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DOMACI NEDELJA Stavi u past simple

1. Last year I (go) 2. It (be) 3. I (visit) mine . fantastic.

to England on holiday.

lots of interesting places. I (be) in the streets of London. to pubs. strangely fine. a lot. some beautiful rainbows. your last holiday?

with two friends of

4. In the mornings we (walk) 5. In the evenings we (go) 6. The weather (be) 7. It (not / rain) 8. But we (see) 9. Where (spend / you)

This is Juan Uribe. Hes from Madrid in Spain but he lives in Argentina. He is an actor. Mr Uribe is 23 years old. He works for TV ARGENTINA. He also studies; he studies Journalism at the Federal University of Argentina. Mr Uribe cannot sing or dance but he can play the violin very well. He loves classical music and he listens to it every day from 5:10 am to 8:45am every morning. After this he has fruit juice for breakfast and goes to university. Mr Uribe is a very good student. He speaks Spanish, Portuguese, and English. Mr Uribe lives in a flat. His flat number is 133, on the 1st floor. Mr Uribe loves Spanish food but he doesnt like Argentine food. He loves milk caramels but he doesnt like chocolate. He doesnt smoke.

PONEDELJAK Stavi u past simple


1. Last year I (spend) 2. It (be)

my holiday in Ireland.

great. lots of

3. I (travel) around by car with two friends and we (visit) interesting places. 4. In the evenings we usually (go) 5. One night we even (learn) 6. We (be) 7. It (not / rain) to a pub. some Irish dances.

very lucky with the weather. a lot.

8. But we (see)

some beautiful rainbows.

9. Where (spend / you)

your last holiday?


David lost his yellow pencil. He could not find it. "Where is my yellow pencil?" he asked his sister. His sister did not know. "I don't know where your pencil is," she said. David thought about it. He thought and thought. He used his yellow pencil before lunch. He used it to write a note to his teacher. The note said, "Dear teacher, Thank you for helping me. David." He put the note in an envelope. Where was the envelope? He looked in the kitchen. He looked on the kitchen counter. He found the envelope. It was next to the toaster. He found the pencil. It was under the toaster. UTORAK

a) There aren't b) Can I have c) There aren't d) Is there f) There are h) Can I have j) I think there are

apples on the table, but there are sandwich, please? children in the library right now. new boy in your class? bottles of milk. elephant in the street! sweets left. new books in the library. students in the library right now. milk, please?

in the fridge.

e) I think there aren't

g) Jane swears she has seen i) I'm afraid there aren't

Prevedi Billy always listens to his mother. He always does what she says. If his mother says, "Brush your teeth," Billy brushes his teeth. If his mother says, "Go to bed," Billy goes to bed. Billy is a very good boy. A good boy listens to his mother. His mother doesn't have to ask him again. She asks him to do something one time, and she doesn't ask again. Billy is a good boy. He does what his mother asks the first time. She doesn't have to ask again. She tells Billy, "You are my best child." Of course Billy is her best child. Billy is her only child SREDA NAPISI RECENICE U MNOZINI
1. There is a book on the shelf. 2. This boy is wearing blue jeans, an orange sweater and a cap. 3. That man is catching a fish. 4. I can see a wolf, a fox and a giraffe. 5. Her mother is a housewife. 6. The child has got a broken tooth. IZA

Singular or Plural? Jednina ili mnozina?

1. They ate some (tomato) 2. You can put (sugar) 3. We have to buy new (furniture) 4. I need to wash my (hair) 5. We had lots of (fun) . . .

in your tea. .

6. The Milfords have a lot of (money)

7. How many (people)

were at the cinema with you? on your project?

8. Could you give some (information) 9. In this hotel, (family) 10. Those (man)

are very welcome. seem to be very tired.


11.Present Simple or Present Continuous? Exercise 3

12. 1. 13. Julie ____________ (read) in the garden. 14. 2. 15. What ____________ (we / have) for dinner tonight? 16. 3. 17. She ____________ (have) two daughters. 18. 4. 19. I ____________ (stay) in Spain for two weeks this s 20. ummer. 21. 5. 22. He often ____________ (come) over for dinner. 23. 6. 24. The class ____________ (begin) at nine every day. 25. 7. 26. What ____________ (you / eat) at the moment? 27. 8. 28. What ____________ (Susie / do) tomorrow? 29. 9. 30. I ____________ (not / work) on Sundays. 31. 10. 32. She ____________ (not / study) now, she ___________ 33. _ (watch) TV. 34. 11. 35. How often ____________ (you / go) to restaurants?

PETAK PREVEDI My Summer Vacation I had a fantastic summer vacation! My family and I spent a lot of time at the beach. We also went on a trip to Disney World. We ended our summer by traveling to southern California for a soccer tournament. It was nice to be able to spend so much time with my family this summer. In the beginning of the summer, I went to the beach with my kids at least once a week. We were so lucky because every time we were at the beach I saw the dolphins splashing playfully in the surf. SUBOTA SIMPLE PAST TENSE 1) I 2) Where 3) She 4) He 5) 6) She 7) We 8) Where 9) He 10) I 11) 12) She 13) We 14) Where 15) I 16) They (work) in a bank for ten years. . (you/live) when you were young? . (not/study) French at university. . (travel) through the middle east last year. . (they/visit) the Louvre in Paris? . (not/watch) TV yesterday. . (buy) a new car last weekend. . (you/teach) before you came here? . (not/think) that he was right. . (cook) steak last night. . (Lucy/read) 'War and Peace' at school? . (not/write) to her grandmother. . (have) a computer when I was a child. . (you/go) on holiday? . (love) ice cream when I was a child. . (not/meet) yesterday. .

17) 18) We 19) He 20) What

(she/swim) in the sea in Greece? . (not/play) tennis yesterday because it was raining. . (try) to lift the box but he couldn't.. . (you/eat) for lunch?

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