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Student Directions:

Your local Spanish newspaper is having a contest for teens in the comics section. You decide to create a comic that tells a story about a recent vacation you took. Sentences must be written before creating the comic strip Sentences will be kept in your notebook and then copied onto the comic strip. You do not have to use color for your pictures, but if you would like to, you may (creativity is part of your grade).pictures.

Comic Strip Requirements:

Your comic strip must have at least 6 frames. Each frame must have at least 3 sentences narrating the story. (Thats a minimum of 18 sentences!) Sentences narrating the story must be written under the pictures. All sentences must be written in the preterite (with the exception of dialogue) using regular and irregular stem changing verbs. You must use at least 3 ER/ IR verbs. You must use at least 2 AR verbs. You must include at least 5 vocabulary words

Verbs you are NOT allowed to use in your sentences in the PRETERITE tense:
Andar Estar Poner Poder Saber Tener Venir Hacer Querer Decir Traer Traducir Conducir

Rubric for Comic Strip Activity Name of Student:_____________________ 4 3 2 Requirements Student has Student has Some met all met most requirements requirements; requirements; missing; not 6 6 frames, 3 6 frames, 3 frames, not 3 sentences per sentences per sentences per frame, 3 stem- frame, 2 stem- frame, various changing changing verb types ER/IR verbs, 2 ER/IR verbs, missing, lack AR verbs, 5 or 1 AR verb, of vocabulary vocabulary and at least 4 words used, words, and vocabulary some regular regular verbs words, and verbs in in preterite regular verbs preterite tense tense in preterite tense Grammar Student Student uses Student accurately each preterite demonstrates uses each verb type little command preterite verb accurately of preterite type in the most of the verb types; requirements; time; student student makes student makes makes no more between 5 to no more than 3 than 5 10 preterite preterite preterite verb errors in grammatical grammatical the 18 mistakes in the mistakes in the sentences 18 sentences 18 sentences Vocabulary Student uses Student uses Student does vocabulary most not use most of words correctly vocabulary the vocabulary in the context words correctly words correctly of the story (0 in the context in the context errors) of the story (1- of the story (32 errors) 4 errors) Pictures Student pictures clearly represent sentence narration; student uses creativity when illustrating comic Student pictures clearly represent sentence narration; student uses some creativity when illustrating comic

1 Requirements not met

Student has no command of preterite verb types; student makes more than 10 preterite verb errors

Student has no command of vocabulary word use in context or meaning of vocabulary words (5 errors) Student Student pictures do not pictures do not match relate to sentence sentence narration; narration; student exerts student exerts little effort little to no creatively when effort creatively creating when creating illustrations illustrations


Student has no more than 4 spelling mistakes (unrelated to preterite verbs); spelling mistakes do not hinder communication of ideas

Student has between 5-8 spelling mistakes (unrelated to preterite verbs); spelling mistakes do not hinder communication of ideas

Student has an abundant amount of spelling mistakes (unrelated to preterite verbs); spelling mistakes hinder communication of ideas

Student shows no command of spelling; communication of ideas is severely hindered/ nearly impossible

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