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PE/Health Course Outline

Instructors: Phillips/Mead

Location: Gymnasium, Fitness Center, Dance Gym, Health Room

Columbia Heights Educational Campus Mission

Our Purpose, the Reason We Exist
All students who graduate from our Grade 6 through 12 Early College Campus will be prepared
to succeed in college and as leaders in the quest for social justice. We develop intellectually
curious scholars who are articulate communicators in two languages, critical thinkers and
consumers, cultural ambassadors, and contributing community members.
Our students develop positive habits that build physical and mental health. They demonstrate
perseverance, ethics and character in the pursuit of excellence

Course Descriptions
P10, P11, and P12 make up the comprehensive Physical Education and Health program at
Lincoln Middle School, a part of CHEC. The courses are designed to be taken in succession
beginning with P10 in 6th Grade, P11 in 7th Grade, and P12 in 8th Grade.

All courses are aligned with the current DCPS PE and Health standards.

Pencil, Sourcebook, Portfolio, PE Uniform, Lock

Enduring Understanding
• The CHEC Mission calls for all students to develop physical and emotional health.
• Acquisition of motor skills and movement patterns is needed to perform a variety of
physical activities.
• Movement concepts and principles play a role in athletic performance.
• A physically active life style and an understanding of fitness concepts will improve
health and performance.
• Self-responsibility, social interaction, and group dynamics are key components of our
physical education curriculum.

Essential Questions
• How do my choices make me who I am?
• Will I be prepared to make positive, healthy choices?
• Why is a physically active and healthy lifestyle important?
• How do team sports differ from individual sports?
• Why is social interaction a part of PE?
• How do the media influence our perceptions of self?
• How does nutrition affect our overall well being?
• Why do we learn about lifetime fitness?
• How can I monitor and develop my own personal fitness?
• Why is skill acquisition necessary for physical education?
• How can technology help young athletes improve performance?
• Why do strategies used in sports differ from one team to another?
• How do the 5 components of physical fitness relate to each other?

Units for PE
6th 7th 8th
• Rituals and Routines • Rituals and Routines • Rituals and Routines
• Flag and Ultimate • Flag and Ultimate • Flag and Ultimate
Football Football Football
• Soccer • Soccer • Soccer
• Fitness • Fitness • Fitness
• Volleyball • Volleyball • Volleyball
• Handball • Handball • Handball
• Project Adventure • Project Adventure • Project Adventure
• Dance • Dance • Dance
• Basketball • Basketball • Basketball
• Jump Rope • Jump Rope • Jump Rope
• Pickleball/ • Pickleball/
Badminton Badminton/ Tennis
• Group Exercise • Group Exercise
• Self Defense • Self Defense
• Softball • Softball
• Floor Hockey • Field/Floor Hockey
• Ultimate Frisbee • Ultimate Frisbee
• Gymnastics • Gymnastics
• Lacrosse

Units for Health

6th, 7th, 8th
• Wellness
• Character
• Nutrition
• Human
• Life Choices
• Alcohol and
• Prevention and
Capital Gains- Attendance, Behavior, Homework
Students will earn $2 each day through Capital Gains for being on time.
Students will earn $2 each day for demonstrating positive behavior.
Students will earn $2 each day for completing homework.

Attendance, Behavior, Participation 50%
1. Uniform
2. Being On Time
3. Gum/Candy, Profanity
4. Focused and On Task
5. Showing Respect
6. Fitness Testing
7. Unit Participation

Summative Assessment 25%

1. Portfolio
2. Portfolio Presentation*

Formative Assessment 25%

1. Sourcebook
2. Daily Work/Quiz

*Students will complete 2 portfolio presentations.

A 100-90
B 89-80
C 79-70
D 69-64
F 63 and below

1. Competency in Physical Skills
2. Movement Concepts and Principles.
3. Promotion of a Physically Active Lifestyle
4. Health-Enhancing level of Fitness
5. Safe and Responsible Personal and Social Behavior
Locks and Uniforms

Each student must pay $1 for a rental lock.

Each student must wear the Lincoln Middle School P.E. uniform.
Shirts cost $7.
Shorts cost $10.

Uniforms from last year may be worn.

Rental Shirts and Shorts will be available daily for 50 cents.

Parent/Guardian Sign-Off

I have read and discussed the course outline with my child.

Student Name:____________________________________

Parent Name: ____________________________________

Date: ____________________________________

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