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Strength of Materials/Torsion Strength of Materials

Torsion acting on a long bar tends to twist it in the direction of the torque. The analysis is performed on a section perpendicular to the axis, and the sum of the internal resisting torque is set equal to the external torque acting on the system. The following assumptions will be made for the bars studied in this chapter: 1. Plane sections remain plane after the torque is applied. 2. The shear strain varies linearly in the radial direction. 3. The material is linearly elastic, so that Hooke's law applies. Torsion Formula We want to find the maximum shear stress max which occurs in a circular shaft of radius c due to the application of a torque T. Using the assumptions above, we have, at any point r inside the shaft, the shear stress is r = r/c max. rdA r = T r2/c max dA = T max/cr2 dA = T Now, we know, J = r2 dA is the polar moment of inertia of the cross sectional area.. Thus, the maximum shear stress max = Tc/J The above equation is called the torsion formula. Now, for a solid circular shaft, we have, J = /2(c)4

Further, for any point at distance r from the center of the shaft, we have, the shear stress is given by = Tr/J We only consider the torsional loading of simple circular shafts in this analysis, ie cylinders or non-eccentric tubes without splits. Circular shafts are most commonly used as torque carrying members in machinery with rotating parts (like drive shafts of motors). This is fortuitous, as the analysis of non circular members under torsion is not simple to perform analytically. Angle of Twist

The above image shows the twist of a shaft acted upon by a torque T at one end. We know that the shear angle is given by = /G For a shaft of radius c, we have c=L where L is the length of the shaft. Now, is given by = Tc/J so that = TL/GJ The angle of twist for a circular shaft acted upon by a torque Tx at a point x along its axis is given by:

where Jx is the moment at section x. Note that you can use the torsion formula for shafts with slowly varying area as long as they are circular. Shear Stress in the Shaft When a shaft is subjected to a torque or twisting, a shearing stress is produced in the shaft. The shear stress varies from zero in the axis to a maximum at the outside surface of the shaft.

The shear stress in a solid circular shaft in a given position can be expressed as: = T r / Ip where = shear stress (MPa, psi) T = twisting moment (Nmm, in lb) r = distance from center to stressed surface in the given position (mm, in) Ip = "polar moment of inertia" of cross section (mm4, in4) Note


the "Polar Moment of Inertia" is a measure of a beam's ability to resist torsion. The "Polar Moment of Inertia" is defined with respect to an axis perpendicular to the area considered. It is analogous to the "Area Moment of Inertia" - which characterizes a beam's ability to resist bending - required to predict deflection and stress in a beam

Circular Shaft and Maximum Moment Maximum moment in a circular shaft can be expressed as: Tmax = max Ip / R where Tmax = maximum twisting moment (Nmm, in lb) max = maximum shear stress (MPa, psi) R = radius of shaft (mm, in) Combining (2) and (3) for a solid shaft Tmax = ( / 16) max D3 (2b) (2)

Combining (2) and (3b) for a hollow shaft

Tmax = ( / 16) max (D4 - d4) / D


Circular Shaft and Polar Moment of Inertia Polar moment of inertia of a circular solid shaft can be expressed as Ip = R4 / 2 = D4 / 32 where D = shaft outside diameter (mm, in) Polar moment of inertia of a circular hollow shaft can be expressed as Ip = (D4 - d4) / 32 where d = shaft inside diameter Diameter of a Solid Shaft Diameter of a solid shaft can calculated by the formula D = 1.72 (Tmax / max)1/3 Torsional Deflection of Shaft The angular deflection of a torsion shaft can be expressed as = L T / (Ip G) where = angular shaft deflection (radians) L = length of shaft (mm, in)G = modulus of rigidity (Mpa, psi) The angular deflection of a torsion solid shaft can be expressed as = 32 L T / (G D4) (5a) (5) (4) (mm, in) (3b) (3)

The angular deflection of a torsion hollow shaft can be expressed as = 32 L T / (G (D4- d4)) (5b)

The angle in degrees can be achieved by multiplying the angle in radians with 180/ Solid shaft ( replaced) degrees 584 L T / (G D4) Hollow shaft ( replaced) degrees 584 L T / (G (D4- d4) (6b) (6a)

Torsion Resisting Moments of Shafts of Various Cross Sections

Shaft Cross Section Area Solid Cylinder Shaft Hollow Cylinder Shaft

Maximum Torsional Resisting Moment - Tmax (Nm, in lb)


( / 16) max D3

( / 16) max (D4 - d4) / D

Ellipse Shaft

( / 16) max b h

h = "height" of shaft b = "width" of shaft h>b

Rectangle Shaft Square Shaft

(2 / 9) max b2 h


(2 / 9) max b3

Shaft Cross Section Area Triangle Shaft Hexagon Shaft

Maximum Torsional Resisting Moment - Tmax (Nm, in lb) (1 / 20) max b3


b = length of triangle side

1.09 max b3

b = length of hexagon side

Example - Shear Stress and Angular Deflection in a Solid Cylinder A moment of 1000 Nm is acting on a solid cylinder shaft with diameter 50 mm and length 1 m. The shaft is made in steel with modulus of rigidity 79 GPa (79 109 Pa). Maximum shear stress can be calculated as = T r / Ip = T (D / 2) / ( D4 / 32) = (1000 Nm) ((0.05 m) / 2) / ( (0.05 m)4 / 32) = 40.8 MPa The angular deflection of the shaft can be calculated as = L T / (Ip G) = L T / (( D4 / 32) G) = (1 m) (1000 Nm) / (( (0.05 m)4 / 32) (79 109 Pa)) = 0.021 (radians) = 1.2 o



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