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Compiled by
With the Collaboration of
E l i n o r M u l l e t t H u s s e l m a n
L o u i s e A. Sh i e r
Ann Arbor
University of Michigan Press
New York
Copyri ght, 1950
Uni versi ty of Mi chi gan Press
Pri nted and L i thopri nted in U.S.A.
Ann Arbor, Mi chi gan
LC 50-9819
Reprinted with the permission of the original publisher
A U.S. Di vi sion of Kraus-Thomson Organi zation Limited
Printed in U.S.A.
Pr o f e s s o r E m e r i t u s W i l l i a m H o y t W o r r e l l
this volume
which owes its inception
to his inspiration and teaching
and its completion
to his interest and encouragement
is afectionately dedicated
by its compilers
his former students
The f ol l ow i n g bi bl i ogr aph y was pl anned t o fu r n i sh the C opt i c sch ol ar wi th a con
sei l l en t and compact gui de t o pr i nt ed mater i al s l n the var l ous su bj ect di vi si on s of hl s
f i e l d . I t l s 11ml ted t o pu bl i cat i on s of C opt i c t ex t s , and t o books and a r t i cl es on
C opt i c ph i l ol ogy, l i t er a t u r e, h i st or y , r el i gi on and a r t . I t does not i ncl ude a i l the
au xi l i ar y l i t er a t u r e of I n t er est t o students of C opt i c, sl nce a compr ehensi ve l i s t i n g
of such suppl ementar y mat er i al s, however desl r abl e, woul d extend the work beyond pr ac-
t l ca bl e bounds. I n accor dance wi th these 11ml t s, the f ol l ow i n g su bj ect s ar e gener al l y
excl uded: a r t i cl es i n whi ch C opt i c l s used oni y t o cl a r i f y E gypti an or Greek; par al l ai s
t o C opt i c t ext s i n other l anguages; h i s t or i ca l mater l al on C hr i st i an E gypt when l t con
cerna Greek or Roman admi ni st r at i on; the l anguage and l i t er a t u r e of A r abl e C hr i st i an
E gypt; E t hi opi e t ext s of the C opt i c chur ch of E t hi opi a; and mater l al on the modem
C opt i c chur ch, esp ecl a l l y when i t r el at es t o uni on wi th the C at hol l c chur ch.
The works l l s t ed i n the bi bl i ogr aph y ar e ar r anged accor dl ng t o su bj ect under
the f i v e br oad headl ngs of Gener al Wor ks. P h i l ol ogy. T ext s. H i st or y. and Ar t and Archae
ol ogy. The compl t cl a s s i f i ca t i on scheme l s l n di cat ed l n the t abl e of cont ent s.
A book whi ch bel ongs l n more than one su bj ect d i v i si on l s l l s t ed under i t s main sub
j ect , and r efer en ce l s made t o t h l s I tem number under the addi t i on al su bj ect headl ngs.
any en t r l es ar e suppl l ed wi th annotati ons whi ch ar e l nfor mat l ve r ather than c r i t i c a l ,
and r efer enees t o r evi ews ar e i ndi eat ed where they seem i mpor tant, al though ther e has
been no attempt t o l l s t a i l the r evi ews of any wor k. Sour ce mater i al s l n l anguages
other than C opt i c, and standar d works whi ch have appear ed l n numerous di t i on s are
l l s t ed l n the most r ecent or most aval l abl e di t i on on i y, wi th b r l ef menti on of other
di t i on s.
A l though l t was or l gl n a l l y pl anned t o make the bi bl i ogr aph y compl t through
1948, and t o r ead, exami ne or v er i f y f u l l y ever y book or a r t i cl e l l s t ed , the eompl l er s
ar e aware that the work as i t now appears f a l l s sh or t of that goal . Compl t v r i f i
cat i on of some of the more obscur e i tems woul d have del ayed s t i l l fu r t her an al r eady
overdue pu bl i cat i on , as woul d the syst ematl c I n vest i gat i on of mater i al s publ i shed l n
l anguages unfami l i ar t o wester p bi bl i ogr aph i cal sou r ces, sueh as Russl an and A r abl e.
Such works ar e l l s t ed as they were found i n bi bl i ogr aph i es and other sou r ces. P u bl i
cat i ons fr om abr oad, dur i ng and f ol l ow i n g the war year s, were so d i f f i cu l t t o obt ai n
that most of the I tems f or the per i od 1940 t o 1948 ar e drawn fr om bi bl i ogr aph i es, and
ar e l ar gel y u n ver l f l ed. M ater l al l s al r eady bel ng col l ect ed at the U n l ver si t y, l ook -
i ng towards a r evl sed di t i on of the bi bl i ogr aph y, l n whi ch these and othfer f au l t s
whi ch may r eveal themsel ves thr ough use may be cor r ect ed.
The bi bl i ogr aph y coul d scar cel y have r eached the poi nt of pu bl i cat i on wl thout
the u nst i n t i ng I n t er est and suppor t of Dr. Wi l l i am Hoyt W or r el l , P r ofessor -E mer i tus
of the Department of O r i ent al L anguages and L l t er at ur es at the U nl ver si t y of M l chl gan.
Dr. W or r el l took the pr oj ect ed work under hi s car e fr om the begi nnl ng, and obtal ned
fr om the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate St udl es of the U nl ver si t y l i b r a l gr ants
f or the suppor t of the work,
I n the I n i t i a l gather l ng of r efer enees we had val uabl e h el p. The l at e Dr. Henry
H yvernat gener ousl y pl aced at our di sposai the unfl nl shed C opti e bi bl i ogr aph y whi eh had
been compl l ed by many hands at the C at h ol l c U nl ver si t y of A mer i ca, and fr om l t we ob
tal ned many I tems, esp ecl a l l y among the ol der wor ks, whi ch mi ght other wi se have been
over l ook ed. Dr. J ean Simon of the V ati can gave i nval uabl e ai d fn suppl yl ng us wi th
a l i s t of r ecen t pu bl i cat i on s on the C onti nent. Dr. A. Arthur S ch i l l er of Col umbi a Uni
ver si t y l en t us the bi bl i ogr aph y whi ch he had formed f or hl s own use, and whl eh was
par t i cu l ar l y compl t i n l ga l documents and C opt i c ^aw. Another unpubl i shed C opti c
l i s t was sent t o us by the l at e Rev. P . H. H al l ock , who had pr epar ed l t f or hl s own
r esar ch. And we have drawn h eavi l y upon a i l pr i nted C opti e bi bl i ogr aph i es.
We ar e par t i cu l ar l y gr at ef u l t o F ather T heodore P eter sen and F ather P at r i ck
Skehan, of the C at h ol l c U n l ver si t y, f or the gener ous hel p we r ecel ved l n our work i n
the H yvernat C ol l ect i on , and t o the s t a f f s of the Whl te P ol k L ore C ol l ect i on at the
C l evel and P ubl i e L i br ar y, and of the L i br ar y of the Or i ental I n3 t i t u t e at the U ni ver -
s i t y of C hi cago.
Dr. Wi l l i am Warner B i shop, L i br ar i an E merl tus of the U nl ver si t y of Mi-chigan L i
br ar y, gave encouragement and p r act i cal ai d t o the pr oJ ect i n i t s ear l y st ages. When
the war was over and pu bl i cat i on became possi bl e, Dr. Warner Gr enel l e R i ce, D i r eet or
of the U nl ver si t y of M l chl gan L i br ar y, gener ousl y took up the burden of ar r angi ng f or
the compl etl on and pu bl i cat i on of the bi bl i ogr aph y. To a i l the above, the compi l er a
wi sh t o expr ess t h ei r warm appr ci at i on and gr at i t u de.
D t r oi t , M l chl gan Wi nl fr ed Kammerer
December, 1949
v i l
P r fac .................................................................................. v i l
A bbr evl atl ons ................................................................... x i
B i bl i ogr aphy ...................................................................... 1
C opti c Studl es
H i s t or y ............................................................................ 2
Methods ............................................................................. 3
C opt i c S ch ol ar s. B l o-bi bl i ogr aphy .................... 3
M anuscr i pt C ol l ect i on s
P l nds, P ur chases, A nci ent C ol l ect i on s . . . 5
Gui des ............................................................................... 6
Catal ogs .......................................................................... 6
Gener al Works ................................................................... 11
Comparati ve P h i l ol ogy ................................................ 13
D i ct l on ar i es ...................................................................... 14
V ocabul ar i es, W or d-l i st s ......................................... 15
P er sonal Names ................................................................. 15
Btymol ogy ............................................................................. 16
Grammar .................................................................................. 19
Chr estomathl es ................................................................. 21
M or phol ogy, Syntax ....................................................... 22
P honol ogy ............................................................................. 25
D l al ect s ................................................................................ 2V
Greek Words l n C opti c ................................................ 28
P al aeogr aphy ...................................................................... 29
A bbr evl atl ons ................................................................... 30
H i stor y of C opti c L i t er atur e ................................ 30
C ol l ect i on s ........................................................................ 32
B i bl e
V er si ons, M anuscri pts ............................................ 36
Se l e c t l ons ...................................................................... 37
Old Testament ............................................................... 39
P en t at eu ch ................................................................. 40
H i st or i cal Books ................................................... 41
J ob .................................................................................. 41
Psalms ........................................................................... 42
P r over bs ...................................................................... 43
P r ophets ...................................................................... 44
Minor P r ophets ....................................................... 44
Apocrypha .............................................................. 45
P seudepl gr apha ........................................................ 45
New Testament ............................................................... 47
Gospel s ........................................................................ 48
Matthew ................................................................... 49
M ar k ........................................................................... 49
Luke ........................................................................... 50
J ohn ........................................................................... 50
A cts ............................................................................... 50
E pi st l es of P aul .................................................. 51
C at hol l c E pi st l es ................................................ 52
R vl ati on ................................................................. 52
Apocrypha ................................................................... 52
Apocr yphal Acts and Apocal ypses ............... 53
Apocr yphal Gospel s . ......................................... 54
Apocr yphal E pi st l es ............................................ 56
E ar l y C hr i st i an L i t er at ur e i n C opt i c
C ol l ect i on s ....................................................... .. 57
By Author ........................................................................ 58
U ni den t i fi ed ................................................................. 66
Church D i sci pl i n e and H i stor y ............................. 67
Dl dache ............................................................................. 67
A post ol i c C onst i t ut i ons ....................................... 68
Church D i sci pl i n e and H i stor y (con t .)
C ouncl l of N l caea ................................................ 69
C ouncl l of Ephesus .............................................. 70
Canons of Athanasi us ......................................... 71
Canons of Bas 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Martyrdoms and L l ves of Sai nts
and Church F ather s
C ol l ect i on s ............................................................... 71
By Name ........................................................................ 72
L i tur gy
E uchol ogl on and Other R i tes ........................ 81
Cal endar and Synaxary ....................................... 86
H or ol ogl on ................................................................. 87
L ecti onar y ................................................................. 87
Hymns ............................................................................. 88
T heotokl a .................................................................... 90
P r ayer s ........................................................................ 91
Gnos t i c i s m ...................................................................... 91
P i st i s Sophi a .......................................................... 93
Bruce Codex ............................................................... 94
B er l i n T ext ............................................................... 95
M yster i es of Greek L ett er s ........................... 95
Mani chae i s m .................................................................... 95
Magic .................................................................................. 97
Old C opt i c ...................................................................... 100
L egends and F ol k L i t er atur e ............................. 101
Al exander Romance ................................................ 103
Cambyses Romance ................................................... 103
Poe t r y ................................................................................ 104
S chool T exts .'............................................................... 104
G l ossar i es and Scal ae ............................................ 105
M edi ci ne and Sci ence .............................................. 105
I n scr i pt i on s ................................................................. 106
Documents and L ett er s ............................................ 111
M l scel l aneous Revi ews ............................................ 117
General H i stor y .......................................................... 118
Chr onol ogy ...................................................................... 120
The C opts. E thnography, et c................................ 120
Law ....................................................................................... 122
Geography ........................................................................ 123
C opti c Church
D oct r i n e, T heol ogy .............................................. 124
E gypti an I nfl uence .............................................. 126
R el l gi ous L i fe and Customs ........................... 126
C opti c Church H i stor y ............................................ 127
P atr i ar chs and Bl shops ..................................... 133
M onast i ci sm.................................................................... 135
B i bl i ogr aphy ................................................................. 139
E xcavati ons and A r ch aeol ogi cal Remains . . 139
A r ch i t ect u r e. Churches and M onaster l es . . 143
A r t Musums and C ol l ect i on s ............................. 146
C opt i c Ar t
Gener al Works .......................................................... 148
S u bj ect s, Themes, and Desi gns .................... 150
T ext i l es ...................................................................... 151
Minor A r ts ............................................................ .... 156
F ur ni tur e and Obj ecta of D ai l y Use . . . . 159
S cul pt ur e, R el i ef s , Grave St el ae ............. 159
I vor y and Bone C a r v l n g..................................... 161
P ai nti ng and Drawl ng ......................................... 161
M i ni atur es ................................................................. 162
Bookbi ndl ng ............................................................... 163
I ndex .................................................................................. 165
l x
C .R ........................ .............................................................. C r i t i ca l r evi ew ( of a pu bl i cat i on l l s t ed i n the
bi bl i ogr aph y)
P er i odi cal s
A c. bel g. B u l l ............................................................ Acadmie r oyal e des sci en ces, des l et t r es , et des
beaux-ar ts de B el gi que, B r ussel s. B u l l et i n .
A c. l n scr . CR............................................................... Acadmie des I n scr i pt i on s et bel l es l et t r es . P ar i s.
Comptes r endus.
A c. l n scr . H i st . ..................................................... Same. H i st oi r e et mmoi res.
Ac. l n scr . Mm............................................................ Same. Mmoi res.
A c. i n scr . I n st . F r . Mm.................................... Acadmie des I n scr i pt i on s et bel l es l et t r es de l ' i n
s t i t u t de F r ance. Mmoi res.
A cc. e bl b. d 'I t a l l a ............................................ Accademl e e bl bl l ot ech e d 'I t a l l a .
A cc. L i n cei . A t t l ........................ .......................... R. Accademl a nazi onal e del L i n cei . Rome. Cl asse dl
scl enze mor al i . A t t l .
A cc. L i n cei . Rend..................................................... Same. R endl contl .
Ata ar ch........................................................................ A cta ar chaeol ogl ca.
A cta or ............................................................................. Acta or l en t al l a.
Am. h l s t . r ev............................................................... Ameri can h i s t or i ca l r vi ew.
Am. J . ar ch.................................................................... Ameri can j our nal of ar chaeol ogy.
Am. J . p h i l ................................................................... Ameri can J our nal of ph i l ol ogy.
Am. J . Sem. l ang........................................................ Ameri can J our nal of Ser ai tl c l anguages and l i t er a t u r es.
Am. J . t h eol ................................................................. Ameri can J our nal of theol ogy.
Am. or . soc. J ............................................................ Ameri can or i en t al soci et y. J our nal .
Am. ph i l . assoc. T r ans......................................... Ameri can p h i l ol ogi ca l associ at i on . T r ansacti ons.
Am. sch. or . r es. Annual .................................. Ameri can school s of or i en t al r esear ch. Annual .
A nal . B ol l ...................................................................... A nal ecta B ol l andi ana.
A nci ent E g...................................................................... A nci ent E gypt. '
Anec. oxon. Sem.......................................................... Anecdota oxonl ensl a. Seml tl c sr i s.
Ang. t h eol . r ev.......................................................... A ngl i can t h eol ogl cal r evi ew.
Angel os .......... . .............................................................. "AyreXos
Ann. ar ch. anthr op................................................... Annals of ar chaeol ogy and anthr opol ogy.
Ann. du S er vi ce ........................................................ E gypt. S er vi ce des an t i qu i t s. Annal es.
Anti ke
Anti ke u. Chr ................. ............................................ Anti ke und Chr i stentum.
A nti qui ty
A r . aeg. ar ch............................................................... A r chl v f r aegypti sche ar ch aeol ogl e.
Ar . f . buchbi nder ei .............................................. A r chi v f r buchbi nder ei .
Ar . or ................................................................................ A r chi v or l en t l n l .
Ar . r el i g ............ . ........................................ ................ A r chi v fr r el l gl on sw l ssen sch af t .
A r bel tsgemel n. ag. u. a f r i k . S ch r i f t . . . A r bel tsgemel nschaft der i gyptol ogen und af r l k an l st en .
S ch r i f t en .
Ar ch. anz........................................................................ A r chaeol ogl scher anzel ger .
A r ch. j ............................................................................. A r ch aeol ogi cal j ou r nal .
A r chaeol ogl a
Ars i sl aml ca
A r t and a r ch ................................................................ Ar t and ar cheol ogy.
A r t b u l l ........................................................................... A r t bu l l et i n .
A sl at . r ev...................................................................... A si at i c (qu ar t er l y) r evi ew.
B ei t r . assyr ................................................................. B ei tr age zur a s sy r i ol ogi e.
B er l . ak. Abh............................................................... Akademle der wl ssenschaft en, B er l i n . Abhandl ungen.
(A f t er 1908, Abhandlungen of the P h i l ol ogl sch -
h l st or l sch e k l a s s e. )
B er l . ak. B er ............................................................... Same. B er l cht e.
B er l . ak. J ahr b.......................................................... Same. J ahr buch.
B er l . ak. Monatsb..................................................... Same. M onatsber l chte.
B er l , ak. S i t zb.......................................................... Same. S l t zu ngsber l ch t e. (A ft er 1921, Sl tzungber l chte
of the P h i l ol ogi sch -h i st or i sch e k l asse.
B er l i ner mus................................................................. B er l i ner museen.
B essar i one
B l b. g............................................................................. B i bl i othque gypt ol ogi qu e.
B i b. tud. copte ..................................................... C ai r o. I n st i t u t fr an ai s d'ar ch ol ogi e or i en t al e.
. B i bl i othque des tudes copt es.
B l b. hagl og. or .......................................................... B i bl i ot hque hagi ogr aphi que or i en t al e.
B l bl l ca
B l bl l sche z ................................................................... B l bl l sche z el t s ch r l f t .
B r i t , ac. P r oc............................................................ B r i t i sh academy. P r oceedl ngs .
x l l
B r i t . mus. quar t........................................................ B r i t i sh musum qu ar t er l y.
B r i t . sch. ar ch. l n E g. Pub............................. B r i t i sh sch ool of ar chaeol ogy l n E gypt. P u bl i cat i on s.
B r uss. U ni v. I n st . p h i l . Annuai re ............ B r ussel s. U ni ver si t l i b r e. I n st i t u t de ph i l ol ogi e
et d 'h i s t oi r e or i en t al es. Annuai re.
B u l l . anc. l i t t . chr . ........................ . .............. B u l l et i n d'anci enne l i t t r at u r e chr ti enne.
B u l l , cr i t i qu e .......................................................... B u l l et i n cr i t i qu e.
B u l l , de cor r esp. a f r l c ....................................... A l gi er s. U n i ver si t . F acul t des l et t r es . B u l l et i n de
# cor r espondance af r i cai n e.
B u l l , de cor r esp. h el l n .................................... B u l l et i n de cor r espondance h el l n i qu e.
B u l l , de l i t t r a t u r e eccl si ast i qu e
B ur l . mag........................................................................ B ur l i ngton magazi ne.
B yz.-neugr . J ahrb..................................................... B yzanti nl sch-neugr l echl sche J ahr bcher .
Byz. z ............................................................................... B yzantl nl sche z ei t s ch r i f t .
Byzanti on
C at hol l c unl v. B u l l ................................................ C at hol l c u n l ver si t y. B u l l et i n .
C at hol l c wor l d.
C hi c. U ni v. Or. I n st . Comm................................ Chi cago. U nl ver si t y. Or i ental i n st i t u t e. Communi
cat i ons .
C hi c. U ni v. Or. I n st . Pub.................................. Same. P u bl i cat i on s.
Chron. d'E g.................................................................... Chroni que d'E gypte.
Church quar t, r ev..................................................... Church quar t er l y r evl ew.
C l ass. p h i l .................................................................... C l assl cal ph i l ol ogy.
C l ass. r ev...................................................................... C l assl cal r evl ew.
Cor p. s cr i p t , ch r i st , or . C opt...................... Corpus scr i ptor um chr i sti anor um or l ent al i um. S cr i p-
t or es cop t l ci .
Cor p. s cr i p t , eccl . l a t i n ................................ Corpus scr i ptor um eccl esi ast i cor u m l atl nor um.
Danske vi densk . sel sk ab. Meddel .................... Danske vl denskaber nes sel sk ab. His t . - f l l o l o g .
mddel el ser .
Deut. ar ch, I n st . J ahr b....................................... Deutsches ar chaeol ogl sches I n st i t u t ( A r chaeol ogl sches
i n st i t u t des Deutschen R ei ch s). J ahrbuch.
Deut. i n st . aeg. al ter tumsk. M i t t ............ .. Deutsches i n s t i t u t fr aegypti sche al ter tumskunde l n
K ai r o. M l tt ei l ungen.
Deut. l i t . z ................................................................. Deutsche l l t er at u r zel t u i i g.
Deut. morg. gesel l s . Z......................................... Deutsche mor genl ndl sche gesel l sch a f t . Z ei t s ch r i f t .
Deut. ver . buchw. s ch r l f t . Z........................... Deutscher ver el n f r buchwesen und schr l ft t um.
Z ei t s ch r i f t .
D i dask al el on
D i scover y
Doc. l nd. h i s t . chr .............................................. Documents I ndi t s pour ser vi r a l 'h l s t ol r e du
chr i st i ani sme en or i en t (XVI -XI X s . ) .
Dubl i n r ev...................................................................... Dubl i n r evl ew.
col e haut, tudes. B i b....................................... P ar i s. E col e pr ati que des hautes tudes. B i bl i ot hque.
E g. expi . soc. Ar . r p t ......................................... E gypt expl or at i on soci et y . A r chaeol ogi cal r epor t .
E g. expi . soc. Mem................................................... Same. Memolrs.
E g. expi . soc. Graeco-Rom. mem...................... Same. Graeco-Roman memol rs.
E g. r el i g ........................................................................ gyptl an r el i gi on .
E tudes ............................................................................. E tudes (P r es de l a Compagnie de J sus)
tudes g........................................................................ tudes gypt ol ogi qu es.
F or sch. u. f or t sch r ................................................. F orschungen und f or t s ch r i t t e.
Gaz. beaux-ar ts ........................................................ Gazette des beaux-ar ts.
G ott. gel . anz............................................................. G ottl ngi sche gel ehr t e anzei gen.
G ott. ges el l s . Abh................................................... G esel l sch aft der wl ssenschaften zu G ottl ngen. Abhand-
l ungen. (A ft er 1896, P h l l ol ogi sch -h i st or i sch e kl asse)
G ott. ges el l s . Nachr.............................................. Same. N achr i chten. (A ft er 1894, P h l l ol ogi sch -
h i st or i sch e k l asse)
Groupe l l n g. tudes cham.-sem. CR............... Groupe l i n gu i st i qu e d't udes chami t o-semi ti ques.
C ompte s r endus.
Harv. t h eol . r ev........................................................ Harvard t h eol ogl cal r evl ew.
H el d. ak. Abh............................................................... H ei del ber ger akademle der wl ssenschaft en. P h i l oso-
ph l sch -h i st or l sch e k l asse. Abhandl ungen.
H el d. ak. S i t z b.......................................................... Same. S l t zu ngsber l ch t e.
H el d. pap. V er of f ..................................................... H ei del ber g. U n i ver si t at . Papyrus i n s t i t u t . V er f f en t -
l i chungen aus der H ei del ber ger papyrussamml ung.
B l bber t J ........................................................................ H i bber t j ou r nal .
I l l u s . L ond. n ew s................................................... I l l u st r at ed L ondon news.
I n st . d'E g. B u l l ........................................................ I n st i t u t d'E gypt e, C ai r o. B u l l et i n .
I n st . d' g. Mm.......................................................... Same. Mmoi res.
ttsfc. f r . ar ch. or . B u l l .................................... C al r o. I n st i t u t f r an ai s d'ar ch ol ogi e or i en t al e.
B u l l et i n . *
I s s t . f r . ar ch. or . Mm....................................... Same. Mmoi res.
J itrat. h i s t . bel ge de Rome. B u l l .................... I n st i t u t h i st or i qu e B el ge de Rome. B u l l et i n .
I e. cong. ar ch.......................................................... I n t er nat i on al congr ess of ar cheol ogy and h i st or y .
Un*, cong. Byz. st ud.............................................. Congrs i n t er n at i on al des tudes B yzanti nes.
cong. chr . ar ch.............................................. Congr esso l nt er nazl onal e dl ar cheol ogi a cr l st l an a.
a b b r e v i a t i o n s
x l l l
I n t . cong. l l n g.......................................................... I nt er nat i onal congr ess of l i n gu i st s .
I n t . cong, or ............................................................... I n t er nat i on al congr ess of or i en t a l i a t s.
I n t . cong. pap............................................................ I nt er nat i onal congr ess of papyr ol ogy.
I n t . j . apoc................................................................. I nt er nat i onal j our nal of Apocrypha.
I n t . z. al l gem. sprachw....................................... I nter nati onal e z el t s ch r l f t fr al l gemel ne spr ach-
wl ssenschaft .
3. a s l a t ........................................................................... J our nal asi at i qu e.
3. B l bl . l i t ................................................................. J our nal of B i bl i cal l i t er a t u r e.
J . Eg. ar ch................................................................... J our nal of E gypti an ar cheol ogy.
3. H el l . st ud............................................................... J our nal of H el l en i c at udi ea.
J . Hear E ast . st ud................................................... J our nal of Near E aster n st u dl es.
3. sacr ed l i t .............................................................. J our nal of sacr ed l i t er a t u r e.
5 . sav. ................................................................. - J our nal des savante.
J . t h eol . st ud............................................................ J our nal of t h eol ogi cal st u dl es.
J TaVirV. l l t u r g .............................................................. J ahrbuch f r l i t u r gi ew i ssen sch af t .
J ahr b. pr euss. kunstsamm.................................... J ahr buch der K. P r eussl sche kunstsammlungen, B er l i n .
K athol i k
S i l o -
j j sn. ak. B u l l .............................................................. Akademi i nauk. S .S .S .R . L eni ngr ad. B u l l et i n .
I on. ak. CR................................................................... Same. Compte r endu.
l en . ak. Mm................................................................. Same. Mmoi res.
l en . fi r ml t. Sbor n..................................................... L eni ngr ad. Gosudars tvennyl r mi tazh. Sbor nl k .
L en. r mi tazh. Trudy ot del a vostok a.
l en . U ni v. E g. k r uz. Sbor n................................ L eni ngr ad. U n l ver si t ei t . E gi pt ol ogi ch esk i i kruzhok.
' Sbor ni k .
l i br ar y
M t . zen t r al bl at t ................................................... L l t er ar i sch es zen t r al bl at t .
I & t er at ur bl . or . p h i l ........................................... L i t er at u r bl at t fr or i en t al i sch e p h i l ol ogi e.
ouv. U ni v. cath. Ann............................................ L ouvai n. U ni ver si t cat h ol i qu e. Annal es.
Xanch. E g. soc. J ..................................................... M anchester u n l ver si t y E gypti an and or i en t al soci et y.
J our nal .
MSI . ar ch. g............................................................... Mlanges d'ar ch ol ogi e gypti enne et assyr i enne.
Mal . ar ch. et h l s t ................................................... col e f r an ai se de Rome. Mlanges d'ar ch ol ogi e et
d 'h i s t oi r e.
y j i a s i a t ...................................................................... Akademi l a nauk, L eni ngr ad. Mlanges asi at i qu es.
X l . B eyr ou t h .................................... ....................... B ei r u t . U ni ver si t Sai nt-J oseph. F acul t or i en t al e.
M l anges.
J fefc. mus. B u l l ............................................................ New Y or k. M etr opol i tan musum of ar t . B u l l et i n .
S et . mus. Studl es ................................................... M etr opol i tan musum st u dl es.
Stet. mus. Eg. exp. Pub......................................... New Y or k. M etr opol i tan musum of ar t . E gypti an exp
di t i on . P u bl i cat i on s.
X l se. b i b l ...................................................................... M i scel l anea bi bl l ca .
3133. ar ch. f r . Mm................................................ F r ance. M i ssi on ar chol ogi que fr an ai se au C ai r e.
Mmoi res.
Sonde or ........................................................................... Monde or i en t al e.
w w t n t i P l ot .......................................................... Acadmie des I n scr i pt i on s et bel l es l et t r es , P ar i s.
Commission de l a fondat i on P i ot . Monuments et
mmoi res. _
SSnch. bei t r . pap..................................................... Mnchener bei t r age zur papyr us-for schung.
S6m. ak. S i t z b............................................................ Akademie der wi ssenschaft en, Munich. P hl i osophi sch-
h i st or l sch e abt ei l un g. S i t zungsber l cht e.
aCsi3 . Gui met. Ann....................................................... P ar i s. Muse Gui met. Annal es.
Sas. Gui met. tudes .............................................. Same. B i bl i othque d tudes.
mua. Gui met. V ul g..................................................... Same. B i bl i othque de vu l gar i sat i on .
toa. R. d 'a r t et d 'h i s t oi r e. B r uxel l es.
B u l l ............................................................................... B r ussel s. Muses r oyaux d 'a r t et d 'h i s t oi r e. B u l l et i n .
J Csaon
Save k l r ch l . z ............................................................ Neue k i r ch l l ch e z el t s ch r l f t .
S ot i ces et ex t r .......................................................... Acadmie des I n scr i pt i on s et bel l es l et t r es , P ar i s.
N oti ces et ext r ai t s des manuscr i ts de l a B i bl i o
thque n at i onal e.
Souv. r ev. t h ol ....................................................... N ouvel l e revue t hol ogi que.
Suovo bu l l . ar ch. cr .................................... ........ Nuovo bu i l et t l n o dl ar cheol ogl a cr i st i a n a .
ch r ............................................................................. O r i en t al i a ch r i st l an a.
r . chr . anal ............................................................... O r l en t al l a ch r i st l an a anal ect a.
p. chr . per ................................................................. O r l en t al l a ch r i st l an a per l odl ca.
Op . u t . z ...................................................................... O r i en t al l st i sch e l l t er at u r z ei t u n g.
Or i ens ch r ...................................................................... Ori ens ch r i st i an u s.
O r l en t al l a
3 l o . ak. F or h............................................................ Norske vl denskaps akademi . Osl o. F or handl i nger .
Osaer vator e romano
? . Rai n. M i t t ............................................................... Vl enna. N at i on al bi bl i ot hek . Mss. Sammlung der
papyrus er zher zog R ai ner . M l ttei l ungen.
P at r ol . or ........................................................................P at r ol ogi a or l en t a l l s .
P h i l . soc. T r ans....................................................... ..P h l l ol ogl ca l s oci et y , L ondon. T r ansacti ons.
P h i l . wochenschr ....................................................... ..P h l l ol ogi sch e wochenschr i ft .
P hl l ol ogus
P hi l osopher
P ol sk l towar z. or . R ocz.........................................Roczni k or j en t al i st yczn y (P ol sk l towar zystevo
or j en t a l i st ycz n e).
P on t l f . accad. dl ar ch eol ogi a. Rend. . . . P on t l f l ci a accademl a romana dl ar ch eol ogi a.
R endl cont l .
P r euss. j ahr b..................................................................P r eussl sche j ahr bcher .
P r euss. kunstsamm. J ahr b.................................... ..P r eussl sche kunstsammlungen, B er l i n . J ahr buch.
R,. A sl at . soc. J ....................................................... ...Royal A sl at l c soci et y . J our nal .
R. Cent. Asl an soc. J ...............................................Royal C entr al Asl an soci et y . J our nal .
R. I r i sh ac. P r oc..................................................... ..Royal I r l sh academy, Dubl i n. P r oceedl ngs.
R. I r l sh ac. T r ans......................................................Same. T r ansacti ons.
R. soc. l i t . T r ans......................................................Royal soci et y of l i t er a t u r e, L ondon. T r ansacti ons.
Rec. de tr avaux ....................................................... ...R ecuei l de tr avaux r el a t i f s l a ph i l ol ogi e et
l 'a r ch ol ogi e gypt i ennes.
Rech. sci en ce r e l i g ....................................................Recher ches de sci en ce r el i gi eu se.
Rev. apol ........................................................................ ...Revue apol ogt i que.
Rev. ar ch........................................................................ ...Revue ar chol ogi que.
Rev. ar ts a s l a t .............................................................Revue des ar t s asi at i qu es.
Rev. bnd.........................................................................Revue bn di ct i n e.
Rev. b l b l ........................................................................ ...Revue bi bl i qu e.
Rev. cat h ....................................................... ...................Revue cat h ol i qu e.
Rev; d' g........................................................................ ...Revue d' gypt e, C al r o.
Rev. dr s bi b....................................................................Revue des bi bl i ot h qu es.
Rev. des tudes sm................................................ ...Revue des tudes smi ti ques.
Rev. g................................................................................Revue gypt ol ogl qu e.
Rev. g. anc........................ , ................ ........................Revue de l ' gypte anci enne.
Rev. h i s t . eccl s ..................................................... ...Revue d 'h i s t oi r e eccl si ast i qu e.
Rev. h i s t . r el i g ...........................................................Revue de l 'h i s t oi r e des r el i gi on s .
Rev. or . ch r ................................................................. ...Revue de 1'O r i en t ch r t i en .
Rev. quest . h i s t ....................................................... ...Revue des quest i ons h i st or i qu es.
Rev. sm..............................................................................Revue smi ti que.
R l v. ar ch. cr ..................................................................R i vl st a dl ar ch eol ogi a cr l st l a n a .
R l v. bi b. e ar ch....................................................... ...R i vl st a d el l e bl bl l ot ech e e degl l ar ch i vi .
R l v. d . 'I t a l l a ...............................................................R i vl st a d 'I t a l l a .
R l v. st u dl or ..................................................................R i vl st a degl l st u dl or i en t a l i .
R l v. t r l p ol ................................................................... ...R i vl st a d l i a t r l p ol l t a n i a .
Rom. quar t ..............., .......................................................Romlsche qu ar t al sch r l f t f r ch r i st l i ch e al ter thums-
Russ. ar kh. obsh. Zap...............................................Russkoe ar k heol ogi che3koe obshchestvo. Zapi sk l .
Rjrl . 11b. B u l l ............................................................ ...J ohn Ryl ands l i br a r y , M anchester. B u l l et i n .
Sachs, ak. Abh............................................................ ...Akademle der wl ssenschaft en, L ei pzi g. P h i l ol ogl sch -
h i st or i soh e k l asse. Abhandl ungen.
Sachs, ak. S i t z b....................................................... ...Same. S l t zu ngsber l ch t e.
S a v . - s t i f t . z..................................................................Z ei t s ch r i f t der S avi gn y-st i ft un g f r r ech t sgesch l cht e.
Semin, K ondakov ...........................................................Prague. Kandakov I nsti tut. Annales Tseminarlum Kondakovlanum)
S oc. ar ch. A l ex. B u l l ...............................................S oci t r oyal e d'ar ch ol ogi e d'A l exan dr i a. B u l l et i n .
S oc. ar ch. A l ex. Mm..................................................Same. Mmoi res.
S oc. ar ch. copte B u l l ........................................... ...S oci t d'ar ch ol ogi e copt e, C al r o. B u l l et i n .
Soc. asl a t . l t a l . Gi or n..........................................S oci t asl a t i ca i t a l l a n a , F l or ence. G l or nal e.
S oc. B l bl . ar ch. P r oc...............................................S oci et y of B l bl l ca l ar chaeol ogy. P r oceedl ngs.
Soc. B l bl . ar ch. T r ans........................................ ...S oci et y of B l bl l ca l ar cheol ogy. T r ansacti ons.
S oc. g. pap. tudes pap.................................... ...S oci t r oyal e gypti enne de papyr ol ogi e, C al r o.
(S oci t Fouad 1er de papyr ol ogi e, C ai r e) tudes
de papyr ol ogi e.
S oc. g. pap. Pub........................................................Same. P u bl i cat i on s.
Soc. khd. gog. B u l l ........................................... ...S oci t k h di vi al e de gogr aphi e d gypte, C al r o.
B u l l et i n .
Soc. l l n g. B u l l .............................................................S oci t de l i n gu i st i qu e de P ar i s. B u l l et i n .
Soc. l l n g. Mm............................................................ ...Same. Mmoi res.
S oc. or . r es. J .............................................................S oci et y of or i en t al r esear ch, C hi cago. J our nal .
S oc. nat. des ant i quai r es de F rance . . . . S oci t nat i onal e des ant i quai r es de F r ance.
Sphi nx
S t r asb. U ni v. L et t r es. Pub...................................St r asbour g. U n i ver si t . F acul t des l et t r es . P ubl i
cat i ons .
S t r assb. t h eol . st ud.................................................St r assbur ger t h eol ogl sch e st udl en.
Stud. gesch. al ter tums ..........................................Studl en zur geschi cht e und k ul tur des al ter tums.
Stud. pal . u. pap........................................................Studl en zur pal aeogr aphl e und papyrus kunde.
Studl e t es t l
Studi a cat h ol i ca
Svensk t eol . k var t ....................................
T exte u. unter such..................................,
Texta and st udl es
T heol . J ahr b...................................................
T heol . l i t . z. ...........................................
T heol . quar t ...................................................
T heol . rundschau .......................................
>T heol . u. gl aube .......................................
' Times l i t . suppl .........................................
T or . acc. A t t l ............................................
T or ; acc. Mem................................................
V er of f . bad. pap. samml........................
T i en. ak. Denk..............................................
V i en. ak. S i t z b............................................
V i en. Nat. bi b. M i t t ................................
V oor azj at .-eg. gez el . J aar b...............
V or der asl at .-aeg. ges el l s . M i t t . .
Wi en. z. kunde morg..................................
Z. aeg. spr .....................................................
Z. a l t t . w i ss................................................
Z. kath. t h eol ..............................................
Z. k l r chengesch............................................
Z. ml ssI onskunde u. r el i gl on sw i ss.
Z. neut. w i ss................................................
Z. sem. u. verw. gebi et e ....................
Z. ver gl . spr achf. ..................................
Z. w i ss. t h eol ..............................................
Zent r al b. bl b ................................................
Svensk t eol ogl sk k va r t al sk r i f t .
T exte und untersuehungen.
T heol ogi sche j ahr bcher .
T heol ogi sche l i t er at u r z el t u n g.
T heol ogi sche qu ar t al sch r l f t .
T heol ogi sche r ndschau.
T heol ogl e und gl aube.
T i mes, L ondon. L l t er ar y suppl ment.
R. Accademi a del l e scl enze dl T or i no. A t t l .
Same. Memorle.
V er offent l l chungen aus den badi schen pspyrussammlungan.
Akademle der wl ssenschaft en. Vl enna. P hi l osophi sch-
h l st or l sch e k l asse. enk schr l ft en.
Same. S i t zu n gsber i ch t e.
Vl enna. N at i on al bi bl i ot h ek . Mss. Sammlung der papyrus
er zher zog R ai ner . M i tt ei l ungen.
V oor azJ at l sch-E gyptl sch gezel schap "Ex Or i ente l u x".
L eyen. J aar ber l cht e.
V or der asi at i sch-aegypt i sche gesel l s ch a f t , B er l i n .
M i tt ei l ungen.
Wi ener z el t s ch r l f t f r di e kunde des mor genl andes.
Z el t s ch r l f t f r aegypti sche spr ache.
Z el t s ch r l f t fr di e al t t est amen t l i ch e wl ssenschaft .
Z el t s ch r l f t fr k at hol l sche t h eol ogl e.
Z el t s ch r l f t f r k i r chengeschi cht e.
Z el t s ch r l f t fr ml ssl onskunde und r el i gl on sw i ssen -
sch af t .
Z el t s ch r l f t fur di e neutestamentl l che wl ssenschaft .
Z el t s ch r l f t fr seml t i st i k und verwandte gebi et e.
Z el t s ch r l f t fr ver gl el chende spr achfor schung.
Z el t s ch r l f t fr w l ssen sch aft l l ch e t h eol ogl e.
Zen t r al bl at t fr bl bl i ot hek swesen.
B i bl i ogr aphy
1. AMLI NEAU, EMI LE CLMENT. Rappor t sur l es
tr avaux f a i t s en gypt ol ogi e y compr i s
l es tudes copt es, pendant l a pr i ode
1889-91. Woki ng, O r i ent al u n l ver si t y
l n s t l t u t e, 1893. 19 p. I n t . cong. Or.
9t h, L ondon, 1891. P u bl i cat i on s' [S t at u -
t or y j v ol . 2 .
A bst r act l n A sl at . quar t, r ev. n .s . 2,
J u l .- O ct . 1891, x x x v l i - x x x v i i i .
2. BENI GNI , UMBERTO. B l bl l ot h eca copt i ca.
B essar i one 8 , 1900-01, 43-53, 449-75.
3. BRI L L , E . J . Catal ogue des l i v r es anci ens
et modernes no. 27. O r l en t al l a.
(L i n gu i st i qu e, h i s t oi r e, et c. des
peupl es non eur opens) L ei den, 1887.
4. CALDERI NI , ARI STI DE. B l bl l ogr a f l a metodl ca
d egl l st u di d l egi t t ol ogl a e d l papi r o-
l ogl a . A egyptus, v. 1, 1920, t o dat e.
5. CARA, CESARE A. DE. N ot l zi a de1 l a vor l dl
egi t t ol ogl a e d i l i ngue seml tl che pub-
b l l ca t l l n I t a l l a l n qu est l u l t l mi
decen n l l . P r at o, G l ach et t e, 1886.
E xt r act fr om C l v i l t ca t t ol l ca , ser . 13,
v ol . 1-3. L avor l cop t i , pp. 37-47.
6 . CHABAS, FRANOI S J OSEPH. B i bl i ot hque de
M. F . Chabas; l angue gypt i enne; d ch i f
fr ement, I n scr i pt i on s, t ex t es, tr aduc
t i on s , h i s t oi r e de l 'E gypt e anci enne et
moderne; copt e, di a l ect es a f r i ca i n s.
P ar i s, M ai sonneuve, 1882. ( 585]-673 p.
(Mal sonneuve et ci e. Catal ogue de l i vr es
de l i n gu i st i qu e anci ens et modernes. 7)
7. CRUM, WALTER EWI NG. B i bl i ogr aphy. C hr i s
t i an E gypt. J . E g. ar ch. 4, 1917,
47-57; 5, 1918, 201-15.
8 . P r ogr ess of E gyptol ogy. C hr i st i an
E gypt. ( T i t l e, 1890-99, C opt i c st u dl es)
E g. expi . soc. A r ch. r p t . , 1890-10.
9. EHRHARD, ALBERT. Di e a l t ch r i s t l l ch e l i t -
er atur und i hr e er for schung s el t 1880.
A l l gemei ne ber sl ch t und er st er l l t e r -
at u r ber i ch t (1880-1884). F r el bur g
I . B , , S t . L ou i s, M o., H er der , 1894.
239 p. (S t r assb. t h eol . st ud. bd. 1)
10. 7 Di e a l t ch r i s t l l ch e l l t er a t u r und i hr e
er for schung von 1884-1900. F r el bur g
i . B . , S t . L ou i s, M o., 1900. 644 p.
(S t r assb. t h eol . st u d ., 1. suppl ement-
11. [FARI NA, OI UL I O,. G l i st u di or i en t a l i i n
I t a l l a dur ante i l cl nquantenar i o 1861
1911. E gl zl an o-copt o. R i v. st u di or .
5, 1913-27, 1-12.
12. GABRI ELI , GI USEPPE. B i bl i ogr a f i a d egl i
st u di or l en t a l l s t l cl l n I t a l l a dal 1912
al 1934. Roma, [S oc. an. p ol l gr a f l ca
l t a l l a n a j 1935. (I n occasi one del I n t .
oong. O r ., 19th, Rome, 1935)
T hi s forms a cont i nuat i on of number 11.
B i bl i ogr aph i e des gypt ol ogues
f r an a i s, 1940-46. (1) J . near E ast.
st ud. 6 , 1947, 53-7.
14. GASELEE, STEPHEN, B i bl i ogr aphy. C hr i s
t i an E gypt. J . E g. ar ch. 1-3,
15. P r ogr ess of E gyptol ogy. C hr i st i an
E gypt. E g. expi . soc. A r ch. r p t .
16. GAY, J . B i bl i ogr aph i e des ouvr ages r e
l a t i f s & l 'A f r i qu e et k l 'A r a bi e. San
Remo, T ur i n, P ar i s, 1875.
17. GUI DI , I GNAZI O. C opto. R i v. st u di or .
8 , 1919, 012-028.
18. I BRAHI M-HI LMY, PRI NCE. The l i t er at u r e
of E gypt and the Soudan fr om the
ea r l l es t tl mes t o the year 1885 i n
cl u s i v e. A bi bl i ogr aph y compr i sl ng
pr i nt ed book s, per l odl cal w r l t l n gs,
and papers of l ear ned s ocl et i es ; maps
and ch ar t s; anci ent papyr i , manuscr i pts,
dr awl ngs, et c. L ondon, T r bner ,
1886-87. 2 v ol .
19. J OLCOTICZ, HEIMANN. B i bl i ot h eca aegypt i a-
ca. Reper tor i um ber di e bi s zum
J ahre 1857 i n bezug auf A gypten, sel nen
geogr aphl e, l andeskunde, natur geschl chte,
denkmal er , spr ache, s ch r l f t , r el i gi on ,
myt hol ogi e, gesch i ch t e, k unst, wl ssen-
sch af t et c. et c. er schl enenen sch r i f t en ,
academl schen abhandl ungen und aufsatze
l n wl ssen sch aft l i ch en und anderen
z ei t sch r i f t en . L ei pzi g, Engelmann,
1885. 244 p.- . Suppl ment 1861.
20. MUNI ER, HENRI . Catal ogue de l a b i b l i o
thque du Muse gypt i en du C ai r e. Le
C ai r e, I mpri meri e de l 'i n s t i t u t fr anai s
d'ar ch ol ogi e or i en t a l e, 1928.
1010 col s .
21. O'LEAKY, DE LACY EVANS. B i bl i ogr aphy.
C h r i st i an E gypt. J . E g. ar ch. 8-26,
22. PRATT, I DA AUGUSTA. A nci ent E gypt;
sour ces of i nfor mat i on i n the New Y or k
pu bl i c l i br a r y , comp. by I da A. P r att
under the di r ect i on of Dr . Ri char d
G ot t h ei l . New Y or k , The New Y or k
pu bl i c l i br a r y , 1925. 486 p.
23. A nci ent E gypt, 1925-1941. A suppl
ment. New Y or k , The New Y ork pu bl i c
l i b r a r y , 1942. 340 p.
24. RENAUDI N, PAUL. E ssai de bi bl i ogr aph i e
copt e. P oi t i er s , 1896. 19 p.
25. SALVONI , FAUSTI NO. B ol l et t l n o b i b l i o-
gr a f i co copt o (1919-1939). Aevum 16,
1942, 139-65; 17, 1943, 17-44; 19, 1945,
26. SI MON, J EAN. C ont r i but i on & l a b i b l i o
gr aphi e copte des annes 1940-1945.
S oc. ar ch. copte B u l l . 11, 1945,
27. ZENKER, J ULI US THEODOR. B l bl i ot h eca
or l en t a l l s . Manuel de bi bl i ogr aph i e
or i en t al e. L ei pzi g, E ngelmann, 1846-61.
2 v ol . l n 1 .
See al ao number 704. F or ear l y
bi bl i ogr aph y, numbers 28-49. F or b i b l i o
graphy of l n dl vl du al aut hor s, numbers
C opt i e S t u dl es. Hls t or y
28. AKERBLAD, J OHAN DAVI D. L et t r e & S yl vest r e
de Sacy sur une var i t de l 'cr i t u r e
copt e. P ar i s, A. U. 10, 1801.
29. BACHATLY, CH. La fondat i on d'une S oci t
d'ar ch eol ogi e copte au C ai r e. I n I n t .
cong. ar ch. 6t h , B er l i n , 1939.
B er l ch t e, pp. 89-91.
30. BUCKLE, DAVI D PURDY. C opt i c l i t er a t u r e l n
the J ohn Ryl ands l i br a r y . R yl . 11b.
B u l l . 4, 1917, 119-23.
A sh or t h i st or y of the pr ogr eas of
C opt i c at udl ea.
N ot i ce sur deux grammaires de l a l angue
copte rcemment publ i es en I t a l i e, et
aur l a grammaire copte manuscr i te de
Champol l i on j eune. P ar i s, Dondey-
Dupr , 1842. 15 p. (E xt r ai t de l a
Revue de bi bl i ogr aph i e an al yt i qu e. J ui n,
32. DEROUAUX, W. L i t t r at u r e chr ti enne an
ti que et papyr ol ogi e. Nouv. r ev. t h ol .
62, 1935, 810-43.
Revi ews the con t r i bu t i on of papyr l ,
esp ecl a l l y C opt i c papyr l , t o our knowl
edge, and di scu sses d i f f r en t types of
t ext s.
33. DR. HENRY HYVERNAT and the Morgan C opt i c
manuscr i pts. C at h ol l c unl v. B u l l . 28,
O ct .- D ec., 1922, 12-16.
34. GUERI N, HENRI . L 'tude des l angues gyp
ti ennes et copt e, par t i cul i r ement de
1890 1910. Anne l i n gu i st i qu e 4,
1911, 59-104.
35. HEBBELYNCK, ADOLPH. P r oj et d 'd i t i on du
ma. bohSl r l que B. M. Or. 8812. I n 1ht.
cong. Or. 20th, B r u ssel s, 1938. A ct es,
pp. 349-56.
36. KRALL, J AKOB. Abwehr der an gr l f f e des
Herrn P r ofessor Eugne R ev i l l ou t . Wl en,
1885. 7 p.
37. LAGARDE, PAUL ANTON DE. Warum l ch di e
fr agmenta B or gl ana n i ch t her ausgeben
wer de. Goettl ngen, 1884.
38. MORET, A. L ' gypt ol ogi e. (Cent ans
d'or i en t al i sme en F r ance, pt . 2) I n
S oci t asi at i qu e, P ar i s. Le l i v r e
du cent enai r e (1822-1922). P ar i s,
Geuthner , 1922. pp. 69-89.
39. MUNI ER, HENRI . Chr oni que 1940, 1941,
1942. S oc. ar ch. copte B u l l . 6 , 1940,
209-29; 7, 1941, 73-94; 8 , 1942, 205-12.
40. NVE, FL I X. Des tr avaux de l 'r u d i t i on
chr ti enne sur l es monuments de l a
l angue copt e. Rev. cat h. 10 >ser , 4, l i
1852-3, 720-9.
41. OMONT, HENRI AUGUSTE. M i ssi ons ar ch ol o
gi ques fr an ai ses en Or i ent aux XVI l e
et XV I I I e s i cl es . P ar i s, I mpri meri e
n at i on al e, 1902. 2 v ol . (F r ance.
Comit des tr avaux h i st or i qu es et
sci en t i f i qu es . C ol l ect i on de docu
ments I n di t s sur l 'h l s t ol r e de F r ance)
On the mi ssi ons of Wansl eben, L ucas
and other s who were comml ssl oned t o
col l ect manuscr i pts, et c. l n the Or i ent.
42. QUATREMRE, TI ENNE MARC. Recher ches
cr i t i qu es et hi st or i que^ sur l a l angue
et l a l i t t r a t u r e de l 'E gypt e. P ar i s,
I mpri meri e I mpr i al e, 1808. 307 p.
Contal ns t ext of fr agments of J er eml ah
and Baruch.
43. RENAUDI N, PAUL. L es tudes copt es.
P oi t i er s , Audl n, n .d.
44. La l i t t r a t u r e chr ti enne de l ' gypt e.
U ni ver si t cat hol i que n . s . 20, 1898,
An ou t l i n e of C opt i c st udl es and st u -
dent s, and gnr al remarks on the l an
gues and l i t er a t u r e.
45. ROSSI , FRANCESCO. Del copt o corne base
degl l st u dl eg l t t ol og i cl . Sua col t u r a
l n E uropa e specl al mente l n I t a l i a .
T or . acc. A t t i 43, 1907-8# 316-30.
46 . L ettur a d i vin l avor o su i cod l cl copt i
del Museo d i T or i no. T or . acc. A t t i
17, 1881-2, 634-6.
Summary of a l ect u r e on the C opt i c
l anguage and i t s st udent s.
T entat i ve di r ect or y of per sons i n t er -
est ed l n C opt i c st u dl es. Aegyptus 12,
1932, 393 -401.
48. SCHMI DT, CARL. I n memoriam. U r kundl i che
dar st el l u n g ei n er von d. Herren S pl egel
ber g und J acoby gegen mi ch geffthr te
con t r over se. G ottl ngen, 1901. 54 p.
"A l s ms. gedr i i ck t ."
49. TROMMIER, CARL HEI NRI CH. B i bl i ot h ecae
copt o-J acobi t l cae speci men. Cul
pr aeml t t i t ur de l i nguae oopt i cae f a t i s
eommentati o. L l psi ae, 1767. 78 p.
See al so numbers 241, 803, 1272.
C opt i c S t u dl es. Hethods
50. AMELI NEAU, EMI LE CLMENT. Orthographe et
grammaire copt es. N otes et pr ci si on s.
Sphi nx 17, 1913, 177-207; 18, 1914-15,
D i scussi on and cr l t l cl s a of pr act l ces
f ol l ow ed l n publ l shl ng C opt i c t ext s.
C r l t l cl sm of H or ner 's di t i on of the
B i bl e.
51. LEFORT, L . THOPHI LE. P r oj et d'u n i f or mi
sat i on des si gnes cr i t i qu es dest i n s &
marquer di ver s acci dent s dans l a tr ans
mi ssi on des t ext es. I n I n t . cong.
Or. 20t h, B r u ssel s, 1935. A ct es,
pp. 3545.
52. La t r an scr i pt i on des t ext es mu t i l s.
Muson 50, 1937, 1-4.
P r oposes a modi f i cat i on , f or the use
of O r l en t al l at a, of the system of show-
l ng ml ssl ng or doubt ful l et t er s adopted
by the U ni on acadmi que I nt er nat i onal e
f or Greek and L ati n t ext s.
53. FEYRON, VI TTORI O AMEDEO. De nova copt i cae
l i nguae or thogr aphi a a Schwar tzl o v . c l .
excogl t at a. Opus posthumum. I n
P eyr on, B. P sa l t er l l copto-thebanT
spci men (see number 853, pp. 125-136).
54. STEI NWENTER, ARTUR. E i n vor sch l ag zur
pu bl l k at l on k opt i scher r echtsur kunden.
I n I n t . cong. Or. 18th, L eyden, 1931.
c t e s , pp. 245-6.
N ot i ce of paper and t ex t of r esol u t i on
adopted by the congr ess. F or compl t
t ext see number 55
5 5 . E i n vor schl ag zur pu bl l k at l on k opti scher
r echtsur kunden. Chr on. d' g. 7 , 13-14],
1932, 153-6.
56. STERN, LUDWIG. V er such ber el ne gl el ch -
mSssl ge wor ttr ennung im k opt i schen.
Z. aeg. spr . 24, 1886, 56-73.
57. TI L L , WALTER. K optl sche textausgaben.
Aegyptus 14, 1934, 65-70.
Some pr l n cl pl es t o be fol l ow ed l n the
edl t l n g of C opt i c t ex t s .
58. Zur wor ttr ennung lm k opt i schen. Z.
aeg. spr . 77, 1942, 48-52.
C opt i c S ch ol ar s. B l o-B l bl l ogr aphy
59. R . , S . E . Aml l neau. Rev. ar ch. ser . 4,
24, 1914, 333-4.
60. vu st j , J .-M . Gl useppe B al est r i copt ol ogo
e b l b l i s t a . L 'Osser vator e romano
29-30 apr i l e 1940, 3.
61. Da SS, GEORGES. Al exandr e B ar sant i .
Ann. du S er vi ce 17, 1917, 245-60.
I ncl udes bi bl i ogr aph y.
62. STRZYGOWSKI , J OSEF. Wl adl ml r de Bock.
B yz.z. 9, 1900, 619-20.
See al so number 91.
63. BDRI AHT, PI ERRE. N ot i ce sur U rbai n
B our i ant. R ec. de tr avaux 26, 1904,
64. TOCFESSOR BURKI TT'S w r l t i n gs. J . t h eol .
st ud. 36, 1935, 337-46.
65. A lilBLI OGRAPHY of Wal ter Ewing Crum.
J . E g. ar ch. 25, 1939, 134-8.
66. SOBHY, GEORGE P. Dr . W. E . Crum. S oc.
ar ch. copte B u l l . 10, 1944, 209-10.
67. BHTBT, PI ERRE. E ugne Dvaud, su i vi
d'une bi bl i ogr aph i e d'E ugne Dvaud.
Kmi 3, 1930-5, 20-2.
6 8 . CKTJ H7 WALTER EWI NG. A dol f Erman, 1854
1937. J . E g. ar ch. 23, 1937, 81-2.
69. GRAPOW, HERMANN. A dol f Erman bi bl i ogr aph i e.
V er zel chnl s der bcher und sch r l f t en
des ach t zi gj ah r i gen zum 31 Oktober 1934
zusi ammengestel l t. Z. aeg. 3pr . 71,
1935, 1-14.
70. N achruf auf A dol f Erman. B er l . ak.
J ahr b. 1939, 185-92.
71. UHUM, WL'l'iiH EWI NG. Hugh E vel yn-Whi te
(a memoi r ). J . E g. ar ch. 10, 1924,
72. OBHY, "GEORGE P . S i r Stephen Gasel ee.
S oc. ar ch. copte B u l l . 10, 1944, 211.
73. dttM, waLTER EWI NG. F r anci s L l ewel l yn
G r i f f i t h 1862-1934. B r i t . acad. P r oc.
20, 1934, 309-22.
74. gOT HEI L, RI CHARD. I gnazl o Gui di - S el ec-
ted bi bl i ogr aph y. Am. Or. Soc. J . 55,
1935, 458-63.
75. LADEUZ, PAULI N. l oge acadmi que de Mon
sei gneur A. H ebbel ynck. _ L ouv. U ni v.
cat h . Ann. 1936-39, t . 84 , cx x v l l - cx l i v .
76. I EFORT, L . THOPHI LE. Adol phe H ebbel ynck.
1859-1939. Muaon 52, 1939, 197-8.
77. Hunl'lnTyjN, ROBERT. E pl st ol ae: et veterum
mathematl corum, gr aecor um, l ati nor um et
arabum, syn opsi s; col l ect or e . . . D. Eraido 9 1 .
Bernardo . . . pr aeml ttuntur D. H unti ngtonl
et D. B er nar di v l t a e. S cr i pt or e Thoma
Sml tho. L ondl nl , G. Bowyer, 1704.
2 v.
89. Ma n i f e s t a t i o n o r g a n i s e en 1honneur de m.
l e P r ofesseur L . Th. L ef or t , di r ect eu r
J u bi l ai r e du "M uson", MCMXXI -MCMXLVI .
L ouvai n, Bureaux du "M uson", 1946.
97 p. p or t r a i t .
90. VERGOTE, J . L oeuvr e de M. L . Th. L ef or t .
Muson 59, 1946, 41-62.
R CCl , SEYMOUR DE. L es tudes coptes en
Russi e et l es tr avaux de M. von Lemm.
Rev. ar ch. ser . 4, 2, 1903, 302-18.
78. 7ETERS , THEODORE. P r ofessor Henry
H yver nat. C at h ol l c wor l d r 154j 1941,
653-66. '
79. VERGOTE, J . and GOOSSENS, 0. H enri
H yver nat. Chron. d' g. 19 [37, 1944,
80. J ERlHANI ON, GUILLAUME . n memoriam.
S .A .R . l e P r i nce J ean Georges de Saxe.
Or. chr . per . 5, 1939, 235-8.
I ncl udes bi bl i ogr aph y.
81. TOSSBff, J . Athanase K l r ch er , "gypt ol o
gue". Chron. d' g. 18 [36, 1943,
82. MARESTAI NG, P . Un gypt ol ogue du XVI i e
s i cl e: l e pre K l r cher . R ec. de
tr avaux 30, 1908, 22-36.
83. BU L te, D. H. J akob K r al l . Wl en. z.
kunde morg. 19, 1905, 251-62.
I ncl udes bi bl i ogr aph y.
84. WIEDEMANN, ALFRED. J akob K r al l .
de tr avaux 28, 1906, 131-6.
R ec.
85. TCRMOT, CHARLES ETI ENNE. H i st oi r e de l a
vi e et des ouvr ages de M. L acr oze; avec
des remarques de cet auteur sur di ver s
s u j et s . Amsterdam, 1741. 2 pt s.
ep l s t ol l cl L acr ozl an i , tomus 1 t - 3 j .
Ex bl bl i ot h eca I or danl ana ed i d l t I o.
L udovl cus U hl l us. L l psl ae, i mpens.
I . F . G l ed l t sch i i , 1742-46. 3 v . i n 1.
facsi m.
The aut hor 's cor r espondance wi th
P. J abl onsk l and D. Wl l k l ns cont al ns
many r efer enees t o C opt i c.
87. LEFORT, L . THOPHI LE. P aul i n L adeuze,
1870-1940. Muson 53, 1940, 151-6.
8 8 . GOTTHEI L, RI CHARD. B i bl i ogr aphy of the
works of P aul de L agar de. Am. or .
soc. J . 15, 1893, ccx l - ccx x i x .
r cent es de l 'or i en t al i sm e en R ussi e.
R ec. de tr avaux 39, 1921, 111-2.
93. CEHHY, J AROSLAV^ A bi bl i ogr aph y of
P r of . F r anti sek L exa. A r . or . 8 ,
1936, 128-30.
94. MbKftsSON, ERNST. L es oeuvr es de J .
L i ebl ei n . Sphi nx 15, 1911-12, 168-79,
95. KOEHTZ, CHARLES. B i bl i ogr aphi e de
l 'oeu vr e sci en t i f i qu e de M. V i ct or
L or et J usqu'en 1930. I n st . f r . ar ch.
or . B u l l . 30, 1931, x l - x x i i i .
96. FAKlNA, GI ULI O. Or azi o M ar ucchi .
Aegyptus 11, 1930-1, 190-4.
97. CAGNAT, RENE. N ot i ce sur l a vi e et l es
tr avaux de M. Gaston M aspero. A c.
I n scr . CR. 1917, 445-82.
98. CHASSI NAT, EMI LE. Gaston Maspero.
R ec. de tr avaux 38, 1916-17, 211-25.
99. CORDI ER, HENRI . B i bl i ogr aph i e des oeuvr es
de Gaston M aspero. P ar i s, Geuthner ,
1922. 153 p.
100. MUNI ER, HENRI . Gaston Maspero et l es
tudes copt es. S oc. ar ch, copte
B u l l . 1, 1935, 27-36.
101. MtfllAD KAMI L. Eugen M i ttwoch (1876-1942).
S oc. ar ch. copte B u l l . 8 , 1942, 201-3.
102. HAI NE, MARI US. Une composi ti on oubl i e
du P. K l r cher en l 'honneur de P el r esc.
Rev. or . chr . 9, 1933-4, 196-206.
103. GASSEND, PI ERRE. V i r i i l l u s t r i s N. C.
F abr i ci i de P ei r eac . . . v i t a (P ei r esk i i
l audat l o habi ta l n concl one funebr l
Academl cori um Romanorum . . . J . J .
Buccardo . . . per or an t e). 2 pt s.
P ar i s i l s , 1641.
A l so. Hagae C oml t l s, 1651; E d. t er t l a ,
Hagae Comitum, 1655. E ngl l sh d i t i on ,
L ondon, S t r eat or , 1657.
104. GRAVI T. FRANCI S W. P ei r esc et l es tudes
coptes en F rance au XVI I e s i cl e. S oc.
ar ch. copte B u l l . 4, 1938, 1-22.
HUMBERT, PI ERRE. Un amateur: P el r esc,
1580-1637. P ar i a, D escl e, t 1933j .
. . . publ i es par P hi l i ppe Tamlzey de
L ar r oque. P ar i s, I mpri meri e n at i on al e,
1888-98. 7 v.
HRSSON, ERNST. L es oeuvr es de K ar l
P i eh l . Sphi nx 9, 1906, 104-19,
NAVI LLE, EDOUARD. K ar l P i eh l . Rec. de
tr avaux 27, 1905, 134-6,
I TEHITJ KARL. Wi l hel m P l eyt e. Sphi nx 7,
1903, 175-6.
RTESTOS, W. H. C hr onol ogi cal l i s t of
pu bl i cat i on s of the l at e S i r P. Le Page
R enouf. S oc. B i bl . ar ch. P r oc. 19,
1897, 317-41.
WESSETTTKARL. Eugne R ev i l l ou t . 4 mai
1843 - 16 J anvi er 1913. t fol l owed byj
B i bl i ogr aphi e R ev i l l ou t . Stud. pal . u.
pap. 13, 1913, 10-18.
BREO A,EVARI STO. R i cor do d i I ppol i t o
R os el l i n i . I n S cr i t t i dedi ca t i a l l a
memoria d i I . R os el l l n i . F i r enze, Le
M onni er , 1945, pp. 1-19.
H ei nr i ch Schtfer . V er zei chni s sei ner
sch r i f t en 1891-1938. Z. aeg. spr . 75,
1939, 1-16.
CRUM, WALTER EWI NG. C ar i Schmi dt.
J . E g. ar ch. 24, 1938, 135.
J UNKER, HERMANN. I n memoriam C ar i Schmi dt.
S oc. ar ch. copte B u l l . 4, 1938, 195.
Pacha (1864-1644). S oc. ar ch. copte
B u l l . 10, 1944, 207-9.
m r n r , RAYMOND. H enri S ot t as. Rev. E g.
anc. 2, 1929, 121-7.
3EI DL , ERWI N. Wi l hel m S pl egel ber g,
1870-1930. Aegyptus 11, 1930-1,
BRE55TED, "J AMES HENRY. E l gh t i et h anni ver -
sar y of P r ofessor S t ei n d or f f . Am.
or . soc. J . 61, 1941, 288-9.
DI MAKD, MAURICE SVEN. I n memoriam.
J osef Str zygowsk i (1862-1941). Ars
l sl ami ca 7, 1940, 177.
GI NHART, K. J oseph Str zygowsk i . F or sch.
u. f or t sch r . 17, 1941, 87-8.
122. SOH, GEORGE P. S i r H er ber t Thompson.
S oc. ar ch. copte B u l l . 10, 1944, 210-11
&ee Number 91.
123. mnmTBOTTROS GHALI BEY. Le P r i nce Omar
T oussoun (1872-1944). S oc. ar ch.
copte B u l l . 10, 1944, v - v i .
E t mi ndeskr l ft. K ^benhavn, Samfundet
t l l den danske l i t er a t u r s fremme, 1881.
230 p.
M anuscr i pt C ol l ect i on s
F i nds, P ur chases, A nci ent col l ect i on s
125. BOURI ANT, URBAI N. N otes de voyage.
R ec. de tr avaux 11, 1889, 131-59.
Catal ogue de l a bi bl i ot h qu e du
Couvent d'Amba H el l as: pp. 131-8.
126. CAI DERI NI , ARI STI DE. E l enchi cop t i di
oper e l et t er a r l e. Aegyptus 2, 1921,
N ot i ce of two C opt i c manuscr i pts
cont ai ni ng cat al ogs of book s.
127. CHABOT, J EAN BAPTI STE. La bi bl i ot h qu e
du couvent de Sai nt-M i chel au Fayoum.
J . sav. n. s . 10, 1912, 179-82.
D escr i pt i on of the col l ect i on .
128. HYVERNAT, HENRY, P ourquoi l es anci ennes
col l ect i on s de manuscr i ts coptes sont
s i pauvr es. Rev. b i b l . n .s . 10, 1913,
129. MANUSCRITS COPTES de l a bi bl i ot h qu e du
couvent de E l -Hamoul y (gypt e). P ar i s
1911. 24 facsi ms.
Medum. Wi th chapter s by F . L l .
G r i f f i t h , A Wledemann, W. J . R u ssel l
and W. E . Crum. Lcarim, N utt, 1892.
52 p. 36 pl at ee.
The C opt i c papyr i , by W. E . Crum,
pp. 48-50. No t ext s gl ven.
131. RI CCI , SEYMOUR DE. [M anuscr i ts coptes
acqui s en gyptej L et t r e. A c, i n scr ,
CR. 1906, 209-11.
D escr i pt i on of manuscr i pts bought
i n E gypt.
132. Rappor t sur -une mi ssi on en gypte.
(1905). A c. i n scr . CR. 1905,
R epor ts the purchase of C opt i c
papyr i .
133 STOKES, GEORGE T . The Faym manuscr i pts.
E xposi t or , aer . 3, 1. 1885, 334-47.
Gener al a r t i cl e on the di scover y of
Greek and C opt i c papyr l .
134. The l a t es t dl scover l ea among the Faym
manuscr i pts. E xposi t or , ser . 3, 7,
1888, 440-60.
M anuscr i pt C ol l ect i on s
C at al ogs, descr i pt i ve l l s t s , et c.
ssr M m :---------------- ----------------------------------
s cr i t s coptes du Muse asi at i que de
1 'Acadmie des sci en ces de R ussi e.
L en. ak. B u l l . ser . 6 , 13, 1919, 427-40
See al so numbers 760, 2506, 2636.
M anuscr i pt C ol l ect i on s
Gui des
135. HAASE, FELI X ARTHUR J OLI US. C h r i st l l ch -
or l en t al l sch e handschr i ft enk atal oge.
F r ei bur g I . B . , H er der , 1920. 15 p.
L i st of manuscr i pt cat al ogs, ar r anged
al ph abet l cal l y by author .
136. O'LEARY, DE LACY EVANS. Prl mary gui de t o
C opt i c l l t er a r y mat er l al . L ondon,
L ueac, 1938. pt . 1.
und papyr usfor schung. L ei pzi g,
H l ersemann, 1933. 371 p. I l l u s .
138. SI MON, J EAN. Note sur l e dossi er des
t ext es akhl ml ques. I n Ci nquanten
ai r e de l 'E col e bi bl i qu e et ar cho
l ogi que de J r usal em (15 novembre 1890 -
15 novembre 1940). Mmori al L agr ange.
P ar i s, L ecof f r e, 1940. pp. 197-201.
139. Note sur l e dossi er des textes fayouml -
ques. Z. neut. wi ss. 37, 1939, 205-11.
I nventor y of publ i shed and unpubl l shed
Fayyumic mat er l al , wi th I mportant b l b l i -
ogr aphl cal not es.
140. - - - Note sur l e dossi er des t ext es sub-
akhml mlques. Muson 59, 1946, 497-509.
D i scusses the or i gl n , pr ovenance,
pu bl i cat i on and sl gn l f l can ce of the
sub-Achml ml c t ext s.
141. L es nouveaux t ext es de l a l i t t r at u r e
copte fayouml que. (1928-1938).
L ouval n, Bureaux du Muson, 1940. t o
I n t . cong. Or. 20th, B r ussel s, 1938.
P u bl i cat i on s. pp. 344-5.
142. - R per toi r e des bi bl i ot hques publ i ques
et pr i ves contenant des manuscr i ts
copt es. Muson 44, 1931, 137-51.
144. HYVERNAT, HENRY. D escr i pt i on of a col l ec
t i on of A r abi e, Oopti c and Car shoonl
MSS. bel ongi ng t o Dr . Cyrus A dl er .
Am. or . soc. J . 16, 1896, e l x i l l - c l x v i .
145. DI E ERWERBUNGEN der K gypti schen abthei l ung
der K oni gl . Museen im j ahr e 1889.
Z. aeg. spr . 28, 1890, 54-62.
A cqu i si t i on s i ncl ude some C opti c
ost r aca, et c. T ext of a l ex i ca l
fr agment l s i ncl uded.
146. GOTTSCHALK, WALTER. K atal og der hand-
bl bl i ot h ek der or l en t al l sch en abtei l ung
[der P r eussi schen st aat sbi bl i ot h ek ,
B er l i n ,. L ei pzi g, H ar r assowl tz, 1929.
573 p.
147. CRUM, WALTER EWI NG. Catal ogue of the
C opt i c manuscr i pts l n the B r i t i sh
musum. L ondon, B r i t i sh musum, 1905.
623 p. facsi m.
Contal ns t ext s.
C.R. L el pol dt , J . Deut. morg.
ges el l s . Z. 60, 1906, 679-87.
P eet er s, P. Byz. z. 16, 1907,
148. MARGOLIOUTH, GEORGE. D escr i pt i ve l i s t of
S yr l ac and K arshuni Mss. l n the B r i t i sh
musum acqui r ed si nce 1873. L ondon,
B r i t i sh musum, 1899. 64 p. __
I ncl udes one pol ygl ot manuscr i pt wi th
C opt i c.
of the l l t er a r y papyr l i n the B r i t i sh
musum. L ondon, The T r ust es, 1927.
243 p. i l l u s .
I ncl udes G r aeco-C opti c t ex t s, a
gl ossar y and thr ee B i bl es.
150. GRAF, GEORG. Catal ogue de manuscr i ts
ar abes chr t i ens conser vs au C ai r e,
C i t t del V atl cano, B i bl i ot eca
apost ol i ca vat i cana, 1934. 319 p.
(Seml n. K ondakov. 63)
Many of the manuscr i pts are l n C opti c
and A r abl e.
C.R. Bur mester, 0. J . t h eol . st ud.
36, 136, 432-4.
SI MAI KA, UARCUS H. Catal ogue of the
C opt i c and A r abi e manuscr i pts i n the
C opt i c musum, the P at r i ar ch at e, the
pr i n ci pal churches of C ai r o and
A l exandr i a and the monaster l es of
E gypt. C al r o, Government pr ess,
1939-42. 3 v.
Y aas Abd al -M as h col l abor at ed wi th
Si mai ka Pasha i n t h e'pr par at i on of t hi s
cat al ogue.
c OLLe QE !
the catal ogue of manuscr i pts i n the
l i br ar y of G onvi l l e and Cai us C ol l ege.
Cambri dge, U nl ver si t y pr ess, 1914.
56 p.
I ncl udes some C opt i c i t ems, fr agments
fr om B ohai r i c ser vi ce book s.
PERI NI , DAVI D AURELI O. C atal ogo del cod l cl
manoscr i t t i ed ogget t l por t at i d a l l 1
or i ent e n el 1879 dal P. A gostl no C i asca
A gost i ni ano. B essar i one [14j ser . 2,
5, 1903, 402-12; t 15j ser . 2, 6 , 1904,
58-71, 258-81.
P ubl l shed by P er i ni af t er the death
of C i asca. C opt i c mater i al l l s t ed i n
v ol . 15, pp. 276-81.
Codl ces p er s i ci , t u r ci ci , h i ndust an i ci
var l i qu e a l i i B i bl i ot h ecae r egi ae
H afni ensl s. I n C odl ces or i en t al es
B i bl i ot hecae r egi ae H avni ensi s J ussu
et au spl cl l s r egi s Danl ae augustl ssl ml
C h r l st l an l Octavl enumerati et descr i p t l .
H auni ae, B er l i n g, 1846-57. par s 3.
the manuscr i pts i n the l i br a r y of
T r i n i t y C ol l ege, D ubl i n, t o whi ch i s
added a l i s t of the F agel col l ect i on
of maps i n the same l i br a r y . D ubl i n,
H odges, F i ggi s; L ondon, L ongmans, Green,
1900. 606 p.
One C opt i c manuscr i pt l l s t ed .
ASSEMANI , STEFANO EVODI O. B i bl i ot hecae
Medl ceae L aur entl anae et P al ati nae
codi cum mss. or l ent al l um cat al ogua.
F l or en t l ae, A l bi zl n l an o, 1742. 492 p.
I ncl udes one C opt i c i tem.
See number 156.
157. HOMBERT, MARCEL. L es papyrys de l a F onda
t i on gypt ol ogi que r ei ne E l i sabet h .
Chr on. d'E g. 5t10j , 1930, 269-71.
158. KALBFLEI SCH, KARL. Di e f or t s ch r l t t e der
ar bei t an den Gl essener papyr i . Chron.
d. E g. 7 [13-14 j , 1932, 151-2.
159. LAGARDE, PAUL ANTON DE. Di e k opti schen
handschr i ft en der G oettl nger bi bl i ot h ek .
Gott. ges el l s . Abh. 24, 1879, 3-62.
D escr i pt i on of the manuscr i pts, a i l
but one of whi ch ar e l i t u r g i ca l .
A l so publ i shed i n h l s O r l en t al l a.
GSttl ngen, D i et er i ch , 18^9-80. v. 1,
pp. 1-62.
ar abl sche handschr i ft en der K oni gl .
U n i ver si t at s-bi bl i ot h ek . Gott. gesel l s.
N achr. 1878, 285-325.
161. PERTSCH, WILHELM. Di e or i en t al i seh en
handschr i ft en der H er zogl i chen B i bl i o
thek zu Gotha. Gotha, P er thes,
1878-93. 8 v.
Anhang: Di e or i en t al i seh en handschr i f
ten . . . mi t ausnahme der per sl sch en ,
tr k i sehen und ar abi schen.
I ncl udes one C opt i c, one C opto-A r abi c
manuscr i pt.
162. FRI SK , HJ ALMAR. Papyrus gr ecs de l a
B i bl i ot hque muni ci pal e de Gothembourg
(P . G ot .) . Gotebor g, E l ander^ 1929.
58 p. facsl m. (Gotebor gs hdgskol as
S r ss k r i f t , 35, 1929, 1 )
Contai ns some fr agments of C opt i c and
A r abl e.
. BROCKELMANN, CARL. K atal og der or i en t a l -
l schen handschr i ft en der S t a d t bi bl i o-
thek zu Hamburg mi t ausschl uss der
hebr ai schen. T el l 1. Di e ar abi schen,
per si achen, tr k i sehen, mal al l sehen,
k opt i schen, ayr l schen, at hl opi schen
h andschr i ft en. Hamburg, M ei ssner ,
1908. 245 p. (K atal og der hand
sch r i f t en der S t adt bi bl i ot h ek zu
Hamburg. bd. 3 )
I ncl udes two C opt i c manuscr i pts.
, BI LABEL, FRI EDRI CH. Neue l i t er a r l sch e
funde i n der H ei del ber ger papyrussamm
l ung. I n I nt. cong. pap. 5t h, Oxfor d,
1937. A ct es, pp. 72-84.
I ncl udes a descr i pt i on of a Greek-
Demotl c gl ossar y of the t h i r d centur y
B.C. l n whi ch the Demotl c l s wr i t t en l n
Greek l et t er s .
165. Uber den f or t s ch r l t t der ar bel t en an
neuen H ei del ber ger papyrusunternehmungen.
Chron d' g. 7 t 13-14], 1932, 311-6.
D i scussi on of pr oj ect ed C opt i c pu bl i
cat i on s.
166. GABRI ELI , GI USEPPE. Documentl or i en t a l i
n el l e bl bl l ot ech e e n egl l ar ch i vi
d 'I t a l l a . A cc. e bi b. d 'I t a l l a 7,
1933-4, 287-304.
A suppl ment t o number 167.
167. M anoscr i t t i e car t e or i en t a l i n el l e
bl bl l ot ech e e n egl l ar ch i vi d 'I t a l l a .
F l r enze, O l schk l , 1930. 89 p.
(B i bl i ot eca d i bi bl i ogr a f i a I t al l an a.
L l st s l l br a r l es l n I t a l i en cl t l e s ,
l n dl cat l n g cat al ogs publ i shed, et c.
Appendl x gl ves number of C opt i c manu-
scr i pt s i n var i ous col l ect i on s .
168. - S t a t l st l ca dei Mss. or i en t a l i del l e
bl bl l ot ech e d 'I t a l l a . R l v. t r i p ol . 1,
1924-5, 75-7.
169. GRAF, GEORG. K atal og ch r i st l l ch -ar abl sch er
handschr i f ten i n J er usal em. I I . Di e
handschr i ft en der K opten. Ori ens chr .
n. s . 5, 1915, 132-6.
170. CRUM, WALTER EWI NG. Catal ogue of the
C opt i c manuscr i pts i n tha col l ect i on
of the J ohn Ryl ands l i br a r y , M anchester.
M anchester , U nl ver si t y pr ess, 1909.
273 p. facsl m.
C on t al ns^t xt s.
C. R. J ames, M. R. J . t h eol . st ud.
11, 1909-10, 100-1.
S pl egel ber g, W. Or. l i t . z.
14, 1911, 257-8.
^ 171. - New C opt i c manuscr i pts i n the J ohn
Ryl ands l i br a r y . R yl . l i b . B u l l . 5,
1919-20, 497-503.
172. GUPFY, HENHY. Notes and news. The
Ryl ands papyr l . The C opt i c papyr i .
R yl . l i b . B u l l . 20, 1936, 14-5.
173. LEI POI DT, J OHANNES. V er zei chni s der
k optl schen handschr i ft en der U ni ver -
sl t a t sbl bl l ot h ek zu L ei pzi g. I n
K atal og der handschr i ft en der U nT ver si -
t at sbl bl l ot h ek zu L ei pzi g, v ol . 2.
V ol l er s, C ar i . K atal og der l sl ai nl schen,
C h r i st l i ch -or i en t al i sch en . . . hand-
sch r i f t en . L ei pzi g. H ar r assowl tz, 1906.
pp. 383-427.
L es manuscr i ts ar abes (non compr i s dans
l e no. 1 ) , k ar chounl s, gr ecs, copt es,
t h i opi en s, ar mni ens, gor gi ens et
b&bys de l 'i n s t i t u t des l angues
or i en t al es. S t . P ter sbour g, Acadmie
i mpr i al e des sci en ces, 1891. 271 p.
(C ol l ect i on s sci en t i f i qu es de l 'i n s t i t u t
des l angues or i en t al es du M i ni str e des
af f a i r es t r angr es. t . 6 , f a s c. 1 )
175. BRGSCH, HEI NRI CH KARL. Ueber das Agyp-
t l sch e musum zu L eyden. Deut. morg.
ges el l s . Z. 6 , 1852, 249-54.
M anuscr i ts coptes du Muse d'an t i qu i t s
des P ays-Bas k L ei de. L ei de, B r i l l ,
1897. 490 p.
Contal ns t ext s.
C. R. Crum, W. E . Or. l i t . z. 2,
1899, 17-21.
177. CATALOGUS CODICUM or i ent al i um B i bl i ot hecae
Academlae L ugduno Batavae. L ugdunl
Batavorum, B r i l l , 1851-77. 6 v.
L l st s two C opt i c manuscr i pts i n v ol . 5.
gTJ E----------------------------------------------------------------------------
178. LANTSCHOOT, ARNOLD VAN. I nventai r e som
mai re de MSS. ar abes d' gypt e.
(B i bl i ot hque de l 'U n l ver si t de
L ouval n) Fonds L ef or t . sr i e A:
MSS. ch r t i en s. Muson 48, 1935,
Gi ves notes on the C opt i c or i gl n al s
of these A r abi e manuscr i pts, l n dl cat l n g
pl ace of pu bl i cat i on and of pr ser va
t i on .
179. LEFORT, L . THOPHI LE. L es manuscr i ts
coptes de l 'U n l ver si t de L ouval n.
L ouval n, B i bl i ot hque de l 'U n l v er si t ,
1940. 152 p. 11 pl at es.
I . T extes l i t t r a i r es .
s l t y of M l chl gan col l ect i on of papyr i .
Aegyptus 4, 1923, 38-40.
B r l ef menti on of the C opt i c papyr i .
181. HUSSELMAN, ELI NOR MULLETT. The col l ect i on
of papyr i [U n l ver si t y of Ml chl gan
l i b r a r y j . I n W or r el l , W. H. C opt i c
t ext s i n t h e^n i v er sl t y of M l chl gan
col l ect i on . Ann A r bor , The U nl ver si t y
of M l chl gan pr ess, 1942. pp. 3-22.
VERZEI CHNI SS DER or i en t al i seh en h andschr i f
ten der K. H of-und S t aat sbl bl i ot h ek i n
Mnchen mi t ausschl uss der hebr ai schen,
ar abi schen und per sl schen. M onachi l ,
sumpti bus B l bl l ot eca e, 1875. (C ata
l ogua codi cum manuscri ptorum B i bl i o
thecae r egi ae M onacensl s. t . 1, pars 4)
WENGER, LEI POLD. M i tt el l ung ber den
stand der Mnchner papyrussamml ungen.
Chron. d' g. 7 [13- 14,, 1932, 335-48.
LANTSCHOOT, ARNOLD VAN. C ot ati on du fonds
copte de N apl es. Muson 41, 1928,
Zoega (number 753) descr l bed these
manuscr i pts under numbering d i f f r a n t
from that used by the l i br a r y . T hi s
i s a t abl e of the cor r espondi ng numbers.
MONACO, A. L es manuscr i ts or i ent aux de l a
B i bl i ot hque n at i onal e de N apl es.
Muson 1, 1882, 99-103.
BERNARD, EDWARD. C at al ogl l i br or um manu
scr i ptor um angl l ae et hl ber nl ae i n
unum co l l e c t l . Oxonl ae, T heatr o
Shel doni ano, 1697. 2 v. i n 1.
A l i s t of the H unti ngton manuscr i pts
now i n the B odl el an l i br a r y . I ncl udes
C opt i c, pp. 279-85.
URI , J OANNES. B i bl i ot h ecae B odl el anae
codi cum manuscri ptorum or l ent al l um,
v i d el i cet hebr ai cor um, chal dal cor um,
syr i acor um, aethi opl cor um, ar abi cor um,
per sl cor um, tur ci cor um, copti cor um
cat al ogus. Pars pr i ma. O xoni i , e
typogr apheo C l ar endoni ano, 1787. 327,
[39] p.
CHABOT, J EAN BAPTI STE. I nventai r e som
mai re des manuscr i ts coptes de l a
B i bl i ot hque n at i on al e. Rev. des bl b.
16, 1906, 351-67.
Catal og wi thout t ex t s. A l so pub
l l sh ed separ at el y.
sommaire des manuscr i ts coptes de l a
B i bl i ot hque n at i on al e. Rev. or . chr .
2. sr . 4, 1909, 417-23; 5, 1910,
85-96, 133-56, 392-7; 6 , 1911, 85-99,
155-60, 239-48, 368-95; 7 [17], 1912,
390-4; 8 t 18j , 1913, 84-91.
I ncompl ets; no more publ i shed.
PORCHER, E . Anal yse des manuscr i ts coptes
1311-8 a i a B i bl i ot hque n at i on al e,
avec I n di cat i on des t ext es bi bl i qu es.
Avec i n t r odu ct i on de M. Henry H yver nat.
Rev. d'E g. 1, 1933, 105-60, 231-78;
2, 1936, 65-123.
191. DEVRI A, THODULE. Catal ogue des manu
s cr i t s gypt i ens cr i t s sur papyr us,
t o i l e , t abl et t es et ost r aca en
car act r es h i r ogl yph i qu es, h i r at i qu es,
dmoti ques, gr ecs, copt es, ar abes et
l at i n s qui sont conser vs au Muse
gypt i en du L ouvr e. P ar i 3 , Char l es de
Mourgues, 1874. 271 p. facsi m.
A l so publ l shed 1881.
192. SI MSAR, MUHAMMED AHMED. O r i ent al manu
scr i p t s of the J ohn F r eder i ck L ewis
C ol l ect i on i n the F r ee L i br ar y of
P h i l adel ph i e. A descr i pt i ve cat a
l ogue. P h i l adel ph i e, t J . H. F ur st]
1937. 248 p. i l l u s .
Number 201 i s a C opto-A r abi c l e c
t i onar y of the 13th-14th cent ur y.
193. CUMONT, FRANZ. L es manuscr i ts coptes de
l a B i bl i ot hque Morgan. A c. bel g.
B u l l . 1912, 10-3.
194. HYVERNAT, HENRY. A ch eck l l st of C opt i c
manuscr i pts i n the P l er pont Morgan
l i br a r y . New Y or k , P r i vat el y pr i n t ed,
1919. 20 p. facsi m.
See al so number 726.
195. - The J . P. Morgan col l ect i on of C opt i c
manuscr i pts. J . B i bl . l i t . 31, 1912,
Di e k opti schen handschr i ft en i n Rom.
B er l . ak. Monatsb. 1869, 276-307.
197. GUI DI , I GNAZI O. C atal ogo dei cod l ci
or i en t a l i d l i a B i bl l ot eca A ngel l ca
di Roma. C odi ci s i r i a ci , ar abl ,
e t i o p l ci , t ur chi e cop t i . F i r enze,
1878. (C atal oghi dei cod i ci
or i en t a l i di al cune bi bl i ot ech e d 'I t a l l a
stampatl a spese del M l nl ster o d l i a
pubbl i ca i st r u zi on e. f a s c. 1 )
198. ELENCO SOMMARIO dei documentl copt i e
ar abl r l p or t a t l dal l a M l ssl one Monneret
de V i l l ar d i n E gi t t o, d est l n a t l , col
consenso del M i ni ster o degl l Es t er i ,
a l l a F ondazi one C aetanl . A cc. L i n cei
Rend. ser . 6 , 11, 1935, 346-7.
199. AMUNDSEN, LEI V. P apyr i and papyr ol ogy i n
th Scandl navl an cou n t r i es. Chron.
d'E g. 7 [13-14], 1932, 324-31.
A b r i ef sur vey of col l ect i on s of t ext s
and papyr ol ogi cal work i n Scandi navi e.
I ncl udes some C opt i c.
200. TATTAM, HENRY. A catal ogue of the Rev.
H. T attam' 3 C opt i c and S ahi di c manu
scr i pt s purchased or copi ed i n E gypt.
Deut. morg. ges el l . Z. 7, 1853, 94-7.
sacr a et pr ofana ex Or i ente et O cci -
dente a l l a t a ; si v e, N ot i t i a codi cum
graecor um, ar abi cor um, syr i acor um,
copti cor um, hebr ai cor um, aethi opi cor um,
l ati nor um, cum excer pt i s mul ti s maxi -
mam partem gr aeci s et t r i gi n t a qui nque
scr i ptur ar um anti qui ssi mar um exempl i s.
E d. r ep et i t a , emendata, aucta. L i p-
si a e. F r i es, 1861. 240 p. i l l u s .
C opt i c manuscr i pts, pp. 68-70, 75.
202. AVETTA, A. Primo cont r i but o di n ot i z i e
bi bl i ogr af i ch e per una bi bl i ogr a f i a dei
cod i ci mss. d l i a B i bl l ot eca nazi onal e
(gl u n i ver si t ar i a) di T or i no. Zen-
t r al b. bi b. 16, 1899, 168-75; 20, 1903,
See al so number 205.
203. PEYRON, VI TTORI O AMEDEO. Saggi o d i st udi
sopr a p a pi r i , cod i ci c o f t i , ed uno
st el e t r i l i n gu e del R egl o Museo E gl zl ano.
T or i no acc. Mem. 29, 1825, 70-82.
A l so publ i shed separ at el y, T or i no,
204. - Untersuehungen ber papyr usr ol l en.
K optl sche handschr i ft en, el ne s t el l e
mi t dr el fach er l n sch r l f t lm K. Aeg.
mus. zu T ur i n. V or gel esen i n der
A kad.d. wl ssenschaften zu T ur i n am
27 Mai 1824. Aus dem i t al i en i sch en
von C. A. F .. Bonn, Weber, 1825.
205. ROSSI , FRANCESCO. M anoscr i t t i copt i
es i s t en t l n el Museo E gi zi o e n el i a
B i bl l ot eca nazi onal e dl T or i no,
r a ccol t i da B er nar di no D r ovet t i .
R i v. bi b. e ar ch. 10, 1899, 113-22.
Codl ces cop t i ci V at i can i , B ar ber l ni ani ,
B or gl anl , R ossl anl . I n B l bl l ot h eca
vat l cana, 1937- v. 1
1. C odl ces cop t i ci V atl cana.
2. Pars p r i or . Codl ces B ar ber l ni ani
or i en t al es 2 et 17. B or gl anl cop t i ci
C. R. Bur mester, 0. J . t h eol . st ud.
39, 1938, 217-22.
L ebon, J . Rev. h i s t . eccl s .
33, 1937, 805-8.
L ef or t , L . T . Muson 50, 1937,
M uni er, H. S oc. ar ch. copt e.
B u l l . 3, 1937, 75-6.
T i l l , W. Wi en. z. kunde morg.
45, 1938, 275.
207. I nventai r e sommaire des manuscr i ts
coptes de l a B i bl i ot hque V atl cane.
Roma, T i pogr afi a del senat o, 1924.
50 p.
A l so publ i shed i n Studi e t es t i 41,
1924, 35-82.
208. MAI , ANGELO. Catal ogus codi cum B l bl l ot ecae
V ati canae ar abi cor um, per si cor um, t u r ci -
corum, aet hi opi cor um, copti cor um,
armeni corum . . . Romae, T ypl s vat l can l s,
1831. 2 v. i n 1.
209. C odl ces cop t i ci B i bl i ot h ecae V ati canae.
I n h l s Scr i ptor um veterum nova
col l ect i o e V at i cani s codi ci bu s.
1825-38. v. 5, pp. 114-70.
210. TI SSERANT, EUGENI O. I cat al ogh i stampati
dei manoscr i t t i or i en t a l i dl i a B i bl i o-
t eca V atl cana dal 1700 ad oggl .
O r l en t al l a 5, 1936, 102-8.
Paper r ead at the I n t . cong. O r .,
19th, Rome, 1938.
211. VI DA, GI ORGI O LEVI DELLA. R i cer che su l l a
for mazl one del pl u an t l co fondo del
manoscr i t t i or i en t a l i d l i a bi bl l ot eca
V atl cana. C i t t del V at l cano, B i bl i o-
t eca apost ol l ca V atl cana, 1939. 528 p.
(St udi e t es t i 92)
D l scusses C opt i c manuscr i pts.
212. ASSEMANI , SI MONE. C atal ogo de' cod i ci
manoscr i t t i or i en t a l i dl i a B i bl l ot eca
Nani ana. P adova, N el l a stamper i a de
Semi nar i o, 1787-92. 2 v. i n 1.
I ncl udes two C opt i c l i t u r gi ca l i tems.
213. MI NGARELLI , GI OVANNI L UI GI . Gr aeci codl ces
manu s cr i p t i apud Nanl os pat r i ci os
venetos asser vat l . B ononi ae, t ypi s
L a el l l a V ul pe, 1784. 539 p.
"A dest i n f i n e I ndex 17 codi cum mss.
copti cor um pp. 537-9".
214. KARABACEK, J OSEF. K atal og der Theodor
G r af'sohen funde i n A egypten. Wi en,
K. K. Oester r . Musum, 1883. 56 p.
2. Der papyr usfund von el -F ai J m.
( I ncl ude s C opt i c papyr i ).
215. KARABACEK, J OSEF. Papyrus E r sher zog
R ai ner . F hrer dur ch di e ausst el l ung.
Wl en, H Slder, 1894. 293 p. i l l u s . I I . PHILOLOGY
A gypti sche abt el l ung von J . K r al l .
I I I . Di e k optl sche s ch r l f t und spr ache,
pp. 37-60.
216. KRALL, J AKOB. Neue er gebnl sse aus den
demotl schen und k optl schen papyrus der
sammlung er zher zog R ai ner . (A uszug).
I n I n t . cong. Or. 13th, Hamburg,
T 502. Ver handl ungen, pp. 345-7.
217. TI L L , WALTER. B er i cht ber di e or i en t a l -
l sche abt el l ung der papyrussammlung der
N at i on al bi bl i ot h ek l n Wl en. Chron.
d' g. 11 ( 22j , 1936, 478-83.
218. Di e C opt l ca der Wi ener papyrussamml ung.
Deut. morg. ges el l s . Z. 95, 1941,
Revi ews the C opt i c hol di ngs l n Vi enna,
and notes where the publ i shed pl eces
have appear ed or been menti oned.
219. Di e or l en t al l sch e abtel l ung der
papyrussammlung der N at i on al bi bl i ot hek
l n Wl en. O r i en t al l a n. s . 4, 1935,
320. - Papyrussammlung der N at i on al bi bl i ot hek
1937; 1938; 1939: 1940-1. Chron. d' g.
14 [27 ], 1939, 201-2; 14 [28], 1939,
414-5; 16 [32 ], 1941, 297; 17 , 3 4 , ,
1942, 349.
221. Papyrussammlung der N at i on al bi bl i ot hek
l n Wl en. K atal og der k optl schen B i bel -
br uchstck e. Di e per gamente. Z. Neut.
w i ss. 39, 1940, 1-57.
222. WENDEL, P . C. H. Account of a C opt i c
manuscr i pt bel ongl ng to Dr . Wi l l i am
Hayes Ward. Am. or . soc. J . 14, 1890,
c c l l - 111.
D escr i pt i on of a C opto-A r abl c hymnal
and book of pr ayer s, l n the B ohal r i c
d l a l ect .
223. O'LEAKY, DE LACY EVANS. Some C opt i c manu
s cr i p t s . I n Mond, R. Cerneterl es of
Armant I , E g. expi . soc. Mem. 42,
1937, 281-3.
Catal ogue of manuscr i pts now l n
Wel l come M di cal Musum.
224. WESSEI Y, KARL. Quel ques pi ces rcemment
publ i es 4 e 1116 col l ect i on papyr ol ogl que.
Chron. d'E g. 6 ( 12] , 1931, 367-9.
B r l ef descr i pt i on of C opt i c and Greek
fr agments.
Gener al Works
225. ABEL, KARL. K opti sche unt9rsuchungen.
B er l i n , Dml er, 1876. 842 p. I ssued
i n 3 par t s: 1. h a l f t a , 1876, 2. h ai f t e,
1-2. the i l , 1877.
C. R. Erman, A. Deut. morg. gesel l s.
Z. 32, 1878, 763-6.
See al so numbers 227, 252,
226. On the C opt i c l anguage. P h i l . soc.
T r an s., 1855, 51-61.
227. Zur agypti schen k r i t i k . B er l i n ,
L i epmannssohn, 1878. 16 p.
See al so number 225. An answer to
number 252.
228. BARDY, G. L es pr emi er s temps ^du ch r i s
ti ani sme de l angue copte an E gypte.
I n Ci nquantenai r e de 1 ' col e bi bl i qu e
et ar chol ogi que f r an ai s de J r usal em
(15 novembre 1890 - 15 novembre 1940).
Mmori al L agr ange. P ar i s, L ecof f r e,
1940. pp. 197-201.
229. BUNSEN, CHR. Aegyptens s t ei l e i n der
wal t gesch i cht a. G eschl ch t i i ch e unt ar -
suchung i n f nf bcher n. Hamburg,
P er thes, 1845-57. 5 v.
A l so an E ngl i sh t r an sl at i on , E gypt's
pl ace i n u n i ver sel h i st or y , L ondon,
tongman, 1648.
D i scusses the C opti c l anguage and i t s
r el at i on t o E gypti an r oot s, vocabui ar y,
et c.
230. CARABELLONI , J . A. De agl ogr aphl a pr i mo-
genl a et t r a n s l a t i t i a , a d j ect i s ex
hebr aeo t ext u , d i v i n i s t ast i moni i s ab
A post oi l s et E van gel i st i s ex V eter e
Testamento i n novum a d sci t i s r evoca-
t i sque ad f on t es nonnul i i s cop t i co-
sacr l s fr agmanti s. Romae, 1797.
183 p.
Gi ves Gr eek, Hebrew, C opt i c and L ati n
t ex t s. R apr i nts saver al S ahi di c f r a g
ments from G i or gi . Obser vati ons on
the C opt i c l anguage.
231. COEMANS, E . M. Manuel de l angue gyp
ti enne. 1. par t i e. L es cr i t u r es
gypt i ennes. Gand, Clemm, 1887.
153 p.
La l angue et l a l i t t r a t u r e copt es,
pp. 143-51. Reproduced fr om hand-
wr i t t en copy.
232. THE COPTI C l anguage.
1855, 388-95.
P r i nceton r evi ew 27,
233. CRUSI US, FRI DERI CUS A. D. Commentationes
de vet er i bu s v a l l i s N i l ot i cae i n col i s
eorumque l l ngua i . e . copt l ca s el ect i
br evesque l o c i . H al l s, 1839. 32 p.
(D l ss. U ni v. H al l e)
DENNI S, J AMES TEAKLE. The t r an sl i t r at i on
of E gypti an. Am. or . 30c. J . 24, 1903,
D i scussi on of the use of C opt i c l n
t r an sl l t er at l n g E gypti an t ext s.
DEVAUD, EUGNE. tudes et notes de gram
mai r e, de l ex i col ogi e, de pal ogr aphi e,
e t c . , gypti ennes et copt es. Kemi 1,
1928, 136-46.
FRRET, N. Obser vati ons gnr al es sur
l 'or i gi n e et sur l 'an ci en n e h i st oi r e
des pr emi er s habl tans de l a Gr ce.
A r t . X. De l a l angue gr ecque et de ses
d i a l ect es. A c. l n scr . H i st . 47, 1809,
Mm. 107-33.
Contai ns b r i ef note on the C opt i c
l anguage, pp. 120-1.
GARDI NER, ALAN H. Some aspects of the
E gypti an l anguage. B r i t . ac. P r oc.
23, 1937, 81-104.
M ostl y concer ned wi th E gypti an, but
has some bear l ng on C opt i c.
GASPARRI , HENRIQUE. La l engua qul chua y
l a l engua egl pcl a en sus t r s formas
ger ogl i f i ca , demotl ca y copt a.
B r u xel l es, Pepermans, 1908. 268 p.
GRAPOW, HERMANN. Vom h i er ogl yph i sch -
demotl schen zum k opt i schen. E i n
bel t r ag zur agyptl schen spr ach-
gesch l ch t e. B er l . ak. S i t z b. 1938,
Demoti c ph i l ol ogy. S oc. B l bl . ar ch.
T r ans. 18, 1896, 103-5.
I n t er r el at i on s and cor r espondences
of C opt i c and Demoti c.
HEBBELYNCK, ADOLPHE. La l angue copte et
sa l i t t r a t u r e. U agasl n l i t t r a i r e 8 ,
1891, 93-111.
J ABLONSKI , PAUL ERNEST. Opuscul a qul bus
l i ngua et ant l qui t as Aegypti or um,
d i f f i c i l i a l i br or um sacr or um l oca et
h l st or l ae eccl es i a s t l ca e capl t a I l l u s -
t r ant ur . L ugdunl Batavorum, Honkoop,
1804-13. 4 v.
KABI S, MARC. I n t r odu ct i on , l 't u de de l a
l angue copt e. I n st . d'E g. Mm. 1,
1862, 13-38.
Gener al di scu ssi on of the l anguage
and grammar.
I nt r oduct i on t o the study of the C opt i c
l anguage. Smi thsonl an i n st i t u t i on ,
Washi ngton. Annual r epor t , 1867, 415-6.
From the T r ansacti ons of the E gypti an
I n st i t u t e. See al so number 243.
KI RCHER, ATHANASI US. Prodromvs coptvs
sl ve aegyptl acvs . . . l n quo cm l i nguae
copt ae, s l ue aegypt l acae, quondam pha-
r aon l cae, or l go, aet as, v l ci s s l t u d o,
i n cl i n a t i o . . . Romae, t ypl s S. Cong.
de pr opag. f l d e, 1636. 338 p.
246. MALLON, ALEXI S. La l angue copt e, son
or i gi n e et son h i s t oi r e. al -M achr i q 3,
1900?, 891-9.
247. NAVI LLE, EDOUARD. L 'vol u t i on de l
l angue gypti enne et l es l angues
smi t i ques. P ar i s, Geuthner , 1920.
178 p.
Le C opte: pp. 111-51.
248. O'LEARY, DE LACY EVANS. Notes on the
C opt i c l anguage. O r i en t al i a n. s. 3,
1934, 243-58.
1. Date of the di suse of ver nacul ar
C opt i c.
2. C opt i c i n fl u ence on the E gypti an
d i a l ect of A r abl e.
249. POOLE, REGINALD STUART. On the method
of i n t er pr et i n g E gypti an h i er ogl yph l cs
by Y oung and Champol l i on wi th a v i n d l -
cat l on of i t s cor r ect ness fr om the
st r i ct u r es of S i r George Cor newal l
L ewi s. A r chaeol ogi a 39, 1863, 471-82.
D l scusses b r i ef l y C opt i c and i t s r e
l a t i on t o E gypti an.
250. POTT, A. F . E i nl el t ung i n di e al l gemei ne
spr achwi ssenschaft . Zur l i t t er a t u r
der sprachenkunde A f r l k as. I n t . z.
al l gem. sprachw. 3, 1887, 249-75.
Some di scu ssi on of C opt i c.
251. QUI BELL, J AMES EDWARD. Wann st ar b das
K opti sche aus? Z. aeg. -spr . 39,
1901, 87.
252. RENOUF, SI R PETER LE PAGE. K opti c r e-
sear ches. The Academy, L ondon, 14,
1878, 92-4.
A c r i t i ca l r evi ew of number 225.
253. SAULCY, F . DE. L es hi r ogl yphes et l a
l angue gypt i enne, pr opos d'une
cr i t i qu e de l a grammaire de Champol l i on,
par feu l e docteur D uj ar di n. Rev.
ar ch. 18441, 341-62.
A egypten, oder spr ache, gesch i ch t e,
r el i gi on und ver fassung des al t en
Aegypten nach den al t agypt l schen
or i gi n a l sch r i f t en und den mi tthei l ungen
der ni ch t -agypt i schen al t en s ch r i f t -
s t el l er . L ei pzi g, B ar th, 1843. 2 v.
M ater i al on the C opt i c l anguage, and
(pp. 2098-2183) P al aogr aphi sches al pha
bet der k opti schen s ch r i f t .
255. SETHE, KURT. Das ver hfi l t ni s zwi schen
Demoti sch und K opti sch und sei ne l ehr en
f r di e geschi cht e der Sgyptl schen
spr ache. Deut. morg. ges el l s . Z. 79,
1925, 290-316.
256. SI MON, J EAN. The dcl i n of the C opt i c
l anguage i n the N i l e v a l l ey . I n
number 151, v ol . 1, pp. 11-1111.
257. Wann st ar b das k opti sche aus? Deut.
morg. ges el l s . Z. 90, 1936, 44* -5* .
Rsum of a paper r ead at the Deutscher
or l en t al l st en t ag, 8 t h , Bonn, 1936.
258. STERN, LUDWIG. K opti sche spr ache und
l i t er a t u r . I n Al l gemel ne en cycl o-
padl e der wl ssenschaften und k nste. 265.
L ei pzi g, Br ockhaus, 1818-1889. S ec. 2,
bd. 39, pp. 26-36.
259. VATER, J OHANN SEVERI N. L i t t er at u r der
grai mnatl ken, l exi k a und wSrtersamml ungen 266.
a l l er spr achen der er de nach el ph abet l -
scher ordnung der spr achen, mi t ei ner
gedr engten u eber si ch t des vat er l andes,
der schnl ck sal e und ver wandschaft
der sel ben. B er l i n , i n der N i col al schen
buchhandl ung, 1815. 259 p.
Contal ns a b r i ef sk et ch of the C opti c
l anguage and a shor t bi bl i ogr aph y.
260. WAHL, SAMUEL FRI EDRI CH GUENTHER. A l l gei i r 268.
geschi cht e der mor genl andi schen sprachen
und l i t t er a t u r . . . Nebst ei nem anhang
zur mor genl andi schen sch r i f t gesch l ch t e.
L ei pzi g, B r ei t k opf, 1784. 648 p. 269.
i l l u s .
3. absch n i t t j E gypti sche oder koptl sche
spr ache, pp. 371-405.
261. WALTON, BRI AN. D i sser t at i o l n qua de
l l n gu i s or l en t al l bu s h ebr al ca,
ch al dal ca, samar l tana, syr l aca, ar abi ca,
per si ca, aet h i opl ca, armena, copt a, et
de textuum et versi onum quae l n . . .
p ol y gl ot t i s B i bl i i s habentr . . . au-
t h or i t at e et usu . . . d i sser i t u r .
A ccessi t J . Wowerl syntagma de gr aeca
et l at i n a B i bl l or um i n t er pr et at i on e.
D avent r i ae, 1658.
262. - I n t r odu ct i o ad l ectl onem l l nguarum
or i ent al i um; hebr ai cae, chal dal cae,
samar l tanae, sy r i ecee, ar abl cae,
per si cae, aet h l opi cae, armenae, coptae
. . . pr aeml t t i t ur l n qua de h l sce l l n gu i s
et de textuum ver sl o num quae l n d l ct l s
B i bl i i s habentr . L ondi ni , R oycr of t ,
1655. 96, 112 p.
C opt i c al phabet , wi th b r i ef sk et ch of
2d emended di t i on publ i shed l n 165.5,
and r epr i nt ed L ondon, B agster , 1821.
263. WI LKI NS, DAVI D. D i sser t at i o de l i ngua
copt l ca. I n Or ati o Doml nl ca l n
di ver ses omum fer e genti um l l nguas 273.
ver sa, et pr opr i i s cuj usque l i nguae
char act er i bus expr esse, una cum
dl sser t et l on l bu s nonnul l l s de l l nguer um
or i gi n e, ver i i squ e i pserum per mut et l onl - 274.
bus. E di tor e I . Chamber l eyni o.
Amstel eedeml , Goer eus, 1715. t pt . 2 1f
pp. 76-124.
------------------------------------------------ 275.
See el so number 42.
Comperetl ve P hi l ol ogy
nr el es sur l es r eppor t s des l ongues
gypt l enne, phni ci enne et gr ecque.
A r t . I . Sur l e l engue copht e. Ac.
i n scr . H i st . 32, 1768, Mm. 213-21.
BENFEY, THEODOR. ber des ver hS l t ni ss
der gypt i sch en spr eche zum seml tl schen
sprechstamm. L ei pzi g, Br ockheus,
1844. 367 p.
CAMPBELL, J OHN. The C opt i c el ement i n
l anguages of the I ndo-E uropean f emi l y.
T or ont o, Copp, C l ar k , 1872. 43 p.
Reed befor e the Canedl an I n st i t u t e,
F eb. 10, 1872.
CLARKE, HYDE. Memoir on the compar ati ve
grammar of E gypti an, C opt i c end Ude.
L ondon, T r bner , 1873. 31 p.
COHEN, M. Chroni que de l i n gu i st i qu e
cheml to-sml t i que. Rev. des tudes
sm. 1934, x x i i i - x x x .
EMBER, AARON. K i ndred Seml to-E gyptl en
wor ds. Z. aeg. spr . 49, 1911, 93-4;
51, 1913, 110-21; 53, 1917, 83-90.
C ontal ns, i n v ol . 49, a few Seml tl c
stems l n C opt i c, and some C opt i c words
thr oughout.
270. EWALD, HEI NRI CH. Abhandlung ber den
zusammenhang des nor di schen ( tr ki schen ),
ml t t el l an dl sch en , seml tl schen und
k optl schen sprachstammes. (Spr ach-
w i ssen sch ef t l l ch e abhendl ungen, I I ) .
G ot t . ges el l s . Abh. 10, 1861-2, 3-80.
271. GALTI ER, EMI LE. De l 'i n f l u en ce du copte
sur l 'er a be d' gypt e. I n st . f r . ar ch.
or . B u l l . 2, 1902, 212-6.
272. HI LAI RE DE BARENTON, PRE. Le l ongue
tr usque, d l el ect e de l 'en cl en gypt i en.
P ar i s, Geuthner , 1920.
Compari son of E tr uscan and E gypti an
grammar i n an attempt t o pr ove that
E tr uscan l s a d l a l ect of C opt i c and
h i er ogl yph l c. S el ect ed t ext s i n
E tr uscan wi th C opt i c and E gypti an
qui val ant l n col umnar ar r angement.
C. R. H er bi g, G. Or. l i t . z. 24,
1921, 157-9.
HOMBURGER, L I L L I AS. L es di al ect es coptes
et mands. S oc. l l n g. B u l l . 30, 1929,
KLAPROTH, J . L ett r e M. Champol l i on l e
J eune, r el at i ve l 'a f f i n i t du cophte
avec l es l ongues du nor d de l 'A s i e et
du n or d-est de l 'E u r ope. P ar i s,
Dondey-Dupr, t 1823). 11 p.
LAGARDE, PAUL ANTON DE. Wur zel for schungen.
H al l e, L i pper t , 1852. 48 p . ,
R el at i on of C opt i c t o Seml tl c and to
the I ndogermanl c l anguages.
276, LI TTMANN, ENNO. K opti scher eI nfl uas im
agypt i sch-ar abi schen. Deut. morg.
ges el l s . Z. 56, 1902, 681-4.
277, PRAETORI US, FRANZ. K opti sche spur en i n
der agypt i sch-ar abi schen grammati k. 286.
Deut. morg. ges el l s . Z. 55, 1901, 145-7.
278,, RENAN, ERNEST. H i st oi r e gnr al e et
systme compar des l angues smi ti ques.
1. p t l e. H i st oi r e gnr al e des l angues
smi t i ques. P ar i s, I mpri meri e i mpri al ^
1855. 499 p. 287.
Examines C opt i c l anguage b r i ef l y .
279 SEYFFARTH, GUSTAV. Das hebr al sche h ohl -
mass hi n aus Aegypten nach ei n er cop t i -
schen E ndschr i ft der L el pzl ger U ni ver -
si t a t sbi bl i ot h ek . I n hl s T heol o
gi sche sch r l f t en der al t en Aegypter
nach dem T ur i ner papyrus zum er st en
maie u eber set zt . Gotha, P ert-hes,
1855. pp. 117-20.
280., SOBHY, GEORGE P . Sur vi vai s of anci ent
E gypti an l n modem d i a l ect . A nci ent
E g. 1921, 70-5; 1922, 47-9.
des ar abi schen vu l gar di al ect es von
Aegypten. L ei pzi g, H i nr i chs, 1880.
F i nds no tr ace of C opt i c i nfl uence
on E gypti an A r abi e.
D l ct l on ar l es
282,. ALLBERRY, C. R. C. Three poi nts i n C opt i c
l exi eogr aphy. J . E g. ar ch. 25, 1939,
Three addi t i ons t o Crum's di ct i on ar y
(number 285) fr om Manichaean cor pus,
2 d i a l ect .
283., BSCI AI , AGAPI OS. Nouum auctar i um l ex l cl
s a h i d i co- cop t i ci . Z. aeg. spr . 24,
1886, 88-102; 25, 1887, 57-73, 135-9;
26, 1888, 53-5, 120-8.
284., P eut-on tr ouver encor e des mots nou
veaux dans l a l angue copte? L et t r e
M. R evi l l ou t . R ec. de tr avaux 7, 1886,
L i st s new words and er r or s i n P eyr on's
di ct i on ar y (number 292 ). Compri ses an
answer t o R ev i l l ou t 's note whi ch accom-
panl ed an a r t i cl e by B scl al , number 865,
Answered by R ev i l l ou t , number 293.
285., CRUM, WALTER EWI NG. A C opt i c di ct i on ar y.
Oxfor d, The Cl ar endon pr ess, 1939.
953 p.
C. R. C al i ce, F .
1932, 253-4.
C al i ce, F .
1933, 416-7.
L ef or t , L . T . Muson 52,
1939, 412-15.
Or. l i t . z. 35,
Or. l i t . z. 36,
P ol ot sk y, H. J . E g. ar ch. 25,
1939, 109-13.
T i l l , W. Wi en. z. kunde morg.
45, 1938, 276.
C opt i c l exi eogr aphy. Z. aeg. spr . 7,
1869, 129-31, 141-6; 8 , 1870, 132-7;
9, 1871, 22-4, 45-8, 120-4.
A ddi ti ons t o Tattam and P eyr on.
KABI S, MARC. Auctari um l ex l cl cop t i ci
Amedei P eyr on. Z. aeg. spr . 12, 1874,
121-9, 156-60; 13, 1875, 55-9, 82-8,
105-12, 134-44, 178-80; 14, 1876, 11-24,
42-7, 58-64, 80-8, 114-8; E r r ata 14,
1876, 148.
rvr-fACTri n t e N i penN ^H r i i . C ai r o,
el -Watani a, 1611-1631, i . e . 1895-1915.
5 pt s. i n 1 v.
C opt i e-A r abi c di ct i on ar y.
aegyptl aco-l ati num ex vet er i bu s i l l i u s
l i nguae monumentls sumrao st u di o col l ec-
tum et el abor atum. Quod l n compendium
r edegl t i t a u t nul l ae voces aegypt i acae,
nul l aeque earum si gn i f l ca t l on es oml t t er -
entur C h r i st . S ch ol z. N otul as
quasdam, et I ndi ces a d j eci t Car ol us
Godofredus Woi de. O xonl i , e typo
gr apheo C l ar endonl ano, 1775. 199 p.
Vocabul ar i um copti co-l atl num et l a t i n o-
copti cum e P eyr oni et T attami l ex l cl s
conci nnavi t G. P ar they. Accedunt
el enchus epi scopatuum A egypt i , lne-x
A egypti geogr aphi cus cop t i co- l a t i n u s,
i ndex A egypti geogr aphi cus l a t l n o-
copt i cu s, vocabul a aegypti a a S cr i p t or i -
bus gr aecl s ex pl l cat a, vocabvrl a aegypti a
a scr i pt or i bu s l a t l n l s expl l cat a.
B er ol i n i , N i col aus, 1844. 587 p.
291. PEYRON, VI TTORI O AMEDEO. L exi con coptl cum.
E di t i o l t er a t a ad ed l t i on l s pr l n ci pi s
exmplum. Accedunt auct ar l a ex
E phemeri di aegypti aca ber ol i n en si
excer pt a. B er ol i n i , C al var y, 1896.
470 p.
A nastatl c r epr i n t of number 292.
292. L exi con l i nguae copt i cae. T aur i ni ,
Ex r egl o typogr apheo, 1835. 470 p.
F or addi t i on s, see hl s Grammatica
l i nguae copt i cae, number 445.
293. REVI LLOUT, EUGENE. Une r ect i f i ca t i on .
Rev. g. 4, 1885, 172-7.
A r epl y t o number 284. See al so
number 865.
294. SPI EGELBERG, WILHELM. K opti sches hand-_
wor ter buch. H el del ber g, Wi nter , 1921.
339 p.
295. E i n neues k opti sches wSr ter buch. Or.
l i t . z. 32, 1929, 921-4.
Continents on Crum's di ct i on ar y (number
296. TATTAM, HENRY. L exi con a egy p t i a co- l a t i -
num, ex vet er l bus l i nguae aegyptl acae
monumenti s, et ex oper i bus La C r oz i i ,
W ol di i , et al l or um, summo st u di o con
gs tum. Cvtm I ndi ce vocum l atl nar ur a.
O xonl i , e T ypographeo academi co, 1835.
958 p.
297. TI L L , WALTER. Achmmlsche ber i cht i gungen
und erganzungen zu S pl egel ber gs k op t l -
schem handwSrterbuch. Z. aeg. spr .
62, 1927, 115-30.
See al so numbers 445, 1178.
qui val ent l n p a r l l el col umns. A l so
publ i shed i n hi s E tudes de mythol ogi e
et dar chol ogi e gy p t i ennes. P ar i s,
^roux, 1893. v . 5 , pp. 175-212.
305, NAJ B I BN MKH1I L . T akr b al -ar ab.
M3pi [f ol l ow ed by] al -A sffs al -mat i n
caxi kj-Aci ri _ hre _Ni penN/ . HM/ by
['Abd al -U asi h S a l b j . [C ai r o, 1886-7).
157, 126 p. * '
A manual of el ementar y conver sat i on i n
C opt i c and A r abl e, fol l ow ed by an el e
mentary C opt i c grammar expl ai ned i n
A r abl e.
1886. 41 p.
I n A r abl e.
A bcdai r e copt e. Rome,
V ocabul ar l es. W or d- l l st s. Phrase Books
298. ABEL, KARL. E i n hunder t bej.3pl ai e agypt i
schen gegensl nns. I n E tudes ar ch
ol ogi qu es, l i n gu i st i qu es et h i st or i qu es,
ddi es H. l e Dr . C. L eemans. L ei de,
B r i l l , 1885. pp. 13-16.
A l l s t of C opt i c and E gypti an words
wi th L ati n t r an sl at i on .
299. E l nl el t ung i n ei n aegypt i sch -seml t i sch -
l ndoeur opal sches wur zel wor ter buch.
L ei pzi g, F r i edr i ch , 1886. 393, 120 p.
P t. 3, pp. 36-330, l s a cl a s s l f l ed
E gypt l an-L at i n-C opt i c di ct i on ar y wi th
C opt i c i ndex.
300. BARSM, I BRH M. A l -k har l dat al -bahl yah
f i ul al -l u gh at a l - k i bt ya h . C ai r o,
1882. 88 p. * *
2d d i t i on .
A vocabul ar y and di al ogues i n C opt i c
and A r abl e,
301. ERMAN, ADOLF, Zur agypti schen w or t f or -
schung. I I I , B er l . ak. S i t z b. 1912,
L i st of E gypti an words that have and
have not sur vi ved i n C opt i c.
302. LAB B, CLAUDIUS J O H A N N E S n i A N cA X i
N T C N I C A 2CI N T A y'l
^Oy/M f / kC T T t NP ABO C C T C cop
Bo\ . . . C ol l ect i on de mots coptes qui
passent en usage dans l a l angue arabe
vu l gai r g. 1r e s r i e. rMajmr a l - a l f z
al - k l bt i yah ) tC ai r o, 101j 54 p.
303. L EVI , SI MEONE. V ocabol ar l o ger ogl l f i co
copt o-ebr ai co. T or i no, P l et r o, 1887-94.
6 v . and 2 suppl . v.
304. MASPERO, GASTON. Le vocabul ai r e fr an ai s
d'un Copte du X l I I e s i cl e. Romania 17,
1888, 481-512.
Contal ns F r ench wor ds, t h ei r t r ans
cr i p t i on i n t o C opt i e and tha A r abl e
307. STUCKEN, EDUARD. P ol ynesi sches spr achgut
i n Amerl ka und l n Suaer . V or der asi at .-
aeg. ges el l s . M i t t . 312, 1927, 1-127.
I ncl udes E gypti an and C opt i c qui va
l en t s of P ol ynesl an wor ds.
308. WAHBY BEY. n i ? o Y t mm / c t h
-J -a c t t i n * Y t t t i k h . [C ai r o, A. M.
1610 c1894 j j 58 p.
C opt i c-A r abi c phrase book wi th
paradl gms.
309. WI LKI NSON, SI R J OHN GARDNER. M ater i a
h l er ogl yph i ca. C ontal nl ng the E gyp
tian pan the on and the su ccessi on of tha
pharaohs fr om the ea r l i es t tl mes t o the
conquest of A l exandr i a and other h l er o-
gl yph i cal su bj ect s. M al ta, 1828.
2 pt s. i n 1 v ol . and a t l a s .
Contal ns C opt i c and h i er ogl yph l c vo-
cabul ar y.
See al so numbers 1840-9.
P er sonal Names
310. BI LABEL, FRI EDRI CH. (3o'0pos. P h i l o-
l ogus 78 tn. s . 32), 1923, 401-3.
I d en t i f i es fi Bpos fr om C opt i e for m
poeop found i n Cambyses romance.
311, CRUM, WALTER EWI NG. N otes ons I . - The
name Pachoml us. I I . - "A bove" and
"B el ow" l n C opt i c. I I I . - E gypti an
"Or antes". S oc. B l bl . ar ch. P r oc. 21,
1899, 247-52.
Gr aeco-E gyptl an names. Z. aeg. spr .
1868, 64-9.
6 ,
I ntended as a suppl ment to P ar they's
A ogyptl sche personennamen. number 316.
HEUSER, GUSTAV. Di e K opten. H el del ber g,
B l l abel , 1938-. pt. 1-. (Quel l en und
st udl en zr geschi cht e und k ul tur des
al ter tums vind des m i t t el a l t er s. Rel he
C: H l l fsbi i cher , bd. 2)
V ol . . I V of P r osopogr aphi e von Agypten.
An al ph abet l cal l i s t of C opt i c Per
sonal names fr om documents of the 2d t o
the 16th cen t u r i es, desl gned or l gi n a l l y
as a cont i nuat i on of number 314.
3 1 4 . -----
pr oper names.
Studl es i n the C opt i c
A nci ent E g. 1925, 41-4.
SPI EGELBERG, WILHELM. A egypti sche und
gr i ech i sch e elgennamen aus mumi eneti -
k etten der r omi schen k ai ser zei t auf
grund von gr oasen t ei l s u nver offen t -
l i chtem mater i al gesammel t und er l S ut er t .
L ei pzi g, H i nr i chs, 1901. 72, 58 P
Contai ns l i s t of C opt i c names.
See al so number 2030.
E tymol ogy
322. ABEL, KARL. Zur Sgyptl schen et ymol ogl e.
P h i l . wochenschr . 7, 1887, 706-8.
Makes some use of C opt i c.
323. Zur Sgyptl schen et ymol ogl e.
L i epmannssohn, 1878. 17 p.
B er l i n ,
Di e personennamen der K opten. I .
U ntersuchungen. L ei pzi g, D i et er i ch ,
1929. 125 p. (Studl en zur epi gr a-
phl k und papyruskunde, bd. 1 , s ch r i f t
Conti nued i n hl s Di e K opten. number
HOPFNER, THEODOR. G r aezi si er t e, g r i e-
ch i sch -S gypt l sch e, bzw. agypt i ach-
gr i ech i sch e und hybr i de theophore
personennamen aus gr i ech i schen t ext en ,
i n sch r i f t en , ost r ak a, mumi entafel chen
und dgl . und i hr e r el i gi on sgesch i ch t -
l i ch e bedeutung. A r . Or. 15, 1944,
A egypti sche personennamen bel den
k l asi k er n, i n papyr usr ol l en, auf
i n sch r i f t en . B er l i n , P ar they, 1864.
127 p.
PREI SI GKE, FRI EDRI CH. Namenbuch en t h al -
tend a i l e gr i ech i sch en , l at el n l sch en ,
Sgyptl schen, hebr ai schen, ar abi schen
und sons t i ge semi ti schen und n i ch t -
semi ti schen menschennamen, sowel t si e i n
gr i ech i schen urkunden (papyr i , ost r ak a,
i n sch r i f t en , mumi enschi l der n usw.)
gyptens si ch vor fi n den . H el del ber g,
S el bst ver l ag, 1922. 526 col .
RANKE, HERMANN. Di e Sgyptl schen per sonen
namen. Gl ck st adt , A ugusti n, 1935-.
v. 1- ,
SCHMIDTA CARL. Zu G r i echi schen urkunden
aus Agypten, I . P h i l . wochenschr . 38,
1918, 477-80.
C or r ect i ons of P er sonal names i n
number 317, wi th suggested et ymol ogi es.
324. ANDERSSON, ERNST. Une s i gn i f i ca t i on
possi bl e du copte TTApriwoyo Vn , Sphi nx
11, 1908, 139-42.
325. BLOK, H. P. Zur etymol ogl e 6J ip ='t w r .
A cta or . 2, 1923-24, 77-80.
D i scussi on of the p os s l b i l i t y of
T&Hht}r twr .
326. BOEHLI G, ALEXANDER. E i n neuer ausdruck
fr "sei n wi e, gl ei ch en " im k opti schen.
Z. aeg. spr . 72, 1936, 141-3.
= u h c . AZ. 41, S. 148.
spr . 42, 1905, 8 6 .
Z. aeg.
See al so number 419.
CALI CE, FR. A N i n e-. Z. aeg. spr . 45,
1908-9, 92.
P r oposes an E gypti an dr i vat i on .
SERNtf, J AROSLAV. I l nA N - copt o e
l 'et i m ol ogi a del nome d i Manetone.
I n U i scel l anea Gr egor i ana. 1941.
pp. 57-61.
CHA NE, MARI US. Note sur l 'exp r essi on
copte t eoy oN ; epoA . Rev. or . chr .
ser . 3, 3 (23J f 1922-3, 209-13.
2 im k opt i schen. Z. aeg. spr . 36,
1898, 146-7.
TTO i n a B r i t i sh musum papyrus i s
equated wi th the above E gypti an wor d.
Un nouveau mot copte pour "n avi r e".
I n st . f r . ar ch, or . E u l l . 30, 1931,
<f I N O Y HX.
DVAUD, EUGENE. O0 ?E (sah. ) Z. aeg.
spr . 57, 1922, 140-1.
E tudes de l exi cogr aph i e gypti enne et
copt e. Kemi 2, 1929, 3-18.
- tudes d't ymol ogi e copt e. F r i bour g
(S u i sse) 1922. 68 p. (T hesi s U ni v.
de N euchtel )
A l so publ l shed separ at el y, Ad. Rody,
1923. pt . 1, 72 p.
C. R. S pl egel ber g, W. Or. l i t . z.
26, 1923, 268-9. ,

- E tymol ogi es copt es. R ec. de tr avaux

39, 1921, 154-77.
- Notes do l ex i col ogi e copt e.
1923, 83-99.
Suppl ment t o number 335.
Muscn 36, 353. Note sur un nom copte dsi gnant l e
caml on. I n st . f r . ar ch. or . B u l l . 36,
1936-7, 95.
----- Sur l e genr e et l a forme de cj oc
(S ) et do ses var i an t es. Keml 3,
1930, 136-48.
339. V ar i a. Sphi nx 12, 1909, 107-24.
X I I I . Sur deux ver bes copt es.
(fpfp, PP0
340. DRI OTON, ETI ENNE. Le "fr on t on " et l as
"t asseaux" de l a por t e. I n st . f r .
ar ch. or . B u l l . 26, 1926, 15-19.
E xpl &nati on of two obscur e E gypti an
terma. U t i l i z es quotatl on fr om C opt i c
t o expl al n ter m, and equates the Egyptian
and C opt i c wor ds.
- Un mot nouveau copt e. Rev. g. anc. 1,
1927, 15-17.
P ubl i shes an ost r acon , a l et t er , whi ch
contai ns the word t a2 .
EDGERTON, WI LLI AM P . A-l '.r*k "C easo"j
Z. aeg. spr . 70, 1934, 123-4.
- E tymol ogi es of TNMooy and oo'f .
Am. J . Sem. l ang. 48, 1931-2, 53-4.
ERMAN, ADOLF. Di e gans po . Z. aeg.
spr . 35, 1897, 108-9.
GARDI NER, ALAN H. The expr essi on t mt t cot t .
J . E g. ar ch, 26, 1941, 158-9.
- Some C opti c et ymol ogi es. S oc. B i bl .
ar ch, P r oc. 38, 1916, 181-5.
GRAF, GEORG. Zur etymol ogl e des namens
"K opten". Or. l i t . z. 12, 1909, 342-3.
N t f i t i r i . S oc. B i bl . ar ch. P r oc. 22,
1900, l 2- 3.
See al so number 374.
GUNN, BATTI SCOMBE. The wr i t l ngs of the
word f or "gr apes". Z. aeg. spr . 59,
1924, 71-2.
J AHN, ALFRKD. A gyptol ogi sche mi szel l en .
Wi en. z. kunde morg. 20, 1906, 373-80.
I ncl udes some C opt i c atymol ogy.
J ERNSTEDT, P. Zur l exi k al l sch en neuschop-
fung im k opti schen. Z. aeg. spr . 65,
1930, 127-8.
1 . oyeeNAY - oye? +
2 . =epoA,
KEIMER, LUDWIG. L 'ar br e t r . t e s t - i l
r el l ement l e saul e gyp i en (S al l x
S afsaf F or sk .)? I n st . f r . ar ch. or .
B u l l . 31, 1931, 177-227.
P ar t 2, pp. 222-6, deal s wi th C opt i c
354. - Quel ques remarques sur l a huppe (upupa
epopa) dans l 'gypto anci enne. I n st .
f r . ar ch. or . B u l l . 30, 1931, 305-31.
I ncl udes C opt i c terms and r ef or en ces.
355. - Spr achl i ches und sach l l ch es zu eAK oo
"f r u ch t dar sykamor e". E i ne etymo-
l ogi sch -ar ch aol ogi sch -bot an i sch e
unter suchung. A cta or . 6 ,' 1927-8,
356. Sur quel ques pet i t s f r u i t s en fa ence
mal l l e datant du Moyen E mpi re. I n st .
f r . ar ch. or . B u l l . 28, 1929, 49-96.
R efer ences to C opt i c ter ms.
357. KRALL, J AKOB. Ueber el n l ge l ehnwor ter
im der aoti schen. P. Rai ner M i t t . 4,
1888, 140-3.
C onsi dr abl e r efer en ce t o C opt i c.
358. KUENTZ, CHARLES. Le nom copt 9 de l a deml -
ar our o. S oc. ar ch. copt o. B u l l , 5,
1939, 245-9.
pepni-i -
359. LACAU, PI ERRE. N otes de phonti que et
d'et ymol ogl e gypt i ennes. R ec. de
tr avaux 24, 1902, 201-9; 31, 1909,
360. LAGARDE, PAUL ANTON DE. K l ei ne mi t t h ei -
l ung. G Stt. ges el l s . N achr. 1886,
Di acu3sos C opt i c words k A ^nt,
oyT A pi /oN , <ycj<yeN, ?P H pi , et c.
361. LANSI NG, J . G. E gypti an n ot es. Am. J .
Sem. l ang. 4, 1887-8, 43-5.
Or i gi n of name Bashmurl c. and the
E gypti an name of J oseph.
362. LEMM, OSKAR EDUARDOVICH. M i scel l anea
copt i ca. I n A egypti aca. F est -
s ch r i f t fr T eor g E bers zum 1. marz
1897. L ei pzi g, Engelmann, 1897.
pp. 37-40.
1. Si ngul ar of m h h e i t x .
2. A ddi ti ons t o hi s K optl sche f r ag
mente zur pat r i ar chengeschi cht e (see
number 1 2 2 2 )
3. (=>ojr-i.
363. LEPSI US, RI CHARD. ber den ursprung und
di e ver wandtschaft der zahl wBr tar l n
der i ndogor mani schen, soml ti schen und
der k opti schen spr achc. I n hl s
Zwei spr achver gl ei chende abhandl ungen.
B er l i n , Drmnler, 1836. pt . 2.
364. LORET, VI CTOR. Le champ des souchet s.
R ec. de tr avaux lTJ 1890, 197-201.
Cyprus. cyperu3 and cypressus in Groek^
Egyptian, Coptic and AraDlc.
* Deux r aci nes t i n ct or i a l es de l 'gypte
anci enne; or canet t e et gar ance. Kemi 3,
1930-5, 23-32.
Deal s wi th n st j and J p' = ot t i o n , at i j a..
Sur l a val eur du yeN K oj gypt i en.
Z. aeg. spr . 32, 1894, 64.
A measure of l engt h.
Sur l 'a r br e nar ou.
15, 1893, 1021
R ec. de tr avaux
MALLON, ALEXI S. N otes de p h i l ol ogi e copte.
R ec. de tr avaux 27, 1905, 151-6.
MUELLER, W. MAX. E l n l l bysch-K gypt i sches
wor t . Wi en. z. kunde morg. 26, 1912,
Touches upon the etymol ogy of
- Zur etymol ogi o dos k opti achen a^oo:
o' f oz Z. aeg. spr . 26, 1888, 94-5.
MURRAY, MARGARET ALI CE. The dr i vat i on
of the name T hebes. A nci ent E g. 1924
OTTO, WALTER. A gyptl sche f l s s l gk el t s -
masse. Z. aeg. spr . 41, 1904, 91-2.
E xpl anatl on of c Ai &i o n .
PI EHL, KARL. Le copte epl at son
qui val ent hi r ogl yphi que. Sphi nx 6 ,
1903, 6 .
[N otes on i reTpg ='L; , d i s -
cussed by G r i f f l t h (number 348)]. S oc.
B i bl . ar ch. P r oc. 22, 1900, 384-5.
POEBEL, A. Sumerlan nu-an-na "year " and
E gypti an r npt "year ". Am. j , Sem.
l ang. 49, 1932-3, 1-8.
E tymol ogy of C opt i c pou-ire
POLOTSKY, HANS J AKOB. S ahi di sch Kiu>oy.
Z. aeg. spr . 65, 1930, 130.
RANKE, HERMANN. Di e wor te MoyNTe und
NoyNTg lm al tachmi mi schen. Z. aeg.
spr . 45, 1908-9, 79-80.
REI NI SCH, LEO. Das zal wor t ( s i c) v l er und
ne un l n den chaml t l sch-semi t l schen
spr achen, V i en. ak. S i t z b. 121, 1890,
abh. x l l .
ROSSI , I GNATI US. E tymol ogi ae aegypt l acae.
Romae, 1808. 368 p.
M ayt(>( - m* n 6 ^moy ? Z. aeg. spr .
72, 1936, 143-6.
SETHE, KURT. t-ie<jAK "v l el l el ch t " und di e
zugehor i gen for men. Z. aeg. spr . 58,
1923, 54-6.
382. - m m o n sah. "denn". Z. aeg. spr . 44,
1907-8, 134.
383 . -^X. Z. aeg. spr . 57, 1922, 138-9.
384. - K optl sche et ymol ogl en. Z. aeg. spr .
38, 1900, 145-8; 41, 1904, 142-4.
385. - Spuren der P er ser her r schaft l n der
spSter en agypti schen spr ache. GcStt.
ges el l s . Nachr. 1916, 112-33.
D i scusses four wor ds: fT op,
mat o i j oyeei eN i N .
386. SETHE, KTJ RT. Zu c<Tnp "zu s ch l f f fahr en".
Z. aeg. spr . 39, 1901, 87.
387. - Zum namen P har bal thos. Z. aeg. spr .
63, 1928, 99.
388. Zum ur spr ung des pronomen per sonal e
n t o k und genossen. Z. aeg. spr . 29,
1891, 121-3.
389. MI ESZEK, ANTONI . K i l k a egl psk i ch 1
k opt yj sk i ch nazw zwl er zt (samcon i
3ami e). uber e.i ni ge Sgyptl sche und
k opti sche tl ernamen ( I nhal tsangabe).
P ol sk l towar z. or . R ocz. 13, 1937,
390. SOTTAS, HENRI . L es mesures I t i n r ai r es
ptol ma ques et l e papyrus dmoti que
1289 de H el del ber g. Aegyptus 7, 1926,
D efi nes a few C opt i c ter ms.
391. , "Non sol um . . . sed etl am" en gypti en.
E col e hau t .t u des. B i b. 230, 1921,
D i scusses C opt i c qui val ents, al so.
392. N otes de p h i l ol ogi e gypt i enne. Rev.
g. n. s . 2, f a s c. 3- 4, 1924, 13-20.
393. SPI EGELBERG, WILHELM. Y\ . dd adw lm
k opt l schen. Z. aeg. spr .- 59, 1924,
E tymol ogy of 2se m-Ay.
394. - dj r (-(-e ) "schl agen" (I n h i s Demotl ca
I . ) Mun. ak. S i t z b. 19256^ 25-7.
395. cu> "bl n se, matt e". Z. aeg. spr . 64,
1929, 93-4.
396 . y i & p "zr nen". Sphi nx 5, 1902,
200- 1.
397. i ce (S ): ?i ct (B ) "spl nnen". Or.
l i t . z . 27, 1924, 568-70.
398. ^"?>Te (A ) (t ar dj .t "f u r ch t ". Z. aeg.
spr . 63, 1928^ 154-5.
399. E l ne angebl l ehe l ndl k t l onsbezel chnung
lm k opt l schen. Z. aeg. spr . 51, 1914,
400. - Der ausdr uck cpoT S^ooy . Z. aeg.
spr . 58, 1923, 158.
----- Demlre ( r-*-* ^ ) Uberschwanunung".
Z. sem. u. ver w.' gebl et e 4, 1926, 61-2,
T hi s A r abl e word i s consl der ed the
qui val ant of the C opt i c eriHpe wi th
the a r t i cl e.
- Di e etymol ogl e von (I n hi s
Demoti ca I . ) Mun. ak. S i t z b. 19256,
Di e etymol ogl e von ?oy;e "F ehl gebur t ",
Z. aeg. spr . 58, 1923, 56.
The god P anepl .
1926, 34-7.
J . K g. ar ch. 12,
C opt i c and E gypti an etymol ogy of the
K opti sche etymol ogi en; bei t r age zu
ei nem k opti schen wr ter buch, H ei del -
ber g, Wl nter , 1920. 63 p. i l l u s .
(H el d. ak. S i t z b. 10, 27)
K optl sche k l ei n i gk ei t en .
spr . 54, 1918, 131-5.
Z. aeg.
Zu J i s =oyc k ah l ".
1928, 154.
Z. aeg. spr . 63,
oys cocj pe ?n -
Z. aeg. spr . 71,
TI L L , WALTER. A r i M T A sei f .
spr . 71, 1935, 87.
Z. aeg.
419. WEI L, A.
1904, 148.
Z. aeg. spr . 41,
420. WI ESMANN, H.
1920, 99.
See al so number 327.
MTTtop. Z. aeg. spr . 56,
421. - NEAT (NHATj = Ta. n-^'pn.Ta..
Z. aeg. spr . 53, 1917, 146-7.
422. - N6AT = T a irtfla-Ta.
1920, 99.
423 . y a pr ei s, wer t?
1927, 67.
Z. aeg. spr . 56,
Z. aeg. spr . 62,
Z. aeg. spr . 53, 424 . 7Si - pA " : <Ti
1917, 140-3.
425 . Zur etymol ogl e von r ooy e. Z. aeg.
spr . 56, 1920, 99,
426. ZYHLARZ, ERNST. K opti sche etymol ogi en.
Wi en. z . kunde morg. 32, 1925, 169-78.
K optl sche mi scel i en . R ec. de tr avaux
21, 1899, 21-2; 23, 1901, 201-6; 26,
1904, 34-40; 28, 1906, 204-14; 30, 1908,
141-3; 31, 1909, 153-61; 34, 1912,
152-63; 37, 1915, 17-23.
Di e l esung des zahl wor tes "hunder t".
Z. aeg. spr , 36, 1898, 135-9.
E tymol ogy of ^j e.
- V ar i a. R ec. de tr avaux 19, 1897,
86- 101,
Note on C opt i c acTo A, p . 100,
- - - Wel ter e spur en der agyptl schen
J ahr esbezel chnung f im k opt i schen.
Z. aeg. spr , 50, 1912, 125-6.
See al so number 314.
t e i i t o m * st ar k
1935, 81-5.
STEI NDORFF, GEORG. 1 2 , das k opt.
n t . Z. aeg. spr . 45, 1908-9, 141.
Di e etymol ogl e von ?ooy s ^oaoy
" 3 chi e ch t , bose s ei n ". Z. aeg. spr . 74,
1938, 69.
STERN, LUDWIG. H l er ogl yph i sch -k opt i sch es.
Z. aeg. spr . 15, 1877, 72-88, 113-24.
427. ABEL, KARL. C opt i c i n t en s i f i ca t i on .
I n h l s L i n gu i st l c essays. L ondon,
tfr bner , 1882. chap. 7.
A l so German d i t i on : K optl sche l n -
t en si vi er u ng. I n h l s Spr achwi ssen-
sch af t l i ch e abhandl ungen. L ei pzi g,
F r i edr i ch , 1885. pp. 369-94.
428. ASMUS, K. K optl sche grammatik zum
gebr auch f r vor l esungen. H anover,
429. AWAD, G. Ph. A l -l ughat al - k i bt l yah
al -mabhath al -auwal . C ai r oj 1916.
430. AL-BkOrAT al -shah yah.
72, 55, 8 p.
C ai r o, t 1874).
An el ementar y C opt i c grammar and
gl ossar y i n A r abl e.
431. BARSM, I BRXh M. K i t l b al -thamar at a l -
J anl yah f i a cr b al -l u gh at al - k i bt i ya h ,
cC ai r o, 18773 48 p. * *
A grammar of the C opt i c l anguage l n
C opt i c and A r abl e.
- Neue k opt l sche wochentagsbezel chnungen. 432. BENI GNI , UMBERTO. La l l ngua copt a.
O r l en t al l a n. s . 16, 1947,-130-5. B essar i one 9, 1900-1, 256-86,
VENTRE, F . E ssai sur l es noms du f l eu ve
gypt i en , l e nom de l 'u n des moi s du
cal en dr i er copte et 1 't ymol ogi e du
mot N i l . I n st . d'E g. B u l l . ser . 3,
3, 1892, 219-45.
433. BLACK, GEORGE FRASER. Grammar of the
C opt i c l anguage wl th easy r eadl ng
l esson s. [E dl nbur ghj 1893. 63 f .
M anuscr i pt i n New Y ork pu bl i c l i br ar y,
unpubl i shed.
Lor-t c.
I 437.
menta l i nguae copt i cae l n gr atl am eorum
con scr i pt a, qui l l nguam copt i co-aegyp-
tl acam br evl f a cl l l qu e addl scer e
methodo exoptant. L l psl ae, G r oschuff,
1716. 102 p.
CHA NE, UARI US. l ments de grammaire
di a l ect a l e copt e; boh al r i qu e, sahi di quo,
achml ml que, fayoumi que. P ar i s,
Guthner , 1933. 511 p.
C. R. Crum, W. E . R. A sl at . soc.
J . 1934, 867-8.
mustauf yah 11 usl al -l u gh at a l -
ml ar yah al -mafr ufah bl f l - k i bt y ah .
e r - i e Tp e i (<r i (- i c j i T e s m o t e n oyal
ETepNO^ipi 6t t coj oyn NfAtni fjTe
Mip6HN/.HMi. A l -l r sh d al - sah l a l -
muf d. Rome, 1878. 195 p.
A grammar of the C opt i c l anguage l n
A r abl e.
j B r l t . Mus. Cat. of A r abl e pr i nted
book s; other sour ces at t r l bu t e l t t o
Agapl os B s cl a l .j
GUI DI , I GNAZI O. E l ementa l i nguae cop t i
cae; br evl chr estomathi a et I ndi ce
vocabul orum l n st r u ct a. N eapol l ,
R l ccl a r d l , 1924. 59 p.
441. MACDONAED, WI LLI AM BELL. Sketch of a
C opt i c grammar adapted f or s el f - t u i t i on .
E dl nbur gh, L l zar s; L ondon, P h i l i p , 1856.
54 p.
L l thogr aphed.
442. MALLON, ALEXI S. Grammaire copt e, avec
bi bl i ogr aph i e, chr estomathl e et vocabu
l a i r e. B eyr outh, I mpri meri e ca t h ol i
que, 1904. 233, 148 p. facsl ms.
2me d. r ev. et aug, 1907. 301,
193 p.
C, R. Ander sson, E . Sphi nx 9,
1906, 24-36; 11, 1908, 227-30.
S pl egel ber g, W. Or. l i t . z.
9, 1906, 152-4.
V [l ncent ], H. Rev. b l b l .
1905, 473.
443. MASPERO, GASTON. N otes sur di f f r en t s
poi nts de grammaire et d 'h i s t oi r e.
M l . ar ch. g. 1-2, 1872-75, 74-80,
106-12, 138-51, 212-22, 291-9; 3,
1875, 121-32.
444. MURRAY, MARGARET ALI CE. E l eroentary Copti c
(S ah i di c) grammar. L ondon, Quar l tch,
1911. 82 p. i l l u s .
2d d i t i on , 1927. 88 p.
C. R. S pl egel ber g, W. Or. l i t . z.
28, 1925, 76-8.
KIRCHER, ATHANASI US. L i ngva aegyptl aca
r e t l t v t a ; opvs t r i par t i t vm. Quo
l l ngvae coptae sl ve l dl omat l s i l l i v s
pr l maeul Aegypti or um phar aonl cl ,
vet ust at e temporum paene col l a p s l ,
ex abst r u sl s Arabum monumentl s, pl ena
i n st avr at i o con t i n et u r . Cul adnect i t r
svppl ementum earum r erum, quae l n
Prodromo copt o, & oper e hoc t r i p a r t i t o,
v el omi ssa, v el obscur i us t r adi t a sunt.
Romae, Scheus, 1643. 622 p.
C ontents. - s ect l o I . Grammatlcas
di ver sor vm avthorvm cont i nens,
v l d el i cet E l samenudi . Aben K ateb
K el sar . A bul fr agl Eben A ssel l .
Abn D ah l r l . - s ect l o I I . Scal a
magna, hoc est N omencl ator aegypt l aco-
ar abl cvs [A l -sul l am al -muktar al j by Abu
al -B ar ak t I bn K abar j cum i n t er pr et a-
tl one l at i n a A thanasl j K i r cher J . -
P rodroml et l ex l cl cop t i svppl ementvm.
AL-KI TB al -t amhi di 11 tal l m al -l u gh at
l -k l b^l yah . 4th ed. Le C ai r e,
S oci t de l a f o i copte or thodoxe,
A. M. 1642 j 1926] 122 p.
"L e l i v r e pr par at oi r e l 't u de de
l a l angue copt e."
LAB B, CLAUDIUS J OHANNES. A l -dur s a l -
nahw yah f 1 ma V i f a t al -l u gh at a l -
k i bt yah . C ai r o, 1894. 2 pt s.
E xer ci ses l n C opt i c grammar.
A l so 2d d . , C al r o, 1895.
C. R. T i l l , W. Or. l i t . z. 31,
1928, 689-90.
445. PEYRON, VI TTORI O AMEDEO. Grammatlca
l i nguae copt i cae. Accedunt addi t a-
menta ad l exi con coptl cum. T aur l ni ,
Ex r egi o typogr apheo, 1841. 210 p.
Martyrdom of S t . C ol l ut hus, t ext and
t r an sl at i on , pp. 165-70.
See al so number 292.
C. R. Quetremre, E . M. J . sav.
1849, 402-14.
446. PLUMLEY, J . MARTI N. An l n t r oduct or y
C opt i c grammar (S ahl dl c d l a l ect ) .
L ondon, Home and Van T ha , 1948.
192 p.
C. R. W or r el l , W. H. J . Near E ast.
Stud. 7, 1948, 274-5.
447. ROSELLI NI , I PPOLI TO. E l ementa l i nguae
aegyptl acae vul go copt i cae quae audl -
t or i bus sui s i n pat r i o athenaeo P l sano
tr adebat . . . Romae, sumptl bus F .
A r ch i n l , 1837. 136 p.
448. ROSSI , FRANCESCO. Grammatlca copt o-
ger ogl i f l ca con un' appendi ce del
p r i n ci p al l segnl s i l l a b i c i e del l or o
s i gn l f l ca t o. Roma, B occa, 1877.
355 p.
449. - Grammatlca egl z i a n el i e t r e scr i t t u r e
ger ogl l f i ca , demotl ca e copt a. T or i no,
P ar avi a, 1901. 314 p.
A new and enl ar ged di t i on of
number 448.
al-SAMANUDI . Grammaire copt e-ar abe.
I n Catal ogue gnr al des manuscr i ts
3s bi bl i ot h qu es publ i ques des d
par tements. P ar i s, I mpri meri e
n at i on al e, 1849. t . 1, pp. 718-739.
M anusr i pt number 199* i n the l i br ar y
of the E col e de mdeci ne de M ont pel l i er .
SCHOLTZ, CHRI STI AN. Grammatica aegypti aca
utr i usque d i a l ect i s quam br ev i a v i t ,
i l l u s t r a v i t , ed i d i t Car ol us Godofredus
Woide . . . O xoni i , e typogr apheo
C l ar endoni ano, 1778. 148 p.
grammatik . . . H r sg. nach der ver fasser s
tode von dr . H. S t ei n t h al . . . B er l i n ,
Dmmler, 1850. 492 p.
SOBHY, GEORGE P. K i tab kaw'i d al -l u gh at
al -mi gr yah al - k i bt l yah . [ C ai r o,
I n st i t u t f r an a i s, 1925]. 255 p.
C opt i c grammar i n A r abi e. B oh ai r i c,
but uses S ahi di c f or compar i son.
C. R. O'L ear y, D. L . J . E g. ar ch.
12, 1926, 139-40.
STEI NDORFF, GEORG. K opti sche grammatik
mi t chr est omat hi e, wor t er ver zei ehni s
und l i t er a t u r . B er l i n , Reuther und
R ei char d, 1894. 220, 94 p. (P or ta
l i nguarum or i ent al i um 14)
2. a u f l . 1904, and Neudruck der 2.
a u f l . 1930.
C. R. Crum, W. E . Or. l i t . z. 34,
1931, 114-5.
P i eh l , K. Sphi nx 1, 1897,
----- K urzer abr i ss der k opti schen grammatik;
mi t l esestck en und wor t er ver zei ehn i s.
B er l i n , Reuther und R ei char d, 1921.
69 p.
STERN, LUDWIG. K opti sche grammatik.
L ei pzi g, W ei gel , 1880. 470 p.
C. R. P r aet or i u s, F . Deut. morg.
ges el l s . z. 35, 1881, 750-61.
TATTAM, HENRY.. A compendi ous grammar of
the E gypti an l anguage as contal ned i n
the C opt i c and Sahi di c d i a l ect s ; wi th
obser vat i ons on the Bashmurio together
wi th al phabets and numeral s i n the
h i er ogl yph i c and en ch or i al char act er s.
Wi th an appendi x con si st i n g of the
rudi ments of a di ct i on ar y of the anci ent
E gypti an l anguage i n the en ch or i al
char act er s by Thomas Y oung. L ondon,
A r ch, 1830. 152, 24, 110 p. i l l u s .
2d d i t i on , r evi sed and i mproved.
L ondon, Wi l l i ams and N or gate, 1863.
127 p.
TI L L , WALTER. K opti sche di al ektgr ammati k;
mi t l esestck en und wor ter buch.
Mnchen, Beek, 1931. 91, * 48 p.
(C l avi s l i nguarum semi ti car um . . .
par s. I X )
Or. l i t . z. 36,
Wi en. z. kunde
C. R. C al i ce, F .
1933, 25.
Crum, W. E .
morg. 39, 1932, 146-7.
Si mon, J . O r i en t al i a n. s , 2,
1933, 88-90.
459. TUKI , RAPHAL. Rudimenta l i nguae coptae
si ve aegypt i acae. Romae, T ypi s ei u s-
dem sacr ae con gr egat i on i s, 1778.
675 p.
copt i cae grammati ca i n usum schol ar um
academicarum ser i pt a, cum chr estomathi a
et gl ossa r i o. I nser tae sunt obser va-
t i ones quaedam de veterum Aegypti orum
grammati ca. L i psi ae, W ei gel , 1853.
167 p.
461. VALPERGA DI CALUSO, TOMMASO. L i t er atur ae
copt i cae rudi mentum. Parmae, Ex r egi o
typogr apho, 1783. 119 p.
Chr estomathl es
462. BARSM, I BRH M. NirynNACiA nrr si N copt
-fA cm K iK yrrriK H. _
A l -tamr i i t a l r t a j h z y a t f i t a 'l m a l -
l ughat al - k i bt l yah . [C ai r o, 1889]
112 p. *
An el ementar y C opt i c r eadi ng book ,
wl th expl anati ons l n A r abi e.
463. BSCI AI , AGAPI 03. K i tb mabadi 1 k i r at
al -l u gh at al -mi f r l yah . . . NixineptoyiT
S p O X N JM E S C N Te C N O y N I T C M O n T
e r ^Y <T i T o y p o h t SN N C JS O JM n t
cyoprr eepe BMOypi Nen n (I hoy nt
n l AXcooyi n t 6 myN oN NHeToyNAoYej-ij
T T eocoy S E N OYCcoOYTN n e m
mton N i peN . Rome, P ropagande,
1886. 41 p.
A C opt i c r eadi ng book f or Ar abi e
st udent s, gi vi ng the A r abi e qui val ants
of C opt i c l et t er s , s y l l a bl es , words and
phr ases.
464. LAB B, CLAUDIUS J OHANNES. n i s g o m
N N i t t m e p ^ o y A - f n t e n j s i n <Ti c r o o n } _c .t t i
NPeMNXHMi . . . A l -kutub al -i bt i da-'I yah
f i t a 'l l m al -l u gh at al -l fi b l yah. l 8 t
s r i s . [C ai r o, 1897j . 48 p.
A C opt i c r eadi ng book (wi th gl ossar y)
f or the use of begi nner s. L ondon,
Q uar i tch, 1933. 101, 50 p.
C. R. 3 i mon, J .
3, 1934, 214-6.
O r i en t al i a n. s .
See al so numbers 630, 638.
M or phol ogy, Syntax
ANDERSSON, ERNST. L 'adver be copte n e
"de nouveau, en cor e". Sphi nx 11,
1908, 129-38.
E ncore un mot sur l 'adver be copte 3Se .
Sphi nx 12, 1909, 269-70.
See al so number 562.
- Sur l a forme fayoumi que oye (S . oy p e)
dans l a P i st i s Sophi a avec une remarque
ph i l ol ogi qu e sur l 'empl oi de l a pr posi
t i on oy p e. Sphi nx 11, 1908, 143-6.
BAI LLET, AUGUST THOPHI LE. La par t i cu l e
copte -j si Nj fi n . I n h l s Oeuvres d i
ver ses. P ar i s, L er oux, 1905. ( B i b l i
othque gypt ol ogi que 15) pp. 45-56.
R epr l nted fr om Rev. g. (see
number 470).
-----La par t i cu l e copte 2in; <rN. Rev. g. 2,
1882, 349-56.
BENI GNI , UMBERTO. Note ai P aradi gmi copt i
(B essar i one, nn. 25-26). B essar i one 5,
1899, 203-4.
- P aradi gmi cop t i . I ntr oduzi one a l l a
grammati ca copt a. B essar i one 4, 1898
9, 89-121.
nomlnum gener i bus l i nguarum a f r i ca e,
a u st r a l i s, copt i cae, semi ti car um
al i arumque sexual i um. Bonnae, apud
Adolphum Marcum, 1851. 60 p.
BUSCH, KLEMENS AUGUST. Speci men doct r i nae
de copt i cae l i nguae pr aeposl t i oni bus ac
p a r t l cu l i s . B er ol i n i , Schade, [1859]
28 p. (D i ss. B er l i n )
CALI CE, FR. Di e entstehung der k opti schen
ei genschaft sver ben. Z. aeg. spr . 63,
1928, 143-4.
Or i gi n of the ver bs N i t ", n v oy ''3
N A s I OO' -j N 6 C U J N e C 0CO N t ' i p ' , N e o V o * .
See al so number 534.
Se r NY, J AROSLAV. The gender of tens and
hundreds i n l at e E gypti an. J . E g.
ar ch. 23, 1937, 57-9.
CHAI NE, MARI US. Compendium mor phol ogi ae
copt i cae. Rome, 1910.
La forme pA du ver be tpi . Rev.
d 'g. 2, 1936, 35-6.
- Le ver be copt e, sa conj ugai son dans
ses r appor ts avec l 'gy p t i en . P ar i s,
Geuthner , 1945. 101 p.
CRUM, WALTER EWI NG. E i n neues ver bal -
pr af i x im k opt i schen. Z. aeg. spr . 65,
1930, 124-7.
- E i n ver l or enes tempuspr afi x im k opt i
schen. Z. aeg. spr . 36, 1898, 139-40.
EDGERTON, WI LLI AM P . Demoti c wr i t l n gs
of MiTATe. Z. aeg. spr . 69, 1933,
----- On tha or i gi n of cer t ai n C opt i c ver bal
for ms. Am. Or. soc. J . 55, 1935,
ERMAN, ADOLF. Grammatl ches. Z. aeg.
spr . 44, 1907-8, 111-3.
5. ^ vor dem I n f i n i t i v im k opt i schen.
----- E i n neuer r est der al t en f l ex i on im
k opt i schen. Z. aeg. spr . 32, 1894,
- - - Spuren ei nes nl t en subj unct i vs im
k opt i schen. Z. aeg. spr . 22, 1884,
- - - pi e tonl osen formen i n der Sgyptl schen
spr ache. Z. aeg. spr . 21, 1883, 37-40.
----- Zum pronomen absol utum. Z. aeg. spr .
27, 1889, 125.
EWALD, HEI NRI CH. Abhandlung ber den bau
der thatwor ter lm k opt i schen.
(S pr achwi ssenschaft l l che abhandl ungen.
I ) G8t t . ges el l s . Abh. 9, 1860,
-----_S pr achwi ssenschaft l l che abhandl ung
ber den bau der thatwor ter im k opt i
schen. GStt. ges el l s . N achr . 1860,
Rsum of number 489.
FERRARI O, BENI GNO. Studi egi z i a n i .
B essar i one 20, 1906, 266-8.
F or mati on of the pl u r al i n C opt i c.
GARDI NER, ALAN H. An E gypti an s p l i t i n -
f i n i t i v e and the or i gi n of the C opti c
conj un ct i ve t en se. J . Eg". ar ch. 14,
1928, 86-96.
The or i gi n of cer t ai n C opt i c grammati
ca l el ements. J . E g. ar ch. 16, 1930,
----- The or i gi n of the C opt i c negatl ve
Mn e . Z. aeg. spr . 45, 1908-9, 73-9.
The or i gi n of the C opt i c tense futurum
I . Z. aeg. spr . 43, 1906, 97-8.
Second thoughts on the or i gi n of the
C opt i c ep e- . J . E g. ar ch. 32, 1946,
GEHMAN, HENRY S. e poX oyT e and epoA
oyA e t o expr ess compar i son of i n -
equ al i t y i n B oh ai r i c. S oc. or . r es.
J . 12, 1928, 151-2.
HEBBEEYNCK, ADOLPHE. Notes sur l 'or i gi n e
de cer t ai n es par t i cu l es copt es.
Muson 11, 1892, 145-50.
HOMBURGER, L I L L I A3. N otes sur quel ques
morphmes communs l 'gy p t i en et aux
l angues n gr o- af r l ca l n es. J . asl a t .
whol e ser . 212, 1928, 323-45.
J ERNSTEDT, P . L en* nl v E8
k r uz. Sbor n. 4, 1930, 1-2.
----- F r age: e k Sh k e-rcow , antwor t: eiNpuKE-.
L en. U ni v. E g. k r uz. Sbor n. 2, 1929,
4- 5.
----- Di e grammatl sche und l exl k al l sch e
st el l u n g des k optl schen verbums ma
"gehen". L en. ak. CR. 1927, 33-5.
- Das k opt l sche pr aesens und di e
anknpfungsar ten des nheren obj ek t s.
L en. ak. CR. 1927, 69-74.
- K optl sches r t eye "du (f r a u ) w el sst
n l ch t ". L en. ak. CR. 1925, 23-6.
Zum gebr auch des k optl schen qual i tati ve.
L en. ak. CR. 1925, 74-7.
KUENTZ, CHARLES. Un nouveau c o l l e c t i f
sahl dl que. I n st . f r . ar ch. or . B u l l .
20, 1922, 223-4.
t-lOOYj M0Y6 H, MOY^'OOT -
I EF0RT, L . THOPHI LE. eitiHTi dans l e NT
sahl dl que. Muson 61, 1948, 153-70.

A pr opos de syntax copte TApe, oi pe et

rriTpTpe . Muson 60, 1947, 728.
LEVY, ARTHUR. Di e syntax der k optl schen
Apophthegmata patrum Aegypti or um.
B er l i n , G r oschel , 1909. 85 p.
(D l ss. U ni v. B er l i n )
Sur l es au x i l i a i r es n e , t s du
copt e. Z. aeg. spr . 15, 1877, 111-3.
MOELLER, FRI EDRI CH. Der dual l n den
seml tl schen spr achen. V l en. ak.
S i t z b. 79, 1875, 449-60.
I ncl udes C opt i c.
517. MUELLER, V. MAX. E l ne k optl sche par t l k el
lm demotl schen. R ec. de tr avaux 13,
1890, 149-53.
N(fl, N<Te, NXE .
518. PI EHL, KARL. E tudes copt es. Z. aeg.
spr . 33, 1895, 40-3, 129-31.
I . Remarques sur l e pr f i x pr o
nomi nal ce- et l es su f f i x es pronomi naux
- ce, - coy , - oy .
I I . Un nom de nombre <t m e ? mt o y z o y oy <j t >.
I I I . See number 585.
519. POLOTSKY, HANS J AKOB. Deux ver bes aux-
l l l a r es mconnus du copt e. Groupe
l l n g. tudes cham.-sem. CR. 3, 1938,
520. tudes de syntaxe copt e. Le C ai r e,
1944. 104 p. (P u bl i cat i on s de l a
S oci t d'ar ch ol ogi e copt e)
521. RAHLFS, ALFRED. "N el n" lm k opt l schen.
Z. aeg. spr . 43, 1906, 151-2.
E gypti an pr posi t i on s. S oc. B l bl .
ar ch. T r ans. 2, 1873, 301-20.
I ncl udes note on C opt i c mh o , mmay
M M I N f
523. REVI LLOUT, EUGNE. Obser vati ons sur deux
cr i t s r cent s de M. M aspero. J .
a s l a t . ser . 6 , 19, 1872, 267-88.
C r l t l ca l study of number 511.
524. SETHE, KURT. mn t ^-c c j t m "er kann n l ch t
h or en". Z. aeg. spr . 57, 1922, 138.
Based on the t ext publ i shed by Zoega. 525.
MALLON, ALEXI S. N otes de p h i l ol ogi e coptet
R ec. de tr avaux 27, 1905, 151-6.
MASPERO, GASTON. Des formas de l a con
j ugai son en gypt i en ant i que, en d-
motl que et en copt . P ar i s, F r anck,
1871. 123 p. (E col e haut, t udes.
B i b. 6 )
----- Des pronoms per sonnel s en gypt i en
et dans l es l angues smi t i ques. S oc.
l l n g. Mm. 2, 1875, 1-8.
C onsi dr abl e r efer en ce t o C opt i c.
----- L es pronoms per sonnel s en gypt i en.
J . a s l a t . ser . 6 , 18, 1871, 65-105.
Su l a for mat i on des thmes t r l l l t r es
en E gypti en. S oc. l l n g. Mm. 4, 1881,
Das aegyptl sche verbum lm al t aegy pt i -
schen, neuegyptl schen und k opt l schen.
L ei pzi g, H i nr i chs, 1899-1902. 3 v.
C. R. E i sen l oh r , A. Sphi nx 3,
1900, 228-32
G r l f f l t h , F . L . Or. l i t .
z. 3, 1900, 182-7
526. Das k optl sche k ausatl v von + "geben".
G ot t . ges el l s . N achr. 1919, 139-44.
527. E l n ml ssbr auch des qu al l t at l vs lm
k opt l schen. Z. aeg. spr . 57, 1922,
528. Der noml nal satz lm agypti schen und
k opt l schen. L ei pzi g, T eubner , 1916.
106 p. (SSchs. ak. Abh. 333)
C. R. Wledemann, A. Or. l i t .
z . 24, 1921, 159-60.
529. SETHE, KURT. Das per fek t l sch e h l l f s -
verbum wj h lm demotl schen und k opt l
schen. Z*. aeg. spr . 52, 1915, 112-6.
530. Di e r el at l vl sch en par t l zl pl al u msch r el -
bungen des demotl schen und I hr e ber -
r est e lm k optl schen l n zwel ausdrcken
der h el l en l st l sch en myster l enspr ache.
G5tt. ges el l s . N achr. 1919, 145-58.
SETHE, KURT. t ber ei n l ge sekundare ver ben 549.
lm k opt i schen. Z. aeg. spr . 47, 1910,
U ntersuchungen ber di e Sgyptl schen
zahl wdr ter . Z. aeg. spr . 47, 1910, 550.
-----Der ursprung des k opti schen Mrrx-rcj-
c c o t R . Z. aeg. spr . 47, 1910, 147-53. 551.
Zu t er kl Sr ung der k opti schen noml nal -
erben der el genschaft swor t er Z. aeg.
spr . 64, 1929, 63-4.
Apropos of number 475. 552.
SPI EGELBERG, WI LHELH. Das n a . der or t s -
bezel chnung. Sphi nx 6 , 1903, 8 6 - 8 . 553.
-----Di e al l gemel ne or t s - und zel tbestl i mnung
n * lm k opt i schen. Z. aeg. spr . 554.
51, 1914, 122-6.
-----B er l chtl gung zu n t a ^ ce (A ) "er l s t 555.
es ". Z. aeg. spr . 63, 1928, 155.
A cor r ect i on of the note l n number 556.
539 (62, 1927, 48).
- Das her z al s zwel te s wesen des menschen. 557.
Z. aeg. spr . 6 6 , 1931, 35-7.
I ncl udes C opt i c expr essi on s.
- K optl sche ml szel l en . Z. aeg. spr . 53, 558.
1917, 130-9; 62, 1927, 44-9.
See al so number 537.
_ 559.
Der s t a t . con st r . <f n vor fol gendem
f r agesat ze. Z. aeg. spr . 58, 1923,
157. 560.
-----Der ur spr ung des f l n a l l s HTApe, T*pe.
Z. aeg. spr . 59, 1924, 161.
----- V ar i a. Sphi nx 4, 1901, 227-30.
1. ber di e koptischen derlvate 562.
elnlger aegyptlscher verDa.
Zu den yer ba I I ae geml natae. Sphi nx 4,
1901, 142-4.
----- Zu der pl ur al bl l dung auf g lm k opt i
schen. Or. l i t . z . 30, 1927, 655-7.
STKI NDORFF, GEORG. P roi egomena zu el ner
k opti schen nomi nal cl asse. B er l i n ,
1884. 16 p. _ (D l ss. U ni v. B er l i n )
VALENTI N, VEI T. Di e bl l dung des cop t l -
schen nomens. G oettl ngen, K aestner ,
1866. 57 p. (P r el s s ch r l f t . P h i l os.
F acu l t S t . Geor gl a)
VYCI CHL, WERNER. Bau und ursprung der
agyptl schen n l sbe. Wi en. z . kunde
morg. 46, 1939, 189-94.
Der p i f el lm k opt i schen. Z. aeg.
spr . 74, 1938, 148.
An addi t i on t o T l l l 's a r t i cl e, .
number 547.
WIESMANN, H. mntai ecu t m er kann n l ch t
hor en. Z. aeg. spr . 62, 1927, 6 6 .
2Se zur el n l el t u n g der apposi t i on .
Z. aeg. spr . 59, 1924, 162.
- Der a r t l k el bel oyepH T e . Z. aeg.
spr . 59, 1924, 163.
Bemerkenswerter gebr auch von -j n .
Z. aeg. spr . 59, 1924, 163.
E i n el gent ml l cher gebr auch von mh o n .
Z. aeg. spr . 53, 1917, 147.
- F or tsetzung el nes r el at l vsat z es durch
el ne hauptsatz-bzw. dmonst r at l vsat z-
k onstr uk t l on lm k opt i schen. Z. aeg.
spr . 62, 1927, 67-8.
----- Das geschl ech t von j oei T e k l el d .
Z. aeg. spr . 56, 1920, 99-100; 59, 1924,
K opt i sches. Z. aeg. spr . 55, 1918,
----- Verbi ndung von peu - mi t dem qu al l t at l v.
Z. aeg. spr . 52, 1915, 130; 53, 1917,
Verwechsl ung von -ght (h er z) mi t j h
(bauch). Z. aeg. 3pr . 59, 1924, 162-3.
ZETTERSTEN, K. V. Some words on the
C opt i c p a r t l cl e 2se . Monde or . 4,
1910, 39-42.
See al so number 467.
See al so number 606.
T I L L , WALTER. I ndeter ml nl er te ausrucke
mi t dem bestl mmten a r t l k el lm k opt i
schen. Wi en. z. kunde morg. 34, 1927,
Das p l f l lm agyptl schen. Z. aeg.
spr . 73, 1937, 131-8.
See al so number 551.
----- Di e ber r est e des al t S gypt l schen
unbetonten ( al t er en ) pronomen absol utum
lm k opt i schen. Wi en. z. kunde morg.
33, 1926, 125-30.
P honol ogy
P r onuncl ati on. A ccent. Or thogr aphy. A l phabet.
V owel s. Consonants.
563. ALBRI GHT, W. F . Another case of E gypti an
= C opt i c 6. Z. aeg. spr . 62, 1927,
564. The pr i n ci pl es of E gypti an ph onol ogi -
cal devel opment. R ec. de tr avaux 40,
1923, 64-70.
565. AMLI NEAU, MI LE CLMENT. L et t r e M.
Maspero sur l a pr ononci at i on et l a
voca l i sa t i on du copte et de l 'a n ci en
gypt i en . R ec. de tr avaux 1.2, 1892,
23-47; 108-35.
566. CALI CEj FR. Zur entni ck l ung des u -l au t es
lm agypti schen und k opt l schen. Z. aeg.
spr . 63, 1928, 141-3.
567. CZERMAK, WI LHELM. Di e l aut e der agypt i
schen spr ache. E l ne phoneti sche u nt er -
suchung. Wl en, 1931- v . l -
(A r bei tsgemel n. ag. u. a f r l k . S ch r l f t 2}
568. - Der rhythraus der k optl schen spr ache
iind sei ne bedeutung i n der spr ach-
gest al t ung . . . Wlen und L ei pzi g,
H Sl der -P l chl er -T empsk v, 1931. 257 p.
(V i en. ak. S i t z b. 2132)
C. R. B onnet, H. Or. l i t . 2. 35,
1932, 769-70.
569. - Rhythmua und umbi l dung lm S gypt l sch-
k opt i schen. (A l s vor t r ag gedr uck t ;
gehal ten am deutschen O r i en t al i st en t ag
zu Hamburg, 29 September , 1926).
Z. aeg. spr . 63, 1928, 78-89.
570. DEVAUD, EUGNE. C opt l ca. Z. aeg. spr .
61, 1926, 109-11.
1. Sur l a su bst i t u t i on de <f z: en
boh al r l qu e.
2. Sur l es mots coptes ossi (B ) et
mo y s (S .A .F .B .) et l eur s cor r espondants
gypt i en s.
571. DYROFF, KARL. A gyptl sches J - der t on si l be
lm k opt l schen. Z. aeg. 3pr . 48, 1911,
572. EBERS, GEORG MORI TZ. Der kl ang des
al t agypt l schen und der r el m. Z. aeg.
spr . 15, 1877, 43-8.
Some di scu ssi on of C opt i c rhyme.
573. EDGERTON, WI LLI AM F . S t r ess, vowel
quanti ty and sy l l a bl e d i v i si on i n
E gypti an. J . Near E ast . st ud. 6 ,
1947, 1-17.
574. FARI NA, GI ULI O. Le v oca l i d e l l ' an t i co
egl zi an o. Aegyptus 5, 1924, 313-25.
Some di scu ssi on of C opt i c.
575. GARDTHAUSEN, V . Di e zusatzbuchstaben der
K opten und Goten. Deut. ver . buchw.
s ch r i f t t . Z. 6 , 1923, 112-20.
576. KARABACEK, J OSEF. Zur k enntnl ss des
uml autes im A r abi schen. P. Rai ner
M i t t . 5, 1892, 59-62.
Has consi dr abl e bear l ng on C opt i c.
577. KRALL, J AKOB. ber di e anfange der
k optl schen s oh r l f t . P. Rai ner
M i t t . 1, 1887, 109-12.
T r aces the or i gl n of some of the
sp ci a l C opt i c l et t er s fr om the Demotl c,
thr ough the ol d C opt i c t ext s of P ar i s
and L ondon.
578. KtJ ENTZ, CHARLES. Un cas d'abr vi at i on
gr aphi que en copt e. I n st . f r . ar ch.
or . B u l l . 13, 1917, 169-73.

579. Quanti t ou ti mbr e? A pr opos des

pseudo-r edoubl ements de voyel l es en
copt e. Group l l ng-. tudes cham.-sem.
CR. 2, 1934-7, 5-7.
Summary of a communi cati on.
580. LACAU, PI ERRE. pr opose des voyel l es
r edoubl es en copt e. Z. aeg. spr . 48,
1911, 77-81.
581. Sur l e ( ) gypt i en devenant P (R)
en copt e. E col e haut, t udes. B i b.
234, 1922, 721-31.
582. MASPERO, GASTON. tr aver s l a v oca l i sa
t i on gypt i enne. R ec. de tr avaux 15,
1893, 189-96; 16, 1894, 77-90; 18,
1896, 53-64; 19, 1897, 149-85; 20,
1898, 146-61; 22, 1900, 218-25; 23,
1901, 48-60, 172-94; 24, 1902, 77-90,
142-59; 25, 1903, 15-28, 161-77; 27,
1905, 1-13; 29, 1907, 95-106; 32, 1910,
70-7; 33, 1911, 95-101.
C. R.
P i eh l , K. Sphi nx 2, 1898,
583. - I n t r oduct i on & l 't u d e de l a phonti que
gypt i enne. R ec. de tr avaux 37, 1915,
147-202; 38, 1916-17, 85-164.
584. MERCATI , SI LVI O-GI USEPPE. Osser vazl oni
su l t est o e su l l a met r l ca dl al cu nl
papi r i cr l s t l a n l . Chr on. d' g. 7
t 13-14j 1932, 183-201.
Concerned wi th P . C al r o 44689
(=C opt. 49), an al phabet l c hymn,
number 592 i n vol ume 2 of the Mon
ast er y of S t . E pi phanl us at Thebes
(see number 749).
585. FI EHL, KARL. E tudes copt es. I I I .
n =; n et ?n =n . Sphi nx 5, 1902,
F or I and I I see number 518.
586. POLOTSKY, HANS J AKOB. Zur k optl sche
l au t l eh r e. Z. aeg. spr . 67, 1931,
74-7; 69, 1933, 125-9.
I . U nbetontes -e lm fai j uml schen.
I I . Zum "M ur mel vokal ". F ur ther ar gu
ments i n suppor t of W or r el l 's vl ews on
sy l l a bl e eonsonants (see number 621).
587. PRI NCE, J OHN DYNELEY. The modem pr o
nunci at i on of C opt i c l n the Mass.
Ain. or . soc. J . 23, 1902, 289-306.
588. RENOUF, SI R PETER LE PAGE. E gypti an
phonol ogy. - I . S oc. B l bl . ar ch.
P r oc. 11, 1888-9, 107-15.
C. R. Aml i neau, E . C.
tr avaux 12, 1892, 133-5.
R ec. de
589. REVI LLOUT, EUGNE. La grammaire copt e,
t udi e dans ses or i gi n es h i r o
gl yphi ques et dmotl quea. Rev. 6g. 14,
1914, 93-100, 133-50.
A di scu ssi on , not compl eted, of the
or i gl n s of the C opt i c al phabet , and
the h l er ogl yph i c qui val ent s of the
C opt i c l et t er s .
pr ononci at i on moderne du copte dans l a
Haute E gypte. S oc. l i n g. Mm. 7,
1892, 245-76.
Gl ves passages l n C opt i c wl th phonetl c
t r an scr i pt i on , together wi th an anal ysl s
of the pr onunci ati on.
A l so publ l shed i n hi s Oeuvres di ver ses.
P ar i s, L er oux, 1894. (B i bl i ot hque
egypt ol ogi que t . 3)
591. SCHWYZER, EDUARD. G r i echi sche i n t er -
j ek t l onen und gr i ech i sch e buchstaben-
namen auf - a . Z. v er gl . spr ach f. 58,
1931, 170-205.
E xkur s. 4 Zu den gr i ech i sch -
k opti schen buchstabennamen, pp. 201-3.
592. SETHE, KURT. Di e bedeutung der k onso-
nantenverdoppl ung im sahi di schen und
di e andeutung des s dur ch den ber -
geset zt en s t r i ch . Z. aeg. spr . 54,
1918, 129-31.
593. Di e vok al i sat i on des agyptl schen.
Deut. morg. ges el l s . Z. 77, 1923,
I ncl udes the voca l i z a t i on of C opt i c,
and C opt i c l n r el at i on t o E gypti an
v oca l i z a t i on .
C. R. Gar di ner , A. H. J . E g.
ar ch. 11, 1925, 123-4.
594. Von ZRhlen und zahlworten bel den
al t en Agypten, und was f r andere vol k er
und spr achen daraus zu l er nen i s t . E i n
bei t r ag zur geschi cht e von r echenkunst
und spr ache. S t r assbur g, T r bner ,
1916. 147 p. ( i ssensch af t l i ch e
ges el l s ch ef t , S t r assbur g. S ch r l ft en 25)
C. R. Gunn, B. J . E g. ar ch. 3,
1916, 279-86.
595. Zur voca l i sa t i on der ni sbefor men.
Z. aeg. spr . 44, 1907-8, 93-5.
596. SETHE, KURT HEI NRI CH. Zur voca l i sa t i on
des du al i s im aegyr i tl schen. Z. aeg.
spr . 47, 1910, 42-59.
597. Zur wl eder gabe des agyptl schen h am
wor tanfang dur ch di e Gr i echen. Gott.
ges el l s . N achr. 1925, 50-6.
598. SHOHARA, HI DE. Some b i ol ogl ca l f act or s
i nvol ved i n C opt i c sound changes.
I n W or r el l , W. H. C opt i c sounds.
Tnn A r bor , U ni ver 3 i t y of M i chi gan pr ess,
1934. pp. 151-76.
599. SMI ESZEK, ANTONI . N otes on E gypti an ac
cent as evi denced i n C opt i c nouns.
P oznan, Nakladem posnanakl ego
towar zystwa p r z y j a ci ol nauk, 1935.
52 p. (P oznaAskl e towar zy3 two
pr zyj aci o nauk. P r ace k oml sj i f l l o -
l ogi cz n ej . t . 7, zes. 6 )
600. Some hypotheses concer ni ng the pr e-
h i st or y of the C opt i c vowel s. K rakw,
Nakladem pol sk i ej akademjl umi eJ etnoci ,
1936. 63 p. (P ol sk a akademja
u mi ej et n ol ci . P race k omi sj i or j en t a-
l i s t y cz n ej . 23)
C. R. Bi J hl l g, A. Or. l i t . z. 44,
1941, 281.
L exa, F . A r . or . 15, 1946,
T i l l , W. Wi en. z. kunde
morg. 44, 1937, 288-9.
601. SOBHY, GEORGE P. La pr ononci at i on
moderne du copte dans l ' g l i s e . I n st .
f r . ar ch. or . B u l l . 14, 1918, 51-6.
602. The pr onunci ati on of C opti c l n the
chur ch of E gypt. J . E g. ar ch. 2,
1915, 15-19.
603. - The t r ad i t i on al pr onunci ati on of Copti c
i n the church of E gypt. S oc. ar ch.
copt e. B u l l . 6 , 1940, 109-17.
604. SPI EGELBERG, WILHELM. ber di e gel egen t -
l i ch e wl eder gabe des al eph und faj i n
im k opt i schen. Or. l i t . z. 25, 1922,
605. STEI NDORFF, GEORG. M oui l l i r ung- der
l i q u i d a - im k gypt l sch-k opt i sch en.
Z. aeg. spr . 27, 1889, 106-10.
606. STRI CKER, B. H. T r oi s tudes de
phonti que et de mor phol ogi e copt es.
A cta or . 15, 1936-7, 1-20.
607. TI L L , WALTER. A l t es 3al aph und faj i n im
k opt i schen. Wi en, z. kunde morg. 36,
1929, 186-96.
608. Der mur mel vokal . Z. aeg. spr . 6 8 ,
1932, 121-2.
Advances some arguments agal nst
W or r el l 's theor y of sy l l a bi c consonants.
See number 621.
609. - Di e vok al i sat i on des fayyumi schen.
I n st . f r . ar ch. or . B u l l . 30, 1931,
610. Zur vok al i sat i on des k opt i schen. I n
Studl es pr esented t o F . LL. G r i f f i t h .
L ondon, E gypt expl or at i on soci et y ,
M i l f or d, 1932. pp. 181-6.
VERGOTE, J . P honti que h i st or i qu e de
1'gypt i en . L es consonnes. L ouval n,
Muaon, 1945. 150 p. (B i bl i ot hque
du "M uson", 19)
C. R. V er got e, J .
[45 j , 1948, 55-68.
Chr on. d'E g. 23
Das Sgyptl sche v ok a l l - VYCI CHL, WERNER. .
aatl onapr obl em. (M l anges Maspero)
I n st . f r . ar ch. or . Mm. 6 6 , 1934,
P l - S ol a el , el n dor f mi t k opt i scher
ber l l ef er u n g. Deut. i n s t . aeg.
al ter tumsk . M i t t . 6 , 1936, 169-75.
WORRELL, WI LLI AM HOYT. B ohal r i c ver sus
S ahl dl c pol n t l n g. S oc. ar ch. copte
B u l l . 4, 1938, 91-5.
- C opt i c sounda . . . wi th an appendl x
by Hlde Shohar a. Ann A r bor , U nl ver si t y
of M l chl gan pr ess, 1934. 186 p.
I l l u s . (U n l ver si t y of M l chl gan studl es.
H umanl stl c s er l es , 26)
- The vol u t i on of v el a r , pal at al and
dent al st ops l n C opt i c. J . E g. ar ch.
15, 1929, 191-3.
- P honeti cs and the E gypti an l anguage.
U ni v. of Mlclv. M l chl gan al umnus.
Quar ter l y r evl ew 40, 1934, 21-7.
P opul ar t r adi t i on s of the C opt i c l an
guage. Am. j . Sem. l ang. 54, 1937,
1- 11.
A synopsi s of mat er l al col l ect ed by
Dr . Werner V ycl ch l l n Zn ya and other
C opt i c communl tl es.
P opul ar t r adi t i on s of the C opt i c l an
guage. I n h l s C opt i c t ext s l n the
U nl ver si t y of M l chl gan col l ect i on .
Ann A r bor , The U nl ver si t y o f M l chl gan
pr ess, 1942, pp. 23-167.
- The pr onuncl ati on of C opt i c.
soc. J . 50, 1930, 144-9.
Am. or .
S yl l abl e consonants l n S ahl dl c C opt i c.
Z. aeg. spr . 69, 1933, 130-1.
P ur ther arguments l n suppor t of the
au t h or 's vl ews wi th sp ci a l r efer en ce
t o T i l l 's a r t i cl e, number 608.
----- Zur unbezel chneten konsonanten-
ver doppel ung lm k opt l schen. Z. neut .
w i ss. 37, 1938, 271-4.
D l al ect s
623. BOEHLI G, ALEXANDER. U ntersuchungen ber
di e k optl schen P r over bl ent ext e.
S t u t t gar t , K ohlhammer, 1936. 80 p.
1 . S t l l u n t er sch l ede zwi schen der
sahl dl scher und der boh ai r i scher
ber setzung.
2. Zum achmlmlachen t ext .
I aaued al so as the au t h or 's t h esl s,
B er l i n .
J .
ar ch. 23, C. R. Crum, W. E .
1937, 140-1.
Si mon, J . B l bl l ca 18, 1937,
T i l l , W. Wl en. z. kunde
morg. 44, 1937, 289-90.
624. ERMAN, ADOLF. U nter schl ede zwi schen den
k optl schen dl al ek t en bel der wor t -
ver bi ndung. B er l . ak. S i t z b . , 1915 ,
625. LEXA, FRANTlEK. L es di a l ect es dans l a
l angue dmoti que. A r . or . 6 , 1934,
D i scusses the C opt i c d l a l ect s .
626. SI MON, J EAN. L 'ai r e et l a dure des
di a l ect es copt es. I n I n t . cong.
l l n g. 4t h, Copenhagen, 1936. A ct es,
pp. 182-6.
E l ephantl ne.
1936, 111-2.
Der dl al ek t von
Wl en. z. kunde morg. 43,
M ostl y ol d E gypti an, but has son
bear i ng upon C opt i c.
See al so numbers 436, 458, 764.
D l a l ect s. Achmlmic
628. RSCH, FRI EDRI CH. Vorbemerkungen zu
ei n er grammatik der achml ml schen
mundart. Str assbur g 1. E l s . ,
S ch i es1er und Schwel khar dt, 1909.
187 p. (I naug. d l s s . S t r assbur g)
629. SETHE, KURT. Bemerkungen zu W. T l l l 's
A chml ml sch-koptl scher grammatik
rnumber 630}. Z. aeg. spr . 64, 1929,
630. TI L L , WALTER. Achmmls ch-k opt l s che
grammati k, mi t chr estomathl e und
wor ter buch. L ei pzi g, H i nr i chs,
1928. 312 p.
C. R. S pl egel ber g, W.
z . 32, 1929, 640-2.
- Achm ml sches.
Or. l i t .
Z. aeg. spr . 63, 1928,
632. - Bemerkungen und erg&nzungen zu den
achm ml schen textausgaben. Z, aeg.
spr . 63, 1928, 90-8.
633. TI L L , WALTER. Di e at el l u n g des achm -
mi achen. Aegyptus 8 , 1927, 249-57.
634. - W r ter ver zei chnl ss und sach r egl st er
sur A chml ml sch-koptl schen grammati k.
L ei pzi g, H l n r l ch s, 1928. 29 p.
See al so.number s 138, 297, 377,
383, 398, 537, 746, 770,.919, 924,
958, 1037, 1104, 1138, 1140, 1777.
D l a l ect s. Sub-Achmi mic
639. CHAI NE, MARI US. L es di a l ect es coptes
assl out l ques A2; l es car act r i st i qu es
de l eu r phonti que, de l eur morpho
l og i e, de l eur synt axe. Suppl ment
aux E l ments de grammaire d i a l ect al e
copt e. Enumber 4363 P ar i s, Geuthner ,
1934. 90 p.
See al so numbers 140, 282, 980,
1665, 1693, 1700.
D l al ect s. B ohai r i c
636. ANDERSSON, ERNST. Ausgewahl te bemer-
kungen ber den bohal r l schen d i a l ect
lm P entateuch k opt l sch . U ppsal a,
A l mqvl st and W l ck sel l , 1904. 144 p.
A grammati cal st udy.
636. LEFORT, L . THEOPHI LE. L i t t r at u r e
bohal r l que. Muson 44, 1931, 115-35.
Examines ch ar act er i st i cs of B ohai r i c
t ext s as exempl l fl ed by the l i f e of
S. Pachomlus (V at. copte L XI X)
Greek Words l n C opt i c
Gr eetc-Coptl c I n t er r el at l on 3
640. ALLBERKY, C. R. C. Greek and L ati n words
l n the C opt i c Manichaean papyr i . I n
I n t . cong. pap. 5t h, Oxfor d, 1937.
P. 20.
Summary onl y.
641. BLOK, H. P. Di e gr i ech i schen l ehnwor ter
lm k opt i schen. Z. aeg. spr . 62,
1927, 49-60.
See al so numbers 1835, 2093, 769.
D l al ect s. F ayyumic
637. ASMUS, HEI NRI CH. Uber fr agmente l n
ml ttel Sgyptl schem d l a l ek t e. G ottl ngen,
D l et er i ch , 1904. 70 p. (D l ss.
L ei pzi g)
638. TI L L f WALTER. K optl sche chr estomathl e
f i i r den fayuml schen di al ek t mi t
grammatl scher sk l zze und anmerkungen.
Wi en, 1930. 30 p. (A r bel tsgemel n.
ag. u. a f r l k . S ch r l f t . , 1)
C. R. Crum, W. E . Wi en. z. kunde
morg. 37, 1930, 307-9.
P ol ot sk y, H. J . Or. l i t .
z . 34, 1931, 838-43.
See al so numbers 139, 141, 468,
609, 726 (v . 2 4 ), 770, 1106, 1228,
1232, 1387, 1592, 1595, 1777, 1785,
1811, 1988, 2075.
642. DELEHAYE, HI PPOI YTUS. Martyr et con
f esseu r . A nal . B ol l . 39, 1921, 20-4S.
Has no d i r ect connect i on wl th C opt i c,
but forma a uni t wl th number 659.
643. ERMAN, ADOLF. H ol ok ot ai . Z. aeg.
spr . 18, 1880, 123-5.
644. GASELEE, SI R STEPHEN. EAAHN l n C opt i c.
J . E g. ar ch. 1, 1914, 207-8.
645. Qreek words i n C opt i c. Byz. z. 30,
1929-30, 224-8.
646. - The pr onunci ati on of Greek i n C hr i s
ti an E gypt. C l assi cal r evi ew, 30,
1916, 6-7.
647. HARKAVY, ALBERT. Bemerkung uber (3i n .
Z. aeg. spr . 7, 1869, 48.
E quates b i n ^ wi th r uva^.
648. HOPFNER, THEODOR. Uber for m und gebr auch
der gr i ech i schen l ehnwor ter i n der
k opt i sch -sar i di schen Apophthegmenver-
si on . Wi en, H ol der , 1918. 40 p.
(V i en. ak. Denk. 622)
C. R. D r i ot on, E . Rev. or . chr .
sr . 3, 2 [22 j , 1920-1, 448-50.
649. J ERNSTEDT, P . G r aeco-C opt l ce. Z. aeg.
spr . 64, 1929, 122-35.
650. KRALL, J AKOB. Das c i n cgauouX .
P. Rai ner M i t t . 1, 1887, 124.
See al so number 664.
LAUTH, FR. J . AX/cu nd Ta"Tcu'.
Z. aeg. spr . 4, 1866, 36.
An attempt t o expl al n these two words
fr om C opt i c and Demoti c r oot s.
" TTlpcOljLt .
18-l j
Z. aeg. spr . 4, 1866,
Notes i n t er pr t at i on as m - p u m
and attempts t o f i n d an ol d E gypti an
qu i val ent .
LEEMANS, CONRADUS. P apyr i gr aeci Musei
an t i qu ar i i pu bl l ci L ugduni -B atavi .
Regi s augusti ssl mi j ussu ed i d i t ,
i nter pr etat i onem l ati nam, annotati onem,
i n di ces et tabul as addi di t . L ugduni
Batavorum, B r i l l , 1843-85. 2 v.
facsi m.
Uses C opt i c fr equ ent l y t o i n t er pr et
Greek. Contal ns an i ndex of C opt i c
wor ds.
LEFORT, L . THOPHI LE. A nal ecta p h i l o-
l ogi ca . Muson 34, 1921, 173-7; 36,
1923, 27-31.
1 . <|h t o fiv| vos -
2. A no a'TTj'Bous. ,
3. Un mot nouveau: K optftvr ji ovy
Kop<rt X r f v i o v .
Le copt e: sour ce au xi l i ar e du gr ec.
Mlanges B l dez. B r uss. U ni v. I n st .
p h i l . Annuai re 2, 1934, 569-78.
662. REVI LLOUT, EUGENE. Mmoire sur l es
ost r aca, papyr i et i n scr i pt i on s coptes
des di ver ses col l ect i on s de P ar i s.
A nal yse. Ac. I n scr . CR. n. s. 6 ,
1870, 321-40.
I n t hi s rsum of R ev i l l ou t 's a r t i cl e,
oni y hi s chapter on phoneti cs and the
forms of Greek words i n the d i f f r en t
C opt i c d l a l ect s l s gl ven.
fi sh-names used by Greek w r i t er s.
J . E g. ar ch. 14, 1928, 22-33.
664. WESSELY, KARL. G r i echl sch c und s i
P. Rai ner M i t t . 1, 1887, 123-4.
See al so number 650.
665. Di e gr i echl schen l ehnwBr ter der
sahl di schen und bohel r l schen
P sal menver sl on. Wl en, H ol der , 1910.
37 p. (V i en. ak. Denk. 54, 3)
C. R. R osch, F . Or. l i t . z. 15,
1912, 29-30.
666. WIESMANN, H. f - MCTANOlik. Z. aeg.
spr . 62, 1927, 68.
667. YOUTI E, HERBERT C. Notes on 0. Mi ch. I .
Am. p h i l . assoc. T r ans. 71, 1940,
I ncl udes a note on the C opt i c word
Ai K a l i qu i d measur e, pp. 640-2.
656 . Pour une grammaire des LXX. Muson 41,
1928, 152-60.
A r evl ew of A bel , Grammaire du Grec
bi bl i qu e. P ar i s, 1927, br l ngl ng l n the
evl dence fr om the C opt i c t ext s.
657. - t o V<Tov = exemplum, exempl ar .
Muson 47, 1934, 57-60.
C opt i c passage fr om the l i f e of Aphou
(see numbers 1300-2) whi ch throws l i gh t
on the meanl ng of the word.
See al so number 597.
a C opt i c manuscr i pt.
n. s . 3, 1934, 201-4.
A Greek hymn i n
O r i en t al l a
T ext of B i b. n at . copte 12920, f f .
117v - 118v. An al ph abet l cal hymn
on the r su r r ect i on , i n Greek put
t ogether by a C opt i c author .
PEETERS, PAUL. L es t r aducti ons or i en t al es
du mot mar tyr . Note compl mentai r e
l 'a r t i c l e pr cdent. [ l . e . , number
642j . A nal . B ol l . 39, 1921, 50-64.
I ncl udes the C opt i c usage.
RAHLFS, ALFRED. c c i lm k optl schou
Z. aeg. spr . 38, 1900, 152-3.
G r l echl sche wor t er lm k opt l schen.
B er l . ak. S i t z b. 1912, 1036-46.
P al aeography
668. BLAKE, ROBERT P. R ej oi nder f t o number
679], Harv. t h eol . r ev. 18, 1925, 114.
See al so number 671.
669. GARDTHAU5EN, V. N at i onal - und pr ovl n -
z l a l sch r i f t en . Byz. z. 15, 1906,
670. HYVERNAT, HENRY. Album de pal ogr aphi e
copte pour ser vi r l 'i n t r od u ct i on
pal ogr aphi que des A ctes des martyrs
de l 'E gypt e. P ar i s, L er oux; Rome,
S pi t h oever , 1888. 19 p. facsl ms.
The t ext of the Gospel s and the
K or i det hl codex. Harv. t h eol . r ev. 16,
1923, 267-86.
The author s di scu ss,on pp. 280-3, an
i n scr i pt i on on the i nner si de of the
back cover , whi ch they consi der a
ml ang of Geor gl an and C opt i c l et t er s ,
and one C opt i c word.
See al so numbers 6 6 8 , 679.
NAVI LLE, EDOUARD. L 'cr i t u r e gypt i enne;
essai sur l 'or i gi n e et l a for mati on de
l 'u n e des pr emi r es cr i t u r es medl tr -
r anennes. P ar i s, Geuthner , 1926.
143 p.
"C opt i c, chap. 13".
PlERRET, PAUL. Sur quel ques si gnes
i nconnus t r acs sur des fr agments de
papyrus coptes du Muse du L ouvr e.
A c. i n scr . CR. n. s . 7, 1871, 185-7.
RI TTER, HELLMUT. G r i echi sch-k opt i sche
z i f f er n i n ar abi schen manuskr i pten.
R i v. st udi or . 16, 1936, 212.
Very b r i ef n ot e, ci t i n g manuscr i pts
where fi gu r es occur .
SCHUBART, WILHELM. P al aeogr aphi e.
Mnchen, Beck, 1925-. v. 1- . i l l u s .
(Handbuch der al ter tumswi ssenschaft
1 bd, 4 a b t . , 1 h S l f t e- ).
Deal s i n ci den t al l y wi th C opt i c s cr i p t ,
SERRUYS, D. C ontr i but i on l 't u de des
"Canons" de l 'on ci a l e gr ecque, I n
Mlanges of f er t s M. E mi l e ChateTSi n.
P ar i s, Champion, 1910. pp. 492-p.
Some di scu ssi on of C opt i c pal aeography,
and, on pp. 497-9, "L 'on ci al e di t e
copt e".
STEGEMANN, VI KTOR. K optl sche pal Sographi e ;
25 t a f el n zur ver anschaul i chung der
sch r ei bst i l e k opt i scher schr i ftdenk mal er
auf papyr us, pergament und papi er fr
di e z ei t des I I I .- X I V . j ahr hunder ts,
mi t einem ver such ei n er st i l gesch i ch t e
der k opti schen s ch r i f t . H el del ber g,
B i l abel , 1936. 28 p. 25 pl at es.
( Que l i en und studl en zur geschi cht e
und k ul tur des al ter tums und des
m i t t el a l t er s. Rei he C: H i l fsb ch er ,
bd, 1 )
TI SSERANT, EUGENE, Speci mi na codi cum
or i ent al l um. Bonnae, Marcus et Weber;
Oxoni ae, P ar k er , 1914. x l v i i p.
80 pl ates (T abul ae i n usum schol ar um;
ed. sub. cur a I ohanni s L i etzmann. 8 )
Speci men page of pol ygl ot manuscr i pt
cont ai ni ng C opt i c, p l . 80.
ZWAAN, J . DE. No C opt i c i n the K or i dethi
codex. Harv. t h eol . r ev. 18, 1925,
Chal l enges the vi ew of Lake and Bl ake
(number 671) that the s cr awl on the
back cover contai ns a C opt i c word and
l et t er s . See al so number 668.
See al so number 254,
A bbr evl at l ons. Symbols
680. CRAMER, MARI A. Das al t agypt i sche
l ebenszei chen im k opti schen
(ch r i st l i ch en ) A egypten. E i ne k u l t u r -
und r el i gi on sgesch i ch t l i ch e st u di e.
56 p, i l l u s . pl at es.
C. R, Morenz, S. Or. l i t . z. 46,
1943, 208-12.
Si mon, J . O r l en t al l a n . s.
12, 1943, 268-71.
V er got e, J . Chron. d'E g, [18j
36, 1943, 331-2.
681. KRALL, J AKOB. Di e zahl jTFTr. P. Rai ner
M i t t . 1, 1887, 127.
682. SPRI NGER, ERNST. Di e zahl oder 99.
Z. aeg. spr . 24, 1886, 102-3.
683. STERN, LUDWIG. 4 e , d . i . 99. Z. aeg.
spr . 24, 1886, 73.
684. WESSELY, KARL. x M r- p* Rai ner M i t t . 6 ,
1897, 118.
685. Di e zahl neunundneunzl g. P. Rai ner
M i t t . 1, 1887, 113-6.
See al so number 1750.
H i stor y of C opt i c L l t er at ur e
6 86. ALTANER, B. P at r ol ogl e. F r el bur g i / B . ,
1938. 353 p.
Contai ns notes on C opt i c wr i t er s
(pp. 162-5 and passi m) and gl ves an
account of the most r ecen t pu bl i cat i on s.
687. BARDENHEWER, OTTO. Geschi chte der
al t k i r ch l l ch en l i t er a t u r , F r el bur g
i / B . , S t . L oui s, Mo, t e t c . j H er der ,
1913-32. 5 v.
688. BASSET, RENE MARIE J OSEPH. L i t t r at u r e
copt e. I n hl s Mlanges af r i cai n s et
or i entaux"! F i r i s, M ai sonneuve, 1915.
pp. 306-16.
C r i t i ca l r evi ew of numbers 691 and
689. BAUMSTARK, ANTON. Di e ch r i st l i ch en
l i t er at u r en des O r i ent s, L ei pzi g,
Goschen, 1911. 2 v, (Sammlung
GSschen 527, 528)
C ontents: - 1. Das ch r i st l i ch -ar amai sch e
und das k optl sche schr i ft um. - 2. Das
ch r i st l l ch -ar abi sch e und das athi opl scba
schr i ft um. Das ch r i st l i ch e schr i ft um
der Armeni er und G eor gi er .
C. R. S eybol d, C. F . Or, l i t . z.
16, 1913, 223-4.
DAWSON, WARREN R. E ar l y C h r l st l an l t y l n
E gypt. The l i t er a t u r e of the C opt i c
per i od. A sl at . r ev. n. s. 17, 1921,
OALT1ER, EMI LE. C ont r i but i on l 't u de
de l a l i t t r a t u r e ar abe-copte. I n st .
f r . ar ch. or . B u l l . 4, 1905, 105-221.
See al so number 688.
GASELEE, SI R STEPHEN. The nat i ve l i t e r
atur e of C hr i st i an E gypt. R. soc, l i t .
T r ans. ser . 2, 33, 1915, 21-45.
GRAP, GEORG. Di e l i t er a t u r der K opten i n
der ar abi schen z el t . Deut. morg.
ges el l s . Z. 84, 1930, 91*.
Rsum of a paper r ead at the Deut-
scher or i en t al i st en t ag, 6t h , Vi enna,
GROSSOUW, WI LLEM. K opti sche l et t er k unde.
V oor azj at . - eg. gezel . J aar b. 3, 1935,
GUI DI , I GNAZI O. Le t r aduzl oni dal copt o.
G ott. ges el l s . N achr. 1889, 49-56.
On the t r an sl at i on s fr om C opt i c i n t o
E t hi opi e and S yr l ac.
HARNACK, ADOLF VON. Geschi chte der
a l t oh r l st l l ch en l i t t er a t u r bi s
E usebi us. L ei pzi g, H i nr i chs, 1893
1904. 2 v. i n 3. i l l u s .
Schmi dt, C ar i , ber sl cht ber di e
vor ni canl sche l i t t er a t u r (ei n schl i essl i ch
der apokr yphen) l n k opt i scher spr ache:
v. 1, pp. 918-24.
See al so suppl ment, number 697.
Zur ber l i efer un gsgesch i ch t e der
a l t ch r i st l i ch en l i t t er a t u r . L ei pzi g,
H i nr i chs, 1894. 32 p. (T exte u.
unter auch. 1 2 , 1 )
A suppl ment t o number 696.
H VERNAT, HENRY. C opt i c l i t er a t u r e.
I n The C at h ol i c en cycl opedi a. New
r k , A ppl eton t 1907-12). v. 5,
pp. 350-63; v. 16, pp. 27-31.
J ORDAN, HERMANN. Geschi chte der
a l t ch r i st l i ch en l i t er a t u r . L ei pzi g,
Quel l e und Meyer, 1911. 521 p.
LEFORT, L . THOPHI LE. La l i t t r at u r e
gypti enne aux der ni er s s i cl es avant
l 'i n v a si on ar abe. Chron. d 'g. 6
[ 12j , 1931, 315-23.
LEI POLDT, J OHANNES. Geschi chte der
k optl schen l i t t er a t u r . J n Geschi chte
der ch r l st l l ch en l i t t er at r en des
Or i ents-, von C. Broekelmann ^etC ],
L ei pzi g, Amelang, 1907. 'pp. 131-82.
702. MI NA, TOGO. J ul es d'A qfahs et ses
oeuvr es, pr opos d'une i cne con
ser ve dans l 'e g l i s e d'Abou 's - S ei f ei n .
S oc. ar ch. copt e. B u l l . 3, 1937, 41-7.
The pal nt l ng contal ns a l l s t of works
at t r i bu t ed to J ul es d'A qfahs.
703. MRRAY, MARGARET ALI CE. The E gypti an
el ements i n the G r ai l romance. Ancient
E g. 1916, 1-14, 54-69.
704. O'LEARY, DE LACY EVANS. L i t t r at u r e
copt e. I n C abr ol , F . D i ct i onnai r e
d'ar ch ol ogi e chr ti enne et de l i t u r gi e.
P ar i s, L etouzey, 1907-39. t . 9, pt . 2,
pp. 1599-1535.
705. PI 3PER, MAX. N ati onal e stromungen i n der
k optl schen l i t er a t u r und i hr e nachwl r -
kungen. Deut. morg. ges el l s . Z. 90,
1936, 35*.
Rsum of a paper r ead at the
Deutscher or i en t al i st en t ag, 8 t h ,
Bonn, 1936.
706. ROSSI NI , C. CONTI . E gi t t o ed E t i opi a n ei
templ an t i ch i e n e l l ' et di mezzo.
Aegyptus 3, 1922, 3-18.
707. SBATH, P. M anuscr i ts ar abes d'auteur s
copt es. S oc. ar ch. copte B u l l . 5,
1939, 159-73.
708. SCHMI DT, CARL. K opti sche l i t er a t u r .
I n Gunkel and S ch eel . Di e r el i gi on
Tn geschi cht e und gegenwar t. Tbi ngen,
1909-13. Bd. 3, pp. 1717-20.
709. STEI DLE, S . P at r ol ogl a, su h i st or i a
anti quae l i t t er at u r ae" eccl es l a s t l ca e.
F r ei bur g i / B . , 1937. 294 p.
Deal s wi th C opt i c l i t er a t u r e, pp. 96
100, 142-4.
710. TI SSERANT, EUGENE. Recher ches sur l a
per son al i t et l a vi e d'A bu'l -B ar ak t
i bn K ubr. Rev. or . chr . 22, 1920-1,
See al so numbers 636, 1848.
C. R. Crum, W. E . J . t h eol .
st ud. 9, 1907-8, 311-15
C ol l ect i on s
711. A ., H. Le catal ogue de Zoega t number 753j
B u l l , cr i t i qu e ser , 2, 11, 1905, 605-15,
712. AMLINEAU, EMI LE CLEMENT, Monuments pour
ser vi r 1 'h i st oi r e de l 'E gypt e
chr ti enne aux I V e, V e, V i e et V i l e
s i cl es . T exte copte publ i et tr adui t,
P ar i s, L er oux, 1888-1395. 2 v.
(M i ss. ar ch. f r . Mm. 4)
713. ATKI NSON, ROBERT. On P r ofessor R ossl 's
pu bl i cat i on of South-C optl c t ext s.
R. I r l sh ac. P r oc. ser . 3, 3, 1893-6,
C r l t l cl sm of R ossl 's di t i on of the
T ur i n t ext s (see numbers 1078, 1126,
1127, 1135, 1296, 1302, 1339).
714. BERLI N. K. MUSEEN. A egypti sche urkunden
aus den K. Museen zu B er l i n , h r sg. von
der Gener al ver wal tung. K optl sche
urkunden, er st er band t -zwei t er band,
er s tes h ef t j . B er l i n , Weldmann, 1904.
2 v.
715. BOURI ANT, URBAI N. F ragments de manuscr i ts
thbal ns du Muse de Boul aq. R ec. de
tr avaux 4, 1883, 1-4, 152-6.
T ext of fragments from Matthew, L uke,
the l i f e of Shenoute, the l i f e of
Nahroou and the martyrdom of S t . Geor ge.
M l scel l aneous C opt i c t ext s l n the
d i a l ect of Upper E gypt, ed. wl th E ngl i sh
t r an sl at i on s. L ondon, L ongmans, 1915.
1216 p. I l l u s . facsi ms.
C on t en t s:- The encomium of T heodor e,
ar chbl shop of A nti och, on T heodore the
A nat ol l an, cont al nl ng an account of the
l i f e and martyrdom of the sa i n t , and
b r i ef n ot i ces of Apa Gal us, ar chbl shop
of A nt i och, and S ai nt Apa C l au di u s.-
I I . The di scour se on Mary T heotokos by
C y r i l , A r chbl shop of J r usal em, descr i b-
l ng her human or i gi n and deat h .- I I I .
The di scour se by Demetr l us, ar chbl shop
of A nt i och, on the bl r t h , accor dl ng t o
the f l a sh , of God the Word, and on the
V i r gi n M ar y.- I V. The di scour se of Apa
E pl phanl us, bi shop of Cypr us, on the
Hol y V i r gi n , Mary T h eot ok os.- V. The
di scou r se of Sai nt C y r i l , ar chbl shop of
R ak ote, on the V i r gi n M ar y.- V I . The
teachi ng of Apa P sot e, the gr eat Bi shop
of P s oi .- V I I . The di scour se on the
compassi on of God, and on the fr eedom
of speech by the ar changel M i chael , by
Sever us, ar chbl shop of A n t i och .-
V I I I . The di scour se of C y r i l , ar ch-
bi shop of J r usal em, on the di scover y
of the cr os s, and on the bapti sm of
I saac the Samar i tan.- I X. The mar tyr
dom of S ai nt M ercur i us the gn r al .-
X. The martyrdom and mi r acl es of
M ercuri us the gn r al .- X I . The
encomium of A cacl us, bi shop of Caesar ea,
on M ercur i us the mar t yr .- X I I . A d i s
cour se on the ar changel G abr i el by
C el est i n u s, ar chbl shop of Rome.-
X I I I . The encomium of T heodosl us,
ar chbl shop of A l exandr i a, on Sai nt
M i chael the ar ch an gel .- XI V. ( H l stor i e3
of the monks l n the E gypti an deser t and
the l i f e of Apa Aaron by P aphnuti us 3. -
XV. The pr ayer of S ai nt Athanasi us when
d y i n g.- XVI . The di scou r se on Sai nt
M i chael the ar changel by T i mothy, ar ch-
bi shop of A l exan dr i a.- Encomium on the
ar changel Raphal by S ai nt J ohn
Chr ysostom (i n com pl t e).- X V I I I . The
apocal ypse of P aul (i n compl t e).
C, R. Crum, W. E . Times l i t .
suppl . J an, 27, 1916.
Crum, W. E . R. A si at . soc.
J . 1919, 283-5.
J ames, M. R. J . t h eol ,
st ud. 18-, 1916-17, 163-6.
717. CHAMPOLLION, J EAN FRANOI S. Obser vati ons
sur l e catal ogue des manuscr i ts coptes
du Muse B or gi a V el l et r i , ouvrage
posthume de George Zoega [number 753).
Magasi n encycl opdi que 5, 1811,
t 284j -317.
718. CRUM, WALTER EWI NG. C opt i c manuscr i pts
br ought from the Fayyum by W. M.
F l i nder s P et r i e. . . together wi th a
papyrus l n the B odl el an l i br a r y .
L ondon, N utt, 1893. 92 p. facsi ms.
C. R. Schmi dt, C, T heol , l i t .
z. 1893, 566-8.
719. - Shor t t ext s fr om C opt i c ost r aca and
papyr i . L ondon, N. Y . j et C ) Oxfor d
u n l ver si t y pr ess, M i l f or d, 1921.
149 p.
720. T h eol ogl cal t ext s fr om C opt i c papyr i ,
ed. wi th an appendi x upon the A r abi e
and C opt i c ver si ons of the l i f e of
Pachomi us. Oxfor d, The Cl ar endon
pr ess, 1913. 205 p. facsi ms.
(A nec. oxon. Sem. 12)
See al so number 1213.
C. R. J ames, M, R. J . t h eol .
st ud. 16, 1914-15, 272-3.
L ef or t , L . Th. Muson
n. s. 14, 1913, 323-32.
721. - V ar i a copt i ca. T ext s, t r an sl at i on s,
i ndexes. Aber deen, The U nl ver si ty
pr ess, 1939. 50, 55 p.
C. R. Muni er, H. S oc. ar ch. copte
B u l l . 6 , 1940, 263.
Si mon, J . O r i en t al i a
n. s . 11, 1942, 373-5.
T i l l , W. Muson 53, 1940,
722. ERMAN, ADOLF and KREBS, F RI TZ. Aus den
papyrus der K onl gl l chen museen.
B er l i n , Spemann. 1899. 291 p.
(Handbcher der K onl gl l chen museen zu
B er l i n [bd. 8 j )
T r ansl ati ons of C opt i c papyr i ;
pp. 239-83.
See al so number 736.


t er i es of the Wadi *n N atrn. New
Y or k , 1926-33. 3 v. i l l u 3 ., facsi ms.
(M et. mus. E g. exp. Pub. v. 2, 7, 8 )
C ontents: 1. New C opt i c t ext s from
the monaster y of S ai nt M acar i us.
2. The h i st or y of the monaster l es of
N i t r i a and of S cet i s. 3. The ar ch i
t ect ur e and ar chaeol ogy.
C. R. B u r k i t t , F . C. J . t h eol .
st ud. 28, 1926-7, 320-5; 34, 1933,
188-92; 36, 1935, 105-7.
Crum, W. E . Times l i t .
suppl . Sep. 23, 1926, J une 22, 1933.
D r i ot on , E . Rev. or . chr .
sr . 3, 6 [26], 1927-8, 219-23.
J er phani on, G. Or. chr .
anal . 34, 1934, 182-6.
L antschoot, A. Rev. h l s t .
eccl es . 23, 1927, 557-61.
Schmi dt, C. Or. l i t . z. 32,
1929, 259-63; 36, 1933, 674-8; 37, 1934,
724. GALTI ER, MI LE. C opt i ca-ar abi ca. Copti ca.
I n st . f r . ar ch. or . B u l l . 5, 1906,
T ext and t r an sl at i on of a l et t er
publ l shed by K r al l (niunber 2024),
descr i pt i on of a C opt i c papyrus i n
the col l ect i on of A. C. H ar r i s, a
theotok i on i n C opt i c wr i t t en i n
A r abi e l et t er s , two i n scr i pt i on s fr om
the Musum of C ai r o.
725. GUI DI , I GNAZI O. C opt i ca. A cc. L i ncei
Rend. aer . 5, 15, 1906, 463-77.
The author col l t es the t ext s publ l sh
ed by M al l on i n the chr estomathy of hi s
grammar wi th the or i gi n al s i n the
V at i can. He al so publ i shes par t of
Cod. V at. copt . 6 8 , four ost r aca and an
i n scr i pt i on .
726. HYVERNAT, HENRY. B i bl i ot hecae P i er pont
Morgan codi ces cop t i ci photogr aphi es
expr essi . . . Romae, 1922. 56 v. i n
63. facsi ms.
C on t en t s:- I . L evi t i cu s. Numerl.
Deuteronomium. S. - I I . L i ber I Regum.
L i ber I I Regum. S. - I I I . L i ber I sai ae.
S. - I V. T i t u l i capi tum E vangel i i
secundum Matthaeum. E vangel i um socundum
Matthaeum. T i t u l i capi tum E vangel i i
secundum Marcum. E vangel i um secundum
Marcum, T i t u l i capi tum E vangel i i
secundum Lucam. E vangel i um secundum
L ucam. T i t u l i capi tum E vangel i i
secundum I ohannem. E vangel i um secundum
I ohannem. S. - V. E vangel i um secundum
I ohannem. S. - V I . E vangel i um secundum
Matthaeum. E vangel i um secundum Marcum.
B. - V I I . E vangel i um secundum Lucam.
E vangel i um secundum I ohannem. B. -
V I I I . P aul i apost ol i epi st u l ae XI V. S.
I X. P aul i apost ol i epi st u l ae XI V. S . -
X. E pi st ul ae V I I cat h ol i cae. S. - X I .
E V angel i ar i um. G r .-S . I ndex perl coparum,
- X I I . L ecti onar i um pr o f es t i s et
synaxi bus per annum. S. I ndex l ecti onum.
- X I I I . L i ber hermenlarum sanctarum.
Hermeniae mi nor es eccl esl ae sanctae.
Cl amores n oct u r n i . S. M- XI V. L i ber
anti phonarum sacrarum pr o mar tyr i bus
et di ebus f es t i s sanctor um. Hermeni ae.
S. XV. C y r i l l i H i er osol ymi tani
sermo i n f est o s. cr u ci s. S. XVI .
C y r i l l i H i er osol ymi tani sermo i n f est o
s . cr u ci s. T heophi l i A l exandr i ni sermo
i n assumpti onem B. M. V. S. v - XV I I .
V i t a et t r ansi t us s. I ohanni s apost ol i
nar r ante P r ochor o s. Stephanl pr ot o-
mar tyr i s consobr i no. S. f - X V I I I .
D i oscor i A l exandr i ni sermo l n laudem
M acar i i epi scopi A n t aeopol i t an i .
P oeni t ent i a C ypr i ani magl . P assi o s .
C ypr i ani . S. v - XI X. D i oscor i A l exan
dr i n i sermo i n laudem M acar i i epi scopi
A n t aeopol i t an i . S. XX. I ohanni s
Chr ysostomi sermo l n laudem I V anlmallum
i ncor por eor um. S. XXI . P assi o s .
Menae m l l l t l s . M l r acul a per s. Menam
patr ata nar r ante T heophi l o ar chi epi scopo
A l exandr l no. I ohanni s ar ch i epi scopi
A l exandr i ni sermo l n laudem s . Menae.
S. \ / ~ XXI I . I ohanni s Chr ysostomi sermo
i n s . Mi chael em ar changel um. G r egor i i
t h eol ogi ad E useblum hegumenum A r ar a-
tensem t r act at us de s . M l chael e ar ch
ange l e. B a s l l l l epi scopi C aesar l ensl s
sermo pr l or l n eccl es i a s. M i chael i s
L azi cae h abi t u a, E l usdem sermo al t er
l n eadem eccl es i a post Ssrmatas a
Romanis debel l at os. M acar i i epi scopi
A nt aeopol i t ani exegesl s de s . M l chael e.
S ever i A nti ochenl sermo de pot est at e
s . M i chael i s a Deo con l at a. I gn ot i
au ct or i s sermo i n s . Mi chael em ar chan
gel um. E ust achi i epi scopi i nsul ae
Thrakes sermo l n laudem s. M i chael i s
ar changel i . S. ^- X X I I I . L i ber i n s t i -
t u t i on i s s . M i chael i s ar changel i
I ohanne evan gel l st a i n t er pr et e. L i ber
i n st i t u t i on i s s. G abr i el i s ar changel i
a s . Stephano ar chi di acono t r adi t u s. S.
/ - XXXV. L i ber i n st i t u t i on i s s . MichaeUfl
ar changel i . F . v '- XXV. P t r i ar ch i e
pi scopi A l exandr i ni sermo de l i s qui
confi dunt i n d i v i t i i s su i s . S ever i ani
epi scopi Gabalorum sermo i n Matth. XXV,
13 sqq. et i n s. Mi chael em archangel um.
E l usdem sermo l n Matth. XXV, 31 sqq. et
l n s . Mi chael em ar changel um. A thanasl l
A l exandr i ni sermo i n L evi t . XXI , 9 sqq.
S ever i an i epi scopi G abal l t anl sermo l n
di e commemoratl onl s ar changel i Michael is.
A thanasl l A l exandr i ni sermo l n laudem
ss . ar changel or um M i chael i s et Gabri el i s.
A thanasl l A l exandr i ni sermo i n homicides,
avar os et archangel um Mi chael em. S.
- XXVI . S ever i A nti ochenl sermo i n
f es t o s . M i chael i s ar changel i . S . -
XXVI I . T i mothei ar ch i epi scopi A l exan
dr i n i sermo l n laudem s. M i chael i s
ar changel i . S . ^ XXV I I I . P r ocl i
epi scopi C yzi ceni sermo i n laudem
Seni orum XXI V. C y r i l l i A l exandr i ni
hermeneumata i n al l qu ot l oca Apoca-
l ypseos. Theopemptl ar ch i epi scopi
A nti ochenl sermo l n laudem Apa V i ctor i a.
P assi o ss . P aesl l B ysi r i t ae et T hecl ae
sor or l s l u s. P assi o s . C ol ut hl .
I saac epi scopi Annoensl s sermo l n
laudem s . C ol ut hl mar t yr l s. A nast asl l
epi scopi E uchetarum sermo l n laudem s.
T heodor i mar tyr l s S. \ f- XXI X. P assi o
s . M er cur i i . A cacl l epi scopi s
N eocaesar l ensl s sermo l n laudem 3 .
M er cur l l . S . B a s l l i i C aesar l ensl s l n
laudem el usdem sermo a l t er . S. - XXX.
P assl o 3 . M er cur l l . A cacl l epl scopl
N eocaesar l ensl s sermo l n laudem s.
M er cur l l . S. XXXI . V l t a Samuel l a
abbatl s monaster l l V l r gl n l s l n monte
K alamon auctor e I saaco monacho. Ephreend
anachor etae sermo l n patr l ar cham I oseph.
P aral l pomena I er eml ae P r ophetae. S,
- XXXI I . P assl o s . P tel emael T en t yr l t ae.
S. -s&XXI I I . Demetr l l ar ch l epl scopl
A ntl ochenl sermo l n nat l vl t at em D. N.
I ssu C h r l st l de B. M. V. C y r l l l l
H l er osol yml tanl exegesl s^XXI l n vi tam
B. Mariae V l r gl n l s. S. V XXXI V. Demetr l l
ar ch l epl scopl A ntl ochenl sermo l n
nat l vl t at em D. N. I esu C h r l st l . E vodi i
Romani sermo de B. Mariae V. C y r l l l l
H l er osol yml tanl sermo a l t er l n doml nl ca
nova. S. XXXV. E vodl ar ch l epl scopl
Romani sermo l n pri mo templ o B. M. V.
sacr o habl t us. C y r l l l l H l er osol yml tanl
or at i o al t r a l n doml nl ca nova. S.
- XXXVI . P et r l A l exandr l nl cat ech esl s
l n f est o bapti smatl s Doml nl . E pl phanl l
epl scopl C onst ant l nl ensl s l n f est o
E pi phanl ae Doml nl . S. XXXVI I . V l t a
3 . A r ch el l l t l s anachor etae auctor e
E usebl o h l st or l ogr aph o. V l t a A ntonl l
anachor etae auctor e A thanasl o ar ch l e-
pl scopo A l exandr l no. I ohannl s epl scopl
H l er osol yml tanl sermo l n laudem A ntonl l
anachor etae. V l t a L ongl nl et L u cl l
asctar um. B a s l l i i epl scopl Oxyr hl nchl
de v l t a L ongl nl hegumenl . C onstantl nl
epl scopl L ycopol l t an l sermo pr l or l n
laudem s. A t hanasl l A l exandr l nl .
E l usdem sermo al t er l n laudem A thanasl l
A l exandr l nl . Stephani epl scopl H er acl e-
opol i t an i or at i o l n laudem A pol l l n l s
ar chl mandr l tae M onaster l l s . I saac. S.
- XXXVI I I . P assl o s. L eon t l l A r abl s et
P u bl l l . S ever l A ntl ochenl sermo l n
laudem 3 . L eon t l l A r abl s. M l r acul a
per s. Menam a Deo pat r at a. S. - XXXI X.
P assl o sa. T heodor l A n at ol l cl L eon t l l
A r abl s et P anegyr l l P er sae. S. - XL .
P assl o 33. T heodor l A n at ol l cl L eon t l l
A r abl s et P anegyr l l P er sae. V l t a ss.
Maxlml et Dometl l auctor e P soi o Con-
st an t l n opol l t an o. S. - XL I . A r chel al
epl scopl N eapol i t anl sermo l n s .
Gabrl el em ar changel um. P assl o s.
P sotae epl scopl P tol emal densl s.
T heodosl l ar ch l epl scopl A l exandr l nl
sermo l n laudem 3 . I oannl s B apt l st ae.
P assl o ss. T heodor l O r l en t al l s L eon t l l
Ar abl s et P anegyr l l P er sae. P assl o s.
P h l l ot h ei . P assl o s. Sl nuphl l et
fr atr um l u s. S. C y r l l l l ar ch l epl scopl
H l er osol yml tanl sermo XXI l n Beatam
Marlam V l r gl nem. V l t a s. H l l ar l ae
Zenonl s I mpar ator l s f l l l a e auctor e
Pambone S cet ensl pr esbyt er o. P assl o ss.
A pal ul ae et P tel emael . S. - X L I I .
C y r l l l l H l er osol yml tanl sermo de
cr u cl f l xl on e et r esu r r ect l on e Doml nl .
S. - X L I I I . C y r l l l l H l er osol yml tanl
sermo l n passl onem et r esur r ect l onem
Doml nl . E vodl l ar ch l epl scopl Romani
sermo de eodem argumento. I ohannl s
Chr ysostomi exegesl s l n r esur r ect l onem
Doml nl . C y r l l l l H l er osol yml tanl sermo
l n f est o r esu r r ect i on i s. El usdem sermo
l n doml nl ca nova. Elusdem sermo l n
r esur r ect l onem Doml nl . A thanasl l
A l exandr l nl l n passl onem Doml nl et
l udl cl um. E l usdem sermo l n r esu r r ec
tl onem L azar l . E l usdem cat hechesl s l n
festvun P ent ecost es. T heophi l i A l exan
dr l n l exegesl s l n s . crucem et bonum
l atr onem. S. f^XL I V. C y r l l l l H l er osol y
ml tanl exegesl s l n f er l a I V hebdomadl ?
R esu r r ect i on i s. S . t ^- XLV. P assl o Apa
H el l ae medl cl . Stephaj i l H er acl eopol .
sermo l n eumdem. S. XL VI . P assl o s .
Phoebammonls. M l r acul a per eumdem post
passl onem a Deo pat r at a. S .^* - XL VI I .
P assl o s. C l audi i r h et or l s. S ever l
A ntl ochenl sermo l n laudem s. C l au di i .
C onst antl nl ep l s c. L ycopol l t an l l n
laudem s . C l audi i sermo p r l or . Eulsdem
C onst antl nl l n laudem s. C l audi i sermo
a l t er . S. \ - XL V I I I . V l t a s . Onuphrl l
anachor etae. P assl o s. Eplmae Pan-
k ol el t a e. S. , - XL I X. P assl o beat l Apa
Nabrahae. S. - L . T heodor l ar ch l e
pl scopl A ntl ochenl sermo XXI l n laudem
S. T heodor l s t r a t el a t l s . S. / - L I .
P assl o s . T heodor l s t r a t el a t l s . P assl o
ss. Cosmae et Daml anl . P r ophetl a de
l axl smo l n communltate Bopl auctor e Apa
K ar ur . S.^, - L U . S ever l ani epl scopl .
Gabalorum sermo l n laudem ss P et r l et
P aul l l n f est o ss. apostol or um. S.
- L U I . V l t a s . Stephani pr ot omar t yr l s.
E xl tti s I saac patr l ar chae e cor por e.
I ohannl s ar ch l epl scopl C onst antl no-
p ol l t a n l homl l l a l n L uc. X I , 37 sqq.
A t hanasl l ar ch l epl scopl A l exandr l nl
homl l l a l u L uc. X I , 5 sqq. S. >- L I V.
S l n u t h l l ar chl mandr l tae de eccl es l a
fr equentanda ser mo, S. * - liV. I ohannl s
ar ch l ep. A l exandr l nl l n quaesl t a bl bl l ca
r esponsa X X I I I . S. - L VI . P assl o V I I
I uvenum l n E pheso. V l t a s . Apa P hl f
anachor etae auctor e Papohe dl scl pu l o
Apa A p ol l l n l s. S.
727. J ACOBY, ADOLF. Studl en zur k optl schen
l i t t er a t u r . R ec. de tr avaux 24, 1902,
36-44, 194-7; 25, 1903, 37-49.
728. LAGARDE, PAUL ANTON DE. A egyptl aca.
G ot t l ngae, 1883. 296 p.
C ontents: 1. De morte J osephi .
B ohal r i c and A r abl e. 2. De dor mi tl one
M ar i ae, by E uodl us. B oh al r i c, 3.
S api ent l a Sol omonl a, S ah l dl c, 4, E ocl e-
si ast l cu s. S ah l dl c. 5. C an one 3 apost o-
l orum. S ahi di c and B oh al r i c, 6 . Canores
eccl es i a s t i ci . S ah l dl c.
C. R. S pl egel ber g, W. Sphi nx 5,
1902, 99-101.
S t er n , L , L i t er at u r bl . or ,
p h i l . 1, 1883-4, 201-12.
729. LANTSCHOOT, ARNOLD VAN. R ecuei l des
coj ophons des manuscr i ts chr t i ens
d E gypte. L ouval n, I st as, 1929-.
v. 1 - . (B i bl i ot hque du Muson 1- )
C. R. Crum, W. E . J . E g. ar ch. 16,
1930, 155-7.
730. LEMMj OSKAR EDUARDOVICH. I ber l ca. S t .
P eter sbour g, Comml ssl onal r es de
1'Acadmi e I mpr i al e des sci en ces,
1906. 39 p. . facsl ms. (L en. ak.
Mem, ser . 8 , 7)
C onti nuati on of an a r t i cl e en t i t l ed
"Zur geschi cht e der bekehrung der
I ber er zum Chr i stenthum"( I X l n number
731). C opt i c t ext fr om H l st or l a
L ausl aca and B ohai r i c martyrdom of
J acobus l n t er ci su s, et c.
C. R. A nder sson, E . Sphi nx 10,
1906, 35-8.
731. LEMM, OSKAR EDUARDOVICH. K l ei ne k optl sche
st udl en. I - L . L en. ak. B u l l . ser . 5,
10, 1899, 403-34; 13, 1900, 1-163; 14,
1901, 289-313; 21, 1904, 041 - 0239;
25, 1906, 0151 - 0193.
C. R. P l eh l , K. Sphi nx 3, 1900,
235-6; 4, 1901, 212-21; 5, 1902, 151-3.
732. K l el ne k optl sche st udl en. L I -L V. S t .
P ter sbour g, 1908. 68 p. (L en. ak.
Mm. ser . 8 , v. 8 , no. 12) .
C. R. P l eh l , K. Sphi nx 12, 1909,
89-97, 252-7.
733. K l el ne k optl sche at udl en. L V I -L V I I I .
S t . P ter sbour g, K. Akademle der
wi ssenschaft en, 1912. 146 p. facsi ms.
(L en. ak. Mm. ser . 8 , v. 11, no. 4)
734. - K optl sche mi scel l en . 1. I -C . (1907
1911) Neudruck der ausgabe von 1911.
L ei pzi g, H aessal , 1914. 320 p.
R epr l nted fr om number 735.
735. K optl sche mi scel l en . L en. ak. B u l l .
ser . 6 , 1, 1907, 141-51, 495-510; 2,
1908, 55-72, 191-208, 589-605, 1067
89, 1323-54; 3, 1909, 341-64, 393-404;
4, 1910, 61-e6, 169-85, 347-70, 1097
1128, 1461-8; 5, 1911, 327-48, 453-68,
927-40, 1135-58, 1237-66; 6 , 1912,
163-80, 517-29; 7, 1913, 533-54, 627-38;
8 , 1914, 485-513, 525-40, 915-34; 9,
1915, 205-26.
C. R, A nder sson, E . Sphi nx 12,
1909, 99-104, 131-8, 258-62; 13, 1910,
736. LI DZBARSKI , M. Zu el n i gen k opti schen
papyr i . Z. aeg. spr . 38, 1900, 62-3.
P ar al l el s l n A r abl e and Aramalc l i t e r -
atur e f or sever al of the fr agments pub
l l sh ed by Erman l n number 722.
737. MASPERO, GASTON. F ragments copt es. R ec.
de tr avaux 7, 1886, 46-8, 142-4.
738. MI NGARELLI , GI OVANNI L UI GI . Aegyptl or um
codl cum r el i qu i ae V en et i i s l n B i bl i o-
theca Nanl ana asser vatae . . . B ononl ae,
t ypl s L a el l i a V ul pe, 1785. 2 v. l n 1
I l l u s .
739. MUNI ER, HENRI . M anuscr i ts copt es. Le
C ai r e, I mpri meri e de l 'i n s t i t u t fr an ai s
d'ar ch ol ogi e or i en t a l e, 1916. 213 p.
i l l u s . (C atal ogue gnr al des an t i
qui t s gypti ennes du Muse du C ai r e,
nos. 9201-9304 t v . 74])
C. R. Crum, W. E . J . E g. ar ch. 4,
1917, 67-70.
740. MUNIER, HENRI . Mlanges de l i t t r a t u r e
copt e. Ann. du S er vi ce 19, 1919,
225-41; 21, 1921, 77-88; 23, 1923,
I . C ol l ect i on du Rv. E . C. Hoskyns.
I I . M anuscr i ts coptes de hei kh Abad h.
I I I . M anuscr i ts coptes sa'l dl qu es
d'A ssouan.
741. PEYRON, BERNARDINO. N ot i zi e ed osser va-
z i on i i nt or no a ci nque manoscr i t t i
copt i dl i a B i bl l ot eca nazi onal e di
T or i no. T or . acc. A t t i 12, 1876-77,
742. ROSSI , FRANCESCO. Di al cunl manoscr i t t i
copt i che s i eonser vano n el l a B i bl l ot eca
nazi onal e di T or i no. T or . aee. Mem.
ser . 2, 43, 1893, 223-340; 44, 1894,
Contai ns a fr agmentar y B ohai r i c Psalter,
a homi l y on pen i t en ce, fr agments fr om
the martyrdoms of T heodore and V i ct or ,
a i l B oh ai r i c, and a S ahi di c gnost i e
t r ea t l s e.
743. I papi r i copt i del Museo egi z i o di
T or i no, t r a s er i t t i e t r a d ot t i . T or i no,
L oeseher , 1887-92. 2 v. facsi ms.
Separ ate pu bl i cat i on of a r t i cl es from
T or . acc. Mem. (35-42> 1884-92) wi th
t i t l e- p a ge f or each a r t i cl e (See numbers
1078, 1103, 1126-7, 1135, 1216, 1296,
1302, 1339).
744. TI L L , WALTER. K opti sche pergamente
t heol ogi schen i n h al t s. I . Wi en, 1934.
56 p. i l l u s . (V i en. N at. bi b. M i t t .
n. s . 2 )
C. R. P eet er s, P. A nal . B ol l . 54,
1936, 390-7.
P ol ot sk y, J . Or. l i t . z. 40,
1937, 162-3.
Si mon, J . O r i en t al i a n. s. 4,
1935, 502-5.
745. Zu Crums V ar i a C opt i ca t number 721],
Muson 53, 1940, l l l - 2 2 .
au fsaet ze. S t . P eter sbur g, 1907.
27 p.
C ontents: E i n sahi di scher papyrus
der sammlung G ol en i sch eff - E i n achmimer
papyrus der sammlung L i ch at ch ef f -
E l nl ge k opti sche gr abst el en - T ak l -
Hajmanot bel den K opten - K opti sche
l i t u r gi sch e canone - Zur fr age ber di e
k optl sche t h eot ok l a.
747. - K opt sk i j e t ek st y, pr i obr et ennyj e
ek spedi t si ej pok W. G. Boka, v J egi pt e
(M ater i al y po ar ch eol ogi i chr i t i ansk ago
J egl pt a, no. 9) Moskau, 1902. (Trvy
Odl nnadtsatavo ar k heol ogi eskowe sezda
v . K i ev. t . I I , no. 2 [Comptes rendus
XI Congrs ar ch ol . K i ef 1899, t . 2.
Rappor ts h i s t . et p h i l ol . pp. 225-46])
I n Russl an.
748. WESSEI Y, KARL. G r l echl sche und k optl sche
t ext e t heol ogi schen l n h al t s. L ei pzi g,
A venar l us, 1909-17. 5 v. (Stud.
pal . u. pap. 9, 11, 12, 15, 18)
V ol s. 4-5 publ i shed by H aessel .
749. WI NLOCK, HERBERT EUSTI S. The monaster y of
E pi phanl us at T hebes. New Y or k , 1926.
2 t . I l l u s . facsl ms. (U et. mus.
E g. exp. Pub. v ol s . 3-4)
C ontents: 1. The ar ch aeol ogi cal
mat er l al , by H. E . Wl nl ock . The
l l t er a r y mat er l al , by W. E . Crum.
2. C opt i c ost r aca and papyr l , edi t ed
by W. E . Crum. Greek ost r aca and papyr l ,
edi t ed by H. G. E vel yn Whi te.
C. R. B u r k i t t , P . C. J . t h eol .
st ud. 28, 1926-7, 325.
D r l ot on, E . Rev. or . chr .
ser . 3, 6 26], 1927-8, 219-23.
S pl egel ber g, W. Or. l i t . z.
30, 1927, 678-80.
750. WI NSTEDT, ERI C OTTO. Some Munich C opt i c
fr agments. S oc. B l bl . ar ch. P r oc. 28,
1906, 137-42, 229-37; 29, 1907, 315-22.
T ext of fr agments r el at l n g to
D l oscor us of A l exandr i a, par t of
martyrdoms of I gnatl us and P eter and
P aul , begl nnl ng of l i f e of J ames the
P er si an, par t of a l et t er of Chrysostom
t o B a si l , and some ost r aca.
751. WORRELL, WI LLI AM HOYT. The C opt i c manu
scr i p t s l n the F r eer col l ect i on . New
Y or k , L ondon, M acml l l an, 1923. 396 p.
facsl ms. (u n i ver si t y of M l chl gan
st u dl es. H umanl stl c s r i s , 10)
C ontents: - pt . 1. The P sal t er and
two fr agments t fr om J ob] - pt . 2. Two
homl l l es and a magl cal t ext : (1) Homi ly
on the ar changel G abr i el by C al esti nus,
abp. of Rome; (2) Homi ly on the V i r gi n
by T heophl l us.
C. R. Crum, W. E . J . t h eol . st ud.
25, 1924, 199-201.
752. - C opt i c t ext s i n the U nl ver si t y of
M l chl gan col l ect i on . . . Wi th a study
i n the popul ar t r adi t i on s of C opt i c
by Wi l l i am H. W or r el l . Ann A r bor ,
The U nl ver si t y of M l chl gan pr ess, 1942.
375 p. (U n l ver si t y of M l chl gan studl es.
H umanl stl c s er l es , 46)
C. R. Crum, W. E . J . t h eol .
st ud. 44, 1943, 122-8.
753. ZOGA, GEORG. Catal ogus codl cum cop t i -
corum manuscri ptorum qui i n Museo
B or gl ano V el i t r i s adser vantur . Opus
posthumum . . . Romae, T ypi s sacr ae
congr egat i oni s de propaganda f i d e, 1810.
663 p.
A l so A nastatl scher neudr ack der
or i gl nal ausgabe von 1810. L ei pzi g,
H i nr i ch, 1903.
See al so numbers 711, 717.
See al so numbers 147, 170, 176,
179, 1302, 1992, 2001.
B i bl e
V er si ons, M anuscr i pts
754. AMLI NEAU, EMI LE CLMENT. L es tr avaux
r el a t i f s l 'd i t i on de l a ver si on
copte de l a B i bl e. J . sav. n. s. 10,
1912, 259-71.
755. ENGELBRETH, W. F . K urzes ver zei ch n i ss
der copt l sch en handschr i ft en di e sl ch
im Musum des gel ehr t en C ar dl nal s
B or gl a zu Rom befl nden und fr agmente
von den H ei l i gen S ch r i ft en des A. und
N. T . ent hal t en. Neues t heol ogi sch es
J our nal 5, 1795, 834-44.
756. - Obser vati ons sur l es fr agments coptes
(en d i a l ect e baschncur l que) de l Anci en
et du Nouveau T estament. Annal es
en cycl opdi ques, P ar i s, 1817.
757. GREGORY, CASPAR RENE. A egyptl sche ber -
setzungen. I n T ext k r i t i k des Neuen
T estamentes. L ei pzi g, 1902. v. 2,
pp. 528-53.
"K optl sche handschr i f ten" : pp. 538-53.
758. GROSSOUW, WI LLEM, De k optl sche bi j bel v er -
t al l n gen . Studl a cat h ol i ca 9, 1933,
D i scussi on of the ver si on s.
759. GUI DI , I GNAZI O. I l canone b i b l i co dl i a
chi esa copt a. Rev. b i b l . 10, 1901,
The por t i on of the A post ol i c Canons
r el at i n g t o the canon of the books of
the B i bl e. A r abi e and E t hi opi e t ex t s,
and t r an sl at i on of the S ahi di c t ext .
760. HEBBELYNCK, ADOLPHE. L es manuscr i ts
copt es-sahi dl ques du "M onastre B l anc".
Recher ches sur l es fr agments compl
mentai r es de l a col l ect i on B or gl a.
Muson n. s. 12, 1911, 91-154; 13,
1912, 275-362.
761. L es ver si ons coptes de l a B i bl e.
Muson 16, 1897, 91-3.
A gnr al a r t i cl e on the val ue of the
C opt i c ver si on t o B i bl i ca l cr i t i ci sm .
762. HOBERG, G. Br uchstcke k opt i scher
B i bel handschr i ft en lm besl t ze S r .
K oni gl i chen H ohei t des P r i nzen J ohann
Geor g, Herzog zu Sachsen. Ori ens chr .
n. s. 5, 1915, 138-40.
763. HOSKI ER, HERMAN CHARLES. Codex B and i t s
a l l i es . L ondon, Quar l tch, 1914. 2 v.
Contal ns many r ef er en ce3 t o the Coptic
r ecen si on .

HYVERNAT, HENRY. Etude sur l es ver si ons
coptes de l a B i bl e. Rev. b i b l . 5,
1896, 427-33, 540-69; 6 , 1897, 48-74.
I . [L es di al ect es ] I I . Ce qui nous
est parvenu des ver si ons gypt i ennes.
I I I . Ce qui a t publ i des ver si ons
gypt i ennes.
See al so number 766.
LE LONG, J ACQUES. B i bl i ot h eca sacr a post
c l . c l . vv. J acobi Le L ong et C. R.
B oer ner i i t er at as cur as or di ne di sposi t a,
emendata, suppl et a, cont i nuat a ab Andra
G ot t l i eb Masch. Halae, Gebaver , 1778-90.
2 p t s. i n 5 v.
P t. 2, v. 1, S ec. X. De ver si one
C opt i ca, pp. 182-90.
MALLON, ALEXI S. Un manuscr i t du P sauti er
copt e-boh ai r i qu e. Rev. b i b l . n. s . 4,
1907, 557-9.
An addi t i on to number 764.
ROBI NSON, PORBES. E gypti an ver si on s. I n
H asti ngs, J . A di ct i on ar y of the
B i bl e. New Y or k , S cr i bn er 's , 1898
1904. v ol . 1, pp. 668-73.
VASCHALDE, A. Ce qui a t publ i des
ver si ons coptes de l a B i bl e. Rev.
b i b l . n. s . 16 [28] 1919, 220-43,
513-31; 29, 1920, 91-106, 241-58;
30, 1921, 237-46; 31, 1922, 81-8,
----- Ce qui a t publ i des ver si ons coptes
de l a B i bl e. Deuxime gr oupe. T extes
boh ai r i qu es. Muson 43, 1930, 409-31;
45, 1932, 117-56.
----- Ce qui a t publ i des ver si ons copte
de l a B i bl e. T r oi si me gr oupe.
T extes en Moyen E gypti en. Quatrime
gr oupe. T extes Akhmimiques. Muson
46, 1933, 299-313.
See al so numbers 947, 1010.
B i bl e. S l ect i on s
F or an anal ysl s of the contents of
the col l ect i on s of B i bl i ca l t ext s l i s t -
ed her e, see Vaschal de (numbers 768-70).
Under the headi ngs of the i n di vi du al
books of the B i bl e, whi ch f ol l ow thi s
sect i on , onl y those books whi ch have
been publ l shed separ at el y w i l l be found.
BOURI ANT, URBAI N. F ragments bachmouriquaa.
I n st . d' g. Mm. 2, 1889, 567-604.
T ext of fr agments fr om I sai ah,
Matthew, Mark and C or i nt hi ens. Re-
edi t ed by C hassi nat, number 778.
772. BOURI ANT, URBAI N. L es papyrus d'Akhmim
(F ragments de manuscr i ts en di al ect es
bachmouri que et t hbai n). M i ss. ar ch.
f r . Mm. 1, 1884-9, 243-304.
T ext and t r an sl at i on of 26 fr agments
fr om si x manuscr i pts cont ai ni ng par ts
of E xodus, E col esi ast i cu s, I I Maccabees,
L uke, and the Apocal ypse of Zephani ah.
773. Rappor t au M i ni str e de l 'i n s t r u ct i on
publ i que sur une mi ssi on dans l a H aute-
E gypte (1884-1885). M i ss. ar ch. f r .
Mm. 1, 1884-9, 367-408.
T ext of I n scr i pt i on s fr om the templ e
at Abydos and some B i bl i ca l l eaves from
the Red M onaster y.
774. BUCKLE, DAVI D PURDY. B i bl i ca l r efer en ces
i n a S ahi di c manuscr i pt i n the J ohn
Ryl ands l i br a r y . R yl . l i b . B u l l . 4,
1917-18, 312-7.
Ryl ands C opt i c ms. 70 (24a).
C opt i c B i bl i ca l texta i n the d i a l ect
of upper E gypt. L ondon, B r i t i sh
musum, 1912. 349 p. facsi ms.
B r i t . mua. Mss. Or. 7594 and 6803.
C ontents: Book of Deuteronomy. Book
of J onah. A cts of the A post l es.
Cur si ve scr i p t at the end of the A ct s.
The A pocal ypse of S ai nt J ohn.
C. R. Crum, W. E . Deut. morg.
ges el l s . z. 6 6 , 1912, 780-4.
D i eu, L . Muson n. s . 13,
1912, 215-9.
R ahl fs, A. T heol . l i t . z . 38
1913, 3-5.
S ch l ei f er , J . Wi en. z. kunde
morg. 28, 1914, 307-29.
See al so numbers 782, 792-3.
776. CEUGNEY, CH. Quel ques fragmenta copt ea-
thbai ns i n di t s de l a B i bl i ot hque
n at i on al e. R ec. de tr avaux 2, 1880,
F ragments from G enesl s, P sal ms, M att
hew, Mark, L uke, J ohn, Hebrewa and
R vl at i on . S ahi di c t ext col l at ed
wi t h the B ohai r i c and Greek.
777. CHAMPOLLION, J EAN FRANOI S. Obser vati ons
sur l es fr agments coptes (en d i a l ect
bachmour i que) de l 'A n ci en et du Nouveau
T estament, publ i es par M. W. F . E ngel -
br ech t , Copenhague. Annal es
encycl opdi ques , 1818, 350-61.
See al so number 780.
778. CHASSI NAT, EMI LE. F ragments de manuscr i ts
coptes en di al ect e fayoumi que. I n st .
f r . ar ch. or . B u l l . 2, 1902, 171-206.
T ext of fr agments bel ongi ng to the
I n st i t u t f r an ai s d'ar ch ol ogi e
or i en t al e, and cont ai ni ng por t i ons
of I sai ah , Matthew, Mark, C or i nthi ans
and Hebrews. O r i gi n al l y publ l shed by
B our i ant, number 771.
CI ASCA, AGOSTI NO. Saororum B i bl l or um
fr agmenta copt o-sah l dl ca Musai B or gl anl
i ussu et sumpti bus S. C ongr egatl onl s de
propagande f l d e st udi o . . . Romae,
t ypi s el usdem S. C ongr egat l onl s, 1885
1904. 3 v. facsl ms. and at l as.
V ol . 3. Novum Testamentum, ed. J .
B al est r i .
C. R. F r . H. V. Rev. b l b l . n. s . 2,
1905, 454-57.
Crum, W. E . Or. l i t . z. 7,
1904, 446-8.
ENGELBRETH, W. F . F ragmenta basmur i co-
copt l ca V et er i s et N ovl T estamenti ,
quae l n Museo B or gi ano V el l t r i s
asser vant ur , cum r el i qu i s ver sl oni bus
A egypt l l s con t u l l t , L ati ne v er t l t nec
non c r i t i c i s et p h i l ol ogi ci s adnota-
ti oni bus i l l u s t r a v i t . H aunl ae, Popp,
1811. 200 p.
786. LEMM, OSKAR EDUARDOVICH. Br uchstcke der
sahi di schen B i bel ber setzung nach hand
s ch r i f ten der K. ffen t l i ch en bi bl i ot h ek
zu S t . P eter sbnr g. L ei pzi g, H i nr i chs,
1885. 31 p. facsl ms.
F or suppl ment, see number 939.
787. Sahi di sche B i bel fr agmente. L en. ak.
B u l l . ser . 4, 1, 1890, 257-68, 373-91;
ser . 5, 25, 1906, 093-0137.
788. Sahi di sche B i bel fr agmente. I - I I . Ml.
a s l a t . 10, 1890-2, 5-16, 79-97.
E xtr acted fr om L en. ak. B u l l .
C. R. Ander sson, E . Sphi nx 12,
1909, 98-9.
789. MASPERO, GASTON. tudes gypt i ennes.
P ar i s, I mpri meri e n at i on al e, 1879-91.
2 v.
T ext of fr agments fr om J ohn, I sal ah,
C or i nt hi ens, T hessal oni ans, E phesl ans.
See al so number 777.
GOETTSBERGER, J . Di e syr o-ar meni schen
und di e syr o-k opt i schen B i bel cl t at e
aus den S chol i en des Bar hebr aus.
Z. a l t t . w i ss. 21, 1901, 101-41.
T ext of the ci t a t i on s.
HEBBELYNCK, ADOLPHE. L 'u n i t et l ' ge du
papyrus copte bi bl i qu e or . 7594 du
B r i t i sh Musum f wi th L et t r e S i r Her
ber t Thompson, and Rponse de S i r Her
ber t Thompson]. Muson 34, 1921, 71-80L
R e-I n vest i gat i on of the manuscr i pt
publ i shed by Budge l n hl s C opt i c B l b l l
cal T ext s, number 775, cont al nl ng Deut-
eronomy, J onas and A ct s.
KRALL, J AKOB. Aus ei ner k optl schen
k l ost er bi bl l ot h ek . P. Rai ner M i t t . 1,
1887, 62-72; 2- 3, 1887, 43-73.
Gener al acxount of C opt i c papyr i l n
the Rai ner col l ect i on , wi th some of the
l l t er a r y t ox t s , mostl y B l bl l ca l .
LACAU, PI ERRE. T extes coptes en di al ect es
akhmimique et sahl dl que. I n st . f r .
ar ch. or . B u l l . 8 , 1911, 43-109.
T ext of P ar i s B i b. nat . Ms. Copte 135.
Contal ns par ts of E xodus, E col es l ast i cu s
and Maccabees l n Akhmimlc, and par t of
Luke l n S ah l dl c.
V ol . 1, pp. 265-300. Quel ques f r ag
ments i n di t s de l a ver si on thbal ne
des L i vr es S ai n t s.
790. MUNIER, HENRI . R ecu ei l de manuscr i ts-
coptes de l 'A n ci en et du Nouveau
Testament. I nat . f r . ar ch. or , B u l l .
12, 1916, 243-57.
T ext of fr agments from Genesl s and
R vl at i on , and fr om a l ect i on ar y.
791. NAU, FRANOI S NI COLAS. Note sur une
pol ygl ot t e gypti enne en ci nq l angues,
antr i eur e au XlVe s i cl e. Rev. b l b l .
n. s . 11, 1914, 285-6.
B r l ef n ot i ce of the E pl st l es and A cts.
at M i l an, the P sal m-book at Rome, and
a l ea f of the Gospel s at L ondon.
792. SCHLEI FER, J . Bemerkungen zu Budge's
C opt i c B l bl l ca l t ext s l n the d l a l ect
of Upper E gypt (L ondon, 1912). Wl en.
z. kunde morg. 28, 1914, 253-60.
See al so number 775.
793. THOMPSON, HERBERT. The new B l bl l ca l
papyr us. A S ahi di c ver si on of
Deuteronomy, J onah and A cts of the
A post l es, fr om Ms. Or. 7594 of the
B r i t i sh Musum. Notes and a col l a t i on .
[ L ondoni P r i nted f or pr l vat e ci r cu l a
t i on , 1$ 13. 45 p.
No t ext gl ven her e; see al so number
C. R. T i l l , W. Z. aeg. spr . 63, 794.
1928, 90-8.
LEFORT. L . THEOPHI LE. C opt l ca L ovanl ensl a.
Muson 50, 1937, 5-52; 51, 1938, 1-32;
53, 1940, 1-66.
Gi ves a gnr al account of the col l ec
t i on , and publ l shes the l i t er a r y t ext s,
mai nl y B l b l l ca l , but wi th an addi t i on al
t ext of the A scensi on of I sal ah.
F acsl ml l es.
TI L L , WALTER, K l ei ne k optl sche B i bel
fr agmente. B i bl i ca 20, 1939, 241-63,
P ubl l shes a i l the smal l , h l t h er t o
unpubl i shed parchment fr agments of
the B i bl e i n Vi enna.
----- Wi ener fai j ur ai ca. Muson 49, 1936,
T ext of passages fr om J er emi ah,
P sal ms, Susanna, D ani el , Mark, J ohn,


P et er , Romana, C or i n t h i en s, Ti mothy
and Hebrews. I ncl udes a l i s t of
Fayyumic l i t er a r y t ext s i n V i enna.
796. WI NSTEDT, ERI C OTTO. S ahi di c B i bl i ca l
fragmenta l n the B odl ei an l i br a r y .
Soc. B i bl . ar ch. P r oc. 25, 1903,
317-25; 26, 1904, 213-21; 27, 1905,
F ragments of t ext from Genesl a, Exodus,
Samuel , P sal ms, Matthew, L uke, J ohn and
A ct s.
Se al so number 2084.
803. HALLOCK, FRANK HUDSON. The C opt i c Old
T estament. Am. J . Sam. l ang. 49,
1932-3, 325-35.
Gener al r evl ew of the work done i n
t hi s f i e l d , and I n di cat i ons of what
s t i l l remai ns t o be done.
804. LACAU, PI ERRE. T extes de 1 'Anci en T est a
ment en copta sahi di que. R ec. de
tr avaux 23, 1901, 103-24.
T ext of I n st . f r . ar ch. or . au Cai r e
Ac. 1900a, 1900b, and P ar i s B. N. Copte
129? , f o l . 143, cont ai ni ng par ts of
T obi t , J u di t h, I sai ah and J er eml ah.
805. MASPERO, GASTON. F ragments de l a ver si on
thbai ne de 1 'A nci en T estament, Ml as.
ar ch. f r . Mm. 6 , 1892-7, 1-296.
B i bl e. Old Testament
797. AMLINEAU, MI LE CLMENT. F ragments de l a
ver si on thbai ne de 1' cr i t u r e (A nci en
T estament). R ec. de tr avaux 7, 1886,
197-217; 8 , 1886, 10-62; 9, 1887, 101
30; 10, 1888, 67-96, 169-81.
I ncl udes Wisdom of Sol omon and
E col esi ast i cu sr
798. - F ragments de l a ver si on thbai ne de
l ' cr i t u r e (A nci en T estament). P ar i a,
V i eweg, 1889. 147 p.
"T i r age par t du R ecu ei l de tr avaux
r el a t l f a l a p h i l ol ogi e . . . v ol . V et
au i v." See al ao numbera 797 and 927.
P ubl i ahea t ext s fr om manuscr i pts from
the Whi te M onaster y.
See al ao number 801.
806. SCHLEI FER, J . Br uchstcke der sah i di -
schen B i bel -ber set zung. Wi en,
H ci l der, 1912. 31 p. (V i en. ak.
S i t z b. 1701)
T ext and col l a t i on of fr agments of
the S ahi di c 0. T. i n the B r i t i sh
Musum, the B i bl i ot hque n at i on al e,
and the l i br ar y of E ton C ol l ege.
807. - Sahi di sche B i bel -fr agmente aus dem
B r i t i sh Musum zu L ondon. Wi en,
H ol der , 1909-1914. 3 v. (V i en. ak.
S i t zb. 1626; 1646; 1735)
T ext of 0. T. fr agmenta.
799. DEI SSMANN, ADOLF. Di e S eptuagi nt a-papyr i
und andere a l t ch r i st l l ch e t ext e der
H ei del ber ger papyrus-samml ung.
H el del ber g, Wi nter , 1905. 107 p.
facsi m. (H ei del ber ger pap. V er of f . 1)
Number 2 i s a G r aeco-S ahi di c fr agment
of Exodua and Samuel .
800. ERMAN, ADOLF. Br uchstcke der ober -
aegypti schen ueber setzung des A l ten
T estamentes. GStt. ges el l s . N achr.
1880, 401-40.
T ext from four manuscr i pts i n the
col l ect i on of Tattam.
801. GASELEE, SI R STEPHEN. N otes on the C opt i c
ver ai ona of the LXX. J . t h eol . st ud.
11, 1909-10, 246-57.
L i st s cor r ect i on s t o M asper o's pu bl i
cat i on of 0. T . t ext a, number 805,
pr i nta t ext of a manuscr i pt whi ch f i l l s
a gap i n T obi t , and gl ves var i ant s l n
thr ee S ahi di c fragmenta i n Cambri dge.
PAGE. C opt i c fr agments (Gen. x i i i
and xi v and Psalm cv ). S oc, B i bl .
ar ch. P r oc. 17, 1895, 251-3.
S ahi di c t ext .
808. SHI ER, LOUI SE A. Old Testament t ext s on
vel l um. I n W or r el l , W. H. C opt i c
texta i n t U ni ver al ty of Mi chi gan
col l ect i on . Ann A r bor , The U nl ver si t y
of M i chi gan pr ess, 1942. pp. 23-167.
(T hesl s (P h .D .), U nl ver si t y of Mi chi gan,
Ruth, E ccl esi a st es, Song of songs,
fragmenta of S en esi s, J er eml ah, Baruch.
S ah i di c.
fr agmente.
Zwei k optl sche B i bel -
Z. aeg. spr . 22, 1884,
T ext of an ear l y B ohai r i c fr agment
of the 34th psal m, and a Sahi di c
fr agment of xodua xv, 11-19.
810. THOMPSON, HERBERT. The C opt i c (S ah i di c)
ver al on of cer t ai n books of the Old
Testament fr om a papyrus i n the B r i t i sh
* Musum. L ondon, F r oude, 1908. 191 p.
J ob, P r over bs, E ccl esi a st es, Song of
songs, Wlsdom of Sol omon, E ccl ea i a st l -
C. R. Crum, W. E .
11, 1909-10, 300-2.
S ch l ei f er , J ,
or . 9, 1921-3, 183-7.
J . t h eol . st ud.
R i v. st udi
811. TI L L , WALTER and SANZ, PETER. E i ne
gr i ech i sch-l copt i sch e Odenhandschr i ft
(P apyrus copt . V i ndob. K. 8706) Rom,
P & pstl i ches B i bel i n s t i t u t , 1939.
112 p. i l l u s . (Monumenta bi bl i ca et
eccl es i a s t i ca 5)
Greek and C opt i c on opposi t e pages.
Gnomon 17,
Or. l i t . z. 45,
Deut. l i t .
C. R. A l l gei er , A.
1941, 135-7.
B oh l i g, A.
1942, 291-2.
Duensi ng, H.
z. 61, 1940, 460-1.
812. - Sai di sche fr agmente des A l ten T est a-
mentes. Muson 50, 1937, 175-237.
P ubl l shes fr agments, mostl y smal l ,
i n the Vi enna N at i on al -bi bl i ot h ek .
813. WI NSTEDT, ERI C OTTO. Some unpubl i shed
S ahi di c fr agments of the Old T estament.
J . t h eol . st ud. 10, 1909, 233-54.
T ext of par ts from E xodus, Numbers,
J udges, K i ngs, T obi t , P r over bs, I sai ah ,
j er emi ah, J ob, Habakkuk.
fr om Dr . C apar t's col l ect i on i n the
B r ussel s Muse n at i on al , omi ts t ext s
except f or the ver so of the l a s t . From
G0n esi s and E xodus.
819. LAGARDE, PAUL ANTON DE. Der P entateuch
k opt i sch. L ei pzi g, T eubner, 1867.
504 p.
B ohal r i c t ext fr om a Tattam manu
s cr i p t .
820. MUNIHJ Rj HENRI . Sur deux passages de l a
Qenese en copta sah di que. Ann. du
S er vi ce 13, 1914, 187-92.
T ext of two i eaves of parchment fr om
the White M onaster y, cont ai ni ng Genesi s
x l , 8-19, and x l i , 45-55.
821. RHODE, J OSEPH FRANCI S, The A r abi e ver
si on of the P entateuch i n the chur ch
of E gypt; a study fr om ei ght een A r abl e
and C opto-A r abi c mss. ( I X-XVI I cent ur y)
i n the N ati onal l i br ar y at P ar i s, the
V ati can and B odl ei an i i br a r i es and the
B r i t i sh musum. [L ei pzi g, D r ugul i nj ,
1921. 121, 63 p. facsi ms. (D i ss.
C at h ol i c U nl ver si t y of Ameri ca)
See al so number 42,
Study of the manuscr i pts,
gi ven are a i l A r abi e,
The t ext s
B i bl e. Old T estament. P entateuch
814. BROOKE, ALAN ENGLAND. The B ohal r i c ver
si on of the P entateuch. J . t h eol .
st ud. 3, 1901-2, 258-78.
A study of the r el at i on sbi ps of ei gh t
manuscr i pts.
815. - S ahi di c fr agments of the Old T estament.
J . t h eol . st ud. 8 , 1906-7, 67-74.
T ext of four fr agments fr om B i b. Nat.
P ar i s 1293- not publ i shed by Maspero,
Aml l neau or C i asca. G enesi s,
L evi t i cu s and Deuteronomy.
816. CRUM, WALTER EWI NG. The Decal ogue and
Deuteronomy i n C opt i c. S oc. B i bl .
ar ch. P r oc. 25, 1903, 99-101.
B ohal r i c t ext of Deuteronomy v , 23 -
v i , 3.
817. FALLET, A. La ver si on cophte du P enta-
teuque, publ i e d'apr s l es manuscr i ts
de l a B i bl i ot hque I mpr i al e de P ar i s
avec des var i antes et des not es.
P ar i s, D i dot , 1854. 192 p.
1. l i v r . Contal ns Genesi s t o chap. 27.
822. RI CCI , SEYMOUR DE. The Zouche Sahi di c
Exodus fr agment, (E xodus x v i , 6 - x i x ,
1 1 ) fr om the or i gi n a l manuscr i pt.
S oc. B i bl . ar ch. P r oc. 28, 1906, 54-67.
T ext from Ms. Zouche 109.
823. WIEDEMANN, ALFRED. M i scel l anea. S oc.
B i bl . ar ch. P r oc. 13, 1890-1, 272-9.
8 . Di scusses the p os s i b i l i t y that
the or i gi n a l t ext i n a C opt i c pal i mpsest
publ i shed by Ster n (number 1862) i s
from E xodus.
9-10. Two C opt i c st el ae wi th i n scr i p
t i on s.
824. WI LKI NS, DAVI D. Qulnque l i b r i Moysi s
pr ophetae i n l i ngua A egypti a. Ex MSS.
V at l cano, P ar i si en si et B odl ei ano
d es cr i p s i t ac L ati ne v er t i t . L ondi ni ,
Bowyer, 1731. 566 p.
See al so number 635.
818. HEDLEY, P. L .
cal t ext s.
Three Gr aeco-C opti c B i bl l -
J . t h eol . st ud. 35, 1934,
N otes on B or gl a copt . 46 and 78 i n
the V at i can, and an ost r acon , no. 10952,


B i bl e. Old T estament. H i st or i cal Books
825. BRUGSCH, HEI NRI CH KARL. Der bau des
Tempels Salomos nach der k opti schen
B i bel ver si on . L ei pzi g, H i nr i chs,
1877. 35 p.
S l ect i on s fr om I I K i ngs, I V K i ngs,
and I - I I C hr oni cl es.
826. - M emphi ti sch-kopti sche fr agmente.
Z. aeg. spr . 14, 1876, 119-20.
T ext of I I K i ngs (I I Samuel ) v i ,
1- 20.
827. DI EU, LON. L os manuscr i ts gr ecs des
l i v r es de Samuel . E ssai de cl assement.
Muson 34, 1921, 17-60.
Study from the poi nt of vi ew of the
C opt i c ver si on , sel eot i on s from the
t ex t , compar i son of Greek and C opt i c.
828. LAGARDE, PAUL ANTON DE. Br uchstcke der
k opti schen ber setzung des A l ten T est a
ments. G ot t . ges el l s . Abh. 24, 1B79,
J oshua, J udges, K i ngs; t ext and n ot es.
A l so publ l shed i n hi s O r l en t al l a.
Gotti ngen, D i et er i ch , 1879-fe.
v. 1, pp. 63-104.
829. THOMPSON, HERBERT. A C opti c pal i mpsest
cont ai ni ng J oshua, J udges, Ruth, J udi t h
and E sther i n the Sahi di c d i a l ect .
L ondon, New Y or k , F rowde, 1911. 386 p.
B r i t . Mus. MSS. Add. 17183.
C. R. Crum, W. E . Deut. morg.
ges el l s . Z. 65, 1911, 853-8.
R osch, F . Or. l i t . z. 14,
1911, 550-3.
B i bl e. Old T estament. J ob
t r an sl at i on of the Book of J ob.
S oc. B i bl . ar ch. T r ans. 9, 1893,
Te^t of manuscr i pts l n Rome and
N apl es.
831. V er si on thbai ne du l i v r e de J ob.
S oc. B i bl . ar ch. P r oc. 9, 1886-7,
D i scussi on of the known manuscr i pts
of J ob.
832. BEER, GEORG. T ext k r l t i sch e studl en
zum Bche J ob. Z. a l t t . wi ss. 16,
1896, 297-314; 17, 1897, 97-122; 18,
1898, 257-86.
833. BI CKELL, GUSTAV. Der ur spr ngl i che
Septuagi nt at ext des Bches J ob. Z.
kath. t h eol . 10, 1886, 557-64.
S pci al r efer en ce t o Sahi di c f r ag
ments. No t ext .
834. BSCI AI , AGAPI OS. Une dcouver te bi bl i qu e
i mpor tante. Moni teur de Rome, Oct . 26,
"A Sahi di c J ob wi thout the suppl e-
mentary v ss. from T heodoti on".
835. CHEYNE, T . K. The Sahi di c ver si on of the
Book of J ob. S oc. B i bl . ar ch. P r oc. 9,
1886-7, 374.
Note on the val ue of the Sahi di c
fragments of J ob i n the study of J ob
i n the Septuagi nt .
836. DI EU, LEON. Nouveaux fr agments pr -
hexapl ai r es du L i vr e de J ob en copte
sahi di que. Muson n. s. 13, 1912,
T ext from manuscr i pts i n the B r i t i sh
musum, B i bl i ot hque n at i on al e.
C. R. M al l on, A. Sphi nx 17, 1913,
Nau, P . N. Rev. or . ch r . 18,
1913, 111.
837. - Le t ext e de J ob du Codex Al exandr l nus
et ses pr i nci paux tmoi ns. Muson
n. s. 13, 1912, 223-74.
Greek t ex t , her e col l at ed wi th the
C opt i c.
838. HATCH, EDWI N. E ssays i n B i bl i ca l Greek.
Oxfor d, The Cl ar endon pr ess, 1889.
293 p.
Di scusses the C opti c J ob i n r el at i on
t o the Greek ver si on , pp. 221-45.
839. LAGARDE, PAUL ANTON DE. P sal ter i um,
J ob, P r over bi a ar abi ce. G oetti ngen,
1876. 327 p.
Contai ns a C opt i c ver si on of J ob.
840. PORCHER, E . ..Le L i vr e de J ob. V er si on
copte bohai r i que publ i e et t r adu i t e.
P at r ol . or . 18, 1924, 209-339.
T ext from B i b. N at. P ar i s Ms. copte
92, and B r i t . Mus. 424, Add. 18997.
C. R. S pl egel ber g, W. Or. l i t .
z. 30, 1927, 358-9.
841. TATTAM, HENRY. The anci ent C opt i c ver
si on of the Book of J ob the J u st ,
t r ansl at ed i n t o E ngl i sh and edl t ed.
L ondon, S t r ak er , 1846. 182 p.
B ohai r i c t ext and t r an sl at i on .
I ncl udes study of the C opt i c t ext s.

842. TORTOLI , GI OVANNI , S u l l a ver si ons copta
del Gl ob l n d l a l et t o s a l d l co, col saggl o
dl un1 edl zi one d l essa. I n I n t .
cong. or . 4t h, F l or ence, 1875. A t t i ,
v ol . 1, pp. 79-90.
T ext and t r an sl at i on .
See al so numbers 1297, 1835.
849. LAB B, CLAUDIUS J OHANNES. t i xom-i nt e
Mi^AXnoc nt c kAyi'. tuttpo^wtmc. oyo^
ttioypo N6m niOoj&h. r C ai r o, 1897].
318, 71 p.
The P sal ms, fol l ow ed by a ser l es of
B l bl l ca l can t l cl es and pr ayer s, accom-
panl ed by an A r abl e t r an sl at i on . R e-
vl sed and cor r ect ed by the Hegoumenoa
Abd al -M asI l j S a l l b, and edi t ed by
M akar l us, abp. of S l u t , and Cl audl us
L abl b.
B i bl e. Old T estament. Psalms
t ext of the P sal t er .
2, 1900-1, 275-6.
Notes on number 844.
The S ahl dl c
J . t h eol . st ud.
The ea r l l es t known C opt i c P sal t er .
The t ex t , l n the d l a l ect of Upper
E gypt, edi t ed fr om the uni que papyrus
codex O r i ent al 5000 l n the B r i t i sh
musum. L ondon, P aul , T r ench, T r bner ,
1898. 154 p. facsl ms.
C. R. Brl ghtman, F . E . J . t h eol .
st ud. 2, 1900-1, 275-6.
Schmi dt, C. G ot t . g el . anz.
1901, 996.
EUGNE. P sal t er 11 ver sl o memphi ti ca
e r ecogn l t l on e P aul l de L agar de.
R di t i on avec l e texte copte en
car act r es copt es. L ouval n, I s t a s ,
1925. 180 p.
C. R. Crum, W. E . R. A sl at . soc.
J . 1926, 734-5.
S pl egel ber g, W. Or. l i t .
z. 29, 1926, 345.
V i t t i , A. B i bl i ca 9, 1928,
846. CRUM, WALTER EWI NG. Un psaume en di al ect e
d'Akhmlm. (M l anges M aspero, 2)
I n st . f r . ar ch. or . Mm. 67, 1934,
,850. LAGARDE, PAUL ANTON DE. P sa l t er l l ver sl o
memphi ti ca. A ccedunt P s a l t er l l Thebanl
fr agmenta parhaml ana, pr over bl or um
memphl tl corum fr agmenta B er ol l n en sl a.
G ottl ngen, K aestner , 1875. 155 p.
T ext t r an scr l bed l n t o L ati n l et t er s .
k opt l sk over saet t el se af Davl ds 89. of
90. P sal me. C h r i st i an i a, Dybwad,
1895. 12 p. (O sl o ak. F or h. 1895,
n r . 5)
T ext and t r an sl at i on .
852. PETREI US, THEODORUS. P sal ter i um D avl dl s
l n l l ngua copt l ca seu aegypt l aca, una
cum ver si ons ar abi ca nunc primum l n
l atl num versum et l n l ucem edl tum.
L ugduni -Batavorum, 1663.
Psalm I l n C opt i c, A r abl e and L at i n.
853. PEYRON, BERNARDINO. P sal t epl l copt o-
thebanl speel men quod omnium primum
l n l ucem p r od i t , cont l nens pr aet er
decem psalmorum fr agmenta l n t egr os
psal mos duos et t r i gi n t a ad fl dem
cod l ci s T aur l nensl s cur a et c r l t l c l s
anl madver sl onl bus. A ccedl t Amadel
P eyr onl d l sser t a t l o posthuma De nova
copt i cae l i nguae or thogr aphi a a
Schwar tzl o v. c l . excogl t at a. T or .
acc. Mem. ser . 2, 28, 1876, 117-206.
Two ver si ons of
J . B l bl . l i t .
T ext of Psalm x l v l .
C. R. L ef or t , L . T.
1935, 234-5.
Muson 48,
847. I DELER, J DLI US LUDWIG. P sal ter i um C optl .
Ad codi cum fl dem r ecen su l t , l ect l on l s
var l etatem et Psalmos apocr yphos
sahl dl ca d l a l ect o con scr l pt os ac primum
a Woi di o edl t os a d j eel t . B er ol i n i ,
Dmmler, 1837. 247 p.
Ostr akon mi t gr i echi sch-k opt i schem
P sal mentext. Aegyptus 15, 1935,
Psalm cx v l l , 18-19 l n Gr eek, and
Psalm c x v l l l , 10-11 l n S ah l dl c.
the C opt i c P sal t er .
21, 1902, 92-9.
No t ext .
855. RAHLFS, ALFRED. Di e B er l i n er handschr i ft
des sahl dl schen P sal t er s. B er l i n ,
Weldmann, 1901. 153 p. I l l u s .
(G ot t . ges el l s . Abh. n. f . 4, n r . 4)
T ext and n ot es, B er l i n K. Mus. P.
856. S ept uagl nt a-st udi en. GSttl ngen,
Vandenhoeck and R upr echt, 1904-11.
3 v. l n 2.
Contal ns some C opt i c fr agments of
P sal ms, h ef t 2, pp. 242-56. T ext
fr om B r i t i sh Mus. Or. 5465.
857. SCHWARTZE, MORI TZ GOTTHI LF. P sal ter i um
l n dl al ectum copt i cae l i nguae memphi-
ti cam tr ansl atum ad fl dem tr l um codi cum
ms. Regl ae bl bl l ot h ecae ber ol l n en sl a
l n t er se et cum T uk l l et I d el er i l l b r l s
nec non cum gr aeci s A l exandr i ni codl cl s
ac V at i can l hebr al ci sque P sal mi s com-
par ator um. E d l d l t , notl sque cr l t l c l s
et gr ammatl cl s l n st r u x l t . L l psl ae,
B ar th, 1843. 236 p.
TUKI , RAPHAL. mai 0311 n t e niY^XTHpioN
NTe ikAyiik. Romae, t ypl s Sacr as
congr egat l oni s de propagande f l d e,
1744. 502 p. I l l u s .
Tha Psalms l n the C opt i c ver si on , t o
whi ch ar e added a number of other
Psalms and C an t l cl es, accompanl ed by
an A r abl e t r an sl at i on .
Another di t i on wl thoutthe addi t i on s.
L ondon, 1826,
VI T T I , A. Le var l an t l del s a l t er l o
boa l r l co del Cod. V at. C opt. 5.
B l bl l ca 9, 1928, 341-9.
WESSELY, KARL. S ah l dl sch -gr l ech l sch e
P sal menfr agmente. Wi en, H Slder, 1908.
195,p. facsi ms. (V i en. ak. S i t zb.
From a Rai ner manuscr i pt.
WORRELL, WI LLI AM HOYT. A C opt i c B i bl i ca l
manuscr i pt l n ti ie F r eer col l ect i on .
Am. J . ar ch. ser . 2, 13, 1909, 63-4.
A bst r act of a paper .
- The C opt i c P sal t er l n the F r eer col l ec
t i on . New Y or k and L ondon, M acml l l an,
1916. 112 p. I l l u s . (T J nl ver sl ty
of M i chi gan st u dl es. H umanl stl c
s er l es , v ol . 1 0 , pt . 1 )
See al so numbers 665, 742, 766,
B i bl e. Ol d T estament. P r over bs
BOURI ANT, URBAI N. L es pr over bes de
Sal omon. V er si on copte publ i e
d'apr s deux manuscr i ts f ai san t par t i e
de l a B i bl i ot hque du P at r i ar che copt e-
J acobi t e du C ai r e. R ec. de tr avaux 3,
1882. 129-47.
BSCI AI , AGAPI OS. K i tb shudhr al -amthl
wa Hlkmat Sul al mn wa Yashu* I bn Sl r ak h.
Romj Congr . de pr opag. f l d e, 1886.
*62 p.. Suppl . 6 p.
Remains of the C opt i c ver si on of the
Book of P r over bs l n the B ohai r i c d i a
l ect , con sl st l n g of chapter s 1- x i v ,
26 and x xx l , 10-20, wl th A r abl e t r ans
l a t i on . Chapters v , 17-20, v-1, 24-26,
29-35, and v i l , 6-23 ar e pr l nt ed sep-
ar at el y l n an appendi x. The booka of
E ccl esl ast i cu s and Wlsdom, announced
on the t i t l e- p a ge, were never publ l shed.
865. - L i ber P r over bl or um copt i ce cum n ot l s
R ever endi ssl mi Domini B sol ai , A egypt l l
ep i scop i . Rev. g. 2, 1882, 356-68.
S ah i di c. Has a f oot n ot e by R evi l l ou t
on new words l n C opt i c, whi ch began a
cont r over sy between R evi l l ou t and
B scl al . See numbers 284, 293.
EUGNE. L es P r over bes de Salomon
(ch . 1, v . 1-14, v. 26, ch. 24, v. 24
29 et v. 50-77 et ch. 29, v. 28-38).
T exte bohal r i que du cod. 8 de l a
Ryl ands l i br a r y , M anchester , du cod.
53 et 98 de l a B i bl i ot hque V atl cane
et du cod. 1051 du Muse copte au
Cai r e avec l es var i ant es de 24 autr es
manuscr i ts et I ndex des mots coptes et
des mots gr ecs. V i enne, H ol zhausen,
1930. 68 p.
C. R. Crum, W. E . J . E g. ar ch.
16, 1930, 271-2.
H engstenber g, W. Or. l i t .
z. 34, 1931, 528-32.
867. SOBHY, GEORGE P. The book of th
P r over bs of Sol omon, l n the d i a l ect
of Upper E gypt. P ubl l shed by the
U nl ver si t y of E gypt. C al r o, E l Shams,
11927?j . t 199 p .]
T ext on l y.
C. R. Schmi dt, C. Or. l i t . z. 33,
1930, 25-8.
8 68. STERN, LUDWIG. C r l t l sch e anmerkungen zu
der boh el r l sch en ber setzung der
P r over bl a Sal omoni s. Z. aeg. spr . 20,
1882, 191-202.
869. WORRELL, WI LLI AM HOYT. The P r over bs of
Sol omon l n S ahi di c C opt i c, accor dl ng
t o the Chl oago manuscr i pt. C hi cago,
U nl ver si t y of Chi cago pr ess, 1931.
107 p. facsi ms. (C h i c. U ni v. Or.
I n st . Pub. v ol . 12)
Chi cago U n l ver si t y, H ask el l or i en t al
musum Ms. 10485.
C. R. Crum, W. E . J . t h eol . st ud.
33, 1931-2, 193.
Schmi dt, C. Or. l i t . z. 36,
1933, 156-8.
See al so numbers 623, 850, 1135.
870, BARDELLI, GIUSEPPE. Daniel, copto-
memphitice. Pisi3 , Pieraccini, 1849.
1 1 2 p.
871 DEIBER, ALBERT. Fragments coptes Indits
de Jrmie. Rev. blbl. n. s. 5, 1908,
Text and translation from a copy ln
the papers left by Urbain Bouriant.
Addltlonal notes and corrections by
Balestrl, Rev. blbl. n. s. 6 , 1909,
Bible. Old Testament. Prophats 879. GROSSOUW, WILLEM. The Coptic versions of
the Minor Prophets; a contribution to
the study of the Septuaglnt. Rome,
Pontifical Biblical institute, 1938.
126 p. (Monumenta Blbllca et ecclesi-
astica, 3)
Textuel criticism, wlthout text.
C. R. Bertram, G. Or. lit. z. 43,
1940, 425-8.
Lefort, L. T. Muson 51,
1938, 350-1.
Till, W. Orlentalla 7, 1938,
872. GEHMAN, HENRY S. The Sahidic and Bohairic
versions of the Book of Daniel. J.
Blbl. lit. 46, 1927, 279-330.
873. HEBBELYNCK, ADOLPHE. Fragments indits
de la version copte sahidique d'Isae.
1. Fragments de la Bibliothque nation
ale de Paris. Muson n. 3 . 14, 1913,
Spcimen versionum Danielis coptlcarum,
nonum lus caput memphltice et sahldlce
exhlbens. Romae, Fulgonlus, 1786.
99 p.
Bohairic and Sahidic on opposite
pages wlth a literal Latin translation
at the foot of each.
975. SCHULTE, A. Die koptlsche bersetzung
der vler Grossen Propheten untersucht.
Mnchen, 1892. 90 p.
Comparlaon of the Greek and Bohairic
veraion of Tattam.
876. TATTAM, HENRY. A Coptic version of
Jeremlah xx, 4. J. sacred lit. n. a. 2,
1863, 466-7.
Text and translation.
877. Prophetae Majores, in dlalecto linguae
aegyptlacae memphitica seu coptica.
Edidlt cum versione latlna. Oxonii,
E typographeo academlco, 1852. 2 v.
Coptic text and Latin translation on
opposlte page s.
See also numbers 885, 1756.
Bible. Old Testament. Minor Prophets
878. BOURIANT. URBAIN. Fragments des Petits
Prophtes en dialecte de Panopolis.
Rec. de travaux 19, 1897, 1-12.
880. - Un fragment sahidique d'Ose II, 9 - V,
1. (B. M. Or. 4717 t 5j). Musen 47,
1934, 185-204.
Sahidic text with parallel passage in
Achmiraic and Bohairic.
881. KETTER, PETER. Ein koptischer text von
Jol I, 5-15. Oriens chr. n. s. 5,
1915, 1-9.
Text from manuscript of Prince Johann
Georg of Saxony, with parallel passag9
from Tattam'a dition.
882. KRALL, JAKOB. Nachtrag zum Achmmer fund.
P. Rainer Mitt. 4, 1888, 143-4.
Notes the discovery that a portion of
Minor Prophets in P. Rainer forma part
of a plece publlshed by Maspero, number
884. Lists portions contalned in these
883. Ueber den Achmmer fund.
Mitt. 2-3, 1887, 264-8.
P. Rainer
884, MASPERO, GASTON. Notes sur diffrents
points de grammaire et d'histoire.
Rec. de travaux 8 , 1886, 179-92.
Contalna text of fragmenta from the
Minor Propheta.
885, QUATREMRE, TIENNE MARC. Daniel et lea
douze Petita Prophtes, manuscrits
coptes de la Bibliothque Impriale,
no. 2, Saint-Germain, no. 21. Notices
et extr. 8 , 1810, 220-89.
Description of the manuscripts and
Bohairic text of Zecharlah with Latin
The Minor Prophets ln the Freer col
lection and the Berlin fragment of
Genesla. New York and London, Macmillan
1927. 436 p. Illus. (Unlversity
of Michigan studles. Humanistic ser.
v. 2 1 )
The Freer manuscript has some Coptic
887. SCHULTE, A. Die koptische uebersetzung
der Kleinen Propheten. Theol. quart.
76, 1894, 605-42; 77, 1895, 209-29.
No text given.
088. TATTAM, HENRY. n s u m ntc mip nnhtpoc|>hthc
NKO-ftl 3 6 N tACiri MT
Duodecim Propheterum Minorum libros
in llngua aegyptiaoa vulgo coptlca seu
memphitica ex manuscripto Parisiensl
descriptos et cum manuscripto Johannls
Lee ... collatoa latine edidit.
Oxonli, E typographo academlco, 1036.
239 p.
Coptic and Latin on opposite pages.
889. TILL, WALTER. Die achmmlsche version
der zwSlf Kleinen Propheten (Codex
Rainerianus, Wien) hereusgegeben mit
einleitung, anmerkungen und wSrter-
verzeichnis. Hauniae, Gyldendal,
Nordisk forlag, 1927. 151 p. (Coptica
Text from Vienna Nationalbibliothek
Mss. Kopt. 11000.
C. R. Crum, W. E. J. theol stud.
29, 1927-28, 207-11.
Lelpoldt, J. Or. lit. z. 32,
1929, 346-7.
890. USESSELY, KARL. Duodecim Prophetarum
Minorum versionis achmimicae codex
Rainerianus. Leipzig, Haessel, 1915.
308 p. illus. (Stud. pal. u. pap.
C. R. Splegelberg, W.
z. 21, 1918, 22-9.
Or. lit.
891. ZIEGLER, JOSEPH. Beitrage zu koptlschen
Dodekaprophetonibersetzung. Biblica
25, 1944, 105-42.
See also number 1841.
sahidiachen, syrohexaplarischen und
armenischen bersetzung. Freiburg,
Herder, 1902. 84 p.
indit du livre de Tobie (Chap. 1,
vers. 7b 20a). Inst. fr. arch. or.
Bull. 22, 1923, 115-8.
GROSSOTJW, WILLEM. De apocriefen van het
Oude en Nieuwe Testament in de kopti
sche letterkunde. Studia catholica
10, 1934, 434-6; 11, 1934-5, 19-36.
Inventory of Coptic apocryphal liter
ature with full bibliography to date.
HALLOCK, FRANK HUDSON. Coptic apocrypha.
J. Bibl. lit. 52, 1933, 163-74.
No text.
crypha of the Old Testament, their
titles and fragments. London, Society
for promoting Christian knowledge:
New York, Macmillan, 1920. 111 p.
(Translations of early documents,
ser. 1. Palestinien Jewish texts
(pre-rabbinic) no. 14).
KABIS, MARC. Das buch Baruch, koptisch.
Mitgetheilt durch H. Brugsch. Z. aeg.
spr. 10, 1872, 134-6; 11, 1873, 18-21;
12, 1874, 46-9; 14, 1876, 148.
sadisches bruchstck des vierten
Esrabuches. Z. aeg. spr. 41, 1904,
Text and translation.
PETERS, NORBERT. Die sahidiscb-koptlsche
uebersetzung des bches Ecolesiasticus
auf ihren wahren werth fr die text-
kritik untersucht. Freiburg i. B., ^
Herder, 1898. 69 p. (Bibliscbe
studien. 3, 3'
Bible. Old Testament. Apocrypha
892. BSCIAI, AGAPIOS. -t-npo<t>HTi*. Srre (M-poy*
niTTpo<t>HTHc . Liber Baruch prophetae.
Romae, Typis S. Congregatlonls de
propagande fide, 1870. 26 p.
893. BUCKLE, DAVID PURDY. Boheiric lections
of Wlsdom from e Rylands library Ms.
J. theol. stud. 17, 1915-16, 78-98.
894. The book of the Wisdom of Solomon,
with speclel reference to the Coptic
version. Mench. Eg. soc. J. 1914-15,
Very brief rsum of a paper read
before the society, Dec. 1, 1914.
895. The 17th chepter of the Book of Wlsdom.
A trenslation of the Coptic (Sahldlc)
version, vith textual and lexical notes.
Int. J. Apoc. 39, 70-2.
896. FELDMANN, FRANZ. Textkritische materialim
zum buch der Weisheit gesammelt aus der
C, R. Beer, G.
1900, 221-2.
Or. lit. z. 3,
Ein sahidisches Baruch-
Museon 46, 1933, 35-41.
Text and facsimlle from Vienna JT 9756.
See also number 728.
Bible. Old Testament. Pseudeplgrapha
ANDERSSON, ERNST. Abrahams vermachtnis
aus dem koptlschen bersetzt. Sphinx
6 , 1903, 220-36.
Trensletion of a text published by
Guidi, number 913.
ANDERSSON, ERNST. Isak's vermachtnis aus
dam koptischen bersetzt. Sphinx 7,
1903, 77-94.
Translation and notes for text pub-
lished by Guidi, number 912.
- Jakobs vermUchtnis aus dem koptischen
bersetzt. Sphinx 7, 1903, 129-42.
Translation and notes for text pub-
lished by Guidi, number 912.
BECKER, C. H. Das reich der Ismaeliten
im koptischen Danielbuch. Gott.
gesells. Nachr. 1916, 7-57.
Odes and psalma of Solomon; now first
publlshed from the Syriac version.
Cambridge, Unlversity press, 1909.
2 v.
Vol. 1 contains the Coptic text of
the odes quoted in Pistis Sophia.
C. R. Connolly, R. H.
stud. 22, 1920-1, 76-83.
J. theol.
The Arabie translation of the apo-
cryphal fourteenth vision found in the
Coptic book of Daniel is here published
from B. M. Copt. 729. 918.
BERNARD, J. H. The 0 de3 of Solomon,
edited wlth introduction and notes.
Cambridge, Unlversity press, 1912.
134' p. (Texts and studies 8 , 3)
BOX, GEORGE HERBERT. The testament of
Abraham, translated from the Greek tejst 919.
with Introduction and notes ... with
an appendix containing a translation
from the Coptic version of the Testa
ments of Isaac and Jacob by S. Gaselee.
London, Society for promoting Christian
knowledge, New York and Toronto,
Macmillan, 1927. 92 p. (Translations
of early documents. Ser. II. Hellenistic-
Jewish texts) 920.
les odes gnostiques attribues
Salomon, adresse M. Grgoire. ^
Magasin encyclopdique 2, 1815, 383-92.
Published separately, Paris, Sajou,
1815. 12 pp. 921.
GUtDI, IGNAZIO. Il Testamento di Isacco
e il Testamento di Giacobbe. Acc.
Lincei Rend..ser. 5, 9, 1900, 223-64.
Bohairic text from Cod. Vat. copt. 61.
Index of Greek words at end includes
those in the Testament of Abraham pub
lished by Guidi (number 913) 922.
For a translation, see numbers 906-7.
Il testo copto del Testamento di Abramo.
Acc. Lincei Rend. ser. 5, 9, 1900, 157
Bohairic text from Cod. Vat. copt. 61.
For a translation see number 905; for
index of Greek words see number 912.
HOLZHEY, C. Die koptische Elias- und
Sophonias-apokalypse. Katholik 1899,
LACAU, PIERRE. Fragments de l'Ascension
d'Isae en copte. (Mlanges L. Th.
Lefort) Muson 59, 1946, 453-67.
LAWLOR, H. J. The Book of Enoch in the
Egyptian church. Hermathena 13, 1904
5, 178-83.
Cites a passage ln Casslan (Coll. viii,
20, 21) as evldence that the Book of
Enoch was familier to desert solltaries.
LEFORT, L. THOPHILE. Fragments d'ap-
cryphes en copte-akhmimique. MusSon
52, 1939, 1-10.
Publishes fragments from the collec
tion of Mr. von Scherling of Leiden.
One, perhaps a psalm, another, frag
ments from the Ascension of Isaiah.
MACLER, FRDRIC. Les apocalypses
apocryphes de Daniel. Rev. hist.
relig. 33, 1895, 37-53, 163-76, 288
A translation of the Coptic version
is given on pp. 163-76.
Odae gnosticae Salomoni tributae,
thebaice et latine, praefatione et
adnotationibus philologicis illus-
tratae. Hauniae, Schultz, 1812.
32 p.
SCHMIDT, CARL. Apokalypse des Elias.
Theol. lit. z. 38, 19l3, 764-5.
(Mitt. no. 38)
Text written on the last leaf of
Brit. mus.-or. 7594, pub. by Budge
(see number 775) is identified as the
begiruning of a Sahidic version of the
Achmimi Apocalypse of Elias, published
by Steindorff (see number 924).
HARNACK, ADOLF VON. Ein Jdisch-christ- 923. --
liches Psalmbuch aus dem ersten Jahr-
hundert tThe Odes ... of Solomon, now
first published from the Syriac version
by J. Rendel Harris, 1909], Aus dem
syrischen bersetzt von Johannes Flem-
ming. Leipzig, Hinrichs, 1910.
134 p. (Texte u. untersuch. 3. relhe, 924.
5 [ 35 ] , 4 )
Includes a comparison of the Syriac
and Coptic texts, pp. 12-23.
Der kolophon des MS. orient. 7594 des
Britischen musums. Eine untersuchung
zur Elias-apokalypse. Berl. ak. Sitzb.
1925, 312-21.
Text and translation.
STEINDORFF, GEORG. Die apokalypse des
Elias, elne unbekannte apokalypse, und
bruchstcke der Sophonias-apokalypse;
koptische texte, bersetzung, glossar.
Leipzig, Hinrichs, 1899. 190 p.
facslms. (Texte u. untersuch. n.
f. 2, 3a [17j )
Achmlmic and Sahldlc texts.
Maspero, J. aav. 1899, 31- C. R.
1899, 4.
Piehl, K.
Till, W
1928, 90-8.
Vincent, H.
1900, 128-30.
Sphinx 4, 1901,
Theol. lit. z.
Z. aeg. spr. 63,
Rev. blbl. 9,
925. STERN, LUDWIG. Die koptlsche apocalypse
des Sophonlas. Mit einem anhang ber
den untersahldlschen dlalect. Z. aeg.
spr. 24, 1886, 115-35.
Translation oniy.
See also numbers 785, 1647.
Bible. New Testament
926. TTI2TWM NTE -(-A1A0HKH Ai pi MMOl]
N & T 12SI N0<J OY t NNE Ni J Hpl N + 6K K A H C I A
NpfHMXHMi rrop&oioSoc Calro, "Samlr"
press, A. M. 1650 [1934). 698 p.
Published by the Society "Abnaa el
An uncritical text of the New Testa
ment ln Bohalric which repeats Tattam's
dition of 1847-52 with no notice of
Horners dition (see numbers 934, 944).
C. R. Burmester, 0. J. theol.
stud. 38, 1937, 196-9.
Lefort, L. T. Muaon 48,
1935, 237-8.
Simon, J. Orientalla n. s. 6 ,
1937, 173-5.
copts du Nouveau Testament dans le
dialecte thbain. Rec. de travaux 5,
1884, 105-39.
Text of portions of Mark, Luke and
Galatlans, from the collection of Lord
See also number 798.
928. Fragments thbalns Indits du Nouveau
Testament. Z. aeg. spr. 24, 1886,
41-56, 103-14; 25, 1887, 47-57, 100-10,
125-35; 26, 1888, 96-105.'
versions of the New Testament. In
Cheyne, T. K. and Black, J. S. Ency-
clopaedla blbllca. London, Black,
1899-1903. vol. 4, cols. 5006-11,
930. CHAINE, MARIUS. Fragments sahidlques
Indits du Nouveau Testament.
Bessarlone [17] ser. 2, 8 , 1905, 276-80.
Text of two leaves from Bib. Nat.
Fonds copte 102, a composite manuscript,
one folio contalnlng John xvii, 17-26,
the other, Acts vil, 51-7, vl3 1, 1-3.
931. GREGORY, CAS PAR REN. Ncvum Testamentum
graece. Prolegomena. Llpalae, Hin
richs, 1894. 1428 p. (Tlschendorf.
Novum Testeroentum graece. Editio octava
critlca malor. vol. 3)
Egyptian version: pp. 859-93.
fragments of the New Testament from
Nitrla. Harv. theol. rev. 26, 1933,
Bohalric texts of portions of Matthew,
Luke, John, Acts and James.
933. HEDLEY, P. L. The Egyptian texts of the
Gospels and Acts. Church quart, rev.
118, 1934, 23-39, 188-530.
Based on elght current publications.
934. HORNSR, GEORGE WILLIAM. The Coptic ver
sion of the New Testament ln the
northern dlalect, otherwise callsd
Memphltic and Bohalric, with Intro
duction, critical apparatus, and literal
English translation. London, Clarendon
press, 1898-1905. 4 v.
C. R. Amllneau, E. C. Sphinx 18,
1914-15, 1-30.
Dobschtz, E. Theol. lit.
z. 1906, 428.
Fr. H. V. Rev. blbl. n. s. 2,
1905, 457-0.
Anon. Church quart, rev. 47,
1898-9, 38-50; 62, 1906, 292-322.
935. HORNER, GEORGE WILLIAM. The Coptic ver
sion of the New Testament lu the
Southern dlalect otherwise called
Sahldlc and Thebalc, with critical
apparatus, literal English translation,
register of fragments and eatlmate of
the version. Oxford, The Clarendon
preas, 1911-24. 7 v. facslms.
See slso number 995.
C. R. Abel, F. M. Rev. blbl. 32,
1923, 302-7.
Amllneau, E. C, Sphinx 18,
1914-15, 1-30.
Hebbelynck, k. Rev. blbl.
30, 1921, 279-82.
Lelpoldt, J. Church quart,
rev. 96, 1923, 351-6; 92, 1921, 33-68.
Schmidt, C. Or. lit. z. 26,
1923, 614-5.
Sprengllng, M. Am. J.
theol. 17, 1913, 274.
936. KENYON, FREDERIC GEORGE. Handbook to the
textual critlcism of the New Testament.
London, New York, Macmlllan, 1901.
321 p. facslms.
ltude du Nouveau Testament. Paris,
Librairie ,Lecoffr.e, Gabalda, 1933-
v. 1- (Etudes bibliques)
2 ptle., II. dlscusses Coptic versions.
Testament. Church quart, rev. 92,
1921, 33-68.
Includes a gnral discussion of the
importance of the Sahidic version,
based on Horner's dition.
LEMM, OSKAR EDUARDOVICH. Slaben sahidische
Bibelfragmente. Z. aeg. spr. 23, 1885,
Supplments number 786.
Fragments of Matthew, Luke, Romans,
Epheslans, Phlllpplans, Thessalonlans,
Hebrews. ,
Commentatlo de lndole verslonls Novl
Testamentl sahldlcae. Adcedunt frag
menta Eplstolarum Paulll ad Tlmotheum
ex membranls sahldlcls Musel Borglanl
Velitrls. Hafnlae, excudebat I. F.
Schultz, prostat apud C. G. Proft,
1789. 112 p.
- Ueber das alter der koptischen ber-
setzungen des Neuen Testaments. In
Allgemelne bibliothek der blblischen
litteratur, von J. 0. Elchhorn.
Leipzig, Weldmann, 1787-ieOO. vol. 4,
1792. pp. 1-30, 385-427.
THE NEW TESTAMENT ln Coptic. Church
quart, rev. 62, 1906, 292-322.
An article based on Horner's dition
of the Bohairic New Testament.
A plain Introduction to the crltlclsm
of the New Testament. For the use of
Biblical students. 3rd dition. Cam
bridge, Delghton Bell, 1861.
"The Egyptian or Coptic versions" by
J. B. Lightfoot, pp.. 365-407.
4th dition, 1894. 2 v.
The 4th dition has an enlarged chap
ter ln vol. 2 on the Coptic version,
revlsed by G. W. Horner and A. C.
Early ditions have llttle material
on the Coptic version.
TATTAM, HENRY. (The New Testament ln
Coptic and Arable. London, Society
for promotlng Christian knowledge,
1847-52, 2 v.
Coptic text by Tattam, Arable by
W. Cureton. Text ln parallel columns.
Includes material on the Coptic ver-
3 Ions.
Later ditions, 1912 and 1926.
Vol. 1. ni s u M n n i v NNiyArreXiON
[Gospels j.
Vol. 2. ni Xton ma? 0 n t - | - 2i 2>.h k h
Mptfi. [Acts. Rvlation],
945. TYLER, ARTHUR W. On a collection of
readlngs of the Thebaic New Testament
version hltherto unclted. Am. or.
soc. J. 10, 1880, xcv-xcvl.
Citations from Tuki (number 459).
946. WILKINS, DAVID. -|-2i0 hkh npepi ereu-tActn
NTMip6MNj(riMi t hoc est, Novum Testa
mentum aegyptlum vulgo coptlcum ex mss.
Bodlejanls descrlpslt, cum Vatlcanls et
Parlslenslbus contullt, et ln latlnum
sermonen convertit. Oxonli, e Theatro
Sheldoniano typls et sumptlbus aca-
demlae, 1716. 676 p.
947. WOIDE, CHARLES GODFREY. Appendix ad
edltlonem Novl Testamentl graecl ...
ln qua contlnentur fragmenta Novl
Testamentl Juxta lnterpretationem
dlalectl superloris Aegyptl quae
thebalca vel sahldlca appellatur e
codlclbus Oxonlenslbus maxlma ex parte
desumpta cum dlssertatlone de verslone
Blbllorum aegyptlaca. Oxonli, E
typographeo Clarendiano, 1799. 151,
229, 119 p. 3 plates.
Bible. New Testament. Gospels
948. AMLINEAU, EMILE CLMENT. Le manuscrit
copte no. 1 de la bibliothque de Lord
Zouche. Soc. Bibl. arch. Proc. 10,
1887-8, 235-46.
Description of the Bohairic manu
script which contains Gospels of Matt-
bew and Mark wlth commentaries of St.
Cyril, St. Chrysostom, Euseblus,
Gregory the patrlarch, etc.
949. Notice des manuscrits coptes de la
Bibliothque Nationale renfermant des
textes bilingues du Nouveau Testament.
Notices et extr. 34z, 1895, 363-427.
Brief description of the collection,
and text of fragments of Luke, John,
Mark and Matthew.
950. CYRILLUS II. oySScon nt NNiey.wreAioN
eeOY^p. [Cairo, A. M. 1618 [1902n
2 v.
The Holy Gospels in Coptic and Arable^
v. 1. Matthew and Mark. v. 2. Luke
and John.
951. HEBBELYNCK, ADOLPHE. Les k e <}>Xaaa.
et les ti'tAoi. des vangiles dans les
Mss. boh. Paris Blbl. nat. copte 16,
Vat. copte 8 et le fragm, boh, Brit.
mis. add. 1 4 7 4 0 ^, fol. 9. La lettre
d'Eusbe Carplanus d'aprs le Ms.
boh. Vat. copte 9. Textes Indits et
traduction. Muson 41, 1928, 81-120.
952. HOSKIER, HERMAN CHARIES. Evan. 157 (Rome
Vat. Urb. 2). J. theol. stud. 14,
1912-13, 78-116, 242-93, 359-84.
Parallels between the text of Evan.
157 and the Coptic version.
953. MACDONAIK, DUNCAN B. Ibn al-*Assal's
Arabie version of the Gospels. In
Homenaje & D. Francisco Codera.
Zaragoza, Escar, 1904. pp. 375-92.
Arabie text of the introduction to the
version, translated from Coptic for
Copts who no longer understood Coptie;
has much bearing on the Coptic version.
Evangelia ln dialecto linguae copticae
memphitica perscripta ad codd. ms.
copticorum ln Rgla bibllotheca
berolinensi adservatorum nec non libri
a Wilkinsio emlssl fldem edidit, emen-
davit adnottlonlbus criticls et gram-
matlcis variantlbus lectlonibus exposi-
tls atque textu coptlco cum graeco com-
parato ins'truxit. Llpsiae; Barth,
1846-7. 2 v.
955. TATTAM, HENRY. tti MeyArreXioN Wf.
[London, Society for promoting Christian
knowledge, 1829j 470 p.
The four Gospels in Coptic and Arabie,
the latter reprinted from the dition
of the New Testament published by T.
Erpenlus at Leiden ln 1616. Edited
by H. Tattam and S. Lee.
956. TILL, WALTER. Faijumlsche bruchstcke
des Neuen Testamentes. Muson 51,
1938, 227-38.
Wlen K 10112, K 10113, K 2694.
Vellum and papyrus fragments contalnlng
parts of John, Mark and Matthew.
957. WILLCOX, W. The four Gospels in Egyp
tian. Cairo, Nlle Mission press,
Text from a manuscript not mentioned
by Hyvernat or Homer.
961. ENGELBACH, REGINAID. Fragment of the
Gospel of Saint Matthew in Coptic
(Sahidic dlalect). Ann. du service
21, 1921, 118-22.
962. JOMARD, EDM FRANOIS. Voyage i 1oasis
de Thbes et dans les dserts situs
l'orient et k l'occident de la Thbaide,
fait pendant les annees 1815, 1816, 1817
et 1818 par M. Frdric Callllaud;
rdig et publi par M. Jomard. Paris,
Imprimerie royale, 1821. 120 p.
Contalns facsimlle of a fragment of
Matthew ln Coptic.
963. LEIPOLDT, JOHANNES. Bruchstcke von zwel
griechisch-koptlschen handschriften des
Neuen Testaments. Z. neut. wiss. 4,
1903, 350-1.
Description of P. Berl. 8771 and 9108,
contalnlng Matthew and Luke.
964. MASPERO, GASTON. Fragment de 1'vangile
selon St. Matthieu en dialecte bach-
mourlque. Rec. de travaux 11, 1889,
Text of fragment in the Bibliothque
965. WESSEEf, KARL. Ein faijumisch-griechl-
sches Evangelien-fragment. Wlen. z.
kunde morg. 26, 1912, 270-4.
Text of a blllngual vellum leaf ln
the Hofblbliothek, Vienna (inv. Nr.
8023) contalnlng part of Matthew xv.
See also number 1008.
Bible. New Testament. Gospels. Mark
Bible. New Testament. Gospels. Matthew
958. AMUNDSEN, LETV. Christian papyri from
the Oslo collection. Symbolae
osloenses 24, 1945, 121-47.
Matthew xi, 25-30 ln Achmlmlc.
959. DAVID, J. Fragments de 1'vangile selon
Saint Matthieu en dialecte moyen-
gyptien. Rev. blbl. n. s. 7, 1910,
Text of Paris Bib. nat. copte 1295,
fols. 166, 96 and 155.
966. BUCKIE, DAVID PURDY. A noteworthy
Sahldlc variant ln a Shenoute homily
in the John Rylands library. Ryl.
11b. Bull. 20, 1936, 383-4.
Copt. ms. 70, citlng Mark vii, 3.
967. LEMM, OSKAR EDUARDOVICH. Mittelaegyp-
tische Bibelfragmente. In tudes
archologiques, linguistiques et his
toriques, ddies M. le Dr. C.
Leemans. Leide, Brill, 1885.
pp. 95-102.
Text of a fragment from Mark.
4-27, d'aprs un papyrus de la Biblio
thque nationale. Rev. bibl. n. s. 13,
1916, 560-4.
968. BENIGNI, UMBERTO. Un papiro copto-greco
inedito con frammenti bibllci.
Bessarione 6 , 1899-1900, 514-21.
Text of a Sahidic fragment of Luke iv,
22-30, from a papyrus belonging to
P. Lais, wlth parallel text as publlshed
by Amllneau, (number 927) and facslmlJe.
969. GEHMAN, HENRY S. The Garrett Sahidic
manuscript of St. Luke. Am. or. soc.
J. 55, 1935, 451-7.
Bible. New Testament. Gospels. Luke
970. KABIS, MARC. Notltla de fragm. cod. copt.
Petropolitan cum fine Evang. Lucae. 979.
In Tlschendorf, Constantin. Notltla
ltionis codicls Blbllorum slnaltlcl.
Llpslae, Brockhaus, 1860.
971. LEFORT, L. THOPHILE. Le nom d mauvais 57
riche (Le 1619) et la tradition copte.
Z. neut. wiss. 37, 1939, 65-72. gso.
972. PISTELLI, E. Paplrl evangellcl.
evangellcl 2, 1906, 129-40.
See also number 963.
nunc prodeunt ln latlnum versa.
Romae, apud A. Fulgonium, 1789. 488 p.
KILGOUR, R. Four ancient manuscripts
ln the Bible House Library. London,
British and forelgn Bible society,
1928. 76 p.
Gospel of John ln Coptic, pp. 15-38.
The oldest manuscript of St. John's
Gospel ln Coptic. Exposltor ser. 9,
1, 1924, 303-5.
Note on the discovery, the form and
the content of the manuscript (see
numbar 980).
MERK, AUGUST. Ein neuer fund aus Agyp
tens elne koptlsche Hs. des Johannes-
Evangellums. Z. kath. theol. 48,
1924, 456-60.
No text.
THOMPSON, HERBERT. The Gospel of St.
Johnaccordlng to the earliest Coptic
manuscript, edlted wlth a translation.
London, British school of archaeology
ln Egypt, 1924. 70 p. facsims.
(Brit. Sch. arch. in Eg. Pub. 36)
C. R. Crum, W. E. Times lit.
suppl. Oct. 22, 1925.
Reich, N. Am. j. Sem.
lang. 42, 1926, 211.
Bible. New Testament. Gospels. John
GEORGE. Two chapters of St. John ln
Greek and Middle Egyptian. J. theol.
.stud. 1, 1899-1900, 415-33.
Coptic and Greek text from B. M.
Or. 5707.
974. Two Coptic papyri from Antinoe. Soc.
Bibl. arch. Proc. 26, 1904, 174-8.
I. Sahidic text of fragments of St.
John with Greek pp.Y)vEL<x
II. Translation of the Sahidic text
of a homily or encomium on Judith or
the Virgin.
975. DjELAPORTE], Lt0UIS JOSEPH], Fragments
sahidiques du Nouveau Testaments
Evangile de Saint Jean. Paris,
Geuthner, 1908. 48 1,
Prfac slgned L. D. Text.
C. R. Balestri, G. Rev. bibl,
n. s. 6 , 1909, 623-6.
Evangelii S. Iohannis graeco-copto
thebalcum saecull IV. Addltamentum ex
vetustlsslmls membranls lectlonum
Evangellcarum dlvinae mlssae coddlaconicl
reliquiae et liturgica alla fragmenta
veteris thebaldenslum eccleslae ante
Dioscorum, ex Veliterno museo borglano,
Bible. New Testament. Acts
981. GASELEE, SIR STEPHEN. Two" Fayouraic
fragments of the Acts. J. theol.
stud. 11, 1909-10, 514-17.
Text from Brit. mus. or. 6948.
982. KOOLE, JAN LEUNIS. Die koptischen
uebersetzungen der Apostelgeschichte.
Bull. Bezan Club 12, 1937, 65-73.
983. LAGARDE, PAUL ANTON DE. Acta apostolorum
coptice. Halae, Lippert, 1852. 105pu
Fragments des Actes des Aptres en
dialecte dit "moyen gyptien". Muson
n. s. 15, 1914, 49-60.
Text and translation from Brit. mus.
or, 6954, Acts vil, 14-28.
985. MASFRO, GASTON. Fragments dee Actes des
Aptres et des ptres de St. fbul et de
St. Pierre aux Romains, en dialecte
thbain. travaux 6,1885, 35-7.
HENRY PAINE. The Vulgate, Peshitto,
Sahidic and Bohairic version of Acts
and the Greek manuscripts. Harv.
theol. rev. 21, 1928, 69-95.
987. THOMPSON, HERBERT. The Coptic version cf
the. Acts of the Apostles, and the
Pauline epistles in the Sahidic dialect.
Cambridge, The University press, 1932.
256 p. facsims.
Edlted from three manuscripts ln the
collection of Mr. Chester Beatty.
C. R. Burkltt, P. C. J. theol.
stud. 33, 1931-2, 441-4.
Crum, W. E. J. Eg. arch. 18,
1932, 193-4.
Schmidt, C. Or. lit. z. 37,
1934, 87-9.
Ein fayyuraisches Acta-
Muson 42, 1929, 193-6. 996.
Text and translation from Heidel
berger universltatsbibliothek Inv.
no. 662, containing Acts xvi, 6-9,
Por additions and corrections see
number 2098.
989. WESSELY, KARL. Die Wiener handschrift
der sahidischen Acta Apostolorum.
Wien, HSlder, 1913. 123 p. facsims.
(Vien. ak. Sitzb. 1722)
Text from Rainer ms. V,
990. ZAHN, THEODOR VON. Die urausgabe der
apostelgeschichte des Lucas. II.
Uebersicht ber die morgenlSndischen
und die griechischen quellen. Die
oberagyptische bersetzung. In hls
Forschungen zur geschichte des Neu
testamentlichen kanons und der
altkirchlichen literatur. Erlangen,
Deichert, 1881. v. 9, pp. 221-5.
regis ter of Sahidic fragments.
,Les manuscrits coptes sahidiques des
Epitres de S. Paul. Muson 34, 1921,
An alphabetlcal list of the manuscript
collections containing fragments of the
Sahidic Epistles of Paul, used by
Horner ln hls editldn. Cites here two
fragments overlooked by Horner, which
contain some interesting variants.
HYVERNAT, HENRY. Un fragment indit de
la version sahidique du Nouveau Testa
ment, Ephes. I, 6 - II, 8b (1). Rev.
bibl. 9, 1900, 248-53.
Text from a fragment in the Catholic
unlversity at Washington.
KOOLE, JAN LEUNIS. Studlen zum koptischen
Bibeltext; kollationen und untersuchun-
gen zum text der Paulusbriefe in der
unter- und oberagyptischen berlieferung.
Berlin, Topelmann, 1936. 101 p.
(Z. neut. wiss, Beiheft 17)
C. R, B. C.
Grossouw, W
1937, 135-7.
Till, W. Wien, z. kunde
morg. 44, 1937, 291-2.
Rev. bibl. 45, 1936,
Biblica 18,
Bible. New Testament. Epistles of Paul
thbains du Nouveau Testament. Rev.
bibl. n. s. 2, 1905, 377-97. 557-63.
Text and translation of fragments of
MS. 408 K. Blb. Berlin. I. Premire 1000.
ptre de Saint Jean. II. ptre
992. GILMORE, JOHN E. Fragments of the Sahidic
version of the Pauline Epistles, etc.
Soc. Bibl. arch. Proc. 20, 1898, 48-51.
Testamentl coptice. Halle, Anton,
1852. 280 p.
C. R. Brugsch, H. Deut. morg.
gesells. Z. 7, 1853, 115-21.
WESSELY, KARL. Sahidische papyruafrag-
mente der paulinischen briefe. Wien,
Holder, 1914. 50 p. facsims.
(Vien. ak. Sitzb. 174, abh. 5)
Text from Sammlung Pap. Erzherzog
Rainer, K7661-7, K9581-8.
Ein sprachdenkmal des mittel-agyp-
tischen (baschmurischen) dialekts.
Wien, H*lder, 1908. 46 p. (Vien.
ak. Sitzb. 158^)
Text of Romans, Corinthians and
Hebrews from Rainer vellum manuscript.
Notice of contents of a manuscript
secured in Egypt about 1895. Glves
text of Philemon as it is preserved.
993. HEBBEYljCK, ADOLPHE. Fragment Borgla de
l'pitre aux Romains en copte sahidique.
Muson 35, 1922, 193-201.
1001. WORRELL, WILLIAM HOYT. Fayumic fragments
of the Epistles. Soc, arch, copte.
Bull. 6 , 1940, 127-39.
Text from Mich. ms. 1589 (formerly
Text from Zoega 632.
994. ,Fragment fayoumique de la premire
Eptre aux Corinthiens. Muson 35,
1922, 3-16.
Blb. nat. copte 1 2 9 , 61, from
the White Monastery. Classed wlth
Sahidic manuscripts of Epistles of
Paul, but omitted by Horner in hls
See also numbers 940, 985, 987, 1835.
1002. BUCKLE, DAVID PURDY. A Sahldlc variant
ln a Rylands manuscript. ttyl. 11b.
Bull. 9, 1925, 602-3.
Copt. ms. 70, citing Peter 1, 8-9.
thbains du Nouveau Testament. Rev.
bibl. n. s. 2, 1905, 377-97, 557-63.
1. Jrgmlre pitre de Saint Jean.
2. Epitre Phllmon.
1004. LEMM, OSKAR EDUARDOVICH. Bruchstck der
Epistel des Apostels Jakobus ln kop
tischer sprache (Sammlung Golenischeff).
Pamlatnlkl. Gosodarstvennyi muzi
isiashchnykh iskusstv, Moscow, 1-2,
1005. TILL, WALTER. Eln achmlmisches Jakobus-
brieffragment. Muson 51, 1938, 69-71.
Text of Vien. Nat. bib. K 8650, which
belongs to same codex as fragments pub
lished by Crum, Coptic manuscripts
brought from the Fayyum. no. 2 (see
number 718).
Bible. New Testament. Cathollc Epistles Ryl. 11b. Bull. 7, 1922-2, 118-37,
256-65, 507-25; 8 , 1924, 236-75,
1011. LEFORT, L. THOPHIIE. Une trange re
cension de l'Apocalypse. Museon 43,
1930, 1-6.
Text from Paris Bib. nat. copte 131,
f. 10, contalnlng Apoc. 1, 1 - ii, 1.
1012. Le prologue de l'Apocalypse en
Sahldlque. Muson 54, 1941, 107-10.
See also number 726 (v. 28),
See also number 985.
Bible. New Testament. Rvlation
1006. CIEDAT, JEAN. Fragment d'une version
copte de l'Apocalypse de Saint Jean.
Rev. or. chr. 4, 1899, 263-79.
Text and translation from Louvre
ms. 4.
sahidlques du Nouveau Testament:
Apocalypse. Paris, Geuthner, 1906.
Introduction slgned L. Delaporte.
1008. GOUSSEN, HEINRICH. Apocalypsls S. Joharmis
apostoll verslo sahldlca; accedunt pauca
fragmenta genuina diatessaroniana.
Llpslae, Harrassowitz, 1895. 67 p.
(Studla theologica 1)
1009. HOSKIER, HERMAN CHARLES. Conceming the
date of the Bohalric version, covering
a detailed examination of the text of
the Apocalypse and a review of some
of the writings of the Egyptian monks.
London, Quaritch, 1911. 203 p.
Bible. New Testament. Apocrypha
Coptic apocrypha in the dlalect of
upper Egypt; d., with English trans
lation. London, British musum, 1913*
404 p. facslms.
Contents: -I. The book of the rsur
rection of Jsus Christ, by Bartholcmew
the Apostle. The life of Saint Bar-
tholomew, from the Ethiopie synaxarium.
-II. The repose of Saint John the Evan-
gelist and Apostle. -III. The mys-
teries of Saint John the Apostle and
Holy Virgin. -IV. The life of Bishop
Pisentius, by John the elder. - The
life of Pisentius from the Ethiopie
synaxarium. -V. Encomium on John the
Baptist, by Saint John Chrysostom.
-VI. The instructions of Apa Pachomius.
C. R. Crum, W. E. Deut. morg.
gesells. Z. 6 8 , 1914, 176-84.
Peeters, P. Anal. Boll. 33,
1914, 351-4.
Sobhy, G. Inst. fr. arch.
C. R. Goodspeed,
1912, 652.
Am. J. theol. 16,
1010. Manuscripts of the Apocalypse - recent
investigations. I, II, ni, IV, V.
or. Bull. 14, 1918, 57-64.
1014. JAMES, MONTAGUE RHODES. The apocryphal
New Testament, belng the apocryphal
gospels, acts, epistles and apocalypses,
with other narratives and fragments.
Oxford, The Clarendon press, 1924.
584 p.
1015. Some Coptic apocrypha. J. theol.
stud. 18, 1916-17, 163-6.
Notes on Mlscellaneous Coptic texts
edited by Budge, number 7l6.
1016. MACCULLOCH, J. A. Some Coptic Christian
apocrypha. Laudate 12, 1934, 11-30.
1017. REVILLOUT, EUGNE. Apocryphes coptes du
Nouveau Testament. Textes. 1er.
fascicule. Paris, Vieweg, 1876.
128 p. (Etudes g. 7)
WINSTEDT, ERIC OTTO. Some Coptic 1026.
apocryphal legends. J. theol. stud. 9,
1907-8, 372-86.
Publlshes text and translation of
three fragments from Borg. ccxcl, Blb.
nat. copte 1291, 95-97, and Blb. nat. 1027.
copte 131^, 15-16.
- Addenda to "Some Coptic apocryphal
legends". J. theol. stud. 10, 1908-9,
389-412. 1028.
Sahidic text wlth Engllsh translation.
28 pages from Brit. mus. or. 3581A (85)=
Crum 259 and Blb. nat. copte 1315, 3-14.
See also numbers 898, 899.
Bible. New Testament
Apocryphal Acts and Apocalypses
BqENIGNIj, jMBERTOj. Un ms. copto degll
Attl dl S. Paolo. Bessarione 4, 1898
9, 146.
Brief note suggestlng a reading for a
lacuna ln the title of a Heldelberg
CLEMEN, CARL. Miszellen zu den Paulusak-
ten. Z. neut. wl3 s. 5, 1904, 228-47.
CORSSEN, P. Der schluss der Paulusakten.
Z. neut. wiss. 6 , 1905, 317-38. 1032.
Dlscusses Coptic version.
GUIDI, IGNAZIO. Gll attl apocrlfl degll
apostoli nel testl copti, arabl ed 1033.
etiopicl. Soc. aslat. ital. Glorn. 2,
1888, 1 -6 6 .
Glves here an Italian translation of
the Coptic Acta which he publlshed ln
number 1024, together wlth an intro-
ductory discussion of the relation of
the three versions.
--- Prammentl copti. Nota Ia r-VIia,.
Acc. Lincei Rend. ser. 4, 3*, 1887,
47-63; 32, 1887, 19-35, 65-81, 177-90,
251-70, 368-84; 4*, 1888, 60-70.
Descriptions and texts of some frag
ments from the apocryphal llterature of
the New Testament, mostly from the Museo 1034.
HALLOCK, FRANK HUDSON. An apocalypse of
SS. Andrew and Paul translated from the
Coptic. Soc. or. res. J. 13, 1929,
Translation only, from text ln
Steindorff's Kurzer abrlss, number 455. 1035.
HILGENFELD, A. Die alten Actus Ptri.
Z. wiss. theol. 46, tn. s. 11], 1903,
Some discussion of the Coptic version.
LAKE, KIRSOPP. Acts (Apocryphal) In
Hastings, J. Dictionary of the Apos
tolic church. New York, Scribners,
1916-18. vol. 1, pp. 29-39.
apokryphe apostelacten. I-II. M1.
aslat. 10, 1890-2, 99-171, 293-386.
Extracted from Len. ak. Bull.
-- Koptische apokryphe apostelacten.
Len. ak. Bull. ser. 4, 1, 1690, 509-81.
Acts of Bartholomew ln the oasis, of
Philip, and of Andrew and Matthew in
the city of cannlbals.
apokryphe apostelacten. Len. ak. Bul3
ser. 4, 3, 1894, 233-326.
Martyrdom of Peter and of Paul.
Coptic text parallel with Greek and
Latin texts and Engllsh translation
of Ethiopie.
phen apostelgeschichten und apostelleg-
enden. Ein beitrag zur altchristlichen
11teraturges chichte. Brauns chwe ig,
Schwetschke, 1883-87. 2 v. in 3.
Also Erganzungsheft. 1890. 262 p.
Dlscusses Coptic versions.
SCHMIDT, CARL. Acta Pauli. Forsch. u.
fortschr. 12, 1936, 352-4.
General article, no text.
- Acta Pauli, aus der Heidelberger kop
tischen papyrushandschrift nr. 1 ;
bersetzung, untersuchungen und kop
tischer text. Leipzig, Hinricha,
1904. 240, 80* p.
C. R. Crum, W. E. J. theol. stud.
6 , 1905, 125.
Deiber, Fr. A. Rev. blbl.
n. s. 1, 1904, 443-8.
Dobschutz, E. Deut. lit.
z. 1904, 458.
Harnack, A. Theol. lit. z.
1904, 322.
Leipoldt, J. Deut. morg.
gesells. Z. 58, 1904, 920-4.
-- Acta Pauli; bersetzung, untersuchun
gen und koptischer text. 2 . erweiterte
ausgabe ohne tafeln. Leipzig, Hin-
richs, 1905. 240, 80 p. (Held. pap.
Veroff. 2)
Contains also a fragment of an
apocryphal gospel.
--Die alten Paulusakten in neur beleuch-
tung. Forsch. u. fortschr. 5, 1929,
SCHMIDT, CARL. Die alten Petrusakten in
zusammenhang der apokryphen apostel-
litteratur nebat einem neuentdsckten
fragment. Leipzig, Hinrichs, 1903.
176 p. (Texte u. untersuch. n. f. 9,
1 t 24 ] )
Coptic text and translation of Berlin
Agypt. mus. P. 8502.
- Neue funde zu den alten TTp&cis (
Tieiuxou. Berl. ak. Sitzb. 929, x
Discusses the relation of the Achmi-
mlc text to the Greek fragments ln the
Hamburg Unlversity library.
- Eln neues fragment der Heidelberger
Acta Pauli. Berl. ak. Sitzb. 19091,
Pive fragments of a single folio of
the Heidelberg codex, in the British
--- Die Paulusakten. Elne wledergefundene
altchrlstllche schrift des zweiten
jahrhunderts in koptischer sprache.
Neue Heidelberger Jahrbcher 7, 1897,
1042. BAUMSTARK, ANTON. Alte und neue spuren
elnes ausserkanonischen Evangeliums
(vielleicht des gypterevangellums).
Z. neut. wiss. 14, 1913, 232-47.
Discusses Coptic as well as other
_ _ sources.
Bible. New Testament. Apocryphal Gospels
No text.
SOEDER, ROSA. Die apokryphen Apostel-
geschlchten und die romanhafte liter
atur der antlke. Stuttgart, Kohl-
hammer, 1932. 216 p. (Wrzburger
studlen zur altertumswissenschaft, 3.
hft.) ^
VOUAUX, LON. Les Actes de Paul et ses
lettres apocryphes. Introduction,
textes, traduction et commentaire.
Paris Letouzey, 1913. 384 p.
(Documents pour servir l'tude des
origines chrtiennes. Les apocryphes
du Nouveau Testament. Pub. sous la
direction de J. Bousquet)
C. R. Cohybeare, P. C. Int. j.
apoc. no. 34, 55.
James. M. R. J. theol.
stud. 14, 1912-13, 604-6.
See also numbers 716, 1101.
For the Apocalypse of Bartholomew
(also known as the Gospel of Bartholo
mew) and the Assumption of the Virgin,
see Bible. New Testament. Apocryphal
Gospels (numbers 1042-83).
1043. )--Les apocryphes coptes - Les vangiles
des Douze Aptres et de Saint Barthl-
emy. Texte copte dit et traduit.
P. 0. 2. Rev. bibl. 15, 1906, 245-65.
A critical review of number 1070.
1044. - Ausserkanonische evangeliensplitter
auf einem frhchristlichen klein-
kunstdenkmal? Oriens chr. n. s. 6 ,
1916, 49-64.
Discussion of an armband with
mdaillons and inscriptions, in the
private collection of R. de Bearn.
1045. - Die leibliche himmelfahrt der aller-
sellgsten Jungfrau und die lokaltra-
dition von Jerusalem. Oriens chr. 4,
1904, 371-92.
1046. BURCH, VACHER. The Gospel accordlng to
the Hebrews; some new matter chlefly
from Coptic sources. J. theol.
stud. 21, 1919-20, 310-5.
1047i CRUM, WALTER EWING. Apocryphal narrative
3 of Christ by the Apostle Bartholomew.
In De Rustafjaell, R. The llght of
Egypt. London, Paul, Trench, Trbner,
1909. pp. 110 ff.
Translation of Brit. mus. ma. or.
6804,.later published by Budge
(number 1013).
1048. Notes on the Strassburg gospel frag
ments. Soc. Bibl, arch. Proc. 22,
1900, 72-6.
Discussion of number 1057.
1049. DEISSMAN, ADOLF. Notlz ber das Aegyp-
ter-Evangelium. Theol. lit. z. 26,
1901, 92-3.
Brief note on a quotatlon from Peyron
referring to the presumed discovery of
_ the Coptic Gospel according to the
_ \
Sl050.j DULAURIER, DOUARD. Fragments des rve-
x lations apocryphes de Saint-Barthlmy
et de l'histoire des communauts re
ligieuses fondes par Salnt-PakhSme.
Traduits sur les textes coptes-thbalns
indites. Paris, Didot, 1835. 48 p.
1051. FASCHER, E. Petrusapokryphen. In
Pauly-Wissowa. Real-EncyclopaTe.
Stuttgart, Metzler, 1894- . vol. 19^
cols. 1373-81.
1052. FRIES, SAMUEL ANDREAS. Ett koptiskt
Evangeliifragment. Stockholm,
P. Hofboktryckerlet Iduna, 1900.
8 p.
Translation and discussion of the
Strassburg gospel fragment (number 1057).
1053. HAASE, FELIX ARTUR JULIUS. Literarkriti-
sche untersuchungen zur orientalisch-
apokryphen Evangelienliteratur. Leip
zig, Hinricha, 1913. 91 p.
Dlscusses Coptic apocrypha.
C. R.
Rev. or. chr. ser. 2, 8 , 1913,
1054. Zur rekonstruktlon des BartholomSus-
evangeliums. Z. neut. wiss. 16, 1915,
-- Dlscusses Coptic versions.
, Ein koptisches fragment einer Moses-
Adam-apokalypse. Berl. ak. Sitzb.
18912, 1045-9.
, Polio from a manuscript of the 12th-
13th century (Berl. MS. Or. fol. 1608
[Copt.] III); translation only. Later
shown to be part of the Gospel of Bar
1056. JACOBY, ADOLF. in bisher unbeachteter
apokrypher bericht ber die taufe Jesu
nebst beitragen zur geschichte der
Didaskalie der Zwolf Apostel und
erluterungen zu den darstellungen der
taufe Jesu. Strassburg, Trubner,
D 1902. 107 p.
1061. LACAU, PIERRE. Fragments d'Apocryphes
coptes. Le Caire, Imprimerie de
l'institut franais d'archologie
orientale, 1904. 114 p. facsims.
(Inst. fr. arch. or. Bull. 9)
Sahidic texts from Paris Bib. nat.
copte 129^'"18 and 78, including frag
ments from the Acts of Pilate (Gospel
of Nicodemus) and the Gospel of Bar-
See also number 1059.
C. R, Deiber, Fr. A. Rev. bibl.
n. s. 1, 1904, 448-51.
1062. !LADEUZE, PAULIN. Apocryphes |vangeliques
coptes. Pseudo-Gamaliel; Evangile de
Barthlmy. Rev. hist. eccls. 7,
1906, 245-68.
The fragments of Coptic apocryphal
works published by Revillout (number
1070) are here studied and re-grouped,
and attributed to a Gospel of Pseudo-
Gamaliel and the Gospel of Bartholomew.
\ .
1063. UEIPOLDT, JOHANHES. Ein saidisches
bruchstflck des jakobus-protevangeliums.
Z. neut. wiss. 6 , 1905, 106-7.
Text and translation of Bib. nat.
130, fol. 89.
1064. LIETZMANN, HANS. Ein apokryphes evan-
gellenfragment. Z. neut. wiss. 22,
1923, 153-4.
Greek fragment with three Coptic
words at the end.
C. R. Baumstark, A.
1902, 458-67.
Oriens chr. 2, 1065. MAAS, MAX. Neue koptische apokryphen.
Theol. lit. z. 38, 1913, 573-4.
1057. Ein neues Evangelienfragment. Strass
burg, Trbner, 1900. 55 p. facsims..
Text and translation. See also
numbers 48, 1048, 1052, 1058, 1069,
C. R. Zahn, T.
1901, 361.
Neue klrchl. z, 1 1 ,
1058. Zum Strassburger Evangelien-fragment.
Sphinx 6 , 1903, 132-42.
Discussion and suggested restoration
of portion of the text (see number
1059. JAMES, MONTAGUE RHODES. Some new Coptic
apocrypha. J. theol. stud. 6 , 1904-5,
Based on number 1061.
1060. KLAMETH, GUSTAV. ber die herkunft der
apokryphen "Geschichte Josephs des
Zimmermanns". Angelos 3,' 1930, 6-31.
Dlscusses Coptic versions, and gives
translation of the Coptic text by Karl
Note on the text of the Book of
Rsurrection by Bartholomew, published
by Budge (number 1013).
vahgiles apocryphes. Paris, Picard,
1924. 2. ed. v. 1- (Textes et
documents pour ltude historique du
Christianisme [13, 18 j)
"Histoire de Joseph le charpentier.
Rdaction copte et rdaction arabe.
Traduites par P. Peeters," vol. 1,
pp. 191-245. Translation only.
1067. MOFPATT, J. Gospels (uncarionical). In
Hastlngs, J. Dictionary of the
Apostolic church. New Yprk, Scribners,
1916-18. vol. 1, pp. 478-506.
1068. O'LEARY, DE LACY EVANS. Studles in the
apocryphal gospels of Christ's infancy.
London, 1912.
1069. PREUSCHEN, ERWIN. Antilegomena. Die
reste der ausserkanonlschen evangellen
und urchristlichen berlieferungen,
herausgegeben und bersetzt, 2 . um-
gearbeitete und erweiterte aufl.
Giessen, Topelmann, 1905. 216 p.
./ 1075.
Contalns a study of the fragment of
the Epistola Apostolorum published by
Schmidt (number 1092) and the Gospel
fragment published by Jacoby (number
REVILLOUT, EUGENE. Les apocryphes coptes,
publis et traduits. Patrol. or. 2,
1907, 117-98; 9, 1913, 57-140.
Pt. 1. Les Evangiles des Douze
Aptres et de Saint Barthlmy.
t. 2. Acta Pilati. Supplment
1'Evangile des XII Aptres.
See also numbers 1043, 1062, 1071.
C. R. Baumstark, A. Rev. blbl.
n. s. 3, 1906, 245-65.
Guidi, I. Bessarione t19j
ser. 2, 10, 1906, 331-3.
James, M. R. J. theol.
stud. 7, 1906, 633-4.
Peeters, P. Anal. Boll. 24,
L'vangile des Douze Aptres.
Bessarione j14j ser. 2, 5, 1903, 14-21,
157-76, 309.
A French translation of the frag
ments published ln number 1070 together
with some other fragments of the same
text identified later.
L'vangile des XII Aptres rcemment
dcouvert. Rev. bibl. n. s. 1, 1904,
167-87, 321-55.
C. R. Piehl, K. Sphinx 4, 1901,
Pletschmann, R. Gtt. gel.
anz. 1899, 46.
1078. ROSSI, FRANCESCO. Traacrlzione di un
codice copto del Museo Egizio di
Torino, con illustrazione e note.
Tor. acc. Mem. ser. 2, 35, 1884,
Contalns the Sahidic texts of the
Gospel of Nlcodemus, and the homily
of Theophilus on the Cross and the
good thief.
See also numbers 713, 743, 1103.
1079. SPIEGELBERG, WILHELM. Elne sahidische
version der Dormltlo Mariae. Rec. de
travaux 25, 1903, 1-4.
Strassburg Kopt. 413, 414. Late
vellum fragments. Text and facslmlleg,
1080. Zu dem Straasburger Evangellen-frag-
ment. Eine antlkrltlk. Sphinx 4,
1901, 171-93.
See also number 1057.
1081. STERN, LUDWIG. Das leben Josephs des
zinunermanns aus dem koptlschen ber-
setzt. Z. wiss. theol. 26, 1883,
General discussion with extracts
from. the translation but no text.
Lettre ... sur de nouveaux vangiles
apocryphes relatifs la Vierge.
J. aslat. ser. 10, 2, 1903, 162-74. "
Notice and translation.
Un nouvel apocryphe copte. Le livre
de Jacques. (Mmoire lu 1'Acadmie
des inscriptions et belles-lettres dans
la sance du 27 Janvier 1905). J.
asiat. ser. 10, 6 , 1905, 113-20.
Slections from the text.
La sage-femme Salom, d'aprs un
apocryphe copte, compar aux fresques
de Baoult, et la princesse Salom,
fille du ttrarque Philippe, d'aprs
le mme document. J. asiat. ser. 10,
5, 1905, 409-61.
Extracts from the text.
Sur de nouveaux Evangiles apocryphes.
Ac. inscr. CR 1903, 246-50.
On the Gospel of the Twelve Apostles.
ROBINSON, FORBES. Coptic apocryphal
gospels; translations, together with
the texts of some of them. Cambridge,
The Unlversity press, 1896. 264 p.
(Texts and studles 4, 2)
Translation oniy.
Fragments grecs et latins de 1'Evangile
de Barthlmy. Rev. blbl. n. s. 10,
1913, 161-90, 321-68.
1083. WINSTEDT, ERIC OTTO. A Coptic fragment
attrlbuted to James the brother of the
Lord. J. theol. stud. 8 , 1906-7,
Par. Bib. nat. copte 129*8, 116-20.
Sahidic text and translation.
See also numbers 728, 1034, 1099, 1220.
Bible. New Testament. Apocryphal Epistles
1084. fABD AL-MASH, YASS. An unedited
Bohalric ietter of Abgar. Inst. fr.
arch. or. Bull. 45, 1946, 65-80.
Bohalric text from Ms. 266 of the
monastery of as-Surin, with parallel
Arabie texts.
1085. BLOK, H. P. Die koptlschen Abgarbriefe
des Leldener Musums.
1926-7, 238-51.
Acta or. 5,
A translation of the Coptic text
parallel with the Greek.
1086. CHAINE, MARIUS. Catchse attribue a
Saint Basile de Csare; une lettre
apocryphe de Saint Luc. Rev. or. chr.
ser. 3, 3 [23] 1922-3, 150-9, 271-302.
DRIOTON, ETIENNE. Un apocryphe anti
arien: la verion copte de la corres-
pondence d'Abgar, roi d'desse, avec
notre-^Seigneur. Rev. or. chr. ser, 2,
10, 1915, 306-26, 337-73.
Sahidic text with French translation.
DUENSING, HUGO. Epistula Apostolorum.
Nach dem athiopischen und koptischen
texte. 42 p. (Kleine texte fir
vorlesungen und bungen, 152)
German translation only.
C. R. Schmidt, C. Or. lit. z. 28,
1925, 856-9.
HARNACK, ADOLF VON. Ein jngst entdeck-
ter auferstehungsbericht. In Theo-
logische studien Prof. D. Bernhard
Weiss. GcSttingen, Vandenhoeck und
Ruprecht, 1897. pp. 1-8.
Translation of part of the text later
published by Schmidt (see number 1094).
Apostolorum" in a new text. J. theol.
stud. 12, 1910-11, 55-6.
Comparison of the Coptic and Ethiopie
LAKE, KIRSOPP. The Epistola Apostolorum.
Harv. theol. rev. 14, 1921, 15-29.
General discussion of the versions,
especially the Coptic and Ethiopie.
SCHMIDT, CARL. Eine bisher unbekannte
altchristliche gehrift in koptischer
sprache. Berl. ak. Sitzb. 18952,
Translation of significant passages
from the papyrus codex containing the
Epistola Apostolorum, published in
full in number 1094.
- Eine Epistola Apostolorum in koptischer
und lateinischer berlieferung. Berl.
ak. Sitzb. 19082, 1047-56.
A comparison of the Latin text in
Cod. Vindob. 16, published by Bick in
Vien. ak. Sitz. 1597, with the Coptic
text published in number 1094.
Gesprache Jesu mit seinen Jngern nach
der auferstehung; ein katholisch-
apostolisches sendschreiben des 2 .
jahrhunderts nach einem koptischen
papyrus des Institut de la Mission
arch. franc, au Caire, unter mitarbeit
von Herrn Pierre Lacau ... bersetzung
des Sthiopischen textes, von dr. Isaak
Wajnberg. Leipzig, Hinrichs, 1919.
731, 83 p. facsims. (Texte u.
untersuch. 43)
C. R. Bardy, G. Rev. bibl, 30,
1921, 110-34.
Haase, F. A. J. Oriens
chr. n. s. 9, 1920, 170-3.
James, M. R. J. theol.
stud. 21, 1919-20, 334-8.
Lake, K. Harv. theol.
rev. 14, 1921, 15-29.
Till, W. Z. aeg. spr. 63,
1928, 90-8.
1095. YOUTIE, HERBERT, Gothenburg papyrus 21
and the Coptic version of the letter to
Abgar. Harv. theol. rev. 24, 1931,
See also numbers 1041, 1729
Early Christian Llterature ln Coptic
1096. ACHELIS, HANS. Neue homilien des
Athanasius, Basilius, Chrysostomus,
Eusebius von cKsarea in Cappadozien,
Proklus von Cycikus, und Theophilus
von Alexandrlen in einer Londoner
papyrushandschrift des achten Jahr
hunderts. Theol. lit. z. 23, 1898,
Translations of the titles of homi-
lies in B. M. Or. 5001, later published
by Budge (number 1097).
Coptic homilies in the dialect of Upper
Egypt edited from the papyrus codex
Oriental 5001 in the British Musum.
London, British Musum, 1910. 424 p.
illus., facsims.
Contents:- I. The discourse of Apa
John, archblshop of Constantinople
[i.e. John the Fasterj, on repentance
and continence.- II. The explanation of
Apa John, Archblshop of Constantinoplft
i.e. Chrys os tomusj, concerning Susanna.-
III. The discourse of Saint Athanasius,
archblshop of Rakote, on mercy and
judgement.- IV. The discourse of Arch-
bishop Theophilus, which he pronounced
on repentance and continence, and also
how a man must not neglect to repent
before the last times corne upon hira.-
V. The discourse which Saint Athanasius,
archblshop of Rakote, pronounced con
cerning the passage in the Gospel of
Saint Matthew, "The kingdom which is in
the heavens is like unto a rich man who
came out in the morning to hire labour-
ers for hls vineyard,"- VI. The dis
course pronounced by Proclus, bishop
of Cyzicus, in the church of .Anthemius
in Constantinople, n the last Sunday
in Lent, when he was lnstalled in the
archipiscopal seat, and Nestorlus tha
heretlc was present.- VII. The discourse
. which Proclus, bishop of Cyzlcus, pro-
nounced ln the great church of Constan-
tlnople hen Nestorlus the heretlc was
present, concernlng hls contemptlble
dograa, on the Suhday which preceded the
holy Porty Days.- VIII. The discourse
which Apa Basil, bishop of Caesarea of
Cappadocia, pronounced concernlng the
end of the world, and the temple of
Solomon, and the golng forth from the
body.- IX. The discourse which the holy
patriarch, Apa Athanaslus, archblshop
of Rakote, pronounced concernlng the
s oui and the body calao attrlbuted to
Alexander, abp. of Alexandria}- X. The
discourse which Apa Eusebius, bishop
of Caesarea of Cappadocia, pronounced
concernlng the Canaanltlsh woman ti.e.
Chrysostourna, Mlgne P. 0. v. 52, coll.
C. R. Andersson, W. Sphinx 15,
1911-2, 67-9.
1098. DE VIS, HENRI. Homlies coptes de la
Vatlcano. Texte copte publi et
traduit. Haunlae, Oyldendal, 1922-29.
2 v. (Coptlca I, V)
Contents: Vol. 1. Pangyrique de
Saint Jean Baptiste. - Sermon de Ben
jamin sur les noces de Cana. - Pan
gyrique des Saints Innocents^Sermon
de Dmtrlus sur ls. I, 16, 17. - Ser
mon de Svrlen au sujet de la pni
tence. - Vol. 2. Deux sermons de
Zacharle, vque de Shou. (1) Sermon
sur la monte de Notre Seigneur &
Jrusalem. (2) Sermon consolateur. -
Pangyriques des Trois Saints Enfants
de Babylone. (1) Premier Pangyrique.
Acphale. (2) Thophile, archveque
d'Alexandrie. Sermon sur les Trois
Enfants de Babylone. (3) Cyrille
d'Alexandrie. Miracles des Trois
Enfants. - Saint Basile, voque de
Csare. Homlie sur 1'Arche de No. -
Archlaos. Sermon sur l'archange Gabriel.
C. R. Polotsky, H. J. Or. lit,
8 . 33, 1930, 871-81.
1099. HOEHNE, GERHARD. Drel koptlsch-saldlsche
texte aus der Koniglichen bibllothek zu
Berlin. Z. aeg. spr. 52, 1915,
Ms. or. fol. 1350, contalnlng a frag
ment of the life of Pachomlus of Taben-
nese, a fragment of a homily, posslbly
concernlng Orlgenes, and a fragment of
an address of Jsus to Mary.
1100. LAOARDE, PAUL ANTON DE. Catenae ln
Evangella aegyptiacae quae supersunt.
Gottlngae, In aedlbus Dleterlchlanls
Arnoldi Hoyer, 1886. 244 p.
1101. LANTSCHOOT, ARNOLD VAN. Les textes
palimpsestes de B. M. Or. 8802.
Muson 41, 1928, 225-47.
Six leavea of parchment contalnlng a
life of the apoatles Peter and Paul, a
homily based on Matthew v, 23-24, and
H Corlnthlana xlll, 1 1 , a history of
the conversion of a' slnner, and gnostlc
comnentary on Phllipplans il, 6-11.
Text and translation.
MALLON, ALEXIS. Documents de source
copte sur la Sainte Vierge. Rev. or.'
chr. 10, 1905, 182-96, 251-7.
Passages of text from liturgy, ser
mons and monuments, with translation.
ROSSI, FRANCESCO. Traacrlzione con
traduzione ltallana dl un testo copto
del Museo Egizio dl Torino. Tor. acc.
Mem. ser. 2, 42, 1892, 107-252.
Contalns a sermon on the Passion by
Euodlua, abp. of Rome, fragments of a
homily on the archangel Michael and of
the martyrdom of Christodorua, addi
tional fragments of the homily on
death and the last judgement published
ln the saine perlodlcal (see number
1216), fragments relative to the'
natlvlty, brlef votive texts and
diverse other fragments. Contalns^
also a translation of the Gospel of
Nlcodemus. (See number 1078)
Notice ln Tor. acc. Atti 26, 1890-1,
330; 27, 1891-2, 122.
See also number 743. ^
TILL, WALTER. Osterbrlef und predlgt ln
achmlmischem dlalekt, mit ubersetzung
und wBrterverzelchnls. Leipzig,
Dleterlch, 1931. 52 p. facslms.
(Studlen zur eplgraphlk und papyrus-
kunde. bd. 1 , schr. 1 )
C. R. Schmidt, C. Or. lit. z. 36,
1933,. 91-4.
Early Christian Literature ln Coptic
By Author
---yjg/ysfl (vols. 55-30).
CRUM, WALTER EWING. Der papyruscodex
saec. VI-VII der Phllllpps-bibllothek
ln Cheltenham. Koptlsche theologlsche
schriften, hrsg. und bersetzt von
W. E. Crum; mit einem beltrag von
A. Ehrhard. Strassburg, Trbner, 1915.
171 p. Illus. (Schriften der Wlssen-
schaftlichen gesellschaft ln Strass
burg, 18. hft.)
C. R. Burkitt, F. C. J. theol.
stud. 23, 1922, 314-18.
ERICHSEN, W. Faijumlsche fragmente der
reden des Agathonlcus, blschofs von
Tarsus. K^benhavn, Hjrfst, 1932.
50 p. (Danske vidensk. selskab.
Heddel. 19, 1)
Text and translation. Same text aa
that published by Crum in number 1105.
C. R. Polotsky, H. J. Or. lit.
z. 36, 1933, 417-9.
Till, W. Wien. z. kunde
morg. 39, 1932, 320-1.
JERNSTEDT, P. Zwei neue bruohatcke der
koptischen tpcoTaiTOKp^retj. Aegyptus 10,
1929, 80-6.
numbers 1097, 1292.
number 1118.
FICHER, GERHARD. Amphllochlana. Leip
zig, Barth, 1906-. v. 1-.
Includes Jacoby's translation of the
homily on the sacrifice of Isaac, pre-
served in Bohairic.
726 (vol. 2 0 ).
GARITTE, 0. A propos des lettres de S.
Antoine l'ermite. Muson 52, 1939,
Dlscusses the question of the au-
thenticity of the letters of St.
Antonius and cites quotatlons from
Shenoute and Besa which authentlcate
two of the letters.
Une lettre grecque attribue i. saint
Antoine. Muson 55, 1942, 97-123.
WINSTEDT, ERIC OTTO. The original text
of one of St. Anthonys letters.
J. theol. stud. 7, 1905-6, 540-5.
Coptic text and translation, compared
wlth the Latin.
1114. DAVID, J. Les claircissements de Saint
Athanase sur les psaumes; fragments
d'une traduction en copte sahidique.
Rev. or. chr. ser. 3, 4 [24], 1924,
Sahidic text and translation of Vat.
copt. IO8 I9 (ma eyden 27.
1115. GOODSPEED, EDGAR J. The conflict of
Severus, patrlarch of Antioch, by
Athanasius. Ethiopie text edlted
and translated ... wlth the remains
of the Coptic versions by W. E. Crum.
Patrol. or. 4, 1908, 569-726.
1116. LANTSCHOOT, ARNOLD VAN. Une allocution
des moines en visite chez S. Athanase.
Angelicum 20, 1943, 249-53.
1117. Lettre de Saint Athanase au sujet de
l'amour et de la temprance. Muson
40, 1927, 265-92.
Text from Brit. mus. or. 8802.
1118. LEFORT, L. THOPHILE. Athanase, Ambrolse
et Chenoute <<CSur la virginit^
Muson 48, 1935, 55-73.
Text of Louvre no. 10011 (R. 189)
which contains a quotation from the
letters of Athanasius in a homily of
Shenoute. A comparison of this text
with the De vlrglnlbus of St. Ambroslus.
1119. - Le << De vlrginitate^ de S. Clment ou
de S. Athanase? Muson 40, 1927,
Text of Paris Blb._ nat. copte 1311,
ff. 2-7.
1120. S. Athanase: Sur la virginit.
Muson 42, 1929, 197-274.
Paris Bib. nat. copte 131^, ff. 90
113, 135 and 78, ff. 58-61. Text and
1121. - S. Athanase crivain copte.
46, 1933, 1-33.
(vol. 4ijTi,5g;
See numbers
sermon attrlbuted to St. Athanasius.
J. theol. stud. 38, 1937, 11329.
Sahidic text and translation of a
homily from Plerpont Morgan library
manuscript M595, ff. 100-8 (see number
726, vol. 43).
The rsurrection of Lazarus. Am. J.
Sem. lang. 57, 1940, 262-90.
Sahidic text and translation of a
homily attrlbuted to St. Athanasius,
from Plerpont Morgan library manu
script M595, ff. 108-18 (see number 726>
vol. 43).
Comparison of an exhortation attri-
buted to Pachomius, publlshed by
Budge (number 1013) and a letter of
Athanasius on charity and temperance.
Translation of the two texts printed
ln parallel columns.
1122. Thodore de Tabennsl et la lettre
pascale de St.-Athanase sur le canon
de la Bible. Muson n. s. 11, 1910,
Fragment from the Bohairic life of
the first superlors of the communlty
of Pachomius, containing an exhortation
on the pascal letter of Athanasius on
the canon of the Bible. Text from
Zoega 46 and Paris Bib. nat. copte
1 2 9 ^2 , prevlously published by
Amlineau (numbers 712, 1374).
fragmente aua den Festbriefen des
heiligen Athanasiua. In Recueil dea
travaux rdigs en mmoire du Jubil
scientifique de U. Daniel Chwolson.
Berlin, Calvary, 1899. pp. 189-97.
PIEPER, MAX. Zwel blatter aus dem 03ter-
brie f des Athanaslus vom Jahre 364
(Pap. berol. 11948) Z. neut. wiss. 37,
1939, 73-6.
Text and translation.
neslota und die sahidische uebersetzung
des Osterfestbriefs des Athanaslus vom
Jahre 367. OStt. gesells. Nachr.
1899, 87-104.
ROSSI, FRANCESCO. Trascrlzlone dl alcunl
testl coptl trattl dal papiri del Museo
egizio dl Torino, con traduzlone
Itallana e note. Tor. acc. Hem. ser.
2, 36, 1885, 89-182.
Sahldlc texts relatlng to Athanaslus
and to the councll of Nlcaea. See
also numbers 713, 743, 1256.
Trascrlzlone con traduzlone Itallana
dl due sermonl attrlbultl 11 primo a
S. Atanaslo arclvescovo dl Alessandrla,
11 secondo a S. Giovanni Grisostomo
arclvescovo dl Costantlnopoll, dal
testl coptl appartenentl alla collezlone
eglzla del Huseo d'antlchlt dl Torino,
Tor. acc. Hem. ser. 2, 39, 1869,
49-152 bis.
Notice ln Tor. acc. Atti 23, 1887-8,
See also numbers 713, 743.
SCHMIDT, CARL. Eln neues fragment des
Osterfestbrlefes des Athanaslus vom
Jahre 367, Qott. gesells. Nachr.
1901, 326-39.
Text and translation of Clarendon
press (lia. Wolde) 50, a folio from the
same manuscript published by Schmidt
ln number 1129.
Der Osterfestbrlef des Athanaslus vom
J. 367. OStt. gesells. Nachr. 1898,
Text and translation of Bib. nat.
copte 151.
See alao number 1128.
ZAHN, THEODOR VON. Der Oaterbrlef des
Athanaslus vom jahr 367. (In hls
Geschichte des Hautestamentlichen
kanons. Erlangen, Delchert, 1888-92.
vol. 2, pp. 203-12.
See also numbers 716, 726 (vols. 25,
37, 43, 53), 1097, 1271.
For Canons of Athanaslus see numbers
numbers ViJfo (vols. U2, 29), 186, 1097,
1098, 1282.
BASILIUS. BP. OF FEMJE. See number 726
number 1098.
., WORRELL, WILLIAM HOT. Two Coptic homi-
lles and a maglcal text ln the Freer
collection. New York, London,
Macmlllan, 1923. 396 p. facslms.
(Univ. of Mlchlgan studles. Humanlstlc
sris, vol. 10. The Coptic manu
scripts ln the Freer collection pt. 2)
Contalns a homily on the Archangel
Gabriel by Celestinus and a homily on
the Virgin by Theophilus. The Freer
manuscript is supplemented by Brit.
mus. mss. or. 6780 and 7028 to which
lt orlglnally belonged.
See also numbers 716, 726 (vol. 20),
---C PN5TABT In CTO?--- ------ 8-------------
On a Coptic version of an Encomlum on
Elljah the Tlshblte, attrlbuted to
Saint John Chrysostom. Soc. Bibl.
arch. Proc. 8, 1885-6, 133-9.
Zouche manuscript of the 12th century.
Budge discusses the contents, glves
part of the translation and a few quo-
tatlons from the Bohalric text.
1133. On the fragments of a Coptic version
of an Encomlum on Elljah the Tlshblte,
attrlbuted to Saint John Chrysostom.
Soc. Bibl, arch. Trans. 9, 1893,
Text and translation of the manu
script descrlbed in number 1132.
1134. MERCATI, GIOVANNI. A supposed homily of
Eusebius of Caesarea. J. theol.
stud. 8, 1906-7, 114.
Brlef note ldentlfylng the text as a
Sahldlc version of a homily by Chry
1135. ROSSI, FRANCESCO. Trascrlzlone con
traduzlone Itallana dal copto dl due
omelle dl S. Giovanni Grisostomo con
alcunl capltoll del Proverbl dl
Salomone e frammentl vari dl due
esegesl sul giorno natallzlo del
nostro Signore Gesu Cristo. Tor.
acc. Mem. ser. 2, 40, 1890, 99-208.
Notice in Tor. acc. Atti 24, 1888-9,
See also numbers 713, 743,
1136. SIMON, JEAN. Homlie copte Indite sur
S. Michel et le bon larron, attribue
S. Jean Chrysostome. Orlentalla
n. a. 3, 1934, 217-42; 4, 1935, 222-34.
Text and translation from Codex Vat.
copt. 58, ff. 24-34.
See alao numbers 716, 726 (vols. 20,
22, 43, 53 ), 750, 1013, 1097, 1127.
1141. CHANE, MARIUS. Sermon sur la pnitence
attribu Saint Cyrille d Alexandrie.
Textes traduits et annots. Ml.
Beyrouth 6, 1913, 493-528.
Text of Cod. Vat. copt. 59, ff.
C. R. Amllneau, E.
1914-15, 87-91.
Sphinx 18,
See also numbers 716, 726 (vol. 28),
1137. LEFORT, L. THOPHILE. Une citation copte
de la la Pseudoclmentine "De Vlrglnl-
tate". Inst. fr. arch. or. Bull. 30,
1931, 509-11.
Text of Paris Blb. nat. copte 130*,
f. 21r.
1138. ROSCH, FRIEDRICH. Bruchstcke des ersten
Clemensbrlefes. Nach dem achmlmlschen
papyrus der Strassburger universltats-
und landesblbllothek mit blbllschen
texten derselben handschrlft. Strass
burg, Schlesler und Schwelkhardt, 1910.
184 p. Illus.
C. R. Schleifer, J. Deut. morg.
gesells. z. 69, 1915, 184-92.
Till, W. Z. aeg. spr. 63,
1928, 90-e .
1139. SCHMIDT, CARL. Der I. Clemensbrlef ln
altkoptlscher bersetzung. Berl. ak.
Sitzb. 19071, 154-64.
A discussion of the manuscript, the
new words ln lt, and comparison wlth
other versions. No text.
1140. Der erste Clemensbrlefe ln altkop
tlscher bersetzung; untersucht und
herausgegeben. Leipzig, Hlnrlchs,
1908. 159 p. facsims. (Texte u.
untersuch. 32, 1 [ser, 3, 2j)
C. R. Till, W. Z. aeg. spr. 63,
1928, 90-8.
See also number 1119.
COELESTINUS. See Celestlnus.
m (vois, w , 47), 'm s .
----- 716, 726 (v o l s . 15, T, 33-35, 41-44),
---VIS, 726 (volsT 35',"37, 1098,
onysius Areopaglta zugeschrlebene
schrlft ln koptischer sprache. Len.
ak. Bull. ser. 5, 12, 1900, 267-306.
Text and translation from Blb. nat.
copte 12918.
C. R. Plehl, K. Sphinx 4, 1901,
1143. PEETERS. PAUL. La vision de Denys
l'Areopaglte a Hllopolls. Anal.
Boll. 29, 1910, 302-22.
Includes a note on the Coptic version.
1144. JERNSTEDT, P. Zu elnem koptischen
papyrus der Ereultage. Len. Univ.
Eg. kruz. Sbom. 9 t2j, 1935, 54-7.
A question of the translation of a
passage fxjom the Memolrs of Dloscorus,
edlted by Lemm.
1145. KRALL, JAKOB. Koptlsche beitrage zur
agyptlschen kirchengeschichte. P.
Rainer Mitt. 4, 1888, 63-74.
Text of the Sahidic version of a
portion of the Memolrs of Dloscorus.
Comparison wlth Bohairic version
edlted by Amllneau (see number 712).
1146. REVILLOUT. EUGENE. Rcits de Dloscore
exil Oangres sur J.e Concile de
Chalcdolne. Rev. Eg. 1, 1880, 187-9;
2, 1882, 21-5; 3, 1885, 17-24.
Text and translation.
1147. THOMPSON, HERBET. Dloscorus.and
Shenoute. Ecole haut, tudes.
Bib. 234, 1922, 367-76.
Text and translation of a letter
from Dloscorus, archblshop of Alex
andria, to Shenoute, concernlng the
dposition of the monk Hellas for
See also number
726 (vols. 18,
See number 726
On a fragment of a Coptic version of
Saint Ephraim's discourse on the trans
figuration of our Lord. Soc. Blbl.
arch. Proc. 9, 1886-7, 317-29.
Zouche manuscript of the 12th cen- i
tury. Bohairic text and translation. V1154.
1149. GUIDI, IONAZIO. La traduzione copta dl
un' omelia dl S. Efrem. Bessarione
(13j ser. 2, 4, 1902-3, 1-21.
EUODIUS. See numbers 726 (vols. 34. 35.
3T7 1103.
See numbers 726 (vol. 37), 951, 1097,
numbers 726 (vol. 23), 1207, 1208.
CHANE, MARIUS. Une homlie de Saint
Grgoire de Nysse, traduite en copte,
attribue Saint Grgoire de Nazlanze.
Rev. or. chr. ser. 2, 7 rl7], 1912,
395-409; 8, t18], 1913, 36-41.
Bohairic text and translation.
- - - DP fl OMffl 'AHTI HOP B. SeT nmber STTSS
TToT7~!5T r iW8.~
nouveaux fragments du Pasteur d'Hermas.
Rev. or. chr. ser. 2, 1 rlli, 1906,
101- 2 . '
Bohairic text from Vat. copt. 68,
ff. 105r-117r, on the subject of the
slnnlng woman.
rcpm ------ 8
Eplphanlus de Oemmls; the old Georglan
version and the fragments of the
Armenlan version, by Robert P. Blake
... and the Coptlc-Sahldlc fragments
by Henri de Vis. London, Christo-
phers, 1934. 335, [51] p. (Studles
and document^ ed. by K. Lake and Sllva
Lake. 2 )
Text and translation.
C. R. Hengstenberg, W.
37, 1937, 400-8.
Byz. z.
1151. LEIPOLDT, JOHANNES. Eplphanlos1 von
Salamis "Ancoratus" ln sadlscher
bersetzung. Sachs, ak. Sitzb. 54,
1902, 136-71.
Text and translation from Blb. nat.
copte 130$, ff. 55-8.
1152. WINSTEDT, ERIC OTTO. Eplphanlus or the
Encyclopaedla coptica? Soc. Blbl.
arch. Proc. 32, 1910, 27-32, 73-7.
Sahidic text and translation of the
Coptic version of Eplphanlus "De Qemml"
from Blb, nat. copte 1355, f, 4 0 .
See also numbers 716, 726 (vol. 36).
1155. Le Pasteur d'Hermas; fragments de
la version copte-sahldlque. Rev.
or. chr. 10, 1905, 424-33.
Text from Blb. nat. copte 1305,
f. 120, and Louvre 9997.
1156. Le Pasteur d'Hermas. Nouveaux frag
ments sahidiques. Rev. or. chr. ser.
2, 1 [11, 1906, 301-11.
Text and translation of four frag
ments ln the Blb. nat. copte 130.
1157. IEFORT, L. THOPHILE. Le Pasteur
d'Hermas. Un nouveau codex sahidique.
Muson 52, 1939, 223-8.
Text and Greek rtroversion of Slmil.
VIII, 56-64, from a parchment manu
script bought ln Calro.
1158. Le Pasteur d'Hermas en copte-
sahldlque. Muson 51, 1938, 239-76.
Text and translation of six new
fragments and three additions to
pleces already publlshed, from Blb.
nat. copte 130$, f. 129, and Inst.
frart. <,du Caire (no number).
1159. LEIPOLDT* JOHANNES. Der Hlrt des Hermas
ln saldlsoher bersetzung. Berl. ak.
Sitzb. 1903, 261-8.
Text and translation from Blb. nat.
copte 130&, f. 129, 120 and 130, and
collation wlth the Greek text.
1160. - Ein neues aaldlsches bruchstek der
Hermasbches. Z. aeg. spr. 46, 1909
10, 137-0.
Sahldlc text and translation of Bib.
nat. copte 1302, contalnlng Slnll. IX,
1161. VEROOTE, J. Zwel koptlsche fragmente
einer unbekannten patrlstlschen schrlft.
Or. chr. per. 4, 1938, 47-64.
Text and translation of Bib. nat.
copte 1312, ff. 144, and 1305, ff. 66.
Vergote conslders lt the work of HIp-
polytus of Rome called irpoj 'EXMivaj xa
TTpOf TTXaTcj va TJ Kal Ttfi fl t o0 rra.vt o' j .
For corrections see number 2098.
3162. LI0HTF00T, JOSEPH BARBER. Coptic romains
of St. Ignatlus. In hls The Aposto
ile fathers. London and New York,
Hacmlllan, 1885-90. Pt. 2, vol. 3,
pp. 277-98.
1163. PPTRA, JEAN BAPTISTE. Analeeta sacra et
classlca splclleglo Solesmensl parata
ed. I. B. Pltra. Paris Ils, Roger et
Chernowltz, 1876-1891. 6 v.
Tome 4, Patres antenlcaenl orientales,
textes syriaques, armniens, coptes et
latins, contalns a translation of Coptic
fragments of the epistles of Ignatlus.
2JL64. WESSEEf, KARL. Neue materlalien zur
textkrltlk der Ignatlusbrlefe. Wlen,
HSlder, 1913. 72 p. facslms.
(Vien. ak. Sitzb. 172, 4)
Text from Rainer K9416-9421, Brit.
mas. or. 3581A, and a Borgla fragment.
1165. KRAFT, B. Das koptlsche Irenaus-fragment
de Lagardes zu Jo. 19:34. Blbllsche
z. 13, 1915, 354-5. .
( vi . t ej . - - - - - - - - -
726 (vols. 21, 55).
See number 726
See number
number 72 (vol. 22).
1168. DE VIS, HENRI. Homlie cathdrale de
Uarc, patriarche d Alexandrie.
Muaon 34, 1921, 179-216; 35, 1922,
Ms. Vat. copt. LXV, f. lv - 29r.
Text and translation.
1169. BONNER, CAMPBELL. A Coptic fragment of
Uellto's homily on the Passion. Harv.
theol. rev. 32, 1939, 141-2.
Identifies number 17 of the texts
publ'lshed by Crum and Bell (number 2001),
1170. AMLINEAU, MILE CLMENT. Histoire du
patriarche copte Isaac; tude critique,
texte et traduction. Paris, Leroux,
1890. 80 p. (Bull, de corresp.
afrlc. 2)
1171. Sur deux documents coptes crits sous
la domination arabe. Inst. d'Eg.
Bull. ser. 2, 6, 1885, 324-69.
Life of the patriarch Isaac, arch-
blshop of Rakoti, by Menas, and a
panegyrlc of John of Phanldjoit by
Mark. No text glven here.
1172. PORCHER, E. Vie d*Isaac, patriarche
d'Alexandrie de 686 .609, crite par
Mina, vque de Pchatl. Texte copte
dit et traduit en franais. Patrol.
or. 11, 1915, 300-90.
Text from Cod. vat. 62, ff. 211-43.
See also number 1292
il56. OARITTE, O. Pangyrique de saint Antoine
par Jean, vque d'Hrmopolis. Or.
chr. per. 9, 1943, 100-34, 330-65.
---726 {'vol .37)'.--------
TNOPt. iee number 109*7.
1167. IEFORT, L. THioPHUE. Homlie indite
du Pape Libre sur le jene. Muson
n. s. 12, 1911, 1-22.
Text and translation from Bib. nat.
copte 1312 , f. 120.
MOSES. APA. See numbers 1388-90.
attribues Saint P&khome. In hls
Mlanges africains et orientaux.
Paris, Malsonneuve, 1915. pp. 286
No text. Discussion of the versions
and their importance.
1174. IEFORT, L. THEOPHILE. La rgle de S.
Pachome, fragments coptes et excerpta
grecs. In Boon, A. Pachomlana
latina. ^Bibliothque de la Revue
d'histoire ecclsiastique, fasc. 7)
Louvain, Bureaux de la Revue, 1932.
pp. 155-68.
Text and translation lnto Latin from
Blb. nat. copto 12912, ff. 4-6: Muse
du Vieux Caire no. 390; Muse gyptien,
no. 9256, a and b.
LEFORT, L. THOPHILE. La rgie de S.
Pach&me. Muson 34, 1921, 61-70; 37,
1924, 1-28; 40, 1927, 31-64; 48, 1935,
- S. PachSme et Amen-em-ope. Muson 40,
1927, 65-74.
Discussion of the ancient Egyptian
roots of Coptic llterature, especially
as seen ln the rule of St. Pachomius.
Un texte original de la rgle de Saint
Pachme. Ac. lnscr. CR. 1919, 341-8.
Selectlon from the translation of the
Coptic text compared with the Latin of
Saint Jrme.
Also publlshed separately, Paris,
1919. 8 p.
SOBHY, GEORGE P. Studles ln Coptic lexl-
cography. Inst. fr. arch. or. Bull.
14, 1918, 57-64.
Addltlonal notes on the Instructions
of Apa Pachomlos. published Dy Budge
(number 1013;.
See also numbers 1013, 1121.
lauslaca quaenam slt hujus ad mon-
achorum aegyptlorum hlstorlam scriben-
dam utllltas ... adjecta sunt quaedam
hujus hlstorlae coptica fragmenta
lnedlta. Paris, Leroux, 1887. 124 p.
(Dlss. Facult des lettres de Paris).
Fragment of the Coptic version from
Vat. cod. copt. LXIV.
CHANE, MARIUS. La double recension de
l'histoire Lauslaque dans la version
copte. Rev. or. chr. ser. 3, 5 [25],
1925-26, 232-75.
Bohairic text and translation of
fragments ln Borgla mss. 59 and 64.
DRAGUET, R. Le chapitre de l'Histoire
Lauslaque sur les Tabennslotes drive-
t-11 d'une source copte? Muson 57,
1944, 54-145; 58, 1945, 15-95.
1182. CRTJM, WALTER EWING. Texts attrlbuted to
Peter of Alexandria. J. theol. stud.
4, 1902-3, 387-97.
Text and translation from manuscripts
ln the British musum and the Biblio
thque nationale in Paris.
1183. SCHMIDT, CARL. Fragmente einer schrlft
des martyrerblschofs Petrus von Alexan
drlen. Leipzig, Hlnrlchs, 1901.
50 p. (Texte u. untersuch. n. f. 5,
4b t20])
Text from Bib. nat. copte 130,
f. 123ff, with translation and notes.
1184. SCHWANNBORN, 0. Das alteste patristische
zeugnis ber die sonntagsruhe. Theol.
u. glaube 1, 1908, 381.
Festal letter of Peter ln 312.
See also number 726 (vols. 25, 36).
1186. CRUM, WALTER EWING. Discours de Pisen-
thlus sur Saint Onnophrlus: texte
copte dit et traduit. Rev. or.
chr. ser. 2, 10 [20j, 1915-17, 38-67.
Orlginally published by Budge
(number 716).
See also numbers 2053, 2066.
PROCHORUS. See number 726 (vol. 17).
---720 (vol. 2), 10^77
---7 (vol."40).--------
PS OTE, BP. OP PSOI. See number 716.
118e. ZELLINGER, JOHANNES. Studlen zu Severlan
von Gabala. Munster 1. W., Aschen
dorff t 1926. 182 p. (Mnsterlsche
beitrage zur theologie. 8)
Contains material on the Ethiopie,
Syriac, Arable and Coptic homllles.
No text.
PAMBO OF SCETE. See numbere 726 (vol. 41),
PAPHNUTIUS. See numbers 716, 1287.
PAPOHE. See number 726 (vol. 56). See also number 726 (vols. 25, 52).
BROOKS, ERNEST WALTER. A collection of
letters of Severus of Antioch, from
numerous Syrlac manuscripts. (Faac.
II). Patrol. or. 14, 1920, 1-309.
Publlshes a fragment of a Coptic
letter of Severus to Soterichus, bp.
of Caesarea, with translation by Crum.
Later republished in number 749. See
also number 1189.
CHAINE, MARIUS. Une lettre de Svre
d'Antioche la diaconesse Anastasie.
Oriens chr. n. s. 3, 1913, 32-58.
Coptic text from Cod. Vat. 62, ff.
243-52, with translation. On Matthew
xxill, 36. See also number 1191.
CRUH, 1ALTER EWING. Svre d'Antioche
en Egypte. Rev. or. chr. ser. 3, 3
[23], 1922-23, 92-104.
A graffito on a Theban tomb, the
text of a letter of Severus on the
wall of the monastery of Epiphanlus,
and P. Lond. 273.
See also numbers 749, 1187.
DRESCHER, J. An encomlum attrlbuted to
Severus of Antioch. Soc. arch. copte
Bull. 10, 1945, 43-68.
Sehldlc text and translation of Morg,
copt. 587, ff. 32-41.
MERCATI, QIOVANNI. La lettera di 3evero
Antlocheno su Matt. 23, 35. Oriens
chr. n. s. 4, 1914, 59-63.
Discussion of a parallel text to the
Coptic letter published by Chane
(number 1188), with comments on the
two versions.
PORCHER, E. Un discours sur la Sainte
Vierge par Svre d'Antioche. Rev,
or. chr. ser. 2, 10 [22] 1915, 416-23.
Text and translation of a fragment
ln Bib. nat. copte 131.
La premire homlie cathdrale de
Svre d'Antioche, dite et traduite.
Rev. or. chr. ser. 2, 9 [19j 1914,
69-78, 135-42.
Bib. nat. copte 13ll, ff. 68-73.
Svre d'Antioche dans la littrature
copte. Rev. or. chr. ser. 2, 2 [12],
1907, 119-24.
Description of the manuscripts ln the
Bibliothque Nationale ln Paris that
contaln works of Severus of Antioch ln
See also numbers 716, 726 (vols. 22,
26, 38, 47), 1207-8.
1195. AMLINEAU, EMILE CLMENT. Oeuvres de
Schenoudi. Texte copte et traduc
tion franaise. Paris, Leroux,
1907-14. 2 v. illus.
See also number 1204.
1196. CHASSINAT, MILE. ^Le quatrime livre des
entretiens et eptrea de Shenouti.
Le Caire, Imprimerie de l'institut
franais d'archologie orientale, 1911.
210 p. facslms. (Inst. fr. arch.
or. Mm. 23)
1197. ERMAN, ADOLF. Schenute und Arlstophanes.
Z. aeg. spr. 32, 1894, 134-5.
Flnds evldence that Shenoute had
some acqualntance with the works of
1198. OALTIER, MILE. Note sur une homlie de
Schenoutl. Inst. fr. arch. or. Bull.
6, 1908, 179.
A homily omltted in Lelpoldt's bibli-
1199. GROHMANN, ADOLF. Die lm athloplschen,
arablschen und koptlschen erhaltenen
Visionen Apa Schenute's von Atrlpe.
Text und bersetzung. Deut. morg.
gesells. z. 67, 1913, 187-267} 68,
1914, 1-46.
Translation of the Coptic.
1200. QURIN, HENRI. Sermons indits de
Senoutl. (Introduction. Texte.
Traduction.) Thse soutenue &
1'Ecole du Louvre. Rev. Eg. 10,
1902, 148-64; 11, 1904, 15-34.
Sahidic text and translation.
1201. LEIPOLDT, JOHANNES. Berlchte Schenutes
ber einfttlle der Nubler ln Xgypten.
Z. aeg. spr. 40, 1902-3, 126-40.
Sahldlc text and French translation
of texts ln the Bibliothque nationale,
and translation of an additional text
in Zoega, ail deallng with the invasions
of the Nublans.
See also number 1203.
1202. Slnuthii Archlmandrltae vlta et opra
omnla. Paris lis, E typographeo
relpublicae, Pousslelgue, 1906-.
v. 1-w (Corp. script. Christ, or.
Copt. ser. 2, 2- )
v. 1. Bohalric life. Textus. 1906.
v. 3. Works. Textus. 1908.
v. 3. Works. Verslo (H. Wiesmann).
v. 4. Works. Textus. 1913.
See also number 1206.
C. R. Junker, H. Deut. morg.
gesells. z. 67, 1913, 187. *
Splegelberg, W. Or. lit.
1203. LEIPOLDT, JOHANNES. Zu gypt. zeltachr.
40, 135. Z. aeg. spr. 41, 1904, 148.
A correction of an error in number
1204. NAU. FRANOIS NICOLAS. A propos d'une
dition des oeuvres de Schenoudl: la
version syriaque des prlres de
Schenoudl, de Jean le Nain, de Uacalre
1 'gyptien et de Sraplon. Rev. or.
chr. ser. 2, 2 (12j 1907, 313-28.
Crlticlsms of Amlineau's dition
(number 1195)
1205. TEZA, EMILIO. Frammenti inediti di un
sermone dl Scenuti in dialetto sahldloo.
Acc. Lincei Rend. ser. 5, 1, 1892,
1206. WIESMANN, H. Zu zwel Schenute-stellen.
Z. Aeg. spr. 62, 1927, 67.
Corrections to Lelpoldt's dition,
v. 4 (number 1202).
z. 12, 1909, 439-41; 17, 1914, 505-6.
---1355. ----------
number ^06 (vol. 28).
1209. RICHARD, MARCEL. Les crits de Thophile
d'Alexandrie. Muson 52, 1939, 33-50.
Catalogue, giving the citations, the
manuscripts, and publications of the
See also numbers 726 (vols. 16, 21,
43), 1078, 1097, 1098, 1131.
THEOPISTUS. See number 1328.
numbers 16, 726 (vol. 27), 1287.
ZACHARIAS, BP. OF Sh Sq . See number 1098.
See also numbers 726 (vol. 54), 1118,
For material on the monastery of
Shenoute, and lives ln other langu-
ages, see under Monastlclsm, numbers
STEPHANUS, BP. OF HNS. See number 726
(vols':S7',"4b), 1330.
---n, 726 (v. 60), 1SS5.
Saint Michael the archangel: three
encoralums. In Drugulln, Vf.
Marks teine aus der weltlitteratur
ln orlglnalschrlften. Leipzig,
Drugulln, 1902. pp. 68-73.
1208. - Saint Michael the archangel: three
encomlums by Theodosius, archblshop
of Alexandria, Severus, patrlarch of
Antioch, and Eustathlus, bishop of
Trake; the Coptic texts, wlth extracts
from Arabie and Ethiopie versions,
edlted wlth a translation. London,
Paul, Trench, Trbner, 1894. 242 p.
See also numbers 716, 726 (vol. 41).
Early Christian Llterature ln Coptic
1210. BARRY, LEON. Deux documents concernant
l'arhologle chrtienne. Inst. fr.
arch. or. Bull. 6, 1908, 61-9.
Fragments of a sermon on the Last
1211. CASANOVA, PAUL. Un texte arabe transcrit
en caractres coptes. Inst. fr. arch.
or. Bull. 1, 1901, 1-20.
Transcription, translation and Latin
version of the text published in
number 1215, together wlth a con
cordance of the Coptic and Arabie
1212. GASELEE, STEPHEN. De Abraha et Melchl-
sedec. In hls Parerga coptica.
Cantabrigiaa, fypls academicis, 1912
14. no. 2.
Coptic text from Bib. nat. copte 129,
f. 135 v. Probably liturgical.
1213. MERCATI, GIOVANNI. A parallel to a
Coptic sermon on the natlvity. J.
theol. stud. 18, 1916-17, 315-17.
A Greek parallel among the spurlous
works of Chrysostom (Migne, P. 0. 61,
cols.' 763-8) to the Coptic text pub
llshed by Crum, Theologlcal texts,
no. 6 (number 720).
1214. REICH, NATHANIEL JULIUS. Coptic ostracon
Merton I. Am. or. soc. J. 58, 1938,
"A confitIon of Blbllcal sentences
expressing a devotlonal mditation on
effectuai prayer".
1215. RENOUF, PETER LE PAGE. A Coptic tran
scription of an Arabie text. Soc.
Bibl. arch. Proc. 11, 1888-9, 155-8.
Partial transcription of the four
fragments in the Cambridge Unlversity
library, from a monastlc biography
parallel to Migne P. L., t . 73, p. 903,
43 (Vlta eremitarum).
See also number 1211.
1216. ROSSI, FRANCESCO. Trascrlzlone con
traduzlone Itallana dl un testo copto
del Museo egizio di Torino. Tor. acc.
Uem. ser. 2, 41, 1891, 1-121. facslms.
A fragmentary papyrus codex contain-
lng a homily by an unidentified author
on death and the last Judgement.
Notice in Tor. acc. Atti 25, 1889-90,
See aiso number 743.
1217. SIMON, JEAN. Fragment d'une homlie
copte en 1'honneur de Samuel de
Kalamon. Mise. bibl. 2, 1934, 161-78.
Text and translation.
1218. TEZA, EMILIO. Dei manoscritti copti del
Mingarelli nella Biblioteca deii'
Universit dl Bologna. Acc. Lincei.
Rend. ser. 5, 1 1892, 488-502.
Text of a homily on the words of
Matthew Liber generatlonls. published
from Mingarelll's proors.
1219. THOMPSON, HERBERT. Part of Coptic sermon.
Ancient Eg. 1915, 9-10.
Sahidic text and translation, with
1220. ZIKRI, ANTOINE. Un fragment copte Indit
sur la vie du Christ. Ann. du Service
36, 1936, 45-8.
Text and translation of No. 8015,
Muse gypt. du Caire. Editor cannot
determine whether lt is part of an
apocryphal text, sermon or biography.
Church Discipline and History
CRUM, WALTER EWING. A Coptic palimpsest,
I. Prayer of tha Virgin ln "Bartos".
II. Fragment of a patriarchal history.
Soc. Bibl. arch. Proc. 19, 1897, 210-22.
A magical prayer, known also in
Ethiopie and Arabie, with a patriarchal
history a9 the under text (Brit. mus.
or. 4714).
mente zur patrlarchengeschlchte Alexan
drie ns. St. Ptersbourg, L'Acadmie
impriale des sciences, 1888. 46 p.
(Len. ak. Mem. ser. 7, v. 36, no. 11)
Text and translation,
number 362.
See also
See also numbers 742, 974, 1099,
1101, 1103-4, 1135.
--- Nachtrag zu den "Koptlschen fragmanten
zur Patrlarchengeschlchte Alexandrlens".
Len. ak. Bull. sar. 5, 4, 1896, 237-43.
RIEDEL, WILHELM. Die kirchanrechtsquel-
ien des Patrlarchats Alexandrlen.
Leipzig, Deichart, 1900. 310 p.
Church Discipline. Didache
1225. BENIONI, UMBERTO. DidachS coptlca.
"Duarum Viarvun" recensio coptlca
monastica, Shenudll homiliis attri-
buta, per Arabicam versionem supers tes,
Bessarione 4, 1898-9, 311-29.
2d dition, Rome, 1899.
from above.
1226. HAUSCHILDT, H. n|e<r(lJt pol in Agypten im
I-III Jahrhundert n. Chr. Z. neut.
wiss. 4, 1903, 235-42.
Cites the absence of mention of the
presbyters in the Didache as proof
that the work cannot have had its
origin ln Egypt.
1227. HENNECKE, EDGAR. Der neufund elnes
koptlschen textes zur Didache.
Theol. lit. z. 49, 192?, 4567
Brief comparison of the Coptic and
Greek versions.
1228. HORNER, GEORGE WILLIAM. A new papyrus
fragment of the DidachS ln Coptic.
J. theol. stud. 25, 1923-4, 225-31.
Fayyumic text and translation of
Brit. mus. or. 9271.
See also number 1232.
Eine bisher unbekannte version des
ersten telles der "Aposteliehre".
Leipzig, Hinrichs, 1895. 30 p.
(Texte u. untersuch. 13, 1)
Arable adaptation of the flrst six
chapters of the Dldache from a Coptic
1230. NEPPI-MODONA, ALDO. Nuovo contributo dei
papiri per la conoscenza dl antichl
testl criatiani. Bilychnis 27, 1926,
Gives the translation of the Coptic
version of the Dldache from the text
publlshed by Schmidt (number 1232).
1231. OPPORD, JOSEPH. The De Duabus Vils chap
ters of the Teaching of the Twelve
Apostles, or Dldache. Soc. Blbl.
arch. Proc. 26, 1904, 105-8.
Comparison of the Latin and Sahidic
1232. SCHHIDT, CARL. Das koptische Didache-
fragment des British Musum. Z. neut.
wiss. 24, 1925, 81-99.
Revised text and translation of the
papyrus published by Horner (number
1228). Fayyumlc.
Church Discipline
en dialecte copte thbain, d'aprs un
manuscrit de la Bibliothque du patri
arche Jacobite du Caire. Rec. de
travaux 5, 1884, 199-216; 6, 1885,
1239. CONNOLIY, RICHARD HUGH. On the text of
the baptismal creed of Hippolytus.
J. theol. stud. 25, 1923-24, 131-9.
Dlscusses the Coptic version among
1240. The so-called Egyptian church order
and derived documents. Cambridge,
Unlversity press, 1916. 197 p.
(Texts and studles, 8^)
1241. ELLERS, H. Die kirchenordnung Hippolytus
von Rom. Neue untersuehungen unter
besonderer berckslchtigung des bches
von L. Lorents, De Egyptische kerkor-
denlng en Hippolytus van Rome.
Paderborn, 1938. 342 p.
See also number 1252.
1242. FRERE, W. H. Early ordination services.
J. tbeol. stud. 16, 1914-15, 323-71.
Comparison of various versions, in-
cludlng Coptic. Translation only.
Apostolic Constitutions and Related Documents 1243,
1233. ACHELIS, HANS. Die Sltesten quelien des
orlentallschen klrchenrechtes. Leip
zig, Hinrichs, 1891-1904. 2 v.
(Texte u. untersuch. 64, 102)
FUNK, FRANZ XAVER. Das achte buch der
Apostolischen konstitutionen in der
koptischen berlieferung. Theol.
quart. 86, 1904, 429-42.
No text.
Vol. 1, Die Canones Hippolyti, con
tains a translation lnto German by
Steindorff of the Egyptian church order,
from the dition of Lagarde.
1234. ARENDZEN, J. P. An entire Syriac text
of the "Apostolic church order".
J. theol. stud. 3, 1901-2, 59-80.
Colltes the Syriac wlth the Sahidic
patrum pseudeplgraphla e graecls
codicibus recensult Pierre Batiffol,
coptico contulit Henr. Hyvernat.
Parisils, Leroux, 1887. 21 p.
1236. Une prtendue anaphore apostolique.
Rev. bibl. n. s. 13, 1916, 23-32.
Date of the liturgy ln the Egyptian
church order.
1237. BAUMSTARK, ANTON. Die nichtgriechischen
paralleltexte zum achten bche der
Apostolischen konstitutionen. Oriens
chr. 1, 1901, 98-137.
Includes some discussion of the
Coptic version.
1238. BOURIANT, URBAIN. Les canons apostoli
ques de Clment de Rome. Traduction
1244. Das achte buch der Apostolischen kon
stitutionen in der koptischen ber-
lieferung. In hls Kirchengeschicht-
liche abhandlungen und untersuehungen.
Paderborn, Schonlngh, 1897-1907.
v. 3, pp. 362-81.
1245. - Die Agyptlsche kirchenordnung. In
hls Kirchengeschichtliche abhandTn-
gen und untersuehungen. Paderborn,
Schonlngh, 1897-1907. v. 3,
pp. 381-401.
1246. Angebllche Hippolytschriften.
quart. 89, 1907, 226-41.
On texts published by Horner (number
1247. Die Apostolischen konstitutionen;
eine litterar-historische untersuebung.
Rottenburg am Neckar, Bader, 1891.
374 p.
Canons apostoliques des orientaux,
pp. 243-65. Dlscusses the Coptic
1248. - Die symbolstcke in der Agyptlschen
kirchenordnung und den Kanones
Hippolyts. In hls Klrchengeschicht-
llche abhandlungen und untersuehungen.
Paderborn, Schonlngh, 1897-1907.
v. 3, pp. 64-e 4.
of the apostles; or Canones ecclesi-
astici; edited with translation and 1256.
collation from Ethiopie and Arable mss,;
also a translation of the Saidic and
collation of the Bohalric versions;
and Saidic fragments. London, Williams
and Norgate, 1904 ji.e. 1915], 480 p.
Church Discipline. Council of Nlcaea
of Nlcaea,
The rvtou.ttL of the synod
J. theol. stud. 2, 1900-1,
The 1904 dition has the Arable and
Ethiopie texts not in the 1915 dition.
Foreword in the 1915 dition says "The
Saidic version was never contained in
the volume slnce Lagarde had already
printed it as part of hls Aegyptiaca,
1883". See number 728.
LEFORT, L, THOPHILE. Note sur le texte
copte des Constitutions apostoliques.
Muson n. s. 12, 1911, 23-4.
LEIPOLDT, JOHANNES. Saldlsche auszge
aus dem 8 . bche der Apostollschen
konstitutionen. Leipzig, Hinrichs,
1904. 61 p. (Texte u. untersuch.
n. f. 1 1 , lb j 26])
Text from Bib. nat. 130^, ff. 50-54.
LORENTZ, RUDOLF. De Egyptische kerkor-
dening en Hippolytus van Rome.
Haarlem, J. Enschede en Zonen, 1929.
187 p. (Diss.)
See also number 1241.
TATTAM, HENRY. The Apostolical consti
tutions, or Canons of the Apostles in
Coptic. With an English translation.
London, Printed for the Oriental trans
lation fund of Great Britain and Ire-
land, 1848. 214 p. (Oriental trans
lation fund. Publications. 63)
TURNER, C. H. Notes on the Apostoile
cona tltutlons. II. The Apostoile
canons. J. theol. stud. 16, 1914-15,
Includes a note on the Coptie version,
- Notes on the Apostoile constitutions,
III. The text of the Eighth book.
J. theol. stud. 31, 1929-30, 128-41.
Refers to the Sahidic text.
See also numbers 728, 759, 2462.
Discussion based on a Coptic text ln
a manuscript at Turin published by
Rossl (see number 1126).
schen quellen zum Konzll von Nlcaa.
Paderborn, SchSnlngh, 1920. 123 p.
(Stud, gesch. altertums. 104 )
C. R. Walther, A. Or. lit. z. 26,
1923, 22-4.
1258. LAMMEYER, JOSEPH. Die sogenannten gnomen
des conclls von Nlcaea. Eln homlle-
tischer traktat des 4. Jahrhunderts
unter zugrundelegung erstmallger di
tion des koptlsch-sahidlschen hand
schrif tenfragments der Bibliothque
nationale zu Paris copte-sahldlque
1 2 9 1 4 , 75-82 ins deutsche bersetzt und
untersucht. Beyrouth. 1912. 92 p.
(Inaug. Diss. Freiburg)
1259. LECLERCQ, HENRI. Les fragments coptes
relatifs au concile de Nice. In
Hefele^ K. J. von. Histoire des
conciles d'aprs les documents orig
inaux. Nouv. traduction franaise
faite sur la 2 . d. allemande, cor.
et aug. de notes critiques et biblio
graphiques, par un religieux bndictin
de l'abbaye Saint-Michel de Farn-
borough. Paris, Letouzey et Ane,
1907-. tome l2, pp. 1125-38.
1260. LENORMANT, CHARLES. tudes sur les frag
ments coptes des conciles de Nice et
d'Ephse. Paris, de Soye, 1852.
3 v. in 1.
1261. Fragmenta verslonla copticae llbrl
synodicl de primo conclllo oecumenlco
Nlcaeno a Zoega Georgio primum dita.
Nunc denuo rcusa cum emendatlonlbus
et notls et versione Latlna plane nova
cura et studio. El Pltra, J. B.
Splclleglum solesmense complectens
sanctorum patrum scrlptorumque eccles-
lasticorum. Parisiis, Dldot, 1852-58.
v. 1, pp. 513-36.
1262. Mmoire sur les fragments du premier
concile de Nice conservs dans la
version copte. Ac, Inscr. Mm. 192,
1853, 202-65.
Study of the Coptic version published
by Zoega, and comparlson with other
1263. REVILLOUT, EUGNE. Le concile de Nice,
d'aprs les textes coptes. J. asiat.
ser. 7, 1, 1873, 210-88; 5, 1875, 5-77,
209-66, 501-64; 6 , 1875, 473-560.
Text from Turin and Borgla papyrl.
1264. Le concile de Nice, d'aprs les
textes coptes. Premier srie de
documents. Exposition de fol, Gnomes
du saint concile (papyrus de Muse de
Turin). Paris, Imprimerie nationale,
1873. 79 p.
Extracted from J. aslat. (see number
REVILLOUT, EUGENE. Le concile de Nlce,
d'aprs les textes coptes. Nouvelle
srie de documents. Le manuscript
Borgla. Paris, Imprimerie nationale.
1876. 72 p.
Study of texts attrlbuted by the
Copts to the Councll of Nlcaea, wlth
slections from texts.
1273. URBINA, I. ORTIZ DE. Textus symboli
Nlcaeni. Or. chr. per. 2, 1936,
Cltatlones Nlcaeni post synodum
Constantlnopolltanam. Verslones
copticae; pp. 336-8.
Extracted from J. aslat. (see number
Le concile de Nlce d'aprs les textes
coptes et les diverses collections
canoniques, dissertation critique.
Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1876.
216 p.
Extracted from J. aslat. (see number
--- Le concile de Nlce d'aprs les textes
coptes et les diverses collections
canoniques. Demi volume comprenant
2 fascicules. Premier fascicule.
Nouvelle srie de documents (Le manu
scrit Borgia); Deuxime fascicule.
Dissertation critique. [Chap. I, II,
and III, l-6 j. Parl, Uaisonneuve,
1881. 2 pts. ln 1 v.
Se concile de Nlce d'aprs les textes
coptes et les diverses collections
canoniques. Second vol. Disserta
tion critique (suite). Paris,
Malsonneuve, 1908 t for 1898; cover
C. R. Batiffol, P. Rev. hlst.
relig. 41, 1900, 248-52.
- Le concile de Nlce et le concile
* d'Alexandrie d'aprs les textes coptes.
Rev. quest. hlst. 15, 1874, 329-86.
No text.
Le concile de Nlce et le concile
d'Alexandrie, tude historique sur
l'assemble conflrmatlve et promulga-
trlce prside par Saint Athanase en
l'anne 362. Paris, Palm, 1874.
lx p.
Extracted from Rev. quest. hlst.
(see number 1269).
- Le premier et le dernier des moralistes
de l'ancienne gypte. Supplment.
La morale en gypte l'poque chr
tienne. Bessarione [17j ser. 2, 8 ,
1905, 53-8, 158-65, 255-63; t18} ser. 2,
9, 1905, 12-22.
Translation of parts of the Coptic
Qnomal of the Councll of Nlcaea, attrl-
buted by Revillout to Athanasius.
Rapport sur une mission en Italie.
Archives des missions scientifiques et
littraires ser. 3, 4, 1877, 447-94.
See also numbers 1126, 1296.
Church Discipline. Councll of Ephesus
1274. AMLINEAU, EMILE CLMENT. Le manuscrit
copte de la Bibliothque nationale,
contenant les Actes du Concile
d'Ephse. Ac. inscr. CR. ser. 4,
18, 1890, 212-9*
Description of contents of manuscript.
1275. BATIFFOL. PIERRE. Un pisode du Concile
d'Ephse (Juillet 431) d'aprs les
actes coptes de Bouriant. In M
langes offerts M. Gustave Sclum-
berger. Paris, Geuthner, 1924.
pp. 28-39.
See also number 1277.
1276. B0I&T0V, V. Aus der geschichte der
kirche ln Aegypten. Der archlmandrlt
der Ta^ennlsler, Victor, am hofe von
Konatantlnopel'.im Jahre 431. Khria-
tlanskoe .htenie (S_t. -Peterburgska
dukhovnala akademll) 71, 1892,
63 ff.
In Russlan. For critlclsm see
number 1278 (pp. 202-214).
1277. BOURIANT. URBAIN. Actes du concile
Texte copte publi et
(La Bibliothque du Delr-
. ______ qu ______
Amba 3 he n oudl. 2. partie) Misa, arch.
'fT lim. 8 , 12, 1-145.
KRAATZ, WILHELM. Koptlsche akten zum
Ephesinlschen konzll vom jahre 431,
bersetzung und untersuehungen.
Leipzig, Hinrlchs, 1904. 219 p.
(Texte u. untersuch. n. f. Il2 [26])
German translation of Bourlant's
text (number 1277), wlth parallel
Greek texts from Mansl, Collect. cono..
4# PP. 1377 sq., and crltlcal discus
LENORMANT, CHARLES. Note relative aux
fragments du concile oecumnique
d'Ephse conservs dans la version
copte. Ac. lnscr. Mm. 192, 1853,
Study of the Coptic texts published
by Zoega, and comparlson with the Greek
See also number 1260.
Church Discipline. Canons of Athanaslus
1280. HALLOCK, FRANK HUDSON. The canons of
Athanaslus. Ang. theol. rev. 9,
1926-7, 378-86.
Reference to the Coptic version.
The canons of Athanaslus of Alexandria.
The Arable and Coptic versions; edited
and translated with Introductions,
notes and appendices. London, Williams
and Norgate, 1904. 153 p. Illus.
C. R. G(uidli, I.? Bessarione
(17] ser. 2, 8 , 1905, 111-4.
Lelpoldt, J. Deut. morg.
gesells. z. 60, 1906, 390-2.
Church Discipline. Canons of Basil
128. CRUM, WALTER EWING. The Coptic version
of the "Canons of S. Basil". Soc.
Blbl. arch. Proc. 26, 1904, 57-62.
Translation oniy.
Martyrdoma and Llves of Saints and Church Fathers
1283. AMLINEAU, EMILE CLMENT. Les actes des
martyrs de l'glise copte. tude
critique. Paris, Leroux, 1890.
313 p.
1284. - Mnoments pour servir l'histoire de
l'Egypte ohrtlenne,,Histoire des mon
astres de la Basse-Egypte. Vie des
Saints Paul, Antoine, Macalre, Maxime
et Domce, Jean le Nain, & a. Texte
copte et traduction franaise. Paris,
Leroux, 1894. 429 p. (Mus. Guimet.
Ann. 25)
Acta martyrum. ParisIls, E typo
graphe o relpubllcae, Poussielgue, 1908.
v. 1-. (Corp. script. Christ, or.
Copt. ser. 3, 1- )
Contentsi- vol. 1. I. Martyrium S.
Apa Lacaronls. II. Martyrium S. Ana-
tolii. III. Martyrium S. Theodorl
Orlentalls et soclorum lus, Panyglrldls
ac Leontll. IV. Martyrium S. Apa
Saraplonls. V. Martyrium S. Apatll.
. VI. Martyrium S. Abba Paphnuti.
' VII. Martyrium S. Apa Eplme. VIII.
Martyrium S. Theodorl Stratelates.
IX. Mlracula nonnulla a S. Theodoro
Stratelate patrata. X. Martyrium S.
Apa Anub. XI. Martyrium S. Apa Apoll.
vol. 2. I. Martyrium S. Lucae, evan-
gellstae. II. Martyrium S. Cyriacl,
archleplscopl Hlerosolymltanl. III.
Martyrium S. lacobi, Persae. IV.
Martyrium S. Abba Polycarpi, dlsclpuli
Apostolorum. V. Martyrium S. Abba
Isaacl, Tlphrensls. VI, Theodorl
archleplscopl Antlochenl Oratio ln
laudem ss. Theodorl Orlentalls et
Theodorl Stratelatls. VII. Martyrium
S. Iohannls, Phanldjoitanl. VIII.
Theodoti Ancyranl Oratio ln laudem s.
Georgll Dlospolltanl. IX. Martyrium
S. Georgll. X. Mlracula a Deo patrata
per s. Georgium.
Ediderunt socil Bollandlani apud
edltores [Beyrouth (Syrie) Imprimerie
catholique ] 1910. 287 p. ( Sub-
sldla haglographlca, 1 0 )
Prfac slgned P. Peeters. See
also supplment, number 1290.
Coptic martyrdoms, etc., in the
dlalect of upper Egypt, d., with
Engllsh translations. London,
British musum, 1914. 523 p.
Contents:- I. The martyrdom of Saint
Victor the gnral.- II. The encomlum
of Celestlnus, archbishop of Rome, on
Victor the gnral.- III. The life of
Saints Eustathlus and Theoplste and
their two children.- IV. The life of
Apa Cyrus [attrlbuted to Apa Pambo of
Scetej.- V. The encomlum of Flavlanus,
bishop of Ephesus, on Demetrlus, arch-
blshop of Alexandria.- VI. The Asketl-
kon of Apa Ephralm.- VII. nother
eplstle of Apa Ephralm to a beloved
disciple.- VIII. The life of John the
monk.- IX. The life of Apa Onnophrlos
the anchorlte (attrlbuted to Paphnu-
tiusj.- X. Discourse on Abbaton by
Tlmothy, archbishop of Alexandria.
C. R. Jeunes, M. R. J. theol.
stud. 16, 1914-15, 271-2.
1288. CRUM, WALTER EWING. Haglographlca from
Leipzig manuscripts. Soc. Blbl. arch.
Proc. 29, 1907, 289-96, 301-7.
1289. DELEH^YE, HIPPOLTTUS. Les martyrs
d'Egypte. Anal. Boll. 40, 1922,
5-154, 299-364.
1. Les perscutions et le culte des
2. Les listes des martyrs gyptiens.
3. Les passions des martyrs d'gypte.
Also published separately, Brussels,
1923. 222 p.
GOUSSEN, HEINRICH. Elnlge nachtrage zur
"Bibliotheca hagiographica orlentalla
der Bollandisten." In Festschrift
Eduard Sachau zum siezigsten geburts-
tage gewldmet.. Berlin, Relmer, 1915.
pp. 53-61.
Supplment to number 1286.
QUIDI, IGNAZIO. Dl alcune pergamene
oaldlche dlia collezlone Borglana.
Acc. Lincei. Rend. aer.-5, 2, 1893,
Text and translation of fragmenta
concernlng the llvea and martyrdoma of
Simon, Paul and Barnabaa, and Tho-
HYVERNAT, HENRY. Les actes des martyrs
de l'Egypte tirs dea manuscrits coptes
de la Bibliothque Vatlcane et du Muse
Borgla, texte copte et traduction
franaise avec Introduction et coin- .
mentaires. Paris, Leroux, 1886-1887.
pts. 1-4.
Contains martyrdoma of Euseblus, son
of Basilldes; Macarius of Antioch;
Apater and Irai; Pisoura; Piroou and
Athom; John and Symeon; Apa Arl;
Uacroblus by Menas, bp. of Pshatl;
Peter of Alexandria by Alexander, bp.
of Alexandria; Apa Didymos; and Apa
koptischer martyrerakten. I-V.
St.-Ptersbourg [Acadmie impriale
des sciences, 1913. 84 p. (Len.
ak. Mem. ser. 8 , v. 12, no. 1.)
I. Das Martyrium des hl. Theodoros
des Orlentalen und seiner genossen
Panikyros des Persers und Leontlos des
II. Die Wunder des hl. Theodoros des
III. Das Martyrium des hl. Leontlos
des Arabers.
IV. Das Martyrium des hl. Heraklldes.
V. Das Martyrium des hl. Isldoros.
O'IEARY, DE LACY EVANS. The saints of
Egypt. London, Society for promoting
Christian knowledge; New York,
Macmillan, 1937. 286 p.
Contains addltional texts relatlng
to the councll of Nlcaea as well as the
martyrdoma. See also numbers 713, 743,
1297. Un nuovo codice copto del Museo egizio
di Torino contenente la vita dl s.
Eplfanlo ed 1 martlrl dl s. Pantaleone,
di Ascla, dl Apollonlo, dl Filemone,
dl Arlano e di Dios con versettl dl
vari capltoll del "Libro di Giobbe".
Acc. Lincei. Attl ser. 5, 1, 1893,
3-136. facslm.
Sahidic texts and translation.
1298. TILL, WALTER. Koptlsche helllgen- und
martyrer- legenden. Texte, berset-
zungen und Indices. Roma, Pont, in-
stitutum orlentallm studiorum, 1935
36. 2 v, (Or. chr. anal. 102, 108)
Contents: 1. Teil. Philotheos. Nah-
row. Wsnofre. Ignatlua. Slebenschlafer.
Archelldes. Marina. Heraklldes. Merkur-
ius. Besamon. Viktor. Panine und Panew.
Paese und Thekla. Panesnew. Theodor
der Feldherr. Tlmotheos. Zenoblos.
Johannes von Lykopolls. Kosmas und
Damlan. Kolluthos. Nllus. Severus.
Theodor der Orientale, Isidor. Psote.-
2. Tell. Matthaus der Arme. Ptolemalos.
Moyses. Georg. Leontios. Thekla.
1299. WINSTEDT, ERIC OTTO. Coptic saints and
slnners. Soc. Bibl. arch. Proc. 30,
1908, 231-7, 276-83; 32, 1910, 195-202,
246-52, 283-8; 33, 1911, 113-20.
Text of fragments of an encomium on
Abraham (probably the Persian martyr),
the martyrdom of Apa Psote, and the
life of St. Matthew the poor.
See also number 1508.
C. R. Telfer, W.
39, 1938, 312-4.
J. theol. stud.
PEETERS, PAUL. Traductions et traduc
teurs dans l'hagiographie orientale a
l'poque byzantine. Anal. Boll. 40,
1922, 241-98.
Includes Coptic.
ROSSI, FRANCESCO. I martirli dl Gioore,
Herael, Epimaco e Ptolemeo, con altri
f r animent 1 , trascrlttl e tradottl dal
paplrl copti del Museo egizio dl
Torino, Tor. acc. Mem. ser. 2, 38,
1888, 233-308.
See also niimber 750.
Martyrdoms and Llves of Saints and Church Fathers
By Name
(Reference ls not made here to saints llves
ln numbers 1283-1299 above)
ANTONIUS. See number 726 (vol. 37).
(vol. 41).
1300. DRIOTON, TIENNE. La discussion d'un
moine anthropomorphlte audlen avec le
patriarche Thophile d'Alexandrie en
l'anne 399. Rev. or. chr. ser. 2,
10, 1915, 92-100, 113-28.
Sahidic text and translation of part
of a life of Aphou publlshed by Rossi
(see number 1302).
1301. REVILLOUT, EUGNE. La vie du bienheureux
Aphou, vque de Pemdje (Oxyrinque).
Rev. g. 3, 1885, 27-33.
Sahldlc text; also published by Rossl
(number 1302).
1302. ROSSI, FRANCESCO. Trascrlzlone dl tre
manoscritti coptl del Museo Egizio dl
Torino, con traduzlone Itallana. Tor.
acc. Mem. ser. 2, 37, 1886, 65-175.
Contalns a life of Aphou, narrative
of Constantlne and Eudoxia, and homily
on John the Baptlst,
See also numbers 713, 743.
Notice ln Tor. acc. Atti 20, 1884-5,
1310. PORCHER, E. Les apophthegmes des pres;
fragments coptes de Paris. Rev. or,
chr. ser. 2, 8 [X8 j# 1913, 168-82.
Text and translation of Paris Bib.
nat. copte 129*3, which forma part of
a manuscript published by Zoega under
no. 169 of hls catalog (number 753).
1311. SETHE, KURT. Drel unverstSndllche stel-
len ln den koptlschen "Apophthegmata
patrum aegyptiorum". Z. aeg. spr. 45,
1908-9, 81-2.
The passages dlscussed are Zoega
351, 18; 352, 13; 350, 22.
1303. BOUSSET, W. Die textifberlleferung der
Apophthegmata Patrum. In Festgabe
von fachgenossen und freunden A. von
Harnack zum slebzlgsten geburtstag
dargebracht. Tbingen, Mohr, 1921.
pp. 102-16.
1304. CHAINE, MARIUS. Le texte original des
Apophthegmes des Pres. Mol. Beyrouth
5, 1912, 541-69.
Compares Greek and Coptic versions.
See also number 1308.
C. R. Nau, F. N. Rev. or. chr. 17,
1912, 448; 18, 1913, 208-12.
Peeters, P. Anal. Boll. 32,
1913, 82-4.
1305. - Trois nouveaux feuillets du recueil
sahldlque des Apophthegmes des Pres.
Inst. fr. arch. or. Bull. 37, 1937,
Text and translation from Vienna Bib,
nat. K 9561, K 9562, 9563,
1306. HOPFNER, THEODOR. ber die koptlsch-
saldlschen Apophthegmata patrum aegyp
tiorum und verwandte grlechlsche,
latelnlsche, koptlsch-bohalrlsche und
syrlsche sanunlungen. Wlen, Holder,
1918. 109 p. (Vlen. ak. Denk. 6l2)
See also numbers 509, 648, 1373,
ARCHELLITES. See number 726 (vol, 37),
1312. GIRARD, LOUIS SAINT-PAUL. Un fragment
sahldlque de la Vie de Saint Arsne
le Grand, prcepteur des enfants de
Thodose, anachorte Sct et
Toura (vers 410). Inst. fr. arch.
or. Bull. 30, 1931, 195-9.
Text and translation from Paris Bib.
nat. copte 129l3f 4 6 .
1313, CRUM, WALTER EWING. Barsaum the naked.
Soc. Blbl. arch. Proc. 29, 1907, 135
49, 187-206.
Clarendon Press, no. 65 (Sahldlc)
and Paris ms. arabe 72, Sahldlc and
Arable texts and translation, with
unlmportant passages omltted.
BENJAMIN. See number 1392,
1307, LABRIOLLE, P. de. Apophthegmata. B.
Christllch. In Reallexlkon fir
Antlke und ChrTstentum. Leipzig,
Hlersemann, 1941-2. Llef. 4,
pp. 547-9,
1308, NAU, FRANOIS NICOLAS. Notes sur le
texte original des Apophthegmes des
pres. Rev. or. chr. ser. 2, 8 rl8 j,
1913, 208-12. '
Discusses certain points ln number
1309, PIETSCHMANN, RICHARD. Apophthegmata
patrum bohelrlsch, Gott, gesells,
Nachr, 1899, 36-48,
Text and translation of Ms. Lagarde,
138a ln the library of the Unlversity
of G'ttlngen,
CHRISTODORUS. See number 1103.
1314. AMELINEAU, MILE CLEMENT. Martyre d'apa
Claudlos d'Antioche (fragment thbain).
In tudes archologiques, linguisti
ques et historiques, ddies M. le
Dr. C. Leemans. Leide, Brlll, 1885.
pp. 89-94.
Text and translation.
1315, DRESCHER, J. Apa Claudlus and the
thleves. Soc. arch. copte. Bull. 8 ,
1942, 63-86.
Text and translation of a'story that
occurs ln an encomlum on Claudlus de-
llvered by Constantlne, bishop of
Aasiut; Morg. cod. copt. 587, ff. 96v-
102r (number 726, vol. 47).
See also number 716, 726 (vol. 47).
CRUM, WALTER EWING. Colluthus, the
martyr and hls name. Byz. z. 30,
1929-30, 323-7.
Discussion of the manuscripts and
the legends. No text.
Sancti Coluthl et reliqulis actorum
Sanctl Panesnlv martyrum, thebalca
fragmenta duo alterum auctlus alterum
nunc primum edltum. Romae, Fulgoni,
1793. 416 p.
Fragmentum coptlcum ex Actls S. Colu-
thll erutum ex mmbranls saecull V,
coptice et latine. (Adnotatlones
ln mlraculum I, II) Romae, Fulgoni,
1781. 188 p.
VERGOTE, J. Le texte soua-jaq^nt du
pallmpaeate Berlin no. 9755. S,
Colluthus - S. Philothe. Muson 48,
1935, 275-96.
Text of a fragment of a martyrdom of
St. Colluthus and the beglnnlng of a
panegyrlc on St. Phllotheus, attrlbuted
to Demetrlus, archblshop of Antioch.
See also numbers 445, 726 (vol. 28).
1302, 1808.
COSMAS AND DAMIAN. See number 726 (vol.
CYPRIANUS. See numbers 726 (vol. 18).
GUIDI, IGNAZIO. Textes orientaux Indits
du martyr de Judas Cyrlaque, vque de
Jrusalem. II. Texte copte. Rev. or.
chr. 9, 1904, 310-32.
Text and translation from Vat. copte
1321. GROTERJAHN, BELA. Sa'ldlsche bruch
stcke der Vlta des Apa Kyros.
Muson 51, 1938, 33-67.
Text and translation of Vlenna Nat.
blb. K9462, 9461, 9460, 8678, and of
Paris Blb. nat. copts 129l3( f. 29,
f. 28, f. 26, and 1 3 1 3 , f. 37.
ethlopskoe akazanle o prepodobnom
Klr. Zaplskl Vostotshn. Otd-
lanija I. R. Arkheologltsheskago
Obstshestva 15, 1903, 03-013.
1323. CLUGNET, LON. Bior Tou p&tt ^avirjX
t o O ktiticotov. Vie (et rcits) de
l'abb Daniel le Sctiote (Vie alcle)
1. Texte grec, pub. par Lon Clugnet.
2. Texte syriaque, pub. par F. Nau.
3. Texte copte, pub. par Ignazlo Guldl
Parla, Picard, 1901. Hls Biblio
thque hagiographique orientale, 1 ).
1324. GUIDI, IGNAZIO. Vie et rcita de l'abb
Daniel de Sct (Vie sicle). III.
Texte copte publi et traduit. Rev.
or. chr. 5, 1900, 535-64; 6 , 1901,
1325. CRUM, WALTER EWING. Coptic texts relat-
lng to Dloscorus of Alexandria. Soc.
Blbl. arch. Proc. 25, 1903, 267-76.
Mun. K. Blb, Ms. copt. 3, Calro Mus.
Ms. 8084, and Zoega 165.
See also number 1329.
of a lost work on Dloscorus. Harv.
theol. rev. 19, 1926, 377-81.
Text and translation of a Bohairic
fragment probably from a history of
Dioacorus composed by some follower.
1327. Three Coptic fragments from Nitria.
Am. ach. or. res. Annual 6 , 1924-5,
Text and translation of three Bo-
hairlc paper manuscripts from Deir
Abu Makar. One, part of a work on
Dloscorus, the other two from theo-
1328. NAU, FRANOIS NICOLAS. Histoire de
Dioscore, patriarche d'Alexandrie,
crite par son disciple Thopiste.
J. aslat. ser. 10, 1, 1903, 5-108,
Syriac text and translation, but
some discussion of the Coptic version.
1329. MAU, FRANOIS NICOLAS. Nota sur quelques
fragments coptes relatifs Dioscore.
J. aslat. ser. 10, 2, 1903, 181-4.
Note on texts published by Crum ln
number 1325.
See also number 750.
tudes, 1935)
Text and translation from Morgan
cod. 580, ff. 20-58 (number 726, vol.
48). Appendlx by Jacob Muyser on the
liturgleal observances of Saturday,
partlcularly ln the Coptic church.
Or. lit. z. 43, C. R. Bohlig, A.
1940, 413-5.
Drloton, E. Soc. arch.
copte Bull. 4, 1938, 198-9.
Urblna, I. 0. Or. chr.
per. 5, 1939, 265-6.
1330. SOBHT, GEORGE P, Le martyre de Saint
Hllas et l'encomlum de l'vque 1335,
Stphanos de Hns sur Saint Hlias.
Bib. tud. copt. 1, 1919, 1-122.
Text and translation of a manuscript
ln the Muse copte of the church of
Al-Moallaka, Old Calro.
See also number 726 (vol. 45). 1336.
See number 716.
The martyrdoms and miracles of Saint
George of Cappadocia. The Coptic
texts edited with an English trans
lation. London, Nutt, 1888. 331 p.
(Oriental text serles. 1)
C. R. Krall, J. Ytien. z. kunde
morg. 3, 1889, 274-80.
On the Syrlac and Coptic versions of
the martyrdom of St. George of Cappa-
docla, patron saint of England.
Cambridge antiquarian society Proc. 7,
1888-91, 133-5.
Brlef note, no text.
1331. GUIDI, IGNAZIO. Testl orientali inedlti
sopra 1 Sette Dormlentl dl Efeso.
Aec, Llncei. Atti ser. 3, 12, 1884,
See also number 715.
Sahldlc text from Zoega 156, publish
ed with Itallan translation, and two
Bohalric hymns from the Dlfnar from
Borgla ma. J. V. 14.
1332. Testl orientali sopra 1 Sette Dormlentl
dl Efeso. In hls Raccolta dl scrlttl
vol. 1. Oriente Crlstlano. Pubbllca-
zlonl dell1 Istltuto per l'Orlente,
Roma, 1945. pp. 61-198.
See also numbers 726 (vol. 56), 1953.
GESIUS AND ISIDORUS. See number 1809,
1337, SIMON, JEAN. S. Hrod (Hrode), martyr
d'Egypte. Int. cong. or. 19th, Rome,
1935. Atti, pp. 626-8.
From an Ethiopie manuscript, but
concerns a Coptic saint and ls probably
derlved from a Coptic original. Re
port of contents of the manuscript, no
1333. POLOTSKY, HANS JAKOB. Ephraem's relse
nach Aegypten. Orientalla n. s. 2,
1933, 269-74.
1338. WENSINCK, ARENT JAN. Legends of Eastern
saints chlefly from Syrlac sources.
Leyden, Brlll, 1911-. v. 1-.
Glves a new translation of the Coptic
version of the legend of Hllarla ln
vol. 2 .
1334. MINA, TOGO. Le martyre d'Apa Eplma.
La Caire, Imprimerie nationale, Boulq,
1937. 124 p. (Dlss. Ecole haut.
See also numbers 726 (vol. 41),
1782, 1794, 1831.
1339. ROSSI, FRANCESCO. Vlta dl Sant' Ilarione
e martirio dl Saint' Ignazlo, vescovo
d'Antlochl, trascritti e tradottl dal
papiri copti del Museo dl Torino.
Tor. acc. Mem. ser. 2, 38, 1888, 3-103.
See also numbers 713, 743, 1342.
Notice ln Tor. acc. Attl 21, 1885-6,
1340. HENGSTENBERG, WILHELM. Pachomlana, mit
elnem anhang ber die liturgie von
Alexandrlen. In Beitrage zur
geschichte des crlstllchen altertums
und der byzantinischen literatur;
festgabe Albert Ehrhard. Bonn und
Leipzig, Schroeder, 1922. pp. 228-52.
Translation only of the fragment
numbered 273 publlshed by Wessely
(see number 748). Hengstenberg thlnks
lt ls probably a Pachomlan dois ter
history, not a life of Horsleslus as
Wessely assumes.
1341. FUNTONI, VITTORIO. Il martirio di S.
Ignazlo, vescovo di Antiochia, versione
copta lnedlta. Pisa, 1884.
From Cod. Vat. copt. 6 6 .
1342. REVILLOUT, EUGNE. Le martyre de St.
Ignace. Rev. 5g. 3, 1885, 34-7.
Bohairic text from the Vatican, and
Sahidic text from Turin (later pub
llshed in full by Rossi, number 1339).
See also number 750.
1345. MUNIER, HENRI. Les actes du martyre de
Saint Isidore. Inst. fr. arch. or.
Bull. 14, 1918, 97-190.
Text and translation.
of the translation of Saint Iskhirun.
Muson 50, 1937, 53-60.
Arabie text and translation, and
discussion of the evldence.
1347. LANTSCHOOT,^ARNOLD VAN. Fragments coptes
d'un pangyrique de S. Jean-Baptiste.
Muson 44, 1931, 235-54.
Text and translation of a palirapsest
manuscript at the Bibliothque nation
ale Victor-Emmanuel III, Naples,
inv. 482 (cte 1 B 16).
1348. DAVIS, M. H. The life of Abba John
Eham. Coptic text edlted and trans-
lated from the Cod. Vat. copt. IX.
Patrol. or. 14, 1920, 313-70.
1349. TILL, WALTER. Ein saldlscher bericht
* der reise des Apa Johannes nach Baby-
lon. Z. neut. wiss. 37, 1938, 230-9.
Text and translation.
1350. PEETERS, PAUL. Une vie copte de S. Jean
de Lycopolls. Anal. Boll. 54, 1936,
Based on a life publlshed by Till
ln number 1298.
numbers 726 (vol. 53), 1170-2.
The martyrdom of Isaac of Tiphre.
Soc. Blbl. arch. Trans. 9, 1893,
Text and translation from a Zouche
manuscript of the 1 2 th century.
1344. Notes on the martyrdom of the Coptic
martyr Isaac of Tiphre. Soc. Bibl.
arch. Proc. 7, 1884-5, 95-7.
Dlscusses a Coptic manuscript ln the
possession of Lord Zouche.
copte du XlIIe sicle. Martyre de
Jean de Phanldjlt. J. aslat. ser. 8 ,
9, 1887, 113-90.
Text and translation from Cod. Vat.
copt. 59. For a rvision of the text,
see numbers 1352-3.
1352. CASANOVA, PAUL. Notes sur un texte
copte du XlIIe sicle. Inst. fr.
arch. or. Bull. 1, 1901, 113-37.
A panegyric of John of Phanidjoit.
No text.
1353. LARMINAT, P. DE. Rvision du texte copte
des "Lettres de Pierre Monge et
d'Acace" et de la "Vie de Jean de
Phanidjoit". In Int. cong. Chr.
arch. 2nd, RomeT-1900. Attl,
pp. 33752.
Rvision of texts published by
Amllneau, number 1351.
See also number 1171.
Text and translation of Paris Bib.
nat. copte 1 2 9 1 3 , f. 9 7 .
1360. CHANE, MARIUS. La recension copte de la
vie d'Abba Martyrianos de Csare.
Rev. or. chr. ser. 3, 7 [27j, 1929-30,
Text and translation.
LEONTIUS. See numbers 726 (vols. 38-41),
' UT.'
(vol. 37).
BALESTRI, GIUSEPPE. Il martirio di S.
Luca Evangelista (testo copto e tra-
duzione). Bessarione [17] ser. 2, 8 ,
1905, 128-40.
Bohalric text from Cod. Vat. copt.
6 8 , ff. 16-21v. Republished in Corp.
script, christ, or. Copt. ser. 3, v. 2.
GASELEE, STEPHEN. A Bohalric fragment of
the "Martyrdom of St. Luke". J. theol,
stud. 10, 1909, 52-3.
Text and translation of Cambridge
Univ. lib. Ms. add. 1886. 3.
NAU, FRANOIS NICOLAS. Sur un fragment
bohairique du martyre de Saint Luc.
Rev. or. chr. ser. 2, 4, 1909, 98.
A brlef note on the text published
by Gaselee (number 1355).
CLUGNET, LON ET AL. Vie et office de
sainte Marine. Textes latins, rec,
coptes, arabes ... publis par Lon
Clugnet avec la collaboration de MM.
E. Blochet, I. Guido, H. Hyvernat, F.
Nau, et F. M. E. Pereira. Paris,
Picard, 1905. 296 p. (His Biblio
thque hagiographique orientale, 8 )
Coptic text, ed. by H. Hyvernat,
pp. 65-73; same as number 1358.
HYVERNAT, HENRY. Vie de Sainte Marine.
IV. Texte copte publi et traduit.
Rev. or. chr. 7, 1902, 136-52.
Clarendon press frag. 59, and Paris
Bib. nat. copte 12913, f. 38-41.
(vol. 40), lfeO.
See number 726
dl S. Mena.
1909, 71-8.
Brevi note sulle memorie
Nuovo bull. arch. cr. 15,
Compares accounts of the life and
martyrdom of St. Menas in the Coptic
and Ethiopie synaxaries with the
archaeological evidence from the
excavations of Kaufmann.
1362. DRESCHER,-JAMES. Apa Mena. A slec
tion of Coptic texts relating to St.
Menas edited with translations and
commentary. Le Caire, 1946. 186 p.
(Publications de la Socit
d'archologie copte. Textes et
documents) '
1363. - St. Menas' camels once more. Soc.
arch. copte. Bull. 7, 1941, 19-32.
Some text and translation, from
Morg. cod. copt. 500.
1364. MIEDEMA, REIN. De heilige Menas.
Rotterdam, Van Hengel, 1913. 135 p.
(Proefschrift. Leiden)
On the life of Menas, the legends,
the texts and the monuments.
1365. MURRAY, MARGARET ALICE. St. Menas of
Alexandria. Soc. Bibl. arch.
Proc. 29, 1907, 25-30, 51-60, 112-22.
Sketch of the life, cuit and miracles
of St. Menas, and descriptions and
plates of the pottery flasks bearing
hls name.
1366. WILBER, DONALD N. The Coptic frescoes of
Saint Menas at Medlnet Habu. Art
bull. 22, 1940, 86-103.
Includes an appendix with translation
from an Ethiopie text of the life of
Menas and a summary of the 19 miracles
performed by hlm.
LEFORT, L. THOPHILE. Fragment copte-
sahidique du martyre de St. Marc. In
Universit catholique, Louvain.
Sminaire historique. Association
des anciens membres. Mlanges
d'histoire offerts Charles Moeller
Louvain, 1914. v. 1, pp. 226-31.
See also number 726 (vols. 21, 38).
1367. BINON, STPHANE. Essai sur le cycle de
Saint Mercure, martyr de Dce et
meurtrier de l'empreur Julien. Paris,
Leroux, 1937. 144 p. (cole haut,
tudes Bib. 63)
La littrature copte arabe, pp. 59-70.
No text.
1368. PIANKOPF, ALEXANDRE. Saint Mercure, Abou
Seifein et les cynocphales. Soc.
arch. copte Bull. 8 , 1942, 17-24.
An Incident relating to the life of
this saint.
The life of Ormophrius, fragment of
apophthegmatic literature, and homi-
lies, omitted from the catalog
(Louvain, 1940) because they were
so fragmentary.
See also number 726 (vol. 48).
See also numbers 716, 726 (vols.
29, 30).
1369. MUNIER, HENRI. Un nouveau martyr copte,
Saint Nabraha. Inst. fr. arch. or.
Bull. 15, 1918, 227-59.
Text and translation.
See also number 726 (vol. 49).
l'Apa Nahroou.
1921, 95-6.
Fragment des Actes de
Rec. de travaux 39,
Text from a fragment in the Institut
franais d'archologie orientale du
son martyre.
1920, 69-80.
Nahroou et les actes de
Ann. du Service 19,
Text and translation of four vellum
pages which belong wlth the leaf pub
lished by Bouriant ln number 715.
1372. AMLINEAU. EMILE CLMENT. Voyage d'un
moine gyptien dans le dsert. Rec.
de travaux 6 , 1885, 166-94.
Text and translation of part of Cod.
Vat. copt. 65, containing a life of
Onnophrius (Banofer).
1373. LEFORT, L. THOPHILE. Fragments coptes.
Muson 58, 1945, 97-120.
pour servir l'histoire de l'gypte
chrtienne au IVe sicle. Histoire
de Saint Pakhme et de ses communauts.
Documents coptes et arabe Indits.
Paris, Leroux, 1889. 711 p. (Mus.
Guimet Ann. 17)
1375. LADEUZE, PAULIN. Les diverses recensions
de la vie de S. Pakhome et leur dpen
dance mutuelle. Muson 16, 1897,
148-71; 17, 1898, 145-68, 269-86,
Dlscusses the Coptic, Greek and
Arable versions. Some passages of
pachmlen mconnu.
Un document
Mus6 on 60, 1947,
1377. Glanures Pachmlennes. Muson 54,
1941, 111-38.
1378. S. Pachomil vita bohairlce scripta.
Parislis, E typographeo reipubllcae-,
1925. 251 p. facsims. -(Corp.
script, christ, or. Copt. serj 3, 7)
Text, Includes some hymns in honor
of St. Pachomius.
C. R. Crum, W. E. J. theol. stud.
28, 1927, 326-8.
1379. S. Pachomil vltae sahidlce scriptae.
Paris iis, E typographeo reipubllcae,
1933. 402 p. (Corp. script, christ,
or. Copt. ser. 3, 8 )
1380. Les vies coptes de S. Pachme et de
ses premiers successeurs. Traduction
franaise. Louvain, Bureaux du
Muson, 1943. 431 p. (Bibliothque
du Muson, v. 16)
See also number 2562.
1381. Vies de S. Pachme. Nouveaux frag
ments. Muson 49, 1936, 219-30.
Text of seven new fragments from
Vlenna, which belong with Brit. mus.
Or. 4719 (b).
1382. PEETERS, PAUL. A propos de la vie
sahidique de S. Pachme. Anal. Boll.
52, 1934, 286-320.
Based on Lefort's dition of the
See also numbers 720, 1050, 1099.
For materlal on the monastlc orders
assoclated with Pachomlus see under
Monasticism, numbers 2476-2569.
PAESE AND THEKLA. See number 726 (vol.
PANEGYRIS. See numbers 726 (vols. 39-41).
----- 1403.
Sancti 'Coluthi et reliquiis aotorum
Sancti Panesniv martyrum, thebalca
fragmenta duo alterum auctlus alterum
nunc primum editum ... Romae, Apud
A. Fulgonium, 1793. 416 p.
PHIB. See number 726 (vol. 56).
fABD AL-MASH,YASS. A Sa'ldic fragment
of the martyrdom of St. Philotheus.
Or. chr. per. 4, 1938, 584-90.
Text and translation of two complt
leavos from the Monastery of al-Barams.
Corresponding.Arable text from MS.
hlst. 480 of the Coptic Musum.
BALESTRI, GIUSEPPE. Di un frammento
palimpsesto copto-saidico del Museo
Borgiano. Bessarlone t13] ser. 2, 4,
1902-3, 61-9.
Sahidic text and Latin translation of
fragments of a life of St. Philotheus.
C. R. Peeters, P. Anal. Boll. 24,
1905, 395-7.
fayoumique du martyre de Saint Philo-
thee. Inst. fr. arch. or. Bull. 22,
1923, 105-13.
Text and translation of No. 47559,
Calro Musum.
MUNIER, HENRI. Un passage nouveau du
martyre de Saint Philothe. Ann. du
Service 16, 1916, 247-52.
Fayyumic text and translation of a
leaf found at Hamoull.
See also numbers 726 (vol. 41),
PHOEBAMMON. See number 726 (vol. 46).
1388. AMLINEAU, MILE CLMENT. tude sur le
Christianisme en gypte au septime
sicle. Un vque de Keft au VI]e
sicle. Inst. d'g. Mm. 2, 1889,
Text and translation of a eulogy on
Pesunthius, bishop of Keft, attributed
to Joannes, presbyterus, and Abba
Moses. Sahldlc version published by
Budge in number 1013.
1389. O'LEAKY, DE LACY EVANS. The Arable life
of S. Pisentius according to the text
of the two manuscripts Paris Bib. nat.
arabe 4785, and arabe 4794. Edited
with Engliah translation. Patrol. or.
22, 1930, 313-488.
Some discussion of the Coptic version.
C. R. Polotaky, H. J. Or. lit.
z. 38, 1935, 15-18.
1390. REVILLOUT, EUGNE. Vie de St. Psunthius,
vque de Coptos. Rev. g. 9, 1900,
177-9; 10, 1902, 165-8.
Bohalric text of an encomlum by Apa
See also number 1013.
coptes du martyre de St. Polycarpe.
Soe. Bibl. arch. Proe. 10, 1887-8,
Bohalric text and translation of
' Cod. Vat. copt. 6 6 .
PSOTAS. See number 726 (vol. 41).
PTELEME. See number 726 (vol. 32).
coptes pour servir l'hlatolre de la
conqute de lgypte par lea Arabes.
J. asiat. aer. 8 , 12, 1888, 361-410.
Text and translation of texts from
manuscripts belonging to the Clarendon
Preas, deposited in the Bodlsian
library. (1) Life of Apa Samuel, monk
of Nitria. (2) Life of the patriarch
Also published separately, Paria,
Imprimerie nationale, 1889.
See also number 726 (vol. 31).
1393. BALESTRI, GIUSEPPE. Il martirlo dl Apa
Saraplone dl Panefsi (testo copto e
traduzione). Besaarione (18) ser. 2,
9, 1905, 33-50, 179-92; [19j ser. 2,
10, 1906, 48-59.
Bohairic text from Cod. Vat. copt.
67, ff. 90-109.
Les quarante-neuf vieillards de Sct.
Texte copte Indit et traduction
franaise. Notices et extr. 39, 2,
1917; 323-58.
Also publlshed separately, Paris,
Klincksieck, 1910. 36 p.
1395. BUCKLE, DAVID PURDY. The forty martyrs
of Sebaste: a study of hagiographie
developmenta. Ryl. 11b. Bull. 6 ,
1921-22, 352-60.
Includes Sahidic text (photograph)
and translation of Ryl. Copt. 94, F.,
2b, 3a, 3b, 4a.
1396. SIMON, JEAN. Le culte des XL martyrs
dans l'Egypte chrtienne. Orientalla
n. s. 3, 1934, 174-6.
STEPHEN. See number 726 (vol. 53).
1400. CHAINE, MaRIUS. La vie et les miracles
de St.^Symon Stylite l'ancien par
M. Chane. Cairo, Institut franaise,
1948. 87 p. (Bibliothque d'tudes
coptes, 3).
1401. CRUM, WALTER EWING. Die koptische ber-
setzung des lebens Symeons des Styll-
ten. Z. neut. wiss. 26, 1927, 119
Translation only.
1402. BATIFFOL, PIERRE. La lgende de Sainte
Thas. Bull, de littrature ecclsi
astique ser. 3, 5, 1903, 207-17,
1122, 1125.
See numbers
1403. BALESTRI, GIUSEPPE. Il martlrio di S.
Teodoro 1'Orientale e de' suoi compagni
Leonzio l'Arabo e Panigiris il Persiano
(testo copto e traduzione). Bessari-
one c19j ser. 2, 10, 1906, 151-68,
248-63; t21j ser. 3, 2, 1907, 34-45.
Bohairic text from Vat. cod. copt.
63, ff. 28-54v. Republlshed ln
number 1285.
See also number 1953.
1397. MUNIER, HENRI. Fragments des actes du
martyre de l'Apa Chnoub. Ann. du
Service, 17, 1917, 145-59.
Text and translation of a Sahidic
text from Hamouli.
1404. QA3TEN, JOHANNES. A Coptic counterpart
to a vision ln the Acts of Perpetua
and Feliclls. Byzantlon 15,
(American serles, 1), 1940-1, 1-9.
The author finds a parallel ln the
Coptic martyrdom of St. Theodore the
Oriental ln Cod. Vat. copt. 63,
pp. 28-54.
See also numbers 716, 726 (vols.
39-41), 1406.
C. R. Sottas, H.
1919, 264-7.
Rev. g. n. s. 1,
1398. SETHE, KURT. Zu den martyreraktan des
Apa Schnube (yNoyee). Z. aeg. spr.
57, 1922, 139-40.
See also number 726 (vol. 41).
1399. MUYSER, JACOB. Notice sur l'identifica
tion d'Apa Sion, martyr copte. Soc.
arch. copte Bull. 9, 1943, 79-92.
1405. HENGSTENBERG, WILHELM. Der drachenkampf
des helligen Theodor. Oriens chr.
n. s. 2, 1912, 78-106, 241-80.
Nachtrag n. s. 3, 1913, 135-7.
Includes the Coptic sources.
1406. WINSTEDT, ERIC OTTO. Coptic texts on
Saint Theodore the General^ St.
Theodore the Eastern, Chamoul and
Justus, edited and translated. Lon
don and Oxford, Williams and Norgate,
1910. 259 p.
C. R. Hengstenberg, W.
22, 1913, 184-94.
Byz. z.
Seo also number 726 (vol. 50-1).
ATKINSON, ROBERT. On South Coptic texts:
N. II.- A criticism on M. Bourlant's
"Eloges du Martyr Victor, fils de
Romanus". R. Irlsh. ac. Proc. ser. 3,
3, 1893-6, 225-84.
BOURIANT, URBAIN. L'loge de l'Ape
Victor, fils de Romano3. Texte
copte-thbaln. Miss. arch. fr. Mm.
8, 1893, 145-268.
Two discourses from a manuscript ln
the Bibliothque Nationale ln Paris.
See also number 2007.
enkomlum auf der. hl. Vlktor. Z.
aeg. spr. 48, 1911, 81-6.
Sahidic text and translation of three
fragments from the manuscript publlshed
by Bourlant (see number 1408). One ls
ln Berlin, two ln the Golenlscheff
See also numbers 726 (vol. 28),
1412. -t-JOM-t NAMAffcopA. NTe Ml An OC pAClVlOC
r pHTOpi OC N 6M K- YPl XMJ C. .
[Calro, 1932j. 653 p.
Euchologlon of the orthodox Copts,
edlted by Gabrlyil cAbd al-Mash and
*Abd al-Mash Mkhl. '
1413. "ojom1 NANAiJ>opA NTEMunoc fti.ciXioc NHrpriropioc
N e n K y P ' X X OC OYO' ? Cy A y M ' N MI T I2& 03l "(
j5T6NipcO^M i,lmlptOOYOJ 6 P0 H fl2lETTiaiNe<<JOY +
NopeoAo^oc anaa- \-kan ica
niaiNepTYf^NiN mmA' cna^ . , Calro, 1936i
889 p. *
A second dition of the Euchologlon
publlshed ln 1927 wlth a revlsed text,
a complt Hat of hymns, and the
Horologlon ln Arable. See also
number 1493.
C. R. Burmester, 0.
stud. 38, 1937, 196-9.
J. theol.
ttij&ujm NTe nieYx^rioN y t
C p A I TTe TTiacOM N T 6 N A N A ^ o p A
NTe t t i ai - i oc PAC i Ai oc Ner i t t i At i oc
rpHropioc NM TIlAriOC KYpi\>>OC NEM
?ank66yxh 6yYB- Al-khlajl al-
mulfaddas. [Calro, Ain Shems press,
1902,. 778 p.
The mass of Sts. Basil, Gregory and
Cyril, wlth other prayers sald ln the
Coptic church, edlted_ln Coptic and
Arable by cAbd al-Masti Sallb.
1415. TiixtoM nt TTi6Yx^or'N *V" [Calro,
1934j. 543 p. Euchologlon of the _
orthodox Copts, edlted by NSshld Sarkls,
1416. Oy - XCOM NTf c t e T p e H y t n y i n n i m y c t h p i o n
e a o Y A . s . [Calro, 1900 j
Rltual, edlted by Cyril II.
1BAN0FER. See Onnophrlus.
1417. ABD AL-MASH, YASSA. St. Cyrille dans
' ln
Liturgy. Euchologlon and Other Rites
e y X O A O r i O N N T T S K . K . X H C I A N A A JA N p I N h .
Khlj al-kanlsat al-Iskandaryah.
[Calro, 1898) 56, 113, 61, 46, 41 p.
The Euchologlon, consistlng of the
liturgies of St. Basil, St. Gregory,
and St. Cyril, preceded by the prayers
of the Evenlng and Mornlng Incense,
and followed by varlous accessory and
variable portions. A rvision for
the use of the Unlat Copts of the
dition publlshed by Tuki (number 1496).
Edlted by Cyril II.
0/ K OY 3SI N C J M - ^H T O y O N N 3M T >( N J 4 N
2>0^o A o r i A NM - V H 6T pe^^6M uJ | n n i i 2>i a k u n
fSfeN N l SY ^H N T f ?A N A poY ? ' N H J A NA TOOY 1,
N 6 M - f - A N A <f O p A K 6 O N ! N M ? A N I M H U ) N e Y X H <
N E W n r T N T l K O N .
[Rome, Propaganda, n. Nd. j
Coptic manual of the liturgy (Unlat).
*XXJ ^ A UA a LJ U# V JA A J.
la liturgie de l'glise copte.
Kyrilliana, 1947.
1418. AL- ABRST AU khidmat al-shamms.
Calro 1899. 19, 572, 36 p.
A readlng book to enable the prlest
to read the Coptic service of the Mass.
1419. ASSEMANI, GIUSEPPE LUIGI. Codex liturgl-
eus eccleslae universae in XV. libros
dis tributus, in quo continentur llbri
rituales, mlssales, pontificales,
officia, dyptica &c. ecclesiarum
occldentis, & orlentis. Romae, ex
typ. Komarek, apud A. Rotilium (apud
haeredes Barbiellini, 1749-66. 13 v.
Work unflnished; only books I-IV and
VIII completed.
Vol. 7: Liber IV, pars 4. Mlssale
Alexandrinum Sanctl Marci in quo
eucharlstiae llturglae omnes antlquae,
ad recentes ecclesiarum Aegypti graece,
coptice, erablce et syrlace exhibentur.
Also Edltio iterata, ad edltionls
principls exemplum, ab Huberto Welter.
Parisiis & Lipsiae, H. Welter, 1902.
13 v. Anastatic reprint.
B., P. V. Il rito copto e la sua litur-
gla. La voce del Nilo 6, 1937, 51-3,
80-2, 102-4, 120-1.
BAUMSTARK, ANTON. Elne aegyptische mess-
und teufliturgie vermutlich des 6.
jahrhunderts. Oriens chr. 1, 1901,
Arabie text and Latin translation.
- Anaphora. In Reallexikon fr Antlke
und Christentum. Leipzig, Hiersemann,
1941-2. Lief. 2, pp. 418-27.
- Fragmente koptischer liturgischer hand-
schriften. Oriens chr. n. s. 2, 1912,
Notice of liturgical fragments from
the monastery of al-Barams ln the
Nitrian desert,
Saidische und griechische liturgie-
denkmaler. Oriens chr. ser. 3, 2 r24i,
1927, 379-80.
Describes the contents of a manuscript
in the Universitatsbibliothek, Bonn,
which was mentioned by Goussen in
number 1449.
liturgy Coram patrlarcha aut eplscopo
in the Coptic church. Muson 49,
1936, 79-84.
Arabie text of the liturgy, and
Coptic text of th hymn a k 4*i t ^apic .
1432. The office of genufleetion on Whit-
sunday. Muson 47, 1934, 205-57.
1433. - Two services of the Coptie church
attributed to Peter, blshop of
Behnes. Muson 45, 1932, 235-54.
Service over the basln (lakane) on
the feast of SS. Peter and Paul, and
service of the conscration of new
fonts. Arable text and translation.
1434. - Vesting prayers and ceremonies of the
Coptie chureh. Or. chr. per. 1,
1935, 305-14.
Arabie text and translation.
WALLIS. The blesslng of the waters
on the Eve of Epiphany. Londcm, 1901.
249 p.
- Die syrische anaphora des Severus von
Antiochela. Jahrb. liturg. 2, 1922,
Comparison of the Latin translation
of the Sahidic and Syrlac versions.
BONJOUR, GUILLAUME. In monumenta coptlca
seu aegyptiaca Blbllothecae Vatlcanae
exercitatio. Romae, Acsamitek, 1699.
35 p.
Contalns the Confesslo in Arabie,
Greek and Coptic.
eastern and westerns belng the texts
original or translated of the principal
liturgies of the church. Edlted with
introductions and appendices ... on the
basis of the former work by C. H.
Hammond. Vol. 1. Oxford, Clarendon
press, 1896. 603 p.
BRINKTRINE, J. Zwei auffallende bezeich-
nungen fr die konsekrierten partikeln
in den orientalisehen liturgien.
Theol. u. piaube 34, 1942, 213-4.
and Arabie versions of the Mystagogia.
Muson 46, 1933, 203-35.
Text and translation of Cairo Copt.
mus, Cod. 253, and Cod. Borg. Arab. 22,
ff. 28-31.
The Greek krugmata, versicles and
responses, and hymns in the Coptic
liturgy. Or. chr. per. 2, 1936,
Sets out the Greek passages, ln the
order in which they occur in the Coptic
1436. - The Coptic mornlng service for the
Lord*s Day. Tr. into English.
London, CSpe and Fenwiek, 1908. 170 p.
1437. CHAINE, MARIUS. La conscration et
l'piclse dans le missel copte.
Rev. or. chr. ser. 2, 7 r17i, 1912,
225-43. * '
Bohalric -feaxt and Latin translation.
1438. CODRINGTON, H. W. The heavenly altar
and the eplelesls in Egypt, J. theol.
stud. 39, 1938, 141-50.
1439. CRAMER, MARIA. Monastlsche liturgie
in koptlschen klSstern. Jahrb. liturg,
14, 1938, 230-42
1440. DELAPORTE, LOUIS JOSEPH. Le rite copte
de la prise d'habit et de la profes
sion monacale d 1aprs les manuscrits
de la Bibliothque nationale. Rev.
or. chr. ser. 2, 1 [llj, 1906, 311-12.
A note on Evetts' article of the
sam title, number 1447.
1441. DENZINGER, Rltus orlentalium: Coptorum,
Syrorum et Armenorum, in admlnis-
trandls sacramentis. Wirceburgi,
1863-4. 2 v. in 1.
1442. DREWS, PAUL. ber altagyptische tauf-
gebete. Z. klrchenges. 28, 1907,
129-58, 261-98.
Not a Coptic text, but refers to
1443. ENGBERDING, HIERONYMUS. 'as eucharis-
tische hochgebet der Basileiosliturgie.
Textgeschlchtliche untersuchungen und
krltische ausgabe. Munster 1. W.,
A study of the Egyptian, Armenlan,
Syrlan and Byzantine texts.
Ein problem ln der homologla vor der
hl. konmiunion ln der Sgyptlschen litur
gie. Or. chr. per. 2, 1936, 145-54.
ERMONI, V. L'ordinal copte. Rev. or.
chr. 3, 1898, 31-8, 191-9, 282-91,
425-34; 4, 1899, 104-15, 416-27, 591
604; 5, 1900, 247-53.
Text and translation.
Rituel copte du baptme et du mariage.
Rev. or. chr. 5, 1900, 445-60; 6, 1901,
453-69; 7, 1902, 303-18; 9, 1904,
Text and translation.
copte de la prise d'habit et de la
profession monacale. Rev. or. chr.
ser. 2, 1 jll], 1906, 60-73, 130-48.
Bohairic text from a Coptic-rabic
manuscript in the Bodleian library
dated 1339, wj,th translation.
See also number 1440.
> The rites of the Coptic church. The
Order of baptism and the Order of
matrlmony accordlng to the use of the
Coptic church. Tr. from Coptic mss.,
London, Nutt, 1888. 61 p. p
GOUSSEN, HEINRICH. ber elnen neuen
orlentalisch-llturgischen fund.
Oriens chr. ser. 3, 1 [23], 1927,
Notice of a manuscript of liturgical
content in the Universit'tsbibliothek
Bonn. See also number 1424.
GRAF, GEORG. Ein arablsches poenitentiale
bel den Kopten. Oriens chr. ser. 3,
10 [ 32j . 1935, 100-23.
German and Latin translation of an
Arable manuscript.
Aschendorff, 1931. 89 p. (Theologle
das christlichen oatena, texte und
untersuchungen, 1)
1453. HABIB AL-MASRI, IRIS. The rite of the
filling f the chalice. Soc. arch.
copte Bull. 6, 1940, 77-90.
Form for the conscration of a second
chalice during the liturgy, should
some defect be noticed in the original.
Text from Cairo Copt. mus. cod. 330
1454. HANNA, JOSEPH. Office of the Holy
Communion accordlng to the usage of
the Coptic church in Egypt, from the
divine liturgy of St. Mark the Evan-
gelist. Tran3lated by Joseph Hanna.
New York, Whlttaker, 1875. [32 p.j
Translation only.
1455. HANSSENS, J. M. Institutlones liturgicae
de ritibus orientallbus. Romae, Pont.
Universits Gregoriana, 1930-2. 3 v.
Spcial attention to the Coptic rite.
1456. HEFFENING, W. Zwel altertrnllche litan-
eien aus dem Paschabuch der koptische
kirche, aus dem arabischen bsrsetzt
und untersucht. Mit einem anhang
von Prof. Anton Baumstark. Oriens
chr. ser. 3, 14, [36,, 1939, 74-100.
1457. HORKER, GEORGE WILLIAM. The conscra
tion of a church, altar, and tank,
accordlng to the ritual of the Coptic-
Jacobite church (descrlbed from a
manuscript of the fourteenth century,
presented to the Bishop of Sallsbury
by the Patrlarch of Alexandria), (with
a note by the Bishop of Salisburyj.
Soc. Bibl. arch. Proc. 21, 1899, 86
- Llturglsche anwelsungen des koptischen
patriarchen Kyrillos Ibn Laklak aus
dem arabischen bersetzt. *Jahrb.
liturg. 4, 1924, 119-34. 1460.
Deals wlth the liturgical use of the
patrlarch Cyril, from Vat. cod. arab.
U 7.
- ber den gebrauch des welhrauchs bel
den Kopten, In Ehrengabe deutacher
wlaaenachaft dargeboten (dem Prlnzen
Johann Georg Herzog zu Sachsen) zum
50 geburtstag von kathollschen gelehrterv 1461.
Freiburg i. B., Herder, 1920. pp. 223
1458. - The service for the conscration of a
church and altar accordlng to the
Coptic rite. Ed. wlth translations
from a Coptic and Arabie manuscript
of A. D. 1307. London, Harrison,
1902, 504 p.
C. R. Evetts, B. Rev. or. chr.
ser. 2, 1 [11,, 1906, 108-10.
HYVERNAT, HENRY, Fragmente der altcoD-
tischen liturgie. Rom. quart. 1,
[1887], 330-45; 2, 1888, 20-7.
Latin translation of Zoega C-CX..
KHULJ AL-IDDS Bsliys. [Cairo,
1887] 423, 10 p.
The anaphora of St. Basil and St.
Gregory, followed by the prayers of
the Evening and Morning Incense. The
Coptic text wlth an Arabie translation,
edlted by Philotheos, hegumenos of the
Patrlarchal church at Cairo.
KIRCHER, ATHANASIUS. Rituale eccleslaa
aegyptiaeae sive Cophtitarura ... ex
llngua copta & arabica in latlnam
transtulit. Jta Allacci, Leone.
14 63.
KITB M YAJIBU al al-sharamlsat.
[Cairo, 1887] 191 p.
The Diaconicon containing the deacon'?
part of the anaphora and of the ser
vices of the Evening and Moming In-
cense. The Coptic text with an Arabie
translation, edited by Philotheos,
hegumenos of the Patriarchal church
at Cairo.
tKOROLEVSKIJ, C.j Sull' abbreviazione
del rito alessandrino del battesimo,
dlia cresima e cerimonie annesse
presso 1 Copti e gli Etiopici.
Vaticane, Sacra Congregazione per la
chiesa orientale, 1943. 68, 83 p.
KROPP, ANGELICUS M. Die koptlsche
anaphora des heiligen evangelisten
Matthaus. Oriens chr. 29 [Ser. 3,
7 j, 1932, 111-25.
Sahidic text and translation, from
Paris Bib. nat. copte 12920, ff. 127r-
NI ?H0l A4Ton Mi e TTI rMHB NTe ni I1A. NOY09M
ME b>M S** BOyi k Ci k NI MTTeNl l OT TTI HOYT
ttatt* abba k y P'^oc TiiMAj. [Cairo, 1905]
The burial rite.
TTi et ozc e Y nc m nt s as ba ceepapy.
[Cairo, 1909j ~
The rite of extreme unction, and the
prayer of Abba Stherpou.
Uas5b. Or. chr. par. 10, 1944,
Gives the text of the Coptic prayer
over the beliari (a vessel).
- Le Ma. Vatican copte 44 et le Livre
du Chrme (Us. Paris arabe 100).
Muson 45, 1932, 181-234.
Arabie t6xt and translation.
LIETZMANN, HANS. Sahidische bruchstcke
der Gregorioa- und Kyrlllosliturgie.
Oriens chr. n. s. 9, 1920, 1-19.
Cod. Borg. copt. 109100 in the
Vatican: text, translation and Greek
MA*MDYAH al-nulfaddasah. [Cairo, 1896]
182 p.
The ritual of baptism according to
the Coptic church. Coptic and Arabie
MACAIRE, La messe copte. Liturgie
copte alexandrine dite de saint
Basile le grand. Rev. or. chr. 4,
1899, 14-43.
{up)i<.KTa. Venetiis, typiB Jo.
Baptistae Pasquali, 1733, pp. 50-58.
French translation.
1472. MCPHERSON, J. W. The Coptic Mandatum.
Pax 22, 1932, 83-5.
The ceremony of foot-washing on
Maundy Thursday.
1473. MALAN, SOLOMON CAESAR. The divine
E;ro>kyiov and the divine liturgy of
S. Gregory the Theologian translated
from an old Coptic manuscript. Lon
don, Nutt, 1875. 90 p. (Original
documents of the Coptic church, 5-6)
1474. The divine liturgy of Saint Mark the
Evangelist. Translated from an old
Coptic manuscript, and compared with
the printed copy of that same liturgy
as arranged by S. Cyril. London,
Nutt, 1872. 63 p. (Original docu
ments of the Coptic church, 1)
Translation only.
1475. MORIN, JEAN. Coimentariua de sacris
ecclesiae ordinationibus, secundum
antiquos et rocentiores latinos,
graecos, syros et babylonios ...
Plurimi ordlnationura libelli rituales
... eduntur ... His accedunt Symeonls
Thessalonicensls archiepiscopi Liber
de sacramento or^inls ; Auxilii de
ordinationibus Formosi papae non
iterandis libri duo; Cophticarura
ordinationum exemplar ... Paris iis,
sumptibus G. Meturas, 1655. 3 pts.
Reprints Kircher's Latin translation
of the ordination rite of the Copts,
pp. 440-0 (see number 1461).
Later ditions Paris 1686, Antwerp
and Amsterdam, 1695, 1709.
1476i MUYSER, JACOB. Het helig offer in den
koptlschen ritus volgens den H.
Baslllus den Groote. 2d. ed.
Nijmegen, 1928. 64 p,
A Dutch translation of the Coptic
liturgy of St. Basil.
1477. ORDO HEBDOMODARE sanctae secundum ritum
ecclesiae copticae Alexandrinae.
Cairo, Marcion Catholic press, 1900.
1478. POCHOU, L. A. Notice sur le manuscrit
copte-arabe no. 2 de l'institut
catholique de Paris. Rev. or. chr.
21 [Ser. 3, 1] 1918-19, 241-5,
Bohalric text and translation of the
Oratio super eulogiam, and Oratio
super mensam post cornestionem,
1479. REIMBOLD, DIETRICH. De Coptorum sacre
ment is baptisml atque eucharlstlae.
Lipsiae, litteris J. C. Langenhemii,
1736. 30 p.
1480. RENAUDIN, PAUL. Les manuscrits litur
giques coptes de la Bibliothque
nationale de Paris. Bessarione 10
[Ser. 2, 1] 1901-2, 229-31.
Brief list without descriptions.
RENAUDIN, PAUL. La masse copte. Rev.
or. chr. 4, 1899, 14-43.
Translation only.
RENAUDOT, EUSBE. Liturgiarum orient-
alium collectio. Accedunt disserta-
tiones quatuor. I. De liturgiarum
orientalium origine et autoritate.
II. De liturgiis Alexandrinis. III.
De lingua coptica. IV. De patri-
archa Alexandrino cum officio ordina-
tinis ejusdm. Parisiis, Coignard,
1716. 2 v.
Also Ed. 2a. correctior. Franco-
fur ti ad Moenum, Baer, 1847. 2 v.
RODWELL, JOHN MEDOWS. The liturgies of
S. Basil, S. Gregory and S. Cyril
translated frora a Coptic manuscript
of the thlrteenth century. London,
1870. 42 p. (Eastern church asso
ciation. Occasional papers no. 12)
From a manuscript now in the library
of Lord Crawford.
RUCKER, ADOLF. Die feierliche kniebeu-
gungszeremonie zu Pfingsten in den
prientalischen riten. In Heilige
berlieferung; ausschnit'E aus der
geschichte des monchtums und des
heiligen kultas dem ... herrn abte von
Maria Laach ... Ildefons Herwegen zum
sllbernen abtsjubilaum dargeboten ...
gesaironelt von Odo CaseBi Mnster
i/l., Aschendorff, 1938. pp. 193-211.
Der ritus der bekleidung mit dem
ledernen mcSnchsschema bei den Syrern.
Oriens chr. n. s. 4, 1915, 219-37.
Syriac text and comparaison with the
Coptic rite.
Uber altartafeln im koptischen und den
brigen riten des orients. In
Ehrengabe deutscher wissenschFt
dargeboten (dem Prinzen Johann Georg
Herzog zu Sachsen) zum 50 geburtstag
von kathollschen gelehrten. Freiburg
i. B., Herder, 1920. pp. 209-21.
SALAVILLE, SEVr IEN. Liturgies orientales;
notions gnrales, lments principaux.
Pris, Bloud et Gay, 1932. 218 p.
(Bibliothque catholique des sciences
Includes an account of the Coptic
SCHERMANN, THEODOR. Agyptlsche abend-
mahlsliturgien des ersten jahrtausends
in ihrer berlieferung. Paderborn,
Schoningh, 1912. 25g p. (Stud.
gesch. altertums. 6L~~)
Some reference toathe Coptic text
and translation of a few passages from
Agapen in Agypten und die liturgie der
vorgeheiligten elemente, Theol. u.
glaube 5, 1913, 177-87.
1490. Der aufbau der Sgyptlschen abendmahla-
liturgien vom 6. Jahrhundert an.
Katholik 92 tser. 4, 9,, 1912, 229-54,
325-54, 396-417.
No Coptic text, but passages from the
1491. Rubrizistische vorschriften fur die
kirche und messe nach Sgyptlschen
quelien vom 3. - 6. Jahrhundert.
Theol. u. glaube 4, 1912, 817-30.
1492. SCIALACH, VICTOR. Llturgiae S. Basilii
Magni, S. Gregorii theologi, S. Cyrilli
Alexandrlnl. Ex arablco conversae.
Augustae Vindelicolum, apud C. Mangum,
1604. 78 p.
Translation only.
1493. SIMON, JEAN. L'Euhologe copte-arabe
des "Abn Jl-Kanisah. Orientalia
n. s. 7, 1938, 112-17.
See number 1413.
1494. TUKI, RAPHAL. msscari 6MepMTA.NToK.TiN
62 m n i e y x H SOYa.3. rAl-aalawt
al-mukaddasah], Rome, 1761-2^ 2 v.
Pontificial and Euchologlon in Coptic
tand Arabie.
Vol. 2 has 'title! Tnnepoc. m m a c n a Y'V
N T T7I 6y X ^ O r i O N .
1495. n u m n n t s - t - M 6 Tp 6 > i y e H y i N N i n y c TH p i o w
e e y AM 2 SI N ? H 0 I N Te IHI p e ^ M O O T
N M I N ^ O C HJ6M TI I K A TA N e p O C M A B O T
rKhidmat al-asrr al-mukaddasah]
Rome, 1763. 706 p.
The services of the Holy Mystories,
except those of the Eucharist and
Holy Order, togethr with the burlal
services, psalms for certain days, and
the monthly Katameros. Coptic text
with Arabie translation.
1496. - - - T T 1 U M N Te TTI y O M j - N A N A C^ Op A 6 T6 NAI N 6 M
7TI A r i O C PA C l X l O C N f m TTI A r i o t r p H TO p i O C F I 060-
X o r o c N H n i A n o c K y p i X X o c n e m n i k s e o y A S -
tRome, 1736j 588, 479 p.
The anaphora of St. Basil, St. Greg
ory, and St. Cyril, preceded by the
prayers of the Evening ar.d Morning
Incense, and other prayers. Coptic
text with Arabie translation.
gottesdienst der koptischen kirche.
St. Petersburg, 1897. 20 p. (In
Commentationes philologicae en 1'Hon
neur de M. Pomjalowski)
In Russlan. Text of the liturgical
portion of the service.
1498. VILLECOURT, L0UI3. La lettre de Macaire,
vque de Memphis, sur la liturgie
antique du chrme et du baptme
Alexandrie. Muson 36, 1923, 33-46.
Translation only.
Translation oniy of an Arabie manu
script on the conscration of the
chrism in the Coptic church.
Les observances liturgiques et la
discipline du Jene dans l'glise copte,
(Ch. XVI-XIX de la Lampe des tnbres
rof Abu al-5arakati). Muson 36,
1923, 249-92; 37, 1924, 201-80; 38,
1925, 261-320.
Translation oniy.
- Le rite copte de la profession mona
cale pour les religieuses. Bessari-
one 26 (ser. 3, 7,, 1909, 35-49, 309
Historial Introduction concerning
rellgious organizatlons of women ln
Egypt, followed by the Bohalric text
and French translation of the rite,
from four manuscripts in the Vatican
and the British musum.
the eucharist. London, Mowbray,
Milwaukee, U. S. A., Young Churchman
co., 1913. 79 p. illus. (Alcuin
club tracta 10)
Coptic practices, pp. 46-7.
- Coptic offices, translated. London,
Society for promoting Christian knowl
edge: New York and Toronto, Macmillan,
1930. 154 p. (Translations of
Christian literature. Sris III.
Llturgical texts)
VILLECOURT, LOUIS. Le livre du chrme.
Muson 41, 1928, 49-80.
See aiso numbers 726 (vola. 12-14),
976, 1212.
Liturgy. Calendar and Synaxary
arabe Jacobite (rdaction copte).
Texte arabe publi, traduit et annot.
Patrol. or. 1, 1907, 215-379; 3, 1909,
243-545; 11, 1915, 505-059; 16, 1922,
185-424; 17, 1923, 525-782; 20, 1929,
C. R. Guidi, I.
1904, 432-7.
Oriens chr. 4,
date and authorshlp of the Arable
synaxarium of the Coptic church.
J. theol. stud. 39, 1938, 249-53.
I CALENDARI TOMEO e Copto. Bessarlone 2,
1897-8, 48-50.
Note on number 1520.
1507. DELEHAYE, HIPPOLYTUS. Le calendrier
d'Oxyrhynque pour l'anne 535-6.
Anal. Boll. 42, 1924, 83-99.
Notes on local saints and churches.
1508. DIX, G. The Coptic calendar. Laudate
17, 1939, 56-61.
A discussion of "The Saints of Egypt"
by O'Leary (number 1294).
1509. FORGET, J. Synaxarium Alexandrlnum.
Romae, Excudebat Karolus de Lulgi,
1905-. v. 1-. (Corp. script, christ,
or. Arab. ser. 3, 18- )
1510. GRAF, GEORG. Zur autorschaft des
arablschen synaxare der Kopten.
Orientalia 9, 1940, 240-3.
1511. GREBAUT, SYLVAIN. Quelques mnologes
thiopiens. A propos du synaxalre.
Rev. or. chr. 22 rser. 3, 2], 1920-21,
100-8 .
Contalns, p. 108, a table comparlng
the Ethiopie and Coptic-Arabic meno-
The Oxyrhynchus papyri ... ed. with
translations and notes. London,
Egypt exploration fund, 1898-. v. 1-.
(Eg. expi. soc. Graeco-Rom. mem.)
Vol. 11, no. 1357, A calendar of
church services.
Greek text, but Includes much on
Coptic observances.
1513. GRIVEAU, ROBERT. Les ftes des Melchltes,
par al-Birouni. Lesj^ftes des Coptes,
par al-Maqrlzl. Calendrier Maronite,
par Ibn-al-Qolal. Textes arabes
dits et traduits. Patrol. or. 10,
1915, 287-356.
1514. HABASH, YSUF. Dall al-sinaksr al-
Kubtl. tCairo, 1894 } 344 p.
A calendar of the saints of the Cop
tic church; contalns lectlons for the
days of the month and Sundays in the
orthodox Marclan church.
1515. MALAN, SOLOMON CAESAR. The calendar of
the Coptic church. Translated from
an Arabie ma., with notes. London,
Nutt, 1873. 91 p. (Original docu
ments of the Coptic church, 2)
1516. NAU, FRANOIS NICOLAS. Le calendrier
d'Aboul-Barakat, traduit en Latin par
Renaudot. Rev. or. chr. 13 rser. 2,
3], 1908, 113-33.
Chapter 22 of the Lamp of darkness.
1517. Les mnologes des vangllalres coptes
arabes dits et traduits. Patrol.*
or. 10, 1915, 165-244.
Arabie text.
C. R. Grebaut, S. Rev. or. chr.
18 tser. 2, 8j, 1913, 333-6.
NILLES, NICOLAS. Calendrier de l'glise
copte d'Alexandrie rdig par le R. P.
Nicolas Nllles. Traduction franaise
par Lon Clugnet. Rev. or. chr. 2,
1897, 307-39.
--- Ein festverzelchnlss der kathollschen
Kopten. Z. kath. theol. 4, 1880,
Kalendarlum manuale utrlusque ecclslae
orlentalls et occldentalls academlls
clerlcorum accomodatum ausplclls
commlssarll apostollcl. Oenlponte,
Rauch (Pustet) 1896-7. 2 v.
Annus eccleslastlcus Coptorum: vol. 2,
pp. 689-724.
See also number 1506.
Prellmlnary notes on vol. 2, Bessarl-
one 2, 1897-8, 153-61.
SCHERMANN, THEODOR. Der agyptlsche fest-
kalendar vom 2. - 7. Jahrhndert.
Theol. u. glaube 5, 1913, 89-102.
TISSERANT, EUGNE. Le calendrier
d'Abou'l-Barakt. Texte arabe dit
et traduit. Patrol. or. 10, 1915,
Chapter 22 of the Lamp of darkness.
slnaksr; Synaxarlum, das lst
Helllgen-kalender der coptlschen
Christen aus dem arabischen ttbersetzt.
Gotha, Perthes, 1879. 323 p.
Complled by Mlchael, bp. of Athrlbls,
and others.
Liturgy. Horologlon
ttissom ntni^jsit. [Calro, Roman con
grgation of oriental churches, 1930j.
Coptic and Arable.
BAUMSTARK, ANTON. Palastlnenslsches
erbe lm byzantlnlschen und koptischen
Horologlon. In Int. cong. Byz.
stud. 5th, Rome, 1936. Attl, vol. 2,
pp. 463-9.
canonlcal hours of the Coptic church.
Or. chr. per. 2, 1936, 78-100.
Historical development of the offices,
comparlson of the Coptic and Greek
Troparla and Theotokla of the Office
of Sext, and synopsis of the Horologlon
of the Coptic church.
Liturgy. Lectionary
1527. BAUMSTARK, ANTON. Ein grlechlsch-
arablsches Perlkopenbuch des koptischen
rltus. Oriens chr. n. s. 3, 1913,
No text. Note on a manuscript ln
K. Unlversltats- und landesblbllothek
zu Strassburg.
1528. - Das Leydener grlechlsch-arablsche
Perlkopenbuch fur die Kar- und Oster-
woehe. Oriens chr. n. s. 4, 1915,
No text.
1529. Die quadrageslmale alttestamentllche
schrlftlesung des koptischen rltus.
Ein beisplel llturglegeschlchtllcher
methodlk. Oriens chr. 25-6 jser. 3,
3-4,, 1930, 37-58.
1530. BOURIANT, URBAIN. Fragments memphltlques
de divers livres Indits de l'Ecrlture
et des Instructions pastorales des
pres de l'glise copte. Rec. de
travaux 7, 1886, 82-94.
Text of portions from the Wlsdom of
Jsus, Wlsdom of Solomon, etc.,
gathered ln a manuscript of readlngs
for the Pascal week.
Bohairic perlcopae of Wlsdom and
Slrach. Bibllca 15, 1934, 451-65;
16, 1935, 25-57, 141-74.
1532. The Bohairic perlcope of III Klngdoms
xviii 36-39. J. thol. stud. 36,
1935, 156-60.
Text, translation and collation wlth
Greek manuscripts.
1533. The homllles or exhortations of the
Holy Week lectionary. Muson 45,
1932, 21-70.
Text and translation of the oldest
dated manuscript for each homlly.
1534. - Le lectlonnalre de la semaine sainte.
Texte copte dit avec traduction
franaise d'aprs le manuscrit Add.
5997 du British Musum. Patrol. or.
24, 1933, 169-294; 25, 1935-9, 175-485.
1535. GILMORE, JOHN E. Manuscript portions of
three Coptic lectlonarles. Soc. Blbl.
arch. Proc. 24, 1902, 186-91.
Short explanatlon of the lectionary
system of the Egyptian church, and the
days wlth thelr le3sons from fragments
of three Bohairic lectlonarles. No
texts glven.
enlgmatlc wrltlng on the coffln of
Setl I. Z. aeg. spr. 11, 1873,
Appends an obscur text from an 1544,
early Coptie lectionary which is mainly
Greek, but in Coptic letters.
HEER,^JOSEPH MICHAEL. Neue griechisch-
saidische Evangelien-fragmente.
Oriens chr. n. s. 2, 1912, 1-47.
Text of a Preiburg manuscript con-
taining a Rsurrection pericope for 1545.
Easter week, extracts from the Gospels
of Luke and Mark. See also numbers
1538, 1541.
- Zu den Preiburger griechisch-sadischen
Evangellenfragmenten. Oriens chr.
n. a. 3, 1913, 141-2. 1546.
Note on the identification of this
fragment as belonging to a manuscript
in the Morgan library which contalns
a Greek-Sahidic Katameros. See
numbers 1537, 1541.
C.^R. Cauwenbergh, P. Rev. hist. 1547.
eccls. 14, 1913, 632-4.
N K y r TTl K OC Nl C^ OOy N M
Nl Hy p l AKH N H Tl UJA C NT6 MI M N6 H NH6 Y
[Cairo, 1900-2j 4 v.
Text in Coptic and Arabie.
and vers icles for every Sunday and
other feast day in the year, as used
in the Coptie church. Translated
from a Coptic manuscript. London,
Nutt, 1874. 82 p. (Original docu- 1549.
ments of the Coptic church, 4)
MEYER, PH. Neue griechisch-saidische
Evangelienfragmente. Theol. lit.
z. 38, 1913, 765.
Note identifying a manuscript in the
Preiburg Unlversitats bibliothek as
part of a Graeco-Sahidic Katameros in
the Morgan library. See also numbers
Liturgy. Hymns
fABD AL-MASH, YASS. Doxologles in the
Coptic church. Soc. arch. copte
Bull. 4, 1938, 97-113; 5, 1939, 175
91; 6, 1940, 19-76; 8, 1942, 31-61.
BADET, LOUIS. Chants liturgiques des
Coptes, nots et mis en ordre. Le
Caire, Collge de la Sainte Famille,
1899. 2 pts.
Pt. 1. Office de la Sainte Messe.
Chants du peuple et du diacre.- pt. 2.
Missel comprenant trois messes notes.
Messe de St. Basile.
Words and muslc.
BAUMSTARK, ANTON. Drei grlechlsche
passionsgesange agyptischer liturgie.
Versuch einer textgestaltung. Oriens
chr. 25-26 cser. 3, 3-4 3, 1930, 69-78.
Text of three Greek hymns used in
the Coptic liturgy on Maundy Thursday
and ffood Friday.
BLINS, JULES. Chants liturgiques des
Coptes, nots et mis en ordre. Le
Caire, Imprimerie nationale, 1888.
95 p.
Muslc and words,
BOURIANT, URBAIN. Petits monuments et
petits textes recueillis en Egypte.
Rec. de travaux 7, 1886, 114-3.
Includes text of two Coptic hymns
in honor of St, George, in rhymed
stanzas of four lines.
lectionary poem (from ms. 408, Coptic
musum, Cairo). Muson, 43, 1930,
Text and translation.
The translation of St. Iskhiron of
Killin. (Additional note). Muson
48, 1935, 81-5.
Text of a hyran on the translation of
St. Iskhiron, contained in a manuscript
in the Coptic musum, Cairo.
The translation of St. Iskhiron of
illin on the 7th of Tbah. (With
additionarl note on the hymns com-
mamorating the martyrdom of Abu Isk-
hirn). Muson 47, 1934, 1-11.
Coptic texts from a manuscript in
the Church of the Virgin of Kasrlyat
al-P.ihan, Old Cairo, and Cairo, Copt.
mua. Ms. eccl. 357, v. 5. Additional
notes on a hymn published by Evelyn
White, number 723, vol, 1.
The Turht the Coptic church.
Or. chr. per. 3, 1937, 78-109.
General discussion of the Turht,
and text and translation of flrst and
last stanzas.
1551. The Turuht of the Coptic year.
chr. per.'3, 1937, 505-49.
Text and translation of the flrst
and last stanzas, and subjects of the
Turht for the principal Sundays and
feasts of the Coptic year.
The Turht of the saints. Soc.
arch."Copte Bull. 4, 1938, 141-94;
5, 1939, 85-157.
Contalns slections from text of a
manuscript in the library of the Church
of the Virgin of Kasrlyat al-Rlhan,
Old Cairo, and of Ms. lit. no. 323
of the Coptic Musum, Old Cairo.
1553. DELAPORTE, LOUIS JOSEPH. Quelques textes
coptes de la Bibliothque nationale sur
les XXIV vieillards de l'Apocalypse.
Rev. or. chr. 18 iser. 2, 8j, 1913,
[I] _Tt, Bbah, Hatr. II. Kyahk-
iiov * or % viir t jlo i s oi ^ C| 01 ^
411-16; 19 tser. 2, 9j, 1914, 58-60.
Bohairic text and translation of four
liturgical hymns, and collation and
translation of three others publlshed
by Gaselee ln number 1556.
1554. ENGELBACH, REGINALD. Alphabetic hymn in
Coptic (Boheiric dialect). Ann. du
Service 21, 1921, 110-17.
Text from a paper manuscript in the
author's possession.
1555. GALTIER, EMILE. Mmoires et fragments
indits, runis et publis, par M.
Emile Chasslnat. Le Caire, Impri
merie de l'institut franais d'archo
logie orientale, 1912. 194 p.
(Inst. fr. arch. or. Mm. 27)
Chiefly Arable texts, but contalns
one short Coptic fragment on p. 120s
Hymn of the martyr Sallb.
1556. GASELEE, STEPHEN. De xxiv senlorlbus
apocalyptlcls et de nomlnlbus eorum.
In tes Parerga coptica. Canta-
brlglae, Typls academlcls, 1912-14.
no. 1.
Three liturgical hymns. See also
number 1553.
1557. Hymni duo de Slnuthlo. Muson 33
tser. 3, I], 1915, 116*8.
Text and Latin translation from
Rylands Cod. 431, f. 262, and from
a codex belonglng to the author.
1558. - Hymnus de Slnuthlo. In hls Parerga
coptica. Cantabrlglae, Typis aca-
demicls, 1912-14. no. 3.
1559. HATHERLT, S. G. Coptic eccleslastlcal
musle. Scottish review 15, 1890,
Based on number 1545.
1560. HEBBELYNCK, ADOLPHE. Un fragment de
Psalmodie du manuscrit Vatican copte
23, en dialecte bohalrique. Muson
44, 1931, 153-68.
Text and translation.
1561. JERNSTEDT, P. Ein kirchenpoetlsches
papyrusfragment. Aegyptus 5, 1924,
From the collection of B. Turaiev.
1562. JUNKER, HERMANN. Eine sa'dische rezen-
sion des engelshymnus. Oriens chr. 6,
1906, 442-6.
Coptic with parallel Greek text
-|- \|rA A MOi * W\ S V NT T I pOM T J I H ^p n f
TA . y p A y e N3S6 N N I O t I M f e K K X H CI A . _
MpeMNxHMi. Kitb ai-Absalmudyat
al-sanawyat al-mukaddasah. rCalro,
The psalmodia for the year.
1564. LEFORT, L. THEOPHILE. Un passage obscur
des hymnes Chenoute. Orlentalla
n. s. 4, 1935, 411-15.
1565. LEIPOLDT, JOHANNES. Ein bohalrlsches
lied zum prelse Schenutes. Z. aeg.
spr. 43, 1906, 152-6.
A fragment of a liturgical manuscript
on paper in the Golenischeff collec
tion in St. Petersburg. Bohairic
text and translation.
1566. AL-LULUWAT AL-BAHYAH fi al-tartl al-
ruhyah. tCairo, 1896]
Collection of Coptic hymns.
Kitab turht al-baskhah al-mukaddasah.
tCairo, 1914] 255 p. '
Book of the furht of the Holy
Pascha, ln Coptlp and Arable.
1568. MEARNS, JAMES. The cantlcles of the
Christian church, eastern and western,
ln early and mdival tlmes. Cam
bridge, The Unlversity press, 1914.
105 p. facslms.
Includes chapter on the Coptic
1569. NEPPI-MODONA, ALDO. L'innologle cris
tiana primitiva (a proposito del
nuovo frammento di Ossirinco).
Bilychnls 20, 1922, 15-26.
Dlscusses the odes of Solomon, and
the psalms of the Pistis Sophia, and
draws lnferences as to the musical
1570. NEWLANDSMITH, ERNEST. The ancient mus le
of the Coptic church; a lecture de-
livered at the Unlversity church,
Oxford. London, The new life movement,
[1931]. 10 p.
1571. O'LEAKY, DE LACY EVANS. The Difnar
(Antiphonarlum) of the Coptic church.
London, Luzac, 1926-8. 2 v.
With appendlx contalning a hymn
fragment preserved in Bristol musum,
C. R. Anthes, R. Or. lit. z. 30,
1927, 359-60; 33, 1930, 436-7; 36,
1933, 736-7.
Crum, W. E. R, Aslat. soc.
J. 1926, 736-7; 1928, 977-9.
a Coptic manuscript.
3, 1934, 201-4.
A Greek hymn ln
Orientalla n. s.
Text from Paris Blb. nat. copte 12920f
ff. 117v-118v. An alphabetlcal hymn
on the Rsurrection put together ln
Greek by a Coptic wrlter.
- Pragmentary Coptic hymns from the Wadl
n-Natrun, edited with translations and
notes. London, Luzac, 1924. 60 p.
Text and translation of hymns belong-
ing to the Psalmodia or Theotokla, or
klndred type.
C. R. Lelpoldt, J.
1925, 654.
Or. lit. z. 28,
QUASTEN, JOHANNES. Muslk und gesang ln
den kulten der heldnlschen antlke und
chrlstllchen frhzeit. MUnster 1. W. ,
Aschendorff, 1930. 274 p. Illus.
(Llturglegaschlchtllche quellen und
forschungen, 25)
Some reference to Coptic.
RAPP, EUGEN LUD'VIG. Zwel koptlsche hymnen
fiir das Eplphanlenfest. Soc. or. res.
J. 11, 1927, 146-51.
Liturgy. Theotokla
1578. BAUMSTARK, ANTON. Eln frhchrlstllches
theotoklon ln mehraprachlger liber -
lleferung und verwandte texte des
ambroslanlschen rltus. Orlena chr.
n. s. 9, 1920, 3b-61,
A study of the theotoklon found ln
P. Lond. 1029, and lts rcurrence ln
varlous liturgies, lncludlng the
1579. DMDIYS AL-BARAMS. n S U M u-re
MissiN+Ojoy eeoyAB NlrrApefcNoc
wi Ar r eXoc ni at t oc t oXo c Hi M^pTypot n s m
NHeeoyAB. Kltb al-tamjld al-mukadda
sah. tCalro, 1922] 277 p. *
1580. EURINGER, SEBASTION. Der mutmassllche
verfasser der koptlschen Theotoklen
und des athlopl3Chen WeddSs Mrjm.
Oriens chr. n. s. 1, 1911, 215-26.
Attrlbutes both ln thelr original
form to the monophyslte deacon,
Sem*8n the potter.
Text of Held. Cod. or. 97.
[A SHORT ACCOUNT of the muslc of the Coptic
church. A lecture dellvered at Calro,
March 30, 1917]. Calro, Ramses press,
1917. 40 p.
In Arable.
WELLESZ, E. Aufgaben und problme auf
dem geblete des byzantlnlschen und
orlentallschen klrchenmus lk. Mtinster
1. W., Aschendorff, 1923. 120 p.
(Llturglegeschlchtliche forschungen,
hft. 6)
"Die syrlschen, koptlschen und by-
zantinischeri klrchengesange" pp. 95
1581. Die sonntagstheotokle; eln Marien-
hymnos der koptlschen klrche.
Passauer theol.-prakt. monatsschrift
19, 1909, 407-12, 480-5.
fragments from Nltrla. Am. sch. Or.
res. Annual 6, 1924-5, 108-11.
Text and translation of three
Bohalric paper fragments from Deir
Abu Makar. One, part of a monophyslte
work on Dloscorus, the other two taken
from theotoklaa.
C. R. Stuhlfauth, G.
49, 1924, cols. 57-8.
Theol. llt.z.
See also numbers 726 (vol3. 13-14),
1331, 1748.
1583. Three liturgleal fragments from the
Wadl Natrun. Am. sch. or. res.
Annual 7, 1925-6, 94-9.
Text and translation of fragments
from the convent known as Anba Blshol.
One a prayer, the other two Tom
1584. LABB, CLAUDIUS JOHANNES. ,Les thoto^
kles, I, II] Le Caire, 1911.
1585. HALLON, ALEXIS. Lee thotokles ou office
de la Sainte Vierge dans le rite
copte. Rev. or. chr. 9, 1904, 17-31.
Text and translation.
1586. MUYSER, JACOB. Marla's heerlljkheld ln
Egypte; een atudle der koptlsche Marla-
llteratuur. Leuven, Slnt-Alfonsus
drukkerij; Utrecht, De gemeenschap,
1935-. v. 1-. Illus.
First part of a contribution to the
study of Coptic Mary liturgy, with
spcial reference to the Theotokla.
C. R. Greltman, N. Studla
catholica 12, 1936, 167-8.
Theotokla. Text from Vatican cod.
copt. XXXVIII, Blb. nat. copte 22,
23, 35, 69 and other MSS. lncludlng
fragments recently found at the Dr
Ab Makr ln the Wadl Natrun. London,
Luzac, 1923. 80 p.
C. R. Crum, W. E. R. Aslat. soc.
J. 1924, 307-9.
Leipoldt, J. Or. lit. z.
26, 1923, 615-6.
Mallon, A. Blbllca 7, 1926,
The daily office and theotokla of the
Coptic church. London, Slmpkln, 1911.
218 p.
On a dlrectory fragment recently dis-
covered ln the Wadl n-Natrun. J.
theol. stud. 24, 1923, 428-32.
TUKI, RAPHAL. h i s c o m N-re n i s e o t o w a
al-tha5audklyat. Romae, typls Sacrae
congregatlonls de propaganda flde, 1764.
324 p.
Coptic text wlth Arable translation.
See also nufiibers 724, 746.
Liturgy. Prayers
[BENIGNI, UMBERTO] Il pane dl domanl nel
paternoster copto. Bessarlone 2,
1897-8, 125-9.
A discussion of the Coptic transla
tion neucoiK NTe pAc-^ for tov aprov
TO V f e TTl OUi TLOV .
HaSm UKOVA, VALERIE. Mlscellaneous Coptic
prayers. Ar. or. 8, 1936, 318-33;
9, 1937, 107-45.
Text and translation of a manuscript
(Sahidic wlth strong Fayyumic coloring)
formerly owned by Wessely, now no. I
ln the Oriental lnstitute of Prague.
Continuation of the text ln Mss. II,
III, and IV.
Ein griechisch-koptlsches klrchengebet.
Z. aeg. spr. 40, 1902-3, 1-31.
A parchment manuscript of flve double
folios ln the K. Museen ln Berlin, con-
talnlng 31 Greek prayers, wrltten by a
Copt ln Coptic letters wlth Sahidic
tltles. Text and Greek transcriptions,
RUTBAT AL-IKLIL al-jalll. tCalro, 1887?,
102 p.
1595. SOBHY, GEORGE P. Two leaves ln the
Coptic dialect of Middle Egypt (SF^).
Inst.-fr. arch. or. Mem. 67, 1934-7,
Liturgical prayers on paper, ca.
16th century. Text and translation.
See also numbers 1583, 1748.
1596. AMELINEAU, EMILE CLEMENT. Essai sur le
gnosticisme gyptien, ses dveloppe
ments et son origine gyptienne.
Paris, Leroux, 1887. 330 p. (Mus.
Guimet Ann. 14)
C. R. Franck, A. J. sav. 1888,
207-18, 241-55.
1597. - Le nouveau trait gnostique de Turin.
Paris, Chamuel, 1895. 26 p.
1598. BECKER, ERICH. Gnostlsche e influa se in
der tto.p0vot-darstellung von El-
Bagawat? Z. neut. wlss. 22, 1923,
A preliminary Investigation of the
cabala contalned ln the Coptic gnostlc
books and of a slmilar gematrla in the
Greek text of the New Testament, shew-
ing the presence of a system of teach-
lng by means of the doctrinal signifi-
cance of numbers ... Oxford, Black-
well, 1917. 96 p.
A non-scholarly publication based on
the Pistis Sophia and the Book of Jeu.
gnosls; a study of Christian thought
and spculation ln the second century.
The Morse lectures for 1931. Cam
bridge, The Unlversity press, 1932.
153 p.
1601. CASEY, ROBERT P. The study of gnosti-
clsm. J. theol. stud. 36, 1935,
Discusses the use of the Greek word
y v r a n d the Coptic word cooyn.
1602. CRUM, WALTER EWING. Coptic anecdota.
I. A gnostlc fragment. J. theol.
stud. 44, 1943, 176-82.
Text and translation of a vellum
leaf in the Bodlelan library, con-
talnlng a dialogue between John and
Christ from an apocalypse or some
form of acta.
Prayers of the Coptic church in
Coptic and Arabie.
1603. DORESSE, J. , Trois livre$ gnostlques
indits: Evangile des Egyptiens. -
A discussion of three of the texts ln
the Calro Coptic gnostlc codex. See
also number 1613.
PAYE. EUGNE DE. Gnostiques et gnosti
cisme; tude critique des documents
du gnosticisme chrtien aux Ile et
Ille sicles. Paris, Leroux, 1913.
480 p. (cole haut, tudes Bib.
Sciences relig. 27)
pitre d'Eugnoste. - Sagesse de Jsus
Christ. Vlglllae chrlstlanae 2, 1948,
the flrst two centuries. A contri
bution to the study of Christian
origlns based on the most recently
recovered materlais. London and
Benares, Theosophlcal publlshlng
society, 1900. 630 p.
2d. dition, 1906.
3d. dition,
163 3.
2. dition augmente,
ner, 1925. 546 p.
Paris, Geuth-
C. R. Alfaric, P. Rev. hlst.
relig. 1926, 108-15.
Loofs, P. Theol. lit. z.
51, 1926, 361-8.
Monceaux, P. J. sav. n. s.
16, 1918, 12-26, 69-82, 140-52.
1605. GASKELL, GEORGE ARTHUR. Gnostlc scrlp-
tures lnterpreted. London, Daniel,
[1927] 335 p.
1606. HALLOCK, FRANK HUDSON. Coptic gnostlc
writing. Ang. theol. rev. 12, 1929
30, 145-54.
A gnral discussion of the content
of the Pistis Sophia, the books of
Je, etc.
1607. KING, CHARLES WILLIAM. The Gnostics and
thelr remains. London, Bell and
Daldy, 1864. 251 p.
Second dition. New York, Putnam's,
London, Nutt, 1887. 466 p.
The second dition contalns some
materlal on the Pistis Sophia, etc,
1608. LEA, T. S. A plsa for the study of the
Bruce gnostlc papyrus. St. Auste11,
16^9. LEGGE, FRANCIS. Forerunners and rivais
of Chrlstlanlty; belng studles ln
rellglous history from 330 B. C. to
330 A. D. Cambridge, Unlversity press,
1915. 2 v.
A study of the gnostlc systema, in-
cludlng the Pistis Sophia and the
Bruce codex. No text glven here.
C. R. Granger, F.
1917-18, 169-72.
Hibbert J. 16,
1610. LIECHTENHAN, RUDOLF. Die pseudeplgraphe
litteratur der gnostiker. Z. neut.
wiss. 3, 1902, 222-37, 286-99.
Discusses Coptic gnostlc texts.
1611. Untersuchungen zur koptisch-gnostlschen 1620.
litteratur. Z. wiss. theol. 44
[n. s. 9], 1901, 236-53.
1612. MEAD, GEORGE ROBERT STOW. Fragments of
a faith forgotten. Some short
sketches among the gnostlcs mainly of
MINA, TOGO. Le papyrus gnostique du
Muse copte. Vigiliae chrlstlanae
2, 1948, 129-36.
Sahidic manuscript from Nag-Hammadi,
contalning original gnostlc works Corn
ing from known sects. See also
number 1603.
NEANDER, AUGUST. Genetlscbe entwickelung
der vornehmsten gnostlschen systeme.
Berlin, Dmmler, 1818. 421 p.
REVILLOUT, EUGENE. Mmoire sur la vie
et les oeuvres du philosophe grec
Secundus. D'aprs la comparaison
des textes arabes, grecs, syriaques
qui noussont parvenus. Ac. inscr.
CR. ser. 3, 1, 1872, 256-355.
Gives lengthy quotations from the
Pistis Sophia, text and translation.
SCHMIDT, CARL. Koptisch-gnostische
schriften. I^ipzig, Hinrlchs, 1905-,
v. 1-. (Die grlechlschen christ-
lichen schriftsteller der ersten drei
jahrhunderte, hrsg. von der Klrchen-
vater-commiss Ion der K. preussischen
akad. der wlssenschaften)
Contents: 1. Die Pistis Sophia. Die
beiden bcher der Je. nbekanntes
altgnostlsches werk.
See also number 1641.
C. R. Lelpoldt, J. Theol. lit.
z. 30, 1905, 515.
grundlagen der weltanschauung einer
edleren kultur. Leipzig, Diederichs,
1903-7. 2 v.
Discusses the Pistis Sophia, Codex
Bruclanus, etc., in vol. 1, Die gnosis
des altertums.
SCHOLEM, GERHARD. ber eine formel ln
den koptisch-gnostischen schriften und
lhrem Jdischen ursprung. Z. neut.
wiss. 30, 1931, 170-6.
cism and early Chrlstlanlty in Egypt.
Church quart, rev. 69, 1909-10, 64-84.
Based on a number of works in the
fleld of Coptic studles.
- Paganism and Chrlstlanlty in Egypt.
Cambridge, The Unlversity press, 1913.
225 p.
See also numbers 1101, 2998.
Gnostlclsm. Pistis Sophia
(Pistis-Sophie) ouvrage gnostque de
Valentln; traduit du copte en franais
avec une Introduction. Paris, Chamuel,
1895. 204 p. (Les classiques de
1 occulte)
Translation only.
C. R. Andersson, E. Sphinx 8, 1904,
237-52; 9, 1906, 52-62, 233-53; 10,
1906, 44-63; 11, 1908, 156-72.
Schmidt, C. G5tt. gel. anz.
1898, 436-44.
1622. BLANCHET, A. Une pierre gnostque
apparente peut-tre la "Pistis
Sophia". Inst. fr. arch. or. Mm. 67,
1934-7, 283-7. (Mlanges Maspero
v. 2)
J. theol. stud. 23, 1921-22, 271-80.
1624. Pistis Sophia agaln. J. theol. stud.
26, 1923-4, 391-9.
1625. - Pistis Sophia and the Coptic language.
J. theoi. stud. 27, 1925-6, 148-57.
1626. DULAUR1ER, DOUARD. Notice sur le manu
scrit copte-thhaln Intitul: La Fidle
Sagesse ( t mer h co<t >i A ) et sur la
publication projete du texte et de la
traduction franaise de ce manuscrit.
J. aslat. ser. 4, 9, 1847, 534-48.
1627. EISLER, ROBERT. Pistis Sophia und
Barbl. Angelos 3, 1930, 93-110.
1628. FIEBIG, PAUL. Ein wort ber den bruder
des ErlSsers ln der Pistis Sophia.
Angelos 2, 1926, 155-8.
A commentary on number 1632.
1629. HARNACK, ADOLF VON. ber das gnostlsche
buch Platls-Sophia. Leipzig, Hlnrlchs,
1891. 114 p. (Texte u. untersuch.
Dlscusses the relation of the Pistis
Sophia to the Old and New Testaments,
Biblical exegesls ln the Pistis Sophia,
and the Christian and Catholic elements
ln lt. ^
1630. HORNER, GEORGE WILLIAM. Platls Sophia,
llterally tranalated from the Coptic
... wlth an Introduction by F. Legge.
London, Society for promotlng Christian
knowledge; New York and Toronto, Mac-
millan, 1924. 205 p.
1631. KOSTLIN, K. R. Das gnostlsche systm des
bches Pistis Sophia. Theol. jahrb.
13, 1854, 1-104, 137-96.
1632. LEISEGANG, HANS. Der bruder des Erlosers.
Angelos 1, 1925, 24-33.
An interprtation of a passage in
Pistis Sophia (Schmidt, p. 78, 1-20)
See also numbers 1628, 1638.
1633. Die gnosis. Leipzig, Kroner, 1924.
404 p. (KrBners taschenausgabe, 32)
Contalns a chapter on the Pistis
Sophia with translations from the
1634. LEXA, FRANTlSEK. The gnostlc legend on
Pistis Sophia and the Egyptian mythus
on the eye of R. Ar. or. 5, 1933,
1635 . La lgende gnostque sur Pistis Sophia
et le mythe ancien gyptien sur l'oeil
de Re. Eg. relig. 1, 1933, 106-16.
An account of a lecture, more briefly
summarized in number 1634.
Sophia. L'Antimimon gnostque est-il
le Ka gyptien. Christiania, Dybwad,
1908. 10 p. (Oslo ak. Forh. 19082 )
Some passages from the text.
C. R. Andersson, E. Sphinx 13,
1910, 17-20.
1637. Pistis Sophia. Les conceptions
gyptiennes dans le gnosticisme.
Christiania, Dybwad, 1909. 13 p.
(Oslo ak. Forh. 19092)
Translation of the "moral code"
of the Pistis Sophia,
C. R. Andersson, E. Sphinx 13,
1910, 17-20.
MARMORSTEIN, A. Ein wort ber den bruder
des Erlosers in der Pistis Sophia.
Angelos 2, 1926, 155-6.
Note on number 1632.
a gnostlc gospel (with extracts from
the books of the Savlour appended)
originally tr. from Greek lnto Coptic
and now for the first time Englished
from Schwartze's French version, wlth
an introduction. London, New York,
The Theosophical publishing society,
1896. 394 p.
Pistis Sophia; a gnostlc mlscellany;
being for the most part extracts from
the books of the Savlour, to which are
added excerpts from a cognate lltera-
ture; Englished (wlth an introduction
and annotated bibliography). New and
completely revised ed. London,
Watkins, 1921. 325 p.
C. R. Crum, W. E. R. Aslat. soc.
J. 1923, 477-8.
SCHMIDT, CARL. Bemerkungen zum dialekt
der Pistis Sophia. Z. aeg. spr. 42,
1905, 139-41.
Answer to the criticisms of Leipoldt
on Schmldt's dition of Coptic gnostlc
writlngs (see number 1616).

SCHMIDT, CARL. Pistis Sophia; ein gnos-

tlsches originalwerk des dritten
Jahrhunderts aus dem koptischen uber-
setzt. In neuer bearbeltung mit
einleitenden untersuchungen und In
dices. Leipzig, Hinrichs, 1925.
308 p.
German translation only.
- Pistis Sophia, neu herausgegeben mit
einleltung nebst griechlschem und kop-
tischem wort- und namenreglster.
Hauniae, Gyldendal, Nordisk forlag,
1925. 456 p. (Coptica 2)
C. R. Splegelberg, W. Or. lit.
z. 29, 1926, 182-5.
* Die urschrift der Pistis Sophia.
Z. neut. wiss. 24, 1925, 218-40.
Discussion of the language of the
original text.
uber seine koptischen bestrebungen in
Englandj. Berl. ak. Ber. 1848, 99
Brief notice of the Coptic manuscripts
in England, with an account of
Schwartze's work on the Pistis Sophia
(see number 1646) and the gnral
character of this text.
Pistis Sophia, opus gnostlcum Valen-
tino adjudlcatum, e codice manuscrlpto
coptico Londlnensl descripsit et latine
vertit U. G. Schwartze: edidlt J. H.
Petermann. Berolini, Dmmler, 1851.
392, 246 p.
Also 1853 dition. 246 p.
Solomon and the Pistis Sophia. J.
theol. stud. 13, 1911-12, 29-46.
Translation of Coptic and Syriac,
and comparlson of these and other
See also numbers 468, 1655, 1657.
For the Odes of Solomon (nos. 1, 5,
6, 22 and 25 preserved in the Pistis
Sophia) see numbers 909, 911, 914-5,
Gnostlclsm. Bruce Codex
1648. AMLINEAU, EMILE CLMENT. Notice sur le
papyrus gnostque Bruce. Notices et
extr. 29, 1, 1891, 65-306.
Text and translation.
C. R. Schmidt, C. Gott. gel, anz.
18912, 640-57.
1649. Le papyrus Bruce s rponse aux Gottin-
glsche gelehrte anzeigen. Rev. hlst,
relig. 24, 1891, 376-80.
Reply to Schmidt's revlew of number
1648. See also number 1656.
1650. - Le papyrus gnostque de Bruce. Ac.
inscr. CR. ser. 4, 10, 1882, 220-7.
Description of the manuscript and its
1651. Les traits gnostiques d'Oxford.
Rev. hlst. relig. 21, 1890, 176-215,
An analysls and discussion of the
Bruce papyrus and of the treatlse De
mysterlls lltterarum graacorum (OxTrd
Bodl. Hunt. ms. 393).
A Coptic gnostlc treatlse contalned in
the Codex Brucianus, Bruce Ms. 96 Bod.
lib. Oxford. A translation from the
Coptics transcript and cramentary ...
Wlth photographe of the text. Cam
bridge, The Unlversity press, 1933.
229 p. facsims.
See also number 1653.
C. R. Puech, H. C. Rev. -hlst.
relig. 112, 1935, 121-8.
J. theol. stud. 36, 1935, 74-6.
Discusses the Bruce Ms. 96, Bodlelan
Library, publlshed in number 1652.
1654. LAMPLUGH, F. The gnsls of the light; a
translation of the untitled apocalypse
contalned ln the Codex Brucianus with
introduction and notes. London,
Watkins, 1918. 89 p.
Translation based chiefly on
Amlineau's French translation.
1655. SCHMIDT, CARL, De codice Bruciano; seu,
De libris gnosticis qui in llngua
coptica exstant commentatlo. Para. I.
A qua haeresi et quo tempore "Pistis
Sophia" et "Duo llbri Je" sint con-
scripti. Llpslae, Pries, 1892.
30 p. (Diss. Berlin)
This dissertation, translated into
German, forms part of number 1656.
1656. Gnostlsche schriften in koptischer
sprache aus dem Codex Brucianus,
herausgegeben, bersetzt und
Nachwort. Elnlge anmerkungen zu der
"Rponse aux GSttingische gelehrte
anzelgen" des Herrn Prof. Amlineau:
pp. 666-680. (see number 1649).
1657, SCHMIDT, CARL. Die ln dem koptisch-
gnostischen Codex Brucianus enthaltenen
"Beiden Bflcher Je" ln ihrem verhaltnis
zu den Pistis Sophia untersucht. Z.
wiss. theol. 37 tn. s. 2], 1894, 555
1658. ber die in koptischer sprache erhal-
tenen gnostischen originalwerke. Berl,
ak. Sitzb. 189ll, 215-9
Has particular reference to the Codex
Notice in Phil. wochenschr. 11, 1891,
bearbeitet. Leipzig, Hinrichs. 1892.
692 p. (Texte u. untersuch. 81"2 )
Oxford Bodl. Hunt. Ms. 393.
Also published separately; Louvain,
Istaa, 1902. 173 p.
C. R. Lamy, T.-J. Ac. belg. Bull.
1902, 151-2.
1664. - Une page d'un manuscrit copta intitul
"Les mystres des lettres grecques"
(Description cosmogonique) In
Mlanges Charles de Harlez. Eeyde,
Brill, 1896. pp. 127-32.
Text and translation of the chapter
on the cosmological interprtation of
See also number 1651.
Gnostlclsm. Berlin Text
1659. SCHMIDT, CARL. Irenaus und seine quelle
in adv. haer.^I, 29. In Philotesia.
Paul Kleinert zum IXX. geburtstag darge-
bracht von Adolf Harnack. Berlin,
Trowitzsch, 1907. pp. 315-86.
Material on "the pre-Irenaean Coptic
text in Berlin (Apocryphon of John)",
1660. Ein vorirenaeisches gnostisches
originalwerk in koptischer sprache.
Berl. ak. Sitzb. 18962, 839-47.
Text contalns the Gospel of Mary,
Apocryphon of John, Wlsdom of Jsus,
and episode from the Acts of Peter.
Discussion of Irenaeus' use of the
Gospel of Mary. No text.
1661. TILL, WALTER. Die Berliner gnostische
handschrift. Europaischer wissen-
schaftsdienst 4, 1944, 19-21.
1665. ALLBERRY, C. R. C. A Manichaean Psalm-
book. With a contribution by Hugo
Ibscher. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 1938.
234, 48 p. (Manichalsche hcndschrif-
ten der sammlung A. Chester Beatty. 2)
C. R. Baumstark, A. Oriens chr.
36 tser. 3, 14]f 1939, 117-26.
Crum, W. E, R. Aslat. soc.
Bull. 1939, 475-7.
Lefort, L. T. Muson 51,
1938, 352-3. .
Lelpoldt, J. Or. lit. z.
43, 1940, 233-5.
Pteetersj, P. Anal. Boll.
56, 1938, 397-40.
Simon, J. Orientalia n. s.
11, 1942, 367-71.
1666. ALLBERRY, C. R. C. Manichaean studles.
J. theol. stud. 39, 1938, 337-49.
1667. - Das manichalsche Bema-fest. Z. neut.
wisa. 37, 1938, 2-10.
Points out a reference made by St.
Augustine to a feast which A. identi
fies with the Bema-day or Berna-of the
Manichaean homilies and Psalm book.
Gnosticlsm. Mysteries of the Greek Letters
1662. GALTIER, MILE. Sur les mystres des
lettres grecques. Inst. fr. arch. or.
Bull. 2, 1902, 139-62.
Discussion of the content of the work,
the original language, and the cosmo-
gony of the author. No text.
1663. HEBBEEYNCK, ADOLPHE. Les mystres des
lettres grecques d'aprs un manuscrit
copte-arabe de la Bibliothque Bodle-
lenne d'Oxford. Text copte, traduc
tion, notes. Muson, n. s. 1, 1900,5-36.
105-3^ 269-300; n. s. 2, 1901, 5-33,
1668. BANG, W. and GABAIN, A. VON. Trkische
Turfan-texte. II. Manichalca.
Berl. ak. Sitzb. 1929, 411-30.
L. Th. Lefort (Anhang, pp. 429-30)
publishes text of a Coptic fragment
concerning Manichaeans, in which the
word KXt<j>o$- occurs. Paris Bib.
Nat. copte 131^, f. 158r.
See also number 1692.
1669. BARDY, G. Le manichisme et les dcou
vertes recentes. Rev. apol. 58, 1934,
1670. BAUMSTARK, ANTON. Ein "Evangelium" -
zitat der manichaischen Kephalala,
Oriens chr. 34 [Ser. 3, 12], 1937,
BAUMSTARK, ANTON. Manichische liter-
aturdenkmaler in koptischer berset-
zung. Oriens chr. 30 [Ser, 3, 8,,
1933, 92-5.
BIDEZ, JOSEPH. La bibliothque d'un
manichen d'gypte. Ac. belg. Bull,
ser. 5, 18, 1932, 462-9.
Dcouverte d*ouvrages de Manl.
zantion 7, 1932, 723-4.
BILABEL,^FRIEDRICH. Ein koptisches frag
ment ber die begrnder des manichais-
mus. Heidelberg, Winter, 1924.
16 p. (Veroff. bad. pap. samml. 3)
An extract from Cyril of Jrusalem.
Text, translation and notes.
C. R. Schmidt, C.
1925, 378-9.
Or. lit. z. 28,
1675. BSHLIO, ALEXANDER. Eine bemerkung zur
beurtellung der Kephalaia. Z. neut.
wiss. 37, 1938, 13-19.
1676. - Die Berliner koptischen manichaika.
Int. cong. pap. 5th, Oxford, 1937. _
Acts, pp. 85-93.
1677. - Der charakter der manlchaischen
Kephalaia. Deut. morg. gesells. Z.
90, 1936, 45.
Rsum of a paper presented at the
Deutscher orientalistentag, 8th, Bonn,
1678. Die veroffentllchung der Berliner
koptischen Mani-texte. Forsch. u.
fortschr. 13, 1937, 263-4.
J. theol. stud. 35, 1934, 182-6.
General review of the literature and
1680. - The new Manichaean documenta.
theol. stud. 34, 1933, 266-7.
Description of the Beatty and Berlin
Polotsky's Manichaean homllies.
theol. stud. 35, 1934, 357-61.
CUMONT, FRANZ. La bibliothque d'un
manichen dcouverte en gypte. Chron.
d'Eg. 17 [33-4, 1934, 42-50.
Reprint of an article in Rev. hist.
relig. 107, 1933, 180-9.
1683. Homlies manichennes. Rev. hlst.
relig. 111, 1935, 118-24.
A rsum of the texts publlshed by
Polotsky in number 1693.
1684. ERNST, J. W. Die erzahlung vom sterben
des Mani aus dem koptischen bertragen
und rekonstruiert. Mit einleitung
ber den manlchalsmus und die wesen-
heit des Mani. Basel, Geering, 1941.
132 p.
C. R. Simon, J. Orlentalla n. s.
11, 1942, 296.
1685. GROSSOUW, WILLEM. De koptische mani-
cheesche handschriften. Voorazjat.-
eg. gezel. Jaarb. 6, 1939, 62-5.
1686. HENNING, WALTER. Neue quellen zum
studium des manlchalsmus. Fors ch.
u. fortschr. 9, 1933, 250-1.
Touches briefly on Coptic sources.
1687. LEBRETONj JULES. Manl et son oeuvre
d'aprs les papyrus rcemment dcou
verts. tudes 217, 1933, 129-42.
1688. MESSINEO, A. Manichelsmo, gnosi orient
ale e cristianeslmo. Civilt oatto-
llca, anno 84, v. 3, 1933, 115-26.
Mentions Coptic sources.
1689. NYBERG, H; S. Forschungen ber den
manlchalsmus. Z, neut. wiss. 34,
1935, 70-91.
1690. - Forskningar rorande manikeismsn.
Svensk teol. kvart. 11, 1935, 27-48.
1691. PETERSON, ERIK. ..Ein manlchalscher
bcherfund in Agypten. Hochland 31,
1933-4, 402-10.
1692. POLOTSK, HANS JAKOB. Koptische zitate
avis den Acta Arche lai. Muson. 45.
1932, e^SI
Publishes a German translation of
number 1668, and compares it wlth the
Greek text of the Panarlon of Epi-
phanius, h ich is equated with the Latin
Acta Archelai. _
1693. - Manichalsche homilien. Mit elnem
beitrag von Hugo Ibscher. Stuttgart,
Kohlhaminer, 1934. 96, 22* p. illus,
(Manichalsche handschriften der
samralung A. Chester Beatty, 1)
Text, translation and facsimlles.
See also numbers 1681, 1683, 1703.
C. R. Baumstark, W. Oriens chr.
ser. 3, 10, 1935, 257-68.
Cumont, F. Rev. hist.
relig. 111, 1935, 118-24.
Henning, W. Or. lit. z.
38, 1935, 220-4.
Krchmann, 0. Z. Kirchen-
gesch. 55, 1936, 678-83.
Till, W. Wien. z. kunde
morg. 42, 1935, 297-8.
1694. Manichalsche studien, Muson 46,
1933, 247-71.
1695. FRZLUSKI, J. Mani et Plotin. Ac.
belg. Bull. ser. 5, 19, 1933, 322-6.
Brief article on the Manl find in
mua nach neuen funden und forachungen.
In Taeaohnerj F. Orientallache
aTimmen z. rlsungsgedanken. Leip
zig, Hinrichs, 1936. pp. 80-109.
(Morgenland, 28)
Translation of Kephalala 8, pp. 101-4.
- Manichaismus und spatantlke religion.
Z. missionskunde u. religionswiss. 50,
1935, 65-85.
SCHMIDT, CARL. Eln Mani-fund in Agypten.
Forsoh. u. fortschr. 8, 1932, 354-5.
- Ein Mani-fund in Agypten. Orlginal-
schriften des Mani und seiner schler.
Mit einem beltrag von Dr. h. c. H.
Ibscher. Berl. ak. Sitz. 1933, 4-90.
Description and discussion of manu
scripts, and translation of portions of
the text. Facslmiles.
C. R. Crum, W. E. J. Eg. arch. 19,
1933, 196-9.
Manichalsche handschrlften der Staat-
llchen museen Berlin. Mit einem bei
trag von Hugo Ibscher. Stuttgart,
Kohlhammer, 1935-, v. 1-.
1706. AESCOLY, A. Z. Les noms magiques dans
les apocryphes chrtiens des thio
piens. J. aslat. 220, 1932, 87-137.
Makes a few comparisons with Coptic
maglcal names.
Grlechlsche, koptlsche und arabische
texte zur religion und religlSsen
literatur in Agyptens spStzelt.
Heldelberg, Verlag der UniversltKts-
blbllothek, 1934. 452 p. facsims.
(Ver8ff. bad. pap. samml., 5)
See also number 1736.
C. R. Pfister, F. Byz. z. 35,
1935, 387-90.
Simon, J. Orientalla n. s.
5, 1936, 152-60.
textes coptes du Muse d'antiquits
des Pays-Bas Leide. cole haut,
tudes. Bib. 234, 1922, 529-35.
Translation of a prayer and exorclsm
attrlbuted to Gregorlua Nazianzenus,
and another prayer of Gregorius, text
of which was published by Pleyte and
Boeser (number 176).
1709. BONDI, J. H. Koptlsche fluchformelm
aus Jdischer quelle. Z. aeg. spr.
35, 1897, 102-3.
Vol. 1.- Kephalala.
Text and translation; ed. by H. J.
Polotsky and subsequently by A. BJftilig,
under the direction of C. Schmidt.
Belng issued ln parts.
C. R. Simon, J. Orientalla n. s.
11, 1942, 372-3.
Till, W. Wien. z. kunde
morg. 44, 1937, 290-1.
- Neue origlnalquellen des manichaismus
aus Aegypten. Z. klrchengesch. 52
[ser. 3, 3], 1933, 128.
No text.
SESTON, W. L'gypte manichenne. Chron.
d'Eg. 14 [28], 1939, 362-72.
SIMON, JEAN. L'dlton des textes mani
chens coptes. Orientalla n. s. 5,
1936, 269-77.
An expanded review of Polotsky's
dition of Manichaean texts, number
Cites Jewlsh sources to explain the
Coptic curse in the text published by
Crum (number 1714).
Amulets and superstitions; the orig
inal texts with translations and
descriptions of a long sris of
Egyptian, Sumerlan, Assyrian, Hebrew,
Christian, gnostlc and Musllm amulets
... London, New York, [etc.] Oxford
unlversity press, Mllford, 1930.
543 p. illus.
1711. CRUM, WALTER EWING. A bilingual charm.
Soc. Bibl. arch. Proc. 24, 1902,
Charm in Arabie written in Coptic
letters, and in Bohalric; Text,
transcription of Arabie into Arabie
alphabet, and translation. Cambridge
Univ. lib. T. S. 12, 207.
See also number 1734.
STEGEMANN, VIKTOR. Zu kapitel 69 der
Kephalala des Mani. Z. neut. wiss.
37, 1938, 214-23.
VERGOTE, J, Het manlchaeisme in gypte.
Voorazjat.-eg. gezel. Jaarb. 9, 1944,
See also number 640.
1712. - Maglcal texts in Coptie. J. Eg.
arch. 20, 1934, 51-3, 195-200.
Text and translation of five Sahldlc
manuscripts ln the British musum.
1713. La magie copte. Nouveaux textes.
cole haut, tudes Bib. 234, 1922,
A papyrus fragment in the Aberdeen
Unlversity library, a parehment ln
Strasbourg Universit Bibliothque,
Brit. mus. or. 6948, and a stone tablet
ln the Bodlelan.
y 1720.
CRUM, WALTER EV1ING. Elne verfluchung.
Z. aeg. spr. 34, 1896, 85-9.
Sahldlc text and translation of
Bodleian Ms. Copt. c(P) 4.
See also number 1709.
DORNSEIFF, FRANZ, Das rotas-opera-qua-
drat. Z, neut, wiss, 36, 1937, 222
Discusses occurrence of the formula
ln Coptic as well as ln Greek,
DRIOTON, ETIENNE, Parchemin magique
copte provenant d'Edfou, Muson 59,
1946, 479-89.
EITREM, SAMSON. A new Christian amulet.
Aegyptus 3, 1922, 66-7.
Re-publlshes a Greek amulet which
contalns a Coptic word. Origlnally
published ln Norske vldenskaps-akademle
1 Oslo, Forhandlinger, 19211.
Papyrl osloenses. Oslo, Dybwad,
1925- pt. 1-
Fasc. 1, p. 116 (Pap. 316) ls a
maglcal papyrus containing a Coptic
ERMAN, ADOLF. Drel gelster als boten
des zauberers. Vorderaslat.-aeg.
gesells. Mitt. 21, 1916, 301-4.
Uses as an Illustration a passage
from a Coptic maglcal papyrus, P. Berl.
8313, published in number 714.
Heidnisches bel den Kopten. Z. aeg.
spr. 33, 1895, 47-51.
Includes the translation of two
maglcal texts.
Ein koptischer zauberer. Z. aeg.
spr. 33, 1895, 43-6.
Discussion of the Coptic maglcal
texts published in number 714.
- Zauberspruch fur elnen hund. Z. aeg.
spr. 33, 1895, 132-5.
Sahidic text and translation of P.
Lond. Ms. Or. 1013A.
liturgie magique copte sur ostrakon.
Ann. du Service 27, 1927, 62-8.
Text and translation of a fragment
in the Muse gyptien, Cairo.
GROFF, WILLIAM. tude sur ia sorcellerie
ou le rle que la Bible a jou chez les
sorciers. Inst. d'g. Mm. 3, 1898,
Notes supplmentaires sur la tude sur
la soreallerle ou le rSle que la Bible
a Jou chez les sorciers. Inst. d'sg.
Bull. ser. 3, 8, 1897, 67-81.
1726. HOPFNER, THEODOR. Ein neuer griechischer
zauberpapyrus (Pap. Wessely Pragens.
Grec. no. 1) Ar. or. 7, 1935, 355
Contalns a passage of Coptic at the
1727. JACOBY, ADOLF. Zu pap. Graec. mag. III
479 ff. Ar. reiig. 29, 1931, 204-5.
Contalns Coptic phrases. "
magique Sator Arepo ou Rotas Opra.
Vieilles thories et faits nouveaux.
Rech. science relig. 25, 1935, 188
La^formule Sator chez les Coptes et
les thiopiens; pp. 196-202.
1729. KRALL, JAKOB. Koptlsche amulete.
P. Rain Mitt. 5, 1892, 115-22.
Contents. 1. Der brief von Christos
an den konlg Abgar V, von Edessa.-
2. Sator, Arepo, Tenet, Opra, Rotas.
1730. KROPP, ANGELICUS M. Ausgewahlte kop-
tische zaubertexte ... Geleitwort
von Jean Capart ... Vorrede von W. E.
Crum. Bruxelles, Fondation gypto-
loglque reine llsabeth, 1930-1.
3 v. facslms,
Chapters 13-14 issued as a thesls,
Bonn, under the title Liturgie ln
koptlschen zaubertextenl See also
number 1747,
C. R. Crum, W. E. J. Eg. arch.
18, 1932, 115.
Stegemann, V. Or. lit,
z. 37, 1934, 16-21.
Till, W. Wien. z, kunde
morg. 39, 1932, 148-51.
1731. LANGE, H. 0. Ein faijumischer be-
schwrungstaxt. ln Studles-presented
to F. Ll. OriffTEh. London, Egypt
exploration society, Milford, Oxford
unlversity press, 1932. pp. 161-6.
1732. LEXA, FRANTiSe K. La magie dans l'gypte
antique de l'ancien empire Jusqu'
l'poque copte. Paris, Geuthner,
1925. 2 v. in 1. Portfolio of
C. R. Caiderini, A. Aegyptus 7,
1926, 338-40.
- Kees, H. Or. lit. z. 31,
1928, 102-4.
Power, E. Biblica 9, 1928,
1733. MAAS, MAX. Ein koptisch-christllcher
fluchpapyrus. Theol. lit. z. 39,
1914, 446.
Notice of papyrus published by
Hengstenberg in number 2013.
1734. MORITZ, B. A bilingual charm. Soc.
Bibl. arch. Proc. 25, 1903, 89.
Notes on the Arable portion of the
text publlshed by Crum ln number 1711.
trompeter. Muson 49, 1936, 231-43.
Discussion of the place of Surlel,
and hls relation to Urlel.
- Zu elnlgen Heidelberger koptischen
zaubertexten. Orlentalla n. s. 4,
1935, 416-25.
Corrections, additions, etc. to the
maglcal texts publlshed by Bllabel and
Grohmann (number 1707).
- Zwel koptlsche llebeszauber. Orlen
talla n. s, 6, 1937, 119-31. ^
1. A .revlsed translation of the
Vlenna papyrus K192, publlshed by
Stegemann ln number 1744.
2. Discussion of P. Mlch. Inv. 4932,
publlshed by Worrell ln number 1753.
C. R. Hengstenberg, W. Byz. z. 37,
1937, 210.
maglqyes de la collection de la Fonda
tion Egyptologique (P. Bruxejles Inv.
E 6390 et 6391). Chron. d'Eg. 6 rllj,
1931, 137-40.'
Posslbly Coptic, but uncertain.
SCHILLER, A. ARTHUR. A Coptic charm.
Columbia Coptic parchment, numbers 1
and 2. Soc. or. res. J. 12, 1928,
Text, translation, notes and photo-
Heldelberg, Winter, 1934. 96 p.
Illus. (Held. ak. Sltzb. 24^)
Text and translation. See also
numbers 1737, 1749.
C. R. Polotsky, J. Or. lit.
z. 38, 1935, 88-91.
1745. - Neue zauber- und gebetatexte aus
koptischer zelt ln Heldelberg und
Wien. Muson 51, 1938, 73-87.
1. Heldelberg 1030, a curse to
separate lovers. Text and drawlngs
wlth translation.
2. New Vlenna maglcal texts, K8348,
2852, 1992, 2651, 2848, 2847, 2857,
7091. Text and translation.
1746. Uber astronomlsches ln den koptischen
zaubertexten. Orlentalla n, a. 4,
1935, 391-410.
1747. - Zur textgestaltung und zum textver-
standnls koptischer zaubertexte.
Z. aeg. spr. 70, 1934, 125-31.
Critical notes on texts publlshed
by Kropp ln number 1730. 1
1748. TILL, WALTER. Koptlsche kleinliteratur
1-4. Z. aeg. spr. 77, 1942, 101-11.
Four texts from the Vlenna Nazional-
bibliothek, containlng (1 ) a charm
agalnst fever, (2) a love charm and
Invocation, (3) a prayer, (4) hymns.
1749. Zu den Wiener koptischen zaubertexten.
Orlentalla n. s. 4, 1935, 195-221.
Additions and corrections to number
SMITHER, PAUL C. A Coptic love-charm.
J. Eg. arch. 25, 1939, 173-4.
Text and translation of a vellum leaf
ln the Ashmolean musum at Oxford.
SPIEGELBERG, WILHELM. Der bose bllck lm
altagyptlschen glauben. Z. aeg. spr.
59, 1924, 149-54.
Includes Coptic evldence.
text. Am. J. Sem. lang 56, 1939,
Text and translation of Chicago
Oriental lnstltute no. 13767.
STEGEMANN, VIKTOR. Die gestalt Christl
ln den koptischen zaubertexten.
Heldelberg, Bllabel, 1934. 38 p.
(Quelien und studlen zur geschichte
und kultur des altertums und des mlt-
telalters, hrsg. von F. Bllabel und
A. Grohmann. Relhe Ds Untersuchungen
und mlttellungen, hft. 1 )
- Die koptischen zaubertexte der samm
lung papyrus erzherzog Rainer ln Wien,
beschrleben und herausgegeben.
1750. VASCONCELLOS-ABREU, G. de. La symbolique
des nombres dans les recettes magiques
des traditions et des usages populaires
en Europe. In Mlanges Charles de
Harlez. Leyde, Brill, 1896.
pp. 330-5.
Reference to the Coptic number 608,
whlch evolved lnto a monogram of the
1751. VYCICHL, WERNER. Die Aleph-Eeth regel
lm demotlachen und koptischen. Elne
untersuchung an agyptlachen und kop
tischen zauberspriichen. Ar. aeg.
arch. 1, 1938, 224-6.
1752. WIEDEMANN, ALFRED. Alphabet. Ar. relig.
8, 1905, 552-4.
Descrlbes the maglcal vlrtues attrl-
buted to the alphabet by the Copts.
1753. WORRELL, WILLIAM HOYT. Coptic maglcal
and nBdlcal texts. Orlentalla n. s.
4, 1935, 1-37, 184-94.
Text and translation of P. Mlch.
Inv. 593a, 593b, 1190, 1523, 3565,
4932f, Ms. 136. See also number 1737.
WORRELL, WILLIAM HOYT, A Coptic wlzard's
hoard. Am. J, Sem. lang. 46, 1929-30,
Text and translation of P. Mlch. Inv,
See also numbers 1131, 1221, 2625,
2998, 3035,
For maglcal texts in.Old Coptic, see
the following section, numbers 1755
Old Coptic
THOMPSON, SIR H. P. H. Maglcal texts
from a bilingual papyrus ln the British
musum, edlted wlth translations, com-
mentary and facslmlles. Brit. ac.
Proc. 17, 1931, 235-86.
Demotic and Greek, but contains some
Coptic words, and posslbly some Old
CRUM, WALTER EWING, The Coptic glosses
on the text of Isaiah, In Kenyon,
P. G. The Chester Beatty Biblical
papyri, descriptions and texts of
twelve manuscripts on papyrus of the
Greek Bible. London, Walker, 1933-.
fasc. 6, Text, pp. ix-xii,
An Egyptian text in Greek characters,
J, Eg. arch. 28, 1942, 20-31.
- rNot? on the Coptic spell.j Soc.
Blbl. arch. Proc. 20, 1898, 102.
See nvuriber 1772.
ERMAN, ADOLF. Die Sgyptlschen beschwo-
rungen des .grossen Pariser zauber-
papyrus. Z. aeg. spr. 21, 1883,
Three le ave s from Paris Anastasl
DLXXIV in Old Coptic; text, copious
notes, and partial translation. See
also number 1767.
FAHZ, L. Ein neues stck zauberpapyrus.
Ar. relig. 15, 1912, 409-21.
Two additlonal fragments from the
Paris maglcal papyrus; Coptic on verso
is only mentloned.
tian text in Greek characters. Z.
aeg. spr. 6, 1868, 18-24.
A horoscope in the Stobart collection
in the British musum; Old Coptic text
with notes and a partial translation.
See also number 1766.
to the commentary on Old Coptic texts
in AZ. XXXVIII. Z. aeg. spr. 39,
1901, 86.
See number 1767.
the Old Coptic texts and their relation
to Christian Coptic, Z. aeg. spr. 39,
1901, 78-82.
1764. The Demotic maglcal papyrus of London
and Leiden. London, Grevel, 1904-9.
3 v.
Contains passages ln Old Coptic.
1765. The glosses in the maglcal papyrus of
London and Leiden. Z. aeg. spr. 46,
1909-10, 117-31.
1766. - The Old Coptic horoscope of the
Stobart collection. Z. aeg. spr. 38,
1900, 71-85.
Previously publlshed by Goodwin
(number 1761). Old Coptic text,
notes and tentative translation.
1767. The Old Coptic maglcal texts of Paris.
Z. aeg. spr. 38, 1900, 85-93.
Notes on the Coptic part of the
Paris maglcal papyrus, publlshed by
Erman, number 1759.
See also numbers 1762, 1768,
1768. The old maglcal texts of Paris,
Z. aeg. spr. 39, 1901, 86.
A supplementary note to number 1767.
1769. HESS, JOHANN JAKOB. Der-gnostlsche
papyrus von London. Einleitung,
text und demotisch-deutsches glossar.
Freiburg, Universitats buchhandlung,
1892. 17 p .
Brit. mus. mss. pap. 10070.
1770. KREBS, ERITZ. Griechische mumienetikette
aus Agypten. Z. aeg. spr. 32, 1894,
Two have Old Coptic on the verso.
1771. LACAU, PIERRE. Un graffito gyptien
d'Abydos crit en lettres grecques.
Soc. g. pap.Studes pap. 2, 1934, 229-46.
1772. LEGGE, FRANCIS. A Coptic spell of the
second century. Soc. Bibl. arch.
Proc. 19, 1897, 183-7, 302.
Text and translation of the spell
from the Paris maglcal papyrus
rnumber 1767j . See also numbars
1758, 1773.
1773. Note on the Coptic spell. Soc. Bibl,
arch. Proc. 20, 1898, 147-9.
See also numbers 1772, 1758.
Papyri graecac magicae; die griechi-
scher zauberpapyrl herausgegeben und
See also number 164.
Legends and Folk Literature
bersetzt. Leipzig, Teubner, 1928-31.
2 v. facsim.
Considrable Coptic Interest, Old
Coptic magical words, names, etc.
1775. STEINDORFF, GEORG. Zwei altkoptische
mumienetlketten. Z. aeg. spr. 28,
1890, 49-53.
Two bilingual mummy labels in the
Berlin musum.
1776. WESSEEf, KARL. Grlechlsche zauberpapyrus
von Paris und London. Vien. ak.
Denk. 362, 1888, 27-208. 1785.
Greek text contalns maglcal spell ln
Old Coptic. See also numbers 1759,
1777. - Les plus anciens monuments du chris
tianisme crits sur papyrus. Patrol.
or. 4, 1908, 95-210; 18, 1924, 341
Old Coptic spell from Paris magical
papyrus (see number 1776) and an un-
ldentified Achmimic fragment, P. Rain.
1865, first published by Krall (see
number 783) 4, 1908, 184-6; amulet in
the Fayyumic dlalect from the author's
collection, 18, 1924, 422-3.
1778. WORRELL, WILLIAM HCT. Notice of a
second-century text in Coptic letters.
Am. J. Sem. lang. 58, 1941, 84-90.
An Old Coptic text, P. Mich. Inv.
6131, cntaining what may be a horo
1779. ZWAAN, J. DE.1 The meaning of the Leyden
Graeco-demotic papyrus Anast. 65.
^ theol. stud. 6, 1904-5, 418-24.
the Rijksmuseum van oudheden, Leyden,
Egyptian taies and romances, pagan,
Christian and Muslim, translated by
Sir Ernest A. Wallls Budge. London,
Butterworth, 1931. 423 p. Illus.
DORESSE, JEAN.> A propos d'un apophthegme
copte: Dlogne et les moines gyptiens.
Rev. hist. relig. 128, 1944, 84-9.
A discussion of an article by
Morenz, number 1802.
ERMAN, ADOLF. Bruchstcke des koptlschen
Physiologus. Z. aeg. spr. 33, 1895,
Two paper leaves in the K. Museen,
Berlin; Sahidic with Fayyumic coloring.
Text and translation.
1786. Bruchstcke koptischer volkslitter
atur. Berlin, Reimer. 1897. 64 p.
(Berl. ak. Abh. 18971)
Text and translation,
number 1801.
See also
C. R.
Piehl, K. Sphinx 2, 1898,
romans de 1'gypte chrtienne. Paris,
Leroux, 1888. - 2 v. 1791,
1781. Les Coptes et la conversion des Ibres
au Christianisme. Rev. hist. relig.
69, 1914, 143-82, 289-322.
Discusses the Latin, Greek, Georgian,
Armenian, Coptic, Arabie and Ethiopie
sources of the accourit of the conver
sion of the Georgians.
1782. - Histoire des deux filles de l'empereur
Znon. Soc. Bibl. arch. Proc. 10,
1887-8, 181-206.
Text and translation from fragments
in the library of Lord Crawford and
GABRIELI, GIUSEPPE. Fonti semltiche di
una leggenda Salomonlca. Bessarlone
7, 1899-1900, 42-86.
Includes a section on the Coptic
fragments, pp. 69-70.
GASELEE, SIR STEPHEN. Stories from the
Christian East. London, Sidgwiek and
Jackson, 1918. 85 p. illus.
Contalns a translation of two stories
from the Coptic, one of Eustathius and
his wife, the other of Dorotheos and
GIRON, NOL. Lgendes coptes: fragments
indits, publiesj traduits, annots ...
avec une lettre a l'auteur par M.
Eugne Revillout. Paris, Geuthner,
1907. 80 p.
K0BLER, R. Elne koptlsche variante der
legende von Gregorius auf dem steln.
Germania 36, 1891, 198-200.
analogues to the ballad of King John
and the Abbot of Canterbury. A con
tribution to comparative folklore.
Am. Or. soc. J. 22, 1901, 221-6.
Of intereat in connection with the
articles by Torrey on the same subject,
numbers 1812-13.
LE GRAIN, GEORGES. ..Lgendes et chansons
populaires du Sad, I. Revue gyp
tienne 1, 1912, 172-5.
- Louqsor sans les Pharaons.; lgendes
et chansons populaires de la haute
gypte. Bruxelles, Paris, Vromant,
Includes some Christian material.
von der Prlnzessln Bentres und die
geschichte von Kaiser Zeno und aelnen
zwel tochtern. Len. ak. Bull. ser. 5,
32, 188e, 473-6.
Note on the story; no text.
* Sahidiache bruchstcke der legende von
Cyprian von Antiochlen. St. Pters-
bourg, Commissionnaires de 1 'Acadmie
Impriale des sciences, 1899. 90 p.
(Len, ak. Mem. ser. 8, 46)
Text and translation from Paris Blb.
nat. copte 12915.
C. R. Piehl, K. Sphinx 3, 1900,
Die Thalasslon-legende bel den Kopten.
Leipzig, Drugulin, 1912.
Also publlshed ln Schlck, J. Das
glcksklnd mit dem todesbrief. Orlen-
tallsche fassungen. Berlin, Feloer,
1912. (Corpus Hamleticom, 1)
pp. 365-73.
From an Apocalypse of the Archangel
Mlchael, Cod. TischencJorfianus II,
ff. l-2v ln Leningrad. Orlginally
presented at the Int. cong. Or. 6th,
Leyden, 1883. Text and translation.
1914. 224 p.
LITTMANN, ENNO. Ein koptisch-arablschen
bauernkalsndar. In In plam memor
iam, Alexander von-Sulmerlncq. Riga,
1938. pp. 108-16. (ADhandlungen
der Herder-gesellschaft und des Herder- 1806. REVILLOUT, EUGNE.
Instituts zu Riga, 63). -
Fragments of the Theban-Coptlc ver
sion of the romance of Alexander:
pp. 290-304.
1801. HOLISR, GEORG. Zu den "Bruchstcken
koptischer volkslitteratur" von Ad.
Erman, Z. aeg. spr. 39, 1901, 150-1.
In addition to corrections on the
work of Erman (number 1786) Moller
publishes a brief poem, No. 9045, ln
the K. Museen ln Berlin.
1802. MORENZ, SIEGFRIED. Ein koptischer
Dlogenes. Grlechlacher novellenstoff
ln gyptlscher monchserzahlung. Z.
aeg. spr. 77, 1942, 52-4.
See also number 1784.
1803. MUNIER, HENRI. Une relation copte
sa'Idique de la vie des saints Maxime
et Domce. Inst. fr. arch. or. Bull.
13, 1917, 93-140.
See also number 726 (vol. 40).
1804. MUNZEL, KURT. Zum koptlsch-arabl3chen
bauernkalendar. Or. lit. z. 42,
1939, 665-6.
Notes on a text publlshed by Littmann,
number 1797.
1805. PUNTONI, VITTORIO. Gnomologii acrostlcl
fragmentum graece una cum metaphrasi
copto-aahldlca, e papyro Aem, Sartll
ed. Pisls, Ex officlna Nistriana, 1883.
Same text later re-publlshed by
Marucchl, number 1799.
See also number 1804.
LDTKE, W. Die koptlsche Salome-legende
und daa leben des elnsledlers Abraham.
Z. wiss. theol. 49 tn. s. 14j, 1906,
No text.
MARUCCHI, ORAZIO. Il Museo egizio vatl
cano descrltto ed lllustrato. Roma,
Salvlucci, 1899. 348 p. illus.
Contains a Greek-Sahidlc text pub-
listasd previously by Puntcni (number
MASPERO,/GASTON. Les contes populaires
de l'Egypte ancienne. 2. d. Paris,
Malsonneuve, 1889. 338 p. (Les
littratures populaires de toutes les
nations, t. 4)
Contains a translation of Sahidic
fragments of the Alexander romance,
pp. 321-8.
English dition from 4th French
ditions London, Grevel; New York,
Putnams sons, 1915.
Mmoire sur les
Blemmyes, propos d'une Inscription
copte, trouve a Dendur. Ac. inscr.
Inst. Fr. Mm. ser. 1, 8, 1B742, 371
Text and translation of a Coptic in
scription and of Vatican, Borgia and
British musum texts relative to the
1807. - Mmoire sur les Blemmyes d aprs
divers documents coptes et cette
occasion sur un prophte Jacobite.
Analyse. Ac. lnscr. CR. n. s. 7,
1871, 30-43.
1808. ROSSI, FRANCESCO. Il romanzo di Setna,
trascritto dal testo demotico in
geroglifico e La novella dlia ver-
gine Eudossia, sorella dell' lmperatre
Constantino, in testo copto-tebano.
n. p. t186-?j 51 p.
Lithographed manuscript. Text only,
without commentary.
1809. STEINDORFF, GEORG. Geslos und Isidoros..
Drei sahidische fragmente ber "die -
auffindung der gebeine Johannes des
TSufers". Z. aeg. spr. 21, 1883,
Text and translation from fragmentary
manuscripts in Tattam's collection and
in the Borgia collection (Zoega 242).
TILL, WALTER. Grlechlsche philbsophen
bel den Kopten. Inst. fr. arch. or.
Mem. 67, 1934, 165-75. (Mlanges
Maspero 2)
Maxims of the philosophera, and an
arrangement of the peoples of the
earth by the sons of Noah.
See also number 2098.
-- Eine koptlsche bauernpraktik. Deut.
inst. aeg. altertumsk. Mitt. 6, 1936,
108-49. Nachtrag, 175-6.
Text of K9885-9900, K1112, K4858 in
the Nationalbibliothek in Vienna (Nr.
132 in Krall's Fhrer. Papyrus Erzher-
zog Rainer). Sahidic with Fayyumic '
For corrections see number 2098.
C. R. Htengstenberg], W. Byz.
z. 37, 1937, 189-90.
Lefort, L. Th. Muson 50,
1937, 165.
TORRE, CHARLES C. The Egyptian proto
type of "King John and the Abbot".
Am. or. 3oc. J. 20, 1899, 209-16.
Arabie text of a bit of Coptic folk
lore, from Ibn Abd al-Hakam's Con-
quest of Egypt. See aiso numbers
1791, 113.
Legends and Folk Literature. Alexander Romance
1816. BOURIANT, URBAIN. Fragmenta d'un roman
d'Alexandre, en dialecte thbain.
J. asiat. ser. 8, 9, 1887, 5-38; 10,
1887, 340-9.
Text, translation and facsimile page
of a manuscript in the Bibliothque
nationale, Paris.
1817. CRUM, WALT3R E7IING. Another fragment of
the story of Alexander. Soc. Bibl.
arch. Proc. 14, 1891-2, 473-92.
Sahidic text and translation, from
British musum Or. 3367.
1818. LEMM, OSKAR EDUARDOVICH. Der Alexander-
roman bel den Kopten. Ein beitrag
zur geschichte fler Alexandersage im
Orient. Text. Uberaetzung, Anmer-
kungen. St.-Petersbourg, Acadmie
impriale dea sciences, Glasounof,
Eggers, 1903. 161 p. illus.
1819. PIETSCHMANN, RICHARD. Zu den berblelb-
seln dea koptlschen Alexanderbuchea.
In Beitrge zur bcherkunde und
pilologie Auguat Wllmanna zum 25.
Marz 1903 gewidmet. Leipzig,
Harraasowitz, 1903. pp. 301-12.
See also number 1800.
-- King Bau^ah. The Egyptian version
of the story of King John and the Abbot
of Canterbury. Open court 13, 1899,
See also numbers 1791, 1812.
1NENSINCK, ARENT JAN. Legends of Eastern
saints chiefly from Syriac sources.
Leyden, Brill, 1911. 2 v.
The story of the two daughters of
King Zeno. Translations of the
Coptic texts vol. 2, pp. 7-16. Based
on numbers 1782, and 1789, revised and
corrected by von Leinm.
WINSTEDT, ERIC OTTO. Some Coptic legends
about Roman emperors. Classlcal
quarterly 3, 1909, 218-22.
See alao number 1302.
Legends and Folk Literature. Cambyaea Romance
1820. GRAPCW, HERMANN. Unterauchungen ber
stil und sprache der koptiachen
Kambyaearoman3. Z. aeg. spr. 74,
1938, 55-68.
C. R. Lefort, L. Th. Muson 51,
1938, 350-1.
1821. MLLER, GEORG. Zu den bruchstcken des
koptiachen Kambysesromans. Mit einer
bemerkung von H. Schafer. Z. aeg.
spr. 39, 1901, 113-16.
1822. SCHAFER, HEINRICH. Bruchstck elnes
koptlschen romans ber die eroberung
Aegyptens durch Kambyses. Berl. ak.
Sitzb. 18992, 727-44.
Text and translation of P. Berl.
C. R.
Piehl, K. Sphinx 4, 1901,
1823. SPIEGSLBERG, WILK3LM. Arabiache einflaae
in dem koptiachen Kambyaearoman.
Z. aeg. apr. 45, 1908-9, 83-4.
See alao number 310.
_ Poetry
1824. CHANE, MARIUS. Le Trladon: son auteur,
la date de sa composition. Soc. arch.
copte Bull. 2, 1936, 9-24.
Sahidic manuscript in the Borgia
collection. Slections from the text
with translation.
1825. JUNKER, HERMANN. Koptische poesie des
10. iahrhunderts. Oriens chr. 6,
1906, 319-411; 7, 1907, 136-253; 0,
1911, 1-109.
Also separate publication, Berlin,
Curtis, 1908-11. 2 v. facsims.
C. R. Crum, W. E. Or. lit. z. 12,
1909, 396-400.
Splegelberg, W. Or. lit.
z. 14, 1911, 309-11.
1826. Die neuentdeckten christlichen hand
schriften in mittelnubischer sprache.
Oriens chr. 6, 1906, 437-42.
Gives the parallel Coptic text for
the hymn of the Cros3.
ein sahidisches gedicht mit arabischer
bersetzung. Saint-Ptersbourg,
Acadmie impriale des sciences, 1903.
v. 1 - facsims.
C. R. Andersson, E. Sphinx 9, 1906,
1828. MLLER, GEORG. Eine neue koptische
liederhandschrift. Z. aeg. spr. 39,
1901, 104-13.
Manuscript publlshed by Moller in
number 714. Here he discusses the
contents and gives a llst of the words
used to dnot molodles.
1829. MUNIER, HENRI. Un loge copte de l'om-
peror Constantin. Ann. du Service 18,
1919, 65-71.
Transcription and translation of a
text slmllar to one publlshed by
Splegelberg (number 1830).
1830. SPIEGELBERG, 1NILHELM. Koptische kreuz-
legenden; ein neues bruchstck der kop
tischen volkslitteratur. Rec. de
travaux 23, 1901, 206-11.
Text, translation and facsimile of
a paper leaf of the lOth to 11th
century, Kopt. Pap. Strassburg 123.
1831. TILL, WALTER. Ein koptisches lied.
Deut. inst. aeg. altertumsk. Mitt. 10,
1941, 129-35. 1 plate.
A poem treating of the life of St.
School Texts
syllabary at the Unlversity of Michigan.
Aegyptus 4, 1923, 296-7.
P. Mich. Inv. 765.
1833. - Greek and Coptic school tablets at the
Unlversity of Michigan. Class. phil.
16, 1921, 189-94.
1834. COLLART, PAUL. A propos de quelques
exercises scolaires. (Mlanges
Victor Lore,t) Inst, fr. arch. or.
Bull. 30, 1931,417-23.
Includes a page of a Coptic sylla
bary in the Bohairic dialect.
school text on papyrus. J. Near
East. stud. 6, 1947, 129-51.
Contains a syllabary, list of Bibli
cal names, text of Romans i, 1-8,
13-15, and Job i, 1.
1836. KRALL, JAKOB. Reste koptischer schul-
bcherliteratur. P. Rain. Mitt. 4,
1888, 126-35.
Text of paper fragments containing
a Greek-Coptlc glossary or scala, and
a Coptic syllabary.
1837. LECLERCQj HENRI. Devoirs d'coliers,
d'sfpres une tabla et des ostraca.
Bull. anc. litt. chr. t3j, 1913, 209
Ostracon, originally publlshed by
Hall (number 1907, p. 31), wlth a con-
jugation in Greek and Coptic, and
another wlth the Greek and Coptic
1838. SCHUBART, WILHELM. Ein latelnisch-
grlechisch-koptisches gesprachbuch.
Eerl. mus. 31, 1909-10, 47-9.
Brief notice of the manuscript pub
llshed ln number 1839,
1839. Ein lateinisch-griechisch-koptisches
gesprachbuch. Kilo 13, 1913, 27-38.
Coptic text and notes supplied by
G. Moller.
See also number 2083.
See also numbers 1786, 1801.
Glossarles and Scalae
EJHING. A Greek-Coptic glossary.
Aegyptus 6, 1925, 177-226.
Text from P. Lond. 1821.
HERBERT^ A Greek-Coptic glossary to
Hoaea and Amo3. J. g. arch. 11,
1925, 241-6.
Manuscript in the Britiah musum in
a dlalect described by the authors aa
Middle Egyptian, edited with the
Bohalric, Sahidic and Achmimic variante.
ERMAN, ADOLF. Nubische gloaaen. Z. aeg.
spr. 35, 1897, 108.
An ostracon ln Nubian and Coptic.
FLEISCHER, Ueber eine koptisch-arab.
handschrift der Kals. bibl. zu Paris.
Z. aeg. spr. 6, 1868, 83-4.
A list of Bohalric words with the
Arabie quivalents, taken from Paris
Bib. nat. copte 50, intended to sup
plment the H a t by Heuglin (number
1844 ).

HEUGLIN, THEODOR VON. Auszug aua einer

coptisch-arabischen handschrift in
Abun-Bed bel Gondar. Z. aeg. spr. 6,
1868, 54-6.
Arabic-Coptic glosaary. A. Min-
erallen, B. Verzeichni33 von fiachen,
reptilien, etc.
Additional notes on number 1845, and
further comments by Emil R8diger. See
also number 1843.
LEPSIUS, RICHARD. Auszge aus einer
koptiach-arabischen handschrift. Z.
aeg. spr. 3, 1865, 47-52.
Geographlcal and animal namea from
a Coptic-Arabic scala. The transcript
was made by Theodor von Heuglin and
sent to Lepsius by Brugach. Notea on
the Arabie are supplied by Emil Rodi-
LORET, VICTOR. Les livres III et IV
(animaux et vgtaux) de la Scala
Magna de Schams-ar-Rlsah. Ann. du
service 1, 1900, 48-63, 215-29.
Text of a manuscript from the library
of the Jacobite patriarch of Cairo; a
new version of the scala published by
Klrcher (number 438). Index of Coptic
and Arabie words.
MALLON, ALEXIS. Catalogue des 3calae
coptes de la Bibliothque nationale.
Mil. Beyrouth 4, 1910, 57-90.
Slections from Coptic texts.
Une cole d savants gyptiens au
moyen ge. Ml. Beyrouth 1, 1906,
109-31; 2, 1907, 213-64.
Arable text of grammars and vocabularies
contalned in Paris Bib. nat. copte 51,
Brit. mua. Or. 1325, and Paris Bib.
nat. copte 53.
1849. MUNIER, HENRI. La scala copte 44 de la
Bibliothque nationale de Pari3. I.
Transcription. Le Caire, Institut
franais d'archologie orientale,
1930. (Bib. t. copt. 2) 252 p.
A collection of grammatical prefacea
and vocabularies by diffrent authors,
divided into 8 parts. Coptic and
Arabie texta of pts. 1-3 publi3hed
here; for remainder aee number 1848.
See also numbers 145, 1836, 1981.
Medicine and Science
1850. ALLEN, EDWIN BROWN. A Coptic solar
clips record. Am. or. aoc. J. 67,
1947, 267-9.
A new dition of the text published
in number 1860.
1851. ARTIN, YA'B, PASHA. Signes employs
dans la comptabilit copte en Egypte
pour la franscription dea fractions,
Inst. d'Eg. Bull. ser. 2, 10, 1889.
1852. BOURIANT, PIERRE. Fragment d'un manu
scrit copte de basse poque ayant
contenu les principes aatronomique3
dea Arabes. J. aslat. ser. 10, 4,
1904, 117-23.
Text and translation of fragment
owned by U. Bouriant,
1853. BOURIANT, URBAIN. Fragment d'un livre
de mdicine en copte thbain. Ac,
inscr. CR. ser. 4, 15, 1887, 374-9.
Text and translation of an additional
leaf from the saine manuscript as Zoega
278 (soe number 1854).
mdicales pour les maladies cutanes,
traduites d'un fragment gyptien, en
dialecte thbain. Rev. arch. 11,
1854, 333-42.
Zoega 278, edited by Ephrem Poitevin
after the death of Champollion. See
also numbers 1853, 1859.
1855. CHASSINAT, MILE. Un papyrus mdical
copte. Le Caire, Imprimerie de
l'institut franais d'archologie
orientale, 1921. 393 p. facsims.
(Inst. fr. arch. or. Mm. 32)
Text and translation of the Meschaich
manuscript, now in the library of the
Institut franais d'archologie orien
tale in Cairo. See also ntuaber 1858,
C. R. Scheff, W. P.
J. 45, 1925, 76-62.
Am. or. soc.
DAWSON, V/ARREN R. Egyptian medicine
under the Copts in the early centuries
of the Christian erg, Royal society
of medicine, Proceedings 17, 1S23-4,
Section of the history of medicine,
With appendix: The instrument caae
of a Coptic surgeon.
The mouse in Egyptian and later
medicine. J. Eg. arch. 10, 1924,
Paper read befora the Royal Society
of Medicine, Historical Section,
Dec. 19, 1923; touches upon the Coptic
DEIBR, ALBERT. Le papyrus mdical
copte de Meschach. Rev. eg. 14,
1914, 117-21.
Description of the manuscript, and
discussion of the cryptograms. See
also number 1855.
DULAURI3R, DOUARD. Fragment d'un
trait de mdecine copte faisant
partie de la collection des manuscrits
du cardinal Borgia publie par Zoga.
J. asiat. ser. 4, 1, 1843, 433-52.
Translation, with notes, of Zoega
278. See also number 1854.
GINZEL, P. K. Astronomische unter-
auchungen ber fins ternisse. 9, 601
marz 9, Vien. ak. Sitzb. math.-nat.
882, 1883, 655-6.
The Coptic text of a Turin ostracon
publlshed by Stern (number 1974) and
also by Roasi (number 2054). The
text was supplied by J. Krall and the
astronomlcal calculations were made by
Ginzel. See also number 1850.
MUNIER, HENRI. Deux recettes mdicales
coptes. Ann. du Service 18, 1919,
Text and translation.
STERN, LUDWIG. Fragment eines koptischen
tractatea ber alchimie. Z. aeg. spr.
23, 1885, 102-19.
A Byzantine table of fractions.
Ancient Eg. 1, 1914, 52-4.
Wooden tablet in University college,
See also numbers 1746, 1753.
1864. ABEL, F. M. Les inscriptions du Slna.
Rev. bibl. n. s. 11, 1914, 111-12.
Includes the text of a short Coptic
1865. ARIF, SOBHI, EFFKNDI. Dcouverte d'une
tombe chrtienne prs de Samallout.
Ann. du Service 7, 1906, 111-3,
Small stone funerary monument, and a
short inscription engraved on wood.
1866. BADAWY, ALEXANDRE. Le persistance de
l'idologie et du formulaire paens
dans les pitaphea coptes. Soc, arch.
copte Bull. 10, 1944, 1-26.
1867. BARSANTI, ALEXANDRE. Lettre de M.
Barsanti sur la dcouverte des restes
d'un petit couvent copte prs de
Zaouyet el-Aryn. Ann. du Service
7, 1906, 110.
One very brief inscription and some
description of the monastery.
1868. BENIGNI, UMBERTO. Litaniae defunctorum
copticae. Besaarione 6, 1899-1900,
* 106-21.
Text of the litanv portion of 11
grave inscriptions.
1869. - Un siglllo copto del XVIII. aecolo.
Bessarione 5, 1899, 390-1.
1870. BERGMANN, E. VON. Inachriftllche denk-
maler der sammlung agyptischer alter-
thmer des Oaterr. Kalserhauses.
Rec. de travaux 7, 1886, 177-96.
Includes one Coptic graveatone.
1871. BIONDI, GIAC0M0. Inscriptions coptes.
Ann. du Service. 8, 1907, 77-96,
Forma a aupplement to number 1891.
Text and translation of 80 inscrip
tions .
1872. BIRCH, S. Varia. Z. aeg. spr. 10,
1872, 120-2.
Contains one Coptic inscription.
1873. BOURIANT, URBAIN. L'glise, copte du
tombeau de Dga. Miss. arch. fr.
Mm. 1, 1884-9, 33-50.
Text and translation of a number of
long inscriptions; emended transla
tions later publlshed by Crum (number
749, vol. 2, pp. 331-41).
1874. Notes de voyage. Rec. de travaux 11,
1889, 131-59; 15, 1893, 176-89.
Coptic inscriptions in f 3 (vol.11)
and T)IV and 19 (vol, 15),
BOURIANT, URBAIN. Notice dea monuments
coptes du Muse de Boulaq. Rec. de
travaux 5, 1884, 60-70.
Altar and tomb atones, with text and
- Petite inscription historique en
dialecte thbain. Copie Asaouan.
Rec. de travaux 7, 1886, 218.
Dated 889 of the era of the Martyrs
(1173). Text and translation.
BRUNTON, GUY. Qau and Badari III.
London,. Britiah school of archaeology
in Egypt, 1930. 43 p. illus.
(Brit. sch. arch. in Eg, pub. 50)
Coptic Inscriptions translated by
M. A. Murray.
BUCHER, PAUL. Les commencements des
Psaumes LI XCIII; inscription d'une
tombe de ajr es Saijd. Kemi 4,
1931, 157-60. '
Christian documenta fram Nubia. by
F. LL. Orit'fithj. J. theol. atud. 31,
1930, 209-11.,.
In the course of the review, Burkitt
publishes the text f a Coptic inscrip
CLDAT. JEAN. Les inscriptions de Salnt-
Slraeon. Rec. de travaux 37, 1915,
Text of inscriptions from Deir-el-
Le monastre et la ncropole de Baout.
Le Caire, Imprimerie de l'institut
franais d'archologie orientale,
1904-16. 2 v. illus. (Inst. fr.
arch. or. Mm. 12, 39)
Notes archologiques et philologiques.
Inst. fr. arch. or. Bull. 1, 1S01,
87-97; 2, 1902, 41-70.
Text of Coptic and Egyptian inscrip
tions. For corrections to two of the
insoriptions, see number 1958.
Notes d'archologie copte. Ann. du
Service 9, 1908, 213-30.
Description of monuments and text of
a number of inscriptions.
Recherches sur le km de Baouit.
Ac. inscr. CR. 1902, 525-46.
Wall paintings and inscriptions.
scription copte Jerusalem. Revue
critique 1884, 263.
1886. COSTIGAN, G. H. A Coptic stela. Ann.
du Service 38, 1938, 354.
1887. - Two funerary Coptic stelae in the
Sahidic dialect. Soc. arch. copte
Bull. 6, 1940, 119-21.
Text and translation of stelae in
the Coptic musum, Old Cairo.
1888. CRAMER, MARIA. Texte zur koptlsche
<^totenklageV>. Aegyptus 19, 1939,
1889. - Die totenklaga bel den Kopten, Mit
hlnweisen auf die totanklage im Orient
berhaupt. Wien und Leipzig, Holder-
Pichler-Tempsky, 1941. 104 p.
(Vien. ak. Sitzb. 2192)
Takes up again the subject treated
in n.unber 1888.
C. R. Simon, J. Orientalie
n. s. 11, 1942, 377-83.
Till, W. Or. lit. ?.. 45,
1942, 292-3.
1890. CRUM, WALTER EViING. Coptic graffiti etc.
In Murray, M. A. The Osireicr at
3ydos. London, Quaritch, 1904.
pp. 38-43.
Facslmiles and translations of in
1891. - Coptic monuments. Le Caire, Impri
merie de l'institut franais d'archo
logie orientale, 1902. 160 p.
illus. (Catalogue gnral des anti
quits gyptiennes du Muse du Caire,
nos. 8001-S741 tv. 4j)
Transcriptions and photographs of
Christian stelae.
1892. Inscriptions from Shenoute's monas
tery. J. theol. stud. 5, 1904, 552
1893. A "Scythian in Egypt. Soc. Bibl.
arch. Proc. 24, 1902, 233-4.
Publishes the text of e stele previ-
ously reproduced by Gayet (number 2786),
a Greek memorial to one of the German
soldiery employed in Egypt by Theo-
dosius and hls successors.
1894. DARESSY, GEORGES. Antiquits trouves
Fostat. Ann. du Service 18, 1919,
Includes one brief Coptic Inscrip
1895. - Renseignements sur la provenance des
stles coptes du Muse du Caire. Ann.
du Service 13, 1914, 256-71.
Corrections to previous work of Gayet
(number 2743) and Crum (number 1891)
with text of a few additional stelae.
of Deir el Gebrwl. London, Boston,
Egypt exploration fund, 1902. 2 v.
illus. (Eg. expi. aoc. Archaeologlcal 1906.
aurvey of Egypt, llth-12th mem.)
Appendix I. The Coptic texts, by
W. E. Crum, pt. 2, pp. 45-6. 1907.
DEIBER, ALBERT. Notes sur deux documenta
coptes. Inst. fr. arch. or. Bull. 3,
1903, 203-11.
An inscription on a grave atone and 1908.
a letter on papyrus.
EDGERTON, WILLIAM F. Medinet Habu graffi
ti. Facaimilea. 103 pl. (Chic. 1909.
Univ. Or. lnat. Pub., 36)
Noa. 92-102 are Coptic.
de5 monuments et Inscriptions de
l'Egypte antique. Vienne, Holzhausen,
1894-1909. 3 v.
Sr. 1. Haute gypte. t. 1. De
la frontire de Nubie k Kom Ombos. 1910.
1894. t. 2-3. Kom Ombos. 1895-1909.
ENGELBACH, REGINALD. A Coptic memorial
tablet to a young girl. In Studles
presented to F. Ll. Oriffi'E. Lon
don, Egypt exploration society, Mil-
ford. Oxford University press, 1932. 1911.
pp. 149-51.
C. R. Crum, W. E. Orlentalla
n. 8. 7, 1938, 100-11.
The Coptic stela of Leontce (Leontlos). 1912.
Ann. du Service 39, 1939, 313-17.
Text and translation of stela men-
tlonlng two unldentified place namea
and a long H a t of peraonal namea.
Coptic stela of Serne of Damahr.
Soc. arch. copte Bull. 3, 1937, 6-8. 1913.
Sahidic tombatone, Cairo musum Acc.
no. 67049.
ERMAN, ADOLF. Die Aloa-inschriften.
Z. aeg. apr. 19, 1881, 112-15. 1914
One unlntelliglble inscription ln
Coptic alphabet.
documenta from Nubia. Brit. ac. 1915.
Proo. 14, 1928, 117-46.
The documents are in Nubian, but
Griffith publlshes the translations
of a number of simllar inscriptions
and protocola to lgal documenta in
C. R. Burkitt, F. C. J. theol.
stud. 31, 1929-30, 209-11.
-- On the early use of cotton in the
Nile Valley. J. Eg. arch. 20, 1934,
Contalna the text of a Coptic inscrip
tion from a tomb near Aswan.
Oxford excavationa in Nubia. Ann.
arch. anthrop. 13, 1926, 49-93; 14,
1927, 57-116; 15, 1928, 63-88.
HALL, HARRY REGINALD. Coptic and Greek
texts of the Christian period from
ostraka, stelae, etc. ln the Brltiah
musum. London, British musum,
1905. 159 p. illus.
JUNKER, HERMANN. Die christlichen
grabstelne Nubiens. Z. aeg. spr. 60,
1925, 111-48.
- Ermenne. Bericht ber die grabungen
der Akademie der wlssenschaften in
Wien auf den frledhSfen von Ermenne.
(Nubien im winter 1911/12). Wien u.
Leipzig, Htflder-Pichler-Tempaky, 1925,
175 p. Illus. (Vlen. ak. Denk. 67*)
Contains Christian materlal and
Coptic inscriptions in part D (pp. 126
KAMAL, AHMED BEY. Fouilles Deir Dronka
et Aaalout (1913-1914). Ann. du
Service 16, 1916, 65-114.
Text of a number of Coptic inscrlp-
Rapport aur les fouillea de Sad Bey
Khachaba au Der-el-Gabraou. Arm.
du Service 13, 1914, 161-78.
Contalna a few Coptic inacrlptiona.
Rapport aur. lea fouillea excutes k
Der-el-Barch en Janvier, Fvrier,
Mars 1901. Ann. du Service 2, 1901,
Includea one Coptic inscription on
p. 222.
Rapport aur lea fouilles faites dans
la montagne de Shekh Sad. Ann. du
Service 10, 1910, 145-54.
Contains one Coptic Inscription.
Rapport sur les fouilles excutes
dans la zone comprise entre Derout
au nord et Der-el-Ganadlah, au aud.
Ann. du Service 11, 1911, 3-39; 15,
1915, 177-206.
LEFEBVRE, GUSTAVE. gypte chrtienne.
Ann. du Service 9, 1908, 172-83; 10,
1910, 50-65, 260-84; 11, 1911, 238-50;
15, 1915, 113-39.
C. R. Rev. bibl. n. a. 7, 1910,
- Inacrlptiona chrtiennes du Muse du
Caire. Inst. fr. arch. or. Bull. 3,
1903, 69-j95j
Text of Greek and Coptic inscriptions
acquired by the Musum after Crum had
publlshed his Coptic monuments
(number 1891), and some Coptic inscrip
tions from Tehneh.
LENORMANT, FRANOIS. Sur l'origine chr
tienne des inscriptions sinatlques.
J. aslat. ser. 5, 13, 1859, 5-58; 194
Coptic inscriptions, pp. 200-14.
LEPSIUS, RICHARD. Koptische lnschrlften.
In his Denkmfiler aus Aegypten und
AetEoplen nach den zeichnungen der ...
nach diesen lSndern gesendeten und in
den Jahren 1842-1845 ausgefhrten
wissenschaftlichen expdition. Leip
zig, Hinrichs, 1897-1913. abt. 6,
pp. 102-3.
indskrifter. Oslo ak. Porh. 1889, 39.
Notice of paper oniy.
MALLON, ALEXIS. Copte (pigraphe). In
Cabrol, P. Dictionfiaire d'archologle
chrtienne et de liturgie. Paris,
Letouzey, 1907-39. t. 3, pt. 2,
pp. 2819-2986.
Glves text of many Coptic inscriptions
- Coptlca. Ml. Beyrouth 5, 1912,
Text and translation of some Inscrip
- Nouvelle inscription copte de Philae.
Ann. du Service 6, 1905, 107-11.
Text, translation and photograph of
MARUCCHI, ORAZIO. Iscrizionl cristiane
copte recentemente scoperte nella
Nubia. Nuovo bull. arch. cr. 5, 1899,
Brief note, with no text.
MASPERO, GASTON. Notes de voyage. Ann.
du Service 10, 1910, 5-13; 11, 1911,
Includes text of some Coptic inscrip
tions .
Sur une stle copte donne par M. le
capitaine Lyons au Muse du Caire.
Ann. du Service 4, 1903, 161-4.
Text, translation and photograph of
the stone.
MASPERO, JEAN. Fouilles excutes
Baout. Notes mises en ordre et
dites par Etienne Drloton. Le
Caire, Imprimerie de l'institut fran
ais d'archologie orientale, 1932.
184 p. (Inst. fr. arch. or. Mm. 59)
MINA, TOGO. Deux stles funraires cop
tes en dialecte boharique. Soc.
arch. copte Bull. 5, 1939, 81-4.
1928. Inscriptions coptes et grecques du
Nubie. Le Caire, Socit d'archo
logie copte, 1942. 158 p.
(Socit d'archologie copt. Textes
et documents)
1929. MOGENSEN, MARIA. La glyptothque Ny
Carlsberg. La collection gyptienne.
Copenhague, Levln et Munksgaard, 1930.
2 v. ln 1 . plates.
Tr. by Mlle. Sophie Reinhard.
[Vol. 1) Texte. [Vol. 2j Plan
Coptic occurs in some of the inscrip
tions on pp. cxx, cxxi.
1930. MONNERET DE VILLARD, UGO. Le iscrizionl
del cimltero dl Sakinya (Nubia). Le
Caire, Institut franais d'archologie
orientale, 1933. Z& p. illus.
Text of 222 Coptic funerary inscrip
tions, without translation. Photo-
graphs of some of the stones.
1931. La Nubia medloevale. Le Caire, In
stitut franais, 1935. v. (Ser
vice des antiquits de l'Egypte.
Mission archologique de Nubie 1929
v. 1. Text of inscriptions, in-
cluding Coptic.
v. 2. Fhotographs of the architec
1932. Rapporto preliminare dei lavorl dlia
Missione per lo studio dei monument!
cristianl dlia Nubia, 1930-1931.
Ann. du Service 31, 1931, 7-18.
Includes a few Coptic inscriptions.
sur les carrires antiques de Ptolmals
(Menchlyh). Miss. arch. fr. Mm. 8,
1894, 353-79.
Inscriptions coptes, tby Bouriant]:
pp. 370-1.
1934. MUNIER, HENRI. Le Deir Abou-Llfa.
arch. copte Bull. 3, 1937, 1-5.
Text of inscriptions ln thls Coptic
monastery ln the Fayoum.
1935. and PILLET, M. Les difices chr
tiens de Karnak. Rev. g. anc. 2,
1929, 58-88.
Text of inscriptions and graffiti.
1936. Un graffite copte d'Esneh. Aegyp
tus 4, 1923, 132-6.
1937. Le monastre de Saint Abraham
Farshout. Soc. arch. Alex. Bull. 30
[n. s. 9], 1936, 26-30.
See number 2098 for review.
1938. Remarques sur la stle copte 11799 du
Muse d'Alexandrie. Soc. arch. Alex.
Bull. 22 tn. a. 62,, 1926, 237-9.
MUNIER, HENRI. Rsultats plgrephlques 1951.
des fouilles d'al-Qarah bil Der.
Ann. du Service 22, 1922, 49-59.
La Sibylle Alexandrins chez les coptes.
Soc. arch. Alex. Bull. 20 tn. s. 53 i,
1924, 196-201.
Dlsousses the occurrence of the name
Aaa Slbylla on two Coptic stelae at the
Muse d'Alexandrie.
-- Stle copte-arabe. Ann. du Service
13, 1914, 285-6.
Text and translation.
--- La stle funraire du moine Mina.
Ann. du Service 16, 1916, 253-4.
Text and translation.
Stles coptes du Fayoum. Ann. du
Service 23, 1923, 53-8.
Les stles coptes du monastre de
Saint-Slmon Assouan. Aegyptus 11,
1930-1, 257-300, 433-84.
Texts and translation.
MUNOZ, ANTONIO. Stle copte nel Museo
egizio Vatlcano. L'arte 8, 1905,
Text and photographs.
Memphis. I. With a chapter by
Dr. H. H. Walker. London, School
of archaeology in Egypt, 1909.
26 p. (Brit. sch. arch. in Eg. Pub.
Coptic inscriptions, pottery, etc.
1952. Tombs of the courtiers and Oxyrhynlfooa.
With chapters by Alan Gardiner, Hllda
Petrie, and M. A. Murray. London,
British school of Archaeology in
Egypt, 1925. 31 p. (Brit. sch.
arch. in Eg. Pub. 37)
A Coptic hermltage at Abydos, by
Lady Petrie, pp. 20-24.
The Coptic inscriptions, by M. A.
Murray, pp. 24-26.
11953. PIETSCHMANN, RICHARD. Les inscriptions
coptes de Faras. Rec. de travaux 21,
1899, 133-6.
Comment on the Coptic inscriptions
publlshed by Sayce in number 1965.
Includes part of a catalogue of the
40 martyrs of Sebaste and list of -the
seven sleepers of Ephesus.
1954. QUIBELL, JAMES EDWARD. Excavations at
Saqqara (1905-6), (1906-7), (1907-e),
(1908-9, 1909-10). Le Caire, Institut
franais d'archologie orientale,
1907-13. 4 v.
Abydos. With sections b J. Grafton
Milne and W. E. Crum. London,
Quaritch, 1904. 47 p. illus. 1955.
(Brit. sch. arch. in Eg. Pub. 9)
Coptic graffiti etc. tby W. E.
pp. 38-43, plates XXV-XXXVII.
Crum] ;
PALANQUE, CHARLES. Notes de fouilles dans
la ncropole d'Assiout. Inst. fr. 1956.
arch. or. Bull. 3, 1903, 119-28.
Two Coptic Inscriptions, one ostracon.
- Rapport sur les recherches effectues 1957.
& Baouit en 1903. Inst. fr. arch. or.
Bull. 5, 1906, 1-21.
The cemeteries of Abydos. London and
Boston, Mass., Egypt exploration fund,
1909-13. 3 v. illus. (Eg. expi.
soc. Mm. 33, 34, 35)
Includes some Coptic inscriptions.
PELLEGRINI, ASTORRE. Stele funerarie
copte del Museo archeologico dl
Firenze. Bessarlone 22 iser. 3, 3j,
1907, 20-43.
Publlshes 13 stelae, 6 Greek and 7
Coptic, with translations and photo
graphs .
Coptic materlal ln ail volumes,
v. 3-4 (1907-10) The monastery of
Apa Jeremlas. The Coptic inscriptions,
edlted by Sir Herbert Thompson. Text,
REINHARDT, E. , Eine koptlsche grabschrlft.
Z. aeg. spr. 26, 1888, 105-6.
A copy of a grave inscription made by.
E. Reinhardt and contrlbuted by J. J.
REVILLOUT, EUGENE. Mlanges.d'plgraphle
et de linguistique gyptienne. Ml.
aroh. eg. 2, 1874, 166-96, 222-39;
3, 1875, 1-55.
Les prires pour les morts dans
l'pigraphie gyptienne. Rev. g. 4,
1885, 1-54.
Coptic funerary inscriptions with
Intended as a continuation of hls
Mlanges (number 1956).
RICCI, SEYMOUR DE. Inscriptions d
guises. Rev. arch. ser. 3, 41,
1902, 96-101.
Corrects the translation of two in
scriptions in number 1882, and lndl-
cates two Coptic inscriptions included
by error in Corpus lnscrlptionum
Inscriptions grecques et coptes.
Mus. Guimet. Ann. 30, 1903, 141-3.
Text and translation of 28 Inscriptions
from Antlnoopolls.
ROHLFS, GERHARD. Drel monate ln der
llbyschen wste, mit beltrSgen von
P. Ascherson, H. Jordan und E. Zlttel.
Cassel, Fischer, 187S. 340 p.
Anhang II. Dr. Abel ber die koptische
inschrift von Farafrah, pp. 339-40.
ROSELLINI, IPPOLITO. Di un basso-rilievo
eglzlano dlia I. e R. gallerla de
Flrenze. Flrenze, Piattl, 1826.
46 p. 2 plates.
SACE, A. H. Coptic and early Christian
inscriptions in Upper Egypt. Soc.
Blbl. arch. Proc. 8, 1885-6, 175-91.
Sahidic text and some translations.
The Coptic inscriptions of Benl-Hassan
and Deir-el-Medineh. Soc. Bibl. arch.
Proc. t4,, 1881-2, 117-23.
A dated Inscription of Amenophis III.
Soc. Blbl. arch. Proc. 9, 1886-7,
Includes several Coptic Inscriptions
from a quarry south of Antlnoopolls.
- Qleanlngs from the land of Egypt.
Rec. de travaux 13, 1890, 62-7; 20,
1898, 111-2, 169-76.
See also number 1953.
SEYFFARTH, OUSTAV. lnschrlften aus
Aegypten. Deut. morg. gesells. z. 4,
1850, 254-62.
Text and translation.
1972. Eln koptischer grabsteln. Z. aeg.
spr. 38, 1900, 57-61.
Text and translation of a long in
scription from the Berlin musum.
1973. STERN, LUDWIG. Koptische lnschrlften
an alten denkmalern. Z. aeg. spr. 23,
1885, 96-102.
1974. Sahidische lnschrlften. Z. aeg. spr.
16, 1878, 9-28.
1975. TEZA, EMILIO. Inscrizionl cristiane
d'Egitto: due ln copto e una in
graeco. Plsa, Nistir, 1878.
1976. TULLI, ALBERTO. Le stele copte del
Uuseo egizio vatlcano. Riv. arch.
cr. 6, 1929, 126-44.
Text and photographs.
1977. WRESZINSKI, WALTER. Zwei koptische
bauurkunden. Z. aeg. spr. 40, 1902,
Text and translation of two inscrip
tions, one Bohalric, the other Sahidic.
1978. ZUNTZ, DORA. Koptische grabstelen.
Ihre zeltllche und Srtliche elnordnung.
Deut. inst. aeg. altertumsk. Ultt. 2,
1932, 22-38.
See also numbers 724, 773, 823, 1189,
1806, 2244, 2280, 2306, 2579, 2589,
2625, 2653, 2654, 2691, 2700, 2750,
2827, 3032-3, 3049, 3108, 3135, 3153.
SFELEERS, LOUIS. Recueil des Inscrip
tions gyptiennes des Uuses royaux
du cinquantenaire Bruxelles.
Bruxelles, 1923. 212 p.
Coptic ostraca from the collections of
the gypt Exploration Fund, lfl
(number 1992)] Or. lit. z. 6, 1903,
in the course of the review, Splegel-
berg publishes texts and translations
of a number of graffiti and three
STEINDORFF, GEORG. ..Der blschof Jesu von
Sal (Nachtrag zu AZ 44, 1907 t number
1971j). Z. aeg. spr. 44, 1907-8, 133.
Christliche grabstelne aus Nubien.
In Miscellanea Qregorlana, [Citt del
Vtlcanoj, 1941. pp. 205-9.
Der grabsteln eines nublschen bischofs.
Z. aeg. spr. 44, 1907-8, 71-4.
See also number 1969.
Documents and Letters
1979.fABD AL-MAS, YASS. Letter from a
bishop of al-Fayym. Soc. arch. copte
Bull. 7, 1941, 15-18.
Text and translation of Ms. 12684
(formerly 1784) in the Coptic musum,
Old Calro.
1980. ADLER, CYRUS. Note on a Coptic inscrip
tion in the Cohen collection of Egyp
tian antiquitles. Johns Hopkins
Unlversity clrculars 10, 1890-1, 30-1.
Wooden tablet contalnlng Ps. il, 3-5.
Reprlnted from number 1981.
1981. Notes on the Johns Hopkins and Abbott
collections of Egyptian antiquitles
with the translation of two Coptic
inscriptions by Mr. W. Max Mller.
Am, or. soc. J. 15, 1893, xxxl-xxxiv.
Portion of Psalms inscribed on a
board, in the Johns Hopkins collection,
and an ostracon contalnlng a letter in
the Abbott collection ln the New York
historical society. The former ls
reprlnted ln number 1960.
BELL, HAROLD JDRIS. Greek papyri ln the
British musum. Catalogue wlth texts.
London, British musum, 1910-, v. 1-.
Vol, 4 contains an appendix of Coptic
papyri ed. by W. E. Crum, pp. 453-525;
vol. 5 contains a Coptic deed of arbl-
tratlon, pp. 130-6, and notice of a
Coptic-Greek glossary, pp. 264-5.
-- Syene papyri ln the British musum.
Kilo 13, 1913, 160-74.
One document has on the verso a
Coptic text concernlng articles de-
poslted as securlty. Text and trans
Aegyptus 13, 1933, 555-62.
Text and translation of nlne Coptic
ostraa deallng wlth grain dellverles,
from the Heldelberg collection.
Zu dem testament des blschofs Abraham
von Hermonthls. Or. lit. z. 27, 1924,
- Zwel urkunden aus dem bj-schbfllchen
archlv von Panopolls ln Agypten.
Heldelberg, Bllabel, 1935, 20 p.
plates. (Quelien und studlen.
Relhe A, hft. 1)
C. R. Till, W.
1938, 100-11.
Orlentalla n. s. 7,
trls tables horaires coptes. Inst,
d'Eg. Mm. 3, 1900, 575-604.
Text and translation.
CATTAUI, A. Rapport sur une mission dans
le Haute-Egypte (Aot-dcembre 1886).
Rev. 6g. 5, 1887-8, 78-85.
Mentions a Coptic ostracon contalning
a loan to be repald wlth Interest.
Ap<ri voV)s ($ay i o jj.^ y u n Tou .
,Apx*i0>'0yt.K}| ij 33, 1915,
Transcription and facslmlle of a
Fayyumlc letter.
CIASCA, AGOSTINO. I paplrl copti del
Museo Borglano dlia S. C. de propa
gande flde, tradottl e commentatl.
Roma, Tlpografla pollglotta, 1881.
27 p.
CRUM, WALTER EWING. Coptic documents ln j
Greek script. Brit. ac. Proc. 25, V2001.
1939, 249-71.
Text of letters and documants from
manuscripts ln Vlenna, Berlin, Calro
and the British musum.
C. R. Simon, J. Orlentalla
n. s. 11, 1942, 375-7.
1992. A Coptic "Letter of orders". Soc,
Blbl. arch. Proc. 20, 1898, 270-6.
Bohairic and Arable text wlth trans
1993. Coptic os traa from the collections of
the Egypt exploration fund, the Calro
musum and othars. The texts edlted
wlth translations and commentarles.
London, Egypt exploration fund, 1902.
99, 125 p. Illus. (Spcial extra
publication of the Egypt exploration
See also number 1968.
1994. --- Coptic ostraca ln the Museo archeo-
logico at Milan and some others.
Aegyptus 3, 1922, 275-83.
Sahidic texts and translation.
1995. - A Coptic ostracon. Soc. Blbl. arch.
Proc. 30, 1908, 204-5.
Sahidic text and translation of a
letter on a limestone ostracon belong-
lng to Dr. Colin Campbell.
1996. - I. A Coptic reclpe for the prparation
of parchment. II. A use of the term
"Catholic church". Soc. Blbl. arch.
Proc. 27, 1905, 166-72.
Text and translation.
1997. --- Koptlsche rechtsurkunden des achten
jahrhunderts aus Djme (Theben) hrsg.
und bersetzt von Waltr E, Crum und
Georg Stelndorff. Leipzig, Hlnrlchs,
1912- v. 1
1998. Koptlsche ziinfte und das pfeffermono-
pol. Z. aeg. spr. 60, 1925, 103-11.
Sahidic text and translation from
Brit. mus. Or. 8903.
1999. La Nubie dans les textes coptes.
Rec. de travaux 21, 1899, 223-7.
Brit. mus. Pap. IV, A-Q. A group
of fragments bought ln Assouan; lgal
or commercial documents, probably
accounts of a monastery. Analysls
of the texts, and a llst of new geogra-
phlcal namea.
2000. - Some further Meletlan documents.
J. Eg. arch. 13, 1927, 19-26.
Text of a letter (Brit. mus. P. 2724)
from the same dossier as those publlshed
ln number 2001.
- Three Coptic texts, In Bell, H.
I. Jews and Chrlstlans-In Egypt.
London, Oxford Unlversity press, 1924.
pp. 91-99.
See also number 2020.
CRUM, WALTSR EWING. Wadl Sarga: Coptic
and Greek texts from the excavations
undertaken by the Byzantine research
account, edited by W. E. Crum and H. I.
Bell lth an introduction by R. Campbell
Thompson. Haunlae, Gyldendal, Nordisk
forlag, 1922. 233 p. facsims.
(Coptlca III)
Documents, letters, tax recelpts,
accounts, some literary texts. See
also number 1169.
DRESCHER, J. A wldow's ptition. Soc.
arch. copte Bull. 10, 1944, 91-6.
Letter on limestone ln the Coptic
musum, Old Calro.
ENOELBACH, REGINAID. Coptic ostraka.
Ann. du Service 21, 1921, 123-5.
- A Coptic ostrakon mentioning Ib
(Elphantlne). Ann. du Service 38,
1938, 47-51.
Text and translation of a letter ln
the Calro musum.
Ostraka ln the Sahldlc dlalect of
Coptic. Ann, du Service 22, 1922,
- Report on the lnspectorate of Upper
Egypt from Aprll 1920 to Harch 1921.
Ann. du Service 21, 1921, 61-76.
Contalns one Coptic letter, text and
coptlca. Inst. fr. arch. or. Bull. 28,
1929, 25-32, 99-102.
1. A collation of Bouriant's text of
the eulogy on Apa Victor (number 1408)
with the manuscript from which lt was
published, Paris, Bib. nat, copte
2. An explanatlon of the formula
e tmoyXon , and remarks on Mallon's
dition of t m o y A o n ostraca (numbers
three Coptic papyrl and other manu
scripts brought from the East by J. S.
Stuart Glennle, Esq. Archaeologla 39,
1863, 447-56.
Sahldlc lgal documents from DJeme,
with translations of two of them.
The Amherst papyrl. London, Prowde,
1900-1. 2 v,
Photograph of a Greek letter with
Coptic salutation in v. 2, pl. 21;
cf. p. 177.
GROHMANN, ADOLPH. Arabie papyri ln the
Egyptian library. Cairo, Egyptian
library press, 1934-. v. 1-.
Vol. 3 contalns three Coptic texts
(nos. 164-6) and a trlllngual text
(no. 167), ail administrative.
2012. HALL, HARK REGINALD. Two Coptie
acknowledgments of loans. Soc. Blbl.
arch. Proc. 33, 1911, 254-8; 34, 1912,
Sahldlc text and translation.
2013. HENGSTENBERG, WILHELM. Die grlechlsch-
koptischen noyXON -ostraka. Z.
aeg'. spr. 66, 1931, 51-68.
Publlshes 39 texts, 16 previously
published by Hallon ln numbers 2035-6.
2014. - Koptische papyri. In BeitrSge zur
forschung. Studien und mlttellungen.
Mnchen, Rosenthal, 1915. folge 1,
hft. 3, p. 92.
A letter, three accolants and a curse.
See also number 1733.
2015. - Nachtrag zu "Die grlechlsch-koptlschen
m o v X o n -ostraka." Z. aeg. spr. 66,
1931, 122-38.
Publlshes 49 more texts, and indices,
See number 2013,
2016. JERNSTEDT, P. Aus den Coptlca der samm
lung Lichacov. Len. ak. CR. 1924,
Text and translation of a letter.
2017. Der koptische brlef "Ancient Egypt"
1927, p. 97. Or. lit. z. 31, 1928,
Corrections to number 2040.
2018. Die koptlschen papyrl des Aslatlschen
musums. Len.Uhlv. Eg. kruz. Sborn. 6,
1930, 21-44.
Text and translation of letters and
2019. < Ein koptlsches ineditum der Eremitage,
In Raccolta dl scrlttl in onore dl
TTIacomo Lumbroso, Mllano, "Aegyptus",
1925. pp. 282-6.
Text and translation of a letter from
Georglos, earller published by Turaev
ln Bock, Materlall po archeoloali
chrlstlanskago Sgipta (number SV/fl),
2020. - Zu den koptlschen brlefen an den
Meletlaner Paleu. Len. ak. CR, 1927,
On the Coptic letters ln Bell's Jews
and Chrlstlans ln Egypt (number 2d)lj.
2021. KABIS, MARC. Communication sur quelques
papyrus coptes du Muse de Boulaq.
Inst. d'g. Bull. ser. 2, 1, 1880,
General remarks on two documents,
one the donation of a child, the other
a property gift to a monastery. No
KRALL, JAKOB. Beitrage zur geschichte
der Blemyer und Nubler. Wien, Gerold,
1900. 26 p. 3 facsim. (Vien. ak.
Denk. 464)
Includes one Coptic document from
Gebelen, an agreement of sale.
Ein griechisch geschriebener kopti
scher papyrus. P. Rain. Mitt. 1,
1887, 49.
Not publlshed in full hare.
- Koptische briefe.
1892, 21-58.
P. Rain. Mitt. 5,
Broad analysls of a great many frag
ments of let^rs, with quotations to
lllustrate si itations, closlng forma
and addresses.
See also ni nber 724.
- Koptlsche ostraka. I. Wiener z.
kunde morg. 16, 1902, 255-68.
Text of 15 ostraa from the Aegyp-
tische sammlung and the Papyri Erzher-
zog Rainer in the K. K. Hofblbliothek
in Vienna.
Koptische texte. I. bd. Rechtsurkunden,
Wien, Hof-und staatsdruckerei, 1895.
225 p. (Corpvs papyrorvm Raineri
archidvcls Avstrlae, 2)
Neue koptische und griechische papy
rus. Rec. de travaux 6, 1885, 63-79.
Coptic fragments from the cartulary
of the dois ter of Apa Jeremias in
Memphls. Text.
- Ein neuer nubischer kSnlg. Wien. z.
kunde morg. 14, 1900, 233-42.
Reference to a hitherto unknown Nu-
bian king, Chael, in several Coptic
documents from Nubia in the Musum of
Alexandria. Text of one document.
-- Zwel koptlsche verkaufsurkunden.
Wien. z. kunde morg. 2, 1888, 25-36;
Sahidic text and translation of two
papyri from DjSme.
KUENTZ, CHARLES. Remarques philologi
ques. In Fouilles franco-polonaises.
Rapports. I. Tell Edfou. Le Caire,
1937. pp. 193-208.
I. Planchette copte no. 1. II.
Planchette copte no. 2, III. Le nom
propre ITa.vifliiKi.5.
LANGE, H. 0. En Thebansk klos terfors tan-
ders tostamente. In Festskrlft til
Vilhelm Thomson. Copenhagen, 1894.
P. 98.
Translation of Cairo musum no. 8730,
publlshed by Revillout (number 2046).
2032. LECLERCQ, HENRI. Ostraka. In Cabrol,
F. Dictionnaire d'archologie chr
tienne et de liturgie. Paris, Letou-
zey, 1907-39. t. 13, pt. 1, pp. 70
Includes many texts, chosen to reveal
aspects of eccleslastlcal life ln
Egypt in the 6th and 7th centuries.
2033. - Trois Inventaires liturgiques (IVe,
Vie, VIITe sicles) en Afrique et en
Egypte. Dldaskalelon 1, 1912, 30-8.
Text of one Coptic papyrus contain-
ing an lnventory of the furnishings of
the church of St. Theodore, probably at
2034. LORET, VICTOR. Sur un fragment de papy
rus grco-copte. Rc. de travaux 16,
1894, 103.
2035. MALLON, ALEXIS. Nouvelle srie d'os traa
eTfloyXoN. Rev. Eg. anc. 2, 1929,
See also numbers 2013, 2015.
2036. Quelques ostraca coptes de Thbes.
Rev. g. anc. 1, 1927, 152-6,
Four ernoY>>oN ostraca, two letters.
2037. MASPERO, GASTON. XI. Note sur les objets
recueillis sous la pyramide d'Cunas.
Ann. du Service 3, 1902, 185-90.
Includes the text of a Coptic letter
addressed to Paphnuce.
2038. MOLLER, GEORG. Ein koptischer ehever-
trag. Z. aeg. spr. 55, 191&, 67-74.
Text and translation of P. Berl.
11348, and an analysls of oher pub-
lished marrlage contracta.
The Bucheum. London, Egypt explor
ation society, 1934. 3 v. (Eg.
expi. soc. Mm. 41)
The Coptic osjtraka by W. E. Crum and
S. R. K. Glanville: vol. 2, pp. 78-9.
2040. MURRAY, MARGARET ALICE. A Coptic ostra-
kon. Ancient Eg. 1927, 97.
Sahidic text and translation. See
also number 2017.
papyri, belng an account of the Egyp
tian papyri in the collection of the
Right Hon. Lord Amherst of Hackney ...
With an appendix on a Coptic papyrus
by W. E. Crum. London, Quarltch,
1899, 61 p. illus.
Text and translation of a Coptic
will, Papyrus no. IXXII.
NIE, H. DE. Een koptisch-christeliJke 2053.
orakelvraag. Voorazjat-eg. gezel.
Jaarb. 8, 1942, 615-18.
PBT.iTiBQRINI, ASTORRE. Piccoli testl copto
sa'dicl del Huseo archeologico dl
Flrenze. Sphinx, 10, 1906, 141-59.
Ostraca and papyrl consistlng of
letters, prayers, a Greek-Coptic vo-
cabulary fragment, a lgal document and 2054.
an Imprcation. Texts and translations.
skripte aus der Kgl. bayr. hof- laid
staatsblbllothek ln Mnchen. Wien.
z. kunde morg. 26, 1912, 337-49.
Textes coptes; extraits de la corres
pondance de St. Psunthlus vque de
Coptos et de pluslers documents ana
logues (Juridiques ou conomiques).
Rev. g. 9, 1900, 133-77; 10, 1902,
34-47; 14, 1914, 22-32.
Sahldlc text and translation of 83
documents and letters.
Papyrus coptes du Muse d'Alexandrie.
Sphinx 10, 1906, 1-4.
Text of Coptic manuscripts I, TV, V,
VI and XIII. Four letters and a
Publlshes no. 20, a letter on papy
rus; no. 21, Acts xxlii, 17-34, parch-
ment; no. 22, Uark v, 15-42, parchment.
REINHARDT, K. Eine arablsch-koptlsche
kirchenbannurkunde. In Aegyptiaca,
Festschrift ffr Georg Eers zum I.
marz 1897. Leipzig, Engelmann, 1897,
pp. 89-91.
REVILLOUT, EUGNE. Actes et contrats des
muses gyptiens de Boulaq et du
Louvre. Pais, Vieweg, 1876. 111 p.
facslms. (Etudes g. 5)
1. fasc. Textes et facslmll.
- Une affaire de moeurs au 70 sicle.
Z. aeg. spr. 17, 1879, 36-9.
Text and translation of a letter to
Pesunthius, bp. of Coptos.
Huit papyrus coptes du Uuse gyptien
du Louvre, provenant du Monastre de
Saint-Jerimle de Uemphis, et relatifs
aux Impts de l'empire Byzantin. In
Int. cong. Or. lst, Paris, 1873.
Compte-rendu, t. 2, pp. 471-524; t. 3,
pp. 55-68.
Text in volume 3.
2055. ROSSI, FRANCESCO, Di alcuni cocci copti
del Museo egizio di Torino. Tor. acc.
Atti 30, 1894-5, 799-807.
Text and translation of four ostraca,
two previously published by Stern
(numbers 2077, 2079).
2056. Di un cocclo copto del Museo egizio di
Torino con caratteri crittografici.
Tor. acc. Atti 31, 1895-6, 914-9.
2057. Tre documenti copti.
23, 1887-8, 334-51.
Tor. acc. Atti
- Lettre M. Chabas ... sur les contrats
de mariage gyptiens. J. asiat. ser. 2060. --
7, 10, 1877, 261-84.
Three papyrus documenta from Djeme,
published with partial translations.
One is at Turin, the other two, pub-
lished from copies made by Kabis, were
said to have gone to Berlin, but were
not found there by Stern.
2058. SCHILLER, A. ARTHUR. A Coptic dialysis.
A study of an elghth century Egyptian
document concerning the settlement of
an inheritance. Tijdschrift voor
rechtsgeschiedenis (Revue d'histoire
du droit) 7, 1927, 432-53.
2059. The Coptic Aoroc mtinoyt documents.
In Studl in memorla dl Aldo Alber-
tni. Padova, CEDAM, 1935-1938.
v. 1, pp. 303-45.
Contalns the text and translation of
a settlement between a daughter and
her mother who had remarrled. From
Brit. mus. No. 105.
Coptic ostraca of the New York His-
torical society. Am. or. soc. J. 48,
1928, 147-58.
Text and translation of eight letters.
Papyrus coptes,
Text of a sale.
- Les prts de bl.
1. Prts de bl memphites.
latlon oniy.
Rev. g. 5, 1888,
Rev. g. 3, 1885,
- Le testament du moine Paham. Soc.
Bibl. arch. Trans. 6, 1878, 441-8.
P. Copt. Boulaq 2. Translation oniy.
2061. Ten Coptic lgal texts, edited with
translation, commentary and Indexes,
together with an introduction. New
York, Metropolitan Musum of art,
1932. 103 p. facslms. (Metropoli
tan musum of art. Department of Egyp
tien art. Publications II)
C. R. Crum, W. E. J. Eg. arch.
18, 1932, 196-7.
Hengstenberg, W. Byz. z.
34, 1934, 78-95.
Steinwenter, A. Or. lit.
z. 36, 1933, 511-13.
2062. Ten Coptic lgal texts and Coptic law.
New York, 1932. 2 v. facslms.
(Thesis-Columbia, 1932)
Contants.- 1. Ten Coptic lgal texta.
2. Coptic law. (Reprinted from the
Jurldlcal review, aee number 2199)
SCHMIDT, CARL. Das kloster des Apa Mena.
Z. aeg. spr. 68, 1932, 60-8.
Text and translation of a Sahidic
papyrus from the monastery of Apa Menas,
a contract.
-- Ein koptischer werkvertrag. Z. aeg.
Spr. 67, 1931, 102-6.
Sahidic text and translation of an
ostracon purchased by Schmidt in Cairo.
SEYFFARTH, GUSTAV. Coptische kloster-
urkunde aus dem IV. Jahrhundert auf
elnem Pariser papyrus. In hls
Theologlsche schriften der alten Aegyp-
ter nach dem Turiner papyrus zum ersten
maie uebersetzt. Gotha, Perthes,
1855. pp. 109-17.
SOTTAS, HENRI. Une nouvelle pice de la
correspondance de Saint Pesunthios.
cole haut, tudes Bib. 234, 1922,
Text and translation of a letter
from Nastasla to Pesunthios asklng for
vertrag. GStt. gesells. Abh. n. f.
163, 1917, 75-84. (Papyrusurkunden
der ffentlichen bibliothek der Univer-
sltat qu Basel II)
Wlth a not by U. Uilcken and a
"Juristlsche anmerkung" by E. Rabel.
Text and translation.
STEINDORFF, GEORG. Eine koptische bann-
bulle and andere brlefe. Z. aeg. spr.
30, 1892, 37-43.
Neue koptische urkunden aus Theben.
Z. aeg. spr. 29, 1891, 1-25.
STEINWENTER, ARTUR. Die bedeutung der
papyrologie fur die koptische urkunden-
lehre. Mnch. beltr. pap. 19, 1934,
302-313. In Int. cong. pap. 3d,
Munich, 19337 Papyri und altertums-
wissenschaft. VortrSge.
--- Byzantinische mSnchstestamente.
Aegyptus 12, 1932, 55-64.
A paper presented at the Congrds
international des tudes byzantines
(3d, Athens, 1930).
Studlen zu den koptischen rechtsur
kunden aus Oberagypten. Leipzig,
Haessel, 1920. 79 p. (Stud. pal.
u. pap. 19)
No text.
C. R. Bell, H. I. J. Eg. arch. 7,
1921, 229-31.
Splegelberg, W. Or. lit.
z. 25, 1922, 442-4.
2073. Zu den koptischen schutzbriefen.
Sav.-stift. Z. 60 Roman., 1940, 237-41.
A discussion of the Aoroc r i n M o y - r e
2074. Zur dition der koptischen rechtsur
kunden aus Djme. Orlentalla n. s. 4,
1935, 377-85.
.Gives a survey of the material to be
lncluded ln vol. 2 of Crum and Stein-
dorff Koptlsche rechtsurkunden (number
1997) and includes commentary and a
translation of K. R. U. 105.
2075. STERN, LUDWIG. ErklSrung einiger memphl-
tisch-koptischer papyrusurkunden. Mit
einem nachwort ber die faijumischen
papyri. Z. aeg. apr. 23, 1885, 145-58
Dlscussea a group of eight contracta
of surety from the monastery of Apa
jeremias, previously publlshed by
Rvillout (number 2048) and Krall
(number 2027).
2076. - Faijumische papyri im Xgyptischen
musum zu Berlin. Z. aeg. spr. 23,
1885, 23-44.
Text and translation of letters,
lists, accounts, etc.
2077. Koptische briefe. Z. aeg. spr. 16,
1878, 55-6.
Translation and notes for two letters
publlshed ln number 2079. See also
number 2055.
2078. - Die litteratur der Kopten. Ausland
51, 1878, 844-9, 873-7.
General remarka on Coptic literature,
wlth translations of sample documents
and inscriptions.
2079. - Sahidische inschriften. Z. aeg. spr.
16, 1878, 9-28.
Nine texts from monuments and ostraca
from various collections, but ail from
Djeme. See also number 2077.
2080. -- Sahidische scherbenaufschriften. Z.
aeg. spr. 23, 1885, 68-75.
Text and translation of six letters.
2081. Das testament der Susanna nach elnem
koptischen papyrus im Britischen musum
Z. aeg. spr. 26, 1888, 128-32.
A second copy of the will publlshed
in number 2082.
2082. - Zwei koptische urkunden aus Theben auf
einem papyrus des Agyptlschen musums
zu Berlin. Z. aeg. spr. 22, 1884,
Text and translation of recto (will
of Susanna, see also number 2081)
and verso (sale of property in which
three sons of Susanna are involved).
A Coptic marriage contract. Soc. Blbl.
arch. Proc. 34, 1912, 173-9, 296-7.
Sahldlc text and translation.
- Coptic texts. In Theban ostraca;
ed. from the orig'nals now mainly ln
the Royal Ontario musum of archaeology,
Toronto, and the Bodlelan library,
Oxford. 1913. pt. 4, pp. 177-214.
Texts. Chlefly business documents
and letters, three called school exer
cises; Includes a few Blbllcal texts.
C. R. Till, W. Orientalla n. s. 7,
1938, 100-11.
Etmoulon ostraca. In Worrell, W. H.
Coptic texts ln the Unlversity of
Mlchlgan collection. Ann Arbor, The
Unlversity of Mlchlgan press, 1942.
pp. 253-93.
See also numbers 54-5, 341, 1897,
1907, 1968, 2196.
TILL, WALTER. Elne koptlsche alimenten-
forderung. Soc. arch. copte Bull. 4,
1938, 71-8.
Vienna Pap. K 950. Text, transla
tion and notes. Mlscellaneous Revlews
-- Koptlsche brlefe, 1-3. Wlen. z. 2096. SIMON, JEAN. Quelques publications r-
kunde morg. 48, 1941, 35-45; 49, 1942, centes de textes coptes (1938-1941)
1-12. Orientalla n. s. 11, 1942, 367-83.
Till publlshes some of the more ln- 2097. TILL, WALTER. Bemerkungen und erganzun-
terestlng texts he ls preparlng for a gen zu den achmlmlschen textausgaben.
volume of non*-llterary Coptic texts, Z. aeg. spr. 63, 1928, 90-8.
which ls planned as a continuation of
number 2026. 2098. - Bemerkungen zu koptlschen textaus
gaben.. 1-8. Orientalla n. s. 7, 1938,
C. R. Vergote, J. Chron. d'g. 37, 100-11; n. s. 12, 1943, 328-37.
1944, 158-9. ,
2099. -- Die veroffentllchungen der "Socit
Koptlsche schutzbrlefe. Mit einem d'archologie copte. Orientalla
rechtsgeschlchtllchen beltrag von n. s. 17, 1948, 356-63,
Herbert Llebesny. Deut. Inst. aeg.
altertumsk.Mitt. 8, 1938, 71-146.
Die koptlschen steuerquittungsostraka
der Wiener papyrussammlung. Orien
talla n. s. 16, 1947, 525-43.
-- and STEINWENTER, ARTUR. Neue kop
tlsche rechtsurkunden. Aegyptus 13,
1933, 305-22.
Corrections and discussion of numbers
- Elne verkaufsurkunde aus DschSme. Soc.
arch. copte Bull. 5, 1939, 43-59.
ostraka aus der sammlung Oolenlscheff.
Russ. arkh. obsh. Zap. n. s. 12, 1899,
--- Koptsklia ostraca kollektsll V. S.
Golenlshcheva. Len. ak. Bull. ser. 5,
10, 1899, 435-49.
Chlefly documents and letters.
WORRELL, WILLIAM HOYT. A Coptic ostracon.
Am. or. soc. J. 34, 1914, 313-4,
Sahidic text, translation and facsl-
-- An early Bohalric letter, Am. J,
phll. 56, 1935, 103-12,
Text and translation of P. Mlch.
Inv. 1526,
General Hlatory
Relation de l'Egypte ... suivie de
divers extraits d'crivains orientaux
... le tout tr. et enrichi de notes
historiques et critiques, par M. Sil-
vestre de Sacy. Paris, Imprimerie
impriale, Dreuttel et Wrtz, 1810.
752 p. illus.
Arabie and Latin dition by Pococke,
Oxford, 1800.
al-safw. (Cairo, 1848] 12, 456 p.
A collection of the laws governing
the Coptic church and people of Egypt,
edlted and annotated by Jirjis Philothfi-
os rIwad.
l'histoire de l'gypte depuis les temps
les plus reculs Jusqu' nos Jours,
prcd d'une tude sur les moeurs,
les ides, les sciences, les
l'administration dans l'ancienne Egypte.
Paris, Leroux, 1894. 323 p. (Mus.
Guimet Ann. vulg. 7)
Chapters on the Byzantine and Arable
period, but little directly upon the
Samuel de Qalamoun. Rev. hist. relig,
30, 1894, 1-47.
Historical background.
sketch of Egyptian history from the
earllest times to the present day.
London, Methuen, 1904. 474 p.
Contains a chapter devoted to the
Christian period. Chiefly church
history, wlth materlal on the customs
and rellgious life of the Copts.
BELL, HAROLD IDRIS. The administration
of Egypt under the Umayyad Khalifs.
Byz. z. 28, 1928, 278-86.
-- Alexandria. J. Eg. arch. 13, 1927,
History of Alexandria from its found-
lng untll the Arablan conquest.
- The Byzantine servile State in Egypt.
J. Eg. arch. 4, 1917, 86-106.
--- Egypt and the Byzantine empire.
In Glanville, S. R, K. The legacy
T Egypt. Oxford, 1942. pp. 332-47.
- Two official letters of the Arab
period. J. Eg. arch. 12, 1926, 265-81.
Both letters are Greek, but they shed
some llght on the period. The first
publlshed contains notes by Crum on the
Coptic collection in which the letter
was found.
imperiallsm in Egypt. Am. hist. rev.
34, 1928, 1-8.
Reallexlkon fttr antike und chrTtentum.
Leipzig, Hlersemann, 1941-2. Llef. 1,
pp. 128-38.
The Egyptian Sdn; its history and
monuments. London, Paul, Trench,
Trbner, 1907. 2 v. illus.
in Cyprus. Soc. arch. copte Bull. 7,
1941, 9-13.
BUTCHER, EDITH LOUISA. In the house of
bondage. A short sketch of Coptic
history. In Mikhal, K. Copts
and Moslems under British control.
London, Smith Elder, 1911. pp. 1-13.
BUTLER, ALFRED JOSHUA. The Arab conquest
of Egypt and the last thirty years of
the Roman dominion. Oxford, The
Clarendon press, 1902. 563 p.
C. R. Ricci, S. Rev. arch. ser.
4, 3, 1904, 450.
- Copts and Muslems in Egypt. Nine-
teenth century and after 70, 1911,
--- On the identity of "Al Mukaukis" of
Egypt. Soc. Bibl. arch. Proc. 23,
1901, 275-90.
Identifies "al-Mukaukis" with Cyrus,
patrlarch and governor of Alexandria.
2118. CALDERINI, ARISTIDE. Ricerche sui
documenti per la storla dell Egitto
dal 193 al 285 dopo Crlsto. Aegyptus
20, 1940, 315-33.
2119. DIEHL, CHARLES. L'Egypte chrtienne et
byzantine. In Hanotaux, G.
Histoire de la nation gyptienne.
Paris, j1933j t. 3, pp. 399-557.
In tudes archologiques, linguisti
ques et historiques, ddies M. le
Dr. C. Leemans. Lelde, Brill, 1885.-
PP. 7-9.
2123, HARDY, EDWARD R. New light on the
Perslan occupation of Egypt. Soc. or.
res. J. 13, 1929, 185-9.
Eusebll Pamphill Chronici canones
latine vertlt, adavxit, ad sva tempora
prodvxit S. Evsebivs Hieronynrvs, edldit
Iohannes Knight Fotheringham. Lon-
dinii, Milford, 1923. 352 p.
Also edlted by Alfred Schoene, Ber
lin, 1866-75. 2 v.
2121. FEDDEN, ROBIN. Two notes on Christian
Cairo in the Turkish period. Soc.
arch. copte Bull. 10, 1944, 33-42.
2122. GOEJE, M, J. DE. De Mokaukis van Egypte.
Muhammad13 supposed edlcts ln favor
of the Copts.
2135. MUNIER, HENRI and WXET, GASTON. L'gypte
byzantine et musulmane. In Prcis
de l'histoire d'Egypte par^ivers his
toriens et archologues. Caire, In
stitut franais d'archologie orien
tale, 1932-35. vol. 2.
2136. L'gypte copte-byzantine, In
Boissonnas, P. Egypte. Geneve,
1932. pp. 133-43.
matrimoniale de Cyrus (Le Mocaucas)
patriarche me licite d'Alexandrie de
628 au 10 Avril 643. Muson 45,
1932, 1-17.
NTVE, FELIX. Quelques souvenirs de
l'antiquit chrtienne en Orient, ou
preuves nouvelles des faits de la
Bible par les monuments. L'univer
sit catholique 35, 1853, 318-32.
O'LEARY, DE LACY EVANS. The destruction
of temples in Egypt. Soc. arch.
copte Bull. 4, 1938, 51-7.
PREAUX, CLAIRE, Les gyptiens ans la
civilisation hellnistique d'Egypte.
Chron. d'Eg. 18 [35j, 1943, 148-60.
SACY, SILVESTRE DE. tKitab alkewakeb
alsalrat fi akhbar misr walkahlrat}
Le livre des toiles errantes, qui
contient l'histoire de l'gypte et du
Caire. Par le Schelkh Schemseddln
Mohammed ben Abilsorour albakerl al-
3adlkl. Manuscrit arabe, no. 784,
ln-4., de 175 feuillets. Notices et
extr, 1, 1787, 165-280.
An analysls oniy. Transcription of
Arable tltle given in footnote.
2142. - Mmoire sur la nature et les rvolu
tions du droit de proprit territori
ale en gypte, depuis la conqute de
ce pays par les Musulmans Jusqu'
1 'expdition des Franois. Ac. inscr.
Mm. 1, 1815, 1-165; 5, 1821, 1-75;
7, 1824, 55-124.
2143. SCHMITZ, ALFRED LUDWIG. Die politk der
Kopten. Preuss. Jahrb. 206, 1926,
2144. SCHUBART, WILHELM. Agypten von Alexander
dem Grossen bis auf Mohammed. Berlin,
Weidmann, 1922. 379 p.
HEYYiORTH-DUNNE, J. Education in Egypt
and the Copts. Soc. arch. copte Bull,
6, 1940, 91-108.
JOANNES, BP. OF NIKIOU. The chronicle of
John, bishop of Nikiu; translated from
Zotenberg's 1916 Ethiopie text, by R.
H. Charles. London, Williams and
Norgate, 1916. 216 p. (Text and
translation society)
A history of the Arabie conquest of
Egypt written by a Coptic bishop.
C. R. Crum, W. E. J. Eg. arch. 4,
1917, 207.
-- Chronique de Jean vque de Nlkiou.
Texte thiopien, publi et traduit par
M. H. Zotenberg. Notices et extr. 241,
1883, 125-605.
Text and translation of the Ethiopie
version, made from an Arable paraphrase
of an original which was in Greek with
some chapters in Coptic. Important
source materlal for the history of
JOUGUET, PIERRE. De l'Egypte grecque
l'gypte copte. Soc. arch. copte Bull.
I, 1935, 1-26.
Historical development of the Copts.
KARABACEK, JOSEF. Der Mokaukls von
Aegypten. P. Raln. Mitt. 1, 1887,
KIKWAN, L. P. Studles ln the later his
tory of Nubia. Ann. arch. anthrop. 24,
1937, 69-105.
LANE-POOLE, STANLEY. The first Mohamma-
dan treatles with Chrlstians. R. Irish
ac. Proc. 24, sec. C, 1902-4, 227-56.
Arable text of treaty with the Copts.
History of Egypt in the Mlddle Ages.
London, Methuen, 1901. 382 p. illus.
In Petrie, W. M. F. A history of
Egypt. London, 1898-t1905] v. 6.
LECLERCQ, HENRI, Sgypte. In Cabrol,
F. Dictionnaire d'archoTgie chr
tienne et de liturgie. Paris, Letou-
zey, 1907-39. t, 4, pt. 2, pp. 2401
A gnral article on the history,
religion, art and literature of the
MASPERO,,JEAN. Organisation militaire
de l'Egypte byzantine. Paris, Cham-
ion, 1912. 157 p. (Ecole haut,
tudes Bib. 201)
MORITZ, B. Beltrage zur geschichte des
Sinalklosters im mittelalter nach
arabischen quellen. Berlin, K.
Akademle der wlssenschaften, 1918.
62 p. illus. (Berl. ak. Abh.
1918, 4)
Contalns a chapter on Chrlstlanlty
in Egypt.
C. R. Weber, W. Or. lit. z. 27,
1924, 1-8.
2145. SCHUBERT, HANS VON. Hypatia von Alexan-
drien in wahrheit und dichtung.
Preuss. Jahrb. 124, 1906, 42-60.
2146. SHARPE, SAMUEL. The history of Egypt
from the earllest tlmes till the con-
quest by the Arabs A. D. 640. London,
Moxon, 1852. 2 v.
6th dition.
2 v.
London, Bell, 1885.
SOBHY, GEORGE P. Education ln Egypt dur-
ing the Christian period and amongst
the Copts. Soc. arch. copte Bull. 9,
1943, 103-22.
SULADiN, SALM._ Mukhta?ar ta5 rkh al-
'ummat al-lflbtlyah. [Calro, 1914]
Epltome of the history of the Coptic
thelr non-Huslim subjects; a critlcal
study of the covenant of 'Umar. Lon
don, Bombay t etc j, Milford, Oxford
unlversity press, 1930. 240 p. 2160.
fUMAR TUSN, PRINCE. Mmoire sur les
finances de l'gypte depuis les pharaons
Jusqu' nos Jours. Le Caire, Institut 2161.
franais d'archologie orientale, 1924.
186 p. (Inst. d'g. Mm. 6)
WENGER, LEOPOLD. Volk und staat in Egyp
te n am ausgang der RBmerherrschaft.
Mnchen, Franz, 1922. 58 p.
ground of Coptism. In Coptic Egypts
papers read at a symposium. Brooklyn,
1944. pp. 7-17.
ZOTENBERG, H. Mmoire sur la chronique
byzantine de Jean, vque de Niklou.
J. asiat. ser. 7, 10, 1877, 451-517;
\Z, 1878, 245-347; 13, 1879, 291-386.
Gives a rsum by chapters from Bib.
nat. ethiop. 146, fols. 62-138.
ABETTI, A. Cronologla astronomica.
Nozlonl sul calendario del Cofti e
degli Ablsslni crlstianl. Acc.
Llncel Rend. ser. 4, 3, 1887, 396-407.
CHANE. MARIU3. pa chronologie $es temps
chretiens de l'gypte et de l'Ethiopie;
histoire et xpos du calendrier et du
comput de l'Egypte et de l'thiople
depuis les dbuts de l're chrtienne
nos jours, accompagns de tables don
nant pour chaque anne, avec les carac
tristiques astronomiques du comput
alexandrin, les annes correspondantes
des principales res orientales, suivis
d'une concordance des annes Juliennes,
grgoriennes, coptes et thiopiennes.
Paris, Geuthner, 1925. 344 p.
mathematlschen und technlschen chronol
ogie, das zeltrechnungswesen der volker.
Leipzig, Hlnrlchs, 1906-14. 3 v.
Zeltrechnungswesen der Kopten:
3, pp. 3217.
KRALL, JAKOB. Die aegyptlsche lndictlon.
P. Rain. Mitt. 1, 1887, 12-25.
LACOINE, MILE. Tables de concordance
des dates des calendriers arabe, copte,
grgorien, Isralite, Julien, rpubli
cain, etc. tablies d'aprs une nou
velle mthode. Paris, Baudry, 1891.
80 p.
LORTET, Calendrier cophte, traduit de
l'arabe et annot. Acadmie des
sciences, Lyons. Classe des sciences.
Mmoires n. s. 2, 1852, 25-49.
A concordance between the Coptic and
the Jullan calendars.
POCHAN, A. Note au sujet de l're des,
martyrs ou de Dlocltlen. Inst. d'Eg.
Bull. 19, 1936-7, 135-45.
SOBHY, GEORGE P. The Coptic calenderi-
cal computation and the system of
epacts known as "the Epact computation"
ascribed to Abba Demetrlu the Xllth
patrlarch of Alexandria. Soc. arch.
copte Bull. 8, 1942, 169-99; 9, 1943,
From an Arabie manuscript.
der Kopten.
Die indictionenrechnung
Z. aeg. spr. 22, 1884,
The Copts
Ethnography, Social Customs, Characteristics
2163. ALPINI, PROSPER. Historiae Aegypti
naturalls pars prima r-secunda],
Lugduni Batavorum, Potullet, 1735.
2 v.
Natural history, social life and
2164. AMLINEAU, MILE CLMENT. Une famille
fodale en gypte. Tour du monde
n. s. 12, 1906, 265-88.
2165. BLACKMAN, WINIFRED S. The fellhn of
Upper Egypt, thelr rellgious, social
and industrial life today with spcial
reference to survivais from ancient
tlmes. London, Harrap, t1927j
530 p. illus.
C. R. Meyerhof, M.
1928, 602-4.
Or. lit. z. 31,
2166. BREREWOOD, EDWARD. Enquiries touching
the dlversity of languages and reli
gions through the chelfe parts of the
world. London, Bill, 1614. 198 p.
Chap, 22 is devoted to the Copts.
2167. THE COPTS. Dublin revlew ser. 3, 11,
1884, 93-117.
Egypt, from recently dlscovered pre-
dynastic and early Christian records.
London, Paul, Trench, Trbner, 1909.
169 p. illus.
Chap. 4, Christianity in Egypt.
Cent. Asian soc. J. 24, 1937, 27-45.
LAMMENS, H. Coptes asiatiques? Rev.
or. chr. 8, 1903, 633 sq.
LANE, EDWARD WILLIAM. An account of the
manners and customs of the modem
Egyptiens, written in Egypt during
the years 1833, -34, and -35, partly
from notes made during a former visit
to that country in the years 1825, -26,
-27 and -28. London, Knight, 1837.
2 v. illus.
Chapter on the Copts, vol. 2, pp. 311
LANE-POOLE, STANLEY. The story of Cairo.
London, Dent, 1924. 339 p. illus.
Uuch on Coptic character, religion,
LAUZIRE, E. L'me copte.
1936, 241-5.
Le rayon 9,
LEEDER, S. H. Modem sons of the Pha-
roahs; a study of the manners and cus
toms of the Copts of Egypt, illustra-
ted with photographs. London, New
York, Hodder and Stoughton, 1918.
355 p. illus.
LEGRAIN, GEORGES. Une famille copto de
Haute-Egypte. Bruxelles, Fondation
gyptologlque reine lisabeth, 1945.
126 p.
MIDDLETON, J. HENRY. The Copts of Egypt
and their churches. The Academy 22,
1882, 248-9, 266-7, 285-6, 318-9.
RAUWOLFF, LEONHARD. Aigentliche beschrei
bung der raisz, so er vor diser zeit
gegen auffgang ... inn die morgenlaender
fiirnemlich Syriam, Judaeam, Arabiam,
Mesopotamiam, Babyloniam, Assyriam,
Armeniam ... volbracht. Laugingen,
Reinmichel, 1582. 487 p.
Chap. 16: Von den Jacobiten,
gennannt Gofty.
SAMUEL OF KALAMOUN. L'apocalypse de
Samuel,'suprieur de Deir-el-Qalamoun.
Texte arabe dit et traduit en fron
ais par M. l'abb J. Ziadeh. Rev. or.
chr. 20 [Ser. 2, 10], 1915-17, 374-407.
On the languages and usages of the
Copts; probably written in Coptic
originally, and preserved in Arabie.
Note by F, N. Nau, pp. 405-7.
SOBHY, GEORGE P. Notes on the ethnology
of the Copts considered from the point
of view of their descendance from the
ancient Egyptians. Soc. arch. copte
Bull. 1, 1935, 43-59.
2180. - The survival of ancient Egypt. Soc.
arch. copte Bull. 4, 1938, 59-70.
Origin and characteristics of the
Egyptian people, and the survival of
Egyptian and Coptic words and expres
sions in modem times.
2181. THE TIMES, LONDON. The Times book of
Egypt. London, The Times publishing
company ltd., [1937]. 137 p.
"A venerable sect, chapter on the
Copts and their language: pp. 118-21.
dello stato prsente dell' Egltto,
nella quale si d esattisimo ragguaglio
delle cose naturel! del paese: del
governo politico, che vi : delle
religione de' Copti: dell' economia
delli Egizij, e delle magniflche
fabriche che ancor' hoggedi vi si ci
veggono. Parigi, Cramoisy, 1671.
283 p.
2183. Johann Michael Wanaleb's ungedruckte
beschreibung von Aegypten lm jahre
1664. In Paulus, H. E, G.
Sammlung*"3er merkwurdlgsten reisen
in den Orient. Jena, Cuno, 1792-1803.
vol. 3, pp. 1-122.
The original German account on which
the Italian version, number 2182, was
2184. Nouvelle relation en forme de Journal
d'un voyage fait en Egypte en 1672 et
1673. Paris, Michallet, 1677. 423,
17 p.
Another dition. Paris, Compagnie
des libraires associs, 1698.
2185. Neue beschreibung einer reise nach
Aegypten in den Jahren 1672. 1673.
in form elnes tagebuchs verfasst ...
nach der franzoslschen ausgabe Paris,
1677. In Paulus, H. E. G.
Sammlung3er merkwurdlgsten reisen in
den Orient, Jena, Cuno, 1792-1803.
vol. 3, pp. 123-412.
2186. --- The present State of Egypt; or, A new
relation of a late voyage into that
kingdom, perforiaed in the years 1672
and 1673 ... Englished by M. D.
London, 1678. 253 p.
2187. WORRELL, WILLIAM HOYT. A short account
of the Copts. Ann Arbor, Unlversity
of Mlchlgan press, 1945. 54 p.
illus. (Henry Russell lecture for
ABBOTT, NABIA. Arable marriage contracts
among Copts. Deut. morg. gesells. z.
95, 1941, 59-81.
BOULARD, LOUIS. La vente dans les actes
coptes. Paris, Geuthner, 1912.
94 p. (Extrait des tudes d'histoire
juridique offertes Paul Frdric
of law. Conveyancing among the Copts
of the eighth century. Law magazine
and law review 6, 1858-9, 237-48.
Contains translations from texts.
KOZMAN, FRANOIS. Les chrtiens d'Egypte
ont-ils adopt et suivent-ils jusqu'
nos jours la lgislation Justlnienne
ou uniquement le code thodosien connu
sous le nom de coutumier syro-romain?
Congressus iuridlcus internationalis
Rome, 1934. Acta, vol. 2, pp. 171-224.
Textes lgislatifs touchant le
cnobitisme gyptien. [Cit du Vati
can], Typographie polyglotte vatlcane,
1935. 95 p. (S, congregazlone per
la chiesa orientale. Codificazlone
canonica orientale. Fonti, ser. 2, 1)
Translation of extracts from Greek,
Coptic and Arable material.
MEYER, JULIUS. ber koptische rechtsur
kunden. Zeitschrift fr vergleichende
rechtswissenschaft 26, 1911, 154-7.
bizantinl in versloni arabe cristlane
del sec. XII-XIII. Acc. Lincei Rend,
ser. 6, 1, 1925, 101-65.
... sur les contrats de mariage gyp
tiens. J. asiat. ser. 7, 10, 1877,
--- Les rgimes matrimoniaux dans le droit
gyptien et par comparaison dans le
code civil franais. Rev. g. 1,
1880, 98-116.
Contains text of three Coptic con
tracta in the British musum.
Union lgitime aprs sduction.
Rev. g. 1, 1880, 117-21.
Some Coptic material.
als stellvertretungsformel in den kop
tischen papyri. Byz. z. 24, 1923-4,
SCHILLER, A. ARTHUR. Coptic law.
Juridlcal revlew 43, 1931, 211-40.
See also number 2062.
Koptisches recht. Elne studle auf
grund der quellen und abhandlungen.
Krltische vierteljahrschrift f.
gesetzgebung und rechtswissenschaft
61 [Ser. 3, 25j, 1932, 250-96; 63
[Ser. 3, 27], 1935, 18-46.
2201. - Prolegomena to the study of Coptic
law. Archives d'hlst. du droit orien
tai 2, 1938, 341-65.
Survey of the documents, etc.
2202. SEIDL, ERWIN. Der eld lm rSmlsch-
agyptischen provinzialrecht. II.
Die zelt von beginn d. reglerung
Diokletians bis zur eroberung Agypten
durch die Araber. Mit einem anhang:
Der eid im koptischen recht und in
den griechischen urkunden der Araber-
zeit. Munchen, Beck, 1935. 172 p.
(Mnch. beitr. pap. 24)
C. R. Ehrhardt, A.
39, 1936, 356-63.
Or. lit. z.
2203. SETHE, KURT. Demotische urkunden zum
agyptischen brgschaftsrechte vorzg-
llch der PtolemEerzelt. Leipzig,
Teubner, 1920. 812 p. (SSchs. ak.
Abh. 32)
Koptischer anhang: pp. 496-515.
Dlscusses jt t- Ti op e, y i r-TOOTc
Noycjine^ and <yerr- noyPcomi
(Bohairic only).
2204. SPRINGER, ERNST. Die slcherungsklauseln
der koptischen rechtsurkunden. Z.
aeg. spr. 23, 1885, 132-44.
2205. STEINWENTER, ARTUR. Kinderschenkungen
an koptische klSster. Sav.-Stift.
z. 42, Kanon. 11, 1921, 175-207.
2206. Die ordinationsbltten koptischer
klerlker. Aegyptus 11, 1930-1,
Concerned wlth the lgal aspects.
2207. - Die rechtsstellung der kirchen und
kloster nach den papyri. Sav.-stift.
z. 50, Kanon. 19, 1930, 1-50.
2208. Zu den koptische kinderoblationen.
Sav.-stift. z. 43, Kanon 12, 1922,
2209. - Zur lehre von der Episcopalis Audl-
entia. Byz. z. 30, 1929-30, 660-8.
2210. TILL, WALTER. Zum eld in den koptischen
rechtsurkunden. Z. aeg. spr. 76,
1940, 74-9.
2211. VILLENOISY, FRANOIS DE. Des donations
d'enfants l'poque copte. Thse
soutenue 1'cole du Louvre le 11
Fvrier 1888. Rev. g. 6, 1891, 30-6,
150-3; 7, 1896, 146-9, 199-200.
See aiso numbers 2058-9, 2061-2,
noms coptes de quelques villes et
villages d'gypte. J. aslat. ser. 2,
13, 1834, 337-77, 385-435.
de l'gypte l'poque copte. Paris,
Imprimerie nationale, 1893. 630 p.
Some geographlcal Identifications ln
Egypt. Aslat. quart, rev, ser. 2, 3,
1892, 328-45.
BORRER, DAWSON. A Journey from Naples to
Jerusalem by way of Athens, Egypt and
the penlnsula of Slnal, lncludlng a
trlp to the valley of Fayoum; together
with a translation of M. Llnant de
Bellefond's "Mmoire sur le lac Moerls".
London, Madden, 1845. 579 p. Illus.
Lake Moerls, With a prefatory note
by Col. Sir Colin Scott-Moncrieff and
Illustrations from photographs by the
author. London, Stanford, 1892.
110 p.
Ancient testlmony concernlng Lake
Moerls and history of Fayyum province.
BUTLER, ALFRED JOSHUA. Babylon of Egypt;
a study ln the history of old Calro.
Oxford, The Clarendon press, 1914.
63 p.
An examlnatlon of the evldence on the
name and exact site of the clty, with
reference to the studles by Amllneau
and Crum, and citations from Coptic
CASANOVA, PAUL. Les noms coptes du Caire
et localits voisines. Inst. fr.
arch. or. Bull. 1, 1901, 139-224.
sous les pharaons, ou Recherches sur
la gographie, la religion, la langue,
les critures et l'histoire de l'gypte
avant l'invasion de Cambyse. Paris,
Chez de Bure frres, 1814. 2 v.
T. 2. Tableau synonymique de la
gographie de l'Egypte sous les phar
aons (copte, grec, arabe, vulgaire).
COSSON, ANTHONY DE. Mareotis, being a
short account of the history and
ancient monuments of the northwestern
desert of Egypt and of Lake Mareotis.
London, Country life ltd., 1935.
219 p.
Of particular Interest from the
geographlcal standpolnt.
C. R. Simon, J. Orientalla
n. s. 5, 1936, 294-6.
CRUM, WALTER EWING. Place-names in
Deubner's Kosmas und Damlan. Soc,
Blbl. arch. Proc. 30, 1908, 129-36.
2222. DARESSY, GEORGES. Abousir d'Achmounein.
Ann. du Service 19, 1920, 153-8.
2223. L'emplacement de la ville de Benna.
Ann. du Service 18, 1919, 279-81.
2224. - Les emplacements de la ville de Taoua.
Ann. du Service 22, 1922, 185-92.
2225. L'vche de Sais et Naucratls. Ann.
du Service 20, 1920, 172-4.
2226. - Les grandes villes d'gypte l'poque
conte. Rev. arch. ser. 3, 25, 1894,
An attempt to identify the sites in
a list of bishoprics used by Amllneau
in number 2213, and Roug ln number
2227. - Indicateur topographique du "Livre des
perles enfouies et du mystre prcieux".
Inst. fr. arch, or. Bull. 13, 1917,
175-230; 14, 1918, 1-32.
2228. Recherches gographiques. Ann. du
Service 26, 1926, 246-72.
2229. GAUTHIER, HENRJ. Le Xe nome de la Haute-
gypte. (Etude gographique).
Rec. de travaux 35, 1913, 1-26, 162-92.
Glves Coptic place names ln second
2230. Index aux notes gographiques sur le
nome Panopolite. Inst. fr. arch, or.
Bull. 11, 1914, 49-63.
Indices of French, hleroglyphic,
Greek, Latin, Coptic and Arabie names.
2231. Notes gographiques sur le nome
Panopolite. Inst. fr. arch. or.
Bull. 4, 1905, 39-101.
2232. Nouvelles notes gographiques sur le
nome Panopolite. Inst. fr. arch. or.
Bull. 10, 1912, 89-130.
2233. GOODWIN, CHARLES WYCLIFFE. Topographical
notes from Coptic papyri. Z. aeg.
spr. 7, 1869, 73-5.
Geographlcal names found in the Djeme
papyri, not included in Parthey's
Vocabularlum coptlcum.
Bakharfts-Faras in geography and history.
J. Eg. arch. 11, 1925, 259-68.
2235. HOGARTH, D. G. Three north Delta nomes.
J. Hell. stud. 24, 1904, 1-19.
Identifies certain ancient sites,
using principally lists of Coptic
2236. KIKWAN, L. P. Notes on the topography
of the Christian Nublan klngdoms.
J. Eg. arch. 21, 1935, 57-62.
2237. LA RONCIRE, CHARLES. La gographie de
l'gypte travers les ges. Paris,
Pion [1931]. 427 p. In Hanotaux,
G. Histoire de la nationTgyptlenne.
Paris [1933]. t. 1.
Mmoire sur le lac Moeris prsent et
lu la Socit gyptienne le 5 Juillet
1842. Pub. par la Socit gyptienne.
Alexandrie, Ozanne, 1843. 28 p.
For an Engllsh translation see
number 2215.
LORET, VICTOR. Carnet de notes gypto-
loglques. Sphinx 6, 1903, 97-112.
3. Le village de TAX-nApAre.
Matriaux pour servir la gographie
de l'gypte. Le Caire, Institut
franais d'archologie orientale, 1919.
282 p. (Inst. fr. arch. or. Mm. 36)
MLLER, W. MAX. Der name der stadt Edfu.
Rec. de travaux 21, 1899, 199-200.
MUNIER, HENRI. La gographie de l'gypte
d'aprs les listes coptes-arabes. Soc.
arch. copte Bull. 5, 1939, 201-43.
Gographie historique. Le Caire,
Institut franais d'archologie orien
tale du Caire pour la Socit royale
de gographie d'gypte, 1929. 380 p.
(Bibliographie gographique de
l'gypte, 2)
-- Note sur le village de Hag. Ann. du
Service 17, 1917, 163.
- Les pays trangers connus des Coptes.
Soc. arch. copte Bull. 9, 1943, 141-57.
gographiques et historiques sur
l'gypte, et sur quelques contres
voisines; recueillis et extraits des
manuscrits ooptes, arabes, etc., de la
Bibliothque impriale. Paris, Schoell,
1811. 2 v.
Observations sur quelques points de
la gographie de l'gypte, pour servir
de supplment aux Mmoires historiques
et gographiques sur l'Egypte et sur
quelques contres voisines. Paris,
Schoell, 1812. 73 p.
ROBIOU, F. tude sur l'identification
des noms gyptiens des provinces et
des districts avec les noms grco-
romains, coptes et arabes. Ml.
arch. g. 3, 1876, 101-21.
DE. Busln et Phanlzolt. J. aslat.
ser. 8, 10, 1887, 145-50.
ROUGE, JACQUES DE. Gographie ancienne
de la Basse gypte. Paris, Rothschild,
1891. 176 p.
Text of a Greco-Copto-Arabic list of
the eplscopal seats of Egypt.
2251. SOBHY, GEORGE P. Note. Soc, arch.
copte Bull. 6, 1940, 207.
On the place name TftMY on a stele
in the Coptic musum, publlshed by
Sobhy (number 3108).
2252. fUMAR TUSN, PRINCE. Mmoire sur les
anciennes branches du Nil. Le
Caire, Institut franais d'archologie
orientale, 1922. 212 p. (Inst.
d'Eg. Mm. 4)
2253. --- Mmoire sur l'histoire du Nil. Le
Caire, Institut franais d'archologie
orientale, 1925. 3 v. (Inst. d'Eg.
Mm. 8-10)
2254. VYCICHL, WERNER. Agyptlsche ortsnamen
in der Bibel. Z. aeg. spr. 76, 1940,
2255. ZYHLARZ, ERNST. Die namen des Roten
Meeres im Sptagyptischen. Ar. aeg.
arch. 1, 1938, 111-6.
See also numbers 290, 1999.
Coptic Church
Doctrine. Theology. Rellgious Ideas
Livre*d la Lampe des tnbres et de
l'exposition (lumineuse) du service
(de l'glise) par Ab 1-Barakat conmu
sous le nom d'Ibn Kabar. Text arabe
dit et traduit par Dom Louis Ville-
court ... avec le concours de Msr.
Eugne Tisserant ... et M. Gaston fiet.
Patrol. or. 20, 1929, 575-734.
Encyclopedia of ecclesiastical
science of the Coptic church.
2257. AMLINEAU, MILE CLEMENT. Le christian
isme chez les anciens Coptes. Rev.
hlst. relig. 14, 1886, 308-45; 15,
1887, 52-87.
2258. The rle of the dmon in the ancient
Coptic religion. New world 2, 1893,
Storles about Satan and the monks.
del Copti e dlia valldlta del sacra-
mento dell' ordine presso loro. Dis-
sertazlone dl Gluseppe Slmonlo Asseman
composta nell' anno 1733 e conservata
ln un codice vatlcano. In Mal, A.
Scriptorum veterum nova cTlectio e
vaticanis codicibus. 1825-38. v. 5,
pp. 171-237.
2260. BELIEF, LITURGY and crmonial of the
Chris tians of Egypt. ( In Russlan].
St. Petersburg, Imprial academy of 2271.
sciences, 1856.
BETH, KARL. Die orientalische christen-
heit der mlttelmeerlinder. Relsestu-
dlen zur statlstlk und symbolik der
griechischen, armenlschen und koptl
schen klrche. Berlin, Schwetschke, 2272.
1902. 427 p.
GRAF, GEORG. Zwel dogmatische flori-
leglen der Kopton. Or. chr. per. 3,
1937, 49-77, 345-402. 2273.
A. Die kostbare perle. B. Das
bekenntnis der vater.
Arable text. Oraf dis eusses the
manuscripts, the composition and the
source for each of the slections corn- 2274.
prising the anthology.
clopedla itallana di scienze,lettere
ed arti. Roma, Istituto Giovanni
Treecani, 1929-39. v. 11, pp. 331-5. 2275.
in the New Testament and in the ecclesi-
astlcal tradition of Egypt. Harv.
theol, rev. 21, 1928, 147-59.
JACOBY, ADOLF. Der hundskopflge damon
der unterwelt. Ar. relig. 21, 1922, 2276.
Refers to Coptic superstitions.
JANIN, RAYMOND. Les glises orientales 2277.
et les rites orientaux. Paris, Maison
de la bonne presse, [1922] 720 p.
Also: 2. d. Pnris, [Imprimerie P.
Feren-Vrau, 1926?] 655 p. Illus.
3. ed. Paris, Maison de la
bonne press t1927?j 655 p. Illus.
JUGIE, MARTIN. Monophyslte (glise
copte). In Dictionnaire de tho
logie catholique. Paris, Letouzey,
1908-41. t. 10, pt. 2, pp. 2251-2306.
Theologia dogmatica Christianorum
orlentallum ab Ecclesia cathollca
dissidentium. Parisiis, Letouzey,
1926-35. 5 v.
Vol. 5. De theologia dogmatica 2280.
nestorianorum et monophysltarum.
JULLIEN, MICHEL. Traditions et legendes
coptes sur le voyage de la Sainte 2281.
Famille en gypte. Missions catholi
ques 19, 1886, 918-9.
KHOUZAM, M. L'illumination des intelli
gences dans la science des fondements. 2282.
Synthse de l'enseignement de la
thologie copto-arabe sur la rvla
tion chrtienne aux XIII et XIV sicles
d'aprs les crits d'Abu'l-Khair Ibn
at-Tayyib et Abu'l Barakat Ibn Kabar.
Roma, Tip. Pollgl. "Cuore di Maria" 2283.
1941. 213 p.
KITAB AL-MUNAZARAT al-ghaliyah. Cairo,
Watan press, 1903.
Discussions with a Protestant priest
on selected features of the orthodox
KOPP, CLEMENS. Aus vergangenheit und
gegenwart der koptlschen klrche.
Theol. u. glaube 21, 1929, 305-15,
-- Glaube und sakramente der koptlschen
kirche. Or. chr. 25, 1932, 1-217.
C. R. Hengstenberg, W. Or. lit.
z. 37, 1934, 495-9.
KRGER, G. Monophysiten. In Herzog,
J, J. Realencyklopdie W protes-
tantlsche theologle und kirche. 3.
aufl. Leipzig, Hinrichs, 1896-1913.
v, 13, pp. 372-401.
MACAIRE, GEORGES. L'glise copte, sa
foi d'aujourd'hui compare avec la
fol de ses pres et des trois conciles
oecumniques de Nice, de Constantlno-
ple e t d Ephse. Deuxime partie,
Le Christ Eramanue1. Le Caire, Impri
merie al-Taallf, 1893. 62 p.
MUELLER, FR. S. Die unbefleckte empfSng-
nls der Heillgsten Jungfrau im bekennt-
nlsse der koptlschen und athioplschen
kirche. Or. chr. 35, 1934, 157-92.
NOCK, ARTHUR DARBY. Later Egyptian plety.
In Coptic Egypt: papers read at a
symposium. Brooklyn, 1944, pp. 21-8.
PIANKOFF, ALEXANDRE. Le descente aux
enfers dans les textes gyptiens et
dans les apocryphes coptes. Soc.
arch. copte Bull. 7, 1941, 33-46.
Found in Coptic in the Apocalypse of
Bartholomew, the Discourse of Saint
Timothy, archbishop of Rakote, on the
feast of Michael the archangel, and
in the Death of St. Joseph.
asctique des premiers matres gyp
tiens du quatrime sicle. Paris,
Beauchesne, 1931. 287 p. (tudes
de thologie historique)
REVILLOUT, EUGNE. Les affres de la mort
chez les gyptiens. Rev. g. 1, 1880,
139-43; 2, 1882 , 64-71.
STERN, LUDWIG. Kopten. In Allgemelne
encyclopdie der wissenscHaften und
knste. Leipzig, Brockhaus, 1818-89.
Sec. 2, v. 38, pp. 12-25.
ception dans les anciennes glises
orientales: grecque, armnienne, copte,
syrienne. Rev. or. chr. 21 tser. 3,
1], 1918-19, 173-81.
VYCICHL, WERNER. Der feuerstrom im
jenselts. Eine Jenseitsvorstellung
lm pharaonischen, koptlschen und
mohammedanischen Aegypten.
arch. 1, 1938, 263-4.
Al-jauharat al-nafsah f ilm al-
kanlsat. Cairo, Ain Shems press,
1902. 180 p.
Edited by C. J. Labb. Encyclopedia
of the doctrines and usages of the
Coptic church, consisting of 15 short
sections doaling with Bible history,
ecclesiastical doctrine, clrgy,
liturgy, ritual, etc. The editor
has inserted the Coptic quivalent of
certain phrases.
2285. - La perle prcieuse traitant des sci
ences ecclsiastiques (Chapitres I-
LVI) par Jean, fils d'Abou-Zakariy,
surnomm Ibn Sab. Texte arabe publi
et traduit, par Jean Prier. Patrol.
or. 16, 1922, 591-760.
See also numbers 1620, 2474.
Coptic Church
Egyptian Influence on Christian Doctrines
mythology in the Coptic apocrypha.
Orlentalla n. s. 7, 1938, 355-67.
2287. DUDLEY, LOUISE. The Egyptian elements
in the legend of the body and soui.
Baltimore, Furst, 1911. 179 p.
(Bryn Mawr college monographs 8)
Also publlshed as a thesis,
2288. HALLOCK, FRANK HUDSON. Christianity
and the old Egyptian religion. Eg.
relig. 2, 1934, 6-17.
2289. JACOBY, ADOLF. Altheidnisch-aegyptisches
im christentum. Sphinx 7, 1903,
2290. SHARPE, SAMUEL. Egyptian mythology and
Egyptian Christianity, with their in
fluence on the opinions of modem
Christendom. London, Smith, 1896.
116 p. illus.
Also 2d. ed.
12u p. illus.
London, Carter, 1896.
2291. ZIMMERMANN, FRITZ. Koptisches christen-
tum und altSgyptische religion. Ein
beitrag zur entstehungsgeschichte des
christentums in Aegypten. Theol.
quart, 94, 1912, 592-604.
See also number 2295.
Ar. aeg. Coptic Church
Rellgious Life and Customs
2292. AMLINEAU, MILE CLMENT. Prolgomnes
l'tude de la religion gyptienne;
essai sur la mythologie de l'Egypte.
Paris, Leroux, 1908-16. 2 v.
(Half title: Bibliothque de 1'cole
des hautes tudes. Sciences religi
euses. 21, 30)
2293. BARDY, G. La vie chrtienne aux Ille et
IVe sicles d'aprs les papyrus. Rev.
apol. 42, 1926, 643-51, 707-21.
Drawn from Greek papyri, chiefly
2294. BLACKMAN, WINIFRED S. An ancient Egyp
tian custom illustrated by a modem
survival. Man 25, 1925, 65.
Removal of the hair tuft on children.
2295. - Some modem Egyptian graveside cere-
monies. Discovery 2, 1921, 207-12.
Describes both Islamic and Coptic
rites, and compares them with the
ancient Egyptian ceremonles.
2296. Some modem Egyptian saints. II.
Coptic saints. Discovery 5, 1924,
Rit9s connected with St. Mittias and
St. Egladius.
2297. Some social and rellgious customs in
modem Egypt, with spcial reference
to survivais from ancient times. Soc.
khd. gog. Bull. 14, 1926, 47-61.
2298. CAUWENBERGH, PAUL VAN. Coutumes ecclsi
astiques en fiypte aux VlIe-VI.IIe
sicles d'aprs des ostraca coptes.
In Universit catholique, Louvain.
Sminaire historique. Association
des anciens membres. Mlanges
d'histoire offerts Charles Moeller.
Louvain, 1914. vol. 1, pp. 232-43.
2299. CRUM, WALTER EWING. Bricks as blrth-
stool. J. Eg. arch. 28,.1942, 69.
2300. DOLGER, FRANZ JOSEPH. Klingeln, tanz und
handelklatschen im gottesdignst der
christlichen Melitianer in Agypten.
Antlke u. Chr. 4, 1934, 245-65.
2301. KLUNZINGER, C. B. The king of ail the
nobles. Ancient Eg. 1924, 97,
A brief extract from Klunzinger's
book, Upper Egypt, on the festival of
the Coptic New Year, with a short note
by Flinders Petrie.
2302. MUNIER, HENRI. Le christianisme
Philae. Soc. arch. copte Bull. 4,
1938, 37-49.
2303. MURRAY, MARGARET ALICE. The ceremony of
Anba Tarabo. Ancient Eg. 1921, 110-4,
Description of the oeremony to pre-
vent hydrophobia, performed over per-
sons bitten by a dog, and a discussion
of its probable origin.
-- Nawruz, or the Coptic New Year,
Ancient Eg, 1921, 79-81.
A discussion of the traditions con-
nected with the festival of the Coptic
New Year, the day of the High Nile,
and its modem observance in several
MUYSER, JACOB. Le samedi et le dimanche
dans l'glise et la littrature coptes.
In Mina, T. Le martyre d'Apa Epima.
T Caire, Imprimerie nationale, 1937.
pp. 89-111.
Extracts from the literature bearlng
on the observance of these days.
SCHMIDT, CARL. Ein altchristliches^
mumienetikett, nebst bemerkungen ber
das begrabnisawesen der Kopten. Z.
aeg. spr. 32, 1894, 52-63.
SCHMIT7., ALFRED LUDV.'IG. Das totenwesen
der Kopten. Kritische bersicht ber
die literarischen und monumentalen
quellen. Z. aeg. spr. 65, 1930, 1-25.
SIMAIKA, MARCUS H. Some social Coptic
customs. Arch. J. 54 tser. 2, 4],
1897, 225-38.
SOBHY, GEORGE P, Customs and supersti
tions of the Egyptians connected with
pregnancy and child-birth. Ancient
Eg. 1923, 9-16.
Practices of the modem Copts which
have been handed down from ancient
TRIBIER, PAUL. Les ftes coptes et le
Nil. A propos du "Nelrouz" et du
jour du "sallb". Rev. feg. 1, 1912,
VERGOTE, J. Eculeua, rad- und pressefol-
ter in den agyptischen mrtyrerakten.
Z. neut. wiss. 37, 1938, 239-50.
- Les principaux modes de supplice chez
les anciens et dans l e3 textes chr
tiens. Inst. hist. belge de home.
Bull. 20, 1939(? ), 141-63.
Introduces evidence from a number
of Coptic texts.
VILLECOURT, LOUIS. Un manuscrit arabe
sur le saint chrme dans l'glise copte.
Rev. hist. eccls. 17l, 1921, 501-14;
18l, 1922, 5-39.
Prparation of the holy chrism.
Early annual baptismal ceremonies.
See also numbers 2272, 2360, 2688.
Ccptlc Church History
2314, ABUDACNUS, JOSEPHUS, Historia Jacobi-
tarum seu Coptorum in Aegypto, Lybia,
Nubia, Aethicpia tota, et parte Cypri
insulae habitantiun [Bd. by Thomas
Marshall}. Oxonii, E theatro
Sheldonino, 1675. 30 p.
Prfac by Marshall, in which he men
tions a scheme for printing an dition
of the Coptic N. T., revnr carried
231E. Historia Jacobitarum ... Libelium ...
curavit, praefatlone, vita J. Barnfsei
et notis auxlt Jo. Henr. a Seelen.
Lubecae, sumptu J. Schmidii, 1733.
65 p.
2316. - Historia Jacobitarum seu Coptorum,
in Aegypto, Lybia, Nubia, Aethlopia
tota, et Cypri insulae parte habitan-
tium ... cum annotationibus Joannis
Nicolai. Lugduni Batavorum, Hase-
broek, 1740. 205 p.
2317. History of the Cophts, commonly called
Jacobites under tfce domination of the
Turk and Abyssinien emperors. VJith
some geographlcal notes etc. Now
lately done into English from the
original in Latin, by Sir E. S(adlelr)
Bart. The second dition with alter-
atlons and amendments. London, E.
Jaye for R. Baldwin, 1693. 34 p.
2318. - The true history of the Jacobites of
Aegypt, Lybia, Nubia, etc., their
origine, religion, ceremonies, laws
and customs; whereby you may see how
they differ from the Jacobites of Great
Britain. Translated by a person of
quality t i.e. Sir E. Sadl3irj from the
Letln of Josephus Abudernus. London,
E. Jaye for R. Baldwin, 1692. 32 p.
2319. ADENEY, WALTER FREDERIC. The Greek and
Eastern churches. Edinburgh, Clark,
1908. 634 p.
Contalns a section on the Coptic
2320. AIAs, ADHEMAR D. Apollinaire. Les
origines du monophysisme. Rev. apol.
42, 1926, 131-49.
A brief account of the rise of the
Jacobite churches.
2321. Le schisme mltien d'gypte. Rev.
hist. eccls. 22, 1926, 5-26.
2322. ANTONINI, LUCIANA. Le chlese crlstlane
nell' Egitto dal TV-IX secolo secondo
i documenti dei papiri greci. Aegyp
tus 20, 1940, 129-208.
Deals with the names of churches,
index of saints, lgal personality of
the church, the right of asylum, etc.
A rgis ter of churches in topographi-
cal order is added.
ARMSTRONG, C. B. The synod of Alexan
drie and the schism at Antioch in A.
D. 362. J. theol. stud. 22, 1921,
206-21, 347-55.
ATTWATER, DONALD. The Catholic Eastern
churches. Milwaukee, Wis. tetc.j
Bruce, tcl935). 308 p.
A popular account which includes the
Coptic church.
- The dissident Eastern churches.
Milwaukee, Wis., Bruce, [C1937], 349 p.
(Religion and culture sris)
Chapter 12 deals with the Coptic
C. R. Simon, J. Orientalia 7,
1938, 303-4.
BADAWY, ALEXANDRE. Les premires glises
d'gypte Jusqu'au sicle de Saint
yrille. 62 p. In Kyrilliana.
Etudes varies l'occasion du XVe
centenaire de S. Cyrille d'Alexandrie.
Le Caire, ditions du Scribe gyptien,
BAYNES, NORMAN H. Alexandria and Con-
stantinoples a study in ecclesiastical
diploraacy. J. Eg. arch. 12, 1926,
BEAUG, CHARLES. Un rformateur copte au
Xllme sicle. Rev. quest. hist. 106
[Ser. 3, 10], 1927, 5-34.
Life of Marc Ibn al-Kanbar, based on
a chapter from The Churches and Mon
asterles of Egypt. by Abu S^llh.
BELL, HAROLD IDRIS. Jews and Christians
in Egypt. The Jewish troubles in
Alexandria and the Athanasian contro-
versy illustreted by texts from Greek
papyri in the British Musum. With
three Coptic texts edited by W. E.
Crum. London, Oxford Unlversity press,
1924. 140 p. illus.
See also numbers 2000-2001.
C. R. Ghedini, G. Aegyptus 6,
1925, 273-7.
Hengstenberg, Vi. Byz. z. 27,
1927, 138-45.
Hunt, A. S. J. Eg. arch. 11,
1925, 341-2.
Schubart, W. Or. lit. z. 27,
1924, 712-14.
New lights on Saint Athanasius.
Adelphi 1, 1923-4, 1006-9.
On the letters relating to the Mele-
tian schism which later appeared ln his
Jews and Christians ln Egypt (number
BETH, KARL. Porschungsreise zur kopti
schen kirche. Forsch. u. fortschr. 5,
1929, 54-5.
Modem Coptic church, and monasticism.
2332. BIZANZIO ED Alessandria nella storia del
giacobitlsmo. Bessarione 1, 18S6-7,
682-95, 774-84, 867-74; 2, 1897-8,
2333. BOHJjlG, ALEXANDER. Das Christentum in
Agypten. Z. fr missionskunde und
religionswissenschaft 51, 1936, 233-^2.
Brief outline of the history of
Christianity in Egypt.
;dv54. BURI, VINCENZO. L'unione dlia cbiesa
copta con Roma sotto Clament VIII.
Or. chr. 23, 1931, 101-264.
2335. BTCHER, EDITH LOUISA. The stcry of the
church of Egypt; being an outline of
the history of the Egyptiens under
their successive masters from the Roman
conquest until now. London, Smith,
Elder, 1897. 2 v.
2336. BUTLER, ALFRED JOSHUA. The original ms.
of Wansleb's "History of the Contic
church". Academy 34, 1888, 305.
Notes that the original Italien manu-
script is preserved ln the Bodleian
library. See number 2429.
2337. CASEY, ROBERT P. New papyri concernlng
incidents at Alexandria. Harv. theol.
rev. 18, 1925, 285-92.
Discussion of the texts publlshed by
Bell in number 2329.
2338. CATTAN, BASIL10. La chiesa copta nel
secolo XVII; documenti inediti.
Bessarione 34, 1918, 133-61,
Three Arabie letters in the R. Biblio-
tece del Lincei, dealing wlth proposais
to rejoin the Jacobite Coptic church
to Rome.
2339. CERULLI, ENRICO. Eugenio IV e gli Etiopi
el Concilio di Firenze nel 1441. Acc.
Lincei Rend. ser. 6, 9, 1933, 347-68.
Rellgious history of the Copts in
the 15th century.
2340. CHABOT, JEAN BAPTISTE. Documente ed
origines monophysiterum illustrandas.
Parislis, e Typogrepheo relpublli'a^,
Cnrolus Poussielgue, bibltopola;
Llpsiae, Harrassowitz, 1907-33. 2 v.
(Corpus script.orum chr is tlanorum
orientaliurn. Scriptores syri. ser. 2,
t. 37)
2341. CHAINE, MARITJS. Un conflit sur la date
de paques chez les orientaux. Rev.
or. chr. 24 tser. 3, 4], 1924, 436-40.
2342. CHRISTIANITY IN Egypt. Church quart.
rev. 18, 1884, 149-61.
Based on number 2351.
2343. CLERCQ, CARLO DE. Les glises unies
d'Orient. Paris, Blond et Gey,
t 1 9 3 4 j . 160 p. (Bibliothque
catholique des sciences religieuses
Chapter 10. Coptes et thiopiens. 2357.
I COPTI dl Egltto. Bessarlone 1, 1896-7,
THE COPTIC church. Dublin review 28,
1850, 314-30.
THE COPTIC church of Egypt. Saturday
raview, Londori, 63, 1887, 261-2.
CREED, J. M. Egypt and the Christian
church. In Glanville, S. R. K.
The legacy of Egypt. Oxford, 1942.
pp. 300-13. 2358.
CRUM, WALTER EWING. Eusebius and Coptic
church historis. Soc. Blbl. arch.
Proc. 24, 1902, 68-84.
Translation of Paris Cod. copte 129^-4, 2359,
ff. 73, 92, 96, 97, 98a col. 2, 144,
and discussion of its relation to Zoega
- Koptlsche klrche. In Herzog, J. J.
Realencyklopadie fur protestantlsche
theologia. 3 aufl. Leipzig, Hin
richs, 1896-1913. v. 12, pp. 801-15.
historique de S. Paul de Thbes. Anal,
Boll. 44, 1926, 64-9.
DENTON, WILLIAM. The ancient church in
Egypt. A paper, etc. London,
Rivington'3, 1883, 24 p,
au Vie sicle. Paris, Pontemolag, E.
de Boccard successeur, 1925. 663 p.
Chapter on the Copts and Jacobites.
--- Les protgs de Thodora. Ml. arch,
et hist. 35, 1915, 57-79.
Deals with the internai schisms among
the Monophysites of Alexandria and the
history of Severus.
rev. 23, 1886-7, 265-97.
Based on Butler's Ancient Coptic
churches of Egypt (number 2660) and
three other publications on Egypt.
ELLIS, ADAM CHARLES. A survey of the
eastern churches. Pt. IV. Biblio-
graphy. [Chicago, Loyola unlversity
press, 1930] 14 p.
"Reprinted from the Historical bulle
tin for May 1930".
The ecclesiastlcal history, with an 2367.
English translation by Kirsopp Lake.
London, Heinemann; New York, Putnam's,
1926-32. 2 v.
Also adited by: Heinlchen, 1368-70;
Burton, 1838; Crus, London, 1897; Law- 2368.
lor, Londori, 1927-8; Zlmraerman, Frank-
furt, 1822.
Contextlo gemmarum; sive, Eutychll ...
Annales, Johanne Seldeno chorago,
lnterprete Edwardo Pococklo ...
Oxonlae, impensis Humphredi Robinson,
1658. [130), 533 p.
Arabie text with Latin translation.
Reprinted in Mlgne, Patrol. gr. 111,
cols. 889-1232. Arable text also
edited by L. Cheikho and others in
Corp. script, christ, or. Scriptores
arabici, Textus, ser. 3, t. 6.
F0RTE3CUE, ADRIAN. The lesser Eastern
churches. London, Catholie truth
society, 1913. 468 p. Illus.
Several chapters on the Coptic church.
FOWLER, MONTAGUE. Christian Egypt, past,
present and future. London, Church
newspaper company limited, 1901.
319 p.
A popular account of the history of
the Coptic church and Its present
s tatus.
FULLER, P. W. Coptism.
1902, 160-75.
Month 100,
1, The Egyptian church of today,
2. Vicissitudes of Cathollclsm ln
GHEDINI, G. Luci nuove dal papiri sullo
scisma melezlano e il monachismo ln
Egitto. La seuola cattollea, Milan
53, 1935, 261-80.
GORE, CHARLES. Cri the ordination of the
early bishops of Alexandria. J. theol.
stud. 3, 1902, 278-82,
GRAP, GEORG. Ein reformversuch inner-
halb der koptlschen kirche lm zwolften
Jahrhundert. Paderborn, Schoningh,
1923. 208 p. (Collectanea Hiero-
solymltana, 2)
GROFF, WILLIAM. L'auror dy christian
isme en Egypte. Inst. d'Eg. Bull,
ser. 3, 9, 1898, 159-66.
,Les origines du christianisme en
Egypte. L'glise d'Alexandrie. Inst.
d'Eg. Bull. ser. 3, 9, 1898, 57-66.
kirehengeschichte nach orientalischen
quellen. Leipzig, Harrassowltz, 1925.
420 p.
A gnral work includlng about twenty
pages on the Egyptian church.
HECKEL, ANDREAS. Dis kirche von Agypten,
Ihre anfange, Ihre organisation und
ihre entwlcklung bis zur zeit des
Nlcanum. Strassburg, Heitz, 1918.
85 p. (Dis3. Strassburg)
HETLER, FRIEDRICH. Urkirche und ost-
kirche. Mnchen, Reinhardt, 1937.
607 p. (Die katholische klrche des
ostens und westens. 1)
"Die koptlsche kirche" pp. 471-91,
HOFMANN, GEORG. La "Chiesa" copta et
etiopica nel Concilio di Firenze. La
Civilta cattolica 2, 1942, 141-6, 228
-- Kopten und Aethiopisr auf dem Konzil
von Florenz. Or. chr. per. 8, 1942,
HOLL, KARL. Die bedeutung der neuverSf-
fentlichten melltlanlschen urkunden
fur die kirchengeschichte. Berl. ak.
Sitzb. 1925, 18-31.
Also publlshed ln hls Gesamraelte
aufsatze zur kirchengeschichte.
Tubingen, Mohr (P. Slebeck) 1927-28.
v. 2, pp. 283-97.
HYVERNAT, HENRY. The Coptic church.
In The Catholic encyclopedia. New
Trk, Appleton, 11907-12 j v. 5,
pp. 35063.
JANIN, RAYMOND. Les glises spares
d'Orient. Paris, Bloud et Gay,
(1929). 198 p. (Bibliothque
catholique des sciences religieuses)
Chapt9r 9s Les glises copte et
Engliah translation by P. Boylan,
London, Sands, 1933. 243 p.
JULICHER, ADOLF. Zur geschichte der
monophysitenkirche. Z. neut. wiss.
24, 1925, 17-43.
lsche strelt in Agypten. Z. neut.
wiss. 35, 1936, 155-93.
KIDD, BERESFORD JAMES. The churches of
eastern Christendom from A; D. 451 to
the present tlme. London, The Faith
press, ltd. t1927j. 541 p.
Section on the Coptic church.
KTB AL=HARDAH al-nafsat f tarkh
al-kansah ... [Cairoj " Ain Sams",
1923. 2 v. illus.
History of the Coptic church.
KITB HUSN AL-SULK f ta rkh al-batrik
wa l-nuluk. Tallf al-rhib al-
Bararasl. cCairo, 1897j
History of the Coptic church. Pt. 1,
KOPP, CLEMENS. Aus vergangenhelt und
gegenwart der koptischen kirche.
Theol. u. glaube 21, 1929, 305-15,
KjRUGERj, F. H. L'glise copte. In
La grande encyclopdie. Paris,
Lamirault, t1886-1902}. v. 15,
pp. 626-8.
2381. LAMY, T. J. Les orientaux et le concile
oecumnique. Les Coptes. Rev. cath.
1869, 566-89.
History, present state, bellefs and
rites of the Copts.
2382. LEBON, JOSEPH. Le monophysisme svrlen;
tude historique, littraire et tho
logique sur la rsistance monophyslte
au Concile de Chalcdolne jusqu' la
constitution de l'glise Jacoblte.
Lovanl, van Linthout, 1909. 551,
24 p. (Dlssertatlones ad gradum
doctoris in facultate theologlca
consequendum conscriptae, ser. 2, t. 4)
2383. LEIPOLDT, JOHANNES. Die entstehung der
koptischen kirche. In Haupt, R.
Antiquarischer katalog. No. 5. Halle,
2384. LEQUIEN, MICHEL. Oriens christianus, in
quatuor patrlarchatus digestus; quo
exhibentur ecclesise, patriarchae,
caeterlqua praesules totius Orientis.
Parisiis, ex Typographia rgla, 1740.
3 v.
"De patriarchatu Alexandrino",
vol. 2, cols. 329-666.
2385. LETRONNE, ANTOINE JEAN. Matriaux pour
l'histoire du christianisme en gypte,
en Nubie et en Abyssinie, contenus dans
trois mmoires acadmiques sur des in
scriptions grecques des Ve et VI
sicles. Paris, Imprimerie royale,
1832. 148 p.
2386. LOOFS, FRIEDRICH. Symbollk, oder christ
liche konfess ionskunde. Tbingen und
Leipzig, Mohr (P. Slebeck), 1902.
430 p. (Grundriss der theologlschen
wissenschaften, pt. 4, bd. 4)
Includes a short account of the
Coptic church.
2387. LUSKA, J. Errores Coptorum t&mpore
Concilii Florentini (1442). Academla
velehradensis, Velehrad, Moravia.
Acta 16, 1940, 203-15.
2388. MACAIRE, GEORGES. Histoire de l'glise
d'Alexandrie depuis saint Marc Jusqu'
nos Jours. Le Caire, Imprimerie gn
rale, 1894. 384 p.
2389. MAKRZ. Geschichte der Copten. Aus
den handschriften zu Gotha und Wien
mit bersetzung und annerkungen von
Ferd. Wstenffild. GSttingen,
Dieterich, 1845. 142, [70, p.
(Gott. gesells. Abh. 3)
2390. - A short history of the Copts and of
thelr church. Translated from_the
Arable of Tqi-ed-Dn el-Maqrz, by
Solomon Caesar Malan. London, Nutt,
1873. 115 p. (Original documents
of the Coptic church. 3)
2391. - Taki-eddini Makrlzil hlstorla Coptorum
Christianorum in Aegypto arablce dita
et ln llnguam latlnam translata ab
H. J. Wetzer. Sallsbacl, 1828. 21b
MANGARIUS, YSUF. Kaul al-yakn. Cairo, 2406.
1893. 264 p.
A history of the orthodox Coptic
Ta* rkh al-ummat al-kibtyah. Cairo,
1913. 430 p. '
Khulat al-Jfnnyah f al-ahwal
al-ahakhalyah. Cairo, 1896. 94 p.
A treatiae upon the lawo by which the
members of the Coptic church are govern-
A history of the Coptic people from
the year 1893 to the year 1912.
AL-MASALAT al-kibyah. Cairo, n. d.
A collection of newspaper articles
dealing with the internai organization
of the Coptic church.
MAUTIS, GEORGES. L'introduction du
christianisme en gypte. Revue de
thologie et de philosophie n. s. 9,
1921, 169-85.
4 >v " i a * v <o | J . Ca . L V <i r *i K o r r T i K T ) ^
J K K X r | r i t t k n o t o v 2 T o
K ttijtfoj. ,EKKX-r)iria<rriKO^ (bapoj
35, 19-?, 382-93.
MTJLLER, KARL. Kleine beitrage zur alten
kirchengeschic.hte. 16. Die alteste
bischofswahl und -weihe in Rom und
Alexandrien. Z. neut. wiss. 28,
1929, 274-96.
MUNIER, HENRI. Recueil des listes pia-
copalos de l'glise copte. Le Caire,
Socit d'archologie copte, 1943.
91 p. (Socit d'archologie copte.
Textes et documents).
NAKHLAH* YACKB. Tarkh al-ummat al-
kibtlyah.* Cairo, 1898. 384, 18 p.
A short history of the Copts.
Eastern church.
2 v. Illus.
A history of the Holy
London, Masters, 1847.
C. R. Russell, C.
1848, 487-517.
Dublin rev. 24,
2407. PIEPER, KARL. Atlas orbis chrlstiani
antiqui. <Atlas zur alten missions-
und kirchengeschichte^ . Dsseldorf,
Schwann, 1931. 63 p. 17 maps.
Shows the chlef centers of religious
activity in ancient Christian Egypt.
2408. PNJER, BERNHARD. Koptlsche kirche.
In Allgeraeine encyclopdie der wis-
senschaften und knste. Leipzig,
Brockhaus, 1818. Sec. 2, v. 39,
pp. 25-6.
T ^ a H c i A n k e i (-(- sive Exercl-
tatio theologlca, ecclesiae copticae,
hoc est Christianorum acgyptiacae,
ortum, progressum, praecipuaaue
doctrinae capita repraesentans: Praes.
J. F.. Gerhardo. Jenae, Banhofer,
Dissertation; probably the oldest
European work on the Copts.
2410. RENAUDIN, PAUL. Les Coptes jacobites et
l'glise romaine. Science catholique
9, 1895, 610-21, 689-702, 789-810,
Also published sepsrately, Arras,
Sueur-Charruey, 1895. 60 p.
2411. RICCIOTTI, F. Roma cattolica e Oriente
crlstlano. Florence, 1935. 143 p.
Includes material on the history and
present state of the Coptic church.
2412. RILEY, ATHELSTAN. Synopsis of oriental
Christianity. The Guardian 43, 1888,
NOURRIT, S. J. Religion in Upper Egypt.
Month 103, 1904, 18-24, 404 ff; 104,
1905, 51 ff.
O'LEARY, DE LACY EVANS. The Coptic church
and Egyptian monasticism. In Glan
ville, S. R. K. The legacy of Egypt.
Oxford, 1942. pp. 317-31.
OXIEY, W. R. The Copts, some particulars
concerning the ancient national church
of Egypt. London, Association for
the furtherance of Chrlstlanlty in
Egypt [1883]. 24 p.
PAPADOPOULOS, C . o V i S -Ku p i XXos
A * > r ' ' 1 1 * N
A ^ E j a v S p e i c i K< n t i 6 o i k o u h v i k t ]
l a ^ T u p t o t t ) s t K K X T j i r i ' a j A . a v p i . L a j .
(62-1934). Alexandrien, Druckerel
des Fatrlarchats, 1935. 930 p.
2413. SALMON, GEORGES. Un texte arabe indit
pour servir l'histoire des chrtiens
d'gypte. Inst. fr. arch. or. Bull. 3,
1903, 25-68.
Arabie text with French translation
of a narrative of the founding of the
churches of Barbara and Abou-Sardja,
Cairo. Part of Paris Cod. arab. 132.
2414, SALOMON, A. P. Un rformateur copte du
Xlle sicle. Inst. d'Eg. Bull. ser.
3, 7, 1896, 167-92.
Based on a chapter from Abu Sli^'s
Churches and Monasterles.
n ,
St o Ao y ' i a
10, 1932, 2415. SCHULTZE, VICTOR. Geschichte des unter-
ganga des griechisch-romischen heiden-
tums. Jena, Coatenoole, 1887-92.
2 v.
Chapter on Egypt, vol. 2, pp. 218-39.
church. Di Hastings, J. Encyclo-
paedia of religion and ethics. Edin-
burgh, Clark;. New York, Scribner's,
1908-26. v. 4, pp. 113-19.
Alexandrlnlsche patrlarchengeschlchte
von S. Harcus bis Michael I, 61-767.
Nach der altesten 1266 geschriebenen
Hamburger handschrlft. Hrsg. von
Christian Friedrich Sebold. Hamburg,
Grafe, 1912. 208 p. (Hamburger
staatblbliothek. Veroffentlichungen,
- Hlstorla patriarcharum Aiexandrinorura
edidit Chr. Fred. Seybold. Beryti, e
typographeo Catholico, 1904. 2 fasc.
(Corp. script, christ, or. Script,
arabici. sr. 3, t. 9)
- History of the patriarchs of the Coptic
church of Alexandria. Patrol. or. 1,
1907, 99-214, 381-518; 5, 1910, 1-215;
10, 1915, 357-551.
Arable text from Blb. nat. Paris
Ms. 301 and 302, with English transla
tion. Edited by Bas11 Thomas Alfred
History of the patriarchs of the
Egyptian church, known as the history
of the Holy Church, by Sawrus ibn al-
Muljaffaf, tr. and annotated by Yass
(Abd al-Mash and 0, H. E. Burmester.
Le Caire, 1943-, v. 1-. (Publica
tions. Socit d'archologie copte.
Textes et documents)
Continuation of the work begun in
numbers 2418-9.
SICKING, L. J. Alexandrie': stad, volk,
geestesleven, geschledenis, in verband
met den moord op Hypatia gejpleegd
(415). De katholiek 129, 1906, 127-48.
Alexandrlan church history to the be-
ginning of the 5th century.
SIDAROUSS, SSOSTRIS. The Coptic church
of Egypt. Crusader's almanac 42, 1933,
45-8, 53.
- Des patriarcats. Les patriarcats dans
J.'Empire ottoman et spcialement en
gypte. Paris, Rousseau, 1906.
534 p. (Diss. Univ. of Paris)
history of the Eastern church. London,
Dent; New York, Dutton [1924] (Every-
man's library. History. tno. 251])
396 p.
First publlshed London, 1861; later
ditions London 1862, 1869, 1883; New
York, 1862, 1884, 1900, 1907.
LO STATO PRESENTE dei Copti cattolici.
Bessarione 2, 1897-8, 338-56.
Slebeck), 1932. 167 p. (BeitrKge
zur historische theologie 8).
R. Asiat. soc.
Or. lit.
C. R. Crum, W. E.
J. 1933, 209-11.
Hengstenberg, W.
z. 37, 1934, 495-9.
Simon, J. Orlentalla n. s.
4, 1935, 135-9.
Jacobltlschen oder Coptischen kirche
mit wahrhaften urkunden erlautert.
Nebst ... anhang ... und einer vorrede
de J. G. Walchs. Jena, Ritter, 1749.
VLIEGER, A. DE The origin and early
history of the Coptic church. Lau
sanne, Brldel, 1900. 86 p.
l'glise d'Alexandrie fonde par S.
Marc, que nous appelons celle/des
Jacobites-Coptes d'Egypte. Ecrite au
Caire mme, en 1672 et 1673. Paris,
Clousier, 1677. [30], 348, [22; p.
See also number 2336.
verae chronologiae rerum ex contro-
verslis Arlanls Inde ab anno 325 usque
ad annum 350 exortarum contra chrono-
logiam hodie receptam exhlblta, una
cum speelmine historlae Coptorum a
Makrisio arabice scriptae, ln quo de
varlis sectis chrlstianls ... agitur,
arabice et latine edito. Francofurti
ad Moenum, 1827. 71 p.
of the Monophysites.
press, 1923. 208 p.
The sparation
London, Faith
A popular account of the origin of
the Jacobite churches.
C. R. Burkitt, F. C. J. theol.
stud. 26, 1925, 427-31.
2432. WINDISCH, HANS. Agypten. Kirchengesch
ichte. In Gunkel and Scheel. Die
religion Tn geschichte und gegenwart.
Tbingen, 1909-13. Bd. 1, pp. 208-13.
d'Alexandrie. Inst. d'Eg. Bull,
ser. 3, 5, 1894, 7-37.
2434. --- tudes sur l'ancienne Alexandrie.
Paris, Leroux, 1909. 242 p. Illus.
Deals wlth the church in Alexandria,
the chronology of the patriarchs, and
the Councils of Alexandria.
See also numbers 2474, 2478.
in der neuzelt.
Die koptlsche kirche
Tbingen, Mohr (P.
Coptic Church Hlatory
Patrlarcha and Bishopa
For texts ln Coptic on the church
fathers, aee Martyrdoma (numbers
patriarche copte Isaac; tude critique,
texte et traduction. Parla, Leroux,
1890. 80 p. (Bulletin de corres
pondance africaine, 2)
BARBER, PAUL. Vie de Saint Athanase,
patriarche d'Alexandrie, docteur et
pre de l'gliae. Parla, Letouzey,
1888. 440 p.
BAYNES, NORMAN H. Athanaslana. J. Eg.
arch. 11, 1925, 58-69.
BETHUNE-BAKER, J. F. The date of the
death of Nestorlua: Schenute, Zacharlaa,
Evagrlus. J. theol. atud. 9, 1908,
BROOKS, ERNEST WALTER. The dates of the
Alexandrlne patrlarcha Dloskoros II,
Tlmothy IV and Theodosius. Byz. z. 12,
1903, 494-7.
- The patriarch Paul of Antioch and the
Alexandrlne achlam of 575. Byz. z, 30,
1929-30, 468-76.
canona of Chrlstoduloa, patriarch of
Alexandria (A. D. 1047-1077). Muson
45, 1932, 71-84.
Arable text and translation.
- The canona of Cyril II, IXVII patri
arch of Alexandria. Muaon 49, 1936,
Arable text of Paris Cod. arab. 251,
foll. 343r to 346V , with translation.
-- The canona of Gabriel Ibn Turalk.
LXX patriarch of Alexandria. Museon
46, 1933, 43-54.
Arable text.
- The canons of Gabriel ibn Turalk, IXX
patriarch of Alexandria (First serlea).
Or. chr. per. 1, 1935, 5-45.
-- The laws of inherltance of Gabriel
Ibn Turalk LXX patriarch of Alexandria,
Or. chr, per. 1, 1935, 315-27.
Jacobites du Ville au XlIIe sicle
d'aprs la chronique de Michel le
Syrien. Rev. or. chr. 4, 1899, 444-51,
Translated from the Syrlac.
CHANE, MARIUS. La dure du patriarcat
d'Isaac, XLIe patriarche d'Alexandrie.
Rev. or. chr. 23 (ser. 3, 3], 1922-3,
214-6. See also number 2468.
2448. CONYBEARE, FRED C. Anecdota monophyal-
tarum. The correapondence of Peter
Mongua, patriarch of Alexandria, and
Acacius, patriarch of Constantinopie,
together with the Henotlcon of the
Emperor Zeno and the reacrlpt of the
Emperor Anastaslus, now flrst trans
lated from the old Armenian text.
Am. J. theol. 9, 1905, 719-40.
2449. CRUM, WALTER EWING. The blshops named
ln Mr. Bryce's dlptych. Soc. Blbl.
arch. Proc. 31, 1909, 288.
See also number 2450.
2450. A Greek dlptych of the seventh cen-
tury. Soc. Blbl. arch. Proc. 30,
1908, 255-65.
Crum drawa on Coptic aourcea to ald
ln establlshlng the llst of Alexandrlan
patriarche and local bishopa contalned
ln the dlptych.
2451. DELAPORTE, LOUIS JOSEPH. Llate dea 86
premlera patriarches de l'glise copte
jacobite. Rev. g. 12, 1907, 5-8.
Publlshes a Coptic-Arabic llst from
Paris Cod. copte 22 and ln a parallel
table a llst published by Klrcher ln
number 439, and one publlahed by
Bourlant ln number 1530.
2452. DELEHAYE, HIPPOLYTUS. Une vie Indite
de Saint Jean l'aumonler. Anal.
Boll. 45, 1927, 5-74.
A new text of the life of thla 7th
century patriarch of Alexandria from
Ms. graec. 349 of the llth-12th cen
tury ln the Library of St. Mark's,
2453. DENEFFE, AUGUST. Der dogmatlache wert
der Anathematlamen Cyrille. Scholaa-
tlk 8, 1933, 203-16.
2454. ERMONI. V. Lea vcha de l'gypte
A Hat.
Rev. or. chr. 5, 1900,
rformateur. Le patriarche copte
Cyrille IV (1854-1861). Rev. or.
chr. 17 [3er. 2, 7j 1912, 3-15.
Nicsenorum nomlna latine, graece,
coptlce, syrlace, arablce, armenlace.
Llpslae, Teubner, 1898. 265 p.
(Scrlptores sacrl et profani. fasc. 2)
2457. --- Ungedruckte und wenlg bekannte bls-
tmerverzelchnlsae der orlentallachen
klrche. I-II. Byz. z. 1, 1892,
245-32; 2, 1893, 22-72.
Part 2 Includes a section on the
bishoprics ln Egypt.
GRAF, GEORG. Die rangordnung der bls-
chSfe Agyptens nach elnem protokollar-
lschen bericht des patrlarchen Kyrillos
Ibn Laklak. Oriens chr. 24 [Ser. 3,
2 j, 1927,'299-337.
Arable text and translation.
GUTSCHMID, ALFRED VON. Klelne schrlften.
Leipzig, Teubner, 1889-94. 5 v.
"Verzelchnlss der Patrlarchen von
Alexandrlen", vol. 2, pp. 395-525.
Dloskur I von Alexandria. Nach mono-
physltlschen quellen. Kirchenge-
schlchtlkhe abhandlungen 6, 1908, 141
Also publlshed separately: Breslau,
Nlschkowsky, 1909. 50 p. (Inaug.
diss. Breslau)
Uses Coptic and Syrlac sources.
JLICHER, ADOLF. Die liste der Alexan-
drlnlschen patrlarchen lm 6. und 7.
Jahrhunderten. In Festgabe von
fachgenossen und Treunden Karl Mller
zum slebzlgsten geburtstag dargstracht.
Tbingen, Mohr, 192-2. pp. 7-23.
KALSBACH, ADOLF. Die altklrchllche eln-
richtung der dlakonlssen bis zu lhrem
erloschen. Frelburg 1. B., Herder,
1926. 112 p. (Rom. quart. 22 supple-
Refers to Berlin mus. pap. 6620,
publlshed by Leipoldt ln number 714.
2468. PORCHER, E. Les dates du patriarcat
d'Isaac. Rev. or. chr. 24 (ser. 3,
4j, 1924, 219-22.
Remarks on number 2447.
2469. RENAUDOT, EUSBE. Hlstorla patriarcharum
Alexandrlnorum jacobitarum. Paris,
Fournler, 1713. 612 p.
2470. REVILLOUT, EUGENE. Le premier schisme de
Constantlnople: Acace et Pierre Monge.
Rev. quest. hlst. 22, 1877, 83-134.
Translation of the correspondence
between Peter, archblshop of Alexan-
drla, and Acaclus, archblshop of Con
stantlnople, from a Coptic manuscript
of the Vatican.
2471. ROHRBACH, PAUL. Die patrlarchen von
Alexandria. Preuss. Jahrb. 69, 1892,
2472. SCHWARTZ, EDUARD. Cyrlll und der mSnch
Vlktor. Wien und Leipzig, HSlder-
Plchler-Tempsky. 1928. 51 p. (Vlen.
ak. Sltzb. 2084)
2473. SICKING, L. J. De troonsbestljglng van
CyrIllus. De kathollek 132, 1907,
Devotes several pages to the history
of deaconesses ln Egypt and deals ln-
cidentally wlth problems ralsed ln the
LAZZATI, GIUSEPPE. Teofilo d 1Alessandrla.
Mllano, "Vlta e penslero", 1935. 94 p.
(Pubb. Univ. Cattollca del sacro cuore.
4e ser. Sel. Fllol. vol. 19)
Study ln history and theology.
helllgen Iohannes des Barmherzlgen
erzblschofs von Alexandrlen hrsg. von
Helnrlch Gelzer. Frelburg 1. B. und
Leipzig, Mohr (Slebeck), 1893. 202 p.
(Sammlung ausgewShlter kirchen- und
dogmengeschlchtllchen quellenschrlften.
hft. 5)
MASPERO, JEAN. Histoire des patriarches
d'Alexandrie depuis la mort de l'em
pereur Anastase jusqu'a la rconcili
ation des glises jacobltes (518-616).
Ouvrage revu et publi apris la mort
de l'auteur par Ad. Fortescue et Gaston
Wiet. Parist Champion, 1923. 428 p.
(cole haut, etudes. Blb. 237)
Examines the accounts of Cyril's
accession to the archblshoprlc (412
A. D.)
hlstorlco-chronologicus de patriarchls
Aiexandrinis ... subjungltur appendix
de lnltlls, erroribus, et insfcltutiis
copto-jacobiticls. Antverplae,
Jacobs, 1708.
Republlshe ln Acta sanctrum,
Paris iis, Palm, 1863-. Junll t. 7,
pp. i-xv, 1*-131*.
"Catalogua patriarcharum Alexandrie
norum a sancto Marco ad Joannem, qui
anno MDCCVI adhuc Ecclesiam Alexandri-
nam copticam moderabatur, a P. Bernato
Calri descrlptusj" pp. vii-xll.
liste des patriarches d'Alexandrie dans-
Qalqachandi. Rev. or. chr. 23 [Ser.
3, 3], 1922-3, 123-43.
See also numbers 290, 1171-2, 2398,
C. R. Crum, W. E. J. theol. stud.
25, 1924, 425-32.
Thodore de Philae. Rev. hlst. relig.
59, 1909, 299-317.
MERCATI, GIOVANNI. Una serle dl patri-
archi alessandrlnl e non una lista dl
santl martirl. Bessarione 32, 1916,
For monastlc documents (DjSme papyrl,
etc.) see numbers 1979-2095.
For monastlc law, see numbers 2188
ABBOTT, NABIA. The monastaries of the
Fayyum. Chicago, Unlversity of Chicago
press, 1937. 66 p. facslm.
(Unlversity of Chicago. Oriental
lnstltute. Studles ln ancient orien
tal clvlllzatlon. 16)
Historical sketch.
C. R. Till, W. Wien. z. kunde
morg. 45, 1938, 276-7.
The monasterles of the Fayyum. Am.
j. sem. lang. 53, 1936-7, 13-33,
73-96, 158-79.
Translation of three Arable texts,
followed by an historical sketch of
the monasterles of the Fayyum.
ABU SLIH, AL-ARMAN. The churches and
monasterles of Egypt and some neighbor-
lng countrles, attrlbuted to Ab Sallh,
the Armenlan; ed. and tr. by B. T. A.
Evetts ... with added notes by Alfred
J. Butler. Oxford, Clarendon press,
1895. 382, 142 p. (Anec. Oxon.
Sem. pt. 7)
que sur St. Pachme et le cnobitisme
primitif dans la Haute-gypte, djaprs
les monuments coptes. Inst. d'g.
Bull, ser, 2, 7, 1886, 306-99,
- Les moines gyptiens. Vie de
Schnoudl. Paris, Leroux, 1889.
380 p. (Mus. Guimet Vulg. 1)
Treats oniy the life of Shenoute.
Saint Antoine et les commencements du
monachisme chrtien en Egypte. Rev.
hist. relig. 65, 1912, 16-78.
Account of the life of Antonius and
of early monastlc life as lnltlated
by hlm.
saints pres des dserts et de quelques
saintes. Paris, 1647-1653. 2 v.
Other ditions: Paris, 1653, 1657,
1662, 1668, 1680, 1701-2, 1716, 1736;
Bruxelles, Frlex, 1694.
ATIYA, AZIZ SURYAL. Some Egyptian mon
asterles accordlng,to the unpubllshed
Ms. of al-Shbushtl's "Kltb al-
dlyrt". Soc. arch. copte Bull. 5,
1939, 1-28.
BALLINI, ANNA LUCIA. Osservazlonl glu-
rldlche a recentl lndaglnl papirolo-
glche sul monaster1 eglzlanl. Aegyp
tus 19, 1939, 77-88.
2485. BARISON, PAOLA. Rlcerche sul monasterl
dell' Egltto bizantino ed arabo secondo
1 document1 del papiri grecl. Aegyp
tus 18, 1938, 29-148.
2486. BERLIRE, URSMER. Le cnobitisme pa-
khoidan. Rev. bnd. 15, 1898, 385-99.
2487. BESSE, JEAN MARTIAL LEON. Les moines
d'Orlent antrieurs au Concile de
Chalcdolne (451). Perla, Oudln,
1900. 554 p.
2488. - Les rgles monastiques orientales
antrieures au Concile de Chalcdolne.
R0v. or. chr. 4, 1899, 465-94.
2489. B3DEZ, JOSEPH. Le texte du prologue de
Sozomne et de se chapitres (VI 28-34)
sur les moines d'Egypte et de Pales
tine. Berl. ak. Sitzb. 1935, 399-427.
Greek text and complt textual
history of the prologue and chapters
noted above.
2490. BOUSSET, WILHELM. Das monchtum der
Sketischen wste. Z. klrchengesch.
tn. s. 5 Jf 1923, 1-41.
Based on the Apophthegmata; Greek,
Latin and Syrlac sources are used, but
not Coptic.
2491. BRECCIA. EVARISTO. Dans le dsert de
Nltree. (Impressions d'une excursion
en compagnie de S. A. le Prince Tous-
soun). Soc. arch. Alex. Bull. no. 27
[n. s. 8, lj, 1932, 17-26.
2492. BREMOND, JEAN. Les pres du dsert.
2me d. Paris, Gabalda, 1927. 2 v.
(Les moralistes chrtiens)
Description of Egyptian monastlc life.
See also number 2500.
The book of Paradise, belng the his
toris and saylngs of the monks and
ascetlcs of the Egyptian desert by
Palladius, Hieronyxuus and others.
The Syrlac texts, accordlng to the
recension of Anan-Ish* of Bth
*Abh, edited with an Engllsh trans
lation. London, Printed for Lady
Meux by W. Drugulin, Leipzig, 1904.
2 v.
Lady Meux manuscript, no. 6. 500
copies printed.
2494. --- The Paradise or Gardon of the Holy
Fathers, belng historis of the
anchorltes, recluses, monks, coeno-
bltes and ascetlc fathers of the
deserts of Egypt between A. D. CCL
and A. D. CCCC clrclter complled by
Athanaslus ... Palladius ... Saint
Jerome and others ... now translated
out of the Syrlac. London, Chatto
and WIndus, 1907. 2 v.
2495. Stories of the holy fathers, belng
historis of the anchorltss, recluses,
monks, coenobltes and ascetlc fathers
of the doserts of Egypt between A. D.
250 and A. D. 400 circiter. Complled
by Athanasius ... Palladlus ... Saint
Jerome, and others. Now translated
out of the Syrlao wlth notes, and In
troduction. London, Oxford unlversity
press, Ullford, 1934. 511 p,
A revlsed translation of the flrst
part of the "Book of Paradise".
The wlt and wlsdom of the Christian
fathers of Egypts the Syriac version
of the Apophthegmata patrum, by *Ann
Isho* of Bth 'Abhe. London, Oxford
unlversity press, Milford, 1934.
445 p. illus.
A reviaed translation of the second
part of the "Book of Paradise".
CASSIANUS, JOANNES. Conlatlones, xxlil.
Recensult et commentarlo critico in-
struxit Michael Petschenig. Vindo-
bonae, apud C. Geroldl f ilium, 1886.
711 p. (Corp. script, eccl. latin. 13)
De institutis coenoblorum et de octo
prlnclpallum vltiorura remedlls librl
XII. De lncarnatlone Domlnl contra
Nestorlum llbri VU . Recensult et
commentarlo critico instruxit Michael
Petschenig. Pragas, Tempsky, 1888.
In hls Opra, pars I. (Corp.
script, eccles. latin 17)
moines d'Egypte depuis le Concile de
Chalcdoine (451) Jusqu' l'invasion
arabe (640). Paris, Imprimerie
nationale, 1914. 199 p. 4 facsims.
(Unlversltas catholica lovanensls.
Dlssertatlones ad gradum doctorls ln
Facultate theologica consequendum con-
scrlptae. Serles 2, t. 7)
C. R. Crum, W. E. Muson 16,
1915, 123-5.
CHANTEMERLE, C. Voix du desert.
apol. 44, 1927, 525-31.
Revlew of number 2492.
CRUM, WALTER EWING. A Nublan prinoe ln
an Egyptian monastery. In Studles
presented to F. Ll. GriffTEh. London,
Egypt exploration society, Milford,
Oxford unlversity press, 1932.
pp. 137-48.
aire d'Abouklr. Soc. arch. Alex.
Bull. 12 tn. s. 31), 1910, 3-14.
2505. Les sanctuaires chrtiens d'Abouklr
(in extenso). In Int. cong. arch.
2d, Cairo, 1909. Comptes rendus,
pp. 121-30.
terles in Wady *n Natrn. Met. Mus.
Bull. 16, 1921, 54-62.
2507. FEDDEN, HENRY ROMILLY. A study of the
monastery of Saint Antony in the
Eastern Desert. Univ. of Egvpt.
Faculty of arts. Bull. 5, 1937, 1-60.
2508. FERRAR, W. J. Egyptian monastlclsm.
Church quart, rev. 89, 1919-20, 233-46.
Based on several current books in the
2509. GASELEE, SIR STEPHEN. The psychology of
the monks of the Egyptian desert.
Philosopher 10, 1932, 73-81.
2510. GASSj Zur frage vom ursprung des
monchtums. Z. klrchenges. 2, 1878,
254-75. '
Discussion of the questions ralsed
by Welngarten ln number 2566.
2511. GAYET, ALBERT JEAN. Coins d'gypte ig
nors. Tour du monde n. s. 10, 1904,
2512. - Coins d'Egypte Ignors. 2. ed.
Plon-Nourrlt, 1905. 303 p.
Visits to monasterles.
2513. GOBILLOT, PHILIPPE. Les origines du
monachisme chrtien et l'ancienne
religion de l'gypte. Rech. science
relig. 10, 1920, 303-54; 11, 1921,
29-86, 168-213, 328-61; 12, 1922,
2514. ORTZMACHER, GEORG. MSnchtum. In
Herzog, J. J. Realencyklopadle fur
protestantiache theologie. 3 aufl.
Leipzig, Hinrichs, 1896-1913. v. 13,
pp. 214-25.
2515. Pachomlus und das Sites te klosterleben.
Ein beltrag zur monchsgeschlchte.
Frelburg 1. B. und Leipzig, Mohr
(Slebeck) 1896. 141 p.
DELEHAYE, HIPPOLYTUS. Un groupe de rcits 2516.
"utiles l'me". Bruss. Univ. Inst.
phil. Annuaire 2, 1934, 255-66.
(Mlanges Bldez)
Discussion of legends of the anchor-
ites of the desert, especlally of the
so-called "hairy anchorite".
DSRRIES, H. Monchtum und arbelt. In
Forschungen zur kirchengeschichte.
Joh. FickBr am 12 november 1931 als
festgabe zu selner 70. geburtstage.
Leipzig, Dieterich, 1931. pp. 17-39.
of the fathers of the desert. Trans
lated from the German by E. F. B.
ji.e. Eraily F. Bowdenj. With an in
troduction on the spiritual life of the
first six centuries by J. B. Dalgalrns.
London, Richardson, 1867. 520 p.
HANNAH, IAN CAMPBELL. Christian monas
tlclsm; a great force ln history.
London, Allen and Unwin, 1925. 270 p.
the Coptic convents ln Nitria. Am.
sch. or. res. Annual 6, 1924-5, 93-107.
entwicklungsgeschlcht9 dea agyptischen
monchtums. In Int. cong. Byz. stud.
4th, Sofia, 1*54. Actes, 355-62.
(Institut archologique bulgare.
Bulletin, 9, 1935)
einsiedler. Innsbruck, Rauch, 1929.
96 p. (Forschungen zur geschichte
des iimerkirchlichen lebens. 1 hft.)
HEUSSI, KARL. Der ursprung des monchtums.
Tbingen, Mohr (Siebeck) 1936. 308 p.
C. R. Campenhausen, H. Or. lit.
z. 41, 1938, 302-5.
Hausherr, I. Or. chr. per.
3, 1937, 296-9.
Jenkins, C. J. theol. stud.
38, 1937, 290-1.
Lefort, L. T. Rev. hist.
eccls. 33, 1937, 341-8.
Simon, J. Orientalla 6,
1937, 302-3.
--- Zur entstehung^des chrlstllchen
monchtums. Porsch. u. fortschr. 16,
1940, 302-4.
HURI, THO. J. Alexandrie, portique de
1'Orient; brochure de progagande
dite ... pour le "Syndicat d'initi
ative de la ville d'Alexandrie".
Alexandrie, Procaccia, 1935. 86 p.
Contain9 a contribution on monastlc
communities of Egypt and the history
of Alexandria.
KOCH, HUGO. Quellen zur geschichte der
askese und des mSnchtums ln der alten
kirche. Tbingen, Mohr, 1933. 196 p.
(Sammlung ausgequalter klrcher und
dogmengeschlchtlicher quellenschriften
n. f. 6)
LADEUZE, PAULIN. tude sur le cnobi
tisme pakhmlen pendant le IVe sicle
et la premlre moiti du Va. Louvaln,
Van Linthout, 1898. 390 p, (Dlss.
monasterles of Egypt and Nitria. With
an account of the condition and reasons
for the decadence of an ancient church.
Century magazine 68 tn. s. 46j, 1904,
2529, A visit to the Coptic monasterles of
Egypt.' Cambridge antiquarian society.
Proc. 10, 1898-1900, 210-15.
2530, LUCIUS, P. E. Die quellen der JClteren
geschichte des agyptischen monchtums.
Z. kirchengesch. 7,1885, 163-98.
A study of some of the historical
problems of the Historia monachorum
of Rufinus and the Historia Lauslaca
of Palladius.
monastlclsm in Egypt to the close of
the fourth century. London, Society
for promoting Christian knowledge;
New York, Macmillan, 1920. 160 p.
(Studles ln church history)
C. R. EvelynJhite, H. G.
theol. stud. 25, 1924, 93-4.
C. R. Grtzmacher, G.
z. 5, 1900, 145.
Theol. lit.
LEIPOLDT, JOHANNES. Schenute, der be-
grnder der national agyptischen kirche,
Leipzig, Pries, 1903. 91 p. (Dlss.
Extended version appears in number
Schenute von Atripe und die entstehunc
des national Sgyptischen Christentums.
Leipzig, Hinrich, 1903. 213 p.
(Texte u. untersuch. 25, 1 (n. f. 10,
C. R. Crum, W. E. J. theol. stud.
5, 1904, 129-33.
LEWIS, AGNES SMITH. Hidden Egypt. The
first visit by women to the Coptic
2532, MARIN, MICHEL-ANGE. Principales vies
ds pres d'orient. Avignon, Seguin
an, 1825. 3 v.
2533, Vies choisis des pres des dserts
d'orient, dans la haute et la tjasse-
Thbaide, la Nitrle, Sct, l'Egypte,
l'Arabie, le Pales tin, etc. Tours,
Marne. 1743. 275 p. (Bibliothque
des coles chrtiennes)
2534, - Les vies des pres des deserts d'oriait
avec leur doctrine spirituelle et leur
discipline monastique. Avignon, V7
Nlel et fils, 1761-4. 3 v.
Also: Lyon, Perisse frres, 1824.
9 vol.; Nouvelle dition, Paris, Vlvs,
1863-4. 6 v.; 2. d. 1869.
2535, MUYSER, JACOB. Ermite prgrlnant et
plerin infatigable. Fragment arabe
de la vie Indite d'Anb Harmin,
raconte par son compagnon de voyage,
Apa Hr de Preht. Soc. arch. copte
Bull. 9, 1943, 159-236.
2536, NAU, FRANOIS NICOLAS. Carion et Zac-
harie, moines de Sct (commencement
du IVe sicle). Rev. or. chr. 10,
1905, 209-12.
2537, - Une version syriaque indite de la
Vie de Schenoudi. Rev. sm. 7, 1899,
356-63; 8, 1900, 153-67, 252-65.
The introduction discusses the Coptic
version and compares it with the Syrlac.
Lauslac history of Palladius ... with
notes by Dom Cuthbert Butler. Cam
bridge [Eng.j The Unlversity press,
1898-1904. 2 v. (Texts and studles
vol. 6, nos. 1-2)
Also Migne, Patrol. gr., vol. 34,
and ditions by W. K. Lowther Clarke,

London, 19}8; H. Rosweyde ln hls Vltae
Patrum, Antwerp, 1628; J. Meurs lus,
Leyden, 1616; P. Ducaeus ln Auctarlum
Bibliothecae Patrum, vol. 4, Paris,
PALLADIUS, archimandrite. Svity
Pakhomi Veliki i pervoe lnocheskoe
obshchezhltle. Po novootkrytym kop-
tsklm dokumentam. Kazan, 1899.
201 p.
PREUSCHEN, EHWIN. Mbnchtum und Sarapis-
kult; elne rellgionsgeschlchtliche
abhandlung. 1899.
--McJnchtum und Saraplskult; eine rell-
glonsgeschlchtllche abhandlung. 2.
vielfach berlchtigte ausg. Glessen,
Ricker, 1903. 68 p.
C. R. Dleterlch, A. Phil.
wochenschr. 1905, 13.
achor-um und Hlstorla Lauslaca, elne
studle zur geschichte des monchtums
und der frhchristlichen begrlffe
gnostlker und pneumatlker. GBttlngen,
Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1916. 266 p.
(Forschungen zur religion und literatur
des Alten und Neuen Testaments, n. f.
7. hft, ganze relhe 24. hft)
C. R. Kriger, Theol. rundschau
1917, 70.
REVILLOUT, EUGNE. Funrailles des
moines gyptiens au temps de Saint
Antoine et de Saint Pacome. Acadmie
delphlnale Bull. ser. 2, 1, 1856-60,
Les origines du schisme gyptien;
premier rcit: le prcurseur et in
spirateur Snutl le prophte, Rev.
hist. relig. 8, 1883, 401-67, 545-81.
No more publlshed.
ROSWEYDE, HERIBERT. Vltae petrum; de
vita et verbls seniorum libri X.
hlstorlam eremiticam complectentes;
auctorlbus suis et nitori pristino
restituti ac notationlbus illustrati,
opra et studio ... Antverpiae, ex
offlclna Plantinlana, apud vlduam et
filios 10. Moreti, 1615. 1044,
(118) p.
Publlshed also in Mlgne, Patrol. lat.,
vol. 73.
monachorum, seut Liber de vitis
patrum. In Mlgne, Patrol. lat.,
vol. 21, cTs. 389-462.
Engllsh translation in A select li
brary of Nlcene and Post Nlcene fathers
of the Christian church. Second
sris. New "York, The Christian
llterature co., 1887-94, v. 3.
2547. SAWYER, E. H. The flrst monasterles.
Antiquity 4, 1930, 316-26.
General article on the monastlc com-
munities of the Wadi Natrun.
2548. SCHIWIETZ, STEPHAN. Geschichte und or
ganisation der pachomlanlschen kloster
im vierten jahrhundert. Archiv f.
kathollsches klrchenrecht 81 [Ser. 3,
5 j, 1901, 461-90, 630-49.
2549. Das morgenl&ndlsche monchtum. Malnz,
Kirchheim, 1904-13. 2 v.
Vol. 1 deals chiefly with Egyptian
monastlclsm, and the greater part ap-
peared originally in number 2548.
C. R. Butler, E. C. J. theol.
stud. 6, 1905, 443-5.
2550. SCHMITZ, ALFRED LUDWIG. Die welt der
Sgyptlschen elnsledler und monche.
Auf grund der archSologlschen befunde.
Rom. quart. 37, 1929, 189-243.
tenen wegen ln Aegypten. Aus elgenen
verschollenen abhandlungen und auf-
zelchnungen. Hamburg, Hoffmnn und
Campe, 1922. 330 p. illus.
Chapter on monasterles.
2552. SEVERUS, SULPICIUS. Dialogus I-II (III).
In hls Libri qui supersunt recensult
et commentarlo critico instruxlt
Carolus Halm. Vindobonae, apud C.
Geroldl filium, 1866. pp. 152-216.
(Corp. script, eccles. lat. 1)
Early travels to Egyptian monasterles.
Description of the life of the coeno-
bltes and hermlts.
2553. SIMON, JEAN. Le monastre copte de Sam
uel de Kalamon. Or. chr. per. 1,
1935, 46-52.
Voyage dans la haute et basse Egypte,
faite par ordre de l'ancien gouverne
ment et contenant des observations de
tous genres. Paris, Buisson, 1799.
3 v.
2555. - Travels in upper and lower Egypt,
undertaken by order of the old govern-
ment of France. Translated from the
French by Henry Hunter. London,
Stockdale, 1799. 3 v.
Another translation attrlbuted to s
Monk. London, Debrett, 1800. 730 p.
2556. SPASSKl. A. A. Pakhm et Thodore
d'aprs les sources grecques et coptes.
St. Ptersbourg, 1908.
2557. TURNER, C. H, The Lauslac history of
Palladlus. J. theol. stud. 6, 1905,
Revlews Butler'a dition (number
2538), and dis eus s es the sources for the
history of monastlclsm in Egypt, in-
cluding Coptic texts.

fUMAR TUSN, PRINCE. tude sur le Wadi

Natroun, ses moines et ses couvents.
Alexandrie, Socit de publications
gyptiennes, 1931. 58 p.
Notes sur le dsert Lyblque. "Cellia"
et ses couvents, Alexandrie, Socit
de publications gyptiennes, 1935.
35 p. (Soc. arch. Alex. Mm. 7l)
VERGOTE, J. Egypte als bakermat van het
Chrlstelljk monnlkendom. Nieuwe
theologlsche studien 24, 1941, 162-8.
-- L'Egypte, berceay du monachisme chr
tien. Chrol. d'Eg. 17 [34j, 1942,
- En lisant "Les vies de saint Pakhme".
Chron. d'Eg. 22 t44j, 1947, 389-415.
Based on number 1380.
WADDELL, HELEN. The desert fathers.
Translations from the Latin. London,
Constable, 1936. 322 p.
An account of the llves and saylngs
of the Egyptian ascetes, drawn from
Greek and Latin sources.
WAGENMANN, JULIUS. Entwlcklungsstufen
des altesten m&nchtums. Tbingen,
Mohr, 1929. 24 p. (Sammlung
gemelnverstlndllcher vortrMge und
schriften aus dem geblet der theologle
und rellgionsgeschichte. 139)
WAT30N, E. W. Palladius and Egyptian
monastlclsm. Church quart, rev. 64,
1907, 105-28.
WEINGARTEN, HERMANN. Der ursprung des
mSnchtums lm nachconstantlnlschen
zeltalter. Z. kirchengesch. 1, 1877,
1-35, 545-74.
See also number 2510.
Der ursprung des monchtums lm nach
constantlnlschen zeltalter. Gotha,
Perthes, 1877. 65 p.
A revlsed and expanded dition of
number 2566.
ities of the legend of the halry an-
chorlte; the theme of the halry soll-
tary ln its early forma with reference
to Die lgend von Sanct Johanne
Chrysostomo (reprinted by Luther,
1537) and to other European variants.
rUrbanaj The Unlversity of Illinois,
1925. Part II: Christian. 2 v.
(Univ. of Illinois atudles ln language
and literature, vol. 11, no. 4)
asterles in the Levant. New York,
Putnam, 1849. 390 p. illus.
See also numbers 1202, 1340, 1620,
2674-5, 3108.
d'archologie chrtienne et byzantine.
Or. chr. 11, 1928, 117-73; 20, 1930,
85-137; 28, 1932, 217-317; 34, 1934,
169-250. Or. chr. per. 2, 1936,
453-83; 3, 1S37, 600-53; 4, 1938,
2571. MONNERET DE VILLARD, UGO. Sagglo dl una
blbllografla dell' arte crlstlana ln
Egltto. Bollettino del Reale lstltuto
di archeologia e storla dell' arte 1,
1922, 20-32.
2572. GJ.1 studl sull' archeologia crlstlana
d'Egltto, 1920-40. Or. chr. per. 7,
1941, 274-92.
Excavations and Archaeolpglcal Remains
2573. ANTI, CARLO. Gll scavl dlia Mlsslone ^
archeologlca ltallana a Uram el Brelght
(Tebtunis). Aegyptus 11, 1930-1,
Mentions Coptic flnds.
2574. BAGNANI, GILBERTO. Gll scavl dl Tebtunla.
Bollettino d'arte 27, 1933, 119-34.
2575. BARSANTI, ALEXANDRE. Rapporteur les
travaux de consolidation excuts
Kom Ombo pendant l'hiver de 1913-1914.
Ann. du Service 15, 1915, 168-76.
A few Coptic monuments.
2576. BAUMSTARK, ANTON. Die ausgrabungen am
Menashelllgtum ln der Mareotlswste.
Rom. quart. 21, 1907, 7-17.
2577. BIONDI, GIAC0M0. Scavl esegultl a Hermu-
polla Magna. Acc. Llncel Rend. ser.
5, 14, 1905, 282-9.
Mentions Coptic documents.
2578. BONNET, ED. Plantes antiques des
ncropoles d'Antino. Mus. Guimet
Ann. 30, 1903, 1539.
Use of plants ln burlal ceremonies,
as lllustrated ln the graves at
BRECCIA, EVARISTO. Le prime ricerche
ltaliane ad Antinoe. (Scavl dell1
Istituto papirologico fiorentlno negli
annl 1936-1937). Aegyptus 18, 1938,
Gli scavi del 1938 jby S. Donadonlj;
pp. 310-18.
The excavations reveal a Christian
settlement, Coptic papyri and inscrip
tions .
BULL, LUDLOW S. The work of the Metro
politan musum in Egypt 1907-1923.
Art and Arch. 16, 1923, 211-30; 17,
1924, 19-42.
CARTER, HOWARD. A tomb prepared for
Queen Hatshepsuit and other rcent
discoveries at Thebes. J. Eg. arch.
4, 1917, 107-18.
Very brief mention of Coptic dwel-
llngs, graffiti, etc., with map.
CHASSINAT, EMILE. Fouilles Baout. Le
Caire, Institut franais d'archologie
orientale, 1911. tome 1. (Inst. fr.
arch, or. Mm. 13)
110 plates without text.
CLDAT, JEAN. Notes sur la ncropole de
Bersheh. Inst. fr. arch. or. Bull. 1,
1901, 101-2.
COTT, Un grand plerinage chrtien de
l'ancienne Egypte. La ville de Saint
Mnas. Bessarione 22, 1907, 88-93.
DARESSY, GEORGES. A travers les koms du
Delta. Ann. du Service 12, 1913, 169
Soundings taken ln the Delta to dter
mine which sites should be protected.
- Notes sur Louxor de la priode ro
maine et copte. Ann. du Service
19, 1S20, 159-75.
of El Araarna. London, Boston, Egypt
exploration fund, 1903-8. 6 v.
(Egypt expi. soc. Archaeological
survey of Egypt. 13th to 18th memoir)
Some Coptic remains in 14th memoir.
bauten der Menasstadt. Arch. anz.
1937, 75-86.
Plan of the city.
DONADONI, SERGIO. Notlzia sugli scavl
dalla mlsslone florentlna ad Antinoe.
Ann. du Service 38, 1938, 493-501.
Fhotograph of Coptic funerary inscrip
DUNHAM, DOWS. Romano-Coptic Egypt and
the culture of Mero. In Coptic
Egypt: papers read at a symposium.
Brooklyn, 1944. pp. 31-3.
logical survey of Nubia. Bulletin.
Cairo, National printlng department,
1908. 2 v.
Survey of the Christian cemeterles.
Many burials are Coptic.
Berichte ber die voruntersuchyngen
auf den Kurm el-Tuwl bel Amrlje.
Deut. inst. aeg. altertumsk. Mitt. 1,
1930, 106-29.
Coptic grave.
2593. FALLS, J. C. EWALD. Drei Jahre in der
libyschen wste; reisen, entdeckungen
und ausgrabungen der Frankfurter
Menasexpedition (Kaufmannsche expdi
tion) ... mit elnem geleitswert von
monsignore dr. Cari Maria Kaufmann
und 192 abbildungen zumelst nach
originalaufnahmen ... Frelburg im
Brelsgau, St. Louis, Mo. Cetc.)
Herder, 1911. 341 p. illus.
2594. Three years in the Libyan desert.
Travels, discoveries and excavations
of the Menas expdition (Kaufmann
expdition). Translated by E. Lee.
London, Unwln, [1913} 356 p.
2595. GAYET, ALBERT JEAN. .. Antinoe et les
spultures de Thais et Srapion.
Paris, Socit franaise d'ditions
d'art, 1902. 64 p. illus.
2596. - L'exploration des ncropoles de la
montagne d'Antinoe (Fouilles excutes
on 1901-1902). Mus. Guimet Ann. 30,
1903, 115-40.
2597. - L'exploration des ncropoles grco-
byzantines d'Antinoe et les sarcophages
des tombes pharaoniques de la ville
antique. Mus. Guimet Ann. 30, 1902,
2598. - Ma cinquime campagne de fouilles
Antinoe. Rev. arch. ser. 3, 39, 1901,
2599. - Notice relative aux objets recueillis
& Antlno pendant les fouilles excutes
en 1899-1900. Paris, Leroux, 1900.
20 p.
2600. Notice relative aux objets recueillis
Antlno pendant les fouilles excu
tes en 1901-1902, t1902-1903], 1906
1907, et exposes au Muse Guimet
1902-t1907]. Paris, Leroux, 1902-7.
3 v.
at El-Snarnah, 1923-24. J. Eg. arch.
10, 1924, 299-305.

Includes three Coptic carved slabs.

2602. HAUSER, WALTER. The Christian necropolis
in Khargeh oasis. Met. mus. Bull. 27,
1932, 38-50.
2603. HENNE, H.
Tell Edfou. Aegyptus 6, 1925, 2614,
Description of flnds of Coptlo papyri,
buildings and pottery.
HSCHER, UVO. Medinet Habu, ausgrabun-
gen des Oriental institutes der Univer-
sitat Chicago. Leipzig, Hinrichs,
1933. 58 p. illus. (Morgenland;
darstellungen aus geschichte und kultur
des Ostens, heft 24).
Brief note on the Coptic period
(J me).
Medinet Habu reports. II. The archi
tectural survey 1929/30. Chic.
Univ. or. inat. Comm. 10, 1931, 49-56.
JOHNSON, J. DE M. AntinoS and its papyri.
Excavation by the Graeco-Roman Branch,
1913-14. J. Eg. arch. 1, 1914, 168-81,
JOUGUET, PIERRE. Fouilles du Fayoum.
Rapport sur les fouilles de Mdinet-
Mfdi et Mdlqet-Ghran. Bull, de
corresp. hellen. 25, 1901, 379-411.
Brief notice of Coptic remains and
JULLIEN, MICHEL. Kasr asch-Schaipmah au
vieux Caire, ou la Babylone d'Egypte.
tudes 100, 1904, 37i-80.
JUNKER, HERMANN... Wissenschaf tliche un ter
ne hmungen in Agypten und Nubien 1929/30,
1930/31. Deut. lnst. aeg. alterturosk.
Mitt. 1, 1930, 158-631; 2, 1932, 141-9.
KARGE, P. Durch die lybische wste zur
grossen Oase. In Ehrengabe deut-
scher wissenschat, dargeboten von
katholischen gelehrten (dem Prlnzen
Johann Georg, herzog zu Sachsen zvun
50. geburtstag gewidmet). Hrsg. von
F. Fessier. Freiburg, Herder, 1920.
pp. 283-322.
KAUFMANN, CARL MARIA. Die ausgrabung der
Menas-helligtraer ln der Mareotiswste.
Bericht ber die von C. M. Kaufmann und
J. C. E. Falls veranstaltet ausgrabung
des nationalheiligtums der altchrist-
lichen Aegypter. Calro, Finck und
Baylaender, 1906-8. 3 v ln 1. Illus.
--- Le dcouverte des sanctuaires de Mnas
dans le dsert de Marotis; rapports
sur les fouilles excutes par C. M.
Kaufmann et J. C. E. Falls dans le
sanctuaire national des anciens chr
tiens d'gypte; tr, par A. Hartmann.
Alexandrie, Socit de publications
gyptiennes, 1908. 213 p. Illus.
- Die hellige stadt der wste. Unsere
entdeckungen, grabungen und funde in
der altchristlichen Menasstadt weiteren
krelsen ln wert und bild geschildert.
Kempten, Kosel und Pustet, 1921.
223 p. illus.
KAUFMANN, CARL MARIA. Die Menasstadt und
das national-heiligtum der altchrist
lichen gypter in der Westalexandrin-
ischen wste; ausgrabungen der Frank
furter expdition am Karm Abu Mina
1905-1907. Bd. 1. Leipzig, Hierse-
mann, 1910.
2615. Der Menastempel und die heiligtmer
von Karm Abu Mina in der Maritwste:
ein fhrer durch die ausgrabungen der
Frankfurter expdition. Frankfurt a.
M., Baer, 1909.
2616. Neue funde in der Menas-stadt (Karm
Abum). RSm. quart. 20, 1906, 189-204.
KIRWAN, L. P. The Oxford univers lt.y
excavations ln Nubia, 1934-1935.
J. Eg. arch. 21, 1935, 191-8.
Includes objects of Coptic type.
LECLERCQ, HENRI. Phllae, les monuments
chrtiens. In Cabrol and Leclercq.
Dictionnaire archologie chrtienne.
Paris, Letouzey, 1907- fasc. cliv-
clv, pp. 692-703.
sur les fouilles excutes Tehneh.
Ann. du Service 6, 1905, 141-58.
Mentions findlng of Coptic papyri.
L[YTHG0E j, A[ LBERT j M. The Egyptlan
expdition. Met. mus. Bull. 3, 1908,
83-6; 4, 1909, 119-23.
Brief description of the Christian
cemetry north of Kharga village.
2621. - The oasis of Kharga.
3, 1908, 203-8.
Met. mus. Bull.
Excavations of the large Christian
cernetery (El-Bagawat) and of a mound
of the fourth century A. D. ( fAin el
MACAIRE, KYRILLOS. Nouvelle tude sur le
Srapum d Alexandrie. Soc. Khd.
gog. Bull. 7, 1907, 379-400.
Considrable material on the Chris
tian period.
vaille de Delrl-Bahari. Le Caire,
Mours, 1881. 56 p. 30 photog.
MERKLE, SEBASTIAN. Das wstenhelligtum
des hl. Menas. Hochland 10, 1912-13,
MILEHAM, GEOFFREY S. Churches in lower
Nubia. Philadelphie, The Unlversity
musum, 1910. 57 p. illus.
(Unlversity of Pennsylvanla. Egyp
tlan department of the Unlversity mu
sum. Eckley B. Coxe Junior expdi
tion to Nubia. 2)
Text and translation of a Coptic text^
perhaps maglcal, and of a stle. Also
small archaeological objects, wall
palntings, etc.
Bucheum. London, Egypt exploration
society, 1934. 3 v. (Eg. expi. soc.
Mem. 41)
Includes some Coptlc pottery and a
few os traa.
Cemeterles of Armant I. Lohdon, The
Egypt exploration society, 1937. v. 1-
(Eg. expi. soc. Mem. 42)
Mentions Coptic tombstones, pedlments,
os traa, etc. See also number 223.
MUN 1ER, _ HENRI. Vestiges chrtiens
Tinnis. Ann. du Service 18, 1919,
MURRAY, MAROARET A. Saqqara mastabas.
Part I. London, Quaritch, 1905.
50 p. (Brit. sch. arch. in Eg. Pub.
Coptic remains and one inscription.
Excavations at Armant, 1929-31. J. Eg.
arch. 17, 1931, 223-32.
A few Coptic graves.
NAVILLE, EDOUARD. Ahnas el Medlneh
(Heraclsopolis Magna) with chapters
on Mendes, the nome of Thoth, and
Leontopolis ... and appendix on By
zantine sculptures by Prof. T. Hayter
Lewis. 40 p. illus. (Eg. expi.
soc. Mem. 11)
The XIth dynasty temple at Deir el-
Bahari. Pt. III. 36 p. illus.
(Eg. expi. soc. Mem. 32)
Chap. IV by H. R. Hall includes a
description of Coptic objecta found
on the site.
-- The excavations at
Deir el Bahari during the winter, 1894
5. Eg. expi. soc. Arch. rpt. 1894-5,
Coptic mummies, etc*
PARIBENI, R. Scavi nella necropoli dl
El Hammamiye. Aegyptus 20, 1940,
A few Coptic remains.
bis. London, Quarltch, 1908. (Brit.
sch. arch. in Eg. Pub. 14)
- Gizeh and Rifeh. With chapters by
Sir Herbert Thompson and W. E. Crum.
London, British school of archaeology,
1907. 49 p. illus. (Brit. sch.
arch. In Eg. Pub. 13)
The Coptic manuscripts, by W. E. Crum,
pp. 39-43 (gnral description only).
Also other Coptic remains.
2637. Koptos. London, Quarltch, 1896.
38 p.
Brief mention of Coptic remains;
stele and baptistry.
2638. POERTNER, B. Das Menasheiligtum in der
wste Mariut. Der christliche orient
in vergangenheit u. gegenwart 2, 1937,
2639. Il santuario di S. Mena nel deserto
Mariut. L'oriente cristiano e l'unita
dlia chiesa 7, 1942, 57-9.
2640. QUIBELL, JAMES EDWARD. Kom Ishgau.
Ann. du Service 3, 1902, 85-8.
Remains of a Coptic village where a
find of papyri was made.
2641. RAUSCHEN, GERHARD. Neues licht aus dem
alten Orient; keilschrift- und papyrus-
funde aus dem Jdlsch-christlichen
altertum. Ausgrabung der Menasstadt.
Bonn, Hanstein, 1913. 59 p.
2642. ROEDER, GtJNTHER. Bericht ber die aus-
grabungen der deutschen Hermopolis-
expedition, 1935. Deut. inst. aeg.
altertumsk. Mitt. 7, 1937, 1-56.
2643. Vorlaufiger bericht ber die deutsche
Hermopolis-expdition 1929-30. Deut.
inst. aeg. altertumsk. Mitt. 2, 1932,
2644. RUFFER, MARC ARMAND. Studies in palaeo-
pathology in Egypt. Journal of path-
ology and bacteriology 18, 1913-14,
Examination of Coptic bodies from
2645. SAYCE, A. H. Excavations at Qebel Sil-
sila. Ann. du Service 8, 1907, 97-105.
2646. SCHLDMBEROER, GUSTAVE. Les fouilles de
Jean Maspero Baouit en 1913. Ac.
inscr. CR 1919, 243-8.
2647. SCHMITZ, ALFRED LUDWIG. Die formenge-
schichte der agyptischen Menapolis.
Arch. anz. 1930, 503-16.
Pager read at a session of the
Archologlsche gesellschaft in Berlin,
July 1, 1930.
2648. - Grabungen im christlichen Agypten.
Der kunst wanderer 8, 1926, 46-8.
2649. SCHOTT, S. Bericht ber die zweite vom
Deutschen institut fur gyptische
altertumskunde nach dem Ostdelta-rand
und in das Wdi Tumilt unternommene
erkundungsfahrt. Deut. inst. aeg.
altertumsk. Mitt. 2, 1932, 39-73.
2650. THOMPSON, R. CAMPBELL. Byzantine
research fund: excavations at Wadl
Sarga. J. Eg. arch. 1, 1914, 187-8.
2651. WEILL, RAYMOND, Koptos. Relation som
maire des travaux executs par MM. Ad.
Relnach et R. Weill pour la Socit
franaise des fouilles archologiques
(campagne de 1910). Ann. du Service
11, 1911, 97-141.
Includes some Christian remains.
See also numbers 1881, 1906, 1909,
1926, 1932, 1935, 1947-9, 1954, 2904,
Churches. Monasterles
AHMAD FAKHRY, Bahrla and Farafra oases.
Second preliminary report on the new
discoveries. Ann. du Service 39,
1939, 627-42.
Includes description of a Coptic
BARAIZE, EMILE. Compte rendu des travaux
excuts Dlr-el-Mdlnh. Ann. du
Service 13, 1914, 19-42.
Remains of a Coptic monastery, with
one Inscription.
Bar8antl sur la dcouverte des restes
d'un petit couvent copte prs de
Zaouyet el-Aryn. Ann. du Service 7,
1906, 110.
One very brlef Inscription and some
description of remains.
BENOIT, FRANOIS. L'architecture. Paris,
Laurens, 1911-. v. 1-.
L'architecture de l'gypte coptes
v. 2, pp. 106-15.
BRECCIA, EVARISTO D'un difice d'poque
chrtienne el-Dekhela et de l'em
placement du Ennaton. Soc. arch. Alex.
Bull. 9 [n. s. 2j, 1907, 1-12.
Includes a letter on the same subject
by Crum.
TIENNE. Les glises coptes du Caire.
Le Caire, Schindler, 1936.
den Natronkloestern ln Aegypten.
Berlin, Dmmler, 1855. 48 p.
Excavations made at Aswn, by Major-
General Sir F. Grenfell, durlng the
years 1885 and 1886. Soc. Blbl. arch.
Proc. 10, 1887-8, 4-40.
Descrlbes the ruins of a Coptic con-
2660. BUTIER, ALFRED JOSHUA. The ancient
Coptic churches of Egypt. Oxford,
Clarendon press, 1884. 2 v.
2661. CHANE, MARIU3. Le couvent de Saint-
Antoine. Le rayon 9, 1936, 246-9.
2662. L'glise de Saint-Marc Alexandrie
construite par le patriarche Jean de
Samanoud. Rev. or. chr. 24 [ser. 3,
4j, 1924, 372-86.
2663. CHESTER, GREVILLE J. Notes on the ancient
Christian churches of Musr el Ateekah,
or old Calro and lts neighborhood.
Arch. j. 29, 1872, 120-34.
2664. Notes on the Coptic Dayrs of the Wady
Natrun and on Dayr Antonloa ln the
Eastern Desert. Arch. J. 30, 1873,
2665. CLARKE, SOMERS. ,On the churches of
Egyptj. Society of antlquarles Proc.
ser. 2, 23, 1909-11, 217-27.
2666. Christian antlqultles in the Nlla
valley; a contribution towards the
study of ancient churches. Oxford,
Clarendon press, 1912. 234 p.
2667. CRABITS, PIERRE. Coptic art in old
Calro. Asia 29, 1929, 712-15.
Photographs of architectural dtails
in Cairo.
2668. DARESSY, GEORGES. Le couvent de Nahleh.
Ann. du Service 17, 1917, 274-6.
Identification of the ruins found at
El-Doir with this monastery described
in Livre des perles enfouies et du
mystre prcieuse rAl-durr al-maknzi
,,, publi et traduit par Ahmed Bey
Kamal. Le Caire, 1907.
liche kirchen in antiken helligtmer.
Deut. arch. inst. Jahrb. 54, 1939,
2670. --- Zum altgyptischen in der koptlschen
baukunst. Deut. Inst. aeg. altertumsk.
Mitt. 8, 1938, 34-7.
2671. DOLGER, F. Das abendmahl mit dem fisch
auf einer holzskulptur ln der kirche
des hl. Sergius (Abu Sargeh) ira agyp
tischen Babylon (Alt-Kairo). Der
sigmafBrmige abendmahlstisch und der
sifmafBrmiKe altar. In his ixeyc
Bd. V, lief. 7-8. Mmalr' 1. W.,
Aschendorff, 1940. pp. 590-3.
sanctuaires chrtiens d'Aboukir (in
extenso). In Int. cong. arch. 2d,
Cairo, 1909. Comptes rendus, pp. 121
DUTILH, E. D. Deux colonnes de l1glise 2685.
de Thonas. Soc. arch. Al9x. Bull. 7,
1905, 55-7.
teries of the Wadl Natrun. Met, mus. 2686.
Bull. 15, 1920, suppl. 34-9.
Brief outllne of the architectural
historis of the monasterles ln the 2687.
Wadl Natrun.
The monasterlas of the Wadl n Natrn. 2688.
New York, 1926-33. 3 v. Illus.
(Met. mus. Pub. tv. 2, 7, 8j)
FAIVRE, JOEES. L'glise Saint-Sabas et
le martyrium de Saint-Marc Alexandrie. 2689.
Soc. arch. copte Bull. 3, 1937, 59-74.
FALLS, J. C. EWALD. Eln besuch ln den
Natronklo3tern der sketischen wste.
Frankfurter zeltgemasse broschren 25, 2690.
1905-6, 61-85.
"Mit 9 origlnalaufnahmen der Kauf-
mann'schen expdition in die libysche
ws te " .
une impose provenants d'une ville
morte. Etude sur l'origine et l'po
que des chapiteaux-corbellle. Oriens
chr. n. s. 2, 1912, 281-316.
Includes discussion of Coptic forms.
sche kloster der gegenwart. Aachen,
Xavierius verlag, 1918. 35 p.
(Abhandlungen aus miss ionskunde und
missionsgeschichte, hft 3)
Neue stjeifzge durch die kirchen und
klSster gyptens. Leipzig und Berlin,
Teubner, 1930. 59 p. illus.
Neueste strp.ifzge durch die kirchen
und kloster gyptens. Leipzig und
Berlin, Teubner, 1931. 35 p. illus.
JULLIEN, MICHEL. A la recherche de
Tabenne et des autres monastres
fonds par saint Pachome. Etudes
89, 1901, 238-58.

-#A travers les ruines de la haute

Egypte la recherche de la grotte de
l'abbe Jean. tudes 88, 1901, 205r17.
- Le culte hrtien dans les temples de
l'antique Egypte. tudes 92, 1902,
-- L'Egypte; souvenirs bibliques et
chrtiens. Lille, Socit Saint-
Augustin-Descle, De Brouwer et cie,
1889. 294 p.
- Quelques anciens couvents de l'gypte.
Missions catholiques 35, 1903, 188-90,
198-202, 212-14, 237-40, 250-2, 257-8
274-6, 283-4.
JUNKER, HERMANN. Das kloster an Isls-
berg. Berichte ber die grabungen
der Akademie der wissenschaften ln
Wien bel El-Kubanieh, winter 1910-1911.
Dritter teil ... mit einem abschnltt
von dr. Hans Demel. Wien und Leipzig,
Hblder-Pichler-Tempsky, 1922. 67 p.
illus. plates (Vien. ak. Denk.
The Egyptian remains are discussed in
parts 1-2 of the report, the Coptic
in the thlrd part.
2691. LEFORTj L. THOPHILE. Les premiers mon
astres Pachmlens. Exploration
topographique. Muson 52, 1939, 379
Description and a very few Inscrip
tions .
2692. LEGRAIN, GEORGES. Fouilles et recherches
au forum de Louxor. Inst. d'g. Bull,
ser. 5, 11, 1917, 241-60.
Describes briefly a Christian chapel
at Luxor.
C. R. Jerphanion, G. Or. chr. 28, 2693.
1932, 236-7.
Van Autsam, M. Anal. Boll.
54, 1936, 182.
--- Streifzge durch die kirchen und
kloster Agyptens. Leipzig, Teubner,
1914. 80 p. lllua.
C. R. Sauer, J. Oriens chr. n. s.
5, 1915, 175-81.
(Jones, William J.j The Coptic monas
terles of the Wadi Natrun. Met. mus. 2695.
Bull. 6, 1911, 19-29.
Article based on the report of W. J.
Jones, archltect of the Egyptian ex
- Monasterles of the Wadi Natrun. Met.
mus. Bull. 7, 1912, 84-91.
Sketches, plans and description.
--- Rapport sur les nouveaux travaux
excuts Louqsor l'ouest du temple
d'Amon (Octobre 1916 - Mars 1917).
Ann. du Service 17, 1917, 49-75.
Brief description of a Coptic chapel
and baptlstery.
LEIBOVITCH, JOSEPH. Hellnismes et h-
brasmes dans une chapelle chrtienne
el-Bagaout. Soc. arch. copte Bull.
5, 1939, 61-8.
MAfRIZI. Description topographique et
historique de l'gypte, traduite en
franais par U. Bouriant. Paris,
Leroux, 1895rl900. 2 v. (Miss,
arch. fr. Mm. 17)
No more publiahed. For remainlng
portion, see number 2696.
2696. - KltSb al-maw cidh waliftibr bidhikr
al khitat walthr. Livre des ad
monitions et de l'observation pour
27 06.
l'histoire des quartiers et des monu
ments, ou description historique et
topographique de l'Egypte. Traduit
par U. Paul Casanova. Inst. fr. arch.
or. Mm. 3, 1906, 1-328; 4, 1920, 1-144.
MARTIN, CH. DU. Les monastres du Wadl
n-Natroun. Nouv. rev. thol. 62,
1935, 113-34, 238-52.
Summary of number 2675.
MASPERO, GASTON. Le couvent de Saint-
Simon, prs d'Assouan. Rev. arch.
ser. 4, 8, 1906, 155-62.
- Le couvent de Saint Slmon, prs
d'Assouan. Le Temps 45, Nov. 12,
-- Les fouilles de Delr el Aizam (Septem
bre 1897). Ann. du Service 1, 1900,
Report of flnds on the site of the
old Coptic monastery, lncludlng the
text of an Inscription on a jar con-
talnlng myrrh.
Le nom du personnage qui convertit le
temple de Kalabcheh en glise chr
tienne. In Int. cong. arch. 2d,
Calro, 19057 Comptes rendus, pp. 261
Notice of paper only; based ln part
on two Coptic inscriptions.
MRIAL, E. Les glises coptes du Vleux-
Caire. Le rayon 9, 1936, 237-9.
MICHAEL1DES, EUGENIOS. r ' i o vTj t o c l / i o v ?
f c o p y i o u fcw T T a X a i t o K o u ' p t o > t i c i j
1936. 260 p. 38 plates.
MIEDEMA, REIN. Koptlsche bouwkunst.
Amsterdam, 1918. 46 p. (De bouw-
wereld, 17)
C. R. Wledemann, A. Or. lit.
z. 23, 1920, 72-4.
burlal shaft of the tomb of Amenemhat.
Ann. arch. anthrop. 16, 1929, 49-74.
Includes a brief description of a
Coptic church on the site.
cristlana ln Egltto. In Int. cong.
chr. arch. 4th, Rome, 10. Atti,
v. 1, pp. 291-319.
Les couvents prs du Sohg. (Deyr
el-Ablad et Deyr el-Ahmar). Milan,
Giuseppe, 1925-6. 2 v.
-- Descrizione generale del Monastero di
San Slmeone presso Aswn. Ann. du
Service 26, 1926, 211-45.
- Deyr el-Mu\}arraqah. Note archeolo-
glche. Milano, 1928. 35 p. plates.
- La fondazlone del Deyr el-Ablad.
Aegyptus 4, 1923, 156-62.
Passages from Shenoute's letters
referring to the Kalsarlon.
2711. - Il monastero di S. Slmeone presso
Asw&n. Milan, Libreria Pontificla,
1927. 162 p. illus.
2712. Note storiche sulle chlese di al-
Fustt. Acc. Lincei Rend. ser. 6,
5, 1929, 285-334.
2713. Per la storia del portale romanlco.
In Mediaeval studies in memory of
H7 Kingsley Porter. Cambridge, Mass.,
1939. v.l, pp. 114-24.
Coraparison of Roman and Coptic
2714. Rapporto preliminare sugll scavi al
Monastero di S. Slmeone presso Aswan.
1924-1925. Acc. Llncel Rend. ser. 6,
1, 1925, 289-303.
2715. - Ricerche sulla topografia dl Qasr
Es-am*. Soc. khed. gog. Bull. 12,
1923, 205-32; 13, 1924, 73-94.
Describes and llsts churches.
2716. --- La tomba di San Macario. Aegyptus
10, 1929, 149-52.
2717. MUNIER, HENRI. Les monuments coptes
d'aprs les explorations du Pre Michel
Julllen. Soc. arch. copte Bull. 6,
1940, 141-68.
2718. Notes sur le Ouady Mo^ellah. I. Notes
historiques. Soc. khed. gog. Bull.
18, 1934, 47-51.
The monastery of Kalamoir.
2719. PALANQUE, CHARLES. Rapport sur les
fouilles d'El-Delr (1902). Inst. fr.
arch. or. Bull. 2, 1902, 163-70.
Plan and one inscription from a
Coptic monastery.
2720. PATRICOLO, ACHILLE. The church of Sitt
Burbra ln old Cairo. Florence,
Alinari, 1922. 62 p. illus.
2721. PEERS, C. R. The White monastery near
Sohag, upper Egypt. Arch. J. 61
tser. 3, 11], 1904, 131-53.
Brltish school ln Egypt. Ancient Eg.
1922, 33-9.
Contains a description of a Coptic
2723. PFEIISCHRIFTER, G. Oxyrhynchos. Seine
kirchen und kloster. In F.estgabe
Alols Knopfler zur vollandung des 70.
lebensjahres. Freiburg i. B., Herder,
1917. pp. [248]-64.
2724. QUIBELL, JAMES EDWARD. The monastery of
St. Jeremias at Saqqara. In Int.
cong. arch. 2d, Calro, 1909. Comptes
rendus, pp. 268-70.
Siunnary only.
KARL. Koptlsche friedhcSfe bel Karra
und der Amontempel Scheschonks I bel 2737,
el Hibes beright ber die badlschen
grabun.pen In Agypten ln den wintern
1913 und 1914. Berlin und Leipzig,
de Gruyter, 1926. 69 p. Illus.
C. R. Stuhlfauth, G. Or. lit.
z. 30, 1927, 356-8. ' 2738.
RANSOM, CAROLINE L. Coptic architectural
fragments recently acqulred by the
Metropolitan Musum Cabstract]. Ara.
J. arch. ser. 2, 15, 1911, 69-70.
RICHMOND, ERNEST. The significance of
Calro. R. Aslat. soc. J. 1913, 23-40.
Touches on Coptic architecture.
SAYCE, A. H. Coptic churches at Esneh.
Am. J. arch. 10, 1895, 383.
das Rote kloster. Antlke 3, 1927,
SMOLENSKI, THADE. Le couvent copte de
Salnt-Samuel a Galamoun. Ann. du
Service 9, 1908, 204-7.
STEINDORFF, GEORG. Das kloster des helll-
gen Makarios. Velhagen und Klaslngs
monatshefte 20^, 1905-6, 78-85.
STRZYGWSKI, JOSEP. Der schmuck der
alteren el-Hadrakirche im syrischen
kloster der sketischen wste. Oriens
chr. 1, 1901, 356-72.
tiachen kloster in der nitrischen
wste. Atlantis 1, 1929, 566-9.
expdition. The monastery of Epi-
phanios at Thebes. Met. mus. Bull. 10,
1915, 138-50.
--- The work of the Egyptian expdition.
Met. mus. Bull. 7, 1912, 184-90.
Brief description of the monastery
of Epiphanios and texts found on the
bungen der koptischen samtnlung. Berl.
mus. 53, 1932, 18-26.
----HIC H HUgb'UH---------------------------------
SCHLUNK, HELMUT. Die frhchristlich-
byzantinische sommlung. [Berlin,
Verlag ftlr kunstwissenschaft, 1937 j
64 p. illus.
C. R. Drioton, E. Soc. arch.
copte Bull. 6, 1940, 257-9.
-----ffiVAL aMTI^ITIH!?-------------------------------------
early Christian antiquitles and objecta
from the Christian East in the Depart
ment of British and mediaeval antlqul-
ties and ethnography of the British
musum. London, Printed by order of
the Trustes, 1901. 186 p. illus.
C. R. Baumstark, A.
2, 1902, 217-23.
Oriens chr.
See also numbers 749, 1873, 1881,
1884, 1926, 1931, 1937, 1952, 1996.
Art Musums and Collections
MUSEUM. Algemeene gids. Amsterdam,
N. v. Noord-hollandsche ultgeversmaat-
schapplj, 1937. 239 p.
Includes Coptic atone sculpture,
textiles and minor arts.
--- A guide to the early Christian and
Byzantine antiquitles ln the Depart
ment of British and mediaeval antiqul-
tles. London, British musum, 1903.
116 p. illus.
2d dition. London, 1921. 191 p.
-----A55YRIAN TOTriQUITffig----------------------------
A guide to the fourth, flfth and slxth
Egyptian rooms and the Coptic room.
A sris of collections of small Egyp
tian antiquitles which illustrate the
manners and customs, the arts and
crafts, the religion and 11-terature,
and the funeral rites and ceremonles
of the ancient Egyptians and ... the
Copts, from about B. C. 4500 to A. D.
1000. London, Printed by order of
the Trustes, 1922. 376 p. illus.
- A guide to the third and fourth
Egyptian rooms. London, Printed by
order of the Truatees, 1904. 304 p.
GAYET, ALBERT JEAN. Les monuments coptes
du Muse de Boulaq. Miss. arch. fr.
Mm. 3, 1889, 1-30; 4, 1890, 117-9.
GERARD, F. Au Muse copte du Vieux-Caire
avec S. E. Marcos Slmalka Pacha. Le
rayon 9, 1936, 230-3.
Das Koptlsche musum lm
Das helllge land 81, 1937,
SIMAIKA, MARCUS H. A brief guide to the
Coptic musum and to the principal
ancient Coptic churches of Calro.
Translated from the French by G. H.
Costigan. Calro, Government press,
1938. 91 p. 97 plates. (Publi
cations of the Coptic musum)
- Dall al-Mathaf al^klbt va ahamm
al-kanls wa al-adlrat al-atharlyah.
Calro, 1930-2. 2 v.
Guide to the Coptic musum, Cairo.
Guide sommaire du Muse copte et les
principales glises du Caire. Le
Caire, Imprimerie nationale, 1937.
94 p. illus.
C. R. Burmester, 0. J. theol.
stud. 39, 1938, 217-22.
Le Muse copte au Vieux Caire. L art
vivant 5, 1929, 59-62.
- Note historique sur le Muse copte au
Vieux Caire, a l'occasion de la visite
de S. Hautesse Fouad l.f Sultan
d'Egypte, mardi 21 Dc. 1920. Cairo,
In French and Arable.
SOBHY, GEORGE P. The Coptic musum in
Cairo. Ancient Eg. 1927, 10-3.
copto di Cairo in Egitto.
cr. 5, 1928, 143-6.
Il Museo
Riv. arch.
CATALOGUE of a collection of antlquities
from Egypt. Belng the second portion
of the collection ... which will be
sold by auctlon ... on Monday, the 9th
of December, 1907. London, Dryden
press, 1907. 18 p.
Includes some Coptic stelae.
COLLECTION du Dr. Fouquet du Caire ...
vente de la collection ... Paris,
Petit, 1922.
Pt. 1. Art gyptien et gypto-arabe,
art grec et romain.
Pt. 2. Antiquits gyptiennes,
sries coptes et arabes, IVe sicle -
XIVe sicle, terres mailles verrerie,
tapisseries, tissus.
de la section gyptienne, du Muse des
antiquits de l'Universlt de Kazan.
St. Ptersbourg, 1903.
mSler der saltlschen, griechisch-
rSmlschen und koptlschen zelt. In
Beschreibung der Aegyptischen sammlung
des Niederlandischen Reichsmuseums der
altertmer in Lelden. Haag, Nijhoff,
1905-. vol. 7.
C. R. Ranke, H. Or. lit. z. 19,
1916, 216-8.
. AART. Catalogue du Muse d'antiquits
Lelde. Sous-division F. Egypt.
Antiquits coptes. Leide, Brill,
1900. 84 p.
2758. DUBOIS, J. J. Descriptions des antiqui
ts gyptiennes, grecques et romaines,
monuments cophtes et arabes, composant
la collection de J. F. Mimaut. Paris,
Panckoucke, 1837. 98 p.
2759. IYTHGOE, ALBERT M. A handbook of the
Egyptian rooms. New York, Metropoli
tan musum of art, 1919. 176 p.
MKM'l' UK N'l'lQUl'l'ES fitirr.mMrnS'
2760. BOREUX, CHARLES. Antiquits gyptiennes.
La salle du Baouit. Bull. Muses de
France 1, 1929, 233-40.
2761. Guide-catalogue sommaire. Paria,
Muses nationaux, 1932. 2 v. Illus.
Vol. 1 Includes Coptic objecta.
2762. DES GRAVIERS, J. Invntalre des objets
coptes de la salle de Beoult au Louvre.
Riv. arch. cr. 9, 1932, 51-103.
2763. DRIOTON, TIENNE. L'art copte au Muse
du Louvre. Soc. arch. copte Bull. 2,
1936, 1-8.
2764. MOUNEREAU, GUY. La salle copte de Baouit.
Chron. d'Eg. 5, t9j, 1930, 115-6.
Reprlnt of an article in l'Echo de
Parla .
Cltta del Vaticano, 1944. 57 p.
illua. (Biblioteca Apoatolica
Vatlcana. Museo sacro. Guida, III)
2766. DREGER, M. Zur ausatellung apatantlk-
agyptischer funde im K. K. Oeaterr.
musum. Kunat und kunsthandwerk 14,
1911, 239.
See also numbers 2599-2600.
Coptic Art. General Works
art and the Far East. In Mdival
studles ln memory of A. Ringsley Porter,
I. Cambridge, 1939. pp. 101-11.
BERSTL, H. Indo-koptlsche kunst. Jahr-
buch der aslatlschen kunst 1, 1924,
tlsche kunstgeschlchte von den altesten
zelten bis auf die eroberung durch die
Araber. Berlin-Charlottanburg, Gold-
steln, 1934-. v. 1- and atlas.
C. R. Watzlnger, C. Or. lit. z.
40, 1937, 20-2.
po archeologi chrlstlanskago Eglpta.
St.-Ptersbourg, Thlle, 1901. 94 p.
Russlan and French ln parallel
columns. 33 photographs and many
C. R. Plehl, K. Sphinx 5, 1902,
Strzygowskl, J. Byz. z. 11,
1902, 268-70.
MUSEUM. Late Egyptian and Coptic art.
An Introduction to the collections ln
the Brooklyn Musum. Brooklyn musum,
Brooklyn lnstltute of arts and sciences,
1943. 24 p. Illus.
C. R. Kltzlnger, E.
1944, 204-5.
Art bull. 26,
- Pagan and Christian Egypt. Egyptian
art from the flrst to the tenth cen-
tury A. D. Exhibited at the Brooklyn
musum by the Department of ancient
art, January 23 - March 9, 1941.
Brooklyn musum press, 1941. 86 p.
BROOKLYN MUSEUM stages trail-blaelng ex
hibition of Coptic art. Art dlgeat
15, no. 11, Mer. 1, 1941, 5-6.
COONEY, JOHN D. Problems of Coptic art.
In Coptic Egypts Papers read at a
symposium. Brooklyn, 1944.
pp. 35- 41.
COSTIGAN, G. H. Sculpture and palntlng
ln Coptic art. Soc. arch. copte
Bull. 3, 1937, 48-58.
CRABITS, PIERRE. Coptic art and the
Calro Coptic Musum. Cathollc world
129, 1929, 275-83.
Coptic Influences on early Musllm
architecture. Soc. arch. copte Bull.
5, 1939, 29-42.
art, a survey of the monuments.
Oxford, Clarendon press, 1925. 396 p.
C. R. Dlehl, C. Byz. z. 26,
1926, 127-33.
2779. DXEHL, CHARLES. Les origines gyptiennes
de l'art byzantin. In Int. cong.
arch. 2d, Calro, 1909. Comptes
rendus, pp. 263-4.
Rsum only.
2780. DIMAND, MAURICE SVEN. Indische stilele-
ment ln der omamentik der syriachen
und koptischen kunst. Ostaslatische
zeitschrift 9, 1922, 201-15.
2781. DRIOTON, ^TIENNE. L'art copte. Le
rayon 9, 1936, 234-6.
2782. - Art syrien et art copte. Soc. arch.
copte Bull. 3, 1937, 29-40.
2783. EXPOSITION D'ART copte. Dcembre 1944.
Guide. Le Caire, 1944. 2 pts. in
1 v. 13 plates.
At head of titles Socit d'archo
logie copte.
1. Egyptian textiles, III-VIII cen-
tury, by A. J. B. vVace.
2. La sculpture et les arts mineurs,
par E. Drloton.
2784. FORRER, ROBERT. Die zeugdrucke der by-
zantlnischen, romanischen ... und
spatern kunstepochen. Strassburg,
Forrer, 1894. 44 p. Illus.
2785. GABRA, SAMI. Caractres de l'art copte:
ses rapports avec l'art gyptien et
l'art hellnistique. Soc. arch. copte
Bull. 1, 1935, 37-41.
2786. GAYET, ALBERT JEAN. L'art copte; cole
d'Alexandrie - architecture monastique
- sculpture - peinture - art somptu-
aire. Paris, Leroux, 1902. 334 p.
C. R. Crum, W. Eg. expi. soc.
Arch. rpt. 1901-2, 54-6.
Strzygowski, J. Byz. z. 11,
1902, 505.
2787. L'art copte. ROv. de l'art 4, 49-62.
2788. GLUCK, HEINRICH. Die chrlstllche kunst
des Ostens. Berlin, Cassirer, 1923.
67, 132 p. illus. (Die kunst des
Ostens, 8)
2789. GNOLFO, G. Art hittite et art copte.
Soc. arch. copte Bull. 10, 1944, 27-32.
2790. GOLDSCHMIDT, ADOLPH. Exhibition of the
art of the Dark Ages at the Worcester
art musum. Parnassus 93, 1937,
2791. GRNEISEN, WLADIMIR DE. Les caractris
tiques de l'art copte. Florence,
Allnari, 1922. 193 p. Illus.

chrlstllchen archologie. Paderborn,
SchBningh, 1905. 632 p. Illus.
(Wissenschaftliche handbibllothek. 3.
relhe. Lehrbcher verschiedener
wissanschaften. v.)
2. aufl. 1913. 3. verm. und verb.
aufl. 1922. 684 p.
Copenhague, 1944. 64 p. Illus.
(Alverdens kunst, II)
gyptien aux Vie et Vile sicles.
L'art vivant 5 [no. 98], 1929, 80-3.
MARQUAND, ALLAN. Strzygowski and hls
theory of early Christian art. Harv.
theol. rev. 3, 1910, 357-65.
MASPERO, JEAN. propos d'un bas-relief
copte du Muse du Caire. Rec. de
travaux 37, 1915, 97-110.
Discussion of the orlglns of Coptic
MIED3MA, REIN. Koptlsche kunst. Am
sterdam, Paris, 1929. 107 p. Illus.
In Dutch.
ln Egypt. In Baedeker, Karl.
Egypt and Sudan. 8th rev. dition.
London and New York, 1929.
pp. clxxxvll-cxcl.
MOREY, CHARLES R. Art of the Dark Ages:
a unique show. The flrst American
Early Christlan-Byzantlne exhibition
at Worcester. Art news 35, Feb. 20,
1937, 9-16.
--- Early Christian art. An outllne of
the volution of style and lconography
ln sculpture and painting from antiquity
to the elghth century. Princeton,
Unlversity press, 1942. 282 p.
The Coptic period, by Stephen
Gaselee, pp. 55-60, 247-62.
2806. ROSS, MARVIN CHAUNCEY. Coptic art survey
in a new gallery. Art news 37, Mar. 4,
1939, 10.
2807. "Paganism and Chrlstianity in Egypt".
The genesis and development of Coptic
art in Brooklyn show. Soc. arch.
copte Bull. 7, 1941, 47-50.
2808. SAUER, Jf Koptische kun3t. In Lexi-
kon fur thologie und klrche. Frei-
burg, Herder, 1930-. vol. 6,
pp. 196-9.
2809. SMITH, EARL BAIDWIN. Early Christian
lconography, and A school of ivory
carvers in Provence. Princeton,
Unlversity press, 1918. 276 p.
illus. (Princeton monographs in art
and archaeology, vi)
its origin and transfer into the
Arabie. Art and arch. 23, 1927,
2811. STRZYGOWSKI, JOSEF. Koptlsche kunst.
Wien, Holzhausen, 1904. 362 p.
lljus.. (Service des antiquits de
l'Egypte. Catalogue gnral des
antiquits gyptiennes du Muse du
Caire. Nos. 7001-7394 et 8742-9200)
C. R. Crum, 'S. E. Lit. zentral-
blatt 55, 1904, 1005-7.
Diez, E. Byz. z. 13, 1904,
Wessely, C. Stud. pal.u.pap.
4, 1905, 108-10.
2812. - Orient oder Rom. Stichprobes Die
porphyrgruppen von S. Marco ln Venedig.
Kilo 2, 1902, 105-24.
2813. VANDIER, JACQUES. Une annonciation copte.
Bulletin monumental 103, 1945, 250-5.
ltd., 1931. 354 p.
C. R. Nersessian, S. Art bull. 25, 2814.
1943, 80-6.
MUSoz, ANTONIO. Rassegna d'arte copta.
Riv. d'Italia 8, 1905, 834-43.
Christian art in Egypt: an exhibition
at the Brooklyn musum. Art bull. 23,
1941, 165-7.
PFISTER, R. Teinture et alchimie dans
l'orient hellenistique. Semin.
Kondakov. 7, 1935, 1-59.
Includes a discussion of the coloring
raaterials used ln Hellenistic and
Coptic Egypt. 2817.
RIEGL, ALOIS. Koptische kunst. Byz. z.
' 2, 1893, 112-21.
ROSS, SIR E. DENISON. The art of Egypt
through the ges. London, The Studio
VOLBACH, FRITZ. Arte copta. In
Enciclopedia italiana di sclenze,
lettere ed artl. Roma, Istituto
Giovanni Treacani, 1929-39. v. 11,
pp. 335-9. Illus.
WAHBY BEY, ATTIA. Les affinits de l'art
copte. In Int. cong. erch. 2d,
Cairo, 19735. Comptes rendus,
pp. 262-3.
Rsum only.
2816. WEITZMANN, KURT. An early Copto-Arabic
miniature in Leningrad. Ars islamica
10, 1943, 119-34.
WILBER, DONALD N. "Pagan and Christian
Egypt". An exhibition. Ars islami
ca 9, 1942, lb0-6.
The Dark Ages. Loan exhibition of
pagan and Christian art in the Latin
west and Byzant i ne east . Wor cest er
art musum, Wor cest er , Mass. , 1937.
48 p. i l l us.
WULFF, OSKAR K. Al t chr i st l i che und by-
zant l nl sche kunst . Ber l l n- Neubabel s-
berg, Akademl sche verl ags gesel l schaf t
At henai on m. b. h. ( e19l 4j 2 v.
and Bi t l i ogr aphi schkr l t i scher nacht rag.
i l l us. ( Handbuch der kunst wl ssen-
schaf t )
Di e al t ohr i st l i ohen und mi t t el al t er -
l i chen byzant i ni schen und i t al i eni schen
bi l dwerke. Berl i n und Lei pzi g, de
Gruyt er, 1923. 84 p. i l l us.
( St aat l i che museen. Beschr ei bung der
bi l dwerke der chri st l i chen epochen.
3 auf l . t3 bd. Er gSnzungsbandj )
ZAK MU J AMMAD HASAN. Bad al - ta* t hi rt
al - ki bt T f i al - f unn al - i sl m yah.
Soc. ' arch. copt e Bul l . 3, 1937, 104- 83.
On Copt i c I nf l uences on Ar abi e scul p
ture, embroi dery and pal nt l n. Lec
ture pr esent ed at the Soci t khdi
vi al e de gographi e, Feb. 10, 1937.
Exposi t i on d' ar t copte. Dcembre
1944. Soc. arch. copt e Bul l . 10,
1944, 177- e6.
ZALOSCER, HI LDE. St r zygowskl , sa mt hode
et ses r echer ches- sur l ' ar t copt e.
Soc. arch. copt e Bul l . 6, 1940, 1- 17.
See al so number 3126.
Subl ect s. Theme3 and Desi gns
BUNT, CYRI L G; E. The genesi s of Copt i c
t wi st s and pl al t s. Anci ent Eg. 1920,
97- 104.
MATTHEWFLI NDERS. Ear l y f orms of the
cross f r omEgypt i an t ombs. Anci ent
Eg. 1916, 97- 109.
Sai nt Mnas.
tser. 2, 3J f
Not e sur l es ani maux de
Rev. or. chr. 13
1908, 212- l e.
Ei n bei t r ag zumf ort l eben
des al t agypt l schen l mkopt i schen und
arabl schen. Nacht r ag von Cari Schmi dt
Deut . i nst. aeg. al t ert umsk. Mi t t . 7,
1937, 119- 27.
Per sl st ence of the ol d Egypt i an ht p-
si gn l n Copt i c al t ar t abl es and l n
Copt i c and Arabl e grave st ones.
Schmi dt publ l shes the t ext of an
i nscri pt i on on a st one ori gi nal l y
i nt ended f or an al t ar t abl e.
2828. CRUM, WALTER EWI NG. Der hl . Apol l o und
das kl ost er von Bawl t . Z. aeg. spr.
40, 1902- 3, 60- 2.
Ll t er ar y ref erences to St. Apol l o of
Bawl t col l ect ed as a suppl ment to
number 2849.
2829. DI I . J j MONT, THERSE DE. L' art chr t i en en
Egypt e; mot i f s de br oder i e copt e.
Dor nach, Di l l mont t 1897] 2 pts. i l l us.
2830. ELLI S, L. B. The ani mal symbol s of the
Evangel i st s. Anci ent Eg. 1930, 109
2831. GRNEI SEN, WLADI MI R DE. I nt omo ai l '
ant l co uso egl zl ano di r af f i gurare i
def unt l col l ocat l avant 1 al l oro
sepol cro. Not a a proposi t e dl i a
mumml a vat i cana dl i a necropol l
d' Ant l noe. R. Socl et r omana di
st orl a pat ri a. Ar chi vi o 29, 1906,
229- 39.
Di scusses the square ni mbus.
2832. Le port rai t d' Apa J rmi e, not e .
propos du soi - di sant ni mbe r ect angu
l ai re. Ac. i nscr. i nst. f r, Mm.
ser. 1, 122, 1913, 719- 30.
2833. J ERPHANI ON, GUI LLAUME DE. Le ni mbe
r ect angul ai re en ori ent et en occi dent .
Et udes 134, 1913, 85- 93.
2834. - L' ori gi ne copt e du t ype de sai nt
Mi chel debout sur l e dragon. Ac.
i nscr. CR 1938, 367- 81.
2835. KAUFMANN, CARL MARI E. Menas und Hor us-
Harpokrat es i ml l cht e der ausgr abungen
l n der Menasst adt . Ori ens chr. n. s.
l f 1911, 88- 102.
2836. KI RSCH, J . P. L' ai gl e sur l es - monuments
f i gurs de l ' ant i qui t chrt i enne.
Bul l . anc. l i tt. chr. t3j , 1913, 112- 26.
Deal s especi al l y wi t h Copt i c f unerary
monument s.
2837. LAJ ARD, FLI X. Observat i ons sur l ' ori gi ne
et l a si gni f i cat i on du symbol e appel
l a croi x anse. Ac. i nscr. Mm. 17^,
1847, 348- 78.
2838. LAUZI ERE, J . Le myt he de Lda dans l ' art
copt e. Soc. arch. copt e Bul l . 2,
1936, 38- 46.
2839, . LETHABY, WI LLI AMRI CHARD. The or i gi n of
knot t ed or nament at i on. Burl . mag. 10,
1906- 7, 256.
2840. LETRONNE, ANTOI NE J EAN. La croi x anse
gypt i enne se r et r ouve- t - el l e sur des
monument s ant i ques t rangers
l Egypt eT Rev. arch. 18452, 665- 75.
2841. - Examen archol ogi que de ces deux
quest i ons: 1. La croi x anse gyp
t i enne a- t- e). l e t empl oye par l es
Chrt i ens d' Egypt e pour expr i mer l e
monogramme du Chr i st ? 2. Ret r ouve-
t - on ce symbol e sur des monument s
ant i ques t rangers l ' Egypt e? Ac.
i nacr. Mm. 16*, 1846, 236- 84.
pet skl e mot l vy na t kani akh bi zant i i -
akogo Egi pt a. Len. rmi t azh. Trudy
ot del a vost oka 3, 1940, 101- 16.
Rsum i n^French, Les mot i f s de
l ' anci enne Egypt e sur l es t of f es de
l ' f i gypte byzant i ne: pp. 146- 7.
PAULSEN, FETER. Ei n al t arger at aus der
Wl kl nger zel t . Act a arch. 3, 1932,
266- 76.
Fi nds i nf l uences of Copt i c st yl e.
PERDRI ZET, PAUL. Negot i umperambul ans i n
t enebri a; t ude de dmonol ogi e grco-
ori ent al e. St rasbourg, Li brai ri e
I at ra; NewYor k, Col umbi a unl ver si t y
preaa, 1922. 38 p. i l l us.
( St raab. Uni v. Let t res. Pub. 6)
Les sai nt s caval i ers de l ' f i gypte
chrt i enne. St. Si si nni us.
forma of the cross f r omEgypt i an tomba,
Anci ent Eg. 1916, 97- 109.
RAOUL- ROCHETTE, De l a cr oi x anse, ou
d' un si gne qui ' ' y ressembl e, consi dre
pri nci pal ement dans ses rapport s avec
l e symbol e gypt i en, sur des monument s
t rusques et asi at i ques. Ac. l nscr.
Mm. 162, 1846, 285- 382.
Sur l a cr oi x anse asi at i que. Ac
i nscr. Mm. 172, 1848, 375- 87.
SHER, M. A. Mi f ^o bor' be Gor a 1 Set a v
kopt ski kh pami at ni kakh kul ' t a. Len.
rmi t azh. Tr udy ot del a vost oka. 3,
1940, 101- 16.
Fr ench r sum, L myt he de l a l utte
ent re Hor us et Set h sur l es obj ets
copt es: p. 116.
STRZYGOWSKI , J OSEP. Der kopt i sche rei -
t erhei l i ge und der hl . Georg. Z.
aeg. spr. 40, 1902- 3, 49- 60.
See al so number 2828.
SULZBERGER, MX. Not e sur l a croi x chr
t i enne en Egypt e. Byzant i on 3, 1926,
303- 4.
USHAKOVA, T. N. Perezhi t ki egi pet ski kh
r el i gi ozi ykh i zobr azheni i v or namen-
t t sl i ant i chnykh kandel f brov.
Leni ngrad. rmi t azh. Tr udy ot del a
vost oka 1, 1939, 185- 90.
Fr ench rsum; Les survi vances de
mot i f s or nement aux gypt i ens sur l es
candl abres ant i ques et copt es: p. 190.
ZALOSCER, HI LDE. Une scne de chasse sur
une archi t rave au Muse copt e. Soc.
arch. copt e Bul l . 8, 1942, 145- 63.
See al so numbers 2929, 2945- 6,
2973, 3081, 3099.
Text i l es
2853. ACKERMANN, PHYLLI S. An uni que VI t h or
Vnt h cent ury Copt i c t apeat ry. Ar t
news 25, Nov. 13, 1926, 1- 2.
A t apest r y i n the posseasi on of
Di kr an Kel eki an.
2854. APOSTOLAKI , ANNA. ( ' H Kt puvm; tXa<(>oj
n l K O r r Ti K O ^V p . a r o ^.
Ar chai ol ogi ke Ephemeri s 34, 1937, 325
2855. Ta KoTi Ti Ka (^aVpara tou l v Wffr(vatj Moutfi i ov
Twv K0<riAY]TiK2v t exvv. At hnes,
Typogr. "Est i a", 1932. 203 p.
i l l us.
Copt i c t ext i l es of. the At hens Musum
of dcorat i ve arts.
2856. B. , A. J . Anci ent Copt i c t ext i l es.
Guardi an, 44, 1889, 1011.
Text i l es i n the col l ect i on of the
Sout h Kensi ngt on Musum. A. J . Butl er?
2857. BAI LLET, J , Les t api sseri es d' Ant i no
au Muse d' Orl ans. Orl ans, Pi gel et ,
1907. 27 pl at es.
2858. BI RRELL, FRANCI S, Two earl y Egypt i an
pr i nt ed st uf f s. Burl . mag. 27, 1915,
104- 9.
2859. BOCK, VLADI MI R GI ORGI SV CH. 0 koptsj ^om
i akuaat v . Kopt aki l a uzor chat yi a
tkani . Moskva, 1897. 32 p.
pl at es.
Al so publ i shed i n Arkheol ogi chaki
a" l ez& , Moscow. Tr udy 83, 1890,
218- 45.
2860. BRECK, J OSEPH. A gi f t of t ext i l es. Met.
mua. Bul l , 24, 1929, 319,
I ncl udes one Copt i c pi 9ce.
2861. BRI NCKMANN, CARLOTTA. Di e behandl ung
kopt i scher at of f e i mKai ser Fr i adr i ch-
Muaeum. Museumskunde 2, 1906, 150- 2.
Use of rai n wat er i n the t reat ment
of Copt i c t ext i l e f ragment s,
On a Copt i c gr aveshi r t i n the posses
si on of General Si r Franci s Orenf el l ,
G. C. B. , G. C. M. G, et c. Archaeo-
l ogi a 53 [ Ser , 2, v. 3j , 1892- 3,
433- 44.
2863. GALBSRO. M. La toi l e tei nte du tombeau
di t *de l a br odeuse1'. Mus. r. d' art
et d' hi st oi re, Bruxel l es, Bul l . 3.
ai r. , 4, 1938, 110- 4.
h centurj textile from Antlnoe,
Weaves and draperi es, cl assi o and
modem, NewYor k, St okes, 1930.
300 p, illus,
Chap, 3 Gopt a and Mosl ems.
266b. Ck KRI , 3' E.kS. Recuei l de monme vt a
gypt i ens; ci nquant e pl anches phot o
t ypi ques avec t ext e expl i cat i f .
Bruxel l es, Vromant , 1902. i 104j p.
50 pl at es.
Al so 2 sr. 1905. [93j p.
50 pl at es.
Pt. 2s Byzant i ne t ext i l es f r omEgypt .
2866. C[ LARKEj , C. P[ URDONj . A pl ace of Egyp
t i an t apest ry. Met . mua. Bul l . 2,
1907, 161- 2.
2867. COLE, ALAN S. A descri pt i ve cat al ogue
of a col l ect i on of t apest r y- woven and
embr oi der ed Egypt i an t ext i l es i n the
Sout h Kensi ngt on Musum. London,
Eyr and Spot t i swoode, 1887. 70 p.
2867a. Egypt i an t apest ri es. ( Cant or l ec
t ures I - I I ) Royal soci et y of art,
London. J our nal 37, 1888- 9, 787- 97,
799- 812.
2868. - A suppl ement al descri pt i ve cat al ogue
of woven and embr oi der ed Egypt i an
t ext i l es acqui red f or the Sout h Ken
si ngt on musumbet ween J une 1890 and
December 1893. London, 1896. 23 p.
2869. COX, RAYMOND. L' art de dcorer l es t i s
sus d' aprs l es col l ect i ons du Muse
hi st or i que de l a Chambre de commerce
de Lyon. Pari s, Moui l l ot ; Lyon, Ray,
1900. 39 p. cxxvi i pl at es.
2870. - Essai de cl assement des t i ssus copt es.
Rev. de l ' art anci en et moderne 19,
1906, 417- 32.
2871. Les soi eri es d' art . Pari s, Hachet t e,
1914. 431 p. pl at es.
Copt i c t ext i l es I n t wo- f aced weave wi t h
pat t ern i n reverse. J . Eg. arch. 25,
1939, 40- 7.
2873. Met hods of hand spi nni ng l n Egypt and
the Sudan. Hal i f ax, KI ng, 1931.
( Count y bor ough of Hal i f ax. Bank-
f i el d musumnot es. 2d ser. no. 12)
C. R. Cal berg, M. Chron. d' g. 7
[ 13- 14] , 1932, 40- 3.
2874. A t abl et woven band f r omQau el Kebi r,
Anci ent Eg. 1924, 98- 100.
2875, DI3HL, CHARLES. Sur quelques toffes
copt es du MusSe du Louvre. Monu-
ment 3 Pl ot 25, 1921- 2, 605- 12*
pl ate.
2876, DI MAND, MAURI CE SVBN, Cl assi f i cat i on of
Coptic textiles, In Coptic Egypt:
Papers read at a symposi um. Brook-
' l yn, 1944. pp. 51- 8.
2Q77 Coptic and Egypto-Arabic textiles.
Met, ma, Bull, 26, 1931, 89-91,
2878, Copt i c t ext i l es of t he krabl c peri o,
A, 11 %
Shor t not e on a paper read bef ore
the Col l ege art associ at i on.
2879. - Copt i c t ext i l es; r ecent accessi ons.
Met . mus. Bul l . 21, 1926, 102- 5.
2880. - A Copt i c t uni c of a chi l d.
Bul l . 23, 1928, 58.
Me t . mus
2881. Copt i c t uni cs i n the Met r opol i t an
Musumof art. Met. lius. St udl es 2,
1929- 30, 239- 52.
2882. - Ear l y Chri st i an weavi ngs f r omEgypt .
Met. mus. Bul l . 20, 1925, 55- 8.
2883. Ear l y Copt i c t apest ri es, I nt er
nat i onal st udi o 78, 1923- 24, 245- 8.
2884. An earl y cut - pl l e r ug f r omEgypt .
Met . mus. St udl es 4, 1932- 3, 151- 62.
2885. Ei ne kopt l sche gol dst l cker ei aus der
Ft i mi denzei t . I n J oseph St r zygow-
ski - Fest schr i f t zum70. gebur t st ag von
sei nen schl er n gebr acht . Kl agerf ur t
Kol l i t sch, 1932.
2886. - - - NSgr a kopt i ska t ext i l i er I Lunds
kul t urbi st or l ska musum. Svenska
sl oj df or enl ngens t i dskr i f t 18, 1922,
2887. Loan exhi bi t i on of ori ent al rugs and
t ext i l es. Met. mus. Bul l . 30, 1935,
I ncl udes a f r agment of a Copt i c rug.
2888. Di e or nament i k der agypt i schen wol l -
wi rkerel en; st l l probl eme der spat an-
t i ken und kopt i schen kunst . Lei pzi g,
Hi nr i chs, 1924. 76 p,
C. R, Gl ck, H. Or. l i t. z. 28,
1925, 654- 6.
2889. Spci al exhi bi t i on of Copt i c and
Egypt o- Ar abi c t ext i l es. Met. mus.
Bul l . 25, 1930, 126- 31.
2890. DORI NG, J . ber al t kopt l sche gewebe,
nach For r er und Essenwel n. Kur l an-
di schen gesel l schaf t f ur l i t t erat ur
und kunst . Si t zb. 1891, 3- 4.
2891. DONADONI , SERGI O. Most r a dl i a st of f a
copt a di Ant l noe, 7- 21 di cembre 1939
- XVI I I . Fi renze, 1939.
DONADONI , SERGI O. Una aost r e di st of f e
copt e. At ene e Roma 42, 1940, 209- 12.
St of f e decoret e da Ant i noe. I n
Scr l t t i dedi cat l al l a memor l a dTl ppo-
l i t o Rosel l i ni . Fl renze, Le Monni er,
1945. pp. 109- 55.
Wegwei ser durch di e t ext i l - ausst el l ung
des Herrn. Dr. P. Bock. Dssel dorf ,
Verei n, 1884. (Publ l ket i onen, 2)
EASTMAN, ALVAN C. Copt i c t ext i l es.
Parnassus 4, 1932, 27- 8.
EGYPTI AN COPTI C t ext i l es. Bri t . mus.
quart . 16, 1929, 52- 4.
EI SBERG, H. A. An exhi bi t i on of the
H. A. El sber g col l ect i on of Copt i c and
I sl ami e t ext i l es of the Unl ver si t y of
Mi chi gen, ReckhamBui l di ng, May 6 to
May 18. I nst i t ut e of Fi ne Art s,
Unl ver si t y of Mi chi gan t1940j 11 p.
ERRERA, I SABELLE. Cat al ogue d' t of f es
anci ennes et modernes. 2 ed.
Bruxel l es, Pal k, 1907. 331 p.
i l l us.
At head of t i t l e: Muses r oyaux des
arts dcorat i f s de Bruxel l es.
- Col l ect i on d' anci ennes t of f es gyp
t i ennes. Bruxel l es, Goossens,
Lamert i n, 1916. 211 p.
Hal f - t i t l e: Muses r oyaux des arts
dcor at i f s de Bruxel l es.
Col l ect i on de broderi es anci ennes.
Bruxel l es, Lamert i n, 1905. 64 p.
i l l us.
Hal f - t i t l e: Brussel s. Muses
royaux d' ar t et d' hi st oi re.
Not es on t ext i l es. Burl . mag. 25,
1914, 4- 8.
FALKE, OTTO VON. Kunst geschi cht e der
sei denweberei . Berl i n, Wesmut h, 1913.
2 v. i l l us.
Al so: Neue ausg. 1921.
FLANAGAN, J . P. The ori gi n of the draw-
l oomused i n the makl ng of ear l y By
zant i ne si l ks. Burl . mag. 35, 1919,
167- 72.
Some ref erence to Copt i c weavi ng.
PORRER, ROBERT. Di e f rhchri st l i chen
al t ert hmer aus demgraberf el de von
Achmi m- Panopol l s. St rassburg, 1893.
29 p.
Di e gr aeber - und t ext i l f unde von
Aehi ti i m- Panopol i s. St rassbur g, 1890.
27 p. 16 pl at es.
Al so: Basel , Bl rkhuser , 1891.
2906. Mei n besuch i n El - Achmi m; r ei sebr i ef e
aus Aegypt en. St r assbur g 1. E. ,
Schl esi er, 1895. 104 p. i l l us.
2907. - Romi sche und byzant i ni sche sei den-
t ext i l i en aus demgr aberf el de von
Achmi m- Panopol i s, St r assbur g i . E. ,
Basel , Bi rkhauser, 1891. 28 p.
i l l us.
2908. - Ver such ei ner cl assi f i cat i on der
ant i k- kopt i schen t ext i l f unde. Ant i
que 7, 1889, 57- 68, 91- 2.
2909. FOX, 1. SHERWOOD. Hel l eni st i c t apes-
t ri es i n Ameri ca. Ar t and arch. 5,
1917, 161- 9.
Text i l es f romEgypt of the t hi rd to
sevent h cent uri es, A. D.
2910. FRAUBERGER, HEI NRI CH. Ant i ke und f r h-
mi t t el al t er l i ehe f ussbekl ei dungen aus
Achmi m- Panopol i s. Dssel dor f r i m
sel bst verl agj 1896. 48 p. i l l us.
I saued i n port f ol i o, i n 150 copi es.
2911. GASELEE, SI R STEPHEN. Let t er ed Egypt i an
t ext i l es i n the Vi ct or i a and Al ber t
musum. Ar chaeol ogi a 73, 1923, 73- 84.
2912. GAYET, ALBERT J EAN. Le cost ume en Egypt e
du I I e au Xl l l e si cl e. Pari s,
Leroux, 1900. (Pari s. Exposi t i on
uni ver sel l e. Pal ai s du cost ume)
2913. GERSPAOH, DOUARD. Les t api sseri es
copt es. Pari s, Mai son Quent i n, 1890.
8 p. 153 pl at es.
2914. - Les t api sseri es copt es du Muse des
Gobel i ns. Gaz. Beaux- Art s 2 per.
362, 1887, 125- 31
Fr omCopt i c buri al s of t he 5t h to
I 2t h cent uri es. i l l us.
291b. GRNEI SEN, 1NLADI MI R DE. Lenzuol i e
t essut l egi zi ani nei pri mi secol i
del l ' E. V. consl derat i nel r i spet t o
i conograf l co e si mbol l oo. Soci t
f i l ol ogi ea romana. Bul l . 10, 1907,
19- 42.
2916. GURI NET, ARMAND. Et of f es byzant i nes,
copt es, romai nes etc. du I Ve au Xe
si cl e. Pri s, Gueri net , 1922. 16
pl at es i n port f ol i o.
2917. HARZ, C. 0. Ueber agypt i sche textl l stof f e
des 4. bi s 7. chri st l i cben j ahrhundert s.
Bot eni sches cent rel bl at t 34, 1888,
185- 6, S15- ' 7.
2918. HESSLI NG, E. t of f es et t api sseri es
copt es. Pari s, 1914.
2919. HOOPER, LUTHER. The t echni que of Greek
and Romen weavi ng. Burl . mag. 18,
1910- 11, 276- 84.
St udy based on Roman and Copt i c t ex
ti l es f r omEgypt .
KAFMANN, CARL MARI A. Di e aegypt l schen
t sxt i l l en des Musums von Campo Sant o,
I n I nt. cong. Chr. arch. 2d, Rome,
1300. At t i . pp. 32- 41.
El n spat kopt l sches bemal t es gr t bt uch
aus Ant i noupol l s l n Ober gypt en.
Ori ens chr, n. 3. 7- 8, 1918, 128- 32.
KELGKI AN, DI KRAN G. Addl t l onal document s
of Copt i c art l n the col l ect i on of
Dl l cran 0. Ke l e kl an, I nc, [NewYor k,
The Aut hor, 1941) . c37] p. I l l us.
- I mport ant document s of Copt i c art,
l n the col l ect i on of Di kr an 0. Kel e-
kl an. NewYor k, [ 1929j [59] P.
I l l us.
t ext i l es f r omburyl ng- gr ounds l n Egypt .
London, H. M. St at l oner y of f i ce, 1920
22. 3 v. l n 2. I l l us. ( Vi ct ori a
and Al ber t musum. Publ i cat i on no.
129T, 153T)
Vol . 3s Copt i c perl od.
C. R. Abel , H. Or. l i t. z. 25,
1922, 315- S; 26, 1923, 616- 7.
Ear l y sl l k st uf f s f r omEgypt . Burl .
mag. 33, 1918, 131- 4.
Ear l y t ext i l es f r omDaml et t a. Burl .
mag. 32, 1918, 10- 15.
- Ear l y t ext i l es l n the Cant on Val ai s.
Burl . mag. 45, 1924, 125- 31.
More t ext i l es f r omEgypt i an cemet erl es.
Burl . mag. 32, 1918, 145- 6.
St uf f s f r omEgypt wi t h Chr i st i an sym-
bol s. I n St udi en 7, ur kunst des
Ost ens, Tsef St rzygowskl zumsechzl g-
st en gebur t st age von sei nemf r eunden
und schl ern. Wl en, und Hel l erau,
Aval un- verl ag, [ 1923] pp. 100- 3.
The t ext i l es of Egypt . Burl . mag.
48, 1926, 284- 90.
Cr l t l ci smof number 2988.
- A t unl c f r oma cemet ery i n Egypt .
Burl . mag. 7, 1905, 238.
- Woven f abrl ca f r omEgypt . Burl .
mag. 31, 1917, 13- 20.
KI TZI NGER, ERNST. The s t ory of J oseph
on a Copt i c t apest ry. London. Uni v.
Wi arburg I nst i t ut s J ournal 1, 1937- 8,
266- 8.
KUHNEL, ERNST, The t ext i l es of Egypt .
Burl . mag. 49, 1986, 102.
Repl y to number 2930.
La t radi t i on copt e dans l es t i ssus
musul mans. Soc. arch, copt e Bul l . 4,
1938, 79- 89.
2936. LAMM, CARL J OHAN. Copt i c wool embr ol d-
erl es. Soc. arch. copt e Bul l . 4,
1938, 23- 8.
2937. - Cot t on l n medi aeval t ext i l es of the
Near East . Pari s, Geut hner, 1937.
265 p. I l l us.
2938. J or df undne t ekst l i er f ra Aegypt en.
Tl l skuer en 552, 1938, 333- 50.
2939. Some ear l y Egypt i an dr aw- l oomweav-
l ngs. Soc. arch. copt e Bul l . 5,
1939, 193- 9.
2940. Some wool l en t apest r y weavi ngs f r om
Egypt i n Swedi sh musums. Le monde
or i ent al 30, 1936.
2941. LEBEDEVA, V. El n kopt l scher st of f des
hl st or l schen Staatsnruseums zu Moskau,
Byz. z. 35, 1935, 78- 9.
2942. LESSI NG, J ULI US. Di e gewebe- samml ung
des K. Kunst gewer be- musums. Berl i n,
Wosmut h, 1900- 13. 11 v.
2943. LETHABY, WI LLI AMRI CHARD. Byzant i ne
sl l ks l n London musums. Burl . mag.
24, 1913- 14, 138- 46, 185- 7.
2944. - - - Egypt i an pri nt ed st uf f s. Burl . mag.
27, 1915, 168- 9.
henl e Di oni sa na t kanl akh bi zant l l sko-
go Egl pt a. Len. r mi t azh. Tr udy
ot del a vost oka 3, 1940, 149- 59.
Rsum l n Fr ench, L' I mage de Di onysos
sur l es t i ssus de l ' gypt e byzant i nes
pp. 158- 9.
2946. Koptskal . a t kan/ s ml f omo Her akl e.
Len. Er mi t azh Tr udy ot del a vost okj 1,
1939, 211- 9.
Fr ench rsum, Un t i ssu copt e avac
l e myt he d' Hercul e s pp. 218- 9.
2947. LONGMAN, LESTER D. Two earl y t ext i l es
l n the Museo Cr l st l ano. Parnassus
2e, 1930, 43.
Shor t not e on a paper read bef ore
the Col l ege art associ at i on.
2948. - Two f ragment s of an earl y t ext i l e l n
the Museo Crl st l ano. Ar t bul l . 12,
1930, 115- 30. ( St udl es i n the art
of the Museo Cr l st l ano of the Vat i can
l i br ar y 7)
2949. MALLON, PAUL. Ti ssus i mpri ms des t ombes
de l anci enne gypt e. Art s et mt i ers
gr aphi ques no. 45, 1935, 18- 21.
2950. MI GEON, GASTON. Les art s du t i ssu.
Pari s, Laurens, 1909. 416 p. I l l us.
( Manuel s d' hl st ol r e de l ' art )
Chapt er 3s Les t i ssus copt es,
2951. MONGSZ, ANTOI NE. Rappor t sur une t uni
que gypt i enne. Ac. I nscr, Mm, 5,
1821, 62- 4,
MORRI S, FRANCES. A gr oup of earl y sl l ks.
Met . mua. Bul l . 22, 1927, 118- 20.
MORRI S, MAY. Copt i c t ext i l es. Ar chi
t ect ur al r evi ew 5, 1899, 275.
MU TOZ, ANTONI O. L' ar t byzant i n l ' ex
posi t i on de Gr ot t af err at a. Rome,
Danesl , 1906. 193 p. i l l us.
Cont al ns a chapt er on Copt i c text i l es.
- L' ar t e bi zant i na ai l ' esposl zl one di
Grot t af err at a. L' Art e 8, 1905, 161- 70.
I ncl udes some Copt i c t ext i l es.
MYERS, GEORGE H. The dat i ng of Copt i c
t ext i l es i n the l i ght of excavat i ons
at Dur a- Eur opos. Ars i sl ami ea 9,
1942, 156- 7.
P. , J . G. Copt i c t ext i l es acqui red.
Met . mus. Bul l . 28, 1933, 112.
PAGENSTECHERj RUDOLF. El n kopt i scher
r el i qui enber zug mi t Madonnendar -
st el l ung. Ar. rel l g. 19, 1916- 19,
424- 33.
Sl eeval ess shl rt l n l l nen, wi t h
desi gn st i t ched i n sl l k. Ar abi e
i nscri pt i on.
PFI STER, R. Les dbut s du vt ement
copt e. I n Et udes d' or i ent al i sme,
publ i es par l e Muse Gul met l a
mmoi r e de Raymond Li noss1er. Pari s,
Ler oux, 1932. pp. 433- 59.
- La dcor at i on des t of f es d' Ant l no.
Rev. arts asl at . 5, 1928, 215- 43.
t of f es copt es. Cahi er s d' art 5,
1930, 28- 30.
- - L' i nt r oduct i on du cot on en gypt e
musul mane. Rev. art s asl at . 11, 1937,
167- 72.
Mat r i aux pour ser vi r au cl assement
des t ext i l es gypt i ens post ri eurs k
l a conqut e arabe. Rev. art s asl at .
10, 1936, 1- 16.
Ti ssus copt es du Muse du Louvre.
Pari s, Ernst , [ 1932] [16j p. port
f ol i o of col ored pl at es.
POZZI , J EAN. Les t i ssus copt es.
propos de l a r cent exposi t i on des
Gobel l ns. Gaz. beaux- art s ser. 6,
12, 1934, 97- 109.
RI EFSTAHL, RUDOLF MEYER. Ear l y t ext i l es
i n t he Cooper Uni on col l ect i on. Ar t
l n Amer i ca 3, 1915, 231- 54, 300- 8.
Ei n knpf t eppi ch sp t anf i ker t radi
t i on aus Agypt en l mMet r opol i t an
musumzu NewYor k. Deut . arch.
i nst. Roem. abt. Ml t t . 48, 1933,
127- 52.
RI EGL, ALOI S. Di ft agypt i schen t ext i l
f unde i mK. K. Ost er rel ch. musum.
2969. RODN Y FONT, CAMI LO. El art e de l a
t api cer i a en l a ant l gedad ( est udi o
hi st &r i co y cri t i co) . Bodal ona,
Edi ci Sn de Cat al na t ext l l , 1918.
40 p. i l l us. , pl at es.
2970. SCHI APARELLI , E. Di una ant i ca st of f a
cr l st l ana dl Egi t t o. Bessar l one 8,
1900- 1, 1- 9.
Repr sent at i on of a war ri or , perhaps
a man f r omthe t ri be of Bl emmys.
2971. SCHMI DT, ALFRED LUDWI G. Kopt i sche stof f e.
Der krei s, zei t schri f t f r knst l er -
i sche kul t ur 7- s, 1930- 31, 451- 54.
2972. START, LA RA E. Copt i c cl ot hs. Hal i
f ax, 1914. 35 p. I l l us. ( Count y
bor ough of Hal i f ax. Bankf l el d musum
not es ser. 2, 4)
2973. STEGENSEK, AUGUSTI N. Ueber angebl i che
Geor gsbi l der auf den aegypt l schen
t ext l l i en l mMusumdes Cempo Sant o.
Ori ens chr. 2, 1902, 170- 8.
2974. STRZYGOWSKI , J OSEF. Ori ent oder^Rom?
Bel t rage zur geschi cht e der spat ant i -
ken und f rhchr i st l i chen kunst .
Lei pzi g, Hi nrl chs, 1901. 159 p.
i l l us.
Chapt er 4 on t ext i l es f r omEgypt .
C. R. Crum, W. E. Cl ass. rev. 15,
1901, 232- 4.
Kauf mann, C. M. Ori ens chr.
1, 1901, 182- 7.
2975. - Sei denst of f e aus Agypt en i mKai ser
Fr i edr i ch- Mus eum. We chs el wl r kungen
zwl schen Chi na, Per sl en und Syri en ir.
spSt ant l ker zel t. Preuss. kunst samm.
J ahrb. 24, 1903, 147- 78.
2976. SWOBODA, H. Ei n al t chr i st l i cher ki r chon-
vor hang aus Aegypt en. R8m. quart , 6,
1892, 95- 113. pl at es.
A t apest ry f r omthe Fa y y u m bel ongi ng
to T. Gr af i n Vi enna.
2977. TAPI SSERI ES COPTES au Muse des Gobel l ns.
L' ar t pour t ous 9, 1888.
2978. TAPI SSERI ES ET t of f es copt es. Pari s,
Ernst , 19. Pl at es i n port f ol i o.
2979. TOLL, N. P. Un t essut o sasanl de- egl zl ano
da Ant i noe. Recuei l d' t udes dedi ea
l a mmoi r e de N. P. Kondakof f .
Prague, "Semi nari umKondakovl anum",
1926. pp. 93- 100.
2980. - Ti ssus copt es du Muse des art s et
mt i ers de Prague. Prague, "Semi nar-
l umKondakovi anum", 1928. 44 i l l us.
I n Russl an.
2981. TYLER, W. R. Fragment s of an ear l y
Chr i st i an t apest ry. Har var d Uni v.
Wi l l i amHayes Fogg art musum. Bul l . 9,
1939, 2- 13.
Wien, Waldhelm, 1889. 68 p. plates.
VI LLARD, MARI QUI TA. Copt i c t ext i l es
f r omthe Kel ekl an col l ect i on. A di s
cussi on of weavl ngs whl ch compr i se and
l nt erpret a wi de var l et y of rel l gl ous,
hi st or i cal and dcor at i ve el ement s.
Parnassua 3^, 1931, 31- 2.
t l sche t unl ka. I n Fest schr i f t zur
f ei er des 75. J ahr Tgen best ehens des
Roml schen- Ger manl schen cent ral - museums
zu Mal nz. Mal nz, 1927.
Pri ma rel azl one sul l e nuove st of f e
del Museo sacro Vat l cano. Pont l f .
accad. dl ar cheol ogl a Rend. 10, 1935,
175- 96.
- - - Spat ant l ke und f ri i hmi t t el al t erl l che
st of f e. I n Mal nz. Romi sch- german-
l sches zenCral museum. Kat al oge. 10,
St of f e aus Ant i noe i n der Berl i ner
museen. Arch. anz. 1926, col s. 237
Paper read at a sessi on of the Ar chao-
l ogi sche gesel l schaf t i n Berl i n, J an. 5,
1926. 2995.
- I t essut l del Museo Sacr o Vat l cano,
Fasc. 1. Cl t t a del Vat l cano, 1942.
63 p. I l l us. ( Cat al ogo del Museo
Sacr o dl i a Bl bl l ot eca Apost ol i ca
Vat i cana, I I I )
and KUEHNEL, ERNST. Lat e ant i que
Copt i c and I sl aml c t ext i l es of Egypt .
100 pl at es. NewYork, Weyhe, 1926.
xv p. I l l us.
Engl i sh di t i on adapt ed f r omnumber
WHI TTEMORE, THOMAS. Two Copt i c cl ot hs.
I n St udl es present ed to F. Ll .
Sri f f i t h. London, Egypt expl orat i on
soci et y, Mi l f ord, Oxf or d unl ver si t y
press, 1932. pp. 384- 7.
WI LSON, LI LLI AN MAY. Anci ent t ext i l es
f r omEgypt l n t he Unl versi t y of Mi chi
gan col l ect i on. Ar mArbor, Unl ver
si t y of Mi chi gan press, 1933. 77 p.
i l l us. ( Unl ver si t y of Mi chi gan.
st udi es. Humanl st i c sri s, v. 31)
C. R. Vol bach, W. F. Or. l i t.
z. 38, 1935, 22- 3.
WI TTE, FRI EDRI CH. Dr ei bi l dweber el en aus
den gr Sber n von Achml mPanopol l s.
Rom. quart . 23, 1909, 113- 22.
FRI EDRI CH. SpSt ant l ke und kopt l sche
st of f e aus agypt i schen gr abf unden i n
den St aat l l chgn museen, Kai ser - Fr l ed-
ri ch- rauseum, Agypt l sches musum,
Schl l emann- samml ung. Berl i n, Wasmut h,
1926. 159 p. i l l us.
See also number 2988. ^
C. R. Pi eper, M.
1927, 100- 6.
Wel gand, W.
1927, 162- 4.
Or. l i t. z. 30,
Byz. z. 27,
See al so number s 191, 1044, 1905,
2783, 2829, 2842.
Ml nor Art s
Pot t ery. Lamps. Vessel s. St at uet t es
2 9 9 3 . ARVANI TAKI S, G. X p i < TTt a v i K < Ti / p {5 o .Xa .
A t e.TLrXoyiai* t o i l ^ Lb u .
ETcu p ex ci Bu a v Ti v w v cTt t ou .
ErreTri pi ^. 2, 1925, 183- 219.
2994. - Sur sai nt Mnas. 1. Les ampoul es.
I nst. d' g. Bul l . ser. 4, 5, 1904,
161- 37.
BAGNANI , G. Scoper t a di cerami che l n
Egl t t o. Faenza ( Museo i nt ernazl onal e
del l e cerami che) 21, 1933, 99- 102.
kopt i sche darst el l ung des t ri umphi eren-
den chri st ent ums. Mnchen, K. Bayer -
i sche akademi e der wi ssenschaf t en,
1910. 8 p. i l l us. (Mun. ak.
Si t zb. 19103)
Bronze st at uet t e.
2997. BOCK, VLADI MI R GEOROI EVI CH. 0 kopt skom
l skusst vi . Br onzovyl kopt ski l sosud.
I . Russkoe arkheol ogi cheskoe obshchest -
vo. St. Pet ersburg. Zapl skl n. s. 7,
1895, 230- 46.
2998. BORCHARDT, LUDWI G. Ei n gnost l sches amu-
l et t . Z, aeg. spr. 66, 1931, 49- 51.
2999. BREHI ER, L. La scul pt ur e et l es art s
i pl neurs byzant i ns. Par l 3, Les
Edi t i ons d' ar t et d' hi st oi re, 1936.
109 p. pl at es. ( Hi st oi re de l ' art
byzant i ne)
3000. BRUYN, EDMOND DE. Encor e ci nq ampoul e9
I ndi t es de sai nt Menas. Chron. d' Eg.
22 [ 44], 1947, 416- 18.
A descr i pt i on of f l ve Menas f l asks
l n the possessi on of the author. .
3001. BUT1ER, ALFRED J OSHUA. I sl ami e pot t ery,
a st udy mal nl y hi st or i cal . London,
Benn, 1926. 179 p. i l l us.
3002. CECCHELLI , C. La cat t edr a dl Massl ml ano.
Roma, 1936- 40. 2 v.
3003. DALTON, ORMONDE MADDOCK. A not e on the
Al f r ed j ewel . Soci et y of ant i quarl es.
Proc. ser. 2, 20, 1904, 71- 7.
"Recal l s t he doubl e scept res of
Osl rl s wl t h r espect t o the Al f r ed
J ewel cl ay f i gure. "
D( Bt AND] , M[ AURI CE] S[ VEN] , A new Copt i c
vase. Met . mus. Bul l . 19, 1924, 123- 4.
- - A new Copt i c vase l n t he Met r opol i t an
musumof art, NewYor k. Burl . mag.
45, 1924, 269- 73.
DUTI LH, E. D. and BLOMFI ELD, R. M. St .
Menas of Al exandrl a. Soc. arch. Al ex.
Bul l . 6, 1904, 38- 73.
I n Fr ench and l n Engl l sh. Descr i p
t i on and phot ographe of Menas f l asks.
EDGAR, CAMPBELL COWAN. Graeco- Egypt l an
cof f l ns, mas l aand port rai t s. Le Cai re,
I nst i t ut f ranai s d ar chol ogi e or i en
t al e, 1905. ' 136 p. i l l us. ( Cat a
l ogue gnr al e des ant i qui t s gyp
t i ennes du Muse du Cai re, nos. 33101
33285, [ V. 26j )
Gr aeco- Egypt l an gl ass. Le Cai re,
I nst i t ut f ranai s d' ar chol ogi e
ori ent al e, 1905. 92 p. ( Cat
al ogue gnral e des ant i qui t s
gypt i ennes du Muse du Cai re, nos.
32401- 32800 tv. 22])
EMERY, W. B. and KI RWAN, L. P. The Royal
t ombs of Bal l ana and Qust ul . Cal ro,
1938. 2 v.
At head of t ^tl es Servi ce des an
t i qui t s de l ' Egypt e. Mi ssi on ar cho
l ogi que de Nubi e, 1929- 34.
Vol . 2. Pl at es. Pl at e 96s Copt i c
l ncense burner l n bronze, f ound i n
Tomb 80.
ERMAN, ADOLF. Chri st l i che l ampe aus dem
Fai j um. Z. aeg. spr. 28, 1890, 63.
GRAF, GEORG. El n al t er kel cht hr on l n der
kl rche Ab Sf n. Soc. arch. copt e
Bul l . 4, 1938, 29- 36.
col l ect i on of f l f t y years ago. J . Eg.
arch. 3, 1916, 193- 8.
I ncl udes sever al smal l Copt i c obj ecta.
H[ ALLj , HARRY REGI NALD. Egypt i an and
Babyl oni an ant i qui t l es. Bri t . mus.
quart . 5, 1930- 1, 18- 19.
Not e on the acqui si t i on of t hree
Copt i c crosses, wi t h phot ograph.
HOMBERT, PI ERRE. Ci nq ampoul es i ndi t es
de Sai nt Mnas. Chron. d' Eg. 21 [41],
1946, 173- 6. I l l us.
HORNBLCWER, . Al t ar and bel l l n l at er
Egypt i an ri t es. Anci ent Eg. 1930,
40- 2.
kopt l sche wel hr auchf asser. Z. f ur
chri st l i che kunst 26, 1913, 115- 20.
3017. KAFMANN, CARL MARI A. Agypt l sche t erra-
kot t en der grl echl sch- rBml schen und
kopt l schen epoche vor zugswel se aus der
Oase el Fai j um( Frankf urt er samml ung) .
Cal ro, Di emer, Fi nck und Bayl aender
succ. , 1913. 138 p. I l l us.
3018. Al t chr l st l l che f rauenvot l vst at uet t en
der Menasst adt und i hre paganen vor -
bl l der. Byz. - neugr. j ahrb. 2, 1921,
303- 10.
3019. Ar ch ol ogi sche ml szel l en aus Agypt en.
Ori ens chr. n. s. 3, 1913, 105- 10,
299- 304.
3020. - Gr aeco - t gypt i sche koropl ast l k;
t er r akot t en der gri echi sch- romi schen
und kopt l schen epoche aus der Fal j m-
oase und andr en f undst at t en. Lei p
zi g, Fl nck, 1915. 157 p.
3021. - - - I kon mi t der dar st el l ung el nes Menas-
wunders aus der al t kopt l schen kl rche
von Dr Mftrl M na l n Kal ro. I n
Ehrengabe deut 3cher wl ssenschaT? dar ge-
bot en ( demPr l nzen J ohann Geor g Her-
zog zu Sachsen) zum50 gebur t st ag von
kat hol l schen gel ehrt en. Fr ei bur g 1.
B. , Herder, 1920. pp. 323- 8.
3022. Das kopt l sche t ubenkreuz, ei ne bl sher
unbekannt e gat t ung al t chr l st l i cher
kreuze. Ori ens chr. n. s. 4, 1915,
306- 11.
3023. Zur i konogr aphl e der Menas- ampul l en
mi t besonder er ber cksl cht i gung der
f unde i n der Menasst adt , nebst el nem
ei nf hr enden kapl t el ber di e neuent -
deckt en nubl schen und aet hi opl schen
Menast ext e. Cai re, Di emer , 1910.
185 p. i l l us. ( Verof f ent l l chungen
Fr ankf ur t er expdi t i on amKar mAbu
Mi na. 5 t el l )
3024. KEI MER, LUDWI G. Le chri sme -p sur une
st at uet t e de porc. Soc. arch. copt e
Bul l . 9, 1943, 93- 101.
3025. KRZI ZANOVSKAJ A, N. A. Di e kopt l schen
l eucht en der Ereml t age. Len. rml t .
Sborn. 3, 1926, 70- 87.
3026. LAMM, CARL J OHAN. Mi t t el al t erl l che
gl aser und st el nschnl t t ar bei t en aus
demNahen Ost en. Berl i n, Rel mer,
1929- 30. 2 v. I l l us. ( Forschun-
gen zu i sl aml schen kunst , 5)
3027. LE BLANT, E. Not e sur quel ques l ampes
gypt i ennes en f orme de grenoui l l e.
Ac. i nscr. CR. ser. 4, 7, 1879, 27- 9.
3028. LEGRAI N, GEORGES. Not es d' i nspect i on.
L. Sur l es l ampes sept becs et l a
pri re "Qandi l ". Ann. du Ser vi ce 8,
1907, 253- 4.
E. "The ol dest st at uet t e of the
Madonna". Burl . mag. 23, 1913, 249,
3030. MAERTENS DE N00RDH0UT, J . Ampoul e
eul ogl es de sai nt Mnas. Gand, Van-
mel i e, 1941. 8 p.
MARTI N, FREDERI K ROBERT. Lust re on gl as s
and pot t er y i n Egypt f r omthe per i od
of Hadr l an to Sal &dl n. Faenza, Lega,
1929. 48 p. i l l us. ( Col l ana di
st udi d' ar t e cerami ca)
MASPERO, GASTON. Un encensoi r copt e.
Ann. du Ser vi ce 9, 1908, 148- 9.
MASPERO, J EAN. Sur quel ques obj et s coptes
du Muse du Cai re. Ann. du Servi ce
10, 1910, 173- 6.
I nscr i bed pl aques and cross.
r aspi snai a ker ami ka rmi t azha. Len.
rmi t azh. Tr udy ot del a vost oka 1,
1939, 191- 210.
Fr ench r sum, La cr ami que copt e du
Muse de 1' Ermi t age: pp. 209- 10.
Kopt ski e 1 egi pet ski e magl cheski e
zhenski e st at ut ki . Len. rmi t azh.
Tr udy ot del a vost oka 1, 1939, 171- 84.
Fr ench rsum. Les st at uet t es magi
ques copt es et gypt i ennes: pp. 183- 4.
KSENl f . SERGEEVNA. Or eko- r i mskl 1
vl zant l l skl l Egi pet . Leni ngrad, 1939.
57 p. pl at es.
Pl . 5: Bronze i ncense bur ner ( Copt i c)
l n shape of a horse.
e amboni campanl . Aegypt us 8, 1927,
258- 62.
MUNI ER, HENRI . Une l ampe chr t i enne de
Karnak. Ann. du Ser vi ce 17, 1917,
160- 2.
MURRAY, MARQARET ALI CE. Copt i c pal nt ed
pot t ery. Anci ent Eg. 1935, 1- 15.
MUYSER, J ACOB. . Des vases euchari st i ques
en verre. Soc. arch. copt e Bul l . 3,
1937, 9- 28.
OMONT, HENRI AUGUSTE. t ui cal aes
d' un scri be byzant i n, t rouv en Egypt e.
Soc. nat . des ant i quai res de France.
Bul l . Nov. , 1898, 330- 2.
PALANQUE, CHARLES. Not es sur quel ques
j ouet s copt es en t erre cul t e. I nst.
f r. arch. or. Bul l . 3, 1903, 97- 103.
PELKA, OTTO. Kopt l sche al t ert mer l m
Ger manl schen nat i onal museum. Ger man
i a chea nat l onal museum. Mi t t . 1906,
3- 42.
Lamps and ot her smal l obj ect s.
PI ANKOFF, ALEXANDRE. Les deux encensoi rs
copt es du Muse du Louvr e. Soc. arch.
copt e Bul l . 7, 1941, 1- 7.
- Une l ampe copt e au Muse du Louvre.
Rev. d' g. 2, 1936, 37- 41.
Reprsent at i ons of sai nt s on horsback.
3046. Un pl at copt e au Muse du Louvre.
Soc. arch. copt e Bul l . 8, 1942, 25- 7.
3047. ROCK, DANI EL. ( Obser vat i ons on the r e
markabl e Chr i st i an rel i es br ought f r om
Egypt by Mr. Frtnuni ]. Arch. J . 25,
1868, 243- 6.
Some comment a on art i cl es of f emal e
ador nment and l l t urgi cal appl l ances l n
bronze and si l ver br ought f r omEgypt
by C. D. E. For t num, and descr l bed by
hl mat a meet i ng of the Royal Ar chaeo-
l ogl cal l nst l t ut e, May 1, 1868.
3048. ROSS, MARVI N CHAUNCEY. A gr oup of Copt i c
I ncense burners. Am. j . arch. 46,
1942, 10- 12.
Gr oup of 8 bronze I ncense burners
wi t h cover i n the f or mof a l i on at -
t ackl ng a boar.
3049. SCHFER, HEI NRI CH. Ei n t ri cht er mi t kop-
t l scher wel hl nschrl f t . Z. aeg. spr.
39, 1901, 151- 2.
3050. SCHMI DT, VALDEHAR. De graesk- aegypt l ske
t er r akot t er 1 Ny Carl sber g gl ypt ot hek.
Kj ^benhavn, H^st , 1911. 94 p.
3051. SCHMI TZ, ALFRED LUDWI G. Der chri st l i che
al t ar. Chr i st l i che kunst 23, 1927.
Dl scusses Copt i c al t ars.
3052. SMI TH, E. B, The Al exandr l an or l gl n of
the chai r of Maxl ml anus. Am. j . arch.
21, 1917, 22- 37.
3053. TULLI , ALBERTO. Ampol l e i nedi t e dl -S.
Mena nel Museo egi zi o dl i a Cl t t del
Vat l cano. Aegypt us 12, 1932, 230- 42.
3054. - Le l ucerne copt e del Museo ' Egi zi o
Vat l cano. Ri v. st udl or. 12, 1929- 30,
89- 112.
3055. VOLBACH, VJ OLFGANGFRI EDRI CH. - Scul pt ures
en bol s copt es. Cahi ers d' art 1929,
3056. WAAL, ANTON DE. Vomhei l l gt umdes hl .
Menas l n der Ll byschen wust e. R3m.
quart . 20, 1906, 82- 92.
"Menasf l Sschen mi t der dar st el l ung
der hl . Thekl a zwi schen den wl l den
t i eren" By J oseph Wi l pert , pp. 86- 92.
3057. VEI LL, RAYMOND. Monument s gypt i ens
di vers. Rec. de t ravaux 36, 1914,
83- 101.
13. Tabl es en t erre cul t e pei nt e,
d' poque copt e.
3058. WERNER, J OACHI M. I t al l sohes und kop-
t i sches br onzegeschi r r des 6. und 7.
j ahrhunder t s nordwart s der Al pen.
I n Mnemosynon Theodor Wl egand.
Hunchen, Bruckmann, 1938. pp. 74- 85.
3059. Zwei byzant l nl sche pekt or al kreuze
aus Agypt en. Seml n. Kondakov. 8,
1936, 183- 6.
3060. WI EDEMANN, ALFRED. Di e dar st el l ungen auf 3073.
den Eul ogl en des hel l l gen Menas. I n
I nt. cong. or. 6th, Le1den, 1883.
Act s, pt. 4, sec. 3, pp. 157- 64. 3074.
3061. ZUNTZ, DORA. El ne vor st uf e der "Madonna
l act ans". Ber l l ner mus. 50, 1929, 3075.
32- 5.
3ee al so number s 311, 1365, 1951,
2611, 2783, 2835, 2851.
- Copt i c r eadl ng desks f r omt he Fayum.
Ann. du Servi ce 24, 1924, 97- 107.
- Househol d obj ect a f r omKomWashl m.
Ann. du Servi ce 24, 1924, 117- 21.
- Pal nt ed box f r omKomWaahl m. Ann.
du Ser vi ce 25, 1925, 97- 104.
- Turnery, et c. f r omKomWashl mand
Gerzah. Ann. du Servi ce, 25, 1925,
112- 9.
3077. Wooden door and st ool f r omKomWashl m
Ann. du Servi ce 25, 1925, 105- 11.
Fuml t ur e and Obj ect a of Dai l y Use
3062. C. , B. H. Egypt i an wel ght s and bal ances.
Met . mus. Bul l . 12, 1917, 85- 90.
I ncl udes t he descr i pt i on of a smal l
hand- bal ance of the Copt i c perl od.
3063. DARESSY, GEORGES. Une t rousse de mdeci n
copt e. Ann. du Ser vi ce 10, 1910,
264- 7.
3064. DRI OTON, ETI ENNE. Un anci en j eu copt e.
Soc. arch. copt e Bul l . 6, 1940, 177
3065. ENGELBACH, REGI NAU. A r epal red st eel -
yard. Anci ent Eg. 1929, 46.
3066. KAUFUANN, CARL MARI A. Zwel al t kopt l sche
f est br ot st empe1 aus demgebl et e von
Ant i noupol i s l n OberSgypt en. Ori ens
chr. 29 [Ser. 3, 7j , 1932, 107- 10.
3067. KEI MER, LUDWI O. An anci ent Egypt i an
knl f e l n modemEgypt . Anci ent Eg.
1928, 65- 6.
Suppl ment s hl s art i cl e l n number
3068. MONNERET DE VI LLARD, UGO. Un momunent o
r omano dl t l po egl zl ano al Museo archeo-
l ogi co dl Hl l ano. Aegypt us 2, 1921,
281*- 284*.
3069. NASH, V. L. A wooden handl e f or smal l
cymbal s, f r omEgypt . Soc. Bl bl . arch.
Proc* 22, 1900, 117- 8.
Obj ect s of dal l y use. Wi t h over 1800
f i gures f r omUnl ver sl t y col l ege, Lon-
don. London, Br i t i sh school of
ar chaeol ogy l n Egypt , 1927. 75 p.
( Bri t . sch. arch. l n Eg. Pub. 42)
Copt i c j ewel r y and ot her obj ect s.
3071. 3CHAFER, HEI NRI CH. Kopt l sche und al t -
gypt l sche zel chnung el nes armsessel s.
Or. l i t. z. 38, 1935, 73- 84.
3072. WAI NWRI GHT, 0. A. Basket r y, cordage,
et c. f r omt he Fayum. Ann. du Servi ce
24, 1924, 108- 16.
Scul pt ure. Rel i ef s. Grave St el ae
3078. AHMAD FAKHRY. Bl ocs dcors provenant
du t empl e de Louxor . Ann. du Servi ce
34, 1934, 87- 93. f
I ncl udes some Copt i c rel i ef s.
3079. BADAWY, ALEXANDRE. La st l e f unrai re
copt e & mot i f archi t ect ur al . Soc.
arch. copt e Bul l . 11, 1945, 1- 25.
3080. BETTI NI , SERGI O. Un r l l i evo copt o l n
Adrl a. Rl vl st a d' art e 16 [ Ser. 2,
6, , 1934, 149- 68.
3081. COMBE, TI ENNE. Deux pl t aphes musul
manes sur un pi err e d' aut el copt e.
Ann. du Ser vi ce 10, 1910, 187- 90.
3082. DRI OTON, TI ENNE. Un bas- rel i ef copt e
des t roi s hbr eux dans l a f ournai se.
Soc. arch. copt e Bul l . 8, 1942, 1- 8.
3083. Port es de l ' Hads et Port es du Par a
di s. Soc. arch. copt e Bul l . 9, 1943,
59- 78.
3084. Les scul pt ur es copt es du Nl l omt r e de
Rodah. Le Cai re, Soci t d' ar cho
l ogi e copt e, 1942. 125 p. I l l us.
3085. Troi s document s pour l ' t ude de l ' art
copt e. Soc. arch. copt e Bul l . 10,
1944, 69- 89.
3086. DUTHUI T, GEORGES. La scul pt ure copte.
Cahi er s d' ar t 6- 7, 1930, 317- 24.
3087. La scul pt ur e copt e st at ues - basr e
l i ef s - masques. Pari s, Van Oest ,
1931. 62 p.
3088. EBERS, GEORO MORI TZ. Al t kopt i sch oder
hel dnl sch. El ne gegenbemer kung.
Z. aeg. spr. 33, 1895, 135- 9.
Eber s def ends hl s I dent i f i cat i on of
t he Gl zeh monument as Chri st i an,
agal nst Schmi dt ( number 3106) .
See al so number 3105.
3089. Sl nnbl l dl l ches. Di e kopt l sche kunst ,
el n neues gebl et der al t chrl st l l chen
scul pt ur und i hre symbol e. Lei pzi g,
Engel mann, 1892. 61 p. i l l us.
ENGELBACH, REGI NALD. Har ageh. l nscri p
t i ons by Bat t i scombe Gunn. London,
Br i t i sh school of ar chaeol ogy i n Egypt ,
1923. 40 p. ( Bri t . sch. arch. l n
Eg. Pub. 28)
The Copt i c and Gr eek st el ae, p. 33.
ERFFA, HELMUT VON. A Copt i c panel .
Har var d Uni v. Wi l l i amHayes Fogg art
musum. Bul l . 7, 1938, 32- 5.
grave st el ae f r omErment . Met. mua.
Bul l . 11, 1916, 48- 9.
7t h to 8t h oent ury st el ae i nscri bed
l n Greek.
GAYET, ALBERT J EAN. La scul pt ure copt e.
Des t endances de l ' ar t de l ' ori ent
anci en l a pri ode chrt i enne. Gaz.
beaux- ar t s ser. 3, 7, 1892, 422- 48;
8, 1892, 80- 8, 145- 53.
GRAI NDOR, PAUL. St at ue copt e du Huse
d' Al exandr i e. I n I nt. cong. Byz.
st ud. 4t h, Sof i a| T934. _ Act es, vol . 2.
pp. 169772*_ ( Bl garskl Ar kheol og -
chesk i nst i t ut , Sof i a. I svest i a 10,
KAUFMANN, CARL MARI A. Al t kopt i sche
bi l dwi r ker ei en i n pur pur und verwandt e
f unde aus der nekr opol e bel Sohech
Abade i n OberSgypt en. I n Feat -
schr i f t f ur Sbast i an HerCl e. Dssel
dorf , Schwanl , 1922. pp. 152- 69.
KI TZI NGER, ERNST. Not es on earl y Copt i c
scul pt ur e. Ar chaeol ogl a 87, 1937,
181- 215.
K0EF0ED- PETER3EN, OTTO. En kopt i sk
gr avst en i Ny Car l sber g gl ypt ot hek.
I n Arkaeol ogi ske og kunst hi st orl ske
Fhandl i nger t l l egnede Fr eder i k Poul -
sen. Kj Sbenhavn, Gyl dendal ske boghan-
del , Nor di sk f orl ag, 1941. pp. 51- 4.
LEFEBVRE, GUSTAVE. Une t abl e euchar i s
t i que. Ann. du Ser vi ce 25, 1925,
160- 2.
An el l i pt l cal mar bl e sl ab wl t h a
Gr eek i nscr i pt i on f ound at Tel l Ebshan.
LEI BOVI TCH, J OSEPH. Un f r ont on de ni che
copt e & scne bi bl i que. Soc. arch.
copt e Bul l . 6, 1940, 169- 75.
Repr sent at i on of the sacr i f i ce of
MARUCCHI , ORAZI O. Ui scel l anea ar cheo-
l ogl ca. X. R8m. quart . 10, 1896,
380- 6.
Publ i shes a grave- st one, perhaps
Copt i c.
HI CHON. TI ENNE. Rebords de bassi ns
chrt i ens orns de rel i ef s. Rev.
- 3102. MONNERET DE VI LLARD, UGO. La scul t ur a
ad AhnSs; not e sul l ' ori gi ne del l '
art e copt a. Hl l ano, Real e accad.
nazi onai e del Li ncei l n Roma, 1923.
97 p. I l l us.
3103. HUNI ER, HENRI . Une scne de l a nat i vi t
sur un bas- r el i ef copt e. Ann. du
Ser vi ce 24, 1924, 128- 32.
3104. PAUTY, EDMOND. Bol s scul pt s d' gl i ses
copt es ( poque f at i mi de) . . . avec une
i nt roduct i on hi st or i que par Gast on
Wl et . Le Cai re, I nst i t ut f ranai s
d' archol ogi e ori ent al e, 1930. 38 p.
I l l us.
3105. SCHMI DT, CARL. Bemer kungen zur angeb-
l i chen al t kogt i schen Hadonnadar-
st el l ung. Rom. quart . 11, 1897,
497- 506.
A repl y to number 3087.
3106. Uber ei ne angebl i che al t kopt i sche
Hadonna- dar st el l ung. Z. aeg. spr. 33,
1895, 58- 62.
See al so numbers 3087 and 3105.
3107. S[ HI TH] , St I DNEYj Copt i c and Gr eek
gravest onea. Bri t. mus. quart . 6,
1931- 2, 33.
Br i ef not i ce of the acqui si t i on of
the st ones.
3108. SOBHY, GEORGE P. Ui scel l anea. Soc.
arch. copt e Bul l . 5, 1939, 69- 80.
1. An Arabl e document . 2. A
Copt i c scul pt ure of the th-' ' th
cent ury. 3. Two f uner ar y st el ae.
See al so number 2251.
3109. STRZYGOWSKI , J OSEF. Di e chr i st l i chen
denkmal er Aegypt ens. Rom. quart. 12,
1898, 1- 41.
A di scussi on of sever al Copt i c r e
l i ef s and t hei r evi dence as to the
r el at i on of Copt i c ar t to Syr i an and
Byzant i ne art.
bene kopt l sche hol zschni t zer ei en i n
Romi sch- ger mani sches central rauseum.
Mai nzer zel t schri f t 23, 1928, 41- 4.
3111. WESTHOLM, ALFRED. St yl i st i c f eat ures
of Copt i c f i gure scul pt ure. A st udy
based on t wo Copt i c heads i n the
Copenhagen Gl ypt ot hek. Act a arch. 5,
1934, 215- 42.
3112. ZALOSCER, HI LDE. L' vol ut i on du chapi
t eau copt e. Soc. arch. copt e Bul l .
10, 1944, 111- 14.
blbl. n. s. 12, 1915, 485-540; n. s.
13, 1916, 121-70.
Rsum ln French of number 3114.
ZALOSCER, HI I DE. Une scne de chasse sur
une archi t r ave au Muse copt e. Soo.
arch. copt e Bul l . 8, 1942, 145- 63.
- - - Zur ent wi ckl ung des kopt l schen kapl -
t el l s. Soc. arch. copt e Bul l . 10,
1944, 97- 111.
Ses al so number 3112.
See al so numbers 823, 1865, 1891,
1895, 1945, 2775, 2783, 2922- 3.
I vory and Bone Car vl ng
BtRECKj , J tOSEPHj Two earl y Chr i st i an
l vorl es of the Ascensi on. Het. mus.
Bul l . 14, 1919, 242- 4.
CAPPS, EDWARD J R. An l vory pyxl s l n the
Museo Crl st l ano and a pl aque f r omthe
Sanct a Sanct orum. Ar t bul l . 9, 1926-J 7,
331- 40. ( St udl es l n the art of the
Museo Crl st l ano of the Vat i can l l brary)
carvl ngs l n l vor y , Vi ct or i a and
Al ber t musum. London, 1927- 9. 2 v.
Part 1. Up to the t hl r t eent h cen-
t ury, cont al ns some Copt i c l vorl es.
MCALLI STER, HANNAH E. Pour t een Copt i c
bone pl aques. Met . mus. Bul l . 34,
1939, 68- 70.
MI CHON, TI ENNE. Pl aque d' os dcore
de rel i ef s de t r avai l copt e ( Muse
du Louvre) . I nst. f r. arch. or. Mem.
67, 1934- 7, 357- 61. ( Ml angea
Masper o 2)
MOLI NI ER, MI LE. Quel ques I voi res r
cemment acqui s par l e Louvre. Gaz.
beaux- ar t s 3 sr. 20, 1898, 481- 93.
I ncl udes one Copt i c pl aque.
MOREY, C. R. 011 ogget t l dl avor l o
dl osso del Museo sacro Vat l cano.
Cl t t a del Vat l cano, Bl bl l ot heca
apost ol l ca V&t l cana, 1936. 113 p.
pl at es.
darst el l ung der "El eousa". Or. chr.
per. 7, 1941, 293- 4.
- El ne kopt l sche el f enbel nschnl t zer el
mi t anbet ungsszene aus der Samml ung
Trl vul sl o. Or. chr. per. 6, 1940,
523- 32. 2 pl ates.
El ne kopt l sche pyxl s mi t den f rauen
amgrabe aus der ehemal l gen samml ung
Pl er pont - Mor gans. Monat shef t e fi i r
kunst wl ssenschaf t 12, 1919, 81- 7.
3125. ROSS, MARVI N CHAUNCEY. A Copt i c bone
car vi ng l n the Wal t er s Ar t gal l ery.
Soc. arch. copt e Bul l . 6, 1940, 123- 6.
3126. STRZYOOWSKI , J OSEF, Hel l enl st l sche und
kopt l sche kunst l n Al exandr l a. Nach
f unden aus Aegypt en und den el f enbel n-
rel l ef s der domkanzel zu Aachen vorge-
fi i hrt. Wl en, Mechl t har l st en Buch-
drucker el , 1902. 99 p. (Soc. arch.
Al ex. Bul l . 5)
3127. WEERTHS, A. Fundgr uben der kunst und
l konographl e l n den el f enbel nar bel t en
des chr l st l l chen al t ert ums und ml t t el -
al t ers. Bonn, Hanst el n, 1912.
xxxv pl at es.
See pl at e 16.
3128. WOOLLEY, C. LEONARD. Copt i c bone f i gures.
Soc. Bl bl . arch. Proc. 29, 1907, 218
Pal nt l ng and Dr awl ng
3129. BAUMSTARK, ANTON. Kopt l sche kunst l n
J er usal em. Ori ens chr. n. s. 5,
1915, 285- 92.
chr i st l i chen wandmal er el en aus
Aegypt er. I n Fest schr l f t zumaech-
zl gst en geburTst ag von Paul Cl emen,
31 Okt ober, 1926. Bonn, Cohen, 1926.
pp. 181- 8.
3131. Chr i st l i che f r esken amzwel t en Nl l -
Kat ar akt . Forsch. u f ort schr. 12,
1936, 389- 90.
3132. Di e kl r che von Abd el Oadl r bel Wadl
Hal f a und l hre wandmal er el en. Deut .
l nat . aeg. al t er t umsk. Mi t t . 7, 1937,
128- 83.
3133. CLDAT, J EAN. Nouvel l es recherches
Baoul t ( Haut e- gypt e) . Campagnes
1903- 1904. Ac. I nscr. CR. 1904,
517- 26.
Descr i pt i on and phot ographs of
f rescoes l n chapel s.
3134. COSTI GAN, 0. H. Scul pt ur e and pal nt l ng
l n Copt i c art . Soc. arch. copt e
Bul l . 3, 1937, 48- 58.
3135. DALTON, ORMONDE MADDOCK. A Copt i c wal l -
pal nt l ng f r omWadl Sarga. J . Eg.
arch. 3, 1916, 35- 7.
3136. DAVI ES, NORMAN DE GARI S. The r ock t ombs
of Shel kh SKl d. London, Bost on,
Egypt expl or at i on Fund, 1901. 46 p.
(Eg. expi . soc. Ar chaeol ogi cal sur vey
of Egypt . l ot h memoi r)
3137. DRERUP, HEI NRI CH. Di e dat l er ung der
muml enport r St s. Paderbor n, SchSnl ngh,
1933. ( St udl en zur geschl cht e und
kul t ur des al t ert ums. 19 bd. 1 hf t . )
Yal e unl ver si t y press; London, Ml l f ord,
Oxf or d Unl ver si t y press, 1929. 488 p.
i l l us.
WHI TTEMORE, THOMAS. Ear l y Chri st i ans i n
t he cenot aph of Set i I at Abydos.
Parnassus l 1, 1929, 19.
Br i ef not e on some Copt i c graf f i t i
and drawi ngs.
WI LBER, DONALD N. The Copt i c f rescoes
of Sai nt Menas at Medi net Habu. Ar t
bul l . 22, 1940, 86- 103.
t at i on copt e des t roi s enf ant s dans l a
f ournai se. Rev. de l ' hi st oi re des
rel i gi ons 129, 1945, 185- 6.
.. 3153.
ORUNEI SEN, WLADI MI R DE. Le port rai t ;
t radi t i ons hel l ni st i ques et I nf l uences
ori ent al es. Rome, Modes, 1911.
110 p. i l l us.
GUI MET, EMI LE. Les port r ai t s d' Ant l no
au Muse Gui met . Pari s, Hachet t e, 3154.
( 1912?) 40 p. i l l us. (Mus. Gui met
Ann. Bi bl i ot hque d' ar t 5)
bel Assl ut . Rom. quart . 27, 1913,
76- 8.
- - Di e f r esken l n Dei r- es- Surhf i n .
Ori ens chr. n. s. 3, 1913, 111- 4.
del Deyr el - Abl ad. I n Raccol t a dl
scr l t t i l n onore di 3l como Lumbroso.
Ml l ano, "Aegypt us", 1925. pp. 100- 8.
Suppl ment t o number 2707.
of Copt i c pal nt l ngs. I n Copt i c
Egypt : Papers read at a symposi um.
Brookl yn, 1944. pp. 43- 50.
NEWLI GHT on Byzant i ne art; ear l y Egyp
t i an monast er l es and t hei r wal l - pai nt -
l ngs dat l ng f r omt he 12t h t o the 15t h
cent uri es. I l l us. Lond. news 179,
J ul . - Dec. 1931, 14- 15.
QUI BELL, J AMES EDWARD. Repor t on wor k
done l n Upper Egypt duri r. g the wi nt er
1904- 5. Ann. du Ser vi ce 7, 1906,
8- 10.
Descr l bes the f rescoes l n a smal l
chamber l n the cl i f f at Gurnah.
ROBERTS, DORA. Zwei f ragment e aus An
t i noe. Z. neut . wl ss. 37, 1938,
188- 91. 2 i l l us.
One f r agment l s a Copt i c i l l ust r a
t i on on cl ot h.
ROSENHAGEN, HANS. Mumi enbl l dnl sse l m
Faj um. Vel hagen und Kl asl ngs monat -
shef t e 422, 1927- 8, 24- 32.
I ncl udes an appendi x wl t h a t r ansl a
t i on of the l l f e of Menas and a sum-
mar y of the 19 mi racl es per f or med by
hl m, f r oman Et hi opi e text.
3155. WI LKI NSON, C. K. Ear l y Chr i st i an pai nt -
i ngs l n the oasi s of Khar geh. Met.
mus. Bul l . 23, 1928, 29- 36.
3156. WI LPERT, J OSEPH. Euchar i st l sche mal er -
el en der kat akombe Kar muz l n Al exan-
dri en. I n Ehrengabe deut scher
wi ssenschFt dar gebot en ( demPr i nzen
J ohann Georg Her zog zu Sachsen) zm
50 gebur t st ag von kat hol l schen gel ehr-
ten. Frei bur g i . B. , Her der, 1920.
pp. 273- 82.
ZUNTZ, DORA. Di e kopt l sche mal erel .
Forsch. u. f ort schr. 9, 1933, 262- 4.
- - - The t wo st yl es of Copt i c pal nt l ng.
J . Eg. arch. 21, 1935, 63- 7.
See al so number 702, 1075, 1884.
Mi ni at ures
El ne al exandrl ni sche wel t chr onl k, t ext
und ml ni at ur en ei nes gr i echi schen
papyrus der samml ung W. Gol enl scev.
Wi en, Hol der, 1906. 204 p. i l l us.
( Vi en. ak. Denk. 512)
Gr eek manuscr l pt but Copt i c mi ni a
t ures .
See al so numbers 3167- 8.
SALMI , MARI O. I dl pi nt l pal eocr l st l ani
dl Ant i noe. I n Scr l t t i dedl cat i
al l a memor l a dl - I ppol l t o Rosel l i ni .
Fl renze, Le Monnl er, 1945. pp. 159
STOUT, GEORGE LESLI E. Rest or at i on of a
Fayumpor t rai t . Techni cal st udi es 1,
1932, 82- 93.
STRZYGOWSKI , J OSEF. Di e gemal desamml ung
des gr i echi schen pat r l archat s l mKal ro.
Byz. z. 4, 1895, 590- 1.
SWI NDLER, MARY HAMI LTON. Anci ent pal nt
l ng, f r omthe ear l l est t i mes t o the
per i od of Chr i st i an art . New Haven,
C. R. Fr i ck, C. Byz. z. 16,
1907, 632- 44.
Lel pol dt , J . Deut . morg.
geael l s. z. 60, 1906, 387- 90.
i 3160. BAUMSTARK, ANTON. Bei t r Sge zur buchma-
l er ei des chrl st l l chen ori ent s.
Ori ens chr. 31 tser. 3, 9j , 1934,
99- 104, 261- 7.
3161. -- Ei n f r uhbyzant l nl sches kr euzi gungs- '
mosal k l n kopt l scher r epl l k. Ori ens
chr. n. s. 6, 1916, 271- 81.
I 3162. Ei n i l l ust rl er t es kopt i sche Evange-
l i enbuch vom1. 1250. Ori ens chr.
n. s. 4, 1915, 341- 4.
Descr i pt i on of a manuscr i pt wi t h mi n
i at ures l n Pari s I nst i t ut cat hol i que.
mi ni at ur es i n Egypt i an churches and
monast eri es. Burl . mag. 23, 1913,
203- 4.
KROPP, ANGELI CUS M. Di e Kr euzi gungs-
gruppe des kopt l schen papyrus Bri t.
Mus. Ms. or. 6796. Ori ens chr. 25- 6
[3er. 3, 3- 4] , 1930, 64- 8.
A di scussi on of the r epr sent at i on
of the cruci f i xi on on a magi cal text.
MOREY, CHARLES R. East Chr i st i an pai nt -
i ngs i n the Fr eer col l ect i on. I n
Denni son, Wal t er and Morey, Charl es R.
St udl es i n East Chr i st i an and Roman
art. NewYor k, Macml l l an, 1918.
pp. 1- 86. (Uni v. of Mi chi gan st udl es.
Humani st i c ser. vol . 12, pt. 1)
SCHUBART, WI LHELM. Mi ni at ur en auf papy
rus. Ber l i ner mus. 30, 1908- 9, 294
STRZYGOWSKI , J OSEF. Wi l pert s kri t i k
mei ner Al exandr i ni schen wel t chroni k.
Rom. quart . 24, 1910, 172- 5.
See al so numbers 3159, 3168.
WI LPERT, J OSEPH. Das fcl l d des pat ri -
ar chen Theophi l os i n ei ner al exandr i n
i schen wel t chr oni k ver of f ent l i cht von
Adol f Bauer und J osef St rzygowski .
Rom. quart . 24, 1910, 3- 29.
Hl s Bei t rage zur chr i st l i chen
archaol ogi e XI I I .
See al so numbers 3159, 3167.
Book Bl ndl ng
3169. ADAM, PAUL. Di e gri echi sche ei nband-
kunst und das f rhchr i st l l che buch.
Ar. f . buchbi nderei , 23, 1923, 89- 91;
24, 1924, 21- 7, 31- 3, 41- 3, 51- 3,
61- 4, 78- 90, 82- 7, 97- 9.
3170. BELL, HAROLD I DRI S. Ear l y codl ces f r om
Egypt . Li brar y n. s. 10, 1909,
303- 13.
Some r ef erence to Copt i c manuscri pt s.
3171. COCKERELL, DOUGLAS. The devel opment of
bookbi ndi ng met hods - Copt i c i nf l u
ence. Li br ar y ser. 4, 13, 1932-3, 1-19.
3172. HOBSON, G. D. Some earl y bi ndi ngs and
bi nder s1 tool a. Li brary ser. 4, 19,
1938, 202- 49.
Much on Copt i c bi ndi ngs
3173. I BSCHER, HUGO. Bchei nbande aus . Kgypten.
Ber l i ner mus. 33, 1911- 12, 46- 52.
3174. Kopt l sche buchei nbande aus f i gypten.
Ber l i ner mus. 49, 1928, 86- 90.
3175. LAMACRAFT, C. T. Ear l y book- bi ndi ngs
f r oma Copt i c rnonastery. Li br ar y
ser. 4, 20, 1939- 40, 214- 33.
Abadh, Chei kh 740
Abbat on 1287
Abbot t , N. Arabi e mar ri age cont ract a among
Copt s 2188
- The monast eri es of t he Fayyum 2476- 7
Abbot t , T. K. Cat al ogue of the manuscri pt s i n
the l i br ar y of Tr i ni t y col l ege, _Dubl l n 155
' Abd al - La^i f i bn Ysuf , al - Baghddi . Rel at i on
de l ' gypt e 2100
fAbd al - MasOi , Yass. Doxol ogi ea i n the Copt i c
chur ch 1542
- Let t er f r oma bi shop of Al - Fayym 1979
- A Sa*i di c f ragment of t he mar t yr domof St.
Phi l ot heus 1384
- - 8t. Cyr i l l e dans l a l i t urgi e de l ' gl i se
copt e 1417
- An unedi t ed Bohai r i c l et t er of Abgar 1084
See al so 151, 2420
*Abd al - Mas h M kh I l 1412 _
*Abd al - Masl hi Sal b, al - Mas d . rrcJ M nt
Ni yAAr-i OC 849 _
- Al - asSs al mat i n 305
See al so 1414
Abd al - Rahmn i bn Abd Al l ah i bn fAbd al - Hakam
1812 ' ' ..
Abel , F. M. Les i nscri pt i ons du SI nai 1864
-- C. R. 935
Abel , H. 2725
- - C. R. 2924
Abel , K. Copt i c i nt ensi f i cat i on 427
- - Ei n hunder t bei spi el e agypt i schen gegensl nns
-- El nl ei t ung i n ei n aegypt i sch- semi t i sch-
i ndoeuropaei sches wur zel wor t er buch 299
- - Grammai re du grec bi bl i que ( Revi ew) 656
- Kopt l sche I nt ensl vi erung 427
- - - Kopt l sche unt er suchungen 225
- - Li ngui st i c essays 427
- - - On the Copt i c l anguage 226
- - Spr achwi ssenschaf t l i che abhandl ungen 427
- - Zur Sgypt i schen et ymol ogi e 322- 3
- Zur agypt i schen kr i t i k 227
See al so 1960
Abet t i , A. _Cr onol ogi a ast ronomi ca 2154
Abn al - kani sah 1413, 1493
Abraham, mar t yr 1299 _
Abu al - Bar akt i bn Kabar, Shams al - Ri sah.
Lamp of dar kness. 1500, 1516, 1522, 2256
- Al - sul l amal - mul f tarah 438, 1846
See al so 710, 2270 .
Abu al - Fad' i l i bn al - Ass51. Maj mCi ' al - saf wi
Abu al - FaraJ i bn al - Ass&l 438
Abu al - Khai r i bn al - f ai yi b 2270
Abu Sl i h, al - Armani . The churches and monas-
t ri es of Egypt 2478
See al so 2328, 2414
Abudacnus, J . Hi stori : J acobi t ar umseu Copt or um
2314- 6
- Hi st or y of t he Copht s 2317
_- The t rue hi st or y of the J acobi t es of Aegypt
Acaci us, bp. of Caesar ea 716, 726 ( vol s. 29- 30)
Acaci us, pat r i ar ch of Const ant i nopl e 2448
Acadmi e des sci ences, Leni ngrad. Muse asi a
t i que 143, 2018
Achel i s, H. Di e al t est en quel l en des ori ent al -
i schen ki rchenrecht es 1233
- The vv'fi.d.L of the synod of Ni caea 1256
Neue "homi l i en des At hanasi us, Basi l i us,
Chr ysost omus, Eusebi us von Casar ea 1096
Ackermann, P. An uni que VI t h or Vl l t h cent ury
Copt i c t apest ry 2853
Adam, P. Di e gr l echi sche ei nbandkunst und das
f rhchr i st l i che buch 3169
Adeney, W. F. The Gr eek and East er n churches
Adl er, C. Not e on a Copt i c i nscri pt i on 1980
- Not es on the J ohns Hopki ns and Abbot t col
l ect i ons 1981
Adl er, C. , col l ect i on of manuscr i pt s 144
Aescol y, A. Z. Les noms agi ques dans l es apo
cryphes chrt i ens des Et hi opi ens 1706
Agat honi cus, bp. of Tar sus 1105- 7
Ahmad Fakhry. Bahr i a and Faraf ra oases 2652
- Bl ocs dcor s pr ovenant du t empl e de Louxor
3078 _
Ahmad i bn Abd Al l ah, al - Kal kashand , cal l ed I bn
Abi Ghuddah see al - Kal kashand
Akerbl ad, J . D. Let t r Syl vest re de Sacy 28
- - Mmoi re sur l es noms^copt es de quel ques
vi l l es et vi l l ages d' Egypt e 2212
Akmar, E. see Ander sson, Er nst
Al bert oni , A. ( St udi i n memor i a di ) 2059
Al bri ght , W. F. Anot her case of Egypt i an
Copt i c S 563
- The pri nci pl es of Egypt i an phonol ogi cal de
vel opment 564
Al s, A. d' Apol l i nai re. Les ori gi nes du
monophys i sme 2320 ,
- Le schi sme ml t l en d' Egypt e 2321
Al exander, abp. of Al exandr i a 1097, 1292
Al exandr i a. Muse gr co- r omai n 2054
Al f ari c, P. C. R. 1604
Al l acci , L* 1461
Al l ber ry, C. R. C. Greek and Lat i n wor ds i n the
Copt i c Mani chaean papyr i 640
~- A Mani chaean psal m- book 1665
- - Mani chaean st udl es 1666
Das mani chai sche Bema- Fest 1667
- Three poi nt s i n Copt i c l exi cography 282
Al l en, E. B. A Copt i c sol ar cl i ps recor d
1850 "
Al l gei er , A. C. R. , 811
Al pi ni , P. Hi st or i ae Aegypt i nat ur al i s pars
pri ma 2163
Al t aner, B. Pat rol ogi e 686
Ambrosi us, Sai nt , bp. of Mi l an 1118
Aml i neau, E. C. Les act es copt es du mart yre
de St. Pol ycarpe 1391
Les act es des mart yrs de l ' gl i se copt e
- - - Le Chr i st i ani sme chez l es anci ens Copt es
2257 ,
- - Cont es et r omans de l ' Egypt e chrt i enne
- - - Les Copt es et l a conversi on des I bres 1781
- De hi st or i a l ausi aca 1179
Un document copt e du Xl I I e si cl e 1351
Essai sur l e gnost i ci sme gypt i en 1596
- t ude hi st or i que sur St. Pachme 2479
Et ude sur l e Chr i st i ani sme en Egypt e au
sept i me si cl e 1388 ,
Une f ami l l e f odal e en Egypt e 2164
- Fragment s copt es du Nouveau Test ament 927
- - Fr agment s copt es poyr ser vi r l ' hi st oi re
de l a conqut e de l ' Egypt e par l es Arabes
1392 ,
Fragment s de l a ver si on t hbai ne de 1' cri
t ure ( Anci en Test ament ) 797- 8
Fragment s t hbal ns i ndi t s du Nouveau Test a
ment 928 r
- La gographi e de l ' Egypt e l ' poque copt e
- - Hi st oi re des deux f i l l es de l ' emper eur Znon
AmSl l neau, E. C. Hi st oi re des monast er es de l a
Basse- Egypt e see 1284
Hi st oi re du pat ri arche copt e I saac 1170
- Let t re k M. Masper o sur l a pr ononci at i on et
l a vocal i sat i on du copt e 565
Le manuscr i t copt e de l a Bi bl i ot hque na-
t l nal e, cont enant l es Act es du Conci l e
d' Ephse 1274
- Le manuscr i t copt e no. 1 de l a bi bl i ot hque
de Lord Zouche 948
- Mart yre d' apa Cl audi os d' Ant i oche 1314
Les moi nes gypt i ens. Vi e de Schnoudl
- - - Monument s pour ser vi r k l ' hi st oi re de
l ' Egypt e chrt i enne au I Ve si cl e 1374
- Monument s pour servi r l ' hi st oi re de
l ' gypt e chrt i enne aux I Ve, Ve, Vi e et Vi l e
si cl es 712
- Monument s pour servi r k l ' hi st oi r e de
1 Sgypt e chrt i ennf . Hi st oi r e des monas
t res de l a Basse- Egypt e 1284
Not i ce des manuscr i t s copt es de l a Bi bl i o
t hque nat i onal e r enf er mant des t ext es bi
l i ngues du Nouveau Test ament 949
- Not i ce sur l e papyrus gnost i que Bruce 1648
- Le nouveau t rai t gnost i que de Tur i n 1597
- Oeuvres de Schenoudi 1195
- Ort hographe et grammai r e copt es 50
-- Le papyrus Br uce 1649
Le papyrus gnost i que de Bruce 1650
TTl o-t i j ( Pl st l s- Sophi a) 1621
- Pr ol gomnes l ' t ude de l a r el i gi on gyp
t i enne 2292
- Rappor t sur l es t r avaux f ai t s en gypt ol o
gue 1 ,
Rsum de l ' hi st oi re de l ' Egypt e 2102
- The rl e of the dmon i n the anci ent Copt i c
r el i gi on 2258
- The Sahl di c t r ansl at i on of the book of J ob
- Sai nt Ant oi ne et l es commencement s du mona
chi sme chr t i en en gypt e 2481
- Samuel de Qal amoun 2103
Some geographl cal i dent i f i cat i ons l n Egypt
- - - Sur deux document s copt es cri t s sous l a
domi nat i on arabe 1171
- Les t rai t s gnost i ques d' Oxf or d 1651
Les t r avaux rel at i f s k l ' di t i on d l a ver
si on copt e de l a Bi bl e 754
- Ver si on t hbai ne du Li vre de J ob 831
Voyage d' un moi ne gypt i en dans l e dsert
- - C. R. 588, 934, 1141
See al so 59, 1654
Amher st of Hackney, M. S. A sket ch of Egypt i an
hl st or y 2104
Amphl l ochl us, Sai nt , bp. of I coni um 1108
Amst erdam. Uni versi t el t . Al l ar d Pl er son musum.
Al l gemeene gl ds 2736
Amundsen, L. Chr i st i an papyri f r omthe Osl o
col l ect i on 958
Papyri and papyrol ogy i n the Scandl navi an
count rl es 199
Anan- I sh*. 2493- 6
Anast asl us, bp. of Euchai t a 726 (vol . 28)
Anast asl us, emper or 2448
Anat ol i us 1285
Andersson, E. Abr aham' s ver macht ni s 905
L' adverbe copt e ae"de nouveau, encore" 466
- Ausgewahl t e bemer kungen ber den bohal rl -
schen dl al ect i mPent at euch kopt l sch 635
- Encor e un mot sur l ' adverbe copt e s e 467
I sak' s verm&cht nl a 906
- J akob' s vermacht ni s 907
- Les oeuvres de J . Li ebl ei n 94
Andersson, E. Les oeuvres de Kar l Pi ehl 107
Une si gni f i cat i on possi bl e du copt e
TTApHNoyo i s 324
- Sur l a f orme f ayoumi que oye (S. oyBe) 468
- - C. R. 442, 730, 735, 788, 935, 1097, 1621,
1636, 1637, 1827
Ant hes, R. C. R. 1571
Ant hony, Sai nt see Ant oni us, Sai nt
Ant hony, E. W. Ear l y Chr i st i an art and the Par
East 2767
Ant i , C. Ql l scavi dl i a Mi ssi one ar cheol ogl ca
l t al i ana a Ummel Br ei ght ( Tebt unl a) 2573
Ant onl nl , L, Le chl ese cr i st l ane nel l ' Egi t t o
dal I V- I X secol o 2322
Ant oni us, Sai nt 726 (vol . 37), 1109- 11, 1166,
1284, 2481, 2520
Anub 1285
Apal oul e and Pt el eme 726 (vol . 41)
Apat er and I rai 1292
Apat i l 1285
Aphou 1300- 2
Apol l 1285
Apol l o, archi mandr i t e of the monast er y of St.
I saac 726 (vol . 37)
Apol l o, Sai nt , of Bawl t 2828
Apol l oni us 1297
Apopht hegmat a pat r umAegypt i or um see 1303- 11,
2490 ^
Apost ol aki , A. CH K e p v y T t y t u k o i t t i k d
6<f>aVj i ar0j 2854 ^ >
- Tci k o u T c K t u ^x u f '^i a . T a t o O
Moxd' ttW t v koctu )ti ku>v Tt xvCv 2855
Apost ol i c const i t ut i ons 1233- 55
Aqf ahs, J . d' 702
Ar chel aus, Act a 1692
Archel aus, bp. of Neapol l s 726 (vol . 41) , 1098
Ar chel l l t es 726 ( vol . 37), 1298
Arendzen, J . P. An ent i r e Syr i ac t ext of the
"Apost ol i c Chur ch Order". 1234
Ari , Apa 1292
Ari f , S. E. Dcouver t e d' une t ombe chrt i enne
prs de Samal l out 1865
Ar l st ophanes 1197
Ar mst r ong, C. B. The synod of Al exandr i a and
the achi amat Ant l och l n A. D. 362. 2323
Ar naul d d' Andl l l y, R. Les vi es des sai nt s
pres des dsert s 2482
Ar seni us 1312
Art i n, Y. , pasha. Si gnes empl oys dans l a comp
t abi l i t copt e 1851 /
Ar vanl t akl s, 0. Xpc<TTi ^*-Kci <TuppoAa 2993
Sur Sai nt Mnas. 1. Les ampoul es 2994
As ci a 1297. .
Asmus, H. Uber f ragment e i n mi t t el &gypt i schem
di al ekt e 637
Asmus, K. Kopt l sche gr ammat l k 428
Assemanl , G. L. Codex l i t urgl cus eccl esl ae
uni ver sae 1419
Assemanl , G. S. Dl i a nazl one dei copt l 2259
Assemanl , S. Cat al ogo de' codi ci manoscr i t t i
or l ent al i dl i a Bi bl i ot eca Nani ana 212
Assemanl , S. E. Bi bl i ot hecae Medi ceae Laur en-
t i anae et Pal at l nae codl cummss. or i ent al l um
cat al ogua 156
At hanasl us, Canons of 1280- 1
At hanaai us, Sai nt , pat r i ar ch of Al exandr i a
1112- 30, 2436- 7_
At hens. Mousei on t on kosmet l kn t echnn 2855
Al - At i ya, A. S. Some Egypt i an monast er l es
At kl nson, R. On Prof essor Rossi ' s publ i cat i on
of Sout h- Copt i c t exts 713
On Sout h Copt i c t ext s: No. I I . - A cri t l -
ci smon M. Bour i ant ' s "l oges du Mar t yr
Vi ct or, f i l s de Romanus" 1407
At t wat er, D. The Cat hol l c East er n churches
attwater baynes 167
At t wat er , D. The di ssi dent East er n churches
Avet t a, A. Pri mo cont r l but o dl not l zi e bl bl l o-
gr af l che per una bl bl i ogr af i a del codl cl mas.
dl i a Bl bl l ot eca Nazl onal e ( gl Uni versl t arl a)
dl Tor l no 202 _
Awad, P. P. Al - l ughat al - kl bt l yah 429
Bachat l y, C. La f ondat i on d' une Soci t
d' ar chol ogi e copt e au Cai r e 29
Badawy, A. Le per si st ance de l ' i dol ogi e et du
f orai ul al re pa ens dans l es pl t aphes copt es
1 8 6 6 A
Les premi res gl i ses d' Egypt e 2326
La st l e f unrai r e copt e mot i f ar chi t ec
t ural 3079
Badet , L. Chant s l i t urgi ques des Copt es 1543
Baensch- Drugul l n, J . see Dr ugul l n, W.
Bagnanl , G. Gl l scavl dl Tebt uni s 2574
Scoper t a dl cerarai che l n Egl t t o 2995
Bal l l et , A. T. Oeuvres di verses see 469
La part i cul e copt e xi n, <3"i n 469- 70
Bal l l et , J . Les t api sseri es d' Ant l no au Muse
d' Orl ans 2857_
Al - bkr at al - shahl yah 430
Bal est rl , G. Act a mar t yr um 1285
Dl un f ramraento pal l mpsest o copt o- sal dl co
del Museo Bor gl ano 1385
- I l mar t i r i o dl Apa Sar apl one dl Panef sl
I l mar t i r i o dl S. Luca Evangel i st a 1354
I l mar t i r i o dl S. Teodor o l ' or i ent al e e de'
suol compagnl 1403
-- Sacr or umBi bl l or umf r agment a copt o- 3ahl dl ca
Musel Bor gi anl . vol . 3. NovumTest ament um
- - C. R. 975
See al so 60, 871
Bal l l nl , A. L. Osaer vazl onl gi uri di che a
r ecent l l ndagl nl papl r ol ogl che sul monast erl
egl zl anl 2484
Bang, W. Tr kl sche Tur f an- t ext e 1668
Bar Hebraeua see 781
Bar adaeua, J . 2315
Baral ze, E. Compt e r endu dea t ravaux excut s
Dl r - el - Mdl nh 2653 _
el - Baramosl , Domadi os see DTi mdl ys al -Bararas .
al - Barams, Monast er y 1423
Barbi er, P. Vi e de Sai nt At hanase, pat ri arche
d' Al exandri e ' 2436
Bar de111, G. Dani el , copt o- memphi t i ce 870
Bar denhewer, 0. Geschl cht e der al t kl r chl l chen
l l t er at ur 687
Bardy, G. Le mani chi sme et l es dcouver t es
recent es 1669
x,es premi ers t emps du Chr i st i ani sme 228
Le vi e chr t i enne aux I l l e et I Ve si cl es
C. R. 1094
Bar ent on, Hl l al r e de see Hl l al re de Barent on,
pre .
Bar l son, P. Rl cer che sul monast er l del l ' Egl t t o
bl zant l no 2485
Bar moussy, Domadi os see Dmdl yQs al - Bararas
Bar ry, - L. Deux document s concer nant l ' ar cho
l ogi e chr t i enne 1210
See al so 2619
Barsant l , A. Let t re de M. Bar sant l 1867
Rappor t sur l es t ravaux de consol i dat i on
excut s KomOmbo 2575
See al so 61
Bar sauma 1313 ,
Barsm, I . n i t y m n a c i a r-i nsi Ncoj -f ?i 6N +a c .t t i
n k .Yt t t i k h 462
Barsm, I . Al - khar l dat al - bah yah 300
-- Kl t b al - t hamar at al - J anTyah 431
Bar t hl my, J . J . Rf l exi ons gnral es sur l es
rapport s dea l angues gypt i enne, phni ci enne
et grecque 264
Bar t os, Prayer of the Vi r gi n l n, see 1221
Basel . Uni ver si t t . Bl bl l ot hek. Papyr usur kun-
den 2067
BasI l l us, Canons of 1282
Basl l l us, Sai nt , abp. of Caesar ea 726 ( vol s.
22, 29), 1086, 1097- 8, 1282
Basl l l us, bp. of Pemj e 726 ( vol . 37)
Basset , R. M. J . Li t t rat ur e copt e 688
Ml anges af ri cai ns et ori ent aux see 688,
Les rgl es at t ri bues Sai nt Pakhome 1173
Le synaxal re arabe J acobl t e, r dact i on
copt e 1504
Bat i f f ol , P. Dl dascal l a CCCXVI I I pat r umpseud-
epl gr apha 1235 ,
- Un pi sode du Conci l e d' Ephse 1275
La l gende de Sai nt e Tha s 1402
Une prt endue Anaphor e Apost ol i que 1236
Bauer, A. El ne al exandr l nl sche wel t chr oni k
Baumst ark, A. El ne aegypt i scha mess- und t auf -
l l t urgl e ver mut l i ch des 6 J ahrhundert a 1421
- - - Al t e und neue 3puren el nes aus3erkanoni s-
chen Evangel l uma 1042
-- Anaphor a 1422
- Lea apocr yphea copt ea 1043
Di e ausgr abungen amMenashei l l gt uml n der
Mar eot l swst e 2576
- - - Ausser kanonl sche evangel l enspl l t t er 1044'
Bel t r Sge zur buchmal er el des chrl st l l chen
Ori ent s 3160
- - - Di e chr l st l l chen l l t erat ur endes Ori ent s
Dr el gr l echl sche Passi onsgesange agypt l scher
l i t urgi e 1544
- El n "Evangel i um" - zl t at der mani chai schen
Kephal sl a 1670
Fr agment e kopt l scher l l t ur gl scher hand-
schr l f t en 1423
El n f r hbyzant i nl sches kr euzl gungsmosal k
El n f r hchrl st l l ches t heot okl on 1578
- El n gr i achi sch- arabi sches Par l kopenbuch des
kopt l schen rl t us 1527
El n I l l ust rl er t es kopt l sches Evangel i enbuch
vomJ . 1250. 3162
- - Kopt l sche kunst l n J er usal em 3129
Di e l ei bl l che hl mmel f ahr t der al l er sel l g-
st en J ungf r au 1045
Das Leydener gr l echl sch- ar abl sche Per l ko-
penbuch f r di e Ksr- nd Ost erwoche 1528
- Manl chal sche l l t er at urdenkmal er 1671
- Di e ni cht gr i echi schen paral l el t ext e zum
acht en bche der Apost ol l achen konat l t u-
t l onen 1237
Di e quadrageai mal e al t t est ament l l che schrl f t -
l esung des kopt l schen rl t us 1629
- Pal st l nensl sches erbe l mbyzant l nl schen
und. , kopt l achen Hor ol ogl on 1525
Sa dl sche und grl echl sche l l t ur gl edenkml er
Di e syrl sche anaphor a des Severus von
Ant l ochel a 1425
C. R. 1056, 1070, 1665, 1693
See al so 1456
Baynes, Mrs. C. A. A Copt i c gnost l c t reat l se
cont al ned l n the Codex Brucl anus 1652
Baynes, N. H. Al exandr i a and Const ant l nopl e
At hanasl ana 2437
Beat t y, A. C. 1693, 1756
Beaug, C. Un r f or mat eur copt e au Xl l me si cl e
Becker, C. H. Das r el ch der I smael i t en i mkop
t i schen Dani el buch 908
Becker, E. Gnost i sche el nf l usse l n der
napSeVoL - darst el l ung von al - Bagawat ? 1598
Beer, G. Text kr i t i sche st udl en zumBche J ob
-- C. R. 903
Bel l , H. I . The admi ni st r at i on of Egypt under
the ' Umayyad Khal i f s 2105
- - Al exandr i a 2106
The Byzant i ne servi l e st at e i n Egypt 2107
Ear l y codi ces f r omEgypt 3170
- - Egypt and t he Byzant i ne empi re 2108
A Greek- Copt l c gl ossar y 1840
A Greek- Copt i c gl ossar y t o Hosea and Amos
- Gr eek papyri i n the Br i t i sh Musum 1982
-- J ews and Chri st i ans i n Egypt 2329
- Magi cal t ext s f r oma bi l i ngual papyrus i n
the Br i t i sh musum 1755
New l i ght s on Sai nt At hanasi us 2330
Syene papyri i n the Br i t i sh musum 1983
Two of f i ci al l et t ers of t he Arab peri od
-- C. R. 2072
See al so 2002
Benf ey, T. ber das verhal t nl ss der agypt i schen
sprache zumsemi t i schen spr achst amm 265
Beni gni , U. Bi bl i ot heca copt i ca 2
Dl dach copt i ca 1225
- - - La l i ngua copt a 432
Li t ani ae def unct or umcopt i cae 1868
Un ma. copt o degl l At t i di S. Paol o 1020
- - Not e ai Par adi gmi copt i 471
I l pane di domani nel pat ernost er copt o
- Un papi ro copt o- gr eco i nedi t o con f ramment i
bi bl i ci 968
~- Par adi gmi copt i 472
- - - Un si gi l l o copt o del XVI I I secol o 1869
Benj ami n, pat r i ar ch of Al exandr i a 1098, 1392
Benof r e see Onnophri us
Benoi t , F. Larchi t ect ur e 2655
Bergmann, E. y on I nschri f t l i che denkmal er der
samml ung agypt i scher al t er t hmer des st err.
Kai serhauses 1870
Berl i re, U. Le cnobi t i sme pakhomi en 2486
Berl i n, K, Museen Aegypt i sche ur kunden aus der,
Koeni gl i chen museen zu Berl i n, Kopt l sche
ur kunden 714
Beschr ei bung der bi l dwer ke der chr i st l i chen
epochen 2820 ..
- - - Di e er wer bungen der Agypt i sche abt ei l ung
See al so 722, 2076, 2737, 2986
Berl i n, K. Museen. Kunst gewer be musum 2942
Berl i n, Pr eussi sche st aat sbi bl l ot hek. Or i en-
t al l sche abt ei l ung. Kat al og der handbi bl i o-
t hek 146, 1099
Berl i n. St aat l i che_museen. Kai ser Fr i edr i ch-
museum. Di e f r hchr i st l i ch- byzant i ni sche
samml ung 2738
See al so 2975, 2992
Bernard, E. Cat al ogl l i brorummanuscr i pt or um
angl i ae et hi berni ae l n unumcol l ect i 186
See al so 77
Bernard, J . H. The Odes of Sol omon 909
Bernar di n, J . B. A Copt i c ser mon at t r i but ed to
St . At hanasi us 1112
The r sur r ect i on of Lazarus 1113
Bernat us, P. 2474
Berst l , H. I ndo- kopt i sche kunst 2768
Bert r am, G. C. R. 879
Besa 1109
Besamon 1298
Besse, J . M. L. Les moi nes d' or i ent 2487
- - Les rgl es monast i ques ori ent al es 2488
Bet h, K. For schungsr ei se zur kopt i schen ki rche
- Di e ori ent al i sche Chrl st enhel t der Mi t t el -
meer l ander 2261
Bt h fAbh 2493- 6
Bet hune- Baker , J , F. The dat e of the deat h of
Nest orl us 2438
Bet t i ni , S. Un r i l i evo copt o i n Adr i a 3080
Bi ckel l , G. Der ur sprngl i che Sept uagi nt at ext
des Bches J ob 833
Bl dez* J . La bi bl i ot hque d' un mani chen
dEgypt e 1672
Dcouver t e d' ouvr ages de Mani 1673
Le texte du prol ogue de Sozomne 2489
Bl dez, J . ( Ml anges) 655, 2502
Bl l abel , F. pof l po5 310
- - Aegypt i aca I I . 1984
Gri echi sche, kopt l sche und arabi sche t ext e
zur r el i gi on und r el i gi bsen l i t erat ur i n
Agypt ens spat zei t 1707
Ei n kopt l sches f ragment ber di e begr nder
des Mani chai smus 1674
- - Neue l i t er arl sche f unde i n der Hei del berger
papyr ussamml ung 164
-- ber den f or t schrl t t der ar bel t en an neuen
Hei del ber ger papyr usunt er nehmungen 165
Zu demt est ament des bl schof s Abr ahamvon
Hermont hi s 1985
- Zwei urkunden aus dembi schSf l i chen archl v
von Panopol l s i n Xgypt en 1986
Bi non, S. Essai sur l e cycl e de Sai nt Mer cur e
Bl ondi , G, I nscri pt i ons copt es 1871
Scavl esegul t l a Hermupol l s Magna 2577
Bi rch, S. Var i a 1872
Bi rrel l , F. Two ear l y Egypt i an pri nt ed st uf f s
al - B rnl . Les f t es des Mel chl t es 1513
Bi ssi ng, F. W. von Agypt i sche kunst geschi cht e
Al t chr i st l i chen wandmal er ei en aus Aegypt er
- Chr i st l i che f resken amzwei t en Ni l kat ar akt
- - - Di e ki rche von Abd el Gadi r bel Wadi Hal f a
und i hre wandmal er ei en 3132
- Ei ne kopt l sche dar st el l ung des t ri umphi eren-
den Chri st ent ums 2996
Bl ack, G. F. Grammar of the Copt i c l anguage
wi t h easy readi ng l essons 433
Bl ackman, W. S. An anci ent Egypt i an cust om
i l l us t rat ed_by a modemsurvi val 2294
The f el l h n of Upper Egypt 2165
- - - Some modemEgypt i an graves i de ceremoni es
- - - Some modemEgypt i an sai nt s. I I . Copt i c
sai nt s 2296
Some soci al and r el i gi ous cust oms i n
modemEgypt 2297
Bl ake, R. P. Epi phani us de Gei moi s 1150
- Rej oi nder to Zwaan' s art i cl e "No Copt i c i n
the Kori det hl codex"j 668
Bl anchet , A. Une pi erre gnost i que 1622
Bl eek, W. H. I . De nomi numgeneri bus l i nguar um
af ri cae, aust ral l s, copt i cae, semi t i car um
al i arumque sexual i um 473
Bl i ns, J . Chant s l i t urgi ques des Copt es 1545
Bl ok, H. P. Di e gr i echi schen l ehnwort er i m
Kopt i schen 641
Di e kopt i schen Abgar br l ef e des Lei dener
Musums 1085
Bl ok, H. P. Zur et ymol ogl e cSpi ^t wr 325
Bl omf i el d, R. M. Sai nt Menas of Al exandr i a
Bl umberg, C. G. Fundament a l l nguae copt l cae
Boak, A. E. R. Byzant i ne i mper i al l sml n Egypt
A Copt i c syl l abar y at the Uni ver sl t y of
Ml chl gan 1832
Gr eek and Copt i c school t abl et s at the
Unl ver al t y of Ml chl gan 1833
- - - The Unl ver sl t y of Ml chl gan col l ect i on of
papyrl 180
Bock, F. 2894 _
Bock, V. A. 0 kopt skomi skusst vi e. Br onzovyl
kopt skl sosud 2997 ^
0 kopt skoml skusst vl . Kopt skl l a uzor chat -
yf a t kanl 2859 ^
- - - Mat er l al l po archeol ogl l chri st l anskago
Egl pt a 2770
See al so 62.
Bohl i g, A. Aegypt en 2111
- El ne bemer kung zur beur t ei l ung der Kephal al a
- - - Di e Ber l i ner kopt l schen Manl chal ka 1676
- Der char akt er der mani chai schen Kephal al a
1677 ..
- Das chr i st ent uml n Agypt en 2333
- El n neuer ausdr uck fi i r "sei n wl e, gl el chen"
l mkopt l schen 326
Ost rakon mi t gr l echi sch- kopt i schen Psal men-
t ext 848
Unt er suchungen 3ber di e kopt l schen Prover-
bi ent ext e 623
- Di e ver of f ent l l chung der Ber l i ner kopt l schen
Mani - t ext e 1678
- - C. R. 600, 811, 1334
See al so 1700
Boerner, C. R. Bl bl l ot heca sacr a 765#
Boeser, P. A. A. Di e denkmal er der sa t l schen,
gr i echi sch- r omi schen und kopt l schen zel t
Deux t ext es copt es du Muse d' ant i qui t s
des Pays- Bas Lel de 1708
- Manuscr i t s copt es du Muse d' ant i qui t s
des Pays Bas 176
- - Zu =uj mc AZ. 41 S. 148. 327
Boet t l cher, P. j ee Lagarde, P. A. de
Bol ssonnas, F. Egypt e 2136
Bol l andl st s 1286
Bol ot ov, V. V. Aus der geschl cht e der kl rche
l n Aegypt en 1276
Bond, F. B. A pr el i mi nar y I nvest i gat i on of the
cabal a cont al ned l n the Copt i c gnost l c books
Bondi , J . H. Kopt l sche f l uchf or mel n aus J di -
scher quel l e 1709
Bonj our, G. I n monument a copt l ca seu aegypt l aca
Bi bl i ot hecae Vat l cana exer cl t at l o 1426
Bonner , C. A Copt i c f r agment of Mel l t o' s homl l y
on the Passi on 1169
Bonnet , E. Pl ant es ant i ques des ncropol es
d' Ant l noe 2578
Bonnet , H. C. R. 568
Boon, A. Pachorol ana l at l na see 1174
Borchar dt , L. El n gnost l sches amul et t 2998
Bor aux, C. Ant i qui t s gypt i ennes. La sal l e
du Baoul t 2760
-- Gui de- cat al ogue sommai re, 2761
Borgl a col l ect i on see Rome ( Ci t y) Museo
Bor gl ano
Bor rer, D. A J ourney f r omNapl es to J er usal em
by way of At hens, Egypt and the penl nsul a
of Sl nal 2215
^Bot hmer, B. Hel nr l ch Schaf er 113
Boul aq, Muse de. see Cal ro. Muse des an
t i qui t s gypt i ennes
Boul ard, L. La vent e dans l es act es copt es
Bour l ant , P. Fragment d' un manuscr i t copt e
- Not i ce sur Ur bai n Bour l ant 6
Bourl ant , U. Act es du conci l e d' Ephse 1277
Les canons apost ol i ques de Cl ment de Rome
L' gl i se copt e du t ombeau de Dga 1873
- L' l oge de l ' Apa Vi ct or, f i l s de Romanos
Fr agment d' un l i vre de mdeci ne en copt e
t hbal n 1853
Fr agment s bachmourl ques 771
- Fragment s de manuscr i t s t hbal ns du Muse
de Boul aq 715
- Fragment s des Pet i t s Propht es 878
- Fragment s d' un r oman d' Al exandre 1816
Fragment s memphl t l ques de di vers l i vres
I ndi t s de 1' cri t ure et des i nst ruct i ons
past or al es des pres de l ' gl i se copt e 1530
- Not es de voyage 125, 1874
- Not i ce des monument s copt es du Muse de
Boul aq 1875
Les papyrus d' Akhmi m 772
- - - Pet i t e I nscri pt i on hi st or i que 1876
Pet i t s monument s et pet i t s t ext es r ecuei l l i s
en gypt e 1546
-- Les Proverbes de Sal omon 863
Rappor t au Mi ni st r e de 1' i nst r uct i on publ i
que sur une mi ssi on dans l a Haut e- Egypt e
Sur t roi s t abl es horai r es copt es 1987
See al so 63, 871, 1933, 2695 ^
Bousset , W. Das mncht umder sket i schen wst e
* Di e t ext berl i ef erung der Apopht hegmat a
pat r um 1303
Bowden, E. F. 2516
Box, G. H. The Test ament of Abr aham 910
Boyl an, P. 2373
Breast ed, J . H. El ght l et h anni ver sary of
Pr of essor St ei ndor f f 119
Breccl a, E. Dans l e dser t de Ni t rSe. 2491
-- D' un di f i ce d' poque chrt i enne el -
Dekhel a et de l ' empl acement du Ennat on
Le pri me ri cerche i t al i ens ad Ant l noe 2579
Ri cordo di I ppol i t o Rosel l i ni 112
Breck, J . A gi f t of t ext i l es 2860
-- Two ear l y Chr i st i an l vorl es of the Ascen
si on 3115
Br hi er, L. La scul pt ure et l es art s mi neurs
byzant i ns 2999
Brei t h, K. 2725
Bremond, J . Les pres du dser t 2492
Br er ewood, E. Enqui r i es t ouchi ng the di ver sl t y
of l anguages and r el i gi ons 2166
Brval , R. Les gl i ses copt es du Cai re 2657
Bri ght man, F. E. Li t urgi es Sast ern and West er n
The Sahi dl c t ext of t he Psal t er 843
-- C. R. 844
Bri l l , E. j . Cat al ogue des l i vres anci ens et
moder nes 3
Br l nckmann, C. Di e behandl ung kopt i scher st of f e
i mKai ser Fri edrl ch- museum 2861
Bri nkt r i ne, J . Zwei auf f al l ende bezei chnungen
f ur di e konsekr i er t en par t i ksl n 1428
Br i t i sh musum. Dept . of Br i t i sh and mdi val
ant i qui t l es. Cat al ogue of ear l y Chr i st i an
ant i qui t l es 2739
-- A gui de to the earl y Chr i st i an and Byzan
t i ne ant i qui t l es 2740
Br i t i sh musum. Dept . of Egypt i an and Assyri an
ant i qui t l es. A gui de to the f ourt h, f i f t h
and sl xt h Egypt i an rooma and the Copt i c r oom
- - A gui de to the t hi rd and f our t h Egypt i an
rooms 2742
Br i t i sh musum. See ai so 147- 9, 806- 7, 1907,
1982- 3
Brockel mann, C. Geschi cht e der chr i st l i chen
i l t t er at ur en des Ori ent s 701
- Kat al og der or i ent al i schen handschr i f t en
der St adt bi bl i ot hek zu Hambur g 163
Brooke, A. E. The Bohai ri c ver si on of the
Pent at euch 814 .
- - - Sahi di c f ragment s of the Ol d Test ament 815
Br ookl yn I nst i t ut s of arts and sci ences.
Musum. Lat e Egypt i an and Copt i c art 2771
- Pagan and Chr i st i an Egypt 2772
See al so 2773, 2802, 2807, 2817
Brooks, E. W. A col l ect i on of l et t ers of Sevei us
of Ant i och 1187
The dat es of the Al exandr l ne pat ri archs
Di oskor os I I , Ti mot hy I V and Theodosi us
The pat rl arch Paul of Ant i och and the Al ex
andri ns schi smof 575. 2440
Brown, R. H. The Faymand Lake Moeri s 2216
Brugsch, E. La t rouvai l l e de Dei r - el - Bahar i
Brugsch, H. K. Der bau des Tempel s Sal omos
- Das buch Bar uch 901
- Memphl t i 3ch- kopt i sche f ragment e 826
- - - Ueber das Xgypt i sche musumzu Leyden 175
- Vl anderung nacta den Nat r onkl oest er n i n
Aegypt en 2658
-- 0. R. 998
See al so 1845
Brunt on, G. Qau and Badar l I I I 1877.
Brussel s. Muses r oyaux d' ar t et d' hi st oi r e
1967, 2898- 2900
Brussel s. Muses r oyaux du Ci nquant enai r e
see Brussel s. Muses r oyaux d' art et
d' hi st oi re
Bruyn, E. de Encore ci nq ampoul es I ndi t es de
Sai nt Mnaa 3000
Bsci al , A. ^npo<J >HTi A nt T:ir-po<$>HTti^
Li ber Bar uch prophet ae 892
Une dcouvert e bi bl i que i mportante. 834
Ki t b mabdi ki r at al - l ughat ai - mi sr yah
- - Ki t b shudhr al - amt hl 864
Li ber Pr over bl or umcopt i ca 865
- - - Nouumauct ar i uml exi ci sahl di co- copt i ci 283
Peut - on t rouver encore des mot s nouveaux
dans l a l angue Gopte? 284
See ai so 436
Bcher, P. Les commencement s des Psaumes LI
XCI I I 1878
Buckl e, D. P. Bi ol l cal r ef erences i n a Sahi di c
manuscr i pt i n the J ohn Ryl ands l i br ar y 774
- Bohai r i c l ect i ons of Wl sdomf r oma Ryl ands
l i brar y ms, 893
The book of the Wl sdomof Sol omon 894
Copt i c l i t erat ure i n the J ohn Ryl ands l i
br ar y 30
The f ort y mart yrs of Sebast e 1395
A not ewor t hy Sahi di c var i ant i n a Shenout e
homl l y i n the J ohn Ryl ands l i brary 966
- A Sahi di c var i ant i n a Ryl ands manuscri pt
The 17t h chapt er of the Book of Wl sdom 895
Budge, E. A. T. W. Amul et a and superst i t i ons
The bl esal ng of the wat ers on the eve of
Epi phany 1435
Budge, E. A. T. W. The book of Par adi ae 2493
- Copt i c apocr ypha i n t he di al eet of upper
Egypt 1013
Copt i c Bl bl i cal t ext a l n t he di al ect of
upper Egypt 775
Copt i c homl l l es i n the di al ect of upper
Egypt 1097
Copt i c mar t yr doms, et c. , i n t he di al ect of
upper Egypt 1287
The ear l l est known Copt i c Psal t er 844
The Egypt i an SdSn 2112
Egypt i an t ai es and romances, pagan, Chr i s
t i an and Mua11m 1783
- Excavat i ons made at Aawftn 2659
A gui de to the f ourt h, f l f t h and ai xt h
Egypt i an rooms 2741
- A gui de to the t hi rd and f our t h Egypt i an
rooms 2742
The mar t yr domof I aaac of Ti phre 1343
- The mar t yrdoms and mi racl es of Sai nt George
of Cappadoci a 1335
Ml scel l aneous Copt i c t ext s l n the di al ect
of upper Egypt 716
- Not es on the mar t yr domof the Copt i c mar t yr
I saac of Ti phre 1344
- On a Copt i c grave- shi r t 2862
- On a Copt i c ver si on of an Encomi umon
El i j ah the Tl shbi t e 1132
On a f r agment of a Copt i c ver ai on of Sai nt
Ephr ai m' s di scour se on the t ransf i gur at i on
of our Lor d 1148
- On the f ragment s of a Copt i c ver si on of an
Encomi umon El i J ah t he Tl shbi t e 1133
- On t he Syr i ac and Copt i c ver si ons of th>
mar t yr domof St. George of Cappadoci a 1336
The Paradi se or Gar den of t he Hol y Fat her s
Sai nt Ml chael t he ar change1 1207- 8
St ori es of the hol y f at hers 2495
- The wi t and wi sdomof the Chr i st i an f at hers
of Egypt 2496
Bul l , L. S. The wor k of the Met r opol i t an Musum
i n Egypt 1907- 1923. 2580
Bul mer i ncq, A. von ( I n pi ammemor i am) 1797
Bunsen, C. Aegypt ens at el l e i n der wel t gesch-
i ohte. Geachl cht l i che unt er suchung i n f nf
bcher a 229
Egypt ' a pl ace i n uni ver sal hi st or y 229
Bunt , C. The genesl s of Coot i c t wi st s and
pl al t s 2824
- "The ol dest st at uet t e of the Madonna. "
Burch, V. The Gospel accor dl ng to the Hebrews
Buri , V. L' uni one dl i a chi e3a copt a con Roma
aot t o Cl ement e VI I I 2334
Burki t t , F. C. Chur ch and gnosi s 1600
- Copt i c ver si ons of t he New Test ament 929
Mani chai ca 1679
- The new Mani chaean document s 1680
Pi st i s Sophi a 1623
- Pi st i s Sophi a agai n 1624
- - - Pi st i s Sophi a and the Copt i c l anguage 1625
- Pol ot sky' a Mani chaean homi l i es 1681
r Revl ew of Chr i st i an document s f romNubi a.
b F. L. Gri Tf tTi ] 1575
- Set heus 1653
-- C. R. 723, 749, 987, 1105, 1904, 2431
S99 al so 64
Burmest er, 0. H. E. The Bohai r i c per l copae of
Wi sdomand Si r ach 1531
- - - The Bohai ri c per l oope of I I I Ki ngdoms xvl l l
36- 39. 1532
- - The canoni cal hour s of the Copt i c chur ch
Ths canons of Chr i st odul os, pat r l ar ch of
Al exandr i a 2441
Burmest er, 0. H. E. The canons of Cyri l I I
The canons of Gabr i el I bn Tur ai k 2443- 4
- Copt i c and Arabi e ver si ons of the Myst agogi a
- A Copt i c l ect i onar y poem 1547
The Copt s i n Cyprus 2113
- The dat e of t he t ransl at i on of Sai nt I s-
khi r un 1346
- gypt i an myt hol ogy lr. the Copt i c apocr ypha
- The Greek kl rugmat a, vers i c l e s and responses,
and hymns i n t he Copt i c l i t urgy 1430
The homi l i es or exhor t at i ons of t he Hol y
Week l ect i onary 1633
The l aws of i nheri t ance of Gebrl el i bn
Tur ai k 2445
- Le l ect i onnai re de l a semai ne sai nt e 1E34
- The l i t ur gy Cor amPat r l ar cha aut Epl scopo
i n the Copt i c chur ch l 43i
- The of f i ce of genuf l ect i on on Whi t sunday
- On the dat e and aut hor shi p of the Arabi e
synaxar i umof the Copt i c church 1505
- Les proverbes de Sal omon 866
- Psal t eri l versi o memphi t i ca, e rcogni t i ons
Paul i de Lagarde 845
- The t ransl at i on of St. I skhi ron of Ki l l i n
( addl t l onal not e) 1548
- The t ransl at i on of St. I skhi r on of Ki l l i n
on t he 7t h of Tbah 1549
The Turl j t of t he Copt i c chur ch 1550
The j urht of t he opt i c year 1551
The Turl j t of the sai nt s 1552
- Two servi ces of t he Copt i c church at t ri but ed
t o Pet er, bi shop of Behnes 1433
_ Vest i ng prayers and ceremoni es i n the Copt i c
chur ch 1434
-- C. R. 150, 206, 926, 1413, 2748
See al so 2420
Bus eh, K. A. Speei men doet rl nae de copt i cae
l i nguae praeposi t i oni bus ac part i eul i s 474
But cher, E. L. Ear l y f orms of the cross 2825
- I n the house of bondage 2114
- The s t ory of the chur ch of Egypt 2335
But e, J . P. C. S. The bl essl ng of t he wat ers
on the Eve of Epi phany 1435
The Copt i c morr. i ng servi ce f or the Lord' s
Day 1436
But l er , A. J . The anci ent Copt i c churches of
Egypt 2660
- - Anci ent Copt i c t ext i l es 2856
The Ar ab conques t. of Egypt and the l ast
t hi rt y years of the Roman domi ni on 2115
Eabyl on of Egypt 2217
Copt s and Musl eras i n Egypt 2116
- - I sl ami c pot t ery 3001
- - On the i dent i t y of "Al - Mukaukl s" of Egypt
- The ori gi nal ms. of Wansl eb' s "Hi st or y of
the Copt i c church". 2336
See al so 2478
But l er , C. C. R. 2549
See al so 2538
Cagnat , R. Not i ce sur l a vi e et l es t ravaux de
M. Ga9t on Maspero 97
Cal l l i aud, P. Voyage l ' oasi s de Thbea 962
Cai ro. Egypt i an l i brary 2011
Cai ro. Muse des ant i qui t s gypt i ennes 715,
739, 1875, 1891, 1895, 1916, 2046, 2743,
2811, 3007-e, 3033.
Cai r o ( Ol d Cai ro) . Muse copt e 2744- 52
Cal ber g, M. La t oi l e t ei nt e du t ombeau di t "de
l a brodeuse". 2863
Cal der i ni , A. Bi bl i ogr af i a et odi ca degl i studi
di egi t t ol ogi a e di papi r ol ogi a 4
- El enchi copt i dl opere l et t erar i e 126
- - - Ri cerche sui document i per l a st or i a del l '
Egi t t o 2118
C. R. 1732
Cal i ce, F. ani n 328
Di e ent st ehung der kopt i schen ei genschaf t s-
ver ben 475 ..
- Zur ent wi ckl ung des u- l aut es i mAgypt i schen
und Kopt i schen 566
- - C. R. 285, 458
Cambr i dge unl versi t y. Gonvi l l e and Cai us col
l ge see 152
Campbel l , J . The Copt i c el ement i n l anguages
of the I ndo- European f ami l y 266
Campenhausen, H. C. R. 2521
Carapo Sant o, Museo di see Rome (Ci t y) .
Camposant o t eut onl co. Museo
Candee, Mrs. H. C. Weaves and draper i es,
cl assi c and modem 2864
Capar t , J . Recuei l de monument s gypt i ens
See al so 1730
Capps, E. J r. An i vory pyxi s i n the Museo
Cr i st i ano and a pl aque f r omthe Sanct a Sanc-
t orum 3116
Cara, P. C. A. de Not l zl a de l avori di egi t t d- o-
gi a e di l i ngue semi t i che pubbl i cat i i n
I t al i a l n quest l ul t l ml decennl l 5
Carabel l onl , J . A. De agi ographi a pr i mogeni a
et t r ansl at l t l a 230
Car i on of Scet e 2536
Cart er , H. A t omb pr epar ed f or Queen Hat shep-
sui t 2581
Casanova, P. Les noms copt es du Cai r e et l o
cal i t s voi si nes 2218
Not es sur un t ext e copt e du Xl I I e si cl e
Un t ext e arabe t ranscr i t en caract r es
copt es 1211
See al so 2696
Casey, R. P. New papyri concerni ng i nci dent s
at Al exandr i a 2337
The st udy of gnost i ci sm 1601
Cassl anus, J . Conl at i ones 2497
De l nst l t ut l s coenobi or umet de oct o pri n-
ci pal i umvi t i or umr emedi i s l i brl xi i 2498
- See al 30 918
Cat t an, B. La chi esa copt a nel secol o XVI I
Cat t aul , A. Rapport sur une mi ssi on dans l e
Haut e- gypt e 1988
Cauwenbergh, P. van Cout umes eccl si ast i ques
en gypt e aux VI Te- VI I I e si cl es 2298
t ude sur l es moi nes d' gypt e 2499
- - C. R. 1538
Cecchel l l , C. La cat t edr a dl Massi ml ano 3002
Cel est l nus I , Sai nt , pope 1131
erny, J . A bi bl i ogr aphy of Prof . Fr ant i sek
Lexa 93
The gender of tens and hundr eds l n l ate
Egypt i an 476
I l a n - copt o e l ' et l mol ogi a del nome di
Manet one 329
Cerul l i , E. Eugeni o I V e gl i Et i opi al Con-
ci l i o di Fl r enze nel 1441. 2339
Ceugney, C. Quel ques f ragment s copt es- t hbai ns
i ndi t s de l a Bi bl i ot hl que nat i onal e 776
Chabas, F. J . Bi bl i ot hque 6
See al so 2195
Chabot , J . B. La bi bl i ot hque du couvent de
Sai nt - Mi chel au Fayoum 127
Chabot , J . B. Document a ad ori gi nes monophysi -
t ar um i l l ust randas 2340
- Les vques J acobl t es du Vi l l e au Xl I I e
si cl e 2446
I nvent ai re sommai re des manuscr i t s copt es de
l a Bi bl i ot hque nat i onal e 188
Cha ne, M. Brevl not e sul l e memor i dl S. Mena
Cat chse at t ri bue Sai nt Basi l e de
Csar e 1086
- - La chr onol ogi e des t emps chrt i ens de 1*
gypt e et de l ' t hi opl e 2155
- Compendi ummor phol ogl ae copt l cae 477
Une composi t i on oubl i e du P. Kl r cher en
1' honneur de Pel resc 102
Un conf l i t sur l a dat e de paques chez l es
or i ent aux 2341
La conscr at i on et l ' pl cl se dans l e mi ssel
copt e 1437
- Le couvent de Sai nt - Ant oi ne 2661
~ - Les di al ect es copt es assi out l queeA2. 639
La doubl e r ecensi on de l ' Hi st oi re Lausl aque
dans l a versi on copt e 1180
La dur e du pat r i ar cat d' I saac 2447
- {. ' gl i se de Sai nt - Mar c Al exandr i e 2662
El ment s de gr ammai re di al ect al e copt e 435
- La f orme pa du verbe i pi 478
Fragment s sahl dl ques i ndi t s du Nouveau
Test ament 930
- - - Une homl i e de Sai nt Grgoi r e de Nysse
Une l et t re de Svr e d' Ant l oche l a di a
conesse Anast asl e 1188
- . - Not e sur l es ani maux de Sai nt Mnas 2826
Not e sur l ' expr essi on copt e te o-f CNj epox
La r ecensi on copt e de l a vi e d' Abba Mar t y-
rl anos de Csaree 1360
- Ser mon sur ? a pni t ence at t ri bu Sai nt
Cyri l l e d' Al exandr i e 1141
Le t ext e ori gi nal des Apopht hegmes des
Pres 1304
-- Le Tr l adon 1824
Troi s nouveaux f eui l l et s du recuei l sahl dl -
que des Apopht hegmes des Pres 1305
- - L verbe copt e 479
- La vi e et l es mi racl es de St . Symon
St yl l t 1400
Champol l l on, J . F. Let t re sur l es odes gnost l -
ques at t ri bues a Sal omon 911
- Obser vat i ons sur l e cat al ogue des manuscri t s
copt es du Muse Bor gl a Vel l et r l 717
Observat i ons sur l es f r agment s copt es ( en
dl al ect bachmour i que) de l ' Anci en et du
Nouveau Test ament 777
Recet t es mdi cal es pour l es mal adi es cut a
nes 1854
See al so 31, 253, 274 ,
Champol l i on- Fi geac, J . J . L' Egypt e sous l es
Pharaons 2219
- Not i ce sur deux grammai r es de l a l angue
copt e 31
Chant emer l e, C. de Voi x du dser t 2500
Charl es, R. H. 2125
Chassi nat , E. Foui l l es Baou t 2582
- - - Fr agment des Act es de l ' Apa Nahr oou 1370
Fr agment s de manuscri t s copt es en di al ect e
f ayoumi que 778
- - Gast on Masper o 98
Un papyrus mdi cal copt e 1855
- Lg quat ri me l i vre des ent ret i ens et
pi t res de Shenout l 1196
See al so 1555
Chat el al n, E. L. M. ( Ml anges of f ert s ) 676
Chat zes, A. C. Ttairupoi; Apcri vori
Ai yu^nTOv; 1989
Chel kho, L. 2357
Chest er , G. J . Not es on t he anci ent Chr i st i an
churehes of Musr el At eekah 2663
Not es on t he Copt i c dayrs of the Wady Na-
t r un and on Dayr Ant oni os i n the East ern
Deser t 2664
Cheyne, T. K. The Sahi dl c ver si on of the Book
of J ob 835
Chr i st odorus 1103
Chr i st odoul os, pat r i ar ch of Al exandr i a 2441
Chr ysost omus, J oannes, Sai nt , pat r i arch of Con-
st ant l nopl e 1132- 6, 2568
Chwol son, Dani el ( Recuei l de t ravaux) 1123
Cl asco, A. Cat al ogo del codl cl manoscr l t t l 153
- I papi ri copt l del Museo Bor gl ano 1990
Sacr or umBi bl i or umf r agment a copt o- sahi dl ca
Musei Bor gl ani 779
Cl arke, C. P. A pi ece of Egypt i an t apest ry
Cl arke, H. Memoi r on the compar at i ve gratnmar of
Egypt i an, Copt i c, and Ude 267
Cl ar ke, S. [ On the churches of Egypt j 2665
- Chr i st i an ant i qui t l es i n the Ni l e Val l ey
Cl arke, W. K. L. 2538
Cl audl us, Sai nt 716, 1314- 5
Cl dat , J . Fr agment d' une ver si on copt e de
1' Apocal ypse de Sai nt J ean 1006
Les i nscri pt i ons de Sai nt Sl mon 1880
- Le monast re et l a ncropol e de Baou t
- Not es archol ogi ques st phi l ol ogi ques 1882
Not es d' ar chol ogi e copt e 1883
- - - Not es sur l a ncr opol e de Ber sheh 2583
Nouvel l es recher ches Baou t 3133
Recherches sur l e k3mde Baou t 1884
Cl emen, C. Ml szel l en zu den Paul usakt en 1021
Cl emen, P. ( Fest schri f t ) 3130
Cl emens Romanus 1137- 40, 1238
Cl er cq, C. de Les gl i ses uni es d' ori ent 2343
Cl er mont - Ganneau, C. S. I nscr i pt i on copt e
J er usal em 1885
Cl ugnet , L. Bi bl i ot hque hagi ogr aphi que or i en
t al e 1323, 1357
- Vi e et of f i ce de sai nt e Mari ne 1357
- Vi e et rci t s de l ' abbe Dani el de Scet l ot e
See al so 1518
Cockerel l , D, The devel opment of bookbl ndi ng
met hods - Copt i c i nf l uence 3171
Codera, F. ( Homenaj e ) 953
Codr i ngt on, H. W. The heavenl y al t ar and the
Epl cl esl s l n Egypt 1438
Coemans, E. M, Manuel de l angue gypt i enne
Cohen, M. Chr oni que de l i ngui st i que chami t o-
sml t i que 268
Col e, A. S. A descri pt i ve cat al ogue of a col
l ect i on of t apest ry- woven and embr oi der ed
Egypt i an t ext i l es 2867
- Egypt i an t apest r i es 2867a
- A suppl ement al descr i pt i ve cat al ogue of
woven and embr oi dered Egypt i an t ext i l es
2868. ,
Col l ar t , P. A propos de quel ques exerci ces
scol ai res 1834
Col l ut hus 1298, 1316- 9
Combe, E. Deux pl t aphes musul manes sur une
pi erre d' aut el copt e 3081
Connol l y, R. H. On the t ext of the bapt i smal
creed of Hl ppol yt us 1239
- The so- cal l ed Egypt i an church order and de-
r l ved document s 1240
C. R. 915
Const ant i nus 1302, 1808
Const ant i nus, bp. of Assl ut 726 ( vol s. 37, 47)
Conybeare, P. C. Anecdot a monophysi t ar um 2448
C. R. 1041
Cooney, J . D. Probl ems of Copt i c art 2774
Cooper uni on f or the advancement of sci ence and
art, NewYor k. Musumf or the arts of dcor
at i on 2966
Copenhagen. K. Bl bl i ot ek 154
Copenhagen. Ny Car l sber g gl ypt ot ek 1929, 3050
Copol et era, H. Fragment s des Act es des Apt res
Copt i c Egypt : Papers read at a symposi um 2152,
2277, 2590, 2774, 2876, 3144
Cordi er, H. Bi bl i ographi e des oeuvres de Gast on
Maspero 99
Corssen, P. Der schl uss der Paul usakt an 1022
Cosmas and Daml an 726 (vol . 51), 1298
Cosson, A. de Mareot l s 2220
Cost i gan, G. H. A Copt i c st el a 1886
- - - Scul pt ur e and pal nt l ng i n Copt i c art 2775
Two f unerar y Copt i c st el ae 1887
See al so 2746
Cot t , Un, gr and pl eri nage chrt i en de l ' an
ci enne Egypt e. La vi l l e de Sai nt Mnas
Cox, R. L' ar t de dcor er l es t i ssus 2869
- Essai de cl assement des t i ssus copt es 2870
Les soi eri es d' art 2871
Crabi t s, P. Copt i c art and the Cal r o Copt i c
musum 2776
Copt i c art i n ol d Cai ro 2667
Cramer, M. Daa al t agypt i sche l ebenszel chen 9-
l mkopt i schen (chri st l l chen) Aegypt en 680
- Ei n bei t r ag zumf or t l eben des al t agypt i schen
i mkopt i schen und ar abl schen 2827
Monast l sche l i t urgi e i r kopt i schen kl ost ern
Text e zur kopt i schen "t ot enkl age" 1888
- Di e t ot enkl age bel den Kopt en 1889
Creed, J . M. Egypt and the Chr i st i an church
Cr eswel l , K. A. C. Copt i c i nf l uences on earl y
Musl l mar chi t ect ur e 2777
Cr owf oot , Mrs. G. M. Copt i c t ext i l es i n t wo-
f aced weave wi t h pat t er n l n reverse 2872
Met hods of hand spl nni ng i n Egypt and the
Sudan 2873
- - - A t abl et woven band, f r omQau el Kebi r
Crum, W. E. ) o Q,lm West car I X. S i mkop
t i schen 331
- - Adol f Erman, 1854- 1937. 68
- Anot her f r agment of the st ory of Al sxander
Apocr yphal narrat i ve of Chr i st by the
Apost l e Bar t hol omew 1047
- - - Bar saum t he Naked 1313
- Bl bl i ogr aphy. Chr i st i an Egypt 7
A bi l i ngual char m 1711
-- The bl shops named l n Mr. Bryce' s di pt ych
- Bri cks as bi rt h- st ool 2299
~- The canons of At hanasi us 1281
- - Car i Schml dt 114
- - Cat al ogue of t he Copt i c manuscri pt s i n the
Br i t i sh musum 147
Cat al ogue of t he Copt i c manuscr i pt s l n the
col l ect i on of the J ohn Ryl ands l i brary,
Manchest er 170
- - Chr i st i an Egypt 8
- - - Col l ut hus, the mar t yr and hi s name 1316
- Copt i c anecdot a. I . A gnost i c f ragment 1602
- - A Copt i c di ct l onar y 285
- - Copt i c document s l n Gr eek scri pt 1991
. . . The Copt i c gl osses on the t ext of I sal ah
- - - Copt i c graf f i t i etc. 1890
Crum, W. E. A Copt i c "Let t er of Orders". 1992
- - Copt i c manuscri pt s br ought f r omthe Fayyum
Copt i c monument s 1891
Copt i c os t raa f r omthe col l ect i ons of the
Egypt expl or at i on f und, the Cai r o musum
and ot hers 1993
Copt i c os t raa i n the Museo ar cheol ogi co at
Mi l an 1994
A Copt i c ost racon 1995
A Copt i c pal i mpsest 1221
- The Copt i c papyr i tf r omMedum, see 130
I . A Copt i c r ecl pe f or the pr parat i on of
parchment . I I . A U3e of t he t erm"Cat hol i c
Church" 1996
- Copt i c t exts r el at i ng to Di oscor us of Al ex
andr i a 1325
- The Copt i c ver si on of the "Canons of S.
Basi l " 1282
- The Decal ogue and Deut er onomy i n Copt i c
- Di scour s de Pi sent hi us sur Sai nt Onnophrus
-- An Egypt i an t ext i n Gr eek charact ers 1757
- Eusebi us and Copt i c chur ch hi st ori s 2348
- Franci a Ll ewel l yn Gr i f f l t h 1862- 1934. 73
- A Greek- Copt i c gl ossar y 1840
A Gr eek di pt ych of the sevent h cent ury
Hagi ogr aphi ca f r omLei pzi g manuscr i pt s
- - Der hl , Apol l o und das Kl ost er von Bawl t
* Hugh Evel yn- Whi t e (a memol r) 71
- - - I nscri pt i ons f r omShenout e' s monast er y
Kopt l sche ki rche 2349
Kopt i sche r echt sur kunden des acht en J ahr-
hunder t s aus DJ me ( Theben) 1997
- Di e kopt l sche ber set zung des l ebens
Symeons des St yl i t en 1401
Kopt i sche znf t e und das pf ef f er monopol
Magi cal t exts l n Copt i c 1712
La magi e copt e. Nouveaux t ext es 1713
- Ei n neues ver bal pr af l x l mkopt i schen 480
- - - New Copt i c manuscri pt s i n the J ohn Ryl ands
l i brar y 171
[ Not e on the Copt i c spel l ] 1758
Not es on. - I . The name Pachoml us. I I .
"Above" and "Bel ow" i n Copt i c. I I I . Egyp
t i an "Orant es" 311
Not es on the St r assburg Gospel f ragment
- - - Un nouveau mot copt e pour "navi re" 332
A Nubi an pri nce l n an Egypt i an monast er y
La Nubi e dans l es t ext es copt es 1999
Der papyruscodex saec. VI - VI I der Phi l l i pps-
bl bl l ot hek l n Chel t enham 1105
- Pl ace names l n Deubner' s Kosmas und Daml an
- - Progress of Egypt ol ogy. Chr i st i an Egypt 8
-- Un psaume en di al ect e d' Akhml m 846
- A "Scyt hi an" i n Egypt 1893
- Svr e d' Ant l oche en Egypt e 1189
- - - Shor t texts f romCopt i c ost raca and papyri
Some f urt her Mel et i an document s 2000
Text s at t r i but ed to Pet er of Al exandr i a
Theol ogl cal t exts f r omCopt i c papyri 720
- - - Thr ee Copt i c t ext s 2001
- Two chapt ers of St. J ohn l n Gr eek and Mi d-
dl e Egypt i an 973
. . . Two Copt i c papyri f r omAnt i noe 974
Crum, W. E. A use of the t er m"Cat hol l c church"
- - Var i a copt i ca 721
- - El ne ver f l uchung 1714
- - - Ei n verl orenes t empuspr af i x l mkopt l schen
Wadl Sarga: Copt i c and- Gr eek t ext s 2002
- - C. R. 176, 435, 454, 458, 623, 638, 701,
716, 723, 729, 751, 752, 775, 773, 810, 829,
845, 866, 869, 889, 980, 987, 1013, 1033,
1378, 1571, 1587, 1640, 1665, 1699, 1730,
1825, 1900, 2061, 2125, 2426, 2465, 2499,
2527, 2786, 2811, 2974
See al so 65- 6, 749, 1115, 1730, 1896,
1982, 2039, 2041, 2636, 2656
Crusl us, F. A. D. Comment at l ones de vet eri bua
val l l s Ni l ot l cae i ncol l s eorumque l l ngua
Cumont , F. La bi bl i ot hque d' un mani chen d
couvert e en gypt e 1682
- - Homl i es mani chennes 1683
Les manuscri t s copt es de l a Bi bl i ot hque
Mor gan 193
- - C. R. 1693
Curet on, W. 944
Cypri anus 726 (vol . 18), 1795
Cyr i acus, abp. of J r usal em 1285
Cyrl acus, J udas 1320
Cyr i l l us I I oy2<jomnts i\iNiYArr^IONeeoyAB
See al so 1410, 1416
Cyri l l us I I , pat ri ar ch of Al exandr i a 2442
Cyrl l l us I V, pat r i arch of Al exandr i a 2455
Cyri l l us, abp. of J er usal em 716, 726 ( vol s.
15- 6, 33- 5, 41- 4) , 1674
Cyrl l l us, Sai nt , pat r i ar ch of Al exandr i a 1141,
2472- 3
Cyrus 1287, 1321 _
Czermak, W. Di e l aut e der agypt i schen sprache
- Der rhythraus der kopt l schen sprache und
sei ne bedeut ung l n der spr achgest al t ung 568
- Rhythraus und umbl l dung i magypt i sch- kop-
t i schen 569
Dahl r l see I bn Dahl r l
Dal gai rns, J . B. 2516
Dal t on, 0. M. Cat al ogue of ear l y Chr i st i an
ant i qui t l es 2739
A Copt i c wal l - pal nt i ng f r omWadl Sar ga 313E
East Chr i st i an ar t 2778
A gui de to the ear l y Chr i st i an and Byzant i ne
ant i qui t l es 2740
A not e on the Al f r ed J ewel 3003
Dani el of Scet e 1323- 4
Daressy, G. A t ravers l es koms du Del t a 2585
- - Abousi r d' Achmounei n 2222
Al exandre Bar sant l 61
Ant i qui t s t rouves Fost at 1894
Le couvent de Nahl eh 2668
L' empl acement de l a vi l l e de Benna 2223
- Les empl acement s de l a vi l l e de Taoua 2224
L' vSche de Sai s et Naucr at i s 2225
Las grandes vi l l es d' gypt e l ' poque copt e
- I ndi cat eur t opographi que du "Li vre des per
l es enf oui es et du myst re prci eux 2227
-- Not es sur Louxor de l a pri ode romai ne et
copt e 2586
- - - Recher ches gogr aphi ques 2228
Rensei gnement s sur l a provenance des st l es
copt es du Muse du Cai re 1895
Une t rousse de mdeci n copt e 3063
Davi d, J . Les cl ai rci ssement s de Sai nt
At hanase sur l es Psaumes 1114
Davi d, J . Fr agment s de l ' Evangl l e sel on Sai nt
Mat t hi eu 959
Davl es, N, de G. The r ock t ombs of Dei r el
Gebr wl 1896
-- The r ock t ombs of El Amar na 2587
- The r ock t ombs of Shei kh Sai d 3136
Davi s, M, H. The l l f e of Abba J ohn Kham 1348
Dawson, W, R. Ear l y Chr i st l ant t y i n Egypt .
The l l t erat ur e of the Copt i c per i od 690
Egypt i an medi ci ne under the Copt s 1856
- The mouse i n Egypt i an and l at er medi ci ne
Dei ber. F, A. Fragment s copt es I ndi t s de
J r mi e 871
- Not es sur deux document s copt es 1897
- Le papyrus mdi cal copt e de Meschal ch
-- C. R. 1033, 1061
Del chmann, F. W. Fr hchr i st l l che ki r chen i n
ant i ken hei l l gt mer 2669
- - - Zu den baut en der Menasst adt 2588
Zumal t agypt l schen l n der kopt l schen bau-
kuns t 2670
Del ssmann, A. Not i z ber das Aegypt er - evange-
l l um 1049
-- Di e Sept uagi nt a- papyr l und andere al t chr i st -
l l che t ext e der Hei del ber ger papyrus- aaram-
l ung 799
Del aport e, L. J . Cat al ogue sommai re des manu
scri t s copt es de l a Bi bl i ot hque nat i onal e
- Fragment s sahi dl ques du Nouveau Test ament :
Apocal ypse 1007
, Fragment s sahi dl ques du Nouveau Test ament :
Evangi l e de Sai nt J ean 975
- Fragment s t hbai ns du Nouveau Test ament
- Li st e des 86 premi ers pat ri arches de l ' gl i se
copt e J acobi t e 2451
-- Mat t hi eu VI I , 4- 27. 960
Not e sur de nouveau f ragment s du Past eur
d' Hermas 1154
- Le Past eur d' Hermas: f ragment s de l a ver
si on copt e- sahi di que 1155
- Le Past eur d' Hermas; nouveaux f ragment s
sahi dl ques 1156
Quel ques t ext es copt es de l a Bi bl i ot hque
nat i onal e sur l es XXI V vi ei l l ards de
1' Apocal ypse 1553
- Le ri t e copt e de l a pri se d' habi t et de l a
pr of essi on monacal e 1440
Del ehaye, H. Le cal endr i er d' Oxyrhynque pour
l ' anne 535- 536. 1507
Un groupe de rci t s "ut i l es l ' me" 2502
- Mart yr et conf esseur 642
- - Les mar t yr s d' gypt e 1289
Laser sonnal l t hi st or i que de S. Paul . de
Thbes 2350
Une vi e I ndi t e de Sai nt J ean 1' Aumni er
Demel , H. 2690
Demet r l us, abp. of Al exandr i a 1287, 2161
Demet rl us, abp. of Ant l och 716, 726 ( vol s. 33
4), 1098, 1319
Denef f e, A. Der dograatl sche wer t der Anat he-
mat i smen Cyri l l s 2453
Dennl s, J . T. The t ransl i t r at i on of Egypt i an
Dennl son, W. St udl es l n East Chr i st i an and
Roman ar t 3165
Dent on, W. The anci ent chur ch i n Egypt 2351
Denzi nger , Rl t us or i ent al i um 1441
Derouaux, W. Li t t rat ure chrt i enne ant i que et
papyrol ogi e 32
De Rust af j ael l , R. D. Cat al ogue of a col l ec
t i on of ant i qui t l es f r omEgypt 2753
De Rust af j ael l , R. D. The l i ght of Egypt 2168
Des Gravi ers, J . I nvent ai re des obj et s copt es
2762 '
Devaud, E. op?e ( sah. ) 333
opt i ca 570
t udes d' t ymol ogi e copt e 335
t udes de l exi cographi e gypt i enne et copt e
- - - Et udes et not es de grammai r e, de l exi col ogi e,
de pal ographi e, et c. , gypt i ennes et copt es
t ymol ogi es copt es 336
Not es de l exi col ogi e copt e 337
Les Proverbes de Sal omon 866
- Psal t er l l ver sl o memphl t l ca 845
Sur l e genre et l a f orme de c; oc (S) et de
ses vari ant es 338
- - Var i a 339
See al so 67
Devr l a, T. Cat al ogue des manuscri t s gypt i ens
De Vi s, H. Homl i e cat hdral e de Marc, pat r i
arche d' Al exandr i e 1168
Homl i es copt es de l a Vat l cane 1098
See al so 1150
Dl dymus 1292
Di ehl , C. L' gypt e chr t i enne et byzant i ne
Les ori gi nes gypt i ennes de l ' art byzant i n
- Sur quel ques t of f es copt es du Muse du
Louvr e 2875
Di eu, L. Les manuscr i t s grecs des l i vres de
Samuel 827
Nouveaux f ragment s pr hexapl al res du Li vre
de J ob 836
- Le t ext e de J ob du Codex Al exandrl nus et
ses pr i nci paux t moi ns 837
C. R. 775
Di ez, E. C. R. 2811
Di l l mont , T. de L' art chr t i en en gypt e; mo
t i f s de broder i e copt e 2829
Dl mand, M. S. Cl assi f i cat i on of Copt i c t ext i l es
. . . Copt i c and Egypt o- Ar abi c t ext i l es 2877
Copt i c t ext i l es of the Ar abl e peri od 2878
- Copt i c t ext i l es; r ecent accessi ons 2879
- A Copt i c t unl c of a chi l d 2880
Copt i c t unl cs l n the Met r opol i t an musumof
art 2881
Ear l y Chr i st i an weavi ngs f r omEgypt 2882
Ear l y Copt i c t apest r l es 2883
An earl y cut - pi l e r ug f r omEgypt 2884
I n memorl am. J osef St rzygowski ( 1862- 1941)
I ndi sche st i l el ement e i n der or nament i k der
syri schen und kopt i schen kunst 2780
El ne kopt l sche gol dst l cker el 2885
-- fSgra kopt i ska t ext l l i er i Lunds kul t ur -
hl st or l ska musum 2886
- Loan exhi bi t i on of or i ent al rugs and t ex
t i l es 2887
A new Copt i c vase 3004
A new Copt i c vase i n the Met r opol i t an
musumof art, NewYor k 3005
Di e or nament i k der agypt i schen wol l wi r ker -
el en 2888
-- Spci al exhi bi t i on of Copt i c and Egypt o-
Arabi c t ext i l es 2889
Dl onysi us Ar eopagl t a 1142- 3
Dl os 1297 .
Dl oscorus, pat r l ar ch "bf Al exandr i a see 1144- 7,
1325- 9, 1582, 2460
Dl oscor us I I , pat r l ar ch of Al exandri a 2439
Di x, 0. The Copt i c cal endar 1508
Dobscht z, E. C, R. 934, 1033
DSl ger , F. J , Das abendmahl mi t demf i sch auf
ei ner hol zskul pt ur 2671
Kl l ngel n, t anz und handokl at schen i m
(J ottesdi enst der chr i st l i chen Mel i t i aner
l n Agypt en 2300
D&r i ng, J . ttber al t kopt i sche gewebe 2890
tf orrl es, H. MSncht umnd ar bei t 2503 _
Domadl os el - Bar amosl see Dmdl ys al - Barams
Donadonl , S. Most r a dl i a st of f a copt a dl
Ant i noe 2891
Una most r a di st of f e copt e 2892
- - - Not l zl a sugl l scavl dl i a Ml ssl one f l or en
t i ne ad Ant i noe 2589
St of f e decor at e da Ant i noe 2893
See al so 2579
Dor esse, J . propos d' un apopht egme copt e
Troi s l i vres gnost l ques i ndi t s 1603
Dornsei f f , F. Das r ot as- oper a- quadr at 1715
Dr aguet , R. Le chapi t re de l ' Hi st oi r e Lausl -
aque sur l es Tabennsl ot es dr i ve- t - i l d' une
source copt e? 1181
Dreger , M. Zur ausst el l ung spat ant l k- agypt i -
scher f unde i mK. K. st err. musum 2766
Drerup, H. Di e dat l er ung der muml enpor t r St s
Drescher , J . Apa Cl audl us and the t hl eves
- - Apa Mena 1362
An encomi umat t r i but ed t o Sever us of
Ant i och 1190
St. Menas' camel s once mor e 1363
- - A wi dow' s pt i t i on 2003
Drews, P. ber al t agypt i sche t auf gebet e 1442
Dr l ot on, E. Un anci en j eu copt e 3064
- Un apocr yphe ant l - Ar l en 1087
- L' ar t copt e 2781
- L' art copt e au Muse du Louvr e 2763
Ar t syri en et art copt e 2782
Un bas- r el i ef copt e des t roi s hbr eux dans
l a f ournai se 3082
La di scussi on d' un moi ne ant hropomor phl t e
audl en avec l e pat ri ar che Theophi l e d' Al ex
andr i e en l ' anne 399. 1300
Le "f r ont on" et l es "t asseaux" de l a port e
Un mot nouveau copt e 341
Par chemi n magi que copt e pr ovenant d' Edf ou
Port es de l ' Hads et port es du Paradi s
La scul pt ure copt e et l es art s mi neurs
Les scul pt ur es copt es du Nl l omt re de
Rodah 3034
Tr oi s document s pour l ' t ude de l ' art copt e
- - C. R. 648, 723, 749, 1334, 2738
See al so 1926
Dr ovet t l , B. 205
Dr ugul l n, W. Mar kst ei ne aus der wel t l i t t er at ur
Dubl i n. Tr i ni t y col l ege 155
Duboi s, J . J . Descr i pt i ons des ant i qui t s
gypt i ennes 2758
Ducaeus, F. 2538
Duchesne, L. M. 0. L' gl i se au Vi e si cl e
Les prot gs de Thodor a 2353
- Le sanct uai re d' Aboukl r 2504
Les sanct uai res chrt i ens d' Aboukl r ( i n -
ext enso) 2505
Dudl ey, L. The Egypt i an el ement s i n the l egend
of the body and soui 2287
Dnsl ng, H. Epl st ul a apost ol or um 1088
C. R. 811
Dssel dor f . Cent ral - gewer beverel n. Wegwei ser
dur ch di e t ext l l - ausst el l ung des Herrn. Dr.
F. Bock 2894
Duj ardi n, 253
Dul auri er, E. Fr agment d' un t rai t de mdeci ne
copt e 1859
Fragment s des r vl at i ons apocryphes de
Sal nt - Bar t hl my et de l ' hi st oi r e des com
munaut s r el i gi euses f ondes par Sai nt -
Pakhme 1050
Not i ce sur l e manuscr i t copt e- t hbai n i n
t i t ul : La Fi del e Sagesse 1626
_ See al so 450 _
Dumadi yus al - Baramusl . mxcomnt e ni xi n+cj oy
N +TTA p e e N O C 1579
Duri ham, D. Romano- Copt i c Egypt 2590
Al - Dur r al - MaknCz 2227, 2668
Du Sol l i er, J . B. see Sol l er i us, J . B.
Dut hui t , 0. La scul pt ure copt e 3086- 7
Dut i l h, E. D. I . Deux col onnes de l ' gl i se de
Thonas 2673
St. Menas of Al exandr i a 3006
Dyr of f , K. Agypt i sches J - der t onsi l be i mkop
t l schen 571
East man, A. C. Copt i c t ext i l es 2895
Ebers, 0. M, Al t kopt l sch oder hel dnl sch 3088
- Der kl ang des al t agypt l schen und der r el m
-- Sl nnbl l dl l ches 3089
Ebers, 0. M. ( Aegypt l aca. Fest schri f t ) 362,
Edgar, C. C. Gr aeco- Egypt i an cof f i ns, masks
and port rai t s 3007
-- Gr aeco- Egypt i an gl ass 3008
Edgert on, W. F. A- l kk "Cease" 342
- Demot l c wr l t i ngs oi' Mn*t e 482
Et ymol ogi es of Tf TK i o o Y and x o o y 343
Medi net Habu graf f i t i 1898
- On the or l gl n of cer t ai n Copt i c verbal
f orms 483
St ress, vowel quant i t y and syl l abl e di vi
si on l n Egypt i an 573
Egypt . Ser vi ce des ant i qui t s. Cat al ogue des
monument s et i nscri pt i ons de l ' Egypt e ant i
que 1899
Egypt . Sur vey depart ment . The ar chaeol ogi cal
survey of Nubl a. Bul l et i n 2591
Ehr hard, A. Di e al t chr l st l l che l i t t er at ur und
i hre erf or schung sei t 1880. 9
Di e al t chrl st l l che l i t t erat ur und i hre
erf or schung von 1884- 1900. 10
C. R. 2202
See al so 1105
Ehr hard, A. ( Bel t rage zur geschl cht e des chri st-
l i chen al t ert ums . . . f est gabe) 1340
Ei l mann, R. Ber i cht ber di e vor unt er suchungen
auf den Kur mel - Tuwl bel Amr j e 2592
El sl er , R. Pl st l s Sophl a und Bar bl S 1627
El t rem, S. A nev Chr i st i an amul et 1717
- Papyr i osl oenses 1718
El i as 1330
El i j ah t he Ti shbi t e 1132- 3
El l ers, H. Di e kl r chenor dmmg Hi ppol yt us von
Rom 1241
El l l s, A. C. A survey of t he East er n churches
El l l s, L. B. The ani mal symbol s of the Evange-
11st s 2830
El sber g, H. A. An exhi bi t i on of t he H. A.
El sber g col l ect i on of Copt i c and I sl aml c
t ext i l es 2897
Ember , A. Kl ndr ed Semi t o- Egypt i an words 269
Emer y, W. B. The bur i al shaf t of the t omb of
Amenemhat 2705
The royal t ombs of Bal l ana and Qust ul 3009
Engber dl ng, H. Das euchar i st l sche hochgebet
der Basl l l usl l t ur gl e 1443
Ei n pr obl emi n der homol ogi a vor der Hl .
kommunl on l n der agypt i schen l i t urgi e 1444
Engel bach, R. Al phabet i c hymn i n Copt i c 1554
- - - A Copt i c memor i al t abl et to a young gl rl
-- Copt i c ost r aka 2004
- A Copt i c ost rakon ment l oni ng I b ( El ephan-
t i ne) 2005
The Copt i c st el a of Leont ce ( Leont l os)
- Copt i c st el a of Serne of Damsh r 1902
-- Fr agment of the Gospel of Sai nt Mat t hew i n
Copt i c 961
-- Har ageh 3090
- - - Ost r aka i n the Sahl dl c dl al ect of Copt i c
A repai red st eel yar d 3065
Repor t on t he i nspect or at e of Upper Egypt
f r omApr i l 1920 to March 1921. 2007
Engel bret h, W. F. Fr agment a basmur l co- copt i ca
Vet eri s et Novi Test ament l 780
Kurzes ver zei chnl ss der copt i schen hand-
schr i f t en di e si ch i mMusumdes gel ehr t en
Cardi nal s Eor gi a bef i nden 755
Obser vat i ons sur l es f ragment s copt es ( en
di al ect e baschmour i que) de 1' Anci en et du
Nouveau Test ament 756
Ephesus, Counci l of 1274- 79
Ephesus, Seven sl eeper s of 1298, 1331- 2
Ephraem, t he anchori t e 726 (vol . 31)
Ephr aemSyrus 1148- S, 1333
Ephr ai m, Apa 1287
Epi ma 1285, 1334
Epi machus 1296
Epi phani us, Monast er y of 749
Epl phani us, Sai nt , bp. of Const ant l a i n Cyprus
1150- 2, 1297, 1692
Er f f a, H. von A Copt i c panel 3091
Erl chsen, W. Fai j umi sche f ragment e der Reden
des Agat honi cus 1106
Er man, A. Di e agypt i schen beschwor ungen des
gr ossen Par i ser zauber papyr us 1759
Di e Al oa- i nschr i f t en 1903
- - Aus den_ papyrus der K. Museen 722
- Bruchst cke der ober aegypt l schen ueber set -
zung des Al t en Test ament es 800
Bruchst cke des kopt l schen Physl ol ogus
Br uchst cke kopt i scher vol ksl l t t er at ur 1786
Chr i st l i che l ampe aus demFai j um 3010
Dr ei gei st er al s bot en des zauberers 1719
-- Di e gans po 344
Gr ammat l sches 484
Hei dni sches bel den Kopt en 1720
- Hol ckot sl 643
Ei n kopt i scher zauberer 1721
- Ei n neuer rest der al t en f l exi on i mkop
t l schen 485
- Nubi sche gl ossen 1842
- Schenut e und Arl st ophanes 1197
- Spur en el nes al t en subj unct i vs i mkopt l schen
Di e t onl osen f or men i n der agypt i schen
s prache 487
Unt er schi ede zwl schen den kopt l schen di a-
l ekt en bel der wor t ver bl ndung 624
Zauber spr uch f ur el nen hund 1722
- - Zumpr onomen absol ut um 488
zur Hgypt i schen wor t f orschung. I I I 301
-- C. R. 225
See al so 68- 70
Ermoni , V. Les vchs de 1' gypte chrt i enne
L' ordi nal copt e 1445
- Ri t uel copte du bapt me et du mari age 1446
Ernst , J . W, Di e er zahl ung vomst er ben des
Mani 1684
Errera, I . Cat al ogue d' t of f es anci ennes et
modernes 2898
Col l ect i on d' anci ennes t of f es gypt i ennes
- - Col l ect i on de broder i es anci ennes 2900
- Not es on t ext i l es 2901
Sudoxi a 1302, 1808
Euodi us 726 ( vol s. 34- 5, 43) , 1103
Eur i nger, S. Der i mi tmassl i che ver f asser der
kopt i schen Theot oki en und des at hi opi schen
Weddt s Mar j m 1580
Di e sonnt agst heot oki e 1581
Eusebi u3, son of Basi l i des 1292
Eusebl us, Pamphi l l , bp. of Caesar ea 726 (vol .
37), 951, 1097, 1134, 2120, 2348, 2356
Euat at hi us, Sai nt , bp. of Tr ake 726 (vol . 22),
1207- 8
Eu3t at hi us Pl aci das 1287
Eut ychi us, Pat rl ar ch of Al exandr i a 2357
Evagri ua 2438
Evel yn- Whl t e, H. G. Chr i st i an grave st el ae f r om
Er ment 3092
The hi st or y of t he monast erl es of Ni t r i a and
of Scet i s see 723
The monast er l es i n Wadi ' n Nat r n 2506
The monast erl es of the Wadi Nat r un 723,
. New Copt i c t ext s f r omthe monast ery of Sai nt
. Macari us 723
- - C. R. 2531
- See al so 71, 749
Evet t s, B. T. A. Un prl at rf ormat eur. Le
pat ri arche copt e Cyri l l e I V. 2455
- - - Le ri t e copt e de l a pri se d' habi t et de l a
pr of essi on monacal e 1447
- The ri t es of the Copt i c church 1448
C. R. 1458
See al so 2419, 2478
Ewal d, H. Abhandl ung ber den bau der t hatwBrter
i mkopt i schen 489
- Abhandl ung ber den zusammenhang des nor-
di schen ( t r ki schen) , mi t t el l andi schen,
semi t i schen und kopt i schen sprachst ammes
Spr achwi ssenschaf t l i che abhandl ung ber den
bau der t hat wort er i mkopt i schen 490
Fahz, L. Ei n neues st ck zauberpapyrus 1760
Fai rman, N. W. Excavat i ons at Armant 2630
Fal vre, J . L' gl i se Sai nt - Sabas et l e martyri uj L
de Sai nt - Mar c Al exandri e 2676
Fal ke, 0. von Kunst geschi cht e der sei denweber ei
Fal l et , A. La ver si on copht e du Pent at euque
817 ..
Fal l s, J . C. E. Ei n besuch i n den Nat r onkl os-
t ern der sket i schen wst e 2677
- - - Dr ei j ahre i n der l i byschen wst e 2593
Thr se years i n the Li byan deser t 2594
See al so 2611- 2
Fari na, G. Gl i st udi ori enta. l l i n I t al l a dur
ant e 11 ci nquant enari o 1861- 1911. Egi zi ano-
copt o 11
- Orazl o Mar ucchl 96
- Le vocal i del l ' ant i co egi zi ano 574
Fascher, E. Pet r usapokryphen 1051
Faye, E. de Gnost i ques et gnost i ci sme 1604
Fedden, H. R. A st udy of the monast er y of Sai nt
Ant ony i n the East er n Deser t 2507
Fedden, R. Two not es on Chr i st i an Cai r o i n the
Tur kl ah peri od 2121
Fel dmann, F. Text kr i t i sche mat er i al i en zumBuch
der Wei shei t 896
Ferrar, W. J . Egypt i an monast i ci sm 2508
Fer rari o, B. St udi egi zl ani 491
Fl cker, G. Amphi l ochi ana 1108
Fi cker, J . ( For schungen zur ki rchengeschi cht en
. . . al s f est gabe) 2503
Fi ebi g, P. Ei n wor t ber den Bruder des Er l 8-
sers i n der Pi st i s Sophi a 1628
Fl anagan, J . F. The or i gi n of the dr awl oom
used i n the maki ng of earl y Byzant i ne si l ks.
Fl avi anus, bp* of Ephesus 1287
Fl ei scher, Uber ai ne kopt i sch- arab. handschrl f t
der Kal s. Bi bl . zu Pari s 1843
Fl emmi ng, J . see 914
Fl orence. Bi bl l ot eca Pal at i na 156
Fl orence. Museo ar cheol ogi co 1950, 2043
Fl orence. R. Bi bl l ot eca Medi ceo- Laur enzi ano
156 ,
Fondat i on gypt ol ogi que Rei ne El i zabet h, Brus-
ael s 157
Forget , J . Synaxar i umAl exandr i num 1509
Forrer, R. Di e f rhchr i st l i chen al t ert hmer aus
demgr aberf el de von Achmi m- Panopol i s 2904
Di e gr aeber - und t ext i l f unde von Achmi ra-
Panopol i s 2905
- Mei n besuch i n El - Achmi m 2906
Rci mi sche und byzant i ni sche sei dent ext i l i en
aus demgr aber f el de von Achmi m- Panopol i s
- Ver such ei ner cl assi f i cat i on der ant i k-
kopt i schen t ext i l f unde 2908
Di e zeugdrucke der byzant i ni schen, romani sch-
en. . . und spat er n kunst epochen 2784
Fort eseue, A. The l esser East er n churches
See al so 2465
Fort num, C. D. E. 3047
Fot heri ngham, J . K. 2120
Fouquet , D, M. Col l ect i on 2754
Fowl er, M. Chr i st i an Egypt , past , present and
f ut ure 2359
Fox, W. S. Hel l eni st i c t apes t ri es i n Amer i ca
Franck, A. C. R. 1596
Fr auberger , H. Ant i ke und f rhmi t t el al t erl i che
f ussbekl ei dungen aus Achmi m- Panopol i s 2910
Freer gal l er y of art , Washi ngt on, D. C 751
Frere, W. H. Ear l y or di nat i on servi ces 1242
Frret , N. Observat i ons gnr al es sur l ' ori f ^ne
et sur l ' anci enne hi st oi r e des premi ers
habi t ans de l a Grce 236
Frl ck, C. C. R. 3159
Fri es, S. A. Et t kopt i skt Evangel i i f r agment
Fri sk, H. Papyrus grecs de l a El bl i ot heque
muni ci pal e de Got hembourg 162
Ful l er, F. W. Copt i sm 2360
Funk, F. X. Das aeht e buch der Apost ol i schen
konst i t ut i onen i n der kopt i schen ber l i ef er -
ung 1243- 4
Di e agypt i sche ki r chenor dnung 1245
Angebl i che Hi ppol yt schr i f t en 1246
Di e apost ol i schen konst i t ut i onen 1247
- - - Ki rchengeschi cht l i che abhandl ungen und
unt er suchungen 1244- 5, 1248
Di e symbol st cke i n der agypt i schen ki r chen
ordnung und der Kanones Hi ppol yt s 1248
Gabai n, A. von Tr ki sche Tur f an- t ext e 1668
Gabra, S. Caract res de l ' art copt e 2785
Gabr i el i bn Tural k, pat r i ar ch of Al exandr i a
2443- 5
Gabr i el l , G. Bi bl i ogr af i a degl i st udi ori en-
t al l st l cl i n I t al i a dal 1912 al 1934. 12
Document i ori ent al i nel i e bi bl i ot eche e
negl i archi vi d' I t al i a 166
Pont i semi t l che di una l eggenda Sal omoni ca
Manoscr i t t i e cart e ori ent al i nel l e bi bl i
ot eche e negl l archi vi d' I t al i a 167
St at i st l ca dei Msa. ori ent al i del l e bi bl i
oteche, d' I t al i a 168
Gabr l yl Abd al - Kas h 1412
Gal us, abp. of Ant l och 716
Gal t l er, E. Cont r i but i on l ' t ude de l a l i t
t rat ure arabe- copt e 691
- - - Copt i ca- arabi ca. Copt l ca 724 ,
De l ' i nf l uence du copt e sur l ' arabe d' Egypt e
Mmoi res et f ragment s i ndi t s 1555
- Not e sur une homl i e de Schenout l 1198
Sur l es myst res des l et t res grecques 1662
Gardi ner, A. H. An Egypt i an spl i t l nf i ni t l ve
and t he ori gl n of the Copt i c conj unct i ve
t ense 492
--------- The expr essi on t m t t c o t t 245
The orl gi n of cer t ai n Copt i c gr ammat i cal
el ement s 493
- The ori gl n of the Copt i c negat i ve nne 494
The ori gl n of the Copt i c t ense Fut ur umL 495
- - Second t hought s on the orl gi n of Copt i c epe-
- - Some aspect s of the Egypt i an l anguage 237
- - Some Copt i c et ymol ogi es 346
C. R. 593
Gar dt hausen, V. Nat i onal - und pr ovl nzi ai schr i f -
t en 669
- - Di e zusat zbuchst aben der Kopt en und Got en
575 ,
Gari t t e, G. propos des l et t res de S. Ant oi ne
l ' ermi t e 1109
- - Une l et t re gr ecque at t ri bue sai nt Ant oi ne
- - Pangyri que de sai nt Ant oi ne par J ean,
vque d' Her mopol i s 1166
Garnot , J . S. P. Bi bl i ogr aphi e des gypt ol ogues
f ranai s, 1940- 6. 13
- - Une r epr sent at i on copt e des t roi s enf ant s
dans l a f ournai se 3138
Gasel ee, S. Bi bl i ogranhy. Chr i st i an Egypt 14
- - A Bohal ri c f ragment of the "Mart yr domof
St. Luke" 1355
- - The Copt s 2169
- - De Abr aha et Mel chi sedec 1212
- - De xxi v seni ori bus apocal ypt l ci s et de
nomi nl bus eor um 1556
- - E^AHN i n Copt i c 644
- - Gr eek words i n Copt i c 645
- - Hymni duo de Si nut hl o 1557
- - Hymnus de Si nut hl o 1558
- Let t ered Egypt i an t ext i l es i n the Vi ct or i a
and Al ber t musum 2911
- - The nat i ve l i t erat ur e of Chri st i an Egypt
- - Not es on the Copt i c versi ons of the DCX 801
- - Per er ga copt l ca see 1212, 1556, 1558
- - Progress of Egypt ol ogy. Chr i st i an Egypt 15
- - The pronunci at l on of Gr eek i n Chr i st i an
Egypt 646
- - The Dsychol ogy of t he monks of the Egypt i an
deser t 2509
- - St orl es f r omthe Chri st i an East 1788
- - Two Fayoumi c. f ragment s of the Act 3 981
See al so 72, 910, 2805
Ga3kel l , G. A. Gnost i c scri pt ures i nt erpr et ed
Gasparri , H, La l engua qul chua y l a l engua
egi pcl a en sus trs f ormas gerogi i f i ca,
demot i ca y copt a 238
Gass, Zur f rage vomur sprung des moncht ums
Gassend, P. Vl ri l l l ust ri s Nl col ai Cl audi j
Fabrl cJ J de Pei r esc 103
Gaut hi er, H. Le Xe nome de l a Haut e- gypt e
- - I ndex aux not es gogr aphi ques sur l e nome
Panopol i t e 2230
- - Not es gogr aphi ques sur l e nome Panopol i t e
- - Nouvel l es not es gogr aphi ques sur l e nome
Panopol i t e 2232
Gay, J . Bi bl i ographi e des ouvrages r el at i f s
l ' Af ri que et l ' Arabi e 16
Gayet , A. J . Ant i no et l es spul t ur es de
Tha s et Sr api on 2595
- - L' ar t copt e 2786- 7
- - Coi ns d' Egypt e i gnors 2511- 2
- - Le cost ume en gypt e du I I l e au Xl I I e
si cl e 2912
- - L' expl or at i on des ncropol es de l a mont agne
d' Ant i no 2596
- - L' expl or at i on des ncropol es gr co- Byzan
ti nes d' Ant i no 2597 _
- - Ma ci nqui me campagne de f oui l l es Ant i no
- - Les monument s copt es du Muse de Boul aq
2743 ^
- - Not i ce rel at i ve aux obj et s r ecuei l l i s
Ant i no 2599- 600
- - La scul pt ure copt e 3093
Gehman, H. S, epoA o^t and e/ 3oA oya-e to
express compar i son of l nequai i t y l n Bohal r i c
__ The Gar r et t Sahl dl c manuscr i pt of St. Luke
__ The Sahl dl c and Bohal ri c ver si ons of the
Book of Dani el 872
Gel zer, H. K. G. Pat r umNi caenor umnomi na
l at i ne, graece, copt i ce, syri ace, arabi ce,
armenl ace 2456
__ Ungedruckt e und weni g bekannt e bl st mer ver -
zei chnl sse der or i ent al i schen kl rche. I - I I .
See ai se 2464
George, Sai nt 1285, 1298, 1335- 6, 1546, 2849,
Grard, P. Au Muse copt e du Vi eux- Cal r e avec
S. E. Mar cos Si mai ka Pacha 2744
Ger spach, E. Les t api sseri es copt es 2913
__ Les t api sseri es copt es du Muse des
Gobel l ns 2914
Ghedi ni , G. Lul I nuove dai papl ri sul l o scl sma
mel ezi ano e i l monachi smo i n Egi t t o 2361
- - C. R. 2329
Gi essen. Uni ver si t at . Bi bl l ot hek 158
Gi l more, J . E, Copt i c f ragment s 802
__ Fragment s of the Sahi di c ver si on of the
Paul i ne Epl st l es, et c. 992
- - Manuscr i pt port i ons of t hree Copt i c l ecti an-
arl es 1535
Gi nhar t , K. J oseph St rzygowski 121
Qi nzel , F. K. Ast r onomi sche unt er suchungen
ber f i nst erni sse 1860
__ Handbuch der mat hemat i schen und t echni schen
chr onol ogi e 2156
Gi oore 1296 _ _
Gi orgi , A. A. Aj ur r m yah must auf yah 436
__ De ml r acul l s Sanct i Col ut hl et rei i qul i s
act or umSanct i Panesni v mar t yr um 1317
Gi orgi , A. A. Fr agment umcopt i cumex Act i s S.
Col ut hi i 1318
- - Fr agment umEvangel i l S. I ohanni s gr aeco-
copt o- t hebai eumsaecul i I V. 976
See al so 230
Gi rard, L. S. - P. Adver sar i a copt i ca 2008
- - Un f r agment de l i t urgi e magi que copt a sur
ost r akon 1723
- - Un f r agment f ayoumi que du mar t yr e de Sai nt
Phi l ot hee 1386
- - Un f ragment i ndi t du l i vre du Tobi e 897
- - Un f r agment aahi di que de l a Vi e de Sai nt
Arsne l e Gr and 1312
Gi rard, P. F. ( t udes d' hi st oi r e j uri di que
of f ert es ) 2189
Gi rgi s, M. Ki t b t urhSt al - baakhah 1567
Gi ron, N. Lgendes copt es 1789
Gl anvi l l e, S. R. K. The l egacy of Egypt 2108,
2347, 2402
See al so 2039
Gl enni e, J . S. S. 2009
Gl ck, H. Di e chr i st l i che kunst des Ost ena
- - - C. R. 2888
Gnol f o, G. Art hi t t i t e et art copt e 2789
Gobi l l ot , P. Les ori gi nes du monachi sme
chrt i en 2513
Goej e, H. J . de De Mokauki a van Egypt e 2122
GSt t i ngen. Uni versi t at . Bi bl i ot hek 159- 60
Goet t sber ger , J . Di e syro- armcni schen und di e
syro- kopt i schen Bi bel ci t at e aus den Schol i on
des Bar hebraus 781
Gol dschmi dt , A. Exhi bi t i on of the Dar k Ages at
the Wor cest er art musum 2790
Gol en shchev, V. S. 2091
Gonvi l l e and Cai us col l ege see Cambri dge uni
vers i ty. Gonvi l l e and Cai us col l ege
Goodspeed, E. J . The conf l i ct of Severus,
pat rl arch of Ant i och, by At hanasi us 1115
Goodwi n, C. W. Account cf t hree Copt i c papyri
and ot her manuscr i pt s 2009
- Copt i c and Gr aeco- Egypt i an names 312
- - Cur i osi t i es of l aw. Conveyanci ng among the
Copt s of the ei ght h cent ur y 2190
- - Gl eani ngs i n Copt i c l exl cography 286
- - On an Egypt i an t ext l n Gr eek charact ers
- - On the eni gmat l c wr l t i ng on the cof f i n of
Set i I . 1536
- - Topogr aphi cal not es f r omCopt i c papyri 2233
Goossens, G. Henr i Hyver nat 79
Gore, C. On the or di nat i on of the earl y bl shops
of Al exandr i a 2362
Got ha. Her zogl l che of f ent l i che bi bl i ot hek 161
Got henburg. St adsbi bl l ot eket 162
Got t hei l , R. J . H. Bi bl i ogr aphy of the works
of Paul de Lagar de 88
- - I gnazi o Gui di - Sel ect ed bi bl i ogr aphy 74
See al so 22
Got t achal k, W. Kat al og der handbi bl i ot hek der
or i ent al i schen abt ei l ung 146
Goussen, H. Apocal ypsl s S. J ohanni s apost ol i
ver si o sahi di ca 1008
- - El ni ge nacht rage zur "Bi bl i ot heca hagi o-
gr aphi ca ori ent al i s" der Bol l andi st en 1290
- - ber ei nen neuen or i ent al l sch- l i t ur gl schen
f und 1449
Graf , G. Ei n al t. er kel cht hr on i n der ki rche
Abu Sef en 3011
- - Ei n arabl achea Poeni t ent i al e bel don Kopt en
- - Cat al ogue de manuscri t s arabes chrt i ens
conservs au Cai re 150
- - Kat al og chr i st l i ch- arabl scher handschr i f t en
l n J rusal em. I I . Di e handachr i f t en der
Kopt en 169
Graf , G, Das Kopt i sche musumi mAl t kal r o 2745
- - Di e l i t er at ur der Kopt en i n der arabi schen
zel t 693
- - Ll t urgi ache anwel aungen des kopt i schen
pat ri ar chen Kyr i l l os I bn Lakl a}f 1451
- - Di e r angordnung der bi schof e Agypt ens nach
ei nempr ot okol l ar l schen ber i cht des pat r i
ar chen Kyri l l os i bn Lakl ak 2458
- - Ei n r ef or mver such i nnerhal b der kopt i schen
ki rche l mzwi j l f ten j ahrhundert 2363
- - Uber den gebr auch des wei hr auchs bel den
Kopt en 1452
- - Zur aut or schaf t des arabi schen aynaxars der
Kopt en 1510
- - Zur et ymol ogl e des namens "Kopt en" 347
- - Zwei dogmat l sche f l or l l egi en der Koot en
Graf , T. 214
Or ai ndor, P. St at ue copt e du Muse d' Al exan
dri e 3094
Gr anger, F. C. R. 1609
Grapow, H. Adol f Er man bi bl i ogr aphi e 69
- - Nachr uf auf Adol f Er man 70
- - Unt er suchungen ber st i l und sprache des
kopt i schen Kambyses- romans 1820
- - Vomhi er ogl yphl sch- demot i schen zumkopt i
schen 239
Gravi t , F. W. Pei resc et l es t udes copt e9 en
France au XVI I e si cl e 104
Grbaut , S. Quel ques mnol oges t hi opi ens
- - C. R. 1517
Gregori us, Sai nt , bp. of Nyssa 1153
Gregori us Nazi anzenus 1153, 1708
Gregory, C. R. Aegypt i sche ber set zungen 757
- - NovumTest ament umgraece. Pr ol egomena 931
Grel t man, N. C. R. 1586
Grenf el l , B. The Amher st papyri 2010
- - The Oxyr hynchus papyri 1512
Grenf el l , Si r F. 2659
Gri f f i t h, F. L. TteTpe =Ntpe<ri .5 348
- - Addenda t o the comment ar y on Ol d Copt i c
Text s i n AZ XXXVI I I . 1762
- - Chr i st i an document s f r cmNubi a 1904
- - The dat e of the Ol d Copt i c t exts and t hei r
r el at i on to Chr i st i an Copt i c 1763
- - The Demot i c magl cal papyrus of London and
Lei den 1764
- - Excavat i ons at El - Amarnah, 1923- 24. 2601
- - The gl osses i n the magl cal papyrus of
London and Lei den 1765
- - Not e on Demot i c phi l ol ogy 240
- - The Ol d Copt i c horoscope of the St obart
col l ect i on 1766
- - The Ol d Copt i c magl cal t ext s of Parl a 1767
- - The ol d magl cal t ext s of Pari s 1768
- - On the ear l y use of cot t on i n the Ni l e
Val l ey 1905
- - Oxf ord excavat i ons i n Nubi a 1906
- - Pakhoras - Bakhars - Faras i n geogr aphy
and hl st or y 2234
- - A t ouri st ' s col l ect i on of f l f t y year s ago
See al so 73
Gri f f i t h, F. L. ( St udi es preaent ed to) 610,
1731, 1900, 2501, 2989
Gri f f i t hs, J . Copt i c t ext i l es i n t wo- f aced
weave wl t h pat t er n i n reverse 2872
Gri veau, R. Les f t es des Mel chi t es 1513
Grof f , W. L' aur or e du chr i st i ani sme en gypt e
- - t ude sur l a sor cel l eri e 1724
- - Not es suppl ment ai r es sur l a t ude sur l a
sorcel l eri e 1725
- - Los orl gl nea du chri st i ani sme en gypt e
Gr ohmann, A. Ar abl e papyrl l n the Egypt i an
l i brar y 2011
- - Grl echl sche, kopt l sche und arabl sche t ext e
-- Di e l mat hi opi schen, ar abl schen und kopt l
schen er hal t enen Vl sl onen Apa Schenut e' s von
At r i pe 1199
Grossouw, W. De Apocr l ef en van het Oude en
- - Nl euwe Test ament l n de kopt l sche l et t er kunde
__ The Copt i c versi ons of the Ml nor Prophet s
__ Un f r agment sahl dl que d' Ose 11, 9 - V, l .
__ De kopt l sche bl j bel ver t al l ngen 758
__ Kopt l sche l et t erkunde 694
__ De kopt l sche manl cheesche handschr l f t en
__ C. R. 997 _
Grot erj ahn, B. Sa l dl sche bruchst cke der Vl t a
des Apa Kyros 1321
Grot t af err at a. Exposi t i on 2954- 5
Gr nel sen, VI. de Les caract ri st i ques de l ' art
copt e 2791
__ Un chapi t eau et une I mpost e provenant s
d' une vi l l e mor t 2678
__ I nt orno ai l ' ant l co uso egl zi ano dl r af f l -
gurare 1 def unt l 2831
__ Lenzuol l e t essut l egl zl anl nel prl ml secol i
de11' E. V. 2915
__ Le port rai t ; t radi t i ons hel l ni st i ques et
i nf l uences ori ent al es 3139
__ Le por t rai t d' Apa J r mi e 2832
Gr t zmacher, G. Moncht um 2514
__ Pachoml us und das al t es te kl os t erl eben 251?
___ C. R. 2525
Guenzburg, D. G. Les manuscr i t s arabes . . .
karchounl s, grecs, copt es, . . . de l ' i nst i t ut
des l angues ori ent al es 174
Gurl n, H. L' t ude des l angues gypt i ennes et
copt e 34
- - Ser mons I ndi t s de Senout l 1200
Gurl net , A. t of f es byzant i nes, copt es,
r omai nes etc. 2916
Gui di , ' I . Gl l at t l apocr l f l degl l apost ol l nel
t est l copt l , arabl ed et l opl cl 1023
- - I l canone bl bl l co dal l a hl esa copt a 759
- - Cat al ogo del codl cl or i ent al i dl i a Bi bl i o-
t eca Angel l ca dl Roma 197
- - Copt l ca 725
- - Copt o 17
- - Dl al cune pergamene sal dl che dl i a col l e-
zl ona Bor gl ana 1291
- - El ement a l l nguae copt l cae 437
- - Framment l copt l 1024
- - I l Test ament o dl I sacco e 11 Test ament o dl
Gl acobbe 912
- - Test l ori ent al i l nedl t l sopra 1 Set t e
Dor ml ent l dl Ef eso 1331
- - Test l ori ent al i sopr a 1 Set t e Dor ml ent l dl
Ef eso 1332
__ I l t est o copt o del Test ament o dl Abr amo
__ Text es ori ent aux I ndi t s du mar t yr de J udas
Cyrl aque, vque de J r usal em 1320
__ La t raduzl one copt a dl un' omel l a dl S.
Ef r em 1149
__ Le t raduzl onl dal copt o 695
__ Vi e ( et rci t s) de l ' abb Dani el l e Sct l ot e
1323- 4
__ C. R. 1070, 1281, 1504
See al so 74
Gui di , M. Copt l 2263
Gui met , E. Les port rai t s d' Ant i no au Muse
Gui met 3140
Gunn, B. The wrl t l ngs of the wor d f or "grapes"
C. R. 594
See al so 3090
Guppy, H. Not es and news. The Ryl ands papyrl .
The Copt i c papyrl 172
Gut schml d, A. von Kl ei ne schr l f t en 2459
Haase, F. A. J . Al t chr l st l l che ki r chengesch-
i chte nach or l ent al i schen quel l en 2366
- - Chr l st l l ch- or i ent al l sche handschr l f t enkat a-
l oge 135 _
- - Di e kopt l schen quel l en zumKonzl l von Nl caa
- - Ll t erarkr i t i sche unt er suchungen zur orl en-
t al i sch- apokr yphen Evangel l enl l t er at ur 1053
- - Pat r i ar ch Dl oskur I von Al exandr i a 2460
- - Zur r ekonst r ukt i on des Bar t hol omausevange-
l i ums 1054
- - C. _R. 1094
Habashl , Y. Dal l l al - si naksr al - I J ubtl 1514
Habi b al - Masrl , I . The ri t e of the f l l i ng of
the chal l ce 1453
Hahn- Hahn, I . M. L. S. F. G. Li ves of the
f at hers of the deser t 2516
Hal i f ax. Bankf i el d musum 2972
Hal l , H. R. Copt i c and Gr eek t ext s of the
Chr i st i an peri od 1907
__ Egypt i an and Babyl oni an ant i qui t l es 3013
- - Two Copt i c acknowl edgment s of l oans 2012
See al so 2632, 2741- 2
Hal l ock, F. H. An apocal ypse of SS. Andr ew and
Paul 1025
- - The Canons of At hanasi us 1280
- - Chr i st i ani t y and the ol d Egypt i an r el i gi on
- - Copt i c apocr ypha 899
__ Copt i c gnost i c wr i t i ngs 1606
__ The Copt i c Ol d Test ament 803
Hal m, C. 2552
Hamburg. St aat s- und Uni ver si t at s- bl bl l ot hek
Hammond, C. H. 1427
al - Hamoul , Monast er y 129
Hanna, J . Of f i ce of the Hol y Communi on accor d-
i ng t o the usage of the Copt i c chur ch i n
Egypt 1454
Hannah, I . C. Chr i st i an monast l cl sm 2517
Hanot aux, G. Hi st oi re de l a nat i on gypt i enne
2119, 2237
Hanssens, J . M. I nst i t ut i ones l i t urgi cae de
rl t l bus or i ent al l bus 1455
Hardy, E. R. J r. New l l ght on the Persi an
occupat i on of Egypt 2123
Harkavy, A, Bemer kung ber pj nax 647
Harl ez, C. de ( Ml anges) 1664, 1750
Harm n, Anb 2535
Harnack, A. von Geschi cht e der al t chr l st l i chen
l i t t erat ur bi s Eusebi us 696
- - El n j di sch- chrl st l i ches Psal mbucl i aus dem
er st en J ahr hundert 914
- - Ei n J ngst ent deckt er auf erst ehungsber i cht
-- El n kopt i sches f ragment ei ner Moses- Adam-
apokal ypse 1055
- - Uber das gnost l sche buch Pi st i s- Sophi a
__ Zur uber l i ef er ungsgeschl cht e der al t chri st -
l i chen l i t t er at ur 697
__ C. R. 1033
See al so 1659
Harnack, A. von ( Fest gabe) 1303
Harr l s, A. C. 724
Har r i s, J . R. Odes and psal ms of Sol omon 915
Har t mann, A. 2612
Harz, C. 0. Ueber agypt i sche t ext i l st of f e
Haaan, Zakl Mohammad see Zakl Mohammad Hasan
Hat ch, E. Essays i n Bi bl i cal Gr eek 838
Hat ch, W. H. P. The apost l es i n t he New Test a
ment and i n the eccl esi ast i oal t radi t i on of
Egypt 2264
- - A f ragment of a l ost wor k on Dl oscorus
- - Si x Copt i c f ragment s of the New Test ament
f r omNi t r i a 932
- - Three Copt i c f ragment s f romNi t r i a 1327
- - Three l i t urgi cal f ragment s f r omthe Wdi
Nat r un 1583
- - Avi si t to the Copt i c convent s i n Ni t r i a
See al so 986
Hat herl y, S. G. Copt i c eccl esi ast i cal musi c
Haupt , R. Ant i quar i scher kat al og 2383
Hauschi l dt , H. TrpecpyTepoi Agypt en i m
I - I 1I J ahrhunder t n. Chr. 1226
Hauser, W. The Chr i st i an necropol i s i n Khar geh
oasi s 2602
Hausherrj I . C. R. 2521
Haz nukova, V. Mi scel l aneous Copt i c prayers
Headl am, A. C. 943
Hebbel ynck, A. Codi ces copt i ci Vat i cani , Bar -
ber i ni ani , Borgi ani , Rossi ani 206
- - Fr agment Bor gi a de l ' p t re aux Romai ns en
copt e sahi di que 993
- - Un f ragment de Psal modi e du manuscr i t Vat i
can copt e 23. 1560
- - Fr agment f ayoumi que de l a premi re Ep t re
aux Cori nt hi ens 994
- - Fragment s i ndi t s de l a ver si on copt e sahi
di que d' I sa e 873
- - I nvent ai re sommai re des manuscri t s copt es
de l a Bi bl i ot hque Vat i cane 207
- - Les Ke4>aXo. i a et l es t i t Aol des vangi l es
- - La l angue copt e et sa l i t t rat ure 241
- - Les manuscri t s copt es sahi di ques des p t res
de S. Paul 995
- - Les manuscri t s copt es- sahi di ques du "Mon
ast re Bl anc" 760
- - Les myst res des l et t res grecques 1663
- - Not es sur l ' ori gi ne de cert ai nes part i cul es
copt es 498
- - Une page d' un manuscr i t copt e i nt i t ul "Les
myst res des l et t res grecques" 1664
- - Proj et d' di t i on du ms. bohai ri que B. M.
Or. 8812. 35
- - L' uni t et l ' ge du papyrus copt e bi bl i que
or. 7594 du Br i t i sh musum 782
-- Les ver si ons copt es de l a Bi bl e 761
- C. R. 935
See al so 75- 6 ..
Heckel , A. Di e ki rche von Agypt en 2367
Hedl ey, P. L. The Egypt i an texts of t he Gospel s
and Act s 933
- - Three Gr aeco- Copt i c Bi bl i cal t exts 818
Heer, J . M. Neue gr i echi sch- sai di sche Evange-
l i enf ragment 9 1537
__ Zu den Fr ei burger gr i echi sch- sai di schen
Evangel i enf r agment en 1538
Hef el e, K. J . von Hi st oi re des conci l es 1259
Hef f eni ng, W. Zwei al tertral i che l i t anei en aus
demPaschabuch der kopt i schen ki r che 1456
Hei del berg. Uni ver si t at . Bi bl i ot hek 164- 5, 799
Hei l er, F. Urki rche und ost ki rche 2368
Hei senberg, A. ( Fest gabe) 645
Hel i as, Couvent d' Amba 125
Hengst enber g, W. (j .avpoi ^=mas ej uo'/ ? 380
- - Bemar kungen zur ent wi ckl ungsgeachi cht e des
agypt i schen mncht ums 2519
- - Der drachenkarapf des hei l i gen Theodor 1405
- - Di e gr i echi sch- kopt i schen MOY^ON- Ost r aka
- - Kopt i sche papyri 2014
- - Nacht r ag zu "Di e gr i echi sch- kopt i schen
mo vAON- ost r aka" 2015
- - Pacaomi ana 1340
. C. R. 866, 1150, 1406, 1737, 1811, 2061,
2273, 2329, 2426
Henne, H. Tel l Edf ou 2603
Hennecke, E. Der neuf und ei nes kopt i schen
t ext es zur Dl dache 1227
Henni ng, W. Neue quel l an zumst udi umdes mani -
chai smus 1686
C. R. 1693
Heracl i des 1293, 1298
Heraeus 1296
Herbi g, G. C. R. 272
Hermas 1154- 50
Herodes 1337
Hert l i ng, L. von Ant oni us der ei nsi edl er 2520
Herwegen, I . ( Hei l i ge ber l i ef er ung) 1484
Hess, J . J , Der gnost i sche papyrus von London
See al so, 1955
Hessl i ng, E. Et of f es et t api sser i es cont es
Heugl i n, T. von Auszug aus ei ner copt i sch-
ar abi schen handschr i f t 1844
See al so 1845
Heuser , G. Di e Kopt en 313
__ Di e per sonennamen der Kopt en 314
Heusl er , A. Ei ne bi sher unbekannt e ver si on des
er st en t el l es der "Apost el l ehr e" 1829
Heussi , K. Der ur spr ung des moncht ums 2521
__ Zur ent st ehung de3 Chri st l i chen moncht ums
Heywor t h- Dunne, J . Educat i on i n Egypt and the
Copt s 2124
Hi l ai re de Barent en, pre La l angue t rusque,
di al ect e de l ' anci en gypt i en 272
Hi l ari a 1338
Hi l ar i on 1339
Hi l genf el d, A, Di e al t en Act us Pt ri 1026
Hi l my, Pri nce I brahi m see I br ahi m- Hi l my,
Pr i nce
Hi ppol yt us, Canons of 1233- 55
Hi ppol yt us, Sai nt 1161
Hoberg, G. Br uchst cke kopt i scher Bi bel hand-
schr i f t en i mbesl t ze Sr. k. hohei t des pri n-
zen J ohann Georg 762
Hobson, G. D. Some earl y bi ndi ngs and bi nder s'
t ool s 3172
Hoehne, G. Dr ei kopt i 3ch- sai di sche t ext e aus
der K. Bi bl i ot hek zu Ber l i n 1099
Hol scher, U. Medi net Habu 2604- 5
Hof mann, G. La "chi esa" copt a ed et i opi ca nel
Conci l l o di Fi renze 2369
- - Kopt en und Aet hi opi er auf demKonzi l von
Fl or enz 2370
Hogart h, D. G. Thr ee nor t h Del t a nomes 2235
Hol l , K. Di e bedeut ung der neuver of f ent l i cht en
mal i t l ani schen ur kunden f ur di e ki rchenge-
schi cht e 2371
Hol zhey, C. Di e kopt i sche El i as- und Sophoni as-
apokal ypse 916
Hombert , M. Les papyrus de l a Fondat i on gyp-
t ol ogi que Rei ne El i sabet h 157
Hombert , P. Ci nq ampoul es i ndi t es de Sai nt
Menas 3014
Hombur ger, L, Les di al ect es copt es et mands
Hombur ger , L. Not es sur quel ques morphmes
communs a 1' gypt i en et aux l angues negr o-
af rl cal nes 499
Hooper, L. The t echni que of Greek and Roman
weavi ng 2919
Hopf ner, _T. Graezl sl ert e, gri echi sch- agypt i sche^
bzw. Sgypt i sch- gr i echi sche. . . per sonennamen
- - Ei n neuer gr l 9chi scher zauberpapyrus 1726
- - ber di e kopt i sch- sa*i di schen Apopht hegmat a
pat r umAegypt i or um 1306
- - ber f ormund gebr auch der gr i echi schen
l ehnwSrt er i n der kopt i sch- sa' i di schen
Apopht hegmenver si on 648
Hr, Apa 2535
Hornbl ower , U. Al t ar and bel l l n l at er Egypt i an
ri t es 3015
Horner, G. W. The conscr at i on of a church,
al t ar and t ank accordi ng to t he ri t ual of
the Copt i c- J acobi t e chur ch 1457
- - The Copt i c ver si on of the NewTest ament
i n the nor t her n dl al ect 934
- - The Copt i c ver si on of the New Test ament
in the Southern dl al ect 935
- - A new papyrus f ragment of the Di dache i n
Copt i c 1228
- - Pi st i s Sophi a 1630
- - The servi ce f or the conscr at i on of a church
and al t ar 1458
- - The s t at t es of the apost l es 1249
See al so 50, 943
Hors l es l us 1340
Hoski er, H. C. Codex B and i ts al l i es 763
- - Concer ni ng the dat e of the Bohal r i c ver si on
- Evan. 157 ( Rome, Vat . Urb. 2) 952
- - Manuscr i pt s of the Apocal ypse - recent i n
vest i gat i ons 1010
Hoskyns, E. C. 740
Humbert , P. Un amat eur: Pei r esc 105
Hunt , A. S. The Amher st papyrl 2010
- - The Oxyrhynchus papyri 1512
- - C. R. 2329
Hunt er, H. 2555
Hunt i ngt on, R. Epi st ol ae et vet er ummat hema-
t i corum, gr aecor uml at l nor umet arabum,
synopsi s 77
See al so 186
Huri , T. J , Al exandri e, por t i que de l ' Ori ent
Hussel man, E. M. A Bohal r i c school t ext on
papyrus 1835
__ The col l ect i on of papyri tUni versi t y of
Ml chl ganj 181
Hypat l a 2145
Hyvernat , H. Act a mar t yr um 1285
- Les act es des mart yrs de l ' gypt e 1292
__ Al bumde pal ogr aphi e copt e 670
- - Bl bl l ot hecae Pi erpont Mor gan codl ces copt i ci
phot ographi e express 1 726
- - A eheck l i st of Copt i c manuscri pt s i n the
Pi er pont Mor gan l i brary 194
- - The Copt i c chur ch 2372
__ Copt i c l i t erat ure 698
- - Descr i pt i on of a col l ect i on of Arabl e,
Copt i c and Carshooni MSS bel ongl ng to Dr.
Cyrus Adl er 144
- - t ude sur l es ver si ons copt es de l a Bi bl e
- - Un f r agment i ndi t de l a ver si on sahi di que
du Nouveau Test ament Ephes. I 6 - I I 8b (1)
- - Fragment e der ai t copt i schen l i t urgi e 1459
- - The J . P. Mor gan col l ect i on of Copt i c manu
scri pt s 195
- - Pour quoi l es anci ennes col l ect i ons de manu
scri t s copt es sont si pauvres 128
Hyver nat , H. Vi e de Sai nt e Mari ne 1357- 8
See al so 33, 78- 9, 1235
I bn fAbd al - Hakam see fAbd al - Rahmn i bn rAbd
Al l ah i bn rAbd al - Hakam
I bn al - ' Assl , Abu ai - FaraJ see Abu al - Faraj
i bn al - ' AssSl
I bn al - ul . Cal endr i er Mar oni t e 1513
I bn Dahl r l see 438
I bn Kfi ti b Kal sar see 438
I brahi m- Hi l ray, Pri nce The l i t erat ure of Egypt
and the Soudan f r omthe ear l i est t i mes to
the year 1885 i ncl usi ve 18.,
I bscher, H. Buchei nbande aus gypt en 3173
- - Kopt l sche buchei nbande aus Agypt en 3174
See al so 1665, 1693, 1699, 1700
I del er, J , L. Psal t er i umcopt i ce 847
I gnat i us, Sai nt , bp. of Ant i och 1162- 4, 1298,
1341- 2
I renaeu3, Sai nt , bp. of Lyons 1165, 1659
I saac, bp. of Ant i noou 726 (vol . 28)
I saac, monachus 726 (vol . 31)
I saac, pat r i ar ch of Al exandr i a 1170- 2, 2447,
I saac, t he Samar l an 716
I saac of Ti phre 1285, 1343- 4
I sel i n, L. W. Ei ne bi sher unbekannt e ver si on
des er st en t el l es der "Apost el l ehre" 1229
I si dorus 1293, 1298, 1345
I skhi r un 1346, 1548- 9
J abl onskl , P. E. Opuscul a qui bus l l ngua et
ant l qul t as Aegypt i or umi l l ust r ant ur 242
See al so 86
J acoby, A. Al t hei dni sch- aegypt i sches i m
chr i st ent um 2289
- - Ei n bi sher unbeacht et er apokrypher ber i cht
ber di e t auf e J esu 1056
- - Der hundsk' pf l ge damon der unt er wel t 2265
- - Ei n neues Evangel l enf r agment 1057
- - St udi en zur kopt l schen l i t t erat ur 727
- - Zu Pap. graec. mag. ni 479 f f . 1727
- - ZumSt r assbur ger Evangel i en- f r agment 1058
See al so 48, 1108
J ahn, A. gypt ol ogi sche ml szel l en 350
J ames the Per si an 1285
J ames, M. R. The apocr yphal New Test ament 1014
- - The "Epi st ol a Apost ol or um" i n a new t ext
- The l ost apocr ypha of t he Ol d Test ament 900
- - Some Copt i c apocrypha 1015
- - Some new Copt i c apocr ypha 1059
- - Suppl ment to the cat al ogue of manuscri pt s
i n the l i br ar y of Gonvi l l e and Cal us Col l ege
- - C. R. 170, 716, 720, 1041, 1070, 1094,
J anl n, R. Les gl i ses ori ent al es et l es ri t es
ori ent aux 2266
- - Les gl i ses spares d' Or i ent . 2373
J anssen, J . At hanase Ki rcher, "egypt ol ogue"
J enki ns, C. C. R. 2521
J ernst edt , P. oye^na^ 500
-- Aus den Copt l ca der samml ung Li cha&ov 2016
-- Fr age: eks hk e t u n , ant wort ; i nabuxv e-
- - Gr aeco- copt i ca 649
- - Di e gr ammat i sche und l exl kal l sche st el l ung
des kopt l schen verbums ma "gehen" 502
- - Ei n ki rchenpoet l sches papyr usf r agment 1561
- - Der kopt l sche br i ef "Anci ent Egypt " 1927,
p. 97. 2017
J ernst edt , P. Das kopt i sche praesens und di e
anknpf ungsar t en des nSher en obj ekt s 503
- - Di e kopt i schen papyr i des Asi at i schen mu
sums 2018
- - Ei n kopt i sches i nedi t umder Er eml t age 2019
- - Kopt i sches "du ( f rau) wei sst ni cht "
- - Zu den kopt i schen br i ef en an den Mel et i aner
Pai eu 2020
- - Zu ei nemkopt i schen papyrus der Er emi t age
- - Zumgebr auch des kopt i schen qual i t at i ve
- - Zur l exl kal l schen neuschopf ung l mkopt i schen
- - Zwel neue br uchst cke der kopt i schen
poj rarroKpi <Ti f 1107
J er ome, Sai nt 1177
J er phanl on, 0. de Bul l et i n d' archol ogi e
chr t i enne et byzant i ne 2570
- - La f ormul e magi que Sat or Ar epo ou Rot as
Opr a 1728
- - I n memor i am, S. A. R. l e Pri nce J ean
Oeorges de Saxe 80
- - Le ni mbe r ect angul ai r e en ori ent et en occi
dent 2833
- - L' or i gi ne copt e du type de sai nt Mi chel
debout sur l e dragon 2834
C. R. 723, 2681
J i r j i s Phi l ot hS* os1I wad 2101
J oannes, bp. of Hermopol i s 1166
J oannes, bp. of J er usal em 726 (vol . 37)
J oannes, bp. of Nl ki ou. Chr oni cl e 2125- 6
See al so 2153
J oannes, pat r l ar ch of Al exandr i a 2452, 2464
J oannes, Chr ysost omus see Chr ysost omus
J oannes J ej unat or, pat r l ar ch of Const ant i nopl e
J oannes Nanus 1204, 1284
J oer gensen, A. D. Geor g Zoega 124
J ohann Georg, pri nce of Saxony Copt i c mi ni a
t ures i n Egypt i an churches and monast erl es
- - Fr esken bel Assi ut 3141
- - Ol e f r esken l n Dei r - os- Sur J n 3142
- - Kopt i sche kl Sst er der gegenwar t 2679
- - Neue st rei f zge dur ch di e ki r chen und
kl st er Agypt ens 2680
- - Neuest e#. strei f zge dur ch di e ki r chen und
kl ost er Agypt ens 2681 ^
- - St r ei f zge durcl i di e ki r chen und kl Sst er
Agypt ens 2682
- - Zwel kopt i sche wei hr auchf asser 3016
See al so 80, 762
J ohann George, pri nce of Saxony ( Ehrengabe)
1452, 1486, 2610, 3021, 3156
J ohn and Symeon 1292
J ohn, the Apost l e 726 ( vol . 17, 23- 4)
J ohn, Sai nt , t he Al moner 2452, 2464
J ohn, Sai nt , the Bapt i st 726 (vol . 41) , 1347
J ohn the El der 1013
J ohn Khame 1348
J ohn of Kol obos 1349
J ohn of Lycopol i s 1298, 1350
J ohn of Phani dj oi t 1171, 1285, 1351- 3
J ohn Ryl ands l i brary, Manchest er 170- 2
J ohn the monk 1287
J ohnson, J . de M. Ant i no and i ts papyri 2606
J ol oml cz, H. Bl bl l ot heca aegypt i aca 19
J omard, E. P. Voyage l ' oasi s de Thbes 962
J ones, W, J . The Copt i c monast erl es of tj i e
Wadi Nat r un 2683
-- Monast erl es of the Wadi Nat r un 2684
J or dan, C. E. Hi st oi r e de l a vi e et des
ouvrages de M. Lacroze 85
J or dan, H, Oeschi cht e der al t chri st l i chen
l i t er at ur 699
J ouguet , P. De l ' gypt e grecque l ' gypt e
copt e 2127
- - Foui l l es du Fayoum 2607
J udas Cyr l acus see Cyr i acus, J udas
J l i cher , A. Di e l i st e der Al exandr i ni schen
pat r i ar chen i m6. und 7. J ahr hunder t 2461
- - Zur geschl cht e der monophysi t enki r che 2374
J ugl e, M. Monophysi t e ( gl i se copt e) 2267
- Theol ogi a dogmat l ca chr i st i anor umor i ent al i -
umab eccl esl a cat hol i ca dl sal dent l um 2268
J ul es d' Aqf ahs see Yl i s al - Al f f aha
J ul l i en, M. JL l a r echerche de Tabenne 2685
- - t ravers l es r ui nes de l a haut e gypt e
- - Le cul t e chr t i en dans l es t empl es de l ' an
t i que gypt e 2687
- - L' gypt e 2688
- - Kasr asch- Schamm' ah au vi eux Cai re 2608
- - Quel ques anci ens couvent s de l ' gypt e 2689
-- Tradi t i ons et l egendes copt es sur l e voyage
de l a Sai nt e Fami l l e en gypt e 2269
See al so 2717
0unker, H. Di e chr i st l i chen grabst ei ne Nubi ens
- - Er manne 1909
__ Ei n gr i echi sch- kopt l sches ki rchengebet 1593
- - I n memor i amCar i Schmi dt 115
- - Das kl ost er amI si sberg 2690
- - Kopt i sche poesl e des 10. J ahrhunder t s -1825
-- Di e neuent deckt en chri st l i chen handschr i f t en
i n mi t t el nubi scher spr ache 1826
- - Ei ne sa1 dl che r ezensi on des engel shymnus
1562 ..
__ Wi ssenschaf t l l che unt emehmungen i n Agypt en
und Nubi en 1929/ 30. 2609
C. R. 1202
Kabi s, M. Auct ar l uml exi ci copt i ci Amedei
Peyron 287
- - Das buch Baruch, kopt i sch 901
__ Communi cat i on sur quel ques papyrus copt es
du Muse de Boul aq 2021
- - I nt roduct i on l ' t ude de l a l angue copt e
__ I nt r oduct i on to the st udy of the Copt i c
l anguage 244
__ Not l t i a de f ragm. cod. copt . Pet ropol i t ani
cumf i ne Evang. Lucae. 970
See al so 2057
Kal sar, I bn Kt i b see I bn K&t i b Kal sar
Kal bf l el sch, K. Di e f ort schri t t e der ar bei t an
den . Gl essener papyri 158
al - al l f ashand 2475
Kal sbach, A. Di e al t kl r chl i che el nr l cht ung
der di akonl ssen bi s zu i hr emer l bschen 2462
Kamal , A. Foui l l es Del r Dr onka et Assl out
( 1913- 1914) 1910
- - Rappor t sur l es f oui l l es de Sa d Bey
Khachaba au D r - el - Gabr aou 1911
- - Rappor t sur l es f oui l l es excut es Del r -
el - Barsh 1912
- - Rappor t sur l es f oui l l es xecut es dans l a
zone compri se ent r e De r out au nor d et Del r -
el - Ganadl ah au sud 1914
- - Rappor t sur l es f oui l l es f ai t es dans l a
mont agne de She kh Sa d 1913
See al so 2668
Karabacek, J . Kat al og der Theodor Qr af ' schen
f unde i n Aegypt en 214
-- Der Mokaukl s von Aegypt en 2128
- - Papyrus Er zher zog Rai ner. Fhr er dur ch di e
ausst el l ung 215
- - Zur kennt nl ss des uml aut es l mar abi schen
Karge, P. Dur oh di e l ybi sche wst e zur gr ossen
Oase 2610
Karur, Apa Prophgt i a 726 (vol . 51)
Kauf mann, C. M. _ Agypt i sche t er rakot t en der
gr i echi sch- r omi schen und kopt l schen epoche
- - Di e aegypt l schen t ext i l l en des Musums von
Campo Sant o 2920
- - Al t chr l st l l che f r auenvot l vst at uet t en der
Menasst adt und I hre paganen vor bl l der 3018
- - Al t kopt i sche bl l dwl r ker el en l n purpur 3095
- - Ar chaol ogl sche ml scel l en aus Agypt en 3019
- - Di e ausgr &bung der Menas- hel l l gt mer 2611
- - La dcouvert e des sanct uai r es de Mnas 2612
- - Gr aeco- agypt l sche koropl ast l k 3020
- - Handbuch der chr l st l l chen archSol ogl e 2792
- - Di e hel l l ge st adt der wst e 2613
- - I kon mi t der dar st el l ung el nes Menaswunders
Das kopt l sche t ubenkreuz 3022
- - Menas und Hor us- Har pokrat es 2835
- - Di e Menasst adt und gas nat l onal hei l i gt um
der al t chr l st l l chen Agypt er 2614
Der Menast empel und di e hel l l gt mer von
Kar mAbu Mi na 2615
- - Neue f unde l n der Menas- st adt ( karmAbum)
- - El n spt kopt l sches bemal t es gr abt uch 2921
- - Zur l konographl e der Menas- ampul l en 3023
- - Zwel al t kopt i sche f est br ot st empel 3066
C. R. 2974
See_al so_2593 ^ ^
Kazan. Uni versl t et . Muzel drevnost el 2755
Kees, H. C. R. 1732
Kel mer, L. An anci ent Egypt i an kni f e l n modem
Egypt 3067
- - L' arbr e t r. t est - i l r el l ement l e
saul e gypt i en 352
- - Le chr i sme -f sur une st at uet t e de porc
__ Not e sur un nomcopt e dsi gnant l e caml on
- - Quel ques remarques sur l a huppe 354
- - Spr achl l ches und sachl i ches zu e X k u > "f rucht
de sykamor e" 355 n
__ Sur quel ques pet i t s f rui t s en f a ence
^mai l l e 356
Kel eki an, D. G. Addi t i onal document s of Copt i c
art 2922
- - I mport ant document s of Copt i c art 2923
See al so 2853
Kendr i ck, A. P. Cat al ogue of t ext i l es f r om
bur yi ng- gr ounds i n Egypt 2924
__ Ear l y si l k st uf f s f r omEgypt 2925
__ Ear l y t ext i l es f r omDaml et t a 2926
Earl y t ext i l es l n the Cant on Val ai s 2927
- - More t ext i l es f r omEgypt i an cemet eri es
- - St uf f s f r omEgypt wi t h Chr i st i an symbol s
- - The t ext i l es of Egypt 2930
- - A t unl c f r oma cernetery l n Egypt 2931
- Woven f abri cs f r omEgypt 2932
Kenyon, P. G. The Chest er Beat t y Bl bl i cal
papyr l 1756
- Handbook to the t ext ual cr l t l cl smof the
New Test ament 936
- - Two chapt ers of St. J ohn l n Gr eek and Ml ddl e
Egypt i an 973
Ket t er, P. Ei n kopt i scher t ext von- J ol I ,
5- 15. 881
Ket t l er, P. H. Der mel l t l ani sche st r ei t i n
gypt en 2375
Khouzam, M. L' i l l umi nat i on des I nt el l i gences
Khvol ' son, Orest Dani l ovi ch see Chwol son,
Dani el
Ki dd, B. J . The churches of east ern Chr i st endom
Ki l gour, R. Pour anci ent manuscri pt s i n the
Bi bl e House Li br ary 977
- - The ol dest manuscr i pt of St. J ohn' s Cospel
i n Copt i c 978
Ki ng, C. W. The Gnost i cs and t hei r remai ns
Ki rcher, A. Li ngva aegypt i aca r est i t vt a 438
- - Prodomvs copt vs si ve aegypt i acvs 245
- - Rl t ual e eccl esl ae aegypt i acae 1461
See al so 81- 2, 102
Ki rsch, J . P. L' ai gl e sur l es monument s
f i gurs de l ' ant i qui t chr t i enne 2836
Ki rwan, L. P. Not es on the t opogr aphy of the
Chri st i an Nubl an kl ngdoms 2236
-- The Oxf or d Uni ver si t y excavat i ons i n Nubi a,
1934- 1935. 2617
- - The royal t ombs of Bal l ana and Qust ul 3009
- - St udl es i n the l at er hl 3t or y of Nubi a 2129
Ki t zi nger, E. Not es on ear l y Copt i c scul pt ure
- - The st or y of J oseph on a Copt i c t apest ry
- - C. R. 2771
Kl amet h, G. ber di e her kunf t der apokr yphen
"Geschi cht e J osephs des zi mmer manns" 1060
Kl aprot h, J . Let t re M. Champol l i on l e j eune
Kl ei ner t , P. ( Phi l ot esi a . . . zumLXX. geburt st ag
dargebr acht ) 1659
Kl unzi nger , C. B. The ki ng of ai l the nobl es
Knopf l er , A. ( Pest gabe) 2723
Koch, H. Quel l en zur geschi cht e der askese und
des moncht ums i n der al t en kl rche 2524
Kobl er, R. Ei ne kopt l sche var i ant e der l egende
von Gregori os auf demst ei n 1790
Koef oed- Pet er sen, 0. En kopt l sk gr avst en 1 Ny
Carl sber g Gl ypt ot hek 3097
-- Kopt i sk kunst 2793
Kost l i n, K. R. Das gnost i sche syst emdes
bches Pi st i s Sophi a 1631
Kohut , G. A. Some ori ent al anal ogues to the
bal l ad of Ki ng J ohn and the Abbot of Cant er -
bur y 1791
Kondakov, N. P. ( Recuei l d' t udes dedl es
l a mmoi re de) 2979
Kool e, J . L. Di e kopt l schen ueber set zungen der
Apost el geschl cht e 982
- - St udi en zumkopt l schen Bi bel t ext 997
Kopp, C. Aus ver gangenhei t und gegenwart der
kopt l schen kl rche 2272
- - Gl aube und sakrament e der kopt l schen kl rche
Korol evski j , C. Sul l ' abbr evi azl one del r i t o
al essandr l no del bat t esi mo 1463
Kort enbeut el , H. Ost r akon mi t gr i echl sch- kop-
t l schempsal ment ext 848
Kozman, P. Les chrt i ens d' gypt e ont - i l s
adopt et sui vent - i l s j usqu' nos j ours l a
l gi sl at i on j ust i nl enne? 2191
- - Text es l gi sl at i f s t ouchant l e cnobi t i sme
gypt i en 2192
Kraat z, W. Kopt l sche akt en zumEphesi ni schen
konzl l vomj ahre 431. 1278
Kraf t , B. Das kopt l sche I r enaus- f r agment de
Lagar des zu J o. 19: 34. 1165
Kral l , J . Da3 C i n ca^ouX 650
- - Abwehr der angri f f e des Herr n Prof essor
Eugene Revi l l out 36
- - Di e aegypt i sche i ndi ct i on 2157
- - Aus ei ner kopt l schen kl ost er bi bl i ot hek 783
Kral l , J . Bei t r age zur geschl cht e der Bl emyer
und Nubi er 2022
- - Ei n gr i echi sch geschr l ebener kopt i soher
papyrus 2023
- - Kopt i sche amul et e 1729
- - Kopt i sche bei t rage zur agypt i schen ki r chen-
geschi cht e 1145
- - Kopt i sche bri ef e 2024
- - Kopt i sche ost raka. I . 2025
- - Kopt i sche t ext e 2026
- - Nacht r ag zumAchmi mer f und 882
- - Neue ergebni sse aus den demot i schen und
kopt i schen papyrus der Samml ung Er zher zog
Rai ner 216
- - Neue kopt l sche und gr i echi sche Dapyrus
2027 '
__ Ei n nouer nubi scher koni g 2028
- - Rest e kopt i scher schul bcherl i t erat ur 1836
__ Ueber den Achmi mer f und 883
Uber di e anf ange der kopt i schen schri f t
__ Ueber ei ni ge l ehnwort er i mdemot i schen 357
- - Di e zahl xMr 681
. Zwei kopt i sche ver kauf surkunden 2029
- C. R. 1335
See al so 83- 4, 215, 1860
Krebs, F. Gri echi sche mumi enet i ket t e aus
Agypt en 1770
Kropp, A. M. Ausgewahl t e kopt i sche zaubert ext e
- - Di e kopt i sche anaphor a des hei l i gen Evan-
gel i st en Matthsi us 1464
- - Di e kreuzi gungsgr uppe des kopt i schen papyrus
Bri t . Mus. MS. Or. 6796. 3164
Krchmann, 0. C. R. 1693
Krger, G. Monophysi t en 2274
Kruger, F. H. L' gl i se copt e 2380
Krzi zanovskaj a, N. A. Di e kopt i schen l eucht en
Mder Er emi t age 3025
Kuhnel , E. Lat e ant i que Copt i c and I sl ami c
t ext i l es of Egypt 2988
- - The t ext i l es of Egypt 2934
- - La t radi t i on copt e dans l es t i ssus musul mans
Kuent z, C. Bi bl i ogr aphi e de l ' oeuvre sci ent i
f i que de M. Vi ct or Lor et j usq' en 1930. 95
- - Un cas d' abr vi at i on graphi que en Copt e
- - Le nomcopt a de l a demi - ar oure 358
- - Un nouveau col l ect i f sahi di que 506
- - Quant i t ou t i mbre? 579
- - Remarques phi l ol ogi ques 2030
Kyr i l l i ana 1417, 2326
Kyri l l os i bn Lakl ak 1451, 2458
Lab b, C. J . TTI AMCA21I NTe N1CA2S1
- - OYKvnaf i epoc MKynnKoc 1539
---------TTl 6^1KON N+ACTTI N T 6 Nl pMN^HI 288
- - ni si h NNi ai Nt p^o^At 464
- - t t xi j m nt Ni yAMi oc NTe 849
- - tti 2com Nre ni ^hbi 1465
- - nzi on NTe rneco^c e"V 1466
- - -rrastoM NTe ey NTeri poM-rri
1563 _
- - Al - dur s al - nahw yah 440
- - Les t heot oki es I , I I 1584
See al so 2284
Labri ol l e, P. de Apopht hegmat a. B. Chr i st l l ch
Lacar on 1285
Lacau, P. A propos des voyel l es redoubl es en
copt e 580
Lacau, P. Fragment s d' Apocr yphes copt es 1061
- - Fragment s de l ' Ascensi on d' I sa e en copt e
- - Un gr af f i t o gypt i en d' Abydos cri t en
l et t res grecques 1771
- - Not es de phont i que et d' t ymol ogi e gyp
t i ennes 359
- - Sur l e (n) gypt i en devenant p (r) en
copt e 581
- - Text es copt es en di al ect es akhmi mi que et
sahi di que 784
- - Text es de l ' Anci en Test ament en copt e sahi
di que 804
See al so 1094
Lacoi ne, E. Tabl es de concordance des dat es
des cal endri ers arabe, copt e, grgori en,
I sral i t e, etc. 2158
Lacroze, M. V. de Lexi con aegypt i aco- l at i num
- - Thesaur i epi st ol i ci Lacr ozi ani 86
See al so 85, 296
Ladeuze, P. Apocryphes vangl i ques copt es
- - Les di verses recensi ons de l a vi e de S.
Pakhome 1375
__ l oge acadmi que de Monsei gneur A. Hebbe-
l ynck 75
- - t ude sur l e cnobi t i sme Pakhmi en 2525
See al so 87
Lagarde, P. de Act a apost ol or umcopt i ce 983
- - Aegypt i aca 728
__ Br uchst cke der kopt i schen ber set zung des
Al t en Test ament s 828
- - Cat enae i n Evangel 3r>. aegypt l acae quae super -
sunt 1100
- - Epi st ul ae Novi Test ament i copt i ce 998
- - Kl ei ne mi t t hei l ung 360
- - Di e kopt i schen handschr l f t en der Goet t i nger
bi bl i ot hek 159
Or i ent al i a 159, 828
- - Der Pent at euch kopt i sch 819
- - Psal t eri i ver si o memphi t i ca _850
- - Psal t er i um, J ob, Pr over bi a ar abi ce 839
- - War umi ch di e f ragment a Bor gi ana nl cht
her ausgeben wer de 37
- - Wur zel f or schungen 275
See al so 88, 1233
Lagr ange, M. J . I nt r oduct i on l ' t ude du
Nouveau Test ament 937
Laj ard, Fi Observat i ons sur l ' ori gi ne et l a
si gni f i cat i on du symbol e appel l a croi x
anse 2837
Lake, K. Act s ( Apocryphal ) 1027
- - The Epi st ol a apost ol or um 1091
- - The t ext of the Gospel s and t he Kori det hl
codex 671
C. R. 1094
See al so 2356 #
Lal ouet t e, C. Bi bl i ographi e des gypt ol ogues
f ranai s 13
Lamacraf t , C. T. Ear l y book- bi ndi ngs f r oma
Copt i c monast er y 3175
Lamm, C. J . Copt i c wool embroi der i es 2936
- - Cot t on i n medi aeval t ext i l es of t he Near
East 2937
- - J or df undne t ekst l l er f ra Aegypt en 2938
- - Ml t t el al t erl i che gl aser und st ei nschni t t ar -
bel t en aus demNahen 0st en 3026
- - Some earl y Egypt i an dr aw- l oomweavi ngs
- - Some wool l en t apest ry weavi ngs f r omEgypt
Lammens, H. Copt es asi at i ques? 2170
Lammeyer, J . Di e sogenannt en gnomen des conci l s
von Ni caea 1258
Lampl ugh, P. The gns i s of the l l ght 1654
Lani y. T. J . Les or i ent aux et l e conci l e oecu-
meni que. Les copt es 2381
C. R. 1663
Lane, E. W. An account of t he manners and
cuat oms of the modemEgypt l ans 2171
Lane- Pool e, S. The f i r st Mohammadan t reat l as
wl t h the Chri st l ans 2130
- - Hi st or y of Egypt l n the Mi ddl e Ages 2131
- - The at ory of Cal r o 2172
Lange, H. 0. Ei n f al j umi scher beschw8rungst ext
- En t hebansk kl ost er f or st anders t est ament s
Langsdor f f , A. 2592
Lansl ng, J . G. Egypt i an not es 361
Lant schoot , A. van Une al l ocut i on des moi nes
en vi si t e chez S. At hanase 1116
- - Codi ces copt l cl Vat l canl , Barber i ni ani ,
Borgl anl , Rossl anl 206
- - Cot at i on du f onds copt e de Napl es 184
- - Fragment a copt es d' un pangyri que de S.
J ean- Bapt l st e 1347
- - Hel i ari et Masb 1467
- - I nvent ai re sommai re de MSS arabes d' Egypt e
-- Let t re de Sai nt At hanase au suj et de l ' amour
et de l a t emprance 1117
- - Le ms, Vat i can Copt e 44 et l e l i vre du
Chrme 1468
- - Recuei l des col ophons des manuscr i t s
chrt i ens d' gypt e 729
- - Les t ext es pal i mpsest es de B. M. Or. 8802.
C. R. 723
Larml nat , P. de Rvi si on du t ext e copt e des
"Let t res de Pi erre Monge et ^d' Acace" et de
l a "Vi e de J ean de Phani dj o t " 1353
La Ronci r e, C. La gogr aphi e de l ' Egypt e k
t ravers l es ges 2237
Laut h, F. J . u n d T a < r r a . i 651
- - 652
Lauzi re, E. L' me copt e 2173
Lauzl re, J . Le myt he de Lda dans l ' art copt e
Lawl or, H. J . The book of Enoch i n the Egyp
t i an church 918
Lazzat l , G. Teof i l e d' Al essandr i a 2463
Lea, T. S. A pl ea f or the st udy of the Bruce
gnost i c papyrus 1608
- - A pr el i mi nar y i nvest i gat i on of the cabal a
Lebedeva, V. Ei n kopt i scher st of f des Hi st or -
l schen st aat smuseumzu Moskau 2941
Le Bl ant , E. Not e sur quel ques l ampes gyp
t i ennes en f orme de grenoui l l e 3027
Lebon, J . Le monophysi sme svr i en 2382
C. R. 206
Lebr et on, J . Mani et son oeuvre 1687
Lecl ercq, H. Devoi rs d' col i er s 1837
- gypt e 2132
- - Les f ragment s copt es r el at i f s au conci l e
de Nl ce. 1259
- - Os t raka 2032
__ Phi l ae, l es monument s chr t i ens 2618
__ Troi s i nvent ai res l i t urgi ques 2033
Lee, E. 2594
Leeder, S. H. Modemsons of the Pharaohs
Leemans, C. Papyri gr aeci Musei ant i quar i i
publ i cl Lugdunl - Bat avl 653
Leemans, C. ( Et udes . . . dedi es k) 298, 967,
1314, 2122
Lef ebvre, G. gypt e chrt i enne 1915
- - I nscri pt i ons chrt i ennes du Muse du Cai re
Lef ebvr e. G. Rappor t sur l es f oui l l es xecu-
tes a Tehnh 2619
- - Une t abl e euchari st i que 3098
Lef ort , L. T. ei r-i HTi dans l e N. T. sahi di que
- - A propos de synt ax copt e TApe, M\ pe and
MnpTpe 508
- Adol phe Hebbel ynck. 1859- 1939. 76
-- Anal ect a phl l ol ogl ca 654
- - At hanase, Ambr ol se et Chenout e. ^( Sur l a
vi r gi ni t ^. 1118 x
- - - Une ci t at i on copt e de l a l a pseudo- Cl men
t i ne "de vi r gi ni t at e" 1137
- - Le copt e: source auxi l i are du gr ec 655
- - Copt i ca Lovanl ensl a 785
- - Le ^de vi r gi ni t at ede S. Cl ment ou de
S. At hanase? 1119
- - Un document Pachmi en mconnu 1376
-- Une t range r ecensi on de l ' Apocal ypse 1011
-- Fr agment copt e- sahi di que du mar t yrede St.
Marc 1359
- - Fragment s copt es 1373
- - Fragment s d' apocr yphes en copt e- akhm mi que
- - Fragment s des Act es des Apt r es en di al ect e
di t "moyen gypt i en" 984
- - Gl anures Pachmi ennes 1377
- - Homl i e i ndi t e du Pape Li bre sur l e J ene
H 67 ,
- - t o \ . Vov = exempl um, exempl ar 657
- - Li t t r at ur e bohal r i que 636
- - La l i t t r at ure gypt i enne aux der ni ers
si cl es avant l ' i nvasi on arabe 700
- Les manuscr i t s copt es de l ' Unl ver sl t de
Louvai n 179
- - Le nomdu mauvai s ri che (Le 16*9) et l a
t radi t i on copt e 971
- - Not e sur l e t ext e copt e des Const i t ut i ons
apost ol i ques 1250
__ Un passage obscur des hymnes Chenout e
- - Le Past eur d' Her mas 1157
- - Le Past eur d' Her mas en copt e- sahi di que
- - Paul i n Ladeuze, 1870- 1940. 87
- - Pour une grammai re des LXX 656
- - Les premi ers monast res Pachml ens 2691
- - Pr oj et d' uni f or mi sat i on des si gnes cri ti ques
- - Prol ogue de 1' Apocal ypse en sahi di que 1012
- - La r gl e de S, Pachme 1174- 5
- S. At hanase cr i vai n copt e 1121
__ S. At hanase: Sur l a vi rgi ni t 1120
__ S. Pachome et Amen- em- ope 1176
- - S. Pachomi l vl t a bohai r l ce scr i pt a 1378
- - S. Pachomi l vl t ae sahi dl ce scri pt ae 1379
- Un texte ori gi nal de l a rgl e de Sai nt
Pachme 1177
__ Thodore de Tabonnsi et l a l et t re pascal e
de St . - At hanase 1122
- - La t r anscr i pt i on des t ext es mut i l s 52
- - - Les vi es copt es de S. Pchome 1380
-- Vi es de S. Pachme 1381
C. R. 206, 285, 720, 846, 879, 926, 1665,
1811, 1820, 25S1
See al so 89- 90, 1668
Lef ort , L. T. ( Ml anges) 917
Legge, F. A Copt i c spel l of the second cent ury
__ Forer unners and ri vai s of Chr i st i ani t y
__ Not e on the Copt i c spel l 1773
See al so 1630
Legral n, G. Une f ami l l e copt e de Haut e- gypt e
Legral n, G. Foui l l es at recherches au f orum
de Louxor 2692
-- Lgendes et chansons popul ai res du Sal d, I .
-- Louqsor sans l es Pharaons 1793
- - Not es d' i nspect i on. L. Sur l es l ampes
sept becs et l a pri re "Qandi l " 3028
-- Rappor t sur l es nouveaux t ravaux excut s
Louqsor 2693
Lei bovi t ch, J . Un f r ont on de ni che copt e
scne bi bl i que 3099 _
- - Hel l ni smes et hbra smes dans une chapel l e
chr t i enne el - Bagaout 2694
Lei pol dt , J . Aegypt i sche ur kunden aus den Kgl .
museen zu Ber l i n see 714
-- Begi cht e Schenut es ber ei nf &l l e der Nubi er
i n gypt en 1201
- - Ei n bohai ri sches l i ed zumprei se Schenut es
1565 _
Bruchst cke von zwei gr i echi sch- kopt i schen
handschr i f t en des Neuen Test ament s 963
-- Di e ent st ehung der kopt l schen ki rche 2383
- Epi phani os' von Sal ami s "Ancorat us" 1151
- Geschi cht e der kopt l schen l i t t er at ur 701
_ Der Hi r t des. . Hermas 1159
- - El n neues sal dl sches br uchst ck des Her maa-
buches 1160
- - The Sehi di c New Test ament 938
- - Sa di sche auszge aus dem8. bche der
Apost ol i schen knonst i t ut i onn 1251
Ei n sal dl sches br uchst ck des J akobs- pr ot o-
evangel i ums 1063
-- Ei n 3a dl sches br uchst ck des vi er t en Esr a-
buches 902 _
-- Schenut e, der begr nder der nat i onal agyp
t i schen ki rche 2526
- - Schenut e von At ri pe und di e ent st ehung des
nat i onal agypt i schen chri st ent ums 2527
- - Si nut hi i Ar chi mandr i t ae vi t a et opr a omni a
- Verzei chni s der kopt l schen handschr i f t en
der J J ni versi t at sbi bl i ot hek zu Lei pzi g 173
- - Zu gypt . zei t schr. 40, 135. 1203
- - C. R. 147, 889, 935, 1033, 1281, 1573,
1587, 1616, 1665, 3159
Lei pzi g. Uni versi t at . Bi bl i ot hek 173, 1288
Lei segang, H. Der br uder des erl osers 1632
- - Di e gnosl s 1633
Le Long, J . Bi bl i ot heca sacra 765
Lemm, 0. E. Der Al exander r oman bel den Kopt en
- - Br uchst ck der Epi st el des Apo3t el s
J akobus i n kopt i scher spr ache 1004
- - Bruchst cke der sahi di schen Bi bel ber set -
zung 786
- Br uchst cke kpt i scher mar t yr er akt en 1293
- - Ei ne demDl onysi us Ar eopagi t a zugeschr i ebene
schr i f t i n kopt i scher spr ache 1142 v
- - Di e geschi cht e von der pr l nzessi n Bent res
- - I beri ca 730
- - Kl ei ne kopt l sche st udl en 731- 3
- - Kopt l sche apokryphe apost el act en 1028- 30
-- Kopt l sche f ragment e zur pat ri archengeechl cht e
Al exandrl ens 1222
- - Kopt l sche mi scel l en 734- 5
- - Ml scel l anea copt l ca 362
- - Mi t t el aegypt i sche Bi bel f r agment e 967
- - Nacht r ag zu den "Kopt l schen f r agment en zur
Pat r i ar chengeschi cht e Al exandr l ens" 1223
- Sahi di sche Bi bel f r agment e 787- 8
- - Sahi di sche br uchst cke der l egende von
Cypr i an von Ant i ochi en 1795
- - Sl eben sahi di sche Bi bel f r agment e 939
- Di e Thal assi on- l egende bel den Kopt en 1796
Lemm, 0. E. Das Tr i adon 1827
__ Zu el nemenkoml umauf den hl . Vi kt or 1409
__ Zwei kopt l sche f ragment e aus den f est bri ef en
des hei l i gen At hanasi us 1123
See al so 91- 2
Lemol ne, J . - G. L' ar t chr t i en gypt i en aux Vi e
et Vi l e si cl es 2794
Leni ngrad. r ml t azh 3025, 3034, 3036
Leni ngr ad. I nst i t ut des l angues ori ent al es 174
Leni ngrad. Publ i chnaf a bi bl i ot eca 786- 8, 939
Lenormant , C. t udes sur l es f ragment s copt es
des conci l es de Ni ce et. d' Ephae 1260
- - Fr agment a versi oni s copt i cae l i bri synodi ci
de pr i mo conci l i o oecumeni co Nl caeno 1261
- - Mmoi re sur l es f ragment s du premi er conci l e
de Ni ce 1262
- - Not e rel at i ve aux f ragment s du conci l e
oecumni que d' phse 1279
-- Sur. . l ' ori gi ne chrt i enne des i nscri pt i ons
si na t i ques 1917
Leont i us, mart yr 726 ( vol s. 38- 41) , 1285, 1293,
1298, 1403
Leont i us, bp. of Neapol l s 2464
LePage Renouf , P. see Renouf , P. l e Page
Lepsl us, R. Auszge aus ei ner kopt i sch- ar abi -
schen handachr i f t 1845
- - Denkmal er aua Aegypt en und Aet hi opi en 1918
- - Kopt i ache i nachr i f t en 1918
-- Uber . den ur apr ung und di e v(er wandschaf t der
zahl wort er i n der I ndo- germani schen,
seml t l schen und der kopt l schen sprache 363
- - Zwei sprachver gl ei chende abhandl ungen 363
Lequi en, M. Ori ens chr i st i anus 2384
Lec3i ng, J . Di e gewebe- samml ung des K. Kunst -
gewer bemuseums 2942
Let haby, W. R. Byzant i ne sl l ks l n London
musums 2943
- - Egypt i an pri nt ed st uf f s 2944
-- "The ol dest st at uet t e of the Madonna" 3029
- - The ori gi n of knot t ed ornament at i on 2839
Let ronne, A. J . La cr oi x anse gypt i enne se
r et r ouve- t - el l e sur des monument s ant i ques
t ranger s 1' gypt e? 2840
- - Examen archol ogi que de . . . deux quest i ons
- - Mat r i aux pour l ' hi st oi re du Chr i st i ani sme
en gypt e 2385
Levi , S. Vocabol ar i o gerogl i f i co copt o- ebrai co
303 -
Levy, A. Di e synt ax der kopt l schen Apopht heg-
mat a pat r umAegypt i or um 509
Lewi s, A. S. Hi dden Egypt 2528
- - A vi si t to the Copt i c monast eri es of
Egypt 2529
Lewi s, T. H. 2631
Lexa, F. Les di al ect es dans l a l angue dmot i que
- - The gnost i c l egend on Pi st i s Sophi a 1634
- - - La l gende gnost i que sur Pi st i s Sophi a 1635
- La magi e dans 1' gypte ant i que 1732
- - C. R. 600
See al so 93
Leyden. Rl j ksmuseumvan oudheden. Beschr ei bung
der Aegypt i schen samml ung. 2756
- - Catal ogue 2757
- - Manuscr i t s copt es 176
See al so 175
Leyden. Ri j ksuni versi t ei t . Bi bl i ot heek. Cat a
l ogua codi cumor i ent al i um 177
Ll punova, K. S. Gr eko- r i makl i vi zant i ski
Egi pet 3036
- - I zobr azhenl e Dl onl sa na t kanl akh bi zant l i - -
skcgs Egi pt a 2945
- Kopt skal k t kan' s mi f omo Her akl e 2946
Ll berl ua, pope 1167
Ll dzbarskl , M. Zu ei ni gen kopt l schen papyri 736
Li ebesny, H. 2087
Li ebl el n, J . Kopt i ske i ndskri f t er 1919
- - Pi st i s Sophi a. L' Ant i mi mon gnost i que est - i l
l e Ka gypt i en? 1636
- - Pi st i s Sophi a. Les concept i ons gypt i ennes
dans l e gnost i ci sme 1637
Thebansk- kopt i sk oversaet t el se af Davi ds
89. og 90. Psal me 851
See al so 94
Li echt enhan, R. Di e pseudepi graphe l i t t er at ur
der gnost i ker 1610
- - Unt er suchungen zur kopt i sch- gnost i schen
l i t t er at ur 1611
Li et zmann, H. Ei n apokryphes evangel i en-
f r agment 1064
- - Sahi di sche bruchst cke der Gr egor i os- und
Kyr i l l os- l i t urgi e 1469
Li ght f oot , J . B. Apost ol i c f at hers 1162
Copt i c remai ns of St. I gnat l us 1162
See al so 943
Li nant de Bel l ef onds, M. A. Mmoi re sur l e
l ac Moerl s 2238
Li nossi er, R. ( t udes d' or i ent al i sme . . .
l a mmoi re de) 2959
"Li psi us, R. A. Di e apokr yphen apost el geschi ch-
ten und apost el l egendan 1031
Li t t mann, E. Ei n kopt i sch- ar abi schen bauern-
kal endar 1797
- - Kopt i scher ei nf l uss i magypt i sch- ar abi schen
Loat , V. L. S. The cemet eri es of Abydos 1949
Longhurst , M. N. Cat al ogue of carvi ngs i n
i vory 3117
Longi nus and Luci us 726 (vol . 37)
Longman, L. D. Two earl y t ext i l es i n the
Museo cri st i ano 2947
- - Two f ragment s of an earl y t ext i l e i n the
Museo cri st i ano 2948
Loof s, P. Symbo. l i k, oder chri st l i che konf es-
si onskunde 2386
- - C. R. 1604
Lor ent z, R. De Egypt i sche kerkor deni ng en
Hi ppol yt us van Rome 1252
Lore, V. Carnet de not es gypt ol ogi ques
- - Le champ des souchet s 364
- - Deux raci nes t i nct ori al es de l ' gypt e
anci enne 365
- - Les l i vres XI I et I V de l a Scal a magna
- - Sur l a val eur de uj nk o? gypt i en 366
- - Sur l ' arbre nar ou 367
- - Sur un f r agment de papyrus grco- copt e
See al so 95
Loret , V. ( Ml anges) 1834
Lort et , Cal endr i er copht e 2159
Louvai n. Uni ver si t cat hol i que. Bi bl i ot hque
178- 9, 785
Louvr e see Pari s. Muse nat i onal du Louvre
Luci us, P. E. Di e quel l en der al t er en
geschi cht e des agypt i schen moncht ums
Ldt ke, W. Di e kopt i sche Sal ome- l egende und
das l eben des ei nsi edl ers Abr aham 1798
Luke, Sai nt 1086, 1285, 1354- 6
Lumbr oso, G. ( Raccol t a di scr i t t i i n onore
di ) 2019, 3143
Lund. Kul t ur hi st or i ska musum 2886
Luska, J . Errores Copt or umt empore Conci l i i
Pl or ent i ni ( 1442) 2387
Lyon. Chambre de commerce. Muse hi st or i que
Lyt hgoe, A. M. The Egypt i an expdi t i on 2620
- - - The oasi s of Khar ga 2621
See al so 2759
Ma mudi yyah al - mukaddasah 1470
Maas, M. Ei n kopt i sch- chr i st l i cher f l uchpapy-
rus 1733
- - Neue kotj ti sche apokryphen 1065
Macai re La messe copt e 1471
Macai re, G. L' gl i se copt e 2275
- - Hi st oi re de l ' gl i se d' Al exandr i e 2388
Macai re, K. Nouvel l e t ude sur l e Sr apum
d' Al exandri e 2622
McAl l i st er , H. E. Pour t een Copt i c bone
pl aquer 3118
Macari us, bp. of Ant aeopol i s 726 (vol . 22)
Macari us, bp, of Memphi s 1498
Macar i us, Sai nt 1204, 1284
Macari us, Sai nt , Monast er y 723
Macari us of Ant i och 1292
Macari us, P, Ki t b t urhat al - baskhah al -
mukaddasah 1567
MacCui l och, J . A. Some Copt i c Chri st i an
, apocrypha 1016
MacDonal d, D. B. I bn al - Assal ' s Arabi e ver
si on of the Gospel s 953
MacDonal d, W. B. Sket ch of a Copt i c grammar
Mack9an, W. H. Chr i st i an monast i ci smi n Egypt
Macl er, F. Les apocal ypses apocryphes de
Dani el 920
McPherson, J . W, The Copt i c Mandat um 1472
Macrobi us 1292
Maert ens de Noordhout , J . Ampoul e eul ogi es
de sai nt Mnas 3030
Mai , A. Cat al ogus codi cumBi bl i ot hecae
Vat i canae 208
- - Codi ces copt i ci Bi bl i ot hecae Vat i canae
- - Scr i pt or umvet er umnova col l ect i o 2259
Mai nz. Romi sch- ger mani sches cntral - nruseum
Makar i us, abp. of Si ut . t t soom nt c ni t|/amoc
Makr z Descr i pt i on t opographi que et hi st or i
que de l ' gypt e 2695- 6
- - Les f t es des Copt es 1513
- - Hi st ori a copt or um 2389- 91
See al so 2430
Mal an, S, C. The cal endar of the Copt i c chur ch
1515 ,
- - The di vi ne Fu^oXoyi ov, and the di vi ne
l i t urgy of S. Gregor y 1473
-- The di vi ne l i t urgy of Sai nt Mar k the
Evangel i st 1474
- - The Hol y Gospel and versi cl es f or every
Sunday 1540
- - Ori gi nal document s of the Copt i c church
see 1473- 4, 1515, 1540, 2390
See al so 2390
Mal l on, A. Cat al ogue des scal ae copt es de l a
Bi bl i ot hque nat i onal e 1847
- - Copt e ( pi graphe) 1920
- - Copt i ca 1921
- - Document s de source copt e sur l a Sai nt
Vi erge 1102
- - Une col e de savant s gypt i ens au moyen
ge 1848
- - Grammai re copt e 442
- - La l angue copt e 246
- - Un manuscr i t du Psaut i er copt e- bohai r i que
- - Not es de phi l ol ogi e copt e 368
Mal l on, A. Nouvel l e I nscri pt i on copt e de
Phi l ae 1922
- - Nouvel l e sri e d' ost r aca e t mo y Xon 2035
- - Quel ques ost raca copt es de Thbes 2036
- - Les t hot oki es ou of f i ce de l a Sai nt e
Vi erge dans l e ri t e copt e 1585
- - C. R. 836, 1587
Mal l on, P. Ti ssus I mpri ms 2949
Mancar l us, Y. Kaul al - yak n_ 2392
- - Ta r kh al - ummat al - ^ bt yah 2393
Mansl , G. D. Concl l l or umscr or umcol l ect l o
Marcus, pat r i ar ch of Al exandr i a 1168
Marest ai ng, P. Un Egypt ol ogue du XVI I e si cl e:
l e pre Ki r cher 82
Margol i out h, G. Descr i pt i ve l i st of Syri ac
and Karshuni Mas. 148
Mari n, M. A. Pri nci pal es vi es des pres
d' or i ent 2532
- - Vi es choi si s des pres des desert s d' ori ent
__ Les vi es des pres des desers d' ori ent
Mar i na 1298, 1357- 8
Mark, Sai nt 1359
Marmor st ei n, A. Ei n wor t ber den bruder des
Erl osers 1638
Marquand, A. St rzygowski and hi s t heory of
earl y Chr i st i an art 2795
Mar shal l , T. 2314
Mart i n, C. du Les monast res du Wadl n- Nat r oun
Mart i n, P. R. Lust r e on gl ass and pot t ery i n
Egypt 3031
Mar t yri anus 1360
Mar ucehl , 0. I scr i zi oni cri st i ane copt e 1923
- - M scel l anea archeol ogi ca. X. 3100
- - I l Museo egi zi o vat l cano 1799
See al so 96
Masch, A, G. 765
Maspero, G. t ravers l a vocal i sat i on gyp
t i enne 582 ,
- - Les cont es popul ai res de l ' Egypt e anci enne
__ Le couvent de Sai nt - Si mon 2698- 9
__ Des f ormes de l a conj ugai son . . . en Copt e
- - Des pronoms per sonnel s en gypt i en 512- 3
__ yn encensoi r copt e 3032
__ Et udes gypt i ennes 789
__ Les f oui l l es d Dei r el Ai zam 2700
__ Fr agment de l ' Evangi l e sel on St. Mat t hi eu
- - Fragment s copt es 737
- - Fragment s de l a ver si on t hbai ne de
1' Anci en Test ament 805
- - Fragment s des Act es des Apt res 985
- - I nt roduct i on l ' t ude de l a phont i que
gypt i enne 583
- - Le nomdu per sonnage qui convert i t l e
t empl e de Kal abcheh en gl i se chrt i enne
- - Not e sur l es obj et s recuei l l i s sous l a
pyrami de d' Ounas 2037
- - Not es de voyage 1924
- - Not es sur di f f rent s poi nt s de grammai re
et d' hi st oi re 443, 884
- - , Sur l a f or mat i on des t hmes t ri l i t res en
Egypt i en 514
- - Sur l es auxi l i ai res rre, T e, ne du copt e
- - Sur une st l e copt e 1925
- - La t rouvai l l e de Dei r - el - Bahar i 2623
- - Le vocabul ai re f ranai s d' un copt e du Xl I I e
si cl e 304
- - C. R. 924
See al so 97- 100
Maspero, G. ( Ml anges Maspero) 612, 846, 1622,
1810, 3119,
Maspero, J . A propos d' un bas- r el i ef copt e
du Muse du Cai re 2796 ^
- - Foui l l es excut es Baou t 1926
- - Hi st oi r e des pat ri ar ches d' Al exandri e
- - Mat r i aux pour servi r l a gographi e de
1' gypte 2240 #
- - Or gani sat i on mi l i t ai re de l ' Egypt e Byzan
t i ne 2133 ^
- - Sur quel ques obj et s copt es du Muse du
Cai re 3033
- - Thodor e de Phi l ae 2466
See al so 2646
Mat hi eu, M. E. Drevne- egi pet ski e mot i vy na
t kani akh bl zagt i i skogo Egi pt a 2842
- - Gr eko- r i mski i 1 vi zant i i ski Egi pet 3036
- - Kopt skai a r aspi snai ker ami ka Er ml t azka
- - Kopt ski e 1 egl pet ski e magi cheski e zhenski e
st at uet ki 3035
Mat t hew t he poor 1298- 9
Maxl raus and Domet l us 726 (vol . 40) 1284,
Mead, G. R. S. Fragment s of a f ai t h f orgot t en
- - Pi st i s Sophi a 1639- 40
Mearns, J . The cant i cl es of t he Chri st i an
chur ch 1568
Maut i s, G. L' i nt r oduct i on du chri st i ani sme
en gypt e 2395
Mehren, A. F. M. van Codi ces . . . bl bl i ot hecae
r egi ae Haf ni ensl s 154
Mel i t o, Sai nt , bp. of Sardl s 1169
Menas, Sai nt , bp. of Pshat i 1170- 2, 1361- 6,
2826, 2835, 3154
See al so 2993- 3061 f or Menas f l asks
Mer cat i , G. La l et t er a di Sever o Ant i ocheno
su Mat t . 23, 35. 1191
- - A paral l el to a Copt i c ser mon on the
nat i vi t y 1213
- - Una seri e de pat r i ar chi al essandr i nl e
non una l i st a di sant i mar t i r i 2467
- - A supposed homi l y of Eusebi us of Caesar ea
Mercat i , S. G. Osservazi oni sul t est o e sul l a
met r i ca di al cuni papi r i cri st i ani 584
Mercuri us 1298, 1367- 8
Mri al , E. Les gl i ses copt es du Cai re 2657
- - Les gl i ses copt es du Vi eux- Cai re 2702
Merk, A, Ei n neuer f und aus Agypt en 979
Merkl e, S. Das wst enhei l i gt umdes hl . Menas
Merkl e, S. (Fest schr i f t ) 3095
Messi neo, A. Mani chai smo 1688
Meurs l us, J , 2538
Meyer, J . ber kopt l sche r echt sur kunden 2193
Meyer, P. Neue gr i echi sch- sai di sche Evangel i on-
f r agment e 1541
Mi chael , bp. of At hri bi s 1523
Mi chael , Monast er y of 127
Mi chael the Syr i an 2446
Mi chael i des, E. $vtf~i oy,vujiAL'ai
2396 c ' ^
Mov^ To, ytov fettpyiav 2703
Mi chel , C. vangi l es apocryphes 1066
Ml chl gan. Uni versi t y. Li br ary 180- 1
Ml chl gan. Uni versi t y. Musumof archaeol ogy
2897, 2990
Mi chon, E. Pl aque d' os dcor e de r el i ef s de
t ravai l copt e 3119
- - Rebor ds de bassi ns chr t i ens orns de
rel i ef s 3101
Mi ddl et on, J . H. The Copt s of Egypt and t hei r
churches 2176
Mi edema, R. De hei l i ge Menas 1364
- - Kopt l sche bouwkunst 2704
- - Kopt l sche kunst 2797
Ml geon, G. Les art s du t i ssu 2950
Mi kha l , K. Copt s and Mosl ems under Br i t i sh
cont rol 2114
Mi l an. Museo ar cheol ogl co 1994
Mi l eham, 0. S. Churches l n l ower Nubi a 2625
Mi l ne, H. J . M. Cat al ogue of the l l t er ar y
papyri l n the Br i t i sh musum 149
Mi maut , J . P. Descr i pt i ons des ant i qui t s
gypt i ennes 2758
Mi na, T. Deux st l es f unrai res copt es 1927
- - I nscri pt i ons copt es et grecques de Nubi e
- - J ul es d' Aqf ahs et ses oeuvres 702
__ Le mar t yre d' Apa Epl ma 1334
- - Le papyrus gnost i que du Muse copt e 1613
Ml ngana, A. 915
Mi ngar el l i , G. L. Aegypt l or umcodi cumrel i -
qul ae Vgnet l l s l n Bi bl i ot heca Nanl ana asser-
vat ae 738
- - Graecl codl ces manu scrl pt l apud Nanl os
pat ri el os venet os asservat i 213
See al so 1218
Mi r rl t Bout ros Ghal l Bey. Mar cus Si mai ka Pacha
( 1864- 1944) 116
- - Le Pr i nce Omar Toussoun ( 1872- 1944) 123
Ml scel l anea Gr egor i ana 1970
Mi t t woch, E. 101
Modona, A. Neppi see Neppl - Modona, A.
Moel l er , C. ( Ml anges d' hi st oi re of f ert s )
1359, 2298
Mol l er, G. Ei n kopt i scher ehever t r ag 2038
El ne neue kopt i sche l i eder handschr i f t
- - Zu den bruchst cken des kopt i schen
Kambysesromans 1821
- - Zu den "Br uchst cken kopt i scher vol ksl i t -
t erat ur" von Ad. Er man 1801
See al so 1839
Mof f at t , J . Gospel s ( uncanonl cal ) 1067
Mogensen, M. La gl ypt ot hque Ny Carl sberg
Mol l ni er, E. Quel ques I voi res rcenant acqui s
par l e Louvre 3120
Monaco, A. Le3 manuscri t s or i ent aux de l a
Bi bl i ot hque nat i onal e de Napl es 185
Monceaxi x, P. C. R. 1604
Mond, Si r R. The Bucheum 2039
- - The buri al shaf t of the t omb of Amenemhat
- - Cemet erl es of Armant I . 2627
Mongez, A. Rapport sur une t uni que gypt i enne
Monneret de Vi l l ard, U. Amboni copt i e amboni
campani 3037
- - La basi l i ca cri st i ana i n Egi t t o 2706
- - Chr i st i an art i n Egypt 2798
- - Les couvent s prs de Sohg 2707
__ Descr l zl one general e del Monast er o dl San
Sl meone 2708
- - Deyr el - Muharr aqah 2709
- - La f ondazi one del Deyr el - Abl ad 2710
- - Le i scrl zi oni del ci mi t ero di Sakl nya
- - I l monast er o dl S. Sl meone presso Aswn
- - Un monument o romano di t i po egi zl ano 3068
- - Not e st ori che sul l e chi ese dl al - Fust t
- - La Nubi a medi oeval e 1931
__ Per l a st or i a del port ai s r omanl co 2713
__ Una pi t t ura del Deyr el - Abl ad 3143
Monner et de Vi l l ard, U. Rappor t e prel i mi nare
del l avorl dl i a ml ssl one per l o st udi o del
monument l cr i st i ani dl i a Nubi a 2714
- - Rappor t o prel i mi nare sugl l scavl al Monas
t ero di S. Sl meone 1932 v v
- - Ri cer che sul l a t opograf i a di Qasr Es- Sam*
- - Saggl o di una bi bl i ogr af l a del l 1 art e
cr l et l ana i n Egi t t o 2571 ~
- - La scul t ur a ad Ahns 3102
- - Gl l st udi sul l 1 ar cheol ogl a cri st i ana
d' Egi t t o, 1920- 40. 2572
- - La t omba di San Macar i o 2716
See al so 198
Mont et , P. Eugne Dvaud 67
Morenz, S. Ei n kopt i scher Dl ogenes 1802
- - C. R. 680
Moret , A. L' gypt ol ogi e 38
Morey, C, R. Ar t of the Dar k Ages 2799
- - Ear l y Chr i st i an art 2800
- - East Chr i st i an pai nt i ngs l n the Pr eer
col l ect i on 3165
- - Gl l ogget t i di avor i o e dl osso 3121
Morgan, J . de Not e sur l es carri res ant i ques
de Pt ol mai s 1933
Morgan l i br ar y see Pi erpont Mor gan l i brary,
NewYor k
Mori n, J . Comment ar i us de sacrl s eccl esl ae
or dl nat i oni bus 1475
Mori t z, B. Bei t rage zur geschi cht e des
Sl nal kl ost ers 2134
-- A bl l l ngual char m 1734
Morri s, P. A gr oup of earl y sl l ks 2952
Morri s, M. Copt i c t ext i l es 2953
Moses, Apa 1388- 90
Mounereau, G. La sal l e copt e de Baoui t 2764
Mouqqi s see al - Mukauki s
Moyses 1298
Ml l er, D. H. J akob Kral l 83
Ml l er, P. Der dual i n den semi t i schen
spr achen 516
Muel l er, P. S. Di e unbef l eckt e empf Sngnl s der
Hei l i gst en J ungf r au 2276
Ml l er, K. Kl ei ne bei t r age zur al t en ki r chen-
_ geschi cht e 2397
Ml l er, K. ( Pest gabe von f achgenossen und
f r eunden . . . dar gebr acht ) 2461
Ml l er, W. M. El ne kopt i sche part i kel i m
demot i schen 517
- - Ei n l i bysch- agypt i sches wor t 369
- - Der name der st adt Edf u 2241
- - Zur et ymol ogi e des kopt i schen Ayoo : oyerj
See al so 1981
Mnt er, P. C. C. H. Comment at l o de i ndol e
versi oni s Novi Test ament i sahl dl cae 940
- - Odae gnost l cae Sal omonl t rl but ae 921
- - Speci men ver sl onumDanl el l s copt i car um
874 _
- - Ueber den al t er der kopt i schen ber set zun-
gen des Neuen Test ament s 941
Mul j ammad i bn Abi al - Surr, al - Bakrl 2141
Al - Mukaukl s see 2117, 2122, 2128, 2137
Muni ch. Bayer i sche st aat sbl bl i ot hek 182, 750,
Munl er, H. Les act es du mart yre de Sai nt
I si dore 1345
- - Cat al ogue de l a Bi bl i ot hque du Muse
gypt i en du Cai re 20
- - Le chr i st i ani sme Phl l ae 2302
- Chr oni que ( 1940) ( 1941) ( 1942) 39
- - Le Dei r Abou- Ll f a 1934
- - Deux recet t es mdi cal es copt es 1861
- - Leg di f i ces chrt i ens de Kar nak 1935
- - L' Egypt e byzant i ne et musul mane 2135
__ L' gypt e copt e- byzant i ne 2136
Muni er , H. Un l oge copt e de l ' emper eur Con
st ant i n 1829
- Fragment s des act es du mart yr e de l ' apa
Chnoub 1397
- - Gast on Masper o et I a t udes copt es 100
- - La gographi e de l ' Egypt e 2242
- - Gographi e hi st ori que 2243
- - Un gr af f i t e copt e d' Esneh 1936
- - "Une l ampe chr t i enne de Kar nak 3038
-- Manuscri t s copt es 739
- - Ml anges de l i t t rat ur e copt e 740
Le monast re de Sai nt Abr aham Farshout
- - Les monument s copt es 2717
- - Nahr oou et l es act es de son mar t yr e 1371
-- Not e sur l e vi l l age de Hag 2244
- - Not es sur l e Ouady Mouel l ah 2718
- - Un nouveau mart yr copt e Sai nt Nabr aha
- - Un passage nouveau du mart yr e de Sai nt
Phi l ot he 1387
- - Les pays t r angers connus des Copt es 2245
- - Recuei l de manuscri t s copt es de 1' Anci en et
du Nouveau Test ament 790
- - Recuei l des l i st es pl scopal es d l ' gl i se
copt e 2398 ,
- - Une r el at i on copt e sa' i di que de l a vi e des
sai nt s Maxi me et Domce 1803
- - Remarques sur l a st l e copt e 11799 du Muse
d' Al exandr i e 1938
- - Rsul t at s pi gr aphi ques des f oui l l es
d' al - Qar i ah bi l De r 1939
- - La scal a copt e 44 de l a Bi bl i ot hque nat i on
al e de Pari s 1849
- - Une scne de l a nat i vi t sur vi n bas- r el i ef
copt e 3103
- - La Si byl l e al exandr i ne chez l es copt es
- - St l e copt e- ar abe 1941 ,
- - La st l e f unr ai re du moi ne Mi na 1942
- - St l es copt es du Fayoum 1943
- - Les st l es copt es du Monast r e de Sai nt -
Si mon 1944
- - Sur deux passages de l a Gense 820
- - Vest i ges chrt i ens Ti nn s 2628
C. R. 206, 721
Munoz, A. L' ar t byzant i n l ' exposi t i on de
Grot t af er r at a 2954
- - L' art e bi zant i na ai l ' esposi zi one di
Gr ot t af er r at a 2955
__ Rassegna d' art e copt a 2801
__ St el e copt e nel Museo egi zi o Vat l cano 1945
Munzel , K. Zumkopt l sch- ar abi schen bauer n-
kal endar 1804
Mur ad Kami l . Eugen Mi t t woch ( 1876- 1942) 101
Murray, M. A. The ceremony of Anba Tar abo
- - A Copt i c ost rakon 2040
__ Copt i c pai nt ed pot t ery 3039
__ A Copt i c r eadl ng boot 465
__ The dr i vat i on of the name Thebes 371
__ The Egypt i an el ement s i n the Gr ai l romance
__ El ement ar y Copt i c ( Sahi di c) gr ammar 444
__Nawruz, or the Copt i c NewYear 2304
__ The Osi r ei on at Abydos 1946
__ St. Menas of Al exandri a 1365
__ Saqqar a mast abas 2629
See al so 1877, 1952
Muyaer, J . Er mi t pl r gri nant et pl eri n i n
f at i gabl e 2535
- - Des vases euchari st i ques en verre 3040
- - Het hel i g of f er l n den kopt l schen ri t us
- - Mari a' s heer l i j khei d i n Egypt e 1586
- - Not i ce sur l ' i dent i f i cat i on d' Apa Si on 1399
- - Le Samedi et l e Di manche dans l ' gl i se et
l a l i t t rat ur e copt es 2305
See al so 1334
Myer s, G. H. The dat i ng of Copt i c t ext i l es
Myers, 0. H. The Bucheum 2039
- - Excavat i ons at Armant , 1929- 31. 2630
Nabr aha 1369
Nahr oou 1298, 1370 _
Naj b i bn Ml kha I I . Tar b al - arab 305
Nakhl ah, Y. Ta r kh al - ummat al - kl bt l yah
Nal l i no, C. A. Ll bri gi ur l di cl bi zant i ni 2194
Napl es. Bi bl i ot eca nazi onal e 184- 5
Nash, W. L. A wooden handl e f or smal l cymbal s
f r omEgypt 3069
Nashl d Sark s 1415
Nau, F. N. A propos d' une di t i on des oeuvres
de Schenoudi 1204
- - Le cal endr i er d' Aboul - Bar akat 1516
- - Car i on et Zachari e 2536
- - Hi st oi re de Di oscor e 1328
- - Les mnol oges des vangl i ai rea copt es -
arabes 1517
- - Not e sur quel ques f ragment s copt es rel at i f s
Di oscor e 1329
__ Not e sur une pol ygl ot t e gypt i enne 791
__Not es sur l e t ext e ori gi nal des Apopht hegmes
des pres 1308
__ La pol i t i que mat r i moni al e de Cyrus (Le
Mocaucas) 2137
__ Sur un f r agment bohai ri que du mart yre de
Sai nt Luc 1356
__ Une ver si on syri aque i ndi t e de l a vi e de
Schenoudi 2537
__ C. R. 836, 1304
See al ao 1323, 2178
Navi l l e, E. Ahnas el Medi nah 2631
L' cri t ure gypt i enne 672
- - The XI t h dynast y t empl e at Dei r el - Bahari
__ L' vol ut i on de l a l angue gypt i enne et l es
l angues smi t i ques 247
__ The excavat i ons at Dei r el Bahari dur l ng
the wi nt er, 1894- 5. 2633
__ Karl Pi ehl 108
Neal e, J . M. A hi st or y of the Hol y East ern
chur ch 2400
Neander, A. Genet i sche ent wi ckel ung der
vor nehmat en gnost i schen 3yst eme 1614
Neppl - Modona, A. L' i nnol ogi a cri st i ana pr i m
i t i ve 1569
__ Nuovo cont r i but o del papi ri 1230
Neraessi an, S. der Pegan and Chr i st i an art l n
Egypt 2802
__ Some aspect s of Copt i c pal nt l ng 3144
- - C. R. 2800
Neat ori us 2438
Nve, F. Des t ravaux de l ' r udi t i on chrt i enne
- - Quel ques souveni rs de l ' ant i qui t chrt i en
en ori ent 2138
NewYor k hi st or l cal soci et y 2060
NewYor k. Met r opol i t an musumof art. A hand-
book of the Egypt i an rooms 2759
See al so 2879- 82, 2887, 2889
NewYor k publ i c l i brary 22- 3
Newberry, P. E, The Amher st papyri 2041
Newl andsmi t h, E. The anci ent musi c of the
Copt i c church 1570
Nl caea, Counci l of 1256- 73
Nl col aus, J . 2316
Ni e, H. de Een kopt i sch- chri st el i j ke orakel -
vr aag 2042
Ni l l es, N, Cal endr i er de l ' gl i se copt e d' Al ex
andri e 1518
- - Ei n f est verzei chnl 33 der kat hol i schen
Kopt en 1519
__ Kal endar i ummanual e 1520
NI l us 1298
Nock, A. D. Lat er Egypt i an pl et y 2277
Magl cal t ext s 1755
Nourri t , S. J . Rel i gi on l n Upper Egypt 2401
Nuremberg. Germani sches nat l onal museum 3043
Nyberg, H. S. For schungen ber den manl chSl smus
-- For sknl ngar ror ande manl kel smen 1690
Of f ord, J . The De Duabus Vi l s chapt ers of the
Teachl ngs of the Twel ve Apost l es 1231
O' Leary, De L. The Arabl e l l f e of S. Pi sent i us
- - Bi bl i ogr aphy. Chr i st i an Egypt 21
- - The Copt i c church and Egypt i an monast i ci sm
- - The Copt i c t heot okl a 1587
-- The dal l y of f i ce and t heot okl a of the Copt i c
chur ch 1588
- - The dest r uct i on of t empl es l n Egypt 2139
- - The Dl f nar (Ant i phonari um) of the Copt i c
church 1571
- - Fr agment ary Copt i c hymns 1573
__ A Greek hymn l n a Copt i c manuscr i pt 658
__ Li t t r at ure copt e 704
__ Not es on the Copt i c l anguage 248
__ On a dl rect or y f r agment 1589
- - Prl mary gui de to Copt i c l l t er ary mat erl al
- - The sai nt s of Egypt 1294
__ Some Copt i c manuscr i pt s 223
__ St udl es l n the apocryphal gospel s of Chr i st s
l nf ancy 1068
- - C. R. 453
Omont , H. A. t ui cal ames d' un scri be by
zant i n 3041
- - Mi ssi ons archol ogi ques f ranai ses en Or i ent
41 '
Onnophri us 726, 1185, 1372- 3
Orl genes see 1099
Or l ans. Muse 2857
Osl o. Uni vgrsi t et . Bl bl i ot ek 958'
Ot t o, W. Agypt i sche f l ssl gkel t smasse 372
Oxf ord unl ver si t y. Bodl ei an l i brary 186- 7,
796, 2084
Oxl ey, W. R. The Copt s 2403
Pachoml us, Sai nt 1173- 8, 1099, 1374- 82, 2556
Paese and Thekl a 726 (vol . 28)
Pagenst echer , R. Ei n kopt i scher r el i qui en-
ber zug 2958
Pal anque, C. Not es de f oui l l es dans l a ncr o
pol e d' Assl out 1947
- - Not es sur quel ques J ouet s copt es en t erre
cul t e 3042
- - Rappor t sur l es f oui l l es d' el - Del r (1902)
273. 9 ^
-- Rappor t sur l es r echerches ef f ect ues
Baoui t en 1903. 1948 ^
Pal l adi us, archi mandri t e. Sl r t yl Pakhoml l
Vel i k l 2539
Pal l adl us, successl vel y bp. of Hel enopol i s and
of Aspona 1179- 81, 2530. 2638, 2557, 2565
Panegyrl s 726 (vol s. 39- 41) , 1285, 1293, 1403
Panesneu 1298, 1383
Panl ne and Paneu 1298
Pant al eone 1297 ^ (/
Papadopoul os, _C. 0 0-yt.os Kupl XAoj
2404 '
I c r To p L c i - r n k K X y j c t i ' c i A A E a v S p t L i i j
Paphnut l us 716, 1285
Papohe 726 (vol . 56)
Parl beni , R. Scavl nel l a necr opol l dl el
Hammaml ye 2634
Pari s. Bi bl i ot hque nat i onal e 188- 90, 776,
949, 1847
Pari s. Exposi t i on uni versel l e. Pal ai s du
cost ume 2912
Pari s. Muse des Gobel l ns 2914, 2965, 2977
Pari s. Muse Gui met 3140
Pari s. Muse nat i onal e du Louvre 191, 2046,
2048, 2760- 4, 2875, 2964, 3120
Part hey, G. F. C. Aegypt l sche per sonennamen
bel den kl assl kern 316
- - Di e kopt i schen handschr l f t en l n Rom 196
- - Vocabul ar l umcopt i co- l at l numet l at i no-
copt l cum 290
Pat rl col o, A. The chur ch of Sl t t Bur br a l n
ol d Cal r o 2720
Paul , Sai nt 726 (vol . 52), 1101, 1284, 1291
Paul , pat rl ar ch of Ant i och 2440
Paul sen, P. Ei n al t ar gerat aus der Wl kl nger -
zel t 2843
Paul us, H. E. G. Samml ung der merkwr dl gst en
rei sen l n den Or i ent 2183, 2185
Paut y, E. Bol s scul pt s d' gl i ses copt es 3104
- - Les gl i ses copt es du Cai re 2657
Peers, C. R. The V hi te Monast ery near Sohag
Peet , T. E. The cemet er l es of Abydos 1949
Peet ers, P. propos de l a vi e sahi di que de
S. Pachme 1382
- - Traduct i ons et t raduct eur s dans l ' hagi o
graphi e ori ent al e 1295
- - Les t raduct i ons ori ent al es du mot mart yr
- - Une vi e copt e de S. J ean de Lycopol l s 1350
- - La vi si on de Denys l ' Ar opagl t e a Hl i o
pol i s 1143
- - C. R. 147, 744, 1013, 1070, 1304, 1385,
See al so 1066, 1286
Pei resc, N. C. F. de Let t res 106
See al so 102- 5
Pel ka, 0. Kopt i sche al t ert mer i mGer mani schen
nat l onal museum 3043 ^
Pel l egri ni , A. Pi ccol i t est i copt o- sa l dl ci
del Museo ar chaol ogi co di Fi r enze 2043
- - St el e f unerari e copt e del Museo ar cheol ogi -
co di Fi renze 1950
Perdri zet , P. Negot i umperambul ans l n t enebri s
28 44
Pri er, J . 2285
Perl ni , D. A. Cat al ogo del codi ci manoscr i t t i
Pert sch, W. Di e ori ent al i schen handschr i f t en
der Her zogl i chen bi bl i ot hek zu Got ha 161
Pesunt hi us see Pi sent i us
Pet er, Sai nt 726 (vol . 52), 1101
Pet ermann, J . H. 1646
Pet ers, N. Di e sahi di sch- kopt i sche ueber set -
zung des bches Eccl esi ast i cus 903
Pet ersen, T. Pr of essor Henr y Hyvernat 78
Pet erson, E. Ei n mani chai scher bcher f und i n
Agypt en 1691
Pet rei us, T. Psal t er i umDevi di s 852
Pet ri e, H. 1952
Pet ri e, W. M. P. At hr i bi s 2635
- - The Br i t i sh school i n Egypt 2722
__ Ear l y f orma of the cross f r omEgypt i an
t ombs 2845
- - Gi zeh and Ri f eh 2636
-- A hi st or y of Egypt 2131
- - Kopt os 2637
- - Medum 130
-- Memphi s 1951
- - Obj ect s of dai l y use 3070
- - Tombs of t he court i ers and Oxyrhynkhos
See al so 718, 2301
Pet rus, bp. of Behnes 1433
Pet rus Mongus, pat r i arch of Al exandr i a 2448
Pet rus I , Sai nt , bp. of Al exandr i a 1182- 4,
Pet scheni g, M. 2497- 8
Peyron, B. Not i zi e ed osser vazi oni i nt orno a
ci nque manoscr i t t i copt i 741
-- Paal t eri i copt o- t hebani speci men 853
Peyron, V. A. De nova copt i cae l i nguae or t ho
gr aphi a 53
- - Gr ammat l ca l i nguae copt i cae 445
- - Lexi con copt i cum 291
- - Lexi con l i nguae copt i cae 292
See al so 287
- - Saggi o di at udi sopr a papi ri , codi ci cof t i
__ Unt er suchungen ber papyr usr ol l en 204
See al so 290
Pf ei l schri f t en, C-. Oxyrhynchos 2723
Pf i at er, F. C. R. 1707
Pf i st er, R. Les dbut s du vt ement copt e 2959
__ J,a dcor at i on des t of f es d' Ant i no 2960
__ Et of f es copt es 2961
__ L' i nt r oduct i on du cot on an gypt e musul mane
__ Mat r i aux pour servi r au cl assement des
t ext i l es gypt i ens 2963
__ Tei nt ure et al chi mi e dans l ' ori ent hel l eni s-
t i que 2803
__ Ti ssus copt es du Muse du Louvr e 2964
Phi b 726 (vol . 56)
Phi l adel phi a. Free l i brary 192
Phi l emon 1297
Phi l ot heo9, hegumenos of the Pat r i archal church
of St. Mar k at Cai ro. Khul sat al - l tnn yah
See al so 1460, 1462
Phi l ot heus 1298, 1384- 7
Phoebammon 726 (vol . 46)
Pi ankof f , A. La descent e aux enf ers dans l es
text es gypt i ens 2278
__ Les deux encensoi rs copt es du Muse du
Louvre 3044
- - - Une l ampe copt e au Muse du Louvre 3045
__ Un pl at copt e au Muse du Louvre 3046
Sai nt Mercure, Abou Sei f ei n et l es
cynocphal es 1368
Pi ehl , K. Le copt e epi et son qui val ent
hi r ogl yphi que 373
__ t udes copt es 518, 585
- - f Note on Ti ef pe =Neue<r(.j ) 374
__ Wi l hel mPl eyt e 109
___C. R. 464, 582, 731- 2, 924, 1077, 1142,
1786, 1795, 1822, 2770
See al so 107- 8
Pi eper, K. At l as orbi s chri st l ani ant i qui
Pi eper, M. Nat i onal e strcJ mmungen i n der kop
t l schen l i t erat ur 705
__ Zwei bl St t er aus demOst erbri ef des At han-
aslus 1124
C. R. 2992
Pi erpont Mor gan l i brary, NewYor k 193- 5,
Pi erret , P. Sur quel ques si gnes i nconnus 673
Pi et schmann, R. Apooht hagmat a pat r umbohei ri sch
1309 '
- - Les i nscri pt i ons copt es de Faras 1953
- - Theodorus Tabennesi ot a 1125
- - Zu den ber bl ei bsel n des kopt l schen Al ex-
anderbuches 1819
C. R. 1077
Pi l cher, D. A Copt i c r eadi n book 465
Pi l l et , M. Les di f i ces chret i ens de Karnak
Pi r oou and At hom 1292
Pi sent i u3, Sai nt , bp. of Copt os 1185, 1388- 90
Pi sour a 1292
Pi st el l i , E. Papi ri evangel i ci 972
Pi t ra, J , B. Anal ect a sacra et cl assi ca 1163
- - Spi ci l egi umaol esmense 1261
Pl eyt e, W. Cat al ogue du Muse d' ant i qui t s
Lei de 2757 ^
- - Manuscri t s copt es du Muse d' ant i qui t s
dea Pays Bas Lei de 176
See al so 109
Pl ot i nus 1695
Pl uml ey, J . M. An i nt r oduct or y Copt i c gr ammar
Pochan, A. Not e au suj et de l ' re des mart yrs
ou de Di ocl t i en 2160
Pochou, L. A. Not i ce sur l e manuscri t copt e-
arabe no. 2 de l ' I nsl i t ut cat hol i que de
Pari s 1478
Pocock, E. 2357
Poebel , A. Sumer i an nu- n- na "year" and
Egypt i an r npt "year" 375
Poert ner, B. Das Menashei l i gt umi n der wst e
Mar i ut 2638
- - I l aant uar i o di S. Mena nel desert o Mar i ut
Pogl ayen- Neuwal l , S. Ei ne f r hedar st el l ung der
"El eousa" 3122
- - Ei ne kopt l sche el f enbei nschni t zer ei 3123
- - Ei ne kopt l sche pyxl s 3124
Poi t evi n, E. 1854
Pol ot sky, H. J . Deux verbes auxi l i area mcon
nus du copt e 519
-- phraem' s r ei se nach Aegypt en 1333
- - Et udes de synt axe copt e 520
- - Kopt l sche zi t at e aus den Act a Ar chel ai
1692 _
- - Mani chal sche homi l l en 1693
- - Mani chal sche st udi en 1694
- - Sahi di sch Ki cooy 376
- - Sur i el der t rompet er 1735
- - Zu ei nl gen Hei del oerger kopt l schen zauber-
t ext en 1736
- - Zur kopt l schen l aut l ehre 586
- - Zwei kopt l sche l i ebeszauber 1737
C. R. 285, 638, 744, 1098, 1106, 1389,
See al so 1700
Pol ycar p 1285, 1391
Pomj al owskl , M. ( Comment at i ones phi l ol ogi cae
en honneur de) 1497
Pool e, R. S. On the met hod of l nt erpret i ng
Egypt i an hi erogl yphl cs by Young and Chara-
pol l l on 249
Porcher, E. Anal yse des manuscri t s copt es
1311- 8 de l a Bi bl i ot hque nat i onal e 190
- - Les apoj hthegmas des pres 1310
- - Les dat es du pat ri arcat d' I saac 2468
- - Un di scours sur l a Sai nt e Vi er ge par
Svre d' Ant i oche 1192
- - Le l i vre de J ob 840
Porcher, E. La premi re homl i e cat hdral e
de Sevre d' Ant l oche 1193
- - Svre d' Ant l oche dans l a l i t t r at ure copt e
- - Vi e d' I saac, pat ri arche d' Al exandr i e 1172
Port er, A. K. ( Medl aeval st udl es l n memory of )
2713, 2767
Pott, A. P. Ei nl el t ung l n di e al l gemei ne
sprachwi33en3chaft 250
Poul sen, F, (Arkaeol ogi scke og kunst hl st ori ske
af handl l nger t i l egnede) 3097
Power, E. C. R. 1732
Pozzl , J . Les t i ssus copt es 2965
Praet ori us, F. Kopt l sche spur en l n der agyp-
t i sch- arabi schen gr ammat l k 277
- - C. R. 456
Prague. Muse des art s et met l ers 2980
Prat t , I . A. Ani ent Egypt 22- 3
Preux, C. Les Egypt i ens dans l a ci vi l i sat i on
hel l ni st i que d' Egypt e 2140
Prel sendanz, K. Deux papyrus magi ques 1738
- - Papyri graecae magl cae 1774
- - Papyrusf unde und papyr usf or schung 137
Prei si gke, F. Nameri buch 317
Preuschen, E. Ant l l egomena 1069
- - Moncht umund Sarapi skul t 2540
Pri nce, J . D. The modempr ononci at i on of
Copt i c l n the mass 587
- - Two versi ons of t he Copt i c Psal t er 854
Prochorus 726 (vol . 17)
Procl us, bp. of Cyzl cus 726 (vol . 28) , 1097
Przybyl l a, H. Hel nr i ch Schaf er 113
Przyl uskl , J . Mani et Pl ot i n 1695
Psol us of Const ant i nopl e 726 (vol . 40)
Psot as 726 (vol . 41) , 1298- 9
Psot e, bp. of Psol 716
Pt ol emaeus 1296, 1298
Puech, H. C. C. R. 1652
Pnj er, B. Kopt l sche ki rche 2408
Punt onl , V. Gnomol ogl l acrost l cl f r agment um
- - I l mar t i r i o dl S. I gnazl o 1341
al - Qal qashandl see al - Kal l j ashand
Quast en, J . A Copt i c cont erpar t to a vi si on
l n the Act s of Per pet ua and Fl i ci t as 1404
- - Musi k und gesang 1574
Quatrerare, E. Dani el et l es douze Pet i t s
Propht es 885
- - Mmoi res gographi ques et hi st ori ques sur
l ' gypt e 2246
- - Observat i ons sur quel ques poi nt s de l a
gogr aphi e de l ' gypt e 2247
__ Recherches cri t i ques et hi st or i ques sur l a
l angue et l a l i t t rat ure de l ' gypt e 42
C. R. 445
Qui bel l , J . E. Fj ccavati ons at Saqqara 1954
- - KomI shgau 2640
- - The monast er y of St. j ereml as at Saqqara
__ Repor t on wor k done l n Upper Egypt dur i ng
the wl nt er 1904- 5. 3146
- - YJ ann st arb das Kopt l sche aus? 251
Rabel , E. 2067
Rahl f s, A. ei .Xi .cc*. l mKopt i schen 660
- - Di e Ber l i ner handschr l f t des sahl dl schen
Psal t ers 855
- - Gri echi sche wor t er l mKopt i schen 661
- - "Nei n" l mKopt i schen 521
- - Sept uagi nt a- st udi en 856
- - C. R. 775
Rai ner, Archduke, Col l ect i on see Vi enna.
Nat l onal bl bl l ot hek
Ramshausen, F. V/. A. t k k Xhci a NKe^t 2409
Ranke, H. Di e Sgypt l schen per sonennamen 318
__ Kopt l sche f rl edhof e bel Kar r a 2725
- - Di e wort e h oynt e und NoyN- re l mal t achml -
ml schen 377
_ C. R. 2756
Ransom, C. L. Copt i c ar chi t ect ur al f ragment s
Raoul - Rochet t e, De l a croi x anse 2846
- - Sur l a croi x anse asi at i que 2847
Rapp, E. L. Zwel kopt l sche hymnen f r das
Epl phanl enf est 1575
Rauschen, G. Neues l l cht aus demal t en Ori ent
Rauwol f f , L. Al gent l l che beschr ei bung der
ral sz 2177
Rel ch, N. J . Copt i c ost r acon Mer t on 1. 12l 4
- - Kopt l sche manuskri pt e aus der Kgl . bayr.
hof - und st aat sbl bl l ot hek l n Mnchen 2044
C. R. 980
Rel mbol d, D. De Copt or umsacrament l s bapt l sml
at que euchar l st l ae 1479
Rel nach, A. 2651
Rei nhar d, S. 1929
Rei nhar dt , E. El ne kopt l sche gr abschr i f t
Rei nhardt , K. El ne ar abl sch- kopt l sche kl r chen-
bannur kunde 2045
Rel nl sch, L. Das zal wort vl er und neun l n den
chaml t l sch- seml t l schen spr achen 378
Rel t zenst el n, R. Hi st or i monachor umund
Hl st or l a Lausl aca 2542
Renan, E. Hi st oi re gnr al e et syst me com
par des l angues smi t i ques 278
Renaudl n, P. Les copt es J acobl t es et l ' gl i se
romai ne 2410
- - Essai de bi bl i ogr aphi e copt e 24
- - Les t udes copt es 43
- - La l i t t r at ure chrt i enne de l ' gypt e 44
- - Les manuscri t s l i t urgi ques copt es de l a
Bi bl i ot hque nat i onal e 1480
- - La messe copt e 1481
Renaudot , E. Hl st or l a pat r i ar char umAl exan-
dr i nor um 2469
- Ll t ur gl ar umor l ent al l umcol l ect l o 1482
See al so 1516
Renouf , P. Le P. A Copt i c t r anscri pt i on of an
Ar abl e t ext 1215
__ Egypt i an phonol ogy 588
- - Kopt l c resear ches 252
-- Not e on Egypt i an prposi t i ons 522
See al so 110, 802
Resch, P. A. La doct r i ne asct i que des pr em
i ers ma t res gypt i ens 2279
Revl l l out , E. Act es et cont rat s des muses
gypt i ens de Boul aq et du Louvre 2046
- - Une af f ai re de moeur s au 7e si cl e 2047
__ Les af f res de l a mor t chez l es gypt i ens
- - Les apocryphes copt es 1070
__ Apocr yphes copt es du Nouveau Test ament
- Le conci l e de Nl ce, d' aprs l es t extes
copt es 1263- 8
__ Le conci l e de Nl ce et l e conci l e d' Al ex
andri e 1269- 70
Revi l l out , E. L' vangi l e dos douze apt res
- - L' vangi l e des XI I apt res r cemment d
couver t 1072
- - Funrai l l es des moi nes gypt i ens 2543
- - La gr ammai r e copt e 569
- - Hui t papyrus copt es du Muse gypt i en du
Louvre 2048
- - Let t r e M. Chabas 2049
- - Let t re . . . sur de nouveaux vangi l es apo
cryphes 1073
- - Le mart yre de St. I gnace 1342
- Ml anges d' pi gr aphi e et de l i ngui st i que
gypt i enne 1956
- - Mmoi re sur l a vi e et l es oeuvres du phi l
osophe grec Secundus 1615
- - Mmoi re sur l es Bl emmyes 1806- 7
- Mmoi re sur l es ost raca, papyri et i nscr i p
t i ons copt es des di ver ses col l ect i ons de
Pari s 662
- - Un nouvel apocryphe copt e 1074
- - Observat i ons sur deux cri t s r cent s de
M. Masper o 523
__ Les ori gi nes du schi sme gypt i en 2544
- - Papyrus copt es 2050
- Le pr emi er ^et l e der ni er des moral i st es de
l ' anci enne Egypt e 1271
- - Le premi er schi sme de Const ant i nopl e 2470
- - Les prt s de bl 2051
- - Les pri res pour l es mor t s 1957
- - Rapport s sur une mi ssi on en I t al i e 1272
- - Rci t s de Di oscore 1146
__ Une r ect i f i cat i on 293
- - Les rgi mes mat r i moni aux dans l e dr oi t
gypt i en 2196
- - Le sage- f emme Sal om 1075
- - Sur de nouveaux vangi l es apocryphes 1076
- - Le t est ament du moi ne Paham 2052
- - Text es copt es 2053
- - Uni on l gi t eme aprs sduct i on 2197
__ Vi e de St . Pesunt hi us 1390
__ La vi e du bi enheur eux Aphou 1301
See al so 36, 111, 865, 1789
Rhode, J . F. The Ar abi e versi ons of the Pen-
t at euch 821
Ri cci ^ S. de Les t udes copt es en Russi e 91
- - I nscri pt i ons dgui ses 1958
__ I nscri pt i ons gr ecques et copt es 1959
__ ( Manuscri t s copt es acqui s en gypt ej
Let t re 131
- - Papyrus copt es du Muse d' Al exandr i e 2054
__ Les quar ant e- neuf vi ei l l ards de Sct
1394 ,
__ Rappor t sur une mi ssi on en Egypt e ( 1905)
__ The Zouche Sahi di c Exodus f r agment 822
Ri cci ot t i , F. Roma cat t ol i ca e ori ent e cri s-
t l ano 2411
Ri char d, M. Les cri t s de Thophi l e d' Al exan
dri e 1209
Ri chmond, E. The sl gnl f i cance of Cai ro 2727
Rl edel , W. The canons of At hanasi us of Al ex
andr i a 1281
__ Di e ki r chenr echt squel l en des pat ri archat s
Al exandr i en 1224
Ri ef st ahl , R. M. Ear l y t ext i l es i n the Cooper
uni on col l ect i on 2966
- - . . Ei n knpf t eppi ch spat ant i ker t radi t i on aus
Agypt en 2967
Ri egl , A... Di e agypt i schen t ext i l f unde i m
K. K. st errei ch. musum 2968
- - Kopt l sche kunst 2804
Ri l ey, A. Synopsi s of ori ent al Chr i st i ani t y
Ri t t er, H. Gr i echi sch- kopt i sche zi f f ern i n
ar abi schen manuskr i pt en 674
Rober t s, D. Zwei f ragment e aus Ant i no 3147
Robi nson, F. Copt i c apocryphal gospel s 1077
- - Egypt i an versi ons 767
Robi ou, F. t ude sur l ' i dent i f i cat i on des noms
gypt i ens des provi nces et des di st ri ct s
Rochemont ei x, M. de C. marqui s de. BuSi n et
Phani zoi t 2249
- - La pr ononci at i on moder ne du copt e dans l a
Haut e gypt e 590
Rock, D. Obser vat i ons on the r emar kabl e Chr i s
t i an rel i es 3047
Rodn y Font , C. El art e de l a t api ceri a en l a
ant l gedad 2969
Rodwel l , J . M. The l i t urgi es of S. Basi l ,
S. Gr egory and S. Cyr i l 1483
Roeder , G. Ber i cht ber di e ausgr abungen der
deut schen Her mopol i s- expedi t i on 1935, 2642
- - Vor l auf i ger ber i cht ber di e deut sche Her m
opol i s- expedi t i on 1929- 1930. 2643
Rodi ger , E. 1844- 5
Rosch, F. Br uchst cke des er st en Cl emensbri ef es
- - Vor bemer kungen zu ei ner gr ammat i k der achmi -
mi schen mundar t 628
- - C. R. 665, 829 _
Rohl f s, G. Dr ei monat e i n der l i byschen wst e
Rohr bach, P. Di e pat r i archen von Al exandr i a
Rome ( Ci ty). Bi bl i ot eca Angel i ca 197
Rome (Ci t y) . Camposant o t eut oni co. Museo 2920,
Rome (Ci t y) . Museo Bor gi ano 717, 753, 755,
760, 779- 80, 976, 1291- 2, 1990
Rome. Fondazi one Caet ani 198
Ropes, J . H. The Vul gat e, Peshi t t o, Sahi di c
and Bohal ri c versi ons of Act s 986
Rosel l i ni , I . Di un basso- r i l i evo egi zi ano
dl i a I . E. R. gal l er i a de Fi r enze 1961
- - El ement a l i nguae aegypt i acae vul go
copt i cae 447
See al so 112
Rosel l i ni , I . ( Scri t t i dedl cat l al l a memori a)
112, 2893, 3149
Rosenhagen, H. Mumi enbi l dni sse i mFaj um 3148
Ross, D. The art of Egypt t hrough the ges
Ross, M. C. Copt i c art sur vey i n a new gal l ery
- - A Copt i c bone car vi ng 3125
- - A gr oup of Copt i c i ncense bur ners 3048
- - "Pagani smand Chr i st i ani t y i n Egypt " 2807
Rossl , F. Del copt o corne base degl i st udl
egl t t ol ogi ci 45
- Di al cunl cocci copt i del Museo egi zi o di
Tor i no 2055
-- Di al cuni manoscr i t t i copt i che si conser-
vano nel l a Bi bl i ot eca nazl onal e dl Tor i no
- - Dl un coccl o copt o del Museo egi zi o dl
Tor i no 2056
- - Grammat l ca copt o- gerogl i f i ca 448
__ Grammat l ca egl zl a 449
__ Let t ur a di un l avoro sui codi ci copt i del
Museo di Tor i no 46
__ Manoscr i t t i copt i esl st ent l nel Museo Egi
zi o e nel l a Bi bl i ot eca nazl onal e di Tor i no
__ I mar t i r i i di Gi oore, Heraei , Epi maco e
Pt ol omeo 1296
__ Un nuovo codi ce copt o del Museo egi zi o dl
Tor i no 1297
- - I papi r i copt i del Museo egi zi o di Tor i no
- - I l r omanzo di Set na 1808
Rossi , P. Tr ascri zi one con t raduzi one i t al i -
ana dal copt o dl due omel l e dl S. Gi ovanni
Gri sost omo 1135
- Trascr i zi one con t raduzi one i t al l ana dl
due ser moni at t ri bui t l 11 pr i mo a S.
At anasi o . . . 11 secondo a S. Gi ovanni
Gr i sost omo 1127
- - Trascr i zi one con t raduzi one I t al l ana dl un
t est o copt o 1103, 1216
- - Tr ascri zi one dl al cunl t est l copt i 1126
- - Trascr i zi one dl tre manoscr l t t l copt i 1302
- - Tr ascri zi one dl un codl ca copt o 1078
- - Tre document l copt i 2057
- - Vl t a dl Sant 1 I l arl one e mar t l r l o dl Sant 1
I gnazl o 1339
Rossi , I . Et ymol ogl ae aegypt l acae 379
Rossi ni , C. C. Egi t t o ed Et i opi a nel t empl
ant l chl e nel l * et dl mezzo 706
Rosweyde, H. Vl t ae pat r um 2545
See al so 2538
Roug, J . de Gographi e anci enne de l a Basse
Egypt e 2250
Rcker, A. Di e f el erl l che kni ebeugungszer e-
monl e zu Pf i ngst en 1484
- - Der rl t us der bekl ei dung mi t deml ader nen
manchsschema bel den Syr er n 1485
- - J ber al t art af el n l mkopt i schen 1486
Ruf f er , M. A. St udl es l n pal aeopat hol ogy l n
Egypt 2644
Ruf l nus Tyr annl us. Hl st orl a monachor m 2530,
Russel l , C. C. R. 2400
Ryl ands, W. H. Chr onol ogl cal l l st of publ i ca
t i ons of the l ate Si r P. Le Page Renouf 110
Sachau, E. ( Fest schri f t ) 1290
Sacy, S. de Ki t ab al kewakeb al sal r at 2141
- - Mmoi r e sur l a nat ur e et l es rvol ut i ons
du dr oi t du pr opri t t err i t or i al e en
gypt e 2142
See al so 28, 2100
Sadl ei r, E. 2317- 8
Sal avl l l e, S. Li t ur gi es ori ent al es 1487
Sal l b, B. Abcdai re copt e 306
3al ml , M. I di oi nt i pal eocr l st l anl dl Ant i noe
Sal mon, G. Un t ext e arabe I ndi t 2413
Sal omon, A. P. Un r f ormat eur copt e du Xl l e
si cl e 2414
Sal vonl , P. Bol l et t l no bl bl l ogr af l co copt o
( 1919- 1939) 25
al - Samand . Grammai re copt a- arabe 438, 450
Samuel of Ni t r i a 1392
Sander s, H. A. The Ml nor Prophet s l n the Preer
col l ect i on 886
San Nl col , M. Das ei pe Mrrpoeuj TroN al s
st el l ver t r et ungsf or mel 2198
Sanz, P. El ne gr l echi sch- kopt l sche Odenhand-
schr l f t 811
Sar apl on 1204, 1285, 1393
Sauer, J . Kopt l sche kunst 2808
C. R. 2682
Saul cy, P. de Les hi rogl yphes et l a l angue
gypt i enne 253
Sawyer, E. H. The f l r st monast erl es 2547
Sayce, A. H. Copt i c and earl y Chr i st i an I n
scri pt i ons l n Upper Egypt 1962
__ Copt i c churches at Esneh 2728
- - The Copt i c I nscri pt i ons of Benl - Hassan and
Dei r - el - Medl neh 1963
__ A dat ed I nscri pt i on of Amenophl s XI I . 1964
__ Excavat i ons at Gebel Sl l sl l a 2645
- - Gl eanl ngs f r omthe l and of Egypt 1965
Sbat h, P. Manuscr i t s arabes d' aut eurs copt es
Scet e, 49 of . 1394
Schaeder, H. H. Der manl chal smus 1696
- - Manl chal smus und spat ant i ke r el i gi on 1697
Schaf er, H. Br uchst ck ai nes kopt i schen r omans
ber di e er oberung Aegypt ens dur ch Kambyses
- - Kopt l sche und al t agypt i sche zel chnung el nes
armsessel s 3071
- - Ei n t r l cht er mi t kopt i scher wel hl nschr l f t
See al so 113, 1821
Schar f f , A. Mavt pcoy - ma nc ^wo y ? 380
Schef f , W. P. C. R. 1855
Schermann, T. Agypt l sche abendmahl sl l t ur gl en
1488 _
- - Der agypt l sche f est kal endar vom2. - 7.
J ahrhundert__ 1521
- - Agapen l n Agypt en und di e l i t urgi e der
vor gehel l l gst en el ement e 1489
- - Der auf bau der Sgypt l schen abendmahl sl l
t urgl en 1490
- - Rubrl zl st l sche vor 3chr l f t en f r di e ki rche
und messe 1491
Schl apar el l l , E. Dl una ant l ca st of f a cr i s
t i ana dl Egi t t o 2970
Schl ck, J . Das gl ckski nd mi t demt odesbrl ef
1796 '
Schi l l er , A. A. A Copt i c char m 1739
- - A Copt i c dl al ysl s 2058
- - Copt i c l aw 2199
- - The Copt i c Xor oe MnNoyTe document s
- - Copt i c ost raca of t he NewYor k hi st or i cal
soci et y 2060
- - Kopt i sches r echt 2200
- - Pr ol egomena to the st udy of Copt i c l aw
2201 -
- - Ten Copt i c l gal t exts and Copt i c l aw
2061- 2
- - Tent at i ve dl r ect or y of persons l nt erest ed
l n Copt i c st udl es 47
Schl wi et z, S. Geschi cht e und or gani sat i on der
Pachoml anl schen kl ost er 2548
- - Das mor genl andi sche moncht um 2549
Schl el f er, J . Bemer kungen zu Budges Copt i c
Bi bl i cal t exts 792
- - Bruchst cke der sahl dl schen Bl bel - berset -
zung 806
- - Sahl dl sche Bl bel - f r agment e aus demBr i t i sh
musum 807
- - - C. R. 775, 810, 1138
Schl umber ger, G. Les f oui l l es de J ean Masper o
Baoui t en 1913. 2646
Schl umber ger, G. ( Ml anges of f ert s ) 1275
Schl unk, H. Di e f r hchr l st l l ch- byzant l nl sche
samml ung 2738
Schmi dt , A. L. Kopt l sche st of f e 2971
Schmi dt , C. Act a Paul l 1032- 4
- - Ei n al t chri st l l ches mumi enet i ket t 2306
- - Di e al t en Paul usakt en l n neuer bel eucht ung
- - Di e al t en Pet r usakt en l mzusammenhang der
apokryphen apost el l l t t er at ur 1036
- - Apokal ypse des El i as 922
- - Bemer kungen zumdl al ekt der Pi st i s Sophi a
- - Bemer kungen zur angebl l chen al t kopt l schen
Madonnadar st el l ung 3105
__ El ne bl sher unbekannt e al t chrl st l l che
schr i f t 1092
- - De codl ce Brucl ano 1655
- - El ne Epl st ol a apost ol or um 1093
- - Der I . Cl emensbr i ef 1139- 40
Schmi dt , C, Fr agment e ei ner achr i f t dea
mar t yrerbi achof s Pet rua von Al exandr i en
1 1 8 3 ..
- - Geapr ehe J eau mi t ael nemJ ngern 1094
- - Gnoat i ache achrl f t en 1656
- - Di e l n demkopt l ach- gnost i achen Codex
Brucl anua ent hal t enen "bei den bcher J e"
- - I n memor l am 48
- - I renaus und sei ne quel l e i n adv. haer. I ,
29. 1659
- - Das kl ost er dea Apa Mena 2063
- - Der kl ophon dea Ma. ori ent . 7594 dea
Br i t i achen musums 923
- - Kopt i ach- gnoat i ache achrl f t en 1616
- - Daa kopt l sche Di dache- f r agment des Br i t i sh
musum 1232
- - Kopt l sche l i t er at ur 708
__ Ei n kopt i acher wer kver t r ag 2064
__ Ei n kopt i achea f ragment ei ner Moaea- Adam
apokal ypae 1055 ..
_. Ei n Mani - f und i n Agypt en 1698- 9
__ Mani chai ache handschr i f t en der St aat l i chen
museen Berl i n 1700
__ The Mi nor Prophet a i n the Freer col l ect i on
886 , ,
__ Neue f unde zu den al t en n p a j - e i j t t u u a q u
1037 ..
- - Neue or i gi nal quel l en dea mani chai amua aua
Aegypt en 1701
- - El n neuea f ragment der Hei del ber ger Act a
_ Paul i 1038
- - Ei n neuea f ragment dea Oat erf est bri ef ea
des At hanasi ua vomj ahre 367. 1128
__ Der Oat er f eat bri ef dea At hanasi ua vomJ .
367. 1129.
__ Di e Paul uaakt en 1039
- - gi at i a Sophi a 1642- 3
__ ber di e i n kopt i scher apr ache er hal t enen
gnoat i schen or i gi nal wer ke 1658
__ ffber ei ne angebl i che al t kopt l ache Madonna-
dar at el l ung 3106 _
__ ber si cht ber di e vor ni cani sche l i t t er at ur
__ Di e ur achr i f t der Pl at i s Sophi a 1644
- - Ei n vori r enaei achea gnoat i achea ori gi nal -
wer k 1660 ..
__ Zu gr i echi achen ur kunden aua Agypt en 319
- - C. R. 718, 723, 844, 867, 869, 935, 987,
1088, 1104, 1621, 1648, 1674
See al ao 114- 5, 1700, 2827
Schmi dt , V. De graeak- aegypt i ake t errakot t er
i Ny Carl aberg gl ypt ot hek 3050
Schmi t t , E, H. Di e gnoal a 1617
Schmi t z, A. L. Der chr i at l i che al t ar 3051
- - Di e f ormengeachi cht e der aegypt i achen
Menapol i a 2647
- - Gr abungen i mchr i at l i chen Aegypt en 2648
- - Hei dni schea und chri at l i chea i n t ot endi enat
und t ot enkunat der Kopt en aee 2307
- - Di e pol i t i k der Kopt en 2143
-- Daa t ot enweaen der Kopt en 2307
- - Daa Wel sae und daa Rot e kl oat er 2729
- - - Di e wel t der agypt i achen ei nai edl er und
m' dnche 2550
Schoene, A. 120
Schol em, G. ber ei ne f or mel i n den kopt i ach-
gnoat i achen schr i f t en 1618
Schol t z, C. Gr ammat l ca aegypt i aca 451
See al so 289
Schot t , S. Ber i cht e ber di e zwei t e vom
Deut schen i nst i t ut f r agypt i ache al t ert ums-
kunde nach demOat del t a- Rand und i n daa
Wdi Tumi l t unt ernommeno erkundungaf ahr t
Schubart , W. Agypt en 2144
- - Ei n gr i echi ach- kopt i schea ki r chengebet
- - Ei n l at ei ni ach- gr i echi ach- kopt i achea
geapr achbuch 1838- 9
- - Mi ni at ur en auf papyrua 3166
- - Pal aeogr aphi e 675
- - - C. R. 2329
Schubert , H. von Hypat i a von Al exandr l en 2145
Schr er , C. R. 924
Schul t e, A. Di e kopt l sche ueber set zung dr
Kl ei nen Pr ophet en 887
- - Di e kopt l sche ber aet zung der vi er Groaaen
Pr ophet en 875
Schul t ze, V. Geachi cht e dea unt er ganga des
gr i echi sch- r oml achen hei dent uma 2415
Schwannborny, G. Daa al t eat e pat ri at i ache
zeugnl a l i ber di e aonnt agaruhe 1184
Schwar t z, E. Cyr i l l und der monch Vi kt or 2472
Schwar t ze, M. G. Daa al t e Aegypt en 254
__ tBer i cht ber aei ne kopt i achen best rebungen
i n Engl and) 1645
- - Kopt l sche gr ammat i k 452
__ Pi st i a Sophi a 1646
__ Paal t er i um 857
__ Quat uor Evangel i a 954
See al ao 53, 1639
Schwei nf urt h, G. A. Auf unbet r et enen wegen i n
Aegypt en 2551
Schwyzer, E. Gr i echi ache i nt er J ekt i onen und
gr i echi ache bchat abennamen auf -<* 591
Scl al ach, V. Ll t ur gl ae 1492
Scot t - Moncr i ef f , P. D. Copt i c chur ch 2416
__ Gnoat i ci amand earl y Chr l at i ani t y i n Egypt
- - Pagani smand Chr l at i ani t y i n Egypt 1620
See al ao 2216
Scri vener , F. H. A. A pl ai n i nt roduct i on to
the cri t l ci amof the New Teat ament 943
Sebaat e, 40 of 1395- 6
Secundus 1615 _
Seel en, J . H. von 2315 *
Sel dl , E. Der ei d i mr 8ml ach- Sgypt i achen
pr ovi nzi al r echt 2202
___ Wi l hel mSpi egel berg, 1870- 1930. 118
Sel den, J . 2357
Sem5n, deacon 1580
Serruya, D. Cont r i but i on l ' t ude dea
"Canons" de 1' onci al e grecque 676
Seat on, W. L' gypt e mani chenne 1702
Set he, K. ne^i K "vi el l ei cht " 381
__ Smo n aah. "denn" 382
__ m'n t v c u t S "er kann ni cht hor en" 524
__ 383
__ Daa aegypt l sche ver bum 525
__ Di e bedeut ung der konsonant en- ver doppl ung
i msahl dl schen 592
- - Bemer kungen zu W. Ti l l ' s Achmi ml ach- kop-
t i scher gr ammat i k 629
- - Demot i ache ur kunden zumagypt i achen brg-
achaf t ar echt e 2203
- - Dr ei unver at andl i che at el l en i n den kop
t i achen "Apopht hegmat a pat r umAegypt i or um11
- - Kopt l sche et ymol ogi en 384
- - Das kopt l sche kausat l v von -f- "geben" 526
- - Ei n mi asbr auch dea qual i t at i vs 527
- - Der noml nal sat z 528
- - Das perf ekt i sche hi l f aver bumwj h 529
- - Di e r el at i vi achen par t i zi pi al umachr ei bungen
- - Spur en der Per serher r achaf t 385
- - ber ei ni ge aekundar e ver ben 531
- - Unt er suchungen ber di e agypt i schen
zahl wort er 532
Set he, K. Der ur spr ung des kopt i schen
mt t at T( - c u t m 533
- - Das verhSl t ni s zwi schen denot l sch und
kopt l sch 255
- - Di e vokal i sat i on des Sgypt l schen 593
- - Von zahl en uri d zahl wort en 594
- - Zu den mar t yr er akt en des Apa Schnube 1398
- - Zu co"Hp "zu schl f f f ahren" 386
- - Zumnamen Pharbai t hos 387
- - Zumurspr ung des pronomen per sonal nt ok
und genossen 388
- - Zur erkl arung der kopt i schen nomi nal ver ben
der ei genschef t swSr t er 534
- - Zur vokal i sat i on der nl sbef or men 595
- - Zur vokal i sat i on des dual l s l maegypt l schen
596 f
- - Zur wl eder gabe des Sgypt l schen h amwor t an-
f ang dur ch di e Gr i echen 597
Sever l an of Gabal a 1186
Severus, Mar t yr dom 1298
Severus I bn al - Mu^af f a , bp. of Ushmunal n.
Hl st or l a pat r l ar char umAl exandr i nor um
2417- 20
Sever us Sozopol l t anus, pat r l ar ch of Ant i och
1115, 1187- 94, 1425
Severus, Sul pl cl us. Di al ogua 2552
Sebol d, C. F. C. R. 689
See al so 2417- 8
Seyf f art h, 0. Copt l sche kl ost er - ur kunde 2065
- - Das hebr i sche hohl mass hl n aus Aegypt en
- - I nschrl f t en aus Aegypt en 1966
- - Theol ogl sche schrl f t en der al t en Aegypt er
279, 2065
al - Shbusht . Ki t b al - di yr t 2483
Shama al - Rl aah aee Abu al - Barakt I bn Kabar
Sharpe, S. Egypt i an myt hol ogy and Egypt i an
Chr l st i ani t y 2290
- - The hl st or y of Egypt 2146
Shenout e see Si nut hi us
Sher, M. A. Ml f o bor ' be Gora 1 Set a 2848
Shl er, L. A. Ol d Test ament t exts on vel l um
Shnoube 1397- 8
Shohara, H. Some bi ol ogi cal f act ors i nvol ved
l n Copt i c Sound changes 598
Sl ckl ng, L. J . Al exandri e 2421
- - De t roonabest l j gl ng van Cyr i l l us 2473
Sl darouss, S. The Copt i c chur ch of Egypt 2422
Des pat ri ar cat s 2423
Si mai ka, M. H. A br i ef gui de to the Copt i c
musum 2746
- - Cat al ogue of the Copt i c and Arabi e manu
scri pt s l n the Copt i c musum 151
- Dal i l el - Mat haf al - ki bt 2747
- - Gui de sommai re du Muse copt e 2748
- - - Le Muse oopt e au Vi eux Cai re 2749
- - Not e hi st or i que sur l e Muse copt e au Vi eux
Cai re 2750
- - Some soci al Copt i c cust oms 2308
See al so 116
Si mon, Mar t yr dom 1291
Si mon, J . L' ai re et l a dure des di al ect es
copt es 626
- - Cont r i but i on l a bi bl i ogr aphi e copt e des
annes 1940- 1945. 26
- - Le cul t e des XL mart yr s dans l ' gypt e
chrt i enne 1396
- - The dcl i n of the Copt i c l anguage 256
- - L' di t i on des t ext es mani chens copt es
3. 703 > _
- - L' Euchol oge copt e- arabe des Abn al - kan sah
- - Fr agment d' une homl i e copt e en l ' honneur
de Samuel de Kal amon 1217
Si mon, J . Homl i e copt e i ndi t e sur S. Mi chel
et l e bon l arr on 1136
- - Le monast re copt e de Samuel de Ksl amon
- - Not e sur l e dossi er des t ext es akhml ml ques
- - Not e sur l e dossi er des t ext es f ayoumi ques
- - Not e sur l e dossi er des t ext es sub- ekhml -
mi ques 140
- - Les nouveaux t ext es de l a l i t t rat ure copt e
f ayoumi que 141
__ Quel ques publ i cat i ons rcent es de t ext es
copt es ( 1938- 1941) 2096
- - Rper t oi r e des bi bl i ot hques publ i ques et
pri ves cont enant des manuscr i t s copt es
142 #
- - S. rod ( Hrode) mar t yr d' Egypt e 1337
- Vvann st arb das Kopt i sche aus? 257
C. R. 458, 465, 623, 680, 721, 744, 926,
1665, 1684, 1700, 1707, 1889, 1991, 2220,
2325, 2426, 2521
Sl msar , M. A. Ori ent al manuscri pt s of the
J ohn Fr eder i ck Lewi s col l ect i on i n the Free
l i br ar y of Phi l adel phi e 192
Sl nuphl us see Shnoube
Si nut hi us, Sai nt 1109, 1147, 1195- 1206,
1557- 8, 1564- 5 , 2438 , 2480 , 2526- 7 , 2537, 2710
Si Sn 1399
Sl sl nnl us, Sai nt 2844
ml eszek, A. Ki l ka egi pski ch i kopt yj ski ch
nazw zwl erzat 389
- - Not es on Egypt i an accent as evi denced l n
Copt i c nouns 599
- - Some hypot heses concernl ng the pr e- hi st ory
of the Copt i c vowel s 600
Smi t h, E. B. The Al exandr i an or i gi n of the
chai r of Maxi mi anus 3052
- - Ear l y Chr i st i an l conography 2809
Smi t h, S. Copt i c and Gr eek gravest ones 3107
Smi t h, T. 77
Smi t her, P. C. A Copt i c l ove- char m 1740
Smol enskl , T. Le couvent copt e de Sai nt -
Samuel Gal amoun 2730
Sobhy, G. P. G. The book of the Proverbs of
Sol omon 867
- - The Copt i c cal ender l cal comput at i on 2161
- - The Copt i c musumi n Cai ro 2751
- - Cust oms and superst i t i ons of the Egypt i ens
connect ed wi t h pr egnancy and chi l d- bi rt h
- - Dr. W. E. Cr um 66
- - Educat i on l n Egypt dur i ng the Chri st i an
peri od 2147 _
- - Ki t b kaw*i d al - l ughet el - mi sr i yeh el -
ki bt yah 453
- - ' Le mart yr e de Sai nt Hl l as et l ' encomi um
de 1' vque St phanos 1330
- - Mi scel l anea 3108
- - Not e 2251
- - Not es on the et hnol ogy of t he Copt s 2179
- - La prononci at i on moder ne du Copt e dans
l ' gl i se 601
- - The pr onunci et i on of Copt i c i n the church
of Egypt 602
- - Si r Her ber t Thompson 122
- - Si r St ephen Gasel ee 72
- - St udl es i n Copt i c l exi cography 1178
- - St udl es i n the Copt i c proper name3 320
- - The sur vi val of anci ent Egypt 2180
- - Survi vai s of anci ent Egypt i an i n modem
di al ect 280
- - The t r adi t i onal pronunci at i on of Copt i c
i n the chur ch of Egypt 603
- - Two l eaves i n the Copt i c di al ect of Mi ddl e
Egpt ( SF1) 1595
Sobhy, G. P. G. C. R. 1013
Soci t asi at i que, Pari s. Le l i vre du cent en
ai re ( 1822- 1922) 38
Soci t d' ar chol ogi e copt e 29
Soeder, R. Di e apokr yphen Apost el geschi cht en
Sol l er l us, J . B. Tract at us hi st or i co- chr ono-
l ogl cus de pat rl ar chi s Al exandr i ni s 2474
Sonnl nl de Manoncourt , G. H. S. Tr avel s l n
upper and l ower Egypt 2555
- - Voyage dans l a haut e et basse gypt e 2554
Sot t as, H. Les mesur es I t i nrai res pt oi mai -
ques 390 r
- - "Non sol um. . . sed et i am" en Egypt i en 391
- - Not es de phi l ol ogi e gypt i enne 392
- - Une nouvel l e pi ce de l a corr espondance
de Sai nt Pesunt hl os 2066
- - C. R. 1397
See al so 117
Sout h Kensl ngt on musum, London 2856, 2867- 8
Sozomenus 2489
Spasskl l , A. A. PakhSmet Thodor e d' aprs
l es sources grecques et copt es 2556
Spel eer s, L. Recuei l des I nscri pt i ons gyp
t i ennes des Muses r oyaux 1967
Spl egel berg, W. dd mdw l mKopt i schen 393
dJ r ( t 6) "schl agn" 394
- - Das ma der or t sbezel chnung 535
- - cou "bl nse, mat t e" 395
- - uj aap "zr nen" 396
- - 51ce (S): 3.1e 1 (B) "spl nnen" 397
gpr ( A) <hr dj . t "f urcht " 398
- - Aegypt l sche und gr i echi sche el gennamen aus
mumi enet i ket t en j 521
- - Di e al l gemel ne ort s- und zel t best l mmung v'7d
l mkopt i schen 536
- - El ne angebl l che i ndi kt i onsbezei chnung 399
- - Ar abl sche el nf l sse l n demkopt i schen
Kambysesr oman 1823
- - Der ausdr uck ebot N ooy 400
- - Ber l cht i gung zu nt ah ce (A) "er l st es"
Der b8se bl l ck l mal t agypt l schen gl auben
1 7 4 1 .. '
- - Deml r e ( ^a ) "berschwemmung" 401
- - Di e et ymol ogl e von m- r y* 402
- - Di e et ymol ogl e von oyj e "f ehl gebur t "
- - The god Panepi 404
- - Das her z al s zwei t es wesen des menschen
- - Kopt l sche et ymol ogl en 405
- - Kopt l sche kl el nl gkel t en 406
- - Kopt l sche kr euzl egenden 1830
- - Kopt l sche ml scel l en 407
- - Kopt l sche ml szel l en 539
- - Ei n kopt i scher ver t r ag 2067
- - Kopt i sches handwor t er buch 294, 297
- - Di e l esung des zahl wort es "hundert " 408
- - Ei n neues kopt i sches wor t er buch 295
- - [ Revi ew of Crum' s Copt i c ost r aca} 1968
- - El ne sahl dl sche ver si on der Dor ml t l o Marl ae
1079 _
- - Der st at . const r. <Tn vor f ol gendem
f r agesat ze 540
- - ber di e gel egent l l che wl eder gabe des
al eph und ' aj l n l mkopt i schen 604
- - Der ur spr ung des f l nal l s TApe 541
- - Var i a 409, 542 _
Wel t er e spuren der Sgypt l schen J ahres-
bezei chnung f l mkopt i schen 410
- Zu j s oyc "kahl " 411
- Zu demSt r assbur ger Evangel l en- f r agment
- - Zu don verba I l ae geml nat ae 543
Spl egel ber g, U . Zu der pl ur al bl l dung auf 5
l mkopt i schen 544
C. R. 170, 335, 437, 442, 630, 728, 749,
840, 845, 890, 1202, 1643, 1825, 2072
See al so 48, 118
Spl t t a, W. K. R. Gr ammat i k des arabi schen
vul gSrdi al ect es von Aegypt en 281
Sprengl i ng, M. C. R. 935
Sprl nger , E. Di e sl cher ungskl ausel n der kop
t i schen r echt sur kunden 2204
-- Di e zahl hoder 99. 682
St anl ey, A. P. Lect ures on the hl st or y of the
East er n chur ch 2424
St art , L. E. Copt i c cl ot hs 2972
St ef anskl , E. A Copt i c magl cal t ext 1742
St egemann, V. "oyxc-ocope j NTe^a' oM=st ark"
- - Di e gest al t Chr i st l l n den kopt i schen
zauber t ext en 1743
- - Kopt l sche pal aographl e 677
- - Di e kopt i schen zauber t ext e der samml ung
papyrus er zher zog Rai ner 1744
- - Neue zauber - und gebet st ext e aus kopt i scher
zei t l n Hel del berg und Wi en 1745
- - ber ast ronoml sches l n den kopt i schen
zaubert ext en 1746
- - Zu kapl t el 69 der Kephal al a des Manl 1704
- - Zur t ext gest al t ung und zumt ext ver st Sndnl s
kopt i scher zaubert ext e 1747
- - C. ^R. 1730
St egensek, A. Ueber angebl l che Geor gsbi l der
auf den aegypt l schen t ext l l l en i mMusum
des Campo Sant o 2973
St el dl e, S. Pat r ol ogi a 709
St ei ndorf f , G. das kopt . j oNT 413
- - Di e apokal ypse des El i as 924
- - Der bi schof J esu von Sa 1969
- - Chr i st l i che grabst ei ne aus Nubi en 1970
Di e et ymol ogl e von ?ooy : ; uoy "schl echt ,
bose sei n" 414
- - Gesl os und I si doros 1809
- - Der gr abst el n el nes nubl schen bi schof s
- - Das kl ost er des hei l l gen Makar i os 2731
- - El ne kopt i sche bannbul l e und andere br i ef e
- - Kopt i sche gr ammat i k 454
-- Ei n kopt i scher gr abst el n 1972
- Kur zer abrl ss der kopt i schen gr ammat i k 455
- Moul l l l r ung der l i qui da <= i magypt i sch-
kopt i schen 605
- - Neue kopt l s che ur kunden aus Theben 2069
- Pr ol egomena zu ei ner kopt i schen nomi nal -
cl asse 545
- Zwel al t kopt i sche mumi erwt i t et t en 1775
See al so 119, 1233, 1997
St ei nt hal , H. 452
St ei nwent er , A. Di e bedeut ung der papyr ol ogi e
f ur di e kopt i sche urkundenl ehr e 2070
- - Byzant l ni sche mcJ nchst est ament e 2071
- - Ki nder schenkungen an kopt i sche kl ost er
- - Neue kopt i sche r echt sur kunden 2089
- Di e ordi nat i onsbi t t en kopt i scher kl eri ker
- - Di e r echt sst el l ung der ki r chen und kl ost er
- - St udl en zu den kopt i schen r echt sur kunden
aus Ober Kgypt en 2072
- - Ei n vorschl ag zur publ l kat l on kopt i schen
r echt sur kunden 54- 5
- - Zu den kopt i schen ki nder obl at i onen 2208
- - Zu den kopt i schen schut zbr i ef en 2073
- - Zur di t i on der kopt i schen r echt sur kunden
aus Dj me 2074
St ei nwent er , A. Zur l ehre von der Epl scopal l s
Audi ent l a 2209
C. R. 2061
St ephanus, bp. of Hnes 726 ( vol s. 37, 45)
St ern, L. ye, d. l . 99. 683
- Cr i t i sche anmer kungen zu der bohei r i schen
i i bersetzung der Pr over bl a Sal omoni s 868
Er kl ar ung el nl ger memphi t i soh- kopt l soher
papyrus ur kunden 2075 ..
- - Fai j umi sche papyr l l mAgypt i schen musum
zu Ber l i n 2076
- - Fr agment el nes kopt l schen t ract at es ber
al chi mi e 1862
- - Hl erogl yphl sch- kopt i sches 415
- - Di e i ndi ct i onenr echnung der Kopt en 2162
- - Kopt en 2281
- - Kopt l sche apocal ypse des Sophonl as 925
- Kopt l sche br l ef e 2077
- - Kopt l sche gr ammat i k 456
- - Kopt l sche l nschr l f t en an al t en denkmal er n
- Kopt l sche sprache und l l t erat ur 258
- - Das l eben J osephs des zl mmermanns 1081
- - Di e l i t t er at ur der Kopt en 2078
- - Sahi di sche l nschrl f t en 1974
- - Sahi di sche scher benauf schr l f t en 2080
- - Das t est ament der Susar ma 2081
- - Ver such ber el ne gl el chmassl ge wor t t r en-
nung l mkopt l schen 56
-- Zwel kopt l sche Bi bel f ragment e 809
- Zwel kopt l sche ur kunden aus Theben 2082
- - C. R. 728
St l er, H. 2592
St okes, G. T. The Faymmanuscri pt s 133
-- The l at est dl scover l es among the Faym
manuscr i pt s 134
St out , G. L. Rest or at l on of a Fayumport rai t
St rat t on, H. F. Copt i c ar t 2810
St rl cker , B. H, Troi s t udes de phont i que et
de morphol ogi e copt es 606
St r ot hmann, R. Di e kopt l sche kl r che l n der
neuzel t 2426
St rzygowski , J . Di e chr l st l l chen denkmal er
Aegypt ens 3109
- - Di e gemSl desat nml ung des gr l echl schen pat ri -
archat s l n Kal r o 3151
- Hel l eni st i sche und kopt l sche kunst l n
Al exandr i a 3126
- Kopt l sche kunst 2811
- Der kopt l sche r el t erhel l l ge und der hl .
Geor g 2849
- - Or i ent oder Rom? 2974
- - Ori ent oder Rom. St l chprobes Di e por phyr -
gr uppen von S. Mar co l n Venedl g 2812
- Der schmuck der Sl t er en el - Hadrakl r che
2732 #>
- - - Sel denst of f e aus Agypt en l mKai ser Frl edri ch-
musum 2975
- - - Wl l per t s kr l t l k mel ner Al exandr l nl schen
wel t chr oni k 3167
- Wl adl ml r de Bock 62
- - C. R. 2770, 2786
- - See al so 120- 1, 3159
St r zygowski , J . ( Fest schrl f t zum70. geburt s-
tag) 2885
St ucken, E. Pol ynesl sches sprachgut l n Amer l ka
und l n Sumer 307
St uhl f aut h, G. C. R. 1577, 2725
Sul al mn, S. Mukht asar t r kh al - ummat al -
l f i b yah 2148 '
Sul zber ger , M, Not e sur l a cr oi x chr t i enne en
gypt e 2850
Swl ndl er, M. H. Anci ent pal nt l ng 3152
Swoboda, H. El n al t chr l st l l cher ki r chen- vor -
hang aus Aegypt en 2976
Symeon 1400- 1
Taeschner, F. Or l ent al l sche sti ni men z. erl osung-
gedanken 1696 _ _ _
Tki al - Dl n, al - Makr zl see Makr zi
Taml zey de Lar roqu, P. 106 *
Tat t am, H. m 2^NeyAr reXi oN sey 955
- - TTl *OOM NT6 Nl f MNI TTpO>t>HTHC 888
- - The anci ent Copt i c ver si on of the Book of
J ob the J ust 841
- - The Apost ol l cal Const i t ut i ons, or Canons
of the Apost l es 1253
- - A cat al ogue of the Rev. H. Tat t ams Copt i c
and Sahl dl c manuscr i pt s 200
- - A compendl ous gr ammar of the Egypt i an
l anguage 457
- - A Copt i c ver si on of J er eml ah XX, 4. 876
- - Lexi con aegypt l aco- l at l num 296
- - tThe New Test ament l n Copt i c and Arabl ei
944 '
- - Prophet ae maj ores 877
See al so 290
Tel f er , W. C. R. 1294
Teza, E. Del manoscr i t t i copt l del Ml ngar el l l
- - Framment l i nedi t i dl un ser mone dl Scenut l
- I nscr l zl onl crl st l ane d' gl t t o 1975
Tha s 1402
Thekl a 1298, 3056
Theodore of Tabennese 1122, 1125, 2556
Theodor e the East er n 1285, 1293, 1298, 1403- 4
Theodore the General 726 (vol . 28), 1285,
1298, 1405- 6
Theodorus, abp. of Ant i och 716, 726 (vol . 50),
Theodorus of Phi l ae 2466
Theodosl us, abp. of Al exandr i a 1207- 8, 2439
Theodot l us, bp. of Ancyr a 1285
Theopempt us, abp. of Ant i och 726 (vol . 28)
Theophanes 1291
Theophl l us, abp. of Al exandr i a 1209, 1300,
Theopl st us 1328
Thompson, D. W. On Egypt i an f i sh- names used by
Gr eek wr i t ers 663
Thompson, H. A Byzant i ne t abl e of f ract i ons
- - A Copt i c mar r l age cont r act 2083
- - A Copt i c pal l mpsest 829
- - The Copt i c ( Sahl dl c) ver si on of cer t ai n
books of t he Ol d Test ament 810
- - Copt i c t ext s 2084
- - The Copt i c ver si on of t he Act s of the
Apost l es 987
- - Di oscorus and Shenout e 1147
- - The Gospel of St. J ohn 980
- - A Gr eek- Copt i c gl ossar y to Hosea and Amos
- - Magi cal t exts 1755
- - The new Bi bl i cal papyrus 793
- - Part of Copt i c sermon 1219
See al so 122, 782, 1954, 2636
Thompson, R. C. Byzant i ne r esear ch f und:
excavat i ons at Wadl Sar ga 2650
See al so 2002
Thomsen, V. ( Fest skrl f t ) 2031
Ti l l , W. ^ An mt a*&Y 416
- - Achml mi sch- kopt l sche gr ammat i k 630
Ti l l ^ W. Achm mi sche ber i oht i gungen und er-
gnzungen zu Spi egel bergs kopt i schemhand-
wSr t er buch 297
- - Di e achm mi sche ver si on der zwol f Kl ei nen
Pr ophet en 889
- - Achm mi sches 631
- - Ei n achm mi sches J akobusbr i ef f r agment 1005
- - Al t es al eph und a^i n i mkopt i schen 607
- - Bemer kungen und er gnzungen zu den achm -
mi schen t ext ausgaben 2097
- - Bemer kungen zu kopt i schen t ext ausgaben 2098
- - Ber i cht ber di e ori ent al i sche abt ei l ung
der papyr ussamml ung der Nat i onal bi bl i ot hek
i n V/ i en 217
- - Di e Berl i ner gnost i sche handschr i f t 1661
- - Di e Copt i ca der Wi ener papyrussamml ung 218
- - Fai j umi sche br uchst cke des Neuen Test a-
ment es 956
- - Ei n f ayyumi sches Act a- f r agment 988
- - Ei n gri echi sch- kopt i sche Odenhandschri f t
- - Gri echi sche phi l osophen bel den Kopt en
- - I ndet ermi ni ert e ausdrcke mi t dembesti i mnten
art i kel 546
- - Kl ei ne kopt i sche Bi bel f r agment e 794
- - Ei ne kopt i sche al i ment enf order ung 2085
- - Ei ne kopt i sche bauer npr akt i k 1811
- - Kopt i sche bri ef e, 1- 3. 2086
- - Kopt i sche chrest omat hi e f ur den f ayumi schen
di al ekt 638
- - Kopt i sche di al ekt gr ammat i k 458
- - Kopt i sche hei l i gen- und mar t yr er l egenden
- - Kopt i sche kl ei nl i t er at ur 1748
- - Kopt i sche pergaraente t heol ogi schen i nhal t s
- - Kopt i sche schut zbri ef e 2087
- - Kopt i sche t ext ausgaben 57
- - Di e kopt i schen st euerqui t t ungsost r aka der
Wi ener papyr ussamml ung 2088
- - Ei n kopt i sches l i ed 1831
-- Der mur mel vokal 608
- - Neue kopt i sche r echt sur kunden 2089
- - Neue kopt i sche wochent agsbezei chnungen
- Di e ori ent al i sche abt ei l ung der papyr us-
samml ung der Nat i onal bi bl i ot hek l n Wi en
- - Ost er br i ef und predl gt l n achmi mi schem
di al ekt 1104
- - Papyrussamml ung der Nat i onal bi bl i ot hek i n
Wi en 220
- - Papyr ussamml ung der Nat i onal bi bl i ot hek i n
Wi en. Kat al og der kopt i schen Bi bel bruch-
st cke 221
- - Das pi el i mSgypt l schen 547
- - Ei n sahi di sches Baruch f ragment 904
- - Sai di sche f ragment e des Al t en Test ament es
- - Ei n sai di scher ber i cht der r oi se des Apa
J ohannea nach Babyl on 1349
- - Di s st el l ung des achm mi schen 633
- - Di e berr est e des al t agypt l schen unbet ont en
( al t eren) pr onomen absol ut umi mkopt i schen
- - Ei ne verkauf sur kunde aus Dschme 2090
- - Ver of f ent l i chungen der "Soci t d' ar cho
l ogi e copt e" 2099
- - Di e vocal i sat i on des f ayyumi schen 609
- - Wi ener f al j umi ca 795
- - Y Brt erverzel chni ss und sachregi st er zur
achmi mi sch- kopt i schen gr ammat i k 634
- - Zu Crums Vari a copt i ca 745
- - Zu den Wi ener kopt i schen zaubert ext en 1749
Ti l l , W. Zumei d i n den kopt i schen r echt sur
kunden 2210
- - Zur vokal i sat i on des kopt i schen 610
- - Zur wor t t r ennung i mkopt i schen 58
- - C. R. 206, 285, 444, 600, 623, 784, 879,
924, 997, 1094, 1106, 1138, 1140, 1693,
1700, 1730, 1889, 1986, 2094
The Ti mes, London. The Ti mes book of Egypt
Ti mot heus, Mar t yr dom 1298
Ti mot heus, abp. of Al exandr i a 716, 726 (vol .
27), 1287
Ti mot heus I V, abp. of Al exandr i a 2439
Ti schendorf , C. Anecdot a sacra et prof ana
- - Not i t i a edi t l oni s codi ci s Bi bl i or um
si nai t i ci 970
See al so 931
Ti sser ant , E. Le cal endri er d' Abou11- Barakf i t
- - I cat al oghi st ampat l dei manoscri t t l ori en-
t al i dl i a Bi bl l ot eca Vat i cana dal 1700
ad oggi 210
- - Fragment s grecs et l at i ns de 1' vangi l e de
Bar t hl my 1082
- - - La l i st e des pat ri arches d' Al exandri e dans
Qal qachand 2475
- - Recher ches sur l a personnal i t et l a vi e
d' Ab' l - Bar akt i bn Kubr 710
__ Speci mi na codi cumor i ent al i um 678
See al so 2256
Tol l , N. P. Un t essut o sasani de- egi zi ano da
Ant i noe 2979
- - Ti ssus copt es du Muse des arts et mt i ers
de Prague 2980
Toront o. Royal Ont ari o musumof ar chaeol ogy
Torrey, C. C. The Egypt i an pr ot ot ype of "Ki ng
J ohn and t he Abbot " 1812
- Ki ng Baul ah 1813
Tort ol i , G. Sul l a ver si one copt a del Gi ob
Tournebi ze, F. L' i mmacul e concept i on dans l es
anci ennes gl i ses ori ent al es 2282
Toussoun, Omar see Umar Tusn, pri nce
Tri bi er, P. Les f t es copt es et l e Ni l 2310
Tri t t on, A. S. The cal i phs and t hei r non-
Musl i msubj ect s 2149
Tromml er, C, H. Abbi l dung der j acobi t i schen
oder copt i schen ki rche 2427
- - Bi bl i ot hecae copt o- j acobi t i cae speci men
Tuki , R. TTUtOOM EH6pi TT4HTORT\ N e N N I
6 Y X H e e o y A B 1494
_____t t i c o o m n t c n i e o t o k i a . 1590
__TTI 21G JM N Te - \ - n e T p e ^c j j e M y i n n i m y c t h P 1 0 ^
ee 1495
_____n i 2S. COM N T6 TTl 'f A A TH p i ON N Te 2 >A y i ^
-------- TTI SCOM N Te TTtO JO M T N 1496
- - Rudi ment a l i nguae copt ae si ve aegypt i acae
Tul l i , A. Ampol l e i nedi t e di S. Mena nel
Museo egi zi o dl i a Ci t t del Vat l cano 3053
- - Le l ucerne copt e del Museo egi zi o Vat l cano
- - Le st el e copt e del Museo egi zi o Vat l cano
Turaev, B. A. Descri pt i on de l a sect i on gyp
t i enne de Muse des ant i qui t s de 1' Uni ver
si t de Kazan 2755
- - Kopt i sche auf saet ze 746
- - Kopt o- et hi opskoe skazani e o pr epodobnom
Ki r e 1322
Turaev, B. A. Kopt skl f a 03t raa 2092
Kopt ski j e t ekat y 747
- - Les manuscri t s copt es du Muse asi at i que de
l ' Acadml e des sci ences de Russi e 143
-- Der Ost ergot t esdi enst der kopt l schen ki rche
-- Les pert es rcent es de l ' ori ent al i sme en
Russi e 92
See al so 91
Turi n. Bi bl i ot eca nat i onal e 202, 741- 2
Turi n. R. Museo di ant i chi t 203- 5, 743, 2055
Turner, C. H. The Lausi ac hi st or y of Pal l adl us
- - Not es on the Apost ol i c Const i t ut i ons 1254- 5
Tyl er, A. W. On a col l ect i on of readi ngs of
the Thebai c New Test ament ver si on hi t hert o
unci t ed 945
Tyl er, W. R, Fragment s of an earl y Chr i st i an
tape s try 2981
Uhl , J . L. 86
Uhl emann, M; A. Li nguae copt i cae grammat l ca
460 ,
' Umar Tusn, pri nce Et ude sur l e Wadi Nat roun
- - Mmoi re sur l es anci ennes branches du Ni l
2252 .
- - Mmoi re sur l es f i nances de 1' Egypt e 2150
- - Mmoi re sur l ' hi st oi re du Ni l 2253
- - Not es sur l e dsert Lybi que 2559
See al so 123
Ur bi na, I , 0. de Text us symbol i Ni caeni 1273
C. R. 1334
Uri , J , Bi bl i ot hecae Bodl ei anae codi cummanu-
scr i pt or umor i ent al i um. . . cat al ogus 187
Ushakova, T. N. Perezhi t ki egl pet ski kh re-
l i gi ozi ykh i zobr azheni i 2851
Val ent i n, V. Di e bi l dung des copt i schen nomens
Val per ga di Cal uso, T. Li t erat ur ae copt i cae
r udi ment um 461
Van Aut sam, M. C. R. 2681
Vandi er, J . Une annonci at i on copt e 2813
Vansl eb, J . M. see Wansl eben, J . M.
Vaschal de, A. Ce qui t publ i des ver si ons
copt es de l a Bi bl e 768- 70
Vasconcel l os- Abr eu, G. de La symbol i que des
nombres dans l es recet t es magi ques 1750
Vat er, J . S. Li t t er at ur der grammat i ken, l exl -
ka und wor t er samml ungen al l er spr achen der
erde 259
Vat i can. Bi bl i ot eca Vat i cana ?06- U, 1098, 1292
Vat i can. Bi bl i ot eca Vat i cana. Museo sacro
2765, 2987, 3121
Vat i can. Museo Vat l cano. Museo egi zi o
Gr egor l ano 1945, 1976, 3053- 4
Veni ce. Bi bl i ot eca Nani ana see Venl ce.
Bi bl i ot eca nazl onal e mar ci ana
Veni ce. Bi bl i ot eca nazl onal e mar ci ana 212- 3,
Vent re, F. Essai sur l es noms du f l euve gyp
ti en, l e nomde l ' un des moi s du cal endri er
copt e et l ' t ymol ogl e du mot Ni l 418
- - Sur t roi s t abl es horai res copt es 1987
Ver got e* J . Ecul eus, rad- und pressef ol t er i n
aen agypt i schen mar t yr er akt en 2311
- - Egypt e a] abaker mat van het chr i st el i j k mon-
ni kendom 2560
Vergot e, J . L' Egypt e, ber ceau du monachi sme
chr t i en 2561 .
- - En l i sant "Les vi es de sai nt Pakhme"
- - Henr i Hyver nat 79 ,
- - Het mani chaei sme i n gypt e 1705
- - L' oeuvre de M. L. Th. Lef or t 90
- - Phont i que hi st or i que de l ' gypt i en 611
- - Les pri nci paux modes de suppl i ce chez l es
anci ens 2312
- - Le t ext e sous- j acent du pal i mpsest e Ber l i n
no. 9755. 1319
- - Zwel kopt l sche f ragment e ei ner unbekannt en
pat r i st i schen schr i f t 1161
- C. R. 680, 2085
Vi ct or 1287, - 1298, 1407- 9
Vi ct or i a and Al ber t musum, Sout h Kensi ngt on
2911, 2924, 3117
Vi da, G. L. dl i a Ri cer che sul l a f ormazi one
del pl u ant i co f ondo dei manoscr i t t i
ori ent al ! dl i a Bi bl i ot eca Vat i cana 211
Vi enna. Kunst hi st ori sches musum 214
Vi enna. Nat i onal bi bl i ot hek 215- 21, 783, 794- 5,
812, 1744, 2025- 6, 2086, 2088
Vi enna. Oest er rei chi sches kal serhaus 1870
Vi enna. K. K. Oes t erre i chi sches musumf l r
kunst und i ndust ri e 2766, 2968
Vi l l ar d, M. Copt i c t ext i l es f r omthe Kel eki an
col l ect i on 2982
Vi l l ard, U. Monner et de see Monner et de
Vi l l ard, U.
Vl l l ecour t , L. La l et t re de Macai re, vque
de Memphi s sur l a l i t urgi e ant i que de
chrme et du bapt me Al exandri a 1498
- - Le l i vre du chrme 1499
- - Un manuscr i t arabe sur l e sai nt chrme
dans l ' gl i se copt e 2313
- - Les observances l i t urgi ques et l a di sci pl i ne
du j ene dans l ' gl i se copt e 1500
- - Le ri t e copt e de l a prof essi on monacal e
pour l es r el i gi euses 1501
See al so 2256
Vi l l enol sy, F. de Des donat i ons d' enf ant s &
l ' poque copt e 2211
Vi ncent , H. C. R. 442, 924
Vi ol et , B. 902
Vi s, Henr y de see De Vi s, H.
Vi t t i , A. Le var i ant i del sal t er i o boai ri co
del Cod. Vat . Copt . 5. 859
C. R. 845
Vl i eger, A. de The orl gi n and earl y hi st or y
of the Copt i c chur ch 2428
Vol bach, W. F. Art e cont a 2814
Gui da 2765
- - Ei ne kopt l sche t uni ka 2983
- - Di e kopt l schen kl ost er i n der ni t r l schen
wst e 2733
- - Lat e ant i que Copt i c and I sl aml c t ext i l es of
Egypt 2988
- - I l Museo copt o di Cai ro 2752
- - Neuer wer bungen der kopt l schen samml ung
- - Neuerwor bene kopt l sche hol zschni t zer ei en
i n Romi sch- ger mani sches cent ral - museuma
- - Pri ma rel azi one sul l e nuove st of f e del
Museo sacro Vat l cano 2984
- - Scul pt ures en boi s copt es 3055
- - Spat ant l ke und f rhml t t el al t erl i che st of f e
- - Spat ant l ke und kopt l sche st of f e 2992
__ St of f e aus Ant i no 2986
- - I t essut i del Museo sacro Vat l cano 2987
- C. R. 2990
Vol l er s, C. 173
Voat , J . - M. Gi uaeppe Bai est r i copt ol ogo e
bi bl i st a 60
Vouaux, L. Les Act es de Paul et ses l et t res
apocryphes. . 1041
Vyci chl , W. Agypt l sche or t snamen i n der Bi bel
-- Das agypt l sche vokal i sat i onspr obl em 612
- - Di e al eph- bet h r egel i mdemot i achen und
kopt i schen 1751
- - Bau und ur spr ung der agypt i schen ni sbe 550
- Der di al ekt von El ephant l ne 627
- - Der f euerstrora i mj ensei t s 2283
- - Der pi Sl i mkopt i schen 551
- - Pi - Sol sel 613
See al so 618- 9
Waal , A. de Vomhel l i gt umdes hl . Menas i n der
l i byschen wst e 3056
Wace, A. J . B. Egypt i an t ext i l es, I l l rd -
Vl I I t h cent ury 2783
Waddel l , H. The deser t f at hers 2563
Wagenmann, J . Ent wi ckl ungsst uf en des Sl t est en /
mSncht ums 2564
Wahby Bey, A. Ni j oyi r MneXei H -fAcni
NKynTt KH 308
- - Les af f i ni t s de l ' ar t copt e 2815
Wahl , S. P. G. Al l gemel ne geschi cht e der
mor genl andi schen sprachen und l i t t erat ur
Wai nwr i ght , G. A. Basket ry, cordage, etc.
f r omthe Fayur- 3072
- - Copt i c readi ng desks f r omthe Fayum 3073
__ Househol d obj ect s f r omKomV/ ashi m 3074
__ Pai nt ed box f romKomWashi m 3075
__Turner y, etc. f r omKoml ashi mand Ger zah
__ Wooden door and st ool f romKomWashi m
Waj nber g, I . see 1094
Wal ch, J . G. 2427
Wal t her , A. C. R. 1257
Wal t on, B. Di sser t at i o i n qua de l l ngui s
ori ent al i bus . . . di sser i t ur 261
- - I nt roduct i o ad l ect i oneml i nguar umor i en
tal i um 262
Vi anof er see Onnophri us
Wansl eben, J . M. Hi st oi r e de l ' gl i se d' Al ex
andri e 2429
- Neue beschr el bung ei ner rei se nach Aegypt en
- Nouvel l e r el at i on en f orme de j ournal d' un
voyage f ai t en Egypt e 2184
- The present st at e of Egypt 2186
- Rel azl one del l o st at o prsent e del l ' Egi t t o
_ Dngedr uckt e beschr el bung von Aegypt en i m
J ahre 1664. 2183
See al so 41
War d, W. H. 222
Wat son, E. 18. Pal l adi us- and Egypt i an monas-
t l cl sm 2565
V atzi nger, C. C. R. 2769
Weer t hs, A. Fundgr uben der kunst und i kono-
graphl e i n den el f enbel nar bei t en 3127
Wei gand, W. C. R. 2992
Wei l , A. l )%>i )SCg>=o Mc 419
Wel l l , R. Henr i Sot t as 117
_ Kopt os 2651
__ Monument s gypt i ens di vers 3057
Wel ngar t en, H. Der ur spr ung des mSncht ums
2566- 7
Wei ss, B. ( Theol ogi sche st udi en) 1089
Wei t zmann, K. An ear l y Copt o- Ar abi c mi ni at ure
i n Leni ngr ad 2816
Wel l come hi st or i cal mdi cal musum, London 223
Wel l esz, E. Auf gaben und probl me auf dem
gebi et e des byzant i ni schen und or l ept al i schen
ki r chenmusi k 1577
Wendel , F. C. H. Account of a Copt i c manuscr i pt
bel ongl ng to Dr. Wi l l i amHayes War d 222
Wenger , L. Mi t t ei l ung ber den st and der Mn-
chner papyr ussamml ungen 183
- Vol k und st aat i n Agypt en 2151
Wensi nck, A. J . Legends of East er n sai nt s
Wer ner , J . Xt al l sches und kopt i sches br onze-
geschi r r 3058
-. . Zwei byzant i ni sche pekt oral kr euze aus
Agypt en 3059
Wessel y, K, yi-ir 684
- - Duodeci mPr ophet ar umMi nor umversi oni s
achml mi cae codex Ral nerl anus 890
- - Eugne Revi l l out 111
- - Ei n f ai j umi sch- gr i echi sches Evangel i en-
f r agment 965 ...
-- Gr i echi sch cz und i J " 664
-- Gr i echi sche und kopt l sche t ext e t heol ogi
schen i nhal t s 748
- - Gr i echi sche zauber papyrus von Pari s 1776
- - Di e gr i echi schen l ehnwBr t er der sahi tl l schen
und bohei r i schen Psal menversl o i 665
- Neue mat er i al i en zur t ext krl t i k der I gna-
t i us- bri ef e 1164
- - Les pl us anci ens monument s de Chr i st i ani sme
- Quel ques pi ces r cemment publ i es de ma
col l ect i on papyr ol ogi que 224
- - Sahi di sch- gr i echi sche Psal menf ragment e 860
- - Sahi dl sche papyr usf ragment e der paul l nl schaa
br i ef e 999
- - Ei n spr achdenkmal des mi t t el - Sgypt i schen
-- Di e Wi ener handschr i f t der sahl dl schen Act a
Apost ol or um989
- - Di e zahl neunundneunzi g 685
- C. R. 2811
West er mann, W. L. On the backgr ound of Copt l Mn
West hol m, A. St yl i st i c f eat ures of Copt i c
f i gure scul pt ur e 3111
Wet zer , H. J . Rest i t ut i o verae chronol ogi ae
See al so 2391
Whi t e, H. Evel yn see Evel yn- J Mhi te, H.
Whi t t emor e, T. Ear l y Chr i st l ans i n t he ceno-
t aph of Set l I at Abydos 3153
- - Two Copt i c cl ot hs 2989
Wl edemann, A. Al phabet 1752
Di e dar st el l ungen auf den Eul ogl en des h.
Menas 3060
- - J akob Kr al l 84
-- Mi scel l anea 823
C. R. 2704
Wl egand, T. ( Mnemosynon) 3058
Wi esmann, H. e c ut h er kann ni cht
hor en 552
-- i -i rrcop 420
----- n 6a t (NHJ kT, n a a t ) = T a TTepaTct 421
-- n e a t =Ttt ntpO-Tl 422
---------- + - M 6 TA N O I i y 6 6 6
- - U i *- Frei s, wer t ? 423
- - 2Se zur ei nl ei t ung der apposi t i on 553
- - 424
- - Der art l kel bel oyepHTe 554
-- Bemer kenswer t er gebr auch von tJ 555
- - Ei n el gent ml i cher gebr auch von mmo n 556
y Ul i 's AL-APAHS
Wi esmann, H. Fort set zung ei nes r el at l vsat zes
dur ch el ne haupt sat z - bzw. dmonst r at i v-
sat z konst r ukt i on 557
- Das geschl echt von goei r e kl el d 558
Kopt l sches 559
- - Ver bi ndung von pev- mi t demqual l t at l v
- - Ver wechsl ung von gui - (herz) mi t ( bauch)
- - Zu zwel Schenut e- s t el l en 1206
- Zur et ymol ogl e von 425
See al so 1202
Wl et , 0. L' gypt e byzant i ne 2135
-- La l i st e des pat ri arches d' Al exan
dr i e 2475
- Mat r i aux pour ser vi r l a gogr aphi e de
l ' Egypt e 2240
See al so 2256, 2465, 3104
Wl gram, W. A. The spar at i on of the Monophy-
sl t es . 2431
Wl l ber , D. N. The Copt i c f rescoes of Sai nt
Mnas at Medl net Habu 1366
- - "Pagan and Chr i st i an Egypt " An exhi bi t i on
Wl l cken, U. 2067
Wl l ke, K. 1060
Wl l kl ns, D. np6pi Sen- t AC- m
NT Wi p MNXHMI 946
-- Dl sser t at l o de l l ngua copt l ca 263
__ Qul nque l l brl Moysl s prophet ae l n l l ngua
aegypt l a 824
See al so 86
Wl l kl nson, C. K. Ear l y Chr i st i an pai nt i ngs
l n the Oasi s of Khar geh 3155
Wl l kl nson, Si r J . 0. Mat er l a hl er ogl yphl ca
Wl l l cox, W. The f our Gospel s l n Egypt i an 957
Wi l l i ams, C. A. Or i ent al af f i ni t s of t he
l egend of the hal r y anchorl t e 2568
Wi l l i ams, C. L. Ransom see ^Ransom, C. L.
Wl l mann, A. ( Bel t rage zur bcher kunde und
phi l ol ogi e . . . gewi dmet ) 1819
Wl l mart , A. Fragment s grecs et l at i ns de
1' Evangi l e de Bar t hl my 1082
Wl l par t , J . Das bi l d des pat r l ar chen Theophi l os
. . . Euchar l at l sche mal er el en der kat akombe
Karmus l n Al exandr l en 3156
Wl l son, L. M. Anci ent t ext i l es f r omEgypt l n
the Unl ver si t y of Ml chl gan col l ect i on 2990
Wl ndl sch, H. Agypt en. Ki r chengeschl cht e
Wl nl ock, H. E. The Egypt i an expdi t i on; the
monast er y of Epl phanl os at Thebes 2734
- The monast er y of Epi phanl us at Thebes 749
__ The wor k of the Egypt i an expdi t i on 2735
Wl nst edt , E. 0. Addenda t o "Some Copt i c apo-
cr yphal l egends" 1019
__ A Copt i c f r agment at t rl but ed t o J ames the
br ot her of t he Lor d 1083
-- Copt i c sai nt s and sl nners 1299
- Copt i c t ext s on Sai nt Theodor e 1406
__ Epi phanl us or t he Encycl opaedl a Copt l ca?
-- The ori gi nal t ext of one of St. Ant ony' s
l et t ers 1111
- Papyrus copt es du Muse d' Al exandri e 2054
__ Les quar ant e- neuf vi ei l l ards de Sct
see 1394
- - Sahl dl c Bl bl l cal f ragment s 796
- - Some Copt i c apocr yphal l egends 1018
- - - Some Copt i c l egends about Roman emperors
- - Some Muni ch Copt i c f ragment s 750
__ Some unpubl l shed Sahl dl c f ragment s of the
Ol d Test ament 813
Wl t t e, F. Dr el bl l dweber el en aus den gr aber n
von Achml mPanopol i s 2991
Woi de, C. G. Appendl x ad edi t l onemNovl Test a-
ment l gr aecl 947
See al so 289, 296, 451, 847
Wool l ey, C. L. Copt i c bone f i gures 3128
f f ool l ey, R. M. The br ead of the euchari st
Copt i c of f i ces 1503
Wor cest er art musum, VJ orcester, Mass. 2790,
2799, 2818
Wor r el l , IN. H. Bohal r i c versus Sahl dl c pol nt -
i ng 614
- - A Copt i c Bl bl l cal manuscr i pt l n t he Freer
col l ect i on 861
- - Copt i c magl cal and mdi cal t ext s 1753 1*1I f
-- The Copt i c manuscri pt s l n the Fr eer col l ec- I
t l on 751
-- A Copt i c ost racon 2093
- - The Copt i c Psal t er l n the Freer col l ect i on
- - Copt i c sounds 615
- - Copt i c t ext s l n the Unl ver si t y of Ml chl gan
col l ect i on 752
- - A Copt i c wl zard' s hoar d 1754
-- An ear l y Bohal r i c l et t er 2094
- - The vol ut i on of vel ar, pal at al and dent al
st ops l n Copt i c 616
- - Fayumi c f ragment s of the Epi st l es 1001
__ Not i ce of a second- cent ur y t ext l n Copt i c
l et t ers 1778
__ The odes of Sol omon and the Pi st i s Sophi a
-- Phonet l cs and the Egypt i an l anguage 617
- - Popul ar t radi t i ons of the Copt i c l anguage
618- 9
- - The pr ommcl at l on of Copt i c 620
__ The Proverbs of Sol omon l n Sahl dl c Copt i c
__ A short account of the Copt s 2187
__ Syl l abi c consonant s l n Sahl dl c Copt i c 621
__ Two Copt i c homl l i ss and a magl cal t ext i n
t he Fr eer col l ect i on 1131
__ Zur unbezei chnet en konsonant en- ver doppel ung
i mkopt l schen 622
See al so 47
Wower , J . 261
Wr eszl nski , W. Zwei kopt l sche bauur kunden
Wst enf el d, H. F. Al - si naksar i 1523
__ Copt l sch- ar abi sche handschr i f t en der K.
Uni ver si t at s- bi bl i ot hek 160
See al so ' 2389
Wul f f , 0. K. Al t chrl st l l che und byzant i ni sche
kunst 2819
__ Di e al t chr i st l i chen und mi t t el al t er l l chen
byzant i ni schen und i t al i eni schen bi l dwer ke
__ Spat ant l ke und kopt l sche st of f e 2992
Young, T. 457
Yout l e, H. C. Et moul on os t raa 2095
__ Got henbur g papyrus 21 and the Copt i c ver
si on of the l et t er of Abgar 1095
__ Not es on 0. Mi ch, I . 667
Yhann i bn Zakari y, cal l ed i bn Sabb. Al
J auharat al - naf i sah 2264- 5
See al so 2262
Yl i ' s al - Akf ahs 702
Zachar i as 2438
Zachari as, bp. of Shou 1098
Zachari as of Scet e 2536
Zahn, T. von For schungen zur geschi cht e des
Neut est ament l i chen kanons 990
- - Geschi cht e des Neut est ament l i chen kanons
-- Der ost erbri ef des At hanasi us vomJ ahr 367.
__ Di e ur ausgabe der apost el geschi cht e des
Lucas 990
- C. R. 1057 _
Zakl Muhammad Hasan. Ba d al - ta* t hi rt al - kl bt l
2821 '
- - Exposi t i on d' ar t copt e 2822
Zal oscer, H. L1vol ut i on du chapi t eau copt e
__ Une scne de chasse sur une archi t rave au
Muse copt e 2852
- - St rzygowski 2823
- - Zur ent wi ckl ung des kopt i schen kapi t el l s
Zel l i nger, J . St udi en zu Sever i an von Gabal a
Zenker, J . T. Bi bl i ot heca ori ent al i s 27
Zenobi us 1298
Zenon, emperor 2448
Zet t erst en, K. V. Some words on the Copt i c
part i cl e 562
Zi adeh, J . 2178
Zi egl er, J . Bei t rUge zur kopt i schen
Dodekapr ophet enber set zung 891
Zl kri , A, Un f ragment copt e i ndi t sur l a vi e
du Chr i st 1220
Zi mmer mann, P. Kopt i sches chri st ent umund
al t agypt i sche r el i gi on 2291
Zoega, G. Cat al ogus codi cumcopt i cor ummanu-
scr i pt or umqui i n Museo Bor gi ano Vel i t r i s
adservant ur 753
See al so 124
Zoghgb, A. M. de L' gl i se d' Al exandr i e 2433
Et udes sur l ' anci enne Al exandr i e 2434
Zot enberg, H. Mmoi re sur l a chroni que byzan
ti ne de J ean, vque de Ni kl ou 2153
See al so 2126
Zouche, R. C. Vi si t a to monast er l es i n the
Levant 2569
See al so 822, 948
Zunt z, D. Kopt i sche gr abst el en 1978
- Di e kopt i sche raal erei 3157
- - The t wo st yl es of Copt i c pai nt i ng 3158
__ Ei ne vor st uf e der "Madonna l ac t ans" 3061
Zwaan, J . de The meani ng of the Leyden Gr aeco-
Demot i c papyrus Anast . 65. 1779
__ No Copt i c i n the Kor i det hi codex 679
Zyhl arz, E. Kopt i sche et ymol ogl en 426^
_- Di e namen des Rot en Meeres i msp&t - agyp-
t i schen 2255

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