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Apakah ciri-ciri utama kaedah kajian kes? (What are key characteristics of a Case Study) 2. Apakah yang membezakan antara kajian kes dan kaedah-kaedah penyelidikan yang anda telah pelajari setakat ini? (What distinquish a case study and other research methods that you had studied so far?) 3. Terangkan maksud istilah berikut: (Explain the following terms:) a. Kajian yang endalam n!depth Study b. !emerhatian turut-serta ("articipant #$ser%ation) c. !ersampelan bertujuan ("urposeful Sampling) d. Triangulasi (&riangulation) ". #erikan 3 c$nt$h kes untuk dijadikan kajian ('i%e ( examples of cases to $e studied) For the fo o!"#$ %&e't"o# (hoo'e o# ) o#e *#'!er+ P e*'e e,- *"# )o&r *#'!er %. &n a 'ualitati(e research case study) the researchers stri(e t$ d$ all $* the *$ll$+ing e,cept a. b. c. d. c$nduct an in-depth study $* the phen$mena study the phen$mena in its natural c$nte,t maintain a c$mpletely $bjecti(e perspecti(e $n the phen$men$n. -e*lect the research participants. perspecti(e $n the phen$men$n being studied.

/. 0ualitati(e researchers use purp$se*ul sampling in $rder t$ a. reduce the chances $* selecting atypical cases $* the phen$men$n t$ be studied. b. 1liminate the need t$ study m$re than $ne case. c. 2elect cases that are the m$st c$n(enient *$r in-depth study. d. 2elect cases that are 3in*$rmati$n-rich4 +ith respect t$ the purp$ses $* the study. 5. &n 'ualitati(e research) the main measuring instrument is a. b. c. d. the 'uesti$nnaire $r $ther sel*-rep$rt measure used t$ c$llect data. Audi$tape $r (ide$tape rec$rdings $* *ield e(ents. The researchers themsel(es The researchers. key in*$rmants.

6. -e*lecti(e rep$rting $* a case study tends t$ in($l(e a. b. c. d. an $bjecti(e +riting style. 7$mputer analysis $* the data. A c$n(enti$nal $rganizati$n $* t$pics. The str$ng presence $* the researchers. ($ice.

8. -esearcher bias in case studies is best handled by a. h$nest e,pl$rati$n $* $ne 9s identity and belie*s as p$ssible biasing *act$rs. b. 1,clusi(e use $* $bjecti(e data-c$llecti$n meth$ds. c. :sing data c$llect$rs +h$ are similar t$ the *ield participati$n. d. 2tudying phen$mena in +hich $ne has minimal interest. 1;. &* researchers +ant t$ increase the applicability $* their case study *indings t$ $ther settings) it is n$t +ise t$ a. b. c. d. study an atypical case. :se a multiple-case design. 7$mpare their case t$ similar cases studied by $ther researchers. !r$(ide a thick descripti$n $* their case.

<i 2ediakan $leh: !r$*. adya <r. -uhizan $hamad =asin

PANDUAN UNTUK TUTOR S" * t&*#.-&*# /&*t0*# '* "#*# &#t&0 -e *1*r t&tor"* 2*'"#$32*'"#$ 4t"5*0 ter2*'&0 /*h*$"*#. 2&0*'&r*t "#" 6 J*!*-*# 'o* *#3 'o* *# #o2/or 134 /o eh 5"5*-*t" 5*r"-*5* 2*#*32*#* /&0& r&1&0*# 2etho5 of e5&(*t"o#* re'e*r(h+ -ujukan yang digunakan ialah: >all. ?.!) >all.) . < @ #$rg. 2;;%. )pplying Educational *esearch: ) practical guide (+ifth Ed,), !ears$n 1ducati$n) &nc. J*!*-*# 'o* *# o/1e0t"f %. 7 /. < 5. 7 6. < 8. A 1;. A

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