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1.1FINANCIAL ANALYSIS 1.1.1Meaning of Financial Analysis The term financial ( business ) analysis is also known as analysis and interpretation of financial statements refers to the process 2 of determining financial strength and weakness of the firm by establishing ( a , the ) strategic relationship between the items of the Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss account and other operative 3 data. The first task of financial ( business ) analysis is to select the information relevant to the decision under consideration to the total information contained in the financial statement . The second step is to arrange the information in a way to highlight significant relationship . The final step 4 is interpretation ( analysis ) and drawing of inference and conclusions . Financial statement is 1

the process of selection , relation and evaluation. 1.1.2Features of Financial Analysis # To present 5 a complex data contained in the financial statement ( \ ) in simple and understandable form . # To classify the items contained in the financial statement in convenient and rational groups . # To 6 make ( a , the ) comparison between various groups to draw various conclusions . 1.2 Meaning 7 of Financial Statements Financial statements refer to such statements which ( that ) contains 8 ( contain ) financial information about an enterprise . They report profitability and the financial 9 position of the business at the end of ( the , an ) accounting period . The team financial statement 10 11 includes at least two statements which ( that ) the accountant prepares at the end of an ( the ) accounting period . The two statements are: - # The Balance Sheet # Profit And Loss Account They provide some extremely useful information to the extent that balance Sheet mirrors the financial position on a particular date in terms of the structure of assets, liabilities and owners equity , and so on and the Profit And Loss account shows the results of operations 12 13 during a certain ( set ) period of time ( period ) in terms of the revenues obtained and 14 15 the cost incurred during the year . Thus ( \ ) the financial statement provides a summarized 16 view of financial positions and operations of a ( the ) firm. 1.2.1Purpose of Analysis of financial 17 statements # To know the earning capacity ( potential ) or profitability. # To know the solvency . 18 # To know the financial ( business ) strengths . # To know the capability of payment of interest 19 & dividends . # To make ( a , the ) comparative study with other firms. # To know the trend 20 of business . # To know the efficiency of mgt ( mg, met, mat, mgmt, mt ) . # To provide useful 21 information to mgt ( mg, met, mat, mgmt, mgd ) . 1.2.2Procedure of Financial Statement Analysis The following procedure is adopted for the analysis and interpretation of financial statements :22 # The analyst should acquaint himself with principles and postulated of accounting. He should know the plans and policies of the management so that he may be able to find out whether these plans are properly executed or not. # The extent of analysis should be determined so that 23 24 the sphere of work may be decided . If the aim is find ( is to find ) out. Earning capacity 25 ( potential ) of the enterprise then analysis of ( the , an ) income statement will be undertaken 26 27 . On the other hand , if financial position is to be studied then balance sheet analysis will 28 be necessary . # The financial data be given in ( a , the ) statement should be recognized 29 and rearranged . It will involve the grouping similar data under same heads . Breaking down 30 of individual components of ( the , a ) statement according to nature . The data is reduced to a standard form . # A relationship is established among financial statements with the help of 31 tools & techniques of analysis such as ratios , trends , common ( general ) size , fund 32 33 34 ( funds ) flow ( \ ) etc . # The information is interpreted in a simple and understandable 35 36 way . The significance and utility of financial ( business ) data is ( are ) explained for help 37 in decision making . # The conclusions drawn from interpretation ( analysis ) are presented to the management in the form of reports . 1.3OBJECTIVE OF STUDY : Objectives are the ends that 38 39 states ( state ) specifically how goal be ( is ) achieved . Every study must have an objective for 40 41 42 which all the efforts have been done ( made ) . Without ( an , the ) objective ( purpose ) 43 ( \ ) no research can be conducted and no result can be obtained . On the basis of objective 44 45 ( purpose ) ( \ ) all the research process is followed . Objectives are the main aspect of every 46 study . The objective ( purpose, goal ) of the study gives direction to go through the research problem . It guides the researcher and keeps him on track . # To analyze the profit and loss account as well as balance sheet of the bank . # To formulate and analyze the ratios of the bank . # To 47 analyze ( examine ) the financial position of the bank . # To find out trend of financial figures of various years 1.4NEED OF STUDY : It is an important aspect as it describes for what purpose 48 the study has been done ( made ) . The study is to analyse the financial position , operating 49 efficiency and profitability of ICICI bank . 1.5SCOPE OF THE STUDY ( subject ) : Financial 50 analysis is the process of identifying strength and weakness of the company ( business ) , with 51 the help of accounting information like ( as ) profit and loss account , balance sheet , and other 52 schedules of the company ( business ) . By checking profit and loss account and balance sheet , 2

various components of data are to be analyzed and interpreted 1.6LIMITATIONS OF STUDY # Difficulty in data collection . # Limited knowledge about the bank in the initial stages . # Branch manager was reluctant for giving financial data of the bank . # The analysis and interpretation are based on secondary data contained in the published annual reports of ICICI Bank for the study period . # Due to the limited time available at the disposable, the study has been confined for a period of 5 years (2009-2013). # Ratio itself will not completely show the company s good or bad financial position . # Inter firm comparison was not possible due to the non availability 53 54 of competitors ( competitor ) data. # The study of financial ( business ) performance 55 can be only a means to know about the financial condition of the company ( business ) and 56 cannot show a through ( thorough ) picture of the activities of the company . 1.7RESEARCH 57 METHODOLOGY The procedure ( method ) adopted for conducting the research requires a lot 58 59 of ( much ) attention as it has ( a , the ) direct bearing on accuracy , reliability and adequacy of results obtained . It is due to this reason that research methodology, which we used at the time 60 of conducting the research , needs to be elaborated upon . It may be understood as a science of studying how research is done scientifically . So , the research methodology not only talks about the research methods but also considers the logic behind the method used in the context of the research study . Research Methodology is a way to systematically study and solve the research problems . If a researcher wants to claim his study as a good study , he must clearly state the 61 methodology adapted ( adopted ) in conducting the research the research so that it way be judged by the reader whether the methodology of work done is sound or not. It is a science of studying how research is done scientifically . This includes : 1. Research design 2. Data source 62 63 64 3. Period of study 1.7.1Research Design A research ( Research ) designs ( design ) is 65 ( are ) the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis ( review ) data in a manner that 66 aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure ( method ) . 67 Research Design is the conceptual structure with in ( within ) which research in conducted . It constitutes the blueprint for the collection measurement and analysis of data. Research Design 68 includes and outline of what the researcher will do form writing the hypothesis and it operational 69 implication to the final analysis of data. A ( The ) research design is a framework for the study 70 71 and is used as ( a , the ) guide in collection ( group ) and analyzing the data. It is a strategy 72 specifying which approach will be used for gathering and analyzing the data. It also include the 73 time and cost budget since most studies are done ( made ) under these two cost budget since most studies are done under theses two constraints Writing issues in this paragraph: 1 Overused word: financial 2 Missing article 3 Overused word: financial 4 Overused word: interpretation 5 Missing commas around appositive 6 Missing article 7 “That” and “which” 8 Incorrect verb form with plural subject 9 Missing article 10 “That” and “which” 11 Indefinite instead of definite article 12 Vague word: certain 13 Wordiness (redundant phrases) 14 Wordy Sentence 15 Missing comma after introductory phrase 16 Indefinite instead of definite article 3

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62

Overused word: capacity Overused word: financial Missing article Misspelled word: mgt Misspelled word: mgt Inconsistent verb forms Missing participle after “be” Overused word: capacity Missing article Future Tense in Technical Writing Future Tense in Technical Writing Missing article Future Tense in Technical Writing Missing article Overused word: common Incorrect noun form Incorrect usage of Latin abbreviations “Etc.” and “So On” in formal writing Overused word: financial Incorrect verb form with compound subject Overused word: interpretation Incorrect verb form with plural subject Incorrect verb form with singular subject Overused word: done Missing article Overused word: objective Missing comma after introductory phrase Overused word: objective Missing comma after introductory phrase Overused word: objective Overused word: analyze Overused word: done Overused word: study Overused word: company Confused “like” and “as” Overused word: company Incorrect noun form Overused word: financial Overused word: company Possibly confused word: through Overused word: procedure “A lot of” in academic writing Missing article Prepositions at the end of sentences Possibly confused word: adapted Redundant article before plural 4

63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73

Incorrect noun form with singular verb Incorrect verb form with plural subject Overused word: analysis Overused word: procedure Misspelled word: with Future Tense in Technical Writing Indefinite instead of definite article Missing article Overused word: collection Future Tense in Technical Writing Overused word: done

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