Summerdsgdasgds Challenge Information Sheet 2013

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UCL Year 12 Summer Challenge 2013- Information sheet Summer Challenge timetable

Session Week 1 Date Wed 5 June 2013 Registration 1530 1600 Session time 1630 1830 Notes This week includes a welcome presentation to all participants from 4 4.30. You will be given a list of research questions to choose from, and will visit a library this week or next. Library visit if you did not go last week. Your tutor will ask you to confirm your research topic and will discuss it with you. Lessons

Week 2

Wed 12 June 2013 Wed 19 June 2013

1600 - 1620

1630 1830

Week 3

1600 1620

1630 1830

Reading week: Wednesday 26 June 2013. No taught sessions do not come to UCL unless for private library study time Week 4 Wed 3 July 2013 Wed 10 July 2013 Wed 17 July 2013 Wed 24 July 2013 1600 1620 1630 1830 Lessons

Week 5

1600 1620

1630 1830

Penultimate lesson.

Week 6

1600 1620

1630 1830

Final lesson: hand in written work and give a five minute presentation on the same topic This event is optional: you are welcome to bring parents or family. We will give out certificates of attendance, prizes for best work and generally celebrate your achievement!


1730 1800

1800 - 1900

Summer Challenge participants and tutors

There will be 8 to 15 Year 12 students in your course from different schools across London. Your tutor will run ice-breakers in Week One for you to get to know each other. Your course will be taught by a UCL PhD student or academic, with support from a UCL student ambassador. Weekly registration Registration is from 1600 1620 every week (except for Week One) in the Foyer of the UCL Roberts Engineering Building. Please refer to the travel directions sheet to see how to get there. You must not be late for registration: your tutor group will leave the Registration point to go to your classroom at 1625. Arriving late is disrespectful to your tutor and your classmates.

For Week One, registration is half an hour earlier from 1530 1600. We will start with an introduction presentation to all Summer Challenge students at 1600; you will then go to your lessons at 1630. Attendance policy We expect 100% attendance for Weeks One to Six unless you have a valid reason for an absence which we have approved in advance. We expect you to arrive on time for registration every week. Students who are absent in Week One and but do not give a reason for their absence will be removed from the programme. If you have to miss a session for a valid reason such as an exam clash or illness, please let us know as soon as possible by email or text message to 07852 312221. State your name, Summer Challenge course and the date and reason for the absence. Please allow plenty of time to get to UCL, and have a back up journey plan if your station or bus route is unavailable. If you need to leave school early to get to UCL on time, please ask your teachers for permission in advance. Plan your journey on the TFL website to see if there are any delays: Your research project and presentation For Summer Challenge every student will complete a 1,500 word piece of written work, and will also give a short oral presentation in Week Six for three to five minutes. You will receive lots of guidance and support throughout Summer Challenge from your UCL tutor, your UCL student ambassador and your classmates to help you produce a good piece of work. Deadline for written work You must submit your essay by email to by midday on Wednesday 17 July (Week Six). You must also hand in a printed paper copy at the beginning of your class on the same day. The essay will be marked by your tutor and returned to you with feedback by email a week later. During Summer Challenge, you will have reference access to the UCL Library so that you can conduct research for your project. You can read books in the library, but not take them home. The libraries are open in the evenings and weekends as well as weekdays. Code of conduct Please look after your personal belongings when you are at UCL classrooms will not be locked, and the UCL campus is open to the public. Please bring your mobile phone with you (so we can contact you in an emergency or if you are absent) but phones should be kept switched off or on silent during classes. Do not bring cigarettes, alcohol or illegal substances to UCL. At Summer Challenge, you will be treated like undergraduate students. Your opinions and beliefs will be respected, and you will be trusted to behave like mature young adults. In return, we expect you to respect other students and

UCL staff. UCL has a strict no-tolerance policy concerning racism, sexism, homophobia and religious intolerance, and we will treat any such instance very seriously. At Summer Challenge, you may be participating in challenging debates about controversial topics please be respectful of other peoples right to speak, listen carefully to their opinion (even if you do not agree) and respond to them respectfully. Some courses will include practical activities in UCL laboratories or off-site visits. You much behave in a sensible way on these activities and listen carefully to safety instructions from your tutor. Please listen to and respect your tutor, your student ambassador and the UCL outreach officers, and follow their instructions as required. We want you to have fun and to make the most of your experience here, and following these basic guidelines will ensure that everyone has an excellent enriching experience. If you have any questions before or during the programme, please email or call the Horizons mobile (07852 312221) or the office number (0207 679 7762).

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