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"Know Truth as Truth and Untruth as Untruth " BUDDHA "He that WILL NOT reason is a bigot He that CANNOT reason is a fool He that DAR NOT reason is a sla!e " H. DRUMMOND "rinted fro# the third edition of $%&& ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Contents
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

1. 2. 3. ". (. 0.

Preface to the Second Edition Preface to the Third Edition Prolo !e S#eech Pre#ared B$ Dr. B. R. A%&ed'ar A##endi) * + A ,indication Of -a.te B$ Mahat%a /andhi A##endi) ** + A Re#l$ To The Mahat%a B$ Dr. B. R. A%&ed'ar

PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION The .#eech #re#ared &$ %e for the 1at2Pat2Toda' Mandal of 3ahore ha. had an a.toni.hin l$ 4ar% rece#tion fro% the Hind! #!&lic for 4ho% it 4a. #ri%aril$ intended. The En li.h edition of one tho!.and fi5e h!ndred 4a. e)ha!.ted 4ithin t4o %onth. of it. #!&lication. *t i. tran.lated into /!6arati and Ta%il. *t i. &ein tran.lated in Marathi7 Hindi7 P!n6a&i and Mala$ala%. The de%and for the En li.h te)t .till contin!e. !na&ated. To .ati.f$ thi. de%and it ha. &eco%e$ to i..!e a Second Edition. -on.ideration. of hi.tor$ and effecti5ene.. of a##eal ha5e led %e to retain the ori inal for% of the e..a$na%el$ the .#eech for%2altho! h * 4a. a.'ed to reca.t it in the for% of a direct narrati5e. To thi. edition * ha5e added t4o a##endice.. * ha5e collected in A##endi) * the t4o article. 4ritten &$ Mr. /andhi &$ 4a$ of re5ie4 of %$ .#eech in the Hari(an) and hi. letter to Mr. Sant Ra%7 a %e%&er of the 1at2Pat2Toda' Mandal. *n A##endi) **7 * ha5e #rinted %$ 5ie4. in re#l$ to the article. of Mr. /andhi collected in A##endi) 1. Be.ide. Mr. /andhi %an$ other. ha5e ad5er.el$ critici.ed %$ 5ie4. a. e)#re..ed in %$ .#eech. B!t * ha5e felt that in ta'in notice of .!ch ad5er.e co%%ent. * .ho!ld li%it %$.elf to Mr. /andhi. Thi. * ha5e done not &eca!.e 4hat he ha. .aid i. .o 4ei ht$ a. to de.er5e a re#l$ &!t &eca!.e to %an$ a Hind! he i. an oracle7 .o reat that 4hen he o#en. hi. li#. it i. e)#ected that the ar !%ent %!.t clo.e and no do %!.t &ar'. B!t the 4orld o4e. %!ch to re&el. 4ho 4o!ld dare to ar !e in the face of

the #ontiff and in.i.t that he i. not infalli&le. * do not care for the credit 4hich e5er$ #ro re..i5e .ociet$ %!.t i5e to it. re&el.. * .hall &e .ati.fied if * %a'e the Hind!. reali8e that the$ are the .ic' %en of *ndia and that their .ic'ne.. i. ca!.in dan er to the health and ha##ine.. of other *ndian.. B. R. AMBEDKAR PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION The Second edition of thi. E..a$ a##eared in 193:7 and 4a. e)ha!.ted 4ithin a 5er$ .hort #eriod. A ne4 edition ha. &een in de%and for a lon ti%e. *t 4a. %$ intention to reca.t the e..a$ .o a. to incor#orate into it another e..a$ of %ine called ; Castes in India) their Origin and their *e+hanis# ;7 4hich a##eared in the i..!e of the *ndian Anti<!ar$ 1o!rnal for Ma$ 191:. B!t a. * co!ld not find ti%e7 and a. there i. 5er$ little #ro.#ect of %$ &ein a&le to do .o and a. the de%and for it fro% the #!&lic i. 5er$ in.i.tent7 * a% content to let thi. &e a %ere re#rint of the Second edition. * a% lad to find that thi. e..a$ ha. &eco%e .o #o#!lar7 and * ho#e that it 4ill .er5e the #!r#o.e for 4hich it 4a. intended. 227 Prith4ira6 Road Ne4 Delhi 1.t Dece%&er 19"" B. R. AMBEDKAR PROLOGUE On Dece%&er 127 193(7 * recei5ed the follo4in Secretar$ of the 1at2Pat2Toda' Mandal +

letter fro% Mr. Sant Ra%7 the

M$ dear Doctor Sahe&7 Man$ than'. for $o!r 'ind letter of the (th Dece%&er. * ha5e relea.ed it for #re.. 4itho!t $o!r #er%i..ion for 4hich * &e $o!r #ardon7 a. * .a4 no har% in i5in it #!&licit$. =o! are a reat thin'er7 and it i. %$ 4ell2con.idered o#inion that none el.e ha. .t!died the #ro&le% of -a.te .o dee#l$ a. $o! ha5e. * ha5e al4a$. &enefited %$.elf and o!r Mandal fro% $o!r idea.. * ha5e e)#lained and #reached it in the Kranti %an$ ti%e. and * ha5e e5en lect!red on it in %an$ -onference.. * a% no4 5er$ an)io!. to read the e)#o.ition of $o!r ne4 for%!la; *t i. not #o..i&le to &rea' -a.te 4itho!t annihilatin the reli io!. notion. on 4hich it7 the -a.te .$.te%7 i. fo!nded.; Plea.e do e)#lain it at len th at $o!r earlie.t con5enience7 .o that 4e %a$ ta'e !# the idea and e%#ha.i.e it fro% #re.. and #latfor%. At #re.ent7 it i. not f!ll$ clear to %e. > > > > > O!r E)ec!ti5e -o%%ittee #er.i.t. in ha5in $o! a. o!r Pre.ident for o!r Ann!al -onference. ?e can chan e o!r date. to acco%%odate $o!r con5enience. *nde#endent Hari6an. of P!n6a& are 5er$ %!ch de.iro!. to %eet $o! and di.c!.. 4ith $o! their #lan.. So if $o! 'indl$ acce#t o!r re<!e.t and co%e to 3ahore to #re.ide o5er the -onference it 4ill .er5e do!&le #!r#o.e. ?e 4ill in5ite Hari6an leader. of all .hade. of o#inion and $o! 4ill et an o##ort!nit$ of i5in $o!r idea. to the%.

The Mandal ha. de#!ted o!r A..i.tant Secretar$7 Mr. *ndra Sin h7 to %eet $o! at Bo%&a$ in @%a. and di.c!.. 4ith $o! the 4hole .it!ation 4ith a 5ie4 to #er.!ade $o! to #lea.e acce#t o!r re<!e.t. > > > > > The 1at2Pat2Toda' Mandal7 * 4a. i5en to !nder.tand7 to &e an or ani8ation of -a.te Hind! Social Refor%er.7 4ith the one and onl$ ai%7 na%el$ to eradicate the -a.te S$.te% fro% a%on .t the Hind!.. A. a r!le7 * do not li'e to ta'e an$ #art in a %o5e%ent 4hich i. carried on &$ the -a.te Hind!.. Their attit!de to4ard. .ocial refor% i. .o different fro% %ine that * ha5e fo!nd it diffic!lt to #!ll on 4ith the%. *ndeed7 * find their co%#an$ <!ite !ncon enial to %e on acco!nt of o!r difference. of o#inion. Therefore 4hen the Mandal fir.t a##roached %e * declined their in5itation to #re.ide. The Mandal7 ho4e5er7 4o!ld not ta'e a ref!.al fro% %e and .ent do4n one of it. %e%&er. to Bo%&a$ to #re.. %e to acce#t the in5itation. *n the end * a reed to #re.ide. The Ann!al -onference 4a. to &e held at 3ahore7 the head<!arter. of the Mandal. The -onference 4a. to %eet in Ea.ter &!t 4a. .!&.e<!entl$ #o.t#oned to the %iddle of Ma$ 1930. The Rece#tion -o%%ittee of the Mandal ha. no4 cancelled the -onference. The notice of cancellation ca%e lon after %$ Pre.idential addre.. had &een #rinted. The co#ie. of thi. addre.. are no4 l$in 4ith %e. A. * did not et an o##ort!nit$ to deli5er the addre.. fro% the #re.idential chair the #!&lic ha. not had an o##ort!nit$ to 'no4 %$ 5ie4. on the #ro&le%. created &$ the -a.te S$.te%. To let the #!&lic 'no4 the% and al.o to di.#o.e of the #rinted co#ie. 4hich are l$in on %$ hand7 * ha5e decided to #!t the #rinted co#ie. of the addre.. in the %ar'et. The acco%#an$in #a e. contain the te)t of that addre... The #!&lic 4ill &e c!rio!. to 'no4 4hat led to the cancellation of %$ a##oint%ent a. the Pre.ident of the -onference. At the .tart7 a di.#!te aro.e o5er the #rintin of the addre... * de.ired that the addre.. .ho!ld &e #rinted in Bo%&a$. The Mandal 4i.hed that it .ho!ld &e #rinted in 3ahore on the ro!nd of econo%$. * did not a ree and in.i.ted !#on ha5in it #rinted in Bo%&a$. *n.tead of a reein to %$ #ro#o.ition * recei5ed a letter .i ned &$ .e5eral %e%&er. of the Mandal fro% 4hich * i5e the follo4in e)tract + 2:23230 Re5ered Dr. 1i7 =o!r letter of the 2"th in.tant to S6t. Sant Ra% ha. &een .ho4n to !.. ?e 4ere a little di.a##ointed to read it. Perha#. $o! are not f!ll$ a4are of the .it!ation that ha. ari.en here. Al%o.t all the Hind!. in the P!n6a& are a ain.t $o!r &ein in5ited to thi. #ro5ince. The 1at2Pat2Toda' Mandal ha. &een .!&6ected to the &ittere.t critici.% and ha. recei5ed cen.orio!. re&!'e fro% all <!arter.. All the Hind! leader. a%on 4ho% &ein Bhai Par%anand7 M23.A. AE)2Pre.ident7 Hind! Maha Sa&haB7 Mahat%a

Han. Ra67 Dr. /o'al -hand Naran 7 Mini.ter for 3ocal Self2/o5ern%ent7 Ra6a Narendra Nath7 M.3.-. etc.7 ha5e di..ociated the%.el5e. fro% thi. .te# of the Mandal. De.#ite all thi. the r!nner. of the 1at2Pat2Toda' Mandal Athe leadin fi !re &ein S6t. Sant Ra%B are deter%ined to 4ade thro! h thic' and thin &!t 4o!ld not i5e !# the idea of $o!r #re.ident.hi#. The Mandal ha. earned a &ad na%e. > > > > > Under the circ!%.tance. it &eco%e. $o!r d!t$ to co2o#erate 4ith the Mandal. On the one hand7 the$ are &ein #!t to .o %!ch tro!&le and hard.hi# &$ the Hind!. and if on the other hand $o! too a! %ent their diffic!ltie. it 4ill &e a %o.t .ad coincidence of &ad l!c' for the%. ?e ho#e $o! 4ill thin' o5er the %atter and do 4hat i. ood for !. all. > > > > > Thi. letter #!88led %e reatl$. * co!ld not !nder.tand 4h$ the Mandal .ho!ld di.#lea.e %e for the .a'e of a fe4 r!#ee. in the %atter of #rintin the addre... Secondl$7 * co!ld not &elie5e that %en li'e Sir /o'al -hand Naran had reall$ re.i ned a. a #rote.t a ain.t %$ .election a. Pre.ident &eca!.e * had recei5ed the follo4in letter fro% Sir /o'al -hand hi%.elf + ( Mont o%er$ Road 3ahore7 :22230 Dear Doctor A%&ed'ar7 * a% lad to learn fro% the 4or'er. of the 1at2Pat2Toda' Mandal that $o! ha5e a reed to #re.ide at their ne)t$ to &e held at 3ahore d!rin the Ea.ter holida$.7 it 4ill i5e %e %!ch #lea.!re if $o! .ta$ 4ith %e 4hile $o! are at 3ahore. More 4hen 4e %eet. =o!r. .incerel$7 /. -. NARAN/ ?hate5er &e the tr!th * did not $ield to thi. #re..!re. B!t e5en 4hen the Mandal fo!nd that * 4a. in.i.tin !#on ha5in %$ addre.. #rinted in Bo%&a$ in.tead of a reein to %$ the Mandal .ent %e a 4ire that the$ 4ere .endin Mr. Har Bha 4an to Bo%&a$ to ; tal' o5er %atter. #er.onall$ ; Mr. Har Bha 4an ca%e to Bo%&a$ on the 9th of A#ril. ?hen * %et Mr. Har Bha 4an * fo!nd that he had nothin to .a$ re ardin the i..!e. *ndeed he 4a. .o !nconcerned re ardin the #rintin of the addre..7 4hether it .ho!ld &e #rinted in Bo%&a$ or in 3ahore7 that he did not e5en %ention it in the co!r.e of o!r con5er.ation. All that he 4a. an)io!. for 4a. to 'no4 the content. of the addre... * 4a. then con5inced that in ettin the addre.. #rinted in

3ahore the %ain o&6ect of the Mandal 4a. not to .a5e %one$ &!t to et at the content. of the addre... * a5e hi% a co#$. He did not feel 5er$ ha##$ 4ith .o%e #art. of it. He ret!rned to 3ahore. Cro% 3ahore7 he 4rote to %e the follo4in letter + 3ahore7 dated A#ril 1"7 1930 M$ dear Doctor Sahi&7 Since %$ arri5al fro% Bo%&a$7 on the 12th7 * ha5e &een indi.#o.ed o4in to %$ ha5in not .le#t contin!o!.l$ for ( or 0 ni ht.7 4hich 4ere .#ent in the train. Reachin here * ca%e to 'no4 that $o! had co%e to * 4o!ld ha5e .een $o! there if * 4ere 4ell eno! h to o a&o!t. * ha5e %ade o5er $o!r addre.. to Mr. Sant Ra% for tran.lation and he ha. li'ed it 5er$ %!ch7 &!t he i. not .!re 4hether it co!ld &e tran.lated &$ hi% for #rintin &efore the 2(th. *n an$ ca.e7 it 4o!d ha5e a 4ide #!&licit$ and 4e are .!re it 4o!ld 4a'e the Hind!. !# fro% their .l!%&er. The #a..a e * #ointed o!t to $o! at Bo%&a$ ha. &een read &$ .o%e of o!r friend. 4ith a little %i. i5in 7 and tho.e of !. 4ho 4o!ld li'e to .ee the -onference ter%inate 4itho!t an$ !nto4ard incident 4o!ld #refer that at lea.t the 4ord ; ,eda ; &e left o!t for the ti%e &ein . * lea5e thi. to $o!r ood .en.e. * ho#e7 ho4e5er7 in $o!r concl!din #ara ra#h. $o! 4ill %a'e it clear that the 5ie4. e)#re..ed in the addre.. are $o!r o4n and that the re.#on.i&ilit$ doe. not lie on the Mandal. * ho#e7 $o! 4ill not %ind thi. .tate%ent of %ine and 4o!ld let !. ha5e 17DDD co#ie. of the addre..7 for 4hich 4e .hall7 of co!r.e7 #a$. To thi. effect * ha5e .ent $o! a tele ra% toda$. A che<!e of R.. 1DD i. enclo.ed here4ith 4hich 'indl$ ac'no4led e7 and .end !. $o!r &ill. in d!e ti%e. * ha5e called a %eetin of the Rece#tion -o%%ittee and .hall co%%!nicate their deci.ion to $o! i%%ediatel$. *n the %eanti%e 'indl$ acce#t %$ heartfelt than'. for the 'indne.. .ho4n to %e and the reat #ain. ta'en &$ $o! in the #re#aration of $o!r addre... =o! ha5e reall$ #!t !. !nder a hea5$ de&t of ratit!de. =o!r. .incerel$7

",-,.Eindl$ .end the co#ie. of the addre.. &$ #a..en er train a. .oon a. it i. #rinted7 .o that co#ie. %a$ &e .ent to the Pre.. for #!&lication. Accordin l$ * handed o5er %$ %an!.cri#t to the #rinter 4ith an order to #rint 17DDD co#ie.. Ei ht da$. later7 * recei5ed another letter fro% Mr. Har Bha 4an 4hich * re#rod!ce &elo4 + 3ahore7 222"230

Dear Dr. A%&ed'ar7 ?e are in recei#t of $o!r tele ra% and letter7 for 4hich 'indl$ acce#t o!r than'.. *n accordance 4ith $o!r de.ire7 4e ha5e a ain #o.t#oned o!r -onference7 &!t feel that it 4o!ld ha5e &een %!ch &etter to ha5e it on the 2(th and 20th7 a. the 4eather i. ro4in 4ar%er and 4ar%er e5er$ da$ in the P!n6a&. *n the %iddle of Ma$ it 4o!ld &e fairl$ hot7 and the .ittin . in the da$ ti%e 4o!ld not &e 5er$ #lea.ant and co%forta&le. Ho4e5er7 4e .hall tr$ o!r &e.t to do all 4e can to %a'e thin . a. co%forta&le a. #o..i&le7 if it i. held in the %iddle of Ma$. There i.7 ho4e5er7 one thin that 4e ha5e &een co%#elled to &rin to $o!r 'ind attention. =o! 4ill re%e%&er that 4hen * #ointed o!t to $o! the %i. i5in . entertained &$ .o%e of o!r #eo#le re ardin $o!r declaration on the .!&6ect of chan e of reli ion7 $o! told %e that it 4a. !ndo!&tedl$ o!t.ide the .co#e of the Mandal and that $o! had no intention to .a$ an$thin fro% o!r #latfor% in that connection. At the .a%e ti%e 4hen the %an!.cri#t of $o!r addre.. 4a. handed to %e $o! a..!red %e that that 4a. the %ain #ortion of $o!r addre.. and that there 4ere onl$ t4o or three concl!din #ara ra#h. that $o! 4anted to add. On recei#t of the .econd in.tal%ent of $o!r addre.. 4e ha5e &een ta'en &$ .!r#ri.e7 a. that 4o!ld %a'e it .o len th$7 that 4e are afraid7 5er$ fe4 #eo#le 4o!ld read the 4hole of it. Be.ide. that $o! ha5e %ore than once .tated in $o!r addre.. that $o! had decided to 4al' o!t of the fold of the Hind!. and that that 4a. $o!r la.t addre.. a. a Hind!. =o! ha5e al.o !nnece..aril$ attac'ed the %oralit$ and rea.ona&lene.. of the /edas and other reli io!. &oo'. of the Hind!.7 and ha5e at len th d4elt !#on the technical .ide of Hind! reli ion7 4hich ha. a&.ol!tel$ no connection 4ith the #ro&le% at i..!e7 .o %!ch .o that .o%e of the #a..a e. ha5e &eco%e irrele5ant and off the #oint. ?e 4o!ld ha5e &een 5er$ #lea.ed if $o! had confined $o!r addre.. to that #ortion i5en to %e7 or if an addition 4a.$7 it 4o!ld ha5e &een li%ited to 4hat $o! had 4ritten on Brah%ini.% etc. The la.t #ortion 4hich deal. 4ith the co%#lete annihilation of Hind! reli ion and do!&t. the %oralit$ of the .acred &oo'. of the Hind!. a. 4ell a. a hint a&o!t $o!r intention to lea5e the Hind! fold doe. not .ee% to %e to &e rele5ant. * 4o!ld therefore %o.t h!%&l$ re<!e.t $o! on &ehalf of the #eo#le re.#on.i&le for the -onference to lea5e o!t the #a..a e. referred to a&o5e7 and clo.e the addre.. 4ith 4hat 4a. i5en to %e or add a fe4 #ara ra#h. on Brah%ini.%. ?e do!&t the of %a'in the addre.. !nnece..aril$ #ro5ocati5e and #inchin . There are .e5eral of !. 4ho .!&.cri&e to $o!r feelin . and 4o!ld 5er$ %!ch 4ant to &e !nder $o!r &anner for re%odellin of the Hind! reli ion. *f $o! had decided to et to ether #er.on. of $o!r c!lt * can a..!re $o! a lar e n!%&er 4o!ld ha5e 6oined $o!r ar%$ of refor%er. fro% the P!n6a&. *n fact7 4e tho! ht $o! 4o!ld i5e !. a lead in the!ction of the e5il of ca.te .$.te%7 e.#eciall$ 4hen $o! ha5e .t!died the .!&6ect .o thoro! hl$7 and .tren then o!r hand. &$ &rin in a&o!t a re5ol!tion and %a'in $o!r.elf a. a n!cle!. in the i antic

effort7 &!t declaration of the nat!re %ade &$ $o! 4hen re#eated lo.e. it. #o4er7 and &eco%e. a hac'ne$ed ter%. Under the circ!%.tance.7 * 4o!ld re<!e.t $o! to con.ider the 4hole %atter and %a'e $o!r addre.. %ore effecti5e &$ .a$in that $o! 4o!ld &e lad to ta'e a leadin #art in the!ction of the ca.te .$.te% if the Hind!. are 4illin to 4or' in ri ht earne.t to4ard that end7 e5en if the$ had to for.a'e their 'ith and 'in and the reli io!. notion.. *n ca.e $o! do .o7 * a% .an !ine that $o! 4o!ld find a read$ re.#on.e fro% the P!n6a& in .!ch an endea5o!r. * .hall &e ratef!l if $o! 4ill hel# !. at thi. 6!nct!re a. 4e ha5e alread$ !nder one %!ch e)#endit!re and ha5e &een #!t to .!.#en.e7 and let !. 'no4 &$ the ret!rn of #o.t that $o! ha5e conde.cended to li%it $o!r addre.. a. a&o5e. *n ca.e7 $o! .till in.i.t !#on the #rintin of the addre.. in toto) 4e 5er$ %!ch re ret it 4o!ld not &e #o..i&le rather ad5i.a&le for !. to hold the -onference7 and 4o!ld #refer to #o.t#one it sine die) altho! h &$ doin .o 4e .hall &e the ood4ill of the #eo#le &eca!.e of the re#eated #o.t#one%ent.. ?e .ho!ld7 ho4e5er7 li'e to #oint o!t that $o! ha5e car5ed a niche in o!r heart. &$ 4ritin .!ch a 4onderf!l treati.e on the ca.te .$.te%7 4hich e)cel. all other treati.e. .o far 4ritten and 4ill #ro5e to &e a 5al!a&le herita e7 .o to .a$. ?e .hall &e e5er inde&ted to $o! for the #ain. ta'en &$ $o! in it. #re#aration. Than'in $o! 5er$ %!ch for $o!r 'indne.. and 4ith &e.t 4i.he.. * a%7 =o!r. .incerel$7

To thi. letter * .ent the follo4in re#l$ + 2:th A#ril 1930 Dear Mr. Har Bha 4an7 * a% in recei#t of $o!r letter of the 22nd A#ril. * note 4ith re ret that the Rece#tion -o%%itiee of the 1at2Pat2Toda' Mandal ; 4o!ld #refer to #o.t#one the -onference sine die " if * in.i.ted !#on #rintin the addre.. in toto, *n re#l$ * ha5e to infor% $o! that * al.o 4o!ld #refer to ha5e the -onference cancelled1 do not li'e to !.e 5a !e ter%. if the Mandal in.i.ted !#on ha5in %$ addre.. #r!ned to .!it it. circ!%.tance.. =o! %a$ not li'e %$ deci.ion. B!t * cannot i5e !#7 for the .a'e of the hono!r of #re.idin o5er the -onference7 the li&ert$ 4hich e5er$ Pre.ident %!.t ha5e in the #re#aration of the addre... * cannot i5e !# for the .a'e of the Mandal the d!t$ 4hich e5er$ Pre.ident o4e. to the -onference o5er 4hich he #re.ide. to i5e it a lead 4hich he thin'. ri ht and #ro#er. The i..!e i. one of #rinci#le and * feel * %!.t do nothin to co%#ro%i.e it in an$ 4a$. * 4o!ld not ha5e entered into an$ contro5er.$ a. re ard. the #ro#riet$ of the deci.ion ta'en &$ the Rece#tion -o%%ittee. B!t a. $o! ha5e i5en certain rea.on. 4hich a##ear to thro4 the &la%e on %e. * a% &o!nd to an.4er the%. *n the fir.t #lace7 * %!.t di.#el the notion that the 5ie4. contained in that #art of the addre.. to 4hich o&6ection

ha. &een ta'en &$ the -o%%ittee ha5e co%e to the Mandal a. a .!r#ri.e. Mr. Sant Ra%7 * a% .!re7 4ill &ear %e o!t 4hen * .a$ that in re#l$ to one of hi. letter. * had .aid that the real %ethod of &rea'in !# the -a.te S$.te% 4a. not to &rin a&o!t inter2ca.te dinner. and inter2ca.te %arria e. &!t to de.tro$ the reli io!. notion. on 4hich -a.te 4a. fo!nded and that Mr. Sant Ra% in ret!rn a.'ed %e to e)#lain 4hat he .aid 4a. a no5el #oint of 5ie4. *t 4a. in re.#on.e to thi. in5itation fro% Mr. Sant Ra% that * tho! ht * o! ht to ela&orate in %$ addre.. 4hat * had .tated in a .entence in %$ letter to hi%. =o! cannot7 therefore7 .a$ that the 5ie4. e)#re..ed are ne4. At an$ rate7 the$ are not ne4 to Mr. Sant Ra% 4ho i. the %o5in .#irit and the leadin li ht of $o!r Mandal. B!t * o f!rther and .a$ that * 4rote thi. #art of %$ addre.. not %erel$ &eca!.e * felt it de.ira&le to do .o. * 4rote it &eca!.e * tho! ht that it 4a. a&.ol!tel$$ to co%#lete the ar !%ent. * a% a%a8ed to read that $o! characteri8e the #ortion of the .#eech to 4hich $o!r -o%%ittee o&6ect. a. ; irrele5ant and off the #oint ;. =o! 4ill allo4 %e to .a$ that * a% a la4$er and * 'no4 the r!le. of rele5anc$ a. 4ell a. an$ %e%&er of $o!r -o%%ittee. * %o.t e%#haticall$ %aintain that the #ortion o&6ected to i. not onl$ %o.t rele5ant &!t i. al.o i%#ortant. *t i. in that #art of the addre.. that * ha5e di.c!..ed the 4a$. and %ean. of &rea'in !# the -a.te S$.te%. *t %a$ &e that the concl!.ion * ha5e arri5ed at a. to the &e.t %ethod of de.tro$in -a.te i. .tartlin and #ainf!l. =o! are entitled to .a$ that %$ anal$.i. i. 4ron . B!t $o! cannot .a$ that in an addre.. 4hich deal. 4ith the #ro&le% of -a.te it i. not o#en to %e to di.c!.. ho4 -a.te can &e de.tro$ed. =o!r other co%#laint relate. to the len th of the addre... * ha5e #leaded !ilt$ to the char e in the addre.. it.elf. B!t7 4ho i. reall$ re.#on.i&le for thi. F * fear $o! ha5e co%e rather late on the .cene. Other4i.e $o! 4o!ld ha5e 'no4n that ori inall$ * had #lanned to 4rite a .hort addre.. for %$ o4n con5enience a. * had neither the ti%e nor the ener $ to en a e %$.elf in the #re#aration of an ela&orate the.i.. *t 4a. the Mandal 4ho a.'ed %e to deal 4ith the .!&6ect e)ha!.ti5el$ and it 4a. the Mandal 4hich .ent do4n to %e a li.t of <!e.tion. relatin to the -a.te S$.te% and a.'ed %e to an.4er the% in the &od$ of %$ addre.. a. the$ 4ere <!e.tion. 4hich 4ere often rai.ed in the contro5er.$ &et4een the Mandal and it. o##onent. and 4hich the Mandal fo!nd diffic!lt to an.4er .ati.factoril$. *t 4a. in tr$in to %eet the 4i.he. of the Mandal in thi. re.#ect that the addre.. ha. ro4n to the len th to 4hich it ha.. *n 5ie4 of 4hat * ha5e .aid * a% .!re $o! 4ill a ree that the fa!lt re.#ectin len th of the addre.. i. not %ine. * did not e)#ect that $o!r Mandal 4o!ld &e .o ! &eca!.e * ha5e .#o'en of the!ction of Hind! Reli ion. * tho! ht it 4a. onl$ fool. 4ho 4ere afraid of 4ord.. B!t le.t there .ho!ld &e an$ %i.a##rehen.ion in the %ind. of the #eo#le * ha5e ta'en reat #ain. to e)#lain 4hat * %ean &$ reli ion and!ction of reli ion. * a% .!re that no&od$ on readin %$ addre.. co!ld #o..i&l$ %i.!nder.tand %e. That $o!r Mandal .ho!ld ha5e ta'en a fri ht at %ere 4ord. a. ;!ction of reli ion etc.; not4ith.tandin the e)#lanation that acco%#anie. .the% doe. not rai.e the Mandal in

%$ e.ti%ation. One cannot ha5e an$ re.#ect or re ard for %en 4ho ta'e the #o.ition of the Refor%er and then ref!.e e5en to .ee the lo ical con.e<!ence. of that #o.ition7 let alone follo4in the% o!t in action. =o! 4ill a ree that * ha5e ne5er acce#ted to &e li%ited in an$ 4a$ in the #re#aration of %$ addre.. and the <!e.tion a. to 4hat the addre.. .ho!ld or .ho!ld not contain 4a. ne5er e5en di.c!..ed &et4een %$.elf and the Mandal. * had al4a$. ta'en for ranted that * 4a. free to e)#re.. in the addre.. .!ch 5ie4. a. * held on the .!&6ect *ndeed !ntil7 $o! ca%e to Bo%&a$ on the 9th A#ril the Mandal did not 'no4 4hat .ort of an addre.. * 4a. #re#arin . *t 4a. 4hen $o! ca%e to Bo%&a$ that * 5ol!ntaril$ told $o! that * had no de.ire to !.e $o!r #latfor% fro% 4hich to ad5ocate %$ 5ie4. re ardin chan e of reli ion &$ the De#re..ed -la..e.. * thin' * ha5e .cr!#!lo!.l$ 'e#t that #ro%i.e in the #re#aration of the addre... Be$ond a reference of an indirect character 4here * .a$ that ; * a% .orr$ * 4ill not &e here. . . etc.; * ha5e .aid nothin a&o!t the .!&6ect in %$ addre... ?hen * .ee $o! o&6ect e5en to .!ch a and .o indirect a reference7 * feel &o!nd to a.' G did $o! thin' that in a reein to #re.ide o5er $o!r -onference * 4o!ld &e a reein to .!.#end or to i5e !# %$ 5ie4. re ardin chan e of faith &$ the De#re..ed -la..e. F *f $o! did thin' .o * %!.t tell $o! that * a% in no 4a$ re.#on.i&le for .!ch a %i.ta'e on $o!r #art. *f an$ of $o! had e5en hinted to %e that in e)chan e for the hono!r $o! 4ere doin %e &$ electin a. Pre.ident7 * 4a. to a&6!re %$ faith in %$ #ro ra%%e of con5er.ion7 * 4o!ld ha5e told $o! in <!ite #lain ter%. that * cared %ore for %$ faith than for an$ hono!r fro% $o!. After $o!r letter of the 1"th7 thi. letter of $o!r. co%e. a. a .!r#ri8e to %e. * a% .!re that an$ one 4ho read. the% 4ill feel the .a%e. * cannot acco!nt for thi. .!dden !olte fa+e on the #art of the Rece#tion -o%%ittee. There i. no difference in .!&.tance &et4een the ro! h draft 4hich 4a. &efore the -o%%ittee 4hen $o! 4rote $o!r letter of the 1"th and the final draft on 4hich the deci.ion of the -o%%ittee co%%!nicated to %e in $o!r letter !nder re#l$ 4a. ta'en. =o! cannot #oint o!t a .in le ne4 idea in the final draft 4hich i. not contained in the earlier draft. The idea. are the .a%e. The onl$ difference i. that the$ ha5e &een 4or'ed o!t in reater detail in the final draft. *f there 4a. an$thin to o&6ect to in the addre.. $o! co!ld ha5e .aid .o on the 1"th. B!t $o! did not. On the contrar$ $o! a.'ed %e to #rint off 17DDD co#ie. lea5in %e the li&ert$ to acce#t or not the 5er&al chan e. 4hich $o! .! e.ted. Accordin l$ * ot 17DDD co#ie. #rinted 4hich are no4 l$in 4ith %e. Ei ht da$. later $o! 4rite to .a$ that $o! o&6ect to the addre.. and that if it i. not a%ended the -onference 4ill &e cancelled. =o! o! ht to ha5e 'no4n that there 4a. no ho#e of an$ alteration &ein %ade in the addre... * told $o! 4hen $o! 4ere in Bo%&a$ that * 4o!ld not alter a co%%a7 that * 4o!ld not allo4 an$ cen.or.hi# o5er %$ addre.. and that $o! 4o!ld ha5e to acce#t the addre.. a. it ca%e fro% %e. * al.o told $o! that the re.#on.i&ilit$. for the 5ie4. e)#re..ed in the addre.. 4a. entirel$ %ine and if the$ 4ere not li'ed &$ the -onference * 4o!ld not %ind at all if the -onference #a..ed a re.ol!tion conde%nin the%. So an)io!. 4a. * to

relie5e $o!r Mandal fro% ha5in to a..!%e re.#on.i&ilit$ for %$ 5ie4. and al.o 4ith the o&6ect of not ettin %$.elf entan led &$ too inti%ate an a..ociation 4ith $o!r -onference7 * .! e.ted to $o! that * de.ired to ha5e %$ addre.. treated a. a .ort of an ina! !ral addre.. and not a. a Pre.idential addre.. and that the Mandal .ho!ld find .o%e one el.e to #re.ide o5er the -onference7 and deal 4ith the re.ol!tion.. No&od$ co!ld ha5e &een &etter #laced to ta'e a deci.ion on the 1"th than $o!r -o%%ittee. The -o%%ittee failed to do that and in the %eanti%e co.t of #rintin ha. &een inc!rred 4hich7 * a% .!re7 4ith a little %ore fir%ne.. on the #art of $o!r -o%%ittee co!ld ha5e &een .a5ed. * feel .!re that the 5ie4. e)#re..ed in %$ addre.. ha5e little to do 4ith the deci.ion of $o!r -o%%ittee. * ha5e rea.on. to &elie5e that %$ #re.ence at the Si'h Prachar -onference held at ha. had a ood deal to do 4ith the deci.ion of the -o%%ittee. Nothin el.e can .ati.factoril$ e)#lain the .!dden !olte fa+e .ho4n &$ the -o%%ittee &et4een the 1"th and the 22nd A#ril. * %!.t not ho4e5er #rolon thi. contro5er.$ and %!.t re<!e.t $o! to anno!nce i%%ediatel$ that the Se..ion of the -onference 4hich 4a. to %eet !nder %$ Pre.ident.hi# i. cancelled. All the race ha. &$ no4 r!n o!t and * .hall not con.ent to #re.ide e5en if $o!r -o%%ittee a reed to acce#t %$ addre.. a. it i.2 in toto, * than' $o! for $o!r a##reciation of the #ain. * ha5e ta'en in the #re#aration of the addre... * certainl$ ha5e #rofited &$ the la&o!r if no one el.e doc.. M$ onl$ re ret i. that * 4a. #!t to .!ch hard la&o!r at a ti%e 4hen %$ health 4a. not e<!al to the .train it ha. ca!.ed. =o!r. .incerel$7 B. R. AMBEDEAR Thi. corre.#ondence 4ill di.clo.e the rea.on. 4hich ha5e led to the cancellation &$ the Mandal of %$ a##oint%ent a. Pre.ident and the reader 4ill &e in a #o.ition to la$ the &la%e 4here it o! ht #ro#erl$ to &elon . Thi. i. * &elie5e the fir.t ti%e 4hen the a##oint%ent of a Pre.ident i. cancelled &$ the Rece#tion -o%%ittee &eca!.e it doe. not a##ro5e of the 5ie4. of the Pre.ident. B!t 4hether that i. .o or not7 thi. i. certainl$ the fir.t ti%e in %$ life to ha5e &een in5ited to #re.ide o5er a -onference of -a.te Hind!.. * a% .orr$ that it ha. ended in a tra ed$. B!t 4hat can an$ one e)#ect fro% a relation.hi# .o tra ic a. the relation.hi# &et4een the refor%in .ect of -a.te Hind!. and the .elf2re.#ectin .ect of Unto!cha&le. 4here the for%er ha5e no de.ire to alienate their orthodo) fello4. and the latter ha5e no alternati5e &!t to in.i.t !#on refor% &ein carried o!t F Ra6 riha7 Dadar7 Bo%&a$ 1" 1(th Ma$ 1930 B. R. AMBEDEAR

SPEECH PREPARED BY Dr. B. R. AMBEDKAR COR The 1930 Ann!al -onference of the 1at2Pat2Toda' Mandal of 3ahore BUT NOT DE3*,ERED Owing to the +an+ellation of the Conferen+e b0 the Re+e1tion Co##ittee on the ground that the !iews e21ressed in the -1ee+h would be unbearable to the Conferen+e Criend.7 * a% reall$ .orr$ for the %e%&er. of the 1at2Pat2Toda' Mandal 4ho ha5e .o 5er$ 'indl$ in5ited %e to #re.ide o5er thi. -onference. * a% .!re the$ 4ill &e a.'ed %an$ <!e.tion. for ha5in .elected %e a. the Pre.ident. The Mandal 4ill &e a.'ed to e)#lain a. to 4h$ it ha. i%#orted a %an fro% Bo%&a$ to #re.ide o5er a f!nction 4hich i. held in 3ahore. * &elie5e the Mandal co!ld$ ha5e fo!nd .o%e one &etter <!alified than %$.elf to #re.ide on the occa.ion. * ha5e critici.ed the Hind!.. * ha5e <!e.tioned the a!thorit$ of the Mahat%a 4ho% the$ re5ere. The$ hate %e. To the% * a% a .na'e in their arden. The Mandal 4ill no do!&t &e a.'ed &$ the #oliticall$2%inded Hind!. to e)#lain 4h$ it ha. called %e to fill thi. #lace of hono!r. *t i. an act of reat darin . * .hall not &e .!r#ri.ed if .o%e #olitical Hind!. re ard it a. an in.!lt. Thi. .election of %ine cannot certainl$ #lea.e the ordinar$ reli io!.l$2%inded Hind!.. The Mandal %a$ &e a.'ed to e)#lain 4h$ it ha. di.o&e$ed the -hastri+ in6!nction in .electin the Pre.ident. Accodin to the -hastras the Brah%in i. a##ointed to &e the /!r! for the three /arnas) !arnana# bra#hano garu7 i. a direction of the -hastras, The Mandal therefore 'no4. fro% 4ho% a Hind! .ho!ld ta'e hi. le..on. and fro% 4ho% he .ho!ld not. The -hastras do not #er%it a Hind! to acce#t an$ one a. hi. /!r! %erel$ &eca!.e he i. 4ell 5er.ed. Thi. i. %ade 5er$ clear &$ Ra%da.7 a Brah%in .aint fro% Mahara.htra7 4ho i. alle ed to ha5e in.#ired Shi5a6i to e.ta&li.h a Hind! Ra6. *n hi. Dasbodh) a .ocio2#olitico2reli io!. treati.e in Marathi 5er.e Ra#das a.'.7 the Hind!.7 can 4e acce#t an Ant$a6a to &e o!r /!r! &eca!.e he i. a Pandit 3i,e, learned4 and i5e. an an.4er in the ne ati5e. ?hat re#lie. to i5e to the.e <!e.tion. i. a %atter 4hich * %!.t lea5e to the Mandal. The Mandal 'no4. &e.t the rea.on. 4hich led it to tra5el to Bo%&a$ to .elect a #re.ident7 to fi) !#on a %an .o re#! nant to the Hind!. and to de.cend .o lo4 in the .cale a. to .elect an Ant$a6a an !nto!cha&leto addre.. an a!dience of the -a!arnas, A. for %$.elf $o! 4ill allo4 %e to .a$ that * ha5e acce#ted the in5itation %!ch a ain.t %$ 4ill and al.o a ain.t the 4ill of %an$ of %$ fello4 !nto!cha&le.. * 'no4 that the Hind!. are .ic' of %e. * 'no4 that * a% not a 1ersona grata 4ith the%. Eno4in all thi. * ha5e deli&eratel$ 'e#t %$.elf a4a$ fro% the%. * ha5e no de.ire to inflict %$.elf !#on the%. * ha5e &een i5in e)#re..ion to %$ 5ie4. fro% %$ o4n #latfor%. Thi. ha. alread$ ca!.ed a reat deal of heart&!rnin and irritation. * ha5e no de.ire to a.cend the #latfor% of the Hind!. to do 4ithin their .i ht 4hat * ha5e

&een doin 4ithin their hearin . *f * a% here it i. &eca!.e of $o!r choice and not &eca!.e of %$ 4i.h. =o!r. i. a ca!.e of .ocial refor%. That ca!.e ha. al4a$. %ade an a##eal to %e and it i. &eca!.e of thi. that * felt * o! ht not to ref!.e an o##ort!nit$ of hel#in the ca!.e e.#eciall$ 4hen $o! thin' that * can hel# it. ?hether 4hat * a% oin to .a$ toda$ 4ill hel# $o! in an$ 4a$ to .ol5e the #ro&le% $o! are ra##lin 4ith i. for $o! to 6!d e. All * ho#e to do i. to #lace &efore $o! %$ 5ie4. on the #ro&le%. II The #ath of .ocial refor% li'e the #ath to hea5en at an$ rate in *ndia7 i. .tre4n 4ith %an$ diffic!ltie.. Social refor% in *ndia ha. fe4 friend. and %an$ critic.. The critic. fall into t4o di.tinct cla..e.. One cla.. con.i.t. of #olitical refor%er. and the other of the .ociali.t.. *t 4a. at one ti%e reco ni8ed that 4itho!t .ocial efficienc$ no #er%anent #ro re.. in the other field. of acti5it$ 4a. #o..i&le7 that o4in to %i.chief 4ro! ht &$ the e5il c!.to%.7 Hind! Societ$ 4a. not in a .tate of efficienc$ and that cea.ele.. effort. %!.t &e %ade to eradicate the.e e5il.. *t 4a. d!e to the reco nition of thi. fact that the &irth of the National -on re.. 4a. acco%#anied &$ the fo!ndation of the Social -onference. ?hile the -on re.. 4a. concerned 4ith definin the 4ea' #oint. in the #olitical or ani.ation of the co!ntr$7 the Social -onference 4a. en a ed in re%o5in the 4ea' #oint. in the .ocial or ani.ation of the Hind! Societ$. Cor .o%e ti%e the -on re.. and the -onference 4or'ed a. t4o 4in . of one co%%on acti5it$ and the$ held their ann!al .e..ion. in the .a%e #andal. B!t .oon the t4o 4in . de5elo#ed into t4o #artie.7 a Political Refor% Part$ and a Social Refor% Part$7 &et4een 4ho% there ra ed a fierce contro5er.$. The Political Refor% Part$ .!##orted the National -on re.. and Social Refor% Part$ .!##orted the Social -onference. The t4o &odie. th!. &eca%e t4o ho.tile ca%#.. The #oint at i..!e 4a. 4hether .ocial refor% .ho!ld #recede #olitical refor%. Cor a decade the force. 4ere e5enl$ &alanced and the &attle 4a. fo! ht 4itho!t 5ictor$ to either .ide. *t 4a. ho4e5er e5ident that the fort!ne. of theG Social -onference 4ere e&&in fa.t. The entle%en 4ho #re.ided o5er the .e..ion. of the Social -onference la%ented that the %a6orit$ of the ed!cated Hind!. 4ere for #olitical ad5ance%ent and indifferent to .ocial refor% and that 4hile the n!%&er of tho.e 4ho attended the -on re.. 4a. 5er$ lar e and the n!%&er 4ho did not attend &!t 4ho .$%#athi8ed 4ith it e5en lar er7 the n!%&er of tho.e 4ho attended the Social -onference 4a. 5er$ %!ch .%aller. Thi. indifference7 thi. thinnin of it. ran'. 4a. .oon follo4ed &$ acti5e ho.tilit$ fro% the #olitician.. Under the leader.hi# of the late Mr. Tila'7 the co!rte.$ 4ith 4hich the -on re.. allo4ed the Social -onference the !.e of it. #andal 4a. 4ithdra4n and the .#irit of en%it$ 4ent to .!ch a #itch that 4hen the Social -onference de.ired to erect it. o4n #andal a threat to &!rn the #andal 4a. held o!t &$ it. o##onent.. Th!. in co!r.e of ti%e the #art$ in fa5o!r of #olitical refor% 4on and the Social -onference 5ani.hed and 4a. for otten. The .#eech7 deli5ered &$ Mr. ?. -. Bonner6i in 1H92 at Allaha&ad a. Pre.ident of the ei hth .e..ion of the -on re..7

.o!nd. li'e a f!neral oration at the death of the Social -onference and i. .o t$#ical of the -on re.. attit!de that * 5ent!re to <!ote fro% it the follo4in e)tract. Mr. Bonner6i .aid + ; * for one ha5e no #atience 4ith tho.e 4ho .a4 4e .hall not &e fit for #olitical refor% !ntil 4e refor% o!r .ocial .$.te%. * fail to .ee an$ connection &et4een the t4o. . .Are 4e not fit Afor #olitical refor%B &eca!.e o!r 4ido4. re%ain !n%arried and o!r irl. are i5en in %arria e earlier than in other co!ntrie. F &eca!.e o!r 4i5e. and da! hter. do not dri5e a&o!t 4ith !. 5i.itin o!r friend.F &eca!.e 4e do not .end o!r da! hter. to O)ford and -a%&rid e F ; A-heer.BI * ha5e .tated the ca.e for #olitical refor% a. #!t &$ Mr. Bonner6i. There 4ere %an$ 4ho are ha##$ that the 5ictor$ 4ent to the -on re... B!t tho.e 4ho &elie5e in the i%#ortance of .ocial refor% %a$ a.'7 i. the ar !%ent .!ch a. that of Mr. Bonner6i final F Doe. it #ro5e that the 5ictor$ 4ent to tho.e 4ho 4ere in the ri ht F Doe. it #ro5e concl!.i5el$ that .ocial refor% ha. no &earin on #olitical refor% F *t 4ill hel# !. to !nder.tand the %atter if * .tate the other .ide of the ca.e. * 4ill dra4 !#on the treat%ent of the !nto!cha&le. for %$ fact.. Under the r!le of the Pe.h4a. in the Maratha co!ntr$ the !nto!cha&le 4a. not allo4ed to !.e the #!&lic .treet. if a Hind! 4a. co%in alon le.t he .ho!ld #oll!te the Hind! &$ hi. .hado4. The !nto!cha&le 4a. re<!ired to ha5e a &lac' thread either on hi. 4ri.t or in hi. nec' a. a .i n or a %ar' to #re5ent the Hind!. fro% ettin the%.el5e. #oll!ted &$ hi. to!ch thro! h %i.ta'e. *n Poona7 the ca#ital of the Pe.h4a7 the !nto!cha&le 4a. re<!ired to carr$7 .tr!n fro% hi. 4ai.t7 a &roo% to .4ee# a4a$ fro% &ehind the d!.t he treaded on le.t a Hind! 4al'in on the .a%e .ho!ld &e #oll!ted. *n Poona7 the !nto!cha&le 4a. re<!ired to carr$ an earthen #ot7 h!n in hi. nec' 4here5er he 4ent7 for holdin hi. .#it le.t hi. .#it fallin on earth .ho!ld #oll!te a Hind! 4ho %i ht !n'no4in l$ ha##en to tread on it. 3et %e ta'e %ore recent fact.. The t$rann$ #racti.ed &$ the Hind!. !#on the Balai.7 an !nto!cha&le co%%!nit$ in -entral *ndia7 4ill .er5e %$ #!r#o.e. =o! 4ill find a re#ort of thi. in the Ti#es of India of "th 1an!ar$ 192H. ;The corre.#ondent of the Ti#es of India re#orted that hi h ca.te Hind!.7 5i8. Ealota.7 Ra6#!t. and Brah%in. incl!din the Patel. and Pat4ari. of 5illa e. of Eanaria7 Bicholi2Haf.i7 Bicholi2Mardana and of a&o!t 1( other 5illa e. in the *ndore d6i.trict Aof the *ndore StateB infor%ed the Balai. of their re.#ecti5e 5illa e. that if the$ 4i.hed to li5e a%on the% the$ %!.t confor% to the follo4in r!le. + A1B Balai. %!.t not 4ear old2lace2&ordered #! ree.. A2B The$ %!.t not 4ear dhoti. 4ith colo!red or fanc$ &order.. A3B The$ %!.t con5e$ inti%ation of the death of an$ Hind! to relati5e. of the decea.edno %atter ho4 far a4a$ the.e relati5e. %a$ &e li5in . A"B *n all Hind! %arria e.7 Balai. %!.t #la$ %!.ic &efore the #roce..ion. and d!rin the %arria e. A(B Balai 4o%en %!.t not 4ear old or .il5er orna%ent.G the$ %!.t not 4ear fanc$

o4n. or 6ac'et.. A0B Balai 4o%en %!.t attend all ca.e. of confine%ent of Hind! 4o%en. A:B Balai. %!.t render .er5ice. 4itho!t de%andin re%!neration and %!.t acce#t 4hate5er a Hind! i. #lea.ed to i5e. AHB *f the Balai. do not a ree to a&ide &$ the.e ter%. the$ %!.t clear o!t of the 5illa e.. The Balai. ref!.ed to co%#l$G and the Hind! ele%ent #roceeded a ain.t the%. Balai. 4ere not allo4ed to et 4ater fro% the 5illa e 4ell.G the$ 4ere not allo4ed to let o their cattle to ra8e. Balai. 4ere #rohi&ited fro% thro! h land o4ned &$ a Hind!7 .o that if the field of a Balai 4a. .!rro!nded &$ field. o4ned &$ Hind!.7 the Balai co!ld ha5e no acce.. to hi. o4n field. The Hind!. al.o let their cattle ra8e do4n the field. of Balai.. The Balai. .!&%itted #etition. to the Dar&ar a ain.t the.e!tion. G &!t a. the$ co!ld et no ti%el$ relief7 and the o##re..ion contin!ed7 h!ndred. of Balai. 4ith their 4i5e. and children 4ere o&li ed to a&andon their ho%e. in 4hich their ance.tor. li5ed for eneration. and to %i rate to ad6oinin State.7 5i8. to 5illa e. in Dhar7 De4a.7 Ba li7 Bho#al7 /4alior and other State.. ?hat ha##ened to the% in their ne4 ho%e. %a$ for the #re.ent &e left o!t of o!r con.ideration. The incident at Ea5itha in /!6arat ha##ened onl$ la.t $ear. The Hind!. of Ea5itha ordered the !nto!cha&le. not to in.i.t !#on .endin their children to the co%%on 5illa e .chool %aintained &$ /o5ern%ent. ?hat .!fferin . the !nto!cha&le. of Ea5itha had to !nder o for darin to e)erci.e a ci5ic ri ht a ain.t the 4i.he. of the Hind!. i. too 4ell 'no4n to need detailed de.cri#tion. Another in.tance occ!rred in the 5illa e of Jan! in the Ah%eda&ad di.trict of /!6arat. *n No5e%&er 193( .o%e !nto!cha&le 4o%en of 4ell2to2do fa%ilie. .tarted fetchin 4ater in %etal #ot.. The Hind!. loo'ed !#on the !.e of %etal #ot. &$ !nto!cha&le. a. an affront to their di nit$ and a..a!lted the !nto!cha&le 4o%en for their i%#!dence. A %o.t recent e5ent i. re#orted fro% the 5illa e -ha'4ara in 1ai#!r State. *t .ee%. fro% the re#ort. that ha5e a##eared in the ne4.#a#er. that an !nto!cha&le of -ha'4ara 4ho had ret!rned fro% a #il ri%a e had arran ed to i5e a dinner to hi. fello4 !nto!cha&le. of the 5illa e a. an act of reli io!. #iet$. The ho.t de.ired to treat the !e.t. to a .!%#t!o!. %eal and the ite%. .er5ed incl!ded ghee A&!tterB al.o. B!t 4hile the a..e%&l$ of !nto!cha&le. 4a. en a ed in #arta'in of the food7 the Hind!. in their h!ndred7 ar%ed 4ith lathi.7 r!.hed to the .cene7 de.#oiled the food and &ela&o!red the !nto!cha&le. 4ho left the food the$ 4ere .er5ed 4ith and ran a4a$ for their li5e.. And 4h$ 4a. thi. %!rdero!. a..a!lt co%%itted on defencele.. !nto!cha&le. F The rea.on i5en i. that the !nto!cha&le ho.t 4a. i%#!dent eno! h to .er5e hee and hi. !nto!cha&le !e.t. 4ere fooli.h eno! h to ta.te it. /hee i. !ndo!&tedl$ a l!)!r$ for the rich. B!t no one 4o!ld thin' that con.!%#tion of hee 4a. a %ar' of hi h .ocial .tat!.. The Hind!. of -ha'4ara tho! ht other4i.e and in ri hteo!. indi nation a5en ed

the%.el5e. for the 4ron done to the% &$ the !nto!cha&le.7 4ho in.!lted the% &$ treatin hee a. an ite% of their food 4hich the$ o! ht to ha5e 'no4n co!ld not &e their.7 con.i.tentl$ 4ith the di nit$ of the Hind!.. Thi. %ean. that an !nto!cha&le %!.t not !.e hee e5en if he can afford to &!$ it7 .ince it i. an act of arro ance to4ard. the Hind!.. Thi. ha##ened on or a&o!t the 1.t of A#ril 1930 K Ha5in .tated the fact.7 let %e no4 .tate the ca.e for .ocial refor%. *n doin thi.7 * 4ill follo4 Mr. Bonner6i7 a. nearl$ a. * can and a.' the #olitical2%inded Hind!. ; Are $o! fit for #olitical #o4er e5en tho! h $o! do not allo4 a lar e cla.. of $o!r o4n co!ntr$%en li'e the !nto!cha&le. to !.e #!&lic .chool F Are $o! fit for #olitical #o4er e5en tho! h $o! do not allo4 the% the !.e of #!&lic 4ell. F Are $o! fit for #olitical #o4er e5en tho! h $o! do not allo4 the% the !.e of #!&lic .treet. F Are $o! fit for #olitical #o4er e5en tho! h $o! do not allo4 the% to 4ear 4hat a##arel or orna%ent. the$ li'e F Are $o! fit for #olitical #o4er e5en tho! h $o! do not allo4 the% to eat an$ food the$ li'e F ; * can a.' a .trin of .!ch <!e.tion.. B!t the.e 4ill .!ffice7 * 4onder 4hat 4o!ld ha5e &een the re#l$ of Mr. Bonner6i. * a% .!re no .en.i&le %an 4ill ha5e the co!ra e to i5e an affir%ati5e an.4er. E5er$ -on re..%an 4ho re#eat. the do %a of Mill that one co!ntr$ i. not fit to r!le another co!ntr$ %!.t ad%it that one cla.. i. not fit to r!le another cla... Ho4 i. it then that the Social Refor% Part$ la.t the &attle F To !nder.tand thi. correctl$ it i.$7 to ta'e note of the 'ind of .ocial refor% 4hich the refor%er. 4ere a itatin for. *n thi. connection it i.$ to %a'e a di.tinction &et4een .ocial refor% in the .en.e of the refor% of the Hind! Ca%il$ and .ocial refor% in the .en.e of the reor ani8ation and!ction of the Hind! Societ$. The for%er ha. relation to 4ido4 re%arria e7 child %arria e etc.7 4hile the latter relate. to the a&olition of the -a.te S$.te%. The Social -onference 4a. a &od$ 4hich %ainl$ concerned it.elf 4ith the refor% of the hi h ca.te Hind! Ca%il$. *t con.i.ted$ of enli htened hi h ca.te Hind!. 4ho did not feel the$ for a itatin for the a&olition of ca.te or had not the co!ra e to a itate for it. The$ felt <!ite nat!rall$ a reater !r e to re%o5e .!ch e5il. a. enforced 4ido4hood7 child %arria e. etc.7 e5il. 4hich #re5ailed a%on the% and 4hich 4ere #er.onall$ felt &$ the%. The$ did not .tand !# for the refor% of the Hind! .ociet$. The &attle that 4a. fo! ht centered ro!nd the <!e.tion of the refor% of the fa%il$. *t did not relate to the .ocial refor% in the .en.e of the &rea'2!# of the ca.te .$.te%. *t 4a. ne5er #!t in i..!e &$ the refor%er.. That i. the rea.on 4h$ the Social Refor% Part$ lo.t. * a% a4are that thi. ar !%ent cannot alter the fact that #olitical refor% did in fact ain #recedence o5er .ocial refor%. B!t the ar !%ent ha. thi. %!ch 5al!e if not %ore. *t e)#lain. 4h$ .ocial refor%er. lo.t the &attle. *t al.o hel#. !. to !nder.tand ho4 li%ited 4a. the 5ictor$ 4hich the Political Refor% Part$ o&tained o5er the Social Refor% Part$ and that the 5ie4 that .ocial refor% need not #recede #olitical refor% i. a 5ie4 4hich %a$ .tand onl$ 4hen &$ .ocial refor% i. %eant the refor% of the fa%il$. That

#olitical refor% cannot 4ith i%#!nit$ ta'e #recedence o5er .ocial refor% in the .en.e of!ction of .ociet$ i. a the.i. 4hich7 * a% .!re7 cannot &e contro5erted. That the %a'er. of #olitical con.tit!tion. %!.t ta'e acco!nt of .ocial force. i. a fact 4hich i. reco ni8ed &$ no le.. a #er.on than Cerdinand 3a..alle7 the friend and co24or'er of Earl Mar). *n a Pr!..ian a!dience in 1H02 3a..alle .aid + ; The +onstitutional 5uestions are in the first instan+e not 5uestions of right but 5uestions of #ight, The a+tual +onstitution of a +ountr0 has its e2isten+e onl0 in the a+tual +ondition of for+e whi+h e2ists in the +ountr0 6 hen+e 1oliti+al +onstitutions ha!e !alue and 1er#anen+e onl0 when the0 a++uratel0 e21ress those +onditions of for+es whi+h e2ist in 1ra+ti+e within a so+iet0" B!t it i. not$ to o to Pr!..ia. There i. e5idence at ho%e. ?hat i. the .i nificance of the -o%%!nal A4ard 4ith it. allocation of #olitical #o4er in defined #ro#ortion. to di5er.e cla..e. and co%%!nitie. F *n %$ 5ie47 it. .i nificance lie. in thi. that #olitical con.tit!tion %!.t ta'e note of .ocial or ani.ation. *t .ho4. that the #olitician. 4ho denied that the .ocial #ro&le% in *ndia had an$ &earin on the #olitical #ro&le% 4ere forced to rec'on 4ith the .ocial #ro&le% in the con.tit!tion. The -o%%!nal A4ard i. .o to .a$ the ne%e.i. follo4in !#on the indifference and ne lect of .ocial refor%. *t i. a 5ictor$ for the Social Refor% Part$ 4hich .ho4. that tho! h defeated the$ 4ere in the ri ht in in.i.tin !#on the i%#ortance of .ocial refor%. Man$7 * 'no47 4ill not acce#t thi. findin . The 5ie4 i. c!rrent7 and it i. #lea.ant to &elie5e in it7 that the -o%%!nal A4ard i. !nnat!ral and that it i. the re.!lt of an !nhol$ alliance &et4een the %inoritie. and the &!rea!crac$. * do not 4i.h to rel$ on the -o%%!nal A4ard a. a #iece of e5idence to .!##ort %$ contention if it i. .aid that it i. not ood e5idence. 3et !. t!rn to *reland. ?hat doe. the hi.tor$ of *ri.h Ho%e R!le .ho4 F *t i. 4ell2'no4n that in the co!r.e of the ne otiation. &et4een the re#re.entati5e. of Ul.ter and So!thern *reland7 Mr. Red%ond7 the re#re.entati5e of So!thern *reland7 in order to &rin Ul.ter in a Ho%e R!le -on.tit!tion co%%on to the 4hole of *reland .aid to the re#re.entati5e. of Ul.ter + ; A.' an$ #olitical .afe !ard. $o! li'e and $o! .hall ha5e the%.; ?hat 4a. the re#l$ that Ul.ter%en a5e F Their re#l$ 4a. ; Da%n $o!r .afe !ard.7 4e donIt 4ant to &e r!led &$ $o! on an$ ter%..; Peo#le 4ho &la%e the %inoritie. in *ndia o! ht to con.ider 4hat 4o!ld ha5e ha##ened to the #olitical a.#iration. of the %a6orit$ if the %inoritie. had ta'en the attit!de 4hich Ul.ter too'. 1!d ed &$ the attit!de of Ul.ter to *ri.h Ho%e R!le7 i. it notin that the %inoritie. a reed to &e r!led &$ the %a6orit$ 4hich ha. not .ho4n %!ch .en.e of .tate.%an.hi#7 #ro5ided .o%e .afe !ard. 4ere de5i.ed for the% F B!t thi. i. onl$ incidental. The %ain <!e.tion i. 4h$ did Ul.ter ta'e thi. attit!de F The onl$ an.4er * can i5e i. that there 4a. a .ocial #ro&le% &et4een Ul.ter and So!thern *reland the #ro&le% &et4een -atholic. and Prote.tant.7 e..entiall$ a #ro&le% of -a.te. That Ho%e R!le in *reland 4o!ld &e Ro%e R!le 4a. the 4a$ in 4hich the Ul.ter%en had fra%ed their an.4er. B!t

that i. onl$ another 4a$ of .tatin that it 4a. the .ocial #ro&le% of -a.te &et4een the -atholic. and Prote.tant.7 4hich #re5ented the .ol!tion of the #olitical #ro&le%. Thi. e5idence a ain i. .!re to &e challen ed. *t 4ill &e !r ed that here too the hand of the *%#eriali.t 4a. at 4or'. B!t %$ re.o!rce. are not e)ha!.ted. * 4ill i5e e5idence fro% the Hi.tor$ of Ro%e. Here no one can .a$ that an$ e5il eni!. 4a. at 4or'. An$ one 4ho ha. .t!died the Hi.tor$ of Ro%e 4ill 'no4 that the Re#!&lican -on.tit!tion of Ro%e &ore %ar'. ha5in .tron re.e%&lance to the -o%%!nal A4ard. ?hen the 'in .hi# in Ro%e 4a. a&oli.hed7 the Ein l$ #o4er or the I#1eriu# 4a. di5ided &et4een the -on.!l. and the Pontife) Ma)i%!.. *n the -on.!l. 4a. 5e.ted the .ec!lar a!thorit$ of the Ein 7 4hile the latter too' o5er the reli io!. a!thorit$ of Ein . Thi. Re#!&lican -on.tit!tion had #ro5ided that7 of the t4o -on.!l. one 4a. to &e Patrician and the other Ple&ian. The .a%e con.tit!tion had al.o #ro5ided that7 of the Prie.t. !nder the Pontife) Ma)i%!.7 half 4ere to &e Ple&ian. and the other half Patrician.. ?h$ i. it that the Re#!&lican -on.tit!tion of Ro%e had the.e #ro5i.ion. 4hich7 a. * .aid7 re.e%&le .o .tron l$ the #ro5i.ion. of the -o%%!nal A4ard F The onl$ an.4er one can et i. that the -on.tit!tion of Re#!&lican Ro%e had to ta'e acco!nt of the .ocial di5i.ion &et4een the Patrician. and the Ple&ian.7 4ho for%ed t4o di.tinct ca.te.. To .!% !#7 let #olitical refor%er. t!rn to an$ direction the$ li'e7 the$ 4ill find that in the %a'in of a con.tit!tion7 the$ cannot i nore the #ro&le% o!t of the #re5ailin .ocial order. The ill!.tration. 4hich * ha5e ta'en in .!##ort of the #ro#o.ition that .ocial and reli io!. #ro&le%. ha5e a &earin on #olitical con.tit!tion. .ee% to &e too #artic!lar. Perha#. the$ are. B!t it .ho!ld not &e .!##o.ed that the &earin of the one on the other i. li%ited. On the other hand one can .a$ that enerall$ .#ea'in Hi.tor$ &ear. o!t the #ro#o.ition that #olitical re5ol!tion. ha5e al4a$. &een #receded &$ .ocial and reli io!. re5ol!tion.. The reli io!. Refor%ation .tarted &$ 3!ther 4a. the #rec!r.or of the #olitical e%anci#ation of the E!ro#ean #eo#le. *n En land P!ritani.% led to the e.ta&li.h%ent of #olitical li&ert$. P!ritani.% fo!nded the ne4 4orld. *t 4a. P!ritani.% 4hich 4on the 4ar of A%erican *nde#endence and P!ritani.% 4a. a reli io!. %o5e%ent. The .a%e i. tr!e of the M!.li% E%#ire. Before the Ara&. &eca%e a #olitical #o4er the$ had !nder one a thoro! h reli io!. re5ol!tion .tarted &$ the Pro#het Moha%%ad. E5en *ndian Hi.tor$ .!##ort. the .a%e concl!.ion. The #olitical re5ol!tion led &$ -handra !#ta 4a. #receded &$ the reli io!. and .ocial re5ol!tion of B!ddha. The #olitical re5ol!tion led &$ Shi5a6i 4a. #receded &$ the reli io!. and .ocial refor% &ro! ht a&o!t &$ the .aint. of Mahara.htra. The #olitical re5ol!tion of the Si'h. 4a. #receded &$ the reli io!. and .ocial re5ol!tion led &$ /!r! Nana'. *t i. !$ to add %ore ill!.tration.. The.e 4ill .!ffice to .ho4 that the e%anci#ation of the %ind and the .o!l i. a$ #reli%inar$ for the #olitical e)#an.ion of the #eo#le.

*ll 3et %e no4 t!rn to the Sociali.t.. -an the Sociali.t. i nore the #ro&le% o!t of the .ocial order F The Sociali.t. of *ndia follo4in their fello4. in E!ro#e are .ee'in to a##l$ the econo%ic inter#retation of hi.tor$ to the fact. of *ndia. The$ #ro#o!nd that %an i. an econo%ic creat!re7 that hi. acti5itie. and a.#iration. are &o!nd &$ econo%ic fact.7 that #ro#ert$ i. the onl$ .o!rce of #o4er. The$7 therefore7 #reach that #olitical and .ocial refor%. are &!t i antic ill!.ion. and that econo%ic refor% &$ e<!ali8ation of #ro#ert$ %!.t ha5e #recedence o5er e5er$ other 'ind of refor%. One %a$ 6oin i..!e on e5er$ one of the.e #re%i.e. on 4hich re.t. the Sociali.t.I ca.e for econo%ic refor% ha5in #riorit$ o5er e5er$ other 'ind of refor%. One %a$ contend that econo%ic %oti5e i. not the onl$ %oti5e &$ 4hich %an i. act!ated. That econo%ic #o4er i. the onl$ 'ind of #o4er no .t!dent of h!%an .ociet$ can acce#t. That the .ocial .tat!. of an indi5id!al &$ it.elf often &eco%e. a .o!rce of #o4er and a!thorit$ i. %ade clear &$ the .4a$ 4hich the Mahat%o. ha5e held o5er the co%%on %an. ?h$ do %illionaire. in *ndia o&e$ #ennile.. Sadh!. and Ca'ir. F ?h$ do %illion. of #a!#er. in *ndia .ell their triflin trin'et. 4hich con.tit!te their onl$ 4ealth and o to Benare. and Mecca F That7 reli ion i. the .o!rce of #o4er i. ill!.trated &$ the hi.tor$ of *ndia 4here the #rie.t hold. a .4a$ o5er the co%%on %an often reater than the %a i.trate and 4here e5er$thin 7 e5en .!ch thin . a. .tri'e. and election.7 .o$ ta'e a reli io!. t!rn and can .o$ &e i5en a reli io!. t4i.t. Ta'e the ca.e of the Ple&ian. of Ro%e a. a f!rther ill!.tration of the #o4er of reli ion o5er %an. *t thro4. reat li ht on thi. #oint. The Ple&. had fo! ht for a .hare in the .!#re%e e)ec!ti5e !nder the Ro%an Re#!&lic and had .ec!red the a##oint%ent of a Ple&ian -on.!l elected &$ a .e#arate electorate con.tit!ted &$ the Co##itia Centuriata) 4hich 4a. an a..e%&l$ of Pie&ian.. The$ 4anted a -on.!l of their o4n &eca!.e the$ felt that the Patrician -on.!l. !.ed to di.cri%inate a ain.t the Ple&ian. in carr$in on the ad%ini.tration. The$ had a##arentl$ o&tained a reat ain &eca!.e !nder the Re#!&lican -on.tit!tion of Ro%e one -on.!l had the #o4er of 5etoin an act of the other -on.!l. B!t did the$ in fact ain an$thin F The an.4er to thi. <!e.tion %!.t &e in the ne ati5e. The Ple&ian. ne5er co!ld et a Ple&ian -on.!l 4ho co!ld &e .aid to &e a .tron %an and 4ho co!ld act inde#endentl$ of the Patrician -on.!l. *n the ordinar$ co!r.e of thin . the Ple&ian. .ho!ld ha5e ot a .tron Ple&ian -on.!l in 5ie4 of the fact that hi. election 4a. to &e &$ a .e#arate electorate of Ple&ian.. The <!e.tion i. 4h$ did the$ fail in ettin a .tron Ple&ian to officiate a. their -on.!lF The an.4er to thi. <!e.tion re5eal. the do%inion 4hich reli ion e)erci.e. o5er the %ind. of %en. *t 4a. an acce#ted creed of the 4hole Ro%an 1o1ulus that no official co!ld enter !#on the d!tie. of hi. office !nle.. the Oracle of Del#hi declared that he 4a. acce#ta&le to the /odde... The #rie.t. 4ho 4ere in char e of the te%#le of the /odde.. of Del#hi 4ere all Patrician.. ?hene5er therefore the Ple&ian. elected a -on.!l 4ho 4a. 'no4n to &e a .tron #art$ %an o##o.ed to the Patrician. or ; co%%!nal ; to !.e the ter% that i. c!rrent in *ndia7 the Oracle in5aria&l$ declared that

he 4a. not acce#ta&le to the /odde... Thi. i. ho4 the Ple&ian. 4ere cheated o!t of their ri ht.. B!t 4hat i. 4orth$ of note i. that the Ple&ian. #er%itted the%.el5e. to &e th!. cheated &eca!.e the$ too li'e the Patrician.7 held fir%l$ the &elief that the a##ro5al of the /odde.. 4a. a condition #recedent to the ta'in char e &$ an official of hi. d!tie. and that election &$ the #eo#le 4a. not eno! h. *f the Ple&ian. had contended that election 4a. eno! h and that the a##ro5al &$ the /odde.. 4a. not$ the$ 4o!ld ha5e deri5ed the f!lle.t &enefit fro% the #olitical ri ht 4hich the$ had o&tained. B!t the$ did not. The$ a reed to elect another7 le.. .!ita&le to the%.el5e. &!t %ore .!ita&le to the /odde.. 4hich in fact %eant %ore a%ena&le to the Patrician.. Rather than i5e !# reli ion7 the Ple&ian. i5e !# %aterial ain for 4hich the$ had fo! ht .o hard. Doe. thi. not .ho4 that reli ion can &e a .o!rce of #o4er a. reat a. %one$ if not reater F The fallac$ of the Sociali.t. lie. in .! that &eca!.e in the #re.ent .ta e of E!ro#ean Societ$ #ro#ert$ a. a .o!rce of #o4er i. #redo%inant7 that the .a%e i. tr!e of *ndia or that the .a%e 4a. tr!e of E!ro#e in the #a.t. Reli ion7 .ocial .tat!. and #ro#ert$ are all .o!rce. of #o4er and a!thorit$7 4hich one %an ha.7 to control the li&ert$ of another. One i. #redo%inant at one .ta eG the other i. #redo%inant at another .ta e. That i. the onl$ difference. *f li&ert$ i. the ideal7 if li&ert$ %ean. the!ction of the do%inion 4hich one %an hold. o5er another then o&5io!.l$ it cannot &e in.i.ted !#on that econo%ic refor% %!.t &e the one 'ind of refor% 4orth$ of #!r.!it. *f the .o!rce of #o4er and do%inion i. at an$ i5en ti%e or in an$ i5en .ociet$ .ocial and reli io!. then .ocial refor% and reli io!. refor% %!.t &e acce#ted a. the$ .ort of refor%. One can th!. attac' the doctrine of Econo%ic *nter#retation of Hi.tor$ ado#ted &$ the Sociali.t. of *ndia. B!t * reco ni8e that econo%ic inter#retation of hi.tor$ i. not$ for the 5alidit$ of the Sociali.t contention that e<!ali8ation of #ro#ert$ i. the onl$ real refor% and that it %!.t #recede e5er$thin el.e. Ho4e5er7 4hat * li'e to a.' the Sociali.t. i. thi. + -an $o! ha5e econo%ic refor% 4itho!t fir.t &rin in a&o!t a refor% of the .ocial order F The Sociali.t. of *ndia do not .ee% to ha5e con.idered thi. <!e.tion. * do not 4i.h to do the% an in6!.tice. * i5e &elo4 a <!otation fro% a letter 4hich a #ro%inent Sociali.t 4rote a fe4 da$. a o to a friend of %ine in 4hich he .aid7 ; * do not &elie5e that 4e can &!ild !# a free .ociet$ in *ndia .o lon a. there i. a trace of thi. ill2treat%ent and .!##re..ion of one cla.. &$ another. Belie5in a. * do in a .ociali.t ideal7 ine5ita&l$ * &elie5e in #erfect e<!alit$ in the treat%ent of 5ario!. cla..e. and ro!#.. * thin' that Sociali.% offer. the onl$ tr!e re%ed$ for thi. a. 4ell a. other #ro&le%..; No4 the <!e.tion that * li'e to a.' i. + *. it eno! h for a Sociali.t to .a$7 ; * &elie5e in #erfect e<!alit$ in the treat%ent of the 5ario!. cla..e. F ; To .a$ that .!ch a &elief i. eno! h i. to di.clo.e a co%#lete lac' of !nder.tandin of 4hat i. in5ol5ed in Sociali.%. *f Sociali.% i. a #ractical #ro ra%%e and i. not %erel$ an ideal7 di.tant and far off7 the <!e.tion for a Sociali.t i. not 4hether he &elie5e. in e<!alit$. The <!e.tion for hi% i. 4hether he #inds one cla.. ill2treatin and .! another cla.. a. a

%atter of .$.te%7 a. a %atter of #rinci#le and th!. allo4 t$rann$ and o##re..ion to contin!e to di5ide one cla.. fro% another. 3et %e anal$.e the factor. that are in5ol5ed in the reali8ation of Sociali.% in order to e)#lain f!ll$ %$ #oint. No4 it i. o&5io!. that the econo%ic refor% conte%#lated &$ the Sociali.t. cannot co%e a&o!t !nle.. there i. a re5ol!tion re.!ltin in the .ei8!re of #o4er. That .ei8!re of #o4er %!.t &e &$ a #roletariat. The fir.t <!e.tion * a.' i. + ?ill the #roletariat of *ndia co%&ine to &rin a&o!t thi. re5ol!tion F ?hat 4ill %o5e %en to .!ch an action F *t .ee%. to %e that other thin . &ein e<!al the onl$ thin that 4ill %o5e one %an to ta'e .!ch an action i. the feelin that other %an 4ith 4ho% he i. actin are act!ated &$ feelin of e<!alit$ and fraternit$ and a&o5e all of 6!.tice. Men 4ill not 6oin in a re5ol!tion for the e<!ali8ation of #ro#ert$ !nle.. the$ 'no4 that after the re5ol!tion i. achie5ed the$ 4ill &e treated e<!all$ and that there 4ill &e no di.cri%ination of ca.te and creed. The a..!rance of a .ociali.t leadin the re5ol!tion that he doe. not &elie5e in ca.te7 * a% .!re7 4ill not .!ffice. The a..!rance %!.t &e the a..!rance #roceedin fro% %!ch dee#er fo!ndation7 na%el$7 the %ental attit!de of the co%#atriot. to4ard. one another in their .#irit of #er.onal e<!alit$ and fraternit$. -an it &e .aid that the #roletariat of *ndia7 #oor a. it i.7 reco ni.e no di.tinction. e)ce#t that of the rich and the #oor F -an it &e .aid that the #oor in *ndia reco ni8e no .!ch di.tinction. of ca.te or creed7 hi h or lo4 F *f the fact i. that the$ do7 4hat !nit$ of front can &e e)#ected fro% .!ch a #roletariat in it. action a ain.t the rich F Ho4 can there &e a re5ol!tion if the #roletariat cannot #re.ent a !nited frontF S!##o.e for the .a'e of ar !%ent that &$ .o%e frea' of fort!ne a re5ol!tion doe. ta'e #lace and the Sociali.t. co%e in #o4er7 4ill the$ not ha5e to deal 4ith the #ro&le%. created &$ the #artic!lar .ocial order #re5alent in *ndia F * canIt .ee ho4 a Sociali.t State in *ndia can f!nction for a .econd 4itho!t ha5in to ra##le 4ith the #ro&le%. created &$ the #re6!dice. 4hich %a'e *ndian #eo#le o&.er5e the di.tinction. of hi h and lo47 clean and !nclean. *f Sociali.t. are not to &e content 4ith the %o!thin of fine #hra.e.7 if the Sociali.t. 4i.h to %a'e Sociali.% a definite realit$ then the$ %!.t reco ni8e that the #ro&le% of .ocial refor% i. f!nda%ental and that for the% there i. no fro% it. That7 the .ocial order #re5alent in *ndia i. a %atter 4hich a Sociali.t %!.t deal 4ith7 that !nle.. he doe. .o he cannot achie5e hi. re5ol!tion and that if he doe. achie5e it a. a re.!lt of ood fort!ne he 4ill ha5e to ra##le 4ith it if he 4i.he. to reali8e hi. ideal7 i. a #ro#o.ition 4hich in %$ o#inion i. incontro5erti&le. He 4ill &e co%#elled to ta'e acco!nt of ca.te after re5ol!tion if he doe. not ta'e acco!nt of it &efore re5ol!tion. Thi. i. onl$ another 4a$ of .a$in that7 t!rn in an$ direction $o! li'e7 ca.te i. the %on.ter that cro..e. $o!r #ath. =o! cannot ha5e #olitical refor%7 $o! cannot ha5e econo%ic refor%7 !nle.. $o! 'ill thi. %on.ter. *, *t i. a #it$ that -a.te e5en toda$ ha. it. defender.. The defence. are %an$. *t i. defended on the ro!nd that the -a.te S$.te% i. &!t another na%e for di5i.ion of la&o!r and if di5i.ion of la&o!r i. a$ feat!re of e5er$ ci5ili8ed .ociet$ then it i.

ar !ed that there i. nothin 4ron in the -a.te S$.te%. No4 the fir.t thin i. to &e !r ed a ain.t thi. 5ie4 i. that -a.te S$.te% i. not %erel$ di5i.ion of la&o!r. * t is also a di!ision of labourers, -i5ili8ed .ociet$ !ndo!&tedl$ need. di5i.ion of la&o!r. B!t in no ci5ili8ed .ociet$ i. di5i.ion of la&o!r acco%#anied &$ thi. !nnat!ral di5i.ion of la&o!rer. into 4aterti ht co%#art%ent.. -a.te S$.te% i. not %erel$ a di5i.ion of la&o!rer. 4hich i. <!ite different fro% di5i.ion of la&o!rit i. an hierarch$ in 4hich the di5i.ion. of la&o!rer. are raded one a&o5e the other. *n no other co!ntr$ i. the di5i.ion of la&o!r acco%#anied &$ thi. radation of la&o!rer.. There i. al.o a third #oint of critici.% a ain.t thi. 5ie4 of the -a.te S$.te%. Thi. di5i.ion of la&o!r i. not .#ontaneo!.G it i. not &a.ed on nat!ral a#tit!de.. Social and indi5id!al efficienc$ re<!ire. !. to de5elo# the ca#acit$ of an indi5id!al to the #oint of co%#etenc$ to choo.e and to %a'e hi. o4n career. Thi. #rinci#le i. 5iolated in the -a.te S$.te% in .o far a. it in5ol5e. an atte%#t to a##oint ta.'. to indi5id!al. in ad5ance7 .elected not on the &a.i. of trained ori inal ca#acitie.7 &!t on that of the .ocial .tat!. of the #arent.. 3oo'ed at fro% another #oint of 5ie4 thi. .tratification of occ!#ation. 4hich i. the re.!lt of the -a.te S$.te% i. #o.iti5el$ #ernicio!.. *nd!.tr$ i. ne5er .tatic. *t !nder oe. ra#id and a&r!#t chan e.. ?ith .!ch chan e. an indi5id!al %!.t &e free to chan e hi. occ!#ation. ?itho!t .!ch freedo% to ad6!.t hi%.elf to chan in circ!%.tance. it 4o!ld &e i%#o..i&le for hi% to ain hi. li5elihood. No4 the -a.te S$.te% 4ill not allo4 Hind!. to ta'e to occ!#ation. 4here the$ are 4anted if the$ do not &elon to the% &$ heredit$. *f a Hind! i. .een to .tar5e rather than ta'e to ne4 occ!#ation. not a..i ned to hi. -a.te7 the rea.on i. to &e fo!nd in the -a.te S$.te%. B$ not #er%ittin read6!.t%ent of occ!#ation.7 ca.te &eco%e. a direct ca!.e of %!ch of the !ne%#lo$%ent 4e .ee in the co!ntr$. A. a for% of di5i.ion of la&o!r the -a.te .$.te% .!ffer. fro% another .erio!. defect. The di5i.ion of la&o!r &ro! ht a&o!t &$ the -a.te S$.te% i. not a di5i.ion &a.ed on choice. *ndi5id!al .enti%ent7 indi5id!al #reference ha. no #lace in it. *t i. &a.ed on the do %a of #rede.tination. -on.ideration. of .ocial efficienc$ 4o!ld co%#el !. to reco ni8e that the reate.t e5il in the ind!.trial .$.te% i. not+ .o %!ch #o5ert$ and the .!fferin that it in5ol5e. a. the fact that .o %an$ #er.on. ha5e callin . 4hich %a'e no a##eal to tho.e 4ho are en a ed in the%. S!ch callin . con.tantl$ #ro5o'e one to a5er.ion7 ill 4ill and the de.ire to e5ade. There are %an$ occ!#ation. in *ndia 4hich on acco!nt of the fact that the$ are re arded a. de raded &$ the Hind!. #ro5o'e tho.e 4ho are en a ed in the% to a5er.ion. There i. a con.tant de.ire to e5ade and fro% .!ch occ!#ation. 4hich ari.e. .olel$ &eca!.e of the &li htin effect 4hich the$ #rod!ce !#on tho.e 4ho follo4 the% o4in to the .li ht and .ti %a ca.t !#on the% &$ the Hind! reli ion. ?hat efficienc$ can there &e in a .$.te% !nder 4hich neither %enI. heart. nor their %ind. are in their 4or'F A. an econo%ic or ani8ation -a.te i. therefore a har%f!l in.tit!tion7 ina.%!ch a.7 it in5ol5e. the .!&ordination of %anI. nat!ral #o4er. and inclination. to the e)i encie. of .ocial r!le. ,

So%e ha5e d! a &iolo ical trench in defence of the -a.te S$.te%. *t i. .aid that the o&6ect of -a.te 4a. to #re.er5e #!rit$ of race and #!rit$ of &lood. No4 ethnolo i.t. are of o#inion that %en of #!re race e)i.t no4here and that there ha. &een a %i)t!re of all race. in all #art. of the 4orld. E.#eciall$ i. thi. the ca.e 4ith the #eo#le of *ndia. Mr. D. R. Bhandar'ar in hi. #a#er on 7oreign le#ents in the Hindu "o1ulation ha. .tated that ; There i. hardl$ a cla..7 or -a.te in *ndia 4hich ha. not a forei n .train in it. There i. an ad%i)t!re of alien &lood not onl$ a%on the 4arrior cla..e.the Ra6#!t. and the Maratha.&!t al.o a%on the Brah%in. 4ho are !nder the ha##$ del!.ion that the$ are free fro% all forei n ele%ent..; The -a.te .$.te% cannot &e .aid to ha5e ro4n a. a %ean. of #re5entin the ad%i)t!re of race. or a. a %ean. of %aintainin #!rit$ of &lood. A. a %atter of fact -a.te .$.te% ca%e into &ein lon after the different race. of *ndia had co%%in led in &lood and c!lt!re. To hold that di.tinction. of -a.te. or reall$ di.tinction. of race and to treat different -a.te. a. tho! h the$ 4ere .o %an$ different race. i. a ro.. #er5er.ion of fact.. ?hat racial affinit$ i. there &et4een the Brah%in of the P!n6a& and the Brah%in of Madra. F ?hat racial affinit$ i. there &et4een the !nto!cha&le of Ben al and the !nto!cha&le of Madra. F ?hat racial difference i. there &et4een the Brah%in of the P!n6a& and the -ha%ar of the P!n6a& F ?hat racial difference i. there &et4een the Brah%in of Madra. and the Pariah of Madra. F The Brah%in of the P!n6a& i. raciall$ of the .a%e .toc' a. the -ha%ar of the P!n6a& and the Brah%in of Madra. i. of the .a%e race a. the Pariah of Madra.. -a.te .$.te% doe. not de%arcate racial di5i.ion. -a.te .$.te% i. a .ocial di5i.ion of #eo#le of the .a%e race. A..!%in it7 ho4e5er7 to &e a ca.e of racial di5i.ion. one %a$ a.' + ?hat har% co!ld there &e if a %i)t!re of race. and of &lood 4a. #er%itted to ta'e #lace in *ndia &$ inter%arria e. &et4een different -a.te. F Men are no do!&t di5ided fro% ani%al. &$ .o dee# a di.tinction that .cience reco ni8e. %en and ani%al. a. t4o di.tinct .#ecie.. B!t e5en .cienti.t. 4ho &elie5e in #!rit$ of race. do not a..ert that the different race. con.tit!te different .#ecie. of %en. The$ are onl$ 5arietie. of one and the .a%e .#ecie.. A. .!ch the$ can inter&reed and #rod!ce an off.#rin 4hich i. ca#a&le of &reedin and 4hich i. not .terile. An i%%en.e lot of non.en.e i. tal'ed a&o!t heredit$ and e! enic. in defence of the -a.te S$.te%. Ce4 4o!ld o&6ect to the -a.te S$.te% if it 4a. in accord 4ith the &a.ic #rinci#le of e! enic. &eca!.e fe4 can o&6ect to the i%#ro5e%ent of the race &$ 6!dicio!. notin . B!t one fail. to !nder.tand ho4 the -a.te S$.te% .ec!re. 6!dicio!. %atin . -a.te S$.te% i. a ne ati5e thin . *t %erel$ #rohi&it. #er.on. &elon in to different -a.te. fro% inter%arr$in . *t i. not a #o.iti5e %ethod of .electin 4hich t4o a%on a i5en -a.te .ho!ld %arr$. *f -a.te i. e! enic in ori in then the ori in of .!&2-a.te. %!.t al.o &e e! enic. B!t can an$ one .erio!.l$ %aintain that the ori in of .!&2-a.te. i. e! enic F * thin' it 4o!ld &e a&.!rd to contend for .!ch a #ro#o.ition and for a 5er$ o&5io!. rea.on. *f -a.te %ean. race then difference. of .!&2-a.te. cannot %ean difference. of race &eca!.e .!&2-a.te. &eco%e e2 h01othesia .!&2di5i.ion. of one and the .a%e race. -on.e<!entl$ the &ar a ain.t

inter%arr$in and interdinin &et4een .!&2-a.te. cannot &e for the #!r#o.e of %aintainin #!rit$ of race or of &lood. *f .!&2-a.te. cannot &e e! enic in ori in there cannot &e an$ .!&.tance in the contention that -a.te i. e! enic in ori in. A ain if -a.te i. e! enic in ori in one can !nder.tand the &ar a ain.t inter%arria e. B!t 4hat i. the #!r#o.e of the interdict #laced on interdinin &et4een -a.te. and .!&2-a.te. ali'e F *nterdinin cannot infect &lood and therefore cannot &e the ca!.e either of the i%#ro5e%ent or of deterioration of the race. Thi. .ho4. that -a.te ha. no .cientific ori in and that tho.e 4ho are atte%#tin to i5e it an e! enic &a.i. are tr$in to .!##ort &$ .cience 4hat i. ro..l$ !n.cientific. E5en toda$ e! enic. cannot &eco%e a #ractical #o..i&ilit$ !nle.. 4e ha5e definite 'no4led e re ardin the la4. of heredit$. Prof. Bate.on in hi. *endel8s "rin+i1les of Heredit0 .a$.7 ; There i. nothin in the de.cent of the hi her %ental <!alitie. to .! e.t that the$ follo4 an$ .in le .$.te% of tran.%i..ion. *t i. li'el$ that &oth the$ and the %ore %ar'ed de5elo#%ent. of #h$.ical #o4er. re.!lt rather fro% the coincidence of n!%ero!. factor. than fro% the #o..e..ion of an$ one enetic ele%ent.; To ar !e that the -a.te S$.te% 4a. e! enic in it. conce#tion i. to attri&!te to the forefather. of #re.ent2da$ Hind!. a 'no4led e of heredit$ 4hich e5en the %odern .cienti.t. do not #o..e... A tree .ho!ld &e 6!d ed &$ the fr!it. it $ield.. *f ca.te i. e! enic 4hat .ort of a race of %en it .ho!ld ha5e #rod!ced F Ph$.icall$ .#ea'in the Hind!. are a -3 #eo#le. The$ are a race of P$ %ie. and d4arf. .t!nted in .tat!re and 4antin in .ta%ina. *t i. a nation 9L1Oth. of 4hich i. declared to &e !nfit for %ilitar$ .er5ice. Thi. .ho4. that the -a.te S$.te% doe. not e%&od$ the e! enic. of %ode% .cienti.t.. *t i. a .ocial .$.te% 4hich e%&odie. the arro ance and .elfi.hne.. of a #er5er.e .ection of the Hind!. 4ho 4ere .!#erior eno! h in .ocial .tat!. to .et it in fa.hion and 4ho had a!thorit$ to force it on their inferior.. VI -a.te doe. not re.!lt in econo%ic efficienc$. -a.te cannot and ha. not i%#ro5ed the race. -a.te ha. ho4e5er done one thin . *t ha. co%#letel$ di.or ani8ed and de%orali8ed the Hind!.. The fir.t and fore%o.t thin that %!.t &e reco ni8ed i. that Hind! Societ$ i. a %$th. The na%e Hind! i. it.elf a forei n na%e. *t 4a. i5en &$ the Moha%%edan. to the nati5e. for the #!r#o.e of di.tin !i.hin the%.el5e.. *t doe. not occ!r in an$ San.'rit 4or' #rior to the Moha%%edan in5a.ion. The$ did not feel the$ of a co%%on na%e &eca!.e the$ had no conce#tion of their ha5in con.tit!ted a co%%!nit$. Hind! .ociet$ a. .!ch doe. not e)i.t. *t i. onl$ a collection of ca.te.. Each ca.te i. con.cio!. of it. e)i.tence. *t. .!r5i5al i. the &e all and end all of it. e)i.tence. -a.te. do not e5en for% a federation. A ca.te ha. no feelin that it i. affiliated to other ca.te. e)ce#t 4hen there i. a Hind!2M!.li% riot. On all other occa.ion. each ca.te endea5o!r. to .e re ate it.elf and to di.tin !i.h it.elf fro% other ca.te.. Each ca.te not onl$ dine. a%on it.elf and %arrie. a%on it.elf &!t each ca.te #re.cri&e. it. o4n di.tincti5e

dre... ?hat other e)#lanation can there &e of the inn!%era&le .t$le. of dre.. 4orn &$ the %en and 4o%en of *ndia 4hich .o a%!.e the to!ri.t. F *ndeed the ideal Hind! %!.t &e li'e a rat li5in in hi. o4n hole ref!.in to ha5e an$ contact 4ith other.. There i. an !tter lac' a%on the Hind!. of 4hat the .ociolo i.t. call ; con.cio!.ne.. of 'ind ;. There i. no Hind! con.cio!.ne.. of 'ind. *n e5er$ Hind! the con.cio!.ne.. that e)i.t. i. the con.cio!.ne.. of hi. ca.te. That i. the rea.on 4h$ the Hind!. cannot &e .aid to for% a .ociet$ or a nation. There are ho4e5er %an$ *ndian. 4ho.e #atrioti.% doe. not #er%it the% to ad%it that *ndian. are not a nation7 that the$ are onl$ an a%or#ho!. %a.. of #eo#le. The$ ha5e in.i.ted that !nderl$in the a##arent$ there i. a f!nda%ental !nit$ 4hich %ar'. the life of the Hind!. in a. %!ch a. there i. a .i%ilarit$ of ha&it. and c!.to%.7 &elief. and tho! ht. 4hich o&tain all o5er the continent of *ndia. Si%ilarit$ in ha&it. and c!.to%.7 &elief. and tho! ht. there i.. B!t one cannot acce#t the concl!.ion that therefore7 the Hind!. con.tit!te a .ociet$. To do .o i. to %i.!nder.tand the e..ential. 4hich o to %a'e !# a .ociet$. Men do not &eco%e a .ociet$ &$ li5in in #h$.ical #ro)i%it$ an$ %ore than a %an cea.e. to &e a %e%&er of hi. .ociet$ &$ li5in .o %an$ %ile. a4a$ fro% other %en. Secondl$ .i%ilarit$ in ha&it. and c!.to%.7 &elief. and tho! ht. i. not eno! h to con.tit!te %en into .ociet$. Thin . %a$ &e #a..ed #h$.icall$ fro% one to another li'e &ric'.. *n the .a%e 4a$ ha&it. and c!.to%.7 &elief. and tho! ht. of one ro!# %a$ &e ta'en o5er &$ another ro!# and there %a$ th!. a##ear a .i%ilarit$ &et4een the t4o. -!lt!re .#read. &$ diff!.ion and that i. 4h$ one find. .i%ilarit$ &et4een 5ario!. #ri%iti5e tri&e. in the %atter of their ha&it. and c!.to%.7 &elief. and tho! ht.7 altho! h the$ do not li5e in #ro)i%it$. B!t no one co!ld .a$ that &eca!.e there 4a. thi. .i%ilarit$ the #ri%iti5e tri&e. con.tit!ted one .ociet$. Thi. i. &eca!.e .i%ilarl$ in certain thin . i. not eno! h to con.tit!te a .ociet$. Men con.tit!te a .ociet$ &eca!.e the$ ha5e thin . 4hich the$ #o..e.. in co%%on. To ha5e .i%ilar thin i. totall$ different fro% thin . in co%%on. And the onl$ 4a$ &$ 4hich %en can co%e to #o..e.. thin . in co%%on 4ith one another i. &$ &ein in co%%!nication 4ith one another. Thi. i. %erel$ another 4a$ of .a$in that Societ$ contin!e. to e)i.t &$ co%%!nication indeed in co%%!nication. To %a'e it concrete7 it i. not eno! h if %en act in a 4a$ 4hich a ree. 4ith the act. of other.. Parallel acti5it$7 e5en if .i%ilar7 i. not .!fficient to &ind %en into a .ociet$. Thi. i. #ro5ed &$ the fact that the fe.ti5al. o&.er5ed &$ the different -a.te. a%on .t the Hind!. are the .a%e. =et the.e #arallel #erfor%ance. of .i%ilar fe.ti5al. &$ the different ca.te. ha5e not &o!nd the% into one inte ral 4hole. Cor that #!r#o.e 4hat i.$ i. for a %an to .hare and #artici#ate in a co%%on acti5it$ .o that the .a%e e%otion. are aro!.ed in hi% that ani%ate the other.. Ma'in the indi5id!al a .harer or #artner in the a..ociated acti5it$ .o that he feel. it. .!cce.. a. hi. .!cce..7 it. fail!re a. hi. fail!re i. the real thin that &ind. %en and %a'e. a .ociet$ of the%. The -a.te S$.te% #re5ent. co%%on acti5it$ and &$ #re5entin co%%on acti5it$ it ha. #re5ented the Hind!. fro% &eco%in a .ociet$ 4ith a !nified life and a con.cio!.ne.. of it. o4n &ein .

,** The Hind!. often co%#lain of the i.olation and e)cl!.i5ene.. of a an or a cli<!e and &la%e the% for anti2.ocial .#irit. B!t the$ con5enientl$ for et that thi. anti2.ocial .#irit i. the 4or.t feat!re of their o4n -a.te S$.te%. One ca.te en6o$. .in in a h$%n of hate a ain.t another ca.te a. %!ch a. the /er%an. did in .in in their h$%n of hate a ain.t the En li.h d!rin the la.t 4ar. The literat!re of the Hind!. i. f!ll of ca.te enealo ie. in 4hich an atte%#t i. %ade to i5e a no&le ori in to one ca.te and an i no&le ori in to other ca.te.. The -ah0adri9hand i. a notorio!. in.tance of thi. cla.. of literat!re. Thi. anti2.ocial .#irit i. not confined to ca.te alone. *t ha. one dee#er and ha. #oi.oned the %!t!al relation. of the .!&2ca.te. a. 4ell. *n %$ #ro5ince the /ola' Brah%in.7 Deor!'ha Brah%in.7 Earada Brah%in.7 Pal.he Brah%in. and -hit#a5an Brah%in.7 all clai% to &e .!&2di5i.ion. of the Brah%in -a.te. B!t the anti2.ocial .#irit that #re5ail. &et4een the% i. <!ite a. %ar'ed and <!ite a. 5ir!lent a. the anti2.ocial .#irit that #re5ail. &et4een the% and other non2Brah%in ca.te.. There i. nothin .tran e in thi.. An anti2.ocial .#irit i. fo!nd 4here5er one ro!# ha. ; intere.t. of it. o4n ; 4hich .h!t it o!t fro% f!ll interaction 4ith other ro!#.7 .o that it. #re5ailin #!r#o.e i. #rotection of 4hat it ha. ot. Thi. anti2.ocial .#irit7 thi. .#irit of #rotectin it. o4n intere.t. i. a. %!ch a %ar'ed feat!re of the different ca.te. in their i.olation fro% one another a. it i. of nation. in their i.olation. The Brah%inI. #ri%ar$ concern i. to #rotect ; hi. intere.t ; a ain.t tho.e of the non2Brah%in. and the non2Brah%inI. #ri%ar$ concern i. to #rotect their intere.t. a ain.t tho.e of the Brah%in.. The Hind!.7 therefore7 are not %erel$ an a..ort%ent of ca.te. &!t the$ are .o %an$ 4arrin ro!#. each li5in for it.elf and for it. .elfi.h ideal. There i. another feat!re of ca.te 4hich i. de#lora&le. The ance.tor. of the #re.ent2da$ En li.h fo! ht on one .ide or the other in the 4ar. of the Ro.e. and the -ro%4ellian ?ar. B!t the decendent. of tho.e 4ho fo! ht on the one .ide do not &ear an$$ an$ r!d e a ain.t the de.cendent. of tho.e 4ho fo! ht on the other .ide. The fe!d i. for otten. B!t the #re.ent2da$ non2Brah%in. cannot for i5e the #re.ent2da$ Brah%in. for the in.!lt their ance.tor. a5e to Shi5a6i. The #re.ent2da$ Ea$a.tha. 4ill not for i5e the #re.ent2da$ Brah%in. for the infa%$ ca.t !#on their forefather. &$ the forefather. of the latter. To 4hat i. thi. difference d!e F O&5io!.l$ to the -a.te S$.te%. The e)i.tence of -a.te and -a.te -on.cio!.ne.. ha. .er5ed to 'ee# the %e%or$ of #a.t fe!d. &et4een ca.te. reen and ha. #re5ented .olidarit$. ,*** The recent di.c!..ion a&o!t the e)cl!ded and #artiall$ incl!ded area. ha. .er5ed to dra4 attention to the #o.ition of 4hat are called the a&ori inal tri&e. in *ndia. The$ n!%&er a&o!t 13 %illion. if not %ore. A#art fro% the <!e.tion. 4hether their e)cl!.ion fro% the ne4 -on.tit!tion i. #ro#er or i%#ro#er7 the fact .till re%ain. that the.e a&ori ine. ha5e re%ained in their #ri%iti5e !nci5ili8ed State in a land 4hich &oa.t. of a ci5ili8ation tho!.and. of $ear. old. Not onl$ are the$ not ci5ili8ed &!t .o%e of the%

follo4 #!r.!it. 4hich ha5e led to their &ein cla..ified a. cri%inal.. Thirteen %illion. of #eo#le li5in in the %id.t of ci5ili8ation are .till in a .a5a e .tate and are leadin the life of hereditar$ cri%inal.K K B!t the Hind!. ha5e ne5er felt a.ha%ed of it. Thi. i. a #heno%enon 4hich in %$ 5ie4 i. <!ite !n#aralleled. ?hat i. the ca!.e of thi. .ha%ef!l .tate of affair. F ?h$ ha. no atte%#t &een %ade to ci5ili8e the.e a&ori ine. and to lead the% to ta'e to a %ore hono!ra&le 4a$ of %a'in a li5in F The Hind!. 4ill #ro&a&l$ .ee' to acco!nt for thi. .a5a e .tate of the a&ori ine. &$ attri&!tin to the% con enital .t!#idit$. The$ 4ill #ro&a&l$ not ad%it that the a&ori ine. ha5e re%ained .a5a e. &eca!.e the$ had %ade no effort to ci5ili8e the%7 to i5e the% %edical aid7 to refor% the%7 to %a'e the% ood citi8en.. B!t .! a Hind! 4i.hed to do 4hat the -hri.tian %i..ionar$ i. doin for the.e a&ori ine.7 co!ld he ha5e done it F * .!&%it not. -i5ili8in the a&ori ine. %ean. ado#tin the% a. $o!r o4n7 li5in in their %id.t7 and c!lti5atin fello42feelin 7 in .hort lo5in the%. Ho4 i. it #o..i&le for a Hind! to do thi. F Hi. 4hole life i. one an)io!. effort to #re.er5e hi. ca.te. -a.te i. hi. #recio!. #o..e..ion 4hich he %!.t .a5e at an$ co.t. He cannot con.ent to lo.e it &$ e.ta&li.hin contact 4ith the a&ori ine. the re%nant. of the hatef!l Anar$ a. of the /edi+ da$.. Not that a Hind! co!ld not be ta! ht the .en.e of d!t$ to fallen h!%anit$7 &!t the tro!&le i. that no a%o!nt of .en.e of d!t$ can ena&le hi% to o5erco%e hi. d!t$ to #re.er5e hi. ca.te. -a.te i.7 therefore7 the real e)#lanation a. to 4h$ the Hind! ha. let the .a5a e re%ain a .a5a e in the %id.t of hi. ci5ili8ation 4itho!t &l!.hin or 4itho!t feelin an$ .en.e of re%or.e or re#entance. The Hind! ha. not reali8ed that the.e a&ori ine. are a .o!rce of #otential dan er. *f the.e .a5a e. re%ain .a5a e. the$ %a$ not do an$ har% to the Hind!.. B!t if the$ are reclai%ed &$ non2Hind!. and con5erted to their faith. the$ 4ill .4ell the ran'. of the ene%ie. of the Hind!.. *f thi. ha##en. the Hind! 4ill ha5e to than' hi%.elf and hi. -a.te S$.te%. *@ Not onl$ ha. the Hind! %ade no effort for the h!%anitarian ca!.e of ci5ili8in the .a5a e. &!t the hi her2ca.te Hind!. ha5e deli&eratel$ #re5ented the lo4er ca.te. 4ho are 4ithin the #ale of Hind!i.% fro% to the c!lt!ral le5el of the hi her ca.te.. 1. 4ill i5e t4o in.tance.7 one of the Sonar. and the other of the Pathare Pra&h!.. Both are co%%!nitie. <!ite 4ell2'no4n in Mahara.htra. 3i'e the re.t of the co%%!nitie. de.irin to rai.e their .tat!. the.e t4o co%%!nitie. 4ere at one ti%e endea5o!rin to ado#t .o%e of the 4a$. and ha&it. of the Brah%in.. The Sonar. 4ere .t$lin the%.el5e. Dai5adn$a Brah%in. and 4ere 4earin their ; dhoti. ; 4ith fold. on and !.in the 4ord na#as9ar for .al!tation. Both7 the folded 4a$ of 4earin the ; dhoti ; and the na#as9ar 4ere .#ecial to the Brah%in.. The Brah%in. did not li'e thi. i%itation and thi. atte%#t &$ Sonar. to #a.. off a. Brah%in.. Under the a!thorit$ of the Pe.h4a. the Brah%in. .!cce..f!ll$ #!t do4n thi. atte%#t on the #art. of the Sonar. to ado#t the 4a$. of the Brah%in.. The$ e5en ot the Pre.ident of the -o!ncil. of the Ea.t *ndia -o%#an$I. .ettle%ent in Bo%&a$ to i..!e a. #rohi&itor$ order a ain.t the Sonar.

re.idin in Bo%&a$. At one ti%e the Pathare Pra&h!. had 4ido42re%arria e a. a c!.to% of their ca.te. Thi. c!.to% of 4ido42re%arria e 4a. later on loo'ed !#on a. a%ar' of .ocial inferiorit$ &$ .o%e %e%&er. of the ca.te e.#eciall$ &eca!.e it 4a. contrar$ to the c!.to% #re5alent a%on the Brah%in.. ?ith the o&6ect of the .tat!. of their co%%!nit$ .o%e Pathare Pra&h!. .o! ht to .to# thi. #ractice of 4ido42 re%arria e that 4a. #re5alent in their ca.te. The co%%!nit$ 4a. di5ided into t4o ca%#.7 one for and the other a ain.t the inno5ation. The Pe.h4a. too' the .ide of tho.e in fa5o!r of 4ido42re%arria e and th!. 5irt!all$ #rohi&ited the Pathare Pra&h!. fro% follo4in the 4a$. of the Brah%in.. The Hind!. critici.e the Moha%%edan. for ha5in .#read their reli ion &$ the !.e of the .4ord. The$ al.o ridic!le -hri.tianit$ on the .core of the in<!i.ition. B!t reall$ .#ea'in 4ho i. &etter and %ore 4orth$ of o!r re.#ectthe Moha%%edan. and -hri.tian. 4ho atte%#ted to thr!.t do4n the throat. of !n4illin #er.on. 4hat the$ re arded a.$ for their .al5ation or the Hind! 4ho 4o!ld not .#read the li ht7 4ho 4o!ld endea5o!r to 'ee# other. in dar'ne..7 4ho 4o!ld not con.ent to .hare hi. intellect!al and .ocial inheritance 4ith tho.e 4ho are read$ and 4illin to %a'e it a #art of their o4n %a'e2!# F * ha5e no he.itation in .a$in that if the Moha%%edan ha. &een cr!el the Hind! ha. &een %ean and %eanne.. i. 4or.e than cr!elt$. @ ?hether the Hind! reli ion 4a. or 4a. not a %i..ionar$ reli ion ha. &een a contro5er.ial i..!e. So%e hold the 5ie4 that it 4a. ne5er a %i..ionar$ reli ion. Other. hold that it 4a.. That the Hind! reli ion 4a. once a %i..ionar$ reli ion %!.t &e ad%itted. *t co!ld not ha5e .#read o5er the face of *ndia7 if it 4a. not a %i..ionar$ reli ion. That toda$ it i. not a %i..ionar$ reli ion i. al.o a fact 4hich %!.t &e acce#ted. The <!e.tion therefore i. not 4hether or not the Hind! reli ion 4a. a %i..ionar$ reli ion. The real <!e.tion i. 4h$ did the Hind! reli ion cea.e to &e a %i..ionar$ reli ion F M$ an.4er i. thi.. Hind! reli ion cea.ed to &e a %i..ionar$ reli ion 4hen the -a.te S$.te% re4 !# a%on the Hind!.. -a.te i. incon.i.tent 4ith con5er.ion. *nc!lcation of &elief. and do %a. i. not the onl$ #ro&le% that i. in5ol5ed in con5er.ion. To find a #lace for the con5ert in the .ocial life of the co%%!nit$ i. another and a %!ch %ore i%#ortant #ro&le% that ari.e. in connection 4ith con5er.ion. That #ro&le% i. 4here to #lace the con5ert7 in 4hat ca.te F *t i. a #ro&le% 4hich %!.t &affle e5er$ Hind! 4i.hin to %a'e alien. con5ert. to hi. reli ion. Unli'e the cl!& the %e%&er.hi# of a ca.te i. not o#en to all and .!ndr$. The la4 of ca.te confine. it. %e%&er.hi# to #er.on &orn in the ca.te. -a.te. are a!tono%o!. and there i. no a!thorit$ an$4here to co%#el a ca.te to ad%it a ne42co%er to it. .ocial life. Hind! Societ$ &ein a collection of ca.te. and each ca.te &ein a clo.e cor#oration there i. no #lace for a con5ert. Th!. it i. the ca.te 4hich ha. #re5ented the Hind!. fro% e)#andin and fro% a&.or&in other reli io!. co%%!nitie.. So lon a. ca.te re%ain7 Hind! reli ion cannot &e %ade a %i..ionar$ reli ion and -hudhi 4ill &e &oth a foll$ and a f!tilit$.

@* The rea.on. 4hich ha5e %ade -hudhi i%#o..i&le for Hind!. are al.o re.#on.i&le for %a'in -anghatan i%#o..i&le. The idea !nderl$in -anghalan i. to re%o5e fro% the %ind of the Hind! that ti%idit$ and co4ardice 4hich .o #ainf!ll$ %a'e hi% off fro% the Moha%%edan and the Si'h and 4hich ha5e led hi% to ado#t the lo4 4a$. of treacher$ and c!nnin for #rotectin hi%.elf. The <!e.tion nat!rall$ ari.e. + Cro% 4here doe. the Si'h or the Moha%%edan deri5e hi. .tren th 4hich %a'e. hi% &ra5e and fearle.. F * a% .!re it i. not d!e to relati5e .!#eriorit$ of #h$.ical .tren th7 diet or drill. *t i. d!e to the .tren th o!t of the feelin that all Si'h. 4ill co%e to the re.c!e of a Si'h 4hen he i. in dan er and that all Moha%%edan. 4ill r!.h to .a5e a M!.li% if he i. attac'ed. The Hind! can deri5e no .!ch .tren th. He cannot feel a..!red that hi. fello4. 4ill co%e to hi. hel#. Bein one and fated to &e alone he re%ain. #o4erle..7 de5elo#. ti%idit$ and co4ardice and in a fi ht .!rrender. or r!n. a4a$. The Si'h a. 4ell a. the M!.li% .tand. fearle.. and i5e. &attle &eca!.e he 'no4. that tho! h one he 4ill not &e alone. The #re.ence of thi. &elief in the one hel#. hi% to hold o!t and the a&.ence of it in the other %a'e. hi% to i5e 4a$. *f $o! #!r.!e thi. %atter f!rther and a.' 4hat i. it that ena&le. the Si'h and the Moha%%edan to feel .o a..!red and 4h$ i. the Hind! filled 4ith .!ch de.#air in the %atter of hel# and a..i.tance $o! 4ill find that the rea.on. for thi. difference lie in the difference in their a..ociated %ode of li5in . The a..ociated %ode of life #racti.ed &$ the Si'h. and the Moha%%edan. #rod!ce. fello42 feelin . The a..ociated %ode of life of the Hind!. doe. not. A%on Si'h. and M!.li%. there i. a .ocial ce%ent 4hich %a'e. the% :hais, A%on Hind!. there i. no .!ch ce%ent and one Hind! doe. not re ard another Hind! a. hi. :hai, Thi. e)#lain. 4h$ a Si'h .a$. and feel. that one Si'h7 or one Ehal.a i. e<!al to -a!a La9h %en. Thi. e)#lain. 4h$ one Moha%%edan i. e<!al to a cro4d of Hind!.. Thi. difference i. !ndo!&tedl$ a difference d!e to ca.te. So lon a. ca.te re%ain.7 there 4ill &e no -anghalan and .o lon a. there i. no -anghatan the Hind! 4ill re%ain 4ea' and %ee'. The Hind!. clai% to &e a 5er$ tolerant #eo#le. *n %$ o#inion thi. i. a %i.ta'e. On %an$ occa.ion. the$ can &e intolerant and if on .o%e occa.ion. the$ are tolerant that i. &eca!.e the$ are too 4ea' to o##o.e or too indifferent to o##o.e. Thi. indifference of the Hind!. ha. &eco%e .o %!ch a #art of their nat!re that a Hind! 4ill <!ite %ee'l$ tolerate an in.!lt a. 4ell a. a 4ron . =o! .ee a%on .t the%7 to !.e the 4ord. of Morri.7 ; The great reading down the little) the strong beating down the wea9) +ruel #en fearing not) 9ind #en daring not and wise #en +aring not," ?ith the Hind! /od. all for&earin 7 it i. not diffic!lt to i%a ine the #itia&le condition of the 4ron ed and the o##re..ed a%on the Hind!.. *ndifferenti.% i. the 4or.t 'ind of di.ea.e that can infect a #eo#le. ?h$ i. the Hind! .o indifferentF *n %$ o#inion thi. indifferenti.% i. the re.!lt of -a.te S$.te% 4hich ha. %ade -anghatan and co2o#eration e5en for a ood ca!.e i%#o..i&le. @**

The a..ertion &$ the indi5id!al of hi. o4n o#inion. and &elief.7 hi. o4n inde#endence and intere.t a. o5er a ain.t ro!# .tandard.7 ro!# a!thorit$ and ro!# intere.t. i. the &e innin of all refor%. B!t 4hether the refor% 4ill contin!e de#end. !#on 4hat .co#e the ro!# afford. for .!ch indi5id!al a..ertion. *f the ro!# i. tolerant and fair2%inded in dealin 4ith .!ch indi5id!al. the$ 4ill contin!e to a..ert and in the end .!cceed in con5ertin their fello4.. On the other hand if the ro!# i. intolerant and doe. not &other a&o!t the %ean. it ado#t. to .tifle .!ch indi5id!al. the$ 4ill #eri.h and the refor% 4ill die o!t. No4 a ca.te ha. an !n<!e.tioned ri ht to e)co%%!nicate an$ %an 4ho i. !ilt$ of &rea'in the r!le. of the ca.te and 4hen it i. reali8ed that e)co%%!nication in5ol5e. a co%#lete of .ocial interco!r.e it 4ill &e a reed that a. a for% of #!ni.h%ent there i. reall$ little to choo.e &et4een e)co%%!nication and death. No 4onder indi5id!al Hind!. ha5e not had the co!ra e to a..ert their inde#endence &$ &rea'in the &arrier. of ca.te. *t i. tr!e that %an cannot et on 4ith hi. fello4.. B!t it i. al.o tr!e that he cannot do 4itho!t the%. He 4o!ld li'e to ha5e the .ociet$ of hi. fello4. on hi. ter%.. *f &e cannot et it on hi. ter%. then he 4ill &e read$ to ha5e it on an$ ter%. e5en a%o!ntin to co%#lete .!rrender. Thi. i. &eca!.e he cannot do 4itho!t .ociet$. A ca.te i. e5er read$ to ta'e ad5anta e of the of a %an and in.i.t !#on co%#lete confor%it$ to it. code in letter and in .#irit. A ca.te can$ or ani8e it.elf into a con.#irac$ to %a'e the life of a refor%er a hell and if a con.#irac$ i. a cri%e * do not !nder.tand 4h$ .!ch a nefario!. act a. an atte%#t to e)co%%!nicate a #er.on for darin to act contrar$ to the r!le. of ca.te .ho!ld not &e %ade an offence #!ni.ha&le in la4. B!t a. it i.7 e5en la4 i5e. each ca.te an a!tono%$ to re !late it. %e%&er.hi# and #!ni.h di..enter. 4ith e)co%%!nication. -a.te in the hand. of the orthodo) ha. &een a #o4erf!l 4ea#on for!tin the refor%. and for 'illin all refor%. @*** The effect of ca.te on the ethic. of the Hind!. i. .i%#l$ de#lora&le. -a.te ha. 'illed #!&lic .#irit. -a.te ha. de.tro$ed the .en.e of #!&lic charit$. -a.te ha. %ade #!&lic o#inion i%#o..i&le. A Hind!I. #!&lic i. hi. ca.te. Hi. re.#on.i&ilit$ i. onl$ to hi. ca.te. Hi. lo$alt$ i. re.tricted onl$ to hi. ca.te. ,irt!e ha. &eco%e ca.te2ridden and %oralit$ ha. &eco%e7 ca.te2&o!nd. There i. no .$%#ath$ to the de.er5in . There i. no a##reciation of the %eritorio!.. There i. no charit$ to the need$. S!fferin a. .!ch call. for no re.#on.e. There i. charit$ &!t it &e in. 4ith the ca.te and end. 4ith the ca.te. There is .$%#ath$ &!t not for %en of other ca.te. ?o!ld a Hind! ac'no4led e and follo4 the leader.hi# of a reat and ood %anF The ca.e of a Mahat%a a#art7 the an.4er %!.t &e that he 4ill follo4 a leader if he i. a %an of hi. ca.te. A Brah%in 4ill follo4 a leader onl$ if he i. a Brah%in7 a Ea$a.tha if he i. a Ea$a.tha and .o on. The ca#acit$ to a##reciate %erit. in a %an a#art fro% hi. ca.te doe. not e)i.t in a Hind!. There i. a##reciation of 5irt!e &!t onl$ 4hen the %an i. a fello4 ca.te2%an. The 4hole %oralit$ i. a. &ad a. tri&al %oralit$. M$ ca.te2%an7 ri ht or 4ron G %$ ca.te2%an7 ood or &ad. *t i. not a ca.e of .tandin &$ 5irt!e and not .tandin &$ 5ice. *t i. a ca.e of

.tandin or not .tandin &$ the ca.te. Ha5e not Hind!. co%%itted trea.on a ain.t their co!ntr$ in the intere.t. of their ca.teF @*, * 4o!ld not &e .!r#ri.ed if .o%e of $o! ha5e ro4n 4ear$ li.tenin to thi. tire.o%e tale of the .ad effect. 4hich ca.te ha. #rod!ced. There i. nothin ne4 in it. * 4ill therefore t!rn to the!cti5e .ide of the #ro&le%. ?hat i. $o!r ideal .ociet$ if $o! do not 4ant ca.te i. a <!e.tion that i. &o!nd to &e a.'ed of $o!. *f $o! a.' %e7 %$ ideal 4o!ld &e a .ociet$ &a.ed on Libert0) 5ualit0 and 7raternit0, And 4h$ not F ?hat o&6ection can there &e to Craternit$ F * cannot i%a ine an$. An ideal .ociet$ .ho!ld &e %o&ile7 .ho!ld &e f!ll of channel. for con5e$in a chan e ta'in #lace in one #art to other #art.. *n an ideal .ociet$ there .ho!ld &e %an$ intere.t. con.cio!.l$ co%%!nicated and .hared. There .ho!ld &e 5aried and free #oint. of contact 4ith other %ode. of a..ociation. *n other 4ord. there %!.t &e .ocial endo.%o.i.. Thi. i. fraternit$7 4hich i. onl$ another na%e for de%ocrac$. De%ocrac$ i. not %erel$ a for% of /o5ern%ent. *t i. #ri%aril$ a %ode of a..ociated li5in 7 of con6oint co%%!nicated e)#erience. *t i. e..entiall$ an attit!de of re.#ect and re5erence to4ard. fello4%en. An$ o&6ection to 3i&ert$ F Ce4 o&6ect to li&ert$ in the .en.e of a ri ht to free %o5e%ent7 in the .en.e of a ri ht to life and li%&. There i. no o&6ection to li&ert$ in the .en.e of a ri ht to #ro#ert$7 tool. and %aterial. a. &ein$ for earnin a li5in to 'ee# the &od$ in d!e .tate of health. ?h$ not allo4 li&ert$ to &enefit &$ an effecti5e and co%#etent !.e of a #er.onI. #o4er. F The .!##orter. of ca.te 4ho 4o!ld allo4 li&ert$ in the .en.e of a ri ht to life7 li%& and #ro#ert$7 4o!ld not readil$ con.ent to li&ert$ in thi. .en.e7 ina.%!ch a. it in5ol5e. li&ert$ to choo.e oneI. #rofe..ion. B!t to o&6ect to thi. 'ind of li&ert$ i. to #er#et!ate .la5er$. Cor .la5er$ doe. not %erel$ %ean a le ali8ed for% of .!&6ection. *t %ean. a .tate of .ociet$ in 4hich .o%e %en are forced to acce#t fro% other the #!r#o.e. 4hich control their cond!ct. Thi. condition o&tain. e5en 4here there i. no .la5er$ in the le al .en.e. *t i. fo!nd 4here7 a. in the -a.te S$.te%7 .o%e #er.on. are co%#elled to carr$ on certain #re.cri&ed callin . 4hich are not of their choice. An$ o&6ection to e<!alit$ F Thi. ha. o&5io!.l$ &een the %o.t contentio!. #art of the .lo an of the Crench Re5ol!tion. The o&6ection. to e<!alit$ %a$ &e .o!nd and one %a$ ha5e to ad%it that all %en are not e<!al. B!t 4hat of that F E<!alit$ %a$ &e a fiction &!t nonethele.. one %!.t acce#t it a. the o5ernin #rinci#le. A. %anI. #o4er i. de#endent !#on A1B #h$.ical heredit$7 A2B .ocial inheritance or endo4%ent in the for% of #arental care7 ed!cation7 acc!%!lation of .cientific 'no4led e7 e5er$thin 4hich ena&le. hi% to &e %ore efficient than the .a5a e7 and finall$7 A3B on hi. o4n effort.. *n all the.e three re.#ect. %en are !ndo!&tedl$ !ne<!al. B!t the <!e.tion i.7 .hall 4e treat the% a. !ne<!al &eca!.e the$ are !ne<!al F Thi. i. a <!e.tion 4hich the o##onent. of e<!alit$ %!.t an.4er. Cro% the .tand#oint of the indi5id!ali.t it %a$ &e 6!.t to treat %en !ne<!all$ .o far a. their effort. are !ne<!al. *t %a$ &e de.ira&le to i5e a. %!ch incenti5e a. #o..i&le to the f!ll de5elo#%ent of e5er$

oneI. #o4er.. B!t 4hat 4o!ld ha##en if %en 4ere treated !ne<!all$ a. the$ are7 in the fir.t t4o re.#ect. F *t i. o&5io!. that tho.e indi5id!al. al.o in 4ho.e fa5o!r there i. &irth7 ed!cation7 fa%il$ na%e7 &!.ine.. connection. and inherited 4ealth 4o!ld &e .elected in the race. B!t .election !nder .!ch circ!%.tance. 4o!ld not &e a .election of the a&le. *t 4o!ld &e the .election of the #ri5ile ed. The rea.on therefore7 4hich force. that in the third re.#ect 4e .ho!ld treat %en !ne<!all$ de%and. that in the fir.t t4o re.#ect. 4e .ho!ld treat %en a. e<!all$ a. #o..i&le. On the other hand it can &e !r ed that if it i. ood for the .ocial &od$ to et the %o.t o!t of it. %e%&er.7 it can et %o.t o!t of the% onl$ &$ %a'in the% e<!al a. far a. #o..i&le at the 5er$ .tart of the race. That i. one rea.on 4h$ 4e cannot e<!alit$. B!t there i. another rea.on 4h$ 4e %!.t acce#t e<!alit$. A State.%an i. concerned 4ith 5a.t n!%&er. of #eo#le. He ha. neither the ti%e nor the 'no4led e to dra4 fine di.tinction. and to treat each e<!ita&l$ i,e, accordin to need or accordin to ca#acit$. Ho4e5er de.ira&le or rea.ona&le an e<!ita&le treat%ent of %en %a$ &e7 h!%anit$ i. not ca#a&le of a..ort%ent and cla..ification. The .tate.%an7 therefore7 %!.t follo4 .o%e ro! h and read$ r!le and that ro! h and read$ r!le i. to treat all %en ali'e not &eca!.e the$ are ali'e &!t &eca!.e cla..ification and a..ort%ent i. i%#o..i&le. The doctrine of e<!alit$ i. larin l$ fallacio!. &!t ta'in all in all it i. the onl$ 4a$ a .tate.%an can #roceed in #olitic. 4hich i. a .e5erel$ #ractical affair and 4hich de%and. a .e5erel$ #ractical te.t. @, B!t there i. a .et of refor%er. 4ho hold o!t a different ideal. The$ o &$ the na%e of the Ar$a Sa%a6i.t. and their ideal of .ocial or ani8ation i. 4hat i. called -hat!r5arn$a or the di5i.ion of .ociet$ into fo!r cla..e. in.tead of the fo!r tho!.and ca.te. that 4e ha5e in *ndia. To %a'e it %ore attracti5e and to o##o.ition the #rota oni.t. of -hat!r5arn$a ta'e reat care to #oint o!t that their -hat!r5arn$a i. &a.ed not on &irth &!t on guna A4orthB. At the o!t.et7 * %!.t confe.. that not4ith.tandin the 4orth2&a.i. of thi. -hat!r5arn$a7 it i. an ideal to 4hich * cannot reconcile %$.elf. *n the fir.t #lace7 if !nder the -hat!r5arn$a of the Ar$a Sa%a6i.t. an indi5id!al i. to ta'e hi. #lace in the Hind! Societ$ accordin to hi. 4orth. * do not !nder.tand 4h$ the Ar$a Sa%a6i.t. in.i.t !#on la&ellin %en a. Brah%in7 E.hatri$a7 ,ai.h$a and Sh!dra. A learned %an 4o!ld &e hono!red 4itho!t hi. &ein la&elled a Brah%in. A .oldier 4o!ld &e re.#ected 4itho!t hi. &ein de.i nated a E.hatri$a. *f E!ro#ean .ociet$ hono!r. it. .oldier. and it. .er5ant. 4itho!t i5in the% #er%anent la&el.7 4h$ .ho!ld Hind! Societ$ find it diffic!lt to do .o i. a <!e.tion7 4hich Ar$a Sa%a6i.t. ha5e not cared to con.ider. There i. another o&6ection to the contin!ance of the.e la&el.. All refor% con.i.t. in a chan e in the notion.7 .enti%ent and %ental attit!de. of the #eo#le to4ard. %en and thin .. *t i. co%%on e)#erience that certain na%e. &eco%e a..ociated 4ith certain notion. and .enti%ent.7 4hich deter%ine a #er.onI. attit!de to4ard. %en and thin .. The na%e.7 Brah%in7 E.hatri$a7 ,ai.h$a and Sh!dra7 are na%e. 4hich are a..ociated 4ith a definite and fi)ed notion in the %ind of e5er$ Hind!. That notion i. that of a hierarch$

&a.ed on &irth. So lon a. the.e na%e. contin!e7 Hind!. 4ill contin!e to thin' of the Brah%in7 E.hatri$a7 ,ai.h$a and Sh!dra a. hierarchical di5i.ion. of hi h and lo47 &a.ed on &irth7 and act accordin l$. The Hind! %!.t &e %ade to !nlearn all thi.. B!t ho4 can thi. ha##en if the old la&el. re%ain and contin!e to recall to hi. %ind old notion.. *f ne4 notion. are to &e inc!lcated in the %ind. of #eo#le it i.$ to i5e the% ne4 na%e.. To contin!e the old na%e i. to %a'e the refor% f!tile. To allo4 thi. -hat!r5arn$a7 &a.ed on 4orth to &e de.i nated &$ .!ch .tin'in la&el. of Brah%in7 E.hatri$a7 ,ai.h$a7 Sh!dra7 indicati5e of .ocial di5i.ion. &a.ed on &irth7 i. a .nare. @,* To %e thi. -hat!r5arn$a 4ith it. old la&el. i. !tterl$ re#ellent and %$ 4hole &ein re&el. a ain.t it. B!t * do not 4i.h to re.t %$ o&6ection to -hat!r5arn$a on %ere ro!nd. of .enti%ent.. There are %ore .olid ro!nd. on 4hich * rel$ for %$ o##o.ition to it. A clo.e e)a%ination of thi. ideal ha. con5inced %e that a. a .$.te% of .ocial or ani8ation7 -hat!r5arn$a i. i%#ractica&le7 har%f!l and ha. t!rned o!t to &e a %i.era&le fail!re. Cro% a #ractical #oint of 5ie47 the .$.te% of -hat!r5arn$a rai.e. .e5eral diffic!ltie. 4hich it. #rota oni.t. do not .ee% to ha5e ta'en into acco!nt. The #rinci#le !nderl$in ca.te i. f!nda%entall$ different fro% the #rinci#le !nderl$in /arna, Not onl$ are the$ f!nda%entall$ different &!t the$ are al.o f!nda%entall$ o##o.ed. The for%er i. &a.ed on 4orth . Ho4 are $o! oin to co%#el #eo#le 4ho ha5e ac<!ired a hi her .tat!. &a.ed on &irth 4itho!t reference to their 4orth to 5acate that .tat!. F Ho4 are $o! oin to co%#el #eo#le to reco ni8e the .tat!. d!e to a %an in accordance 4ith hi. 4orth7 4ho i. occ!#$in a lo4er .tat!. &a.ed on hi. &irth F Cor thi. $o! %!.t fir.t &rea' !# the ca.te S$.te%7 in order to &e a&le to e.ta&li.h the /arna .$.te%. Ho4 are $o! oin to red!ce the fo!r tho!.and ca.te.7 &a.ed oil &irth7 to the fo!r /arnas) &a.ed on 4orth F Thi. i. the fir.t diffic!lt$ 4hich the #rota oni.t. of the -hat!r5arn$a %!.t ra##le 4ith. There i. a .econd diffic!lt$ 4hich the #rota oni.t. of -hat!r5arn$a %!.t ra##le 4ith7 if the$ 4i.h to %a'e the e.ta&li.h%ent of -hat!r5arn$a a .!cce... -hat!r5arn$a #re2.!##o.e. that $o! can cla..if$ #eo#le into fo!r definite cla..e.. *. thi. #o..i&le F *n thi. re.#ect7 the ideal of -hat!r5arn$a ha.7 a. $o! 4ill .ee7 a clo.e affinit$ to the Platonic ideal. To Plato7 %en fell &$ nat!re into three cla..e.. *n .o%e indi5id!al.7 he &elie5ed %ere a##etite. do%inated. He a..i ned the% to the la&o!rin and tradin cla..e.. Other. re5ealed to hi% that o5er and a&o5e a##etite.7 the$ ha5e a co!ra eo!. di.#o.ition. He cla..ed the% a. defender. in 4ar and !ardian. of internal #eace. Other. .ho4ed a ca#acit$ to ra.# the ! rea.on !nderl$in thin .. He %ade the% the la42 i5er. of the #eo#le. The critici.% to 4hich PlatoI. Re#!&lic i. .!&6ect7 i. al.o the critici.% 4hich %!.t a##l$ to the .$.te% of -hat!r5arn$a7 in .o far a. it #roceed. !#on the #o..i&ilit$ of an acc!rate cla..ification of %en into fo!r di.tinct cla..e.. The chief critici.% a ain.t Plato i. that hi. idea of l!%#in of indi5id!al. into a fe4 .har#l$ %ar'ed2off cla..e. i. a 5er$ .!#erficial 5ie4 of %an and hi. #o4er.. Plato had no #erce#tion of the !ni<!ene.. of e5er$ indi5id!al7 of hi. inco%%en.!ra&ilit$ 4ith

other.7 of each indi5id!al for%in a cla.. of hi. o4n. He had no reco nition of the infinite$ of acti5e tendencie. and co%&ination of tendencie. of 4hich an indi5id!al i. ca#a&le. To hi%7 there 4ere t$#e. of fac!ltie. or #o4er. in the indi5id!al con.tit!tion. All thi. i. de%on.tra&l$ 4ron . Mode% .cience ha. .ho4n that l!%#in to ether of indi5id!al. into a fe4 .har#l$ %ar'ed2off cla..e. i. a .!#erficial 5ie4 of %an not 4orth$ of .erio!. con.ideration. -on.e<!entl$7 the !tili8ation of the <!alitie. of indi5id!al. i. inco%#ati&le 4ith their .tratification &$ cla..e.7 .ince the <!alitie. of indi5id!al. are .o 5aria&le. -hat!r5arn$a %!.t fail for the 5er$ rea.on for 4hich PlatoI. Re#!&lic %!.t fail7 na%el$ that it i. not #o..i&le to #i eon %en into hole.7 accordin a. he &elon . to one cla.. or the other. That it i. i%#o..i&le to acc!ratel$ cla..if$ #eo#le into fo!r definite cla..e. i. #ro5ed &$ the fact that the ori inal fo!r cla..e. ha5e no4 &eco%e fo!r tho!.and ca.te.. There i. a third diffic!lt$ in the 4a$ of the e.ta&li.h%ent of the .$.te% of -hat!r5arn$a. Ho4 are $o! oin to %aintain the .$.te% of -hat!r5arn$a7 .! it 4a. e.ta&li.hed F One i%#ortant re<!ire%ent for the .!cce..f!l 4or'in of -hat!r5arn$a i. the %aintenance of the #enal .$.te% 4hich co!ld %aintain it &$ it. .anction. The .$.te% of -hat!r5arn$a %!.t #er#et!all$ face the #ro&le% of the tran. re..or. Unle.. there i. a #enalt$ attached to the act of tran. re..ion7 %en 4ill not 'ee# to their re.#ecti5e cla..e.. The 4hole .$.te% 4ill &rea' do4n7 &ein contrar$ to h!%an nat!re. -hat!r5arn$a cannot .!&.i.t &$ it. o4n inherent oodne... *t %!.t &e enforced &$ la4. That7 4itho!t #enal .anction the ideal of -hat!r5arn$a cannot &e reali8ed7 i. #ro5ed &$ the .tor$ in the Ra%a$ana of Ra%a 'illin Sha%&!'a. So%e #eo#le .ee% to &la%e Ra%a &eca!.e he 4antonl$ and 4itho!t rea.on 'illed Sha%&!'a. B!t to &la%e Ra%a for 'illin Sha%&!'a i. to %i.!nder.tand the 4hole .it!ation. Ra% Ra6 4a. a Ra6 &a.ed on -hat!r5arn$a. A. a 'in 7 Ra%a 4a. &o!nd to %aintain -hat!r5arn$a. *t 4a. hi. d!t$ therefore to 'ill Sha%&!'a7 the Sh!dra7 4ho had tran. re..ed hi. cla.. and 4anted to &e a Brah%in. Thi. i. the rea.on 4h$ Ra%a 'illed Sha%&!'a. B!t thi. al.o .ho4. that #enal .anction i.$ for the %aintenance of -hat!r5arn$a. Not onl$ #enal .anction i.$7 &!t #enalt$ of death i.$. That i. 4h$ Ra%a did not inflict on Sha%&!'a a #!ni.h%ent. That i. 4h$ Man!2S%riti #re.cri&e. .!ch hea5$ .entence. a. c!ttin off the ton !e or #o!rin of %olten lead in the ear. of the Sh!dra7 4ho recite. or hear. the /eda, The .!##orter. of -hat!r5arn$a %!.t i5e an a..!rance that the$ co!ld .!cce..f!ll$ cla..if$ %en and the$ co!ld ind!ce %odern .ociet$ in the t4entieth cent!r$ to refor e the #enal .anction. of Man!2S%riti. The #rota oni.t. of -hat!r5arn$a do not .ee% to ha5e con.idered 4hat i. to ha##en to 4o%en in their .$.te%. Are the$ al.o to &e di5ided into fo!r cla..e.7 Brah%in7 E.hatri$a7 ,ai.h$a and Sh!draF Or are the$ to &e allo4ed to ta'e the .tat!. of their h!.&and.. *f the .tat!. of the 4o%an i. to &e the con.e<!ence of %arria e 4hat &eco%e. of the !nderl$in #rinci#le of -hat!r5arn$a7 na%el$7 that the .tat!. of a

#er.on .ho!ld &e &a.ed !#on the 4orth of that #er.on F *f the$ are to &e cla..ified accordin to their 4orth i. their cla..ification to &e no%inal or real F *f it i. to &e no%inal then it i. !.ele.. and then the #rota oni.t. of -hat!r5arn$a %!.t ad%it that their .$.te% doe. not a##l$ to 4o%en. *f it i. real7 are the #rota oni.t. of -hat!r5arn$a #re#ared to follo4 the lo ical con.e<!ence. of a##l$in it to 4o%en F The$ %!.t &e #re#ared to ha5e 4o%en #rie.t. and 4o%en .oldier.. Hind! .ociet$ ha. ro4n acc!.to%ed to 4o%en teacher. and 4o%en &arri.ter.. *t %a$ ro4 acc!.to%ed to 4o%en &re4er. and 4o%en &!tcher.. B!t he 4o!ld &e a &old #er.on7 4ho 4o!ld .a$ that it 4ill allo4 4o%en #rie.t. and 4o%en .oldier.. B!t that 4ill &e the lo ical o!tco%e of a##l$in -hat!r5arn$a to 4o%en. /i5en the.e diffic!ltie.7 * thin' no one e)ce#t a con enital idiot co!ld ho#e and &elie5e in a .!cce..f!l re eneration of the -hat!r5arn$a. @,** A..!%in that -hat!r5arn$a i. #ractica&le7 * contend that it i. the %o.t 5icio!. .$.te%. That the Brah%in. .ho!ld c!lti5ate 'no4led e7 that the E.hatri$a .ho!ld &ear ar%.7 that the ,ai.h$a. .ho!ld trade and that the Sh!dra .ho!ld .er5e .o!nd. a. tho! h it 4a. a .$.te% of di5i.ion of la&o!r. ?hether the theor$ 4a. intended to .tate that the Sh!dra need not or that 4hether it 4a. intended to la$ do4n that he #ust not) i. an intere.tin <!e.tion. The defender. of -hat!r5arn$a i5e it the fir.t %eanin . The$ .a$7 4h$ .ho!ld the Sh!dra need tro!&le to ac<!ire 4ealth7 4hen the three /a#as are there to .!##ort hi% F ?h$ need the Sh!dra &other to ta'e to ed!cation7 4hen there i. the Brah%in to 4ho% he can o 4hen the occa.ion for readin or 4ritin ari.e. F ?h$ need the Sh!dra 4orr$ to ar% hi%.elf &eca!.e there i. the E.hatri$a to #rotect hi% F The theor$ of -hat!r5arn$a7 !nder.tood in thi. .en.e7 %a$ &e .aid to loo' !#on the Sh!dra a. the 4ard and the three /a#as as hi. !ardian.. Th!. inter#reted7 it i. a .i%#le7 ele5atin and all!rin theor$. A..!%in thi. to &e the correct 5ie4 of the !nderl$in conce#tion of -hat!r5arn$a7 it .ee%. to %e that the .$.te% i. neither fool2 #roof nor 'na5e2#roof. ?hat i. to ha##en7 if the Brah%in.7 ,ai.h$a. and E.hatri$a. fail to #!r.!e 'no4led e7 to en a e in econo%ic enter#ri.e and to &e efficient .oldier. 4hich are their re.#ecti5e f!nction. F -ontrar$24i.e7 .!##o.e that the$ di.char e their f!nction. &!t flo!t their d!t$ to the Sh!dra or to one another7 4hat i. to ha##en to the Sh!dra if the three cla..e. ref!.e to .!##ort hi% on fair ter%. or co%&ine to 'ee# hi% do4n F ?ho i. to .afe !ard the intere.t. of the Sh!dra or for the %atter of that of the ,ai.h$a and E.hatri$a 4hen the #er.on7 4ho i. tr$in to ta'e ad5anta e of hi. i norance i. the Brah%inF ?ho i. to defend the li&ert$ of the Sh!dra and for the %atter of that7 of the Brah%in and the ,ai.h$a 4hen the #er.on 4ho i. ro&&in hi% of it i. the E.hatri$a F *nter2de#endence of one cla.. on another cla.. i. ine5ita&le. E5en de#endence of one cla.. !#on another %a$ .o%eti%e. &eco%e allo4a&le. B!t 4h$ %a'e one #er.on de#end !#on another in the %atter of hi. 5ital need. F Ed!cation e5er$one %!.t ha5e. Mean. of defence e5er$one %!.t ha5e. The.e are the #ara%o!nt

re<!ire%ent. of e5er$ %an for hi. .elf2#re.er5ation. Ho4 can the fact that hi. nei h&o!r i. ed!cated and ar%ed hel# a %an 4ho i. !ned!cated and The 4hole theor$ i. a&.!rd. The.e are the <!e.tion.7 4hich the defender. of -hat!r5arn$a do not .ee% to &e tro!&led a&o!t. B!t the$ are 5er$ #ertinent <!e.tion.. A..!%in their conce#tion of -hat!r5arn$a that the relation.hi# &et4een the different cla..e. i. that of 4ard and !ardian i. the real conce#tion !nderl$in -hat!r5arn$a7 it %!.t &e ad%itted that it %a'e. no #ro5i.ion to .afe !ard the intere.t. of the 4ard fro% the %i.deed. of the !ardian. ?hether the relation.hi# of !ardian and 4ard 4a. the real !nderl$in conce#tion7 on 4hich -hat!r5arn$a 4a. &a.ed7 there i. no do!&t that in #ractice the relation 4a. that of %a.ter and .er5ant.. The three cla..e.7 Brah%in.7 E.hatri$a. and ,ai.h$a. altho! h not 5er$ ha##$ in their %!t!al relation.hi# %ana ed to 4or' &$ co%#ro%i.e. The Brah%in flattered the E.hatri$a and &oth let the ,ai.h$a li5e in order to &e a&le to li5e !#on hi%. B!t the three a reed to &eat do4n the Sh!dra. He 4a. not allo4ed to ac<!ire 4ealth le.t he .ho!ld &e inde#endent of the three /arn+us, He 4a. #rohi&ited fro% ac<!irin 'no4led e le.t he .ho!ld 'ee# a .tead$ 5i il re ardin hi. intere.t.. He 4a. #rohi&ited fro% &earin ar%. le.t he .ho!ld ha5e the %ean. to re&el a ain.t their a!thorit$. That thi. i. ho4 the Sh!dra. 4ere treated &$ the Tr$a5arni'a. i. e5idenced &$ the 3a4. of Man!. There i. no code of la4. %ore infa%o!. re ardin .ocial ri ht. than the 3a4. of Man!. An$ in.tance fro% an$4here of .ocial in6!.tice %!.t #ale &efore it. ?h$ ha5e the %a.. of #eo#le tolerated the .ocial e5il. to 4hich the$ ha5e &een .!&6ectedF There ha5e &een .ocial re5ol!tion. in other co!ntrie. of the 4orld. ?h$ ha5e there not &een .ocial re5ol!tion. in *ndia i. a <!e.tion 4hich ha. ince..antl$ tro!&led %e. There i. onl$ one an.4er7 4hich * can i5e and it i. that the lo4er cla..e. of Hind!. ha5e &een co%#letel$ di.a&led for direct action on acco!nt of thi. 4retched .$.te% of -hat!r5arn$a. The$ co!ld not &ear ar%. and 4itho!t ar%. the$ co!ld not re&el. The$ 4ere all #lo! h%en or rather conde%ned to &e #lo! h%en and the$ ne5er 4ere allo4ed to con5ert their #lo! h.hare into .4ord.. The$ had no &a$onet. and therefore e5er$one 4ho cho.e co!ld and did .it !#on the%. On acco!nt of the -hat!r5arn$a7 the$ co!ld recei5e no ed!cation. The$ co!ld not thin' o!t or 'no4 the 4a$ to their .al5ation. The$ 4ere conde%ned to &e lo4l$ and not 'no4in the 4a$ of and not ha5in the %ean. of the$ &eca%e reconciled to eternal .er5it!de7 4hich the$ acce#ted a. their fate. *t i. tr!e that e5en in E!ro#e the .tron ha. not .hr!n' fro% the e)#loitation7 na$ the .#oliation of the 4ea'. B!t in E!ro#e7 the .tron ha5e ne5er contri5ed to %a'e the 4ea' hel#le.. a ain.t e)#loitation .o .ha%ele..l$ a. 4a. the ca.e in *ndia a%on the Hind!.. Social 4ar ha. &een ra in &et4een the .tron and the 4ea' far %ore 5iolentl$ in E!ro#e than it ha. e5er &een in *ndia. =et7 the 4ea' in E!ro#e ha. had in hi. freedo% of %ilitar$ .er5ice hi. 1h0si+al wea1on) in .!fferin hi. 1oliti+al wea1on and in ed!cation hi. #oral wea1on, The.e three 4ea#on. for e%anci#ation 4ere ne5er 4ithheld &$ the .tron fro% the 4ea' in E!ro#e. All the.e 4ea#on. 4ere7 ho4e5er7 denied to the %a..e. in *ndia &$

-hat!r5arn$a. There cannot &e a %ore de radin .$.te% of .ocial or ani8ation than the -hat!r5arn$a. *t i. the .$.te% 4hich deaden.7 #aral$.e. and cri##le. the #eo#le fro% hel#f!l acti5it$. Thi. i. no e)a eration. Hi.tor$ &ear. a%#le e5idence. There i. onl$ one #eriod in *ndian hi.tor$ 4hich i. a #eriod of freedo%7 reatne.. and lor$. That i. the #eriod of the Mo!r$a E%#ire. At all other ti%e. the co!ntr$ .!ffered fro% defeat and dar'ne... B!t the Mo!r$a #eriod 4a. a #eriod 4hen -hat!r5arn$a 4a. co%#letel$ annihilated7 4hen the Sh!dra.7 4ho con.tit!ted the %a.. of the #eo#le7 ca%e into their o4n and &eca%e the r!ler. of the co!ntr$. The #eriod of defeat and dar'ne.. i. the #eriod 4hen -hat!r5arn$a flo!ri.hed to the da%nation of the reater #art of the #eo#le of the co!ntr$. @,*** -hat!r5arn$a i. not ne4. *t i. a. old a. the /edas, That i. one of the rea.on. 4h$ 4e are a.'ed &$ the Ar$a Sa%a6i.t. to con.ider it. clai%.. 1!d in fro% the #a.t a. a .$.te% of .ocial or ani8ation7 it ha. &een tried and it ha. failed. Ho4 %an$ ti%e. ha5e the Brah%in. annihilated the .eed of the E.hatri$a.K Ho4 %an$ ti%e. ha5e the E.hatri$a. annihilated the Brah%in.K The Maha&harata and the P!rana. are f!ll of incident. of the .trife &et4een the Brah%in. and the E.hatri$a.. The$ e5en <!arreled o5er .!ch #ett$ <!e.tion. a. to 4ho .ho!ld .al!te fir.t7 a. to 4ho .ho!ld i5e 4a$ fir.t7 the Brah%in. or the E.hatri$a.7 4hen the t4o %et in the .treet. Not onl$ 4a. the Brah%in an e$e.ore to die E.hatri$a and the E.hatri$a an e$e.ore to the Brah%in7 it .ee%. that the E.hatri$a. had &eco%e t$rannical and the %a..e.7 a. the$ 4ere !nder the .$.te% of -hat!r5arn$a7 4ere #ra$in Al%i ht$ /od for relief fro% their t$rann$. The Bha 4at tell. !. 5er$ definitel$ that Eri.hna had ta'en A5tar for one .acred #!r#o.e and that 4a. to annihilate the E.hatri$a.. ?ith the.e in.tance. of ri5alr$ and en%it$ &et4een the different /urnas &efore !.7 * do not !nder.tand ho4 an$ one can hold o!t -hat!r5arn$a a. an ideal to &e ai%ed at or a. a #attern7 on 4hich the Hind! Societ$ .ho!ld &e re%odelled. @*@ * ha5e dealt 4ith tho.e7 4ho are 4itho!t $o! and 4ho.e ho.tilit$ to $o!r ideal i. <!ite o#en. There a##ear to &e other.7 4ho are neither 4itho!t $o! nor 4ith $o!. * 4a. he.itatin 4hether * .ho!ld deal 4ith their #oint of 5ie4. B!t on f!rther con.ideration * ha5e co%e to the concl!.ion that * %!.t and that for t4o rea.on..$7 their attit!de to the #ro&le% of ca.te i. not %erel$ an attit!de of ne!tralit$7 &!t i. an attit!de of ai%ed ne!tralit$. Secondl$7 the$ #ro&a&l$ re#re.ent a con.idera&le &od$ of #eo#le. Of the.e7 there i. one .et 4hich find. nothin #ec!liar nor odio!. in the -a.te S$.te% of the Hind!.. S!ch Hind!. cite the ca.e of M!.li%.7 Si'h. and -hri.tian. and find co%fort in the fact that the$ too ha5e ca.te. a%on .t the%. *n con.iderin thi. <!e.tion $o! %!.t a.t the o! &ear in %ind that no4here i. h!%an .ociet$ one .in le 4hole. *t i. al4a$. #l!ral. *n the 4orld of action7 the indi5id!al i. one li%it and .ociet$ the other. Bet4een the% lie all .ort. of a..ociati5e arran e%ent. of and lar er .co#e7 fa%ilie.7

friend.hi#7 co2o#erati5e a..ociation.7 &!.ine.. co%&ine.7 #olitical #artie.7 &and. of thie5e. and ro&&er.. The.e .%all ro!#. are !.!all$ fir%l$ 4elded to ether and are often a. e)cl!.i5e a. ca.te.. The$ ha5e a narro4 and inten.i5e code7 4hich i. often anti2.ocial. Thi. i. tr!e of e5er$ .ociet$7 in E!ro#e a. 4ell a. in A.ia7 The <!e.tion to &e a.'ed in deter%inin 4hether a i5en .ociet$ i. an ideal .ociet$ G i. not 4hether there are ro!#. in it7 &eca!.e ro!#. e)i.t in all .ocietie.. The. <!e.tion. to &e a.'ed in deter%inin 4hat i. an ideal .ociet$ are + Ho4 n!%ero!. and 5aried are the intere.t. 4hich are con.cio!.l$ .hared &$ the ro!#. F Ho4 f!ll and free i. the inter#la$ 4ith other for%. of a..ociation. F Are the force. that .e#arate ro!#. and cla..e. %ore n!%ero!. than the force. that !nite F ?hat .ocial .i nificance i. attached to thi. ro!# life F *. it. e)cl!.i5ene.. a %atter of c!.to% and con5enience or i. it a %atter of reli ion F *t i. in the li ht of the.e <!e.tion. that one %!.t decide 4hether ca.te a%on Non2 Hind!. i. the .a%e a. ca.te a%on Hind!.. *f 4e a##l$ the.e con.ideration. to ca.te. a%on Moha%%edan.7 Si'h. and -hri.tian. on the one hand and to ca.te. a%on Hind!. on the other7 $o! 4ill find that ca.te a%on Non2Hind!. i. f!nda%entall$ different fro% ca.te a%on Hind!.. Cir.t7 the tie.7 4hich con.cio!.l$ %a'e the Hind!. hold to ether7 are non2e)i.tent7 4hile a%on Non2Hind!. there are %an$ that hold the% to ether. The .tren th of a .ociet$ de#end. !#on the #re.ence of #oint. of contact7 #o..i&ilitie. of interaction &et4een different ro!#. 4hich e)i.t in it. The.e are 4hat -arl$le call. ; or anic fila%ent. ; i,e, the ela.tic thread. 4hich hel# to &rin the di.inte ratin ele%ent. to ether and to re!nite the%. There i. no inte ratin farce a%on the Hind!. to co!nteract the di.inte ration ca!.ed &$ ca.te. ?hile a%on the Non2Hind!. there are #lent$ of the.e or anic fila%ent. 4hich &ind the% to ether. A ain it %!.t &e &orne in %ind that altho! h there are ca.te. a%on Non2Hind!.7 a. there are a%on Hind!.7 ca.te ha. not the .a%e .ocial .i nificance for Non2Hind!. a. it ha. for Hind!.. A.' Moha%%edan or a Si'h7 4ho he i.F He tell. $o! that he i. a Moha%%edan or a Si'h a. the ca.e %a$ &e. He doe. not tell $o! hi. ca.te altho! h he ha. one and $o! are .ati.fied 4ith hi. an.4er. ?hen he tell. $o! that he i. a M!.li%7 $o! do not #roceed to a.' hi% 4hether he i. a Shi$a or a S!niG Shei'h or Sai$ad G Ehati' or Pin6ari. ?hen he tell. $o! he i. a Si'h7 $o! do not a.' hi% 4hether he i. 1at or Roda G Ma8&i or Ra%da.i. B!t $o! are not .ati.fied7 if a #er.on tell. $o! that he i. a Hind!. =o! feel &o!nd to in<!ire into hi. ca.te. ?h$ F Beca!.e .o e..ential i. ca.te in the ca.e of a Hind! that 4itho!t 'no4in it $o! do not feel .!re 4hat .ort of a &ein he i.. That ca.te ha. not the .a%e .ocial .i nificance a%on Non2Hind!. a. it ha. a%on Hind!. i. clear if $o! ta'e into con.ideration the con.e<!ence. 4hich follo4 &reach of ca.te. There %a$ &e ca.te. a%on Si'h. and Moha%%edan. &!t the Si'h. and the Moha%%edan. 4ill not o!tca.t a Si'h or a Moha%%edan if he &ro'e hi. ca.te. *ndeed7 the 5er$ idea of e)co%%!nication i. forei n to the Si'h. and the Moha%%edan.. B!t 4ith the Hind!. the ca.e i. entirel$ different. He i. .!re to &e o!tca.ted if he &ro'e ca.te. Thi. .ho4. the difference in the .ocial .i nificance of ca.te to Hind!. and Non2

Hind!.. Thi. i. the .econd #oint of difference. B!t there i. al.o a third and a %ore i%#ortant one. -a.te a%on the non2Hind!. ha. no reli io!. con.ecrationG &!t a%on the Hind!. %o.t decidedl$ it ha.. A%on the Non2Hind!.7 ca.te i. onl$ a #ractice7 not a .acred in.tit!tion. The$ did not ori inate it. ?ith the% it i. onl$ a .!r5i5al. The$ do not re ard ca.te a. a reli io!. do %a. Reli ion co%#el. the Hind!. to treat i.olation and .e re ation of ca.te. a. a 5irt!e. Reli ion doe. not co%#el the Non2Hind!. to ta'e the .a%e attit!de to4ard. ca.te. *f Hind!. 4i.h to &rea' ca.te7 their reli ion 4ill co%e in their 4a$. B!t it 4ill not &e .o in the ca.e of Non2Hind!.. *t i.7 therefore7 a dan ero!. del!.ion to ta'e co%fort in the %ere e)i.tence of ca.te a%on Non2Hind!.7 4itho!t carin to 'no4 4hat #lace ca.te occ!#ie. in their life and 4hether there are other ; or anic fila%ent. ;7 4hich .!&ordinate the feelin of ca.te to the feelin of co%%!nit$. The .ooner the Hind!. are c!red of thi. del!.ion the &!tter. The other .et denie. that ca.te #re.ent. an$ #ro&le% at all for the .Hind!. to con.ider. S!ch Hind!. .ee' co%fort in the 5ie4 that the Hind!. ha5e .!r5i5ed and ta'e thi. a. a #roof of their fitne.. to .!r5i5e. Thi. #oint of 5ie4 i. 4ell e)#re..ed &$ Prof. S. Radha'ri.hnan in hi. Hindu !iew of life, Referrin to Hind!i.% he .a$.7 ; The ci5ili8ation it.elf ha. not7 &een a .hort2li5ed one. it. hi.toric record. date &ac' for o5er fo!r tho!.and $ear. and e5en then it had reached a .ta e of ci5ili8ation 4hich ha. contin!ed it. !n&ro'en7 tho! h at ti%e. .lo4 and .tatic7 co!r.e !ntil the #re.ent da$. *t ha. .tood the .tre.. and .train of %ore than fo!r or fi5e %illenni!%. of .#irit!al tho! ht and e)#erience. Tho! h #eo#le. of different race. and c!lt!re. ha5e been #o!rin into *ndia fro% the da4n of Hi.tor$7 Hind!i.% ha. &een a&le to %aintain it. .!#re%ac$ and e5en the #ro.el$ creed. &ac'ed &$ #olitical #o4er ha5e not &een a&le to coerce the lar e %a6orit$ of Hind!. to their 5ie4.. The Hind! c!lt!re #o..e..e. .o%e 5italit$ 4hich .ee%. to &e denied to .o%e other %ore forcef!l c!rrent . *t i. no %ore$ to di..ect Hind!i.% than to o#en a tree to .ee 4hether the .a# .till r!n..; The na%e of Prof. Radha'ri.hnan i. &i eno! h to in5e.t 4ith #rof!ndit$ 4hate5er he .a$. and i%#re.. the %ind. of hi. reader.. B!t * %!.t not he.itate to .#ea' o!t %$ %ind. Cor7 * fear that hi. .tate%ent %a$ &eco%e the &a.i. of a 5icio!. ar !%ent that the fact of .!r5i5al i. #roof of fitne.. to .!r5i5e. *t .ee%. to %e that the <!e.tion i.. not 4hether a co%%!nit$ li5e. or die. G the <!e.tion i. on 4hat #lane doe. it li5e. There are different %ode. of .!r5i5al. B!t all are not e<!all$ hono!ra&le. Cor an indi5id!al a. 4ell a. for a .ociet$7 there i. a !lf &et4een %erel$ li5in and li5in 4orthil$. To fi ht in a &attle and to li5e in lor$ i. one %ode. To &eat a retreat7 to .!rrender and to li5e the life of a ca#ti5e i.. al.o a %ode of .!r5i5al. *t i. !.ele.. for a Hind! to ta'e co%fort in the fact that he and hi. #eo#le ha5e .!r5i5ed. ?hat he %!.t con.ider i. 4hat i. the <!alit$ of their .!r5i5al. *f he doe. that7 * a% .!re he 4ill cea.e to ta'e #ride in the %ere fact of .!r5i5al. A Hind!I. life ha. &een a life of contin!o!. defeat and 4hat a##ear. to hi% to &e life e5erla.tin i. not li5in e5erla.tin l$ &!t i. reall$ a life 4hich i. #eri.hin e5erla.tin l$. *t i. a %ode of .!r5i5al of 4hich e5er$ ri ht2%inded Hind!7 4ho i. not

afraid to o4n !# the tr!th7 4ill feel a.ha%ed. @@ There i. no do!&tG in %$ o#inion7 that !nle.. $o! chan e $o!r .ocial order $o! can achie5e little &$ 4a$ of #ro re... =o! cannot %o&ili8e the co%%!nit$ either for defence or for offence. =o! cannot &!ild an$thin on the fo!ndation. of ca.te. =o! cannot &!ild !# a nation7 $o! cannot &!ild !# a %oralit$. An$thin that $o! 4ill &!ild on the fo!ndation. of ca.te 4ill crac' and 4ill ne5er &e a 4hole. The onl$ <!e.tion that re%ain. to &e con.idered i. How to bring about the refor# of the Hindu so+ial order ; How to abolish +aste ; Thi. i. a <!e.tion of .!#re%e i%#ortance. There i. a 5ie4 that in the refar% of ca.te7 the fir.t .te# to ta'e7 i. to a&oli.h .!&2ca.te.. Thi. 5ie4 i. &a.ed !#on the .!##o.ition that there i. a reater .i%ilarit$ in %anner. and .tat!. &et4een .!&2ca.te than there i. &et4een ca.te.. * thin'7 thi. i. an erroneo!. .!##o.ition. The Brah%in. of Northe% and -entral *ndia are .ociall$ of lo4er rade7 a. co%#ared 4ith the Brah%in. of the Deccan and So!thern *ndia. The for%er are onl$ coo'. and 4ater2carrier. 4hile the latter occ!#$ a hi h .ocial #o.ition. On the other hand7 in Northern *ndia7 the ,ai.h$a. and Ea$a.tha. are intellect!all$ and .ociall$ on a #ar 4ith the Brah%in. of the Deccan and So!thern *ndia. A ain7 in the %atter of food there i. no .i%ilarit$ &et4een the Brah%in. of the Deccan and So!thern *ndia7 4ho are 5e etarian. and the Brah%in. of Ea.h%ir and Ben al 4ho are non25e etarian.. On the other hand7 the Brah%in. of the2 Deccan and So!thern *ndia ha5e %ore in co%%on .o far a. food i. concerned 4ith .!ch non2Brah%in. a. the /!6arati.7 Mar4ari.7 Bania. and 1ain.. There i. no do!&t that fro% the .tand#oint of %a'in the fro% one ca.te to another ea.$7 the f!.ion of the Ea$a.tha. of Northern *ndia and the other Non2 Brah%in. of So!thern *ndia 4ith the Non2Brah%in. of the Deccan and the Dra5id co!ntr$ i. %ore #ractica&le than the f!.ion of the Brah%in. of the So!th 4ith the Brah%in. of the North. B!t a..!%in that the f!.ion of .!&2-a.te. i. #o..i&le7 4hat !arantee i. there that the a&olition of .!&2-a.te. 4ill nece..aril$ lead to the a&olition of -a.te. F On the contrar$7 it %a$ ha##en that the #roce.. %a$ .to# 4ith the a&olition of .!&2-a.te.. *n that ca.e7 the a&olition of .!&2-a.te. 4ill onl$ hel# to .tren then the -a.te. and %a'e the% %ore #o4erf!l and therefore %ore %i.chie5o!.. Thi. re%ed$ i. therefore neither #ractica&le nor effecti5e and %a$$ #ro5e to &e a 4ron re%ed$. Another #lan of action for the a&olition of -a.te i. to &e in 4ith inter2ca.te dinner.. Thi. al.o7 in %$ o#inion7 i. an inade<!ate re%ed$. There are %an$ -a.te. 4hich allo4 inter2 dinin . B!t it i. a co%%on e)#erience that inter2dinin ha. not .!cceeded in 'illin the .#irit of -a.te and the con.cio!.ne.. of -a.te. * a% con5inced that the real re%ed$ i. inter2%arria e. C!.ion of &lood can alone create the feelin of &ein 'ith and 'in and !nle.. thi. feelin of 'in.hi#7 of &ein 'indred7 &eco%e. #ara%o!nt the .e#arati.t feelin the feelin of &ein alien.created &$ -a.te 4ill not 5ani.h. A%on the Hind!. inter2%arria e %!.t nece..aril$ &e a factor of reater force in .ocial life than it need &e in the life of the non2Hind!.. ?here .ociet$ i. alread$ 4ell2'nit &$ other tie.7

%arria e i. an ordinar$ incident of life. B!t 4here .ociet$ c!t a.!nder7 %arria e a. a &indin force &eco%e. a %atter of !r ent$. The real re#ed0 for brea9ing Caste is inter<#arriage, Nothing else will ser!e as the sol!ent of Caste, =o!r 1at2Pat2 Toda' Mandal ha. ado#ted thi. line of attac'. *t i. a direct and frontal attac'7 and * con rat!late $o! !#on a collect dia no.i. and %ore !#on $o!r ha5in .ho4n the co!ra e to tell the Hind!. 4hat i. reall$ 4ron 4ith the%. Political t$rann$ i. nothin co%#ared to .ocial t$rann$ and a refor%er7 4ho defie. .ociet$7 i. a %!ch %ore co!ra eo!. %an than a #olitician7 4ho defie. /o5ern%ent. =o! are ri ht in holdin that -a.te 4ill cea.e to &e an o#erati5e farce onl$ 4hen inter2dinin and inter2%arria e ha5e &eco%e %atter. of co%%on co!r.e. =o! ha5e located the .o!rce of the di.ea.e. B!t i. $o!r #re.cri#tion the ri ht #re.cri#tion for the di.ea.e F A.' $o!r.el5e. thi. <!e.tion G ?h$ i. it that a lar e %a6orit$ of Hind!. do not inter2dine and do not inter2%arr$ F ?h$ i. it that $o!r ca!.e i. not #o#!lar F There can &e onl$ one an.4er to thi. <!e.tion and it i. that inter2dinin and inter2%arria e are re#! nant to the &elief. and do %a. 4hich the Hind!. re ard a. .acred. -a.te i. not a #h$.ical o&6ect li'e a 4all of &ric'. or a line of &ar&ed 4ire 4hich #re5ent. the Hind!. fro% co2 %in lin and 4hich ha.7 therefore7 to &e #!lled do4n. -a.te i. a notion7 it i. a .tate of the %ind. The!ction of -a.te doe. not therefore %ean the!ction of a #h$.ical &arrier. *t %ean. a notional chan e. -a.te %a$ &e &ad. -a.te %a$ lead to cond!ct .o ro.. a. to &e called %anI. inh!%anit$ to %an. All the .a%e7 it %!.t &e reco ni8ed that the Hind!. o&.er5e -a.te not &eca!.e the$ are inh!%an or 4ron headed. The$ o&.er5e -a.te &eca!.e the$ are dee#l$ reli io!.. Peo#le are not 4ron in o&.er5in -a.te. *n %$ 5ie47 4hat i. 4ron i. their reli ion7 4hich ha. inc!lcated thi. notion of -a.te. *f thi. i. correct7 then o&5io!.l$ the ene%$7 $o! %!.t ra##le 4ith7 i. not the #eo#le 4ho o&.er5e -a.te7 &!t the -hastras 4hich teach the% thi. reli ion of -a.te. and ridic!lin #eo#le for not inter2dinin or inter2%arr$in or occa.ionall$ holdin inter2ca.te dinner. and cele&ratin inter2ca.te %arria e.7 i. a f!tile %ethod of achie5in the de.ired end. The real re%ed$ i. to de.tro$ the &elief in the .anctit$ of the -hastras, Ho4 do $o! e)#ect to .!cceed7 if $o! allo4 the -hastras to contin!e to %o!ld the &elief. and o#inion. of the #eo#le F Not to <!e.tion the a!thorit$ of the -hastras ) to #er%it the #eo#le to &elie5e in their .anctit$ and their .anction. and to &la%e the% and to critici.e the% for their act. a. &ein irrational and inh!%an i. a incon r!o!. 4a$ of carr$in on .ocial refor%. Refor%er. 4or'in for the re%o5al of !nto!cha&ilit$ incl!din Mahat%a /andhi7 do not .ee% to reali8e that the act. of the #eo#le are %erel$ the re.!lt. of their &elief. inc!lcated !#on their %ind. &$ the -hastras and that #eo#le 4ill not chan e their cond!ct !ntil the$ cea.e to &elie5e in the .anctit$ of the -hastras on 4hich their cond!ct i. fo!nded. No 4onder that .!ch effort. ha5e not #rod!ced an$ re.!lt.. =o! al.o .ee% to &e errin in the .a%e 4a$ a. the refor%er. 4or'in in the ca!.e of re%o5in !nto!cha&ilit$. To a itate for and to or ani.e inter2ca.te dinner. and inter2ca.te %arria e. i. li'e forced feedin &ro! ht

a&o!t &$ artificial %ean.. Ma'e e5er$ %an and 4o%an free fro% the thraldo% of the -hastras ) clean.e their %ind. of the #ernicio!. notion. fo!nded on the -hastras) and he or .he 4ill inter2dine and inter2%arr$7 4itho!t $o!r tellin hi% or her to do .o. *t i. no !.e .ee'in ref! e in <!i&&le.. *t i. no !.e tellin #eo#le that the -hastras do not .a$ 4hat the$ are &elie5ed to .a$7 ra%%aticall$ read or lo icall$ inter#reted. ?hat %atter. i. ho4 the -hastras ha5e &een !nder.tood &$ the #eo#le. =o! %!.t ta'e the .tand that B!ddha too'. =o! %!.t ta'e the .tand 4hich /!r! Nana' too'. =o! %!.t not onl$ di.card the -hastras) $o! %!.t den$ their a!thorit$7 a. did B!ddha and Nana'. =o! %!.t ha5e co!ra e to tell the Hind!.7 that 4hat i. 4ron 4ith the% i. their reli ion the reli ion 4hich ha. #rod!ced in the% thi. notion of the .acredne.. of -a.te. ?ill $o! .ho4 that co!ra e F @@* ?hat are $o!r chance. of .!cce.. F Social refor%. fall into different .#ecie.. There i. a .#ecie. of refor%7 4hich doe. not relate to the reli io!. notion of #eo#le &!t i. #!rel$ .ec!lar in character. There i. al.o a .#ecie. of refor%7 4hich relate. to the reli io!. notion. of #eo#le. Of .!ch a .#ecie. of refor%7 there are t4o 5arietie.. *n one7 the refor% accord. 4ith the #rinci#le. of the reli ion and %erel$ in5ite. #eo#le7 4ho ha5e de#arted fro% it7 to re5ert to the% and to follo4 the%. The .econd i. a refor% 4hich not onl$ to!che. the reli io!. #rinci#le. &!t i. dia%etricall$ o##o.ed to tho.e #rinci#le. and in5ite. #eo#le to de#art fro% and to di.card their a!thorit$ and to act contrar$ to tho.e #rinci#le.. -a.te i. the nat!ral o!tco%e of certain reli io!. &elief. 4hich ha5e the .anction of the -hastras) 4hich are &elie5ed to contain the co%%and of di5inel$ in.#ired .a e. 4ho 4ere endo4ed 4ith a .!#ernat!ral and 4ho.e co%%and.7 therefore7 cannot &e di.o&e$ed 4itho!t co%%ittin .in. The!ction of -a.te i. a refor% 4hich fall. !nder the third cate or$. To a.' #eo#le to i5e !# -a.te i. to a.' the% to o contrar$ to their f!nda%ental reli io!. notion.. *t i. o&5io!. that the fir.t and .econd .#ecie. of refor% are ea.$. B!t the third i. a .t!#endo!. ta.'7 4ell ni h i%#o..i&le. The Hind!. hold to the .acredne.. of the .ocial order. -a.te ha. a di5ine &a.i.. =o! %!.t therefore de.tro$ the .acredne.. and di5init$ 4ith 4hich -a.te ha. &eco%e in5e.ted. *n the la.t anal$.i.7 thi. %ean. $o! %!.t de.tro$ the a!thorit$ of the -hastras and the /edas, * ha5e e%#ha.i8ed thi. <!e.tion of the 4a$. and %ean. of de.tro$in -a.te7 &eca!.e * thin' that 'no4in the #ro#er 4a$. and %ean. i. %ore i%#ortant than 'no4in the ideal. *f $o! do not 'no4 the real 4a$. and %ean.7 all $o!r .hot. are .!re to &e *f %$ anal$.i. i. correct then $o!r ta.' i. herc!lean. =o! alone can .a$ 4hether $o! are ca#a&le of achie5in it. S#ea'in for %$.elf7 * .ee the ta.' to &e 4ell ni h i%#o..i&le. Perha#. $o! 4o!ld li'e to 'no4 4h$ * thin' .o. O!t of the %an$ rea.on.7 4hich ha5e led %e to ta'e thi. 5ie47 * 4ill %ention .o%e7 4hich * re ard %!ch i%#ortant. One of the.e rea.on. i. the attit!de of ho.tilit$7 4hich the Brah%in. ha5e .ho4n to4ard. thi. <!e.tion. The Brah%in. for%

the 5an !ard of the %o5e%ent for #olitical refor% and in .o%e ca.e. al.o of econo%ic refor%. B!t the$ are not to &e fo!nd e5en a. ca%# follo4er. in the ar%$ rai.ed to &rea' do4n the &arricade. of -a.te. *. there an$ ho#e of the Brah%in. e5er ta'in !# a lead in the f!t!re in thi. %atterF * .a$ no. =o! %a$ a.' 4h$ F =o! %a$ ar !e that there i. no rea.on 4h$ Brah%in. .ho!ld contin!e to .h!n .ocial refor%. =o! %a$ ar !e that the Brah%in. 'no4 that the &ane of Hind! Societ$ i. -a.te and a. an enli htened cla.. co!ld not &e e)#ected to &e indifferent to it. con.e<!ence.. =o! %a$ ar !e that there are .ec!lar Brah%in. and$ Brah%in. and if the latter do not ta'e !# the c!d el. on &ehalf of tho.e 4ho 4ant to &rea' -a.te7 the for%er 4ill. All thi. of co!r.e .o!nd. 5er$ #la!.i&le. B!t in all thi. it i. for otten that the &rea' !# of the -a.te .$.te% i. &o!nd to affect ad5er.el$ the Brah%in -a.te. Ha5in re ard to thi.7 i. it rea.ona&le to e)#ect that the Brah%in. 4ill e5er con.ent to lead a %o5e%ent the !lti%ate re.!lt of 4hich i. to de.tro$ the #o4er and #re.ti e of the Brah%in -a.te F *. it rea.ona&le to e)#ect the .ec!lar Brah%in. to ta'e #art in a %o5e%ent directed a ain.t the$ Brah%in. F *n %$ 6!d %ent7 it i. !.ele.. to %a'e a di.tinction &et4een the .ec!lar Brah%in. and$ Brah%in.. Both are 'ith and 'in. The$ are t4o ar%. of the .a%e &od$ and one &o!nd to fi ht for the e)i.tence of the other. *n thi. connection7 * a% re%inded of .o%e 5er$ #re nant re%ar'. %ade &$ Prof. Dice$ in hi. nglish Constitution, S#ea'in of the act!al li%itation on the le i.lati5e .!#re%ac$ of Parlia%ent7 Dice$ .a$. + ; The act!al e)erci.e of a!thorit$ &$ an$ .o5erei n 4hate5er7 and nota&l$ &$ Parlia%ent7 i. &o!nded or controlled &$ t4o li%itation.. Of the.e the one i. an e)ternal7 and the other i. an internal li%itation. The e)ternal li%it to the real #o4er of a .o5erei n con.i.t. in the #o..i&ilit$ or certaint$ that hi. .!&6ect. or a lar e n!%&er of the% 4ill di.o&e$ or re.i.t hi. la4.. . . The internal li%it to the e)erci.e of .o5erei nt$ ari.e. fro% the nat!re of the .o5erei n #o4er it.elf. E5en a de.#ot e)erci.e. hi. #o4er. in accordance 4ith hi. character7 4hich i. it.elf %o!lded &$ the circ!%.tance !nder 4hich he li5e.7 incl!din !nder that head the %oral feelin . of the ti%e and the .ociet$ to 4hich he &elon .. The S!ltan co!ld not7 if he 4o!ld7 chan e the reli ion of the Moha%%edan 4orld7 &!t e5en if he co!ld do .o7 it i. in the 5er$ hi he.t de ree i%#ro&a&le that the head of Moha%%edani.% .ho!ld 4i.h to o5erthro4 the reli ion of Moha%%ed G the internal chec' on the e)erci.e of the S!ltanI. #o4er i. at lea.t a. .tron a. the e)ternal li%itation. Peo#le .o%eti%e. a.' the idle <!e.tion7 4h$ the Po#e doe. not introd!ce thi. or that refor%F The tr!e an.4er i. that a re5ol!tioni.t i. not the 'ind of %an 4ho &eco%e. a Po#e and that a %an 4ho &eco%e. a Po#e ha. no 4i.h to &e a re5ol!tioni.t.; * thin'7 the.e re%ar'. a##l$ e<!all$ to the Brah%in. of *ndia and one can .a$ 4ith e<!al tr!th that if a %an 4ho &eco%e. a Po#e ha. no 4i.h to &eco%e a re5ol!tionar$7 a %an 4ho i. &orn a Brah%in ha. %!ch le.. de.ire to &eco%e a re5ol!tionar$. *ndeed7 to e)#ect a Brah%in to &e a re5ol!tionar$ in %atter. of .ocial refor% i. a. idle a. to e)#ect the Briti.h Parlia%ent7 a. 4a. .aid &$ 3e.lie Ste#hen7 to #a.. an Act re<!irin all &l!e2e$ed &a&ie. to &e %!rdered.

So%e of $o! 4ill .a$ that it i. a %atter of .%all concern 4hether the Brah%in. co%e for4ard to lead the %o5e%ent a ain.t -a.te or 4hether the$ do not. To ta'e thi. 5ie4 i. in %$ 6!d %ent to i nore the #art #la$ed &$ the intellect!al cla.. in the co%%!nit$. ?hether $o! acce#t the theor$ of the reat %an a. the %a'er of hi.tor$ or 4hether $o! do not7 thi. %!ch $o! 4ill ha5e to concede that in e5er$ co!ntr$ the intellect!al cla.. i. the %o.t infl!ential cla..7 if not the o5ernin cla... The intellect!al cla.. i. the cla.. 4hich can fore.ee7 it i. the cla.. 4hich can ad5i.e and i5e lead. *n no co!ntr$ doe. the %a.. of the #eo#le li5e the life of intelli ent tho! ht and action. *t i. lar el$ i%itati5e and follo4. the intellect!al cla... There i. no e)a eration in .a$in that the entire de.tin$ of a co!ntr$ de#end. !#on it. intellect!al cla... *f the intellect!al cla.. i. hone.t7 inde#endent and di.intere.ted it can &e tr!.ted to ta'e the initiati5e and i5e a #ro#er lead 4hen a cri.i. ari.e.. *t i. tr!e that intellect &$ it.elf i. no 5irt!e. *t i. onl$ a %ean. and the !.e of %ean. de#end. !#on the end. 4hich an intellect!al #er.on #!r.!e.. An intellect!al %an can &e a ood %an &!t he can$ &e a ro !e. Si%ilarl$ an intellect!al cla.. %a$ &e a &and of hi h2.o!led #er.on.7 read$ to hel#7 read$ to e%anci#ate errin h!%anit$ or it %a$$ &e a an of croo'. or a &od$ of ad5ocate. of a narro4 cli<!e fro% 4hich it dra4. it. .!##ort. =o! %a$ thin' it a #it$ that the intellect!al cla.. in *ndia i. .i%#l$ another na%e for the Brah%in ca.te. =o! %a$ re ret that the t4o are one.G that the e)i.tence of the intellect!al cla.. .ho!ld &e &o!nd 4ith one .in le ca.te7 that thi. intellect!al cla.. .ho!ld .hare the intere.t and the a.#iration. of that Brah%in ca.te7 4hich ha. re arded it.elf the c!.todian of the intere.t of that ca.te7 rather than of the intere.t. of the co!ntr$. All thi. %a$ &e 5er$ re retta&le. B!t the fact re%ain.7 that the Brah%in. for% the intellect!al cla.. of the Hind!.. *t i. not onl$ an intellect!al cla.. &!t it i. a cla.. 4hich i. held in reat re5erence &$ the re.t of the Hind!.. The Hind!. are ta! ht that the Brah%in. are :hude!as A/od. on earthB !ernana# brah#na# guruh = + The Hind!. are ta! ht that Brah%in. alone can &e their teacher.. Man! .a$.7 ;*f it &e a.'ed ho4 it .ho!ld &e 4ith re.#ect to #oint. of the Dhar%a 4hich ha5e not &een .#eciall$ %entioned7 the an.4er i. that 4hich Brah%in. 4ho are Shi.htha. #ro#o!nd .hall do!&tle.. ha5e le al force.; +

== ?hen .!ch an intellect!al cla..7 4hich hold. the re.t of the co%%!nit$ in it. ri#7 i. o##o.ed to the refor% of -a.te7 the chance. of .!cce.. in a %o5e%ent for the &rea'2!# of the -a.te .$.te% a##ear to %e 5er$7 5er$ re%ote. The .econd rea.on7 4h$ * .a$ the ta.' i. i%#o..i&le7 4ill &e clear if $o! 4ill &ear in %ind that the -a.te .$.te% ha. t4o a.#ect.. *n one of it. a.#ect.7 it di5ide. %en into .e#arate co%%!nitie.. *n it. .econd a.#ect7 it #lace. the.e co%%!nitie. in a raded order one a&o5e the other in .ocial .tat!.. Each ca.te ta'e. it. #ride and it. con.olation in the fact that in the .cale of ca.te. it i. a&o5e .o%e other ca.te. A. an o!t4ard %ar'

of thi. radation7 there i. al.o a radation of .ocial and reli io!. ri ht. technicall$ .#o'en of an Ashta<dhi9aras and -ans9aras, The hi her the rade of a ca.te7 the reater the n!%&er of the.e ri ht. and the lo4er the rade7 the their n!%&er. No4 thi. radation7 thi. .calin of ca.te.7 %a'e. it i%#o..i&le to or ani.e a co%%on front a ain.t the -a.te S$.te%. *f a ca.te clai%. the ri ht to inter2dine and inter2%arr$ 4ith another ca.te #laced a&o5e it7 it i. fro8en7 in.tantl$ it i. told &$ %i.chief2%on er.7 and there are %an$ Brah%in. a%on .t .!ch %i.chief2%on er.7 that it 4ill ha5e to concede inter2dinin and inter2%arria e 4ith ca.te. &elo4 it K All are .la5e. of the -a.te S$.te%. B!t all the .la5e. are not e<!al in .tat!.. To e)cite the #roletariat to &rin a&o!t an econo%ic re5ol!tion7 Earl Mar) told the% + ; =o! ha5e nothin to lo.e e)ce#t $o!r chain..; B!t the artf!l 4a$ in 4hich the .ocial and reli io!. ri ht. are di.tri&!ted a%on the different ca.te. 4here&$ .o%e ha5e %ore and .o%e ha5e le..7 %a'e. the .lo an of Earl Mar) <!ite !.ele.. to e)cite the Hind!. a ain.t the -a.te S$.te%. -a.te. for% a raded .$.te% of .o5erei ntie.7 hi h and lo47 ?hich are 6ealo!. of their .tat!. and 4hich 'no4 that if a eneral di..ol!tion ca%e7 .o%e of the% .tand to lo.e %ore of their #re.ti e and #o4er than other. do. =o! cannot7 therefore7 ha5e a eneral %o&ili8ation of the Hind!.7 to !.e a %ilitar$ e)#re..ion7 for an attac' on the -a.te S$.te%. @@** -an $o! a##eal to rea.on and a.' the Hind!. to di.card -a.te a. &ein contrar$ to rea.on F That rai.e. the <!e.tion + *. a Hind! free to follo4 hi. rea.onF Man! ha. laid do4n three .anction. to 4hich e5er$ Hind! %!.t confor% in the %atter of hi. &eha5io!r !edah s#ritih sada+harah u!as0 +ha 1ri0a#at#anah Here there i. no #lace for rea.on to #la$ it. #art. A Hind! %!.t follo4 either /eda) -#riti or -ada+har, He cannot follo4 an$thin el.e. *n the fir.t #lace ho4 are the te)t. of the /edas and -#ritis to &e inter#reted 4hene5er an$ do!&t ari.e. re ardin their %eanin F On thi. i%#ortant <!e.tion the 5ie4 of Man! i. <!ite definite. He .a$. + 0o!a#an0et te #oole hetushrashra0a dwi?ah sa sadhubhirbahish9ar0o nashti9o !edandi9ah Accordin to thi. r!le7 rationali.% a. a canon of inter#retin the /edas and -#ritis) i. a&.ol!tel$ conde%ned. *t i. re arded to &e a. 4ic'ed a. athei.% and the #!ni.h%ent #ro5ided for it i. e)2co%%!nication. Th!.7 4here a %atter i. co5ered &$ the /eda or the -#riti) a Hind! cannot re.ort to rational thin'in . E5en 4hen there i. a conflict &et4een /edas and -#ritis on %atter. on 4hich the$ ha5e i5en a #o.iti5e in6!nction7 the .ol!tion i. not left to rea.on. ?hen there i. a conflict &et4een t4o -hrutis) &oth are to &e re arded a. of e<!al a!thorit$. Either of the% %a$ &e follo4ed. No atte%#t i. to &e %ade to find o!t 4hich of the t4o accord. 4ith rea.on. Thi. i. %ade clear &$ *anu6 shrutidwadha# tu 0atra s0a1tatra dhar!ar!udhau s#ritau

;?hen there i. a conflict &et4een -hruti and -inriti ) the -hruti %!.t #re5ail.; B!t here too7 no atte%#t %!.t &e %ade to find o!t 4hich of the t4o accord. 4ith rea.on. Thi. i. laid do4n &$ Man! in the follo4in Shlo'a + 0a !edabah0ah snrit0o 0ash+h 9ash+h 9ridrishtah i sar!asta nish1halah 1ret0 ta#onishtha hi tah s#ritah ii A ain7 4hen there i. a conflict &et4een t4o -#ritis) the Man!2S%riti %!.t #re5ail7 &!t no atte%#t i. to &e %ade to find o!t 4hich of the t4o accord. 4ith rea.on. Thi. i. the r!lin i5en &$ Briha.#ati+ !eda0at!o1anibandhrita!at 1ra#an0a# hi #anoah s#ritah #an!rtha!i1arita tu 0a s#ritih sa na shash0ate *t i.7 therefore7 clear that in an$ %atter on 4hich the -hrutis and -#ritis ha5e i5en a #o.iti5e direction7 a Hind! i. not free to !.e hi. rea.onin fac!lt$. The .a%e r!le i. laid do4n in the Maha&harat + 1urana# #an!o dhar#ah sango !edash+hi9itsita# agasidhani +hat!ari na hanta!0ani hetubhih He %!.t a&ide &$ their direction.. The -a.te and /arna are %atter.7 4hich are dealt 4ith &$ the /edas and the -#ritis and con.e<!entl$7 a##eal to rea.on can ha5e no effect on a Hind!. So far a. -a.te and /arna are concerned7 not onl$ the -hastras do not #er%it the Hind! to !.e hi. rea.on in the deci.ion of the <!e.tion7 &!t the$ ha5e ta'en care to .ee that no occa.ion i. left to e)a%ine in a rational 4a$ the fo!ndation. of hi. &elief in -a.te and /arna, *t %!.t &e a .o!rce of .ilent a%!.e%ent to %an$ a Non2 Hind! to find h!ndred. and tho!.and. of Hind!. &rea'in -a.te on certain occa.ion.7 .!ch a. rail4a$ 6o!rne$ and forei n tra5el and $et endea5o!rin to %aintain -a.te for the re.t of their li5e. K The e)#lanation of thi. #heno%enon di.clo.e. another fetter on the rea.onin fac!ltie. of the Hind!.. ManI. life i. enerall$ ha&it!al and !nreflecti5e. Reflecti5e tho! ht7 in the .en.e of acti5e7 #er.i.tent and caref!l con.ideration of an$ &elief or .!##o.ed for% or 'no4led e in the li ht of the ro!nd. that .!##ort it and f!rther concl!.ion. to 4hich it tend.7 i. <!ite rare and ari.e. onl$ in a .it!ation 4hich #re.ent. a dile%%aa -ri.i.2Rail4a$ 6o!rne$. and forei n tra5el. are reall$ occa.ion. of cri.i. in the life of a Hind! and it i. nat!ral to e)#ect a Hind! to a.' hi%.elf 4h$ he .ho!ld %aintain -a.te at all7 if he cannot %aintain it at all ti%e.. B!t he doe. not. He &rea'. -a.te at one .te# and #roceed. to o&.er5e it at the ne)t 4itho!t an$ <!e.tion. The rea.on for thi. a.toni.hin cond!ct i. to &e fo!nd in the r!le of the -hastras) 4hich direct. hi% to %aintain -a.te a. far a. #o..i&le and to !nder o 1ra0ns+hitia 4hen he cannot. B$ thi. theor$ of 1ra0as+hitta ) the -hastras &$ follo4in a .#irit of co%#ro%i.e ha5e i5en ca.te a #er#et!al lea.e of life and ha5e .%othered reflecti5e tho! ht 4hich 4o!ld ha5e other4i.e led to the!ction of the notion of

-a.te. There ha5e &een %an$ 4ho ha5e 4or'ed in the ca!.e of the a&olition of -a.te and Unto!cha&ilit$. Of tho.e7 4ho can &e %entioned7 Ra%an!6a7 Ea&ir and other. .tand o!t #ro%inentl$. -an $o! a##eal to the act. of the.e refor%er. and e)hort the Hind!. to follo4 the% F *t i. tr!e that Man! ha. incl!ded -ada+har 3sada+har4 a. one of the .anction. alon 4ith -hruti and -#riti, *ndeed7 -ada+har ha. &een i5en a hi her #lace than -hastras 6 0addwa+har0ate 0en dhar#0a !adhar#a#e! !a deshas0a+harana# nit0a# +haritra# tadwi9irtata# accordin to thi.7 sada+har) 4hether7 it i. dhar#0a or adhar#0a in accordance 4ith -hastras or contrar$ to -hastras) %!.t &e follo4ed. B!t 4hat i. the %eanin of -ada+har F *f an$ one 4ere to .!##o.e that -ada+har %ean. ri ht or ood act. i,e, act. of ood and ri hteo!. %en he 4o!ld find hi%.elf reatl$ %i.ta'en. -ada+har doe. not %ean. ood act. or act. of ood %en. *t %ean. ancient c!.to% good or bad, The follo4in 5er.e %a'e. thi. clear + $a.%in de.he $a acharah #ar%#a$a'ra%a atah 5arnani 'il .ar5e.ha% .a .adachar !ch$ate A. tho! h to 4arn #eo#le a ain.t the 5ie4 that -ada+har %ean. ood a+ts or act. of ood %en and fearin that #eo#le %i ht !nder.tand it that 4a$ and follo4 the act. of ood %en7 the -#rities ha5e co%%anded the Hind!. in !n%i.ta'a&le ter%. not to follo4 e5en /od. in their ood deed.7 if the$ are contrar$ to -hruti) -#rili and -ada+har, Thi. %a$ .o!nd to &e %o.t e)traordinar$7 %o.t #er5er.e7 &!t the. fact re%ain. that na de!a+harita# +haret i. an in6!nction7 i..!ed to the Hind!. &$ their -hastras, Rea.on and %oralit$ are the t4o %o.t #o4erf!l 4ea#on. in the ar%o!r$ of a Refor%er. To de#ri5e hi% of the !.e of the.e 4ea#on. i. to di.a&le hi% for action .Ho4 are $o! oin to &rea' !# -a.te7 if #eo#le are not free to con.ider 4hether it accord. 4ith rea.on F Ho4 are $o! oin to &rea' !# -a.te if #eo#le are not free to con.ider 4hether it accord. 4ith %oralit$ F The 4all &!ilt aro!nd -a.te i. i%#re na&le and the %aterial7 of 4hich it i. &!ilt7 contain. none of the co%&!.ti&le .t!ff of rea.on and %oralit$. Add to thi. the fact that in.ide thi. 4all .tand. the ar%$ of Brah%in.7 4ho for% the intellect!al cla..7 Brah%in. 4ho are the nat!ral leader. of the Hind!.7 Brah%in. 4ho are there not a. %ere %ercenar$ .oldier. &!t a. an ar%$ fi htin for it. ho%eland and $o! 4ill et an idea 4h$ * thin' that &rea'in 2!# of -a.te a%on .t the Hind!. i. 4ell2ni h i%#o..i&le. At an$ rate7 it 4o!ld ta'e a e. &efore a &reach i. %ade. B!t 4hether the doin of the deed ta'e. ti%e or 4hether it can &e done <!ic'l$7 $o! %!.t not for et that if $o! 4i.h to &rin a&o!t @ &reach in the .$.te% then $o! ha5e ot to a##l$ the d$na%ite to the /edas and the -hastras) 4hich den$ an$ #art to rea.on7 to /edas and -hastras) 4hich den$ an$ #art to %oralit$. =o! %!.t de.tro$ the Reli ion of

the -hrutis and the -#ritis, Nothin el.e 4ill a5ail. Thi. i. %$ con.idered 5ie4 of the %atter. @@*** So%e %a$ not !nder.tand 4hat * %ean &$!ction of Reli ionG .o%e %a$ find the idea re5oltin to the% and .o%e %a$ find it re5ol!tionar$. 3et %e therefore e)#lain %$ #o.ition. * do not 'no4 4hether $o! dra4 a di.tinction &et4een #rinci#le. and r!le. , B!t * do. Not onl$ * %a'e a di.tinction &!t * .a$ that thi. di.tinction i. real and i%#ortant. R!le. are #ractical G the$ are ha&it!al 4a$. of doin thin . accordin to #re.cri#tion. B!t #rinci#le. are intellect!alG the$ are !.ef!l %ethod. of 6!d in thin .. R!le. .ee' to tell an a ent 6!.t 4hat co!r.e of action to #!r.!e. Princi#le. do not #re.cri&e a .#ecific co!r.e of action. R!le.7 li'e coo'in reci#e.7 do tell 6!.t 4hat to do and ho4 to do it. A #rin.i#le7 .!ch a. that of 6!.tice7 .!##lie. a %ain head &$ reference to 4hich he i. to con.ider the &earin . of hi. de.ire. and #!r#o.e.7 it !ide. hi% in hi. thin'in &$ .! e.tin to hi% the i%#ortant con.ideration 4hich he .ho!ld &ear in %ind. Thi. difference &et4een r!le. and #rinci#le. %a'e. the act. done in #!r.!it of the% different in <!alit$ and in content. Doin 4hat i. .aid to be) ood &$ 5irt!e of a r!le and doin ood in the li ht of a #rinci#le are t4o different thin .. The #rinci#le %a$ &e 4ron &!t the act i. con.cio!. and re.#on.i&le. The r!le %a$ &e ri ht &!t the act i. %echanical. A reli io!. act %a$ not &e a correct act &!t %!.t at lea.t &e a re.#on.i&le act. To #er%it of thi. re.#on.i&ilit$7 Reli ion %!.t %ainl$ be a %atter of #rinci#le. onl$. *t cannot &e a %atter of r!le.. The %o%ent it de enerate. into r!le. it cea.e. to &e Reli ion7 a. it 'ill. re.#on.i&ilit$ 4hich i. the e..ence of a tr!l$ reli io!. act. ?hat i. thi. Hind! Reli ion F *. it a .et of #rinci#le. or i. it a code of r!le. F No4 the Hind! Reli ion7 a. contained in the /edas and the -#ritis) i. nothin &!t a %a.. of .acrificial7 .ocial7 #olitical and .anitar$ r!le. and re !lation.7 all %i)ed !#. ?hat i. called Reli ion &$ the Hind!. i. nothin &!t a %!ltit!de of co%%and. and #rohi&ition.. Reli ion7 in the .en.e of .#irit!al #rinci#le.7 tr!l$ !ni5er.al7 a##lica&le to all race.7 to all co!ntrie.7 to all ti%e.7 i. not to &e fo!nd in the%7 and if it i.7 it doe. not for% the o5ernin #art of a Hind!I. life. That for a Hind!7 Dhar%a %ean. co%%and. and #rohi&ition. i. clear fro% the 4a$ the 4ord Dhar%a i. !.ed in /edas and the -inritis and !nder.tood &$ the co%%entator.. The 4ord Dhar%a a. !.ed in the /edas in %o.t ca.e. %ean. reli io!. ordinance. or rite.. E5en 1ai%ini in hi. P!r5a2Mi%an.a define. Dhar%a a. ;a de.ira&le oal or re.!lt that i. indicated &$ in6!ncti5e 3/edi+4 #a..a e. ;. To #!t it in #lain lan !a e7 4hat the Hind!. call Reli ion i. reall$ 3a4 or at &e.t le ali8ed cla..2ethic.. Cran'l$7 * ref!.e to c!ll thi. code of ordinance.7 a. Reli ion. The fir.t e5il of .!ch a code of ordinance.7 to the #eo#le a. Reli ion7 i. that it tend. to de#ri5e %oral life of freedo% and .#ontaneit$ and to red!ce it Afor the con.cientio!. at an$ rateB to a #ore or le.. an)io!. and .er5ile confor%it$ to e)ternall$ i%#o.ed r!le.. Under it7 there i. no lo$alt$ to ideal.7 there i. onl$ confor%it$ to co%%and.. B!t the 4or.t e5il of thi. code of ordinance. i. that the la4. it contain. %!.t &e the .a%e $e.terda$7 toda$ and fore5er.

The$ are ini<!ito!. in that the$ are not the .a%e for one cla.. a. for another. B!t thi. ini<!it$ i. %ade #er#et!al in that the$ are #re.cri&ed to &e the .a%e for all eneration.. The o&6ectiona&le #art of .!ch a .che%e i. not that the$ are %ade &$ certain #er.on. called Pro#het. or 3a42 i5er.. The o&6ectiona&le #art i. that thi. code ha. &een in5e.ted 4ith the character of finalit$ and fi)it$. Ha##ine.. notorio!.l$ 5arie. 4ith the condition. and circ!%.tance. of a #er.on7 a. 4ell a. 4ith the condition. of different #eo#le and e#och.. That &ein the ca.e7 ho4 can h!%anit$ end!re thi. code of eternal la4.7 4itho!t &ein cra%#ed and 4itho!t &ein cri##led F * ha5e7 therefore7 no he.itation in .a$in that .!ch a reli ion %!.t &e de.tro$ed and * .a$7 there i. nothin irreli io!. in 4or'in for the!ction of .!ch a reli ion. *ndeed * hold that it i. $o!r &o!nden d!t$ to tear the %a.'7 to re%o5e the that a. ca!.ed &$ thi. 3a4 a. Reli ion. Thi. i. an e..ential .te# for $o!. Once $o! clear the %ind. of the #eo#le of thi. %i.conce#tion and ena&le the% to reali8e that 4hat the$ are told a. Reli ion i. not Reli ion &!t that it i. reall$ 3a47 $o! 4ill &e in a #o.ition to !r e for it. a%end%ent or a&olition. So lon a. #eo#le loo' !#on it a. Reli ion the$ 4ill not &e read$ for a chan e7 &eca!.e the idea of Reli ion i. enerall$ .#ea'in not a..ociated 4ith the idea of chan e. B!t the idea of la4 i. a..ociated 4ith the idea of chan e and 4hen #eo#le co%e to 'no4 that 4hat i. called Reli ion i. reall$ 3a47 old and archaic7 the$ 4ill &e read$ for a chan e7 for #eo#le 'no4 and acce#t that la4 can &e chan ed. @@*, ?hile * conde%n a Reli ion of R!le.7 * %!.t not &e !nder.tood to hold the o#inion that there i. no$ for a reli ion. On the contrar$7 * a ree 4ith B!r'e 4hen he .a$. that7 ; Tr!e reli ion i. the fo!ndation of .ociet$7 the &a.i. on 4hich all tr!e -i5il /o5ern%ent re.t.7 and &oth their .anction.; -on.e<!entl$7 4hen * !r e that the.e ancient r!le. of life &e ann!lled7 * a% an)io!. that it. #lace .hall &e ta'en &$ a Reli ion of Princi#le.7 4hich alone can la$ clai% to &ein a tr!e Reli ion. *ndeed7 * a% .o con5inced of the$ of Reli ion that * feel * o! ht to tell $o! in o!tline 4hat * re ard a.$ ite%. in thi. reli io!. refor%. The follo4in in %$ o#inion .ho!ld &e the cardinal ite%. in thi. refor% + A 1 B There .ho!ld &e one and onl$ one .tandard &oo' of Hind! Reli ion7 acce#ta&le to all Hind!. and reco ni8ed &$ all Hind!.. Thi. of co!r.e %ean. that all other &oo'. of Hind! reli ion .!ch a. /edas) -hastras and "uranas) 4hich are treated a. .acred and a!thoritati5e7 %!.t &$ la4 cea.e to &e .o and the #reachin of an$ doctrine7 reli io!. or .ocial contained in the.e &oo'. .ho!ld &e #enali8ed. A2B *t .ho!ld &e &etter if #rie.thood a%on Hind!. 4a. a&oli.hed. B!t a. thi. .ee%. to &e i%#o..i&le7 the #rie.thood %!.t at lea.t cea.e to &e hereditar$. E5er$ #er.on 4ho #rofe..e. to &e a Hind! %!.t &e eli i&le for &ein a #rie.t. *t .ho!ld &e #ro5ided &$ la4 that no Hind! .hall &e entitled to &e a #rie.t !nle.. he ha. #a..ed an e)a%ination #re.cri&ed &$ the State and hold. a sanad fro% the State #er%ittin hi% to #racti.e. A3B No cere%on$ #erfor%ed &$ a #rie.t 4ho doe. not hold a sanad .hall &e

dee%ed to &e 5alid in la4 and it .ho!ld &e %ade #enal for a #er.on 4ho ha. no sanad to officiate a. a #rie.t. A"B A #rie.t .ho!ld &e the .er5ant of the State and .ho!ld &e .!&6ect to the$ action &$ the State in the %atter of hi. %oral.7 &elief. and 4or.hi#7 in addition to hi. &ein .!&6ect alon 4ith other citi8en. to the ordinar$ la4 of the land. A(B The n!%&er of #rie.t. .ho!ld &e li%ited &$ la4 accordin to the re<!ire%ent. of the State a. i. done in the ca.e of the *.-.S. To .o%e7 thi. %a$ .o!nd radical. B!t to %$ %ind there i. nothin re5ol!tionar$ in thi.. E5er$ #rofe..ion in *ndia i. re !lated. En ineer. %!.t .ho4 #roficienc$7 Doctor %!.t .ho4 #roficienc$7 3a4$er. %!.t .ho4 #roficienc$7 &efore the$ are allo4ed to #racti.e their #rofe..ion.. D!rin the 4hole of their career7 the$ %!.t not onl$ o&e$ the la4 of the land7 ci5il a. 4ell as cri%inal7 &!t the$ %!.t al.o o&e$ the .#ecial code of %oral. #re.cri&ed &$ their re.#ecti5e #rofe..ion.. The #rie.tI. i. the onl$ #rofe..ion 4here #roficienc$ i. not re<!ired. The #rofe..ion of a Hind! #rie.t i. the onl$ #rofe..ion 4hich i. not .!&6ect to an$ code. Mentall$ a #rie.t %a$ &e an idiot7 #h$.icall$ a #rie.t %a$ &e .!fferin fro% a fo!l di.ea.e7 .!ch a. .$#hili. or onorrheae7 %orall$ he %a$ &e a 4rec'. B!t he i. fit to officiate at .ole%n cere%onie.7 to enter the san+tu# san+toru# of a Hind! te%#le and 4or.hi# the Hind! /od. All thi. &eco%e. #o..i&le a%on the Hind!. &eca!.e for a #rie.t it i. eno! h to &e &orn in a$ ca.te. The 4hole thin i. a&o%ina&le and i. d!e to the fact that the$ cla.. a%on Hind!. i. .!&6ect neither to la4 nor to %oralit$. *t reco ni8e. no d!tie.. *t 'no4. onl$ of ri ht. and #ri5ile e.. *t i. a #e.t 4hich di5init$ .ee%. to ha5e let loo.e on the %a..e. for their %ental and %oral de radation. The$ cla.. %!.t &e &ro! ht !nder control &$ .o%e .!ch le i.lation a. * ha5e o!tlined a&o5e. *t 4ill #re5ent it fro% doin %i.chief and fro% %i. !idin #eo#le. *t 4ill de%ocrati.e it &$ thro4in it o#en to e5er$ one. *t 4ill certainl$ hel# to 'ill the Brah%ini.% and 4ill al.o hel# to 'ill -a.te7 4hich i. nothin &!t Brah%ini.% incarnate. Brah%ini.% i. the #oi.on 4hich ha. .#oiled Hind!i.%. =o! 4ill .!cceed in .a5in Hind!i.% if $o! 4ill 'ill Brah%ini.%. There .ho!ld &e no o##o.ition to thi. refor% fro% an$ <!arter. *t .ho!ld &e 4elco%ed e5en &$ the Ar$a Sa%a6i.t.7 &eca!.e thi. i. %erel$ an a##lication of their o4n doctrine of guna<9ar#a, ?hether $o! do that or $o! do not7 $o! %!.t i5e a ne4 doctrinal &a.i. to $o!r Reli iona &a.i. that 4ill &e in con.onance 4ith 3i&ert$7 E<!alit$ and Craternit$7 in .hort7 4ith De%ocrac$. * a% no a!thorit$ on the .!&6ect. B!t * a% told that for .!ch reli io!. #rinci#le. a. 4ill &e in con.onance 4ith 3i&ert$7 E<!alit$ and Craternit$ it %a$ not &e$ for $o! to &orro4 fro% forei n .o!rce. and that $o! co!ld dra4 for .!ch #rinci#le. on the U1anishads, ?hether $o! co!ld do .o 4itho!t a co%#lete re%o!ldin 7 a con.idera&le .cra#in and chi##in off the ore the$ contain 7 i. %ore than * can .a$. Thi. %ean. a co%#lete chan e in the f!nda%ental notion. of life2it %ean. a co%#lete chan e in the 5al!e. of life. *t %ean. a co%#lete chan e in o!tloo' and in attit!de to4ard. %en and thin .. *t %ean. con5er.ion &!t if $o! do not. li'e the 4ord7 * 4ill .a$7 it %ean. ne4 life. B!t a ne4 life cannot enter a &od$ that i. dead. Ne4 life can

center onl$ in a ne4 &od$. The old &od$ %!.t die &efore a ne4 &od$ can co%e into e)i.tence and a ne4 life can enter into it. To #!t it .i%#l$+ the old %!.t cea.e to &e o#erati5e &efore the ne4 can &e in to enli5en and to #!l.ate. Thi. i. 4hat * %eant 4hen * .aid $o! %!.t di.card the a!thorit$ of the -hastras and de.tro$ the reli ion of the -hastras, @@, * ha5e 'e#t $o! too lon . *t i. ti%e * &ro! ht thi. addre.. to a clo.e. Thi. 4o!ld ha5e &een a con5enient #oint for %e to ha5e .to##ed. B!t thi. 4o!ld #ro&a&l$ &e %$ la.t addre.. to a Hind! a!dience on a .!&6ect 5itall$ concernin the Hind!.. * 4o!ld therefore li'e7 &efore * clo.e7 to #lace &efore the Hind!.7 if the$ 4ill allo4 %e7 .o%e <!e.tion. 4hich * re ard a. 5ital and in5ite the% .erio!.l$ to con.ider the .a%e. *n the fir.t #lace7 the Hind!. %!.t con.ider 4hether it i. .!fficient to ta'e the #lacid 5ie4 of the anthro#olo i.t that there i. nothin to &e .aid a&o!t the &elief.7 ha&it.7 %oral. and o!tloo'. on life7 4hich o&tain a%on the different #eo#le. of the 4orld e)ce#t that the$ often differ G or 4hether it i. not$ to %a'e an atte%#t to find o!t 4hat 'ind of %oralit$7 &elief.7 ha&it. and o!tloo' ha5e 4or'ed &e.t and ha5e ena&led tho.e 4ho #o..e..ed the% to flo!ri.h7 to o .tron 7 to #eo#le the earth and to ha5e do%inion o5er it. A. i. o&.er5ed &$ Prof. -ar5er7 ; Moralit$ and reli ion7 a. the or ani.ed e)#re..ion of %oral a##ro5al and di.a##ro5al7 %!.t &e re arded a. factor. in the .tr! le for e)i.tence a. tr!l$ a. are 4ea#on. for offence and defence7 teeth and cla4.7 horn. and hoof.7 f!r. and feather.. The .ocial ro!#7 co%%!nit$7 tri&e or nation7 4hich de5elo#. an !n4or'a&le .che%e of %oralit$ or 4ithin 4hich tho.e .ocial act. 4hich 4ea'en it and !nfit it for .!r5i5al7 ha&it!all$ create the .enti%ent of a##ro5al7 4hile tho.e 4hich 4o!ld .tren then and ena&le it to &e e)#anded ha&it!all$ create the .enti%ent of di.a##ro5al7 4ill e5ent!all$ &e eli%inated. *t i. it. ha&it. of a##ro5al or di.a##ro5al Athe.e are the re.!lt. of reli ion and %oralit$B that handica# it7 a. reall$ a. the #o..e..ion of t4o 4in . on one .ide 4ith none on. the other 4ill handica# the colon$ of flie.. *t 4o!ld &e a. f!tile in the one ca.e a. in the other to ar !e7 that one .$.te% i. 6!.t a. ood a. another.; Moralit$ and reli ion7 therefore7 are not %ere %atter. of li'e. and'e.. =o! %a$'e e)ceedin l$ a .che%e of %oralit$7 4hich7 if !ni5er.all$ #racti.ed 4ithin a nation7 4o!ld %a'e that nation the .tron e.t nation on the face of the earth. =et in .#ite of $o!r'e .!ch a nation 4ill &eco%e .tron . =o! %a$ li'e e)ceedin l$ a .che%e of %oralit$ and an ideal of 6!.tice7 4hich if !ni5er.all$ #racti.ed 4ithin a nation7 4o!ld %a'e it ena&le to hold it. o4n in the .tr! le 4ith other nation.. =et in .#ite of $o!r ad%iration thi. nation 4ill e5ent!all$ di.a##ear. The Hind!. %!.t7 therefore7 e)a%ine their reli ion and then %oralit$ in ter%. of their .!r5i5al 5al!e. -e+ondl0) the Hind!. %!.t con.ider 4hether the$ .ho!ld con.er5e the 4hole of their .ocial herita e or .elect 4hat i. hel#f!l and tran.%it to f!t!re eneration. onl$ that %!ch and no %ore. Prof7 1ohn De4e$.7 4ho 4a. %$ teacher and to 4ho% * o4e .o %!ch7 ha. .aid + ; E5er$ .ociet$ et. enc!%&ered 4ith 4hat i. tri5ial7 4ith dead 4ood

fro% the #a.t7 and 4ith 4hat i. #o.iti5el$ #er5er.e... A. a .ociet$ &eco%e. %ore enli htened7 it reali8e. that it i. re.#on.i&le not to con.er5e and tran.%it7 the 4hole of it. e)i.tin achie5e%ent.7 &!t onl$ .!ch a. %a'e for a &etter f!t!re .ociet$.; E5en B!r'e in .#ite of the 5ehe%ence 4ith 4hich he o##o.ed the #rinci#le of chan e e%&odied in the Crench Re5ol!tion7 4a. co%#elled to ad%it that ; a State 4itho!t the %ean. of .o%e chan e i. 4itho!t the %ean. of it. con.er5ation. ?itho!t .!ch %ean. it %i ht e5en ri.' the lo.. of that #art of the con.tit!tion 4hich it 4i.hed the %o.t reli io!.l$ to #re.er5e7 88 ?hat B!r'e .aid of a State a##lie. e<!all$ to a .ociet$. Thirdl0) the Hind!. %!.t con.ider 4hether the$ %!.t not cea.e to 4or.hi# the #a.t a. .!##l$in it. ideal.. The &ea!tif!l effect of thi. 4or.hi# of the #a.t are &e.t .!%%ed !# &$ Prof. De4e$ 4hen he .a$. + ; An indi5id!al can li5e onl$ in the #re.ent. The #re.ent i. not 6!.t .o%ethin 4hich co%e. after the #a.t G %!ch le.. .o%ethin #rod!ced &$ it. *t i. 4hat life i. in lea5in the #a.t &ehind it. The .t!d$ of #a.t #rod!ct. 4ill not hel# !. to !nder.tand the #re.ent. A 'no4led e of the #a.t and it. herita e i. of reat .i nificance 4hen it enter. into the #re.ent7 &!t not other4i.e. And the %i.ta'e of %a'in the2record. and re%ain. of the #a.t the %ain %aterial of ed!cation i. that it tend. to %a'e the #a.t a ri5al of the #re.ent and the #re.ent a %ore or le.. f!tile i%itation of the #a.t.; The #rinci#le7 4hich %a'e. little of the #re.ent act of li5in and ro4in 7 nat!rall$ loo'. !#on the #re.ent a. e%#t$ and !#on the f!t!re a. re%ote. S!ch a #rinci#le i. ini%ical to #ro re.. and i. an hindrance to a .tron and a .tead$ c!rrent of life. 7ourthl0) the Hind!. %!.t con.ider 4hether the ti%e ha. not co%e for the% to reco ni8e that there i. nothin fi)ed7 nothin eternal7 nothin sanatanA that e5er$thin i. chan in 7 that chan e i. the la4 of life for indi5id!al. a. 4ell a. for .ociet$. *n a chan in .ociet$7 there %!.t &e a con.tant re5ol!tion of old 5al!e. and the Hind!. %!.t reali8e that if there %!.t &e .tandard. to %ea.!re the act. of %en there %!.t al.o &e a readine.. to re5i.e tho.e .tandard.. @@,* * ha5e to confe.. that thi. addre.. ha. &eco%e too len th$. ?hether thi. fa!lt i. co%#en.ated to an$ e)tent &$ &readth or de#th i. a %atter for $o! to 6!d e. All * clai% i. to ha5e told $o! candidl$ %$ 5ie4.. * ha5e little to reco%%end the% &!t .o%e .t!d$ and a dee# concern in $o!r de.tin$. *f $o! 4ill allo4 %e to .a$7 these 5ie4. are the 5ie4. of a %an7 4ho ha. &een no tool of #o4er7 no flatterer of reatne... The$ co%e fro% one7 al%o.t the 4hole of 4ho.e #!&lic e)ertion ha. &een one contin!o!. .tr! le for li&ert$ for the #oor and for the o##re..ed and 4ho.e onl$ re4ard ha. &een a contin!o!. .ho4er of cal!%n$ and a&!.e fro% national 6o!rnal. and national leader.7 for no other rea.on e)ce#t that * ref!.e to 6oin 4ith the% in #erfor%in the %iracle* 4ill not .a$ tric'of li&eratin the o##re..ed 4ith the old of the t$rant and the #oor 4ith the ca.h of the rich. All thi. %a$ not &e eno! h to co%%end %$ 5ie4.. * thin' the$ are not li'el$ to alter $o!r.. B!t 4hether the$ do or do not7 the re.#on.i&ilit$ i. entirel$ $o!r..

=o! %!.t %a'e $o!r effort. to !#root -a.te7 if not in %$ 4a$7 then in $o!r 4a$. * a% .orr$7 * 4ill not &e 4ith $o!. * ha5e decided to chan e. Thi. i. not the #lace for i5in rea.on.. B!t e5en 4hen * a% one o!t of $o!r fold7 * 4ill 4atch $o!r %o5e%ent 4ith acti5e .$%#ath$ and $o! 4ill ha5e %$ a..i.tance for 4hat it %a$ &e 4orth. =o!r. i. a national ca!.e. -a.te i. no do!&t #ri%aril$ the &reath of the Hind!.. B!t the Hind!. ha5e fo!led the air all o5er and e5er$&od$ i. infected7 Si'h7 M!.li% and -hri.tian. =o!7 therefore7 de.er5e the .!##ort of all tho.e 4ho are .!fferin fro% thi. infection7 Si'h7 M!.li% and -hri.tian. =o!r. i. %ore diffic!lt than the other national ca!.e7 na%el$ S4ara6. *n the fi ht for S4ara6 $o! fi ht 4ith the 4hole nation on $o!r .ide. *n thi.7 $o! ha5e to fi ht a ain.t the 4hole nation and that too7 $o!r o4n. B!t it i. %ore i%#ortant than S4ara6. There i. no !.e ha5in S4ara67 if $o! cannot defend it. More i%#ortant than the <!e.tion of defendin S4ara6 i. the <!e.tion of defendin the Hind!. !nder the S4ara6. *n %$ o#inion onl$ 4hen the Hind! Societ$ &eco%e. a ca.tele.. .ociet$ that it can ho#e to ha5e .tren th eno! h to defend it.elf. ?itho!t .!ch internal .tren th7 S4ara6 for Hind!. %a$ t!rn o!t to &e onl$ a .te# to4ard. .la5er$. /ood2&$e and ood 4i.he. for $o!r .!cce... APPENDIX I A VINDICATION OF CASTE BY MAHATMA GANDHI 3A Re1rint of his Arti+les in the " Hari(an "4 Dr. A !e"#$r%s In"&'t ent I The reader. 4ill recall the fact that Dr. A%&ed'ar 4a. to ha5e #re.ided la.t Ma$ at the ann!al conference of the 1at2Pat2Toda' Mandal of 3ahore. B!t the conference it.elf 4a. cancelled &eca!.e Dr. A%&ed'arI. addre.. 4a. fo!nd &$ the Rece#tion -o%%ittee to &e !nacce#ta&le. Ho4 far a Rece#tion -o%%ittee i. 6!.tified in re6ectin a Pre.ident of it. choice &eca!.e of hi. addre.. that %a$ &e o&6ectiona&le to it i. o#en to <!e.tion. The -o%%ittee 'ne4 Dr. A%&ed'arI. 5ie4. on ca.te and the Hind! .cri#t!re.. The$ 'ne4 al.o that he had in !ne<!i5ocal ter%. decided to i5e !# Hind!i.%. Nothin le.. than the addre.. that Dr. A%&ed'ar had #re#ared 4a. to &e e)#ected fro% hi%. The co%%ittee a##ear. to ha5e de#ri5ed the #!&lic of an o##ort!nit$ of li.tenin to the ori inal 5ie4. of a %an7 4ho ha. car5ed o!t for hi%.elf a !ni<!e #o.ition in .ociet$. ?hate5er la&el he 4ear. in f!t!re7 Dr. A%&ed'ar i. not the %an to allo4 hi%.elf to &e for otten. Dr. A%&ed'ar 4a. not oin to &e &eaten &$ the Rece#tion -o%%ittee. He ha. an.4ered their re6ection of hi% &$ #!&li.hin the addre.. at hi. o4n e)#en.e. He ha. #riced it at H anna.7 * 4o!ld .! e.t a red!ction to 2 anna. or at lea.t " anna.. No refor%er can i nore the addre... The orthodo) 4ill ain &$ readin it. Thi. i. not to .a$ that the addre.. i. not o#en to o&6ection. *t ha. to &e read onl$ &eca!.e it i. o#en to

.erio!. o&6ection. Dr. A%&ed'ar i. a challen e to Hind!i.%. Bro! ht !# a. a Hind!7 ed!cated &$ a Hind! #otentate7 he ha. &eco%e .o di. !.ted 4ith the .o2called Sa5arna Hind!. for the treat%ent that he and hi. #eo#le ha5e recei5ed at their hand. that he #ro#o.e. to lea5e not onl$ the% &!t the 5er$ reli ion that i. hi. and their co%%on herita e. He ha. tran.ferred to that reli ion7 hi. di. !.t a ain.t a #art of it. #rofe..or.. B!t thi. i. not to &e 4ondered at. After all7 one can onl$ 6!d e a .$.te% or an in.tit!tion &$ the cond!ct of it. re#re.entati5e.. ?hat i. %ore. Dr. A%&ed'ar fo!nd that the 5a.t %a6orit$ of Sa5arna Hind!. had not onl$ cond!cted the%.el5e. inh!%anl$ a ain.t tho.e of their fello4 reli ioni.t.7 4ho% the$ cla..ed a. !nto!cha&le.7 &!t the$ had &a.ed their cond!ct on the a!thorit$ of their .cri#t!re.7 and 4hen he &e an to .earch the% he had fo!nd a%#le 4arrant for their &elief. in !nto!cha&ilit$ and all it. i%#lication.. The a!thor of the addre.. ha. <!oted cha#ter and 5er.e in #roof of hi. three2fold indict%entinh!%an cond!ct it.elf7 the !na&a.hed 6!.tification for it on the #art of the #er#etrator.7 and the .!&.e<!ent di.co5er$ that the 6!.tification 4a. 4arranted &$ their .cri#t!re.. No Hind! 4ho #ri8e. hi. faith a&o5e life it.elf can afford to !nderrate the i%#ortance of thi. indict%ent. Dr A%&ed'ar i. not alone in hi. di. !.t He i. it. %o.t ! e)#onent and one of the a&le.t a%on the%. He i. certainl$ the %o.t irreconcila&le a%on the%. Than' /od7 in the front ran' of the leader.7 he i. .in !larl$ alone and a. $et &!t a re#re.entati5e of a 5er$ .%all %inorit$. B!t 4hat he .a$. i. 5oiced 4ith %ore or le.. 5ehe%ence &$ %an$ leader. &elon in to the de#re..ed cla..e.. Onl$ the latter7 for in.tance Rao Bahad!r M. -. Ra6ah and De4an Bahad!r Srini5a.an7 not onl$ do not threaten to i5e !# Hind!i.% &!t find eno! h 4ar%th in it to co%#en.ate for the .ha%ef!l!tion to 4hich the 5a.t %a.. of Hari6an. are e)#o.ed. B!t the fact of %an$ leader. re%ainin in the Hind! fold i. no 4arrant for ardin 4hat Dr. A%&ed'ar ha. to .a$. The Sa5araa. ha5e to correct their &elief and their cond!ct. A&o5e all tho.e 4ho are &$ their learnin and infl!ence a%on the Sa5arna. ha5e to i5e an a!thoritati5e inter#retation of the .cri#t!re.. The <!e.tion. that Dr. A%&ed'arI. indict%ent .! e.t are + A1B ?hat are the .cri#t!re. F A2B Are all the #rinted te)t. to &e re arded a. an inte ral #art of the% or i. an$ #art of the% to &e re6ected a. !na!thori.ed inter#olation F A3B ?hat i. the an.4er of .!ch acce#ted and e)#!r ated .cri#t!re. on the <!e.tion of !nto!cha&ilit$7 ca.te7 e<!alit$ of .tat!.7 inter2dinin and inter%arria e. F AThe.e ha5e &een all e)a%ined &$ Dr. A%&ed'ar in hi. addre...B * %!.t re.er5e for the ne)t i..!e %$ o4n an.4er to the.e <!e.tion. and a .tate%ent of the Aat lea.t .o%eB %anife.t fla4. in Dr. A%&ed'arI. the.i. 3Hari(an) 1!l$ **7 1930B **

The /edas) U1anishads) -#ritis and "uranas incl!din Ra%a$ana and Maha&harata are the Hind! Scri#t!re.. Nor i. thi. a finite li.t. E5er$ a e or e5en. eneration ha. added to the li.t. *t follo4.7 therefore7 that e5er$thin #rinted or e5en fo!nd hand4ritten i. not .cri#t!re. The -#rities for in.tance2contain %!ch that can ne5er &e acce#ted a. the 4ord of /od. Th!.. %an$ of the te)t. that Dr. A%&ed'ar <!ote. fro% the -#ritis cannot &e acce#ted a. a!thentic. The .cri#t!re.7 #ro#erl$ .o2called7 can onl$ &e concerned 4ith eternal 5arietie. and %!.t a##eal to an$ con.cience i,e, an$ heart 4ho.e e$e. of !nder.tandin are o#ened. Nothin can &e acce#ted a. the 4ord of /od 4hich cannot &e te.ted &$ rea.on or &e ca#a&le of &ein .#irit!all$ e)#erienced. And e5en 4hen $o! ha5e an e)#!r ated edition of the .cri#t!re.7 $o! 4ill need their inter#retation. ?ho i. the &e.t inter#reterF Not learned %en .!rel$. 3earnin there %!.t &e. B!t reli ion doe. not li5e it. *t li5e. in the e)#erience. of it. .aint. and .eer.7 in their li5e. and .a$in .. ?hen all the %o.t learned co%%entator. of the .cri#t!re. are !tterl$ for otten7 the acc!%!lated e)#erience of the .a e. and .aint. 4ill a&ide and &e an in.#iration for a e. to co%e. -a.te ha. nothin to do 4ith reli ion. *t i. a c!.to% 4ho.e ori in * do not 'no4 and do not need to 'no4 for the .ati.faction of %$ .#irit!al h!n er. B!t * do 'no4 that it i. har%f!l &oth to .#irit!al and national ro4th. /arna and Ashra#a are in.tit!tion. 4hich ha5e nothin to do 4ith ca.te. .The la4 of /arna teache. !. that 4e ha5e each one of !. to earn o!r &read &$ follo4in the ance.tral callin . it define. not o!r ri ht. &!t o!r d!tie.. *t nece..aril$ ha. reference to callin . that are cond!ci5e to the 4elfare of h!%anit$ and to no other. *t al.o follo4. that there i. no callin too lo4 and none too hi h. Ail are ood7 la4f!l and a&.ol!tel$ e<!al in .tat!.. The callin . of a Brah%in .#irit!al teacher2and a .ca5en er are e<!al7 and their d!e #erfor%ance carrie. e<!al %erit &efore /od and at one ti%e .ee%. to ha5e carried identical re4ard &efore %an. Both 4ere entitled to their li5elihood and no %ore. *ndeed one trace. e5en no4 in the 5illa e. the faint line. of thi. health$ o#eration of the la4. 3i5in in Se aon 4ith it. #o#!lation of 0DD7 * do not find a reat di.#arit$ &et4een the earnin . of different trade.%en incl!din Brah%in.. * find too that real Brah%in. are to &e fo!nd e5en in the.e de enerate da$. 4ho are li5in on al%. freel$ i5en to the% and are i5in freel$ of 4hat the$ ha5e of .#irit!al trea.!re.. *t 4o!ld &e 4ron and i%#ro#er to 6!d e the la4 of /arna &$ it. caricat!re in the li5e. of %en 4ho #rofe.. to &elon to a /arna) 4hil.t the$ o#enl$ co%%it a &reach of it. onl$ o#erati5e r!le. Arro ation of a .!#erior .tat!. &$ and of the /arna o5er another i. a denial of the la4. And there i. nothin in the la4 of /arna to 4arrant a &elief in !nto!cha&ilit$. AThe e..ence of Hind!i.% i. contained in it. en!nciation of one and onl$ /od a. Tr!th and it. &old acce#tance of Ahi%.a a. the la4 of the h!%an fa%il$.B * a% a4are that %$ inter#retation of Hind!i.% 4ill &e di.#!ted &$ %an$ &e.ide. Dr. A%&ed'ar. That doe. not affect %$ #o.ition. *t i. an inter#retation &$ 4hich * ha5e li5ed for nearl$ half a cent!r$ and accordin to 4hich * ha5e endea5o!red to the &e.t of %$

a&ilit$ to re !late %$ life. *n %$ o#inion the #rofo!nd %i.ta'e that Dr. A%&ed'ar ha. %ade in hi. addre.. i. to #ic' o!t the te)t. of do!&tf!l a!thenticit$ and 5al!e and the .tate of de raded Hind!. 4ho are no fit .#eci%en. of the faith the$ .o 4oef!ll$ 1!d ed &$ the .tandard a##lied &$ Dr. A%&ed'ar7 e5er$ 'no4n li5in faith 4ill #ro&a&l$ fail. *n hi. a&le addre..7 the learned Doctor ha. o5er #ro5ed hi. ca.e. -an a reli ion that 4a. #rofe..ed &$ -haitan$a7 1n$andeo7 T!'ara%7 Tir!5ail!5ar7 Rarn'ri.hna Para%ahan.a7 Ra6a Ra% Mohan Ro$7 Mahar.hi De5endranath Ta ore7 ,i5e'anand and ho.t of other. 4ho %i ht &e$ %entioned7 .o !tterl$ de5oid of %erit a. i. %ade o!t in Dr. A%&ed'arI. addre.. F A reli ion ha. to &e 6!d ed not &$ itI. 4or.t .#eci%en. &!t &$ the &e.t it %i ht ha5e #rod!ced. Cor that and that alone can &e !.ed a. the .tandard to a.#ire to7 if not to i%#ro5e !#on. 3Hari(an) 1!l$ 1H7 1930B III VARNA VERSUS CASTE Shri Sant Ra%6i of the 1at2Pat2Toda' Mandal of 3ahore 4ant. %e to #!&li.h the follo4in + ; * ha5e read $o!r re%ar'. a&o!t Dr. A%&ed'ar and the 1at2Pat2Toda' Mandal7 3ahore. *n that connection * &e to .!&%it a. follo4. + ; ?e did not in5ite Dr. A%&ed'ar to #re.ide o5er o!r conference &eca!.e he &elon ed to the De#re..ed -la..e.7 for 4e do not di.tin !i.h &et4een a to!cha&le and an !nto!cha&le Hind!. On the contrar$ o!r choice fell on hi% .i%#l$ &eca!.e hi. dia no.i. of the fatal di.ea.e of the Hind! co%%!nit$ 4a. the .a%e a. o!r.7 i,e, he too 4a. of the o#inion that ca.te .$.te% 4a. the root ca!.e of the di.r!#tion and do4nfall of the Hind!.. The .!&6ect of the DoctorI. the.i. for Doctorate &ein ca.te .$.te%7 he ha. .t!died the .!&6ect thoro! hl$. No4 the o&6ect of o!r conference 4a. to #er.!ade the Hind!. to annihilate ca.te. &!t the ad5ice of a non2Hind! in .ocial and reli io!. %atter. can ha5e no effect on the%. The Doctor in the .!##le%entar$ #ortion of hi. addre.. in.i.ted on .a$in that that 4a. hi. la.t .#eech a. a Hind!7 4hich 4a. irrele5ant a. 4ell a. #ernicio!. to the intere.t. of the conference. So 4e re<!e.ted hi% to e)#!n e that .entence for he co!ld$ .a$ the .a%e thin on an$ other occa.ion. B!t he ref!.ed and 4e .a4 no !tilit$ in %a'in %erel$ a .ho4 of o!r f!nction. *n .#ite of all thi.7 * cannot hel# hi. addre.. 4hich i.7 a. far a. * 'no47 the %o.t learned the.i. on the .!&6ect and 4orth tran.latin into e5er$ 5ernac!lar of *ndia. Moreo5er7 * 4ant to &rin to $o!r notice that $o!r #hilo.o#hical difference &et4een -a.te and /arna i. too .!&tle to &e ra.#ed &$ #eo#le in eneral7 &eca!.e for all #ractical #!r#o.e. in the Hind! .ociet$ -a.te and /arna are one and the .a%e thin 7 for the f!nction of &oth of the% i. one and the .a%e i,e, to re.trict inter2ca.te %arria e. and inter2dinin . =o!r theor$ of /arna!0a!astha i. i%#ractica&le in thi. a e and there i. no ho#e of it. re5i5al in the near f!t!re. B!t Hind!. are .la5e. of

ca.te and do not 4ant to de.tro$ it. So 4hen $o! ad5ocate $o!r ideal of i%a inar$ /arna!0a!astha the$ find 6!.tification for clin in to ca.te. Th!. $o! are doin a reat di..er5ice to .ocial refor% &$ ad5ocatin $o!r i%a inar$ !tilit$ of di5i.ion of /arnas) for it create. hindrance in o!r 4a$. To tr$ to re%o5e !nto!cha&ilit$ 4itho!t .tri'in at the root of /arna!0a!astha i. .i%#l$ to treat the o!t4ard .$%#to%. of a di.ea.e or to dra4 a line on the .!rface of 4ater. A. in the heart of their heart. d!i(as do not 4ant to i5e .ocial e<!alit$ to the .o2called to!cha&le and !nto!cha&le Sh!dra.7 .o the$ ref!.e to &rea' ca.te7 and i5e li&eral donation. for the re%o5al of !nto!cha&ilit$7 .i%#l$ to e5ade the i..!e. To .ee' the hel# of the -hastras for the re%o5al of !nto!cha&ilit$ and ca.te i. .i%#l$ to 4a.h %!d 4ith %!d.; The la.t #ara ra#h of the letter .!rel$ cancel. the fir.t. *f the Mandal re6ect. the hel# of the -hastras) the$ do e)actl$ 4hat Dr. A%&ed'ar doe.7 i,e, cea.e to &e Hind!.. Ho4 then can the$ o&6ect to Dr. A%&ed'arI. addre.. %erel$ &eca!.e he .aid that that 4a. hi. la.t .#eech a. a Hind! F The #o.ition a##ear. to &e 4holl$ !ntena&le e.#eciall$ 4hen the Mandal7 for 4hich Shri Sant Ra% clai%. to .#ea'7 a##la!d. the 4hole ar !%ent of Dr. A%&ed'arI. addre... B!t it i. #ertinent to a.' 4hat the Mandal &elie5e. if it re6ect. the -hastras, Ho4 can a M!.li% re%ain one if he re6ect. the M!ran 7or a -hri.tian re%ain -hri.tian if he re6ect. the Bi&le F *f -a.te and /arna are con5erti&le ter%. and if /arna i. an inte ral #art of the -hastras 4hich define Hind!i.%7 * do not 'no4 ho4 a #er.on 4ho re6ect. -a.te i,e, /arna can call hi%.elf a Hind!. Shri Sant Ra% li'en. the -hastras to %!d. Dr. A%&ed'ar ha. not7 .o far a. * re%e%&er7 i5en an$ .!ch #ict!re.<!e na%e to the -hastras, * ha5e certainl$ %eant 4hen * ha5e .aid that if -hastras .!##ort the e)i.tin !nto!cha&ilit$ * .ho!ld cea.e to call %$.elf a Hind!. Si%ilarl$7 if the -hastras .!##ort ca.te a. 4e 'no4 it toda$ in all it. hideo!.ne..7 * %a$ not call %$.elf or re%ain a Hind! .ince * ha5e no .cr!#le. a&o!t interdinin or inter%arria e. * need not re#eat %$ #o.ition re ardin -hastras and their inter#retation. * 5ent!re to .! e.t to Shri Sant Ra% that it i. the onl$ rational and correct and %orall$ defen.i&le #o.ition and it ha. a%#le 4arrant in Hind! tradition. 3Hari(an) A! !.t 1(71930B APPENDIX II A REPLY TO THE MAHATMA BY DR. B. R. AMBEDKAR * a##reciate reatl$ the hono!r done %e &$ the Mahat%a in ta'in notice in hi. Hari6an of the .#eech on -a.te 4hich * had #re#ared for the 1at Pat Toda' Mandal. Cro% a #er!.al of hi. re5ie4 of %$ .#eech it i. clear that the Mahat%a co%#letel$ di..ent. fro% the 5ie4. * ha5e e)#re..ed on the .!&6ect of -a.te. * a% not in the ha&it of enterin into contro5er.$ 4ith %$ o##onent. !nle.. there are .#ecial rea.on. 4hich co%#el %e to act other4i.e. Had %$ o##onent &een .o%e %ean and o&.c!re #er.on * 4o!ld not ha5e #!r.!ed hi%. B!t %$ o##onent &ein the Mahat%a hi%.elf * feel * %!.t atte%#t to

%eet the ca.e to the contrar$ 4hich he ha. .o! ht to #!t forth. ?hile * a##reciate the hono!r he ha. done %e7 * %!.t confe.. to a .en.e of .!r#ri8e on findin that of all the #er.on. the Mahat%a .ho!ld acc!.e %e of a de.ire to .ee' #!&licit$ a. he .ee%. to do 4hen he .! e.t. that in #!&li.hin the !ndeli5ered .#eech %$ o&6ect 4a. to .ee that * 4a. not ; for otten ;. ?hate5er the Mahat%a %a$ choo.e to .a$ %$ o&6ect in #!&li.hin the .#eech 4a. to #ro5o'e the Hind!. to thin' and ta'e .toc' of their #o.ition. * ha5e ne5er han'ered for #!&licit$ and if * %a$ .a$ .o7 * ha5e %ore of it than * 4i.h or need. B!t .! it 4a. o!t of the %oti5e of ainin #!&licit$ that * #rinted the .#eech 4ho co!ld ca.t a .tone at %e F S!rel$ not tho.e7 4ho li'e the Mahat%a li5e in la.. ho!.e.. ** Moti5e a#art7 4hat ha. the Mahat%a to .a$ on the <!e.tion rai.ed &$ %e in the .#eech F Cir.t of all an$ one 4ho read. %$ .#eech 4ill reali8e that the Mahat%a ha. entirel$ %i..ed the i..!e. rai.ed &$ %e and that the i..!e. he ha. rai.ed are not the i..!e. that ari.e o!t of 4hat he i. #lea.ed to call %$ indict%ent of the Hind!.. The #rinci#al #oint. 4hich * ha5e tried to %a'e o!t in %$ .#eech %a$ &e catalo !ed a. follo4. + A1B That ca.te ha. r!ined the Hind!. G A2B That the reor ani8ation of the Hind! .ociet$ on the &a.i. of -hat!r5arn$a i. i%#o..i&le &eca!.e the /arna!0#8astha i. li'e a lea'$ #ot or li'e a %an r!nnin at the no.e. *t i. inca#a&le of .!.tainin it.elf &$ it. o4n 5irt!e and ha. an inherent tendenc$ to de enerate into a ca.te .$.te% !nle.. there i. a le al .anction &ehind it 4hich can &e enforced a ain.t e5er$ one tran. hi. /arna A A3B That the reor ani8ation of the Hind! Societ$ on the &a.i. of -hat!r5arn$a i. har%f!l7 &eca!.e the effect of the /arna!0a!astha i. to de rade the %a..e. &$ den$in the% o##ort!nit$ to ac<!ire 'no4led e and to e%a.c!late the% &$ den$in the% the ri ht to &e ar%ed G A"B That the Hind! .ociet$ %!.t &e reor ani8ed on a reli io!. &a.i. 4hich 4o!ld reco ni.e the #rinci#le. of 3i&ert$7 E<!alit$ and Craternit$ G A(B That in order to achie5e thi. o&6ect the .en.e of reli io!. .anctit$ &ehind -a.te and /arna %!.t &e de.tro$ed G A0B That the .anctit$ of -a.te and /arna can &e de.tro$ed onl$ &$ di.cardin the di5ine a!thorit$ of the -hastras, *t 4ill &e noticed that the <!e.tion. rai.ed &$ the Mahat%a are a&.ol!tel$ &e.ide the #oint and .ho4 that the %ain ar !%ent of the .#eech 4a. lo.t !#on hi%. *ll 3et %e e)a%ine the .!&.tance of the #oint. %ade &$ the Mahat%a. The fir.t #oint %ade &$ the Mahat%a i. that the te)t. cited &$ %e are not a!thentic. * confe.. * a% no a!thorit$ on thi. %atter. B!t * .ho!ld li'e to .tate that the te)t. cited &$ %e are all ta'en fro% the 4ritin . of the late Mr. Tila' 4ho 4a. a reco ni.ed a!thorit$ on the San.'rit lan !a e and on the Hind! -hastras, Hi. .econd #oint i. that the.e -hastras .ho!ld &e inter#reted not &$ the learned &!t the .aint. and that7 a. the .aint. ha5e !nder.tood the%7 the -hastras do not .!##ort -a.te and Unto!cha&ilt$. A. re ard. the fir.t #oint 4hat * li'e to a.' the Mahat%a i. 4hat doe. it a5ail to an$ one if the te)t. are inter#olation. and if the$ ha5e &een differentl$ inter#reted &$ the .aint. F The %a..e.

do not %a'e an$ di.tinction &et4een te)t. 4hich are en!ine and te)t. 4hich are inter#olation.. The %a..e. do not 'no4 4hat the te)t. are. The$ are too illiterate to 'no4 the content. of the -hastras, The$ ha5e &elie5ed 4hat the$ ha5e &een told and 4hat the$ ha5e &een told i. that the -hastras do en6oin a. a reli io!. d!t$ the o&.er5ance of -a.te and Unto!cha&ilit$. ?ith re ard to the .aint.7 one %!.t ad%it that ho4.oe5er different and ele5atin their teachin . %a$ ha5e &een a. co%#ared to tho.e of the %erel$ learned the$ ha5e &een la%enta&l$ ineffecti5e. The$ ha5e &een ineffecti5e for t4o rea.on..$7 none of the .aint. e5er attac'ed the -a.te S$.te%. On the contrar$7 the$ 4ere .ta!nch &elie5er. in the S$.te% of -a.te.. Mo.t of the% li5ed and died. a. %e%&er. of the ca.te. 4hich the$ re.#ecti5el$ &elon ed. So #a..ionatel$ attached 4a. 1n$andeo to hi. .tat!. a. a Brah%in that 4hen the Brah%in. of Paithan 4o!ld not ad%it hi% to their fold he %o5ed hea5en and earth to et hi. .tat!. a. a Brah%in reco ni8ed b0 the Brah%in fraternit$. And e5en the .aint E'nath 4ho no4 fi !re. in the fil% ; Dhar%at%a ; a. a hero for ha5in .ho4n co!ra e to to!ch the !nto!cha&le. and dine 4ith the%7 did .o not &eca!.e he 4a. o##o.ed to -a.te and Unto!cha&ilit$ &!t &eca!.e he felt that the #oll!tion ca!.ed there&$ co!ld &e 4a.hed a4a$ &$ a &ath in the .acred 4ater. of the ri5er /an e..> Nf1OThe .aint. ha5e ne5er accordin to %$ .t!d$ carried on a ca%#ai n a ain.t. -a.te and Unto!cha&ilit$. The$ 4ere not concerned 4ith the .tr! le &et4een %en. The$ 4ere concerned 4ith the relation &et4een %an and /od. The$ did not #reach that all %en 4ere e<!al. The$ #reached that all %en 4ere e<!al7 in the e$e. of /od a 5er$ different and a 5er$ innoc!o!. #ro#o.ition 4hich no&od$ can find diffic!lt to #reach or dan ero!. to &elie5e in. The .econd rea.on 4h$ the teachin . of the .aint. #ro5ed ineffecti5e 4a. &eca!.e the %a..e. ha5e &een ta! ht that a .aint %i ht &rea' -a.te &!t the co%%on %an %!.t not. A .aint therefore ne5er &eca%e an e)a%#le to follo4. He al4a$. re%ained a #io!. %an to &e hono!red. That the %a..e. ha5e re%ained .ta!nch &elie5er. in -a.te and Unto!cha&ilit$ .ho4. that the #io!. li5e. and no&le .er%on. of the .aint. ha5e had no effect on their life and cond!ct a. a ain.t the teachin . of the -hastras, Th!. it can &e a %atter of no con.olation that there 4ere .aint. or that there i. a Mahat%a 4ho !nder.tand. the -hastras differentl$ fro% the learned fe4 or i norant %an$. That the %a..e. hold different 5ie4 of the -hastras i. fact 4hich .ho!ld and %!.t &e rec'oned 4ith. Ho4 i. that to &e dealt 4ith e)ce#t &$ deno!ncin the a!thorit$ of the -hastras) 4hich contin!e to o5ern their cond!ct7 i. a <!e.tion 4hich the Mahat%a ha. not con.idered. B!t 4hate5er the #lan the Mahat%a #!t. forth a. an effecti5e %ean. to free the %a..e. fro% the teachin . of the -hastras) he %!.t acce#t that the #io!. life led &$ one ood Sa%aritan %a$ &e 5er$ ele5atin to hi%.elf &!t in *ndia7 4ith the attit!de the co%%on %an ha. to .aint. and to Mahat%a. to hono!r &!t not to follo4one cannot %a'e %!ch o!t of it. *,

The third #oint %ade &$ the Mahat%a i. that a reli ion #rofe..ed &$ -haitan$a7 1n$andeo7 T!'ara%7 Tir!5all!5ar7 Rarn'ri.hna Para%ahan.a etc. cannot &e de5oid of %erit a. i. %ade o!t &$ %e and that a reli ion ha. to &e 6!d ed not &$ it. 4or.t .#eci%en. &!t &$ the &e.t it %i ht ha5e #rod!ced. * a ree 4ith e5er$ 4ord of thi. .tate%ent. B!t * do not <!ite !nder.tand 4hat the Mahat%a 4i.he. to #ro5e there&$. That reli ion .ho!ld &e 6!d ed not &$ it. 4or.t .#eci%en. &!t &$ it. &e.t i. tr!e eno! h &!t doe. it di.#o.e of the %atter F * .a$ it doe. not. The <!e.tion .till re%ain.4h$ the 4or.t n!%&er .o %an$ and the &e.t .o fe4 F To %$ %ind there are t4o concei5a&le an.4er. to thi. <!e.tion + A 1 B That the 4or.t &$ rea.on of .o%e ori inal$ of their. are %orall$ !ned!ca&le and are therefore inca#a&le of %a'in the re%ote.t a##roach to the reli io!. ideal. Or A2B That the reli io!. ideal i. a 4holl$ 4ron ideal 4hich ha. i5en a 4ron %oral t4i.t to the li5e. of the %an$ and that the &e.t ha5e &eco%e &e.t in .#ite of the 4ron idealin fact &$ i5in to the 4ron t4i.t a t!rn in the ri ht direction. Of the.e t4o e)#lanation. * a% not #re#ared to acce#t the fir.t and * a% .!re that e5en the Mahat%a 4ill not in.i.t !#on the contrar$. To %$ %ind the .econd i. the onl$ lo ical and rea.ona&le e)#lanation !nle.. the Mahat%a ha. a third alternati5e to e)#lain 4h$ the 4or.t are .o %an$ and the &e.t .o fe4. *f the .econd i. the onl$ e)#lanation then o&5io!.l$ the ar !%ent of the Mahat%a that a reli ion .ho!ld &e 6!d ed &$ it. &e.t follo4er. carrie. !. no4here e)ce#t to #it$ the lot of the %an$ 4ho ha5e one 4ron &eca!.e the$ ha5e &een %ade to 4or.hi# 4ron ideal.. , The ar !%ent of the Mahat%a that Hind!i.% 4o!ld &e tolera&le if onl$ %an$ 4ere to follo4 the e)a%#le of the .aint. i. fallacio!. for another rea.on. Nf.2O B$ citin the na%e. of .!ch ill!.trio!. #er.on. a. -haitan$a etc. 4hat the Mahat%a .ee%. to %e to .! e.t in it. &roade.t and .i%#le.t for% i. that Hind! .ociet$ can &e %ade tolera&le and e5en ha##$ 4itho!t an$ f!nda%ental chan e in it. .tr!ct!re if all the hi h ca.te Hind!. can &e #er.!aded to follo4 a hi h .tandard of %oralit$ in their dealin . 4ith the lo4 ca.te Hind!.. * a% totall$ o##o.ed to thi. 'ind of ideolo $. * can re.#ect tho.e of the ca.te Hind!. 4ho tr$ to reali8e a hi h .ocial ideal in their life. ?itho!t .!ch %en *ndia 4o!ld &e an ! lier and a le.. ha##$ #lace to li5e in than it i.. B!t nonethele.. an$one 4ho relie. on an atte%#t to t!rn the %e%&er. of the ca.te Hind!. into &etter %en &$ i%#ro5in their #er.onal character i. in %$ 6!d %ent 4a.tin hi. ener $ and &! in an ill!.ion. -an #er.onal character %a'e the %a'er of ar%a%ent. a ood %an7 i,e, a %an 4ho 4ill .ell .hell. that 4ill not &!r.t and a. that 4ill not #oi.on F *f it cannot7 ho4 can $o! acce#t #er.onal character to %a'e a %an loaded 4ith the con.cio!.ne.. of -a.te7 a ood %an7 i,e, a %an 4ho 4o!ld treat hi. fello4. a. hi. friend. and e<!al. F To &e tr!e to hi%.elf he %!.t deal 4ith hi. fello4. either a. a .!#erior or inferior accordin a. the ca.e %a$ &eG at an$ rate7 differentl$ fro% hi. o4n ca.te fello4.. He can ne5er &e e)#ected to deal 4ith hi. fello4. a. hi. 'in.%en and e<!al.. A. a %atter of fact7 a Hind! doe. treat all tho.e 4ho are not of hi. -a.te a. tho! h the$ 4ere alien.7

4ho co!ld &e di.cri%inated a ain.t 4ith i%#!nit$ and a ain.t 4ho% an$ fra!d or tric' %a$ &e #racti.ed 4itho!t .ha%e. This is to sa0 that there +an be a better or a worse Hindu, :ut a good Hindu there +annot be, Thi. i. .o not &eca!.e there i. an$thin 4ron 4ith hi. #er.onal character. *n fact 4hat i. 4ron i. the entire &a.i. of hi. relation.hi# to hi. fello4.. The &e.t of %en cannot &e %oral if the &a.i. of relation.hi# &et4een the% and their fello4. i. f!nda%entall$ a 4ron relation.hi#. To a .la5e hi. %a.ter %a$ &e &etter or 4or.e. B!t there cannot &e a ood %a.ter. A ood %an cannot &e a %a.ter and a %a.ter cannot &e a ood %an. The .a%e a##lie. to the relation.hi# &et4een hi h ca.te and lo4 ca.te. To a lo4 ca.te %an a hi h ca.te %an can &e &etter or 4or.e a. co%#ared to other hi h ca.te %en. A hi h ca.te %an cannot &e a ood %an in .o far a. he %!.t ha5e a lo4 ca.te %an to di.tin !i.h hi% a. hi h ca.te %an. *t cannot &e ood to a lo4 ca.te %an to &e con.cio!. that there i. a hi h ca.te %an a&o5e hi%. * ha5e ar !ed in %$ .#eech that a .ociet$ &a.ed on /arna or -a.te i. a .ociet$ 4hich i. &a.ed on a 4ron relation.hi#. * had ho#ed that the Mahat%a 4o!ld atte%#t to de%oli.h %$ ar !%ent. B!t in.tead of doin that he ha. %erel$ reiterated hi. &elief in -hat!r5arn$a 4itho!t the ro!nd on 4hich it i. &a.ed. ,* Doe. the Mahat%a #racti.e 4hat he #reache. F One doe. not li'e to %a'e #er.onal reference in an ar !%ent 4hich i. eneral in it. a##lication. B!t 4hen one #reache. a decline and hold. it a. a do %a there i. a c!$ to 'no4 ho4 far he #racti.e. 4hat he #reache.. *t %a$ &e that hi. fail!re to #racti.e i. d!e to the ideal &ein too hi h. to &e attaina&leG it %a$ &e that hi. fail!re to #racti.e i. d!e to the innate h$#ocri.$ of the %an. *n an$ ca.e he e)#o.e. hi. cond!ct to e)a%ination and * %!.t not &e &la%ed if * a.'ed ho4 far ha. the Mahat%a atte%#ted to reali8e hi. ideal in hi. o4n ca.e. The Mahat%a i. a Bania &$ &irth. Hi. ance.tor. had a&andoned tradin in fa5o!r of %ini.ter.hi# 4hich i. a callin of the Brah%in.. *n hi. o4n life7 &efore he &eca%e a Mahat%a7 4hen occa.ion ca%e for hi% to choo.e hi. career he #referred la4 to .cale.. On a&andonin la4 he &eca%e half .aint and half #olitician. He ha. ne5er to!ched tradin 4hich i. hi. ance.tral callin . Hi. $o!n e.t .on* ta'e one 4ho i. a faithf!l follo4er of hi. father&orn a ,ai.h$a ha. %arried a Brah%inI. da! hter and ha. cho.en to .er5e a ne4.#a#er %a nate. The Mahat%a i. not 'no4n to ha5e conde%ned hi% for not follo4in hi. ance.tral callin . *t %a$ &e 4ron and !ncharita&le to 6!d e an ideal &$ it. 4or.t .#eci%en.. B!t .!rel$ the Mahat%a a. a .#eci%en ha. no &etter and if he e5en fail. to reali8e the ideal then the ideal %!.t &e an i%#o..i&le ideal <!ite o##o.ed to the #ractical in.tinct. of %an. St!dent. of -arl$le 'no4 that he often .#o'e on a .!&6ect &efore he tho! ht a&o!t it. * 4onder 4hether .!ch ha. not &een the ca.e 4ith the Mahat%a in re ard to the .!&6ect %atter of -a.te. Other4i.e certain <!e.tion. 4hich occ!r to %e 4o!ld not ha5e hi%. ?hen can a callin &e dee%ed to ha5e &eco%e an ance.tral callin .o a. to %a'e it &indin on a %an F M!.t %an follo4 hi.

ance.tral callin e5en if it doe. not .!it hi. ca#acitie.7 e5en 4hen it ha. cea.ed to &e #rofita&le F M!.t a %an li5e &$ hi. ance.tral callin e5en if he find. it to &e i%%oral F *f e5er$ one %!.t #!r.!e hi. ance.tral callin then it %!.t follo4 that a %an %!.t. contin!e to &e a #i%# &eca!.e hi. randfather 4a. a #i%# and a 4o%an %!.t contin!e to &e a #ro.tit!te &eca!.e her rand%other 4a. a #ro.tit!te. *. the Mahat%a #re#ared to acce#t the lo ical concl!.ion of hi. doctrine F To %e &i. ideal of follo4in oneI. ance.tral callin i. not onl$ an i%#o..i&le and i%#ractical ideal7 &!t it i. al.o %orall$ an indefen.i&le ideal. ,** The Mahat%a .ee. reat 5irt!e in a Brah%in re%ainin a Brah%in all hi. life. 3ea5in a.ide the fact there are %an$ Brah%in. 4ho do not li'e to re%ain Brah%in. ail their li5e.. ?hat can 4e .a$ a&o!t tho.e Brah%in. 4ho ha5e cl!n to their ance.tral callin of #rie.thood F Do the$ do .o fro% an$ faith in the 5irt!e of the #rinci#le of ance.tral callin or do the$ do .o fro% %oti5e. of filth$ l!cre F The Mahat%a doe. not .ee% to concern hi%.elf 4ith .!ch <!erie.. He i. .ati.fied that the.e are ; real Brah%in. 4ho are li5in on al%. freel$ i5en to the% and i5in freel$ 4hat the$ ha5e of .#irit!al trea.!re. ;. Thi. i. ho4 a hereditar$ Brah%in #rie.t a##ear. to the Mahat%aa carrier of .#irit!al trea.!rer.. B!t another #ortrait of the hereditar$ Brah%in can al.o &e dra4n. A Brah%in can &e a #rie.t to ,!the /od of 3o5e. He can &e a #rie.t to Shan'ar the /od. of!ction. He can &e a #rie.t at B!ddha /a$a 4or.hi##in B!ddhathe reate.t teacher of %an'ind 4ho ta! ht the no&le.t doctrine of 3o5e. He al.o can &e a #rie.t to Eali7 the /odde..7 4ho %!.t ha5e a dail$ .acrifice of an ani%al to .ati.f$ her thir.t for &lood G He 4ill &e a #rie.t of the te%#le of Ra%athe E.hatri$a /odK He 4ill al.o &e a #rie.t of the Te%#le of Par.h!ra%7 the /od 4ho too' A5atar to de.tro$ the E.hatri$a. K He can &e a #rie.t to Bra%ha7 the -reator of the 4orld. He can &e a #rie.t to a Pir 4ho.e /od Allah 4ill not &roo' the clai% of Bra%ha to .hare hi. .#irit!al do%inion o5er the 4orld K No one can .a$ that thi. i. a #ict!re 4hich i. not tr!e to life. *f thi. i. a tr!e #ict!re one doe. not 'no4 4hat to .a$ of thi. ca#acit$ to &ear lo$altie. to /od. and /odde..e. 4ho.e attri&!te. are .o anta oni.tic that no hone.t %an can &e a de5otee to all of the%. The Hind!. rel$ !#on thi. e)traordinar$ #heno%enon a. e5idence of the reate.t 5irt!e of their reli ionna%el$ it. catholicit$7 it. .#irit of toleration. A. a ain.t thi. facile 5ie47 it can &e !r ed that 4hat i. toleration and catholicit$ %a$ &e reall$ nothin %ore credita&le than indifference or flaccid latit!dinariani.%. The.e t4o attit!de. are hard to di.tin !i.h in their o!ter .ee%in . B!t the$ are .o 5itall$ !nli'e in their real <!alit$ that no one 4ho e)a%ine. the% clo.el$ can %i.ta'e one for the other. That a %an i. read$ to render ho%a e to %an$ /od. and /odde..e. %a$ &e. cited a. e5idence of hi. tolerant .#irit.. B!t can it not al.o &e e5idence of in.incerit$ &orn of a de.ire to .er5e the ti%e. F * a% .!re that thi. toleration i. %erel$ in.incerit$. *f thi. 5ie4 i. 4ell fo!nded7 one %a$ a.' 4hat .#irit!al trea.!re can there &e 4ith a #er.on 4ho i. read$ to &e a #rie.t and a de5otee to an$ deit$ 4hich it .er5e. hi. #!r#o.e to 4or.hi# and to adore F Not onl$ %!.t .!ch a #er.on &e

dee%ed to &e &an'r!#t of all .#irit!al trea.!re. &!t for hi% to #ractice .o ele5atin a #rofe..ion a. that of a #rie.t .i%#l$ &eca!.e it i. ance.tral7 4itho!t faith7 4itho!t &elief7 %erel$ a. a %echanical #roce.. handed do4n fro%. father to .on7 i. not a con.er5ation of 5irt!eG it i. reall$ the #ro.tit!tion of a no&le #rofe..ion 4hich i. no other than the .er5ice of reli ion. ,*** ?h$ doe. the Mahat%a clin to the theor$ of e5er$ one follo4in hi. or her ance.tral callin F He i5e. hi. rea.on. no4here B!t there %!.t &e .o%e rea.on altho! h he doe. not car. to a5o4 it. =ear. a o 4ritin on ; -a.te !ersus -la.. ; in hi. >oung India he ar !ed that -a.te S$.te% 4a. &etter than -la.. S$.te% on the ro!nd that ca.te 4a. the &e.t #o..i&le ad6!.t%ent of .ocial .ta&ilit$. *f that &e the rea.on 4h$ the Mahat%a clin . to the theor$ of e5er$ one follo4in hi. or her ance.tral callin 7 then he i. clin in to a fal.e 5ie4 of .ocial life. E5er$&od$ 4ant. .ocial .ta&ilit$ and .o%e ad6!.t%ent %!.t &e %ade in the relation.hi# &et4een indi5id!al. and cla..e. in order that .ta&ilit$ %a$ &e had. B!t t4o thin .7 * a% .!re no&od$ 4ant.. One thin no&od$ 4ant. i. .tatic relation.hi#7 .o%ethin that i. !naltera&le7 .o%ethin that i. fi)ed for all ti%e.. Sta&ilit$ i. 4anted &!t not at the co.t of chan e 4hen chan e i. i%#erati5e. Second thin no&od$ 4ant. i. %ere ad6!.t%ent. Ad6!.t%ent i. 4anted &!t not at the .acrifice of .ocial 6!.tice. -an it &e .aid that the ad6!.t%ent of .ocial relation.hi# on the &a.i. of ca.te i,e, on the &a.i. of each to hi. hereditar$ callin a5oid. the.e t4o e5il. F * a% con5inced that it doe. not. Car fro% &ein the &e.t #o..i&le ad6!.t%ent * ha5e no do!&t that it i. of the 4or.t #o..i&le 'ind ina.%!ch a. it offend. a ain.t &oth the canon. of .ocial ad6!.t%entna%el$ fl!idit$ and e<!it$. *@ So%e %i ht thin' that the Mahat%a ha. %ade %!ch #ro re.. ina.%!ch a. he no4 onl$ &elie5e. in /arna and doc. not &elie5e in -a.te. *t i. tr!e that there 4a. a ti%e 4hen the Mahat%a 4a. a f!ll2&looded and a &l!e2&looded Sanatani Hind!. He &elie5ed in the /edas) the U1anishads) the "uranas and all that oe. &$ the na%e of Hind! .cri#t!re. and therefore in a!atars and re&irth. He &elie5ed in -a.te and defended it 4ith the 5i o!r of the orthodo). He conde%ned the cr$ for inter2dinin 7 inter2drin'in and inter2%arr$in and ar !ed that re.traint. a&o!t inter2dinin to a reat e)tent ; hel#ed the c!lti5ation of 4ill2#o4er and the con.er5ation of certain .ocial 5irt!e ;. *t i. ood that he ha. re#!diated thi. .ancti%onio!. non.en.e and ad%itted that ca.te ; i. har%f!l &oth to .#irit!al and national ro4th7; and %a$ &e7 hi. .onI. %arria e o!t.ide hi. ca.te ha. had .o%ethin to do 4ith thi. chan e of 5ie4. B!t ha. the Mahat%a reall$ #ro re..ed F ?hat i. the nat!re of the /arna for 4hich the Mahat%a .tand. F *. it the /edi+ conce#tion a. co%%onl$ !nder.tood and #reached &$ S4a%i Da$anaad Sara.4ati and hi. follo4er.7 the Ar$a Sa%a6i.t. F The e..ence of the /edi+ conce#tion of /arna i. the #!r.!it of a callin 4hich i. a##ro#riate to oneI. nat!ral a#tit!de. The e..ence of the Mahat%aI. conce#tion of /arna i. the #!r.!it of ance.tral callin irre.#ecti5e of nat!ral

a#tit!de. ?hat i. the difference &et4een -a.te and /arna a. !nder.tood &$ the Mahat%aF * find none. A. defined &$ the Mahat%a7 /arna &eco%e. %erel$ a different na%e for -a.te for the .i%#le rea.on that it i. the .a%e in e..encena%el$ #!r.!it of ance.tral callin . Car fro% %a'in #ro re.. the Mahat%a ha. .!ffered retro re..ion. B$ #!ttin thi. inter#retation !#on the /edi+ conce#tion of /arna he ha. reall$ %ade ridic!lo!. 4hat 4a. .!&li%e. ?hile * re6ect the /edi+ /arna!0a!astha for rea.on. i5en in the .#eech * %!.t ad%it that the /edi+ theor$ of /arna a. inter#reted &$ S4a%i Da$anand and .o%e other. i. a .en.i&le and an inoffen.i5e thin . *t did not ad%it &irth a. a deter%inin factor in fi)in the #lace of an indi5id!al in .ociet$. *t onl$ reco ni8ed 4orth. The Mahat%aI. 5ie4 of /arna not onl$ %a'e. non.en.e of the /edi+ /arna &!t it %a'e. it an a&o%ina&le thin . /arna and -a.te are t4o 5er$ different conce#t.. /arna i. &a.ed on the #rinci#le of each accordin to hi. 4orth24hile -a.te i. &a.ed on the #rinci#le of each accordin to hi. &irth. The t4o are a. di.tinct a. chal' i. fro% chee.e. *n fact there i. an antithe.i. &et4een the t4o. *f the Mahat%a &elie5e. a. he doe. in e5er$ one follo4in hi. or her ance.tral callin 7 then %o.t certainl$ he i. ad5ocatin the -a.te S$.te% and that in callin it the /arna S$.te% he i. not onl$ !ilt$ of ter%inolo icale ine)actit!de7 &!t he i. ca!.in conf!.ion 4or.e confo!nded. * a% .!re that all hi. conf!.ion i. d!e to the fact that the Mahat%a ha. no definite and clear conce#tion a. to 4hat i. /arna and 4hat i. -a.te and a. to the$ of either for the con.er5ation of Hind!i.%. He ha. .aid and one ho#e. that he 4ill not find .o%e %$.tic rea.on to chan e hi. 5ie4 that ca.te i. not the e..ence of Hind!i.%. Doe. he re ard /arna a. the e..ence of Hind!i.% F One cannot a. $et i5e an$ cate orical an.4er. Reader. of hi. article on ; Dr. A%&ed'arI. *ndict%ent ; 4ill an.4er ; No ;. *n that article he doe. not .a$ that the do %a of /arna i. an e..ential #art of the creed of Hind!i.%. Car fro% %a'in /arna the e..ence of Hind!i.% he .a$. ; the e..ence of Hind!i.% i. contained in it. en!nciation of one and onl$ /od a. Tr!th and it. &old acce#tance of Ahi%.a a. the la4 of the h!%an fa%il$ ; B!t the reader. of hi. article in re#l$ to Mr. Sant Ra% 4ill .a$ ; =e. ;. *n that article he .a$. ; Ho4 can a M!.li% re%ain one if he re6ect. the M!rtan7 or a -hri.tian re%ain a. -hri.tian if he re6ect. the Bi&le F *f -a.te and /arna are con5erti&le ter%. and if /arna i. an inte ral #art of the -hastras 4hich define Hind!i.% * do not 'no4 ho4 a #er.on 4ho re6ect. -a.te7 i,e, /arna can call hi%.elf a Hind! F ; ?h$ thi. #re5arication F ?h$ doe. the Mahat%a hed e F ?ho% doe. he 4ant to #lea.e F Ha. the .aint failed to .en.e the tr!th F Or doe. the #olitician .tand in the 4a$ of the Saint F The real rea.on 4h$ the Mahat%a i. .!fferin fro% thi. conf!.ion i. #ro&a&l$ to &e traced to t4o .o!rce.. The fir.t i. the te%#era%ent of the Mahat%a. He ha. al%o.t in e5er$thin the .i%#licit$ of the child 4ith the childI. ca#acit$ for .elf2dece#tion. 3i'e a child he can &elie5e in an$thin he 4ant. to &elie5e. ?e %!.t therefore 4ait till .!ch ti%e a. it #lea.e. the Mahat%a to a&andon hi. faith in /arna a. it ha. #lea.ed hi% to a&andon hi. faith in -a.te. The .econd .o!rce of conf!.ion i. the do!&le role 4hich the Mahat%a 4ant. to #la$of a Mahat%a and a Politician. A. a

Mahat%a he %a$ &e tr$in to .#irit!ali8e Politic.. ?hether he ha. .!cceeded in it or not Politic. ha5e certainl$ co%%erciali8ed hi%. A #olitician %!.t 'no4 that Societ$ cannot &ear the 4hole tr!th and that he %!.t not .#ea' the 4hole tr!thG if he i. .#ea'in the 4hole tr!th it i. &ad for hi. #olitic.. The rea.on 4h$ the Mahat%a i. al4a$. .!##ortin -a.te and /arna i. &eca!.e he i. afraid that if he o##o.ed the% he 4ill lo.e hi. #lace in #olitic.. ?hate5er %a$ &e the .o!rce of thi. conf!.ion the Mahat%a %!.t &e told that he i. decei5in hi%.elf and al.o decei5in the #eo#le &$ #reachin -a.te !nder the na%e of /arna, @ The Mahat%a .a$. that the .tandard. * ha5e a##lied to te.t Hind!. and Hind!i.% are too .e5ere and that 6!d ed &$ tho.e .tandard. e5er$ 'no4n li5in faith 4ill #ro&a&l$ fail. The co%#laint that %$ .tandard. are hi h %a$ &e tr!e. B!t the <!e.tion i. not 4hether the$ are hi h or 4hether the$ are lo4. The <!e.tion i. 4hether the$ are the ri ht .tandard. to a##l$. A Peo#le and their Reli ion %!.t &e 6!d ed &$ .ocial .tandard. &a.ed on .ocial ethic.. No other .tandard 4o!ld ha5e an$ %eanin if reli ion i. held to &e a$ ood for the 4ell2&ein of the #eo#le. No4 * %aintain that the .tandard. * ha5e a##lied to te.t Hind!. and Hind!i.% are the %o.t a##ro#riate .tandard. and that * 'no4 of none that are &etter. The concl!.ion that e5er$ 'no4n reli ion 4o!ld fail if te.ted &$ %$ .tandard. %a$ &e tr!e. B!t thi. fact .ho!ld not i5e the Mahat%a a. the cha%#ion of Hind!. and Hind!i.% a ro!nd for co%fort an$ %ore than the e)i.tence of one %ad%an .ho!ld i5e co%fort to another %ad%an or the e)i.tence of one cri%inal .ho!ld i5e co%fort to another cri%inal. * li'e to a..!re the Mahat%a that it i. not the %ere fail!re of the Hind!. and Hind!i.% 4hich ha. #rod!ced in %e the feelin . of di. !.t and conte%#t 4ith 4hich. * a% char ed. * reali8e that the 4orld i. a 5er$ i%#erfect 4orld and an$ one 4ho 4ant. to li5e in it %!.t &ear 4ith it. i%#erfection.. B!t 4hile * a%. #re#ared to &ear 4ith the i%#erfection. and .hortco%in . of the .ociet$ in 4hich * %a$ &e de.tined to la&o!r7 * feel * .ho!ld not con.ent to li5e in a .ociet$ 4hich cheri.he. 4ron ideal. or a .ociet$ 4hich ha5in ri ht ideal. 4ill not con.ent to &rin it. .ocial life in confor%it$ 4ith tho.e ideal.. *f * a% di. !.ted 4ith Hind!. and Hind!i.% it i. &eca!.e * a% con5inced that the$ cheri.h 4ron ideal. and li5e a 4ron .ocial life. M$ <!arrel 4ith Hind!. and Hind!i.% i. not o5er the i%#erfection. of their .ocial cond!ct. *t i. %!ch %ore f!nda%ental. *t i. o5er their ideal.. @* Hind! .ociet$ .ee%. to %e to .tand in need of a %oral re eneration 4hich it i. dan ero!. to #o.t#one. And the <!e.tion i. 4ho can deter%ine and control thi. %oral re eneration F O&5io!.l$ onl$ tho.e 4ho ha5e !nder one an intellect!al re eneration and tho.e 4ho are hone.t eno! h to ha5e the co!ra e of their con5iction. &orn of intellect!al e%anci#ation. 1!d ed &$ thi. .tandard the Hind! leader. 4ho co!nt are in %$ o#inion <!ite !nfit for the ta.'. *t i. i%#o..i&le to .a$ that the$ ha5e !nder one the

#reli%inar$ intellect!al re eneration. *f the$ had !nder one an intellect!al re eneration the$ 4o!ld neither del!de the%.el5e. in the .i%#le 4a$ of the !nta! ht %!ltit!de nor 4o!ld the$ ta'e ad5anta e of the #ri%iti5e i norance of other. a. one .ee. the% doin . Not4ith.tandin the cr!%&lin .tate of Hind! .ociet$ the.e leader. 4ill ne5erthele.. !n&l!.hin l$ a##eal to ideal. of the #a.t 4hich ha5e in e5er$ 4a$ cea.ed to ha5e an$ connection 4ith the #re.ent G 4hich ho4e5er .!ita&le the$ %i ht ha5e &een in the da$. of their ori in ha5e no4 &eco%e a 4arnin rather than a !ide. The$ .till ha5e a %$.tic re.#ect for the earlier for%. 4hich %a'e the% di.inclinedna$ o##o.ed to an$ e)a%ination of the fo!ndation. of their Societ$. The Hind! %a..e. are cf co!r.e incredi&l$ heedle.. in the for%ation of their &elief.. B!t .o are the Hind! leader.. And 4hat i. 4or.e i. that. The.e Hind! leader. &eco%e filled 4ith an illicit #a..ion for their &elief. 4hen an$ one #ro#o.e. to ro& the% of their co%#anion.hi#. The Mahat%a. i. no e)ce#tion. The Mahat%a a##ear. not to &elie5e in thin'in He #refer. to follo4 the .aint.. 3i'e a con.er5ati5e 4ith hi. re5erence for con.ecrated notion. he i. afraid that if he once .tart. thin'in 7 %an$ ideal. and in.tit!tion. to 4hich lie clin . 4ill &e doo%ed. One %!.t .$%#athi8e 4ith hi%. Cor e5er$ act of inde#endent thin'in #!t. .o%e #ortion of a##arentl$ .ta&le 4orld in #eril. B!t it i. e<!all$ tr!e that de#endence on .aint. cannot lead !. to 'no4 the tr!th. The .aint. are after all onl$ h!%an &ein . and a. 3ord Balfo!r .aid 7 ; the h!%an %ind i. no %ore a tr!th findin a##arat!. than the .no!t of a #i ;. *n .o far a. he doe. thin'7 to %e he reall$ a##ear. to &e #ro.tit!tin hi. intelli ence to find rea.on. for .!##ortin thi. archaic .ocial .tr!ct!re of the Hind!.. He i. the %o.t infl!ential a#olo i.t of it and therefore the 4or.t ene%$ of the Hind!.. Unli'e the Mahat%a there are Hind! leader. 4ho are not content %erel$ to &elie5e and follo4. The$ dare to thin'7 and act in7 accordance 4ith the re.!lt of their thin'in . B!t !nfort!natel$ the$ are either a di.hone.t lot or an indifferent lot 4hen it co%e. to the <!e.tion of i5in ri ht !idance to the %a.. of the #eo#le. Al%o.t e5er$ Brah%in ha. tran. re..ed the r!le of -a.te. The n!%&er of Brah%in. 4ho .ell .hoe. i. far reater than tho.e 4ho #racti.e #rie.thood. Not onl$ ha5e the Brah%in. i5en !# their ance.tral callin of #rie.thood for tradin &!t the$ ha5e entered trade. 4hich7 are #rohi&ited to the% &$ the -haslras, =et ho4 %an$ Brah%in. 4ho &rea' -a.te e5er$ da$ 4ill #reach a ain.t -a.te and a ain.t the -hastras F Cor one hone.t Brah%in #reachin a ain.t -a.te and -hastras &eca!.e hi. #ractical in.tinct and %oral con.cience cannot .!##ort a con5iction in the%7 there are h!ndred. 4ho &rea' -a.te and tra%#le !#on the -hastras e5er$ da$ &!t 4ho are the %o.t fanatic !#holder. of the theor$ of -a.te and the .anctit$ of the -hastras, ?h$ thi. d!#licit$ F Beca!.e the$ feel that if the %a..e. are e%anci#ated fro% the $o'e of -a.te the$ 4o!ld &e a %enace to the #o4er and #re.ti e of the Brah%in. a. a cla... The di.hone.t$ of thi. intellect!al cla.. 4ho 4o!ld den$ the %a..e. the fr!it. of their thin'in i. a %o.t di. racef!l #heno%enon. The Hind!. in the 4ord. of Mathe4 Arnold are ; 4anderin &et4een t4o 4orld.7 one dead7 the other #o4erle.. to &e &orn ;. ?hat are the$ to do F The Mahat%a to I4ho%

the$ a##eal for !idance doe. not &elie5e in thin'in and can therefore i5e no !idance 4hich can &e .aid to .tand the te.t of e)#erience. The intellect!al cla..e. to 4ho% the %a..e. loo' for !idance are either too di.hone.t or too indifferent to ed!cate the% in the ri ht direction. ?e are indeed 4itne..e. to a reat tra ed$. *n the face of thi. tra ed$ all one can do i. to la%ent and .a$.!ch &e th$ 3eader.7 OK Hind!..

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