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World Link Book 2 Video Scripts

Unit 9
City Living The Big Job Interview Ms. Li: Hi, Im Yvonne Li. Welcome. Claudia: Hi. Claudia Oliveira. Ms. Li: Please have a seat. Thanks ver much !or comin" in. #id ou $rin" our resume% Claudia: Yes. Here ou are. Ms. Li: &reat. Thanks. 'irst let me tell ou a little $it a$out the (o$. Were lookin" !or someone to sell our ne) so!t)are *roduct internationall . The (o$ re+uires !le,i$ilit inde*endence and most im*ortantl , a *leasant manner )ith customers. Claudia: I a"ree... thats im*ortant. Ive )orked in sales !or ears and have al)a s tried to reall listen to m customers to !ind out )hat the need. I think Im reall "ood at that. Ms. -: Thats "reat. .o tell me a little $it a$out our e,*erience )ith so!t)are *ro"rams. Claudia: Well, Ive trained *eo*le ho) to use a similar so!t)are *roduct !or the *ast t)o ears at m current (o$, so I reall !eel I kno) the *roduct and customer needs. Ms. Li: Hmm... interestin", and our sales e,*erience% Claudia: Ive $een )ith m *resent com*an !or three ears and in m *resent *osition since last ear. In that time, Ive $een named sales*erson o! the month three times, and have taken to* sales a)ards several times as )ell. Ms. -: Im*ressive... Claudia: Im also takin" "raduate courses ri"ht no) in marketin". I !eel it reall hel*s me understand the market $etter, es*eciall the com*etition. Ms. Li: Youve $een ver $us , Ms. Oliveira/ Well thanks ver much !or comin" in. Well $e in touch. Ms. Li: He , 0ill, I (ust intervie)ed a )oman !or that so!t)are sales *osition. Mr. Ho)ard: Ho) did it "o% Ms. Li: 1er )ell. Mr. Ho)ard: #o ou think shes ri"ht !or the (o$% Ms. Li: I think so. .he has a hi"h ener" level and a lot o! e,*erience

Mr. Ho)ard: O2. Lets o!!er her the (o$. Ms. Li: &reat. Tara: Hello% Ms. Li: Hello, Claudia Oliveira, *lease. Tara: .he cant come to the *hone ri"ht no). Ma I take a messa"e% Ms. Li: Yes, *lease tell her Yvonne Li called. Tara: O2. Claudia: 3enters !rom $edroom4 Come on. Were "oin" to $e late !or our aero$ics class/ Tara: Oh, $ the )a there )as a *hone call !rom some )oman called ... Yvonne... Yvonne somethin"... 3door closes4 Claudia: 3o*ens door and runs !or *hone4 5h/ lob!l Viewpoints Wh!t do yo" do# 6atalie: I )ork !or a television station that )as launched ten ears a"o and I have $een )orkin" there !or a$out a ear. #an: I )ork )ith com*uters at a hos*ital and I have $een doin" that !or three ears. &ian: I am a marketin" mana"er. I make $rochures, I send out c7mails and I )ork on the )e$. $re!% Jobs 2umiko: I have t)o ideal (o$s and teachin" 8a*anese is one o! them. The other one is trainin" do"s. I like )orkin" )ith do"s $ecause the "ive me unconditional love all the time. #ave: M ideal (o$ )ould $e desi"nin" movie *osters and C# covers. To do this (o$, I need a stron" !oundation in art and it hel*s to $e a$le to s*eak t)o lan"ua"es. 8ackie: Teachin" is an ideal (o$ !or me $ecause I en(o $ein" around children and I )ant to hel* them learn. 1anessa: M dream (o$ is to $e a *hoto"ra*her $ecause I love takin" *ictures. #a anne: I )ould like to hel* *eo*le in develo*in" countries. In order to do this (o$ )ell ou need to $e *assionate, ou need to $e a$le to listen and ou need to communicate. 8onathan: M !uture *lans are to "et into com*uter animation . . . and ho*e!ull

$ecome an animator in movies or video "ames. To $e a com*uter animator, ou have to $e *atient, )ork hard and $e creative. Calum: M ideal (o$ )ould $e a re*orter or to )ork !or a ne)s*a*er, and that )a I could see the )orld, and also kee* u* to date )ith events. 'or m (o$ ou should $e a$le to )rite )ell, and ou should $e )ell in!ormed and ou should $e a$le to communicate )ell.

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