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Luciana R. Storto
B.A. in History
Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), 1988
M.A. in Linguistics
Pennsylvania State University, 1994
Submitted to the Department of Linguistics and Philosophy
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of
Doctor of Philosophy
At the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
February 1999
01999 Luciana R. Storto
All rights reserved
The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly paper
and electronic copies of this thesis document in whole or in part
Signature of Author:
Department of Linguistics and Philosophy
December 31, 1998
Certified by: _ _,_ .__"
Kenneth Locke Hale
Ferrarri P. Ward Professor of Modern Languages and Ling .uistics
Thesis Advisor
Accepted by: ___
Michael Kenstowicz
Chair, linguistics Program
Department of Linguistics and Philosophy
MARY26 1999
Luciana R. Storto
Submitted to the Department of Linguistics and Philosophy on
December 31, 1998 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Linguistics
This dissertation is intended as a description of some theoretically interesting aspects of
the phonology and syntax of the Karitiana language. Karitiana is the sole surviving
language of the Arik6m family (Tupi Stock), spoken today by approximately 200 people
living in their own demarcated teservation located 95 Km south of Porto Velho, in the
state of Rondonia, Brazil. Chapter 1 describes and analyzes the segmental phonology of
the language. With respect to segmental features, special attention is given to the
consonants of the nasal series, which undergo partial oralization in environments
contiguous to oral vowels. I claim that this phenomenon gives support to the hypothesis
that nasality must be represented as a binary feature. Another phenomenon of theoretical
interest in Karitiana phonology is vocalic epenthesis, which is triggered by syllabification
word-internally and by syllabification as well as stress clash avoidance in certain phrasal
environments. I explain the interactions between epenthesis and stress assignment in a
derivational model of cyclic phonology. Chapter 2 describes the pitch accent system of
the language, in which tones are assigned to the same metrical plane in which stress is
computed. In chapter 3, I show that the language is verb-final and that the verb
obligatorily raises to the complementizer position (C) in matrix clauses to check tense
and agreement features. In dependent clauses, the verb is final, and no agreement or tense
is present. I draw a parallel between Karitiana and Germanic verb second languages: in
both systems the matrix tensed verb must surface in C, and a phrase must fill Spec,CP.
The latter is only a tendency in Karitiana. Standard agreement is nominative (absolutive),
although whenever the object is A-bar moved to the focus position (Spec,CP) in non-
declarative focused clauses, the verb shows ergative agreement. I argue that the
functional morphology inserted as a focus marker deactivates the agreement features of I,
the functional head that would normally covertly agree with the ergative subject, and as a
result, the other functional head bearing agreement features (C) agrees with the ergative
subject. Chapter 5 describes other instances of non-declarative and declarative focus
Thesis Advisor: Kenneth Locke Hale
Title: Ferrarri P. Ward Professor of Modern Languages and Linguistics
The first person I would like to thank is my thesis advisor, Ken Hale, for the
unconditional support he gave me during the four and a half hears of my stay at MIT.
Ken was always happy to discuss every detail of my half worked out accounts of
Karitiana data, miraculously finding time in his busy schedule for our weekly
appointments. His deep knowledge of typology, modern linguistic theory and field
methods gave me the foundation to tackle the difficult job of describing and accounting
for theoretically interesting phenomena in Karitiana, a virtually undescribed language. I
wouldn't have been able to write this thesis without his guidance.
Many thanks to the other two members of my committee, Morris Hale and David
Pesetsky. Morris discouraged my sloppiness from early on with the motto "per aspera, ad
astra". Although I may have resisted his advice at times, in more than one occasion I was
eventually converted and convinced that he was RIGHT and I was WRONG. Thanks to
his insistence on scientific rigor and clarity of exposition, the chapters on phonology are
much more intelligible than they would have been otherwise. David always gave me very
good advice on how to present an argument. His approach to problem solving - to
brainstorm and consider all imaginable solutions and then rule them out one by one on
principled grounds - taught me to keep an open mind to alternative analyses.
I have enjoyed discussing my work with many other people, specially Calixto
Aguero-Bautista, Maya Arad, Karlos Arregi, Marie-Claude Boivin, Noam Chornsky,
Joao Costa, Bob Dixon, David Embick, Nilson Gabas Jr., Vilacy Galucio, Elsa Gomez-
Imbert, Michael Kenstowicz, Jay Keyser, Alec Marantz, Shigeru Miyagawa, Denny
Moore, Aryon Rodrigues, Juan Romero, Filomena Sandalo, Hooi Ling Soh, Esther
Torrego, Sonny Vu, and Cheryl Zoll.
I don't want to imagine how tedious my social life at MIT could have been
without my dear class mates and friends Christopher Bader, Marie-Claude Boivin,
Gaurav Mathur, David McKay, Taylor Roberts, Hooi Ling Soh, Fleur Veraart and Susi
Wurmbrand. Thank you for many enlightened conversations, nights at the movies, dinner
parties, colloquium evenings, and for just being there. You will always have a special
place in my heart.
Other people outside of my class with whom I had interesting conversations and
/or a specially good time are Calixto Aguero-Bautista, Elena Anagnostopoulou, Maya
Arad, Karlos Arregi, Degif Petros Banksira, Pilar Barbosa, Sveva Besana, Rajesh Bhatt,
Jonathan Bobaljik, Benjamin Bruening, Anne Cahill, Brigit Cosgrove, Joa~o Costa, Maria
Cuervo, Henry Davis, Michel DeGraff, David Embick, Jessie Little doe Fermino, Danny
Fox, Aaron Goluba, Elsa Gomez-Imbert, Marilyn Goodrich, Tom Green, Mary Grenham,
Paul Hagstrom, Maya Honda, Michela Ippolito, Yoonjung Kang, Meltem Kelepir,
Cornelia Krause, Vivian Lin, Ingvar Lofsted, Victor Manfredi, Lisa Matthewson, Seth
Minkoff, Isabel Oltra-Massuet, Rachel Pearl, Rob Pensalfini, Orin Percus, Jennifer
Purdy, Norvin Richards, Juan Romero, Anna Roussou, Danilo Salamanca, Filomena
Sandalo, Vaijayanthi Sarma, Phillipe Schlenker, Shigeko Shinohara, Bev Stohl, Carol
Tenny, Anthony Theille, Hubert Truckenbrodt, and Sonny Vu.
I thank Wayne O'Neil and Michael Kenstowicz for all the help and support in the
many occasions in which I had bureaucratic problems with my Brazilian fellowship. You
made huge problems vanish, and that is no small matter for me.
A special thanks to Sally Hale, for making me feel welcome in these parts, and for
being my "oracle" in so many spheres of life.
I must specially thank my housemates and friends Elsa Gorrmez-Imbert and Juan
Romero, who, during my last months of dissertation writing, shopped for me, cooked for
me, and endured my aloofness and bad moods without complaint.
During the last few days of dissertation writing, I was saved by Karlos Arregi,
who helped me edit the document, spending many funny and scary hours with me,
piloting Microsoft Word to a safe landing.
I have met at MIT more role models than I could possibly digest. I will keep you
all in my mind as food for thought for the rest of my life.
In Bel6m, I specially thank Denny Moore and the Museu Goeldi crowd. Denny is
my advisor and mentor in linguistics, field work and life in general. His vision of how the
field of indigenous linguistics can be developed in Brazil became my vision.
In Porto Velho, I must thank my friends and companions Emilia, Laura, Isabel,
and the good people of CIMI, and Porto Hotel.
In the field, I thank the Karitiana for cautiously taking me in, and for gradually
warming up to me, as they learned to trust me. Some people who made my stays in the
village specially meaningful are Alberto, Antonio Jos6, Antonio Paulo, Celson, Cizino,
Claudiana, Claudio, Dalvanete, Daniel, Edelaine, Edineia, Elivar, Elizangela, Enedina,
Garcia, Geovania, Gumercindo, Indcio, Jacqueline, Jacquesilene, Janete, Joaio, Jos6
Maria, Jucinete, Junior, Katia, Leandro, Leriane, Lucinda, Luiz, Oita, Rogfrio, Rosa,
Marcos, Marilena, Marinete, Meireles, Nelson, Pereira, Sarita, Sebastido, Terezinha,
Valter, and Vilany.
My friends and family in Sao Paulo, I thank for their continuous support and
friendship, and for all the good times we spent together during my yearly field trips to
Brazil. Lucia Helena, Maria Helena, Nereu, Paula, and Vera: I can't wait to join you.
Finally, a word for the three most important people in my life. To my parents,
Margarida and Domingos, thank you for giving me the one crucial thing I carry with me
at all times: your unconditional love. To Ricardo, thank you for believing in me, for
staying by my side even when I couldn't stand myself, and for never ceasing to expect
more from me. I dedicate this dissertation to the three of you.
CHAPTER 1 - PHONOLOGY I: SEGMENTAL FEATURES ........................... 9
0. Introductio ................................................................................................................................. 9
1. V ow els ....... .............................................................................................................................. 13
1.1. Vowels and their features ....................................... .13
1.2. Distribution of vowels...................... . . . . ... . .. ................... 14
2. Consonants ................................................................................................................................ 16
2.1. Consonants and their features .......................................... 16
2.2. Distribution of consonants .............................................................. 17
2.3. A Feature-based analysis of Karitiana consonants........... ...................... 21
2.3.1. Distribution of [-continuant, -nasal] consonants ..................... ........................... 21
2.3.2. Distribution of [-cont,+nas] consonants ............................................. 24
2.3.2. 1. Local spreading of [-nasal] from oral vowels to nasal stops ........................ 25 Closure and release and the binary nature of the feature [nasal] ........................... 32
2.3.3. Distribution of [+continuant] consonants .................................. ....................... 35
3. Phonological processes and morphophonemic alternations ................................. ...... 36
3.1. Nasalization spreading across [+sonorantJ segments ............................................. 36
3.2. Intervocalic lenition of [-continuant] segments ............................. ...... ....... 37
3.3. Progressive assimilation of a nasal to place features of an oral stop ................... ..... 38
3.4. Consonantalization of high front vowels .. ................................................................... 39
3.5. Non-productive palatalization of It/ .............. ............. .....................................40
4. Syllable structure.......................................................................................................... 41
4.1. Prohibited codas and obligatory onsets .............................................. 41
4.2. Vowel epenthesis....................................................................................................... 44
4.2.1. Morpheme-internal vowel epenthesis ................................ 45
4.2.2. Vowel Epenthesis Between Stem and affix ........................................................ 51
4.2.3. Vowel epenthesis inside a complex syntactic head or functional phrase ......................... 54 Compounds........................................................... 54 Phonological phrases................................. ......................... 68
0. Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 79
1. Stress ..........................................................................................................................................
1.1. Halle and Idsardi's metrical grid theory and the stress of roots ...................................... 79
1.2. Stress of affixes ........................................................................................................
1.2.1. Stressed suffixes.. ............................................. 85
1.2.2. Stress-neutral affixes........................................ ...................... 86
1.3. C onclusion ............................................................. . .. .. . . ...................... 88
2. Tone ........................................................................................................................................... 89
2.1. Stress-based tone rules........................................................ 89
2.2. Phrasal pitch accent and its interactions with the syntax of heads.......................................94
2.2. I. L-insertion ................................................... . ........................ 95
2.2.2. Stress D eletion ......................................................................... 97
2.2.3. Stress Deletion and L-insertion in examples from the text "Gokyp"......... .... 98
2.2.4. Examples of L-insertion and stress deletion in imperatives .................. ............. 104
2.2.5. Examples of L-insertion and stress deletion in Questions ........ ...................... 110
2.2.6. An analysis of stress deletion .... ...... ............................................................... .... 112 Right-headed phrases ...... .................................... ..... 112 Left-headed phrases .... ................. ......................... 1........ 14
2.2.7. C onclusion .......................................................... ... ................... ....................... 118
CHAPTER 3 - WORD ORDER ......................................................... ............ 119
0. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 119
1. V erb raising ............................................................................................................................. 121
2. Spec, CP as a focus position..................................................................................................... 134
3. Adverb adjunction as evidence of verb raising in matrix clauses......................................... 138
4. Verb-initial word orders and theV-2 effect.................................. 147
CHAPTER 4 - AGREEMENT IN C ..................... ........... 153
0. Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 153
1. Ergative-nominative agreement.............................................................................................. 157
2. Movement of V to C correlates with the presence of nominative agreement ...................... 160
3. An apparent exception to nominative agreement: the object focus construction................... 163
4. Theoretical Background .......................................................................................................... 167
CHAPTER 5- OBJECT FOCUS CONSTRUCTIONS ................ ................ 189
0. Introduction............... .. ........... ........................................................... 189
1. The non-declarative object focus construction in relative clauses .................................. 191
1.1. O bject relativization......................................................................................................... 192
1.2. Object wh-movement.............................................. 194
2. The declarative object focus construction ................................................................... ......... 205
REFERENCES ............................................................ 214
Glot. Stop
first person exclusive (excludes the interlocutor)
first person plural (inclusive)
first person singular
second person plural
second person singular
third person
third person anaphoric
agent focus construction (K'ichee')
Bittner and Hale (1996a)
complement izer
direct evidential
declarative object focus construction
extraction construction (Karo)
externally headed relative clause
functional head (closed class)
glottal stop
Halle and Idsardi (1995)
Halle and Vergnaud (1987)
Infl (inflection)
internally headed relative clause
indirect evidential
interrogative particle
intonational phrase
Case phrase
lexical head (open class)
low tone insertion
negative polarity item
object focus construction (non-declarative)
empty operator
phonological phrase
prosodic word
referential (aspect)
relational noun (K'ichee')
'to' (oblique in K'ichee')
verb second
word introducing a content question (wh-word)
unidentified morpheme
0. Intr'oduction
This chapter is a description of Karitiana phonology implemented within a
strongly derivational framework. I adopt the model of cyclic phonology proposed by
Halle and Vergnaud (1987).
Halle and Vergnaud (1987) (henceforth H&V) provide us with the theoretical
apparatus needed to account for the Karitiana data in a straightforward manner. They use
the notion of blocks of rules inspired by work done in Lexical Phonology (cf. Pesetsky
(1979), Kiparsky (1982, 1983, 1984, 1985), Mohanan (1982), Hale and Mohanan
(1985)), where a given rule may appear in more than one block (cyclic or non-cyclic), but
depart from that framework in disallowing morphological rules from being linked to
parti ular blocks or strata (influenced by critics of Lexical Phonology such as Aronoff
and Sridhar (1983) and Sproat (1985)). That is, they claim that phonological rules
typically appear in blocks, at the same time denying the possibility that phonological
blocks can be associated with specific morphological processes:
"We deviate from most proponents of Lexical Phonology in that, following Sproat (1985), we do
not assign. the rules of morphology - prefixation, suffixation, reduplication, compounding, and so on - to
particular phonological strata. Instead, we make the traditional assumption that these rules are the province
of a separate model, the morphology. In our theory, then, as in SPE, morphology is distinct and separate
from phonology. Morphology interacts with phonology in that it creates the objects on which the rules of
phonology operate". (H&V 1987:78)
The theory is called "cyclic" because it incorporates the notion that words may
undergo the same set of rules (the rules of the cyclic stratum) more than once. Based on
the empirical observation that languages often distinguish between two classes of affixes
which show distinct phonological behavior, Halle and Mohanan (1985) first suggested
that different classes of affixes may undergo separate blocks of rules (what they called
cyclic versus non-cyclic affixation). They distinguish cyclic from non-cyclic rules in the
following way: in a cyclic block the rules of phonology apply to every morpheme of the
word (stem and cyclic affixes independently), while in non-cyclic blocks the rules apply
just once to the complete word.
In English, the rule that assigns stress to words is limited to the cyclic (level I)
stratum. Affixes which contribute to a change of stress patterns of a root belong to class I.
All other affixes are non-cyclic (level II). For instance, in the word governmental, the
structure is as follows:
i. [[[govern], ment]ll al]l
The stem gdvern is stressed in the first syllable, as is the derived word g6vernnment. The
stress assigned to the stem in the cyclic block is preserved because -ment is non-cyclic.
Since -al is a cyclic suffix, the stress assigned previously is wiped out and the word
receives penultimate stress. The rules of the non-cyclic stratum apply subsequently to the
whole word.
Evidence for the cycle in Karitiana comes from the fact that all roots bear stress,
independent of whether they combine with inherently stressed affixes or not, as well as
from the interactions between the processes of stress, epenthesis, lenition, destressing,
and tone insertion. Many of these phonological rules apply in different blocks in slightly
different conditioning environments.
For instance, vowel epenthesis in the cyclic stratum I and in the non-cyclic
stratum II takes place when a consonant is left unsyllabified, whereas in stratum III
(reserved for compounds and phonological words) stress clash is an additional condition
required for the application of the rule.
Epenthesis, which is necessarily triggered by syllabification, interacts with the
rules of stress and lenition in all levels of the phonology in which it applies. In section 4.2
I show that the variety of interactions between morphological constituents and
phonological rules suggest that the grammar of Karitiana has 4 levels or stata of
phonological rules. The first and second strata (cyclic and non-cyclic respectively) are
restricted to rules applying internal to prosodic words'. The third level applies to
compounds and other phonological phrases (PhPs), which syntactically, are units larger
than words but smaller than phrases. Phonologically, PhPs are combinations of
phonologically dependent words and their "hosts" (syntactically adjacent heads or
phrases). A clitic and its host is a typical phonological phrase, as are complex syntactic
heads formed by head-movement, or compounds. Other rules applying to phonologica,
phrases are low tone insertion (L-insertion) and destressing. These two rules also apply to
constituents which do not undergo level III epenthesis, indicating that a fourth level is
1 Prosodic words are phonologically distinct units which bear their own stress: words, and strong clitics.
I depart from H&V's theory in that my understanding of which units are
computed by each phonological level. To H&V, morphosyntactic units are the
constituents that serve as input to the phonological cycle: levels I and II are reserved for
words, whereas levels III and IV apply to units larger than words. In my view,
morphosyntactic units map into prosodic units, and these prosodic units are the
constituents inputted to the various levels in the phonological cycle. The main reason I
need to adopt this modified version of the theory is to account for the behavior of
compounds in the language. Although compounds are words, with respect to the rule of
epenthesis they pattern as level III units. For this reason, we must say that compounds do
not ever enter level II of the phonology. That is possible, if level II is not accessible for
units larger than a prosodic word.
The first three sections of the chapter describe the distribution of segments, their
feature composition, and the phonological rules that apply to specific sets of segmental
features to derive their surface forms. Section 4 deals with syllable structure and the rule
of vowel epenthesis.
1. Vowels
1.1. Vowels and their features
Karitiana has five vowels, which can be long or short, nasal or oral:
2. Short oral: Short nasal:
i i I i
e o e o
a a
Long oral: Long nasal:
i: i: I" i
e: o: e: o:
a: a:
The only features involved in phonological rules are the features [high], [back]
(rule of consonantalization, cf. section 3.4) and [round] (allophonic variation of labial
glide, cf. section 2.3.3). This suggests that the feature [low] is only useful to phonetically
differentiate a from the other vowels with respect to height. Phonologically, the features
[high], [back] and [round] are sufficient to differentiate all vowels form each other:
3. Vowels: (long or short, nasal or oral)
-bk +bk
+hi I i
-hi E o (+rd)
2 Phonetically, the vowels [e] and [o] can be described as half-open (between [e] and [e] and [o] and [.], respectively).
The vowel [i] is often not tense, and lower than high central vowels usually are, to the point that some sperkers
pronounce it as a schwa.
1.2. Distribution of vowels
Below are lists of minimal pairs or near minimal pairs, showing the relevant
oppositions in the distribution of vowels:
4. /a/, /e/, /il, /o/, li/
[bikipa] 'bench'
[bikipa] 'cockroach'
[?ot-] 'to fall'
[?itn] 'son (father speaking)'
[?et--] 'son (mother speaking)'
[pa] 'path'
[gop-' 'wasp'
[gip--,] 'termite'
[i-] '3 p. agreement'
[i-] '1 p. sg. agreement"
[a-] '2 p. sg. agreement'
[ket-] 'blue'
[kat--] 'to sleep'
[otal 'friend'
[oti] 'moon'
[opi] 'ear-ring'
[opo] 'penis'
5. /i, /, rs/, //, r/:
[in-'] '1 p. sg. pronoun'
[an-] '2 p. sg. pronoun'
[nOm-] 'breasts'
[namn-] 'rotten'
[mrim-] 'to tighten'
[minm-,] 'to enter'
[snw-] 'firewood'
[si--'] 'to grind (ideophone)'
[opT] 'to cut'
[opT] 'tip, top, edge'
Iambi] 'house'
[6mbi] 'basket'
[dopi] 'ant species'
[pisok6] 'finger nail'
[d3ek i] 'lower part of the face'
[tb] 'sleep (i,
[m6-r] 'wh-word'
6. /a:/, /e:/, /i:/, lo:/,/i:/:
[sa:ra] 'alligator'
'bad, ugly'
[?e:t-,] 'bee'
[?et--] 'son (mother speaking)'
[ke:rep--] 'in the old days'
[kerep-,] 'to grow'
[so:jP] 'wife'
[si:po] 'eye'
[sipo] 'seed'
[andi:k-n] 'cold'
[andik-,] 'buttocks'
[ot?o:p-n] 'bamboo'
[oti:p-J] 'bowl'
7. /5:1, :, i:, 16:,/:/,l:
[mrn:m -] 'frog'
[rnmm-'] 'to tighten'
[?6mn-] 'tadpole'
[?':m-'] 'shadow'
[?Ti:mn] 'mortar'
[R:mn-] 'black, dirty'
[Zi:mm-] 'rope'
[st:Jp-] 'jacamim (bird species)'
[paTi:j--] 'jac6i (bird species)'
[Ep(i ] 'bird'
2. Consonants
2.1. Consonants and their features
8. Surface forms:
II. m
IV w
9. Consonants
[labial] [+cor, +ant] [+cor, -ant] [velar] [glottal]
[-cont, -nas] p t k
[-cont, +nas] m n Ii rr
[-cont, -son] s
[-cont,+son] w r_ h
Justification for the featural analysis proposed in (9) will be given in section 2.3.
2.2. Distribution of consonants
The minimal pairs which reveal the relevant oppositions in the distribution of
consonants are listed below
10. [p], [t], [k]:
[pal 'path'
[opo] 'penis'
[siip-] 'salty'
[siit-] 'gray'
[ti] 'mother'
[oti] 'moon'
'stone axe'
Labial, coronal and velar stops are unreleased word-finally: [p-], [t--], [k-i]. The
lenited and nasalized allophones of these stops are triggered by lenition rules (cyclic and
non-cyclic, cf. 3.2) and nasalization spreading (cf. section 3.1), respectively.
11. [tf]:
[tfak-n] 'to bite (ideophone)'
[m5ir6tja] 'tight, close, dependent'
[tSo]rfil 'running water (ideophone)'
' pronoun'
The occurrence of [tf] is extremely rare, and limited to onset position.
12. [?]:
[?et-'] 'son (mother speaking)'
[saep-1] 'leg'
[?irip--] 'tapir'
3 Stressed syllables are marked in bold. The symbol ' stands for "unreleased".
[sokb7i] 'to tie up'
[oit] 'to heal'
Note that the distribution of the glottal stop seems to be predictable
: it is limited to onset
position in stressed syllables.
The labial, coronal, and velar nasal consonants have a similar distribution
section 2.3.2), and for that reason are considered to be part of the underlying nasal series.
13. [m], fn], [it], ['1, [jp], [g]:
'to lie down'
'to play'
The fully nasal allophones [m], [n], [ii], ['9], [j], [Ij] occur: (i) in the beginning of a
word followed by a nasal vowel, (ii) inside a word, adjacent to nasal vowels, or (iii) in the
end of a word, preceded by a nasal vowel. The palato-alveolar i/ lenites to [9] in
environment (ii), and surfaces as the palatal [p] in environment (iii) (details to be
discussed in section 2.3.2).
4 See section 2.3.1 for discussion.
5 David Landin, who studied Karitiana before me, was the first linguist to identify the pre and post-oralized
allophones of nasal consonants (Landin, D. and R. Landin 1973) in Karitiana. His analysis of the segmental
phonology of the language differs from mine mainly in that he posits a glottal stop and a palatal glide as
14. [bm], [dn], [yd],U ], [j]:
[irihodn-] 'thank you'
'to stand'
[?obma] 'pierced'
[hadnd] 'to speak'
[oropoy-] 'squirrel'
The pre-oralized allophones [bm], [dn], [geu] occur: (i) inside a word, when preceded
by an oral vowel and followed by a nasal vowel, (ii) in the end of a word, prL. :Pded by an
oral vowel. The palato-alveolar /ii/ surfaces as [y] in environment (i) and as [t] in
environment (ii) (cf. section 2.3.2 for discussion).
15. [mb] [nd],[P ] , [ 9], [ ]
[ndopi] 'ant species' (older speakers)
[mboroti] 'paca' (older speakers)
'shy, quiet'
The post-oralized allophones [mb], [nd], [i
] appear: (i) inside a word, preceded by a
nasal vowel and followed by an oral vowel, (ii) in the speech of older Karitiana only, in
the beginning of a word followed by an oral vowel. The palato-alveolar /ii/ surfaces as
[$] in environment (i).
16. [bmb],
[y], [gl]
[apibmbik--,] 'to push'
[kidnda] 'thing'
[sopa ~g ij-']
The pre aad post-oralized allophones [bmb], [dnd], [g1
9] occur inside a word, when
preceded and followed by oral vowels. The palato-alveolar nasal lenites, surfacing as an
oral glide [y] in that same environment.
17. [dikisi]
'spider' (younger speakers)
'paca' (younger speakers)
'wasp' (younger speakers)
'nose' (younger speakers)
Nasal consonants surface as [b], [d], [d3], [g] word-initially, when followed by an oral
vowel (in the speech of Karitiana youngsters).
In the speech of older Karitiana, [ts] is in free variation with [s] but in the speech of
younger Karitiana, [s] is the only allophone of this phoneme.:
18. [s], [ts]:
'hair' (younger speakers)
'hair' (older speakers)
'alligator' (younger speakers)
'cricket' (younger speakers)
Among the [+continuant] consonants, /s/ is the only one which blocks long-distance
nasalization spreading (cf. 3.1). For that reason we know that nasalization is blocked by
[-sonorant] consonants.
19. [w], [1~], [p], [p]:
'verb suffix'
'silent, light'
Labial glides become unrounded after unrounded vowels:
20. [+labial, +round] 4 [-round] / [+vocalic, -round]
The [+continuant, +sonorant] consonants [w], [r], [h], occur word-internally in onset
position, and, unlike the [+continuant, -sonorant] /s/, allow the nasal feature of a
preceding vowel to spread through it (cf. section 3.1):
21. [r]:
22. [h]:
[8] i]
'namb6i-galinha (bird species)'
2.3. A Feature-based analysis of Karitiana consonants
2.3.1. Distribution of [-continuant, -nasal] consonants
Row I of the consonant chart in (8) depicts voiceless oral stops, which are
phonetically defined as [-continuant, -voiced, -nasal]. However, since the feature [voice]
does not play a role in phonological rules, it is more economical to define these
consonants by the smaller set [-continuant, -nasal] as in (9). The segments p, t and k,
belong to a natural class because they show identical phonological behavior in the
following environments: (i) they occur in onset and word-final positions, before or after
all types of vowels, in opposition to nasal stops, which also occur as codas word-
medially, and to [+continuant] segments, which are limited to onset position, never
occurring word-finally. I will argue in section 4.1 that word-final voiceless stops are not
syllabified, based on the fact that they do not show up as codas word-internally, nor ever
occur adjacent to a consonant-initial suffix (cf. section 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 on epenthesis). (ii)
they lenite morpheme-finally (cf. section 3.2), when followed by a vowel-initial
morpheme. (iii) they are unreleased word-finally. The phonological processes described
in (ii) and (iii) above are not restricted to segments which are [-continuant, -nasal], but
instead affect all [-continuant] sounds.
It is clear from the allophonic variation exhibited in the different points of
articulation of [-continuant, -voiced] segments, that not all stops behave alike. The
voiceless palato-alveolar tf and the glottal stop 2 do not pattern with other stops with
respect to at least some phonological rules. Namely, they don't lenite, and they never
occur word-finally (cf. section 4.1). This can be explained if we posit that the surface
forms tfand 2 are predictable. Indeed, it is not difficult to make a case for this hypothesis,
as shown below.
Voiceless palatal stops are limited to seven words in the corpus, some of which
are onomatopoeic as in (23)-(25), and others which can be explained as the result of the
restricted palatalization rule (to be discussed in 3.4). The latter palatalizes a t to tfafter a
palatal stop (cf. (26)-(28)):
23. [tfak-] 'to bite'
24. [tfif?&iJ] 'running water'
25. [tfj1i3&] 'trickle of running water'
26. /i+i+ta/ 4 ijta 4 [ijtfa] 'i pl. pronoun'
27. Ia+i+tal 4 ajta 4 [atfa] '2pl. pronoun'
28. /sc-i+ ta]-) sojta 4 [sojtfa] 'wild pig'
29. [mnir6tfal 'dependent, tight'
The only occurrence of the voiceless palatal for which we have no immediate explanation
is (29). The semantics of mdrdtfa, however, suggests that the word might contain a
putative onomatopoeic morpheme tfa, which, judging from (23) could be roughly
translated as "grab", or "snatch". If this is correct, the occurrence of tf is onomatopoeic as
well. The stress pattern of (29) indicates that the word is bimorphemic, and contains an
unstressed suffix: mJr<6>+tfa (cf. stress and epenthesis rules). Based on the evidence
presented above, I consider all occurrences of the segment tf to be predictable.
Now we must deal with the phonological status of the glottal stop. We saw in 2.2
that the distribution of glottal stops is almost predictable in Karitiana: in all environments
in which it occurs, it is the onset of a stressed syllable. However, since there exists a
small class of stressed onsetless syllables in the language, one could argue that it is not
accurate to hypothesize that glottal stops are epenthetic. Some contrasts are shown below:
30. [76:m-,] 'shadow'
31. [E :m-] 'black'
32. [6. 7] 'no'
33. [8.E ] 'dear'
34. [] 'to cure'
35. /i+a+t/ 4 [i.?at-] 'I did (non-declarative)'
36. /a+ot/ 4-) [a.ot-] 'you caught (non-declarative)'
37. la+ep/ 4 [a.?ep-,] 'your tree'
If all glottal stops were inserted by rule as the onset of onsetless stressed syllables,
then (31), (33), (34) and (36) would have to be listed as exceptions. However, if we
hypothesize that glottal stops are underlying forms, we have no explanation for their
limited distribution to onsets of stressed syllables, which does not parallel that of other
voiceless stops. I believe the reasons for excluding the glottal stop from the underlying
inventory are stronger than the reasons for including it. I conclude that Karitiana has a
rule that inserts a glottal stop as the onset of a stressed onsetless vowel:
38. 0- ? / .V(C)
The small class of words exemplified in (31), (33), (34) and (36) have to be listed as
exceptions to rule (38).
2.3.2. Distribution of [-cont,+nas] consonants
In the following two sections, I will show that the feature [+ nasal] in vowels
plays a crucial role as far as the phonology of Karitiana is concerned. I claim that vowels
have to be represented as either [+nasall or [-nasal], since both values of the feature
participate in spreading processes.
5 This word is a used as a vocative, and judging from its meaning and form, it could be onomatopoeic. Local spreading of [-nasal] from oral vowels to nasal stops
Karitiana has a spreading process which I analyze as the assimilation of a
negative nasality feature [-nasal] from oral vowels to neighboring nasal stops, resulting in
their pre and/or post oralization. This process is a little understood phenomenon cross-
, and deserves further study. In this section, I describe the facts, and
account for the phenomenon with a rule of local assimilation.
We saw that nasal consonants occur at four different points of articulation, and
become partially oralized when contiguous to oral vowels. The way in which oral vowels
modify nasal consonants is exactly the same in bilabial, coronal (that is, [+coronal,
+anterior]) and velar points of articulation. In these cases, nasals are partially pre or post
oralized when preceded or followed by oral vowels (as in (39)-(46)):
39. Environment V V:
/apimik/ 4 [apibmbik-] 'to pierce'
/kina/ 4 [kidnda] 'thing'
/soparjil 4- [sopagrij-p] 'eyebrows'
/gjiio/-4 [giyo] 'corn'
40. Environment ## V:
/moroti/l 4 [boroti] 'paca'
/neso/ 4 [deso] 'mountain'
/rokip/ 4 [gokip-,] 'sun'
/liere?op/4 [d3ere?op] 'anus'
6 Other Brazilian languages which have pre and post-oralized nasals are Kaingang (Wiesemann (1972),
(1978) and Apinaye (Ham (1961)). Since these languages are not genetically related to Karitiana
(Rodrigues (1986) classifies them as belonging to the Ge family), the process of local spreading of [-nasal]
from oral vowels to nasal stops can arguably be described as an areal linguistic trait. This phonological
process, which seems to be limited to an area of the world whose languages have barely been described,
when better understood, is certain to add to our knowledge of linguistic typology and universals. It is
important to note that Ladefoged and Maddieson (1996) do not acknowledge the existence of pre and post-
oralized sounds in their recent book, which is intended as an analysis of the sounds of the world's
41. Environment V ##:
/kam/l- [kabm
/osen/ 4 [osedni
ite:rj/ 4 [te:grf']
/soft/ 4 [soi]
42. Environment V V:
/n iir-6/ 4
43. Environment ##
/mam/ 4
/n6m/ -)
/I)6r1)rijf 4
lkrp/f 4
44. Environment V ##:
/s6m/- 4 (sm--]
/min/ 4 [min-]>
/iri/ 4-- [ir6p-]
45. Environment V V:
/ohiini/ 4- [oyiidna]
/esiij/l 4 [esigrf]i
46. Environment V V:
imo/-) 4 [imbo]
/oslnal 4 [osinda]
/p6gip/ -) [prgip-,]
'to plant'
'summer, year'
'Brazil nut'
'to enter'
'summer, year'
'suf monkey (species)'
'water fall'
'to climb'
'side, waistline'
'quiet, timid'
I analyze the assimilation of a [-nasal] feature to nasal stops as local spreading
from oral vowels to contiguous nasal consonants as in (47):
i m
I-nas] [+nas] -nas]
'to rejoice'
'to fly'
The rule is represented in (48) below:
48. [-cont][-cons] [-cont] [-cont][-cons] [-cont]
x x x " x x x
I I I I q I I
[+nas] [-nas] I+nas] [+nas] [-nas] [+nas]
In section 2.3.2, we saw that the palato-alveolar nasal (featurally defined as
[+coronal, -anterior]) undergoes an obligatory rule of lenition in intervocalic
environments which does not apply to other nasals. I formalize this rule in (49):
49. [-cont, +cor, -ant] 4 [+cont, +voiced] / VV
A consequence of this lenition rule is that it creates a configuration in which the rule of
nasal spreading (cf. section 3.1) applies in environment (44), neutralizing the distinction
between environments (46) and (42). The same neutralization seems to take place
between environments (39) and (45), only there the feature which spreads across the
lenited consonant in (45) is [-nasal]. In order to explain the oralization of the nasal vowel
in this case, the rule of palato-alveolar lenition in (49) must apply after [-nasal] spreading
from the vowel to the nasal stop. Otherwise, it would aot be possible to explain why
palato-alveolars undergo the [-nasal] spreading rule in the same way that other nasal
stops do, since after the application of (49) they become [+continuant]. The rule which
oralizes the nasal vowel in (45) seems to be the counterpart of (48), the local rule that pre
and post-oralizes nasal stops. The difference between them is that the spreading process
starts in a [-nasal] glide in the former and in a vowel in the latter:
50. [+hi, -cons] [-cons] [+hi, -cons] [-cons]
[-nas] [+nas) [-nas] [+nas]
Indeed, there are no examples of labial glides occurring between an oral and a nasal
vowel in the language, suggesting that these glides also spread a [-nasal] feature locally.
Other sonorant segments do occur in the relevant environment, indicating that [-nasal]
spreading from sonorants is not allowed:
51. Pai 'name of a mythical warrior'
52. ohbr.ra 'namb6i-galinha (bird species)'
An alternative account of pre and post-oralization of nasals could arguably be the one
Ladefoged and Maddieson (1996:103-106) give for orally released nasals in Acehnese.
These segments constitute a special class of nasal consonants, which are post-oralized
before oral vowels and are pronounced twice as slowly as regular nasals, involving
"lowering the velum to a lesser degree than in the ordinary nasals, as well as timing the
whole velum-lowering gesture to coincide quite precisely with the duration of the oral
articulation involved". The authors report that such segments occur in languages which
have inherently nasal vowels, and thus should be explained as a strategy those languages
use to avoid nasalization of a following oral vowel. Under this analysis, partially oralized
segments result from a change in the articulatory gesture.
In Karitiana, the partially oralized nasal stops in (39) are clearly more complex
than orally released nasals in Acehnese in that they include not only an oral release, but
also a partially oral closure (ie., bmin, dn, gt). If the explanation orally released nasals of
given by Ladefoged and Maddieson is to be extended to the data in (39), one would have
to assume that partially oral closures are also present in languages as a strategy to avoid
the nasalization of an oral vowel by a following nasal consonant. If that were correct, we
would have to assume that the following processes operate in Karitiana: (i) nasal
consonants tend to spread nasality to neighboring vowels, in both directions. (ii) the
language has a strategy to avoid nasalization of oral vowels contiguous to nasal
consonants: a change or adjustment in the articulation of both the closure and the release
of the nasal consonants.
It is hard to show that either (i) or (ii) above are categorically wrong. However, I
believe the explanation I give to the phenomenon of partial oralization of nasal
consonants in Karitiana is more adequate than an explanation of the type proposed by
Ladefoged and Maddieson. That is, although Acehnese may very well have orally
released nasals, Karitiana does not - the ore and post-oralized segments of Karitiana are
of a different nature than those of Acehnese. One argument to be made in substanciat.on
of my claim is that complete oralization of the nasal consonant may take place as an
alternative pronunciation of the words in (39). Also, in word-initial environments, when
followed by an oral vowel, a nasal consonant is completely oralized (b, d, g, d
). It would
be hard to explain why this is the case explain in Ladefoged and Maddieson's theory,
because these phenomena go well beyond a simple change in articulation of the
underlying nasal. Nonetheless, it is necessary that a systematic study of the variation in
pronunciation of the same word be canrried out before a strong case is made for the
oralization hypothesis. The main problem is that it is not yet clear whether the variation
that has been observed is limited to the environment of the words in (39). As shown in
(53), one and the same speaker may pronounce the same word in two or three different
egrjgi, ijqgi, egi 'to vomit' (Walter Karitiana)
pindot pedndot 'wide' (Lindalva Karitia)
Imbi, abi 'house' (Luiz Francisco Karitiana)
ki nda, kida 'thing' (Luiz Francisco Karitiana)
ambi, abmbi 'house'(Cizino Karitiana)
kida, kidnda 'thing' (Cizino Karitiana)
Note that, strictly speaking, the variation implies variation in the underlying forms of
each word since oral vowels never occur contiguous to nasal consonants without causing
oralization, and nasal vowels never occur contiguous to oralized portions of nasal
consonants. However, when the language is analyzed as a whole, it is possible to see that
the tendency towards oralization is stronger than the tendency towards nasalization in the
distribution of the allophones of the nasal consonants.
Incidental evidence that oralization of nasal segments by contiguous oral vowels
is correct comes from an accent that is detectable when some Karitiana speak Portuguese.
The proper name Nelson, pronounced in Portuguese as New.sJ, surfaces in Karitiana as
De.o.sJ, and the Portuguese word inimigo ([i nmiggUl) 'enemy' surfaces as i dni' migU.
Another piece of evidence in favor of the oralization hypothesis is the
phonological process (to be described in 3.1) of rightward nasalization spread from a
vowel throughout [+sonorant] consonants. This process enables a nasal vowel to spread
its nasal feature in a long distance manner, not only to a neighboring [+sonorant]
consonant, but to subsequent vowels and [+sonorant] consonants. The rule of nasalization
spread is blocked only by [-sonorant] segments. For instance, in (46) The [+nasal] feature
of the vowels is unable to spread rightward, throughout the following nasals, as if
postoralization was obstuent-like in nature. If nasal stops were completely [+sonorant] in
(46), no blocking of the expected spreading should occur. The way nasalization interacts
with local oralization indicates that the post-oralization of a nasal indeed creates a partial
obstruent-like occlusion, which, being [-sonorant], prevents spreading of the feature
from a previous vowel. This outcome is expected if post-oralization is seen as the
speading of [-nasal] to the closure or release phases of a stop, but not if it is interpreted as
resulting from a slight change in the articulatory gesture. I take this as evidence that the
partially oralized nasals in Karitiana are different from the orally released nasal
consonants of Acehnese discussed by Ladefoged and Maddieson. Although these authors
transcribe the special class of "orally released nasals" as post-oralized, their description
of the articulation of such nasals does not include a change in articulation that involves an
oral occlusion, but just one in which the nasal is pronounced as less nasal than regular
nasals, achieved through a "lowering of the velum to a lesser degree".
A final argument for the oralization hypothesis is that the long distance spreading
of a [+nasal] feature from vowels is specially in tune with my account of nasal
consonants, because, in this view it is possible to generalize that all [nasal] spreading in
Karitiana originates in [-consonantal] segments. The same is true of the rule that spreads
[-nasal] from glides.
31 Closure and release and the binary nature of the feature [nasal]
The distribution of nasals in the inventory of Karitiana points toward one
important theoretical issue, namely, the characterization of nasal stops proposed by
Steriade (1993). Steriade (1993) claims that stops have a closure and a release phase,
which may be associated or not with the feature [nasal]. In her theory, nasal is a privative
feature, that is, a feature which is either present or absent, but crucially not binary. This
section demonstrates that Karitiana is a clear counterexample not only for Steriade's
Steriade's typology of stops is represented in (54)7, and show that it is inadequate to
represent the surface forms of nasal stops in Karitiana:
54. Steriade (1993)
[nasal] [nasal] [nasal]
AO Amax AO Amax AO Amax AO Amax
Prenasal (mb) Postnasal (bm) Nasal stop (m) Oral stop (b)
We saw in (39) that nasal stops may be partially oral and nasal in a more complex way,
which cannot be captured in Steriade's system. I propose that the feature nasal must be
binary and that the closure phase of a stop may be doubly linked to different values of the
nasal feature:
7 Where Ao means closure (apperture0) and Amax means release (apperturemax).
\ I
AO Amax
Post-oral (m
\ /I
AO Amax
Pre-oral (bm)
AO Amax
Nasal stop (m)
\ / I
AO Amax
Pre and post-oral (bmb)
The four first diagrams in (55) represent the same segments schematized in (54). The
fifth diagram cannot be represented in Steriade's (1993) theory. I take that as evidence
that double linking in AO and the binarity of the feature nasal must be part of universal
grammar if the behavior of nasal stops in Karitiana is to be explained.
For the sake of completeness, it is important to show whether the biphasic model
adopted also accounts for the allophonic variation of the palato-alveolar nasal.
56. Palato-alveolar
Oral Glide [y]
[4 n as]
Nasal glide []
AO Amax
Nasal stop [fi]
Ao Amax
Oral stop [d3]
oral stop [p]
Unreleased nasal stop [p-nl
Crucially, palato-nasals are never linked to more than one value of the feature nasal
because they obligatorily lenite (loose their closure phase) intervocalically. In the same
AO Amax
Oral stop (b)
intervocalic environment, other nasals surface as post-oral, pre-oral or pre and post-oral
as in (55). Word-initially, however, palato-nasals keep both their closure and release
For the sake of argument, let us examine the competing hypothesis that the
underlying segments in question are prenasal (mb, nd, yg), and that the triphasic
allophones (bmb, dnd, gUlg) are a result of the delayed onset of nasality after an oral
vowel (cf. Storto (1993) for other possible analises). If this account holds, we can keep
Steriade's system intact, which amounts to a simpler UG. However, we will see that the
language specific rules have to be complicated a great deal in this analysis. Word-initially
in the speech of older speakers, and in words such as imbi the prenasal surface forms can
be explained without resort to any special rule: they are simply the default expression of
the underlying forms. For all other surface forms, however, something special must be
said. First, we must have a rule of local assimilation of nasality to accommodate
allophones with a nasal release:
57. Local assimilation rule: Spread [nasal] from a vowel onto Amax releases within the same syllable.
This rule spreads the nasal feature from a vowel to the prenasal consoant adjacent to it iff
they are in the same syllable. It accounts for the nasal allophones of the stop in
environments, since in those cases the stop is either the onset (## 9, i _ ,) or the
coda (' ##) of a nasal vowel. In words such as hi.bmi.nd, rule (57) plus the delayed
onset of nasality have to be evoked, whereas in a.pi.bmbik only the latter is at work.
The two final cases left to be discussed are more problematic. First, in word-final
environments, when preceded by an oral vowel, the wrong prediction is apparently made:
that a triphasic stop would surface (*kabmb). At closer inspection, however, it is clear
that the attested form, kabm, can be explained as the unreleased version of the predicted
form. Given that all stops are unreleased in word-final position, it is in fact predicted that
Am. of the underlying mb will be deleted, yielding the correct output after the application
of the delayed nasality onset: bin. Finally, the last and most problematic case: that of
word-initial environments followed by oral vowels. As seen in (40), stops are completely
oralized in this position. The hypothesis under analysis cannot account for this fact in any
natural manner, because it does not have a fature [-nasal]. To capture the data in (40) in
this framework, it would be necessary to posit a rule of deletion of the feature [nasal] in
word-initial position, which is completely ad hoc. I conclude that the only analysis of the
Karitiana data that would be compatible with Steriade's model fails empirically. I take
this as further evidence that nasality must be represented as a binary feature.
2.3.3. Distribution of [+continuant] consonants
The surface variation of [+continuant] segments is as follows: labial glide
assimilates the feature [+round] from a preceding round vowel o, and otherwise surfaces
as unrounded, as in (58):
kow<o>t 'sweet'
&6P 'child'
ereBok 'the name of a mythical star'
d3eli 'flute'
ky8idna 'to rub'
tal<a>ra 'salty'
The coronal s is pronounced as ts (or maybe it is in free variation with ts) in the
dialect of older speakers:
sop 'hair'
tsop 'hair'
The labial, and glottal continuants, as well as the flap r, by virtue of being
sonorants, allow nasalization from a previous vowel to spread through them (cf. section
3.1). The glottal stop, in spite of not being part of the underlying inventory, is also
nasalized by nasalization spread, indicating that glottal stop epenthesis occurs before long
distance nasalization.
In terms of their distribution in the syllable, [+continuant] segments are radically
different from [-continuant] segments, in that the former are limited to onset position (cf.
section 4.1).
3. Phonological processes and morphophonemic alternations
3.1. Nasalization spreading across [+sonorant] segments
Long distance spreading of [+nasal] is possible in Karitiana. This feature spreads
word-internally from a nasal vowel in rightward direction, passing through sonorants (/h,
r, fi, 2, m, n, 4, ,il) as in (60), and being blocked by the presence of a [-sonorant] sound
(/p, t, k, s, tJf) (as in (61)):
ohororii 'nambu-galinha (bird species)'
611i 'lizard'
tfo~rowa 'running water (onomatopoeia)'
sok57i 'to plant'
opiki6 'horn'
lmnim 'to enter'
?ini 'small'
s6g5 'firewood'
p6nso 'woman'
m-r?6tSa 'tight, close, dependent'
hinipa 'heart'
pipfi ti 'gaviio real (species of hawk)'
hFi-ydko 'no longer sang'
3.2. Intervocalic lenition of [-continuant] segments
The lenition rule in (63) affects [-continuant, +consonantal] codas by making
them [+continuant, 4-voiced] when they are followed by a vowel-initial morpheme. The
boundary in the lenition rule can be a morpheme boundary (+), or a word boundary (#):
p 4 w/B m - ~* /
t -r n-4
k -y-) u
63. Lenition rule: [-continuant, +consonantal] 4 [+continuant, +voiced] / V_ [V
The rule of coda well-fonnedness, which blocks [+continuant, -nasal] segments from
occurring in coda position, and the prohibition against onsetless syllables (cf. section 4. 1)
force lenited segments to resyllabify as onsets.
Karitiana has another rule of lenition which is limited to underived environments.
The stops that can Le input to this rule are p and t, but not k or nasal stops:
64. p, t 4 [+cont, +vd] / V. V (morpheme-internal
3.3. Progressive assimilation of a nasal to place features of an oral stop
When a morpheme-final oral stop is followed by a morpheme-initial nasal, a rule
of assimilation applies according to which the place features of the former spread to the
latter. The oral stop deletes as a result of this process:
?et+ng -- ?e.dni
?op+nA 4 ?o.bmi
a.ndik+n& 4 a.ndi.gri
si.poj+na - si.po. Jji
'child-adjectivizer = pregnant, with child',
'hole-adjectivizer = pierced, with hole'
'buttocks-adjectivizer = with buttocks'
'tail-adjectivizer = with tail'
I represent this assimilation process as follows:
[place x] [place y]
x x
[-nas] [+nas]
[place x]
8 In section 4.2.1. we will see that this rule occurs in the cyclic stratum, which is reserved for roots and
level I affixes.
3.4. Consonantalization of high front vowels
We must posit a phonological rule which causes i to turn into the voiced palatal
stop j between a VC sequence:
66. [+hi, -bk, -cons) --> [+cons] / V C
The rule of consonantalization described in (66) transforms a high front vowel into a
palatal stop (i 4 j) between a vowel and a consonant. This phonological process is
motivated by the universally marked status of onsetless syllables.
67. 'pineapple'
68. ej.pat 'female'
69. /ko+i+pa/
70. le+i+pat/
This rule explains some apparent exceptions to epenthesis. We will see in section
4.2 that an epenthetic vowel is predicted to surface between a palatal stop and an
obstruent (a [-cont, -nasal] consonant) in (67)-(68) The surface forms of the words in
question can be accounted for if underlyingly their structures are the ones in (69) and (70)
respectivelly, and if the consonantalization rule applies after epenthesis.
A parallel example is (71), which is known to be polymorphemic (c.f. (72)) and to
contain the third person morpheme i-, which is required by some inalienably possessed
nouns and adjectives:
71. s6jL.bap 'sucuri (species of snake)'
72. /s6+i+bap/
snake-3-cripple (adj.)
3.5. Non-productive palatalization of/t/
This rule palatalizes a t occurring after the voiced palatal stopj, and does not seem to
apply productively in the language:
73. [cor, +ant] "- [-ant] / [cor, +antJ
One place where rule (73) applies is inside pronouns. The first and second person plural
pronouns are formed by the first or second person marker, followed by the third person
marker 4 and the plural suffix -ta. The rule of consonantalization discussed in 3.4
changes the high front vowel into a palatal stop in (76) and (78), creating the environment
in which rule (73) applies:
74. i+n -4in '1 sg. Pronoun'
75. a+n 4 in '2 sg. pronoun'
76. i+i+ta 4 ijta 4 ijta 'I pl. pronoun'
77. i+ta 4 ita '1I excl. pronoun'
78. a+i+ta 4 ajta 4 ajtfa '2 pl. pronoun'
79. i '3 sgJpl. pronoun'
Although palatalization can also occur between person clitics and the declarative prefix
ta(ka)-, it is not obligatory in that environment. Verb steins bearing the declarative prefix
very often appear prefixed by the person agreement markers ypj and ap-, without
triggering palatalization:
80. y-j-taka-hor-i y-j-tfa 'we will leave'
I-pers-decl-leave-irr I-pers-pl
81. a-j-taka-?6:m a-j-tfa 'you were fooled'
2-pers-decl-fool-irr 2-pers-pl
4. Syllable structure
4.1. Prohibited codas and obligatory onsets
In this section I will examine the principles guiding the formation of syllable
structure in Karitiana. Syllables are formed minimally of a simple nucleus (one time slot)
and maximally of an onset, a complex nucleus (two time slots, as is the case in long
vowels) and a coda. The onset of a syllable has no restrictions as to the quality of the
consonants allowed, but codas do not allow any of the following surface segments: s, if,
r, h, f, and ?. We saw that, having discarded the voiceless palatal stop and the glottal stop
as underlying consonants, it is possible to define this class as comprising of the
[+continuant] s, r, h, andfl.
The only consonants that may occur word-internally as codas are nasal:
82. na.kam.?at 'he/she made someone do something (declarative)' 'womain'
kojtti 'pregnant (literally, 'big-belly')'
Migi.ti 'electric eel'
The generalization that codas must be nasal is evident when a consonant-initial
suffix is added to a root, as in (83) and (84): a non-nasal in root-final position triggers
epenthesis in (83), whereas a nasal does not (cf. (84)).
83. bik+pa --> bi .k<i>.pA 'seat, bench'
to sit-nominalizer
84. hi.r6n+pa --> ho 'basin'
to wash-nominalizer
These facts suggest that nasals are licensed as codas, and non-nasals are not:
85. Coda well-formedness condition:
[-cont, +nasal]
Another rule that plays a role in syllabification is the obligatory onset condition,
given in (86):
86. Obligatory onset condition:
.C-V. C2 / V
With respect to this rule, nasal and non-nasal stops behave exactly alike: any consonant
in C2 position must syllabify as an onset:
87. [ [na+[m+a.ndijl]+0]--> ni.mi.ndij 'He made him smile'
88. [[pit+oki]+n] -->
'there was'
In (89) and (90) word-initial onsetless syllables are followed by nasal consonants.
In the former the nasal becomes the onset of the following syllable because a vowel is
available following the nasal. The alternative syllabification would be VN.V, resulting in
two onsetless syllable, which violates (86). In (90), the nasal syllabifies as a coda,
because a consonant follows it:
89. i+mbik<i>J - i.mbi.kij 'he will come'
90. 5n+ta+oki+t -9 -n.ta.o.kit 'they killed him'
Rule (86) conforms with the universal tendency against onsetless syllables. Vowel-initial
syllables in Karitiana are often in morpheme-initial position as in (91)-(94), where the
language has no choice but to syllabify a vowel without an onset, since the vowel is
either word-initial, morpheme-initial, or preceded by another vowel. Examples (91) and
(92) depict oral vowels in word-initial and word-medial environments respectively, and
in (93) and (94) we have the same pattern occurring with nasal vowels:
91. a.kabm 'now'
92. i+a+kinda oti+n 4 o.ti.dnfi 'he is not sick'
93. i.mbi 'house'
94. nd+i.mbo 4 nii5.mbo 'to go up'
There are very few cases of morpheme internal onsetless syllables, and in all of
these cases the onsetless syllable is preceded by an open syllable, as in (96).
95. [[i+i]+pi 4 ij.pi 'our hands'
96. d3e.o.kdn 'toucan'
In (95), although there are two contiguous vowels underlyingly, an onsetless syllable is
avoided by the application of the consonantalization rule (cf. section 3.4), which changes
a high front vowel into a voiced palatal stop between a vowel and a consonant. (96) is
one of the rare occurrences of a monomorphemic word which has an internal onsetless
Note that an analysis in which stray consonants are allowed to remain word-
finally, instead of being deleted, is viable only if we reject the principle of Stray Erasure -
a mechanism that automatically deletes unsyllabified segments - proposed by Ito (1989).
Polish seems to be an even stronger case than Karitiana against Stray Erasure. According
to Gussman (1992), Stray Erasure is not at play in Polish, a language with complex post-
vocalic consent clusters which violate sonority principles. He accounts for these facts by
positing a coda condition which is restricted to sonorant segments, and leaves any
following consonants unsyllabified. I follow Gussmann, in denying the existence of Stray
Erasure as a universal principle of phonology.
A question that immediately comes to mind at this point is: if obstruents are
allowed to strand word-finally, why can't they also be left unsyllabified word-medially in
environments such as (83)? The answer can be found in the cyclic nature of the
phonology: in each stratum, resyllabification takes place. In affixation cases, when a
stranded consonant is followed by a consonant-initial suffix, a rule of epenthesis applies,
inserting a vowel between the consonants. The stray consonant becomes the onset of the
syllable which has an epenthetic nucleus. Word-finally, however, stray consonants are
tolerated by the language, because the environment for epenthesis never arises.
4.2. Vowel epenthesis
The rule of epenthesis inserts a vowel between two adjacent underlying
consonants. The phonological process of epenthesis is driven by syllabification: in
monomorphemic and polymorphemic words, it takes place when, after syllabification, an
obstruent is left stranded between an open syllable and an obstruent. The same conditions
that hold word-internally must be present for epenthesis to occur in phonological phrases
(compounds, other types of complex heads, clitic-phrase units). In phonological phrases,
however, an additional requirement must be met: the presence of a stress clash between
the syllables adjacent to the stray consonant.
4.2.1. Morpheme-internal vowel epenthesis
The goal of this section is to describe epenthesis internal to a monomorphemic
word. We will examine cases of vowel epenthesis occurring inside a certain class of
monomorphemic words which would otherwise have two stray consonants. The
epenthetic vowel is inserted between these two stray consonants, licensing the first
consonant as its onset:
97. Epenthesis (underived environment)
0->V/ . C_C
The crucial evidence that supports this hypothesis comes from the patterns of stress in
those words. According to the stress patterns of Karitiana, all monomorphemic disyllabic
words must bear stress in the last syllable unless the first syllable has a heavy nucleus
, as
seen in (98a). However, it is clear from the examples in (98b) that not all lexical items
can be accounted for straightforwardly by the generalization above. The examples in
(98b) seem to be exceptional in that we would expect stress to fall on the last syllable:
9 Heavy nuclei in Karitiana are limited to v:. Codas never count as heavy for the purposes of stress.
98. e.g9gi
so. ?o:t
'to vomit'
'to dry'
'to see'
'aqaf palm'
'sleep' (n)
'in the old days'
98b. mi.rdm
'fly (n.)'
'to walk'
'black monkey'
'tree bark'
'to sing'
'to grow, to raise'
When we compare the class of words in (98a) with those in (98b), it becomes
clear that it is not the CVi.CViC shape that determines the exceptional word-initial stress
pattern. Words such as as ka.rak and do.kin in (98a) have the same shape as the class of
words in (98b), but their stress falls predictably on the final syllable. Notice that words
that do not obey the stress patterns all have something in common: their syllabic nuclei
have exactly the same features. One straightforward way of accounting for the data is to
posit an epenthetic nucleus in the last syllable of such words, and to define the stress
rules at this level as to somehow ignore epenthetic vowels. If epenthetic vowels are not
accessible to the computation of stress, then the words in (98b) are not exceptional
because stress is predictably assigned to the rightmost syllabic nucleus, that is, the only
nucleus in the word before the application of epenthesis:
Block I
Epenthesis (underived envs.)
The underlying forms of the words in (98a) and (98a), according to this hypothesis,
would be as in (100a) and (100b), respectively:
100a. /erji/ 'to vomit' 100b. /mirm/ 'fly (n.)'
/sipoj./ 'tail' /tark/ 'to walk'
/pihop/ 'to dry' /6rm/ 'black monkey'
/soo:t/ 'to see' /horp;' 'long'
/oko:t/ 'again' /girfi/ 'earthworm'
/pi:pi:p/ 'owl' /makp/ 'hanging'
/iri/ 'agaf palm' /irp/ 'tapir'
/kiri/ 'liver' /kirk/ 'mosquito'
/karak/ 'sleep' (n) /pikp/ 'tree bark'
/68i/ 'child' /eBt/ 'thin'
/nok6n/ 'skunk' Iterp/ 'straight'
/sa:ral 'alligator' /hiril 'to sing'
/ke:rep/ 'in the old days' /kerp/ 'to grow, to raise'
Epenthesis is understood here as the insertion of a vowel. The specific quality of
the vowel in question is given by a different phonological process, represented in (101)
that involves spreading of features from left to right, resulting in an assimilation by the
epenthetic vowel <v> of all features (the set (x)represented below) from a previous
101. Assimilation of vocalic features
V C <V>
The corpus presents us with a puzzle that must be discussed before we formalize
the interactions between stress and epenthesis: the great majority of monosyllabic words
in which epenthesis occurs have r as the onset of the syllable whose nucleus is
epenthetic. The near-minimal pair [ta.rak] 'to walk' and [ka.rak] 'sleep'(n) indicates that it
is not possible to argue that r is somehow triggering the process of epenthesis. I suggest
that a possible account of this phenomenon is to posit two different sources for the
surface r: it/ and Ir/. When epenthesis occurs, it creates the intervocalic environment in
which lenition of the obstruent i takes place. Words like Imdrdnm/, Itarakl and /I?roml
therefore, could conceivably have the following underlying forms: Imatm/, /tatkl and
/&tml. After the insertion of an epenthetic vowel by rule (97), an environment is created
in which the lenition rule (63) applies, deriving the surface forms in (98).
This hypothesis is plausible for two reasons: (i) the glide w, which also occurs as
the onset of epenthetic vowels in (99b), arguably is a lenited consonant, resulting from
the same application of lenition to the underlying obstruent p; (ii) we saw in section 3.2.
that Karitiana has a rule of lenition (cf. (63)) which applies across affixation, clitic and
word boundaries (being optional in the latter environment), leniting a morpheme-final
stop intervocalically. The difference between the lenition rule that occurs in underived
environments (as in (64)) and the more widespread lenition rule (63), is that the former
does not apply to velar stops, while the latter does. This can be explained if the rule of
lenition that applies in underived environments must produce segments that are present in
the underlying inventory of the language. The continuants r and w, but not y fulfill that
requirement. Since lenition and epenthesis are both obligatory in (99b) it is not possible
to determine which words have t and p underlyingly and which ones have r and w.
Because of this indeterminacy, I choose not to represent [-cont] forms in (99b), although
we have seen that some of these words must have labial and coronal obstruents
underlyingly. A comparative study of cognates in Karitiana and other Tupi languages
should enable us to solve that indeterminacy in the future.
To account for the interactions between stress and epenthesis, I assume that stress
assignment applies before the process of epenthesis. I adopt the framework of metrical
phonology proposed by Halle and Idsardi (1995) to represent stress. In the remainder of
this section and in the next two sections (4.2.2 to 4.2.3), a three-leveled model of cyclic
phonology will be presented to account for the interactions between stress, tone,
epenthesis and lenition in Karitiana. At this moment, it suffices to say that stress is a
process that occurs partially at level I of the phonology, and partially at level II, and that
level II affixes are unaffected by level I stress rules precisely because they do not ever
undergo level I of the phonology.
Stress in Karitiana is iambic - assigned to the rightmost syllable of a stem. Heavy
nuclei (v:) are always stressed, as are a few suffixes, and prefixes never bear stress. All
roots undergo level I stress rules independently as roots.
The rules of stress assignment in Karitiana are represented in (102)o0:
102.1. Project nucleil l(In.0)
2. Insert a right parenthesis after nuclei which are heavy.
3. Line 0: LLL, Heads R (level I)
4. Line 1: RRR, Heads R (level II)
103. * line 2 'alligator'
line 1
(*)* line 0
104. * line 2 'to see'
*) line I
(* *) line 0
10 Epenthetic vowels are indicated by angled brackets: <v>.
I The rules of stress assignment in (102) dictate that underlying nuclei will be projected on a grid, and
heavy nuclei (those containing two syllabic time slots, that is, long vowels) will be followed by a right
parenthesis. This special marking of heavy nuclei excludes following nuclei from the computation of stress
as in (103).
105. * line 2 'owl'
* *)line 1
(*) *) line 0
106. * line 2 'mosquito'
line 1
line 0
kir<i> k
Examples (103), (104) and (105) contain heavy nuclei, all of which must be
marked with a right parenthesis in line 0. In (103) the heavy nucleus is the leftmost
nucleus projected in line 0, creating a foot to its left, and leaving the rightmost nucleus
unfooted in line 0. As a result, stress falls in the initial syllable. Example (104) is a case
in which the heavy nucleus is the rightmost nucleus projected. It delimits a foot to its left,
which is right headed, resulting in final stress. In (105), both heavy nuclei project into
line 1, by virtue of delimiting right-headed feet to their left. The stress rules assign stress
to the rightmost nucleus of line 1. The epenthetic vowel in (106) is not inserted until after
the level I stress rules apply, and thus its nucleus does not project in line 0. A summary of
the rules discussed so far for levels I and II are:
107. Phonological cycle
Level I syllabification (cf. (85) and (86))
(cyclic) stress: line 0 (cf.(102))
epenthesis: glot. stop (38)
epenthesis underived environment: vowel (cf. (97))
lenition underived environment (cf. (64))
Level II syllabification (cf. (85) and (86))
(non-cyclic) stress: line I (cf.(102))
The derivation in (108) represents a monomorphemic root being syllabified,
assigned line 0 stress and going through glottal stop epenthesis and subsequently the
underived rule of vowel epenthesis at level I. Although a vowels is inserted in this level
by the underived epenthesis rule, when the word undergoes level II rules the stress rule
will ignore the epenthetic vowel, because it only applies to nuclei projected in line 1.
Note that that the rule of lenition may apply in (108), because the surface formfl could be
an underlying p. However, it is never possible to know whether the underlying form is a p
or aft, and for that reason I use a question mark in the derivation, to remind the reader of
this indeterminacy in underived environments:
108. morpheme-internal environment: /ept/
e.Pt syllabification
level I e.3t stress (lin: 0)
?e.Pt epenthesis: glot. stop
?e.k<e>t epenthesis underived environment: vowel
? lenition underived environment
level II ---- syllabification
stress (line 1)
4.2.2. Vowel Epenthesis Between Stem and affix
When an affix is added to a root, the resulting word is syllabified. We saw in
section 4.1 that nasals are the only consonants that may syllabify as codas. Epenthesis
between a stem and an affix offer further evidence that [-nasal] stops are stray consonants
in word-final position. Below we have examples of deverbal nouns formed by consonant-
final verb roots and the inherently stressed suffix -pa'
. The way Karitiana syllabification
deals with word-internal stray consonants is not deletion, but epenthesis:
109. kej+pa - kb .y<e>.pi 'shelf
to grab-nominalizer
12 Secondary stress will be formalized in section, when compounds are discussed.
110. bik+pa 4 bi .k<i>.ph 'seat, bench'
to sit-nominalizer
S1 . pi.hop+pa 4 pi.h6 .p<o>.ph 'drier'
to dry-nominalizer
112. so.?o:t+pa 4 so.?6 :.t<o>.pf 'microscope'
to see-nominalizer
113. ko:kot+pa 4 ko:kot<o>pA 'bridge'
to pass-nominalizer
Note that epenthesis occurs between a root ending in a [-cont, -nas] consonant and the
consonant-initial suffix -pa, whereas a root ending in a nasal consonant may be
immnediatelly followed by the same suffix in (114)-(115) without triggering epenthesis:
114. h5.r<6>n+pa --> ho .r<o-> 'basin'
to wash-nominalizer
115. ke.?5n+pa --> ke.5 n.p4 'fan'
to cool-nominalizer
There are many examples of affixation which corroborate the generalization that the only
word-internal codas allowed in the language must be nasal:
116. na+ka+m+p6n+@ -> na.kAm.p5n 'to make someone fire (sL1)'
117. na+ka+m+tat+Q -> na.kAm.tat 'to make someone go'
118. na+ka+m+ko:.kot+0 -> na.kAm.ko:.kot 'to make someone pass'
119. na+ka+m+se.kal3+t --> 'to make something dry'
120. na+ka+m+?a+t --> 'to make someone do (sh)
The causative prefix m- in the examples above does not trigger epenthesis when the verb
root is consonant-initial, while other prefixes which end in a [-nasal] consonant (cf.(121))
3 The exceptional stress of this verb it due to its origin: it is a borrowing from Portuguese [seca] 'dries'.
121. pit+?a+n --> pi.r<i>.?adn 'there was'
It is important to mention that nasal consonants occur as codas word-internally
just in case they are followed by a consonant. If a nasal consonant is followed by a vowel
instead, the nasal will be syllabified in onset position, as in (122). This is predicted by the
resyllabification rule (86) presented in section 4.1:
122. [ [na+[m+a.ndij]]+0]--> ni.mindij 'He made him smile'
The rule of epenthesis applying word-internally in affixation cases is not a level I
rule, because it interacts with different stress and lenition rules than the ones present in
level I underived environments. Recall that the level I lenition rule affects bilabial and
[coronal, +anterior] obstruents exclusively, whereas level II lenition applies to all stops,
including nasals. More importantly, the vowel following the lenited consonant in the
level II rule must belong to a different morpheme, and cannot be epenthetic, because
lenition crucially fails to apply in (109)-(113):
123.Level H epenthesis
0 ->V /.C_ C
Thus far we have examined the behavior of epenthetic vowels in monomorphemic and
polymorphemic word-internal environments. I conclude that in both cases the rules
guiding syllabification are triggering epenthesis. Namely, the rule that eliminates
[+continuant, -nasal] consonants from coda position, and a rule forcing a prevocalic CVC
sequence to syllabify as CV.CV.
4.2.3. Vowel epenthesis inside a complex syntactic head or functional phrase Compounds
Compounds in Karitiana can be defined as complex prosodic constituents formed
by either one prosodic word and a bound stem or two prosodic words. Syntactically, they
can be described as complex lexical heads whose syntactic head takes another head as a
Although they often involve two separate prosodic words, where level II epenthesis is
unexpected, epenthesis does take place in compounds. However, the rule applying inside
compounds is crucially different from the one applying to words formed by affixation.
The condition for epenthesis in compounds is to separate a stress clash by providing a
nucleus for an unsyllabified consonant followed by another consonant inside the
compound. The goal of this section is to demonstrate that, despite being words,
compounds are crucially different from words formed by affixation with respect to
epenthesis, patterning instead with larger prosodic units, the phonological phrases, which
will be discussed in section The implementation of this distinction can be
captured naturally by the introduction of a third level in the phonology, where the
phonological process of epenthesis as stress clash avoidance applies to units larger than
125. Level HI epenthesis
0 V / V.C CV
In (126)-(129), compounds formed by two separate prosodic words are
126. ?ip bij 4 ?i .p<i > bi'g 'surubim fish (species)'
fish chief
127. [[ki .nd
pa.s6 j ] ?ep] ki .nda y<o> 76 p 'jenipapo (species) tree'
jenipapo tree
128. pe.ti m gak 4 pe.te m gA k 'caterpillar (species)'
tree (species) caterpillar
129. ?ep kijiimbi -)T p kifiimbi' 'tree root'
tree root
Note that the strategies that the language uses to avoid unsyllabified consonants is similar
in compounding and affixation: in both environments, for epenthesis to apply, an
unsyllabified consonants is needed in morpheme-final position of the first member of the
morphological unit. Nasals, as expected, do not resyllabify as onsets in (128), since they
are licensed as codas. In compounding, however, epenthesis fails to apply in cases such
as (129), where there is no stress clash between the syllables adjacent to the stray
consonant, whereas in affixation cases, stress clash is not an issue (cf. (113)
With respect to stress, level I affixation and compounding behave exactly alike. In
both cases, the morphological unit bears primary stress in the stressed syllable of the
rightmost morpheme (the level I suffix or the second member of the compound), and
secondary stress in the stressed syllable of the leftmost morpheme. Secondary stress in
our s- tem should be implemented as a result of the cycle: after each member of a
complex morphological unit went through level I, the unit enters the phonology at a level
in which stress rules apply to correctly derive primary and secondary stress taking as
input the output of the previous cycle. The question is: should compounds and words
derived by affixation go through the same steps in the cycle in order to get primary and
secondary stress?
The answer to this question question, in face of the problem posited by epenthesis
in compounds, must be negative. If compounds are made to enter level II in order to
undergo the line 1 (RRR,R) stress rule which will derive primary and secondary stress,
they will also have to undergo the epenthesis rule present at that level, which, as seen,
does not take into consideration stress clash. Therefore, compounds cannot undergo level
II epenthesis, or the incorrect result would obtain, namely, epenthesis without a stress
130. * ?'e.p<e> ki.yi.mbi'
The solution I propose to this problem implements formally some of the
descriptive generalizations stated informally in the paragraphs above. I will present my
account and exemplify it first, and then proceed to discuss why I discard other
First, compounds must undergo a different rule of epenthesis than words formed
by affixation, and the two rules must feature in different levels of the cycle. Specifically,
they must not enter level II of the phonology. Being larger than prosodic words,
compounds pattern as the type of prosodic constituent which goes through level III, so
the optimal solution to escaping the epenthesis rule applying to prosodic words should be
one in which compounds completely skip level II. The level III epenthesis is formalized
Note, however, that by rejecting the idea that all words, including compounds,
must go through level II of the phonology, we are radically changing the original notion
of what levels stand for. To H&V, each level of rules applies to certain morphosyntactic
units: level I is cyclic and applies to those lexical items marked level I themselves, or to
words formed by level I affixation, whereas level II applies to every word once, after all
passes through the first cycle. According to this theory, all words must enter level II of
the cycle, and the notion of excluding compounds from the set of words that must go
through level II seems ad hoc. My understanding of which types of units are computed by
the phonology is different than H&V's. Levels of rules in my view apply to prosodic
constituents, and not to morphosyntactic units. Morphosyntactic units such as words
dominated by a categorial node map into prosodic units, and these prosodic units are the
only information the phonology considers, that is, levels are reserved exclusively for
certain kinds of prosodic constituents. For instance, level I does not apply to units larger
than a prosodic word. That is, if a constituent is formed by more than one prosodic word,
it cannot go through level II, even if it is a prosodic word itself.
A second property of my account is that compounds must enter level I as a
constituent because they are headed by level I roots. The rationale for this approach is an
extension of H&V's notion of level I. We saw that in H&V's theory level I applies to
those units lexically specified as cyclic. I take that to literally mean that if all roots are
cyclic, a constituent grouping two level I roots must be cyclic as well. The main
motivation for positing this passage of compounds through level I is stress: to derive a
pattern of stress subordination in compounds, it is necessary to have them undergo a level
of the phonology where stress rules are operative. Recall that, given our assumptions
about epenthesis we cannot posit that compounds go through level II, which leaves us
with two other possibilities: level I and level III. The only place where stress rules clearly
apply is level I. We will see in section that, with the exception of compounds,
constituents undergoing level I rules do not display stress subordination. This leaves us
with level I as the only place in the phonology where the stress patterns of compounds
could be derived.
Let us now consider whether words formed by level I affixation undergo the same
levels in the phonology as compounds do. One might argue that this is expected, since
level I suffixes are similar to roots in that they are lexically marked as level I morphemes,
and should thus go independently though level I rules and also induce a pass through the
cycle of the whole word to which they are suffixed. I argue that this idea cannot be
implemented because it either introduces redundancy in our account, or it contradicts the
requirement that every minimal prosodic word must go through level II. The redundancy
would come from an implementation of the idea in which morphemes which already
went through level I independently reenter the cycle as a single unit, because the stress
rules at level I would vacuously apply in all cases. If, instead, we had level I as the only
portion of the phonology applying to these constituents, our account would be weakened,
because we defined level II as obligatory for all minimal prosodic words, and since words
formed by level I affixation do not contain any prosodic words inside them, by definition
they should pass through level II. It is indeed possible to differentiate level I affixation
from compounding with respect to stress, and still obtain the same pattern of
subordination in both cases. The answer to this problem must be that level I affixes and
roots have a different status in the lexicon. Specifically, I suggest that level I affixes are
inherently stressed, that is, they come into the metrical grid with a right parenthesis to
their right, just like long vowels, whereas roots get they stress by going through the cycle
independently. In my account, inherently stressed affixes do not go through level I
independently, but as a unit with the root. This enables them to get stress at level I, and to
undergo stress subordination at level II. In chapter 2, section 1.2, level I affixation is
distinguished from level II affixation with respect to stress and tone patterns. Below are
some derivation exemplifying our account of compounds:
131. Compounding: lip mijl/
i.p bi.j syllabification (level I)
i.p bi.j stress (line 0: LLL,R) (level I)
?i.p bi.j epenthesis: glot. stop / _ . v (level I)
---- ----
epenthesis: vowel /.c_c (und.) (level I)
S ----
lenition: p, t 4-, r / v. _ v (und.) (level I)
(level II)
stress (line 1: RRR,R)
(level II)
epenthesis: vowel /.c_c (level II)
lenition: / v_ [ v (level II)
?i.p bi.j syllabification (level I)
?'i.p bi'.j stress (line 0: LLL,R) (level I)
- - epenthesis: glot. stop / _ . v (level I)
epenthesis: vowel /.c_c (und.) (level I)
- - lenition: p, t "-3, r / v. _ v (und.) (level I)
--- syllabification (level III)
?'i.p<i> bi'.j epenthesis: vowel I v.c cv (level III)
lenition: / v_ [ v (level III)
In (131), each member of the compound undergoes the rules at level I and II
independently, since each member of the compound is a word. Being formed by two level
I roots, the compound then goes through level I of the phonology, where primary stress is
assigned to the rightmost stressed nucleus. We saw that whenever a stress clash is present
inside a compound, the level III rule of epenthesis as stress clash avoidance applies,
inserting a vowel after an unsyllabified consonant followed by an onset.
In (132), epenthesis does not apply because no stress clash configuration arises
inside the compound:
132. Compounding: /ep kdiimi/
e.p ki.L".mbi syllabification (level I)
e.p kiy..mbi stress (line 0: LLL,R) (level I)
?e.p kCi.S.mbi epenthesis: glot. stop /_. v (level I)
epenthesis: vowel /.c_c (und.) (level I)
lenition: p, t->p, r / v. v (und.) (ievel I)
syllabification (level II)
stress (line 1: RRR,R) (level II)
epenthesis: vowel /.c_c (level II)
lenition: / v_ [ v (level II)
?e.p kt.a.mbi syllabification (level I)
?'e.p ki.i.mbi' stress (line 0: LLL,R) (level I)
.....- --epenthesis: glot. stop /_. v (level I)
epenthesis: vowel /.c_c (und.) (level I)
lenition: p, t-3, r / v. _ v (und.) (level I)
-- syllabification (level II)
- - epenthesis: vowel / v.c cv (level III)
-- lenition: / v_ [ v (level III)
In (133), syllabification at level I results in a well-formed compound, that is, one
in which no consonant is left unsyllabified word-medially. Therefore, no environment is
created in which epenthesis could apply, and the stress clash is tolerated:
Compounding: /petiem ijak/
pe.tmrn ga.k s
pe.tim ga.k s
pe.t-m ga.k
pe.t'im gi.k s
S - ee
- e
- - 1
tress (line 0: LLL,R)
penthesis: glot. stop /_. v
penthesis: vowel /.cc (und.)
enition: p, t- p, r / v._ v (und.)
tress (line 1: RRR,R)
penthesis: vowel /.c_c
enition: / v_ [ v
tress (line 0: LLL,R)
penthesis: glot. stop /_. v
penthesis: vowel /.cc (und.)
enition: p, t43p, r /v. _ v(und.)
penthesis: vowel / v.c_ cv
enition: / v_ [ v
At this point I interrupt the exposition of compounding to discuss some
alternatives to the solution I adopted. First, I will consider an account in which the rule of
epenthesis applying to affixation and the one applying to compounds is formalized as
one and the same level II rule (stated with a disjunctive environment so that the right
results will obtain). I reject this account because it is unnecessarily complicated and
stipulative. The first obvious disadvantage it has is a disjunctive rule, and the second is a
built in redundancy. The redundancy comes from the fact that in such an account we
would still need another rule of epenthesis as stress clash avoidance applying at level II,
because: (I) constituents larger that words cannot go through level II in H&V's theory;
(Ievel I)
(level I)
(level I)
(level I)
(level I)
(level H)
(level II)
(level II)
(level II)
(level I)
(level I)
(level I)
(level I)
(level I)
(level III)
(level III)
(level III)
(ii) even if they did, the wrong result would obtain: phonological phrases would be
subject to stress subordination.
Another possibility which I discard is to have two separate epenthesis rules at
levels II and III, and to make compounds undergo levels II and III. This would be
stipulative and redundant: the rule of epenthesis at level II would have to be stated in a
way as to exclude compounds from its environment, since the rule of epenthesis applying
to them is the one at level III, which is needed independently of compounds.
Now I resume the exposition on compounding, discussing the forms in (134)-
(138) which are prosodic words formed by a prosodic word and a bound root. As far as
data is available, the syntactic heads of such compounds (-sap, -po, -se) are the bound
roots in all cases:
Noun-Noun stem:
134. ?ep +sap - ?6 .p<e>.sA p 'tree leaf
135. ?ejf+po 4 ? .y<e>.p6 'stone'
136. ?e:t+se 4 ?6 :.t<e>.s6 'honey'
137. nim+se 4 'breast milk'
138. pi.kip+se - pi.kip.s6 'bark liquid'
The compound in (138), whose derivation is represented in (139), is independent
evidence that stress rules operate in two levels. The vowel that prevents the stress clash
configuration at level III is an epenthetic vowel, inserted at level I (underived
environment). Because the epenthetic vowel in (138) is not outside of the environment of
level III stress rules as it is in morpheme internal epenthesis cases (cf. (98b), we know
that the stress rules operating inside compounds at the level III are different than the ones
at level I:
Compounding: /pikp -se/ -se -se
pilkip -se
stress (line 0: LLL,R)
epenthesis: glot. stop /_. v
epenthesis: vowel /.c_c (und.)
lenition: p, t-p, r / v. - v (und.)
stress (ine 1: RRR,R)
epenthesis: vowel /.c_c
lenition: / v_ [ v
stress (line 0: LLL,R)
epenthesis: glot. stop / _ . v
epenthesis: vowel .c_c (und.)
lenition: p, t->, r I v. - v (und.)
epenthesis: vowel / v.c_ cv
lenition: / v_ [ v
Now we must explain the parallel phonological behavior of (132) and (139) with
respect to epenthesis as being independent from the difference in their phonological
constituency. (132) is a compound formed by two separate phonological words, whereas
in (139) the leftmost member of the compound is a prosodic word, and the rightmost
member is a bound root. Morphosyntactically, (139) seems to be exactly parallel to the
affixation cases in (109)-(113), because in both cases the result is a compound. Internally,
however, they are very different, since (139) involves one prosodic word and a bound
root. The explanation I suggest for this phenomenon relies in our three-leveled
(level I)
(level I)
(level I)
(level I)
(level I)
(level II)
(leveC H)
(level II)
(level II)
(level I)
(level I)
(level I)
(level I)
(level 1)
(level III)
(level III)
(level II)
phonological system. A compound, being a complex level I unit, undergoes level I of the
phonology. However, being formed by at least one prosodic word, it undergoes level III
as well:
Phonology Phonological units Morphological units
Level I prosodic word (Pwd) roots, level I suffixes
Level II at most one Pwd all words, only once
Level III larger than Pwd compounds, clitic-host units
Finally, a note about stress clash. The facts indicate that a stress clash between the
first and the second members of a compound is not always avoided by epenthesis. An
explanation for this phenomenon is immediately available in our derivational system,
where level III epenthesis requires a stray consonant and a stress clash. Predictably, a
configuration in which no consonant is left unsyllabified (cf. (141)) will not be subject to
epenthesisi and will allow a stress clash to surface:
141. mT po MU p 'Brazil nut tree'
Brazil-nut tree
We will see in Chapter 2 that Karitiana has other rules apllying at level III: a rule
of low tone insertion (henceforth L-insertion) applying in stress clash environments, and
a rule of destressing in certain syntactic environments.
In the remainder of this section we shall account for one real and one apparent set
of exceptions to our account of compounding. First, note that the corpus contains (142),
which should have an epenthetic vowel. The occurrence of (143), however, indicates that
regular epenthesis indeed occurs in that environment:
142. ?ep+?o --> ?ep. ?6 'pama fruit (species)'
tree-round object or fruit
143. ?ep+?o --> ?e.p<e>.?6 'fruit of the tree'
It is possible that the exceptional form is a lexicalized old compound, whose internal
structure is no longer recoverable. Other similar exceptions exist, all of which have a
glottal stop as the onset of the second word: otep bow', ot?oop 'bamboo', otyyp 'bowl'.
Recall that, according to our analysis, glottal stops are epenthesized as onsets of stressed
syllables at level I. The presence of a glottal stop as the initial consonant of the second
member of the compound in all exceptional forms, suggests that these lexicalized forms
may date back from a time in which glottal stops were part of the underlying inventory of
the language. I assume these words are not productive compounds, but "frozen" forms,
with idiosyncratic meaning.
A second class of apparent exceptions can be seen in (144)-(146), which at first
sight are compounds and thus should be expected to behave as other compounds do.
These compounds allow consonants to cluster in neighboring syllables, while in examples
(126) and (127) above, the same type of clusters trigger epenthesis:
Noun- Adjective:
144. ?ip pok --> ?ip pok 'white fish (species)'
fish white
145. bi:p sbm --> bi:p sam 'red turtle (species)'
turtle red
146. ?ej [bit+nA] --> ?eg bi.dni 'clay pan'
soil pan-adjectivizer
If the examples above were compounds, we would expect epenthesis to occur
between N and A whenever consonant clusters were created, and this prediction is not
corroborated (compare bi.p sdm in (145) and ?e.p<e>.sap in (134). As far as I can see,
there seems to be one explanation for this fact. We could analyze examples (126) and
(127) as compounds, and the ones in (144)-(146) as relative clauses'
. As we will see
below, there is independent evidence for this hypothesis.
An interesting piece of phonological evidence supports the hypothesis that the
units in question are not compounds: a unit formed by a noun and an adjective (or
adjective stem) is not a prosodic unit of the same type that compounds are, because it
does not have primary and secondary stress, as compounds do. Instead, in the examples
(144)-(146), each word has primary stress. I claim that these examples fail to undergo
compound stress subordination and epenthesis because they are clauses and do not go
through level I of the phonology as a unit.
There is some syntactic evidence to confirm the hypothesis that the constituents
formed by a noun plus an adjective are clauses in Karitiana: (i) the language is head-final
(cf. chapter 3) and the head of compounds are all in accordance with this parameter (for
instance, in (134), a tree leaf is a kind of leaf), while the noun-adjective combinations in
(144)-(146) are head-initial (for instance, in (145), a red turtle is a kind of turtle); this
mismatch can be explained if the latter are relative clauses headed by the noun (ii) the
examples in (144)-(146), as well as relative clauses, distribute as NPs; (iii) all
14 This proposal was inspired by Green's (1992) analysis of covert clause structure in Miskitu.
occurrences of noun-adjective combinations in Karitiana are ambiguous between a
relative clause reading and a simple NP reading (chapter 3); (iv) adjective roots distribute
in the same way as verb roots do in the language.
If I am correct in analyzing all noun-adjective combinations as relative clauses,
then an explanation for the lack of epenthesis in (144)-(146) is immediately available: the
adjectival predicate and the head of a relative clause are too far apart in the syntax to be
mapped in the phonology as a level HI prosodic unit, because two maximal projections
(the subordinate clause AspP and AP) intervene between them. The structure of
adjectival relative clauses is represented in (147). The operator (Op) of the relative raises
to the specifier of the clause, and is coindexed with the external head of the relative:
NPI AspP[Opi [ti A]
In section, the syntactic and phonological nature of level III prosodic units
will be discussed. We will see that certain morphosyntactic configurations map into
prosodic units larger than a prosodic word (phonological phrases), which enter the
phonology as units at level III. Although noun-adjective phrases do not qualify as
phonological phrases, they do qualify as even larger prosodic units, the intonational
phrases, which enter the phonology at level IV That will become clear in chapter 2,
where we discuss pitch accent rules.
67 Phonological phrases
When examining the phonological behavior of compounds, we saw that
epenthesis may occur inside prosodic constituents formed by more than one prosodic
word. In this section, I will show that clitics and the lexical item that hosts them behave,
in that respect, exactly in the same way as compounds. The only difference between
compounding and cliticization is stress: compounds undergo a level II rule of stress that
clitics and their hosts do not. By virtue of consisting of units larger than words, the latter
do not enter level II of the phonology as a unit, but instead, undergo level III rules
The clitics which form a prosodic unit with the lexical item that hosts them are:
the negation word padni, the postposition piri 'through', and an empty determiner
heading a possessive phrase.
Verb and negation together form a prosodic constituent in which resyllabification
takes place in (148)-(150), creating an environment for epenthesis. As is the case in
compounding, the motivation for epenthesis here is syllabification and stress clash:
[- sonorantl-final verb stems:
148. i+so.?o:t padn+i --><o> (pa.dni) 'He/she didn't see'
3-see neg
149. i+pik pa.dni --> i.pi.k<i> (pa.dni ) 'He/she didn't run'
3-run neg
150. i+pop pa.dni --> i.po.p<o> (pa.dn ) 'He/she didn't die'
3-die neg
In (151)-(153), verbs ending in nasal consonants or vowels, as expected, do not require
epenthesis, because the requirement for the application of the rule (/.C C)is not met.
1+ sonorantl-final verb stems:
151. pa.dni -> (pa.dni)
3-pass-kill kill
152. i+a+ki padn+oko --> (pa.dno.ko)
3-pass-live neg-iterat.
153. i+ogjn 1
pa.dni --> i. o.gr6m (pa.dnT)
3-work neg
Another syntactic environment in which
possessor in a possessive phrase:
'He/she wasn't killed'
'He/she was no longer living'
'He/she didn't work'
level III epenthesis occurs is after a
i+sip+ti --><i>.ti 'My father's mother (woman speaking)'
i+sip tip~ --> i.sip<i>. tip 'My father's knife'
[[i+sip tiUp i ?op] --><y> tiCp ?op 'The handle of my fatiler's knife'
[[ hyk] ha.dn+a] --> hy.k<y> ha.dna 'The men's old stories'
i.haj 'My (younger) brother' (man speaking)'
i.ha.y<a >?it 'My brother's son'
[[i.ha.ya.?i.t<i>] p.w6m]
'My brother's son's doll'
[[[i.ha.ya ?i.t<i>] pb.w6m] o.sop] 'The hair of my brother's son's doll'
[[[[i.ha.ya ?i.t<i>] pb.w6m]<o>] pi] 'The ends of the hair of my brother's son's doll'
One could alternatively hypothesize that what really occurs in negated verbs and
possessive constructions is the suffixation of a morpheme (an unspecified vowel) to the
first element in the unit (the verb in the former and the possessor in the latter) to indicate
that it is in a certain grammatical relation with the second element in the unit (thle
possessed object and the negation word). However, we have independent evidence to
15 Stess is initial in this word because it is bimorphemic: ?oU+ Vm
support the analysis that the epenthetic vowels are not suffixes in the relevant examples.
If they were, the process of lenition should take place, weakening the obstruent in stem-
final position before the hypothetical suffix in (148)-(150), (146)-(149) and (159)-(162).
Examples (163)-(165) show imperatives, formed by the suffixation of -a , which
triggers the lenition of a preceding consonant. The comparison between this type of
regular suffixation and epenthesis is useful here to show that although vowel-initial
suffixes trigger lenition, epenthesis alone does not as we saw in (109)-(113) above:
163. a+taktak
+a --> a.tak.ta.ya 'swim!'
164. a+tat+a --> a.ta.ra 'go!'
165. a+hi.r<i>p+a -> a.hi.r<i>.wa 'cry!'
Now we examine vowel insertion in postpositional phrases. Examples (166)-(169)
and (173) depict postpositions which are bound forms, and thus form a prosodic word
with the roots to which they associate, whereas in (170)-(172) involve the postposition
piri, which has its own stress:
166. i+?it+sok --> i.?i.t<i>.sok 'with my son'
167. gok+kin --> go.k<o>.kin 'after the yam'
168. [ pi.sip]+kin --><i>.kn 'after the fat woman'
169. I[ hariip]+kin -->J ha.rjp.kin 'after the beautiful woman'
16 Stess is initial in this word because it is bimorphemic: pdm+ Vm
17 One class of words which does not seem to conform to the generalization that word-medial obstruents
cannot cluster with other consonants are reduplicated forms:
a. kij.kij 'to tickle/ ticklish'
b. sip.sip 'to stickl muddy'
c. pirj.piy 'to thunder/thunderous'
These cases do not seem problematic to me for the following reason: Their very nature as reduplicated
forms. Onomatopoeic words must always undergo complete reduplication in Karitiana, and it makes sense
to imagine that the insertion of a vowel between the base and the reduplicant would break their symmetry,
which is independently given by the fact that they are complete reduplicants. One way to derive the correct
results in our system would be to characterize reduplicants as proclitics. Not being roots, they escape level
I, and not being affixes, they escape level II. The unit enters the phonology at level III, and the absence of
stress clash accounts for the absence of epenthesis.
[o.pok][pit+i] --> o.po.k<o> piri
jLp hii.rji][piri]
[i.?i.t<i>] [piri]
[i+? it]+ty --> y.?i.t<i>.ti
'through the white man'
'through the beautiful woman'
'through my son'
'my father - oblique marker'
The solution I propose to account for the phonological status of level III units is
inspired by Selkirk's (1995) suggestion that functional words, due to their inherent
prosodic dependency (observed typologically), are always prosodized into a unit with an
adjacent lexical word:
"... a function word (Fnc) may be prosodized either as a PWd or as one of three different types of
prosodic clitics. The term prosodic clitic will be taken to stand for a morphosyntactic word which is not
itself a PWd. It will be argued that options in the surface prosodization of function words simply reflect the
manner in which function words are organized into prosodic words in the sentence .... Corresponding to a
syntactic phrase [Fnc Lex], for example, four different organizations into prosodic word are in principle
(Selkirk (1995), pg. 440)
174. The prosodic structure of function words
Surface structure:
Prosodic Structure:
[Fnc Lex]
Prosodic Word
Prosodic Clitics
free clitic
internal clitic
affixal clitic
(Selkirk (1995), pg. 441)
Although I adopt Selkirks's idea that morphosyntactic structures map into
prosodic units such as prosodic word (PWd) and phonological phrase (PPh), I do not
accept her claim (pg. 441) that a constraint-based theory is more adequate than a
derivational theory in accounting for the various ways in which phonological processes
( n P(
(i fnc (lex),d ),,
(ii) (fnc lex )m ),P
fn ex)v ).)p
affect prosodic structures. I shall incorporate the notion of prosodic structure in my cyclic
account of Karitiana phonology by reserving specific cycles to phonological rules
affecting a certain prosodic structure. We saw in (140) that the rules affecting
morphosyntactic units resulting from affixation operate at level II of the phonology. This
level is reserved for the prosodic unit PWd. Compounds and the clitic-host units
discussed in this section are larger than prosodic words, and map instead into PPhs,
which are affected by level III of the phonology. We will see below that some of the
clitics appearing inside phonological phrases in Karitiana are prosodic words themselves
(cf. type (i) in (174)), wheareas others are affixal (type (iii) or (iv) in (174))
According to Selkirk, a functional word which bears stress is "strong" and must
itself constitute a prosodic word. In its functional interdependence with a lexical word,
however, it may form a higher prosodic unit, the phonological phrase (cf. (i) in (174)).
Therefore, prosodic words such as the negation head padni, and the postposition piri are
"strong" functional heads, which form a phonological phrase with an adjacent lexical
item inside their projection. In Karitiana, the syntactic structures which map into
phonological phrases are possessive Determiner Phrases (DPs)
, Postpositional Phrases
(PPs) and Negation Phrases (NegPs):
175. DP
Spec D'
NP D Ex: (155)
1 I
y.sip tajp 0
1 Between the two, type (iv) is the most common case, occurring between an affixal postposition and its
complement noun. A structure of type (iii) arises, for instance, when the bound negation root padn- hosts
the irrealis suffix -i.
19 Other determiners, such as demonstratives, are not discussed in this section because they are vowel-
initial and in that environment epenthesis does not apply.
prefix lexical
I i
lexical suffix
Ex.: pir<i>-?a-dn
assert-to do-nfut
Ex.: kb :kot<o>-ph
to pass+nominalizer
Affix-lexical item combinations are represented in (178) and (179) as forming a prosodic
unit: the prosodic word. In our system, they undergo level II of the phonology:
lexical lexical
Exs: ?i .p<i > bij
T?.p kip.umbi<y> tap
(example (126))
(example (129))
(example (155))
Spec P' Ex: (170)
opok piri
Spec Neg Ex: (148)
V Neg
so?o:t padni
The prosodic units where epenthesis applies are represented in (178)-(183):
'there is/was'
181. PPh
Exs.: p' .kyp.s6 (example (138))
PWd ?i p<e>s1 p (example (134))
lexical lexical
Compounds comprised of two prosodic words are represented in (180), and those formed
by one prosodic word and a bound root are represented in (181). We saw that, although
compounds are heads in the syntax, they are treated by the phonology as having a dual
status, patterning with prosodic words with respect to stress and with phonological
phrases with respect to epenthesis. We accounted for these facts by hypothesizing that
they undergo the rules at level I and III.
182. PPh
/ Exs.: iko:kot padni 'it didn't pass'
PWd PWd iso?o:t<o> padni (example (148))
lexical functional
183. PWd
Ex.: ?irip<i>ti 'mosquito (obl.)'
PWd mosquito-oblique
lexical functional
Other phonological phrases can be seen in (182) and (183): the former is the
structure for verb-negation, NP-strong clitic combinations, and possessive constructions.
Bound postpositions behave like affixes, and thus have the structure in (183), which is
parallel to (179). The syntactic class of postpositions, then, is divided between suffixes,
which are level II morphemes (cf.(184)), and clitics, which undergo level III as a unit
with their hosts (cf. (185)). Being prosodic words, the structures in (178), (179) and (183)
undergo level II rules, while all other prosodic units represented above (compounds and
clitics) go through level III:
184. Affixation: lirp -ti/
tapir oblique
i.rp syllabification (level I)
irp stress (line 0: LLL,R) (level I)
Ti.rp epenthesis: glot. stop / _ . v (level I)
?i.r<i>p epenthesis: vowel /.c_c (und.) (level I)
? lenition: p, t -P, r/ v._v (und.) (level I)
?i.ri.p.ti syllabification (level II)
stress (linel: RRR,R) (level II)
li.ri.p<i>.ti epenthesis: vowel I.c_c (level II)
?i.ri.Pki>.ti lenition: / v_ [ v (level II)
Derivation (185) represents the structure in (182): the noun ijit forms a
phonological phrase with the postposition piri: Being a "strong" postposition, pit is
lexically marked level I, and thus gets its own stress at the cyclic block. It goes through
level II of the phonology as a unit with the suffix -i, where lenition takes place, deriving
piri. The noun ifit is formed by the first person clitic ij- and the noun 2it. The latter goes
through level II of the phonology by itself. Being a clitic-host unit, i2it goes through
level III of the phonology, where epenthesis does not apply for a lack of stress clash
The noun-postposition unit goes through the phonology at level III, where it is subject to
syllabification and epenthesis.
20 Note that if the person marker were a prefix, level HI rules would apply to the word, and an apenthetic
vowel would be inserted between the clustering consonants.
185. Cliticization: /[ij it] [pit-i]/
stress (line 0: LLL,R)
epenthesis: glot. stop /_ . v
epenthesis: vowel/.c_c (und.)
lenition: p, t -9, r / v._v (und.)
stress Oine 1: RRR,R)
epenthesis: vowel /.c_c
lenition: / v_ [ v
epenthesis: vowel / v.c_ cv
lenition: / v_ [ v
epenthesis: vowel / v.c_ cv
lenition: / v_ [ v
(level I)
(level I)
(level I)
(level I)
(level I)
(level II)
(level II)
(level II)
(level II)
(level III)
(level III)
(level III)
(level III)
(level 11I)
(level III)
The negation word is also a clitic, forming a phonological phrase with the verb,
which goes through level III of the phonology:
Cliticization: /[i- soo:t] pan-i/
so.ot. t
so.?d: .1
---- p.dni :.t<o> pg .dni
stress (line 0. LLL,R)
epenthesis: glot. stop/_ . v
epenthesis: vowel /.c_c (und.)
lenition: p, t -49, r / v._v (und.)
stress (line 1: RRR,R)
epenthesis: vowel / .c_c
lenition: / v_ [ v
epenthesis: vowel / v.c_ cv
lenition: / v_ [ v
I .t
?i .t
pi .t
pi .ti
pi .ri
(level I)
(level I)
(level I)
(level I)
(level I)
(level 1I)
(level II)
(level II)
(level II)
(level III)
(level III)
(level III)
i.j.?i.t p! Ar
i.j.?l t~i> pf Ai
The negation phrase in (187) has exactly the same mriorphosyntactic structure as
the one in (186). However, epenthesis does not apply in the former, for lack of a stress
Cliticization: /[i- ko:kot]
ko:.ko.t padn
ko:.ko.t pi dn
---- --- d-I
p a .din?
i.ko:ko.t pa.dni
stress (line 0: LLLR)
epenthesis: glot. stop / _. v
epenthesis: vowel *.c_c (und.)
lenition: p, t -43, r / v._v (und.)
stress (line 1: RRR,R)
epenthesis: vowel /.c_c
lenition: / v [ v
epenthesis: vowel / v.c_ cv
lenition: / v_ [ v
epenthesis: vowel / v.c_ cv
lenition: / v_ [ v
The behavior of evidential and aspect heads confirms our analysis. Like the
negation word padni, these "strong" functional heads are stress bearing clitics.
188. ni+ka+?a+t
189. nika+??at tafit
decl.-say-nfut evid.
190. Morfi+m6n i+hyr<i>p
wh-cop part-cry
'My father said (they say)'
'My father said (I know)'
'Who is crying?'
Examples (188)-(190) show that epenthesis does not occur between a verb and aspect or
evidential particles. Note that, the "strong" prosodic words which condition epenthesis in
our corpus are stress-initial (padni, piri), and the ones that do not are stress-final (sarit,
(level I)
(level I)
(level 1)
(level I)
(level I)
(level II)
(level II)
(level II)
(level II)
(level III)
(level III)
(level III)
(level III)
(level III)
(level III)
ta?at, tika). Since most verbs are stressed in the last syllable, stress clash configurations
arise with the former but not with the latter. I conclude that the verb-aspect units in (188)-
(190) do not trigger level HI epenthesis because there is never a stress clash between
verbs and aspectual or evidential heads.
0. Introduction
Karitiana has a pitch accent system which assigns tone based on stress. To
account for stress and tone patterns, I adopt the metrical stress theory proposed by Halle I
and Idsardi (1994). After stress applies, a few tone assignment rules associate tonal
melodies to certain stress prominent positions on the grid. Therefore, tone assignment
processes in Karitiana need not make use of any additional theoretical machinery other
than that already posited to account for stress patterns.
1. Stress
1.1. Halle and Idsardi's metrical grid theory and the stress of roots
A basic underlying assumption of Halle and Idsardi's (henceforth H&I) theory is
that stress is an autosegmental phenomenon, computed on a plane that is separate and
independent from segments, which they call the metrical plane. Languages differ with
respect to the phonemes that are stressable. E.g., Indonesian does not project "weak"
vocalic nuclei, such as schwa. Other languages project all vocalic nuclei. This fact is
reflected in H&I's theory by projecting only stressable phonemes into the metrical plane.
The metrical plane is represented as a set of lines of asterisks associated with a string of
phonemes. Example (1) illustrates the projection into line 0 of the grid of the Karitiana
noun boroja
* ** line 0
1 II
All underlying syllabic nuclei in (1) are projected in line 0 of the metrical grid, as
asterisks. Rules apply to line 0, creating feet, whose heads are candidates for bearing
stress. The feet are the main prosodic units in the computation of stress. In this respect,
H&I implement formally Liberman's (1975) idea of defining stress not as a phonological
feature, but as a reflex of groupings of stress bearing elements.
The grouping of asterisks into feet in this system is notated by the use of
parentheses. We saw in chapter 1, that a left parenthesis inserted to the left of the leftmost
asterisk (LLL) in line 0, groups all asterisks to its right into a foot. This assignment of
parentheses at the edges of each grid line, called the Edge Rule, is one of the most
important foot-formation rules in H&I's system
. Head Marking rules, which apply to
each line of the grid, assign head status to an edgemost asterisk inside each foot:
2. Rules: Line 0: Edge LLL, Head R
Line 1: Edge RRR, Head R
22 In sections 1 and 2 of chapter 2, and in all subsequent chapters, examples are represented
orthographically. For a justification of the orthography, see Storto (1995). The symbol y stands for the high
central vowel i, the symbol j stands for oral allophones of an underlying palato-nasal. Bold syllables
represent stress, and long vowels are marked by a colon (v:).
Another process that applies cross-linguistically to create feet is the Iterative Constituent Construction
rule (ICC), which is not operative in Karitiana.
3. * line 2
line I
(* * * line 0
In Karitiana, line 0 feet are. right-headed. All the heads of the feet from line 0 are then
projected into line 1. The Edge Rule applying in line I is RRR
, and the Head Marking
Rule of line 1 assigns head status to the rightmost asterisk in a foot, causing those heads
to project to line 2. The rules are represented in (2), and example (3) illustrates the
complete grid of the projection in (1).
Note that a RRR Edge Rule in line 0 would foot all the asterisks to the left of the
rightmost asterisk, delimiting the same foot as the LLL Edge Rule did in (3). It is
nonetheless possible to determine, when more complex examples are examined, that LLL
and not RRR is the correct Edge Rule parameter operating in line 0. Example (5), for
instance, would incorrectly be predicted to have final stress if the line 0 Edge Rule were
4. Rule: Insert a right parenthesis after a heavy syllablic nucleus (line 0)
5. * line 2 'alligator'
*) line 1
(*)* line 0
Because long nuclei (v:) are stressed in Karitiana, the presence of a long vowel in word-
initial position in a disyllabic word such as (5) is enough to trigger word-initial stress.
H&I suggest that languages which stress heavy syllables have a line 0 rule inserting a
23 Note that, although LLL, R would give us the same results, RRR,R is chosen by virtue of being more homogeneous
(cf. H&I).
parenthesis next to the asterisk representing those syllables, in a position that would force
such units to be selected as heads. Rule (4) will create a foot to the left of the heavy
syllable, thus excluding the possibility of final stress, because when the line 0 stress rule
applies the Edge rule is LLL, which will leave the last nucleus in (5) unfooted. If a RRR
Edge Rule applied instead in line 0, two feet would be built in that line, incorrectly
yielding final stress as in the unattested (6):
6. * * line 2
* *) line 1
*) *) line 0
The use of a single parenthesis to delimit a foot was first proposed by Idsardi (1992), as a
departure from theories of metrical stress such as Halle and Vergnaud (1987), which
require a matched pair of parenthesis instead. We saw that Karitiana feet are unbounded
and right headed, because stress in monomorphemic words is always final in the absence
of heavy nuclei, no matter how many stress bearing units are contained in a foot.
However, in the presence of heavy nuclei, stress may fail to be final, as shown in (5).
This tension between the prescribed nature of final stress and the prominence of heavy
syllables is naturally accounted for within a grid theory that makes use of single
parentheses. In a theory in which the unbounded foot created in line 0 is demarcated by a
pair of parentheses, the last syllable in (5) would be considered part of the line 0 foot,
which is incorrect. Everything else being equal, when compared to Idsardi (1992), such a
theory would have to say something extra to account for why the last syllable in (5) does
not participate in the computation of stress.
1.2. Stress of affixes
I turn now to a discussion of stress in polymorphemic words. Affixes can be
divided into two classes: stressed (class I) and unstressed (class II). A word formed by a
root and a class I suffix (cf. (7)) displays primary and secondary stress. By contrast, a
word formed by a root and a class II suffix (cf. (8)) has primary stress exclusively:
7. oky+pa --> 'weapon'
kill-nomlzr (class I)
8. 'et+na --> 'e.dna 'pregnant, with child'
child-adjvzr (class II)
Any analysis of these facts has to assume that roots and class I affixes both undergo stress
rules which class II affixes fail to undergo. One way to implement this idea is to make
use of the notion of the phonological cycle. I adopt the view that, when a word enters the
phonological module of the grammar, it is subject to rules that apply in two different
levels or strata. The computation of phonological rules takes into account the
classification of each morpheme as belonging to class I or class II. Recall from chapter 1,
section, that class I affixes already enter the metrical plane marked with a right
parenthesis. This is a way of implementing their inherent stress. Furthermore, being level
I, they trigger a passage of the word through the cyclic rules of the phonology. Both (7)
and (8) are word level morphosyntactic units, and as such they undergo the non-cyclic
level II rules, which apply to every word just once, at the very end of the derivation, after
the cyclic rules have applied.
The specific way in which I implement the phonological cycle with respect to
stress phenomena in Karitiana is to assume that the line 1 stress rule (LLL, R) is present
exclusively in the first stratum of the phonology, while the line 1 rule RRR,R applies at
level II:
9. Level I: LLL, heads R Level II: line 1: RRR, heads R
* line 2 * line 2
* line 1 *) line I
(* line0 (* * line 0
?et ?e.dna
Class II affixes never undergo level I rules because they are non-cyclic. The example in
(8) is a derived word formed by the noun root ?et 'child', and the class II adjectivizer
suffix -na. Note that although the nucleus of the suffix projects in line 0, the level II
stress rule fails to compute it, since it only "sees" line 1 nuclei.
In (10) the word goes through level I of the phonology, where the line 0 rule stresses
the suffix, which is inserted at line 0 with a right parenthesis to its right. A subsequent
passage through level II results in stress subordination, where primary stress falls in the
rightmost stressed nucleus inputed from the previous cycle:
10. Level I: LLL, heads R Level I: LLL, heads R
* line 1 - * *) line 1
line 0 (* * *) line 0
oky oky pa
Level II: RRR, heads R
* line 2
* *) line 1
(* * *) line 0
o ky pi
This account correctly captures the fact that not all morphological constituents undergo
line 0 stress rules: class II affixes do not participate at all in the computations that define
edges and heads for line 0. As a result, class II suffixes are invariably unstressed.
1.2.1. Stressed suffixes
An example of the level I suffix -pa interacting with the level II rule of vowel
epenthesis is given in (1 la). This example when compared with (10) and (I Ib), confirms
our hypothesis that words formed by level I affixation undergo level II of the phonology,
where the rule of epenthesis which is specific to derived environments applies:
Affixation: /mik -pa/
Affixation: /ko:kot -pa/
stress (LLL,R)
epenthesis: glot. stop /_. v
epenthesis: vowel /.cc (und.)
lenition: p, t -3, r / v._v (und.)
stress (LLL,R)
epenthesis: glot. stop /_. v
epenthesis: vowel /.c_c (und.)
lenition: p, t 4-p, r / v._v (und.)
stress (RRR,R)
epenthesis: vowel/ .c_.c
lenition: /v_ [ v
stress (LLL,R)
epenthesis: glot. stop /_. v
epenthesis: vowel/ .cc (und.)
lenition: p, t -- , r / v._v (und.)
1 la.
(level I)
(level I)
(level I)
(level I)
(level 1)
(level I)
(level I)
(level I)
(level I)
(level 1)
(level II)
(level II)
(level II)
(level II)
1 lb.
(level I)
(level I)
(level I)
(level I)
(level I) syllabification (level I) stress (LLL,R) (level I)
epenthesis: glot. stop / _ . v (level I)
epenthesis: vowel / .c_c (und.) (level I)
lenition: p, t -93, r / v._v (und.) (level I) syllabification (level II)
k' stress (RRR,R) (level II)
ko:.ko.t<o>.p, epenthesis: vowel/ .c_.c (level II)
lenition: / v_ [ v
(level II)
The derivation in (1 la) shows the root going through level I of the phonology
independently. Then, the whole word enters levels I and II of the cycle as a unit. When
the word enters block II, syllabification, stress, and vowel epenthesis apply. The
epenthesis rule applying to (1 la) is clearly not level I epenthesis, which is limited to
underived environments, nor level III epenthesis, whose environment is V.C_.CV,
requiring a stress clash in its environment. That much is clear when example (Il b) is
taken into account, because there epenthesis applies in an environment in which a stress
clash could never arise. Note that level II lenition does not apply in (I la) or (1 lb),
because the environment triggering level II lenition of a stop (/ v_ [v) is before a vowel-
initial morpheme, and the vowel in these cases is not morpheme-initial, but epenthetic.
1.2.2. Stress-neutral affixes
In derivations (12a) and (12b) we have examples of level II affixes being added to
roots. We saw that level II is non-cyclic, that is, it applies to every word just once.
Therefore, although (12a) has three level II affixes, there is just one passage of the word U
through level II rules.
12a.Affixation: / 1[
[naka- n [m-n-[a] ] ] -t] / 'he made him do something'
a syllabitication (level I)
a stress (LLL, R) (level I)
?a epenthesis: glot. stop / _ . v (level I)
epenthesis: vowel /.c_c (und.) (level I)
lenition: p, t -p, r /v._v (und.) (level I)
ni.kdm.?a.t syllabification (level 11)
stress (RRR, R) (level II)
epenthesis:vowel/ .c_c (level II)
lenition: / v_ [ v (level II)
In (12a), the nasal stop is syllabified as coda because it is followed by a
consonant, and the obstruent in word-final position is left unsyllabified. In (12b), the
unsyllabified obstruent in final position undergoes the lenition rule at level II, since the
vowel-initial imperative suffix provides the environment that triggers the rule (/V_[V):
12b Affixation: /a#
[[tat]+al/ -- > atara 'go! (imperative)'
ta.t syllabification (level 1)
ta.t stress (line 0: LLL, R) (level I)
..-- epenthesis: glot. stop / _ . v (level 1)
epenthesis: vowel /.c_c (und.) (level I)
lenition: p, t 4-, r / v._ v (und.) (level I)
ta.ta syllabification (level II)
stress (line 1: RRR, R) (level II)
epenthesis:vowel / .c_c (level II)
ta.ra lenition: / v_ [ v (level II)
a.ta.ra syllabification (level III)
epenthesis: vowel / v.c__ cv (level III)
lenition: / v_ [ v (level III)
1.3. Conclusion
Since main stress in Kariti na is rightmost, the rules that account for stress
assignment must create stress constituents in line 1 which are right headed. However, feet
cannot have edges to the right of the rightmost syllable in line 0 of the stress grid,
because final stress may be overridden by heavy syllables as in (15). The rules that
account for stress in Karitiana (presented before in chapter 1, section 4.2) are listed in
13. 1. Project nuclei (In.0)
2. Insert a right parenthesis after heavy nuclei (In.0)
4. Line 0: LLL, Heads R (In.0)
5. Line 1: RRR, Heads R (In.1)
14. * line 2 bad, ugly'
*) line 1
(* * line 0
15. * line 2 'alligator'
*) line 1
(*)* line 0
16. * line 2 'to see'
*) line 1
(* *) line0
* line 2 'owl'
* *) line 1
(*) *) line0
18. * line 2 'mosquito'
*) line 1
* * line 0
As we saw, if line 0 had a R parenthesis to its R edge in (15), stress would be
predicted to be final, instead of the attested initial. When two syllables in a word are
heavy, nevertheless, primary stress is assigned to the rightmost heavy syllable. Therefore,
to correctly derive (17), line 1 is described as having a parenthesis to the right of the
rightmost syllable and right headed feet (RRR,R).
2. Tone
2.1. Stress-based tone rules
In this section I will give an overview of the tonal processes operating in
Karitiana. Tones are a surface phenomenon in the language, predictable from the stress
patterns of words and phrases. I will show that tone melodies are assigned to syllabic
nuclei only after all stress rules have applied.
Informally, the rules accounting for tone assignment are as follows. First, a H tone
is assigned to the stress head of a morpheme, that is, to the nucleus that bears stress.
Since stress is often final in the language, the majority of words will end in a H tone. One
comunon situation in which this fails to happen, is when a L tone is added to the end of a
sentence to mark certain sentential types. The L melody is obligatorily inserted in
declarative sentences, negated imperatives, and questions
19. Intonational L-insertion
2 6
In.l * *
In.0 *##'* /... [..[ Pwd]X
where x = (declaratives, questions, negated imperatives)
The nucleus to which the L tone attaches is often the stress head of the last word in the
sentence, and as such bears a H melody. When the L associates to a nucleus which bears
a H tone, the latter delinks and floats. The floating H tone then associates to the next
available nucleus, that is, the nucleus of the penultimate syllable:
(* * *
4 okypa
-4 boroja
\'V I
* 4)
25 There seems to be dialectal variation with respect to the application of this rule in questions, in that some
speakers consistently have a H tone in that environment. The rule of intonational L-insertion for those
speakers applies exclusively in the environments (declaratives, negated imperatives).
26 Where ## stands for word-final.
boroja --
* *)
In (20) and (21) we have two cases of trisyllabic words with final stress which
pattern differently with respect to tone. The difference can be explained by the presence
or absence of secondary stress. In (20), a L tone associates to the last stress-bearing
syllable of the word, which has a H tone linked to it. When the lexical L is inserted, it
associates to the last syllable, and the H tone which was previously linked to that syllable
delinks and floats. The floating H then links to the toneless syllable adjacent to the stress
head of the word, as well as to the next tene!2,ss syllable, yielding a HHL melody.
Example (21) has the same association of a L tone to an already H syllable, resulting in a
floating H tone. In (21), however, the output is one in which the floating H tone, when
relinked, does not spread to the left. Instead, a default L is associated to the first syllable.
I will explain the difference in tone patterns in (20) and (21) as following directly
from the foot structure in line 1. What makes the tone melody of (20) different from that
in (21) is the fact that in the latter there are two stressed syllables, whereas in the former
just one is present. Thec descriptive generalization is that a H tone linked to a stressed
syllable never spreads to the left.
Another tonal process observed in Karitiana is the rightward spreading of a H
tone associated to a stress head (cf. (22)):
22. a+tat+a --> atara
*) *
* (*, ..> * (, *
a ta ra atara
I I \
Example (22) ends in a H tone because the utterance is an affirmative imperative,
and in these environments the intonational rule of L-insertion does not apply. A H tone is
associated to the stress head of the word, that is, the nucleus of the syllable ta and spreads
in rightward direction, to the toneless nucleus that follows. Leftward spreading of the H
tone, as discussed, is disallowed because the melody is associated to P stressed nucleus
(defined as an asterisk that projects into line I as a stress head). Therefore, the first
syllable of the word is left toneless, and is realized as a default L tone.
We will explain the conditions on rightward spreading in the examples to be
discussed in section 2.2.2: when a process of destressing applies to phonological phrases,
the word that looses the stress and H tone is assigned the same melody of a preceding
stress head inside the phonological phrase (cf. (23)). This process applies inside prosodic
words and phonological phrases only in case the stress head and the stressless nuclei are
adjacent. In (23), rightward spreading applies because the toneless suffix and the stress
head of the root are adjacent and part of the same prosodic word. In (23) the evidential
saryt has its stress deleted and its foot structure lost by virtue of forming a complex
verbal head with the verb ambo (cf. section 2.2.6 for details on the syntactic conditions
on destressing). When that happens the H linked to the destressed head automatically
deletes. Since the stressed nucleus of the verb and the toneless nuclei of the evidential are
adjacent, and the foot structure of the evidential was lost because of stress deletion, the H
linked to the stress head of the verb spreads rightward to the toneless syllables of the
23. na:mbo saryt Gokyp
na+ambo saryt-0 Gokyp
decl-raised ind.evid.-nfut sun
'the sun raised (to the sky)'
*) *) *) *) *)
* ( * (* * (* 4 * * ( * * (4 *
I I I \I / I I
Naambo saryt Gokyp naambo saryt Gokyp
If the stress head is not immediatelly adjacent to the toneless nuclei, rightward spreading
does not apply. In such cases, the destressed word will surface with a default L tone (cf.
(24)). For instance, the stressed syllable of the verb clata is not adjacent to the stresless
syllables of the negative polarity item mini since the epenthetic vowel <a> intervenes
between the two words. This configuration prevents rightward spreading of the tone from
the verb to the negative polarity item, and the latter gets a default L tone:
25. A+tat<a> min+i an yj+[a+kan]
'You are going to the village, aren't you?'
2s-go neg.pol. 2s lp-[there-place]
,) )) ) *)*) ,) ,) (* *
* (* *(* * (* * (*(* 4 ( * * (* * (, * (* *
I I I I I I \ / \/ I I I
atata mini an yjakan
We will see in section 2.2.6, that the rule of stress deletion applies to phrases undergoing
levels III and IV of the phonology, that is, to phonological phrases (PPh) and intonational
phrases (IntP), respectively.
27 The word akan is a compound. In chapter 2, section, compounds were analyzed as level I units,
formed by at least one prosodic word which undergoes levels I and II independently. In this case, both
compound members are prosodic words, and as such undergo levels I and II independently before they
enter level I as a constituent. At that level, the compound gets primary and secondary stress as a result of
the application of the stress rule LLL, R.
In (26) I formalize the tone assignment procedures necessary to account for tone
patterns in Karitiana. Note that all 4 steps make reference to units defined inside the
metrical grid:
26. Tone assignment rules: (ordered)
a) H tone assignment to a stress head:
Assign a H tone to the stress head of a morpheme.
The stress head of a morpheme is defined as a line I asterisk
b) Leftward spreading
Assign a floating H tone to toneless nuclei to its left iff the tone is not linked to a stress head.
c) Rightward spreading
Assign a tone associated with a stress head to toneless nuclei to its right iff the stress head and the
toneless nuclei are adjacent and belong to the same prosodic domain (PWd, PPh, IntP).
d) Default L
Assign a default L tone to all toneless nuclei.
2.2. Phrasal pitch accent and its interactions with the syntax of heads
The rules discussed so far are able to account for most patterns in phrasal
environments as well. However, to fully explain these patterns, in addition to the rules in
(26), we must discuss two other phonological processes. The first one operates whenever
two adjacent line I asterisks bear H tones, that is, in stress clash configurations, and
consists of a L tone inserted between two adjacent H melodies. I will call this process "L-
insertion". The second process involves the stress subordination of one word to another in
certain syntactic environments. Since the word bearing secondary stress behaves as if its
tone pattern has been deleted, I will call this process "Stress deletion" or "Destressing".
2.2.1. L-insertion
L-insertion is obligatory and occurs in the same syntactic and metric
environments in which level III phrasal epenthesis applies. It differs from epenthesis in
that the epenthesis rule applying at level III inserts a vowel between a stray consonant
and a consonant in a stress clash configuration, whereas L-insertion inserts a L tone
between two stressed syllables, regardless of the segmental configuration.
In addition to occurring in the same level III environments where epenthesis does,
L tones are inserted in one environment where epenthesis does not apply: between a noun
and an adjective, in a reduced relative clause construction (cf. chapter 1, section
We saw that those units do not undergo level III of the phonology, by virtue of being
clausal and thus larger than phonological phrases, which are clitic-host morphosyntactic
units. Therefore, it is necessary to say that L-insertion applies at leves III and IV of the
cycle. The prosodic units al level IV will be referred to as intonational phrases (IntP).
27. Rule of L-insertion (stress clash avoidance)
* * * * In.l
* * * * In.O
I I - \ I / _ ] PhP/ InzP
The insertion of a L tone to the first clashing H syllable in a configuration causes
that first H tone to float. A floating tone is subject to the rule of leftward spreading,
which ofter applies in such environments.
A complete set of examples of L-insertion will be given in sections 2.2.3 to 2.2.5
below, where I analyze the phrasal tone processes occurring in the available data sets:
declarative sentences from the text Gokyp 'The Sun', and two grammatical lists of
questions and imperatives. In this section, I will limit myself to a detailed discussion of
one example.
L-insertion is exemplified in (28b), in comparison to (28a), where no L-insertion
takes place. Comparing the two, we see that only (28a) allows for two adjacent H tones
linked to separate words to surface: in (28a) the H tone associated to the head of the verb
opil can coexist with the H tone associated to the first two syllables of 6rnbdky, whereas
in (28b) the H tone of the head of dmbdky cannot be adjacent to the H tone of the head
28a taso na+opi+t ombaky 'the man cut the jaguar'
man decl-cut-nf. jaguar
* * *
,) *) *)
*) *) *)
(* * *(** (***
I I \ / I \/ I
28b ombaky kat an+ta+okyt taso
jaguar asleep DOFC-decl-kill man
*) *) *) *)
(, * * (, ** (* * (, *
* *
,) *)
(, * * (, *
\/ I
'the sleeping jaguar was killed by the man'
*) *) *) *)
- (* * * (, ** (* * (* *
\ / I I I I I
*) *) *) *)
(* * (* *
(* * (* *
\ I I \\ / I I I
In (28a) the head of each word associates to a H tone (cf. rule (26a)). A L intonational
tone is linked to the last nucleus of the sentence (cf. (19)), displacing the H previously
linked to the stress head of the word ombaky. The delinked H floats and associates to the
next toneless syllabic nucleus to the left. The H then spreads to the left according to
(26b). Rule (26c) does not apply in this example, because no toneless syllables remain to
the right of the stress head of each word. Note that the H tones of taso and naopit do not
associate leftward by virtue of not floating and being associated to stress heads, and thus
a default L tone is assigned to the remaining toneless syllable of the verb and subject.
It is possible to explain (28b) as following from a prohibition against stress clash.
The two adjacent H tones in question are not only adjacent as in (28a), but also linked to
stressed nuclei. This stress clash triggers the application of rule (27), that inserts a L tone
between the two clashing high melodies, linking it to the leftmost nucleus involved in the
2.2.2. Stress Deletion
In certain syntactic environments a rule of destressing applies, which deletes the
stress head of one of the lexical items in that phrasal unit. The result is that only one
lexical item in the phrase will have a line 1 asterisk represented in the grid, and the tone
previously associated to the unstressed syllable will float and associate to all of the
unstressed syllables to the left of the unfooted toneless domain, according to rule (26b).
The environments in which destressing occurs in our data are: between two heads in
compounds, or between a clitic and its host in the following environments: verb-negation,
verb-evidential, verb-aspect, noun-postposition, NP-adverbial clitics, wh-words and their
hosts, and between a verb and the oblique object ka. These syntactic units are mapped
into the phonology as phonological phrases (cf. definition in chapter 1, section,
or intonational phrases and enter the phonological cycle at level III and IV, respectively.
Therefore, stress deletion must be listed as a rule operating at levels III and IV.
Section 2.2.3 examines all cases of stress deletion and destressing in the text
entitled Gokyp. Sections 2.2.4 and 2.2.5 discuss those same processes in imperatives and
questions, respectively. Section 2.2.6 gives an account of stress deletion. In 2.2.7 I
conclude by summarizing the phrasal pitch accent rules discussed in section 2.2.
2.2.3. Stress Deletion and L-insertion in examples from the text "Gokyp"
In this section, we will deal with all cases of L-insertion (as stress clash
avoidance) and stress deletion present in the text "Gokyp". The reader should be aware
that in many cases both processes apply to the same example. For ease of exposition, I
will start discussing the cases in which a single process applies. Another point of added
complexity is that the intonational rule inserting a L tone sentence-finally will also apply
in some cases (declaratives, negated imperatives, and questions). Phrases which occur
sentence-medially in the text do not undergo that rule, and as a result they end in a H
tone. All examples examined in tnis section fall into that category.
Note that in (29) the word otidna has no H tone associated to its stressed syllable:
29. Takinda otidna sogng ta+kinda otidn+a sogng
\ / I \1 / I [3-[thing wound-adj.]] with
L H L H 'with his disease'
In (29), whose metrical plane is represented below in (30), the L tone in otidna
cannot have arisen from L-insertion because this structure does not involve a stress clash.
The L tone in question must be a default tone, inserted by rule (26b). This fact confirms
our hypothesis that, whenever destressing applies, H deletion automatically follows, as
part of the same rule. If that were not the case, the tone pattern of the destressed word
should be HHH:
*) *) *) *) *)
* (* * * (* * (* *(* * * * * (*
I I I \/ I \I/ I
Ta kin da otidna sogng
Rightward spreading did not take place in this case because at the level in which tone
rules (26) apply the second member of the compound takinda otidna is mapped into a
phonological phrase with the postposition, and not with its first member. The same
observation holds for example (36).
In (31) we have another example of destressing without L-insertion, because a
stress clash is crucially absent from the metrical structure. In (31) two instances of stress
deletion take place: (i) between the noun phrase and the adverbial clitic pitat
, and (ii)
between the verb and the imperfective auxiliary tyka. In both cases it is the rightmost
member of the unit that is being destressed:
31. yjxa pitat i?a tykat
I \ I/ I \ 1 /
32. *
*) *)
(* ,.* * *
yjxa pita
yjxa pitat
*) *)
(* (* *
i?a tykat
yjxa pitat i+?a ty+ka+t
human really 3-be impfve-aux-nfuture
'He was really human'
yjxa pita
i?a tykat
i ?a tykat
The H tone associated to the destressed words is a result of rightward spreading (cf.
(26c)) from the stress heads which precede each word. In both cases the H stress head is
adjacent to the toneless syllables of the word which underwent destressing.
In (33), presented before as (23), a verb and evidential auxiliary are computed for
destressing. The destressed element in the phrase is the rightmost word, the evidential
particle saryt. When the evidential looses its stress, it also looses its H tone. The tone
assigned to the evidential in this case comes from the last syllable of nambo:
27 Note that in examples such as ket pitat 'really green', level HI epenthesis does not apply. I conclude that
stress deletion in this phrase applies at level IV of the phonology.
na+ambo saryt Gokyp
decl-raised ind.evid. sun
'the sun raised (to the sky)'
*) *) *) *) *) *) *)
* (* * (* * ( * -* * (4 * * (, * -- * (, * * (4 *
I I I 1 I I I I
Na:mbo saryt Gokyp nambo saryt Gokyp nambo saryt Gokyp
Examples (34) and (36) below are instances of the adverbial horot forming a
phonological phrase with a preceding noun phrase. They both involve stress deletion,
which will be implemented in this case as the deletion of the stress head (the line I
nucleus) of the lexical item adjacent to the adverbial. Another phonological process
applying in these examples is L-insertion between the two clashing H melodies
associated to the first nucleus of horot and the last nucleus of the preceding word:
34. 6wi h6r<o>t 'child-like'
child like
There is ,o sentence-final L inserted at the end of the phrase in (34) because the
phrase occurs sentence-medially in the text. According to (26a), we would expect the
stress heads of both words to be assigned H tones, a clash which would be resolved by
the L-insertion rule (27), resulting in the melody HLHH. The noun-adverbial
combination in (34), however, triggers destressing. In fact, whenever the adverbial clitic
horot occurs in a phrase, the deleted stress must be that of the last lexical item in its sister
noun phrase:
,) *)
(, (** *-
6wdi horot
(* *(* *
I \/
(* * (* *
\/ \/
When the stressed nucleus and H melody of wawd are deleted, the L sentential tone which
was linked to the last syllable of the word to avoid a stress clash spreads to the other
toneless syllable to its left. Leftward spreading is possible because of destressing, since
(26b) prohibits leftward spreading from a stressed syllable. Finally, the H associated to
the first syllable of horot further associates to to the last nucleus, yielding the LLHH
The corpus has another example of destressing inside a prosodic unit formed by a
noun phrase and horot:
36. kinda oti
Ikinda otil horot
thing wound like
*) *) *)
(, * (, * (, *
- *) *)
(* * (* * (* *
I I I H/
*) *)
(* * (* * (* *
HI \ \/
Example (36) is a case of L-insertion and destressing. In (36), the leftmost member of the
larger phrase [[kinda oti] horot] is destressed. The melody of the destressed word oti is L
because the stress clash between oti and horot caused the application of the L-insertion
rule, and leftward spreading (cf. (26b)) applied, associating that L, tone to the first
syllable of the word.
(38) is an example of L-insertion and destressing involving the verb iaoky, which,
when constued as a phonological phrase with negation, undergoes destressing (cf. (39)).
38. iaoky padni i+a+oky padn+i
\II / \ / 3-DOFC-kill neg-irr
L H 'He wasn't killed'
* *) - *) *)
**(** (* * ** ** (* * ** ** (* *
I I I \ / \\I/ \/
iaoky padni
A last descriptive point that needs to be made with respect to destressing is that
among all the phrase types in which that process occurs, all but one (the NP-adverbial
clitic horot) are also attested without destressing in the text. Although, I will explain in
section 2.2.6 the syntactic motivation for stress deletion, the reason why the process is
not obligatory will remain a mistery until further research is carried on the topic.
2.2.4. Examples of L-insertion and stress deletion in imperatives
In Karitiana, affirmative imperatives end in a H tone, whereas negative
imperatives end in a L tone
40. A+tat<y> 'Don't go'
*) *)
* (* * - * (* *
a tat y a ta ty
The head is L in (40) because the intonational rule of L-insertion (cf. (19)) links a L tone
to the final head of a negated imperative.
41. A+tat+a 'Go'
*) *)
* (* * *(,* *
I I \/
A ta ra a ta ra
28 Negated imperatives are formed by a verb inflected for agreement (subject agreement if intranitive,
object agreement if transitive), and followed by the negation word padni, which is often ommited, as in
(40). When the verb root is obstruent-final, an epenthetic vowel is inserted between the verb and the
negation word by the application of epenthesis rule (cf. chapter 2). The quality of the vowel in this case is
not detrmined by assimilations of the features of a preceding vowel, but is listed in the lexicon as the [+hi,
+bk] vowel <y>. Note that even when the negation word is dropped, the epenthetic vowel remains. This
occurs in all verb-padni units in the language (cf. section, chapter 2). If the verb root of a negated
imperative ends in a nasal consonant or in a vowel, predictably, no epenthesis takes place, and the verb
stem is unmarked for imperative mood. Affirmative imperative verbs are marked by the suffix -a, which
suffixes a consonant-final root. When the root ends in a vowel, the stem is unmarked. It is interesting to
notice that negated imperative verbs ending in a vowel would be phonetically indistinguishable from
affirmative imperatives ending in a vowel if it weren't for the intonational difference between them.
In (40) an intonational L is linked to the stress head of the last word, displacing
the H tone. The floating H links to toneless syllables adjacent to the stress head. The L
tone cannot spread to the left because it is linked to a stress head, so it spreads to the
right. In (41) the same rule of rightward spreading applies to the H tone associated to the
stress head of the word. The L tone associated to the first syllable is a default melody.
The next four examples illustrate the application of the intonational rule (19) in
negated imperatives
42. An
*) *
* (* --
An y mi
'Don't hit me' y+mi
43. A+piso padn+i
2s-step neg-irr
, ,) ) ,)
*(** (* *.. * (** (* *
I I \ / I \ /
api so padn a pi so padni
'Don't step in it'
Note that, if we say that intonational L tones are linked to the stress head of the
last word in a sentence, we can explain two facts: (i) why the tone adjacent to a L stress
head is H in this case; (ii) why syllables following the L stress heads are assigned a L
tone. The first fact could be stipulated by rule that assigns "the opposite" tone to the
nucleus left-adjacent to a stress head. However, our rules of L-insertion have the
advantage of deriving the right tone melodies, because they force delinking of the high
tone previously associated to the stress head, which then explains why the nucleus left-
adjacent to a L stress head surfaces as H. The second fact would have no explanation if
the L intonational tone were linked to the last syllable in the sentence, instead to the last
stress head of the last word in the sentence. Leftward spreading would not be able to
apply to yield the correct outputs in (43)-(45) because the stressed syllable would have a
H tone and rule (26b) restricts spreading to toneless nuclei:
*) *)
(* *(**
I \/ \/
'Don't get wet'
45. An iatoty
2s 3-take-neg.imp
,) ) *)
(* ** (** .. (*
An iatoty
'Don't take it'
* (4 * **
\/ \/
The next four examples are affirmative imperatives ending in H tones, where rule
(19) does not apply. The tonal patterns in these cases are similar to the one in (41)30:
29 Agreement in imperatives follow the ergative pattern of the language: Intransitive subjects and objects
agree with the verb.
30 Note that, in Karitiana, both the the verb and the referential auxiliary are suffixed by the imperative marker (cf.
44. An
46. Y+hir+a
47. A+pom+a
*) *)
(4 * *(* (
a poma andyka
'Give it to me'
(* *
'Go play!'
&e $
* *)
4--- *(, (* *
I \/l I \/
48. A+pongyp+a
* *I
* (4
49.Bawak a+haadn+a
Low 2s-speak-imp
*e *
* 4)*) *) *)
(4 4(4 * (* *
I I \/
Bawak ahaadna
Examples (50)-(52) all involve compound verbs in which destressing of the first
member of the compound takes place:
'Shut up'
* *
'Speak low'
(* *
\ /
50. A+pyt'y 'Don't eat'
*)* ) *)
,(,( - * (* (*
apyt 'y
Although the intransitive verb pyt'y is stress-final, it is not monomorphemic (pyt+'y
'hand(?)-eat(tr.)'). Pyt, being the first inember of a compound, enters the phonology at
level I as a separate word, and is accented. However, the head of the compound is the
transitive verb 'y, and the stress prominence of pyt is lost by stress deletion.
51. A+py+so 'Don't touch it (literally, 'don't be hand-aware')'
* ,) *) *)
( * (* (4 * (* (*
I \ / I
A py so
52. A+kor<o>+kar<a>+t 'Be careful' (literally, 'think inside')
(* *
* ( (* * * (* * (* *
I I \ I / \/
a ko ro ka rat
In (52) an affirmative imperative ends in a low melody. I claim that this apparently
exceptional pattern can be understood from the intended meaning of the sentence. A
sentential L tone is inserted in this case because the sentence is uttered as a "warning",
reflecting the belief of the speaker. That is, the use of the imperative here has a
declarative effect, which explains the insertion of the declarative L tone. The L first
associates to the stress head of the last morpheme, thus causing the H tone to float, and
associate to the remaining toneless syllables to the left of the stress head according to
In (53) the verb-negation unit gasta padni undergoes L-insertion and destressing
of the verb
3 1
53. An i-gasta padni dinhero 'Don't spend money'
2s 3-spend neg. money
*) *) *) *) *) *) *)
(* *(* * (* (4 * * 4- * (* * (* * (* * *
I I I I I \ I \ / I \I/
an igasta padni dinhero an igasta padni dinhero
In (54) there is a clash between the verb amy and the oblique object, which triggers L-
insertion and stress-deletion. This type of prosodic constituent (verb-oblique object) does
not enter level III of the phonology elsewhere in the language, and for that reason we
assume the unit is undergoing destressing at level IV:
54. A+amy ka+t y+hot 'Buy me this'
2-buy this-obl. Is-to
*) *) ) *) *)
(, * (, ( * -(* (4 (* ( * (*
I I I \ / I I I
A my kat yhot a my kat y hot
31 The verb [gasta] and the noun [dinhero] are borrowings from Portuguese.
55. Yn atakahit kat
Is 2s-realis-give this-obl.
'I gave you this'
The last issue to be discussed in this section is the apparently exceptional example
I+m+'a siit+o
3-caus-do tamale-emph
*) *)
4 * (* (* *
I \ / I
im 'a sii to
'Make tamales'
In (56) an affirmative imperative ends in a L tone. The reason why this occurs can be
explained by the behavior of the emphatic suffix -o, which is always associated with a L
tone wherever it occurs. I assume that the emphatic suffix has a L melody underlyingly.
2.2.5. Examples of L-insertion and stress deletion in Questions
The cases of stress deletion in interrogatives available in our data set are limited
to two syntactic environments: between wh-words and an adjacent word (either the
leftmost lexical item inside their sister constituents, or the verb in Comp) as in (57) and
(58), and between a verb and the negative polarity item mini in (59):
57.Ti+ka+t 'id+na+t a-'a tyka+t
wh-aux-? child-vblzr-? 2s-have impfve-nfut
*) *) *) *) *)
*(* (** * (* *(* 4 *( ( (* *
I I I I \/ \/
tikat 'idnat a'a tykat
'How many children do you have?'
I !
* (*
*) *)
* (* (* *
im'a siito
L-insertion between tikat and 'idnat and destressing of the word tikat apply in (57). Note
that there is no epenthetic vowel between tikat and 'idnat, showing that this type of
prosodic constituent does not go though level III of the cycle. This indicates that the rule
of stress deletion applying in this example is operating at level IV of the phonology.
58.Ti+hoo+t a+aka an+o
'Where do you live?'
wh-aux-? 2s-cop 2s-emph.
*) *) *) *) *)
* (* (** (* .- * (* * (* (* *
I I I I \ / \
tihoot a ka ano ti hoot a ka a no
In (58) the verb aka is destressed by virtue of being inside a prosodic constituent
with the wh-word tihoot. Aka looses its stress and H tone, and the application of rule
(26c) ensures that the H tone linked to the stress head of the wh-word spreads rightward
to the verb. I do not have evidence that tihoot does not go through level III epenthesis,
but I will consider the prosodic unit it forms with the verb to be a constituent which
enters the phonology at level IV because: (i) the wh-word tikat, which is certainly a level
IV unit, has phonological, syntactic and semantic similarities with tihoot; (ii) I do not
remember ever hearing the form tihoot<o>.
In (25), rep-ated here as (59), the negative polarity item mini is destressed . This
negative polarity item is used to prime an affirmative response to polar questions (a
function in many respect similar to that of tag questions in English).
59.A+tat<a> min+i an yj+[a+kan] 'You are going to die village, aren't you?'
2s-go neg.pol. 2s Ip-[there-place] (literally, 'Aren't you going to the village?')
* *)*) *) (** *) *) (**
*(** (** (* *(*(* -> (* * * ( ** (* * (* *
I I I I I \ / \/ I I I I
atata mini an yjakan
2.2.6. An analysis of stress deletion
Stress deletion inside phonological phrases may occur in one of two ways. either
the rightmost or the leftmost member of the phonological phrase has its main stress wiped
out. Below we examine the various phonological and syntactic environments which, in
our data set, are associated with destressing: Right-headed phrases
These are the prosodic phrases in which the stressed nucleus of the leftmost
lexical item is deleted:
(I) NP-Comparison Adverb horot: examples (35) and (36):
[w a horot]php
[[kinda oti]phP horot]fhp
I I \/ \/
(II) Compounds: (50)-(52) below:
\/ I
\/ I
[akoro ki~ift]php
\I/ \/
(III) NP-Postposition: in (29):
[[Takinda otidna] sogng]php
\I I \1/ I
(IV) V-Negation word padni: In (38) and (53):
[iaoky padni]php
\Il/ \/
[igasta padni]hp
\I/ \/
The prosodic units listed in (I)-(IV) undergo level III of the phonology (cf.
chapter 1, section, which is evidence that stress deletion applies at that level
We saw that the prosodic constituents in (V) and (VI) are larger than the units undergoing
level III of the phonology, suggesting that stress deletion also applies at level IV, a level
which operates on even larger prosodic units, which I call intonational phrases (IntP):
32 Although the adverb horot is not discussed in chapter 2, there are examples in our corpus confirming its
status as part of a prosodic constituent which undergoes level III epenthesis: opok<o> horot 'whitemen-
(V) V-Oblique NP: In (54):
[Aamy kat],,p
\/ I
(VI) Wh-word tikat-host inside wh-phrase in (57):
[tikat 'idnat]np
L H Left-headed phrases
The following are the prosodic phrases in which the stressed nucleus of the
rightmost member is deleted:
(I) V-aspectual auxiliary: Example (31):
[i'a tyka]php
I \ 1 /
(II) V-Evidential: In (33):
[nambo saryt]Php
I \I/
(III) V-Negative polarity item mini: In (59)
[Atata mini]hp
I \/ \/
In left-headed environment as well there is evidence that stress deletion operates
in two levels of the phonology: phrases (I)-(III) undergo level III rules (cf. chapter 1,
section, whereas phrases in (IV) and (V) do not (cf.sections 2.2.3 and 2.2.5):
(IV) Wh-word tihoot-Verb: In (58):
[tihoot aka].p
I \ I /
(V) NP-Adverb: In (31):
[yjxa pitat],tP
1 \I/
There is evidence that the phonological phrases which constitute an environment
for the phonological rule of destressing are defined syntactically. Corroboration for the
hypothesis that syntax plays a role in defining these phrases comes from a coincidence
between syntactic and phonological headedness. That is, right headed syntactic structures
such as compounds, postpositional phrases, and verb phrases are also phonologically
right-headed in our data set.
I will now proceed to examine the syntactic configuration of each case in which
destressing applies. Most phonological phrases which are right-headed with respect to
stress are syntactic structures in which a complement is adjacent to the head that governs
it. The clearest cases are NP-postpositions, compounds, and NP-comparison adverb
horot. The structures involved are represented in (60):
XP/X where x = postposition, compound
head, or the adverbial horot
Recall that the phonological phrase formed by a verb and padni is phonologically
right-headed and that the one formed by a verb and the negative polarity item mini is
phonologically left-headed. I assume that this difference is a reflex of their syntactic
Verb Negation
Verb mini
In chapter 5 we will see that Karitiana projects a polarity phrase headed by the negation
word padni or by the assertative prefix pyt-. The verb raises overtly to the negation head
in the syntax, forming an indivisible complex head with it. The fact that negation heads
the verb-negation constituent is corroborated by the special behavior of negated verbs in
Karitiana: they are not inflected for tense. The structure of the complex head formed by
verb+mini is obviously different from that of verb+padni, in that, in all respects, it
behaves syntactically as a verb. In particular, the complex head can be suffixed by tense:
63. Yjxa i-aka min-<a>n haka? 'Is anyone here?'
people 3-cop neg.pol-nfut here (literally, 'Isn't anybody here?')
I assume the configuration in (64) also arises when a verb forms a complex head with
Aspect or Evidential auxiliaries:
Verb Aspect
Verb Evidential
The non-future tense suffix, which appears on the negative polarity item mini, also mark
aspect and evidential heads (cf. sections 2.2.3 and 2.2.5), but never a negated verb.
The only structures which still remain to be discussed are the wh-phrases (56) and
(57). The former is phonologically right-headed, whereas the latter is phonologically left-
headed for the following reason: a ti-phrase (wh-phrase) in Spec,CP has to have one main
stress. In (57), tihoot is the whole wh-phrase, whereas in (56) the syntactic head
projecting the phrase is the adjective 'idna, which explains why the phrase is also
phonologically right-headed.
2.2.7. Conclusion
All instances of stress deletion in our corpus were analyzed in section 2.2. We
saw that some of them also involve low tone insertion (L-insertion). While L-insertion is
motivated by a clash between two stressed heads, stress deletion is a syntactically
motivated result of stress subordination between a syntactic head and lexical item
adjacent to it which is part of its sister or spec. The deleted stress is always that of the
non-projecting head. Both processes occur at levels III and IV of the phonology.
0. Introduction
My goal in this chapter is to show that Karitiana is a verb-final language which
displays obligatory verb movement to C in root clauses. Evidence for verb raising to C
comes from three sources: (i) the relative word order of the verb with respect to its
arguments; (ii) agreement and tense; (iii) adverb adjunction.
Section 1 establishes that there is a complementary distribution between matrix
and embedded clauses with respect to the position of the verb. The former are either verb-
initial (VOS, VSO) or verb-second (SVO, OVS), whereas the latter are invariably verb-
final (OSV, SOV) (cf. Storto (1994)). Verb raising in root clauses is associated with the
presence of agreement and tense, which are absent in dependent clauses. This obligatory
movement of the finite verb in root clauses, bears a strong resemblance to the
phenomenon known as verb-second (Vikner (1995), Koopman, (1983)) in Germanic
languages. We will see, however, that verb second (V-2) in Karitiana has different
properties than it has in Germanic. Specifically, Karitiana allows verb-initial clauses
(although there is a tendency for the first position to be filled) and embedded clauses do
not project TPs or CPs but rather are VPs dominated by a single functional projection: an
aspectual phrase.
In section 2, I show that the specifier of the position to which the verb raises is a
focus position. It is the landing site of wh-phrases, and focused phrases given as answers
to wh-questions.
Section 3 is a discussion of clause structure motivated by evidence from adverb
adjunction. We will see that most dependent clauses have one position for adverb
adjunction (clause-initially), whereas SVO root clauses have three: before the subject,
between the verb and the object, and after the object. I argue that this follows from the
fact that verb movement to a second structural position takes place in root clauses, but not
in dependent clauses. The impossibility of adverb adjunction between the subject and
verb in matrix environments is explained by the fact that they are in the spec and head
positions of CP, respectively.
In section 4, I discuss word-order variation in Karitiana, showing that in VSO and
VOS clauses there is a strong tendency for adverbs to occur pre-verbally. I suggest this
follows from the V-2 effect: a requirement the language has to fill the first structural
position in the clause once the verb has raised to second position.
Although much work remains to be done in order to explain topic and focus
effects in Karitiana matrix clauses, the difference between V-2 and V-1 word orders
seems to correlate with the presence and absence, respectively, of a syntactically focused
phrase in Spec, CP, as well as with a phonological requirement to fill that position
whenever possible.
1. Verb raising
There is complementary distribution between matrix and embedded clauses with
respect to the position of the verb. In embedded clauses, the verb occurs in final position,
whereas in matrix clauses it is either in first or second position:
The man killed the snake' (non-decl)
'The man killed the snake' (decl)
Transitive main clause without agreement
Examples (1), (2) and (3) show that in transitive root clauses (declarative and non-
declarative) the verb is in second position and agreement is obligatory. No agreement
occurs in subordinate clauses, where the verb is in final position with respect to its
arguments (cf (4)-(5))33:
Transitive embedded clauses without agreement:
4. [Boroja taso oky tykiri] 0-naka-hyryp- 0 6w&
snake man kill perfve 3-decl-cry-nfut. child
'When the man killed the snake, the child cried' (colloquial)
5. [Taso boroja oky tykiri] 0-naka-hyryp- 0 6w i
man snake kill perfve 3-decl-cry-nfut. child
'When the man killed the snake, the child cried' (archaic)
(Storto 1997)
33 The aspectual head following the verb takes VP as a complement. These head-final aspectual projections
(AspPs) are the only functional categories present in dependent clauses. AspPs are right-headed, in
accordance with the head-final character of the language.
Transitive main clauses with agreement:
1. Taso i-oky-t boroja
man 3-kill-nfut snake
2. Taso
3. *Taso
Examples (4) and (5) are well-formed because in both cases the verb is final with respect
to its arguments. The difference between the two clauses reflects a stylistic variation:
OSV is the usual word order in a dependent clause, whereas SOV is found in
mythological narratives exclusively. The presence of third person agreement in (6) and
(7) renders these sentences ungrammatical, even when the word-order is verb-final:
Transitive embedded clauses with agreement:
6. *j[Boroja taso i-oky tykiril 0-naka-hyryp- 0 6wA
snake man 3-kill perfve 3-decl-cry-nfut. child
7. *[Taso boroja i-oky tykiri] 0-naka-hyryp- 0 6wa
man snake 3-kill perfve 3-decl-cry-nfut. child
A change in word order resulting in verb-initial (cf. (8) and (9)) or verb-medial sentences
(cf. (10) and (11)) is ungrammatical, whether or not agreement is present:
Transitive embedded clauses with or without agreement:
8. *[(I-)oky taso boroja tykiri] nakahyryp 6wi *[VSO]
(3-)kill man snake perfve 3-decl-cry-nfut. child
9. *[(I-)oky boroja taso tykiri] nakahyryp 6w5 *[VOS]
(3-)kill snake man perfve 3-decl-cry-nfut. child
10. *[Boroja (i-)oky taso tykiri] 0-naka-hyryp- 0 O6wi *[OVS]
snake (3-)kill man perfve 3-decl-cry-nfut. child
11. *[Taso (i-)oky boroja tykiri] O-naka-hyryp- 0 O6wf *[SVO]
man (3-)kill snake perfve 3-decl-cry-nfut. child
Intransitive clauses pattern in the same way as tranrsitives: agreement is obligatory
in root clauses (cf. (12) and (13)), where the verb is not in final position:
Intransitive main clause with agreement
12. Y-ta-opiso-t (yn) '1 listened'
Ss-decl-listen-nfut l s
Intransitive main clause without agreement
13. *Ta-opiso-t (yn)
dect-listen-nfut Is
(Storto 1997)
Examples (14) and (15) show that agreement does not occur in embedded clauses, where
the verb is final
Intransitive embedded clause without agreement
14. [Yn opiso] a-taka-kkr&-t an 'You thought that I listened'
Is listen 2s-decl-think-nfut 2s
Intransitive embedded clause with agreement
15. *[Y-opiso yn] a-taka-kfr-t an
Is-listen Is 2-decl-think-nfut 2s
(Storto 1997)
Note that subordinate clauses lack tense morphology, in contrast to root clauses,
where tense morphology is obligatory. In the examples above, the marker of nonfuture
tense is -t after vowel-final roots, and -0 after consonant-final roots. ' lns is evidence
that, if the embedded verb raises at all, it raises to a functional head lower than T or to a
tenseless T, because embedded verbs never raise to a position in which tense is checked.
34 The pronoun in (14) can cliticize to the verb, yielding (1) below. We know that the cliticized pronoun in
(1) is not agreement, because it cannot co-occur with a pronoun (cf (2)):
1. [Y-opiso] a-taka-kiri-t an
'You thought that I listened'
Is-listen 2-realis-think-nfut 2s
2. *[Yn y-opiso] a-taka-krii-t an
Is is-listen 2-realis-think-nfut 2s
The complementary distribution observed can be explained if we assume that
Karitiana is a verb-final language which displays obligatory verb movement in matrix
clauses. When the verb moves, it checks tense and agreement. For this reason, verb-first
or verb-second clauses have tense and agreement, whereas verb-final clauses do not. The
latter have the verb either in situ, or adjoined to a head-final functional head which
functions as a subordinator.
The hypothesis that the basic word order in Karitiana is verb-final makes sense
both synchronically and diachronically. Synchronic evidence can be found in the head-
final property of the language:
(i) PPs are right -headed:
16. Ambyyk a-taka-karama-j ahe kvn Casa do Indio p-p
Then 2s-decl-turn-irr right toward Casa do Indio place-to/in
'Then you will turn right to (go to) Casa do indio'
17. Sete de Setembro tyym a-taka-tar-i hotel
Sete de Setembro through 2s-decl-go-irr hotel place-to/in
'You will get to the hotel through Sete de Setembro (avenue)'
18. Yn na-amy-t kombo sepa p -
Is decl-put-nfut cocoa basket place-to/in
'I put the cocoa (fruit) in the basket'
19. Koro'op pasap pitat taso op'it Jonso hirai sogng
Inside smooth very man young woman beautiful benefactive
'The young man is in love with the beautiful woman'
20. lij na-aka-t i-mboryt 'epe-'opo tyym
Bird decl-cop-nfut part-leave tree-hole through
'The bird left through the hole'
21. lij na-aka-t i-mboryt 'epe-'opo pi-ri
Bird decl-cop-nfut part-leave tree-hole place-from
"The bird left from the hole'
22. I-tyt y-taka-tar-i i-ambi-p
3-with Is-decl-go-irr 3-house-to/in
'I will go to his house with him'
(ii) DPs, such as phrases headed by demonstratives are right-headed:
23. Ka 'irip
Aux.moving tapir
24. Ony
'ir;p aka
tapir det.
25. Ja 'irip
Aux.sitting tapir
'That tapir (moving)'
'That tapir' (default)
'This tapir (sitting)'
(iii) Subordinate clauses are right-headed. The VP is taken as a complement by a
head-final aspectual projection:
Kiit: 'punctual' (temporal concidence)
26. [Yn i-soko'i] kiit]] a-otam-am
Is 3-tie.up exactly.when 2s-arrive-?
'When I tied it up, you arrived (at the exact time)'
TakiNt: 'before'
27. [Ta-tat] takiit]] naka-tat Porto Velho
3anaph-go before 3-decl-go Porto Velho
'Before he left, (he) went to look at Porto Velho'
Byyk: 'after' (subsequent perfective)
28. [Yn na-sokol]
Is decl-tie.up
'After I tie it up,
byyk]] yn
after is
I will give it to you'
Diachronically, the verb-final hypothesis fits the pattern found in the genetically
related Tupi languages. All Tupi languages are strictly OV, and SOV is the word order
hypothesized for Proto-Tupi (Moore 1991), the ancestor language.
Having suggested that Karitiana is a language with verb-final order and matrix
verb raising, I would like to turn now to the question of the order of constituents
preceding the verb, in particular the position of the subject. The word order in Karitiana
dependent clauses is SOV in mythical narratives, and OSV otherwise. I assume that the
SOV word order reflects an earlier stage of the language, in which the specifier of VP
was projected to the left:
S VP (archaic word order)
The language uses this order as a stylistic variation, which I assume is a PF
option, that is, a phonetic variation in the order of constituents used in a certain register
(archaic) that crucially does not affect interpretation, and for that reason is not computed
by the syntax.
There is evidence that the specifier of VP is projected to the right in contemporary
Karitiana. We will see in section 4 that VOS is the most common word order in echo
and narratives, when the subject is a discourse topic, and that SVO is the
order of a syntactically focused subject
. Assuming that the preverbal position in matrix
clauses is a focus position (cf. section 2) to which the subject raises, it makes sense to
35 Also known as "shadowing", a speech practice in which the interlocutor repeats what the speaker has
just said.
36 This is not to say that whenever SVO word order surfaces the subject is focused. SVO may be used to
indicate the pragmatic notion of "newsworthiness" discussed by Mithun (1992).
posit that VOS is the word order when the subject is in situ
. This follows naturally if the
subject is generated to the right of VP, but not if it is generated to the left:
VP S (contemporary word order)
Note, however, that to derive the colloquial word order in dependent clauses
(OSV) under my analysis, the verb must adjoin to the aspectual head. Otherwise, the
order would be the unattested OVS:
VP Asp
VP S V Asp
O tv
I assume the structure just presented for dependent clauses is the most adequate
for Karitiana because all other possibilities would make the wrong predictions. In order to
derive the underlying OSV word order without verb adjunction to Asp, any account
would have to posit local movement of the object to VP (or vP
). The adjunction of an
object to VP (or vP), however, would predict the wrong results: that adverbs, which
7 Note that ergative subjects are always licensed in situ. Raising of an ergative subject for Case reasons is
not an option universally, so it makes sense to imagine that in the absence of a reason to raise (such as
checking a focus feature), transitive subjects will stay in situ. Raising ergative languages are those in which
the absolutive argument (object or intransitive subject) raises to be Case licensed.
38 Chomsky (1995) posits vP as the projection that hosts the subject in a transitive clause. It takes VP as a
complement, and, in nominative-accusative languages, it is responsible for licensing accusative Case.
normally left adjoin to any maximal projection in the language (cf. section 3), would be
able to occur between the object and the subject in OSV clauses. Examples (32)-(35)
show that adverbs must occur clause-initially in embedded clauses
Embedded Clauses:
32. [mynda ysypy'et him okej I
slowly my-uncle meat cut
'..that my uncle cut the meat slowly'
33. *[ysypy'et mynda him okej ]
my-uncle slowly meat cut
34. *[ysypy'et him mynda okeJ ]
my-uncle meat slowly cut
35. *[ysypy'et him okej mynda]
my-uncle meat cut slowly
*S Adv OV
*SO Adv V
*SOV Adv
(Storto 1997)
I examine the alternatives to my analysis below. The structure in (36) assumes a
left-adjoined subject and a verb-final VP, yielding the ungrammatical word order
Adv VP/vP
to V
39 We will see later in this section that the only dependent clauses that allow adverb adjunction between the
object and the subject are head internal relative clauses, which are dependent clauses in which relativized
arguments move clause internally to Spec,AspP.
If, instead, the subject were right adjoined, and VP were head-final, an aditional problem
would arise: embedded clauses would incorrectly be predicted to be subject final as in
* VP/vP
Adv VP/vP *OAdv VS
to V
Hypotheses in which VP is head-initial would predict the incorrect results as well,
independent of where the subject adjoins:
Adv VP/vP *OAdvSV
V to
Adv VP/vP *OAdvVS
V to
We must now examine head internal relative clauses and explain how they differ
from other subordinates, allowing two sites for adverb adjunction. The internal head of
the relative clause raises above VP, presumably to Spec,AspP. Once the argument raises,
two positions become available for adverb adjunction: AspP and VP:
40. JOAdv SV]: adverb adjunction to VP
Y-py-so'oot-on yn [sosy mynda ajxa ti-oky]-ty
Is-assert-nfut Is armadillo slowly 2p OFC-kill-obl
'I saw you (pl.) kill the armadillo slowly'
'I saw the armadillo you killed slowly'
(Storto 1997)
41. Adv [OSV]: adverb adjunction to AspP or adverb constructed with the matrix
Y-py-so'oot-on yn mynda [sosy ajxa ti-okyl-ty
Is-assert-nfut Is slowly armcdillo 2p OFC-kill-obl
'I saw you (pl.) kill the armadillo slowly'
'I saw the armadillo you killed slowly'
'1 gradually saw you (pl.) kill the armadillo'
'I gradually saw the armadillo you killed'
(Storto 1997)
In (40) the internal head of the relative (the object sosy) raises to Spec,AspP, and the
adverb is adjoined to VP. The utterance in (41) is ambiguous between a structure in
which the adverb is part of the matrix (VSAdv [OSV]) and one in which it is part of the
relative, adjoined to AspP (VS [Adv OSV]). This can be confirmed when we compare
(41) and (42). In the latter the adverb is clearly part of the matrix clause:
42. Y-py-so'oot-on yn [sosy ajxa ti-okyll-ty mynda
Js-assert-nfut Is armadillo 2p OFC-kill-obl slowly
'I gradually saw you (pl.) kill the armadillo'
'1 gradually saw the armadillo you killed'
(Storto 1997)
The data in (40)-(44) constitutes conclusive evidence that right adjunction of adverbs
to maximal projections other than the matrix CP is not an option in Karitiana. If that
possibility were open, we would expect to find ,he word orders OSAdvV and OSVAdv in
object head internal relative clauses, which are unattested (cf.(43)-(44)). Right adjunction
of an adverb to the embedded VP, as in (43) or to AspP in (44) is ungrammatical:
43. *Y-py-so'oot-on yn [sosy ajxa mynda ti-okyl-ty
Is-assert-nfut Is armadillo 2p slowly OFC-kill-obl
44. *Y-py-so'oot-on yn [sosy ajxa ti-oky mynda]-ty
Is-assert-nfut is armadillo 2p OFC-kill slowly-obl
(Storto 1997)
We know (40)-(44) are head internal relative clauses because if the object sosy
were outside the relative we would expect it to be suffixed by the oblique marker -t(y),
which marks complements of the verb so'oot.
A head external relative clause is shown, for comparative purposes, in (45). The
verb ohit, as the verb so'oot in (40), marks its objects with oblique Case. In the head
external relative clause (45) both the external head of the relative and the relative itself
are marked oblique, whereas in (45) the relative clause alone is marked oblique (cf.
chapter 5 for a head-internal relative with an internal oblique marker):
45. Y-pyr-ohit-in yn 'ip-ity [an ti-'y]-t
Is-assert-fish-nfut Is fish-obl 2s OFC-eat-obl
'I caught the fish for you to eat'
(Storto 1998)
The structural difference between head internal and head external relative clauses is
that in the former the head of the relative raises overtly to Spec,AspP, whereas in head
external relatives the head is outside of the relative, coindexed with an empty operator
which is internal to the relative, and moves from its base position to Spec,AspP:
46. Head Internal Relative Clause
Asp P
Sosy (0) Asp'
VP Asp
VP ajxa (S) ti-oky (V)
you (pl) kill (OFC)
47. Head External Relative Clause
As P
empty operator Asp'
VP Asp
VP an (S) ti-'y (V)
you (sg) eat (OFC)
Recall that we explained the difference between SOV and OSV in dependent
environments as a stylistic variation (archaic versus colloquial, respectively). Head
internal relative clauses are the only environments in which this stylistic change in word
order does not apply. In these types of relatives the difference is syntactic (the internal
head of the relative raises to Spec,AspP):
48. Yn na-aka-t i-so'oot- 0 [6wI [taso ti-mi]]-ty
Ip decl-aux-nfut 3ps-see(intr)-nfut [child [man OFC-hit]]-obl.
'I saw [the child who the man hurt/the child be hurt by the man]'
49. Yn na-aka-t i-so'oot-o [taso [6wi mi]-ty
Ip decl-aux-nfut 3p-see-nfut [man [child hit]-obl.
'I saw Ithe man who hurt the child/the man hurt the child]'
(Storto 1997)
Having argued for an underlying OVS word-order with obligatory raising of the
embedded verb to Asp, I now conclude this section with a note about the position of
aspectual auxiliaries.
A final point that must be made about the complementary distribution in word
order between subordinate and root clauses is the fact that the base position of aspectual
auxiliaries must be the same in both environments. This is a generalization based on
empirical grounds: the aspectual morphology found in embedded clauses (for instance,
the imperfective tysyp) is also present in root clauses:
50. [I-soko'i y-tat tyvyg-y'oot] a-taka-mew-i
3-tie. up is-go imfve.aux -inceptive 2s-decl-arrive-irr
'When I am going to tie it up, you will arrive'
51. [1-hadna sogng] myr'in ytakatat tsy, y-taka-'a ta' at yn-o
3-speak since only Is-decl-go impfve.aux Is-decl-say dir.evid Is-emph
'Since he spoke with me, I am goind there, I said'
The matrix verb and aspectual auxiliary form a complex head which occupies second
position. In dependent environments, aspectual heads are clause-final. If they are
generated in this final position, then they must have raised and adjoined to the verb when
it is in second position. This suggests that the second structural position to which the verb
raises is not I, because I must be the d-structure position of the auxiliary. The conclusion
I draw from the data in (50)-(51) is that the landing site of the main verb is not I.
2. Spec, CP as a focus position
Focused arguments typically occupy Spec,CP. This A-bar position is the landing
site of all focused arguments in wh-questions, answers to wh-qucstions, clefts and object
focus constructions:
52. Ergative subject in focus position
a. Q: Mora i-'y-j ohy?
wh 3-eat-irr potato
b. A: Taso 0-naka-'y-j ohy
man 3-decl-eat-irr potato
c. A: * O-Naka-'y-j ohy taso
3-decl-eat-fut potaoes man
d. A: * O-Naka'yj taso ohy
3-decl-eat-fut man potaoes
e. A: ??Ohy a-taka-'y-j
potatoes OFC-eat-irr
'Who will eat potatoes?'
'The man iwill eat potatoes'
'Potatoes, the man will eat'
In (52) I show that the subject must be in preverbal position in answers to subject wh-
questions. Verb-initial word orders (cf. (52c) and (52d)) or the declarative version of the
object focus constructuion in (52e) cannot be used as answers in this case.
The declarative object focus construction
in (53) is the ideal answer to an object
wh-question. Note that the non-declarative version of the focus construction in (53f) is
not a possible in this case because answers to wh-questions must be declarative.
53. Object in focus position
a. Q: Mora-mon taso ti-'y-t-?
wh-cop man OFC.part-eat-nfut
b. A: Ohy a-taka-'y-t taso
potato passiv-decl-eat-nfut man
c. A: ?Taso naka-'y-t ohy
man decl-eat-nfut potatoes
d. A: * O-Naka-'y-t ohy taso
3-decl-eat-nfut potatoes man
e. A: * 0-Naka'yt taso ohy
3-decl-eat-nfut man potatoes
f. A. ??Ohy i-ti-'y-t taso
potatoes 3-OFC-eat-nfut man
'What did the man eat?'
'Potatoes, the man ate'
The man ate potatoes'
'Potatoes, the man ate'
Examples (54) and (55) show that focused time expressions and postpositional
phrases must occur preverbally:
54. Time expression in focus position
a. Q: Tikat a-ama-j leite-ty?
when 2s-buy-irr milk-obl
b. A: Dibm y-ta-ama-j
tomorrow Is-decl-buy-irr
milk- obl
40 Object focus constructions are discussed in detail in chapter 5.
'When will you buy milk? '
7 will buy milk tomorrow'
c. A: *eite-ty
d. A: *Y-ta-ama-j
e. A: *Yta-ama-j
f. A: *Dibm
55. Postpositional phrases in focus position
a. Q: Tihoop a-ama-j leite-ty?
where 2s-buy-irr milk- obi
b. A: Lider-pip y-ta-ama-j leite-ty
Lider-at Is-decl-buy--irr milk- obl
c. A: *Leite-ty y-ta-ama-j Lider-pip
milk- obl Is-decl-buy--irr Lider-at
d. A: *Y-ta-ama-j leite-ty Lider-pip
Is-decl-buy--irr milk- obl Lider-at
e. A: *Y-ta-ama-j Lider-pip leite-ty
Is-decl-buy--irr Lider-at milk- obl
f. A: *Lider-pip leite-ty y-ta-ama-j
Lider-at milk- obl Is-decl-buy--irr
'Where will you buy milk?'
'I will buy milk at the Lider'
(Storto 1997)
To finalize this section, I will examine the two examples of multiple wh-questions
that are available in the corpus. Although wh-phrases in-situ are not allowed in Karitiana,
it is possible to use a third person pronoun in situ as a way to prime a pair-list answer.
This indicates that these sentences function as multiple wh-questions, although they do
not employ a wh-phrase in-situ:
56. Oblique wh in Spec,CP, and third person pronoun in situ
Q: Mord-pi-p a-so'oot i-ty-t?
Wh-place-in 2s-see(intr.) 3-obl-?
Where did you see what?' (Where did you see "it" ?)
A: Circo-pip y-ta-so'oot elefante-ty, zoologico-pip y-ta-so'oot girafa-ty
Circus-place-in Is-decl-see(intr.) elephant-obi zoo-place-in Is-decl-see giraffe-obi
At the circus I saw an elephant, at tie zoo I saw a giraffe'
The answer to the moved wh-phrase "where" is in Spec,CP in (56), as expected.
However, a puzzle arises in (57). The way to ask "who killed what" is by moving the
object wh-phrase to Spec,CP and leaving the subject pronoun in situ, although the answer
has the subject in Spec,CP:
57. Object wh in spec, CP and third person pronoun in situ
Q: Mora-mon i ti-oky-t?
Wh-cop 3 OFC-part-kill-nfut
'Who killed what?' (lit.: What did "he" kill?)
A: lonso na-oky-t sojxa, taso na-oky-t 'irip
Woman decl-kill-nfut pig man decl-kill-nfut tapir
'The woman killed the pig and the man killed the tapir'
Until further research is done on this topic, it is impossible to give an account of (57). For
now, the issue must remain open.
3. Adverb adjunction as evidence of verb raising in matrix clauses
Ad ,erbs in Karitiana left-adjoin to maximal projections
. SVO sentences allow
three possible positions for adverb placement: before the subject, between the verb and
the object, or after the object, but crucially not between the subject and the verb, arguably
because they are in a spec-head configuration
Matrix Clauses:
58. Mynda taso na-m-potpora-j
slowly man decl-caus-boil-irr
'The man boiled the water slowly'
41 It is still unclear whether all adverbs have the same distribution in the language. At least the adverb
"slowly" and the time expression "at noon", which in English are restricted to VP and IP respectively, in
Karitiana do not differ with respect to where they are allowed to occur.
42 The same pattern can be found with postpositional phrases:
I a. Y-'it naka-'a-t yn-ty
Is-father decl-say-nfut Is-obl.
Ib. Ynty naka'at yit
Ic. *Y'it ynty naka'at
Id. Naka'at y'it ynty
le. Naka'at ynty y'it
2a. Paje na-kinda oti 'ap
shaman decl-thinghurtcure
2b. Eyepoty nakinda oti 'ap paje
2c. *Paje ejepoty nakinda oti 'ap
2d. Nakinda oti 'ap paje ejepoty
2e. Nakinda oti 'ap ejepoty paje
3a. Luciana naka-hit boete-ty Claudiana
decl-give necklace-obl
3b. Luciana nakahit Claudiana boetety
3c. Boetety nakahit Luciana Claudiana
3d. *Luciana boetety nakahit Claudiana
3e. Nakahit Luciana Claudiana boetety
3f. Nakahit boetety Luciana Claudiana
'My father told us'
The shaman heals with stones'
'Luciana gave the necklace to Claudiana'
59. *Taso mynda na-m-porpora-j
man slowly decl-caus-boil-irr
'The man boiled the water slowly'
60. Taso na-m-potpora-j
man decl-caus-boil-irr
The man boiled the water slowly'
61. Taso na-m-potpora-j
man decl-caus-boil-irr
The man boiled the water slowly'
mynda ese
slowly water
ese mynda
water slowly
(Storto 1997)
Contrast the pattern of adverb adjunction in matrix clauses with that of embedded
clauses below. As seen in section 1 (cf. (32)-(35), repeated here as (62)-(65)), with the
exception of head internal relative clauses, dependent clauses have a single position for
adverb adjunction: clause-initially:
Embedded Clauses:
62. [mynda y-sypy-'et him okej ]
slowly my-uncle meat cut
'..that my uncle cut the meat slowly'
The adverb may not occur in non-initial position:
63. *[ysypy'et mynda him okej ]i
my-uncle slowly meat cut
64. *[ysypy'et him mynda okeJ ]
my-uncle meat slowly cut
65. *[ysypy'et him okej mynda]
my-uncle meat cut slowly
*S Adv OV
*SO Adv V
*SOV Adv
(Storto 1997)
The difference between adverb adjunction in matrix and subordinate
environments can be explained as a result of the fact that verb movement to a second
position takes place exclusively in root clauses. When the verb moves, it raises high
*S Adv VO
SV Adv 0
enough to make three maximal projections available for adverb adjunction. We saw that,
if embedded verbs move at all, they adjoin to the head-final aspectual projection.
Therefore, assuming there is no argument movement inside dependent clauses, an adverb
will always surface clause-initially, independent of whether it adjoins to VP or AspP.
This is illustrated in (66):
VP Asp'
Adverb SO V Asp
In my account (cf. section 1), the embedded verb in (62) adjoins to the awpectual head
position to the right of VP (in this case, a null head) without creating an extra position for
adverb adjunction, since both VP and AspP are head-final.
Going back to the distribution of adverbs in matrix clauses, it is clear that
intransitives show the same pattern discussed above for transitives: adverbs can surface
before the verb in (67), between the verb and the subject in (71), and clause-finally
67. $Omenda 0-nakahyry]-0 Gokyp Adv VS
noon 3-decl-sing-nfut Gokyp
'Gokyp sang at noon'
68. Gokyp 0-naka-hyry]j-0 omenda VS Adv
Gokyp 3-decl-sing-nfut noon
*S Adv V 69. * Gokyp omenda 0-naka-hyryj-0
Gokyp noon 3-decl-sing-nfut
(Storto 1997)
Example (69) confirms what we saw in the transitive examples: that there is a prohibition
against the occurrence of an adverb between the subject and the raised verb.
The word orders in (70) and (71) occur only in a very specific context: as echo
comments to the sentence mynda nakatari taso (Adv VS). Echo comments can be defined
as a speech practice in which the interlocutor repeats what was said by the speaker. In
such contexts, the subject, verb and adverb are topics (old information)
70. ? 0-nakahyr3y-0
71. ? 0-nakahyry--0
Gokyp omenda
Gokyp noon
omenda Gokyp
noon Gokyp
?VS Adv
?V Adv S
(Storto 1997)
The intransitive embedded sentences below confirm what we saw in the transitive
cases: that adverbs are limited to clause-initial position (cf.(72)):
72. $[Mynda yn opiso tykiri] ...
slowly Is hear perfve
'When I hear (something) slowly'
[Adv SV Asp]
Adverbs occurring between the subject and the verb (cf. (73)), between the verb an
aspectual head (cf. (74)), or clause-finally (cf.(75)) are ungrammatical:
43 In fact, we will see in section 4 that, in a sense, adverb-initial is the only real word order when Spec,CP
is not filled by the subject (VS, VSO, VOS).
73. *[Yn mynda opiso tykiri] ... *[S Adv V Asp]
Is slowly hear perfve
74. *[Yn opiso mynda tykiri] ... *[SV Adv Asp]
Is hear slowly perfve
75. *[Yn opiso tykiri mynda] ... *[SV Asp Adv]
is hear perfve slowly
(Storto 1997)
The SVO sentences in (58)-(61) inform us atout clause structure. The conclusions
that can be drawn from the adverb adjunction facts are:
(i) The subject and the verb are in a spec-head configuration.
(ii) There is a maximal projection between the verb and the object.
(iii) Adverbs appearing after the object either left-adjoin to a maximal projection or
right-adjoin to the clause.
With respect to (i) above, we can safely say that the verb occupies the head of the
maximal projection to which the subject moves because no adverb is allowed to intervene
between S and V in SVO clauses. Both SAdvVO and SAdvV are strongly
ungrammatical, as seen in (59) and (69), repeated below as (76)-(77), respectively:
76. *Taso mynda na-m-potpora-j ese *S Adv VO
man slowly decl-caus-boil-irr water
The man boiled the water slowly'
77. * Gokyp omenda 0-naka-hyryj-0 *S Adv V
Gokyp noon 3-decl-sing-nfut
'Gokyp sang at noon'
By now we have enough evidence to conclude that the subject occupies Spec,CP and the
verb occupies C in SVO clauses. The head to which the verb raises is not I, because IP is
head-final, and the landing site of the verb is the nuclear position of a head-initial
projection. We saw in section 2 that the specifier of the maximal projection to which the
verb raises is Spec,CP, and that phrases moved to that position are interpreted as focused:
for instance, objects moving there for focus or wh-movement obligatorily trigger special
focus morphology (ti-) on the verb. Since subjects in SVO sentences also move to a
clause-initial position because they are focused (VOS order being used when the subject
is a topic), it is likely that the highest maximal projection in SVO clauses is CP.
Therefore, I conclude that clause-initial adverbs left-adjoin to the clause in SVO clauses:
Adv CP
Subj C'
We saw that the other position which adverbs may occupy in SVO sentences is beween
the verb and the object (cf.(60)) This lead us to the conclusion in (ii): that there is a
maximal projection between V and 0. The question we must now consider is where the
adverb adjoins in sentences with SVAdvO word order. Assuming that S and V are in
Spec,CP and C respectively, the object could be either in Spec,IP
4 4
or in situ when the
word order is SVAdvO. Therefore, even with our constrained theoretical assumptions,
44 As a strategy to understand the structure of Karitiana, I adopt a conservative theory of clause structure
(Bittner and Hale (199%a, 1996b)), in which the only functional categories available are C and I: this allows
as few positions as possible for movement.
there are two possible positions the object could be occupying in SVO clauses: Spec,IP or
the base VP internal position:
79. Object in Spec,IP
S C'
VP ts
to tv
80. Object internal to VP
S C'
VP ts
0 tv
If the object is in Spec,IP (cf. (79)), the adverb in SVAdvO sentences is adjoined to IP
and that in SVOAdv sentences is adjoined to VP. Conversely, if the object is internal to
VP (cf. (80)), the adverb could be either adjoined to IP or to VP in SVAdvO sentences,
and we would be forced to say that when the word order is SVOAdv the adverb is right
adjoined to the clause. To choose between the two analyses represented in (79) and (80),
it is important to consider whether or not Case licensing in Karitiana forces the object to
raise to Spec,IP, as objects arguably do in some ergative languages. It makes perfect
sense to hypothesize that the absolutive argument (object and intransitive subject) has to
raise for Case reasons in Karitiana, because many ergative languages display that pattern
of movement (the ones called "raising ergative" by Bittner and Hale (1996a, 1996b), and
"syntactically ergative" by Dixon ((1987), (1994)). This is the hypothesis I suggested in
previous work to account for word-order variation in Karitiana (Storto 1997, 1998).
However, we will see in chapter 4, that this hypothesis makes the wrong predictions with
respect to the pattern of eccentric agreement present in object focus constructions, and for
that reason it must be rejected. Another reason to reject this view of Case licensing is its
needless complexity when compared with the alternative view: that arguments are
licensed in situ (as it is the case in "transparent" ergative languages). We will see in
chapter 4 that there is plenty of evidence that Karitiana patterns with transparent ergative
languages. For these reasons, I will assume that (80) is the correct surface structure for
SVO clauses.
The only unpleasant result of assuming the structure in (80) as a representation of
SVO clauses is that it forces us to say that a clause-final adverb is right-adjoined to CP.
Note, however, that if we limit right-adjunction to the clause (CP), our theory gains
explanatory power, because:
(i) CPs do not project in subordinate clauses, which explains why there is no
possibility of right-adjunction in dependent environments.
(ii) CP, being the highest phrase, is the only maximal projection in which one would
expect freedom of adjunction. Cross-linguistically, clause-initial and clause-final
positions have special pragmatic status (Ken Hale, p.c.) Furthermore, some Tupi
languages allow adjunction of "extra" material such as adverbs and PPs to pre or
post-clausal position (cf. Moore (1984)).
(iii) The fact that the language does not distinguish between VP and IP adverbs may
follow from the fact that there is no difference between IP and VP adjunction of
adverbs in the SVAdv O word order.
In fact, the hypothesis that adverbs may right adjoin to matrix CPs can be corroborated by
an example discussed in section 1: the head-external relative clause (42), repeated here as
81. Y-py-so'oot-on yn [sosy ajxa ti-oky]-ty mynda
Is-assert-nfurt Is armadillo 2p OFC-kill-obl slowly
'I gradually saw you (pL) kill the armadillo'
'I gradually saw the armadillo you killed'
(Storto 1997)
Judging by the interpretation of the sentence, the adverb occurring after the relative
clause in this case is crucially outside of that clause and construed with the matrix.
4. Verb-initial word orders and theV-2 effect
In this section I argue that there is a tendency to fill Spec,CP in Karitiana because
adverbs occurring in verb-initial sentences must appear preverbally. Verb-initial word
orders are very common in the language. VOS is by far the most common of the two
orders, and typically occurs in narratives, when the subject tends to be a discourse topic
Subject final word orders also occur in environments in which the subject is
uncontroversially a topic: in echo comments and when the object is syntactically focused
to Spec,CP in answers to object wh-questions. VSO is a common order in intransitive
predicates which take optional oblique objects, but it also occurs occasionally in regular
transitive verbs. When that happens, it is not clear what the difference is between the
VOS and VSO word orders is. It is clear, however, that VOS is the unmarked order of
sentences with unfocused subjects. The optimal status of (81), when compared with (82),
corroborates this claim:
46 The problem with narratives is that they induce pragmatically motivated word orders which are not yet
clearly understood. For instance, they may have verb-initial word orders when the subject is new
information (perhaps because Spec,CP in these cases is filled by the clausal conjunction morasong, which
can be translated as "and then"), or use SVO to indicate "newsworthiness" rather than focus of the subject.
Mithun (1992) points out that, crosslinguistically, "constituents may be newsworthy because they introduce
pertinent new information, present new topics or indicate a constrast" (pg. 58).
81.$ Mynda 0-na-m-potpora-j
slowly 3-decl-caus-boil-irr
'The woman will boil the water slowly'
82. Mynda
83. * O-Na-m-potpora-j j onso ese
3-decl-caus-boil-irr woman water
84. * O-Na-m-potpora-j ese J onso
3-decl-caus-boil-irr water woman
85. * 0-Na-m-potpora-j
ese J onso
water woman
j onso ese
womian water
, slowly
ese mynda J onso
water slowly woman
86. * O-Na-m-potpora-j J onso mynda ese
3-decl-caus-boil-irr woman slowly water
(Storto 1997)
Verb-initial word orders are different from SVO word-orders with respect to adverb
adjunction: adverbs must occur preverbally if the clause is verb-initial. I interpret this fact
as follows: in VSO and VOS sentences, adverbs, when present, have to substitute into
87. Mynda 0-naka-tar-i
slowly 3-decl-go-irr
'The man left slowly'
Adv VS taso
88. *Taso
89. *Taso
90. *Mynda
91. ?0-Naka-tar-i
92. ?O-Naka-tar-i
taso mynda
man slowly
mynda taso
slowly man
46 The order SVAdv is not ruled out by all verbs, a fact I do not understand.
*VSO Adv
*VOS Adv
*VO Adv S
*VS Adv O
*S Adv V
*Adv SV
?VS Adv
?V Adv S
(Storto 1997)
Sentences (91) and (92) are only grammatical as echo comments to the sentence mynda
nakatari taso 'the man will go slowly'. As mentioned before, echo comments are by
definition contexts in which the subject, object, and in these cases the adverb, are old
I assume that adverbs are forced to substitute into the specifier of CP in verb-
initial clauses because there is a principle operatlAg in the language that requires the first
position be filled. This is what I call the verb second (V-2) effect in Karitiana. Verb
second is a generalized phenomenon in Germanic languages
consisting of movement of
the finite verb to the second structural position in the clause (Vikner 1995). Another
characteristic of what has been described as the V-2 phenomenon is the obligatory
presence of a phrase in first position - the specifier of the head to which the verb raises.
The most widely accepted analysis of V-2 assumes that the second position is C (Den
Besten (1977)). This explains the complementary distribution in word order between
matrix and dependent clauses found, for instance, in German, a verb-final language in
which the verb is the second constituent in all root clauses, and the last constituent in
subordinates. The simple version of the argument is that in subordinate clauses the
presence of an overt complementizer prevents verb movement to C. There is no
agreement in the literature, however, as to how verb raising correlates with the filling of
the preverbal position. Some specialists tried to give syntactic explanations for the
phenomenon, suggesting either that the independently motivated movement of a phrase to
Spec,CP triggers verb movement to C, or that the movement of the verb triggers phrasal
47 With the exception of English, where V-2 is residual, occurring in wh-questions and negation.
movement to the specifier of CP. Whatever version of these theories one picks cannot be
used to explain the tendency to fill the specifier of CP in Karitiana, because verb-initial
orders do exist in the language.
Although V-2 in Karitiana shares some features with V-2 in German, the
phenomenon has diferent properties in the two languages. We saw that verbs invariably
raise in Karitiana matrix clauses. However, t',e presence of a phrase in the specifier of CP
is not obligatory in Karitiana as it is in German. We saw that verb-initial word orders,
specially VOS, are very common in narratives, whereas in conversations SVO is far
more common. If it is correct to identify the tendency to fill Spec,CP in Karitiana with
the V-2 phenomenon, one thing is clear: the principle that guides this tendency is far
stronger in German than it is in Karitiana. I would like to explore the possibility that the
presence of a phrase in Spec,CP is a phonological process, which is obligatory in
German, but only a tendency in Karitiana. The reader should bear in mind that what
follows is a highly speculative analysis, since it is still to be determined exactly how this
tendency to fill Spec,CP is to be characterized in Karitiana.
In section 2, I gave evidence that. Spec,CP is a position associated with focus
semantics. The idea is that phrases must move to Spec,CP to be syntactically focused
(wh-movement, focus, etc.). In these cases the relationship between C and its specifier is
clear: a focus feature in C attracts the focused phrase to its specifier. It is not clear,
however, whether the first position always has focus semantics. For instance, it is still to
be discovered whether adverbs or postpositional phrases in Spec,CP must necessarily be
There is yet another type of focus in Karitiana clauses, which I shall call
sentential focus. Sentential focus can be described as the primary stress of a sentence
(default stress). Cinque (1993) hypothesizes that this type of focus falls cross-
linguistically in the most deeply embedded constituent in a sentence. Indeed, this
generalization holds in Karitiana: in transitive verbs, the object is stressed, in
intransitives, the subject, and in ditransitives, the oblique theme.
The Karitiana facts can possibly be explained as a result of the interaction
between two phonological processes
(sentential focus and the "filling" of spec,CP), and
one syntactic process, which involves A-bar movement of a focused constituent to
Spec,CP (for a discussion of object focus constructions, see chapters 5 and 6).
I claim that the process computing sentential focus always applies, whereas the
one which enforces the filling of Spec,CP applies whenever possible, that is, whenever it
does not interfere with the intended interpretation. This ensures that Spec,CPs will be left
empty when the subject is a topic, that is, when there is no syntactic movement of the
subject to first position. If an argument is already focused by syntactic rule, it will appear
in Spec,CP and satisfy the phonological requirement that the position be filled. We must
now explain when the process that fills Spec,CP fails to apply.
This process will force Spec,CP to be filled in matrix clauses only, explaining the
tendency that adverbs (and also postpositional phrases, and embedded clauses) have to
appear in that position. In subordinate clauses this process is not operative, because CP
does not project. This rule is purely phonological, in the sense that phrases in that
position do not have to be interpreted as focused. When the overt subject is not a
discourse topic, SVO clauses are common because the subject syntactically moves to the
specifier of the head bearing a focus feature (Spec,CP) to be interpreted as new
information. Note that this movement does not violate sentential focus, since syntactic
and prosodic focus are clearly separate entities. That is, in environments in which
syntactic focus applies (wh-movement, answer to wh-questions, and focus movement in
general), it always applies, independently of whether the focused argument already has
sentential focus or not. Also, it is likely that, in some cases, movement of the subject in
SVO word order will be a result of the application of the phonological rule that fills
Spec,CP; in those cases, we do not expect the subject to be interpreted as new
information. Indeed, we saw that SVO word order may be used pragmatically to indicate
"newsworthiness", which is a different notion than focus.
There is an interesting difference in word-order between transitive and intransitive
sentences which can be captured by our account: in contexts where SVO sentences are
common, such as conversations, most intransitive sentences are VS. That is, the intrantive
subject raises less to Spec,CP than the transitive subject. I assume this can be explained
by Cinque's algorythm of default focus: intransitive subjects, unlike transitive subjects,
receive sentential focus. Therefore, movement of the intransitive subject is not necessary
when the pragmatic interpretation of "newsworthiness" is the goal of the speaker, which
is not the case with transitive subjects. Only when syntactic focus applies, such as in wh-
questions or answers, do intransitive subjects raise preverbally, whereas transitive
subjects also raise to escape a topic interpretation.
48 Syntax plays only an indirect role here, as syiitauatic objects are mapped into phonological objects.
0. Introduction
The goal of this chapter is to account for the ergative pattern of agreement in
Karitiana. Matrix clauses in the language show ergative agreement according to the
following pattern: (i) in intransitive clauses, the subject agrees with the verb; (ii) in
transitive clauses, the object agrees with the verb
. This pattern surfaces in all matrix
clauses in the language, except in the object focus construction, where the transitive verb
eccentrically agrees with the ergative argument. Since the object focus construction does
not involve intransitivization of the verb, a change in the agreement pattern seems at first
sight rather puzzling. I show that the Case Binding theory developed by Bittner (1994)
and refined in Bittner and Hale (1996a, 1996b) accounts for these facts both
synchronically and diachronically
50 David Landin, an SIL missionary who studied Karitiana before me, was the first person to identify the
language as ergative (Landin 1984). My analysis differs from his in that I analyze as agreement the
proclitics which he described as pronominal. Landin also overlooked the complementary distribution
between matrix and dependent clauses with respect to thle position of the verb, claiming SVO was the basic
word order of the language. He and his wife Rachel Landin wrote a series of working papers published by
SW (Landin, D.1987, 1988, Landin, R. (1982, 1989), Landin, D. and R. Landin (1973)), as well as a small
dictionary (Landin, D. 1983). I refrain from discussing their work in this thesis because of the types of
problems mentioned above. Another person who wrote papers on the syntax of Karitiana is Daniel Everett
(Everett 1986, 1993). Since Everett assumed Landin's description of Karitiana syntax to be correct, his
papers are of very little use to me as well.
51 The account proposed in this chapter was first suggested by Hale and Storto (1997). In that paper,
however, I erroneously analyzed the focus construction as an object topicalization construction (OTC),
because I was under the impression that the position to which the verb raises was lower than C. I did not
understand at the time that object wh-clauses are clefts (cf. chapter 5).
Synchronically, the main descriptive generalization that the theory is able to
capture is that eccentric agreement is a direct result of the presence of object focus
morphology. Specifically, the insertion of a focus marker in these clauses destroys the
covert agreement relationship that the functional head I would otherwise have with the
ergative argument, thus "freeing" that argument to agree with the other functional head
which bears agreement features in the language: C. In this theory, C is the head normally
associated with nominative agreement. In the object focus construction C agrees with the
ergative argument instead, arguably because the agreement features of I are wiped out by
the insertion of the focus morpheme. Direct evidence that eccentric agreement results
from the insertion of focus morphology is absent in Karitiana. However, we will see that
the Mayan language K'ichee' has an agent focus construction with eccentric agreement
whose focus morphology replaces one of the agreement slots on the verb. In K'ichee',
active sentences have two loci for agreement, whereas in the focus construction a single
locus is present.
Since the definition of agreement in the Case Binding theory allows for a given
functional head to agree with different arguments in different '.vntactic configurations, it
is able to account for the switch in agreement pattern triggered by the deactivation of the
relevant features in a functional head.
Diachronically, transitive focus constructions such as the Karitiana object focus
construction can be explained as a result of grammaticalization (in the sense of Meillet
(1912)). The idea is that the focus morphology present in ergative focus constructions
historically originate from a reanalysis of antipassive morphology. The morpheme of
category N which in an antipassive takes the place of the patient, is grammaticalized in a
focus construction as inflectional morphology (of category I). There is strong evidence
for this hypothesis in the Mayan language K'ichee', where an antipassive and a transitive
agent focus construction coexist, marked by homophonous morphology.
I will show that although Karitiana does not have an antipassive, the Tupi
language Mek6ns has both an antipassive and an object focus construction marked by
homophonous morphology, which is cognate with the morphology marking the Karitiana
object focus construction. The Mek6ns facts alone cannot be used as corroboration that
the Karitiana object focus construction originated as an antipassive.
The grammaticalization process probably dates back to Proto-Tupi, because at
least four out of the ten families comprising the Tupi stock, have focus constructions: the
Arik6m family (language: Karitiana), the Tupari family (language: Mek6ns), the
Ramarama family (language: Karo), and the Tupi-Guarani family (many languages
Therefore, Tupi languages are potentially interesting sources of data on this specific kind
of grammaticalization, as well as on theoretical issues related to focus constructions such
as Case, agreement and voice.
Sections 1 and 2 review the data on agreement shown in chapter 3. In section 1 I
present evidence that the Karitiana verb agrees with the absolutive argument. In section
2, I remind the reader that movement of V to C correlates with the presence of
nominative agreement. Section 3 introduces the apparently exceptional agreement pattern
in the non-declarative object focus construction, in which the verb agrees with the
52 Judging by a paper by Doris Payne (1994), in which she identifies inverse constructions with focus
semantics, as well as by Rodrigues' analysis of Tupinamba personal markers (Rodrigues (1990)), it is safe
to say that Tupi-Guarani languages also have focus constructions marked by morphology which is
homophonous with passives and/or antipassives.
ergative argument. The section also demonstrates two important characteristics of the
object focus construction: (i) that the construction is transitive, as opposed to antipassive,
in which agreement with the subject would not be exceptional; (ii) that the verb is in C.
The account of eccentric agreement mentioned above will be presented in detail in
section 4.
1. Ergative-nominative agreement
We saw in chapter 3 that Karitiana has an ergative pattern of agreement: the verb
agrees with the object and with the intransitive subject. This type of agreement is
normally called absolutive in the literature on Case. However, I shall use the term
nominative to refer to absolutive Case and agreement
. In the declarative sentences (1)-
(3) below, transitive verbs agree with their objects, and in (4)-(7) intransitive verbs agree
with their subjects:
1. Yn a-ta-oky-j
Is 2s-decl-kill/hurt-irr 2s
2. An y-ta-oky-t
2s s-decl-killlhurt-nfut
3. Yjxa 0-na-ahee-t
ip. 3-decl-blow-nfut
4. Y-ta-opiso-t yn
Is-decl-listen-nfiwt Is
5. A-ta-opiso-t an
2s-decl-listen-nfut 2s
6. Aj-taka-tar-i ajxa
2p-decl-leave-irr 2p
7. O-Naka-h ryja-t i/taso
3-decl-sing-nfut 3/man
an 'I will hurt you'
'You will hurt me'
'We-incl. blew the fire'
'I listened'
'You listened'
'You-pl will leave'
'He/the man sang'
53 See section 4 for a justification of this choice within Bittner and Hale (1996a, 1996b).
Examples (8) and (9) are transitive and intransitive non-declaratives, respectively,
in which the same agreement pattern holds:
8. An i-oky-0!
you 3-kill-imp.
'Kill it!' (imperative)
9. A-tar-a!
Go away! (imperative)
I assume that this pattern of agreement can be understood as a reflex of the
ergative Case system of the language. Although Karitiana does not mark Case in its
arguments overtly, it is clear from the agreement patterns above that the Case system
differenciates between ergative versus non-ergative arguments. Further evidence for
ergativity in Karitiana is found in wh-movement, where, in nonfuture tenses
s 5 4
, extraction
of objects and intransitive subjects trigger the insertion of the copula verb mon in C,
whereas extraction of ergative or oblique arguments do not:
Object extraction
10. Mora-mon taso ti-pisogng?
'Who did the man stab?
Wh-cop man OFC-part-stab
11. Mora-mon i ti-pisogng?
'Who did he stab?
Wh-cop 3 OFC-part-stab
54 The only tense marker that clearly marks tense in Karitiana is the nonfuture suffix. There is a morpheme
commonly found in clauses translated as future (-i/-j), which I labeled "irrealis" because it also occurs in
nonfuture environments.
Intransitive subject extraction
12. Mora-mon i-hyryp?
Wh-cop part-cry
Transitive subject extraction
13. Mordi i-sokb'i eremby?
Wh 3-tie.up hammock
14. Mor~ y-sok6li?
Wh Is-tie.up
Oblique object extraction
15. Mori-ty aj-andyj?
Wh-obl 2p-smile
'Who cried?'
'Who tied up the hammock?'
'Who tied me up?'
'Who did you laugh at?'
I will show in chapter 4 that the presence of the copula mon is not the only
difference between nominative wh-extraction and other kinds of wh-extraction.
Nominative wh-clauses are cleft constructions
, whereas other wh-clauses are not.
55 This fact explains the use of participials nominalizing the verb in the predicate of the clefts in (10)-(12).
2. Movement of V to C correlates with the presence of nominative agreement
We saw in chapter 3, section 1, that agreement is absent in embedded clauses, in
which the verb fails to raise to C, whereas in matrix clauses the verb raises to C and
displays agreement. The data is repeated below for convenience:
Transitive main clauses with agreement:
16. Taso i-oky-t boroja
man 3-kill-nfut snake
The man killed the snake' (non-decl)
The man killed the snake' (decl)
Transitive main clause without agreement
Examples (16)-(18) show that agreement is obligatory in matrix clauses. By contrast,
dependent clauses are ungrammatical if agreement is present (cf. (19)-(22)):
Transitive embedded clauses without agreement:
19. [Boroja taso oky tykiri] 0-naka-hyryp- 0 6w&
snake man kill perfve 3-decl-cry-nfut. child
'When the man killed the snake, the child cried' (colloquial)
20. [Taso boroja oky tykiri] 0-naka-hyryp- 0 6wd
man snake kill perfve 3-decl-cry-nfut. child
'When the man killed the snake, the child cried' (archaic)
Transitive embedded clauses with agreement:
21. *[Boroja taso i-oky tykiri] 0-naka-hyryp- 0 6wi
snake man 3-kill perfve 3-decl-cry-nfut. child
22. *[Taso boroja i-oky
man snake 3-kill
tykiri] 0-naka-hyryp- 0 O6wA
perfve 3-decl-cry-nfut. child
17. Taso
18. *Taso
(Storto 1997)
The following sentences are ungrammatical because the subordinate clauses are not verb
Transitive embedded clauses with or without agreement:
23. *[(I-)oky taso boroja tykiri] nakahyryn 6wbi
(3-)kill man snake perfve 3-decl-cry-nfut. child
24. *[(I-)oky
25. *[Boroja
boroja taso
snake man
(i-)oky taso
(3-)kill man
tykiri] nakahyryp 6wa
perfve 3-decl-cry-nfut. child
tykiri] 0-naka-hyryp- 0 65w
perfve 3-decl-cry-nfut. child
26. *[Taso (i-)oky boroja tykiri] 0-naka-hyryp- 0 6wi
man (3-)kill snake perfve 3-decl-cry-nfut. child
The agreement patterns exemplified in (16)-(22) for transitive sentences is also true of
Intransitive main clause with agreement
27. Y-ta-opiso-t
is-decl-listen-nfuit Is
Intransitive main clause without agreement
28. *Ta-opiso-t (yn)
decl-listen-nfut Is
Intransitive embedded clause without agreement
29. [Yn opisol a-taka-krai-t an
Is listen 2s-decl-think-nfut 2s
Intransitive embedded clause with agreement
30. *[Y-opis
yn] a-taka-kiid-t an
Is-listen Is 2-decl-think-nfut 2s
'I listened'
(Storto 1997)
'You thought that I listened'
(Storto 1997)
In chapter 3, I assumed that the position to which the verb raises in root clauses is
C for two reasons: (i) both VP and IP are head-final, but the matrix verb appears in a
head-initial projection; (ii) the specifier of the head position in which the verb surfaces in
matrix clauses is the landing site of focus and wh-phrases.
These facts are consistent with the hypothesis that C has Case, person and number
features which appear on verb when it overtly raises to that position. In the remainder of
this chapter I will show that there is empirical corroboration for this hypothesis in the
eccentric agreement pattern of the object focus construction. In these cases, the
agreement surfacing on the verb is ergative, instead of the standard nominative. We will
see that this apparently exceptional pattern can be explained if, in these constructions the
Case, person and number features of C are checked by the transitive subject instead of the
object. The syntactic configuration of the object focus construction allows C to check the
features of the transitive subject for the following reasons: the functional head I, which
normally agrees with the transitive subject, has its features deactivated by the insertion of
focus morphology, and C ends up agreeing with the subject because it is the closest
argument bearing unchecked Case, person and number features.
3. An apparent exception to nominative agreement: the object focus construction
Karitiana has a construction involving A-bar movement of the object to a clause-
initial position in both matrix and subordinate non -declarative
clauses, with an
associated overt morphology. This construction is marked by the presence of the verbal
prefix ti- and occurs in three syntactic environments: (i) when an object is focused, (ii) in
relative clauses headed by an object and (iii) when there is wh-movement of an object. I
assumed that the A-bar position associated with this movement is the specifier of CP in
matrix clauses and the specifier of AspP in subordinate environments (see chapter 3,
sections 1 and 2, for a justification). One interesting question raised by the object focus
construction is the eccentric pattern of agreement found in type (i) syntactic
environments, where the transitive verb agrees with the ergative subject (cf.(31)-(34)),
contrary to what is expected in matrix:
Eccentric agreement
31. Sepa y-ti-m-'a ty-ja-t 'A basket, I am weaving'
basket lps-OFC-caus.-do imperfve.sitting-nfut
32. 'Ep aj-ti-pasagngd-t ajxa 'Trees, you-pl are counting'
trees 2pl-OFC-count-nfut 2pl
56 Non-declarative clauses include exclamatives, negatives, imperatives, interrogatives, quotes, and direct
speech. Declarative clauses are always prefixed by na(ka)-/ta(ka)- and mark a statement that the speaker
believes to be true. The augmentative ka- is used when the verb has initial stress, and it is absent otherwise.
Ta(ka)- is the allomorph used when the declarative verb is prefixed by overt agreement, whereas na(ka)-
prefixes the verb when agreement is null. There is also an idiosyncratic use of ta(ka)- in environments
where na(ka)- would be expected to occur. The idiosyncratic meaning contributed by the declarative
morpeheme in these cases is that of an evidential: the speaker is asserting that he or she has no direct visual
evidence of what he or she is saying. For instance, in a context in which the speaker knows that Joio left
for a hunting trip, when hearing a shot in the distance, the speaker could say:
(1) 0-taka-pon Joio
3-decl-shoot Jodo
'Jodo shot'
33. 'Ep i-ti-pasagng5-t Joio 'Trees, Jodo is counting'
trees 3-OFC-count-nfut Jodo
34. 'Ep i-ti-pasagngi-t i 'Trees, he is counting'
trees 3-OFC-count-nfut 3
The other two syntactic environments in which the construction appears are
discussed in chapter 5. It would be outside of the scope of this chapter to describe them,
because they do not involve agreement. Relative clauses are dependent clauses, which do
not ever display agreement for they lack verb movement to C. Wh-clauses are clefts, in
which the verb is nominalized and as such lacks agreement. Therefore, the reader should
bear in mind that the discussion of eccentric agreement in this section applies exclusively
to type (i) non-declarative object focus constructions.
In order to show that the examples above are indeed cases of eccentric agreement,
one must be certatin that these constructions are transitive. If they were intransitive
sentences with unmarked oblique objects (antipassives), the subject agreement they
display would not be exceptional. Antipassives are common in ergative languages, and
can be characterized as constructions in which a transitive verb is intransitivized by the
addition of nominal morphology, resulting in the loss of the underlying object as a direct
argument of the verb (it appears in an oblique Case, or is entirely supressed). The subject
of antipassives is thus the sole argument of the verb, and has nominative Case
. To
illustrate agreement in an antipassive, I will use an example from K'ichee'. In ((35)-(36)),
there is a distinctive difference in agreement between the active (cf. (35)) and antipassive
(cf. (36)) sentences:
57 A structure for antipassives will be presented below, when I discuss the antipassive and agent focus
construction in the Mayan language K'ichee'.
35. x-at-uu-kunaj at lee achi 'The man cured you'
Asp-2s(O)-3s(S)-cure you.SG the man
36. x-0-kuna-n lee achi ch-aaw-ee 'The man cured you'
Asp-3s-cure-AP the man TO-2s-RN
(Hale & Storto 1997)
In the active sentence (35), the verb is marked by both subject (
rd person) and
object (
"d person) agreement. Ergative subject agreement, as expe;r.ed, occurs closer to
the verb root than nominative object agreement. In the antipassive sentence (36),
conversely, the subject of the sentence is the agent NP lee achi, the patient being the
oblique NP chaawee
s 5
In antipassives, agreement is predictably controlled by the subject
of the intransitive clause. Since verbs which undergo the active-antipassive alternation
must be underlyingly transitive, it is not uncommon to find in the Mayan literature a
confusion between antipassives and trancitive focus constructions with eccentric
agreement (Mondloch (1981), Davies and Sam-Colop (1990), Larsen (1987, 1988), Pye
(1988), Trechsel (1993)). The misidentification happens because both types of clauses are
marked by homophonous morphology and oblique arguments can be dropped in the
Note that the eccentric ergative agreement in the Karitiana object focus
construction (cf. (31)-(34)) could potentially be mistaken for nominative agreement in an
antipassive if Karitia..a were a language in which oblique objects are unmarked
morphologically. However, oblique objects are typically marked by the suffix -ty in the
language, and the object of an object focus construction cannot be dropped, indicating
that the construction is indeed transitive:
58 The K'ichee' antipassive is called "absolutive antipassive" by Larsen (1987).
37. Boet i-ti-m-'a-t
necklace 3-OFC-caus-do-nfut
38. *I-ti-m-'a-t jonso
3-OFC-caus-do-nful woman
'It was the necklace that the woman made'
(Storto 1997)
Another way one can be sure of the transitive status of the OFC is due to the
presence of the obligatory nominative copula mon in the matrix C whenever there is wh-
movement of an object or intransitive subject (cf. (10)-(12)). Non-nominative wh-
phrases, including oblique arguments, pattern alike in that they do not require a copula
(cf. (13)-(15), as well as (39)):
39. Mori-ty
40. Mora-mon
41. Mora-mon
aj-pytagng ty-ja?
2pl-steal imperfve-sitting
taso ti-amang ty-ka?
man OFC.part-plant imperfve-motion
i-hyryp ty-ka?
part-cry imperfve-nmotion
'What are you stealing ?'
'What is the man planting ?'
'Who is crying?'
The oblique object extracted in (39) differs from the extracted direct object in (40) in that
only the latter triggers the appearance of object focus morphology and the copula
construction. This is uncontroversial evidence that a focused wh-object triggering the
object focus construction is not an oblique. I conclude that object focus constructions are
4. Theoretical Background
Before I discuss the formalisms of the Case Binding Theory, I will present a
simplified version of the theory by introducing the four main points of theoretical
interest raised by the object focus construction:
(i) Eccentric agreement seems to be a result of the insertion of focus morphology.
We will see that this fact is not as obvious in Karitiana as it is in K'ichee'.
K'ichee' is an ergative language which has two loci of agreement on the verb in active
sentences, and a single locus in agent focus constructions with eccentric agreement. I take
this as strong evidence that the presence of focus morphology takes the place of one of
the functional heads involved in agreement. As it is the case in ergative languages, active
clauses in K'ichee' have ergative agreement appearing closer to the verb than nominative
agreement. This is evidence that the functional head involved in checking ergative
agreement is lower in the structure than the head responsible for checking nominative
agreement. I adopt from Bittner and Hale the assumption that the two functional heads
involved in licensing Case and checking agreement in ergative languages are I and C. I,
being lower than C, is the head responsible for ergative Case, and C is responsible for
nominative Case. These Case reiations are normally reflected in agreement relations. For
instance, in Karitiana the agreeing head is C, and the argument it normally agrees with is
the one bearing nominative Case (object or intransitive subject). However, in focus
constructions in K'ichee' and Karitiana agreement does not reflect Case relations. The
only relation that changes with the insertion of focus morphology is agreement. In
K'ichee' it is impossible to know which head looses its capacity to agree, because the
focus morphology is a suffix, and agreement markers are prefixes. In Karitiana, however,
we know that C is still active after focus morphology is inserted, because those
constructions have agreement, and C is the only functional head which agrees overtly in
the language. This indicates that the locus of the focus morpheme is I in the Karitiana
focus constructions (OFC) with eccentric agreement:
42. Object focus construction (s-structure)
Ob C'
I C I'
V I VP t,
ti- A
to t
In a theory in which syntactic objects are formed by the operation merge, all that has to
be said to explain agreement patterns in Karitiana transitive clauses is "agree with the
closest argument which hasn't been agreed with yet". This explains why I agrees with the
transitive subject and C agrees with the object in active sentences, as well as why C
agrees with the subject when I is unable to agree. The problem with this simplified
version of the theory is that it makes the wrong prediction with respect to intransitive
subjects: that the head involved in agreement is I. We will see that this is why we need
the notion of "Case-competitor" (cf. (44)) utilized by the Case Binding theory - to make
sure that intransitive subjects will get the same Case as objects because they lack a Case
To explain eccentric agreement in the focus constructions in K'ichee' and
Karitiana, Hale and Storto (1997) analyze the prefix ti- as an inflectional head (of
category I), which substitutes or saturates the agreement features that normally motivate
ergative agreement in I. In this way, the morphology introduced in inverse sentences
frees the ergative argument from the agreeing relation that it has with I, enabling this
argument to agree with the other functional head which has agreement features: C.
(ii) Cross-linguistically, the phenomenon of "agreement blocking" by focus
morphology is not related to A-bar movement of a particular argument. That is,
the phenomenon is not linked to movement of an aagument bearing a specific
grammatical relation.
Once again, the comparison of the focus constructions in Karitiana and K'ichee'
is useful. In Karitiana, the focus construction arises when an object is A-bar moved to a
clause-initial position for focus, wh-movement or relativization. In K'ichee', it is not the
object, but the transitive subject that is focused.
(iii) Agreement may be non-overt, but nonetheless it is true agreement.
Although Karitiana has a single slot for agreement on the verb, we must say that
the language nonetheless has two loci of agreement (one covert and one overt) to explain
why, when the focus morphology is inserted, agreement relations are altered. My account
of this phenomenon is as folllows: when the object is focused, I becomes inactive for
agreement purposes because the focus morphology takes the place of agreement in I.
Since in this configuration (cf. (42)) a head must agree with "the closest argument which
hasn't been agreed with", the argument which ends up agreeing with C is the transitive
subject, which is the closest argument governed by C (the subject is positioned above the
trace of the object at s-structure, where agreement holds). This pressuposes that there is
covert agreement between I and the ergative subject in matrix clauses - otherwise C
would always agree with the transitive subject.. It is only when that agreement relation is
interrupted by blocking morphology that eccentric agreement shows up.
(iv) Case relations in the object focus construction are the same as in active clauses,
but these two clause types differ with respect to agreement.
This suggests that there is no necessary link between agreement and Case. In the
object focus construction, C still licenses nominative Case in the object, although it
agrees with the ergative subject, and I, having lost its agreeing powers, still licenses
ergative Case in the subject. Furthermore, there is no one-to-one relationship between a
functional head and a given argument with respect to agreement. That is, a functional
head may have an agreement relationship with one argument in a given structure and with
a different argument in another structure. For instance, C agrees with the nominative
object in active sentences, and with the ergative subject in object focus constructions. In
fact, we will see that, if certain conditions hold, a given functional head may agree with
either argument in the same structure. In K'ichee', where a person hierarchy is operative
(1,2>3), the sole locus of agreement in focus constructions may show subject or object
features, depending on the hierarchy. For instance, a third person argument will not agree
with the verb in the focus construction if the other argument bears first or second
Having introduced the topics of theoretical interest raised by focus constructions
with eccentric agreement, I will now present a formal account of the phenomenon. The
Case Binding theory of Bittner (1994), adopted and further developed in Bittner and Hale
(1996a, 1996b), explains why agreement is eccentric in the object focus construction. The
definitions of Case and agreement in this theory are determined configurationally at s-
structure in such a way that it is possible for an inverse and an active sentence license
Case in exactly the same way, and have opposite agreement patterns. The formalization
of these notions is represented in (43)-(47) and explained in the subsequent paragraphs
59 The hierarchy is slightly more complicated than that: second person formal behaves like third person.
60 This is a simplified version of the theory. For the complete, and more formalized account, consult Bittner
and Hale (1996a, 1996b).
43. Case: (a) Case Filter: A DP must be governed by a Case-like head (that is, C or K).
(b) Case-binding: Structural K (Case, and the phrasal projection KP, which it heads) must
be antecedent governed by an appropriate head.
44. Appropriate Case-binding antecedent: H is an appropriate antecedent for A iff all of the following
conditions are met:
(a) H either projects or governs a "small clause" containing A.
(b) H locally c-comands A.
(c) H governs a Case-Competitor of A.
45. Small Clause: A phrase to which a distinguished adjunct is attached (this is the structural relationship
of predication, where the adjunct is the subject of the phrase).
46. Distinguished adjunct: The adjunct of a maximal projection which is in a predication relation to that
phrase, functioning as its "subject".
47. Agreement: Agreement is a relation between an argument A and a head which governs A.
In this theory, the marked structural Cases
6 1
are ergative, accusative and oblique. DPs
with such Cases project KPs, that is, phrases headed by K (Case). K is the node filled by
Case morphology at s-structure. The difference between marked structural Case and
inherent Case is that the latter are underlyingly filled Ks, filled by the oblique markers,
whereas the former are are underlyingly empty Ks
. Being underlyingly empty, marked
structural Ks are subject to the Empty Category Principle (ECP) and must be Case-bound
by an appropriate antecedent according to (44), repeated below as (48):
48. Appropriate Case-binding antecedent: H is an appropriate antecedent for A iff all of the following
conditions are met:
(a) H either projects or governs a "small clause" containing A.
(b) H locally c-comands A.
(c) H governs a Case-Competitor of A.
61 The term "marked structural Case" means "non-default structural Cases. The default structural Case is
nominative, both for ergative and accusative languages.
62 This explains why languages may not realize unmarked structural Cases overtly, whereas they never fail
to realize inherent Case overtly.
The governing head has to be in a local government relationship with the KP: it must
c-command the KP, and either project or govern a maximal projection containing that KP
(cf. Williams (1980) for the notion of "distinguished adjunct"):
49. Small Clause: A phrase to which a distinguished adjunct is attached (this is the structural relationship
of predication, where the adjunct is the subject of the phrase).
50. Distinguished adjunct: The adjunct of a maximal projection which is in a predication relation to that
phrase, functioning as its subject .
The final condition that must hold is that the governing head has to also govern a
of the KP. Case competitors can be either nominal heads adjoined to
the verb (Determiners or Nouns) or "bare" DPs, that is, DPs which do not extend into
KPs. The theory accounts for why nominative is unmarked universally: the only
structural Case that bare DPs may have is the default nominative, and this follows from
their status as Case Competitors. The Case Binding theory dictates that the only heads
responsible for Case are K and C:
51. Case: (a) Case Filter: A DP must be governed by a Case-like head (that is, C or K).
The reason for this apparent stipulation is the similarity in behavior (cross-linguistically)
between Case and complementizer morphology: In languages such as Japanese, for
instance, Case and complementizers can both be dropped when adjacent to the phrases
they govern at s-structure, but not otherwise (when the phrase is scrambled, for instance).
Therefore, all nominative arguments are bare DPs which get the default nominative
Case when they are governed by the one grammatical category other than K which
functions as a Case-like head, that is C. In the Case-Binding theory, C is the functional
head responsible for licensing nominative Case in both ergative and accusative
languages. Languages in which nominative Case is not licensed in-situ have A-movement
to Spec,IP for Case reasons: to get into a government relation with C, the Case-like head.
With respect to agreement, an argument normally agrees with the head which is its Case
licenser. Hovewer, this Case relationship between a DP and its Case-governor does not
always translate in an agreement relationship. We will see below that a prediction made
by this theory is instanciated in Karitiana, where a DP, in certain syntactic configurations,
may agree with a head which is not its Case licenser.
The trees in (52)-(53)represent the deep and surface structures of the object focus
construction, which arises when an object is raised to focus position in the specifier of CP
in a non-declarative root clause (cf.(31)-(34)).
52. Object focus construction (d-structure)
Ob V
63 Bittner and Hale were inspired here by Marantz (1994)'s notion of dependent Case. This idea was
articulated much earlier, in an unpublished paper by Diane Massam and Juliette Levin (Ken Hale, pc).
53. Object focus construction (s-structure)
Ob C'
V I VP t,
t, t,
First let us determine which of the two arguments present in (53) are Case-bound (cf.
(43)) by an appropriate head (cf. (44)). Starting with the object: the lower head V does
not meet condition (44c). It does not govern (m-command, without the interference of a
barrier) a Case-competitor for the object because it does not m-command the subject,
since the lower VP includes V but crucially excludes the subject.
Now let us check whether I Case-binds the object: it does not locally c-conmmand
the object, but the subject. I also governs a Case-competitor for the subject, that is, the
object. The subject, then is Case-licensed in its relationship with I. In the Case-binding
theory, this is an indication that the subject is inside a KP, that is, a phrase projected by
the head K, in this configuration ergative Case (universally). The Case-competitor, that
is, the object, is by definition a bare DP, which does not occur inside a KP. To be
licensed, therefore, this bare DP object must be c-commanded and governed by C, which
in this structure it is, since V-I-C movement eliminates all the barriers for government of
C into the object position
To explain eccentric agreement in the object focus construction, Hale and Storto
(1997) analyze the prefix ti- as an inflectional head (of category I), which substitutes the
agreement features that normally motivate agreement in I. In this way, the morphology
introduced in inverse sentences frees the ergative argument from the agreeing relation
that it has with I, enabling this argument to agree with the other functional head which
has agreement features: C. Since in object focus constructions I is inactive for agreement
purposes, and the subject is positioned above the trace of the object at s-structure (where
agreement holds), the first argument which agrees with C has to be the subject, which is
the closest argument governed by C.
There is strong cross-linguistic evidence for this analysis. As we will below, the
phenomenon of marking A-bar movement with inflectional morphology is not
uncommon: there are constructions strikingly similar to the object focus construction in
K'ichee'. In K'ichee' it is the subject that undergoes focus (A-bar) movement.
Furthermore, it is exactly in these inverse focus constructions that eccentric agreement is
found in K'ichee' as well.
64 V to I to C movement is not limited to the focus inverse, but required in all matrix clauses.
Hale and Storto (1997) show that K'ichee' Maya has a phenomenon very similar
to the Karitiana object focus construction. The morphology used to mark the antipassive
(AP) in K'ichee is homophonous with the morphology used to mark the transitive agent
focus (AF) construction:
K'ichee' antipassive
54. x-0-kuna-n lee achi ch-aaw-ee 'The man cured you'
Asp-3s-cure-AP the man TO-2s-RN
K'ichee' agent focus constructions
55. Laa aree lee achi x-at-kuna-n (at) 'Was it the man who cured you?'
Q FOC the man Asp-2s-cure-AF (2s)
56. Laa at x-at-kuna-n lee achi 'Was it you who cured the man ?'
Q 2s ASP-2s-cure-AF the man
(Hale & Storto 1997)
The environments in which the K'ichee agent focus construction occurs are exactly
parallel to the ones triggering the Karitiana object focus construction: (i) relative clauses;
(ii) wh-questions; (iii) focus constructions. The major differences between the two are: (i)
in K'ichee' the argument that is focused is the transitive subject, and in Karitiana it is the
object; (ii) agreement in the K'ichee' focus construction may be either with the ergative
subject or with the nominative object, depending on a hierarchy (1,2 > 3), whereas in
Karitiana, all matrix object focus clauses invariably show ergative subject agreement.
Although subject and object are not equidistant from the single locus of agreement in the
K'ichee' focus construction (which is C, as in Karitiana), the putative elimination of the
agreement features of the functional head I effected by the insertion of the focus
morphology enables C to agree with either one of the two arguments, depending on the
hierarchy. Whenever an oven agreement marker (1, 2colloquial, 3pl) competes with a
covert agreement marker (3s, 2formal), the overt morpheme is the one that will appear on
the verb. The agent focus construction is blocked when both the subject and object
require overt agreement (that is, when they are ranked equally in the hierarchy), because
there is only one available functional head available for agreement in the construction.
(57) is an agent focus construction in which the object is first person and the subject is
third person. In this case, agreement is with the object, because first person is ranked
higher than third person:
K'ichee' agent focus construction
57. Aree lee achi x-in-kuna-n (in) 'It was the man who cured me'
FOC the man ASP-ls-cure-AF (Is)
In (58) the grammatical roles are reversed with respect to (57): the subject is first person
and the object is third person. Still, the first person agrees with the verb, as it does in (57),
because of its undominated ranking in the hierarchy:
K'ichee' agent focus construction
58. In x-in-kuna-n lee achi 'It was I who cured the man'
Is ASP-Is-cure-A F the man
Examples (59)-(60) are ungrammatical, because when two highly ranked agreement
markers (first and second person) must be expressed, the sentence cannot be expressed in
the agent focus construction, which has a single slot of agreement:
59. *In x-in-kuna-n at
Is Asp-ls-cure-AF 2s
60. *In x-at-kuna-n at
Is Asp-2s-cure-AF 2s
(Hale & Storto 1997)
Note that K'ichee' is a better example than Karitiana in support of the hypothesis
that inverse focus constructions show eccentric agreement as a result of the neutralization
of agreement features in I: although both active and agent focus sentences are transitive,
the former have two loci of agreement, whereas the latter have just one. Hale and Storto
(1997) suggest that the explanation for this pattern has to do with the insertion of focus
morphology, since A-bar movement by itself is unlikely to be the reason for this type of
change in agreement patterns. Let us now consider the structure of antipassives to
differentiate them formally from inverse
constructions such as the agent focus
In antipassives, agreement is nominative because the verb is intransitive. Bittner
and Hale point out that antipassives are common in ergative languages, and also occur
but are rarer in three-way-languages
66 .
Nominative-accustive languages have not been
observed to have antipassives. In the Case-Binding theory antipassives have a nominal
head (the antipassive morpheme) incorporated on the verb at d-structure (Baker (1988),
Bittner (1994)), which qualifies as a pseudo co-argument of the object. This structural
relationship in the Case-Binding theory is responsible for the marked structural oblique
The verb Case-binds the object but the absence of any functional head adjoined to
the verb makes it impossible for the object to get a direct Case (if D were adjoined to V,
instead of N, the theory would predict that the verb would assign accusative Case to the
65 I consider the focus constructions we are dealing with in Karitiana and K'ichee' to be inverse
constructions. My definition of inverse voice is a transitive configuration which morphologically marks an
inversion of the unmarked word order arising as a result of a specific type of A-bar movement (either
subject or object). The morphology associated with inverse voices may be overt or covert.
66 Three-way languages are languages in which the intransitive subject is nominative, the transitive subject
is ergative, and the object is accusative. An example is Nez Perce.
The subject cannot itself project a KP, because only a bare DP can serve as a
Case-competitor for an argument, and the object is not able to play that role: it is in a
configuration in which it has marked structural Case (that is, projects a KP). Agreement
in the antipassive is nominative for the same reasons. The failure of I to Case-bind the
subject, also eliminates that head's ability to agree with that argument because it is no
longer a governor with respect to the argument. Abstracting away from verb movement,
the antipassive structure in K'ichee' is
61. K'ichee' Antipassive (d-structure)
V Ob
67 Oblique Case is realized in distinct forms cross-linguistically. Each language has its own conventions on
how to morphologically mark obliques.
68 Based on work by Nora England (England 1989) and Judith Aissenl (Aissen 1996), as well as Nik'te' and
Saqijix (1993), Hale and Storto (1997) assume the basic word order of K'ichee' is VOS.
62. K'ichee' Agent Focus Construction (AFC)
-(a)n A
V Ob
We will see in chapter 5 that Karitiana also has a pair of intransitive (passive) and
transitive constructions marked by homophonous morphology. The parallels between
these constructions and the non-declarative object focus construction indicate that
Karitiana, at one point in its history, started making use of passive/antipassive
morphology to create A-bar possibilities that were not available at an earlier stage in the
language's development.
Having analyzed K'ichee' and Karitiana Case and agreement configurations in a
similar fashion, I will now show that there are theory internal reasons to discard the
hypothesis that Karitiana is an ergative language in which nominative arguments have to
raise to get Case ("raising ergative language"). It is important to note that the case
Binding theory can only account for the object focus construction facts if the sentential
structure of Karitiana is able to Case-license the subject above the object. If Karitiana
were a language in which the subject is Case-licensed below the object, as in "raising
ergative" languages, where the object is forced to raise to Spec,IP to check Case features,
the theory would predict the incorrect result, that is, that object agreement would surface
in the object focus constructions, since in that configuration the object would be the
closest argument governed by C at s-structure, where agreement holds:
63. Raising ergative clause structure (s-structure)
Ob I'
to V
Bittner (1994), and Bittner and Hale (1996) predict that in languages in which the verb
raises to C (covertly or overtly), there is no motivation for the object to raise, since V-1-C
movement renders the clause transparent, and in such a configuration the object can be
governed by C without the intervention of barriers.
The reasons for assuming that this hypothesis is correct in Karitiana are: (i) there
would be no alternative explanation for eccentric agreement in the OFC construction if
the object checked Case in a position higher than the subject because the argument
closest to C would be the trace of the object; (ii) it is independently known that there is
verb raising to C in non-wh matrix clauses, which is the defining characteristic of
"transparent ergative" languages; (iii) there is no evidence for syntactic ergativity in the
language, because topic chaining and relativization have accustive pivots:
64. Taso na-sombak jonso, a-mbyyk naka-tat
Man decl-see (tr) woman and-then decl-go
'The mani saw the woman arnd lefti'
65. [Jonso-ty 6w, so'ooto]-p na-aka-t i-mbik
Woman-obl child see (intr)-? decl-cop-nfut 3-sit
The womani who the child saw sat
The s-structure I propose for active matrix clauses in Karitiana is represented in (66),
where both the subject and the object are licensed in situ:
66. Transparent ergative clause structure (s-structure)
I C I'
VP t,
Ob t,
Going back to the diachronic relationship between antipassives and focus
constructions, we will see that Tupi languages show grammaticalization of some nominal
heads as functional heads, because object focus morphology is homophonous with voice
morphology in other Tupian languages as well. This section is a first attempt to discuss
two of those languages with respect to voice alternations. I will start with Mek6ns, which
is one of the four languages of the Tupari subfamily
. Mek6ns has both a transitive and
an intransitive construction marked by the same verb prefix i-, which is very likely to be
a cognate with ti-, the non-declarative object focus construction prefix in Karitiana. The
Mek6ns data I will discuss was provided by Ana Vilacy Galucio
Galucio identified two special constructions in Mek6ns, one transitive and one
intransitive, both of which are marked by a verb prefix i-. Although she describes this
prefix as a third person marker, it seems clear to me, in face of the similarities between
the transitive construction in Mek6ns and the non-declarative object focus construction in
Karitiana, that it is in fact a voice marker. The function of the i- transitive construction in
Mek6ns is to focus an object. Some of the environments in which the Mek6ns object
focus construction occurs are: cleft sentences, object wh-questions, answers to such
questions, and object relatives (Galicio, 1996, 1997)71':
67. arobap tete e-i-nfi 'What did you kill?'
what foc 2s-OFC-kill
68. isii eb5ep te o-i-mi te i-n5 'It is really a deer that I killed, said the other'
deer really foc Is-OFC-killfoc 3s-other
69. Tt te o-i-so-p ikAi5 'It was you that I saw that time'
you foc Is-OFC-see-? that (time)
Note that (69) clearly shows that i- cannot be a third person agreement marker, since
that does not reflect the meaning of the subject or object of the sentence. This evidence
corroborates the OFC hypothesis.
69 Mek6ns has been wrongly classified as a Mond6 language in the Ethnologue (1984), as well as in
Rodrigues (1986).
70 Vilacy Galucio is currently writing a morphosyntactic description of Mek6ns, to be submitted as her
Ph.D. dissertation at the University of Chicago.
Although Galhicio analyzes the Mek6ns OFC prefix as a third person singular marker,
she is aware this invariable third person does not agree with any of the arguments in the
transitive construction.
Furthermore, she points out that the constructions which take the invariable third
person prefix seem to be transitive because the morphology marking agreement in such
sentences is used exclusively in transitive verbs
7 2
. Note, however, that the object focus
construction in Mek6ns, as the object focus construction in Karitiana, agrees with the
ergative argument. For instance, in (71), the transitive verb mi shows no agreement
prefix, as expected, given that the third person subject Manoel agrees with the verb, and
third person agreement with a NP in a transitive sentence is zero. If (71) were an
antipassive, that is, an intransitive, the form of the third person agreement would be se-:
70. kiypit ko pa bt -i-at '1 will eat the fish that I got (fished)'
fish eat fur I Is-OFC-get
71. isii ko pa 6t Manoel [i-mi 'I will eat the deer that manoel killed'
deer eat fut I Manoel OFC-kill
It is reasonable to analyze the Mek6ns focus construction exactly as the focus
construction in Karitiana: as a transitive inverse focus construction which is formed
whenever an object is extracted to the specifier of CP. I proceed now to discuss the
intransitive i- construction in Mek6ns.
71 I gloss the i- prefix OFC, whereas Galticio (1997) glosses it 'third person singular'.
72 Like Karitiana, agreement prefixes have an ergative distribution in Mek6ns: they agree with the
absolutive argument. However, unlike Karitiana, Mek6ns prefixes used fcr third person singular forms vary
in the transitive and intransitive sentences: third person singular (but not plural) transitive verbs receive
zero agreement morphology if the object is a NP, and the prefix i- if it is pronominal, whereas third person
singular intransitive verbs are invariably prefixed by the prefix se-. The latter is otherwise used as a subject
oriented anaphor (Galucio 1997).
Unlike the object focus construction, the construction in question is intransitive, as it
is obvious from the presence of oblique objects in (72)-(74)
72. poret i-ar-at pe-ira 'Then she got some fire ants'
then ?-ger-tns/asp obl.-fire.ants
73. i-so-at 6t amiko-yat-pe 'I saw the jaguars'
?-see-tns/asp I jaguar-pl-obl
74. ,rem sete i-so-a pase pe-6n 'Then she looked at me, at everyone'
then 3sg. ?-see-past all obl-1
We saw that there is typological evidence that inverse constructions were historically
derived from antipassives in K'ichee' Maya. In face of this precedent, it. would be
reasonable to hypothesize that the prefix i- in (72)-(74) marks the antipassive (AP) voice.
However, it is not clear whether they are instantiations of an antipassive. If that were the
case, we would predict the presence of subject verb agreement, which is unattested. In
fact, verbs in this construction never have agreement markers. I suspect that the right way
to look at this morphology is as a noun (N) which is incorporated into the verb, giving
rise to an impersonal antipassive construction. Some evidence of incorporation is
available: between the tense/aspect suffix and the verb root, plurality of the oblique
argument can be marked on the verb by a labialization, as in (76):
75. kipkiba 0-serek-at Ot 'I cut down the tree' (active)
tree 3-cut-tns/asp I
76. i-serek-"-at Ot kipkiba-pe 'I cut down the trees' (antipassive)
cut-pl.obj-tms/asp I tree-obl.
The lack of agreement, and the plural morphology refering to the underlying
object on the verb could be taken as evidence that the oblique argument is indeed
incorporated. I suspect that the lack of agreement can also be related to the tense and
aspectual morphology required in the construction, which is crucially absent from the
transitive i-construction in (67)-(69). This issue must remain inconclusive until a more
complete description of Mek6ns is available.
I conclude that the Karitiana and the Mek6ns object focus constructions and the
antipassive i-construction in Mektns have probably historically derived from the same
source: an antipassive.
, a Tupian language of the Ramarama family, has a construction (occurring
with transitive and intransitive verbs) marked by a cognate of the i- prefix present in
Mekdns. This prefixation occurs obligatorily in Karo in some environments (it is not clear
which ones) when an object or an intransitive subject is extracted (Gabas Jr, 1994). So
little is known about the meaning of this construction, however, that it is not even
possible to determine whether the landing site of the extracted phrase is associated with
focus or topic semantics. Although Gabas Jr. says that the function of i- is that of
marking extraction of an emphatic subject in intransitive finite clauses, he doesn't specify
how this emphasis is to be characterized. Furthermore, it is not clear whether we are
dealing with one or two constructions. For those reasons, I will gloss the prefix i- as the
74 This language is also known as Arara, which is the word for 'macaw' in Portuguese. It is not to be
confused with the Karib language called Arara (spoken in the state of Pard), or with the isolated language
Koaiti (spoken in the state of Rond6nia), also known as Arara.
marker of an extraction construction (EC)
7 5
which fronts the extracted argument to a
clause initial position:
77. na?to ike bn i-top-0
tapir neg I EC-see-asp
78. in ike i-ket-0
I neg EC-sleep-asp
79. 6n i-kap-0 o-ker-a
I EC-aux-asp I s-sleep-ger
80. 6n i-kap-0 na?to Wi-a
I EC-aux-asp tapir kill-ger
81. toto i-bet6-0 o-kay
God EC-tell-asp Is-involve
'It was not the tapir that I saw'
'IT wasn't me who slept'
'It is me who will slept'
'It is me who will kill the tapir'
'It was God who told me'
In Karo, as in Mek6ns, the presence of aspect in i-constructions correlates with a lack
of agreement on the verb. In i-constructions with future tenses in Karo, an auxiliary is
required, as in the Karitiana object focus constructions. In Karo, the infinitival main verb
receives nominative agreement in such configurations, whereas the auxiliary, which gets
the voice and aspectual morphology, shows no agreement whatsoever. This reminds us of
the Mek6ns intransitives just discussed. This picture is consistent with an analysis of the
i-constructions in both languages as voice constructions.
75 The verb suffix -a, glossed as 'gerund', is one of the non-finite verb forms. The verbs suffixed by
aspect markers are finite (Gabas Jr. 1994).
0. Introduction
This chapter aims primarily to examine the non-declarative ob;ect focus
construction in the two environments in which it surfaces without agreem. it: relative
clauses and wh-questions. The lack of agreement in relative clauses is expected, since
dependent clauses do not exhibit agreement in the language (cf. chapters 3 and 4). The
interest of these object relatives is the presence of focus morphology on the verb,
confirming the hypothesis raised in chapter 3 that the only functional head projecting in
embedded clauses (Asp) is a tenseless version of I. The wh version of the object focus
construction is tenseless because the verb is nominalized in these cases. We will see that
wh-movement of the argument bearing nominative Case (object and intransitive subject
wh-questions) are clefts which take a nominalized predicate. We will see that the
discussion about nominative wh-questions is useful to us because it indicates that the
functional head C is indeed associated with nominative Case.
A second goal of the chapter is to describe the other focus construction present in
the language: the declarative object focus construction. This construction is marked by a
morpheme which is homophonous with impersonal passive morphology. I hypothesize
that the impersonal passive morphology is a pronoun with an unspecified [person]
feature, which serves as an external argument to a VP which already has an internal
argument (transitive, unaccusadive). I argue that this pronoun, of category D, was
grammaticalized historically as a Complementizer (C) in the declarative object focus
construction (henceforth declarative object focus construction). This explains why there
is no variable agreement morphology in this construction, where the focus marker takes
the slot of agreement morphology on the verb, adding the unspecified [person] feature to
the derivation. We will see that some restrictions on the construction follow directly from
the presence of the unspecified [person] feature in C: that first or second person objects
cannot appear in the object focus construction. The theoretical interes, of the declarative
object focus construction is that it provides confirmation to the analysis of eccentric
agreement presented in chapter 4.
1. The non-declarative object focus construction in relative clauses
We saw in chapter 4 that Karitiana has a construction involving A-bar movement
of the object to Spec,CP in both matrix and subordinate non-declarative clauses, which I
called the object focus construction. Whenever there is A-bar movement of an object to
the specifier of the highest maximal projection in a clause, the insertion of OFC
morphology is obligatory.
i. Object Focus Construction: (non-declarative)
If the object of a transitive clause is focused, then OFC-formation (the insertion of ti-) is obligatory.
This construction is marked by the verbal prefix ti- and occurs in three syntactic
environments: (i) when an object is focused, (ii) in relative clauses headed by an object
and (iii) in object wh-movement. Type (i) object focus constructions were discussed in
chapter 4. Types (ii) and (iii) will be discussed in sections 1.1. and 1.2., respectively.
1.1. Object relativization
Type (ii) object focus constructions involve no agreement, as shown in (0)-(4),
because agreement is limited to matrix clauses in the language:
Embedded object focus construction without agreement
2. Y-py-so'oot-on yn [eremby yjxa ti-sokS6i]-t 'I saw the hammock that we tied up'
Is-assen-see-nfui Is hammock Ip OFC-tie. up-obl
3. Y-py-so'oot-on yn [eremby Joio ti-sok"i]-t 'I saw the hammock that Jodo tied up'
Is-assert-see-nfut Is hammock Jodo OFC-tie.up-obl
Embedded object focus construction with agreement
4. * Y-py-so'oot-on yn [eremby Joio i-ti-sok'i]-t 'I saw the hammock that Jodo tied up'
Is-assert-see-nfut Is hammock Jodo 3-OFC-tie.up-obl
In chapter 3 1 offered evidence that at most one functional head is present in
subordinate environments, and that this head is not C, but an aspectual head (Asp). I
argued that subordinate verbs move to a (overt or covert) functional head at the right edge
of the sentence, but never to C, the head-initial position where overt agreement is
available in matrix clauses. The object relative focus constructions in (0)-(3), as expected,
are verb-final and have no agreement. They provide further evidence for the hypothesis
that focus morphology occupies the nucleus of the head-final functional projection Asp
(the tenseless version of I), and not C.
Recall from chapter 3 that there are two types of relatives in Karitiana: head
internal and head extrernal. Although they differ with respect to the overt versus covert
nature of the relativized argument, in both cases they are marked by the object focus
morphology ti- when that argument is an object. Head internal relative clauses such as (0)
and (3) are formed by overt movement of the head of the relative - in this case, eremby -
to the specifier of the highest projection inside the relative clause (Spec, AspP):
5. Head Internal Relative Clause
Asp P
eremby (0) Asp'
VP Asp
VP Joio(S) ti-sok'i (V)
Jodo tie. up (OFC)
For the sake of completeness, let us examine what happens in head external
relative clauses. In (0)-(3), we saw that objects can be overtly extracted to a specifier
position inside the Head Internal Relative Clause which I called Spec,AspP. Similarly, in
head external relative clauses an operator coindexed with the external head of the clause
can be extracted to that same position:
6. Y-pyr-ohit-in
yn 'ip-ity [OP an
is fish-obl OP 2s
OFC. -eat-obl
'I caught the fish for you to eat'
7. Head External Relative Clause
As P
empty operator Asp'
VP Asp
VP an (S) ti-'y (V)
you (sg) eat (OFC)
In both head internal and head external object relatives, object focus morphology
emerges on the verb, according to (1). These instanciations of the object focus
construction behave as predicted: they are verb-final, and lack agreement morphology.
We turn now to object wh-clauses, which are specially interest in that they pattern like
intransitive subject wh-clauses and unlike other types of wh-clauses.
1.2. Object wh-movement
Let us now look at instantiations of type (iii) object focus constructions, triggered
by object wh-movement. One of the peculiarities of this type of wh-movement, is that it
forces a cleft configuration to arise
. Note that the answer to a nominative wh-question
may be clefted
8. Q: Mora-mon an ti-hit-0 ta]-ty?
Wh-cop 2s OFCpart-give-nfut knife-obl
'To whom is it that you gave the knife?'
9. A: JoAo na-aka-t yn ti-hit-0 taj-ty
Jodo decl-cop-nfut Is OFC.part-give-nfut knife-obl
It is to Jodo that I gave the knife'
As we will see, evidence for clefting is the presence of a copula verb, the nominalization
of the lower verb (in the cases above, with the participle morpheme i-, which fuses with
76 In fact, this peculiarity is not limited to object wh-movement. We will see that intransitive subjects also
trigger clefting when they undergo wh-extraction.
77 Ditransitive verbs such as "give" have an agent as the subject, an oblique theme and the goal as an
the ti- prefix)
, and the marking of the predicate of the cleft with non-future tense. It
would perhaps be possible to analyze these constructions as monoclausal instanciations
of I to C movement (similar to "do support"). The problem with that alternative analysis,
in my view, is not being able to explain the obligatory nominalization of the verb.
Another reson for rejecting the 1 to C analysis is that, if these constructions were not
clefts but focus constructions, then the language would have two different monoclausal
focus constructions, which seems redundant. The one point the I to C analysis may have
in its favor is the fact that mon has the same tense features (in this case, nonfuture tense)
as the rest of the question, unlike clefts in English. However, there is no reason why
clefts in Karitiana should be similar to clefts in English. We will see that the Karitiana
cleft is different from the English cleft in more than one way: it has tense marked in the
copula, and that tense is also realized in the nominalized predicate. Also, we know that
the nominalized predicate is not an embeddod clause, but a nominalized IP, because it is
not obligatorily verb-final).
Next, I will describe object wh-clauses and argue for an analysis in which they are
clefts. I will show that: (i) wh extraction of an intransitive must also obligatory cleft,
suggesting that the cleft construction is the optimal configuration to check the features of
a nominative wh-phrase in C; (ii) there seems to be some grounds to believe that there is
a relationship between tense and nominative Case, which could perhaps be explained by
the default nature of nominative Case, and the fact that C is a head that checks both tense
and nominative Case in languages such as Karitiana.
78 The only other way to answer an object wh-question is in the declarative object focus construction, to be
discussed in section 2.
79 Nominalization of the predicate can also be effected through the use of the instrumental nominalizer -pa,
as we will see in (25).
The syntactic configuration of object wh-clauses is therefore very different from
the matrix non-wh object focus constructions discussed in chapter 4. When an extracted
wh-object is clefted, the lower verb is marked by the OFC morphology ti- and
nominalized, which explains the lack of agreement. The matrix verb in an object wh-cleft
is a copula whose subject is the extracted object and whose predicate is the wh-clause.
The default copula aka is used in the future (irrealis), and mon in the nonfuture:
10. Mora-mon an ti-opi-t?
'What is it that you cut?'
wh-cop 2s OFC. part-cut-nfut
i 1. Mori i-aka-j an ti-pisok
'Who is it that you will stab?'
wh 3-cop-irr 2s OFC. part-stab
12. Mori i-aka-j taso ti-pisok
'Who is it that the man will stab?'
Wh 3-cop-irr man OFC part-stab
One immediately visible distrinction between future and non-future object wh-clefts
is the behavior of the copulas in each case. In the future the copula behaves as a verb: it is
preceded by agreement morphology and followed by the irrealis suffix. In the nonfuture,
however, the copula is an enclitic to the wh-phrase, and does not show overt agreement
or tense morphology. Nonfuture tense is marked on the predicate of the copula instead.
Mon does not have overt person agreement
, but given that its presence is obligatory
exactly in nonfuture nominative wh-clauses, it must have at least the following features:
nonfuture tense and nominative Case. I consider this copula verb to be a suppletive form
carrying Case and tense features. The feature [+wh] is not part of the semantic
specification of mon because the copula is used in other types of interrogatives as well
(polar interrogatives):
13. Yjxa-mon haka?
people. -cop here
'Is anybody here?'
14. 1-ymbykyj? Mora-mon h,? Taaty-mon hy?
3-arrive(pl) wh-cop interrog. Taaty-cop interr.
'Did they arrive? Who was it? Was it Tacay?
15. Hyp i-syp y-timo]? Mor~i'ep aka-mon h-?
there 3-put Is-grandmother wh stick dem-cop interr.
'What is put there, grandmother? Which stick is it?
Interestingly enough, the cleft construction is not limited to object wh-quesions
in Karitiana. It also occurs when intransitive subjects are wh-moved. The generalization
is that, when a nominative argument undergoes wh-extraction, cleftiig is obligatory. The
important point here is that the obligatory clefting of a nominative wh-sentence is
independent of the object focus construction (OFC). Intransitive wh-questions crucially
do not trigger the OFC:
80 The non-declarative third person agreement i- fails to prefix mon in all of its uses, although I have
claimed otherwise. Storto (1998) mistook the diminutive clitic i for a third person prefix in a series of
hIransitive subject wh-movement
8 1
16. Mora-mon i-hyryp
Wh-cop part-cry
17. Mora-mon i-hyryp
Wh-cop part-cry
'Who is it that is crying?'
'Who is it that is crying ? '
'Who is it that ate (intr.)?'
'Who is it that bathed?'
'Who is it that willfire?'
'Who is it that will bathe?'
Note that the nonfuture tense suffix (-tI-0) occurs in the predicate of all nonfuture copula
(cf. (16) and (18)-(19)), but not in future clefts (cf. (20)-(21)). Below, we have
nonfuture clefts whose predicates are nouns. They also receive a nonfuture tense suffix:
[kinda 'o]-t
[thing fruit]-nfut.
'Papaya is a fruit '
'Banana is afruit'
'A club is a piece of wood'
81 The nonfuture suffix can be optionally dropped when imperfective auxiliaries are present (cf. 17), but not
a. *Mora-mon i-pyt-'y? 'Who is it that are (intr.)?'
Wh-cop part-eat(intr.)
b. *Mora-mon i-oty? 'Who is it that bathed?'
Wh-cop part-bathe
82 1 thank Ken Hale for pointing this out to me.
18. Mora-mon i-pyt-'y-t?
Wh-cop part-eat(intr )-nfut
19. Mora-non i-oty-t?
Wh-cop part-bathe-nufut
20. Mord
21, Mord
22. Byty
23. Kinda 'o na-aka-t
Thing fruit decl-cop-nfut
24. 'Ep
Another trait of clefts is that the verbal head of the predicate has to be nominalized in
some way, by the addition of either one of the following derivational affixes: the
participial i- or the instrumental nominalizer -pa:
25. Tepa na-aka-t [byrytik
Vine decl.-opula-nful torch
'Vines are the binders of torches'
26. Byrytik na-aka-t [bywot i-a-m-'a]-t
Torch decl-cop-nfut light participle-pass-caus-do-nfut.
'A torch is a hand-made flashlight'
I assume that in the object wh-sentences (such as 10) the participial prefix i- occurs
between the priefix ti- and the root.
A comparison between nominative versus ergative and oblique wh-extraction
shows that the former is the only type of wh-fronting which requires the cleft
Ergative wh-movement:
27. *Mord i-pa
wh 3-weave
28. Morn i-pa
wh 3-weave
29. *MorA i-oky
wh 3-kill
30. MorA i-oky
wh 3-kill
31. Mord i-kyno-j
wh 3-close-
impe rfve-sitting -nfu
ty-ja -t
irr door
y-opok ako?
y-opok ako?
'Who is weaving (it)?'
'Who is weaving (it)?'
Who is killing my chickens?
Who is killing tmy chickens?
'Who will close the door?'
32. Mord
'Who is going to tie you up?'
Unlike the nominative wh-clauses in (16)-(19), ergative wh-extraction does not
require tne copula or the insertion of nonfuture tense on the verb, although we will see in
(37) that clefts are possible (optionally) in wh-extraction of an ergative or oblique
argument. The ergative verbs in (27)-(32) are not nominalized, because they have
agreement. The same is true of oblique wh-extraction in (33)-(36):
Oblique wh-movement:
33. Mor5-ty aj-pytagng
Wh-obl 2pl-steal
34. *Mori-ty aj-pytagng
Wh-obl 2pl-steal
35. MorA-song a-hyryw-i?
Wh-benef 2s-cry-irr
36. Mord-kyn i-p6r-i?
Wh-toward 3-fire-irr
impe rfve-sitting
ty-]a -t?
impe rfve-sitting-nfut.
'What are you stealing?'
'What are you stealing?'
'Who will you cry for?'
'Who will he fire at ?'
It is important to note that, although they are not required, cleft constructions may
optionally be used in future (irrealis) wh-clauses of all types:
Ergative wh-movement;
37. Morn i-aka-j i-tat taso pisok?
Wh- 3-cop-irr part-go man stab
'Who is it that will go stab the man ?'
Oblique wh-mowement:
38. MorA-kyn i-pon i-aka-j? 'Who is it that he will shoot at?'
Wh-at part-go 3-cop-irr
The last thing that has to be said about wh-interrogatives is that these clauses are
tenseless. Two types of evidence can be given in favor of this hypothesis: (i) the absence
of nonfuture tense in non-nominative wh-clauses (cf. (28)-(30), and (33)); (ii) the use of
the nominal (instead of sentential) negation marker -ki in all wh-clauses
39. Morn-song a-tata-ki escola-pip? 'Why don't you go to school?'
Wh-for 2s-go-neg school-to
Furthermore, if we consider that the -i/-j verb suffix of future (irrealis) sentences is not
tense proper, but an irrealis mood marker, it is clear that there is no tense marking in wh-
clauses. Indeed, we mentioned before in chapter 5 that in one of its uses -j appears in the
past tense.
The next issue to be addressed is then the following: What forces nominative wh-
sentences to obligatorily cleft? We saw that the motivation for obligatory clefting must be
independent of the object focus construction, because intransitive subjects cleft although
83 The suffix -ki is used in tenseless clauses, such as embedded clauses, and interrogatives, where they
suffix the verb, and in DPs, where they suffix the detrminer:
Embedded verb with -ki
(1) [kinda a-m-'a-ki pitat] ajxa ti-m-'a-t 6z
thing DOFC-caus-do-neg really 2p OFC-caus-do-nfut dear
'You did something that you really shouldn't have done, my dear'
Yes-tno question with -ki
(2) I-oky-ki pitat aj-'a hf?
3-kill-neg really 2p-do interr
'(You) Didn't really kill it?'
Demonstrative with -ki
(3) [a-ki tykiri] naka-'a-t bypiit-ap tyym
this-neg perfve decl-do-nfut far-in then
'If (we don't do) this, there will be death (lit: remoteness) then
focus formation does not apply to them. In face of this, it is obvious that the solution to
this puzzle must involve nominative Case, tense, and the [+wh] feature in C. The
explanation for why nominative wh-fronting triggers clefting could be the fact that
nominative Case in Spec,CP can only be licensed if C is tensed (+ or - nonfuture). Since
wh-clauses do not have tense, a cleft construction is forced. Clefts have the perfect
structure for checking the features of nominative wh-clauses because their subjects are
focused, the copula verb in C is able to bear the tense feature, and their predicates are
Ob-Wh C'
cop+I IP
Nom IP
t&, t
The requirement that nominative Case can only be licensed in a [+wh] Spec,CP if
C is tensed makes sense if we assume that nominative Case in some environments is the
realization of tense in C. I will not try to fully explain why languages sometimes realize
nominative Case in the locus of a tense feature. I assume that this must follow from the
fact that C, universally, is the only Case licenser of nominative Case, and that T to C
movement (overtly or covertly) is required in order to remove TP as a barrier for
government from C. The default nature of nominative Case may help explain why it
sometimes surfaces as tense: it is often unmarked morphologically.
Note that the same relationship between tense and nominative found in Karitiana
occurs in other languages in the opposite direction: as the realization of tense in the locus
of nominative Case. In Pittapita, a language spoken in the Northwestern Queensland
(Australia), future tense is not overtly marked on the verb, but on the subject (Hale
41. Yanthurru-nha nganyu marri 'I will get food'
Food-accusative Is.fut get
42. Nganyayinu nganyu karnta '1 will go tornorrow'
Tomorrow Is.fut go
Hale points out that Pittapita is a split ergative language, in which the split is correlated
with tense. The language is nominative-accusative in the future, and ergative (three-
) in the nonfuture. This explains why in the future, but not in other tenses, all
sutjcts are treated in the same way.
A comparison between Karitiana and Pittapita suggests that the relationship
between tense and nominative Case that arises in certain syntactic environments in these
languages is not limited to a specific type of tense or grammatical relation. In Karitiana,
the relevant opposition seems to be between tensed, as opposed to tenseless wh-clauses,
whereas in Pittapitta the surfacing of nominative as tense is limited to future, as opposed
to nonfuture clauses. With respect to the grammatical relations that play a role in the
nominative-as-tense phenomenon, Karitiana draws a distinction between objects and
84 Three-way-languages are languages whose Case system differenciates agruments in transitive verbs from
arguments in intransitive verbs in the following way: transitive subjects (A) is ergative, objects (0) are
accusative, and intransitive subjects (S), are nominative, be them agent or patient.
intransitive subjects versus transitive subjects, whereas Pittapita marks all subjects
distinct from objects. In both languages, the crucial factors in the equation seem to be
nominative Case checking, some type of tense that varies according to the language, and
movement of T to C.
I conclude that nominative Case in Karitiana is either licensed in a (tensed or
tenseless) clause in which V raises to I and C (as in active sentences, type (i) OFCs, or
non-nominative wh-fronting), or in a Spec-head configuration in a cleft construction (cf.
(43)), in which the higher I (T) is in C and the nominative phrase is in Spec,CP (as in
nominative wh-interrogatives).
Ob-Wh C'
cop+I IP
Nom IP
t,( I, (OFC)
2. The declarative object focus construction
In this section we will examine the declarative object focus construction, whose
formative morphology is homorphonous with the impersonal passive construction. First I
will describe the impersonal passive and then procede to compare the passive and the
declarative focus construction. The section concludes with an analysis of the declarative
focus construction as a focus construction whose morphology substitutes agreement in C.
The verb prefix a- is the marker of an impersonal passive in assertative clauses.
Assertative morphology is prefixal (pyt-, which lenites to pyr- before a vowel), as other
mood markers are, and occurs obligatorily in positive answers to yes-no questions. I
assume that assertative clauses are the opposite of negated clauses, in that they are both
projections of a polarity head (Pol), which takes VP as a complement (cf. (50)).
Structurally, the deep object is the subject of the passive and the meaning
contributed by the construction is the identification of the agent as impersonal:
44. 0-Pyr-a-oty-dn 'They bathed the child ( passive)'
3- assert-pass-bathe(intr)-nfut child
45. O-Pyr-oty-dn i 'He/she/they bathed (active)'
3-assert-bathe(intr)-nfut 3
46. Y-pyr-a-oky-dn yn 'They killed me (passive)'
I-assert-pass-kill(tr)-nfutr Is
47. Y-pyr-oky-dn i 'He/sheAthey killed me (active)'
I -assert-kill(tr)-nfut 3
Examples (44)-(47) list passive and active assertative clauses formed with
intransitive and transitive verbs. In active clauses the agreement is, as usual, controlled by
the nominative argument, which is the subject of an intransitive (cf. (45)) or the object of
a transitive clause (cf' (47)). We know that in passive clauses derived from transitive
roots, the patient is the intransitive subject, since it controls agreement (cf. (46)).
In passives derived from intransitive roots (cf. (44)), the use of the impersonal
prefix a- adds a theta-role to the verb: an impersonal agent. This "causative" use of the
passive suggests that whenever a- is added to an intransitive verb, a transitivizing verbal
head is inserted. The morpheme a- can be described as containing features that contribute
to the derivation of a verb which does not have a logical (underlying) subject. This forces
the patient to become the grammatical subject of the impersonal passive.
The class of intransitives which passivize is not yet completely understood. Apart
from the intransitive verb 'bathe', other intransitive verbs that can be passivized in the
assertative mood are the stative verb kinda otidna 'to be sick', and the verb pesek 'to
48. Pyr-a-kinda oti-dna-n yj-iriso 'My family was sick (passive)'
assert-pass-be.sick(intr)-nfut 1pl-people
49. Pyr-a-pesek-an gok 'They squeezed manioc (passive)'
assert-pass-squeeze(intr. )nfut manioc
The verb kinda otidna is an adjective
, derived by -na from the compound noun kinda
oti 'disease'. The verb pesek, 'squeeze' is also compatible with an adjectival analysis,
since pese, 'soaked', is part of the verb stem. Hale & Keyser (1993, 1998) suggest that
85 All adjectives can be used as verbs in Karitiana. The two classes are distinct, however, since only
adjectives may be sufixed by the plural suffix -ra (t+a).
many verbs with unaccusative behavior in languages have the argument structure of
Since the Karitiana intransitive verbs which are allowed to undergo passivization
in Karitiana seem to be adjectival, it makes sense to hypothesize that they are
unaccusatives. I assume, with Hale & Keyser (1993, 1998) that the transitivized
unaccusatives in impersonal passives have the following structure
50. V,
Vt V2
To account for the data examined so far, i hypothesize that the a- morpheme is a
pronoun (and as such, of category D) which is adjoined as an impersonal agent to a VP
which has an internal argument (transitives and unaccusatives). The internal DP will
become the subject of the clause hi the impersonal passive. The impersonal passive
morphology, a pronoun, has an unspecified [person] feature, which is responsible for the
impersonal (default) meaning of the construction
8 7
86 The verb pesek is formed by the conflation of A with V
87 The verb-initial word order in assertative and negated clauses (projected by PolP) can be accountd for if
Pol is required to raise to C. Note that assertative clauses have a special suffix for nonfuture tense (-<v>n).
I believe assertative and negated clauses are verb-initial because they have a different tense marker than the
declarative/non-declarative clauses in which Spec, CP is "required" to be filled. Storto (1998) suggested
that the declarative morpheme is cognate with a second position focus marker in Mek6ns. The
reconstructed phonemes of the morphemes in question can be found in Storto and Baldi (1994) and
Rodrigues (1995).
51. Transitive impersonal passive Intransitive impersonal passive
I' I'
PolP I PolP I
A -<v>a/
VP Pol VP Pol
/\ pyr- pyr-
Now that we understand the impersonal passive construction, -:- will procede to
discuss the homophonous object focus construction (the impersonal object construction),
which is limited to declarative clauses. This focus construction is formed by the addition
of the a- prefix, which has the same impersonal feature as the homophonous passive
, but triggers a construction which is syntactically different from impersonal
passives. I call this declarative focus construction the declarative object focus
construction (DOFC) to make explicit the parallel between it and the non-declarative
object focus constructions (OFC). I will argue that a- prefixation marks A-bar movement
of an object to a focus position in declarative clauses. Before I discuss the semantics
associated with this syntactic configuration, I will examine its syntactic characteristics.
The following is a list of properties of the declarative object focus constructions. I
compare some of the properties to the impersonal passive when this seems relevant to
differenciate their status:
First, no intransitive roots ever occur in impersonal object focus clauses unless they
are first causativized:
52. Tzm Tema a-taka-m-tat saryt Bot!j 'Tent Tenia, f 1otj took'
Tem Tema DOFC-decl-caus-go(intr.)-nfut hearsay D1otyj
53. Owd a-taka-m-pekera-t 'The child, they made float'
Child DOFC-decl-caus-float-nfut
Second, the patterns of person prefixation in the declarative a- constructions (cf.
(54)), when compared to the impersonal passives (44)-(46) and active (55), attest that
they do not have agreement (other than the impersonal prefix a-):
54. I a-ta-oky-t 'Him, they killed' (DOFC)
3 DOFC-decl-kill(tr.)-nfut
55. Y-ta-oky-t i 'They killed me' (active)
Is-decl-kill(tr.)-nfut 3
Note that in focus declarative clauses a- occurs in the same slot that agreement
morphology usually occupies, preceding the declarative mood marker on the verb,
whereas in impersonal passive clauses a- follows the assertative mood prefix (cf. (44)-
Third, the impersonal passive and declarative focus a- constructions also differ
with respect to word order, in that the former are verb-initial, whereas the latter are
56. Pyr-a-pesek-an gok 'Manioc, they squeezed (passive)'
assert-pass-squeeze(intr )nfut manioc
57. 'Ep a-ta-pasagng-O 'The trees, they counted' (DOFC)
tree DOFC-decl-count(tr. )-nfut
88 The impersonal semantics is only apparent when the subject is dropped.
Fourth, the focus constructions in question may have an overt agent which
obliterates the impersonal meaning altogether (cf (52)):
58. Oho a-taka-m-'a-t Cra
'Potatoes, Ora created'
Potatoes DOFC-decl-caus-do-nfut Ora
Fifth, the declarative object focus construction also occurs when the oblique
object of a verb is focused:
59. Ambi-ty a-ta-so'oot-0
'The house, they saw'
House-obl DOFC-decl-see-nfut
Finally, the object of a declarative focus construction must be a third person:
60. *Yn a-ta-oky-t
'Me, they killed'
Is DOFC-decl-kill-nfut
61. *An a-ta-oky-t
'You, they killed'
2s DOFC-decl-kill-nfut
Confirmation of the transitive status of declarative object focus construction
comes from two sources: (i) ditransitive verbs and (ii) anaphoric binding. Given that in
active declarative clauses (cf. (64)-(65)) the nominative argument of a ditransitive verb is
the goal, the oblique argument is the theme, and the ergative argument is the agent, the
declarative focus onstructions in (62)-(63) behave as transitive clauses: intransitivization
does not take place, because ditransitive verbs do not undergo any change other than the
substitution of agent agreement for a pronoun which can be interpreted as impersonal:
62. (Gokoty) taso a-taka-hit-0
'To the man, they gave (manioc)' (DOFC)
manioc-obl man DOFC-decl-give-nfut
63. Taso atakahit (gokoty) 'To the num, they gave (manioc)' (DOFC)
64. Yn naka-hit-0 goko-ty taso 'I gave manioc to the man' (active)
Is decl-give-nfut manioc-obl ni man
65. Yn a-taka-hit-0 an goko-ty '1. gave manioc to you' (active)
Is 2s-decl-give-nfut 2s manioc-obl
Finally, it is clear that a thematic agent is present in the declarative object focus
constructions, because subject-oriented anaphors in object position are possiblo.
66. Ta'it a-ta-oky-t taso 'The man, killed his, son'
anaph-son DOFC-decl-kill-nfut man
The facts just described can be explained if we posit two different syntactic
structures for the assertative and declarative a- constructions. We know, however, that
the morphemes used to mark those two constructions are homophonous. A reasonable
approach to this problem would be to claim that the morphemes have different categorial
features in each voice. Homophony in this case is probably a result of
grammaticalization. We saw that grammaticalization of an antipassive morpheme of
category N into an focus morpheme of category I took place in K'ichee'. I believe a
similar process occurred in Tupian languages. The evidence points to the hypothesis that
the Karitiana impersonal passive morpheme found in non-declarative clauses has
grammaticalized into a morpheme of category C in the impersonal focus constructions,
the focus construction found in declarative clauses.
One of the problems we have to solve is why the usual agreement with the
nominative argument is absent from the declarative a- constructions, but crucially present
in the assertative ones. Whatever the reason, it has to be related to the fact that in the
former the a- prefix precedes the mood morphology. Since Karitiana has two functional
heads associated to agreement (I and C), one straightforward way of explaining the lack
of agreement would be to suggest that a- substitutes into one of those heads, thus
blocking agreement. We saw in chapter 4 that Karitiana already has a construction in
which I is substituted by focus morphology: the object focus construction. We saw that
Case-binding theory predicts that if the agreement features of I are blocked in a transitive
clause, as it is in the object focus construction, the argument that would normally covertly
agree with that head is free to overtly agree with C. This explains why the object focus
construction exhibits eccentric ergative agreement. If the agreement features of I were
neuralized in the declarative object focus construction as well, the theory would predict
that there would be eccentric ergative agreement, since C is the only functional head in
which overt agreement morphology is realized, and in this configuration the closest
argument is the ergative subject. However, this makes the wrong prediction: we have
seen that agreement is absent or null in the declarative object focus construction.
It seems correct to hypothesize instead, that a- is a head located in C, which
brings an unspecified [person] feature to the construction. This explains two independent
(i) the reason why first and second person objects are disallowed in the
declarative object focus construction (object agreement is a fixed
impersonal, which is compatible with third person arguments but not first
and second);
(ii) the fact that nominative agreement morphology in declarative object focus
constructions seems to be absent (third person declarative agreement is
null). I conclude that the categorial feature of a- in declarative clauses is
Ob C'
c IP
A \
I C I'
A a- /r\
VP t,
to t
This account explains not only why a- occurs in the same slot as agreement -
before the declarative morphology - but also why OVS sentences are obligatorily marked
as focus constructions: the movement of an object to the specifier of CP is associated
with focus semantics because C has a focus feature. This is clear from the data discussed
in chapter 3, section 2, where it is shown that answers to object wh-questions are often
formed in the declarative a- construction.
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