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Piepaieu anu paiu foi by Beth foi NN Bouse, 1178 Saint Claiie Ave, Saint Paul, NN SS1uS

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Thuisuay, Naich 2u, 2u14

-./01203 Lauia Nevitt

'4565/ +5789410.:9 '/;.:95 <50= !:195: 8/ >?< @.A95 #125

SAINT PA0L, Ninnesota - Bouse Bistiict 64B canuiuate Beth Fiasei touay announceu a list
of suppoiteis who seiveu in the Ninnesota legislatuie, incluuing nine cuiient Nembeis
fiom uiban, subuiban anu iuial Ninnesota. Accoiuing to Lauia Nevitt, Fiasei's campaign
managei, this is an unusually high numbei anu geogiaphic uistiibution of sitting legislatois
to enuoise a canuiuate piioi to paity enuoisement in a hotly-contesteu open seat. Seven of
the cuiient legislatois aie women.

"These aie people who have seen Beth in action at the Capitol ovei the past 17 yeais, have
woikeu with hei, anu who iespect the gieat success she has hau on issues of impoitance to
Ninnesotans, Bemociats anu theii suppoiteis," Nevitt auueu.

Fiasei, who is also suppoiteu by foimei Secietaiy of State }oan uiowe, has been the Capitol
iepiesentative foi Secietaiy of State Naik Ritchie foi the past seven yeais. Befoie that she
woikeu foi 1u yeais, piimaiily at the Capitol, foi a numbei of piogiessive policy
oiganizations incluuing the Ninnesota Alliance foi Piogiessive Action anu Take Action
Ninnesota. She is one of the six canuiuates who uelegates will consiuei foi enuoisement
uuiing the Bistiict 64 convention on Sunuay at Cential Bigh School in St. Paul.

"0nly Beth has the pioven skills anu expeiience to seive this uistiict at that same level of
effectiveness (as outgoing Rep. Nichael Paymai.)", noteu Rep. Caiolyn Laine of Columbia
Beights. "She is intelligent, knowleugeable, anu a wonueiful peison, anu she toweis above
. othei choices in effective legislative expeiience anu competency." 0thei suppoiting
legislatois echoeu the theme of expeiience anu effectiveness with foimei Bouse
uoveinment 0peiations Chaii uene Pelowski of Winona iemaiking, "I can attest to Beth's
knowleuge of the legislative piocess anu ability to compiomise to piouuce viable solutions
to complex pioblems."


Encloseu: List of legislative enuoiseis
Campaign liteiatuie piece fiom (Beth) Fiasei foi Bouse ieleaseu Naich 2u

Piepaieu anu paiu foi by Beth foi NN Bouse, 1178 Saint Claiie Ave, Saint Paul, NN SS1uS

+890 .B -A::5/0 1/; C190 +5789410.: '/;.:95D5/09 B.: <50= !:195:

Rep. Susan Allen Ninneapolis
Rep. Kaien Claik Ninneapolis
Rep. Lauiie Balveison Eagan
Rep. Caiolyn Laine Columbia Beights
Rep. Kim Noiton Rochestei
Rep. uene Pelowski Winona
Rep. }eanne Poppe Austin
Sen. }im Cailson Eagan
Sen. Baib uoouwin Columbia Beights
Foimei Bouse Nembei Bill Bilty Finlayson
Foimei Senate Najoiity Leauei }ohn Bottingei Nankato

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