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428 Wesl Ninth Concordia, Kansas 66901


Volume XXIII

May-June, 1972

Number 3

Training For a National Leadership

When the Christian Institute opened
her doors last March thirteen students
NEW DIRECTORS PRESENTED Aurelino Mendes Muniz Filho was

were on hand to begin classes.

tian ministries course.


enteen are now enrolled in the Chris

presented at the inaugural service as

new director of the boarding school.

Five of the six members of the Chris Association for Education and Culture, who are advisors and trustees tian


Nearly 300 persons attended the in augural service of the Christian Insti
tute held March 4 in the downtown

of the Christian Institute, were pre

sented. They were: Waldir Pires Gar
cia, minister of the Church of Christ




Church. Caravans came from Brasilia, Anapolis,Pires do Rio, Ceres, Silvan-

ia and other areas to participate in the

opening of the Institute for 1972.

in Alexandrina, Anapolis; Qsorio Gonzalves Rodrigues, deacon of the Bras ilia church and president of the Braz ilian evangelism association; Filemon
Ribeiro, elder of the Brasilia church

All were welcomed on the campus fin spite of heavy rains) for a pre school visit and lunch prepared by the
Goiania church ladies. Later all were taken to downtown Goiania for the in

and superintendent of the Sunday Bi

ble School; Dale H. McAfee, mission
ary-minister in Ceres; and David San
Director Aurelino Mendes addresses

ders, missionary-minister of the Bras

ilia church.

augural address and special music.

Representatives of all the churches were present for this festive occasion.

nearlySOOwhenthe new year forChristian Institute opened. The Board of

Directors seated I to r are:
ves and Waldir Pires.




Ribeiro, Dale McAfee, Osorio Gonzal-

Freshman class at inaugural night services for Chris

tian Institute.

Entire student body of the residence course for Chris tian ministries of the Christian Institute sings before a packed house in the Anapolis Church of Christ





dents enrolled. Christian leadership training by extension has around 50 students in six locations. The extension program utilizes programmed instruction method and is now being dir-

ected by missionary Earl Haubner. Extension program began under the direction ofmissionary GeraldHolmquist,
who is now on furlough,

OHice of Publication

428 W. Ninth Concordio, Ks. 66901

Second Class Postage Paid Concordia, Konsas 66901

Field Editor-Dale H. McAfee
Mtssionorie s

Our Best Sunday So Far


L. David and Ruth Sanders Caixa Postal 07-0862

70000 Brasilia. D.F.. Brazil

For sometime the ble School has had 50 in attendance. Sunday in May saw and passed ffor the
time to 56).

Ceres Sunday Bi a goal of having Finally the first the goal attained second time, this



For information, colored slides, mis

sion studies, write to;

Beginning in a rented building the church has grown to capacity of the space available. Three classes meet
in one room for Bible School. Noise

Mrs. J R. (Cay) Ewing

5607 Palatine Place North


gets a little roo much. And then, too,

The congregation has grown to know

and love Aurelino Mendes. So when

the class members are almost to get

run together into one class with three
teachers! So the decision was made to renew the rent contract which term

Seattle. Washington 98031 To receive prayer letter, write to:

Brazil Christian Mission

he moved to Gpiania to givelcadership to the Institute residence program our

%Belhany Christian Church

Rural Route l-Box618-C

inated May 15 by asking for the entire building which includes five rooms at
the back which have been used as a

Anderson, Indiana 46011

residence. The family has been given


Dale H. and Carol McAfee Caixa Postal 1 54

notice to move, and repairs have al ready begun to make the rest of the building usable.
EVANGELISM GOAL For some time we have been think

76700 Ceres, Goias, Brazil

For information, colored slides, mis'

sion studies, write to: Mrs. Taylor McAfee
510 Oak Street

Valley Falls. Kansas 66088 To receive prayer letter, write to:

Brazil Christian Mission %First Christian Church
P.O. Box 242

Valley Falls. Kansas 66088

OsOTio Gonzalves, wife Lidia and daughter Lucimar, while in Ceres for a Sunday.

Send ALL Contributions to:

Wm. A. Cook, Forwarding Agent

233 McCarly Avenue
Dennison. Ohio 44621

The Brazil Christian Mission is owned



religious organization of the


same name and is published bi-monthly

at Concordia. Kansas 66901.

tions are paid from offerings received.

Continued from page 1

Special liberal arts courses on sec

ondary level offered by the Institute

now have reached a total of 40 stu

people felt identification with the work. They responded well to the ap peal to give support on a regular month ly basis. First offering was in April. Then May 7 Osorio Gonzalves, pres ident ofthe area evangelizing associa tion, was present with his family and presented the work and plans of the evangelizing association. Again the response in individual commitments was good. So we now have two Sun days a month set to give special out reach offerings. God has blessed abundantly. This year has been an ex ceptionally good year in our agricul tural region. People are becoming more prosperous. It is time to give God

ing together about an "each one win one" program. Earl preached a sermon recently that brought it to a launching point. Six months was set as the time for each member to win one other per son to the Lord. Every Christian can be a channel of blessing. Every true disciple must be a witness or lose his witness. Everyone has friends--someone to whom they can speak or with whom they can work, God using them
and their interest and love to reach a


Our people have taken well to

the idea and several have pressed plans to win two Christ this year. Will you a.s a challenge to meet the

already ex persons to accept this same goal?


Convention goers are invited to

visit the BOM booth-No. 534.



The Brasilia Church



Typing courses are also offered.

The government subsidizes the primary

school and students pay a tuition fee for the special courses. The number of students averages about 450. Cours es in Christian Challenge are planned weekly, and once a month a Moody Science film or other religious film is


Making saw horses to prepare tables for Mother's Day and Home Festival in the new youth center. On this occasion, the men of the church began the new social and youth room, dedicating it with the name "David Sand
ers Room." Over 100 parents and children attended this supper.

Yes, we thank you, one and all, for your confidence in our program of pressing forward here in Brasilia. With the gradual completion of the all-pur pose educational plant, our influence will continue to expand as hundreds of
lives are touched. We feel this is of

for youth who are swarming into Bras

ilia from all over Brazil. Short cours

The church in Brasilia has complet

ed the re-inforced concrete structure

of two floors for the educational plant

and youth center. Walls have been completed for the first floor and for
half of the second floor.
ues now on the roof.

es are now also a part of the curricu lum for preparing students who wish to apply for jobs in banks, in the po lice department, for the government.

tremendous value as the ground work is being laid for extended evangelism. We thank you for promises paid, for pledges up to date,and for the special offerings to keep our payments on the loan up to date.

Work contin

Wednesday is Baby Day

Our first grand-daughter was born
on WEDNESDAY, April 5, here in Brasilia to Starla Joy and husband,


Four class rooms have been inaugur ated for the primary department with a central room for children's assembly. These rooms still have only gravel
floors, no windows or doors.


She weighed 6 lbs. and 8 oz.

Her name is Kyula Jane Sanders de


But tea

chers and children enjoy the new en

One week later, on WEDNESDAY,

and very sweet natured. We call her Jeannie. So far, no one has appeared to accept her into their home. Exactly another week later, on WEDNESDAY, April 19th, a six month


April 12th, a small two-week old baby girl was brought to us in order to find her a home. She is a lovely dark brown

old baby girl, white of skin, big brown

eyes, was left with us. Rosangela was

her name. For a period of three days

we had three babies in the house to

Five new rooms are now available

for the adults and youth.

These are

care for. Happily, on Friday, Ros angela was placed in a good home.
The three WEDNESDAY happen ings, caused me to remember that we brought our own adopted child, Maria Joyce !'to be 7 on June 9th) on a WED
NESDAY and took her to church that

also unfinished, but usable. Since the

climate is tropical and this is the dry

season, we can use the rooms before

being closed to the weather. However, in preparation for the July cold, we have boarded up the windows to keep
out the chilly night air.
Two adult Bible classes are held

night in a very small pink plastic bas


in these rooms on Sundays.

Extension course classes are held

Jeannie will be the thirty-third child that we have helped place in homes since our coming to Brazil 24
years ago. Pray with us that little Jeannie can be placed SOON in a lov ing Christian home.

here on Saturday. Daily, except Sunday, supplement ary education for adults is held in all
the rooms. This includes adult liter

acy classes on primary school level

Maria Joyce, new auntie, helps care for baby Kyula and little Jeannie.





Roy Hessian speaks to missionaries gathered at Caxambu, M.G. MIB con


Fifth grade graduating class and professors of Brasilia church night school for
adults. David Sanders on far right. School director, Luiz Soares is man with
the beard.

The Missionary Information Bureau

holds an annual conference-retreat for

evangelical missionaries at Caxambu, Minas Gerais, in April. This year

TWO IN '72

Facts From Brazil

Interesting analyses of the Brazil

Dale and Carol McAfee falong with

some 20 other Christian church mis

There will be two National Missionary

Conventions this year. The first in Norfolk, VA., September 26-29, the second in Phoenix, AZ., November

sionaries) were present. Edward Dayton of MARC 'Mission

ary Advance Research and Communica

tions Center), Monrovia, California, presented lectures on the subject "God's Purpose/Man's Plans." He emphasized the importance of planning and setting definite goals. He gave concrete help in proceedures and im
plementation. Roy Hession, of London, England, brought Bible studies and inspiration al messages. His book. Be Filled With the Spirit NOW, was released in Portuguese during the conference.
Some 250 missionaries of the var ious denominations and faith missions

ian census and statistics findings are still being published. For instance, in 1971 in Goias there were 432,000 students--?,100 enrolled in superior courses; 27,000 in secondary educa tion and 21,900 enrolled in primary
courses. Of that total 56,000 were en

rolled in Goiania. In a population that

Please send ALL contributions

is at least 25% of school age that

makes just a little over 15% in school, and thus leaves yet much to be de

William A. Cook

Forwarding Agent and Treasurer



Government literacy programs


are making good gains, however.

Fifteen companies are already at work preparing the Brasilia-Belem road for hard surface all the way. Almost
1,800 kilometers'l ,l 19 miles) is inclu

233 McCarty Avenue Dennison, Ohio 44621

and designate each for missionary

or project.
Please do not send checks or

at work in Brazil attended this gath ering. Various evangelical publishers

provided booths at which to browse.

bills directly to the field, there is

ded in the contracts. Some companies

will have finished their part in two

too much danger of them being lost. By having all offerings sent to the
Forwarding Agent funds can be for warded to the field through the bank ing systems which offers more se

The restful climate, enjoyable friendship and enriching sessions were

quite worthwhile

iNumber of automobiles on the roads

curity, and a complete reporting of

movement of funds can be made.

in Brazil is increasing more rapidly than roads and parking places! If you
parallel park on the curb in Goiania you are likely to be trapped by cars double parked.

Thank you.


bpwjBilia BUi7D:::pt i^BG'asT 1972 -

Brazil Christian Mission

Bo- 1706.^^. Wichita 3 Kansas

Brother Builders

Csiza Postsi 07-0,G6"2

70.GOO BraslllSj D.F,

Braz'jl, South Iraerics

BHOTRPR COOK J.KiS rzi;;'T US. Wqs, while working in b5s yard a few short weeks ago, he w'as st'ricken with a heart a^ttsck, sway imitiecliately. M'ltbin hours, by wajy of.. sa telitevje received telephone,

notice. , We cailsd GereSj still further interior, at the.same hour of

thenigbt to advise the HcAfee family.
ii__HlSSX0N4Ky ;^T HOjART.

It is a great loss.

Brother Cook has been pioneer with the Later, be helped in ,

Bra zil GbrlsY?r&n ITiss ion since s-student at Johnson Bible College when
be took part in the plan to send us tc Brazil.
Mission ever

the organizational "S'etup and" has served as Treasurer" and -Agent" of the
since the constitution was icrined and' the mission became


He has served x'aithrully without salary, with a mis

sionary vis-'on for the exipansion of the church in Brazil. He served over and beyond the -call of duty, being zealous xor x or truth, honesty. bonestj^.
loyalty to the cause of Christ .and the church.
0.1 jjIiA CIHTViCH. Brother Cook envisioned with us from the beginconstfuction of the Church of Christ in the new national


see this work to continuance and complstj o.n. The cburcb xrows inspite of many upsets by .the devil. Ten new bgptisms' on August 13th high-'

lighted I'ather's Day in Brasilia'.""'Cur'Teen Bible Club held her second meet with 25 in attendance on that Hund'ay afternoon.
ClHJItCH BKT-"3iT3I0H. The Board of Church BxLtension.has provided a loan

I'or the pur*nose~of constfuoting^tue rs-5pnforced concrete structure of

two floors of the evangelistic arid youth center here in Brasilia. Brother Cook helped oversee this 'transacticn. Thankfully funds have

been,, paid to datpe. We a poea 1 'toxa 11 of you to help keep us up-to-date"

by continuing regularly your designations and promisee for this

jpfC.ATIcH. The vision of Brother Cook for evangelism' aiid'The".tr'aTnfng of be""nstionl ministry has ever, been a, challenge
to us here. He envisioned x-jith us a semxnary which just re-opened for boarding students aimed at a complete college level course, i^long'with this is an even greater number of students

enrolled in the Theology by boitension in prorraramed.. courses, Already an average of 50 students are /,tudyng In sia: centers surrounding
riBMORlAL. like to call The Because honor is dhe friends to fo Goc-k -oundati
we osixeve "cnis vjouxq oe rne mosm

BFother Cook, we invite our

Hstional Minastry in DraziT^


beautiful v;sy to ewtend his beart-Glt in Brazil, fray with us for visxon in one more step, forward in the e^rpansion of the church in
Besides a board of trustees, of /imorican and Brazilians, we anticipate the distribution of these funds in the forms of-, loans, scbo-irfrrs-hwps and gifts dedic ated to the" cause ofRe's'tbrTfion TritTb


O.Sanders', Brasilia, .Memorial Fund, etc.

oAJn)..MlSSIOH imbiS Brazil Christian Mission

Your Missionaries

In Jlim,

r ;

: i'

. f

.Box 17067 Chita, Kansas^

Ww -

L. David and Ruth Sanders.



Second Class Postage Paid

at Concordia, Kansas 66901

Concordia, Kansas

mm cfflisiuN MISSION


September December, 1972

No. 5

and a


Christmas time is always a happy season. The ending of a year and the beginning of another brings its own excitement and enchantment. Holidays and a chance to rest and

relax, time to watch special programs and games on television, parties and the annual children's program prepared by the church offer a change of pace and a peaceful satisfac
tion with life.

It was the birth of Jesus of Nazareth which brought *'good news of a great joy ... to all ... people." Even our calendar proclaims the good news, as it marks the number of

years since Jesus' birth to Mary and Joseph, God's chosen servants for this special mis
sion. Without Him we would not even have the words that are most common in our vocabu

lary. Time is divided and ordered by the movement of the planets which in the beginning Christ helped God the Father create and syncronize into the order that we call universe
and over which He now has all authority, administering and ruling with benevolence,
charity and compassion.

May this season offer an opportunity for you, dear reader, to consecrate, or reconse

crate, your life to Him without whom it is impossible to receive salvation and see God.
And may you sing with the angels: Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace
good will among men.




has not been limited to camp grounds and> the youth work which has had important significance in the developing of the: young church. Throu^ his leadership, various new buildings have been erected1 including a dormitory, and a bath house near the pond. Many successful camps have been held, as well as visiting groups which have been received at t
different times.


It was on emergency trip.

We had re


428 W. Ninth

Concordia, Ks. 66901

Second Class Postage Paid Concordia, Kansas 66901

Field Editor-Dale H. McAfee
MISSIONARIES L. David and Ruth Sanders

During their time in the Brasilia area, the Kents have served regularly in the Taguatinga church. As an active member of the church board, assistant to the local preacher, they have been encouragers in various aspects of the develop ment of the missionary emphasis of the
local church.

ceived a telegram and a phone call urging the necessity for David to come to the farm north of Alvorada, some 700 km. up the Belem-Brasilia highway. One of our women had taken too many sleeping pills and the entire country-side was anxious and upset. She had five small children, no one to care for them, no way to get to the hospital, no doctor... It was decided that David would go and I perhaps could also be of help. So I went along for the ride and the possibility of need.

This was the first time in 14 years that I had mode this particular trip north.
Just once before, with a couple of our Christian Institute students and David, I
had gone and we held Bible schools for

One of the most important tasks has

been the coordination of courses of

Caixa Postal 07-0862

70000 Brasilia, D.F., Brazil

Theology Education by Extension this last year. Charles was chosen as one of the directors, with the responsibility of

For information, colored slides, mis sion studies, write to:

Mr. J. R. (Cay) Ewing
5607 Palatine Place North

the Taguatinga group, thereby enablying;

training ministry of the church to

the children each day along the road with preaching every night. We took two weeks that time, the road had not yet

extend her arm a little farther. These different activities are inter-related mak

Seattle, Washington 98031

ing it possible for him to serve the Lord in diverse ways and to fill a great need,

not only in this area, but spreading his

influence over all central Brazil. Anne

To receive prayer letter, write to:

Brazil Christian Mission

%Bethany Christian Church

Rural Route 1 Box 618C

Anderson, Indiana 46011

has been serving in many ways in the local church as well as helping in' classes of child evangelism. Their children have been a great asset in their singing in various churches, having
also appeared on television. The Kents are in the U.S.A. at this

been graveled. Now there is paving as far as Ceres (where the McAfee's live) and from there much of the road is gravel ed, but the difficulty lies in all the de tours necessary while work is being done to prepare the main road for asphalting. Arising at 4 a.m., we made the trip up and back, over a thousand miles, in three days. The breath-taking heat, the sticky, clinging dust, the rou^ wash board shaking road, made the trip an
experience to remember.

There were three things which impres

sed me greatly. First, the immense
beauty of Brazil's country-side. It is truly the "Great Green Continent." On every side were tall, green palm trees, green plants of every type on the rich green velvety "lami. The red;yellow, orange, and lavender mimosa and bouganvilla trees were in full bloom. The hi^, rolling hills (or low mountains) were a variety of green grass and trees, brown


Dale H. and Carol McAfee

Caixa Postal 154

76700 Ceres, Goias, Brazil

time and need your prayers as they pre pare for their return to Brazil. They have served sacrificially, lacking much sup port for this term of service. Many of us

For information, colored slides, mis sion studies, write to:

Mrs. Taylor McAfee
510 Oak Street

here in central Brazil Join together in prayer for their return. This will depend on YOU and your prayers and support. They need at least $300.00 new support
monthly to continue on the field.
some of our brethren consider


Valley Falls, Kansas 66088

To receive prayer letter, write to:

Brazil Christian Mission %First Christian Church P.O. Box 242

worthy couple in your plans for missionare giving during the coming three years? We ask that you do. You may write to them personally at the following address:
Charles Kent

plowed fields, and cattle grazing. All along the road were fruit trees, heavily laden with oranges, bananas, mangos and papaya. The second impression was of recent
progress. I remembered what an uncom

fortable, long rough trip it had been 14

years before, with no stop-over places along the way. We had stopped in a way
side village and the four of us, two men

Valley Falls, Kansas 66088 Send ALL Contributions to:



CHURCH at Joplin, Missouri, is their

sponsoring church.

and two women had had to sleep in the

same room with eight truckers (enroute

designate your offering for missionary

or project.
or bills to the field.

Brazil Christian Mission, Box 17067, Wichita, Kansas 67217. Please help keep records straight and
Please do not send checks

As fellow missionaries and very appre ciative of the Kents' work we plead for you to consider prayerfully this need. They are filling a very much needed area of service. They love Brazil and are an honored couple. Write or call them im mediately. They need to return to Brazil by February 28. The new school term
begins at that time, both for their own

to Belem). We slept in our clothes and traveled on the next day in the same clothes. Now filling stations and small

road-side dormitories have sprung up along the way. We spent our first night
in Porangatu in a small hotel with a fairly comfortable bed in a private room
and a place to shower out under the "water box." The road is cut all the

The Brazil Christian Mission is owned

by the religious organization of the

same name and is published bi-month

children and for the Theology course.

way through to Belem, with paving as

far as Ceres, and another 150 km. stretch

ly at Concordia, Kansas 66901.








NEEDED IN BRAZIL The Charles Kent family has labored

several years in the fields of Brazil.

almost ready to open. My third and very vivid impression was the abject poverty in the rural areas, off the highway. There are no schools, no hospitals, no doctors, no stores, no help of any kind. Though the government is reaching out to help in the rural areas, many do not know where and how help
is available.

First coming to Brazil to work specially in the printing of Christian Literature, Charles has for two years been witness ing in the Brasilia area of Taguatinga. He moved to this area especially to over see the youth programs and specifically the camp grounds. The work of the Kents

continued, page 3

The Charles Kent family;- Charles and Anne,

Beth, Jody, Leah Ruth and Kurt. Their tuxi oldest daughters, Audrey and Lynn have been

studying in the States, Audrey since August

1971, and Lynn since August 1972,




The women in the Brasilia church have


"For the People Had a Mind to

Work" (Nehemiah 4:6b)

been instrumental in seeing that clothes,

needs north.




small (The following is a translation of ex

On November first, the Brasilia church

are available

for David

to take

began a five day evangelistic meeting to

reach immediate areas around the local

each time he is able to make the trip

One of the farmers told us that the

cerpts from the column, "The Day of the President," Saturday Nov. 4, newspaper
(Missionary L. David Sanders, being an active member of the evangelical pastors council, was one of the few privileged to attend the special session, after security clearance.)

small help we have been able to give was live-saving. Most of all, they appreciate the visits in their humble, dirt-floor, homes and the preaching services with

church. They put their hands to the task to take part and reach friends and neighbors for Christ.

their singing, words of comfort and ex

hortation from the Word of God.

On this present trip, we spent one evening back interior, about 25 miles off the highway, in the home of the family we had gone to check on. We visited in
four other farm homes in the surrounding

Missionary Earl Francis Haubner (Francisco here) from Ceres, Goias, was in charge of music and special attendance


Earl brou^t the first mes

area, one in which the seventh baby had

President General Emilio Garrastazu

just been bom.

That evening over 20

adults and 10 or 15 children came over

to the first home and we sang, testified,

and left words of comfort and encourage

Medici was honored guest on November 3rd at a meeting of the Evangelical

Council of Pastors of the Federal Dis

sage of the meeting. Director-evangelist Aurelino Mendes Muniz Filho of Goiania, brought the four messages and specials on subsequent nights. Christian Institute student, Antonio, shared in the visituation effort, special music, and preached in the suburb
of Ceilandia.

ment. Afterward, David and I slept in the car to arise at 4 a.m. for our retum trip.

trict which took place in the recently

We brought Mrs. Leoni and four of her

five children with us, stopping over in Ceres about noon to eat lunch with the

inaugurated Bible Society building in the north wing of Brasilia. During 40 min utes, the head of state, who for the first
time was in attendance at an evangelical


McAfees, after a partial washing off of the sticky, red dust. It happened to be the day that the McAfee's pump was
broken down and they had to carry water

ceremony, presided over the pastors' reunion. Accompanying the president were the chiefs of the civil and military
cabinets and the chief of the National

from the nei^bors.





Service of Information.

stayed with us two weeks, treating with

the doctor and receiving spiritual help before returning to the farm. She is tak

Also present was the military chaplain of the president's staff. There were fifty-five evangelical

pastors present.

Jody and Beth Kent sang various duets on the first and last nights of the meet ing, thrilling the congregation. Mother Anne and three year old Leah filled in, making a quartet from the Kent family for another special. A group of the church youth brought several numbers, a group from the Women's Society brought a number and the choir sang several times.

ing back new supplies and hopes. There

is so much more prayer and help needed!

by Ruth E. Sanders


President Midici officially opened the

meeting and after prayer, Luke 9:10-17 was read. The hymn "My Country for Christ" was sung. In this hymn are the following thoughts "God save my coun try! My vigorous spirited country. God save my land, this land of Brazill.'" .'v',

Fifteen youth made first time decisions for Christ. The response and cooper ation of the congregation and the youth in attendance was really thrilling, con






visitors attended, indicating interest in

gospel salvation.

An average of 90 at
For the first

tended the six services.

time, the believers had a mind to work and witness and bring friends and rela tives to the meeting. The interest con
tinues to run high.

(continued, page Jf)

The president of the Pastors' Coun cil emphasized three points as lessons
to be learned from Luke 9:10-17. First, Planning, as exemplified in the recom mendation of Jesus that the multitude be distributed in groups of 50 before

receiving food.

Second, Spiritual Prepa

ration, before the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves, Jesus prayed for a blessing on the people, and third, Solidarity and Participation, throu^ the
act of the actual distribution of the food.

In conclusion, the Council president assured the country's leader that this

spiritual moment could be of great ad vantage to the realization of his govern ing and that "this is the group on whom the president could depend."


The Brasilia Women's Society met on Sunday afternoon during the recent evangelistic meeting and elected new
officers for 1973. They, too, "have a mind to work." The women pictured are those who will lead out the coming year.

The Council presented a Bible to the president, who thanked them for the
Bible and for their presence, thus

T/ie farm house and surrounding land

where the Sanders went on their emer

officially closing the session, after silent prayer by the pastors for God's blessing upon the president and his

gency trip.

EVANGELISTIC MBETING (continued from page three)

Emphasis on Child Evangelism

"Train up a child in the way he should go, and he will not depart from it." Five Sunday School teachers of the


One young man, Luiz Femandes, soon after his conversion composed the following song and set it to music. On the last night of the meeting, the youth
learned this chorus during their youth hour.
Elevo OS meus olhos para os montes, e dou gloria ao Senhor. Ele so que salva e perdoa. Todas as batalhas eu ganho. Com muito esforco, sou vencedor,
Pols Jesus tambem "e minha arma
Meu escudo e meu Salvador.

Brasilia church have felt upon their hearts the great need of reaching children for Christ and training them in their Chris
tian walk. Three of these teachers

(I lift my eyes to the mountains) (and give glory to the Lord.) (It is He alone that saves and pardons) (All the battles I win) (With great force, I am victor) (For Jesus is also my armor) (My shield and my Saviour.)

(Hezir Martins de Souza, Sunday School Primary-Junior Superintendent; Celia Ribeiro, and Maria Salete Braga) are tak ing a year's course, given in twice a week classes, on methods-materials and practice in reaching children.

They are putting into practice what they learn by having a Saturday afternoon
Bible Club for children around at the church local and



They went into the


visited and invited the children.

different children responded to
its six weeks' duration.

the in

vitation, attending the Bible Club during

On Children's


Election day in Brazil is November 15, the anniversary of the proclamation of the Republic, November 15, 1889. Brazil used to be the Republic of the United States of Brazil, but is now the Federa tive Republic of Brazil since the Revolu tion of 1964. Since then popular elections for all national, some state and even some local offices have been suspended, be cause the electorate, largely semi-

Day, October 8th, they presented a short program at the Sunday morning church assembly.

These three teachers are now going out to the church of Christ in Ceilandia, new
suburb of Brasilia,
week's Bible Club.

to hold another six

Many visitors had their pictures taken in front of the new Bible Edifice. BRAZILIAN BIBLE SOCIETY
The Brazilian Bible Society was or ganized in 1948, the same year the
Sanders arrived in Brazil.


Two other teachers (Starla Sanders Azevedo and Ruth Sanders) joined the other three for specific training of the
children of the church members. Eleven of these children were baptized in tbe-

literate, and professional politicians bred and fed on demagoguery, had shown a consistent ability to place in office
crooks and charlatans. This is difficult

to say since the door is thus opened to the charge, "the pot shouldn't call the
kettle black." But it is evident for all the world to see that Brazil's benevolent

months of August and September and along with other children are attending special classes in the morning and evening con

cerning the Christian Life and Knowledge

of the Bible.

" by Ruth Sanders

revolutionary regime is out to clean up and renovate an old fashioned political

kitchen that would have been taken over


Farm folk gather to sing and hear the Word proclaimed near Alvorada, Goias.
Recently the number of families has in creased and after many years of witness ing a farmer made his decision for

lock, stock, and barrel by the communists directed from the outside, had it not been for the rapid seizure of the entire national system by the military, made up from the Brazilian intelligencia, and solidly right wing politically. National and state

In July 1972, the Brasilia, the Society dedicated their new Bible Building in the north wing of the city. Visitors came from all over Brazil to participate in
the occasion.

officials are nominated by the military

generals and confirmed (or elected) by the legislatures. The constitution is still

The offices of the Society have been and continue to be the meeting place for
the ministerial alliance of Brasilia. This

waived by the revolutionary government,

which will eventually restore full demo cratic procedures when a new political when a new political procedure is im planted with two strong parties, instead of a score of splinter parties, and a more
responsible electorate can be assured.

new building houses a sales office, small warehouse, library, offices, small audi torium, a medical clinic and coffee shop.

"ri^ts" to a farm there.

ment, the among the hospitality

L. David has visited this area sporadi cally since a friend had given him

Aldiou^ the

farm is still in the process of develop

congregation of believers neighbors that have given to David has increased.

City-county officers mayor and city

councilman were the only candidates voted on in this year's popular election.
This year's election created a lot of

It is interesting to note that on one

trip not long ago, David took the wrong

turn because of a tree fallen across the

enthusiasm and registered many new voters. Only literates can vote, and
and each voter carries a voters card

which becomes an important document to permit his participation in the civic life of his country. His voters card must be stamped for him to be eligible for jobs

road and ended up about ten miles from his destination. Stopping at a farm home to ask his way, the farmer said he had heard of David and had always wanted to meet him. In the exchange of conversa tion, tracts were given as well as a brief

and positions. National literacy pro grams are helping raise the literacy
and prepared electorate.

Several months later, on a return trip, this man (John) attended services and

level and thus create a better instructed Both men and

women of 18 years of age or over may

" by Dole McAfee

As the statue extends its hands, so the liv ing Christ continues to extend his hands to

made his decision for Christ He ex tended an invitation to hold services in

day and say, "Let the little children come unto me." The Sanders seek your prayers for these "little ones."

his home and with his family. Another neighbor also opened his home for the first time for the preaching of the Gospel.

by L. Dovid Sanders




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BRASILIA NEWS NOTES Youth Caravan: Two car loads of young

people went with L. David Sanders in Goias (two or three hours from Brasilia) to give their testimonies and sing. The rain came down in torrents as they drove back after evening services. For two
months the two churches had been in a

During a recent camp period, a group of young people studied Church promotion and propaganda with teacher, Ruth
Sanders. (See picture where they are

of these were from the Ceilandia Church


Christ (suburb

of Brasilia,





children of church members, two adults,

putting into practice some of the methods and materials of the class. Charles Kent, on middle ri^t, and Ruth Sanders, back to camera, help the individual groups).

and the other seven were young people.

There were also six transfers into mem

contest of Sunday attendance and though the final result was almost a tie, the
Anapolis church won and the Brasilia young people and the pastor made the trip as payment for losing.

Baptisms and Transfers:

A total of 28

bership during the last three months. An interesting note is that three other church groups (a Baptist church, a "New Life" church, and a Presbyterian church)
have used the Brasilia Christian Church

baptisms are realized in the Brazilia Church for August and September. Eight






The Brasilia youth group has increased encouragingly in numbers, activities, and spirituality these past two months. They joined with another Bible Club of the city and held an all-day retreat recently at the church camp grounds. Over 80 were
in attendance.

Year Around Camp Grounds:

The camp

grounds are a place where children, young

people, and adults can take advantage of short holidays, summer vacations, and weekends to get away from the busy rush and problems of the city for moments of
rest, study and meditation. The church


from Brasilia.

camp grounds are located about 20 miles This is possible because of temperate weather the year-around,

and more important because a missionary

family, the Charles Kents, are living on the grounds to supervise and coordinate

activities. They are also improving the buildings and grounds as part of their
work contribution.

Camp class with teachers Ruth Sanders and Charles Kent.


"MISME" - Missionaries Meeting

Camp grounds of the "Acampamento
Cristao de Brasil Central" in the Feder

'THE JOY OF THE LORD" -- by Carol McAfee

There is a chorus we sing here that is a favorite, and we sing it often. It is ''O Gozo do Senhor" (or, "The Joy of the Lord").

During July and August the Igeja de Cristo de Monte Siao, Ceres, and the Mount Zion Church of Christ, rural Mooresfield, Ky., where Brother Lewis Haubner, father of Earl Haubner, min isters engaged in a Sunday School Con test to see which would register the highest number of attenders. Promotion and stimulation were marked by two large thermometers drawn on paper and dis played on the church building wall. The
attendance of both schools were thus

al District, near Brasilia, was the scene of a little different type of missionaries


Called by L. David Sanders,

veteran on the field and pioneer of Church planting in Brasilia the meeting con vened July 68, 1972. In his letter call ing the meeting Bro. Sanders stated the

easily compared. "Christian Standard," October 15 issue

purpose of the meeting to be to learn from one another, answer questions in a face to face encounter, thinking together on mutual goals and objectives and free exchange of ideas especially to help harmonize our efforts in God's Kingdom.
He closed his letter with the citation

The The The The

Joy Joy Joy Joy

of of of of

the Lord is my stronghold flie Lord is my stronghold the Lord is my stronghold the Lord is my strength.

I drank of the water of life and now I thirst no more.

I drank of the water of life

and now I thirst no more

carried the following in the "News of the

Brethem section." "The results of the nine weeks contest saw both churches

increase 100 percent over their last years

attendance. The stateside church aver

atributed to Dr. Brant, "O the comfort, the inexpressable comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring them all right out, chaff and grain to gether and certain that a faithful hand
will sift them and take that which is

The Joy of the Lord is my strength.

Because His word is so very close Because His word is so very close Because His word is so very close

aged sixty-four during the contest while the church here averaged seventy-one. During the two months there were six baptisms, two transfers and twelve other decisions of people indicating their
desire to know more about Christ and the

The Joy of the Lord is my strength.

I like this little chorus with its simple words. It makes me think. Do we really have the Joy of the Lord in our hearts? Is His Word so real to us that in spite of the petty annoyances (or major tragedies)

worth taking and with a breath kindness blow the rest away."


Prepared presentations by each of the

missionaries present revolved around the

specified theme "That God Might Re

ceive Glory." Richard Hicks, opened the sessions

Church here.

The church in the States

had fifteen baptisms and three transfers."

with his message "Personally Glorifying God"; Tom Fife spoke on "Principles that Glorify God"; Dale McAfee, on "Gifts of the Holy Spirit and Glorifying God"; Earl Haubner on "Meditation, Singing and Witnessing Glorify God"; Wade Pope on "Healing and Giving Glory
to God"; Merlyn Shields, on "The Church in the Home Glorifies God"; Carol Louis

of life deep down we have joy always

with us? Do our friends see this joy in our lives? Do they know why we have it? Do they know that our walk with Christ is so satisfying, so real that as long as we have Him nothing else can really get
us down? Or is it?

Lowe, on "Relational TTieology and Glorifying God"; Harry Baird on "Tak

ing the Whole Gospel to the Whole World
to make man Whole."

It's not just a temporary gladness, or a passing hilarity, but deep down, soul permeating, lasting happiness, contentment that never completely deserts us even in times of deep stress. How do we get the "Joy of the Lord" if
we don't have it? Listen to the chorus.

What is joy?

Also present were Francisco Leite, James Bunch (on summer internship)
and David Dawson, each of whom made brief presentations and/or shared in the

I drank of the water of life and now I thirst no more.

discussion which followed each message. Having prior preparation on a specific

theme seemed to be the secret for the

Because His Word is so very close, the Joy of the Lord is my strength. What is the key to the "Joy of the Lord?" His Word The living water."
We must drink of it and have it close to us. In Romans 10:8-9 we read "... the


The same missionaries would

would welcome a meeting of this nature often. It happened here and we praise and Glorify God for it.

On the first day of the contest the congregation gathered after Sunday School to have their picture taken.

word is near you, on your lips and in your

heart (That is the word of faith which we preach), because if you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."

We have been witnessing His Spirit at

work in the lives of those who come to

our little building to hear His word and who leave filled with the "Joy of the Lord" and new faith, new hope, and new
life. We are thrilled to be able to share His word with those around us. Here are

some scenes from recent baptisimal ser

vices and meetings. We hope you receive a thrill of Joy when you realize that these people now know Christ because you helped to send missionaries to Brazil. We thank you, and they thank you.

Those present at the "MISME" second row, left to right: David Sanders, Harry Baird,

The last day of the contest shows the increase. Everyone always likes to be in a picture, and were very en
thusiastic about the contest.

Dale McAfee, V/ade Pope, James Bunch, Richard Hicks, Carol Lowe, Tom Fife; First row, left to right: David Dawson, Earl Haubner, Francisco Leite, Merlin Shields.

Dale McAfee and Earl Haubner with six candidates for baptism, at the edge of the river. As always we were hav ing scripture reading, hymn singing, ard prayer before
going into the water.

The children's class at Bible School doing their hand

work. Ruth Haubner is the teacher.

The lady with Dale McAfee, ready to be baptized is Dona Mana, She has won several people to Christ since her


The congregation on the bank of the river singing praises

to God before the actual baptismal service. This is a good witness to many non-Christians, as there are almost

In August Paul Lanham from Belem, Para (North Brazil) come to hold a meeting for u5. The church was full every

always several people at the river to swim and play. Many stop and come to attend the singing and ask

Savior, Here he ts with some who came forward. The smaller children will have to wait for a better understand ing, but at least their knowledge of Christ has begun.

night and many respo^ed to the call to accept Christ as

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