Archangel Chakra Prayer

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Archangel Chakra Prayer

This is a prayer that you can affirm as often as you want to connect with the energies of the
Archangels and higher beings. There is one Archangel or Higher Being for each of the
chakras. I always use this prayer during my own spiritual work and my group channels. The
colours of the paragraphs correspond to the colours of the chakras.
I call on Archangel Michael to assist me in opening and maintaining my root chakra. Thank
you Archangel Michael for helping me stay grounded in this world. I thank you, for helping
me walk on the easy path of life, as I get closer to the fulfilment of my purpose. I thank you,
Archangel Michael.
I call on Archangel Metatron to assist me in opening and maintaining my sacral chakra.
Thank you Archangel Metatron for helping me recognize my physical and emotional needs. I
call on you to assist me whenever I am out of balance. I thank you for reminding me to
choose joy for each day of my life. I thank you, Archangel Metatron.
I call on Archangel Uriel to assist me in opening and maintaining my solar plexus chakra.
Thank you Archangel Uriel for reminding me to use my power. I call on you to help me
remember to breathe. I am asking for you to strengthen the connection to the Source of all
life. Each day with your help I strive to keep fear out of my thoughts. I thank you that I now
understand who I truly am. I thank you, Archangel Uriel.
I call on Archangel Raphael to assist me in opening and maintaining my heart chakra. Thank
you Archangel Raphael for reminding me that the Source's love and light is a part of me as I
am a part of Him. As I accept more of this love and light, I am filled to overflowing and
choose to share that light with others. I call on you to assist me to heal and move past
anything that is not of the highest light.
I thank you,
Archangel Raphael.
I call on Archangel Gabriel to assist me in opening and maintaining my throat chakra. Thank
you Archangel Gabriel for reminding me to speak my truth and honour my needs. I call on
you to help me know when to speak and when to listen. I choose now to see the truth, hear
the truth, speak the truth, feel the truth to be truth each day of my life. I thank you, Archangel
I call on the Shekhinah, the feminine face of the Source to assist me in opening and
maintaining my brow chakra. Thank you Shekhinah for assisting me with gaining spiritual
knowledge, intuition and growing in the strength of the power that is rightfully mine. I call on
you to remind me that the people I meet each day have a specific purpose for their life also. I
recognize they are a part of the Divine; which makes them a part of me, as we are all One. I
thank you, Shekhinah.
I call on the Christ Light to assist me in opening and maintaining my crown chakra. Thank
you Christ Light for this permanent connection of light flowing through me in a stronger way
each day.
I now allow this light to heal every aspect of my soul. I call on you to remind me to share this
bright light with others each day as I walk through my life.
I recognize that I am always connected to the Source and choose to walk in that light more
consciously. I thank you, Christ Light.

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