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Unit 11 Extra activity

Call My Bluff
Worksheet A
Two denitions are given for the words in bold below. With your team members,
invent a third possible denition and write it in the space provided.
1 a tummy a
b a throat
c a stomach

2 a scrooge a
b someone who dislikes spending money

c someone who spends money wisely
3 to blink a to open and shut one eye quickly
b to open and shut both eyes quickly

4 a resort a a place where people go on holiday

b a place where people go to recover from illness
5 a tycoon a
b a person who designs computers
c a person who is rich and powerful in business

6 to bother a
b to know how to do something
c to make an effort to do something

7 a mop a a stick with a sponge on the end used for cleaning

b an electrical machine used for cleaning
8 glossy a
b shiny and smooth

c dull and rough
Only one of the denitions in each set is correct (

). Read out the denitions to

team B and see if they can guess which is the correct one.
First Certicate Masterclass
Unit 11 Extra Activity

Oxford University Press 1

Unit 11 Extra activity
Call My Bluff
Worksheet B
Two denitions are given for the words in bold below. With your team members,
invent a third possible denition and write it in the space provided.
1 to hop a to push yourself into the air using both legs
b to move by jumping on one leg

2 a bungalow a a house in the country
b a house with no stairs

3 a yob a
b a young man who likes watching football
c a young man who is noisy and sometimes violent

4 to flake out a to fall asleep because you are very tired

b to spend time relaxing
5 grub a food

c drink
6 a horde a
b a big group of people

c a small group of people
7 a turnip a a round, pale yellow vegetable
c a white vegetable with green leaves

8 a barbecue a
b a party held outdoors

c a metal object used for cooking food in a kitchen
Only one of the denitions in each set is correct (

). Read out the denitions to

team A and see if they can guess which is the correct one.
First Certicate Masterclass
Unit 11 Extra Activity

Oxford University Press 2

Unit 11 Teachers notes and key
Call My Bluff
Activity Teams
Aim Vocabulary, writing, and speaking. Students dicuss the
meanings of new words.
Time 2025 minutes
Number of students Any
Before class Photocopy enough A worksheets for each student in the
team A and do the same for the students in the team B.
1 Give an example of Call My Bluff. Write monsoon on the board with three
denitions: a) a frightening animal, b) the rainy season in India, c) a drink. Invite
the class to guess what the correct denition is and give a reason for their answer
(answer: b).
2 Organise the class into pairs or small groups and tell them they are either a team A
or a team B. There should be an equal numbers of team As and team Bs. Give
worksheet A to each team A and worksheet B to each team B.
3 Allow each team some time to think of and write down a third denition for each
word in the space provided. Encourage discussion of possible denitions.
4 Reorganise the class so that you have a team A working with each team B. Students
take it in turns to read out the three denitions for each word. The other team tries
to guess which denition is the correct one. The winner is the team with the most
correct guesses.
First Certicate Masterclass
Unit 11 Extra Activity

Oxford University Press 3

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