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Silent Hill 3: FAQ/Walkthrough by adarkervision Version 2.0, Last Updated 2008-10-02 View/Download Original ile !

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Silent Hill 3: FAQs and Walkthrough with Synopsis U.S. Version Written by Collin ee !adarker"ision!at#yahoo!dot#$o%# Copyright Septe%ber o& '((3 by Collin ee Version '.( U)*A+, -.+,: +he guide was updated again in Septe%ber o& '((/0 &i"e years a&ter 1 originally wrote it. 1n the %eanti%e 12"e be$o%e a &ather0 and as su$h ha"en2t written any new guides or had the ti%e to e"en update this one0 so this update was a large one0 the $ul%ination o& se"eral years %ore e3perien$e in the ga%e0 growth o& %y knowledge through reading and edu$ation0 and tons o& e4%ails &ro% the "ery0 "ery help&ul &olk who lo"e the series as %u$h as 1 do. Where appropriate0 12"e added a notation as to who it was who helped %e where it was needed. 1& your na%e isn2t on here and you &eel it should be0 please send %e a note and 12ll &i3 it5 it %ay 6ust be that 12"e gotten %ultiple e4%ails on the sa%e tip0 and lost tra$k o& 6ust who told %e what. +hat ha"ing been said0 here2s the things that were added in Version '.(: ,3panded the Valtiel Se$tion signi&i$antly0 added the solution to the royal &lush t4shirt !and that was a beast#0 added a nu%ber o& new re&eren$es to horror %o"ies0 books0 and so on0 added notes on se$rets and easter eggs that 1 hadn2t seen or understood &i"e years ago0 and added new tri$ks0 $a%era ha$ks and $heats &ro% the )C "ersion o& the ga%e0 whi$h didn2t e3ist when this guide was originally written. 47U1*, .U+ 1-,4 1. 1ntrodu$tion 14a. +he )layers !Chara$ters# 14a48. Heather 14a4'. *ouglas 14a43. Claudia 14a49. Vin$ent 14b. Critters !:onsters# 14b48. Closers 14b4'. *ouble Heads 14b43. 1nsane Can$ers 14b49. -u%b ;odies 14b4<. -urses 14b4=. )endulu%s 14b4>. S$rapers 14b4/. Slurpers 14$. +he Arsenal !Weapons# 14$48. ?ni&e 14$4'. Steel )ipe 14$43. :aul 14$49. ?atana 14$4<. Stun 7un 14$4=. Handgun

14$4>. Shotgun 14$4/. Sub%a$hine 7un 14d. +he 7ood Stu&& !Se$ret Weapons# 14d48. ;ea% Saber 14d4'. Fla%ethrower 14d43. Unli%ited Sub%a$hine 7un 14d49. Heather ;ea% 14d4<. Se3y ;ea% 14e. @our Stu&& !Support 1te%s# 14e48. Health *rink 14e4'. First Aid ?it 14e43. A%poule 14e49. ;ee& Aerky 14e4<. Handgun ;ullets 14e4=. Shotgun Shells 14e4>. Sub%a$hine 7un Clip 14e4/. Stun 7un ;attery 14&. +ri$ks o& the +rade 14&48. ;e&ore you ;egin 14&4'. ,3ploring 14&43. Co%bat +ips 11. +he Walkthrough 114a. )art .ne: BWorse than Christ%as SeasonB 114a48. )relude: B+he Unhappiest )la$e on ,arth...B: akeside A%use%ent )ark 114a4'. B*oes this gaping $hest wound %at$h %y pantsCB: Central SDuare Shopping Center 114a43. BClean4up in aisle &i"e...B Central SDuare *ark Side 114a49. ;.SS ;A++ ,: S) 1+W.E: 114b. )art +wo: B+here2s a World 7oing .n Underground...B 114b48. B,at Subway0 ,at Flesh...B: +he Subway +unnels 114b4'. BSewers5 +he -ew S%ell o& Fear...B +he Underground )assage 114$. )art +hree: BHow to Su$$eed 1n ;usiness Without Eeally *ying...B 114$48. BSo%e Spa$kle0 a new $oat o& paint... and it will still su$k.B: Un&inished ;uilding 114$4'. BForget Fortune2s <((0 this is Fortune2s ===...B Hilltop Center .&&i$e ;uilding 114$43. B;usiness so e"il0 it %ust be owned by ;ill 7ates...B: Hilltop Center *ark Side 114$49. ;.SS F17H+: :1SS1.-AE@ 114d. )art Four: BShotgun Surgery at ;rookha"en Hospital...B 114d48. BSilent Hill: Co%e &or the s$enery0 stay &or the %ind4nu%bing horror...B +he +own 114d4'. BHelllloooo -urseFB: ;rookha"en Hospital 114d43. B1 don2t think %y H:. is going to $o"er this...B: ;rookha"en *ark Side 114d49. ;.SS ;A++ ,: ,.-AE* 114e. )art Fi"e: B*addy0 what is Eobbie the Eabbit doing to that %an2s &a$eCB 114e48. BAre we there yetCB: +he streets o& Silent Hill 114e4'. B:o%%y0 $an we go on the 2:eat4Spewing ;aby ,ater2 rideCB: akeside A%use%ent )ark 114e43. ;.SS ;A++ ,: :,:.E@ .F A ,SSA 114&. )art Si3: B+aking Co%%union at .ur ady o& the

;loodbath.B 114&48. B:y ad"i$eC *on2t drink the ?ool4Aid...B: +he Chur$h 114&4'. F1-A ;.SS ;A++ ,: +H, 7.* 114g. )art Se"en: ,pilogue 111. ,ndings 1114a. B-or%alB ,nding 1114b. B)ossessedB ,nding 1114$. BEe"engeB ,nding 1V. )uGGles 1V4a. ;ookstore )uGGle 1V4a48. ,asy 1V4a4'. -or%al 1V4a43. Hard 1V4b. Hospital Se$ond Floor ?ey Code )uGGle 1V4b48. ,asy 1V4b4'. -or%al 1V4b43. Hard 1V4$. Hospital ;rie&$ase )uGGle 1V4$48. ,asy 1V4$4'. -or%al 1V4$43. Hard 1V4d. Hospital :ortuary )uGGle 1V4d48. ,asy 1V4d4'. -or%al 1V4d43. Hard 1V4e. +arot Card )uGGle 1V4e48. ,asy 1V4e4'. -or%al 1V4e43. Hard V. Se$rets And :ysteries V4a. A**1+1.-A AC+1.- ,V, S V4b. ;U ,+ A*AUS+ V4$. 7. * A-* S1 V,E )1),S V4d. ;.-US W,A).-S V4e. U- 1:1+,* SU;4:ACH1-,7UV4&. H,A+H,E ;,A:HS,I@ ;,A: V4g. C.S+U:,S V4g48. +rans&or% Costu%e V4g4'. Heather Shirt V4g43. *on2t +ou$h Shirt V4g49. ;lo$k Head Shirt V4g4<. 7od o& +hunder Shirt V4g4=. +ransien$e Shirt V4g4>. 7olden Eooster Shirt V4g4/. Eoyal Flush Shirt V4g4J. ?iller Eabbit Shirt V4g48(. .nsen Shirt V4g488. Kipper Shirt V4g48'. +he ight Shirt V4g483. ,7: Shirt V4g489. 7a%e)ro Shirt V4g48<. 7a%e 1n&or%er Shirt V4g48=. .&&i$ial )S :agaGine Shirt V4g48>. .)S' Shirt V4g48/. )S'E. Shirt V4g48J. )lay Shirt

V4g4'(. 7a%eSpy.$o% Shirt V4g4'8. 17-.C.: Shirt V4g4''. 83e%e Eue Shirt V4g4'3. 7a%e Eea$tor Shirt V4g4'9. 7:E Shirt V4g4'<. 7- Shirt V4h. *.U7 AS4 ?1-7 .F -. )A-+S V4i. ,AS+,E,77S V4i48. S),C1A *,A+H SC,-,S V4i4'. VA +1, V4i43. ,I+EA -,W 7A:, W,1E*-,SS V4i49. 1F, *1S) A@ V4i4<. S1 ,-+ H1 ' E,F,E,-C,S V4i4=. :,+A 7,AE S. 1* E,F,E,-C, V4i4>. AAC.;2S A**,E E,F,E,-C, "4i4/. S+,)H,- ?1-7 E,F,E,-C,S "4i4J. H.US, .F ,AV,S E,F,E,-C, "48(4J. CAF, +UE- :1 "4884J. ;.E ,@ HAU-+,* :A-S1."48'4J. S,SS1.- J E,F,E,-C, "4834J. ,I.EC1S+ 3 E,F,E,-C, V46. H.W +. 7,+ A ),EF,C+ EA-?1-7 V1. Final Ee"iew V11. Con$lusion and Farewell 1. 1ntrodu$tion 7ood e"ening ladies and ger%s. @ou are about to take a 6ourney into one o& the darkest and %ost &rightening ga%es o& all ti%e0 Silent Hill 3. Silent Hill has always been %y &a"orite "a$ationing spots: there is so%ething about its dark and night%are haunted streets and the sound o& the howls o& the da%ned e$hoing o&& o& +alu$a ake that has %ade %e want to return to this town again and again. 1& this is your &irst &oray into the town that sanity &orgot0 1 en"y you: you are in &or an un&orgettable horror treat like no other. Howe"er0 i& you ha"en2t played the pre"ious ga%es in the series0 1 suggest you do so be&ore playing "enturing &urther into Silent Hill 3. Unlike Silent Hill '0 whi$h was %ore o& a spiritual su$$essor0 taking pla$e in the sa%e town as the original Silent Hill ga%e0 and thus $ould be played by itsel& without ha"ing played the &irst ga%e0 Silent Hill 3 is a dire$t seDuel to the original Silent Hill. 1t &ollows up on $hara$ters0 lo$ations0 and e"ents that took pla$e in the original ga%e0 and while it does a "ery good 6ob o& su%%ariGing the i%portant bits o& the &irst ga%e0 there is no substitute &or &irst4hand knowledge. And sin$e the original Silent Hill is still one o& the best and %ost &rightening ga%es e"er0 you should play the &irst ga%e si%ply be$ause it is a real treat. +hat ha"ing been said0 here is a little history on the series. Silent Hill was originally published &or the Sony )laystation in 8JJJ by ?ona%i0 and was an instant $lassi$. .&ten $o%pared to Eesident ,"il due to its sur"i"al horror roots0 Silent Hill took a di&&erent approa$h to the genre than Cap$o%2s ;4%o"ie Go%bie shooter. While Eesident ,"il put its e%phasis on $o%bat against the undead and BbooB s$ary &rights0 Silent Hill &o$used on a%bien$e and psy$hologi$al horror. Where Eesident ,"il had highly trained soldiers and poli$e o&&i$ers as the %ain protagonists0 Silent Hill had a si%ple writer lost and out o& his

ele%ent. +his %eant that he was not nearly as adept with his weapons as he $ould ha"e been0 got %ore and %ore tired as he ran throughout the large town0 and see%ed $onstantly to be al%ost o"erwhel%ed by the horrors around hi%. At the sa%e ti%e the $o%bat see%ed grittier than in Eesident ,"il0 with the in$lusion o& %elee weapons su$h as Steel )ipes and ,%ergen$y Ha%%ers and the ne$essity to sto%p on or ki$k your ene%ies on$e they &ell0 to %ake sure they didn2t get up again. Where Eesident ,"il re6oi$ed in showing you your rotting &oes in all their lurid glory0 Silent Hill &rightened you with what you $ouldn2t see. +he en"iron%ents were all $louded in darkness and &og0 and your ene%ies were little %ore than &or%s in the shadows around you0 heightening the sense o& dread that built throughout the ga%e. While the a%biguity o& the story put o&& so%e players !Sony wouldn2t allow dire$t re&eren$es to Satanis% on any ga%es %ade &or their syste%0 so ?ona%i had to be %ore $rypti$ than was probably good &or the%#0 the e3$eptionally dark a%bien$e0 tight ga%eplay0 and deeply &rightening %o%ents turned Silent Hill into a sleeper hit &or both Sony and ?ona%i0 and le&t &ans s$rea%ing &or %ore. .r %aybe they were 6ust s$rea%ing. 1t was s$ary. ,nter Silent Hill '0 released by ?ona%i in Septe%ber o& '((8 &or the )laystation '. Silent Hill did not o&&er a dire$t seDuel to the original Silent Hill0 instead de$iding to take things in a di&&erent dire$tion. Sin$e the e"ents o& the original Silent Hill0 the town itsel& has be$o%e a sort o& bea$on &or the lost and the da%ned0 o&&ering sal"ation or da%nation to those who heed its dark $all. Co%bat and basi$ ga%eplay re%ained %ore or less un$hanged &ro% the original0 but the beauti&ully updated graphi$s0 e3$ellent story telling0 superb sound and "oi$e a$ting0 and twisted i%agery set a pre$edent &or the &ledgling ga%e syste% that was rarely %at$hed and ne"er outdone until Silent Hill 3 was released two years later. A slightly updated "ersion o& Silent Hill '0 $alled Silent Hill ': Eestless *rea%s was released ' %onths a&ter the )S' "ersion &or the :i$roso&t I4;o30 o&&ering %ore detailed graphi$s0 another ending0 and e3panded ga%eplay in the &or% o& a se$ond s$enario &eaturing a supporting $hara$ter &ro% the storyline. 1n '(('0 the enhan$ed "ersion o& Silent Hill ' was released &or the )S' in the &or% o& the )S'2s 7reatest Hits line. Whi$h brings us to August o& '((3 and the U.S. Eelease o& Silent Hill 3 !&ollowed by the )C "ersion o& the ga%e in *e$e%ber o& the sa%e year#. +his ga%e &eatures a return to and $ontinuation o& the original story0 but with new $hara$ters0 new ene%ies0 and new lo$ations0 as well as a re4"isitation o& &a%iliar %aterial. .ther than the addition o& an auto%ati$ weapon0 so%e new support ite%s0 and a &ew %inor ga%eplay tweaks0 Silent Hill 3 re%ains true to the Silent Hill series in respe$t to ga%eplay0 puGGles0 a%bien$e0 and out and out horror. 1t is also arguably the best4looking ga%e a"ailable &or any syste%0 &eaturing graphi$s that are si%ply %ind4bendingly beauti&ul while at the sa%e ti%e indu$ing night%ares. So step inside and &ind out what it is that %akes Silent Hill 3 one o& the best horror e3perien$es o& all ti%e...

14a. +he )layers 14a48. Heather Heather is a see%ingly ordinary se"enteen4year4old girl0 with a s%art

%outh and a bit o& an attitude0 though she is lo"ing and respe$t&ul to her &ather. .ne day0 on a typi$al Sunday trip to the %all0 Heather &inds hersel& trapped in a twisted night%are world0 populated by hideously %onstrous $reatures. ost and alone she ar%s hersel& and sets out0 not to sa"e the world0 but rather her own hide. ;ut so%eti%es things happen that we ne"er plan &or... 14a4'. *ouglas 1n his late &i&ties0 *ouglas is a pri"ate by %ysterious &or$es to &ind Heather. He her past0 so%ething ha"ing to do with the e"ents that happen in the ga%e begin only Heather down at the Central SDuare :all. with the Unholy e"ents that un&oldC dete$ti"e who has been sent needs to talk to her about day she was born. +he strange %inutes a&ter he tra$ks Could he ha"e so%ething to do

14a43. Claudia +his beauti&ul and %ysterious wo%an is the &irst li"ing hu%an being that Heather en$ounters a&ter the world goes $raGy. She see%s to know so%ething o& what is going on0 but speaks in $rypti$ally spiritual ter%s. She see%s to be so%e kind o& religious &anati$0 but what 7od does she ser"eC 14a49. Vin$ent Vin$ent is a strange and unsettling young %an who see%s to know %ore about e"ents than he is willing to say. He shows up o$$asionally to gi"e Heather $lues and guidan$e0 but what he is playing at is un$lear0 other than that he has a $hip on his shoulder towards Claudia. His un&lin$hing arrogan$e see%s to %ask so%ething %ore0 but is he Heather2s &riend0 or ene%yC 14b. Critters !1n alphabeti$al order# 14b48. Closers +hese are large0 al%ost si%ian %onsters with long0 bulbous ar%s. +hey atta$k by atte%pting to i%pale Heather on a needle4like blade that $o%es &ro% the end o& their ar%s. Fro% ;rookha"en Hospital on0 any Closers you en$ounter will also atta$k by swinging their ar%s around the%sel"es in a $ir$ular pattern0 e&&e$ti"ely keeping you at bay. +his is an ene%y that also gets tougher the later in the ga%e that you en$ounter the%0 in&li$ting %ore da%age and taking %ore da%age to kill0 so your $o%bat ta$ti$s will ha"e to $hange along with the%. +he spe$ial Closers in the last stage0 who2s skin $rawls with bla$kish0 blood4like s%oke0 are de"astatingly power&ul0 &ast0 and tough0 and should probably be a"oided. +he %ost e&&e$ti"e way to $o%bat a Closer is to &ire the Handgun at it while ba$king away0 and stra&ing to the sides i& it is ba$king you into a $orner. 1& you are using a %elee weapon0 the best ta$ti$ is to $o%e in at an angle &ro% behind and strike &ast0 or to blo$k their initial strikes and retaliate. .n$e they start swinging their ar%s around the%0 the best thing to do is step ba$k and wait &or the% to &inish0 $ir$ling around the% using stra&e while they are standing in pla$e0 then %o"e in and strike when their ar%s stop. Aust be sure to get out o& the way when they start swinging again. :ost o& their atta$ks $an be interrupted by a strong hit &ro% a %elee weapon0 i& it is properly ti%ed: a o"erhead atta$k !press and hold down atta$k button on$e# or a thrusting atta$k !&orward and press the atta$k button# used right be&ore one o& their atta$ks lands %ay stun the% and disrupt their own atta$k. 1& one doesn2t work0

alternate with the other. Sin$e Closers are &airly slow %o"ing !and tough#0 the best bet on your &irst ti%e through the ga%e is to run right past the% and sa"e yoursel& the hassle0 sin$e they won2t be able to keep up. 1& you &a$e %ore than one at a ti%e and running isn2t an option0 kill one with the Handgun0 stra&ing $onstantly until one &alls0 dash in and ki$k it to &inish it0 then swit$h to the Steel )ipe or ?atana to take out the other one. Spe$ial note: +he Closers are the only $reatures other than the e"er4present -urses returning &ro% an earlier Silent Hill ga%e. 1n Silent Hill '0 they would hang &ro% the underside o& the grating in the *ark Side "ersion o& the town0 swinging &ro% their long ar%s as they pursued Aa%es. 14b4'. *ouble Heads ,"ery horror ga%e worth it2s salt has a good undead dog0 and the *ouble Head is an espe$ially disturbing little poo$h. 1t trails &ilthy bandages &ro% its sides as it runs swi&tly at you0 and they aren2t 6ust there &or show5 they see% to be holding the $reature together. *ouble Heads &a$es split in two "erti$ally0 rather than horiGontally when it atta$ks0 as i& it was sli$ed in two and then bandaged ba$k together haphaGardly. +hey are swi&t and o&ten hunt in pa$ks. :ost likely you will hear the% be&ore you see the%0 as they let out a bone4$hilling howl when they spot li"ing prey. +heir &irst atta$k will o&ten be to run straight at you and leap0 s%ashing into you and $ho%ping on you as they sail by. +heir se$ondary atta$k0 on$e they are right on top o& you0 is to grab your leg and sa"age you with their teeth. 1& this happens0 press the a$tion button and wiggle the le&t analog sti$k to pull &ree. +he best way to deal with the% is with the Handgun as you stra&e around the%0 as &i"e or si3 shots will put the% on the ground0 and another will put the% down &or good !although it is better to sto%p the% to sa"e a%%o on$e they are down#. +o $onser"e a%%o0 a &ast %elee weapon will work in a pin$h0 but it reDuires pre$ise ti%ing that $an only be gotten through pra$ti$e. When &a$ing a *ouble Head solo0 &a$e it and wait &or it to run at you. Aust as it springs to hit you with it2s leaping atta$k0 use an o"erhead strike !press and hold down atta$k button# to s%a$k it out o& the air. 1& you %iss0 or your ti%ing is o&&0 the *ouble Head will %ost likely dash away be&ore you $an strike0 unless you are near a wall. Fa$ing out o& a $orner is a$tually the best way to &a$e a *ouble Head0 sin$e i& you %iss it or it runs by you0 it will run into the $orner0 where you $an Dui$kly bash it be&ore it runs away. A blo$k and atta$k $o%bo doesn2t work as well against the%0 sin$e by the ti%e you ha"e lowered your guard0 they ha"e %ost likely bounded away again !on$e again0 unless you are standing in a $orner5 then the blo$kHatta$k works great#. .n$e you ha"e hit it on$e0 don2t let up5 the o"erhead atta$k will also stun it %o%entarily0 allowing you to hit it with a series o& o"erhead strikes0 one a&ter another0 until it &alls. +his is best a$hie"ed by si%ply holding down the atta$k button a&ter you $onne$t on$e0 and Heather will keep $hopping away at whate"er is in &ront o& her. .n$e it is down you $an 6ust keep ha$king0 or ki$k it a $ouple o& ti%es. 1& there is %ore than one *ouble Head in the area0 and running isn2t an option0 kill all but the last one with the handgun0 then swit$h to the Steel )ipe or ?atana to &inish o&& the straggler. 14b43. 1nsane Can$ers +he na%e says it all. +hese %aggot4white0 putres$ent %asses o& &lesh are usually slu%bering idly when Heather en$ounters the%0 but are Dui$k to rise i& you get too $lose0 and $an both run and strike with

surprising speed. 1t takes a lot o& da%age to put the% down per%anently0 so te$hni$ally the best weapon &or the 6ob is the Shotgun at a $lose range. Howe"er0 you don2t want to waste a%%o on these %onstrosities0 &irst o& all be$ause it takes so %u$h a%%o to put the% down0 and se$ondly be$ause %elee weapons $an be %u$h %ore e&&e$ti"e. First o& all0 it isn2t generally a good idea to atta$k the% when they are lying on the ground. +hey are resistant to su$h da%age !although it does hurt the% so%ewhat# and $an rise and atta$k in the sa%e %otion. 1& gi"en an opportunity to atta$k the% &ro% behind0 bash away with your hea"iest %elee weapon !e"en the :aul0 but only i& their ba$ks are to you# as they are turning around. +hey ha"e two basi$ atta$ks5 the one4 ar%ed swing atta$k and the two4handed o"erhead bash. ;oth are surprisingly Dui$k and &airly da%aging. A well4ti%ed o"erhead atta$k !hold down atta$k button# or thrusting atta$k !&orward and the atta$k button# $an disrupt either atta$k. 1& one doesn2t work0 try the other0 alternating between the two. When they &all down0 don2t be &ooled: they are %ost likely 6ust re$uperating. +his $ould be a good opportunity to re4group and heal i& ne$essary0 but don2t lea"e the% lying there &or long0 as they heal as they lie on the ground. 1nstead0 keep bashing away until they rise again0 and start the whole thing o"er. Unless you ga"e the% ti%e to heal0 the se$ond ti%e they &all should be their last. ?i$k the% or keep bashing the% with the o"erhead strike. When they are &inally dead0 they will %ake a distin$ti"e death rattle0 and then begin to a$tually de&late. A little key5 i& they ain2t &lat0 they ain2t &lat lined. Fa$ing o&& against %ore than one 1nsane Can$er at a ti%e is a re$ipe &or a good ass whupping. Sin$e they don2t rea$t until you approa$h %ake sure to &a$e one0 then the other0 instead o& angering the% both at on$e. 14b49. -u%b ;odies +hese things are going to be your whipping boys... or your whipping &ish4things0 rather. +hey look a bit like &a$eless &ish with spindly legs %ade out o& purplish raw and diseased &lesh. +hey %o"e rather slowly and $an atta$k only by lunging at Heather and bu%ping her with their %outh4less heads. -e"er bother to waste a%%unition on the%0 as they are patheti$ally weak and $an be de&eated with a &ew good wha$ks &ro% the Steel )ipe or the ?atana. Sin$e pretty %u$h any atta$k that $onne$ts with the% $an disrupt their own atta$ks they are easily beaten down. 1t is when you &a$e the% in nu%bers that they $an be$o%e dangerous. .ne will draw your atta$ks while their $o%panions work their way in &ro% the sides to pu%%el you &ro% %ultiple dire$tions. 1& this happens0 you should ba$k up i& possible and try to get the% to separate0 so that you $an kill the% one at a ti%e. 1& you get ba$ked into a $orner0 try to spread the% out with the Shotgun or lea"e through a door and then $o%e right ba$k in to get the% o&& your tail. ;ee& Aerky works pretty well with the%0 as they tend to %o"e in patrol patterns5 si%ply pla$e the Aerky in a lo$ation you know they will be walking through0 wait &or the% to start %un$hing0 then s%a$k the% &ro% behind. +hey $o%e in three "arieties0 s%all0 %ediu%0 and large0 but they should all be dealt with the sa%e way5 6ust beat the% like a redheaded step$hild. -o o&&en$e %eant to any redheaded step$hildren out there. 14b4<. -urses A&&e$tionately known as B;obble HeadsB0 the -urses are the only $reatures who ha"e been in all Silent Hill ga%es0 in one &or% or another. +hey are $onstantly e"ol"ing throughout the series5 in the

original Silent Hill they looked like ordinary0 dead nurses with so%e sort o& pulpy0 parasiti$ growth on their ba$ks. 1n Silent Hill two they be$a%e %ore loathso%ely &e%inine0 lost the lee$hes0 and began wandering the town outside o& the Hospitals. 1n Silent Hill 3 they retain %u$h o& their look &ro% Silent Hill '0 but now so%e o& the% are pistol4pa$king %a%as. 1n all three ga%es they wield Steel )ipes0 but in Silent Hill 30 i& you play on -or%al or higher di&&i$ulty le"els0 so%e o& the% also $arry re"ol"ers. )ipe wielding -urses atta$k by either swinging the% o"erhead0 or by 6abbing at you with the%0 depending on how $lose you are to the%. ,ither atta$k $an be disrupted by a strong atta$k o& your own0 but not always. So%eti%es the best way to deal with a )ipe swinging -urse is to blo$k her atta$k with your de&ensi"e stan$e0 then retaliate with an atta$k o& your own. Ee"ol"er wielding -urses will either shoot at you0 i& you are still &urther away &ro% the%0 or atte%pt to pistol4whip you i& you get too $lose. +he gunshot $annot be blo$ked0 so the best thing to do is try to keep so%ething between you and the% while they are &iring !pre&erably another -urse# and then $harge in $lose to engage the% hand to hand. .n$e you are in $lose0 deal with the% 6ust as you would a )ipe wielding -urse. -or%ally0 i& you are $are&ul0 they $an be taken on one at a ti%e0 whi$h is ob"iously the best way to deal with the%. +here are a &ew pla$es0 howe"er0 where they $o%e rushing at you in groups o& two or %ore0 up to &our at on$e. +hen the Shotgun is the tool o& the trade0 at least until you get the% thinned out or kno$ked to the ground where they are %ore easily dealt with using %elee weapons. Although a boot to the &a$e is always parti$ularly satis&ying as well. 14b4=. )endulu%s ord how 1 hate the da%n )endulu%s. @ou will always know when a )endulu% is nearby0 be$ause they %ake a horrible noise not unlike a $at being beaten to death with a bagpipe. Well0 %aybe not Duite that bad0 but it is a high4pit$hed rusty sDuealing noise that grates on your ner"es and won2t stop until you ha"e le&t the area where they reside0 or until they are dead. .b"iously0 dead is better0 but that is %ore easily said than done. +hese $reatures are like &lying0 wingless &ood pro$essors0 spinning end o"er end through the sky with blades sti$king out all o"er the pla$e. Co%bine that with a dead body wrapped in a dirty shroud0 and you are starting to get the idea. Handguns are not e&&e$ti"e against these $reatures while they are in the air0 as all shots see% to %iss0 and send the )endulu% spinning towards you at a greater speed0 rushing the dire$tion that the shot $a%e &ro%. +he Sub%a$hine 7un works pretty well to take the% down0 but don2t waste the a%%o &ro% this pre$ious weapon. .ne o& the %ost e&&e$ti"e tools you $an use is 6ust a single blast &ro% your Shotgun &ro% $lose range while they are in the air. +his will kno$k the% out o& the air0 where you $an &inish the% a lot %ore easily with the Handgun or a %elee weapon. .n$e you are toe to toe with the%0 they will try to BheadB4butt you to do da%age0 but a solid hit $an disrupt this atta$k. 1& you don2t want to kno$k the% out o& the air with the Shotgun0 you $an use a &ast %elee weapon like the ?atana or the Steel )ipe to do the tri$k: when they $harge you0 don2t pani$0 but rather stra&e le&t or right and Dui$kly strike the% as they pass. +his too will kno$k the% out o& the air so that you $an deal with the% %ore easily0 but takes a steady hand and pre$ise ti%ing. @et another0 &ar easier way o& dealing with the% is the blo$k and strike %ethod !si%ply blo$k their swipes and then i%%ediately $ounter atta$k be&ore they $an get their de&enses up#. Howe"er0 the best way to deal with this ene%y0 espe$ially i& they

aren2t alone0 is the Brun away like a s$ared little girlB %ethod. 1t %ay sound $o%pli$ated0 but with a little pra$ti$e you should get the hang o& it. Fighting a )endulu% is si%ply %ore &rustrating than it is rewarding. 14b4>. S$rapers +hese ene%ies are &ast0 but they are really pusho"ers0 espe$ially $onsidering how late in the ga%e they appear. +hey $losely rese%ble the ;oss :onster $alled :issionary0 but they are s%aller and a lot less resilient. +hey are o& hu%an siGe and shape0 but their head is an unidenti&iable %ass0 and they $arry rusty but raGor sharp blades in ea$h hand. +hey ha"e two %ain atta$ks0 a running slash0 and a standing slash. When $harging you &or the running slash0 they are $apable o& %o"ing surprisingly &ast0 so stay on your toes. For either &or% o& their atta$k0 they best way to deal with the% is by blo$king their initial swipes0 then $ounter4atta$king be&ore they $an re$o"er &or another a$tion. +he ?atana is the best weapon &or the 6ob0 be$ause on$e you get a strong strike in0 it is all o"er &or the%. A strong strike disrupts any atta$ks they were going to %ake0 and gi"es you plenty o& ti%e to hit the% 6ust as hard the ne3t ti%e. 1t only takes two or three strikes to kno$k the% to the &loor0 then you $an &inish the% o&& with o"erhead strikes while standing abo"e the%0 or with an old &ashioned boot to the head. 1& you are atta$ked by %ore than one at a ti%e0 the Shotgun should %ake short work o& the%0 but usually it is in your best interest to a"oid &ights with %ore than one o& the%. 14b4/. Slurpers +hese are the se$ond noisiest and %ost irritating $reatures in the ga%e. +hey %ake a rising and &alling $hirruping noise as they %o"e around0 $rawling along the &loors like a liGard0 and 6ust as $apable o& %o"ing suddenly and de"astatingly &ast without any warning. +hey are %ostly hu%anoid0 with a leathery0 probos$is4like snout0 beady eyes0 and $lub4like &ront li%bs. As they %o"e in &or the atta$k0 they will o&ten dart suddenly &orward and yank Heather2s &eet out &ro% under her0 they $rawl o"er her to in&li$t additional da%age a&ter she is on the ground. Handguns and shotguns $an work great against the%0 but the proper use o& a good %elee weapon is really the way to go. Sin$e they $rawl so low to the ground0 only %elee weapons with a good o"erhead atta$k are e&&e$ti"e against the%. Well4ti%ed atta$ks $an disrupt any atta$ks they were atte%pting to %ake0 and allow you to keep beating on the%. Atta$king &ro% the side or &ro% the ba$k is always your best bet0 but $an be di&&i$ult to %aneu"er with any regularity. +his &oe is one o& the best to use ;ee& Aerky against0 as it is so%ewhat near4sighted and will sna$k on the treat e"en i& Heather is &airly $lose. +his will allow you to $ir$le around it to the side or &ro% the ba$k and hit it hard. +his is also one ene%y that the :aul works pretty well against0 due to its rea$h and its ability to hit &oes e"en low to the ground. A&ter a &ew hits &ro% any weapon the Slurper will &all still and play possu%. *on2t be &ooled by this0 as it will burst ba$k to li&e and sweep Heather2s legs out &ro% under her i& she gets too $lose. .nly when the Slurper e%its its loud and distin$ti"e death $ry0 and then &alls entirely silent0 is it truly dead. 1& atta$ked by a group o& %ore than one Slurper wait &or the% to bun$h up and rain your anger down upon the% with the Shotgun until their nu%bers are thinned. -ote: sin$e these ene%ies are $lose to the ground0 Heather $an a$tually ki$k the% or sto%p on the% &or an atta$k. 1t doesn2t do a lot o& da%age0

but it is &ast and $an be an e&&e$ti"e weapon... but only i& she atta$ks &ro% the ba$k or sides. .therwise0 the Slurper will 6ust swipe her &eet out &ro% underneath her and atta$k her while she is prone. 14$. +he Arsenal

14$48. ?ni&e @ou start the ga%e with the kni&e. What this weapon la$ks in atta$k power and rea$h0 it %akes up &or in uselessness. 1t is pretty &ast0 1 guess0 but unless you ha"e no other $hoi$e it is best to lea"e this weapon in your in"entory and &orget about it. 1t $an be &un to use against -u%b ;odies0 6ust to pro"e how patheti$ they are0 but it is usually a waste o& ti%e. +he kni&e $an be used to per&or% Sweep atta$ks !pressing the atta$k button# or +hrust atta$ks !holding the atta$k button#. +he +hrust atta$k does %ore da%age but is not Duite as &ast0 while you $an string together up to three Sweep atta$ks in a row0 a&ter whi$h Heather will pause &or a %o%ent0 and then $an do another round o& three atta$ks. @ou $an o"er$o%e this li%it by tapping the atta$k button twi$e0 waiting a split se$ond0 and then pressing it twi$e again. +his will result in an unbroken $hain o& two swipe atta$ks. Further%ore0 the Sweep atta$k $an hit %ore than one ene%y in a single swipe0 and you $an e"en %o"e &orward and ba$k or side4to4side while per&or%ing a Sweep atta$k. 1t doesn2t %ake it %u$h less useless0 howe"er. 14$4'. Steel )ipe +he Steel )ipe $an be &ound in the Central SDuare Shopping Center !*ark Side# in the se$ond &loor Ca&L +urn%ill kit$hen0 hanging &ro% the wall. +his weapon will be your best buddy through the &irst parts o& the ga%e0 until you repla$e it with the ?atana and ne"er look ba$k. 1t is a blunt length o& %etal about three &eet long that $an be used &or three basi$ kinds o& atta$k: a side4to4side Sweep atta$k !press the atta$k button#0 and o"erhead ;ashing atta$k !press and hold the atta$k button#0 or a +hrusting atta$k !pressing &orward and holding the atta$k button#. @ou $an string together up to three Sweep atta$ks in a row0 a&ter whi$h Heather will pause &or a %o%ent0 and then $an do another round o& three atta$ks. @ou $an o"er$o%e this li%it by tapping the atta$k button twi$e0 waiting a split se$ond0 and then pressing it twi$e again. +his will result in an unbroken $hain o& two swipe atta$ks. Further%ore0 the Sweep atta$k $an hit %ore than one ene%y in a single swipe0 and you $an e"en %o"e &orward and ba$k or side4to4side while per&or%ing a Sweep atta$k. +he +hrust atta$k is a Dui$k 6ab to the ene%y2s %idse$tion0 and this atta$k $an disrupt an atta$k that the ene%y is beginning. And &inally there is the all4use&ul ;ash atta$k0 in whi$h you raise the weapon o"er your head and swing it straight downward0 $ausing a good $hunk o& da%age and also $apable o& disrupting ene%ies2 atta$ks. +he ;ash atta$k $an also be used to beat ene%ies while they are on the ground0 whi$h %eans that you $an $ontinue to hit the% e"en a&ter they ha"e &allen. So &eel &ree to go all $a"e%an on the%. Spe$ial -otes: the 7old and Sil"er )ipes that you $an get in an ,3tra Sa"e 7a%e &un$tion identi$ally to the Steel )ipe. For in&or%ation on how to obtain the%0 read subse$tion V4$ in se$tion V0 BSe$rets and :ysteriesB. 14$43. :aul +his weapon is &ound in the ,%ployee o$ker Eoo% in the Underground )assage0 on the upper &loor. +he :aul is a great weapon0 but is really

rather useless &or pra$ti$al purposes0 kind o& like the 7reat ?ni&e you $ould steal &ro% )yra%id Head in Silent Hill '. Slow0 hea"y0 and "ery di&&i$ult to wield0 the :aul is a three4&oot long length o& handle with a hea"y0 spiked ball on the end. 1t has two kinds o& atta$ks0 a Sweep atta$k0 and a ;ashing atta$k0 but $an do &our kinds o& da%age. +hat is be$ause the da%age it a&&li$ts is di&&erent0 depending on whether you strike with the handle !less da%age# or the head !a lot %ore da%age#. +his huge weapon is a little %u$h &or poor0 petite little Heather to use e&&e$ti"ely0 as you $annot %o"e while swinging it or e"en hit %ore than one ene%y at a ti%e with it. 1& you $an %aster the ti%ing ne$essary to use this uniDue weapon0 its e&&e$ts $an be de"astating. +he Sweep atta$k is a single0 side4to4side atta$k0 and does respe$table da%age. 1t is also a bit &aster than the ;ash atta$k. +he ;ash atta$k is slow and awkward0 but i& you $an get the :aul2s head to hit what you are swinging at0 the results are de"astating. +he ;ashing atta$k is the se$ond %ost da%aging atta$k you $an %ake with a regular weapon0 ne3t to the ?atana2s +hrusting atta$k. +his weapon works wonders against Slurpers0 i& you $an get the ti%ing o& the ;ash right to inter$ept the% be&ore they get to you. 1& you don2t take ti%e to pra$ti$e the ti%ing o& atta$ks with this weapon0 it is best not to try to use it in $o%bat situations. 1& you do %aster the ti%ing0 it $an be one o& the %ost e&&e$ti"e tools in the ga%e. 14$49. ?atana +he ?atana $an be &ound in the se$ond &loor art storage $loset in Hilltop Center !*ark Side#0 behind the 7allery o& Fine Arts. +his weapon will be your best and $losest $o%panion through the se$ond hal& o& the ga%e. An elegant0 pre$ise weapon o& war0 the ?atana %ay be the %ost &a%ous sword4type in the world. +e$hni$ally0 1 belie"e this parti$ular weapon to be a WakiGashi0 a shorter $o%panion to the ?atana0 whi$h was wielded in the Sa%urai2s less adept hand when using :usashi2s two4handed &ighting style. Heather &inds a *aisho !%at$hed set#0 and $hooses the s%aller o& the two blades0 due to her relati"ely s%all siGe. 1t is still Duite e&&e$ti"e0 and has the potential to be the %ost da%aging nor%al weapon in the ga%e !i& you use the +hrusting atta$k with proper ti%ing#. +he ?atana $an per&or% three di&&erent types o& atta$k: the Sweeping !side4to4side# atta$k !press the atta$k button#0 the Ha$king !o"erhead# atta$k !press and hold the atta$k button#0 and the +hrusting !&orward stabbing# atta$k !press &orward and hold the atta$k button#. @ou $an string together up to three Sweep atta$ks in a row0 a&ter whi$h Heather will pause &or a %o%ent0 and then $an do another round o& three atta$ks. @ou $an o"er$o%e this li%it by tapping the atta$k button twi$e0 waiting a split se$ond0 and then pressing it twi$e again. +his will result in an unbroken $hain o& two swipe atta$ks. Further%ore0 the Sweep atta$k $an hit %ore than one ene%y in a single swipe0 but due to the pre$ision and $on$entration needed to properly use the ?atana0 Heather $an2t %o"e while atta$king. +he ha$king atta$k is the %ost use&ul and e&&e$ti"e0 does a %oderate a%ount o& da%age0 and $an disrupt an ene%y2s atta$k. +he +hrust atta$k is a Dui$k &orward stab0 does a good deal o& da%age0 and $an disrupt an ene%y2s atta$k. Further%ore0 the +hrust atta$k is e3$eptionally power&ul i& you $an hit the ene%y &ro% behind with it0 $at$h the% unawares0 or use it as a &inishing strike !the last blow that kills an ene%y#. All &or%s o& the ?atana2s atta$k are &airly &ast0 and &airly power&ul. +he ?atana is a good0 e&&e$ti"e all4around weapon. 14$4<. Stun 7un

@ou &ind the Stun 7un in *aisy Villa Apart%ents0 in Heather2s dresser drawer. Heather2s dad ga"e her the Stun 7un to de&end hersel&0 but she usually lea"es it at ho%e. 1roni$ally enough0 it is 6ust about as e&&e$ti"e buried in her so$k drawer as it is in her hand. 1t has e"en less range than Heather2s pig sti$ker !her patheti$ e3$use &or a kni&e# and sends out a %oderate a%ount o& da%age with a su$$ess&ul strike. +he Stun 7un uses Stun 7un batteries0 ea$h o& whi$h has enough $harge &or &our atta$ks be&ore it is out o& 6ui$e and you ha"e to use another one. Further%ore0 Stun 7un batteries are rare in the ga%e0 so you $an2t 6ust use the thing to Gap anything you want to. 1& you run out o& battery power0 Heather will $ontinue to use the weapon0 doing ridi$ulously low da%age with ea$h su$$ess&ul hit5 dragging your &eet a$ross the $arpet while wearing wool so$ks and then tapping ene%ies on the nose would probably be %ore e&&e$ti"e. What is worse0 Heather won2t e"en reload the thing on her own0 so ea$h ti%e you run out o& 6ui$e you will ha"e to %anually go to the %enu s$reen and reload it. 1t is +H, weapon to use i& you are e"er atta$ked by a blind0 retarded Duadriplegi$. 14$4=. Handgun +he Handgun is &ound in Central SDuare Shoppping Center !-or%al Side#0 in ;outiDue :arguerite !the wo%en2s $lothing store# on the &irst &loor. Ah0 the Handgun. +his is the s$rewdri"er in the Sur"i"al Horror player2s toolbo3: not the %ost i%pressi"e tool0 but one o& the %ost use&ul. +he Handgun2s %agaGine holds 8( rounds0 and is the &irst use&ul weapon &ound in the ga%e. 1t has a &airly &ast rate o& &ire0 and although the shots are not "ery power&ul0 the Handgun has great range. Further%ore0 you $an %o"e in any dire$tion while &iring the Handgun0 and e"en stra&e &ro% side to side. Heather is by no %eans an e3pert %arkswo%an0 and so%eti%es her shots go wide0 e"en when you are ai%ing dire$tly at an ene%y0 but that is 6ust part o& the deal. When you are in the $o%bat stan$e0 Heather will re%ained lo$ked onto one ene%y e"en when stra&ing. +o $hange targets0 use the le&t analog sti$k. When Heather is not lo$ked on to an ene%y0 she holds the gun $lose to her $hest0 so this $an be used as in indi$ator to tell i& Heather has a %onster in her sights. Si%ply go into the $o%bat stan$e and %o"e &orward0 and when she gets $loser she will point her gun at the ene%y to show she is lo$ked on. +he Handgun $an be eDuipped with a Silen$er0 whi$h %u&&les the sound o& your gun&ire so that nearby ene%ies won2t $o%e to in"estigate. Howe"er0 the Silen$er slightly redu$es the Handgun2s atta$k power0 so use 6udg%ent when de$iding whether to use the Silen$er or not. 14$4>. Shotgun +he Shotgun is &ound in HaGel Street Station0 )lat&or% ' on &loor ;30 inside the dereli$t Subway $ar. All right you pri%iti"e S$rewheads0 listen up. +his... is your ;oo%sti$kF Sorry0 1 know that was ob"ious and $li$hL0 but it was also absolutely ne$essary. 12% done now0 really. Anyway0 the Shotgun is an al%ost indispensable part o& the Sur"i"al Horror e3perien$e. +he $one4shaped blast o& the Shotgun is $apable o& $ausing %oderate da%age to all ene%ies in its blast radius a %ediu% range0 or %assi"e a%ounts o& da%age to a single ene%y at short range. +hat is why it is +H, weapon to use during ;oss ;attles: a$$ept no substitutes. +he weapon $an hold = shots at a ti%e0 and $an be slow to reload0 not to %ention that you $an2t %o"e or stra&e while &iring it0 whi$h %eans that it shouldn2t be used when you are being atta$ked

&ro% %ore than one side. Howe"er0 any ti%e you need to do %assi"e da%age to a single ene%y0 or whene"er %ultiple ene%ies bun$h into the sa%e general area0 this is your weapon o& $hoi$e. +he %assi"e blast let o&& when the Shotgun is &ired $an $ause ene%ies &ro% &urther away to be$o%e aware o& your presen$e and $o%e atta$k you. 1& you go into the $o%bat stan$e when there are ene%ies near0 Heather will auto%ati$ally lo$k on to the nearest ene%y. 1& you walk into a roo% already holding down the $o%bat stan$e button0 Heather will si%ply ai% it &orward0 regardless o& where the ene%ies are in the roo%. For this reason0 it is best to not raise the weapon until you are ready to use it. Ee%e%ber0 shop s%art... shop S4:art. 14$4/. Sub%a$hine 7un +he Sub%a$hine 7un $an be &ound in ;rookha"en Hospital !-or%al Side#0 in the ;ase%ent $orridor0 in &ront o& the ele"ators. Auto%ati$ &irear%s %ake their appearan$e &or the &irst ti%e in the series with the dis$o"ery o& the S:7. +o use it0 si%ply eDuip it0 go into the $o%bat stan$e0 and press the atta$k button. +he S:7 &ires hal& o& its $lip in a single burst !8< rounds with a single tap o& the button#0 and sin$e there are only 3' rounds in a $lip0 you will go through a%%o &or this weapon rapidly. So it is best to only break out this weapon &or spe$ial o$$asions or when you really want to lay waste to so%ething. @ou $an2t %o"e while &iring the S:70 but you $an use the le&t analog sti$k to sweep the barrel o& the gun up0 down0 or &ro% side4to4side0 e&&e$ti"ely $o"ering a whole roo%. +he Silen$er $an be used with this weapon0 whi$h %akes the shots Duieter but less power&ul0 so use the Silen$er only i& you need to a"oid the attention o& nearby ene%ies. 14d. +he 7ood Stu&& 14d48. ;ea% Saber +he ;ea% Saber is a spe$ial weapon that $an only be obtained during an ,3tra -ew 7a%e. For details on how to get your hands on this &ine weapon0 see subse$tion V4d in se$tion V0 BSe$rets and :ysteriesB. Eepeat a&ter %e: B+his is not a ight Saber !registered trade%ark o& u$as&il%s i%ited0 all rights reser"ed#B. -ow that little bit o& legal hiney $o"ering is out o& the way0 let2s talk about what it $an do. When the ight... ;,A: Saber is eDuipped but not in use0 Heather 6ust holds the %etal handle. 7oing into the $o%bat stan$e ignites the blade. -ot only $an %o"e &orward or ba$kward while swinging the blade5 the weapon a$tually $auses the %ost da%age o& any weapon in the ga%e i& you hit an ene%y with it while you are %o"ing. +he downside is that i& you are hit by an ene%y while using the ;ea% Saber0 the blade a$tually turns itsel& o&&0 &or$ing you to release the $o%bat stan$e button and then re4press it to a$ti"ate the weapon on$e %ore. +he ;ea% Saber has two %ain atta$ks in addition to the atta$k you %ake while %o"ing: a basi$ Sweep atta$k and an o"erhead Ha$king atta$k0 whi$h $an be used in a %anner identi$al to the ?atana. 1& you so%ehow %anage to get a 8( ;ig Star rating at the end o& an ,3tra -ew 7a%e0 the ;ea% Saber will be$o%e longer and %ore power&ul in your ne3t ga%e. 7ood lu$k on that. For details on how to get this per&e$t rating0 see subse$tion V46 in se$tion V0 BSe$rets and :ysteriesB. 14d4'. Fla%ethrower +he Fla%ethrower is a spe$ial weapon that $an only be obtained during an ,3tra -ew 7a%e. For details on how to pro$ure this de"astating weapon0 see subse$tion V4d in se$tion V0 BSe$rets and :ysteriesB. +his

weapon is $apable o& $o%pletely de"astating a whole roo% &ull o& ene%ies0 sin$e you $an atta$k &oes in a wide range and the &la%es spread as they tra"el away &ro% the noGGle. ike the S:70 you $annot %o"e while using the Fla%ethrower0 but using the le&t analog sti$k allows you to sweep the noGGle up0 down0 or side to side. Sin$e the gas $ylinder ne"er runs out o& &uel0 you $an really do a great deal o& da%age to Duite a &ew ene%ies with this weapon. +he %ore &la%es tou$h an ene%y0 the %ore da%age they do5 thus this weapon works wonder&ully against larger &oes. 1& you so%ehow %anage to get a 8( ;ig Star Eating at the end o& an ,3tra -ew 7a%e0 the &la%es e%itted by this weapon be$o%e %ore da%aging on your ne3t playthrough. For details on how to get this per&e$t rating0 see subse$tion V46 in se$tion V0 BSe$rets and :ysteriesB. 14d43. Unli%ited Sub%a$hine 7un +he Unli%ited Sub%a$hine 7un is a spe$ial weapon that $an only be obtained during an ,3tra -ew 7a%e. For details on how to get your greasy %itts on this short4nosed bad boy0 see subse$tion V4e in se$tion V0 BSe$rets and :ysteriesB. .ther than the pla$e where it is &ound0 and the &a$t you $an use it throughout the entire ga%e0 on e"ery ene%y you e"er $o%e a$ross0 without e"er ha"ing to worry about running out o& a%%o0 this weapon &un$tions e3a$tly like the nor%al S:7. See the des$ription &or that weapon &or %ore details. 14d49. Heather ;ea% +his is a spe$ial atta$k ability that $an only obtained by %eeting $ertain $onditions in an ,3tra -ew 7a%e. For %ore details on how to unleash Heather2s %agi$ powers0 gi"en to her by UF.s0 see subse$tion V4 & in se$tion V0 BSe$rets and :ysteriesB. .n$e the Heather ;ea% has been unlo$ked0 you $an unleash its power by un4eDuipping all weapons0 going into a $o%bat stan$e0 and holding down the atta$k button. When you go into the $o%bat stan$e0 Heather2s eyes will begin to glow. When you hold down the atta$k0 she releases two energy bea%s &ro% her noggin that ho%e in on ene%ies0 and will strike the%0 e"en around $orners. 1& you press &orward and tap the atta$k button0 Heather will release he3agonal balls o& energy that are %ore da%aging. When the B+rans&or%B $ostu%e is eDuipped0 the Heather ;ea% be$o%es the Se3y ;ea%. See the BSe3y ;ea%B se$tion below &or %ore details. -ote: use o& this weapon is ne$essary to get the BEe"engeB se$ret ending. See the entry &or that ending in se$tion 1114$. 14d4<. Se3y ;ea% +he Heather ;ea% be$o%es the Se3y ;ea% when the B+rans&or%B $ostu%e is eDuipped. For details on how to obtain the B+rans&or%B Costu%e0 see subse$tion V4g in se$tion V0 BSe$rets and :ysteriesB. 1n Heather2s super hero &or%0 the basi$ Ho%ing atta$k !press and hold the atta$k button while in the $o%bat stan$e with no weapons eDuipped# be$o%es %u$h %ore power&ul0 &iring a $o%bination o& the ho%ing shots and the energy balls0 &or a total o& eight at on$e. When you use the se$ondary atta$k !press &orward and hold down the atta$k button#0 Heather will &ire bea%s o& energy &ro% her eyes0 Super%an styleF +hese bea%s $an then be dire$ted towards your ene%ies by using the le&t analog sti$k to sweep the% around the roo%. +hese atta$ks are "ery power&ul0 and darned neat to bootF 14e. @our Stu&& !Support 1te%s#

14e48. Health *rink +his is a high4nutrient protein drink that restores a s%all a%ount o& Heather2s health when used. +hey are the %ost $o%%on healing ite%0 but still should be used so%ewhat sparingly0 i& you $an help it. 1& Heather is al%ost dead0 it will take three o& these to heal her al%ost up to &ull health. 14e4'. First Aid ?it +his is an e%ergen$y %edi$al kit that $an be used to restore a %oderate a%ount o& Heather2s health. +hey are not as $o%%on as Health *rinks0 and should be sa"ed &or e%ergen$ies or ;oss ;attles. 1& Heather is al%ost dead0 it will take two o& these to heal her al%ost up to &ull health. 14e43. A%poule 12% not really sure what is in this $on$o$tion0 but 1 a% guessing adrenaline andHor %orphine. +hey will restore all o& Heather2s health0 e"en i& she is al%ost dead. 1n addition0 it keeps Heather &ro% be$o%ing &atigued by any e3ertion &or about three %inutes a&ter it is used. A%poules are &ew and &ar between0 and should be sa"ed &or the end o& your ga%e i& at all possible. 14e49. ;ee& Aerky +his is a new ite% introdu$ed to Silent Hill. Heather $an pla$e ;ee& Aerky in the path o& a patrolling ene%y and when it $o%es a$ross the treat0 it will $rou$h and begin to eat it. +his allows Heather to slip by without di&&i$ulty0 or to position hersel& to the side or behind the ene%y when it is distra$ted and set up a de"astating atta$k. :ost ene%ies0 i& already aware o& Heather2s presen$e0 will ignore Aerky in &a"or o& her war%0 li"ing &lesh0 so don2t bother dropping it i& you are being $hased. Howe"er0 i& you pla$e ;ee& Aerky in a roo% where ene%ies are lo$ated0 lea"e through a door0 and then $o%e ba$k in0 the ene%ies will be %un$hing on the Aerky when you return. +his is a good way to shake pursuit and turn the tide o& a battle. Howe"er0 the ene%y will $onsu%e Aerky a&ter a short ti%e0 and then they will resu%e looking &or Heather0 so be $are&ul o& ti%e. 14e4<. Handgun ;ullets Handgun ;ullets are the %ost $o%%on &or% o& a%%unition in the ga%e. .n the de&ault setting0 ea$h bo3 o& Handgun A%%o holds 8( shots &or the handgun. Howe"er0 the B;ullet Ad6ustB setting in your options s$reen allows you to $hange the a%ount o& bullets you re$ei"e a&ter your &irst ga%e: a bullet ad6ust o& 3' %eans that ea$h bo3 will $ontain '( bullets0 while a bullet ad6ust o& 3= %eans ea$h bo3 $ontains =( bullets. +his guide is written with a regular bullet ad6ust in %ind0 $alibrated &or the least a%ount o& a%%unition. 14e4=. Shotgun Shells Shotgun Shells are not "ery $o%%on0 and ea$h bo3 $ontains only = shells0 so don2t waste the%. Shotgun rounds should be reser"ed &or groups o& ene%ies all together0 ;oss ;attles0 and any annoying )endulu%s you 6ust $an2t stand to listen to any%ore. Use the% wisely. 14e4>. Sub%a$hine 7un Clip Sub%a$hine 7un Clips are "ery rare indeed0 and ea$h $lip holds 3' bullets. Sin$e ea$h burst o& the S:7 uses 8< bullets0 this is not "ery

%u$h a%%o at all0 so only use the S:7 when $o%pany $o%es o"er0 or at the end o& the ga%e. .n$e you get the unli%ited S:7 in your ,3tra -ew 7a%e0 you don2t need to worry about $onser"ing this a%%o0 but until then0 treasure it. 14e4/. Stun 7un ;attery Stun 7un ;atteries are as rare as they are useless. ,a$h battery holds enough 6ui$e &or only 9 atta$ks0 and there are only a hand&ul o& batteries in the ga%e. ;ut you will still probably ha"e plenty le&t at the end o& the ga%e0 due to the absolute uselessness o& the Stun 7un. 1t $an be o& li%ited use against the akeside A%use%ent )ark2s ;oss0 but that is about it. 14&. +ri$ks o& the +rade

14&48. ;e&ore you ;egin Silent Hill 3 has a nu%ber o& "ariables that you $an ad6ust in the B.ptionsB :enu0 &ro% pi$ture and sound to the $olor and Duantity o& blood and how your ga%e $ontrols. Sin$e e"eryone2s syste%s and pre&eren$es are di&&erent !until 1 a% in $harge and you all think like 1 do#0 what you do with the %ost o& these options is really up to you. 1 do ha"e a $ouple o& suggestions. First o& all0 this guide is written with the de&ault $ontrol s$he%e in %ind0 and there are a &ew pla$es where 1 re&er to a button by its na%e rather than its &un$tion !&or e3a%ple0 re&erring to the BIB button instead o& the Ba$tionB button. ?eep this in %ind as you use this guide. ;esides these nor%al settings0 there are other0 BSe$retB settings that $an be a$$essed by pressing E8 or 8 while in the nor%al options setting. +his gi"es you the option to set blood $olor or "olu%e0 your walkHrun speed0 the Goo% on your %ap0 to turn the grainy graphi$s &ilter on and o&&0 or the blur e&&e$t on your $a%era. +he only one that really %atters is the BWalkHEun ControlB. 1t $an be set to B-or%alB0 whi$h is the de&ault0 or BEe"erseB. +he nor%al setting %eans that Heather will be %o"ing at her nor%al walking speed when you %o"e her with the analog sti$k0 unless you press down the BrunB button !the BsDuareB button is the de&ault#. 1& you $hange this setting to BEe"erseB it %eans that Heather will %o"e at a run when you %o"e her with the analog sti$k0 unless you press and hoold the BsDuareB button0 whi$h $auses her to slow to a walk. Sin$e at %ost ti%es in the ga%e you will want to be %o"ing rather Dui$kly0 and sin$e it $an be a pain in the thu%b to hold down the BrunB button $onstantly0 swit$h this setting to Bre"erseB &ro% the get4go0 and you will &ind Heather %o"es around rather Gippily. Another &eature to be aware o& is the &a$t that you $an B,DuipB %any supplies &or speedy use. What this %eans is that a single ite% $an be e&&e$ti"ely %apped to the E3 button !press in on the right analog sti$k so that it $li$ks#. @ou $an B,DuipB a%%o &or Dui$k reloads0 health ite%s &or a Dui$k pi$k4%e4up0 or e"en ;ee& Aerky to Dui$kly drop a tasty treat &or the pups. +his allows you to Dui$kly use $o%%on ite%s in real ti%e so that you don2t ha"e to interrupt the &low o& the ga%e and go to your in"entory all the ti%e. 1& you use it &or a%%o0 when you hit the button Heather will go through the reload ani%ation0 so this %ay not be the best $hoi$e i& there are %onsters around. ;ee& Aerky %ay be a good option be$ause then you don2t ha"e to go out to the %enu5 Heather 6ust $rou$hes and pla$es Aerky on the ground right in &ront o& her. So you %ight %ake E3 your B;ee& Aerky ;uttonB. ;ut the best option is probably to %ap healing ite%s to this button &or a Dui$k

$o%bat heal. +he only stipulation is that you $an2t use the healing ite% while &iring a weapon0 so %ake sure you ha"e plenty o& roo% to stop and heal be&ore you try to use it. Eegardless o& how you $hoose to use it0 you $an engage this &un$tion by going into your in"entory and sele$ting the ite% you want to %ap. As well as the BUseB and BCo%bineB $o%%ands0 there should be one that says B,DuipB. Sele$t this and that ite% is auto%ati$ally %apped to your E3 button. 14&4'. ,3ploring So%e o& the en"iron%ents in Silent Hill 3 are large and hard to &ind your way around. +hey key to a"oiding wasting "aluable ti%e trying the sa%e doors o"er and o"er is to use the inga%e %ap. 1 ha"e tried to write the guide in a %anner that gets the %ap &or ea$h area into your grubby little hands as Dui$kly as possible. .n$e you ha"e the %ap &or ea$h area0 you want to %ake sure that e"erything you do and &ind is %arked on the %ap0 so that you don2t get $on&used as to where you ha"e been and where you need to go ba$k to later. u$kily Heather has a great %e%ory0 be$ause on$e she &inds a %ap0 she is able to %ark e"ery door and $lue that she has $he$ked or been through on to the %ap i%%ediately0 e"en i& she didn2t ha"e the %ap when she %ade her dis$o"eries. +his %eans that i& Heather has no %ap0 tries a bun$h o& doors and &inds < are 6a%%ed0 two are unlo$ked0 and there is a lo$ked door in the east hallway0 on$e she has &ound the %ap she will i%%ediately %ark ea$h and e"ery door and $lue on the %ap so that you don2t ha"e to $he$k the% again later. So your 6ob is to +E@ ,V,E@ *..E A-* HA WA@0 e"en i& 1 already told you in this guide that the door is 6a%%ed. +his will ensure that your %ap is a$$urate and there should be no $on&usion when you are trying to &igure out where to go and where you ha"e been on the %ap. Aa%%ed or %issing doors or hallways will be %arked with a sDuiggly line o"er the%. o$ked doors or shutters are %arked with a thi$k line o"er the%. *oors that are open will be %arked with an arrow that passes through the%. Sa"e points are %arked with a little red sa"e sy%bol. Clues are $ir$led and o&ten %arked with a BCB0 so%eti%es with a note to re%ind you what it is !BClo$kCB or B?eyCB &or e3a%ple#. So try e"ery door you $o%e a$ross i& at all possible. +he only e3$eption is i& it is in an area 1 spe$i&i$ally say -.+ to e3plore. For e3a%ple0 there is an area in the Underground se$tion that is %obbed with %onsters and has se"eral 6a%%ed doors and only one that opens. 1 tried e"ery one o& those doors and got $hewed on0 so that @.U won2t ha"e to. 1& 1 say there are se"eral %onsters in a roo% and absolutely no rewards &or getting sto%ped by the%0 trust %e on this. *on2t let all %y work be in "ain. Heather died %any ti%es at %y hands so that she didn2t ha"e to die at your hands. So to su%%ariGe0 unless 1 say it is a bad idea0 try e"ery door and sear$h e"erything0 so that your %ap is up to date. 1t is the single %ost i%portant tool in Heather2s arsenal. +hat ha"ing been said0 don2t be a&raid to $he$k the %ap &reDuently to keep tra$k o& where you are and where you are going. 1t %ay $lue you in to the presen$e o& a door that %ay ha"e blended into the ba$kground or that you thought that you $he$ked but didn2t. +here are a $ouple o& pla$es in the ga%e where there are doors that you $an2t see on the a$tual ga%e s$reen due to s%oke or blood or so%ething0 and the %ap is the only thing that tells you they are there. So to su% up0 try e"ery door0 and use your %ap religiously. Another i%portant thing is to wat$h Heather $are&ully. Aust as in

pre"ious Silent Hill ga%es0 Heather will turn her head and look at things that she $an intera$t with0 su$h as doors that will open and ite%s that you %ay not ha"e noti$ed. When you see her head swi"eling around0 it is best to stop and $he$k it out. .& $ourse it %ay be %onsters that she is noti$ing as well0 so don2t try to pi$k up a *ouble Head 6ust be$ause Heather turns to look at it. *oing so "oids your warranty. +hank you to ?illiana -iyasai &or pointing out that 1 &orgot to %ention this handy little &eature. 14&43. Co%bat +ips First o& all0 don2t &ight e"erything0 unless you want to. +here are a lot %ore ene%ies in Silent Hill 3 than there were in Silent Hill '0 and they are o&ten &aster0 tougher0 and less unwilling to gang up on Heather2s skanky ass. Fight when you are going to $rossing an area repeatedly0 when the ene%ies ha"e to $o%e at you one at a ti%e0 or in $lose Duarters when you $an2t slip by. Fight the% when they are weaker than you0 &or pra$ti$e !in &a$t0 1 think this is why they put the -u%b ;odies in the ga%e#. Fight when it is a boss battle. *o not &ight when you are low on health0 low on supplies0 or surrounded and outnu%bered. Howe"er0 &ighting o&ten W1 %ake you a better Silent Hill player. -ot be$ause Heather gets stronger or anything like that0 but be$ause you will learn the tri$ks and %aneu"ers ne$essary to de&eat e"ery &oe and $o%bination o& &oes. What is the best way to deal with a single -u%b ;odyC How do you deal with two *ouble Heads and a )endulu% in an open spa$eC +he answer will be di&&erent depending on what kind o& player you are. 1& you are un$o%&ortable with the $o%bat0 the best answer is that i& you are outnu%bered and surrounded0 run. ;ut here are so%e other ways o& dealing with threats. E, .A*1-7: 1& you are a sur"i"al horror "eteran0 you know this rule by heart: don2t wait &or your gun to $li$k e%pty be&ore your reload0 or you will get s%a$ked like a little bit$h. ,a$h gun has a $ertain a%ount o& bullets it $an hold at one ti%e0 regardless o& how %u$h e3tra a%%o you ha"e in your in"entory5 the Handgun holds 8(0 the Shotgun holds =0 the S:7 holds 3'0 and0 oh yeah0 the Stun 7un holds 9. 1& you &ire all o& the shots in the $lip0 the gun will $li$k on the e%pty $ha%ber and Heather will begin a lengthy ani%ation in whi$h she retrie"es the $lip0 loads it0 and $o$ks the gun. 1n this ti%e your ene%ies will not stand around politely0 gi"ing you all the ti%e you need to get ba$k to killing the%. -o0 instead they will %ost likely ha"e taken this opportunity to take large bites out o& your 6ugular "ein. What is worse0 i& you are hit or otherwise interrupted while reloading0 Heather starts the whole pro$ess o"er. +o a"oid this0 $ount your shots and always reload your weapon in the in"entory s$reen0 by sele$ting the weapon you are using and $hoosing BEeloadB &ro% the options &or that weapon. When you return &ro% the in"entory s$reen0 the weapon will be already loaded0 and there will not be lengthy and e3$eedingly pain&ul breaks in your &iring andHor skin. ,AE- +. US, +H, QU1C? +UE- AE.U-*: +his one is key. ;y pressing the 8 and E8 buttons si%ultaneously0 Heather will turn and &a$e in the opposite dire$tion rather Dui$kly. +his $an really help to get you out o& tight $orners or when you are surrounded0 so learn it early. .C? .- A-* S+EAF1-7: When Heather %o"es into an area where there are

%onsters that are $learly lit or within range o& the &lashlight0 she will auto%ati$ally B o$k .nB to the nearest &oe. 1& there is %ore than one near0 you $an $hange whi$h ene%y Heather is lo$ked onto by pressing the le&t analog sti$k le&t or right. @ou $an tell whi$h ene%y she is lo$ked on to0 be$ause she will look dire$tly at it and $ontinue to look at it e"en as she passes by. +he ene%y that Heather is lo$ked on to is the one that she will point her weapon at &irst i& you go into the $o%bat stan$e0 as she will i%%ediately turn and point her weapon at that &oe. @ou $an use this to your ad"antage by running past a &oe that Heather is lo$ked on to0 and then pressing E' to go into a $o%bat stan$e: Heather will auto%ati$ally spin towards the ene%y that she is lo$ked on to0 e"en i& it is behind her. +his allows you to get the drop on an ene%y e"ery ti%e i& you learn how to use it e&&e$ti"ely. Further%ore0 Heather $an stra&e le&t and right at any ti%e by pressing 8 or E8. 1& she is lo$ked onto an ene%y0 instead o& stra&ing straight le&t or straight right0 she will stra&e in a $ir$le around the &oe that she is lo$ked on0 always &a$ing toward it. +his allows her to a"oid %any atta$ks and strike when her ene%y2s guard is down. With all weapons e3$ept &or the Handgun and a $ouple o& %elee weapons0 Heather has to stop %o"ing in order to atta$k. 1& she 1S using the Handgun or one o& those %elee weapons0 howe"er0 she will atta$k and $ontinue to %o"e0 e&&e$ti"ely allowing her to dan$e $ir$les around her ene%ies while whittling away at the%. +his will help her a"oid $ounter4atta$k &ro% her $hosen &oe0 but also 7E,A+ @ helps her a"oid strikes &ro% other ene%ies in the area0 sin$e she won2t be a sitting target. ,AE- +. ; .C?0 *A::1+: While in the $o%bat stan$e0 press the BsDuareB button as an ene%y %akes an atta$k to blo$k it. Heather will bring her guard up and the atta$k will be al%ost ine&&e$tual. With the ;ullet )roo& Vest eDuipped0 it works e"en better. @ou will be a%aGed how %any healing ite%s you sa"e when you learn the proper ti%ing and use &or the blo$k button. .-, ,-,:@ M :, ,, W,A).-S: -o %atter what the $ritter is0 i& you $an &a$e it one on one !or at least one at a ti%e#0 use your %elee weapons to a"oid wasting a%%o &or your &irear%s. 1t is possible to de&eat e"ery ene%y type in the ga%e with the %elee weapons without getting hurt0 i& you know how to do it. With less power&ul ene%ies0 a strong 6ab or o"erhead atta$k $an interrupt their atta$ks and keep the% &ro% hurting you. +his works parti$ularly well with *ouble Heads and -u%b ;odies0 but will o&ten work with 1nsane Can$ers0 -urses and Closers as well. 1& one kind o& atta$k doesn2t stop the%0 try the other. Another e3$ellent option is to use a blo$kHatta$k pattern. When an ene%y atta$ks0 blo$k its atta$k with the BsDuareB button while in the $o%bat stan$e: with %ost kinds o& ene%ies this will %ake their atta$k all but ine&&e$tual. 1%%ediately a&ter their atta$k0 retaliate with a Dui$k and power&ul $ounter atta$k o& your own. +his parti$ular %ethod works well with Steel4)ipe wielding -urses and )endulu%s. ,"en i& %ultiple ene%ies atta$k you and you ha"e to use &irear%s0 when only one o& the% is le&t you should swit$h to a %elee weapon to sa"e as %u$h a%%o as possible. C.-S,EVA+1.- 1S ?,@: Help Heather sa"e the planet by wasting as little as possible0 espe$ially when it $o%es to bullets and health ite%s. 1& you ha"e to use a &irear%0 $ount your shots and &igure out how %any are needed to drop ea$h kind o& &oe0 then try to use only that nu%ber o& shots to kill that type o& ene%y the ne3t ti%e you en$ounter the%. 1t

$an be pretty easy to B;eat a *ead -urseB by $ontinuing to shoot a &allen &oe a&ter they are te$hni$ally de&eated. So%e ene%ies ha"e a death ani%ation0 where they slowly tu%ble to the ground. *on2t %istake this &or a$tual %otion and keep shooting. .n$e an ene%y is on the ground0 don2t waste bullets by shooting the% to &inish the% o&&. Always run up and boot the% to ensure their deadness. -ot only is it less waste&ul0 it is %ore satis&yingF 1& you $an de&eat an ene%y sa&ely by using a %elee weapon0 do so. As &or health ite%s0 learn when to use the%. As a rule0 don2t use a Health *rink until your health is orange and you &eel a slight throb in the $ontroller &ro% the "ibration &un$tion. 1t %ay not bring you all the way to &ull0 but it is $lose enough0 and i& you use the% &or anything less0 you $ould be wasting the%. *on2t use a First Aid ?it unless your health is in the red0 and there is a strong throb in your $ontroller &ro% the "ibration &un$tion. 1& you use it be&ore this0 it is a waste. *on2t use the A%poule unless you are sure you are da%n near dead0 and try to sa"e the% &or boss battles. Feel &ree to toss ;ee& Aerky around. 1t is worthless and it %akes the %onsters happy. And happy %onsters %eans less dead Heathers. US, AS 1++ , F.EC, AS ).SS1; ,: +his %ay see% silly0 but all 1 a% saying is not to swat a &ly with an elephant gun. 1& you are &ighting a *ouble Head and $an kill it with a Handgun or Steel )ipe0 don2t use the Shotgun or the S:7. A%%o &or these weapons is s$ar$e0 and should be sa"ed &or boss battles0 or when %ultiple ene%ies group up. Sin$e %elee weapons don2t use a%%o0 use the strongest weapon you $an get away with as o&ten as possible. ;ut when it $o%es to &irear%s0 here is a rule o& thu%b: *on2t use a sledgeha%%er to open a 6ar o& pi$kles. ,AE- @.UE W,A).-S2 S+E,-7+HS A-* W,A?-,SS,S: ,a$h weapon has so%ething that %akes it desirable to use and a drawba$k. +he ?ni&e is weak0 but it is &ast and you $an %o"e and stra&e while using it. +he :aul is in$redibly power&ul and has a great rea$h0 but is slower than a turtle on downers. +he Shotgun is power&ul0 but you $an2t %o"e while &iring and a%%o &or it is rare. earn ea$h weapon2s li%itations so that you $an use the right tool &or the 6ob. +he :aul will drop a Closer Dui$kly i& you $an swing it &ast enough0 but you will %ost likely sustain a lot o& da%age &ro% $ounter atta$ks. +he Handgun on the other hand will take se"eral shots to kill a Closer0 but you will be able to stra&e around it with i%punity and sustain no da%age while you do so0 due to its %obility. +he :aul $an be used to great e&&e$t on -u%b ;odies i& you get the% at range and keep swinging0 while using a Handgun on the% works but is a waste o& a%%o. ,AE- WH,- +. US, +H, ;U ,+ )E..F V,S+: +he ;ullet )roo& "est is a handy ite% you will &ind early in the ga%e that redu$es the a%ount o& da%age that your re$ei"e &ro% ene%ies by 8<N and redu$es your $han$es to be stunned by an atta$k by <(N. +he downside is that while it is eDuipped0 your run speed is redu$ed to a walk0 and your walk speed is redu$ed to a %osey. 1n addition0 Heather gets e3hausted %ore Dui$kly while it is eDuipped. .b"iously this ite% is a boon while &ighting0 but i& you are trying to run through an area to a"oid $on&rontation0 it isn2t so good. :y suggestion is to use it only in indoor areas where there is little $han$e o& you ha"ing to %ake an e3tended dash0 and un4 eDuip it when you are outdoors or in open en"iron%ents where you are trying to a"oid $on&rontation. An e"en better idea is to keep it un4

eDuipped unless you are a$ti"ely beginning $o%bat or are a%bushed. +his takes a little %ore e&&ort to go to the in"entory and eDuip it whene"er you get in a &ight0 but sin$e you will o&ten be going to the in"entory to swit$h to an appropriate weapon anyway0 6ust %ake eDuipping the ;ullet )roo& Vest part o& your routine. When you are in ;oss ;attles0 1 would suggest always eDuipping your Vest at the beginning0 sin$e so%e boss atta$ks $an2t be e&&e$ti"ely blo$ked and $an pa$k a wallop. 11. Silent Hill 3 Walkthrough For the purposes o& this guide0 when 1 say0 &or e3a%ple0 turn le&t0 1 %ean Heather2s le&t0 as she is oriented on the s$reen. +hus0 what is le&t when $o%ing &ro% one dire$tion will be$o%e right when she is $o%ing &ro% the opposite dire$tion. When 1 say Bhead towards the le&t4 hand side o& the roo%B0 1 %ean your le&t0 the player2s0 %eaning towards the le&t4hand side o& the tele"ision s$reen. 1& 1 say towards the &ront or ba$k o& the roo%0 1 %ean $loser or &urther away &ro% the B$a%eraB0 or the s$reen !e"en though it is two di%ensional0 you know what 1 %ean#. 1& 1 say a dire$tion0 su$h as north0 west0 or northeast0 1 a% re&erring to dire$tions on the in$redibly use&ul %ap that you $an a$$ess &or ea$h area !on$e you &ind one#. +his will be %y pre&erred %ethod o& re&erring to dire$tion in this walkthrough0 as there is an i$on on the %ap that shows you what dire$tion Heather is &a$ing. +hough the %aps are not a$tual $alibrated to the $ardinal dire$tions0 when 1 say head north0 1 %ean towards the top o& the %ap0 south is towards the botto%0 and east and west re&er to the right and le&t o& the %ap0 respe$ti"ely. 1 will try to only use dire$tions su$h as Ble&tB or BrightB !whi$h $an be $on&using sin$e they are dependant on whi$h way Heather is &a$ing# when you do not ha"e a %ap &or an area0 su$h as in the "ery beginning o& the ga%e and at the beginning o& ea$h new lo$ation when Heather &irst arri"es. 1 will try to %ake getting a %ap &or ea$h area &irst priority0 in order to keep $on&usion to a %ini%u%. Che$k the %ap s$reen o&ten0 as it will be your best &riend in ter%s o& getting around the ga%e Dui$kly and easily. Se$ondly0 a warning: +H1S 7U1*, :A@ C.-+A1- S).1 ,ES .E S).1 ,E )AE+1C ,S. 1F@.U AE, A ,E71C +. S).1 ,ES0 ) ,AS, *. -.+ )AE+A?, .F +H1S 7U1*,. )E,7-A-+ W.:,- SH.U * C.-SU + A )H@S1C1A- )E1.E +. ) A@1-7 S1 ,-+ H1 30 AS 1+ :A@ S,E1.US @ SCE,W U) @.UE ?1* A-* 71V, @.U S,C.-* +H.U7H+S A;.U+ WHA+0 ,IAC+ @0 1S 7E.W1-7 1- @.UE W.:;. Seriously though0 this guide is not designed to be entirely spoiler &ree. 1t is a thorough and $o%plete guide to the entire ga%e0 in$luding story and plot ele%ents. 1& you want to be surprised0 don2t use a walkthrough0 or i& you do0 look &or the $are&ully $ra&ted spoiler &ree ones0 &ound elsewhere. +hat ha"ing been said0 &or the %ost part 1 try not to 6ust shout out what 6ust happened or is going to happen5 1 allude to the e"ent and then highlight the i%portant bits. Howe"er0 you ha"e been warned. And now0 on to the show. 114a. )art .ne: BWorse than Christ%as Season...B 114a48. )relude: B+he Unhappiest )la$e on ,arth...B: akeside A%use%ent )ark Eight o&& the bat we are treated to a %ontage o& twisted i%ages0 $entered around an a%use%ent park that should be &a%iliar to people who ha"e played the original Silent Hill. For those who ha"en2t0 sha%e on

you. 7o play it0 then $o%e ba$k0 or you %ay be lost later. Eegardless0 the ga%e begins with Heather0 the %ain $hara$ter0 walking in the &ront gates o& akeside A%use%ent )ark. She has no idea what she is doing here0 or how she got here. +he happy pink blood4soaked bunny is Eobbie the Eabbit0 akeside2s %as$ot0 though one $an assu%e that the ad"ertise%ents usually lea"e out the blood s%eared around his B%outhB. u$kily0 he isn2t an ene%y5 so &eel &ree to e3a%ine hi%0 and the other things in this &irst area0 at your leisure. Heather is ar%ed with a ?ni&e0 whi$h should %ake you &eel a little better5 at least she is ar%ed. -ow open your in"entory and &orget about the %easly little ?ni&e0 as Heather is ar%ed to the teeth. At the %o%ent0 Heather has the ?ni&e0 a Steel )ipe0 a Handgun0 and a Sub%a$hine 7un to start out with. Ar% yoursel& howe"er you dee% &it0 as you are going to be using A o& your a%%o in this se$tion o& the ga%e. +here is no sense in sa"ing it0 be$ause Heather $an2t take it with her when she lea"es. @ou will see why soon enough. 1 suggest the Steel )ipe to start with0 as it is a handy weapon and one you should get used to Dui$kly0 as sa"ing a%%unition will be$o%e i%portant soon enough. @ou also ha"e in BSuppliesB in"entory so%e e3tra a%%o &or the Handgun0 a Health *rink0 and a First Aid ?it. +ake this ti%e to get used to $ontrolling Heather s%oothly0 and learn so%e o& the tri$ks o& the trade. First o& all0 go to the .ptions s$reen at the top o& the in"entory s$reens and then press the B 8B or BE8B buttons. Here you $an in$rease or de$rease the a%ount o& blood in the ga%e0 $hange its $olor0 turn the graphi$ &ilter o&&0 and so on. +he only i%portant option here is the BWalkHEun ControlB. 1t is set to B-or%alB0 whi$h %eans to run0 you need press and hold the BsDuareB button. As you will be needing to run &ast through %any se$tions o& the ga%e0 the best thing is to set this option to BEe"erseB whi$h %eans running will be your de&ault speed and you will need to press and hold the BsDuareB button in order to walk. 1 suggest doing this now0 but it is up to you. Another i%portant &un$tion to get used to are the B$autionB stan$e0 a$ti"ated by pressing and holding the BE'B button0 whi$h puts Heather into a $o%bat stan$e0 &ro% whi$h she $an guard against ene%y atta$ks by pressing the BsDuareB button0 sidestep le&t or right !or stra&e around an ene%y that she is Blo$kedB onto# by pressing and holding BE8B or B 8B0 or0 o& $ourse0 atta$k an ene%y by pressing the BIB button. For %ore on atta$king and de&ending0 see se$tion 14&43 BCo%bat +ipsB in this guide5 so%e o& these ad"an$ed $o%bat te$hniDues will be ne$essary to getting through the ga%e in one pie$e. Another i%portant &un$tion is the Qui$k +urn4Around0 whi$h you $an a$$o%plish by pressing B 8B and BE8B at the sa%e ti%e. )ressing the B$ir$leB button turns the Flashlight in Heather2s 6a$ket po$ket on and o&&. +urning o&& the Flashlight $an help Heather slip around ene%ies that she doesn2t want to !or $an2t# &ight0 without being noti$ed. @ou $an also $enter the $a%era behind Heather by pressing B 'B0 and while holding it down you $an sweep the $a%era le&t and right with the right analog sti$k. -ot all areas allow you to $hange the $a%era angles in this %anner. While e3ploring this &irst area0 you %ight also noti$e gaping holes in the &loor: use e3tre%e $aution around these0 as Heather $an &all in and die. When she &irst runs into the edge0 she will begin to wobble on the edge o& the pre$ipi$e. .n an B,asyB di&&i$ultly le"el0 Heather $an2t &all in. .n B-or%alB0 si%ply stop pressing &orward and Heather will regain her balan$e on her own0 and i& $ontinue to press &orward she will &all in and die. .n BHardB di&&i$ulty le"el and beyond0 it is ne$essary to press the analog sti$k in the dire$tion away

&ro% the hole0 and i& you don2t do so &ast enough0 Heather will &all in and die5 in addition0 i& hit by an ene%y near the hole on the BHardB setting and beyond0 Heather $an get kno$ked into the hole. 1n any $ase0 on$e Heather has regained her balan$e0 use the Qui$k +urn4Around to turn &a$e and get away &ro% the potentially deadly &all. .n$e you are $o%&ortable with the $ontrols0 it is ti%e &or you to begin the ga%e in earnest. +he &irst area that you start o&& in has little by way o& $lues as to what is going on. +here is a large %ap on the le&t side o& the entran$e to the a%use%ent park0 but it is too big to bring with you0 so 1 guess we will ha"e to do without a %ap &or this area. +he area also has rusty $ages s$attered throughout0 with beings not Duite hu%an lying dor%ant within. Upon e3a%ining one o& the Eabbit Suits lying around0 Heather $o%%ents that she thinks that there %ight be so%eone inside0 but that she doesn2t want to &ind out. And0 o& $ourse0 there are the gaping holes in the ground with the endless bla$k "oid that keeps Heather &ro% $he$king out the area to &ar right o& the area. 7oing ba$k through the gates re"eals that the gates behind you are lo$ked0 so 1 guess &orward it is. ,3it through the double wooden doors opposite the entran$e to the park0 and be ready &or a brawl. As soon as you step through the door0 a $reature $alled a *ouble4Head atta$ks you. +hese nasty little poo$hes2 heads are split right down the %iddle0 and they are wrapped in &ilthy bandages. +hey are also Dui$k "i$ious0 and usually hunt in pa$ks. +his parti$ular one is alone0 so it is a good opportunity to learn ta$ti$s to take the% down. See the se$tion 14b4' on the% under BCrittersB &or spe$i&i$ battle ta$ti$s0 and as 1 said don2t worry too %u$h about a%%unition !but don2t go too $raGy with it0 either#. .n$e it &alls0 %ake sure to ki$k it a &ew ti%es &or good %easure0 to %ake sure it doesn2t get ba$k up. +o ki$k a prone ene%y0 si%ply stand o"er the% without using the $aution stan$e and press BIB until Heather won2t ki$k it any%ore. @ou $an also &inish o&& ene%ies by shooting the% or hitting the% with downward atta$ks &ro% %elee weapons !it is espe$ially satis&ying to beat the% to death with the Steel )ipe#0 but usually is not worth the waste o& a%%unition to use &irear%s &or this task. *ispat$h the *ouble4Head as &ast as you $an0 and don2t %o"e &ar &ro% the area where you $a%e in0 as there is another nasty $ritter patrolling this area0 $alled a Closer !see Se$tion 14b48 &or %ore details#. +ake hi% down as well0 using the Handgun0 or0 i& you &eel bra"e0 the Steel )ipe. Ee%e%ber to ki$k hi% while he is down. 1& you end up ha"ing to &a$e both these ene%ies at on$e0 swit$h to the Sub%a$hine 7un0 and let the% ha"e it in short bursts until one or both o& the% &all0 then swit$h to another weapon to $onser"e S:7 a%%o and &inish the% o&&. .n$e both ha"e &allen0 it is ti%e to $he$k out this new area. 1t is a $ir$ular path with a dark pit in the %iddle0 so be $are&ul near the inside edge. With your ba$k to the door you entered this area through0 you will &ind that there is but one door with the lo$k broken to Heather2s le&t0 and a bit beyond that there is a pile o& bo3es and rubble that keeps you &ro% $ontinuing in that dire$tion. 1 guess right it is. Fro% the entran$e door0 &ollow the path to the right and $ount &our doorways5 the &irst three $annot be opened. @ou will rea$h a set o& white double doors with a lantern hanging o"er the%0 with a sandwi$h board to the right o& the door and barred pi$ture windows on either side pro$lai%ing this to be the akeside A%use%ent )ark Sou"enir Shop.

-o thanks5 1 will ha"e %y trau%ati$ %e%ories to re%e%ber akeside by. Che$k out the shop i& you want. +here are a nu%ber o& tourist4y sou"enirs and $andies inside !e3a%ining these re"eals that Heather has a sweet tooth#0 and a single door in the ba$k4right $orner that $annot be opened. ?eep this pla$e in %ind &or your return "isit later in the ga%e0 and then e3it. Fro% the Sou"enir Shop0 $ontinue to the right0 past a door with a broken lo$k at the top o& a short &light o& stairs and then past a gate with double green doors that also won2t open. Aust past this gate is a s%all wooden door that $an be hard to see0 but the $a%era4angle shi&ts to %ake it easier. +his is the door you want5 there are no other doors in this area0 and i& you $ontinue past you &ind the other side o& the pile o& bo3es and rubble you would ha"e &ound had you gone le&t at the entran$e to this area. Swit$h to the Handgun and go through the s%all wooden door now. +his ne3t area is s%all and &airly narrow0 and o$$upied by two Closers. @ou $an easily out4%aneu"er then and run out the gate on the other side0 dire$tly opposite the door you $a%e in through. ;ut i& you are &eeling up to a little %ore $o%bat pra$ti$e0 use the Handgun to drop one Closer0 using the B 8B and BE8B buttons to stra&e around away &ro% their atta$ks0 then %o"ing in Dui$kly &or a boot to its head to %ake sure it stays down. +hen swit$h to the Steel )ipe to take out the other. Ee%e%ber that you ha"e a Health *rink and a First Aid ?it i& you get in trouble. A&ter they are dead0 $he$k out this s%all area. +here isn2t a lot to see5 a $ouple &en$es0 a gaping "oid on either side0 a ben$h and a garbage $an on one side0 and the short %etal gate that leads to the ne3t area. Swit$h to the S:7 and go through the gate. +hat horrible grating noise you hear is $reated by a new ene%y0 $alled )endulu%s. +hey are ho"ering0 inse$t like ene%ies who are hard to hit and atta$k by spinning through the air towards you and stabbing you with their spines as they go by !see se$tion 14b4= &or %ore details#. -ow0 it is entirely up to you i& you want to try and kill these ene%ies and e3plore this area0 as there are two )endulu%s and a *ouble head in this s%all area0 and they aren2t shy about ganging up to you. 1& you $hoose not to &ight0 si%ply ignore the details on the &ighting and e3ploring and &ollow the &ollowing instru$tions to $li%b the stairs to the top o& the %ountain $oaster and go through the gate at the top0 while dodging the ene%ies to the best o& your abilities !$are&ul5 the )endulu%s $an &ly0 so they $an beat you to the landings on the stair$ase and a%bush you#. +here isn2t %u$h to see here anyway0 but 1 strongly suggest using this opportunity to $ontinue to brush up your &ighting skills. +he best way to take the% out is to turn le&t as soon as you enter this area and start running. Continue to run to the le&t0 past a ti$ket booth on your right and on either side o& a short railing0 until you hit the $hain4link &en$e0 then press the B 8B and BE8B buttons at the sa%e ti%e to per&or% a Dui$k turn around. +he *ouble Head and possibly one o& the )endulu%s should ha"e &ollowed you. @ou only need enough a%%o to &inish o&& these last three ene%ies0 as you won2t %eet any %ore in this stage. 1& you $an separate the ene%ies0 take out the *ouble Head with the Steel )ipe to sa"e a%%unition0 then swit$h to the Handgun and &ire and stra&e around the )endulu% until it &alls. As always0 don2t &orget to &inish your ene%ies o&& when they are down. +hen go ba$k towards the entran$e to the area to &ind the other )endulu% and kill it with either the Handgun or the S:7. 1& you ha"e no a%%o le&t0 use the Steel )ipe. -ow

you $an e3plore this s%all area without ha"ing to worry about ene%ies. +o the right o& the gate where you &irst $a%e into this area is another $age with a not4Duite4person inside. Straight ahead is...well0 not a lot5 you run between two &en$es until you rea$h a dead4end0 as the path &alls into the abyss. +he only way to really go is to the le&t0 past the e%pty ti$ket booth until you hit the &en$e0 whi$h has a blue sign reading B:ountain Coaster )lat&or%B with an arrow pointing to the right. Follow the arrow. Eun a "ery short distan$e until you hit another wall and see a set o& stairs on your right. Follow the stairs2 twists and turns all the way to the top o& the plat&or% where you will &ind a deadly drop4o&& to your le&t0 a $ontrol booth to your right0 and a short gate leading to the tra$k &or the roller $oaster straight ahead. 1& you $he$k the door to the $ontrol roo%0 you will &ind it is lo$ked0 and you don2t ha"e a key. So 1 guess the only option is to go through the gate. Here you will want to turn right and walk0 not run0 down the tra$k0 being $are&ul not to &all o&& the sides o& the dilapidated ride. 1& you are "ery $are&ul you $an %ake it a good ways down the tra$k... and die anyway. ?ind o& anti4$li%a$ti$0 isn2t itC 114a4'. B*oes this 7aping Chest Wound %at$h %y pantsCB: Central SDuare Shopping Center. Whether you die horribly on the :ountain Coaster tra$k0 or die horribly along the way at the hands o& the "arious %onsters or by &alling into the abyss or so%ething0 Heather awakes at a booth in the Happy ;urger at Central SDuare Shopping Center. +he nor%al bustle o& the %all and the tra&&i$ outside reassure her that the whole thing was 6ust a night%are. She lea"es the Happy ;urger and $alls her &ather0 to tell hi% that she is on the way ho%e. A&ter hanging up0 she is approa$hed by an older %an who identi&ies hi%sel& as *ouglas Carter0 a dete$ti"e. He says that there is so%eone who wants to %eet Heather0 and talk to her about her $hildhood. Heather gi"es the stranger the $old shoulder and du$ks into the adies Eoo% in order to gi"e hi% the slip. 1n the bathroo% there is a strange sy%bol drawn in lipsti$k on the &irst %irror o"er the sink. +his is your &irst sa"e point. @ou are now ba$k in $ontrol o& Heather0 so go ahead and hit the BIB button near it in order to sa"e your ga%e0 i& you want. 1& this is your &irst ti%e playing0 1 suggest sa"ing e"ery ti%e you see one o& these sy%bols0 to a"oid un4ne$essary ba$ktra$king i& you die. Howe"er0 the nu%ber o& sa"es you %ake in your entire ga%e are added up at the end0 and are &a$tored into your o"erall s$ore5 the %ore sa"es you ha"e0 the worse your s$ore will be. @ou get the best possible s$ore &or ha"ing only ( to ' sa"es in your entire ga%e. So i& you are going &or a great s$ore0 hold o&& sa"ing: 1 will %ake spe$ial note in the two best areas o& the ga%e in whi$h to sa"e. When you &irst look at this sa"e spot0 Heather %entions that the sy%bol looks &a%iliar0 so%ething &ro% her $hildhood0 but when she tries to think about it0 it %akes her head hurt. Whether you sa"e or not0 $he$k out the ob6e$ts in your in"entory. At the %o%ent Heather isn2t $arrying a lot !She %ust not ha"e gotten any shopping done here at the %all0 due to her nap in the Happy ;urger#. Using the B,3a%ineB $o%%and0 you should &ind out a little about ea$h o& Heather2s personal ite%s. +here is the ?ni&e you were $arrying in your drea%0 whi$h Heather ad%its to hersel& she en6oys $arrying around

be$ause it %akes her &eel tough. +he only other ite%s are a ?ey to Heather2s apart%ent !e3a%ining it tells you where you li"e5 *aisy Hill Villas O8('# and a )endant Heather2s &ather ga"e her &or her birthday. ,3a%ining the )endant re"eals that it opens0 and there is a s%all red 6ewel that re%inds Heather o& a tablet or pill. Her dad told her it was 6ust a good lu$k $har%0 but to take good $are o& it and ne"er take it o&&. ?eep these ob6e$ts in %ind as you $ontinue through the ga%e. -ow $he$k out the rest o& the bathroo%. 1& you e3a%ine the %irrors0 you will &ind out that Heather doesn2t like the%5 they %ake her &eel like there is an i%postor staring ba$k out at her &ro% another world on the other side o& the glass. U%0 yeah0 1 know 6ust how she &eels. All o& the toilet stalls are e%pty e3$ept &or the last one5 when you kno$k on it0 so%eone kno$ks ba$k. 1& you try to lea"e through the door you $a%e in through0 Heather will %ention that she doesn2t want to go out there while the $reepy dete$ti"e is still out there. 1 guess that lea"es only one option5 lea"e through the window on the wall opposite the door. +here are only two ways to go in this narrow alleyway0 right or le&t. 1& you head all the way to the le&t0 you will &ind the way blo$ked by a pile o& bo3es. So go right0 past another set o& windows and keep running until you rea$h a door on your right. +he &ar end o& the alleyway is blo$ked by a "an0 and you $an2t get in through any o& the other windows0 so use the door. -ow you are ba$k in the %all0 in a ba$k hallway. 7o &orward until you rea$h a B+B interse$tion0 with a %essage board with no use&ul in&or%ation hanging on the wall right at the interse$tion. +here is only one door at the end o& the le&t4hand bran$h0 and it is 6a%%ed0 so head right. @ou will pass so%e lo$kers and bo3es on your right0 and a door that won2t open &ollowed by %ore worthless lo$kers and bo3es on your le&t. Where the hallway turns sharply to the right is a lo$ked door with so%e bo3es ne3t to it on your le&t0 so re%e%ber this &or later. +hen &ollow the GigGagging hallway past another 6a%%ed door on your right0 &ollowed by another on your le&t. At the end o& the hall there is a set o& double doors that a$tually open. 7o through the%. @ou are now ba$k in the %all proper0 but it looks like A# e"erything is $losing0 and ;# based on the a%ount o& &ilth on the walls and &loors0 the $leaning $rew should get &ired. +here are a nu%ber o& $losed and lo$ked stores in this area0 and a $ouple o& big %etal se$urity shutters blo$king you o&& &ro% the rest o& the %all. +he only pla$e you $an go is into the store on the le&t4hand side o& the hall with its shutter hal& open5 the sign abo"e the door says ;outiDue :arguerite. 7o inside. 1t looks like not e"erything &ro% Heather2s night%are was 6ust a drea%. Heather &inds a Handgun 6ust in ti%e to en$ounter and dispat$h one o& the nasties &ro% her drea%5 a Closer is en6oying a sna$k on a hu%an $orpse. :aybe it was their Handgun5 in whi$h $ase0 let2s hope it ser"es you better than it did the%. u$kily0 Heather takes $are o& the Closer in the $ine%ati$0 so that you don2t ha"e to. Un&ortunately0 she also $o%pletely e%pties the gun. -ot to worry0 howe"er0 as there are two bo3es o& Handgun A%%unition on the end o& the ben$h to Heather2s le&t !as she is positioned at the end o& the $ine%ati$#0 a$ross &ro% the $ounter and register. Eeload the gun by going into the in"entory

so that Heather doesn2t ha"e to when you rea$h your ne3t $on&rontation0 then $he$k this roo% out. ;y e3a%ining the Closer and its "i$ti%0 you $an hear Heather2s thoughts on B%onstersB. 1& you e3a%ine the $lothes in the roo%0 Heather shows little interest in the%0 unsurprising gi"en the situation. +here is nothing else o& interest in here0 so go behind the $ounter and e3it through the door in the ba$k o& the roo%. @ou are ba$k in the ba$k hallways0 in a di&&erent se$tion &ro% where you $a%e in. +he door dire$tly a$ross &ro% you is 6a%%ed0 and $an2t be opened. +he door to your le&t is the other side o& the lo$ked door that 1 told you to re%e%ber earlier. Unlo$k it &ro% this side0 but don2t go through it. 1nstead0 head right0 then take your &irst le&t into an al$o"e near an ele"ator that doesn2t work. +here is a door here that says e3it0 but don2t go through it yet. 1nstead0 e3a%ine the board a$ross &ro% the ele"ator doors to &ind the %ap to the %all. +hat will %ake things %u$h easier. ,3a%ining it shows you that the door %arked B,3itB leads to the stairwell0 but that there are a &ew nearby doors that you ha"en2t $he$ked out yet. *o so i& you want to !1 suggest $he$king e"ery single door0 so that Heather will %ark on her %ap whether they will open0 or whether they are lo$ked or 6a%%ed0 so that you will know whi$h doors are use&ul when you $o%e ba$k later#0 but 1 will tell you now that they are all 6a%%ed and there is nothing o& use in the lo$kers and bo3es in this hall. When you are done e3ploring0 head through the B,3itB door and into the stairwell. +he door at the botto% o& the stairs leading down are lo$ked0 so head up to the se$ond &loor and go through the door at the top. A new0 though weak ene%y $alled -u%b ;ody patrols this hallway. +hey look a bit like "ein4y eyeless purple &ish with stubby legs0 and they atta$k by lunging at Heather and hitting her with their blunt heads !see se$tion 14b49 &or %ore details#. *ispat$h it i& you want with the Handgun0 then ki$k it to death. +o the le&t as you $o%e into this hallway is an ele"ator that doesn2t work0 and 6ust past it is a door on the right that is 6a%%ed. So straight through the interse$tion0 testing doors as you go0 ignoring the path bran$hing to the le&t &or the %o%ent. @ou will &ind one door on the right0 &ollowed by three on the le&t0 none o& whi$h will open. +he ne3t door on your right will0 howe"er. 1n this tiny roo% is a *ouble Head %un$hing on a slab o& %eat0 with a bo3 to its le&t. .n this bo3 is an ite%0 a pa$kage o& ;ee& Aerky. 1gnore the te%ptation to waste a%%unition on the sna$king hound0 and run up to the bo3 and grab the Aerky. ;e&ore the $reature $an rea$t0 use the Qui$k +urn4Around and run ba$k out through the door. +here are no other ite%s or doors in this roo%0 and you won2t ha"e to go ba$k to this roo% again0 so don2t worry about lea"ing it ali"e. ;a$k in the hallway0 turn right and go past two %ore 6a%%ed doors0 one on the right0 and one on the le&t. +he ne3t door on your right0 the one right where the hall bends to the le&t0 $an be opened. +here are two doors beyond this one0 neither o& whi$h will open. +ry the% i& you want to %ark the% as useless on your %ap0 then go through the door at the bend. Aa$kpotF +his s%all storeroo% $ontains a Sa"e )oint0 two Health *rinks and a bo3 o& Handgun rounds on the le&t hand side o& the roo%. 1& you use the Sa"e )oint0 Heather re%e%bers seeing the red sy%bol in a book on bla$k %agi$ that she saw when she was younger0 but then un$ons$iously $orre$ts hersel& and says she saw it Bon the altarB. Un&ortunately0 not e"en Heather knows what she %eant by that5 she

doesn2t re$all anything about any altar. Weird. 1n the ba$k $orner o& the roo%0 on the right0 is a palette with so%e "ery hea"y bo3es o& books sitting on top. Under the palette Heather $an see a key0 but her ar%s are too short to rea$h it and the bo3es are two hea"y to %o"e. So we are going to ha"e to &ind so%ething to e3tend Heather2s rea$h i& she wants to get the key. Sa"e i& you want0 then head ba$k out the door. +urn to the le&t and run ba$k the way you $a%e. When you rea$h the interse$ting hallway on the right0 take it. +here is a door on your le&t0 but the lo$k is 6a%%ed0 so keep running all the way to the door at the end o& the hallway and go through. +wo Closers0 who you are not going to want to waste a%%o on0 patrol this new area. Sin$e you don2t ha"e a %elee weapon at this point !other than Heather2s $rappy and ne3t to useless ?ni&e#0 and they are pretty easy to dodge in this area0 ignore the% as best you $an. .n the %ap this area looks like it has so%e interse$ting hallways0 but in a$tuality shutters blo$k the% all o&&. 1& you want to update your %ap0 go straight &ro% the door that you entered the area through and run a $o%plete $ir$uit around this area0 dodging the two Closers as you do so. +he shops that you will pass in order are5 Helen2s ;akery0 ?ey o& ;eauty0 ;outiDue :arguerite0 Ca&L +urn :ill0 ::y ;estsellers0 -atalie Shoes ;lue ;ell0 and Sunshine )rin$ess. +he only stores that $an be entered here are Helen2s ;akery0 whi$h is unlo$ked0 and :y ;estsellers0 whose door is $urrently lo$ked. 7o into Helen2s ;akery. +his is a tiny little store0 and there are only a $ouple o& areas o& interest here. At the end o& a $ounter to the le&t o& the door is a pair o& +ongs0 whi$h you $an pi$k up0 and should in$rease your rea$h 6ust enough to s$oop the key out &ro% underneath the pallet in the nearby sa"e roo%. .ther than that0 there is 6ust a bun$h o& bread e"erywhere and an ad"ertising &lyer on the $ounter that Heather $an peruse. +here is nothing else o& interest here0 so lea"e the roo%. +urn right and run to the door straight ahead to go ba$k the way you $a%e0 i& you already %apped out the area0 or i& you don2t &eel like it. Eun ba$k to the roo% with the Sa"e )oint0 whi$h should be $learly %arked on your %ap i& you don2t re%e%ber where it is. Walk up the pallet with the key under it0 go to your in"entory0 and BUseB the +ongs. Heather should now ha"e no proble% hooking the key out &ro% underneath. ,3a%ining the new key in your in"entory should re"eal that it is the key to open :y ;estsellers0 whi$h is near Helen2s ;akery. Use the Sa"e )oint i& you &eel like it0 as there are new ene%ies between here and there in addition to the two Closers patrolling the area around Helen2s ;akery and :y ;estsellers. ea"e the roo%0 but be on your toes. +here are now three -u%b ;odies stu%ping around the hallway outside o& the Sa"e Eoo%. +hey are slow and easy to dodge0 and you won2t need to $o%e ba$k to this area again0 so wea"e around the% and take the door at the end o& the right4 bran$hing hallway to go ba$k to the area with the two Closers and your goal0 the :y ;estseller2s store !re%e%ber0 it is the &ourth store a&ter Helen2s ;akery#. Unlo$k the door and dart inside to a"oid the Closers. +he bookstore is s%all and $luttered0 and $ontains the ga%e2s &irst puGGle. Along the wall to Heather2s right as she enters the store !the north wall on the %ap#0 Heather will &ind a &i"e4"olu%e $olle$tion o&

Shakespeare2s works. @ou $an pla$e the% on the shel& right abo"e where you pi$k the% up0 and i& you do so you will noti$e nu%bers s$rawled along the spines. ;ut to what purpose0 and in what order do you pla$e the%C )roper order doesn2t see% to $ut it0 so &or the %o%ent $he$k out the rest o& the store. +here is a bo3 o& Handgun A%%o on the &ar side o& the $he$kout $ounter in the rear o& the store. Also behind the $ounter is a door0 lo$ked with a nu%eri$al keypad0 with a sign ne3t to it. +he sign reads0 BFair is &oul0 and &oul is &air. )ut these books out o& orderB. BFair is &oul and &oul is &airB is a Duote &ro% Shakespeare0 so ob"iously these are the books the note re&ers to. +he &our digit nu%eri$al $ode to unlo$k the ba$k door to the store is on the spines o& those books0 so it is ti%e to &igure out this riddle. Un&ortunately0 the nu%ber is rando%ly generated &or ea$h ga%e0 as is the order the books go in0 so 1 $an2t help you there. 7o to the e%pty spa$e on the bookshel& right ne3t to where you &ound the books0 go to your in"entory0 and BUseB one o& the Shakespeare "olu%es. 1t now gi"es you a $han$e to pla$e the "olu%es one at a ti%e0 in any order0 6ust by $li$king on a "olu%e with the white arrow and then $li$king on a spa$e on the shel&. +he key is to shu&&le the "olu%es so that there is a &our4digit $ode re"ealed0 without any large spa$es between that would indi$ate the books are out o& order. Sin$e ea$h nu%ber is written so that it is hal& on one "olu%e and hal& on the ne3t0 this shouldn2t be too hard. For e3a%ple0 the right4hand side o& "olu%e V %ight $ontain hal& o& a B3B0 while the other hal& is s$rawled on the le&t4 hand side o& "olu%e 1 along with hal& a BJB on the right4hand side. When pla$ed ne3t to one another on the shel&0 Volu%es V and 1 $learly display a B3B0 and hal& a BJB0 the other hal& o& whi$h %ight be on the le&t4hand edge o& Volu%e 1110 along with part o& a B'B on the right4 hand side... and so on. +he &our nu%bers should look like they were s$rawled easily and $ontinuously a$ross the spines as the sat side by side0 with no gaps. !-ote: +his is the solution &or the B-or%alB Eiddle e"el5 &or the answers to the B,asyB or BHardB Eiddle e"els0 see se$tion 1V4a0 under B)uGGlesB at the end o& this guide0 a&ter the walkthrough.# .n$e you ha"e the &our4digit nu%ber0 go ahead and pun$h it into the keypad on the door !6ust try to open the lo$ked door0 and it will bring you to the keypad and allow you to enter the $ode#. Sin$e there is nothing else o& interest in this roo%0 lea"e through the door you 6ust unlo$ked. 1n the hallway behind the bookstore0 Heather runs into a strange0 bla$k4$lad wo%an na%ed Claudia0 who says that it is ti%e to return to )aradise0 and that Heather2s powers are needed &or this to happen. She says that Heather is the one who will lead us to )aradise0 that she is a sa"ior with bloodstained hands0 and that Heather should BEe%e%ber %e0 and your true sel& as wellB. Heather0 &or her part0 doesn2t understand any o& this. She asks Claudia where e"eryone has gone0 and whether the strange0 pale wo%an has anything to do with the weirdness that is going on. Claudia ignores both Duestions0 saying that it was the BHand o& 7odB that $reated all o& the strangeness around the%0 and as she turns to lea"e0 Heather is doubled o"er with horrible pain and the world see%s to sway. When she returns to hersel&0 Claudia is gone0 and she is on$e again alone in the hallway0 still with no idea o& what the hell is going on. .h well0 ba$k to work. Heather %o"ed a short distan$e &ro% the ba$k door o& :y ;estsellers while talking to Claudia in the $uts$ene0 so orient yoursel& with that

on the %ap. +here is a set o& double glass doors that are 6a%%ed 6ust to the right o& the door to bestsellers0 on the north end o& the hallway. 1n &a$t0 all o& the doors in this hallway are 6a%%ed0 with the e3$eption o& the door you $a%e in through and the ele"ator doors. Che$k the% all anyway real Dui$k to %ake sure your %ap is a$$urate0 then go into the ele"ator !indi$ated on the %ap by a little pi$ture o& a %an with up and down arrows on either side o& hi%# in the south end o& the hallway. .kay0 now things start to get really disturbing. As the ele"ator begins to go down0 Heather hears a strange stati$ $o%ing &ro% abo"e. :o%ents later0 a s%all po$ket Eadio &alls &ro% the $eiling0 e%itting sharp stati$. Heather wonders i& it is broken0 but pi$k it up anyway0 and e3it the ele"ator to $ontinue the $uts$ene. Heather steps out o& one ele"ator... and into another0 this one see%ingly going to hell. 1t is rusted and bloody0 and as it des$ends0 Heather sees a nu%ber o& disturbing i%ages and $reatures through the $hain4%esh walls. 1t &inally stops0 depositing Heather dire$tly into danger. 114a43. BClean up in aisle &i"e...B: Central SDuare *ark Side +he se$ond Heather e3its the ele"ator she is atta$ked by *ouble Heads0 so be on guard. +here are two nearby0 and they are &ast0 so you %ight want to kill the% now to keep the% out o& your hair as you e3plore. +here are a total o& &our o& the%0 but in this area0 but two o& the% are busy eating a separate hunks o& %eat5 one in the hallway to the east o& the ele"ators0 and one in the north end o& the long hallway to the west o& the ele"ators !-ote that it is entirely possible to get through this whole area without ha"ing to &ight any o& the &our *ouble Heads5 si%ply start %o"ing the se$ond that you step out o& the ele"ators0 6ag around the two a$ti"e *ouble Heads0 and &ollow the instru$tions below to get to the Sa"e roo% and $olle$t the health ite%s. +hen 6ust turn le&t as you lea"e the Sa"e Eoo%0 and run through the door at the north end o& the hallway0 dodging to the right o& the *ouble Head who is %un$hing on the %eat here. -o &ighting0 and no a%%o lost.# +he ele"ator no longer works0 and all o& the doors in this hallway are broken0 sa"e two. -either are in the B+B shaped area to the east o& the ele"ators0 where one o& the dogs is busy0 so you don2t ha"e to go down there and tangle with that one unless you want to try all the doors yoursel& to %ake sure your %ap is a$$urate later. So head south &ro% the ele"ators0 then &ollow the hallway0 as it turns west0 trying doors as you go. +he $orridor then bran$hes le&t and right0 &or%ing a B+B interse$tion. +here is a door straight ahead0 at the top o& the B+B !on the west wall# that is one o& the ones that opens. +he other is the door &a$ing north at the end o& the $orridor. +here are three doors south o& the B+B0 one on the west wall0 and two on the east0 but they are all lo$ked. +o the north is the last o& the *ouble Heads0 %un$hing on a hunk o& %eat to at the base o& the se$ond door on the west wall north o& the B+B0 between you and the north door. 7o through the door on the west wall at the B+B. +his s%all roo% $ontains three Health *rinks on a shel& to Heather2s right as she enters the roo%0 and an A%poule on the desk0 also on the right4hand side o& the roo%. .n the bed on the le&t4hand side o& the roo% is a Sa"e )oint drawn on a pie$e o& $loth. When you e3a%ine it0 Heather says that she still $an2t re%e%ber where she has seen the sy%bol be&ore today0 but that it looks "ery &a%iliar. She also gets the &eeling that she %ight be better o&& not re%e%bering0 but doesn2t

know why. Sa"e here i& you want0 the lea"e the roo%. Eun north past the *ouble Head !or kill hi%0 i& you want to and ha"en2t already#0 and run through the door on the north end o& the hall without stopping. +here are three Closers in this new area0 but they are pretty easy to a"oid i& your re&le3es are sharp5 6ust keep %o"ing. A$$ording to the %ap0 this area is &airly wide4open0 gi"ing you a$$ess to %ost o& the %all. As you will &ind is nor%al with the *ark Side areas !the nastier0 &ilthier "ersions o& the le"els you ha"e already sear$hed5 you will soon be able to tell the di&&eren$e Duite easily# the %ap is wildly ina$$urate. +here is nothing to &ind in the hallways leading west !what the %ap says is towards the subways# and east !whi$h the %ap says leads to the %ore wide4open shopping area#5 both are dead ends. 1& you do head towards the west0 there is a single0 di&&i$ult to see door on the -orth Wall0 where Happy ;urger used to be. 1nside0 there is a broken green door in the ba$k0 and a table with a ladder that you $an2t Duite rea$h abo"e it towards the %iddle o& the roo%. @ou need to &ind so%ething to help you rea$h the ladder be&ore you $an do anything here0 so keep this pla$e in %ind0 but lea"e it &or the %o%ent. Follow instead the northward path0 ignoring the al$o"e on Heather2s right where the %ap indi$ates there are phones5 they are S,V,E, @ out o& order. +here is a door where the path turns sharply east0 but it is 6a%%ed. ,nter the ne3t door on Heather2s le&t0 on the north wall. +his roo% is s%all0 but $ontains so%e use&ul ite%s. Cli$k o&& the light swit$h on the wall to the right o& the door0 and you will &ind the Flashlight shining &ro% it2s spot on so%e bo3es by the north wall. +his will %ake your li&e %u$h easier0 and harder. 1t is now easier to see where you are going and what you are doing0 but it is also easier &or ene%ies to see you. Use the BCir$leB button to toggle the light on and o&& on the &ly0 when you need to a"oid ene%ies in the dark. .n a shel& two shel"es to the le&t o& where you &ound the Flashlight you will &ind two bo3es o& Handgun A%%o and a First4Aid ?it. .n$e you ha"e $olle$ted these ite%s0 lea"e the roo% again0 then go through the door dire$tly ne3t to the one you 6ust e3ited0 only a step to the east. +his is the Wo%en2s ;athroo%0 and it will haunt your night%ares. +his is the *ark Side "ersion o& the bathroo% that you es$aped &ro% *ouglas by du$king out o&. +here is a bottle o& ;lea$h0 and like any &ake blonde0 Heather shouldn2t pass it up !-ote: the ;lea$h doesn2t appear in B,asyB %ode. 1t isn2t needed to bypass the haGard $o%ing up#. Ee%e%ber how in the nor%al world0 you kno$ked on the last stall0 and it was o$$upiedC Che$k the sa%e stall in this bathroo% i& you want to spend so%e Duality ti%e with your therapist later. +hen0 &or a good $hu$kle to %ake up &or it0 $he$k the open stall two stalls away &ro% that one &or an obliDue re&eren$e to an e"ent in Silent Hill ' !-ote: there are ru%ors that this s$ene is only a"ailable i& you ha"e a Silent Hill ' sa"e on your %e%ory $ard0 but sin$e 1 *. ha"e a sa"e there0 1 don2t know i& this is true#. +here is nothing else here0 so lea"e the bathroo% and $ontinue east0 and don2t &orget about the Closers. +he rest o& the doors in this hallway are lo$ked0 e3$ept &or a bent shutter that you $an du$k under at the "ery end o& this hallway0 &a$ing east. *u$k through here. +here is a *ouble Head and a Closer in this area0 but with the Flashlight o&&0 they are easier to a"oid. +he %ap shows that this area is open to the rest o& the %all0 but repeat a&ter %e5 it is wrong.

+here is only one way to go in this roo%0 and it is to du$k under the hal&4open shutter partially $o"ering one o& the store entran$es on the east wall0 so dodge your ene%ies and do so0 as all other doors hallways are blo$ked other than the way you $a%e in. @ou are now in the *ark Side "ersion o& the $lothing store where you pi$ked up the Handgun0 whi$h is now bloody and &ilthy !the store0 not the gun#. Well0 %ore bloody and &ilthy at any rate. +urn le&t &ro% the door and look at the ra$k 6ust past the %anneDuin in the bloody green dress. +he only thing le&t on this ra$k is a single wire Hanger0 whi$h0 unbent0 should be 6ust what Heather needs to rea$h the ladder in the on$e4Happy ;urger: take it with you0 then run to the $lothing ra$k on the north wall. ,3a%ine it to re$ei"e the ;ullet )roo& Vest. +his handy ite% redu$es da%age by 8< per$ent0 but it also hea"y0 so Heather $an2t run while it is eDuipped. 1t is up to you whether using it &its your style o& ga%eplay. 1t is a pain in the butt0 but 1 suggest lea"ing it uneDuipped so that you $an %o"e Dui$kly0 then going to it and eDuipping it i& you ha"e to &ight. +his way you ha"e %ore %aneu"erability when you want it0 and prote$tion when you need it0 and sin$e you usually ha"e to go to the in"entory s$reen to eDuip the weapon you pre&er anyway0 it is 6ust one %ore thing to do. +here is nothing else here0 so go out through the door behind the $ounter on the east wall0 preparing yoursel& &or a heart atta$k as you do so. Un&ortunately0 this door won2t open like it did in the BrealB world. 1 guess it is ti%e to try to pull down the ladder in the Happy ;urger0 so du$k under the Shutter and go ba$k the way you $a%e0 re%e%bering to dodge the Closer and the *ouble Head in the area outside the ;outiDue0 and the three Closers in the hallways outside the Happy ;urger. 1& you $an2t re%e%ber where it is0 it is the roo% 6ust barely to the northwest o& the door leading ba$k to the Sa"e Eoo%0 whi$h should be %arked on your %ap. 7o inside. Walk up to the table and BUseB the Hanger to start a short $uts$ene showing Heather using it to pull down the ladder. Cli%b it by pressing the a$tion button to %ount it0 then pressing up on the analog sti$k to $li%b. ,3a%ine your %ap. @ou $an2t go north0 and the es$alators leading downward un&ortunately ter%inate in a &atal &all i& you aren2t $are&ul. 1gnore the es$alators going up &or the ti%e being as well. +here are two doors 6ust north o& the BUpB es$alators on the sa%e !west# wall. Aust south o& the BUpB es$alator0 on the east wall is a door that will open0 but ignore this &or the %o%ent0 as the stati$4y +V is o& %ore interest at the %o%ent. ,3a%ine the +V &or a brie& i%age that should be &a%iliar to players o& the original Silent Hill5 in &a$t0 this whole area should look pretty darn &a%iliar !whi$h is strange0 sin$e the %all Harry e3plores in the SH8 is in the town o& Silent Hill0 and this one is not#. Aust around the $orner &ro% the +V is another0 this one with a Sa"e )oint painted on it. Use it i& you like. +here is another door that $an open on the east wall 6ust south o& the Sa"e )oint0 and then the hallway ter%inates in a sharp drop with a strange ob6e$t to &ind in a shopping %all ne3t to it5 a hospital gurney. 7o through the door 6ust to the north o& this. 1nside are the re%ains o& a Aewelry Store. 1t is %ostly e%pty0 but on the le&t4hand side o& the roo%0 on the north wall0 is a s%all0 broken display $ase. 1nside is but a single Walnut0 but Heather doesn2t ha"e

any way to open it !1 suppose she doesn2t want to sto%p on it0 sin$e what is inside $ould be &ragile# at the %o%ent0 so $ontinue to the ba$k $ounter0 whi$h you $an e3a%ine to get Heather2s thoughts. +he door in the ba$k o& the roo% !east wall# is unlo$ked0 but it leads to an area in whi$h e"ery door is 6a%%ed e3$ept &or two5 one is lo$ked with a key0 and the other is lo$ked &ro% the other side. 1 will gi"e you %ore in&or%ation about this area when it is ti%e to go here. For the ti%e being0 turn around and e3it the Aewelry Store the way you $a%e in. +here is still one unlo$ked door on this le"el that we ha"en2t e3plored0 on the east wall 6ust north o& the stati$4y +V0 but $ontinue to ignore it &or the %o%ent0 and go up the es$alators to the third &loor. +here is a Closer &ast approa$hing the es$alator0 so Dui$kly turn to Heather2s right and go through the door on the south wall0 right ne3t to the es$alators. +his pleasant little dining e3perien$e should stay with you &or a long ti%e. 1n the %iddle o& the roo% is a table with a spe$ial treat on it: barbeDued dog. 1nside the dog0 strangely enough0 is the BCooked ?eyB. 7reat. .n a set o& shel"es in the southeast $orner o& the restaurant you will &ind a Health *rink and a First Aid ?it. +he door in the %iddle o& the south wall is 6a%%ed. +hat is all you will &ind here0 so go ba$k the way you $a%e. 1& you turn right and head &or the east wall0 you will &ind a lo$ked door with a $res$ent %oon sy%bol on it0 and a hollow spot to put so%e ite%. We don2t ha"e that ite% at the %o%ent so don2t worry about it. +here is a hallway to the north0 where a *ouble Head is %un$hing a hunk o& %eat0 but ignore that as well0 as the only door up that way that opens is the Wo%en2s ;athroo%0 and there is absolutely nothing inside. So &or the ti%e being0 as you lea"e the restaurant0 turn le&t and run ba$k down the es$alator to the se$ond &loor. Ee%e%ber the door that 1 told you was unlo$ked0 6ust to the north o& the +V on the east wallC +his is our ne3t goal. ,nter this roo%0 but be $are&ul0 as there are three -u%b ;odies in here. @our &irst instin$t will be to blast the% to stop those obno3ious noises they are %aking0 but $onsider sa"ing your a%%unition. ;ait the% towards the &ront o& the store and then dodge around the% and head &or the ba$k. 1n the ba$k4right !i.e. southeast# $orner o& this roo% is a $ounter0 and on this $ounter is a Health *rink and a bo3 o& Handgun a%%o. 7rab these0 then brie&ly turn le&t and go to the door on the east wall in the northeast $orner o& the roo%. ,3a%ine it brie&ly &ro% this side to unlo$k it0 as it is the other side o& the door 1 %entioned earlier0 the one Blo$ked &ro% the other sideB in the hallway behind the Aewelry Store that we ha"en2t e3plored yet. +hen Dui$kly hit the a$tion button again to open it0 and du$k through be&ore the -u%b ;odies $at$h up. +his is the hallway that 1 %entioned earlier0 the sa%e one that runs behind the Aewelry Store. 1n &a$t the door to the Aewelry Store is the se$ond door on the west wall south o& the door you 6ust $a%e throuugh. All the other doors her are 6a%%ed0 sa"e one0 and that one is lo$ked. u$kily0 the key that you got &ro% the inside o& the dog opens this door. Aust south o& the door you 6ust $a%e through is a "ery short hallway leading east. At the "ery end o& this hallway0 on the east wall0 is the door you are looking &or. +here is but a single Closer patrolling this whole area0 so he should be easy enough to dodge. Eun to the lo$ked door on the east wall0 and use the $ooked key to run

through0 6ust by hitting the a$tion button. .n the shel& 6ust to Heather2s le&t as she enters0 there are two Health *rinks. As you $ontinue to the le&t0 towards the north wall0 the $a%era angle will shi&t to highlight an i%portant weapon hanging on the wall: the Steel )ipe. 7rab it and eDuip it0 then turn right and head out through the doors on the east wall0 a&ter $he$king out your surroundings. Aust outside o& the ruined $a&L is a great opportunity to re4 &a%iliariGe yoursel& with your new weapon i& you used it in the drea% seDuen$e at the beginning o& the ga%e0 or to learn how to use it anew i& you didn2t. +here are two -u%b ;odies patrolling this $ir$uitous area0 but they are %o"ing around separately0 so you should ha"e no proble% beating the% down with the Steel )ipe. Feels good a&ter all that running0 huhC @ou %ight realiGe that this is the *ark Side "ersion o& the area where Helen2s ;akery and :y ;estsellers on$e stood5 the $a&L where you &ound the Steel )ipe was on$e the Ca&L +urn :ill. Anyway0 on the east wall you will &ind a lo$ked door0 slightly towards the northern end o& the wall. +here is another door set in the southeast wall0 where Helen2s ;akery on$e stood. 7o in here now. +here isn2t %u$h %ore here then there was in the nor%al world. 7o around the $orner into the ba$k area that you $ouldn2t rea$h be&ore be$ause there was a $ounter in the way. .n a $art ba$k here you will &ind a bottle o& *etergent0 whi$h you should take !-ote: the *etergent doesn2t appear in B,asyB %ode. 1t isn2t needed to bypass the haGard $o%ing up#. 7o through the ba$k door in the south wall. +his is another hallway. +here is but one door to Heather2s le&t0 whi$h is 6a%%ed0 so head right0 towards the west. As you %o"e down the hallway0 the sound o& a &an should grow louder0 with good reason. +he path e"entually "eers to the south0 and you will soon see a huge &an on the south wall with a swit$h ne3t to it. .n Heather2s right side0 whi$h is the west wall0 there is a shutter and a door5 neither will open. .n Heather2s le&t0 on the east wall right ne3t to the &an0 is a door that will open0 but be&ore you do so0 Dui$kly hit a$tion near the &an2s swit$h to shut it o&&. -ow go through the door to Heather2s le&t. Eight inside this door0 on Heather2s le&t0 there is a garbage $an. Straight ahead0 blo$king the hallway is a swar% o& %oths that $annot be killed by $on"entional %ethods0 $annot be walked through0 and will hurt Heather i& she tries. u$kily0 Heather pays attention in s$ien$e $lass. 1& you e3a%ine the ;lea$h andHor the *etergent0 you will learn that you should ne"er %i3 the two0 be$ause it %akes Chlorine gas. ;ut sin$e Chlorine isn2t good &or e"il %oths &ro% hell0 either0 go ahead and %i3 the% in the garbage $an ne3t to the door. 7o to your in"entory and BCo%bineB the *etergent and the ;lea$h0 then go o"er to the garbage $an and BUseB the %i3ture. 1& you did not turn o&& the &an earlier0 Heather will re&use0 realiGing that it would be pointless and dangerous i& the &an was on. When the &an is o&&0 BUseB the %i3ture and Heather will Dui$kly %i3 the $he%i$als and then run ba$k the way she $a%e0 into the roo% with the giant &an. Heather is s%art enough not to go ba$k into the %oth roo% until it is properly "entilated0 so turn the &an ba$k on and then go ba$k in. -ote that on B,asyB %ode0 this whole thing is unne$essary. @ou ne"er &ind the ;lea$h or the *etergent0 and don2t

need the% to pro$eed. +he %oths are dead now0 so run &reely through the hallway. Follow the path0 as it turns right in the spot where the %oths were0 then le&t when the path turns again. Eun all the way down the hallway until you hit the east wall5 all doors in this hallway are blo$ked until you rea$h the se$ond door up &ro% the botto% on the &arthest east wall o& the %oth $orridor. 7o inside. +his roo% $ontains three bo3es o& Handgun a%%o on the shel"es on the north wall0 and pa$kage o& ;ee& Aerky on the bo3es against the south wall. ,3it ba$k into the hallway and $ontinue north. All o& the doors along the re%ainder o& the east wall are 6a%%ed0 as are all o& the ones on the north wall o& the hallway as it turns west0 sa"e one5 the tan4 $olored0 eastern4%ost door on the north wall is the only other door in this hallway that opens. Che$k out the rest o& the doors i& you want to keep your %ap updated0 then go through this door. +his is a tiny roo% with a single Closer within0 and another e3it on the north wall. ?ill the Closer i& you want to0 or i& you need the pra$ti$e. .therwise dodge around it and go through the door on the north wall. @ou are not going to want to stop to &ight anything in this area. As you $an tell &ro% the horrible noises0 there are two )endulu%s wandering this $ir$ular area0 as well as a *ouble Head. +he dog you $ould take0 but the )endulu%s are too %u$h o& a risk0 and too %u$h o& a waste o& a%%o. +o top it all o&&0 there are large pits in the %iddle o& this area to &all o&& o&. Head straight &or the north wall0 then &ollow the path west0 dodging those da%n )endulu%s and the *ouble Head. +he only pla$e this is really di&&i$ult is in the %iddle o& the roo%0 where the path narrows. Aust a&ter the narrow part0 head straight &or the north wall and go through the &irst door !there is nothing at all o& interest on the south walls o& this $ha%ber other than the door you $a%e in through#. Hey0 a torture shopF What do you get &or the per"ert who has e"erythingC :ind nu%bing pain0 o& $ourseF +here is a sa"e point on the north wall0 and i& you use it0 Heather on$e again %entions that the sy%bol %akes her brain hurt. +here is a bloody gurney to the le&t o& the sy%bol. +here is another gurney towards the right side o& the roo%0 but in the %iddle o& this one is so%e sort o& Vi$e5 where else but in a torture shop !so%eone2s toes or... %ore sensiti"e parts probably on$e went in the Vi$e0 but it is best not to think about that#. +he Vi$e will %ake a lo"ely Walnut $ra$ker0 so BUseB the Walnut &ro% the Aewelry Shop at the Vi$e. 1& you were hoping &or a tasty and nutritious treat0 you are out o& lu$k0 be$ause inside is a 6ewel $alled a :oonstone0 whi$h would &it ni$ely in the hollow spot on the door %arked with a $res$ent %oon0 on the third &loor to the east o& the restaurant where you &ound the Cooked ?ey. .n the &ar side o& the gurney with the Vi$e on it there is a bin &ull o& what are probably bodies wrapped in plasti$ !le&to"ers are always better the ne3t day#0 and door that won2t open. Sa"e your ga%e i& you want0 then head ba$k out o& the torture shop and bring up your %ap !and don2t &orget to beware o& the )endulu%s and the *ouble Head#. *ire$tly west o& the door you are standing outside o& is the ba$k side

o& the lo$ked door you saw in the area where Helen2s ;akery and :y ;estsellers on$e stood. +his is a great short$ut0 so %ake a beeline &or it and unlo$k it &ro% this side0 then slip through. Un&ortunately0 there are now )endulu%s in this area too0 so $he$k your %ap and run ba$k the way you $a%e in0 through the on$e4Ca&L +urn :ill. +his area too is no longer sa&e0 as it is inhabited two %ewling -u%b ;odies0 one in the %ain roo% and one hiding behind the $ounter. *ispat$h the% one at a ti%e with the Steel )ipe0 then slip through the door at the ba$k. +here is still a Closer patrolling this area0 and there are still -u%b ;odies in the store you $a%e through be&ore0 so 6ag around the Closer0 heading south0 and go through the ba$k door o& the Aewelry Store0 where there are no ene%ies. ,3it through the &ront door and turn right0 and head north. Stop at the Sa"e )oint painted on the +V i& you want0 as your &irst ;oss ;attle is right ahead o& you. +hen head up the es$alator to the third &loor. +here are a nu%ber o& doors on the third &loor0 but only three that open: the restaurant where you &ound the Cooked ?ey0 the Wo%en2s ;athroo% in the north4east $orner o& the %ap0 and the lo$ked :oon door0 on the north wall dire$tly a$ross &ro% the es$alators. +here is a Closer and a *ouble Head0 and the *ouble Head is no longer $ontent with $hewing on the %eat in the north hallway like he was when you were on the third &loor the &irst ti%e. 1& you want to e3plore $o%pletely0 you $an take down the Closer and the *ouble Head with a little di&&i$ulty !stra&e with the Handgun until one o& the% &alls0 then rush in and ki$k the% on$e to %ake sure they stay down0 then swit$h to the Steel )ipe and &inish the other one#. Howe"er0 8# you no longer need anything out o& the restaurant0 and '# there is absolutely nothing o& interest in the bathroo%. So rather than risk a battle against the Dui$k $anine and the bandaged %onstrosity0 si%ply head straight a$ross to the lo$ked door0 dodging the ene%ies0 and use the :oonstone to unlo$k the door and a"oid a potentially da%aging and waste&ul battle. *o not waste ti%e by hitting the a$tion button when you rea$h the door5 there is a %essage written on the door0 and the ene%ies do not pause when you stop to read it0 and sin$e the :oonstone is not an a$tual key0 it doesn2t use it auto%ati$ally at the door when you hit a$tion. So run right up to the door and press BSele$tB to bring up your in"entory0 sele$t the :oonstone and BUseB it on the door. +H,- e3it the in"entory and ha%%er on the a$tion button until the door opens and you es$ape your ene%ies. +his area is another $ir$ular one0 and there is the sound o& a -u%b ;ody %o"ing around in here. @ou $an dri"e yoursel& $raGy looking &or hi%0 as he isn2t on this le"el0 but the one below. @ou $an2t do anything about it. +here are no doors that will open e3iting o&& o& this $entral hub0 other than the one you $a%e in through. 1nstead there is a walkway sti$king out into the $enter o& the pit &ro% the east side0 with a ladder at the end. ,Duip yoursel& with the Handgun to prepare yoursel& &or your &irst boss battle0 then %ake the long $li%b down the ladder. 114a49. ;.SS ;A++ ,: S) 1+W.E: Heather des$ends into a pit riddled with tunnels0 and be&ore she knows what to %ake o& this0 she is trapped5 the ladder she $li%bed down destroys itsel&. :o%ents later a giant purple wor% bursts through one o& the tunnels0 his head splitting open to re"eal so%e pulpy insides and so%e "ery big teeth. +hen it is ti%e to &ight &or you li&e. +he battle has begun.

Eun ba$k and &orth in &ront o& the tunnels0 ne"er stopping0 be$ause you ne"er know whi$h one the wor% will $o%e out o&. When it does $o%e out0 it will strike you0 hard0 i& you are dire$tly in &ront o& it0 so keep running. 1ts head will then split open and it will %o"e ba$k and &orth &or a &ew se$onds. +his is your $han$e to position yoursel& so that you are to the side and slightly ahead o& it0 but well out o& its rea$h. +hen0 &ire diagonally at its e3posed inner head 9 to = ti%es0 until it $o"ers its head again and pulls ba$k inside the tunnels0 or slithers a$ross to one a$ross the way. ather0 rinse0 repeat. +hat is it. +here are only a &ew things to re%e%ber. .ne5 don2t be in &ront o& the tunnel it is in when it e%erges0 or you are going to get hurt. +wo5 don2t get too $lose to it0 or you are going to get hurt. +hree5 %anually reload your Handgun in the ite% s$reen0 to %ake sure Heather doesn2t ha"e to take the ti%e to do it &or you at a $ru$ial %o%ent. And lastly0 &our5 the Splitwor% o$$asionally rises up and hits the ground0 hard0 with its body0 $ausing a sho$kwa"e0 and i& you are to $lose it $ould stun you0 and you $an get hurt. Stay ba$k until it has e%erged and is re"ealing its inner head0 then position to one side or the other and slightly ahead0 and shoot it until it is dead. A&ter the battle0 the Shopping :all suddenly and dra%ati$ally has returned to nor%al0 though it is still abandoned. @ou $an2t get into any o& the shops in this area !in$luding the Sunshine )rin$ess shop0 whose se$urity shutters are partially open#0 but the shutter on the west wall is raised enough &or you to slip through. *o so. +here are only two doors in this ne3t huge area that will still open. +he &irst is the Happy ;urger. Eun straight west &ro% the area you 6ust $a%e &ro%0 ignoring the hallway leading north5 none o& the doors up there open0 nor do any on the south wall o& this long hallway. As you are heading west0 the last door on the north wall be&ore you rea$h the door leading out o& the %all0 is the Happy ;urger0 with its se$urity shutter hal& up. *u$k inside. +he ba$k door o& the establish%ent is lo$ked0 but there is a pa$kage o& ;ee& Aerky on the stool ne3t to it. ,ast o& this is the &ront $ounter0 and on the south end o& this you will &ind three bo3es o& Handgun A%%o. .n the short $ounter ad6a$ent to that0 also on the east wall0 is a First Aid ?it. Finally0 on the sa%e wall as that0 &urther south and right ne3t to the entran$e0 is a Sa"e )oint. Use it i& you would like0 then lea"e the Happy ;urger. +urn i%%ediately to Heather2s right and go out the glass &ront doors to &inally get the hell out o& the %all. All that 6ust to dit$h *ouglas0 and he is waiting &or her when she lea"es the %all. ;loody Hell. She a$$uses *ouglas o& being o& +he%B0 and working with Claudia. He says that Claudia did hire hi% to &ind Heather0 but that he isn2t on any sides. Heather indi$ates that shee thinks Claudia $aused all o the horrible $raGiness0 and *ouglas indi$ates that he had e3perien$ed so%ething si%ilar0 and asks about B+hat :onsterB. .ne $an only assu%e he is re&erring to the Splitwor%5 he %ust ha"e seen it and then hightailed it out o& the %all. Heather ad%its that he %ay ha"e been an inno$ent bystander0 but so%ehow &eels that i& he hadn2t &ound her &or Claudia0 none o& this would ha"e happened. She is unable to e3plain this logi$0 but re%e%bers0 "aguely0

that on$e she was running &ro% so%ething0 whi$h she $an no longer re%e%ber... and now it see%s to ha"e &ound her. She still doesn2t trust *ouglas0 and blows hi% o&&0 insisting on taking the subways ho%e. *ark tunnels0 the dank0 &oreboding underground0 se"eral tons o& s$rea%ing %etal with engines atta$hed to the &ront o& the%... oh yeah0 this should end well. 114b. )art +wo: B+here2s a world going on Underground...B

114b48. B,at Subway0 ,at Flesh...B: +he Subway +unnels Ah0 the Subway syste%. So &ar e"erything looks nor%al0 but appearan$es $an be de$ei"ing. Well0 you $an2t go ba$k up the stairs behind you !Heather re&uses to0 and why wouldn2t sheC#0 so head &orward and &ollow the path as it turns right0 ad%iring the ad"ertise%ents on the walls as you go5 you will noti$e that this is the BHaGel Street StationB. +his isn2t i%portant at all0 but at least it gi"es you so%e sense o& being in an a$tual pla$e5 the Central SDuare Shopping :all is at the HaGel Street Station stop on the subway. Co%pletely useless tri"ia0 but until we &ind a %ap o& this area0 you are going to ha"e to $ount on %y instru$tions to &ind your way around. A&ter a short distan$e0 you rea$h a B+B interse$tion. 1& you head le&t0 you will &ind that there is nothing in that dire$tion e3$ept &or a 6a%%ed door0 and then0 i& you &ollow the hallway around a $orner0 a gate than $annot be opened blo$king a set o& stairs that go up. So take a right at the &irst B+B interse$tion0 until you rea$h a wall with a door set into it at the end. 7o through the door. As you enter this ne3t area0 there is another gate blo$king a set o& stairs leading upward in an al$o"e dire$tly to Heather2s right. 1t $an2t be opened0 so ignore it and run straight &orward down the hallway. +he hallway soon leads into an open area with %any pillars. Stop as soon as your rea$h the open area and orient yoursel&. +he wall on your right has two doors leading to the bathroo%s on it5 both are 6a%%ed. 1& you turn to Heather2s le&t and step &orward a &ew steps0 you will noti$e a %ap o& the subway syste% on the wall to Heather2s le&t4hand side. @ou $an2t take this with you0 but Heather will tell you that e"en without looking at the %ap0 she knows her way ho%e5 she 6ust has to get on the B;ergen Street +rain at )lat&or% 3B. Use&ul in&or%ation to ha"e. +here are a lot o& doors in this area0 and two %ore gates blo$king two %ore stair$ases0 but none o& these will open. Continue to walk past the %ap0 and you should noti$e a set o& turnstiles to Heather2s le&t. 1gnore the% &or the %o%ent0 and head straight past the% until you rea$h the wall0 whi$h has a row o& ti$ket dispensers against it. So%eone le&t a newspaper on top0 whi$h you should e3a%ine. 1t tells you that a %an &ell onto the subway tra$ks in the HaGel Street station !whi$h we now know is this one5 not su$h useless in&or%ation a&ter all# and was de$apitated by the arri"ing St. Eenata College4bound train. +he paper goes on to tell us that the "i$ti% died instantly0 whi$h is a$tually a good thing0 sin$$e we ha"e already established that he was de$apitated. +he poli$e were unable to deter%ine whether it was a$$idental0 %urder or sui$ide !though eye4 witnesses $lai% he did not see% drunk0 and see%ed to ha"e leapt o&& o& the plat&or% intentionally#0 and the "i$ti%2s identity was ne"er established0 beyond the &a$t that he was about 9( years old0 <28( tall !with his head still atta$hed0 one assu%es# and wearing a bla$k 6a$ket. Heather noti$es that the newspaper is 9 %onths old0 and wonders why it is sitting on top o& a ti$ket %a$hine now. With e"erything going on0

she &inds +H1S oddC Whate"er. Head ba$k to the turnstiles and go through the last one0 $losest to the e%pty ti$ket4booth. +his brings you into another area. 1& you e3a%ine the e%pty ti$ket booth0 Heather wonders where e"eryone $ould ha"e gone. She doesn2t $at$h on Dui$k0 does sheC +his entire subway station has been e%pty0 and now it is o&&i$ial5 not e"en the workers are here0 though this $an2t be too long a&ter the %all $losed. Walk straight ahead until you $lear the booth0 and then turn right around the $orner o& the booth. Stu$k to the board on the ba$k side o& the booth is the subway %ap. +hank god. +ake it. Aust past that the door leading into the booth0 but it won2t open. Che$k out the %ap0 and any doors that you ha"e already tried are auto%ati$ally %arked on it. +here is nothing to $he$k out ba$k the way you $a%e0 as all the doors and gates were 6a%%ed. 1n this area0 there are &our doors0 in$luding the one on the ba$k o& the ti$ket booth0 but none o& the% will open. +here are also three stair$ases: one right behind the ti$ket booth on the south wall0 one opposite that on the north wall0 and one on the east wall. As you get sear$h this area0 a horrible0 deep growling begins0 but it doesn2t belong to any parti$ular threat0 so try to ignore it. +his area is sa&e. 1& you le&t the %all with little a%%unition0 there %ay be a bo3 or two o& handgun bullets on top o& the trash$an between the restroo%s near the eastern stair$ase. All the stairways lead to generally the sa%e area0 but going e3ploring the areas $losest to the stair$ases on the north or south walls &irst will allow you to a$$ess so%e $uts$enes and ite%s that you wouldn2t be able to i& you e3plored the area $losest to the stair$ase on the eastern wall &irst. For the purposes o& ease &or this walkthrough0 go down the stair$ase on the south wall &irst0 behind the ti$ket booth0 near where you 6ust pi$ked up the %ap. ;ring up the %ap. +his looks like a wide4open area0 with a nu%ber o& stair$ases in the $orners o& the %ap5 the stairs in the north4western $orner goes to )lat&or% 30 the south4western stairs go to )lat&or% 90 the western4%ost stairs in both the north4eastern and south4eastern $orner go to )lat&or% 80 and the eastern4%ost stairs in both the north4 eastern and south4eastern $orners go to )lat&or% '. +he un%arked stairs 6ust north o& you is the botto% o& the stair$ase you would ha"e gone down had you gone down the stairs on the north wall in the roo% abo"e. +he un%arked stair$ase east o& you is the botto% o& the stairs you would ha"e ended up on i& you had gone down the stair$ase on the east wall in the roo% abo"e. 1n a$tuality0 this area is not one big area0 as it is di"ided into two s%aller areas0 with the stairs leading to )lat&or% 8 and ' on one side0 and the stairs leading to )lat&or%s 3 and 9 on the other. Fro% the botto% o& the south stairs0 turn right and take a &ew steps towards the north0 until you $lear the stair$ase. +hen head east. All the doors on your le&t are lo$ked so ignore the%. @ou should soon pass a Sa"e )oint on your right0 so sa"e i& you want to. 1& you $ontinue east you should hit the wall separating the eastern and western se$tions o& this area0 and there is a door in it. +his door does open0 but ignore it &or the %o%ent. Aust north o& area0 on the other side o& the BislandB that &or%s the wall to the north0 is another hallway with another door that opens an the east end o& it. 1gnore this too. )lat&or% 3 is the plat&or% where the ;ergen Street train is supposed to take Heather ho%e0 so let2s $he$k this area out. 7o down the stairs in the northwest $orner o& the area to des$end towards )lat&or% 3.

+his ne3t area is a landing between &loors. +urn right at the botto% o& the stairs0 and you are le&t with an option5 take the stairs downward to the east or the stairs downward to the westC Start with the stairs to the west0 as this area is s%aller0 and less dangerous. When you get to the botto% o& the stairs0 you will noti$e that Heather2s train hasn2t yet arri"ed. Head west a bit and you will &ind a Health *rink on the &irst ben$h against the north wall. +hough the %ap shows that this subway tunnel is &airly long0 and that the other !western# stairway $an be rea$hed &ro% here0 there are %etal &en$es blo$king the way east and west0 $utting this area o&& &ro% the western part o& the tunnel. -ote that you $an 6u%p down on the train tra$ks0 but *. -.+ *. 1+F 1& you hang out on the train tra$ks &or two long0 or try to run down the tra$ks in either dire$tion0 a train will appear and instantaneously s%ear Heather. ,3$ept &or one area later0 where you ha"e to e3plore the tra$ks0 anywhere in the entire subway le"el where there are train tra$ks0 stay away &ro% the%. +here are ne"er any ite%s0 and they are deadly. 7o ba$k up the stairs to the landing. -ow about those stairs leading down to the western part o& )lat&or% 3: you do not ha"e to do this area now i& you don2t want to. +here are three *ouble Heads patrolling this area0 though one o& the% is on the train tra$ks0 and $an be ignored as it $an2t rea$h you unless you 6u%p down onto the tra$ks !as 1 said be&ore0 ;A* 1*,A# or get too $lose to the edge ne3t to the train tra$ks. 1& you go all the way east you will rea$h a %etal &en$e with a door set into it0 and the door is lo$ked &ro% the other side. +here are no ite%s in this area. -ow here is the thing: you will be $o%ing into this area later0 &ro% the other side o& that door0 and i& you kill the *ouble Heads now0 you won2t ha"e to worry about the% later. .n the other hand0 when you $o%e through here later you $an either dodge the% and run up the stairs without a battle0 or you $an kill the% later0 when you are $o%ing through here anyway. 1t is entirely up to you0 though going out o& your way now %akes s%oother sailing later. ,ither way0 a&ter you are done with this area0 go ba$k to the landing abo"e )lat&or% 30 then ba$k to the &loor with the Sa"e )oint. Well0 Heather2s train didn2t show5 what should we do nowC +he newspaper arti$le you read earlier0 near the ti$ket dispensing %a$hines0 %entioned that so%eone was de$apitated &our %onths ago at )lat&or% 9. Well0 sin$e we are here0 we %ight as well $he$k it out. Head towards the stairs leading to )lat&or% 90 in the southwest $orner o& the %ap o& the &loor where the Sa"e )oint is lo$ated. 7o down the stairs. +here is a landing between )lat&or% 9 and the &loor abo"e0 and on that landing Heather will &ind a %agaGine on the &loor. ,3a%ine this and you will &ind out that so%eti%es ghosts haunt areas where there ha"e been sui$ides0 %urders0 and tragedies0 and they $an be known to appear to or atta$k the li"ing near the spot where they died0 espe$ially i& it is the anni"ersary o& the angry spirit2s death. 1n light o& this0 based on what we know o& )lat&or% 92s history0 perhaps it isn2t su$h a good idea to go down to )lat&or% 90 but we are going to anyway. A&ter all0 it isn2t like it is the anni"ersary o& the poor %an2s death. 1t has only been &our %onths. +ake the stairs leading down to the west !Heather2s le&t i& she is &a$ing the %ap on the wall in the landing#. Walk straight &orward until a $uts$ene takes o"er. +hat rotten0 dead

little bastard pushed Heather into the tra$ks0 and &ro% the sound o& it0 a train is on its way. Without hesitation0 press B 8B and BE8B si%ultaneously to per&or% a Dui$k turnaround0 then run &orward and press the BIB button to get Heather to hoist hersel& ba$k up onto the )lat&or% as soon as possible. 1& you get out o& the way in ti%e0 the train ne"er e"en $o%es0 but i& you don2t it shows up pro%ptly to s%ear you all o"er the tra$ks5 :urphy2 s aw at work. !-ote: i& you didn2t read the newspaper on top o& the ti$ket dispensers or the %agaGine on the landing abo"e this area0 nothing happens here#. .n the ben$h dire$tly a$ross &ro% the spot where Heather drags hersel& ba$k onto the )lat&or% is a Health *rink0 i& you $a%e into the subways with adeDuate supplies: i& you were low on health ite%s when you entered you will &ind a First Aid ?it instead. +here is nothing else o& interest in this area. +he area dead ter%inates in a bri$k wall to the east and a %etal partition to the west. As always0 S+A@ +H, H, .FF +H, +EAC?S. Eun up either o& the two stair$ases to return to the landing0 then go up the stair$ase to return to the &loor with the Sa"e )oint. Sa"e i& you want to0 then go through either the door to the east right ne3t to the Sa"e Sy%bol or the door to the north o& it on the other side o& the BislandB separating the two narrow hallways5 it doesn2t %atter whi$h0 as they both lead to the sa%e area. .n the other side o& the wall0 there is nothing between the two doors leading ba$k into the western part o& this le"el e3$ept &or a row o& phone booths. 1& you walk to $lose to the%0 they let out a short0 startling ring0 then go silent. Continue east0 around the eastern stair$ase. +here are a &ew regular doors set into the walls o& this area0 but none o& the% open0 so ignore the%. +he large stair$ase in the %iddle o& this area is the botto% o& the eastern4%ost stair$ase on the &loor where you &ound the %ap. Fro% the botto% o& this stair$ase0 bring up the %ap. @ou will noti$e that there are stair$ases leading to plat&or%s 8 and ' in northeast $orner o& the %ap0 and %ore stair$ases leading to plat&or%s 8 and ' in the southeast $orner o& your %ap. A 6a%%ed gate blo$ks the stair$ase leading to )lat&or% ' in the northeast0 while the stair$ase leading to )lat&or% ' in the southeast is also blo$ked by a gate... but this one is .C?,*. 1& you e3a%ine it0 you will learn that there is a $hain holding this gate shut0 and the $hain is se$ured by a bolt and nut0 whi$h Heather $an2t open with her bare hands. She will need so%e kind o& tool. +he stair$ase leading to )lat&or% 8 in the south4east $orner0 right a$ross &ro% the lo$ked gate leading to )lat&or% ' is 6a%%ed shut0 and the stair$ase leading to )lat&or% 8 in the north4east $orner o& the %ap... is wide open. Head down these stairs. +here are three *ouble Heads hunting in this s%all area0 whi$h see%s to share ele%ents with the B*ark SideB "ersion o& the shopping %all5 there are %etal grates $o"ering the &loors0 and blo$king o&& se$tions o& the area. ;ring up the %ap as soon as you $o%e down the stairs. +his looks like a narrow0 but &airly long area0 but the %ap lies. +here are rusty %etal &en$es blo$king o&& the area to the north and south0 e&&e$ti"ely $utting the area in hal&5 though the %ap says there are eight stair$ases here0 &our sets o& two stair$ases ba$k to ba$k !the northern4%ost o& ea$h set leading upwards0 the southern4%ost o& ea$h set leading downward#0 there are a$tually only two sets o& stairs0 as e"erything 6ust south o& the stairs you $a%e down is blo$ked by a %etal &en$e. +here are also no ite%s in this area0 whi$h %eans the only

thing o& $on$ern to us here are the stair$ases. +here are two on the west wall0 in$luding the one you $a%e down0 and two on the east wall0 though the northern4%ost stair$ase on the east wall5 the one dire$tly opposite the stair$ase you $a%e down !whi$h would ha"e also lead upward#0 is blo$ked by trash and rubble. +hat %eans there are two stair$ases leading down that you need to e3plore5 one on the east wall0 and one 6ust south o& you0 on the ba$k side o& the stairs you $a%e down0 on the west wall. Whew. Fighting the three *ouble Heads is a bad idea0 sin$e it will use up a lot o& a%%o andHor healing ite%s0 and the dogs will be repla$ed a&ter &inding a $ertain ite% at the botto% o& the eastern stair$ase. So here is the best way to do handle this area: as soon as you rea$h the botto% o& the steps upon &irst entering )lat&or% 80 %ake a sharp right and head east a &ew steps0 until you $lear the stairs. +hen turn right again0 and run south along the wall between you and the western%ost stair$ase. As soon as you $an0 turn right again0 towards the outside west wall0 then right A7A1-0 so that now you are &a$ing north on$e %ore. *ire$tly in &ront o& you should be a stair$ase going down. Hurry down it be&ore the *ouble Heads take a bite out o& you. +his s%all area looks a lot %ore Bnor%alB than )lat&or% 80 but it is still not ni$e. +he %ap shows this as being a long0 narrow hallway0 with stair$ases leading o&& &ro% it to the other )lat&or%s0 but it is se"erely blo$ked o&& &ro% this stair$ase. Eight around the $orner &ro% the stairs is a pile o& trash0 and under the trash... a dead body. +his rubble keeps you &ro% e3ploring the "ast %a6ority o& this hallway. .n the table to Heather2s right as she &a$es the rubble is two Health *rinks and a bo3 o& Handgun A%%o. 7o ba$k the way you $a%e0 and up the stairs to )lat&or% 8. Without stopping0 turn le&t and run S+EA17H+ a$ross0 towards the east wall. When you hit the wall0 %ake a sharp le&t and run straight north0 down the stairs that should be right ne3t to you. @ou are now on the other side o& the long0 narrow $orridor0 on the other side o& the rubble &ro% the area with the dead body under the rubble !strangely enough0 on the %ap0 the stair$ase you 6ust $a%e down is labeled Bto )lat&or% 'B0 though we know it 6ust leads ba$k up to the other side o& )lat&or% 8. WhoopsieF# .n the table to Heather2s right is an i%portant ite%0 the B-ut$ra$kerB. +oo bad we didn2t ha"e this earlier0 when we had the Walnut0 huhC Howe"er0 this ite% is not a$tually going to be used &or $ra$king nuts0 it is going to be used to un4due the ;olt and -ut that se$ures the $hain on the gate leading to )lat&or% '. So head ba$k up the stairs leading to )lat&or% 8. 1& you killed the three *ouble Heads in )lat&or% 8 earlier0 two new ones ha"e appeared to try to keep Heather &ro% getting away $lean with the -ut$ra$ker. u$kily0 you are now done with )lat&or% 8. Eun diagonally northwest a$ross the area0 ai%ing to hit the west wall 6ust north o& the stairs leading up !use the %ap to help guide you#0 then turn le&t and run up the stairs to sa&ety. +he *ouble Heads will not &ollow you up or down stairs. Eun all the way ba$k to the $hain4bound gate leading to )lat&or% ' !i& you don2t re%e%ber where it is0 $he$k the %ap5 it is in the southeast $orner#. )la$e yoursel& dire$tly in &ront o& the $hains0 and then BUseB the -ut$ra$ker on the% to open the path. 7o through the now4open gates and &ollow the path down the stairs to )lat&or% '. Walk straight &orward &ro% the stairs0 and don2t worry about ene%ies. +here aren2t any in here... at the %o%ent. @ou should noti$e that

there is a subway $ar on Heather2s right0 but it looks pretty beat up0 and this is )lat&or% '5 it isn2t Heather2s train anyway. At the southern end o& the train is an open door. 7o inside. A Shotgun is sti$king out o& a partially unwrapped birthday present resting on a ben$h near the southern door o& the subway0 so grab it. As soon as you do0 the Eadio should start sDuawking. 1gnore it &or the %o%ent0 as the $ritter won2t bother you while you are in the subway $ar. Head towards the north end o& the $ar0 and you will &ind two bo3es o& Shotgun A%%o on the ben$h0 on the sa%e side o& the $ar as the Shotgun was. ea"e the subway $ar and head ba$k towards the stairs. +here is a disgusting %ound o& &lesh blo$king the stair$ase that you $a%e down originally. +his is a new ene%y0 $alled an 1nsane Can$er !see se$tion 14b43 &or %ore details#. @ou $an tangle with it i& you want to pra$ti$e battling this new ene%y under $ontrolled $onditions !resist the te%ptation to use your new Shotgun on the Can$er0 as it is a waste o& a%%unition0 and it is %ore s$ar$e than Handgun A%%o5 use the Steel )ipe0 i& anything#0 but sin$e you don2t need to go ba$k up these stairs0 you $an a"oid it entirely i& you want to. A&ter it is dead0 or i& you $hoose to bypass it altogether0 run north between the subway $ar and the stairs0 until you hit a %etal &en$e that is this area2s north wall. +here is a door on this &en$e0 but it is 6a%%ed and $annot open. :o"e right until you hit the east wall0 then turn around and head south again along the east wall0 and go down the stairs0 whi$h run beneath the stairs you used to $o%e into this area &ro% abo"e. @ou are now in the southern se$tion o& the long0 narrow hallway where you &ound the nut$ra$ker. Follow the hallway as it turns right at the botto% o& the stairs. Straight ahead there is a pile o& garbage and rubble blo$king the set o& stairs that the %ap says leads to )lat&or% 8. +urn right and head north up the hallway. Soon you will pass a set o& stairs leading down on your right5 the %ap says this leads to the other side o& )lat&or% 90 where you got sho"ed onto the tra$ks by the angry spirit earlier. Howe"er0 this area is inhabited by three *ouble Heads0 and has no ite%s or e3its0 so it is pointless to go down here0 unless you are stupid andHor it$hing &or a &ight. 1& you do go0 note that there is only one *ouble Head to begin with0 usually to the west. A&ter you e3a%ine the &en$e blo$king the way west !with a door with a broken lo$k set into it#0 the other two *ouble Heads will ha"e appeared in the eastern part o& this area. As pre"iously %entioned0 there are no ite%s or e3its0 so a&ter $he$king this area out return to the &loor abo"e. Continue down the hallway0 and soon you will rea$h another stairway to your right0 this one leading down to another area o& )lat&or% 30 the plat&or% that goes to ;ergen Street0 Heather2s stop. +here is nothing else in this hallway0 as the path north dead4ends0 and none o& the doors in this hallway open. 7o down the stairs towards )lat&or% 3. 1& you didn2t kill the *ouble Heads0 you will be able to hear and see the% in this area0 on the other side o& the tra$ks &ro% you0 but don2t worry about the%0 as they $an2t rea$h you o"er here. Eun straight ahead &ro% the botto% o& the stairs until you hit the east wall. +he $a%era angle should suddenly shi&t0 showing you a door set into the wall a short distan$e down the subway tunnel0 on the north wall down by the tra$ks. +his is the one pla$e where you should step onto the train tra$ks to in"estigate. Au%p down now and head towards the door0 but *.-2+ .),- 1+ @,+F When you try to open the door0 it won2t open0 but a train starts $o%ing &ro% the east and two *ouble Heads atta$k

&ro% the west. .b"iously0 you don2t want to stop to &ight the *ouble Heads0 nor do you want to run away &ro% the%0 right into the on$o%ing trainF 1n addition0 the train $o%es Dui$kly0 so i& you are not e3a$t with your %o"e%ents0 you are going to get sDuished. So here is what you need to do5 walk past the door slightly to the east0 and then turn ba$k towards the%0 so you are &a$ing towards the% but angled so that you are &a$ing west0 away &ro% the dire$tion the train is $o%ing in. When you are ready0 try the door0 and then i%%ediately start running west0 ba$k the way you $a%e. +he *ouble Heads stay $loser to the north wall o& the tra$ks0 so 6ag brie&ly to the le&t0 south4westward until you are past the%0 and when you are past the% and the short &en$e that keeps you &ro% $li%bing ba$k up0 run to the side and ha%%er on the BIB button until Heather pulls hersel& ba$k up. 1& you ti%ed it $orre$tly0 you will see a $uts$ene o& Heather pulling hersel& to sa&ety in the ni$k o& ti%e. 1& you ti%ed it in$orre$tly0 you will see a $uts$ene o& Heather getting s%eared by the train. ,ither way0 Heather2s train has arri"ed. -one o& the doors on this end o& the train are open0 howe"er0 so run west until you rea$h the &en$e that a$ts as this area2s west wall. +here is a door set into this &en$e that you $an unlo$k &ro% this side. +his is the other side o& the door that 1 said was Blo$ked &ro% the other sideB when "isited the other se$tion o& )lat&or% 3 earlier. 7o through the door now. 1& you killed the two *ouble Heads here earlier0 then you should ha"e no proble% here. 1& you didn2t0 they are still around and you will ha"e to dodge the% as you run west. +here are no open doors on +H1S se$tion o& the train either0 and there is no door leading west0 so run west up the stairs near the north wall0 to the landing between these two areas o& )lat&or% 3. Eun straight a$ross0 and down the western stairs on the other side0 to another se$tion o& )lat&or% 30 where you &ound nothing but a health drink earlier. Finally0 the last door on the train as you run west is open0 as i& in in"itation. Sin$e there is no sense in sti$king around here0 go ahead and enter the train now. S%all surprise0 the doors sla% shut behind you0 and the train takes o&&. When the $uts$ene ends0 Heather is &a$ing into the %o"ing train. 1& you want0 do an about &a$e and go through the door at the "ery ba$k o& the train0 but be "ery $are&ul5 there is nothing ba$k there but &ast %o"ing tra$k0 and a %essy death i& you do anything other than a Dui$k turn around and re4enter the train. 1 guess that %eans there is only one way to go. Eun towards the &ront o& the train0 and you will $o%e a$ross a Sa"e )oint painted on the &loor. Sa"e i& you like0 be$ause there are a &ew ene%ies on this train0 and it is too narrow &or Heather to a"oid the% entirely. When you sa"e0 Heather wonders whether she $an be B$onta%inatedB 6ust by standing on the sy%bol0 but it is really too late to worry about that. A&ter you sa"e !or not# $ontinue &orward and through the door at the end0 &urther into the train. +here are two -u%b ;odies in this $ar0 so try to engage the% one at a ti%e with the Steel )ipe i& at all possible. 1& it doesn2t look likely !i.e. they are both al%ost right on top o& you#0 kill one with the Handgun0 then swit$h to the Steel )ipe to kill the other0 sin$e you don2t want to waste a%%o on -u%b ;odies i& you $an help it. A&ter they are dead0 you $an try to go ba$k the way you $a%e0 towards the sa"e point0 but be $are&ul... there is no longer a $ar behind youF As you progress through the train0 the $ar you 6ust le&t disappears0 &or$ing

you to go &orward. *o a $are&ul about &a$e and re4enter the $ar0 then $ontinue &orward until you rea$h the end o& the $ar. 7o through the door at the end. +he ne3t $ar is e%pty0 and as be&ore0 the $ar behind has disappeared. ,n6oy the $al% as you run through this $ar and out the door on the other side. -o0 you aren2t hallu$inating !this ti%e#5 the -u%b ;odies are getting biggerF +here is a bigger one and s%aller one in this $ar. Wha$k the% to death with the Steel )ipe !you should ha"e enough ti%e to kill the% one at a ti%e0 be$ause big -u%b ;odies %o"e Dui$ker than little -u%b ;odies5 they take bigger steps#0 then run through the door at the other end. +his $ar is e%pty e3$ept &or so%e use&ul ite%s on a ben$h to Heather2s le&t0 towards the &ar end o& the $ar. Wat$h Heather2s head swi"el &or the e3a$t lo$ation5 there is a First Aid ?it and a bo3 o& Shotgun Shells. Continue through the door at the end o& the $ar. +he ne3t $ar is e%pty as well. other side. Eun through it and out the door on the

1& you didn2t kill the &irst 1nsane Can$er you saw0 right a&ter getting the Shotgun0 then this will be your &irst tangle with one0 and in $lose Duarters0 too. *on2t lose your ner"e5 they are &airly slow %o"ing0 and a barrage o& atta$ks &ro% the Steel )ipe $an easily interrupt their atta$ks. Use $onstant o"erhead strikes0 $o%ple%ented by Dui$k 6abs when it looks like it is going to use its double4&isted o"erhand atta$k. When it &alls on$e0 keep using the o"erhead atta$k to beat it while it is on the ground0 as this does %assi"e da%age. .n$e it Bde&latesB it is really and truly dead0 and you $an lea"e through the door it was guarding. +his ne3t $ar is e%pty. Eun through it and out the door on the other side. +his triggers a $uts$ene5 the train is now stopped0 and the side door at the end o& the $ar is open. 1& you e3a%ine the last door at the end o& the train0 where the ne3t $ar would ha"e been i& you had kept going0 you &ind that there 1S no ne3t $ar0 no engine0 and no reason that the train should ha"e been %o"ingF ea"e the train through the nearest door on Heather2s le&t. +here is a Sa"e )oint S$rawled on the wall dire$tly a$ross &ro% the door to the train0 so use it i& you would like. +urn le&t and run all the way to the end o& the tunnel. +here is a door at the end0 on the sa%e wall as the sa"e point. 7o on through to enter a new underground area. 114b4'. BSewers5 +he -ew S%ell o& Fear...B: +he Underground )assage .ne should be able to tell i%%ediately that this is not Heather2s nor%al subway stop0 but there is nothing we $an do about it. +urn right and run down a long &light o& stone stairs. At the botto%0 the path goes le&t and right0 but you will &ind that the path to the le&t is blo$ked by a %etal &en$e with a broken door0 so turn right and run all the way to the end o& the long0 $on$rete hallway. +here is a large %etal door at the end0 but prepare yoursel& be&ore you go through0 as there are baddies on the other side.

1n this area are two )endulu%s and a %ediu% siGed -u%b ;ody. 1t is ne"er a great idea to tangle with %ore than one )endulu% i& you $an help it0 and there is only one other e3it &ro% this roo% !there are &en$es with doors in the% on the both &ar ends o& the roo%0 but the doors are 6a%%ed#0 and no ite%s0 so it is best 6ust to run &or the e3it on the other side. 1& you want to tangle with the ene%ies here0 wait &or the -u%b ;ody to $o%e to you and kill it with the Steel )ipe0 then take out the )endulu%s one by one by using the Shotgun at $lose range to kno$k the% out o& the air and then swit$hing to the Steel )ipe to &inish the%. +his is a lot %ore di&&i$ult then it sounds0 as it $an be di&&i$ult to engage the% one at a ti%e. 1& you used the Sa"e )oint ba$k where the train let you o&&0 you $an pra$ti$e the best %ethod &or taking the% out0 and si%ply reload the ga%e i& you did poorly. ;ut 1 suggest 6ust a"oiding this parti$ular group o& ene%ies. Sin$e it is really hard to &ind you way around this roo% without a %ap0 here is the best way to &ind the other door and get out: run straight a$ross the roo% to the wall on the other side0 and then &ollow the wall ,F+ until you rea$h a blue door. +his is the one you are looking &or0 so go through it. @ou will be able to hear the honking o& hunting -u%b ;odies in this area. 1& you want to &ight the%0 &eel &ree0 as they are easy to separate and take out one by one with the Steel )ipe: there are only two o& the% in this hallway. :o"e &orward down the hall until you rea$h an interse$tion: the path $ontinues le&t and straight ahead0 and there is a door to your right. +he two -u%b ;odies are usually near this interse$tion0 so deal with the% as you see &it. +he paths straight ahead and to the le&t lead to the sa%e area: there is a door at the end o& ea$h0 leading into opposite ends o& a $ir$uitous tunnel0 patrolled by two -u%b ;odies. +here are no ite%s or doors leading out o& this area0 6ust the door at the end o& the path straight ahead on one end0 and the door at the end o& the le&tward path at the other !there are a$tually two doors at the end o& this path0 but the one straight ahead is 6a%%ed5 it is the door to Heather2s right that you would be looking &or#5 it is pointless &or you to go e3plore this area0 but i& you are it$hing to do so%e killing0 the two -u%b ;odies patrolling it are easy to dispat$h. When you are done !or i& you $hoose not to waste your ti%e#0 return to the interse$tion and go through the blue door. +here are three -u%b ;odies in this area0 and it is narrow0 so you %ight want to kill the%. Walk &orward0 down the bri$k hallway until you rea$h the interse$tion they are patrolling5 the path $ontinues straight or bran$hes le&t. +he -u%b ;odies tend to $o%e at you all at on$e i& you rush the%0 but i& you approa$h slowly0 the light &ro% your &lashlight %ight $at$h the attention o& one o& the% and separate it &ro% the group so that you $an easily take it out. Eepeat as ne$essary0 until they are all dead. +he path leading straight ahead at the interse$tion has a door at the end that is 6a%%ed0 so take the path to your le&t and go through the door at the end. +here are two ob6e$ts in this roo%0 and one o& "ery ob"ious: there is a big godda%ned :aul sitting in a pool o& blood sitting on top o& a lo$ker that has been kno$ked on its side to Heather2s le&t as you enter this roo%. )i$k it up0 and e3a%ine the bla$kboard 6ust to the le&t o& this to &ind the Underpass :ap. +here is a toolbo3 to the le&t o& this0 but there is nothing you $an do with it0 e"en though it see%s

i%portant. +o the right o& where you &ound the :aul is a lo$ker that is seeping blood0 and there is a strange and disturbing noise as you approa$h it. Fortunately0 nothing happens e"en when you e3a%ine it0 and Heather re&uses to open the lo$ker. .n the opposite side o& the roo% &ro% where you &ound the :aul and the %ap !west wall0 a$$ording to your spi&&y new %ap#0 there are a $ouple o& shel"es0 but unless you e3ited the subway train low on supplies0 there isn2t anything you $an take on the%. 1& you W,E, low on a%%o0 then you will &ind so%e Handgun A%%o here0 and i& you were low on health ite%s0 you will &ind a First Aid ?it. 7o through the door on the south wall0 opposite the door you $a%e in through. +here are ene%ies in this area0 but the a%bient ba$kground noise %akes it sound worse than it a$tually is. +here is a large -u%b ;ody and two s%aller -u%b ;odies in this area. @our &irst instin$t %ay be to pull out your brand new :aul and go to town0 but the :aul is $u%berso%e and e3tre%ely slow to swing0 so sti$k to the Steel )ipe. :o"e &orward !south# down the hall until you rea$h a path bran$hing east0 or engage one o& the -u%b ;odies. *e&eat the% using the sa%e ta$ti$ as be&ore: bait one out with the &lashlight by %o"ing slowly &orward until you get its attention0 then lead it ba$k down the hallway a short distan$e be&ore taking it down with the Steel )ipe. *o this until all three are dead. Eun straight south0 past a blue door on Heather2s right0 until you hit the &ar wall0 then turn right at the end and run all the way to the dead end on the west wall0 where you will &ind a bo3 o& Shotgun Shells on top o& a rusty oil dru%. Head ba$k the way you $a%e0 towards the interse$tion where the path bran$hes east. As you head ba$k0 you see the blue door again0 and i& you $he$k the %ap you will &ind it leads into a short and narrow area to the west. *etour brie&ly through this door. Head west until you rea$h a pile o& 6unk and rubble at the end o& this short passage. .n top o& a bo3 to Heather2s right0 near the north wall0 you will &ind a pa$kage o& ;ee& Aerky. Aust to the le&t o& that is a wine ra$k. ,3a%ine this to take an e%pty Wine ;ottle0 then go ba$k the way you $a%e and $are&ully lea"e this area. 1 say B$are&ullyB be$ause there are two new -u%b ;odies here i& you killed the original three0 and they are nearby5 one slightly to the north o& the door you 6ust $a%e out0 and one slightly to the south !i& you didn2t kill all the -u%b ;odies earlier0 there is now one %ore s%all one#. +hey are still "ery easy to kill i& you want0 but also not ne$essary. *eal with the% as you see &it0 then run north until you rea$h the interse$tion. +urn right to take the path leading to the east0 and run through the big %etal door at the &ar end. @ou should be able to hear that there are )endulu%s in this area. ;ringing up the %ap0 you should see that this a tunnel leading east0 with door on the north wall near the end. *o not0 repeat0 *. -.+ try to run all the way east to see what is at the end0 as there is a sudden &all at the end0 and the two )endulu%s in this area are near it. As always0 don2t bother %essing with the )endulu%s !but i& you E,A @ want to0 use the usual ta$ti$ o& Shotgun to bring the% down0 then swit$h to the Steel )ipe to &inish the%#. What you should do is run to the north wall and &ollow it east0 dodging any )endulu%s that you see0 until you &ind the door leading north0 and then go through it.

+his is a long0 narrow tunnel leading north. +here are no ene%ies0 ite%s0 or di"erging paths0 so si%ply run all the way to the north end and go through the door there. +his appears to be a large area0 with paths leading north0 east0 and west. Howe"er0 there is absolutely nothing o& interest to the north or west0 6ust &en$es with broken doors set in the% with 6unk nearby. Head east until the path bran$hes. +he tunnel heading north is blo$ked by another &en$e that you $an2t bypass so head through the large shutter door to the south. When you &irst enter this area0 it is patrolled by two large -u%b ;odies. +hough nor%ally -u%b ;odies are pusho"ers0 you do not want to %ess with two large ones at the sa%e ti%e0 so i& you want to kill the%0 do so one at a ti%e. Eun &orward until you see a narrow hallway on Heather2s right. *u$k into it and then turn around and try to lure the &irst -u%b ;ody into the narrow hallway so that you $an kill hi% without his buddy inter&ering. +he two are spa$ed well enough that you should ha"e ti%e to kill the one be&ore the other shows up0 so you $an then deal with that one as you see &it. .r you $an 6ust ignore the% and slip in and out o& this area without %essing with either o& the%. 1& you bring up the %ap0 you will see that there are two paths leading west with roo%s at the end o& the%0 and a door at the south end. *.-2+ 7. +HE.U7H +H, *..E A+ +H, S.U+H ,-*F +here is nothing in here e3$ept &or )endulu%s and -u%b ;odies0 and it is too s%all an area &or &ighting the% to be e&&e$ti"e. 1nstead0 slip into the se$ond o& the two s%all tunnels to Heather2s right !the south4%ost one# and go through the door at the end. +his s%all %a$hine roo% is do%inated by a large desk in the $enter. .n the northwest $orner o& the desk you will &ind two Health *rinks0 and on the east side o& the desk you will &ind a bo3 o& Handgun A%%o and a bo3 o& Shotgun Shells. .h yes0 and on the north wall you will &ind a Sa"e )oint0 with a ?erosene Heater to the right o& it. 1& you e3a%ine the Heater0 Heather will $o%%ent that there is still ?erosene inside0 but that she will need so%ething to put the ?erosene in. u$kily0 you should ha"e an ,%pty Wine ;ottle0 so BUseB the Wine ;ottle on the ?erosene Heater to &ill it up. Heather should now ha"e an .il4Filled ;ottle. +here are so%e lo$kers0 so%e %a$hines0 and a bla$kboard in this roo% as well0 but they are not i%portant. Use the Sa"e )oint i& you like0 then go lea"e the roo% on$e %ore. 1& you killed the two large -u%b ;odies earlier0 there are now three s%all -u%b ;odies. 1& you did not kill the two -u%b ;odies earlier0 there are now two large -u%b ;odies and two s%all -u%b ;odies. @ou still do not want to go through the shutter doors on the south side o& this area0 but rather head towards the se$ond narrow tunnel bran$hing west0 whi$h is 6ust north o& you. @ou should either kill the -u%b ;odies or a"oid the% and head straight &or the tunnel 6ust north o& you5 you aren2t $o%ing ba$k to this area0 so you don2t need to kill the -u%b ;odies i& you don2t want to. Aust turn le&t at the end o& the narrow tunnel0 run until there is another narrow tunnel on Heather2s le&t0 then run west and through the door at the end. 1& you do want to &ight the -u%b ;odies0 use the sa%e ta$ti$ as be&ore5 lure the% one by one into the narrow tunnel and kill the% separately0 until there is one le&t0 then seek it out and kill it. +H,- head through the north4 %ost o& the two narrow tunnels leading west. 7o through the door at the

end. +here is a ladder in the north end o& this roo%0 leading down into &ilthy sewage. 1n the south o& this roo% is the *rainage )u%p needed to $lear the &ilth so that Heather $an des$end. ,3a%ining the %a$hine0 Heather &inds that the pu%p reDuires &uel to run0 and it is all out. u$kily0 you are $arrying so%e ?erosene in a Wine ;ottle. BUseB the .il4Filled ;ottle at the open hat$h on the southeast side the %a$hine to re&ill it. +hen a$ti"ate the %a$hine with the onHo&& swit$h on the opposite end o& the %a$hine. +he %a$hine drains the hole0 and Heather is now able to des$end the ladder. *o so now. .n the south end o& this &ilthy hole is the gate that opened to drain the sewage out o& this area. .n the southern $orner o& the west wall is a nasty0 bloody stain. As you approa$h it0 there is an o%inous noise nearby0 but it %eans nothing. .n the east wall is a set o& stairs leading upward. Sin$e there is nothing else o& interest in this area0 $li%b the stairs to the east. Heather will soon rea$h a landing0 and there will be another set o& stairs leading upward on Heather2s right. Continue up this set o& stairs and go through the blue door at the top. Eun east a$ross a %etal bridge0 then down a long stair$ase until you rea$h another blue door. 7o on through. +his long sewer tunnel leads north and south0 but the north end is blo$ked. Head south. 1& you want to a"oid a large -u%b ;ody0 you $an 6u%p down into the raw sewage and run sa&ely past it on your right on the way south. .therwise0 6ust run south and kill the -u%b ;ody with the Steel )ipe. ,ither way0 the &ar southern end o& the tunnel is blo$ked0 but there is a door on the east wall and a door on the west wall. 7o through the door on the west wall &irst. +here is so%ething you need to pi$k up be&ore you $ontinue east. Eun up the long set o& stairs. At the top0 run down the passage until you &ind a %etal bridge0 identi$al to the one you $rossed going eastward out o& the *rainage tunnel a &ew %inutes ago. +here is one di&&eren$e0 howe"er5 a $reature or dead body $an be seen sub%erged in the %urky water under the bridge. 1t $an2t hurt you0 and it doesn2t %o"e0 so $ontinue a$ross the bridge and through the blue door on the other side. +his s%all roo% is &illed with 6unk. As you %o"e &orward0 the $a%era angle will shi&t to highlight a Hairdryer on a $hair to Heather2s le&t0 whi$h $an be !and should be# retrie"ed. +here is also an A%poule on a sel& against the west wall. .ther than that0 there is 6ust a bun$h o& strange and useless 6unk0 in$luding a wheel$hair in the blue bin in the southern $orner o& the roo%. +here is nothing else to pi$k up in here0 so lea"e this roo% and head ba$k east. As you $ross the bridge0 you %ight noti$e that the ob6e$t that was sub%erged earlier see%s to ha"e %o"ed on... o%inous0 but otherwise un4 i%portant. Eun down $orridor and down the stairs on the other side o& the bridge and out the door at the botto%. ;a$k in the sewer tunnel0 there is a large shutter door on the opposite side o& the sewer0 on the east wall dire$tly opposite the door you 6ust

$a%e through. Work your way o"er to it !by heading slightly south0 $rossing the tunnel at the southern end0 and then heading ba$k north0 or by 6ust 6u%ping into the sewage0 $rossing the tunnel and $li%bing ba$k up on the other side# and go through. +hree -u%b ;odies0 one large and two s%all0 patrol this area. *eal with the% as you see &it0 and then turn le&t and head north at the B+B interse$tion !there is nothing but a 6a%%ed door to the south#. 7o through the door on the east wall0 on Heather2s right. +his s%all Sa"e Eoo% warrants $are&ul perusal5 it $ould 6ust sa"e your li&e. +here is s%all desk in the %iddle o& this roo%. +here is a Health *rink on the east side o& the desk0 on the green %at. .n the north side o& the desk is a "ery i%portant do$u%ent. 1t is a notebook in whi$h is written the last words o& a bra"e %an. He says there is %onster in the water0 whi$h killed two o& his best &riends0 Aose and Aai%e. He speaks o& alligators in the sewer0 but that is not the $ase0 and he says that e"en the word B%onsterB is not Duite right. +he i%portant bit is that there is so%ething deadly in the water0 and that guns0 kni"es0 and other weapons are useless against it. He %entions that a hand grenade would do the tri$k... but don2t get your hopes up0 be$ause there isn2t one. ook around the roo% so%e %ore. +here are so%e shel"es0 so%e &iling $abinets and bank o& se$urity %onitors against the north wall0 but none o& the% are o& interest0 as the do$u%ents are boring and the se$urity %onitors don2t work. +here are other useless do$u%ents strewn a$ross the &loor !though one is an a$$ident report &or Aai%e and Aose0 and Heather notes Btoday2s dateB on another#0 in$luding a hand4written B*angerF ?eep .utFB sign on the &loor ne3t to the door on the east wall0 suggesting that the ne3t area is probably the one with the sewer %onster. +he Sa"e )oint is drawn on the &loor in the northwest $orner o& the roo%. Use it i& you want0 then lea"e through the door on the east wall. +he &irst thing that you will probably noti$e is the blood s%eared on the &loor and on the door you 6ust $a%e through. +here is a $atwalk $rossing the water to the east0 but don2t try to $ross yet unless you &an$y dying horribly. 1nstead0 head le&t &ro% the door and you should &ind a )ower .utlet on the west wall0 to Heather2s le&t. Say0 i& you plugged so%ething in here0 and then threw it in the water0 then anything li"ing in the water would be$o%e a $rispy $ritterF BUseB the Hair *ryer on the )ower .utlet to par4boil the tenti$ular %onstrosity in the water. -ow you $an sa&ely $ross the $atwalk to the other side. .n the other side there are so%e %a$hines to Heather2s right0 but they don2t do anything. 7o through the door on the east wall. -oti$e there is an B,3itB sign abo"e this door. +his bodes well. +he end o& the sewers draws near. +urn right and run south all the way to the door at the end. +here will be a path to Heather2s le&t0 but ignore it0 as it is blo$ked by 6unk. 7o through the blue door in the south end o& the tunnel. 1n here you will here the horrible sound o& )endulu%s. +his is another sewer tunnel0 and with )endulu%s around you will want to sti$k to the stone walkways. ;ring up the %ap to see where you want to go. +he goal is the s%all0 narrow tunnel leading west to the south o& the door you 6ust $a%e through. 1& you $ould &ollow the stone path to Heather2s right0 it would be easy0 sin$e she would then be on the sa%e side o&

the sewage as the e3it0 but the way to the right is blo$ked0 so it will ha"e to be the long way. Aust turn le&t at the door and &ollow the path. 1t will turn a nu%ber o& ti%es0 but keep &ollowing it. +here is only one )endulu% that $an rea$h you in this area0 as the others are on the other side o& so%e &en$es. @ou should be able to a"oid the one on your side0 but i& it gets in your path0 drop it with a short4range shotgun blast to tea$h it a lesson and keep %o"ing. ,"entually you will rea$h the narrow passage leading west. Follow this path to the end and go through the door on the north wall. @ou are now o&&i$ially o&& the %ap0 but you are also at the end o& the sewers. Eun down the long &light o& stairs0 down the long $orridor0 and up the stairs at the other end0 then go through the door at the top. +here is a bun$h o& 6unk in this roo%0 but the only thing o& $on$ern to Heather should be the rusty %etal stair$ase al%ost right a$ross &ro% her. Follow its twists and turns to the top0 then turn le&t and run &orward to the base o& a ladder. +here is nothing else here0 so $li%b the ladder to &inally get the hell out o& the sewers. Finally0 &resh airF +his area is abo"e ground0 but it is also surrounded by tall0 dirty white $loth walls that should be unner"ing to Silent Hill "eterans. Head le&t and &ollow the path around the building5 there is only one way to go. ,"entually0 you should see the red glow ahead o& a Sa"e )oint drawn on top o& an oil dru%. Sa"e i& you want0 then as you are &a$ing the Sa"e )oint0 &ollow the rubble right until you hit the wall o& a dilapidated building0 then turn right again and &ollow the building2s wall until you rea$h as set o& double doors. 7o inside to enter the ne3t portion o& the ga%e. 114$. )art +hree: BHow +o Su$$eed 1n ;usiness Without Eeally *ying...B 114$48. BSo%e Spa$kle0 a new $oat o& paint... and it will still su$k...B: Un&inished ;uilding +his &irst area shouldn2t take too long0 be$ause there are not any ene%ies here !@ayF# and the building is &airly s%all. Eun &orward and &ollow the hallway as it turns le&t0 past a 6a%%ed doorway0 two doorways blo$ked by paint $ans0 and an ele"ator that won2t work0 all on the le&t4hand side. 1& you le&t the sewers with &ew health ite%s to your na%e0 then there will be two Health *rinks sitting on top o& so%e o& the bo3es that are blo$king one o& these doors. 7o through the door at the end0 6ust past the ele"ator. +he ne3t area is a stairwell0 and there are no ite%s that you $an use0 so 6ust $li%b the stairs. @ou will &ind that the doors to the 'nd0 3rd0 and 9th &loors are all 6a%%ed0 and that the doors o& the 3rd and 9th &loors bear signs that state the &loors ha"e $ollapsed0 and the &loor $annot be a$$essed. Cli%b the stairs all the way to the top and go through the door to what should be the <th &loor0 though it is un%arked. Eight ne3t to the door0 on the right0 is the ele"ator0 whi$h still won2t work. Aust past that is a bathroo%0 and i& you e3a%ine it0 Heather $o%%ents that it looks like it has been used re$ently. At the &ar end o& the hall is a door with an ele$tri$al $ord reel and a bag o& $e%ent ne3t to it0 neither o& whi$h you $an use. 7o through the door

on your right. Walk &orward into this ne3t roo% and you will &ind %ore signs o& re$ent habitation. +here is a little %akeshi&t $a%p here0 with e%pty bottles and $ans and %attress suggestion that so%eone was li"ing here. +here is a bo3 o& Handgun A%%o sitting on top o& a bo3 near the %attress. +he %attress itsel& is right ne3t to a gaping hole in the &loor. @ou will need to push the %attress into the hole0 but &irst use it as a %arker to &ind a well4hidden ite%. Stand ne3t to the %attress and turn so that your ba$k is to the bottles and $an and 6unk0 so that you are &a$ing in the dire$tion o& the door you entered this area &ro%. +he wall right straight ahead0 right ne3t to the al$o"e where the door leading ba$k towards the ele"ators is0 is a lot %ore white then the rest o& the surrounding walls0 as i& it has been re$ently re4plastered. Ha"e Heather e3a%ine it !as you get $lose0 the $a%era angle shi&ts to highlight the area# and she says as %u$h0 and %entions that the wall %ight break i& she hits it hard enough. So what are you waiting &orC Use the Steel )ipe to s%ash the wall in. @ou will see a pair o& legs through the area that you s%ash down0 and i& you sear$h the rubble o& the wall you s%ashed0 you will &ind the Silen$er. When it is eDuipped0 the Silen$er suppresses the noise o& the Handgun or Sub%a$hine 7un0 but redu$es the e&&e$ti"e atta$king power. Use it when you don2t want %ore ene%ies to $o%e running. A&ter you ha"e &ound the Silen$er0 go ba$k and e3a%ine the %attress to sho"e it into the hole in the &loor. @ou will be &ollowing it down the hole in a %o%ent0 but not Duite yet. .n the opposite side o& the hole0 6ust past so%e boards bridging a s%all gap0 there will be a bo3 with a Health *rink on top. -ow 6u%p down the hole0 landing sa&ely on top o& the %attress. !-ote: you $an 6u%p down the hole ;,F.E, dropping the %attress down to $ushion you &all0 but it results in pain&ul death. +he $hoi$e is yours.# Che$k out this new area and you will &ind a whole lot o& nothing0 other than rubble and the %attress that you threw down here. +here is one door in this area0 but it is 6a%%ed. +he only way out is through a gaping hole in the wall0 6ust past a red e%ergen$y light on a $olu%n near the %attress. Cautiously du$k through the hole in the wall. @ou are on so%e s$a&&olding on the outside o& the building0 and so are two )endulu%s. +he s$a&&olding stret$hes le&t and right0 but there is nothing to Heather2s right e3$ept &or one o& the two )endulu%s. @ou don2t want to &ight the%0 and you don2t need to0 so turn to Heather2s le&t and run. @ou should be able to a"oid both )endulu%s i& you don2t linger0 but don2t be re$kless either0 as you $an lose your balan$e and &all o& the s$a&&olding. Follow the path as it turns le&t around a $orner0 and keep going until the $a%era angle shi&ts to show you an open window on Heather2s right. +his is your stop. *u$k inside to enter the .&&i$e ;uilding. 114$4'. BForget Fortune2s <((0 this is Fortune2s ===...B: Hilltop Center .&&i$e ;uilding Hey0 swank digsF *o$u%ents on the bookshel& in this o&&i$e tell you that this is the re$eption area &or a %anneDuin $o%pany. +here isn2t anything to pi$k up here0 so go through the door ne3t to the $o&&ee $art. *ire$tly ahead o& Heather as she enters this hallway are bo3es &ull o& %anneDuin $atalogues0 whi$h we don2t need. +urn le&t and head down the

hallway. +here is a door where the hallway turns right but it is 6a%%ed0 so ignore it as you &ollow the hallway right. +he ne3t door0 on your right0 is also 6a%%ed0 but the ne3t door on your le&t0 with the words BStore Front )oseablesB written in s%all purple writing $an be opened0 but do not do so yet. Continue past it and past another 6a%%ed door on your right0 then turn the $orner. +here are two doors here0 one on Heather2s le&t0 and one straight ahead. +he one to the right is 6a%%ed0 so go through the door straight ahead. +his $reepy little roo% is &ull o& %anneDuin body parts that &reak Heather out a little. Che$k out the %anneDuins right in &ront o& the door0 then turn le&t and look at the one %anneDuin that has a head0 whi$h %akes Heather a little less un$o%&ortable than the de$apitated ones. Head ba$k towards the door0 then turn right to go around the $entral shel& to the other side opposite the %anneDuin with the head. As you turn into this area there is a s$rea% and thud0 whi$h should startle the hell out o& you. .n the opposite side o& the $entral shel& &ro% the %anneDuin0 against the ba$k wall0 you will &ind a bo3 o& Handgun A%%o and a bo3 o& Shotgun Shells. -ow it is ti%e to go see what that noise was. 7o ba$k and e3a%ine the uniDue %anneDuin &or a nasty sho$k... so %u$h &or its head. And $ould that really be bloodC @ou will ha"e plenty o& ti%e to ponder this in the night%ares you will ha"e about this roo% &or the rest o& your li&e0 but &or now lea"e the storeroo% and go ba$k down the hall to the door with BStore Front )oseablesB sten$iled on it in purple. 1t should now be on your right. 7o through the door. +here are two *ouble Heads in this area. @ou are going to be using this area Duite a bit0 so do yoursel& a &a"or and kill the% now. 1& they $o%e at you one at a ti%e0 kill the% with the Steel )ipe. 1& they do not0 %o"e into the open and use the Handgun to stra&e around the%0 killing the% one at a ti%e. Fro% the &ront door0 %o"e &orward until you rea$h the interse$tion. .n Heather2s right0 in a little al$o"e0 are two doors0 whi$h are both 6a%%ed. +he hallway bran$hes straight ahead and to the le&t. Che$k out the le&t bran$h &irst. As you %o"e &orward into this area there will be al$o"es with ele"ators o&& to either side. +he one on Heather2s right is not working. -either is the one to the le&t0 but the door to this one is open slightly0 though not enough to slip through. :aybe we $an &ind so%ething to open it wider. Aust past the ele"ators the le&tward hallway ends0 and there is a doorway to Heather2s right. 1t opens into a stairwell0 but we don2t need to go to another &loor yet. Head ba$k to the &irst interse$tion and try the hallway that was straight ahead when you &irst entered this area. Where the hallway turns to the right0 there is a door that is $learly %arked B:oni$a2s *an$e StudioB with )urple Sten$iling on the door and posters to the right o& the door. +o the right o& this the hallway ends with a door with a sign to the le&t o& it that says B)rindle P ,nos aw Fir%B0 but the door is 6a%%ed. 7o through the door %arked :oni$a2s *an$e Studio. +his is a $ra%ped and narrow $orridor0 but we will %ake things easy. 7o through the door al%ost dire$tly a$ross &ro% the door you 6ust entered through. +here is a $luttered desk to Heather2s right and so%e kind o& glass and %etal &iling $ase to Heather2s le&t. Head &orward until there is a glass $o&&ee table with $o%&y4looking $hairs by it on Heather2s le&t.

Folded up on the glass table is the %ap to the Hilltop Center. Aust past this0 dire$tly ahead0 is a Sa"e )oint. Fro% the Sa"e )oint0 do a 8/( and $he$k out this end o& the desk. 1& you were low on a%%o when you entered the $onstru$tion site0 there will be two bo3es o& Handgun A%%o on the desk. 1& you weren2t0 there is nothing. Al%ost right in &ront o& the Sa"e )oint is a drawer on the desk that is slightly open0 and that in"estigation shows us is rusted shut. Heather thinks she $an open it0 but she is going to need so%e sort o& strong and narrow tool. Use the Sa"e )oint i& you like0 and then lea"e the roo%. Use the %ap to orient you. +he roo% 6ust to the north o& you with the purple %at on the &loor outside is the a$tual dan$e studio. *on2t bother going in there0 howe"er0 unless you &eel like doing a tango with two *ouble Heads and an 1nsane Can$er. +here are no ob6e$ts or new e3its &ro% the roo%0 so there is no reason to go there. 1& you do want to0 you will &ind that you $an &ight the ene%ies one at a ti%e rather easily. +hose who 66ust want to %o"e on0 skip the ne3t paragraph. .nly one o& the two *ouble Heads is a$tually %o"ing around the roo%0 so deal with this one be&ore %o"ing around the roo% too %u$h. +he se$ond *ouble Head is by the north wall o& the roo%0 gnawing on so%ee kind o& bloody $ar$ass. @ou will be able to beat hi% to death without breaking a sweat0 as he pretty %u$h won2t rea$t until you are right up to hi%0 and by then you will be beating hi% with the Steel )ipe. +he last ene%y0 the 1nsane Can$er0 lies dor%ant near the east wall. He also shouldn2t be a proble% to kill with 6ust the Steel )ipe. So there are three ene%ies &or your ?.1.A. list0 without you ha"ing to break %u$h o& a sweat0 and it is good pra$ti$e to boot. +hen go ba$k out the door into the narrow hallway and bring up your %ap. Are we all together againC 7ood. +here are two doors south o& the Sa"e Eoo%0 both on the east wall. +he &irst one is 6a%%ed0 but the se$ond one is a lo$ker roo%. 7o inside. +here is only one open lo$ker in this area0 and whi$h ite%s you &ind inside is deter%ined by how %any healing ite%s you had when you entered the $onstru$tion Gone. 1& you had plenty o& health ite%s0 there will be two Health *rinks inside. 1& were low on health ite%s when you entered the $onstru$tion site0 there will be a First Aid ?it and an A%poule. +hat2s it &or this area0 so lea"e this roo%0 head ba$k north0 and go through the only door on the west wall0 right a$ross &ro% the sa"e roo%0 ba$k into the %ain area with the ele"ators. 1& you killed the *ouble Heads earlier0 they are still gone. 1& you didn2t heed %y ad"i$e0 you will ha"e to either kill the% now or dodge the% as to head towards the stair$ase in the north se$tion o& this area. Eun straight ahead until you rea$h the interse$ting hallways0 then take a right and run past the al$o"es with the ele"ators in the% on either side o& you. +he door is 6ust past the% on the right0 with a glowing red e3it sign o"er it. 7o through the door into the stair$ase beyond. @ou are on the third &loor now. @ou will &ind that the stairs go both up and down0 but the only other door that will open is the one on the &i&th &loor. Head up two &loors and go through the door on the landing %arked B<B. +urn le&t and run south0 past both sets o& ele"ators0 whi$h are still

not working. @ou will rea$h an interse$tion0 where you will &ind the bathroo%s straight ahead0 but their lo$ks are broken. +o Heather2s right0 on the west wall0 you will &ind a door %arked ?:- Auto )arts0 but it is lo$ked0 and we don2t ha"e the key. Head east instead. At the end o& this hallway you will &ind three doors. +he door straight ahead has a broken lo$k0 so &orget about it. +he door on Heather2s right0 on the south wall0 is %arked ?:- Auto )arts0 6ust like the lo$ked door to the east0 but we are not going in here 6ust yet. First0 go through the door on Heather2s le&t0 on the north wall. +his is the &ine arts gallery. +o Heather2s right as she enters is a re$eption desk0 but it has nothing to interest Heather. Aust past it0 on the sa%e !west# wall is a painting entitled BEepressor o& :e%oriesB0 a title that Heather %entions she doesn2t like. +here are also two doors on the west wall0 6ust past the painting0 but ignore the% &or the %o%ent as you e3plore the rest o& the roo%. .n the north wall is an area where it is ob"ious a large painting on$e hung. -ow there is 6ust its na%e pla$ardd0 telling us the painting was $alled BFla%e )uri&ies AllB. Heather %entions she doesn2t know what the title %eans0 but that she hates &ire0 and &inds it &rightening &or so%e reason. .n the east wall are a &ew %ore pie$es o& artwork5 so%e $era%i$ pots that Heather doesn2t $are &or be$ause they are too big to use as "ases0 a painting that Heather a$tually likes0 $alled B:ountainB whi$h she &inds soothing0 and a painting that she doesn2t tell us anything about other than it $osts <(((0 whi$h she ob"iously thinks is $raGy. -ow &or the doors on the west wall. +he southern4%ost one0 ne3t to the BEepressor o& :e%oriesB painting is 6a%%ed. 7o through the northern one0 nearest the area where BFla%e )uri&ies AllB on$e hung. 1t opens into another narrow hallway. +urn le&t and run past a 6a%%ed door to where a S$rewdri"er sits on top o& so%e bo3es on a hand trolley. +he S$rewdri"er should be 6ust what we need to open the stu$k drawer in the :oni$a2s *an$e Studio o&&i$es downstairs by the Sa"e )oint0 but there are so%e other ite%s we need on this &loor &irst. Eun ba$k south past the door leading to the art gallery and take a le&t. +here will be a 6a%%ed door on your le&t0 and then the hallway turns south0 so take a right. Eun all the way to the end o& the hallway until you rea$h two doors0 one on the west wall and one straight ahead on the south wall. 7o through the door on Heather2s right. 7o straight ahead to &ind a %onster slayer2s best &riend sitting on a *aisho0 or sword ra$k. Heather grabs the shorter o& the two ?atanas !whi$h 1 think te$hni$ally would be a WakiGashi0 but who a% 1 to Duibble#0 and won2t take the other one no %atter how loud you yell at your tele"ision. She says that too %u$h stu&& would slow her down0 as i& the giant godda%ned :aul that she is hauling around isn2t too hea"y to bother with. 1 guess the shorter one is better &or little petite Heather0 but 1 would ha"e pre&erred the longer rea$h. .h well. +here is nothing %ore o& interest in this storeroo%0 so turn around and lea"e0 ?atana in hand. +hat last door on the south wall is 6a%%ed0 so head ba$k north and go through the ne3t door on the west wall0 ba$k into the art studio0 then $ross the studio and lea"e through the door on the south wall0 the one you $a%e in through originally. +he door to the ?:- Auto )arts o&&i$es is dire$tly a$ross &ro% you5 so go south through this door into another narrow hallway.

1n here you will hear the sound o& -u%b ;odies. +here are three o& these little bastards around0 so introdu$e the% to the business end o& your new Aapanese toy one at a ti%e. @ou should &ind that this weapon is %u$h %ore e&&e$ti"e than the Steel )ipe0 so it is ti%e to retire that &aith&ul length o& blunt %etal0 and use the ?atana as your %ain hand4to4hand weapon &ro% now on. .n$e they are all dead0 run ba$k to the door you &irst entered this hallway &ro% and put your ba$k to it as though you 6ust $a%e in0 to orient yoursel&. +he door dire$tly to Heather2s right0 on the east wall0 is 6a%%ed0 so ignore it and head &orward. +he hallway turns sharply right0 and the ne3t door on Heather2s right is 6a%%ed0 so keep going until you rea$h an interse$tion. +here should be a door on Heather2s right0 on the south wall0 a short stret$h o& hallway straight ahead0 where you $an see a door straight ahead on the west wall and another ne3t to it on the south wall0 and a hallway stret$hing north. +he &irst door on the south wall0 right at the interse$tion0 opens0 but it is nothing but a tiny roo% with an 1nsane Can$er in it and no ite%s. +his 1nsane Can$er is alert as you $o%e in and the roo% is s%all0 so it %ight be a tough &ight i& you want to do it0 but the ?atana %akes it easier. 1 suggest ignoring the roo% entirely. +he two doors straight ahead to the west are both 6a%%ed0 so head north up the interse$ting hallway. 7o through the ne3t door on the west wall0 to Heather2s right. +his is an o&&i$e0 $o%plete with $ubi$le4like desks. .n the west4%ost o& the two $losest to the door0 you will &ind a Health *rink. +here are a lot o& desks and shel"es and papers and 6unk in this roo%0 but the only other ite% o& interest is on the shel& in the northwest $orner o& the roo%0 the Aa$k. +he $a%era angle will shi&t to highlight its lo$ationn as you draw near. Head ba$k a$ross this roo% and go out the door you $a%e in. +here is a door al%ost right a$ross &ro% you on the east wall0 and two down the hallway to the north. +he two to the north are 6a%%ed0 so go through the door on the east wall. @ou will ha"e to unlo$k it &ro% this side0 as it is the other side o& the lo$ked ?:- auto door that you saw earlier. @ou are ba$k in the %ain area o& the &i&th &loor0 near the ele"ators. Head &orward a bit then take a le&t to head north past the ele"ators0 then go through the door with the red light abo"e it on Heather2s right0 ba$k into the stair$ase and go ba$k downstairs and out the door ba$k onto the third &loor. +urn le&t and run past the ele"ators0 then turn le&t again and run until you rea$h the door leading to :oni$a2s *an$e Studios. 7o through the door0 and then in the ne3t hallway0 go through the door straight a$ross the hall0 into the Sa"e Eoo%. Ee%e%ber the stu$k drawer right ne3t to the Sa"e )ointC BUseB the S$rew *ri"er on it to pry it open and re$ei"e the Eope. +hen use the Sa"e )oint i& you want0 and lea"e the roo%. 7o ba$k a$ross the hall and enter the %ain ele"ator roo%0 and go to the west ele"ator. BUseB the Aa$k on the partially open ele"ator doors0 and then0 on$e they are open enough &or Heather to slip through0 BUseB the Eope on the open doorway to se$ure the rope so that you $an $li%b down it into the ele"ator sha&t. When pro%pted0 sele$t ByesB0 and Heather will lower

hersel& down to the se$ond &loor0 where the ele"ator doors are also open. :o"e &orward a bit until you are standing in the interse$tion o& two hallways. +here is a 6a%%ed door and a Sa"e )oint to the north0 i& you want to use it !%ight be a good idea &or those who aren2t too $on$erned with their nu%ber o& sa"es#. +o the east is the other ele"ator0 but it still isn2t working. Head south until you rea$h the ne3t interse$ting hallways. Straight ahead are so%e bathroo%s0 but their doors are 6a%%ed. At the end o& the hallway to Heather2s le&t !east#0 there is a 6a%%ed door with the words B,CH. 1nteriors P Floor FashionsB written on it. Head west. Where the hall turns to the right0 there will be a 6a%%ed door to your le&t0 a door straight ahead0 and a short hallway to your right0 with a 6a%%ed door at the end and a lo$ked door on the west wall5 all the doors are sten$iled with the ,CH. logo. 7o through the &irst door on the west wall0 the only one that will open. +his is another re$eption area0 though this one is rather... dingy looking. +here is only one ite% in this roo%0 a pa$kage o& ;ee& Aerky at the &eet o& a stone dog in the southwest $orner o& the roo%. +here are two doors on the south wall0 but neither o& the% will open. 7o through the door on the north wall0 on the &ar side o& the desk. +his roo% is &ull o& bathroo% &i3tures0 though there is nothing you $an do with the%. +here is a door to the east that is the &ar side o& the ,CH. door that was lo$ked when you e3a%ined it in the hallway. Unlo$k it i& you like0 though it doesn2t really %atter. 7o through the door on the north wall. +here is nothing o& interest in this s%all storeroo% e3$ept &or a single bathtub. When you get near it0 the $a%era angle shi&ts0 re"ealing that it %ay be i%portant. ,3a%ine the tub to begin a disturbing $uts$ene0 and $hange your entire situation. 114$43. B;usiness so e"il0 it %ust be owned by ;ill 7ates..B: Hilltop Center *ark Side +hat ti%e we got to see reality shi&t to the *ark Side. -eatoF u$kily0 the %ap still works &or this area... so%ewhat. Head south through the altered area0 as it is the only way you $an go. ,3it through the door at the end. H%%. :ore bloody linoleu%. +o Heather2s right0 there is a rusty wheel$hair with a doll and a bo3 o& Handgun A%%o sitting in the seat5 both are great gi&ts &or young girls0 but you $an only take the a%%o. Straight ahead is so%ething that looks like a pie$e o& de%ented per&or%an$e art5 there is a $age with &luores$ent lights bound to it0 and in the %iddle is so%e sort o& inert $reature dangling &ro% one ar%0 with what 1 hope is 6ust a baby doll dangling &ro% the other. +his is blo$king a door0 whi$h you will not be able to get through. +urn le&t and go around a strange0 rustyHbloody $age thing to go $are&ully out through the door on the east wall. +here is a new beastie here0 a $rawling %onstrosity known as the Slurper !see se$tion 14b4/ &or %ore details#0 as well as two *ouble Heads. +he Slurpers are al%ost as noisy as the )endulu%s. +here is

one nearby0 so kill it with the ?atana i& it $o%es at you. 1& you are able to &inish it Dui$kly0 then you will be able to kill the *ouble Heads easier later. 1 suggest killing the Slurper &irst0 then dealing with the *ouble Heads later0 one by one0 when you $o%e ba$k to this hallway a little later. +hat way0 they don2t all $o%e at you all at on$e. 1& they *. $o%e at you all at on$e0 blast the% with the shotgun to hurt the% all in a group0 and on$e you ha"e thinned their nu%bers0 swit$h to the ?atana to &inish o&& the stragglers. Howe"er you $hoose to deal with the%0 turn le&t at the door you entered the area through and go straight north0 through the door at the end. +his was on$e so%e kind o& waiting roo% !$he$king the %ap tells you that this was the 7reen Eidge :ental Health Clini$5 wonder&ul#. +urn right and head past the $he$k in into the %ain part o& the roo%. .n a ben$h against the west wall you will &ind a photograph with the words BFind the Holy .ne. ?ill herCB written on the ba$k. +urns out that is a pi$ture o& Heather. +his $an2t be good. Aust beyond the ben$h0 also on the west wall0 is a Sa"e )oint. *on2t use it Duite yet0 as there are is a long $uts$ene $o%ing up0 a &ew ite%s to &ind0 and then you $an sa"e on the way out0 so that i& you die or ha"e to Duit0 you won2t ha"e to go through the $uts$ene again. +here is a lo$ked door on the east wall0 opposite the Sa"e )oint. 7o through the door on the north wall. +his triggers a $uts$ene in whi$h we %eet a new $hara$ter0 the &irst sin$e we %et Claudia ba$k in the :all0 and the &irst hu%an we ha"e seen sin$e you le&t *ouglas and entered the Subway. +his is Vin$ent0 and he knows %ore than he is telling. When you %ention Claudia0 Vin$ent gets upset0 and says that she was brainwashed by Bthat $raGy old hagB. He then retra$ts the state%ent0 saying that B$raGy old hagB is a bit harsh0 $onsidering the wo%an he is re&erring to is Heather2s %other. When Heather presses hi% about this0 he is a%aGed that she doesn2t know anything about it0 suggesting BHarryB didn2t tell her about her true past be$ause he didn2t want Heather to turn against hi%. Heather gets upset0 and tells Vin$ent not to talk about her &ather like that. So this BHarryB is Heather2s &ather. ;ells should be going o&& &or Silent Hill "eterans right about now. Anyway0 Heather says to Vin$ent that i& he knows so %u$h0 why doesn2t he stop whate"er is happeningC He de%urs0 saying that Heather should $ontinue to en6oy hersel& a little longer. When Heather is appalled by this state%ent0 he ad%its that he hi%sel& &inds e"ents B&as$inatingB. Heather0 disgusted by hi% and now $on"in$ed that he is in $ahoots with Claudia0 lea"es the roo% through a di&&erent door than she entered0 and you enter the $lini$2s o&&i$e. Heather re&uses to go ba$k through the door leading to the roo% where she %et Vin$ent0 so e3a%ine the shel& to Heather2s le&t &or a be"y o& ite%s0 one o& whi$h is i%portant to pro$eeding5 there is a bottle o& .3ydol0 and a &ew health ite%s. Aust how %any ite%s0 and what kind0 is deter%ined by how %any health ite%s you had when you entered the $onstru$tion site. 1 usually get two Health *rinks and a First Aid ?it. @ou will get an idea o& what the .3ydol will be used &or in 6ust a %o%ent. +o the right o& the shel& with all the ite%s0 on the south wall0 there is an open 6unior high s$hool $he%istry book. 1t reads0 BWhen you pour diluted hydrogen pero3ide onto %anganese dio3ide0 o3ygen is produ$ed. Although o3ygen will not burn on its own0 it will help other things to burn.B +hough it is not e3pli$itly stated0 the .3ydol is diluted hydrogen pero3ide0 the stu&& that &oa%s when you put it on $uts to disin&e$t the%. +his &oa%ing is $aused by the release o&

o3ygen as the hydrogen pero3ide intera$ts with ba$teria in the wound. And this is basi$ally all the book is saying5 the o3ygen released when the .3ydol rea$ts with ba$teria on a wound $ould be enough to sti%ulate &la%es0 i& it was releasing enough o3ygen. Eegardless0 there is nothing you $an do with it now. @ou will see the $le"er way in whi$h it is used a little later. -ow lea"e this roo% through the door on the west wall. @ou will need to unlo$k it &irst0 as this is the other side o& the door that was lo$ked a$ross &ro% the Sa"e )oint in the re$eption area. Use the Sa"e )oint i& you want0 and then lea"e through the door on the east wall0 ba$k into the hallway with the Slurper. 1& you didn2t kill the two *ouble Heads and the Slurper here earlier0 this is the ti%e to do so. Use ?atana to take the% out one at a ti%e i& possible0 or the ShotgunH?atana $o%bo dis$ussed earlier i& they $o%e at you all at on$e. .n$e they are dead0 go ba$k to the door leading to the do$tor2s o&&i$e that you 6ust $a%e out o& to orient yoursel&0 and put your ba$k to it as i& you 6ust $a%e out. +o your right is a 6a%%ed door. +he ne3t door on the right is the one leading ba$k into the area where you &irst appeared in the *ark Side. +he door at the south end o& the hallway is 6a%%ed. +urn le&t here and then run until you rea$h an interse$tion. +here are bathroo%s to your right0 but the doors are 6a%%ed0 as is the only door down the hallway straight ahead0 on the east wall. +urn le&t and run until the ele"ators are on either side o& you. +he door in the al$o"e straight ahead0 whi$h would ha"e led into the stairway0 is 6a%%ed0 and the west ele"ator0 on Heather2s le&t0 doesn2t work. +he east ele"ator0 on Heather2s right0 does. 7et into the ele"ator0 against your better 6udg%ent. A gate sla%s shut behind Heather0 but don2t &reak out5 it is 6ust &or e&&e$t. ,3a%ine the panel to the right o& the door to sele$t a &loor. Choose the &irst &loor0 B8B. +he ele"ator will go down one &loor0 and you will auto%ati$ally step out into the &irst &loor2s lobby area. @our Eadio should be going $raGy as soon as you step out o& the ele"ator0 but you are a$tually sa&e &or the %o%ent. +here is a big0 nasty %onster nearby0 but it will not hurt you5 it is 6ust there to %ake sure you $an2t get out o& the building. +o &ind hi%0 take a le&t as you lea"e the ele"ator0 then take a right and head north0 &ollowing a swath o& blood until you &ind the %onster. 7o ahead and walk right up to it and e3a%ine it. 1t won2t bite. 1t is $alled a 7lutton0 and your weapons won2t hurt it0 so don2t e"en try. And it is indeed blo$king your way out. .n the ground in &ront o& it is an open0 but in$o%plete storybook telling o& a %onster that li"ed at the gates o& a town0 so that no one $ould get out !sound &a%iliarC#. ?nights rode against the %onster with swords and spears0 but none were e&&e$ti"e0 and the %onster ate the% one by one. .ne day a priestess $a%e to town to &a$e the %onster0 and she... well0 the rest o& the story is %issing. Heather re%e%bers reading the story when she was younger0 but is &rustrated to &ind that she $an2t re%e%ber how it ended. :aybe our intrepid hero should be taking 7inkgo ;iloba &or her %e%ory. +here is nothing you $an do about it at the %o%ent0 so head ba$k south0 past the ele"ators !well0 the ele"ator0 anyway5 noti$e the western ele"ator is blo$ked o&& by a &en$e#0 until you rea$h an interse$tion. Straight ahead there is rubble blo$king where the bathroo%s would be. +he door at the end o& the hallway to Heather2s right !west# is lo$ked0 and you don2t ha"e a key. +urn le&t and run to the east. +here are three doors here0 but only the one on the north wall will open. 7o through the north door.

+his is the ast *rop Ca&L !as you $an &ind out a little later#. -ow listen $are&ully. +here is an 1nsane Can$er in this roo%0 but he $an be a"oided. He will not rise unless you $o%e too $lose to hi%0 su$h as to grab the Shotgun Shells &ro% the table ne3t to hi%. So you $an a"oid battling hi% entirely by staying as &ar away &ro% hi% as possible as you %o"e through the roo%0 and sa"ing the Shotguns Shells &or AS+ so that you $an Goo% in0 grab the%0 and then run out the door as he rises. .r you $an 6ust kill hi%. 1 don2t $are. Anyway0 as you enter this roo% there is a $ash register on a $ounter to Heather2s right0 spilling %oney0 but that is o& no $on$ern to us. Aust beyond the $ounter to the north is the dor%ant 1nsane Can$er0 and the Shotgun Shells are on the table to the right o& hi%. +urn right and head toward the west wall. At the end o& the wrap around $ounter0 to Heather2s right0 against the west wall0 is a bloody &ridge. +his $ontains the only other ite% you want in this roo%0 the )ork i"er. H%%0 what would happen i& you poured .3ydol onto the li"erC 1sn2t it essentially a big open wound o& a sort0 so wouldn2t the hydrogen pero3ide pro"ide a lot o& o3ygen i& we poured it onC @ou don2t need to use the% yet0 but it is so%ething to keep in %ind. Head ba$k towards the e3it and grab the Shotgun Shells o&& the table and run out the door to the south as the 1nsane Can$er rises0 i& you didn2t kill it earlier. :ake sure you ha"e the Shotgun Shells and the )ork i"er either way0 and then lea"e through the south door. We ha"e done all we $an on this &loor &or the %o%ent0 sin$e the door to the west is lo$ked. Head ba$k to the ele"ator by turning right0 running to the end o& the hall0 turning right again and running north towards the 7lutton %onster0 and then taking your ne3t right to take you to the ele"ator. 7et in0 and then $hoose the &i&th &loor0 %arked B<B !in addition to the se$ond &loor0 where you started0 and the &irst and &i&th &loors0 you $an also get o&& at the &ourth. ;ut sin$e we will be e3ploring this &loor a little later0 &ro% a di&&erent dire$tion0 skip it &or the %o%ent#. When the ele"ator lets you o&& on the &i&th &loor0 turn le&t and step out o& the ele"ator al$o"e. +he &loor is %issing north o& you0 so don2t try to go that way0 and the other ele"ator dire$tly a$ross &ro% you doesn2t work0 so turn le&t and head south until you rea$h another interse$tion. As has been the nor%0 you $annot enter the bathroo%s straight ahead0 on the south wall0 as their doors are 6a%%ed. +he path to Heather2s le&t0 leading east0 has no &loor. So west it is0 to Heather2s right. 7o through the door at the end0 with the blue light abo"e it. +here are two Slurpers in this hallway0 so kill the% one by one or dodge the% as you see &it. +he door straight ahead o& the door you $a%e through !west wall# and the two doors at the end o& the passage north o& you all ha"e broken lo$ks0 so head south down the hallway until you rea$h a B+B interse$tion. +he door straight ahead is 6a%%ed0 so turn right. +he ne3t door on the south wall opens0 but there is nothing in the s%all roo% e3$ept &or a Slurper on the other side o& &en$e0 where neither one o& you $an do da%age to the other. ?eep heading west and go through the door at the end o& the hall. :etal &en$es he% in this s%all area0 and there is nothing in the roo% e3$ept &or a table with a &ew ite%s on it. At the end o& the table

$losest to the door are two bo3es o& Handgun A%%o. .n the east side o& the table is a book o& :at$hes that Heather $an pi$k up0 and a still s%oldering $igarette in an ashtray. ,3a%ining this re"eals that Heather was on$e a s%oker0 but Duit &or good. +here is nothing else to &ind0 so lea"e the roo% now. Eun east down the hallway0 past the interse$tion you originally $a%e &ro% the north. A&ter the interse$tion0 on the right !south# wall is another 6a%%ed door. Aust beyond that0 where the hallway turns0 is a $hilling sight. +he eastern wall o& the $orridor appears to be %ade o& glass0 at through it Heather $an see a wheel$hair illu%inated by the yellow light spilling out o& an open doorway. She $an2t break the BglassB0 and she doesn2t know what the s$ene signi&ies0 but she says the s$ene on the other side o& the glass B$allsB to her. +his should look &a%iliar to players o& the original Silent Hill. +urn le&t at the glass wall and run past the ne3t door on the east wall0 whi$h is 6a%%ed0 and out through the door at the end o& the hallway0 on the north wall. +here should be a yawning $has% to Heather2s le&t0 another door with a broken lo$k to Heather2s right !west#0 and a door on the north wall. 7o through it. +his is the area that was the 7allery o& Fine Arts in the BrealB world. All the other doors leading out o& this roo% are now 6a%%ed0 but there is a Sa"e )oint on the wall where the BEepressor o& :e%oriesB painting on$e hung. 1n &a$t0 all o& the paintings that were hung in this roo% originally are %issing0 and the painting that was %issing in the real world is hanging on the wall in the *ark Side gallery. 1 guess we know what happened to it. ,3a%ine the BFla%e )uri&ies AllB painting &or the &irst ti%e. +he $aption underneath the painting says0 B;y these re%ains %ay a person &ind the road to )aradise.B H%%... sounds a lot like what Claudia said about )aradise earlier. Heather says she re%e%bers this painting... though she has ne"er seen it be&ore. -oti$e the bu$ket underneath the painting. Fla%e puri&ies all0 huhC Well0 let2s puri&y this bad boy. Use the BCo%bineB $o%%and on the :at$hes0 the .3ydol0 and the )ork i"er0 and then BUseB the% on the bu$ket to set the painting on &ire and stoke the &la%es with the o3ygen released &ro% the hydrogen pero3ideH%anganese dio3ide %i3ture. +his re"eals that there is a hat$h4like door behind where the painting on$e hung0 whi$h Heather $an &it through. Sa"e at the Sa"e )oint on the west wall i& you would like0 then go through the BdoorB where the BFla%e )uri&ies AllB painting on$e hung. +here are strange noises and things %o"ing in here0 but none o& the% are a threat. Straight ahead as you enter this roo% are weird photographs hung on a rusty &ra%ework. ;eyond the%0 strange0 %eaty things are %o"ing. +urn right and head down a short &light o& stairs. At the botto%0 on a table to Heather2s le&t0 is a table with the se$ond part o& the &airy tale you &ound at the &eet o& the 7lutton on top o& it. +his install%ent tells how the priestess atte%pted to talk the %onster out o& its e"il ways0 without "iolen$e. )redi$tably0 the %onster killed her. +hus endeth the lesson. +his is not the end o& the &airy tale0 howe"er0 as there is one %ore part to &ind be&ore you &igure out how the 7lutton $an be de&eated. Head out through the door on the south wall0 to the right o& the stairs.

For the re$ord0 you are now on the &ourth &loor. +here are &our Slurpers in the long0 dark hallway0 so kill the% all0 as there are too %any to %ake easy na"igation o& the hallway possible. 1& you $an &a$e the% one at a ti%e0 use the ?atana0 or at %ost the Handgun to take the% out. 1& you $an get two or %ore Slurpers to bun$h together0 use the Shotgun. 1t is possible0 though di&&i$ult0 to run past %ost o& the% and get the% all to &ollow you0 then turn around Dui$kly and blast the% all at on$e with the Shotgun to sa"e a%%o. .n$e the are all dead0 return to the north end o& the hallway to orient yoursel&. +he &irst door on Heather2s right !on the north wall# is 6a%%ed. +he blue4lit door on the west wall $an be unlo$ked &ro% this side0 but do not go through it right now. +he ne3t door0 on Heather2s le&t0 is 6a%%ed. +he ne3t door on Heather2s le&t0 right where the $orridor turns right again0 opens. :ight as well $he$k it out. +here is only one thing in this roo% o& interest5 the bed on Heather2s right0 on the other side o& the $hain link &en$e has a bo3 o& Handgun A%%o and a First Aid ?it sitting on top o& it. 1t also has a Slurper underneath it0 who does not register on the Eadio until it atta$ks0 as Heather grabs the goodies !so %ake sure you ha"e the bullet4proo& "est eDuipped be&ore you try &or the ite%#. ?ill the bastard0 then lea"e the roo% the way you $a%e in. 7o straight ahead !westward# past a 6a%%ed door on the north wall0 and out the door &a$ing west. When you &irst enter this $orridor0 there is but a single Slurper0 so kill hi% while he is alone. As you %o"e &urther down the $orridor0 two *ouble Heads appear ba$k the way you $a%e. ?ill the% as well i& you want to0 though it %ay 6ust be easier to dodge the% through the ne3t portion. Heading &orward &ro% the door you entered the $orridor through0 the ne3t door0 the one Heather2s le&t0 on the east wall0 is 6a%%ed. +he ne3t door is on your right0 and it is another blue4lit door leading into the lobby area o& the &ourth &loor. Unlo$k it i& you want to0 but don2t go through it yet. Follow the path as it turns east0 past the ne3t 6a%%ed door on the north wall. +he path will then turn north again0 ter%inating in a door at the end o& the hall. 7o through it. +his roo% see%s al%ost $al%ing a&ter the hallways &ull o& Slurpers and *ouble Heads. Against the south wall is a table with a desk la%p shining on a pile o& sil"er $oins. +ake one. Heather won2t take %ore than 6ust the one0 as she says she isn2t a thie&0 e"en though she %ay a$t like one so%eti%es. 1nteresting. :aneu"er through the dis$arded desks and tables until you are standing ne3t to the soda %a$hine in the northeast $orner o& the roo%. +here is gra&&iti on the east wall ne3t to the soda %a$hine0 whi$h reads B+hus one2s li&e turns to ri$hes: What was a bag o& sil"er $oins is now the nu%ber in a book. @et &aith hath no pri$e... Ah0 but do people know thisCB Wow. *eep. -ow e3a%ine the soda %a$hine0 and Heather will %ention that she 1S a little thirsty0 though she would &eel strange drinking so%ething she got in a pla$e like this. 7et her a drink anyway. BUseB the Sil"er Coin on the soda %a$hine to get a $an0 but there isn2t a drink in it. Heather realiGes it $lanks when she shakes it0 and du%ps the $ontents out on the $ounter ne3t to her. 1t is the i&e 1nsuran$e ?ey. How the hell did that get in thereC .h well. +he i&e 1nsuran$e o&&i$es are on the &irst &loor0 on the other side o& the lo$ked western door in the area where the

7lutton lurks. now.

+here is nothing else to do here0 so lea"e the roo%

,"en i& you killed the% all be&ore0 there are a $ouple o& new Slurpers in this area0 as well as the two *ouble Heads i& you didn2t kill the% earlier. ;ut it is easiest to 6ust run &or the e3it0 whi$h iss the door with the blue light abo"e it that 1 %entioned unlo$king earlier. Eun south0 and then &ollow the hallway as it turns east0 dodging the ene%ies as you go. +he door is straight east as you turn the &irst $orner0 so run straight through it0 ha%%ering the BIB button to unlo$k it i& you didn2t earlier. +his is another lobby area. A &en$e blo$ks o&& the bathroo%s that should be on the south wall a$$ording to your %ap. +here is another blue4lit door dire$tly a$ross &ro% the door that you 6ust $a%e through0 but it 6ust leads ba$k into the other hallway. +urn le&t by where the bathroo%s should be0 and head towards the ele"ators. @ou will &ind that towards the eastern ele"ator is the only way you $an go0 as there is no &loor to the north or west. Step into the ele"ator and go down to the &irst &loor. 7o to the door to the i&e 1nsuran$e &ir% by heading south &ro% the ele"ator0 then going west at the ne3t hallway. +he door is at the end. @ou $an now open this door using the i&e 1nsuran$e ?ey. *o so0 and then step through the door. @ou should be able to hear the sound o& two Slurpers at the south end o& the hallway. +here are two doors down the hallway north0 to Heather2s right0 but the lo$ks to both are 6a%%ed0 so don2t bother. +urn le&t and head south. 1& you are Dui$k enough0 you %ight be able to $at$h the two Slurpers while they are tearing at a hunk o& %eat0 whi$h will %ake killing the% or slipping by the% easier. @ou won2t need to worry about the% later0 so do whate"er you want. +here is only one door in this hallway that will open0 other than the one you &irst $a%e through. A&ter the hallway turns east0 it will be the se$ond door on the north wall5 right ne3t to the pile o& rubble that blo$ks the rest o& the entran$e !where the lu%p o& %eat the two Slurpers were eating o&& o& is lo$ated0 i& you $aught the% at their %eal#. 7o through this door. +his roo% looks like an abattoir0 and there is only one thing you need &ro% it. 1n the %iddle o& the northern%ost table is the last part o& the &airy tale &ro% earlier. Eead it. 1t tells you that 7od took pity on the stupid priestess0 and returned her to li&e. She went ba$k to &a$e the beast on$e %ore0 but neither atta$ked it0 nor talked to it. 1nstead she $hanted a single spell0 B+U FU10 ,7. ,E1SB !%y atin is rusty0 but that %eans either B@ou were %e0 now 1 a% youB or BAs you were0 now 1 a%B# and the %onster let out a $ry and died. +he people $ould use their gate again. +he end. As Heather reads the in$antation aloud0 trying to &igure out what it is saying0 there is the sound o& a beast bellowing &ro% so%ewhere outside the roo%. We had better $he$k it out. ea"e the gore4soaked roo%. +urn right0 and run until the $orridor turns north0 then run north until you rea$h the &irst door on Heather2s right0 in the %iddle o& the east wall. 7o through0 ready &or battle.

.r not. +he radio is no longer registering the 7lutton in this roo%. Eun &orward until you $lear the hallway0 then run straight north0 towards where the 7lutton was. +he %onster is gone0 though the storybook still re%ains. +here is door in the north wall0 whi$h the 7lutton was on$e guarding. 7o through it to es$ape the Hilltop Center. @ou are al%ost ho%e0 as Heather will tell you i& you e3a%ine the o%inous awning surrounding this area. +here is really only one way to go. +hough there are lots o& $ones and $ars and awnings and whatnot between here and there0 there are no ite%s to &ind0 no %onsters0 and no $lues to the greater %ystery0 so head straight ho%e. +urn right at the doors to the Hilltop Center0 and run until an alleyway opens on your le&t0 then du$k down the alleyway. Follow the narrow alleyway &or Duite a while0 and it will turn to your right. Follow it and soon you will see a lighted doorway at the top o& a short &light o& steps0 with a sign ne3t to the door. +he sign says B*aisy Villa Apart%entsB0 whi$h is what the key in Heather2s in"entory tells you is her ho%e. 7o through the door. Eun &orward0 past a door on your right0 and &ollow the hallway as it turns le&t0 then right. +here will be %any doors in here0 but the one we are seeking will be on Heather2s le&t0 and the $a%era will shi&t to highlight it. Continue &orward until the area widens up into a &our4way interse$tion. First0 turn right. +here is a Sa"e Sy%bol s$rawled on the wall to Heather2s right0 dire$tly a$ross &ro% so%e %ailbo3es. 1t %akes Heather angry to see it there0 but use it anyway0 as you are at a $riti$al 6un$ture. -ow $ontinue. At the interse$tion0 take a right. +he door to Heather2s apart%ent is the ne3t one0 on the le&t. 7o in now &or so%e "ery unhappy news. +here is no doubt about it now. Heather2s &ather is Harry :ason &ro% the original Silent Hill0 and Heather &inds hi% dead in his ar%$hair in the li"ing roo%. She sobs and grie"es as she should &or a while0 then noti$es a trail o& blood leading out the patio doors and out onto the &ire es$ape. Ee"enge on her %ind0 she &ollows the trail o& blood to the roo&. Here she $on&ronts Claudia0 who says that she killed Harry be$ause he s$rewed up her order2s plans se"enteen years ago0 and this is her re"enge. She also says that she killed hi% be$ause he took Heather away &ro% the%0 and be$ause she wants to &ill Heather2s heart with hatred &or so%e reason. She says that Heather needs to re%e%ber her0 and her true sel& as well0 and that she will birth a god. Heather raises her gun to kill her0 but Claudia points to a large hulking &igure that is stepping out o& the shadows0 and says that this $reature is the one who killed Harry0 and that she %erely ga"e the order. She then lea"es Heather to the %onster2s dubious %er$y0 and says that she will be waiting &or Heather where it all began0 in the town o& Silent Hill. 114$49. ;.SS F17H+: :1SS1.-AE@ +his is your &irst real boss &ight sin$e the Splitwor% in the Central SDuare Shopping :all. +he big ene%y in the Underground you ele$tro$uted with a Hair *ryer0 and the 7lutton you got rid o& with an in$antation. +he &irst thing you %ust do upon &a$ing the :issionary is eDuip the Shotgun. +he ne3t thing you %ust do is get ready to sidestep his atta$ks. +he %onster runs around the area Dui$kly0 and will run

right at Heather when he thinks there is an opening. He also blo$ks atta$ks &ro% the &ront0 e"en bullets0 using his ar% blades. So what you need to do is play %atador. ?eep hi% in your sights0 and keep on the %o"e. When he tries to $harge you0 use the B 8B or BE8B buttons to stra&e Dui$kly out o& his way0 then blast hi% &ro% the side or ba$k as he runs past you. +his will kno$k hi% to the ground. ;last hi% again when he is on the ground0 but don2t get too $lose0 as he atta$ks as he rises0 and this atta$k $an2t be blo$ked i& you are inside its range. Ee%e%ber to use your de&ense button o$$asionally to blo$k his regular atta$ks i& ne$essary0 but &or the %ost part keep %o"ing. A&ter eight or nine blast &ro% the shotgun0 the beast should $ollapse. *o the .A. Shu&&le on the ba$k o& its head until it is truly dead. When Heather returns to her apart%ent0 she &inds that *ouglas is waiting &or her. She is outraged0 and bla%es hi% &or e"erything that happened0 and he is repentant. He helps Heather get her &ather into his bed and $o"er hi% with a sheet0 in lieu o& a proper burial0 whi$h she doesn2t ha"e ti%e &or right now. She is going to Silent Hill0 to get re"enge on Claudia. *ouglas tries to talk her out o& it0 and when he $an2t he $on"in$es her to allow hi% to gi"e her a ride to Silent Hill0 be$ause he &eels bad about what happened. .n$e *ouglas goes outside to wait in the $ar0 so that Heather $an say her &inal goodbyes in pri"ate0 e3a%ine Harry2s body to %ake a &inal pro%ise to hi%0 and then lea"e the roo%. Walk straight a$ross the apart%ent0 and stop to e3a%ine the $hair where you &ound Harry2s body &or so%e &inal saddening thoughts about her &ather. +hen go through the door on the wall the $hair is &a$ing. +his is Heather2s roo%. 1n the dresser a$ross &ro% the door is desk $ontaining a Stun 7un that her &ather ga"e her &or sel&4de&ense0 and two Stun 7un batteries. ,3a%ine the roo% &or so%e %ore o& Heather2s personal thoughts0 then lea"e the roo%. +hat2s all there is to do here. @ou $an e3a%ine things around the apart%ent to &ind so%e insights into Harry2s li&e0 but that is about it. He had a lo"e o& dete$ti"e no"els0 and was e"en a writer hi%sel&. And now he is dead. +urn le&t at the $hair and go out the &ront door0 ne3t to a table with a phone and a la%p on it. 7o ba$k to the Sa"e )oint0 but don2t bother using it. +here will be another one soon. 7o through the door ne3t to the sa"e point to go out to the $ar where *ouglas is waiting. *ouglas says that Vin$ent stopped by when Heather was inside0 said to look &or a %an na%ed eonard when they rea$hed Silent Hill0 and then ga"e the% a %ap. Heather knows that she $an2t trust Vin$ent0 but also knows that she has no $hoi$e. *ouglas also gi"es Heather another ite%: her &ather2s 6ournal. Heather reads the 6ournal on the way to Silent Hill0 and then &alls silent. *ouglas asks her what happened to Silent Hill5 he was there on$e on a %issing person2s $ase0 and sin$e then it has gotten really $raGy. Heather says that she was born and raised there0 though

*ouglas2 in&or%ation says that she grew up in )ortland. She then pro$eeds to tell hi% the story o& the original Silent Hill. ;asi$ally0 a wo%an na%ed *ahlia 7illespie was a %e%ber o& a $ult worshipping an an$ient god. She su%%oned up the soul o& that god into the body o& her "ery own daughter0 so that she $ould $ontrol it. As she grew up0 the girl2s $lass%ates $alled her a wit$h0 be$ause she had strange powers. ,"entually0 the $ult %anaged to su%%on the god out o& the girl0 but be&ore the god did any real da%age0 it was destroyed by Harry :ason0 Heather2s &ather. +he girl who had bourn the god inside her died as well0 but a&ter the god was dead0 she returned with an in&ant girl in her ar%s0 and ga"e her to Harry to prote$t. +hat girl was Heather. +his is the "ery0 "ery si%pli&ied "ersion o& the story o& Silent Hill that Heather tells *ouglas0 &or the &ull0 %ore a$$urate "ersion0 you will ha"e to play the original Silent Hill. When they get to Silent Hill0 Heather and *ouglas take a roo% in a lo$al establish%ent $alled Aa$k2s 1nn. *ouglas is going to $he$k out the house o& this eonard guy0 and Heather is to $he$k out ;rookha"en Hospital0 where eonard was a %ental patient. A&ter they &inish their respe$ti"e tasks0 they are to %eet ba$k at the 1nn. *ouglas ad%its be&ore he lea"es that he is pretty &reaked out by e"erything that is going on0 but goes anyway be$ause he is a de$ent person. A&ter he is o& the roo% the door to the town o& gone0 e3a%ine the table ne3t to the only door leading out to &ind a Sa"e )oint ne3t to the +V. +hen lea"e through the right o& the Sa"e )oint to take your &irst steps into Silent Hill.

114d. )art Four: BShotgun surgery at ;rookha"en HospitalB 114d48. BSilent Hill: Co%e For +he S$enery0 Stay For +he :ind -u%bing HorrorB: +he +own o& Silent Hill +he good news is you are &inally in the town o& Silent Hill. +he bad news is there isn2t any real e3ploring to do. +hose &a%iliar with Silent Hill ' will re$ogniGe this area o& town well0 and there are no new ite%s or lo$ations to be &ound. ;rookha"en Hospital0 the hospital we are now heading towards0 is the sa%e one that Aa%es Sunderland "isited while looking &or his dead wi&e :ary in Silent Hill '. *on2t bother di"erting &ro% the &ollowing dire$tions unless you really want to kill e"ery possible %onster in the ga%e. +here is not a single ite% or doorway to be &ound that 1 won2t be leading you too. 1& you &ollow -athan A"enue too &ar east or west0 Heather will turn around and say that she doesn2t need to go that way. o$ations su$h as )ete2s ;owl4o4ra%a and Eosewater )ark are $losed to you. +here are Duite a &ew *ouble Heads and )endulu%s roa%ing the street0 so a"oid the% where you $an and 6ust keep %o"ing. +hat ha"ing been said0 let2s get going. -a"igating the streets o& Silent Hill $an be a bit tri$ky with all o& that thi$k %ist e"erywhere0 so try to keep the sidewalk in "iew while running0 to stay oriented and %ake sure you don2t %iss any turns. ;ring up you %ap !you ha"e a %ap already be$ause Vin$ent ga"e one to *ouglas outside o& Heather2s apart%ent# and you will noti$e only two things Heather has %arked on the %ap5 she has written down her roo% nu%ber at Aa$k2s 1nn !8(=# and she has $ir$led ;rookha"en Hospital2s lo$ation on the %ap. @ou %ust &ollow -athan A"enue west until it interse$ts with Carroll Street0 the &irst street you will rea$h0 whi$h

heads south. Si%ple enough. Eun &orward se"eral steps &ro% the &ront door to Heather and *ouglas2 roo%0 then turn to your le&t so that you are &a$ing north0 and run out the e3it to Aa$k2s 1nn2s parking lot. .n$e you rea$h the street0 turn le&t again0 so that Heather is &a$ing west0 and run0 keeping the sidewalk $lose to Heather2s le&t side. +his should ensure that you don2t %iss the turn onto Carroll Street when you rea$h it. +he &irst thing you should pass is the Aa$k2s 1nn sign on your le&t. Soon a&ter you will hear the howl o& a pair o& *ouble Heads. *on2t bother with the% unless you really want to5 6ust 6ag around any that get dire$tly in your path0 then read6ust to keep the sidewalk on your le&t and keep running west. ,"entually the *ouble Heads will get bored and lea"e you alone0 so long as you don2t stop to wait &or the%. +he ne3t %a6or land%ark you should pass is a gas station0 also on Heather2s le&t. +his is +e33on 7as. +here is nothing to &ind here0 so keep going. Aust past the gas station is the interse$tion with Carroll Street. Here you will hear the distin$ti"e sound o& a )endulu%0 and soon a&ter0 the howl o& a *ouble Head. 1gnore these as well0 i& you want to $onser"e health and a%%o. At Carroll Street0 turn le&t again and head south0 this ti%e keeping the sidewalk on Heather2s E17H+ $losest to her0 as this is where the ne3t land%arks will be. !For you kill 6unkies out there0 there are three *ouble Heads in the alleyway beside and behind )ete2s ;owl4o4ra%a0 and another )endulu% in the "i$inity o& +e33on 7as2 parking lot#. As be&ore0 the ene%ies will see% to be right on Heather2s heels0 but e"entually &all behind. When you are $lear o& the%0 $he$k your %ap. About hal& way down Carroll Street0 on Heather2s right0 is an establish%ent na%ed Hea"en2s -ight. +his is our ne3t goal0 but it is %ore o& a pit stop than a real lo$ation. Hug the right side o& the street0 and when you rea$h %ore open area in &ront o& Hea"en2s -ight0 run up on the sidewalk as you head south. +he $a%era angle will shi&t0 re"ealing an alleyway o&& to Heather2s right. +his alley leads to Hea"en2s -ight0 so detour west into this short alley and $li%b the stairs leading to the &ront door o& the establish%ent. 7o inside0 under the red and purple neon sign. +his is a dingy strip $lub where Silent Hill '2s :aria used to work. .n the table on Heather2s le&t as she $o%es in the door is a pa$kage o& ;ee& Aerky and a First Aid ?it0 as well as so%e assorted 6unk that you $an2t pi$k up. +o the right o& the door is a bar0 and at the &ar end0 under a neon sign portraying a re$lining wo%an with the word B)aradiseB written abo"e it0 is a bo3 o& Shotgun Shells. ,3a%ine the neon sign &or so%e interesting $o%%ents &ro% Heather about B)aradiseB. As you are &a$ing the sign0 turn le&t and run along the wall. Straight ahead is a door with a neon sign abo"e it that says B?1SSB. 1 a% assu%ing they aren2t pro%oting the ro$k band. Eegardless0 this door won2t open0 but on the $orner o& the stage ne3t to it is a &lyer pro%oting the return o& a bla$k haired dan$er na%ed ady :aria at /:(( p.%. on the '>th. +his is not i%portant to Heather2s ad"enture0 but is a barely "eiled re&eren$e to :aria &ro% Silent Hill '0 who on$e worked here. All by itsel& on a table al%ost right in the %iddle o& the roo% is a tourist2s bro$hure &or the town o& Silent Hill0 &irst seen in Silent Hill '. +his lo"ely little pie$e o& Hell2s propaganda is written by a %an na%ed Eoger Wid%ark and talks about how pea$e&ul you will &ind Silent Hill2s glorious %ountain en"iron%ent and gorgeous natural lake. +here are a lot o& words 1 $an think o& to des$ribe Silent Hill0 but Bpea$e&ulB is not a%ong the%. +here is nothing else

to &ind here0 so go ba$k out the door you $a%e in0 ne3t to the neon sign reading BHea"en2s -ightB. Eun down the stairs and out o& the alleyway0 and turn right when you rea$h Carroll Street to $ontinue south0 re%e%bering to keep the sidewalk "isible on Heather2s right. ;rookha"en Hospital is our ne3t goal0 and will be on this side o& the road. @ou will run past three %ore )endulu%s and one %ore *ouble Head be&ore you rea$h the gates leading to ;rookha"en0 but keep on tru$king !these are the last o& the ene%ies in the streets. For those o& you keeping tra$k0 or on a killing spree0 this brings the total ene%ies in the streets to se"en *ouble Heads and &i"e )endulu%s5 %ore than enough ene%ies &or the short stret$h o& street we 6ust e3plored#. When you rea$h ;rookha"en the $a%era angle will shi&t0 showing you an opening on your right leading to the &ront doors !don2t bother $ontinuing south0 as it dead ends in a $hain link &en$e not &ar past the hospital#. +urn right here and run straight up to and through the &ront doors0 lea"ing the dangerous streets o& Silent Hill behind... &or the dangerous interior o& ;rookha"en Hospital. 114d4'. BHelllooooooo -urseFB ;rookha"en Hospital Ah0 it &eels like $o%ing ho%e again... assu%ing your ho%e is a de%on4 ridden %ental hospital &ull o& blood and death. Eight o& the bat you are in danger. +here is a de%oni$ -urse down the hallway to your right0 and another one down the hallway to your le&t. *o yoursel& a &a"or and kill the% with the ?atana now0 one at a ti%e0 be&ore they $an gang up on you !see se$tion 14b4< &or %ore details#. A&ter they are dead0 return to the &ront door and put your ba$k to it to orient yoursel&. Al%ost dire$tly a$ross &ro% the &ront doors to the hospital is a gray door ne3t to a $losed ser"i$e window. 7o through it. .n the table dire$tly to Heather2s le&t as she enters the roo% is the Hospital :ap0 so take it. *ire$tly a$ross &ro% the door is a glowing Sa"e )oint. +o Heather2s right as she enters the roo% is an open $abinet with a Health *rink inside. 1& you were low on healing ite%s when you entered the hospital0 there will be two Health *rinks here instead o& one. +he other doors in this roo% are 6a%%ed0 and there are no %ore ite%s0 so sa"e i& you want0 then lea"e the roo% the way you $a%e in. ;ring up the %ap. All o& the roo%s are $learly labeled on the %ap &or on$e0 whi$h should %ake this a hell o& a lot easier than %ost areas. We want to go to the roo% %arked BVisiting Eoo%B0 in the hallway to Heather2s le&t as she lea"es the Sa"e roo% !the doors to the )har%a$y0 Store Eoo%0 and .bser"ation Eoo% are all 6a%%ed#. 7o inside. +his tiny roo% holds only a bookshel&0 a s%all stool0 a table and so%e $hairs0 a painting0 and a potted plant. .n the table is book with a ;arbie4like &ashion doll sitting ne3t to it !;arbie0 all o& her whorish &riends0 and her e%as$ulated boy&riend are all registered trade%arks o& the :attel Corporation0 all rights reser"ed#. ,3a%ine the doll &irst0 and Heather %entions that she had a doll like this one when she was young0 and it %akes her a bit nostalgi$. -ow e3a%ine the book. +his is the 6ournal o& so%eone na%ed Stanley Cole%an0 who is writing to a wo%an who he lo"es and has been waiting &or see%ingly &or a long ti%e0 who is $o%ing to Bres$ueB hi%. He has ne"er %et her be&ore0 and soon re&ers to the ob6e$t o& his a&&e$tions by na%e5 BHow 1 lo"e you0

HeatherB. He wants to gi"e Heather his doll0 as a gi&t $o%%e%orating their e"erlasting lo"e. Heather0 howe"er0 has $hanged her tune towards the doll in Duestion0 and when you e3a%ine it again she says she wouldn2t tou$h the disgusting thing with a ten4&oot pole. Well0 there is nothing %ore to see here0 so lea"e the roo%. Want to see so%ething interesting and %ore than a little bit $reepyC 1%%ediately turn around and go ba$k into the Visiting Eoo%. +he book and the doll are both gone. -ow there really is nothing %ore to see here. ea"e again. .ur ne3t stop is the *o$tor2s ounge0 $learly %arked on the %ap. in the hallway to the east. 7o inside. 1t is

+o Heather2s le&t as she enters you will see a little re&rigerator0 with a sign that says BFood .nlyF *o not store *rugsFB on it. ,ither Health *rinks $ount as a &ood produ$t or so%eone was breaking the rules0 be$ause there is one inside. 1& you $a%e into the hospital with little a%%o0 there will also be a bo3 o& Handgun A%%o here. 1& you ha"e been $onser"ing a%%o0 you are out o& lu$k. +he only other thing in this roo% is a %e%o on one end o& the $o&&ee table in the %iddle o& the roo%. 1t is a %edi$al report &or the eonard &ellow you are looking &or5 it lists hi% as being in roo% S8'0 with sy%pto%s in$luding %ild audio"isual hallu$inations0 e%otional instability0 obsessi"e ideas0 and possible %ild s$hiGophrenia. 1t says that he is usually $al%0 with a Bstrong sense o& 6usti$eB0 but $an be$o%e e3tre%ely "iolent when Bo"ere3$itedB. Sounds like a &un guy to ha"e at parties. +here is a se$ond report0 this one &or our new &riend0 Stanley Cole%an. 1t lists his roo% as S(>0 and says that he is passi"e and $owardly0 as well as egotisti$al0 and says that he shows signs o& e3tre%e obsession with a Bparti$ular wo%anB0 whi$h has lead to "iolent in$idents. o"ely. +here are two doors in the ba$k o& this roo%0 but both are 6a%%ed0 so lea"e the way you $a%e in. +he doors to the )har%a$y0 Store Eoo%0 ,3a%ining Eoo% 80 *o$u%ent Eoo%0 *ire$tor2s Eoo%0 :eeting Eoo%0 the Eestroo%s0 the Ca&eteria and ,3a%ining Eoo% ' are all 6a%%ed0 the doors to the ?it$hen and the *ay Eoo% are blo$ked by trash and %edi$al eDuip%ent0 and the door leading to the stair$ase is lo$ked. +he ele"ator works0 but we don2t want to use it yet. +his lea"es only one door0 the door leading to the western hallway0 al%ost opposite the door leading to the stair$ase0 to the west o& the *ire$tor2s ounge0 whi$h we 6ust le&t. Head south until the hallway interse$ts with the one heading west0 then turn to Heather2s right and run west0 past the ele"ators0 until you rea$h the end o& the hallway. +he door to the stair$ase should be north o& you0 the door to ,3a%ining Eoo% ' should be to the west0 and the door you want is south. 7o through this door. +here are two nurses in this hallway0 heading towards you &ro% down the hallway to the west. .ne is al%ost right on top o& you when you enter0 but there should be enough spa$e to kill the &irst with the ?atana be&ore the se$ond -urse arri"es so you $an slash her to death in turn. 1& they tea% up0 use the Shotgun to tea$h the% how you &eel about threeso%es. Straight ahead &ro% where Heather enters this area0 the doors to the Eestroo% are blo$ked by rubble0 and the door leading to the *ay Eoo% on Heather2s right is 6a%%ed0 so head le&t. +he &irst two doors that you $o%e a$ross0 the ,3a%ining Eoo% on the north wall and roo% C8 on the south wall0 are both 6a%%ed0 as is the ne3t door on the north wall0 leading to ;ath 80 so ignore these. +he door opposite ;ath

80 roo% C' on the south wall0 will open0 but there are three -urses in this s%all roo%. 1& you $a%e into the hospital with &ew healing ite%s0 there will be an A%poule here0 but i& not0 there is sDuat. So it is up to you whether or not you want to risk this dangerous little roo%. 1& so0 use the Shotgun. ,ither way0 $ontinue west0 past C30 whi$h is lo$ked. +he ne3t door is roo% C90 also on the south wall. 7o inside. +his dingy roo% has a bun$h o& &ilthy beds in it. 1n the south end0 sitting on the last bed0 is a &a%iliar looking 6ournal with a &a%iliar looking doll sitting ne3t to it. Heather still won2t tou$h the doll0 and ne"er will. ,3a%ine the 6ournal. Stanley $lai%s so%ething $alled +he .rganiGation has hi% shut up in the hospital0 hoping to break his will and %ake hi% B&orget about all thatB0 but that he is deter%ined to Bstay saneB e"en i& they throw hi% in with lunati$s. He says he is going to sti$k so%ething to the wall0 but that it would be worthless be$ause you $an peel it o&& with Bthat 6unk those nasty wen$hes won2t stop usingB. He suggests that Heather won2t take the doll that he le&t &or her be$ause she is e%barrassed0 but he thinks it is $ute. 7iggleF +hat Stanley sure knows how to sweep a girl o&& her &eetF +o Heather2s right as she &a$es the 6ournal is a wall with a Christ%as $ard0 a beetle0 a $ookie0 a $oin0 a spoon0 a toothbrush0 a pen$il0 a teddy bear0 and a key stu$k to it. +he key is the only thing we want0 but it is stu$k tight &or the %o%ent0 so %ake note o& its lo$ation and lea"e the roo% !and yes0 i& you turn around and $o%e right ba$k in0 the book and the doll are gone again. Stanley is a sneaky %anF# @ou are going to need so%e kind o& sol"ent to get that key. 1& you $he$k your %ap0 Heather has $ir$led the lo$ation o& the key so you $an re%e%ber where it is later. +he door to the west0 leading to the area with the 7arden0 Shower Eoo%0 and )ool is 6a%%ed0 and the doors north o& here0 leading to the stairs and the ele"ator0 are 6a%%ed and don2t respond0 respe$ti"ely. 7o ba$k down the hallway to the east0 and go through the door on the north wall that you entered this hallway &ro% in the &irst pla$e0 ba$k into the hospital lobby. 1& you killed both o& the -urses who were here pre"iously0 then they are both still gone. 1& you killed one o& the two -urses here earlier0 there is a new one here now0 so tea$h her a lesson about pun$tuality with your ?atana0 then go to the ele"ator in this area0 6ust south o& the *o$tor2s ounge. +hese ones work0 so go inside and $hoose the only &loor a"ailable0 the se$ond &loor. +here are no ene%ies in the &irst hallway on the 'nd &loor where the ele"ator drops you o&&. +he two doors in the hallway south o& the ele"ator leading to the 'nd &loor *ay Eoo% are 6a%%ed0 so head down the interse$ting hallway that leads west. +he ne3t door on the north wall is 6a%%ed0 so $ontinue until the hallway interse$ts with another hallway heading north0 whi$h your %ap tells you is towards the lo$ker roo%s. Further down the western hallway you should see a $ouple o& doors and Stanley2s 6ournal and doll sitting on a gurney. 1gnore the doors &or the %o%ent0 but stop and read the 6ournal. 1t babbles about a do$tor who lo$ked the door 6ust west o& the gurney0 on the south wall0 and that he used a &our4digit nu%ber. He says a bun$h o& other things0 but that is the i%portant part0 the &our4digit nu%ber. +he door a$ross &ro% the gurney0 leading to the stairway0 is lo$ked0 as is the door west o& here is the one lo$ked with the keypad0 but should be ignored &or the %o%ent. 1nstead0 head up the north hallway. +he ne3t three doors0 one on the le&t and two on the right !the -urses2 Station0 the inen Eoo%0 and the :en2s o$ker Eoo%# are all 6a%%ed0 so go

through the last door0 on the le&t0 into the Wo%en2s

o$ker Eoo%.

+here is only one open lo$ker in this dingy lo$ker roo%0 so e3a%ine it twi$e to &ind the -ail )olish Ee%o"er !and e3$ellent sol"ent that $an &ree the key glued to the wall in roo% C9 downstairs# and the )er&u%e. +he )er&u%e is e"il0 and should ne"er be eDuipped0 as it attra$ts ene%ies. .n the other hand0 i& you are a player who wants to kill e"erything in the ga%e0 this should %ake things a lot easier0 sin$e it will bring all the ene%ies right to you. +here is nothing else here0 so lea"e the roo%0 head south to the end o& this hallway0 and turn right. +he doll and the 6ournal are gone0 so it is good thing that you got the i%portant part &ro% it earlier5 the door ne3t to the gurney is lo$ked with a &our4digit $ode. +he key to opening the door is posted on the west wall0 right ne3t to the door. +his is a rather tri$ky %athe%ati$al riddle0 but along with Stanley2s $lue that the $ode is &our digits0 you $an &igure it out. +he &irst i%portant $lue states that the Se$ond -u%ber is two ti%es the +hird. ;ased on the nine nu%bers on the keypad0 this li%its the possibilities o& what these two nu%bers $an be0 sin$e it doesn2t deal in partial nu%bers0 su$h as '.3<>. +his %eans there are only &our possibilities &or the se$ond and third nu%bers: ' and 80 9 and '0 = and 30 or / and 9. +he ne3t $lue states that the &ourth nu%ber is hal& the &irst0 resulting in the sa%e &our sets o& nu%bers &or the possible $hoi$es5 on$e again0 ' and 80 9 and '0 = and 30 or / and 9. +he puGGle $learly states that the &irst nu%ber is larger than the se$ond and the third nu%ber is s%aller than the &ourth. Co%bining this with the nu%ber sets we got earlier0 this gi"es us only si3 possible &our digit $odes to deal with5 9'8'0 ='830 =9'30 /'890 /9'90 and /=39 !work it out yoursel& i& you ha"e to0 but these are the only possible $o%binations o& the eight nu%ber sets that allow &or the &irst to be larger than the se$ond and the third s%aller than the &ourth#. +he riddle states that no nu%bers are repeated0 so you $an eli%inate 9'8' and /9'90 lea"ing only &our $hoi$es. +o &igure out the rest the riddle0 you need to look at the keypad itsel&5 the nu%bers 80'0and 3 are in the top row0 90 <0 and = are in the %iddle row !horiGontally#0 >0 /0 and J are in the botto% row0 80 90 and > are in the le&t row !"erti$ally#0 '0 <0 and / are in the %iddle row !"erti$ally#0 and 30 =0 and J are in the right row !"erti$ally#. +he riddle states that only one o& the nu%bers is in the top row0 whi$h %eans we $an eli%inate ='830 =9'30 and =9'3 !sin$e digits 80'0 and 3 are all in top row0 and thus $an2t be used in the sa%e seDuen$e#. +he riddle goes on to say that two o& the digits are not in the right row0 and that one o& the nu%bers is the &inal key0 but these two $lues are redundant0 as we already ha"e our answer5 +H, A-SW,E CA- .- @ ;, /=39. !-ote: +his is the answer to the riddle on the -or%al Eiddle *i&&i$ulty le"el5 &or the answers to the ,asy and Hard le"els0 see se$tion 1V4b0 under B)uGGlesB0 a&ter the walkthrough#. )un$h that nu%ber into the keypad0 and the door leading south will unlo$k. 7o through the door. +here are two nurses in this hall0 and one o& the% has entered the new $entury and is $arrying a re"ol"er instead o& a Steel )ipe0 so beware. ?ill the% both0 then orient yoursel& by going ba$k to the door you entered through and putting your ba$k to it0 as though you had 6ust $o%e through it. +he door to the Eestroo% straight ahead is blo$ked o&& by $hairs0 and the door leading to the *ay Eoo% on Heather2s right is 6a%%ed0 so turn le&t. 7o through the ne3t door on Heather2s right

!north wall#0 into ,3a%ining Eoo% 3. +here is a %ostly $o"ered4up $orpse on a gurney in this roo%0 but don2t worry about hi% bothering you. 1& this was Eesident ,"il0 1 would be worried0 but in Silent Hill $orpses are 6ust about the only thing you don2t ha"e to worry will gi"e you so%e trouble. 1& you e3a%ine the $orpse0 you will &ind he has two tattoos5 the one on his &oot !B:argaret0 let2s swear our lo"e until death do us partB. 1 guess he2s gotten out o& that bargain now# is in$onseDuential. 1t is the one on his dangling ar% that you need worry about. 1t says B+he Start +i%e 1s :y ?eyB. +his doesn2t %ean anything to you right now0 but e3a%ine the do$u%ent on the table in the ba$k o& the roo% to &ind out %ore about hi%. He is a patient who was &ound in Bpoor %ental stateB wandering the hospital grounds. He ne"er re"ealed his na%e0 but was put in roo% :90 and li"ed their until his death5 his $arotid artery was se"ered by his own kit$hen kni&e0 whi$h he was holding !who ga"e a $on&used %ental patient with no na%e a kit$hen kni&e to play withC#. 1t was an apparent sui$ide0 but the angle o& the $ut was strange0 and the patient sharing the roo% with hi% $ouldn2t $orroborate anything. Well0 we don2t know anything about who his roo%%ate was0 but :9 is 6ust down the hall0 so let2s go $he$k it out. +here is nothing else to &ind in here0 so lea"e the roo%. All the doors between here and :9 are 6a%%ed5 so don2t worry about the% unless you want to 6iggle the handles to update your %ap. Aust be&ore you rea$h :9 you will rea$h an interse$ting hallway0 heading north0 but it only leads to a 6a%%ed door to the stair$ase and an ele"ator that doesn2t work0 so go past it and enter :9. Start to $ross a roo% and the sound o& an alar% $lo$k going o&& should $ause you to nearly wet yoursel&. ,3a%ine the alar% $lo$k on the table ne3t to the bed in the south end o& the roo%. +he ti%e on this $lo$k is rando%ly generated0 so 1 $an2t tell you what ti%e the $lo$k will say. 1t will ask you i& you want to shut o&& the alar%0 and it doesn2t a&&e$t the ga%e whether you say ByesB or BnoB0 so say ByesB to turn o&& that horrible noise. .n the bed $losest to the door you will &ind Stanley2s doll and 6ournal. He "eri&ies that the $lo$k and atta$hL $ase belong to the dead tattoo guy0 but that he didn2t kill hi%0 e"en though he was a liar. He also o&&ers to $ar"e B1 o"e HeatherB into the guy2s dead $hest0 although this doesn2t $o%e $lose to portraying the true range o& his e%otions5 but sin$e he $an2t $ut open his own $hest and show her his heart0 B1 o"e HeatherB will ha"e to do. How sweet. Anyway0 ba$k to the riddle. +he ti%e on the alar% is what you %ust enter into the nu%eri$al dials on the brie&$ase5 this is the %eaning o& the tattoo on the $orpse2s ar% in ,3a%ining Eoo% 3 !B+he Start +i%e 1s :y ?eyB#. +hus0 i& the ti%e on the $lo$k read 8':9(0 the &our digits on the dials will be 80 '0 90 and (. 1& the hour is a single digit nu%ber0 su$h as /:8<0 enter the &irst digit as a B(B !in the e3a%ple0 the nu%bers would be (0 /0 80 and <#. ,nter the ti%e to open the brie&$ase and re$ei"e the 1nstant Ca%era !-ote: this re&ers to the -or%al Eiddle :ode solution. +o &ind the answers to the ,asy and Hard Eiddle :odes0 re&er to se$tion 1V4$0 under B)uGGlesB a&ter this walkthrough#. +here is nothing else o& interest in here0 so lea"e the roo%. +here is only one %ore unlo$ked door on this le"el0 the roo% to :<. 1& you had plenty o& healing ite%s when you entered the hospital0 there

will be a First Aid ?it in here. 1& you were low on health ite%s when you rea$hed the hospital0 there will be +W. First Aid ?its. Howe"er0 they are guarded by three -urses0 so $onsider your a%%o0 health0 and $urrent supplies be&ore de$iding whether you want to take the% on. +hen head all the way ba$k down the hallway to the east0 and go through the last door on the north wall0 ba$k into the area where the ele"ator &irst deposited you on this &loor. +hough this area used to be de"oid o& ene%ies0 there are now two -urses in this hallway0 one with a Steel )ipe0 and one with a re"ol"er. +hough the $a%era angle su$ks0 and is hard to get into a position that is a$tually use&ul0 kill the% one at a ti%e with the ?atana or both together with the Shotgun i& they bun$h up0 then run ba$k to the ele"ator and go ba$k to the &irst &loor. +here are no new ene%ies in the &irst &loor lobby0 so go ba$k through the door leading to the hallway with roo%s C8 to C90 then run all the way to the west and go ba$k into C90 the last door on the south wall. BUseB the -ail )olish Ee%o"er on the ob6e$ts glued to the wall to re$ei"e the Stairwell ?ey. 7o all the way ba$k down the hallway to the east0 ba$k through the last door on the north wall. ,"en i& you killed all o& the -urses in this hallway be&ore0 there will be a new one here to plague you0 patrolling the hallway between the Visiting Eoo% and the ,3a%ination roo%. @ou $an a"oid $o%bat by going straight a$ross the hall and through the doors into the stairwell using the key you 6ust a$Duired0 or you $an get an easy one4against4one kill against the ro"ing Steel )ipe4wielding -urse5 its up to you. Eegardless0 you need to use the key to unlo$k the door to the stairwell and go through. :ore &loors ha"e now opened up to you !-ote: a&ter you use the Stairwell ?ey to unlo$k the stairwell0 the ele"ator will now also take you to the third &loor0 though it wouldn2t be&ore. 1 still suggest using the stairs0 howe"er0 so you don2t %iss anything#. +he stairs go up and down0 but we will go upstairs &irst to get so%e handy ite%s. Heather starts o&& on the &irst &loor landing !ob"iously# and as you as$end you will pass the doors to the se$ond !whi$h you ha"e already e3plored# and third &loors. We ha"en2t been to the third &loor yet0 and the door opens0 but we need to do so%e %ore e3ploring be&ore the third &loor is worth our while. Continue up the stairs past the se$ond and third &loor landings until you rea$h the door at the top %arked BEFB: the roo&. 1& you ha"e read two or %ore o& Stanley2s 6ournal entries0 then the 6ournal and the doll will be on the landing in &ront o& the door leading to the roo&. 1t says si%ply B1 also like the roo&. 1t %akes %e want to &ly. @ou tooCB and is signed by Stanley. +his %ay or %ay not be re&erring to a 6ournal that Aa%es Sunderland &ound on this "ery roo& in Silent Hill '0 written by a 6u%per. Whate"er. 7o through the door leading to the roo&0 but be $are&ul. +here are two Closers on this en$losed roo&top0 and they $an be dangerous i& you let the% gang up on you. +here is only one thing o& interest up here5 in the southwest $orner o& the roo&0 al%ost dire$tly a$ross &ro% the door Heather enters the area &ro%0 is a $ouple o& barrels. .n top o& those barrels are two $lips &or the Sub%a$hine 7un !whi$h we don2t ha"e yet0 but soon will#. +he easiest thing to do is run straight to the barrels0 dodging the beasties0 grab the two $lips0 and run ba$k a$ross the roo& and ba$k into the stairwell0 no %uss0 no &uss. 1& you don2t like to do things the easy way0 stra&e around the Closers using the Handgun0 &o$using on one o& the ene%ies until it

&alls0 then darting in to ki$k it when it is down. .n$e it is dealt with0 swit$h to the ?atana to &inish o&& the one who is still standing0 grab the two $lips &ro% the barrel0 and lea"e. +here is nothing else o& interest on the roo&top. Stanley2s 6ournal and doll are both gone when you return to the stairwell. He2s a sneaky little bugger0 12ll gi"e hi% that. .ur ne3t goal is the base%ent0 so run down the stairs0 past the third0 se$ond0 and &irst &loor landings and a new area will load0 bringing you into the base%ent. A sDueaking noise $an be heard in this area0 but the sour$e o& it is not readily apparent. +here is a door dire$tly opposite the botto% o& the stair$ase !on the east wall0 the Store Eoo%#0 but it is 6a%%ed. +urn right and go &orward a &ew steps until the hallway turns to Heather2s le&t !east#. +here is a $lip &or the Sub%a$hine 7un lying on the &loor right where the hall bends5 Heather2s head will turn towards it to indi$ate its lo$ation. +he door to Heather2s right !west0 the ,le$tri$al Eoo%# is also 6a%%ed0 so head east down the hall. -ow you $an &ind the sour$e o& the sDueaking noise5 a wheel$hair is tipped o"er on its side0 $o"ered in blood0 and one o& its wheels is still spinning. A trail o& blood leads away &ro% it down the hall to the east. +he wheel stops spinning as you approa$h0 suggesting the $hair 6ust re$ently stopped %o"ing. 1& you e3a%ine it0 Heather wonders what happened to the $hair2s o$$upant. Follow the trail o& blood0 passing two doors where the hall turns again0 this ti%e to the north5 we2ll $o%e ba$k to these doors. +he trail o& blood ter%inates at the doors to the ele"ator0 but Heather isn2t interested in &inding out what is in there. Eight a$ross &ro% the ele"ator0 at the &oot o& the 6a%%ed door leading into the ;oiler Eoo% on the east wall0 is the Sub%a$hine 7un0 Silent Hill2s &irst and only auto%ati$ weapon so &ar. +his will be handy in the &uture0 but a%%o is li%ited0 so sa"e it &or when it really %atters. Heading ba$k the way you $a%e0 the other door on the east wall0 where the hallway bends0 is 6a%%ed. +he %ap tells you that this is the )u%p Eoo%. Eight ne3t to this is another door0 on the south wall. +his is another base%ent Store Eoo%0 but this door opens. 7o inside. At &irst glan$e it see%s as though there is nothing o& interest in this roo%. Howe"er0 in the ba$k $orner there is a stripe o& blood on the wall0 pointing into an al$o"ed area behind a shel&. Heather $an2t &it behind it0 and she $an2t %o"e it. 1& only there was a way we $ould see what is ba$k there0 e"en though we $an2t &it... a$tually0 there is a way. BUseB the 1nstant Ca%era that you got &ro% the brie&$ase in roo% :9 upstairs at the gap between the shel& and the wall. Heather will take a pi$ture o& the area behind the shel&0 and &ind that a &our4digit nu%ber was s$rawled on the ba$k. +his nu%ber is rando%ly generated0 so 1 $an2t gi"e you the answer0 so 6ot down the nu%ber and lea"e the Store Eoo% !-ote: +he )hotograph will be &iled with the rest o& your do$u%ents0 so i& you don2t &eel like writing it down and $an2t re%e%ber it0 it will be there when you need it#. We are done with the base%ent. Sin$e we ha"e already been to the &irst &loor0 se$ond &loor0 and roo&0 it is ti%e to see what there is to see on the third &loor. +ake a le&t &ro% the Store Eoo%0 then a right as the hallway turns0 and then another le&t to %ount the stairs on$e %ore. Eun up the stairs0 past the &irst and se$ond &loors0 and go through the door onto the third &loor.

+here are no %onsters in this hall at the %o%ent0 so you are sa&e to e3plore &or the ti%e being. Use the %ap to orient yoursel&. Aust to Heather2s right is a door leading south0 whi$h is lo$ked with a &our4 digit pass $ode. We got the nu%ber &ro% downstairs0 but lea"e the door alone &or the ti%e being and e3plore this area. +urn le&t0 take a $ouple o& steps0 then head north up this short hallway0 and enter the door that leads to what is indi$ated on the %ap as being the Spe$ial +reat%ent Eoo%. +here is a note posted on the wall to Heather2s right as she enters this roo%. 1t suggests that nurses were sub6e$ted to twel"e hours in the Spe$ial +reat%ent Eoo% whene"er they treated the patients brutally0 and that dis%issal is no longer an option. A handwritten note adds that B+he +ri$k is to not lea"e any %arksFB and a se$ond handwritten note says0 B+he Chie& is a per"ertF Christie would ha"e been better o&& i& she had been &ired...B 1t sounds like Silent Hill has so%e dis$iplinary pra$ti$es towards e%ployees that the A%eri$an Asso$iation o& -urses %ight disappro"e o& %ost heartily. +here are &our $ells on the north wall. :o"ing east to west0 $he$k the doors as you go. +he &irst door is 6a%%ed. +he se$ond is lo$ked &ro% your side0 and you $an unlo$k it. 1nside the $ra%ped $ell on the other side o& the door is a single -urse wielding a Steel )ipe. Christie0 1 presu%eC .nly go through the door i& you want to put poor Christie out o& her %isery0 as there are no ite%s within. +he third door is 6a%%ed. +he last $an open0 so go inside. @ou old buddy Stanley has le&t you so%e lo"ely poetry written by so%ebody na%ed ,ri$0 $on"eying the depth o& his e%otion towards you. ;ut he wonders why you don2t a$$ept the proo& o& his lo"e !the dollC#0 sin$e you are in essen$e one soul0 and what he gi"es to you he gi"es to hi%sel&. Heather still wants nothing to do with the doll0 so lea"e the $ha%ber0 and then lea"e the Spe$ial +reat%ent Eoo%. Walk the short distan$e down the hallway south0 then turn right0 towards the east0 at the end. +here is a door to Heather2s le&t0 whi$h opens0 and leads into a Sa"e Eoo%. 7o on in. .n a shel& in the "ery ba$k o& the roo% you will &ind two Health *rinks and a Stun 7un ;attery. +here is a shel& to the right o& this as you are &a$ing it that %ay or %ay not be e%pty5 i& you ha"en2t gotten the pass $ode &ro% the ba$k o& the shel& in the base%ent0 there will be a 6ournal here &ro% Stanley hinting at the $ode2s lo$ation0 talking about how the $raGy do$tor hid it there. 1& you already ha"e the $ode0 there will be no 6ournal &ro% Stanley here. Use the Sa"e )oint i& you want to !it is s$rawled on a pie$e o& paper on the &loor#0 then lea"e the roo%. +here is nothing but the ele"ator0 a pile o& rubble0 and a 6a%%ed door i& you $ontinue to the east0 so it is ti%e to head ba$k west and go through the door on the south wall0 slightly west o& the door leading to the stairwell. +ry to open it and it will tell you it is lo$ked0 then it will gi"e you the opportunity to pun$h in the &our4digit $ode that will unlo$k it. 1t is the nu%ber that you got &ro% the )olaroid o& the ba$k o& the shel& in the base%ent0 whi$h is a rando% nu%ber0 so 1 $an2t 6ust tell you what it is. 1& you ha"e the nu%ber0 but $an2t re%e%ber what it is0 open your in"entory and go to B:e%osB at the top o& the s$reen and hit BIB to get the list o& &iles. +he &ile with the

&our4digit nu%ber is %arked B)hoto4 ;a$kside o& Shel&B. )un$h the nu%ber in and the door will unlo$k. 7o through the door. +he door to the Eestroo%s right ahead and the *ay Eoo% to Heather2s le&t are both 6a%%ed0 so ignore the% and %o"e to Heather2s right0 west down the hallway. +he &irst door on the north wall0 to Heather2s right0 leads to the ,3a%ining Eoo% 90 but is 6a%%ed. +here is a door right a$ross &ro% it on the south wall0 %arked as S8. 7o inside. +he &irst thing you will noti$e in this roo% is the %agaGine on the bed. 1n it is an arti$le written by a %an na%ed Aoseph S$hrieber0 about a ho%e &or troubled teens and runaways0 $alled BHope HouseB0 &unded by the BSilent Hill S%ile Support So$ietyB0 9S &or short. Hope House is run by a strange $ult o& religious &anati$s known si%ply as B+he .rderB. +he .rder gi"es the runaways a pla$e to stay and &ood to eat0 while at the sa%e ti%e brainwashing the% and indo$trinating the% into the belie&s o& their $ult. o$als ha"e $o%plained o& the inter%ingled sounds o& $hanting and $hildren $rying at all hours0 and there is a strange $on$rete $ylinder on the pre%ises that $ertainly has nothing to do with the $are and &eeding o& runaways0 but %ight be a prison or se$ret pla$e o& worship. +he reporter was not allowed a$$ess to the &a$ilities &or his arti$le0 and %entions that +he .rder2s religion is deeply inter%ingled with the history o& Silent Hill0 and that those in +he .rder $onsider the%sel"es to be an elite B$hosen peopleB. When done with the arti$le0 Heather %entions that Hope House sounds &a%iliar0 but $an2t re%e%ber e3a$tly why. .h well. *ire$tly opposite the door0 on a nightstand ne3t to the bed0 you will &ind two Health *rinks. +here is nothing else here0 so lea"e the roo%. 1& you e3a%ine this hallway too &ar ahead0 -urses will a%bush you. We will deal with the% e"entually0 but on our ter%s. Follow %y instru$tions to a"oid getting o"erwhel%ed by ene%ies. +he doors to roo%s S' through S= are all 6a%%ed0 as are the doors to ;ath 3 and the shower roo% on the north wall. +here is a pa$kage o& ;ee& Aerky on the ben$h against the north wall0 opposite roo% S<. A$$ording to the do$u%ent that you read earlier0 Stanley2s roo% was S>. 1 guess it is &inally ti%e &or a $on&rontation with the $reepy little weasel. 7o into roo% S>. Stanley2s 6ournal and doll are on the bed to Heather2s right0 but not all is as it should be5 the doll is broken into pie$es. 1nside the 6ournal you will &ind Stanley2s &inal goodbye to Heather5 it see%s eonard de$ided to take issue with Stanley0 and killed hi% as a result. Stanley warns Heather to wat$h out &or eonard0 as he isn2t an Bordinary guyB. He goes on to say that he regrets that he will now ne"er get to %eet Heather0 or take her to his world0 a world &or 6ust the two o& the%. +his &inal entry ends abruptly0 as though eonard &inally $aught up with hi% in %id senten$e. +oo bad. 1 was hoping that those two $raGy kids would %ake it work. .h well. 1& you look at the &oot o& the bed0 there appears to be a dark stain on the &loor0 and what looks like part o& a body0 but Heather doesn2t $o%%ent on it0 or e"en see% to noti$e. .dd. He didn2t lea"e you any help&ul ite%s to re%e%ber hi% by0 so it is ti%e to say goodbye to good ol2 Stan0 and lea"e the roo%0 ba$k into the -urse in&ested hallway. +hat2s right0 1 said -urse in&ested. As you %o"e west away &ro% Stanley2s roo%0 three o& the% appear out o& nowhere0 as i& in

punish%ent &or treating poor Stanley so shabbily. Send the% to %eet hi% by %o"ing o&& west down the hallway0 trying to get one o& the -urses to separate &ro% the herd so that you $an pi$k the% o&& one by one with the ?atana. +wo o& the -urses appear in the eastern part o& the hallway behind you0 and one to the west0 so put the one to the west between you and the others and kill it0 then run east past the other two and try do the sa%e thing again0 getting one to &ollow you or at least put itsel& between you and the re%aining -urse. ?ill all three with the ?atana0 i& you $an0 to sa"e a%%o. .n$e they are dead and sto%ped on0 $ontinue west down the hall. Eoo%s S/ through S488 are 6a%%ed0 and roo% S48' is supposedly eonard2s roo%. 7o inside roo% S4 8'. As you %o"e into this roo%0 the phone in the $orner starts ringing. Heather de$ides it is best to pi$k it up0 but the %an on the other end o& the phone is $on"in$ed that Heather is Claudia0 and %o$ks her drea% o& the rede%ption o& %ankind0 wondering where he has gone wrong. ,"entually0 Heather %anages to $on"in$e the %an that she is Heather0 and the %an identi&ies hi%sel& as eonard Wol&0 and says that Claudia is his daughter. When he realiGes that you know her0 he &irst suggests that you are working with her0 then says that he knows that you are planning to kill her. He says he hates Claudia0 but that she is still his daughter0 and that he doesn2t know where she went wrong. He says he has a Seal that $an help Heather in her Duest0 but that he doesn2t know e3a$tly where he is. +he door to the pla$e where he is0 he says0 is at the end o& the hall on the se$ond &loor. We ha"e $he$ked e"ery door on the se$ond &loor0 but 1 guess we ha"e no $hoi$e but to $he$k again. When the $on"ersation is o"er0 lea"e eonard2s roo%. +he last two doors on this &loor are 6a%%ed0 so don2t bother with $ontinuing to the west. +he ele"ator and the door to the stairs in the north part o& this hallway are also unusable. ;a$ktra$k all the way to the east end o& this hallway0 then go ba$k through the last door on the north wall. 7o through the door leading to the stair$ases on the wall dire$tly opposite Heather0 then go down one &loor to the se$ond &loor and go through the door. +urn right0 and go through the door on the south wall. @ou are now in the long $orridor leading to roo%s :8 through :=. Eun all the way to the west0 past roo% :=. +here is a new door here0 one that wasn2t here be&ore and isn2t on the %ap. 1gnore that uneasy &eeling in the pit o& your sto%a$h and go through the new door on the west wall !it is %arked with an B:B like the other doors in this hallway0 but i& it e"er had a nu%ber0 it has long sin$e rubbed away#. +his is a long0 rusty4looking %aGe4like $orridor that isn2t on the %ap. As you run down the hall0 %etal gates will sla% shut around you and others will open up be&ore you0 leading you on an ine3orable path through this underground $ha%ber. +here is no way to get lost0 and no ite%s to be &ound0 so 6ust let the %aGe lead you through itsel& until you rea$h a little door in a wall at the end o& the &irst part o& the %aGe. 7o on through0 and you will be in another0 identi$al $orridor. +his path will %ess with you %ore than the &irst one0 &or$ing you down one hallway 6ust to %ake you turn around and opening a new one that you tried earlier. 1n the end it is the sa%e0 leading you to only one possible e3it0 so go through the little door at the end when you get there. Say0 what do you knowF :ore $orridor. Follow this last stret$h until the path entirely $loses you o&& as gates sla% shut behind you0

one a&ter another. ,"entually you will be le&t in a little $ell4like spa$e0 with a strange red sy%bol s$ribed on one wall. Sin$e there is nowhere else to go0 e3a%ine the sy%bol. @ou will see a "ideo o& a &igure that should be "ery &a%iliar to Silent Hill "eterans. +he wo%an in the "ideo is &reaked out0 talking about so%eone who shouldn2t be ali"e0 but so%ehow still is. When the "ideo0 or i%age0 or "ision0 or whate"er is done0 the wall that the sy%bol was painted on has disappeared0 and there is a new tunnel where it on$e was. Heather says that she re%e%bers the wo%an &ro% the "ision5 her na%e was isa0 and she was a nurse who took $are o& Heather when she wasn2t Heather0 and she was "ery ni$e0 though she got a little strange towards the end. .kay... it see%s Heather is e3perien$ing the %e%ories o& the girl who she ne"er was in this li&e5 Alessa0 the girl *ahlia 7illespie $reated to hold the dark soul o& the *e%on47od Sa%%ael. Heather doesn2t e"en see% to realiGe that this %e%ory didn2t $o%e &ro% her li&e as Heather0 or doesn2t $are. Creepy. Continue down the new hallway and go through the door at the end. @ou are now entering another phase o& Heather2s 6ourney. 114d43. B1 don2t think %y H:. is going to $o"er this....B ;rookha"en Hospital *ark Side +here is a ladder straight ahead o& you. Sin$e there is nothing else o& interest here0 $li%b the ladder now. @ou will $li%b past a nu%ber o& disturbing things0 but none o& the% $an hurt you. First is a large0 blood4spattered i%age o& a wo%an2s s%iling %outh. Abo"e this is a strange hu%anoid $reature0 turning a $ouple o& "al"es with single4 %inded deter%ination. +his is our &irst gli%pse o& a $reature literature about the ga%e re&ers to as Valtiel0 the gatekeeper. +he ga%e ne"er re&ers to this $reature0 it $an2t be killed0 and it $an2t hurt Heather5 it is purely sy%boli$ in nature. +he last thing0 below the top o& the ladder0 looks like it %ight be a dead nurse. o"ely. Cli%b o&& the ladder and go through the door at the top0 lit by a single0 red light bulb. +his ne3t area looks burned0 bloody0 kind o& %eaty0 really noisy0 and totally unre$ogniGable0 but it is0 in &a$t0 the hospital. ;ring up your %ap i& you don2t belie"e %e. +his is the third &loor hallway0 and roo%s S89 through SJ are unrea$hable0 due to a new abyss. +he door to roo% S/ is blo$ked by a gurney0 $o%plete with body. *oors S> through S9 are al%ost i%possible to &ind on the strange walls0 and are all blo$ked anyway0 as it the door to the shower roo%. 7o into roo% S30 using the %ap to lo$ate it i& you are ha"ing proble%s. +here are two bo3es o& Handgun A%%o on the windowsill0 and a bloody hand is hanging &ro% the grate outside the window0 but it $an2t hurt you. +here is a Sa"e )oint s$rawled on the bed0 should you want to use it. A$tually0 its there e"en i& you don2t want to use it. 1n any $ase0 lea"e the roo%. 7o slightly &urther east0 then go through the ne3t door on the north wall !,3a%ination Eoo% 9 on the %ap#. 1nside is a body hanging &ro% the $eiling and slowly bleeding out into a bu$ket0 whi$h is already &ull. +here is nothing you $an do here &or the %o%ent0 but 1 brought you here &or a re&eren$e point0 so that it is easier to &ind later. ea"e the roo%0 then $ontinue east. +he door to the south is 6a%%ed0

and the door to the north is lo$ked0 so go through the door on the east wall0 into the *ay Eoo%. As soon as you enter this roo%0 turn to Heather2s right and %o"e south until you hit the wall0 then turn and run east until you rea$h the door in the southern $orner o& the east wall. +hough this roo% is large0 this is the only route that leads you to the door0 as there is a huge pit in the %iddle o& the roo%0 whi$h Heather will &all into i& you are not $are&ul. ,Duip the Shotgun and go through the door. +here are three blood $o"ered and highly disturbing Slurpers in this hallway. @our goal is to run north to the &irst interse$tion and $at$h the% while they are all grouped together0 so that you $an kill the% all in a group with the Shotgun0 so you don2t waste a%%o. 1& this doesn2t work out &or you0 take the% out one by one with the Handgun0 or the ?atana0 i& you are &eeling bra"e. 1& they bun$h up0 Dui$kly swit$h to the Shotgun to tea$h the% why this isn2t wise. .n$e they are all dead0 ignore the ele"ator &or the %o%ent and down the $orridor running west0 then into the &irst door on the north wall0 the Store Eoo%. +here is nothing o& i%portan$e in here e3$ept &or a good old4&ashioned s$are. Eun around the $orner until you see a big0 &loor to $eiling %irror in &ront o& a washbasin. 1n the %irror0 blood will start to seep out o& the walls and &loor and start running towards the sink0 pouring into the drain. -one o& this will be happing on your side o& the %irror0 but on$e all o& the blood on the other side has poured into the sink in the %irror0 it will start $o%ing out o& the drain and tendril its way a$ross the &loor on your side o& the %irror0 and %irror4Heather will start to be$o%e $o"ered in the stu&&F 1& you want to lea"e be&ore the spe$ta$le is o"er0 you are out o& lu$k0 be$ause the door to the roo% lo$ked behind you. +he tendrils o& blood do tiny bits o& da%age to Heather0 and begin to $oat the &loors and $eiling o& this roo%. ,"entually0 the %irror Heather will be$o%e entirely $o"ered in blood0 and stop %irroring your i%age0 instead standing per&e$tly still. .n$e this happens0 it %eans the show is o"er0 and to get the hell out o& *odge be&ore you get hurt. .n$e %irror4Heather is i%%obile0 the door to the Store Eoo% unlo$ks itsel& and you $an lea"e0 but only i& you go and look at the other Heather in the %irrorF 1& you don2t wat$h the Heather in the %irror0 you will not be able to lea"e the roo%0 and the tendrils will kill you. So a$knowledge the end o& your %irror sel&0 then lea"e the roo% again. .& $ourse0 this roo% $an be entirely a"oided0 and has no use&ul ite%s0 but what is the &un in skipping itC We2re here to be s$ared0 and that was a da%n good s$are0 you2"e got to ad%it. u$kily0 this e"ent only happens on$e per ga%e0 so i& you &eel the need to gaGe at Heather2s lo"ely i%age in the %irror later0 there will be no danger. +here is nothing to do to the west o& the Store Eoo%5 the door to the stairwell is 6a%%ed0 the hallway leading to the Spe$ial +reat%ent Eoo% has &allen away0 and the door leading ba$k to the BSB roo%s and ,3a%ination Eoo% 9 $an be unlo$ked &ro% this side0 but why bother at the %o%entC 1nstead0 head east0 then turn le&t at the end o& the hallway to &ind the ele"ator on the west wall. 7et into the ele"ator. 1n addition to the &irst0 se$ond and third &loor buttons that were here in the other "ersion o& the hospital0 there are also three new buttons0 &or ;80 ;'0 and ;3. @ou sunk %y battleship. Heh. Anyway0 $hose B;3B

!the only one o& the three new buttons that a$tually works# and des$end to the %ortuary. +his is a %ortuary and $re%atoriu%. +here are bodies on gurneys throughout this roo%0 with nu%bers written on the ends0 ranging &ro% ( to J. +he %ap doesn2t show this le"el0 but &or the purposes o& this riddle0 we will $all the wall opposite the ele"ator0 the one with the in$inerator on it0 north0 and the wall where the door to the ele"ator is lo$ated is south. 1n this s$he%e0 the nu%bered bodies are lined up so that 8 and ' are against the north wall0 30 90 <0 and = are a$ross the %iddle o& the roo%0 and >0 /0 J0 and ( are lined up along the south wall. As Heather walks past the gurney %arked B>B0 a ghostly "oi$e will whisper her na%e0 sending $hills up and down your spine. +here is an in$inerator set into the %iddle o& the east walls0 &or disposing o& bodies0 but the door is lo$ked with a dial padlo$k. S$rat$hed into the door o& the in$inerator is a pattern %arked with ro%an nu%erals0 &ro% 1 to 1V. +he nu%bers are %arked on a grid0 pla$ed in rando% sDuares0 so the $ode is also rando%iGed. +he answer is rather si%ple5 the grid represents the pla$e%ent o& the bodies in the %ortuary0 with the top sDuares on the door representing the bodies against the wall 1 dubbed BnorthB0 and the botto% sDuares representing the bodies against the wall that 1 $alled BsouthB. ,a$h body has a nu%ber atta$hed to it. +he ro%an nu%erals represent whi$h nu%ber o& the &our4digit $ode it is. For e3a%ple0 i& the ro%an nu%eral 111 was %arked in the top le&t $orner o& diagra%0 you would look in the top le&t $orner o& the roo% to see whi$h body is lo$ated there !in the abo"e e3a%ple0 this nu%ber would be B8B#0 and the nu%ber atta$hed to this body would be the third nu%ber in the &our digit $ode. *o this &or all &our nu%bers0 put the% in the proper order0 and then enter the% into the nu%eri$al lo$k ne3t to the in$inerator to unlo$k it. !-ote: this re&ers to the -or%al )uGGle setting &or the ga%e. For the answers to the Hard le"el0 re&er to se$tion 1V4d0 under B)uGGlesB a&ter this guide. 1n the ,asy le"el0 the door isn2t lo$ked0 so 6ust grab the key and lea"e#. 1nside is the Cre%ated ?ey. +ake it and then return to the ele"ator. Sele$t the se$ond &loor. +he doors in the short hallway heading south o& where the ele"ator lets Heather o&& si%ply isn2t there any%ore0 so don2t bother heading down that way. 1nstead take the hallway right ne3t to the ele"ator0 and head west. +he &irst door you pass0 on Heather2s right0 is 6a%%ed0 so go past it and turn 6ust beyond it to head north0 towards the o$ker Eoo%s. +ake a %o%ent to e3a%ine the botto% western $orner0 right where you turn. 1t is darker0 and things $an be seen %o"ing beyond it0 as i& there are things %o"ing in a s%oke4&illed roo% on the other side o& %urky glass. As Heather e3a%ines this pheno%enon0 you will hear the sound o& a baby $rying a%idst all o& the other a%bient noises. ,3a%ining the glass0 Heather $o%%ents that it looks like there is a person on the other side o& the glass0 but be$ause o& the s%oky stu&&. Creepy. Head north up the short hallway. +he &irst two doors0 the ones to the inen Eoo% and the -urses Station0 won2t open !a$tually0 the one to the -urses2 Station0 as well as the door leading to the Stair$ase0 don2t e3ist here be$ause o& the strange0 s%oky roo%# so go in the ne3t door on the right0 into the :en2s o$ker Eoo%. As soon as you step any distan$e into the roo%0 a phone will start ringing inside one o& the lo$kers. 1nside the se$ond lo$ker on the right0 you will &ind a broken payphone. 7o ahead and pi$k it up. So%e

&riendly &ellow is $alling to wish Heather a Happy ;irthday0 but the poor $hap see%s a little $on&used5 he re&ers to it as her thirty4&irst0 then to her twenty4&ourth ;irthday. Sin$e it is not really her birthday0 and be$ause she is only se"enteen0 Heather thinks he is wrong. He also has a little trouble re%e%bering her na%e0 and when Heather says BWho Are @ouB0 he thinks that is it. He allows that he isn2t eonard0 who he re&ers to as a %urderer0 nor Heather2s Bbelo"ed StanleyB who he says is now Underground0 and his new na%e is B-u%ber Se"enB. 1 guess we know why the body %arked with a B>B in the $re%atoriu% spoke up when Heather walked by... he &inally got to see herF He says that as a birthday gi&t0 she $an $hose to gi"e pain or to re$ei"e it0 whi$he"er she hates the %ost. How thought&ulF Anyway0 the $on"ersation lea"es Heather unsettled and bewildered. +here is nothing %ore to &ind in this roo%0 so CAE,FU @ lea"e the roo%. 1 say $are&ully0 be$ause there are now Slurpers in this hallway. @ou $an deal with the% now0 and get the% out o& the way0 or you $an ignore the% &or the %o%ent and dash a$ross the hallway into the Wo%en2s o$ker Eoo%. +he s%artest thing to do is the latter0 as you $an then dash past the waiting Slurpers and lea"e this area &or good0 without wasting health or a%%o. ;ut i& you are si$k o& being pushed around0 or i& you are &eeling a bit bloodthirsty0 dish out so%e 6usti$e &ro% the end o& your ;oo%sti$k. ,ither way0 the Wo%en2s o$ker Eoo% is your ne3t goal. 1n the garbage to Heather2s le&t as she walks into the roo% is a trash$an0 and on top o& it is an ,%pty )lasti$ ;ag. We are going to be needing that0 so grab it0 then sear$h the garbage again5 you will &ind two Health *rinks i& your supplies were low when you &irst entered the Hospital0 or one Health *rink i& you were doing alright &or health ite%s when you &irst entered. At the &ar end o& the roo% is a strange $reature i%prisoned in a lo$ker. 1t $an2t hurt you0 so &eel &ree to e3a%ine it to hear Heather2s $o%%ent on the pheno%enon. 1s this Valtiel againC Sin$e there is nothing else o& interest in the roo%0 lea"e the spe$ta$le behind. 1& you did not kill the Slurpers earlier0 don2t &orget to dodge the% as you run ba$k to the ele"ator5 the only other door in this hall is 6a%%ed shut0 so it is ti%e to lea"e the se$ond &loor. -oti$e as you lea"e that the roo% that was &or%erly s%oky is now $lear0 and there is no one inside any%ore... but the glass see%s to run with tri$kles o& blood. What $ould it %eanC +urn le&t at the glass $orner0 run ba$k east along the hallway0 then le&t again to rea$h the ele"ator0 also on Heather2s le&t. 7o inside and head ba$k to the third &loor. We need to &ill that ,%pty )lasti$ ;ag that you got in the Wo%en2s o$ker Eoo%. 1t looks a bit like an 1V type blood bag0 doesn2t itC -ow where did we see a big ol2 bu$ket o& blood...C 1t is ti%e to go ba$k to ,3a%ining Eoo% 90 the roo% with the hanging body that 1 told you to re%e%ber earlier. .n$e on the third &loor0 take the short$ut through the door on the south wall at the end o& the hallway running to the west0 instead o& going through the *ay Eoo%. +he door was lo$ked &ro% this side0 but you $an unlo$k it and go through now0 rather than detouring through an e3tra roo%. +ake a &ew steps south o& the ele"ator0 turn right0 run west all the way to the end o& the hall0 then unlo$k the door on the south wall and go through. +his puts you in &ront o& the northern4%ost o& three doors0 with the ,3a%ining Eoo% 9 being the ne3t door on the north wall0 to the west. 7o into this roo%.

Walk right up to the hanging body and BUseB the )lasti$ ;ag on the bu$ket o& blood0 to get the )lasti$ ;ag !With ;lood#. @our work here is done0 so re4tra$e your steps ba$k to the ele"ator lea"e the run0 go le&t0 go through the north door0 turn right0 run to the end o& the hallway0 turn le&t0 go into the ele"ator on Heather2s le&t#0 and go to the &irst &loor. 1t2s al%ost ti%e to blow this pop stand. First things &irst: there is a Slurper and two -urses !one Shotgun4 wielding0 the other with a Steel )ipe# in this hallway. ?ill the Slurper &irst i& you $an0 using the shotgun to tenderiGe hi% and then killing hi% with the ?atana !or the :aul0 i& you are good#0 then kill the -urses one at a ti%e with a hand4to4hand weapon to sa"e a%%o. 1& they e"er $luster together0 take the opportunity to nail the% with the Shotgun to wha$k two &or the pri$e o& one5 i& you $an get a Slurper and a -urse0 or all three together0 well0 that2s e"en better. .n$e they are dead0 $he$k the %ap. First stop0 there is a door 6ust south o& the ele"ator0 going into the *ay Eoo%. 7o in here &irst. @ou will be able hear a -urse0 but she $an2t rea$h you as she is on the other side o& a &en$e. @ou are in an en$losed area within the *ay Eoo%0 a little &en$ed4in alley running along the north wall. Eun west to the end o& the alley to &ind a 6ournal. 1nside it says0 B+he world is tee%ing with unne$essary people. 1t2s 7od2s de$ision that 1 &ight. As a knight o& honor0 as a prote$tor o& the seal0 1 sa$ri&i$e %ysel& to the blood o& $ri%inals.B 1t see%s so%eone was &eeling a little sel&4 i%portant0 and Heather $o%%ents on this &a$t. She also %entions that the Bprote$tor o& the sealB shti$k sounds &a%iliar. +here is nothing else in this area0 so lea"e the roo% ba$k into the &irst &loor lobby. Che$k the %ap. +here are only three other doors !besides the ele"ators# in this hallway that open. .ne o& the% is the door at the &ar end o& the south hallway0 whi$h leads into the %ain part o& the roo% that you were 6ust in0 where the -urse was. We will be going there0 but not yet. +he door to the Ee$eption Area0 where the Sa"e )oint was in the other "ersion o& the hospital will open0 but there is nothing in the roo% but so%e abandoned $hairs in the $orner0 and the door leading to the *o$u%ent Eoo% is still 6a%%ed. +he only other door that isn2t 6a%%ed is the one leading into the ,3a%ination Eoo%. +he south end o& that hallway is blo$ked by a &en$e0 so you are going to ha"e to go the long way5 north up the east4%ost $orridor0 turn le&t and go all the way to the end o& the hallway to the west !past the 6a%%ed &ront doors o& the hospital0 da%n it#0 take another le&t0 and go through the &irst door on Heather2s le&t0 right be&ore the &en$e0 into the ,3a%ination Eoo%. +here is an A%poule on a stand to Heather2s right as she enters0 ne3t to so%e dirty syringes0 so take it. +here is a Sa"e )oint on the south wall. Against the east wall is a table with a do$u%ent on it. +he do$u%ent is addressed to a *r. :idki&&0 and pertains to the sub6e$t in roo% 38'5 it says that he is a religious &anati$ who pushes his belie&s on others0 and that the reason that he was in the hospital in the &irst pla$e is be$ause he stabbed so%eone o"er a religious argu%ent. 1t says that he is otherwise a good person. So%eone na%ed E. Crosby signed the do$u%ent. 1nterestingly enough0 there is no roo% 38' in the hospital5 it %ust re&er to roo% 8' on the third &loor0 whi$h would ha"e been roo% S8'0 eonard Wol&2s roo% !why roo% 38'0 thenC )layers o& Silent Hill

' %ay re%e%ber that roo% 38'0 in a di&&erent establish%ent0 had so%e signi&i$an$e to the story...#. +he door on the south wall0 ne3t to the Sa"e Sy%bol0 is 6a%%ed. Sa"e i& you would like0 then go ba$k into the hallway. +here is only one roo% le&t: the *ay Eoo%. 7o there now !go north0 turn right0 go east to the end0 turn right and go south A the way to the end5 the door is on the west wall at the end o& the southern4%ost hallway#. Use the Cre%ated ?ey to unlo$k the door and go inside0 ready to deal with the Steel )ipe wielding -urse within. ;eat the -urse down with the ?atana0 or dodge around her and go through the door in the northwest $orner o& the roo%. +he path is narrow and there is nothing to &ind in this roo%0 so either way0 go through the door at the western end o& the narrow $orridor. 12d kill the -urse0 6ust &or being in the way0 but 1 a% a "indi$ti"e bastard0 so it is up to you. +he walls o& this hallway are deeply %essed up0 6ust like the wall o& the hallway when you &irst $li%bed the ladder and entered the ;rookha"en Hospital *ark Side. +here are three Slurpers and a -urse with a gun in this narrow area0 so deal with the%. +here will be one Slurper al%ost right on top o& you when you &irst enter0 so kill hi% with the Handgun or the ?atana be&ore he ba$ks you into a $orner !1 used the :aul %y se$ond ti%e through0 and it works great0 i& you $an get the ti%ing down5 the &irst hit nearly kills hi% and stuns hi% long enough to get the se$ond wha$k in0 whi$h 6ust about kills hi%. A third will &inish hi% o&&5 but re%e%ber0 ti%ing is e"erything &or that &irst swing#. A se$ond Slurper will soon $o%e to in"estigate0 so kill it as you did the &irst. 1& the -urse or the last Slurper doesn2t $o%e to you0 go &ind the% and kill the%0 using %elee weapons i& you en$ounter the% singly or the Shotgun i& they are together. .n$e they are all dead0 go ba$k and &ind the door with BHappy First ;irthdayFB written to the le&t o& it in si$kly blue !this is roo% C8 on the %ap#. !1& nothing is written here0 then you %ust not ha"e gotten the BHappy ;irthdayB phone %essage &ro% the $raGy &ellow in the :en2s o$ker Eoo% on the se$ond &loor. 7o up there now0 hear the %essage0 and $o%e ba$k#. 7o inside to $olle$t your present. What is a$tually in this roo% $an di&&er wildly0 depending on what your supply situation looks like when you enter this roo%. 1t is based on so%e kind o& ratio o& how %any health ite%s you had "ersus a%%unition0 whi$h you had %ore o& !healing or a%%o#0 and how %u$h o& ea$h. 1t is going to be $on&using0 as 1 don2t know the ratio e3a$tly0 but here we go5 1F @.U HA* ,SS A::. +HA- @.U *1* H,A +H 1+,:S @.U C.U * 7,+: three bo3es o& Handgun A%%o0 two bo3es o& Shotgun Shells0 and a $lip o& S:7 a%%o !i& your a%%o situation was $riti$al and you had %ore health ite%s#: .E three bo3es o& Handgun A%%o0 one bo3 o& Shotgun Shells0 and an S:7 $lip !i& your a%%o situation was okay0 but not as good as your health ite%s#: .E three bo3es o& Handgun A%%o and a S:7 $lip !i& your a%%o situation was adeDuate but you had %ore health ite%s#: .E three bo3es o& Handgun A%%o and nothing else !i& your a%%o situation was good0 but you still had %ore health ite%s#: .E si%ply two bo3es o& Handgun A%%o !i& your a%%o in"entory was e3$ellent but your health in"entory was better#. 1F @.U HA* ,SS H,A +H 1+,:S +HA- @.U *1* A::. @.U C.U * 7,+: three Health *rinks0 two First Aid ?its0 and an A%poule !i& your health ite% in"entory was $riti$al0 and the a%%o situation was better#: .E three Health *rinks and two First Aid ?its !i& your health ite% in"entory was okay0 but your a%%o situation was better#: .E three

Health *rinks and one First Aid ?it !i& your health ite% in"entory was adeDuate but your a%%o situation was still better#: .E two Health *rinks and one First Aid ?it !i& your health ite% in"entory was good but your a%%o situation was still better#: .E 6ust two Health *rinks !i& your health ite% in"entory was e3$ellent but your a%%o in"entory was better still#. FUE+H,E:.E,0 there is a "arying nu%ber o& -urses in this roo%0 guarding said ite%s0 and the better your in"entory is0 the %ore o& the% there are. 1& your in"entory su$ks !"ery little a%%o and support ite%s# there won2t be any nurses0 and you $an grab your loot and lea"e. 1& your in"entory is okay !a &ew bo3es o& a%%o and a $ouple o& health ite%s# there will be one nurse to dispat$h be&ore you $an grab your stu&&. 1& your in"entory is adeDuate !a hal& a doGen or so bo3es o& a%%o and a like nu%ber o& healing ite%s# there will be a pair o& nurses0 so kill one with the Handgun and kill the other with the ?atana. 1& you ha"e a well4sto$ked in"entory !se"en or %ore bo3es o& a%%o and a like nu%ber o& health ite%s0 roughly# there will be three -urses0 and it is ti%e to break out the Shotgun to deal with the%. WH,WF +his in"entory $ontrolled gi&t syste% is what the %an on the phone was talking about when he said that &or her ;irthday0 BWho Are @ouB $an either gi"e pain or re$ei"e it0 whi$he"er she likes less5 i& she has a lot o& a%%o !&or gi"ing pain# she $an ha"e healing ite%s0 and i& she has a lot o& healing ite%s !what she has to use to sur"i"e a&ter re$ei"ing pain# than she gets %ore a%%o0 &or gi"ing pain. A&ter the -urses !i& any# ha"e been dispat$hed0 the ite%s you re$ei"e will be on a s%all $art on the wall opposite the door. 7rab the%0 and on the way out0 look under the $orner o& the bed $losest to the west wall to &ind a birthday $ard wishing Heather a Happy thirty4eighth birthday. Heather does the %ath on this one hersel&5 89 plus > plus 8> is 3/. -ow we ha"e &our di&&erent ages %entioned by the $raGy person &or Heather5 he %entioned it being her thirty4&irst or twenty4&ourth birthday on the phone upstairs0 her &irst birthday on the wall outside o& this roo%0 and now thirty4eighth birthday on the $ard. .n$e you ha"e &igured out the relationship between Heather0 Alessa0 and Cheryl0 this will %ake a lot %ore sense. .n the way out0 $he$k out the gurney to the right o& the door: Heather says that whate"er is on the gurney is too thin to be hu%an0 but re&uses to look under the sheet to see what it is. Could it be... 7wenyth )altrowC !12% 6ust kidding you 7wen0 you know 1 lo"e you. Call %e0 okayC#. ea"e the roo% now. +urn le&t and head all the way west to the end o& the hall. +he only door that Heather hasn2t been through that $an open is roo% C90 the last door on the south wall at the western end o& the hall. 7o inside. We are al%ost done with the hospital. +here is a Sa"e Sy%bol s$rawled on a sheet on the west wall0 but ignore it &or the %o%ent. +here is an altar against the south wall0 and in the southeast $orner o& the roo% is a little table with a book on it. +he title is B ost :e%oriesB5 read it. 1t is about ritual sa$ri&i$e0 and speaks o& dren$hing an altar with the blood o& a "i$ti% pier$ed through the heart with a $opper stake. 1t talks also o& another ritual0 in whi$h the sub6e$t is burned ali"e. +his parti$ular sa$ri&i$e was usually only per&or%ed on the holiest o& "i$ti%s0 usually a high )riest or )riestess. 1t is belie"ed that this is be$ause the god that the $ult worshipped was originally a sun god. -eat. Well0 we aren2t about to burn Heather ali"e !again0 te$hni$ally#0 and 1 don2t know whether the blood we are $arrying around in the plasti$ bag is heart2s blood &ro% so%eone killed with a $opper stake0 but it will ha"e to do. 7o o"er to the altar and

BUseB the )lasti$ ;ag !with ;lood# on the altar to trigger a grisly $uts$ene. +he ritual altered the "ery &abri$ o& the roo% you were in5 where on$e there was the other side o& the roo%0 where the door leading out was0 there is now a deep $has%0 with a ladder leading down into it. u$kily0 the Sa"e Sy%bol is still here0 and there is a boss &ight $o%ing up0 so use it i& you want. +hen $li%b down the ladder. eonard is down here0 but it see%s he is not Duite ready to show hi%sel& at the %o%ent. He hides in the dark and babbles about Claudia and her plans0 and how they are %isled but ulti%ately right0 e3$ept in their e3e$ution. He wants a rebirth o& paradise as well0 but his %ethods are ulti%ately di&&erent than Claudia2s. Claudia wants to $reate a )aradise &or all %ankind0 to redee% the hu%an ra$e5 no %atter how $raGy she is0 and how %essed up the way she atte%pts to go about it0 this is her ulti%ate goal. eonard on the other hand0 is disgusted by hu%anity0 and thinks that only the $hosen &ew should be allowed to enter )aradise5 people like hi% and Heather. He thinks that 7od ga"e hi% the Seal to prote$t it ! eonard was ob"iously the author o& the Bworld is tee%ing with unne$essary peopleB 6ournal &ro% the *ay Eoo% on the &irst &loor#0 and that %eans he is $hosen0 and that Heather is as well. He wants Heather to 6oin hi% in $reating this new )aradise0 and that this is why she wants to kill Claudia and end her s$he%e. ;ut when Heather says she doesn2t want anything to do with all o& that holy nonsense0 he gets angry and thinks that Heather was trying to %islead hi% so that she $ould kill hi% and take the Seal. Heather responds that she had thought he was 6ust a ni$e0 nor%al person0 and that she doesn2t e"en know what the Seal is. -ot belie"ing her0 eonard de$ides to kill her to prote$t the Seal0 and &inally shows hi%sel&. :eet eonard Wol&0 a %an who see%s... well0 a little bit %essed up0 to say the least. +o start with0 he is all %elt4y and lu%py and about eight or nine &eet tall0 and has big spikes where his hands should be. He looks like he was an e&&igy %ade o& wa30 and that he is has gotten too $lose to a &la%e. 1t is ti%e to put hi% down &or good. 114d49. ;.SS ;A++ ,: ,.-AE* +his battle is si%ilar to the battle against the :issionary on the roo& o& Heather2s apart%ent0 e3$ept that eonard is slower. Start o&& the battle by introdu$ing hi% to business end o& your Shotgun to kno$k hi% on his ass. .n$e he is down you $an nail hi% with another Shotgun blast or try to hit hi% with a %elee weapon like the :aul !di&&i$ult but "ery da%aging# or the ?atana !&aster but less deadly#. Howe"er0 like the :issionary0 eonard %akes a deadly sweeping atta$k when he rises0 whi$h is i%possible to blo$k. So i& you do use %elee weapons0 %ake sure that they $onne$t well enough to stun hi%0 and i& you use the Shotgun0 %ake sure you are standing &ar enough ba$k that you are 6ust out o& his range when he %akes his rising atta$k. +he battle is $o%pli$ated by the &a$t that eonard $rawls away Duite Dui$kly under the water0 and that Heather %o"es relati"ely slowly. While he is under water0 he is i%per"ious to &irear%s0 so swit$h to the ?atana or the Steel )ipe as you are $hasing hi%0 and hit hi% with a downward strike when he gets near. ,"entually !a&ter he de$ides it is sa&e to rise or a&ter you ha"e hit hi% enough ti%es# he will rise up again. Ee%e%ber that any o& his atta$ks &ro% the &ront $an be blo$ked with your nor%al de&ensi"e stan$e. Eepeat the steps abo"e until eonard &inally &alls. +he only thing that really $o%pli$ates %atters is that the %ore he is hurt0 the %ore aggra"ated he is0 and the &aster he %o"es0 so you will ha"e to be light on your toes to keep up to hi% when he is under water.

Aust nail hi% with the shotgun when he is up0 hit hi% with the ?atana when he is down0 and he will be dead in a %inute or two. An alternate strategy &or the %elee sa""y and the bra"e !or the stupid#: it is entirely possible to kill eonard using only %elee weapons. 1 strongly suggest using the ?atana0 due to its speed and relati"ely high da%age. Use the de&ensi"e stan$e to blo$k a &rontal atta$k by eonard while he is standing0 then use a thrust or a three4 swing atta$k to da%age hi%0 then blo$k again i& he doesn2t &all the &irst ti%e0 then repeat. .n$e he &alls into the water0 use the downward swing to hurt hi% while he is underwater. 1& he &alls on his ba$k and starts thrashing0 don2t %o"e in0 as he will hit you with the rising atta$k. ,"entually he will stop thrashing and either rise or start swi%%ing away. Use the three4swing atta$k or a thrust i& he is standing0 and the downward strike i& he is $rawling. 1& you $an get hi% ba$ked into a $orner and you ha"e ti%e0 swit$h Dui$kly to the :aul to do hea"y da%age to hi%0 but only i& he is not already rising5 the :aul swings slowly nor%ally0 e"en slower in the water0 and i& you are wearing the ;ullet4proo& "est0 it is e"en worse. Using a $o%bination o& these atta$ks0 a little patien$e and a lot o& $aution0 you $an take down :r. :elty&a$e in a %atter o& %inutes0 without wasting any a%%o. Eegardless o& how you do it0 when eonard is de&eated0 his watery to%b &ades away0 and Heather awakens in roo% C9 on the Hospital2s &irst &loor. -ow that eonard is gone0 Heather de$ides that it is ti%e to go &ind *ouglas and report ba$k. As she starts to walk away0 she ki$ks so%ething that was lying on the &loor: eonard2s Seal. 1t appears in your in"entory as the +alis%an. 1 guess we got so%ething out o& all this a&ter all. We are done with ;rookha"en Hospital0 and there are no ene%ies0 so lea"e the roo%0 take a right0 and run all the way to the end. 7o through the door on the north wall. -ow turn right and run a bit0 but take the &irst hallway that you &ind0 leading north towards the e3it. +urn right again at the end o& the hallway. +he door to the Ee$eption area will be on your right0 and the Sa"e )oint is inside i& you want it5 this is your last $han$e to sa"e &or a while0 so i& you want to sa"e any ti%e soon0 1 would take it. Whate"er you de$ide0 the door leading out o& the hospital is dire$tly opposite this door. et2s get the hell out o& here. 114e. )art Fi"e: B*addy0 what is Eobby the Eabbit doing to that %an2s &a$eCB 114e48. BAre We +here @etCB: +he Streets o& Silent Hill As you lea"e the hospital0 you will see a $uts$ene in whi$h Vin$ent and Claudia are arguing0 in a pla$e that looks suspi$iously like your roo% at Aa$k2s 1nn. Claudia is upset at Vin$ent &or leading Heather to her &ather0 eonard. Vin$ent %o$ks her &ather2s death and her belie&s0 and she begins to Duestion his &aith in his religion0 and says he will ne"er know the happiness o& her )aradise. He replies that he is %ore interested in the pleasures o& +H1S world0 and &inding his happiness here. He goes on to point out that Claudia hated her &ather5 that he used to beat her with a %er$iless $ruelty and %ake her $ry. Claudia replies that this is e3a$tly why they need to re4$reate )aradise0 so that hu%an $ruelty $an be B$uredB !this isn2t her e3a$t phrasing0 but 1 a% boiling it down to the basi$ argu%ent#. Vin$ent %o$ks her so%e %ore0 and see replies that he doesn2t understand0 that none o& the% do. 1t see%s that Claudia2s belie&s are a little $raGy e"en &or her $ult.

A&ter this s$ene is o"er0 we swit$h ba$k to Heather on the &ront por$h o& ;rookha"en Hospital. We need to go ba$k to Aa$k2s 1nn0 so run north along Carroll Street0 keeping the sidewalk on Heather2s right in "iew as a guide line so you don2t get lost in the &og. Along Carroll Street you will $o%e a$ross two )endulu%s and a *ouble Head. As pre"iously when walking !or rather running# the streets o& Silent Hill0 your best bet is to ignore the% and a"oid wasting a%%o and health0 espe$ially at this late stage in the ga%e. ;ut i& you want to kill0 be %y guest. @ou should ha"e the $o%bat strategy down by now. +here are also two *ouble Heads in the parking lot that wraps around )ete2s ;owl4o4Ea%a0 i& you are interested. When you rea$h the end o& Carroll Street0 take a right and head east along -athan A"enue0 again keeping the sidewalk on Heather2s right in "iew. +here is only a single *ouble Head on -athan A"enue0 so i& you aren2t being $hased by a bun$h o& other $ritters0 you %ight $onsider killing it. .r 6ust keep running. Whate"er. Soon0 you should soon see the sign &or Aa$k2s 1nn on Heather2s right side. When you rea$h the entran$e to the parking lot0 turn right and go in. Use the arrow pointing to roo% 8(= on your %ap to help you na"igate your way ba$k to your roo% !it is on the wall dire$tly opposite the entran$e to the parking lot &ro% the street0 &irst roo% on the east side#. 7o inside. Vin$ent is waiting &or you in your roo%0 and he denies that there was anyone else 6ust there. *ouglas is also not around0 but Vin$ent says that he has a %essage &or Heather &ro% hi%5 that the Chur$h is on the other side o& the lake. +his has got to be the $hur$h that Claudia belongs to0 and where you should &ind her. Howe"er0 the streets leading there are i%passible5 the only way to rea$h the Chur$h now is through akeside A%use%ent )ark0 whi$h Heather $an get to by heading west along -athan A"enue. Heather Duestions whether this %essage is really &ro% *ouglas0 but de$ides that she has no $hoi$e0 lea"ing the $reepy Vin$ent behind. +he $uts$ene ends with Heather ba$k outside o& her roo%0 without e"en being able to use the Sa"e )oint ne3t to the +V. Aerks. Anyway0 run north out o& the parking lot0 then ba$k west along -athan A"enue. 1& you killed all the beasties earlier0 you should ha"e nothing to worry about. 1& you didn2t0 you %ay ha"e to dodge so%e o& the% on your way west. When you rea$h a point on -athan A"enue 6ust west o& Carroll Street0 the ga%e takes you auto%ati$ally to the always4$har%ing akeside A%use%ent )ark. 114e4'. B:o%%y0 $an we go on the 2:eat4Spewing ;aby ,ater2 rideCB: akeside A%use%ent )ark As soon as Heather steps into the Ba%use%entB park0 Heather is seiGed by another one o& her pain&ul0 $ra%ping spells0 and the world around her $hanges on$e %ore. Where pre"iously dawn was turning the %ists o& Silent Hill pink with a pro%ise o& new day0 the darkness and de$ay o& Silent Hill has taken hold on$e %ore. .b"iously0 we are ba$k in Silent Hill2s *ark Side. Un&ortunately0 6ust like be&ore0 there is no %ap &or the akeside A%use%ent )ark A+ A . +hat %eans that you will ha"e to &ollow %y instru$tions $are&ully in order to &ind e"erything o& interest. u$kily0 sin$e you ha"e been through a good portion o& this se$tion on$e in the drea% at the beginning o& the ga%e0 it should %ake na"igating the &irst portion o& this area a little easier. .n$e

you regain $ontrol o& Heather0 walk &orward until the $a%era angle shi&ts and you enter a &a%iliar area5 the &irst pla$e you saw when you started Silent Hill 3. .n either side o& the path are $orpses wearing bloody bunny suits and $ages with not4Duite4hu%ans inside. Also 6ust like be&ore0 there is nothing i%portant to be &ound here0 so head straight a$ross to the &ar wall0 then %o"e to Heather2s le&t along the wall until the $a%era angle shi&ts to show you the big0 double yellow wooden gates. 7o through the%. +his ne3t area is also set up 6ust like be&ore0 and all the sa%e doors are 6a%%ed or unlo$ked. +he &irst ti%e you were here0 there was a *ouble Head and a Closer here. +his ti%e0 it is 6ust two Closers instead0 and they are tougher and &aster than the ones in the drea%. +ake the% out0 using %elee weapons su$h as the ?atana i& you $an0 to %ake na"igating this area easier. +he rest o& the area should be 6ust as you re%e%ber it5 it is a $ir$ular path with a dark pit in the %iddle0 so be $are&ul near the inside edge. With your ba$k to the door you entered this area through0 you will &ind that there is but one door with the lo$k broken to Heather2s le&t0 and a bit beyond that there is a pile o& bo3es and rubble that keeps you &ro% $ontinuing in that dire$tion. 1 guess right it is. Fro% the entran$e door0 &ollow the path to the right and $ount &our doorways5 the &irst three $annot be opened. @ou will rea$h a set o& white double doors with a lantern hanging o"er the%0 with a sandwi$h board to the right o& the door and barred pi$ture windows on either side o& it pro$lai%ing this to be the akeside A%use%ent )ark Sou"enir Shop. Unlike your &irst "isit0 there are things to &ind within the shop. 7o inside. +he set4up o& the Sou"enir Shop is the sa%e as be&ore5 two shel"es on either side o& the roo%0 a long0 o"ular $ounter in the %iddle0 a $he$k out $ounter with a register in the %iddle o& the roo% in the ba$k0 and shel"es along the side. All o& the% are $o"ered with $heesy sou"enirs &eaturing the akeside ;unny. .n the &ar end o& the o"ular $ounter in the %iddle o& the roo%0 &a$ing the registers0 Heather will &ind an A%poule. Al%ost dire$tly opposite that0 on the a$tually register $ounter0 Heather $an &ind a pa$kage o& ;ee& Aerky. *epending on the state o& your supplies0 you %ay &ind so%e Handgun ;ullets0 a $ouple o& First Aid ?its0 and possibly a third First Aid ?it0 or so%e "ariation o& these ite%s. 1t depends on 6ust how needy you were when you entered the A%use%ent )ark. At &irst0 there is nothing %ore to &ind0 but keep looking. A&ter Heather $he$ks out the le&t4hand $orner o& the roo% beyond the registers0 on the opposite wall &ro% the doors0 and she begins to %o"e away0 there will be a startling $rash. 7o ba$k and $he$k out the $orner. .ne o& the bo3es o& $andy has $ra$ked open0 re"ealing a Sa"e )oint within. Use it i& you like. Aust behind the Sa"e )oint is another broken open $andy bo30 and inside is the Eoller Coaster ?ey. +his wasn2t in the drea%0 so take it to %ake sure that things end di&&erently than in Heather2s drea%. +here is nothing %ore to &ind here0 so lea"e the shop through the &ront door5 all the other doors are 6a%%ed and $annot be opened. Fro% the Sou"enir Shop0 $ontinue to the right0 past a door with a broken lo$k at the top o& a short &light o& stairs and then past a gate with double green doors that also won2t open. Aust past this gate is a s%all wooden door that $an be hard to see0 but the $a%era4angle shi&ts to %ake it easier. +his is the door you want5 there are no other doors in this area0 and i& you $ontinue past you &ind the other side o& the

pile o& bo3es and rubble you would ha"e &ound had you gone le&t at the entran$e to this area. 7o through the s%all wooden door now. +his area0 where there were two Closers in Heather2s drea%0 now has two *ouble Heads and a )endulu%. Sin$e you probably won2t be $o%ing through this area again0 the best thing to do would be to ignore the ene%ies and run straight a$ross the area0 out the gates dire$tly opposite the doors you $a%e through. 1& you insist on &ighting0 take out the )endulu% &irst with the Shotgun0 stra&ing around the area to a"oid atta$ks. 1& you $an get either one o& the *ouble Heads $aught in the Shotgun blasts0 all the better. When the )endulu% is dead0 swit$h to the Handgun and stra&e0 &o$using on one *ouble Head until it &alls0 then swit$h to the ?atana to kill the other. 1t sounds a lot easier to 6ust run a$ross the area and lea"e0 but it is up to you. Whi$he"er you de$ide0 lea"e through the gates on the &ar side o& the sDuare area0 opposite the narrow wooden door you $a%e in through. +here are two )endulu%s in this area. 1& you want to a"oid $on&rontation with the%0 ignore the &ollowing parts about &ighting and &ollow the instru$tions to the top o& the tra$ks and into the $ontrol booth. +he )endulu%s will &ollow you the whole way0 atta$king you on the stair$ase2s landings until you rea$h the top. ?illing the )endulu%s :A@ be a better option0 but only i& you &eel $o%&ortable &ighting the% by now. As you enter this area0 eDuip the ?atana and i%%ediately turn le&t and go0 running straight between a ti$ket booth and a %etal railing. @ou should see a grounded )endulu%0 so run up to hi% &ro% the side and stab hi% with the ?atana using the thrusting atta$k. 1& you per&or% the atta$k $orre$tly0 this should keep it stunned and allow you to $ontinuously stab it until it is dead0 so long as you use the thrusting atta$k. 1& it gets in the air0 alternate blo$king its atta$ks and striking it with the o"erhead atta$k until it &alls. 1& your ti%ing is good0 you $an a"oid al%ost all da%age by using this blo$kHslashHblo$k $o%bo. .n$e it is dead0 run ba$k towards the %ain gate0 and a bit past it !as i& you had turned right when you $a%e into this area instead o& running le&t#. Use the sa%e te$hniDues outlined abo"e to take it out. 1& you are lu$ky you will $at$h this one resting on the ground as well. +he reason 1 had you kill the% in this order is that the )endulu% to the right starts o&& in the air0 and i& you take the ti%e to tangle with this one &irst0 the one that was initially on the ground takes to the air0 and you %iss the opportunity to take it out without too %u$h o& a struggle. .n$e they are both dead0 it is s%ooth sailing. Alright0 those o& you who $hose not to &ight $an pay attention again !6ust re%e%ber to dodge the )endulu%s along the way0 sin$e you didn2t kill the%#. Eun ba$k towards where you killed the &irst )endulu%0 in &ront o& the blue B:ountain Coaster )lat&or%B sign0 and turn right when you hit the wall. Eun along this wall a short distan$e until rea$h the stairs0 whi$h should be on your right. Cli%b the stairs all the way to the top0 turn right0 and run straight to the Eoller Coaster $ontrol booth0 instead o& going straight through the short gates to your le&t0 as you did in your drea%. Unlo$k the booth with the Eoller Coaster ?ey that you &ound in the sou"enir shop0 and go inside. Here you will &ind two Health *rinks and the Eoller Coaster $ontrols !as well as a dead body hanging against the ba$k wall0 but it won2t bother you#. +urn the $oaster o&&0 then lea"e the booth and go through the short gates onto the Eoller Coaster tra$ks.

Here you will want to turn right and walk0 not run0 down the tra$k0 being $are&ul not to &all o&& the sides o& the dilapidated ride. 1& you are "ery $are&ul you $an %ake it a good ways down the tra$k0 to the pla$e where the $oaster s%eared you in the drea% seDuen$e. +his ti%e0 howe"er0 though the $oaster $o%es hurtling down the tra$k anyway0 Heather is able to 6u%p o&& the tra$ks in ti%e0 a"oiding da%age and rea$hing a new area o& the a%use%ent park. 1& you didn2t turn o&& the $oaster0 you will get s%eared. Again. Assu%ing you sur"i"ed the $oaster en$ounter0 a $uts$ene is a$ti"ated0 showing *ouglas $on&ronting Claudia. He wants to know why Claudia lied to hi%5 she had told hi% that Harry :ason had kidnapped Heather &ro% her order0 and that he was to &ind her and bring her ba$k. She insists that this was really the $ase0 and that Heather belonged with the%0 until Harry stole her away. +hat she was a$tually happy with Harry %eans nothing0 sin$e she was denying her true $alling0 na%ely being the %other o& god and ushering in a new )aradise. *ouglas %o$ks her "ision o& )aradise0 and raises his gun to shoot her down0 saying that he has killed be&ore. Claudia says that she pities hi%0 and the $uts$ene ends0 bringing us ba$k to Heather0 who is lying un$ons$ious on top o& a ti$ket booth. She awakens and $li%bs down0 and we are in a new area o& the park. .n$e you are in $ontrol o& Heather again0 hit B 8B and BE8B to Dui$kly turn around0 then run straight until you see a wooden door on Heather2s le&t0 with a blank sign to the right o& it. +here is nothing else o& interest in the area0 so go through it. As you run &orward down the path in this area0 you will rea$h a sign that says B;orley Haunted :ansionB. 7reatF Sounds like &un. Continue to &ollow the path &or a &ew %ore &eet0 and the area should open up0 into a wide open spa$e with a nu%ber o& s%all &en$es &or people to line up behind. @ou don2t need anything out a%ongst the &en$es0 so as soon as the area opens up0 turn le&t. @ou should see a Sa"e )oint taped to a ti$ket window here0 and 1 strongly suggest that you use it0 as there are so%e tri$ky and dangerous bits $o%ing up. !1& you are trying &or a per&e$t ranking0 you are only allowed ' sa"es &or the entire ga%e5 1 suggest that this should be the &irst o& the two#. As you are &a$ing the Sa"e Sy%bol0 there is a path to Heather2s le&t. Follow this to ;orley Haunted :ansion2s &ront door and go inside. A purpose&ully $heesy narrator will wel$o%e you to the Haunted :ansion. When he is done0 walk straight a$ross this area and out the door on the other side o& the roo%. 1& this is your &irst ti%e through the ga%e0 you will ha"e to wait &or the narrator to stop speaking be&ore you $an lea"e a roo%. 1& you ha"e pre"iously $o%pleted Silent Hill 30 or i& you ha"e died in the %ansion and used the Continue option to $o%e ba$k0 you $an walk out o& the roo% whene"er you like. +he sa%e is true o& all the roo%s. +his ne3t roo% has a s$ene &ro% a bloody %ultiple %urder roped o&& on !Heather2s# the le&t side o& the roo%. +he narrator tells you the story o& the %urder in his $reepiest "oi$e0 then suggests that he was lying0 and that only one died... at whi$h point lightning &lashes and you $an see a body hanging outside the window. Howe"er0 i& you e3a%ine the roped o&& area0 Heather is pretty sure that it is real blood splashed o"er e"erything. ea"e through the door in the opposite wall o& the

roo% &ro% the door you $a%e in through. +he ne3t roo% is a study0 and there is a body in the desk $hair0 whi$h is Duietly $reaking. +he narrator is pretty Duiet at the %o%ent0 so head &orward along the only path through the roo%. Follow the red $arpet as the hall turns le&t0 and head &or the door at the end. ;ooF +he body that &alls &ro% the $eiling triggers the narrator again0 who says that BthatB is *anny0 who was looking &or Hea"en0 but lost his way. When the narrator is done talking0 e3a%ine the body to dis$o"er that it is real0 and not !hope&ully# part o& the attra$tion. 1t is un$lear whether the B*annyB that the narrator was re&erring to was the $orpse in the $hair0 whi$h is a$tually a du%%y0 or the $orpse hanging &ro% the $eiling. Creepy. @ou $an2t get to the door behind the hanging $orpse0 so turn around so that your ba$k is to it and head &orward. +he $a%era angle will shi&t to show you the real door0 right ahead. 7o through it. Heed the narrator2s ne3t warning and pro$eed through the roo% with $aution. Walk &orward in the $o%bat stan$e0 so that Heather is slightly $rou$hed0 and walk along the only path. .nly the door at the end opens. About hal& way a$ross0 the $eiling $o%es $rashing down0 and it has spikes e%bedded in it. +he $eiling stops when it hits the bars o& the $aged in areas on either side o& the path0 so it doesn2t $rush or kill you0 so long as you are in the partially $rou$hed $o%bat stan$e. +he narrator starts his routine again0 and as he is talking !and the $eiling is rising# $ontinue down the path until you rea$h the door at the end. +he narrator has one &inal &arewell to say0 and then he is done... or so it see%s. 7o through this door0 but be ready to run and %aneu"er at a %o%ent2s noti$e. +he narrator starts in again0 telling you that that last door was supposed to be the end0 but that they de$ided that they want you to stay... &ore"er. As you pro$eed &urther into the roo%0 a red glow begins to &ill the roo% behind you. 1& the red light surrounds you0 you die. So as soon as you start %o"ing into the $orridor0 don2t stop &or anything until you rea$h the end. -one o& the doors e3$ept &or the last one will open0 so 6ust keep %o"ing and try not to get hung up on walls and $orners. +he key is to always turn towards the $a%era when gi"en a $hoi$e. When 1 say Ble&tB or BrightB0 it is re&erring to Heather2s dire$tions5 i& you are holding the ?atana !&or e3a%ple# the le&t is towards her &ree hand0 and the right is towards the hand holding the ?atana. Here we go0 start running. @ou are going to turn le&t0 right0 le&t !where the wall swings out to blo$k the path#0 right0 right0 le&t0 right0 and &inally le&t0 then run up the &our stairs and go through the door at the top. Un&ortunately0 you still aren2t sa&e here. +his $orridor is the sa%e as the last0 with the red light $hasing you along it. 7et %o"ing0 and only try the last door at the end0 whi$h should be at the end o& the hall0 not on one o& the walls. @ou are going to be turning le&t0 right0 le&t0 right0 right0 le&t0 right0 and &inally le&t0 through the last door in the house. So %u$h &or a breather. @ou are ba$k outside0 but there are two Closers in this ne3t area. Sin$e this is so%ething you $an take your aggressions out on !unlike that da%ned red light#0 &eel &ree to kill the%0 taking out one with the Handgun0 then swit$hing to the ?atana to

kill the straggler. .n$e they are both dead0 go ba$k to the door to the %ansion and put your ba$k to it &or a re&eren$e point. +urn le&t and walk until you rea$h the edge o& the abyss0 and then &ollow the edge o& it around to a greenish4hued wooden stru$ture. Follow the wall o& this thing until the $a%era angle shi&ts0 re"ealing a path leading into it. 7o through this path0 whi$h will lead you to another area. +here is a *ouble Head and a Closer in this area0 but don2t &ight the%0 as you $an %ake the% go away through a di&&erent %eans. Eun straight &ro% the path you $a%e in through0 then take your &irst path to the le&t !not the &irst break in the &en$e5 this is 6ust an opening so you $an &all to your doo%. +he path a$tually looks like a path0 with railings on ea$h side#. We ha"en2t e3plored this area0 but we will be ba$k. 7o through the door at the end o& the le&t side path. +his ne3t area has three )endulu%s and a $ouple o& *ouble Heads. +here are too %any ene%ies to &ight e&&e$ti"ely0 so run straight a$ross the area and through the doors opposite the ones you $a%e in through0 into the kiddy a%phitheater. Finally0 an area without ene%ies. +here is a ben$h along the &en$e to Heather2s le&t0 with a bo3 o& Shotgun Shells and Health *rink on it. As you $ontinue &orward you will see a large stage area with a lot o& ben$hes &a$ing it. .n the set o& ben$hes &urthest to Heather2s right0 you will &ind a Chain. )i$k it up. .n the stage itsel&0 in the spotlight0 you will &ind a Eed Shoe. See%s strange0 but pi$k this up as well. +hat2s it &or this area0 so head out0 ba$k the way you $a%e. +hese ene%ies are all still around0 so run straight a$ross this area and out through the door opposite the one you $a%e in through. +he *ouble Head and the Closer are now gone &ro% this area. Cool. Eun straight ahead0 then &ollow the path to the le&t0 past a $ontrol booth on Heather2s right. Eight a$ross &ro% the Eo$ket Sled ride on Heather2s right0 there is a set o& green %etal gates0 but they won2t open... yet. BUseB the Chain on the door to atta$h one end to it0 the run up onto the Eo$ket Sled ride a$ross &ro% it and BUseB the $hain on the %etal handle4like protrusion on the &ront o& the $entral $olu%n to atta$h the other end o& the $hain. -ow get o&& the ride and go into the $ontrol booth at the botto% o& the steps. ;e sure to grab the bo3 o& Handgun A%%o !or possibly a S:7 $lip0 depending on the state o& your supplies# &ro% opposite the $ontrols0 and then e3a%ine the $ontrols the%sel"es to a$ti"ate the ride. As it spins0 the $hain tightens... and rips the gates open. -i&ty. 7o through the now open gates. +his triggers a $uts$ene in whi$h Heather &inally &inds *ouglas0 who has a broken leg0 and $an2t go anywhere. Heather see%s strangely tou$hed by *ouglas getting hurt &or her. *ouglas asks her what they are going to do i& the god4thing is born0 but she blows it o&&0 saying0 BHow power&ul $ould a god &ro% a du%p like this beCB Cute. He insists that they ha"e to do so%ething0 and Heather begins to lea"e0 to get things o"er with. *ouglas says that she re%inds hi% o& his son0 who got hi%sel& killed trying to rob a bank0 but in a good way. Heather is tou$hed by this re%ark0 and de$ides that she has to &inish what Harry0 her &ather0 started. As she goes to lea"e0 *ouglas raises his gun as though he is going to shoot her in the ba$k0 and says that it %ay be the only way to end the night%are. She $on$edes that he %ight be right0

but he lowers the gun anyway0 and she gets on with her Duest. .n$e ba$k in $ontrol o& Heather0 you $an go ba$k and talk to *ouglas again0 but he doesn2t really say anything new. 1nstead0 lea"e through the door Heather is &a$ing when the s$ene ends. 1n this ne3t area0 turn right and go through the door here0 into the &ortune house. 1nside0 on a $hair near the entran$e0 you $an &ind *ouglas2 6ournal. When Heather pi$ks it up0 she reads only an e3$erpt. 1t says that *ouglas was hired by Claudia Wol& to &ind Alessa 7illespie0 who was kidnapped by Harry :ason as an in&ant. He did so%e resear$h and &ound out that an Alessa 7illespie was killed in a &ire at age >0 but he &igures that it doesn2t ha"e %u$h bearing on the $ase at hand. +he Alessa he is looking &or is using the alias BHeatherB. +hat is the end o& the e3$erpt0 but you $an read %ore details by going to your regular in"entory and using the B,3a%ineB $o%%and. A$$ording to re$ords0 Alessa is supposed to be '9 years old0 but Heather looks 8>. +his is still plausible. He goes on to say that 8' years ago0 in )ortland0 Harry shot so%e Bo$$ult &reakB who was originally &ro% Silent Hill. +he $ourts de$ided that it was 6usti&iable sel&4de&ense0 and Harry i%%ediately %o"ed away &ro% )ortland0 and Alessa started using her alias. Apparently0 the .rder has sent so%eone looking &or Alessa be&ore0 and Harry was &or$ed to kill the $ult %e%ber to sa"e his daughter. 1nteresting. 1& you go &urther into the roo% you will &ind a *oll2s Head in the %iddle o& the larger o& the two tables0 whi$h you should take with you0 and a Sa"e Sy%bol under a $rystal ball on a s%aller table to the side. Use the Sa"e )oint i& you would like0 then lea"e the Fortune House. +here is only one door in this area that Heather hasn2t been through0 on the wall to Heather2s right as she lea"es the Fortune House. A$$ording to the sign abo"e it0 it is the :ar$hen +ra"el. 7o on inside. +his area is straight&orward. +here are a $ouple o& doors in the ba$k o& the roo% that are lo$ked0 and to get to the% you pass between two statues: one o& Cinderella !on the right# and one o& Snow White !on the le&t#. Aust beyond the%0 in the %iddle o& so%e tra$ks0 are so%e photographs o& the BdollsB !statues0 whate"er#0 but that so%ething is wrong... in ea$h pi$ture the silhouette is holding an ite%0 and neither is holding anything now. Well0 Cinderella had a thing &or shoes... so go up to her statue and BUseB the Eed Shoe to pla$e it on the short pedestal ne3t to her. Snow White had a thing &or apples... but we don2t ha"e any apples. +he thing that she is holding in the pi$ture is a doll2s head !a$tually0 1 thought it kind o& looked like a se"ered *war&2s head0 but we are &resh out o& those#0 so BUseB the *oll2s Head to pla$e it in her hands. -ow go ba$k to the tra$ks0 take a le&t0 and go through the door at the end o& the tra$ks. +here is a big dragon in here0 guarding &ake treasure0 but un&ortunately he doesn2t do anything and there isn2t anything in the treasure0 either. )oop. 7o through the %etal door in the $orner0 as the other wooden one at the end o& the tra$k won2t open. +here are two *ouble Heads and a )endulu% in this area0 but it %ight be best to a"oid the% i& you are running low on a%%o or health ite%s. *ispat$h the% i& you want to0 then $o%e ba$k to the door you $a%e into &or re&eren$e. 1& you don2t kill the%0 %ake sure to keep tra$k o& the% and dodge the% through this ne3t area. +urn le&t &ro% the door and run

&orward. Aust up ahead you will see another o& those bodies in the %etal $ages straight ahead0 and an opening in the &en$e to your le&t0 leading into a %ore open area. +urn le&t here to go through the &en$e0 but then take an i%%ediate right and go o"er to the $on$ession stand. .n$e upon a ti%e0 Harry :ason used a notepad at this sa%e $on$ession stand to sa"e his ga%e0 and i& you read the notepad now0 you will &ind a note &ro% Harry $on$erning his daughter0 Cheryl0 and alluding to Alessa !also his daughter0 really#. Aust to the le&t o& this0 on the $ounter0 you will &ind two Stun 7un ;atteries. Fro% &a$ing the $ounter0 turn le&t and run until you rea$h the &en$e on the other side0 then turn le&t again and &ollow the &en$e until you rea$h the partially open gate leading out o& this area. 7o on through. .n a ben$h to the le&t o& the entran$e you should be able to &ind a First Aid ?it. .ther than that0 the only thing o& any interest to you is the :erry4go4round0 where Harry &ought the possessed poli$ewo%an Cybil 8> years ago. Fro% the ben$h0 do a 8/( and look &or the spot o& light in the distan$e !not the street4light0 du%b ass0 &urther ba$k#5 this is the light abo"e the entran$e to the ride. 1t should be 6ust about straight a$ross the area &ro% you. Eun to the light0 and as you approa$h0 the $a%era angle should shi&t0 showing you where to go. 7o through the opening and hit the a$tion button at the top o& the short set o& stairs to hop on board the ride. +he Carousel horses are %eaty and de%oni$0 with &lesh see%ing to grow out o& the% and onto the poles they are i%paled on. +he &irst thing is to $he$k out the note stabbed to the nearest horse0 whi$h reads BWhen 83 $ounts to 90 you will die &ro% their $urseB. +here are 83 horses on this ride0 so when the ride has gone entirely around 9 ti%es... you die. +he note also says that you will be sa"ed by the twel&th death. +he horse with the note atta$hed to it isn2t %o"ing like the others0 be$ause it has been stabbed in the head. +his is hint as to what to do. +he horses see% to be e3pelling a red s%oke &ro% their %ouths... so kill the%. ,Duip the ?atana or the :aul and go to work bashing the horses like you e3pe$t $andy to &all out. +he :aul works great i& you are $o%&ortable using it. When you ha"e done enough da%age0 the horse will e%it a noise and stop rising and &alling. *o this to ea$h o& the 8' %o"ing horses0 and the ride will stop. 1& you don2t kill the% in ti%e0 you will die. So get to work. When the horses are all BdeadB a new horror awaits. *ark0 blood4like s%oke begins to pour out o& the horses and $oales$e around the $arrousel0 and when the $uts$ene is o"er0 Heather is &a$e to &a$e with a $hilling &oe... hersel&0 but dark and eerie0 and $o"ered in blood. 1t is ti%e &or Heather to &a$e o&& against her own dark side. 114e43. ;.SS ;A++ ,: :,:.E@ .F A ,SSA When the battle &irst starts0 Alessa will be ar%ed with the kni&e that Heather started the ga%e with0 and it isn2t any %ore use&ul. *on2t bother wasting a%%o on this boss at all0 as the best way to deal with her is up $lose and personal. ,Duip the ?atana and %o"e into striking range !this is also one o& the &ew pla$es in the ga%e where the Stun 7un is e&&e$ti"e0 sin$e you are in "ery $lose range anyway. +he downside is0 on$e again0 the range#. 1& you try to strike her be&ore she begins her atta$k0 she will bring up her guard and blo$k your atta$k0 rendering it useless. +here are two e&&e$ti"e ways o& dealing with this. +he &irst way0 whi$h is also the &astest and %ost e&&e$ti"e

way0 takes pre$ise ti%ing0 but it isn2t really too di&&i$ult. Wait until Alessa begins her atta$k0 and then strike her be&ore the blow lands. +his will get past her de&enses0 and disrupt her atta$k. +hen wait &or her to atte%pt an atta$k again0 and strike be&ore her blow lands. Si%ple enough. 1& you &ind the ti%ing on this too di&&i$ult0 you %ay &ind this alternate %ethod easier5 trade blows0 and &ollow her ta$ti$s. When she is about to strike0 tap the BSDuareB button to blo$k her atta$k0 then i%%ediately $ounteratta$k and you should $at$h her be&ore she gets her own guard up. 1t takes a little longer to do it this way0 but it is 6ust as e&&e$ti"e. .n$e you ha"e dealt enough da%age0 Alessa will s$rea% and &all down and dissol"e into dark s%oke0 but the battle isn2t o"er. Alessa will reappear elsewhere on the Carousel0 and be better ar%ed. @ou will ha"e to take her down again. +his ti%e she has a Handgun. @ou $an use the sa%e ta$ti$s outlined abo"e to de&eat her0 but &irst you ha"e to %o"e in $lose enough to her that she $an2t shoot you e&&e$ti"ely. Charge straight at her be&ore she gets her gun up0 or you $an use one o& the horses as $o"er to get in $lose and strike. .n$e you are inside her range she will start trying to pistol4whip you instead o& shooting. +his is a good thing. Use the sa%e ti%ing and atta$ks as you did against Alessa2s kni&e4wielding in$arnation0 and she will soon &all on$e %ore. +his ti%e when she reappears she is holding a Steel )ipe. Fighting Alessa here is a lot like &ighting a "ery tough and unpleasant -urse0 and $an Dui$kly degenerate into %indlessly trading atta$ks. Aust strike at the right %o%ent0 or wait0 blo$k a swipe &ro% Alessa0 and i%%ediately hit her with a disrupting atta$k o& your own. When she is wielding the Steel )ipe is a good ti%e to use the :aul0 should you want to. 1t does a lot o& da%age and %akes the battle go by Dui$ker0 but i& you use this weapon0 you $an only use the Bblo$k0 then atta$kB %ethod0 as the :aul is too slow to hit her with i& you try to use it to disrupt her atta$ks. So i& you want to0 go ahead5 there aren2t too %any pla$es in the ga%e to use this weapon e&&e$ti"ely !usually in this battle 1 use the Stun 7un &or her ?ni&e and Handgun wielding &or%s0 swit$h to the :aul &or the Steel )ipe wielding &or%0 then swit$h to the trusty ol2 ?atana &or her last &or%. ;ut you %ight &ind it si%pler to 6ust use the ?atana throughout the battle#. S%a$k her a &ew %ore ti%es and a&ter she $ru%ples0 she will re4appear one last ti%e0 this ti%e holding a Sub%a$hine 7un. *on2t gi"e her a $han$e to use it. @our best bet is to $harge straight at her and atta$k be&ore she has a $han$e to unleash a barrage o& bullets in your dire$tion. Alternately0 you should use one o& the Carousel ponies as a shield until you $an get $lose enough to get the drop on her with the ?atana0 then use the sa%e strategy detailed abo"e to &inally put her to rest. *on2t &orget0 e"en with the Handgun or S:7 at $lose range0 she $an still try to pistol4whip you with the%. .n$e she is dead0 the $arrousel will stop. Eead the note le&t &or Heather &ro% hersel&0 whi$h is written on the &loor. 1t says death is nothing to be a&raid o&0 espe$ially in light o& how %u$h su&&ering and death the de%onHgodHbaby will $ause when it is born. She also says that she wanted to put hersel& out o& her %isery rather than allow hersel& to die slowly in the si$kroo% the way that she did be&ore0 and doesn2t know why she didn2t let her kill hersel&. All those Bhersel&Bs %ean0 o& $ourse0 Heather0 the new in$arnation o& Alessa. Well that $ertainly

e3plains a lot5 Heather is yet another in$arnation o& Alessa0 the sa%e way Cheryl was in the original Silent Hill. .n$e you are done reading it0 walk either way until you see the e3it gate0 then lea"e the ride. @ou will walk down a long0 %eaty0 $an$erous looking hallway. 1t $an2t hurt you0 and only goes the one dire$tion0 so go through the door at the end. @ou will end up in a long stone $orridor0 with another %essage s$rawled along the $orridor walls in blood. +his is a$tually a prayer to the .rder2s *ark 7od0 and the way that it is written on the walls along the path you are taking towards the $hur$h suggests it was put there &or you to see. .r rather &or B7odB to see. .n$e you &inally rea$h the end o& the tunnel0 you will see a door with a sign on it. Eead the sign !a greeting and instru$tions &or $hur$h4goers# and then go inside. @ou are entering the &inal phase o& the ga%e. 114&. )art Si3: B+aking Co%%union at .ur ady o& the ;loodbath...B 114&48. B:y ad"i$e5 don2t drink the ?ool4Aid...B +he Chur$h All right kid0 you2re in the ho%e stret$h. *on2t s$rew up now. As soon as you enter the $hur$h0 a $uts$ene begins. 1t see%s that Claudia is surprised to see Heather0 and i%%ediately &igures out that Vin$ent has so%ething to do with it. Heather2s presen$e at the $hur$h a$tually works into Claudia2s plan0 so she is not too $on$erned. She is only interested in the 7od growing in Heather2s wo%b0 and the )aradise that will $o%e a&ter the Audg%ent and Atone%ent. Apparently0 all the e"il and death and su&&ering in Silent Hill is 6ust a prelude to the greater Hell that will arri"e on$e the god is &ull4born0 and that it ser"es the sa%e purpose as Hell5 to 6udge and puri&y those who are not ready &or )aradise. .r so Claudia see%s to think0 anyway. She says that this was Alessa2s drea%. Heather disagrees0 as she 1S Alessa0 and now has her %e%ories. She on$e wanted this all to $o%e to pass0 be$ause o& her twisted upbringing0 but li"ing as Heather has showed her how brainwashed she had been by her %other and the .rder. Further%ore0 she doesn2t want it be$ause Claudia wants it0 and she is the one who had her &ather %urdered. As she is speaking o& this0 the horrible pain in Heather2s sto%a$h returns worse than e"er0 and she $ru%ples to the ground. Claudia says that the ti%e is al%ost here0 and that Heather2s hatred o& her is good. +hen she lea"es0 while Heather is struggling with her pain. When the pain subsides0 Heather is alone in the $hapel. +here are paintings along either wall0 and i& you start in the right pla$e and read $lo$kwise0 the basi$ %ythology o& the .rder2s religion is laid out. +he paintings are nu%bered so that you $an tell where to start and where to end. As you are &a$ing the area where Claudia was standing when you $a%e in0 the pulpit0 the &irst one is to Heather2s right0 $losest to the pulpit. Eeading the% $lo$kwise0 here is a synopsis o& what they say0 paraphrased: 8. .rigins: 1n the beginning hu%an2s li"es su$ked. '. ;irth: A %an and a wo%an ea$h o&&ered sa$ri&i$es to the sun0 in hopes o& gaining sal"ation5 he a snake0 and she a reed. 7od was born &ro% these two people. 3. Sal"ation: 7od %ade day and night0 outlined the rules and ga"e people 6oy0 and %ade the% %ortal. 7ee0 thanks. 9. Creation: 7od %ade other gods to lead hu%anity5 the red god Iu$hilbara0 and the yellow god0 obsel Vith0 along with other gods and angels0 then went to $reate )aradise0 where &olks would &inally be happy. <. )ro%ise: ;e&ore she $ould $reate )aradise0 god ran out o& 6ui$e and dropped dead0 but not be&ore pro%ising a $o%eba$k. =. Faith:

So be good little %onkeys and pray0 so that one day )aradise will &inally show up. +he end. +hat2s one wa$ky religion you got there. Anyway0 there are three doors on the &ar end o& the $hapel0 &urthest &ro% the pulpit0 but none o& the% open. .n the pulpit itsel& there is a Sa"e )oint drawn in whate"er passes &or a ;ible in this $hur$h. ;ehind the pulpit on a table0 right under the stained glass windows0 is the ,ye o& -ight +arot Card5 12% pretty sure that one isn2t in :iss Cleo2s de$k. ,3a%ine the area where the $ard was lo$ated again to get a better "iew o& the stained glass. 1t shows 7od &lanked on either side by the %an and the wo%an who she was $reated o&. Heather %entions that she used to $o%e here to pray when she was a little girl !and Alessa to boot#0 but that none o& her prayers were e"er answered. Use the Sa"e )oint i& you want to0 then lea"e through the door that Claudia went through0 ne3t to the organ !whi$h Heather $an2t play0 da%%it. 1 wanted her to di"e into B1n *a 7adda *a ViddaB by 1ron ;utter&ly#. @ou are in a $orridor. Aust to the right o& the door0 posted on the wall0 is the Chur$h :ap0 su$h as it is. Unlike the other %aps0 this one is drawn in what appears to be $rayon0 on top o& a drawing o& so%e green plants and a bunny0 and a pretty house with a yellow roo&0 and the sun. AwwwF Also unlike the other %aps0 this one only shows the roo%s that you are in and ha"e already been in. Fortunately it draws e"en what you $annot see0 su$h as the two doors &urther down the hall and around the $orner0 whi$h you ha"en2t through yet. As you enter ea$h new roo% or hallway0 it will be added to the %ap !it is un$lear whether Heather is drawing this %ap hersel&0 or i& the drawings are %ysti$ally appearing. 1& she is drawing it hersel&0 1 wish she had thought o& that &or the bloody a%use%ent park as well. 1t would ha"e %ade all o& our li"es %u$h easier#. *ire$tly a$ross &ro% where you &ound the %ap is a door !the southern4%ost o& two doors#. 7o through it now. +his is a $on&essional. @ou $an hear so%eone $rying on the other side o& it. +here is nothing but so%e books in here0 and the $on&essional s$reen. ,3a%ine the $on&essional s$reen to start a $uts$ene. 1t see%s that the wo%an on the other side o& the s$reen has per&or%ed an a$t o& re"enge upon so%e girl0 who apparently killed her daughter. She is asking god &or &orgi"eness0 and begging to be allowed to go to purgatory instead o& Hell0 so that she $an be allowed to see her daughter one last ti%e. She asks 7od &or &orgi"eness. @ou0 &or your part0 are gi"en the option o& saying B1 &orgi"e youB or saying nothing at all. 1& this is your &irst ti%e through the ga%e0 it doesn2t %atter what you say0 as you will always get the sa%e ending. 1& this is not your &irst ti%e through the ga%e0 then saying B1 &orgi"e youB will help to earn you a di&&erent ending to the ga%e. !See se$tion 1V0 B,ndingsB a&ter the walkthrough &or %ore details#. .n$e you say whate"er you need to say to the wo%an in the other part o& the roo%0 lea"e the $on&essional0 as there is nothing %ore to do. +urn right and run past the door leading into the other part o& the $on&essional !it is lo$ked and will not open0 e"en though you know so%eone is inside# and the door leading ba$k to the $hapel. Follow the $orridor as it turns right twi$e0 and your radio should begin e%itting stati$. 1gnore this0 as it does not0 in this $ase designate that there is a %onster nearby. +he door straight ahead0 on the south wall0 is lo$ked0 so turn le&t at the east4interse$ting hallway. +here is a %etal grate at the end o& the hall to the east0 and beyond it you $an see a dark hallway and a gurney with a bloody $loth4$o"ered body on it5 this

area see%s to be the reason the radio is e%itting stati$. ;ut sin$e you $an2t see what is $ausing it0 instead go through the door on the north wall. +here is a Closer in this roo%0 and it looks parti$ularly nasty. 1t is %u$h darker than the ones you ha"e seen pre"iously0 as i& the bla$k s%oke4like substan$e you saw %o"ing o"er the Carousel at the A%use%ent )ark is %o"ing 6ust under its skin. Closers that you see &ro% this point out are a lot tougher0 &aster0 and stronger than pre"iously0 so you shouldn2t toy with the%. Supplies are &ew and &ar between &or the rest o& the ga%e0 so you should a"oid all unne$essary $on&rontations. +here are no ite%s or $lues in this roo%0 so this $ounts as an unne$essary $on&rontation. +his is a $lassroo% o& so%e sort0 perhaps &or tea$hing their $raGy "ersion o& Sunday s$hool. +he Closer is gnawing on a hunk o& %eat in &ront o& the bla$kboard0 so you ha"e ti%e to get out o& here !in $ase you are $urious0 there is nothing to read on the bla$kboard. ,"en the noti$e in the top $orner doesn2t say anything#. +here is a door north o& the door you $a%e in through0 on the sa%e wall. +urn right and run straight along the wall0 then go out through the new door be&ore the Closer has a $han$e to get... well0 $loser. +his is the other side o& the %etal grate that we saw earlier where the stati$ was e%itting with no "isible sour$e. Well0 we are about to &ind out what was $ausing the stati$. +his hallway is B+B shaped0 with the top o& the B+B &a$ing east0 $reating a $orridor that runs north and south. At either end o& this northHsouth4&a$ing hallway is a slu%bering 1nsane Can$er in &ront o& a door. ,Duip the ?atana and engage the one prote$ting the south end o& the $orridor &irst. *on2t let it push you too &ar north as you are battling it0 or you will awaken the se$ond 1nsane Can$er and end up sandwi$hed between the two o& the%. .n$e the &irst one is dead0 go ahead and kill the se$ond one as well. 1t2s okay0 12ll wait. When they are both dead0 you are &a$ed with three doors to $hoose &ro%5 a door at the north end o& the $orridor whi$h heads north0 and door at the south end whi$h &a$es east0 and a door between the two0 whi$h also &a$es east !+here is also a wheel$hair at the south end o& the hallway0 whi$h Heather has so%e interesting $o%%ents about#. +he %iddle door is 6a%%ed0 so it is either north or south. 7o through the southern4%ost door &irst. +his is so%ebody2s bedroo%. .n the le&t side o& the top shel& o& the book$ase you will &ind two bo3es o& Handgun bullets. Aust beyond that0 against the east wall0 there is a desk0 and on that desk is a blue &older. ,3a%ine the &older on$e to &ind the Cassette +ape. ,3a%ine it again to &ind out a little bit about what looks to be the Sa"e Sy%bols: it BEepresents the deity known as 2+he Halo o& the Sun.2 1n heraldry0 sy%boliGes a religious group. +he two outer $ir$les are $harity and resurre$tion5 the three inner $ir$les are present0 past0 and &uture. Usually drawn in red. .$$asionally drawn in bla$k or other $olors0 but blue re"erses the %eaning into a $urse on 7od and is there&ore &orbidden.B Sounds like a re$ipe &or so%ething that allows you to $o%e ba$k &ro% the dead0 or BContinueB or B oadB your Sa"ed ga%e. -eat. ;eat that Eesident ,"il. All you get is a lousy typewriter. .n$e you are done reading this0 there is nothing else to see0 so lea"e the roo%. 7o north all the way to the end o& the hallway and through the door at the end.

+his area is a tad &reaky0 and you ha"e to pay attention. :o%ents a&ter you &irst enter this area0 you will hear a girl $rying. Walk a$ross the %etal grating on the &loor to the edge o& the linoleu% and wait. Soon you will see s%all bloody &ootprints appear0 along with the sound o& little &eet on linoleu%0 as well as the $rying. +he &ootprints will slowly $ross the $orridor to a large painting resting on the &loor0 then see% to disappear behind it. Soon a&ter0 the noises $ease. ,3a%ine the painting. +he pi$ture itsel& is o& an Angel as$ending into hea"en0 but the painting is on its side against the wall. 1& you wat$hed the little girl2s &ootprints go up to and then behind it0 you will be gi"en the option to %o"e the painting aside. Say B@esB0 and a new door is re"ealed. *on2t go through it yet0 howe"er0 or you will %iss a roo%. 1nstead0 go all the way north0 hang a le&t0 then go through the door on the north wall. +hat2s a big &reaking Sa"e Sy%bol. +his roo% is $ir$ular0 with the Sa"e Sy%bol s$ribed on the &loor in the $enter o& the roo%. Along the walls are paintings depi$ting the Holy +rinity o& the .rder2s religion: BSaint Aenni&er. Unwa"ering Faith Under *eath2s ;ladeB5 this re&ers to Aenni&er Carroll0 a %e%ber o& the order who was tortured to death by Christians &or pra$ti$ing wit$h$ra&t during the Sale% wit$h trial era. A %onu%ent to her $an be &ound in Eosewater )ark on the shores o& +olu$a ake during the $ourse o& playing Silent Hill '. +he se$ond portrait is o& BSt. Alessa. :other o& 7od0 *aughter o& 7odB. +his one should need no e3planation5 it is a portrait o& a teenage Alessa holding the baby Alessa0 who would be$o%e Heather. +he third and &inal painting is o& St. -i$holas !no0 not Santa Claus0 du%bass# B:ira$ulous Hands0 A *o$tor o& 7odB. 1 ha"e no idea who this re&ers to. 1t isn2t *r. ?au&%ann &ro% the &irst Silent Hill ga%e0 be$ause his na%e was :i$hael!and also be$ause he turned against *ahlia and helped Harry by separating 7od &ro% Alessa by tossing a "ial o& Aglaophotis at her. -ot a "ery saintly thing &or a %an to do to the 7od o& his own religion#. Hope&ully it will be e3plained in Silent Hill 9. U)*A+,: -ope0 still a %ystery. 12% guessing that he was the do$tor who deli"ered Alessa0 a %e%ber o& the $ult0 and %aybe the %ysterious unna%ed do$tor who you see standing at her bedside a&ter she was burned in $uts$enes near the end o& the original Silent Hill0 and whose "oi$e you hear there and in Silent Hill: .rigins. 1 guess it doesn2t %atter. Anyway0 our tour is now $o%plete0 so sa"e your ga%e i& you want to !Heather will ha"e so%e new deep thoughts about the nature o& the Sa"e Sy%bol and resurre$tion in general# and e3it the roo%. 7o ba$k to the door that was on$e $o"ered by the painting !the painting is now ne3t to it# and go inside. +his is a $ra%ped and narrow hallway0 &illed with debris and %edi$al eDuip%ent0 in$luding %ore bloody gurneys with dead bodies on the%. +he walls on either side don2t go all the way to the &loor0 and there is a $reature shu&&ling around on the other side o& the wall to the south. 1 ha"e a sneaking suspi$ion that it is our old &riend Valtiel0 but we will ne"er be able to &ind out0 as it $an2t get at you0 and you $an2t get at it. So ignore it0 and go through the door at the other end0 on the east wall. +his area is a narrow0 B B shaped walkway suspended in the darkness. +he B B is lying on it2s ba$k0 with the short leg running northHsouth and the long leg running eastHwest. As you head south0 you will pass a big steel $age on Heather2s le&t0 hanging in spa$e. +his is an

ele"ator0 but ignore it &or the %o%ent. +here is one door on the sa%e !west# wall as the door you $a%e in through0 6ust south o& this0 but it is 6a%%ed. +here are also &our doors along the south wall. ;ut &irst things &irst5 there is a new ene%y here $alled a S$raper !see se$tion 14b4> &or %ore details#. +hey look like %iniature "ersions o& the :issionary boss0 but they aren2t nearly as tough. +reat the% like you would a &aster %o"ing -urse5 blo$k its atta$k and then hit it with the ?atana0 then repeat until it is dead. +here is only one here0 so kill it be&ore pro$eeding0 i& only &or pra$ti$e. .n$e it is dead0 $he$k out the doors along the south wall. +he three western4%ost are all 6a%%ed. +he last one0 &urthest &ro% the door you $a%e in through0 opens0 so go inside. +his is the $hur$h2s ibrary. Che$k out the &irst book that you $an see open0 on a shel& on the west wall. 1t is entitled BSilent Hill2s An$ient 7ods: A Study o& +heir ,ty%ology and ,"olution.B WhewF 1t is a treatise e3plaining that the religion doesn2t e3ist now as it did in its original &or%. +he pri%al gods nati"e to the region !whi$h was an indigenous religion0 be&ore the ,uropean settlers# were re4na%ed and gi"en the des$riptions o& Christian angels and de%ons0 %aking a sort o& Hellish ChristianHde%on potpourri. +he %ain god o& the religion0 the god o& snakes and reeds &ro% the story in the $hapel0 was instead gi"en the na%e o& a *e%on &ro% the Christian religion0 not by the religion2s &ollowers0 but by those opposed to it0 in order to show their disgust &or the religion. +hey don2t say the de%on2s na%e in the book0 but in the original Silent Hill0 the god was $alled Sa%%ael. Continue south0 and do a $o%plete $ir$uit o& the roo% around the $entral book$ase. +he ne3t thing you should $o%e a$ross o& interest is a desk in the southeast $orner o& the roo%0 along the east wall. +here is a sta$k o& o$$ult to%es0 a blank sheet o& paper... and the B:oonB +arot Card. As soon as you pi$k this up0 a $uts$ene begins0 in whi$h Vin$ent walks into the ibrary. Heather isn2t happy to see hi%0 and guesses on$e again that he is in league with Claudia0 sin$e he is $raGy. He says he 1S o& the sa%e religion as Claudia0 but is sane. He doesn2t want 7od to be born0 sin$e he likes the way things are going. He doesn2t want any unpredi$table god waking up and shaking up the status Duo. Heather is upset that he has been using her to take Claudia out0 but he suggests that Heather has been en6oying all o& it. He says he has seen her &a$e when she is killing the%. She denies this0 and points out that they are %onsters0 and Vin$ent a$ts surprised0 saying0 B+hey look like %onsters to youCB +his raises so%e V,E@ disturbing Duestions about what Heather has a$tually been doing0 and about Silent Hill in general0 but Vin$ent laughs it o&& and says that %aybe he was 6ust kidding. He then asks her i& she has the Seal o& :etatron0 and when she says she doesn2t e"en know what it is0 he &reaks out0 thinking that she doesn2t ha"e it. When he says that eonard was $arrying it0 Heather takes out the Seal that eonard was prote$ting and he see%s instantly relie"ed0 saying that i& she had the Seal then e"erything will be okay. He then hands her a book entitled B.therworld awsB0 and lea"es. 7o to your in"entory and $he$k it out. 1t talks about the Seal you got &ro% eonard0 a %agi$ sDuare with Bprote$ti"e and dispelling propertiesB $alled either the BVirun V11 CrestB or the Seal o& :etatron !you know0 :etatron. -ot the leader o& the *e$epti$ons0 that was :egatron. :etatron0 as in Alan Ei$k%an2s $hara$ter in the %o"ie B*og%aB#. +he Seal $an be used &or either good or e"il and is also di&&i$ult to $ontrol0 %aking it "ery dangerous. +his is why it is na%ed

a&ter :etatron !or :etraton#0 who is the angel known as the BAgent o& 7odB !that2s so%e agent5 1 always wondered how he got that gig5 1 hear he handles Angelina Aolie as well#. .n$e you are done reading0 head north up the eastern side o& the roo%0 the side o& the $entral book$ase that you ha"en2t e3a%ined yet. At the northern end o& the $entral shel& you will &ind another book0 this one on the history o& the tarot. 1t is a$tually kind o& interesting0 but not use&ul &or our purposes here. +here is nothing else here !unless you are playing on the Hard Eiddle e"el during an ,3tra -ew 7a%e0 in whi$h $ase there is a ridi$ulously di&&i$ult riddle here that will allow you to unlo$k a new out&it5 see se$tion V4g4/ &or %ore details# so lea"e the roo%. 7o o"er to the ele"ator and $li%b inside &or a ride to the lower le"el. +his area is shaped e3a$tly like the ledge4like area you 6ust le&t0 and has the sa%e nu%ber o& doors. First0 go through the one in the northwest $orner0 at the top o& the short leg o& the B B. +his hallway looks i%posing0 as it is $o"ered in blood and iron grating0 but it is de"oid o& ene%ies. As you head west0 you will noti$e that the wall on Heather2s right is a &en$e0 but is open so that you $an see what is on the other side. +he $a%era will a$tually let you &a$e that way and look through the wall by pressing the B 'B button. All that you $an see is an iron4%esh tunnel suspended in a haGy orange glow0 o"er a whole lot o& nothing. 1& you look at the grating under Heather2s &eet0 you will realiGe she is in a si%ilar tunnel0 suspended o"er nothing. 1t looks otherworldly and surreal0 in$reasing the &eeling o& being disengaged &ro% reality. Weird. Anyway0 go all the way west0 ignoring &or the %o%ent the hallway that interse$ts it heading south0 and go through the door at the end o& the hall on the west wall. +his roo% is so%e kind o& %essed4up0 %akeshi&t %ortuary0 and the shroud wrapped bodies are all tu%bled out and dis$arded like so %u$h re&use. As usual0 the dead are not a threat to Heather0 so you $an rela3 !i& this was Eesident ,"il0 you would be pulling out the Shotgun right about now0 or getting ready to run &or your li&e#. +here is only one body on a gurney0 and there is an ob6e$t propped up against its noggin: the BHanged :anB +arot Card. ,3a%ine the body itsel& to hear her thoughts on how %u$h one $an get used to when one has no $hoi$e. 1n an uno$$upied shel& in the northeast $orner o& the roo% is a bo3 o& Shotgun Shells. 1& you had "ery little a%%o when you arri"ed in the Chur$h &or the &irst ti%e0 there %ay be additional bo3es here. 1& there isn2t0 su$ks to be you. +hat is all there is o& interest in this roo%0 so lea"e the way you $a%e in. +ake a &ew steps &orward0 then go take the hallway heading south0 turn le&t when the passage does0 then go through the only door in this hallway0 on the north wall. +his $reepily lit little bedroo% %ight look &a%iliar to you0 and i& it doesn2t0 the bloody %attress %ight gi"e you a hint. So%ehow0 this is a re4produ$tion o& Harry2s roo% where his body was laid to rest by Heather0 ba$k in the *aisy Villa apart%ents. +he bed is stripped o& its $o"erings0 and the body is gone... but the blood4stains re%ain0 and there is a bloody trail leading out the door. +he other door0 whi$h would ha"e lead into Harry2s bathroo%0 is 6a%%ed !whi$h %akes sense0 be$ause a$$ording to the %ap0 it would ha"e lead ba$k into the hallway#. ,"erything else is e3a$tly the sa%e0 &ro% the pla$e%ent o&

the $loset and the bookshel& to the phone0 +V and VCE. As i& &urther proo& was ne$essary0 Harry2s 6ournal is lying on the bed. 1n it0 he talks about how he originally na%ed Heather Cheryl0 a&ter his daughter who he lost in Silent Hill. ;ut he realiGes that the na%e was all wrong0 sin$e Heather0 like Cheryl0 is really 6ust another in$arnation o& Alessa. ;ut regardless o& who she was0 Harry lo"ed her %ore than anything else. Heather is tou$hed0 and re"eals that she still holds one %e%ory &ro% poor0 lost Cheryl as well: Cheryl2s gentle0 adopti"e %other0 who died be&ore Harry &irst $a%e to Silent Hill with Cheryl 8> years ago. 1t2s all kind o& sweet0 i& a bit $on"oluted. 1n addition to the diary0 there are two Stun 7un ;atteries on the desk ne3t to the bed. +here is nothing %ore to &ind0 so say good4bye to Harry2s %e%ory on$e %ore and lea"e the roo%0 but be ready to run. +hat2s right0 1 said run. +here are now two S$rapers in this hallway0 as i& in %o$kery o& the way Harry died0 killed by the :issionary0 o& whi$h they are the e$ono%y "ersion. @ou $an kill the% i& you want0 but 1 suggest dodging the% and running ba$k east and out the door at the end that you originally entered this hallway through. .ne on one they are no proble%0 but they $an be dangerous when they gang up0 and you don2t e"er ha"e to return to this hallway0 so it is &ine to lea"e the% behind. So head ba$k up the hallway north and turn right at the end0 then run all the way ba$k east and out the door on the east wall0 ba$k onto the B B shaped ledge. +here is only one other door in this area that opens0 and that is the se$ond to last one on the south wall. 7o through it0 but be ready. +his is another B B shaped ledge !this one with its long leg running parallel to the long leg o& the pre"ious B B shaped ledge0 and it2s short leg pointing south0 like an B B that &ell on its &a$e#0 and there are two )endulu%s and a S$raper here. +he )endulu%s won2t $ause you too %u$h di&&i$ulty as you pass through here %ultiple ti%es0 but the S$raper $ould be$o%e a proble%. Eun west to the bend o& the B B to put so%e distan$e between you and the )endulu%s0 and don2t worry about any o& the other doors e3$ept the one in the south4west $orner0 as they are either 6a%%ed or si%ply not there. +he S$raper starts in this general area0 walking north and south along the short leg. ?ill hi% with the ?atana as Dui$kly as possible0 then Dui$kly e3it through the door in the southwest $orner. Start down this hallway0 but go through the &irst door you &ind0 whi$h will be on Heather2s le&t0 on the south wall. Aust beyond this door there is a se$tion o& $orridor that is %ade o& %esh0 and there is an interesting sight i& you look through it &a$ing south0 but we will $he$k it out when we get ba$k. +here are two Closers in this roo%0 but no ite%s or $lues o& interest. +o sa"e a%%o and health ite%s !and your hide#0 6ag le&t and dodge the Closers0 heading &or the door in the southeast $orner o& this dark roo%0 on the south wall. Eun through be&ore the Closers be$o%e a proble%. :o"e south down this hallway until you rea$h a pat$h o& white linoleu%. +he $rying in"isible girl has returned0 and on$e again she will show you where you need to go by lea"ing bloody &ootprints in her wake. She slowly leads you to the see%ingly blank east wall. .n$e she is gone

on$e again0 sear$h the area that her &ootsteps lead up to and sear$h to &ind a se$ret door. ;e&ore you go through it0 in"estigate the strange sDueaking noise $o%ing &ro% the south end o& the $orridor. +he hall is $hoked with bloody beds and debris0 but 6ust beyond the% at the end o& the hall is a strange and $hilling sight: the $reature Valtiel %indlessly turning his "al"es. Hanging abo"e hi% are what see%s to be two sets o& pale &e%ale legs0 still ki$king. 1t is i%possible to tell who they are0 be$ause "ibrantly red $urtains obs$ure their upper bodies and e"en their hands. +here is nothing you $an do to intera$t with this strange s$ene0 so get your &ill o& the strangeness0 then e3a%ine the se$ret door on the east wall. +his will a$ti"ate a $uts$ene in whi$h Heather pushes open the wall0 e&&e$ti"ely %aking a short passage that runs east. +here is a door at the other end o& the passage0 on the south wall. 7o through it. 1& this roo% doesn2t look &a%iliar to you0 then you %ust not ha"e played the original Silent Hill. 1t is another roo% that should not e3ist here0 a se$ret roo% in the base%ent o& Silent Hill2s other Hospital0 Al$he%ilia0 lo$ated in Central Silent Hill. 1t was a storage roo% that was $on"erted to a si$kroo% to $are &or Alessa a&ter her %other burned her al%ost to death0 and where she Bli"edB &or se"en years0 under the $are o& nurse isa 7arland. .n the desk to the right o& the door are a $ouple o& un%arked drug bottles and at least one bo3 o& Handgun bullets. 1& there are %ore here0 it %eans that your a%%o situation %ust ha"e been $riti$al when you entered the Chur$h. +here is a $hair ne3t to the bed0 and on the $hair is a book. 1nside the book is the Fool +arot Card0 and it is %arking a parti$ular passage in the book. +he passage reads: BAglaophotis. Eed liDuid or $rystals rese%bling blood. A$$ording to the ?abbalah0 the na%e is taken &ro% an herb with the power to dispel e"il spirits. 1t is said to grow in the Arabian deserts. 1t %ay be "aporiGed or applied as a poulti$e to guard against de%ons. 1t is power&ul0 but as it is rare0 it is e3tre%ely di&&i$ult to obtain.B 1n the original Silent Hill ga%e0 the Aglaophotis was used by Harry to separate a possessing entity &ro% the poli$ewo%an Cybil !i& you got one o& the good endings. 1& you didn2t0 then you 6ust killed her#0 and by *r. ?au&%ann to separate Sa%%ael &ro% Alessa0 whi$h allowed Harry to de&eat it !i& you got one o& the good endings. 1& you didn2t0 you %ust not ha"e sa"ed ?au&%ann0 in whi$h $ase you kill Alessa0 not Sa%%ael#. +his is the &irst ti%e the red liDuid &ro% the original Silent Hill has been na%ed0 and &inally e3plains 6ust what the hell it was and why it $ould do what it did. 1t also gi"es you a "ery0 "ery i%portant key to &inishing the ga%e5 that bit about it being able to B$rystalliGeB and Bbe applied as a poulti$eB. ?eep this little bit o& i%portant in&or%ation in %ind &or the end o& the ga%e. .n the top o& the %onitor station ne3t to the bed you will &ind an A%poule5 you %ight &ind a se$ond A%poule i& you had &ew healing ite%s when you entered the Chur$h. Finally0 e3a%ine the bed and the pi$ture on the %onitor stand ne3t to it &or so%e personal thoughts &ro% Heather about this roo%. When you are done0 lea"e the roo%. +he radio $lues you in that there are now ene%ies in the $orridor5 there is now an 1nsane Can$er blo$king the hallway to the south0 where Valtiel is0 and there is another at the north end o& the $orridor0 where the e3it is. u$kily0 you don2t ha"e to worry about the one to the south0 be$ause he only bothers you i& you get $lose0 and you don2t need anything down there. +he one at the north end is lying $loser to

the west wall0 so you ha"e plenty o& roo% to run past hi% i& you hug the east wall as you run &or the e3it. @ou don2t e"er ha"e to $o%e ba$k to this hallway0 so this is your best $ourse o& a$tion. Slip past hi% and run through the door on the north wall. Unless you killed the% earlier0 the two Closers are still in this large0 dark roo%0 so dodge the% and run to the door in the northwest $orner o& the roo%. 7o through it and you ne"er ha"e to see those parti$ular Closers again. +urn le&t and head west down the $orridor. +he ne3t door you $o%e a$ross0 on the north wall0 is 6a%%ed0 but there is so%ething interesting to see on the other side o& the %esh wall right a$ross &ro% it0 so put your ba$k up against it and press the B 'B button to look through the south wall. +he wall is %ade o& %etal %esh or grating0 6ust like the one 1 pointed out earlier0 and there is another $orridor &loating in the orange haGe. What is di&&erent howe"er is that Valtiel is out there this ti%e0 and he appears to be $hoking a nurse0 who is inside the other suspended $orridor. @ou $an2t do anything to stop !or help# hi%0 so do your best to ignore hi%. Head a bit &urther west0 then take the $onne$ting passage south and go through the door at the end on the south wall. .n$e again0 this roo% should look &a%iliar to those who played the original Silent Hill0 and when you "isited it that ti%e it was out o& pla$e and ti%e as well. 1t is Alessa2s roo% as it e3isted when she was se"en years old0 be&ore her house was burned down with her inside it. When you saw it in the &irst ga%e0 the door at the end %arked the entran$e to the last battle. Here it is no di&&erent. ;ut you $an2t go through the last door yet. +aped to the shel& to the right o& the door is a Sa"e Sy%bol. Eight ne3t to that shel& is a butter&ly $olle$tion0 neatly arranged and hung in &ra%es. 1n the &ra%e $losest to the Sa"e )oint0 one o& the butter&lies is %issing0 and in its pla$e is a ;rass ?ey. +ake this with you. +here is a sket$hpad on the bed. 1t is the sket$hpad that Cheryl was $arrying with her when she disappeared into Silent Hill se"enteen years ago. .n the $o"er is a pi$ture she drew o& Harry0 her &ather and hero. 1nside is a riddle written as a poe% by a little girl0 pertaining to the way to open the lo$ked door0 whi$h you will need all the +arot Cards to unlo$k. We don2t ha"e the% all yet0 so we won2t worry about it &or now. A$ross &ro% the sket$hbook0 on the desk0 is another notepad like the one Heather &ound at the $on$ession stand in akeside A%use%ent )ark0 the ones that Harry used to sa"e his ga%e in the original Silent Hill. 1t talks about Harry2s preparations &or his &inal battle all those years ago0 and his deter%ination to sa"e both Cheryl and Alessa. 1n the south4west $orner o& the roo%0 on the &loor ne3t to so%e bookshel"es are so%e drawings that Alessa did when she was little0 and i& you look at the%0 Heather will re%e%ber so%e things about her and Claudia playing together when they were both young. @ou $an look around the roo% at all the other ob6e$ts0 getting Heather2s thoughts on the%0 but there is nothing else o& use that you $an &ind in here. @ou ha"e e3hausted all o& your options &or e3ploration e3$ept &or two5 the tarot4lo$ked door leading to the &inal battle !whi$h you $an2t open yet# and the lo$ked door way ba$k at the beginning o& the Chur$h0 the door on the south wall in the hallway where the $on&essionals are lo$ated. @ou 6ust &ound a key0 and !surprise surprise# it opens that door. Sa"e your ga%e i& you want to0 then lea"e the roo%.

Eun north to the end o& the hallway0 take a right0 and then run all the way east and go through the door on the east wall at the end !yes0 Valtiel is still out there0 $hoking a dead nurse#. *on2t &orget about the )endulu%s !as i& their sound would let you# i& you le&t the% ali"e at this B B shaped ledge. +urn le&t0 run north as &ar as you $an0 then turn right and run west all the way to the end0 and go through the last door on the north wall0 dodging the )endulu%s as you go. +urn le&t again and run north in this ne3t B B shaped ledge0 turn right at the end0 and get on the ele"ator to return to the &irst &loor. 7o right and go through the northern door on the west wall. +here is still so%ething %o"ing on the other side o& the de%i4wall to the south0 but it still $an2t hurt you0 so run all the way west and go through the door at the end. Unless you want to head north and go ba$k to the Sa"e )oint where the portrait o& the three Saints o& the .rder are lo$ated0 turn le&t as you enter this $orridor and go through the door at the south end. Eun &orward in this ne3t B+B shaped $orridor until you rea$h the $onne$ting hallway0 then turn right and go through the door on the north wall at the western end !botto% o& the B+B#. +his ne3t roo% has $hanged0 but the way that you deal with it shouldn2t. +he roo% that was on$e a $lassroo% with a single Closer in it now has two S$rapers and a Slurper0 and is swar%ing with the dark0 blood4like substan$e that is Dui$kly obs$uring the walls and doors. @our only goal is to run to the western door on the south wall !the sa%e wall as the one you 6ust $a%e through#. +urn le&t0 dodge the ene%ies and run through the other door on the south wall. 1& you lose sight o& it in the swirling bla$kness0 Dui$kly $he$k your %ap to get your bearings and ad6ust a$$ordingly0 then Dui$kly du$k through the western door on the south wall. +he &loors o& this hallway are $o"ered in %o"ing blood0 whi$h is also painting bloody swaths on the wall0 but don2t worry about it. +urn right0 %o"e into the %ain $orridor0 then turn le&t and go to the door on the south wall. Use the ;rass ?ey to unlo$k this new area0 then go through the door. @our radio should tell you that there are ene%ies in this $orridor0 but they $an be !and should be# a"oided. +here is the sa%e so%ething $rawling around on the other side o& the de%i4wall !ValtielC#0 but that isn2t the danger. +he $orridor goes south &or a bit0 then there is a $orner0 and the passage $ontinues to the east. +here is an 1nsane Can$er in the %iddle o& this stret$h0 between the two doors on either end o& the north wall. 1& you atta$k the 1nsane Can$er0 a S$raper will appear out o& nowhere and a%bush you &ro% behind0 pinning you between two ene%ies. +o a"oid this0 go through the &irst door on the north wall0 right where the hallway %akes its &irst bend. +his leads into a $lassroo%0 one that also e3ists outside o& this pla$e and ti%e. +here are lo$kers in the ba$k o& the roo%0 whi$h $annot be opened. 1n the %iddle o& the roo% is a desk0 and all the other desks are 6a%%ed against the walls o& the roo%0 as i& to put as %u$h distan$e as possible between the% and the desk in the $enter. ,3a%ine this $entral desk. +he words B7o Ho%eB0 B*rop *eadB0 and B+hie&B are s$rat$hed into its sur&a$e0 and Heather re%e%bers that the desk on$e belonged to her when she was Alessa. Apparently0 she wasn2t

the %ost popular kid in $lass. ,3a%ine the book on the tea$her2s desk in the eastern end o& the roo%. 1t is a notebook0 and inside is a letter to so%ebody0 written by a tea$her na%ed ?. 7ordon. 7ordon was apparently Alessa2s tea$her0 and was $on$erned about the abuse that she was ob"iously su&&ering at ho%e0 as well as the e%otional abuse she got at s$hool &ro% the kids who $alled her a wit$h. +his roo% is pertinent to the original Silent Hill &or a $ouple o& reasons: &irst o& all0 Harry "isited it in two &or%s while sear$hing &or Cheryl5 on$e in its physi$al lo$ation in :idwi$h ,le%entary S$hool0 and again in the otherworldly a%alga% %aGe at the end o& his 6ourney. -ow we know why it was so i%portant to AlessaHCheryl. +he se$ond interesting &a$t is that during his 6ourney0 Harry &ound a key in :idwi$h ,le%entary s$hool that was the key to ?. 7ordon2s house0 where he &ound so%e use&ul supplies and passed through the house in order to &ind a way to rea$h the original $hur$h. ;ut 1 digress. *epending on your a%%o situation when you entered the Chur$h0 there %ay be a Sub%a$hine 7un $lip on a desk to the le&t o& the tea$her2s desk0 on a tray. 1& there isn2t0 you had too %u$h a%%o when you entered the Chur$h. ,3a%ine the roo% and the pi$tures in it to your heart2s $ontent0 then lea"e through the .+H,E e3it to the roo%0 on the east end o& the roo%0 behind and the right o& the tea$her2s desk. @ou are now ba$k in the hallway0 on the other side o& the slu%bering 1nsane Can$er. -ow you ha"e a $hoi$e. 1& you &eel like &ighting0 you $an atta$k it5 this will alert the S$raper and it will $o%e running0 but this ti%e you won2t be sandwi$hed between the%. +hen you $an use the Shotgun and $at$h the% both in the blast0 hope&ully taking $are o& both at the sa%e ti%e. .r you $an lea"e well enough alone and a"oid a needless battle this late in the ga%e. ,ither way0 head south &ro% the door you e3ited the $lassroo% through. *. -.+ 7. +HE.U7H +H, *..E .H,A+H,E2S ,F+0 .- +H, ,AS+ WA FFF +here is nothing in this roo% e3$ept &or &our $ranky S$rapers0 so don2t bother unless you are &eeling ho%i$idal !or sui$idal#. 1nstead0 go through the &irst0 northern4%ost door on Heather2s right0 on the west wall0 right a$ross &ro% the gurney. +here is a bookshel& to the right o& the door0 with a $assette player on it. BUseB the Cassette +ape in your in"entory on the tape de$k to learn so%e interesting tidbits about Vin$ent. 1t is a $on"ersation between Vin$ent and a &e%ale parishioner0 who tells a skewed "ersion o& the e"ents that happened in Silent Hill se"enteen years ago. She goes on to ask Vin$ent i& it is true that Claudia has &ound the BHoly :otherB0 and it see%s like this is news to Vin$ent. He $o"ers it up pretty well0 %entioning that it %ust be true0 be$ause Claudia2s BSightB ne"er &ails her. Apparently0 she is a psy$hi$ or a $lair"oyant. +his $on"ersation e3plains how Vin$ent knew to $o%e seek Heather out and &oil Claudia2s plans. He suggests to the parishioner that they both &orget about the $on"ersation0 and she agrees that it %ight be best. She sounds e3$ited about the idea o& 7od &inally being reborn0 but Vin$ent $ertainly does not. As a &inal $lue0 there are so%e papers on the desk against the west wall. Eead the% to &inally &igure out what Vin$ent2s %oti"ations really are. Apparently0 BFatherB Vin$ent has been using the .rder2s %oney &or his own personal gain0 and e3torting donations &ro% so%e &ollowers. He apparently was instru%ental in helping the .rder grow0 but it see%ed %ore like he got his position %ore through &inan$ial sa""y and $haris%a than through any depth o& &aith. +he letter is signed B .S.B !1 ha"e no idea who this %ight be#.

1n other words0 Vin$ent is a priest in the .rder0 who has been using it not &or spiritual growth0 but &or &inan$ial gain. +hat is why he doesn2t want 7od to be reborn5 he has a good thing going using his position to ski% %oney away &ro% the $hur$h &or his own use. He doesn2t really &ollow the .rder2s belie&s0 but was %anipulating the% &or his own gain. So Claudia2s true &aith0 and her atte%pts to bring ba$k 7od are ruining the good thing that Vin$ent had going in Silent Hill. -ot to %ention the whole pain&ul BAudg%ent and Eede%ptionB thing doesn2t sound like %u$h &un. +here %ay be a First Aid ?it on the stand ne3t to the door i& you were low on health supplies when you entered the Chur$h. +here is nothing else to &ind here0 so go ba$k into the hallway and go through the last door on the west wall0 ne3t to another bloody gurney at the end o& the hall. +his sparse roo% is Claudia2s. .n the bookshel& to the right o& the door0 you will &ind Claudia2s 6ournal. 7o ahead and read it5 12% sure she won2t %ind. 1t tells you Duite a bit in its &ew pertinent pages. 1t talks o& how Claudia knew that Alessa was not really dead0 and that she had been reborn as a baby0 but that she $ouldn2t &ind her. 1t goes on to say that one o& the priests ga"e Claudia a book to read that detailed how she $ould $ause the rebirth o& 7od0 but that it was Btoo $ruelB and that she didn2t know how she would be able to do it when she &ound Alessa. Finally0 it talks about how Claudia spends her &ree ti%e reading about su&&ering and plague and $hild sla"ery0 and about her not wanting to stand idly by while su$h horrible things are happening in the world. Wow. Claudia a$tually honestly wants to %ake the world better. She wants to bring about )aradise so that she $an end all o& the su&&ering in the world. And she didn2t want to hurt Heather0 but &elt it was the only way to awaken 7od and bring about this )aradise. Huh. 1 don2t know about you0 but 1 still want to kill her0 noble truths aside. .n the end table ne3t to her bed is another tou$hing little ob6e$t5 a birthday $ard that Alessa ga"e her on her si3th birthday0 saying that she lo"es her as %u$h as i& she were her real sister. 1t is the only truly personal ite% in her $ell4like roo%0 signi&ying how %u$h it %eant to her. .n the end o& her bed is the last tarot $ard0 the High )riestess +arot Card. -ow we $an unlo$k that door on the se$ond le"el and &inish this thing. ea"e the roo%0 take a le&t0 and run north to where the hallway bends. 1& you did not kill the 1nsane Can$er and the S$raper earlier0 don2t &orget to detour through the $lassroo% to a"oid $on&rontation on$e again. 1& you killed the% earlier0 6ust &ollow the hallway. ,ither way0 go through the door on the north wall at the end o& the hallway. 1n the ne3t bloody hallway0 take your &irst right and go through the door on the north wall0 ba$k into the $lassroo% with the two S$rapers and the Slurper. *odge the ene%ies and go through the east door on the sa%e wall that you 6ust $a%e through !south wall#0 using the %ap to guide you i& the swirling darkness is too thi$k to see the door. +urn le&t0 run east0 then turn and run north at the end o& the hall and go through the door at the end o& the north passage. Eun north a &ew steps and go through the &irst door on your right0 6ust beyond the painting leaning against the wall. 7o down the hallway and out the door at the east end !ignoring the thing on the other side o& the wall on$e again#. +here is a new0 nasty bubbling noise in this area0 $aused by the liDuid blood4 s%oke stu&& $rawling o"er e"ery sur&a$e. 1gnore it and get in the ele"ator0 and go ba$k down to the lower le"el.

When the ele"ator lets you o&&0 turn le&t and run0 turning le&t again to &ollow the path as it bears east. 7o through the se$ond to last door on the south wall !the third0 $ounting &ro% le&t to right#. 1& the swirling bla$kness gets too %u$h0 here or in the ne3t roo%0 use the %ap to lead you to the $orre$t door. *on2t &orget about the )endulu%s in this ne3t area0 dodging the% as you turn right and &ollow the path0 going through the last door at the end0 on the west wall. Eun all the way west until you rea$h the hallway that goes south !and yes0 Valtiel is S+1 $hoking that nurseF# leading to Alessa2s roo%0 the Sa"e )oint0 and the last puGGle be&ore the &inal battle. 7o through the door at the end o& the southern passage to enter Alessa2s roo%. We are &inally al%ost there. Eead the riddle in the sket$hbook on the bed to &igure out how to arrange the +arot Cards on the pattern on the door. 1t says that there are so%e $ards in ea$h row0 but ne"er %ore than two. 1t goes on to re&er to the Bupside4down %anB5 i& you e3a%ine your $ards0 you will see that the Hanged :an is hung upside down. 1t says he is Bunder the groundB0 %eaning the lowest le"el0 the botto% row0 and that B+o his right5 to his le&t0 there2s no one aroundB0 %eaning +he Hanged :an is the only $ard on the lower le"el0 right in the %iddle0 with no other $ards on the botto% row with it. B+he :oon is up abo"e the sky0B %eans the :oon $ard is in the top row0 easy enough0 and that it rests abo"e the B$raGy $lownB %eaning the Fool $ard. Sin$e we know the Hanged :an is the only one on the botto% row0 we know that the Fool is so%ewhere in the %iddle row0 and that the :oon will be pla$ed dire$tly abo"e it. +hey $annot be in the %iddle row0 sin$e the Hanged :an is in the %iddle0 and the beginning o& the poe% said that there $an2t be three $ards in a row0 and sin$e the :oon has to be abo"e the Fool... so they are in either the right or the le&t $olu%ns. et2s %o"e on5 B@our ,3$ellen$y praying to 7od %ost highB re&ers to the High )riestess $ard0 and the &a$t that it is always looking up at the Bnight skyB tells us that the last $ard0 the ,ye o& -ight0 is dire$tly abo"e her. .n$e again0 we know they are not in the $entral row0 be$ause o& the rule about not ha"ing three $ards in any one row0 so all we know is that they will be on whi$he"er side the :oon and the Fool are not0 either on the right or the le&t. +he last $lue is the $lin$her0 saying that the Bs$ary and hate&ulB thing in the night is on the le&t0 not on the right5 it is re&erring to the ,ye o& the -ight $ard. So there you ha"e it. 1n the top le&t4hand $orner o& the grid0 pla$e the ,ye o& the -ight $ard0 with the High )riestess in the %iddle row0 right below it. 1n the %iddle $olu%n0 pla$e only the Hanged :an0 in the %iddle o& the botto% row. 1n the top4right hand $orner0 pla$e the :oon0 and put the Fool $ard right underneath it. +he door will then unlo$k !-ote: this re&ers to the answer to the -or%al Eiddle :ode. For the solutions to the ,asy and Hard Eiddle :odes0 re&er to se$tion 1V0 B)uGGlesB0 a&ter this walkthrough#. Sa"e your ga%e at the Sa"e )oint taped to the shel&0 then go through the tarot4lo$ked door. -ote: i& you are going &or a per&e$t ranking0 in whi$h you $an only ha"e two sa"es0 this last sa"e point should be your se$ond. +here is a bloody0 nasty passage between you in the end. Eun south0 turn right when the passage does0 run west0 turn right when the passage does0 run north0 turn le&t when the passage does0 then run west so%e %ore. @ou will enter a &airly large $ha%ber with a &airly large &an at the southern end. Eun to the north and go through the door on the north wall. +his is it.

A $uts$ene re"eals Vin$ent and Claudia arguing in a $olu%ned roo% in the $hur$h. He says that wishes both Claudia and Heather would die0 so that his li&e $ould go ba$k to nor%al. Claudia asks Vin$ent when he stopped belie"ing in 7od0 and he replies that he does belie"e in her0 and &ears her0 but that he belie"es that the horrible world being $reated around the% is not the work o& 7od0 but rather a world built o& Claudia2s night%ares0 6ust as Alessa $reated a world out o& her night%ares se"enteen years ago. He re%inds her that the Chur$h was built with his %oney0 %oney whi$h she spurns0 and that he is not ready to see it all go to hell. Eight as he is beginning to lea"e0 Heather enters the roo%. He tells Heather to kill Claudia0 but instead Claudia stabs hi% in the ba$k0 literally. She thanks Heather &or nurturing the 7od in her wo%b with her hatred o& Claudia0 whi$h is the only way that the 7od $an thri"e. +hat is why she killed Heather2s &ather0 and then stu$k around so that she would know who did it0 e"en though she knew it was Btoo $ruelB0 and doing so %ade her &eel si$k inside5 she needed Heather to hate her with e"ery oun$e o& her being0 and to long to kill her0 so that her 7od $ould thri"e o&& o& that hatred and grow to %aturity. 1t was the only way 7od $ould be reborn. Heather points out that a true )aradise $an2t be born o& a 7od who is nurtured by hatred. She says that she knows her a$tions were e"il0 but that they were ne$essary &or the greater good0 so that 7od $ould be reborn. She is aware that she hersel& is da%ned0 but that she is willing to %ake that sa$ri&i$e in order to Bsa"eB the rest o& the world. 1n the end it is Vin$ent who brings an end to the )hilosophi$al dis$ussion0 telling Heather to use the Seal o& :etatron to end it all. Heather brings it out0 but Claudia is less than $on$erned5 she says that the Seal was nothing but an insane drea% o& eonard2s0 and that it has no true power. 1t see%s she is right0 be$ause the Seal does nothing. Wow. We really wasted our ti%e going to ;rookha"en. Claudia then &inishes Vin$ent o&& by stabbing hi% in the heart0 saying that 7od has roo% in hell0 e"en &or Vin$ent. She then turns on Heather and tells her that she has no pla$e to run0 and that it is ti%e. 1%%ediately0 one o& the horrible $ra%ping pains tears through Heather0 dropping her to her knees. As Claudia $rows on about her triu%ph the 7od $an be seen taking o"er Heather5 red tendrils begin to grow o"er her skin and out o& her pores0 and it looks as though she will soon be o"er$o%e. Heather &or$es the 7od ba$k with pure &or$e o& will0 long enough to &inally take one de$isi"e a$tion. A$tually0 that is where you $o%e in. *o you re%e%ber the book you &ound in the si$k roo%0 where Alessa lay in %ind4nu%bing agony &or se"en years0 the book that talks about the substan$e $alled AglaophotisC Se"enteen years ago it was used to separate Sa%%ael &ro% Alessa0 so that the 7od $ould be de&eated. -ow it is the only thing that $an sa"e Heather &ro% being de"oured &ro% within by that sa%e 7od. ong ago Harry ga"e Heather a pendant with a red 6ewel inside0 and told her ne"er0 e"er to take it o&&. 1& you B,3a%ineB the pendant now0 and look at the 6ewel inside0 Heather %entions that she doesn2t understand why the 6ewel %akes her &eel si$k inside. +he reason is that the 6ewel is %ade out o& $o%pressed Aglaophotis0 the %agi$al substan$e that $an rid people o& de%oni$ possession. Harry tra$ked down so%e Aglaophotis and had it %ade into a 6ewel0 or rather a pill0 6ust in $ase what he suspe$ted about his daughter was true5 that she was the rein$arnation o& Alessa0 and that Sa%%ael was buried deep inside her wo%b. His trials in Silent Hill taught hi% a "aluable lesson0 and now his &orethought will sa"e Heather. Fro% the ti%e that

you regain $ontrol o& Heather0 you ha"e so%ewhere between thirty se$onds to a %inute to BUseB the pendant0 or0 %ore spe$i&i$ally0 the Aglaophotis pill inside it. 1& you don2t0 a $uts$ene will begin in whi$h Heather will die horribly as Sa%%ael is born &ro% within her0 while Claudia looks on in horror andHor rapture0 and it is ga%e o"er. 1& you do use the pendant in ti%e0 another $uts$ene begins. Heather takes o&& her ne$kla$e and swallows the Aglaophotis0 and Claudia0 not knowing what it is0 doesn2t try to stop her. At &irst it see%s as though the pill didn2t work. Heather &alls to the ground in pain on$e %ore0 and the red tendrils start to $o"er her body. ;ut then she starts ret$hing0 and Claudia be$o%es disturbed0 de%anding to know what Heather swallowed. Heather "o%its up the nas$ent Sa%%ael0 whi$h looks sad and patheti$ on the &loor o& the Chur$h0 like a large0 wriggling0 $an$erous slug. 1t is ob"iously dying0 but Heather atte%pts to &inish it anyway0 and tries to sto%p on it. ;e&ore she $an0 Claudia kno$ks Heather aside and pi$ks up the 7od0 horri&ied by what Heather has done. She is disgusted that Heather would do su$h a thing0 but then does so%ething e"en %ore disgusting to sa"e the 7od5 she swallows it. As Heather looks on in horri&ied disgust she $hokes the slug4thing down0 and al%ost i%%ediately begins to be taken o"er by what is now within her. Unlike Heather she doesn2t try to &ight it0 and stu%bles a$ross the roo% to a o"al shaped hole in the &loor. Aust as the trans&or%ation begins in earnest0 she is yanked through the &loor by Valtiel0 who is now prote$ting the 7od sDuir%ing inside her. @ou are le&t &a$ing the ragged hole in the twisted %etal that was le&t when Claudia was yanked through the &loor. +here is nothing i%portant to see up here0 nor are there any ite%s to pi$k up0 so lets get this o"er with. Walk up to the edge o& the hole and Heather will 6u%p in0 beginning yet another $uts$ene. Claudia2s robes are lying on the &loor0 but she is no longer inside the%. She has be$o%e the e%bodi%ent o& Sa%%ael0 who has grown to %onstrous proportions0 but is still not &ully &or%ed. Valtiel0 who has been seen throughout the ga%e turning "al"es and strangling nurses0 a$ts as %idwi&e to the newborn 7od0 pla$ing as $ere%onial shroud or hood o"er the strangely beauti&ul0 so%ewhat reptilian &e%ale &a$e. Heather is upset when she &inds out that Claudia is already dead0 disappointed that she didn2t get to kill her hersel&. ;ut she is e"en %ore disturbed by what she does &ind5 the un&inished newborn 7od that she re6e$ted and al%ost killed. 1t isn2t happy. 1t is ti%e &or the &inal battle. 114&4'. F1-A ;.SS ;A++ ,: +H, 7.* +he strange $reature is not &ully &or%ed0 and as su$h0 so%e o& its skeletal stru$ture is still showing. Well0 %ost o& it in &a$t. 1t does0 howe"er0 ha"e a large0 gray head that see%s to rese%ble Alessa2s0 and has already grown to a large siGe. Sin$e the only part o& it that isn2t skeletal is the head0 this is the part that you ha"e to atte%pt to do da%age to. +he only weapon that you $an e&&e$ti"ely ai% upward at a range is the Handgun0 so eDuip that as soon as the battle begins. -ow it is ti%e to position yoursel& so you won2t get hit. +here is a se%i4$ir$le drawn on the ground in &ront o& the %onster0 like a three4point line in basketball. +his delineates Sa%%ael2s atta$k range0 so stand outside o&

it be&ore beginning your own atta$ks. 1& you are standing inside this se%i4$ir$le while the $reature is upright0 Sa%%ael will be able to rea$h you with it2s %ighty ar%s0 and hit you with its %ost de"astating atta$k0 whi$h will sla% Heather against the wall and $ause Duite a bit o& da%age. So while it is standing0 you should stay outside the se%i4 $ir$le and &ire up at the head. When you are outside the line0 there is only one atta$k that it $an use to hit you. 1t will $reate a rolling se%i4$ir$le o& &ire0 6ust inside the s$ribed se%i4$ir$le that you are using as a point o& re&eren$e. Fro% this rolling ar$h o& &ire0 lines o& &ire will shoot outside the $ir$le0 heading straight &or Heather. So stay outside the se%i4$ir$le and stra&e le&t or right0 &iring at the $reature2s head. 1& you keep %o"ing le&t or right0 the line o& &ire that shoots out &ro% the se%i4$ir$le o& &ire won2t be able to hit you. ?eep stra&ing le&t and right0 while &iring up at the head with the Handgun. A&ter se"eral shots0 the $reature will &all &orward0 into a $rawling $rou$h. While you ha"e it down at your le"el0 swit$h to a %ore potent weapon0 su$h as the S:7 or the Shotgun0 %o"e &orward inside the se%i4 $ir$le0 and unload into its head at $loser range. *on2t %o"e it +.. $lose0 howe"er0 sin$e the se%i4$ir$le also delineates Sa%%ael2s ar% rea$h0 and it $ould strike you with its li%bs i& you get in too $lose. So stand 6ust inside the line and &ire away. 1& the 7od throws out line o& &ire0 si%ply ba$k up until you are outside the line0 but $ontinue to &ire. Stra&e le&t or right to a"oid the lines o& &ire that shoot outside the se%i4$ir$le. ,"entually Sa%%ael will stand upright again. :o"e ba$k outside the se%i4$ir$le0 re4eDuip the Handgun0 and start the pro$ess o"er again. @ou will know that Sa%%ael is al%ost dead when it starts throwing out two lines o& &ire at on$e0 but don2t be inti%idated. Continue to use the sa%e ta$ti$s0 only sidestepping two lines o& &ire instead o& one this ti%e. ?eep the pressure on and $ontinue with these ta$ti$s0 and soon the %onster will topple on$e and &or all. 1& you run out o& a%%unition0 swit$h to the ?atana and heal yoursel& up to &ull health. :ake sure you are wearing the bulletproo& "est. Wait &or Sa%%ael to throw out its &ire atta$ks0 then run in $lose and atta$k the pel"is region. Strike it a &ew ti%es and Sa%%ael will &all &orward into it2s $rawling posture. Eun up to the head and start ha$king away0 blo$king i& you $an and healing i& ne$essary. 1& Sa%%ael rises again0 start ha$king at the pel"is until it &alls &orward0 then ha$k at the head again. 1& you go hand to hand with Sa%%ael and kill it with a %elee weapon0 you get a spe$ial weapon as a reward during your ne3t ga%e. !See se$tion V4e a&ter this walkthrough &or &urther details#. Howe"er0 you had better hope your health and healing ite%s are up to the task i& you hope to kill Sa%%ael hand to hand. Howe"er0 e"en i& you ha"e plenty o& a%%o0 on$e you ha"e her on the ropes0 you %ight want to %o"e in to kill her with a %elee weapon i& you still ha"e a &ew healing ite%s0 espe$ially A%poules. First o& all0 it is %ore satis&ying to beat Sa%%ael2s head in with the :aul. Se$ond o& all0 this will allow you to unlo$k the bonus weapon the ne3t ti%e you play through. ,ither way0 that is it &or Sa%%ael &or Silent Hill 3. 114g. )art Se"en: ,pilogue Heather gi"es the &allen god a $ouple o& ki$ks to the head &or good %easure0 then turns to lea"e. ;e&ore she %akes it out o& the roo%0

howe"er0 she is &inally o"er$o%e by the grie& &or her &ather that she wouldn2t let hersel& su$$u%b to when she was on the path o& re"enge. -ow that Claudia and Sa%%ael are gone0 she allows hersel& to $ry hersel& out o"er her &ather0 than gets up and lea"es the roo% that has be$o%e a 7od2s to%b. A&ter that0 it is ti%e &or the ga%e2s ending. 1& this is your &irst ti%e through the ga%e0 you will get the B-or%alB ending no %atter what. +here are two other endings that you %ay get depending on $ertain $ir$u%stan$es0 i& you ha"e beaten the ga%e e"en on$e be&ore. ook at se$tion B111. ,ndingsB &or in&o on ea$h one. 1& this is your &irst ti%e beating it0 $ongratulationsF @ou2"e done it. -ow get $ra$king and play through the ,3tra -ew 7a%e on Hard :ode. +here are still two %ore endings0 se"eral se$ret ite%s0 and %any0 %any new $ostu%es to unlo$k. 111. ,ndings .b"iously0 this se$tion $ontains spoilers. 1n &a$t0 this whole da%n guide is a big spoiler0 as %ost walkthroughs are. 1& you don2t want anything ruined0 don2t read this. 1& you are 6ust looking &or ways to get the alternate endings0 you will &ind this in&or%ation in se$tion BV. Se$rets and :ysteriesB below. 1114a. B-or%alB ,nding +he s$ene $hanges to akeside A%use%ent )ark0 to the pla$e where you le&t the in6ured *ouglas. He looks up as Heather approa$hes0 and asks i& it is o"er. She is holding a kni&e0 and says B-ot yet... @ou are still ali"eFB and lunges towards hi%0 then yells B;ooFB and starts laughing. Heather has a de%ented sense o& hu%or. 1t %ust $o%e &ro% $arrying a dor%ant Hell47od in her wo%b a$ross &or thirty4eight years and three li&eti%es0 getting burned ali"e and dying twi$e. Anyway0 *ouglas %entions that Heather has a %essed up sense o& hu%or0 and she says that he doesn2t ha"e to $all her Heather any%ore0 that he $an $all her by her real na%e5 Cheryl0 the na%e her &ather ga"e her. He asks her i& she is going to allow her hair to go ba$k to its true $olor0 to whi$h she replies B*on2t you think blonds ha"e %ore &unCB And that is the end. -o0 really. Well0 there is one still shot o& Heather kneeling in &ront o& Harry2s gra"e0 but that is it. Well done0 soldier. 1114b. B)ossessedB ,nding 1& you ha"e already beaten the ga%e on$e0 you $an get this ending i& you satis&y a &ew reDuire%ents. For e"ery ene%y you kill0 in$luding boss %onsters0 you re$ei"e 8( points. For e"ery point o& physi$al da%age you re$ei"e0 you re$ei"e 8 point. And i& you tell the wo%an in the Chur$h $on&essional !as opposed to the Sewer $on&essional or the Shopping :all $on&essional...# B1 &orgi"e youB0 you re$ei"e 8((( points. At the end o& the ga%e your points are tallied0 and i& you ha"e 9((( points or %ore0 you get the B)ossessedB ending0 you lu$ky dog youF All o& the abo"e in&or%ation about points $a%e &ro% the ;rady 7a%es Silent Hill 3 .&&i$ial Strategy 7uide by *an ;irlew. -o0 1 didn2t use the guide while playing the ga%e or working on this guide0 but 1 looked this stu&& up in it be$ause 1 &igured you would like an answer better than B?ill lots o& stu&&0 get hit a lot0 and &orgi"e the $on&essional $hi$kB0 whi$h was the only thing 1 knew about getting this ending. Anyway0 this is the B;adB ending0 si%ilar to the B;adB ending o& the original Silent Hill or the B1n WaterB ending o& Silent Hill '. 1n other words0 this ending won2t lea"e you with a war% &uGGy.

Anyway0 the battle with 7od ends as nor%al0 but when Heather lea"es the 7od2s &inal resting pla$e0 things are di&&erent. +he s$ene opens up in akeside A%use%ent )ark as usual0 but the $a%era &o$uses in on a puddle0 and a dead *ouglas is bleeding into it &ro% a ben$h where he lies dead. He was apparently killed by a bladed weapon0 and Heather is horri&ied to re$ogniGe the bloody kni&e that did the 6ob as her own0 the one that %ade her &eel BtoughB. She was possessed by the dark 7od and it used her to kill poor old *ouglas. Fade to bla$k0 $ue %usi$. 1114$. BEe"engeB ,nding +o get this ending0 you %ust ha"e the BHeather ;ea%B. +o get the Heather bea%0 you %ust kill a total o& 333 ene%ies0 though this doesn2t ha"e to be in one ga%e. .n$e you do0 you then ha"e to use the Heather ;ea%0 or the %ore power&ul Se3y ;ea% "ersion o& it to kill at least 3( %onsters in a single ga%e0 be&ore you rea$h the *aisy Villa Apart%ents. 1& you %anage to do so0 re%o"e all weapons &ro% Heather2s hands be&ore you enter. .n$e you do so0 an in$redibly wa$ky ending will ensue. For %ore in&or%ation on how to obtain the Heather ;ea% or the Se3y ;ea%0 see subse$tion V4& in se$tion V0 BSe$rets and :ysteriesB below. +his ending is a B6okeB ending0 si%ilar to the BUF.B ending &ro% the original Silent Hill or the B*ogB ending &ro% Silent Hill '. Un&ortunately0 you $annot know what the BEe"enge ,ndingB is. @ou %ust see it &or yoursel&. Hey0 i& it worked &or the :atri30 it works &or %e. Honestly0 it is one o& those things that loses so%ething in translation. 1t is "ery &unny i& you see it &or yoursel&0 but loses al%ost e"erything i& 1 tell you. +he only hint 1 will gi"e you is that it is a sort o& seDuel to the UF. ending o& the original Silent Hill0 with an e"en $raGier twist. 1V. )UKK ,S 1V4a. ;ookstore )uGGle +here is a door in the ba$k o& the bookstore that has been lo$ked using a &our4digit $ode that %ust be pun$hed into a nine4digit keypad. +he se$ret to unlo$king this door is tied to a &i"e "olu%e Shakespeare Anthology that $an also be &ound in the bookstore. +he &our4digit $ode and the %eans o& &iguring it out is di&&erent depending on whi$h di&&i$ulty le"el you are playing on. 1V4a48. ,AS@ +wo o& the &i"e books ha"e &allen o&& the shel&. )la$e the% ba$k on the shel& in the proper $hronologi$al order !i.e. 10 110 1110 1V0 V0 in that order#. +he &our4digit $ode is si%ply written a$ross their spines in big nu%bers0 so pun$h the &our4digit $ode displayed into the keypad by the lo$ked door in the order that they are written on the spines. +he $ode is rando%ly generated in ea$h ga%e0 so you will ha"e to &igure this brainteaser out on your own. 1& you are able to $ount to &i"e on your own0 you shouldn2t ha"e too %u$h di&&i$ulty. 1V4a4'. -.E:A +his puGGle is slightly %ore di&&i$ult than the BeasyB "ersion0 whi$h reDuired you to be able to $ount all the way to &i"e. +here will be a sign near the lo$ked door that reads BFair is &oul and &oul is &air. )ut these books out o& order.B All &i"e books will be on the &loor in &ront o& the shel& where they belong. @ou si%ply ha"e to put the% ba$k on the shel& in a rando% order that looks BrightB. +he &our4digit $ode

written along the spine should look as i& it was written there naturally0 with no huge gaps or partial nu%bers. Sin$e there is usually one hal& o& a nu%ber on one spine and the rest o& the sa%e nu%ber on the ne3t book0 this puGGle shouldn2t take too long to &igure out5 it will 6ust take so%e trial and error book arranging on your part. 1& it looks like there is only three nu%bers written along the spines0 then the %issing nu%ber is probably a B8B that is barely "iable due to the $ra$ks between the books. +he $ode is rando%ly generated in ea$h ga%e0 so 1 $an2t 6ust gi"e you the &our4digit nu%ber. 1V4a43. HAE* Sweet ;aby Aesus. While the ,asy and -or%al "ersions o& this )uGGle %erely in"ol"e %o"ing so%e books around on a shel&0 the Hard "ersion not only e3pe$ts you to ha"e working knowledge o& &i"e o& Shakespeare2s %a6or works0 but to %ultiply and %anipulate the nu%bers that you $o%e up with. +he &i"e books are on$e again on the &loor in &ront o& the bookshel&. Howe"er0 you do not need to put the% ba$k on the shel& to pro$eed0 sin$e the &our4digit $ode is not written a$ross the spines0 but $o%es &ro% the book2s nu%ber in the anthology instead. B,3a%ineB the books in your in"entory to &ind out their nu%ber in the anthology and what play is $ontained in that "olu%e. +he &i"e books o& the Shakespeare anthology series are: Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare Anthology Anthology Anthology Anthology Anthology 84 '4 34 94 <4 Eo%eo and Auliet ?ing ear :a$;eth Ha%let .thello

+here is a note ne3t to the lo$ked door that $ontains the in&or%ation you need to unra"el this puGGle. 1t reads: B1n here is a tragedy444 art thou player or audien$eC ;e as it %ay0 the end doth re%ain: all go on only toward death. +he &irst word at thy le&t hand: a &alse luna$y0 a %adly dan$ing %an. Hearing unhearable words0 drawn to a belo"ed2s gra"e444and there0 %ayhap0 true %adness at last. As did this one playing at death0 &ind true death at last. ?illing a na%eless lo"er0 she pier$ed a heart rent by sorrow. *oth lie in"ite truthC *oth "erity but wear the %ask o& &alsehoodC Ah0 thou piti&ul0 thou %iserable ones. Still a%idst lies0 though the end $o%eth not0 where&ore yearn &or deathC Will thou attend thy belo"edC +ruths and lies0 li&e and death: a ga%e o& turning white to bla$k and bla$k to white.

1s not a silen$e bri%%ing with lo"e %ore pre$ious than &latteryC A pea$e&ul slu%ber pre&erred to a throne bes%ir$hed with bloodC .ne "enge&ul %an spilled blood &or two5 +wo youths shed tears &or three5 +hree wit$hes disappeared thusly5 And only the &our keys re%ain. Ah but "erily... 1n here lies a tragedy. Art thou player or audien$eC there is so%ething whi$h $annot be$o%e a puppet o& &ate or an onlooker0 peering into a $age.B Figuring this one out reDuires a working knowledge o& Shakespeare. u$kily0 1 was an ,nglish :a6or in $ollege0 and ha"e so&t spot &or the bard0 so was able to &igure this one out with only a little bit o& swearing and $ursing o& the gods. +o &igure it out0 you ha"e to take ea$h stanGa one at a ti%e and &igure out ea$h anthology2s pla$e in the riddle. So here we go. +he &irst stanGa reads: B1n here is a tragedy444 art thou player or audien$eC ;e as it %ay0 the end doth re%ain: all go on only toward death.B +his re&ers only to the plays as a whole and a$ts as an introdu$tion. All o& the &i"e plays %entioned end in death. et2s %o"e on to the ne3t one. 1t says: B+he &irst word at thy le&t hand: a &alse luna$y0 a %adly dan$ing %an. Hearing unhearable words0 drawn to a belo"ed2s gra"e444and there0 %ayhap0 true %adness at last.B +he &irst line re&ers to where this parti$ular anthology nu%ber belongs in the &our4digit $ode5 the &irst at thy le&t hand would be the &irst nu%ber0 reading le&t to right. +he &alse luna$y0 the %adly dan$ing %an0 the belo"ed2s gra"e0 and the end in true %adness... it $an only be re&erring to Ha%let. Ha%let played at insanity in an atte%pt to draw out his &ather2s killer0 but in the end &ell into true %adness when his thoughtless need &or re"enge dro"e his belo"ed .phelia to sui$ide. +he anthology nu%ber that $ontains Ha%let is nu%ber B9B so that is our &irst nu%ber. So &ar so good. +he ne3t stanGa reads: BAs did this one playing at death0 &ind true death at last. ?illing a na%eless lo"er0 she pier$ed a heart rent by sorrow.B 12% not sure where the bit about Bkilling a na%eless lo"erB $a%e &ro%0 be$ause he had a na%e0 and it was Eo%eo !Update: a huge word o& thanks

to Antonio Ei$ardo Cha&ran. He re%inded %e o& the BWhat2s in a na%eCB passage in Eo%eo and Auliet that says B1 take thee at thy word. Call %e but lo"e0 and 12ll be new baptiGed5 Hen$e&orth 1 will ne"er be Eo%eo.B So that e3plains that#. 1n Eo%eo and Auliet0 Auliet Bplayed at deathB by taking a potion that %ade her body see% to be dead0 e"en though she was still ali"e0 albeit in a $o%a4like state. She did this to es$ape the $onstraints that both her own and Eo%eo2s &a%ilies put on the%0 &aking her death so that she $ould be &ree. Un&ortunately0 the letter to Eo%eo that would ha"e told hi% o& her ploy was detained0 and so he didn2t know she wasn2t really dead. As a result Eo%eo killed hi%sel& &or real o"er her $o%atose body in the $rypt where she had been laid to rest. Waking to &ind her lo"er dead beside her0 Auliet killed hersel& &or real by stabbing hersel& in the heart with Eo%eo2s dagger0 rather than try to li"e in a world without Eo%eo. +hus she played at death0 and then died &or real a&ter inad"ertently killing her lo"er0 Bpier$ing a heart rent by sorrowB with the dagger. +he anthology that $ontains Eo%eo and Auliet is Volu%e 80 thus the se$ond nu%ber in the $ode is B8B. +wo down. +he ne3t stanGa reads: B*oth lie in"ite truthC *oth "erity but wear the %ask o& &alsehoodC Ah0 thou piti&ul0 thou %iserable ones.B +his one is a little %ore obs$ure0 but :a$;eth deals e3tensi"ely with the issues o& lies "s. truth0 and struggles o& the %oral a%biguity o& :a$;eth using lies and de$eption in order to take the throne. +he anthology that $ontains :a$;eth is Volu%e 30 so the third nu%ber in the $ode is B3B. +wo %ore nu%bers to go. -e3t we ha"e a stanGa that says: BStill a%idst lies0 though the end $o%eth not0 where&ore yearn &or deathC Will thou attend thy belo"edC +ruths and lies0 li&e and death: a ga%e o& turning white to bla$k and bla$k to white.B +he last line o& this is the %ost ob"ious0 i& one knows anything about board ga%es. +here is a ga%e in whi$h all the pie$es are disks that are bla$k on one side and white on the other. .ne player plays bla$k and the other player plays white. +he goal o& the ga%e is to turn all o& the pie$es on the board to your $olor0 either turning the white pie$es bla$k or "i$e "ersa. +he na%e o& this ga%e is .thello. 1n the play0 the de$eptions turn Btruths and lies0 li&e and deathB ba$k on the%sel"es0 turning truth into lies and li&e into death. +his $ould $ertainly also be des$ribed0 %etaphori$ally0 o& Bturning white to bla$k and bla$k to whiteB. So now we know where the board ga%e got its na%e0 and also what the &ourth nu%ber o& the $ode is. .thello is in Volu%e < o& the anthology0 and thus the &ourth nu%ber is B<B. We $an &igure out the last nu%ber by pro$ess o& eli%ination0 but where is the &un in thatC We are on a roll. +he ne3t stanGa reads: B1s not a silen$e bri%%ing with lo"e %ore pre$ious than &latteryC A pea$e&ul slu%ber pre&erred to a throne bes%ir$hed with bloodCB 1n Shakespeare2s play ?ing ear0 the titular $hara$ter has three

daughters. His daughter Cordelia lo"es her &ather greatly0 but isn2t "o$al about it0 rather allowing her a$tions to speak &or the%sel"es. .n the other hand0 her sisters are $onstantly &lattering their &ather and kissing his ass0 while in a$tuality0 all they want is the throne &or the%sel"es0 whi$h they &ight o"er with %u$h bloodshed. +hus the Bsilen$e bri%%ing with lo"eB re&ers to Cordelia2s lo"e &or ear0 whi$h is B%ore pre$ious than &latteryB gi"en by her sisters. +hus0 this is re&erring to ?ing ear0 whi$h is in Anthology "olu%e '. +hus the &i&th nu%ber is B'B. -ow we ha"e the &i"e "olu%es in order: 90 80 30 <0 and '. ;ut we aren2t done yetF +here are still two %ore stanGas le&t in the poe%0 and we will need to look &urther &or our $ode than was pre"iously thought. +he se$ond4to4last stanGa says: "enge&ul %an spilled blood &or two5 +wo youths shed tears &or three5 +hree wit$hes disappeared thusly5 And only the &our keys re%ain.B +he B"enge&ul %anB re&ers to Ha%let0 who wanted to get re"enge &or his &ather2s %urder. He Bspilled blood &or twoB0 %eaning that you should double the "alue o& the digit that represents Ha%let0 whi$h is 9: there&ore0 the &irst digit o& the $ode is now B/B. +he Btwo youths that shed tears &or threeB re&ers to Eo%eo and Auliet !two sad youths i& there e"er were any# and the &a$t the nu%ber representing the% should be %ultiplied by three. Eo%eo and Auliette were in Anthology 80 so triple that and you get B3B. +he Bthree wit$hes disappeared thuslyB ob"iously re&ers to :a$;eth0 in whi$h there were three wit$hes who set :a$;eth on the path to his destiny0 and the Bdisappeared thuslyB part %eans that the nu%ber re&erring to :a$;eth $an be re%o"ed &ro% the eDuation !whi$h is good0 sin$e there was &i"e nu%bers and the $ode is only &our digits#. :a$;eth was in Anthology 30 so re%o"e the se$ond three &ro% the eDuation0 and Bonly the &our keys re%ainB: whi$h %eans we are &inally done. @our &inal0 &our digit $ode should be /0 30 <0 '. +he last stanGa does not ha"e anything to do with the a$tual $ode5 it is 6ust a $losing stanGa to the riddle. )un$h /3<' into the keypad ne3t to the door0 and you $an &inally be on your %erry way. 1V4b. Hospital Se$ond Floor ?ey Code )uGGle +he door at the end o& the hallway is lo$ked with a &our4digit $ode that %ust be pun$hed into a nine4digit keypad. +he key to &iguring out this $ode is a $lue written on a pie$e o& paper near the door. What the &our4digit $ode is and the $lue ne$essary to &iguring it out is di&&erent depending on what di&&i$ulty le"el you are playing on. 1V4b48. ,AS@ +he $lue written on the note near the door reads: B)ress0 %o"e ' right5 press0 %o"e 8 up5 press0 %o"e ' down5 press and the door shall open.B +he keys on the keypad are set up as three rows o& three digits0 843 being on the top row0 94= in the %iddle row0 and >4J on the botto% row. We don2t know what the &irst nu%ber that needs to be pressed is0 but we $an &igure it out by &ollowing the instru$tions on whi$h buttons to press AF+,E the &irst one. +he &irst $lue says that a&ter pressing the &irst button0 the ne3t button you press is two nu%bers to the right o& the &irst. +his %eans that the &irst nu%ber has to be one o& the three

nu%bers on the le&t o& the keypad0 or else you wouldn2t be able to %o"e two to the right5 you would run out o& nu%bers. +his %eans that the &irst nu%ber has to be 80 90 or >0 and %o"ing two to the right would %ake the se$ond nu%ber 30 =0 or J. ;ut the ne3t $lue says that the third nu%ber pressed has to be one up &ro% the se$ond nu%ber0 whi$h %eans that the &irst and se$ond nu%bers $an2t be in the top row0 be$ause there are no nu%bers BupB &ro% there. +hat %eans the &irst nu%ber has to be 9 or >0 the se$ond nu%ber has to be = or J0 and the third nu%ber has to be 3 or = !the digits dire$tly abo"e the two possible nu%bers that $ould be the se$ond digit#. ;ut the ne3t $lue says that you ha"e to be able to %o"e two digits down &ro% the third nu%ber to &ind the &ourth nu%ber0 whi$h %eans that the third digit has to be in the top row0 or else you wouldn2t be able to %o"e two rows down. +hat %eans the third nu%ber has to be 30 whi$h %eans that the se$ond nu%ber is = !the digit right below the three on the keypad#0 and the &irst nu%ber has to be 9 !two to the le&t o& the se$ond digit# and the &ourth digit has to be J !the digit two rows down &ro% the third digit#. So your &inal $ode is 90 =0 30 J. )un$h this into the keypad to unlo$k the door. 1V4b4'. -.E:A +he key to opening the door is posted on the west wall0 right ne3t to the door. +his is a rather tri$ky %athe%ati$al riddle0 but along with Stanley2s $lue that the $ode is &our digits0 you $an &igure it out. +he &irst i%portant $lue states that the Se$ond -u%ber is two ti%es the +hird. ;ased on the nine nu%bers on the keypad0 this li%its the possibilities o& what these two nu%bers $an be0 sin$e it doesn2t deal in hal& nu%bers0 su$h as '.<. +his %eans there are only &our possibilities &or the se$ond and third nu%bers5 ' and 80 9 and '0 = and 30 or / and 9. +he ne3t $lue states that the &ourth nu%ber is hal& the &irst0 resulting in the sa%e &our sets o& nu%bers &or the possible $hoi$es5 on$e again0 ' and 80 9 and '0 = and 30 or / and 9. +he puGGle $learly states that the &irst nu%ber is larger than the se$ond and the third nu%ber is s%aller than the &ourth. Co%bining this with the nu%ber sets we got earlier0 this gi"es us only si3 possible &our digit $odes to deal with5 9'8'0 ='830 =9'30 /'890 /9'90 and /=39 !work it out yoursel& i& you ha"e to0 but these are the only possible $o%binations o& the eight nu%ber sets that allow &or the &irst to be larger than the se$ond and the third s%aller than the &ourth#. +he riddle states that no nu%bers are repeated0 so you $an eli%inate 9'8' and /9'90 lea"ing only &our $hoi$es. +o &igure out the rest the riddle0 you need to look at the keypad itsel&5 the nu%bers 80'0and 3 are in the top row0 90 <0 and = are in the %iddle row !horiGontally#0 >0 /0 and J are in the botto% row0 80 90 and > are in the le&t row !"erti$ally#0 '0 <0 and / are in the %iddle row !"erti$ally#0 and 30 =0 and J are in the right row !"erti$ally#. +he riddle states that only one o& the nu%bers is in the top row0 whi$h %eans we $an eli%inate ='830 =9'30 and =9'3 !sin$e digits 80'0 and 3 are all in top row0 and thus $an2t be used in the sa%e seDuen$e. +he riddle goes on to say that two o& the digits are not in the right row0 and that one o& the nu%bers is the &inal key0 but these two $lues are redundant0 as we already ha"e our answer5 +H, A-SW,E CA- .- @ ;, /=39. 1V4b43. HAE* +he BHardB "ersion o& this puGGle %ay in &a$t be one o& the %ost *i&&i$ult and esoteri$ puGGles in the history o& ele$troni$ ga%ing.

+he $lue posted ne3t to the lo$ked door now reads: B)ure eyes0 blue like a glassy bead444 @ou are always looking at %e and 1 a% always looking at you. Ah0 you2re too %eek 444 beauti&ul0 unspoiled: thus 12% so sad0 1 su&&er444 and so happy0 it hurts. 1 want to hurt you and destroy %ysel& What you would think i& you knew how 1 &elt. Would you si%ply s%ile0 not saying a wordC ,"en $urses &ro% your %outh would be as beauti&ul as pearls. 1 pla$e %y le&t hand on your &a$e as though we were to kiss. +hen 1 suddenly sho"e %y thu%b deep into your eyeso$ket. Abruptly0 de$isi"ely0 like drilling a hole. And what would it &eel likeC ike 6ellyC +re%bling with e$stasy0 1 obs$enely %i3 it around and around: 1 %ust taste the war%th o& your blood. How would you s$rea%C Would you shriek B1t hurtsF 1t hurtsFB as $innabar4red tears strea% &ro% your $rushed eyeC @ou $an2t know the %addening hunger 12"e &elt in the %idst o& our kisses0 so %any o& the% 12"e lost $ount. As though drinking in your $ries0 1 bring %y hopes to &ruition: biting your tongue0 shredding it0 biting at your lips as i& tasting your lipsti$k. .h0 what euphori$ heights 1 would rea$h0 ha"ing %y desires &ul&illed like a greedy0 gluttonous $ur. 1 longed0 too0 &or your $herry4tinted $heeks0 tasty enough to bewit$h %y tongue.

1 would surely be healed0 and would $ry like a $hild. And how is your tender earC 1t brushes against %y $heek5 1 want it to $reep up to %y lips so 1 $an sink %y teeth into its &lesh. @our le&t ear0 always hearing words whispered sweet as pie 444 1 want it to hear %y true &eelings. 1 ne"er lied0 no... but 1 did ha"e %y se$rets. Ah0 but what %ust you think o& %eC *o you hate %eC Are you a&raidC As though in"iting you to the agony at the play2s end5 i& you wish0 you $ould destroy %e 444 1 wouldn2t $are. As you wish0 you %ay destroy %e 444 1 wouldn2t $are.B Wow. +hat was beauti&ul. @ou2"e got to wonder why Hall%ark hasn2t snat$hed up the rights to %ake greeting $ards based on the Silent Hill brand na%e. Anyway0 &iguring out this puGGle takes so%e "isual thinking and the ability to &ollow i%portant the%es through the poe%. For this reason0 we will ha"e to break down the poe% syste%ati$ally. First things &irst0 although this poe% is about eating a &a$e0 it is still re&erring to the keypad ne3t to the door0 whi$h0 as you %ight ha"e noti$ed0 doesn2t look a god da%ned thing like a &a$e. et2s look at the &irst stanGa o& the poe%: B)ure eyes0 blue like a glassy bead444 @ou are always looking at %e and 1 a% always looking at you.B Well0 the keys none o& the keys are blue or glassy. +hey are all steel gray. So 1 guess we $an ignore that part. +he i%portant bit is the last two lines o& the stanGa0 that says that ByouB !that is to say the keypad that represents your &a$e# are always looking at B%eB !that is to say the person who is %ashing at your &a$e0 the person pushing the buttons on the keypad# and "i$e "ersa. When you are &a$e to &a$e with another person0 your right would be their le&t0 and their le&t would be your right. ?eep this in %ind as we $ontinue. +he ne3t three stanGas read: BAh0 you2re too %eek 444 beauti&ul0 unspoiled: thus 12% so sad0 1 su&&er444 and so happy0 it hurts. 1 want to hurt you and destroy %ysel& What you would think i& you knew how 1 &elt. Would you si%ply s%ile0

not saying a wordC ,"en $urses &ro% your %outh would be as beauti&ul as pearls.B .kay0 these three stanGas are 6ust setting the stage. +he writer o& the lo"ely poe% thinks that the ob6e$t o& his a&&e$tion is too beauti&ul &or his own good0 so he is going to &i3 the proble%. So &or the rest o& the poe% he is re4arranging her &a$e0 so to speak. et2s $ontinue0 shall weC B1 pla$e %y le&t hand on your &a$e as though we were to kiss. +hen 1 suddenly sho"e %y thu%b deep into your eyeso$ket. Abruptly0 de$isi"ely0 like drilling a hole.B .kay0 that is pretty 7odda%ned dire$t. His le&t hand goes onto her $heek and he 6a%s his thu%b into her eye. Aust like pressing a button. -i&ty. So now we 6ust ha"e to &igure out where the eye is on the keyboard. -ow te$hni$ally it would be her right eye0 be$ause it is his le&t hand0 and he is &a$ing her. ;ut it is still the le&t side o& the keyboard. So we know it is on the le&t0 or in the le&t4%ost $olu%n. +hat %eans0 with the nine4digit keypad we ha"e been working with0 that the nu%ber would ha"e to be 8 !top#0 9 !%iddle#0 or > !botto%#0 i& it is on the le&t hand side. +hinking o& the keypad as a &a$e !not a whole head %ind you0 or else we would ha"e to worry about the &orehead and whatnot0 and that would s$rew up the whole thing#0 the eyes are towards the top se$tion0 the nose would be near the %iddle0 and the %outh and $hin and whatnot would be at the botto%. ogi$alC 7ood. -ow i& we only ha"e three $olu%ns to work with0 and we want to be sy%%etri$al !sin$e this is0 presu%ably0 a hu%an &a$e0 and not so%e %utant with its eyes shi&ted to one side0 though this is Silent Hill#0 the eyes would ha"e to be on either side o& the keypad. So the nu%ber in the top row !where the eye would be#0 on the le&t4hand side !where he is sho"ing his da%ned thu%b# would be the nu%ber 8. So keep that in %ind as we press onward to the se$ond digit. et2s look at the ne3t two stanGas. BAnd what would it &eel likeC ike 6ellyC +re%bling with e$stasy0 1 obs$enely %i3 it around and around: 1 %ust taste the war%th o& your blood. How would you s$rea%C Would you shriek B1t hurtsF 1t hurtsFB as $innabar4red tears strea% &ro% your $rushed eyeCB So he wiggles his thu%b around in her eyeso$ket0 hoping &or a taste o& her nu%%y eyeball 6elly !edu$ational side4note: the 6elly that $o%es out o& a ruptured eyeball is $alled B"itreous hu%orB in %edi$al te3ts. +he $rusty eyeball gunk that you wake up with is $alled BaDueous hu%orB. +his has nothing to do with the ga%e0 but now i& it $o%es up on BAeopardyB or BWho Wants to ;e a :illionaireB0 you2ll know and $an share the %oney with %e#. He gets his $han$e when her B$innabar4red tearsB strea% &ro% her ruptured eye. -ow belie"e it or not0 this is a$tually re&erring to the se$ond nu%ber. +hough he isn2t 6abbing his thu%b at it0 is does re&er to a part o& her &a$e0 in a round4about kind o& way. +he bloody %ess strea%ing &ro% her eye would run downward0

towards the area right below her eye. Sin$e these stanGas are a$tually talking about wanting to taste her bloody tears0 this is what we ha"e to &ollow. +he area right below the ruptured eye !where the bloody goo would go# would be the %iddle se$tion on the right o& the keypad0 whi$h would be the nu%ber 9. So oddly enough0 this is our se$ond digit. So we are hal&way there. .n to the ne3t two stanGas0 &or the third digit. B@ou $an2t know the %addening hunger 12"e &elt in the %idst o& our kisses0 so %any o& the% 12"e lost $ount. As though drinking in your $ries0 1 bring %y hopes to &ruition: biting your tongue0 shredding it0 biting at your lips as i& tasting your lipsti$k. .h0 what euphori$ heights 1 would rea$h0 ha"ing %y desires &ul&illed like a greedy0 gluttonous $ur.B So apparently0 while they used to %ake out0 the poet really kept thinking to hi%sel& Bthis is ni$e and all0 but 1 would really like to eat her tongueB. So0 true to &or%0 he does so. et2s not dwell on this0 and 6ust press onward. +he %outh0 traditionally0 is on the botto% hal& o& one2s &a$e0 usually towards the $enter. Assu%ing this is the way that the poet2s lady4&riend is set up0 that would put her %outh on the botto% row o& the keypad0 in the dead $enter0 and the nu%ber in the %iddle o& the botto% row is /. So / is our third digit. He see%s to be getting %ore dire$t0 so we will only ha"e to look to the ne3t stanGa &or the &ourth digit. B1 longed0 too0 &or your $herry4tinted $heeks0 tasty enough to bewit$h %y tongue. 1 would surely be healed0 and would $ry like a $hild.B .kay0 now we ha"e $heeks. -ow personally0 1 would think that the $heeks are kind o& in the %iddle o& the &a$e0 but 1 would be wrong. 1& you E,A @ think about it0 the $heeks are on either side o& %outh0 while your $heek ;.-,S are right below your eyes0 in the %iddle o& your &a$e !i.e. where the $innabar tears dripped earlier#. -ow0 the right side o& the &a$e would be pretty %essed up by now0 so let2s assu%e that the $heek he noshes on would be her le&t0 $heek0 whi$h would be on the right side o& the keypad. 1& the $heek is ne3t to the %outh0 it is on the botto% row0 and i& it is on the right side o& the keypad0 it would be the nu%ber J. So this is our ne3t nu%ber. -ow that should be the &our digits0 whi$h is all we need0 but the poet isn2t done yet. So let2s look at the ne3t two stanGas and see where this is going. BAnd how is your tender earC 1t brushes against %y $heek5 1 want it to $reep up to %y lips so 1 $an sink %y teeth into its &lesh. @our le&t ear0 always hearing words whispered sweet as pie 444

1 want it to hear %y true &eelings. 1 ne"er lied0 no... but 1 did ha"e %y se$rets.B .kay0 now the si$k bastard wants to eat her ear0 and the se$ond stanGa tells us that it is her le&t ear0 whi$h we should know by now in the right side o& the keypad. -ow 1 know that we said that the area right below the eyes is the $heekbone area0 but &orget that &or a %o%ent. .n your &a$e0 where are the earsC 1n the %iddle o& your noggin0 o&& to he sides. Whi$h would pla$e the le&t ear in the %iddle o& the right row0 whi$h is the nu%ber =. +ry not to think o& the nu%bers as a &a$e in relationship to one another0 but rather what E,71.- o& the &a$e the nu%bers on the pad $ould represent. +hus the %iddle nu%ber in the le&t row represents the $heekbone in one stanGa0 be$ause it is roughly in the %iddle o& the &a$e and o&& to one side0 while the %iddle nu%ber in the right row represents an ear0 be$ause it is positioned roughly in the %iddle and o&& to one side. +he last &ew stanGas don2t re&er to any body parts0 so we don2t need to worry about the% in the $onte3t o& the riddle. Un&ortunately0 we aren2t done yet0 be$ause we $a%e up with &i"e nu%bers &ro% the poe%0 but there are only &our nu%bers in the &inal $ode. We will ha"e to look at this in detail or order to &igure this out. Here are our &i"e nu%bers0 along with the $lues that led us to the%: 8. +hu%b in the right eye: nu%ber 8. '. i$king the eye46elly &ro% the right $heekbone: nu%ber 9. 3. Chewing on her %outh and tongue: nu%ber /. 9. +asting her le&t $heek: nu%ber J. <. ,ating her le&t ear: nu%ber =. -ow let2s play o& these things is not like the othersB5 what do &our o& these things ha"e in $o%%on that the &i&th does notC et2s see: pushing0 li$king0 $hewing0 tasting0 eatingC .nly one o& these things does not ha"e to do with so%ething being done to another with their %outh0 and that is the &irst $lue. So the key to this puGGle is the sa%e as its the%e: $annibalis%F So i& we re%o"e the only $lue that is not dire$tly $annibalisti$0 we are le&t with the nu%bers 90 /0 J0 and =. +his is your &our4digit $ode0 so pun$h it into the keypad and try to ne"er think about this riddle e"er again. 9/J= is your &inal answer. 1V4$. Hospital ;rie&$ase )uGGle 1n ;rookha"en Hospital there is a %ostly4$o"ered up $orpse on a gurney in ,3a%ining Eoo% 3 on the se$ond &loor. +he $orpse has two tattoos0 but only the one on his ar% needs $on$ern us. 1t reads0 B+he Start +i%e is :y ?eyB. Fro% nearby do$u%ents you will &ind that the patient o$$upied roo% :9 when he was ali"e. When you go to roo% :90 an alar% $lo$k will go o&&. +urning o&& the alar% is uni%portant !though it is $ertainly less annoying to turn it o&&#. +he i%portant part is the ti%e that is displayed on the $lo$k. .n the bed nearby is a brie&$ase lo$ked with &our nu%eri$al dials: turn the dials so that the brie&$ase dials read0 &ro% le&t to right0 the ti%e displayed on the $lo$k when the alar% goes o&& !i.e. the BStart +i%eB#. +he way that the nu%bers are displayed or %ust be entered is di&&erent depending on whi$h Eiddle *i&&i$ulty setting you are playing on. 1V4$48. ,AS@

+he $lo$k is digital0 and displays the nu%bers be entered. @ou don2t e"en ha"e to know how to $lo$k. 1& the ti%e is only three digits !>:9<0 B(B as the &irst digit !whi$h %eans >:9< would while 8':<' would be 84'4<4'.

e3a$tly as they should read a $on"entional &or e3a%ple#0 then use be entered as (4>494<0

1V4$4'. -.E:A +he $lo$k is a $on"entional $lo$k0 but the ti%e should be entered the sa%e as it is on the BeasyB setting. 1& the ti%e is only three digits !J:'30 &or e3a%ple#0 then use B(B as the &irst digit !whi$h %eans J:'3 would be entered as (4J4'430 while 88:(> would be 8484(4>. 1V4$43. HAE* +he $lo$k is a $on"entional $lo$k0 but the ti%e displayed entered in %ilitary ti%e. For those un&a%iliar with %ilitary ti%e0 instead o& being based on two sets o& twel"e hours0 in a.%. and p.%. !i.e. there is a J:(( at %orning and another J:(( at night#0 it is based on a single twenty4&our hour $y$le0 starting and ending at %idnight !whi$h would be $onsidered ((:((#. +hus i& a $lo$k reads J:8< and it is in the %orning0 the ti%e is a$tually J:8<0 while i& it reads J:8< at night it is a$tually '8:8< !in other words twenty4one hours and &i&teen %inutes a&ter %idnight#. For the purposes o& Silent Hill 30 assu%e that it is a&ter noon0 and thus i& the ti%e was <:390 it would a$tually be 8>:39 &or the purposes o& the $ode0 entered as 84>4349 &ro% le&t to right on the brie&$ase2s nu%ber dials. 1V4d. Hospital :ortuary )uGGle 1& you take the ele"ator in *ark Side ;rookha"en Hospital to le"el ;30 you will &ind ten nu%bered $orpses on gurneys that are ne$essary to opening the door to the o"en in whi$h the bodies are $re%ated. 7o to the o"en door and e3a%ine it. What you &ind there is di&&erent depending on what di&&i$ulty setting you are playing on. 1V4d48. ,AS@ +he door to the o"en is already open0 and the Cre%ated ?ey is sitting inside. +he puGGle reDuires you to pi$k up the key and lea"e. +hat is it. -o tri$ks. +ake it and get the hell out. 1V4d4'. -.E:A +here are bodies on gurneys throughout this roo%0 with nu%bers written on the ends0 ranging &ro% ( to J. +he %ap doesn2t show this le"el0 but &or the purposes o& this riddle0 we will $all the wall opposite the ele"ator0 the one with the in$inerator on it0 north0 and the wall where the door to the ele"ator is lo$ated is south. 1n this s$he%e0 the nu%bered bodies are lined up so that 8 and ' are against the north wall0 30 90 <0 and = are a$ross the %iddle o& the roo%0 and >0 /0 J0 and ( are lined up along the south wall. +here is an in$inerator set into the %iddle o& the east wall0 &or disposing o& bodies0 but the door is lo$ked with a dial padlo$k. S$rat$hed into the door o& the in$inerator is a pattern %arked with ro%an nu%erals0 &ro% 1 to 1V. +he nu%bers are %arked on a grid0 pla$ed in rando% sDuares0 so the $ode is also rando%iGed. +he answer is rather si%ple5 the grid represents the pla$e%ent o& the bodies in the %ortuary0 with the top sDuares on the door representing the bodies against the wall 1 dubbed BnorthB0 and the botto% sDuares representing the bodies against the wall that 1 $alled BsouthB. ,a$h body has a nu%ber atta$hed to it. +he ro%an nu%erals represent whi$h nu%ber o& the &our4digit $ode it is. For e3a%ple0 i&

the ro%an nu%eral 111 was %arked in the top le&t $orner o& diagra%0 you would look in the top le&t $orner o& the roo% to see whi$h body is lo$ated there !in the abo"e e3a%ple0 this nu%ber would be B8B#0 and the nu%ber atta$hed to this body would be the third nu%ber in the &our digit $ode. *o this &or all &our nu%bers0 put the% in the proper order0 and then enter the% into the nu%eri$al lo$k ne3t to the in$inerator to unlo$k it. 1V4d43. HAE* .n the door to the o"en you2ll see a %e%o whi$h reads: B;urn the one who knows no death . )ure0 adored by those abo"e. -o prayers within0 6ust si%ple lo"e. And now the pining hunter. +he &la%es longing &or his rebirth. A distant &la%e within the earth. ;urn up that hea"y body o& his. :ake it wind0 dan$ing in the sky. +hat botto%less gut now a $loud0 now a sigh. +he sweet blood on his laughing lips. -ow $alls hi% to the gates o& hell. +here burns e"er%ore that soulless shell. Four bodies return to ashes. +hus the door is opened. +hus the door is opened.B Further%ore0 on ea$h body4laden gurney there is a nu%ber and a poe%: (4 +he ?ite: +he ?ite hot0 $raGy and panting %ad. Sweet sha$kles that tease and e3$ite. *eath itsel& would dri"e hi% wild. Eed blood that turns %ilky white. 84 +he Sparrow: Who killed Co$k EobinC B+he Sparrow0B they said. BHe wants the% all dead. +o hi% honey4sweet is their sobbing. '4 +he .wl: +he .wl who &orgot the sky. Eesigned to his poor earthbound state. Hungry o& &ull didn2t %atter at all0 He ate and he ate and he ate. 34 +he +hrush: +he grass the +hrush so lo"ed to eat. 7a"e hi% sweet happiness. He sank e"er deeper and &inally &ell. +o destru$tion and &atal distress.

94 +he Eobin: Co$k Eobin0 who hid the key away. 1s ash in the o"en all right. +he pla$e he held is e%pty now. And the doors re%ain shut tight. <4 +he ark: +he ark2s $hild lost all his words. And walled hi%sel& up all away. Heart and %outh both lo$ked up tight. 1n a $age where no one want to stay. =4 +he *o"e: +he *o"e2s hope died0 he $hose his path. His &lapping wings &ell still. *ren$hed in s$arlet there he lay. His $heeks pale white and $hill. >4 +he innet: He seeks out her soul by his own bla$k a%bition. Frightening her out o& her wits. Whispering lo"e songs in her ear. What $ruel innet wants0 he gets. /4 +he +he Who His And Eook: bla$k Eook is the praying sort. hears the gods in the skies. whispered petitions go on without end. glassy and di% are his eyes.

J4 +he Wren: +he Wren with pure heart as yet unre&ined. :akes us laugh unto his &eeble lip4s%a$king. ;ut still we all know he shall ne"er grow old. And he knows not how %u$h he is la$king. First things &irst: this whole shebang re&ers to the old ,nglish &olksongHpoe% BWho ?illed Co$k EobinB0 the te3t o& whi$h goes: BWho killed Co$k EobinCB B10B said the Sparrow0 BWith %y bow and arrow0 1 killed Co$k Eobin.B BWho saw hi% dieCB B10B said the Fly0 BWith %y little eye0 1 saw hi% die.B BWho $aught his bloodCB B10B said the Fish0 BWith %y little dish0 1 $aught his blood.B BWho2ll %ake the shroudCB B10B said the ;eetle0 BWith %y thread and needle0 12ll %ake the shroud.B BWho2ll dig his gra"eCB B10B said the .wl0 BWith %y pi$k and sho"el0 12ll dig his gra"e.B BWho2ll be the parsonCB B10B said the Eook0 BWith %y little book0 12ll be the parson.B BWho2ll be the $lerkCB B10B said the ark0 B1& it2s not in the dark0 12ll be the $lerk.B BWho2ll $arry the linkCB B10B said the innet0 B12ll &et$h it in a %inute0 12ll $arry the link.B BWho2ll be $hie& %ournerCB B10B said the *o"e0

B1 %ourn &or %y lo"e0 12ll be $hie& %ourner.B BWho2ll $arry the $o&&inCB B10B said the ?ite0 B1& it2s not through the night0 12ll $arry the $o&&in.B BWho2ll bear the pallC BWe0B said the Wren0 B;oth the $o$k and the hen0 we2ll bear the pall.B BWho2ll sing a psal%CB B10B said the +hrush0 BAs she sat on a bush0 12ll sing a psal%.B BWho2ll toll the bellCB B10B said the bull0 B;e$ause 1 $an pull0 12ll toll the bell.B All the birds o& the air &ell a4sighing and a4sobbing0 When they heard the bell toll &or poor Co$k Eobin. et %e get this out o& the way5 Hee HeeF +hey said B$o$kB. -ow that 12"e gotten that out o& %y syste%0 let %e &urther add that this is belie"ed to be a poe% about the death o& Eobin Hood0 and how the whole o& $reation %ourned his passing0 not about an a$tual bird. +hat ha"ing been said0 un&ortunately knowing all this doesn2t do a da%n thing to help you &igure out the puGGle. ;ut it does help us understand how it &its into the &olkloreHlegendsH$hildren2s storyHrhy%e thing the ga%e has going on. A ;17 thanks to Aa$k ;abington &or bringing this to %y attention. As an ,nglish %a6or0 1 should be asha%ed. @ou %ay ha"e noti$ed that the poe%4%e%o on the o"en has &our "erses0 ea$h o& whi$h re&ers to a spe$i&i$ bird0 though not by na%e0 and a &inal "erse to tie e"erything up. +he nu%bers be&ore ea$h Bbird2sB poe% is the nu%ber it represents on the nu%eri$al lo$k. +hus0 the &irst stanGa o& the %e%o re&ers to the bird representing the &irst nu%ber to be entered into the lo$k0 the se$ond stanGa is the se$ond nu%ber0 and so on. -ow to &igure out whi$h bird ea$h stanGa is re&erring to5 all it reDuires is $o%paring $lues and keywords &ro% the poe% on the o"en to $lues and keywords in the poe%s on the gurneys: B;urn the one who knows no death . )ure0 adored by those abo"e. -o prayers within0 6ust si%ple lo"e.B So the &irst bird is pure and does not die. Aust by s$anning the poe%s about ea$h bird0 we only see two that %ay be said to be i%%ortal5 +he Eook2s Bpetitions go on without endB0 and it is said o& the Wren Bstill we all know he shall ne"er grow oldB. +he rest o& the% are either said to ha"e died0 or it doesn2t spe$i&y one way or another. So our ne3t $lue is that it is pure. .& the two we narrowed it down to0 it is said that the Eook Bis the praying sortB whi$h %ay %ean that he is pure. Howe"er0 the poe% about the Wren says e3pli$itly B+he Wren with pure heart as yet unre&inedB. He &its both our $riteria0 so he is our bird. +he Wren2s nu%ber was J0 so that shall be our &irst digit. et2s go on to the se$ond stanGa. BAnd now the pining hunter. +he &la%es longing &or his rebirth. A distant &la%e within the earth.B -ow the &la%es and rebirth thing %akes %e think o& a phoeni30 but that isn2t one o& the $hoi$es. What we do know is that the bird is a hunter0 he is pining !i.e. sad#0 and that the &la%es within the earth want hi%. .kay0 so our keywords are hunter0 pining0 and earth. Well0 only two or three o& the birds we ha"e to $hoose &ro% are hunters0

depending on how you look at it. +he .wl and the ?ite !whi$h is a kind o& raptor# are the two ob"ious $hoi$es0 but the poe% about the Sparrow says that he is a %urderer as well. Howe"er0 1 dis$ounted the Sparrow be$ause 1 ha"e ne"er seen or heard o& a sparrow hunting down or eating other birds or e"en s%all %a%%als. So that lea"es the ?ite and the .wl. +he poe% about the ?ite doesn2t really say that he is sad0 but it does say that it is B$raGy and panting %adB0 so%ething about Bsweet sha$kles that tease and e3$iteB and that B*eath itsel& will dri"e hi% wildB. So apparently he is a sado4%aso$hist and a ne$rophilia$0 and doesn2t see% to be really BpiningB about it. +he .wl on the other hand B&orgot the skyB0 and BEesigned to his poor earthbound stateB be$ause he has a se"ere eating disorder. He doesn2t see% to be "ery happy about it0 and $ould probably be said to be BpiningB. )lus0 being earthbound0 the B&la%es within the earthB are probably &or hi%. So the answer is the .wl0 and the nu%ber that represents hi% is '0 whi$h is the se$ond nu%ber in the $ode. .nly two le&t. +he third stanGa says: B;urn up that hea"y body o& his. :ake it wind0 dan$ing in the sky. +hat botto%less gut now a $loud0 now a sigh.B .kay0 now this one 6ust su$ks. +he $lues on how to answer &igure it out aren2t e"en really in the poe%0 or in any o& the birds2 BsongsB. +he stanGa talks about the bird2s hea"y body0 and it2s Bbotto%lessB gut. 1t says to burn up the body !&la%es again0 o& $ourse# and to B%ake it windB. -ow based on the Bhea"y bodyB and Bbotto%less gutB re&eren$es0 we would ha"e to assu%e that it is re&erring to the .wl !who Bate and ate and ateB whether he was Bhungry or &ullB#0 the +hrush !who Bso lo"ed to eatB# or e"en possibly the Wren !the B&eeble lip4 s%a$kingB %akes %e think o& &ood or gluttony#. -one o& these really talk about burning up a body0 or anything about wind0 howe"er0 so 1 de$ided to &igure out the last nu%ber0 and then try the nu%bers &or the .wl !'#0 the +hrush !3#0 and the Wren !J# as the third digits0 one at a ti%e until 1 got it right. +o %y surprise0 the $ode didn2t work. 1 re$he$ked e"erything0 and ?-,W that the other three digits were $orre$t0 so 1 kept wra$king %y brain with the third $lue0 but $ouldn2t &igure it out. Finally0 in &rustration0 1 tried ea$h o& the J digits on the keypad until 1 got the $ode right. 1n the end0 the nu%ber ended up being B>B0 whi$h is the nu%ber that $orresponds to the innet. Here is the Song o& the innet again: BHe seeks out her soul by his own bla$k a%bition. Frightening her out o& her wits. Whispering lo"e songs in her ear. What $ruel innet wants0 he gets.B ConseDuently0 we know that body nu%ber se"en is our old pal Stanley Cole0 &or a nu%ber o& reasons. First o& all0 there is the note in eonard2s roo% stating that Stanley is gone0 and that his new na%e is B-u%ber Se"enB0 and that he $an be &ound downstairs. ?ind o& a big $lue. +here is also the &a$t that as you walk by $orpse nu%ber se"en0 he sighs out the word BHeatherB0 be$ause he &inally got to see her. And lastly there is the stanGa itsel&0 whi$h des$ribes the $raGy old bastard pretty da%ned well0 as well as the way he harassed and &rightened Heather throughout the ga%e. Un&ortunately0 knowing this doesn2t help you at all in &iguring out the $ode0 sin$e it has nothing to do with the riddle. As you %ay ha"e noti$ed0 there is nothing about

the innet being hea"y or gluttonous0 nor about burning the body0 be$o%ing wind0 $louds0 or sighing. 1n the end0 1 went to the ,n$y$lopedia ;ritanni$a0 and &ound out e"erything that 1 was %issing5 the innet is known &or eating up to three ti%es its own weight in seed e"ery day0 to the point that it so%eti%es $annot e"en &ly a&terwards. 1n &a$t0 this is where it gets its na%e: one o& the %ain sour$es o& &ood &or the innet is &la3seed0 whi$h it eats %ore o& than any other &ood sour$e. Fla3 &ibers are used in the %anu&a$ture o& the $loth linen. ;oth linen and the innet got their na%e &ro% the atin word &or Fla30 whi$h was in. So the innet got its na%e &ro% pigging out on in. As &or the rest o& the $lues in the poe%0 1 $an only spe$ulate. A$$ording to the ,n$y$lopedia0 the innet is usually bla$k0 red0 and white. 1n the stanGa it re&ers to burning0 whi$h results in red &la%es and bla$k $har0 and turning it into a $loud0 whi$h are o&ten white. Here you ha"e the innet2s three $olors. :ind you0 this is a stret$h o& logi$ to try and &igure out what the hell they were thinking when they applied the stanGa to the Song o& the innet. Apparently you ha"e to ha"e an en$y$lopedi$ knowledge o& godda%ned birds to sur"i"e in Silent Hill. Anyway0 the innet2s nu%ber is >0 whi$h is the third nu%ber in the $ode. -ow on to the last0 whi$h is a $akewalk $o%pared to the bloody innet $lue. B+he sweet blood on his laughing lips. -ow $alls hi% to the gates o& hell. +here burns e"er%ore that soulless shell.B So here we ha"e blood0 laughing lips0 and a bird who is going to hell and is a Bsoulless shellB. S$anning the poe%s &or blood0 we ha"e a &ew $andidates5 the ?ite !who is $raGy0 e3$ited by death0 and so%ething about Bred blood that turns %ilky whiteB#0 the Sparrow !who %urdered the Eobin0 wants the% all dead0 and who &inds their sobbing Bhoney4 sweetB#0 the *o"e !who lies Bdren$hed all in s$arletB# and the da%ned innet !who wants BherB soul0 has Bbla$k a%bitionB and who is B$ruelB and gets what he wants. +he ne3t $lue suggests that the bird en6oys the death5 by saying it has Bsweet blood on his laughing lipsB. +he ?ite is de&initely a $andidate0 be$ause he is Be3$ited by deathB. So is the Sparrow0 who we know %urdered the Eobin0 wants the% Ball deadB0 and &inds their sobbing Bhoney4sweetB. +he *o"e doesn2t really &it be$ause the poe% i%plies that the bird is bloody be$ause it killed0 and is going to hell &or its soullessness. +he *o"e0 howe"er is bloody be$ause it is dying5 it is BhopelessB and its B$heeks pale white and stillB. +he innet is also out o& the running be$ause it hasn2t a$tually killed anything !at least not yet#5 it is B$ruelB and has Bbla$k a%bitionB but it is %erely &rightening BherB out o& her wits by singing lo"e songs in her ear0 not a$tually killing her. So we are down to the $raGy ?ite and the %urderous Sparrow. +he last bit o& the stanGa says that the bird in Duestion is going to the gates o& hell0 where its Bsoulless shellB while burn e"er%ore. +his suggests e"en &urther e"il0 soulless %urder. +he ?ite is %ad0 and B*eath itsel& would dri"e hi% wildB. 1 don2t want to think too %u$h about the whole BEed blood that turns %ilky whiteB part. Along with the thing about death dri"ing hi% wild part0 it de&initely takes %e to a se3ual pla$e0 not a %urder pla$e. +he ?ite is turned on by death0 but nothing says it is a %urderer. +he Sparrow on the other hand Bkilled Co$k EobinB0 Bwants us all deadB0 and &inds their sobbing Bhoney4sweetB. +his &lat out says he %urders0 wants to %urder %ore0 and en6oys it. +his de&initely sounds like a BsoullessB0 hell4bound bird. So the answer is Sparrow0 whose nu%ber is 80 whi$h is

our &ourth and &inal nu%ber. So the &irst stanGa gi"es us the Wren !J#0 se$ond stanGa leads us to the .wl !'#0 the third stanGa $on&uses the hell out o& us and %akes us angry but the pro$ess o& eli%ination and the ,n$y$lopedia ;ritanni$a gi"es us the innet !>#0 and the &ourth stanGa leads us to the Sparrow !8#. So the $ode that opens the door to the o"en is J4'4>48. )un$h it in0 get your key0 and then go study your .rnithology in $ase it is tested in a later Silent Hill ga%e. 1V4e. +arot Card )uGGle +his puGGle reDuires you to gather &i"e di&&erent +arot Cards &ro% &i"e di&&erent lo$ations and pla$e the% in a spe$i&i$ pattern on the door in the ba$k o& Alessa2s roo% on the botto% &loor o& the Chur$h. +he $ards you will need are +he ,ye o& the -ight!II11#0 +he Hanged :an!I11#0 +he Fool!(#0 +he High )riestess!11#0 and +he :oon!IV111#. ,a$h o& these +arot Cards is lo$ated in a di&&erent part o& the Chur$h0 and all %ust be $olle$ted. Ee&er to the walkthrough &or their indi"idual lo$ations. +he pattern that you will be pla$ing the $ards in on the lo$ked door is in the sa%e setup as the nu%eri$al keypads throughout the ga%e5 nine possible spa$es0 in three rows o& three0 both horiGontally and "erti$ally. @ou %ust re&er to the Sket$hbook on the end o& the bed in the sa%e roo% to &igure out where the $ards go0 but their pla$e%ent di&&ers depending on what di&&i$ulty setting you are playing on. 1V4e48. ,AS@ +he Sket$hbook $ontains a diagra% that shows you e3a$tly where to pla$e the $ards in the pattern on the door. +he Fool goes in the top le&t4 hand $orner o& the grid0 +he :oon goes in the top right4hand $orner o& the grid0 +he ,ye o& the -ight goes in the dire$t $enter o& the grid0 +he Hanged :an goes in the botto% le&t4hand $orner o& the grid0 and +he High )riestess goes in the botto% right4hand $orner o& the grid. )la$e the $ards in these spa$es and the door will unlo$k. Ee%e%ber to sa"e0 and then go through the door towards the &inal $on&rontation. 1V4e4'. -.E:A Eead the riddle in the sket$hbook on the bed to &igure out how to arrange the +arot Cards on the pattern on the door. +he poe% reads as &ollows: B-ow the &irst thing you %ust know0 1s that there2s so%ething in ea$h row. ;ut that is not the hal& o& it: +hree would be too hard to &it. +he upside4down %an under the ground0 to his right0 to his le&t there is no one around ea"e hi% alone though his tears are pro&ound. +he %oon is up0 abo"e the sky0 Full or $res$ent0 &loating high. +winkling light sits like a $rown .n the head o& a $raGy $lown. @our e3$ellen$y praying to 7od %ost high *o you think you $an tell %e why @ou always look up at the night skyC

*o you ha"e it nowC @ou didn2t &orgetC .ne %a6or point you %ustn2t o%it. And now at the last0 be&ore you take a wha$k Here2s one %ore hint to help you keep on tra$k. S$ary and hate&ul that thing in the night ;etter be $are&ul 4 it2s not on your rightF +urn to the le&t and you2ll keep it in sight.B et2s again analyGe it part by part: B-ow the &irst thing you %ust know0 1s that there2s so%ething in ea$h row. ;ut that is not the hal& o& it: +hree would be too hard to &it.B 1t says that there are so%e $ards in ea$h row0 but ne"er %ore than two. 1t goes on to re&er to the Bupside4down %anB5 i& you e3a%ine your $ards0 you will see that the Hanged :an is hung upside down. 1t says he is Bunder the groundB0 %eaning the lowest le"el0 the botto% row0 and that B+o his right5 to his le&t0 there2s no one aroundB0 %eaning +he Hanged :an is the only $ard on the lower le"el0 right in the %iddle0 with no other $ards on the botto% row with it. B+he :oon is up abo"e the skyB %eans the :oon $ard is in the top row0 easy enough0 and that it rest abo"e the B$raGy $lownB %eaning the Fool $ard. Sin$e we know the Hanged :an is the only one on the botto% row0 we know that the Fool is so%ewhere in the %iddle row0 and that the :oon will be pla$ed dire$tly abo"e it. +hey $annot be in the %iddle row0 sin$e the Hanged :an is in the %iddle0 and the beginning o& the poe% said that there $an2t be three $ards in a row0 and sin$e the :oon has to be abo"e the Fool... so they are in either the right or the le&t $olu%ns. et2s %o"e on5 B@our ,3$ellen$y praying to 7od %ost highB re&ers to the High )riestess $ard0 and the &a$t that it is always looking up at the Bnight skyB tells us that the last $ard0 the ,ye o& -ight0 is dire$tly abo"e her. .n$e again0 we know they are not in the $entral row0 be$ause o& the rule about not ha"ing three $ards in any one row0 so all we know is that they will be on whi$he"er side the :oon and the Fool are not0 either on the right or the le&t. +he last $lue is the $lin$her0 saying that the Bs$ary and hate&ulB thing in the night is on the le&t0 not on the right5 it is re&erring to the ,ye o& the -ight $ard. So there you ha"e it. 1n the top le&t4hand $orner o& the grid0 pla$e the ,ye o& the -ight $ard0 with the High )riestess in the %iddle row0 right below it. 1n the %iddle $olu%n0 pla$e only the Hanged :an0 in the %iddle o& the botto% row. 1n the top4right hand $orner0 pla$e the :oon0 and put the Fool $ard right underneath it. +he door will then unlo$k. *on2t &orget to sa"e0 then $ontinue on to your &inal $on&rontation. 1V4e43. HAE*. As always0 ea$h +arot $ard is gi"en a ro%an nu%eral that $orresponds to it !+he ,ye o& the -ight!II11#0 +he Hanged :an!I11#0 +he Fool!(#0 +he High )riestess!11#0 and +he :oon!IV111##. +he Sket$hbook on the bed $ontains a bit o& writing and a drawing that look roughly like this: B1 had a drea%. 1n %y drea%0 1 opened a door. ;ut was that really %eC 1 had a di&&erent na%e.

1-7 .,1 :.I I.IAA A11

WII 1F1 -.+ H-7 CII 1,1

-IA V11 IVH 111 CCI 1H+

< are true and 9 are lies444and there are so%e &ibs %i3ed in with the truth. +hat2s 2$ause it2s s$ary to write only the truth. ;ut drea%s... drea%s are like lies0 a&ter all.B -ow this puGGle looks inti%idating0 but $o%pared to the other riddles in the Hard di&&i$ulty setting0 it really isn2t that hard. .b"iously0 the letters and nu%bers broken down into three rows in three $olu%ns represents the pattern on the +arot4lo$ked door. +he Sket$hbook tells you that < are true and 9 are lies0 but we already knew that be$ause we only ha"e < +arot Cards. As &or the rest0 it is 6ust a %atter o& looking at the Eo%an nu%erals on the $ards0 and &iguring out how the drawing %at$hes the%. What do they ha"e in $o%%onC +he ro%an nu%erals on your $ards are %ade up entirely o& $o%binations o& only &our ro%an nu%erals5 I0 V0 10 and .. BCB is also a ro%an nu%eral !representing one hundred#0 so lea"e that one in as well0 so that things don2t get $on&using later. +o %ake the drawing in the sket$hbook %at$h this pattern0 re%o"e e"erything that isn2t a ro%an nu%eral. +hat %eans that all the -s0 7s0 Ws0 As0 :s0 +s0 Hs0 As0 and ,s ha"e to go. When this is done0 you are le&t with %odi&ied $lusters that look like this: 1 .1 .I I. I 11 II 11 . CII 11 I V11 IV 111 CCI 1

.r0 i& you put all the nu%erals in ea$h $luster together to %ake a$tual ro%an nu%erals0 it would look %ore like this: 1.1 .II. I11 II11 . CII11 IV11 IV111 CCI1

-ow0 i& you know anything about ro%an %athe%ati$s0 whi$h were deri"ed &ro% the work o& 7reek %athe%ati$ians su$h as )ythagoras0 you will know that the nu%eral B.B is ne"er used to designate anything other than absolute Gero0 or nothing. 1t was not used to designate an e%pty digit pla$e0 as it is in the Arabi$ %athe%ati$s used today0 as it is to show the e%pty BonesB $olu%n in the nu%ber 8(0 or the e%pty BtensB $olu%n in the nu%ber 8(3. So anywhere you see a B.B used with any other nu%eral0 re%o"e it. +his lea"es us with:

11 II I11

II11 . CII11

IV11 IV111 CCI1

We know &ro% the Sket$hbook that &i"e o& these pla$e%ents are true0 and the rest are &alse. Figuring out whi$h are true is si%pli$ity itsel&5 $he$k the nu%ber on the +arot Card. +he nu%ber o& ea$h o& the $ards is represented in the abo"e diagra%0 and its pla$e%ent on the diagra% $orresponds to its pla$e%ent on the door itsel&. +he $ards are +he ,ye o& the -ight!II115 top row0 %iddle $olu%n#0 +he Hanged :an!I115 botto% row0 le&t $olu%n#0 +he Fool!(5 %iddle row0 %iddle $olu%n#0 +he High )riestess!115 top row0 le&t $olu%n#0 and +he :oon!IV1115 %iddle row0 right $olu%n#. Visually0 that looks like this: 11 !none# I11 II11 . !none# !none# IV111 !none# Sa"e

)la$e the $ards in the door like this0 and the door will unlo$k. you ga%e0 then pro$eed to the &inal battle.

V. Se$rets And :ysteries V4a. A**1+1.-A AC+1.- ,V, S: 1n addition to ,asy0 :ediu%0 and Hard *i&&i$ulty settings0 there is also ;eginner :ode and ,3tre%e A$tion :odes 14I. +o unlo$k ;eginner :ode0 si%ply die three ti%es while playing on ,asy. @ou will then be able to turn ;eginner :ode on in the B,3tra .ptions :enuB by setting it to B.nB. 1n this %ode0 ene%ies do only a &ra$tion o& the da%age they do in a nor%al ga%e0 while Heather2s atta$ks are de"astatingly power&ul. 1n addition0 all a%%unition that you re$ei"e in the ga%e is auto%ati$ally doubled. +he downside is that your end ga%e Eesults will be se"erely redu$ed by using this %ode. As &or the ,3tre%e A$tion le"els0 all you ha"e to do is beat the ga%e on$e on the Hard di&&i$ulty setting. +his will unlo$k the %ode B,3tre%e 1B. +his is %ore or less the sa%e ga%e as the Hard %ode0 but Heather has about hal& o& her usual sta%ina and health0 so she dies Dui$kly and gets e3hausted Dui$kly. 1& you beat B,3tre%e 1B0 you unlo$k B,3tre%e 11B0 in whi$h Heather is e"en weaker than she was in B,3tre%e 1B. +his $ontinues in$re%entally e"ery ti%e you beat an ,3tre%e :ode0 all the way up to B,3tre%e IB. +his is the tenth ,3tre%e setting !hen$e the ro%an nu%eral I#0 and in it e"en the weakest ene%y atta$ks be$o%e de"astating0 while the strongest be$o%e &atal. V4b. ;U ,+ A*AUS+: As in both pre"ious Silent Hill ga%es0 beating the ga%e on$e %akes additional playthroughs a lot easier. 1& you beat the ga%e on any di&&i$ulty le"el0 you unlo$k the B;ullet Ad6ustB in the ,3tra 7a%e .ptions s$reen !go to nor%al ga%e options and press 8 or E8 to show %ore hidden options#. +he &irst ti%e you beat the ga%e0 you will only be able to set this to B3'B. +his %eans &or e"ery bo3 o& a%%o you &ind0 you will re$ei"e twi$e as %u$h as you did be&ore setting the bullet ad6ust. +hat %eans instead o& 8( Handgun bullets0 = Shotgun shells and 3' S:7 bullets per bo30 you will instead get '(0 8'0 or =9

respe$ti"ely. .n$e you beat the ga%e a se$ond ti%e0 the bullet ad6ust $an be set to B33B0 tripling your a%%oF ,"ery ti%e you beat the ga%e0 the ;ullet Ad6ust will be able to be set one le"el higher0 up to a %a3i%u% o& B3JB. +his %eans you will get J( Handgun bullets0 <9 Shotgun shells0 and '// S:7 rounds per bo3F @eehawF So start shootin2 partnerF U)*A+,: +opbasha sent %e an e4%ail to in&or% %e o& an e3ploit &or the )C "ersion o& the ga%e5 i& you sa"e the ga%e right be&ore the last battle0 beat the ga%e and then reload the ga%e and do it again0 e"ery ti%e you do so0 it is $onsidered $learing the ga%e again &or purposes o& the nu%ber o& ti%es you2"e beat the ga%e. +his %eans you $an easily use this to bu%p up your bullet ad6ust to IJ "ery Dui$kly. As 1 don2t ha"e the )C "ersion o& the ga%e 1 $an2t $on&ir% this0 but sin$e it is &easible and +opbasha see%s trustworthy0 1 add it hear &or those dirty $heaters who own the )C "ersion o& the ga%e. +he rest o& us will 6ust ha"e to earn the% the old &ashioned way. V4$. 7. * A-* S1 V,E )1),S: 1n an ,3tra -ew 7a%e0 obtain the Steel )ipe as nor%al. )ro$eed until you rea$h the area in the sewers where you need to ele$tro$ute the tenta$le4y %onster. -ow approa$h the water &ro% the area 6ust to the le&t or the right o& the &ront o& the bridge. Heather0 &or so%e da%n reason0 wants to know i& you want to throw in the Steel )ipe. 1t is your %ost use&ul weapon at this point0 but hey0 what the he$kC 7o ahead and throw in the Steel )ipe. When you do so0 the 7oddess o& the Sewers will appear and ask you a bun$h o& Duestions. 1& you answer the% all truth&ully0 she will gi"e you ba$k your Steel )ipe and so%e the 7old and Sil"er )ipe2s0 to boot. 1& you lie0 you get SQUA+0 not e"en your Steel )ipe ba$k. -ow0 the 7old and Sil"er )ipes are no better0 &aster0 or %ore power&ul than your Steel )ipe0 and sin$e they are $onsidered BSpe$ial WeaponsB like the ;ea% Saber or the Fla%ethrower0 using the% a$tually redu$es your endga%e ranking. So why bother0 you askC ;e$ause they *. $ount as spe$ial ite%s0 and as su$h when you get the% and don2t use the%0 they in$rease your end ranking. 7etting the% is ne$essary to getting the 8( Star 7old Eank. -ow &or an interesting story about the Sewer Fairy and her 7old and Sil"er doodads: ga%e enthusiasts and the elderly %ay re%e%ber a $ertain &airy in egend o& Kelda: A ink to the )ast &or the S-,S !and now &or the 7;A5 1 guess you don2t ha"e to be that elderly a&ter all# who would gi"e you 7old and Sil"er Arrows and ;oo%erangs and stu&& &or hu$king your nor%al ite%s into her bathtub !or pond or whate"er it was#. +his was also done in Har"est :oon and %ore re$ently0 .ha$k0 with a pair o& a3es. 1 was taking so%e $lasses on :ythology last su%%er0 and a$tually &ound out where this tradition $a%e &ro%. 1 had assu%ed it $a%e &ro% Aapanese Folklore0 but apparently the &airy is supposed to be an A"atar or so%esu$h o& :er$ury0 the Eo%an god o& +rade and )ro&it !who in turn was a rip4o&& o& Her%es0 the 7od o& all that sa%e sorts o& stu&&0 but in 7ree$e#. @ou know0 the bloke with the wings sti$king out o& his hat. Anyway0 there was a %yth in whi$h a laborer was working ne3t to a ri"er and his best a3e &ell in and sank to the botto%. ;eing poor and needing the a3e to earn his wage0 the %an was distraught and &ell down by the ri"erside to weep. )resently0 :er$ury rose up out o& the water !the god0 not the poisonous liDuid %etal5 this wasn2t the Hudson Ei"er# and asked the %an why he was $rying. When the %an told hi% what had happened0 the god do"e down to the botto% o& the ri"er and returned with an a3e %ade o& gold. He asked the %an i& this was the a3e the %an was looking &or0 and he said no. +he god do"e down again and $a%e ba$k with a sil"er a3e0 and when he asked the %an i& +H1S was his a3e0 he

again said no. +he god do"e down a third ti%e and $a%e ba$k with the %an2s plain old boring a3e. When the %an saw it he was o"er6oyed0 and told the god that this was truly his a3e. :er$ury0 pleased with the %an2s honesty0 ga"e the %an ba$k his a3e0 but also ga"e hi% the gold and sil"er a3es to show his pleasure. +he %an returned to town and told the story to a &ew o& his &riends. .ne o& the%0 &iguring that he wanted in on a pie$e o& that a$tion0 ran to the ri"er and threw his own a3e into the water on purpose. He then &ell down and pretended to $ry0 and sure enough0 :er$ury showed up and inDuired as to the sour$e o& all the blubbering. +he %an told his story0 and0 true to &or%0 :er$ury do"e down and $a%e ba$k up with a golden a3e. ;ut when he asked the %an i& it was his a3e0 the %an was o"er$o%e with a"ari$e0 and grabbed at the a3e0 $lai%ing it was his. :er$ury was pissed and disappeared0 and the du%bass was le&t with no a3es at all0 6ust like Heather and her Steel )ipe i& you too are a du%bass and lie to the &airy. ater the se$ond %an died o& syphilis0 alone and a&raid. A$tually0 that last part wasn2t in the legend0 but 1 &igured the guy needed a worse punish%ent &or lying to a god. Any E,A god would ha"e turned hi% into a pillar o& salt0 or repla$ed his genitals with a rabid spider %onkey or so%ething. 12% telling you0 they 6ust don2t %ake gods like they used to. V4d. ;.-US W,A).-S: At the end o& your &irst ga%e0 you will be rewarded with one o& two bonus weapons: the ;ea% Saber or the Fla%ethrower. Figuring out whi$h one you will get is si%ple: i& you ha"e killed %ore %onsters with %elee weapons than you ha"e with &irear%s0 or i& the two nu%bers are eDual0 you will get the ;ea% Saber. 1& you de&eat %ore ene%ies with &irear%s than you do with %elee weapons0 or it is your se$ond ti%e through the ga%e0 you get the Fla%ethrower !unless you got it the &irst ti%e#. @ou do not start out the ne3t ga%e with your bonus weapon5 it %ust be &ound like a nor%al ite% within the ga%e. +he ;ea% Saber $an be &ound in the se$ond &loor north $orridor o& the Central SDuare Shopping Center0 in the northwest end o& the hall0 beyond the Sa"e Eoo% where you get the key out &ro% under the palette with the +ongs: e3a%ine the door at the "ery end o& the hall and you will &ind that the doorknob is really the ;ea% Saber handle. +he Fla%ethrower $an also be &ound in the Central SDuare Shopping Center0 in Helen2s ;akery !where you &ind the +ongs#. 1t will be on the $ounter ne3t to the &lyer on the $ounter !the te3t o& whi$h now says BCrispy toasted *,A* right to your &ront doorB. 7ood stu&&#. For %ore in&or%ation on ea$h weapon0 see their des$riptions under se$tion B14$. +he ArsenalB. +hese are $onsidered to be BSpe$ial WeaponsB. .ne thing to keep in %ind about these weapons is that using the% at all will redu$e your ranking at the end o& the ga%e0 though 6ust pi$king the% up in$reases your rating. 1& you don2t $are about ratings0 go &orth and kill 2til your little bla$k hearts are $ontent. V4e. U- 1:1+,* SU;4:ACH1-,7U-: +his works 6ust like the regular S:70 but ne"er runs out o& bullets. 1n order to obtain it0 you ha"e to kill the last boss %onster !i.e. B7odB# with a %elee weapon su$h as the ?atana or the :aul. +his is not to say that you ha"e to &ight the whole battle using the %elee weapon0 6ust that the &inishing strike %ust $o%e &ro% one. So when the 7od starts getting &ranti$ and throwing out two ar$s o& &ire at a ti%e0 swit$h to a %elee weapon and $lub away until it is dead. .n$e you do so0 you will be rewarded with the Unli%ited S:7 in your ne3t ga%e. 1t $an be &ound near the beginning o& the ga%e0 on a sta$k o& bo3es in the alley near the bathroo% window that Heather $li%bs out o& to a"oid *ouglas. .ne thing to keep in %ind

about these weapons is that using the% at all will redu$e your ranking at the end o& the ga%e0 though 6ust pi$king the% up in$reases your rating. V4&. H,A+H,E ;,A:HS,I@ ;,A:: +he key to obtaining this spe$ial atta$k is to kill0 kill0 kill. Eeally put your heart into it and hunt down those %onsters in an e&&ort to e3ter%inate their kind &ro% the "ery &a$e o& the earth. +o unlo$k the Heather ;ea%0 you ha"e to kill a total o& 333 ene%ies0 though they don2t all ha"e to be in one ga%e. .ne thing that will help you rea$h this total is use o& the otherwise $raptasti$ ite%0 the )er&u%e. +his is an ite% that $an be &ound in the Wo%en2s o$ker Eoo% on ;rookha"en2s Hospital2s se$ond &loor. .n$e you eDuip it0 %onsters will be able to s%ell you0 and will seek you out &ro% &urther away. -or%ally0 this would be bad0 but sin$e you want to kill the% all and sto%p on their little heads0 it is okay. Also0 you i& you really want to get it Dui$kly0 obtain the Unli%ited S:7 and lay waste to e"erything in your path early in the ga%e. +his will se"erely hurt your end ga%e rating0 but it is the Dui$kest way o& slaughtering e"erything and getting the Heather ;ea%. +he Se3y ;ea% is a %ore power&ul "ersion o& the Heather ;ea%0 whi$h Heather $an use by obtaining the Heather ;ea%0 and then using the Spe$ial Costu%e0 the +rans&or% Costu%e. +he $ode &or the +rans&or% Costu%e $an be obtained by beating an ,3tra -ew 7a%e !or by looking on the list o& Costu%e )asswords that 1 list in another part o& this se$tion V4g0 $alled C.S+U:,S#. While she is wearing the +rans&or% Costu%e0 Heather be$o%es the super4being )rin$ess Heart0 and her Heather ;ea% be$o%es the %u$h %ore power&ul and i%pressi"e Se3y ;ea%F For a &ull des$ription o& the Heather and Se3y ;ea%s and how they work0 see se$tion B14$. +he ArsenalB. -ote that use o& the Heather or Se3y ;ea%s are ne$essary to get the se$ret BEe"engeB ending o& the ga%e. V4g. C.S+U:,S: ;eating the ga%e on any di&&i$ulty setting unlo$ks a new option on the title s$reen that says B,3tra Costu%eB. When you $hoose this option you are brought to a s$reen that looks like a keyboard0 where you $an enter se$ret passwords in order to unlo$k new &ashions &or Heather to wear. +here are separate sets o& keys &or upper and lower$ase letters0 as well as nu%bers and sy%bols. )asswords are $ase sensiti"e0 whi$h %eans that you should enter the% ,IAC+ @ as they are presented0 and that a B;B is di&&erent &ro% a BbB0 and that spa$es in words %atter. .n$e you ha"e entered the $ode0 press the red B,nterB button on the right o& the keyboard to enter the $ode. 1& you type in a password and unlo$k a $ostu%e0 then i%%ediately start a new ga%e0 Heather will be wearing that $ostu%e as the ga%e starts0 e"en in the $uts$enes. .therwise0 the $ostu%e has to be eDuipped in the in"entory s$reen. Costu%e passwords are obtained in a nu%ber o& ways. So%e are spe$ial pro%otional passwords that you $an only get &ro% $ertain websites0 %agaGines0 or strategy guides. .thers are unlo$ked by %eeting $ertain $riteria in the ga%e. At least one is obtained by trying to sol"e a ridi$ulously di&&i$ult riddle in an ,3tra -ew 7a%e. ;elow is a list o& ea$h $ostu%e 1 know o&0 and how to get it or where the $ode $a%e &ro%. +he words be&ore the $olon is the $ostu%e2s na%e0 the password to obtain it is in the parentheses a&ter the na%e0 and the des$ription o& where the password $o%es &ro% is a&ter the $olon.

V4g48. +rans&or% Costu%e !)rin$essHeart#: +his wa$ky $ostu%e $o%es &ro% a long4standing Aapanese tradition o& putting spunky young girls into sailor2s $ostu%es and turning the% into superheroes. +his one $o%es $o%plete with a $raGy trans&or%ation seDuen$e e"ery ti%e you un4 eDuip it and then re4eDuip it. 1n addition to looking snaGGy0 this $ostu%e also has a pra$ti$al use o& $hanging the Heather ;ea% into the %ore power&ul Se3y ;ea%. +o obtain this $ostu%e you %ust si%ply $o%plete an ,3tra -ew 7a%e. +he password will be displayed on the results s$reen. V4g4'. Heather Shirt !Happybirth*ay#: +his is apparently a $opy a shirt worn by the $reati"e tea% during inter"iews. +his shirt is "ery easy to obtain0 be$ause you get the $ode to unlo$k it in the Eesults s$reen a&ter you beat the ga%e &or the &irst ti%e. V4g43. *on2t +ou$h Shirt !+.UCHQ:@QH,AE+#: +ou$h her heartC *on2t %ind i& 1 doF Unless she %eans literally: that would 6ust be i$ky. *uring an ,3tra -ew 7a%e0 sear$h the Wo%en2s o$ker Eoo% on the se$ond &loor o& ;rookha"en Hospital &or a %agaGine on a ben$h. ,3a%ine the %agaGine and the $ode &or this shirt is displayed. V4g49. ;lo$k Head Shirt !)utHere'FeelAoy#: +his is a spe$ial shirt awarded to pa$i&ists. 1& you $an get through an entire ga%e and only kill 8( or &ewer ene%ies0 the $ode &or this shirt will be displayed on your Eesults s$reen. Ee%e%ber that boss ene%ies are people too0 and $ount towards your 8(4%onster total. Sin$e there are < bosses0 this %eans you $an only kill < other $ritters in the entire ga%e. Serial killers need not apply. V4g4<. 7od o& +hunder Shirt !7angster7irl#: +hat isn2t +hor0 so it %ust be Eaiden !or Eai6in#0 Aapanese god o2 +hunder. +his is one o& %y &a"orite $ostu%es in the ga%e0 be$ause it turns Heather into a pale0 blue4haired 7oth girl. @ou get the $ode &or this $ostu%e in your Eesults S$reen a&ter $o%pleting a ga%e on the ,3tre%e I a$tion setting. V4g4=. +ransien$e Shirt !Shogyou:u6ou#: 1 &ound the password interesting0 so 1 looked up the %eaning o& Shogyou%u6ou. Fittingly enough it is a Aapanese ;uddhist phrase0 %eaning the i%per%anen$e o& a thing. 1 say &ittingly enough be$ause this $ostu%e is obtained by $learing all three Eiddle e"els !,asy0 :ediu%0 and Hard#. +he password will show up on your Eesults s$reen a&ter $learing the last one. And a&ter so%e o& those da%n Hard puGGles0 you will &eel you ha"e earned it. Unless you 6ust $opied it &ro% here0 that is. V4g4>. 7olden Co$k Shirt !$o$kadooodledoo#: 1t is a$tually $alled the 7olden Eooster shirt0 but the other was &unnier. +his shirt is a bit$h to obtain0 unless you 6ust use this $ode. +o get the password0 you %ust get a per&e$t ranking0 whi$h takes a ridi$ulous a%ount o& ti%e and e&&ort 6ust to get a shirt with a da%n $hi$ken on it !well0 it a$tually %akes the Fla%ethrower and the ;ea% Saber e3$eptionally power&ul0 but 1 &elt like whining#. +he password will be displayed on the results s$reen. -oti$e the third BoB in the BdooodleB part o& the password. A lot o& people %iss that. V4g4/. Eoyal Flush Shirt !(8Q(3Q(/Q88Q8'#: +his one was0 i& you2ll e3$use the ter%0 a bit$h. 1n order to e"en begin to get the password0

you %ust $o%plete an ,3tra -ew 7a%e0 and then start the ne3t ga%e using the Hard Eiddle :ode. Continue as nor%al until you rea$h the Ar$hi"esH ibrary in the Chur$h at the end o& the ga%e. +his ti%e through0 there are $lues s$attered throughout the books. +hese $lues are supposed to help you &igure out the password. Here they are: 4Clue 8 4 BA se$ret told be&ore you awake: the start o& a new trans&or%ation.B 4Clue ' 4 B+here2s no separating nu%bers &ro% beginning to end.B 4Clue 3 4 B89 buttons all told5 there&ore0 one is always two.B 4Clue 9 4 B+he &irst nu%ber is 2the tra"eler to St. 1"es.2B 4Clue < 4 B+he se$ond nu%ber is 2the hare wears a $rown o& straw.2B 4Clue = 4 B+he third nu%ber is 2king o& beasts and goddess o& har"ests.2B 4Clue > 4 B+he &ourth nu%ber is 2representati"e o& both knight and page.2B 4Clue / 4 B+he &i&th nu%ber is 2lapis laGuli or turDuoise.2B So0 $lue nu%ber one: BA se$ret told be&ore you wake0 the start o& a new trans&or%ation.B +his re&ers the &a$t that it has to be on a se$ond or greater playthrough. Clue nu%ber two: B+here2s no separating nu%bers &ro% beginning to endB. +his %eans that there are no spa$es between the nu%bers as you input the%. Hen$e the unders$ores between the parts o& the $ode. Clue nu%ber three: two.B. +his %eans %ust enter it as a it is B(3B instead B89 buttons all told5 there&ore0 one is always that e"en i& a nu%ber is a single digit nu%ber0 you double digit by putting a Gero in &ront o& it. +hus o& 6ust B3B.

Clue nu%ber &our: B+he &irst nu%ber is 2the tra"eler to St. 1"es.2B +he &ourth is the &irst nu%ber0 and re&ers to an old ;ritish $hildren2s riddle. Here it is: BAs 1 was going to St. 1"es0 1 %et a %an with se"en wi"es. ,a$h o& the wi"es had se"en pa$ks5 ,a$h o& the pa$ks held se"en $ats. ,a$h o& the $ats had se"en kits. ?its0 $ats0 pa$ks0 wi"es0 How %any were going to St. 1"esCB +he answerC .ne. He 6ust %et the one tra"eler0 not all his wi"es and their $ats or whate"er. Clue nu%ber &i"e: B+he se$ond nu%ber is 2the hare wears a $rown o& straw2B 1 ha"e to ad%it that this one had %e stu%ped the longest. 1 tried thinking o& the i%age o& a rabbit wearing a straw hat0 but that didn2t re%ind %e o& any legend or %yth or anything. 1 thought o& Eobbie Eabbit0 and sear$hed ea$h o& the Eobbie $orpses to see i& any o& the% had straw hats or nu%bers written on the%. -ope. 1 thought o& the Chinese Godia$0 but that didn2t &it the $ode. So 1 &inally &igured it out while replaying the original Silent Hill &or a walkthrough that 1 was working on. 1n that ga%e there are a lot o& re&eren$es to Ali$e in Wonderland in the puGGles0 and that is when it hit %e: the :ar$h Hare. :ar$h is the third %onth. (3. Whi$h also &its in with the Godia$ the%e o& the rest o& the puGGles.

Here2s the ki$ker though. 1 still $ouldn2t &igure out where the B$rown o& strawB $a%e in0 so 1 pi$ked up Ali$e in Wonderland o&& %y shel& and read the tea party se$tion with the :ad Hatter and the :ar$h Hare. +he te3t didn2t illu%inate anything0 but as 1 was $losing the book0 one o& the 1llu%inations illu%inated the whole thing: that is0 the 1llu%ination or illustration that the original Ali$e artist0 Aohn +enniel0 did o& the tea party. ow and behold0 the :ar$h Hare has wisps o& straw sti$king out all o"er his head in all the pi$tures o& hi%. So 1 resear$hed &urther: Vi$torian illustration would o&ten use straw in a $hara$ter2s hair to sy%boliGe insanity0 due to the &a$t that %any $raGy &olk o& that era li"ed in Asylu%s0 whi$h used straw &or bedding and pillows. Further%ore0 the reason it was $alled the B:ar$h HareB was due to the old ter% B%ad as a :ar$h HareB whi$h re&erred to the &a$t that the %onth o& :ar$h is the rabbits2 rutting season0 during whi$h ti%e the %ales o& the spe$ies a$t $raGy0 Bbo3ingB with &e%ales in a biGarre looking $ourtship ritual. .n a side4side note0 apparently ,ras%us !89==C48<3=#0 the *ut$h Eenaissan$e s$holar and theologian0 wrote the e3pression B%ad as %arsh hare0B and there is now so%e spe$ulation that this got $orrupted to B:ar$hB in later de$ades. Howe"er0 long be&ore Carroll was writing0 the e3pression was B%ad as a :ar$h Hare0B regardless o& s$ienti&i$ "alidity. ;ut 1 digress. Clue nu%ber si3: B+he third nu%ber is 2the king o& beasts and goddess o& the har"ests2B. +his re&ers to eo0 the lion0 whi$h is the eighth Godia$ sign0 as well as the %onth o& August0 the eighth %onth0 whi$h is the traditional %onth o& har"esting and earth4%other worship. Clue nu%ber se"en: B+he &ourth nu%ber is 2representati"e o& both knight and page2B. +his re&ers to the relationship between the %odern de$k o& $ards and the an$ient tarot $ard de$k. 1n the tarot0 the &irst o& the B&a$eB $ards0 a&ter all the nu%bered $ards0 was either the )age or the ?night. 1n other words you would ha"e &or ea$h suit ten nu%bered $ards0 &ollowed by the &a$e $ards !i.e. the ?night o& $ups0 the Queen o& Cups0 et$#. 1n the %odern de$k o& $ards0 not only did the suits get $hanged !&ro% swords to spades0 $oins to dia%onds0 penta$les to hearts0 and sta"es to $lubs0 with so%e "ariations#0 but the &a$e $ards got rena%ed as well. +he pageHknight be$a%e the Aa$k. +he Aa$k0 o& $ourse being eDual to B88B in %ost ga%es o& $ards0 the ne3t "alue a&ter the nu%bered $ards. Hen$e0 88. Clue nu%ber eight: B+he &i&th nu%ber is 2lapis laGuli or turDuoise.2B. +his last $lue is $o%parati"ely easy. Well0 at least &or %e0 sin$e 1 was born in *e$e%ber5 lapis laGuli and turDuoise are both birthstones &or the %onth o& *e$e%ber0 the 8'th %onth. So there you ha"e it: (8Q(3Q(/Q88Q8'. Vi$tory is %ineF

-.+,: 1 6ust wanted to gi"e props to *a"id Filipi &or also &iguring out this riddle. +hough 1 had 6ust stu%bled a$ross the :ar$h Hare re&eren$e on %y own0 he sent %e an e4%ail in whi$h he had $o%e to the sa%e $on$lusions independently0 using his own resear$h. So while 1 %anaged to struggle through it on %y own0 he deser"es re$ognition &or this i%pressi"e &eat o& intelle$t. V4g4J. ?iller Eabbit Shirt !;lueEobbieWin#: +his shirt depi$ts

e"eryone2s &a"orite blood4soaked %as$ot0 Eobbie the EabbitF +he password was obtained &ro% the ;rady 7a%e2s .&&i$ial Silent Hill 3 Strategy 7uide0 and was e3$lusi"e to that guide until it was released onto the net. V4g48(. .nsen Shirt !1Q o"eQ@ou#: .nsen is a Aapanese word that %eans hot springs. What this shirt represents0 whether it be hot springs in general or a spe$i&i$ hot spring0 is $urrently unknown. +he password was obtained &ro% the ;rady 7a%e2s .&&i$ial Silent Hill 3 Strategy 7uide0 who said it was an e3$lusi"e0 but others $lai% it originally $a%e &ro% the Aapanese industry %agaGine0 Fa%itsu. V4g488. Kipper Shirt !ShutQyourQ%outh#: +he password &or this interesting shirt was e3$lusi"e to the ;rady 7a%e2s .&&i$ial Silent Hill 3 Strategy 7uide. 1& only it were a real Gipper... V4g48'. +he ight Shirt ! ight+oFuture#: +his shirt is in$redibly $ool and should be re$ogniGable to &ans o& the original Silent Hill. 1t is a reprodu$tion o& a painting that was the key to a puGGle in Al$he%ilia Hospital0 $alled B+he ight 1llu%inating the *arknessB. +he password was obtained &ro% a $ool intera$ti"e website $alled SH'((3.$o%. As o& the ti%e o& this writing the ,nglish anguage "ersion is una"ailable !be$ause it is a Aapanese website0 but 1 want a website that interesting in ,nglish0 da%%it#0 but the password was obtained in roo% 3(/. V4g483. ,7: Shirt !,7:pretaporter#: +his is a shirt pro%oting the A%eri$an ga%ing %agaGine ,le$troni$ 7a%ing :onthly. +he $ode was obtained &ro% their %agaGine !prRt4a4porter %eans Bready to wearB in Fren$h0 &or the%s o& you who ain2t $ulture4&ied#. V4g489. 7a%e)ro Shirt !)ro+ip#: +his is another U.S. ga%ing %agaGine0 and the password $o%es &ro% the pages therein. V4g48<. )S: Shirt !badi$al#: )S: stands &or )lay Station :agaGine. +his is one o& the &ew U.S. ga%ing %agaGines that is still independent. 1t is not the .FF1C1A )laystation %agaGine0 but that 6ust %akes the% rebels. +he password $a%e &ro% their %agaGine. 1t was better than their se$ond $hoi$e0 BtubularB. V4g48<. 7a%e 1n&or%er Shirt !ga%ein&or%er#: 7a%e 1n&or%er is yet another U.S. ga%e %agaGine0 who also has a website !$o%#. +heir e3$eptionally $le"er password $a%e &ro% the %agaGine. V4g48=. .&&i$ial )S :agaGine Shirt !SH3Q.)iu:#: +his is the .&&i$ial )laystation :agaGine2s shirt5 a$$ept no substitutes. +his is Sony2s .&&i$ial U.S. ga%e %agaGine0 and e"ery %onth it $o%es with a bonus disk with "iewable and playable de%os. )retty $ool. +he password $a%e &ro% the %agaGine. +he password isn2t pro%oting the use o& .piu% or its byprodu$ts5 it is si%ply a $le"er play on the %agaGines a$rony%0 .):. 7et itC V4g48>. .)S' Shirt !e3traQthu%bs#: -ow don2t get $on&used0 but this is also the .&&i$ial )laystation :agaGine0 but this one is &ro% the U.?. 12% not ;ritish0 belie"e it or not0 so 1 $an2t tell you too %u$h about this one. +he password $a%e &ro% the %agaGine. Update: So%eone who 1S

;ritish re%inded %e o& the ba$kground on the password and where it $a%e &ro%. +here was an add in the %agaGine about a do$tor who gra&ted e3tra thu%bs onto a patient in order to %ake hi% a better ga%e player. +he slogan was so%ething like B.&&i$al )laystation :agaGine5 :u$h better than e3tra thu%bsB. +hanks to ;en ;urnha% &or the head2s up. V4g48/. )S'E. Shirt !:A+A*.E#: Another .&&i$ial )laystation :agaGine0 this one &ro% Spain. A %atador0 o& $ourse0 is a Spanish bull &ighter. 1 a% not Spanish either0 senior. +he password4o $a%e &ro% the %agaGine4o. V4g48J. )lay Shirt !s % d7hS%?&;&H#: +his is a 7er%an ga%ing %agaGine $alled !wait &or it# )lay. 1 do not s$hpre$en Ge *eut$h either0 though 1 a% sure you $an2t tell. +hey also ha"e a website !www.playplaystation.$o%#. +he password $a%e &ro% there. V4g4'(. 7a%eSpy.$o% Shirt !ia%l33t#: +his is a popular U.S. "ideoga%e website !$o%#. +he password was obtained &ro% their website. Bia%l33tB is written in an in&or%al ga%er2s diale$t that so%e $all BleetspeakB: letters in words are $hanged around0 o%itted0 or %isspelled0 and nu%bers take the pla$e o& si%ilar looking letters. For e3a%ple0 Bl33tB %eans B,liteB !the 3s took the pla$e o& the BeBs0 be$ause they look kind o& like ba$kwards $apital B,Bs. 1t would take a book to e3plain the whole da%n thing. Used by l33t %9Gt3rG and retarded 8' year olds e"erywhere. V4g4'8. 17-.C.: Shirt !17-Qpi$kleboy#: 17- is another popular U.S. ga%ing website. 17- stands &or 1nternet 7a%ing -etwork0 1 think5 they see% to 6ust go by 17- now. +he pi$kleboy is one o& their %as$ots. +he password $a%e &ro% their website. V4g4''. 83e%e Eue Shirt !Suspense#: 83e%e !+reiGiS%e# Eue is Fren$h &or B+hirteenth StreetB0 and is also a Fren$h horror tele"ision network !whi$h 1 really wish we had o"er here in the U.S.0 though not in Fren$h: 1 $an still read the language "ery well0 but %y "erbal $o%prehension is about the sa%e le"el as a bright $hi%p#. +he $ode $ould be obtained on their website or by wat$hing the $hannel itsel&. 1& you $an read Fren$h0 ha"e ,uro dollars0 and want a 83e%e Eue shirt o& your "ery own0 you $an buy the% at their website !www.83e%erue.& V4g4'3. 7a%e Eea$tor Shirt !SH3QWrestlarn#: 7a%e Eea$tor is a popular ga%ing website in ,urope !$ +he site isn2t in ,nglish0 but it isn2t too hard to na"igate. +he password $a%e &ro% their website. V4g4'9. 7:E Shirt !7:EownG6oo#: 7:E stands &or 7er%an :onkey Ee"iew. A$tually0 it probably doesn2t0 but 1 $an2t see% to &igure out what it a$tually is. 1 assu%e a ga%ing... thing... o& so%e sort. 1 obtained their password &ro% ga%e&aDs.$o%. U)*A+,: +ho%as Hagan0 who works &or ,;7a%es !or did on$e upon a ti%e0 sin$e this was a while ago and 1 hope &or his sake that he2s %o"ed on with his li&e in the last &our years and $ounting# wrote in to tell %e that 7:E is a %agaGine that his used ga%e e%poriu% %akes hi% shill to the rubes !%y words0 not his#. 7:E $ontains B$oupons and deals &or ga%ing so&twareB. -ow that ,; is owned by 7a%estop0 1 belie"e this %agaGine has been sin$e tossed aside like a bag o& %oldy tangerines in &a"or o& 7a%e 1n&or%er0 but as o& the ti%e he wrote in0 this would be a$$urate. So thanks &or the in&o +ho%as.

For those who are interested0 the last part o& the password is also Bl33tB speak. B.wnG6ooB %eans Bowns youB in %onkey. For those o& you who weren2t interested0 don2t read that last senten$e. .r this one. V4g4'<. 7- Shirt !1wannabea7A#: +his is a shirt &or the U.S. 7a%ing -etwork0 who hired a bun$h o& non4ga%ing pretty boys to pretend to be ga%ers and a$t like 6a$kasses on tele"ision. A$tually0 that is what the B7AB in the password stands &or: B7a%ing Aa$kassesB. .r %aybe not. +hey also show about 9 progra%s o"er and o"er again. ?ind o& like :+V. ;ut at least it is a start in the right dire$tion. +he password was aired between and during their 9 shows. +hey2"e sin$e been rena%ed B79B0 and then B79 +e$h +VB0 when they were best known &or the show BI4 )layB with Ada% BSissypantsB Sessler and :organ B:an6awB Webb !thanks to the e3$eptional0 i& o&ten tardy web$o%i$ BV7 CatsB &or the :organ :an6aw dig. Hilarious#. V4h. *.U7 AS4 ?1-7 .F -. )A-+S: +his is an in$redibly odd little se$ret. 1& you pun$h in the $lassi$ ?ona%i $ode !that2s right0 the one &ro% Contra#0 while B,3tra -ew 7a%eB is highlighted on the title s$reen0 then sele$t your A$tion and Eiddle di&&i$ulty le"els0 you will hear Heather %ake a strange noise. -ow start the ga%e. Whene"er you see *ouglas in this ne3t ga%e0 he is not wearing a shirt or pants0 6ust his bo3ers0 tie0 hat0 so$ks0 shoes0 and tren$h $oat. *isturbing. For the uninitiated0 the ?ona%i $ode is Up0 Up0 *own0 *own0 e&t0 Eight0 e&t0 Eight0 B$ir$leB0 and BIB !B$ir$leB and BIB take the pla$e o& the -intendo2s BAB and B;B buttons#. V4i. ,AS+,E,77S:

V4i48. S),C1A *,A+H SC,-,S: 1n $ertain areas0 i& you allow Heather to die0 you will be treated to a di&&erent B@ou *iedB s$reen then nor%ally. Here are the ones 1 ha"e &ound so &ar: 4When Heather is killed by a %onster0 so%eti%es Valtiel !the strange "al"e4turning0 7od4hooding de%i4%onster# will show up and drag Heather away by her legs. WhyC Where does he take herC +he world %ay ne"er know0 thank&ully. 41& Heather is killed by -urses in the hospital0 a %isshapen do$tor will show up and drag Heather away by her legs. 41& you take too long getting o&& the tra$ks in the Subway0 or i& you try to walk along the tra$ks between areas0 you will get a $uts$ene where a train shows up and s%ears her0 $o%plete with "ery disturbing and sDuishy sound e&&e$ts. 4.n$e you &inally get onto the %o"ing subway train0 try to lea"e through the train2s ba$k door0 or go ba$k through a door you 6ust $a%e through. Heather will end up standing on a narrow plat&or% on the ba$k o& the train0 and i& you %o"e &orward towards the edge0 it will swit$h to Heather2s perspe$ti"e so that you $an e3perien$e her &alling o&& the ba$k o& the train and dying0 &irsthand. 41& you try to $ross the bridge with the water %onster in it without &irst ele$tro$uting it with the Hairdryer0 Heather will be pulled into the water by the tenta$le and %essily killed. A big word o& thanks to Barte%is.pantharB &or re%inding %e o& this one. 4A&ter you $li%b the long ladder leading past Valtiel and arri"ing at the dark side o& ;rookha"en2s third &loor0 go through the door straight ahead and $o%e ba$k. +he ladder is suddenly gone0 and i& you aren2t $are&ul you will &all to your death and get a little s$ene o& Heather plu%%eting past Valtiel0 who is $linging to the wall. +hanks to *a%ien

Carlisle &or this tidbit. 41& you don2t shut o&& the power to the roller $oaster in akeside A%use%ent )ark and try to walk along the tra$ks0 the $oaster will show up and %angle her0 6ust like in the drea% at the beginning. 4Aust be&ore the &inal battle0 when Heather is supposed to use the Aglaophotis0 don2t. A&ter a %inute0 Heather will on$e again be o"erwhel%ed by the 7od inside her and you will be treated to a $uts$ene where she dies horribly and noisily. V4i4'. VA +1, : A$$ording to B+he ;ook o& ost :e%oriesB0 a Aapanese language guide to the %eaning o& Silent Hill0 the "al"e4turning &a$eless pseudo4ene%y o& Silent Hill 3 is na%ed Valtiel. A$$ording to the guide0 his appearan$e and a$tions in the ga%e are sy%boli$0 as he turns the "al"es o& &ate as Silent Hill swit$hes &ro% Bnor%alB to Bdark sideB. +he round "al"es represent the $y$li$al nature o& Alessa2s death and resurre$tion0 and he see%s to be linked to this $y$le0 whi$h is why he drags her away a&ter she dies0 to so%ehow return her to li&e and $ontinue the $y$le. His na%e is $o%prised o& the Fren$h word B"aletB %eaning one who ser"es0 and the Hebrew su&&i3 o& B4ielB0 whi$h designates angeli$ status. +hus Valtiel %eans BAttendant !or ser"ant# to 7odB. +his $learly &its his beha"iors and role in the ga%e0 as he is also seen arraigning the 7od at the end o& the ga%e0 in so%e sort o& $ere%onial $apa$ity0 as i& girding her &or battle. 1& the 7od o& Silent Hill represents the Audai$HChristian 7od in the twisted pantheon o& Silent Hill0 then Valtiel would be like 7od2s right hand0 a role held by :etatron in the Audeo4Christian hierar$hy. +his is supported by the &a$t that Valtiel has a Seal o& :etatron !or so%ething Duite like it# tattooed on ea$h o& his ar%s. ;esides the tattoos0 Valtiel see%s to ha"e a &eatureless B&a$eB0 without eyes0 nose0 or %outh0 though there is a weird %outh4slit on the ba$k o& his head0 whi$h in so%e illustrations has a thin0 whipping tongue $o%ing out o& it. He wears a &ilthy s%o$kHskirt $o%bo thing0 and has glo"es that are either bla$k or su$h a deep0 bloody red as to rese%ble bla$k. His head is usually whipping around $raGily0 Aa$ob2s adder style0 %aking his &eatures e"en harder to %ake out. He is ne"er seen standing0 but is instead $rawling0 $li%bing walls0 or $linging to other sur&a$es in liGard or inse$t4like %anner. He is always seen turning his "al"es as Heather enters the dark world se$tions o& the ga%e0 suggesting that it is he who $ontrols the trans&or%ations between the worlds. 1n Silent Hill 9: +he Eoo%0 we &ind out a little %ore about Valtiel0 though he doesn2t appear in the ga%e hi%sel&. A$$ording to +he .rder2s religious traditions0 Valtiel was one o& the beings $reated by 7od to lead the people to obedien$e. Valtiel itsel& is worshipped as one who is the $losest to 7od. As su$h0 there was a se$t o& +he .rder de"oted to the worship o& this $reature0 started by a %an na%ed Ai%%y Stone0 $alled the Valtiel Se$t. +hey belie"ed that in "enerating Valtiel0 one is $o%ing $loser to 7od. ,"eryone2s &a"orite de%on4raping killing %a$hine )yra%id Head !originally &ro% Silent Hill '# has the e3a$t sa%e tattoos0 s%o$k0 glo"es and $lothing as Valtiel0 suggesting that at the "ery least0 the BholyB e3e$utioners o& who% )yra%id Head was an ar$hetype0 %ay ha"e been garbed and %arked in "eneration o& Valtiel. .r %aybe )yra%id Head is Valtiel hooded and garbed &or battle0 though the appearan$e o& %ultiple )yra%id Heads and their role in Silent Hill '2s storyline %akes this a little %ore unlikely. Howe"er0 Valtiel is

o&ten seen towards the end o& the ga%e strangling or otherwise... intera$ting with the -urses0 %u$h like )yra%id Head was o&ten seen BrapingB the &e%ale4like %onsters in "arious instan$es in whi$h you en$ounter hi%. 1t is an interesting parallel0 to say the least. Here is a list o& the pla$es where 1 ha"e seen hi% appear: 4 Heather $an see hi% stu%bling around outside the ele"ator with his head whipping rapidly ba$k and &orth0 right a&ter she &inds the Eadio. He also appears to be atta$king or %olesting a red and white %onster thing during this seDuen$e. 1nterestingly enough0 this is the only pla$e in whi$h the red and white %onster thing is e"er seen. 4 He $an be seen turning a "al"e on the wall near two pairs o& ki$king legs whose bodies are obs$ured by so%e sort o& red $urtain in the lower le"els o& the Chur$h. +his is the s$ene that is shown 6ust as you turn on the ga%e0 be&ore the title song. 4 He $an be seen turning the "al"es as you $li%b the ladder towards what turns out to be the third &loor o& ;rookha"en2s *ark Side. 4Eight a&ter this0 a&ter going through the door0 run to the gap in the wall and turn the $a%era towards it. 1& you are Dui$k enough !and don2t &all into the hole#0 turn to the right and you should see Valtiel pull a nurse up o"er a ledge and drag her o&&. +hank you to :athew Chatha% &or pointing this out. 4Eight a&ter this0 i& you go ba$k to the ledge where the long ladder was leading up to ;rookha"en dark side0 the ladder is now gone and you will &all to your death i& you aren2t $are&ul. As you plu%%et0 Valtiel $an be seen $linging to the wall. +hanks to *a%ien Carlisle &or pointing this out. 4 He $an be seen $hoking a nurse outside o& the window in the lower le"els o& the $hur$h. See the walkthrough &or the e3a$t lo$ation. 4 He $li%bs down the wall and $ere%oniously pla$es a hoodHhel%et thingy on the 7od 6ust be&ore the &inal battle. 4 1n $ertain pla$es in the ga%e0 when Heather dies Valtiel appears0 grabs her by the legs and drags her away into the darkness0 in a "ery suggesti"e %anner. :aybe he is 7od2s daddyC .r is he 6ust going to... get 7od0 to sa"e it &ro% Heather2s dying body0 not unlike what happens with Claudia at the end o& the ga%e !though thank&ully0 Claudia waited until 7od had Ble&t the buildingB0 so to speak...# 4 He %ay or %ay not be the thing %o"ing around behind the walls in $ertain parts o& the last stage. Update: +his 1S Valtiel. Using s$reenshots &ro% the )C "ersion o& the ga%e0 it has been $on&ir%ed that this is Valtiel. A huge B+hank @ouB to Aoyner +re6os .sorio &or taking the ti%e to $on&ir% this0 and &or his thoughts on the %ysterious Valtiel. 4 He %ay or %ay not be the thing that is stu$k in the lo$ker in the Wo%en2s o$ker Eoo% in ;rookha"en2s *ark Side. Update0 using the sa%e tri$ks as were used to &igure out that the Bwall $rawlerB was indeed Valtiel0 this one is $on&ir%ed as well. 4Ahe%. +his one is a little... disturbing. And ha"ing played through a ton o& horror ga%es0 1 don2t use this ter% lightly. 1n ;rookha"en2s dark side0 right be&ore you get the e%pty 1V bag0 there is a window $o%pletely obs$ured by bla$k0 "is$ous s%oke0 and so%ething that sounds like baby $an be heard &ro% the other side. 1& you illu%inate this area brightly with the &lashlight and the &la%ethrower !i& you ha"e it#0 you $an ?1-* .F %ake out Valtiel doing so%ething on the other side o& the glass0 %ostly identi&iable by his turning knobs gesture. Howe"er0 i& you ha"e the )C "ersion o& the ga%e and use a $a%era ha$k0 you $an Goo% into this area i& you want0 though hope&ully you won2t

want to a&ter hearing what is ba$k there. 1t is0 in &a$t0 Valtiel per&or%ing oral se3 on a nurse hanging upside down &ro% the $eiling with that %outh4thing on the ba$k o& his head0 supporting the whole B)yra%id Head rape thingB. 1 would say B+hank youB to Cris$o Sandwi$h &or pointing this out0 but 1 $ould ha"e gone %y whole li&e without knowing this. 1 &eel dirty 6ust &or telling you. 4+hough it is hard to %ake out that it is a$tually hi%0 Valtiel is what rips up through the &loor o& the $hur$h and draws Claudia down into the bowels at the end o& the ga%e0 right be&ore the last battle. He %o"es so Dui$kly that it is really hard to %ake out at nor%al speed0 but i& you slow the &ootage down it is Duite $lear. 1t see%s that now that the 7od has swit$hed bodies0 Valtiel is prote$ting Claudia0 not you. Stinking traitor. 1 ask you5 i& you $an2t trust nurse4li$king "al"e de%ons0 who $an you trustC V4i43. ,I+EA -,W 7A:, W,1E*-,SS: +here are a $ouple o& areas that $hange slightly between the &irst ti%e you play through0 and an ,3tra -ew 7a%e. +he &irst area is in the Central SDuare Shopping Center0 and it is pretty subtle !1 noti$ed it be$ause 1 used all the shops2 na%es in the walkthrough#. 1n the &irst ga%e the $a&L is $learly $alled the Ca&L +urn :ill0 but when you play through in an ,3tra -ew 7a%e0 the na%e has $hanged to the Ca&L )aradise. 1 guess sin$e Claudia &ailed at re$reating a real paradise0 she de$ided to buy a little $o&&ee shop and $all it paradise. Another area that is di&&erent is the &irst &our se$tions in the Underground )ass stage0 whose walls and &loors are now %ade out o& pulsating0 nasty &lesh. Further%ore0 i& you are playing on the Hard a$tion setting or higher0 Heather a$tually gets hurt i& she lingers too long in these areas0 and e"en die. So don2t dawdle0 unless you hate Heather. Finally0 i& you play through the ga%e and unlo$k the Fla%ethrower0 it is a"ailable &or pi$kup in Helen2s ;akery during an ,3tra -ew 7a%e. What is di&&erent is the &lyer on the $ounter that on$e was &or Helen2s deli"ery ser"i$e. 1t has $hanged so that it now reads BCrispy toasted *,A* right to your "ery doorB. Heh. V4i49. 1F, *1S) A@: 1& you $o%plete the ga%e on the Hard A$tion setting0 you unlo$k a &eature that displays Heather2s Health and Sta%ina in the upper le&t hand $orner o& the s$reen. .n$e it is unlo$ked it $an be toggled on and o&& in the ,3tra 7a%e .ptions s$reen. +he top0 yellow bar indi$ates Heather2s Health0 and the lower0 green bar indi$ates her Sta%ina. Further%ore0 i& Heather gets grappled or kno$ked down by an ene%y0 a thin0 purple bar appears that indi$ates how long it will be be&ore Heather $an get up andHor &ree hersel&. +hese indi$ators are da%n near "ital to getting a per&e$t 8( 7old Star Eanking !so you $an tell how %u$h health you ha"e lost#. +hey are also "ery use&ul when you are using the Heather or Se3y ;ea%s0 sin$e these atta$ks use Sta%ina0 so that you $an tell how %u$h power you ha"e le&t. V4i4<. S1 ,-+ H1 ' E,F,E,-C,S: 1& you ha"e a Silent Hill ' Clear 7a%e sa"e ga%e on your )S'2s %e%ory $ard0 Heather will re&er to parts o& that ga%e during $ertain situations in Silent Hill 3. +hey are as &ollows: 41& you e3a%ine the se$ond stall in the &irst &loor wo%en2s bathroo% in the Central SDuare Shopping Center *ark Side !the stall right ne3t to the bloody stall where so%eone kno$ked ba$k#0 Heather will &ind a plugged toilet. +he ga%e will gi"e you the option to rea$h into the toilet and $lear the obstru$tion0 but i& you try to get her to do so0 Heather &reaks out and wonders who would do so%ething so disgusting.

+he answer is Aa%es Sunderland0 the protagonist o& Silent Hill '. He &ound an ite% in a plugged toilet0 and this ga%e is re&erring ba$k to that in$ident. 41& you e3a%ine the %ailbo3es in *aisy Villa Apart%ents0 right a$ross &ro% the sa"e point0 Heather will %ention that there is no %ail0 not e"en a letter &ro% a dead wi&e. Aust su$h a letter is what brought Aa%es to the town o& Silent Hill in the pre"ious ga%e. 41& you e3a%ine the poster on the stage in the Hea"en2s -ight bar0 you &ind that it is re&erring to the return o& a dan$er na%ed ady :aria. :aria was the na%e o& one o& the %ain $hara$ters o& Silent Hill '0 who worked at Hea"en2s -ight. 1n addition0 on one o& the tables is a tourist bro$hure &or Silent Hill that $a%e right out o& Silent Hill '0 word &or word. 41& you e3a%ine the s%all se$tion o& &en$e on the north side o& ;rookha"en Hospital2s roo&0 Heather will %ake a $o%%ent that re&ers to an in$ident in Silent Hill '0 in whi$h Aa%es was pushed through that "ery &en$e. 4As %entioned in an earlier se$tion0 there are so%e intriguing si%ilarities between Silent Hill 32s Valtiel and Silent Hill '2s lo"eable s$a%p )yra%id Head. See the BValtielB se$tion &or %ore details. V4i4=. :,+A 7,AE S. 1* E,F,E,-C,: When Heather &inds the body hidden in the wall o& the in$o%plete building0 right a&ter she $rawls out o& the sewers0 it has a Silen$er lying at its &eet. +his whole s$enario is a re&eren$e to ?ona%i2s .+H,E great &ran$hise0 :etal 7ear Solid !a$tually0 Castle"ania is pretty da%ned good as well#. +he %ain $hara$ter in that ga%e is known &or using silen$ed weapons to %ake his kills0 and his $ode na%e is Snake. Heather %akes $o%%ents to this e&&e$t when she &inds the body and the Silen$er. V4i4>. AAC.;2S A**,E E,F,E,-C,: ;y the ad%ission o& the ga%e designers0 the &il% Aa$ob2s adder was a %a6or inspiration &or so%e ele%ents o& Silent Hill !in parti$ular that surreal high4speed head4 whipping around thing that so%e o& the %onsters and the horses on the :erry47o4Eound do#. 1n ho%age to Aa$ob2s adder0 ;ergen Street Station was in$luded in Silent Hill 30 whi$h was a %a6or lo$ale in Aa$ob2s adder. "4i4/. S+,)H,- ?1-7 E,F,E,-C,: :ar$ Clark pointed out the &ollowing about a $ouple o& the do$tor2s na%es in ;rookha"en5 B*r. :idki&& is an ob"ious re&eren$e to a$tor *ale :idki&&0 who portrayed *r. ouis Creed in the Stephen ?ing %o"ie 2)et Se%atary.2 As &or the do$u%ent signed by 2E. Crosby02 well0 this %ay also be a re&eren$e to the sa%e &il%. A$tress *enise Crosby played the role o& Ea$hel Creed in 2)et Se%atary02 and the signature on the do$u%ent %ay be a "eiled re&eren$e to this &a$t. +hink about it. 2E2 $ould easily stand &or 2Ea$hel02 and with the 2Crosby2 surna%e0 this $ould be an allusion to 2)et Se%atary.2 Ea$hel Crosby... $ute.B -ot being a big &an o& the %o"ie "ersion o& )et Se%etary %ysel&0 1 ne"er would ha"e %ade this $onne$tion0 but 1 think it is reasonable to assu%e that it is $orre$t. ?udos :ar$. )eople0 keep those horror re&eren$es rolling in... "4i4J. H.US, .F ,AV,SH-.ES, E,F,E,-C,: -ow this one 6ust ki$ks ass0 be$ause it has to do with both BHouse o& ea"esB by :ark K. *anielewski0 whi$h is %y &a"orite book o& all ti%e0 as well as -orse %ythology. 1& you look at the na%e plate on so%e o& the doors in the

ba$k hallways o& the Central SDuare :all0 you will see that %any o& the% read B@77E4*EAS1 B. +o anyone uninitiated into -orse :ythology0 that looks like gibberish. ;ut it a$tually re&ers to @ggdrasil0 the World +ree o& -orse %ythology0 a sa$red ash tree whose trunk is the earth0 whose bran$hes hold the hea"ens0 and whose roots hold -i&&lehei%0 the Underworld. @et another re&eren$e to shi&ting between worlds. 1n addition0 @ggdrasil was o& "ital i%portan$e to BHouse o& ea"esB0 the word appearing on the last page o& the te3t as a "ague hint as to what the hell 6ust happened. 1 $an2t tell you what it %eans be$ause the book HAS +. ;, E,A* ;@ ,V,E@ HU:A- W1+H A S.U 0 but 1 $an tell you that it "ery0 "ery %u$h ties in with Silent Hill %ythology. +he basi$ pre%ise o& one le"el o& the book !and the book $an be read and understood on se"eral le"els#0 is that a %an na%ed -a"idson %o"es into a house on Ash ane0 only to dis$o"er that the di%ensions on the inside o& the house are larger than those on the outside. Soon he &inds doors in walls whi$h used to $ontain none0 leading into i%possible hallways o& an endless labyrinth0 in whi$h so%ething stalks and ti%e itsel& see%s bent on the destru$tion o& those who trespass. BHouse o& ea"esB is probably the best no"el in the ,nglish language0 i& you don2t %ind ha"ing to unra"el the labyrinth that this book was $reated to be0 as well as to represent. )ure brillian$e. ConseDuently0 another door in the :all reads B-.E-,-B0 whi$h are the -orse Fates0 7oddesses who spin out and deter%ine the days o& %an2s &ate0 spinning it out onto an endless loo% until it2s pre4deter%ined end. "4i48(. CAF, +UE- :1 : A $ouple o& weird things about +urn :ill. First o& all0 on$e you2"e &inished the ga%e and started and B,3tra -ew 7a%eB0 you will &ind that the na%e o& BCa&e +urn :illB in the :all has suddenly been $hanged to BCa&e )aradise :oonB. +his appears to ha"e so%ething to do with the whole the%e o& the return o& 7od bringing about )aradise5 the 7od *1* return when Claudia took it into her own body0 so 1 guess it did bring about a return o& )aradise. Un&ortunately &or +he .rder0 it turns out that )aradise was 6ust a $rappy $a&e. Further%ore0 i& you look around in the :all at the little posters on the wall0 you will see so%e &or B+he Eeturn o& +ien AillB. +his see%s to be the root o& the na%e o& the $a&e in the &irst pla$e0 and now it %akes a lot %ore sense. ;e$ause B+ien AillB is 7aeli$ &or B.ther WorldB5 it was another na%e &or the Fey Eeal% o& +ir -a -og in Celti$ %ythology. So B+ien AillB is a re&eren$e to the shi&ting &ro% one reality to another0 %ore %ysti$al state. "4i488. ;.E ,@ HAU-+,* :A-S1.-: ;orley Haunted :ansion is an ob"ious re&eren$e to the ;orley Ee$tory0 ,ngland2s %ost haunted house0 at least until its destru$tion in 8J3J. .b"ious at least to Aohn Fernie0 who wrote to %e about it. 1 had heard o& it0 o& $ourse0 but &orgot that it was $alled the ;orley Ee$tory. Eegardless0 the list o& its hauntings are too e3tensi"e &or this guide0 but are easily &ound online. Hauntings0 e3or$is%s0 deaths... the whole shebang. 1t has been the basis &or a nu%ber o& %o"ies0 and has been re&eren$ed $ountless ti%es in %o"ies and +V shows. +hanks again0 Aohn0 &or bringing it to %y attention. "4i48'. S,SS1.- J E,F,E,-C,: 1n the hospital0 there is a part where you see a wheel$hair on the other side o& so%e unbreakable glass0 &ra%ed by the light spilling through the doorway. +his is an e3a$t re$reation o& a $lassi$ s$ene &ro% the $reepy '((8 horrorHpsy$hologi$al %o"ie BSession JB. +he %o"ie deals with the horrible things that happen to a

tea% o& reno"ators working on a dereli$t insane asylu%. 1t is a really $ool0 really s$rewy %o"ie0 and the s$ene re$reated in Silent Hill 3 is i%portant enough to the narrati"e o& the %o"ie to be &eatured on the $o"er o& the *V*. 7ood stu&&. "4i483. ,I.EC1S+ 3 E,F,E,-C,: 1n ;rookha"en0 as you are $li%bing the long ladder up to the dark side0 you will see a nurse $ut up and 6a%%ed into the &loor0 as well as Valtiel turning his "al"es. S$rawled nearby is BWhat a wonder&ull worldB. +his is a $lear re&eren$e to ,I.EC1S+ 30 in whi$h a nurse was e"is$erated an her torso re&illed with rosaries5 nearby the 7e%ini ?iller had s$rawled the words BWhat a wonder&ull li&eB in blood !%isspellings &ro% the original#. 1n addition0 it has been suggested that the nurse in Duestion in Silent Hill 3 is isa 7arland0 the nurse who used to take $are o& Alessa0 as shown in the original Silent Hill and in the B&lashba$kB you see while in the labyrinth in ;rookha"en0 a&ter eonard leads you to the door that did not pre"iously e3ist. +his has not been $on&ir%ed0 howe"er. 1 $ouldn2t %ake out isa2s trade%ark red sweater in the all the %ess0 but that doesn2t %ean it wasn2t there. V46. H.W +. 7,+ A ),EF,C+ EA-?1-7: When you get your ranking at the end o& the ga%e0 you will noti$e that it is %ade up o& a nu%ber o& &a$tors0 and that your su$$ess in these "ariables is %easured in Stars. What isn2t as ob"ious is that the stars represent an a$tual nu%eri$al s$ore. +he big stars are worth 8(0 and the little stars are worth 8. +he %ost stars you $an get is ten big stars0 whi$h %eans that you $an re$ei"e up to 8(( points. 1n order to get a per&e$t s$ore0 you ha"e to get these ten big stars0 whi$h $an only be a$hie"ed by per&or%ing e3$eedingly well in ea$h o& the "ariables. Here is what you need to a$$o%plish to get 8( big stars !8(( points#: 4,nding: Whi$h ending you get doesn2t a&&e$t your s$ore. 4A$tion e"el: )lay on Hard or higher to get < stars. 4Eiddle e"el: )lay on Hard to get < stars. 4Clear +i%e: ;eat the ga%e in 3 hours or less to get 8( stars. +o do this you ha"e to a"oid all unne$essary $o%bat and skip $uts$enes. 4Split Wor% ?ill +i%e: ?ill Splitwor% in two %inutes or less &or ' stars. 4:issionary ?ill +i%e: ?ill :issionary in two %inutes or less &or ' stars. 4 eonard ?ill +i%e: ?ill eonard in two %inutes or less &or ' stars. 4:e%ory o& Alessa ?ill +i%e: ?ill :. in two %inutes or less &or ' stars. 4+he 7od ?ill +i%e: ?ill +he 7od in two %inutes or less &or ' stars. 4Clear -u%ber: @ou need to ha"e 3 or %ore ga%e Clears to a$hie"e < stars. 1n other words0 you ha"e to beat the ga%e at least three ti%es be&ore you $an get all 8(( points. Sorry. 4Sa"e and Continue -u%ber: @ou $an only sa"e or $ontinue ' ti%es0 &or < stars. 1& you $hoose to sa"e0 1 suggest 6ust be&ore ;orley2s Haunted :ansion !be$ause it is too easy to get hung up on a $orner when the red light is $hasing you down the hall# and be&ore the &inal battle. 41te% -u%ber: @ou are awarded 8 star &or e"ery < ite%s you pi$k up during the ga%e. @ou $an get a total o& '( stars here0 whi$h %eans you need to pi$k up 8(( ite%s or %ore. 4,3tra Weapon -u%ber: @ou get one star &or e"ery bonus weapon you unlo$k. For the per&e$t you ha"e to &ind all < !;ea% Saber0 Fla%ethrower0 7old )ipe0 Sil"er )ipe0 and the Unli%ited S:7# &or a total o& < stars.

4*e&eated ,ne%ies by Shooting: .ne star is awarded &or e"ery < ene%ies you plug with a gun0 up to a %a3i%u% o& 8< stars0 or >< ene%ies. @ou should kill -. :.E, .E ,SS +HA- >< with your guns in a single ga%e5 killing too %any %ore $ould redu$e your B*e&eated ,ne%ies by FightingB rating or push your ti%e o"er the li%it0 but any less is not enough. 4*e&eated ,ne%ies by Fighting: .ne star is awarded &or e"ery < ene%ies you kill with $lose range %elee weapons0 up to a %a3i%u% o& 8< stars0 or >< ene%ies. @ou should kill -. :.E, .E ,SS +HA- >< with your %elee weapons in a single ga%e5 killing too %any %ore $ould redu$e your B*e&eated ,ne%ies by ShootingB rating or push your ti%e o"er the li%it0 but any less is not enough. !-ote: sin$e you should only kill >< ene%ies by shooting0 and >< ene%ies by &ighting0 you should not kill %u$h %ore than 8<( total ene%ies in a single ga%e0 or else you are wasting "aluable ti%e. +his nu%ber in$ludes the < bosses# 4+otal *a%age: +his is the total a%ount o& da%age Heather re$ei"es during a single ga%e. +hough the a$tual nu%eri$al "alue o& Heather2s health is hidden in the ga%e !i.e. it is ne"er e3pressed in nu%bers#0 the ;rady 7a%e2s .&&i$ial Silent Hill 3 Strategy 7uide says that Heather has '(( health on ,asy0 8(( on -or%al and Hard0 and only <( on ,3tre%e. 1 tell you this only to gi"e you an idea o& how little health Heather is allowed to lose in the entire ga%e and still get a per&e$t ranking. 1n order to get < stars ne$essary to get the per&e$t ranking0 you $annot re$ei"e %ore than <(( points o& da%age through the entire ga%e. +his %eans that i& you are playing on Hard !as you should be to be getting the per&e$t#0 Heather2s total health would ha"e to be totally e%ptied only < ti%es &or you to lose your per&e$t. When you think about how o&ten you use healing ite%s in this ga%e0 and the &a$t that you ha"e to kill at least 8<( ene%ies0 that is not a lot. Use the i&e *isplay you $an unlo$k by beating Hard A$tion le"el to help gi"e you an idea o& how %u$h health you are losing5 espe$ially on Hard :ode0 it doesn2t take too %any hits to s$rew up your $han$es o& getting a per&e$t ranking. So the key is0 don2t get hit. earn to use the stra&ing te$hniDues0 and how to strike so that ene%ies $an2t strike ba$k. earn whi$h weapons are %ost e&&e$ti"e against whi$h &oes0 so that they drop Dui$kly and don2t get a $han$e to hurt you. earn to use the blo$k button e&&e$ti"ely to redu$e the a%ount o& da%age you take0 and how to use the ;ullet )roo& Vest e&&e$ti"ely. All o& this will help you a$hie"e this ranking. 4+ake o&& points: Finally0 there are $ertain a$tions you $an take whi$h will a$tually subtra$t points &ro% your total. For e"ery ti%e you use any o& the &i"e ,3tra Weapons !;ea% Saber0 Fla%ethrower0 Sil"er )ipe0 7old )ipe0 and Unli%ited S:7#0 the ga%e subtra$ts one point. +hat %eans using any o& the% e"en on$e in a ga%e destroys your $han$es o& getting a per&e$t. +he bullet ad6ust does not e&&e$t your &inal s$ore0 howe"er0 so always pu%p up your ad6ust as %u$h as you $an to %ake your li&e easier. Also0 i& you use ;eginner :ode0 8< points are subtra$ted0 but this won2t %atter be$ause you ha"e to be playing on at least Hard in order to get the per&e$t. 1& you do %anage to get a 8( ;ig Star )er&e$t Eating0 you are rewarded in a $ouple o& ways. First o& all0 you will be gi"en a $ode &or the spe$ial 7olden Eooster Shirt as a $o%%e%orati"e priGe !or 6ust get the $ode &ro% here#. Se$ondly0 and %ore i%portantly0 your ;ea% Saber and Fla%ethrower get greater ranges and be$o%e %ore de"astating on your ne3t ,3tra -ew 7a%e. And sin$e you don2t need to go &or the per&e$t ranking0 you $an &inally use the%F +he ;ea% Saber is espe$ially satis&ying. V1. Final Ee"iew

Silent Hill 3 is one o& the %ost satis&ying and &rightening horror ga%es 1 ha"e played sin$e the original Silent Hill0 al%ost &i"e years ago. +he graphi$s are superb0 the ga%eplay intuiti"e0 the puGGles $hallenging0 and the sound is 6ust about per&e$t. +hat ha"ing been said0 it is not Duite the per&e$t Silent Hill e3perien$e that 1 had been waiting &or. 1t is $lose to per&e$t0 but not Duite. First0 let2s look at what the ga%e does right0 whi$h is 6ust about e"erything. For starters0 Silent Hill 3 is one o& the best looking ga%es &or any syste%0 e"er. +he hoops that the designers ha"e %ade the )S'2s graphi$s engine 6u%p through are si%ply astounding. Fro% the lighting and water e&&e$ts0 the in ga%e $hara$ter %odels0 the %onsters0 the $uts$enes0 and %ost i%portantly0 the en"iron%ent0 1 ha"e not seen another ga%e with its le"el o& al%ost hyperrealis%. +hough the )S' is $onsidered to be in&erior to the other $urrent generation syste%s graphi$ally0 1 $annot i%agine this ga%e being able to look %ore &rightening0 realisti$0 or polished in any other &or%at. +he $hara$ter %odels were astounding in their le"el o& details0 &ro% the near translu$en$y o& Claudia2s skin to the ble%ishes on Vin$ent2s $hin. @ou $ould e"en see the $hara$ters2 pores &or 7od2s sakeF Chara$ter %o"e%ent was belie"able and "aried5 ea$h $hara$ter e"en walked in a distin$t way that was uniDue to the%0 &ro% Heather2s no4nonsense stride to Vin$ent2s arrogant swagger. +he %onsters0 e"en the la%e ones0 were eDually well done0 with uniDue looks and i%pressi"e presen$e. ,"en the -u%b ;odies looked good0 with their "eined purple hides gi"ing the i%pression o& so%ething in&e$ted that has been under water &or a %onth. ,&&e$ts on the later $reatures0 su$h as the spe$ial Closers in the Chur$h at the end o& the ga%e0 were truly disturbing and uniDue. +he en"iron%ents were "aried and per&e$tly rendered0 &ro% the dereli$t o&&i$e building to the $old stone o& the underground tunnels. When Heather walked down an abandoned street0 surrounded by &og with the early %orning sun su&&using the s$ene0 you were there with her and $ouldn2t help being surprised by the tou$h o& beauty in that horrible pla$e. As usual0 the %ist and darkness e&&e$ts were al%ost a $hara$ter in the ga%e0 and lent e"en the outdoor en"iron%ents a $laustrophobi$ and su&&o$ating air. And as good as the realisti$ ele%ents were0 the surrealisti$ ele%ents stole the show. Fro% the head4whipping %otions o& so%e o& the %onsters and the horses on the %erry4go4round !whi$h was li&ted &ro% the %o"ie Aa$ob2s adder to e3$ellent e&&e$t#0 to the show4stealing e&&e$ts o& the liDuid s%okeHbloodHdarkness that bled &ro% the en"iron%ent in pla$es0 the spe$ial e&&e$ts really ga"e the ga%e a night%arish Duality that sets it apart &ro% other horror titles. Sound was also 6ust about per&e$t. Heather2s boots %ade realisti$ noises no %atter what kind o& sur&a$e she was running on0 &ro% stone and wood to grass and water. A%bient ba$kground noises were "aried and o%ni4present0 &ro% the dripping o& water in the sewers to the $reaking o& %etal in the dilapidated a%use%ent park. +hese ele%ents are o&ten o"erlooked0 but when they are done well0 as they were in this ga%e0 it is a big step towards total i%%ersion. +he %onsters were0 as always0 unbelie"able0 but in a good way. Fro% the patheti$ %ewling o& the -u%b ;odies to the s$ree$hing o& the )endulu%s0 ea$h %onster had its own distin$tly disturbing sound. ,spe$ially unner"ing was the sound o& the $reatures &easting on &allen &lesh and the al%ost indes$ribable slurpingH$ra$kling noise that the Slurpers %ade. 1t would ha"e been ni$e i& the ba$kground noises and the %onsters stopped when you paused0 be$ause it is hard to0 say0 speak to one2s wi&e while there is the

sound o& a roo% &ull o& )endulu%s grating through the surround sound speakers. +he "oi$e a$ting was spot on0 pro&essional0 and %ost i%portantly0 belie"able. Silent Hill has always been a series where sound has been al%ost as i%portant as anything else in the ga%e0 sin$e you o&ten rely on it to keep tra$k o& your %any ene%ies. Silent Hill 3 not only doesn2t disappoint0 it raises the bar &or &urther ga%es in the series and other horror &ran$hises as well. 7a%eplay was the one ele%ent where you didn2t see %any i%pro"e%ents o"er earlier ga%es in the series0 but that is hardly surprising. Silent Hill 3 still $ontrols in %u$h the way the original Silent Hill did0 and doesn2t de"iate &ar &ro% the standard set by Eesident ,"il way ba$k in 8JJ=. ;ut as the saying goes0 i& it ain2t broke0 don2t &i3 it. +he $ontrols are intuiti"e to those who are &a%iliar with the earlier ga%es0 and should pro"e pretty easy to pi$k up e"en &or new$o%ers. +he Dui$k turnaround $o%%and is a li&esa"er0 and the lo$k4on &eature see%s to ha"e been opti%iGed &or this ga%e. +he one new ele%ent in ter%s o& $ontrol is the Dui$k4use button %apped to E3. 1 didn2t use it "ery o&ten0 %ostly be$ause the ga%e played so si%ilar to its prede$essors that 1 usually &orgot it was there. Howe"er0 on$e 1 did re%e%ber it0 1 &ound it a ni$e $hange &ro% $onstantly going to the in"entory to heal. .ther new &eatures0 su$h as the ;ee& Aerky and the Sub4:a$hinegun0 %ight as well not ha"e been there. +he ;ee& Aerky was rarely use&ul e3$ept in instan$es where you absolutely did not want to &ight and needed to slip through a narrow $orridor past an ene%y. Sin$e 1 6ust lo"e beating ene%ies2 heads in with Steel )ipes and ?atanas0 the only ti%e 1 e"er used it was to try it out0 then 1 pro%ptly &orgot about it. )eople %ade a big deal about the in$lusion o& the S:7 in Silent Hill0 and how it was going to $hange the whole dyna%i$ o& the ga%e. 1n pra$ti$e0 a%%o &or the weapon was so s$ar$e that the S:7 $ould only be used &or brie& instan$es0 whi$h were usually boss battles. +he $lip o& 3' e%ptied in$redibly Dui$kly and there were only a hand&ul in the ga%e0 so the "aunted S:7 boiled down to a $ouple o& brie& blasts o& &ully auto%ati$ gun&ire be&ore you swit$hed ba$k to the reliable old Shotgun. Ah0 Shotgun0 how 1 lo"e you. +he puGGles were one aspe$t o& the ga%e that blew %e away0 espe$ially on the Hard :ode. When they said hard0 they %eant it0 and it really %ade %e &eel like 1 worked &or it when 1 &inally worked the% through. +hey also see%ed to %ake %ore logi$al sense than in the last ga%e0 with the e3$eption o& the da%ned ;ird puGGle !bloody innet5 1 hope it $hokes to death on its &la3 seed#. +he storyline was one o& the ga%e2s strongest aspe$ts. +he &ran$hise has gotten to the point where the story is going to tie ba$k into pre"ious ga%es0 whi$h is o&&4putting to those new to the series0 but a wel$o%e blessing to those o& us who ha"e been with the series sin$e Harry :ason2s day. Honestly0 i& you are starting a series with nu%ber three0 you shouldn2t be e3pe$ting to 6u%p in with both &eet and i%%ediately not &eel like an outsider. Silent Hill 3 a$tually does a pretty good 6ob at being a$$essible to newbies0 as you $an en6oy %ost o& the ga%e without ha"ing played the others. Howe"er0 there W1 be a point at whi$h you will &eel a little le&t out o& the loop0 and &rankly0 you should. +he &irst two ga%es need to be played5 they are so good it is an insult to their %e%ories not to do so. 1 &or one a% hoping that sin$e ?ona%i is %aking a high te$h re4%ake o& the original :etal 7ear Solid &or the 7a%e Cube0 that we $an hope to see the sa%e &or ?ona%i2s other great series0 Silent Hill. 1 know that it is a

drea%0 but the idea o& seeing Harry and the Go%bie $hildren o& :idwi$h ,le%entary S$hool in on the $urrent generation syste%s in all o& their blood4spewing0 night%are4indu$ing glory... e3$use %e0 1 a% getting a bit %isty4eyed. Anyway0 the story does a wonder&ul 6ob o& e3plaining things gradually while still %o"ing us along at a brisk pa$e. 1t tied sea%lessly in with the storylines o& both Silent Hill and Silent Hill '0 although 1 a% getting a little $on&used as to when this ga%e takes pla$e5 did Silent Hill take pla$e al%ost '( years ago0 in the 8J/(s0 or did it take pla$e in 8JJ=0 and Silent Hill 3 takes pla$e in '(83C .r did it take pla$e so%ewhere in the %iddle0 with Silent Hill in 8JJ8 and Silent Hill 3 in '((/0 or whatC -ot that it really %atters0 but they are e"entually going to ha"e to address what is a$tually happening with the E,A Silent Hill0 the resort town in the real world0 in the interi%. 1t has been un$lear as to whether or not Silent Hill has been abandoned &or the last 8> years0 whether the real $ity li"es on0 $orrupted but without the %onsters0 or whether it has al%ost $eased to e3ist entirely0 gradually &ading &ro% people2s %e%ories like a bad drea%. *o people still li"e thereC *id they e"er li"e thereC 1 hope that so%eday soon they will begin to address these sorts o& Duestions. And what happened to CybilC Eegardless0 the twists and turns o& Silent Hill 32s story le&t %e begging &or %ore. Whi$h is one o& the &ew things 1 ha"e to $o%plain about. +he ga%e wasn2t really short &or a sur"i"al horror ga%e0 and it did &eature a nu%ber o& new and $lassi$ en"iron%ents. Un&ortunately0 1 was hoping to see %ore o& Silent Hill itsel&0 as the town has be$o%e sort o& a $hara$ter in and o& itsel& throughout the last two ga%es. ;etween the &irst two ga%es we were able to e3plore doGens o& sDuare %iles o& Silent Hill and the interiors o& o"er a doGen building and en"iron%ents. While in Silent Hill 3 we do "isit West South Vale again0 and go into ;rookha"en Hospital and akeside A%use%ent )ark again0 as well as "isit the Chur$h !whi$h %ay or %ay not be the sa%e building where Harry %et *ahlia in the original Silent Hill# and brie&ly stop by the Hea"en2s -ight $lub0 that is it &or the town itsel&. -ot only that0 but there is not a single ite% to be pi$ked up while e3ploring the e3terior o& the town. While 1 understand that the town itsel& was not the &o$us o& this ga%e0 1 still think the ga%e $ould ha"e been %u$h longer0 and would ha"e liked to see %ore o& the town. A$tually0 what 1 really would ha"e liked to see is the entire town as e3plored in both o& the pre"ious ga%es opened up &or your e3ploration0 &ro% .ld Silent Hill and Central Silent Hill to ake"iew Hotel and +olu$a )rison. Sin$e it is entirely possible to beat the ga%e in under three hours0 1 would ha"e really liked to see the% go all out and open the entire town up to us &or the third ga%e in the series. 1 would personally lo"e to be i%%ersed in Silent Hill &or a ga%e that $lo$ks in at 8( hours or %ore. ;ut that is 6ust %y opinion. .& $ourse0 i& that were the $ase this walkthrough would be about 9(( pages0 so 1 guess it is best that it was not %u$h longer. Another ele%ent that 1 was not Duite as pleased with was so%e o& the %onster design. +he -u%b ;odies were 6ust plain la%e0 and though the *ouble Heads looked neat0 they were otherwise indistinguishable &ro% the Go%bie dogs o& the Eesident ,"il series0 &ro% their %o"e%ent0 to their leaping atta$ks and their A1. Another aspe$t that bothered %e a little was Heather2s $hara$ter design. ;esides her wardrobe being a tou$h white trash0 Heather looked like she was strung out0 with pale0 wa3y looking skin and ob"ious bags under her eyes. 1 know that they

wanted to portray her as a bit o& a bad girl0 but 1 don2t see her &ather raising her as a 6unky. Also0 while the protagonists o& the &irst two ga%es in the series genuinely see%ed o"erwhel%ed o& and terri&ied by their situation0 Heather a$$li%ated to it a little too readily0 whi$h redu$ed so%e o& your $onne$tion to her. 1 do understand her $ir$u%stan$es0 but with Silent Hill2s %ood0 the %ain $hara$ter should not be $ra$king 6okes about the %onsters or %aking wry $o%%ents about the %ind4bending horrors. She see%ed 6ust a little too hip and ironi$ &or the ga%e. 1 liked her o"erall0 but she le&t the ga%e &eeling a little unbalan$ed in ter%s o& %ood. A per&e$t e3a%ple o& this is the ga%e2s B-or%alB ,nding. +raditionally0 the endings o& Silent Hill ga%es ha"e %essed with your per$eptions o& reality0 le&t you Duestioning the nature o& li&e and lo"e0 or at their worst0 le&t you with a &eeling o& bleak despair. 1n this ga%e we get B*on2t blondes ha"e %ore &unCB While on the sub6e$t o& endings0 there are only two real endings and a 6oke ending to the ga%e0 while the original Silent Hill had si30 as did the 7reatest Hits "ersion o& Silent Hill '. Another thing that disappointed %e is the way that the weapon sele$tion &or the ga%e see%s to be heading. +he thing that set Silent Hill2s $o%bat apart &ro% Eesident ,"il2s is the %akeshi&t nature o& the weapons that you had a$$ess to0 at least early in the ga%e. 1n the original you $ould get a ?it$hen ?ni&e0 a Steel )ipe0 a Sledge Ha%%er0 a Hat$het0 a $rappy Handgun0 a Shotgun0 and a Hunting Ei&le. +hese are all things that you %ight &ind in an abandoned resort town. Weapons in Silent Hill ' in$luded so%e o& the abo"e0 but one o& the &irst weapons that you $o%e a$ross is a board with a nail sti$king out o& itF -ow +HA+ %y &riend0 is sur"i"al horrorF ;y $ontrast0 Heather2s arsenal in$ludes a Stun 7un0 a ?atana0 a &reaking :aul0 and an S:7F +hese are de&initely not weapons you are likely to &ind lying around the a"erage town0 and it is %o"ing the series $loser to ga%es like Eesident ,"il in ter%s o& weapon2s play and $o%bat. 1& anything0 Heather2s ga%e should ha"e been e"en %ore %ake4shi&t in ter%s o& $o%bat0 be$ause she only had a shopping %all0 a subway0 and so%e o&&i$e buildings to e3plore be&ore she got to Silent Hill0 not an entire town. 1 would ha"e lo"ed to see her pi$k up a ;aseball bat &ro% the sporting goods store0 a sho"el &ro% a ho%e and garden $enter0 or a but$her2s kni&e &ro% the $a&L while in the %all0 and %ake her wait until the subway to $o%e a$ross a 6agged pie$e o& %etal that she $an use as a Steel )ipe. 1 know 1 a% nitpi$king0 but 1 really want to see this series stay uniDue0 and "eer away &ro% the ultra4hip and the ga%ing status Duo. Silent Hill has always been so%ething uniDue &or &ans o& horror0 so%ething a little %ore "is$eral0 disDuieting0 and dark than %ost ga%es. Further%ore0 the pre"ious Silent Hills had re&eren$es both ob"ious and obliDue to the horror genre0 &ro% na%ing all o& its streets a&ter horror and s$i4&i writers to putting :ushnik2s Flower Shop &ro% ittle Shop o& Horrors in the ba$kground o& one o& the streets. .ther than an obliDue re&eren$e to Aa$ob2s adder in the subway !;ergen Street station was &eatured in the &il%#0 this ga%e had little in way o& the horror in46okes. Eegardless0 1 still think that this is one o& the &inest horror ga%es to e"er hit the shel"es0 and as su$h 1 gi"e it a J.8 out o& 8(. 1 really had "ery little to $o%plain about in this ga%e0 and in e"ery other aspe$t it 6ust blew %e away. 1t has taken the &ran$hise to new heights in ter%s o& storyline0 sound0 i%%ersion0 graphi$s0 and sheer

terror. +he ga%eplay has stayed $onsistently true to &or%0 and 1 really $an2t wait to see where the ne3t ga%e takes us in the horrible disturbing paradise that is Silent Hill. Silent Hill 3 is an instant $lassi$. V11. Con$lusion and Farewell Well0 1 guess that is about it. 1 won2t gi"e you the nor%al non4sense about this being %y intelle$tual property and whatnot. 1 did spent an aw&ul lot o& ti%e and hard work to build it &ro% the ground up0 but 1 understand that it is a guide to so%eone else2s intelle$tual property0 that 1 was neither hired nor asked to do. +hat being said0 please do not try and pass this o&& as your own work or post it on your own website without at least telling %e &irst. 1n %anus$ript &or% it is 8J( pages0 and $onsu%ed a $ouple %onths o& %y li&e and %y laptop2s hard dri"e. 1 also think that it %ay be the %ost $o%prehensi"e guide a"ailable &or Silent Hill 30 and $ontains a lot o& %y personal thoughts and &eelings on the ga%e0 the genre0 and li&e in general. +his guide is will go &irst to 7A:,FAQS.C.:0 and soon will be up at %y up$o%ing horror the%ed site WWW.A*AE?,EV1S1.-.C.:. ?eep an eye out &or it &or %ore on horror ga%es0 %o"ies0 books0 and %ore. 1& you ha"e any Duestions about this or anything else0 &eel &ree to write to %e at adarker"ision!at#yahoo!dot#$o% and 1 will get ba$k to you as soon as possible. 1& 1 get enough Duestions 1 will add a FAQ Duestion and answer se$tion to the end o& this already ridi$ulously long do$u%ent. +hanks &or taking the ti%e to peruse it0 and 1 hope that you &ound it entertaining and use&ul. ;e well.

Silent Hill 3: FAQ/Walkthrough by adarkervision Version 2.0, Last Updated 2008-10-02 View/Download Original ile !osted by "a#e $%s &et'rn to Silent Hill 3 (PS2) FAQs & Guides

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