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Reading = Leer

Short histories = Historias cortas Book = libro Articles = Artculos

Writing = Escribir
Paragraphs = prrafos Terms (topics) = Trminos Information = Informacin

Listening = Escuchar
Conversations = Conversaciones Topics = Temas

Speaking = De trminos
Performance = Rendimiento Round tables = Mesas redondas Debates = Debates Sports = Deportes Instruments = instrumentos Game = Juego

Grammar = Gramtica
Present = Presente Past = Pasado Future = Futuro Reading = Leer Playing = Jugando Watching = viendo Sleeping = Sueo

What is your name? My name is jhonier. Where are you from? I am from tebaida. How old are you? I am twenty six years old. What do you like to do? I like reading book. I like playing basketball. I like watching tv What do you like to eat? I like eating burger. I like eating hot dog. I like eating chiken. What do you want to be in the future? I want to be teacher. I want to be doctor.

CONECTORES (Connectors) Adems Besides y And Tambin Also Pero But Finalmente Finally Yo tambin so do i No, no lo hago No, I dont

TV SHOW Show televisivo Welcome bienvenido Hello Hola How are you to today? Cmo ests hoy? Fine thank Agradecimiento

My name is jhonier, i am from tebaida, and i am twenty six years old. I like reading books, and i like playing the guitar, besides i like sleeping, also, i like eating pizza, and i like eating burger, Finally, i want to be teacher, also i want to be singer. Mi nombre es jhonier, soy de Tebaida, y tengo veintisis aos. Me gusta leer libros, y me gusta tocar la guitarra, adems me gusta dormir, tambin, me gusta comer pizza, y me gusta comer hamburguesa, por ltimo, quiero ser maestro, tambin quiero ser cantante

Personal pronouns (verb to be) = pronombres personales (verbo ser) I am happy = Estoy feliz You are beautiful = Eres hermosa He is a doctor = l es un mdico She is ugly = Ella es fea It is a cat = Es un gato We are tall = somos de altura They are famous = Son famosos

Angry = Enojado Worker = Obrero Shy = Tmido Smart = Inteligente

EJEMPLOS I am a teacher, besides i am tall, also i am famous, Finally i am happy Soy un profesor, adems soy alto, tambin soy famoso, Finalmente soy feliz

Good morning = Buenos das. Good afternoon = buenas tardes Good evening = buenas noches

My name is jhonier, and My last name is Montero, I am twenty six years old, I am single, I work at in the success I am from bogota, but I live in Tebaida, my telephone number is three one four seven fourty three fourty two thirty six, I like reading books, also I like playing football besides I like eating pizza, and I like eating burger, finally I want to be system engineer. I am student of system, besides I am Smart, and I am tall also I am good friend, finally I am happy.

My favorite movie is Cantinflas My favorite pet is a dog My favorite color is red My favorite country is Europa My favorite sport is football My favorite food is pizza My favorite fruit is the orange My favorite music is Ricardo Arjona

I have a large family and live with four people, also I have one pet

Mi nombre es jhonier, y mi apellido es Montero, Tengo veinte y seis aos, soy soltero, trabajo en el xito Yo soy de bogota, pero vivo en Tebaida, mi nmero de telfono es uno de tres cuatro siete cuarenta y tres cuarenta y dos treinta y seis, me gusta leer libros, tambin me gusta jugar al ftbol, adems de que me gusta comer pizza, y me gusta comer hamburguesa, finalmente quiero ser ingeniero de sistemas.

Soy estudiante de sistema, adems Soy inteligente, y soy alto tambin Soy buen amigo, finalmente me siento feliz.

Mi pelcula favorita es Cantinflas Mi mascota favorita es un perro Mi color favorito es el rojo Mi pas favorito es de Europa Mi deporte favorito es el ftbol Mi comida favorita es la pizza Mi fruta favorita es la naranja Mi msica favorita es Ricardo Arjona

Tengo una familia grande y vivo con cuatro personas, tambin tengo una mascota

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