Ten Neo-Commandments 5 August

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By M. Hanif

A while ago a case was reportedly being contested in the highest court of law in the USA that the ten-
commandments written on a famous national monument be deleted for being religious; hence a cause
of public annoyance in a strictly secular society.

Of course, the Biblical ten-commandments should be deleted for being inappropriate and irrelevant not
only to secularism but also for being totally incompatible with Ronald Reagan’s new world order and
George W. Bush’s war on terror. For instance, what justification will have been made for attack on
Iraq if “thou shall not lie” was to be accepted as a valid commandment? However, what will happen to
the vacuum caused by the removal of the Ten Commandments? If this space is left un-occupied, it
might be taken up by some even more objectionable, yet non-religious commandments made up by
communists, nationalists or even the neo-Nazis. Once on, there will be no justification for these new
commandments to be removed because these will be perfectly secular and clearly non-religious. Hence
it is important to decide as to what exactly shall replace the old fashioned ten-commandments before
these are deleted.

Fortunately, Samuel P. Huntington’s blue-print for the on-going destructive hostility against almost all
countries belonging to the so-called Islamic and Confucian civilizations by the so-called Judo-Christian
(Western) civilization, in his article, the clash of civilizations* presents a ten-point plan which may be
deservedly adopted as Ten neo-Commandments. These are perfectly secular, absolutely non-religious
and in complete harmony with Ronald Reagan’s new world order and George W. Bush’s war on
terror and most appropriately represent the vested interests and sacred values of the elites of the neo-
Cons designed to turn the whole of the humanity into helpless slaves in the name of secularism,
democracy and freedom.

According to these Ten Neo-Commandments of the neo-Cons, the so called Judo-Christian (Western)
civilization shall:

1) Promote greater cooperation and unity within its own civilization. (A continuously ongoing
2) Incorporate into the West, societies in Eastern Europe and Latin America whose cultures are
close to those of the West. (Since 1993, European Union has been expanded on a massive scale
and both sides of the Atlantic have come in closer cooperation. There may be some heart
burning for Russia but who cares),
3) Promote and maintain cooperative relations with Russia and Japan. (The nuclear scare-crow
of North Korea is being exploited to the fullest extent to keep Japan on board. Likewise,
Russia's economic weakness is being exploited for the same reason),
4) Prevent escalation of local inter-civilization conflicts into major civilization wars, (An utmost
caution is being exercised to avoid matters getting out of hand. One country at a time is
destroyed while some others are kept under active threat of being the next target of ruthless
destruction and self-sustaining mass murder),
5) Limit the expansion of the military strength of the Confucian and Islamic states, (This
appears to be the main objective i.e. to dispel Israel's paranoid fear of an Islamic country ever
being able to resist an attack by Israel. Afghanistan and Iraq have since been destroyed on
flimsy or baseless excuses. Syria and Lebanon have been under attack for some time now.
Iran is under a very serious threat. Pakistan is under fully synchronized multi-pronged attack.
Missile attacks, drone flights, political confusion, media onslaught, economic strangulation,
internal interference in all matters and threat of direct attack by NATO forces in Pakistani
6) Moderate the reduction of military capabilities and maintain military superiority in the East
and South-west Asia. (This is a continuously ongoing process of enhancing military technology
and power of USA and NATO).
7) Exploit the differences and conflicts among Confucian and Islamic states. (The large scale
sectarian violence in Islamic countries initiated by blasphemous cartoons in Europe and terrorist
attack on Shiite Shrine in Iraq points to a meticulously planned Western action according to this
Neo-Commandment. Shea-Sunny differences are being exploited in Iraq, Iran, Lebanon,
Pakistan and generally in the entire Middle East.),
8) Support in other civilizations groups sympathetic to Western values and interests. (This
explains how religious, terrorist and separatist groups as well as unbridled neo-Cons supported
print and electronic media are striving so hard to create confusion, instability and conflict in
Pakistan and elsewhere in the Islamic world).
9) Strengthen international institutions that reflect and legitimate Western interests and values,
(such as the UN, the Security Council, IAEA, the World Bank, IMF, WTO, European Union
and NATO). There is blatant manipulation, arm-twisting, political bribery, covert operations,
dubious appointments and abundant use of sticks and carrots.
10) Promote the involvement of non-Western states in those institutions. (The large scale
inclusion of former Soviet block countries into EU and hence NATO, Proposal of inclusion of
India as a permanent member of the Security Council).

George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld and Tony Blair relentlessly and slavishly followed these ten neo-
commandments in letter and spirit. Why were they so desperate and impatient to destroy Iraq FAST
when the whole world was protesting? Perhaps the real cause of the spectacular show of precision
demolition of the New York twin towers on 9-11 was different from the one which the whole world
was made to believe through mass media disinformation campaign. It may have been master-minded
and directed by the same people who staged the spectacular show of precision bombing through the
windows of Baghdad during the Gulf War and the caves of Tora Bora in Afghanistan. Some of the
pointers to this possibility may be as follows:
1) The date of the attack was so carefully selected that of the thousands killed in the twin towers,
those belonging to the better half of the JUDO-CHRISTIAN civilization i.e. the Jewish, would
be out of the ill-fated towers;
2) For the whole of the month of July preceding 9/11 attacks, the BBC World telecast a serial, The
Crusades as though to instigate the sentiments of the Christians against the Muslims. This may
be a mere coincidence but if an independent inquiry was ever conducted, those responsible for
scheduling special BBC documentaries may be asked if they had any links with the planners of
the attack on New York and Washington.
3) With all the star-wars capabilities, the US military might made no attempt to stop a slow flying
object from hitting the Pentagon three quarters of an hour after similar devices had destroyed
the New York twin towers. This would logically seem impossible unless the object was a
welcome guest to the Pentagon, invited by some of the CIA, the FBI and the Pentagon officials
or infiltrators of the neo-Cons into these institutions.
The systematic and complete destruction of Iraq serves nothing but the removal of a paranoid threat to
Israel. This was a perfect example of a slavish compliance with Huntington’s ten neo-commandments.
The stage is now set for the destruction of Iran and Pakistan on even flimsier grounds and for the same
objective of a peace of mind of Israel and wider ideological, political and economic benefits for the
neo-Cons. The more vulnerable of the two may be hit soon on non-apologetic excuse of pre-emption.
This is the same reason that prompted Pharaoh to murder all the new-born baby boys of the Israelites.
This time the pro-Semitic Neo-Cons feel they can do the same to the Islamic and Confucian world and
then, perhaps to the rest of the whole world, country-by-country and civilization-by-civilization. Syria,
Lebanon, Sudan and some other Islamic countries and North Korea are under constant threat. China is
under persistent pressure because of what happened in Tiananmen Square a dozen odd years ago. The
shameless violation of all human rights and international law being inflicted in Guantanamo Bay and
quite a few similar facilities elsewhere are not visible to international human rights organizations and
even the UN because of the neo-commandment # 9.

It is now quite evident that perhaps the whole of humanity is being subjected to a Satanic plan of mass
enslavement of the entire world at the hands of some tremendously rich, enormously powerful and
meticulously organized pro-Semitic elite organization, such as the Freemasons, supported by people
like the Rothschild who are known to have been promoters of global disruption and destruction,
including the World War II. The United States is already in the net. For several decades now, nobody
can become or honorably remain a USA president without a pro-Semitic approval, blessing and
economic as well as mass media support. The same applies to some of the other Western and non-
Western states. A network of Guantanamo Bay style unlawful jails installed and ruthlessly operated
by the CIA in the US, Europe and many other countries is already in full operation. There is no
guarantee that only Muslims and none else will be kept in these jails and those which will be
established to enslave people of other civilizations at a later stage. It appears that these jails may be an
integral part of the New Globalization Order where Democracy will be cheaply purchasable as in the
USA and freedom will be only for the pro-Semitic Neo-Cons, their boot-lickers, vultures and hyenas.
The one billion dollar scam by Obama administration is an example of how the pro-Semitic Neo-Cons
shall be rewarded by robbing the poor in the pro-Semitic Neo-Cone’s GLOBAL VILLAGE.

What shall happen to the ten neo-commandments when all the Islamic and Confucian countries are
destroyed? Of course, these commandments should, then, be revised. That is why these should not be
written with indelible ink. Transgressors, who run the New World Order of the Neo-Cons, have
everything but brakes. The future Neo-Commandments might be re-written according to the new
destructive mission of the Neo-Cons. Whether or not the well planned and meticulously executed
destructive war against humanity for global aggrandizement and universal enslavement turns into the
all out WORLD WAR III, contrary to neo-commandment # 4, will remain to be seen in the future.
But, “When nothing can go wrong, something will”.


After each successful move, the black-mailers and transgressors become even bolder. Since they have
no brakes, they will not stop by themselves. They must be checked and stopped. The only thing that
can check and overcome the falsehood is the truth. The truth loving people of all civilizations must put
up a unified resistance to the brakeless, ruthless and wicked, neo-Cons’ driven dragon. The Ten-
Commandments to Moses should remain to serve as the light house for all peace loving people of the
globe so as to escape social, economic and political enslavement of the entire world population by the
wicked techniques of Pharaoh applied not just in Egypt but the entire globe under the brand name of
globalization. The big hope lies in the divine law of nature that there is a Moses for every Pharaoh.
*“The Clash of Civilizations”, by Samuel P. Huntington, the Director of the John M. Olin
Institute for Strategic Studies at Harvard University, “The changing Security Environment and
American National Interests”, Foreign Affairs, vol. 73 No. 3, pp 48-49, 1993.

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