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Navarre Beach Sea Turtle Conservation Center Amazing Race for Survival Fundraiser Race Information and Challenge

IM !RTANT N!T"S # R"C!MM"NDATI!NS$ The race %ill consist of & %aves of teams each starting at a different time' Teams can onl( participate in one %ave' )p to *+ teams per %ave %ill ,e permitted' Teams consist of &-. people' "ach team should include at least one adult /*0 and over1 and one minor /under *01' articipants are strongl( encouraged to %ear ,athing suits as some of the challenges involve getting into the 2ulf of Me3ico or Santa Rosa Sound' articipants are strongl( encouraged to %ear sun screen4 hats4 and protect themselves from the sun' Teams %ill need to ,e present at the Sea !at avilion *+ minutes ,efore their designated start time' Teams should ,ring their o%n %ater ,ottles to reduce %aste' 5ater4 lemonade4 and snac6s %ill ,e provided for race participants'

TIM"S$ 8:30 am-11:00 am Wave 1 event 11:30 am-2:00 pm Wave 2 event 2:30 pm 3:00 pm Award presentations (Sea Oat Pavilion) 3:00 pm 4:00 pm A ter part! (Sea Oat Pavilion) Race Rules$ 1" All teams s#o$ld pi%& a t#eme or t#eir team and dress $p a%%ordin'l!" Pri(es will )e awarded or t#e team wit# t#e )est t#eme" 2" *ime will )e re%orded at t#e )e'innin' o t#e ra%e and a'ain at t#e end o t#e ra%e a ter A77 team mem)ers %ross t#e inis# line" 3" *#e ra%e )e'ins and ends at t#e Sea Oat Pavilion" 4" All teams in t#e same wave start at t#e same time" +" All team mem)ers m$st start ea%# %#allen'e to'et#er" ," -o one %an advan%e to t#e ne.t %#allen'e a#ead o t#e ot#er team mem)ers" /" 0a%# team m$st %omplete / o$t o 10 %#allen'es in no parti%$lar order" 8" A ter t#eir inis# time is re%orded1 ea%# team m$st t$rn in t#e wrist)ands %olle%ted at ea%# %#allen'e (/ total)" 2" *eam times will )e anno$n%ed at t#e end o t#e event" Pri(es will )e awarded or astest 3 times or ea%# wave and or )est overall time" 10" Wave 1 teams m$st %omplete %#allen'es )! 11:00 am" 11" Wave 2 teams m$st %omplete %#allen'es )! 2:00 pm 12" An air #orn will so$nd at t#e start o ea%# wave1 1+ min$tes )e ore t#e end o ea%# wave and at t#e end o t#e wave" 13" *eams 34S* $se t#e )i&e pat# or t#e s#oreline to rea%# %#allen'e sites in t#e par&" 5$nnin' over d$nes or s#ore)ird nestin' areas is stri%tl! pro#i)ited" An( team that stra(s from the ,i6e path or the shoreline %ill ,e dis8ualified' Challenge Descriptions$ *' Navarre Beach ier (1 %#allen'e) 61" 9The ier uzzle Challenge: All parti%ipants m$st 'o to t#e pier1 'o to end o t#e pier and %omplete a sea t$rtle p$((le" On%e %ompleted1 !o$ will re%eive a wrist)and and 'o to t#e ne.t %#allen'e" 3ore t#an one team at a time %an %omplete t#is %#allen'e"

&' North of Sea !at avilion (1 %#allen'e) 62" 9The Sea Turtle Nest Challenge: *#ere will )e 3 mar&ed 7t$rtle nests8" 9o$r team will pi%& one nest and di' $p e''s $ntil !o$ ind one t#at %ontains a %#allen'e !o$ #aven:t alread! %ompleted" On%e !o$ ind an e'' !o$ will re%eive a wrist)and" 9o$ m$st %omplete t#e %#allen'e inside t#e e'' as part o !o$r / %#allen'es" Onl! 3 teams are allowed at ea%# nest at t#e same time" 3ore t#an one team at a time %an %omplete t#is %#allen'e ;' Sea !at avilion- 2ulf Side (2 %#allen'es) 63' 9The addle-!ut Challenge: Paddle o$t on a s$r )oard1 paddle )oard1 or &a!a& to pi%& $p a wrist)and )! t#e snor&elin' ree " All team mem)ers m$st paddle o$t- 9o$ %an #ave more t#an one person per )oard or &a!a& i t#e team t#in&s t#e! it1 ot#erwise all paddle o$t individ$all!" Onl! one team at a time %an %omplete t#is %#allen'e" 64" 7The Sea Turtle !,stacle Course: 6ross to t#e ot#er side o t#e o)sta%les t#at sea t$rtles %ommonl! en%o$nter to re%eive !o$r wrist)and" Onl! one team at a time %an %omplete t#is %#allen'e" .' 2host Cra, avilion-2ulf Side (1 %#allen'e) 6+" 9Identif( the Turtle Cra%l Challenge: 9o$r team will re%eive 3 di erent Sea t$rtle spe%ies and a 7%rawl ;< map8" 3at%# ea%# spe%ies wit# t#eir tra%&s (%rawls) $sin' t#e 7%rawl map8 or '$idan%e" Onl! one team at a time %an %omplete t#is %#allen'e" +' Sand iper avilion (3 %#allen'es) 6," 9The Sea Turtle Rescue Challenge: *#ere are t#ree sea t$rtles in t#e Santa 5osa So$nd tan'led in loatin' tras#" =elp res%$e t#e t#ree loatin' sea t$rtles )! removin' one pie%e o tras# rom ea%#" *$rn t#e tras# in to %olle%t !o$r wrist)and" 3ore t#an one team at a time %an %omplete t#is %#allen'e" 6/" 9The Sea Turtle Sculpture Challenge: 0a%# team #as to ma&e a sea t$rtle sand s%$lpt$re" *#e s#ell s#o$ld )e at least 4 eet in diameter and it s#o$ld #ave a #ead and o$r lippers" 6olle%t !o$r wrist)and w#en !o$r team is done" <on:t )e too #ast! wit# !o$r s%$lpt$re> *#e s%$lpt$res will )e ?$d'ed at t#e end o t#e ra%e" *#e team wit# t#e )est t$rtle wins a pri(e> 3ore t#an one team at a time %an %omplete t#is %#allen'e 68" 9The !il Spill Challenge: 9o$r team will #ave to soa& $p some spilled 7oil8 wit# a spon'e and s@$ee(e it into a plasti% )ottle" 9o$ will need to ill t#e )ottle to t#e mar&ed line1 one team mem)er at a time" W#en done1 team mem)ers m$st ma&e s$re to was# o t#e 7oil8 on t#eir #ands )e ore re%eivin' t#eir wrist)and" <' Blac6 S6immer avilion (2 %#allen'es) 62" 9The Maze Challenge: *#ere is a ma(e o is#in' nets t#at !o$r team #as to navi'ate" All team mem)ers will )e )lind olded e.%ept or one" *#e one team mem)er not )lind olded will dire%t ot#ers t#ro$'# t#e ma(e )! !ellin' o$t dire%tions" 9o$ will re%eive !o$r wrist)and on%e t#e team mem)ers #ave navi'ated t#e ma(e s$%%ess $ll! Onl! one team at a time %an %omplete t#is %#allen'e 610":Beach 7itter Clean-up Challenge: *#ere will )e )a)! )lo%&s )$ried in t#e sand" Some #ave marine animals painted on t#em1 some are litter" 9o$r team m$st %olle%t 8 pie%es o litter and r$n 100 !ards to %omplete t#e %#allen'e and re%eive !o$r wrist)and" Onl! one team at a time %an %omplete t#is %#allen'e =' Finish 7ine$ Aa%& to Sea Oat Pavilion On%e !o$r team #as %ompleted / o$t o 10 %#allen'es !o$ m$st ret$rn to Sea Oat Pavilion and %ross t#e inis# line to %omplete t#e ra%e" 9o$r inis# time will )e re%orded and !o$r / wrist)ands will )e veri ied" ; !o$r team #as not %ompleted / %#allen'es )! t#e time t#eir wave is over !o$ will )e dis@$ali ied rom t#e ra%e )$t will still )e eli'i)le to re%eive a pri(e or t#e )est team t#eme and or t#e )est sea t$rtle s%$lpt$re"

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