Newsletter Issue 4, 20th March 2014

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Issue 18, 5th December 2013 Issue 6, 16 May 2013

From the Principal

New Purpose Built Classroom As you may have noticed the relocation of our new purpose built classroom is well under way with the positioning of the classroom on site being successfully completed on Monday 17 March. This was an exciting part of the process and allowed some of our students to gain an insight into how buildings are relocated and the types of machinery needed to do so. Work is currently being undertaken to connect services to the new classroom and will continue for the rest of the week. We have been given a rough timeline for completion which is set at mid Week 8. Students in Room 7 will then begin to relocate from their existing classroom. For more pictures and videos of the building relocation please visit my Principals Blog. Half Day Closure Reporting to Parents We have had a great response by parents wanting to meet with their childs classroom teacher during our scheduled half day closure on Wednesday 26 March. Meetings will begin at 12.15pm and end at 5.00pm. Meetings will be 15 minutes in duration. A reminder to parents that as this is a Department of Education endorsed school closure it is expected that students will be collected at 11.45am. Gumblossom Before and After School care will be providing a special service for existing clients on this day allowing for students to be supervised from 11.45am. Parents can still book time slots to meet with classroom teachers by either contacting the school or visiting the front office. Independent Public School (IPS) Survey and Questionnaire A reminder to all parents to complete and hand into the front office the IPS survey and questionnaire that was sent out a couple of weeks ago. The due date for this was Monday 17 March and we have received some but require more to be returned. We value your input and feedback and thank all parents that have returned them already. If you require assistance to complete your survey or would like any clarification please contact the school to speak to me directly. UPCOMING EVENTS P&C AGM Monday 24th March Half Day Closure Parent Interviews Wednesday 26th March Year 4/5 Tuck Shop Thursday 27th March Swimming Carnival Wednesday 2nd April Assembly Chinese Students Thursday 3rd April Sundowner Friday 4th April

Absentees On the day following an absence from school, Department of Education regulations require a written explanation from the childs parent/guardian. These notes are retained and must coincide with absences marked on the class roll. The teacher will follow up all unexplained absences. Any continual unexplained absences will be referred to the school administration. Proposed Industrial Action by Unions on Tuesday 1 April 2014 You may be aware that the State School Teachers Union, CPSU/CSA and United Voice have announced a community day of action on Tuesday 1 April 2014.They indicate that this action is being taken in response to this years State Budget for public schools and to ensure further funding reductions are not made in next years State Budget. The Education Department does not endorse any form of industrial action and all public sector staff have a responsibility to implement and work within any decisions taken by the government of the day. As we get closer to this date, I will keep you informed about any implications for our school and students.

Our Vision For all students at North Fremantle Primary School to experience learning that is purposeful, engaging and empowers them to become life long learners. Our Mission Through partnerships with parents and the local community, we will provide an inclusive environment in which our students can develop the knowledge skills, understandings and confidence to reach their potential. Email the school administration: Email Teachers direct: Room? (Please insert which room # your child is in)

Room 1 - Roberta Slattery

The Kindergarten children have been sharing information about their families. They have drawn their family and collaboratively graphed how many people are in their families. This has linked nicely to the children learning about Harmony Day. We have been discussing how we are the same and different. We have talked about everyone belonging and that we all smile in the same language.

Room 2 - Liz Smith

This week, one of our focus areas in maths was on 2D shapes. The children were asked to draw a picture using 2D shapes then copy their design using colourful paper, they did an impressive job. This cross-curricular activity involved maths, technology and enterprise, art as well as communication skills.

Milla and Mella and their Mermaids.

Daniel and his ninja

Merion and the crane

Miss Lizzie would be really grateful if anyone would be able to offer a few hours of administration time. Tasks would include sticking work in books, laminating, guillotining and sorting resources.

Room 3 - Bev Lane

Our class has begun reading on Tuesdays with our big Chinese friends. We enjoy reading to each other and this week we are also sharing stories about our earliest memories. It is a great way to provide a practical purpose for reading and writing and also provides an opportunity to get to know our visiting students.

Room 4 - Rochelle Reeves & Belinda Baldey

Welcoming.. Room 4 would like to announce the safe arrival of five beautiful bunnies, born on Tuesday 11th of March at North Fremantle Primary School. Mother and babies are doing well!

Room 4 also had quite a surprise on Monday morning when we discovered that one of our yabbies had changed its shell and last night it happened again. Check out the photo. The only part of the shell we found that looked different was the eyes.

Rooms 5 - Brent Snook

This week in room 5 we have been working hard on our persuasive writing structure and cohesion. With the arrival of the new building we saw a perfect opportunity to create a persuasive text based around where to resituate the old monkey bars. Mr Snook guided us on a tour of the school and we, as young architects, took notes on possible places we would like the monkey bars to be. We had to think about safety precautions, type of surface as well as sun smart options in our planning. We also had to think about our main target audience and who usually gets the most use out of the monkey bars. It is exciting to see that the ideas we are coming up with as individuals and as a class will be considered to benefit everyone in our school.

Our young architects working hard on their persuasive arguments. They all put in an excellent effort with many creative ideas

Room 7 - Chris John

In the last fortnight room 7 have been very busy. Last Tuesday the ministers went to a program called Grip Leadership at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre where we learnt about ways to be a responsible leader. One of those lessons was to be a strawberry leader rather than a watermelon leader. Watermelons are green and hard on the outside while soft and pink on the inside, therefore watermelon leaders say different things compared to what they do which makes it very difficult for others to see them as an exemplary role model. However a strawberry leader is both red and soft on the outside as well as the inside, so therefore their actions and words are the same and inspire others easily. As you mightve seen room 7 hosted last weeks assembly with our play based on Ned Kellys life. Phoebe Cunningham, Prime Minister Sean Hardy-Atkins, Minister for Community Relations

Art NewsMargie Campbell

The art buzz this week has been our fantastic mosaic incursion. Paul, Rebecca and Lisa from Workshop Childrens Mosaics have provided a highly organised workshop and within the double art period the children were able to design, glue, grout and polish a completed mosaic. The results were amazing and you will see the surprise in the very near future. Please dont be offended if your child says it is a secret. It is!

We are still in need of art t-shirts, if you have a small adults or large childs t-shirt you can donate it would be greatly appreciated.

From the P&C

There are a number of upcoming events that require some helpers. If you can spare some time on the dates below please contact Shani Hasler on 0411 420 956. * * * Tuckshop Year 4 /5 parents required Thursday 26th March Easter Sundowner Friday 4th April Election Day (help needed on roster or to cook baked goods to sell) Saturday 5th April

We will also be holding a Hot X Bun Fundraiser where $2 from every packet sold will go to the school.

Our AGM will be held in the staff room next Monday 24th March at 1.15pm. All are welcome to attend.

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