EU and Border Control in East - APSA

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Tell me what your borders are and I will tell you who you are (Jan Zielonka 2002: 7)

Multiplying and shifting borders: Globalization, border control and the eastern expansion of the European Union.

Katalin Dancsi Ph !andidate in International "elations i#ision o$ %lobal &$$airs "ut'ers( The )tate *ni#ersity o$ +ew Jersey ,2- .ashin'ton )treet( )uite /,0 +ewark( +J 07,02 Tel: (07-) -/-1//2/ ( ra$t: 3lease do not 4uote without the 3ermission o$ the author) Pa3er 3re3ared $or the International )tudies &sso!iation &nnual 5on#ention in )an ie'o( *)( 6ar!h 2212/( 2007 to be 3resented in the 3anel .8-- Politi!s o$ 6i'ration in the 9uro3ean *nion Abstract: ue to the un3re!edented two1ste3 in!or3oration o$ east !entral 9uro3ean new 9* member states into the 9*:s !ommon border !ontrol 3oli!y a sur3risin' situation

arose( in whi!h all the border se!tions o$ new members 'ot trans$ormed into ti'htly !ontrolled e;ternal 9* borders( irres3e!ti#e o$ their lo!ations< This !reated( I ar'ue( a lar'e( shi$tin' border =one atta!hed to the 9* $rom the east !ontainin' multi3le e;ternal 9* borders< I$ subse4uent wa#es o$ eastern 9* e;3ansions are 'oin' to $ollow similar two1ste3 border !ontrol 3oli!y e;tensions( the 9* is likely to end eastward( $or a lon' time( in a shi$tin' $rontier =one< The multi3li!ation and =onali=ation o$ eastern e;ternal 9* borders ha#e si'ni$i!ant theoreti!al and 3oli!y im3li!ations< >irst( I":s traditional( linear( on?o$$ understandin' o$ borders has to be su33lemented with a =onal #iew as well< 8oth the realist and the 'lobalist bran!hes o$ I" s!holarshi3( althou'h disa'ree whether borders de!line or endure( !on#er'e on 3er!ei#in' them as sin'ular well demar!ated state lines< In the 9* !onte;t( this translates into the use o$ the (remo#ed) internal @ (en$or!ed) e;ternal border ty3olo'y( whi!h be!omes ill13la!ed to a!!ount $or the e;3andin' 9*:s emer'in' lar'e eastern $rontier re'ion< &nd se!ond( the 3roli$eration o$ di#erse e;ternal borders within a s3e!i$i! 3art o$ a sin'le 3oliti!al and territorial unit (the 9*) shi$ts the debate on 9* e;3ansion and inte'ration within 2/ members $rom the su3ranationalist #s< inter'o#ernmentalist 3aths toward a more o3en ended traAe!tory<


9astern enlar'ement is one o$ the most ambitious 3roAe!ts the 9uro3ean *nion (9*) has( so $ar( embarked u3on< The admission into the 9*:s e;!lusi#e western !lub o$ ei'ht east !entral 9uro3ean (959) !ountries, marked the $irst wa#e o$ the histori!al e#ents o$ allowin' !ountries with state1so!ialist 3ast( the #ery ideolo'y a'ainst whi!h the 9* was ori'inally set u3( to Aoin the 9* as $ull members< 9astern e;tension was also the lar'est and most di#erse 9* e;3ansion to date< It added a33ro;imately 7/ million 3eo3le to the 3o3ulation o$ the 9*( whose a#era'e % P 3er !a3ita was between B0120C o$ that o$ the 9* in the year o$ a!!ession( while raisin' the number o$ member states $rom ,/ to 2/< .ith eastern 9* e;3ansion( there$ore( !ame numerous !hallen'es< The most $re4uently mentioned 3roblems in!luded( $irst( the limited absorbin' !a3a!ity o$ the 9*:s institutional set u3( se!ond( the in!reasin' hetero'eneity o$ interests( and third( the !onsiderable e!onomi! dis3arity within the 2/ member states o$ the enlar'ed 9*< 9;3erts and 3oliti!ians ha#e lon' su''ested that the enlar'ed 9* with 2/ members is radi!ally di$$erent $rom the 9* o$ ,/ members( whi!h turns the admission o$ 959 !ountries into the 9*:s the most 3roblemati! e;tension e#er< Indeed( the e$$e!ts o$ eastern 9* e;3ansion are insu$$i!iently understood in international relations (I")< They re4uire more attention and systemati! resear!h to e;3ose the dynami!s that are likely to 3ut the o3eration o$ the enlar'in' *nion to a !om3letely new tra!k o$ interstate !oo3eration< This 3a3er is an attem3t to rearti!ulate the dynami!s o$ 9* eastern e;3ansion and 9* inte'ration $rom an under1e;3lored area: the two1ste3 trans$er o$ the 9*:s border !ontrol 3oli!y onto new 959 members< I turn my attention to the enlar'ed 9*:s new
The 5=e!h "e3ubli!( 9stonia( Dun'ary( Eat#ia( Eithuania( Poland( )lo#akia and )lo#enia (and two non1 959 !ountries( 5y3rus and 6alta) Aoined the 9* on 6ay ,st( 200B<

eastern boundaries and see a lar'e boundary =one atta!hed to the 9*1,/ !ontainin' multi3le and o#erla33in' e;ternal borders( instead o$ seein' the sim3le relo!ation o$ the 9*:s e;ternal border $rom the outer borders o$ the 9*1,/ to those o$ the 9*12/ and the dismantlin' o$ all remainin' borders within the 2/ members< I try to make sense o$ the un3re!edented =onal boundary arran'ement that emer'es on the eastern 3arts o$ a territorially de$ined transnational 3oliti!al entity( the e;tendin' 9*< I ar'ue $or a shi$t in the !on!e3tuali=ation o$ border $rom a territorially $i;ed( on or o$$( sin'ular line #iew( en!ir!lin' an ideal ty3i!al nation state( toward a !ontinuum or =onal #ision !ontainin' multi3le borders in s3a!e and time with #arious le#els o$ 3ermeability< In order to ade4uately des!ribe the enlar'ed 9*:s new so$t eastern boundary arran'ement I need to mo#e beyond the 9*:s !on#entional( state1!entri! internal 1 e;ternal border ty3olo'y( whi!h $rames a border only in terms o$ the absen!e or 3resen!e o$ a sin'ular line< I also seek to link my $indin's on 9* eastern borders to the s!holarshi3 o$ 9* studies< The new #ision o$ the 9*( endin' eastward in a lar'e $rontier =one( 'enerates new dynami!s in the intera!tion amon' the 9*1,/( new members and eastern nei'hbors( whi!h allow me to re#isit the traAe!tory o$ 9uro3ean inte'ration< The im3ortan!e o$ my work (e': ma33in' the 9* endin' in a shi$tin' boundary =one) 3oints beyond the immediate em3iri!al $o!us o$ this 3a3er( the re!ently Aoined ei'ht new 959 members< The lar'er !onte;t into whi!h this 3a3er has to be situated deri#es $rom the e;3e!tations that $urther rounds o$ eastern e;tensions are Aust around the !orner< &!!ession ne'otiations $or $ull membershi3 between the 9* and 8ul'aria and "omania were !on!luded by e!ember 200B< They are set to a!!ede in 2007< &lbania( 8osnia(

5roatia( 6a!edonia (>F"G6) and Turkey ha#e already a33lied $or $ull 9* membershi3 and are re!o'ni=ed as !andidate !ountries< &!!ession ne'otiations ha#e already started

between 5roatia( Turkey and the 9*< &ll o$ these !ountries are e;3e!ted to Aoin the 9* sometime in the not so distant $uture< )ome o$ the remainin' 959 !ountries( su!h as 6oldo#a( )erbia16ontene'ro( *kraine or %eor'ia 3ursue similar 9uro1&tlanti! orientation< They stren'then their relations with the 9* on e#ery 3ossible le#el and talk about the 3ossibility o$ e#entually a33lyin' $or $ull 9* membershi3 in the medium term< %i#en that $irst( 9uro3e has no natural eastern boundaries( se!ond( there is a la!k o$ !onsensus amon' hi'h1rankin' 9* 3oliti!ians on the desired stret!h o$ the 9* and( third( the de!laration2 that any 9uro3ean !ountry may Aoin the 9*( i$ it is able to meet all membershi3 !onditions( none o$ the east 9uro3ean or $ormerly )o#iet as3irant !ountries may be e;!luded a13riori $rom $ull 9* membershi3< 5onse4uently( it is hi'hly likely that the eastward shi$tin' o$ 9* borders will be a 3ermanent and !ontinuous item on the 9*:s a'enda< The insi'hts o$ this resear!h are deri#ed $rom the e;amination o$ the $irst wa#e o$ eastern e;tensions( but they are 'enerali=able $or the lar'er east 9uro3ean !onte;t< They !an be dire!tly rele#ant $or subse4uent wa#es o$ eastern 9* e;3ansions and the $uture o$ the entire 9uro3ean inte'ration 3ro!ess<

!he puzzle: "o# $any and #hat types of borders does the enlarged EU ha%e east#ard&

)in!e the !omin' into $or!e o$ the &msterdam Treaty in ,000( the )!hen'en 5on#ention has be!ome 3art o$ the 9*:s 'eneral body o$ law (acquis communautaire)< .ith the e;!e3tion o$ the *H( Ireland and 3artially enmark (and the addition o$

+orway and I!eland)( all 9* member states 3ursue a sin'le( harmoni=ed border se!urity 3oli!y detailed in the )!hen'en 5on#ention< The essen!e o$ the !on#ention is that

The ,00- 5o3enha'en de!laration on the !riteria $or 9* membershi3<

member states rede$ine their border !ontrol based on the 'eo'ra3hi!al lo!ations o$ their s3e!i$i! border se!tions< It introdu!es the !on!e3t o$ Iinternal border: lyin' within any two member states on whi!h !he!kin' 3oints are abolished and the !ross1border tra$$i! is not sto33ed or !he!ked< In $a!t( the $ree $low o$ 3eo3le within the 9* has !ome to be #iewed as one o$ the most im3ortant a!hie#ements o$ 9uro3ean !oo3eration< The 5on#ention also introdu!es the notion o$ Ie;ternal border: on the outer $rontiers o$ the 9* lo!ated between any member and non1member nei'hbor< 5ontrary to the situation on the internal borders( on the e;ternal borders( the !ontrol o$ !ross1border $lows is bein' ti'htened and !he!ks are 'ettin' in!reasin'ly strin'ent< This is the border se!urity 3oli!y o$ the 9* that is su33osed to be e;3orted to new members in order to re3la!e their old border !ontrol re'ulations< Dowe#er the task o$ the resear!her( who wants to understand how border !ontrol has !han'ed in new members and what kinds o$ new borders ha#e emer'ed in the e;tended 9* as a result o$ eastern e;3ansion( is not sim3le< Gn the one hand( the full ado3tion o$ the )!hen'en &'reement in new members was a !ondition $or membershi3< In the words o$ &ntonio Jitorino( $ormer Justi!e and Dome &$$airs (JD&) 5ommissioner: KTLhe Proto!ol inte'ratin' the )!hen'en a!4uis anne;ed to the treaty o$ &msterdam already sti3ulated that this a!4uis must be a!!e3ted in full by all !andidates (Jitorino 200-: B @ em3hasis added)< %i#en that 959 !andidates did Aoin the 9* on 6ay ,st( 200B( without re4uestin' dero'ation in this $ield( this makes one assume that new members su!!ess$ully took all 9* re'ulations and introdu!ed 9* !on$orm border !ontrol 3oli!ies on all new 9* borders< The $ull trans3osition o$ the )!hen'en 5on#ention to new members would ha#e entailed the trans$ormation o$ the new outer boundaries o$ the enlar'ed 9* into ti'htly !ontrolled

e;ternal borders and the li$tin' o$ !he!ks on the new internal borders lo!ated between old and new members and within new members< Gn the other hand( it was also de!lared that !he!ks on the old e;ternal (or new internal) borders o$ the enlar'ed 9*( lo!ated between old and new members( !ould not be li$ted until new members would be !a3able o$ meetin' all )!hen'en re4uirements on the new e;ternal 9* border< It was announ!ed that the 9*:s border !ontrol 3oli!y was 'oin' to be trans$erred to new members in two ste3s< In the $irst ste3( $or a transition 3eriod( only the 3ro#isions on e;ternal borders are e;3orted to new members( while measures on internal borders are not< Gnly a$ter the 9uro3ean 5oun!il !on$irms that new e;ternal 9* borders are under su$$i!iently ti'ht !ontrol by 9* standards( in the se!ond ste3( would internal 9* border !ontrols 'et li$ted<In sum( the e;tension o$ the 9*:s border !ontrol 3oli!y to new members does not $ollow a strai'ht$orward way< There are se#ere !ontradi!tions within the 9*:s own rhetori! on trans$errin' the )!hen'en a!4uis to new members< >irst( it is de!lared that 3ro#isions o$ the )!hen'en 5on#ention( re'ardin' both e;ternal and internal border !ontrol( ha#e to be $ully ado3ted in new members and im3lemented u3on a!!ession< )e!ond( the rules re'ulatin' internal borders 'et sus3ended $or a transitory 3eriod o$ time in new members< Third( this lea#es only the rules on e;ternal borders to be ado3ted and im3lemented in new members as o$ a!!ession< Fet e#en these are said to be insu$$i!iently !arried out in new members( whi!h ser#es as the rationale $or the non1a33li!ation o$ internal border 3ro#isions< 5onse4uently i$ new members do not ha#e internal borders
The o3enin' senten!es o$ 5ha3ter 2B: Justi!e and home a$$airs in ea!h 5om3rehensi#e 6onitorin' "e3ort on Pre3aration $or K&!!ession 5ountry:sL 6embershi3 illustrates this rationale: The most de#elo3ed 3art o$ this !ha3ter is the )!hen'en a!4uis( whi!h entails in the li$tin' o$ internal border !ontrols< Dowe#er( mu!h o$ this a!4uis will not a33ly to the a!!edin' !ountries u3on a!!ession( but only a$ter a later se3arate 5oun!il e!ision< The )!hen'en Im3lementation &!tion Plan Ko$ the a!!edin' !ountryL aims at 3re3arin' this on the basis o$ a !redible s!hedule $or the introdu!tion o$ the )!hen'en 3ro#isions< 8indin' rules whi!h must be 3ut in 3la!e as $rom a!!ession in!lude 3art o$ the rules on #isas( rules on e;ternal borders( Ket!L (9uro3ean 5ommission 200-: B/)<

and )!hen'en !om3atible e;ternal borders( an un!lear situation arises in terms o$ whi!h 3ro#isions 'o#ern 959 borders and how they mana'ed to $ul$ill the border !ontrol !onditions $or 9* membershi3< This 'i#es the rele#an!e o$ the 4uestion 3osed in the title o$ this se!tion: what kind o$ borders do new members ha#eM The two1ste3 e;tension o$ JD& a!4uis ensures that new internal borders between old and new member states remain una$$e!ted by 959:s a!!ession and kee3 $un!tionin' as e;ternal borders< )in!e no a!4uis on internal borders are trans3osed to new members( le'ally s3eakin'( only the rules on e;ternal borders are set to 'o#ern 959 borders< 6ay this leads to the un!on#entional situation in whi!h( $irst( the enlar'ed 9* dis3lays two 3arallel lines o$ e;ternal borders toward the east sin!e both the old and the new outer 9* borders are de$ined and $un!tion as e;ternal borders( and se!ond( the border se!tions within new members be!ome e;ternal borders as well due to the la!k o$ any other 3ossibility $or their le'al !ate'ori=ationM 5onsider the e;am3le o$ the 5=e!h "e3ubli!( whi!h is surrounded by old and new members( thus( te!hni!ally s3eakin'( it has internal borders only< Fet( a!!ordin' to the 5om3rehensi#e 6onitorin' "e3ort the 5=e!h "e3ubli! is e;3e!ted to build u3( on all its boundaries( the entire !ostly in$rastru!ture o$ border !ontrol 3res!ribed $or e;ternal borders< The re3ort talks about the 5=e!h borders only in the !onte;t o$ e;ternal border !ontrol<

It ur'es the 5=e!hs to $inali=e ali'nin' their le'islation on e;ternal border

!ontrol and sur#eillan!e( in 3arti!ular( on the border se!tion between the 5=e!h and
Pre3aration in the 5=e!h "e3ubli! with re'ard to the )!hen'en 3ro#isions KNL rele#ant $or a!!ession is broadly satis$a!tory( but $urther e$$orts are still re4uired to !on!lude KNL an a'reement with )lo#akia restri!tin' border !rossin's to desi'nated 3oints( and to !om3lete ali'nment o$ the border re'ime in res3e!t o$ the border with )lo#akia< KNL &s re'ards external border control( the 5=e!h "e3ubli! has in 'eneral ali'ned its le'islation on border !ontrol and border sur#eillan!e< &ttention should be 3aid to $inali=in' border !ontrol and !rime 3re#ention a'reements with Poland( )lo#akia and &ustria< 5on!ernin' border mana'ement( e$$orts need to be a!!elerated to !on!lude a border mana'ement a'reement with )lo#akia< 5ontrols at o$$i!ial border !rossin' 3oints are 3er$ormed in a satis$a!tory manner( howe#er s3e!ial attention should be 3aid to !ontrol o$ the 'reen border with )lo#akia (9uro3ean 5ommission: 5om3rehensi#e 6onitorin' "e3ort 200-: B/ 9m3hasis in the ori'inal)<

)lo#ak re3ubli!s (whi!h did not e#en e;ist until ,00-)< The re4uirement o$ build1u3 is em3hasi=ed des3ite that( in the not so distant $uture( this ti'htenin' will be $ollowed by the dismantlin' o$ all !ontrol and sur#eillan!e in$rastru!ture as soon as the transitory 3eriod is o#er and all 5=e!h borders will be turned into real internal 9* borders< In short what seems to be ha33enin' is that all 959 $rontiers ha#e been uni$ied( standardi=ed and le'ally Ie;ternali=ed: u3on 959 !ountries: 9* a!!ession< This is an une;3e!ted side1e$$e!t o$ $ull membershi3( whi!h dire!tly !ontradi!ts the Iborderless 9*: #ision< The la!k o$ li$tin' the borders between old and new members and the buildin' o$ new barriers within new members are sur3risin' de#elo3ments as they !ome in a time when not only 9* @ 959 relations are at their histori!al 3eak( resultin' in 'rantin' 959 $ull membershi3 in the 9*( but intra1959 relations are also the $riendliest e#er sin!e the end o$ the se!ond world war< The rele#an!e o$ this 3a3er arises e;a!tly $rom this !ontradi!tion between the 9*:s sel$13ro!laimed #ision and the 3ra!ti!e o$ in!ludin' new members into this #ision< .hile the 9* has internal and e;ternal borders( new members seem to 'et only e;ternal borders in their a!!ession 3a!ka'e and e#en that is not re!o'ni=ed to ha#e been !arried out in a satis$a!tory mode< I would like to add( at this 3oint( a #ery 3ersonal im3ression I ha#e a!4uired as a tra#eler who has !rossed borders se#eral times in 959 sin!e the !om3letion o$ eastern 9* e;3ansion in order to make the 3u==le on what kind o$ borders the enlar'ed 9* has more interestin'< .hen I look at new members: a!tual im3lementation 3ra!ti!e o$ the )!hen'en 5on#ention( in the li'ht o$ ra3idly a33roa!hin' subse4uent wa#es o$ 9* eastern e;3ansions( I 'et the im3ression that border se!urity 3oli!y in the eastern 3art o$ the enlar'ed 9* is not monolithi!ally e;ternal< Indeed( there are #arious kinds o$ e;ternal 9* borders in 959( ea!h with di$$erent le#els o$ !ontrollin' 3ra!ti!es< %enerally

s3eakin'( the stri!tness o$ border !ontrol is in$luen!ed by the lo!ation o$ the border( in between whi!h two !ountries it is lo!ated< >or e;am3le( in my e;3erien!e( !rossin' the border between a new member and a non1a33li!ant eastern nei'hbor is more !ontrolled than it is between a new member and an 9* !andidate nei'hbor< )imilarly( more man3ower and IT e4ui3ments are dedi!ated to the border se!tions between a new member and an a33li!ant nei'hbor( than they are to the border se!tions between new members< 6oreo#er( the !rossin' o$ the old e;ternal border( between old and new members( is noti!eably easier sin!e 9* e;3ansion( des3ite that te!hni!ally1le'ally it remained an un!han'ed e;ternal border</ +aturally( the !on$irmation o$ the e;isten!e o$ multi3le ty3es o$ e;ternal 9* borders in 959 in terms o$ 3ermeability( whi!h may re3la!e the in!reasin'ly outdated( di!hotomist e;ternal1internal 9* border

!on!e3tuali=ation( re4uires serious $urther resear!h<

!heoretical i$plications of the zonalization or $ultiplication of eastern EU borders

I" s!holarshi3 on 'lobali=ation and borders( 9* border !ontrol 3oli!y( 9* inte'ration and 9* eastern e;3ansion is abundant and has already 'enerated some im3ortant knowled'e $or international relations theori=in' the s3e!i$i! ways 9* boundaries mo#e eastward< I show that the two main a33roa!hes in I" (realism and 'lobalism) and in 9* studies (inter'o#ernmentalism and su3ranationalism) tend to
I ha33ened to !ross the old e;ternal border o$ the 9* in the air3ort o$ Jienna tra#elin' to new member Dun'ary two days a$ter eastern enlar'ement took 3la!e( on 6ay -rd( 200B< Ee'ally( this border !ontinues to remain an e;ternal border( whi!h entails that the !iti=ens o$ )!hen'enland and third !ountry nationals (T5+) 'et 3hysi!ally se3arated and !he!ked di$$erently either in two di$$erent 4ueues or in two di$$erent se!tions o$ the terminal< To my sur3rise( the &ustrian 8order %uard !reated a third 4ueue only $or the !iti=ens o$ the newly Aoined 959 !ountries( se3aratin' them $rom both )!hen'en !iti=ens and T5+< This mo#e not only !on$irms that the e;ternal1internal border ty3olo'y be!omes inade4uate( but it also symboli=es how the nationals o$ new members do not $it the !on#entional distin!tion o$ )!hen'enland !iti=ens and third !ountry nationals< This !on$usion is a dire!t result o$ the irre'ular e;3ort o$ the )!hen'en 5on#ention into 959<


arti!ulate 9* borders and the traAe!tory o$ 9uro3ean inte'ration in a normati#e and state1 !entri! way( whi!h needs re$inement in the !onte;t o$ eastern 9* e;3ansion< The enlar'in' 9*:s eastward mo#in' $rontier =one be su$$i!iently 3ortrayed as a sin'ular line o$ e;ternal border any more< >irst( some more ima'inati#e border !on!e3tuali=ations are needed( whi!h de1 territoriali=e borders $rom the 3eri3hery o$ the state( a!!ommodate their so$t( =onal and non1linear understandin' and rearti!ulate the state1!entri! e;ternal1internal border di!hotomy< In the se!ond ste3( I link this new =onal 9* border $ormulation to the s!holarshi3 o$ 9* studies< The enlar'in' 9* with a shi$tin' eastern $rontier =one( !ontainin' multi3le e;ternal borders( is a sur3risin' !ase that !alls $or the re!onsiderations o$ !on#entional 9* inte'ration and e;3ansion theories( be!ause it inserts new dynami!s into the !oo3eration o$ 2/ 9* member states<

9n#isionin' borders

The issue o$ borders has re!ei#ed e;tensi#e attention in IR lately (5ornelius et al ,00B( %uiraudon and Jo33ke 200,( &ndreas and )nyder 2000( 6eyers 2000( Eaha# 200B)< &t the heart o$ the debate is the 'lobalist @ realist s3lit assessin' di$$erently the role o$ borders and the related 4uestion on the role o$ the nation states in( what is #a'uely termed( the era o$ 'lobali=ation< %lobalists ar'ue $or the end1o$1the1nation1state and end1 o$1borders liberal theses (>ukuyama ,00-( Ghmae ,00/( %uehenno ,00/)< They !ontend that IT inno#ation dri#en 'rowin' inter!onne!tedness( e!onomi! interde3enden!e and the a33earan!e o$ myriads o$ transnational a!tors !on$irm the in!reasin' rele#an!e o$ the 'lobal #illa'e model in I"< .hile realists kee3 stressin' the endurin' im3ortan!e o$ the


nation1state( state so#erei'nty( territoriality and state borders< In their #iews the !om3artmentali=ation o$ the 'lobe remains the basi! tool $or states to retain 3ower and !ontrol their !iti=ens e#er sin!e the emer'en!e o$ the .est3halian state system (.alt= ,070( Taylor ,00B( &nderson ,007)< They belie#e that well maintained borders en!ir!lin' the nation1states ha#e always been the key in'redients o$ the interstate system and are likely to remain so< +arrowin' the $o!us to the 9* !onte;t in 3arti!ular( the two debates on borders and nation1states remain intrinsi!ally intertwined in the maAority o$ the scholarship on EU border control policy< These studies o$$er a synthesis both on the reborderin' or deborderin' debate and on the de!line or enduran!e o$ the nation1state dilemma (%eddes 200,( 200-( Duysman 2000( &nderson O 8ort 200,( Ea#ene; 200,( &ndreas and )nyder 2000)< >irst they 3oint out that the two 3ro!esses o$ remo#in' (internal) border !he!ks and buildin' ti'htly en$or!ed (e;ternal) borders o!!ur simultaneously in the 9*< Then they 'o on to address the 4uestion whether member states lose their 3ower o$ !ontrollin' !ross1border mo#ements when they trans$er their so#erei'nty in this $ield to 9* institutions (in the ,000 &msterdam Treaty)< They tend to a'ree that states: ability to determine who enters has not eroded by !on!edin' de!ision makin' 3ower to su3ranational institutions< Indeed it is e;tensi#ely do!umented that the 3artial surrender o$ so#erei'nty only $urthers !oo3eration amon' member states( whi!h( in turn( allows them to reassert more e$$e!ti#ely their sel$ish (state !entered) interests and to in!rease their !a3a!ity to !ontrol their borders< These works de3loy a !on#entional internal 1 e;ternal border distin!tion( whi!h $its well the border situation o$ the 9*1,/ and ser#es as a use$ul tool to !a3ture the dual 3ro!esses o$ re1 and deborderin' o!!urrin' at the same time< Fet( this border ty3olo'y( I


!ontend( relies on a stron'ly state !entri!( di!hotomous on?o$$ border arti!ulation( stressin' their absen!e or 3resen!e as a barrier to trans1boundary $lows< This e;!ludes a zonal or continuum understandin' o$ borders< There$ore( it turns out to be too ri'id when it !omes to $ramin' the new eastern boundary arran'ement o$ the enlar'in' 9*< Gn the one hand these works de3i!t internal borders as the 4uintessential o3en border be!ause they are mentioned with re'ard to the la!k o$ or remo#ed state !ontrol only<7 Gn the other( e;ternal borders 'et arti!ulated as in!reasin'ly restri!ti#ely en$or!ed( hardly 3ermeable I$en!es: or Iwalls: en!ir!lin' the 9* without makin' any distin!tion in the en$or!ement !a3a!ity o$ their 3arti!ular se!tions< These border 3ortrayals are #ery similar to the border $ormulation o$ an ideal ty3i!al nation state( in whi!h internal borders are non1e;istent while the state:s 3rero'ati#e $or absolute !ontrol o#er who !rosses the (outer) border is em3hasi=ed< G#erall( the ima'es o$ internal and e;ternal borders are !ra$ted as ea!h other:s !ontrasts( one is o3en the other one is !losed< This !ounter3oint !on!e3tuali=ation o$ 9* borders be!omes normati#e as it e;!ludes the 3ossible understandin' o$ any other ty3es o$ 9* border in between the two e;tremes o$ the en$or!ement !ontinuum( the wide ran'e( into whi!h the maAority o$ the new 9* borders may $all< ue to the two1ste3 in!or3oration o$ new members into the )!hen'en 5on#ention not mu!h border dismantlin' or state a!ti#ity de!rease !an be re!orded in the border se!tions that belon' to new members< The re1 and deborderin' synthesis is o#er in the !ase o$ 9* eastern e;3ansion( whi!h turns the e;ternal1internal border ty3olo'y ill13la!ed

It is tellin' that 3ro#isionally restored internal border !he!ks are s!antly !onsidered in any dis!ussion on internal borders des3ite that they do ha33en $rom time to time< Gne o$ the latest e;am3les in!ludes Portu'al:s a!tion to restore tem3orarily !ontrol on its internal borders be$ore and durin' the weeks the 9uro3ean )o!!er 5ham3ionshi3 in June 200B in order to 3re#ent the entry o$ 3oli!e listed so!!er hooli'ans into the !ountry<


to address the dynami!s o$ multi3lyin' and eastward shi$tin' 9* borders<7 >urthermore( the non1a33li!ability o$ the internal border 3ro#isions in new members dire!tly e;!ludes the use o$ this !on!e3t and lea#es the e;ternal border !on!e3t as the only tool to des!ribe the boundary arran'ement in the enlar'in' 9*< .hen scholarship on the eastward extension of the EU s border control policy( ne#ertheless( ado3ts this di!hotomous internal 1 e;ternal border ty3olo'y it tra3s itsel$ (%rabbe 2000( 6orawska 200,) into a dis!ussion limited to the new outmost borders o$ the enlar'ed 9*( whi!h lea#es the border se!tions within new members and between old and new members seriously under1 e;3lored< !lternati"e border formulations in I" and 9* studies may not de3loy a sin'ular( state1!entri!( on?o$$ !on!e3tuali=ation o$ borders. 8oth in the *) and 9* !onte;t it has been do!umented that the $un!tion o$ borders is under modi$i!ation< They !an sele!ti#ely be o3en and !losed at the same time( $or e;am3le( 3ermeable $or the hi'hly skilled or business 3ersonnel while ti'htly 3oli!ed a'ainst !landestine a!tors (&ndreas 200-( Hoslowski 2002)< Gthers en#ision borders 3roli$eratin' in s3a!e and time (5ru= ,00/( Eaha# O %uiraudon 200,( Ea#ene; ,000( Ea#ene; O *!arer 2002( Hoslowski 200B)< They show that borders do not only 'et dislo!ated away $rom the 3hysi!al 3eri3hery o$ the state into the heart o$ !ities( air3orts( into nei'hborin' !ountries( or embassies in the sendin' !ountries( but their en$or!ement 'ets 3ri#ati=ed and outsour!ed( as well( outside the destination !ountry:s authority to #arious sub1national or 3ri#ate a!tors (e'< airline
It needs to be em3hasi=ed that the ina33li!ability o$ the e;ternal border 1 internal border !ate'ori=ation is a new 3henomenon whi!h o!!urs $or the $irst time the !onte;t o$ eastern 9* e;3ansion be!ause the ei'ht 959 !ountries are the $irst to be in!luded in the )!hen'en 3ro#isions sin!e the &msterdam Treaty (,000) harmoni=ed 9* member states border !ontrol 3oli!ies and trans$ormed the e;ternal1internal border ty3olo'y into a bindin' 9* acquis< The 3re1&msterdam 3eriod ensured some room o$ maneu#erin' $or indi#idual member states to what e;tent and when they wanted to ado3t the )!hen'en 5on#ention( but this maneu#erin' s3a!e was shut down with the &msterdam Treaty< In the 3ost1,000 era we talk and think about the !ontinental 9*:s borders as either an internal or an e;ternal border only< +o institutionali=ed third o3tion e;isted until( I ar'ue( eastern e;3ansion< )in!e 959:s 9* a!!ession an e;ternal boundary =one has emer'ed( whi!h destabili=es the a33li!ability o$ the di!hotomous e;tern1internal border !on!e3ts<


!arriers)< )ome name this 3ra!ti!e remote !ontrol or e;traterritorial !ontrol (Zolber' ,000( Dolli$iled 2000 res3e!ti#ely)< )till others look at borders as an enforcement continuum ran'in' $rom bein' I!losed: to bein' Io3en: de3endin' on the e;tent to whi!h trans1boundary mo#ements o$ 3eo3le (and 'oods( ideas( #iolen!e et!) are enabled to take 3la!e (+ewman 200,( )tarr and Thomas 200/)<2 Instead o$ the sim3le on?o$$ indi!ator o$ borders( they look at the nature o$ borders and 'enerate inde;es to a!!ess and !om3are the #arious le#els o$ 3orosity o$ indi#idual border se!tions< "e'ardin' the !on!e3tuali=ation o$ the enlarged EU s new boundary arrangement in 3arti!ular( some studies also hi'hli'ht the same =onali=ation or multi3li!ation tenden!ies in the trans$ormation o$ new eastern 9* borders< >or e;am3le( a 'rowin' number o$ works start to talk about $u==y borders or so$t borders (5hristiansen O Petito O Tonra 2000) or start to use the bu$$er =one meta3hor (Zielonka 200,( .alla!e O )tola 200,( 8yrne at al 200,) to des!ribe the new shi$tin' boundary arran'ement o$ the enlar'in' 9*< )ome hi'hli'ht the #ery im3ortant threats in#ol#ed in im3lementin' )!hen'en ty3e o$ e;ternal borders in new members and 3roblemati=e the 9*:s demand $or the in$le;ible restri!tions o$ 959 borders on e!onomi!( so!ial and ethni! 'rounds (Jile#a 2002( I'li!ka and )word ,000( Thuen ,000( )Pk and .alla!e ,000)<0 Gthers talk about the sel$13roli$eratin' nature o$ restri!ti#e 9* borders and show the me!hanisms that 'et east 9uro3ean transit !ountries !o1o3ted in en$or!in' destination 9* !ountries borders in the 3re1a!!ession 3eriod !allin' this !o1o3tion an unintended

5iti=enshi3 studies may also rely on a !ontinuum a33roa!h< Instead o$ thinkin' about a 3o3ulation o$ a state in a di!hotomous way( as !iti=ens or aliens( it is su''ested to understand !iti=enshi3 as a !ontinuum o$ (3oliti!al( so!ial( e!onomi! and !ultural) ri'hts atta!hed to the membershi3 o$ a state (Hoslo#ski 2000 %iuraudon ,002)< 0 They do!ument that lo!al suit!ase or tourist tradin'( a wides3read a!ti#ity in 959 3ro#idin' si'ni$i!ant in!ome to a lar'e number o$ 3eo3le( is at risk due to border !ontrol restri!tions< They also 3oint out the unease o$ new members in introdu!in' the e;ternal border 3ro#isions on their eastern borders i$ they ha#e $ellow nationals li#in' a!ross the new )!hen'en borders in nei'hborin' !ountries<


e;ternality o$ restri!ti#e 9* border !ontrol a!ti#ity (Ea#ene; O *!arer 2002( Ea#ene; 200,)< In sum( as lon' as subse4uent wa#es o$ 9* eastern e;3ansions o!!ur irre'ular transition 3eriods and the two ste3 e;tension o$ the )!hen'en 3ro#isions are likely to be the re'ular way o$ 3oli!y trans$er to new members< In the $oreseeable $uture the eastern borders o$ the enlar'in' 9* are 'oin' to take un!on#entional $orms whi!h !annot be ade4uately des!ribed with the sin'ular e;ternal border !on!e3t< There$ore it is im3ortant to re#isit the 9*:s normati#e border #o!abulary< In one way or the other all the alternati#e border #isions are hel3$ul be!ause they $eed into a multi3le or =onal understandin' o$ borders and mana'e to o#er!ome the ri'id( on?o$$ e;ternal1internal border $ormulation< They all o$$er a better !on!e3tuali=ation on the new eastern boundary arran'ement o$ the enlar'ed 9* either as a $rontier =one atta!hed to the 9* $rom the east( or as a set o$ new ty3es o$ e;ternal borders !riss!rossin' the territories o$ the newly Aoined !ountries( whi!h are neither entirely o3en( nor entirely !losed<

9n#isionin' 9uro3ean inte'ration

The maAority o$ the studies on EU integration belon' to either the realist or the institutionalist (su3ranationalist) ideal1ty3i!al theoreti!al $rames< The dominant a!ademi! $o!us o$ both $rames is on the shi$ts in the distribution o$ 3ower and !om3eten!ies in the 3ro!ess o$ 9* inte'ration< Gn the one hand( realists hi'hli'ht the norm o$ state so#erei'nty< They ty3i!ally isolate indi#idual member states to be the ultimate sour!es o$ authority and the determinants o$ the nature o$ 9* inte'ration (6ora#!sik ,00/( ,002( %rie!o ,007)< They tend to !on!e3tuali=e the 9* as a transnational !oo3eration amon' a


set o$ nation states< Gn the other( institutionalists usually em3hasi=e su3ranational institutions: role in sha3in' 9uro3ean inte'ration (%arret O Tsebelis ,007( Daas ,0/2( ,07/( 6attli ,000( D< .alla!e 200,( %eddes 2000)< )im3ly 3ut( they tend to #iew the 9* as a $ederali=in' 3oliti!al *nion( in other words( a $ederal Isu3ersi=e: state !urrently bein' in the makin' as the or'ani=ation:s rules and norms s3read to in!reasin' number o$ 3oli!y domains< In similar $ashion( the institutionalist stream o$ !on#entional s!holarshi3 on the eastern expansion of the EU #iews eastern e;3ansion as another 'radual and $ormal hori=ontal institutionali=ation 3ro!ess ()!himmer$enni' O )edelmeier 200,( 8raun ,000( %rabbe 200, 6annin ,000( )!himmer$ennin' 200,)< It is a te!hni!al1le'al 3ro!ess o$ hori=ontally trans$errin' or'ani=ational norms and rules to new members( (not so di$$erent $rom Idee3enin': in whi!h or'ani=ational norms 3roli$erate #erti!ally)< "ealists( in !ontrast( tend to sti!k with the indi#idual nation state as the unit o$ their analysis (6ora#!sik @ Ja!hudo#Q 200-)< They belie#e the essen!e o$ the 9* and the dri#in' $or!e o$ 9uro3ean inte'ration is the inter'o#ernmental bar'ainin' 3ro!ess( whi!h allows $or the !on$luen!e o$ member states: 3re$eren!es and results in o!!asional treaties< There$ore any 9* e;3ansion is #iewed sim3ly as a 3ro!ess that in!reases the number o$ members and makes the inter'o#ernmental bar'ainin' 3ro!ess lon'er< They belie#e it is unlikely that any 9* e;tension would $undamentally modi$y this bar'ainin' method o$ the !ommunity< The wides3read use o$ both meta1theories a3tly demonstrates the dual nature o$ 9uro3ean inte'ration as it takes the $orm o$ both inter'o#ernmentally based !oo3eration and !ommunity based su3ranational !oo3eration at the same time< 6ember states !ease to be wholly so#erei'n as a result o$ in!reasin' 9uro3ean inte'ration( but 9* !om3eten!ies


remain relati#ely limited ensurin' that member states do not lose entirely their !ontrol in in$luen!in' the out!omes o$ the inte'ration 3ro!ess< Fet( as 6ark Polla!k 3oints out( both theoreti!al $rames !on#er'e on a state1!entri!( rationalist model (Polla!k 200,)< "ealists e;3li!itly des!ribe the 9* with nation1state s3e!i$i! !on!e3t while institutionalists risk re3rodu!in' the 3ro!esses o$ nation state $ormation on the le#el o$ 9* inte'ration< This be!omes 3roblemati! in the !onte;t o$ eastern 9* e;3ansion be!ause the enlar'in' 9* may not be reminis!ent o$ any ideally !onstru!ted nation state as lon' as it ends eastward with a shi$tin' $rontier =one< Indeed( the absen!e o$ hard and $i;ed outer border( a ne!essary in'redient $or an ideal1ty3i!al .est3halian nation state( re$rames the !on#entional debate o$ 9uro3ean inte'ration $rom the linear( state1!entri! realist or institutionalist models toward a more o3en1ended 3ortrayal o$ the !o1o3eration o$ the 2/ or more member states< The new traAe!tory the enlar'in' 9* may $ollow is a lar'ely un!harted terrain( althou'h( a hand$ul o$ studies ha#e already e;3erimented with $ormulatin' the no#el nature o$ inte'ration< )ome a!!ounts $ormulate the enlar'in' 9* as a neo1medie#al em3ire (Zielonka 200,) or ar'ue it !an be !hara!teri=ed with a !enter13eri3hery stru!ture (8RrR!= 2000( Huus 200B) or talk about an enhan!ed !o1o3eration model (>isher 2000)< Gthers use a !onstru!ti#ist a33roa!h to understand 9uro3ean inte'ration as a 3ra!ti!e o$ a!!e3tin' !ommon rules and institutional norms or sharin' dis!ourses and de!ision makin' me!hanisms by all member states (5hristiansen and Jor'ensen and .iener 200,)< In one way or the other( these 9* arti!ulations disso!iate themsel#es $rom the monolithi!( linear #iew on the $uture 9*< They remain o3en to a!!ommodate une;3e!ted e#ents in the !ourse o$ 9uro3ean inte'ration( su!h as the a33earan!e o$ a shi$tin' $rontier =one in the eastern 3art o$ the 9*<



This 3a3er:s aim is to take one more ste3 toward the alternati#e thinkin' o$ borders( whi!h mo#es away $rom the state !entri!( hard and $i;ed border !on!e3tuali=ation< The reason to !ome u3 with a new border !on!e3t is to a!!ount $or the 9*:s new boundary arran'ement( !urrently takin' sha3e in the territories o$ new 9* members< I ha#e ar'ued $or the re3la!ement o$ the traditional internal1e;ternal border di!hotomy in order to 3ro#ide a better arti!ulation o$ the boundary arran'ement o$ the enlar'in' 9* as an emer'in' multi3le or =onal $rontier( shi$tin' eastward< This 3a3er also aimed at dis!ussin' the im3li!ations o$ su!h new 9* boundary #iew with re'ard to the s!holarshi3 o$ 9* studies< Gn the one hand( a $ederali=in' 3olity !annot be !on!ei#ed with multi3le or =onal( eastward shi$tin' e;ternal borders< Gn the other( neither !an an inter'o#ernmental !oo3eration be en#isioned without internal borders or with a wide border =one atta!hed to it $rom the east< Thus !on#entional 9uro3ean inte'ration and eastern e;3ansion theories are in need o$ re!onsiderations< The ways new members are in!or3orated into the 9*:s border !ontrol re'ime o#erwrite both the institutionalist and realist traAe!tories o$ e;3andin' inter19uro3ean !oo3eration< There$ore border !ontrol 3oli!y e;tension is an im3ortant site to look at in order to


re$ormulate the intera!tion and the relationshi3 between the enlar'in' 9* and a33li!ant or non1a33li!ant 959 nei'hbors< *ltimately what this study do!uments is that an eastward shi$tin' border =one in the enlar'in' 9* is already a reality( words( to address this =one and the address the new dynami!s o$ 9uro3ean !oo3eration( ha#e to !at!h u3<


"e$eren!e Eist &nderson( 6al!olm< ,007< #rontiers$ %erritory and &tate #ormation in the 'odern (orld< 5ambrid'e( *H: Polity Press< &nderson( 6al!olm and 9berhard 8ort< 200,< %he #rontiers of the European Union< +ew Fork( +F: Pal'ra#e< &ndreas( Peter< 200-< S8rin'in' 8orders 8a!k: Poli!in' 5landestine Transnational &!tors<S )aper )resented in the *olloquium &eries on +order *ontrol and ,omeland &ecurity at the *enter for -lobal *hange and -o"ernance. Rutgers Uni"ersity/0ewark in 'arch. 1223< &ndreas( Peter and Timothy )nyder( editors< 2000< %he (all !round the (est. &tate +orders and Immigration *ontrols in 0orth !merica and Europe< Eanham( 6aryland: "owman O Eittle$ield Publishers( In!< 8raun( 6i!hael J< 2000< ! (ider Europe$ %he )rocess and )olitics of European Union Enlargement< Eanham( 6aryland: "owman O Eittle$ield< 8yrne( "osemary( %re'or +oll( and Jens Jedsted1Dansen( editors< 2002< 0ew !sylum *ountries4 'igration *ontrol and Refugee )rotection in an Enlarged European Union< The Da'ue( The +etherlands: Hluwer Eaw International< 8RrR!=( JT=se$< 2000< SThe >o; and the "a#en: The 9uro3ean *nion and Dun'ary "ene'otiate the 6ar'ins o$ U9uro3eU<S *omparati"e &tudies in &ociety and ,istory B2(0B):2B717/< 5hristiansen( Thomas( Hnud 9< JRr'ensen( and &ntAe .iener( editors< 200,< %he &ocial *onstruction of Europe< Thousands Gaks( 5&: )&%9 Publi!ation In!< 5hristiansen( Thomas( >abio Petito( and 8en Tonra< 2000< S>u==y Politi!s &round >u==y 8orders: The 9uro3ean *nionUs +ear &broad<S *ooperation and *onflict -/(B):-201B,/< 5ornelius( .ayne &<( Phili3 E< 6artin( and James >< Dolli$ield( editors< ,00B< *ontrolling Immigration$ a -lobal )erspecti"e< )tan$ord( 5&: )tan$ord *P< 5ru=( &ntonio< ,00/< &hifting Responsibilities$ *arriers5 6iability in the 'ember &tates of the European Union and 0orth !merica< )toke on Trent( *H: Trentham 8ooks Eimited< 9uro3ean 5ommission (200-7$ *omprehensi"e 'onitoring Report on the *zech Republic s )reparation for 'embership. 8russels( 89: 9uro3ean 5ommission >ukuyama( >ran!is< ,00-< %he End of ,istory and the 6ast 'an< +ew Fork( +F: &#on 8ooks< %arrett( %eo$$rey and %eor'e Tsebelis< ,007< S&n Institutionalist 5riti4ue o$ Inter'o#ernmentalism<S International 8rganization /0 (,):270100< %eddes( &ndrew< 2000< Immigration and the European Integration$ %owards #ortress Europe4 6an!hester( *H: 6an!hester *ni#ersity Press< VVV< 200,< SInternational 6i'ration and )tate )o#erei'nty in an Inte'ratin' 9uro3e<S International 'igration -0(7):2,1B2<


VVV< 200-< %he )olitics of 'igration and Immigration in Europe< Thousands Gaks( 5&: )a'e Publi!ations< %rabbe( Deather< 2000< S The )har3 9d'es o$ 9uro3e: 9;tendin' )!hen'en 9astwards<S International !ffairs 77(-):/,01-7< VVV< 200,< SDow oes 9uro3eani=ation &$$e!t 599 %o#ernan!eM 5onditionality( i$$usion and i#ersity<S 9ournal of European )ublic )olicy 2(7):,0,-1-,< %rie!o( J< 6< ,007< S)tate Interests and Institutional "ule TraAe!tories: & +eorealist "einter3retation o$ the 6aastri!ht Treaty and 9uro3ean 9!onomi! and 6onetary *nion<S P3< 2721-0/ in Realism$ Restatements and Renewal( editor 8 >rankel< Eondon( *H: >rank 5ass< %uehenno( Jean16arie< ,00/< %he End of the 0ation/&tate< 6innea3olis( 6+: *ni#ersity o$ 6innesota Press< %uiraudon( Jir'inie< ,002< S5iti=enshi3 "i'hts $or +on15iti=ens: >ran!e( %ermany and the +etherlands<S P3< 2721-,2 in *hallenge to the 0ation &tate. Immigration in (estern Europe and the United &tates( editor 5hristian Jo33ke< +ew Fork: G;$ord %uiraudon( Jir'inie and 5hristian Jo33ke( editors< 200,< *ontrolling a 0ew 'igration (orld< Eondon and +ew Fork: "outled'e< Daas( 9rnst< ,0/2< %he Uniting of Europe$ )olitical. &ocial and Economic #orces :;<2/:;<=< )tan$ord( 5&: )tan$ord *P< VVV< ,07/< %he 8bsolescence of Integration %heory< 8erkeley( 5&: Institute o$ International )tudies< Dolli$ield( James >< 2000< SImmi'ration and the Politi!s o$ "i'hts: the >ren!h 5ase in 5om3arati#e Pers3e!ti#e<S P3< ,001-- in Immigration and (elfare$ *hallengign the +orders of the (elfare &tate( editors 6i!hael 8ommes and &ndrew %eddes< Eondon( *H: "outled'e< Duysmans( Je$< 2000< SThe 9uro3ean *nion and the )e!uriti=ation o$ 6i'ration<S 9ournal of *ommon 'arket &tudies -2(/):7/,177< I'li!ka( Hrystyna and Heith )word( editors< ,000< %he *hallenge of East/(est 'igration for )oland< +ew Fork( +F: )t< 6artin Press< Jile#a( 9lena< 2002< SJisa and >ree 6o#ement o$ Eabour: the *ne#en Im3osition o$ the 9* !cquis on the &!!ession )tates<S 9ournal of Ethnic and 'igration &tudies 22(B):72-1700< Jos!hka >is!her< 2000< #rom *onfederacy to #ederation$ %houghts on the #inality of European Integration< )3ee!h 'i#en at the Dumbolt *ni#ersity in 8erlin on 6ay ,2( 2000: (euro3a<eu<int?!onstitution? $uturum?do!uments?s3ee!h?s3,20/00Wen<3d$) (&!!essed in January 200/)< Hoslowski( "ey< 2000< 'igrants and *itizens$ >emographic *hange in the European &tate &ystem< Itha!a( +F: 5ornell *ni#ersity Press< VVV< 2002< SImmi'ration( 8order 5ontrol and &'in' )o!ieties in the 9uro3ean *nion<S %he +rown 9ournal of (orld !ffairs 2(2):,70120<


VVV< 200B< ,omeland &ecurity and the -lobalization of +order *ontrols< Pa3er 3resented in the 3anel o$ S%lobali=ation and 5han'in' &rran'ementS &nnual 6eetin's o$ the International )tudies &sso!iation (I)&)( 6ontreal( 5anada< 6ar!h ,7120( 200B< Huus( 6erAe< 200B< S9uro3eUs 9astern 9;3ansion and the "eins!ri3tion o$ Gtherness in 9ast1 5entral 9uro3e<S )rogress in ,uman -eography 22(B):B72120< Eaha#( %allya< 200B< Immigration and )olitics in the 0ew Europe$ Rein"enting +orders < +ew Fork( +F: 5ambrid'e *P< Eaha#( %allya and Jir'inie %uiraudon< 2000< S5om3arati#e Pers3e!ti#es on 8order 5ontrol: &way >rom the 8order and Gutside the )tate<S P3< //177 in %he (all !round the (est. &tate +orders and Immigration *ontrols in 0orth !merica and Europe( editors Peter &ndreas and Timothy )nyder< Eanham( 6aryland: "owman O Eittle$ield Publishers( In!< Ea#ene;( )andra< ,000< &afe %hird *ountries< 8uda3est( D*: 5entral 9uro3ean *ni#ersity Press< Ea#ene;( )andra< 200,< S6i'ration and the 9*Us +ew 9astern 8order: 8etween "ealism and Eiberalism<S 9ournal of European )ublic )olicy 2(,):2B1B2< Ea#ene;( )andra and 9mek 6< *Xarer( editors< 2002< 'igration and the Externalities of European Integration< Eanham( 6aryland: Ee;in'ton 8ooks< 6annin( 6ike( editor< ,000< )ushing the +oundaries$ the European Union and *entral and Eastern Europe< 6an!hester: 6an!hester *ni#ersity Press< 6attli( .alter< ,000< %he 6ogic of Regional Integration. Europe and +eyond< 5ambrid'e( *H: 5ambrid'e *P< 6eyers( eborah .< 2000< S8order 6ana'ement at the 6illennium<S !merican Re"iew of *anadian &tudies -0(2):2//172< 6ora#!sik( &ndrew< ,00/< SEiberal Inter'o#ernmentalism and Inte'ration: & "eAoinder <S 9ournal of *ommon 'arket &tudies --(B):7,,122< VVV< ,002< %he *hoice for Europe$ &ocial )urpose and &tate )ower #rom 'essina to 'aastricht< Itha!a( +F: 5ornell *P< 6ora#!sik( &ndrew and 6ilada &< Ja!hudo#Q< 200-< S+ational Interests( )tate Power and 9* 9nlar'ement<S East European )olitics and &ocieties ,7(,):B21/7< 6orawska( 9wa< 200,< S%a33y Immi'ration 5ontrols( "esour!e$ul 6i'rants( and the )endel 5ommunities: 9ast1.est 9uro3ean Tra#elers<S P3< ,7-100 in *ontrolling a 0ew 'igration (orld( editors Jir'inie %uiraudon and 5hristian Jo33ke< Eondon and +ew Fork: "outled'e< +ewman( a#id< 200,< S8oundaries( 8orders( and 8arriers: 5han'in' %eo'ra3hi! Pers3e!ti#es on Territorial Eines<S P3< ,-71/, in Identities. +orders. 8rders$ Rethinking International Relations %heory( editors 6athias &lbert( a#id Ja!obson( and Fose$ Ea3id< 6innea3olis( 6+: *ni#ersity o$ 6innesota Press< Ghmae( Heni!hi< ,00/< %he End of the 0ation/&tate$ %he Rise of Regional Economies< Eondon( *H: The >ree Press<


Polla!k( 6ark &< 200,< S International "elations Theory and 9uro3ean Inte'ration<S 9ournal of *ommon 'arket &tudies -0(2):22,1BB< )!himmel$enni'( >rank and *lri!h )edelmeier< 2002< STheori=in' 9* 9nlar'ement: "esear!h >o!us( Dy3othesis( and the )tate o$ "esear!h<S 9ournal of European )ublic )olicy 0(B):/001 /22< )!himmer$ennin'( >rank< 200,< SThe 5ommunity Tra3: Eiberal +orms( "hetori!al &!tion and the 9astern 9nlar'ement o$ the 9uro3ean *nion<S International 8rganization //(,):B7120 )Pk( 9ndre and 5laire .alla!e< ,000< SThe e#elo3ment o$ G3en1&ir 6arkets in 9ast15entral 9uro3e<S International 9ournal of Urban and Regional Research 2-(B):70217,B< )tarr( Dar#ey and ale %< Thomas< 200/< SThe +ature o$ 8roders and International 5on$li!t: "e#isitin' Dy3otheses on Territory<S International &tudies ?uarterly Taylor( Peter J< ,00B< S The )tate &s 5ontainer: Territoriality in the 6odern .orld1)ystem<S )rogress in ,uman -eography ,2(7):,/,172< Thuen( Trond< ,000< SThe )i'ni$i!an!e o$ 8orders in the 9ast 9uro3ean Transition<S International 9ournal of Urban and Regional Research 2-(B):7-21/0< Jitorino( &ntonio( 200-< 'odels of *o/operation within an enlarged European Union< )3ee!h deli#ered at the "oyal Institute $or International &$$airs?+ational 8ank o$ 8el'ium( 8russels( 22 January 200()P995D?0-?-,) .alla!e( 5laire and arius= )tola( editors< 200,< )atterns of 'igration in *entral Europe< +ew Fork( +F: Pal'ra#e< .alla!e( Delen< 200,< SThe 5han'in' Politi!s o$ the 9uro3ean *nion: &n G#er#iew<S 9ournal of *ommon 'arket &tudies -0(B):/2,10B< .alt=( Henneth +< ,070< %heory of International )olitics< "eadin'( 6ass: &ddison1.esley Pub< Zielonka( Jan< 200,< SDow +ew 9nlar'ed 8orders .ill "esha3e the 9uro3ean *nion<S 9ournal of *ommon 'arket &tudies -0(-):/071-7< Zielonka( Jan( editor< 2002< Europe Unbound$ Enlarging and Reshaping the +oundaries of the European Union< Eondon and +ew Fork: "outled'e< Zolber'( &ristide< ,000< S6atters o$ )tate: Theori=in' Immi'ration Poli!y<S P3< 7,10- in %he ,andbook of International 'igration$ %he !merican Experience( editors 5harles Dirs!hman( Phili3 Hasinit=( and Josh e.ind< +ew Fork( +F: "ussell )a'e<


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