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COMPUTER 4TH QUARTER A. Read and understand the questions. Circle the correct letter. 1.

It is considered the first computing device in the world. a. Abacus a. ENIAC b. Napiers bone b. EDVAC c. calculator d. ENIAC 2. It is a computing device made from an ivory with a set of 11 rods with numbers marked on it. c. Napiers Bone d. None of the choices 3. It was first invested in England with two movable rules placed side by side, by sliding this, one can quickly multiply and divide. a. ENIAC a. Blaise Pascal a. Monitor a. Clicking b. Napiers bone b. William Oughtred b. keyboard b. right clicking c. Oughtreds slide rule c. Charles Babbage c. mouse c. dragging d. MARK 1 d. Steve Jobs d. CPU d. pointing 4. He was considered the father of modern computer. 5. It is considered the heart of the computer. 6. It is pointing to the item on the screen, and then press and release the right button. 7. It is pointing to the object on the screen, press and hold the primary button, move the object to a new location, then release the primary button. a. Clicking a. Clicking a. Recycle bin a. Wallpaper a. Start button a. Icons a. Computer a. Clock b. right clicking b. right clicking b. control panel b. control panel b. wall paper b. control panel b. recycle bin b. calendar c. dragging c. dragging c. computer c. start button c. control panel c. gadgets c. my videos c. picture puzzle d. pointing d. pointing d. wallpaper d. notification area d. recycle bin d. wall paper d. control panel d. printer 8. It is done by moving your mouse pointer over an object. 9. This icon keeps deleted files or folders. 10. It is round button found in the lower left side of the computer screen. 11. This is the picture or design used as background of the desktop. 12. These are small pictures commonly found at the left side of the desktop. 13. This part of the computer does not belong to the group. 14. These are all considered gadgets except one. 15. To exit Windows 7 easily, this is what can be done. a. Click the start button and restart. b. Click the start button and programs. a. Click 18. Accessories a. Click a. Hardware b. right click b. gadgets b. right click b. peopleware C. Click the start button and shut down. D. Click the start button and sleep. c. double click c. MS Office c. double click c. software d. move d. None of the choices d. move d. input

16. One of the items below does not belong in the group. 17. This is where the Paint program can be found. 19. This mouse action is done to refresh the computer. 20. This gives the command to the computer about what it should do.

21. It is also called the OS or the Operation System. a. Hardware a. Medicine b. peopleware b. travel c. software c. banks d. input d. love 22. This is not an element of the compter. 23. This is one of the great uses of a computer, automatically correcting the spelling and grammar of the word or sentence. a. Video composition a. Start button a. Desktop b. word processing b. desktop b. icons c. mathematical calculation d. word printing c. icons c. start button d. notification area d. wall paper 24. It is where you can see the updates and status of the running program. 25. It is the main screen area of the computer.

B. Read and understand the given statement. Write T on the line if it is correct. write F if it is incorrect. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 1. A speaker is an input device. 2. Computers help pilots in flying their planes. 3. A computer need to rest after long hours of use. 4. The notification area informs you of the running programs. 5. The computer cannot work alone, it needs commands to follow. 6. The result of a work done using the computer is called input. 7. Programs, files and folders can easily be found in the search box. 8. A scanner is used to transfer pictures from one computer to another. 9. The keyboard, an input device contains numbers, letters and other symbols. 10. The main purpose of having a computer at home is for playing and using facebook. 11. You may book online and do reservations in hotel and restaurants through the internet. 12. Hardware refers to the elements of the computer that cannot be touched but help in the operation of the computer.

C. Directions: Name the mouse actions used. Write your answer on the space provided.

D. Name the following icons

1. Name the parts of the computer.

PAINT PROGRAM A. Direction: Identify the following parts of the Paint Program. Choose from the words below then write only the letter of the correct answer on the space provided. 1. This is part of the window shows the name of the Paint Program and filename of your drawing. a. Paint program a. Scroll bar a. Minimize button a. Tabs a. Minimize button a. Scroll bar b. title bar b. title bar c. quick access toolbar c. ribbon d. tabs 2. It is a rectangular bar below the title bar with tools and commands. d. quick access bar d. paint button d. scroll button d. paint button d. title bar 3. This enlarges the Paint window to its fullest size on the screen. b. maximize button c. close button b. zoom slider c. close button 4. This exists or closes the Paint window. 5. This reduces the Paint window into a small button on the taskbar. b. maximize button c. close button b. zoom slider c. ribbon 6. This may enlarge or reduce the view of your picture by dragging the slider. 7. This allows you to see the picture that you cannot see on your window. you can drag this upward, downward or sideward. a. Scroll bar a. Title bar the window. a. Application icon b. title bar c. quick access toolbar d. ribbon 10. This toolbar allows you to put buttons tat represent commands sush as Save, Undo or any button that you see most often in Paint Program. It can also be placed below the ribbon for easy reach. a. Paint button a. Group a. Paint button b. minimize button b. Ribbon b. Application icon c. quick access toolbar c. Tabs c. Quick access toolbar d. group d. Scroll bar d. title bar 11. This is a set of commands or tools found inside the ribbon. 12. The command in this button allows you to open, save and print your file. b. tool bar c. ribbon d. tabs d. group 8. This is a white sheet for drawing. b. quick access toolbar c. drawing area 9. This icon represents the Paint program. Click this button to display commands used to control

B. Number the steps in Creating Paint Program Shortcut icon ______ Right Click on Paint. ______ Click on All Programs, then click on Accessories ______ Click Desktop ( Create Shortcut) ______ Click on the Start button ______ When the pop-up menu appears, point on Send to. C. Number the steps in launching paint using the Search box. ______ Press Enter Key ______ Click on the Start button ______ Type Paint: in the Search Box

D. MICROSOFT PAINT Number the steps in the following pictures on how to create a shortcut icon of Paint program on the desktop.

E. Label the parts of the following Paint tools. Choose for the words below. Write only the letter of the correct answer on the line before the arrows. A. B. C. D. E. Fill with color Text Eraser Pencil Airbrush f. magnifier g. Pick color h. Brush I. Curve J. Line k. ellipse L. Polygon M. Menu Items N. Rectangle O. Free Form select

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9

F. Encircle the name or picture of the following paint tools





Text Box





Pick Color

Air spray

Air brush

Hair spray

Paint brush


Fill with Paint

Fill with colors

Fill with water

Fill with Water Color


Coloring pen


Oil brush



Air brush

Hair brush

Tooth brush

G. Fill in a. b. c.

the Blank with the correct answer. choose your answer below. Eraser d. Paint Program g. Accessories Text e. Airbrush h. Crayon Pencil f. Pick color i. Fill color

j. Brush k. Magnifier

________________ 1. It is part of Microsoft Windows Accessories that can be used to learn about the basics of painting software? ________________ 2. To use the Paint program you click All Program and then you click _______ ? ________________ 3. It produces spray dotted effects in pictures. ________________ 4. Used to type text in a picture ________________ 5. It erases part of your picture. ________________ 6. It draws thin and freedom lines or curves with the selected line width. ________________ 7. Produces a crayon effect in your drawing. ________________ 8. Used to paint freedom lines and curves. ________________ 9. Puts the present foreground or background color. ________________ 10. Zooms in on a part of your picture. ________________ 11. Fills up the whole picture or an enclosed shape with colors. H. Fill in the blanks. Choose your answer below. Ctrl + S Ctrl + B Ctrl + C Ctrl + X Ctrl + I Shift key

Ctrl + V Alt + F4

Ctrl + O Ctrl + U

1. To move the selected drawing from the drawing area and put it on the clipboard what shortcut key you will use? ________________ 2. To duplicate the selected drawing, what shortcut key you will use? ________________ 3. To paste the drawing from the clipboard what shortcut key you will use? _____________ 4. To thicken the letter, what shortcut key you will use? ________________ 5. To slant the text, what shortcut key you will use? ________________ 6. To draw a line below the text, what shortcut key you will use? ________________ 7. To save the document, what shortcut key you will use? ________________ 8. The open a document or file, what shortcut key you will use? ________________ 9. To draw a straight line, press and hold the ________ as you draw from one side to the other. 10. To exit in a paint program, press _______________________ simultaneously. I. Fill in the blanks. Choose your answer below. Ctrl + H Ctrl + J Ctrl + E Ctrl + Y Ctrl + A Ctrl + L Ctrl + R

Ctrl + I Ctrl + B

Ctrl + Z Ctrl + U

_____ 1. Align text to both the left and the right margins, adding extra space between words as necessary. _____ 2. Center the position of the paragraph _____ 3. Right position of the paragraph _____ 4. Left position of the paragraph _____ 5. Emphasized letters or words _____ 6. Slanted letter or words _____ 7. Underlined letters or words _____ 8. To find the text and replace it with a new word _____ 9. To repeat the last action you made in your document _____ 10. To reverse the last action you made in your document _____ 11. Highlighting entire document

WORD PAD A. Identify the following parts, functions of the WordPad. Circle the correct letter. 1. It is a powerful tool for creating basic word processing documents such as letters, poems, essays, songs and many more. a. WordPad b. WordPad button c. Quick Access Toolbar 2. What is the meaning of the acronym WYSIWYG? a. What You Saw Is What You Got b. What You See Is What You Get c. Whatever You See Is Whatever You Get 3. WordPad is a _________________, meaning whatever you type in your computer is how it will be appear on the paper. A. WYSIWYG b. WYGIWYS c. WYSIWGW 4. It is the saved file in a word processor. a. Filename b. Software c. Document 5. To close WordPad, what action will you use? a. Press Ctrl + C b. Press Alt = F4 simultaneously. c. Click Enter 6. In What button can we find the Accessories folder? a. Search box b. All Programs c. Close button 7. Another way to launch WordPad is by typing WordPad in what box? a. Find and replace box b. Search box c. Text box 8. This is the icon beside the Quick Access Toolbar. When clicked it displays a menu containing the commands used for controlling the windows appearance. a. Application Icon b. Quick Access Toolbar c. WordPad Button 9. A Commands that are most often used and you can put additional commands that you want to add by clicking the command such as Save, Undo or any button. a. Quick Access Toolbar b. View Tab c. Application Icon 10. When clicked, set of commands will be displayed in the ribbon. a. WordPad Button b. Control Buttons c. Tabs 11. This makes the window fill the entire screen. a. Minimize button b. Maximize button c. Tab 12. This closes or exits the application. a. WordPad button b. Control button c. Close button 13. It is found at the top of the window which indicates the name of the program and the name of the document. a. Title Bar b. Application Icon b. Quick Access Toolbar 14. You can find the minimize, maximize and close button here. a. WordPad Button b. Control Button c. Ribbon 15. This contains menus of commands that you can use. a. Application Icon b. Quick Access toolbar c. WordPad Buttons 16. The strip across the top of the window that shows what program can do with choices, displayed in groups, in open rather than in menus. a. Tabs b. Title Bar c. Ribbon 17. This turns the window into a button on the taskbar. A. Minimize button b. Maximize button c. Tab 18. Shows you where the text will appear when you start typing. a. Cursor b. Text box c. Ribbon 19. Lets you change the size of view for better vision. You may increase or decrease the zoom level. a. Scroll Bar b. Zoom Slider c. Ribbon 20. Is selecting a letter, word, or group of words is called ________________. a. Editing b. Highlighting c. Formatting 21. Erasing from the insertion point to the left. a. Delete b. Backspace key c. Cut command 22. This type of cursor appears when you are typing and shows the next line you are typing. a. I-beam b. Flashing line c. Arrow pointer 23. This type of cursor appears when you select or format the text. a. I-beam b. Flashing line c. Arrow pointer 24. This type of cursor appears when you are pointing to each line of the text. a. I-beam b. Flashing line c. Arrow pointer 25. Erasing from the insertion point to the right. a. Delete b. Backspace key c. Cut command

B. Enumerate the steps in Starting WordPad Window using Start Button. Write 1 4. _____ _____ _____ _____ Click WordPad. Choose All Program Then select Accessories. Click the Start button on the taskbar.

C. Enumerate how to launch WordPad using Search Box. Write 1 - 3 _____ Type WordPad on the Search Box. _____ Click the Start button on the taskbar. _____ Press Enter. D. Fill in the blanks. Write your answer on the space provided. Ways to Exit WordPad. 1. Click the ___________ menu button, and choose ___________. 2. Press ________________ simultaneously. 3. Click the _______________ button. E. Label the parts of the WordPad. Choose from the words below. Write the letter on the space provided a. Alignment buttons d. WordPad Button g. Cursor j. Ribbon m. Font style b. Application Icon e. Control buttons h. Tab k. Zoom Slider n. Font size c. Quick Access Toolbar f. Text Color i. Title bar l. Font name

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

_________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________

6. _________________________ 7. _________________________ 8. _________________________ 9. _________________________ 10. _________________________

11. _________________________ 10. _________________________ 13. _________________________ 14. _________________________

F. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer. Write the letter only on the space provided. choose your answer below. a. Inserting date and Time b. Cut and Paste c. Clipboard d. Highlighting e. Backspace key f. Live Preview g. Find and replace h. Redo Command i. Undo Command j. Formatting k. Font

______________ 1. command means moving the text out from its original place, and then placing the text at the insertion point. ______________ 2. erasing text from the insertion point to the left. ______________ 3. command helps you to easily find text, and replace it in your document. ______________ 4. reverses the last action you made. ______________ 5. repeats the last action you made. ______________ 6. command is used to insert the current time and date when you made your document. ______________ 7. refers to how the appearance of your text in the document ______________ 8. Selecting a letter, word or group of word is called ______________. ______________ 9. In what group in the ribbon you can find the cut and paste and copy command ______________ 10. is a designed set of letter, numbers, and characters. ______________ 11. is one of the best new features in Office 2007, which temporarily applies formatting on the focused text or object when any formatting button is mouse-hovered.

G. Match the following commands to its shortcut keys. Write the letter on the line

______ 1. Copy ______ 2. Cut ______ 3. Paste ______ 4. Undo ______ 5. Redo ______ 6. Italic ______ 7. Bold ______ 8. Underline ______ 9. Save ______ 10. Exit ______ 11. Open ______ 12. Print ______ 13. Align text left ______ 14. Align text right ______ 15. Center ______ 16. Justify ______ 17. Find and Replace

a. Ctrl + V b. Ctrl + I c. Ctrl + S d. Ctrl + U e. Ctrl + C f. Ctrl + R g. Ctrl + P h. Ctrl + E i. Ctrl + H j. Ctrl + L k. Ctrl + X l. Ctrl + Z m. Ctrl + Y n. Ctrl + O o. Ctrl + J p. Alt + F4 q. Ctrl + B

WORDPAD Fill in the blanks with the correct answer. Choose your a. Page Setup and Print Preview b. Letter size c. Portrait d. Margin e. Hardcopy

answer below. f. Orientation g. Landscape h. Previewing a document i. Print j. Legal size

___________________ 1. Allows you to see how the document will look like before printing. ___________________ 2. The default paper size which has an area measurement of 8 by 11 inches similar to the size of a short bond paper. ___________________ 3. Which has an area measurement of 8 by 14 inches similar to the Size of a long bond paper. ___________________ 4. It is the printers output paper. ___________________ 5. It is the layout style of how the document will be printed on paper. ___________________ 6. It is the vertical arrangement of a document. ___________________ 7. It is the distance from the edge of the paper to the document text. ___________________ 8. It is the horizontal arrangement of the document. ___________________ 9. After the final changes are done, you are now ready to prepare a hardcopy of your document. ___________________ 10. Before you print the document, you must first set up the pages using this commands. THE INTERNET WORLD Fill in the blanks with the correct answer. Choose your answer below. Write the letter only. a. Downloading b. Microsoft Internet Explorer c. Computer networks d. World Wide Web (WWW) e. Microsoft Corporation f. Web browser g. Links h. Internet

______ 1. It is a collection of millions of computer networks linked around the word. ______ 2. It connects you to any place on the Internet. ______ 3. It is a program used to view and explore information on the Web. ______ 4. The most commonly used Web browser. ______ 5. It is the groups of computer connected to any place(s) in the internet. ______ 6. The internet explorer is developed by ____________. ______ 7. It is also called the hyper text. ______ 8. Means copying of information from any Internet source to a computer or to other devices. Circle the letter of the correct answer. 1. It displays the title of the Web page. search. a. Search bar a. Address bar b. Web Title bar c. Status bar b. Toolbar c. Links c. Links 2. A text box that displays the current Web page, you can type here the address you want to b. Address bar 3. This is where you will type to search information. a. Search bar 4. It displays some commands available in the surfing the net.

a. text. a. a.

Toolbar a. Links Status bar Alt + right arrow

b. Links b. Address bar b. Address Bar

c. Search bar c. Toolbar c. Links c. Alt + Home

5. A connection to a certain topic that is represented either by images or y contrasting colors of 6. It displays the current status of Internet Explorer. 7. What keyboard action you will use if you want to go to the previous page. b. Alt + Left arrow or backspace a. F5 b. Esc c. end c. Alt + Home 8. To stop downloading a page? 9. To go to the next page? a. Alt + right arrow a. Shift + tab b. Alt + Left arrow or backspace b. Alt + Home b. Esc c. End c. Ctrl + 0 c. Ctrl + 0 c. Ctrl + S b. Alt + D c. F1 c. World Wide Web (WWW) c. Instant Messaging (IM) c. Ctrl + Enter b. Ctrl + Minus sign b. Ctrl + Minus sign b. Alt + Enter a. F4 b. F4 b. Electronic Mail (Email) 10. To go to your homepage? c. Home

11. To refresh the current Web page? a. F5 12. To increase zoom? a. Ctrl + Plus sign 13. To decrease zoom? a. Ctrl + Plus sign 14. To go to the search box? 16. To display help? a. a. a. F5 a. Ctrl + E 15. To display a list of addresses youve typed?

17. It is the worldwide system of sending receiving mails in an electronic format. Instant messaging (IM) Electronic Mail (Email) 18. It is a system of interlinked documents that can be accessed through the Internet. b. World Wide Web (WWW) 19. It allows the person or group of people to send message to one another at real time across hundreds of miles. a. a. a. Instant Messaging (IM) Instant Messaging (IM) Web pages b. Internet Relay Chat (IRC) b. Internet Relay Chat (IRC) b. browser c. IM c. World Wide Web c. World Wide Web 20. It allows you to store and maintain a list of contacts. 21. The software that can surf the net is called the _________. 22. ___________ is composed of a large document stored in computers around the world, are made available and usually free to the users. a. Web pages b. browser c. Email

Name the parts of the Internet Explorer Window.

1. 2. 3.

______________________ ______________________ ______________________

4. ______________________ 5. ______________________ 6. ______________________

Answer key in History and Parts of the Computer: A. A, C, C, C, D, B, C, D, A, C, B, A, C, D, C, D, A, C, B, B, C, D, B, D, A, B. F, T, F, T, T, F, T, T, T, T, F, T, F C. Clicking, pointing, right click, double clicking, dragging D. Recycle bin, start button, computer, control panel network, wall paper, notification area, taskbar E. Icons, start button, taskbar, notification area, wall paper F. 1. Monitor, 2. CPU, 3. KEYBOARD, 4. CAMERA, 5. __ , 6. MOUSE, 7. SCANNER, 8. SPEAKER G. Answer key in MS Paint A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. B, C, B, C, A, B, A, C, A, C, A, A 3, 2, 5, 1, 4 3, 1, 2 6, 3, 5, 7, 4, 2, 1 M, O, C, G, D, E, J, N, K, A, F, H, B, I, L ERASER, PIC 2, MAGNIFIER, PIC 2. AIR BRUSH, PIC 4, FILL WITH PAINT, PIC 3, CRAYON, BRUSH D, G, E, B, A, C, H, J, F, K, I Ctrl + X, Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V, Ctrl + B, Ctrl + I, Ctrl + U, Ctrl + S, Ctrl + O, Shift key, Alt + F4 Ctrl + J, Ctrl + E, Ctrl + R, Ctrl + L, Ctrl + B, Ctrl + I, Ctrl + U, Ctrl + H, Ctrl + Y, Ctrl + Z, Ctrl + A

Answer key in WORDPAD: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. A, B, A, C, B, B, B, A, A, C, B, C, A, B,C, C, A,A, B, B, B, B, A, C, A 4, 2, 3, 1 2, 1, 3 WordPad, Exit, Alt + F4, Close Application Icon, Quick Access Toolbar, Tabs, Title Bar, Control Button, Ribbon, Alignment buttons, Cursor, Font Style, Font name, Font size, Text Color, Zoom Slider B, E, G, I, H, A, J, D, C, K, F E, K, A, L, M, B, Q, D, C, P, N, G, J, F, H, O, I

Answer key in WordPad: H, B, J, E, F, C, D, G, I, A Answer key in The Internet World: H, D, F, B, C, E, G, A B, A, A, A, A, A, B, B, A, B, A, A, B, A, A, C, B, B, B, A, B, A Web Title bar, Address bar, Search Bar, Links, Toolbar, Status bar

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