Lecture Plan: ETEL 111 Subject: Communication Skills-1

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Lecture P !": ETEL 111

Total Teaching during Semester: 16 weeks

Su#$ect: C%&&u"'c!t'%" S(' )-1

COURSE OB*ECTI+E: The thrust on remedial grammar, technical writing, reading skills
and critical appreciation of scientific and technical essays in the first semester ensures students acquisition of linguistic competence and sound basics of the English language The course encompasses much more than the mechanics of grammar, punctuation and spelling Through e!posure to scientific literature and composition, students are afforded the opportunity to sharpen their critical reading and writing skills "ectures#$ Tutorials#1 %redits#& "E%T .&$/ 1 T0T .16/

T'()%S T' *E %'+E,E1)t TERM 1 )ntroduction to %ommunication Skills Re&e,'! Gr!&&!r: $ & 3 4 6 Errors of 1ccidence and Synta! with reference to parts of speech 1greement of Sub2ect and +erb Tense and %oncord %onditional %lauses 5 0se of connecti6es in comple! and compound sentences 7uestion tags and short responses

& $ 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1

+%c!#u !r- !", U)!.e 8 ; 9ord :ormation .by adding suffi!es and prefi!es/ Synonyms 5 1ntonyms< =omophones and =omonyms 1 1 1


'ne 9ord Substitution

1 1 1 $ 1 1 1 1

1? @isappropriations< )ndianisms 11 ,edundant 9ords< (hrasal +erb )dioms Tec/"'c! 0r't'".: 1A2 Sc'e"t'3'c Att'tu,e !", I&4er)%"! St- e 1$ (lain Statements, -efinitions 1& -escription and e!planations .of ob2ects, instruments, (rocesses, Scientific (rinciples etc /

) Terminal Test AAAAAAAAAA 2", Ter& 13 SummariBing and abstracting< E!pressing ideas within a restricted word limit 14 (aragraph 9riting .(aragraph di6ision, introduction and conclusion, 6ariety in sentences and paragraphs/ 16 )nterpretation and use of charts, graphs and tables in technical writing 18 (unctuation 1B2 Re!,'". !t 5!r'%u) )4ee,) 1) %67 3!)t7 5er3!)t2 1; ,eading different kinds of te!t for different purposes .e g for rela!ation, for information, for discussion at later stage, etc /< reading between lines *asics of reading aloud .(ronunciation, pauses, clarity, tone, rhythm, etc / ,eading in class by students 1 1> %omprehension of 0nseen (assages 1 1 1 1

1 1 1

Te8t: T/e 3% %6'". 4r%)e 4'ece) 3r%& Best Science Writing: Reading and Insights e,'te, #- R%#ert G!""%" 4re)cr'#e, te8t 1H-,er!#!,: U"'5er)'t- Pre))7 I",'!2 $ $? %hapter $: C1fter 6& years, 9hy 1re they Still Testing EinsteinDE by % ( Filmore $ $1 %hapter 4: CStar 9ars: The "eaky ShieldE by %arl Sagan $ $$ %hapter 1?: C%haos: The 0ltimate 1symmetryE by 1rthur :isher )) Terminal TestAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 3r, Ter& $& %hapter 11: C*ill @oss, TentmakerE by ,obert Fannon $3 %hapter 1$: CTotality# 1 ,eportE by @ichael ,ogers $ $

Le!r"'". Outc%&e): This course has been designed to de6elop communication skills of
budding engineers and to make them more comfortable users of the English "anguage @ore than teaching English with an e!am#oriented approach the emphasis is being gi6en to teaching English as a life skill The ability to use the English language competently )maginati6e and supple use of language =igh order writing skills Synoptic grasp of comple! ideas :le!ibility in drawing on different media as appropriate

9illingness to contribute to and play a part in scholarly en6ironments and collaborati6e endea6or

Te8t B%%():
1 $ & 3 @aison, @argaret @. Examine Your English, =yderabad: 'rient "ongman, 1>;? Sharma, , S Technical Writing. -elhi: ,adha (ublication, 1>>> Sudarsanam, , Understanding Technical English -elhi: Sterling (ublishers (6t "td , 1>>$ Fannon, ,obert, Ed Best Science Writing: Reading and Insights. =yderabad: 0ni6ersity (ress .)ndia/ "imited, 1>>1

Re3ere"ce B%%():
9ren, ( % and = @artin =igh School English Frammar and %omposition (al, ,a2endra and (rem "ata Suri English Frammar and %omposition Sharma, , % and Grishna @ohan *usiness %orrespondence and ,eport 9riting, Hew -elhi: Tata @cFraw#=ill, $??8 (rasad, ( The :unctional 1spects of %ommunication Skills, Hew -elhi: SG Gataria 5 Sons, $??; Fupta, % * %ommunication Skills#) -elhi: @ayur (aperbacks, $?1?9

0e#)'te Re3ere"ce):
http:IIwww enchantedlearning comIenglishIhomonymsI http://www.english ore!er"one.org/Topics/#omon"ms$%&'#omographs$%&'and %&'#omophones.htm http:IIwww learnenglish deImistakesI%ommon@istakes htm

http:IIwww grammarbook comIgrammarIsub2ect+erb1gree asp http:IIowl english purdue eduIowlIresourceI4>>I?1I

http:IIwww towson eduIowsImoduleS+1F, htm http:IIwww towson eduIowsIpunct,E+ htm http:IIwww buowl boun edu trIstudentsIgrammarIwritingJ$?guidesIS0*KE%TJ$?+E,* J$?1F,EE@EHT htm http:IIwww aug eduILmduignanISub2ectM6erbMupdateMSpringM?; pdf http:IIwww chillibreeBe comIarticlesI)sit)ndianEnglishorEnglishin)ndia asp http:IIababasoft comIspeedreadingIfi6eMtypesMofMreading htm http:IIwww yourdictionary comIgrammar#rulesI$?#,ules#of#sub2ect#6erb#agreement html http:IIwww firstschoolyears comIliteracyIwordIotherIhomonymsIhomonyms htm http:IIgrammar about comIodIwordsIaIredundancies htm http:IIwww fun#with#words comIredundantMphrases html http:IIwww learn#english#today comIphrasal#6erbsIphrasal#6erb#list htm http:IIwww englishclub comI6ocabularyIphrasal#6erbs#list htm http:IIwww writing comImainI6iewMitemIitemMidI>$8&>>#=ow#To#9rite#1#Food#(aragraph

See&! S'"./ Lecturer-'"-E". ')/ Su#$ect C%%r,'"!t%r

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