Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum - Edition 095

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Edition: 095

3. ~fu;uhu;|

`p[;hp 1> Jy;fmjh ( 623 Nk) khjk; ~fu;uhu;| vd;w ,lj;jpw;F
]mJ ,g;D mgP tf;fh]; (uop) jiyikapy; gilg; gphpT xd;iw
egp (]y;) mDg;gpdhu;fs;. Fiw\pfspd; tpahghuf; $l;lj;ij
,ilkwpg;gjw;fhfg; Gwg;gl;l ,tu;fsplk; ~fu;uhu;| vd;w ,lj;ij
jhz;br; nry;yf; $lhJ vd egp (]y;) mtu;fs; typAWj;jpdhu;fs;.
,e;jg; gil fhy;eilahfNt nrd;wJ. gfypy; gJq;FtJk; ,utpy;
elg;gJkhf tpahod; fhiy fu;uhiu mile;jJ. Mdhy;> me;j
tpahghuf; $l;lNkh ,tu;fs; nrd;wiltjw;F xU ehs;
Kd;djhfNt me;j ,lj;ijf; fle;J nrd;W tpl;bUe;jjhy;>
,tu;fs; rz;ilapd;wpj; jpUk;gpdu;.

,e;jg; gilapd; nfhb nts;is epwkhf ,Ue;jJ. ,ij kpf;jhj;

,g;D mk;u; (uop) Ve;jpapUe;jhu;fs;.

4) ~mg;th| (m) ~tj;jhd;|

`p[; 2> ]/gu; ( 623 Mf];L) khjk; egp (]y;) mtu;fs; 70
K`h[pu;fSld; Fiw\pfspd; tpahghuf; $l;lj;ij ,il
kwpg;gjw;fhf ~my;mg;th| my;yJ ~tj;jhd;| vd;w ,lj;ij Nehf;fpr;
nrd;whu;fs;. Mdhy;> rz;il VJk; eilngwtpy;iy. ,e;jg;
NghUf;Fr; nry;tjw;F Kd; egp (]y;) mtu;fs; ]mJ ,g;D
cghjhit kjPdhtpy; jdf;Ff; fyP/ghthf (gpujpepjpahf)
Mf;fpdhu;fs;. ,e;j Nghhpd; NghJ ~ok;uh| fpisapdhpd; jiytuhd

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mk;u; ,g;D kf;\p vd;gtUld; el;G cld;gbf;if nra;jhu;fs;.

me;j cld;gbf;ifapy; vOjg;gl;ljhtJ:

',J my;yh`;tpd; J}juhfpa K`k;kJ ~ok;uh| fpisapdUld;

nra;Ak; xg;ge;jk;. ok;uh fpisapdu; jq;fsJ capu;> nghUs;
midj;jpYk; ghJfhg;Gg; ngw;wtu;fNs! mtu;fsplk; rz;il
nra;gtu;fis ehq;fSk; vjpu;g;Nghk;. rz;il nra;gtu;fSf;F
vjpuhf mtu;fSf;F cjtp nra;Nthk;. ,tu;fs; ,];yhkpa
khu;f;fj;jpw;F vjpuhf Nghhpy; <Lglf; $lhJ. mt;thNw egp (]y;)
cjtpf;fhf mioj;jhy; mtu;fSk; cjt tuNtz;Lk;. fly;
tw;wpdhYk; ,e;j cld;gbf;if epiyj;jpUf;Fk;."

,Jjhd; egp (]y;) mtu;fs; fye;J nfhz;l Kjy; NghuhFk;. egp

(]y;) mtu;fs; ,e;jg; gazj;jpy; gjpide;J ehl;fs; kjPdhtpw;F
ntspapy; ,Ue;jhu;fs;. ,e;jg; NghhpYk; nts;isf; nfhbNa
gad;gLj;jg;gl;lJ. mij `k;[h ,g;D mg;Jy; Kj;jypg; (uop)

5) ~g+thj;'

`p[; 2> ugPTy; mt;ty; ( 623 nrg;lk;gu;) khjk; egp (]y;)
jq;fsJ 200 Njhou;fSld; Fiw\pfspd; tpahghuf; $l;lj;ij
topkwpg;gjw;fhfr; nrd;whu;fs;. ,e;j tpahghuf; $l;lj;jpy; cka;ah
,g;D fy/Gk; E}W Fiw\pfSk; ,Ue;jdu;. ,tu;fSld; 2500
xl;lfq;fs; ,Ue;jd. egp (]y;) mtu;fs; ~uo;th| vd;w
kiyf;fUfpy; cs;s ~g+thj;| vd;w ,lk; tiu nrd;whu;fs;. Mdhy;>
tpahghuf; $l;lk; me;j ,lj;ij Kd;$l;bNa fle;J tpl;ljhy;
rz;il VJk; eilngwtpy;iy.

,e;jg; NghUf;F egp (]y;) nry;Yk; NghJ kjPdhtpy; ]mJ ,g;D

KMij gpujpepjpahf epakpj;jhu;fs;. ,g;NghhpYk; nts;is epwf;
nfhbNa gad;gLj;jg;gl;lJ. mij ]mJ ,g;D mgP tf;fh]; (uop)


3. In Dhul Qa‘dah 1 A.H., i.e. May 623 A.D. the Prophet [pbuh] despatched Sa‘d bin
Abi Waqqas at the head of 20 horsemen, and instructed them not to go beyond
Al-Kharrar. After a five-day march they reached the spot to discover that the
camels of Quraish had left the day before; their flag, as usual, was white and
carried by Al-Miqdad bin ‘Amr.

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4. Ghazwa Al-Abwa’ or Waddan. It was in Safar 2 A.H., i.e. 623 A.D. The Messenger
of Allâh [pbuh] set out himself at the head of 70 men, mostly Emigrants, to
intercept a camel caravan belonging to Quraish, leaving behind Sa‘d bin
‘Ubadah to dispose the affairs in Madinah. When he reached Waddan, a place
between Makkah and Madinah, he found none.

In the process of this campaign, he contracted a non-aggression pact with ‘Amr

bin Makhshi Ad-Damari. The provisions of the pact go as follows:

"This is a document from Muhammad, the Messenger of Allâh concerning Bani

Damrah in which he established them safe and secure in their wealth and lives.
They can expect support from the Muslims unless they oppose the religion of
Allâh. They are also expected to respond positively in case the Prophet sought
their help.[]"

This was the first invasion under the leadership of the Messenger of Allâh. It took
fifteen days, with a white flag carried by Hamzah bin ‘Abdul Muttalib.

5. Buwat Invasion. It took place in Rabi‘ Al-Awwal 2 A.H., i.e. 623 A.D. The Prophet
[pbuh], at the head of 200 companions, marched for Buwat to intercept a
caravan belonging to Quraish comprising 100 Quraishites, Omaiya bin Khalaf
among them, and 2500 camels. When he reached Buwat, the caravan had left.
Before leaving Madinah, he mandated Sa‘d bin Mu‘adh to dispose the affairs
until his return.

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