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Graded Assignment

HST302B:U.S. History | Unit 2 | Lesson 3: The Annotated Bibliography



Works Cited Primary Sources: Hughes, Charles V. "Monroe Doctrine." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclo edia !ritannica, n.d. We". #$ Mar. %$#&. htt :''(((."'his anic)heritage'article*+$,-&-& My main use .or this article, (as the te/t o. 0ames Monroe1s annual message to Congress in #2%-. 3t also dis layed an article o. an local ne(s a er in 4hio that headlined the Monroe Doctrine. 5his (as a 6ia"le source, "ecause it set a clear e/am le o. the immediate hases the 7nited States (as going through.

"5heodore 8oose6elt1s Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine 9#+$,:."Theodore Roosevelt's Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine. ;. ., n.d. We". #% Mar. %$#&. 5his (as 8oose6elt1s statement in his State o. the 7nion <ddress in #+$& a.ter the Vene=uela Crisis o. #+$%>$-. 5his states that the Monroe Doctrine is still in e..ect, and the 7nites States (ill inter6ene (ith Euro ean countries. 3 (ill "e using this to my research to oint out the rolonged e..ects the Monroe Doctrine has made.

Venezuela Political Map of 1 1!. Digital image. David Ru"sey Map Collection. ;. ., n.d. We". #$ Mar. %$#&. ?htt :''((('luna'ser6let'6ie('search@ ABCoda==iC<gustinC#D+-C#2,+EsortBPu")Date,Pu")Fist);o,Series);oG. 5his source sho(ed 6arious olitical alterations throughout Vene=eual o6er many years. Hou could see the signi.icant changes that has ha ened surrounding the area, in the course o. #$$ years. Secondary Sources: "!ig Stick 3deology." Princeton #niversity. ;. ., n.d. We". #% Mar. %$#&. ?htt s:''(((.'Iachaney'tm6e'(iki#$$k'docs'!ig)Stick)3deology.htmlG.

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Graded Assignment

HST302B:U.S. History | Unit 2 | Lesson 3: The Annotated Bibliography

E/ lained 8oose6elt1s slogan a "it more and ho( it (as incor orated (ith .oreign a..airs. 3t (as

5he idea o. negotiating eace.ully, simultaneously threatening (ith the ""ig stick.J
Edmund, Morris. "E/ anding the Monroe Doctrine." TR Center. ;. ., n.d. We". ## Mar. %$#&. ?htt :''((('en'!log'%$#$'Decem"er'$K*E/ anding*the*Monroe* /G. 5his article sho(ed ho( an e/ ansion to the Monroe Doctrine (as made (hen Euro ean .orces created a "lockade in Vene=uela. 7nited States acted u on it, and made some modi.ications. 3t also sho(ed a really nice olitical cartoon that 3 (ill most likely "e using .or the roLect.

"History Engine: 5ools .or Colla"orati6e Education and 8esearch M E isodes."$istory En%ine& Tools for Colla'orative Education and Research ( Episodes. ;. ., n.d. We". ## Mar. %$#&. 5his ga6e me a "rie. analysis o. (hat 8oose6elt1s Corollary had to the Monroe Doctrine. 3 (ill adding these e..ects to my research, and it really has gi6en me an understanding o. (hat 8oose6elt1s Corollary really is. )nfoplease. 3n.o lease, n.d. We". #, Mar. %$#&. ?htt :''(((.in.o'encyclo edia'history'monroe*doctrine*a lication*e/tension.htmlG. 5he article goes o6er the occurrences in (hich authorities ha6e in6oked the Monroe Doctrine in many occasions. "0ames Monroe !iogra hy."Bio*co". <EE ;et(orks 5ele6ision, n.d. We". + Mar. %$#&. 5his (e"site ga6e me an "rie. insight o. Monroe1s li.e rior to "eing resident and ho( he "egan his olitical career. 5hey " e/ lained the doctrine and (hen o6er o. (hat caused it. 5hey Auickly analy=ed the in.ormation, and got a cou le .acts to conclude in my res arch.

"Military."Venezuela Crisis of 1+!,. ;. ., n.d. We". #$ Mar. %$#&. 5his article has hel ed me analy=e the Vene=uela Crisis o. #+$% easier. 3t (as result o. a ci6il (ar in Vene=uela, and the country (as in massi6e de"t to multi le Euro ean countries. 5he act o. 8oose6elt addressing the issue sho(ed the 7.S.(as determined to re6ent Nermany .rom taking action to acAuire territory in Vene=uela.

"Monroe Doctrine, #2%- * #2$#>#2%+ * Milestones * o. the Historian." Monroe Doctrine- 1 ,. / 1 !101 ,+ / Milestones / Office of the $istorian. ;. ., n.d. We". #$ Mar. %$#&.

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Graded Assignment

HST302B:U.S. History | Unit 2 | Lesson 3: The Annotated Bibliography

5his article dre( out many clear e/am les to (hat lead to the Monroe Doctrine. ;ot only that, "ut also sho(ed some a.ter e..ects such as the e/ ansion o. the states.

"Monroe Doctrine."$istory*co". <EE 5ele6ision ;et(orks, n.d. We". ## Mar. %$#&. 5his article has 6ery good e/ lanations o. ho( e..ecti6e the Monroe Doctrine is, and ho( it is still in e..ect today. 3 (ill ossi"ly "e using this to sho( e/am les o. long*term e..ects o. the Monroe Doctrine.

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