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MB 622 High Performance Materials

Hochschule Karlsruhe Technik und Wirtschaft Fakultt MMT Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Schwab

Name, Vorname .............................................................. Semester ........... Matrikelnummer ..................................

Klausur High Performance Materials (M 4B26 / MB 622), WS 2011/12

Datum: 02.02.2012 Punktezahl: Uhrzeit: 12:00 13:00 Uhr Note: Hilfsmittel: nicht programmierbarer Taschenrechner Handzeichen:

Es werden 10 Aufgaben auf 7 Seiten gestellt. Bitte kontrollieren! Schreiben Sie Ihren Namen vorab auf jedes einzelne Blatt. Bearbeiten Sie bitte alle Aufgaben in Englisch direkt auf den ausgeteilten Aufgabenblttern im Anschluss an die Fragestellung. Beschriften Sie alle Diagramme und Skizzen vollstndig. Viel Erfolg! 1 (a) Draw a block diagram showing the categories and names of crystal defects. (9 points)

(b) List the three possible mechanisms for plastic deformation of metals. (3 points) (c) Which of the above listed mechanisms is the dominant process for metals and therefore very common? (1 point) (d) Which of the above listed mechanisms can also be used to strengthen engineering ceramics? (1 point)

Klausur High Performance Materials, WS 11/12 2 A structural steel shows a stress-strain behaviour in the tensile test according to the enclosed diagram. (a) What yield strength will result after a plastic strain of 8 % in the tensile test? (3 points)

Seite 2

(b) What plastic strain is necessary in the tensile test to increase the yield strength to 600 N/mm2 by strain hardening? (5 points)

(a) Explain why a fine grained polycrystalline metal has greater yield strength than the same material in the coarse grained state. (2 points)

(b) Draw a diagram y vs. d-1/2 for a typical structural steel, d being the grain size. The diagram should show approximate numerical values and units for y and d-1/2. (6 points)

Klausur High Performance Materials, WS 11/12 4

Seite 3

Name: .............................................

(a) Describe the conditions under which a high amount of solid solution strengthening is obtained. (3 points)

(b) Show this behaviour in the form of a suitable diagram. (5 points)

Name the different properties of the and phase in Ti alloys. (8 points) Property Crystal structure (only the name is required) Slip systems and plastic deformation Anisotropy of physical and mechanical properties Diffusion rate -phase -phase

Creep resistance

Klausur High Performance Materials, WS 11/12 6

Seite 4

Calculate the criterion for minimum weight with regard to static strength (plastic yielding) for cantilever beams with quadratic cross section. F and l of the beam are given. (10 points)


Set of formulae: EI y Mtl d d4 d bh Fl bh , , , , , , , = It = Wt = Iy = Wb = f = I= l2 GI t 32 64 6 3EI 12 16

4 2 3 3 3

Klausur High Performance Materials, WS 11/12 7

Seite 5

Name: .............................................

(a) Draw a suitable guideline in the given modulus of elasticity vs. density chart for the low weight criterion

. (3 points)

(b) If you have to compare the two metallic materials steels and titanium alloys in the diagram, which of the two materials will show lower weight for the given low weight criterion in (a)? Use a purely graphical method and logical considerations for your answer. To make the decision easier, use the centre of the two appropriate bubbles. Explain your answer with the help of a suitable guideline and with a few sentences. (5 points)

Klausur High Performance Materials, WS 11/12 8

Seite 6

List three methods to improve environmental resistance of materials subjected to high temperatures. (3 points)

Questions related to sintering of ceramics (a) In which way do the powder particles sinter, change their shapes and are thus bonded together? (3 points)

(b) What temperature should therefore be applied for sintering? (2 points)

(c) Why do the powder particles sinter at all and try to reduce porosity? (2 points)

Klausur High Performance Materials, WS 11/12

Seite 7

Name: .............................................

10 The following diagram shows high temperature strength data of four steels. Please make your answers clear by drawing suitable lines in the diagram.

(a) Determine the creep strain limit (105 hours) for the steel 13CrMo4-4 at 500 C. (2 points) (b) At which temperature is the creep strength (105 hours) of the steel X8CrNiMoVNb16-13 equal to 50 N/mm2? (2 points) c) Will a cylindrical bar made of X20CrMoV12-1 with a diameter of 16 mm be able to endure an axial force of 40 kN for 10 years at 500 C with a plastic strain of less than 1 %? Show your calculations, explain the answer logically. (5 points)

d) Will a cylindrical bar made of X20CrMoV12-1 with a diameter of 16 mm be able to endure an axial force of 60 kN for 20 years at 500 C without fracture? Show your calculations, explain the answer logically. (3 points)

Hochschule Karlsruhe Technik und Wirtschaft Fakultt MMT Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Schwab

Name, Vorname .............................................................. Semester ........... Matrikelnummer ..................................

Klausur High Performance Materials (M 4B26 / M 5D51 / MB 622), SS 2011

Datum: 07.07.2011 Punktezahl: Uhrzeit: 10:00 11:00 Uhr Note: Hilfsmittel: nicht programmierbarer Taschenrechner Handzeichen:

Es werden 10 Aufgaben auf 7 Seiten gestellt. Bitte kontrollieren! Schreiben Sie Ihren Namen vorab auf jedes einzelne Blatt. Bearbeiten Sie bitte alle Aufgaben in Englisch direkt auf den ausgeteilten Aufgabenblttern im Anschluss an die Fragestellung. Beschriften Sie alle Diagramme und Skizzen vollstndig. Viel Erfolg! 1 Make a list with the approximate yield strength for pure iron and some steels (theoretical value, single crystals, practical values) and explain the difference between the individual values. (8 points) Material Pure iron, theoretical value, identical with tensile strength Pure iron whiskers (very small fibre-shaped crystals) Single crystal of pure iron with few dislocations Structural steel S235 Yield strength, typical, N/mm2 Explanation

Hardened steel Maximum for commercial steels

Klausur High Performance Materials, SS 11 2

Seite 2

Explain the generation of dislocations by a Frank-Read source with a set of 5 suitable and careful drawings. Label all important parts in your drawings. (8 points)

A cylindrical metallic tensile test specimen with an original length of 70 mm and an original diameter of 10 mm is plastically strained by 8.3 mm. During the straining no necking occurs. What diameter of the test specimen do you expect after straining? Explain your answer logically step by step. Make a suitable drawing, give your answer in general terms first, and insert numerical values and units in the end. (10 points)

Klausur High Performance Materials, SS 11 - Additional space for no. 3 -

Seite 3

Name: .............................................

Draw two correlated diagrams, showing Rp0.2 and A5 vs. ageing time for a typical precipitation hardening process of aluminium alloys, use approximate characteristic values, explain underageing and overageing. (8 points)

Klausur High Performance Materials, SS 11 5

Seite 4

Calculate the criterion for minimum weight with regard to strength-limited design for cylindrical shafts subjected to a torsional moment. The torsional moment and the length of the shaft are given. (10 points)


Set of formulae: EI y d Mtl d4 bh d bh Fl , , , , , , , = I = = = = = = W I I W f t y b t 32 l2 12 64 6 3EI GI t 16

4 2 3 3 3

Klausur High Performance Materials, SS 11 6

Seite 5

Name: .............................................

Write down four (not more than four) typical physical properties and four (not more than four) typical mechanical properties of aluminium materials. No precise numerical values are required; low, medium or high are sufficient. Distinguish between pure aluminium and aluminium alloys. (8 points) Physical Properties Mechanical Properties

Describe in a few sentences the three-stage Kroll process to produce impure titanium sponge and write down the appropriate chemical reactions. (7 points) 1st stage:

2nd stage: 3rd stage:

Klausur High Performance Materials, SS 11 8

Seite 6

(a) Define the term creep strength in detail. (4 points)

(b) Which formula symbol is commonly used for the creep strength? (2 points)

(c) In what area is the creep strength of importance? (2 points)

Describe the strengthening methods used for nickel superalloys. (8 points)

Klausur High Performance Materials, SS 11

Seite 7

Name: .............................................

10 How much energy may be gained by sintering 100 cm3 of Al2O3 ceramic from powder with a grain size of 0.5 m? Explain your answer step by step. To simplify the calculation, assume that the powder particles have cubic shape with an edge length of 0.5 m and that they are arranged regularly to form the 100 cm3 of Al2O3. (10 points) SF = 1 J/m2, GB = 0.4 J/m2

Hochschule Karlsruhe Technik und Wirtschaft Fakultt MMT Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Schwab

Name, Vorname .............................................................. Semester ........... Matrikelnummer ..................................

Klausur High Performance Materials (M 4B26 / M 5D51 / MB 622), WS 2010/11

Datum: 03.02.2011 Punktezahl: Uhrzeit: 10:00 11:00 Uhr Note: Hilfsmittel: nicht programmierbarer Taschenrechner Handzeichen:

Es werden 10 Aufgaben auf 7 Seiten gestellt. Bitte kontrollieren! Schreiben Sie Ihren Namen vorab auf jedes einzelne Blatt. Bearbeiten Sie bitte alle Aufgaben in Englisch direkt auf den ausgeteilten Aufgabenblttern im Anschluss an die Fragestellung. Beschriften Sie alle Diagramme und Skizzen vollstndig. Viel Erfolg!

(a) Specify the general method for increasing the strength of polycrystalline materials. (1 point)

(b) Draw a block diagram that lists the four strengthening mechanisms in polycrystalline metals. (6 points)

Klausur High Performance Materials, WS 10/11 2

Seite 2

(a) Give the reason why plastic deformation leads to strain hardening. (3 points)

(b) Draw a diagram showing the nominal stress-strain curve of a typical structural steel in a tensile test. The diagram should display quantitative data with concrete values and units that are typical for structural steels. (3 points) (c) Add another curve to the diagram, showing the true stress vs. strain for the same material. Do not calculate this curve, but rather think logically and make a good guess. Label the two curves with the appropriate names. (2 points) (d) Explain, why the two curves differ from each other. (5 points)

Make understandable drawings of the two possible types of solid solutions and tell the name of the two types. (6 points)

Klausur High Performance Materials, WS 10/11 4

Seite 3

Name: .............................................

Explain the process and the principle of precipitation hardening with two correlated diagrams, as shown in the lecture course. Use Al-Cu alloys as an example; label all important features and all stages of the heat treatment with the appropriate terms. (12 points)

Klausur High Performance Materials, WS 10/11 5

Seite 4

(a) Calculate the criterion for minimum weight with regard to stiffness-limited design for cylindrical bars subjected to a tensile force. The tensile force, the length and the elongation of the bar are given. (8 points)


Set of formulae: EI y d Mtl d4 bh d bh Fl , , , , , , , = I = = = = = = W I I W f t y b t 32 l2 12 64 6 3EI GI t 16

4 2 3 3 3

(b) Consider a cylindrical bar under a tensile load. The bar is made from an aluminium alloy ( = 2.7 g/cm3, = 70000 N/mm2). Calculate the minimum modulus of elasticity that a bar made from a different material with a density of 4.5 g/cm3 has to show in order to have a lower mass than the aluminium alloy (stiffness-limited design)? (5 points)

Klausur High Performance Materials, WS 10/11 6

Seite 5

Name: .............................................

(a) Explain the ASTM method for designation of magnesium alloys, using AZ91 as an example. (2 points)


(b) Give three (not more than three) reasons why it is relatively easy to melt and cast magnesium materials. (3 points)

Write down four (not more than four) typical mechanical properties and two (not more than two) typical chemical/electrochemical properties of titanium materials. No precise numerical values are required; low, medium or high are sufficient. (6 points) Mechanical Properties Chemical/electrochemical Properties

Klausur High Performance Materials, WS 10/11 8

Seite 6

Draw a diagram, showing Rp0.2, Rp1/105 and Rm/105 (a) for a plain carbon steel (b) for a typical creep resistant steel versus temperature. Label all axes and curves appropriately, use approximate quantitative values. (8 points)

Name and explain four (not more than four) main considerations for using nickel as a high temperature material. (8 points)

Klausur High Performance Materials, WS 10/11 10 Questions related to engineering ceramics (a) Explain the abbreviation Y-TZP. (2 points)

Seite 7

Name: .............................................


(b) Explain the production of a Y-TZP component by naming the required powder, showing the heat treatment in the phase diagram and explaining the processes inside the material. (10 points) Required powder:

Heat treatment:

Processes inside the material:

Hochschule Karlsruhe Technik und Wirtschaft Fakultt MMT Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Schwab

Name, Vorname



Klausur High Performance Materials (M 4B26 / M 5D51 / MB 622), SS 2010

Es werden 10 Aufgaben auf 6 Seiten gestellt. Bitte kontrollieren! Schreiben Sie Ihren Namen vorab auf jedes einzelne Blatt. Bearbeiten Sie bitte alle Aufgaben in Englisch direkt auf den ausgeteilten Aufgabenblttem im Anschluss an die Fragestellung. Beschriften Sie alle Diagramme und Skizzen vollstndig. Viel Erfolg!

Clarify the term "interatomic bonding" via a useful diagram, showing the interatomic bonding forces and two important macroscopic material properties, that can be derived. (8 points)

Klausur High Performance Materials, SS 10 2 Questions related to plastic deformation

Seite 2

(a) Show the mechanism of plastic defonnation by movement of an edge dislocation. Make five suitable drawings. (5 points)

(b) Explain why the critical shear stress for the initiation of dislocation movement is so different in various materials. (3 points)

(c) Show the mechanism for plastic defonnation by twinning; make two suitable drawings. (3 points)

Klausur High Performance Materials, SS 10 3 (a) Write down the Hall-Petch equation. (1 point)

Seite 3


(b) Draw a diagram <Jy vs. d-l12 for a material with <Jo = 250 N/mm2 and k, = 18 N/mm312 The d-1/2-axis should cover a range from 0 to 10 mm-I12 Explain all steps of your calculation. (9 points)

Show the effect of solid solution strengthening in the case of Cu-Ni alloys, using a suitable diagram. (6 points)

Klausur High Performance Materials, SS 10 5

Seite 4

Calculate the criterion for minimum weight with regard to stiffness-limited design for cylindrical shafts subjected to a torsional moment. The torsional moment, the length ofthe shaft and the torsion angle (angle oftwist) are given. (10 points)

11-------------------------Klausur High Perfonnance Materials, SS 10 6 Seite 5 Name: ............................................. materials. (4 points)

(a) Write down four typical physical properties ofmagnesium

(b) Explain why plastic deformation of magnesium is difficult/limited at room temperature and better at elevated temperatures. (5 points)

Describe in a few sentences the three-stage Kroll process to produce impure titanium sponge and write down the appropriate chemie al reactions. (7 points) 1st stage:

2nd stage:

3rd stage:

Klausur High Performance Materials, SS 10 8 Seite 6 (a) Define the term creep strain limit in detail. (4 points)


(b) Which formula symbol is commonly used for the creep strain limit? (2 points)

(c) In what area is the creep strain limit of importance? (2 points)

List three methods to improve environmental resistance of materials subjected to high temperatures. (3 points)


Describe and explain transformation toughening. (7 points)


r rocrrsc.nurc


Name, Vomame
Semester Matrikelnwnmer

Technik und Wirtschaft Fakultt MMT Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Schwab

Klausur High Performance Materials (M 4B26 1 M 5D51), WS 2009/10

Es werden 10 Aufgaben auf 8 Seiten gestellt. Bitte kontrollieren! Schreiben Sie Ihren Namen vorab auf jedes einzelne Blatt. Bearbeiten Sie bitte alle Aufgaben in Englisch direkt auf den ausgeteilten Aufgabenblttern im Anschluss an die Fragestellung. Beschriften Sie alle Diagramme und Skizzen vollstndig. Viel Erfolg!

Stress o

Calculate the theoretical tensile strength of a material by approximation ofthe stress (J vs. interatomic distance d curve and correlation with suitable macroscopic material properties, as shown in the lecture course. (20 points)


<)<)<)1" . Ei Ei Ei 6j..... '.:. ". ~6j6j 6j..... --.. c 6j<)<). o 6jEi6j .. 6j<)<)

(,).:: ... o ..

. ~~

o~----~----------------~~~~----Interatomic distance d Repulsion

Klausur High Performance Materials, WS 09110

Seite 2

Klausur High Performance Materials, WS 09/1 0

Seite 3


Klausur High Performance Materials, WS 0911 0 2

Seite 4

Explain why the critical shear stress for the initiation of dislocation movement is so low in comparison with theoretical shear strength of aperfeet crystal. (6 points)

Draw a diagram (j"y vs. d-l12for a typical struetural steel, d being the grain size. The diagram should show approximate numerieal values and units for (j"y and d-1/2.(6 points)

Klausur High Performance Materials, WS 09/10 4

Seite 5


Describe how a maximum increase in yie1d strength is obtained in a given material by dispersion hardening. (4 points)

Give three reasons why it is relatively easy to melt and cast magnesium alloys. (3 points)

Write down four typical physical properties and four typical mechanical properties of titanium materials. No precise numerical values are required; "low", "medium" or "high" are sufficient. (8 points) Physical Properties

Mechanical Properties

Klausur High Performance Materials, WS 0911 0 7

Seite 6

Calculate the criterion for minimum weight for cylindrical struts under compressive Ioads, if elastic buckling determines the design. F and 1ofthe strut are given; Euler case 2. (10 points) Set of formulae: n EIy F = -12-' d


bh2 f

I, = 64 ' Wb= -6-'

bh3 nd 3EI ' 1= 1"2' W = 16' tp



Gi ,I

= 32


Klausur High Performance Materials, WS 0911 0

Seite 7


The diagram shows the high temperature strength data of four steels. Please make your answers clear by drawing suitable lines in the diagram. (a) Determine the creep strain limit (105 hours) for the steel containing 12 % of chromium and other elements at 550 "C. (2 points)




300 Rm"ws



(b) Determine the creep strength (105 hours) for the austenitic steel at 650 "C. (2 points


400 Temperature





c) Determine the 0.2 % proof stress ofthe plain carbon steel with 0.2 % of carbon at 300 -c. (2 points)

(d) What is the tem~erature, where the creep strength (105 ho urs ) of the low alloy steel is (2 points) equal to 100 i

Describe the strengthening methods used for nickel superalloys. (8 points)

Klausur High Performance Materials, WS 0911 0

Seite 8

10 List and explain three ways to obtain high quality Ah03 ceramics. (6 points)

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