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ADVANCE BILL (To be filled by School/ Division/Centre ..) Financial Year Head of Account Budget Allocation Rs.

Amount so far spent Rs.

Code No./ Sub-head/ Sl No. of Advance entry

Date of advance

Head under which advance required

Amount of Advance Rs.

Please arrange to pay/ Advance Rs. To .. Dated . Date No. of Sub Voucher Particulars for invoice(s) No . enclosed in original Amount (Rs.)


1. Specific sanction by VC dated.. for drawl of Advance is enclosed. 2. The expenditure involved in this bill is in the interest of the University and will be incurred as per rules duly following the prescribed procedure and as per the approved rates/ charges. 3. The advance will be adjusted within one month and no second advance will be drawn till present advance is settled.. The above conditions have been personally satisfied by me and I will be accountable with reference to each of the above certifications.

Drawing Officer (Signature with seal)


Date.. Advance Register Sl. No. Head of Account. Sub Head Passed for Pay/Advance Rs. (Rupees.)

Net Amount Payable

Disbursing Officer

TO ..

CONTINGENT BILL (To be filled by School/ Division/Centre ..) Financial Year Head of Account Budget Allocation Rs.

Amount so far spent Rs.

Code No./ Sub-head

Please arrange to pay Rs. . To .. Dated . Date No. of Sub Voucher for invoice(s) No . enclosed in original Amount (Rs.)


I have personally verified the facts and figures stated in the Contingent Bill and to the best of my knowledge and belief the payments entered in the Bill are correct I further certify that:
1. Relevant Rules and procedure as per the GFR 2005 have been followed. Expenditure is being charged against the Budget head and funds are available under the same. 2. That purchase of .. Nos. of . for Rs. each was approved by the (VC/Registrar/Dean) who is the competent authority to approve it vide notes on Pages... of file no. and concurred by Finance Division vide notes on Pages.. in the same file (copy enclosed). 3. Condition stipulated by the Finance Division at the time of concurrence of the proposal have been duly complied with and vouchers have been signed by the authorised signatory. 4. The expenditure included in this bill could not with due regard to the interest of the University, be avoided. Sub-voucher for all the sums are attached to this bill. 5. The purchase billed for, have been received in good order and according to the specifications mentioned in the supply order, their quantities and quality are correct and good and have been taken into Stock/Asset Register.

6. All the overhead charges i.e. loading, packing, sales tax etc. as claimed by the suppliers are in accordance with their quotation as accepted.

Drawing Officer (Signature with seal)


ECR Sl. No/Date

Head of Account/Sub Head.

Passed for Pay/Adjustment Rs. (Rupees.)

Less: TDS @ Less: TDS @ Net Amount Payable

% Rs.. % Rs..

Disbursing Officer

TO ..

ADJUSTMENT BILL (To be filled by School/ Division/Centre ..) Financial Year Head of Account Budget Allocation Rs. Code No./ Sub-head

Amount so far spent Rs. Date of advance Head under which advance drawn

Amount of Advance Rs.

Refund Rs.

Adjustment Rs.

Please arrange to pay/ Adjustment Rs. To .. Dated . Date No. of Sub Voucher for invoice(s) No . enclosed in original Amount (Rs.)


1. Certified that purchase of .. Nos. of. Rs.. each was approved by (VC/Registrar/Dean) who is the competent authority to approve it vide notes on pages.. of file No. and concurred by Finance Division vide notes on page in the same file. 2. Certified that relevant rules and procedures as per the GFR 2005 have been followed and expenditure has been incurred only for the purpose for which the advance was drawn all the conditions attached to the advance and prescribed norms of expenditure have duly been complied with. 3. Certified that the bill is accompanied by relevant receipts and deduction schedules of various tax liability, duly signed by the authorised signatory. 4. (a) Certified that the purchases billed for have been received in good order and according to the specifications mentioned in the supply order, their quantities and quality are correct and good and the articles have been entered in to the Stock/Asset Register. (b) Certified that the services billed for have been rendered as per conditions stipulated in the order and the rates.

5. Certified that the vouchers are original and in order and there are no omissions and the corrections, if any, are attested by me. Sub-vouchers/cash memos for all the relevant amount(s) is/are attached to the bill duly verified by the authorised officer. 6. Certified that the balance amount/refund/excess advance, along with interest, if any is deposited vide receipt No. . Dated

The above conditions have been personally satisfied by me and I will be accountable with reference to each of the above certifications.

Drawing Officer (Signature with seal)


ECR Sl. No. Head of Account. Sub Head


Passed for Pay/Adjustment Rs. (Rupees.)

Less: TDS @ Less: TDS @

% Rs.. % Rs..

Net Amount Payable Disbursing Officer TO ..

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