Panchdweepam Nandkumar's Paper On Estuarine Islands of Goa

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All copyrights reserved. Dr. Nandkumar M.

Kamat, 2007

( The paper is based on field work carried out by the first author since 1990-91 and by second author in 1999-2000. Most of the information is unpublished and its use needs to be duly credited to the authors. ma!or part of the work was submitted as a dissertation to "oa #ni$ersity in %o$ember 2000. &

'anchadweepam smare nityam: Ecoconservation and sustainable management of islands of Mandovi estuary
Nandkumar M. Kamat , Department o !otany, "oa #niversity $ Krishnadas %. !honsle, "eologist, &ua'(anto )stevam )*mail+nkamat,
Ancient -ndians said .panchakanay smaret nityam /hen they remem0ered the 1ualities o ive immortal /omen 2the 3panchakanyas4.Ahilya, Draupadi, (ita, 5ara and Mandodari. Modern "oans need to remem0er the ive important islands o Mandovi* the panchadweepas*%hodan'%horao, Divadi'Divar, %um0ar6ua, &ua 7r (anto estevam and %apao /hich are an integral part o their history, culture and identity. Mandovi and 8uari are ecological, economic, cultural li elines o "oa. 5ectonic activities distorted the courses o these rivers. 5he tidal e ect o Mandovi reaches upto "an6em. Mandovi could 0e said to 0e a river /hich ailed to orm a true delta 0ut created many islands in the estuarine 9one. 5is/adi taluka is at the heart o "oa. -t comprises only islands. 5is/adi is no/ connected 0y 0ridges and has lost its: geographical character as an island. !ut the remaining ive*%hodan '%horao, Divadi 'Divar, %um0ar6ua, &ua'(anto estevam and %apao are ecologically ragile lo/ lying estuarine islands. 5hese ;<ancha* d/eepas4 =(anskrit term or a group o ive islands > are rich in 0iodiversity. ?o/ these <anchd/eepas evolved@. Millions o years ago giant 0asaltic outcrops =insel0ergs> /ere pro6ecting rom Mandovi. ?eavy /eathering o these rocks resulted in lateriti9ation. ?uge 1uantities o silt deposited around these rocky outcrops created vast mangrove orests /hich /ere crisscrossed 0y creeks. 5he dominant mangroves are Ahi9ophora murconata, (onneratia al0a and Avicennia o cinalis. %horao -sland has denser mangrove vegetation dominated 0y A. 7 icinalis, A. Mucronata and (. Al0a. 5he mangroves /ere reclaimed systematically 0y the ist settlers a0out B*C000 years ago. 5hey /ere the ounders o the ;"aunkaris: or the present day communidades. Kha9an lands /ere created or cultivation o /ild rice varieties. More lands /ere added 0y eDtending the em0ankments. 5he area o each island in the <anchad/eepas, the num0er o households and population statistics is given in the Table 1. -t sho/s that this group occupies a0out E000 hectares or E0 s1. Kms. area. %horao is the largest island and %apao the smallest. %um0ar6ua is the most densely populated island, /hereas (anto estevam has more num0er o residential houses. -n all these islands the houses are situated at the oot o the hills and along the 0ank o the river. %um0ar6ua and (anto estevam are very densely populated and there is no land resource le t or ne/ housing settlements.

All copyrights reserved. Dr. Nandkumar M. Kamat, 2007

Area of Village,

Table 1 ouseholds And !opulation "tatistics

&ame of the -sland

Area -n hectares

&o. .f ouseholds

&o. .f *esidential ouses

Total population #-ncluding institutional / houseless population) ! M 0 EE77 F7I C2BG CHF7 CEEE FGBIC 27CC GC 2F70 2B7C 2FCH GEB0 2HBB H2 20IG 2CCB 2C07 GHBC

%horao %apao %um0ar6ua Divar &ua'(anto estevam 5otal


FF07 CB 7C0 F0CH F0HB C02F


#"ource: $istrict %ensus andbook &orth 'oa, 1((1) Traditional ecotechnology 5he Panchdweepas are repositories o traditional ecotechnology. 5he art /as practiced or thousands o years. (urrounded 0y estuarine /aters, the a1ui ers o these islands /ere at the risk o 0ecoming saline. 5he maintenance o the outer and inner Kha9an 0undhs /as crucial or the ecological and ood security o the islanders. 5he communidades trained the people to manage the 0undhs. 5he spirit o sel reliance is no/ dying along/ith the traditional kno/ledge. *ain+ater harvesting system !onds 5he annual rain all in these islands is nearly a0out B00cm =B00mm>. 5he rain /ater alls on ground and inds it /ay directly into the river Mandovi through the drainage system. No matter some 1uantity o it get a0sor0ed into the ground in the initial phase o rain all /hen the ground is dry and hard. )arlier in these islands there /ere ponds /hich /ere dug into the kha9an lands to store the monsoon runo . 5he distance 0et/een the t/o ponds /as nearly F00 * 200m and there used to 0e F0 2 FE ponds in each kha9an land depending on the area 5he /ater /as used or vegeta0le cultivation in /inter season. ,ells

All copyrights reserved. Dr. Nandkumar M. Kamat, 2007

-n these islands most o the private household /ells have head*/alls and are provided /ith 3Aathis4. !ut the /ells /hich are property o the entire village are /ithout head*/alls and lack the 3Aathis4. 5he /ater ta0le alls do/n 0eyond the normal and even sometimes /ells get dried up in summer*season. Traditional techni1ues of +ater treatment 5he islanders used traditional methods to ensure sa e drinking /ater 1uality. 5hese /ere as ollo/sJ* !y inserting roughly small part o Nellie tree into the /ell !y dropping po/der o dried ground seeds o drumstick =a ter removing outer skin o the seed> into the /ell. !y dropping leaves o 5ulsi or Neem into the /ell. !y putting ash o plant litter into the /ell. 5his ash /as considered to have anti ungal and anti0acterial properties. Maintaining the precious 2ha3an bundhs Khat protects the <anchd/eepas rom looding and su0mergence@. -t is an intricate system o outer and inner em0ankments, sluice gets and 0ack/aters. )ngineering dra/ings o this system made to the scale are not availa0le. Table 4 gives the in ormation on the Kha9an 0undhs and sluice gates in these islands. Table 4 -slands5 2ha3an lands

All copyrights reserved. Dr. Nandkumar M. Kamat, 2007 Name o the -sland %horao Name o the Kha9an land'0und !andonem Kha9an !atotem 2 Kha9an %antore 2 Kha9an %avo Kha9an Dupenam Kha9an Khandle 2 Kha9an Maca9an Kha9an Marona Kha9an (arel Kha9an Divar Am0oi Kha9an 5ar9e Kha9an -n9ne Kha9an Naye Kha9an Naroa Kha9an Molar Kha9an Navelim Kha9an "olti Kha9an ManDim Kha9an =%apao> Length o 0und =ApproD. in meters> C000 E000 2 I000 EE00 B000 CE00 CE00 I000 B000 2 C000 E000 2000 F000 F000 F000 2000 2000 2E00 H000 * G000 2000

C No. o (luice gates F F F F F F F F F 2 F F F 2 2 2 C 2 =unoperational>



All copyrights reserved. Dr. Nandkumar M. Kamat, 2007

Mai Kha9an 5ar9e vattoi Kha9an <lani Kha9an Madapoin Kha9an Kha/a6o 2 Kator Kha9an

2000 B000 to C000 C000 2E00 2000

F 2 F F F


Kundaiker Kator Kha9an 5ir kha9an %huna kator -mpte kha9an Katurlr*kha9an

B000 C000 B000 2000 FE00

F F F F =small o F door> F =small o F door>

All copyrights reserved. Dr. Nandkumar M. Kamat, 2007

5he in ormation regarding the repair o the Kha9an 0unds 0y using traditional technology /as collected rom local armers in Navelim2 Divar. !unds orm the li e*line o the kha9an lands. 5he construction o 0unds involves mainly t/o steps, namely Thor and Cupto. Most o this kno/ledge is not documented. Thor: !unds are usually constructed 0y using alluvial mud. 5he preliminary step involves spreading o alluvial mud layer on the place /here 0und is 0eing constructed. 7n this layer o alluvial mud, layer o paddy stra/ is placed to keep the layer o mud compact. 5his alternate arrangement o alluvial mud layer and paddy stra/ layer is kno/n as 5hor in local language. (upto: A ter the completion o the a0ove step, namely Thor, the second step involved is re erred as Cupto. -n this step, roughly arranged alluvial mud layer sur ace =i.e. a ter 5hor> is made smooth manually 0y punching and spreading the mud 0y hand. 5his procedure adopted or leveling or smoothening rough sur ace o 0und is re erred as Cupto. -t imparts intactness to the 0und. (honoi- 5his is a method adopted or repairing the 0unds /hich are partly damaged. 5he 0oring creatures like cra0s ound in the vicinity o the 0unds make holes in the 0und. these are not plugged immediately then the 0undhs get /eakened.. (o /hen the holes 0egin to appear in the 0und, that spot or the portion o the 0und is cut into rectangular or unnel shape 0y using simple traditional tools as Khore, Pikas and Kudal. 5his cut portion o the 0und is then illed /ith resh alluvial mud. -n other /ords, Chonoi is the techni1ue adopted to prevent urther damage to the 0unds and thus is a very use ul or re6uvenating damaged portions. 2ha3ans of !anchd+eepas $ivar:6 5he kha9an land o Navelim village tends to get looded during rainy season due to damaged portion o the outer 0und. Kooden logs driven in the silt used to prevent urther damage to 0und or to discharge the /ave energy /hich other/ise directly collides on the 0roken section o 0und and results in urther deterioration. As a result o /hich approDimately a0out 70N o this Kha9an land gets su0merged under /ater. (o also due to persistent looding every year some portion o the Kha9an land, /hich /as cultivated =Sarod> FE years 0ack is le t a0andoned and slo/ly turning into mangrove orest.

All copyrights reserved. Dr. Nandkumar M. Kamat, 2007

%apao 5he kha9an land o %apao is completely taken the orm o mangrove orest. 5he outer and inner 0unds are densely covered 0y mangrove vegetation and shru0s in %apao, /hich makes di icult to /alk on 0und and hence maintenance and repairs 0ecomes a tedious 6o0. 5hese Kha9an lands /ere kno/n to have t/o sluice gates, /hich are no/ unoperational. %umbar7ua:6 All the kha9ans at %um0ar6ua island are cultivated during rainy season =sarod> eDcept katurlr kha9an and -mpte kha9an /hich gets looded during monsoon. 5here is gradual decline in the cultivation o /inter ed agriculture orm i.e. varye. 5he sluice gates o irst three kha9ans =(ee 5a0le 2> comprise o more than three doors /hereas sluice gates o other t/o kha9ans comprises o only one door. 8ua 5he &ua village is surrounded 0y 0und eDcept 5onk /ard and little part o %urpin. 5he 0und is o alluvial mud. 5hese 0unds orm the siD kha9ans o the land. !esides this kha9ans there are private o/ned lands such as (apal, /hose 0und length is a0out 2km, !a0al a0out Fkm and area o B0ha. =approD> and F0ha =approD> respectively. 5he total 0und length a0out F0*F2km. (ides o the 0und is covered /ith coconut plantation and mangrove vegetation. 5he 0und rom %urpin to Akhada is converted into tar roads. )ach kha9an has sluice gate o t/o to three doors. The agroeconomy of the islands:6sustainable livelihood is affected 5he traditional economy o these islands /as 0ased on simple, sustaina0le enterprises such as isheries , cultivation o rain ed paddy and irrigated vegeta0le crops, horticulture especially production o several varieties o Mangoes /hich are highly pri9ed even today in <an6im market, ado0e 0rickmaking, pottery and other rural enterprises. Alluvial sand mining also yielded income to the sand miners although lately it is a ecting the river ecology. -t has 0een reported that there /ere salt pans in %horao island 0ut no evidence is ound today in the altered island topography. $ecline of Agro6horticulture:6 Table 9 gives the in ormation on di erent types o vegeta0le crops traditionally cultivated in these islands. 5he system o microirrigated /inter vegeta0le cultivation /as kno/n as ;Marye: . 5hese islands /ere once the 3salad 0o/ls: o 7ld "oa and <an6im to/ns. 5he resh arm produce used to 0e transported to <an6im 0y canoes. 5he islands had evolved some rare strains o vegeta0les suited to saline conditions. #n ortunately, these seems to have 0een lost. Oertile top soil erosion, re1uent ingress o saline /ater has resulted in heavy crop losses. -n our survey a rapid estimate o these losses /as made in 2000. 5his data is given in Table :. More than E00 hectares o land /as a ected. 7ur estimates sho/ a dismal picture o damage to islands: sustaina0le agro*economy. 5he loss o employment /as to the tune o F000. (ince FGG7 /e estimate that the cumulative losses o agricultural income rom these ive islands could 0e As. FE0*2E0 millions. $ecline of Traditional fisheries:6 All over the /orld islands develop their uni1ue ishing practices and gears. -slands in "oa are not an eDception. #n ortunately these techni1ues and gears are slo/ly disappearing. Ke have descri0ed some o the techni1ues used in the surveyed islands. $ifferent Techni1ues ;sed To %apture 0ish:

All copyrights reserved. Dr. Nandkumar M. Kamat, 2007

-mportant ishing techni1ues employed are mainly (hore seines, "ill nets, %ash nets, ?ook and Line nets and Mini * auto tra/ls. (ome o the techni1ues used or ishing are 0rie ly descri0ed 0elo/J )hutawni: is the ish capture techni1ue in /hich num0er o 0am0oos are inserted into the mud in the vicinity o 0und in 9ig 2 9ag manner. 5he ish net is irst immersed into the mud during lo/ 2 tide. At this time one end o the net is iDed into the mud 0y placing stone onto it. At the time o high tide /hen /ater level starts rising, the other end o the net is tied to the 0am0oo 6ust a0ove the level o /ater rise anticipated during high tide. Khen the level o /ater alls to a minimum during lo/ tide /hatever ish trapped in the net is removed and sold. b.) )atali: -n this orm o ish capture techni1ue, the isherman sitting on the canoe suspend the net in the river /ater during high tide or lo/ tide /ith one end o the net resting in his hand. A ter the insertion o the /hole net into the river /ater, he /aits or a /hile and then reverts the a0ove procedure i.e. he then pulls the net inside the canoe in segments and trapped ish is removed. c.) *ari: is a techni1ue used or catching cra0s. 5he e1uipment is made up o iron rod /hich is 0ent into round or rectangular shape to /hich net is attached. 5he ood to attract the cra0 is tied hori9ontally to the zari. 5he nylon rope is tied to the e1uipment =zari> and it is then inserted into the river /ater during high tide. d.) (oble: 5o make this e1uipment, the 0am0oo is cut into our e1ual parts vertically and one cut portion o the 0am0oo out o the our e1ual cut parts is 0ent into circular orm around /hich the net is attached. 5his orm o ishing is employed /hile ishing in the 0ack/aters =i.e. Poye, etc.>. 5he isherman holds the co0le in 0oth the hands and drags it in the /ater or less than hal minute and then li ts the coble to ind i there is any capture o ish or not. e.) +itari: -t is a techni1ue in /hich nylon thread is tied to a 0am0oo stick at one end and the other end o the nylon thread /hich remains suspended is attached /ith curved thin hanger like e1uipment, locally kno/n as goro /hich is availa0le in di erent si9es to trap di erent species o the ish. 5he sharp tip o the goro is made illusive 0y attaching ood to it, the ish comes to eat ood attached to it and /hile doing so this sharp pointed hanger pierces their mouth and ish gets trapped. f.) 'olare: -t is similar to Sitari. !ut in this techni1ue nylon thread is /rapped around any suita0le material =)D. Kooden 0lock, etc.>. 5o the one end sharp pointed curved thin hanger=goro> o very small si9e is tied to /hich ood is attached and 6ust a0ove this hanger heavy su0stance kno/n as shishe in local language is tied. 5he nylon thread e1uipped /ith this arrangement is then thro/n into the river /ater. Due to the attachment o heavy su0stance it travels airly long distance 0e ore alling into the /ater. All other things are similar to Sitari. Although the a0ove techni1ues are still in use, the ish and shell ish diversity and the catch is also declining. 5he num0er o active ishermen is also on decline. 5his in ormation is 0ased on directorate o isheries data or the year 2000. Table < gives in ormation on islands: isherpeople and the ish catch.

Table 9 $ifferent Varieties .f Traditional Vegetables %ultivated during +inter using ,arye system of microirrigation

All copyrights reserved. Dr. Nandkumar M. Kamat, 2007 =ocal>%ommon &ame 5am0di 0ha6i Konkan dhudi, !ottle gourd Mullo, Aadish !art used as Vegetable )ntire Oruit Additional use and features Aich in -ron, cellulose and i0re Large si9e and so t teDture Medicinal use 5aleigao variety o medicinal value

G !resent production status Declining %ommon

"cientific &ame Amaranthus avgenaria !ulgaris "aphanus Sativus

)ntire plant

(eed not availa0le, variety conserved 0y certain gro/ers Not very common "ro/n or market (eed not easily availa0le %ommon Mery common

5endli, "erkin 7kra, !hendi, Lady:s inger Malochi 0ha6i' %lim0ing (pinach <iao, 7nion

Coccinia indica #ibiscus esculeuts $asella alba

Oruit Oruit

(mall variety Large variety (atponi =large> )arly ruiting (mall Aich in -ron, Mitamin A As a seasoning agent, o medicinal value

Leaves tender shoots !ul0

Allium Cepa

Local variety )ndangered

Maingan, !rin6al, )ggplant

Solanum melongena


Aound purple =Annual> Long green =perennial> Long greenish*purple =perennial> Nutritive Khite P !ro/n Nutritive value

%ommon Mery rare %ommon Declining )ndangered Local variety )Dtinct

Alsando, Lentil %hovlli Moog, Mung, "reen gram

ens asculenta !igna unguiculata Phaseolus aureas

<od, seed, leave (eed (eed

All copyrights reserved. Dr. Nandkumar M. Kamat, 2007


Table : Estimate of Annual =oss $ue To $ecline -n Agriculture in 'anchadweepas (2000&

Name o the island

(ingle crop area =in hectares> F20 2E 20 FE0 B0

%horao %apao %um0ar6ua Divar &ua

Dou0le 5otal Annual crop area area =in loss in =in hectares> single hectares> crop area in lakh As. 20 FC0 2H Negligi0le 2E I F0 B0 C.H E0 200 BI F0 C0 7.2 Table < 0ishing effort in the islands

Annual loss in dou0le crop area in lakh As. H * C 20 C

)stimated total loss per year in lakh As. BI I H.H EI FF.2

&ame of the island

Total fisherman population

Active fisherman population EB CB EC IC

?ield in tones per ?ear #for year 4@@@) F0G 7H F0B GI

%horao %um0ar6ua Divar &ua


EAcellent traditional solid +aste management:6 5he agro*horticulture 0ased economy o the islands also supported a responsi0le, lo/ cost system o solid /aste management. 5hese /ere the days /ithout plastic packaging materials. 7ur survey ound interesting in ormation on the solid /aste reuse and recycling practices. 5he islanders had an un/ritten 3solid /aste management ethic:. Table B sho/s the type o cultivated crops and the agro/aste. Table C provides in ormation on the methods o recycling o various types o solid /aste. ;se of modern methods of +aste recycling:6 Table D gives the in ormation on some modern practices o reuse or recycling the solid /aste.

Table B %rops and agro+aste in the islands

Type of crop cultivated



All copyrights reserved. Dr. Nandkumar M. Kamat, 2007


Aice %oconut %ashe/ nut !anana Megeta0les Mango

Aice husk %oconut shells and leaves %ashe/ apple etc. !anana peels Leaves Mango peals

%attle eed, uel. Ouel. Oeni distillation, ood. Animal eed. %attle eed, uel. %attle eed.

Table C "olid +aste Type And Traditional Methods .f "olid ,aste *ecycling "r. &o. F. Type of ,aste Traditional method of *ecycling #se as cattle eed, as uel, as construction material or huts and used in 0und construction. As animal eed, as uel. As animal eed, as uel.

Oield crop /aste <addy stra/ Aice husk (ugarcane


"arden %rop Kaste %ashe/ apple <ineapple /aste !anana pseudostems %oconut Kaste 5runk Lea ?usk %oir <ithand short Oi0re (hells 0orestry ,aste Oresh litter Dry litter Dry leaves %attle dung Oish /aste (a/ dust

5o eDtract eni, cattle eed, as uel. As uel, animal eed. As uel. As uel, as logs, urniture, agricultural implements. As uel, to construct thatch. Mats, decorative items, carpets etc. %arpets, insulating peds. Qarn and rope. Aeclamation o land, mulching o soil, uel. As manure. A uel. 5o make 0iddies, patravalis. 5o make sheni, ertili9er, etc. As ertili9er. As animal eed.

B. =i.> =ii.> =iii.> =iv.> =v.> =vi.> C.

Table D ,aste Type and modern methods of solid +aste *ecycling

All copyrights reserved. Dr. Nandkumar M. Kamat, 2007


"r. &o. F. 2. B. C. E. =i.> =ii.> =iii.> I. 7. H. G. F0. FF.

Type of ,aste

Modern method of *ecycling>reuse

%ashe/ shells <addy stra/ Aice 0ran (a/ dust %oconut /aste %oir dust (hells Leaves %attle dung Megeta0le $ <oultry /aste 5ree /aste Mango peels $ kernels Oish /aste <oultry /aste

Oor eDtraction o oils =dink>. As 0edding material in agriculture. <oultry eed. <oultry eed, uel, animal eed. !oards, insulation, ancy articles. Moulded articles, uel charcoal. 5o make decorative articles. Aa/ material or 0io*gas plant. Aa/ material or 0io*gas plant. Ouel, 0uilding 0oards, chemicals rom /ood distillates, insulation /ool. N ree eDtract starch or miD in /heat lour and oil rom Kernel. Animal eed. Oertili9er. Oertili9er

Ma7or !roblems .f 'anchdweepas Mery poorly maintained and su0stantially damaged intricate system o 0unds and the threats posed 0y sea level rise =(LA> are ma6or pro0lems. 5he ormer pro0lem is presently aced 0y these islands and latter /ill 0e aced 0y them, gradually /ith every passing year. 5he (LA is slo/ phenomenon. 5here are t/o scenarios*7ne metre rise in sea level and 5/o metre rise 0y A.D. 20E0*20H0. 5he present height o the eDternal em0ankments girdling the islands is a0out ive*siD meters. 5his /ould 0e inade1uate to stop the su0mergence o vast lo/ lying areas a ter the sea level rises. 5here are island/ise speci ic pro0lems as /ell. Ecoproblems of %horao %horao is in very close proDimity o the Ara0ian (ea. 7ne o the ma6or pro0lems /itnessed 0y this island is the contamination o /ell /ater 0y intruding salt /ater during summer season. 5he main cause o this pro0lem is overeDploitation o ground /ater. 5he salt /ater intrusion in %horao may 0e attri0uted to a1uaculture arms and installation o heavy duty pumping systems to eDploit ground/ater. 5his also adds to the pro0lem o shortage o s/eet /ater during peak summer months. Ecoproblems of $ivar 5he su0mergence o the ma6or portion o the lo/ lying kha9an lands under river /ater during rainy season and no/ also in summer season due to damaged intricate system o 0unds is the ma6or pro0lem o this island. Ore1uent looding o this areas as given 0oom to the gro/th o mangrove vegetation. #nless the gro/th o mangrove vegetation in this area is arrested then in coming years they /ill capture entire kha9an land and i this

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happen it /ill give complete set 0ack to the agricultural economy o this area. 5he kha9an land o %apao has already turned into /aste land. Ecoproblems of %umbar7ua -sland 5he main pro0lem /itnessed 0y this island is the unpleasant odour evolved 0y manu acturing activities o a chemical plant, elt most convincingly during /inter season. (o also there is a shortage o /ater during peak o summer month. 5he heavy 0arge tra ic through %um0ar6ua canal produces strong /ave action pressure on the 0und. (o, also there is decline in ish capture in this area due to oil spilling 0y 0arges and treated e luent discharge 0y oresaid industry. Ecoproblems of 8ua 5he ma6or pro0lem /itnessed is the island o &ua is overeDploitation o mineral resources such as the alluvial sand leading to the eDtinction o 0ottom d/elling shell ish like Khube =clams> ound in this area 20 years 0ack. 5he other pro0lem is mining 6etty operating at (armanas. 5here is also decline in 0oth orms o agriculture, sarod and !arye. Olood is not re1uent in this island, 0ut it gets looded only /here there is heavy rain all continuously or 2 to B days.

To+ards better environmental management of the islands

7n 0asis o our surveys and studies /e have prepared an environmental management plan or these ive islands. 5he salient aspects o this plan are included in Table (. Eetter Management .f Eunds: 5he 0unds in these islands are the li e*line o the kha9an land ecosystem. Oor the proper maintenance it is very essential that outer and inner 0unds 0e /ell connected to each other so that 0unds can 0e accessed easily /henever needed. 5he 0unds are usually constructed o alluvial mud and laterite stone and hence have tendency to /ear and tear rom natural orces o river, inappropriate actions o humans and rom hole 0oring creatures. 5here ore certain irm measures must 0e taken or e ective management o 0unds. 5he ollo/ing measures are suggested or e ective maintenance and management o damaged 0unds in their present ormJ Annual inspection o 0unds and monthly inspection o those cross sections o 0unds /hich get damaged re1uently is irst step to/ards e ective management. De orestation o mangroves need to 0e stopped. 5he mangroves in the vicinity o the 0und a0sor0 the 0o/ shock /aves rom the 0arge tra ic and reduce the erosion o the outer em0ankments. 5echnology o raising mangrove seedlings is availa0le /ith N-7. -t has 0een success ully used 0y the orest department. 5he 0reaks in mangrove vegetation need to 0e illed 0y planting ne/ species. %onstitution o villagers: panchayat level inspection committees. 5he gramsa0has need to constitute inspection committees to monitor the 0undhs, their repair and maintenance /orks and or control o mangrove de orestation. 5here should 0e miDture o traditional and ne/ construction material used or 0uilding 0unds. 5he laterite stones =ru00le> o irregular dimension should 0e used /hile constructing outer /alls o 0unds and salinity resistant epoDy cement must 0e used in

All copyrights reserved. Dr. Nandkumar M. Kamat, 2007


construction. (o also it possi0le that damaged cross*sections o 0unds could 0e constructed o concrete /alls 0y using corrosion resistant epoDy cement. (tringent guidelines must 0e set 0y captain o ports on the cruise channel and speed or 0arges and tra/lers cruising island /aters during high tides. 5he guidelines might 0e set in ollo/ing mannerJ a> 5he 0arges and tra/lers should maintain certain speed /hile cruising the inland /aters. 0> Oluorescent markers should 0e placed outside the 0und =like speed 0reakers on the road> so 0y sighting this sym0ol the 0arges and tra/lers /ill reduce their speed. c> Aoutine inspections 0y the marine police /ing Eetter $esign And Maintenance .f "luice 6 'ates: #noperational conditions o (luice*gate due to damaged and 0roken /ooden structures serving as doors is another reason /hich adds to the increased impact o the river /ater on to the 0unds. Oollo/ing suggestions are made or normal operations o sluice gate. 5he /ooden structure must 0e painted 0y dikh =%ashe/ (hell )Dtract> or oil 0ound )co* riendly anti* ouling paint every year 6ust 0e ore rainy season. 5he alternative material such as polyuretahnae, errocement , i0re glass can 0e used. %onservation .f The islands5 back+aters the 6 'oye: Poye is the traditional mechanism /hich holds eDcess o 0ack /ater in the Kha9an lands. 5he depth o this 9ig 2 9ig channel has 0een reduced to a great eDtent in recent years. 5here ore incentives must 0e given to desilt. 5he armers /hose lands all ad6acent to this areas should voluntarily accomplish this task prior to monsoon reason every year. %ontrolling coloni3ation of .f Mangrove Vegetation -n 2ha3an =ands: 5he mangrove vegetation has already coloni9ed airly large part o kha9an lands at Navelim*Divar. -t is possi0le to reclaim this kha9an land 0ut it is a tedious 6o0, so e orts should 0e made to save remaining portions o the kha9an lands. Oollo/ing are some o the suggestions /hich can 0e put or/ard or restricting urther gro/th o mangrove vegetation. 5he 0und should 0e constructed 0e ore the last strip o mangrove vegetation in the Kha9an lands. -ngress o river /ater in the kha9an land should 0e controlled 0y proper management o 0unds, sluice gates and Poye. Dept o Agriculture, Oorest Dept. and armers should take active role to solve this pro0lem. *estoration .f -ondem F the microirrigation !onds:6 5here is a large scale decline in !arye* /inter irrigated agriculture. 5he small irrigation ponds are /ell maintained. Oollo/ing suggestions are made to re6uvenate this system o microirrigation. 5he ponds need to 0e desilted and to increase storage capacity the depth should 0e increased 5he ponds could 0e piled /ith laterite stones to reduce siltation

All copyrights reserved. Dr. Nandkumar M. Kamat, 2007


5he armers should take active role in re6uvenating the ponds. Eetter ,ater Management 0or $omestic !urpose: -t is clear that during peak months o summer there arises pro0lems like salt /ater intrusion and /ater scarcity. 5his pro0lem can 0e solved 0y adopting ollo/ing measuresJ* (alt intrusion can 0e restricted 0y sustaina0le eDploitation o ground /ater resources. #se o 0ore /ells should 0e stopped near the edges'periphery o the islands. (carcity o /ater can 0e stopped 0y 0uilding /ater storage tanks or each /ado /ithin village. Also gradient'contour speci ic rain /ater harvesting methods must 0e employed 5he residents o the place, N"7:s and panchayats and <KD /ould 0e the role players or solving this pro0lem. Adapting To !ossible "ea 6 =evel *ise: 5he characters o estuarine /ater change due to eutrophication o coastal /aters caused due to ur0ani9ation, industrialisation, agriculture and other land use practices. 5he (LA /ill a ect the saline soils and their use and agricultural crops. 5here ore to study the e ects o (LA, modeling o estuarine systems at local levels are essential. Large area o land and coastal settlements /ill 0e su0merged under /ater in the &ua, %um0ar6ua, %horao and Akhada. Ma6or portion o the kha9an lands /ill also 0e su0merged and losses /ill 0e devastating in these islands. All the islands surveyed had no e ective drainage system. An integrated ecological security system /ould have to 0uilt comprising a strong outer em0ankment, internal drainage system and storage reservoirs or lood /aters. 5he height o outer 0unds in these islands o 5is/adi should 0e raised 0y t/o metres and a green 0elt o plantation /ith soil 0inding local species should 0e raised in this area. (LA /ill 0ring changes in salinity in mangrove s/amp and hence composition o species o 0oth lora and auna /ill 0e changing. (o it /ould 0e necessary to study the physico*chemical conditions, productivity o 0enthos, phyto and 9ooplanktons, and availa0ility o 6uvenile pra/ns and ish. -t is also suggested to study the 9onation and 0io*mass production o di erent mangrove species so that they may 0e used or plantation in the marshy land and 0ack/aters o islands o 5is/adi. Aemote sensing can 0e used to understand and predict the likely charges that may occur in these islands /ith respect to Mandovi 8uari estuarine compleD. .

"ustainable Management .f Alluvial "and Mining -n Mandovi *iver: 5he overeDploitation o the alluvial sand may result in the erosion o the river. 5here ore /hen "overnment authority issues license or eDtraction sand ollo/ing guidelines should 0e put to ensure sustaina0le eDploitation o sand. 5he eDtraction o the sand must 0e restricted to certain minimum capacity or every month and that limit must not 0e eDceeded.

All copyrights reserved. Dr. Nandkumar M. Kamat, 2007


%ertain plots should 0e identi ied and marked in the river. (and mining operations need to 0e con ined only to these areas. !reparing a sustainable community oriented ecotourism plan for the islands Divar, %horao, %um0ar6ua and &ua*(anto )stevam are historic islands rich in 0reathtaking landscapes, 0iodiversity and numerous spots or historians, archaeologists, ecotourists, cyclists, anglers, 0ird /atchers and photographers. 5he local community needs to 0ene it rom any ecotourism plan. An imaginative ecotourism plan or these ive islands could 0e prepared and placed 0e ore the gramsa0has o the village panchayats on the islands. 5he village panchayats guided 0y eDperts, conservationists, ecotourism planners /ould 0e a0le to develop their o/n packages or domestic and oreign visitors. &e+ institutional mechanism:6 5he legislative assem0ly o "oa had passed an unanimous resolution in FGGH or integrated conservation and management o these islands. 5he department o orests /as identi ied as nodal agency. No action has 0een taken since then. Ke suggest ormation o an -sland conservation and sustaina0le development agency =-%(DA> or this purpose. %onclusions:6 5he ive estuarine islands in the Mandovi have a rich past and ace a 0leak ecological uture unless all stakeholders come or/ard to plan or their conservation and sustaina0le development.

Table ( Environmental Management !lan 0or Mandovi5s estuarine islands Area of action "olution Agencies identified for action


All copyrights reserved. Dr. Nandkumar M. Kamat, 2007


F. !roken sections o /ooden structure o (luice gates

!unds Kha9an lands

!unds must 0e surveyed to Oarmers,

identi y the /eak spots 5hose sections o 0unds, /hich are damaged or are on the verge o destruction must 0e identi ied and given immediate attention and repaired. Oishermen, Millage <anchayats, %ommunidades, Directorate o agriculture and N"7:s.

the 0unds and damaged protecting

"ro/th o shru0s should not 0e

allo/ed on the 0unds. (ince such condition un avoura0le maintenance make task o 0unds 0unds or /orking and

0ecomes a tedious 6o0.


laterite stones rom

the 0undhs or the purpose o ishing should 0e avoided as it puts additional stress on already poorly 0unds. maintained system o

Damaged' ouled /ooden parts o

the sluice gates should 0e replaced.

)conomically via0le and long*

lasting material should 0e used to a0ricate doors o sluice gates




re6uvenated at least to look actively in the a airs concerning the 0unds.

%ommunidades should 0e made

All copyrights reserved. Dr. Nandkumar M. Kamat, 2007


"elect references:6 F.!iodiversity in the Kestern "hats * An -n ormation Kit, FGGC. 2.Muker6ee <.K. * A 5eDt0ook o "eology, FFth Aev. )d, FGG0. B.Oish, %urry and Aice * A %iti9enRs Aeport on the "oan )nvironment, FGGB, )co orum. C.<ianka )ric A. * !iogeography %hapter G =<g. B2E*B27>, )volutionary )cology =Brd )d.>, FGHB, ?arper and Ao/ pu0lishers, -nc. E.Martins &ose O. * (truggle or (urvival * ".5. , <.H, &an. FGHG. I.Dhume Minayak Narayan (henivi * ?istorical -sland %um0ar6ua. 7.-mplementation o Article I o the %onvention on !iological Diversity in -ndia * National Aeport. H. Aa6iv Nigam * <otentiality o Ooramini era in Deciphering <aleo * (ea Levels, 7mega (cienti ic <u0lishers, FGGI. G. Kagle !. ". * "eomorphology o "oa %oast, FGHF. F0. (a/kar K., Noronha L., Mascarenhas A., %hauhan 7. (. and (eed (. 2 5ourism and )nvironment * %ase (tudy on "oa, FGGH. FF. Levinton &e ery (. * Marine )cology, FGH2, <rentice * ?all, -nc., )ngle/ood %li s. F2. <roceeding o the Korkshop on -ntegrated %oastal $ Marine area Mgt. <lan or "oa * Aug. 2E*2I, FGGI * -ntegrated %oastal $ Marine Mgt. $ Dept. o (cience $ 5echnology and )nvironment. FB. -nternet Material * #N)< -sland Ke0site, FGGH. FC. &agtap 5. "., %havan M. (. and #nta/ale A. ". * Mangrove )cosystem o FE. -ndiaJ A Need or <rotection. FI. %oD "eorge K. 2 %onservation )cology, !iosphere $ !iosurvival, FGGB. F7. D/ivedi (. N. 2 <roceedings o (ea 2 Level Aise, FGHE. FH. Kingley, 5. M. LS Aoper, (. %. ! and KarrickS &. !. 2 "lo0al (ea 2 Level riseJ <ast and Outure, FGHH.

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