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CATEGORY : SEXUAL LIFE SUB-CATEGORY: GAY AND LESBIAN Article: Is being gay the same as being a Eunuch?

Headline : Eunuch is Eunuch..Gay is Gay

The term gay, transgendered, lesbian or transvestite, hermaphrodite etc need no longer be kept in the closet. Though they may not admit it early everyone is curious to know what happens in other worlds i.e other alternate forms of sexuality and other genders ( Male/ Female /Hermaphrodite) Some might just be too embarrassed to ever ask and satisfy their curiosity about what the anatomy of other genders must be like? For those of you who always wanted to know about gay or lesbians but were too afraid to ask lest you might come across as deviant need no longer fear. It is absolutely normal and healthy to be curious about such things. Along with gay rights political correctness also holds an important place in the scheme of things . So, it is only right that one must at least be aware of the difference between a Gay male and a eunuch.

In certain cultures where there is a generally low acceptance of deviant sexuality gay people can really have it tough. A receptive homosexual male is more often than not looked as a freak of nature or someone impotent or a eunuch. This is simply not true. A homosexual male is a male like any other heterosexual male. Anatomically there is no difference . The stereotypical template of a homosexual male is that of an effeminate person who walks and talks like a female. To some extent this might be true as some receptive ( Bottom) homosexuals do put on the lady act for effect. This may not hold true with every homosexual male. The receptive person could well be all masculine physically and even emotionally might feel like a man. Just that he prefers to have sex with men and thats the only difference. Some homosexual men can also have sex with females which makes them bisexual and vice versa. Bisexual does not mean someone who has

the genitalia of either sex. That is a hermaphrodite or a person who shows mixed genders or the characteristic s of both genders. Thus you have a person who for all purposes walks, thinks, feels and dresses up as a woman. The hermaphrodite also has well developed breasts and yes also a fully developed penis , just like a male. This community are also reffered to as she-males or lady boys in informal lingo. Transgender is a relatively new term which is used to describe people who like to dress up as the opposite sex. They could be females emotionally and feel trapped in a male body and hence dress up and behave like the other sex. Which gets us to our main point. What is a eunuch? A eunuch is a castrated male. Castration means where the testes are surgically removed causing sterilization due to the resultant hormonal changes. The testosterone levels reduce greatly and other changes occur like a deepening of the voice and a greatly reduced sex drive. Castration is often done in animals to avoid overpopulation. Castration of males has been a regular practice since ancient times mostly in the Pan Arab , African continent and Indian sub-continent. The emporers would have eunuchs serving them as body guards and for pleasure I the royal harems. The eunuchs were preferred as body guards due to the fact that they could not reproduce and were stronger than the average male. So a gay male and a eunuch are not the same. A gay person is not naturally impotent as is the commonly held notion. Though both might indulge in anal sex as a main preference the same might hold true for a heterosexual male who prefers anal sex.

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