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Sning out the story of Cambodias white gold

FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2014

Successful People Read The Post

4000 RIEL


Jokes at disabled no laughing matter

Central bank wont recognise bitcoin


Kievs navy chief freed by Crimea

RUSSIAS lower house of parliament yesterday ratified the treaty incorporating Crimea into Russian territory, in defiance of the international communitys insistence that the peninsula is part of Ukraine, with only one deputy voting against. The vote came hours after tensions eased somewhat in the region when Ukraines acting president Oleksandr Turchynov announced the release by Crimean militias of Ukrainian navy chief Sergiy Gayduk. Turchynov had threatened the Crimean authorities with an adequate response ... of a technical and technological nature unless they immediately freed Gayduk and several others who were captured during the storming of Ukraines naval headquarters in the port of Sevastopol on Wednesday. But Ukrainian lawmakers still adopted an emotional if entirely symbolic declaration saying they will never cease to fight for the liberation of Crimea as long and painful as this can be. Over the border in Russia,
A golf course in front of an almost complete hotel inside the Union Development Groups massive resort area in Koh Kongs Kiri Sakor district.

Continues on page 12

Its paradise for some

May Titthara and David Boyle Koh Kong province

N THE shore of Koh Kong provinces Kiri Sakor district overlooking a cluster of islands, a flourishing new golf course lies vacant but for a handful of workers tending its empty greens. The Romanesque hotel behind it, replete with a bold central dome, luxury VIP suites and an alluring swimming pool, is just a taste of what its owners rather ambitiously claim

Developers show off mega-resort on coast

will become the largest tourist destination in all of Southeast Asia. Long silent amid a barrage of accusations that it has forcibly displaced more than 1,000 families, duped them on compensation and decimated a protected national park, Chinas Union Development Group has now adopted a decidedly press-friendly attitude as it attempts to win hearts and minds. The company is eager to show off some of the works under way in its mega-resort and satellite city, which will soon boast a private port capable of birthing ships of up to 12,000 tonnes and an international airport. We are going to build hotels, a resort, commercial centre ... airport, highway, hospital, schools, everything, representative Ngou Tieng Lung says, adding that the port will begin operating next year. As for the five-star hotels, casinos, airport, satellite city and industrial parks, all of this, Ngou says, will be added piece-by-piece over the next 25 to 30 years. About 20 kilometres back from the tranquil coast they once called home, some of the villagers pushed aside for this gargantuan development are not going quietly, and have continued to fight, most recently by blocking com-

pany trucks and bringing their case to the media. The latest uproar came after the company and local authorities allegedly burned down the homes of 45 families that were refusing to relocate in late January, an accusation Ngou denies. We didnt set their homes on fire, only tents. Also, we never stopped fishermen from fishing, but we allowed them to settle in temporary tents when Continues on page 4



are affected by communication and swallowing disorders, according to Weh Yeoh, a former disability consultant for Capacity Building of People with a Disability in the Community Organization (CABDICO). There is so little funding and general awareness around the issue that there are probably less than 1,000 people actually in [speech therapy] treatment, Yeoh said. Oeung Song Leap, a general manager for Hang Meas Television, said yesterday that while he had yet to see any letter from CDPO, he understood the objections being voiced. No problem. We will cut this part so we [continue] to respect the rights of disabled people. We always educate artists to avoid anything discriminatory but some mistakes cant be avoided, Song Leap said. The governments Disability Action Council (DAC) could not be reached. Manh, the star of the clip, expressed support for Cambodians with a disability yesterday and pointed out that this particular performance was performed three years ago. Im sorry its still being screened on TV. I hope they remove this clip. I realised three years ago since I performed this about disabled people that its not good, he said.

Disability comedy clip draws ire Anti-Hun Sen

Chhay Channyda and Amelia Woodside

THE promotional clip, which has been playing regularly for weeks on Hang Meas Television, lasts less than a minute. In it, popular comedian Prum Manh is seen demanding of a friend with whom he is speaking on the phone one with a pronounced speech impediment why are you not clear? Its played for laughs, but the Cambodian Disabled Peoples Organisation (CPDO) isnt laughing. After seeing the clip, Ngin Saorath, a director at CDPO, sent a letter to the television station on Wednesday, asking the company to stop broadcasting the content because it was against the [UNs] Convention on The Rights of People with Disabilities, ratified by the Kingdom in 2012. No reply has been made to us. The show has made disabled people indignant. Its the same as looking down on them, said Saorath. Its becoming normal for [people] with disabilities in Cambodia to be mocked in art and shows for fun, so our NGO is trying to raise awareness, he added. Laurie Clarke, a pediatric speech and language therapist working for Indigo, a child-development clinic in Phnom

filings piling up in Hague

Kevin Ponniah

Hang Meas Television has been asked to discontinue the screening of a clip featuring Ayai performer Prum Manh, above. PHOTO SUPPLIED

Penh, said such clips could be harmful. Speech disabilities often lead to social isolation, and mocking people struggling with a disability like that in a public setting could make it doubly isolating. Advertising like this can be very

lyst Chhean Narriddh, director of the Cambodia Institute for Media Studies, discriminatory commentary against disabled Cambodians isnt widespread in mainstream media. The publics awareness of Cambodians living with disabil-

This also perpetuates a general misunderstanding that a disability like this can be helped
destructive, Clarke said. This also perpetuates a general misunderstanding that a disability like this can be helped but speech impairments are often caused by underlying issues like a psychological trauma or neurological issue. But according to media anaities is already so low, especially in the more rural areas, that this kind of behaviour isnt typical. Its important for everyone to keep in mind that this is an entertainer not a journalist. He doesnt have to stick to a code of ethics, Narriddh said. About 600,000 Cambodians

COMPLAINT against Prime Minister Hun Sen and other government ofcials was led with the International Criminal Court yesterday on behalf of about 20 Cambodian human rights groups and victims, according to the lawyer representing them. Unlike another ICC complaint against the government that will be led next month by international lawyer Richard Rogers, yesterdays complaint alleges crimes of genocide in addition to crimes against humanity, American human rights attorney Morton Sklar said. The genocide claims are based on Hun Sens efforts to interfere with the operations of the Khmer Rouge tribunal, and to stop investigations and prosecutions of Khmer Rouge atrocities in their tracks, so as to shield members of the Hun Sen government from criminal charges. New Zealander Rob Hamill, whose brother Kerry Hamill was captured and killed by the Khmer Rouge at S-21, is one of only three complainants identied in the ling, with the rest kept condential out of fear of reprisals. I support any effort that pushes Cambodias leadership to give its people the respect they so richly deserve, Hamill, who testied as a civil party in 2009 against S-21 boss Duch, said yesterday. The two lings are completely separate initiatives on behalf of different victims, according to Rogers, who said it was normal for the ICC to receive multiple complaints related to similar allegations.

Sklar's complaint has no connection to the Cambodia National Rescue Party, whereas Rogers was asked to investigate by the CNRP , but on behalf of victims and not the party. The claims of genocide based on supposed government interference at the KRT were far fetched and rather fanciful, said international lawyer Michael Karnavas. While government ofcials had made statements that could be construed as political interference, cases 003 and 004 are being investigated, he said. I personally have yet to see any direct or indirect evidence of interference. Just because certain suspects are being investigated, does not mean that they necessarily meet the jurisdictional threshold at the ECCC, or that they should even be prosecuted in the national courts. Before lodging such serious accusations with all the hoopla and fanfare of a public relations stunt, it is prudent to wait and see what the investigation turns up and the legal reasoning for whatever the Co-Investigative Judges decide, and even then, it is premature because appeals are likely to follow. Government spokesman Phay Siphan could not be reached yesterday, but he has previously dismissed Rogers case as a joke.

Yesterday's story The protester clause should have specified that Cambodian Life Insurance Company will not pay benefits to policy holders who die while taking part in demonstrations but will pay benefits to insured bystanders who are killed.



THE PHNOM PENH POST march 21, 2014


B Keila deal taken by some Court translators hit

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

FIFTY families who have lived in squalid conditions at Borei Keila in the capitals Prampi Makara district since they were evicted and their homes destroyed have accepted City Halls offer of temporary shelter at the site, their representatives said yesterday. Evictee Sar Son said the 50 families had accepted the promise of shelters on land that city officials began measuring in February, while 106 families continued to refuse the offer. I think that now I need a safe home to live in temporarily, because I cant put up with living on the pile of garbage and sewage, she said. Many of the families have endured such conditions since they were violently evicted from their homes on January 3, 2012. When officials began marking out plots last month, families were outraged that each one measured only three-by-four metres half the size of the fourby-six-metre plots promised. Government security forces cracked down on families who occupied a building at the site in protest on February 14, injuring several people.

hard by budget cuts

hile the Khmer Rouge tribunals substantially trimmed 20142015 budget is intended to put an end to the perennial scal woes faced by the court, a source inside the tribunal said yesterday that the deep stafng cuts have left one crucial department the Interpretation and Translation Unit reeling. According to a national side employee at the tribunal who spoke on the condition of anonymity, the courts ITU lost some two-thirds of its staff at the end of 2013, putting its simultaneous translators whose job it is to translate court proceedings as they happen into the position of having to also handle all documentary translation requests from the parties. Laying off almost two thirds of the staff members of Interpretation and Translation Unit on the national side is nothing short of a complete mockery and deliberate attempt to frustrate the current court proceedings [and] hence stymie future cases 003 and 004, the employee said. A copy of the courts new budget, released on Wednesday, shows that 19 ITU positions were eliminated in the 2014 component of the budget, with one more position slated for elimination in 2015. The national staffer said that while simultaneous interpreters were meant to spend the lull in hearings after Case 002/01 preparing for Case 002/02, the unit has been so bombarded with translation requests that it has no time to prepare, which could mean future delays. Court spokesman Neth Pheaktra, however, maintained yesterday that the revised staffing requirement in the Judiciary Ofces, Defence and Victims Support and the Administrative Support Services [was] in line with the decreased workloads in 2014 and 2015. The ITU has caused delays at the court before, with translators announcing in open court that they would be striking for unpaid wages last March. Since all court documents and proceedings must be translated in three ofcial languages, the two-week strike seriously hampered the courts functioning. Panhavuth Long, a program ofcer at the Cambodian Justice Initiative, said that a lack of translators could also have consequences beyond Case 002. I think this is a concern in terms of whether it is too much workload for those translators, he said. I believe somehow it affects every proceeding before the [court], because I believe they are also doing the translation for the pre-trial chamber, and they do the translations on the investigations in case 003 and 004. ADDITIONAL REPORTING BY

Stuart White

A woman carries household belongings to Building 9 at Phnom Penhs Borei Keila community in February. VIREAK MAI

Community representative Pich Limkhoun said he was one of the scores of people who had rejected the offer. We need a real solution which is proper flats, not temporary shelters, he said. How can we believe [we wont be evicted again] when the authorities and Phan Imex have constructed only eight buildings after signing a contract to build 10? Under that contract, signed in 2003, developer Phan Imex pledged to build high-rise hous-

ing for more than 1,700 families. When the firm failed to construct the final two buildings, hundreds were left homeless. Phnom Penh Municipal Court has ordered Phan Imex, which has claimed bankruptcy, to repay a Korean company $2.7 million over a failed land deal at Borei Keila, a decision it has appealed. City Hall spokesman Long Dimanche said he was unable to comment because he was about to board a plane.

Its paradise for some

Continued from page 1

they went fishing at night, he says. Anyway, they had made a contract with authorities and the company, and they had to move when the company needs it [the land] for investment, but they didnt just set up tents, they built homes. The land in dispute falls inside a gigantic 36,000-hectare concession granted in 2008 to Union Development Group, which was later granted another 9,100 hectares to develop a hydropower dam. About $10 million out of the $3.8 billion development plan for the project has been set

highway and the hydropower dam, will undoubtedly push land prices up in the vast already built relocation villages as it claims, though probably a long time from now. And though no match for their land by the sea, the package villagers are supposed to receive, including a house, farmland and financial reimbursement for property lost, looks far more generous than what has been put on the table in many of Cambodias other notorious development projects. But when it comes to the implementation of this deal, organisations such as the United Nations Office of Human

After a long time of working really hard, we will get something. For the relocation, they needed to demolish many things . . .
aside for relocation and compensation, Ngou says, lamenting that many villagers still abandon the homes his firm has built for them for months at a time to go back to the sea to fish. No other companies help people as we do. We build houses for them. We give land and build a five-room school, a pagoda, a market for them, he says. We are not like others who got the land from the government, and they log and do nothing. It is true that Union Development Group cannot be accused, as many other concessionaires can be, of simply abandoning their development commitments in favour of turning a quick buck from timber and jumping ship. The infrastructure it is developing, including a four-lane Rights, Adhoc and Licadho have found that while what has been pledged looks nice on paper, core promises arent being delivered. If we look at the reality, the government has given compensation such as 50 by 100 metres of land and a new house of 6 by 7 metres, but nothing can be grown on the land over there, says Soksan Yi, deputy director of land rights and natural resources at Adhoc. Moreover, the government also promised to give two hectares of land for farming. Until now, according to our observations, the relocation area doesnt have any land available for farming yet. From 2008 until now, it has been about five to six years, and they did nothing over there. One villager the Post met who had managed to grow a reasonable mango tree planta-

tion and spoke in the presence of company officials, was not entirely pessimistic about the relocation. When we moved from one location to another of course it was difficult, Chan Phaly, who relocated about four years ago, told reporters during a company escorted trip earlier this month. But after a long time of working really hard, we will get something. For the relocation, they needed to demolish many things, so we lack [things we need]. Outside of the gaze of a company entourage, however, other evictees, including Peam Kay village chief Kem Rithy, say the soil is so bad at most of the relocation plots that many residents have fled as far as Thailand in search of work; and the complaints go further. The Post has heard directly from evictees during multiple trips to the concession that compensation has simply not been paid or reduced to a fraction of what was promised. For these families, many of whom have resided happily by the water since they moved there in the 1960s or 1980s, the financial compensation offer ranges from $8,000 to $200 per hectare lost depending on the strength of the families documented claim to the land and duration of tenure. Ngou claims 1,147 of them have now received full compensation, leaving just 18 outstanding, but as recently as this week, that claim was being publicly disputed. At a press conference on Wednesday, when Adhoc announced it was filing more than 100 land complaints to courts across the country, yet another villager came forward contradicting Ngous assertion that the company had not

Construction is undertaken next to an already nished golf course inside the Union Development Groups resort area in Kiri Sakor district, Koh Kong, earlier this month. SRENG MENG SRUN

destroyed peoples houses. If we agreed to accept their compensation of $8,000 per hectare, after we thumbprint, they will give us only $200. They cheated us, and we did not agree for them to tear down our house, enraged villager Rong Ky told the conference. In his 2012 report on the situation of human rights in Cambodia focusing on concessions, UN Rights envoy Surya Subedi found that according to the terms of the 2008 lease, Union Development Group was responsible for the costs of compensation, while the government was responsible for administering it. Where a resolution to relocate certain villagers or legal land possessors could not be found, activity was to be suspended. Nevertheless, Union Development Group is pushing on. It says that ultimately, if a dispute cant be resolved, it is up to the government and the courts to find a resolution, because the company has done its part. Ministry of Environment spokesman Bun Leut and Koh

A man sits next to the charred remains of his house that was allegedly burned to the ground by Chinese company Union Development Group in Koh Kongs Botum Sakor district in February. HENG CHIVOAN

Kong provincial governor Bun Leut could not be reached for comment. As for its new approach to media engagement and transparency, Ngou is coyly apologetic when quizzed about why reporters were blocked by security personnel last month

while trying to visit one particular village that has refused to budge. For this one, I will ask the Kim Security [firm] if, next time, any journalist or NGO wants to go in, just let them go in, because the security never inform us you know, he says laughing.


National Prisoners queue up for possible KNY pardons

May Titthara Vong Sokheng

New hound joins mine battle

AMBODIAS newest demining employee comes with an impressive resume, years of experience and four legs. Rambo touched down in Phnom Penh yesterday, then was driven to the Cambodian Mine Action Centre (CMAC) training facility in Kampong Chhnang province. He is the rst of 18 trained smell hounds CMAC will receive through a donation from NGO Norwegian Peoples Aid. We ew Rambo in rst because of CMACs urgent need in our demining efforts, CMAC director general Heng Ratana said. The other 17 dogs will arrive within the next six months. At four years old, Rambo has already received training at a centre in Bosnia and spent the past two years snifng out explosives in Senegal, Ratana said. He will receive another year of training at CMACs Kampong Chhnang facility. When the 17 arrive, CMAC will have a total of 52 explosivesnifng dogs, Ratana said. Specialised dogs like Rambo cost about $36,000 each, making the total donation equivalent to more than $600,000.

MORE than 600 of the Kingdoms inmates could be released or see their sentences reduced this Khmer New Year if the King responds favourably to a request made yesterday by the Ministry of Interiors General Department of Prisons, ofcials said. Kuy Bunsorn, director general of the department, has asked the King to consider issuing royal pardons or reducing the sentences of a total of 625 prisoners nationwide between April 14 and 16. But it remains to be seen how many inmates will benet from the request. We are having a meeting to decide on the matter. We do not know the exact numbers, Bunsorn said yesterday. Sam Proche Meanith, a chief cabinet member of the Ministry of Justice, said he is also unsure how many would ultimately be released. We do not know how many people we will pardon and reduce sentences [for], because [it has been sent] to the Royal Palace for the Royal Pardon and sentence deduction, Proche Meanith said. Every year, prisons across

the country ask for pardons and sentence reductions for inmates during the national holidays of Khmer New Year, Phchum Ben and the Water Festival, Proche Meanith said. Last year, the government also asked the King to pardon 412 prisoners across the country and reduce the sentences of 84 to mark the funeral of King Norodom Sihanouk. Proche Meanith said inmates are only ever considered if they have served at least two-thirds of their sentence, shown good behaviour inside the prison and proved that they can reintegrate back into the community as law-abiding citizens. But Chan Soveth, a senior investigator with rights group Adhoc, said the pardons and sentence reductions are not always awarded to those most deserving of them, as corruption plays a key part in decision making. We are always hearing from the relatives of prisoners [that they will not] be pardoned or have their sentences reduced unless they pay money, he said.

Smell hound Rambo stands outside the Phnom Penh International Airport with a handler from the Cambodian Mine Action Centre yesterday after disembarking from a ight. PHOTO SUPPLIED

CMACs explosive-snifng dogs are all own in from Sweden, Germany, Holland, Thailand and Bosnia, said Hang Rith, director of CMACs dog program. While their help is invaluable, other tools are necessary to completely clear areas of mines and bombs. We train the dogs only to sniff out the explosive sub-

stance TNT, not the metal or wood, Rith said. Dogs and metal detectors will help speed up our mine-clearing efforts in Cambodia. Deaths from unexploded ordnances have dropped in recent years, with 22 last year, down from 43 in 2012, according to gures from the Cambodian Mine Action and

Victim Assistance Authority. Despite the dip in tragedies, Rith said, there are still about 2,000 square kilometres of Cambodian land teeming with mines. According to the Cambodian governments National Mine Action Strategy, the cost of clearing all mines from Cambodian soil by 2019 will total about $450 million.



In brief
Cambodian illegal loggers repatriated
THREE Cambodian illegal loggers arrested more than a year ago in Thailand were released by the Thai authorities yesterday, and returned to their home country, officials said. A Chaom Sangam bordercrossing officer in Oddar Meanchey, who asked to remain anonymous, said the three men were arrested in September 2012, when they were crossing back to Cambodia with their timber. They were arrested by Thai soldiers when they were dragging the luxury wood, he said. Two live in Oddar Meanchey and another in Preah Sihanouk province, The officer was not sure of how many Cambodians are currently incarcerated in Thailand for illegal logging.

Millions still lack safe water

Daniel Pye and Khouth Sophak Chakrya

What you find, you keep, even at the workplace
CHARITY begins at the home youre building and its help yourself. Thats the motto of four construction workers who were arrested on Wednesday for stealing 10 bags of cement from a building site. The thieves, working night shift, believed it wouldnt be hard to smuggle out the loot in the dark. However, their boss caught them loading the bags onto their motos and promptly called the police, leading to their arrest. KOh SaNtEPhEaP

Logging firm fails again to notify and pay taxes

LOGGING by Vietnameseowned concessionaire Company 72 has once again spilled the boundaries of its land in Ratanakkiris OYadav district, this time without paying proper taxes to the Forestry Administration (FA), local forest conservation activist Romas Svang said yesterday. According to Svang, the companys loggers felled and removed about 10 sizeable trees immediately, without informing the Forestry Administration. Adhoc provincial coordinator Chhay Thy said yesterday that even when logging with the concessions, companies must still report the timber to the FA. When they log on their concession land, they must inform the Forestry Administration in order to pay taxes to state, he said. Phat Pouen, an official at the provincial FA department, said he was looking into it. A representative of Company 72 could not be reached for comment. SEN DaviD

ORE than a third of Cambodians lack access to safe water, leading to poor levels of sanitation, hygiene and high rates of waterborne disease, according to a statement from Unicef. Young children are especially vulnerable, the statement released today to mark World Water Day said, adding that about 3.9 million people who do not have access to safe drinking water are impoverished and living in rural areas. Attention to rural water supply, sanitation and hygiene will unquestionably deliver results less child deaths, better learning at school, less disease, more productive workers, less health costs for the people and the system, Rana Flowers, Unicef representative to Cambodia said in the statement. The sector requires substantial investment . . . and strengthened commitment and inter-

A young woman pumps water into containers at a well in Koh Kong province earlier this year. hENG CHIVOAN

ministerial collaboration at both national and local levels, she went on to say. Unicef also made the case for increasing investment in clean water by claiming the health impacts, particularly treating diarrhea, the leading cause of infant mortality in the country, was costing the government $146 million per year. Ofcials at the Ministry of

Health could not be reached. Sophary Phan, a technical ofcer at the World Health Organization Cambodia, said that the government should improve water supply facilities and existing infrastructure, use more up-to-date technology and work more closely with private companies. Lin McLennan, program manager at local NGO Water-

shed, said that Cambodias fortunate in some respects. The issue is the quality of the water. We think there a lot of opportunities to engage with the private sector. People are trying to aim more at the poor and vulnerable, but people have got used to subsidised water. Touch Khon, a representative of the Phnom Bath community who were evicted from Borei Keila in 2012, said the government had promised them water at the relocation site, but they still relied on store-bought water and unclean sources. The authorities came to tell us three months ago, that they will make a clean water system to connect into our new village. But until now, we have no clean water, he said. The water from the pump [is not clean]. We buy big bottles [of water] for cooking for 500 riel (12 cents). I want the government and company that brought us here to improve the water supply and electricity. Sometimes, when the people drink the water, they get diarrhea.

Guests enjoy smashing wedding, sans the wine

POLICE are investigating whether it was sour grapes that led to a good wine being ruined at a wedding in Pailin on Tuesday. One man cracked another man, 20, over the skull with a wine bottle as their argument descended into violence. Police are looking into the exact nature of the argument, which has so far been hard to ascertain as the victim is still dazed and his attacker at large. DEUM aMPil

Neighbours wary of Laos dam plan

Laignee Barron and Shane Worrell

How to catch a thief? They dont wear helmets

HE WAS the thief who almost got away. Police on Monday pulled over a man for not wearing a helmet while sailing through the streets of Siem Reap on a stolen moto, only to let him go with just a fine. His ride to freedom, however, was cut short after police in Preah Vihear phoned through to their colleagues to Siem Reap, urging them to find a man on a stolen moto. Recognising the description, officers tracked down the thief and arrested him. KaMPUchEa thMEy

IN ITS race to cash in on hydropower without first addressing its downstream implications, Laos could pitch the region into a water crisis and jeopardise millions of Cambodians food security, conservation groups and Cambodian government officials said yesterday. Lao PDR is exploiting the Mekong River to develop its country though hydropower dams, Tea Chhup, deputy secretary of state at the Ministry of Environment, said yesterday during a workshop on Laos Don Sahong Hydropower Project. Surrounded by rapidly growing, energy hungry neighbours, Laos has made no secret of intentions to become the battery of Southeast Asia, proposing nine of the 11 planned Lower Mekong mainstream dams. But environmental groups are claiming that Laos has been anything but transparent in responding to mounting concerns about its use of the shared waters.

In January, Cambodia, Vietnam and Thailands Mekong committees requested Laos halt plans for the 260-megawatt Don Sahong until studies assessing transboundary impacts assured little or reversible effects. Despite the demand, Laos announced last month that it would move forward with dam construction in December, according to Ame Trandem, Southeast Asia coordinator for International Rivers. Under international law, its Laos duty to do these studies before building, Trandem said. The Mekong should never be a testing ground for new technology. Last September, the Don Sahongs developers published environmental and cumulative impact studies considering localised effects of the project, and in doing so, raised more red flags than assuaged fears. The scope of their study is only two kilometres, but we can assume the impact of their dam will extend beyond that and across the border to Cambodia, said Danh Serey, a Ministry of Environment representative.

The studies also came under fire for alleged inconsistencies, a lack of baseline information about fish numbers and migration patterns and unsubstantiated claims about mitigation measures. The impact assessment questions the viability of the [nearby] Irrawaddy Dolphin population; what they mean is, lets not worry about endangered dolphins, lets just build a dam, said Gerry Ryan, a technical officer at WWF-Greater Mekong. For its part, the Lao government maintained no short-cuts on dam construction or study were being taken. Mindful of potential environmental and social impacts, the government of Laos accepts that the process of hydropower development must be thoughtful, careful and practical, saidViraphonhViravong, vice minister at Laos Ministry of Energy and Mines. Modifications to a project design can be made, and will be made, to ensure sustainability and environmental safeguards not just for years, but for decades.

Slapstick comedy in Kampong Cham town

THE first rule of slapping a friend across the back of the head is to make sure it actually is your friend youre slapping and not a gangster. A 30-yearold man who failed to follow this rule was beaten by a bunch of thugs in Kampong Cham town on Wednesday. Police said that after the man had confused the gangster with his friend, the gangster put a callout to his crew, who promptly arrived and administered a beating. Police arrived in time to arrest two perpetrators, while the others fled. DEUM AMPIL

VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT Vacancy Announcement Number: Functional Title and Grade: Department/Service: Remuneration:

GSS Ofcer (NO-C) General Services Section, UNAKRT Starting from US$ 41,032.00 net per annum depending on relevant background and experience. One The initial appointment is limited to one year only. Extension of the appointment is subject to extension of the mandate and/or the availability of the funds. (Initial Appointment is subject to approval of the Budget) 01 April 2014

2 Fast 2 Furious to actually escape police

A FAST getaway turned out to indeed be fast but no getaway when two men who snatched a womans phone crashed their motorbike on Wednesday. The bandits, speeding through Kratie town, grasped the iPhone from the clutches of the unsuspecting woman before speeding off. Leaving the scene of the crime proved too difficult a task, however, as the driver lost control and crashed. The men will be granted time to recover in hospital before a court appearance. KOh SaNtEPhEaP
Translated by Sen David

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Deadline for Applications:

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NBC wont recognise bitcoin

Eddie Morton

This week in biz

Porsche centre to open up within eight months
THE new local distributor of German carmaker Porsche broke ground on Monday on a $2 million dealership that is set to open within eight months across from the Phnom Penh International Airport on Russian Boulevard.

AMBODIAS central bank wont recognise bitcoin as a form of payment, making the Kingdom the latest Asian country to reject the digital currency. National Bank of Cambodia director general Chea Serey conrmed the regulators stance on the issue on Wednesday, citing the absence of any e-commerce law in the Kingdom as one of the main reasons. NBC will not recognise a currency that is not issued or backed by a government. Bitcoins issuer is not a central bank of any jurisdiction, Serey said. Serey said that the lack of pertinent regulations means consumers arent legally protected in case of fraud, which has proven to be a daily occurrence in the virtual world, she added. The NBC is the only organisation in Cambodia with authorisation to issue legal tender under the direction of the Ministry of Economy and Finance. The NBCs statement comes one day after the Bank of Thailand (BOT) issued a stern warning against buying bitcoins. The BOT yesterday said tracking the virtual money could pose difculties, especially during legal proceedings. Bitcoin continues to be traded in Thailand, however, despite the BOT stating that the government would not and cannot regulate the digital currency. Last month, Vietnams banking regulator banned commercial banks and vendors from using or allowing bitcoin as a legitimate form of payment or trade. Prior to that, China, Japan and Russia took similar steps to discourage the digital currencys ofcial use. Singapore, meanwhile, is reportedly investigating ways to regulate the so-called crypto-currency, of which there are an estimated 11 million in circulation worldwide.

EBA trade preferences here to stay: EU official

THE European Unions top trade official said on Tuesday that while a delegation from the European Parliament will look at land dispute claims on sugar farms later this month, an investigation into the countrys duty-free access to the EU market is, at the moment, unwarranted.

Burger King aiming for three new restaurants

BURGER King will launch another three restaurants in Cambodia by the end of the year, a franchisee official said on Wednesday. The first new location will be inside the Aeon mall in Phnom Penh. The additional two are slated for Sihanoukville and Siem Reap provinces.

A poster alerting customers that the digital currency bitcoin is accepted as payment sits behind the counter inside the Old Shoreditch Station cafe in London earlier this month. BLOOMBERG

On March 1, local Cambodian businessman Ki Chong Tran submitted a grant proposal to the Bitcoin Foundation asking for $100,000 of the digital currency in order to establish a local market in Phnom Penh, including two bitcoin ATMs. The 26-year-old 3D printing business owner and martial arts trainer said the NBCs comments would have no effect on the success of bitcoin in Cambodia. The purpose of bitcoin is to operate outside of government regulation and be self-regulated by its users. The NBCs stance on bitcoin will not have an effect on its popularity here in Cambodia, he said.

Anthony Perkins, CEO of Cambodias largest third-party electronic payments rm, Wing, said the NBCs concerns were justied and that much more is at stake than just an alternate means of payment. Anything that affects the money supply outside of their (NBCs) control could lead them to make a wrong decision on money supply, which in turn affects the nations interest rates, output, ination, unemployment and so on. So there is a lot at stake if bitcoin usage becomes widespread in a country, Perkins said. Citing the bankruptcy of Japans Mt. Gox bitcoin exchange last month, Per-

kins said users face considerable nancial risks, and that the digital currency fails to address tax evasion, money laundering and counterterrorism nancing laws. The bottom line is, consumers want a payment solution that is simple to use, safe, and universally accepted. Bitcoin does not tick any of those boxes in Cambodia yet, he said, adding that things could change if regulators start to embrace bitcoin. But I honestly cannot see that happening anytime soon. The Ministry of Economy and Finance could not be reached for comment.

IN AN article dated March 20 titled Burger King chain to expand, the Post erred when describing Benjamin Jerome as the owner of the Kentucky Fried Chicken franchise in Cambodia. KFC Cambodia is operated by Kampuchea Food Corporation, of which Royal Group and QSR Holdings Malaysia are joint shareholders. Jerome is the Country Manager, not the owner.


Vacancy Announcement Number:

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VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT Vacancy Announcement Number: Functional Title and Grade:


Security Ofcer (Security Driver-Protection Unit) (G-4) Security and Safety Section, UNAKRT Starting from US$ 8,174 gross per annum depending on relevant background and experience. Two The initial appointment is limited to one year only. Extension of the appointment is subject to extension of the mandate and /or the availability of funds. (Initial Appointment is subject to approval of the Budget). 10 April 2014

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Security Ofcer-Pass & ID Assistant, GS-4 Security and Safety Section, UNAKRT Starting from US$ 10,304 gross per annum depending on relevant background and experience. One The initial appointment is limited to one year only. Extension of the appointment is subject to extension of the mandate and /or the availability of funds. (Initial Appointment is subject to approval of the Budget). 10 April 2014

Security Ofcer (Local Security Assistant), GS-5 Security and Safety Section, UNAKRT Starting from US$ 13,707 gross per annum depending on relevant background and experience. One The initial appointment is limited to one year only. Extension of the appointment is subject to extension of the mandate and /or the availability of funds. (Initial Appointment is subject to approval of the Budget). 10 April 2014





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THE PHNOM PENH POST march 21, 2014

Markets Business
Rice sites hit

Investor funds flood SE Asia Cambodian exporters

Ian Sayson, Anuchit Nguyen and Weiyi Lim

HE tide of hot money is turning in favour of Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines. Overseas investors have bought a net $1.6 billion of shares in the three Southeast Asian countries in March, poised for the biggest monthly inow since January 2013. That follows $4.2 billion of withdrawals in the fourth quarter, which matched the largest outow since Bloomberg began tracking the data in 1999. The combination of easing political unrest in Thailand, a shrinking current-account decit in Indonesia and slowing ination in the Philippines is convincing foreign investors that the economies are strong enough to weather reduced Federal Reserve stimulus. The rapid rise in these markets is merely a catching up from last years decline caused by hot-money outows, David Ross, a managing director at Chevy Chase Trust in Maryland, which oversees about $17 billion, said. He predicted further gains in Indonesian and Philippine shares, while saying the rally

A trader works in front of an electronic board displaying stock gures and currency exchange rates on the oor of the Philippine Stock Exchange in Manila in November. BLOOMBERG

in Thailand may be near an end. Indonesias central bank estimates the nations currentaccount decit will narrow to 2.5 per cent of gross domestic product this year from about 3.3 per cent in 2013, while Philippine ination slowed in February for the rst time in six months. Thailands government agreed to end a state of emergency in Bangkok this week following months of anti-government protests and

clashes that killed 23 people. The Jakarta Composite Index has climbed 13 per cent this year through to Wednesday, while the Philippine Stock Exchange Index (PCOMP) gained 9.7 per cent. Thailands SET Index added about 5 per cent as tourism-related companies including Central Plaza Hotel Pcl and Airports of Thailand Pcl rallied. The MSCI Emerging Markets Index has lost 5.2 per cent.

Thats a turnaround from the second half of 2013, when the Feds move toward paring its record stimulus program dragged down the Southeast Asian indexes by at least 8.9 per cent, making them three of the worlds four biggest losers among global equity gauges tracked by Bloomberg. The rally is vulnerable to a slowdown in China, according to Samsung Asset Management Co. The worlds second

largest economy, which buys at least 9 per cent of overseas shipments from the three Southeast Asian countries, may expand about 7.5 per cent this year, the weakest pace since 1990, according to a Bloomberg survey. Chinas retail sales and industrial production trailed estimates in February, while home prices in some of the countrys largest cities rose last month at the slowest pace since 2012. The potential for contagion in Chinas nancial markets is my biggest concern right now, Alan Richardson, whose Samsung Asean Equity Fund outperformed 96 per cent of peers tracked by Bloomberg during the past 12 months, said. Foreign investors have bought a net $202 million of Thai equities in March, poised for the rst monthly inow since protests started in Bangkok on October 31. They pulled $3.8 billion from the countrys stocks in the four months through to February 28 as opposition groups staged demonstrations demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra. BLOOMBERG

allege hacks

AMBODIAS rice industry has come under attack in recent months from hackers attempting to defraud buyers and disrupt exporters websites, industry insiders say. The Alliance of Rice Producers & Exporters of Cambodia (ARPEC) has alerted its members to take extra security measures after several reports of fraudulent activity in the past few weeks, said deputy general secretary David Van. Hackers used sellers email and managers email addresses asking buyers to remit payment for specific invoices to different bank accounts, Van said. Golden Rice Cambodia, one of the countrys largest exporters, is reinforcing website security after being hacked. Yesterday, we were discussing with other exporters that they have been attacked too, so we decided together to alert our buyers through, said David Sok, vice-president at Golden Rice, referring to an industry publication on which the news first surfaced. CHAN MUY HONG

THE PHNOM PENH POST March 21, 2014


Kep tourism chief on latest plans

With renovations to its beaches, increased publicity and careful planning, Kep province is gradually raising its standards as a holiday destination. In a recent interview, Som Chenda, the newly-appointed director of the Kep tourism department he was in charge of Sihanoukville before moving to the post in 2012 talks to the Posts Chan Muy Hong about recent upgrades, and discusses whats next. What is the tourism vision for Kep? Our vision is to turn Kep province into a ower city in the future, just like Dalat, in Vietnam. Tourists who visit Kep enjoy the already established beautiful nature, and we have plans to plant more trees and owers around town. Tourists also come to Kep for the taste of our distinctive seafood, which you cannot nd somewhere else. As we know, Koh Kong and Sihanoukville provinces are also on the coast, but their sea food is not as good as Keps. What about ongoing projects? The road from Kampot to Kep province is being expanded. We are bars are all located. Tourists who come to Kep come to relax, to treat their health. We are planting more trees, more owers and also palm oil trees and we will make those into a public park. However, we are encouraging more entertainment-based tourism development in Sihanoukville, such as guest houses, hotels, restaurants, karaoke, discos, bars and casinos. So for tourists who like to enjoy loud music, they can go to Sihanoukville. And for those who want to relax in nature, kind of quiet, and absorb fresh air, they can go to Kep. How will the government respond once investors start coming in with larger tourism projects that could threaten the quiet vibe Kep is known for? Indeed, we want developers, but we have to be careful and responsible. We have thought about the location where we would allow development for entertainment. In the case that we are compelled to establish more bars, discos or a casino, the projects can be developed in the eastern part of the mountains. And we will preserve the western part of the mountain for quiet tourism. However, so far we have not seen such development in Kep yet. The plans mostly involve building resorts, hotels, guest houses and bungalows. What is the government planning on doing with the abandoned buildings from the French colonial period? I think it is important to keep the buildings remaining from that era. So far, I have not heard about any demolition plans. We need to link conservation and development together, meaning that if we develop, then we also have to think about conservation. Regarding the question of how we can balance the two, it really depends on the situation. Are there plans? other infrastructure

Som Chenda, director of the Kep tourism department, talks to the Post from his ofce in Kep in February. MARTA SOsZYNsKA

transporting white sand from Sihanoukville and Kampot to ll in the beach here to make it an even more beautiful bay. There is a Coast Guard group to maintain visitors safety when they come to the beach. Public bathrooms have also been improved. We have an information centre for tourists. The province also plans to build an international port to receive tourists in larger cruise ships from Thailand and Vietnam, especially tourists from

Pho Quoc Island. Today, we already have one, but it is a smaller port and is serving tourists who travel to nearby islands in our region only. Whats the difference between Kep and Sihanoukville tourism? Kep province is more about nature and relaxing. The province does not encourage entertainmentbased tourism like Sihanoukville, where disco music, karaoke and

The re-arrangement of the sewage system and a water ltration plant project are supported by the Asian Development Bank (ADB). I do not know when that will start, but I am sure that it will be soon. Within the next few years, we will see rapid economic growth in Kep, with an increased number of tourists and investors. It means the standards of living for people here will be better too. This interview has been edited for length and clarity.


THE PHNOM PENH POST march 21, 2014

Markets Business
Market grows

EDEX Corp, operator of the worlds largest cargo airline, cut its 2014 prot forecast, blaming unseasonably harsh winter weather and online retailers sloppy packaging practices. The company trimmed its prot forecast for the full year to a range of $6.55 to $6.80 a share, from $6.73 to $7.10. That falls short of analysts estimates of $6.90 a share, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. FedEx and United Parcel Service Inc both missed some holiday deliveries in December amid a surge of last-minute Christmas orders combined with snow, ice and frigid temperatures that grounded ights and snarled highway trafc. While carriers took the brunt of the blame, Chief Executive Ofcer Fred Smith said there were also quality issues with the retailers. It is a big part of the e-commerce business that really didnt get enough publicity last year because they were an integral part of the problems even more than the weather and the carrier performance, he said. FedEx kept getting pinged with the big problem in e-

FedEx lowers profit forecast T F

Mary Schlangestein

Package handlers unload boxes from a trailer to be sorted for nal delivery at a FedEx Ground hub in Hagerstown, Maryland, in December. BLOOMBERG

commerce, Smith said. Boxes werent packed well, labels werent properly afxed and sometimes retailers claimed packages had been shipped to FedEx or UPS when in fact they hadnt, he said. FedEx expects a prot this quarter of $2.25 to $2.50 a share, a range that includes current analyst estimates averaging $2.33. Adjusting for weather last

quarter, FedExs annual guidance is unchanged, said Art Hateld, a Raymond James Financial Inc analyst. The shipping company, considered a bellwether of the US economy because of the variety of goods it delivers, gave a more optimistic outlook for growth for the rest of this year and next. US industrial production should grow 3.4 per cent this

year and 3.7 per cent in 2015, up from December estimates of 3.1 per cent and 3.6 per cent, respectively, said Mike Glenn, executive vice president. The company also raised its forecast for US economic growth this year to 2.6 per cent from 2.4 per cent, while holding its 2015 outlook steady at three per cent. Its global economic growth prediction of

2.8 per cent this year remained the same, while the forecast for next year was trimmed to 3.1 per cent from 3.2 per cent it projected in December. Earnings per share of $1.23 in the quarter ended February 28 trailed the $1.46 average of analysts projections, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Operating income was reduced by an estimated $125 million as a result of the winter weather, the Memphis, Tennesseebased company said. Sales of $11.3 billion also fell short of the $11.43 billion expected by analysts. We believe the investment community will give the company some slack in terms of the lower-than-expected results as weather is clearly out of the companys hands, Helane Becker, an analyst at Cowen & Co wrote in a note to clients. Winter weather reduced packages at FedEx Express by 40,000 a day and cut FedEx Ground shipments by 100,000 a day, the company said. Still, FedEx sidestepped some of the problems experienced at UPS, which saw fourth-quarter costs rise by $150 million due to the missed deliveries. Refunds to customers reduced quarterly revenue by $50 million. BLOOMBERG

Facebook, Google lead mobile ads

HE market for mobile device advertising doubled in 2013 to $17.9 billion and is on pace for strong gains this year, led by Facebook and Google, a market tracker said on Wednesday. eMarketer said mobile ad spending increased 105 per cent last year and is expected to jump another 75 per cent in 2014 to $31.45 billion. Facebook and Google accounted for the majority of the increase in 2013. Google saw its market share dip to 49.3 per cent in 2013 from 52.6 per cent in 2012, eMarketer said. Facebooks market share jumped to 17.5 per cent from 5.4 per cent a year earlier. Twitter also saw strong gains but its share was a modest 2.4 per cent from 1.5 per cent in 2012. For 2014, eMarketer sees Google at 46.8 per cent, Facebook at 21.7 per cent and Twitter at 2.6 per cent. Facebook ad revenues worldwide will be around 63 per cent this year. Google is expected to get a third of its ad revenue from mobiles this year, up from 23 per cent in 2013, the report said. AFP

THE PHNOM PENH POST march 21, 2014



US capitol draws start-ups

Rob Lever

Thai Set 50 Index, Mar 19 1100

Ho Chi Minh Stock Index, Mar 19 600

1025 950 875 800

550 500 450 400

N A large warehouse-type ofce, software coders work on apps, as angel investors and mentors help budding entrepreneurs gure out strategies for their start-ups. This technology incubator called 1776 in downtown Washington has some 200 start-up rms, and many more seeking to get in to the collaborative workspace which provides desks, connectivity, technical assistance and importantly, connections for those with a dream or a mobile app. A few years ago, the notion of Silicon Valley on the Potomac might have evoked ridicule. But the capital city in recent years has become home to thousands of entrepreneurs and a tech ecosystem supporting them. The ingredients we need for startups are right in our backyard, says Donna Harris, co-founder of 1776, which opened last April and quickly lled up. With 15,000 square feet in the downtown K Street corridor, 1776 accepts about half those applying for membership in the tech incubator. Its not just capital that people need. They need connections, Harris said. By some measures, the District of Columbia has a start-up scene which is bursting at the seams. A survey last year by Fast Company magazine found the district had a higher number of venture-funded start-ups per capita than any of the 50 US states. PriceWaterhouseCoopers ranked the city in the top 10 for business investment in the fourth quarter, with

Employees of start-up companies work at their designated spaces at the ofces of 1776 business incubator in Washington last month. AFp

more than half of the $300 million going into software and IT services. The start-up scene in DC is vibrant, its growing, says Christopher Etesse, chief executive of FlatWorld Knowledge, a start-up for digital textbooks and online educational services, which has grown to 32 people in the 1776 ofces. Mrim Boutla relocated to Washington from Indiana and moved into 1776 for her e-learning and job placement start-up, saying the city has both the non-prot, the prot and government sectors that can interact and intersect in social innovation. She said the shared workspace puts her in contact with a great fellowship of changemakers and helps me stay energised in the lonely journey of being an entrepreneur. Some

start-ups in the city are also ocking to warehouse-style shared workspace offered by WeWork, which has nearly lled up its ofce location in the Chinatown section with some 200 start-ups in technology and other sectors. WeWork, which operates in several US cities and is expanding abroad, is opening two more locations in Washington capable of hosting as many as 1,000 start-ups. When you join WeWork you join the whole network, said Carl Pierre, who manages the Washington ofces. Some of the credit for the start-up ecosystem goes to people like Peter Corbett, who moved to Washington a decade ago to launch design and consulting rm iStrategyLabs, and has since become an angel investor, men-

tor and adviser to the mayors ofce on tech policy. Being located here gave us the ability to be a very shiny small sh in a medium-sized pond and it allowed us to build national and international recognition, Corbett said. Corbett began hosting meet-ups, hackathons and cocktail events for the tech community and has seen attendance grow from a handful of people to hundreds. Every year you have 20,000 young people moving to DC, he said. The way you build an ecosystem is having the density of brains, so there is friction. And the friction turns into ideas. That typically happens in Silicon Valley but it is happening here now too. While start-up activity has grown around the United States and globally, entrepreneurs get assistance in the city of Washington, where 1776 has support for the city government, Microsoft and other corporate sponsors who help with coaching, nancing and other start-up issues. There has been tremendous growth of both the support system and the community around entrepreneurs and start-ups in the area, says Michael Chasen, a veteran of the citys technology scene who founded the education technology rm Blackboard, which sold in 2011 for nearly $2 billion. This year, he launched a social networking app called SocialRadar. Chasen said Washington benets from tax incentives, incubators like 1776 and the growing tech community which feeds new ideas. AFP



South Korea

KOSPI Index, Mar 19 2100 1975 1850 1725 1600


PSEI- Philippine Se Idx, Mar 19 7000 6625 6250 5875 5500



FTSE Straits Times Index, Mar 19 4000

FTSEBursa Malaysia KLCI, Mar 19 1900

3500 3000 2500 2000

1800 1700 1600 1500



Hong Kong
Hang Seng Index, Mar 19 25000

CSI 300 Index, Mar 19 3000

23250 21500 19750 18000

2750 2500 2250 2000




Nikkei 225, Mar 19 16000


Taiwan Taiex Index, Mar 19 9000

15500 15000 14500 14000

8500 8000 7500 7000


Jakarta Composite Index, Mar 19 5000 4625 4250 3875 3500


Laos Composite Index, Mar 19 1500 1350 1200 1050 900




International commodities

Cambodian commodities
(Base rate taken on January 1, 2012) (%) -0.71 % 3.64 % 2.22 % 1.25 % 4.00 % 5.50 % -40.00 % 1.82 % 7.06 % 3.33 % 15.56 % 0.77 %

BSE Sensex 30 Index, Mar 19 22000 21000

Karachi 100 Index, Mar 19 28000 27250 26500 25750 25000

Food -Cereals -Vegetables - Fruits

Item Rice 1 Rice 2 Paddy Peanuts Maize 2 Cashew nut Pepper Beef Pork Mud Fish Chicken Duck Unit
R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg

Construction equipment
Average 2780 2280 1840 8100 2080 4220 24000 33600 18200 12400 20800 13100 Item Steel 12 Cement Unit R/Kg R/Sac Base 3000 19000 Average 3100 19500 (%) 3.33 % 2.63 %

Crude Oil (WTI) Crude Oil (Brent) RBOB Gasoline NYMEX Heating Oil ICE Gasoil

USD/bbl. USD/bbl. USd/gal. USd/gal. USD/MT

100.65 106.04 4.44 286.78 290.34 887.75

0.28 0.19 -0.05 -3.5 -1.21 0.75

0.28% 0.18% -1.03% -1.21% -0.42% 0.08%

3:36:20 3:41:11 3:41:55 2:30:34 3:36:37 3:35:10

2800 2200 1800 8000 2000 4000 40000 33000 17000 12000 18000 13000

20000 19000 18000

NYMEX Natural Gas USD/MMBtu



Item Gasoline Diesel Petroleum Gas Charcoal Unit
R R R Chi Baht

5250 5100 5500 86000 1200

5450 5200 5500 76000 1300

3.81 % 1.96 % 0.00 % -11.63 % 8.33 %

S&P/ASX 200 Index, Mar 19 5500 5250 5000 4750 4500

New Zealand
NZX 50 Index, Mar 19 5500 5250 5000 4750 4500


CBOT Rough Rice CME Lumber

USD/cwt USD/tbf

15.56 339

0.04 1.4

0.23% 0.41%

3:30:26 23:44:55




THE PHNOM PENH POST march 21, 2014

URVEILLANCE aircraft scoured a remote and stormy section of the Indian Ocean yesterday for a pair of oating objects that Australia and Malaysia guardedly called a credible lead in the 12-day-old hunt for a missing passenger jet. Australia said the objects one was estimated at 24 metres (79 feet) across were captured in satellite imagery, raising hopes of a breakthrough in the Malaysian planes mysterious disappearance as relatives of the 239 people aboard braced for another emotional roller-coaster. We now have a credible lead, Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said during Malaysias daily briefing on the crisis. There remains much work to be done to deploy the assets. This work will continue overnight. Four search aircraft were dispatched from Australia which has taken charge of the search in the southern Indian Ocean to the area about 2,500 kilometres (1,553 miles) southwest of Perth where the grainy images were snapped. The planes two from Australia, one from New Zealand and one US aircraft covered an area of 23,000 sq km (9,200 sq miles) without any sighting before the search was suspended for the day, the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) said. It earlier reported cloudy, rainy conditions and limited visibility. A Norwegian merchant ship reached the site as daylight waned, and another merchant

Search zeroes in on possible debris S

ship was en route. The Australian navys HMAS Success was also headed for the area, and Britain sent a naval survey ship, HMS Echo. Clearly wary of raising hopes following a series of past false leads, Hishammuddin warned of delays in verifying the apparent debris. The Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777, carrying 227 passengers and 12 crew, vanished in the early hours of March 8 after veering drastically off course over the South China Sea while en route to Beijing. Investigators believe it was deliberately diverted but still dont know by whom, why, or where it ended up. The satellite images, taken on Sunday, were rst revealed earlier in the day by Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott. The larger of the two was described as measuring about 24 metres. Abbott told parliament the images represented new and credible information but stressed that any connection with ight MH370 had still to be conrmed. The indication to me is of objects that are of a reasonable size and probably awash with water and bobbing up and down over the surface, top AMSA ofcial John Young said. The images are the rst solid clue since the search area was signicantly broadened last weekend to take in a vast part of the Indian Ocean. Experts said the fact that Abbott himself had released the information lent weight to its credibility, however warned it could be difcult to nd the objects in an iso-

Royal Australian Air Force personnel on an AP-3C Orion survey the southern Indian Ocean for debris of Malaysia Airlines ight MH370.

Search for MH370


Australian PM Tony Abbott announces potential breakthrough Thursday

lated corner of the Earth noted for strong currents. The current there is one of the strongest in the world, moving at as fast as one metre per second, said Gan Jianping, an oceanographer at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. HMAS Success, which is capable of retrieving any debris, is some days from the site. The objects would have

drifted for four days, making them a logistical nightmare to locate, Australian Defence Minister David Johnston said. We are in a most isolated part of the world. In fact it probably doesnt get, if I can be so bold, more isolated, Johnston said. He was later quoted as saying it could take two or three days before any rm conclusions are made. AFP

Malaysia Airlines MH370 Departed 00:41 am March 8

Approximate last position tracked by military radar

Kuala Lumpur




Two objects possibly related to the search found in southern Indian Ocean
Source: AustraliaGovernment/Malaysia Govt

Australian search area March 19

Crimea bends to Ukraine demand, frees navy chief

the vote in the State Duma lower house was the penultimate legislative hurdle for the treaty, which was signed on Tuesday by President Vladimir Putin and Crimeas leaders. The Duma also approved a new law on the absorption of Crimea into Russia. The treaty and law still need to be rubber-stamped by the upper house Federation Council today. However the Kremlin has said that it considers Crimea part of Russia since the signing of the treaty on Tuesday. Out of 446 deputies voting, 445 voted to approve Russias taking of Crimea and just one against, Ilya Ponomarev of the A Just Russia Party. Four deputies were absent from the 450-seat Duma. After making his highly symbolic vote against the treaty, Ponomarev published a detailed and impassioned explanation of his move on a blog. Today Russia has made a huge mistake which could prove tragic for the brotherly Russian and Ukrainian peoples, for all of Slavic unity and for the whole system of international relations, he said. Future generations will pay for mistakes that are made now, he said. Ponomarev explained that he was not opposed to the idea of Russia taking the mainly Russian-speaking peninsula but that the process had happened too fast. He said it would have been right to have first recognised Crimeas independence and then wait a bit for things to calm down and convince everyone that this is not a Russia aggression . . . and then take the next step. A Just Russia is one of three so-called opposition parties in the State Duma but is usually staunchly pro-Kremlin. However it is the only party with a handful of MPs like Ponomarev who are broadly sympathetic to the protest movement against Putin.

France cancels summit

French President Francois Hollande said Europes leaders would cancel a June summit with Russia and decide fresh sanctions against Russian figures as he arrived yesterday for a European Union summit. Saying events in Ukraine and Crimea were unacceptable, the French leader said sanctions will be decided

against a certain number of figures, regarding their personal situation or their financial assets. There was to have been a meeting between the EU and Russia but it cannot take place in these conditions, he said, referring to a planned June summit. We must also plan other sanctions if there is an escalation. With the EUs 28 nations divided over whether to ratchet up the blocs response by agreeing economic sanctions, Hollande said that even if not decided today, economic sanctions must be discussed, prepared. AFP


Four men convicted in Mumbai gang-rape
A MUMBAI court convicted four men yesterday over the gang-rape of a photographer on assignment in the Indian city last year, a case that reignited nationwide anger over womens safety. The court found the men guilty of raping the 22-yearold in August last year at an abandoned mill compound, where she had gone to take photos with a male colleague, close to an upscale area of the nancial city. The four, aged between 18 to 27 at the time of their arrest, were in the court to hear the verdict. All the four accused are found guilty of committing forced sex, said Judge Shalini Phansalkar Joshi, adding that the men would be sentenced today. They could be handed life sentences. The attack sparked outrage in the nancial hub Mumbai, which had long been considered safer for women than the capital New Delhi, where the fatal gang-rape of a young student in December shook the nation. aFP


Popcorn shooter confesses

HE popcorn gunman has admitted to police that he was one of the gunmen at the Laksi intersection on the eve of the February 2 general election and that he was paid 300 baht ($9) a day to provide security for the anti-government protesters. Vivat Yodprasert, a 24-yearold Phitsanulok native known among demonstrators as the popcorn gunman, was brought to a press brieng at the Narcotics Suppression Bureau yesterday morning. The suspect said he was approached by a friend, who went by the name Men, to work as a security guard for the anti-government Peoples Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) in exchange for 300 baht a day. The gun that I used at the Laksi shooting was an M16 and I got it from another PDRC guard at the Chaeng Watthana rally site. He taught me how to use the gun. However, I had never used weapons and never created violence before the Lak Si incident. On that day [February 1], I received a radio signal from another guard to come out and protect Luang Pu Buddha Isara [one of the protest leaders and a monk] and pre-

Assad forces overrun Lebanon border town

A man shoots an automatic weapon hidden in a bag into a crowd of pro-government supporters in Bangkok on February 1. aFP

vent the protest site from being taken over. I shot about 20 rounds but I dont know who hired me. A popcorn bag was used to conceal the M16 and to collect spent bullet shells, he said. The suspect said he returned the gun to one of the PDRC guards and went into hiding in his friends houses after the Laksi shooting. Police Lieutenant General Winai Thongsong said authorities were able to arrest Vivat after gathering photos of him from reporters and social networks. Investigators then

asked witnesses and acquaintances of the suspect to conrm his identify before tracking him down. On Wednesday afternoon, the police arrested Vivat in a market in Muang district of Surat Thani. Five men and two women were injured in the gun battle between anti-government protesters and red shirt supporters at the Laksi intersection on February 1. One of the wounded was a 71-year-old man who was shot in the neck and the spine. He was paralysed. Also yesterday, a Thai anticorruption panel suspended

the senate speaker for supporting a failed legislative attempt by the party of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra to make the upper house fully elected. Nikom Wairatpanij now faces an impeachment vote and a possible political ban linked to the attempt to amend the constitution to reform the senate, Thailands upper house. He is one of hundreds of mostly pro-Yingluck politicians charged by the National Anti-Corruption Commission over the bill. The legislation was deemed by the Constitutional Court (NCC) in November to be unconstitutional. Yingluck faces a series of legal challenges, including negligence charges connected to a rice subsidy scheme, that are seen by her supporters as part of an attempted power grab through the courts. If deemed guilty by the NACC, she could face a veyear political ban. Experts say that in this scenario control of the senate could be important because the lower house was dissolved before a February election that has not yet been completed due to disruption by protesters. Polls are due on March 30 for the elected seats in the senate.
BanGkok Post/aFP

SYRIAN regime forces seized renowned Crusader castle Krak des Chevaliers yesterday, state TV said, after deadly fighting with rebels in the area near the border with Lebanon. Syrian troops killed 11 rebels as they fled the village of Al-Hosn, home to the famed castle, for the nearby Lebanese border, a military source said. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported 60 people killed or injured as they fled areas of Al-Hosn for the Syrian border with Lebanon. The group was unable to confirm a precise death toll, but said that among the casualties there were both civilians and rebel fighters. aFP

Three die in attack on Turkish security forces

TWO soldiers and a police officer were killed yesterday in southern Turkey when unidentified assailants opened fire on security forces in an attack denounced as an act of terror by the government. Using long-range shotguns the armed men fired from a truck after they had been ordered to stop at a checkpoint on a highway in the town of Ulukisla, according to local media. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan confirmed the attack whose motive was not immediately clear. aFP




Two opposition mayors arrested in Venezuela

VENEZUELA has upped pressure on the opposition after weeks of protests, arresting two mayors including one in the town where they started and seeking a probe of a prominent anti-government lawmaker. Authorities said the death toll from the protests rose to at least 30 after a policeman died trying to break up a protest in the western city of San Cristobal, where the demos began on February 4. Interior Minister Miguel Rodriguez said San Cristobal Mayor Daniel Ceballos has been detained on charges of fuelling civilian uprising and supporting violence in his city. afP

Vigilante chief calls murder rap a sham

FOUNDER of socalled self-defence militias that deed a drug cartel in western Mexico has declared his innocence on charges that he was behind the murders of two fellow vigilantes. Standing behind bars after a judge ordered him held pending trial in Michoacan state, Hipolito Mora said on Wednesday that he was betrayed and that his family was being harassed by a rival. I killed nobody. These charges are false. Everybody knows Im innocent, said the grey-bearded lime grower, stripped of his trademark cowboy hat. I feel betrayed by many people. Judge Juan Salvador Alonso told Mora at a prison near the state capital Morelia that there were enough elements to suspect that he participated in the killings of Rafael Sanchez Mena and Jose Luis Torres, whose charred bodies were found on March 8. With local police failing to act, Mora organised one of Michoacans rst vigilante

Bin Ladens 9/11 brag

OSAMA bin Laden claimed responsibility for 9/11 on the night of the attacks, his son-inlaw said on Wednesday at his federal trial in New York on terror charges. Suleiman Abu Ghaith recalled a meeting with the jubilant al-Qaeda chief in an Afghan cave complex. Did you learn what happened? We are the ones who did it, Bin Laden declared. The son-inlaw said he warned Bin Laden that he would feel the full force of Americas wrath. Bin Laden replied: Youre being too pessimistic. Bin Laden was killed by US forces in 2011. afP SOUTH Africas ruling ANC yesterday sought to minimise damage from a damning ombudsmans report which showed that some of the $23 million state-funded upgrades on President Jacob Zumas private home were unlawful. The African National Congress, with popularity flagging ahead of polls, said those implicated should be called to account and misspent money repaid, but tried to divert attention from its tainted leader. All public office bearers, officials and private sector companies involved ... must be brought to book ANC secretary-general Gwede Mantashe said, but slammed calls for Zumas impeachment as premeditated. afP

forces in his hometown of La Ruana in February 2013 to repel the cult-like Knights Templar drug cartel, which had been terrorising communities. The self-defence militias grew and eventually took control of security in around 20 towns and began to work hand-in-hand with federal authorities earlier this year. But Moras arrest and signs of divisions within the vigilante groups have raised concerns that the militias could be a source of more violence in restive Michoacan.

Policing the vigilantes

When people in Mexicos western state of Michoacan started ghting back against the unbridled violence, systematic economic exploitation and shattered self respect that came with living under the de facto dictatorship of the Knights Templar one of the Mexicos most vicious and bizarre criminal gangs many in Mexico applauded, or at least expressed sympathy. Today the cartel that once dominated the region is a

ANC in scandal clean-up

shadow of its former self, but concern is growing that the heavily armed militias who helped break the cartels dominance, such as Moras, could themselves trigger more violence and prove as difcult to control. The basic problem with the self-defence groups is that the government cannot disarm them without handing control back to the Knights Templars, but it cant tolerate them either, Alejandro Hope, a leading expert on Mexicos drug wars, said. Hope argues for a clear legal framework to gradually institutionalise some of the vigilantes while rendering them irrelevant through strengthening the local-level security apparatus. Instead, he says, the government is winging it. After failing to disarm them, the government has instead tried working with the vigilantes to go after the Templars. The cartels two remaining important leaders are reportedly hiding in mountain caves above the regions valleys, which burst with the limes,

Self-protection militia leader Hipolito Mora is detained on Wednesday for his alleged involvement in a double homicide in Morelia, Mexico. afP

mangos and avocados on which the cartel once levied systematic taxes. But the vigilante movement has also proved far more complex and potentially dangerous than the uprising of desperate citizens fed up with criminal oppression it claims to be. The two men Mora is accused of killing were loyal to another vigilante leader Luis Antonio

Torres, alias El Americano. A day before his arrest last week, hundreds of men from Torres faction entered La Ruana to expel Mora, who was evacuated by a federal police helicopter before his arrest. El Americano is persecuting my family and my followers and he has searched their homes, Mora said. afP/
the guardian

Latest tack to keep Scots in the UK: whisky

BRITISH Finance Minister George Osborne froze tax on Scottish whisky in his annual budget on Wednesday, in an apparent bid to woo Scots ahead of an independence referendum this year. Scottish whisky is a huge British success story. To support that industry, instead of raising duties on Scotch whisky and other spirits, Im today going to freeze them, Osborne told parliament. Tax on beer dropped by one pence but duty on other alcoholic products would rise in line with inflation, he added. Scots are due to vote on September 18 on whether to end the nations more than 300-year-old union with England. Along with North Sea oil and gas, the whisky industry is one of the twin pillars of the economic plan for independence drawn up by Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond. But Osborne, an opponent of independence, warned in his budget that receipts from North Sea oil were due to drop by 3 billion ($4.9 billion) in coming years. This is a reminder of how precarious the budget of an independent Scotland would be, he said. Britain is better together. The government in London has increasingly reached out to Scots in a bid to keep the union between Scotland and England intact. The whisky freeze comes two months after the British government announced a series of measures to protect Scottish whisky, one of Britains best-known products abroad. The sector, ranging from peaty single malts to big brand blends, is worth 4 billion a year, according to the government, while the industry says it supports 35,000 jobs. Salmonds Scottish National Party said it was pressure from the whisky industry that made Osborne freeze duty, and that nearly 80 per cent of the price of a bottle of Scotch was still tax that went to London. afP

Britain has frozen Scotch taxes.


World Food Programme (WFP) is the worlds largest humanitarian organisation. WFP has been providing food assistance in Cambodia since 1979. WFP Cambodias activities focus on education, nutrition and productive assets and livelihood development. In 2012, WFP supported almost 1 million people in Cambodia. Position: Contract: Grade: Duration: Duty Station: Position: Contract: Grade: Duration: Duty Station: Senior Programme Assistant Fixed-Term Appointment GS 7 12 months, renewable WFP Country Ofce, Phnom Penh Senior Programme Assistant Market Analyst (VAM) WFP Service Contract WFP Range III/SC6 12 months WFP Country Ofce, Phnom Penh

The detailed Term of Reference is available upon request at the WFP Information desk or can be downloaded from the link http:// . Applications along with a mandatory completed UN Personal History Form (P11) and a detailed CV with copy of education certicate should be delivered to the WFP Human Resources Unit, WFP Cambodia House 250, Road 63, Phnom Penh, faxed to # 023- 218 749 or emailed to Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. The applications will not be returned. Women are encouraged to apply. Equally qualied female candidates will be given preference. Deadline: 6 April 2014 at 5:00 pm


New media attack puts HK on edge
FEARS over press freedom in Hong Kong intensied after two media executives were badly beaten by masked men, with one newspaper yesterday describing a siege atmosphere in the city. The attack on the senior gures from the Hong Kong Morning News Media Group on Wednesday came just weeks after veteran journalist Kevin Lau was hacked with a meat cleaver he remains in hospital with serious injuries. Both Wednesdays attack and the assault on Lau took place in broad daylight and have raised alarm that journalists in the city are in increasing danger. The US voiced concern after the latest incident saying it was troubled by the violence, while press groups condemned the fresh attack. Lei Lun-han, the Hong Kong Morning News Groups vice president, and Lam Kin-ming, its news controller, were set upon by four men with iron bars in the busy commercial district of Tsim Sha Tsui. Two alleged hitmen in the Lau case appeared in court for the rst time yesterday. AFp


Ultimatum issued from inside Taiwans occupied parliament

Amber Wang

Arrest in China village that hatched 11 revolt

CHINESE prosecutors have detained on bribery charges a deputy chief of a village which attracted worldwide attention when it rebelled against its Communist leaders, a website said. Hong Ruichao, one of the leaders of the 2011 uprising in the southern village of Wukan which saw locals drive out Communist Party officials accused of illegal land grabs, was held on Wednesday, a city government blog said. The news is a new blow to villagers hopes of retrieving their land after reports last week that another deputy chief was detained on similar charges, which critics say are politically motivated. AFp

ROTESTERS barricaded themselves inside Taiwans parliament for a third straight day yesterday, threatening further action if the government pushes ahead with its plans to ratify a contentious trade pact with China. More than 200 protesters mostly young students stormed through security barriers and took over the parliaments main chamber late on Tuesday in the rst such occupation of the building in Taiwans history. Hundreds of police ofcers attempted to barge their way in on Wednesday and end the occupation, but they failed to breach the improvised barricades fashioned by the protesters out of piles of chairs. As the standoff entered a third day, student leader Chen Wei-ting said the protesters would mount further action unless President Ma Ying-jeou responds to their demands. We demand the government return the pact to China, tell China we dont accept it, student leader Lin Fei-fan told

Japan lawmakers pass biggest ever budget

Students gather outside Taiwans parliament building yesterday in a show of support for activists who have barricaded themselves inside the chamber (right) to protest a trade in services pact with China. AFp

reporters. We ask President Ma Ying-jeou to respond to our demands by noon Friday or we will take further action, Chen added, as the crowd chanted Return the service trade pact, defend democracy. While waiting for the governments response in the chamber short of air conditioning, the protesters kept chanting slogans and sing-

ing songs as they managed to keep their spirits high. Echoing the protesters appeal, Taiwans leading opposition Democratic Progressive Party also warned the Kuomintang government against any attempt to disperse the protest gathering by force. Signed in July, the agreement is designed further to open up trade in services be-

tween China and Taiwan. Like the protesters, the opposition says the deal will damage Taiwans economy and leave it vulnerable to political pressure from China. Taipeis police force has deployed some 2,000 ofcers to the parliament, who are guarding it in shifts as around a thousand more protesters remain in its grounds. AFP

JAPAN yesterday passed its biggest-ever budget, a $937 billion spending package aimed at propping up growth as consumers brace for the countrys first sales tax hike in over 15 years. The new budget comes as Tokyo pushes for speedy implementation of a $50 billion stimulus package. Public spending projects are part of the proposed budget as well as plans to upgrade Japans defence forces, as China bulks up its military and fears remain over North Koreas nuclear arms potential. AFP


THE PHNOM PENH POST maRch 21, 2014


Italian Mafias code of honour is dead: experts

Michele Leridon

A little frostbite
Polar bear twins, both only 14 weeks old, play with each other as they explore their outdoor enclosure, with mother Giovanna in tow, at Tierpark Zoo in Munich on Wednesday. AFP

HE brutal murder of a three-year-old boy in a maa ambush in southern Italy shows that the so-called code of honour among members of organised crime groups is pure myth, according to experts. Domenico was shot dead along with his mother and her partner when the car they were travelling in was attacked by gunmen in Taranto on Monday, sparking reactions of horror in Italy. Two other children in the car apparently only survived because they played dead. Investigators said the woman the widow of a murdered maoso had provided information which led to the arrest of several criminals while her partner, himself a convicted murderer, had been taking advantage of day releases from prison to try to regain control of the local drug market. Italys best-selling daily, the Corriere della Sera, described the toddler as one of a string of defenceless victims of the men of dishonour, such as three-year-old Coco, who was shot dead in the arms of his grandfather two months ago. Their murders follow other notorious deaths, such as Giuseppe, 13, who involuntarily witnessed the assassination of a trade unionist in 1948 and was murdered by an air injection while in hospital. Or 12-year-old Giuseppe di Matteo, the son of a maa turncoat, who was kidnapped in 1996 and kept in atrocious conditions for two years before he was strangled and his body was dissolved in acid. The idea that the maa does not kill children is a historic lie ... cultivated over a long period with care

by the men of dishonour, writes Goffredo Buccini in the Corriere. Today, the crisis which has pushed the old bosses to reinvent themselves, the disorderly rise of new killers, the use of drugs which burn souls and hearts, mean killers no longer have the time or possibility to hide their real faces, he said. The idea children dont get hurt is a myth, broken as early on as the post-war period, La Stampa dailys maa specialist Francesco La Licata said. Giacomo di Gennaro, a sociologist specialising in organised crime and criminal law in Naples, said the violence has become worse since the arrest of the big maa bosses over the last 15 years. These men of honour used to forbid the killing of priests, women and children. Their control over the territory was so strong that it was not necessary. Today, the boundaries of territories change so quickly ... all lines are crossed, he said. He also brushed aside attempts to distinguish between the different branches of organised crime in Italy, from Costa Nostra in Sicily to the Camorra in the Naples region. The Sacra Corona Unita in the Puglia region, where Mondays attack took place, had been held up as less violent than the other groups, presenting itself as a protector of the people. Italys collective memory is short, very short, so we always pretend to be surprised, to be left speechless by the murder of those like Domenico, La Licata said. One thing seems clear: looking through the list of victims it becomes evident that this is not a country for children, or women, he said. AFP

Chicken from hell sheds new light on bird-like dino

NICKNAMED the chicken from hell, a newly identified species of feathered dinosaur as tall as a human roamed North America at least 66 million years ago, palaeontologists announced on Wednesday. With a hen-like crest on its head, lanky legs like an ostrich, sharp claws on its forelimbs and jaws built for crushing eggs and prey, the Anzu wyliei weighed a hefty 200-300 kilograms (440-660 pounds). The long-tailed creature is the largest known member of the legendary egg-thief dinosaurs, known as Oviraptorosaurs, which are closely related to birds, said the study in the journal PLOS ONE. We jokingly call this thing the chicken from hell, and I think thats pretty appropriate, lead author Matt Lamanna, of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, said. A collection of fossilised bones from three separate dinosaurs provided the first nearly complete glimpse of the 3.5-metre-long beast that stood 1.5 metres high at the hip. It would be scary, as well as absurd, to encounter, said co-author Emma Schachner, a biology postdoctoral fellow at the University of Utah. The dinosaur was named after Anzu, a bird-demon from Mesopotamian mythology, and Wylie, the grandson of a museum trustee. The skeletal pieces were found over a decade ago in the Hell Creek rock formation in North and South Dakota, where many other fossils have been found, including those of T rex and Triceratops. The Anzu specimens are dated to between 66 and 68 million years old, very close to the end of the dinosaur era some 65 million years ago when an asteroid is believed to have wiped them out. The fossils reveal new details about a category of Oviraptorosaurs called caenagnathids, which were first discovered a century ago and came in a variety of sizes, from as small as a turkey to in the case of Gigantoraptor as heavy as 1.5 tons. Philip Currie, a palaeontologist and professor at the University of Alberta, described the latest findings as critical and anatomically, a fantastic specimen. Anzu wyliei appears similar in some ways to its cousins, the Oviraptorids, which have been found in Mongolia and China. There are differences, too. The jaws from the Mongolian fossils are short and deep, while the North American specimens have longer jaws that are still very bird-like. Anzus legs appear to have been longer, too, said Currie, who was not involved in the study. So these were unlike the ones from Mongolia animals that were capable of running much faster, he said. The first Oviraptor fossil was described in 1924 and was named the egg thief because it was found on top of a nest of eggs, and palaeontologists assumed it was eating them. In the 1990s, the same type of fossil egg was found with a baby Oviraptor inside, suggesting the earlier examples were not raiding nests but were parents, protecting their own eggs. Currie said he still believes, however, that other dinosaurs eggs were a part of Anzus diet, based on the shape of its jaws, which had a hollow that was sized just right for an egg and protrusions on the roof for crushing it. Since dinosaurs only laid eggs at certain times, Anzu wyliei which was distantly related to the T rex likely ate other creatures, too. AFP

Introducing the chicken from hell

Recently discovered in the United States, this bird-like dinosaur gives fresh insight into the Caenagnathidae group of dinosaurs

Toothless beak

Fossils found in the Hell Creek Formation NORTH DAKOTA

Dickinson Bismarck

Large, sharp claws


90 km


The Anzu wyliei a flightless bird

The Caenagnathidae

group of dinosaurs are close cousins to the Asian oviraptor

5 feet tall (1.5 metres) at the hip 11 feet long (3.35 metres)
Source: Carnegie Museum of Natural History

Retrieved fragments Reconstruction

EDITORIAL PERSONNEL Publisher Chris Dawe Editor-in-Chief Alan Parkhouse Managing Editor Chad Williams Editor-in-Chief Post Khmer Kay Kimsong Managing Editor Post Khmer Sam Rith Chief of Staff Cheang Sokha Deputy Chief of Staff Chhay Channyda National News Editor Shane Worrell Digital Media Director David Boyle Deputy News Editor Vong Sokheng Group Business Editor May Kunmakara Deputy Business Editor Joe Freeman Property Editor Pisei Hin Foreign News Editor Joe Curtin Sports Editor Dan Riley Picture Editor Scott Howes Lifestyle and 7Days Editor Poppy McPherson Deputy Head of Lifestyle Desk Pan Simala Chief Sub-editor Michael Philips Sub-editors Shane Rothery, Daniel de Carteret, Amelia Woodside, Laignee Barron, Kevin Ponniah, Stuart White, Sean Teehan, Bennett Murray, Will Jackson, Daniel Pye Reporters Meas Sokchea, Mom Kunthear, Khouth Sophak Chakrya, May Titthara, Khoun Leakhana, Sen David, Phak Seangly, Buth Reaksmey Kongkea, Chhim Sreyneang, Kim Sarom, Lieng Sarith, Hor Kimsay Photographers Heng Chivoan, Pha Lina, Hong Menea, Sreng Meng Srun, Vireak Mai Web Editor Leang Phannara Webmasters Uong Ratana, Horng Pengly SIEM REAP BUREAU

Cambodia is on the move

HE factory owners shipment was stalled again. An official on the border was asking him to redo his export permit because of mistakes in the text. The factory owner knew that redoing the form would entail paying another fee, but he had no choice. His buyers were waiting for their orders to be fulfilled and further delays would endanger the credibility of his business. He paid the fee, his exports were cleared and he won the respect and endorsement of an important client. That was three years ago, when the factory owners firm was the new kid on the block struggling to make a name for itself as one of the few European garment manufacturers in Cambodia. Today border checkpoints in Cambodia are automated and red tape has been cut. It takes less time and money to move goods to markets. This cost in time and money is measured by The World Bank Group Logistics Performance Index (LPI). Cambodias LPI ranking has risen spectacularly by 46 places, to 83rd out of 160 countries, up from 129th four years ago. The time to clear customs fell from 5.9 days in 2010 to only 1.4 days in 2014. The share of consignments selected for inspection has fallen from 29 per cent in 2010 to 17 per cent in 2014, suggesting that customs efforts to improve risk management are paying off. Good logistics allow farmers and manufacturers to move their goods to markets efficiently, reduce challenges to exporters supplying overseas customers and allow Cambodias exporters to integrate more successfully into regional production networks. Cambodia is an exportdriven economy, and more exports mean higher growth and income, more jobs, less poverty, better livelihoods and shared prosperity for the Cambodian people. How has Cambodia achieved this impressive



Jean-Franois Cautain and Ulrich Zachau


Taking goods across border crossings has now become much easier and faster.

photo supplIEd

LPI rankings of selected ASEAN countries, 2014

Bureau Chief Peter Olszewski Ofce Manager Thik Skaline Distribution Manager Seng Sech Reporters Thik Kaliyann, Miranda Glasser Marketing Executive Sophearith Blondeel

Country Thailand Vietnam Indonesia Philippines Cambodia Lao PDR Myanmar

Ranking 35 48 53 57 83 131 145

Head of Desktop Publishing Nhim Sokphyrak Desktop Publishing Suon Savatdy, Chum Sokunthy, Aim Valinda, Danh Borath

Tep Thoeun Thyda, Hasoh, Borin, Meng


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Source: Logistics Performance Index 2014, The World Bank Group.

No 629, Street 6 Dangkum Commune Tel: 063 966 290, Fax: 063 966 590 Chief Executive Ofcer Chris Dawe

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turnaround? The key has been significant reforms to facilitating trade. With the help of World Bank assistance and the EUfinanced Trade Development Support Program trust fund, it has automated and streamlined many import/ export customs procedures to comply with international standards.

Continued improvements in logistics will pay off as Cambodia moves into full participation in the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) 2015. Cambodias AEC commitments include cross-border trade agreements that facilitate the movement of goods and the automation of border arrangements. Cambodias progress is

matched, and more so, by its most important neighbours, Vietnam and Thailand, which are also pushing ahead with logistics reforms. Logistics improvements in all three countries can be expected to greatly increase the sub-regions trade and economic activity by 2015. Further improvements are under way, and still more can be done. For example, efforts are now being made to automate the issuance of Certificates of Origin, and to make all rules, regulations and fees available online on a Trade Information Website to improve transparency. A National Single Window system would also allow traders to conduct all import and export requirements through an online portal. On the Thai border, most imported goods have to be moved from a Thai truck to a Cambodian one, which increases costs by an estimated $100 per container. Of course, Thai trucks are configured to drive on the left side of the road, posing problems for transit. However, quotas on truck entry compound the problem, as does the lack of competition in the Cambo-

dian trucking industry. Recently, some foreign investors have arranged for their trucks to drive directly from the factory in Thailand to the factory in Cambodia, but this arrangement is still unique. Extending similar arrangements to all firms and harmonizing different axle-load limits of trucks and creating a regional third-party insurance scheme would help integrate the ASEAN road network. Railways can also play an important role in logistics: the Phnom Penh to Sihanoukville railway line could be upgraded and prioritised for freight; and the defunct Thai-Cambodian railway line could be reconnected. Logistics is one of the four priority areas in Cambodias new five-year Rectangular Strategy, and businesses and families begin to see tangible results from increased trade at lower cost. The signs are that Cambodia is on the move.
Jean-Franois Cautain is the Ambassador of the European Union to the Kingdom of Cambodia. Ulrich Zachau is Country Director of the World Bank for Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar and Thailand.

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LUXURy GARdEN ViLLA FOR RENt In Daun Penh area (close to Independent Monument), 05 bed, large & open living room, basic furniture, western kitchen, garden & trees, big parking and playground, quiet & safety. Price: $4,500/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00

NiCE ViLLA FOR RENt At Tonle Bassak area, near Independent Monument, 04 bed, open living room, big playground &trees , western kitchen, parking, good for residence and ofce, very quiet and safety area.Price: $1,500/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

MOdERN ApARtmENt FOR Rent Located in south of Russian Market, 01-02 bed, large living room, fully and modern furnished, modern kitchen, lots of light, nice balcony, Price: US$650-US$850/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

4BEdROOm NiCE ViLLA fOR Rent $1900/M Tonle Basac Area 1Living room, 4Bedroom, 4Bath Fully Furnished, Very good Place for Resident and Quiet Place Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958

MOdERN ViLLA FOR RENt In BKKI area 06 bedrooms, large & open living room, basic furniture, western kitchen, garden & trees, big parking and playground, quiet & safety. the best location for residence and ofce. Price: $3,500/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00

MOdERN ViLLA FOR RENt At Toul Kork area, 05 bedrooms, big living room, very nice garden and trees, western kitchen, big parking, very for good for residence & ofce, very quiet and safety area. Price: US$2,500/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

WEstERN ROOftOp POOL Apartment For Rent Located in BKKI, 01&02&03 beds, roof top pool & gym, open living room, fully & modern furnished, western kitchen, Price: $1,200-$1,800-$2,000/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

SERviCEs ApARtmENt fOR Rent Brand New, Swimming Pool, Gym Located 10 minute from BKK1 Ar-$750/month 1Bedroom, 1Bath -$1050/month 2Bedroom, 2Bath Big Living room, Western Kitchen Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958

MOdERN ViLLA FOR RENt In Bassak Garden City, 04 beds, large living room, very nice design, fully & modern furnished, western kitchen, nice balcony, big parking & playground, quiet & safe. the best location for residence. Price: $2,000/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00

TRAditiONAL 1st FLOOR ViLLA For Rent At Beoung Trobek area (close to Monivong BLVD), 03bed, big balcony and terrace, fully furnished, very lights, very nice & clean kitchen , very safety & quite, many trees around, very good condition for living. Price: $800/m Tel: 092 23 26 23

2Nd FLOOR ApARtmENt FOR Rent Located near Phsar Chas Market (St. 108), 02 bed, lots of light , very big and open living room, basic furnished, western kitchen, nice balcony, good condition for living, big parking lot. Price: $450/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

WEstERN ApARtmENt fOR Rent $550/Mon near Olympic Stadium 1Living room, 2Bedrooms, 1Bath Western Style, Motor Parking Fully Furnished and Big Balcony Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958

biG SwimmiNG POOL Apartment for rent located near Royal Palace, 1-2-3BR:$1200$1700- $2000/m,big Living room,European Kitchen Tel:089 36 32 06, MOdERN DEsiGN ApARtmENt For Rent Located in Rose Condo, 20th oor, 05 beds, open and large living room, fully and modern furnished, modern kitchen, lots of light, nice balcony, very nice pool and gym, very good condition for living Price: $3,000 /m Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00 WEstERN ApARtmENt fOR Rent Location near Central Market $450/Month 1Bedroom 1Bath $550/Month 2Bedroom 2Bath 1Living room, Kitchen, Furnished Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958 SwimmiNG POOL ApARtmENt Rent Loc: near Independent Monument $1700/M 3Bed & 3Baths Big Living room, Western Kitchen New Full Furniture, 1Car Parking Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958 WEstERN ApARtmENt fOR Rent $700/M South Russian Market 1Living room, 2Bedrooms, 3Bath 1Car Parking, 24h Security Guard Fully Furnished, and Big Balcony Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958 1st FLOOR WOOdEN HOUsE For Rent North of Russian Market area, 02 bedrooms, very big balcony, basic furnisher, very nice and clean kitchen, very safety and quite, many trees around, very good condition for living. Price: US$600/month. Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00 BRANd NEw mOdERN swimming/Gym Apartment for rent located in Toul Kork,quiet,safe,no ooding 1-2-3BR:$450-$500-$700$8000-$1200/m free wi,cable TV,swimming pool, Tel: 089 36 32 06/097 744 3007

MOdERN SwimmiNG POOL ViLLA For Rent In North bridge area, 05 bedr plus 01 ofce room, large living room, very nice design, fully & modern furnished, very nice pool & garden, western kitchen, nice balcony , big parking.Price: US$3,000/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00

BRANd NEw ApARtmENt FOR Rent BKK1, 01-02 Bedrooms, very nice interior designed, large living room, very light, fully and modern furniture, western Kitchen, very good condition for living, quiet & safe. Price: $800-1,400/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00

NiCE ApARtmENt FOR RENt Located in BKKI, 02 bed, nice living room, fully and nice furnished, lots of light, very nice kitchen, nice balcony, very good condition for living, very quiet and safety. Price: US$600/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

2BEdROOm ApARtmENt fOR Rent $650/M Good location BKK1 1Living room, 2Bedrooms, 2Bath Big Window, Sunlight, Motor Park Fully Furnished and Big Balcony Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958
777 697

SUNNy Appt fOR RENt , located in BKK3 1-2BR:$400$600/m nice Living room, big Kitchen, Tel: 089 36 32 06,

BiG ViLLA FOR RENt Near Russian Market, 04 bed, nice living room, very nice design, fully & modern furnished, western kitchen , nice balcony, big parking & playground, quiet & safe. the best location for residence. $2,000/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00

MOdERN DEsiGN ApARtmENt For Rent Located in Rose Condo, 12th oor, 03 bed, open and large living room, fully and modern furnished, modern kitchen, lots of light, nice balcony, very nice pool and gym, good condition for living $1,800 /m Tel: 092 23 26 23

MOdERN POOL ApARtmENt For Rent Located at Daun Penh Area, 01-02-03 bed, modern design & lots of light, open living room, fully & modern furnished, western kitchen, nice balcony, nice pool and gym, Price: $1,300-1,800-2,300/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

ROOf TERRACE ApARtmENt Rent $1100/Month Good location BKK1 1Living room, 2Bedrooms, 3Bath Big Window, Sunlight, Motor Park Fully Furnished and Big Balcony Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958

BRANd NEw ROOf tOp Swimming Pool Apartment For rent,Located near Russian market ,1-2BR:$650-$850-$1200/month Nice living room, European kitchen Tel:089 36 32 06,

TRAditiONAL WOOdEN HOUsE For Rent In Tonle Bassak area, 02 bed, real wooden design, big & open living room, western kitchen, nice garden, big parking. $2,200/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

WEstERN ApARtmENt FOR Rent Located in BKKI, 02 bed, big living room, fully & modern furnished , western kitchen, big balcony, lots of light, quiet & safety, .US$1,200/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

OffiCE BUiLdiNG FOR RENt located in on the main street, 100 to 1700 sqm and $10-14 per sqm per month, big parking lot. Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00



MH 765 5J 258
Arrival 03:30 09:05 09:05 14:40 16:20 18:40 19:40 21:50 20:50 14:30 20:50 13:45 20:50 13:00 14:30 20:50 16:30 18:45 10:25 16:05 17:00 17:25

3.5.7 2.4.7 1, 6, 7 2.4 5 7 3, 2 5

1. 5
Days 1-3-5

14:15 22:30 16:35 10:40 12:25 12:45 18:30 18:35 10:05

Dep 12:55

17:25 02:11 22:15 15:20 15:40 16:05 21:35 21:55 13:00

Arrival 13:55

MH 764 5J 257 MI 633 MI 622 MI 616 MI 636 MI 630 MI 618 QV 512

8M 401
Flighs K6 131

3.5.7 2.4.7 1, 6, 7 2.4 7 3, 2 5 5

1. 5
Days 1-3-5

12:10 19:45 14:35 08:40 10:40 13:55 07:55 16:35 06:30

Dep 11:20

13:15 21:30 15:45 09:50 11:50 17:40 11:35 17:45 09:25

Arrival 12:20


Flighs K6 720 PG 938 PG 932 TG 581 PG 934 FD 3617 PG 936 TG 585 CZ 324 QR 965 QR 967 CZ 324 CZ 6060 VN 840 QR 965 QR 967 VN 841 VN 3856 KA 207 KA 207 KA 209 KA 209 KA 205 KE 690 OZ 740 AK 1473 MH 755 MH 763 AF 273 FM 833 MI 601 MI 622 3K 594 3K 592 3K 598 MI 607 2817 2817 2817 2817 BR 266 VN 840 QV 920
8M 402 8M 401

Arrival 01:10 08:15 11:10 11:10 16:40 18:15 20:40 21:45 16:05 22:45

8M 402


Days Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily ..34..7 12...6. Daily 2.4.7 Daily ..34..7 12...6. Daily Daily 6 1 3.5.7 2 Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily 2 2.4 .2.4..7 .2.4..7 Daily 1.3 2.4.5 6 7 Daily Daily Daily 1.3.6 1.3.6

Dep 12:05 06:40 09:55 10:05 15:30 17:05 19:30 20:40 08:00 16:10 22:40 08:00 14:45 17:30 16:10 22:40 14:00 19:20 11:25 11:45 18:30 17:25 19:00 23:40 23:50 08:35 11:10 17:10 20:05 19:50

Flighs K6 721 PG 931 TG 580 PG 933 FD 3616 PG 935 TG 584 PG 937 CZ 323 QR 964 QR 966 CZ 6059 CZ 323 VN 841 QR 604 QR 966 VN 920 VN 3857 KA 208 KA 206 KA 206 KA 206

Days Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily ..34..7 12...6. 2.4.7 Daily Daily ..34..7 12...6. Daily Daily

Dep 02:25 07:55 07:55 13:30 15:15 17:30 18:25 20:15 14:30 01:05 07:25 12:00 19:05 09:40 13:30 19:50 15:50 18:00









PHNOM PENH - GUANGZHOU 11:40 18:10 20:35 17:10 23:40 14:45 20:05 15:05 22:25 22:05 21:00 22:35




A man sings karaoke at a bar in New Orleans French Quarter.



HONG KONG - PHNOM PENH 08:50 3.5.7 1 2 14:30 15:25 15:50

2817 - 16 Tigerairways 5J - CEBU Airways. AK - Air Asia BR - EVA Airways CI - China Airlines CZ - China Southern FD - Thai Air Asia FM - Shanghai Air K6- Cambodia Angkor Air KA - Dragon Air MH - Malaysia Airlines MI - SilkAir OZ - Asiana Airlines PG - Bangkok Airways QR - Qatar Airways QV - Lao Airlines SQ - Singapore Airlines

1 Monday 2 Tuesday 3 Wednesday 4 Thursday 5 Friday 6 Saturday 7 Sunday

PHNOM PENH - INCHEON 06:40 06:50 11:20 14:00 20:00 06:05 23:05

INCHEON - PHNOM PENH KE 689 OZ 739 AK 1474 MH 754 MH 762 AF 273 FM 833 MI 602 MI 622 3K 593 3K 591 *3K 597 MI 608 2816 2816 2816 2816 BR 265 VN 841 QV 921 8M 401 Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily 2 18:30 19:10 15:15 09:30 3:20 20:05 22:20 22:50 16:00 10:20 4:10 06:05 22:40 08:40 11:25 14:25 20:20 15:15 17:15 15:50 08:10 14:00 12:30 11:35 13:00 13:15 10:45

Top clubs for music gigs in New Orleans

Davis Rogan



TG - Thai Airways | VN - Vietnam Airlines

This ight schedule information is updated about once a month. Further information, please contact direct to airline or a travel agent for ight schedule information.

PHNOM PENH- PARIS PHNOM PENH - SHANGHAI PHNOM PENH - SINGAPORE 09:30 12:30 12:20 15:10 21:05 16:00 18:10 16:40 09:10 14:50 13:20 12:45 17:30 17:50 13:30 11:45 15:20 18:10 0:05 19:25 21:10 19:40 12:00 17:50 16:10 17:05 18:50 19:10 14:55 12:30

PHNOM PENH - PARIS SHANGHAI - PHNOM PENH 19:30 07:40 2.4 .2.4..7 .2.4..7 Daily 1.3 2.4.5 6 7 Daily Daily Daily 1.3.6 08:40 13:20 19:15 13:50 16:20 15:00 07:20 13:00 11:30 09:10 11:30 11:45 08:20 SINGAPORE - PHNOM PENH - SIEM REAP *
Air Asia (AK) Room T6, PP International Airport. Tel: 023 6666 555 Fax: 023 890 071

Koreanair (KE) Room.F3-R03, Intelligent Ofce Myanmar Airways International Center, Monivong Blvd,PP Tel: (855) 23 224 047-9 #90+92+94Eo, St. 217, Sk. Orussey4, Kh. 7 Makara, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. T:023 881 178 | F:023 886 677 Cebu Pacic (5J) Phnom Penh: No. 333B Monivong Blvd. Tel: 023 219161 Siem Reap: No. 50,Sivatha Blvd. Tel: 063 965487 E-mail:

Cambodia Angkor Air (K6) PP Ofce, #90+92+94Eo, St.217, Sk.Orussey4, Kh. 7Makara, 023 881 178 /77718-333. Fax:+855 23-886-677 E:

Dragon Air (KA) #168, Monireth, PP Tel: 023 424 300 Fax: 023 424 304



Tiger airways G. oor, Regency square, Suare, Suite #68/79, St.205, Sk Chamkarmorn, PP Tel: (855) 95 969 888 (855) 23 5515 888/5525888 E:



Qatar Airways No. 296 Blvd. Mao Tse Toung (St. 245), Ground oor, Intercontinental Hotel PP Tel: +23 42 40 12/13/14

SilkAir (MI) Regency C,Unit 2-4,Tumnorb Teuk, Chamkarmorn Phnom Penh Tel:023 988 629

andlelight Lounge: Treme was once a thriving musical neighbourhood. The strip of North Robertson Street had seven jumping live music bars. Things have changed, following the hurricane, the ensuing gentrication and the eponymous television show. Joes Cozy Corner is now a twee little residence, and the Petroleum Lounge has become the Treme Coffee House, where tourists gather to ride Segways through the neighbourhood and a chalkboard hawks the Treme Panini. All that remains is the Candlelight Lounge: a modest cinder-block structure. A row of chairs marks the stage. The owners keep odd hours but they are consistently open on Wednesdays for the Treme Brass Band. The Spotted Cat Music Club: The sophistication of the music and the quality of the musicianship are set against a gritty bare-bones interior with a cash-only bar where you certainly will not get a martini. Everything is served in plastic cups. To the delight of some, you can still smoke. The crowd ranges from European tourists to bachelorette parties, to whichever lm stars are in town for work. There are a few chairs at the bar but the room quickly becomes standing room only as the danceoor is overtaken by swing fanatics. The nest names of the new jazz talent, Sophie Lee Lowry, Meschiya Lake and Aurora Nealand, all have regular gigs here. Its the only bar in town with an upright piano in the ladies bathroom. The Three Muses: The titular Muses are music, fancy beverages and worldclass tapas. This is a more sophisticated joint than the Spotted Cat. You can get a cocktail with exotic ingredients. You

can pay for it with a credit card, and it will be served in a glass. No smoking. Chef Dan Estes work is on par with that of the great local chefs who come to eat here on their nights off. The tiny stage features jazz and Americana. With the exception of Friday and Saturday latenight shows, its a quiet place where you can appreciate the music. The tables ll quickly. There can be a bit of a wait, so a good move would be to go there rst, put your name on the list, and stroll the street while you wait for your table. Snug Harbor Jazz Bistro: Snug Harbor, the oldest club on the now-booming Frenchmen Street, is still the premier spot to hear jazz in New Orleans. This is Jazz with a capital J the old masters, not the fresh-outta-music-school tattooed hobos, who are, in fact, quite good and may graduate to play here one day. Delfeayo Marsalis or Jason Marsalis and Wyntons drummer Herlin Riley are among the A-list local and national jazz greats seen nightly. They have a real stage with a real piano and a real sound system. Theres also a real cover charge, and the audience is expected to, and really does, shut up and listen to the music. Buffas Bar and Restaurant: With Frenchmen Street being the hot new thing, its not a question of if, but when, it gets too crowded for you. At that point, its time to head a few blocks away to Buffas Bar. With its oval windows and neon signs, the front bar remains true to its architectural intention: a classic dive bar. In the back, theres a slightly raised stage and a oor of tables. Pianist Tom McDermott accompanies Meschiya Lake and Aurora Nealand in a more intimate duet setting. Original Dr John sidemen Jerry Jumonville and Freddie Staehle have a happy hour show on Friday.


LINE CALLING SCHEDULES 1 Wed, 08:00 - Thu 16:00 RCL (12calls/moth) 2 Thu, 14:00 - Fri 22:00 3 Fri, 20:00 - Sat 23:59 MEARSK (MCC) (4 calls/moth) SITC (BEN LINE (4 calls/onth) ITL (ACL) (4 calls/month) APL (4 calls/month) COTS (2 calls/month) 1 Th, 08:00 - 20:00 2 Fri, 22:00- Sun 00:01 Sun 09:00-23:00 Sat 06:00 - Sun 08:00 Fri, 08:00 - Sun, 06:00 Irregula FREEQUENCY ROTATION PORTS 1 Call/week 1 Call/week 1 Call/week 1 Call/week 1 Call/week 1 Call/week 1 Call/week 1 call/week SIN-SHV-SGZ-SIN HKG-SHV-SGZ-HKG (HPH-TXGKEL) SIN-SHV-SGZ-SIN SGN-SHV-LZP-SGN - HKG-OSA-TYO-KOB - BUS-SGH-YAT-SGN - SIN-SHV-TPP-SIN HCM-SHV-LZP-HCMNBO-SGH-OSA-KOBBUS-SGH-HGK-CHM SGZ-SHV-SIN-SGZ SIN-SHV-SIN


K6 700





K6 701




PG 924 PG 906 PG 914 PG 908 PG 910 CZ 3054 CZ 3054

K6 850

Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily 2.4.6


09:45 13:15 15:20 18:50 20:30 11:25 19:25


11:10 14:40 16:45 20:15 21:55 15:35 23:20


PG 903 PG 905 PG 913 PG 907 PG 909 CZ 3053 CZ 3053

K6 851

Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily 2.4.6


08:00 11:35 13:35 17:00 18:45 08:45 16:35


09:00 12:45 14:35 18:10 19:55 10:30 18:30




SIEM REAP -HANOI VN 868 VN 842 VN 844 VN 800 VN 3818 VN 826 VN 3820 VN 828 VN 3822 KE 688 OZ 738 AK 281 Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily 12:40 18:05 19:45 21:00 11:10 13:30 17:45 18:20 21:35 23:15 23:40 08:35 15:35 19:45 21:25 22:40 12:30 14:40 18:45 19:20 22:35 06:10 07:10 11:35

HANOI - SIEM REAP VN 843 VN 845 VN 845 VN 801 VN 3809 VN 827 VN 3821 VN 829 VN 3823 KE 687 OZ 737 AK 280 Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily 15:25 17:05 17:45 18:20 09:15 11:35 15:55 16:20 19:45 18:30 19:20 06:50 17:10 18:50 19:30 20:00 10:35 12:35 16:55 17:40 20:45 22:15 22:40 07:50

2 calls/month BBK-SHV-BKK-(LZP)

34 call/month
SGZ= Songkhla, Thailand SHV= Sihanoukville Port Cambodia SIN= Singapore TPP= TanjungPelapas, Malaysia TYO= Tokyo, Japan TXG= Taichung, Taiwan YAT= Yantian, China YOK= Yokohama, Japan



BUS= Busan, Korea HKG= HongKong kao=Kaoshiung, Taiwan ROC Kob= Kebe, Japan KUN= Kuantan, Malaysia LZP= Leam Chabang, Thailand NBO= Ningbo, China OSA= Osaka, Japan SGN= Saigon, Vietnam





FLY DIRECT TO SIEM REAP MONDAY, WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY #90+92+94Eo, St. 217, Sk. Orussey4, Kh. 7 Makara, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel 023 881 178 | Fax 023 886 677 |






Murray splits with coach

NDY Murray has split with his coach Ivan Lendl and has no immediate plans to replace him. Britains No1 has rearranged his summer schedule in a concerted effort to rediscover the form that delivered him the Wimbledon title last summer. Ill take some time with the team to consider the next steps and how we progress from here, Murray said after Lendl, 54, conrmed he was leaving Murray by mutual agreement after two years in which the Scot won two grand slam titles and an Olympic gold medal. The announcement took nearly everyone in the game by surprise but it is understood that discussions had been ongoing for some time. Murray, who has not won a tournament since Wimbledon and has struggled to nd his best tennis this year, had already decided not to play in the rst European clay tournament, at Monte Carlo next month, and has changed his mind about entering the Portuguese Open. After the current tournament in Miami, where he is defending 1,000 ranking points as champion, he will join the Great Britain team for their Davis Cup tie against Italy, starting in Naples on April 4. He will again bypass Barcelona and will restrict his preparation for the French Open to the Masters events in Madrid and Rome, where his back

National team members drawn up for sporting year

THE list of national team athletes for 2014 has been approved by the Education Minister Hang Chuon Naron, with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport also accepting two new sports of fencing and triathlon. According to National Training Centre director Bun Sok, a total of 207 males, 64 females, 58 coaches and 22 officials have been confirmed as national team members for this years sporting calendar. On the admittance of the two new sports, Bun Sok said: Including [fencing and triathlon] in the national sports setup is one of our strategies to give them a chance to push teenagers towards participation in the 32nd SEA Games, which Cambodia will host [in 2023]. The Football Federation of Cambodia is the only organisation yet to submit a list of national team players due to their current focus on domestic competitions. CHHORN NORN,

Britains Andy Murray (left) has announced that his successful partnership with tennis coach Ivan Lendl (right) has come to an end.


Knicks kick off Jackson era with seventh straight win

collapsed in mid-match last year. Murray will spend the rest of his pre-Wimbledon time in an intensive training block, desperate to rediscover the form that lit up his 2013 season before he underwent career-saving back surgery in September. Lendl conrmed he is giving up one of the best jobs in world tennis to return to the golf course and his tennis academy, as well as appearing in exhibition tournaments. Candidates to replace Lendl include Murrays teenage mentor, Leon

Smith, who is also Great Britains Davis Cup captain, and the Australian Darren Cahill, who has worked with him before but has extensive media commitments. Meanwhile, Murray will work with Dani Vallverdu, who has been his friend and hitting partner since they were teenagers. Working with Andy over the last two years has been a fantastic experience for me, Lendl said. He is a rstclass guy. Having helped him achieve his goal of winning major titles, I feel like it is time for me to concentrate

on some of my own projects, including playing more events around the world, which I am really enjoying. I will always be in Andys corner and wish him nothing but great success as he too goes into a new phase of his career. Murray said: Im eternally grateful to Ivan for all his hard work over the past two years, the most successful of my career so far. As a team, weve learned a lot and it will denitely be of benet in the future.

CarmElo Anthony scored 34 points and Amare Stoudemire tallied 21 as the resurgent New York Knicks opened the Phil Jackson era with their seventhstraight win on Wednesday. Jackson got his first look at the Knicks in just his second day on the job and they didnt disappoint their new president as they beat the first-place Indiana Pacers 92-86. The 68-year-old Jackson received a standing ovation at Madison Square Garden during the pre-game introductions and it just got better from there for the crowd of 19,812. AFP




Moyes defiant after Man United fightback

EMBATTLeD Manchester United manager David Moyes insisted that he was not under pressure after his sides stirring comeback against Greek champions Olympiakos took them into the Champions League quarter-finals. Moyes enjoyed a rare night of success at Old Trafford on Wednesday as United overturned a 2-0 deficit from the first leg of their last 16 tie with a 3-0 victory built around a Robin van Persie hat-trick. Meanwhile, Borussia Dortmund coach Jurgen Klopp admitted injury to defender Marcel Schmelzer and striker Robert Lewandowskis suspension had taken the shine off their progress into the quarter-finals. Despite losing 2-1 at home to Zenit St Petersburg in Wednesdays last-16 second-leg clash, their 4-2 first-leg victory allowed the German side to claim a 5-4 aggregate win. AFP

Urawa fans sign draws punishment for racism

APANS J-League is one of the safest and most welcoming football leagues but a furore over a Japanese only banner directed at foreign fans has caused deep embarrassment and highlighted questionable attitudes to race. Urawa will host Shimizu S-Pulse behind closed doors on Sunday after the J-League hit the club with an unprecedented one-game supporter ban over the sign, written in English and hung over an entrance to the stands at a March 8 match. Urawa president Keizo Fuchita said hardline fans at Japans best-supported club hung the banner as a warning for foreign visitors to stay away from their sacred ground behind the goal at Saitama Stadium, a 2002 World Cup semi-nal venue. The incident is the latest cultural faux pas to make headlines in the largely homogeneous island nation, after complaints in January forced airline All Nippon Airways to change a TV commercial which featured a Japanese man in a blonde wig

WeeKeND fiXTURes
Saturday March 22 Chelsea v Arsenal 7:45pm Cardiff v Liverpool 10pm Everton v Swansea 10pm Hull v West Brom 10pm Man City v Fulham 10pm Newcastle v Crystal Palace 10pm Norwich v Sunderland 10pm Sunday March 23 West Ham v Man United 12:30am Tottenham v Southampton 8:30pm Aston Villa v Stoke 11pm Saturday March 22 Celta de Vigo v Malaga 3am Granada v Elche 10pm Sunday March 23 Espanyol v Levante 12am Real Valladolid v Rayo Vallecano 2am Athletic Bilbao v Getafe 4am Osasuna v Sevilla 6pm Real Betis v Atletico Madrid 11pm Monday March 24 Valencia v Villarreal 1am Real Madrid v Barcelona 3am

English Premier League

Schalke v Eintracht Braunschweig 9:30pm Hannover v Borussia Dortmund 9:30pm Stuttgart v Hamburg 9:30pm Wolfsburg v Augsburg 9:30pm Sunday March 23 Borussia Mnchengladbach v Hertha Berlin 12:30am Nrnberg v Eintracht Frankfurt 9:30pm Bayer Leverkusen v Hoffenheim 11:30pm Sunday March 23 Torino v Livorno 12am Chievo v Roma 2:45am Parma v Genoa 6:30pm Bologna v Cagliari 9pm Inter Milan v Atalanta 9pm Sampdoria v Verona 9pm Udinese v Sassuolo 9pm Monday March 24 Napoli v Fiorentina 12:30am Catania v Juventus 2:45am Lazio v Milan 2:45am Saturday Match 22 Lorient v Paris SG 2:30am Marseille v Rennes 11pm Sunday March 23 Bastia v Reims 2am Bordeaux v Nice 2am Nantes v Montpellier 2am Toulouse v Evian TG 2am Valenciennes v Ajaccio 2am St Etienne v Sochaux 8pm Guingamp v Lyon 11pm Monday March 24 Monaco v Lille 3am

Italian Serie A

Spanish La Liga

Urawa Red Diamonds president Keizo Fuchita bows to apologise in Tokyo on March 13 after club fans hoisted a racist banner. AFP

Simunic out of World Cup after appeal fails

AusTrALIAN-BorN Croatia defender Josip Simunic will miss the World Cup after FIFA rejected his appeal against a 10-match ban for pro-Nazi chants after a play-off match last November. Footballs world governing body said on Wednesday its appeals committee has decided to reject the appeal. AFP

and long rubber nose pretending to be a Westerner. In both cases action was not taken until after the issue had become a hot topic on social media, with Urawas stadium security allowing the banner to stay up until after the game had nished. Despite the J-Leagues tough sanction, one Urawa fan said those responsible may not even have meant to be offensive, but simply showed ignorance to racial sensitivities.

I dont think the fans who put that banner out realised how seriously it would be taken, the supporter, who did not want to be named, said. There are a lot of Urawa fans who just dont realise how seriously something like that is taken. If that happened in Europe, with a racist banner, its normal that you would be punished. A lot of people in that supporters group just think its something thats cool. AFP

French Ligue 1

German Bundesliga

Saturday March 22 Freiburg v Werder Bremen 2:30am Mainz v Bayern Munich 9:30pm




All Black stars in pill cocktail binge scandal

EW Zealand rugby chiefs yesterday admitted two prominent All Blacks abused prescription sleeping pills during the 2011 Rugby World Cup, but denied the practice was commonplace among professional players. New Zealand Rugby Union chief executive Steve Tew said Cory Jane and Israel Dagg let themselves down when they took pills on a night out in Auckland just before the All Blacks quarter-nal against Argentina. He denied the drug abuse, details of which only emerged after media reports yesterday, had been covered up, saying it was dealt with at the time. The incident that occurred that night was at a level that was dealt with internally by the team, we werent covering anything up, he told reporters. At the time, reports said the pair went on a drinking binge at an Auckland bar and were seen sway-

Golfers battle for national pride at Siem Reap event

ing and slurring their words. Radio New Zealand reported yesterday that players were mixing sleeping pills with alcohol or energy drinks to achieve an amphetamine-like high that does not breach any doping codes. It said that Jane and Dagg were not the only All Blacks to take such sleeping pill cocktails and the practice remained prevalent at Super Rugby level. Tew disputed this, saying that the NZRU had not encountered any more cases since the World Cup, which the New Zealanders went on to win. However, he said the organisation had surveyed coaches, doctors and others involved in elite rugby to see if they were aware of any issues. Our guys live in a very tight environment for a long period of time, he said. While we dont know about everything that happens in a team environment, it is hard to keep too many secrets. AFP

EXCITeMeNT is fast building up at the Angkor Golf Resort in Siem Reap ahead of tomorrows opening round of the FCC Nations Cup, which offers golfers of all ages and skill levels a rare blend of charity, entertainment and fierce competition. There is an international flavour to this two-round event for teams of four, with players partnering their compatriots in a tournament format loosely replicating the Ryder Cup. First held in 2008 with a moderate turnout to promote the world heritage city of Siem Reap as a golf destination, the event has steadily grown in size and stature, with no fewer than a dozen nationalities represented in the upcoming edition. While golfing fun, food and beverages keep the players on their pegs, they will also be involved in promoting a charitable cause. The money raised from a hole-in-one challenge will go to a local foundation, Kampuchea House, which supports education and opportunities for underprivileged children. H S MANJUANTH

NHL player Peverley doing well after heart surgery

New Zealands Israel Dagg (right) and Cory Jane took sleeping pills on a night out in Auckland just before the All Blacks quarter-nal against Argentina. AFP

DaLLas Stars centre Rich Peverley, who collapsed on the bench during a National Hockey League game, underwent successful cardiac surgery to correct an irregular heartbeat, the team said on Wednesday. The 31-yearold Canadian underwent the operation on Tuesday at the Cleveland Clinic after the incident during a home game March 10 against Columbus. Typical recovery time from the operation is from two to three months. AFP

An international Christian child focused humanitarian organization working with the poor and oppressed to promote human transformation and fullness of life for every child

Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!

Our Cambodia Ofce seeks energetic, result driven, change-oriented, creative and proactive service-minded Cambodians to join us. Position: Senior Project Manager for ECHO Flood Recovery Location: Banteay Meanchey Province. General Description To lead and manage ECHO Flood Recovery Project activities, log frame, budget and team consisting of two World Vision staff and two NGOs (Plan and Farmer Livelihood Development) to cost effective implementation of the actions outlines in the design, consistent with the core values and organizational principles of World Vision Cambodia. The project is targeted in 5 provinces such as Battambong, Bantey Meanchey, Siem Reap, Orddor Meanchey and Rattanakkiri. Senior project manager is expected to work closely with operations and Area Development Program (ADP) teams. The senior project manager is also expected to keep good relationship with partners especially NGOs who are working the same areas. Requirements: 1. Bachelors Degree in any of the Rural Development or Management 2. At least 3 years experience working in a relief or development local community context especially on Disaster Risk Reduction or Disaster Management 3. Experience working with NGO partners, CCDM, DCDM, PCDM and NCDM is the values add. 4. Excellent verbal and written English communication skills. Position: Project Coordinator for ECHO Flood Recovery (02 Posts) Location: Banteay Meanchey Province (01 post) Battambang Province (01 post) General Description To assist and support Senior Project Manager of ECHO Flood Recovery Project activities, log frame, budget to ensure the cost effective implementation of the actions outlines in the design, consistent with the core values and organizational principles of World Vision Cambodia. The project is targeted in 5 provinces such as Battambong, Bantey Meanchey, Siem Reap, Orddor Meanchey and Rattanakkiri. Requirements: 1. Bachelors Degree in any of the Rural Development or Agriculture 2. At least 3 years experience working in a relief or development local community context especially on Disaster Risk Reduction or Disaster Management 3. Experience working with NGO partners, CCDM, DCDM, PCDM and NCDM is the values add. 4. Excellent verbal and written English communication skills. Interested applicants should obtain an application form from WVC ofce or download from WVC Website and submit a cover letter, Personal CV, and ONLY photocopies of relevant formal Education certicates such as High School certicate, university degree, etc. : HR Department, World Vision Cambodia # 20, St.71, Sangkat Tonle Basak, Khan Chamkamorn, Phnom Penh, P .O Box. 479 Tel: 023 216 052. Website: Email to: GO GREEN! SAVE THE TREES! SUBMIT ONLY PHOTOCOPIES OF UNIVERSITY DEGREES OR EQUIVALENTS ONLY with your application. DO NOT submit photocopies of other certicates. Closing Date: 28 March 2014



ARC Marquez, the youngest ever MotoGP world champion, and two-time title winner Jorge Lorenzo go into Sundays season-opener having spent more time in doctors surgeries than on the track this winter. Marquez made history in 2013, marking his rookie year with a maiden world crown at the age of 20. But the amboyant Spaniard suffered a broken right leg while dirtbiking just six weeks ago and admits he is nowhere near 100 per cent for the opening race under the Qatar oodlights on Sunday. Marquezs accident in his native Spain meant that he missed two of the winters three tests having set the fastest times in the opening session in Malaysia on his all-conquering Honda. It was very disappointing for me to miss two tests but the good news is that Im getting better and the bone is mending, said Marquez, who turned 21 last month. Ive been exercising more, so Ill have to see how I am in Qatar I dont expect to be 100 percent, but I will try my hardest. He added: The important thing is to take some valuable points and then get up to 100 percent by round two in Austin. Its difcult because Ive lost over a month of training and ve days ago I couldnt even walk. I can walk now and I think if I can do that I should be ok on the bike. Lorenzo, the 2010 and 2012 world champion, and second to compatriot Marquez in 2013, a hairsbreadth

MotoGP title contenders begin new season under injury cloud

We need to try and see the level this year once the races start as we have been more competitive in testing. I believe Aleix [Espargaro] and the Ducati riders will be strong both in terms of lap times and their race pace, he said. The 2014 season sees 18 races in all, including a rst trip to Argentina. There will also be a batch of technical tweaks as organisers seek to boost the competitive edge of the championship with teams having to decide whether to race under a Factory or Open option. All teams must use the same hardware but can opt to utilise their own software that would put them in the Factory option as Honda and Yamaha have chosen. That would also mean 20 litres of fuel per race and only ve engines during the season. All other teams, including Ducati, have selected the Open category with 24 litres of fuel per race and unlimited testing. But they must all use the same spec software. Ducati will have Cal Crutchlow and Andrea Dovizioso on board for the season while Moto2 world champion Pol Espargaro steps up into the elite division. Pol Espargaro is one of four rookies in the premier class, but he sustained a broken collarbone during the nal minutes of the last pre-season test. The other three debutants this season are Frances Mike di Meglio, Scott Redding of Britain and Australian Broc Parkes. The main race gets underway at 2am Cambodian time on Sunday night. AFP

Honda rider Marc Marquez has yet to recover fully from a broken leg, with his MotoGP title defence starting this weekend in Qatar.


four points behind, has also been under the knife recently. The 26-year-old needed three operations to fully repair his collarbone after it was broken twice in 2013 at Assen and the Sachsenring. Lorenzo nished last season with an impressive ourish, winning all three of the nal races in Australia, Japan and Valencia. He also had the personal satisfaction of putting Yamaha team-mate

Valentino Rossi, a nine-time world champion and with whom he has enjoyed a cool relationship, in the shade. Lorenzo nished 93 points ahead of the Italian who was fourth overall, beaten out of third spot by Dani Pedrosa, on the second factory Honda. I undertook three surgeries during the winter to take out some plates and metal pieces from the collarbone and the hand so I returned to full t-

ness quite late, explained Lorenzo. In general I feel nearly at 100 percent and I guess in Qatar we wont have any problems to push to the maximum. Rossi will start his 19th Grand Prix season this weekend having won just a single race in Assen in 2013. As well as fellow heavyweights Honda, the Italian also believes that his former team Ducati could spring a surprise.

Top seeds take centre stage at World Twenty20

THE World Twenty20 steps up a gear today as crickets top eight sides enter the fray, with Pakistan seeking a historic win against India in the second rounds standout clash. Minnows of international cricket have been slogging it out in the expanded 16-nation tournament so far with two qualifying spots and a chance to join the big boys up for grabs from round one. In the Super-10 stage, Asian giants Pakistan and India will be joined in Group Two by the West Indies, Australia and one of the successful qualifiers. The other qualifier will join South Africa, Sri Lanka, England and New Zealand in Group One with two sides from each group advancing through to the semi-finals. The identity of the two qualifiers from round one will be known just hours before Pakistan bid to defeat arch rivals India for the first time at the World Twenty20. We beat India in the Asia Cup this month and this team looks good to make history, a confident Pakistani coach Moin Khan said ahead of the round-two opener in Dhaka. But they must express themselves freely on the field and not worry about the result, he added. Despite having never beaten India in the competition, Pakistan enjoy a better World T20 record than their opponents, an anomaly that will give confidence to captain Mohammad Hafeezs side. Pakistan have qualified for the semi-finals in all four editions, winning the tournament in 2009 in England after being runners-up in the inaugural event. India, however, have not made the semi-finals since taking the title in 2007, despite the popularity of the T20 Indian Premier League over the last six years. For India captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni, previous results will be irrelevant when the sides take to the field at the Sher-eBangla stadium in the Bangladeshi capital this evening. Nothing of the past matters in this game, he said, reminding critics that India lost just one game at the 2012 edition and yet failed to make the knock-out rounds. The matches to follow are as important as the one on Friday, but we are not looking beyond our first game yet. True to the unpredictable nature of T20 cricket, there have been different champions each time in the competition. England won in 2010 and the West Indies triumphed in 2012, adding to the victories for India and Pakistan. Darren Sammys West Indies, who open the defence of their title on the back of a confidence-boosting series win against England, boast one of the most destructive batsmen in world cricket opener Chris Gayle. Sri Lanka the top-ranked T20 side have prepared by spending more t ha n si x weeks in Bangladesh, winning the Asia Cup there earlier this month. Australia, hoping to add a first World T20 title to their packed trophy cabinet, have opted for experience, bringing in 39-year-old batsman Brad Hodge and 43-year-old spinner Brad Hogg. But the Aussies will miss fearsome fast bowler Mitchell Johnson due to an infected toe, while England will be without the injured Joe Root and Ben Stokes. England are also missing batsman Kevin Pietersen, who was the star of their lone title triumph four years ago. Englands all-time leading run-scorer across all formats was controversially axed following a 5-0 series loss Down Under even though he was their highest scorer. South Africa, starting a new era after the recent retirements of Graeme Smith and Jacques Kallis, and New Zealand will also be strong contenders in the wide open tournament. However, South Africa are currently sweating over the fitness of injured captain Faf du Plessis and premier fast bowler Dale Steyn ahead of their opener against Sri Lanka tomorrow. The two key players are recovering from hamstring injuries, and their availability for the Super-10 group one match in Chittagong will not be known until just before the toss takes place. The final is on April 6. AFP

Weekend Fixtures
Friday March 21 India v Pakistan 8:30pm Saturday March 22 South Africa v Sri Lanka 4:30pm England v New Zealand 8:30pm Sunday March 23 Australia v Pakistan 4:30pm India v West Indies 8:30pm

Pakistans Ahmed Shehzad plays a shot during their ICC World Twenty20 tournaments warm up match against South Africa on Wednesday. AFP

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