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A Project Report Submitted to the Pacific University, Udaipur In Partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of MASTER


Submitted By:Tithi Mehta

Submitted To:Mr. Rahul Jain (Assistant ro!essor"

Deepika Ameta
Nirmala Sarangdewot

vvv Gargiya Vidhi

Faculty of Computer Application, Udaipur Affiliated to Pacific Uni er!ity, Udaipur "ecem#er$%&'(&)


This is to certify that this project report *Raja!t+an Tour!im Mana,ementis the work of *Tit+i Me+ta, "eepi.a Ameta, /id+i 0ar,iya 1 Nirmala Saran,de2ot- that carried out the project work under my supervision I approve this project for submission for the award of the !egree of "aster of #omputer $pplications, %aculty of #omputer $pplication, Udaipur, affiliated to Pacific University Udaipur

Mr3 Sanjay 0aur &' ( ! of " # $ )

PREFACE Project is a special significance for "#$ student* it has a special role too +e learn to tackle different real world problems that strike while developing any real world computer application +e get an opportunity to e,plore and use various functions available and some more really powerful features of the language +e also get opportunity to develop our own functions, components with additional features in our project and can add them to libraries +e come to know how to work in a group and what discussions are made about real world computer applications when problems arise during development phase Theory of any subject is important but without practical knowledge it becomes useless, particularly for the "#$ Students +e knew how to develop a real world project in different modules and then combine them to form the main application +e made a project on the Placement System, which is an attempt to facilitate Student and their $cademic record keeping in a computer system with fast access as well as intelligent processing for refined representation of the records and output

Ac.no2led,ement -.ratitude is the hardest of emotion to e,press and often does not find adequate ways to convey the entire one feels / "inor Project is the one of the important part of "#$, which has helped us to learn a lot of e,periences which will be beneficial in our succeeding career %or this with an ineffable sense of gratitude we take this opportunity to e,press our deep sense of indebtedness to 0espected Mr3 Sanjay 0aur who has provided us opportunity to learn the corporate culture during our "#$ $t the same time we want to thanks our all the other faculty members 1ast but not the least* we bow down our head to the $1"I.'T2 .(!, without whose blessings this project won3t come to being Tit+i Me+ta "eepi.a Ameta Nirmala Saran,de2ot /id+i 0ar,iya

Ta#le Of Content! 4 Introduction55555555555555555555555555 44 46 6 (verview555555555555555555555555 Scope5555555555555 555555555555

Software 7 'ardware 0equirements55555 5555555555 64 66 Software 0equirements555555555 55555555 'ardware 0equirements555555555555555555

8 :

Introduction to #95555555555 5555555555555 S0S55555555555555555 555555555555

: 4 Introduction to S0S5555555555555555555555 : 6 (verview of S0S55555555555555555555555 : 8 %unctional 0equirements5555555555555555555 : : ;onfunctional requirements555555555555555555 : < Security 0equirements555555555555555555555 : =Software >uality $ttributes555555555555555555 < System !esign55 5555555555555555 555555 < 4 Introduction55555 55555555555555555 < 6 !ata %low !iagram55555555555555555555 < 8 !atabase !esign555555555555555555555 < : Project Snapshot555555555555555555555 = Testing and Implementation555555 5555555555555 =4 =6 Unit Testing5555555555555555555555 Integration Testing5555555555555555 5555

=8 =: ?

System Testing5555555555555555 55555 $cceptance Testing5555555555555555

0eferences555 55555555555555555555555

Introduction (3( O er ie2

#n Tourism there is only one data$ase so there is no %han%e !or am$iguity. #t is a ro$ust. #t is &ery easy to use. The 'e$site is aimed (or A%%urate) Speedy Ti%ket Reser&ation* #n!ormation +otel ) Also !or Sear%hing Any Ne%essary #n!ormation. +ere in our ro,e%t we %an add most o! !un%tion done $y la%e !or New user like Register o! -ser and Admin* New +otel ) Tour pa%kage* -pdate News* et%.



The %urrent system was totally manual due to the manual pro%ess. it re/uires more time !or %ompletion o! any work as the e0isting system was manual. So it in%reases the %han%e o! errors and also in%reases turnaround time. #mmediate response to the in/uiries is di!!i%ult and time %onsuming. Reports %annot $e generated as and what re/uired on time.

&3 Soft2are and 4ard2are Re5uirement!

&3( Soft2are Re5uirement! %ollowing are the core technologies used in developing our website Ser er Tec+nolo,ie!6 S>1 Server &!atabase Server) +e are listing the three main reasons why we have used S>1 S@0A@0 6BBC instead of other prevailing database server (3 &3 73 S#$1$D1@ 0@1I$D1@ S@#U0@

Soft2are Tec+nolo,ie!6 4 6 8 : < +indows ?EFP Platform S>1 S@0A@0 6BB< "icrosoft net %ramework 6 B $SP net with #9 'T"1

&3& 4ard2are Re5uirement! (3 Processor &3 Processor Speed 73 0$" SiHe 83 'ard !isk 93 "onitor G Intel Pentium

G 6 B .'H G 6<="D G 8B"D G 4</ color "onitor

:3 Ieyboard ;3 "ouse

G "icrosoft G "icrosoft &optical mouse)

&37 SOFT<ARE "ESCRIPTION 4 (perating SystemG 6 %rontJ @ndG 8 DackJ @ndG +indows FP #9 ;@T with $SP ;@T "S S>1 S@0A@0 6BB< @FP0@SS


1et3s look at the key building blocks of ;@T and some related technologies

C#, a new language

#9 is the first component oriented language in the # and #KK family of languages It is a simple, modern, object oriented and typeJ safe programming language derived from # and #KK #9 combines the high productivity of "icrosoft Aisual Dasic and the raw power of #K K

Common language runtime

The high performance common language runtime includes as e,ecution engine, a garbage collector, post in time compilation, a security system, and a rich class framework &the ;@T %ramework) The runtime was designed from the ground up to support multiple languages

Common language Specification

The #ommon 1anguage Specification &#1S) describes a common level of language functionality The relatively high minimum bar of the #1S enables the creation of a club of #1S compliant languages @ach member of the club enjoys dual benefitG complete access to ;@T functionality and rich interoperability with other compliant languages %or e g a Aisual Dasic class can inherit from a #9 class and override its virtual methods

A Rich Set Of Languages That Target The Runtime

"icrosoft provided languages that target the runtime include Aisual Dasic, Aisual #KK with

"anaged @,tensions, Aisual #9 and L Script Third parties are providing many other languagesJ too many to list he

>AN0UA0ES USE" +hy ;@TM

4 6 8 :

Interoperability between languages and e,ecution environments Uniformity in schema or formats for !ata @,change using F"1, FS1 @,tend or use e,isting code that is valid Programming comple,ity of environment is reduced

The ;@T %ramework is5 4 6 8 : $ component model for the internet The new approach to building large scale distributed systems for the Internet Provides the capability to integrate multiple devices Duilt around the tools and protocols &F"1, +S!1, S($P, 'TTP) that are

becoming standard on the Internet The ;@T in $SP ;@T stands for the ;@T %ramework, a set of objects and blueprints from "icrosoft for building applications $ll applications developed under the ;@T %ramework* including $SP ;@T applications, have certain key features that ensure compatibility, security, and stability #ommon 1anguage 0untime &#10) is an environment that manages the e,ecution of code +ith the ;@T %ramework and #10, we write code and compile it 'owever, instead of compiling it into the computer understands, we compile it into a language called "icrosoft Intermediate 1anguage &"SI1) +hen we compile to "SI1, your application produce something called metadata This is descriptive information about your application It tells what the application can do, where it belongs, and so on +hen you want to run your program, the #10 takes over and compile the code once more into the computer3s native language This way "SI1 can go on any type of

computer The #10 can speak many different computer languages and does all the compiling for you (nce you compile your application, you can bring it to any other computer #10 also provides services such as error handling, security features, versioning and deployment support, as well as crossJlanguage integration That means we can choose any language we want to write our ;@T applications, including $SP ;@T applications The ;@T %ramework !esign .oals 4 6 8 : < = $SP ;@TG $SP ;@T is a technology that allows us to build and control dynamic +eb pages easily It also provides many enhancements to take advantage of new technology as we can interact with databases, personaliHe +eb pages for visitors, display page on mobile devices &such as cell phones), and even build an entire eJcommerce site from scratch Previously internet works on request/response model that is an integral part of client/server model $lthough this is a marvelous way of communicate and distribute information, itOs rather simple and static +hen the process is over, once client receives the requesting page from the server the server has no idea what the client is doing unless it makes another request There is another model for communicating between server and clients, known as event- riven model $SP ;@T work on this model, it detects action and responds to them i e the server waits around for something to happen on the client (nce it does, the server takes action and performs some piece of functionality (f course, a +eb, server cannot know what you are thinking, but it can respond to your actions If you #omponent !evelopment for the Internet N#rossJ1anguage !evelopment/ Inheritance, !ebugging, @,ception handling 0eliability and Security Simple !evelopment and !eployment !eviceJagnostic

type some te,t on +eb page, the server responds to it If you click an image, the server responds #("P$0IS(; (% $SP $;! $SP ;@TG

#lassic $SP was built on the top of the +indows operating system

and IIS &Internet Information Server) It was always a separate entity, and therefore its functionality was limited $SP ;@T, on the other hand, is an integral part of the system under the ;@T %ramework It shares many of the same objects that traditional applications would use and all ;@T objects available for $SP ;@T3s consumption Instead of being limited to si, inherent objects in $SP, $SP ;@T has

a plethora of useful components it can build form! $SP also made it abundantly clear that client and server were two

separate entities, +hereas $SP ;@T ties together the client and the server through clever use of serverJside and clientJside code, all invisible to the developer $SP ;@T code is compiled, whereas classic $SP used interpreted

scripting languages Using compiled code means an automatic boost in performance over $SP applications In classic $SP, nearly all of the code was e,ecuted in code render

blocks &that is, inside PQ QR tags) In $SP ;@T, this type of code isn3t compiled and isn3t recommended for frequent use Instead, you use the code declaration blocks, which are compiled and provide better performance %ollowing are some of the significant new features of $SP ;@TG

$SP ;@T uses compiled code written in #ommon 1anguage 0untime languages such as Aisual Dasic and #9 Unlike previous versions of $ctive Server Pages, this version does not use interpreted scripting languages such as ADScript

$SP ;@T pages are built out of serverJside controls +eb server controls enable you to represent and program against 'yperte,t "arkup 1anguage &'T"1) elements using an intuitive object model

$SP ;@T includes a new technology called +eb Services 2ou can use +eb Services to access methods and properties and transfer database data across the Internet

"?MS S>1 S@0A@0G S>1 Server is an S>1Jcompliant 0!D"S S>1Jcompliant means it use the $;SI &$merican ;ational Standard Institute) version of Structured >uery 1anguage or SS>13 Structured >uery 1anguage is a command that allow us to modify or retrieve information from the database #lient server means that S>1 Server is designed to store data in the central location &the server) and deliver it on demand to numerous other locations &the client) S>1 Server is also a 0elational !atabase "anagement System &0!D"S) %@$TU0@S (% S>1 S@0A@0 6BB<G Information representation Unique definition of rows Systematic treatment of ;ull values .uaranteed access 'igh level Update, Insert, and !elete 0etrieving information from the database $ccepting query language statements @nforcing security specifications @nforcing data integrity specifications @nforcing transaction consistency "anaging data sharing (ptimiHing queries

83 Soft2are Re5uirement Specification

83( Introduction to SRS The software requirement specification is produced at the culmination of the analysis task The function and performance allocated to software as part of system engineering are refined by establishing a complete information description, a detailed functional description, a representation of system behavior, an indication of performance requirement and design constraints appropriate validation criteria, and other information pertinent to requirement The introduction to software requirements specification states the goals and objectives of the software, describing it in the conte,t of the computer based system The Information !escription provides a detailed description of the problem that the software must solve Information content, flow and structure are documented $ description of each function required to solve the problem is presented in the %unctional !escription Aalidation #riteria is probably the most important and ironically the most often neglected section of the software requirement specification Software requirement specification can be used for different purpose 'ere are the major uses not clearly understood by the developer If this is the case, a careful analysis T involving much interaction with the user should be devoted to reaching a clear statement of requirements, in order to avoid possible misunderstandings Sometimes, at the beginning of a project, even the user has no clear idea of what e,actly the desired product is Think for instance of user interface , a user with no previous e,perience with computer products may not appreciate the difference

between , say menu driven interaction and a command line interface @ven an e,act formation of system functions and performance may be missing an initial description produced by an ine,perienced user The purpose of S0S is that the requirement specification allows the programmer To code the software in the same respect as the user wants him to make his software The requirement analysis is the phase used e,tensively throughout the project This phase tells us to make the project according to the users3 needs 83& O er ie2 of SRS +e have tried to design the website in such a way that user may not have any !ifficulty in using this package 7 further e,pansion is possible without much effort +e are confident that this website package can be readily used by nonJprogramming Personal avoiding human handled chance of error This project is used by two types (f users $dministrator %ront end user

$dministrator can maintains daily updates in the records $dministrator is must be an authoriHed user %ront end users can see the required information 837 Functional Re5uirement!6 SecurityG user authentication is required +eb interfaceG provide interaction between user and database

438 Nonfunctional re5uirement!6

PerformanceG performance of system should be fast 6: U ? availability Detter component design for better performance User friendly @nvironmentG system interface should be simple and user friendly 839 Security Re5uirement!6 Secure access of confidential data

6: U ? availability Detter component design for better performance

83: Soft2are @uality Attri#ute!6 U!a#ility6 The system is user friendly and selfJe,planatory Relia#ility6 The system has to be very reliable due to the importance of data 7 the damages incorrect A aila#ility6 The system shall be operational 6: hours and ? days a week Accuracy6 The accuracy of the system is limited by the accuracy of the speed at +hich the member uses the system

5 System Design
5.1 Introduction
A!ter getting user1s re/uirements a %lose eye was put on designing the data$ase. The main emphasis was gi&en to a !ully normali2ed data$ase with least redundan%y. 3eeping all these things in mind data$ase was designed.

93& "ata Flo2 "ia,ram


Main 4ome Pa,e

Welcome Page

City Page

City Detail Page

Photo Gallery

Fort main Page

Safari Main Page

Contact Page

Home Page Airline

Airline Resevation Form

Airline Schedule

: 3Te!tin, And Implementation

Testing Overview

The aim o! testing is to identi!y all de!e%ts in a so!tware produ%t. Testing is any a%ti&ity aimed at e&aluating the so!tware !or /uality results it produ%es and the /uality o! results it %an handle. Testing a program %onsists o! su$,e%ting the program to at test %ases and o$ser&ing i! the program $eha&es as e0pe%ted. #! the program !ails to $eha&e as e0pe%ted* then the %ondition under* whi%h !ailures o%%urs are noted !or later de$ugging and %orre%tion. There are many stages o! testing depending on the %omple0ity o! the so!tware. 4$,e%ti&es o! testing. (irst o! all o$,e%ti&es should $e %lear. Testing as a pro%ess o! e0e%uting a program with the intent o! !inding errors. To per!orm testing* test %ases are designed. A test %ase is a parti%ular made up o! arti!i%ial situation upon whi%h a program is e0posed so as to !ind errors. So a good test %ase is one that !inds undis%o&ered errors. #! testing is done properly* it un%o&ers errors and a!ter !i0ing those errors we ha&e so!tware that is $eing de&eloped a%%ording to spe%i!i%ations.

Levels of Testing
-nit Testing #ntegration Testing System Testing A%%eptan%e Testing

.1 !nit Testing

-nit testing was %ondu%ted !irst. Di!!erent modules o! the so!tware were tested against the spe%i!i%ations produ%ed during design o! the modules. Veri!i%ation o! the %ode produ%ed during the %oding phase was done. 5a%h module was tested separately. -nit testing !o%uses &eri!i%ation e!!ort on the smallest unit o! so!tware design module. This un%o&ers errors within the $oundary o! a module. -nit testing is a%tually 'hite $o0 testing $oth the e0ternal things as well as the internal %odes are tested. #n testing* the inter!a%es are tested in order to ensure the proper !low o! data in and out o! the module. The $oundary testing is done to ensure that the module keeps the limit o! it. All independent paths are tested to ensure that all statements are tested at least on%e. At last the error path is also tested. -nit testing %omprises the set o! tests per!ormed $y an indi&idual programmer prior to integration o! the unit into a larger system. There are !our %ategories o! test that %an $e per!ormed on a program unit

(un%tional -nit
er!orman%e -nit

Stress -nit
Stru%ture -nit

." Integr#tion Testing

4n%e a program or module has $een tested the module inter!a%e in order to ensure that there are no errors in the parameter passing* when one module in&ol&es another modules. During integration testing* di!!erent modules o! the system are integrated in a planned manner i.e. the order in whi%h they are %om$ined to reali2e the !ull system.

.$ System Testing

Then system testing was %ondu%ted. +ere the entire so!tware system was tested.
The re!eren%e do%ument used !or this pro%ess was re/uirement do%ument and the goal was to see i! the so!tware meets its re/uirements.

System testing in%ludes the thorough testing o! the produ%t. System testing is a%tually a series o! di!!erent tests whose primary purpose is to !ully e0er%ise the %omputer $ased system. The tests are re%o&ery testing6 this %he%ks the re%o&ery o! the system when !ailure o%%urs. This is to ensure that there are re%o&ery pro%edures !or error o%%urren%es.
System testing in&ol&es unit testing* integration testing* a%%eptan%e testing. 7are!ul planning and s%heduling are re/uired to ensure that modules will $e a&aila$le !or integration into the e&ol&ing so!tware produ%t when needed. A test plan has the !ollowing steps6

repare test plan

Spe%i!y %onditions !or user a%%eptan%e testing

repare test data !or program testing

repare test data !or transa%tion path testing

lan user testing

7ompile8Assem$le program

repare ,o$ per!orman%e aids repare operational do%uments


Performance Te!tin, Some of the performance testing done for the proposed system areGJ Stre!! Te!tin,6$ Stress testing is done to evaluate system performance when it is stressed for short periods of time Input data volume, input data rate, processing

time, utiliHation of memory etc are tested beyond the designed capacity /olume Te!tin,6J This testing is done to check whether the data structures have been designed successfully for e,traordinary situation RESU>T Testing is an essential stage of the software development life cycle If it is performed properly by following an organiHation3s standards the end result will be more robust programs going to the system integration testing and finally a system with low maintenance Proper coding and unit testing are basic steps to ensure being built will work once it is put together Software has been that the system tested and built for

-0ajasthan Tourism "anagement/


The pro,e%t has $een de&eloped su%%ess!ully and the per!orman%e o! the system has $een !ound satis!a%tory. The se%urity has $een in%orporated as re/uired $y any pla%ement !irm. -se o! %omputer helps the user in redu%ing the time wasted in non9produ%ti&e work. #t !urther helps the user in ha&ing immediate a%%ess to the in!ormation as well as to share the limited resour%es e!!e%ti&ely. -ser !riendly menu dri&en inter!a%e has $een pro&ided to the user to intera%t with the system. -sers %an tra&erse through the we$site pro&ided the users ha&e the a%%ess right set. The users %an register themsel&es through a registration !orm and then %an use the ser&i%es o! the we$site. The system pro&ides an integrated en&ironment !or the %ustomers who are willing to wat%h mo&ies %urrently running in the Audi and %an also en,oy %om$o pa%ks while wat%hing mo&ie.


The !ollowing are the limitations o! the pro,e%t6

No Multi-User Support Is Provided

At a time only one user %an use the so!tware. #n same %ompanies* the %omputers are inter%onne%ted to !orm a network. :ut this so!tware will work on only one %omputer at a time.

No Ba !up A"d Restore Utilities Are I" orporated

#n these times o! un%ertainties* in%orporation o! the !a%ilities o! $a%kup and restoration o! last details is ne%essary. Any %omputer %an %rash or $e%ome a!!e%ted $y a &irus at any time. So it is imperati&e to take the $a%kup o! the data* $ut this so!tware does not pro&ide this utility.

% &eference

'eb &eference

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