continuous trail of property values for the cells that have been swept by the mouse cursor. The Cell Geometry option displays the coordinates of the corners and the center of the currently selected cell. The nodes are listed in an anti-clockwise direction, top face first followed by the bottom face. For Cartesian cells we list from the top back left node, for radials from the min. r - min. theta node. The Always On Top option can be used to prevent the cell probe panel from being hidden by the 3D Viewer if the two windows are overlapping. The Print button prints the contents of the text window to your default printer.

Property values on the simulation model can be queried at any time by picking on a cell with the probe. Its current property value and IJK location are displayed on the status bar at the bottom of the 3D Viewer. Threshold
The Threshold panel allows you to limit the cells displayed to those that have a property value inside a given range. You can threshold on multiple properties, so that the cells displayed are those whose property values are within the intersection of the supplied ranges. As you animate through time different cells fall into and outside of this property range so giving a visual indication of fluid flow.

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Figure 5.32 Threshold Properties

The list of properties featured in the All Properties list can be toggled between the Initial and Recurrent property list by the buttons at the top of the panel. Select properties for thresholding from the All Properties list either by double-clicking on them, or by single-clicking them and then clicking on the button. Selected properties are then listed in the Active Properties list. The currently selected propertys details is listed on the folder below. The layout of the folder differs for integer and real properties - the integer thresholding folder allows multiple discrete ranges to be selected whereas the real threshold folder allows just one floating point range to be set per property. Selecting a property from the Active Properties list displays that propertys details on the folder below. Properties may be removed from the Active Properties list (and have their threshold range reset) either by double-clicking on it or by single-clicking it and clicking on the button.

The following two sections describe the different interfaces presented for integer and real properties.

Integer properties
The Integer properties interface is as follows:
Figure 5.33 Integer Threshold panel


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Select values The Select Values list allows multiple selection of integer values to be included in the threshold range. The selected ranges are listed in the Edit Selection field below. This text list may be edited directly. To select more than one individual integer from the list, press the Ctrl key while selecting values with the mouse button; to select a continuous range select the first in range with the mouse, scroll to the last in range and press the Shift button while selecting it with the mouse. Move selection This increments or decrements all selected values by the given amount. Selected values wrap from the end of the list to the beginning and vice-versa. Edit Selection The complete selection is shown in this field. You can also edit it here. Disable When selected, this temporarily disables the selected propertys threshold range. Reset Resets the selected properties threshold ranges.

Real properties
The Real Properties panel is as follows:
Figure 5.34 Real Threshold panel

Threshold range Allows selection of a min. and max value that delimit the property values. Only cells with property values within these limits are displayed. Move range Allows the min. and max range values to be incremented or decremented by the given amount. The buttons are only available when there is sufficient range to move the range values without ending up outside of the property min. and max values. Disable When selected, temporarily disables the selected propertys threshold range.

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Reset Resets the selected properties threshold ranges. The Control buttons act on all the properties in the panel:
Figure 5.35 Control buttons

Disable all Disables all active threshold ranges. Enable all Enables all active threshold ranges. Reset all Resets all active threshold ranges. Apply Applies all changes made to the panel. Not available if AutoApply is on. If AutoApply is on, then changes to the panel take place immediately; if AutoApply is off, then changes made in the panel do not happen until Apply is chosen. When AutoApply is on, the Apply button is disabled (grayed out). The status of AutoApply can be altered from the drop-down menu accessible with the right mouse button; releasing the button over the AutoApply option changes the state of AutoApply. Close Closes this panel. You are asked whether you wish to Apply any unapplied changes. Help Opens the on-line help pages.

IJK Slice
Note This option applies only to the grid selected in Set Active Grid.

The IJK Slicer panel allows you to view restricted slices or blocks of the grid based on the grids IJK structure. Structured grids have a single global domain and domains for each LGR created. LGRs can be sliced independently of the global cells.


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Unstructured grids are made up from several domains around features like wells, faults and boundaries. Each of these domains has its own IJK structure and can be sliced independently. There is also a top level, or global domain that does not have an explicit IJK structure. It is an internally constructed, virtual IJK grid that can be used to view the unstructured grid in a more conventional manner. The Global domain is sliced by default. To slice a particular domain, either select it from the Select Domain drop-down list box or simply pick on the domain in the 3D Viewer with the left mouse button. This automatically selects the chosen grid for slicing. Existing slicings of other domains are remembered.
Figure 5.36 IJK Slicer panel


When slicing sub-domains, it may be useful to display only the cells in that particular sub-domain. Use Grid | Volume of Interest | Domains to limit the domains viewed.

The effects of slicing are cumulative in that the global domain and any or all subdomains can be sliced at the same time. The union of the slices is displayed. The buttons Reset Domain and Reset All Domains can be used to cancel slicing if it is not desired.

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The rest of the IJK Slice panel provides three folders for controlling the slicing. The IJ Slicing folder allows a selection of rows and columns to be displayed. These rows can be combined with a selection of K layers set in the K Slicing folder. The Honor IJ Slicing check-box on the K Slice folder toggles the combination between union and intersection with the IJ slices. The IJK Extents folder allows the range of I,J and K cells displayed to be restricted to a smaller block. Several numbers in a row can be chosen by highlighting the first value then holding the Shift key and highlighting the last value. All numbers in between are highlighted. Multiple IJK numbers can be chosen by pressing the Ctrl key while selecting the appropriate numbers - using the Ctrl key on an already selected row deselects it. The full combination of selected rows is shown in the horizontal box in a short-hand form such as 1-7,13,15-20. This box can be edited. Use Every Nth to choose regularly spaced row or layer numbers. If AutoApply is on, then changes take place immediately; if AutoApply is off then changes made in the panel do not happen until you click on Apply. When AutoApply is on, the Apply button is disabled (grayed out). The status of AutoApply can be altered from the drop-down menu accessible with the right mouse button - releasing the button over the AutoApply option changes the state of AutoApply. The drop-down menu only changes the status of AutoApply on the currently selected folder, so each folder can be set as required.

Volume of Interest
Note This option applies only to the grid selected in Set Active Grid.

Grid Cells... This option restricts the volume of the displayed model. Only cells in the new restricted range will be available to the IJK Slicer. Volume of Interest may only be set on the global grid. Changes made to the Volume of Interest panel are applied automatically. The AutoApply option can be toggled off by pressing the right mouse button anywhere in the window and clicking on AutoApply is On.


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Figure 5.37 VOI Grid Cells panel

Domain Selection... A domain is a named group of cells within the grid. Structured grids have a global domain and a sub-domain for any available LGRs. In unstructured grids, reservoir features such as wells, faults and regions are grouped into individual domains. Each domain has an independent IJK numbering system. (This collection of IJK numbers is mapped to a single, regular IJK grid for ECLIPSE internally by the unstructured gridder.) There is also an unstructured global domain that does not have an explicit IJK structure. It is a virtual IJK grid created by the unstructured gridder that allows the model to be displayed and sliced in a more conventional manner. From the Domain Selection window one or more domains can be chosen for display. Choices made in Domain Selection are not applied until Apply is chosen. The AutoApply option can be toggled on by pressing the right mouse button anywhere in the window and clicking on AutoApply is Off.

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Figure 5.38 VOI Domain Selection panel

Boundaries... Boundaries are used to define areal limits for structural models and grids. They can also be used to assign properties and aquifers to particular sections of the grid. Boundaries can be created in Edit | Boundaries. Boundary boxes may be displayed or removed from the viewer in Edit | Boundaries. The window Create VOI From Boundary allows you to select cells inside or outside of a boundary for display.
Figure 5.39 Create VOI From Boundary panel

The Union and Intersection buttons display the union or intersection respectively of the cells defined by the boundary with the cells currently selected in the 3D Viewer. When assigning properties or creating aquifers in the 3D Viewer, this option offers a method to define which cells are used for assigning the new property or aquifer.


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Iso Cell Selection

An Iso Cell Selection is a collection of cells through which a surface of constant value (isovalue) passes. This may be useful for investigating property distribution and the movement of fronts through time. Being a collection of cells, they can be used to create new properties through use of the 3D viewer selected cells option on the Simulation Property Editor panel. This feature differs from Property Thresholding by the way in which cells are selected. Property Thresholding selects all cells whose property value is between two values. With Iso Cell selection, the cell based property values are interpolated on to shared cell faces and nodes. In this way, a property range is computed for each cell. Cells whose range encompasses the given isovalue are selected.

Create Iso Cell Selection Panel

This panel is launched from the Iso Cell Selection panel using the Create Iso-Cell Selection button. Select Values from Cell Pick When selected, the panel is updated with the property and value of the next picked cell. Click Apply to generate the iso cell selection. IsoCells Selection The text typein represents the name that will be given to the next created iso cell selection. You can change this if you wish. Initial or Recurrent These buttons toggle the property list between the Initial and Recurrent list. IsoValue This slider represents the range of values for the selected property. The selected value will be used as the IsoValue in the generation of the iso cell selected cells. Apply Applies all changes made to the panel. Not available if AutoApply is on (see below). Close Closes this panel. You are asked whether you wish to Apply any unapplied changes. Help Opens the on-line help pages. Note If AutoApply is on, then changes to the panel take place immediately; if AutoApply is off, then changes made in the panel do not happen until Apply is chosen. When AutoApply is on, the Apply button is disabled (grayed out).

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The status of AutoApply can be altered from the drop-down menu accessible with the right mouse button: releasing the button over the AutoApply option changes the state of AutoApply.

Other functions on the main IsoCell Selection panel are: Edit IsoCell Selection Allows the isovalue of the selected isocell to be edited. The property name and its units (if any) are also displayed. Existing IsoCell Selections Lists any existing isocell selections. If highlighted the selection may be edited, deleted, or included or removed from the view. Union / Intersection These buttons toggle the way in which the isocells interact with other cell selections in the display. Individual isocell selections always union with each other. Delete All Deletes all isocell selections. Delete Deletes the selected isocell selection. Enable The default. The selected isocell selection is included in the 3D Viewer. The display status of each selection is appended to its description in the list above. Disable The selected isocell selection is removed from the 3D Viewer. If it is the only cell selection, the display reverts to displaying all cells. The display status of each selection is appended to its description in the list above. Apply Applies all changes made to the panel. Not available if AutoApply is on. Close Closes this panel. You are asked whether you wish to Apply changes not yet applied. Help Opens the on-line help pages. Note If AutoApply is on, then changes to the panel take place immediately; if AutoApply is off, then any changes made in the panel do not happen until Apply is chosen. When AutoApply is on, the Apply button is disabled (grayed out).


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The status of AutoApply can be altered from the drop-down menu accessible with the right mouse button: releasing the button over the AutoApply option changes the state of AutoApply.

Plane Slicer...
The Plane Slicer allows you to digitize a line or select a predefined line (such as a well trajectory) to define a cutting poly-plane for cell selection. The plane may be oriented in both the horizontal and vertical axes for greater flexibility. The plane is extended in each direction to cover the whole model extents. The plane may be used to select all cells whose center is above (to one side of) the plane or all cells that straddle the plane. Note When the Straddle option is selected, the Show Slice option colors the slice plane by the cells it cuts. To see this slice, turn off the display of the grid cells with the and buttons.

Plane Lists Collections of lines. The Digitized collection is always available and is the collection to which all digitized lines are added. Other collections may contain lines defined by existing grid objects such as wells and faults. Digitize Plane This button sets the 3D Viewer into digitizing mode. If the edit was successful, the 3D Viewer returns to normal view and the lines name appears in the list of planes. The plane is displayed as a translucent grey poly-plane following your digitized line. An additional plane segment is appended to each end to ensure that the whole model extents are covered. Plane Name The type in next to the Digitize Plane box defines the default name that is given to the digitized plane. You may give a plane any name providing it is unique. Edit Plane Puts the 3D Viewer into digitizing mode and allows the currently selected planes line to be edited. See the Editor Toolbar Buttons section for more information on toolbar buttons and digitizing options. Delete Plane Deletes currently selected plane. Delete All Deletes all planes in the collection.

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Plane List Lists all planes in the selected collection. Select a plane from the list to make it the active plane. Above All cells whose center lies to one side of the plane are selected. Rotates plane through 180 degrees to select cells on the opposite side. Straddle Selects all cells that have at least one node on either side of the plane. Show Slice Only available with the Straddle option, the Show Slice option displays the cut cells on the plane. Turn off cell display and the digitized plane to see the slice plane clearly. Note that the slice plane is unavailable within unstructured domains. Angle of Plane Extensions This rotates the plane extensions about their join with the digitized plane. This allows you to customize the bisection of the grid as required. Angle from Vertical Change the angle used to define the plane in the vertical (in degrees). This angle is measured to the two plane extensions as they are the only two segments that are guaranteed to be parallel and can be freely adjusted. See Angle of Plane Extensions above. Show Plane Toggles the display of the plane. Reset Selection Undo the affects of applying the plane. Apply Applies all changes made to the panel. Not available if AutoApply is on (see below). Close Closes this panel. You are asked whether you wish to Apply any changes not applied. Help Opens the on-line help pages. Note If AutoApply is on, then changes to the panel take place immediately; if AutoApply is off, then any changes made in the panel do not happen until Apply is chosen. When AutoApply is on, the Apply button is disabled (grayed out).


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The status of AutoApply can be altered from the drop-down menu accessible with the right mouse button: releasing the button over the AutoApply option changes the state of AutoApply.

This panel allows the reservoir cells to be artificially thickened or the whole reservoir to be flattened. Cells of very thin reservoirs may be artificially thickened to make the cells more visible, and steeply dipping reservoirs may be flattened to facilitate property distribution visualization. The Thickening Factor varies the amount of cell thickening applied. Note Note that artificially thickening or flattening the reservoir changes the perceived orientation of features such as Oil-Water and Gas-Oil cuts as well as distorting perceived gravity effects.


Boundaries created in the XZ or YZ plane do not behave as expected with thickening or flattening as the boundaries themselves are not affected by the distortion.

This distortion also renders the axes values useless and so the axes ticks and bounding box are disabled when Grid Thickening is in use. The process of thickening relies on sampling points from a top surface. This sampling can give incorrect results on and around discontinuities (faults) and may show up as spikes or troughs around the faults. The sampling can also be quite slow, particularly with unstructured (PEBI) grids. The thickening process works by stretching the reservoir in

dz using the function

z = z Surf + ( z z Surf ) where is the thickening factor. Flattening normalizes the top layer of the reservoir to an xy datum plane defined at top reservoir depth.
If AutoApply is on, then changes take place immediately; if AutoApply is off then changes made in the panel do not happen until Apply is chosen. When AutoApply is on, the Apply button is disabled (grayed out). The status of AutoApply can be altered from the drop-down menu accessible with the right mouse button: releasing the button over the AutoApply option changes the state of AutoApply.

Cells This option allows the display of the cells to be toggled.

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Outlines This option allows the display of the cell outlines to be toggled. Along with the Cells option this enables four different display modes, from cells with outlines (good for checking geometry), to no cells or outlines for viewing the wells. Note These buttons affect all grids in the display, not just the currently active one. Use the Object Appearance panel to set the visual characteristics of individual grids.

Faces... This option opens the Cell Face Selection panel, which gives you control over which faces of the cells are displayed and which are not displayed. This is useful for visualizing the grid, with the wells in situ at the same time, gaining insight into the fluid flow through the interior, and viewing the exterior of the model.
Figure 5.40 The Cell Face Selection panel

You can turn the I, J and K + and - faces on or off using the check boxes. The Clear button removes all selections and the Reset button selects all faces. Note that with all six faces selected, the model behaves as it does by default, by only displaying the external faces of the model (since the interior faces are no longer visible).



Note that displaying many faces at once dramatically increases the number of polygons to be displayed, and will therefore have a marked effect on the speed of your display. It is unwise to display back-to-back faces at the same time.

Cell face selection can of course be used in conjunction with any other display option, but is particularly effective when used with IJK slicing.


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Inactive cells By default, inactive cells are only shown if the displayed property has data for active cells. This option allows you to show the inactive cells even if the displayed property has no data for them. The inactive cells are colored according to the color set using the Scene | Grid | Inactive Cell Color... menu option. Displaying inactive cells can be useful for highlighting shale breaks, pinch-outs or just generally checking the grid quality. Display Shale Breaks This option turns off the display of cell faces adjacent to inactive layers. Take for example a shale break that is represented by a layer of impermeable cells. Assuming these cells are inactive, they are not displayed with the majority of simulation properties. This means that your model may be full of thin layers that are not displayed; each layer will have cell faces above and below it, the faces of the active cells above and below. If these layers are very thin, these faces are unnecessary to the point of being invisible when internal to the model. By turning off Shale Breaks, you turn off the display of these potentially invisible faces. This reduces the amount of geometry to be displayed and so can dramatically speed up interaction with the model. Note Where these inactive layers meet the exterior of the model, you may see holes through which you can see inside the reservoir.

Inactive cell color...

This option displays a color selector dialog for selecting the color to use when coloring the inactive cells.

The Grid Transparency panel allows you to change the opacity of the displayed grid so that you can see the wells in position. A value of 1.0 makes the grid fully transparent, a value of 0.0 fully opaque.

Set Active Grid...

This option allows the selection of an active grid from all of the grids currently on display in the 3D Viewer. This includes grids that are hidden by the Appearance panel. All Grid menu panels only affect the currently active grid. The option is grayed out until two or more grids are available for viewing.

The Wells panel allows you to modify the appearance of the wells. The height of the well stem and the well width may be changed using the Height and Width sliders. The Display radio buttons toggle what is displayed between no wells, just the wells, and the wells and their labels.

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Figure 5.41 Wells panel

The Connections check-box toggles the display of the simulation to well connections. These are represented by spheres at the center of cells that the well is connected to and may be green (open) or red (closed) depending on their current status. The Status check-box toggles the display of the wells status. This is represented by an icon that appears at the top of the well stem. The icon is either: 1 2 An upwards pointing cone indicating the well is currently producing. The cone is colored purple. A downwards pointing cone indicating the well is currently being used as an injector. The cone is colored according to the colors associated with the saturations by the TERNARY_LEGEND ORDER config file entry (by default red for gas, green for oil, blue for water). Two opposing cones indicate that the well is closed. A flat gray disk indicates the well is shut in.

3 4

The Show All Wells check-box toggles between displaying all wells and just those connected to the currently displayed cells. The Level Of Detail radio buttons allow selection of low, medium or high resolution. The higher the level of detail the better the wells look, but they take longer to draw. Note Changes in the Display state of the wells is reflected on the Object Appearance panel.

The Connections check-box toggles the display of the simulation to well connections. These are represented by spheres at the centers of cells that the well is connected to and may be green (open) or red (closed) depending on their current status.


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Unless the ECLIPSE keyword COMPORD was set to INPUT, ECLIPSE computes the order in which the connections occur along the well bore. This can generate strange results culminating in the zigzagging of the wells in the 3D Viewer. If this occurs, either rerun the simulation with COMPORD set to INPUT or set the CONFIG option USE_ECLIPSE_CONNECTION_ORDERING (SECTION 3D, SUBSECT WELLS) to FALSE.

The Status check-box toggles the display of the wells status. This is represented by an icon that appears at the top of the well stem. The icon is either: 1 2 An upwards pointing cone indicating the well is currently producing. The cone is colored purple. A downwards pointing cone indicating the well is currently being used as an injector. The cone is colored according to the colors associated with the saturations by the TERNARY_LEGEND ORDER config file entry (by default red for gas, green for oil, blue for water). Two opposing cones indicate that the well is closed. A flat gray disk indicates the well is shut in.

3 4

Color legend
Show Color Legend
This option toggles the color legend on or off.

Color Legend Editor...

The Color Legend Editor allows you to edit the position and size of the legend and also allows access to the individual property Color Map Editors. These allow editing of the colors, markers and method used to generate the colormap and are discussed in detail later. Horizontal Position Slider moves the color legend horizontally across the screen. Vertical Position Slider moves the color legend vertically across the screen. Ternary Legend Size Sets the size of the Ternary property legend. Length of legend Sets the length of the color legend on the screen. The Color Map to Edit list allows selection of the property type color map to be edited. Simply select the property type and then click on Edit...

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Click on the Color Legend in the 3D Viewer to display a pop-up menu. Select Edit to open the current Property Types color map editor.

You are presented with one of the following editors depending on the property data type:

Integer color map editor

The Integer Color Map Editor provides controls for editing the color map used for a particular integer property type. The color map may be continuous or discrete. Min./Max. Override Normally the minimum and maximum values for a property type are calculated over all objects in the view and all timesteps containing the property. The Min./max. Override allows these values to be changed. If the minimum and/or maximum values are set inside the calculated values, then a light gray color is used for the underflows (values less than the min. value set) and a dark gray color is used for the overflows (values greater than the max. value set). Overriding the Min./Max can be useful for: 1 2 3 Highlighting small property variations by reducing the coloration range to values close to the variations. Pinpointing data anomalies by reducing coloration range to show cells that are outside the normal range for that property. Identifying groups of cells that fall inside or outside a particular range of interest, especially whilst animating that property through time.

Continuous Colormap A continuous color map is shown as a smooth gradation of colors from the start to the end. The Edit Color...button may be used to change the color for the start and/or end and the interpolation method used to change the way the gradation occurs. RGB interpolation works by providing a smooth gradation between the red, green and blue components of the Start and End colors. RGB interpolation is useful for providing color maps from light to dark blue etc. HSV interpolation works by providing a smooth gradation between the hue, saturation and value components of the Start and End colors. HSV interpolation is useful for providing rainbow color maps. Discrete Colormap Discrete color maps may have from 2 to 16 steps. If the integer property has 16 or fewer values, the default color map is discrete. The number of steps may be altered. If there are fewer steps than values, then several values will be shown together. For example, if JINDEX ranges from 1 to 20 and four steps are chosen, then the steps contain values of 1-5, 6-10, 11-15, and 16-20 respectively. The color and bounds of each step may be altered. Clicking on the Edit Color... button will bring up a new panel with 48 predefined colors that may be used to change the color of the selected step. The bounds may be altered using the Lower Bound and Upper Bound sliders, and these automatically change the adjacent step.


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Classifier Colormap Classifier color maps allow coloring of the property by user defined classifications. You add new classification rows to the table by clicking the Add Row button. You may then name the classification, set the min and max range and select an associated color from the drop down list. The Delete Row button removes the currently selected row from the table.

Real Color Map Editor

The Color Map Editor provides controls for editing the color map used for a particular floating point property type. The color map may be continuous, discrete, logarithmic or reverse logarithmic. Min./Max. Override Normally the minimum and maximum values for a property type are calculated over all objects in the view and all timesteps containing the property. The Min./Max. Override allows these values to be changed. If the minimum and/or maximum values are set inside the calculated values, then a light gray color are used for the underflows (values less than the minimum value set) and a dark gray color are used for the overflows (values greater than the maximum value set). Overriding the Min./Max can be useful for: 1 2 3 Highlighting small property variations by reducing the coloration range to values close to the variations Pinpointing data anomalies by reducing coloration range to show cells that are outside the normal range for that property Identifying groups of cells that fall inside or outside a particular range of interest, especially whilst animating that property through time.

Continuous Colormap A continuous color map is shown as a smooth graduation of colors from the start to the end. The Edit Color... button may be used to change the color for the Start and/or End, and the interpolation method used to change the way the gradation occurs. RGB interpolation works by providing a smooth graduation between the red, green and blue components of the start and end colors. RGB interpolation is useful for providing color maps from light to dark blue, etc. HSV interpolation works by providing a smooth graduation between the hue, saturation and value components of the start and end colors. HSV interpolation is useful for providing rainbow color maps. Discrete Colormap Discrete color maps may have from 2 to 16 steps. The number of steps, the color and the bounds of each step may be altered. Clicking on the Edit Color... button opens a new panel with 48 predefined colors that may be used to change the color of the selected step. The bounds may be altered using the Lower Bound and Upper Bound sliders, and these automatically change the adjacent step.

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Logarithmic Colormap Selecting this option creates a discrete log10 color map with boundaries at decades. The decades will overlap the property range at either end. If a property contains values <1e-5 they will be colored grey. The number of steps will correspond to the number of decades the property range encompasses and is fixed as are the step bounds. The color associated with each step may be altered by clicking on the Edit Color... button as for the Discrete color map above. Classifier Colormap Classifier color maps allow coloring of the property by user defined classifications. You add new classification rows to the table by clicking the Add Row button. You may then name the classification, set the min and max range and select an associated color from the drop down list. The Delete Row button removes the currently selected row from the table.

Ternary Color Map Editor

The Ternary Color Map Editor presents you with the three components and their Min./Max. values that will be used to generate the Ternary diagram. Ternary cell colors are derived by applying amounts of red, green and blue coloration according to the percentage of each component within the cell. The first component (usually GasSat) is red, the second (usually OilSat) is green and the third (usually WaterSat) is blue. By default we override the components real Min./Max. and assume that each component occupies 0 - 100% of a cell somewhere in the model, in other words that their Min./Max. saturations are 0 to 1. This gives a balanced view of the percentage of each component within each cell, but can make it hard to see small amounts of gas in the reservoir, for example. The Override switch can therefore be used to toggle between this and using the Min./Max. of the individual components.

Object for Color Legend...

You may import many displayable objects into the 3D Viewer at once, several of which may have color legends associated with them. This option allows you to select which objects color legend to display. Hint Click with the left mouse button on the Color Legend to display a pop up menu. This menu lists all colorable objects in the display and allows you to select the object the color legend represents.

Font Options
The Font Options panel is a generic panel used to tailor font representations for a variety of text styles within the 3D Viewer.

Font family
Provides a list of fonts to choose from. The fonts available depend on the host computers operating system.


Reference Section 3D Viewer

Allows the font height to be set in pixels. The sizes available depend on the host computers operating system.

This panel displays information about objects currently in the 3D Viewer in three folders:

This panel displays statistical information about the currently displayed property. Information from the sum of the selected cells to the mean, median and standard deviation are given. All data is for the current report step only. Note Use the Scene | Grid | Property... menu option to change the displayed property.


Information can be shown for the whole model or just for the currently selected cells by selecting either the Whole Model or the Current Selection buttons.

This panel displays information about the numbers of selected grid cells. Note With Whole Model selected the information displayed includes the global, LGR and LGR host cells.


With Current Selection selected you can identify inactive cells by turning on the Scene | Grid | Show | Inactive Cells option. The information then lists the number of cells displayed (inactive + active) and the number of these that are active.

Show Titles
This option toggles the titles on or off.

Edit Titles...
This option allows you to add titles and annotation to your 3D view. You may add as many titles as you like by using the Add Title button. The currently selected title may also be removed by pressing the Delete Title button.

Reference Section 3D Viewer


The position, size and alignment to start position for the currently selected title may be changed using the Position, Font and Align Text to Position sections respectively. The position sliders have extents of -1.0 to 1.0. Fonts and text heights may be machinedependent. The Contents section displays the selected title text. The contents of the title may be edited by simply typing into the text box. The drop-down list holds keywords that are translated on screen to the value they represent. Select an entry point in the title text with the cursor and select a keyword to add it to the title. Titles may be defined in advance within the config file. See the section on configuring the application for more details.
Figure 5.42 Edit Titles panel

If AutoApply is on, then changes take place immediately; if AutoApply is off then changes made in the panel do not happen until Apply is chosen. When AutoApply is on, the Apply button is disabled (grayed out). The status of AutoApply can be altered from the drop-down menu accessible with the right mouse button: release the button over the AutoApply option to change the state of AutoApply.

The Axes panel allows you to configure the display of model axes in the 3D Viewer.


Reference Section 3D Viewer

The axes displayed around the model have their origin at (0,0,0) in the grid model coordinate system. You can set the axes to be colored and labeled using the Axes check boxes. The axes colors directly correspond to the colors on the View buttons found on the left side of the 3D Viewer, namely red for the X axis, green for the Y axis and blue for the Z axis. A full model Bounding Box can be turned on, which fully contains the grid and axes.
Figure 5.43 Axes panel

The axes locations can be set to the Bounding Box limits with the Position radio buttons. The Axes Extents option allows you to toggle the axes extents between that of the current selection and the whole model. The axes update as the selected extent changes, for example by changing threshold or slicer values. Tick Marks and Tick Labels can be placed on the axes using the check boxes and tick mark folders. Primary and Secondary Tick Marks can be set at defined intervals on each axis from drop-down menus. Tick Labels can be displayed at regular intervals along the Primary Tick Marks, set with the Label Every: drop-down menu. Control of the number of decimal places, and whether to use scientific notation, is also possible. The Primary Tick Marks can be extended to cover the full extent of the model by selecting the Grid Lines box. Grid line color can be changed with the Grid Color... option. The Grid and Primary Tick Marks positions are affected by the Position radio buttons.

Reference Section 3D Viewer


The Axes settings can be applied to the model view automatically. This can be set by clicking anywhere within the Axes panel area with the right mouse button, then releasing the mouse button on the AutoApply is Off button. The Apply button is then grayed out and any edits in the Axes panel are immediately reflected in the model view. To turn the automatic axes settings off, click in the Axes panel area with the right mouse button then release the mouse button on the AutoApply is On button. Axes AutoApply options can be preset on or off at program startup by editing the 3D section of the CONFIG.ECL configuration file, or its local copies ECL.CFG or ECL.CFA.

Preferences menu
This option shows or hides the toolbars.

Graphics options
There is a choice between two renderers: The hardware renderer uses the workstation platforms native graphics libraries and hardware to draw objects on the screen. The software renderer implements its own graphics model, drawing objects into an X Window System image.

In general, the hardware renderer is faster. However, the native graphics facilities on many workstations do not support all rendering features. If the hardware renderer does not support a rendering feature such as lights, switch to Software Renderer. The software render may be slower to draw, but it implements more rendering features than all but the most expensive color graphics workstations. On some platforms, such as a simple color X terminal, the software renderer may be the only renderer available.

Rotation style
While you are translating, rotating and/or zooming objects in the 3D Viewer, you can use different methods to display the object before the final display. The less processing done during these operations, the faster they are executed.

All objects in the 3D Viewer are displayed and moved during translating, rotating and/or zooming. No objects are hidden. Cell outlines are especially time-consuming to translate, rotate and zoom in the Unchanged mode.


Reference Section 3D Viewer

Wire frame
Rather than displaying and moving all objects in the 3D Viewer, wire frames for each grid are displayed during translation, rotation and zooming. Wells are displayed as simple lines without well labels. The Wire frame option is less demanding on the software than the Unchanged mode.

Bounding box
All objects are hidden from view during translation except for a bounding box around each grid. This is the least demanding style.

Rotation Caching
When enabled, this option stores an image of the model in RAM during translation, rotation and zooming. This provides much smoother movement of the model during manipulation in the 3D Viewer.

Mouse buttons
The Mouse Buttons option allows you to select a mode of interaction with the 3D Viewer that suits the way in which you work. Options are OpenInventor(default), OIFloViz, GeoFrame and RTView. All are described in detail below. Primarily, these options just set which mouse buttons control picking, rotation, translation and zooming. The one exception is OpenInventor which has two distinct modes for picking and viewing. Slave viewers use the same mode as the master viewer. For continuous rotation, keep the mouse moving when releasing the appropriate mouse button. Note that a 2 button mouse is no longer supported. The following tables give details of which mouse buttons do what in each mode. Table 5.11 Interaction
Select (Picking) Rotate Translate Zoom

Open Inventor settings Mouse / key combination

LEFT (only in pick mode) LEFT (only in view mode) MIDDLE (only in view mode) <CTRL>MIDDLE (only in view mode)

When in pick mode, the model cannot be moved. Only picking is available. To toggle between modes, either use the buttons at the top left corner of the viewer (hand and arrow), select with the P and V keys, or toggle using the <Esc> key. In viewing mode, left mouse button rotates the model, the middle button translates, and <Ctrl> key with middle mouse button zooms.

Reference Section 3D Viewer


Table 5.12 Interaction

Select (Picking) Rotate Translate Zoom

OIFloViz settings Mouse / key combination


OIFloViz is similar to Open Inventor except that there is only one mode. A pick is registered by a left mouse button click, if the mouse button is depressed and the mouse is moved, the pick turns into a rotate. In this way, both modes are available at once using the mouse. Table 5.13 GeoFrame settings Mouse / key combination
Select (Picking) Rotate Translate Zoom LEFT MIDDLE RIGHT LEFT and move mouse

A pick is registered by a left mouse button click, if the mouse button is depressed and the mouse is moved, the pick turns into a zoom. Table 5.14 RTView settings Mouse / key combination
Select (Picking) Rotate Translate Zoom LEFT MIDDLE RIGHT <SHIFT>MIDDLE

These settings are the same as the GeoQuest program RTView. To zoom into an object (make it appear bigger), keep the appropriate button depressed and move the mouse upwards or to the right.

Outline control...
When cell outlines are displayed, the lines are lifted slightly above the surface towards the eye point to make them visible. If, however, the model contains very thin cells, some lines may show through from the bottom surface. This option allows you to control a scale factor for the lift. Using a smaller value reduces the tendency for lines to show through, although the lines may then appear dashed when viewed at an oblique angle.


Reference Section 3D Viewer

Reference Section 3D Viewer



Reference Section 3D Viewer

Technical Notes Chapter 6

Full Field Model Support

The NWM modeling tool aims to support all types of full field models but some models require special handling logic.

Dual Porosity
Dual Porosity models have been specially catered for. ECLIPSE represents dual porosity models by doubling the number of layers in the grid. The Near Wellbore Modeling tool, however, uses a single layer grid with two sets of properties: matrix and fracture. Dual porosity models are detected automatically and the data is split or combined as appropriate on import from and export to ECLIPSE.

Models with existing LGRs

The near wellbore model LGRs cannot be nested into existing LGRs at present. If a full field model already contains LGRs they must lie either outside the volume of interest or completely within it. Those outside are left intact but those within it are automatically removed and replaced by the near wellbore model. The validation checks are described in more detail in "VOI Validation" on page 224.

Technical Notes Full Field Model Support


VOI Validation
There are several validation checks that must be made when the volume of interest (VOI) is defined. These can be classified as checks against the VOI and checks against the LGR host cells. If no boundary constraint is active then the VOI checks are not performed and if no LGR gridding is selected the checks against the LGR host cells are not performed.

VOI Checks
These checks are made when the VOI boundary is edited and are necessary to ensure that the flux and pressure boundary option in ECLIPSE works. An error is produced if any existing well in the full field model straddles the VOI boundary. That is, that the well is completed in cells both inside and outside the VOI. An error is produced if any existing LGRs straddle or touch the VOI boundary. That is, that the LGR has any host cells that lie on the boundary of the VOI.

The host cell set always includes all layers when 2.5D unstructured LGRs are used. Since aquifer cells cannot be directly connected to LGR cells this implies that bottom aquifer connections become invalid below the VOI. This is a known restriction.

LGR Host Cell Checks

These checks are done when the LGR host cells are edited, only done when near wellbore LGRs are being generated. They are necessary to ensure that it is possible to generate a near wellbore model and simulate it. A warning is produced if any existing is completed both inside and outside the LGR host cells, that is, the well is completed in both a host cell and a cell outside the host cells. The well is treated as if it is within the near wellbore model, and when its well path is defined, this path must lie completely within the LGR host cells. This flexible approach allows well location inaccuracies in the full field model to be corrected. However, if the well still passes through both host cells and unrefined cells when you attempt to generate an LGR an error is generated. An error is produced if any existing LGR straddles the near wellbore LGR host cells, that is, the LGR has host cells both inside and outside the boundary. Those within the boundary are removed and replaced by the near wellbore LGR. It is valid for a well to lie within the VOI boundary but outside the LGR host cells. In this case the well is completed in the global grid.



Technical Notes VOI Validation

Connection Factor Calculation

The calculation of the connection factor has been improved in the 2003a_1 version of NWM for distorted cartesian grids. The algorithm as described in the "Calculation of Kh and connection factor" on page 291 in the "Schedule User Guide" is used; however, the method used to define the direction of the three unit vectors x, y and z onto which the trajectory vector is projected has been changed. In effect this means defining the directions in which the PERMX, PERMY and PERMZ arrays are to be interpreted. There are two user options given to define how PERMZ is to be treated: 1 2 Aligned with the vertical (Z) direction and Aligned (orthogonal) to the bedding plane.

The PERMX and PERMY directions are then calculated as follows: Let i and j be the vectors joining the centroids of opposing faces in the i and j directions local to a cell, as described in "Calculation of Kh and connection factor" on page 291 in the "Schedule User Guide". The z unit vector is then calculated as the normal to the plane defined by the i and j vectors. Note If the PERMZ direction is assumed to be vertical (option 1 above) then i and j are projected onto the horizontal plane by setting i z = 0 and j z = 0 .

We now want to calculate the x and y vectors as two orthogonal vectors in the plane given by i and j that are as closely aligned with i and j as possible. When i and j are not orthogonal to each other, as in general they are not, we want the resultant vectors to line up more closely with the longer of i and j, this can be achieved by rotating one of the vectors through 90 degrees in the plane defined by i and j and adding it to the other. This defines the first unit vector in the plane. The second unit vector is orthogonal to this one. Mathematically we can describe the above as: z = ij x = i+jz
[EQ 6.1] [EQ 6.2]

= z z z Each of these vectors is then normalized to give unit vectors. Using the above equations we can state the following properties for the x, y and z unit vectors. 1 2 3 4 5
[EQ 6.3]

x, y and z are guaranteed to be orthogonal.

= = i and y j If i and j are orthogonal then x As i 0 then y j i As j 0 then x If i = j then the axis is equally displaced from i and j.

Technical Notes VOI Validation


Other Resources
You will find technical information on the unstructured gridding algorithms in Gunasekera, D., Cox, J. and Lindsey, P, The Generation and Application of KOrthogonal Grid Systems, SPE 37998 at Dallas, Texas, U.S.A., June 1997.


Technical Notes VOI Validation

I/O Formats Appendix A

NWM imports and exports grid and well data in several file formats. The file formats used for the grid and properties are described in the following pages of the ECLIPSE File Formats manual. Grids may be imported in the original extended GRID file format, "Grid data" on page 25, or the new extensible GRID file format, "EGRID format" on page 33. It is more efficient and can hold hybrid structured and unstructured grids, as exported by NWM. Grid properties may be imported both from INIT files "INIT data" on page 61, and RESTART files "Restart data" on page 51.

Well paths may be imported and exported using deviation survey files as described in "Deviation Survey Data File" on page 228. The grid coordinate system definition, important for the location of the wells with respect to the grid, is described in "Relationship between grid and map coordinate systems" on page 232. NWM also reads and writes its state to a project file, but this is an internal format and should not be edited.

I/O Formats Introduction


Deviation Survey Data File

Well geometry can be defined by importing a well deviation survey data file containing the path information of the wells. To read a deviation data file there must exist a CONTROL file containing a description of the deviation data file format, and a list of the files this format belongs to. The control file is of the same format as used in the GRID, Schedule and FloGrid programs for importing well deviation data. NWM reads this control file, and then reads the deviation data files it refers to. The following parameters are required in a deviation data file and should be present in this order: FILETYPE SINGLEWELL: each deviation survey data file contains data for one well MULTIWELL: files may contain data for several wells, separated by markers or with the number of data points specified for each well. NULL FILETYPE SINGLEWELL FILETYPE MULTIWELL

The null value used for data in the file (not usually required). NULL numeric XYUNITS The units used for X,Y position data (FEET or METRES). XYUNITS units


YES if the X,Y positions in a deviation survey are offsets from the wellhead position NO if the X, Y positions are absolute values. XYOFFSET YES XYOFFSET NO


In order to offset the internally calculated measured depths by the specified quantity, if MD is not a defined attribute in the control file. MDOFFSET +REFVALUE MDOFFSET -REFVALUE MDOFFSET +REFDEPTH MDOFFSET -REFDEPTH


In order to offset the TVD attribute read from the input file. The alternative method is to define a calculation. This method is faster if there are no other calculations. TVDOFFSET +REFDEPTH TVDOFFSET -REFDEPTH


The position of the first line of data (number of lines from top of file or from start of current well). START


I/O Formats Deviation Survey Data File


For MULTIWELL files the end of data for a well must be indicated by a MARKER value after the last valid data for the well, or by the number of points for the well being given in the header data. ENDPOINT MARKER numeric ENDPOINT HEADER LINE n ITEM m ENDPOINT n


For MULTIWELL files, the name of the well is read from the file HEADER (user specifies LINE and ITEM position). For SINGLEWELL files, you may choose to enter the well name associated with each file. If no well names are given, you can enter a default name root, to be used to set up well names. WELLNAME HEADER LINE n ITEM m WELLNAME name Multilateral wells can be constructed by encoding the relationship of the well bores in the well name. The main stem well bore, being the well bore that runs up to the well head, has the usual well name. Lateral side tracks attached to it have their name modified by appending them to the name of the stem, with a % symbol is used as a separator. Thus a deviation with its own name of branch1 that represents a side track off from a main stem called stem0 would have the name stem0%branch1 in the file. There should be no spaces on either side of the %. For a branch off from branch1 with name branch2 the name in the file would be stem0%branch1%branch2.

TOPX, TOPY X,Y positions of the wellhead. These may be read from the file HEADER, entered as actual positions (for SINGLEWELL files), or defaulted to the first X,Y position read from the file. These offset the well coordinates if XYOFFSET is YES REFDEPTH TOPX HEADER LINE n ITEM m TOPX numeric TOPX DEFAULT

Reference depth for depth values. This may be read from the file HEADER, or defaulted to zero. You must specify your own calculations to use this; otherwise it has no effect. If the units of the reference depth cannot be determined from its use in a calculation, its units will be set to the TVD units, or MD if not present. REFDEPTH HEADER LINE n ITEM m REFDEPTH numeric REFDEPTH DEFAULT


Reference value for use by the user in calculations. This may be read from the file HEADER, or defaulted to zero. If the units of the reference depth cannot be determined from its use in a calculation its units are set to the MD units. REFVALUE HEADER LINE n ITEM m REFVALUE numeric REFVALUE DEFAULT

I/O Formats Deviation Survey Data File


Once these values are defined you should enter the names of the data attributes to be read, their file positions, and the units used. By default the program expects four special attributes to define the well trajectory: XPOS, YPOS, MD and TVD. These define the X,Y position, Measured Depth and True Vertical Depth. If XYOFFSET is YES then XPOS/YPOS are offsets from the wellhead X/Y position, if NO then they are the exact wellhead X/Y locations. Other named attributes can also be read in for use in calculations. These attributes can be any name with which the numbers read from the trajectory file are associated. However, XPOS, YPOS, MD, and TVD must be defined by calculation from these attributes. If no MD is supplied it will be calculated as the direct distance between the individual data points summed along the trajectory. You can also define the well trajectory in terms of three attributes: AZIMUTH, INCLINATION, and MD. Angles can be defined as either DEGREES or RADIANS, with the INCLINATION of each data point being defined as the bearing from the preceding point measured from the vertical, and the AZIMUTH as the bearing from the preceding point measured from North. To use this the location of the well head must be specified using TOPX, TOPY and REFDEPTH. In this case REFDEPTH is the TVD of the first point in the well. The MD of the first point is set to be the same as REFDEPTH unless REFVALUE has been specified, then the MD of the first point is taken to that value. If neither is specified the value is zero. ATTRIBUTE Attributes can be defined in the following manner: ATTRIBUTE name POSITION n UNITS units ATTRIBUTE name CALCULATE UNITS units The word CALCULATE may be omitted: ATTRIBUTE name UNITS units Units can be FEET, METRES, DEGREES or RADIANS.

If an attribute is defined with no position in the data file, it can be defined using a CALCULATE command. Variables used for calculation may include input data attributes and also the keywords REFDEPTH and REFVALUE. CALCULATE name BY expression

Finally, you must enter a list of the input files to be loaded. If these are SINGLEWELL files they should all be in the same format. If not, the WELLNAME, TOPX, TOPY or REFDEPTH values must be entered for each well data file. FILE name FILE name WELLNAME name

Unsupported GRID control file features

The following GRID control keywords are ignored: STORAGE is not supported. RECLEN is not required FORMAT is not required TOPX and TOPY or XPOS and YPOS for latitude and longitude are not supported.


I/O Formats Deviation Survey Data File

Example 1
Control file




-- Attribute calculations CALCULATE TVD BY DEPTH - REFDEPTH -- List of input files for well data FILE END

Example 2
Trajectory file:
-- Well trajectory information WELL1 100.23 145.65 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 0.0 500 498 12.0 1.0 1000 990 40.0 8.0 2000 1950 -999 WELL2 2500 3000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 2000 2000 400.0 8.0 2500 2100 -999

If necessary, XPOS and YPOS can be calculated from the input data instead of being loaded directly. Data in (R, THETA) form can be processed where THETA takes an angular value using the special units ANG_DEG (for degrees) or ANG_RAD (for radians).

I/O Formats Deviation Survey Data File


Example 3
The following options can be used for the case where THETA is measured as an azimuthal angle increasing clockwise from the X-axis:


Relationship between grid and map coordinate systems

Wells are assumed to be located in map coordinates. In order to place wells in the correct position relative to the grid NWM must know the relationship of the grid coordinates to the map coordinates. When a simulation grid is generated in the gridding application, geological and geophysical and possibly well position data are loaded from maps. The coordinate system (UTM coordinates, for example) of these maps is specified in the gridding application. When the grid is generated, it is given its own coordinate system, which is usually different from the map coordinate system. Gridding applications like the GRID or FloGrid programs can include such information in their exported files; they write the relationship between map and grid coordinate systems to a keyword called MAPAXES. The grid units are also very often different from the map units (for example, UTM maps in METRES and the grid in FEET). The grid geometry file can be exported either directly from the gridding application or be produced by a simulator run. In the latter case, a keyword file containing the geometrical information is exported from the gridding application for inclusion in the simulator data file using the MAPAXES keyword:
MAPAXES -- Grid axes with respect to map coordinates .0000000E+00 .0000000E+00 .0000000E+00 500.0000 5000.000 5000.000 /


I/O Formats Deviation Survey Data File

ECLIPSE reads this data during a simulation or no-simulation (NOSIM data set) run and writes it to the grid file:
'MAPAXES ' .00000000E+00 .50000000E+04 6 'REAL' .00000000E+00 .50000000E+04 .00000000E+00 .50000000E+04

The format of the MAPAXES keyword and entries is the same, regardless of whether they are generated by the simulator or by the gridding application program. Following the MAPAXES keyword line, there is a single record containing six items of data: X1 X2 X3 Y1 Y2 Y3 The X and Y coordinates of one point of the grid Y-axis relative to the map The X and Y coordinates of the grid origin relative to the map origin The X and Y coordinates of one point of the grid X-axis relative to the map
Grid Origin Y X2 y X1 Y2 Y1 Y3 X X3 Map Origin 1 3 2 x

Figure A.1 Meanings of the MAPAXES keyword entries

The units of the MAPAXES entries are the same as the map units used in the gridding application. Unfortunately, GRID files produced with the pre 99B versions of GRID and FloGrid do not contain a unit flag for these units. As the units of the map, and therefore the units of the MAPAXES keyword entries, are usually METRES this is the assumed to be the default. If no MAPAXES keyword is present it is assumed that the grid is in map coordinates. NWM relies on this information being correct and present in the input full-field model ECLIPSE deck and in any grid files imported. If it is not the grid is not correctly positioned with respect to any imported deviation surveys. If the keyword is not present or correct you can use ECLIPSE Office to add it to the full field model. This should be done before NWM is launched or GRID and INIT files generated.

I/O Formats Deviation Survey Data File



I/O Formats Deviation Survey Data File

History of developments Appendix B

Changes in 2003A_1
Added menu options so that inactive and pinched out cells can be ignored when the well trajectory is traced through cartesian grids. Corrected the format of the long description used in the well bore event panel for events that have undefined values. Changed the default flow enabled boolean to true when creating a new well flow. Added an additional data check when importing bore events from a SCHEDULE event file to make sure that the stop measured depth is greater than the start measured depth. Fixed the production tubing panel so that the tubing end measured depth was not reset when reentering the panel and changing the value. Fixed several display problems in the well 2D schematic. Prevent NWM from exporting grid properties that are not needed by ECLIPSE. Corrected the calculation of the maximum number of ECLIPSE wells in both structured and unstructured LGRs for multi-completed NWM wells. Prevented NWM exporting the FLUXNUM keyword twice. Fixed the export of COMPDAT keywords for radial and 3D unstructured grids. Fixed the export of TSTEP keyword for time steps less than one day. Added default assumption for the solver directions to handle restart files that do not have this defined. Removed incorrect tolerance checking from well bore connection calculations. Fixed the calculation of ECLIPSE well start time for certain restart configurations.

History of developments Changes in 2003A_1


Fixed connection factor calculation for distorted cartesian grids. Fixed export of SCHEDULE section that contains the WELMOVEL keyword.


History of developments Changes in 2003A_1

Changes in 2003A
Modeling of advanced well bore completions using casing, production tubing, in line and flow controls valves. User interface to define and edit time varying well bore completions including perforations, stimulations and squeezes. Improved well interface to help model advanced well completion strategies Improved algorithms to extract time dependant FFM completions. Restart models extracted directly from ECLIPSE restart files. Time varying 2D Well Bore Viewer to visualize well bore completions, casing, production tubing, segmentation and near well properties. Segmentation algorithms enhanced to model down hole in line valves and flow controls. User interface to define and edit production and injection controls for new and existing ECLIPSE wells.

History of developments Changes in 2003A


Changes in 2002A_1
NWM now searches for existing simulation GRID and INIT files before creating specially named ones. Initial properties are now sampled from both the direct parent case and the full field model case. Initial properties are now saved and restored with the NWM project. The warning about the unrecognized BASETRJ keyword has been removed from the Office log window. Fracture grid controls are now saved and restored with the NWM project. The MULTX, MULTY and MULTZ properties are used to created the Trans property for the unstructured LGRs. The TRANX, TRANY and TRANZ properties are no longer sampled down to the unstructured LGRs as they are not needed.


History of developments Changes in 2002A_1

Changes in 2002A
NWM cases can now be created from other NWM cases allowing multiple near wellbore studies, each within different VOI, to be included in the same model. Added new NWM case option to case manager drop down. Improved handling of wells added before restart. For example, the user may now modify well data for restart wells. Added option to select 2D set of host cells along wells. Added option to export SOLVNUM for increased simulator performance with large numbers of amalgamated LGRs. Changed names of the simulator initialization (NOSIM) run done when NWM is launched in order to avoid confusion with full simulation runs. NWM files are now deleted when a NWM case is deleted. Fixed problem storing LGR host cells ids in project file for large models. The creation of a NWM case is now banned when parent uses the AUTOREF keyword. The use of NWM is now banned with the coalbed option. An RFT file is now output automatically for NWM wells. Added output of WSEGITER for improved convergence with multi-segment wells. To avoid inconsistency, the segmentation is now deleted when well hierarchy or path modified. Fixed handling of dual porosity models using the DPNUM keyword. Fixed unstructured gridder to output symmetric completions for 2D radial grids.

3D Viewer
Changed NWMLGR property to use descriptive text on its color legend. Added 'well connection' property that shows connected cells in 2D and 3D for each named well. Added option to view calculated well trajectories through the grid showing the calculated grid intersections with the well path. This is particularly useful to show how 2D radial grids straighten deviated well paths. Updated the 3D viewer to include 2002a developments in FloViz including the new plane slicer. Where possible the viewer's state (e.g. the displayed time step and property) is now preserved when switching between models. Fixed bad IJK in well editor table.

History of developments Changes in 2002A


Changes in 2001A_3
Fixed a machine specific crash displaying grids with many LGRs on SGI. Actually fixes a bug in the status reporter that arose very rarely but could potentially have been causing other unpredictable crashes on the SGI. Improved the error message given if an INIT file cannot be found when loading simulation results. Fixed problems if there are missing LGRs in EGRID or GRID file. Fixed occasional crash reading project files on SGI.

Unstructured Gridding
Improved 3D radial unstructured grid transmissibility calculations. Connection factors and inter-cell transmissibility for 3D radial unstructured grids are now calculated using a radial formula rather than linear. Added code to limit extrapolation when intersecting coordinate lines with corner point grid horizons during unstructured LGR generation. Sampling is now restricted to the LGR host cells and extrapolation off these faces is tailed off smoothly after a certain number of face widths. Also added recovery code so that the gridding process will never terminate even when there is no intersection. These fixes increase the robustness of the algorithm and it now copes with grids with bad geometry (near vertical k faces). Increased the default number of radial divisions for 3D grids.


History of developments Changes 2001a_3

Changes in 2001A_2
Segmentation is now calculated on un-perforated stems in order to allow inflow from laterals. The use FFM wells check box is now enabled correctly after a change in LGR gridding style. A check is now done to ensure a case is ready to run before the Run Manager is started. Fixed a possible infinite loop when editing NWMLGR property.

3D Viewer
Slicing along wells without paths is now allowed. In this case the line connecting the cell centres of the COMPDAT cells is used as the slice line. The slicing code has also been fixed so that points exactly on the slice are always included in the selection. Fixed a possible crash that occurred when user interacts with 3d viewer when an office base case is selected in office.

Keyword Editing
The validation and editing of completion manipulation keywords such as WELOPEN etc. has been fixed so that completion keywords referring to invalid completions are now correctly removed. Code now also recognizes IJK=0 in WELOPEN and WPIMULT as a special case applying to all completions and reapplies them to new LGRs. Promotion of keywords to LGRs should generate a keyword in all LGRs the well passes through. Fixed handling of WELLSPECS keyword when running a restart deck. Fixed bug in handling of LGRLOCK keyword that stopped it being removed for LGRs that have been replaced by NWM.

History of developments Changes in 2001A_2



History of developments Changes in 2001A_2


Boundary Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

Cell Face Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 Cell Probe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 to 195 Cells Connect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 In J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 Color Legend. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 Editing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 Integer properties . . . . . . . . . . 212 Object for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 Real properties . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 Ternary Display . . . . . . . . . . . 214 Colors Hardcopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 Commands Adding a Pause. . . . . . . . . . . . 164 Play Commands . . . . . . . . . . . 164 Recording the Current Position . 164 Connect cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 Connection Permeability limit . . . . . . . . . . 152 Porosity limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 Coordinate Systems Grids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232 Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232 Create Bulk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Property Types . . . . . . . . . . . . 173

Active Grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 Add Pause . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 Aggregate nodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 Aggregate triangles . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 Autonormalize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 Axes, configure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 Axes, Flip X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 Azimuthal divisions . . . . . . . 140, 143

Bounding Box and Rotation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 disabling with Grid Thickening 207 Turning on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 Bulk Alignment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 Boundary . . . . . . . . . . .144 to 145 Create . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 Grid Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145

Boundaries Volume of Interest . . . . . . . . . 202 Boundary Bulk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 to 145 Edit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 Flux. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 Major and minor points . . . . 171 New . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 No Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

Caching, Rotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 Calculator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 Cases Selecting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Cell In I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139, 147 Size limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 Cell Display . . . . . . . . . . . . .207 to 208 Outline Control . . . . . . . . . . . 220



Delete Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 Deviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228 Wells. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228 Digitize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 to 171 3D Viewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 3D viewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 Delete points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 Main viewer . . . . . . . . 169 to 170 Major points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 Minor points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 New points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 Using multiple pick points . . 171 digitize - 3D viewer . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 Domains Grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 Dual Porosity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 Dual system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152

Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Half length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Permeability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Porosity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Top . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Width. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

141 141 141 141 141 141

Image, Save As.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 Inactive Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 INIT File Creating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Inner radius . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 Iso Cell Selection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203

Fracture orientation. . . . . . . . . . . . 141

Geometric PetraGrid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Graphics Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 Grid Algebraic domains . . . . . . . . 150 Boundary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 Bulk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 Refinement, PetraGrid . . . . . 147 Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135, 146 Style, bulk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 Style, wells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Well s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 GRID File Creating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Grid Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217

JPEG, format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162

Launching NWM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 LGRs Handling of Existing . . . . . . . 223 Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 Load Solution Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . 159

Edit Boundaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 Color Legend . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 Color Map . . . . . . . . . . 212 to 213 Titles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 Elliptic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 Well. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 Error MPFA ortho limit . . . . . . . . . . 152 Expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176

Map Axes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 M-apply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232 Minimum PetraGrid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140

Grid menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 Grid Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 Grids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232

Hardcopy Colors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 Hardware Renderer . . . . . . . . . . . 218 Horz (bulk spaced) . . . . . . . . . . . . . (fixed spaced). . . . . . . . . . . . . 2D/3D (fixed spaced) . . . . . . algebraic (bulk spaced). . . . . algebraic (fixed spaced) . . . . fractured (bulk spaced). . . . . fractured (fixed spaced) . . . . 137 137 138 137 137 137 138

Minimum pore volume PetraGrid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 Mouse Buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 Move 3D Viewer . . . . . . . . . . 170 to 171 Main Viewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 MPFA ortho error limit . . . . . . . . . 152 Multi-point flux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152

Faults digitize . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 to 171 set major/minor . . . . . . . . . . . 171 faults digitize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 set major/minor . . . . . . . . . . . 171 Flux. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 Flux Boundary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Fracture Bottom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141

Names Bulk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 No Flow Boundary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Nodes PEBI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151

IJK directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 IJK Slicer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198



Normalize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186

PostScript . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 Preferences menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 Pressure Boundary . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

Shrink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 Simulation Property Editor. . . . . . 195 Size Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139, 147 Slice Plane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 Smoothing iterations . . . . . . . . . . . 147 Software Renderer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 Starting NWM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Statistics Grid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 Property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 Stereo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 Surveys. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228 Wells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228

Object Appearance. . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 Object Rotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 Orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 Outer radius . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140

Properties Cell Probe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Simulation Property Editor . Thresholding . . . . . . . . . . . . . Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

194 193 195 195 173

Property Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215

Pause Add . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 PEBI Aggregate nodes

Radial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Divisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Radius . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Outer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 140 139 147 140 140 140 139

Nodes PEBI151
Node aggregation tolerance . 151 Permeability directions . . . . . 153 Perforations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Permeability Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 Fracture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 Perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 Pick Items Select . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 Pick points 3D Viewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 Digitize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 Set major points . . . . . . . . . . . 172 pick points - 3D viewer . . . . . . . . . 171 Picture Exaggeration . . . . . . . . . . . 189 Pinch-out thickness limit . . . . . . . 151 Plane Section View. . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 Plane Slicer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 Play Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 Polygons digitize . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 to 171 set major/minor . . . . . . . . . . . 171 polygons digitize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 set major/minor . . . . . . . . . . . 171 Porosity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 Fracture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141

Ternary Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 Thresholding Properties . . . . . . . . 195 TIFF, format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 Time Animation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 Titles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 Titles, Edit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 Titles, Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 Toolbars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 Transparency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 Triangle center aggregation tolerance 150

Recording Position . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 Refinement PetraGrid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 Refresh View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 Renderers, Graphics . . . . . . . . . . . 218 Rotation Caching. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 Rotation Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 Rotation, Object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 Rubber Band Zoom . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 Run Differencing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182

Save View PostScript . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 VRML . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 Select 3D Viewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 Main Viewer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 Pick items - Main Viewer . . . 171 select pick items - 3D viewer . . . . 171 select/move - 3D viewer . . . . . . . 170 Set View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 Show Titles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 Upscale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154

Variable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 View Refresh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 VOI Boundary Condition . . . . . . . . 86 Digitizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86



Show/Hide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224 Volume of Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 Boundaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 Grid Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 Selecting Domains . . . . . . . . . 201 VRML. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160

Wellbore 3D Cross-Section . . . . . . . . . . 193 Wells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135, 228 Appearance of . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 Deviation Survey. . . . . . . . . . 228 Elliptic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 Grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Grid Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Radial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 Radius . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Skin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Width. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 Wire Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219

XYZ Exaggeration . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189

Zoom, Rubber Band . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 Z-Values Digitized points . . . . . . . . . . . 169 Moved points . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170

Well Add Lateral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Perforations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Well Folder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Well Hierarchy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87



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