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APUSH Timeline

Colonial Period (1492-1763) 1607 Jamestown colony founded 1619 First Africans arrive in Virginia 1620 Plymouth colony founded !ouse of "urgesses esta#lished in Virginia 16$0 %assachusetts "ay colony founded 16$& 'oger (illiams esta#lishes 'hode )sland colony 16$7 Anne !utchinson e*+elled for %assachusetts "ay colony 16,2-,. /nglish 0ivil (ar 1662 !alfway 0ovenant esta#lished in 1ew /ngland 1676 "acon2s 'e#ellion in Virginia 16.. 3lorious 'evolution in /ngland (illiam and %ary succeeded James )) 1692 (itchcraft trials #egin in 4alem 17$, 3reat Awa5ening #egins 17$9 4tono re#ellion in 1orth 0arolina 3eorge (hitfield #egins +reaching in America 17&, French and )ndian war #egins Al#any +lan of union 176$ Pontiac2s 'evolt 6reaty of Paris The American Revolution (1763-1783) 176$ 176, 176& 1767 1770 177$ 177, 177& 1776 1777 17.1 17.$ Proclamation line of 176$ 4ugar Act 4tam+ Act 4ons of 7i#erty formed 6ownsend 8uties 8ic5inson2s 9 7etters of a Pennsylvania Farmer: "oston massacre 6ea Act "oston 6ea Party )ntolera#le Acts First 0ontinental 0ongress 7e*ington and 0oncord "attle of "un5er !ill Common Sense +u#lished #y 6homas Paine 8eclaration of )nde+endence "ritish surrender at 4aratoga Articles of 0onfederation a++roved 3eneral 0ornwallis surrenders at ;or5town 6reaty of Paris ends war< grants American inde+endence 1ew#urgh cons+iracy of American army officers

nited !tate" Con"titution (178#-1789) 17.& 7and ordinance +rovides for early develo+ment of territories 4+ain closes the %ississi++i 'iver to American shi++ing 17.6 Anna+olis convention Virginia ado+ts Jefferson2s =4tatue of 'eligious Freedom9 4hays> re#ellion 17.7 1orthwest ?rdinance +rohi#its slavery in new territories 0onstitutional 0onvention meets in Philadel+hia 17.. Federalist Papers +u#lished 1ew !am+shire is ninth state to ratify 0onstitution< ma5ing it the law of the land 17.9 (ashington elected and inaugurated as +resident French 'evolution #egins The New Nation (1789-1824) 17.9 Judiciary Act sets u+ federal court system 1791 "ill of 'ights a++roved First "an5 of @nited 4tates chartered 179$ 3eorge (ashington issues +roclamation of neutrality cotton gin +atented #y /li (hitney 179, (his5ey 'e#ellion 179& Jay 6reaty Pinc5ney 6reaty 6reaty of 3reenville 1796 Adams defeats Jefferson for +residency 179. A;B affair Alien and 4edition Acts Virginia and Centuc5y resolutions 1.00 Jefferson defeats Adams for +residency Prosser2s re#ellion 1.01 John %arshall #ecomes 0hief Justice %idnight Dudges a++ointed #y Adams 1.0$ Marbury vs. Madison decision 7ouisiana Purchase 1.0, 7ewis and 0lar5 e*+edition 1.07 0hesa+ea5e-7eo+ard incident /m#argo Act 'o#ert Fulton #uilds Clermont< first steam#oat 1.11 "attle of 6i++ecanoe 1.12 0ongress declares war on "ritain 1.1, "ritish #urned (ashington 80 6reaty of 3hent ends (ar of 1.12 !artford 0onvention 1.1& Jac5son defeats "ritish at 1ew ?rleans 1.19 Panic of 1.19 McCollough v. Maryland decision 1.20 %issouri com+romise 1.2$ %onroe 8octrine 1.2, Gibbons v. Ogden decision +romotes interstate trade


emoc!ac" an# $estwa!# %&'ansion (1824-18())

1.2& John Euincy Adams wins 0orru+t "argain +residential election 1.2. 6ariff of A#ominations Jac5son wins +residency 1.$0 Jac5son vetoes %aysville 'oad e*tension "altimore F ?hio #ecomes first railroad com+any Jose+h 4mith +u#lishes Book of Mormon 1.$1 Cherokee ation v. Georgia denies )ndian claim of nationhood 1at 6urner2s 'e#ellion 1.$2 Jac5son vetoes @4 #an5 re-charter 1ullification crisis in 4outh 0arolina 1.$6 6e*as inde+endence fight 3ag rule +revents discussion of slavery in 0ongress 1.$7 Panic of 1.$7 1.$. 6rail of 6ears 1.,& Anne*ation of 6e*as 1.,6 @4 declares war on %e*ico ?regon 6reaty 1.,. 3old discovered in 1orthern 0alifornia 6reaty of 3uadalu+e !idalgo 4eneca Falls statement of women2s rights 1.,9 0alifornia gold rush Sectional *on+lict an# the *a,ses o+ the *i-il $a! (18()-18.)) 1.&0 1.&2 1.&, 1.&6 1.&7 1.&. 1.&9 1.60 0om+romise 1.&0 Fugitive 4lave 7aw +assed !ncle "om#s Cabin +u#lished ?stend %anifesto Cansas-1e#ras5a Act 'e+u#lican Party formed ="leeding Cansas9 $red Scott decision 7ecom+ton 0onstitution in Cansas 7incoln-8ouglas de#ates John "rown2s 'aid 7incoln elected +resident

The *i-il $a! an# /econst!,ction (18.)-1877) 1.60 1.61 1.62 1.6$ 1.6, 1.6& 1.67 1.6. 1.69 1.7$ 1.76 1.77 0rittenden 0om+romise +ro+osed 4outh 0arolina secedes 0onfederacy formed firing on FtG 4umter First "attle of "ull 'un 4hiloh Antietam !omestead Act /manci+ation Proclamation announced Vic5s#urg 3ettys#urg 1ew ;or5 0ity draft riots 3rant ta5es command of all @nion armies 4herman ca+tures Atlanta 7ee surrenders at A++omatto* 7incoln assassinated 1$th Amendment ends slavery Freedman2s "ureau esta#lished Alas5a +urchased from 'ussia 3range founded PresG Johnson im+eached 1,th Amendment +assed 3rant elected +resident 6ranscontinental railroad com+leted Cnights of 7a#or formed 4laughterhouse case Panic of 1.7$ 0uster defeated #y 4iou* at 7ittle "ig !orn 0om+romise of 1.77 'econstruction ends

0n#,st!ialism1 $a!1 an# the P!o2!essi-e %!a (1877-1912) 1.7. 1.79 1..1 1..2 1..$ 1..6 1..7 1..9 1.90 1.91 1.92 1.9$ 1.9, 1.96 1.9. 1.99 1900 1901 1902 190$ 190, 1906 190. 1909 1911 1912 "land-Allison Act /dison invents the light #ul# PresG 3arfield assassinated !elen !unt Jac5son writes % Century of $ishonor 4tandard ?il 6rust formed 0hinese /*clusion Act Pendleton 0ivil 4ervice Act !aymar5et 4Huare #om#ing in 0hicago American Federation of 7a#or formed 8awes Act Jane Addams founds !ull !ouse in 0hicago 4iou* massacred at (ounded Cnee 4herman Antitrust Act 4herman 4ilver Purchase Act @4 0ensus declares frontier>s end Alfred %ahan writes "he &nfluence of Sea Po'er upon (istory Po+ulist Party formed !omestead 4teel 4tri5e Panic of 1.9$ Pullman stri5e 0o*ey>s Army Plessy v. Ferguson u+holds se+arate #ut eHual %cCinley defeats "ryan for +resG !.S.S Maine sin5s in !avana !ar#or 4+anish-American (ar< 8ewey ca+tures Phili++ine )slands !awaii anne*ed #y @G4G Aguinaldo leads Fili+inos against Americans 6reaty of Paris ends 4+anishAmerican (ar ?+en 8oor Policy in 0hina "o*er 'e#ellion in 0hina 6heodore 'oosevelt #ecomes +resident Platt Amendment President 'oosevelt settles coal stri5e @G4G recogniIes Panama>s inde+endence 1orthern 4ecurities 6rust dissolved 'oosevelt 0orollary declared @+ton 4inclair writes "he )ungle Pure Food and 8rug Act !e+#urn Act President 'oosevelt wins 1o#el Peace PriIe 6aft elected +resident 1AA0P formed 6riangle 4hirtwaist Fire %e*ican 'evolution eru+ts 'oosevelt forms Progressive Party to 0hallenge 6aft (ilson elected President

$ilson an# $o!l# $a! 0 (1912-192)) 1912 (ilson elected +resident 191$ 16th Amendment Jincome ta*K ratified 17th Amendment Jdirect senator electionK ratified 191, 0layton Antitrust Act Panama 0anal o+ens (() #egins 191& 3ermany sin5s *usitania 1917 @G4G declares war on 3ermany /s+ionage Act +assed 'ussian 'evolution 191. (ilson +ro+oses Fourteen Points armistice ends war @G4G 1919 6reaty of Versailles 'ed 4care and Palmer raids 4enate reDects @G4G role in 7eague of 1ations Amendment JProhi#itionK ratified Schenck v. !nited States. 1920 19th Amendment Jwomen>s suffrageK ratified

The /oa!in2 Twenties an# %conomic *olla'se (192)-1929) 1920 4acco and VanIetti arrested !arding elected +resident First commercial radio #roadcast 192$ 6ea+ot 8ome scandal 192, 1ational ?rigins Act sets 2 +ercent Huotas for immigration 192& 4co+es 6ennessee evolution trial 1927 7ind#ergh>s solo flight across the Atlantic Al Jolson stars in "he )a++ Singer< the first tal5ing film 192. !oover elected +resident &2 nations sign Cellogg-"rian Pact renouncing war 1929 4toc5 %ar5et crashes in ?cto#er The 3!eat e'!ession an# the New eal (1929-1941)

19$0 !awley-4moot 6ariff raises duties on farm +roducts and manufactured goods 19$2 "onus /*+editionary Force marches on (ashington< 8G0G Fran5lin 'oosevelt wins +residency 19$$ Prohi#ition re+ealed !undred 8ays of legislation follows F8'>s inauguration F8)0 esta#lished #y 3lass-4teagall Act Agricultural AdDustment Act +assed 1ational )ndustrial 'ecovery Act +assed 6ennessee Valley Authority esta#lished 0ivilian 0onservation 0or+s J000K enrolls 2&0<000 young men !itler #ecomes chancellor of 3ermany 19$, 4ecurities and /*change 0ommission esta#lished !uey 7ong #egins 4hare ?ur (ealth clu#s 8rG Francis 6hom+son +romotes ?ld Age 'evolving Pension Plan 1ye committee +ro#es (() +rofit during #y American industrialists 19$& Schecter v. !nited States rules 1)'A unconstitutional (or5s Progress Administration esta#lished 1ational 7a#or 'elations J(agnerK Act +rotects wor5ers2 rights 4ocial 4ecurity Act +assed 0ongress +asses first of annual neutrality acts 19$6 F8' defeats 'e+u#lican 7andon and third-+arty @nion +arty for +resident 3eneral %otors sit down stri5e 3ermany occu+ies the 'hineland 4+anish 0ivil (ar #egins /thio+ia falls to )taly 19$7 F8' +ro+oses court-+ac5ing +lan< which fails Ja+an invades 0hinar 19$. A++easement at %unich #y /ngland2s 0ham#erlain is 3ermany ta5es 4udetenland 19$9 0Iechoslova5ia falls to 3ermany Austria votes to #e anne*ed #y 3ermany 3ermany invades Poland 1eutrality Act allows cash-and-carry for military +urchases 3ermany and 4oviet @nion sign of nonaggression +act 19,0 3ermany conHuers 8enmar5< 1orway< the 1etherlands< "elgium< and France 0ongress a++roves first +eacetime draft @4 in 3reat "ritain sign destroyers for #ases deal America First 0ommittee esta#lished< urging @4 neutrality )taly< 3ermany< and Ja+an form the 'ome-"erlin-6o5yo A*is F8' wins un+recedented third term for +resident 19,1 7end-7ease Act allows @4 to financially assist allied nations F8' and 0hurchill sign Atlantic 0harter< +ledging self-determination for all nations 3ermany invades 4oviet @nion Ja+an attac5ed Pearl !ar#or< !awaii< on 8ecem#er 7< 5illing 2<$2$ @4 serviceman @4 declares war and Ja+an on 8ecem#er .

$o!l# $a! 00 an# the Postwa! %!a (194)-19.)) 19,1 A*is +owers declare war on the @4 three days after Pearl !ar#or 19,2 Ja+an ca+tures Phili++ine )slands as "ataan and 0orregidor fall (ar +roduction "oard esta#lished @4 #egins interning Ja+anese American citiIens 3ermany sin5s ,00 American shi+s "attle of 0oral 4ea "attle of %idway @4 attac5s Vichy forces and 3ermans in 1orth Africa %anhattan ProDect #egins 19,$ 0asa#lanca 0onference Americans seiIe 3uadalcanal )sland 4oviets defeat 3ermans at 4talingrad Allies invade )taly 6eheran 0onference 19,, Allies invade France at 1ormandy J8-8ayK June 6 "attle of 7eyte 3ulf 'oosevelt elected +resident for fourth term )sland-ho+ing cam+aign reta5es 3uam )sland "attle of the "ulge 19,& ;alta 0onference !itler commits suicide in "erlin "un5er V-/ 8ay Potsdam 0onference "om# dro++ed on !iroshima 4oviets declare war on Ja+an "om# dro++ed on 1agasa5i V-J 8ay 19,6 0hurchill gives =)ron 0urtain9 s+eech 3eorge Cennan +ro+oses containment +olicy 19,7 6ruman 8octrine aids nations resisting 0ommunism %arshals Plan +rovides economic aid to /uro+e !ouse @n-American Activities 0ommittee investigates !ollywood Jac5ie 'o#inson #rea5s color line in #ase#all 6aft-!artley Act slows growth of la#or unions 19,. 4oviets #loc5 access to (est "erlin in "erlin Airlift Alger !iss case #egins 6ruman signs armed forces desegregation order )srael #ecomes a nation 6ruman defeats 8ewey 19,9 1A6? formed 4oviet @nion e*+lodes atomic #om# %ao leads communist ta5eover in 0hina 19&0 Corean (ar #egins @G4G troo+s invade 1orth Corea 0hinese troo+s enter the war 'osen#erg s+y trial #egins %c0arthy #egins anti-communist cam+aign @G4G #egins hydrogen #om# +rogram 19&1 3enG %acArthur relieved of command in Corea Peace negotiations #egin in PanmunDon< Corea 19&2 /isenhower elected +resident 19&$ Corean (ar ends with truce and demilitariIed Ione 19&, Bro'n v. "opeka Board of ,ducation Army-%c0arthy hearings French surrender at 8ien#ien+hu in Vietnam 4enG %c0arthy censured #y 4enate 19&& %artin 7uther Cing< JrG #egins %ontgomery "us "oycott 19&6 4ueI 0risis 4oviets crush !ungarian 'evolt 19&7 4oviets launch 4+utni5 /isenhower 8octrine commits economic aid to %iddle /ast 7ittle 'oc5 school desegregation crisis 19&9 0astro ta5es over in 0u#a 4oviet Premier Chrushchev visits @G4G The New 4!ontie!1 5ietnam1 an# Social U'hea-al (19.)-1972) 1960 Cennedy and 1i*on +artici+ate in first televised +residential de#ates 3reens#oro sit-in +rotests Cennedy defeats 1i*on 1961 "ay of Pigs invasion fails Freedom rides "erlin (all #uilt 1962 0u#an %issile 0risis 4tudents for a 8emocratic 4ociety formed

196$ 'evG Cing #egins "irmingham desegregation efforts @niversity of Ala#ama admits first #lac5 student 0ivil 'ights %arch on (ashington Premier 8iem of 4G Vietnam to++led #y @G4G-a++roved cou+ President Cennedy assassinated 196, President Johnson announces war on +overty Freedom summer vote registration cam+aign in %ississi++i 0ivil 'ights Act +assed V)46A esta#lished "er5eley Free 4+eech %ovement 3ulf of 6on5in 'esolution +assed @G4G #egins #om#ing of 1G Vietnam Johnson elected President 196& %edicare funding #egins 'ace riots in (atts %alcolm A assassinated American com#at troo+s sent to Vietnam 1966 1ational ?rganiIation for (omen J1?(K formed 1967 'ace riots in 8etroit and 1ewar5 %assive antiwar +rotest in (ashington< 8G0G )srael< Ara# neigh#ors fight 4i*-8ay (ar 196. Viet 0ong launch 6et ?ffensive 8rG %7C assassinated 'o#ert Cennedy assassinated Protests at 0hicago 8emocratic 0onvention 1i*on elected President 1969 (oodstoc5 festival A+ollo 11 crew lands on the moon 1970 @G4G invades 0am#odia Cent 4tate %assacre 1972 1i*on visits Peo+le>s 'e+u#lic of 0hina 8Ltente #egins with 4oviet @nion 4A76 ) 6reaty signed with 4oviet @nion $ate!2ate1 *onse!-atism6s /ise1 an# Post-*ol# $a! *hallen2es (1972-2))() 1972 (atergate #rea5-in occurs at 8emocratic !eadHuarters 1i*on defeats %c3overn for +residencyG 197$ @G4G< 1G Vietnam sign Paris Peace Accords -oe v. .ade e*+ands a#ortion rights ;om Ci++ur (ar in )srael Vice-President Agnew resigns in disgrace 197, )m+eachment +roceedings against 1i*on !.S. v. -ichard i/on - ta+es must #e turned over 1i*on resigns VGPG Ford succeeds him Ford +ardons 1i*on 197& @G4G a#andons 4G Vietnam as it falls to 1G Vietnam 197. 0am+ 8avid Accords #etween )srael and /gy+t 1979 @G4G and 0hina esta#lish di+lomatic relations )ran de+oses shah )ran militants ca+ture @G4G em#assy and ta5e hostages 4oviet @nion invades Afghanistan 6hree-%ile )sland nuclear accident 4andinistas overthrow 4omoIa in 1icaragua 19.0 @G4G #oycotts %oscow ?lym+ics 'eagan elected +resident 19.1 )ran releases hostages 'eagan #rea5s air traffic controller stri5e 4andra 8ay ?>0onnor named first female 4u+reme 0ourt Dustice A)84 e+idemic reaches @G4 19.2 2,1 %arines 5illed in 7e#anon @G4G invades 3renada 19.6 )ran-0ontra affair Challenger s+ace shuttle e*+lodes after ta5eoff 19.9 ,//on 0alde+ runs aground in Alas5a 4tudents #egin +ro-democracy demonstrations in 0hina "erlin (all falls 1990 4addam !ussein of )raH invades Cuwait 1991 ?+eration 8esert 4torm ends )raH>s occu+ation of Cuwait 4oviet @nion #rea5s u+ as 0old (ar ends 1992 7os Angeles riots follow 'odney Cing verdict 0linton elected +resident 199$ 1orth American Free 6rade Agreement J1AF6AK a++roved 199& @G4G< 1A6? forces enforce +eace in "osnia 1999 0linton acHuitted following !ouse im+eachment 2000 3eorge (G "ush defeats 3ore in dis+uted election

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