October 20 Alphonse

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October 20, 2009

The Honorable Jane Nelson

P.O. Box 12068
Capitol Station
Austin, Texas 78711
(512) 463-0112
fax: (512) 463-0923 and

House District 99--Representative Charlie Geren

Capitol Office: EXT E2.308
Capitol Phone: (512) 463-0610
Capitol Address: P.O. Box 2910
Austin, TX 78768
District Address: 1011 Roberts Cutoff
River Oaks TX 76114
Phone: (817) 738-8333 and

Senator Lon Burman

Capitol Office
Room CAP GW.8
P.O. Box 2910
Austin, TX 78768
(512) 463-0740
(512) 463-1075 Fax

Dear Senators Nelson, Burman and Representative Geren:

Presented herein are serious allegations and they require your upmost attention and for
you to act on your oath and commitment to public service.

On September 17, 2008 Carol Ann Davis ETAL sued Houston billionaire attorney John
M. O’Quinn and DPS ‘Special Crimes’ Commander Guy Marshall Caskey. Carol Ann Davis is
the pro se and the first in the nation to bring legal action against John M. O’Quinn and a Texas
DPS Special Crimes Commander for racketeering and the murder of a federal witness, namely
Melinda “Lindy Harrison” Honerkamp and was largely accomplished by an ex- DPS trooper
Charles Elwood Soechting also the Former Texas Democrat Chairman and its General Counsel.

Lindy Honerkamp was the ex- wife of Texas Ethics Commissioner Attorney Warren
“Tom “Harrison. The suit is also the first filed under the U.S.C. Title 18 Section 240, 241 and
245 and was assigned to Judge David Hittner who opined that “someone” had pled it‘s best case
to deter plaintiff. Plaintiff unique interpretation of the Order was a referral of the matter back to
Judge Ewing Werlein Jr. Due to the suits relation to a previous law suit filed by Carol Ann Davis
in 2003 against the City of Jersey Village and Lonnie Ray Davis the ex- husband, in his
individual capacity.

The original lawsuit stemmed from an arrest of Carol Ann Davis absent a warrant on
February 18, 2001. The second lawsuit directed to John M. O’Quinn ETAL is a result of a
plaintiff that intends to vacate the verdict of September 15, 2005 where a verdict was obtained by
fraud, subterfuge and malfeasances by the professional misconduct of Texas Attorney General
Greg Abbot by illegally authorizing Law Enforcement Division attorney Karen D. Matlock to
expends sums of revenues for legal fees for a defense unauthorized by statue and or the Texas
Legislature. The criminal evidence has been delivered to attorney Jerry S. Payne.

Attorney Karen Matlock is from Seguin, Texas, and married to ‘DPS Special Crimes Joe
Matlock, maiden name Jones, who violated the rules of professional conduct with Texas
Municipal League attorneys Ramon Viada and Stefanie Strayor Orr. The lawsuit alleges that
attorney John M. O’Quinn armed with an ex- Texas DPS trooper [Charles E. Soechting]
accessed government data bases to RETALIATE against housewives who were cooperating with
the United States Department of Justice namely Carol Ann Davis and Melinda ‘Lindy Harrison”
Honerkamp, which have exposed the inner workings of the Harris County Courts and other
courts in Texas counties and is about a Department of Justice “probe” where the power of the
people of Texas has been returned to the people of the State of Texas through a law suit that will
not die because it is a matter of public interest and where the Texas Attorney General
surreptitiously appears in a court case continuing to waste, fraud and abuse the revenues by
manipulation of ‘data’ created to lend support and then explained as “unknown reasons” and to
continue the sick secret in Texas how a certain faction of corrupt lawyers in Harris County have
manipulated the parties of both Texas Democrats and Texas Republicans into partnering with
them to bilk millions in revenues to improperly advance a select few secretly armed with the
“Top Cop” of Texas, the Texas Attorney General who protects anti- trust violations of lawyers
and moreover advancing crimes committed by other lawyers against the children of the state
of Texas.

On August 19, 2009 the State Auditor John Keel CPA assigned Mr. Harold Burns, of the
Special Investigations Unit referencing Case Management Number 9.93441 for fraud, waste
and abuse and for violations of deceptive trade practices laws of the Greg Abbot as it
relates to a vast government conspiracy that John O’Quinn phrased and denied and where
the same has been stalwartly protected by Greg Abbot in violation of the law. Attorney
Greg Abbot is expected to generally to deny the allegations and continue the waste, fraud and
abuse at the people‘s expense regardless of the mission statement of his office and or its
legislative intent which is the purpose of this letter to you on behalf of a Harris County RICO
Victim, veteran of the armed forces, father of four, Mr. Alphonse Filip (age 91) who
resides at 5620 So. Schilder, Fort Worth, Texas 76114 who has spent over $ 100,000 to
salvage his adult daughter Beverly Thompson and his grandchildren claims which cannot
possibly be filed in any venue absent your intervention.

Senators Rodney Ellis, Ellen Cohen, Mario Gallegos, Hernandez and Garret
Coleman wrote a letter on May 19, 2008 as it relates to the routine violations of actually
innocent citizens that Harris County and the State of Texas are sworn to protect but instead tax
dollars are spent for frivolous and illegal activity but largely undetected, misunderstood and the
public unaware due to the various controls on the media as it relates to exposure and close ties to
the actual offenders who are sophisticated in social events like Tina Bensiker and often times the
media relations which set the ground work to mismanage the information where
misinformation and literally informational junk was pre-scripted to misdirect the public- the
specialist, billionaire attorney John . M. O’Quinn. Attorney O’Quinn’s specialty; junk law, junk
science, junk politics and junking the State of Texas and making a mockery of the Texas and US
Constitution and recognize there are no real protection from the unprofessionalism of corrupt
lawyers, police officers and elected officials that has plague the state of Texas since 1845 and
Greg Abbott is not about the part with ‘tradition’ and has demonstrated his animus towards an
actually innocent victim via the internet of an ‘educational’ event October 6, 2009 in Houston at
the County Line Bar B Q Restaurant.

The actually innocent RICO victims of Harris County, Texas and in the other counties of
Texas, including the “probe” of United States Justice Department were unaware of the anatomy
of sophisticated illegal political machine where two political parties, converge and the
people/citizens are manipulated by social events, a Bar-B-Q, interactions with the press, baby
kissing of a behind the scenes elitist who has devised the control both parties by the
employment of an ex-DPS trooper, attorney Charles Soechting and the former Texas Party
Chairman and long standing General Counsel. The art of persuasion are tactics of
brainwashing, false advertising, racketeering in violation of state and federal law that have gone
unprosecuted for years not because the public does not want it prosecuted but because they are
united in all things to protect the precious Texas Double Standard, that has advanced the most
horrible crimes against the children and the actually innocent of the State of Texas so that
‘adults’ licensed professional i.e. corrupt lawyers, could play games, and measure by the mark
of a good prosecutor is to convict and actually innocent citizen because any prosecutor can
convict a guilty person. While Greg Abbott pretends not to destroy access to the protections of
the United States Constitution, Bottom line, Texas does not need any more laws, we need to
enforce the laws already on the books but not from the bottom up, from the top down and
starting with Greg Abbott who has obviously mastered the media, the fourth arm of the
government because the law enforcement arm belongs to billionaire John M. O’Quinn and the
ex- DPS trooper Charles Soechting.

Greg Abbott is expected to allege in his defense, that he poses no threat for consumers
and or the public even the attorneys of the LAW ENFORMENT DIVISION AND THE
CRIMINAL DIVISION violate the rules of professional conduct to protect the illegal business
enterprise of John M. O’Quinn. Mr. O’Quinn hired Don Clark Field Director of the Houston
FBI Office in spite of a current federal investigation into the enterprising attorney accused of
criminal activity on a wide scale as it relates to the John Cornyn investigation and that O’Quinn
and other lawyers who wrangled it away from a on target prosecution re-directed the same and
still engaged in racketeering while Greg Abbott does not care if it poses a risks for the public and
a substantial risk it is.

Carol Ann Davis keeps discovering additional methods Greg Abbot used to deceive the
public and a federal court judge disrupting state and federal court operations to deny due process,
not just to one person by accident but to everybody on purpose. Texas consumers who ‘use ‘and
or elect the Texas Attorney General thought they were simply buying and or electing via tax
revenue legal services for the state and its citizens, and "Thousands of Texans are now potential
victims of this deceptive trade violations and a game Texas Attorney General played with the
public, consumers, plaintiffs, defendants and actually innocent citizens for its own purposes and
self dealing." In addition to violations of the murder statue and other relates violations of state
and federal law which allows for penalties of hundreds of thousand dollars $100,000 for each
violation of the law, the alleged violations are under review with an attorney Jerry S. Payne of
Piney Point Texas and requested by the undersigned is that you consider the above as it relates
to your commitment to public service whether you decide to run against Greg Abbott and
activate and exercise your rights as a Texas Legislator and enforce the Texas Government Code
as it relates to the impeachment of the current Texas Attorney General.

You may verify the existence of criminal evidence and obtain copies of the same from
either the Texas Attorney General by Open Records Act or by contacting attorney Jerry S. Payne
of Piney Point, Texas who may be reached at 713- 785-0677 as it relates to the “vast
government conspiracy” that John M. O. Quinn said in his court motions do not exist yet an
offer of proof is conveyed in good faith and your expertise is requested as it relates to General
Abbott’s aide, Mr. Robert Allen statements to Hays County RICO Victim Carolyn Logan (512-
805-2247 /512- 569-1416) to resolve the issue of Greg Abbott’s continued violations of law with
an indictment was optional but a VIABLE CANIDATE against the Texas Attorney General,
Greg Abbott and or others where dissatisfactions is expressed due to the Texas Double Standard
and selective prosecutions RETALIATION and for violations of the Racketeering and
Influenced Corruptions Act. Requested are the removal/ impeachment and other applicable
proceedings directed to the Texas Attorney General Greg Abbot. Bottom line, I am looking to
help the citizens of Texas and presented herein are serious allegations and they require your
upmost attention and for you to act on your oath and commitment to public service.

Respectfully submitted,

Original Signed

Carol Ann Davis

25311 Sugar Valley Lane
Spring, Texas 77373
281-350-2943 / 713-560-5940

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