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LESSON 15 Complete this chart by listing the parts of a flower.

Parts of a flower

Male parts

Female parts

Other parts

Identify the following. Choose the correct answer below. Stamen Pistil Petals Sepals Stigma Calyx Style Corolla Filament Anther Fruits Seeds Seed Receptacle

Flower Ovules Peduncle Pollen Grains Pollen Tube Gumamela

________________ 1. Reproductive structure of many kinds of plants. ________________ 2. Female reproductive part of a flower. ________________ 3. Male reproductive part of a flower. ________________ 4. Group of sepals. ________________ 5. Part of a flower that becomes a fruit. ________________ 6. Female flower cells. ________________ 7. Group of petals ________________ 8. Male flower cells. ________________ 9. A leaflike parts at the base of a flower that cover the bud. ________________ 10. The colored parts which attract insects. ________________ 11. It holds the anther. ________________ 12. It contains the pollen grains. ________________ 13. Tube below the pistil. ________________ 14. The sticky part on top of the pistil where pollen grains enter. ________________ 15. Tiny tube inside the style that serves as passageway for pollen grains to reach the ovary. ________________ 16. The stalk of a single flower. ________________ 17. Example of a complete flower. ________________ 18. When the ovary matures or ripens it becomes the ___________. ________________ 19. While the ovules becomes the ____________. ________________ 20. The tip to which the floral organs are attached.

LESSON 16 Identify the following terms. Write the letter on the blank. _____ 1. It refers to the transfer of pollen grains into the stigma of a flower? _____ 2. Is the transfer of pollen grains into the stigma of the same flower. _____ 3. Is the transfer of pollen grains into the stigma of another flower. _____ 4. The union of pollen grain and ovule. _____ 5. Refers to the male reproductive cell of a flower. _____ 6. Agent of pollination. _____ 7. Example of plants that produce seeds that are hard and tough. _____ 8. Example of plants that produce soft and moist seeds. _____ 9. Example of plants that produce one seed _____ 10. Example of plants that produce many seeds. LESSON 17 Circle the correct answer. 1. It is the part of a plant from which a new plant grows. 2. It serves as the food container . 3. The hard outer covering of a seed. 4. The baby plant inside a seed. 5. Plants that contain one cotyledon are called ____. 6. Plants that contain two cotyledon are called ____. 7. It develops into the primary root. 8. Part of the stem below the cotyledon. 9. Part of the stem above the cotyledon. 10. The food container or storage. 11. Seeds grow into new plants during the process called _____. Write TRUE if the statement is correct, and FALSE if is not. ______ 1. Seeds are produced as soon as a pollen grain fertilizes the ovules. ______ 2. All plants come from seeds. ______ 3. The embryo is the baby plant that contains an immature stem and root. ______ 4. The cotyledon is the hard outer covering of a seed. ______ 5. Plants with seeds containing one cotyledon are called dicots. Label the parts of the seed. ( seed, testa, embryo) ( testa, cotyledon, embryo) ( seed, testa, embryo) ( seed, seed coat, embryo) ( monocots, dicots, radicle ) (monocots, dicots, radicle ) ( radicle, epicotyls, hypocotyls ) ( radicle, epicotyls, hypocotyls ) ( radicle, epicotyls, hypocotyls ) ( testa, embryo, cotyledon ) ( Pollination, Germination ) A. Mango B. Fertilization C. Cross pollination D. Tamarind E. Bee F. Pollen grains G. Coconut H. Papaya J. Pollination K. Self pollination

1. __________________ 2. ___________________ 3. ___________________

Write on the blank the letter that represents the correct answer. _____ 1. Which refers to the production of another organism similar to the parent organism? a. Fertilization b. molting c. reproduction d. respiration _____ 2. Which of the following animals undergoes asexual reproduction? a. Cockroach b. sea urchin c. sponge d. toad _____ 3. Which of the following animals undergoes incomplete metamorphosis? a. Bee b. moth c. mosquito d. tree hopper _____ 4. How many stages are involved in a complete metamorphosis? a. Two b. three c. four d. five _____ 5. Which of the following pair of animals have skin that is used in making shoes, wallets, belts and bags? a. alligators and snakes c. lions and tigers b. Butterflies and dragonflies d. pigeons and eagles _____ 6. Which of the following sets of animals is a source of milk? a. Cow, carabao, goat c. cow, ewe, tiger b. Cow, carabao, dogs d. ewe, horse, ostrich _____ 7. How can we exterminate dengue-carrying mosquitoes? a. Keep water containers tightly closed. b. Keep the surroundings clean and fumigate breeding areas of mosquitoes. c. Remove empty bottles and cans that may collect rain water. d. All of the above. _____ 8. Most likely, at about what time of the day does a dengue-carrying mosquito bite? a. One hour before sunrise and sunset. b. At noontime when the sun is directly overhead. c. At nighttime especially when the moon is out of sight d. At 9:00 oclock a.m. and 3:00 oclock p.m. _____ 9. Which of the following series of stages shows the possible development of a beetle? a. Egg, pupa, grub, adult c. Pupa, adult, grub, egg b. Egg, grub, pupa, adult d. Grub, egg, pupa, adult _____ 10. Which of the proper way of handling animals? a. Keep your pets in a cage. c. Give them food and water. b. Take them for a walk during the day. d. all of the above _____ 11. What is produced when the ovule and the pollen of a flower meet? a. Flower b. leaf c. root d. seed _____ 12. What happens when the pollen grains of a flower enter the stigma of another flower? a. Germination starts. c. Self pollination occurs. b. Fertilization takes place. d. Cross pollination happens. _____ 13. Which of the following plants has seeds that will grow into new plants when they fall on the ground? a. pineapple b. banana c. siniguelas c. mango _____ 14. Why do flowers usually have attractive colors? a. To encourage people to plant more of them b. To make the plant beautiful c. To attract insects d. To differentiate them from animals _____ 15. Which of these plants has seeds that are dispersed by wind? a. Corn b. coconut c. guava d. mahogany _____ 16. Where does the growing plant get its food? a. Cotyledon b. epicotyl c. hilum d. hypocotyls _____ 17. Which of these plants grouped in threes have fruits that burst or explode because of heat? a. Guava, aratiles, mango c. tomato, coconut, eggplant b. Bean, ipil-ipil, madre de cacao d. Papaya, kalabasa, patola _____ 18. Which group of plants can be reproduced asexually? a. Banana, onion, camote c. okra, guava, red pepper b. Squash, tomato, okra d. tomato, onion, squash

_____ 19. Which of the following statements describes the process of fertilization in flowers? a. The pollen grains continue growing until it reaches the ovary. b. The sperm cell traveling through the pollen tube unites with the ovule. c. The pollen tube enlarges to accommodate several pollen grains. d. The pollen grain from the anther falls into the stigma. _____ 20. A potato is cut into pieces to produce new plants. each piece should have an eye. Where does the growing potato get its food? a. From the water c. from the potato b. From the soil d. from sunlight Tell how the following plants are propagated. Write your answer on the blank. ________________ 1. Cassava ________________ 2. Banana ________________ 3. Garlic ________________ 4. African violets ________________ 5. Potato ________________ 6. Sampaguita ________________ 7. Kataka-taka ________________ 8. Onion ________________ 9. Rose plant ________________ 10. Strawberry

Identify what is being described. Write the answer on the blank. Layering Plant propagation Rhizomes Mound layering Stock Suckers Asexual or vegetative propagation Air layering or marcotting Cutting Grafting Tubers Stolons Budding Scion Bulbs

________________ 1. Means to continue and increase the production of plants. ________________ 2. Underground stem that looks like a swollen root. ________________ 3. Method of joining two different plants of the same kind. It has a stock and a scion. ________________ 4. Method of propagating plants where roots are allowed to grow on a stem or branch still attached to the parent plant ________________ 5. it is done by attaching a small piece of bark or rind containing a scion to the part of the stock. ________________ 6. Parts of the plants with roots ________________ 7. Its the part with leaves ________________ 8. The fastest, easiest and cheapest method of asexual propagation. ________________ 9. Production of new plants form their parts such as leaves, stems or roots. ________________ 10. Done by bending the shoot or branch so that the bark and the tissues will split. ________________ 11. A very short underground stems with fleshy leaves. ________________ 12. Are fleshy and rounded underground stems ________________ 13. Are shoots form the roots or lower part of the stem of a plant. ________________ 14. A modified stems that grow along the soil surface. ________________15. It is done by making an upward cut or slit just below a leafstalk.

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